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SAFE Tutorial v. 12 Ingles

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ISO SAF120108M3
Berkeley, California, USA

Version 12.0.0
December 2008

Copyright Computers & Structures, Inc., 1978-2008 All rights reserved. The CSI Logo is a registered trademark of Computers & Structures, Inc. SAFE and TM Watch & Learn are trademarks of Computers & Structures, Inc. Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorported. AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc. The computer program SAFE and all associated documentation are proprietary and copyrighted products. Worldwide rights of ownership rest with Computers & Structures, Inc. Unlicensed use of this program or reproduction of documentation in any form, without prior written authorization from Computers & Structures, Inc., is explicitly prohibited. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior explicit written permission of the publisher. Further information and copies of this documentation may be obtained from: Computers & Structures, Inc. 1995 University Avenue Berkeley, California 94704 USA Phone: (510) 649-2200 FAX: (510) 649-2299 e-mail: info@csiberkeley.com (for general questions) e-mail: support@csiberkeley.com (for technical support questions) web: www.csiberkeley.com




Introduction v

Reinforced Concrete Example

The Project Navigating Through SAFE Step 1 Begin a New Model Set the Units Define the Grid Save the Model Define Properties Define Material Properties Define Slab and Drop Properties Define Beam Properties Define Column Properties Define Wall Properties Define Static Load Patterns Define Load Cases 1 2 3 4 4 8 8 8 10 13 14 16 18 18

Step 2

Step 3 Step 4

SAFE - Tutorial Step 5 Draw Objects Draw Slabs Draw Columns Draw Walls Draw Beams Draw Openings (Area Objects) Add Design Strips Set Display Options Assign Loads Run the Analysis and Design 20 20 23 25 29 30 30 34 36 38 39 41 46 49

Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9

Step 10 Graphically Review the Analysis Results Step 11 Design Display Step 12 Run Detailing Step 13 Create Report

Post-Tensioned Concrete Example

The Project Navigating Through SAFE Step 1 Begin a New Model Set the Units Define the Grid Save the Model Define Properties Define Material Properties Define Slab Properties Define Tendon Properties Define Column Properties Define Wall Properties Define Static Load Patterns Define Load Cases 53 54 55 56 56 61 61 62 63 65 66 68 69 70

Step 2

Step 3 Step 4


Contents Step 5 Draw Objects Draw Slabs Draw Columns Draw Walls Draw Openings (Area Objects) Draw Design Strips Add Tendons Set Display Options Assign Loads Run the Analysis and Design 72 72 75 77 79 81 83 88 89 92 92 95 97 101

Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9

Step 10 Graphically Review the Analysis Results Step 11 Design Display Step 12 Run Detailing Step 13 Create Report



The two examples in this tutorial provide step-by-step illustrations of how SAFE can be used to create, analyze, design and detail concrete slab systems. The first example is for a mild-reinforced concrete slab (R/C), and the second example deals with a post-tensioned structure (P/T). Although the general procedure is similar for both examples, the structures and specific details differ.

Reinforced Concrete

R/C Example
The intent of this tutorial is to give you hands-on experience via step-bystep instructions on how to use SAFE to model, analyze, design and detail mild reinforced concrete slabs. Fundamentals of the model creation process are identified and various model construction techniques are introduced. As you complete the tutorial, you will build the model shown in Figure 1.

The Project

El proyecto tutorial es una dimensin de forma irregular tutorial suspensin general de losa de concreto, con de The 113 pies por project is an irregularly shaped suspended concrete slab, 120 pies. Una gran abertura existente en el interior de la dimensions of 113 feet by 120 feet. A large opening exists in with overall escalera de acceso. El de 10 pulgadas de espesor, con el for stair access. The 10-inch thick slab is supported by 12the interior apoyo de 12 - paredes pulgadas de espesor, paneles cada de inch-thick walls, 16-inch-thick drop panels on columns, and 18-inch by 16 pulgadas de espesor en las columnas, y de 18 pulgadas 24-inch beams on two perimeter sides. Columns are 18 inches square, por 24 pulgadas de vigas en los dos lados del permetro. Las drop panels columnas son de 18 pulgadas cuadradas, los paneles de la are typically 6 feet square, and the story height below the slab is 12 feet. The model will be analyzed for a uniform dead load of 30 gota son tpicamente de 6 metros cuadrados y la altura de piso debajo de la losa es de 12 pies. El modelo ser analizado pounds per square foot (psf) plus the self weight of the structure and a por un uniforme de la carga muerta de 30 libras por pie of 50 psf. live load cuadrado (psf) ms el peso propio de la estructura y una carga viva de 50 libras por pie cuadrado.

SAFE Tutorial R/C Concrete Materials: A. Concrete strength, fc = 4000 psi B. Unit weight of concrete = 150 pcf Mild-steel reinforcing: C. fy = 60 ksi

Figure 1 The Project Model

Navigating Through SAFE

The SAFE program provides the user with two principal ways to navigate through program commands: menu commands or toolbar buttons. All commands are available through the main menu bar (e.g., Draw menu > Draw Columns), and a majority of the menu commands are also available as buttons on toolbars (e.g., Draw Columns, ). The availability of a button on the toolbar is indicated in the menus by the existence of an icon to the left of the command, as shown in Figure 2.
Desplazarse por SEGURO El programa SAFE ofrece al usuario dos formas principales de navegacin de puerta a travs de comandos de programa: comandos de men o botones de barra de herramientas. Todos los comandos estn disponibles a travs de la barra de men principal (por ejemplo, dibujar> men Dibujo columnas), y la mayora de los comandos de men tambin estn disponibles como botones en las barras de herramientas (por ejemplo, dibujar columnas). La disponibilidad de un botn en la barra de herramientas se indica en los mens de la existencia de un icono a la izquierda del comando, como se muestra en la Figura 2.

Navigating Through SAFE

Step 1 Begin a New Model

Figure 2 Draw Menu

In this tutorial, the reference to various commands will be given using the narrative description, i.e., Draw menu > Draw Column command, in lieu of the associated button.

Step 1 Begin a New Model

In this Step, the dimensions and basic grid will be defined, which will serve as a guide for developing the model. This model will be built without using the automated template tools provided in SAFE to demonstrate how to construct a model from scratch. However, as a general rule, we highly recommend using templates to start models whenever possible because they provide a quick, easy way of generating a model. Consult the SAFE Help topics for information about templates.

Step 1 Begin a New Model

SAFE Tutorial R/C

Set the Units

If the units shown in the drop-down list in the lower right-hand corner of the SAFE window are not lb-ft, scroll through the drop-down list to set the units to lb-ft.

Define the Grid

A. Click the File menu > New Model command to access the New Model Initialization form shown in Figure 3. This form is used to specify the starting point of the model creation: a Blank screen, a screen with a Grid Only, or one of eight templates. Default units also may be selected here, along with the design code and preferences.

Figure 3 New Model Initialization form

B. In the Design Data area, select ACI 318-08 from the Design Code drop-down list. C. In the Initial Model area, click the Grid Only button to display the Coordinate System Definition form shown in Figure 4. This form is used to specify the number of grids and spacing in each direction. It is important that the grid be defined such as to accurately represent 4 Step 1 Begin a New Model

Step 1 Begin a New Model the geometry of the structure; so it is advisable to spend time carefully planning the number and spacing of the grid lines. D. Select the Cartesian option. E. As shown in Figure 4, set the Number of Grid Lines in the X Direction to 6 and in the Y Direction to 7. Set the Spacing in the X Direction to 20 feet and in the Y Direction to 18 feet.

Figure 4 Coordinate System Definition form

F. Click the Edit Grid button to display the form shown in Figure 5. The Coordinate System form is used to modify and edit the grid definitions, as well as set the top of model datum. It also allows the user to set the display options associated with the grids. 1. In the Display Grid Data as area, select the Spacing option. 2. In the X Grid Data table, change the X spacing as follows:

Step 1 Begin a New Model

SAFE Tutorial R/C

Figure 5 Coordinate System form

Grid ID A D Change X Spacing to 26 27

3. In the Y Grid Data table, change the Y spacing as follows:

Grid ID 3 4 Change Y Spacing to 24 24

4. Click the OK button to accept your changes.

Step 1 Begin a New Model

Step 1 Begin a New Model Upon closing the Coordinate System form, by default, the grid system displays in the main SAFE window, with two windows tiled vertically: a Model Explorer window on the left and a Plan View on the right. The number of view windows can be changed using the Options menu > Windows command. G. Click the View menu > Set Display Options command to display the Set Display Options form. Uncheck the Horizon option and click the OK button to exit that form. The Horizon option displays a plane that resembles an engineering calculation grid to illustrate the datum plane location; we are turning this option off to display our coordinate system grid better. You should now have a display similar to that shown in Figure 6.

Display Title Bar (active)

Global Axes Units

Figure 6 SAFE Main Window

Note that the Plan View window is active. When a window is active, the display title bar is highlighted. Set a window active by clicking anywhere in the window. Note that the Global Axes are displayed and that the Z positive is in the up direction. When SAFE refers to the direction of gravity, this is in the negative Z direction, or down. Step 1 Begin a New Model 7

SAFE Tutorial R/C

Save the Model

Save your model often! Click the File menu > Save command. Specify the directory in which to save the model. For this tutorial, specify the file name as Slab. Typically a model would be saved with the same name. However to record work at various stages of development or as a backup, the File menu > Save As command can be used to save the file using another name.

Step 2 Define Properties

In this Step, material and section properties for the slab (area object) and beams (line objects), columns, and walls are defined. Note that previously defined materials and properties may be reviewed and modified using the Model Explorer window (see Figure 7). To do this, expand any of the property items on the tree by clicking the + node, and then double click on the desired item to display the associated form.
Figure 7 Model Explorer window

Define Material Properties

A. Click the Define menu > Materials command to access the Materials form shown in Figure 8.

Step 2 Define Properties

Step 2 Define Properties

Figure 8 Materials form

B. Highlight 4000Psi in the Materials area, and click the Modify/Show Material button to display the Material Property Data form shown in Figure 9. That form lists the properties associated with 4000psi concrete; this is the concrete property that will be used in our model.

Figure 9 Material Property Data form

Step 2 Define Properties

SAFE Tutorial R/C C. Click the OK button to accept this material as defined. D. In the Materials area, highlight A615Gr60. E. Click the Modify/Show Material button to display the Material Property Data form shown in Figure 10. This form lists the properties associated with Grade 60 reinforcing; this is the rebar property that will be used in our model. F. Click the OK button to accept this material as defined. G. Click the OK button on the Materials form to accept all of the defined materials. H. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model.

Figure 10 Material Property Data form

Define Slab and Drop Properties

A. Click the Define menu > Slab Properties command to access the Slab Properties form shown in Figure 11.


Step 2 Define Properties

Step 2 Define Properties

Figure 11 Slab Properties form

B. In the Slab Property area, highlight SLAB1. C. Recall that for this tutorial project, the slab thickness is 10 inches. To adjust the default dimensions of SLAB1, click the Modify/Show Property button to access the Slab Property Data form shown in Figure 12. 1. Select Slab from the Type drop-down list in the Analysis Property Data area; this ensures that any area object with this property assignment will be identified as a slab member. 2. Type 10in in the Thickness edit box in the Analysis Property Data area.
Note: When the units are explicitly stated, in this case inches (in), the program automatically converts the number input to be consistent with the database units (recall that the units have been set to lb-ft). The value also may have been input as 10/12, without the inch identifier.

3. Click the OK button to accept the changes and return to the Slab Properties form.

Step 2 Define Properties


SAFE Tutorial R/C

Figure 12 Slab Property Data form

D. Recall that the project has 16-inch-thick drop panels on columns. To specify a property for the drop panel, click the Add New Property button on the Slab Properties form and complete the following. 1. Type DROP in the Property Name edit box on the Slab Property Data form. 2. Select Drop from the Type drop-down list in the Analysis Property Data area.
Note: When multiple area objects occupy the same location in plan, SAFE determines which property value to use in the stiffness formula based on the following hierarchy: the Drop type has priority over a Slab type.

3. Type 16in in the Thickness edit box. 4. Click the OK button to accept the changes and return to the Slab Properties form.


Step 2 Define Properties

Step 2 Define Properties E. Click the OK button to end the slab property definitions. Click the File menu > Save command to save the model.

Define Beam Properties

A. Click the Define menu > Beam Properties command to access the Beam Properties form shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13 Beam Properties form

B. In the Beam Property area, highlight BEAM1. C. Click the Modify/Show Property button to access the Beam Property Data form shown in Figure 14. Recall that the beams for the project are 18 inches by 24 inches (or 1.5 by 2 feet in the currently specified lb-ft units). 1. In the Analysis Property Data area, select L Beam from the Beam Shape Type drop-down list. 2. In the Analysis Property Data area, type 1.5 into the Web Width at Top edit box, type 1.5 into the Web Width at Bottom edit box, type 2 into the Depth edit box, type 5 into the Flange Width edit box, and 10/12 into the Slab Depth edit box.

Step 2 Define Properties


SAFE Tutorial R/C

Figure 14 Beam Property Data form

3. In the Design Property Data area, type 1.5 into the Web Width at Top edit box, type 1.5 into the Web Width at Bottom edit box, type 2 into the Depth edit box, select the Auto option, and type 10in into the Slab Depth edit box. 4. Click the OK button to end the beam property definition. D. Click the OK button to leave the Beam Properties form. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model.

Define Column Properties

A. Click the Define menu > Column Properties command to access the Column Properties form. B. In the Column Property area, highlight COL1. C. Click the Modify/Show Property button to access the Column Property Data form shown in Figure 15. Recall that the columns for the project are 18 inches square and that the drop panels are 6 feet square.


Step 2 Define Properties

Step 2 Define Properties

Figure 15 Column Property Data form

1. In the Column Section Dimensions area, select Rectangular from the Column Shape drop-down list. 2. In the Column Section Dimensions area, type 1.5 (or 18in) into the Parallel to 2-Axis edit box and type 1.5 (or 18in) into the Parallel to 3-Axis edit box. 3. Make sure that the Include Automatic Rigid Zone Area Over Column option is checked. This option restricts deformation of the slab at the column location, which prevents unrealistic peaks in moment distribution from occurring. 4. In the Automatic Drop Panel Dimensions area, check the Include Automatic Drop Panel Over Column option. This option automatically adds a drop panel when a column with this property is drawn. Step 2 Define Properties 15

SAFE Tutorial R/C 5. In the Automatic Drop Panel Dimensions area, type 6 into the Parallel to 2-Axis edit box and type 6 into the Parallel to 3-Axis edit box. 6. In the Automatic Drop Panel Dimensions area, select DROP from the Slab Property drop-down list. 7. Click the OK button to leave the Column Property Data form. D. Click the Add New Property button to access the Column Property Data form. 1. In the General Data area, type COL-PER in the Property Name edit box. 2. In the Column Section Dimensions area, select Rectangular from the Column Shape drop-down list. 3. In the Column Section Dimensions area, type 1.5 into the Parallel to 2-Axis edit box and type 1.5 into the Parallel to 3-Axis edit box. 4. Make sure that the Include Automatic Rigid Zone Area Over Column option is checked. 5. In the Automatic Drop Panel Dimensions area, make sure that the Include Automatic Drop Panel Over Column option is unchecked. 6. Click the OK button to leave the Column Property Data form. E. Click the OK button to accept the Column Property definitions.

Define Wall Properties

A. Click the Define menu > Wall Properties command to access the Wall Properties form. B. In the Wall Property area, highlight Wall1.


Step 2 Define Properties

Step 2 Define Properties C. Click the Modify/Show Property button to access the Wall Property Data form shown in Figure 16. Recall that the walls for the project are 12 inches thick.

Figure 16 Wall Property Data form

1. In the Wall Dimensions area, type 1 into the Thickness edit box. 2. Make sure that the Include Automatic Rigid Zone Area Over Wall option is checked. This option restricts deformation of the slab at the wall location, which prevents unrealistic peaks in moment distribution from occurring. 3. Click the OK button to leave the Wall Property Data form. D. Click the OK button to accept the Wall Property definition. This completes the material and section property definition phase of the model creation. The slab and beam properties will be assigned in the model datum plane, while the columns and walls will be assigned as supports. Supports also can be assigned as point restraints, point springs or line springs. Support stiffnesses are calculated by SAFE based on the cross-sectional properties, material properties, and lengths specified when the columns and walls are drawn.

Step 2 Define Properties


SAFE Tutorial R/C

Step 3 Define Static Load Patterns

In this Step, the dead and live static load patterns are defined. That is, we will name the various types of loads and specify the self-weight multipliers. The loads will be assigned to objects, and the values for the loads specified (uniform dead load of 30 psf and live load of 50 psf), in Step 8. A. Click the Define menu > Load Patterns command to access the Static Load Case Names form shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17 Load Patterns form

B. Note that load patterns DEAD and LIVE are defined by default. C. Recall that the project will be analyzed for the dead load plus the self weight of the structure. Thus, the Self Weight Multiplier should be set equal to 1 (this will include 1.0 times the self weight of all members) for the DEAD load. Only the DEAD load pattern should have a non-zero Self Weight Multiplier. D. Click the OK button to accept the defined static load patterns. E. Click the File menu > Save command.

Step 4 Define Load Cases

In this Step, the Load Cases are defined. This is where the type of analysis is specified.


Step 3 Define Static Load Patterns

Step 4 Define Load Cases A. Click the Define menu > Load Cases command to access the Load Cases form shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18 Load Cases form

B. With the DEAD Load Case Name highlighted, click the Modify/Show Case button to display the Load Case Data form shown in Figure 19. This data form changes based on the type of load case specified. 1. In the Load Case Type area, select Static from the drop-down list. Modal and Hyperstatic also are available as load case types. 2. In the Analysis Type area, select the Linear option. When working with a Static Load Case Type, the program offers the option to do Linear, Nonlinear (Allow Uplift), Nonlinear (Cracked), or Nonlinear (Long Term Cracked) analysis. For our tutorial example, a Static, Linear analysis will be performed for DEAD and LIVE. 3. In the Loads Applied area, verify that the load pattern is DEAD with a scale factor of 1. 4. Click the OK button to close the Load Case Data form.

Step 4 Define Load Cases


SAFE Tutorial R/C

Figure 19 Load Cases Data form

C. Review the LIVE load case, if so desired, by selecting it and using the Modify/Show Case button as described for the DEAD load case. D. Click the OK button to close the Load Cases form. E. Click the File menu > Save command.

Step 5 Draw Objects

In this Step, slabs, columns with drops, beams, walls, and openings will be drawn.

Draw Slabs
Ensure that the Plan View is active (click anywhere in the display window; a window is active when the Display Title Bar, just below the hori-


Step 5 Draw Objects

Step 5 Draw Objects zontal toolbar, is highlighted). Now draw area objects to model the slab using the following Action Items. A. Click the Draw menu > Snap Options command to display the Snap Options form shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20 Snap Options form

B. In the Snap to area, make sure that the Points and Grid Intersections options are checked. These snap options will assist in accurately positioning objects when drawing. C. In the Snap Increments area, make sure that the (Imperial in Inches) Snap at length increments of option is checked. When drawing slab edges, beams and walls, a dimension line will appear and the object will snap to the values specified in this edit box. D. Click the OK button to close the Snap Options form. E. Click the Draw menu > Draw Slabs/Areas command to access the Draw Slabs/Areas form shown in Figure 21. If the Draw Slabs/Areas form covers part of the model, click on the blue title bar, hold down the mouse button, and drag it out of the way.

Step 5 Draw Objects


SAFE Tutorial R/C

Figure 21 Draw Slabs/Areas form

F. Make sure that the Type of Object is set to Slab. If it is not, click once in the drop-down list opposite the Type of Object item and select Slab. G. Click in the Property drop-down list and select SLAB1. This is the slab property defined in Step 2. H. Click in the Edge Drawing Type drop-down list and select Straight Line. Although not used in this project, slab edges also may be drawn with arcs and curves. I. To draw the first corner of the slab, click once in the Plan View at the intersection of grid lines A and 7 (the cursor should display Grid Point A 7 at the correct location). Then moving clockwise around the grid (note how the slab edge is dimensioned as you draw), click once at these grid intersections in this order to draw the outline of the slab: F7, F1, D1, D3, and A3. After clicking at grid A3, press the Enter key on the keyboard. The shaded slab object should now appear. If you have made a mistake while drawing this object, click the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command to leave the Draw mode and go to the Select mode. Then click the Edit menu > Undo Area Add command, and repeat Items E through I. J. Click on the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command or press the Esc key on the keyboard to exit the Draw Slabs/Areas command.

K. Select the slab by clicking on it anywhere. The status bar in the lower left-hand corner should show 1 Areas, 6 Edges selected. If


Step 5 Draw Objects

Step 5 Draw Objects you make a mistake in selecting, press the Select menu > Clear Selection command and try again. L. Click the Edit menu > Edit Areas > Expand/Shrink Areas command to display the Expand/Shrink Areas form shown in Figure 22. M. Type 9in into the Offset Value edit box. We will use this form to expand (a positive value expands) the slab by 9 inches at each corner to create the perimeter overhang that is needed to accommodate the width of the columns (1/2 of 18 inches).

Figure 22 Expand/Shrink Areas form

N. Click the OK button to finish the slab. O. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model.

Draw Columns
With the active window set as described in the preceding Draw Slabs section (i.e., Plan View window active and the snap to points and grid intersections enabled), use the following Action Items to draw columns. A. Click the Draw menu > Draw Columns command to access the Draw Columns form shown in Figure 23. B. Click in the Property Below drop-down list and select COL1. This is the property for the 18-inch by 18-inch column with a drop panel defined in Step 2. C. Click in the Property Above drop-down list and select NONE. There are no columns above the slab. Step 5 Draw Objects 23

SAFE Tutorial R/C

Figure 23 Draw Columns form

D. Click in the Height Below edit box and type 12. Note that the units are feet. E. Click in the Cardinal Point drop-down list and select 10 (Centroid). F. Locate the mouse cursor just above and to the left of grid intersection A6, hold down the left mouse button, and drag diagonally to just below and to the right of E3 and release the mouse button. Columns and drop panels should be placed at every grid intersection enclosed by the window just drawn. Note how the drop panels are trimmed at the slab edges. G. Locate the mouse cursor just above and to the left of grid intersection D2, hold down the left mouse button, and drag diagonally to just below and to the right of E1 and then release. Again, columns and drop panels should be added to the grid intersections enclosed by the window. H. Click in the Property Below drop-down list and select COL-PER. This is the property for the 18-inch by 18-inch column without a drop panel for use on the perimeter. I. Left click once at each of the following grid locations to draw the perimeter columns: A7, B7, C7, D7, E7, F7, F6, F5, F4, F3, F2, and F1.


Step 5 Draw Objects

Step 5 Draw Objects J. Click on the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command or press the Esc key on the keyboard to exit the Draw Columns command.

K. Locate the mouse cursor just above and to the left of grid intersection C6, hold down the left mouse button, and drag diagonally to just below and to the right of D5 and release the mouse button. The status bar in the lower left-hand corner should show 24 Points, 4 Lines, 4 Areas, 16 Edges selected. If the selection is not correct, simply click the Select menu > Clear Selection command and try again. L. Click the Edit menu > Delete command or press the Delete key on the keyboard to remove the columns enclosed in the window. M. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model. N. Click the View menu > Set Default 3D View command to display the model in 3D. Note how the columns extend below the slab. O. Click the View menu > Set Plan View command to return to the Plan View before continuing the project.

Draw Walls
Similar to the preceding two sections, ensure that the Plan View is active and that the snap to points, grid intersections and the snap increments options are enabled. Now use the following Action Items to draw walls. A. Click the Draw menu > Draw Walls command to access the Draw Walls form shown in Figure 24. B. Click in the drop-down list opposite the Wall Property Below item and select WALL1. This is the wall property for the 12-inch-thick wall defined in Step 2. C. Click in the Wall Property Above drop-down list and select NONE. There are no walls above the slab D. Click in the Wall Height Below edit box and type 12. Note that the units are feet.

Step 5 Draw Objects


SAFE Tutorial R/C

Figure 24 Draw Walls form

E. Click in the drop-down list opposite the Line Drawing Type item and select Straight Line. Although not used in this project, walls may also be drawn with arcs and curves. F. Left click at grid intersection C6 to begin drawing the first wall. Draw the wall along grid line C (the wall is on grid line C if no angle measure is shown) past grid line 5 until the snap increments dimension line shows 30 and then click again. Hit the Enter key on the keyboard to complete the wall. This places a wall 30 feet long along grid line C. If you have made a mistake while drawing this object, click the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command to leave the Draw mode and go to the Select mode. Then click the Edit menu > Undo Area Object Add command, and repeat Items A through F. G. Click on the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command or press the Esc key on the keyboard to exit the Draw Walls command. H. Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and right click once at the end point of the wall just drawn. A selection list similar to the one shown in Figure 25 appears because multiple objects exist at that location. In this example, two point objects and two area objects exist at the same location. Note that the selection list will appear only when the Shift key is used with the click.


Step 5 Draw Objects

Step 5 Draw Objects

Figure 25 Selection List form


Highlight the first point object and click the OK button. Because a right click action initiated the selection process, a Point Object Information form similar to the one shown in Figure 26, will display.


Figure 26 Point Object Information form

Step 5 Draw Objects


SAFE Tutorial R/C 1. Click on the Geometry tab. Verify that the Point Global X and Y Coordinates are 46 and 72, respectively. If the coordinates are not correct, re-draw the wall following the instructions described in Item F above. 2. Click the OK button to leave the Point Object Information form. J. Click the Draw menu > Draw Walls command to access the Draw Walls form.

K. For the next wall, located along grid line 6, left click at grid intersection C6 to begin drawing the wall and at intersection D6 (the snap increment dimension line should show 20) to designate the end of the wall. L. With the draw mode still active, draw the last wall along grid line D past grid line 5 until the snap increments dimension line shows 30 and then click again. Hit the Enter key on the keyboard to complete the wall. This wall should be parallel to the first wall drawn. M. Click on the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command or press the Esc key on the keyboard to exit the Draw Walls command. Your model should look similar to Figure 27.

Figure 27 The model after drawing columns and walls


Step 5 Draw Objects

Step 5 Draw Objects

Draw Beams
Similar to the previous sections, ensure that the Plan View is active and the snap to points and grid intersections features are enabled. Draw the beams as follows. A. Click the Draw menu > Draw Beams/Lines command to access the Draw Beams/Lines form shown in Figure 28.

Figure 28 Draw Beams/Lines form

B. Click in the drop-down list opposite the Property item and select BEAM1. Recall that BEAM1 is the 18-inch by 24-inch beam defined in Step 2. C. Click in the Line Drawing Type drop-down list and select Straight Line. D. Left click once at the grid intersection A7. Click again at grid intersections F7, followed by F1. Although only one beam per side was drawn, the program will automatically mesh this single object internally into multiple beam elements to provide the correct connectivity to the supporting columns and slab elements. E. Click on the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command or press the Esc key on the keyboard to exit the Draw Beams command. F. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model.

Step 5 Draw Objects


SAFE Tutorial R/C

Draw Openings (Area Objects)

Similar to the previous sections, ensure that the Plan View is active and the snap to points and grid intersections features are enabled. Draw an area object to model the opening as follows: A. Click the Draw menu > Draw Rectangular Slabs/Areas command to display the Draw Rectangular Slabs/Areas form shown in Figure 29. B. Click once in the drop-down list opposite the Type of Object item and select Opening.

Figure 29 Draw Rectangular Slabs/Areas form

C. Left click at the intersection of grid lines C and 6, and while holding the left mouse button down, move diagonally down to the wall end point located along grid line D between grids 4 and 5 and release the button. An area object with different shading should appear, indicating that an opening for the stairs has been drawn. An opening takes priority over an object with assigned slab properties when the program determines the stiffness formulation. D. Click on the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command or press the Esc key on the keyboard to exit the Draw Rectangular Slabs/Areas command. E. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model.

Step 6 Add Design Strips

In this step, design strips will be added to the model. Design strips determine how reinforcing will be calculated and positioned in the slab. Forces are integrated across the design strips and used to calculate the


Step 6 Add Design Strips

Step 6 Add Design Strips required reinforcing for the selected design code. Typically design strips are positioned in two principal directions: Layer A and Layer B. Similar to the previous sections, ensure that the Plan View is active and the snap to points and grid intersections features are enabled. Add design strips to the model as follows: A. Click the Edit menu > Add/Edit Design Strips > Add Design Strips command to display the Add Design Strips form shown in Figure 30. B. In the Options area, select the Add Design Strips Along Cartesian Grid Lines option. C. In the Parameters area, click in the Grid Direction drop-down list and select X.

Figure 30 Add Design Strips form

D. Select A from the Strip Layer drop-down list. E. Select the Auto option. The added design strips will automatically adjust their width to align with adjacent strips.

Step 6 Add Design Strips


SAFE Tutorial R/C F. Click the OK button to leave the Add Design Strips form. Design strips along the X-axis grids should now appear as solid lines. G. Left click on the design strips that lie on grid lines 1 and 2 to select them; the status bar in the lower left-hand corner should show 2 Design Strips selected. If the selection is not correct, simply click the Select menu > Clear Selection command and try again. H. Left click on the slab (anywhere except at a column, drop panel, beam or design strip location) to select it; the status bar in the lower left-hand corner should now show 1 Areas, 6 Edges, 2 Design Strips selected. I. Left click at grid intersection A1 and at grid intersection A2; the status bar in the lower left-hand corner should now show 2 Points, 1 Areas, 6 Edges, 2 Design Strips selected. Click the Edit menu > Align Points/Lines/Edges command to display the Align Points/Lines/Edges form shown in Figure 31.


K. Select the Trim Line/Tendon/Strip Objects option.

Figure 31 Align Points/Lines/Edges form

L. Click the OK button to leave the Align Points/Lines/Edges form. The design strips along grid lines 1 and 2 should now be trimmed to the edge of the slab. M. Left click on the design strip that lies on grid line 5 to select it; the status bar in the lower left-hand corner should show 1 Design Strips selected.


Step 6 Add Design Strips

Step 6 Add Design Strips N. Press the Delete key on the keyboard to remove the selected design strip from the model. O. Click the Draw menu > Draw Design Strips command to display the Draw Design Strips form shown in Figure 32.

Figure 32 Draw Design Strips form

P. Select A from the Strip Layer drop-down list. Q. Type 9 into the Start Width Left edit box. R. Type 12 into the Start Width Right edit box. S. Type 9 into the End Width Left edit box. T. Type 12 into the End Width Right edit box. U. Left click at grid intersection A5 and at C5, and then click the right mouse button to stop drawing. V. Left click at grid intersection D5 and at F5. W. Press the Esc key on the keyboard to leave the Draw Design Strips command. X. Click the Edit menu > Add/Edit Design Strips > Add Design Strips command to display the Add Design Strips form. Y. Select Y from the Grid Direction drop-down list. Z. Click in the Strip Layer edit box and select B from the drop-down list. Step 6 Add Design Strips 33

SAFE Tutorial R/C AA. Click the OK button to leave the Add Design Strips form. Design strips along the Y-axis grids should now appear as solid lines. BB. Left click on the design strips that lie on grid lines A, B and C to select them; the status bar in the lower left-hand corner should show 3 Design Strips selected. CC. Left click on the slab (anywhere except at a column, drop panel, beam or design strip location) to select it; the status bar in the lower left-hand corner should now show 1 Areas, 6 Edges, 3 Design Strips selected. DD. Left click at grid intersections A1, B1 and C1; the status bar in the lower left-hand corner should now show 3 Points, 1 Areas, 6 Edges, 3 Design Strips selected. EE. Click the Edit menu > Align Points/Lines/Edges command to display the Align Points/Lines/Edges form. FF. Select the Trim Line/Tendon/Strip Objects option.

GG. Click the OK button to leave the Align Points/Lines/Edges form. The design strips along grid lines A, B, and C should now be trimmed to the edge of the slab. HH. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model.

Step 7 Set Display Options

In this Step, the set display options will be used to alter the objects displayed. A. Click the View menu > Set Display Options command. When the Set Display Options form displays, uncheck the Design Strip Layer A and Design Strip Layer B check boxes in the Items Present in View area, as shown in Figure 33. This action will turn off the display of the design strips.


Step 7 Set Display Options

Step 7 Set Display Options

Figure 33 Set Display Options form

B. Click the OK button to accept the changes, and the model now appears as shown in Figure 34.

Figure 34 Model after all objects have been drawn

Step 7 Set Display Options


SAFE Tutorial R/C

Step 8 Assign Loads

In this Step, the dead and live loads will be assigned to the slab. Ensure that the Plan View is still active, and that the program is in the select mode (Draw menu > Select > Pointer/Window command). A. Select the slab by clicking on it anywhere that is not a beam, wall, column, drop panel or opening. The status bar in the lower left-hand corner should show 1 Areas, 6 Edges selected. If you make a mistake in selecting, click the Select menu > Clear Selection command, and try again. B. Click the Assign menu > Load Data > Surface Loads command to access the Surface Loads form shown in Figure 35. C. If it is not selected already, select DEAD from the Load Pattern Name drop-down list. D. Make sure lb-ft is displayed in the Units area.

Figure 35 Surface Loads form

E. In the Uniform Loads (Gravity Direction), type 30 in the Uniform Load edit box.


Step 8 Assign Loads

Step 8 Assign Loads

Note: Additional load cases may be defined by clicking on the button next to the load pattern name. A button returns you to the form used to define the item in the adjacent drop-down list or edit box, which in this case is the Load Patterns form.

F. Click the OK button to accept the dead load assignment. SAFE will display the loads on the model. Use the Assign menu > Clear Display of Assigns command to remove the assignments from the display, if desired. G. Click anywhere on the main slab to reselect the slab, or click the Select menu > Get Previous Selection command to select the slab. H. Click the Assign menu > Load Data > Surface Loads command to again access the Surface Loads form. I. J. Select LIVE from the Load Pattern Name drop-down list. Type 50 in the Uniform Load edit box in the Uniform Loads area.

K. Click the OK button to accept the live load assignment. Again, use the Assign menu > Clear Display of Assigns command to remove the assignments from the display. L. To review the assignments to the slab, right click on the slab anywhere that is not a beam, wall, column, drop-panel or opening to access the Slab-Type Area Object Information form shown in Figure 36. M. Select the Loads tab and note that the DEAD Load Pattern has a Force per Unit Area of 30, and that the LIVE Load Pattern has a Force per Unit Area of 50. N. Click the OK button to close the Slab-Type Area Object Information form. O. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model.

Step 8 Assign Loads


SAFE Tutorial R/C

Figure 36 Slab-Type Area Object Information form

Step 9 Run the Analysis and Design

In this Step, the analysis and design will be run. A. Click the Run menu > Run Analysis & Design command to start the analysis. The program will create the analysis model from your object-based SAFE model and will display information in the status bar in the lower left-hand corner as the analysis and design proceeds. Additional information about the run may be accessed at a later time using the File menu > Show Input/Output Text Files command and selecting the filename with a .LOG extension. B. When the analysis and design are finished, the program automatically displays a deformed shape view of the model, and the model is locked. The model is locked when the Options menu > appears depressed. Locking the model Lock/Unlock Model icon prevents any changes to the model that would invalidate the analysis results.


Step 9 Run the Analysis and Design

Step 10 Graphically Review the Analysis Results

Step 10 Graphically Review the Analysis Results

In this Step, the analysis will be reviewed using graphical displays of the results. A. Click the View menu > Set Default 3D View command to display the deformed shape for the DEAD load case in 3D. B. Click the Start Animation button in the lower right-hand corner of the display to animate the deformed shape. Speed of the animation may be adjusted by using the slider control adjacent to the button. Click the Stop Animation button to end the animation. C. Click the Display menu > Show Deformed Shape command to access the Deformed Shape form shown in Figure 37.

Figure 37 Deformed Shape form

Step 10 Graphically Review the Analysis Results


SAFE Tutorial R/C D. In the Load Case/Load Combination area, select the Load Case option. E. Select LIVE from the Load Case drop-down list. F. Select the Automatic option in the Scaling area. G. Check the Draw Contours checkbox in the Contour Range area. H. Click the OK button to generate a 3-D deformed shape with contours for the LIVE load case. I. Click the Display menu > Show Slab Forces/Stresses command to bring up the Slab Forces/Stresses form shown in Figure 38.

Figure 38 Slab Forces/Stresses form


Select LIVE from the Load Case drop-down list.

K. Select the Resultant Forces option in the Component Type area. L. Select the M22 option in the Component area. M. Select the Display Contours on Deformed Shape option in the Display Options area.


Step 10 Graphically Review the Analysis Results

Step 11 Design Display N. Click the OK button to generate the moment diagram shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39 M22 Moment Diagram

Note that as you move the cursor over the moment diagram, the values are displayed at the cursor and in the lower left-hand corner of the window. O. Click the Display menu > Show Undeformed Shape command to clear the display of the moment diagram. P. Click the View menu > Set Plan View command to return to the Plan View.

Step 11 Design Display

In this Step, design results for the slab and beams will be displayed. Note that the design was run along with the analysis in Step 9. Design results are for the ACI 318-08 code, which was selected in Step 1. Design preferences may be reviewed or changed by going to the Design menu > DeStep 11 Design Display 41

SAFE Tutorial R/C sign Preferences command (some design preferences are also set on the property data forms); be sure to re-run the analysis and design (Step 9) if changes to the preferences are made. A. Click the Display menu > Show Slab Design command to access the Slab Design form shown in Figure 40.

Figure 40 Slab Design form

B. In the Choose Display Type area, select Strip Based from the Design Basis drop-down list and Enveloping Reinforcement from the Display Type drop-down list. C. In the Choose Strip Direction area, check the Layer A checkbox and uncheck the Layer B checkbox. This will display the design results in the Layer A (X) direction only.


Step 11 Design Display

Step 11 Design Display D. In the Rebar Location Shown area, check the Show Top Rebar checkbox and uncheck the Show Bottom Rebar checkbox. E. In the Reinforcing Display Type area, select the Show Total Rebar Area for Strip option. F. Click the OK button to leave the Slab Design form and display the slab design results. The top reinforcing required in the Layer A direction is displayed. Positioning the cursor at any location on a Layer A design strip causes the required top and bottom reinforcing values to be displayed in the lower left corner of the window and at the cursor. G. To view the required reinforcing in the Layer B direction, click the Display menu > Show Slab Design command to display the Slab Design form. H. In the Choose Strip Direction area, uncheck the Layer A checkbox and check the Layer B checkbox. I. J. Check the Show Bottom Rebar checkbox in the Rebar Location Shown area. In the Reinforcing Display Type area, select the Show Number of Bars of Size: option and select #5 from the Top drop-down list and #5 from the Bottom drop-down list.

K. Click the OK button to leave the Slab Design form and display the slab design results for the Layer B direction. The view will be updated to that shown in Figure 41. Again, positioning the cursor anywhere on the strips will result in the display of the reinforcing values in the lower left-hand corner of the SAFE window.

Step 11 Design Display


SAFE Tutorial R/C

Figure 41 Layer B reinforcing

L. To view the required reinforcing in the beams, click the Display menu > Show Beam Design command. The Beam Design form shown in Figure 42 displays. M. In the Choose Display Type area, select Longitudinal Rebar from the Display Type drop-down list and Flexure from the Rebar Type dropdown list. N. Review the other selected options and then click the OK button to close the Beam Design form. The view will be updated to show the flexural reinforcing required in the beams along the two perimeter sides. Positioning the cursor on the beams will result in the display of the reinforcing values in the lower left-hand corner and at the cursor.


Step 11 Design Display

Step 11 Design Display

Figure 42 Beam Design form

O. Right click on a beam to display the Design Details form shown in Figure 43.

Figure 43 Design Details form

Step 11 Design Display


SAFE Tutorial R/C Scroll through the form to see all of the design information associated with the selected beam. Click the X button in the top-right corner of the form to close the form.

Step 12 Run Detailing

In this Step, detailing will be run and displayed. Detailing may be run only after analysis and design are complete. A. Click the Detailing menu > Detailing Preferences command to display the Detailing Preferences form shown in Figure 44. Use this form to set the regional standards, to control how dimensioning is displayed, to manage reinforcing bar notation, and to select the units for material quantity takeoffs.

Figure 44 Detailing Preferences form

B. Review the settings on this form (we will accept the default selections), and then click the OK button to close the form. C. Click the Detailing menu > Slab/Mat Reinforcing Preferences to display the Slab/Mat Detailing Preferences form shown in Figure 45.


Step 12 Run Detailing

Step 12 Run Detailing

Figure 45 Slab/Mat Detailing Preferences form

D. Click the General and Display tab. On this tab review or alter the rebar curtailment, detailing and callout options, as well as set how sections should be cut. We will accept the default settings. E. Click the Rebar Selection tab and review or change the rebar selection rules, preferred sizes, minimums and reinforcing around openings. We will accept the default settings. F. Click the OK button to accept the selections and close the form. G. Click the Detailing menu > Drawing Sheet Setup command to display the Drawing Sheet Setup form. The sheet size, scales, title block and text sizes can be reviewed and changed using this form. We will accept the default settings. H. Click the OK button to close the form.

Step 12 Run Detailing


SAFE Tutorial R/C I. J. Review the line thicknesses and styles by clicking the Detailing menu > Drawing Format Properties command. Click the OK button to accept the selections and close the form.

K. Now that the detailing preferences and drawing setup options have been reviewed, click the Run menu > Run Detailing command to generate the detailing drawings. A framing plan is displayed when detailing is complete. L. Click the Detailing menu > Show Detailing command to access the Display Detailing Item form shown in Figure 46.

Figure 46 Display Detailing Item form

M. Select the Drawing option. N. Select Slab Rebar Plan Bottom Bars from the Drawing dropdown list. 48 Step 12 Run Detailing

Step 13 Create Report O. Click the OK button to leave the Display Detailing Item form and display the selected drawing shown in Figure 47. P. Clicking on the Detailing tab in the Model Explorer and expanding the Views and Drawing Sheets trees also provides access to detailing drawings and views. Q. Click the Display menu > Show Undeformed Shape command to return to the model.

Figure 47 Slab Rebar Plan

Step 13 Create Report

In this Step, a report describing model input and output results will be created. A. Click the File menu > Report Setup command to display the Report Setup Data form. B. In the Report Output Type area, be sure that the RTF File option is selected. Step 13 Create Report 49

SAFE Tutorial R/C C. In the Report Items area, uncheck the Include Hyperlinked Contents checkbox. D. Click the OK button to leave the Report Setup Data form. E. Click the File menu > Create Report command to display the Microsoft Word Rich Text File Report form. F. Type SLAB in the File name edit box and click the Save button. A report, with a cover similar to that shown in Figure 48 should be displayed in your word processor, and will be saved to your hard disk.

Figure 48 Cover Page for Report


Step 13 Create Report

Step 13 Create Report G. Scroll through the report to find tables that list geometry and properties, analysis results and design information, such as that shown if Figure 49. H. Close your word processor and return to the SAFE program. I. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model one last time.

Figure 49 Typical Report information

Congratulations! Youve successfully created, analyzed, designed, detailed, and reviewed a SAFE reinforced concrete model.

Step 13 Create Report


Post-Tensioned Concrete

P/T Example
The intent of this tutorial is to give you hands-on experience via step-bystep instructions on how to use SAFE to model, analyze, design and detail post-tensioned concrete slabs. Fundamentals of the model creation process are identified and various model construction techniques are introduced. As you complete the tutorial, you will build the model shown in Figure 50.

The Project
The tutorial project is an irregularly shaped post-tensioned concrete slab as might be used for residential construction, with overall dimensions of 108 feet by 92 feet. Several openings exist in the interior for stair access. The 8-inch thick slab is supported by a combination of 8-inch-thick walls and 12-inch-square columns. The floor-to-floor height is 10 feet. The model will be analyzed for a uniform dead load (partitions + mechanical) of 35 pounds per square foot (psf) plus the self weight of the structure, and a live load of 50 psf.


SAFE Tutorial P/T Concrete Materials: A. Concrete strength, fc = 5000 psi B. Unit weight of concrete = 150 pcf Prestressing Tendons: C. Unbonded mono-strand D. diameter strand; 0.153 square-inch area E. fse = 175.5 ksi (216 ksi @ stressing 40.5 ksi losses) Reinforced Concrete: F. fy = 60ksi

Figure 50 The Project Model

Navigating Through SAFE

The SAFE program provides the user with two principal ways to navigate through program commands: menu commands or toolbar buttons. All commands are available through the main menu bar (e.g., Draw menu > Draw Columns), and a majority of the menu commands are also available as buttons on toolbars (e.g., Draw Columns, ). The


Navigating Through SAFE

Step 1 Begin a New Model availability of a button on the toolbar is indicated in the menus by the existence of an icon to the left of the command, as shown in Figure 51.

Figure 51 Draw Menu

In this tutorial the reference to various commands will be given using the narrative description, i.e., Draw menu > Draw Column in lieu of the associated button.

Step 1 Begin a New Model

In this Step, the dimensions and basic grid will be defined, which will serve as a guide for developing the model. This model will be built without using the automated template tools provided in SAFE to demonstrate how to construct a model from scratch. However, as a general rule, we highly recommend using templates to start models whenever possible

Step 1 Begin a New Model


SAFE Tutorial P/T because they provide a quick, easy way of generating a model. Consult the SAFE Help topics for information about templates.

Set the Units

If the units shown in the drop-down list in the lower right-hand corner of the SAFE window are not kip-in, scroll through the drop-down list to set the units to kip-in.

Define the Grid

A. Click the File menu > New Model command to access the New Model Initialization form shown in Figure 52. This form is used to specify the starting point of the model creation: a Blank screen, a screen with a Grid Only, or one of eight templates. Default units may also be selected here, along with the design code and preferences.

Figure 52 New Model Initialization form

B. In the Design Data area, select ACI 318-08 from the Design Code drop-down list. C. In the Initial Model area, click the Grid Only button to display the Coordinate System Definition form shown in Figure 53. This form is used to specify the number of grids and spacing in each direction. It


Step 1 Begin a New Model

Step 1 Begin a New Model is important that the grid be defined such as to accurately represent the geometry of the structure, so it is advisable to spend time carefully planning the number and spacing of the grid lines.

Figure 53 Coordinate System Definition form

1. Select the Cartesian option. 2. As shown in Figure 53, set the Number of Grid Lines in the X Direction to 8 and in the Y Direction to 6. 3. In the Grid Spacing area, type 16ft in the X Direction edit box.
Note: When the units are explicitly stated, in this case feet (ft), the program automatically converts the number input to be consistent with the database units (recall that the units have been set to kip-in). The value also may have been input as 16*12, without the ft identifier.

4. Type 16ft in the Y Direction edit box in the Grid Spacing area. 5. Click the Grid Labels button to display the Grid Labeling Options form shown in Figure 54. Step 1 Begin a New Model 57

SAFE Tutorial P/T

Figure 54 Grid Labeling Options form

a. In the X Grid area, type 1 in the Beginning X ID edit box. This will number the grids along the X-axis starting with 1. b. In the Y Grid area, type A in the Beginning Y ID edit box. This will label the grids along the Y-axis starting with A. c. In the Y Grid area, select the Label Top to Bottom option grid A will start at the top of the model. d. Click the OK button to accept the changes and leave the Grid Labeling Options form. 6. Click the Edit Grid button on the Coordinate System Definition form to display the form shown in Figure 55. The Coordinate System form is used to modify and edit the grid definitions, as well as set the top of model datum. It also allows the user to set the display options associated with the grids.


Step 1 Begin a New Model

Step 1 Begin a New Model

Figure 55 Coordinate System form

a. In the Display Grid Data as area, select the Spacing option. b. In the X Grid Data table, change the X spacing as follows (make sure to type ft in the edit box):
Grid ID 2 4 5 6 7 Change X Spacing to 28ft 12ft 8ft 8ft 20ft

c. In the Y Grid Data table, change the Y spacing as follows (make sure to type ft in the edit box):

Step 1 Begin a New Model


SAFE Tutorial P/T

Grid ID F E C

Change Y Spacing to 20ft 12ft 28ft

d. Click the OK button to accept your changes. When you leave the Coordinate System form, by default, the grid displays on screen in the main SAFE window with two windows tiled vertically: a Model Explorer window on the left and a Plan View on the right. The number of view windows can be changed using the Options menu > Windows command. D. Click the View menu > Set Display Options command to display the Set Display Options form. Uncheck the Horizon option in the Items Present In View area and click the OK button to exit this form. The Horizon option displays a plane that resembles an engineering calculation grid to illustrate the datum plane location; we are turning this option off to display our coordinate system grid better. You should now have a display similar to that shown in Figure 56.

Display Title Bar (active)

Global Axes Units

Figure 56 SAFE Main Window


Step 1 Begin a New Model

Step 2 Define Properties Note that the Plan View window is active. When the window is active, the display title bar is highlighted. Set a window active by clicking anywhere in the window. Note that the Global Axes are displayed as well, and that the Z positive is in the up direction. When SAFE refers to the direction of gravity, this is in the negative Z direction, or down.

Save the Model

Save your model often! Click the File menu > Save command. Specify the directory in which you want to save the model. For this tutorial, specify the file name as PTSlab. Typically you will save the model with the same name. However to record your work at various stages of development or as a backup, the File menu > Save As command can be used to save the file using another name.

Step 2 Define Properties

In this Step, material and section properties for the slab, tendons, columns, and walls are defined. Although we are going to define our materials and sections using menu commands, previously defined materials and properties also may be reviewed and modified using the Model Explorer window (see Figure 57). To do this, expand any of the property items on the tree by clicking the + node, and then double click on the desired item to display the associated form.
Figure 57 Model Explorer window

Step 2 Define Properties


SAFE Tutorial P/T

Define Material Properties

A. Click the Define menu > Materials command to access the Materials form shown in Figure 58.

Figure 58 Materials form

B. Click the Add New Material Quick button to display the Quick Material Definition form shown in Figure 59. This form will be used to define the 5000psi concrete material for the model. 1. Select Concrete from the Material Type drop-down list. 2. Select fc 5000 psi from the Specification drop-down list. 3. Click the OK button to exit the Quick Material Definition form.

Figure 59 Quick Material Definition form

C. In the Materials area of the Materials form, highlight A416Gr270.


Step 2 Define Properties

Step 2 Define Properties D. Click the Modify/Show Material button to display the Material Property Data form shown in Figure 60. This form lists the properties associated with Grade 270 prestressing strands; this is the tendon material property that will be used in our model. 1. Click the OK button to accept this material as defined.

Figure 60 Material Property Data form

E. Click the OK button on the Materials form to accept all of the defined materials. F. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model.

Define Slab Properties

A. Click the Define menu > Slab Properties command to access the Slab Properties form shown in Figure 61.

Step 2 Define Properties


SAFE Tutorial P/T

Figure 61 Slab Properties form

B. In the Slab Property area, highlight SLAB1. C. Recall that for this tutorial project, the slab thickness is 8 inches. To adjust the default dimensions of SLAB1, click the Modify/Show Property button to access the Slab Property Data form shown in Figure 62. 1. In the General Data area, select 5000Psi from the Slab Material drop-down list.
Note: Additional material properties may be defined by clicking on the button next to the load pattern name. A button returns you to the form used to define the item in the adjacent drop-down list, which in this case is the Materials form.

2. Select Slab from the Type drop-down list in the Analysis Property Data area; this ensures that any area object with this property assignment will be identified as a slab member. 3. If not already displayed, type 8 in the Thickness edit box in the Analysis Property Data area. 4. Click the OK button to accept the changes and return to the Slab Properties form.


Step 2 Define Properties

Step 2 Define Properties

Figure 62 Slab Property Data form

D. Click the OK button to end the slab property definition. E. Click the File menu > Save command to save the model.

Define Tendon Properties

A. Click the Define menu > Tendon Properties command to access the Tendon Properties form. B. Click the Add New Property button to access the Tendon Property Data form shown in Figure 63. Recall that the strands for the tendons have an area of 0.153 square inches. 1. Verify that TENDON1 is showing in the Property Name edit box in the General Data area.

Step 2 Define Properties


SAFE Tutorial P/T

Figure 63 Tendon Property Data form

2. In the General Data area, make sure that A416Gr270 is displayed in the Material Type drop-down list. 3. If not already entered, type 0.153 in the Strand Area edit box in the Property Data area. 4. Click the OK button to end the tendon property definition. C. Click the OK button to leave the Tendon Properties form. D. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model.

Define Column Properties

A. Click the Define menu > Column Properties command to access the Column Properties form. B. In the Column Property area, highlight COL1. C. Click the Modify/Show Property button to access the Column Property Data form shown in Figure 64. Recall that the columns for the project are 12-inch square. 1. In the General Data area, select 5000Psi from the Material dropdown list.


Step 2 Define Properties

Step 2 Define Properties

Figure 64 Column Property Data form

2. In the Column Section Dimensions area, select Rectangular from the Column Shape drop-down list. 3. In the Column Section Dimensions area, type 12 into the Parallel to 2-Axis edit box and type 12 into the Parallel to 3-Axis edit box. 4. Make sure that the Include Automatic Rigid Zone Area Over Column option is checked. This option restricts deformation of the slab at the column location, which prevents unrealistic peaks in moment distribution from occurring. 5. Click the OK button to leave the Column Property Data form. D. Click the OK button to accept the Column Property definition.

Step 2 Define Properties


SAFE Tutorial P/T

Define Wall Properties

A. Click the Define menu > Wall Properties command to access the Wall Properties form. B. In the Wall Property area, highlight Wall1. C. Click the Modify/Show Property button to access the Wall Property Data form shown in Figure 65. Recall that the walls for the project are 8-inch thick.

Figure 65 Wall Property Data form

1. In the General Data area, select 5000Psi from the Wall Material drop-down list. 2. In the Wall Dimensions area, type 8 into the Thickness edit box. 3. Check the Include Automatic Rigid Zone Area Over Wall checkbox. This option restricts deformation of the slab at the wall location, which prevents unrealistic peaks in moment distribution from occurring. 4. Click the OK button to leave the Wall Property Data form.


Step 2 Define Properties

Step 3 Define Static Load Patterns D. Click the OK button to accept the Wall Property definition. This completes the material and section property definition phase of the model creation. The slab and tendon properties will be assigned in the model datum plane, while the columns and walls will be assigned as supports. Supports also can be assigned as point restraints, point springs or line springs. Support stiffnesses are calculated by SAFE based on the cross-sectional properties, material properties and lengths specified when the columns and walls are drawn.

Step 3 Define Static Load Patterns

In this Step, the dead, live, and post-tensioning static load patterns are defined. That is, we will name the various types of loads (dead, live, prestress-final, and so on), and specify the self-weight multipliers. The loads will be assigned to objects, and the values for the loads specified (uniform dead load of 35 psf and live load of 50 psf), in Step 8. A. Click the Define menu > Load Patterns command to access the Static Load Case Names form shown in Figure 66.

Figure 66 Load Patterns form

B. Note that load patterns DEAD and LIVE are defined by default. C. Recall that the project will be analyzed for the dead load plus the self weight of the structure. Thus, the Self Weight Multiplier should be set equal to 1 (this will include 1.0 times the self weight of all mem-

Step 3 Define Static Load Patterns


SAFE Tutorial P/T bers) for the DEAD load. Only the DEAD load pattern should have a non-zero Self Weight Multiplier. D. Click the Add Load Pattern button. E. Highlight LPAT1 in the Load column and type PT-FINAL. F. Select PRESTRESS-FINAL from the drop-down list under Type for the PT-FINAL load pattern. G. Click the Add Load Pattern button. H. Highlight LPAT1 in the Load column and type PT-TRANSFER. I. Select PRESTRESS-TRANSFER from the drop-down list under Type for the PT-TRANSFER load pattern. The Load Patterns form should appear as shown in Figure 67.

Figure 67 Load Patterns form after all load patterns are entered


Click the OK button to accept all of the defined static load patterns.

K. Click the File menu > Save command.

Step 4 Define Load Cases

In this Step, the Load Cases are defined. This is where the type of analysis is specified.


Step 4 Define Load Cases

Step 4 Define Load Cases A. Click the Define menu > Load Cases command to access the Load Cases form shown in Figure 68.

Figure 68 Load Cases form

B. With the DEAD Load Case Name highlighted, click the Modify/Show Case button to display the Load Case Data form shown in Figure 69. This data form changes based on the type of load case specified. 1. In the Load Case Type area, select Static from the drop-down list. Modal and Hyperstatic are also available as load case types. 2. In the Analysis Type area, select the Linear option. When working with a Static Load Case Type, the program offers the option to do Linear, Nonlinear (Allow Uplift), Nonlinear (Cracked), or Nonlinear (Long Term Cracked) analysis. For our tutorial example a Static, Linear analysis will be performed for DEAD, LIVE, PT-FINAL and PT-TRANSFER. 3. In the Loads Applied area, verify that the load pattern is DEAD with a scale factor of 1. 4. Click the OK button to close the Load Case Data form.

Step 4 Define Load Cases


SAFE Tutorial P/T

Figure 69 Load Case Data form

C. Review the other load cases, if so desired, by selecting a case and using the Modify/Show Case button as described for the DEAD load case. D. Click the OK button to close the Load Cases form. E. Click the File menu > Save command.

Step 5 Draw Objects

In this Step, slabs, columns, walls, openings, and design strips will be drawn.

Draw Slabs
Ensure that the Plan View is active (click anywhere in the display window; a window is active when the Display Title Bar, just below the hori-


Step 5 Draw Objects

Step 5 Draw Objects zontal toolbar, is highlighted). Now draw area objects to model the slab using the following Action Items. A. Click the Draw menu > Snap Options command to display the Snap Options form shown in Figure 70.

Figure 70 Snap Options form

B. In the Snap to area, make sure that the Points and Grid Intersections options are checked. These snap options will assist in accurately positioning objects when drawing. C. In the Snap Increments area, make sure that the (Imperial in Inches) Snap at length increments of option is checked. When drawing slab edges, beams and walls, a dimension line will appear and the object will snap to the values specified in this edit box. D. Click the OK button to close the Snap Options form. E. Click the Draw menu > Draw Slabs/Areas command to access the Draw Slabs/Areas form shown in Figure 71. If the Draw Slabs/Areas form covers part of the model, click on the blue title bar, hold down the mouse button, and drag it out of the way.

Step 5 Draw Objects


SAFE Tutorial P/T

Figure 71 Draw Slabs/Areas form

F. Make sure that the Type of Object is set to Slab. If it is not, click once in the drop-down list opposite the Type of Object item and select Slab. G. Click in the Property edit box and select SLAB1 from the drop-down list. This is the slab property defined in Step 2. H. Click in the Edge Drawing Type drop-down list and select Straight Line. Although not used in this project, slab edges also may be drawn with arcs and curves. I. To draw the first corner of the slab, click once in the Plan View at the intersection of grid lines 1 and A (the cursor should display Grid Point 1 A at the correct location). Then moving clockwise around the grid (note how the slab edge is dimensioned as you draw), click once at these grid intersections in this order to draw the outline of the slab: 8A, 8D, 4D, 4F, and 1F. If you mistakenly click at the wrong point, use the Backspace key on the keyboard to undo the point and try again. After clicking at grid 1F, press the Enter key on the keyboard. The shaded slab object should now display. If you made a mistake and wish to try re-drawing the entire object, click the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command to leave the Draw mode and go to the Select mode. Then click the Edit menu > Undo Area Add command, and repeat Items E through I. J. Click on the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command or press the Esc key on the keyboard to exit the Draw Slabs/Areas command.

K. Select the slab by clicking on it anywhere. The status bar in the lower left-hand corner should show 1 Areas, 6 Edges selected. If


Step 5 Draw Objects

Step 5 Draw Objects you make a mistake in selecting, press the Select menu > Clear Selection command and try again. L. Click the Edit menu > Edit Areas > Expand/Shrink Areas command to display the Expand/Shrink Areas form shown in Figure 72.

Figure 72 Expand/Shrink Areas form

M. Type 6 into the Offset Value edit box. We will use this form to expand (a positive value expands) the slab by 6-inches at each corner to create the perimeter overhang that is needed to accommodate the width of the columns (1/2 of 12 inches). N. Click the OK button to finish the slab. O. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model.

Draw Columns
With the active window set as described in the preceding Draw Slabs section (i.e., Plan View window active and the snap to points and grid intersections enabled), use the following Action Items to draw columns. A. Click the Draw menu > Draw Columns command to access the Draw Columns form shown in Figure 73. B. Click in the Property Below edit box and select COL1 from the dropdown list. This is the property for the 12-inch by 12-inch column defined in Step 2. C. Click in the Property Above edit box and select COL1 from the dropdown list.

Step 5 Draw Objects


SAFE Tutorial P/T

Figure 73 Draw Columns form

D. Click in the Height Below edit box and type 10ft. Note that the units are inches, so this value will be converted to 120. E. Click in the Height Above edit box and type 10ft. F. Click in the Cardinal Point edit box and select 10 (Centroid) from the drop-down list. G. Left click once at each of the following grid intersections to draw the columns: 1A, 1B, 1F, 2A, 2B, 2F, 3F, 4F, 5A, 5B, 5D, 8A, 8B, 8C, and 8D. If you have made a mistake while drawing the columns, click the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command to leave the Draw mode and go to the Select mode. Then click the Edit menu > Undo Column Object Add command as many times as needed to remove the incorrectly drawn columns, and repeat Items A through G. H. Click on the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command or press the Esc key on the keyboard to exit the Draw Columns command. I. J. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model. Click the View menu > Set Default 3D View command to display the model in 3D. Note how the columns extend above and below the slab.


Step 5 Draw Objects

Step 5 Draw Objects K. Click the View menu > Set Plan View command to return to the Plan View before continuing with the project.

Draw Walls
Similar to the preceding two sections, ensure that the Plan View is active and that the snap to points, grid intersections and the snap increments options are enabled. Now use the following Action Items to draw walls. A. Click the Draw menu > Snap Options command to access the Snap Options form. B. Check the Line Ends and Midpoints checkbox in the Snap to area. C. Click the OK button to close the Snap Options form. D. Click the Draw menu > Draw Walls command to access the Draw Walls form shown in Figure 74.

Figure 74 Draw Walls form

E. Click in the drop-down list opposite the Wall Property Below item and select WALL1. This is the wall property for the 8-inch-thick wall defined in Step 2. F. Click in the Wall Property Above drop-down list and select WALL1. G. Click in the Wall Height Below edit box and type 10ft. Note that the units are inches, so the value will be converted to 120.

Step 5 Draw Objects


SAFE Tutorial P/T H. Click in the Wall Height Above edit box and type 10ft. I. Click in the drop-down list opposite the Line Drawing Type item and select Straight Line. Although not used in this project, walls may also be drawn with arcs and curves. Left click at grid intersection 1C to begin drawing the first wall. Draw the wall along grid line C to grid intersection 2C and then click again. The snap increments dimension line should show 16 ft. Hit the Enter key on the keyboard to complete the wall. This places a wall 16 feet long along grid line C. If you have made a mistake while drawing this object, click the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command to leave the Draw mode and go to the Select mode. Then click the Edit menu > Undo Area Object Add command, and repeat Items A through G. K. For the next wall, also located along grid line C, left click at grid intersection 3C to begin drawing the wall and at intersection 4C (the snap increment dimension line should show 16 ft) to designate the end of the wall. Hit the Enter key on the keyboard to complete the wall. L. Click at grid intersection 1E and then at intersection 2E to draw the next wall along grid E. Hit the Enter key on the keyboard to complete the wall. M. Click at grid intersection 3E and then at intersection 4E to draw the last x-direction wall along grid E. Hit the Enter key on the keyboard to complete the wall. N. Click at grid intersection 3A and then at intersection 3B to draw the first y-direction wall along grid 3. Hit the Enter key on the keyboard to complete the wall. O. Snap the mouse to the Mid Point of the wall (a triangular cursor should display) along grid line C between grids 3 and 4, and left click. Move the mouse to the Mid Point of the wall along grid line E between grids 3 and 4 and click again the snap increment dimen-



Step 5 Draw Objects

Step 5 Draw Objects sion line should show 28 ft. Hit the Enter key on the keyboard to complete the wall. P. Click at grid intersection 6C and then at intersection 6D to draw the next y-direction wall along grid 6. Hit the Enter key on the keyboard to complete the wall. Q. Click at grid intersection 7A and then at intersection 7B to draw the last y-direction wall. Hit the Enter key on the keyboard to complete the wall. R. Click on the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command or press the Esc key on the keyboard to exit the Draw Walls command. Your model should look similar to Figure 75.

Figure 75 The model after drawing columns and walls

Draw Openings (Area Objects)

Similar to the previous sections, ensure that the Plan View is active. Draw an area object to model the opening as follows:

Step 5 Draw Objects


SAFE Tutorial P/T A. Click the Draw menu > Draw Rectangular Slabs/Areas command to display the Draw Rectangular Slabs/Areas form shown in Figure 76.

Figure 76 Draw Rectangular Slabs/Areas form

B. Click once in the drop-down list opposite the Type of Object item and select Opening. C. Left click at the intersection of grid lines 3 and C, and while holding the left mouse button down, move diagonally down and to the right to the point where grid line D intersects the adjacent y-direction wall, and release the button. An area object (8 ft x 28 ft) with different shading should appear, indicating that an opening for the stairs has been drawn. An opening takes priority over an object with assigned slab properties when the program determines the stiffness formulation. D. Click on the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command or press the Esc key on the keyboard to exit the Draw Rectangular Slabs/Areas command. S. Click the Draw menu > Snap Options command to access the Snap Options form. T. Check the Intersections checkbox in the Snap to area. E. Click the OK button to close the Snap Options form. F. Click the View menu > Rubber Band Zoom command. Left click just above and to the left of grid intersection 6A, and while holding the mouse button down, drag a window down and to the left of grid intersection 7B.


Step 5 Draw Objects

Step 5 Draw Objects G. Click the Draw menu > Draw Rectangular Slabs/Areas command to display the Draw Rectangular Slabs/Areas form. H. To draw the second opening, snap the mouse to the intersection of grid line 6 and the edge of the slab (the cursor should say Intersection), and while holding the left mouse button down, move diagonally down and to the right to the Mid Point of the wall that lies along grid line 7, and release the button. I. Click on the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command or press the Esc key on the keyboard to exit the Draw Rectangular Slabs/Areas command. Click the View menu > Restore Full View command.


K. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model.

Draw Design Strips

Similar to the previous sections, ensure that the Plan View is active. Design strips determine how tendons and reinforcing will be calculated and positioned in the slab. Typically design strips are positioned in two principal directions: Layer A and Layer B. Use the following Action Items to draw design strips: A. Click the Draw menu > Draw Design Strips command to display the Draw Design Strips form shown in Figure 77.

Figure 77 Draw Design Strips form

Step 5 Draw Objects


SAFE Tutorial P/T B. Select A from the Strip Layer drop-down list. Design strips subsequently drawn will be assigned to Layer A. C. The values showing in the width edit boxes may be ignored, as we will edit the design strips in a later step to automatically adjust their width based on the location of adjacent strips. D. Left click at grid intersection 1A to begin drawing the first design strip. Click again at grid intersection 6A and hit the Enter key on the keyboard to complete the design strip. E. Repeat Item D for the following pairs of grid intersections: 7A to 8A; 1B to 8B; 1C to 8C; 1E to 4E; and 1F to 4F. F. Snap the mouse to the Point at the approximate intersection of grids D and 3.5 (between 3 and 4) along the wall and left click to begin the design strip, and then click again at grid intersection 8D. Hit the Enter key to complete the design strip. This completes the Layer A design strips. Note that although the majority of the design strips were drawn using grid intersections rather than the edge of the slab, the program assumes that they should go to the slab edge and will automatically extend the design strips when the tolerance is small. G. On the Draw Design Strips form, select B from the Strip Layer dropdown list. Design strips subsequently drawn will be assigned to Layer B. H. Left click at grid intersection 1A to begin drawing the first Layer B design strip. Click again at grid intersection 1F and hit the Enter key on the keyboard to complete the design strip. I. J. Repeat Item H for the following pairs of grid intersections: 2A to 2F; 3A to 3F; 4A to 4F; 5A to 5D; 6A to 6D; 7A to 7D; and 8A to 8D. Click on the Select menu > Select > Pointer/Window command or press the Esc key on the keyboard to exit the Draw Design Strips command and return to the select mode.


Step 5 Draw Objects

Step 5 Draw Objects K. Click the Select menu > Select > Properties > Design Strip Layers command to display the Select Design Strip Layers form shown in Figure 78.

Figure 78 Select Design Strip Layers form

L. Highlight Layer A and Layer B in the Select area by holding down the Shift key on the keyboard while clicking on the items. M. Click the OK button to leave the form. The status bar in the lower left-hand corner should now show 15 Design Strips selected. N. Click the Edit menu > Add/Edit Design Strips > Edit Strip Widths command to display the Edit Strip Widths form. O. In the Strip Width Options area, select the Auto Widen Entire Strip option. Selecting this option allows the program to automatically set the width of each design each strip based on the location of adjacent strips. P. Click the OK button to accept the selections and leave the Edit Strip Widths form. Q. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model.

Step 5 Draw Objects


SAFE Tutorial P/T

Step 6 Add Tendons

In this step, tendons will be added to the model. Although tendons may be drawn in the model using the Draw menu > Draw Tendons command, it is often more efficient to add them to the design strips, which is how tendons will be added to this project. The number of tendons (and strands) will be determined by the program based on the following defaults: tendon jacking stress = 216 ksi; stressing losses = 27 ksi; longterm losses = 13.5 ksi; tendons are jacked from the J-end (ending point) of the tendon. Similar to the previous sections, ensure that the Plan View is active. Add tendons to the design strips as follows: A. Click the Select menu > Select > Properties > Design Strip Layers command to display the Select Design Strip Layers form. B. Highlight Layer A in the Select area. C. Click the OK button to accept the selection. The status bar in the lower left-hand corner should now show 7 Design Strips selected. D. Click the Edit menu > Add/Edit Tendons > Add Tendons in Strips command to display the Quick Tendon Layout form shown in Figure 79.

Figure 79 Quick Tendon Layout form


Step 6 Add Tendons

Step 6 Add Tendons E. Select Banded from the Layout Type drop-down list. Tendons will be banded in the Layer A direction, and distributed in the Layer B direction. F. Type 0 into the Band Width edit box. By using a value of 0, the program will calculate how many total strands are needed. G. Select TENDON1 from the Tendon Property drop-down list. This is the tendon property defined in Step 2. H. Select Reverse Parabola from the Vertical Profile drop-down list. I. Verify that the Self Load Balancing Ratios are set to 0.8 for Maximum and 0.6 for Minimum. This controls how much of the structures self weight the program will try to balance with the posttensioning. Click the OK button to leave the Quick Tendon Layout form. A single tendon in each Layer A design strip should now appear.


K. Click the Select menu > Select > Properties > Design Strip Layers command to display the Select Design Strip Layers form. L. Highlight Layer B in the Select area. M. Click the OK button to accept the selection. The status bar in the lower left-hand corner should now show 8 Design Strips selected. N. Click the Edit menu > Add/Edit Tendons > Add Tendons in Strips command to display the Quick Tendon Layout form. O. Select Distributed from the Layout Type drop-down list. P. Type 38 into the Tendon Spacing edit box. The program will determine how many strands are needed in each tendon for this spacing. Q. Select Parabola from the Vertical Profile drop-down list. R. Verify that the Self Load Balancing Ratios are set to 0.8 for Maximum and 0.6 for Minimum.

Step 6 Add Tendons


SAFE Tutorial P/T S. Click the OK button to leave the Quick Tendon Layout form. Tendons in the Layer B design strips should now display. T. Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and right click once on any of the tendons just drawn. A selection list similar to the one shown in Figure 80 displays because multiple objects exist at that location. In this case, one tendon and one area object exist at the same location. Note that the selection list will display only when the Shift key is used with the right click.

Figure 80 Selection List form

U. Highlight the tendon object and click the OK button. Because a right click action initiated the selection process, a Tendon Object Information form similar to the one shown in Figure 81 will display. 1. Click on the Loads tab. Note that the Tendon Jacking Stress is 216 ksi, and that the losses are 27 ksi for Stressing and 13.5 ksi for Long Term. 2. Click on the Geometry tab. This tab describes the geometry of the tendon in both plan and elevation.


Step 6 Add Tendons

Step 6 Add Tendons

Figure 81 Tendon Object Information form

3. Left click in any of the edit boxes associated with a vertical span, and the Tendon Vertical Profile form appears, similar to that shown in Figure 82. This form displays the vertical profile of the tendon in elevation, and allows the tendon profile to be altered either graphically, by grabbing a control point on the tendon and moving it to a new position, or numerically, by selecting the desired span and entering new values into the table. Click the OK button, to accept the default profiles.

Step 6 Add Tendons


SAFE Tutorial P/T

Figure 82 Tendon Vertical Profile form

4. Click the Assignments tab. This tab lists the number of strands associated with the selected tendon. 5. Click the OK button to exit the Tendon Object Information form. V. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model.

Step 7 Set Display Options

In this Step, the set display options will be used to alter the objects displayed. A. Click the View menu > Set Display Options command. When the Set Display Options form displays, uncheck the Tendon, Design Strip Layer A and Design Strip Layer B check boxes in the Items Present in View area as shown in Figure 83. This action will turn off the display of the tendons and design strips.


Step 7 Set Display Options

Step 7 Set Display Options

Figure 83 Set Display Options form

B. Click the OK button to accept the changes, and the model now appears as shown in Figure 84.

Figure 84 Model after all objects have been drawn

Step 7 Set Display Options


SAFE Tutorial P/T

Step 8 Assign Loads

In this Step, the dead and live loads will be assigned to the slab. Ensure that the Plan View is still active, and that the program is in the select mode (Draw menu > Select > Pointer/Window command). A. Select the slab by clicking on it anywhere that is not a wall, column or opening. The status bar in the lower left-hand corner should show 1 Areas, 6 Edges selected. If you make a mistake in selecting, click the Select menu > Clear Selection command, and try again. B. Click the Assign menu > Load Data > Surface Loads command to access the Surface Loads form shown in Figure 85. C. If it is not already displayed, select DEAD from the Load Pattern Name drop-down list. D. Select lb-ft from the Units area drop-down list. E. In the Uniform Loads (Gravity Direction), type 35 in the Uniform Load edit box.

Figure 85 Surface Loads form


Step 8 Assign Loads

Step 8 Assign Loads

Note: Additional load cases may be defined by clicking on the button next to the load pattern name. A button returns you to the form used to define the item in the adjacent drop-down list, which in this case is the Load Patterns form.

F. Click the OK button to accept the dead load assignment. SAFE will display the loads on the model. Use the Assign menu > Clear Display of Assigns command to remove the assignments from the display, if desired. G. Click anywhere on the main slab to reselect the slab, or click the Select menu > Get Previous Selection command to select the slab. H. Click the Assign menu > Load Data > Surface Loads command to again access the Surface Loads form. I. J. Select LIVE from the Load Pattern Name drop-down list. Type 50psf in the Uniform Load edit box in the Uniform Loads area.

K. Click the OK button to accept the live load assignment. Again, use the Assign menu > Clear Display of Assigns command to remove the assignments from the display. To review the assignments to the slab, right click on the slab anywhere that is not a wall, column or opening to access the Slab-Type Area Object Information form shown in Figure 86. Select the Loads tab and then lb-ft from the Units drop-down list and note that the DEAD Load Pattern has a Force per Unit Area of 35, and that the LIVE Load Pattern has a Force per Unit Area of 50. Click the OK button to close the Slab-Type Area Object Information form. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model.

Step 8 Assign Loads


SAFE Tutorial P/T

Figure 86 Slab-Type Area Object Information form

Step 9 Run the Analysis and Design

In this Step, the analysis and design will be run. A. Click the Run menu > Run Analysis & Design command to start the analysis. The program will create the analysis model from your object-based SAFE model, and will display information in the status bar in the lower left-hand corner as the analysis and design proceeds. Additional information about the run may be accessed at a later time using the File menu > Show Input/Output Text Files command and selecting the filename with a .LOG extension.


Step 9 Run the Analysis and Design

Step 10 Graphically Review the Analysis Results B. When the analysis and design are finished, the program automatically displays a deformed shape view of the model, and the model is locked. The model is locked when the Options menu > appears depressed. Locking the model Lock/Unlock Model icon prevents any changes to the model that would invalidate the analysis results.

Step 10 Graphically Review the Analysis Results

In this Step, the analysis will be reviewed using graphical displays of the results. A. Click the View menu > Set Default 3D View command to display the deformed shape for the DEAD load case in 3D. B. Click the Start Animation button in the lower right-hand corner of the display to animate the deformed shape. Speed of the animation may be adjusted by using the slider control adjacent to the button. Click the Stop Animation button to end the animation. C. Click the Display menu > Show Deformed Shape command to access the Deformed Shape form shown in Figure 87.

Figure 87 Deformed Shape form

Step 10 Graphically Review the Analysis Results


SAFE Tutorial P/T D. In the Load Case/Load Combination area, select the Load Case option. E. Select PT-FINAL from the Load Case drop-down list. Note that in addition to the DEAD, LIVE, PT-FINAL and PT-TRANSFER load cases that were previously defined, the program has automatically created a PT-FINAL-HP load case for hyperstatic analysis. F. Select the Automatic option in the Scaling area. G. Check the Draw Contours checkbox in the Contour Range area. H. Click the OK button to generate a 3-D deformed shape with contours for the PT-FINAL load case. I. J. Click the Display menu > Show Slab Forces/Stresses command to bring up the Slab Forces/Stresses form shown in Figure 88. Select PT-TRANSFER from the Load Case drop-down list.

K. Select the Stresses Top Face option in the Component Type area. L. Select the S11 option in the Component area.

Figure 88 Slab Forces/Stresses form


Step 10 Graphically Review the Analysis Results

Step 11 Design Display M. Select the Display Contours on Deformed Shape option in the Display Options area. N. Click the OK button to generate the moment diagram shown in Figure 89.

Figure 89 S11 Stress Diagram

Note that as you move the cursor over the diagram, the values are displayed at the cursor and in the lower left-hand corner of the window. O. Click the Display menu > Show Undeformed Shape command to clear the display of the stress diagram. P. Click the View menu > Set Plan View command to return to the Plan View.

Step 11 Design Display

In this Step, design results for the slab will be displayed. Note that the design was run along with the analysis in Step 9. Design results are for the ACI 318-08 code, which was selected in Step 1. Design preferences may be reviewed or changed by going to the Design menu > Design Preferences command (some design preferences are also set on the

Step 11 Design Display


SAFE Tutorial P/T property data forms); be sure to re-run the analysis and design (Step 9) if changes to the preferences are made. A. Click the Display menu > Show Slab Design command to access the Slab Design form shown in Figure 90.

Figure 90 Slab Design form

B. In the Choose Display Type area, select Strip Based from the Design Basis drop-down list and Stress Check - Transfer from the Display Type drop-down list. C. In the Choose Strip Direction area, check the Layer A checkbox and uncheck the Layer B checkbox. This will display the stress check results in the Layer A (X) direction only. D. In the Stress Type Shown area, select the Tensile option. E. Click the OK button to leave the Slab Design form and display the stress check results. The tensile stresses at transfer are displayed; if failed is displayed, the stress at that location exceeds the allowable P/T Stress Check ratio specified on the Design Preferences form accessed using the Design menu > Design Preferences command.


Step 11 Design Display

Step 11 Design Display Positioning the cursor at any location on a Layer A design strip causes the top and bottom stress values to be displayed in the lower left corner of the window and at the cursor. G. To view the stress check results in the Layer B direction, click the Display menu > Show Slab Design command to display the Slab Design form. H. In the Choose Display Type area, select Stress Check Long Term from the Display Type drop-down list. I. J. In the Choose Strip Direction area, uncheck the Layer A checkbox and check the Layer B checkbox. In the Stress Type Shown area, select the Compressive option.

K. Click the OK button to leave the Slab Design form and display the long-term compressive stress check results for the Layer B direction. The view will be updated to that shown in Figure 91. Again, positioning the cursor anywhere on the strips will result in the display of the stress check values in the lower left-hand corner of the SAFE window.

Figure 91 Layer B Long-Term Compressive Stresses

Step 11 Design Display


SAFE Tutorial P/T

Step 12 Run Detailing

In this Step, detailing will be run and displayed. Detailing may be run only after analysis and design are complete. A. Click the Detailing menu > Detailing Preferences command to display the Detailing Preferences form shown in Figure 92.

Figure 92 Detailing Preferences form

Use this form to set the regional standards, to control how dimensioning is displayed, to manage reinforcing bar notation, and to select the units for material quantity takeoffs. B. Review the settings on this form (we will accept the default selections), and then click the OK button to close the form. C. Click the Detailing menu > Slab/Mat Reinforcing Preferences to display the Slab/Mat Detailing Preferences form shown in Figure 93.


Step 12 Run Detailing

Step 12 Run Detailing

Figure 93 Slab/Mat Detailing Preferences form

D. Click the General and Display tab. On this tab review or alter the rebar curtailment, detailing and callout options, as well as set how sections should be cut. We will accept the default settings. E. Click the Rebar Selection tab and review or change the rebar selection rules, preferred sizes, minimums and reinforcing around openings. We will accept the default settings. F. Click the OK button to accept the selections and close the form. G. Click the Detailing menu > Drawing Sheet Setup command to display the Drawing Sheet Setup form. The sheet size, scales, title block and text sizes can be reviewed and changed using this form. We will accept the default settings. H. Click the OK button to close the form.

Step 12 Run Detailing


SAFE Tutorial P/T I. J. Review the line thicknesses and styles by clicking the Detailing menu > Drawing Format Properties command. Click the OK button to accept the selections and close the form.

K. Now that the detailing preferences and drawing setup options have been reviewed, click the Run menu > Run Detailing command to generate the detailing drawings. A framing plan is displayed when detailing is complete. L. Click the Detailing menu > Show Detailing command to access the Display Detailing Item form shown in Figure 94.

Figure 94 Display Detailing Item form

M. Select the Drawing option. N. Select Tendon Layout Plan from the Drawing drop-down list. O. Click the OK button to leave the Display Detailing Item form and display the selected drawing shown in Figure 95.


Step 12 Run Detailing

Step 13 Create Report

Figure 95 Tendon Layout Plan

P. Clicking on the Detailing tab in the Model Explorer and expanding the Views and Drawing Sheets trees also provides access to detailing drawings and views. Q. Click the Display menu > Show Undeformed Shape command to return to the model.

Step 13 Create Report

In this Step, a report describing model input and output results will be created. A. Click the File menu > Report Setup command to display the Report Setup Data form. B. In the Report Output Type area, make sure that the RTF File option is selected. C. In the Report Items area, uncheck the Include Hyperlinked Contents checkbox.

Step 13 Create Report


SAFE Tutorial P/T D. Click the OK button to leave the Report Setup Data form. E. Click the File menu > Create Report command to display the Microsoft Word Rich Text File Report form. F. Type PTSLAB in the File name edit box and click the Save button. A report, with a cover similar to that shown in Figure 96 should be displayed in your word processor, and will be saved to your hard disk. G. Scroll through the report to find tables that list geometry and properties, analysis results and design information, such as that shown if Figure 97.

Figure 96 Cover Page for Report


Step 13 Create Report

Step 13 Create Report

H. Close your word processor and return to the SAFE program. I. Click the File menu > Save command to save your model one last time.

Figure 97 Typical Report information

Congratulations! Youve successfully created, analyzed, designed, detailed, and reviewed a SAFE post-tensioned concrete model.

Step 13 Create Report


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