AGM Report 2013

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Jack Kane Community Centre 208 Niddrie Mains Road, Edinburgh, EH16 4ND tel: 0131 657 1595

fax: 0131 657 3676

Registered Scottish Charity sc020762

jackkanecafe_k @jkmc3


Well I got through another year the centres chairperson without any hitches (I think or Scott / Sylvia would have told me by now). We have had a packed year with plenty activities and I have tried to get involved in them as much as I can (work permitting). I'm learning more all the time about what is going on in the centre and will summarise some of the main events: 1. Upgraded more of the centre 2. More people took part in the centres training opportunities 3. More young people on the management committee. 4. 2500 people attended the Summer Bash And there was much much more.........The level of commitment from the staff, volunteers and the management is of a high standard as always. They continuously attend important training sessions to prepare them for any situation that arises in the centre and this can only benefit the users of the centre. I would like to finish by thanking Scott and his staff, board members, young people, children and families. And last but not least, a big thanks to our funders because without them we would not be able to do half as much as we can offer the users of the centre. John Witherspoon

Vice-Chair Update
This was my first year as the vice chair and it has brought me valuable experiences and involvement in a fantastic centre. What has amazed me is the passion, energy and commitment of each and every person involved in the centre. I have spent my first year on the board listening and learning more everyday and this has helped me have my own vision for what I can do within the centre. I have met lots of fantastic people through my work here and have gained a lot of good friends who have helped me grow as a person. I hope to stick around and help this centre grow even more. Stevie Auld

INCOME FOR 20122013

As successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors the vast majority of people make valuable contributions to our communities today. CLDs community contact with this centre is founded on the principal of positive partnerships by improving life chances for people of all ages through learning, personal development and active citizenship. This way of working together has flourished with both partners continuing to play a leading role in building stronger individuals and more confident communities. Nurturing and supporting qualities in people and communities assists people to navigate through the challenges of community and societal life. The content of this AGM report reflects a strong commitment to building stronger, more resilient, supportive, influential and inclusive communities and as you will see throughout, community members are placed at the centre of the process when carrying out new and exciting experiences. Scott Fraser

Community Centres would be lifeless buildings without the people who make them vibrant and exciting and this centre builds people. We don't just look to offer facilities we look to foster long term positive community relationships. The work we do is focussed on consistency and continuity, we never parachute in to the area and then move out once our work is done. This centre offers more than a physical environment it offers a safe place to play, learn and socialise. Dont take our word for it come and see for your self or let the pages of this AGM report talk to you, let yourself hear the noise of the people whom use the centre coming out of the pages sharing their experience with you. I am sure that you will no doubt get it and celebrate that together we can all make a difference.

This place offers a wide range of activities covering all ages and stages. The centre also has state of the art community learning facilities, with up to date technology including internet access and smart board facilities. With over nineteen thousand people coming through its doors each year, we have to meet high usage demands. In order to accommodate diverse needs, we ensure that the facility is multi purpose and disability compliant with conferences, general meetings, training events and educational work all taking part under our new roof. The management committee under the leadership of the board and its members have excelled in their time, commitment and motivation to create positive change within the centre and the wider community. John Witherspoon - Chairperson Sylvia Hawthorne - Treasure Owen Thomas Eileen McMillan Craig Taylor Jed Heeps Steven Auld - Vice chair Declan McGee - Secretary John McKenzie Connor Murdoch Kevin McGee


Continuing the centres fabulous work would not be at all possible, if it was not for all the exceptional funders who assist this organisation through financial means. The funders believe in the work which we carry out and continue to support the projects which are developed. With this in mind our staff have been successful in securing different streams of funding. All the work which is carried out could never have been achieved without the help, support and financial aid from our funding partners. Whilst these funding partners provide finance and expertise, the Jack Kane Centre also benefits from in kind knowledge,

Our centre achievements include: 1. Ensuring new road surfaces to the centre were in place for local people. 2. Had the centres felt roofing materials replaced. 3. Increase in members attending external meetings. 4. Carried out a community consultation regarding centre usage. 5. Completed refurbishment to main reception and hallways. 6. Led on the Summer bash event. 7. Increased attendance at training events.

The centre has had a massive impact its made my life better and I never thought a couple of years ago my life would be like this, I am proud of myself and the group has helped me get to where I am today. 18yr old male


Bringing people in the community together for fun, excitement, laughter, new opportunities as a way of cultivating community cohesion enables the centres holiday activities to surpasse all expectations with over 390 individuals taking part in a host of diversionary opportunities. These experiences only whetted the appetite for the Portobello and Craigmillars Summer Bash. Young people, children and families converged on Hunters Hall park to take part in a range of exciting opportunities. This figure surpassed all our wildest dreams with over two and a half thousand people attending this community fun fuelled event. With horse riding, graffiti artists and Dj workshops alongside the ever popular photo booth then this fun day surely had it all. The event celebrated the end of the extensive summer youth and childrens programme and concentrated on bringing a range of activities which were free of charge to this local community. Everyone was fortunate on the day as the sun was shining brightly and everyone was ready and up for fun. What a success, great weather, excellent setting, lovely day, lots of free things to do and everyone enjoying themselves no wonder this was heralded as a major success and we cant wait for next year.

April 2012-March 2013 In numbers.. 1137 individual children and young people 7228 contacts with children and young people 267 centre based youth & children sessions 64 school based sessions 50 detached youth work sessions 370 individuals 36 parent/guardian evaluation feedback 41 holiday activities/excursions 16 volunteers gaining wider achievement 30 outreach youth work sessions Distributed over six hundred publicity materials for local services

Stepping Stones Along the Pathway of Life. By Kelsie Hossack Volunteer

In December 2011, I fortunately stumbled across the Jack Kane Community Centre for my fourth year work experience placement from Holyrood RC HS after a previous placement at an interior design company not working out. Since then I have always been involved in the centre and don't plan on leaving The centre has had an enormous impact on me from the moment I started. I was never extremely shy but my confidence has grown hugely throughout my involvement, from firstly helping in the 'Smooth Movers' group to now developing my own drama project in the Girls group to raise awareness of the issues that young females in the community face. My voluntary work has significantly developed my wider knowledge as well as making me aware of my actions and how they may have an impact on others. My experiences in the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) group has completely changed my way of thinking, from the words I use, the ways in which I interpret different situations and even the music that I listen to and the messages that they try to portray. I now not only challenge my own behavior and thoughts but try to make people think about their own too in a hope to make them think more positively. Being a part of the Jack Kane team has really helped me grow as an individual and has completely changed my life. From a young age I have always been artistic and enjoyed drama and initially I wanted to be an interior designer. But from my 4th year placement I now know that this is a line of work that I would love to be in as I get so much joy out of working with young people and potentially having a positive impact on their lifes. The centre has gave me the chance to make so many new memories, gave me countless learning opportunities, and took me down a wonderful new path which I am enjoying along the way.

This year has seen the centre re-introduce single gendered work with young females. Weekly sessions have focused upon the young females coming together and sharing their life stories, focusing upon the different opportunities and challenges that they face as well as sharing their common bond of being part of the centre and what this means to them. The young females are planning to take this work forward and hold an event in 2014 in celebration of International Womens Day.

Going where others fear to tread the centres detached youth work team have been pounding the streets of Craigmillar and Portobello using different venues as educational establishments or schools without walls. Weve had a busy year, engaging with a range of local people and partner organisations. Implementing spontaneous learning opportunities in a street based environment has enabled the project to continue its innovative way of being their on young people territories. The project has carried out a vast range of work including:; Niddrie House Community Consultation : perceived youth issues around the Niddrie House area and the Thistle Foundation. The work was carried out in partnership with young people and the Neighbourhood Partnership Community Safety Sub Group. Craigmillar Library Group: working with young people exploring different needs within the new Craigmillar Library. A Team: A alcohol raising awareness partnership the Health Opportunities team which worked with young people on the streets regarding theirs or members of their families alcohol usage.


Every Friday night the Community and Sports Centre, come together and open their doors to young people in order to provide a range of sport and health activities free of charge. With an average of 55 young people attending each week to come together to increase their health and well being, the centre has a vibrant burst of life. Key achievements and experiences throughout the year have included; 1. Employment of 1 young person through Robertson trust funds within the service. 2. Young people gained wider achievement in the completing the Edinburgh Leisure Pulse Centre accreditation process. 4. New non traditional sporting activities including; Speed Cycle, Power Hoop Fitness and archery on offer.

Pathways To New Learning

I got involved in the Jack Kane as my friend told me about it so I came along and got involved and its fun. I can talk to people here and Ive made new friends and most importantly no one slags me off for not having parents, and Im ok with this and its a lot better than school, people accept me here and I now see it as part of my family.

Our Friday children's drop in service continues to offer a service for the children of the community. In this relaxing environment, the children are learning whilst having fun. The group continues to explore community issues and works alongside partners such as the park rangers, the fire service as well as members of the management committee. The children are encouraged through positive play to gain confidence and motivation and there continues to be high numbers attending on a weekly basis. Highlights for the year was the children making a community collage.

Ive changed for the better as a person, I think about what I do more and how my actions affect others. The group has opened my eyes to what you can do in different situations and I have learnt how to have empathy.

Makes me think more in everyday life, how people may feel and the affects actions can have on others. I have also carried out workshops and a presentation to the Director of Education and being involved in this group has gave me the confidence and skills to do this.

Im now at college doing social sciences, I wouldnt have done so before being involved in this group. Ive not yet been in a situation where I have been a bystander but I know if I was that I would do something and not nothing.

MVP (Mentors in Violence Prevention): In partnership with CLD and Police Scotland, Violence Reduction Unit, and a group of dedicated and committed young people, the centre proudly works alongside Scotlands first and only community based MVP group. MVP is a leadership programme, that motivates both men and women to play a central role in solving problems that historically have been considered womens issues, including but not exhaustive of issues such as sexual harassment and gender stereotypes. The group here at the centre have developed their knowledge and facilitation skills within the programme as they have developed into peer leaders, focusing upon the role of the bystander, devising and delivering workshops to others on these issues. 1. Carried out a 2 day residential to Wiston Lodge (which some members of the MC came to also). 1. Presentation of work to an interested group within the Scottish Parliament . 3. Preparation and facilitation of a staff and volunteer training event, with over 20 participants. 4. Recognition and accreditation from Saltire Youth for reaching over 50 hours individually as volunteers. Future plans for the group will centre upon delivering the workshops to a range of groups from across the East of the city as well as building links with MVP programmes on a national and international level.

Continuing to bring new experiences to older people within and out with the centre. The older people keep brining new experiences to their life's, they have continued to host a series of socialising events for older people. The main premise for such events means older people combating social isolation, having fun , meeting new friends whilst keeping active. These events are based on the simple assumption that fun, laughter and friendship will be of huge benefit to the individuals whom attend. There are a minimum of 5 events planned with over 60 older people attending each event. A great success this year has been themed events with key dates playing a major role in the socialising events calendar. The feel good factor is set to continue for older people of the centre with their weekly lunch club as well as these wonderful events.

Transition from a primary school to a large secondary may well be an exhilarating yet also frightening and stressful time for a child. Many children may feel overwhelmed and anxious about leaving primary and then attending secondary school for the first time, even though they might not necessarily admit to these thoughts and feelings. Well the centres Smooth move group ensures that all the children's thoughts and feelings are explored when making this move. From having fun games to working together and meeting new friends the centre works alongside the cluster primaries to add value to their school work. To compliment this work the group also have volunteers from the local high schools. Who can offer recent experiences of similar thoughts and feelings regarding the move to High school. By having other young people volunteering it offers the children a well kent face when they do move.


This centre stretches peoples imaginations and practice. Training and development are key components in not only developing people but ensuring that the work of the centre is of a high standard. We are proud to invest in people, to cultivate a culture where it is good to do things, reflect on them, talk things through then look to change things if we have too.. The past year the centre has incorporated both internal and external training opportunities so as to increase staff and volunteers confidence, knowledge and experience. In order to grow this ethos, we are also pleased to keep in our support and supervision structure whereby staff are encouraged to explore in depth their thoughts on work related practice issues. Training has enhanced by learning within the centre. Training lets me meet other workers and listen and share experiences. The information and informal learning experience has helped and enhanced my learning experiences in youth work. It has impacted on my practice and helping me deliver a better level of youth work to the young people and help me support my work colleagues. Staff Member

To be more confident, to believe in myself and just get up and go for it. Its fun different and we get to pick what we want to do. If we disagree we vote so its always fair. My sons confidence has grown the group brings out his humour and integrates him with others.


AGENTS FOR CHANGE This year the early intervention work has had a make over with the new Agents for Change booklet wining its way in to the 5 cluster primaries. For the first year ever Brunstane PS has joined the elite early intervention schools. The new programme meant that the pupils were recruited as special agents to investigate their communities. This espionage programme took place within primary 6 classes over an 8 week period. The secret agents explore and uncover the layers of confusing messages whilst playing and learning within their neighbourhoods. The surveillance teams exposed sensitive information which allowed them to gain a deeper understanding of the world which they live in. In true secret agent style, this message will self explode in 5...4..3..2..1 Agent parent: I think the programme was really helpful in that it encouraged my child to talk and engage in topics she might have not normally. Agent teacher: The children in my class have thoroughly enjoyed the early intervention project. The workshops were not only fun and interactive but they developed the children's sense of responsibility and their knowledge of different topics at the same time. Produced a short short film with young people on issues in relation to Masculinity (available on you tube under cafekproductions). Delivered Scotlands only community based MVP group, linking into the national strategy. Supported MVP group to present their work at the Scottish Parliament. Carried out 40 Early Intervention sessions in local cluster primary schools reaching more than 200 individual children. Held 1 residential with young people in relation to the Mentors in Violence Prevention Programme. Carried out 80 street based sessions with young people, adults and key stakeholders focusing on community cohesion and safety, reaching over 370 individuals. Carried out 267 centre based youth and children sessions.

Worked alongside 1137 individual children and young people in 2012/13.

Delivered 30 specialised partnership street based services targeting young people and alcohol. Provide training for all staff and volunteers on a monthly basis with over 21 training sessions provided (2012/13). Met all funded targets, with over 80% of targets excelled. Supported 9 young people into positive destinations including; volunteering, employment and further education . Supported 16 children and young people to achieve Saltire Youth Accreditation and Dynamic Youth Awards. Produced alongside young people Good Neighbourhood Guide showcasing the positive impact that young people have to our Community and wider society. Provided work experience and/or volunteering opportunities to 10 Individual young people .

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