L3 Competencies: This One Is Too Easy
L3 Competencies: This One Is Too Easy
L3 Competencies: This One Is Too Easy
Hey Guys, as we fill in each competency I was thinking it would be a good idea to highlight the equations well need to memorize. Thanks!
1. 2. 3.
Students will be able to convert fundamental units and simple combinations of fundamental units between and within the AES and SI systems of units This one is too easy. Students will be able to convert derived units (e.g., force, pressure, power, etc.) between and within the AES and SI systems of units See answer to problem 1. Students will be able to solve steady-state material balances for non-reacting, singleunit systems. Class: 273 Page:85
This competency based upon the overarching principle that: Input + Generation Output - Consumption = Accumulation For any measurement of total mass, or the mass of a single compound this statement is true. The stated competency allows us to eliminate accumulation because the system is operating at steady state. In addition, knowing that the process will be non-reacting will allow you to eliminate the generation and consumption term leaving you with:
Input = Output A suggestion in solving these types of problems would be to draw a picture labeling the input and output streams with the respective known amounts. Doing this will help you visualize exactly what you know and dont know about the system, which should be made much easier given that it will be a single unit system. In solving these problems one should consider applying the Input = Output equation to each individual compound.
The type of questions that may be asked for this competency is fairly limited. The most obvious would be to find how much of a given compound is leaving the reactor. Or given the output total mass, the input data and asked to find an unknown amount of a single compound in the output stream. It should noted that there could be multiple input and output stream, but as one draws and labels clearly these streams their difficulty is greatly reduced.
Practice Problems:
You have a stream entering a reactor with a flow of 2000 kg/s. The compound is a mixture of water and ethanol flowing at equal mass flow rates. If 750 kg/s exits the reactor in stream 1 with 40% of that being water, and the second stream contains 55% ethanol. What then is the total mass flow rate of each stream and its composition in mass flow rates?
A reactor has two feed streams and a single exit stream. Compounds 1, 2, and 3 enter at 45lb/s, 25lb/s and 30lb/s respectively. The exit stream properties are as follows: Compound 1,2,3 and 4 exiting at 55lb/s, 60lb/s, 30lb/s and 20lb/s respectively. What is the composition of input stream 2?
From a given reactor you need an exit stream that yields 75% methane. If you have a two input streams that contain 25% and 35% methane respectively with the remaining being inert, find the mass flow rates needed to obtain the desired output conditions.
4. Students will be able to solve steady-state energy balances for single-unit, isothermal, reacting systems. Class: 273 Page 142
When dealing with reactive systems, in addition to the overall mass balance (in=out), you must also compute elemental balances for each species that participates as well as species balances (for each molecule). For example, in the simple reaction C2H6 C2H4 +H2, the balances that must be done include: molecular H2 balance, C2H6 balance, C2H4 balance, Atomic C balance, and Atomic H balance. In general, systems that involve chemical reactions may be analyzed using a) molecular species balances (the approach always used for nonreactive systems), b) atomic species balances, and c) extents of reaction. Each approach leads to the same results, but any one of them may be more convenient for a given calculation so it is a good idea to become comfortable with all three.
A good example is found on pg. 131 of the 273 book; it touches on extents of reaction, multiple reactions, balances, etc.
Energy balance is not on reference sheet so you better know it if you think you might need it.
5. Students will be able to solve steady-state material balances for single-unit, reacting systems. 273 Problem example 4.8-3 CSTR material balance 2
PFR material balance This should be pretty straight forward. RA is simply the k*Ca*Cb and you will be asked to solve for one of the unknowns. Know how to solve with extents of reaction when there is more than one reaction (conversion is more complex for multiple reactions). 6. Students will be able to identify equilibrium phases on either PT or PV projections of the PVT surface, and be able to obtain vapor pressures for pure components for a given temperature. See PT (Pressure Temperature) diagram below. The green line is the solid-liquid equilibrium line, the blue line is the liquid-gas equilibrium line and the red line is the solid-gas equilibrium line.
In the case of this graph, the dotted green line is how water behaves, unlike most other chemicals
To obtain vapor pressures for a substance, you can use a chart. Or you can use the Antoine equation.
7. Students will be able to solve the mechanical energy balance for frictionless flow with and without shaft work. Fluid Mechanics Ch.5 Ex. 5-3, 5-5, 5-6, 5-7.
Putting work into the system (ie. pump) then +W. If taking work out of the system (ie. turbine) then -W.
8. Students will be able to (1) describe qualitatively the physical significance of viscosity in terms of fluid behavior; (2) define and describe the physical significance of Re; (3) describe flow regimes that correspond to different values of Re.
Class: Fluids Pages:51 (1) Viscosity: a property of the fluid that quantifies the ratio of shear stress to rate of deformation (strain rate) of a fluid particle. Viscosity has the dimensions stress/strain rate. Qualitatively, viscosity quantifies the level by which a particular fluid resists deformation when subjected to shear stress (frictional resistance of friction). Viscosity is a measured property of a fluid and is a function of temperature. For Newtonian fluids, viscosity is independent of the rate of applied stress and strain rate. The viscous nature of non-Newtonian fluids is more difficult to quantify in part because viscosity varies with strain rate. Basically it is a property that represents the internal resistance of a fluid to motion or the fluidity. Newtonian fluids have a rate of deformation that is linearly proportional to the shear stress. is the letter which represents viscosity In conclusion, a liquid with a higher viscosity wont flow as easily.
Page: 340 (2) Reynolds Number: An order-of-magnitude estimate of the ratio of the following two terms in Newtons second law of motion over a region of the flow: the inertial (or acceleration) term over the viscous force term. Most but not all Reynolds numbers can be written as an appropriate characteristic velocity V times a characteristic length scale L consistent with the velocity V, divided by the kinematic viscosity of the fluid: Re=VL/. The Reynolds number is arguably the most important non dimensional similarity parameter in fluid flow analysis since it gives a rough estimate of the importance of frictional force in the overall flow.
Page: 340 (3) Flow regimes that correspond to different values of Re Re 2300 laminar flow 2300 Re 4000 transitional flow Re 4000 turbulent flow
9. Students will: (1) be able to assign appropriate modes of heat transfer to a given physical scenario; (2) know (from memory) Newton's law of cooling; and (3) understand and be able to use Fourier's law (one dimensional) and Newton's law of cooling. Past Learning Suite HMT Course Assignment 2 Problem 1.7 and Assignment 3 problem 2.1 Fouriers Assignment 2 Problem 1.17 Newtons Law of Cooling
(1) Conduction, Convection, Radiation Convection through fluid medium, conduction through contact, radiation from EVERYTHING solid. Newtons Law of Cooling HMT 8 & 493 (2)Newtons law of cooling is q=h(T.s-T.inf) where h is the convection coefficient Fouriers Law HMT pg 4 & 58-60 (3)Fouriers law implies that the heat flux is a directional quantity q=-k*del(T) or 1-D q=-k*dT/dx where k is the coefficient of thermal conductivity
10. Students will understand conduction and convection resistances, and be able to quantitatively use (1) q = TR and (2) q = UA(Delta T)_lm.
(1)Example: A slab of foam insulation (k= .03 W/m*K , L = .1m) separates still warm air (T =25C, h = 5 W/m^2*K) from cold blowing air (T= 0C, h = 30 W/m^ 2*K). What is the heat flux through the slab? Found on lecture 5.
(2)Heat exchangers
Tlm=To-Tiln(To/Ti) To=Ts-Tm,o Ti=Ts-Tm,i 1/UA = sum of resistances (pg. 101 of H&M book) Length of pipe=Area/(pi* Diameter)
11. Students will understand q = hA(Delta T) and how h is qualitatively related to Nu, Re, and Pr, and how to obtain a value for h - qualitative problem.
The Nusselt number is a ratio of convection to pure conduction heat transfer namely hA/(L/k*A)= h*L/k. Reynolds number is a ratio of inertial and viscous forces but can be related to the Nu for circumstances (see page 1 of L3 book) Prandtl number is a ratio of momentum and thermal diffusivities
12. Students will understand q = hA(Delta T) and how h is qualitatively related to Nu, Re, and Pr, and how to obtain a value for h - quantitative problem.
Know how to differentiate between the correlations for different situations: exterior flow vs. interior flow, laminar vs. turbulent, cylindrical vs. plate. The correlations are tabulated in the resource packet, and they all depend on Re and Pr. These yield the Nu number, which can then be used to back out h, the convection coefficient. One must know both D and k, the diameter (if its a plate, it will be represented with L for length) and thermal conductivity of the fluid. Remember that Re =(*V*D)/. It may also be expressed as V*D/.
13. Students will understand Fick's law and the contributions to the flux arising from a driving force and from convection.
The flux J in kmol/(s*m^2)= -C (molar concentration)*D.ab (mass diffusivity)*grad(x). In heat and mass we pulled concentration (C) into the delx (dxa/dx), and it becomes dCa/dx (see top of page 885 in H&M book). So the total equation becomes J=-Dab*(Ca2-Ca1)/dx or -Dab*(Ca2Ca1)/L (where dx=L=thickness of the slab).
14. Students will be able to use the heat/mass transfer analogy to estimate mass transfer coefficients. n=
15. Students will understand and be able to use definitions of rate and nth-order rate expressions. They will know how to determine n from basic rate data.
The two methods to get the order of the reaction are the initial rates (specific form of the differential method that avoids introducing error from reverse reactions) and the half life methods (specific form of the integral method) (see sparknotes link).
16. Students will understand and be able to use definitions of rate, nth-order rate expressions, and the Arrhenius temperature dependence k = Aexp(-E/RT). They will know how to determine E from basic rate data.
A rate is defined as the amount of substance per volume per unit time (also, the rate at which the concentration of a species changes with time [of reaction]). The order of rate expressions depends on the the reaction type, and it cannot be determined by stoichiometry especially if it is not an elementary reaction. The order of a reaction can be determined by adding the exponents of the concentrations in the rate equation.
To find Eactivation, use the rate data to obtain a k value at two different temperatures and the use the ratios of these to get the Ea from the Arrhenius expression.
17. Students will be able to solve steady-state, first law problems with open, non-reacting, single-process units (e.g., compressors, valves, heat exchangers). Thermo Lecture 5
Assumptions = No generation, No other work ddt[mu+PE+KE]=-ii*mdoti(hi+12Vi2+gzi)+Q+Ws Further simplifications - Stationary system, steady state, or one inlet/ one outlet.
Turbine: mdoth=Ws Throttling device (valve): h=0 Heat Exchanger: ivi*mi*hi=0 18. Students will be able to solve first-law problems with single process units for closed systems. Thermo Lecture 4
Closed System: PE +KE +U=Q+W Stationary: U=Q+W DeltaPE= mass*g*h DeltaKE=.5mV^2 Remember: Work term can be broken up into different work. We had a test question that we used dw=-Pext*dv in addition to work added by a stir bar.
Incompressible fluid, ideal gas, or isochoric process (dV=0): U=T1T2Cv*dT Examples: Ten kilograms of water at 10 degC is combined with 7 kilograms of water at 40 degC. A magnetic stir bar adds 800 kJ of work during the process and 200 kJ of heat is lost as the container is not insulated. What is the final temperature of the water? The heat capacity of water is 4 kJ/(kg*degC). (Does anyone have an answer for this one that they know is right so we can check our answers? I got about 18.8, anyone else get an answer?) I got 31.2 I got 31.2 as well..so did I
19. Students will be able to solve bubble and dew point problems assuming Raoult's Law behavior.
BUBL P calculate yi and P given xi and T DEW P Calculate xi and P given yi and T Solve for P.sat of species by Antoine constants given in packet P*y.i=x.i*P.isat P=sum(x.i*P.isat)
20. Students will know how Delta G is related to the equilibrium constants and will be able to calculate an equilibrium constant (from Delta G) at 298 K and relate equilibrium constants to the extent of reaction for ideal gas phase reactions.
Delta G = -R*T*lnK, K being the equilibrium constant K= Products/Reactants *P^(stoichiometric products minus reactants)/1bar use extent of reaction to find the molar changes in products and reactants Delta G = Delta H - T*Delta S i.e. 1A+2B------2C start with 2 mol A and one mol B and no mol C n.A= 2-e n.B = 1-2e n.C= 2e n.tot= 2-e +1-2e+2e= 3-e y.A=n.A/n.tot and so on
21. Students will be able to use the design equations for ideal reactors to determine reactor volume, feed flow rate, or conversion.
The General Material Balance Equation Fa0-Fa+0Vrate=dNdt All design equations can be derived from the material balance equation.
22. Students will be able to do preliminary size and performance calculations on shell-and tube heat exchangers using the log-mean temperature difference method.
For concentric tube parallel flow: T1 = Th_i -Tc_i & T2 = Th_o-Tc_o For concentric tube heat exchangers: F=1 For phase change in stream in shell-and-tube heat exchanger: F=1
The following equations are important: q =N UA F Tlm (N if multiple tubes) q = Cc*Tc q = Ch*Th
Cc = m_dotc*cp,c Ch = m_doth*cp,h
(LMTD method works best when all temperatures are specified and we are sizing the heat exchanger) Determine q using one of the equations above Determine Tlm Use equation q=U*A*F*Tlm to get UA
23. Students will be able to determine the power required for a pump to deliver a specified flow rate of an incompressible fluid through a single pipeline (excludes flow in parallel lengths) consisting of pipe (multiple diameters acceptable), valves, and fittings.
Refer to minor losses chapter in Fluids textbook (Chapter 8) for valves and fittings part. They add to the K in the total head loss (see equation 8-59) which is used in the energy balance for pump problems
Refer to equations 8-61 through 8-64 for finding the power required for a pump to deliver a specified flow rate. You should get most of the variables from the problem statement from which you will be able to solve for h.pump,u and then plug into equation 8-64.
Note: for a series pipe with changing diameters the pressure drop is calculated for each section in the pipe and then they are all added. The minor losses for expansion/contraction losses are attached to the smaller diameter pipe (see p. 371-372).
24. Students will be able to use Raoult's Law and vapor pressure correlations to solve the VLE and mass balances associated with a single-stage isothermal flash. (Adiabatic flames are considered level 2.) Thermodynamics: Raoults Law pg. 350, Flash Calculations 367-370 Example 10.5 may be helpful Thermodynamics Notes Lecture 21 VLE Example
yiP=xiPisat Two major assumptions with Raoults Law are: The vapor is an ideal gas. The liquid phase is an ideal solution