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1. The Charter Act of 1833 rung down the curtain on the Companys trade and introduced a new form of government in India. Substantiate. (200 Words) 2. The Vernacular press in nineteenth century India served not just as newspapers, but more importantly as views-papers. Comment. (200 Words) 3. Whoever say Industrial Revolution, says cotton. Comment. (200 Words) 4. How did the East India company become thedejure power in India? (300 WordsThe contact of the new Indian middle class with the West proved to be a catalyst. The social and religious movements launched by Rammohan or Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar have to be understood in this context. Elaborate (300 Words) 5. Do you think Mahatma Gandhis support to Khilafat Movement had diluted his secular credentials? Give your argument based on the assessment of events. (200 Words) Both freedom and partition were the work of Indian middle classes. Comment. (200 Words) 6. How did the Government of India Act, 1935 mark a point of no return in the history of constitutional development in India? (250 Words) 7. Looking back, I am surprised at their achievements during a brief period of two years and a quarter, despite the innumerable difficulties that surrounded them. Comment on the legislative and administrative record of the Congress Ministries between 1937-39 in the light of this statement. (250 Words) 8. Why and how did the Congress came to accept the partition of the country? (250 Words) 9. Evaluate Subhash Chandra Boses contribution to Indias freedom.(200 Words) 10. Critically assess Sir Tej Bahadur Saprus views on Indian Nationalism. (200 Words) 11. The nationalist leadership failed to some extent in raising the political consciousness of Muslims to the higher plane of secular political consciousness. Critically comment. (250 Words) 12. The policy of non-intervention by the Congress was, in my opinion, a perfect piece of statesmanship when the people of the States were not awakened..The moment they became ready, the legal, constitutional and artificial boundary was destroyed. Comment.(250 Words) 13. The Indian national movement was basically the product of the central contradiction between colonialism and the interests of the Indian people. Explain.(250 Words) 14. Give an account of the movement for female enfranchisement during the Indian national movement. (250 Words) 15. How did the policy of free trade hurt Indian textile industry and crafts in the latter half of the nineteenth century? (250 words) 16. How did the movement for the liberation of women receive a great stimulus from the rise and growth of the nationalist movement? 17. What were the proposals of the Cabinet Mission? Analyze the reactions of the Congress and the League to the proposals. 18. The essence of our struggle for freedom was the unleashing of a liberating force in India. This force did not even affect the frontier people in one of the most important tribal areas. Comment. 19. During the Indian national movement, the Left succeeded in making an impact on Indian society and politics. Analyze

20. Do you think that the Quit India movement was a Spontaneous Revolution? 21. The peasant movements of the second half of the nineteenth century lacked a positive conception of an alternative society a conception which would unite the people in a common struggle on a wide regional and all-India plane and help develop a long term political developments. Critically examine 22. The railways, instead of serving as the catalyst for an Industrial revolution as in Western Europe and the USA, acted in India as the catalyst of complete colonization. Critically examine. 23. In Britain, empire was justified as a benevolent white mans burden. And in the United States, empire does not even exist; we are merely protecting the causes of freedom, democracy, and justice worldwide. Critically analyze the different ways in which imperialism manifested from both sides of the Atlantic. 24. During the Indian national movement for freedom, constructive work played an important role in Gandhian strategy. Discuss its nature and outcome.

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