Application For Employment: 1557 NE 164th Street Ste 201 North Miami Beach, FL 33162
Application For Employment: 1557 NE 164th Street Ste 201 North Miami Beach, FL 33162
Application For Employment: 1557 NE 164th Street Ste 201 North Miami Beach, FL 33162
"-#$%8 &&&'(ostal)enefit'co*
)ame and *ddress of 'chool 'econdary 'chool 8i!h 'chool, Prep 'chool olle!e, Eni$ersity 2raduate, Trade, Business 'chool )"* 'antia!o 8' )"* )"*
ourse of 'tudy
*cademic 'cholarships"*wards
1escribe any specialiBed trainin!, licenses or certifications7)"* %-P+(A-%)T %FP%&I%) % 'tartin! with your most recent employment, pro$ide your complete employment history for the past .4 years. Include any Dob;related military ser$ice assi!nments and $olunteer acti$ities. Please be aware that your current employer may be contacted unless you as: us not to do so. If you pro$ide a resume that contains some of the requested information, you must nonetheless complete the fields mar:ed by an asteris: (G). %mployerG )ational 1emolition ontractors *ddress .53< 9. C5th 't., 'an Pedro, * Telephone )umber(s) 3.4;63C;.==. 'uper$isor ()ame and Title) Ieff Perry ((wner) &eason for lea$in!G +aid of due to economy ,rom =".4 To >".. 8ourly &ate"'alaryG G65H Iob Title %stimator"P-
%-P+(A-%)T %FP%&I%) % ( ()TI)E%1) %mployerG Pena 2radin! J 1emolition ,rom >"4C To <".4 *ddress ..C53 0inedale 't., 'un 0alley, * 8ourly &ate"'alaryG G63H Telephone )umber(s) >.>;6<>;5C4C Iob Title ProDect -ana!er"%stimator 1uties J *ccomplishments Bid and manage demolition and construction projects 'uper$isor ()ame and Title) (restes Pena Ir. (President) &eason for lea$in!G Bad %conomy
&%,%&%) %' Please pro$ide names of 3 professional references, not related to you, whom you ha$e :nown at least one year. )*-% TIT+% BE'I)%'' P8()% .. C. 3. Ieff Perry (restes Pena Ir Iim 'heridan (wner President President 3.4;63C;.==. >.>;6<>;5C4C <C<;=<6;=6==
'HI++' *)1 %FP%&I%) % State any other skills or experience relevant to the job for which you are applying that you think may be helpful to us in considering your application: Proficient with -' %#cel, 9ord, ProDect J (utloo: includin! !eneral computer wor:.
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I certify that the answers !i$en in this application are true to the best of my :nowled!e, I understand that the use of this application form does not indicate that there are any positions open and does not in any way obli!ate Postal Benefit, Inc (Postal Benefit). I understand that should I be !ranted an inter$iew, no representations that may be made at the inter$iew are to be construed as creatin! any obli!ation, promise or contract on behalf of Postal Benefit. Further, in the event I am hired, in consideration of my employment, I agree to conform to the policies and procedures of Postal Benefit, as they may from time to time be implemented or revised, and that my employment is at-will and can be terminated with or without cause at any time for any lawful reason at the option of either Postal Benefit or me. I understand that no super$isory, mana!ement or any other employee at Postal Benefit has any authority to ma:e a commitment of !uaranteed or continuin! employment to me, and no document or publication of Postal Benefit or conduct of anyone at Postal Benefit should be interpreted to ma:e such a !uarantee, unless the President of Postal Benefit specifically ac:nowled!es such chan!e in writin!. I understand that false or misleadin! information !i$en in my application, resumes, inter$iew(s) or durin! the course of my employment may result in withdrawal of a Dob offer or discipline up to and Includin! termination of employment, whene$er the omission or falsehood is disco$ered. I understand that acceptance for employment shall depend on satisfactory replies from my references and other bac:!round chec:s. In the e$ent I recei$e a Dob offer, I also understand that I may be subDect to a dru! test and"or a medical e#amination that I must pass before I commence wor:. I have read, understood and agree to the foregoing Aes
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*s part of the inter$iew process, Postal Benefit, Inc (Postal Benefit) may conduct a bac:!round chec:. If you are hired, Postal Benefit may also conduct a bac:!round chec: in decidin! whether to continue your employment and when ma:in! other employment;related decisions directly affectin! you. *s part of the bac:!round chec:, Postal Benefit may obtain a consumer report from a consumer reportin! a!ency. These terms are defined in the ,air redit &eportin! *ct (, &*), which applies to you. * consumer report Includes information re!ardin! such issues as your credit standin!, criminal record, motor $ehicle record, character and reputation. If Postal Benefit obtains a consumer report about you, and considers any information in the consumer report when ma:in! an employment;related decision that directly and ad$ersely affects you, you will be pro$ided with a copy of the report before the decision is finaliBed. Aou may also contact the ,ederal Trade ommission in 9ashin!ton, 1. ., about your ri!hts under the , &* as a consumer with re!ard to consumer reports and the consumer reportin! a!encies that prepare these reports. Aour choice below authoriBes Postal Benefit to obtain consumer reports re!ardin! you from consumer reportin! a!encies in connection with your application and durin! the course of your employment. I have read, understood and agree to the foregoing Aes
I authoriBe representati$es of Postal Benefit to obtain pertinent information from my pre$ious employers, references, and other persons with :nowled!e of my wor: history and bac:!round, financial history, education, re!ulatory or police records, licensin! status or professional desi!nation, and character or reputation, and to consider the information pro$ided by the bac:!round chec: when ma:in! decisions re!ardin! my employment at Postal Benefit. I authoriBe all pre$ious employers, references or other persons ha$in! :nowled!e of my record or myself to release such information to Postal Benefit, and hereby release all persons from liability for any dama!e that may result from furnishin! such information to Postal Benefit.
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T IS !"#TI"$ "% T & '!!(I)'TI"$ *I(( "$(+ B& #&,I&*&- B+ .&.B&#S "% T & /.'$ #&S"/#)&S -&!'#T.&$T, T "S& I$,"(,&- I$ I$T&#,I&*I$0 T & '!!(I)'$T, '$- T & !&#S"$1S2 .'3I$0 T & I#I$0 -&)ISI"$4 8a$e you e$er been con$icted of or pleaded !uilty or nolo contendere (no contest) to any $iolation of any state, federal, county or municipal law, other than a minor traffic $iolation@55 )o
If yes, please !i$e information re!ardin! the nature of the char!e, the date and location of con$iction and the final disposition of the case7
55 *pplicants are not required to disclose any information contained in sealed arrest and criminal records. I understand that the information pro$ided abo$e will not necessarily result in the reDection of my application but that the nature of the information will be considered as it relates to the performance of the Dob duties in question and in li!ht of the requirements of state and federal law. I have read, understood and agree to the foregoing Aes