Newsletter 05 November 13.
Newsletter 05 November 13.
Newsletter 05 November 13.
November 5, 2013
Remembrance Day
Students will attend a sombertoned assembly on Friday, November 8 at 9:15am to mark Principal and learn about Remembrance Richard Zerbe Day. Through student, staff and class presentations, they will Vice-Principal learn about why we have Joel Levine Remembrance Day and why we Director of Instruction wear a poppy. Students are Rob Schindel encouraged to bring in a coin donation this week for the Liaison School Trustee Poppy Fund. Additionally, Mike Lombardi students will be told at the assembly that, Co-PAC Chairs while the Melissa Bruntlett following Pippa Kouwenhoven Monday is a District Parent holiday from Representative school, they Jen Anderson should nonetheless take a moment on Monday at 11 am to pause in silent or quiet reflection and think about the sacrifices of our courageous Canadians. I invite all families to do likewise.
French Immersion Kindergarten Application: Parents must first register their kindergarten aged child at their English neighbourhood school (even if you do not intend to attend there). In early January, you will receive a Personal Education Number (PEN) for your child via email. You will need this PEN to apply on-line for French Immersion from January 10-31, 2014. If we receive more applicants than we have spaces, a randomized draw will be held and parents will be notified in early to mid-February. Detailed application information is available at Detailed information about Early French Immersion is available at French Immersion Kindergarten Application for siblings: If you are registering a child for kindergarten and currently have a child in French Immersion at Secord (who will be at Secord next year as well), your child receives sibling placement priority. However, you still must register the child at your in-catchment English school first (even though your child would not attend there). After you receive your childs PEN, you will also have to apply on-line for French Immersion from January 10-31, 2014. (Please note, when you apply on-line, you will be asked for the PEN of your older child who currently attends French Immersion at Secord. You can get this from the school office.) Failure to follow these procedures will likely result in your child losing sibling priority and likely not getting into French Immersion at all. Grade One Early French Immersion: Limited spaces are available for students new to French Immersion who wish to enter at the grade one level. Parents are encouraged to attend one of the information sessions coming up to learn more about the French Immersion program. To apply for grade one French Immersion, parents need to fill out an application form ( or come into the school office. If there are more applicants than spaces available, a supervised draw will be held and parents will be notified in early February. Grade 6 Late French Immersion: Late French Immersion is for students with no French background or previous experience interested in learning French in an immersive setting who have successfully completed Grade 5. French Immersion is a program that can offer your child: a fun, effective and challenging way to learn French at an early age the opportunity to learn the same curriculum as the regular English program, in French an opportunity to participate in rich French cultural learning experiences a bilingual future Students and parents interested in this program should attend one of the upcoming French Immersion information sessions. Detailed information and application forms are available at The registration period for late French Immersion is November 1 January 31. It is not a first come, first served basis but all registrations will be collected along with a written letter by the student which includes their reasons for wanting to participate in a Late Immersion program. A copy of their first grade 5 report card can be sent to the school after December.
Reminder: No school for students on: Monday, November 11 Friday, November 22 (District Pro-D day) Catch-up Club
Students are invited to the library on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings before school (8:15am) for help and support with homework from our Student and School Support Team.
(Remembrance Day Holiday)
When? Where?
French Immersion at Laura Secord School: Both Early (K & Gr 1) and Late (Gr 6) Immersion
What? Learn about the Early and Late French Immersion programs at Lord Secord School Meet school staff, students, parents A typical day in French Immersion Tour the school Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 7:00 pm Secord School: Sessions will be held separately with rooms tba. Look for signs inside entrance. Kindergarten/Grade 1: This session is mainly for parents. Child care will not be provided. Grade 6 Late French Immersion: This session is for both parents and students. You are encouraged to attend together.
~ PAC News ~
Visit the PAC website often for updates on PAC-run events at Laura Secord School.
Grade 8 Programs
Its that time when grade 7 students begin applying to the school and program they wish to attend next year. Go to and click on Secondary Students for a full list of program, school, and mini school options. Each program hosts an information session for parents and students; go to the individual site for dates and program information. Following are important dates for some of the nearby programs:
Vancouver Technical Secondary School (Van Tech) Thu, Nov 14, 7pm FLEX Information Night Wed, Nov 20, 7pm SUMMIT Information Night Tue, Dec 10, 7pm French Immersion Info Night Thu, Jan 9, 6:30pm Grade 7 Information Night Wed, Apr 9 Gr 7 students visit Van Tech For the full Mini School Information Nights Calendar, go to Important Dates: Nov 3 On-line registration for Mini School Test opens Nov 29 On-line registration for Mini School Test closes Dec 10 Cognitive and Writing Test Dec 20 Applications to program sites due Feb 14 First Acceptances go out
Bring your pillows and sleeping bags for this fun family event. There will be a concession with pizza and other food for purchase.
Traffic safety
Parents and adults are reminded to drive extra safely and cautiously before and after school and to take special care when dropping off and picking up kids. Double parking, stopping in No Parking zones, U-turns, 3-point turns, and using laneways and alleys to turn around are particularly dangerous as it is difficult to see smaller children and cars passing behind or around you. Parents are reminded to choose safety over convenience and are encouraged to park farther away from the school and walk their children in. Its safer, healthier and gives you precious quality time with your child.
UPCOMING DATES November Now January 31 Sun 3 Mon 4 - Fri 8 Thur 7 2014-15 School Registration & Application On-line Mini School Registration opens T-Shirt and Spirit Wear sales Bring in coin donation for Poppy Fund Kindergarten vision screening Hot Lunch Code Red Drill Remembrance Day Assembly Family English Movie Night, 6-8pm, Gym Remembrance Day NO SCHOOL 11 am Please observe a moment of silence PAC General Meeting, 6:30, Library PAC Hot Lunch Intermediate Science Fair Professional Development Day NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS Gr 6 Immunization Clinic District French Programs Info Night, 7pm, Tupper Sec On-line Mini School Registration closes
To help us plan accordingly, please register by email, mail, fax or walk-in by Nov. 15th, 2013. John Norquay Elementary, 4710 Slocan St., Vancouver, V5R 2A1. Ph. 604-713-4666 Fax: 604-713-4668. Email: