Function: Never Connect An LED Directly To A Battery or Power Supply!
Function: Never Connect An LED Directly To A Battery or Power Supply!
Function: Never Connect An LED Directly To A Battery or Power Supply!
Testing an LED
"e!er connect an LED directly to a battery or power supply! t will be destroyed almost instantly because too much current will pass through and burn it out. LEDs must ha!e a resistor in series to limit the current to a safe !alue, for #uick testing purposes a $k resistor is suitable for most LEDs if your supply !oltage is $%& or less. Remember to connect the LED the correct way round! 'or an accurate !alue please see (alculating an LED resistor !alue below.
Colours of LEDs
LEDs are a!ailable in red, orange, amber, yellow, green, blue and white. )lue and white LEDs are much more e*pensi!e than the other colours. The colour of an LED is determined by the semiconductor material, not by the colouring of the +package+ (the plastic body). LEDs of all colours are a!ailable in uncoloured packages which may be diffused (milky) or clear (often described as +water clear+). The coloured packages are also a!ailable as diffused (the standard type) or transparent.
Tri-colour LEDs
The most popular type of tri,colour LED has a red and a green LED combined in one package with three leads. They are called tri,colour because mi*ed red and green light appears to be yellow and this is produced when both the red and green LEDs are on. The diagram shows the construction of a tri,colour LED. "ote the different lengths of the three leads. The centre lead (k) is the common cathode for both LEDs, the outer leads (a$ and a%) are the anodes to the LEDs allowing each one to be lit separately, or both together to gi!e the third colour.
i-colour LEDs
- bi,colour LED has two LEDs wired in +in!erse parallel+ (one forwards, one backwards) combined in one package with two leads. .nly one of the LEDs can be lit at one time and they are less useful than the tri,colour LEDs described abo!e.
LED (lip
7hotograph 8 2apid Electronics
2ound cross,section LEDs are fre#uently used and they are !ery easy to install on bo*es by drilling a hole of the LED diameter, adding a spot of glue will help to hold the LED if necessary. LED clips are also a!ailable to secure LEDs in holes. .ther cross,section shapes include s#uare, rectangular and triangular. -s well as a !ariety of colours, si/es and shapes, LEDs also !ary in their !iewing angle. This tells you how much the beam of light spreads out. 3tandard LEDs ha!e a !iewing angle of 456 but others ha!e a narrow beam of 156 or less. 2apid Electronics stock a wide selection of LEDs and their catalogue is a good guide to the range a!ailable.