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GCE Advanced Subsidiary Level and GCE Advanced Level

MARK SCHEME for the November 2003 question papers

9702/01 Paper 1 (Multiple Choice (AS)), maximum mark 40

9702/02 Paper 2 (Structured Questions (AS)), maximum mark 60

9702/03 Paper 3 (Practical (AS)), maximum mark 25

9702/04 Paper 4 (Structured Questions (A2 Core)), maximum mark 60

9702/05 Paper 5 (Practical (A2)), maximum mark 30

9702/06 Paper 6 (Options (A2)), maximum mark 40

These mark schemes are published as an aid to teachers and students, to indicate the requirements
of the examination. They show the basis on which Examiners were initially instructed to award marks.
They do not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before
marking began. Any substantial changes to the mark scheme that arose from these discussions will
be recorded in the published Report on the Examination.

All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in
candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills

Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the Report on the

• CIE will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes.

CIE is publishing the mark schemes for the November 2003 question papers for most IGCSE and
GCE Advanced Level syllabuses.
November 2003




Paper 1 (Multiple Choice (AS))
Page 1 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

Question Question
Key Key
Number Number
1 C 21 D
2 C 22 C
3 A 23 A
4 D 24 D
5 D 25 D

6 B 26 A
7 B 27 D
8 A 28 B
9 C 29 B
10 B 30 D

11 D 31 A
12 A 32 A
13 C 33 C
14 B 34 B
15 B 35 D

16 C 36 B
17 D 37 D
18 B 38 C
19 B 39 B
20 A 40 C

© University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

November 2003




Paper 2 (Structured Questions (AS))
Page 1 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

Categorisation of marks

The marking scheme categorises marks on the MACB scheme.

B marks: These are awarded as independent marks, which do not depend on other marks. For a B-
mark to be scored, the point to which it refers must be seen specifically in the candidate’s answer.

M marks: These are method marks upon which A-marks (accuracy marks) later depend. For an
M-mark to be scored, the point to which it refers must be seen in the candidate’s answer. If a
candidate fails to score a particular M-mark, then none of the dependent A-marks can be scored.

C marks: These are compensatory method marks which can be scored even if the points to which they
refer are not written down by the candidate, providing subsequent working gives evidence that they
must have known it. For example, if an equation carries a C-mark and the candidate does not write
down the actual equation but does correct working which shows he/she knew the equation, then the
C-mark is awarded.

A marks: These are accuracy or answer marks which either depend on an M-mark, or allow a C-mark
to be scored.

Conventions within the marking scheme

Where brackets are shown in the marking scheme, the candidate is not required to give the bracketed
information in order to earn the available marks.

In the marking scheme, underlining indicates information that is essential for marks to be awarded.

© University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

1 (a) (i) acceleration (allow a definition of acceleration) ............................ B1

(ii) the velocity is decreasing or force/acceleration is in negative

direction – accept ‘body is decelerating’/‘slowing down’ ............... B1 [2]

(b) (i) e.g. separation of dots becomes constant/does not continue to

increase (must make a reference to the diagram) ........................ B1

(ii)1 distance = 132 cm........................................................................ B1

(ii)2 at constant speed, distance travelled in 0.1 s = 25 cm

(allow ± 1 cm)............................................................................... C1
distance = 132 + (4 x 25)
= 232 cm ...................................................................... A1 [4]

(c) s = ut + ½at2
1.6 = ½ x 9.8 x t2 (allow g = 10 m s-2 ............................................ C1
t = 0.57 s ...................................................................................... C1
hence 6 photographs (‘bald’ answer scores 2 marks only) ........... A1 [3]

2 (a) mass: measure of body’s resistance/inertia to changes in

velocity/motion ............................................................................. B1
weight: effect of gravitational field on mass or force of gravity ..... B1
any further comment e.g. mass constant, weight varies/
weight = mg/scalar and vector ..................................................... B1 [3]

(b) e.g. where gravitational field strength changes

(change) in fluid surrounding body…. 1 each, max 2 ................... B2 [2]

3 (a) force x perpendicular distance .....................................................M1

(of the force) from the pivot .......................................................... A1 [2]

(b) no resultant force (in any direction) .............................................. B1

no resultant moment (about any point)......................................... B1 [2]

(c) (i) correct direction in both................................................................ B1 [1]

(ii)1 moment = 150 x 0.3 = 45 N m (1 sig. fig. -1) ................................ A1

(ii)2 torque = 45 N m i.e. same is (i) .................................................... A1

(ii)3 45 = 0.12 x T................................................................................ C1

T = 375 N ..................................................................................... A1 [4]

4 (a) (i)1 amplitude = 0.4(0) mm ................................................................. A1

(i)2 wavelength = 7.5 x 10-2 m

(1 sig. fig. -1 unless already penalised) ........................................ A1

(i)3 period = 0.225 ms ........................................................................ C1

frequency = 1/T = 4400 Hz........................................................... A1

(i)4 v = fλ
= 4400 x 7.5 x 10-2 ................................................................... C1
= 330 m s-1............................................................................... A1 [6]

© University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 3 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

(a) (ii) reasonable shape, same amplitude and wavelength doubled ...... B1 [1]
(b) (i) 1.7(2) µm ..................................................................................... A1
(ii) d sin2 = nλ (double slit formula scores 0/2)
1.72 x 10-6 x sin 2 = 590 x 10-9 ..................................................... C1
2 = 20.1° (allow 20°) .................................................................... A1

(iii) ½L = 1.5 tan20.1 .......................................................................... C1

L = 1.1 m...................................................................................... A1 [5]

5 (a) (i) arrow from B towards A................................................................ B1

(ii) E = V/d
= 450/(9.0 x 10-2) ..................................................................... C1
= 5.0 x 103 N C-1 (accept 1 sig. fig) .......................................... A1 [3]

(b) (i) energy = qV or Eqd .................................................................... C1

= 1.6 x 10-19 x 450........................................................... A1
= 7.2 x 10-17 J.................................................................. A0

(ii) Ek = ½mv2
7.2 x 10-17 = ½ x 9.1 x 10-31 x v2 ................................................... C1
v = 1.26 x 107 m s-1 ...................................................................... A1 [4]

(c) line from origin, curved in correct direction but not ‘level out’ ....... B1 [1]

6 (a) (i) 26 protons.................................................................................... B1

(ii) 30 neutrons .................................................................................. B1 [2]

(b) (i) mass = 56 x 1.66 x 10-27 ............................................................. C1

(allow x 1.67 x 10-27 but 0/2 for use of 26 or 30)
= 9.3 x 10-26 kg .................................................................. A1

(ii) density = mass/volume where volume = 4/3 x π x r3 .................... C1

= (9.3 x 10-26)/(4/3 x π x {5.7 x 10-15}3)
= 1.2 x 1017 kg m-3 .......................................................... A1 [4]

(c) nucleus occupies only very small fraction of volume of atom

or ‘lot of empty space inside atom’ ............................................... B1
(do not allow spacing between atoms)
any further good physics e.g. nuclear material is very dense ....... B1 [2]

7 (a) (i) P = Vi ....................................................................................... C1

1200 = 240 x i ..............................................................................M1
i = 5.0 A ....................................................................................... A0

(ii) V = iR
240 = 5.0 x R ............................................................................... C1
R = 48Ω ....................................................................................... A1 [4]

(b) (i) p.d. = (5.0 x 4.0 =) 20 V ............................................................... A1

(ii) mains voltage = (240 + 20 =) 260 V ............................................. A1

(iii) P = (20 x 5.0 =) 100 W ................................................................. A1 [3]

(c) power input = 1200 + 100 = 1300 W ............................................ C1

efficiency = 1200/1300 = 0.92 ...................................................... A1 [2]

© University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

November 2003




Paper 3 (Practical (AS))
Page 1 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

(c) (ii) Percentage uncertainty in first value of d 2/1/0

Uncertainty = 1 mm or 2 mm scores 1 mark.
Ratio idea correct scores 1 mark.

(e) (i) Readings 3/2/1/0

6 sets of values for d/T scores 1 mark.
Check a value for T. Underline checked value. Tick if correct and score 1 mark.
Ignore rounding errors. If incorrect, write in correct value and do not award the mark.
If there is no record of the number of oscillations then do not award this mark.
If there are no raw times do not award this mark.
If t for T then do not award this mark and ecf into the calculation for d/T.
Check a value for d/T. Underline this value. Tick if correct and score 1 mark.
Ignore rounding errors.
If incorrect, write in correct value and do not award the mark. ecf for T.
Help given by Supervisor, then -1. Excessive help then -2.
Misread stopwatch –1.

(e) (i) Repeated readings 1

For each value of d there must be at least two values of t.
Do not award this mark if all of the repeats are identical.

(e) (i) Reasonable time used for oscillations 1

At least half of the raw times must be greater than 20 s.
If there are no raw times do not award this mark.

(e) (i) Quality of results 2/1/0

Judge by scatter of points about the line of best fit.
6 trend plots with little scatter scores 2 marks.
5 trend plots with little scatter scores 1 mark.
Wrong trend of plots cannot score these marks (i.e. t increases as d increases)

(e) (i) Column headings 1

Apply to d/T only.

(e) (i) Consistency 1

Apply to d only. All the values of d must be given to the nearest millimetre.

(e) (i) Significant figures 1

Apply to d/T only.
d/T must be given to the same number, or one more than, the number of
significant figures as the least accurate data. Check each value by row.

(e) (ii) Justification for sf in d/T 2/1/0

Answer must relate sf in d (and t) to sf in d/T.
Do not allow answers in terms of decimal places.
‘Raw data’ ideas or reference to T instead of t can score 1/2 marks.

(f) (i) Axes 1

Scales must be such that the plotted points occupy at least half the graph grid in
both the x and y directions. Scales must be labelled with the quantities plotted.
Do not allow awkward scales (e.g. 3:10, 6:10, 7:10 etc.). Ignore unit.
Do not allow large gaps in the scale (i.e. 4 large squares or more).

(f) (i) Plotting of points 1

Count the number of plots and write as a ringed number on the grid.
All observations must be plotted. There must be at least 5 plots on the grid.
Check a suspect plot. Circle and tick if correct. If incorrect, show correct position
with arrow, and do not award the mark. Work to half a small square.

© University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

(f) (i) Line of best fit 1

There must be a reasonable balance of points about the line of best fit.
Only a straight line drawn through a linear trend is allowable.

(f) (ii) Determination of gradient 1

∆ used must be greater than half the length of the drawn line.
∆x/∆y scores zero. The value must be negative (if the line has a negative gradient).
Check the read-offs. Work to half a small square.

(f) (ii) y-intercept 1

The value may be read directly or calculated using y = mx + c and a point on the line.

(g1) Gradient equated with -π2/g 1

(g2) Value of g 1
Accept 9.3 m s-2 < g < 10.3 m s-2.
This mark can only be scored if the gradient has been used.

(g3) Unit of g 1
Must be consistent with the working.

(g4) Intercept equated with To 1

A numerical value is expected. Allow ecf from candidate’s value in (f) (ii).

(g5) Unit of To 1

(h) Suggested improvement; e.g. 1

Measure the time for a greater number of oscillations: Use a thinner rod/knife edge
for the stop: Use a fiducial marker/projection on screen: Use an electronic
timing method (e.g. light gates & timer/datalogger & motion sensor/laser & timer)
Use larger values of d. Do not allow ‘repeat readings’, ‘more sensitive stopwatch’,
‘do the experiment in a vacuum’, switch the fans off’, ‘use heavier bob’, ‘avoid
parallax error’ or ‘use a computer’.

25 marks in total.

© University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

November 2003




Paper 4 (Structured Questions (A2 Core))
Page 1 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

Categorisation of marks

The marking scheme categorises marks on the MACB scheme.

B marks: These are awarded as independent marks, which do not depend on other marks. For a
B-mark to be scored, the point to which it refers must be seen specifically in the candidate’s

M marks: These are method marks upon which A-marks (accuracy marks) later depend. For an
M-mark to be scored, the point to which it refers must be seen in the candidate’s answer. If a
candidate fails to score a particular M-mark, then none of the dependent A-marks can be scored.

C marks: These are compensatory method marks which can be scored even if the points to which
they refer are not written down by the candidate, providing subsequent working gives evidence
that they must have known it. For example, if an equation carries a C-mark and the candidate
does not write down the actual equation but does correct working which shows he/she knew the
equation, then the C-mark is awarded.

A marks: These are accuracy or answer marks which either depend on an M-mark, or allow a
C-mark to be scored.

Conventions within the marking scheme

Where brackets are shown in the marking scheme, the candidate is not required to give the
bracketed information in order to earn the available marks.

In the marking scheme, underlining indicates information that is essential for marks to be

© University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

1 (a) (i) radial lines.................................................................................... B1

pointing inwards ........................................................................... B1

(ii) no difference OR lines closer near surface of smaller sphere ...... B1 [3]

(b) (i) FG = GMm/R2.............................................................................. C1

= (6.67 X 10-11 x 5.98 x 1024)/(6380 x 103)2
= 9.80 N ................................................................................. A1

(ii) FC = mRω2 .................................................................................... C1

ω = 2π/T ...................................................................................... C1
FC = (4π2 x 6380 x 103)/8.64 x 104)2
= 0.0337 N............................................................................... A1

(iii) FG - FC = 9.77 N............................................................................ A1 [6]

(c) because acceleration (of free fall) is (resultant) force per unit
mass ....................................................................................... B1
acceleration = 9.77 m s-2 .............................................................. B1 [2]

2 (a) (i) a,ω and x identified ………(-1 each error or omission) ................. B2

(ii) (-)ve because a and x in opposite directions

OR a directed towards mean position/centre................................ B1 [3]

(b) (i) forces in springs are k(e + x) and k(e – x) .................................... C1

resultant = k(e + x) – k(e – x) ......................................................M1
= 2kx ............................................................................ A0 [2]

(ii) F = ma ....................................................................................... B1
a = -2kx/m .................................................................................... A0
(-)ve sign explained...................................................................... B1 [2]

(iii) ω2 = 2k/m ..................................................................................... C1

(2πf)2 = (2 x 120)/0.90 .................................................................. C1
f = 2.6 Hz ..................................................................................... A1 [3]

(c) atom held in position by attractive forces

atom oscillates,
not just two forces OR 3D not 1D
force not proportional to x
any two relevant points, 1 each, max 2 ........................................ B2 [2]

3 (a) pV/T = constant............................................................................ C1

T = (6.5 x 106 x 30 x 300)/(1.1 x 105 x 540)................................. C1
= 985 K .................................................................................... A1 [3]
(if uses °C, allow 1/3 marks for clear formula)

3 (b) (i) ∆U = q + w
symbols identified correctly ..........................................................M1
directions correct.......................................................................... A1 [2]

(ii) q is zero ....................................................................................... B1

w is positive OR ∆U = w and U increases .................................... B1
∆U is rise in kinetic energy of atoms ............................................M1
and mean kinetic energy ∝ T ....................................................... A1 [4]
(allow one of the last two marks if states ‘U increases so T rises’)

© University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 3 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

4 (a) single diode..................................................................................M1

in series with R OR in series with a.c. supply ............................... A1 [2]

(b) (i)1 5.4 V (allow ± 0.1 V)..................................................................... A1

(i)2 V = iR
I = 5.4/1.5 x 103 ......................................................................... C1
= 3.6 x 10-3 A ........................................................................... A1

(i)3 time = 0.027 s .............................................................................. A1 [4]

(ii)1 Q = it
= 3.6 x 10-3 x 0.027 .................................................................. C1
= 9.72 x 10-5 C ......................................................................... A1

(ii)2 C = ∆Q/∆V (allow C – Q/V for this mark) ..................................... C1

= (9.72 x 10-5)/1.2
= 8.1 x 10-5 F ........................................................................... A1 [4]

(c) line: reasonable shape with less ripple......................................... B1 [1]

5 (a) field producing force of 1.0 N m-1 on wire OR B = F/ILsin2...........M1

carrying current of 1.0 A normal to field OR symbols explained ... A1 [2]

(b) (i) φ = BA
= 1.8 x 10-4 x 0.60 x 0.85 ......................................................... C1
= 9.18 x 10-5 Wb ...................................................................... A1 [2]

(ii)1 ∆φ = 9.18 x 10-5 Wb...................................................................... A1

(ii)2 e = (N∆φ)/∆t
= (9.18 x 10-5)/0.20 .................................................................. C1
= 4.59 x 10-4 V ......................................................................... A1 [3]

(iii) there is an e.m.f. and a complete circuit

OR no resultant e.m.f. from other three sides
OR no e.m.f. in AB so yes ................................................... B1 [1]

6 (a) packet/quantum of energy............................................................M1

energy = hf................................................................................... A1 [2]

(b) e.g. threshold frequency outlined

max. k.e. independent of intensity
max. k.e. dependent on frequency (n.b. NOT proportional)
photoelectric current depends on intensity
instantaneous emission …. (1 each, max 3)........................ B3 [3]

(c) (i) photons have same energy so Emax unchanged

intensity OR number of photons per unit time is halved,
so ½n OR n reduced .................................................................... B1
(allow 1 mark for statement that Emax unchanged and n reduced)

(ii) photons have higher energy so Emax increases............................. B1

but fewer photons per unit time so n decreases ........................... B1 [4]
(allow 1 mark for statement that Emax increases and n reduced)
(allow any argument based on increased efficiency)

© University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

November 2003




Paper 5 (Practical (A2))
Page 1 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

Question 1

(b) Temperature of ice/water mixture (-1 to +2°C; ignore unit and sf) 1

(d1) Readings 3/2/1/0

6 values of ln I scores one mark.
Allow more than 6 sets without penalty.
Write the number of readings as a ringed total by the table.
Choose a row in the table.
Check a value for ln(I/A). Tick if correct and score one mark.
If incorrect, write in correct value and do not award the mark.
Ignore small rounding errors.
No help from Supervisor scores one mark. Minor help zero. Major help –1.
If help has been given then write SR at the top of the front page of the script,
and give a brief explanation of the type of help that has been given by the
table of results.

(d2) Quality of results 2

Judge by scatter of points about the line of best fit.
6 trend scores 2 marks; 5 trend scores one mark; no trend scores zero.
Allow very shallow curve.
If an incorrect graph has been plotted these marks cannot be awarded.
Allow quality marks if the negative signs of ln I have been omitted.

(d3) Column headings 1

Each column heading must contain a quantity and a unit.
There must be some distinguishing feature between the quantity and the unit.
Ignore unit with column heading for ln I.

(d4) Consistency of raw readings 2

All the raw readings of V should be given to the same number of d.p.
All the raw readings of I should be given to the same number of d.p.
One mark each. Do not allow ‘added zeros’.

(e1) Axes 1
The axes must be labelled with ln I and V.
Ignore units on the axes.
The plotted points must occupy at least half the graph grid in both the x and y
directions (i.e. 4 large squares in the x-direction and 6 large squares in the y-direction).
Do not allow more than 3 large squares between the labels on an axis.
Do not allow awkward scales (e.g. 3:10, 6:10 etc.).

© University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

(e2) Plotting of points 1

All the observations must be plotted.
Count the number of plots and ring this total on the grid.
Do not allow plots in the margin area.
Check one suspect plot. Circle this plot. Tick if correct. If incorrect, mark the
correct position with a small cross and use an arrow to indicate where the
plot should have been, and do not award the mark. Allow errors up to and
including half a small square.

(e3) Line of best fit 1

Only a drawn straight line through a linear trend is allowable for this mark.
This mark can only be awarded for 5 or more plots on the grid.
There must be a reasonable balance of points about the drawn line.
Do not allow a line of thickness greater than half a small square.
Allow this mark if the trend of plots is a very shallow curve.

(e4) Gradient 1
Ignore any units given with the value.
Hypotenuse of ∆ must be > half the length of line drawn.
Check the read-offs. Work to half a small square. ∆x/∆y gets zero.
Values taken from the table that lie on the line to within half a small
square are acceptable.

(e5) y-intercept 1
The value may be read from the y-axis or calculated from a point on the line
using y = mx + c.

(f1) e/kT = gradient 1

Can be implied in the working.

(f2) Value for e 1

A numerical value is expected. Method of working must be correct.
1.6 x 10-19 C with no working scores zero.
Gradient and kelvin must be used and the value of e must be … x 10-19 or … x 10-20.

(f3) Value for Io 1

Working must be checked (i.e. Io = ey-intercept)

(f4) Units of both correct e and Io 1

(i.e. a unit of charge and a unit of current)

(f5) SF in e 1
Allow 2 of 3 sf only

(g) Correct working to give I when V = 1.0 V and T = 373 K 1

Method of working must be correct. Ignore unit and sf.
Do not allow gradient value to be substituted.

20 marks in total.

© University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 3 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

Question 2

A1 Procedure OK (i.e. find mB and accn of A or B; change mB and repeat). 1

An experiment must have been described for this mark to be awarded.
This mark can be scored even if the method is unworkable.

A2 Diagram of workable arrangement to find acceleration 1

(e.g. object falls between two markers/light gates/smart pulley at top)
If the diagram is not very detailed refer to text.

A3 Measurement of mass mB (e.g. using balance/Newton meter/calibrations on masses) 1

B1 Valid method of measuring time 1

Accept stopwatch; ticker-tape; light gates; motion sensors and
dataloggers; smart pulley etc..
Unworkable methods will not score this mark.

B2 Correct measurements taken to find acceleration 1

(e.g. measure a distance and u = 0 (if distance/time method used)
spacing of successive dots on ticker-tape
some detail of sampling rate if motion sensor/datalogger used)

B3 Use of results to calculate acceleration 1

(e.g. substitute into s = ut + 12 at 2 ; a = 25(x2 - x1) etc..)
If motion sensor used then acceleration obtained from monitor.

C1 Any one safety precaution 1

(e.g. Catch falling mass in bucket of sand
Care needed to prevent mass B from coming over the top of the pulley
Whiplash from breaking wires etc.
Clamp retort stand to prevent it from falling over.
Do not allow vague ‘safety goggles’. Insist on a reason being given.

D1/2/3 Any further good design features 3

Some of these might be:
Method of supporting the pulley
Mention of friction in the pulley/oil pulley/smooth pulley
Use large distance (to reduce percentage uncertainty)
Limitations of stopwatch methods
Vary s and measure t; use graph to find a
Repeat the experiment to find values of a for each value of mB
Some detail about the timing circuit (e.g. stop terminals on timer connected to double pole
switch and electromagnet).

10 marks in total.

© University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

November 2003




Paper 6 (Options (A2))
Page 1 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

Categorisation of marks

The marking scheme categorises marks on the MACB scheme.

B marks: These are awarded as independent marks, which do not depend on other marks. For a B-
mark to be scored, the point to which it refers must be seen specifically in the candidate’s answer.

M marks: These are method marks upon which A-marks (accuracy marks) later depend. For an
M-mark to be scored, the point to which it refers must be seen in the candidate’s answer. If a
candidate fails to score a particular M-mark, then none of the dependent A-marks can be scored.

C marks: These are compensatory method marks which can be scored even if the points to which
they refer are not written down by the candidate, providing subsequent working gives evidence that
they must have known it. For example, if an equation carries a C-mark and the candidate does not
write down the actual equation but does correct working which shows he/she knew the equation,
then the C-mark is awarded.

A marks: These are accuracy or answer marks which either depend on an M-mark, or allow a C-mark
to be scored.

Conventions within the marking scheme

Where brackets are shown in the marking scheme, the candidate is not required to give the
bracketed information in order to earn the available marks.

In the marking scheme, underlining indicates information that is essential for marks to be awarded.

© University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

Option A – Astrophysics and Cosmology

1 (a) galaxy very distant

light (reaching Earth) very faint
light absorption in Earth’s atmosphere (do not allow refraction)
light pollution
light scattered……………… (1 each, any 4)................................. B4 [4]

(b) 1 arc sec at 6.9 x 105 pc corresponds to 6.9 x 105 AU ................. C1

1 ly = 6.3 (±0.3) x 104 AU or other valid conversion ..................... C1
hence distance = 11 light-years ................................................... A1 [3]

2 (a) If Universe is (static and) infinite .................................................. B1

every line of sight would end on a star ......................................... M1
entire sky would be equally bright ................................................ A1 [3]

(b) shows infinite (static) Universe to be incorrect

(allow back-credit to (a) for initial supposition .............................. B1
does not ‘prove’ Big Bang model ................................................. B1 [2]

3 (a) (i) electromagnetic radiation............................................................. B1

either characteristic of black body at 3 K or isotropic ................... B1 [2]

(ii) finite age for Universe .................................................................. B1

indicated by cooling Universe ...................................................... B1
any further detail e.g. irregularities required for galaxy [3]
formation ................................................................................... B1
(b) radiation takes millions of years to reach Earth............................ B1
provides evidence for higher temperature in the past................... B1
(Universe is cooling) as it expands .............................................. B1 [3]

Option F – The Physics of Fluids

4 (a) point where line of action of the upthrust or vertical line through
centre of buoyancy meets centre line of ship ............................... B1 [2]

(b) (when submarine surfaces), water replaced by air in tanks ......... B1

centre of mass and centre of buoyancy will move ........................ M1
causing change in separation of these points .............................. A1 [3]

5 (a) (Bernoulli:) higher speed, lower pressure..................................... M1

so A at higher pressure................................................................ A1 [2]

(b) Av = ANvN or statement (e.g. incompressible) .............................. B1

vN/v (= A/AN) = 2.42/0.82 or other correct substitution ................... B1
ratio = 9.0 ................................................................................... A0 [2]

(c) p1 – p2 = ∆p = ½p(v22 =v12) ........................................................... C1

740 = ½ x 990 x (81v2 – v2).......................................................... C1
v = 0.14 m s-1 ............................................................................... A1 [3]

6 (a) (i) upthrust = 4/3 x πr3 ρFg................................................................. B1

(ii) resultant downward force = 4/3 x πr3 (ρS - ρF)g

or 4/3 x πr3 (ρS - ρF)g – viscous force..... B1 [2]

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(b) 6πrηvt = 4/3 x πr3 (ρS - ρF)g............................................................ M1

hence, vt = kr2 .............................................................................. A0
constant k discussed ................................................................... A1 [2]

(c) (i) e.g. find speed near ‘top’ and near ‘bottom’ of tube ................... M1
using equally spaced markers (or other detail).................... A1

(ii) oil flowing past wall of tube .......................................................... B1

would cause extra drag................................................................ B1 [4]

Option M – Medical Physics

7 large uniform magnetic field ......................................................... B1

with superimposed non-uniform field............................................ B1
r.f. pulse applied .. ....................................................................... B1
r.f. pulse (from atoms) detected and processed ........................... B1
plus any two (one each) from
hydrogen atoms
nuclei have spin and behave as tiny magnets
atoms precess around magnetic field
resonant (Lamour) frequency depends on B-field
de-excitation detected
r.f. pulse detected and processed ................................................ B1 [6]

8 (a) (i) 1/u + 1/v = 1/f = power ................................................................. C1

power = 1/0.10 + 1/(17 x 10-3) ...................................................... C1
power = 68.8 D .... ....................................................................... A1

(ii) least distance of distinct vision = 25 cm (allow 20 cm → 50 cm) .. C1

power = 1/0.25 + 1/(17 x 10-3)
power = 62.8 D .... ....................................................................... A1 [5]

(b) (i) change = 6.0 D N.b. answer is (i) – (ii)......................................... B1

(ii) focal length = 16.7 cm.................................................................. B1

convex/converging lens ............................................................... B1 [3]

9 (a) (i) lower limit of frequency range correct (15 to 40 Hz) ..................... B1
upper limit of frequency range correct (13 to 20 kHz) .................. B1

(ii) intensity 1.0 x 10-12 W m-2 ............................................................ B1

at about 2 kHz (allow 1 kHz → 3 kHz).......................................... B1 [4]

(b) line ‘above’ that already drawn .................................................... B1

both frequency limits showing more limited range........................ B1 [2]

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Option P – Environmental Physics

10 (a) source of (useful) energy ............................................................. B1 [1]

(b) e.g. less pollution

finite reserves
chemical feedstock etc ………(1 each, max 3) ...................... B3 [3]

11 (a) dam across river mouth/estuary................................................... B1

water retained as tide goes out .................................................... B1
at low tide, water is released........................................................ B1
through turbines... ....................................................................... B1 [4]

(b) mass of water = 8.0 x 200 x 106 x 1000 kg ................................. C1

change in p.e = 1.6 x 1012 x 9.8 x 4
= 6.27 x 1013 J ..................................................... C1
power = 6.27 x 1013/(3 x 3600)
= 5.8 x 109 W .................................................................... A1 [3]

(c) e.g. silting up

feeding grounds of birds etc ……(1 each, max 2).................. B2 [2]

12 (a) open closed

closed closed
closed closed
closed open…………….(-1 each error or omission) ........ B2 [2]

(b) (i) at end of compression stroke or at beginning of power stroke ..... B1

(ii) at moment when exhaust valve opens ......................................... B1

(and during) exhaust stroke ......................................................... B1 [3]

(c) efficient mixing with air or increase surface area.......................... B1

faster burning .... ....................................................................... B1 [2]

Option T – Telecommunications

13 (a) multiple reflections with i = r ........................................................... B1 [1]

(b) all rays to have same path length/prevent (multipath) dispersion

OR easier to store/handle ............................................................... B1 [1]

(c) e.g. greater bandwidth

no cross-talk or reduced noise
smaller size and weight
suited to digital transmission…….. (1 each, max 3) ............... A3 [3]

14 (a) amplitude of carrier wave varies..................................................... M1

in synchrony with (displacement of information) signal ................... A1 [2]

(b) three vertical lines .......................................................................... B1

symmetrical with smaller sidebands ................................................ B1
at frequencies 70, 75 and 80 kHz.................................................... B1 [3]

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(c) bandwidth = 10 kHz......................................................................... B1

15 (a) (i) loss of power/energy/amplitude (not signal) .................................... B1

(ii) unwanted energy/power .................................................................. B1

that is random or that covers whole spectrum................................. B1 [3]

(b) number of dB = 10 lg(POUT/PIN)........................................................ C1

63 = 10 lg (POUT /(2.5 X 10-6) ............................................................. C1
POUT = 5.0 W ......... .......................................................................... A1 [3]

(c) attenuation = 10 lg(5/3.5 x 10-8)..................................................... C1

= 81.5 dB .................................................................... C1
length = 81.5/12 = 6.8 km................................................................ A1 [3]

© University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

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