Rich Dad Secrets

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Rich Dad

S e c re t s :
To Money, Business and Investing
And how YOU can Profit from T h e m !
By: Robert Kiyosaki
The contents of this workbook and on the tape are solely the
opinions of the author. Both Nightingale-Conant and Robert
Kiyosaki recommend that you seek the advice and counsel of
a professional lawyer and financial planner.
P roducers: Dan Strutzel and John Ystro m
Workbook editor: Theresa Puskar
Rich Dad and CASHFLOW are re g i s t e red trademarks
of CASHFLOW Technologies, Inc.
All rights re s e rv e d .
R o b e rt Kiyosakis audio series, Rich Dad Secrets: To Money, Business and Investingand
how YOU can Profit from Them! gives us two basic options. We can choose to spend the
rest of our lives working hard for our money, or actually make a shift in perceptions and
have our money work for us. The choice is ours.
During the program Robert will take you through a series of ideologies that will most likely
s t retch your perceptions of financial security, investing, economic planning and the conditions of
the current marketplace. Some of his financial theories greatly oppose the views of the majority,
but as Robert asserts, 90% of the people have a mindset that puts them in a position of owning
only 10% of the marketplace. Meanwhile the remaining 10% of the public actually own 90%
of the marketplace. With Robert s proven track re c o rd as a multimillionaire and the mindset of
the rich 10%, it may serve as a thought-provoking exercise to listen to his theories and open
our minds to new possibilities.
SESSION 1: What My Rich Dad Taught Me About Money
In Rich Dads Secrets: To Money, Business and Investingand how YOU can Profit fro m
T h e m ! R o b e rt Kiyosaki gives insights into the socio-economic history of the world from
p re-industrial age. He cites historical events that have shaped our beliefs and the climate of
the financial world up to the current information age. Weaved throughout his inspiring and
t h o u g h t - p rovoking stories, Robert gives you specific strategies and action steps that will lead
you into the mindset of the rich.
1. What are your current beliefs and perceptions about money? (For example, if you work
h a rd, you will have money. )
2. What industrial-age rules do you still hold onto?
3. What are your ideologies about the relationship between an education and money?
4. What are your current beliefs about money and risk? (For example, you cant aff o rd to
take risks.)
5. When budgeting, do you make a point of always paying yourself first?
6. Do you currently follow the Poor Dads beliefs in the left side of the quadrant (where
one acquires a safe, secure job where they work to get paid, etc.) or the Rich Dads
beliefs in the right quadrant (big business and investing to acquire money)?
7. Discuss your viewpoints on Robert Kiyosaki s Five Cultural Myths About Money.
1. Its best to go to a good school, then get a safe, secure job.
2. If you work hard, youll earn more money and get rich.
3. You are safe and making a good investment when putting all the money you can into
your 401k Retirement plan.
4. Get a good education at a prestigious university, and then you will be secure and rich.
5. Buy a house; its definitely one of your greatest assets.
8. R o b e rt s Rich Dad saw affluenza as an obstacle to financial freedom. Do you suff e r
f rom affluenza? If so, how? (Do you have to keep up with the Jones, owning a fancy
house? Having credit card debts? Living high on the hog?)
9. Take a moment to list your current assets and liabilities in the space below.
A s s e t s :
L i a b i l i t i e s :
SESSION 2: The Cash Flow Quadrant
O b s e rve and study the quadrant below and the descriptions of each segment.
E (Employee): Im looking for a safe, secure job with
insurance and benefits
C o re characteristics: Driven by fear, need for security
S (Self-Employed): Im going to charge you $100/hr
or my commission is 6% Core characteristics:
Independent, distrusting, satisfied, highly specialized,
s o l o
B (Business or Big Business): I can leave my business
for a year and it will run itself Core characteristics: I
own a system, not a job; I hire others to work for me
I (Investor): W h a t s my re t u rn on an investment?
C o re characteristics: Invest in B quadrant businesses; unattached to financial losses or gains
10. Which quadrant(s) do you currently inhabit?
11. From which quadrant does your cash flow come fro m ?
12. Based on Robert Kiyosakis theories, explain the diff e rence between financial security
and financial fre e d o m .
13. Based on Robert s teachings in Session 2, what are your current core values? Security
and comfort OR to be rich?
SESSION 3: Why You Should Never Work Another Day In Your Life
14. What are your beliefs about the ideology that it takes money to make money"?
15. Do you believe that you live in a world that is abundant or lacking?
16. Have you had any would have, could have, should have experiences? What are they?
What might you have done diff e re n t l y ?
17. Do you have any handcuffs currently keeping you in the left quadrant?
If so, identify them.
18. If you were to take on a part-time job or studies to aid you in stretching yourself into
the right side of the quadrant, what would it be? Please be specific.
SESSION 4: Priming The Pump: Preparing Yourself Emotionally
For Wealth
19. How do you manifest your money addictions?
20. Do you have the "big picture" mindset of the big business owner or the "narrow pic-
t u re" mindset of the employee or self-employed? Are there any active baby steps you
could take to stretch this perception furt h e r ?
21. Based on the theory Do what you love and the money will follow, what is your passion(s)?
Could you look at the bigger picture and turn that passion into a financial freedom venture ?
22. Based on Rich Dads teachings about risk and risky, what have been some of the
financial mistakes youve made in the past? What was the magic you gained fro m
this experience?
23. R o b e rt suggests that you begin your journey to financial freedom by taking baby steps.
During the next two weeks, try to take some small steps toward taking more intelligent
risks in your life each day and note them below. Even if these steps seem very minor, it
is important that you note them and credit yourself for the action you are taking. Do
not underestimate the value of this exercise! (Continued on next page)
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:
Day 8:
Day 9:
Day 10:
Day 11:
Day 12:
Day 13:
Day 14:
24. R o b e rt s Rich Dad taught him that being rich is a state of mind. He listed the emotional
p rofile of each of the four quadrant groups as follows:
E (Employed): Security oriented; aversion to taking risks
S (Self-employed): Independent; tendency to distrust others; I do it on my own attitude
B (Big Business): M o re patient; generally a higher level of emotional control; greater ability
to see the bigger picture
I (Investor): G reater risk-taker; emotionally detached from winning or losing
Your emotional IQ and how you deal with fear is imperative in your shift toward financial
f reedom. List below some of the key fears you have faced and conquered in your life.
25. What fears are you currently prisoner to?
26. Based on this new information, what fears can you now choose to overcome to gain
m o re confidence and greater financial fre e d o m ?
Listed below are the seven steps to becoming a B or an I.
I. Mind Your Own Business
II. Take Control Of Your Cash Flow
III. Know The Diff e rence Between Risk And Risky
I V. Decide What Kind Of Investor You Want To Be
V. Seek Mentors
VI. Overcome The Obstacles To We a l t h
VII. The Power Of Faith
SESSION 5: Step I Mind Your Own Business
27. R o b e rt Kiyosaki asserts that constant upgrading of your education is imperative to
sustaining financial freedom, especially in the age of the computer and constantly
changing technology. Are you computer literate and familiar with the most re c e n t
What action steps can you take to become further educated in these are a s ?
28. Are you an over-achiever? Give five examples of how you over-achieve in your life.
How can you turn these over-achievements into under- a c h i e v e m e n t s ?
SESSION 6: Step II Take Control Of Your Cash Flow
29. At this point in the series, Robert discusses three types of income: Earned, Passive
and Portfolio. Earned is the most highly taxed, generally employment income.
Passive income is least taxed, providing the greatest tax advantages, for example
real estate earnings. Portfolio income comes from stocks, bonds, mutual funds and
List below your Earned, Passive and Portfolio based income.
30. R o b e rt s Rich Dad instructed him that the less involved you are in your business,
the richer you will be. Below, he lists the assets that dont re q u i re your pre s e n c e :
A. Businesses
B. Stocks
C. Bonds
D. Mutual Funds
E. Income Generating Real Estate (commercial, residential, raw land, etc.)
F. Notes or I.O.Us
G. Royalties from Intellectual Pro p e rty (books, games etc.)
H. Anything Else That Produces Value (collectors items such as Beanie Babies,
stamps, coins etc.)
ACTION STEP: Based on each of the above categories, list below all assets that put
money in your pocket on a weekly or monthly basis:
SESSION 7: Step III Know The Difference Between "Risk"
and "Risky"
I. Take Control Of Your Cash Flow
31. At this point in the series, Robert gives us the example of the single mother who is
penny poor with a garage full of childre n s toys. He points out that it re q u i res disci-
pline and prioritization to acquire financial freedom. He suggests that we first buy
assets, then with those assets we can aff o rd to buy our liabilities. He reminds us that
our house is not an asset as long as we are putting money into it for upkeep without
acquiring anything from it (such as monthly rental payments from tenants).
ACTION STEP: Analyze the following Income Statements and mark which economic
class each is indicative of based on the cash flow patterns of the
a) poor
b) middle class
c) rich
Which of the above Income Statements most resembles your current financial status?
N o w, ask yourself if you are in control of yourself mentally and emotionally. State
below how you can change your current status. If you can not come up with a plan,
make the choice to seek the help of an accountant or financial planner.
If you have the CASHFLOW game, take the time to play it and familiarize yourself
with it.
32. R o b e rts asserts that knowledge is integral in the development of financial fre e d o m .
If you are not educated in the areas of investing and finance, you should educate
yourself to become so. He suggests that you take the following steps:
ACTION STEP: Take the time to read business and financial newspapers such as The
Wall Street Journal or The Financial Post tune into the financial news on the television
or radio, make a point of listening to financial educational programs such as
Nightingale-Conant audiotapes.
List below the re s o u rces that you utilize to further educate yourself in the areas of
finance and business.
SESSIONS 8& 9 : Step IV - Decide What Kind Of Investor You Want To Be
33. In this session, Robert describes the Seven Levels of Investors. He lists core values
as being a need for security, the desire to be comfortable (e.g., a summer home, sec-
ond car, and the drive to be rich. He reminds us that money is a mental, emotion-
al, spiritual idea and that one has to be willing to become insecure or uncomfort-
able to become rich. When Robert was ready to make that decision, he was able to
accommodate all three core values and find success and freedom, but not without
initially risking his security. The Seven Levels are as follows:
1) Those with nothing to invest often have no investments, few assets, and live from
paycheck to paycheck.
2) B o rro w e r s often have little or no investments, few assets, and have credit card or
other outstanding debts. This person borrows to solve financial pro b l e m s .
3) The Saver invests a small amount of money monthly on a low-interest plan.
4) The Smart Investor has an awareness of the need to invest. They dont speculate
and dont do IPOs, derivatives or day trading.
5) The Long Te rm Investor is an insider on the deals. Their investments usually start
with real estate, they understand financial statements, actively invest and cut their
own deals, are good negotiators, are quite sophisticated and tend to work on their
own. They have an ability to see the bigger picture and hidden opportunities that
they can benefit from. Robert stresses the importance of good negotiating skills and
reminds us that "your profit is made when you buy, not when you sell." He states
that anticipating potential escalation in value is speculative. The profits should be
clear and obvious during the purchase or the purchase should not be made.
6) The Sophisticated Investor has excellent cash flow management skills, is very focused
on their investments (does not widely diversify), is knowledgeable about tax and investor
business laws, can read financials and has a good team of accountants and attorn e y s .
They are not concerned with capital gains, but more in how money can flow into their
pocket with as few taxes as possible. They have cleverly worked their finances so that
they can move with the marketplace, thus are happy with market crashes as well as
g rowths. They have the know-how to utilize "puts" and "calls" to ensure balanced
gains and losses in their investment choices. They have excellent management skills and
do not put all of their income in one trade.
7) The Capitalist - does not need to use their own money to attain financial gains; they
l e a rn to use other peoples money and other peoples time on their behalf.
ACTION STEP: Make a definitive decision as to whether you want comfort and security in
your life or whether you want to be rich. If you choose comfort and security, you could
attain a Level 4 or 5 on the scale. In order to attain these levels, you need a solid financial
plan, insurance and sound advice from a financial planner. In order to attain Levels 6 and
7, you need to dream, have drive and dedication along with a "willingness to win". Ta k e
an honest look at the 7 Levels and find out where you are. Then ask yourself where you
want to be. Which level are you at currently? If you want to get to a higher level, list
below the steps that you will take to get there .
34. Remember the old adage, birds of a feather flock together. This holds true in the
world of finance. List six people you spend most of your time with. Beside their name,
note the quadrant that each of them inhabits (E, S, B or I). Now that youve made a
decision about your future, are those you spend time with in alignment with your finan-
cial goals? If not, how can you make this transition?
SESSION 10: Step V Seek Mentors
35. Robert s Rich Dad taught him that in order to stretch his income, he needed to be
willing to stretch his knowledge, keeping an open mind to new and innovative ideas. It
is very important that we seek mentors who can aid us in our growth. Anyone who
wants to gain wealth must have the vocabulary to effectively communicate with those
who are wealthy and financially educated.
ACTION STEPS: Find tapes or books by some of the wildest thinkers. Seek out thinkers
who do not align with your way of thinking. Open your mind to alternative perc e p-
tions. Robert tells the story of how his Rich Dad made him work for nothing. He
encourages you to do the same. Do volunteer work, what Robert deems as "sweat
equity" for a company. As you do so, note all that you can on how finances are man-
aged. You can learn from both the good and the bad habits. We can learn from every-
one around us. List below mentors you have had in the past. Then list potential men-
tors that you believe could benefit your further financial gro w t h .
Step VI - Overcome The Obstacles To Wealth
36. In this session Robert Kiyosaki lists the obstacles one must overcome to attain
financial freedom. He reminds us that we must find our strength by looking within.
We will not find it outside ourselves. He lists the six greatest emotional obstacles to
o v e rcome as the following:
1) Fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) Do not let the fear drive you away from
your dre a m s .
2) C y n i c i s m Open your mind to what could be as opposed to what is not.
3) L a z i n e s s Tr a n s f o rm the lazy idea I cant aff o rd it into "how can I aff o rd it.
4) Bad Habits Recognize your bad habits, then take the necessary steps to
change them.
5) A rro g a n c e Ego plus ignorance equals arrogance. Note the diff e rence between arro-
gance and confidence. If you have actually done something, then you are not brag-
ging. You are simply confident.
6) D i s a p p o i n t m e n t To overcome disappointment, you should
a ) Expect to be disappointed
b ) Have a mentor who supports you
c ) Be kind to yourself! Failure is something we have done, it is not who we are .
d ) Tell the truth. It is necessary to accept responsibility for our mistakes without
justifying them.
e) Dont quit!
ACTION PLAN: Be honest with yourself and list below any of the above obstacles are
keeping you from becoming financially fre e .
What steps do you need to take to overcome the above obstacles in your life?
To start learning about investing, begin by putting a small amount of money down on
the deal. As you do so, your intelligence goes up. List below the investments you
make. What have you learned from the experience?
SESSION 11: Step VI (Cont) & Step VII - Overcome the
Obstacles to Wealth & The Power of Faith
37. R o b e rt shares a reminder about the abundance that surrounds us in nature. He re c o g n i z e s
that God wants our lives to be abundant, that there is no lack to be found in a beautiful
sunset. He suggests that instead of following the dogma of others, we look to nature for
the truth and note that there is plenty of abundance there. We often find ourselves lying or
making excuses for the lack in our lives.
ACTION STEP: We often create lies to avoid change in our lives. For example, the re a-
son I cant be rich ismy wife is a big spenderI dont have the time or Im too old to
re t u rn to schoolits too late to make changes in my lifemy parents never support e d
me, etc. Write down some of the lies that you have had running your life.
After writing them, take the time to review them and laugh at yourself. Then face
them. With honesty and humor you will start to heal them.
SESSION 12: The Choice Is Yo u r s : What My Rich Dad Would Te l l
Yo u
38. R o b e rt leaves us with a reminder that we should always maintain the qualities of
I n t e g r i t y, Honesty, Morality and Ethics when pursuing our financial dreams.
Review all of the teachings that Robert Kiyosaki has shared with you in this pro g r a m .
List below the highlights that most profoundly affected you and the action steps that
you plan on taking to make your desired changes.
The views expressed in this workbook and on the tape are solely those of the author.
Both Nightingale-Conant and Robert Kiyosaki recommend that you seek the advice
and counsel of a professional lawyer and financial planner.
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