How To Size A Pump Blackmonk Engineering PDF
How To Size A Pump Blackmonk Engineering PDF
How To Size A Pump Blackmonk Engineering PDF
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Login Status The flow rate of liquid the pump is required to deliver The total differential head the pump must generate to deliver the required flow rate This is the case for all types of pumps: centrifugal or positive displacement. Other key considerations for pump sizing are the net positive suction head available (NPSHa) and the power required to drive the pump. You are not currently logged in. Username: Password:
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Flow Rate
Usually, the flow rate of liquid a pump needs to deliver is determined by the process in which the pump is installed. This ultimately is defined by the mass and energy balance of the process. For instance the required flow rate of a pump feeding oil into a refinery distillation column will be determined by how much product the column is required to produce. Another example is the flow rate of a cooling water pump circulating water through a heat exchanger is defined by the amount of heat transfer required.
transfer required.
Pump Suction
In order to calculate the frictional head losses you therefore need to know the lengths and diameters of the piping in the system and the number and type of fittings such as bends, valves and other equipment.
leads to a loss of pump efficiency and can result in significant pump damage. To ensure that the pump operates correctly the net positive suction head available (NPSHa) must exceed the net positive suction head required (NPSHr) for that particular pump. The NPSHr is given by the pump manufacturer and is often shown on the pump curve. Net positive suc tion head available = absolute pressure head at the pump suc tion liquid vapour pressure head
Pump Power
Pumps are usually driven by electric motors, diesel engines or steam turbines. Determining the power required is essential to sizing the pump driver. Pump pow er = flow rate x total differential head x liquid density x ac c eleration due to gravity pump effic ienc y
The calculation is presented below:
Pump flow rate = 30 m /hr Pump total differential head = 134.8 m Net positive suction head available = 22.13 m Pump power = 15.7 kW Tags: How To, pump
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