UI Component Workbench (BSP - WD - CMPWB) Basics
UI Component Workbench (BSP - WD - CMPWB) Basics
UI Component Workbench (BSP - WD - CMPWB) Basics
This is my first blog in SCN and I had choose to blog on the T-Code which we use day-in-day-out in our daily work. My aim here is to help newbies to get acquainted with the component work bench: BSP_WD_CMPWB. I am starting with the first screen we see in the component work bench. screen 1
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Below numbers give the explanation of the above buttons marked: Check: This button is to perform syntax checks on your component which you are developing or enhancing. Test: This button is to Test your component which you are building. This button only helps in testing the views which are assigned to the Default Window of the component. Where-used List: This button gives you the where used list of this component. This will help you finding all the components where there is a component usage declared for this component or where all it is used in short. Once you click on this button it gives you a small popup as below in which you need to click on Execute button again.
You can also restrict your search Hit List by giving the component names in which system is supposed to search for.Once you get the result list with all the component names with respective usage names you can double click on any component and it would open up the component for you.
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Go to SAP Standard: This button will hide/show the Enhancement Set which will help to open the Standard View of the Component given. Create Enhancement Set: This button is used to create a new Enhancement Set. Creation of Enhancement Set can also be done by making an entry in the View Cluster BSPWDVC_CMP_EXT using SM34 . Creating an Enhancement Set itself is not sufficient for you to see the changes in WEB UI. It should be active for a particular client. Client specific assignment can be done in the Table View BSPWDV_EHSET_ASG using SM30.
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Delete Enhancement Set: This button is used to delete an Enhancement Set. Use this with caution! Display: This button displays the component given in the Component field in either Standard View or Enhanced View depending on whet her Enhancement Set is provided as an input or not. Create: This button is used to create a custom component without the help of wizard. Create Using Wizard: This button is used to create a custom component with the help of wizard. This is introduced in Ehp1. You can use this wizard to generate a complete UI application based on the existing GenIL model subset. Useful feature to quickly build your UI component based on the GenIL Model. Then we jump in and open a component to discuss about the other buttons available in workbench
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Below numbers give the explanation of the above buttons marked: Test: Same functionality as the Test button on screen 1. Full Screen: This will enlarge the display of the right side screen. It is a kind of similar to the hide navigation bar button available in WEB UI in terms of functionality. This is particularly useful when we do the configuration form GUI, so that we get more area to see the fields. Where-used List: Same functionality as the Where-used List button on screen 1. Wizard Log : This button shows the log of the various wizards we use inside the component workbench. This log is only shown for the current day only. An example of log after enhancing a view is attached below. This might be helpful when wizard stops in between due to any errors.
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Perform Checks: Same functionality as the Check button on screen 1. Find View Layout: This button helps us in finding the respective View in a component by giving the View Controller ( IMPL ) class as the input. This will be useful especially when we have a lot of views in a component and we see a Dump in WEB UI specifying the IMPL class. This button helps us quickly identifying the corresponding View in such scenarios.
Enhance Component: This button is used for enhancing a standard component using an Enhancement Set. This button will be replaced by Delete Component Enhancement, after the component is enhanced. Component Structure Browser: This is the default tab/screen which is opened when we display any component. This is useful while working with Views, Windows, Custom Controller and Component controllers. You can browse trough the Context in a hierarchical way. Events, Plugs, Methods are visible where ever applicable. Configuration of Views can be done from here. This screen keeps changing based on the node elements we select on the left hand side.
BOL Model Browser: This is a tab which helps us to view the Model of GenIL Component Set which is given in the Runtime Repository (under Model Node ) of the current component.
10. Runtime Repository Editor: As the name suggests what it does, this tab is used for editing the Runtime Repository. It is used to alter the Window and View Set Compositions, Create Navigation Links, Component Usages and to expose the component to other components using the Interface Controller. 11. Hide Obsolete: This is again a new button added in Ehp1 which is useful when we have a lot of Obsolete views in any standard component cluttering the screen. 12. Favorites: This node is similar to favorites in any web browser. This helps us to reach the required controller/view/window quickly. You can add any of the controller/view/window to favorites by right clicking as in below screen shot.
Hope this blog will be helpful for few newbies moving into SAP CRM. Please feel free to post in your comments.