This document appears to be a final test for an English language course called Interchange 3. It consists of 50 multiple choice questions testing grammar concepts like verb tenses, modals, count/non-count nouns, and word forms. The questions cover topics like jobs, schedules, relationships, health, transportation, and cities. The test-taker is asked to choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
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This document appears to be a final test for an English language course called Interchange 3. It consists of 50 multiple choice questions testing grammar concepts like verb tenses, modals, count/non-count nouns, and word forms. The questions cover topics like jobs, schedules, relationships, health, transportation, and cities. The test-taker is asked to choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
This document appears to be a final test for an English language course called Interchange 3. It consists of 50 multiple choice questions testing grammar concepts like verb tenses, modals, count/non-count nouns, and word forms. The questions cover topics like jobs, schedules, relationships, health, transportation, and cities. The test-taker is asked to choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
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This document appears to be a final test for an English language course called Interchange 3. It consists of 50 multiple choice questions testing grammar concepts like verb tenses, modals, count/non-count nouns, and word forms. The questions cover topics like jobs, schedules, relationships, health, transportation, and cities. The test-taker is asked to choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
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Name_________________________________________________________ Date _______________
Choose the correct option. 1. I'd prefer a(n) ____ boss who I can do my best for. a. temperamenta b. organzed c. egotstca 2. Patty s a(n) ____ person that never brags about her grades. a. modest b. ntoerant c. stngy 3. My frend ____ peope are ate for appontments. a. cant stand when b. can stand t c. cant stand t when 4. ____ seems exctng. I' ve aways been nterested n desgn. Ashey: ____ a. Works as an archtect b. Work as an archtect c. Workng as an archtect 5. An aerobcs nstructor probaby earns ____ a tenns coach. a. better pad than b. not as hard as c. as much as 6. Psychatrsts are often ____ potcans. a. better educated than b. as much work as c. more coege degrees than 7. You want your friend to lend you her laptop for the weekend. Coud I ____ aptop for the weekend? a. end your b. borrow your c. borrow me your 8. Your classmate has a cell phone. You want to use it to make a quick call. Woud t be OK ____ ce phone? a. f I used your b. f used your c. usng your 9. My neghbor s knd of shy, but he ____ me for a favor anyway. a. made b. dd c. asked 10.My grfrend ____ me a nce compment - she sad I was knd and generous. Score __________ a. dd b. gave c. express 11.Coud you te Matt ____ come to cass tomorrow? a. that Akko can't b. does Akko c. that Akko to 12.Can you ask Davd ____? a. If he wants studyng tonght b. whether or not he wants to study tonght c. whether he wants study tonght or not 13.Whe I ____ tenns yesterday afternoon, I reazed that I ____ somethng. What a predcament I ____ n! a. payed. forgotten. am b. was payng... had forgotten. was c. am payng. have forgotten. was 14.Tryng the oca food s one thng ____? a. I be excted by b. woud be exctng c. I woud be excted by 15.The thng ____ s meetng peope my age. a. I be the most curous. b. I woud be the most curous about c. about I woud be the most curous 16.These |eans have a tear n the knee. They are ____. a. broken b. staned c. torn 17.There s a sma eak n the aquarum. It s ____. a. eaked b. eakng c. scratched 18.The keys on my aptop don't work rght. They keep ____. a. ad|ustng b. skppng c. stckng 19.Those pants ook extremey dry. They ____ waterng. a. need b. need to be c. needs 20.Gasone ____ the unnecessary use of cars. a. s been wasted through b. s beng wastng through c. s beng wasted through 21.The ozone ayer ____ CFCs n products ke refrgerators. a. has depeted by b. has been depeted by c. s been depeted by 22.One thng to do about unempoyment s to ____. a. donate cothng and food b. hep farmers grow safe crops c. tran peope for new careers 23.Awareness pro|ects can hep reduce the spread of dseases such as ____. a. goba warmng b. HV/AIDS c. poverty 24. A: Woud you ____ earn the gutar or the von? B: We, I'd ____ not to pay the gutar. One day, I'd ke to |on an orchestra, so I guess I'd ____ to fnd a good von teacher. a. prefer. rather. prefer b. rather. rather. prefer c. rather. prefer. prefer 25.You can earn to dance better not by a. take a cass but by go out to the cubs b. takng a cass but by gong out to the cubs c. to take a cass but by to go to the cubs. 26.You can have your aptop ____ at a computer repar shop. a. fx b. fxng c. fxed 27.I'm reay ____ gong campng wth my famy ths sprng a. ookng forward to b. comng up wth c. gettng aong wth 28.My sster has ____ her fanc for the thrd tme. When w they ever get marred? a. cut down on b. come up wth c. broken up wth 29.A: My car s broken, but I can't afford to fx t. B: What about ____ expenses to save money? a. cut down on b. cuttng down on c. To cut down on 30.Peope have been usng home computers ____ the 1980s. a. ago b. snce c. over 31.Wthn 50 years, scentsts ____ a cure for the common cod. a. w dscover b. w be dscoverng c. w have dscovered 32.____ Terr got her frst car, she mmedatey found out how many of her frends needed rdes. a. Before b. Unt c. The moment 33.My frend's husband s so ____. He's aways fghtng wth peope. a. nave b. argumentatve c. ambtous 34.To fnd a |ob n Pars, she ____ n nternatona aw. a. have ma|ored b. shoud have ma|ored c. coudn't have ma|ored 35.If I ____ so mmature, I woud have apprecated a that my famy tred to do for me when I was n schoo. a. had been b. has been c. hadn't been 36.Dscount stores don't have to advertse much ____ customers. a. to be attracted b. n order to attract c. by attractng 37.You know, Starbucks s famous ____ ts coffee, but I ove ts pastres. a. because b. due to c. for 38.A: Mara was wearng a new rng today, and Pabo ooked very happy. B: They ____ decded to get marred. a. shoudn't have b. may not have c. must have 39.A: I bought a TV ast month. After two days, t broke, but I ddn't do anythng about t. B: I ____ taken t back to the store rght away. a. must have b. shoud have c. woud have 40.You should check the bus schedule next time Ths s an exampe of a ____. a. suggeston b. crtcsm c. assumpton 41.If you do it aain! you"ll lose your #ob$ Ths s an exampe of a ____. a. predcton b. demand c. warnng 42.To prepare for a TV tak show, research has to ____ to fnd nterestng guests. a. be dong b. be done c. do 43.Next, the peope seected for the tak show must ____ n order of preference. a. be ranked b. rank c. do rankng 44.Peope ought ____ to take a drver's course before they get a cense. a. to be requred b. be requrng c. to be requre 45. Somethng has ____ to cean up tter on our streets. a. to be done b. got to done c. been do 46.Stray anmas shoudn't be aowed n cty parks, ____ a. shoud they? b. Shoudnt they? c. they shoud? 47.The probem of street crme can't be soved easy, ____ a. cant t? b. It can? c. can t? 48.Ths cty s ugy because there s ____ everywhere. a. downszng b. grafft c. nose pouton 49.Frefghters have to be ____ to go nto burnng budngs. a. courageous b. cynca c. tmd 50.In the ast fve years, I ____ to mprove my Engsh qute a bt. a. have managed b. had manage c. w have managed
(Topics in English Linguistics 22) Carl Bache, Niels Davidsen-Nielsen-Mastering English - An Advanced Grammar For Non-Native and Native Speakers-De Gruyter Mouton (1997) PDF