13.Unit of dynamic viscosity µ=Ns/m or poise 14.Unit of kinematic viscosity γ= m /sec or stoke 15.Unit of discharge Q=m /sec=velocity *area 16.Discharge equation for venturimeter =Q Cd* (a a a a a a
13.Unit of dynamic viscosity µ=Ns/m or poise 14.Unit of kinematic viscosity γ= m /sec or stoke 15.Unit of discharge Q=m /sec=velocity *area 16.Discharge equation for venturimeter =Q Cd* (a a a a a a
13.Unit of dynamic viscosity µ=Ns/m or poise 14.Unit of kinematic viscosity γ= m /sec or stoke 15.Unit of discharge Q=m /sec=velocity *area 16.Discharge equation for venturimeter =Q Cd* (a a a a a a
what are the equations used to find the major loss in a fluid flow? Ans. Major Loss is the loss of head to friction between fluid and the pipe. Equations used to find the major losses are Darcy equation and chezys equation. 2) What are the instruments used to measure the discharge of a fluid in a i e? Ans. venturimeter orifice meter pitot tube. !) "ow to measure the discharge of fluid in an o en channel? Ans. !sin" notches li#e v$notches rectan"ular notch stepped notch and weirs. #) $ifferent t% es of minor losses? Ans. Loss due to %& 'udden enlar"ement (& sudden contraction )& pipe fittin"s *& bend +& obstruction in a pipe ,& At entrance -& at the e.it &) $efine viscosit% 'd%namic viscosit%) Ans./t is defined as the property of fluid which offers resistance to the movement of one layer of fluid over another adjacent layer of fluid. () $efine densit% Ans.defined as the ratio of mass of fluid to the volume of fluid )) $efine s ecific gravit%? Ans. it is defined as the ration of density of fluid to the density of standard fluid. 0or liquid standard fluid is water 1% *) $efine +inematic viscosit%?? Ans. it is defined as the ratio of dynamic viscosity and density of fluid. ,) -ewton.s law of viscosit%? Ans. it states that shear stress on a fluid element layer is directly proportional to the rate of shear strain. 1/) 0% es of fluid? Ans. ideal fluid real fluid newtonianfluid non$2ewtonian fluid ideal plastic fluid. 11)how viscosit% of fluid varies with tem erature? 3iscosity of liquid decreases with increase in temperature and viscosity of "ases increases with increases in temperature.
1!1!nit of dynamic viscosity 23-s4m2 or oise 1#.!nit of #inematic viscosity 53 m24sec or sto+e 1&.!nit of dischar"e 63m!4sec3velocit% 7area 1(1Dischar"e equation for venturimeter 36act38d7'a1a24'9'a12-a22))7'92gh)
1)1Dischar"e equation for orificemeter 363 8d7'aoa24'9a1:2-a2:2))7'92gh)
1*.-ame the devices used to measure the ressure difference in a i e flow. Ans. %.sin"le column manometer (.!$tube or differential manometer 1,1-ame the common heav% liquid used in manometer Ans. Mercury 2/1;itot tube is used to measure the velocity of a fluid.
211What is riming? Ans.4rimin" is the process of fillin" the pump casin" with liquid before the pump is started otherwise pump will not be able to function. 221What are the different t% es of um ? A&5eciprocatin" pump 6¢rifu"al pump 7&"ear pump 2!1-ame different arts of centrifugal um 1 Ans.impeller outer casin" suction pipe dischar"e pipe 2#1Wh% riming is necessar% ? Ans.if the primin" is not done pump casin" "ets filled with vapours or "ases bound and incapable of pumpin". 2&.<tate =ernoullis theorem. Ans./t states that in a steady ideal flow of an incompressible fluid the total ener"y at any point of the fluid is constant. 849:" & ; 83(9(" &;z1 constant
2(13enturimeter orificemeter wor#s on =ernoullis rinci le. 2).7ontinuity equation 63>rea ? Velocit% 2*1 What is vena contracta? As the flow passes throu"h the orifice it attains minimum cross sectional area at a section called vena contracta. At vena contracta pressur is minimum 2,1 com are the relative merits and demerits of orifice meter and venturimeter. a&orificemeter occupies less space compare to venturimeter b&simple in construction and hence cheaper than venturimeter c&incase of orificemeter e.pansion and contraction are sudden and hence loss of ener"y is more d&the coefficient of venturimeter is as hi"h as <.= where as that of orifice meter is <.,( !/1 @A lain the rinci le of ressure differential in an orificemeter >rificemeter wor#s on the principle of bernoullis principle or venture effect and continuity equation !11What is the basic difference between a centrifugal and reci rocating um ? 7entrifu"al pump?$ wor#s on the principle of centrifu"al action the efficiency of centrifu"al pump is more 5eciprocatin" pump?$ the pump wor#s due to reciprocatin" motion the efficiency of a reciprocatin" pump is less. !21What is self riming? @hen pump is switched on the air inside the casin" and suction pipe "et removed by itself.
!!1 Beci rocating um 5eciprocatin" pump is a positive displacement pump i.e it operates on the principle of actual displacement or pushin" of liquid by a piston or plun"er that e.ecutes a reciprocatin" motion in a closely fitted cylinder. !#.>ssum tions made in =ernoullis equation. %. Ahe fluid is ideal (. Ahe flow is steady ).Ahe flow is incompressible *.Ahe flow is irrotational
!&1Wh% mercur% is used instead of water in the manometer? Ans.6ecause mercury is a heavy liquid 8:1%),<< #"9m)&but density of water is %<<< #"9mB) if you water instead of C" then the len"th of the column becomes hi"her . !(1Which is more accurate venturimeter or orificemeter ? Ans.>rifice meter is more accurate. !)1$efine Flash oint Ahe flash oint of a volatile material is the lowest temperature at which it can vaporize to form an i"nitable mi.ture in air. Measurin" a flash point requires an i"nition source. At the flash point the vapor may cease to burn when the source of i"nition is removed.
Ahe flash point is not to be confused with the autoi"nition temperature which does not require an i"nition source.
!*1$efine Fire oint Ahe fire oint is defined as the temperature at which the vapor continues to burn after bein" i"nited. 2either the flash point nor the fire point is dependent on the temperature of the i"nition source which is much hi"her.
!,1$efine 8alorific value Ahe amount of heat released by a unit wei"ht or unit volume of a substance durin" complete combustion. Also called calorific power.
#/1What are the ro erties ;ro erties of a good Fuel?
Able to utilize atmospheric >.y"en as an o.idizer Easy to store 'table in stora"e 7heap and easy to transport Minimum amount of ener"y to produce 'afe to transport 'afe in case of an accident Low environmental to.icity in case of a spill Low to.icity with contact inhalation in"estion by humans D animals 2ot corrosive to materials it will be in contact with. Low to.icity or ill effects of e.haust products Easy to start vehicle or application 7an be used in conjunction with e.istin" technolo"ies DoesnEt si"nificantly contaminate oil or cause harm to en"ine 0uel efficient in e.istin" vehicles
A few of the fuels that are in use in vehicles... will hit several factors but also miss a few?
#11 ro erties of Casoline1 5elatively to.ic. !ses fossil fuels not carbon neutral. Emissions $ FFF 'afety flammable but reasonably safe in modern cars. Easy to start in a variety of temperatures.
#21 ro erties of $iesel1 5elatively to.ic. !ses fossil fuels not carbon neutral. Emissions $ issues with smo#in". 'afety less e.plosive than "asoline. May have startin" difficulties at e.treme cold temperatures. May require preheatin" #!1What is the flash oint of a $iesel fuel?
Diesel fuel flash points vary between +( G7 and =, G7 8%(, G0 to (<* G0&. Diesel is suitable for use in a hi"h$compression en"ine. ##1Flash oint of a different fuels
>utoignition tem erature J)K Ethanol 8-<H& %,., G7 8,%.II G0& ),) G7 8,I+.*< G0& J)K Lasoline 8petrol& $*) G7 8$*+ G0& (*, G7 8*=+ G0& Diesel M,( G7 8%*) G0& (%< G7 8*%< G0& Net fuel M,< G7 8%*< G0& (%< G7 8*%< G0& Oerosene 8paraffin oil& M)IGP-( G7 8%<<GP%,( G0& ((< G7 8*(I G0& 3e"etable oil 8canola& )(- G7 8,(< G0& 6iodiesel M%)< G7 8(,, G0& Fuel Flash oint #&1What is the <ignificance of valve timing diagram? /ts si"nificance is to optimize valve timin" events for a modern hi"h speed internal combustion en"ine for the purpose of improvin" fuel economy durin" idle hi"h speed performance .
#(1What are the three orts resent in two stro+e engine %. /nlet port (. Aransfer port ). E.haust port #)1What is ort timing diagram? Ahe dia"ram which shows the position of cran# at which the above ports are open and close are called as port timin" dia"ram. #*1What is =$8? Ahe e.treme position of the piston at the bottom of the cylinder is called Q 6ottom Dead centre Q J6D7K . #,1What is 0$8? Ahe e.treme position of the piston at the top of the cylinder is called QA>4 dead centre Q JAD7 K
/n two stro#e petrol en"ine the inlet port open when the piston moves from 6D7 to AD7 and is closed when the piston moves from AD7 to 6D7 . Ahe transfer port is opened when the piston is moved from AD7 to 6D7 and the fuel enters into the cylinder throu"h this transport from the cran# case of the en"ine . Ahe transfer port is closed when piston moves from 6D7 to AD7 . Ahe transfer port openin" and closin" are measured with respect to the 6D7 . Ahe e.haust port is opened when the piston moves from AD7 to 6D7 and is closed when piston moves from 6D7 to AD7 . Ahe e.haust port openin" and closin" are measured with respect to the 6D7. &11>dvantages of two stro+e engines Do not have valves hence simplifyin" their construction Li"ht wei"ht 0ire once every revolution this "ives a si"nificant power boost Less cost to manufacture. &21$isadvantages of two stro+e engines More pollution less life en"ine wear out faster less milea"e. &!1"ow a 2stro+e engine wor+s? A two stro#e en"ine is an internal combustion en"ine that completes the process cycle in one revolution of the cran#shaft8 an upstro#e and a down stro#e of the piston compared to twice that number for a four stro#e en"ine& "ow a #stro+e engine wor+s? A four stro#e en"ine is an internal combustion en"ine in which the piston completes four separate stro#es$suction compression power and e.haust stro#e$durin" two separate revolutions of the en"ines cran#shaft and one sin"le thermodynamic cycle. &&18om osition of a etrol Methane ethane propane and butane. &(1-ame the a aratus used to find the calorific value of a given fuel a.bomb calorimeter b.6oys calorimeter. c.jun#ers calorimeter &(1name the a aratus used to find the calorific value of a gaseous fuel. 6oys calorimeter +,.$efine the function of calorimeter Ahe function of the bomb calorimeter is to determine the calorific value of a solid fuel &(1-ame the a aratus used to find the viscosit% of a given oil 'aybolt and 5edwood viscometer
;re ared b%? Abhijith L.4 Ahejas C.A Verified b% D Mahesh 6.5 Lecturer Dept. of Automobile En"".
=iodiesel 5elatively non$to.ic. 7arbon 2eutral little or no fossil fuels. Emissions $ issues with smo#in". 'afety less e.plosive than "asoline less to.ic than "asoline9diesel. May have issues startin" in cold weather /ssues with "ellin" in cold weather D may require preheatin" or preheated delivery system. @e may not have adequate production capacity. @thanol 5elatively non$to.ic 7arbon 2eutral @or#s in "asoline en"ines May have issues with transportation in Lasoline pipelines. May be inefficient to produce /ssues with startin" in cold weather may require mi. with other fuel at least durin" startin" Low emissions. Methane4;ro ane May or may not be carbon neutral dependin" on the source. Lon"er to refuel. 2o fuelin" infrastructure Dan"ers in crashes D inherent dan"ers of pressurized tan#s especially hi"h pressures in L2L Easy conversion for "asoline vehicles 3ery low emissions. "%drogen 7arbon 2eutral 2ot naturally occurrin" needs ener"y to produce.
/nefficient to produce 2o e.istin" transportation infrastructure but could be Rmade onsiteR resolvin" some transportation issues 2o e.istin" delivery networ# 3ery difficult to handle. Low to.icity other than potential issues from pressure or cold. 0inite life for tan#s may also lea# from tan#s at a slow rate 3ery low emissions. =atter% ;ower Aechnically carbon neutral. 7ontains chemicals that can be recycled. EfficiencyF E.istin" power "rids may not be adequate to support 'low rechar"in" May contain to.ic9dan"erous chemicals in crashes9spills. 3ery low emissions 8none e.cept for spills&.
;rocedure D
%. 5emove the ports cover and identify the three ports . (. Mar# the AD7 and 6D7 position of the fly wheel . Ao mar# this position follow the same procedure as followed in valve timin" dia"ram . ). 5otate the flywheel slowly in usual direction 8usually cloc#wise & and observe the movement of the piston *. @hen the piston moves from 6D7 to AD7 observe when the bottom ed"e of the piston . Nust uncover the bottom end of the inlet port . Ahis is the inlet port openin" 8/4>& condition ma#e the mar# on the flywheel and measure the distance from AD7 +. @hen piston moves from AD7 to 6D7 observe when the bottom ed"e of the piston completely covers the inlet port . Ahis is the inlet port closin" 8/47& condition . Ma#e the mar# on the flywheel and measure the distance from AD7 . ,. @hen the piston moves from AD7 to 6D7 observe when the top ed"e of the piston just uncover the e.haust port . Ahis is the e.haust port openin" JE4>K condition . Ma#e the mar# on the flywheel and measure the distance from 6D7 . -. @hen the piston moves from 6D7 to AD7 observe when the piston completely cover the e.haust port . Ahis is the e.haust port closin" condition JE47K . Ma#e the mar# on the flywheel and measure the distance from 6D7 . I. @hen the piston moves from AD7 to 6D7 observe when the top ed"e of the piston just uncover the transfer port . Ahis is the transfer port openin" JA4>K condition . Ma#e the mar# on the flywheel and measure the distance from 6D7 =. @hen the piston moves from 6D7 to AD7 observe when the piston completely covers the transfer port. Ahis is the transfer port closin" JA47K condition . Ma#e the mar# on the flywheel and measure the distance from 6D7 . -ote D %. Ahe inlet port openin" distance and closin" distance from AD7 are equal . (. Ahe e.haust port openin" distance and closin" distance from 6D7 are equal . ). Ahe transfer port openin" distance and closin" distance from 6D7 are equal .
Besult D
The port timing diagram for the given two stroke cycle petrol engine was drawn.
Standard Planimeters are instruments for evaluation of plane areas of any shape from blueprints, maps, photographs, drawings, recorder diagrams, x rays, etc.
They are used by many professionals for a multitude of different applications like: Evaluation of areas from topographic maps, blueprints, drawings, photographs, aerial photo records. omputation of water basin capacity, of arable land in agricultural planning. alculation of earthwork !uantities "cut and fill# in road, highway and building construction. $or %Take&'ffs% in all types of construction estimating. (ayout of swimming pools, yacht and boats, mold patterns, landscape and irrigation pro)ects. *etermination of areas for real estate and tax appraisal. +nalysis of mathematical and statistical graphs, recorder diagrams, photomicroscopic records. *etermination of diastolic and systolic volumes from heart ,&rays. -easurement of textile patterns, leather hides, etc. -etal and Plastics .ndustry for crossection measurements of profiles for weight determination. /iology: $or measurements of leave surfaces, wing si0es of insects, etc.