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Limit State Design of Concrete Structures

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Lecture 1
Radhika Nair N.J
Determination of general shape and all specific dimensions
of a structure so that it will perform the function for which
it is created and will safely withstand the influences that
will act on it throughout its useful life.

Structural Design
Principles of mechanics, structural analysis, behavioral
knowledge in structures and materials
Engineering experience and intuition.
(a) Function, (b) strength with safety requirements will
vary for structures.
Influences and structural response
Structural Systems

Gravity Load Lateral Load

Resisting Resisting

Structural systems
The structural systems
that act primarily to
support gravity or
vertical loads
Beams, slabs, girders,

Gravity Load Resisting

The structural system
that acts primarily to
resist lateral loads
Columns, shear walls,
bracings, etc.

Source:google images

Lateral Load Resisting

Floor systems resist the gravity loads acting on it and
transmit these to the vertical framing system
Subjected to flexure and transverse shear
Vertical frame elements subjected to axial compression
often coupled with flexure and shear
Floor serves as a horizontal diaphragm connecting
together and stiffening the various vertical frame

Floor Systems
Low Rise buildings
Quick in
construction &
Upto Four Storeys
Does not perform
well in earthquakes

Wall Supported Floor


Floor slabs are
supported on beams
Beams are cast
monolithically with
slabs in a grid pattern
Commonly used in
high rise construction
One way or two way
slab Source:google images

Beam supported Slab

Grid floor slab
beam system
Slab called topping
is very thin 50 -100
Ribs are slender
and closely spaced
Thickness not less
than 65mm and
depth 3- 4 times the
Source:google images

Ribbed slab system

Source:google images

Ribbed one way slab

Waffle slab
Source:google images
Flat Slab system
Source:google images
Flat plate system
Source:google images
Properly designed structures should
Have an acceptable probability of performing
satisfactorily during their intended life
Sustain all loads and deform within limits for
construction and use
Be durable
Adequately resist the effects of fire and misuse

Objectives of design
Source:google images
Source:google images
Source:google images
Working Stress Method (WSM)
Ultimate Load Method (ULM)
Limit State Method (LSM)

Design Philosophies
Material behaves in a linear elastic manner
Adequate safety can be ensured by suitably restricting the
stresses in the material induced by the expected working
loads on the structure
The ratio of the strength of the material to the permissible
stress is factor of safety
Long term effects of creep and shrinkage, the effects of stress
concentrations, and other secondary effects not considered
The design results in relatively large sections of structural
Better serviceability performance under the usual working

Working Stress Method

Load factor method or ultimate strength method
The stress condition at the site of impending collapse of
the structure is analyzed, and the non linear stress-strain
curves of concrete and steel are made use of
Safety ensured by load factor, the ratio of ultimate load to
working load
Different loads can be assigned different load factors
Results in more slender sections
The designs sometimes result in excessive deflections and
crack-widths under service loads

Ultimate Load Method

LSM aims for a comprehensive and rational solution to
the design problem, by considering safety at ultimate
loads and serviceability at working loads.
A limit state is a state of impending failure, beyond
which a structure ceases to perform its intended function
Two types of limit states:
Ultimate Limit State / Limit State of Collapse
Serviceability Limit State

Limit State Method

Ultimate Limit State includes Overturning, Sliding,
Buckling, Fatigue Fracture, etc.

Serviceability Limit State includes discomfort to

occupancy and/ or malfunction, caused by excessive
deflection, crack width, vibration leakage etc., and also
loss of durability etc.
Dead load includes weight of
Floors and roofs
Other permanent constructions in the structure
IS 875 Part 1 gives the unit weights of materials
Live load / Imposed Load includes all loads other than
dead loads (furniture, persons
Live load depends on the functional requirement of the
IS 875 Part II gives standard values of live loads

Loads acting on structures

Wind loads depend on the velocity of the wind at the
location of the structure, permeability of the structure,
height of the structure etc.
They may be horizontal or inclined forces depending on
the angle of inclination of the roof for pitched roof
They can even be suction type of forces depending on
the angle of inclination of the roof or geometry of the
Wind loads are specified in Part III of IS 875

Earthquake loads
Earthquake generates waves which move from the origin
of its location (epicenter) with velocities depending on
the intensity and magnitude of the earthquake.
The impact of earthquake on structures depends on the
stiffness of the structure, stiffness of the soil media,
height and location of the structure etc.
Accordingly, the country has been divided into several
zones depending on the magnitude of the earthquake.
The earthquake forces are prescribed in IS 1893

Shrinkage, creep and temperature effects:
Foundation movement
Elastic axial shortening
Soil and fluid pressures
Erection loads
Stress concentration effect

Other Loads
Characteristic Loads
Load Combinations as given in IS 875 Part 5

Combinations of Loads
Snow loads are important loads for structures located in
areas having snow fall, which gets accumulated in
different parts of the structure depending on projections,
height, slope etc. of the structure
The standard values of snow loads are specified in Part 4
of IS 875 Part IV
IS 456 gives separate PSF for materials & loading
Design strength

PSF for concrete 1.5 & steel 1.15

Design load

Partial Safety Factor

Strong in Compression Weak in tension

Source: qeee course/ design of rcc beam


Source: qeee course/ design of rcc beam

Composite material
Concrete embedded with steel bars in the tension zone of
The bond between steel and concrete ensures strain
Steel imparts ductility to concrete

Reinforced Cement Concrete

Source: qeee course/ design of rcc beam
Durability under hostile environments
Easy to mold and cast
Easy availability
Relative Economy
Concrete grades 10 100 MPa

Good concrete has
Strength, impermeability, durability, etc.in the hardened
Satisfactory in the fresh state mixing, handling,
compacting and curing
Mix must be cohesive enough to be transported and
placed without segregation, workable and can be
compacted easily

Properties of concrete
Source: IS 456, 2000
Source: IS 456, 2000
Source: IS 456, 2000
Characteristic strength Strength of material below which not more
than 5% of the test results are expected to fall.
Tensile strength of concrete 6.2.2

Modulus of Elasticity of concrete 6.2.3

Concrete has low failure strain in uniaxial tension 0.0001 to 0.0002

Poissons ratio range of 0.1 0.3. Value of 0.2 adopted for design.

Properties of concrete
EC: Initial Tangent Modulus
ES: Secant Modulus
Et: Tangent Modulus
e: Elastic strain
i : Inelastic Strain

Stress Strain Curve of Concrete

Source: NPTEL Design of RCC Structures

Shrinkage of concrete : Time dependent deformation
generally compressive in nature
In absence of experimental data, shrinkage may be taken
as 0.0003 (cl.
Creep of concrete : Time dependent deformation by
which it continues to deform under compressive stress.
Creep strains recover partly on release of stress
Cl. 6.2.5 creep of concrete
Coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete for
different types of aggregate in cl. 6.2.6.

Properties of Concrete
Workability: Ease and homogeneity with which
concrete can be mixed, placed compacted and finished
Segregation results in large voids and bleeding results in
small pores on the surface due to water coming up.
Cl. 7 of IS 456
Durability of concrete :
Durable concrete performs satisfactorily during its
anticipated exposure conditions in service
Low permeability, low water cement ratio, adequate
cement content
Cl. 8 of IS 456 2000

Properties of Concrete
Mix design for a specific grade involves economical
design of relative proportions of cement, fine aggregate,
coarse aggregate and water
Design mix or Nominal mix
Nominal mix for grades of concrete M20 or less
In India mix design recommendations in IS 10262: 1982
and SP 23: 1982

Concrete Mix Design

Source: NPTEL Design of RCC Structures
Beam under Bending

Slab under Bending Source: NPTEL Design of RCC Structures

Singly Reinforced
Beams under
positive bending
moment (near mid

Singly Reinforced
Beams under
negative bending
moment (near

Source: NPTEL Design of RCC Structures

Doubly Reinforced
Beams under
positive bending
moment (near mid

Doubly Reinforced
Beams under
negative bending
moment (near

Source: NPTEL Design of RCC Structures

Singly Reinforced T Beams under positive bending
moment (near midspan)

Source: NPTEL Design of RCC Structures

One Way Slab Ly/Lx >2 Two Way Slab Ly/Lx <2

Source: NPTEL Design of RCC Structures

Source: NPTEL Design of RCC Structures
Moment at first crack/ Cracking moment Mcr
Moment corresponding to the extreme tension fibre of
concrete reaching modulus of rupture fcr and cracking for
the first time

Mcr = fcr IT/yt

Non cracked phase
Early stages of loading Mapplied < Mcr & fct < fcr
Entire section effective in resisting moment
Uncracked phase reaches its limit when Mapplied = Mcr

Flexural Behaviour of Reinforced

Linear Elastic Cracked Phase
Mapplied > Mcr & fct > fcr
Cracks initiated in the bottom fibres of the beam and with increasing
loading widen and propagate towards the neutral axis
Cracked portion of concrete ineffective in resisting tensile stresses
Hence effective concrete section is reduced
Tension resisted by concrete is transferred to reinforcing steel at the
cracked section
Increase in tensile strain in the steel bars at the cracked section
Upward shift of the neutral axis & increase in curvature at the
cracked section

Flexural Behaviour of Reinforced

Stresses under service loads are in the cracked linear
elastic phase
Cracks cannot be eliminated altogether in concrete
Several well distributed fine hairline cracks preferable to
few wide cracks
Hairline cracks do not affect the external appearance of
the beam or the corrosion protection of reinforcing steel

Flexural Behaviour of Reinforced

Non linear elastic cracked phase
Applied moment increased beyond linear elastic cracked
Reinforcing steel can sustain very high tensile strain 0.12
to 0.2
Concrete compressive strains range 0.0003 to 0.00045
Final collapse of normal beam at limit state due to
crushing of concrete

Stages leading to limit state of collapse

Section in which the area of tension steel is such that the
compressive stain in extreme fibre of concrete reaches the
ultimate strain and the tensile strain at the level of
centroid of steel reaches the yield strain simultaneously is
said to be balanced section.
Failure expected by simultaneous initiation of crushing of
concrete and yielding of steel

Balanced Section
Section in which area of tension steel is such that as
ultimate limit state is approached the yield strain is
reached in steel before the ultimate compressive strain is
reached in the extreme fibre of concrete
Slight increase in load causes steel to yield
Marked increase in tensile strain causes the neutral axis to
shift upwards
Area of reinforcing steel is less than that required for
balanced section

Under Reinforced Section

Failure of under reinforced section is called tensile failure
as primarily yielding in tension causes failure
Gradual onset of failure giving prior warning of
impending collapse
Highly preferred
Actual collapse occurs by crushing of concrete in
Large increase in curvature before collapse ductile

Section in which area of tension steel is such that at the
ultimate limit state the ultimate compressive strain is
reached in the extreme fibre of concrete but tensile strain
in steel is less than yield strain
Concrete fails in compression before the steel reaches its
yield point
Compression failure occurs without warning

Over Reinforced Sections

Tension steel remains elastic up to collapse
Concrete strain in the non linear range
For equilibrium area of concrete under compression
Lowering of neutral axis
Strains across sections remain low
Sudden failure
Brittle failure
If tension steel yields at ultimate limit state, the beam is
said to be under- reinforced
If the steel does not yield at ultimate limit state, it is said
to be over reinforced
Limit State of Flexure
Properties of reinforcing steel
Strong in compression but weak in tension
Tensile strength is only one-tenth of its compressive
High strength concrete with high steel tension wires
tensioned and embedded prior to application of external
Long spans (eg bridge decks)
Where cracks not permitted
Fatigue loading encountered

Prestressed Concrete
Steel/Glass fibres added to concrete during mixing

Fibre Reinforced
Planning Phase
Design Phase
Construction Phase

Reinforced Concrete
Gravity Load Resisting
Lateral Load Resisting

Structural Systems

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