Studie Hogeschoolfonds Aanvraagformulier
Studie Hogeschoolfonds Aanvraagformulier
Studie Hogeschoolfonds Aanvraagformulier
mobility / Hogeschoolfonds
ENCLOSURE 1 page 1 of 3
Bet een! Name of home institution "nd! Name of student Student number: ate of birth !dd"mm"yyyy# $ender !%&'# Nationality (evel of Study Address in the Netherlands )ostal code and city Telephone number The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Study programme at HHS *orrespondence address (or address of parents of guardians): )ostal code and city Telephone number utch ban+ account number id you receive an ,rasmus or Hogeschoolfonds grant beforeName Host institution *ountry of host institution )eriod of study abroad: (from dd/mm/yyyy until dd/mm/yyyy) 1s an internship a part of this study e2change period1s ,*TS used as an instrument for credit transfer-
mobility / Hogeschoolfonds
ENCLOSURE 1 page 4 of 3 #utual obligations for a The institution is obliged to pay students their grants only after 'rom the home institution the student receives the follo5ing forms: 16 Student "greement6 The agreement between the home institution and the student are settled here 6 This 1
form needs to be finalised and signed by the student and the home institution before departure of the student6 46 Student Re$ort6 At the end of the study period abroad the student must return this report in electronic format to the 1nternational .ffice of the home institution via scholarships7hhs6nl 8efore the student departs0 the student and the home institution 5ill agree on a plan for the studies to be underta+en at the host institution and on the credit that the home institution 5ill a5ard for the study abroad as though it 5ere part of the study programme at home !learning agreement#6 All such agreements 5ill be confirmed in 5riting by the student0 the home institution and the host institution6 At the end of the study period abroad0 the host institution 5ill give the student and his or her home institution a certificate confirming the fact that the study plan 5as indeed carried out0 and presenting a list of the results !transcript of records#6 Any proposed change in the agreements regarding the study plan or the period of study 5ill be submitted to the home institution for its approval prior to the student9s departure6 1f the home institution agrees to the change0 it 5ill confirm this in 5riting to the student6 :ithin one month after finishing the study abroad0 5hich needs to be at least three months0 the student must submit the Student Re$ort to the home institution0 thus proving that the studies have ta+en place as planned6 1f the student fails to deliver either of these documents0 the home institution can claim bac+ a part of or the entire grant from the student6 1n case the student fails to go abroad for any reason0 he& she is obliged to pay bac+ the total grant6 1f the study period abroad 5as shorter than planned0 the student must pay bac+ part of the money received6 1n case the student fails to live up to this agreement or the present contract is dissolved0 the student must pay bac+ either all or part of the grant6
mobility / Hogeschoolfonds
ENCLOSURE 1 page 3 of 3 Hogeschoolfonds %he student declares that he/she meets the follo ing re&uirements! 1s registered in a programme0 study or is pursuing an additional&postgraduate study at an university or university of professional education0 finishing 5ith a recognised diploma from a higher education institution6 1s a full"time student at the host institution Has completed the first year of study 5ith success6 Has never before received a Hogeschoolfonds for study as it is allo5ed only once6 :ill not apply for other scholarships or grants a5arded through other ,U programmes for the study period to 5hich this contract applies6
%he $arties belo are in agreement ith the follo ing! The student declares that 5ithin the frame5or+ of the Hogeschoolfonds programme0 he&she 5ill spend the period of time indicated above at the host institution indicated above0 and agrees to the conditions laid do5n in this contract6