Consumer Behavior Course Outline
Consumer Behavior Course Outline
Consumer Behavior Course Outline
Course Outline
Course: Instructor: Consumer Behavior Junaid Khalid Program BBA/BBS
Course Description
Consumer Behavior (CB) is a course designed to enhance students understanding of how and why consumers purchase (or do not purchase) goods and services. It will combine both the theoretical concepts of consumer behavior and its application for marketing strategies related to private, public and non-profit sections. At the conceptual level it will seek to present and integrated framework around which major areas of consumer Behavior can be understood and applied. This course will explore and identify market identities and various sources of influence with the way consumers think and learn from market related information. The knowledge and understanding gained from this course can be utilized in the market place to make rational decisions to satisfy consumer needs and wants and remain loyal to products.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students should be able to: 1. To develop an understanding of the consumer and the internal and external factors that makes each consumption situation unique. 2. To develop an understanding of consumer Behavior research in modern marketing. 3. To develop an understanding of the dynamic and evolving nature of consumer behavior. 4. Appreciate the importance of consumer-oriented strategies to the organizations and to enable the development of appropriate marketing strategies.
Teaching Methodology
The class will be conducted in a participatory environment where the class instructor will lead discussions, and students will be encouraged to participate and ask questions at the end of each class session. Students will be expected to read the assignments in advance. This will be tested through the extent and frequency of students participation in each class session.
Books prescribed:
1. Consumer Behavior 2. Consumer Behavior by Leon G. Schiffman by Hawkins
Topics to be Covered
introduction practical evolution and the consumer decision making process Consumers And Market Segment: Determinants of market segments and their characteristics Consumer Research Process Consumer Decision Process Influences On Consumer Behavior Cultural influence on CB Influences On Consumer Behavior Social class influence on CB Influences On Consumer Behavior Family life cycle and their influence on CB Influences On Consumer Behavior Demographics and their influence on CB Revision and Mid Term Discussion MID TERM EXAMINATION Personal Influence On Consumer Behavior Personality and self concept Motivation Attitude and change Information processing and learning Consumer Motivation Personality and Consumer Behavior Consumer Perception Consumer Learning Consumer Attitude formation and change Communication and Consumer Behavior Presentations Revision And Final Term Discussion
Session 17, 18 & 19 Session 19 & 20 Session 21 Session 22 & 23 Session 24 & 25 Session 26 & 27 Session 28 & 29 Session 30 & 31 Session 32
Class Discipline:
In order to maximize class participation by all students, late arrivals will be marked absent; although they may like to attend the class. The best policy to avoid such a situation is never be late. Similarly early departure from the class will earn an absence to the student; unless leave is sought from the class instructor.
Marks Distribution
Assignments Quizzes Presentation Mid-term examination Final-term examination Total 05 05 10 30 50 100 points
Note: In the unlikely event of an unplanned absence by the instructor, the material to Have been covered during that class meeting will be shifted to the make-up class. If a test was scheduled for that class meeting, the test will be given during the next class meeting. In the event of any necessary planned absences, information on schedule changes will be provided in advance. Insha Allah the Instructor will be available in his office for meeting class students during office hours.