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Physics 107L-03 Wednesday 2:00 - 4:20 P.M. Small 128: L L L L

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Physics 107L-03 Wednesday 2:00 - 4:20 p.m.

Small 128
Teaching Assistant: David Brantley Office: Small 320A Office hours: 1:00 2:00 M or by appointment phone: 757-221-1986 e-mail: dabrantley01@email.wm.edu Lab Manual: The laboratory manual is available in the W&M bookstore. A web site for the labs can be found at the URL http://physics.wm.edu/~labs The lab manual is also available from the web site under schedule. You must bring a hard copy with you to lab if you use the on-line manual i.e. you may not print out a copy in the lab room. Course Purpose: In conjunction with the lecture portion of the course, the lab is intended to give the student a basic understanding of physics and an appreciation of the broader context of that knowledge. A knowledge of physics will allow the student to understand the type of questions which can be answered by physics and how those questions are answered, how physical theories are developed and tested, and the nature of science and the limits of scientific knowledge. The application of this knowledge of physics allows the student to understand the characteristic scales and relationships of the physical universe, the importance of cause and effect, the character of physical laws and the role of mathematics in natural science. Guidelines: lA prelab is required for all 'in class' labs except the first (Introduction) lab. lThere will be a quiz at the start of each lab except the first (Introduction) lab. lBring your laptop to lab. DataStudio will be installed on your laptop at the first lab meeting. lThe lowest 'in class' lab grade for the semester will be dropped in the final average. Labs with formal reports will not be dropped without an excuse note from the Dean of Students. No make up labs will be given. l'In class' lab write-ups will be collected at the end of the lab period. Late formal lab reports will only be accepted with the agreement of the teaching assistant and will receive a 10% deduction for each day or part of a day the report is late. Electronic submission is only allowed if approved by your teaching assistant in advance. Attendance:

must attend the lab section for which they registered. Requests to change lab sections after the beginning of the term will only be allowed under exceptional circumstances.

unexcused absence from a scheduled laboratory will result in a student receiving a grade of zero for that lab. A student who presents documents indicating that their absence from a lab should be excused will be considered on a case by case bases. Normally, a maximum of two (2) excused absences will be considered.

definition of an excused absence shall be an absence for which the Dean of Students is willing to offer a written excuse. Lab Reports: The first lab (Introduction) will count 10 points. Each 'in class' lab will count 20 points.

The formal lab reports will count 30 points. See the lab web pages for more details about writing lab reports. Introductory Lab: This first lab meeting will be devoted to meeting your teaching assistant, going over the syllabus, installing the DataStudio software on your laptop computer, testing the software, making a few simple measurement and doing some unit conversions. Your TA and the information technology department (IT) will help you if you have problems installing the software. Follow the installation instructions carefully. A prelab is not required for this lab. This lab will count 10 points. 'In class' labs: labs will consist of the student writing a prelab before coming to class, performing the experiment, analyzing the data and writing the conclusion during the class period. 'In class' labs will be submitted to the TA at the end of the class period. 'In class' lab reports must be the work of the individual student except for data collected during the lab period. Group reports are not allowed. prelab. To familiarize students with the nomenclature, equipment, and procedures for each lab, students are required to submit a 250 to 350 words summary (prelab) of the lab to be performed. Prelabs must be completed before coming to class. The prelab must be typed. The prelab can not be copied from the lab manual but should be in the student's own words. It must be the work of the individual student. All important concepts, physical principles and laws should be clearly explained. Theoretical information should be clearly explained and its relevance to the experiment clearly defined. In addition, be sure to include your name, your TA's name and the course and section number. The prelab summary will form the introduction to your lab report The 20 points for the 'in class' lab reports will be allocated as follows:

4 points 3 points Data Procedure 8 points Conclusion 5 points


Formal labs: The formal reports will be done after you collect data in class. Formal reports will be submitted to the TA at the next meeting of the lab section. The report needs to be readable, with complete sentences and proper grammar. Graphs and tables need to be properly labeled and referenced in the text. Numbers should always be shown with the appropriate units. Your report should be typed. Formal lab reports must be the work of the individual student except for data collected and calculation performed during the lab period. Group reports are not allowed.

30 points for the formal lab reports will be allocated as follows:


4 points 5 points Procedure 4 points Data, Analysis and Results 11 points Conclusions 6 points

Final course letter grades will be assigned based on: A = 93%-100%, A- = 90%-92.99%, B+ = 87%-89.99%, B = 83%-86.99%, B- = 80%-82.99, C+ = 77%-79.99%, C = 73%-76.99%, C- = 70%-72.99%, D+ = 67%-69.99%, D = 63%=66.99%%, D- = 60%-62.99%, F = 9% - 59.99%.

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