The Pre Adamic Flood PDF
The Pre Adamic Flood PDF
The Pre Adamic Flood PDF
Perhaps the most ardent 20th century spokesmen of the gap theory were televangelist Herbert W. Armstrong (1892-1986) and his son Garner Ted Armstrong. Herbert Armstrong found the Scofield account compelling and incorporated it as part of his own teachings and ultimately the theory became part of "the truth" taught on The World Tomorrow radio and television programs and in The Plain Truth The program had millions of listeners and viewers for about 35 years (1950-1985). With the end of The World Tomorrow program, basically its single mass media proponent, the theory began to decline. Scientific creationism became increasing militant and fiercely argued against it. Nevertheless, it has enjoyed some resurgence with the republishing of the Scofield Study Bible and the Dake Bible. (see appendix 2 for further information). (quoted from
Introductory Comments .................................................................................................4 Recommended Resources ...........................................................................................5 The Pre-Adamic Flood and the Creation of Man ......................................................7 Pointing to 4,000 BC....................................................................................................10 Concluding Comments ................................................................................................12 Bibliography and Suggested Reading ......................................................................13 Appendix One: Another Time. Another Place. Another man...............................15 Appendix Two: Did God Create a Devil? ................................................................17 Appendix Three: Armstrong Gap Theory................................................................23 Appendix Four: Questions and Answers.................................................................27 Appendix Five: Inner Earth May Hold More Water Than the Seas.....................30
Introductory Comments
Recently I thought it high time for me to assemble at least some data or pointers toward research for those wishing to delve a little deeper into the gap theory. I wish I had the time to type up a reasonable article on the subject, but time fails me at the present time. What is the gap theory anyway? First of all let us turn to Genesis itself where we read:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was [Heb. haja = had become] without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (Gen 1:1-2)
In a nutshell, Genesis 1:1 is understood to be a time of the original creation of the universe. But verse 2 through to 2:1 is about the restoration of the earth in preparation for creation of man and subsequent events so there would be considerable time between the two verses. And the chaos that ensued is attributable to Lucifers insurrection. Indeed, there are many books out there these days which attribute broken planets and the various asteroids and meteorite remnants to a great inter-galactic battle or even a series of battles. For decades, probably since the 1930s, Herbert W Armstrong recognised the original Hebrew meaning for Genesis 1 and its true intent. He wrote about this in the article Did God create a devil? where this issue is explained very well (see appendix 1) In fact, one website ( recognises the influence of the old WCG and the Armstrongs in spreading and teaching this truth:
Perhaps the most ardent 20th century spokesmen of the gap theory were televangelist Herbert W. Armstrong (1892-1986) and his son Garner Ted Armstrong. Herbert Armstrong found the Scofield account compelling and incorporated it as part of his own teachings and ultimately the theory became part of "the truth" taught on The World Tomorrow radio and television programs and in The Plain Truth The program had millions of listeners and viewers for about 35 years (19501985). With the end of The World Tomorrow program, basically its single mass media proponent, the theory began to decline. Scientific creationism became increasing militant and fiercely argued against it. Nevertheless, it has enjoyed some resurgence with the republishing of the Scofield Study Bible and the Dake Bible. (see appendix 2 for further information)
Without this doctrine (a better word we should use in lieu of theory), we lose certain truths and how God worked in ancient times. It is an essential truth under attack we have a right and an obligation to both defend our beliefs and to aggressively propagate them. The old WCG published other articles on the subject such as How long were the days of creation? by Kenneth Herrmann (1958), Geology Reveals: Two Creations - Two Worldwide Floods by Lynn Torrance (1964).
In the 1970s Dr Hoeh and others such as Richard Burky (Creative Development. A Better Explanation than Organic Evolution) developed this belief and provided further detail. See also the exchange of letters between Dr Hoeh and Kenneth Herrmann which may be found at which contain more insights into their thinking and research.
Recommended Resources
While the traditional v iew of six literal days of creation is overwhelmingly prevalent because the various creation science organisations are in almost total control of the pertinent publishers and websites and oppress those who believe in an ancient earth and universe, there are a number of useful websites and books demonstrating the gap point of view. Here are some of them: contains much excellent materials Another excellent website containing very useful resources is A further resource is Of course there are many other fine resources which are available to the inquiring mind such as and and many others.
Then there are b ooks such as Another Time, Another Place, Another Man by Finis Dake (Mark Allison and David Patton (eds)); The Genesis Debate : Three Views on the Days of Creation by David Hagopian (ed) and Christianity and the Age of the Earth by Davis Young are worth reading. Dakes book removes the tension between science and Christianity on the age of the earth and explores the pre-Adamic world. We may not agree with everything contained within it, but it is very useful to our overall studies. See appendix one for further information. The Genesis Debate presents a fair account of the three major theories on the creation days and pairs authors from these authors to dialog and debate these theories. These views are: the young creation theory (24 hour literal days); day-age theory (the earth is
old and created over six major epochs); and the framework theory (ie Genesis chapter one represents an expression of literary but real events that are not in sequence. In the foreword, Norman Giesler states a wisdom that all should inculcate:
"the creation-day debate is not over the inspiration of the Bible, but over it's interpretation ... no one holding any of the views should be charged with unorthodoxy for the position he espouses in this volume the Church needs to shift its focus to the real enemy - evolutionism - not to other forms of creationism that remain true to the historicity of the events recorded in Genesis".
The orthodoxy of 24 hour literal days of creation which is espoused by evangelicals and Pentecostals must be resisted by the Churches of God. These streams of Christianity hold control over the institutions and publishers on this important Biblical subject. Alternative viewpoints have a difficult time being heard or getting published. It is therefore difficult to find their books, websites and there are probably no DVDs by them. Yet we must solider on with the truth. Another work which is worth ploughing through is The Day Behemoth and Leviathan Died by David Allen Deal. Deal argues that Behemoth is a brontosaurus and Leviathan was a tyrannosaurus rex or similar which were wiped out in a huge earth-wide cataclysm that impacted the earth the first of two massive catastrophic events in earth history. This pre-dated man and the dinosaurs did not dwell on the earth at the same time as humans according to Deal. He also argues for a second catastrophe that occurred at a much later time at the time of Noah a worldwide, devastating flood that destroyed the old world. While one does not need to accept everything the book postulates, it is most interesting that he does perceive two major catastrophes in the distant pass.1 Davis Young in his Christianity and the Age of the Earth believes that the credibility of Christianity is being damaged by the young earth advocates and their limited scientific ability or honesty. This is turn would hinder evangelistic outreach. His book is divided into three parts: part 1 provides an overview of Christian thought on the age of the earth debate; part 2 discusses the flood, radiometric dating, sedimentation, stratigraphy and so on; part 3 contends that the young earth theory does not match the Biblical or scientific facts. I have many, many other fascinating items on the subject and plenty of personal research and notes. Once I dig them out of a box, I shall write an article on the subject. In the meantime, the information below may serve as an introduction to what I hope to write on.
However, inexplicably, he places the Holocene at the time of Noah rather than prior to Adam.
Modern-day floodings are tiny compared to both the pre-Adamic and Noahician floods
During the time of Noah, another great flood struck the earth:
and, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; And everything that is in the earth shall die" (Gen. 6:17)
Legends from all over the globe attest to this great flood. 2 Repeatedly, the earth has been engulfed in enormous upheavals which consign scenes from gripping movies such as Volcano and Dantes Peak to mere blips. Scientists reckon immense devastation and catastrophism upon the earth occur at regular, virtually cyclical periods. In Genesis 1:1-2 we are told:
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was [became] without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters
Several matters may be teased out of this scripture which we generally seldom hear about. Firstly, philological studies of moved is taken to mean to brood like a bird or dove fluttering over his offspring. Others feel that there may be an inference here to hover or coast in the air like an eagle (compare Deut 32:11). Here we find God showing great care for the re-forming of the earth prior to the creation of humankind. What
happened prior to Adams creation? If we are to accept dating methodologies indicating that the earth is about 4.6 billion years old, God was indeed active in creative expression long prior to creation of man. It would seem that God may have been busy with various physical creative expressions over a long time. Here are some of the biochronological eras or epochs which we are told earth history may be divided into (I use them here for sake of argument and do not enter into debates about the dating of the age of the earth and related issues): Archeozoic Proterozoic (the Precambrian era - 4.6 billion to 600 millions years ago) Paleozoic (including the Cambrian, Orovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian eras - 600-230 million years ago) Mesozoic (including the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous eras - 230- 67 million years ago) Cenozoic (Tertiary and Quaternary eras 67 million years ago to recent times).
The Quaternary era consists of the Pleistocene and Holocene periods. The Pleistocene period was a time when the earth experienced an horrific Ice Age followed by tremendous flooding during the Holocene period. 3 The Holocene commenced about 11,000 BC and ended about 4,000 BC (please note that there was enormous flooding, but the entire globe was not subdued with water on this occasion).4 Entire species were extinguished and the world experienced immense upheaval.5 Scientists have shown that deserts arose after 4,000 BC .6 The land bridges between Australia and both Papua New Guinea and Tasmania; and between Siberia and Alaska disappeared at that time, never to be recovered. In this light a recent publication piqued the interest of many people: scientists, catostrophicists, creationists and the lay reader. The work, Noahs Flood. The New Scientific Discoveries about the event that changed history, claims to have found evidence for a great flooding in the Near East. They claim that this gave rise to legends of Noahs flood. As we shall see, this discovery actually refers to the pre-Adamic flooding. During a time we would agree to be the pre-Flood world, mankind spread across the earth from its heart in the Middle East in a similar fashion to the way it did in the post-Flood world. Races and nations that were extant prior to the Flood, continued, in many case, via Noahs three sons, after the Flood:
This is also the period that the famous Vela X supernova around 11,400BC. See 4 These periods are referred to if we were to accept modern dating techniques and are used for the sake of argument. See Thom & Chappell 1975: 90-93. 5 See Allan & Delairs book When the Earth Nearly Died. In it they assemble powerful arguments from biology, palaeontology and geology to prove that there was huge upheaval all over the earth. Rapid, violent seismic conditions prevailed. Was this a time of rebellion for Satan followed by God steadying the earth and readying it for the creation of man? They even state: We do urge, however, that a high percentage of todays major ranges rose to their present heights only at the end of, or after, Pleistocene times The geological modernity of folded mountains in many parts of Asia was recognisable early this century by Dr Bailey Willis when he wrote how they challenge credulity by their extreme youth. His conclusions were confirmed by studies of mountain ranges in China, where huge uplifts of the Earths crust were found to have occurred since the glacial period. (pp 25-26) 6 They still cannot explain how the temperate zones spread across the earth at the end of the ice age and then suddenly, around 4000BC, the temperate zones retreated. Deserts then arose. For further evidence go to
From one single region, the Middle East on Cavalli-Sforzas map, sprung all the colonizers who brought farming to Palestine, Mesopotamia, Persia, India, Anatolia, Europe, Ukraine, and even Egypt he had shown that the branchings of the genetic tree conformed quite 7 precisely to those of the linguistic tree.
When the world was peopled after the Flood, Noahs descendants from his three sons mutated into the races and developed into nations and tribes. They more-or-less occupied the same areas as similar pre-Flood folk. They would have even rebuilt preFlood cities and perhaps, used whatever artifacts they found. In any event, when this book hit the bookshelves, it quickly became a hot seller leading to a number of articles published all over the world and a television documentary. The authors argue for a persistent and massive outflow of water from the Black Sea toward the end of the Holocene period. Their scientific analysis included using coring devices and sound waves to probe the bottom of the Sea. The result? A discovery that the Black Sean was once a large inland sea which lay below the oceans probably hundreds of feet below ocean level. This is confirmed by later research by Robert Bollard who used sonar to capture images of the old shoreline way below its current limit.8
But the oceans of the world were rising due to the glacial melt now they rose and burst into the Black Sea via the Bosporus the consequent meeting and then rise of the Black Sea resulted in terrible surges that smashed into the surrounding regions. The deluge was apocalyptic, submerging thousands of square miles, killing species and altering the ecosystem from fres hwater to saltwater very rapidly. They do not believe in a worldwide Flood, but in a Holocene sea-level rise and spillages or tremendous floodings into the Middle East which, in their opinion, produced the Noahcian flood legend. They are clearly on to something.
7 8
Ryan & Pitman 1999: 108 Gugliotta 1999 For Noahs Flood, a New Wave of Evidence. See also Issar 2003
But alas! If only they would use Bible dating methods and used it is a template, they would realise that this flooding occurs approximately 3,000 years too early. Instead, what they have discovered is a local flooding that was a part of the pre-Adamic flooding associated with the Holocene.
Pointing to 4,000 BC
The Bible is adamant that man was created around 4,000 BC (probably about 3960 BC) it is from that time onwards that many scientists acknowledge civilization and knowledge began to emerge. One source (the Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia 10) actually states that sealevels rose continuously until around 6,000 years ago which is about 4,000BC, when man was created! One example may be found at Susa, its lowest levels show traces of human occupation about 4,000BC, which fits nicely into the Biblical dating model of creation of man c4000BC (see The New International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology , art. Crafts, Craftsmen).11 Researchers also claim that it was getting toward 6,000 years ago, at the end of the Ice Age, that the pagan rainbow serpent art first appeared in Australia in Arnhem Land. I have before me an article on this published in the Sydney Morning Herald:
the first drawings were inspired directly by climate change which dramatically reshaped the globe, beginning about 6,000 years ago [the drawings continued in phases one which occurred] (6,000 to 4,000 years ago) the Yam style for its focus on yams, waterlilies and other food plants Most of Australia is covered by one basic [Aboriginal] language
ibid Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia, vol 1, 1994, p 473. See also Archaeology of the Dreamtime by Josephine Flood, 1983, page 123) 11 The New International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology, art. Crafts, Craftsmen, page 139
group, but in the Arnhem Land-Gulf of Carpentaria area something like 60 different languages in about 26 language groups are, or were, spoken, says Mulvaney, the author in 1969 of The Prehistory of Australia, the first book on the subject But by 6,000 years ago things had escalated. Large-scale battle 12 scenes appear for the first time.
So, once again, we have reference to 6,000 years ago for the sudden rise in certain art, weapons and such like. In other words shortly after Adams creation almost 4,000 BC. How early the pre-flood world went into paganism which was continued into the postFlood world. Is there inference in Genesis 1:1-2 of the end of the Holocene period with God intervening to reverse the great flooding all over the earth in readiness for conditions for human existence? This may indeed be the case; and if it is, it may give credence to the theory that God cleanses the planet prior to creative activity. He is the God of fiat creation, not a God guiding evolutionary development. As such, He may determine to create at various times, according to His great will and wisdom. He created man after readying the earth for him at the end of the Holocene period. But this was not the last time God baptised and cleansed the earth it happened again about 1,600 years later at the great flood of Noah. Note what others such as Muller and MacDonald in their work Ice Ages and Astronomical Causes , have to say about this period around 4,000BC:
The abruptness of the termination is startling. Agriculture, and all of our civilization, developed since this termination. The enormous glacier, several kilometers thick, covering much of North America and Eurasia, rapidly melted. Only small parts of this glacier survived in Greenland and Antarctica, where they exist to this day. The melting caused a series of worldwide floods unlike anything previously experienced by Homo sapiens. The flood dumped enough water into the oceans to cause the average sea level to rise 110 meters, enough to inundate the coastal areas The water from melting ice probably flooded down over land in pulses, as ice-dammed lakes formed and then catastrophically 13 released their waters. [emphasis mine]
There can be no d oubt about it, there was a global flooding covering much of the earths surface accompanied by various upheavals prior to Adam seemingly readying the earth for human habitation. Let us take notice of other sources of information on major occurrences that occurred around 4,000BC that I have managed to find or merely come across during casual reading of newspapers or journals.
12 13
Dayton 1996 Scientists find religion in ancient Aboriginal rock art, Sydney Morning Herald Muller & MacDonald 2000:4. And according to Ancient Mesopotamia: Mesopotamia is, geologically speaking, a trough created as the Arabian shield has pushed up against the Asiatic landmass, raising the Zagros Mountains and depressing the land to the southwest of them. Within this trench, the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers and their tributaries have laid down enormous quantities of alluvial sediments, forming the Lower Mesopotamian Plain (also known as the alluvial Mesopotamian plain). Today the Lower Mesopotamian Plain stretches some 700 kilometers, from approximately the latitude of Ramadi and Baquba in the northwest to the Gulf, which has flooded its southeastern end. (1999: 29)
John Noble Wilford wrote an article on Ruins alter ideas of how civilization spread. Wilford describes how ruins have been found southern Turkey which may be dated to more than 5,500 years ago. It shows that the protective wall around the city and the artefacts combine to show that there was a complex government in place even at that period of time.
Digging into the oldest layer of ruins uncovered so far, archaeologists found traces of people living in villages at the site as early as 4000 14 B.C.
So here we have specialists demonstrating that it did not take long for Adams descendants to build complex societies. This would come as no surprise to students of the book of Genesis. A few hundred miles away at Susa, a city in the Iranian province of Khuzestan. After Noahs flood it became the capital of the Elamites (where Daniel and Nehemiah resided during the Babylonian captivity). It is here that the lowest levels may be traced back to 4000 BC15. Just another coincidence? Just to the north, in central Asia, scientists have uncovered a civilization as old as Sumeria that dates back similarly.16 All of this points to the rise of civilization after Adam and Eves creation. Then we can turn our attention to a tropical land thousands of kilometres from Iran. There in Indonesia scientists find evidence that beginning around 4000 B.C. the area began to be populated. 17 Similarly, a city has been discovered dating back prior to the Indus Valley or Harrapan civilization (which arose 2300-2000 BC). The city is dated back to 3300-2800BC again, in the period after Adams creation and prior to Noahs flood. 18 Even in pre-Flood Britain we find evidence of the worlds oldest road dated to 6,000 years ago and in about 4,000 B.C. the first farmers of Britain began arriving from the European mainland. 19
Concluding Comments
So even many scientists, using t heir dating methodology, notice that human civilizations began to appear after 4,000BC or thereabouts. It is also of major interest that there were great floodings upon the earth just prior to 4,000BC, fitting in with the Holocene period. So, from all the evidence, it would certainly seem that the waters referred to in Genesis 1:2 is reference to that period.
Wilford 2000 Ruins alter ideas of how civilization spread. A similar article was published by W Mullen in the Chicago Tribune, also mentioning 4,000 BC. 15 Blaiklock & Harrison: 139 16 Howe 2001. The Supe Valley civilization in Peru was extant at the same time as that in central Asia, Mesopotamia, and Egypt providing glimpses into the pre-Flood world 17 Peacock 1973: 5. Similarly there was a major migration into Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia 5,000 to 7,000 years ago (approximately) according to an article I have by Kimihro Muraoka 1993:3-9 18 Rahman, T c1996:1 19 Coles 1989:79
Mullen, W (2001) Muller, R (2000) & MacDonald GJ (eds) Muraoka, K (1993) Peacock, IL (1973) Pollock, S (1999) Rahman, T (c1996)
Ryan, W (1999) & Pitman, W Science archive website Thom, BG (1975) Chappell, J Torrance, L (1964) Wilford, JN (2000) Young, D (1988)
Noahs Flood. The New Scientific Discoveries about the event that changed history. Simon & Schuster, New York (re Vela X) Holocene Seal Levels Relative to Australia, Search, Vol. 6, No. 3, March: 90-93 Geology Reveals: Two Creations - Two Worldwide Floods, Plain Truth, Feb Ruins alter ideas of how civilization spread, New York Times , 25 May Christianity and the Age of the Earth. Artisan Publishers, Ca.
Appendix One
Another Time. Another Place. Another man
Chapter One: In the Beginning by Finis Jennings Dake
In The Beginning Long before a man called Adam walked with God in the gardens of Eden, longer still before the flood of Noah covered the face of the earth, in a time called "the beginning," God created the heavens and the earth. A grand and beautiful design, the earth as conceived by the Creator was an exquisite home for the creatures He had fashioned. The earth itself was a magnificent garden where life flourished in a dazzling display of variety. The ground trembled with the footsteps of the largest creatures (those we now call dinosaurs). Animals filled the trees, the skies and the oceans. From eternity God had planned this creation, and it was perfect in every way. God created men and they began to settle in villages, cities and nations. Angels, a part of this new creation, were given dominion over the earth, to rule with the authority of their Creator. It was the archangel Lucifer who ruled over the nations in all the splendor of the greatest of God's creations. Every creature fashioned by the hand of God acted in perfect obedience to the will of their Creator. Angels and men knew God as a friend and drew their life from Him. There was no sickness or disease, no hunger or death, for there was no sin --Until Lucifer, the closest to the throne of God, the archangel who "walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire," let the seed of pride find fertile ground in his heart. Pride led to rebellion, and rebellion to judgment. Lucifer and the nations following him were placed under a curse, and the earth itself was judged for their sin. All of this happened before Genesis 1:2. Not the Traditional View Granted, this is not the traditional view of creation. Many may find it puzzling, perhaps even disturbing. Most of us who have been raised in the church have accepted the first two chapters of Genesis as a continuous, uninterrupted account of the origin of the earth and man. After all, many may argue, doesn't the book of Genesis make it perfectly clear that, in the beginning, God created the earth as a lifeless, shapeless, chaotic mass? Isn't it apparent, from the second verse of chapter one, that floods covered the earth while God's Spirit hovered over what would become a beautiful new planet? Doesn't Scripture plainly record the six days of creation and all that was involved in forming the earth during that first week? Before answering any of these questions, it must be made clear that nothing will be presented in this book that is out of harmony with God's Word. Every argument will be backed up by biblical evidence, and no new ideas will be submitted without the support of at least two or three clear scriptural references. With that in mind, let's take a look at what the Scriptures have to say about the earth's origins. The Clash With Science It is generally acknowledged, based on chronologies found in the Old Testament, that Adam was created about 6,000 years ago, or about 4,000 B.C. Since Darwin published On the Origin of Species in the mid-1800's, those who have held to a literal interpretation of the Bible have struggled to counter the claims of science for a creation
date stretching billions of years into the past. Most of the scientific evidence accumulated during the past century has supported these claims of an old earth. Some argue that scientists are basing their findings on previously-held assumptions relating to the earth's antiquity, that they are merely seeing what they want to see. In other words, they believe the evolutionary model which requires an earth millions, perhaps billions of years old, and interpret any evidence they find based on those assumptions. While there may be some merit to this, the fact remains that at best it is very difficult to explain much of the scientific evidence accumulated during the past century in light of a 6,000-year-old earth. Unfortunately, this leaves the Christian with a dilemma. On the one hand, science claims the earth is billions of years old. On the other hand, biblical chronologies suggest that the earth is only about 6,000 years old. Faced with this tension between science and faith, the believer has two alternatives. One must either accept the scientific evidence and view the biblical creation account as mythology, or be forced to hold fast to a literal interpretation of the Scriptures and reject what science has to offer. Neither of these alternatives are acceptable. The first violates basic exegetical principles. Nowhere in Scripture are we led to believe that either the recorded chronologies or the creation account are myths or allegories. Both the context and the language itself point to a literal interpretation. In fact, New Testament writers, inspired by the Holy Spirit, viewed the creation account as a literal event which took place at a specific point in history. The second alternative requires the believer to "stick his head in the sand" and ignore the accumulated scientific evidence pointing to an old earth. As the weight of the evidence grows, the Christian must close his eyes all the more tightly to keep his faith intact. Not only is this unacceptable, it is unnecessary, as we'll soon see. Maybe you haven't thought deeply about the subject because you were afraid that to do so might shake the foundation upon which your faith is built. Perhaps you've already been challenged in this area as a Christian in a secular society. If you're a parent, you may have been forced to wrestle with these issues as your children grapple with the evolutionary model being taught in our public schools. Challenging the Common Assumption Whether one accepts the scientific evidence or holds to a literal interpretation of the Bible, there is one point on which both camps agree: the Scriptures, literally interpreted, point to a creation date 6,000 years ago. This assumption is taken for granted in the debate between the two sides. It's accepted without question. We don't agree. The entire premise of this book is that you can take the Genesis account very literally and not have any difficulty reconciling faith and science. We're going to challenge assumptions that both believers and nonbelievers have made for years. This isn't a two-sided issue, although that's traditionally the way it has been presented. Those who have sought answers to the question of the earth's origins have been puzzled by the apparent contradictions. There's a reason for that--a piece of the puzzle has been missing. Well, perhaps "misplaced" is a better word. You see, it's been there all along but we haven't known where to find it. The piece fits between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 and we're going to take a look at it in the following chapters.
Appendix Two
Did God Create a DEVIL?
by Herbert W. Armstrong
Is THERE a devil? Many people talk about the devil and Satan. Others scoff and say it's just superstition and imagination. But is there a devil? According to most Christians the Bible is supposed to each that the devil is the god of this world. Indeed it does teach that! The Bible pictures the whole world under the sway of an invisible devil. Where did he come from? Did God create a devil to tempt us and to try to lead us astray? And then to punish us if we follow the devil? God Is CREATOR of ALL! So, let's look back to the very beginning. Open your Bible to Genesis 1:1. "In the beginning God." God was before all. The next word is "created." "God created." He created the heaven and the earth. But the very next verse says this: "The earth was without form and void." The Hebrew words for "without form and void" are tohu and bohu. Translated into English they mean chaotic, in confusion, waste, and empty. When God created the heaven and the earth, did He create this earth originally in a state of confusion? Did He create it all topsy-turvy and chaotic? World NOT Created in Chaos We read in I Corinthians 14:33 that God is NOT the author of confusion. God is the author of peace. God is the author of order and of law. Notice Job 38:4-9. God says there that the angels shouted for joy when He created the earth. It must then have been a perfect creation, not a creation that was in chaos and confusion! Why would He create it in disorder and then have to straighten it out? That doesn't make sense! Dr. Bullinger, the Hebrew authority, says that the Hebrew word for "created," used in Genesis 1:1, " implies that the creation was a perfect work." That very word "created" implies a perfect and a beautiful order and system, not chaos or confusion! Then how did it become chaotic? In Genesis 19:26, the same Hebrew word is used which is translated "was" in Gen. 1:2. And there it is translated into the English word "became." In the first three chapters of the Bible, and many other places where you find the word "was," in almost every case it is denoting a condition that was different from a former condition. In other words, it "BECAME" or "was made" that way. It had not always been that way.
The Earth BECAME Chaotic Plainly the word "was" has the meaning of "became." The Rotherham translation of Gen. 1:2, out of the original Hebrew language, is this: "Now the earth HAD BECOME waste and empty." It hadn't always been that way. In Jeremiah 4:23, in Isaiah 24:10, in Isaiah 34:11, and in other places in the Bible, you find the same words, toha and boha, meaning chaotic and in confusion. In every case that condition is a result of sin. No Chaos Originally Notice Isaiah 45:18. "Thus saith the Eternal that created the heavens, God himself that formed the earth and made it, He hath established it, He created it not in vain." "In vain" is an incorrect translation. In your Bible, if you have the marginal references, you will find in the margin the proper translation "waste." The original Hebrew word there is TOHU. This Hebrew word is the identical word used in Gen. 1:2, meaning confusion, or emptiness. or waste - a result of disorder, a result of violation of law. In Isaiah 45:18 we have the plain statement that God created the earth not "toho," that is, not in confusion, not in disorder. But in Genesis 1:2, the earth was, or the earth BECAME - as it ought to he translated - chaotic and in confusion! Then it became that way after it was created. Now, what could have caused that confusion? - that disorder? What sin could have wrecked the earth and brought it into the condition in which it was found in Gen. 1:2? Life Before Adam? Now, what was the sin then that caused this physical destruction to the earth? It was not a sin caused by humanity, because there had been no man on the earth until the sixth day of that re-creation or that re-making. So it was not a sin of man. Adam was the first man. We find over in I Corinthians 15:45 that Adam is called the first man on this earth. In Genesis Eve is called the mother of all living human beings. There was no other race prior to Adam and Eve. So the sin which brought chaos was not caused by man. And yet life must have populated the earth because a sin had occurred on the earth that brought it into a condition of chaos and confusion by breaking the laws of God. What kind of life could it have been? It wasn't human life. What was it that populated this earth prior to the second verse of Genesis, the first chapter? In Genesis 1:28, speaking to the man whom He had created, God said this: ''Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth." What does that word replenish mean? To plenish is to populate. To replenish means to repopulate - to populate all over again. Those very words imply that the earth had been populated before! Immediately after the flood in Genesis 9:1, God spoke to Noah. He blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them: "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth." Identically the same words that He spoke to Adam!
In Noah's case we know He meant repopulate the earth. Then didn't He mean the same thing when He used the identical words to Adam: "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth?" Certainly here is indication that the earth had been populated, and that it was to be populated once again. Then what kind of life had populated the earth prior to Adam, prior to the week called "creation week"? Next, let's turn to II Peter 2:4: ''For if God spared not the angels that sinned.'' Here is the sin of angels mentioned. Sin of Angels! Now read the next verse, "And spared not the old world," between Adam and Noah, ''but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly." There it mentions the sins from Adam to Noah, and it mentions the physical destruction to the earth as a result of the flood, a chaotic, physical condition brought about on the earth by the sins of those men. Was there a chaotic condition brought about on the earth as a result of the sins of angles? The sin of the angels is mentioned first, and it occurred first! There was a devil already there in existence by the time Adam was created. So the sin of the angels happened before the creation of man. Now read II Peter 2:6. ''Turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, [God] condemned them with an overthrow, making them an example to those that afterward should live ungodly." Universal sin was in those two Canaanite cities. Physical destruction came to the entire part of the surface of the earth which those people occupied as a result of that sin. Then didn't such a destruction come to the earth as a result of the sins of the angels which occurred before Adam? Now quickly turn over to Jude. In the sixth verse, you read this: "And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation [they had a place where they lived, a habitation, an estate, and they left it], God hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day." Notice! It is the sinning angels who are reserved in those chains under darkness, restrained from light, restrained from truth until the judgment of the great day. Angels Possess the Earth! How plain! They had an estate which they didn't keep. In Hebrews 2:5 we read this: ''For unto the angels hath God not put in subjection the world to come of which we speak." In other words, The World Tomorrow, the Kingdom of God, will not be under subjection to angels. The present one is under subjection of fallen angels. The demons, and the devil who is their head, rule this present earth and sway its inhabitants. The Bible everywhere indicates and affirms that very fact. How did they obtain their dominion? How did they acquire their power? How did they maintain their control? Where did the devil get the power to control and to lead and to rule this world? The devil is the leader of fallen angels, as you will find in a number of places ( John 12:31, John 14:30, John 16:11). In II Cor. 4:4 the devil is called the god of this world.
He is the king or the prince of the evil world that we live in today. Let's see something about the origin of the devil. Turn to Isaiah 14, beginning with verse 4, "'Thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, 'How hath the oppressor ceased the golden city ceased!'" Here is a king of Babylon. This account continues to tell how he had disrupted the earth. H e was an invader, a conqueror. He was a war monger, trying to take away from others and trying to acquire all he could. He had just the opposite philosophy from that of God. In other words, he had the philosophy of the devil. He represented. the devil. The king of Babylon was the devil's instrument and tool. Now we find in verse 12 that this lesser human type lifts to the great anti-type - the devil - whom he represented and whose tool and instrument he was. Rebellion of Lucifer Things are said about the great former cherub, the devil, that could not be said about a human being. God says, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer." Lucifer means shining one, or shining star of the dawn. God names things or people, or beings what they are. Lucifer was originally a shining "star." Stars represent angels (Rev. 1:20). He was a great cherub whose duties were represented by the bright morning star. He was a light bringer. In other words, one who had great knowledge and truth and light, and who was to give it to those who were placed under him. He was placed in a certain rule and authority over angels. Continuing in Isaiah 14: "How art thou cut down to the ground which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, 'I will ascend into heaven.'" Then he must have been BELOW heaven. He must have been ON THE EARTH. He said, "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars (that is, the angels] of God." I want you to notice he had a throne, but he wasn't willing to be content with his jurisdiction. He was out to rule the universe. Now notice what else Lucifer said: "I will ascend above the heights of the CLOUDS. I will be like the most High." "I'm going to be god myself," he said. Lucifer Becomes the Devil So Lucifer became the devil. God changed his name when his character changed. He tried to make himself God. But we find HE WAS CAST DOWN TO THIS EARTH. Now, quickly turn over to Ezekiel 28, verse 1. "Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus. . ." The prince of Tyre, or Tyrus, was a very evil man. He was an aggressor, an invader, a conqueror. He was a tool of the devil. Now, as we come to the twelfth verse, just as in Isaiah 14, the lesser type lifts up to the great anti-type. We find the devil himself pictured! Now we find one that is not human at all. For a few verses, it is talking about the devil himself, and not about a human being. Beginning at verse 12: ''Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus." Here is the REAL king that ruled in and through the prince of Tyrus. "And say unto him, Thus saith the Lord God. Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in
beauty." Here was one who sealed up the sum total of perfection, of wisdom, and beauty. Could that be said about a man? Does God speak like that of any mortal man? Never! He is speaking of some being far greater than man. Notice, "Thou hast been in Eden, the garden of God." On the earth! Then he said, "The workmanship of thy tabrets and thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast CREATED." This was not a human being, who was born. The prophet continues to say, "Thou art the anointed CHERUB that covereth." If you will refer to Exodus 25, verses 16-22, you will find the type of the throne of God described. Included in the earthly type - the tabernacle in the days of Moses - was the mercy seat which was a picture of the very throne of God. On it two cherubim were placed. They were made of metals, of course, but their wings stretched out and covered the very throne of God. They symbolized the two great cherubs whose wings cover the very throne of God. Through Ezekiel, God says: "Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth." In other words, one of the two great cherubs ruling over millions of other angels! He was a created being. He sealed up t he sum total of perfection, of wisdom, and of beauty. Then in verse 14, we read this: "I have set thee so," God said. God had set him in office. "Thou wast upon the holy mountain of God,'' - Palestine or Eden! "Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day thou wast created. Here was a being that was created perfect UNTIL INIQUITY WAS FOUND IN HIM. That iniquity was described in Isaiah 14. He said, "I'm not satisfied with what I have. I'm going to become an invader. I'm going to take God's place and be the God of the universe." That was the devil's sin - INSUBORDINATION. How the Earth Became Chaotic A third of the angels united with Satan in the rebellion. That is what caused the chaos of this earth. The sin of angels reached into the heavens and brought chaos on earth. What the geologists and astronomers see is not an evolving universe, but the wreckage of a titanic battle waged by spirits throughout space - a battle fought before man's creation. The earth was created perfect and complete. Then it BECAME chaotic as a result of rebellion. And in six days, God re-made the earth, re-shaped, re-fashioned it, and created human beings upon it. He gave Adam a chance to take the place of Satan the devil. Remember, Lucifer had been placed in rulership. God placed the great cherub, Lucifer, to carry out His government on the earth; but Lucifer refused to carry out God's will, God's commands, God's government. He wanted to substitute his own - So he disqualified himself. Adam had the chance to supplant him. In the contest to see if Adam would conquer, if he would obey God, he failed. He obeyed the devil instead, and man became the property of the devil, and the whole human race was sold down the river to the devil ever since. Jesus Christ came 4000 years later and He entered the great contest - the contest of the temptation on the Mount. He REFUSED to obey the devil. He quoted scripture
correctly. He obeyed God. Finally, He turned to the devil, and He gave Satan a command. He said, "Get away from me," and the devil obeyed! From that time on, the successor of Satan has been qualified to take over the rule of the earth. But Jesus went to heaven for 1900 years. He is soon coming again, and when He does, the devil will be DISPLACED. Christ will rule the earth; God's laws will be restored. Order and peace will come at last! So God did NOT create a devil. He created a cherub, Lucifer - perfect in his ways, but with the power of free choice - and Lucifer transformed himself into a devil by rebellion against the government of God! Today, you face the question: Will You obey the ways of Satan, or the LAWS of GOD?
Appendix Three
Armstrong Gap Theory
From Perhaps the most ardent 20th century spokesmen of the gap theory were televangelist Herbert W. Armstrong (1892-1986) and his son Garner Ted Armstrong. Challenged in 1924 by Hertha Dillon, a sister-in-law as Hertha's husband Walter Dillon was the brother of Armstrong's wife Loma, Herbert W. Armstrong undertook a study of the biblical account of creation and Darwinism (Armstrong 1986:293 see also Armstrong 1985:19-21 and Armstrong 1978:57-58). Armstrong found the Scofield account compelling and incorporated it as part of his own teachings and ultimately the theory became part of "the truth" taught on The World Tomorrow radio and television programs and in The Plain Truth. The program had millions of listeners and viewers for about 35 years (1950-1985). Garner Ted Armstrong left The World Tomorrow telecast in 1978 and presently heads the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association. The Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course, Lesson 11, from 1956, explained how a perfect pre-Adamic Earth became a ruin due to Satan's rebellion against God (Armstrong and Meredith 1956:3-4). See also In the Beginning --Answers to Questions from Genesis (Worldwide Church of God 1980:2-4). In his Mystery of the Ages Armstrong explained:
From verse 2 of Genesis 1 on, the remainder of this first chapter of the Bible is not describing the original creation of the earth. But it is describing a renewing of the face of the earth, after it had become waste and empty as a result of the sin of the angels. What is described from verse 2 on, in the supposed creation chapter of the Bible, did occur, according to the Bible, approximately 6,000 years ago. But that could have been millions or trillions of years after the actual creation of the earth described in verse 1! (Armstrong 1985:75.)
His radio and television ministry popularized the theory. Ronald L. Numbers, who apparently did not take the time to actually study the teachings of Armstrong and his son Garner Ted but rather relied on secondary sources, states:
Like some gap theorists, Armstrong and his followers allowed for the existence of an ancient earth, populated by Satan and his fallen angels. Although they at times relied heavily on the writings of creation scientists, the Armstrong people defended creationism primarily on biblical grounds, refusing to dilute "Biblical truth to satisfy scientists by equating it with scientific theory." (Numbers 1992:317.)
The Armstrongs, nevertheless, were outspoken proponents of the gap theory. They argued vigorously against the notion that the creation of the universe and earth occurred about 4,000 BCE and often wrote about it in The Plain Truth magazine and discussed it on The World Tomorrow radio and television programs. As the Armstrongs
understood the Noachian deluge to have been a literal worldwide flood one could argue that they did have a little common ground with creation scientists but in reality about the only similarity was that both groups had their centers of operations in southern California. Any other similarity was coincidental. Most Ambassador faculty and students of that time regarded creation scientists as half-educated kooks which remains an opinion shared to this day by most biblical archaeologists. When Garner Ted Armstrong taught the second year Bible course, Theology 201 called systematic theology, at Ambassador College in the 1960s he used After its Kind, Before Abraham, and The Deluge Story in Stone by Bryon C. Nelson and later The Genesis Flood by Whitcomb and Morris as textbooks. Garner Ted Armstrong's teaching style, however, was to dissect a text and to expose the misassumptions and biases of its authors. He went to considerable length to show the fallacies and shortcomings of classical Darwinism, which he referred to as evolution, and to expound the gap theory. Late in the decade the Worldwide Church of God published a wellwritten, widely circulated anti-evolutionary booklet entitled A Theory for the Birds. Another exposition of the gap theory appeared in Basil Wolverton's The Bible Story (Wolverton 1982:3-10) published by the Worldwide Church of God. The material had appeared earlier in The Plain Truth. Wolverton explained the consequences of Lucifer's rebellion:
During the great battle when Satan and his demons tried to conquer God, an awesome change came over the Earth. (Gen. 1:2) What had long been a beautiful planet had been turned into a cosmic wreck because Lucifer rebelled against his maker. The atmosphere was filled with smoke and poison gases so thick that nothing could live in it. The raging elements pounded the Earth. Little or no physical life could survive through that terrible time. (Ps. 104:29.) The only living beings left on the planet were the evil, restless demons whose lawbreaking had broken the perfect balance, harmony and beauty of a world God had lovingly created for His creatures. For a time our world stayed buried in a deep blanket of gases, smoke and water. Oceans covered the whole Earth. There was no longer any dry land. The atmosphere was so clogged with clouds of tiny bits of matter that no light could reach the seas. We don't know how long this condition lasted, but later came the time when God started preparing for a very important event in His great plan. That was the bringing of human beings into existence. (Wolverton 1982:5-6.)
Since the death of Herbert W. Armstrong the Worldwide Church of God moved to a relatively moderate, middle of the road evangelical stance in these matters. Its leaders redirected the attention of the church's membership to other fundamental biblical doctrinal matters, reconciliatory ministry, and practical Christian living issues and do not make sensational evangelistic claims out of the Genesis accounts of creation and the Noachian flood. In the early 1990s articles appearing in The Plain Truth by John Halford entitled "Religion and Science: Bridging the Gap" and "Evolution: Fact or Faith?" admitted microevolution and called for a new analysis of Genesis 1 more in line with scientific evidence but rejected macroevolutionary theory. In a supplement to The Plain Truth entitled Must We Choose Between Science and the Bible? its writer asked "Do we have to choose between divine creation and evolution? The fact is, we need not find an
insoluble conflict between living faith and scientific evidence" ( Worldwide Church of God 1994:1). In 1996 the Worldwide Church of God published their Creation or Evolution booklet concluding "there need be no final conflict between science and religion" (Worldwide Church of God 1999:69). In the final decade of the 20th century the Worldwide Church of God carefully distanced itself from the gap theory. More recently, the magazine's cover story was "Science and Religion: Must we Choose?" consisting of a set of three thought-provoking articles: "The Real Question Is Who" by Monte Wolverton (son of Basil Wolverton), "Will We Ever Get Our Act Together?" by Neil Earle, and "The Creation Date Controversy" by Hugh Ross (president of the Pasadena-based Reasons to Believe ministry). The implication of the article triad is that the Plain Truth Ministries and the Worldwide Church of God have moved toward the reconciliation of religion and science. This is consistent with the reconciliatory thrust of both organizations. Nevertheless, the gap theory continues to be taught by some of the derivative groups spinning off from the Worldwide Church of God such as the United Church of God publisher of The Good News and the Living Church of God publisher of Tomorrow's World. Herbert W. Armstrong's son Garner Ted Armstrong (see Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association), a committed anti-evolutionist, continued to teach and preach the gap theory and lead the Intercontinental Church of God. Authors from these groups such as United Church of God writers John Ross Schroeder and Mario Seiglie develop some compelling arguments for the theory and present them clearly and thoroughly (see Creation or Evolution Does It Really Matter What You Believe?). According to Numbers:
During the second half of the twentieth century, few denominations promoted strict creationism more vigorously than the apocalyptic Jehovah's Witnesses and the Worldwide Church of God, members of the same millenarian family that included the Seventh-day Adventists. The Witnesses sprang indirectly from the Advent Christian Church, which, like the Seventh-day Adventists, had grown out of the ashes of the Millerite movement of the 1840s. The Worldwide Church of God (formerly the Radio Church of God) was a third-generation offshoot of the Seventh-day Adventists by way of the Church of God (Seventh Day). Both sects, though often indebted to the scientific creationists for arguments and evidence, remained ambivalent toward flood geology and antagonistic toward its promoters, a feeling amply reciprocated. Duane T. Gish summed up the common attitude: "Of course, they don't want anything to do with us, and we don't want anything to do with them". (Numbers 1992:316.)
Numbers attributes the rise of the Church of God (Seventh Day) and therefore the Worldwide Church of God to the Millerite movement and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This is a common misconception and over-simplification. The history of the Church of God (Seventh Day) in the New World precedes the Adventist and Millerite movements by nearly two centuries. Many Millerites, upon discovering the Sabbath, joined themselves to Sabbath-observing Church of God congregations. Later some of these individuals attempted to wholly subvert the underlying doctrines and the core values of the Church of God and basically they swamped it with Millerites. When Mrs. White declared herself a prophetess and proceeded to preach heresy those Church of God people who did not get caught up in the advent movement absented themselves from the Adventists and attempted to rebuild their own Church of God. This period of terrible turmoil lasted about twenty years.
With the end of the World Tomorrow program, basically its single mass media proponent, the theory began to decline. Scientific creationism became increasing militant and fiercely argued against it. Nevertheless, it has enjoyed some resurgence with the republishing of the Scofield Study Bible and the Dake Bible.
Appendix Four
Questions and Answers Answers to readers' questions.
"But this distinction will not stand up under analysis. In Gen[esis] 3:20 the proper rendering is: 'And Adam called the name of his wife Eve, because she became the mother of all living.' No le follows the verb in this case. So also in Gen[esis] 4:20: 'Jabal became the father of tent dwellers.' Therefore there can be no grammatical objection raised to translating Gen[esis] 1:2: 'And the earth became a wasteness and desolation.'" Some scholars also argue against translating hayah "became" instead of "was" in Genesis 1:2 because they assume this interpretation came about only recently, after geology revealed the strata of the earth to be very old. Thus, they consider this explanation a desperate attempt to reconcile the Genesis account with modern geology. The explanation that there existed an indefinite period between the initial beautiful creation described in Genesis 1:1 and the earth becoming waste and void in verse 2 has been called, sometimes disparagingly, "the gap theory." The idea was attributed to scholars Thomas Chalmers in the 19th century and to Cyrus Scofield in the 20th. Yet the interpretation that the earth "became" waste and void has been discussed for close to 2,000 years. The earliest known recorded controversy on this point can be attributed to Jewish sages at the beginning of the second century. The Hebrew scholars who wrote the Targum of Onkelos, the earliest of the Aramaic versions of the Old Testament, translated Genesis 1:2 as "and the earth was laid waste." The original language led them to understand that something had occurred that had "laid waste" the earth, and they interpreted this as a destruction. The early Catholic theologian Origen (186-254), in his commentary De Principiis, explains regarding Genesis 1:2 that the original earth had been "cast downwards" (Ante-Nicene Fathers, 1917, p. 342). In the Middle Ages the Flemish scholar Hugo St. Victor (1097-1141) wrote about Genesis 1:2: "Perhaps enough has already been debated about these matters thus far, if we add only this: 'How long did the world remain in this disorder before the regular reordering . . . of it was taken in hand?'" (De Sacramentis Christianae Fidei, Book 1, Part 1, Chapter 6). Other medieval scholars, such as Dionysius Peavius and Pererius, also considered that there was an interval between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. According to The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, the Dutch scholar Simon Episcopius (1583-1643) taught that the earth had originally been created before the six days of creation described in Genesis (1952, Vol. 3, p. 302). This was roughly 200 years before geologists determined the earth to be far older than 6,000 years. These numerous examples show us that the idea of an interval between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 has a long history. Any claim that it is of only recent originthat it was invented simply as a desperate attempt to reconcile the Genesis account with geologyis groundless. Perhaps the best treatment on both sides of this question is given by the late Arthur Custance in his book Without Form and Void: A Study of the Meaning of Genesis 1:2. Dr. Custance states, "To me, this issue is important, and after studying the problem for some thirty years and after reading everything I could lay my hands on pro
and con and after accumulating in my own library some 300 commentaries on Genesis, the earliest being dated 1670, I am persuaded that there is, on the basis of the evidence, far more reason to translate Gen. 1:2 as 'But the earth had become a ruin and a desolation, etc.' than there is for any of the conventional translations in our modern versions" (1970, p.7). For further understanding of this issue, please request or download our free booklet Creation or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe? The sidebar on pages 30 and 31, "Genesis 1 and the Days of Creation," sheds more light on this question. GN
Appendix Five
Inner Earth May Hold More Water Than the Seas
Japanese scientists say their experiments show there may be as much as five times more water in Earth's deep mantle than on the surface
By Ben Harder for National Geographic News March 7, 2002
[NOTE: when I somehow stumbled across this article several years ago, I felt it imperative to send it on to various Creation Science organisations. Presumably they have looked into it and come to scientific conclusions I havent heard. For me it seems to answer the question what were the fountains of the deep mentioned in Gen. 7:11?: "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened."]
Molten rocks deep in the earths interior may be surprisingly wet, Japanese researchers say. From lab experiments, they have concluded there may be more H2O deep underground than in all oceans, lakes, and rivers combined. The scientists first heated "mineral cocktails" to a white-hot 1600 degrees Celsius (2900 degrees Fahrenheit) and squeezed them until the pressure reached more than three million pounds per square inch (200,000 kilograms per square centimeter). Then they cooked the samples for an hour. The experiments replicated the environment and conditions deep in the Earth. Based on what they witnessed in their lab, the researchers concluded that more water probably exists deep within the Earth than is present on Earth's surfaceas much as five times more. "Our results suggest that the lower mantle can potentially store considerable amounts of water," said Motohiko Murakami of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, where the experiments were conducted. "The presence of water in the crystal structure of [deep-Earth] minerals would be expected to soften the minerals and change their flow behavior," he added. That, in turn, could affect how the innards of the planet mix and shift over time, and could indirectly affect conditions and forces near the surface, such as plate tectonics. Wet Rocks Far beneath the seas, in the lower mantle, rocks exist at temperatures and pressures similar to those recreated in the Tokyo lab. The research team wanted to determine how much water might be in that region of Earth's interior, which they did by studying the nature of the chemical reactions in their tabletop mini-mantle. The results indicated that the lower mantle has a lot of water, they reported March 8 in the journal Science.
Murakami and his colleagues reached their conclusion based on how much water they managed to dissolve under the experiment's extreme conditions in several types of material that make up much of the lower mantle. They used heat and pressure25.5 gigapascals of it, or more than 250,000 times natural atmospheric pressure at sea levelto create four mineral compounds that exist in the lower mantle. These mineralsmanganese perovskite, calcium perovskite, magnesiowustite, and stishovitewere produced as a result of the reactions among the chemical ingredients the researchers had placed inside a pressurizing multi-anvil apparatus. When water was added, some of it was absorbed into the newly formed minerals. In different trials, the scientists slightly varied the proportions of the ingredients they used, and added or removed trace quantities of certain metallic compounds that they suspect mix in small amounts with more abundant materials in the lower mantle. The trials resulted in different amounts of water being absorbed into the mantle-like matter. But in each case, water made up at least 0.19 percent of the material's mass. That doesn't sound like a lot, but for Murakami and his team, the finding was a watershed. A Waveless Waterworld Earth's oceans make up just 0.02 percent of the planet's total mass. This means the vast lower mantle could contain many times more water than floats on the planet's surface. The Japanese experiments don't guarantee that that's the case, of course, because the researchers haven't actually measured the mantle. No one is ever likely to get a direct sample of material from the fiery mantle itself. But by simulating mantle-like conditions in the lab, Murakami and his colleagues have demonstrated that a water-rich inner Earth is plausible. Just how water-rich it is depends on the amount of trace "impurities" in the minerals. Compounds such as aluminum and iron "could dramatically change the solubility of water in these minerals," Murakami explained. Other research has suggested that a zone between the mantle and the crust also contain a great deal of water, the Japanese researchers noted. If so, there could be more than ten times the amount of water inside the planet as there is on its surface.