Materials Development
Materials Development
Materials Development
The theory and practice of technology in materials development and task design
Hayo Reinders and Cynthia White
Technology nowadays plays a prominent role in the development of language-learning materials, both as a tool in support of their creation and as a means of delivering content. Increasingly, technology is also used to support the individuals language-learning process and to extend languagelearning opportunities outside the classroom. The development of materials is still largely a practitioner-led practice, not always clearly informed by theories of learning (Chapelle 2001). In this chapter, we aim to rst identify the distinctive features of computer-assisted language-learning (CALL) materials versus traditional non-CALL materials, and how these features affect their development. Theoretical principles for task design in CALL are then reviewed, followed by examples of current practice in CALL materials development discussed from a practical, pedagogical, and theoretical perspective. We conclude by identifying a number of issues that are likely to affect future developments in this area.
A decade ago, Tomlinsons (1998) edited collection, entitled Materials development in language teaching, made little reference to the contribution of computers, apart from a discussion of corpus data and concordances and Maleys (1998) observation that we stand on the threshold of a new generation of computerized materials for language teaching. The absence of a focus on computer-assisted language-learning (CALL) materials in that collection was remarked on (see, for example, Johnson 1999; Levy & Stockwell 2006) as an indicator of the divide between CALL and the wider eld of language teaching. In the decade since Tomlinsons book, opportunities for language learning and teaching have been further transformed by the rapid development of a wide range of technology-mediated resources, materials, tasks, and learning environments. The place of these
developments in the eld of language teaching has been the subject of debate. Coleman (2005), for example, argues that current research and practice in CALL has the potential to enhance our understanding of language learning and teaching, but that it remains in a relatively marginal position. Chapelle (2001) maintains that anyone concerned with language teaching in the twenty-rst century needs to grasp the nature of the unique technology-mediated tasks learners can engage in (p. 2). The key challenge according to Gruba (2004) is to think of ways to construct tasks to make effective use of the vast computer networks available, noting that earlier attempts to migrate classroom-based tasks to online environments have not always been successful, largely due to a poor understanding of task design within the affordances of the new environments. And Levy and Stockwell (2006) propose that CALL can bring important insights, such as understanding the language teachers role as a designer in CALL, not only of materials but of whole learning environments. Innovations in technology and practice have clearly outstripped theory development in technology-mediated language teaching (White 2006), yet important contributions have been made to the development of principles for the design of CALL materials, which we review in this chapter. First, however, we need to dene what is meant by CALL materials, and explore the central notion of design in technology-mediated language teaching.
2003; Gruba 2004; Hampel 2006; Rosell-Aguilar 2005; Salaberry 2001; Wang 2006; Yutdhana 2005). Levy and Stockwell (2006) note that design, including, for example, materials design, screen design, task design, and software design, enters into the discourse of CALL in many forms and at a variety of levels, from the scale of an institution down to the level of an exercise (p. 10). Furthermore, the design process is extremely complex, endeavoring to draw on elements of theory, research, and practice in an optimal way given the affordances of particular technologies and the opportunities and constraints of individual contexts, not the least of which are the needs and resources of teachers and learners. As such, design procedures and practices have been closely examined. A number of principled theoretical approaches to design have been proposed in CALL and are reviewed later in the chapter, but the challenge remains one of closing the distance and bridging the gap between theory and practice. The nature of the gap and the relationship between theory and practice of design in CALL is also the subject of much debate. Levy (1997) argues that requiring CALL instructional design to be theory-driven is unnecessarily restrictive, noting too that many of the theories suggested for CALL have been created and applied in non-CALL contexts; rather, what matters is the t between the capabilities of technology and the demands of the learning objective. Following Richards and Rodgers (1986), it is argued that the design of pedagogical activities may begin at any of their three levels: theoretical approach, pedagogical design, or teaching procedure. More recently, Hampel (2006) has applied the framework to computer-mediated communication (CMC) and online tasks, presenting a nonlinear, nonhierarchical, three-level model for task development in virtual classrooms, which is represented in Lamy and Hampel (2007) in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1: A model for online task development (Lamy & Hampel 2007: 71)
Approach Scrutinizing theoretical frameworks and concepts for their ability to inform task design appropriately (e.g., ensuring that cognitive theories inform conversation-based tasks or that community-building concepts inform simulation tasks). Examining the triangular relationship between task type, tutor or student role, and the affordances of the medium based on its materiality. For example, what can we say about the effectiveness of tasks designed for audiographic versus videoconferencing environments? Thinking about how tasks can be orchestrated in the virtual classroom in order to foster interaction between learners and improve their communicative competence; taking account of research to ensure more frequent participation, release more control to the students, enable collaborative work and a problem-solving approach, and negotiate certain pitfalls (e.g., issues of power online). (Lamy & Hampel 2007: 71)
The model is intended to represent dynamic, iterative processes of design and implementation, with each stage exerting an inuence on the development and progression of other stages, and cyclical relationships between the stages. A key point here is that design and development processes for technology in language teaching have diverse points of departure, with a broad concern for the relationship between theory, research including teacher research and practice, and include matching the affordances of the technologies with the complexities of the teaching context in a pedagogically optimal way.
different contexts. Changes to online resources are immediately available to users, and learners can thus be given new materials without having to return to class.
Cost efciency
CALL materials are sometimes said to result in cost reduction, for example, by providing learners with electronic instead of print materials or by having students study independently rather than with a teacher. However, the provision of hardware and software and their maintenance has proven costly. Also, as mentioned above, learners need considerable guidance and a reduction in stafng has not always proven possible. In the future, Mobile-Assisted Language Learning may reduce the need to provide dedicated facilities and thus reduce associated costs. Text messaging, for example, is already being used as a cost-effective way to bypass unavailable or unreliable infrastructure in developing countries to deliver education (cf. Increasing interoperability of technologies and the use of open-source technologies and content may also make it possible to reduce the overall costs of developing language-learning materials.
set up to encourage active and critical, not passive, learning. In other words, computer games engage learners and get them involved in the tasks at hand. A second principle is the regime of competence principle where the learner gets ample opportunity to operate within, but at the outer edge of, his or her resources, so that at those points things are felt as challenging but not undoable. Despite their potential, early attempts at designing games for language learning have not been entirely successful. One reason for this is that developers have not yet adapted to the (open and interactive) characteristics of the game environment but instead have attempted to copy existing content into a game (Prensky 2001). Perhaps more important is the claim that the use of computers can help learners engage in inherently more authentic forms of language use, for example, through a language exchange, where two or more students with different language backgrounds communicate in each language for some of the time, or through a Web quest, where learners have to interact with authentic materials. This claim raises similar questions as with traditional materials: What is our denition of authentic? Are authentic materials always necessarily better than nonauthentic materials? And if the answer is no, then what would be the ideal balance? Claims that CALL materials are authentic are only useful to the extent that this concept is operationalized and has been shown to be benecial to learning.
A major advantage of CALL materials is said to be that they facilitate interaction and language use. Chapelle (2005) refers to interaction as any two-way exchanges. This can be between two people, or between a person and the computer, as well as within the persons mind. Swains output hypothesis (2005) claims that, by producing the language, learners can become aware of gaps in their interlanguage, and others (e.g., Ellis 1996) have argued that language production can act as a form of practice, thereby strengthening existing connections in the mind. Sociocultural theory emphasizes the importance of interaction in a meaningful context (Lantolf 2000), and various popular CALL programs aim to create this context and opportunities for language use through e-mail or chat communication, or through language exchanges between learners (where a learner with a specic L1 is partnered with someone who wants to learn that language as a second language). Some researchers, however, have pointed out that the comprehensible input from the interaction alone is not sufcient to result in the development of accuracy and that some type of attention to form is necessary. In computer-mediated communication (CMC), materials and
instructions would thus have to include some direction as to what learners are expected to do and what aspects of the language they are required to use. The accompanying instructions can affect whether the interaction focuses predominantly on meaning, on form, or on both. In a study of the effects of peer feedback in online communication, Ware and ODowd (2008) assigned students to either an e-tutoring group (where they were asked to correct their partners mistakes), or an e-partnering group (where they were not asked to do so). Even though participants in the e-tutoring group provided more corrections, it was clear that many participants were not well equipped to give feedback:
We speculate that, from a students perspective, online exchanges are likely forward-oriented toward the next message containing new information, unlike, perhaps, teacher-directed class assignments that can be iterative products that are revised multiple times for accuracy (and a grade). Therefore, we would suggest that teachers structure carefully sequenced tasks so that they build on the previous interaction. (Ware & ODowd 2008: 54)
Situated learning
Mention has already been made of the importance of providing learners with the opportunity to use the language in a socioculturally meaningful context. Mobile technologies may make it easier to provide materials and support tailored to a particular situation. Ogata and Yano (2004), for example, developed a system that used PDAs to provide information on which Japanese forms of address to use in which situations. As participants moved from room (situation) to room, and from interlocutor (more status) to interlocutor (less status), the information changed. Developing materials for such situations requires knowledge of the entire domain (participants, situations, language used) and may prove to be very challenging, unless learners can actively tap into a larger database or access support from teachers when faced with difculties in using the language. A more open-ended and somewhat less ambitious approach was used by Reinders (2007b; Reinders & Lewis 2009), who created exercises for use on iPods and gave students tasks to complete for which they had to go out, talk to people, nd and share information, and answer questions. The ability to have access to guidance and support, to record progress (using a microphone plugged into the iPod), and to complete real-world activities with other learners seemed to have a positive effect on students motivation and their ability to speak. However, more research is needed to investigate how situated language learning can be structured and its effects on language acquisition.
The ability to integrate different modes of presentation is an improvement over traditional materials. Different modalities have been shown to result in vastly different processing on the part of the learner (Leow 1995), and the ability for the teacher to repackage materials to emphasize one modality over the other can be of benet. Learners, too, can choose on the basis of their preferences or to request more help (for example, by turning on or off the subtitles on a DVD). The ability to use multimedia thus results in an enriched learning environment. Simulations are an example of a multimodal environment that has the potential to mimic real-world processes. In practice, however, CALL simulations have been built on very specic domains and are therefore limited in scope. This is largely due to technical challenges.
Immediate feedback is possible with CALL materials, dependent on the users input and a whole range of other factors (past input, timing, etc.). Different forms of feedback can also be given, such as those using sound, movement, text, or a combination of these. Also, it is possible to implement forms of feedback such as modeling, coaching, and scaffolding that are hard or impossible to implement in traditional learning environments. Natural language processing and parser-based CALL can potentially provide feedback based on participants prior language-learning progress and their specic needs (Heift & Schulze 2007).
A long-recognized benet of hypermedia is its ability to display information in a nonlinear way and for students to access information as and how they want to, rather than in a predetermined sequence. This is a benet only if students know how to nd the information they need and have strategies
to learn with hypermedia. Of course, and rst and foremost, this is also only an advantage if the quality of linked resources is of a sufciently high standard.
Beyond monitoring, learners potentially have more control over how they use CALL materials, as these can often be accessed randomly or adapted to suit individual needs in level of difculty of the input or in the amount of support available (e.g., with or without glossaries, spell checkers, etc.).
An important benet of the characteristics of CALL materials discussed above is that together they have the potential to empower learners by offering easier access to materials, greater control to learners, and more opportunities for the development of metacognitive skills and learner autonomy (cf. Shetzer & Warschauer 2000). On the other hand, people have worried about the digital divide or the potential for new technologies to leave disadvantaged groups even further behind. Yet, people (including ourselves)
have argued that technology can actually help close that gap, and numerous examples exist of the technology bringing access to resources and opportunities that before did not exist, especially in the area of mobile technology (see also Warschauer 2004).
Many differences exist between CALL and traditional materials; however, the above brief review makes it clear that whether or not these differences translate into improved learning and teaching depends entirely on how the technology is implemented. It is also clear from the above that considerably more research is needed to establish how the differences do or do not impact our learners and how we can best take advantage of this. In the remainder of the chapter, we look at two sets of theoretical principles for task design in CALL and then describe two approaches to the design of CALL materials, one in distance language teaching, the other in self-access.
CALL in theory
A recurrent theme in CALL is the need for more explicit links between materials development and SLA theory. Here we review two inuential frameworks of principles for task design, proposed by Chapelle (2001, Table 3.2) and Doughty and Long (2003). Drawing on interactionist second language acquisition theory, the aim of Chapelles (2001) framework of criteria for CALL task appropriateness is to provide ideal cognitive and social affective conditions for instructed SLA (p. 45). The rst of these criteria, and arguably the most critical, language-learning potential is based on general processes for SLA, referring to the degree to which the task promotes focus on form; it is this focus that distinguishes language-learning activities from an opportunity purely for language use. The requirement for focus on form is closely aligned to the requirement for meaning focus, referring to the need for learners attention to be directed toward the meaning of the language required to complete the task: Both a focus on form and meaning focus need to be present in the completion of a meaning-focused task. The importance of the individual learner is captured in the criteria of learner t, including characteristics which need to be considered in designing CALL activities such as learning style, age, and willingness to communicate. Authenticity in CALL, as discussed above, is based around the links between classroom and real-world language use, centering on texts and tasks that learners can nd relevant in their language use beyond the classroom. Positive impact
refers to effects beyond language-learning potential, including engaging learners interest and the development of literacy skills, learner autonomy, and metacognitive awareness, for example. The nal criterion, practicality, is an important one, in that CALL activities should not impose too much of a burden on teachers and learners in terms of accessibility and use; the resourcing of CALL is a key dimension to this criteria. Another example of such an explicit formulation of design principles, based on cognitive and interactionist SLA theory, is offered by Doughty and Long (2003). Specically, 10 methodological principles (or MPs, see Table 3.3) of task-based learning are proposed: 1. Use tasks, not texts, as the unit of analysis. 2. Promote learning by doing. 3. Elaborate input (do not simplify, do not rely solely on authentic texts). 4. Provide rich (not impoverished) input. 5. Encourage inductive (chunk) learning. 6. Focus on form. 7. Provide negative feedback. 8. Respect learner syllabi / developmental processes. 9. Promote cooperative / collaborative learning. 10. Individualize instruction (according to communicative needs and psycholinguistically). (Doughty & Long 2003: 52) Distance foreign-language learning is the specic technology-mediated context Doughty and Long have in mind, and much of their discussion is
based around the constraints of that context. For example, they identify the practicalities of developing an understanding of learners and emerging learner needs in the distance context as key issues in adopting a taskbased approach in distance language learning. Doughty and Longs (2003) work informs many of the most signicant contributions to task design in distance foreign-language teaching, including research on task design for desktop videoconferencing (Wang 2006) and for audiographic conferencing (Hampel 2006; Rosell-Aguilar 2005). The relative weight given to theoretical and practical issues is interesting in Doughty and Longs (2003) framework: Chapelle (2005) comments that the guidelines for instructional materials given by Doughty and Long (2003) rely strongly on a theoretical view of how language is acquired through interaction and that this is a defensible course of action for materials development (p. 57). From another perspective, referring to Doughty and Longs (2003) contribution, White (2006) argues that there remains an important gap in the research literature, since no one has yet extended and elaborated such a synthesis, putting it into practice not only for course design but also for sustained course delivery, and then identifying implications for theory, research, and practice.
CALL in practice
In the next section, we discuss two projects in terms of their unique CALL features and the theoretical / pedagogical considerations reviewed above. The rst project concerns a distance-education environment, the second an online self-access program.
LEARNERS MP10 Individualize instruction (according to communicative needs and psycholinguistically). needs analysis; consideration of individual differences (e.g., memory and aptitude) and learning strategies branching; adaptivity; autonomous learning
transferring face-to-face tasks to the new settings. In the process of rethinking task design, Hampel (2006), explores how tasks can be devised that are appropriate for a multimodal virtual environment. A fascinating contribution made by her research is the sustained comparison between task design and task implementation with different groups of learners and different tutors that is, exploring what happens to tasks in audiographic conferencing (see Table 3.4).
The learning environment named Lyceum, developed by the Open University UK, is an Internet-based application that allows learners to interact synchronously using a range of modes: The modes include audio, writing, and graphics, and the environment includes a voicebox, whiteboard, a concept map, a document facility, and text chat. The key point is that whereas multimodal environments offer seemingly similar modes of communication to those of conventional classrooms, they have very different affordances, which in turn impacts on how the environment, and tasks, are used by learners. (For a detailed description of audiographic environments see Hampel & Baber 2003.) In discussing task development, Hampel (2006) draws on the three-level approach discussed earlier, with approach, design, and procedure stages, noting that the approach inuences not just the design and implementation stages, but also that the evaluation during implementation feeds back into how the approach is understood in online environments. The theoretical approaches Hampel draws on are primarily interactionist SLA theory, sociocultural theory, and theories of medium, mode, and affordances, all of which are needed to understand and inform the design of sociocollaborative tasks in multimodal environments. The tasks designed by Hampel (2006) aim to address one of the key challenges of the distance-learning context, that is, providing opportunities for learners to develop the kinds of real-time interactive competence that is required to use language in interpersonal social processes (K otter 2001; White 2003). They have been designed to be part of online tutorials, and are just one learning source within the course. Hampel (2006) notes that the tasks show a number of criteria which Chapelle [ . . . ] has summarized for CALL and CMC (p. 113); she does not indicate whether the criteria were used implicitly or explicitly at different stages of the development process. What is clear, however, is that learner t is critical for distance students in a technology-mediated mode, and that, addressing Doughty and Longs (2003) concerns, detailed, practical knowledge of learners was drawn on in identifying the kinds of experiences they were likely to bring to tasks that would facilitate interaction and participation. Benecial focus on form and meaning focus were also considered, as was authenticity, focusing on current issues in German-speaking countries using predominantly authentic texts. Hampel notes that although the scenarios and participant roles were not of themselves authentic, they simulated authenticity and the authentic texts were seen as having a positive impact another of Chapelles (2003) features on student interest. Practicality, that is, having resources to support the CALL activities, was a key concern, as learners were mostly located in their home environments, and careful planning including online socialization were directed at supporting this aspect of the process. Finally, and critically,
course materials; www (via selected links on course Web site) Lyceum (audio, images, text) Lyceum (audio, images, text)
reading; processing information from different sources listening; speaking listening; speaking
3 4
summarizing information; negotiating positions; collaboration; preparing presentation or discussion taking part in presentation or discussion reection on learning writing; collaboration
Tutorial (plenary)
7 8
positive impact was central to the tutorial tasks, as learner motivation is often vulnerable at key points in distance-learning processes, and opportunities for interaction and support have been found to impact very positively on persistence and progression. Below are the sequences of activities available in Lyceum, including the online resources used and the skills practiced. The second part of Hampels (2006) study moves from theory and design to implementation, identifying signicant differences between tasks as conceptualized and tasks as realized. First, Hampel (2006) notes how tutors adapted the tasks largely for practical reasons, such as uctuating student numbers; for unforeseen issues of learner t, particularly in terms of learner needs and interests; and nally, because of timing, with different stages of tasks taking much longer than anticipated to complete. Although positive
impact was carefully considered at the design phase, Hampel (2006) notes that not all students found the tasks engaging or motivating: In some cases this was due to the actions of peers who were linguistically or technologically more procient; in other cases, it was due to the lack of assessment awarded to this part of the course, pointing to wider issues of curricular articulation for technology-mediated tasks (White 2006). In addition, the complexity of the multimodal environment was found, certainly in the initial stages, to overwhelm some students, having a somewhat inhibiting effect on communication, as did the absence of visual cues. Thus the mediating role of what can be broadly dened as learner interpretation of tasks (Batstone 2005) was key to understanding task enactment in synchronous online environments. Hampel (2006) concludes by underlining the importance of context-dependent features noted by Chapelle (2003) that must be taken into account when designing and implementing tasks: In this case, the materiality of the multimodal environment and the ways in which learners and teachers responded to those features had a dramatic effect on what happened to tasks in audiographic conferencing.
published, some developed in-house, to cater to all learner needs and interests; and (2) several tools to support the students learning process. Examples of the latter included a needs analysis, a learning plan, a learning record, and learning strategies worksheets. In addition to these tools, there were several mechanisms that monitored student learning and gave feedback at key points in the learning process. An example of these was a process for comparing students needs (as identied in their needs analysis) with their learning plans and their actual learning. It was not uncommon, for example, for students to establish, say, writing expository essays as one of the priority skills for improvement, but then to continue using grammar resources. At this point the computer would prompt the students to revise their plans and / or materials use. Studies into the effects of these tools and mechanisms on student learning (Reinders 2006, 2007a) made a number of interesting ndings. In general, both questionnaires and interviews showed that students were extremely satised with the program. Usage records showed that many students had accessed the resources and had done so frequently and over longer periods of time. Many students reported using more resources and more often than they normally did or would have done without the program; in this sense, the programs access features were a clear advantage. Staff, too, were satised because they could look up students progress and did not have to spend much time on administration an advantage of the automatic storage and retrieval of learners work. However, SQL queries (queries of information stored in the records of a SQL database) of 1,200 student database records collected over one year gave a somewhat less positive picture. Despite numerous suggestions, many students did not complete their initial needs analysis, and very few updated their learning plans as a result. Similarly, the prompts made by the computer were seldom heeded; when participants had set their minds on learning with particular materials or in a particular way, it was clearly difcult to encourage them to change. The results of these studies were interpreted as showing a need for more learner training and more staff support. Students obviously needed more information about the rationale behind the program and how to respond to its prompts. As a result of these studies, additional support structures were put in place. These included language advisory sessions where students met face-to-face with a language advisor to discuss their learning needs and progress. Although the advisors made extensive use of the electronic records of the program, obviously the cost-efciency factor of the software turned out to be lower than expected. In addition, a range of workshops was implemented to help students develop independent learning skills.
Taking the above ndings into account, a more recent incarnation of ELSAC, called My English, was developed for King Mongkut University of Technology in Bangkok. Developed in a similar context (albeit in an EFL setting) and for similar reasons, this differed from the above program by including additional support mechanisms so that students could contact staff more easily to get help, as well as several elements to encourage communication in English, such as chat rooms and online communication activities. As with ELSAC, the program is a shell in which teachers can place language-learning materials, and so its main intended advantages are at the level of the learning process (containing both process and content materials) rather than individual tasks. Nonetheless, the inclusion of interactionoriented modules is in line with Doughty and Longs recommendations. An important difference between ELSAC and My English is that the latter is not designed to be mainly used by students independently, but rather as an integral part of and complement to the existing language courses; the aim is to encourage ongoing study during and after those courses nish. In this way, it is hoped that over time students engage in more language use and receive more input than they would without such support programs.
In the preceding sections, we have tried to identify some of the features that make CALL materials unique and have discussed relevant theories and pedagogical approaches. We then reviewed several examples of CALL materials and programs. Although it is paramount to consider language-learning materials from a pedagogical perspective, it is important to remember that, even more so than with non-CALL materials, issues of practicality play an important role. Organizational and practical advantages offered by the use of technology can sometimes be sufcient reasons to adopt a new technology, even outweighing any pedagogic advantages. Among the many important questions arising during the process of the development of CALL materials, a key one is how to reconceptualize language tasks in ways that enable us to provide the best opportunities for language learning. And a key way to meet this challenge suggested by Gruba (2004) can be found in our collective attempts to dene tasks, write them, and try them out with students; equally importantly, there is a need to strengthen the links between theory, research, and practice, and to acknowledge that the divide between CALL and non-CALL materials is disappearing. We hope that this will lead to a new understanding of materials development.
7. Look at some CALL materials in terms of Breen et al.s (1979) distinction between content materials and process materials. Do you nd this distinction helpful? How would you evaluate materials in terms of content and in terms of process?
Adaptation / Design
8. Choose a set of language-teaching materials designed to t a particular learning need. How would you need to adapt them to take account of the opportunities and constraints of a particular technology-mediated environment and pedagogical context?
Aston, G., Bernardini, S., & Stewart, D. (2004). Corpora and language learners. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Batstone, R. (2005). Planning as discourse activity: A sociocognitive view. In R. Ellis (ed.). Planning and task performance in a second language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 27795.