Nature of
At the end of this lesson, the students are
expected to:
1. define language, its roles, functions, & nature;
2. appreciate the significance of the language in human life; and,
3. apply the linguistic skills that can be used to view the central role of
language in human society.
Connecting Concepts
Say interesting information about yourself (with your personal permission) in the
language you are most comfortable with. You are only given one minute due to time
constraints. Everything you say about yourself is legal and self-permissible.
Definition of Language
What is Language?
"Language, in its widest sense, means the sum total of such signs of our
thoughts and feelings as are capable of external perception and as could be
produced and repeated at will" (A. H. Gardiner).
• In its broadest and most general sense, "language may be said to be any
means of expression or mental concepts by any living beings whatsoever
and of communicating them to, or receiving them from, other living
• It defines language as "a system of conventional, spoken or written
symbols by means of which human beings, as members of a social group
and participants in its culture, communicate".
• Language is called a social phenomenon, because it has relevance only
in a social setting. Language undergoes a continuous, though unnoticed,
process of growth and change. It becomes sharp, crisp, refined and
versatile with the passage of time. Pick up the historical background of
any language; you will be astonished to notice the major changes in
spellings, meaning, pronunciation and its connotation and denotation.
Hence, language is a living phenomenon.
Nature of Language
5. Sounds and Signals - Sounds produced by human beings differ from the
'signallike' sounds and actions of the animals. A lot of research is going on to
establish if the animals also have similar conventionalized arrangement in
their expression.
Characteristics of Language
Language covers the entire expanse of life. It preserves the best human thoughts
and achievements which enriches life. The scope of language widens with the
enlargement of human activities : the larger the field of human functioning, the wider
the extent of a language.
1. Social Function - It has been said time and again that language is social' it
operates in a social setting; it acquires meaning and significance in a social
interaction. It is a means of communication between members of a
community, or between a community and community. It is "capable of
handling all references and meanings" (Sapir) of a given culture. It is a
means of expression.
1. What is language?
Points to ponder
• In making the picture, you should show the beauty of the place, culture,
and its people using the language in the place (Ex. Pampanga –
Kapampangan, Bicol-Bicolano,Cebu-Waray,etc…);and, the materials in
making this picture are: screen shot, power point, jpeg, etc…
Connecting Concepts
communicare‟ meaning “to share”, and from the French “communis” meaning,
‟ Each participant comes into the communication situation with his or her own
experience that he or she hopes to exchange with other participants. This fact has
been corroborated by Prof. Umar Pate and Dr. Sharafa Dauda 4 (2015) when they
expressedly said: „It is a social process that facilitates exchange of ideas and
feelings among and between individuals in societies.‟ They added that:
communication takes place at multiple levels and in different forms but all with the
goal of transferring meaning from a source to an intended receiver with a hope of a
feedback.‟ This definition of communication is all-encompassing, as it contains all
the essentials of communication process. It is more so as, it answers the questions
in Lasswell‟s (1948) analysis of communication process when he said: „who? Says
what? In which channel? To whom? With what effect?‟ (Anaeto, James of Olufemi,
In the communication process model, noise can come from the following:
Models of Communication
(i) Speaker, (ii) Speech, (iii) Occasion, (iv) Audience and (v) Effect.
The model deals with various concepts like Information source, transmitter,
Noise, channel, message, receiver, channel, information destination, encode
and decode.
2.Be complete with the message you deliver. The information should be
supported by facts and legal bases.
3.Be concise. Why say it with 11 words when you can say it with 10 or less.
This means that we have to be straight to the point or even at times be
4.Be natural with your delivery. Emphasize your points clearly with gestures
and intonations. Confidence gives you that air of authority.
5.Be specific and timely with your feedback. Responses are effective when
given appropriately.
Ethics of Communication
1. Establish an effective value system that will pave the way for the
development of your integrity as a person. A person’s sound decision and
behavior will affect his/her relationship with others.
Points to ponder
Communication is the activity of conveying informationCommunication is usually
a two-way process. It is not just giving information or signaling someone; it also
involves the comprehension of the information or the signal by the receiver.
Interpersonal skills refer to the ability to interact well with other people.
Know your purpose; Know your audience; Know your topic; Adjust your speech;
and, work on the feedback given to you are the general principles of effective
There are principles of effective oral communication which are the following: be
clear; be complete; be concise; be natural; and, be specific.
For each statement, please answer questions as you actually are (rather than how
you think you should be). Use the scale below to answer the statements.
Madrunio, M.,MArtin,I. (2018)Purposive Communication Using English in
Multilingual Contexts. C & E Publishing, Inc.
www.questjournals.org- Journal of research in Humanities and Social Sciences,
LESSON 3 Communication Styles and Types
At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Identify the different styles and types of communication;
Connecting Concepts
There are four major styles of communication which are discussed below.
Let us now see what this aggressive communication style is all about :
They may have a loud voice and articulate mostly in the second
person.Their non-verbal cues are narrow eyes, clenched fists, pointing
fingers, rigid posture and hard stares.These types of communicators often
face disrespect from others. They are the worst victims of low self-esteem.
As a consequence, they easily incur other people’s wrath and in the worst
case people avoid them out of fear.They give an impression that they have
something to contribute and others have little or nothing to contribute. The
aim of aggressive behavior is to win at any cost.
Let us now see what this passive communication style is all about −
Passive communication style stands in contrast to aggressive style in
meaning and uses.The passive style of communication allows the
communicator to put others’ rights before his and thus reduce his own self-
worth.Passive communicators always consider themselves to be inferior to
others. They negate their personal feelings, rendering themselves
unimportant.They fail to express their needs, wants, feelings, opinions and
beliefs and express them in an apologetic and self-effecting manner. They
have an overly soft voice with an apologetic demeanor.They create a
negative impression on others by their nonverbal signals. They shy away
from maintaining eye contact with people.Their downcast eyes, stooping
posture and excessive nodding of the heads may indicate lack of drive and
motivation.They suffer from poor self-esteem and are heavily dependent on
others for support and recognition. They are easily victimized and exploited
at the same time, as other people tend to disrespect them. The aim of
passive behavior is to avoid conflict and to please others.
Let us now see what this manipulative communication style is all about −
People adopting the manipulative communication style are often scheming,
shrewd and calculating. They are at adept at influencing and controlling others for
their own benefits. They have a hidden message when they speak and many times
other persons are unaware of their hidden intention. They act cunningly and tactfully
and influence people in an insidious way such as sulking, shedding fake tears,
indirectly asking for their needs to be met. They sometimes become successful in
making people feel sorry or obliged to help them. However, their hidden motives are
exposed. They are shunned and ridiculed by other people.
Let us now see what this assertive communication style is all about −
Case Study
Mr. Hontiveros is a sincere and hardworking teacher who does his job quietly
and does not like to argue much. He prefers to write notes and send written
messages instead of face-to-face interaction. He is being given the responsibility of
leading a team to handle a prestigious project. But before that he has to get the
project approved by the board of directors. Can you suggest what style of
communication he should use to make it a success? Discuss with your instructor.
Types of Communication
Verbal Communication
2. Word choice
Nonverbal Communication
Formal communications are those that are formal or ‘official’. These are a part
of the recognized communication system which is engaged in the operation of the
Informal communications grow out of social interactions among the people who
work together within an organization. These are based upon conventions, customs
and culture prevalent therein.
It acts as an efficient
It is more likely to be needed in businesses medium of expressing
It has no
What is Grapevine?
Cluster Chain
Probability Chain
Downward Communication
Upward Communication
3. It enables the top level management to get feedback from lower level
employees and thereby improve organizational progress and prosperity.
4. It yields mutual trust among the management and the employees and
bodes well for the growth of a strong interpersonal relationship in the organization
leading to overall organizational development.
How will you apply the different styles and types of communication in your
daily oral or written communication?
Points to ponder
Communication style refers to the way in which the act of communicating is carried
on. There are four major styles of communication
2. What is the most important point of variance between formal and informal
communication in your own perception?
Chase, R. & Shamo, S. (2013). Elements of Effective Communication, 4 th ed.
Washington, Utah: Plain and Precious Publishing