Planning in India
Planning in India
Planning in India
The philosophy behind economic planning recognizes that markets and price system
alone cannot ensure welfare of the citizens of a state. While individuals are the best judges of
what is good for them, the sum total of such judgement need not be the best option for the
society as a whole. Moreover, areas like infrastructure require large investments without
immediate tangible returns and therefore do not attract private investment. This requires the state
to step in either directly as in the past or through private-public partnership, which is the
principle behind the build-operate-transfer (BOT) type of infrastructure development. Finally,
the government provides for some goods called public goods, such as the quality of environment
and national defences which can be enjoyed by one person without depriving others of similar
The credit for concertising ideas on national planning goes to Sri M.Visvesvaraya, the
visionary engineer and statesman of Mysore who published his Planned Economy for India in
1934, which was a blue-print for a ten-year programme of planned economic development for
Indian National Congress set up a National Planning Commission as far back as 1938
with Jawaharlal Nehru Chairman. Over the next decade, there were several initiatives. The most
important were:
• ‘A Plan for Economic Development in India (1944), popularly known as the Bombay
Plan which gave priority to the development of basic industries, while at the same time
seeking the doubling of agricultural production and of per capita income within a 15
years’ framework.
• The People’s Plan drafted by Shri M N Roy which had a 10-year period and which
sought to give greatest priority to agriculture. It advocated the nationalization of all
agricultural production and distribution.
• The Gandhian Plan drafted by Sriman Narayan emphasized economic decentralization
with primacy to rural development through the development of cottage industries.
Types of Planning
Some of the important types of planning (not mutually exclusive) are described below:
• Imperative planning involves centralized planning and implementation as opposed to
indicative planning which only lays down the broad goals, strategies and guidelines for
achieving the goals.
• Fixed term plans are drawn up for a particular period (five years in India) whereas a
rolling plan will be more flexible in its targets and allow extension of implementation
• Structural planning refers to a strategy, which involves the need to change existing
institutions or creating new ones. On the other had, functional planning seeks to achieve
the objectives within the existing institutional framework (i.e., without changing existing
laws, for instance).
• Apex planning or centralized planning envisages only a central institution while multi-
level planning allows for decentralized planning. The Panchayati Raj institutions seek to
strengthen multi-level planning.
Annual Plans (1966-69) after the disastrous experience of the Third Plan, a plan holiday was
declared for three years. All available resources were mobilized for building a buffer stock and
for stepping up food production learning from the experience of near-famine years (1965-66).
Tenth Plan
• Annual 8.1 percent GDP growth during 2002-07
• Annual FDI flows of 7.5 billion US dollars
• Public sector outlay at Rs. 15,92,300 crore
• States and UT outlay at Rs. 6,71,009 crore
• Literacy rate to increase to 75 percent by 2007
• Maternal mortality Rate to be reduced to 45 in 2007 and 25 by 2012
• Reduction in gender gaps in literacy ad wage rates by at least 50 percent by 2007
• Cleaning of major polluted river stretches
• Reduction in Government dis-savings to -0.5 percent
• Increase in tax-GDP ratio to 10.3 percent by 2007
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who chairs the full planning commission, said that two
areas that require immediate attention were Agriculture and infrastructure. The industry and
services sectors in the country are doing well clocking double-digit growth.
Agriculture sector
It is the agriculture sector, which needs a thrust as the growth rate has virtually stagnated
in the sector. If the GDP growth is to be pushed up by 1-2 per cent, it is the agriculture, which
has to grow by at least 4 per cent annually on a sustained basis.
• As over 60 per cent of the population is still dependent on agriculture, it is important that
rural India grows rapidly to ensure growth is all inclusive and that gap between rural and
urban areas, rich and poor are narrowed down.
• There has been emphasis on the need for vocational education and skill development to
ensure greater employment.
• The current agrarian crisis can be tackled only if the centrality of state intervention was
recognized howsoever inefficient may be.
• Food security and stability of essential commodity prices are equally important and the
approach paper seems to have adopted kid-glove approach in dealing with the issue.
• The country would have to move towards single common market for farm produce.
• There is also the need to encourage food processing industries and a separate action plan
is needed to boost this sector. Nearly 35-40% of fruits and vegetables produced in the
country go as waste.
Employment Generation
It proposes to create 70 million new work opportunities.
It proposes to provide electricity connections to all villages and below poverty line household by
2009 and round the clock power by the end of the plan and telephone connectivity to every
village by November 2007 and broadband connectivity to all villages by 2012.
Fiscal Sector
The approach paper estimates that the gross budgetary support for the Plan (Centre and states
combined) would have to increase by 2.5 percentage points of GDP above the Tenth Plan period.
• In a federal democracy like ours, the principal task of planning is to evolve shared vision
among not only the federal units but also among other economic agents, so that the
efforts of all the actors become convergent towards the national priorities.
• While the growth process can be made the responsibility of the corporate sector to a
greater degree, its direction and distribution are to be steered by planned public
intervention, so that regional imbalances are reduced and socio economic inequities are
set right. For example, directing the growth of the large industry into the backward areas
and technology-intensiveareas to realise national goals.
• The nature of instruments available to planners in the implementation has changed. The
planning process has to focus on the need for planning for policy, so that the signals that
are sent to the economic system induce the various agents to grow in a manner that is
consistent with national goals. In particular, investment patterns would be determined by
sectoral policies. For example, phasing in rupee convertibility over almost a decade, so
that the necessary changes and adjustments can be made.
• Given the federal nature of the Indian context, the role of planning is to develop a
common policy stance for the Centre and the States. Also, the task of federal policy
coordination is central to Indian planning. For example, the need to invite foreign
investment in infrastructure areas like power need centre-state coordination as the
necessary legislation and administrative changes involve both.
• Lastly, planning at the grass root level, that is participatory, is very crucial for improving
the delivery systems and proper use of resources. The role of the Government is thus to
facilitate participatory planning.
With the change in the role of the State, the function of planning for the development of
the country also is undergoing change, particularly since the commencement of the economic
reforms in 1991 in India. There has been a national debate about the ‘relevance of planning’ in
the changing context of economic liberalization.
In the new context of the economic reforms, the following changes are evident:
• Government only indicates targets and facilitates growth unlike earlier when the
Government directed the process, thus reducing the Governmental role reflected in
the ‘indicative model of planning’ adopted since the 8th five year plan (1992-97).
• The physical control of the Government over the economic process is gradually being
replaced with fiscal controls.
• Integration of Indian economy with the global economy as the import controls and tariffs
are being relaxed and reduced; rupee convertibility being brought in phases; FDI is being
invited on liberal terms and so on.
• Increasing role for the market and the consequent increase in the role of the private
• The public sector units will be confined to select socially relevant and infrastructure areas
and given greater autonomy in their functioning.
• The role of the government will be in the area of creating an enabling milieu.
In the context of such a situation, the planning model needs to be changed to achieve building
of social infrastructure for human development; protection of ecology, regenerating environment
and natural resources; protecting the vulnerable sections; and bringing about balanced regional
Monitorable targets for the Tenth Plan and beyond
The planning exercises are necessary as the problem of the market driven economy is
that it caters to the short term needs; well-off sections;more developed regions and its sensitivity
to the macro problems requiring a national effort is minimal.
Further, planning is necessary for the sectors like energy, communications, transport and
so on as private sector needs to be guided into the national plan.
More, in the context of federal finance, the planning exercise continues to be relevant, as the
resources need to be shared, augmented and sourced well.
The allocation of resources for various sections of the society equitably is another
important function of planning which assumes greater importance, as monopolies and
oligopolies are an intrinsic part of market economies.
In the era of globalisation where corporates are not expected to plan beyond the growth
of a particular unit, the role of safeguarding national interests is that of planning by the State.
For example, being subjected to various discriminative trade practices by EU, USA and so on,
the Indianexporters have to fight sophisticated battles in the WTO for which, the legal services
and information and building up bargaining power are best provided by the State.
India ranks second worldwide in farmoutput. Agriculture and allied sectors like forestry,
logging and fishingaccounted for 20% of the GDP in 2005, employed 60% of the total workforce
and despite a steady decline of its share in the GDP, is still the largest economic sector and plays
a significant role in the overall socio-economic development of India. Yields per unit area of all
crops have grown since 1950, due to the special emphasis placed on agriculture in the five-year
plans and steady improvements in irrigation, technology, application of modern agricultural
practices and provision of agricultural credit and subsidies since the green revolution. However,
international comparisons reveal that the average yield in India is generally 30% to 50% of the
highest average yield in the world. According to the advanced estimates the growth of
agriculture sector during 2006-07 was 2.7%. A moderate annual average growth of 3.0% in the
first six years of the new millennium starting 2001-02, notwithstanding a growth of 10% in
2003-04 and 6 per cent in 2005- 06, agriculture and allied sector has continued to be a cause of
concern. The structural weaknesses of the agriculture sector reflected in low level of public
investment, exhaustion of the yield potential of new high yielding varieties of wheat and rice,
unbalanced fertilizer use, low seeds replacement rate, an inadequate incentive system and post
harvest value addition were manifest in the lacklustre agricultural growth during the new
millennium. 8.6 Low yield per unit area across almost all crops has become a regular feature of
Indian agriculture
• Growth that is based on efficient use of resources and conserve our soil, water and
• Agricultural growth that is sustainable technologically, environmentally and
• The use of biotechnology will be promoted for evolving plants which consume less
water, are drought resistant, pest resistant, contain more nutrition, give higher yields and
are environmentally safe.
• Balanced and conjunctive use of biomass, organic and inorganic fertilisers and controlled
use of agrochemicals through INM and IPM will be promoted.
• A major thrust will be given to diversifying agriculture through ‘Integrated Farming’.
• Rational utilisation and conservation of the country’s abundant water resources will be
promoted through Integrated Water Management practices.
• Agroforestry will receive a major National Rainfed Area Authority Government has
decided to set up a thrust for efficient nutrient cycling, nitrogen fixation, organic matter
addition and for improving drainage.
• Concerted efforts will be made to promote traditional practices, knowledge and wisdom
to harness them for sustainable agricultural growth.
• The increases in the Minimum Support Price (MSP) for wheat and rice in recent years are
such that they have begun to have inflationary effect.
• As the MSP is increased, partly under the influence of the big farm lobby, the open
market prices also move up.
• Inflation results, CIP are hiked and the poor are hurt.
Since the small farmers do not have the surpluses, only the big farmers benefit and that too
from the advanced states like Punjab, Mariana and western UP.
The most embarrassing consequence of MSP rising irrationally is the bulging food
stocks to levels almost double of what is prescribed as the minimum norm for food security i.e.
more than 40 mt.
Recent initiatives
National Rainfed Area Authority Government has decided to set up a National Rainfed
Area Authority to address the problems of rainfed areas for sustainable and holistic
development of such areas including appropriate farming and livelihood system approaches.
A Centrally Sponsored Scheme on micro-irrigation was launched in January, 2006 for
covering a total area of 6.2 lakh ha. The scheme aims to achieve greater water use efficiency to
result in enhanced productivity and better quality of produce.
Livestock Insurance
Livestock Insurance Scheme was approved in February 2006 for its implementation
during the remaining part of 2005-06, and in 2006-07 on a pilot basis in 100 selected districts
across the country with a total outlay of Rs. 120 crore. The scheme aims at protecting the farmers
against losses due to un-timely death of animals. National Fisheries Development Board has
been set up to realize the untapped potential of fishery sector with the application of modern
tools of research and development including biotechnology. The Board was registered in July,
Agricultural Marketing
Ministry of Agriculture had formulated a model law on agricultural marketing in
consultation with State/UT Governments to bring about marketing reforms in line with
emerging trends. This model Act enables establishment of private markets/yards, direct purchase
centres, consumers/farmers markets for direct sale, and promotion of public-private-partnership
(PPP) in the management and development of agricultural markets in the country. It also
provides for exclusive markets for onions, fruits, vegetables and flowers.
Regulation and promotion of contract farming arrangement has also been made a part of this
legislation. A provision has also been made for constitution of State Agricultural Produce
Standards Bureau for promotion of grading, standardization and quality certification of
agricultural produce.
Among the commercial/horticultural crops, eleven crops viz. sugarcane, potato, cotton,
ginger, onion, turmeric, chillies, pineapple, banana, jute and tapioca are currently covered under
the scheme.
The premium rates are 3.5 per cent (of sum insured) for bajra and oilseeds, 2.5 per cent
for other Kharif crops, 1.5 per cent for wheat, and 2 per cent for other Rabi crops or actual rates
whichever is less. In the case of commercial/ horticultural crops, actual rates are being charged.
Small and marginal farmers are entitled to a subsidy of 50% of the premium charged from them,
which will be shared on 50:50 basis by the Central and State governments. The premium subsidy
will be phased out over a period of 5 years.
The scheme is operating on the basis of’Area Approach’, i.e. defined areas for each
notified crops for widespread calamities, and on “an individual basis’ for localized calamities
such as hailstorm.
Inflation is a state in which the prices of goods and services rise on the one hand and
value of money falls on the other.
Deflation: Deflation is that state in which the prices of goods and services fall and the value of
money rises.
Current Scenario
The Wholesale Price Index (WPI), available weekly and going back the longest,
continues to be the most popular measure for monitoring inflation. Higher food prices pushed the
wholesale price index (WPI) inflation to 4.41 % for the week ended 14 July 2007, up from
4.27%... the previous week.
The inflation numbers are still within the five per cent annual target of the Reserve Bank,
which is due to review the monetary policy on July 31. Among the primary articles, prices of
vegetables rose sharply by 7% during the week, while those of cereals rose by 0.9%.
Among the primary articles, prices of vegetables rose sharply by 7% during the week,
while those of cereals rose by 0.9%. Among manufactured products, rates of rice and bran oil
rose by 3% each, while imported edible oil, groundnut oil, cotton seed oil and oil cakes became
costlier by one percentage point.
In the current year, increase in prices of wheat, pulses, edible oils, fruits and
vegetables, and condiments and spices have been the major contributor to the higher inflation
rate of primary articles. Shortfall in domestic production vis-a-vis domestic demand and
hardening international prices were the major causes for the increase in prices of these
• State Trading Corporation tendered overseas for import of 55 lakh tones of wheat to
supplement domestic availability.
• Permission was given to private trade to import wheat first at 5% duty from June 27,
2006 and then at zero duty from September 9, 2006 as against the normal applicable duty
of 50%.
• Import of pulses was permitted at zero duty from June 8, 2006 and a ban on export of
pulses was made with effect from June 22, 2006.
• Close monitoring of prices of each and every essential item on a weekly basis was put in
• Regulatory measures were initiated by the Forward Markets Commission (FMC) to
contain volatility in the futures prices of wheat, sugar and pulses and ban on futures
trading in some pulses was imposed to reduce speculative pressures.
• Reduction in duty on palm group of oils by 20-22.5 percentage points was effected in two
phases, first in August 2006 and later in January 2007. Further, tariff values of these oils
were frozen at levels prevailing in July 2006, thus reducing to that extent the impact of
increase in international prices.
• On January 22, 2007, further duty cuts were announced for Portland cement, various
metals and machinery items.
Public Sector
Since the beginning of the planned process of economic development after Independence, public
sector played a pre-eminent role in India. Commanding heights of the economy were to be in the
hands of the public sector—basically infrastructure areas like transport, communications, energy,
steel and fertilizers.
• In the last 50 years of economic development, the public sector indeed lived upto the
expectations as can be seen below:
• around 240 Central PSUs today (excluding some insurance, finance and other companies)
provide the country with infrastructure in steel, cement, transport, communications,
power and so on
• the record of the PSUs in supplying many goods and services like coal, drugs, transport,
power, irrigation and so on is commendable though an element of subsidy is involved in
the effort
• The PSUs are a model employer providing various facilities like education, housing and
• By establishing industries in the poor states like MP, Rajasthan, Bihar and others, the
efforts of the PSUs to reduce regional economic imbalances are not insignificant.
Problem Areas
The problems with the PSUs in general are:
• lack of sufficient autonomy due to the fact of excessive government control which is
unavoidable because the resources spent are public resources
• The technology is obsolete due to meager or no expenditure on modernization, which is
explained by the loss making nature of the units. For example, the State Electricity
• the managerial efficiency is low as there is no incentive for higher efficiency partly
because it is not rewarded and also because the financial package is unattractive
• the tenure of the chief executive is uncertain and leaves little scope for
• commitment and dynamism
• the locational disadvantages are such that some plants need to work at 125% capacity to
break even, for example, some of the cement plants in central India belonging to the CCI
• the labour strength is in excess and the wage bill is very high
• In some cases the project appraisal is incomplete, for instance, in the case of Surgical
Instruments Ltd (Chennai) where the technological tie-up with Russia made instruments
suitable for an average Russian, with physical proportions much larger than an Indian.
Professionalisation of PSU Boards
In order to ensure and encourage efficiency in their
functioning, Government has taken various steps to
professionalise the Boards of CPSEs. These include provision of
outside professionals in the form of part-time non- official
Directors, restricting the number of Government nominated
Directors to one sixth of the actual strength of the Board subject
to a maximum of two, and incorporation of functional Directors
upto a limit of 50 per cent of the actual strength of the Board. On
the recommendations of Arjun Sen Gupta Committee, the
Government, during 1987-88, introduced the concept of
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to ensure clarity in the
functioning of CPSEs, and proper
Balance between accountability and autonomy for better results.
With the onset of economic reforms in 1991, systemic reforms are being made to make the
functioning of the PSUs better. They are:
• the 1991 New Industrial Policy (NIP) dereserved many areas kepi for the PSUs earlier
and today only 6 areas
Stand reserved
• the NIP 1991 made it possible to disinvest a portion of the PSU equity for a variety of
• the NIP 1991 facilitated changes in the SICA to enable the sick PSUs to be referred to
the,BIFR for revival or closure
• the budgetary support for the PSUs is progressively declining
• the liberal import of capital goods and others compels the PSUs in the manufacturing
sector to perform or perish
• the MoU system is being improved with more than 60% of the weightage being given to
the criterion of financial performance
• Efforts are on to privatise some of the sick units.
• Navaratnas that is 9 PSUs were granted financial and managerial autonomy for
global competitiveness. Recently 3 more PSUs (Bharat Electronics, Hindustan
Aeronautics, and Power Finance Corporation) were granted navaratna status.
• 97 mini-ratnas were taken up for similar reform
• 696 guidelines for the PSUs that have outlived their purpose were dropped.
Strategic Sale
It involves selling 51 % or more of the equity to a
strategic partner—domestic or global, so as to restructure the
management towards private management control, In some
cases, the government stake holding is completely liquidated,
While in most others it is reduced to 26%.
In order to take precautions to ensure that the reforms do not lead to workers’ problems,
the National Renewal Fund (NRF) was sanctioned in the 1991-92 budgets and is being continued
Definition of SSI
The definition of SSls has been changing continuously. Initially, values of fixed capital
and number of employees were combined in defining SSls. Fixed assets were fixed at half a
million rupees in 1955 and number of employees at 50, if the unit used power and 100 without
use of power. Then, the employee value was removed and the definition was based on fixed
assets alone. Now, it has been fixed at Rs 6 million for SSIs and Rs 7.5 million for ancillary
It provides the first-ever legal framework for recognition of the concept of "enterprise"
(comprising both manufacturing and services) and integrating the three tiers of these
enterprises, viz, micro, small and medium. Under the Act, enterprises have been categorized
broadly into those engaged in (i) manufacturing and (ii) providing/ rendering of services. Both
categories have been further classified into micro, small and medium enterprises, based on their
investment in plant and machinery (for manufacturing enterprises) or in equipment (in case of
enterprises providing or rendering services) as under:
Manufacturing Enterprises
Micro Enterprises investment up to Rs. 25 lakh.Small Enterprises-investment above Rs.
25 lakh and up to Rs. 5 crore.Medium Enterprises – investment above Rs. 5 crore and up to Rs.
10 crore.
Service Enterprises:
Micro Enterprises - investment up to Rs. 10 lakhSmall Enterprises - investment
above Rs. 10lakh and up to Rs. 2 crore.Medium Enterprises - investment above Rs. 2 crore and
up to Rs. 5 crore.
The Act provides for a statutory consultative mechanism at the national level with wide
representation of all sections of stakeholders, particularly the three classes of enterprises, and
with a wide range of advisory functions, and an Advisory Committee to assist the Board and the
Centre/State Governments.
Objectives of divestment
The objectives of divestment do not refer to the process as a means of improving
financial performance of the enterprises.
The primary objectives were
• To raise resources for the budget which are essentially non-inflationary in nature?
• Broad-base the ownership of the enterprises which would eventually allow the enterprises
to raise resources from the capital market and thereby lower their dependence on
budgetary support.
The National Common Mimimum Programme (NCMP) stipulates a strong and effective
public sector whose social objectives are met without prejudice to its commercial functioning.
Efforts are being made to modernize and restructure sick CPSEs and revive sick industry. Only
the chronically lossmaking CPSEs are being considered for closure or sell-off after payment of
due compensation to the laid-off employees.
Change of route: FDI has been allowed p to 100 per cent under the automatic route for distillation
and brewing of potable alcohol, manufacture of industrial explosives, manufacture of hazardous
chemicals, setting up of Greenfield airport projects, lying of natural gas/LNG pipelines etc.
Increase in equity caps: FDI caps have been increased to 100 per cent and automatic route
extended to coal and lignite mining for private consumption, setting up of infrastructure relating to
marketing in petroleum and natural gas etc.
FDI in new activites: FDI has been allowed up to 100 per cent on the automatic route in power
trading and processing and warehousing of coffee and rubber. FDI has also been allowed p to 51%
for ‘single brand’ product entailing which requires prior approval f Government. Specific guidelines
have been issued for governing FDI for single brand’ product retailing.
In order to boost production of cash crops through infusion of foreign funds and technical
know how, agriculture & plantations was removed from the list of prohibited sectors for FDI.
SEZs have been established in many countries as testing grounds for implementation of
liberal market economy principles. They are viewed as instruments to enhance the acceptability and
credibility of transformation policies, to attract domestic and foreign investment, and generally, for
the opening up of the economy. With its genesis in the Export Processing Zones (EPZ), the SEZs in
India seek to promote value addition component in exports.
Generate employment and mobilize foreign exchange. EPZs and SEZs were employed with
considerable success by China and other ASEAN countries in the 1970s and 1980s to create regional
islands, where export-oriented manufacturing could be undertaken. In India, the EPZ experiment
was much less of an unequivocal success; and since 1965, when the first EPZ in Kandla was set up.
A total of only 11 such zones have come into existence. The Exim Policy of 1997-2002 then
introduced the more comprehensive and liberal SEZ concept, after which a bill was drafted and
passsed by Parliament in the form of the
SEZ Act, 2005.
• to provide for a stable and long-term fiscal policy framework with minimum regulatory
intervention for such zones
• to attract investment, both domestic and foreign
• to ensure employment generation through encouraging export activities t
• There would be no violation of labour laws in the SEZs.
• It also provides for a single-window clearance mechanism for the establishment of SEZs.
• The objective of SEZs includes making available goods and services free of taxes and
duties, bolstered by integrated infrastructure for export production and a package of
incentives to attract foreign and domestic investments for promoting export- led growth.
• It empowers the Union Government to specify an officer or agency for carrying out
surveys or inspections to verify or ensure compliance with the provisions of the Central
Act by a developer or an entrepreneur.
• The Act provides that SEZs could also take the form of port, airport, inland container
depot, land station and land customs stations, as the case may be, under Section 7 of the
Customs Act.
• The Act approves the setting up of an International Financial Services Centre in a SEZ.
• The Act provides for tax concession for 15 years in respect of newly established SEZ
units that begin to manufacture or produce articles or provide services during the
previous year relevant to any assessment year commencing on or after April 1, 2006.
• under this dispensation, units would be eligible for 100 per cent tax exemption for 5
years, 50 per cent for the next five years and 50 per cent of the ploughed back export
profits for the next five years (in all 15 years).
• Indian SEZs to be based on ‘India- specific’ model instead of adopting the model
followed by any other country.