Program 1: Mvi A, 52h Sta 4000h HLT Program 2

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Program 1:

MVI A, 52H : Store 32H in the accumulator

STA 4000H : Copy accumulator contents at address 4000H

HLT : Terminate program execution

Program 2:

LXI H : Load HL with 4000H

MVI M : Store 32H in memory location pointed by HL register pair (4000H)

HLT : Terminate program execution

Program 1:

LDA 2000H : Get the contents of memory location 2000H into accumulator

MOV B, A : Save the contents into B register

LDA 4000H : Get the contents of memory location 4000Hinto accumulator

STA 2000H : Store the contents of accumulator at address 2000H

MOV A, B : Get the saved contents back into A register

STA 4000H : Store the contents of accumulator at address 4000H

Program 2:

LXI H 2000H : Initialize HL register pair as a pointer to memory

location 2000H.

LXI D 4000H : Initialize DE register pair as a pointer to memory

location 4000H.

MOV B, M : Get the contents of memory location 2000H into B


LDAX D : Get the contents of memory location 4000H into A register.

MOV M, A : Store the contents of A register into memory location


MOV A, B : Copy the contents of B register into accumulator.

STAX D : Store the contents of A register into memory location 4000H.

HLT : Terminate program execution.

Sample problem

(4000H) = 14H

(4001H) = 89H

Result = 14H + 89H = 9DH

Source program

LXI H 4000H : HL points 4000H

MOV A, M : Get first operand

INX H : HL points 4001H

ADD M : Add second operand

INX H : HL points 4002H

MOV M, A : Store result at 4002H

HLT : Terminate program execution

Program - 4: Subtract two 8-bit numbers

Sample problem:

(4000H) = 51H

(4001H) = 19H

Result = 51H - 19H = 38H

Source program:

LXI H, 4000H : HL points 4000H

MOV A, M : Get first operand

INX H : HL points 4001H

SUB M : Subtract second operand

INX H : HL points 4002H

MOV M, A : Store result at 4002H.

HLT : Terminate program execution

Program - 5.a: Add two 16-bit numbers - Source Program 1

Sample problem:

(4000H) = 15H

(4001H) = 1CH

(4002H) = B7H

(4003H) = 5AH

Result = 1C15 + 5AB7H = 76CCH

(4004H) = CCH

(4005H) = 76H

Source Program 1:

LHLD 4000H : Get first I6-bit number in HL

XCHG : Save first I6-bit number in DE

LHLD 4002H : Get second I6-bit number in HL

MOV A, E : Get lower byte of the first number

ADD L : Add lower byte of the second number

MOV L, A : Store result in L register

MOV A, D : Get higher byte of the first number

ADC H : Add higher byte of the second number with CARRY

MOV H, A : Store result in H register

SHLD 4004H : Store I6-bit result in memory locations 4004H and 4005H.

HLT : Terminate program execution

Sample problem:
(4000H) = 7FH

(400lH) = 89H

Result = 7FH + 89H = lO8H

(4002H) = 08H

(4003H) = 0lH

Source program:

LXI H, 4000H :HL Points 4000H

MOV A, M :Get first operand

INX H :HL Points 4001H

ADD M :Add second operand

INX H :HL Points 4002H

MOV M, A :Store the lower byte of result at 4002H

MVIA, 00 :Initialize higher byte result with 00H

ADC A :Add carry in the high byte result

INX H :HL Points 4003H

MOV M, A :Store the higher byte of result at 4003H

HLT :Terminate program execution

Sample problem

(4000H) = 19H

(400IH) = 6AH

(4004H) = I5H (4003H) = 5CH

Result = 6A19H - 5C15H = OE04H

(4004H) = 04H

(4005H) = OEH
Source program:

LHLD 4000H : Get first 16-bit number in HL

XCHG : Save first 16-bit number in DE

LHLD 4002H : Get second 16-bit number in HL

MOV A, E : Get lower byte of the first number

SUB L : Subtract lower byte of the second number

MOV L, A : Store the result in L register

MOV A, D : Get higher byte of the first number

SBB H : Subtract higher byte of second number with borrow

MOV H, A : Store l6-bit result in memory locations 4004H and 4005H.

SHLD 4004H : Store l6-bit result in memory locations 4004H and 4005H.

HLT : Terminate program execution.

Sample problem:

(4400H) = 55H

Result = (4300B) = AAB

Source program:

LDA 4400B : Get the number

CMA : Complement number

STA 4300H : Store the result

HLT : Terminate program execution

Sample problem:

(4200H) = 55H

Result = (4300H) = AAH + 1 = ABH

Source program:

LDA 4200H : Get the number

CMA : Complement the number

ADI, 01 H : Add one in the number

STA 4300H : Store the result

HLT : Terminate program execution

Sample problem:

(4200H) = 04

(4201H) = 09

Result = (4300H) = 94

Source program

LDA 4201H : Get the Most significant BCD digit




RLC : Adjust the position of the second digit (09 is changed to 90)

ANI FOH : Make least significant BCD digit zero

MOV C, A : store the partial result

LDA 4200H : Get the lower BCD digit

ADD C : Add lower BCD digit

STA 4300H : Store the result

HLT : Terminate program execution

Sample problem

(4200H) = 58

Result = (4300H) = 08 and

(4301H) = 05

Source program

LDA 4200H : Get the packed BCD number

ANI FOH : Mask lower nibble




RRC : Adjust higher BCD digit as a lower digit

STA 4301H : Store the partial result

LDA 4200H : .Get the original BCD number

ANI OFH : Mask higher nibble

STA 4201H : Store the result

HLT : Terminate program execution

Main program:

4000H LXI SP, 27FFH

4003H LXI H, 2000H

4006H LXI B, 1020H


Subroutine program:


4101H PUSH H

4102H LXI B, 4080H

4105H LXI H, 4090H

4108H SHLD 2200H

4109H DAD B




Source program:








Source program:

DAD H : Adds HL data with HL data

PUSH PSW : Save flags on stack

POP H : Retrieve flags in 'L'

MOV A, L : Flags in accumulator

CMA : Complement accumulator

MOV L, A : Accumulator in 'L'

PUSH H : Save on stack

POP PSW : Back to flag register

HLT :Terminate program execution

1Store 8-bit data in memory

1Exchange the contents of memory locations

1Add two 8-bit numbers

1Subtract two 8-bit numbers

1Add two 16-bit numbers

1Add contents of two memory locations

1Subtract two 16-bit numbers.

1Finding one's complement of a number

1Finding Two's complement of a number

1Pack the unpacked BCD numbers

1Unpack a BCD number

1Execution format of instructions

1Right shift bit of data

1Left Shifting of a 16-bit data

1Alter the contents of flag register in 8085

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