Retailing Survey On Westside

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Retailing survey On Westside

Submitted toDr. S. Shajahan

Submitted byShahnawaz Anwer e-mail- mob !"##$%!&'$(

Style, affordable prices, quality: these are the factors that have shaped Westsides success story in the retail fashion stores business. Launched in 1998 in Ban alore, the Westside chain has, ever since, been settin the standards for other fashion retailers to follo!. Westside stands out fro" the co"petition for a variety of reasons. #ne is that a "a$ority of the brands the chain stoc%s and sells are its o!n, unli%e retailers !ho store "ultiple labels. &bout 9' per cent of Westsides offerin s are ho"e( ro!n, and they cater to different custo"er se "ents. )he other 1' per cent includes toys, cos"etics and lin erie. Westside has recently e*panded its ran e of "erchandise by offerin outfits fro" so"e of +ndias best(%no!n fashion desi ners, a"on the" Wendell ,oderic%s, &nita -on re, .rishna /ehta and /ona 0ali. )his is an interestin "ar%etin shift, since it "eans "ovin a!ay fro" the chains only(our(o!n(brands concept. Westside is a de*artmental store having several *roduct line + according to ,- &!! list out o. to* .our retail com*anies -rent ran/ed 0rd as 0antaloon retail Shoppers shop )rent 0rovo ue +ndia

Westside, a unit of )rent Ltd. Westside already has three stores in the Ban alore at 1o""ercial Street, .ora"an la 2foru"3, and 4aruda shoppin "all. )he a e roup of people visitin the store is in bet!een 18(5'. 26pper "iddle and "iddle class3 )he attraction of the shoppin is basically the fe"ale population. )he "ove"ent of "ens apparels is also due to the ladies buyin for the "en. 75,''' sq ft store at the 8oru" /all 8oru" is re isterin 99,''' footfalls a day on !ee%ends. Spread across :',''' sq ft, Westside;s store at 4aruda /all has avera e footfalls of over :',''' a day. )he avera e foot falls at the Westside store is around 59''' at the foru" "all.

Survey .or .oot.alls at wee/end + during ordinary days

(.At wee/end1Sunday b2w 0-&*m3 0er 1' "in < 0er 1 hr < 59 footfalls 7='footfalls

1 !or%in day21'hr3 < 7='' footfalls

% During ordinary days1-uesday b2w &-4*m3 0er 1' "in < 0er 1 hr < :' footfalls 18'footfalls 18'' footfalls

1 !or%in day21'hr3 <

Arrangement in Store
(.5round .loor 7 fast 5 6 /ens !ear /ens foot!ear Wo"en ethnic !ear >e!elry ? accessories @andba s Watches Ladys foot!ear 1usto"er service des% 1lub !est des%

%.(st .loor Wo"ens !estern !ear S,1 .ids foot !ear .ids !ear @ousehold ite"s 4ifts 4ia2it is the 1st provider of !o"ens AL siBe t(shirts etc.3 Lin eries Washroo"s

)o irri ate the space better Westside have the entrance on the round floor and e*it on the first floor. +n case of visual "erchandisin all the cate ory of clothes of all siBes and varieties are displayed and hence the consu"ption of space for shelves is reduced. &nd it is convenient for custo"ers to choose and for the attentandents to support buyin . 0rofitability of Westside Ban alore is "ore than that in -elhi and Ban alore because youth here have "uch spendin po!er. +t is also driven fro" stron de"and bac%ed by quality products and latest fashion.

Services + Store Atmos*here in Westside 0repurchase services include acceptin telephone ? "ail orders, advertisin , !indo! ? interior display, fittin roo"s, fashion sho!s +t provides post purchase service includin shippin ? delivery, ift !rappin , ad$ust"ents ? returns, alteration ? tailorin +t also provides ancillary services includin eneral infor"ation, chec% cashin , par%in , restaurants, repairs, interior decoratin , credit etc.

6rivate 7rands in Westside 7856 S,1 4ia 6rban an el +nti"a -avid $ones &scot Blac% berry

-he Westside stores wear a bright8 .estive loo/ and8 in /ee* with the mood o. the season8 hosting a .estival bright. With the sole ob$ective of re!ardin its loyal custo"ers for their patrona e, Westside has lined up a bonanBa of surprise ifts. Cvery shopper ets a scratch(and(!in card !hich entitles the" entry into a contest. )hose "a%in purchases above ,s 1,9'' are also entitled to receive other pleasant surprises -he trendy household section has a co"plete ne! ran e of bed linen in elephant "otifs, floral "otifs and paisley desi n. )he color palette for the festive collection includes fla"in oran e, royal blue and other vibrant colors to depict festivity. -he gi.t section has a plethora of ifts D terracotta pots, urns, %nic%(%nac%s and diyas in beautiful colors, shapes and siBes. )he store has also introduced a ne! ran e of furniture and other household oods, includin cabinets, butler trays and "irrors in !ood !ith an antique finish. &n innovative ran e in !rou ht iron and rope has been introduced in utility ite"s !hich include "a aBine rac%s, foldin stools, $a" pots on trays and 4anesha in brass and terracotta.

9acing the challenge

)he reatest challen e for Westside in its quest for a place in the retail sun is not the co"petition fro" si"ilar or aniBed players, but fro" the unor aniBed sector 298 per cent of +ndias retail ar"ent industry operates in the unor aniBed sector3. )he other challen e for Westside is that the retail fashion business in the country is beco"in increasin ly cro!ded !ith ne! players, +ndian and forei n. &"on the ne! entrants have been Wills Sport, Lifestyle, ,ay"onds 2Be3, 4lobus, Ei%e, 1rocodile, /an o and, the latest, /ar%s ? Spencer.

(. :lub west card *rogram &n assured return-and-e;change policy reinforces custo"er confidence in the chain &nother !innin Westside idea is 1lub West, a custo"er loyalty pro ra""e launched in /ay 7''1. )he :','''(plus "e"bers of this club et rebates at restaurants and on holiday pac%a es fro" the )a$ 4roup of @otels, ho"e delivery of alterations, and best of all, special shoppin hours on the first day of any discount sales event or aniBed by the chain. )m*ortant bene.its o. club west card /ost attractive re!ards shoppin +nstant use of the card Casy to operate C*tra convenience Falidity at all stores

Westside does its re ular brand buildin throu h advertise"ents in the "edia !ith brand a"bassador <uvraj Singh and other youn "odelsG "ore i"portant are its in(house pro"otions, !hich pea% durin the three "ain festive seasons: su""er, -i!ali and 1hrist"as. )he pro"otions are "ostly the"e based, !ith decorations to "atch, live bands and other attractions. %. 9ashion logy

Westside has launched a ne! ad ca"pai n titled ;.ashion logy;. )he ca"pai n is desi ned to provide the buyer !ith not $ust clothin , but also uides and aid on dressin s"art, stylin and accessoriBin . )he ca"pai n sees on( round activities and pro"otions desi ned to interact !ith the consu"er about their style +t includes !o"ens corporate !ear, irls !ear, la" deni".

-he -hree :s
1orporate clothin is a "a$or co"ponent of Westside "erchandise. )he e"phasis here is on the three 1s: co"fort, crispness and coordination, and the oal is to provide the co"plete corporate loo%, !here color, clothes and accessories are "i*ed and "atched in a "anner that creates har"ony bet!een the person and the clothes he or she !ears. Westsides e"ployees are iven re ular trainin for better interaction. So"e thin s "ay ta%e lon er. )he !ish list, a tool for custo"ers to let Westside %no! their preferences, cannot be realiBed i""ediately. #nly if there is an opti"u" de"and can the store loo% at fulfillin it. 4ia, Westsides brand for lar er(siBed require"ents, !as the outco"e of one such need. )he co"pany identifies star e"ployees in each store and desi nates the" as coaches responsible for the trainin of their o!n store staff. )oday, each store has three %inds of coaches D a custo"er service coach, an +) s%ills coach and a product %no!led e coach. )he success of this pro ra""e has "ade it a bench"ar% for all )ata 4roup co"panies.

Westside *rovides .our levels o. service

Sel. service- self service is the corner stone of all discount operations. /any custo"er are !illin to carry out their o!n locate co"pare select process to save "oney Sel. selection- custo"er find o!n oods, althou h they can as% for assistance =imited Service- Westside also offers services li%e credit, "erchandiBin etc. 9ull Service( Sales people are ready to assist to any phase of the locate co"pare select process. 1usto"er !ho li%e to be !aited o!n prefer these type of stores.

>ar/eting Strategies ado*ted by Westside

Attract sho**ers + /ee* them in stores- the a"ount of ti"e shoppers spend in a store is perhaps the sin le "ost i"portant factor in deter"inin ho! "uch they !ill buy. ?onor the transition zone- on enterin a store, people need to slo! do!n ? short out the sti"uli !hich "eans custo"er !ill li%ely be "ovin to fast to respond positively.

Don@t ma/e them hunt- put the "ost popular products up front to re!ard busy custo"er ? encoura e the" to loo% "ore. Women@s need more s*ace- & custo"er specially a !o"en is far less li%ely to buy an ite" if her derriere is brushed by any other custo"er.

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