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Phases of The Moon 2014

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Phases of the Moon 2014

New moon April 28, 2014

First quarter May 6, 2014
Full moon May 14, 2014
Last quarter May 21, 2014
New moon May 28, 2014
First quarter June 5, 2014
Full moon June 12, 2014
Last quarter June 19, 2014
New moon June 2, 2014
First quarter July 5, 2014
Full moon July 12, 2014
Last quarter July 18, 2014
New moon July 26, 2014
First quarter Au!ust ", 2014
Full moon Au!ust 10, 2014
Last quarter Au!ust 1, 2014
New moon Au!ust 25, 2014
First quarter #eptem$er 2, 2014
Full moon #eptem$er 8, 2014
Last quarter #eptem$er 15, 2014
New moon #eptem$er 2", 2014
To tell whether the Moon is waxing or waning is fairly simple. asi!ally"
all yo# ha$e to %o is go o#tsi%e at s#n%own an% ta&e a loo& '' if yo#
%on(t see the moon then" yo# will ha$e to go o#tsi%e later at night an%
!he!& again" or !he!& %#ring the %ay) If the Moon is alrea%y #p in the
s&y in the e$ening" when the S#n goes %own" then the Moon is waxing.
E$ery night it will rise a little later in the %ay an% loo& a little f#ller. At
*#ll Moon it will rise almost exa!tly when the S#n sets. If the Moon is
not alrea%y #p in the s&y when night falls" +#t instea% rises long after
s#nset" or if yo# see it faintly %#ring the %ay" then the Moon is waning.
E$ery %ay it will rise a little later an% loo& a little thinner. At New Moon
it will rise almost exa!tly when the S#n %oes" +#t yo# won(t +e a+le to
see it at all.
*inally" growing smaller still" the moon has wane% !ompletely an% it
$anishes. This is !alle% the ,ar& of the Moon or New Moon '' an% it is
reser$e% for %ar& wor&s an% %e%i!ations to %ar& %eities. On the night of
the New Moon yo# will see no Moon at all" no matter how long yo# stay
#p an% wat!h" +e!a#se... The New Moon -,ar& Moon. rises at s#nrise
an% sets at s#nset. /0 new wishes on the New Moon.
After its 23 %ays of waxing" !#lminating with the *#ll Moon" the entire
pro!ess is re$erse% an% the Moon %e!reases in apparent si4e. After
a+o#t 5 %ays of appearing to +e more or less f#ll" the moon slowly
+egins to $isi+ly go %ar& on the right si%e" while the left si%e stays the
same %is&'shape as it ha% when it was *#ll. This is the Waning 1i++o#s
Moon '' it loo&s perfe!tly ro#n% on the left si%e" +#t +#lge% o#t past
half'way on the right. This is the time to +egin waning" repelling"
%e!reasing" or re$ersing spells. The Waning 1i++o#s Moon rises in the
early e$ening an% sets some time after s#nrise.
E$ery night the Moon rises in the East a little later an% the thi!&ness of
the Waning 1i++o#s gets thinner" #ntil the shape of the Moon is half a
!ir!le. This is the 6ast 7#arter" also !alle% +y some people the Thir%
7#arter or Waning Half Moon. It is %ar& on the right an% +right on
theleft. 8o# !an !ontin#e to %o waning" repelling" %e!reasing" or
re$ersing spells. The Waning 6ast 7#arter Moon rises a+o#t at mi%night
an% sets a+o#t at noon.
As the shape !ontin#es to shrin&" night +y night" the Moon +e!omes a
Waning 9res!ent: the %ar& si%e is to yo#r right" more or less" an% the
+right 9res!ent is to yo#r left. 8o# !an !ontin#e to %o waning" repelling"
%e!reasing" or re$ersing spells. This is a powerf#l time to ta&e o;!#rses
or to sen% e$il +a!& to the one who sent it to yo#.The Waning 9res!ent
Moon rises +etween mi%night an% %awn" +#t fa%es o#t when the S#n
!omes #p.
*<66 MOON
It ta&es a+o#t 23 %ays of growing +igger for the moon to grow or wax
!ompletely f#ll '' that night yo# will see the *#ll Moon rise as a perfe!t
!ir!#lar %is&. This is the 6ight of the Moon" an% it is reser$e% for light
wor&s an% %e%i!ations to +ene$olent l#nar %eities. It is #se%
for!ele+rations an% prayers for pea!e. The *#ll Moon rises almost
exa!tly at s#nset an% sets almost exa!tly at the next s#nrise.
When the Moon is a Waxing 9res!ent: the %ar& si%e is to yo#r left"
more or less" an% the +right 9res!ent is to yo#r right. -Sometimes the
Moon is tippe% a little" so it may not +e exa!tly right or left" +#t yo# will
&now what i mean if yo# go o#tsi%e an% loo& at it.. 8o# !an #se this
time to perform waxing" %rawing" in!reasing" or growth spells.
The Waxing 9res!ent Moon rises after s#nrise an% sets after s#nset '' it
is only seen in the night s&y for a short time after the s#n goes %own.
E$ery night the Moon rises in the East a little later an% the thi!&ness of
the Waxing 9res!ent gets fatter" #ntil the shape of the Moon is half a
This is the *irst 7#arter" also !alle% +y some people the Waxing Half
Moon. It is %ar& on the left an% +right on the right. 8o# !an !ontin#e to
%o waxing" %rawing" in!reasing" or growth spells. The Waxing *irst
7#arter Moon rises a+o#t at noon an% sets a+o#t at mi%night.
After that" the Moon starts to loo& li&e it is pregnant '' it is perfe!tly
ro#n% on the right si%e" +#t +#lge% o#t past half'way on the left. This is
the Waxing 1i++o#s Moon. 8o# !an !ontin#e to %o waxing" %rawing"
in!reasing" or growth spells. The Waxing 1i++o#s Moon
rises in the mi%%le of the afternoon an% sets +efore well +efore s#nrise.
The Moon also spen%s a %ay or two ea!h month in ea!h of the 2> signs
of the 4o%ia!. These timings !an +e #se% to goo% a%$antage to +oost
yo#r spell wor&.
Moon in Aries: %&is is a !oo' time to
per(orm spells relatin! to )o$
Moon in Libra: %&is is an e*+ellent
(or wor,in! a spell in partners&ip- A
.entures an' all new pro)e+ts
relatin! to money- Also a !oo' time
to 'e.elop stren!t& an' +oura!e,
an' passion spells- %&is is not a !oo'
moon (or per(ormin! 'i.ination-
Moon in Taurus: %&is moon is an
e*+ellent time (or spell wor, relatin!
to lo.e, +reati.ity, an' inner pea+e-
#pells 'one at t&is time ta,e t&e
lon!est to mani(est, $ut t&e results
will $e lon! lastin! an' sta$le-
Moon in Gemini: %&is is un'ou$te'ly
t&e $est time (or spells 'ealin! wit&
+ommuni+ations, &ealin!, an'
un+rossin! spells- %&e moon in
/emini +an $e unpre'i+ta$le an'
unsta$le- Moon in Cancer: %&is is
an e*+ellent moon (or any spellwor,
in.ol.in! +&il'ren, 'i.ination,
(ertility, or t&e &ome- Moon in Leo:
Any spells in.ol.in! +areer, (ame,
lea'ers&ip, or prosperity, (ame an'
+areer are $est 'one in Leo- #pells
in.ol.in! lo.e, or any ot&er emotion,
s&oul' not $e per(orme' at t&is
time- Moon in Virgo: %&is moon
ensures su++ess (or any spell
in.ol.in! e'u+ation, &ealin!, an'
suita$le time (or spells in.ol.in!
+ouples, (airness, marria!e,
partners&ip, an' pea+e- Moon in
Scorpio: %&is moon is !oo' (or
'i.ination an' se* ma!i+,- Moon in
Sagittarius0 %&is is an e*+ellent
time (or e*perimentin! wit& new
ma!i+,al spells, $ut it is not a !oo'
time (or psy+&i+ wor, or 'i.ination-
Moon in Capricorn: %&is moon1s
ener!y is !oo' (or spells to $rin!
a$out li(e1s $asi+ nee's an' (or
sta$ility- Moon in Aquarius: %&e
$est moon time to wor, on $e&al(
o( ot&ers- 2ou nee' to ma,e sure
t&ou!&, t&at your moti.es are pure
an' not $ase' on your own wis&es
or nee's- Moon in Pisces0 %&is is a
!reat moon (or 'i.ination, past li(e
re!ression, psy+&i+ wor,, an' spirit
Planting by the Moon
Aries- A (ire si!n- 3arren an' 'ry- 4ar.est root an' (ruit (or stora!e- 5ulti.ate,
'estroy wee's an' pests-
Taurus- An eart& si!n- 6ro'u+ti.e an' moist- #e+on' $est (or plantin! an'
transplantin!- /oo' (or root +rops an' potatoes, espe+ially w&en &ar'iness is
important- Also a !oo' si!n (or lea(y .e!eta$les su+& as lettu+e, +a$$a!e an'
Gemini- An air si!n- 3arren an' 'ry- 4ar.est root an' (ruit (or stora!e-
5ulti.ate, 'estroy wee's an' pests- Melon see's respon' well in t&is si!n-
Cancer- A water si!n- 7ery (ruit(ul an' moist- %&e $est si!n (or all plantin! an'
transplantin!- Also !oo' (or !ra(tin!, an' irri!ation- Leo- A (ire si!n- 7ery
$arren an' 'ry- 5ulti.ate, &ar.est root an' (ruit (or stora!e- An e*+ellent time
to 'estroy wee's an' pests in t&e (ourt& quarter- Virgo- An eart& si!n- 3arren
an' moist- #ome (lowers an' .ines are (a.ore' $y it- 5ulti.ate an' 'estroy
wee's an' pests- Libra8 An air si!ns- #emi8(ruit(ul an' moist- 3est si!n (or
plantin! $eauti(ul an' (ra!rant (lowers, .ines an' &er$s- /oo' (or plantin!
pulpy stems li,e ,o&lra$i, an' root +rops- Scorpio8 A water si!n- 7ery (ruit(ul
an' moist- 3est plantin! si!n (or stur'y plants an' .ines- %omatoes li,e to $e
transplante' in #+orpio, an' it is a !oo' si!n (or +orn an' squas&- /ra(t or
prune in t&e t&ir' an' (ourt& quarter to retar' !rowt& an' promote $etter
(ruit- A !oo' si!n (or irri!ation an' transplantin!- Sagittarius- A (ire si!n-
3arren an' 'ry- 4ar.est roots an' onions (or stora!e, an' plant onion sets an'
(ruit trees- A !oo' si!n in w&i+& to +ulti.ate t&e soil- Capricorn8 An eart& si!n-
6ro'u+ti.e an' 'ry- /oo' (or plantin! potatoes an' ot&er root +rops, an' (or
en+oura!in! stron! &ar'y !rowt&- /oo' (or !ra(tin!, an' prunin! to promote
&ealin!, an' applyin! or!ani+ (ertili9er- Aquarius- An air si!n- 3arren an' 'ry-
4ar.est root an' (ruit (or stora!e- 5ulti.ate, 'estroy wee's an' pests- /oo' (or
plantin! onion sets- Pisces- A water si!n- 7ery pro'u+ti.e an' moist- #e+on'
$est si!n (or plantin! an' transplantin!- :spe+ially !oo' (or root !rowt& an'

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