Fig.3.2 Using Shaft Stick: Copy Right of Gvibration Busters Pvt. LTD

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A kinked shaft causes twisting of the supporting bearing as the rotor rotates.

Therefore when the phase readings are taken in the axial direction, at four 90-degree intervals, the phase angle relationship will be as shown in the Fig.3.1. There will be 180-degree phase difference between top to bottom and side-to-side phase readings. Another way to check a bent shaft is to use a shaft stick on either side of the supporting bearing alternatively a dial gauge could also be used to check this.

Fig.3.2 Using Shaft stick 3.1.2 Spectrum and Phase analysis for bow in the shaft An illustration has been shown in Fig.3.3 to explain the uniform bow in the shaft and also the phase angle behaviour.

Fig.3.3 Uniform bow in the shaft

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A look at the typical spectrum will reveal that the spectral characteristics do not differ between a bow in the shaft and a kinked shaft. But the uniform bow in the shaft, instead of twisting bearings, will cause tilting of the bearings. Therefore axial phase readings taken on one supporting bearing will remain the same. The axial phase readings taken on the supporting bearing will differ by 180 degrees.

1. 2. 3. 4.

3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00

1. 11.00 2. 11.00 3. 11.00 4. 11.00

4. VIBRATION DUE TO MISALIGNMENT When driving and driven equipment is coupled together, alignment of the driving and the driven shaft is carried out. Misalignment therefore is a major problem during the installation of the machine or after overhaul. 4.1 Common causes for misalignment Some of the common causes for misalignment are, Settling of the foundation or base. Corrosion of base or shims. Deterioration of the grouting or shrinking. Differential expansion between the bases of the driver and driven equipment.

4.2 Types of misalignment There are three types of misalignment viz. a. b. c. Angular misalignment Parallel or offset misalignment Combination misalignment

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Fig.4.1 different types of misalignment 4.3 Identifying vibration due to Misalignment The driver and driven equipment share the forces . Depending upon the stiffness characteristics, the vibration amplitudes will differ in the bearings across the coupling. The vibration frequencies however will be common for both the driving and driven equipment. Severity of the misalignment is determined by the ability of the coupling to withstand misalignment. In the event of coupling being stronger than bearings, the forces resulting due to misalignment will damage the bearings. Since the axis of rotation of the driver and the driven equipment are not in the same line, an increase in the energy demand will be noticed whenever misalignment sets in. The current drawn in a motor always goes up when misalignment is present in the machine. The severity of misalignment is determined by the ability of the machine to withstand the misalignment. The diagnosis rules are listed in the Table 4.1 Type of misalignment Angular Parallel Combination Symptom 1XRPM 1,2 X RPM 1,2,3 X RPM Table 4.1 Diagnosis rules Direction Axial Radial Radial and axial

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Phase analysis is essential for confirming the type of misalignment. 4.4 Angular misalignment Phase behaviour The mechanism of action of the axial force is shown in Fig.4.2 below.

Fig 4.2 Angular misalignment The phase behaviour is marked by 180-degree phase difference between the phase readings taken on the bearings across the coupling. It can be seen from the Fig.4.2 that the axial forces varies from maximum to minimum once in a revolution. Radial forces remain uniform throughout the revolution. 4.5 Parallel misalignment Phase behaviour The mechanism of forces when there is parallel misalignment is shown in Fig.4.3.

Fig.4.3 Parallel misalignment

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Produces a predominant 2xRPM peak in the vibration spectrum in the radial direction. 180-degree phase shift will be noticed in the phase readings across the coupling in the radial direction. Axial forces remain uniform throughout the revolution. Radial forces vary from minimum to maximum twice in a revolution. Since parallel misalignment causes gyroscopic motion, horizontal misalignment can reflect as vertical vibration and vice versa.

Excessive misalignment can over a period of time generate a series of running speed harmonics. 4.6 Other types of misalignment In addition to the above , other types of misalignment have been shown in Fig.4.4

Fig.4.4 Other types of misalignment

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