History:: General Stuff
History:: General Stuff
History:: General Stuff
History: The oldest university is the University of Tartu which was established in 1632. In 1919, university courses were first taught in the Estonian language. School: Estonian pre-higher education is dividend into two basic education (Grades 1-9) and general/ secondary education (Grades 10-12). Homeschooling is allowed, but is really rare. When a child reaches the age of 7 by 1 October, they start their school year and when they reach the age of 17 they start learning in general secondary education or vocational secondary education. Most of the people (2/3) continue their studies. There are 500 general education schools using the Estonian language and about ninety schools using Russian. However, also in Russian schools some subjects are taught in Estonian. The number of pupils in class in the basic school is 24-28. There may be up to 36 pupils in a class at the Gymnasium level. There are more than 300 sports, music, art, dance, language and drama schools, as well as culture and science centers in Estonia that provide young people with quality non-formal learning opportunities. Examination: Right now our examination system is really messed up. But in the end we have to take 4 final exams(3-national examinations and 1 school examinations). 3 national examinations are: Estonian, Math and one language exam(russian, english, french and german). We have to have 1 point to pass the exam, but you will not get into any University, so if we want to have a chance of getting into the university we have to have at least 20 points (it used to be 50p.). Grading system: Number grading system. 5(A)-90% out of 100% 4(B)-75% 3(C)-50%
Starts at 8:15 and ends at 15:00(3 oclock) or 14:05 The Grade school ends at 11:55 or 13:00 We are home really early, so we have a lot of free time to do our homework, hobbies, hang out with our friends and just relax. We dont help to clean up the classroom after the classes end, because for every subject we have a diffrent room. We have cleaning ladies for it. We spend maximum of 3 hours on homework, compared to South Korean numbers it is
nothing. I asked my classmates: How long does it take you to do your homework and they said that it takes them 1 to 2 hours, but that is only because they do a lot of things at the same time. For example: They watch TV, surf the internet, talk to friends etc. If I subtract the hours we spent on doing other activities, we get the avarage of 20min to 1 hour spent on homework. In third grade students begin receiving English instruction for three hours a week. Student attend class only on Monday to Friday. We have nothing on Saturday and Sunday, even the class trips are on the working days. We do a lot of other activites in my school(probably in the whole country). For example my favorite thing is the Fox week. It is a week where 11th and 12th graders buy 10th graders as their fox, or a slave as I call them. It is the part of the ritual, where we THISTAME 10th graders as a part of us (Gymnasium). We can dress them up in silly clothes and make them do nything we want(sing,dance,hug somebody). Then there is Theathers day (a national day), where 12th graders are teachers for a day. You pick a subject you like and teach it for 4 hours to different classes. Then there is the style week in Estonian it is called stiilindal, where everyday for 5 days we dress up for a given theme. For example: Zombie theme or animal theme. Actually school is taken kind of easy here. We are not rushed or pushed to do something. Of course we sometimes stress and panic, but it is not that serious. If you are bad in some subject for example: in math, just concentrate in the subject you are good in and at least try to pass the class you are bad in(by getting a C). That is the sentence I usually hear from the teachers. This made us kind of lazy, but at the same time we can concentrate more on the subjects that we like and maybe in the futuure we will go learn it in the Univercity. We do not have a school uniform and can wear whatever we want. The school year in Estonia typically runs from September to June. Holidays:
Fall holiday is 8 days. 19. - 27. oktoober 2013
The questions my classmates and me want to know about your schools. 1. 2. 3. 4. Are South Korean schools really that intense as everyone says? Is South Korea doing something against the high rate of teenage suicide? Was it hard for you to graduate school? Can you tell me more about your subjects and how are they teached. Is there something special? 5. How much time does school and homework take in everyday life of a student? 6. What kind of school events do South Korean schools have? 7. What day and month does your school starts and when do you have holidays? 8. How long are your holidays? 9. Do you have any research projects in our school? Kas te teete praktilisi lesandeid(nt. bioloogias, geograafia, keemia jne.) 10. How long are the lessons? 11. Nukkused on lpetamise traditsioonid? 12. Millised ja kui palju eksameid tuleb lpuklassis sooritada?