Design and Analysis of Helicalspring Used in Rail Wagon: C.S.I. Institute of Technology Thovalai

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2002 2003
Proje! Re"or!
Certified that this is the bonafied record of project work on DESG! done by
Se"#an$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%%Re& !o$$$$$$$$ of '
Semester (echanica" En&ineerin& branch durin& the academic year )**) + )**,%
Proje! G$%&e He'& o( !)e De"'r!*e#!
Submitted for the Board examination held on.
I#!er#'+ E,'*%#er E,!er#'+ E,'*%#er

First of all we thank the most merciful, the most graceful and the most
beneficent almighty.
At the outset we thank everyone who was with us in thoughts and action
during our project.
We are graceful to our institution C.S. !S""#"$ %F "$C&!%'%() , to
its correspondent and to our principal, who gave us the facilities to prove our
We e*tremely thank +r. ., head of the department of mechanical
engineering for his constant help in doing this project.
We owe our credence to our internal guide for his assistance in project
consultation, guidance and documentation. we also e*tend our thanks to all
lecturers in the department for their encouragement.
We e*tend our heartful gratitude to our parents who give us life, love and
Spring is an elastic body, which is used to absorb the sudden
shocks, mostly it is used in all mechanical components for e*ample,
Shock absorbers.
n this project, various cross-sections of spring under identical
loading conditions are compared and best-suited spring is identified.
"he present study is focussed on the structural analysis of the
"he three-dimensional model is developed in ./%0$ and is
analysed using A!S)S. While comparing Factor of Safety, Stress,
1isplacement for various cross sections of spring use find out
circular spring is the best one for the suspension of /ail Wagon.

Auto design
F!"$ $'$+$!" A!A')SS
(eneral .rocedure of the F$A
+odeling Capabilities of Finite $lements Soft wares
Common $lements used in finite $lement Analysis
Advantages 2 1isadvantages of F$A
A3%#" S./!(S
"erms used in Springs
Stresses in &elical Springs of Circular wire
1eflection of helical Springs
+aterial .roperties of the Spring
Comparison of Springs
"ypes of C0S area of the Springs
1esign of Springs
1esign of /ectangular C0S springs
1esign of S4uare C0S Springs
+odelling of the Spring using .ro0$
+odelling of /ectangular C0S Springs
+odelling of S4uare C0S Springs
+odelling of Circular C0S Springs
Structural Analysis using A!S)S
./%-$ +%1$' ,
5. /ectangular C0S Springs
6. S4uare C0S Springs
7. Circular C0S Springs
+$S& +%1$' ,
5. /ectangular C0S Springs
6. S4uare C0S Springs
7. Circular C0S Springs
A!A')SS +%1$' ,
5. /ectangular C0S Springs
a. Stresses acting on the springs
b. 1isplacement of the springs
6. S4uare C0S Springs
c. Stresses acting on the springs
a. 1isplacement of the springs
7. Circular C0S Springs
d. Stresses acting on the springs
a. 1isplacement of the springs
Computer aided design or CA1 has very broad meaning and can be
defined as the use of computers in creation, modification, analysis and
optimi8ation of a design. CA+ 9Computer Aided +anufacturing: involves
computer in the areas of process planning and tool path generation. CA$
9Computer Aided $ngineering: is referred to computers in engineering analysis
like stress0strain, heat transfer, flow analysis. CA10CA+0CA$ is said to have
more potential to radically increase productivity than any development since
electricity. CA10CA+0CA$ builds 4uality form concept to final product. nstead
of bringing in 4uality control during the final inspection it helps to develop a
process in which 4uality is there through the life cycle of the product.
CA10CA+0CA$ can eliminate the need for prototypes. 3ut it re4uired prototypes
can be used to confirm rather predict performance and other characteristics.
CA10CA+0CA$ is employed in numerous industries like manufacturing,
automotive, aerospace, casting, mold making, plastic, electronics and other
general purpose industries. CA10CA+0CA$ systems can be broadly divided into
low end, mid end and high-end systems.
'ow-end systems are those systems which do only 61 modeling and with
only little 71 modeling capabilities. According to industry static;s <=->=? of all
mechanical designer still use 61 CA1 applications. "his may be mainly due to
the high cost of high-end systems and a lack of e*pertise etc.
+id-end systems are actually similar t high-end systems with all their
design capabilities with the difference that they are offered at much lower prices.
71 sold modeling on the .C is burgeoning because of many reasons like
affordable and powerful hardware, strong sound software that offers windows
case of use shortened design and production cycles and smooth integration with
downstream application. +ore and more designers and engineers are shifting to
mid end system.
&igh end CA10CA+0CA$ soft wares are for the completer modeling,
analysis and manufacturing of products. &igh-end systems can be visuali8ed as
the brain of concurrent engineering. Concurrent engineering plays an important
role in all the research and developments going throughout the world and these
are not possible without the high-end systems. "he design and development of
products which took years in the passed to completer is now made in days with
the help of high end CA10CA+0CA$ systems and concurrent engineering.
n ndia CA10CA+0CA$ scenario is in the developing stage. As ndian
engineers generally accept technology only to service. "he high-end
CA10CA+0CA$ software;s has taken tome to enter into the ndian industries, but
now it is in a booming stage.
+ost of the ndia engineers and designers still use old 61 modelers.
Certainly some of the inertia holding them in the entry to the high-end cad world
is the reluctance on the part the drafters and engineers to give up methods drilled
into them over period of years. 3ut just as competition demanded the
replacement of drafting boards by computers, they will surely switch over to high-
end CA10CA+0CA$ soft ware with the genera push. As the CA10CA+0CA$
scenario is a very vast one, it is always impossible to dig into the details of all the
available soft ware in the market in a short time. $ven then a sincere effort has
been made to get details of all the market leading software and they are
described below.
"o succeed in today;s competitive internet-driven marketplace, discrete
manufacturers need to introduce products faster than their competition, with built-
in differential advantages, higher levels of customer acceptance and all at a
lower cost to them. .ro0engineer is designed form the ground up to accomplish
this goal-with unmatched technical innovation productivity advantages that have
made it the de-facto standard for product development across all manufacturing
industries. t provides a Fle*ible $ngineering infrastructure for product
development that can rapidly respond to changing market conditions to support
company business initiative.
"he cornerstone of the .ro0$!(!$$/ family is .ro0$!(!$$/-
Foundation. "his single package provides best-in-class, integrated capabilities
for creating detailed sold and sheet metal components, building assemblies,
designing weldments producing fully documented production drawing and
creating photo realistic rendering. t is built on ."C;s industry leading
.ro0$!(!$$/ feature-based, associative parametric sold-modeling kernel. n
addition .ro0$!(!$$/-Foundation . As your business grows and your needs
change, you can build on this powerful functionality with the following e*tension
and options for every phase of development and level of e*pertise.
!"a#iora$ Mod!$$in%
best possible, fully engineered design. Simple design problems become less
tedious to solve. Comple* design problems can be solved conclusively in a
fraction of time that it would take to find a @close enoughA solution through
cumbersome manual techni4ues. 3ehavioral +odeling is a ne*t-generation
general design tool that raises mechanical design automation beyond geometry
@documentationA to true design. t provides a process that allows informed
design e*ploration leading to an optimal design solution based on re4uirements.
Ad#an&!d A''!()$*
"he Advanced Assembly $*tension e*pands the power of
.ro0$!(!$$/-Foundation to include the engineering and management of
medium to very large assemblies throughout an enterprise-wide product
development process. t offers rich capabilities for design criteria management,
top-down assembly design, large assembly management, associative shrink-
wrap, and process planning. these tools enhance the productivity of design
teams creating and managing, comple* product designs-and help downstream
users produce accurate lifecycle documentation for assembly on the shop floor.
"hey also encourage distribution of engineering tasks and collaboration between
dispersed terms.
Ad#an&!d Sur+a&!
"he Advanced Surface $*tension, in conjunction wit .ro0$!(!$$/
caters to clients who re4uire more control over the shape of their
designs. t;s capabilities allow designers to address a full range of products, form
prismatic engine components, to contoured gold clubs, to organic shapes like
human teeth. "he Advanced Surface $*tension offers high-powered tools for
design criteria management, parametric surface modeling and direct surface
modeling for reverse engineering.

+odel C&$CB is a knowledge management and 4uality control add-on to
.ro0$!(!$$/. t detects design deviations and inconsistencies in
.ro0$!(!$$/ models that can make it difficult to share or reuse models and
provides online design guidance. +odel C&$CB is used today in many
organi8ations to help uses create parts, drawing and assemblies according to
corporate standards and best practices. "hrough the regular use of +odel
C&$CB, users will increase their .ro0$!(!$$/ proficiency. "he new Shape
technology in +odel C&$CB is used to find similar models making it
easier to reuse e*isting designs.
Rout!d S*'t!('
"he /outed Systems %ption for .ro0$!(!$$/ offers comprehensive
and associative capabilities for electrical, cabling, and piping design and
manufacturing. .ro0$!(!$$/ /outed System help designers, packing and
manufacturing engineers, to 4uickly and accurately design, route, document,
and produce comple* harness and piping systems. "his results in a significant in
4uality and productivity for comple* routed systems.
P$a'ti& Ad#i'or
"he .ro0$!(!$$/ .lastic Advisor %ption provides plastics part
designers with immediate and easy access to reliable and easy-to-understand
manufacturing feedback and advice. 1esigned to evaluate every design change
nor just every design-for injection moulding manufacturability, .lastic Advisor is
the ideal cost and time saving tool. 1esigners simply select the material type
and proposed gate locations and .lastic Advisor provides on-screen animations
for the mold filing, plots describing the @mouldabilityA of the design, and the
locations of potential problem areas such as wells lines and air traps.
M!&"ani'( D!'i%n
"he .ro0$!(!$$/ +echanism 1esign $*tension enables
designers to 4uickly and easily assemble pro0$!(!$$/ parts and
subassemblies using pre-defined connection 9pin joints, ball joints, sliders, etc.:
to create a mechanism assembly . "hese connections are intelligent
pro0$!(!$$/ features and can be used in conjunction with the traditional
assembly constraints like mat, align and insert. "he mechanism can then be
interactively dragged through its range of motion, or the designer can used
Cdrivers; to create animations f pre-defined motion that can then be stored and
D!'i%n Ani(ation
"he pro0$!(!$$/ 1esign Animation option enables the creation of
animation se4uences within pro0$!(!$$/, using parts, assemblies, and
mechanisms. #sing key frames, drivers and inherited mechanism joints,
animations can be created and manipulated with ease. As a simple yet powerful
way to convey comple* information about a product or process, these animation
se4uences can be used as concept communication tools fir sales and marketing,
managements, design reviews, and as a method for remote communication of
"he Application .rogramming "oolkit allows customers to e*tend,
automate, and customi8e a wide range of pro0$!(!$$/ design-though-
manufacturing functionality. "he Application programming "oolkit consist of a
library of function, often referred to an application-programming interface9A.:,
written in the co programming language. these functions are typically used by
+S organi8ations to create applications that run in parallel with pro0$!(!$$/
and to integrate product information with the customers corporate +/.0$/.
systems. "he e*tensive Application .rogramming "oolkit A. library provides
programmatic access for creating, interrogating, and manipulating almost every
aspect of the engineering model and its data management.
CADAM (i%ration
"he CA1A+ +igration option can maintain, modify, and revise mainframe
CA1A+ drawings in a desktop environment. t maintains familiar CA1A+
structure so users can access, update, and plot legacy CA1A+ drawings with no
retraining. #sing the CA1A+ +igration option, its easy to make simple drawing
changes. t a part changes, the drawing can be easily revised, and the part
4uickly returned to production.
A!S)S can be used for all levels of analysis, from basic Stressing to full
non-linear dynamic analysis.
A!S)S, nc., a leader in collaborative engineering, e*emplifies its ongoing
commitment to engineering education through the A!S)S, nc., $ducation
program. Currently the A!S)S, nc., $ducational .rogram aids over 6,===
colleges, universities, and educational institutions worldwide in teaching the
fundamentals of finite element analysis.
"oday the focus of the $ducational .rogram has been directed towards
recogni8ing the many technical and economic developments that the constant
changing the nature of manufacturing thus creating a demand for engineers who
understand advanced computational techni4ues. "housands of engineers will be
needed to meet the demands of this ever-changing engineering community, and
A!S)S, nc;s goal is to ensure institutions of higher education will be capable
preparing a new generation of engineers for the challenges that lie ahead.
A!S)S provide advanced engineering analysis and support in man
disciples, including,
o Stress-Analysis-'inear 2!onlinear, $lastic-.lastic, Fatigue.
o 1ynamics-Dibration, Shock0mpact, Containment, /andom,
Dibration, /otor 1ynamics.
o +echanisms-/igid and Fle* 3ody Binematics.
o &eat "ransfer-Steady-state 2 "ransient, 'inear 2 !onlinear,
Couple "hermal0Structural.
o Coupled0Field Analysis- .ie8oelectric, acoustics and fluid-
structure interaction.
Auto D!'i%n -./
Auto 1esign E.= is the only Finite $lement Analysis .roduct completely
integrated inside +echanical 1esktop. Any 71 solids, surfaces and wire-frames,
as well as 1esigner solids, can be automatically meshed. Static, 1ynamic and
"hermal analysis, as well as design optimi8ation, can be performed inside the
+echanical 1esktop0Auto CA1, !ew intuitive toolbars0icons and dialog bo*es
make it even easier to rapidly evaluate and optimi8e designs and perform stress
analysis for design engineers. Auto 1esign E.=, in conjunction with +echanical
1esktop, provides a fully integrated and streamlined mechanical design solution
for the first time to AutoCA1 users.
Introdu&tion o+ FEA
t is not possible to obtain analytical solution for many engineering
problems. At the engineering solution is a mathematical model or e*pression
that gives the value of the field variable at any location in the body.
For problems involving comple* shapes, material properties and
complicated boundary conditions it is difficult, so for many of the practical
problems, and engineer uses numerical methods to solve the problems and that
provides appro*imate solutions, which is also acceptable one. "he three
methods are used.
a. Functional appro*imation
b. Functional difference method
c. Finite element method
Finite element method 9F$+: and analysis 9F$A: are tow of the very popular
engineering applications offered by e*isting CA10CA+ systems. "his is
attributed to the fact that the finite element method is perhaps the most popular
numerical techni4ue for solving engineering problems. "he method is general
enough to handle any comple* shape or geometry 9problem domain:, any
material properties, any boundary conditions and any loading conditions. "he
generality of the finite element method analysis re4uirements to today;s comple*
engineering systems and designs where closed form solutions of governing
e4uilibrium e4uations are generally not available. n addition, it is an efficient
design tool by which designers can perform parametric design studies by
considering various design cases 9different shapes, materials, loads, etc:
analy8ing them and choosing the optimum design.
"he finite element method is numerical techni4ue for obtaining
appro*imates solutions to engineering problems. "his method is adopted in the
industry as a tool to study stresses in comple* air frame structures. "he method
has gained popularity amid of both researches and practitioners.
G!n!ra$ Pro&!dur! o+ t"! FEA
"he solution of a continuum problem by the finite element method usually
follows an orderly step-by-step process. the following steps show in general how
the finite element method works.
a. Di'&r!ti0! t"! %i#!n &ontinuu(
"he importance of the finite element method is to divide a continuum that
is problem domain, into 4uasi-disjoint, non-overlapping elements. "his is
achieved by replacing the continuum by the set of key pointsF called nodes when
connected properly, produce the elements. "he collection of nodes and
elements form the finite element mesh. A variety of element shapes and types
are available. "he analyst or designer can mi* element types to solve one
problem. "he number of nodes and elements that can be used in problem is a
matter of engineering judgment. As a general rule, the larger number of nodes
and elements, the more accurate the finite element solution, but also the more
e*pensive the solution, is more memory space is needed to obtain the solution.
). S!$!&t t"! 'o$ution a11ro2i(ation3
"he variation of the unknown 9called field variable: in the problem is
appro*imated within each element by a polynomial. "he field variable may be a
scalar 9e.g., temperature: or a vector 9e.g., hori8ontal and vertical
displacements:. .olynomials are usually used to appro*imate the solution over
an element domain because they are easy to integrate and differentiate. the
degree of the polynomial depends on the number of nodes per element, the
number of unknown 9components of field variable: at each node and certain
continuity re4uirements along element boundaries.
&. D!#!$o1 !$!(!nt (atri&!' and !4uation'3
"he finite element formulation involves transformation of the governing
e4uilibrium e4uations form the continuum domain to the element domain. %nce
the nodes and material properties of a given element it;s be derived. Four
method are derive element matrices and e4uationsF the direct method, the
variation method, the weighted residual method, and the energy method.
d. A''!()$in% t"! !$!(!nt !4uation'
"he individual element matrices are added together by summing
e4uilibrium the e4uations of the elements to obtain the global matrices and
systems to algebraic e4uations. 3efore solving this system, it must be modified
by applying the boundary conditions. t boundary conditions are nor applied,
wrong results are obtained or a singular system of e4uations may result.
!. So$#! +or t"! un,no5n at t"! nod!'
"he global system of algebraic e4uations is solved via (auss elimination
methods to prove the values of the fields variables at the nodes of the finite
element mesh. Dalues of field variables at their derivatives at the nodes from the
completer finite element solution of the original continuum other than nodes are
possible to obtain although it is not usually done.
+. Int!r1r!t t"! r!'u$t
"he final step is to analy8e the solution and the results obtained from the
previous stop to make design decisions. the correct interpretation of these
results re4uires a sound background in both engineering and F$A.
n the conte*t of the above step-by-step procedure, it is clear that there
are various critical decisions that practitioners of the finite element analysis have
to make, e.g. the type of analysis. the number of nodes, the degree of freedom
9components of the field variable: at each node, the element shape and type, the
material type and finally the interpretation of the results.
Mod!$in% Ca1a)i$iti!' o+ Finit! E$!(!nt So+t5ar!
"here are several such software packages available today which can run
on mainframe, mini-computers as 5G and 76 bit .C, -1$AS, !AS"/A!,
.A"/A!, A!S)S, C%S+%S, etc., are some of the well-known analysis
"he following list give some of the capabilities of Finite $lement Software
T*1!' o+ ana$*'i' D!t!r(ination
Static Stresses and displacement
1ynamic "ransient and steady state response
+odal !atural fre4uencies, mode shapes, random
Dibration and force vibration problems
Stability 3uckling loads on a structure
&eat transfer "emperature distribution, heat flow under
steady state and transient conditions
Field Fields intensity, flu* density of magnetic field,
field problems in acoustics and fluid
Coupling 1isplacement forces, temperature, heat flows,
fluid pressure and velocity
Co((on !$!(!nt' u'!d in Finit! E$!(!nt Ana$*'i'
$lements types used in F$A may be described in terms of their shape
9through relative position of its modes: and degree of freedom 9possible direction
of movements of each node:. "otal number of degrees of freedom in the mesh
give s the stiffness matri*. For e*ample a triangular element has three nodes
and tow degree of freedom at each node. &ence the si8e of the stiffness matri* is
Common types of elements used in F$A. "hey are classified below,
5. /od
6. 3eam
7. 61 plane stress type
J. .late $lements
E. Shell $lements
G. Solid $lements
Ad#anta%!' and Di'ad#anta%!' o+ Finit! E$!(!nt' Ana$*'i'
+ain advantage is that physical problems, which were so far intractable
and comple* for any closed bound solutions, can be analy8ed by this method.
5: t can be efficiently applied to cater irregular geometry.
6: t can take care of any type of boundary.
7: +aterial in homogeneity can be treated without much difficult.
J: Any type of loading can be handled.
5: Cost involved in the solution of problem is more.
6: Appro*imations used in the development of the stiffness matri*.
7: Stress values may vary by 6E? form fine mesh analysis to average
mesh analysis.
J: "here are trouble sports such as @ Aspects ratioA 9ratio of longer to
smaller dimension at the element: which may affect the final result.
6a7 D!+inition3
A spring is defined as an elastic body, whose function is to distort when
loaded and to recover its original shape when load is removed . t is nothing but
a mechanical storage device.
6)7 T*1!' o+ '1rin%'3
&elical springs
Conical 2volute springs
"orsional springs
'aminated 2 leaf springs
Special purpose springs
6&7 Co((on u'!'3
i: "o cushion, absorb or control energy due to either shock or
vibration as in car spring, railway buffers, air-craft landing gears,
shock absorbers and vibration dampers.
ii: "o apply force, as in brakes, clutches and sprint-located values.
iii: "o measure forces, as in spring balances and engine indicators.
iv: "o store energy, as in watches, toys etc.
n our project we have chosen compression helical springs used in /ail
Wagon for suspension.
6d7 T!r(' u'!d in &o(1r!''ion '1rin%'3
"he following terms used in connection with compression springs are
important form the subject point of view.
8. So$id $!n%t"3
When the compression spring is compressed until the coils come in
contact with each other, then the spring is said to be solid. "he solid length of a
spring is the product of total number of coils and the diameter of the wire.
Solid length of the spring,
's I n;.d
Where n; I "otal number of coils and
d I 1iameter of the wire.
9. Fr!! $!n%t"3
"he free length of a compression spring is the length of the spring in the
free or unloaded condition. t is e4ual to the solid length plus the ma*imum
deflection or compression of the spring and the clearance between the adjacent
coils9when fully compressed:. +athematically,
Free length of the spring,
'f I Solid length K +a*imum compression K Clearance between
adjacent coils 9or clash allowance:
I n;d K ma* K =.5E ma*
"he following relation may also used to find the free length of the
spring, i.e.,
'F I n;.d K ma* K 9n;-5: H 5mm
n this e*pression, the clearance between the tow adjacent coils is
taken as 5 mm.
:. S1rin% ind!23
"he spring inde* is defines as the ratio of the mean diameter of the wire.
Spring inde*, C I 10d
Where 1 I +ean diameter of the coil, and
d I 1iameter of the wire.
;. S1rin% rat!3
"he spring rate 9or stiffness of spring constant: is defined as the load
re4uired per unit deflection of the spring. +athematically,
Spring rate, k I W0
W I 'oad, and
I 1eflection of the spring.
-. Pit&"3
"he pitch of the coil is defined as the a*ial distance between adjacent coils
in uncompressed state. +athematically,
.itch of the coil, p I Free length
6!7 End &onn!&tion' +or &o(1r!''ion "!$i&a$ '1rin%'3
plain ends
plain and ground ends
s4uared ends
s4uared and ground ends.
n this we have taken plain 2 ground end for the sake of simplicity.
6+7 Str!''!' in H!$i&a$ S1rin%' o+ Cir&u$ar Wir!3
Consider a helical compression spring made of circular wire and subjected
to an a*ial load W.
'et 1 I +ean diameter of the spring coil
d I 1iameter of the spring wire,
n I !umber of active coils,
( I +odulus of rigidity for the spring material,
W I A*ial load on the spring,
I +a*imum shear stress induced in the wire,
C I Spring inde* I 10d
p I .itch of the coils, and
I 1eflection of the spring, as a result of an a*ial load W.
!ow consider a part of the compression spring. "he load W tends to
rotate the wire due to the twisting moment 9": set up in the wire. "hus torsional
shear stress in induced in the wire.
A little consideration will show that part of the spring, is in e4uilibrium
under the action of two forces W and the twisting moment ". We know that the
twisting moment,
" I W H 106 I 05G H 5 H d
I > W.10d
n addition to the torsional shear stress 95: induced in the wire, the
following stress also act on the wire,
5. 1irect shear stress due to the load W, and
6. Stress due to curvature of wire.
We know that direct shear stress due to the load W,
6 I 'oad
Cross- sectional area of the wire
I w I JW
0J H d
We know that the resultant shear stress induced in the wire,
I 5
6 I >W.1 K JW
"he positive sign used for the inner edge of the wire and negative sign in
used for the other edge of the wire. Since, the stress is ma*imum at the inner
edge of the wire, therefore,
+a*imum shear stress induced in the wire,
I "orsional shear stress K 1irect shear stress
I >W.1 K JW I >W.1 95K d061:
I >W.1 95K d06C: I Bs H >W.1
Where Bs I Shear stress factor I 5K506C
From the above e4uation, it can be observed that the effect of direct shear
>W.1 H 5
is appreciable for springs of small spring inde* C. Also we have
neglected the effect of wire curvature in e4uation 9iii:. t may be noted that when
the springs are subjected to static loads, the effect of wire curvature may be
neglected, because yielding of the material will relieve the stresses. n order to
consider the effects of both direct shear as well as curvature of the wire. A.+
Wahl;s stress factor 9B: introduced by A.+.. Wahl may be used. +a*imum shear
stress induced in the wire.
I BH >W.1 I BH > W.C
B I JC L 5 K =.G5E
6%7 D!+$!&tion o+ "!$i&a$ '1rin%' o+ &ir&u$ar 5ir!.
"otal active length of the wire
l I 'ength of one coil * !o. of active coils I 1 * n
'et I Angular deflection of the wire when acted upon by the tor4ue ".
A*ial deflection of the spring.
I H 106
We also know that "0 M I 0 1 0 6 I ( H 0 5
I ".' 0 M0 ( considering " 0 M K (. 0 M
Where M I .olar moment of the spring wire
I 7.5J 0 76 H d
d being the diameter of spring wire.
and ( I +odulus of rigidity for the material of the spring wire.
!ow substituting the value of ' and M in the above e4uation, we have,
I ". 5 I W H 106 1 . n I 5G W. 16. n
M. ( 0 76 H d
( (. d
Substituting this value of = in e4uation 9i:, we have,
I 5G W. 1
.n H 1 I > W. 1
.n I > W. C
(. d
6 (. d
(. d
and the stiffness of the spring rate,
W I (.d
I ( .d I constant
.n >C
Mat!ria$ Pro1!rt* o+ t"! '1rin% u'!d i' Rai$ 5a%on3
"he material of the spring should have high fatigue strength, high ductility,
high resilience and it should be creep resistance.
For satisfying these conditions we have chosen the material such as
E=Cr5D67 9Chromium Danadium Alloy steel:
? Carbon - =.JE L =.EE ?
? Si - =.5 L =.7E ?
? +n - =.E L =.> ?
? Cr - =.N L 5.6 ?
"ensile strength - 5N= L 6J= kgf 0 mm
)ield strength - 5>= kgf 0 mm
3rinell hardness number - E== L E>=
.oisson;s ratio - =.7
)oung;s modulus - 65>== kgf 0 mm
1ensity - <>E= kg 0m
+odulus of /igidity ( - >JH5=
kg 0 mm
"he values for the design of the spring used is /ail wagon are taken form
/ailway 1epartment. "hey are,
+ass of /ail wagon - 6= tonnes
+a*imum 1eflection of the spring - 6E= mm
+a*imum allowable shear stress - G== mpa, I G==! 0 mm
.itch 1ia 1 - 7==mm
Delocity of /ail wagon - 6 m0s
Co(1ari'on o+ '1rin%'
n our project, by taking different cross sectional areas in the spring wire,
we have modeled using ./% 0 $ and Analy8ed by A!S)S. After this the
different cross, sectional wire are analy8ed and found out which one is the best
suit for /ail wagon suspension.
So we have taken this project and compared its cross sections in order to
improve the life of the spring.
T*1!' o+ &ro'' '!&tiona$ ar!a' 5! "a#! ta,!n3
9i: /ectangular
9ii: Circular
9iii: S4uare
D!'i%n o+ '1rin%'3
6a7 D!'i%n o+ R!&tan%u$ar '1rin%'3
"he helical spring may e made of non-circular wire such as rectangular of
s4uare wire in order to provide greater resilience. Binetic energy I O mv
From the specification the values are taken and substituted, Binetic
$nergy I O 96=,===: 96:P 6 I J=,=== !-m.
'et W be e4uivalent load which applied gradually,
Since there is 6 springs
I O H W H H 6 I W H I W H 6E= I 6E=W !-mm.
W I J= H 5=
0 6E= I 5G= H 5=
W I 5G= H 5=
1 I 7== mm, I 6E= mm I G== ! 0 mm
From 1ata book,
C I 10d I C I 1 0 9bKt: for /ectangular,
"ake 6t I b, blt I 6
From data book,
c I Q 6...1 0 6t. bP6
Where t I thickness
b I breath
"able from data book,
bit 5 5.E 6 7 J G > 5= 6
Q5 <.=N E.5 J.7G 7.> 7.EG 7.7G 7.6G 7.65 7
Q7 J.<N J.7E J.=E 7.< 7.E6 7.7E 7.6E 7.6 7
Q5, Q6 L Factors for spring of rectangular section Q6 I J.=E
I J.=E H 5G= H 5=
H 7== 0 6 H t 96t:
G== I J.=E H 5G= H 5=
H 7==06 H t 96t:
I t I 7J.7
t I 7J mm
b I 6 H t I G> mm Ib I G> mm
1eflection from data book,
I Q5 .1
n 0 J(t
From table, Q5 I J.7G
6E= I J.7G H H 5G= H 5=
H 97==:
H n 0 J H >J H 5=
H 97J:
n I J turns
Fr!! $!n%t"3
'f I n.b K K =.5E> ma*
I J9G>: K 6E= K =.5E H 6E=
'f I EG= mm.
Pit&" #a$u!3
. I 'f 0 n-5
I EG= 0 J I 5J= mm
. I 5J= mm
From designF values are
b I G> mm
t I 7J mm
n I J turns
'f I EG= mm
. I 5J= mm
D!'i%n o+ S4uar! &/' S!&tion3
W I 5G= H 5=
!, I 6E= mm
1 I 7== mm I G== ! 0mm
by obtaining the W,
I Q6 .1 0 6tb
here t I b,
I Q6 .1 0 6b
I J.<N H 5G= H 5=
H 7== 0 6Hb
I G==
b I E<.E6
I Q5 .1
n 0 J(t
G b
I <.=N H H 5G= H 5=
H n 0 JH>JH 5=
H 9E<.E6:
here I 6E= mm.
n I > turns
Fr!! $!n%t"3
'f I nb K K .5EH ma*
I >H E<.E6 K 6E= K =.5E H 6E=
'f I <J<.GG mm I <J> mm.
. I <J> 0>-5 I N7.E
. I N7.E mm.
Dalues, b I E<.E6 mm
1 I 7== mm
'f I <J> mm
n I >
. I N7.E mm.
D!'i%n o+ Cir&u$ar &/' S1rin%'3
1 I 7== mm
I 6E= mm I G== ! 0 mm
" I W H 1 0 6 I 5G=H 5=
H 7== 0 6H 5=
We also know that, tor4ue transmitted by spring 9":,
6JH 5=
I 0 5GH H d
I 0 5GH G==H d
I 55<.>d
d I E>.> say G== mm
d I G= mm
No. o+ turn' o+ t"! '1rin% &oi$<
n I !umber of active turns
We know deflection S I 6E=.
6E= I >.W.17.n 0 (.d
I >H 5G=H 5=
H 97==:
H n 0 >JH 5=
H 9G=:
I 75.< n
n I 6E= 075.< I > n I >
Fr!! $!n%t" o+ &oi$3
'f I n.d K K =.5E ma*
I >H G= K 6E= K =.5EH 6E=
'f I <G< mm
Pit&" o+ t"! &oi$3
. I Free length 0 n-5 I NE.><
W I 5G=H 5= P7 !
d I G= mm
1 I 7== mm
n I > turns
. I NE.>< mm
'f I <G<mm
Mod!$in% o+ t"! '1rin% u'in% Pro / E3
For analy8ing the springs, the spring should be designed and modeled.
For that we had used the soft ware ./% 0 $.
n .ro 0 $, for designing, the apt values should be known. "hat is taken
form theoretical design. From design, the values of different cross sections are
taken out and they are separately modeled.
6a7Mod!$in% o+ R!&tan%u$ar C/S '1rin%'
Dalues b I G> mm
t I 7J mm
n I J turns
'f I EG= mm
. I 5J= mm
1 I 7== mm
n .ro0$ first of all, we have created the datum place using 1efault
"hen protrusion command is used, after that by going Advanced
(eometry and &elical sweep command, the spring has created. n
this the values from specifications were given as the input.
then using plane, the two ends are cutted and it is considered as
n this for /ectangular cross section, the rectangular is directly
drawn and the dimensions are also checked.
3y this the /ectangular spring had modeled.
Mod!$in% o+ '4uar! &/' '1rin%'3
b I E<.E6 mm
1 I 7== mm
'f I <J> mm
n I > turns
. I N7.E mm
"he procedure of this are same as like as the above e*plained in
rectangular C0S.
For achieving s4uare cross section, by giving the same values of b,
that has been obtained.
then cutting at the tow ends we can get the end condition such as
plain and ground ends.
!ow the s4uare c0s sections were also modeled.
Mod!$in% o+ &ir&u$ar &/' '1rin%'3
d I G= mm
1 I 7== mm
n I > coils
'f I <G<
. I NE.>< mm
"he procedure for this also same as like as the above e*plained but the
cross section drawn is only varied.
At the place of s4uare the circle is drawn to get the circular section.
3y giving the suitable, radius, above given, we can get the circular spring.
"hen by cutting at the two ends the plain and ground end has been
n .ro0$, analy8ing the object 9springs: is not possible. t is design
package. "herefore, for analy8ing, we had switched over to the another package
such as A!S)S. "o transform the file form .ro0$ to A!S)S. Some
transformation file should be used for that purpose, ($S file has been used, in
our project.
n the A!S)S software, first of all we had selected the mode of the
analysis such as structural analysis.
For analy8ing the spring, the element should be chosen. For that, we
have been chosen the element such as "et N6.
SOLID=9 :-D 8/-Nod! T!tra"!dra$ Stru&tura$ So$id
"hen the material property such as )oung;s modulus, 1ensity, .oisson;s
ratio etc are given as the input by selecting the isotropic material.
!ow the main part of analysis such as meshing has been done by
selecting mesh and also by giving the value of mesh the meshing process
for the spring has been carried out.
"hen arresting the degree of freedom at the bottom most coil of the spring.
And also the load has applied on the top most portion of the coil of the
!ow, by using current 'S command the solution of the analysis has been
"his process is carried out separately for /ectangular, Circular and
S4uare cross sectional springs.
Ana$*'i' R!'u$t3
3y analy8ing this, the ma*imum and minimum deflection values and also
direct animated view has been displayed by the system using the command plot
/esult and #S#+.
"hen the stress values are also displayed for different cross sectional
areas such as /ectangular, S4uare and Circular.
After analy8ed by A!S)S software, the valued are checked t find out the
answer for the 4uestion such as CWhich one is the best suit for suspensionR;.
6a7 R!&tan%u$ar3
"he theoretical value of ma*imum allowable deflection of the spring at
ma*. 'oad is 6E= mm. 3ut ma*imum obtained value from A!S)S is 66= mm.
!ow this value tells about the deflection is not very perfect one.
!ow, by considering the value of stress, the three c0s springs are
analy8ed. 3y using the factor of safety formula we had analy8ed which one give
more factor of safety. "he highest F.%.S value spring has withstander highest
loads for this, "he formula such as,
F.%.S I )ield stress 0 Workings stress
&ere the working stress obtained form the analysis is 76E ! 0 mmP6. 3ut
the yield stress for the alloy material E= Cr D 67 is 5>= ! 0 mmP6.
3y applying the formula, the F.%.S value is .EE. 3y this, it has proven that
/ectangular section is not a suitable one.
6)7 S4uar! &/' '1rin%'3
3y the value obtained form analysis, the ma*imum deflection is 6JN mm.
"his is somewhat better than /ectangular.
3ut the stress value obtained from the analysis s4uare sprints is 5GG ! 0
mmP6. the factor of safety value is 5.=> and not having a very good value and
that is,
F.%.S I 5>= 0 5GG
&ere, we can see form the figure, the stresses are acting at the end of the
coils. So that, chance for failure of the spring is easy manner.
6&7Cir&u$ar C/S S1rin%3
For this, the value obtained for the +a*. deflection is 66= L 67= mm. "his
give s very good suspension for the wagon.
Considering the stress aspects also it gives the better result. "hat is, the
stress value obtained from analysis is around 5J= L 5E= ! 0 mm6. t gives good
F.%.S value also."he Factor of Safty value is 5.6. Since it has not edges on its
coil, the stress acting is very very less. 3y this life of the spring is very good
compared to others.
3y analy8ing the three different Cross sectional springs such as
/ectangular, Circular 2 S4uare, the values re checked. Since /ectangular
springs performs very low deflection as well as at it is having high stress at its
edges. 3y this the F.%.S value also very less. So that life of this spring is also
less. "herefore it is not a suitable one for suspension in rail wagon.
"he s4uare spring also having somewhat low deflection. t is also having
more stress compare to Circular C0S springs. So the F.%.S value also less. 3y
comparing with circular it is also having low life time.
n this project, we had proven using analysis, and concluded that the
circular cross sectional spring is the best one for the suspension of /ail wagon;s
due to its high deflection 2 also high factor of safety.
So @"he Circular Cross Section is the 3estA for /ail wagon.
R!+!r!n&! oo,'3
9i: +achine 1esign by
- /.S. Bhurmi, M.B. (uptha
9ii: +echanical $ngineering 1esign by
- Moseph $dward Singley
9+C (raw L &ill:
9iii: +achine 1esign by
- ".D. Sunder /aja +oothty
9iv: .ro0CA1 the concepts by
- 1ou* systems
9v: CA10 CA+ by
- +ikell .. (roover and $mory
- W.Simmers
9vi: +achine 1esign by
- ". .rabhu
9vii: 1esign 1ata 3ook. .S( College of "echnology.
9viii: Websites,

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