Education in Croatia
Education in Croatia
Education in Croatia
The age of students in upper classes is between eleven and fifteen. Students don’t wear
uniforms. They don’t have lunch break. They have one 15-minutes break in the middle of
school day and 5-minutes break after every lesson. There are two school shifts. Students go
to school in the morning or in the afternoon. Morning lessons start at 8 am and finish at 1
pm. Afternoon lessons start at 2 pm and finish at 7 pm. Students have a lot of homework and
they usually do their homework after school.
Students have compulsory subjects and electives. Compulsory subjects are Croatian, English,
Math, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, Biology, PE, Workshop, Art and Music.
Electives are RE, ICT and languages (German, Italian and French). Students can choose
different extra curricular activities such as Astronomy, Photo group, Sports, Pottery, Video
group and Drama classes.
When students finish university they have Graduation day. On Graduation day they wear a
gown and a cap and they receive their diplomas. When they finish High school they have the
prom. They wear smart clothes and they eat and dance to celebrate the end of High school.
During school year, there are many events such as Bread day, School day and Party night.
I think that we have too many compulsory subjects and we get a lot of homework. Teachers
are very good and schools are well equipped. I would like to change that lessons are always
in the morning.