ASA Question Bank

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Write short notes on: [18] a) Experimental stress analysis b) Generalized Hooks law c) Invariants of stress tensor Q1)

a) Determine the principal directions and principal values of the second order Cartesian tensor (stress tensor) T as given below. [8] b) Split the stress tensor into its hydrostatic and deviator parts and show that the first invariant of the deviator is zero.[8] OR Q2) Show that the Airy stress function 4 the biharmonic equation 0 4 = and determine the stress components assuming plane strain. [16] P 1333Q3) a) Determine the principal values and directions of the symmetric stress tensor. [8] b) Determine the principal deviator stress values for the stress tensor.[8] Q4) Describe complex formulation of the plane elasticity problem. [16] Q5) Write short notes on: [18] a) Experimental stress analysis b) Generalized Hooks law c) Invariants of stress tensor SECTION-II Q6) Using the Paris-Erdogan equation for fatigue crack propagation, calculate the number of fatigue cycles corresponding to the combinations of initial and final crack radius for a semicircular surface flaw tabulated below. Assume that the crack radius is small compared to the cross section of the structure. 7.17 10 ( ) , 12 3 K dN da = where da/dN is in m/cycle and K is in MPa m.Also, =190MPa. [16] Initial crack radius Final crack radius (mm) (mm) Discuss the relative sensitivity of Ntot to: Initial crack size and Final crack size Derive the compatibility equation in cartesian co-ordinate system. [ State the assumptions made in solutions of problems in contact stresses. Derive from fundamentals the expression for the contact stresses between two rollers (with parallel axis) under compressive load. How this relation is used to find contact stresses between two spur gears. Q4) Explain with suitable examples the types of stresses induced in the rotating disc. Find the stresses in the rotating disc with varying thickness. Q5) Write short notes on any THREE. [18] a) Rayleigh Ritz method. b) Torsion of thin walled tubes. c) Airy stress function and its significance in stress analysis. d) Castiglianos theorem

Q6) a) A fringe order of 2.5 was observed at a point in a stressed plane stress model with light having a wavelength of 589 nm. Assuming that stress optic coefficient C remains constant, what fringe order would be observed at the point considered when light with wavelength of 548 nm is used? Derive the formula used b) Explain in details desirable properties of strain gauge material. Explain the fracture mechanics approach for estimation of residual life of component. What is critical stress intensity factor? How it is useful in design of cracked components? Q10)Write short note on any THREE. [18] a) Modes of fractures. b) Dimensional analysis. c) Strain gauge rosette. d) Spring back effect in plastic bending

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