Viking Gods and Goddesses Fact Cards

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Viking Gods

Viking Gods and Goddesses


and Goddesses Odin was king of the gods and was god of war
and the dead. He only had one eye because
The Vikings believed in the gods and goddesses from Norse he had given his other eye to drink from
mythology - folklore of the north Germanic peoples. These gods Mimir’s well (the source of wisdom). Odin rode
and goddesses looked like human beings. The Vikings believed that an eight-legged horse called Sleipnir. In Old
if they died in battle, they could go to Valhalla - a giant feasting English, Odin was called Woden and the day
hall ruled over by Odin. Wednesday is named after him – ‘Woden’s day’.

Viking Gods and Goddesses Viking Gods and Goddesses

Thor Loki

Loki was known as the trickster god - the

Thor was the god of thunder and son of
god of mischief. He liked to play tricks on
Odin. Thor’s magical hammer, Mjölnir,
humans and other gods. Some of these tricks
could summon thunderbolts, knock down
were amusing but others caused great harm.
mountains and kill giants. Thor was the
Unlike many of the other gods, Loki was a
strongest of the gods. The day Thursday is
descendent of the giants and was born in
named after Thor – ‘Thor’s day’.
Jotunheim - the land of the giants.
Viking Gods and Goddesses Viking Gods and Goddesses

Freyr/Frey Freya

Freyr was the god of fertility, peace and

sunshine and rain. He was responsible for Freya was the goddess of love, having
making crops grow. Freyr had a children, battles and death. She had a chariot
magical boar called Gullinborsti, that was pulled by cats but sometimes rode
which he would ride faster than a wild boar. Freya was known for her beauty.
a horse. Freyr was the twin of the She wore a beautiful necklace that was stolen
goddess Freya. Many places in by Loki. Her twin brother was Freyr.
Denmark, Norway and Sweden are
named after Freyr.

Viking Gods and Goddesses Viking Gods and Goddesses

Frigg Baldr/Baldur

Frigg was the goddess of marriage, Baldr was the god of light and purity. He was
motherhood and family. She was married the son of Odin and Frigg. It was said Baldr
to Odin and was the most important of all was so handsome that he made the flowers
the goddesses. Frigg was able to perform feel ashamed. He was kind and merciful.
a special kind of magic called seidr. This The hall that he lived in was so beautiful
meant she could see into the future and that only people with pure hearts could
change it. The day Friday is named after enter it. Baldr was killed after one of Loki’s
her – ‘Frigg’s day’. pranks went wrong.
Viking Gods and Goddesses Viking Gods and Goddesses

Heimdall Tyr

Heimdall was the guardian of the gods.

He guarded the Bifrost – the rainbow Tyr was a god of war and was a brave warrior.
bridge that was the entrance to Asgard, He was known for his wisdom and also fought
home of the gods. Heimdall had a horn for justice. Tyr only had one hand, as the other
called Gjallarhorn, which could be heard one was bitten off by Fenrir, Loki’s giant wolf.
anywhere on earth and could be used to Tuesday comes from Tyr – ‘Tyr’s day’.
summon help in times of danger. It was
said he could see for hundreds of miles.

Viking Gods and Goddesses Viking Gods and Goddesses

Skadi Njord

Njord was the god of wealth, sailors

Skadi was the goddess of winter, hunting and
and the sea. When he was sad,
skiing. She was a giant, which meant she was
storms would appear at sea. Vikings
separate from the gods who lived in Asgard.
would pray to Njord before fishing
Skadi was associated with knowledge, revenge,
or going on a sea journey. Njord was
independence and justice.
married to Skadi and was the father
of Freyr and Freya.
Viking Gods and Goddesses Viking Gods and Goddesses

Sif Idun

Sif was the goddess of the earth, wheat,

Idun was the goddess of spring, new life and
family and having children. She was
youth. She was the keeper of magic apples,
married to Thor. The Vikings believed
which would give immortality to anyone
Sif visited their farms, protecting their
who ate them. She was once kidnapped by
crops from bad weather. Sif’s long golden
Loki, who wanted the magic apples. Idun was
hair was a symbol of the wheat she
married to the god Bragi.
helped to grow.

Viking Gods and Goddesses Viking Gods and Goddesses

Vidar Bragi

Vidar was god of vengeance and justice. Bragi was god of music and poetry. His
He was the second-strongest god name came from the the Viking word for
behind his brother, Thor. Vidar was poetry. Bragi had special Viking symbols,
known for being quiet and for enjoying called runes, on his tongue. Bragi would
nature. He wore magical shoes that travel between the worlds of the gods
helped him win battles. and humans singing about peace. He was
married to Idun.
Viking Gods and Goddesses


Hel was the goddess of the dead and

the underworld. Her name meant
‘one who hides’. She was often
accompanied by a giant dog called
Garmr and was also associated with
crows. Hel was the daughter of Loki.
She was cruel and greedy.

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