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Fajar Yulia Siahaan 130721023 The Nature of Language and Linguistics

Language is a special gift from God to human. Language is an instrument of communication, also as an instrument of thinking as well as a source of delight. Language can help us to transfer out thought or knowledge one to another. Definition of Language Linguistics is a study of language. It means the linguist have to know what language is. Here are some definitions of language that defined by some linguists: 1. Language is a symbol system based on pure or arbitrary conventions, infinitely extendable and modifiable according to the changing needs and conditions of the speakers. (Robins) 2. Language is purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols. (Sapir) 3. Language is the institution whereby humans communicate and interact with each other by means of habitually used oral-auditory arbitrary symbols. (Hall) 4. A language is a set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements. (Noam Chomsky) 5. A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols use for human communication. (Wardaugh) 6. A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which a social group cooperates. (Bloch and Trager) 7. Language is undoubtedly a kind of means of communication among human beings. It consists primarily of vocal sounds. It is articulatory, systematic, symbolic, and arbitrary. (Derbyshire) 8. Language is a system of conventional spoken or written symbols by means of which human beings, as members of a social group and participants in its culture, communicate (Encyclopedia Britannica) 9. Languages are the principal systems of communication used by particular groups of human beings within the particular society (linguistic community)nof which they are members (Lyons) Characteristics of Language 1. Language is a means of communication Language is the most important means of communication between mankind. Without language we cant communicate our ideas, emotions, beliefs, feelings, etc each other. We









know that there are many other means of communication used by humans, such as gestures, nods, winks, flags, smiles, horns, short-hand, braille alphabet, mathematical symbols, morse code, siren, sketches, maps, acting, miming, dancing, etc. these systems of communication are not flexible, comprehensive, perfect, and extensive as language is. Animals also have their system of communication, but its limited to a very small number of messages, like hunger, fear, and anger. Language is arbitrary Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no inherent relation between the words of language and their meanings of the ideas conveyed by them. Selection of words in the languages mentioned here is purely arbitrary, an accident of history. The choice of a word selected to mean a particular thing or idea is purely arbitrary, but once a word is selected for a particular referent. It comes to stay as such. Language is a system of systems Language is not an amorphous. Words are arranged in a particular system to frame acceptable meaningful sentences. Language is thus called a system of systems as it operates at two levels: phonological and syntactical. In phonological level, there is no word. Sounds of language appear only in some of fixed combination. Language is primarily vocal Language is primarily vocal that must have appeared as vocal sounds only. We learn to speak first, writing comes much later. During life, we speak much more than write. Thats why linguist said that speech is primary and writing is secondary. Language is a social phenomenon Language exists in society; it is a means of nourishing and developing culture and establishing human relations. We were born to learn a particular language. We learn a language to understand the society using that language. If a language is not used in any society, it dies out. Language is non-instinctive, conventional: Language is the outcome of evolution and convention. Every language then is a convention in community. Language is acquired by human beings so it is non-instinctive. Language is systematic Language is symbolic and its symbols are arranged in particular system. Through symbols in each human language are finite, they can be arranged infinitely. All languages have their system of arrangements. All languages have phonological and grammatical systems, within a system there are several sub-systems. Thats why language is a system of systems. Language is unique, creative, complex and modifiable Language is a unique phenomenon of the earth. Universal, each language is unique in its own sense. Each language has its peculiarities and distinct features. Language has creativity and productivity. It changes according to the needs of society. Duality

The language that human beings use consists of two sub-systems - sound and meaning. A finite set of sounds unit can be grouped and re-grouped into units of meaning. 10. Productivity A speaker may say something that he has never said before and be understood by listener without difficulty. Man uses the limited linguistic, resources in order to produce completely novel ideas and utterances. 11. Displacement One can talk about situations, places and objects far removed from ones present surroundings and time. We often talk about events that happened long time ago and at a distant place. 12. Language is both linguistic and communicative competence A language is an abstract set of psychological principles and sociological consideration that constitute a persons competence as a speaker in a given situation. A language is a code which is different from the act of encoding; it is a speaker linguistic competence rather than his linguistic performance. 13. Language is human and structurally complex No species other than human has been endowed with language. Animals cant acquire human language because of its complex structure and their physical inadequacies. Any system of animals communication does not make use of the quality of features, that is, of concurrent systems of sound and meaning.

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