Vocabulary:: Unit 26. Universe
Vocabulary:: Unit 26. Universe
Vocabulary:: Unit 26. Universe
UNIVERSE Aim: to talk about universe Vocabulary: Sky, star, sun, moon Planets: Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Venus; Solar system; Milky ay; !omet; "ala#y, space, telescope, torch, binoculars; $ocket, space skip, astronaut; hich planet %oul& you like to 'o( E#pressions: )n the sky E#amples: Lesson 1: Aim: to &escribe the Earth Warming up: *he teacher is the chie+ astronaut an& she tries to +in& a team to e#plore the space, *he chil&ren %ill be a part o+ the team i+ they kno% to ans%er correctly to the test, E#, How do we call our planet? Describe it! What can you see in the sky? Where else would you like to live? Do you want to save our planet if its in danger? Song: The galaxy mission e-re astronauts +lyin' in outer space, e-re on a mission to save the Earth, e-re 'oin' to see the planets in outer space, e-re 'oin' to save the Earth, Mercury, Venus an& Mars, Jupiter an& Saturn are +lyin' past, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, the stars, *he spaceship is travellin' very +ast,
e-re lookin' +or help in outer space, e-re on a mission to save the Earth, e-re 'oin' to +in& ne% 'ala#ies in outer space, e-re 'oin' to save the Earth, STORY: Saving the Ea th Spaceship Seeker is on a mission to save the Earth, *he astronauts %ant to learn about ener'y in outer space, .irst the spaceship travels throu'h outer space, / e-re 'oin' to save the Earth0 / 1ook0 *here-s Jupiter, A+ter many months, the spaceship enters a ne% 'ala#y, / *here-s a lot o+ %ater on that planet, / 2es, *here-s more %ater than on *he Earth, *he astronauts lan& on the planet, / hat a beauti+ul planet0 / 2es, there are more trees here than on the Earth, Su&&enly, the astronauts see some aliens, but they are very +rien&ly, / e come in peace0 / elcome to planet Eco, space travellers, e are Econians, )nsi&e the spaceship the aliens learn about the mission, / hat is your mission( / 3ur planet, Earth, is in trouble, 1ook0 / e-re 'oin' to run out o+ oil, 'as an& coal, *he astronauts ask +or help, / !an you help us( / hat &o you use +or ener'y( / e &on-t use coal, 'as or oil to make electricity, 3n planet Eco there-s al%ays lots o+ ener'y, / e use the sun an& the %in&, / *hey &on-t run out, *he Econians sho% the astronauts ho% they make electricity, / 1ook, %e-ve 'ot a %in& +arm, / An& %e-ve 'ot solar panels, / e-ve 'ot %in& +arms an& solar panels on the Earth, too, No% the astronauts kno% ho% to save the Earth, / e nee& to use more %in& ener'y an& more solar ener'y, / An& less coal 'as an& oil, *he astronauts 'o back to the Earth %ith a ne% ener'y plan, / *hank you +or all your help, / !allin' Earth, Mission accomplishe&,
RI!!"E: "isten an# g$ess% *here are +ive letters in my name *he +irst is in cat but not in hat, *he secon& is in sock but not in sack *he thir& is in moon but not in spoon *he +ourth is in pet but not in pot, *he +i+th is in ten but not in pen, hat am )(
4A comet5
Lesson 2: Aim: to intro&uce our 'ala#y an& other planets armin' up: S&IEN&E: !i# yo$ 'no( that) 6, A 'ala#y is a 'roup o+ millions o+ stars, *he name o+ our 'ala#y is the Milky ay, Every year ne% stars appear in the Milky ay, 7, Stars are not the same colour an& si8e, *here are blue, %hite, yello%, oran'e an& re& stars, *he sun is a yello% star, 9, *he Moon is a silent place, *here is no air or %ater on the Moon, *he +ootprints o+ the astronauts %ill be visible +or thousan&s o+ years, :, ;alley-s !omet is very bi', *he tail o+ the comet is thousan&s o+ kilometers lon', ;alley-s !omet appears every <= years, What about the planets and the solar system: / *e +$ y: is the hottest planet in the solar system, *here isn-t any %ater on this planet, *here are more rocks than on the Earth, Mercury 'oes aroun& the sun in >> &ays, / *a s: there isn-t any %ater on Mars, *here are more mountains than on the Earth, Mars has the bi''est volcano in the solar system, Mars 'oes aroun& the sun in =>< &ays, / ,$-ite : is the bi''est planet in our solar system, *here are 6= moons 'oin' aroun& Jupiter, )t is a ball o+ 'as, Jupiter 'oes aroun& the sun in 67 years, / Ne-t$ne: *here are > moons 'oin' roun& Neptune, *here-s a very stron' %in& on Neptune, Neptune 'oes aroun& the sun in 6=? years, &ONTEST: .ns(e i/ yo$ 'no(% 6, )s there any %ater on Mercury( 7, )s Jupiter the smallest planet in the solar system(
9, ;as the Earth 'ot more moons than Neptune( :, ;as Mars 'ot more mountains than Earth( SON0: Song /o O$te S-a+e Just suppose %e can +ly )n a spaceship throu'h the sky, e can choose our +avourite stars, 2ou take Venus, )-ll take Mars Just ima'ine you an& me Playin' 'ames on Mercury0 e shall +in& that outer space )s a +ascinatin' place, S&INTI1I& 2RO,E&T: @ The #ay an# the night *he teacher e#plains to the chil&ren %hen it-s &ay an& %hen it-s ni'ht, She uses a 'lobe, a torch or proAector, a small cut/out paper person, *hey observe the proAect in a &arkene& room, Buestions: / hich si&e o+ the %orl& has &ayli'ht( hy( / hich si&e is ni'ht( hy( Poem: @The galaxy 1isten to the %or&s an& clap %ith me, Ci' claps, small claps, clap %ith me, Ener'y is my +irst %or&, !lap %ith me0 !ome on, clap0 E#plorin' is my secon& %or&, Jupiter is my ne#t %or&, November is my last %or&, .RTS .N! &R.1T: *a'e a +ollage *he chil&ren make a colla'e about the space an& about the solar system, *hey nee&: thin car&boar&, ma'a8ine pa'es, scissors, crayons, 'lue, *hey have to &ra%, cut, stick an& than &escribe their picture, Lesson 3: Aim: to talk about stars, moon, sun armin' up: &ONVERS.TION: 3hat +an yo$ see in the s'y) *he teacher talks %ith the chil&ren about the universe: / hat can you see in the sky(
/ / / / / / / / /
) can see the sun, ) can see the clou&s, Cut at ni'ht( ) can see the moon, ) can see the stars, here are the astronauts( hat are they 'oin' to &o( )s Mars bi''er than Venus( )s Pluto smaller than Earth(
Poem: @"ittle moon4 little sta 1ittle moon, little star, 2ou are so hi'h, you are so +ar, !ome to us, sit an& sin', 2ou %ill 'et a 'ol&en rin', STORY: Seeing sta s% *o&ay is Satur&ay, *he ilson +amily are havin' break, *hey listen to the ra&io: @;alley-s comet this evenin', only once every <= years0 Don-t miss it0 / hat-s ;alley-s !omet, &a&( )s it a star( / ell, it-s an obAect in the sky, / ) %ant to see the comet0 / 3k, 1et-s 'o to mossy hill0 )t-s seven o-clock in the evenin', *hey are 'oin' to Mossy ;ill, / ;ave you 'ot everythin'( / 3h, no0 ) haven-t 'ot my camera0 / ;urray up0 No% the +amily is at Mossy ;ill, / )-ve 'ot my camera, my torch an& my binoculars, *hey are %alkin' up Mossy ;ill, Julie is %alkin' very slo%ly, / Julie, are you ok, my love( / 2es, mum0 / Cut Julie,,,you-re %earin' slippers0 / 3h, ) +or'ot my boots0 / !an you %alk in those slippers( / 2es, ) can, but it-s a bit &i++icult, *hey are at the top o+ the hill no%0 / )-m very tire&, / )-m very hun'ry, Everybo&y is lookin' at the sky, / !an you see the comet( / 2es, look0 *he comet-s over there0 / here( ) can-t see it0
/ / / /
3h, yes0 *here it is0 ) can see it no%0 1ook, look0 Are you ok my love( 2es, ) can see the comet an&,,, lots o+ stars0 ;a, ha, ha,,,
SON0: T(in'le4 t(in'le little sta *%inkle, t%inkle, little star, ;o% ) %on&er %hat you are, Up above the %orl& so hi'h 1ike a &iamon& in the sky, *%inkle, t%inkle, little star, ;o% ) %on&er %hat you are, Lesson 4 Aim: to &iscuss the movement o+ the sun armin' up: S&IENTI1I& 2RO,E&T: The movement o/ the s$n *he teacher chooses a sunny &ay an& asks the chil&ren to &ra% the position o+ the sun at various times throu'hout the &ay by lookin' in the play'roun& or throu'h a %in&o%, *hen she &iscusses the &ra%in's %ith the chil&ren, E#, E !an you look at the sun( / hat is the colour o+ the sun( E hat &oes the sun appear to &o( / At %hat part o+ the &ay %as the sun hi'hest in the sky( / At %hat time %as it lo%est( *he teacher e#plains that it is not the sun %hich is movin' but the Earth spins roun&, She &emonstrates this by askin' the chil&ren to stan& up an& turn slo%ly +rom %est to east, *he surroun&in's %ill appear to move +rom east to %est, *his is the same as the Earth-s rotation E it spins +rom %est to east, makin' the sky appear to move +rom east to %est, ".N0U.0E: "et5s tal' a6o$t the $nive se: sta s an# -lanets The teacher talks about what they have learned: the stars and the planets hen the sun 'oes &o%n an& ni'ht time comes, can you see millions o+ stars in the black sky( Stars are very bi' balls o+ hot burnin' 'as, )n space some stars look blue an& some stars look re&, 3ur sun is a star, *he sun an& all the planets that 'o aroun& it make up the solar system, *here are nine planets in our solar system,
Mercury is the planet closest to the sun, )t is a small &ry planet covere& %ith re& rocks an& many craters, *he bi''est craters on Mercury are about +our million years ol&, Venus is the secon& planet +rom the sun, )t is the hottest an& bri'htest planet in the solar system, )t &oes not have any moons, *he Earth is the thir& planet +rom the sun, *hree E Fuarters o+ Earth is covere& in %ater, *he Moon is a ball o+ rock that 'oes roun& the Earth every 7> &ays, *he Mars is the +ourth planet +rom the sun an& it covere& in re& &ust, *he bi''est volcano in the solar system is on Mars, *he Jupiter is the +i+th planet +rom the sun an& it is the bi''est in the solar system, )t is ma&e up o+ 'ases, *he bi' re& spot on Jupiter is a 'iant storm, *he Saturn is the si#th planet +rom the sun an& it has bi' rin's aroun& it, *he rin's are ma&e o+ rock an& ice, *hree o+ Saturn-s rin's can be seen +rom Earth, *he Uranus is the seventh planet +rom the sun an& it is the only planet to spin roun& on its si&e, )t %oul& take you ei'ht an& a hal+ years to reach Uranus in a space rocket, *he Neptune is the ei'hth planet +rom the sun an& it has +our rin's an& eleven moons aroun& it, Space rockets can-t lan& on Neptune because Neptune is ma&e o+ 'as, *he Pluto is the ninth planet +rom the sun an& it is the smallest an& col&est in the solar system, e kno% less about Pluto than any other planet, )t is so +ar a%ay +rom the Earth that no spacecra+t has ever been there, Poem: @Tell me4 tell me *ell me, tell me hat can you &o( hat can ) &o( )-ll tell you: ) can Aump up an& &o%n ) can turn roun& an& roun& ) can hop, ) can skip ) can s%im, ) can %ink, *ell me, tell me hat can-t you &o( hat can-t ) &o( )-ll tell you: ) can-t +ly in the sky ) can Aump very hi'h ) can-t skate, ) can-t &ive ) can-t climb, ) can-t &rive, Cut ) kno% Fuite %ell *hat the sun is up, An& the sky is blue,
Arts an& cra+t: 3ur solar system *he chil&ren can ima'ine an& buil& our solar system usin' %atercolours or plasteline, LESSON 5 )n this unit %e make a consoli&ation o+ all the kno%le&'e tau'ht that %eek thou'h a contest, *he chil&ren repeat the poem an& the son', *he chil&ren solve an& han&Eout relate& to the topic, Every a+ternoon they revise %hat they have learne& in the mornin',