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Josh Taylor
M.S. Mechanical Engineering , UCLA June 2014 B.S. Mechanical Engineering UC Berkeley May 2013

About Me
I am pursuing my M.S. in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Design and Manufacturing at UCLA. I completed my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at UC Berkeley in 2013. My course load has included classes on the design of mechanisms and MEMs, mechatronics, and product development. I am interested in pursuing a full-time career in mechanical design.

Skills: Machining, AutoCAD, Creo Parametric (formerly Pro/Engineer, SolidWorks, 3D Studio Max Design, Inventor, FLUENT, COMSOL Programming: MATLAB, Python, Java, LabVIEW

Design Projects
Air Guitar 4-5

Mechanical Board Eraser Sine Wave Generator

DFMA Checklist Campanile Project

6-7 7-8
9-10 12

Chassis Project
Slide Projector Animation


Lockheed P-38 Lightning


Air Guitar Gloves

The Goal: To build a pair of gloves that allows the wearer to play guitar music using hand motions.
Skills Used: SolidWorks LabVIEW Machining

Winner of Departments Mechanical Engineer for best Senior Design Project

Design features a push-button on each finger to represent 4 strings (E, A, D, G); two buttons pressed represent a chord

String potentiometer fabricated to provide accurate distance measurements i.e. location on the fretboard
ME102B Mechatronics/ME135 Design of Microprocessor-Based Mechanical Systems Spring 2012 with Professor Kazerooni/Professor Anwar

Air Guitar Gloves cont.

The Amp houses the SB-RIO used for all data acquisition and allowed for easier organization of all the wires

LabVIEW graphical user interface displaying string and fret locations as well as the key and distortion level

The team (from left): Aaron Krive, Leonard Carrier, Darshan Kasar, Chris Anderson, Me, Eric Bourgain-Chang

Mechanical Board Eraser

The Goal: To design and prototype a faster, cleaner board eraser for the university's black boards using criteria from Berkeleys professors and administrators
Criteria: Leave no chalk marks Clean the board in under 5 seconds Maintain performance throughout the year Be unobtrusive
Metric Weight Cost Criteria <15 kg <$80

Skills Used: SolidWorks Machining

Speed Number of Parts Noise Output Steps to Operate Users Age

3-5 years
1-2 meters per second 15 Unobtrusive sound 1 >12 years old Final prototype of our design. The lime green microfiber cloth is removable so that it can be washed and reused.
ME 110 -New Product Development
Spring 2012, Professor Yousseffi

Mechanical Board Eraser (cont.)

Final 3D Model of our design produced and rendered in SolidWorks. 3D model close-up of gearing mechanism which allows user to push into the board while pushing the eraser to allow the user to exert force throughout the whole width of the board.

Goals Accomplished: Leave no chalk marks Clean the board in under 5 seconds Maintain performance throughout the year Be unobtrusive Bonus: was made under $200 budget

Gearing mechanism as-built.

Sine Wave Generation Mechanism

The Goal: To design a mechanism that draws sine waves with variable frequencies and amplitudes
Skills Used: SolidWorks Machining

A sample sine-wave produced by the mechanism.

Built prototype of mechanical sine wave generator.

ME 130 Design of Planar Machinery Spring 2012, Professor Yousseffi

Sine Wave Generation Mechanism (cont.)

2. 3. 4.
1. Variable amplitude slots for the scotch-yoke mechanism 2. Friction roller with rubber bands to pull the paper through 3. Paper fed in from this side 4. Motor controlled by PWM circuit to allow for a changing roller speed producing a changing sine wave frequency Final design utilizing a scotch- yoke mechanism for the vertical motion and a friction roller to produce a constant horizontal motion. The displacement of the pen is now a perfect sine wave


PWM circuit used to control the roller motor. User could adjust roller speed through the potentiometer (on left).


DFMA Checklist
The Goal: To create a user-friendly GUI to help the pilot/ manufacturing engineers perform design for manufacturing and assembly analysis on incoming projects in alpha and beta stage of development
Skills Used: Python (with wxPython graphics package)

The original checklist which overwhelms the user with information)

New front panel of checklist, organized by DFMA category

LAM Research, Pilot Operations Summer 2012, Frank Alvarez


DFMA Checklist (cont.)

Each category has several DFMA questions that allow the engineer to report issues relating to the question

A summary of the issues reported can be found here along with the severity. A score can be given to each issue that was found from 10 (non-issue) 1(major issue)

Reference information relating to the question can be found by clicking on the question

If any major category scores below an 80%, then manufacturing sends the assembly back to the design engineers for a reevaluation and improvements


Campanile Project (Berkeley Clock Tower)

The Goal: To design a beam having a the general relative dimensions of the Berkeley Clock Tower (Campanile) that can survive a cyclic (10x) load of 20 N with no more than 0.5 mm plastic deformation and achieve survival of this load with as little material as possible (design for a high spring constant to mass ratio).
Skills Used: SolidWorks LabVIEW

a) Front view b) Side view c) Top view 3D prototype. Design features I-Beam cross-section which is very efficient at carrying bending loads along midsection.

Voted as one of the top 5 designs in the class because of its smart use of material
ME 102A Introduction to Measurements Systems for Mechatronics Fall 2012, Professor Pisano


Chassis Design Project

The Goal: To design a car chassis that has the highest bending stiffness and twisting stiffness per mass.
Skills Used: SolidWorks LabVIEW

3-D model of car chassis designed in SolidWorks

Side view of 3-D printed prototype

ME 102A Introduction to Measurements Systems for Mechatronics Fall 2012, Professor Pisano


Chassis Design Project (cont.)

Linear Encoder Loading cycle at 10N applied to the chassis

Force Sensor

Testing setup used for both campanile and chassis testing. The wires lead to the NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS BNC-2120 (connected to the NI PXI-6251 card in the LabVIEW Chassis). Force vs. Displacement plot for the chassis bending. The max bending displacement was 3 mm


Slide Projector Animation

The Goal: To reverse engineer a complex mechanical device, creating 3D models of the parts and producing an animation showing its assembly and functioning.
Skills Used: Creo Parametric 3D Studio Max Design

Left: Kodak 4400 Slide projector; Right: Rendered 3D model of slide projector in 3D Studio Max Design

Scene from the animation showing a close-up of the machine

E 128Advanced Engineering Graphics Fall 2012, Professor Lieu


Close-up of the lens assembly Close-up of slide-changer mechanism

Scene from the 3D animation showing the slide projector functioning


Lockheed P-38 Lightning

The Goal: To model, texture and animate the Lockheed P-38 Lightning fighter plane in 3D Studio Max.
Skills Used: 3D Studio Max Design

Top view of the P-38.

Close-up view of the P-38.

E128 Advanced Engineering Design Graphics Fall 2012, Professor Lieu


Lockheed P-38 Lightning (cont.)

Close-up view from the back and isometric view

Screenshot from the animation showing planes in a battle formation

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