Analog Integrated Circuits (TEC-502)
Analog Integrated Circuits (TEC-502)
Analog Integrated Circuits (TEC-502)
2 Waveform Generator: 2/ 6 08
Square wave generators: 555Timer, Crystal controlled Oscillator
Ramp Generator: Triangle generator, Sawtooth generator
Sine wave generator: Requirement for sinusoidal oscillations, Wien-bridge
and twin-T oscillators.
Function Generators: Multi op-amp function generators, IC function
Digitally controlled frequency synthesizer: PLL Fundamentals, PLL
synthesizer, Totally digital synthesizer.
3 Active Filters: 2/7 08
Introduction to filtering: Frequency response, Characteristics and
terminology, Active versus passive filters
Low pass filter: First order low pass active filter, second order active filter
model, second order low pass filter characteristics, Sallen-Key unity gain
filter, Sallen-Key equal component filter, Higher order filters.
High pass active filter.
Band pass filter: single op-amp band pass filter, multistage band pass filter
State variable filter
4 Non-linear Circuits: 2/8 08
Logarithmic Amplifiers, Log/Antilog Modules, Precision Rectifier, Peak
Detector, Sample and Hold Circuits. OP-AMP as Comparator, Schmitt
Trigger, Square and Triangular Wave Generator, Monostable Multivibrator.
IC Analog Multiplier applications
5 Voltage Regulators: OP-AMP Regulators, IC Regulators, Fixed Voltage 2/3 08
Regulators (78/79, XX), SMPS.
Text Book:
1. Sedra and Smith, Microelectronic Circuits”, Oxford University press, 5th Edition, 2005.
2. J. Michael Jacob, Applications and design with Analog Integrated Circuits”, PHI, 2nd Edition,
Reference Book :
1. B.P. singh and Rekha Singh, Electronic Devices an Integrated Circuits; Pearson Education, 1st
Edition 2006.
segmentation, memory organization, Bus cycle, Addressing modes,
difference between 8086 and 8088, Introduction to 80186 and 80286,
Assembly Language Programming of 8086/8088.
3 Data Transfer Schemes: Introduction, Types of transmission, 8257 (DMA), 1/8, 1/8 8
8255 (PPI), Serial Data transfer (USART 8251), Keyboard-display
, 1/12
controller (8279), Programmable Priority Controller (8259)
4 Programmable Interval Timer/ Counter (8253/8254): Introduction, modes, 1/9 8
Interfacing of 8253, applications. ADC and DAC: Introduction, DAC 1/13
memthodes, ADC converters, Types of ADC, ADC IC (0808/0809, DAC
and ADC Interfacing and Applications.
Advances in Control Systems: Basic Introduction to Neural
Networks and Fuzzy logic control.
Text Books:
1. I J Nagrath & M Gopal, Control System Engineering; New Age International publishers.
Reference Books:
1. B C Kuo, Automatic Control Systems; PHI
2. Norman S Nise, Control System Engineering;John Wiley & Sons, Singapore
3. Dr D Ganesh Rao, Control System; Sanguine Technical Publisher, Bangalore
4. K Ogata, Modern Control Engineering; PHI.
Antenna and Wave Propagation (TEC-505)
Unit Topic Text Book/ Lectures
1. Antenna Principles: Potential Functions & Electromagnetic Field, Current 1/10 4
Elements, Radiation from Monopole & Half Wave Dipole, power radiated by
current element, radiation resistance.
Network Theorems 1/11 1
Directional Properties of Dipole Antenna.
Antenna Gain, Effective Area, Antenna Terminal Impedance, Practical 1/11 4
Antennas and Methods of Excitation, Antenna Temperature and Signal to
Noise Ratio.
2. Antennas Arrays: Two Element Array, Horizontal Patterns in Broadcast 1/11 6
Arrays, Linear Arrays,
Multiplication of patterns, effect of the earth on vertical patterns, Binomial
3. Wave Propagation: Modes of Propagation, Plane Earth Reflection, Space 1/16 3
wave and Surface Wave, Refelection and refraction waves by the
Ionosphere Tropospheric Wave.
Ionosphere Wave Propagation in the Ionosphere, Virtual Height, MUF 1/17 4
Critical frequency, Skip Distance, Duct Propagation, Space wave
4. Practical antennas:
VLF and LF transmitting antennas, effect of antenna height,
Field of short dipole, electric field of small loop antenna, Directivity of circular 2/4 11
loop antenna with uniform current,
Yagi-Uda array: Square corner yagi-uda hybride, circular polarization 2/11
Rhombic Antenna: Weight and Leg length 2/11
Parabolic Reflectors: Properties, Comparison with corner reflectors 2/12
Horn Antenna: Length and Aperture. 2/13
Introduction to Turstile Antenna 2/16
Effect of ground on antenna performance. 2/16
Broadband Antenna: Frequency independent concept, RUMSEY’s Principle, 2/15
Frequency independent planar log spiral antenna, Frequency independent
conical spiral Antenna.
5. Antenna Measurements:
Radiation Pattern measurement, Distance requirement for uniform phase, 2/18 9
uniform field amplitude requirement, Introduction to phase measurement;
Gain Measurement: Comparison method, Near field method, Introduction to
current distribution measurement, Measurement of antenna efficiency,
measurement of Noise figure and noise temperature of an antenna
polarization measurement.
Text Books:
1. Jordan Edwards C. and Balmain Keith G./ “Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems”/
Prentice Hall (India)
2. Kraus, John D. & Mashefka, Ronald J. / “Antennas: For All Applications” / Tata McGraw Hill, 3 Ed.
Reference Books:
1. Prasad, K.D./ “Antennas and Wave Propagation”/ Khanna Publications
2. Collin, R. / “Antennas and Radiowave Propagation” / Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Hayt Jr. William H./ “Engineering Electromagnetics “/ Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Das, Annaparna & Das, Sisir K. / “Microwave Engineering”/ Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Roy, Sitesh Kumar & Mitra, Monojit / “Microwave Semiconductor Devices” / Prentice Hall (India).
1. To study Amplitude modulation using a transistor and determine depth of modulation.
2. To study envelope detector for demodulation of AM signal and observe diagonal peak
clipping effect.
3. To study frequency modulation using reactance modulator.
4. Study of frequency modulation using varactor modulator.
5. Narrow band FM generator using Armstrong method.
6. Study of Foster- Seely discriminator.
7. Generation of DSB-SC signal using balanced modulator.
8. Generation of single side band signal.
9. Study of phase lock loop and detection of FM signal using PLL.
10. Measurement of noise figure using a noise generator.
11. Study of superheterodyne AM receiver and measurement of sensitivity, selectivity & fidelity.
12. Study and demonstration of active filter (low pass, high pass, and band pass type) .
1. Measurement of Op-amp Parameters. (Open Loop Gain, Input offset Voltage, CMRR,
Slew rate)
2. Determination of Frequency response of Op-Amp.
3. Precision Rectifier
4. Instrumentation Amplifier.
5. Open Loop operation of Op-amp -Comparators - Schmitt Trigger.
6. Astable & Monostable Operation Using 555.
7. IC Voltage Regulator.
8. Voltage Controlled Oscillator.
9. Phase Locked Loop.
10. Frequency Multiplier
11. A/D Converters & D/A Converters.
12. Second Order Active Filter- High Pass & Low Pass Realization
4. To draw characteristics of synchro torque transmitters. Also draw the characteristics error detector
using of two synchros.
5. To study speed control of universal motor using SCR and stroboscope
6. Speed control of AC motor using TRAIC.
Text Books:
1. Hamdy H Taha, Operations Research – An Introduction; 7e, Pearson Education/ PHI
– 2002.
2. Babcock & Morse, Managing Engineering and Technology; Pearson Education, 2004
Reference Books:
1. Hillier & Hillier, Introduction to Management Science; TMH Ed 05
4. Taub & Schilling / “Principles of Communication Systems” / Tata McGraw-Hill /
5. A.B. Carlson / “Communication Systems” / Tata McGraw-Hill.
6. Prokis J.J / “Digital Communications” / McGraw Hill /
7. Charkrabarti, P. / “Analog Communication Systems” / Dhanpat Rai & Co.
8. Schaum’s Outlines / “Analog & Digital Communication” / Tata McGraw-Hill.
9. Kennedy, George & Davis, Bernard / “Electronic communication systems” / Tata McGraw-Hill /
Text Books:
1. Proakis, J.G. & Manolakis, D.G., “Digital Signal Processing: Principles Algorithms and
Applications”, Prentice Hall (India).
Reference Books:
1. Sanjit K. Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing”, Third Edition, TMH, 2005
2. Oppenheim A.V. & Schafer, Ronald W., “Digital Signal Processing”, Pearson Education.
3. Rabiner, L.R. and Gold B., “Theory and applications of DSP”, PHI.
4. DeFatta, D.J., Lucas, J.G. & Hodgkiss, W.S., “Digital Signal Processing”, John Wiley & Sons
1 1.Era of Integrated Circuit: Introduction to Monolithic Integrated
Circuit Technology, Bipolar & MOS IC, Film IC 2
2. Crystal Growth: Silicon wafer Preparation & characterization,
Oxidation: Thermal oxidation, Oxide thickness measurement, 1
Oxidation system. 6
2. Microwave cavity resonators: ¼ 2
Rectangular and cylindrical cavities, Quality factor, Excitation of
Microwave components:
Waveguide couplings, bends and twists, Transitions, Directional 2/6 8
couplers, hybrid couplers, Matched load, Attenuators and phase
shifters, E-plane, H-plane and Hybrid Tees, Hybrid ring,
Waveguide discontinuities, Windows, Irises and Tuning screws,
Detectors, wave meters; Isolators and Circulators, tunable detector,
slotted line carriage, VSWR meter. Scattering Matrix.
Digital Signal Processing Lab (TEC-652)
1. Sampling & Waveform Generation.
2. Quantization
3. PCM Encoding
4. Delta Modulation
5. Digital Modulation Schemes (ASK, PSK, FSK)
6. Error Correcting Codes
7. DFT Computation.
8. Fast Fourier Transform.
9. FIR Filter implementation.
10. IIR Filter implementation.
11. DSP Processor Implementation
12. Computational Experiments with Digital Filters
3rdyr. (V & VI Semester)