Articles of Confederation

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Articles of Confederation

Nov. 15, 1777 To all to whom these Presents shall come, we the undersigned Delegates of the States affi ed to our Names send greeting. Articles of Confederation and !er!etual "nion #etween the states of New $am!shire, %assachusetts&#a' (hode )sland and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New *or+, New ,erse', Penns'lvania, Delaware, %ar'land, -irginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and .eorgia. ). The Stile of this Confederac' shall #e /The "nited States of America/. )). 0ach state retains its sovereignt', freedom, and inde!endence, and ever' !ower, 1urisdiction, and right, which is not #' this Confederation e !ressl' delegated to the "nited States, in Congress assem#led. ))). The said States here#' severall' enter into a firm league of friendshi! with each other, for their common defense, the securit' of their li#erties, and their mutual and general welfare, #inding themselves to assist each other, against all force offered to, or attac+s made u!on them, or an' of them, on account of religion, sovereignt', trade, or an' other !retense whatever. )-. The #etter to secure and !er!etuate mutual friendshi! and intercourse among the !eo!le of the different States in this "nion, the free inha#itants of each of these States, !au!ers, vaga#onds, and fugitives from 1ustice e ce!ted, shall #e entitled to all !rivileges and immunities of free citi2ens in the several States3 and the !eo!le of each State shall free ingress and regress to and from an' other State, and shall en1o' therein all the !rivileges of trade and commerce, su#1ect to the same duties, im!ositions, and restrictions as the inha#itants thereof res!ectivel', !rovided that such restrictions shall not e tend so far as to !revent the removal of !ro!ert' im!orted into an' State, to an' other State, of which the owner is an inha#itant3 !rovided also that no im!osition, duties or restriction shall #e laid #' an' State, on the !ro!ert' of the "nited States, or either of them. )f an' !erson guilt' of, or charged with, treason, felon', or other high misdemeanor in an' State, shall flee from 1ustice, and #e found in an' of the "nited States, he shall, u!on demand of the .overnor or e ecutive !ower of the State from which he fled, #e delivered u! and removed to the State having 1urisdiction of his offense. 4ull faith and credit shall #e given in each of these States to the records, acts, and 1udicial !roceedings of the courts and magistrates of ever' other State. -. 4or the most convenient management of the general interests of the "nited States, delegates shall #e annuall' a!!ointed in such manner as the legislatures of each State shall direct, to meet in Congress on the first %onda' in Novem#er, in ever'

'ear, with a !ower reserved to each State to recall its delegates, or an' of them, at an' time within the 'ear, and to send others in their stead for the remainder of the 'ear. No State shall #e re!resented in Congress #' less than two, nor more than seven mem#ers3 and no !erson shall #e ca!a#le of #eing a delegate for more than three 'ears in an' term of si 'ears3 nor shall an' !erson, #eing a delegate, #e ca!a#le of holding an' office under the "nited States, for which he, or another for his #enefit, receives an' salar', fees or emolument of an' +ind. 0ach State shall maintain its own delegates in a meeting of the States, and while the' act as mem#ers of the committee of the States. )n determining 5uestions in the "nited States in Congress assem#led, each State shall have one vote. 4reedom of s!eech and de#ate in Congress shall not #e im!eached or 5uestioned in an' court or !lace out of Congress, and the mem#ers of Congress shall #e !rotected in their !ersons from arrests or im!risonments, during the time of their going to and from, and attendence on Congress, e ce!t for treason, felon', or #reach of the !eace. -). No State, without the consent of the "nited States in Congress assem#led, shall send an' em#ass' to, or receive an' em#ass' from, or enter into an' conference, agreement, alliance or treat' with an' 6ing, Prince or State3 nor shall an' !erson holding an' office of !rofit or trust under the "nited States, or an' of them, acce!t an' !resent, emolument, office or title of an' +ind whatever from an' 6ing, Prince or foreign State3 nor shall the "nited States in Congress assem#led, or an' of them, grant an' title of no#ilit'. No two or more States shall enter into an' treat', confederation or alliance whatever #etween them, without the consent of the "nited States in Congress assem#led, s!ecif'ing accuratel' the !ur!oses for which the same is to #e entered into, and how long it shall continue. No State shall la' an' im!osts or duties, which ma' interfere with an' sti!ulations in treaties, entered into #' the "nited States in Congress assem#led, with an' 6ing, Prince or State, in !ursuance of an' treaties alread' !ro!osed #' Congress, to the courts of 4rance and S!ain. No vessel of war shall #e +e!t u! in time of !eace #' an' State, e ce!t such num#er onl', as shall #e deemed necessar' #' the "nited States in Congress assem#led, for the defense of such State, or its trade3 nor shall an' #od' of forces #e +e!t u! #' an' State in time of !eace, e ce!t such num#er onl', as in the 1udgement of the "nited States in Congress assem#led, shall #e deemed re5uisite to garrison the forts necessar' for the defense of such State3 #ut ever' State shall alwa's +ee! u! a well&regulated and disci!lined militia, sufficientl' armed and accoutered, and shall !rovide and constantl' have read' for use, in !u#lic stores, a due num#er of filed !ieces and tents, and a !ro!er 5uantit' of arms, ammunition and cam! e5ui!age. No State shall engage in an' war without the consent of the "nited States in Congress assem#led, unless such State #e actuall' invaded #' enemies, or shall have received certain advice of a resolution #eing formed #' some nation of )ndians to invade such State, and the danger is so imminent as not to admit of a dela' till the "nited States in Congress assem#led can #e consulted3 nor shall an' State grant commissions to an' shi!s or vessels of war, nor letters of mar5ue or re!risal, e ce!t it #e after a declaration of

war #' the "nited States in Congress assem#led, and then onl' against the 6ingdom or State and the su#1ects thereof, against which war has #een so declared, and under such regulations as shall #e esta#lished #' the "nited States in Congress assem#led, unless such State #e infested #' !irates, in which case vessels of war ma' #e fitted out for that occasion, and +e!t so long as the danger shall continue, or until the "nited States in Congress assem#led shall determine otherwise. -)). 7hen land forces are raised #' an' State for the common defense, all officers of or under the ran+ of colonel, shall #e a!!ointed #' the legislature of each State res!ectivel', #' whom such forces shall #e raised, or in such manner as such State shall direct, and all vacancies shall #e filled u! #' the State which first made the a!!ointment. -))). All charges of war, and all other e !enses that shall #e incurred for the common defense or general welfare, and allowed #' the "nited States in Congress assem#led, shall #e defra'ed out of a common treasur', which shall #e su!!lied #' the several States in !ro!ortion to the value of all land within each State, granted or surve'ed for an' !erson, as such land and the #uildings and im!rovements thereon shall #e estimated according to such mode as the "nited States in Congress assem#led, shall from time to time direct and a!!oint. The ta es for !a'ing that !ro!ortion shall #e laid and levied #' the authorit' and direction of the legislatures of the several States within the time agreed u!on #' the "nited States in Congress assem#led. )8. The "nited States in Congress assem#led, shall have the sole and e clusive right and !ower of determining on !eace and war, e ce!t in the cases mentioned in the si th article && of sending and receiving am#assadors && entering into treaties and alliances, !rovided that no treat' of commerce shall #e made where#' the legislative !ower of the res!ective States shall #e restrained from im!osing such im!osts and duties on foreigners, as their own !eo!le are su#1ected to, or from !rohi#iting the e !ortation or im!ortation of an' s!ecies of goods or commodities whatsoever && of esta#lishing rules for deciding in all cases, what ca!tures on land or water shall #e legal, and in what manner !ri2es ta+en #' land or naval forces in the service of the "nited States shall #e divided or a!!ro!riated && of granting letters of mar5ue and re!risal in times of !eace && a!!ointing courts for the trial of !iracies and felonies commited on the high seas and esta#lishing courts for receiving and determining finall' a!!eals in all cases of ca!tures, !rovided that no mem#er of Congress shall #e a!!ointed a 1udge of an' of the said courts. The "nited States in Congress assem#led shall also #e the last resort on a!!eal in all dis!utes and differences now su#sisting or that hereafter ma' arise #etween two or more States concerning #oundar', 1urisdiction or an' other causes whatever3 which authorit' shall alwa's #e e ercised in the manner following. 7henever the legislative or e ecutive authorit' or lawful agent of an' State in controvers' with another shall !resent a !etition to Congress stating the matter in 5uestion and !ra'ing for a hearing, notice thereof shall #e given #' order of Congress to the legislative or e ecutive authorit' of the other State in controvers', and a da' assigned for the a!!earance of the !arties #' their lawful agents, who shall then #e directed to a!!oint #' 1oint consent, commissioners or

1udges to constitute a court for hearing and determining the matter in 5uestion9 #ut if the' cannot agree, Congress shall name three !ersons out of each of the "nited States, and from the list of such !ersons each !art' shall alternatel' stri+e out one, the !etitioners #eginning, until the num#er shall #e reduced to thirteen3 and from that num#er not less than seven, nor more than nine names as Congress shall direct, shall in the !resence of Congress #e drawn out #' lot, and the !ersons whose names shall #e so drawn or an' five of them, shall #e commissioners or 1udges, to hear and finall' determine the controvers', so alwa's as a ma1or !art of the 1udges who shall hear the cause shall agree in the determination9 and if either !art' shall neglect to attend at the da' a!!ointed, without showing reasons, which Congress shall 1udge sufficient, or #eing !resent shall refuse to stri+e, the Congress shall !roceed to nominate three !ersons out of each State, and the secretar' of Congress shall stri+e in #ehalf of such !art' a#sent or refusing3 and the 1udgement and sentence of the court to #e a!!ointed, in the manner #efore !rescri#ed, shall #e final and conclusive3 and if an' of the !arties shall refuse to su#mit to the authorit' of such court, or to a!!ear or defend their claim or cause, the court shall nevertheless !roceed to !ronounce sentence, or 1udgement, which shall in li+e manner #e final and decisive, the 1udgement or sentence and other !roceedings #eing in either case transmitted to Congress, and lodged among the acts of Congress for the securit' of the !arties concerned9 !rovided that ever' commissioner, #efore he sits in 1udgement, shall ta+e an oath to #e administered #' one of the 1udges of the su!reme or su!erior court of the State, where the cause shall #e tried, :well and trul' to hear and determine the matter in 5uestion, according to the #est of his 1udgement, without favor, affection or ho!e of reward:9 !rovided also, that no State shall #e de!rived of territor' for the #enefit of the "nited States. All controversies concerning the !rivate right of soil claimed under different grants of two or more States, whose 1urisdictions as the' ma' res!ect such lands, and the States which !assed such grants are ad1usted, the said grants or either of them #eing at the same time claimed to have originated antecedent to such settlement of 1urisdiction, shall on the !etition of either !art' to the Congress of the "nited States, #e finall' determined as near as ma' #e in the same manner as is #efore !resecri#ed for deciding dis!utes res!ecting territorial 1urisdiction #etween different States. The "nited States in Congress assem#led shall also have the sole and e clusive right and !ower of regulating the allo' and value of coin struc+ #' their own authorit', or #' that of the res!ective States && fi ing the standards of weights and measures throughout the "nited States && regulating the trade and managing all affairs with the )ndians, not mem#ers of an' of the States, !rovided that the legislative right of an' State within its own limits #e not infringed or violated && esta#lishing or regulating !ost offices from one State to another, throughout all the "nited States, and e acting such !ostage on the !a!ers !assing through the same as ma' #e re5uisite to defra' the e !enses of the said office && a!!ointing all officers of the land forces, in the service of the "nited States, e ce!ting regimental officers && a!!ointing all the officers of the naval forces, and commissioning all officers whatever in the service of the "nited States && ma+ing rules for the government and regulation of the said land and naval forces, and directing their o!erations. The "nited States in Congress assem#led shall have authorit' to a!!oint a committee, to sit in the recess of Congress, to #e denominated :A Committee of the

States:, and to consist of one delegate from each State3 and to a!!oint such other committees and civil officers as ma' #e necessar' for managing the general affairs of the "nited States under their direction && to a!!oint one of their mem#ers to !reside, !rovided that no !erson #e allowed to serve in the office of !resident more than one 'ear in an' term of three 'ears3 to ascertain the necessar' sums of mone' to #e raised for the service of the "nited States, and to a!!ro!riate and a!!l' the same for defra'ing the !u#lic e !enses && to #orrow mone', or emit #ills on the credit of the "nited States, transmitting ever' half&'ear to the res!ective States an account of the sums of mone' so #orrowed or emitted && to #uild and e5ui! a nav' && to agree u!on the num#er of land forces, and to ma+e re5uisitions from each State for its 5uota, in !ro!ortion to the num#er of white inha#itants in such State3 which re5uisition shall #e #inding, and thereu!on the legislature of each State shall a!!oint the regimental officers, raise the men and cloath, arm and e5ui! them in a solid&li+e manner, at the e !ense of the "nited States3 and the officers and men so cloathed, armed and e5ui!!ed shall march to the !lace a!!ointed, and within the time agreed on #' the "nited States in Congress assem#led. ;ut if the "nited States in Congress assem#led shall, on consideration of circumstances 1udge !ro!er that an' State should not raise men, or should raise a smaller num#er of men than the 5uota thereof, such e tra num#er shall #e raised, officered, cloathed, armed and e5ui!!ed in the same manner as the 5uota of each State, unless the legislature of such State shall 1udge that such e tra num#er cannot #e safel' s!read out in the same, in which case the' shall raise, officer, cloath, arm and e5ui! as man' of such e tra num#er as the' 1udeg can #e safel' s!ared. And the officers and men so cloathed, armed, and e5ui!!ed, shall march to the !lace a!!ointed, and within the time agreed on #' the "nited States in Congress assem#led. The "nited States in Congress assem#led shall never engage in a war, nor grant letters of mar5ue or re!risal in time of !eace, nor enter into an' treaties or alliances, nor coin mone', nor regulate the value thereof, nor ascertain the sums and e !enses necessar' for the defense and welfare of the "nited States, or an' of them, nor emit #ills, nor #orrow mone' on the credit of the "nited States, nor a!!ro!riate mone', nor agree u!on the num#er of vessels of war, to #e #uilt or !urchased, or the num#er of land or sea forces to #e raised, nor a!!oint a commander in chief of the arm' or nav', unless nine States assent to the same9 nor shall a 5uestion on an' other !oint, e ce!t for ad1ourning from da' to da' #e determined, unless #' the votes of the ma1orit' of the "nited States in Congress assem#led. The Congress of the "nited States shall have !ower to ad1ourn to an' time within the 'ear, and to an' !lace within the "nited States, so that no !eriod of ad1ournment #e for a longer duration than the s!ace of si months, and shall !u#lish the 1ournal of their !roceedings monthl', e ce!t such !arts thereof relating to treaties, alliances or militar' o!erations, as in their 1udgement re5uire secrec'3 and the 'eas and na's of the delegates of each State on an' 5uestion shall #e entered on the 1ournal, when it is desired #' an' delegates of a State, or an' of them, at his or their re5uest shall #e furnished with a transcri!t of the said 1ournal, e ce!t such !arts as are a#ove e ce!ted, to la' #efore the legislatures of the several States.

8. The Committee of the States, or an' nine of them, shall #e authori2ed to e ecute, in the recess of Congress, such of the !owers of Congress as the "nited States in Congress assem#led, #' the consent of the nine States, shall from time to time thin+ e !edient to vest them with3 !rovided that no !ower #e delegated to the said Committee, for the e ercise of which, #' the Articles of Confederation, the voice of nine States in the Congress of the "nited States assem#led #e re5uisite. 8). Canada acceding to this confederation, and ad1oining in the measures of the "nited States, shall #e admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this "nion3 #ut no other colon' shall #e admitted into the same, unless such admission #e agreed to #' nine States. 8)). All #ills of credit emitted, monies #orrowed, and de#ts contracted #', or under the authorit' of Congress, #efore the assem#ling of the "nited States, in !ursuance of the !resent confederation, shall #e deemed and considered as a charge against the "nited States, for !a'ment and satisfaction whereof the said "nited States, and the !u#lic faith are here#' solemnl' !leged. 8))). 0ver' State shall a#ide #' the determination of the "nited States in Congress assem#led, on all 5uestions which #' this confederation are su#mitted to them. And the Articles of this Confederation shall #e inviola#l' o#served #' ever' State, and the "nion shall #e !er!etual3 nor shall an' alteration at an' time hereafter #e made in an' of them3 unless such alteration #e agreed to in a Congress of the "nited States, and #e afterwards confirmed #' the legislatures of ever' State. And 7hereas it hath !leased the .reat .overnor of the 7orld to incline the hearts of the legislatures we res!ectivel' re!resent in Congress, to a!!rove of, and to authori2e us to ratif' the said Articles of Confederation and !er!etual "nion. 6now *e that we the undersigned delegates, #' virtue of the !ower and authorit' to us given for that !ur!ose, do #' these !resents, in the name and in #ehalf of our res!ective constituents, full' and entirel' ratif' and confirm each and ever' of the said Articles of Confederation and !er!etual "nion, and all and singular the matters and things therein contained9 And we do further solemnl' !light and engage the faith of our res!ective constituents, that the' shall a#ide #' the determinations of the "nited States in Congress assem#led, on all 5uestions, which #' the said Confederation are su#mitted to them. And that the Articles thereof shall #e inviola#l' o#served #' the States we res!ectivel' re!resent, and that the "nion shall #e !er!etual. )n 7itness whereof we have hereunto set our hands in Congress. Done at Philadel!hia in the State of Penns'lvania the ninth da' of ,ul' in the *ear of our <ord =ne Thousand Seven $undred and Sevent'&0ight, and in the Third *ear of the inde!endence of America. Agreed to #' Congress 15 Novem#er 1777 )n force after ratification #' %ar'land, 1 %arch 17>1

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