Norse Mythology
Norse Mythology
Norse Mythology
In the beginning, there were two regions: Muspellsheimr in the south, full of fire, light and heat; and Niflheimr in the north, full of arctic waters, mists, and cold. Between them stretched the yawning emptiness of Ginnungagap, and into it poured sparks and smoke from the south and layers of rime ice and glacial ri!ers from the north. "s heat and cold met in Ginnungagap, a giant, #mir, appeared in the melting ice. $rom his left armpit, the first man and woman were born. %he &orld was 'reated from the remains of #mir.(who was killed by three followers of him: )din, *ili and *e because the giant troll was constantly concei!ing new giants+.%he three brothers dragged the dead body of #mir towards the center of Ginnungagap. %his is the place where they created the world from the remains of #mir. %he blood was transformed into oceans and water.%he flesh became the land. %he bones became the mountains.%he teeth made into rocks.%he hair became the grass and trees. %hey threw the brain up in the air and it became the clouds. %he skull became the sky. It was the lid that co!ered the new world. %he brothers grabbed some of the sparks shooting out from Muspelheim, the land of fire. %hey threw the sparks up toward the inside of the skull. %hese sparks gleamed at night and was what we call the stars. %hey set a dwarf at each of the four corners to hold it high abo!e the earth. )din found two beautiful young giants named ,ol and Mani, sun and moon. %hey were brother and sister, and their father had named them after the beautiful lights in the sky. )din decreed that ,ol and Mani should dri!e the chariots of the sun and the moon across the sky, and to ensure that their -ourney was always constant and ne!er slowed, he created two great wol!es. %hese wol!es were called .ati and ,koll, and they were placed in the sky to pursue the chariots and de!our them if they caught them.