Wavelet Transforms: Application To Data Analysis - I

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Wavelet Transforms: Application to Data Analysis - I

Jatan K Modi, Sachin P Nanavati, Amit S Phadke and Prasanta K Panigrahi
Jatan K Modi (top left)
is currently a visiting
facultyat DOlT, Gujarat. His
areas of interest are artifi-
cialintelli gence, compilers
and image processing.
Sachin P Nanavati (top right)
is currently working on a
project at PRL, Ahmedabad.
He enjoys trekking and bird
Amit S Phadke (bottom left)
is presently working in
'Cytotec', a software firm
based in Vadodara, dealing
with image processing and
'Flow Cytometry' software.
His research interests
include image processing
and artificial intelligence.
Prasanta K Panigrahi (bottom
right) is currently with the
Quantum Information and
Quantum Optics Division at
PRL. His current research
interests are in the areas of
quantum information,
solitons and wavelets.
In this article, we elaborate upon the key ideas
underlying the construction of various wavelet
basis sets. The roles of translation and scal-
ing, which enable the wavelets to localize vari-
ations at desired levels of resolution, are clearly
brought out. After explaining the implementa-
tion of one dimensional wavelet transform, we il-
lustrate their usefulness through the analysis of
a data set.
The much-studied Fourier series makes use of the peri-
odic sinusoidal functions, to represent a time dependent
function or signal in the frequency domain:
whose continuous version is given by
1 J .
f(t) = - dwF'(w) exp(zwt).
Here ao, a
and b
are constant coefficients, which repre-
sent the average of the function and the amplitudes of
the cosine and sine waves with frequency r, respectively.
F(w) is the Fourier transform of the function f(t), where
w ranges from - 00 to 00. At a pictorial level, this means
that the function f(t) has been built by the linear super-
position of the basic building blocks, the sine and cosine
waves, for the Fourier series and plane wave (exp( iwt))
for the continuous Fourier transform. The fact that, the
plane waves extend from -00 to 00 makes them unsuit-
able to capture local behavior in a function. It should
be kept in mind that, in practical applications f (t) is

not continuous, but a discretely sampled data set. As
has been explained in the previous article [1], this fact
comes out quite clearly in the example of Gibbs' phe-
nomenon. To describe a transient or sharply I changing
phenomenon by Fourier transform, one needs to keep
track of an infinite number of coefficients aT's and br's
or F (w), a practically impossible proposition!
Wavelets in Action
In recent times, wavelet transform has emerged as an ad-
vantageous tool for studying time varying and transient
phenomena. In a number of cases, they complement
the Fourier transform, by providing a better view of the
structures present at different scales, as also achieving
the so-called time-frequency localization, not possible in
Fourier domain. Broadly speaking, two different fea-
tures common to all wavelets are responsible for their
utility value. The basis functions of the wavelets are
produced from two units, the father wavelet (or scaling
function) (t) and the mother wavelet 'ljJ(t), by the op-
eration of scaling and translation. Depending on the
extent of the basis functions, there are two types of
wavelets: discrete and continuous. For discrete wavelets,
the basis functions have strictly finite extent, which does
not hold for the continuous ones. In what follows, we
will be primarily dealing with discrete wavelet trans-
form, where the initial size of the father wavelet and
its orthogonal mother wavelet is a free parameter, to be
chosen depending on the problem at hand.
Daughter wavelets, the other members of the orthog-
onal basis set, are produced by scaling of the mother
wavelets, such that they are orthogonal to the mother
and father wavelets and all the other daughter wavelets,
preceding them. These are then translated in steps com-
mensurate with their size, so as to provide a complete
basis set covering the entire time domain. Hence, the
two basic operations scaling and translation, are all that
The basis functions
of the wavelets are
produced from two
units, the father
wavelet (or scaling
function) q,(t) and the
mother wavelet 11' (t),
by the operation of
scaling and
Discrete wavelet transform,
multi-resolution analysis (MRA),
translation, scaling, Daube-
chies' basis sets.

The mother wavelets
capture the variations
at a broader scale,
whereas the daughter
wavelets zoom on to
find the differences at
progressively finer
and finer scales. This
is done in a
systematic manner,
until one reaches the
maximum resolution
possible in a given
data set.
are needed to manufacture a complete orthonormal ba-
sis set. The father and mother wavelets need to satisfy
the following conditions:
I: tjJ(t) dt = A, I: 1/J(t) dt = 0,
and I: </>*(t) 7jJ(t) dt = 0, (3)
where A is an arbitrary constant. The energy of these
functions is finite, which means
I: ItjJ(tW dt < 00 and I: 11/J(tW dt < 00. (4)
In what follows, we normalize both these functions to
unity. It should be pointed out that, although we have
given a general definition, most of the discrete wavelets
are real valued. The scaling function captures the aver-
age behavior of the data set under consideration and
the wavelets detect the differences (more specifically,
the weighted averages and differences). These are rep-
resented as low-pass (or average) and high-pass (or de-
tail) coefficients of the wavelet transform, respectively.
The mother wavelets capture the variations at a broader
scale, whereas the daughter wavelets zoom on to find the
differences at progressively finer and finer scales. This is
done in a systematic manner, until one reaches the max-
imum resolution possible in a given data set. At each
scale, translation allows one to localize the variations
in the time domain. In a more precise sense, the basis
set is labelled by two parameters j and k, representing
scaling and translation indices, respectively. Hence, the
normalized basis elements are given by
Here, j and k take integral values, the values of j range
from 0 to 00, whereas translation index k takes values
from -00 to 00. In this notation, the original scal-
ing function (t) corresponds to </>o(t) and the mother
wavelet 1/J(t) corresponds to 1/Jo,o(t). As we mentioned
earlier, the initial scale is arbitrary. One could have
started from the scale index j = jo instead of j = 0, as
has been done here. It is worth noting that, the transla-
tion step of the daughter wavelet at scale j is 1/2
; the
thinner daughter wavelets sample the signal at a finer
scale, through smaller translation steps. It is not diffi-
cult to convince oneself that, in the limit j 00, the
wavelet basis forms a complete set [2].
Wavelet Transform
In terms of the scaling and wavelet functions, one can
expand a signal or function, which is square-integrable
(belonging to L2 space), in the form
00 00 00
f(t) = L c(k) cPk(t) + L Ldj(k) 1/Jj,k(t). (6)
k=-oo k=-oo j=O
Here, the scaling function and wavelet coefficients are
respectively given by,
J: f(t) dt,
i: 1/Jj,k(t) f(t) dt.
Note that, for convenience we have denoted the low-pass
coefficients as c( k) instead of the mathematically cor-
rect form, Co ( k ), since by choice the initial scale j has
been taken as O. So far, we have not mentioned about
the explicit nature or functional form of the members
of the wavelet basis set. As we will soon see, one can
find c(k)'s and dj(k)'s and also perform the inverse re-
construction operation (i. e., retrieving back f (t) from
c(k)'s and dj(k)'s), without explicitly knowing the form
of the scaling and wavelet functions! As a matter of fact,
apart from the simplest discrete wavelet Haar basis, one
does not know the explicit form of these functions for
any other discrete wavelet basis set. These can be ap-
proximated, to any desired degree of accuracy, through
One can find c(k)'s
and and also
perform the inverse
operation (Le.
retrieving f( t) from
c(k)'s and
without explicitly
knowing the form of
the scaling and
wavelet functions!

It should be
emphasized that,
although the explicit
forms of the basis set
is not known, there is
no loss of information
in wavelet transforms;
the reconstruction of
the function f( is
Figure 1. Description of
multi-resolution analysis
(MRA): (a) scaling function
4J(t) and its translation by
one unit 4J(t -1), (b) scaled
version 4J(2t) and scaled and
translated version 4J(2t - 1),
(c) mother wavelet '11ft) =
4J(2t) -4J(2t-1) and (d) a first
generation, unnormalized
daughter wavelet 'II(2t) =
4J(4t) - 4J(4t - 1).
a recursive procedure. It should be emphasized that, al-
though the explicit forms of the basis set is not known,
there is no loss of information in wavelet transforms; the
reconstruction of the function f (t) is perfect.
The scaling function plays a key role behind the above
miraculous property of the wavelet basis. First of all, the
reader must have noticed that, there is only one
scaling function in any wavelet basis set. The reason for
the same is that, unlike the daughter wavelets, a scaling
function of higher scale (2t) is neither orthogonal to the
previous scaling function nor to the mother wavelet. In-
terestingly, although (2t) is not a member of a wavelet
basis set, it plays a significant role. As an illustration, in
case of the Haar basis, it is straightforward to see that
(t) = (2t) + (2t - 1) and 'ljJ(t) = (2t) - (2t - 1).
Figure 1 describes this point pictorially; it also shows
how the thinner daughter wavelet can be constructed
from still thinner scaling functions. In this sense, an
appropriate size scaling function can be thought of as a
basic building block from which all the wavelets and the
father wavelet can be prepared.
<\>(t) <\>(t-l )
1 2
<\>(2t -1)
t -
t -
- <\>(2t -1)
'----- /
i/ O.
t ----
/ - <\>(4t-l)
This fact is known as multi-resolution analysis (MRA),
the corresponding mathematical equation goes by the
name of dialation or MRA or refinement equation. This
is the key equation common to all the wavelets:
'I/J (t)
I: h(n)v2</>(2t - n),
I: h(n)v2(2t - n).
Here, h ( n) and Ii ( n) take finite number of values and are
respectively known as low-pass or average and high-pass
or detail filter coefficients. This terminology is derived
from the engineering literature, reminding us the fact
that many branches of science, engineering and mathe-
matics have contributed to the development of wavelets.
Orthogonality and normalization conditions on scaling
and wavelet functions impose a number of conditions on
h(n) and h(n):
I:h(n) = v2, I:h(n)h(n - 2k) = 8
,o, I:h(n) = 0,
n n n
I:h(n)h(n - 2k) = 8
,o, I:h(n)h(n - 2k) = 0. (10)
n n
Depending on the length of n, one can explicitly solve
these algebraic equations, which characterize and dis-
tinguish various basis sets in wavelet transform. For
example, when n can take two values, 0 and 1, one finds
1 1 - 1 - -1
h(O) = \1'2' h(l) = \1'2' h(O) = \1'2' h(l) = \1'2' (11)
N otice that the 1/\1'2 factors in the h ( n) and h ( n) cancel
the V2 factors in (9) to yield the father and mother
wavelets in terms of the scaling function (2t) and (2t-
1). Similarly, if n = 4, one finds that,
h(O) =
1 - cos Q + sin Q
Here, h(n) and h(n)
take finite number of
values and are
respectively known as
low-pass or average
and high-pass or
detail filter
coefficients. This
terminology is derived
from the engineering
literature, reminding
us the fact that many
branches of science,
engineering and
mathematics have
contributed to the
development of

For higher length of
n, one gets more
freedom in terms of
free parameters.
Hence, there are an
infinite varieties of
wavelets and the
choice depends on
the application at
1 + cos a + sin a
1 + cos a - sin a
1 - cosa - sina
Here, there is one free parameter a. One gets the Haar
coefficients for a = 0, I' and 3;. Sometimes, wavelets
are made to satisfy additional conditions. For exam-
ple, a very well-known wavelet, known as Daubechies'-4
(D4, here 4 indicates the number of filter coefficients)
basis set, satisfy t 'ljJj,k dt = O. With this additional
restriction one finds that a = The corresponding low-
pass filter coefficients, corresponding to n = 0,1,2,3 are
given by,
h(O) = (1 + v'3) h(l) = (3 + v'3)
4V2 ' 4V2 '
h(2) = (3 - v'3) h(3) = (1 - v'3) (16)
4V2 ' 4V2
The h( n) 's follow from the h( n) 's, since in general,
h(n) = (-I)nh(n - N + 2k). (17)
Here N is an arbitrary integer. For higher length of
n, one gets more freedom in terms of free parameters.
Hence, there are an infinite varieties of wavelets and the
choice depends on the application at hand. The above,
apparently abstract condition which the D4 wavelets
satisfy, endows it with a magical property. These wave-
lets, are blind to straight lines! Since, the wavelet co-
efficients dj(k) = I f(t) 'ljJj,k(t) dt, for a straight line,
f(t) = at + b, these will be zero, as I 'ljJj,k(t) dt = 0 and
J t 'ljJj,k(t) dt = O. The information about the straight
line, is kept by the low-pass coefficients. In a general sig-
nal, variations around a straight line are captured by the
1 r--2-0 0-4
wavelets or high-pass coefficients. By imposing desired
vanishing moments conditions,
where n = 1,2, etc, other Daubechies' basis sets can
be designed to capture variations around higher polyno-
mial curves. Thus for n = 2; we get Daubechies '-6(D6)
wavelet, whose high-pass coefficients are insensitive to
any polynomial of order two or less. If one implements
the vanishing moments conditions on scaling functions,
one gets the wavelet basis sets, called Coifiets. One can
design various other basis sets, depending upon one's
Implementation of Wavelet Transform
The MRA or dilation equation (9), can be used to show
dj(k) = L:h(n - 2k)cj+l(n).
As before, n is the length of the filter coefficients. Iter-
atively, Cj+l (k) can be connected to the higher scaling
coefficients cj+2(k), which can, in principle, be contin-
ued until j = 00. In order to understand the profound
implications of the the above results, let us reiterate
cj+l(k) = i: 4>j+l,k(t) f(t) dt, (21)
where the normalized scaling function at scale j is given
From above it is clear that, <Pj+l,k(t) is thinner as com-
pared to <Pj,k(t) with an additional normalization factor
V2. In the limit j 00, the scaling function will be-
come extremely thin and tall, mimicking a Dirac delta
If one implements the
vanishing moments
conditions on scaling
functions, one gets
the wavelet basis
sets, called Coif/ets.
One can design
various other basis
sets, depending upon
one's needs.

As has been noted
earlier, in practical
applications f(f) is not
continuous but
represents a
discretely sampled
data set. For this
discrete data, the
resolution is
achieved at a scale
value where the
scaling function's
span is less than the
distance between the
individual data points.
function; hence, the corresponding low-pass coefficient
Cj_co (k) is nothing but the value of the function f (t) at
location k. As has been noted earlier, in practical appli-
cations f (t) is not continuous but represents a discretely
sampled data set. For this discrete data, the maximum
resolution is achieved at a scale value where the scaling
function's span is less than the distance between the in-
dividual data points. This could be achieved by q num-
ber of iterations (log2N), where the total number of data
points, N = 2
Starting from the highest resolution
low-pass coefficients, i. e., the data points, all the other
lower scale high-pass and low-pass coefficients could be
obtained from equations (19) and (20), by performing
desired number of iterations. For example, a single iter-
ation yields level 1 low-pass and high-pass coefficients,
each containing half the number of data points of the
original signal. These, low-pass coefficients can again be
used as a seed to generate, level two low-pass and high-
pass coefficients, each containing data points. This
procedure can be carried out up to maximum qth level
of decomposition, where the low-pass function contains
a single data point. Explicitly, for the Haar wavelets, let
us illustrate the above procedure by an example. Con-
sider the given signal f(t) as the sequence of points,
ao, aI, a2, a3' In this case, there are 22 data points,
hence q = 2 is the maximum level of decomposition pos-
As has been seen earlier, for the Haar wavelet, h ( n) and
h(n) are given by and respectively. Af-
ter applying low+pass and high-pass filter coefficients, as
given in equations (19), (20), we get [( a
)fl) (a
and r (a?fo) (a
Ji2)]. These are the level-1 low-pass
and high-pass coefficients respectively. Note that we
have skipped alternate points while computing low and
high-pass coefficients. This process is called down-sampl-
ing or decimation by two. The four original data points
can be reconstructed from the two, level-1 low-pass and
________ LAAAAAA ______ __
18 v V V V V v RESONANCE I November 2004
hight-pass coefficients, by solving four simultaneous al-
gebraic equations. It is easy to convince oneself that, not
skipping the alternate points would have amounted to
eight such equations, where four are redundant. Modulo
a normalization factor, the first bracket contains near-
est neighbour averages and the second one consists of
nearest neighbour differences.
In the second level of decomposition, the differences are
kept unto.uched, while the above procedure is recursively
applied on first low-pass coefficients yielding,
* + and * -
We now have performed the maximum level of decompo-
sition possible, by getting a single low-pass coefficient.
The low-pass coefficient is the average of all the data
points and the single level-2 high-pass coefficient is the
difference of the nearest neighbour averages. A pictor-
ial representation of the above decomposition procedure,
upto three "levels is given in Figure 2.
Original Signal

: Differences
Figure 2. 1-0, three level,
forward discrete wavelet
transform (OWT).
Level 0
Level 2
Level 3

A very important
property of the
wavelet transform is
that, it conserves the
energy of the function
or signal. It is known
as Parseval's
A very important property of the wavelet transform is
that, it conserves the energy of the function or signal. It
is known as Parseval's theorem. For a discrete signal of
length N with the data points ai's, the energy is given
In the wavelet domain, the same is given by
00 00 00
E = L Ic(k)12 + L L Id
(k)12. (24)
k=O j=O k=-oo
For our above data set, the energy is given by a6 + ar +
+ After a 2-level decomposition,
The necessity of the normalization factors at each
level, is now clear. Without these factors, the energy
will not be conserved! Depending on the wavelet basis,
these factors change, however energy remains conserved
in all the basis sets. Let us see the I-dimensional wavelet
analysis of a more realistic data set consisting of 1024
) points. In principle, 10 levels of decomposition
are possible, one may choose a lower level of decompo-
sition. In Figure 3 we display the data and in Figure 4
its wavelet decomposition up to 4 levels.
The level-1 high-pass coefficients are 512 in number,
while the level-4 low-pass coefficients number 64. The
resemblance of the low-pass coefficients with the original

Original data
Figure 3. Original data (1024
data points)
___ J_ ___
o 200 400 600 800
Level 1 detail coefficients

-200 '---------'---------'----'-------'
o 200 400 600
Level 3 detail coefficients

-1000 '----__ ---"---____ "--___ ,......J
o 50 100 150
x 10
Lowpass Coefficients


o 20 40 60 80
1000 1200
Level 2 detail coefficients

o 100 200 300
Level 4 detail coefficients

-1 000
o 20 40 60 80
Figure 4. 1-0 forward discrete
wavelet transform (OWT) using 06.

Address for Correspondence
Joton K Modi and
Amit 5 Phadke
Dharmsinh Desai Institute of
Technology, Nadiad 387001,
Sachin P Nanavati
Physical Research laboratory
Ahmedabad 380 009, India.
Email: spnana@prl.ernet.in
Prasanta K Panigrahi
National PARAM Supercon-
ducting Facility, Centre for
Development of Advanced
Computing (C-DAC), Pune
University Campus, Ganesh
Khind, Pune 411 007, India.
Email: prasanta@prl.ernet.in
data is evident; this feature is common to all wavelets.
We have chosen D6 wavelet for analysis. One notices
fluctuations at various scales in the wavelet domain.
Certain prominent variations are clearly visible. One
also finds coefficients having large values at the end of
the detail coefficients, whereas significant variations are
absent in the corresponding location of the data set.
This is an artifact of the wavelet transform, arising be-
cause of our use of the periodic boundary condition.
It is sufficient to add, without going into details, that
wavelets have found applications in the analysis of data
sets derived from diverse sources like stock market, cos-
mic rays, genome project, musical scores, seismic waves,
etc. The power to disentangle variations at different
scales and also to localize them in an optimal manner,
has made these tiny waves create ripples in diverse and
otherwise unrelated areas.
Suggested Reading
[1] S Nanavati and P Panigrahi, Wavelet transform: A new mathematical
microscope, Resonance, Vo1.9, N03, pp 50-64, March 2004.
[2] I Daubechies, Ten Lectures on Wavelets, SIAM, Philadelphia, USA.
[3] B B Hubbard, The World According to Wavelets, 2nd edition, Universi-
ties Press (India), Hyderabad, 2003.
[4] G B Folland, From Calculus to Wavelets: A New Mathematical Tech-
nique,Resonance, Vo1.2, No.4, pp.25-37, April 1997.
Wavelet Information on Internet (as on March 2004)
[5] http://www.wavelets.org, Wavelet Digest, a portal which keeps the
information of latest happenings in this field. Could be subscribed
through mail.
[6] http://www.public.iastate.edu/-rpolikar/WAVELETS/
WTtutorial.html, A Introductory Tutorial on Wavelets by Robi Poliker.

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