HUD Letter To Ansonia

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Department of llousing and Urban Development

Hartford Field Office Offiee of Public Housing 20 Church Street, 10th Floor

Telephone: $6e) 24A-97 57

Hartford, Connecticut 06103-3220

E-mail Address: Jennifer.R.GottliekrfD,hud.eov

Facsimile: (860) 240-4854

TTY: (860i 249-4665

October 29,2013

Attorney Kevin Blake Corporation Counsel City of Ansonia 375 Bridgeporf Avenue Shelton, CT 06484

RE: Riverside Apartments

Dear Attorney Blake: This letter is in response to your request for a copy of the Declaration of Trust for the property commonly known as Riverside Apartmentsln Ansonia. The HUD Harford Field Office provided this information in July, 2013 and is now providing another copy at your request. The Declarations of Trust are recorded on the local land records and can be accessed therJ as weil.

As we have discussed, the property known as Riverside Apartments and the associated land with it in Ansonia are restricted from sale without HUD permission. Permission has been neither requested nor granted by HUD to sell the subject property. The Ansonia Housing Authority has committed to HUD that it wiil develop affordable housing on the site. An alternate plan has not been proposed for the deveiopment of affordable units.

If you have
contact me.

any questions cn the Declaration of Trust or any other issue, please feel free to


Program Center Coordinator

Robert Lisi,

AHA Board of Commissioners

'-Declaration of Truf
(Grant Prbiects)


u.s. DcparrmontolHou{' rnd Urben DcvcloPm6iil

2 3 3 - Pr,5i0


olfice of Public and lndian Housing

housing in the

the Housing Authoritv of the Cit



r - -. I //o Unired s"Xf;gtffS"h{ ^tr *," u,,i,.a Urban Developmen! (herein cailed HUD) Pursuant to the

il#'ffi,:"#lllil""l";;ffi'-;;*1 u.s'tr ozo;fm$gto I


Development Act ti urban y,ffi3il:Tfffj*"ll1#;B;ff4i.Hfffi"ry;ffiff:ffi#',:'*sistrhepliAi,,no*'*gll;r-o*oincomchousingproject(s); rL- D''a in n-o.rino /e) rower i'c-omc housins proiect(s); and

tit6t6L+fltff-t y." t."*rn*'t$;bt';ifjf i T;:1"il::;:;,'Jt1, l|te:y crTrn tT":ffi*.1---!-o ".ta"*fft


. anrirhe uni.d srates orAmerica' secreurv orHousing and r r c F 1A't1 .r c'^ '\ cn.l the l)enertmen! of Housins anr

conriburiorscon'actcovers ccrtainlowerhcome ;il:.".H"J:?T#;;ffi#il;r"ril-*"#;;ri;;;:_A'-,al State of Haven New ti":Iii.:_;:_::;:.;;:; -------'-" . ain-r lnsCn'lA .CoUnlVOI ' rCity

No. D,^io"rNo il;";;{;:@





eg Ansonia

which will provide CT01 5 0


.Countyot,_"=* approximately 1 g 5 I -A*e[ing 30 wi*rapproximatetv 74



*]ri"h lower income housing will

krown as ' I I

r-,-ri-n rrnirc dwellingunis'


kojcct No

will have bccn financed wirh grrnt rssistance provided by HUD' Whereas, each project and acquisition of rhe site or sites the.reof contract' the PHA does pHA of the covenanrs contained in thc Arurual contributioru Now Therciore, to assure HUD of the performance by the the following describcd state4 hereinaftcr purposes thc for in trust for rhe benefit of HUD, hereby acknowledge and declare that it is possessed of and holds


real prroperty situated in the



q6 Connecticut

. ToWlt:

See Schedule A as to Project CT015001, Schedule B as to Project CTO15002r dfld Scheudle C as to Project CT015003

attached hereto and incorporated hereinand all buildings and

fixnres erected or to be erected thereon or aPPurtensnt thercto. is possessed of an interest of rhe tnst hereby create4 HUD has been grantcd and pHA hereby declares and acbrowledges that during the existenc" The in the above described Project properry, To Wlt: assigning' leasing' mortgaging' prsperry and to refrain from trrufcrring, conveying, The righr b require rhe pHA to rernain seized of rhe title to said cir other encumbrance of said conveyance, assignmcni, lease' mortgage, pledge pledging, or orherwise encumbering or permiuing or suffering any trarsfer, or any of the benefits or therewirh' iroo*"' or rcceips therefrom or in connection properry or any part rhereof, sppur'nfirces thereto, o, -y rJr, ,""*u"r, may (l)' !o the exlent PFIA rhe that or any interest in any of the same excPt conrriburioru granred o it by or p,rsuant to the Armual contributioru conract, (b) convey or otheror Proirl any in (a) lease dwellings and other spaces'd frcilities and in rhe manner provided in r6e Annual contriburions contract, use as streets' for land &dicate or (c) convey be exccss to rrr" ne.os of any Project' or wise dispose of any real or personal roperry which is &termined !o and perform (d) enter into or utilities; public establishment, opersriorL and mahrcnance of alleys, or other public rights-of-way, and granr easements for the et seq't or 1437 u's'c' 42 of 1937' Act ' families, as aurhorized by rhe United surcs Housing conrracrs for rhe sale of dwelling unie to members of renanr prohibiting as construed be shall contained projecr from the trusr hereby created; pro"ia"4 That rothing herein (2), wirh rhe approval of HUD, release any Conract' to HUD Pursuant to the Annual Contributions rhe conveyarce of title to or the delivery of possession of any Project any reai crpcrsonal property which is of PttA rhe (1) upon *y *n""yroe or transfer mri'e by The erlrlorsement by'a duiy authorized officer of HUD or any interest therein' for use as property, of (2) upon any irutrumeniof *n""y*e or ded'rcarion determined !o be excess to the needs of any koject, or (3) upon any irstrument transferring or ope, ation and mainienance of prblic utilities, streeb. alleys, or orher pcblic rights-of-way, or for the estabrishment, by the PHA of any Project made of release of a tenant family, or (4) upon any instrument or conveying a dwening uni! or an interest herein, ro a member created' shail be effective to release such poperry from the trust hereby contributions contract' the pHA to operare rhe Project(s) in accordance with the Annual obligared is Upon expiration of rhe period during which the trust hereby qe,ated shall terminate and no longer be effective'

In wlthness whereot,
be hereirno sffixed and


pHA by its officen thereunlo duly authoriz-ed has caused

these presents

be signed in its name and its corporate seal to

un"rt"a tt

i, 3Lo



19-4' Aut-hority

of the Citv of Ansonia

i6fr u-uo-sztso-A


ref. handbook 7417.1



\lrl.233 - P[6{ s &{.


Olson Drive

Flrst PIecei of ?2b'9L)L land conslstlng ccrtaln map A certaln pfece or parcl of a on 6A Parcel as ,lr!^;;-l;;r;-k;;;n feer square trThe Urban Renewal i?.edevelopmenf-of ttre Broai-Siit*t entltled Ansonla RedevelPlat' Otiposal n-f[1Ci Connectlcut Area-proJect by cnirles A' cahn'lrr Ctty-of Agency, opment tl-:o''i"l's'"tttyeJ *j*-l{avenr-cohnectlcut, scale clvtl Errgtneei and su.rr"yor, ilcviseo Ausus t.

ln t it'oi:33i"ti3[l"i{"'li.', 19bl, June 23;'i;ori-t6 parc"i"of-fano Ueing mor partlcularly offlce, sald ptece or as f oI lows ! Ut"nJ"i altd oLscr lbed t he r I v tJeglrrnltrgattneNort}rearlerLycornenoflandLobec'..'nveye ioi "o il;,'. il;;; l' to rh; 5. r *,u ti StreeL :!il,nr"l,:n;": iilf" I al,Grld artd U9 iiO" of l'liglr svstent; ".ft Geodetlc 50Brb3B.b2 on ini-ctn"cctriu[ along Lhe Beo-et+':)01 Eagt 23O.72t Tirence r unnlrtg'te tli gh proPosed soutlterly I Ine of exlstlng l{tghtt;;;t-inJ Street; 58.09 t by a dlrectlon Southeacterly a ln runnlng Thence radlus of tire Southulest' hav lng a curved I Ine """"t"i Lowards a bearlng and of 52'l'lt length ; tholg wlth ar'43tt 36.5bf and h";t;; Eas t i i"i"g Soutlt [0o-53

|, dated r"rurcii-rie'0, be on ftle

'rlrence runnlng South I+o'37t-2L1n^Y1" t 172'24t a I ong tlre Westerly I lne of ttre Proirosed Llroad Streeti 't'hence rly 519'ol+t^llolP,u :::":^::3t:;""1?; rrJ,.rL,,e;;i";';i-jrO0l+. runntng Southe Tnence runnrnU the chord cf sald ri q wards tlrc West, hqvlng . L--.,- - )ir, rr rr. of S.rrth ^ '.aa i,l? * l', ;',: ":l L).c-u' . ia;' rrr ;";;l;-;"J,l-i D? Ing 2 i3 CUrVG ;:: '-"1"""--U" f ng CoinC :: ?-:, t cient '4 ith illc r::'o1roS 3 ^;"; west; sa-ltl .ctL9o-?rr-l1l.5tr west*-rly'line of Broad Strectl t along the tt^Y"t t 208 '?3 Thence r unn lng South 3lro- l)t'59 westeiiy ttne-of piopoled Broad Street; curved dlrecLton^57t i.. by a Thence runntng ln a Wasterly r, to the o1' North' iravlng a radlus 'to 30 llne cc'ncave i;;;ts the I and Russel be longltng nov' or f ortnerly I tne-oi- f












l-ong-l'ng' Natalle Lil' orady ltilt !; o"--io"tiutrv t;"llio

Easterly I lne of land be Thence runnlng Northerly along fhe ong lng now rtie'r ly to--sitd Dcwn lngs and l'an-d ' be I *o*=-u




233 - rul 3 48 3




i ve

Thelce runnlng NorthwcsterIy 77 t+ by an lrregular Ilne along lancl belonging now or formerly to liatalle M. Grady; 'l'lienc-e runn ing No rth llo-35t-55" West h5.l6t along land belon1lln11 now or forrnerlY to Catherlne Hourlgan; Thence running North 20o-llgt-!0n East 5l+,7 | along land belonglng now or fnrrnerlY Lo i.iessie J. l{awley;
Thence runnlng I,lorth 9o-Ollt-lltt West 172,2Bl alongr land belonglng now or f orrnerly to tsess le J. l{awley, ln gart, and ln par[ ni land belonglng now ol' .f,orraerly to Agneg Fl tzpa'Lrick and irlt lt iarr,r E. liiray, iii liirt a long lald belonglng now or f orrnerJy to Anna'j.;;i1_vhar ancl ln prarL along land belonglng now ot'1'orrnerly Lo ira|ry irttrJ l,lichelena lllla i 'Ilrence r unn lrrg No rth t|o4lr-48rrb,ast 2O7.lOt along land tre longlng rrow ')r fcrrrnerlY to l{arr), anrl Mlchelenea El la ln 5.rart., ln parL along larrd belongling now or 1'ormerly to Arrtbrose J. ilanl'e and WIlllarn Yagavone, and ln part along land belottglrr! Ilolr or formerly Lo .Julia Joyce;
TlrnC runnlng North 4o-511,-04t, East I l0.BiJ I a long lrrnd belonglng now or formerly to Jcsepttlne A. Hylwa ln partl attd ln part along land beIonglng nov, or formerly to lvlary Fedoryi

Tlrence rutrnlng South 84o- llt -I1tt Eas t 53,o7 | along land to bc conveyecl Lo the Sa lvaL lon Army; Thence runn1ng l,lo rth [o-a5 r-l0tr Eas l" 63.73 be c onveyed to tlre Sa lvat lon Army;

t along lanrl


ence r unn lng No rth l0o-36t-l0rr East 38.58 t along land to be conveyed to the Sa lvat lon Arrny to tlre polnt and place of begInn Ing.
Second Plece:

A certa ln plece or parcel of land cons isttng of 39 GIVB squa or less, belng known as Parcel 5ts on a certaln nulp ofeet nore t lt led frThe Redevilopnent of the Broad Street Urban Renewal Area ProJect Corrnectlcut if-lB( C) nf sposal Plat, Ansonla Redevelollrnent Agency, Clty of Ansonla, Surveyed by Charles A. Cahn, Clvll Engt neer and Surveyor, Ncw Havcn, Connectlcut, Scale 1n n 100lr date lr,{arch 1960, ltevlsed August d+, 1960, Februa ry 71 196L, June 23, 196lrr to be f tled ln the Ansonla Town Clerkts '0tf'Lce, sairi 1:lece or parcl of land belng lnor partlcularly bounded and descrlbed as follows: Beglnnlng on the Northerly llne of p i,rpoi ea lii gh -S t iae t' at a polnt at the Westerly cxtromlty of the curvG Jolnlng the proposed llorther ly I lne of Hlgh Street and the proposed l/es terly llne of Broad Str?t, sald polnt belng Nonth lu6r2]l+,9L and East 50Br872.QZ orr the Conncctlcut Geodettc Grld Systeml


vilL.2S3-PA$rS -3-


Olson Drive


Thence runnlng North B6o-ehr-50r Wcst iticrther ly I lne of the proposrd dl g-h Stree t A0Bt

+ along



The^ce runnrng Northeriy j4-l r j along the Easterly l tne of the present |ltgn SL.,
92+,99 r, posed Broad Street;


lus of

Thence r unnrng southe -sa

rLy 3o5r I along the curve rravlng a td cu.v6 6eing-t[.w.sterly I Ine or. pro_


lt il

Tnence runnlng southwcster ly ,1.71 r along the cunve concav, towards the Northwiat havlng riotus'cf the chord of 3 sard -i0r, curv? havlng l length ot \1.5\t and the U6aring of-South f+4o:"12t-)2,5't West to polnt ano bi"ce of Orglnnlngl


belng nore partlcularly bqrndsd ani dsscrlbed as followsr the sotltluesterly corner of land belonglng to catherlne Hourlgan grl qht lasterly- a lde of Lester stree!r' sito polnt. belng t,torth lB5 ,538,.5l.+ and F:aat on the Connecttcut Geodet!,c Gr!c-SyatemS therrce runntng N-orth'60J 21t -32'i E.*t-'!S;Btt land belonglng to sald Catherlna Hourlgan! th6nce runnlns 1lon.s southeasterly elong-thc Northcerterly ltne oI tind b;i;";i;;-;t I'lat,altc t4. Grady more or tess; thence-ruinlng TTr :l l:lT:tly^to southerly lu5t mors or lers along the Easterly line of land belgt,glng nml ol formerly to Natarie M. orady tir part, and ln part along land belonglng nbw or formerly to Rulrcll'and'stella nbr,mlngg thence runnlng Northelly along l cuivod ltne havlng r redtu. oi-' r dlstance of l2r more oi lesr to Easierf! llne of Lester JOt, Streetl lhence runnlng llortherly along thc riasterl! the of --' straet l? 6.22f by a curved l {ne- havrnj a radius ot" 6jllne j,o5i , Lester ;h; chord of rald-rFiT3.lf; til3, of rrrorth 2i' ll5;13i":'"i:l?:l fi:i,1"Ii36,-8,'Gl'fi:,,

Third Plece I A certal! ptece or parcel of land conslstlng of grTB\ sguan? fect mort or lcsc, knorm- aq Parccl 6B on a certaln map-entttfed nThc Redcvel?pT:"1^of_ tho Broad Strect Urbqn Renewal Area-ProJect connectlcut R-lB !cl Dlrporal_Pla!r Anaonla Itedeveloprnenl ngeicy, of surveyei by charl6s A. da[n, ci"it-'n^nrn";;-;;i' 9rtv surveyorr -l'lew tt?ygn, connecircut, lhe iover iheet of vrhtch has a scale of trr dated lvhrqh ig6o, Revtsed Augus t a+;- igeo; ''_lgot r Febnrarv-T t 179r, Junr 23o r?qlr l6;- lihzr"n"gu;i' 8:-\6Az; -lptit to'le-rriuur"o" 1962 ind Januaiy lgr-tgb3n, on-itL;r-' Ft9.b"r.5' tn the Ansonla Torsn Clerkti otilcel-sito ptece-or,p"rcel of lend

of beglnntng.

l0.96r.along tho-Easterly tine of Lestsr sireet to-lpolnt ani pface

cont inued


I-:is cn i a


OIson Drive

Fourth FleCel

' A certatn plece or parcel of land cons tsttng of 9tr3.\?- s,guar. more or leir knotfi Ls i:'arcGt 54 on a certaln map entltled feet rrThe lledevelopnent of the l--rroad Street Urban Reneval Area-ProJect Connectlcut R-18 (C) Dlapolal Plat, Ansonla Redevelopment Agency, and Ctty of Ansonla, Suivcyei by Charlis A. Cehn, Clvllof -iinglttgul has whlch a sheet Survevor. New Havcn, CbnneCilcut, lhe cover pAr.l,96o, Reylsed.August il;i;';i'l''i-; rootr'd"t"d t.brch ig6o, .February ?r 196i, i"ii ZS, 1961, .epril 16, 1962, August 15..L962' Gt;;;;'S'r'tiLZ ana .lanuaiy lgr- 19-63?r to be f 1led' or__9ljll9t.*-_ or on f lIe, ln ttre Ansonla Tovn Clerkls Off lce, sald plece or pa.rcel of land be lng mor.e par t lcu l ar ly bound ed and descr lbed as f ol I ows.t Begtnnlng at a polnt on the Northerly l,lne of present Hlgh Street at the Southeasterly corner of land belonglng nor or f and rbrtha Hardrl slta polnt belng North 1861293,26 and Eest on the Connectlcut Gcodrtlc Grld Systrn; thcnct runnlng Nortlqasterly ?l.Bf along land belonglng to aald-Harrks to a polnt North 18.61331,76 and East 50Br53B.lll on lhe Connect lcut Geodctlc Grld Sys tcmg thence runntng North 3Bo l+9t JBn .Wcct 39.00f along lend belonglng to sald Heraks; thence runnlng North l8o 5!t 32n Wclt h3.97.t along land belonglng to eatd Haraksl [hence runnlng North 27o 29r J3r wea! 34.]J.t _along land belongtng t6 satd HarakrS lhcncc runnlng North 34o 0lt Zltn_Eg.t 17.6qt along-lana bclongtng to rald Harakt; thcncc runnlng tlorth 620 37t 20rl Wert 92,68r along land belonglng to sald Hr,rakaS thence runntng Sotrth l7o OBr 55n Wcst 3h.Bt along land belonglng to sald Haraks;.thence runnlng North 77o l+ltl Iln t/est l0.2af elorlg land belongtng to sald ]{araks; thenci runnlng I'iorth 90 381 38n Eart 6,75r along land bqlgnglng.ncn^r or fornerly to John end Roso Dzladulf thcncc nrnnlng l.torth 660 ll6t $Jn West !B.Bt along land belonglng to cald DrladutrS thcnce runnlng North 33o 231 \Bn East ll.92r along land be.lo.ngtng now or f ormerly to Teof ll ta l4arcckl I thence runnlng North 2Oo 56t 45" East h!.50t along land belongtng to satd' Taofllla t',tarcCkl; thencc runnlng South 59o.Q3t l5n East lOt along tsnd of thc Releasor; thencc runnlng-North 20o 56r h5n'East e56,96l along other land of the Releasor to the Sorrthwesterly tlne of I'hple Streetg thence nrnnlng Sfirtheeeter!y slong the Southwegtcrly proposeC s'.,reet I lne of l,laple-street BO.8B!" by. a iurvcd llnc cancavi towirds the Sotithwcet havlng a radlus of 395.691 t ths chord_of rald curvc betng BO.Tlrf ln length and havlng e-bearlni of South 67o 35t 46" Eastl thence'runnlng South 610 hllt 26x East 2.03t along the proposed Southvrest llne of t"'lagrle Street; thdnce contlnulng along the prolosLA Southweet Llne of t'laple Street 201.9$t by a curvid llni havthg il radlus of rq,29,-53t t the chord of sald curvG being 203,991 ln length and fravlng a bearlng of Sorth l18o 0Ol 13.5n East3. thence contlnulng almg thr Sqrthwcat llnc of proposed l,tapte-stroet l?t morc or lcsg by a curvrd llne hevlng a radlus of 52h,991 to thG Westerly I lne of land belonglng to t he ltelease c; thence runnlng Southorly atong thc Wecterly llns of land bolonglpg to the fleleasaa 3l+3t more or lera to thg Northcrly llno o f Hlgh Strect; thence runnlrrg North to polnt and place of bcglnntng.

uaL.23 S

- P[6f 0:t8 6


Thet certrln ploco or plrcol o( lrnd rlturled ln tho Clty o(Anronltl

County oI Ntw llevon rnd Strto o( Connecllcul corrrrlnlnl 6tr boundcd rnd dorcrlbcd

rgurre loel, reld plcco or prrcrl o( hnd boln; morr ptrflculrrly


rr lollosr!

lho Connccllcul Gcodcllc Crid Syrtcm3

Thencc runnlng South

Dr;lnnlng !t r Jrolnl on lho Wo.lortt tlrool llno of Duever Slrect, rald point bclng North lt5, Itl. l9 rnd Errl lll; ll6.3l


lYortetly rtrect llno of Deevcr Slrocl to the proporrd .tr.ol llna rt tho Northw.rl corncr oI Dorvor Slrcol rnd Conlrrl Strocl|
Thcncc runnln3 Soulh llo-alt-:ll'r 1{ort l?. l4r rlong artd propored rtscct llnc rt tho Norlh*ert cotntr of Bcivot Sttrct rnd Crntrrl Street to thc proporcd Northrrly rtrrcl llnc of Co?ttll Str..ll

l0o-l9t-!1" 1{ort l{0.99r llonl


Thencr runnlng South ?lo-23r-31" Wcrl ltt. l?t elon3 lhr ptoporcd Northctlt rtscct line oI Ccntrrl SttGGtl


Thencc runnlng North l60-{5t-{9'r Wart {?.?2r now or lormcrly lo McKconl

rlonj hnd bclon;'

Tbcncr runnlng North {2o.30r-50" Errt la!.'llr elonl lrnd brlon;' lnj nor or lormerly to Chrk ln, rnd ln Put rlon3 hnd brlonjlnj tror or lormcrly lo Clcm.ntl

Tblncr runnin; North'l80-l!r-2t'r Errt 10.?2r rlonl lrnd bclonj' ln| nor or formarly lo L:ph.mi
Tbcnco running North 60-l!r-90" rrYcrt 10.$2r rtontr lrnd ln3 nor or tormctly to .rid L:phlml


Tbcnct runninS North 600-!5''50" Err!'19. !tr rlonl lrnd bclonS' ln; nor or (ormctly lo lhc An.onlr lrnd & Wllrr Powrt Comprn'l

lnj '

Thoncr runnlnj North l?o.59t-50'r Errt 21.6{r llont lrnd balonl' now ot tormtrly to thc Anronlr lrnd L llrtrr Porll Compenyl

Tbrncr tunnin3 North 31o-l'lr'10" Wart l.l0r rloni lrnd brlon3' ln1 nor or lormcrly to lha An.onlr trnd I Wrr.r Powat ComPlntl


Thcncr runnlnS North !lo-45t'1Oil Errt 30.01r lloni lend bclon3' now or lormrrlT to th! Ah.onlr l,rnd I Wrtol Poror Compenyl Thcncr runnlnS Norlh C?o'l6r'26'r Errl 0.t{rrlon3 lrnd bclonl' formrrlt lo Andctron;

ln3 oor or


Thtncr runnlnl North 2?o-!2r'00" Ertl !9.?il etont hnd brlonl'

now o? lormGslY


Thcncr runnlnj South 6to. llt-!!ttr Elt l.llt

rlont lrnd brlon3'

doag lrn4 Lrlorj'

mr or lotm.tlt lo Old.rmrlll

Tbrncr tunnlnl Notth !!o-llr-llr l'l3 rr ct !.tm.tlt lo gldrrmenl

Errl ll.llr

uaL.23 3

- PA6r{h t87,

B (con't)

Tbrrcr ruaalag lbuih ??o.l!r-10r. E rt ll0.13r rlorg lrrl brlorg. lr1 lor cr lormrrly.3o lbrthrm O.n.. lo pol* rd phc- el trllmtig. _ Botnl tbat ploc. or percot of tend rborr rnd doallntl.d ta Dltporllioa Perctl No. I oo I cartrin nrp rurvryrd by Clbl Er3lrrrrrs Nrr lhvon. Cona. detcC Mlrcb, 1966, Scelr 1,. r {0r rnfltlod t'Ditpotitioo Perccl No. l, lnronir Drsntowo Rtnerrl prcJrcll

Anronit, Cooncclicul,'.

lbr Wrrlorly

prrmiror rrr tubjrc3 to i It tomporlr.t cont!rucllon .a.a(rom o(f rho proporsd North Str..t lln. e( C.rtnl Sartrt rrl

linr ol Survrr Slrort.

Seid prrmircl lrr rlro rubjrcl to ih. trrmt rnd provlriorr o( IContracd tor Selt of l,-rnd for Rcdcvrtopmrnt by I Public Body'r dercd Octobtr l, 1966, rrcordcd Antona. |.rnd Rrcordr Volumr

l3l. Pa3r t5?-1?t,

lel To dcvotr thc ebovr drtcrib.d prop.rty io. rnd onty to.tnd lr tccordlnct erth th! urrr rptcrficd in thr Rrdrvclopmtot tnd Rr. nc*el Plen for thc Ebwnlown R.ncerl Projcct. Psorcct Conn.' R.l9 (Cl, datcd Junr l. l96l rnd thcrrr(tcr tmcndcd lrnd:rrrndrd from timt to trmcl; tnd lbl
neaioorl orr3in in thr rllr, lcttc or r.ntrl ot in lhr urr ot occuplncy o( rh prapGril hqrrrn dorcribod or eny imptoy3manaa asactad or to b! srectG.l thcrcon, or any part thcrrol.

runninl eirh rhr

Srid prrmircr err llro rrrbjocl lo lh. rolloeint coy.nantl




thr brrir o( rtcr. color, crrrd ol

Covrnrn( (el rhlll rrmtin rn.(I.ct untrl Jrnurry I, ltl0. rl sbicb trmr rt th.ll




a[ ;r L .irr Elre e;-rstcrIy Line of Nclrth l"lain Street marlced by ern- iron pipe driven into the ground at the northwesterly corner of Land of one Madigosky; fhenie easterlv alons Land now or f ormerly of said.Madigoitcy one hundred eighiy i;;;' 3nd seventy five hundredths (184.75) ieet; thence sout-f,ei^Ly q Land now or formerly of said Madigosky by an angle ot 270o'ozt "Ior,g turned to the right from the Last described Line twenty seven and eighteen hundredths (27 .LA) feet to Land now or formeriy -o". Twerian; thence northeasterly aLong lan<i now or formerly "t of said Twerian by an angle of 3L7o O5t tuined to tlr.e Left from the Last described line five (5.00) feet to a point marked by an iron posi driven into the ground and land now oi formerly of bne chapliL; thence northeaslgflV_llong land now or formerly of said Ctripli6k by an angle of 164o 32t turned to the Left from the Last <lescribed Line {ifty three and thirty hunclredrhs (53.30) feet to a point marked by- an iron pip" driven into the ground; thence northeasterly land nor^/ or formerly of said chaprick by an angle of L55o ?t9ng 2L' turned to the righl from the Last describecl'Line:sixty seven ?nd f it-ty four hundredths (67.54) feet to a point marked 6y an into the grouncl and Lancl now or formerly Lf one itol PlRe. clriven cirishioLi; thence northeasEerly arong lzrnd now or form"i^ty of said ciri.shioli by ?l ?ngle of L79" 09'30', turned to the i-igrrt from the Last described line sixty seven and fifty hundredthf (67.50) feet Lo a point marked by an iron pipe driven into the ground and Land now or formerly of one Bujanauskas; thence northeasterly_1lorg-Land now or formerLy of said Bujanauskas by of L78" 44'turnecl to the right from the Last de.scribed 3l an$Le seventy five (75.0) feet to a point marke.d by an iron pipe iiT" driven into thg ground; thence southeasterly along Land nor- or formerly of said Bujanauskas by an angle of-27Lo d4rturned to from the last described Line one hundred twenty five }ft?_right (L25) feet to a point markecl by an iron pipe driven into the ground_ in the westerly Line of WoodLawn Avlnuel thence northerly along.line of L'Ioodlai^rn Avenue by an angle of 56" 2Lt turned to th9 ligtll fron l-he LasL described line one hundre<i fifty three and fourteen hundredths (L53.L4) feet Eo an angle poinL-marked by-an iron pipe driven into the groundl thence-continuing northerry along the westerly Line of l^Ioodlawn,$enue by an angle of

usL.23 3

- Psfir {i { j9
C (con't)


described Line one hundred 36t turnecl to the right- frorn Lhe IasL( l-48 .67 ) f ee E to a point marked irundredths sevetr sixty ancl f orty eight now or formerly of ground and Land the into pipe clrivln irln by "nand frla-St. Onge; thence westerly along tgl9 now or formerly of g"dna 86" 44r turned to the right sgid lidna anti Fred S[. Onge by an angle of (t00) feet to a point marked hundred from the Lasl described line one formerly of Edna or now by a monumentl Lhence northerly_alglg l9"d to Lhe riglrt tfgg and Fred St. Onge by an angle 6f 273o 23' Lurned (97.82) hundredths the Lasr OescriBeA ii.r. niiety seven and eighty Ewo Iine of Woodlawn i""t fo a point marked by a monument in the southerly Iine of Wood}asrn .{venue Extension; thence wesEerly aLong the southerly ,lvenue Extension by an angle of izo 33t 30rr turned to the right__from tl-re lasb described'Iine oie hundred fifty three and twenty six Ilundredths (153.26) feet to a point marked by an iron pipe driven into Lhe ground. norti'rerly in the ear;ter:Ly line of a fifteen- (f5) fooE Pa$swayl thence along and Ex[ension Avenue WoodLawn of end alcross tlre wesLerLy _th? ninety three and E""i"rfy Line of ""iO fifteen (t5) foot passl^tay_ fifty piPe driven iron an point marked-by a to feet iS:.gO) six huniredths end of sirid into L'5e llrounrl; thencc westerly across the norttrerly hundredEhs (L6.t9) feet fifteen (L5) foot pirsslray sixteln;rncl nineLeent-he ancl Larnd now L;, poi-nt marlce4 LV an iron pipe driven into erlonltground or formerly Land nout or f orrnr:r:ly of onc ilencslco; L-frence sout-trerLy Friers, Land now or f orone of gf sai-<l l{encslco, Lcrncl nohr or f ortnerly part, Frycr of one_ former:Ly merly of one Biislcis and Land now or -each-in (2L8.07) hunclredths seven ar,b in aII a distance of two rrunJrea eightee.n thence i;";-lo-" point markeci by an iron pipe driven into thg -ground; and F"Ig Land said of formerly or southerly along Land norir of a distance parl-, aLL in "o"ii""ing in now or formerly of one Kaiakeviclr, each piPe driven iron by an one hundred twlnty ( L20) feet to a point marked said i;ir the ground; thence westeSly albng Land now or formerly of the last from right [rr"f.""i"F Uy an angle of 274o 221 turned to the (21-t.90) feet ou""riu.a tiire two [undrer] eleven and ninety hundredEhs an io-" point in the easterly Line of North l"Iain Street marked by easterly southerly grouncl; the into i;"; pi;"-driven ?Lglg-ttlg .Ehence of a curwe of t233-57 radius line lf'Nc:-th i.{ain Sireet 5V the c!'.o:'cl f;; a dist;rnce of one hunclred fifty (L50) feet to point of eommencement. For a more particular descripbion reference is herebymade to a certain rnap entitle<l "l"lap Prepared for !'. D. Rich Co-, Inc., Ansotria, Conn., Scale: L"=40', Aug. L0, t968" filed in the office of the Ansonia Town CLerk.

uoL.228 - p^6E0524
Declaration of Trust
(Grant Projects)
U.9. DoPrttmont ol Olfice ol Publio


.nd Urbtn D.v.loPildt



lndian Housing


' "{=,il!::i,'t-t-,"t,.t;;yj::::',ff':ff1fl|".'ffH.:JJiffi:l"'-ll illllllk@-coqnra,c ::i:f *;TTj::.?il* prcvisioruord,cr,*'otr,"-+el!""? srlrtiip['ff#bf"'j]],jl' j:",';1'J*H;*i-ou'.Tli'fl b ;,:,lffi IIUDh,*;rt 'l:,:lH:lli,:.1il:.,r*fu -.';;&;.-3:-:';U;;;.#ih" ijil;;;;;;;ii;.i"ffi ilff i,::i;,"::lilt' ur, y::i ro*J;lii h*ing *c *,0, v,ii-xllil;rfflll:::J.:E#ilqfF"iff*fr1il;:l];di;;::;;;illlill,l.L:,r:*:.::::l*j--1,:rxf]*l ?:::l"irli"::::.j,S$g{,flfF"ip:*frJil;:li'"'1fi$J . 'nuci.s 'rrA #;":*"lif ;:ru*'txutll'"-."' L:::":"::" ;,til{,:,ii.ff#,i::':",1:i:';:: y"
uurJ poritic,'"'t .d [Fflucr rflo (hcrein cr.llal thc "Public Ilousing Agcncy (PIIA)", I prtblic bcJy.coqnrslc

The Housinq AuLhoriEv of !he Citv 9f...An"spgia"'-'-----:-- '-'--- "--'-:--- -';-'-'-:';;rh' unitrd




ci u o' ' connecEfcuEwhjchwillrnovidcrtr;rorinrrtcly'"' I t;=:;--eT0-I500 ipr6;""1 1qo. CTUI5UUI =--:;-aTo-I500r 74 apprcximrtcly __-CTOI5OO3 *^,-- No. x^ 9MJvvJ -with -'r,'li."i.";it Plojcct No,



h'"'l"c-*i" b"no* '" ' ' '


Projcet No.



-_-twclling dwelling unitsll ud



grrnt rss'u[ne prorirlcd by IIUD' t|yhcrc8s, cach Projcct urJ rcquisition of thc sho or lircs tltcrEf vill have bccn finrncal with PllA docr in ihc Amurt conributioro conurcL tha by tJte PIIA or dr. -nuincd pcrfomurce o[ the HUD ssuc to dc*ribcd Now Thcrcforr, u*"n, uuo, for r.lrz purposcs hocinrfkt '!:tcd' tlre following nsL in rnrl hokls of ynss*sad is rtrrt it ud delue "r hcrcby rcbrowlcdtc

*"*ts lori.

rerl goyrnY siturtcd in thc

ci EY Lv Ci



::o.f ProjecE or c-iffi.t':YI',.lii:::'::l:^1,:""t: cTOI5001 and scheduLe B as Eo

Ansonia Anson +a


Neu Baven

Projec! cTOI5OO3 attached hereto and incorPorated herein'

utl rll

lPFulmull buildings ud hrlur* scctcd or b bc crcclcrj drcrcon or :":ttt' ,-r-., ----,-,r ,,r,. ,, grlnlcd lnd is Jrcss*suj of q inlE sl hu [Fq I IUD u.. rrerc6y crcecd' o*' . tlrc ctl*t""" Tirc pr lA hacby rlecldcs urd rcknowlerl'cs that during "iti" Wlt: in thc abovc d*ribcd t'rcjcct Propcny' To corrveyi^g, usigning,lcuing. ntortgrgittg, saicl pnpeny r*l to refrain frem uuufcring' The righr o rcquirc tl* Ptt,c ro r;;tin s'eed of thc ritle to cncunrbrarce of sri'l assignntcnl' lcsa'!lo!lg!gc' PlcdSc or otJrs rmfcr.convcyucc, uy or sutlering pemitting or plcdging, or orhcruise acunrbcring or or in omerion tltcrewitlt' u my of the bcncfits .ecip{:-tlccfrom i*"r..,'". ,r"*U.r, dy rd\ ot (1)'lodrccxtcnl propdry or My pdt tlcrco[. rppwuwe tlcrEto.
(b) convey or oth6conrribudoroBluEdbirbyorpsusttothcAmuslconuibutimrcontilct i*llli"gr'-d orl,o "p*--,1 frllitics ia my Prcicc( d fgr use s srets' url in rrrc mmc pmviaca in ore emuil conriburions conurc,. r"l r""* ot (c) convey or &dicato lrnd ttol*( tty of rii't nttttt ro o b".*ot* o"t-inot (rl) into ud pcrfom wisc tlispose of uy r-t o. p"oonl prJyrny *tti"lt i. ort"ti"n' *d tti"tn-"" of public utilitic; or aur or ct illcys, or orlrer publi" ,igr,o*r-*oy, .-iig'*, "*",ntno ror-,tt.-"","r,ritr*-i llousing Act of 193?' 42 U'5 'C' 1437' rcq' Strs Unitctl the * i*' [mif of tout conrrsqrs for drc s'lc of rlwclling unis ro ircmbc* "u'lt"i-JUy 'Ilrar rcr].ing lgrcinonuinetl shlll bc couned r: pohibiting n,"vid.rl, .*ro; r'*"uy rt'' r,,,t (2). wittr the apprcvel of rtUD, relcg uy P.j."t flo' t'*t P'oj*L o I IUD pu:us( to 0rc Amull coouiburions ConracL
drc conveyancc of tirle to or rhe


dctmincdbbccxccastollplcdsof uryltrojal,o, (Z)ut-n"tyi**'t"']io1'-n"tyt'o"o'Ottticitionotpropcrty'cnrnyintcrcsttlterein'foruscrs (3)lpnrnyirunrnrqltrutfcnitrg

srieG,illeys,orotlrcrpublicrighrs-o[.way,orfortltc*,ottirtt-"n,.oP.,"io;t*ln'oini-"'o"otgrSlicutilitics'or jt-n tny in'ttut"ut ur rcleue r mentbcr oI a tcn-t i"ttttt, tt'in
nradc by tlte ltl lA of rny ltoiect inrcr*t h"r"in, to or onvcying r dwclllng unit, or such popcny from lhe hlsl hcrcby sh"ll b. effetite ro \ ! - ---^-r---- witlt -,i, tlrc Amual contributions conr'ql ilrc obligatrd to oFlatc otc Froject(s) ir acorrlme Ulnn cxpirrrion of ure p<iod tluring which tlrc PllA is

(t) upo" Thc mrlsrscmcnr by r duly auttrorizd ofricer of lluD

delivlrilf *Jt*"i""

-y ;;:;;;*

proprty whiclr uuutar rnule.byrlrc PM of uv rerl or pcronrl





rffixcd ud

bc hcrcunto





u",, ""*"rizcrl of-L\r'=--'




r,.6ctrrr ro bc iisncd in


narnc rnrl irs coqrr:te real to



Housing nuthority of the CiEv of Ansonia'



r" .t ' (/..1 ( 't..

52 100.A

rol. handb&k 7417.1


j!, ...i1






vu'I24. P,fi4J?


(horoln cduod thorl


pubUo bodt'cor?proto ard poltllcl duly ltr occord&r vltj| lho prylol,oD! of th.

,,u"iillff*rffii,ill;l: il'l::"1::tT'"i*tlil"il"ln?n;#i;ru"'f Foorgmlrol,ton Pld.tlo. 3 of 194?1 offoctlrc Ju]'7 ?1 19471 tbo fsolioB6,.of- iha
Utrldd Stotoo lldobg luil)orltyi oroitod tn

lallod statrr ltoulbi l6t.of

191?r Fublto



lho prclolona of thc

,/.L2' soYoDty-flf1h cgng1caar

---!nc oallJ tho irAqu.} Conicltrollono Co$rrctr) Prdldlrg fot a 106l dd f@ .!ad contlltuilon! t bc Dad. bt tho ru to !o!l!i lha l6d luthorltt b droloPllg, ud b o-clldlrg ud ubtrlalrg: th. l*rolt ohurotar 'of, IdJ-rrD{ boul58

bio a.oortab

ootrtldct dot d ar of

21. 19(9. nr inrndadg5- (hqcl!

d.t. of th! d.cutlo! ol tblt D.olllltlon'ot Trut! tir lrni8l Cort{ibdtiont 0oDtnot Proildilfor thr dc,rclo5ocd.!d oPorru!! bt t}.
uERf,{S, eo o! thc


'oS b Ur.. lllt.j-^" , Cqutf of ---!f!L -r rAfoh rant fdtd. rpFoxlatrv Crnnnct.! cut ---lldl--lgLdvrllbgal rnd rhlob I'w-:drt hrucbg Y!!l b. lom rr lfroJcpt llo. dwllrlga, l5q Conn Yitb rptrotlsto\ 1(-I llor ftoJcot - 26 'dc6lLlrgrt vfjh rpprorlutc\r hoJoou io. Conn t9-2 dnU4lzl v,l,ti rppr6xlutoly snd F)J6! to.,
t.6.l'tuthorttt. of o.rt.l! ldrori


mBj,nE S. tho !fidt Autnorlit (i) lronoooo L !n'uo ard dcllior tlr B"nao oi to.tltc i"ovldod for r"* riilo to al3 b ltmnebi lhi ltoJocto fro tilc vlrlch coFtroot tGf i-l"i"tiii umi of tho ADnu.l coDt;lbutlonr Contnc" taliotooq. d ud ProJ6ot!,'F&r 1! hof,otr udo for doflnltlona of !h. Boodol Frooat (h'r!lr orlL'd 'IlF' ?il"i--hE-iG" - !o ibo loouc aad dolivor'lto dbtlgitloD! i,iAr"i Aooao") to roAld rrld Bonda dd P@ont llotorl aDd UllEItrIS. lt'oJ.ot ud tbr tlt or g1!oo thorooi !{li'hoYr borD ooBlt$ot' EU on accrot i+il trti urrcocao of tho Eonlr'ard,/c advoluor bf t.}to 0ootritulloao coutrlct' ud lhc Botd! i!d' .i "r-"*"rt.a ii"-il* ii*ua.ror-tr, lho f,mu..l rmEb or (l) plodSor of lPoctrlo bv owordJv, tt:J bo oouod. ;;;;";;l"i;; .conlrl.trol'loo6 t{voblo !o t}to IoaI lulhorltt bt tho EU Puaut io- iil-;;f flerd r9' oaia-contractt ont (z) \tr p!<t5o of ocr{'ah rovonu60 ol thc lboloot' tr ih' dooorlb'd fi^.0 df'lo'na. io tir ortont lld t! th' uus .i-fri* "i controot ot thr rrroluttonr ol lllr ldAl Authqsllr rutllctr' I*irii"nLitutron!


ruoh Sondt Md



' llo'J. TfG:IItFOItr. lo.0N. thc Plll ard thG holdrr or hold6r! of fino tlondrl of thd' or-tho porromco t7 t'tr' Ibf-ti,; iiiaT'-i,i'rii-"i;nt'-noLo, ord ooch 1r tho lusd cor.rltrotloru cgdtnot iilJ-i"irr"i'iG'"i-iirc oooruatr iurlorrtr. "oototood thr loaimoc of t'1.a Eondr; ruthorlllng tbr tmd ot ii-irrli-iliii,irilf"rr h'robt ii"iJ"oil"t"o, thr ibool lut'hor'tt doo! ildii"i"ffiilii 'olrovhds'. of thr EIA trut ior th'- boooflt b uofat porooaooi oi'.tta l;-I;o-it;-ah"i tl 1r rr:ul!!t l{-ot'r':for th' Fr il;i-d h;;;;; oi iru'r*tat, naruralng-no'a0., 9trerr b th' rrt\rtld DtoFr't' u'l'riuwlrs-oierrht

}ld llrrd of t0 Vrtc




hojst Fo.

com t9-1



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