MBA Dual Specialization Syllabus
MBA Dual Specialization Syllabus
MBA Dual Specialization Syllabus
MBA 1st SEMESTER MB01 Management Concepts Introductory Concepts, Objectives of Principles of Management, Planning, Organising, Staffing and Supervision, Controlling, Selection and Direction, Communication, Motivation, Delegation, Leadership References Management !as"s, #esponsibilities, Practices by Peter $erdinand Druc"er % &''( % )*+ pages Originally published ,e- .or" /arper 0 #o-, 12+(345 Management by Stephen # /iatt, #ichard L5 Daft % &''' % 3(* pages en5-i"ipedia5org6-i"i6Management management5about5com6cs6generalmanagement6a6Management2'25htm managementhelp5org6 MB02 Organisational Behaviour Organisational Structure and Design, Motivation, Organisational Change, Decision Ma"ing Process, Personality and 7ttitudes, Interpersonal S"ills, !eam 8uilding, Po-er and Politics, Leadership, Conflict Management and #esolution Reference ---5ebsglobal5net6programmes6organisational%behaviour ---5n-lin"5com69donclar"6leader6leadob5html ---5freemba5in6substream5php:stcode;*0 MB03 Managerial Economics Meaning 7nd Importance Of Managerial <conomics, Scope Of Managerial <conomics, Demand 7nalysis, Demand $orecasting, Demand <stimation 7nd $orecasting, Mar"et <=uilibrium, Production 7nalysis, Objectives Of $irms, #evenue 7nalysis 7nd Pricing Policies, Mar"et Structure 7nd 8arriers !o <ntry, Mar"et 7nalysis, Operational Significance Of Consumers Surplus, Macro <conomics 7nd 8usiness Decisions, Consumption $unction 7nd Investment $unction, tabilisation Policies, 8usiness Cycles, Pricing Strategies, Inflation 7nd MB0 Deflation, ,atural <nvironment 7nd 8usiness, Competition In !elecommunication Service Provision55 Management !nformation S"stems Introduction in !o Management Ma"ing System,
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Decision% Information
#e=uirements of Information System, Organisational 8ehaviour Concepts, Controversies and Development and implementation 7pplication System, System Development Life 7pplications by Stephen P5 #obbins % 2++(Cycle, ?uality 7ssurance and <valuation of Information Systems, Implementation Organisational behaviour individuals, groups and organisationand Control of Project, <@pert Systems, MIS Security by Ian 8roo"s % &''A % **A pages Previous ed5 &''*5 Reference Organisational 8ehaviour Stephen P5 #obbins B 2++( Management !as"s, #esponsibilities, Practices by Peter $erdinand Druc"er % &''( % )*+ pages Originally published ,e- .or" /arper 0 #o-, 12+(345 MB0# $egal Aspects of Business Ceneral Principles of La- of Contract, Indian Contract 7ct, 2)(&, Sale Of Coods 7ct, 2+*', ,egotiable Instruments 7ct, 2))2, Company La-, !he $actories 7ct, 2+3), Consumer Protection 7ct, Memorandum Of 7ssociation, 7rticles Of 7ssociation, Cyber La-s and #!I Reference ---5legalserviceindia5com6companyD&'la-6companyla-5htm ---5va"ilno25com6bareacts6companiesact6companiesacts5htm ---5ta@mann5net6CompanyLa-sPages6CompanyLa-5asp@:pId;&' ---5mca5gov5in6MinistryEebsite6dca6actsbills6pdf6Companies>7ct>2+FA>P art>25pdf MB0% Accounting &or Management Management 7ccounting, 7nalysis and Interpretation of $inancial Statement, #atio 7nalysis, $und $lo- Statement 7nd Cash $lo- Statement, Eor"ing Capital Management, Marginal Costing, Standard Costing, 8udget, 8udgetary Control 7nd Capital 8udgeting, #esponsibility 7ccounting 7nd Price Level 7ccounting, Depreciation Reference http 66en5-i"ipedia5org6-i"i6Management>accounting http 66---5biGed5co5u"6learn6accounting6management6social6inde@5htm Management 7ccounting 8y Sumit Hain, &''F <dition Managerial 7ccounting 8y #ay /5 Carrison Concepts, Controversies and 7pplications by
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!he ,e- $oundations of Management 7ccounting 8y 7hmed #iahi% 8el"aoui, Published in 2++& MBA 2n' SEMESTER MB0( )ro'uction Management Operations function 0 evolution, $rame-or" for managing operations, Production Strategy, $orecasting Models, Product design, Process design, Capacity management, Capacity strategies, $acility location, Location selection models, Design of product and process layouts, Hob Design and Measurement, Project Management and Scheduling, Inventory Management, #esource Planning, !he 7ggregate Planning Process, Operating Schedules, OptimiGed Production !echnology, Eorld Class Manufacturing, Introduction to <#P and SCM References Operations Management by Eilliam H5 Stevenson5 <ighth <dition, Ir-in 6 McCra-%/ill, &''F5 7dam << , #H <bert Production and operation management% Prentice /all <ngle-ood Cliff, ,5H5 #iggs5 H L % Production system, planning, analysis and control B Hohn Eeily and sons, ,e- .or"5 Hames Dil-orth, Production and operation management% McCra- /ill 8oo" Company, ,e- .or"5 Martand !elsang Industrial <ngineering and Production Management% S Chand 0 Co, ,e- Delhi MB0* Mar+eting Management Introduction to mar"eting, Company Orientations from Production to Product , < B mar"eting, Customer Satisfaction Ialue and #etention, Customer relationship management, Strategic planning business mission, concept of strategic business units, Strength%-ea"ness%opportunities%threat JSEO!K analysis, mar"eting, process, mar"eting plan,Mar"eting #esearch, Measurement of Mar"et Demand5 $actors influencing consumer buyer behavior, buying decision process, $actors Influencing OrganiGational 8uyer 8ehavior, Mar"et Segmentation Process, Positioning 0 Differentiation, Iarious tools of Differentiation, Product Decisions and Strategies, 8rand Positioning, 8rand Identity and <=uity and Pac"aging, Introduction to Service Mar"eting,
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Price%Decision References
Promotion%Decisions and Strategies Philip Lotler Mar"eting Management, Pearson <ducation 6 P/I, &''* Philip Lotler and Cary 7rmstrong , Principles of Mar"eting, +th <dition MB0- .uman Resource Management ,ature, philosophy, need, objectives of /uman #esources Management , /#M functions, Changing environment of /#M, /uman resource Planning ,ature and need, /uman #esource Planning Process, Methods, and !echni=ues, Hob 7nalysis, Hob <valuation and Hob Description, Selection and Orientation of /#, Method for Manpo-er #ecruiting, !raining and Development, Career 0 Succession Planning, Challenges of /uman #esources Manager in Clobal <nvironment, Components of Compensation, <mployee 8enefits and Services, Performance 7ppraisal, Methods of appraisal and $eedbac", Industrial #elations, Cive and !a"e Collective 8argaining, Eor"ersM Participation in Management, <mployee Crievances References Perceived /#M practices, organiGational commitment, and voluntary early retirement among late%career managers Jp )+F%+2FK Olivier /errbach, Larim Mignonac, Christian Iandenberghe, 7lessia ,egriniPerceived /#M practices, organiGational commitment, and voluntary early retirement among late% career managers Jp )+F%+2FK Olivier /errbach, Larim Mignonac, Christian Iandenberghe, 7lessia ,egrini /uman #esource Management, 22th ed5, Dessler, &''), P5/5 &5/uman #esource Management, Fth ed5 /uman #esource Management, 22th ed5, Dessler, &''), P5/5 &5/uman #esource Management, Fth ed5, ,oe, /ollenbec", Cerhart, Eright, &''A, McCra-%/ill, ,oe, /ollenbec", Cerhart, Eright, &''A, McCra-%/ill MB10 &inancial Management Concepts in financial management, Objective of financial management, Indian financial System, !he !ime Ialue of Money, Core Concepts in $inancial Management, Capital 8udgeting, Cash $lo- !echni=ues, Capital 8udgeting Decisions, Investment appraisal%#is" 7nalysis, Statistical !echni=ues of #is" 7nalysis, Concept and measurement of cost of capital, Leverages, Capital
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Structure, Eor"ing Capital Management, Cash Management, Designing Capital Structure, 7ccounts%#eceivables Management, Inventory Management, #ecent !rends, Mergers and 7c=uisitions References 8righam 0 <hrhardt, $inancial Management B !heory 0 Practice,!homson Learning, 2'6e B &''3 #oss, Eesterfield 0 Haffe, Corporate $inanceB !M/ B (6e, &''F 7dvanced $inancial Management B Sudhindra 8hat B <@cel 8oo"s5 Ianhorne, $inancial Management 0 Policy, Pearson 6 P/ILeo-n, Martin, Petty5 Scott, $inancial management principles and applicationsNP/I 8rearly and Myers, Principle of Corporate $inanceB !M/B (6e, &''3 7sh-ath Damodaran, Corporate $inance B !heory 0 Practice BHohn Eiley, &''* MB11 /ualit" Management Introduction to ?uality and ?uality Management , !otal ?uality Management, Deming 7pproach to ?uality, She-hartMs influence on Deming, HuranMs approach, CrosbyMs 7pproach, $eigenbaum and LaiGen approach to !?M, Shigeo Shingo, Carvin 0 Ishi"a-a 7pproach, ?uality Circles and Si@ Sigma, Leadership, Customer Satisfaction, Performance Measures B ?uality Costs, Performance Measures % Deming PriGe, Performance Measures B M8,?7, !ools 0 !echni=ues%Pareto 0 Process $lo- Diagram, !ools 0 !echni=ues % ?uality $unction Deployment, Design of <@periments JDO<K, ?uality 7nalysis and Control, ?uality Management Systems, 8enchmar"ing References !otal ?uality Management ,Dale /5 8esterfield, et5 al5, Prentice /all, &''*5 D5C5 Montgomery, Introduction to Statistical ?uality ControlO Hohn Eiley 0 Sons, IS8, '3(2')3F+@ H5#5 <vans, E5M5 Lindsay,!he Management and Control of ?uality Publishing Company 2++A, Laoru Ishi"a-aOIntroduction to ?uality Control Chapman and /all 2++& MB12 Research Metho's in Business #ole of #esearch In 8usiness Decision Ma"ing , Steps In #esearch Process , #esearch Proposal and Design, Eriting the #esearch, !echni=ues of Data Collection, ?uestionnaire Design, Measurement 0 Scaling, Designing Sample,
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7pplications of Mar"et #esearch, Data coding and Data 7nalysis, Model 8uilding and Decision Ma"ing, Principle of /ypothesis !esting, !esting Of /ypothesis%Large and Small Samples, ,on BParametric !ests, Chi%S=uare !est, 7nalysis of Iariance J7,OI7K, 7pplication of Correlation !echni=ue in #esearch Methodology, Ma"ing Inferences about Population Parameters, $actor 7nalysis, Multidimensional Scaling 0 Discriminant 7nalysis References 8oyd, -estfall, and stasch, PMar"eting #esearch !e@t and CasesQ, 7ll India !raveller 8oo"seller, ,e- Delhi5 8ro-n, $5<5 PMar"eting #esearch, a structure for decision ma"ingQ, 7ddison B Eesley publishing company Lothari, C5#5 P#esearch Methodology%Methods and !echni=uesQ, Eiley <astern Ltd5 Stoc"ton and Clar", PIntroduction to 8usiness and <conomic StatisticsQ, D585!araporevala Sons andCo5 Private Limited, 8ombay5 Dunn Olive Hean and Iirginia 7 Clarc", P7pplied StatisticsQ Hohn Eiley and Sons5 Creen Paul < and Donald S5 !ull, P#esearch for Mar"eting DecisionsQ Prentice /all of India, ,e- Delhi
Project Management, Management of Projects, Project Documentation, #ole of the Project Manager, Clobal !ender, Practical 7spects of Contract, Project Contracting Process, Insurance for Projects, Projects Procurement Process, Life%Cycle Costing, Project Cost #eduction Method, OrganiGation and /#D Issues, Dynamics of Project Cost, Managing Project #esources $lo-, Project $easibility Studies Components, Project $easibility Studies Stages, <stimating Operating Costs, <stimation of Capital Cost, <stimation of Investment and #eturn on Investment, $orecasting Income References5 Project Management 7 Systems 7pproach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, (th <dition by /arold LerGner 8rea"through !echnology Project Management J<%8usiness SolutionsK by 8ennet P5 LientG
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Strategic Management $ormulation, Strategic Strategic Management Process% Process% Strategy Strategy <valuation,
Strategic Planning, Strategic $rame-or", Organisational Culture, Introducing Came !heory for Strategic Managers, Rsing Planning !o $ormulate Strategy, <nvironmental 7ppraisal, Internal 7ppraisal Methods and !echni=ues, 7ssessing the <@ternal <nvironment, Corporate Level Strategies, 8usiness Level Strategies, Strategic 7nalysis and Choice, Strategic Control and Operational Competences, References5 David, $ Strategic Management, Columbus Merrill Publishing Company, 2+)+ Lamb, #obert, 8oyden Competitive strategic management, <ngle-ood Cliffs, ,H Prentice%/all, 2+)3 MB1# !nternational Business Hohnson, C, Scholes, L, Ehittington, # <@ploring Corporate Strategy, )th <dition, $! Prentice /all, <sse@, &''), International 8usiness, Competitive 7dvantage and International 8usiness, International !rade, !he International 8usiness <nvironment, Introduction to International 8usiness Management, International Mar"eting Overvie-, International Product Life Cycle, Mar"eting in an International 8usiness Conte@t, $oreign <@change, International 8usiness <thics, ClobaliGation, !he Challenges of International Management !eams, #elationship Mar"eting , ,ature and Scope of International Organisational6Industrial Mar"eting, Mar"et Monitoring and 7ssessment of International Industrial Mar"et Opportunities, !he #ole of $inance in International 8usiness, !he Political Imperative in International 8usiness Political and Country #is", International 8usiness% Clobal Strategy, Clobal Strategy 7 Synthesis, Operations Strategy in a Clobal <nvironment References International 8usiness Strategy, Management, and the ,e- #ealities !amer Cavusgil J7uthorK, Cary Lnight J7uthorK, Hohn #iesenberger
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7nalysing to
Strategic Strategy,
Capability #is"
J7uthorK international 8usiness Competing in the Clobal Mar"etplace by Hohn S5 /ill MBA 3r'0
.uman Resource 1.R3 MB.R01 $egal &rame6or+ 7overning Introduction to /uman #esource, !he $actories 7ct, 2+3), Contract Labour in India, !he Mines 7ct, 2+F&, Indian Labor La-, Compensation Policies 7nd Payment Of Eages 7ct, 2+*A, Eor"mens Compensation 7ct, 2+&*, 7pprentices 7ct, 2+A2, !rade Rnion 7ct, 2+&A, !he !rade Rnions 7ct, 2+&A, !he Industrial Disputes 7ct, 2+3(, Industrial <mployment JStanding OrdersK 7ct, 2+3A, !he Maternity 8enefit 7ct, 2+A2, Payment of Cratuity 7ct, 2+(&, <mployees Provident $und and Miscellaneous Provisions 7ct, 2+F&, Miscellaneous Provisions 7ct, <=ual #emuneration 7C!, *(A, !he <mployment <@changes JCompulsory ,otification of IacanciesK 7ct *F+, !he Child Labour JProhibition 7nd #egualtionK 7ct, *)A 7nd #ules, !he Plantation Labour 7ct 2+F2, MB.R02 .uman Resource 2evelopment 8 Strategies an' S"stems, /uman #esource Development, OrganiGational development, Strategic /#M, /# competencies, <mployee !raining and Development, Management development and Career planning, Performance 7ppraisal for employees, Coaching and Mentoring /#D Strategies, Instructional !echnologies in /uman #esource Development Impact, Models, and Changes, !?M role of /#D, /#D in service Industry, Lno-ledge management, /#D 7ctivities, Change management, /#D for Eor"ers, /#D 7udit, /#D climate in India, International e@perience of /#D, /#D !rends and challenges MB.R03 Cross Cultural 9 7lo:al Management Leadership, Motivation, and Croup 8ehavior 7cross Cultures, Leadership in a cross%cultural conte@t, <@plicit recognition of cross%cultural leadership as a domain of study, Lno-ledge Creation and !ransfer in a Cross%Cultural Conte@t, Cross%Cultural Communication and ,egotiation, Cultural Influences on Leadership and OrganiGations, Intercultural communication in a business conte@t, Culture and International 8usiness, Diplomatic Culture or Cultural Diplomacy, Differences in Communication Culture, !he Comple@ity of
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Intercultural Communication in Cross%Cultural Management, Communication in international business%to%business mar"eting channels, Cross%Cultural ,egotiations, Impact of Cultural Dynamics on the Process, Influence of Culture on Strategic /uman #esource Management, Managing the Dynamic Interfaces bet-een Culture and Lno-ledge, Mar"eting 7cross Cultures, Conte@tualiGing Cultural Intelligence, Motivation%related values across cultures, Individual differences in the motivation to comply across cultures !nformation Technolog" 1!T3 MB!T01 2ata:ase Management Introduction to Database System, Database Models, $ile Organisation $or D8MS, #epresenting Data <lements, #elational Model, ,ormaliGation, Structured ?uery Language, #elational 7lgebra, Management Considerations MB!T02 S"stem Anal"sis an' 2esign Introduction to Soft-are <ngineering, Soft-are <ngineering 7pproach, !he Process, Design Concepts and Models, Project Scheduling and !racing, #is" 7nalysis, Soft-are Metrics, Soft-are estimation, Soft-are ?uality, Coupling and Cohesion, Coding, Ierification and Ialidation, Soft-are !esting Strategies, Maintenance, Soft-are #eliability, Managing People, Soft-are #e% engineering5 MB!T03 Management Support S"stem Planning and Development 7lternatives, MIS OrganiGation Structure, MIS Component, Decision ma"ing In MIS, Management support using database, MIS% Support Models and Lno-ledge Management Structure, MIS Planning and Development Structure, 8usiness Process #e%engineering Structure, Mis Concepts !he ,amsteme Of * 8l"%Concept and Planning Of Management Support Sy, Rnderstanding MSS Structure, Management and OrganiGation IS Structure, Information !echnology and Systems Structure, Distributed Database, #ecovery !echni=ues, $unctional Dependencies and ,ormaliGation for #elational Databases, #elational 7lgebra, Iarious Model used in MSS, Rseful $iles Structure, Primary $ile OrganiGation and storage Structure, Concepts and 7pplications of MSS Structure5 Ban+ing MBB;01 !n'ian Ban+ing S"stem
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8an"ing System, Cro-th of 8an"ing in India, 8an"ing sectors in India, Development 8an"s, 8an" Management, Pricing in 8an"s, International 8an"ing, $inancial Services, Merchant 8an"ing, Merchant 8an"ers, Money Mar"ets, S<8I and Merchant 8an"ers, #etail 8an"ing in India, <% commerce and 8an"ing, #ole of technology in #etail 8an"ing, Legal frame-or"s of regulation of 8an"s Securitisation, 8an"ing Innovations, Cooperative 8an"s in India, ,on Performance 7ssets5 MBB;02 Retailing an' CRM in Ban+ing Introduction to Indian #etail Sector, Rnderstanding #etailing Issues, #etail Institutions #etailing overvie- and types of stores, #etail Strategy and <nvironment, #etail Mar"et Strategy, #etail Store Management, Merchandise Management, Merchandise Pricing, #etail Control, #etail Store location and layout, Interior Store Design and Layout, Information !echnology and #etailing, Latest !rends in #etailing, Contemporary Issues in #etailing, Introduction to 8an"ing and C#M in 8an"ing, #etail 8an"ing, Customer #elationship Management, Issues -ith #etail 8an"ing in India, 7dding value through customer service5 MBB;03 &inancial 2erivatives Derivatives, $utures and $or-ards, Ialuing Cash $lo-s, Pricing flo- of commodity derivatives, Modeling Discrete State Space and !ime, Modeling Continuous State Space %% Discrete !ime, Modeling Continuous State Space and !ime, !he Cree"s, Derivatives % Introduction 0 7ccounting Issues, 7ccounting !reatment of Derivatives, 7ccounting for Derivative Contracts, 7ccounting 7spects of Derivatives, $inancial Derivatives !rade and /edge 7ccounting, $inancial Derivatives Presentation, !a@ation 7spects of Derivatives, !a@ !reatment of Derivatives5 .ospitalit" Management MB.M01 Tourism )lanning an' Mar+eting !ourism, Sustainable !ourism B !urning the !ide, !ourism Planning, Developing !ourism Plans, !he #ole of an Information Concept in #elation to Destination Planning Management, 7pproaches to !ourism Planning, Strategic and, Section, !ourism <ngineering, Destination Mar"eting
7pproach to Sustainable !ourism Development, Legal 8asis for !ourism Planning, Introduction to !ourism Mar"eting 7pproaches, #elevance and #ole, Mar"eting and its 7pplication to !ourism, !ourism Mar"ets $orecasting, ,e- Mar"etBLed Products and 7lternate Mar"ets, Mar"eting Mi@% People, Process and Physical <vidence, !ourist motivation, mar"et segmentation and mar"eting strategies, Mar"eting Sustainable !ourism Products, Information Supply in !ourism Management by Mar"eting, Decision Support Systems, Mar"eting !ourism Certification5 MB.M02 !nternational .ospitalit" $a6 /otel Management Contracts and Deficiencies in O-ner, /uman resource management and the tourism and hospitality Industry, /uman #ights in the /ospitality Industry, OrganiGational Structure, Social Dialogue, Corporate Identity in International /ospitality, <mpirical Data, Data 7nalysis, Social #esponsibility in !ourism, !he #ole of !ransportation in !ourism, #e=uirements of an International Legal $rame-or" on ,ature 8ased !ourism, Issues in /ealth, Safety and Security, Developments and Challenges in the /ospitality and !ourism Sector, !he Impact of the $inancial and <conomic Crisis on the /C! Industry, Major !rends and Diversification in the /ospitality and !ourism Sector, Sustainable !ourism and Social Dialogue, <mployment and ClobaliGation in the /otel, Catering and !ourism Sector, ClobaliGation, <mployment and Eor"ing Conditions, /uman #esource Development5 MB.M03 .ospitalit" Management Introduction to /ospitality, Introduction to /ospitality Mar"eting, Origin of /otel Industry and /ospitality, Clobal /ospitality Management, /otels and /ospitality, /ospitality services in India, !he !ourism System in India, Lin" bet-een /ospitality Industry and !ourism, /ospitality Supervision 0 !raining S"ills, <ducation and !raining in the /ospitality Industry, Staff induction and Pon%the%jobQ training, Mar"eting #esearch, Developing the offer, Rnderstand the role of branding in hospitality organiGations% I, Rnderstand the role of branding in hospitality organiGations% II, Segmenting Customers, Sustainable /ospitality Management, <conomic <nvironment in /ospitality Mar"eting, /ospitality $inancial Management, Management of Eor"ing Capital5 )ro4ect Management 1)M3
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MB)M01 !ntro'uction to )ro4ect Management Introduction to Project, Project Management, Project Manager, Project OrganiGation, 8uilding 0 maintaining effective team, Scientific Project Management and Project Management <ssentials, Communities of Practice in Project Management, ProjectMs Contract Management, Project Planning, Dealing Eith #is" and Rncertainty, Maintaining Control in Project, Project <valuation 0 #eporting, Strategy and Capital 7llocation, Project $inance, Project Cost <stimation, Project Project ?uality Management, Management Conflict and ,egotiation, Communication, Project Information
System, ?uantitative Methods In Project Management5 MB)M02 )ro4ect )lanning an' Sche'uling Project Management <ssentials, Project ?uality Management and ?uality Planning, Project !eam Leader, Manager and Lno-ledge 7reas, Project Planning, Project Planning and Management !as"s, Project Commissioning 0 Migration, Po-erful !echni=ues for Project Control, Project 8udgeting and Control, Project Management Lno-ledge 7reas and Processes, Project Decomposition !echni=ues, Project Management 7pplication !ools%I, Project Management 7pplication !ools%II, Managing Project Changes, #is" 7nalysis, Project #is" 7nalysis and Management, #is" and Change Management, Project Scheduling 7nd !racing, Eor" 8rea"do-n Structure, Case Studies in Project Planning and Scheduling%I, Case Studies in Project Planning and Scheduling%II5 MB)M03 Managing .uman resource in pro4ects /uman #esource Management, Managing People in Projects, Indian scenario of /#M, /#M Planning and Staffing, Development of /uman #esources, <mployee Cro-th, Career Planning and Development, <mployee !raining, Performance 7ppraisal, Crievance and Discipline, #ecruitment and Selection, Collective 8argaining and Industrial Conflicts, Compensation Management, Hob <valuation, <mployee Misconduct and Disciplinary Procedure, Participative Management, Motivation in Projects, <mployee #elations, Integrating 8usiness and /# Strategy, #ole of Leadership in Projects5 &inance MB&;01 Behavioral &inance
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Ialuation of $inance, Cost of Capital, Investment, Investment management, Capital 7sset Pricing Model, 8ehavioral 7sset Pricing, 8ehavioral 7sset, 7 8ehavioral International 7sset Pricing, Modern portfolio theory, Cradual Incorporation of Information into Stoc" Prices, 7 Rnified !heory of Rnder reaction, Momentum !rading and Overreaction in 7sset Mar"ets, !emporary movements in stoc" prices, /edge $und, Ialue and Cro-th Investing, Limits of 7rbitrage !heory and <vidence from the Mortgage%8ac"ed Securities Mar"et, ,oise !rader #is" in $inancial Mar"ets5 MB&;02 &inancial Engineering Introduction to $inancial <ngineering, 8asics of Probability, Overvie- of $inancial Mar"et, Mar"et Players and Conventions, $oreign <@change Mar"ets, Introductions to Derivatives, 7pproaches to Security Ialuation, Probability $orecasting, Capital 7ssets Pricing Model 0 Capital Mar"et Line, 7rbitrage Pricing !heory, Single $actor Model, <stimating $actor Models, Cash $lo- <ngineering 0 $or-ard Contracts, #epo mar"et strategy in financial engineering, <ngineering of interest rate derivatives, <ngineering of $i@ed Income Securities5 MB&;03 Corporate Structure' &inance Sources of finance, Methods of $inancing .our 8usiness, $inancial Mar"et, Sources of Long !erm $inance, Investment decisions % Capital budgeting, 7n Introduction to #is" Management, Leveraged Lease, Mergers and 7c=uisitions 7nd Corporate #estructuring, Debt $inancing, #is" Management Systems, $inancial Mar"ets, Capital Structure and Dividend Policy, Lease $inancing, $or-ards, S-aps and $utures, Operating Leases in Ialuation, Information for decision ma"ing5 Mar+eting MBM<01 Consumer Behaviour Consumer 8ehavior !he 8asics, Rnderstanding Consumer 8ehaviour, #ecent Development Of Demand !heory, !heory of Production, Production <conomics, !heory of Cost, Introduction to ?uantitative #esearch of consumer satisfaction, #esearch Objectives, #eference Croup Influence 7nd Croup Dynamics, $amily 8uying Influences, $amily Life Cycle and 8uying #oles, Consumers 0 Mar"et Segmentation, <nvironmental 7nd Croup
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Influences On Consumer 8ehaviour, Perception and Learning, Individual Determinants 8ehaviour, Of Consumer 8ehaviour, In Consumer Decision Process, 7lternative <valuation in 8uying Decisions, Purchase Process 0 Post%Purchase #ecent Developments Modelling Consumer 8ehaviour, Consumerism and Mar"eting <thics, 8usiness 8uyer 8ehaviour and Decisions5 MBM<02 Sale )romotion Management Consumer Decision Ma"ing Process, Cultural 0 <nvironmental Influences on Consumer 8ehaviour, $amily Influences 0 Decision Ma"ing, Opinion Leadership 0 Diffusion of Innovations, !he <ffect of 7dvertising on 8rand 7-areness, Importance of 8rand 7-areness, 8rand 7-areness in Dynamic Oligopoly Mar"ets, !he impact of mar"eting communication and price promotion on brand e=uity, Promotion Management Managing ,on Personal Communication Channels, Mar"eting Communications Planning, Impersonal Mar"eting Communications, Sales Promotions Pushing and Pulling 8elo- the Line, <valuation of 7dvertising <ffectiveness, !he #is" #eduction #ole of 7dvertising, !he importance of product involvement, $ocusing Mar"eting Strategy -ith Segmentation and Positioning, Consumer Decision Ma"ing and 8ehavior in $inancial Services, Sales Promotion in $inancial Services, #esults /o- Sales Promotion Influence on Consumer, 8ehavior in $inancial Services, <nvironmental Scan of Challenges, Criticisms, Practice, and Opportunities5 MBM<03 Mar+eting of Services Introduction to Service Mar"eting, Customer 8ehaviour in Service, International !rade In Services, !he Eto, 7nd India, Consumer 8ehaviour In Services, <nhancing Services Mar"eting Potential, Service Mar"eting Mi@, <@tended Mar"et Mi@ $or services, Service ?uality, Strategic Issues in Service Mar"eting, Customer #etention, Consumers 0 Mar"et Segmentation, !ourism and /ospitality, /ealth Services, Challenges of Service Mar"eting, <ducational Services, Professional Support Services 7dvertising 7gencies
Structure, Rnderstanding Customer #elationship Mar"eting, Product Support Services, C#M Strategy, #ole of C#M in Services Mar"eting5 Operations MBO)01 )urchasing an' Materials Management Production Management, Productivity and Demand $orecasting, Production Planning and Control, $acilities Location, Capacity Planning, Plant Location
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and Layout, Production System, Materials Management, Purchasing, Material /andling Systems, Production Planning Levels, Production Scheduling, Purchasing and Iendor Management, Stores Management, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Inventory Management, !echni=ues of Inventory Control, ?uality 7ssurance, !otal ?uality Management5 MBO)02 $ogistics Management Introduction of Logistic Management, Ialue Chains versus Supply Chains, Supply Chain Management <volution, Management, Logistics 7nd Scm Management <nhancement, Hust In 8asic Concepts of Supply Chain !ime Logistic, 8est Practices 0 7n Introduction, Invetory, Commodity
8enchmar"ing In SCM, Performance Measurement 7nd <valuation Of SCM, !ransport Logistics, Strategic Supply Chain Management, Information 7nd Communication, !echnology JIctK Developments $or Supporting, Logistics, Intermodality 7nd Logistics, Provision Of Logistics Infrastructure, S"ills 7nd !raining #e=uirements, <valuation Of Logistics Systems B Indicators, Logistics Management from a Comple@ity Perspective, Principles of Supply Chain Management, Customer $ocus in Supply Chain Management5
MBO)03 Service Operation Management !he Design of Eaiting Lines, Capacity Planning, Rsing Capacity Planning for Server Consolidation, #eorganiGing Iertical Supply #elationships, ?ueuing Models and Capacity Planning, ?ueuing !heory, 7 capacity planning 6 =ueueing theory primer, !he #ole of Services in an <conomy, Simulation !echni=ues, !he Ceneration of Pseudo%#andom ,umbers, Cenerating Stochastic Iariates, Simulation Designs, <stimation !echni=ues for 7nalyGing <ndogenously Created Data, Ialidation of a Simulation Model, Designing and Managing Online Service ?uality, Performance Contracting in 7fter%Sales Service Supply Chains, !echnology Integration in Service Supply Chains, !he multi%period incremental service facility location problem, Service operations management return to roots, !he Characteristics of Service Industries5 Retail Management 1RM3 MBRM01 Bu"er Behaviour Introduction to 8uyers 8ehaviour, Consumer #esearch, Consumer ,eeds 0 Motivation, Mar"et Segmentation, 8uyer Perception, 8uyer Personality, Learning and 8uying 8ehaviour, Mar"et Segmentation, 8uyer Decision Ma"ing, Consumer #eference Croups, Communication and 8uyer 8ehaviour,
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Culture and Consumer 8ehavior, Cross%Cultural Consumer 8ehaviour, Social Class and 8uyer 8ehaviour, Consumer Influence and the diffusion of Innovations, !he $amily and Life Style Mar"eting, Consumer Satisfaction, 8ehavior 0 7dvertising, <%Commerce and Consumer 8ehaviour, Consumer Protection La-5 MBRM02 Retail )lanning Introduction to retail management, #etailer, <%#etailing, Multi%channel retailing, #etail Pricing, #etail $inancial Strategy, Mar"eting Concepts in #etailing, #etail Mar"et Strategy, #etail location, Managing merchandise, Iisual merchandising, #etail communication mi@, #etail Stores, #etail Store Management, $ranchising, Consumer 8uying 8ehaviour, !echnology in #etail, Supply Chain Management, #ole of It in Supply Chain Management, Earehousing5 MBRM03 2irect an' ;et6or+ Mar+eting='oc Overvieof Mar"et, Mar"eting Management, Mar"eting <nvironment, Customer Demand and Mar"et Segmentation, Mar"eting Survey, Mar"eting Planning and Management Process, Product Plan, Product #elated Strategies, Direct Mar"eting, Customer Ialue, Satisfaction, 0 Loyalty, Sales $orce Management and Integrated Mar"eting Communications, ,ature and Scope of Mar"eting <thics, Introduction to ,et-or" Mar"eting, Eor"ing of ,et-or" Mar"eting, Choosing 7mong the Options, ,et-or" Mar"eting Company Profiles, !he $ive%Step Process in ,et-or" Mar"eting, ,et-or" Mar"eting and Its $uture, 7m-aySs Indian ,et-or" Mar"eting <@perience, Direct selling company PO#I$L7M<Q Sales force management5 Total /ualit" Management 1T/M3 MBT/M01 Metho'ological Approches to T/M Introduction to !?M, Chief <@ecutive Officer Managing Policy, Chief <@ecutive Officer <nsuring ?uality, Managers Managing Systems, Managers Managing People, Disposal and Storage, /ygiene and /ealth, Safety, StandardiGation, Problem Solving, OrganiGational 7pproach to !otal ?uality Management, !otal ?uality Management 7 Continuous Improvement Process, ?CC%?uality Control Circle, ?C Circle 7ctivities, ?C Story, ?CC !echni=ues, Meetings and Case Presentations, 7 !?M 7pproach to the Improvement of Information ?uality, Influencing the future of !?M internal and e@ternal driving factors, OD, !?M and 8P# 7 Comparative 7pproach5
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MBT/M02 Tools of T/M !ools to Support !?M Implementation, !otal ?uality Management and Information !echnologies, ISO compliant ?uality Management System, ?uality Manual, Rnderstanding !otal ?uality Management, !otal ?uality Management Process, #esource Management, Product #ealiGation, ?uality and ?uality Control, Probability Distributions, 7n Overvie- of !otal ?uality Management, Leadership, !ool and !echni=ues of !?M, Statistical Process Control, Control Charts for 7ttributes, 7cceptance Sampling, #eliability, <@perimental Design, !otal =uality inde@ benchmar"ing tool for !otal ?uality Management, !he <ffects of !otal ?uality Management on 8usiness Performance5 MBT/M03 $ea'ership re>uirements &or T/M Managerial Information 8ehaviour, Concept of !otal ?uality Management, !otal ?uality Management, Primary Dimensions of the !otal ?uality Management $rame-or", !heory of Leadership for ?uality, <mployeesM perspective on the effectiveness of ISO +''' certification, Rnderstanding OrganiGational Culture and Leadership, Measuring ?uality Management Level -ith #eference to ISO +''', and !?M, Leadership ethical dimension a re=uirement in !?M implementation, !op management commitment and <mpo-erment of employees, in !?M implementation, !he #ole of Personal Ialues in an 7dvanced Perspective of !otal, ?uality Management, !he <ffect of Leadership Styles on Service ?uality Delivery, <mployee perceptions of /#M and !?M, !op Management 7 !hreat or an Opportunity to !?M, !?M and OrganiGational Change and Development, Designing Performance Management !?M Systems for !otal !otal ?uality ?uality Implementation, Leadership <mployee and the Involvement, !he #ole of Management ?uality and Implications for Leading a !ransformation, Leadership, Performance of People in OrganiGations
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