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Persuasive Question-Asking: How Question Wording Influences Answers


PRCIS Questions put words in answerers mouths. Questions shape answers through word choice, response framing, assumptions made, and form. Subtle changes in language influence how people understand and answer questions. Response framing suggests and excludes answers, limiting the answers that are acceptable and influencing which answers respondents make. Presumptuous questions that are unbalanced (one-sided) and/or assumptive lead people to think differently, and so respond differently. A questions form amplifies and diminishes tendencies people have to agree or disagree, to speak openly or save face, and to feel threatened or comfortable. Questionasking is a skill, and changes in word choice, suggested responses, presumptions, and form affect answers people provide. Keywords: question-asking, suggestive questions, suggestive questioning, leading questions, misleading questions

HOW DO QUESTIONS SHAPE ANSWERS? Questions do more than ask: they solicit and convey information, and focus and suggest answers. By influencing answers, questions alter what is understood by others. Questions shape answers when fighting with your spouse and teaching your child as well as when mediating a case, convincing a judge, understanding a client, getting your bill paid, deposing witnesses, influencing opposing counsel, voir-diring jurors or examining experts. Questions shape answers in four ways: (1) Answers are not truths needing merely to be recalled by motivated and careful respondents. Peoples ability to report their own behavior is unreliable and context dependent. Minor changes in question wording have a major impact on responses (Schwarz & Oyserman, 2001). Question wording puts words in answerers mouths.

Kathy Kellermann, Ph.D., is the founder of ComCon K A T H Y K E L L E R M A N N C O M M U N I C A T I O N C O N S U L T I N G , a full service trial consulting firm. Dr. Kellermann can be contacted on the web at, by phone at 310-822-8064 or by email at Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the State Bar Association of California, September 27, 2007, in Anaheim, California. The author thanks Michael Sobel for his generous and extensive help in editing the article. 2007 Kathy Kellermann

(2) Questions frame acceptable answers, suggesting some and excluding others. For example, confirmatory questioning (i.e., questions whose answers can only support a point) can obtain answers suggesting people are either extroverted or introverted, independent of how outgoing they actually are (Snyder & Swann, 1979). Questions making people look introverted include In what situations do you wish you could be more outgoing? and Tell me about some time when you felt left out from some social group?. Questions making people look extroverted include What would you do if you wanted to liven things up at a party? and In what situations are you most talkative? Confirmative questioning can be useful in negotiations, interrogations and cross-examinations, and dangerous in voir dire. Confirmatory questioning produces non-representative answers, and listeners fail to realize that the answers they hear are shaped by the questions asked (Swann, Giuliano & Wegner, 1982). Confirmatory questioning explains why jurors find coerced confessions compelling. Even when the confession is obviously extracted by highly leading, biased and presumptuous questioning, the misleading nature of the confirmatory questioning is ignored by jurors (Shuy, 1998). Leading questions are effective with less powerful negotiators. When less powerful negotiators are asked leading questions about their willingness to cooperate, they respond with lower demands. Less powerful negotiators respond with higher demands when asked leading questions about their willingness to compete (De Dreu & Van Kleef, 2004). By suggesting and limiting responses, questions put specific words in answerers mouths. (3) Questions carry assumptions that influence answers. Direct questions want yes or no answers about truths in issue. When being prepared to testify, witnesses are asked Do you understand?, Do you have any questions?, or Was that it? Assumptive questions presume these truths and ask for additional information. Assumptive questions ask What dont you understand?, What questions do you have?, and What else happened? People answer direct and assumptive questions differently (Lucas & McCoy, 1993). Direct questions have default answers that require no mental effort to make, and that questioners, answerers and listeners alike expect to hear. The default answers to Do you understand?, Do you have any questions?, or Was that it? are the easy ones of Yes, I understand; No, no questions; and Yes, thats it. Direct questions invite default answers, people more often give default answers, and listeners mistakenly recall default answers even when non-default answers are given (Fillenbaum, 1968; Zillman, 1972). Assumptive questions take non-default responses as a given and ask answerers to search mentally for substantive replies. When asked What dont you understand?, What questions do you have?, and What else happened?, answerers search for what isnt understood, the questions they have, and what more exists to report. The more effortful mental searches of assumptive questions lead people to find answers that would otherwise be denied with default responses to questions asked directly.



Direct and assumptive questions invite different answers, that take different mental effort, and that put different words in answerers mouths. (4) A questions form influences answers by inviting agreement or disagreement, openness or evasion, and threat or comfort. For social reasons, people prefer to agree more than disagree with others. Questions that ask people to agree or disagree receive more agreement than actually exists (Schuman & Presser, 1996). Prospective jurors want to be agreeable, and so shade their answers in voir dire toward what they believe the judge and attorneys want to hear. Prospective jurors having difficulty detecting desired answers choose not to answer (Marshall & Smith, 1986). Many jurors fail to respond affirmatively to any question during jury selection. Judge Gregory Mize (2003) warns that attorneys and judges should be cautious of silent jurors. Judge Mize found that in private questioning, 28% of silent jurors in criminal and civil cases revealed information they were unwilling to admit to in open court. The information was sufficient to excuse many for cause. Direct questions that ask who, what, when, how and why often sound confrontational or intrusive, and peoples resistance to such questions can prevent them from responding with accurate answers. A substantial proportion of jurors report that questions asked orally in voir dire make them uncomfortable (27%), are intrusive (27%) and/or are unnecessary (43%) (Rose, 2001). The questions jurors point to as discomforting and intrusive ask about: (1) experiences with the court (e.g., Have you ever been to court before, for any reason?, Have you ever hired an attorney?) (2) crime experiences (e.g., Have you or anyone you know ever been a victim of a violent crime?, Do you know anyone charged with a crime similar to the one at issue today?) (3) family questions concerning ones marital status, children and spouse (e.g., Do you have children?, What are their ages? What do your children do?, What does your spouse do for a living?, Where does your spouse work?) (4) interests and associations (e.g., religious affiliation, voluntary organizations, hobbies, gun ownership) The form of a question can encourage or discourage both agreement and discomfort. A questions form influences if words come out of answerers mouths, and what words come out. The wording, framing, presumptuousness, and form of the questions that are asked influence the answers that are obtained. WORD CHOICE Re-wording questions alters answers. Changing seemingly neutral words (a versus the, tall versus short, and versus but, not allow versus forbid ) can powerfully impact answers.



Seemingly Simple Words Arent So Simple Common words do not always have shared meanings. Witnesses and jurors have different understandings of even simple activities such as reading a magazine or smoking cigarettes. People interpret reading a magazine as (a) having seen the magazine at a newsstand, (b) having read the magazine cover-to-cover, and (c) subscribing to the magazine (Belson, 1981). People interpret smoking cigarettes as anything from (a) taking even a single puff to (b) cigarettes they have finished, and from (c) cigarettes they have borrowed to (d) only those they have bought. Fully 10% of answers change from yes to no, or no to yes, when given a standard definition of what counts as smoking a cigarette (Suessbrick, Schober & Conrad, 2001). Many common words are variously construed, including you (just me or also my family?), household (does that include our mother-in-law suite?), and weekday (does that include Saturday?) (Belson, 1981). Payne (1951) offers a long list of common and problematic words that begins with about and ends with you. Evaluative and numerical words in questions pose problems for answerers. People share a common understanding for evaluative words such as extremely and totally (the positive end of the evaluative scale), but not for evaluative words such as not quite and slightly (the negative end) (Bartram & Yielding, 1973). Certain numeric words have relatively stable meanings for people (e.g., lots, almost all, virtually all, nearly all, a majority of, not very many, almost none, hardly any, a couple, a few), while others have highly variable meanings (e.g., most, numerous, large proportion of, significant number of, considerable number of, several). When you phrase questions, you are deciding how much leeway to give answerers. Answerers can question words or interpret them in ways beneficial to themselves. By the words used, questioners can avoid (or suffer from) self-serving answers. Bill Clinton declared he had not had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky because no intercourse occurred (although other sexual activities had); and he infamously noted that one answer depended on what the meaning of the word is is. Questions with familiar words are answered more accurately than questions with unfamiliar words (Blair, Sudman, Bradburn & Stocking, 1977). Questions with complex vocabulary can confuse lay witnesses. Lay witnesses rarely ask for confusing questions to be explained, nor do they qualify their answers. Confusing questions reduce an eyewitness accuracy (Kebbell & Johnson, 2000). When clarity is desired, words that have different meanings for different people are less effective. When ambiguity is desired, words with variable meanings for people can be powerful for allowing agreement or argument or confusion or evasion.



Nouns: Whats in a Name? Nouns used in questions influence both understandings and answers. At times, attorneys consciously label key events and people to achieve persuasive purposes. The defense in the O. J. Simpson case called domestic incidents that which the prosecution called wife beating and abuse. The word victim (which assumes injury), rather than accuser (which does not assume injury), is used by plaintiffs and prosecutors in personal injury and criminal cases, even when the status of a person as a victim is a factual question for the jury (e.g., child molestation and rape cases). Asking jurors if they support euthanasia, physician assisted suicide, voluntary assisted suicide, mercy killings, or the right to die activates different understandings: mercy killing encourages people to think about death, negative emotions and faith; voluntary assisted suicide encourages thinking about helping end misery; and physician assisted suicide studiously avoids religious associations (OHara & Schober, 2004). The nouns used in questions to label events and people have implications, and influence understandings listeners, such as jurors and judges, develop. Noun choice also influences answers, sometimes dramatically. Two questions from the General Social Survey arise from time to time in voir dire, and show the power of nouns in influencing answers (see, for analysis, Reichardt, 2004). The first question asks about spending on public assistance, though in two different ways: (1) Are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on welfare? (2) Are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on assistance to the poor? The second question asks about spending on crime, also in two different ways: (1) Are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on halting the rising crime rate? (2) Are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on law enforcement? The answers people TABLE 1. Welfare vs. Assistance to the Poor provide are skewed by Are we spending too much, too Are we spending too much, the questions they are little, or about the right too little, or about the right asked. Far more people amount on welfare? amount on assistance to the (47% versus 11%) think poor? too much is spent on Too little 20% Too little 64% welfare than on About right 33% About right 25% assistance to the poor. Too Much 47% Too Much 11% Far more people think too little (64% to 20%) is spent on assistance to the poor than on welfare. An additional 11% of people think too little is being spent on halting the rising crime rate than on law enforcement. Nouns in questions skew answers.



Skewed responses are TABLE 2. Halting Rising Crime Rate vs. Law Enforcement helpful in jury selection. Are we spending too much, too Are we spending too much, The welfare question little, or about the right too little, or about the right identifies jurors most amount on halting the rising amount on law enforcement? strongly supportive of crime rate? public assistance (while Too little 68% Too little 57% protecting those most About right 26% About right 36% strongly opposed in a Too Much 6% Too Much 8% larger group). The assistance to the poor question identifies jurors most strongly opposed to welfare (while protecting those most strongly in favor in a larger group). The nouns employed in questions can shape answers, skewing responses toward one extreme or another. Which question is asked depends on ones goals. Verbs: Defining the Action Verbs used in questions influence answers. Some verbs are intense (e.g., collide, rape, vomit) while others are not (e.g., contact, sex, be sick). Some verbs have positive associations (e.g., allow, protect), while others have negative associations ( e.g., forbid, prohibit). Both the intensity and direction of verbs shape the answers people provide. Intensity. Questions with verbs of greater intensity lead people to provide answers reflecting that intensity. For example, using differentially intense verbs (e.g., smashed, collided, bumped, hit, contacted) in a question asking about a traffic accident alters witnesses answers. Loftus and Palmer (1974) showed people a TABLE 3. Accident Question Verbs videotaped multiple-car accident. The question, How fast were the Average How fast were the cars going when they smashed cars going when they Estimated into each other?, consistently elicited a higher _____ into each other? Speed estimate of speed than when smashed was Smashed 41 mph replaced by collided, bumped, hit or contacted. Collided 39 mph Estimates were, on average, 9 miles per hour Bumped 38 mph (25%) higher with smashed than with contacted. Hit 34 mph Further, when asked one week later, Did you see Contacted 32 mph any broken glass?, people estimating higher speeds were more likely to affirm the presence of broken glass, even though no broken glass was shown in the videotape. My own experience concurs with mock trial research that demonstrates that jurors misremember witnesses testifying to events and actions that occur only in an attorneys questions. Such false recollection is not offset by cautionary instructions warning of possible misleading effects of an attorneys questions (Holst & Pezdek, 1992). Tort reform is an attitude predictive of juror leaning in both civil and criminal cases (Hans & Lofquist, 1994; Moran, Cutler & De Lisa, 1994). In 1986, Louis Harris and Associates



conducted a national survey on public attitudes toward the civil justice system and tort reform for Aetna Life and Casualty, as part of Aetnas litigation research. Respondents were asked whether they find acceptable specific proposals for tort reform. The New York Times (March 7, 1987) reported the results as favoring reform, and quoted spokespeople from Aetna, the Tort Reform Institute and the Insurance Information Institute characterizing the results as demonstrating strong public support for reform. However, when people directly are asked if they find acceptable, or favor, or support specific proposals for tort reform, far fewer people express support than accept or favor proposals for reform. Using the word support (a more intense verb) to characterize answers to questions asking about acceptability or favoring (less intense verbs) strengthens answers beyond what people said, and in a manner that often goes unnoticed (Krosnick, 1989). Questions using verbs of greater intensity stimulate answers reflecting that intensity, distort memories in the direction of those answers, and permit descriptions of those answers that can deviate substantially from peoples actual beliefs. Direction. People are more willing to not allow something than to forbid it, and to not protect something than to prohibit it. The direction of a verb in a question influences the answers people provide. As early as 1940, this directional allow-forbid effect was noticed when people were asked one of two questions: (1) Do you think the United States should allow public speeches against democracy? or (2) Do you think the United States should forbid speeches against democracy? Many more TABLE 4. Not Allow vs. Forbid people (21%) Do you think the United States Do you think the United States were willing to should allow public speeches should forbid public speeches not allow against democracy? against democracy? speeches against 1940 1976 1941 1976 democracy than No (not allow) 75% 48% Yes (forbid) 54% 21% were willing to Yes (allow) 25% 52% No (not forbid) 46% 79% forbid them (Rugg, 1941). In 1976, this allow-forbid effect was replicated, with an additional 27% of people wanting to not allow such speeches than forbid them (Schuman & Presser, 1996). On purely logical grounds, the two questions should generate identical answers for the not allow and forbid choices, yet they do not. Instead, a seemingly innocuous change in the direction of the verb shifts answers substantially. Differential answering to questions also occurs for related verbs such as protect and prohibit (Reichardt, 2004). For example, an additional 10% of people are willing to not protect than prohibit when asked either: (1) Do you think there should be a constitutional amendment to the Constitution protecting the life of the unborn child, or shouldnt there be such an amendment? or (2) Do you think there should be an amendment to the Constitution prohibiting abortions, or shouldnt there be such an amendment?. Although differential responding to questions using forbid rather than allow has been



demonstrated for a wide range of issues, strong effects do not always occur. Only a small percentage of people were more willing to not allow the showing of X-rated movies (a 5.4% difference) and cigarette advertisements on television (a 4.5% difference) than to forbid them (Schuman & Presser, 1996). The more people lack an opinion on a topic (would say dont know if given that option) or the more indifferent (unconcerned) they are, the more likely the verb forbid in a question generates different answers than the verb allow (Hippler & Schwarz, 1986; Schuman & Presser, 1996). Nonetheless, the effect of questions using allow versus forbid remains consistent, with more people willing to not allow an action than to forbid it. The intensity and direction of verbs in questions alters answers. Adjectives and Adverbs: Modifying Estimates People often are asked to estimate distances, heights, times and frequencies. Questions using words that imply more of a quality or characteristic (e.g., high, tall, heavy, far, frequently) lead respondents to make bigger estimates. Questions using words implying less of a quality or characteristic (e.g., low, short, light, near, occasionally) lead respondents to make smaller estimates. When being questioned about a car accident, a witness could be asked either: (1) How fast was the car going? or How slow was the car going? (2) How long were the skid marks? or How short were the skid marks? (3) How much damage was done to the car? or How little damage was done to the car? (4) How many bruises did the driver suffer? or How few bruises did the driver suffer? People report higher speeds, longer skid marks, more property damage and more bruises when asked the fast, long, much and many questions. People report lower speeds, shorter skid marks, less property damage and fewer bruises when asked the slow, short, little and few questions (Lipscomb, McAllister, & Bregman, 2001). Harris (1973) asked people questions about height and length. People were asked: (a) How tall was the basketball player? or How short was the basketball player? (b) How long was the movie? or How short was the movie? (c) How high was the office building? or How low was the office building? Questions that used taller, longer and higher generated answers that were taller, longer, and higher. The basketball player was 79 inches tall and 69 inches short, the movie was 130 minutes long and 100 minutes short, and the office building was 26 stories high and 13 stories low. Loftus (1975) asked people questions about frequency. People were asked either: (1) Do you get headaches frequently, and, if so, how often? or (2) Do you get headaches occasionally, and, if so, how often? People asked the frequently question reported an average of 2.2 headaches per week, whereas people asked the occasionally question reported an average of only .7 headaches per week. Adjectives and adverbs that imply more of a quality or characteristic can influence people to



estimate more of that quality or characteristic, particularly for matters people find difficult to assess (e.g., time, distance, length, speed). Articles and Possessives: Creating Memories Which would you ask: (1) Did you see a stop sign? or Did you see the stop sign? (2) Did he touch a gun? or Did he touch the gun? (3) Did you feel a scar? or Did you feel his scar? The indefinite article a seems a minor change in wording from the definite article the or a possessive (e.g., his) in a question. Yet, more people answer yes to questions using the definite article the and possessives than to questions using the indefinite article a, even when a yes answer is inaccurate. Loftus and Zanni (1975) showed people a videotape of a multiple-car accident, and then asked 22 questions about what they had seen, 6 of which varied in the article used (the or a), and 3 of these 6 questions asking about events that were not shown in the videotape. For example, people were asked either Did you see a broken headlight? or Did you see the broken headlight? People asked questions that used the definite article the were more likely to report having seen something, whether or not it had really appeared in the videotape, than were people asked questions using the indefinite article a. In other research, people were three times as likely to affirm the presence of nonexistent moustaches, eyeglasses, accents, and lisps when asked about the moustache, the eyeglasses, his accent and his lisp in a person they had seen (Davis & Schiffman, 1985). People answer yes more to questions using definite articles. Conjunctions: Affirming and Challenging The conjunctions but and and are often used interchangeably, despite having opposite implications for what is stated before the conjunction but negates or casts doubt on what comes before, whereas and affirms what comes before (Lucas & McCoy, 1993). You saw John at the door, but you didnt let him in? challenges whether John was really seen at the door; by contrast, You saw John at the door and you didnt let him in? accepts that John was seen at the door and questions or seeks confirmation for not letting John in. Too often questions use the conjunction but when and is meant, and vice versa. When speaking to an opposing attorney or a client, saying I like you, but can you give me space? or You are an intelligent person, but how could you not know this? sends very different messages than saying I like you and can you give me space? and You are an intelligent person and how could you not know this? The first set of questions come across as criticism, because but negates the compliments initially made. The second set of questions are reacted to more positively and are more readily accepted (Lucas & McCoy, 1993). Sher and McKenzie (2006) discuss a hypothetical case where someone has been diagnosed with a serious illness, and encounters one of 4 treatment descriptions from a doctor:



(1) The new treatment has strong negative side effects but leads to 80% survival/20% mortality; (2) The new treatment has strong negative side effects and leads to 80% survival/20% mortality (3) The new treatment has no negative side effects but leads to 80% survival/20% mortality (4) The new treatment has no negative side effects and leads to 80% survival/20% mortality These researchers note that people are more likely to prefer the new treatment when told statement (1) than (2), or when told statement (4) than (3). Sher and McKenzies discussion is relevant to asking questions in medical malpractice and related cases. An attorney can ask: Were you told X?...But you were also told Y? or the attorney can ask Were you told X?...And you were also told Y? to influence whether people prefer or reject medical procedures. And accepts and affirms. But rejects and challenges. A conscious choice of but and and influences what is denied, what is affirmed, what is understood and what is preferred. Voice: Who Did It? When jurors apportion responsibility or hear the some other guy did it defense, they ultimately must decide who caused what happened. Use of active versus passive voice influences who is seen as the do-er and who is seen as the done-to. The grammatical subject of a question is seen as the do-er, and this person changes with active or passive voice (Johnson-Laird, 1968a,b). Active voice means that the subject of a question performs the action expressed in the verb. Passive voice means that the subject of a question receives the action expressed in the verb. Consider two questions, one in active voice and one in passive voice: (1) Did the woman kiss the man? (active voice) (1) Was the man kissed by the woman? (passive voice) In the active voice question, the women is the subject of the sentence, and she is seen as the cause or reason for the kiss. In the passive voice question, the man is the subject of the question, and he is seen as the cause or reason for the kiss. Use of active and passive voice changes whose actions become prominent (Johnson-Laird, 1968a,b). The more prominent person is assigned greater responsibility for the action. Why Words Matter Subtle, and seemingly minor, changes in wording can have major and profound effects on answers. Choosing different nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, articles, conjunctions and voice (passive, active) affects whether respondents (a) answer yes or no; (b) provide smaller or larger estimates of height, length, time, speed and amount; (c) support various proposals; (d) think non-existent events happened; (e) take back just stated compliments; and (f) assign causal responsibility to your client for what happened.




RESPONSE FRAMING Response framing occurs by questions explicitly suggesting, limiting and/or excluding possible answers. Questions can specify alternatives to be compared or prompt respondents with possible answers. For example, witnesses might be asked How many times did you call Jane before October 13, 2003 more than once? more than five times? more than ten times?. Respondents often assume that if alternatives are stated or suggested, that at least one is true, and that the question-asker has knowledge about the likely answers. This assumption leads people to base their estimates around the alternatives and promptings stated in the questions, rather than on accurate recall from memory. Questions suggest, limit, and exclude answers in a number of ways: With response scaling, a question specifies a range of possible responses when the question is asked, which encourages some answers and discourages others. The allowance or not for middle positions (e.g., neutral, about right, neither increase nor decrease, equally credible) and dont know answers is particularly powerful in shaping answers. With response ordering, responses suggested in questions are listed in a particular order so as to encourage some answers and discourage others. Through response scaling and response ordering, and allowance (or not) of middle and dont know positions, response framing puts words into answerers mouths. Response Scaling: What Are You Suggesting? Response scaling refers to providing, as part of a question, a range of possible answers to the question being asked. A low scale range can be distinguished from a high scale range. For example, when asking people to estimate the number of hours of TV viewing in a day, a low scale can be offered that ranges from less than half an hour to over 2.5 hours or a high scale can be offered ranging from less than 2.5 hours to over 4.5 hours. People use the range of suggested responses included in a question to estimate the frequency and duration of their own, and others, behavior. This strategy results in higher estimates being provided to questions that include high, rather than low, response scales. Response scaling influences answers through prompt scaling, time period scaling and decomposition. Prompt scaling. Many questions require people to report on the frequency with which they engaged in a specific behavior in a specified time period. Attorneys often expect witnesses to identify the intended behavior, search memory for relevant episodes, date these episodes, and count them up to arrive at a numeric answer for a specified time period. This course of action is the one witnesses are least likely to follow.




Unless the behavior is rare and important, people are unlikely to have detailed memories of each time they undertook a particular action. Individual instances of frequent behaviors blend into general memories. People answer by estimating, and they use the prompts provided in questions to do so. For example, peoples estimated frequency of use of headache products depends on the frequencies used as prompts in the question asked: (1) In terms of the total number of products, how many other headache products have you tried? 1? 2? 3? (2) In terms of the total number of products, how many other headache products have you tried? 1? 5? 10? On average, people asked the 1? 2? 3? question said they had tried other headache products approximately 3 times, while people asked the 1? 5? 10? question said they had done so approximately 5 times (Loftus, 1975). Higher suggested frequencies in the question generated higher frequency estimates in answers. The length of time people estimate they spend in common activities is also affected by the prompts included in the questions that are asked. Think about asking a witness or a prospective juror How many hours of TV do you watch on a typical day? If the question includes response TABLE 5. TV Viewing Prompt Scales options that range from How many hours of TV do you watch in a typical day? less than half an hour to Low Frequency Scale High Frequency Scale more than two and a Up to .5 hours 7% Up to 2.5 hours 63% half hours, one study .5 1 hour 18% 2.5 3 hours 23% found that only 16% will 1 1.5 hours 26% 3 3.5 hours 8% say they watched more 1.5 2 hours 15% 3.5 4 hours 5% than 2.5 hours of TV. If 2 2.5 hours 18% 4 4.5 hours 2% the question includes 2.5 + hours 16% 4.5 + hours 0% response options that range from less than two and a half hours to more than 4.5 hours, 38% will say they watched more than 2.5 hours on a typical day (Schwarz, Hippler, Deutsch & Strack, 1985). Even peoples estimates of their own mental health symptoms, sexual behavior and drug use are influenced by the response scales used in the questions to prompt for answers. People with psychiatric problems reported the frequency of 17 different mental health symptoms in answers to questions that prompted with one of two response scales: (1) never, about once a year, about twice a year, twice a month, and more than twice a month; or (2) twice a month or less, once a week, twice a week, daily, and several times a day. For 17 symptoms, 62% of respondents reported average frequencies of more than twice a month when prompted with the (second) high frequency response scale, whereas only 39% did so when prompted with the (first) low frequency response scale (Schwarz & Scheuring, reported in Schwartz & Oyserman, 2001). Men and women report more sexual partners and drug use when prompted with a high, rather than a low, frequency response scale in the question (Tourangeau & Smith, 1996). Questions that prompt for answers with high and low frequency response scales generate answers that reflect those prompts.




People also assign meaning to words in questions based on the response scale. When words are vague, unclear or open to interpretation, people rely on the response scale included in the question to determine the words meaning. Suppose you ask someone claiming PTSD how frequently they feel really irritated, a phrase open to interpretation. When your question offers possible responses of less than once a year to more than once a month, answerers infer that you want to know only about major annoyances, whereas when possible responses range from less than once a month to weekly, answerers infer you want minor annoyances included. People answer based on inferences, and less extreme prompts in this question lead to less extreme irritations included in answers (Schwarz, Strack, Miller & Chassein, 1988). Prompts included in questions affect understandings of what is being requested, and the substance of answers people provide. Time Period Scaling. Questions can influence frequency estimates through time references that limit responses to a particular time span, such as last week or last year. For example, consider asking someone claiming PTSD either: (1) How many times have you felt angry in the last year? or (2) How many times have you felt angry in the last week? People report a lower frequency of anger for a one year period (because last year cues them to focus on major annoyances only) than would be expected on the basis of their reports for a one week period (because last week cues them to focus on both major and minor annoyances) (Winkielman, Knauper & Schwarz, 1998). A question about the number of times an event has taken place in a shorter time span (e.g., in the last 2 months) can be asked directly, or can be preceded by the same question asking about a longer time span (e.g., in the last 6 months). When a question that asks about a longer time span (e.g., in the last 6 months) immediately is re-asked using a shorter time span (e.g., in the last 2 months), answers for the shorter time span become more accurate (Loftus, Klinger, Smith & Fiedler, 1990). Time references cue people how to understand words in questions, and can be re-asked to improve accuracy of answers. Decomposition. When attorneys decompose questions into conceptual parts, witnesses overestimate. A question about drinking alcohol might be decomposed into three questions about drinking wine, drinking beer and drinking liquor, or as has been done by prosecutors in the Phil Spector case, about drinking at each of a number of different restaurants. Decomposed questions increase the reported frequency of a behavior. The sum of answers across beer, wine, and liquor is higher than the frequency reported in response to the more general alcohol question (Blair & Burton, 1997; Sudman & Schwarz, 1989). Decomposition increases the reported frequency of behavior it does not increase the accuracy of the answers. For example, people report fewer telephone calls when asked how many times they used the phone in the last week than when they had to report separately




on each day of the week; and they reported fewer calls when the questions asked about yesterday than when they had to report on eight different time periods on the previous day. Record checks indicated that the decomposition of the general question did not increase the accuracy of the reports; it only increased frequency estimates (Belli, Schwarz, Singer & Talarico, 2000). Specific and narrow decomposed questions (e.g., about wine, beer and liquor; about each day) foster overestimates, while more general composed questions (e.g., about alcohol; about last week) foster underestimates. When Response Scaling Affects Answers. Questions that scale responses through use of prompting, time references and decomposition do not always influence answers. People look to questions for possible answers when: (1) a matter is difficult to assess, such as are estimates of time, distance, length and speed for most people; or (2) the event or behavior is not well represented in memory, such as behaviors that occur frequently (e.g., sex, TV viewing, phone calling), but not completely regularly (not every Sunday or every hour). When people estimate well (e.g., regular behaviors) and remember well (e.g., rare events), answers are less likely to be influenced by the response scales embedded in questions. Middle Positions: Do I Have to Choose? Many questions require respondents to choose between two contrasting alternatives. For example, In your opinion, should the penalties for using marijuana be more strict or less strict than they are now? Frequently, there is a logical middle position that some people might prefer to either of the contrasting alternatives, such as In your opinion, should the penalties for using marijuana be more strict, less strict, or about the same as they are now? The provision, or not, of a middle position influences how people answer questions. Offering a middle position increases the likelihood that people will affirm a middle position as their answer. When asked in 1976 whether marijuana laws should be more or less strict, an additional 20% of people TABLE 6. Middle Position: Marijuana In your opinion, should the said marijuana In your opinion, should the penalties for using marijuana be penalties for using marijuana be laws should more strict, less strict, or about stay the same more strict or less strict than they the same as they are now? as now when are now? 50% More strict 42% the question More strict 41% Less strict 31% provided that Less strict Same as now (volunteered) 6% Same as now (provided) 26% alternative, than when it did not (Schuman & Presser, 1996). Similarly, when asked in 1979 whether divorce should be easier or more difficult to obtain, an additional 35% of people answered stay as is when the question included that middle




position as a possible response. Across 16 different studies, offering a middle position significantly TABLE 7. Middle Position: Divorce increases its Should divorce in this country be Should divorce in this country be choice, with easier to obtain, more difficult to easier or more difficult to obtain increases than it is now? obtain, or stay as it is now? ranging from 40% Easier 21% 11 to 39 Easier More difficult 50% More difficult 34% percentage 10% Stay as is (provided) 45% points, and the Stay as is (volunteered) most common increase in the neighborhood of 10 to 20% (Schuman & Presser , 1996). The use of a middle position in a question does not alter the relative importance of the other responses. Making marijuana laws stricter and divorce more difficult was the most affirmed answer whether or not a middle position was suggested, an outcome generally found when a middle position is offered in a question (Schuman & Presser, 1996). Questions commonly asked in voir dire and on juror questionnaires face this issue of a including a middle position. A common question asked in voir dire in civil cases that includes a middle position is From what you have read or heard, do you think that in recent years, the money awards from lawsuits have generally been too high, too low, or about right? In many venues, about 60% - 70% of jurors respond too high, 0% - 10% say too low, and the other 30% say about right. The too low alternative might not be chosen by any prospective juror in a pool, and so the middle position of about right functions as the only viable alternative to too high, rather FIGURE 1. Monetary Awards than as a middle position. From what you have read or heard, do you think that The results of a large sample, in recent years, the money awards from lawsuits have community attitude survey that I generally been too high, too low, or about right? conducted for an actual case reveals what research often finds 65% 70% concerning jurors responses to 59% 60% 60% this question: answering about right or too low identifies 50% 41% 40% plaintiff leaning jurors, while 35% 40% answering too high identifies 30% defense leaning jurors. Because 20% so few jurors answer too low, providing the middle position of 10% about right becomes critical in 0% Too High About Right Too Low predicting which jurors in a case are likely to lean toward the Plaintiff Defendant plaintiff or lean toward the defense. The provision of a middle position in a question increases the likelihood the middle position is selected, the relative importance of other responses does not change, and the middle position can serve as a reasonable alternative when questions have highly skewed answers.




Dont Know: What If I Dont Know? Question-askers frequently offer response options in their questions that leave out a choice of undecided, no opinion, uncertain or dont know. The inclusion of a dont know option in a questions response scale increases the likelihood of a dont know answer. In criminal voir dire, prospective jurors are sometimes asked In general, do you think the courts deal too harshly or not harshly enough with criminals? Prospective jurors could be asked In general, do you think the courts deal too harshly or not harshly enough with criminals, or dont you have enough information about the courts to say?. More than 1 in 5 people change their answer to dont know when provided that option in the question (Schuman & Presser, 1996). A systematic TABLE 8. Dont Know Option bias exists in In general, do you think the courts In general, do you think the courts answers deal too harshly or not harshly deal too harshly or not harshly between the enough with criminals? enough with criminals, or dont two versions of you have enough information this harshness about the courts to say? question. Too harshly 6% Too harshly 5% People opting Not harshly enough 78% Not harshly enough 60% for dont know, About right (volunteered) 10% About right (volunteered) 6% when it is Dont know (volunteered) 7% Dont know (provided) 29% offered, choose not harshly enough when the question fails to mention a dont know alternative. For many different questions, an average of 22% of people float between answers when offered or not offered a dont know option in questions, with a typical range of 13% to 23% (Schuman & Presser, 1996). Only large sample research such as a community attitude survey can determine whether people who answer dont know come randomly or systematically from other responses. In the community attitude survey research project discussed previously, I analyzed dont know responses that were volunteered to questions (i.e., that did not include that option), and a number of these dont know answers were predictive of juror leaning. Venire members volunteering dont know to the question Would you have any difficulty taking the side of a corporation in a dispute with an individual? tended to lean toward the plaintiff, as did venire members who volunteered dont know to the question From what you have read or heard, do you think that in recent years, the money awards from lawsuits have generally been too high, about right, or too low? The provision (or not) of a dont know response affects answers, sometimes systematically. Response Ordering: What Did You Last Say? The order in which responses are suggested in questions influences answers.




Both comparison order (e.g., Is A more reasonable than B? Is B more reasonable than A?), and alternative order (e.g., criminal or civil, civil or criminal) matter. Comparison Order. Questions commonly ask for comparisons: Is chemotherapy more reasonable than radiation for this patient? Is an apology in a settlement offer more valuable than an additional $10,000? Or, as has been discussed extensively in the Spector murder trial, Does human blood after an intra-oral gunshot wound spatter in a pattern similar to a cow that has been shot in the head? The order in which the alternatives are placed in questions influences the answers people provide. When comparison alternatives are reversed in questions, answers change. Consider the case of two monks, Theophilus and Gottlieb, who had a disagreement about smoking and praying at the same time, with Theophilus declaring No and Gottlieb, the smoker, saying Yes. Weeks after the disagreement, they meet again, and Theophilus says: I took the issue to the Pope. I asked him point blank Is it permissible to smoke during prayer? and he said No. Gottlieb responded, Thats not what he said when I asked him, although, of course, I did phrase the question in a more illuminating way. I asked him Is it permissible to pray while I smoke? and he naturally said Yes. Asking people to compare A to B can produce different answers than when asking them to compare B to A. Consider asking prospective jurors about which gender they find to have been the more empathic teacher in high school, and asking either: (1) Were your female teachers more empathic than your male teachers, or were they less empathic?, or (2) Were your male teachers more empathic than your female teachers, or were they less empathic? Far more people TABLE 9. Comparison Order: Male-Female Empathy (41% to 9%) answer Female more empathic than Male more empathic than that females were male, or less? female, or less? more empathic Female more (first) 41% Female more (second) 9% teachers than males Male more (second) 12% Male more (first) 55% when female is the Undecided 47% Undecided 11% first item in the comparison. Far more people (55% to 12%) answer that males were more empathic teachers than females when male is the first item in the comparison (Wanke, Schwarz & NoelleNeumann, 1995). The opposite TABLE 10. Comparison Order: Tennis-Soccer Excitement response pattern can Tennis more exciting than Soccer more exciting than also occur. When soccer, or less? tennis, or less? asked to compare Tennis more (first) 35% Tennis more (second) 77% which of two sports Soccer more (second) 65% Soccer more (first) 15% is more exiting, far Undecided 0% Undecided 8% fewer people (35% to 77%) say tennis when asked Is tennis more exciting than soccer, or is it less exciting? than when asked Is soccer more exciting than tennis, or is it less exciting? (Wanke, Schwarz & Noelle-Neumann, 1995).




The comparison order of alternatives in questions influences answers because people focus on features of the first object, and check the extent to which those features are also present in the second object, neglecting unique features of the second object (Wanke, Schwarz & Noelle-Neumann, 1995). Asking people to compare A to B is not the same as asking them to compare B to A. Alternative Order. When questions suggest multiple responses, the questioner can order the responses. The alternative listed last receives greater support for oral questions, a recency effect, whereas the alternative listed first receives greater support for written questions, a primacy effect (Schwarz & Oyserman, 2001). People who were asked whether divorce should be easier to obtain, more difficult to obtain, or stay as it is now answered differently than people who were asked whether divorce should be easier to obtain, stay as it is now, or be more difficult to obtain. An additional 8% of people said divorce should be more difficult to obtain when this option was stated last in the question, TABLE 11. Response Order: Divorce than when it Should divorce in this country be Should divorce in this country be was stated easier to obtain, more difficult to easier to obtain, stay as it is now, second. An obtain, or stay as it is now? or be more difficult to obtain? additional 10% Easier 21% Easier 23% of people More difficult (second) 34% More difficult (last) 42% affirmed that Stay as is (last) 45% Stay as is (second) 35% the ease of obtaining a divorce should stay as it is now when this option was listed last, rather than second. Other studies have identified differences of 10 to 12% when each option was in the last position (Schuman & Presser, 1996). The effect of TABLE 12. Response Order: Medicare alternative Do you feel Republicans want to Do you feel Republicans want to ordering is not make changes to Medicare to save make changes to Medicare to fund limited to Medicare or to fund tax cuts? tax cuts or to save Medicare? questions about To save Medicare (first) 36% To save Medicare (second) 52% divorce. A To fund tax cuts (second) 53% To fund tax cuts (first) 34% similar recency effect was identified when people were asked either: (1) Do you feel Republicans want to make changes to Medicare to save Medicare or to fund tax cuts? or (2) Do you feel Republicans want to make changes to Medicare to fund tax cuts or to save Medicare? An additional 16% to 19% of people select the last listed alternative, even when they were reversed (Moore, 2005). Questions, identical except for the order of suggested responses, can yield very different responses. Although this response ordering effect does not always happen, it is generally worth considering which alternative to place in the last position when phrasing questions.




Why Response Framing Matters Response framing in questions can have powerful effects on peoples answers. Response scaling shapes answers. Questions that include higher or bigger ranges of responses prompt answers that are higher and bigger frequencies, lengths, durations, and amounts. Substantively different behavior is included in answers to questions involving short versus long time spans. Decomposed questions foster overestimation, and more general questions foster underestimation. Response options specified in questions shape answers. Offering a middle position or dont know option in a question increases the chance people provide a middle position or dont know answer. Inclusion of a middle position leaves the relative importance of other answers intact, while inclusion of a dont know option is sometimes related systematically to other responses. Response ordering shapes answers. People focus differently on the alternatives when making comparisons between them, and so answer differently. When asked to choose among alternatives, people are more likely to choose the last alternative in oral questions and the first alternative in written questions. PRESUMPTUOUS QUESTIONS Presumptuous questions are not approved for use in most trial situations precisely because they have a powerful influence on peoples answers. Presumptuous questions not allowed at trial are still useful in pre-trial settings, and many more questions are presumptuous than the legal system proscribes. Two types of presumptuous questions are (1) those that are unbalanced, asking about only one side of an issue, and (2) those that are assumptive, the more extreme of which would be ruled to lack foundation and the less extreme (though equally powerful) of which routinely pass judicial muster. Balanced vs. Unbalanced: I Ask, Therefore Im Biased Many questions asked in legal settings are unbalanced, stating only one side of an issue. For example, prospective jurors are asked in capital cases Do you favor the death penalty for persons convicted of murder?. This question is unbalanced, asking only whether jurors favor the death penalty (and not whether they oppose the death penalty), and asking only about the death penalty (and not about life in prison without the possibility of parole). A purely formal method of balancing a question is to include its negative, so that the form of the question becomes Do you agree that X, or not? The death penalty question is formally balanced by asking Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder (or alternately, Do you favor the death penalty for persons convicted of murder, or are you opposed to this?).




Formally balanced questions appear more balanced, but they are not because answers remain the same. The same percentage of people favor and oppose the death penalty, unions, gun permits, legalizing marijuana and a host of other issues when asked to answer unbalanced and formally balanced questions (Schuman & Presser, 1996). Questions can also be balanced by (1) asking an opposite question (e.g., Do you favor life in prison without the possibility of parole?), which is still unbalanced, although in the opposite direction, and (2) countering with alternatives, called counter-balancing (e.g., Do you favor the death penalty for persons convicted of capital murder, or do you favor life imprisonment without the possibility of parole?). In 2004, Steven Son content analyzed the voir dire of 12 capital cases and found that most of the pretrial publicity and death penalty questions consisted of prospective jurors being asked closed-ended (yes/no) and unbalanced questions. Even though the asking of open and balanced questions was significantly more likely to reveal juror bias, few prospective jurors were asked such questions. Balanced questions are preferred for some purposes (e.g., voir dire) and unbalanced questions for others (e.g., cross-examination). Asking the Opposite Question. An opposite question asks an unbalanced question in reverse. During discussions about a juror questionnaire in a personal injury case on which I worked, the defense proposed asking Do you feel most accidents at work are caused by the disregard for safety by company management?, and the plaintiff countered with Do you feel most accidents at work are caused by the disregard for safety by the employee? Opposite questions logically should, but do not, yield opposite answers. When asked What is your opinion of ground beef that is 75% lean?, people rated it to be leaner, of higher quality, and less greasy than when asked What is your opinion of ground beef that is 25% fat? (Levin & Gaeth, 1988). People asked about medical treatment outcomes where 75% survive perceive the treatments as more acceptable than when asked about treatments where 25% die (Levin, Schnittjer & Thee, 1988; Marteau, 1989; Wilson, Kaplan & Schneiderman, 1987). When balancing by asking opposite questions, one question often has a positive frame (e.g., % lean, % survive), while the other has a negative frame (% fat, % die). Opposite questions do not generate opposite answers because positive frames lead to more favorable responses than do negative frames. People infer the frame from information preceding or surrounding a question. Imagine asking people whether a glass with water at a 50% mark is half full or half empty. When people know the glass previously was empty (i.e., they see water poured into it), people understand the glass to be half full. When people know the glass previously was full (i.e., they see water poured out of it), people understand the glass now to be half empty. And, circularly, when hearing that a glass is half full or half empty, people infer that it




previously was empty or full, respectively (McKenzie & Nelson, 2003). The surrounding or preceding circumstances guide the frame people select. People infer a positive survival frame (X% survive) when a new treatment leads to relatively many (versus relatively few) survivors in comparison with an old treatment. And, circularly, people infer that an old treatment led to more deaths when a new treatment is described with a positive survival frame of 75% survive than a negative death frame of 25% die (McKenzie & Nelson, 2003). Opposite questions provide frames that listeners compare to surrounding circumstances and events, and this comparison affects both peoples answers and their understandings. Countering with Alternatives. Counter-balancing occurs when an opposite possibility is offered as part of the question. Instead of asking Do you agree that X, or not?, the question asks Do you agree that X, or agree that Y?. In 1991, the General Social Survey asked two different forms of a question about employers hiring policies. One question was formally balanced and one was counter-balanced. Both questions started with Suppose workers will be exposed to some cancer-causing materials on the job: (1) In that case, should employers have the right not to hire workers whose tests show they have an inherited tendency to develop certain forms of cancer, or should they not have that right? (formally balanced) (2) In that case, should employers have the right not to hire workers whose tests show they have an inherited tendency to develop certain forms of cancer, or should they be required to clean up the workplace so it is safe for everyone? (counter-balanced) To no surprise, TABLE 13. Countering with Alternatives: Employment fewer people (6% Should employers have the Should employers have the right not to 36%) felt right not to hire workers to hire workers[predisposed to] employers should [predisposed to] cancer, or cancer, or should they be required to have the right not should they not have that clean up the workplace so it is safe to hire workers right? for everyone? predisposed to Should 36% Should 6% cancer when an Should not 64% Should not (should clean up) 94% opposing alternative was provided (Reichardt, 2004). In 1983, the General Social Survey also asked two versions of a question about trust in other people, one unbalanced and the other counter-balanced. Many trial consultants recommend attorneys ask the counter-balanced question in voir dire: (1) Do you think most people can be trusted? (unbalanced) (2) Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you cant be too careful in dealing with people? (counter-balanced) When asked the unbalanced (first) question, an additional 15% of respondents think people can be trusted than when asked the counter-balanced (second) question (Reichardt, 2004).




From a jury selection TABLE 14. Countering with Alternatives: Trust perspective, the Do you think most people Generally speaking, would you say unbalanced (first) can be trusted? that most people can be trusted or question is better at that you cant be too careful in identifying jurors dealing with people? who do not trust Yes (can be trusted) 58% Can be trusted 43% others (by protecting No 42% Cant be too careful 57% the most strongly trusting in the larger group answering with the default answer of yes). The counterbalanced (second) question is better at identifying jurors who do trust others (by protecting the least trusting in the larger group answering with the default answer of cant be too careful). In certain civil cases, plaintiffs prefer jurors who trust others, and defendants prefer jurors who are cynical and cautious. Plaintiff attorneys, needing to identify and strike lesstrusting defense-oriented jurors, do best by asking the unbalanced trust question. Defense attorneys, needing to identify and strike the most trusting plaintiff-oriented jurors, do best by asking the counter-balanced trust question. Notice that neither trust question is truly balanced: the unbalanced (first) question only asks about trust, the counter-balanced (second) question counters with carefulness, a trait not necessarily opposite of trust, and both yield skewed response distributions (deviating from 50% yes and 50% no). Counter-balancing makes the trust question appear unbiased and balanced, even though it is not. Counter-balancing an alternative in an unbalanced question is difficult, and questions can wind up slanted. Counter-balanced questions often rely on false dichotomies, though rarely as obvious as Would you rather be Red than dead? Less obvious slanting, as with the trust question, can be strategically useful. Assumptive Questions: What Will You Infer? All questions assume, and these assumptions influence answers. Assumptive cross-examination questions can influence jurors perceptions of expert witnesses. Kassin and colleagues (1990) had jurors listen to a cross-examiner ask an expert witness two assumptive questions about the experts reputation: Isnt it true that your work is poorly regarded by your colleagues? and Hasnt your work been sharply criticized in the past?. Some jurors heard denials from the expert (No, it isnt; No, it hasnt), others heard admissions from the expert (Yes, it has; Yes), and yet others heard objections from an attorney that were sustained with the questions then withdrawn before the witness had a chance to respond. There was also a group of jurors who did not hear the assumptive cross-examination questions. The experts credibility that is, the experts honesty, believability, competence, and persuasiveness was significantly diminished by the assumptive questions, even when the expert flatly denied the charge or the attorney won a favorable ruling on an objection. Assumptive questions include how questions, ordinal adjective questions and embedded




assertions. How questions. Questions starting with how are often assumptive: How concerned are you about? How difficult is it for you? How many times have you .? These questions assume that respondents are concerned, have some difficulty, or have engaged in some behavior because they ask for an extent after assuming a presence. Close-ended (yes/no) filter questions ask about presence or absence, as in Are you concerned about? Do you have any difficulty with? Have you ever done?. These questions filter answers so that when the how question is asked only to people responding yes, asking about extent is no longer assumptive. More people respond affirmatively when asked assumptive how questions than when asked yes/no filter questions before the how questions. Using a yes/no filter question asking people whether or not they were concerned with an issue, and then asking those that were concerned How concerned are you?, results in significantly fewer people showing concern than when asking the how question by itself (Sterngold, Warland & Hermann, 1994). Important to hardship determination, when people are asked about their difficulty with a variety of daily activities (e.g., running, walking, jogging several blocks, sitting for 2 hours, etc.), questions asking How much difficulty? are consistently more likely than questions asking Do you have any difficulty? to elicit affirmative answers (Freedman, Aykan & Kleban, 2003). When asked yes/no filter questions, people filter their answers and focus on more serious and rarer incidents, events and behaviors. When asked assumptive how questions, people include the less serious episodes in their answers. People report more crimes, and less severe ones, when they are asked In the past 10 years, how many times did you witness a crime? than when asked a filter question, Did you witness a crime in the past 10 years?, before being asked the how question (Knauper, 1988). Asking assumptive how questions increases the frequency with which people answer affirmatively, and lowers the severity of incidents contained in those answers. Use Of Ordinal Adjectives. Ordinal adjectives are words for numerals (e.g., first, second, third) and other temporal markers (e.g., previous, new, old, another, last). When questions include ordinal adjectives, the questions are assumptive (Lucas & McCoy, 1993). Asking When did you last sign a contract? assumes you have signed a contract more than once, which is not assumed by the filter question Have you ever signed a contract?. The question How would you describe your present fear of the defendant? assumes there is and has been fear, a fear that is not assumed by the filter question Have you ever been afraid of the defendant?




The question The first time this occurred was over five years ago? implies multiple occurrences, something that is not implied by the filter question When did this occur? The question When you last thought about this you said?, assumes multiple instances of prior thought, which is not assumed by the filter question When did you think about this? Answerers frequently fail to correct the assumptions of questions containing ordinal adjectives and numerals, and listeners accept those uncorrected assumptions as truths. Embedded Assertions. Witnesses often are asked factual questions in the form of an assertion, such as Isnt it true that.[assertion]? Beyond the issue of this question being difficult for people to answer (because of the not),1 is the issue that this question encourages a focus on whether something is true the truth of the statement gets scrutinized. An embedded assertion shifts peoples focus to matters other than the truth of the assertion. Assertions often are embedded in questions having the form Did you realize that?, Were you aware that?, and Did you notice how?. With these embedded forms, people think about whether they realized, were aware, or noticed, and much less about the truth of the matter. Assertions embedded in questions tend to be challenged less (Lucas & McCoy, 1993).2 Assertions can be embedded in questions for examination of witnesses or for addressing juries in openings and closings. Zillmann (1972) embedded 10 assertions in questions in condensed closing arguments taken from a real criminal case. For example: (1) The assertion On this night and in this condition, Frank Myers was a threat to his own daughter was embedded as Wasnt Frank Myers a threat to his own daughter?. (2) The assertion But he never used his knife as a weapon before was embedded as But did he ever use his knife as a weapon before?. (3) The assertion Johnny was a peaceful boy was embedded as Johnny was a peaceful boy, wasnt he?. Jurors recommended shorter prison sentences when the assertions were embedded as questions in the closing than when the assertions were stated directly (Zillmann, 1972). Embedding assertions as questions in openings and closings is only persuasive when those assertions are for strong arguments. The tactic boomerangs (i.e., people disagree even more) when the embedded assertions are for weak arguments (Petty, Rennier & Cacioppo, 1987). Assertions embedded in questions influence answers and change opinions.
People find questions containing negatives (i.e., not, as in Did the woman not have black hair?) and double negatives (two nots, as in Would you not say the woman did not scream?) confusing, difficult both to understand and answer. Questions containing negatives are answered less accurately (Kebbell & Giles, 2001).
1 2

Assertions can be embedded in questions starting or ending with negatives (see footnote 1). Embedded assertions in questions beginning with negatives (e.g., Arent you aware that?, Dont you realize that?, Didnt you notice that?) are contested as assertions. Embedded assertions in questions ending with negatives (e.g., X is the case, didnt you realize that?; Y happened, arent you aware of that?; Z occurred, didnt you notice?) are challenged less for the truth of the matter (Heritage, 2002).




Do You Want To Be Presumptuous? Presumptuous questions are powerful. Unbalanced questions encourage people to provide unbalanced answers, which may or may not be strategically advantageous in any given circumstance. Formal balancing provides the appearance of neutrality, while continuing to skew answers. Asking opposite questions highlights the bias inherent in unbalanced questions, while still being biased (just in an opposite direction). Counter-balancing influences answers and understandings, has the appearance of neutrality, may or may not be neutral, and can be used strategically to shift peoples responses. Assumptive how questions receive more affirmative answers, and include less serious events, than how questions preceded by yes/no filter questions. Assumptions in questions with ordinal adjectives and numerals are generally accepted by both answerers and listeners. Assertions embedded in questions are more persuasive and challenged less than direct assertions. Presumptuous questions lead people to answers. SOCIALLY DESIRABLE RESPONDING Most people want to be get along with, and be liked by, others. Socially, we expect ourselves and others to act in certain ways, including being agreeable and putting our best foot forward, especially in public places. These social tendencies affect all facets of trial work, from what clients will say (and when) to how witnesses answer questions to what prospective jurors are willing to reveal in voir dire. People prefer to agree more than disagree. A questions form can be chosen to locate disagreement or maintain agreeable (though not necessarily accurate) answers. People prefer to withhold, evade, and even lie about times they failed to put their best foot forward. A questions form can be chosen that challenges an answerer, encourages more openness, or maintains his/her face-saving (though not necessarily accurate) answers. A questions form amplifies and diminishes tendencies people have to agree or disagree, to speak openly or save face, and to feel threatened or comfortable. Agree or Disagree: Id Rather Say Yes People prefer to be agreeable and this tendency extends to how they answer questions. People are less likely to disagree than agree when asked their opinion on an issue. Consider two variations of a question that jurors are sometimes asked in voir dire in criminal cases: (1) Do you agree or disagree that Individuals are more to blame than social conditions for crime and lawlessness in this country? (2) Do you agree or disagree that Social conditions are more to blame than individuals for crime and lawlessness in this country?



The same percentage of people (57% to 60%) agree with both questions, and that is inconsistent. TABLE 15. Agreeing The percentage Do you agree or disagree that Do you agree or disagree that of people who Individuals are more to blame Social conditions are more to agree that than social conditions for crime blame than individuals for crime individuals are and lawlessness in this country? more to blame and lawlessness in this country? Agree 60% Agree 57% for crime Disagree 40% Disagree 43% should disagree that social conditions are more to blame (Schuman & Presser, 1996). This question evidences an agreement bias. Asking this question in a forced choice form (rather than in its current agree or disagree form), provides some idea of peoples true preferences, rather than their agreeableness. A forced choice form removes agreeableness from the phrasing of the question by asking: Which in your opinion is more to blame for crime and lawlessness in this country individuals or social conditions? When asked in a forced-choice form, 46% of people answer that individuals are more to blame for crime and lawlessness than social conditions (and the same percentage of people does so when the choices of individuals and social conditions are in the opposite order).
TABLE 16. Agreement versus Forced Choice

Do you agree or disagree that Individuals are more to blame than social conditions for crime and lawlessness in this country? Agree 60% Disagree 40%

Do you agree or disagree that Social conditions are more to blame than individuals for crime and lawlessness in this country? Agree 57% Disagree 43%

Which in your opinion is more to blame for crime and lawlessness in this country individuals or social conditions? Individuals 46% Social conditions 54%

This 46% response rate is closest to individuals answers to the second agree or disagree question, indicating that an agreeableness effect is occurring to the first question, while the second question better corresponds to peoples true opinion (Schuman & Presser, 1996). Strategically, question-askers need to decide (a) whether to ask a question in an agree or disagree or forced choice form, and (b) which comparative order to use for the question. The choice is one of encouraging (or discouraging) socially desirable responding, and accessing (or not) peoples true opinions. Threatening Questions: I Dont Want To Answer People want to save face, and deliberately provide inaccurate answers to questions they find threatening. The more threatening the questions, the less accurate the answers (Sudman & Bradburn, 1974). Sometimes these inaccurate answers are helpful to attorneys, and sometimes not. Threatening questions can pertain to either highly desirable or highly undesirable behaviors. More people say they vote, take their mother out for Mothers Day, follow the




speed limit, and otherwise act as expected than actually do. Fewer people report they drive drunk, yell at others, stab people in the back, or otherwise act inappropriately than actually do. People over-report desirable behavior, and under-report undesirable behavior. Sometimes attorneys want their questions to threaten people (e.g., opposing witnesses), and sometimes questions threaten accidentally (e.g., jurors in voir dire). A variety of strategies exist to reduce the threat involved in questions, strategies that can be avoided or reversed when threat is desired. Lucas and McCoy (1993) offer three strategies for reducing the threat involved in a question: (1) Use familiar words. Familiar words are less threatening than correct words. People are more willing to admit engaging in acts described by the familiar words of shoot, take, and sex, than they are to admit engaging in acts described by the correct words of kill, steal, and rape. (2) Pose questions impersonally. People are less cautious in answering questions when the questions are posed impersonally. The use of the word you personalizes questions, and increases their accusatory potential. Was there a? is less threatening than Did you see a?. (3) Use past tense. Talking in past tense distances people emotionally from an event, whereas present tense is more vivid, real and immediate. Even when personalized, questions in past tense, such as Were you? Did you? and When you drove.? are less threatening than questions in present tense, such as Are you?, Do you?, and When you drive.?. Barton (1958) suggests using a lead-in to normalize the behavior being requested by a threatening question. For example, rather than asking Have you ever been sexually assaulted? or Did you vote in the last election?, questions that jurors and witnesses are uncomfortable answering, a lead-in might be used that says Many people have experienced sexual assault. Have you ever been sexually assaulted? or Many people were not able to vote in the last election. Were you able to vote?. When parties are trying to negotiate a settlement, a lead-in that states the reason for why a question is being asked (e.g., Im not clear how you come to that conclusion. Would you tell me why you think that?) is particularly useful in reducing a questions threat, and keeping negotiations productive (Fairfield & Allred, 2007). To reduce a questions threat, Barton also suggests: (1) Being casual (e.g., Do you happen to have been sexually assaulted?), (2) Assumptive questioning (e.g., How many times have you been sexually assaulted in the last 10 years?), (3) Sandwiching the question between even worse alternatives (e.g., Have you ever experienced any of the following been accused of murder, been sexually assaulted, been imprisoned for terrorism), and (4) Asking about other people (e.g., Do you know any other people who have been sexually assaulted? How about yourself?).



Embedding a threatening question in a statement starting I wonder or Im curious is another method for reducing the threat of more direct questions. Rather than asking Why did you wait so long to quit your job?, the question can be embedded in a statement inviting an answer that starts with I wonder or Im curious, such as I was wondering why you waited so long to quit your job? Embedded questions permit more candid answers, elicit a more positive feeling toward the question-asker, and are particularly useful for asking for personal information that may be emotional (Lucas & McCoy, 1993). Questionnaires for clients, potential witnesses, and jurors reduce the threat of face-toface questioning. Questionnaires provide a sense of privacy and confidentiality that face-toface, and especially public, questioning lacks (Krysan, Schuman, Scott & Beatty, 1994; Smith, 1979). Socially desirable responding to sensitive questions occurs less often when questions are in questionnaires than when asked face-to-face. The use of threatening questions is a choice, and one that regulates how much, and what type of, information people offer. Threatening questions encourage socially desirable responding, whereas non-threatening questions encourage openness. Why Socially Desirable Responding Matters Socially desirable responding is a fact of life, and question-askers can phrase questions to reduce or enhance this tendency. Agree or disagree questions encourage agreement, which forced choice questions help overcome. Threatening questions can be normalized, depersonalized, sandwiched, assumed, embedded, written, and/or asked in past tense and with familiar words. If threat is desired, questions can be direct, personalized, and asked in the present tense with correct words and no lead-in. CONCLUSION Questions shape answers. Small changes in word choice, response framing, presumptions, and form produce major changes in answers. No technique works all of the time for all people. First, some people are more susceptible to being led by questions than others. Children, people with cognitive impairments (including being drunk), those who are uncertain, those who dont trust their memory, and false confessors to crimes are highly susceptible to leading questions (Gudjonsson, 1984; Gudjonsson, Hannesdottir, Petursson, & Bjornson, 2002; Merckelbach, Muris, Wessel & van Koppen, 1998). Susceptibility is an important determinant in acceptance of false information cued by leading questions (Sheehan, 1993). Second, some types of answers are easier to influence than others. Regardless of susceptibility, question wording is more likely to influence answers when people have trouble making estimates competently or recalling information in a detailed manner.




Uncertainty surrounding the memory of an event is often required for question wording to guide peoples answers. A clear memory is less susceptible to being led (Smith & Ellsworth, 1987). Witnesses paying only partial attention to an event are more influenced by question wording than those paying full attention (Lane, 2006). Information that is tangential to an event or person is more likely to be distorted in answers than is information that is central to a person (Wright & Stroud, 1998). Third, some questioners are more capable of influencing answers than others. People accept being led by questions more readily when the question-askers are perceived as experts or knowledgeable (Smith & Ellsworth, 1987). Eyewitnesses alter answers to questions if they think that an authority figure sees them as unhelpful and/or unobservant (Roper & Shewan, 2002). If a questioner is perceived as biased or of questionable reliability, then question wording has less influence (Dodd & Bradshaw, 1980; but also see Holst & Pezdek, 1992). Finally, some communication styles for asking questions influence answers more than others. A firm or abrupt demeanor though not a hostile demeanor encourages more changes in answers than a friendly demeanor (Bain & Baxter, 2000; Baxter, Boon & Marley, 2006; Gibbs, Segal, Adams & Grossman, 1989). Questions do more than convey and solicit information. Questions put words in peoples mouths. REFERENCES Bain, S. A., & Baxter, J. S. (2000). Interrogative suggestibility: The role of interviewer behavior. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 5, 123-133. Barton, A. J. (1958). Asking the embarrassing question. Public Opinion Quarterly, 22, 271278. Bartram, P. & Yielding, D. (1973). The development of an empirical method of selecting phrases used in verbal rating scales: A report on a recent experiment. Journal of the Market Research Society, 15, 151-156. Baxter, J. S., Boon, J. C. W., & Marley, C. (2006). Interrogative pressure and responses to minimally leading questions. Personality and Individual Differences, 40, 87-98. Belli, R., Schwarz, N., Singer, E., & Talarico, J. (2000). Decomposition can harm the accuracy of retrospective behavioral reports. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 14, 295308. Belson, W. A. (1981). The design and understanding of survey questions. Aldershot: Gower. Blair, E., & Burton, S. (1987). Cognitive processes used by survey respondents to answer behavioral frequency questions. Journal of Consumer Research, 14, 280-288.




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