British Council Esa App Form 2013 4

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Application Form

This application form is available in other formats upon request. It is in 3 parts: parts 1 and 3 contain personal information and are confidential documents, which will only be seen by Human Resources part ! relates specifically to the post you are applyin" for and will be seen by those ma#in" selection decisions. Please refer to the Guidance Note for information about completing the Application Form

Part 1 Personal Information

$ob%s& title EXAMINATIONS SERVICES ASSISTANT $ob%s& reference number *+',13,-. 'pplication reference number %for (ritish )ouncil use only&

Eligibilit to !or" at t#e $ritis# Co%ncil (see guidance notes) 're you currently le"ally entitled to wor# in the country where the /ob is based0 If applicable, please detail any restrictions Personal Contact &etails 3amily name 6resent address Telephone no. Ronilyn 4. 5olpe (!1 71! Hamilton Hei"hts Talon 8 7as 6inas 19.9 %-!&.-9.;.< Initials )ontact postal or email address =obile no. R45 ronilyn"olpe:" ->1<899.-!; 1es 2o

6lease state where you heard about this vacancy0 (ritish )ouncil collea"ue ?ord of mouth +peculatively browsin" (ritish )ouncil website 6ress@6ublication advert %please specify& AAAAA.. ?eb advert %please specify& AA3aceboo#AAAA '"ency %please specify& AAAAAAAA Bther %please specify& AAAAAAAA

1 or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

Part ' (ob)relate& Information

6lease note, this section of the form will be detached and "iven to the Recruitin" =ana"er and collea"ues involved in the selection process. The Recruitin" =ana"er and the selection panels will have access only to information contained in this section. $ob%s& title EXAMINATIONS SERVICES ASSISTANT Personal Information 3amily name Ronilyn 4. 5olpe Initials R45 $ob%s& reference number *+',13,-. 'pplication reference number %for (ritish )ouncil use only&

*isabilit (see guidance notes) 1es Co you have a disability as defined in the "uidance note0 Re"ardless of whether you have a disability, do you require any ad/ustments to be made to facilitate your participation in the selection process0 If yes, a member of Human Resources will contact you to ascertain how best to assist you. 2o 1es 2o

! or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

Emplo ment an& rele+ant !or")relate& e,perience %coverin" no more than 1- years, startin" with the most recent& (see guidance notes) Cate 3rom@To =ay !-->,=ay !-11 Role title, *mployer +enior )ustomer +ervice Representative, )onver"ys

'ssisted D+ based customers on their mobile phonesE issues such as networ# problem, audio problems and the li#e.

Cate 3rom@To

$une !--<, 2ovember !--<

Role title, *mployer

Hi"h +chool *n"lish Teacher, 2a"a Hope )hristian +chool

Tau"ht Hi"h school students *n"lish "rammar and literature

Cate 3rom@To

Role title, *mployer

(rief summary of role and main achievements.

Cate 3rom@To

Role title, *mployer

(rief summary of role and main achievements.

Ot#er rele+ant e,perience (see guidance notes) 6lease "ive details of any additional rele+ant professional or other eFperience. Relevant eFperience Cates

E&%cation-.%alifications (see guidance notes) 6lease "ive details of rele+ant educational and professional qualifications in chronolo"ical order. Gualifications Cates

3 or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

. or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

S%pporting statement
In support of your application, and referrin" to the role profile, please state succinctly, why you are suitable for this role, focusin" on the s"ills/ "no!le&ge an& e,perience you brin" (see guidance notes).

8 or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

+upportin" statement

*eclaration I declare that all the information I have provided in support of my application is, to the best of my #nowled"e and belief, correct and complete. ?arnin": if you include any details that you #now to be false or if you withhold relevant information, you may render yourself liable to disqualification from the recruitment eFercise or, if appointed, to dismissal. 1our name
2.( Typin" your name will be ta#en as bein" as bindin" as your si"nature


; or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

Part 0 References an& a&&itional information

A&&itional information ?hen are you available to ta#e up the /ob0 ?hat len"th of notice must you "ive0

6lease "ive details of your current@most recent remuneration pac#a"e includin" salary, pension and bonuses. )andidates will be as#ed for documentary evidence of this if appointed.

References (see guidance notes) 1. 1our current@most recent employer %or if no employer, your school@university@trainin" provider&. 2ame and /ob title of referee 6ostal address *mail Telephone no 6lease indicate if this is a wor# or academic@trainin" reference =obile no ?or# reference 'cademic@Trainin" reference 2ame of refereeEs Br"anisation

!. 6revious employer %or if no employer, your school@university@trainin" provider&.

2ame and /ob title of referee 6ostal address *mail Telephone no 6lease indicate if this is a wor# reference or an academic@trainin" reference =obile no ?or# reference 'cademic@Trainin" reference 2ame of refereeEs Br"anisation

3. 6revious employer %or if not applicable, a personal referee who #nows you well and who is not a
relative&. 2ame and /ob title of referee 6ostal address *mail Telephone no =obile no 2ame of refereeEs Br"anisation

9 or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

< or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

6lease indicate if this is a wor#, academic@ trainin" or personal reference

?or# reference

'cademic@ Trainin" reference

6ersonal reference

> or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

Criminal Con+ictions (see guidance notes)

1- or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence0



If yes, please "ive details below of the offence and the sentence imposed:

11 or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

If o% are appl ing for a 1ob !#ic# clearl states in+ol+ement !it# c#il&ren or o%ng people/ or a teac#ing 1ob/ please a&&itionall complete t#is section2 As these positions are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1 !"# please detail belo$ all con%ictions# cautions and bindo%ers# including those regarded as &spent'.

1! or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

I declare that I have not been convicted, nor had any criminal proceedin"s a"ainst me, nor have I been warned, either orally or in writin", in relation to a seFual offence or child abuse. I declare that there are no such proceedin"s pendin" a"ainst me at the date of this declaration. I #now of no reason why I should be considered unsuitable for wor# with children, elderly or disabled people, and I have not been dismissed from such a post for malpractice. I agree an& #ereb consent to t#e $ritis# Co%ncil see"ing clearance from t#e CR$ or appropriate agenc 2 I %n&erstan& t#at t#e $ritis# Co%ncil !ill not carr o%t t#ese c#ec"s %nless an offer of emplo ment is ma&e in !riting to me2 1our name
2.( Typin" your name will be ta#en as bein" as bindin" as your si"nature


13 or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

E.%al Opport%nit an& *i+ersit Monitoring Information

6rovision of this information is +ol%ntar and will assist the (ritsh )ouncil in its commitment to a policy of equal opportunity and the development of positive policies to promote equal opportunity in employment. ?e welcome applications from all sections of the community as we believe that a diverse wor#force "ives added depth to our wor#. ?e aim to ensure that no /ob applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the basis of "ender includin" trans"ender, marital status or civil partnership, seFual identity, reli"ion and belief, political opinion, race, colour, nationality or ethnic ori"in, wor# pattern, a"e, disability or HI4@'IC+ status, socio,economic bac#"round, spent convictions, trade union activity or membership, on the basis of havin" or not havin" dependants, or any other irrelevant "rounds. ?e monitor all sta"es of our recruitment and selection process to ensure there is no potential for un/ustified discrimination on irrelevant "rounds. Bur monitorin" data is eFternally analysed each year, and recommendations are published and acted upon. 'll information supplied will be treated in strict confidence and no identifyin" details will be attached to it. It will help us to monitor and evaluate the success and application of our equal opportunity policy and diversity strate"y and to compile anonymised statistics which will be included within our formal reportin" structures. Please note3 t#is information !ill onl be "ept for one ear after t#e completion of t#e recr%itment e,ercise2 T#e information !ill t#en be &estro e&2

Personal information 5ender Et#nic origin 6lease tic# the boF which most closely describes your ethnic bac#"round. This does not necessarily mean the place where you were born. =ale 3emale Cate of birth

1. or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

(ritish ?hite Irish




Bther %please specify&

Bther white bac#"round %please specify&

?hite and blac# )aribbean =iFed 'ny other miFed bac#"round %please specify& Indian 'sian, 'sian (ritish, 'sian *n"lish, 'sian +cottish, 'sian ?elsh (lac#, (lac# (ritish, (lac# *n"lish, (lac# +cottish, (lac# ?elsh )hinese, )hinese (ritish, )hinese *n"lish, )hinese +cottish, )hinese ?elsh or any other ethnic "roup Religio%s $elief (uddhist Hindu =uslim Bther, please describe 2o reli"ion Se,%al Orientation 'ny other 'sian bac#"round %please specify& )aribbean 'ny other blac# bac#"round %please specify&

?hite and blac# 'frican 6a#istani 'frican

?hite and 'sian



'ny other bac#"round %please specify&

6lease tic# the boF which most closely describes your reli"ious belief. )hristian $ewish +i#h

6lease tic# the boF which most closely describes your seFual orientation. (iseFual HeteroseFual 5ay or 7esbian

18 or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

4%i&ance Notes for completing application form

Part 1 ) Personal Information
Eligibilit to !or" at t#e $ritis# Co%ncil ?e are only able to accept applications from individuals who currently have the ri"ht to wor# in the country to which they have applied. +ome roles outside of the DH require the /ob holder to be a DH passport holder. 3or DH based posts, to ensure compliance with the 'sylum and Immi"ration 'ct 1>>;, we will need proof before appointment to a post in the DH that you are entitled to wor# there. If there are any restrictions re"ardin" your ri"ht to wor# in the DH i.e. len"th of wor# visa, type of wor# etc please state it on the form. *ata Protection

1; or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

The (ritish )ouncil will use the information you provide in this form to process your application. If your application is successful and you ta#e up employment with the (ritish )ouncil, this form will be #ept on your personnel file and some details from it will be held electronically by Human Resources in line with the Cata 6rotection 'ct %1>><&. If your application is unsuccessful, this form will be #ept on file for one year after completion of the recruitment eFercise and then securely destroyed. The (ritish )ouncil will treat all personal details in accordance with DH law and its own privacy policy. Dnder Cata 6rotection law you have the ri"ht to as# for a copy of the information we hold on you, for which we may char"e a fee, and the ri"ht to as# us to correct any inaccuracies in that information. If you do want more information about this please contact your local (ritish )ouncil office or the Cata 6rotection Team dataprotection:britishcouncil.or".

Part ' ) (ob)Relate& Information

*isabilit The Dnited 2ations )onvention on the Ri"hts of Cisabled 6eople defines a disabled person as someone who has lon",term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments, which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. It is (ritish )ouncil policy to interview all applicants who are disabled and who meet the essential criteria for an advertised /ob.

19 or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

Emplo ment an& rele+ant !or")relate& e,perience 6lease "ive details of your wor#,related eFperience coverin" no more than1- years, or since leavin" full, time education if this is sooner, startin" with the most recent. ?or# related eFperience can include voluntary wor# or other periods away from employment. It will not pre/udice your application if you disclose a period out of formal employment %e.". time spent at home brin"in" up children or a period of ill health&. Ot#er rele+ant e,perience This can include eFperience of volunteerin", periods of travel or of roles held within the community e.". youth or community wor#er etc. E&%cation - .%alifications 6lease list only those qualifications specified in or related to the requirements listed in the person specification. If you have a qualification which is not directly relevant but which you feel demonstrates that you have a s#ill which is important to the /ob please list this under Bther Relevant *Fperience sayin" why you thin# this is important. S%pporting Statement The purpose of this section is to "ive you an opportunity to say why you are interested in the /ob and what you would brin" to it. ?hen writin" your supportin" statement please refer to the role profile and lin# your eFperience, qualifications and interests to the requirements. 1our supportin" statement should be succint and to the point. It will be used for shortlistin" so please ensure you hi"hli"ht the relevant s#ills, #nowled"e, eFperience and qualifications you have relevant to the role. This can relate to information listed earlier or you can "ive other eFamples.

Part 0 5 A&&itional information/ References an& EO *ata collection

This part of the application form will be #ept confidential and will only be seen by Human Resources. References 6lease provide 3 references. Bne from your most current@most recent employer and if possible two from previous employers. If you have no previous employer then please provide a reference from your school@university@ trainin" provider and a personal reference from someone who #nows you well but is not a relative. ?e will only contact referees if an offer of employment is made. Criminal Con+ictions 6789 +ub/ect to certain eFempted occupations, convictions that are IspentE under the Rehabilitation of Bffenders 'ct 1>9. need not be mentioned. 6lease be aware that declarin" a conviction will not automatically disqualify you from bein" employed unless this post is sub/ect to a )riminal Records (ureau )hec#. If the post is sub/ect to a )riminal Records (ureau )hec#, (ritish )ouncil is committed to safe"uardin" and promotin" the welfare of children and youn" people and eFpects all of its partners to share this commitment. 'ppointment to these roles are sub/ect to enhanced )riminal Records (ureau %)R(& chec#s in the DH, and, where appropriate, equivalent systems overseas. E.%al Opport%nities an& *i+ersit Monitoring Information ?e would welcome you completin" the voluntary *qual Bpportunities and Civersity =onitorin" form. ?e monitor all sta"es of our recruitment and selection process to ensure there is no potential for un/ustified discrimination on irrelevant "rounds. Bur monitorin" data is eFternally analysed each year, and recommendations are published and acted upon. 'll information supplied will be treated in strict confidence and no identifyin" details will be attached to it. It will help us to monitor and evaluate the success and application of our equal opportunity policy and diversity strate"y and to compile anonymised statistics which will be included within our formal reportin" structures.
1< or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

1> or 1> Recruitment Team $une !-11

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