SWT Application
SWT Application
SWT Application
Wavelets are of wide potential use in statistical contexts. The basics of the discrete wavelet transform are reviewed using a lter notation that is useful subsequently in the paper. A `stationary wavelet transform', where the coe cient sequences are not decimated at each stage, is described. Two di erent approaches to the construction of an inverse of the stationary wavelet transform are set out. The application of the stationary wavelet transform as an exploratory statistical method is discussed, together with its potential use in nonparametric regression. A method of local spectral density estimation is developed. This involves extensions to the wavelet context of standard time series ideas such as the periodogram and spectrum. The technique is illustrated by its application to data sets from astronomy and veterinary anatomy.
In this paper we discuss some aspects of wavelets with a particular view to their statistical application. In particular we shall be concerned with an extension of the standard discrete wavelet transform, which we term the stationary wavelet transform. The stationary wavelet transform itself is discussed by Pesquet, Krim and Carfantan PKC] from more of an `engineering' point of view, and we do not make any claims of originality for it. We do, however, feel that the potential value of the technique for statistical purposes will be enhanced by a `tutorial' introduction both to the standard wavelet transform and to the stationary wavelet transform, and we provide this in Sections 2 and 3 below, in a way that is particularly angled towards the uses of the techniques that we will discuss subsequently. The basic idea of the stationary wavelet transform is to ` ll in the gaps' caused by the decimation step in the standard wavelet transform. This leads to an over-determined, or redundant, representation of the original data, but one which has considerable statistical potential, which is explored in the remainder of the paper. We hope that our development, based on a particular ` lter' notation, will be of value in understanding the various transforms. Two main examples, one from astronomy and one from veterinary science, are presented in Section 4, and the value of the stationary wavelet transform for exploring these data sets is discussed. The potential uses of the stationary wavelet transform in regression and curve estimation are then considered in Section 5. In order to do this, we need to set
1 Introduction
out ways of inverting the stationary wavelet transform, again building on work of Pesquet et al. PKC]. The stationary wavelet transform has a valuable role in the exploration and spectral analysis of non-stationary time series. In Section 6, we give a heuristic discussion of the way in which wavelets can be used to extend to non-stationary data the notions of periodogram and spectrum that arise from the Fourier analysis of stationary series. This discussion is illustrated by the application of the methods proposed to the two practical examples introduced in Section 4.
Suppose we are given a sequence c0; c1; : : : ; cN ?1 where N = 2J for some integer J . For the moment we shall concentrate entirely on the algorithmic aspects of the wavelet expansion, without making any explicit or tacit assumptions about the sequence fcig. The standard discrete wavelet transform is based on lters H and G and on a `binary decimation' operator D0 . The lter H is a low pass lter, de ned by a sequence conventionally denoted fhn g. Typically, only a small number of the fhng are non-zero. The action of the low pass lter on a doubly in nite sequence f: : : ; x?1; x0; x1; x2; : : :g is de ned by X (Hx)k = hn?k xn : (1) The de nitions for sequences of nite length depend on a choice of treatment at the boundaries. For the present paper, periodic boundary conditions will be used, but others are possible; see, for example, Nason and Silverman NS1]. The lter is assumed to satisfy the internal orthogonality relation
n n
hn hn+2j = 0
for all integers j 6= 0, and to have sum of squares P h2 n = 1. The high-pass lter G is de ned by the sequence
gn = (?1)nh1?n
for all n. It is easy to show that the lter G satis es the same internal orthogonality relations as H and in addition that the lters obey the mutual orthogonality relation
hn gn+2j = 0
for all integers j . Filters constructed in the way we have described are called quadrature mirror lters. For further details of suitable constructions of particular quadrature mirror lters, see Vaidyanathan Va1] or Daubechies Da1]. The binary decimation operator D0 simply chooses every even member of a sequence, so that (D0x)j = x2j (5)
for all integers j . It follows from the internal and mutual orthogonality properties of the quadrature mirror lters that the mapping of a sequence x to the pair of sequences (D0G x; D0Hx) is an orthogonal transformation. If x is a nite sequence of length 2m with periodic boundary conditions applied, then each of D0G x and D0Hx will be sequences of length 2m?1 . The discrete wavelet transform is derived from a multiresolution analysis, performed as follows. For clarity of exposition, we shall impose periodic boundary conditions throughout. De ne the smooth at level J , written cJ to be the original data
J cJ n = cn for n = 0; 1; : : : ; 2 ? 1:
Now, for j = J ? 1; J ? 2; : : : ; 0, recursively de ne the smooth cj at level j and the detail dj at level j by cj = D0Hcj+1 and dj = D0G cj+1: (6) Note that cj and dj will both be sequences of length 2j . It can be seen from (6) that the smooth at each level is fed down to the next level to give rise to the smooth and detail at that level. Because the mapping (D0H; D0 G ) is an orthogonal transform it is very easily inverted to nd cj+1 in terms of cj and dj ; write the transform as a matrix and take the transpose. If the original lter sequence fhng has H non-zero members, then the matrix will have (at most) 2j+1 H non-zero elements. We shall write R0 for the inverse transform so that
The usual discrete wavelet transform is obtained by continuing this process to obtain the detail at each level together with the smooth at the zero level, so that the original sequence is orthogonally transformed to the sequence of sequences dJ ?1 ; dJ ?2 ; : : :; d0; c0, of total length 2J . It is immediate from (7) that the process can be reversed by reconstructing c1 from d0 and c0, then reconstructing c2 from c1 and d1, and so on. Provided the lter sequence fhn g has a nite number of non-zero elements, the step at level j in both the transform and its inverse will require O(2j ) operations; summing over j it follows that the overall number of arithmetic operations for both the transform and its inverse is O(2J ). For further details on the discrete wavelet transform see, for example, Mallat Ma1] and Smith and Barnwell SB1].
Since the discrete wavelet transform is an orthogonal transform it corresponds to a particular choice of basis for the space <N in which the original sequence lies. There are several possible modi cations of the DWT each corresponding to a somewhat di erent choice of basis. We rst of all note that it is not necessary to continue the decomposition as far as level 0. An equally valid orthogonal transformation of the data is given by stopping the process at any level R, so that we map the original sequence to the sequence of sequences dJ ?1 ; dJ ?2 ; : : :; dR; cR. We shall call this the discrete wavelet transform curtailed at level R.
Secondly it is immediate that the decomposition could equally well be carried out by selecting every odd member of each sequence rather than every even member. To be precise, de ne D1 to be the operator de ned for sequences x by (D1x)j = x2j+1 (8) for all integers j . The mapping (D1H; D1 G ) is still an orthogonal transformation, and the multiresolution analysis can be carried out by successively applying this operator in (6) instead of (D0 H; D0G ). The results will not be the same, but the overall transformation will still be an orthogonal transformation. The reconstruction can be obtained by successive application of the corresponding inverse operator, denoted R1. Indeed it is not even necessary for the same choice of `odd' or `even' to be used throughout. Suppose that J ?1; J ?2 : : :; 0 is a sequence of 0's and 1's. We can then use the operator D j at level j , and perform the reconstruction by using the corresponding sequence of operators R j . For each choice of the sequence this will give a di erent orthogonal transformation of the original sequence. We shall refer to this transformation as the -decimated discrete wavelet transform. Some elucidation of this procedure can be obtained by considering shift operators. Let S be the shift operator de ned by (S x)j = xj+1: If x is a nite sequence, de ne the shift periodically at the boundary. It then immediate from the de nitions that D1 = D0S and hence that R1 = S ?1R0. It is also easy to see that SD0 = D0S 2 and that the operator S commutes with H and G . Now de ne S to be the integer whose binary representation is 0 1 : : : J ?1. It can easily be shown that the coe cient sequences cj and dj yielded by the -decimated discrete wavelet transform are all shifted versions of those yielded by the ordinary DWT applied to the shifted sequence S S x. To see this, consider any xed j and let s1 and s2 be the integers with binary representations 0 1 : : : j?1 and j j+1 : : : J ?1 . In the standard DWT the sequence dj = D0G (D0H)J ?j?1 cJ . In the -decimated case, we have dj = D j GD j+1 HD j+2 H : : : D J?1 HcJ = D0 S j GD0S j+1 HD0S j+2 H : : : D0S J?1 HcJ (9) = D0 G (D0H)J ?j?1 S s2 cJ : (10) To obtain (10) from (9) we have repeatedly commuted the shift operators with G and H, and used the property that SD0 = D0S 2. Now apply the operator S s1 . We have S s1 dj = S s1 D0G (D0H)J ?j?1 S s2 cJ = D0G (D0H)J ?j?1 S S cJ ; since S = 2J ?j s1 + s2. Thus dj shifted by an amount s1 is the j th detail sequence of the standard DWT applied to the original data shifted by an amount S . The corresponding result for cj is derived exactly similarly, replacing D0G (D0H)J ?j?1 by (D0H)J ?j throughout. It follows that the basis vectors of the -decimated DWT can be obtained from those of the standard DWT by applying the shift operator S S , and the choice of thus corresponds to a choice of `origin' with respect to which the basis functions are de ned.
Some elucidation both of the standard DWT and of the modi cations described in Section 2.2 can be obtained by relating the discrete wavelet transform of a sequence to the continuous wavelet decomposition of a corresponding function. Wavelets are based on functions called scaling functions which have two key prop2 erties. Firstly, (t) and all its R R integer translates (t + j ) form an orthonormal set in L , 2 so that (t) dt = 1 and (t) (t + j )dt = 0 for integers j 6= 0. Secondly, can be expressed as a linear combination of half-integer translates of itself at double the scale: p X (t) = 2 hj (2t ? j ): (11)
De ning the sequence fgj g as the `mirror' of the sequence fhj g by the relation (3), the mother wavelet is then de ned by p X (12) (t) = 2 gj (2t ? j ): The key properties of the scaling function imply that the sequence fhj g satis es the properties required of the corresponding sequence in the discrete wavelet transform. Bases of various function spaces can now be constructed from appropriate dilations and translations of and . For any integer j , de ne j=2 (2j t) and (t) = 2j=2 (2j t): j (t) = 2 j Now, associate with a sequence cJ the function X ?J f (t) = cJ (13) k J (t ? 2 k ): For any level R < J , perform a discrete wavelet transform curtailed at level R. It follows from the properties of scaling functions and the de nition of the DWT that the resulting coe cients give the expansion for f in orthonormal functions
k j
f (t) =
?R cR k R (t ? 2 k ) +
J ?1 X
Because of the orthonormality properties of the wavelets, it is also true that Z j dk = j (t ? 2?j k)f (t)dt
?j so that the detail coe cient dj k gives information about f at `scale' 2 near position ? j J J t = 2 k. In terms of the original sequence c this corresponds to scale 2 ?j near position 2J ?j k. The coe cients cR of the smooth at level R give an approximation to the original function in terms of orthogonal translates of R. Now consider the -decimated discrete wavelet transform. De ning S as before, let t0 = 2?J S: Then the coe cient sequences obtained will give an expansion of f in terms of R(t ? t0 ? 2?Rl) and j (t ? t0 ? 2?j l) for integers l and for j = R; R + 1; : : :; J ? 1. In terms of the original sequence, this means that, at scale 2J ?j , the positions at which the detail coe cients will be localised are of the form 2J ?j l + S , a grid of integers of gauge 2J ?j shifted to have origin S .
j =R
In this section we explain how the basic DWT algorithm can be modi ed to give a stationary wavelet transform that no longer depends on the choice of origin.
The basic idea is extremely simple. We simply apply appropriate high and low pass lters to the data at each level to produce two sequences at the next level. We do not decimate, and the two new sequences each have the same length as the original sequence. Instead, we modify the lters at each level, by padding them out with zeroes, in a way that we now de ne. Let Z be the operator that alternates a given sequence with zeroes, so that, for all integers j , (Z x)2j = xj and (Z x)2j+1 = 0: De ne lters H r] and G r] to have weights Z r h and Z r g respectively. Thus the lter H r] has weights h2rr]j = hj and hkr] = 0 if k is not a multiple of 2r . The lter H r] is obtained by inserting a zero between every adjacent pair of elements of the lter H r?1], and similarly for G r]. It is immediate that H r] and G r] commute with S and that (14) To de ne the stationary wavelet transform, we start by setting aJ to be the original sequence cJ in our previous notation. For j = J; J ? 1; : : :; 1 we then recursively de ne aj?1 = H J ?j] aj and bj?1 = G J ?j]aj : (15) If the vector aJ is of length 2J , then all the vectors aj and bj will be of the same length, rather than becoming shorter as j decreases as in the standard DWT. Thus to nd bJ ?1; bJ ?2; : : : ; b0; a0 will take O(J 2J ) operations rather than the O(2J ) of the standard DWT.
r H r] = HDr and Dr G r] = GDr : D0 0 0 0
It is easy to see that the stationary wavelet transform contains the coe cients of the -decimated DWT for every choice of . For any given and corresponding `origin' S , the J ?j S S bj and the data at level j the same shifted detail at level j are a shifted version of D0 J ?j S S aj . version of D0 To be precise, de ne s1 and s2 as in Section 2.2 above. Let dj ( ) be the j detail sequence obtained from the -decimated discrete wavelet transform. We then have, for each j ,
J ?j S S bj = DJ ?j S s2 bj = DJ ?j S s2 G J ?j ?1] H J ?j ?2] : : : H 0] cJ S ?s1 D0 0 0 J ? j J ? j ? 1] H J ?j?2] : : : H 0]S s2 cJ = D0 G J ?j ?1 H J ?j ?1] : : : HS s2 cJ = D0GD0 J ?j ?2 : : : HS s2 cJ = : : : = D0GD0HD0 = D0G (D0H)J ?j?1 S s2 cJ = dj ;
-1.0 0
400 t
Figure 1: A simulated chirp signal. The relation with the -decimated DWT allows a clear interpretation of the stationary wavelet transform coe cients. Associate the data sequence cJ with the function f as in (13) above. For any j and k, by considering a decimated DWT with S = k and hence t0 = 2?J k, we can see at once that
j (t ? 2
?J k )f (t)dt
J ?j localised so that, in terms of the original sequence, bj k gives information at scale 2 at position k. There is no longer any restriction of the localisation position to a grid of integers. The stationary wavelet transform ` lls in the gaps' between the coe cients in any particular -decimated DWT.
In this section we consider two examples which illustrate the use of the stationary wavelet transform for the exploration of observed signals. The examples will be considered again in the context of local spectral estimation later in the paper. The rst example is a `chirp' signal, which is of interest in many scienti c elds, for example, in gravity wave detection in astronomy and signal recognition problems in ecology. Our particular concern arose out of discussions with David Nicholson of the Department of Astronomy, University College, Cardi . The signal is shown in Figure 1. The basic feature is that the frequency increases up to the singularity in the middle of the graph, and then decreases again. The standard wavelet transform of this signal (Figure 2) does not make this property very clear. On the other hand, in the stationary wavelet transform (Figure 3) the increasing and decreasing frequncy can be seen. As t
1 2 Resolution Level 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
256 384 Translate Standard transform Daub cmpct on least asymm N=6
1 2 Resolution Level 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
512 768 Translate Stationary transform Daub cmpct on least asymm N=6
Vertical force
0 0.0
Figure 4: Vertical force pattern for part of a stride of a trotting horse. increases, the amplitude of the oscillation within any particular frequency level increases and then dies o , and the region of high amplitude becomes closer to the singularity as the frequency band increases. In Section 6 below, we will pursue this example somewhat further in the context of providing a `local spectral density estimate' for a nonstationary time series. Another example comes from the study of equine gait. This data was collected at the Bristol Equine Sports Medicine Centre by Dr Alan Wilson and colleagues of the Department of Anatomy, Bristol University. The particular data we discuss concerns the study of the initial impact spike when the hoof of a trotting horse hits the ground. A typical plot of the vertical force is given in Figure 4. It can be seen that, after the initial impact, the force pattern falls into two phases. At rst there is a phase in which the force increases and then reaches a plateau; this is followed by a second phase in which the full weight of the horse is put down on the leg. It is of considerable interest to characterise the way in which the initial impact energy, represented by the high frequency oscillations, is absorbed by the horse's leg. An important aspect for future scienti c investigation is the contrast between these patterns for horses landing on di erent surfaces. The main interest is in understanding the frequency behaviour of the signal in the period immediately after the initial impact. In order to do this, an overall trend curve is tted to the data (starting at the time of the initial impact) and the residual curve about this trend determined, as shown in Figure 5. The discrete and stationary wavelet transforms of this curve are shown in Figure 6. At the frequency bands at which there is any substantial detail at all, the discrete wavelet transform has a sampling rate that is essentially too low to give any clear picture of the data. It is better to sacri ce the
-0.4 0.0
Resolution Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 128 192 Translate Standard transform Daub cmpct on least asymm N=6 64 256
Resolution Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 256 384 Translate Stationary transform Daub cmpct on least asymm N=6 128 512
Figure 6: Discrete and stationary wavelet transforms of the equine vertical force curve shown in Figure 5
orthogonality of the successive lters in order to attain the higher sampling rate of the stationary wavelet transform. Again, we shall consider this example again below. The main applied interest of this paper will be in the use of the stationary wavelet transform for exploratory purposes and for local spectral estimation. However, some comments about the possible use of the method for regression will also be made.
This recursion requires O(J 2J ) operations, and it is equivalent to the average basis inverse of the stationary wavelet transform. A proof, using the properties of the various operators involved, is left as an exercise for the reader.
Hitherto the main statistical use of wavelets has been in nonparametric regression. Suppose that, for some N = 2J , we make observations Y1; : : :; YN assumed to satisfy Yi = f (i=N ) + i for some function f , where the i are independent N (0; 2) random variables. The classic wavelet paradigm for estimating f is to nd the discrete wavelet transform of fYig, apply a soft or hard thresholding rule, and then to invert to yield an estimate of f . See Donoho and Johnstone DJ2, DJ1], Donoho, Johnstone, Kerkyacharian and Picard DJKP]. Nason Na2, Na3], Abramovich and Benjamini AB1], Fan, Hall, Martin and Patil FHMP], Johnstone and Silverman JS], Neumann and Spokoiny NS2], Ogden Og1], Vidakovic Vi1], Wang Wa1] and Weyrich and Warhola WW1]. In this paper we only mention regression in passing, but note that the two inverse methods set out in the above section yield two contrasting approaches to the nonparametric regression problem. Once the stationary wavelet transform of the data has been worked out, an approach related to the `best basis' approach for wavelet packets can be used. The choice of whether to choose the `odd' or `even' coe cients at each level to pass down to the next level of the transform can be considered as a binary tree. Each possible choice of can be considered as a di erent path to the bottom of the tree from its root. A suitable entropy function can be used to choose between possible bases. If this entropy is additive, then a dynamic programming idea can be used to nd the path that corresponds to the basis with the lowest entropy; see Pesquet et al. PKC] for further details. The basic idea is exactly the same as that used by Coifman and Wickerhauser CW1] for wavelet packets. An additional possibility is that of curtailing the decomposition at any particular level R, as discussed in Section 2.2 above. This involves adding an additional possibility at each node of the tree, that of curtailing the decomposition at this point; this third choice is then a terminal node. The additional burden in the dynamic programming algorithm is trivial. The other approach is to use the average basis inverse of the stationary wavelet transform. Take the SWT of the data, and apply a hard or soft thresholding rule to the individual coe cients. Each element of the resulting array will be an estimate of the corresponding element of the SWT of the function f . In order to obtain an estimate of f , apply the average basis inverse of the SWT. This procedure is, of course, equivalent to performing a standard wavelet regression on each -decimated wavelet transform, and then averaging over . Some preliminary work (joint with Donoho and Coifman) suggests that the averaging approach retains the adaptivity of the standard wavelet approach but improves its performance on smooth parts of the function of interest.
Suppose X1; X2; : : : ; XN is an observed time series with N = 2J . In this section we shall discuss a possible approach to the local spectral analysis of the series. Another approach,
also using wavelets, is discussed by Sachs and Schneider vSS]. The use of wavelets in the estimation of the spectral density of a stationary series is considered by Gao Ga1, Ga2]. For each xed j , consider the sequence bj k as de ned in (16). As was pointed out in Section 3.2 above, this sequence provides information about the original data at scale 2J ?j . A way of seeing this more clearly is to recall that the mother wavelet is band-limited in the frequency domain, and hence, from equation (16), we can see that bj k is a band-limited ltering of the original sequence; as j varies, the frequency response function of the lter is dilated by a factor of 2j , and so, roughly speaking, the frequencies allowed through by the band-limited lter are in an interval whose endpoints are proportional to 2j . In the standard analysis of stationary time series, the periodogram is de ned to be the squared modulus of the discrete Fourier transform of the observed series. By analogy, 2 we de ne the array f(bj k ) g to be the wavelet periodogram of the series. If the series is de ned by a stochastic mechanism with E (Xi) = 0 and ?ij = cov(Xi ; Xj ), then the stationary wavelet spectrum f jk g is de ned by
2 = E (bj k) :
Since the coe cients bj k depend linearly on the observed series, it follows immediately that, if the series is Gaussian, we have
2 (bj k) 2 jk 1
and hence, just as in classical time series analysis, the wavelet periodogram will not be a consistent estimator of the wavelet spectrum. Each element of the wavelet spectrum is of course a quadratic form dependent on the variance matrix ? . Some brief remarks about this dependence are made in Section 6.3 below, and a more detailed discussion will be provided in subsequent work. Some heuristic insight into the behaviour of the wavelet spectrum and periodogram may be obtained by considering the case where the series consists of a pure sinusoidal signal at a particular frequency. For simplicity of exposition, associate with the discrete series a continuous function Y (t) by the construction (13). Neglect the high frequency e ects introduced into Y by this construction and assume that for some constants a and !, Y (t) = A sin(2J !t); where ! is the frequency of variation of the original sequence. Assume that the mother wavelet has Fourier transform ~(s), so that the function j has Fourier transform 2?j=2 ~(2?j s). Assume that, for s > 0, ~(s) is negligible outside a range (sL; sH ). For the Littlewood{Paley wavelet, de ned by
The stationary wavelet transform bj at level j is simply the convolution of the functions j and Y , sampled at frequency 2J . By standard Fourier series arguments, therefore, bj will be a sine wave of frequency ! and amplitude Aj proportional to 2?j=2 Aj ~(2J ?j !)j = Awj (!); say. It can now easy to see that Aj will be negligible if 2J ?j ! is outside the range (sL; sH ), in other words if J ? j is outside the range (log2(!) ? log2(sH ); log2(!) ? log2(sL)). If sH = 2sL then only a single Aj will be non-zero; more generally the signal will be spread over a small number of levels of the stationary wavelet transform. Squaring the stationary wavelet transform will yield, at level j , a sequence of the 1 Awj (! )f1 + sin(2!k + j ) where j is a possible phase shift. Thus the stationary form 2 wavelet periodogram at level j will consist of the combination of a `signal' Awj (!) with the addition of a `noise component' oscillating at frequency 2!. Now let us consider a more general signal with slowly varying amplitude A(t). Since the various wavelet coe cients depend only locally on the series, the amplitudes of the individual levels of the stationary wavelet transform can be expected, roughly speaking, to vary in proportion to A(t). If we now consider the case where the signal consists of a mixture of a number of pure frequency components each with varying amplitude, we can expect that the total 1 P w (! )A (t) with a `noise com`signal' in the wavelet periodogram at level j will be 2 ! ! j ponent' that will oscillate at frequencies double those of the frequencies for which wj (!) is non-zero, ie the range (2j?J sL; 2j?J sH ). Thus in smoothing the wavelet periodogram to obtain an estimate of the wavelet spectrum, we aim at level j to remove frequencies above 2j+1?J sL, by a suitable ltering approach. Rather unusually for smoothing problems, we have a reasonably objective criterion for deciding which part of the `data' (in this case the wavelet periodogram) is `signal' and which is `noise'. In this paper we have performed the smoothing by a non-adaptive wavelet approach. Each level j of the wavelet periodogram is considered separately and its standard discrete wavelet transform found. All the coe cients at levels j + 1 and above are set to zero and the inverse found. The e ect is, approximately, to apply a low-pass lter removing frequencies above 2j+1?J sL, as required. Re nements of this rather crude procedure are the subject of current investigation. The heuristic remarks made in this section will of course be the subject of further theoretical investigation. In the present paper we shall illustrate and investigate them by reference to some practical examples. The rst example is the chirp data discussed in Section 4. The wavelet periodogram for this data is given in Figure 7. It can immediately be seen that the oscillations at each level occur in the manner predicted by our discussion above. As the frequency of the signal increases, the power in the wavelet periodogram moves to the higher frequency levels, and similarly in the second half of the plot the power moves back down again. The smoothing method described above can be applied to yield the local spectral estimate given in Figure 8. The spurious high frequency e ects within each level have now been removed, and the overall picture of a signal with increasing and then decreasing frequency is both clear and quanti able. Turning to the equine gait example, the local spectral estimate obtained by our approach is given in Figure 9. At frequency band 3, there is a single episode of oscillation.
6.2 Examples
1 2 Resolution Level 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
512 768 Translate Stationary transform Daub cmpct on least asymm N=6
1 2 Resolution Level 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
512 768 Translate Stationary transform Daub cmpct on least asymm N=6
1 2 Resolution Level 3 4 5 6 7 8
256 384 Translate Stationary transform Daub cmpct on least asymm N=6
Figure 9: Local spectral estimate for equine force plate data. Comparison with the original data as shown in Figure 4 demonstrates that this episode lasts about as long as the rst phase of the stride. By contrast, frequency band 4 contains two bursts of oscillation, one at the initial impact and one subsequently at the end of the rst phase. Our discussion of the appropriate amount of smoothing to apply to the wavelet periodogram indicates that this double bump is not spurious. This interesting feature of the data has important implications for the biomechanics of the horse's leg, and further data collection and analysis is in progress to investigate it further.
In this section we make some brief theoretical remarks, relating our approach to some concepts in the analysis of nonstationary time series. Consider, for the moment, a continuous time random process X (t) with covariance function ? (s; t). It is then natural to consider t( ) = ? (t ? =2; t + =2) as being the covariance of the process at lag at time t. In this sense t( ) is the local covariance of the series. If the stochastic structure of the process is in fact stationary, then t( ) does not depend on and is simply the covariance of the process at lag . If the process is observed at discrete time points, then t( ) is of course only de ned for certain values of t and , but the general principle remains. Having de ned a local covariance, we can now de ne the local spectrum in an obvious way. The spectrum of a stationary process is de ned to be the Fourier transform of the autocovariance function; so it is natural to de ne the local spectrum to be the Fourier transform of the local covariance: 1 Z 1 ( )e?i! d : t (! ) = 2 ?1 t
The function t(!) is called the Wigner distribution of the process; see Section 11.1 of Priestley Pr1]. The wavelet spectrum can then be de ned in terms of the Wigner distribution. The element jk is a linear functional of the form
Wj (t ? 2?J k; !) t(!)dtd!
for some suitable weight function Wj that can be expressed in terms of the particular wavelet being used. We are at present investigating the properties of the local spectral estimate by considering the weight functions Wj in more detail.
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