Forties Field

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The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin V. 58, No. 3 (March 1974), P. 396-406, 9 Figs.

Forties Field, North Sea^

A. N . T H O M A S , ' P. J. WALMSLEY,= and D. A. L. JENKINS' London, England A b s t r a c t The Forties field, a large oil pool discovered in 1970, is in the northern port of the British sector of the North Sea, 175 km (110 mi) east of Peterhead, Scotland, in w a f e r depths of 91 to 131 m ( 3 0 0 - 4 3 0 ft). The reservoir Is a sandstone of Paleocene age at a depth of a b o u t 2,135 m (7,000 ft), at the base of a thick Cenozoic section consisting p r i m a r i l y of mudsfone. The Paleocene sandstone/mudstone sequence is underlain by Danlon a n d Maestrichtlan chalk. The t r a p is a b r o a d lowrelief a n t i c l i n a l feature w i t h a closed area of 90 sq km (35 sq ml). M a x i m u m gross o i l column is 155 m (509 ft). Recoverable o i l is estimated at 1.8 b i l l i o n bbl from an in-place figure of 4.4 b i l l i o n . INTHODUCTION

The Forties field, in the British sector of the North Sea, is approximately 175 km (110 mi) due east of Peterhead, Scotland (Fig, 1). Most of the field falls within BP License Block 21/10, the eastern end extending into Shell/ Esso Block 22/6. Approximate geographic coordinates are lat, 5745'N, long. 045'E. The field is named "Forties" after the meteorological area in which it was discovered. Weather conditions are severe, with frequent gales, particularly in the winter months, and with waves exceeding 5 m (15 ft) for about one third of the time. Water depths across the field range from 91 m (300 ft) in the southeast to 131 m (430 ft) in the northwest (see Fig. 8). The bottom generally consists of soft clay overlain by a variable thickness of mud.

centered on the gas area in the south. Oil prospects in the north were thought at best to be highly speculative. Nevertheless, the possibility that oil could be present was recognized as early as 1965, although the subsequent success exceeded all expectations at that time. During the mid 1960s the main exploration activity was in the southern North Sea. The first indication that the northern area might be an oil province was in July 1967 when the second well to be drilled in Norwegian waters, Esso 25/11-1, found oil shows. One or two small discoveries were made in Danish waters shortly afterward, and in June 1968 Phillips made a gas/condensate discovery, the Cod field, in Norwegian Block 7 / 1 1 . However, none of these fields was large, and by the end of 1969, with over 50 exploration wells drilled in northern waters, hopes of making economic oil discoveries had begun to dwindle. In December 1969, Phillips made their important Ekofisk discovery in southwest Norwegian waters (Fig. 1). This, together with the simultaneous, but smaller, Montrose discovery by Amoco/Gas Council in UK Block 22/18, revived the interest of the petroleum industry. The tempo of exploration accelerated and further successes followed rapidly. In this climate BP spudded its exploration well 21/10-1 with Sea Quest in August 1970. Early reconnaissance seismic work before 1965 had indicated a large structural nose plunging southeastward across Block 21/10 toward the deepest part of the North Sea Tertiary basin. A 5 x 5-km ( 3 x 3 mi) seismic grid shot in 1967 had defined this feature and had shown, at base of the Tertiary, 40 sq km (16 sq mi) of closure of low amplitude, cen 1974. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved. ' Manuscript received, July 19, 1973; accepted, September 6, 1973. 'The British Petroleum Company. The writers are indebted to their colleagues in The British Petroleum Company Limited who have contributed directly or indirectly toward this account. We thank the chairman and directors of The British Petroleum Company Limited for permission to publish this paper.

The Forties field was discovered in October 1970, when BP's well 21/10-1 found oil in Paleocene sands at a depth of about 2,135 m (7,000 ft). Block 21/10 formed part of a U.K. 2d Round license which had been awarded to BP in November, 1965. At that time little was known about the geology of the North Sea, particularly the northern part. Only five marine wells had been drilled in British waters at the time of application for the Forties license, and gas had yet to be discovered in the southern North Sea. It was realized that the North Sea covered a large Tertiary sedimentary basin, possibly overlying in part a thick development of older sediments, but the main interest was

Forties Field, North Sea


LEGEND Oil Discoveries

-J^ Gas Discoveries

Structural contours in meters below sea level

Scale at 56N



FIG. 1North Sea hydrocarbon discoveries and base Tertiary contours. tered in Block 21/10 on the axis of the nose. 21/10-1 was drilled on this feature. At 2,132 m (6,994 ft) below RTE of 34 m (111 ft), the well entered Paleocene sands, which were indicated to be oil bearing from mud-gas and cuttings analysis. An oil-water contact was established at 2,251 m (7,385 ft) b.RTE, and subsequent testing produced 37 API low-sulphur oil at a rate of 4,730 bbl/day on a 54/64-in. surface choke. A field of major proportions had been discovered. A detailed 1.5 x 1.5-km ( 1 x 1 mi) seismic survey was shot immediately to supplement the 1967 work, and the combined data were interpreted in the light of the information gained from the discovery well. The new interpretation indicated a larger closed area than originally had been envisaged. The first appraisal well 21/10-2 was spudded in June 1971, 5.5 km (3.4 mi) northwest of the discovery well to delineate the field in that direction (Fig. 6 ) . This well found an oil column of 33.5 m (110 ft) with an oil-water contact at the same depth as that found in 21/10-1. A second appraisal well, 21/10-3, then was spudded 7 km (4.3 mi) west of 21/10-1, but was junked at shallow depth. A replacement well, 21/20-3A, was drilled without incident and found an oil column of 126 m (413 ft) and once again the same oil-water contact. At the same time Shell/Esso drilled a successful well in Block 22/6, although the sand development in the upper part of the Paleocene above the oil-water contact showed considerable deterioration compared with the other Forties wells. The same oil-water contact was present. By this time plans for the construction of


A. N. Thomas, P. J. Walmsley, and D. A. L. Jenkins four platforms to develop Forties were well advanced, but some doubts remained as to the structure and sand distribution on the southern flank of the field. To select finally a site for the fourth drilling platform an additional well, 21/10-5, was drilled 5.5 km (3.5 mi) westsouthwest of 2 1 / 10-1. This also proved successful and completed the appraisal of the field (Fig. 6 ) . The first five wells therefore have confirmed a major oil field with an oil column of 155 m (509 ft) in Paleocene sandstone, and a closed area of about 90 sq km (35 sq mi).








I, T ^ IT ^ , I -2521 I ' I 'T


1 ^1 1 ^^ 1
1 1


I 300m
200m 100m SOm 0

FIG. 2Stratigraphy, well 21,.'10-1.

The Forties field is on the western flank of the North Sea Tertiary basin, the axis of the depositional trough trending approximately north-south along the median line of the continental shelf between the United Kingdom and Norway (Fig. 1). The Tertiary and Quaternary section within this trough can reach 3,500 m (12,000 ft) in thickness. Apart from fringe areas in the Netherlands and southern England, the basin is developed wholly offshore; Tertiary strata are absent from both eastern Scotland and Norway. The Tertiary section in the North Sea basin is almost entirely terrigenous, the predominant lithology being mudstone. Sandstone is present at many stratigraphic levels and in some areas can become the major lithotype within the Paleocene and Plio-Pleistocene. Producing sands are primarily of Paleocene age. The Tertiary sequence has been dated from microforaminiferal assemblages. The central part of the Tertiary basin overlies a Mesozoic section, which also becomes attenuated near the Scottish coast. The generalized sequence comprises micritic limestones of Late Cretaceous age underlain by Lower Cretaceous mLtdstones. The Jurassic, where present, is a mudstone with subordinate sandstone, and the Triassic is a distinctive redbrown mudstone. A thin carbonate/anhydrite section, the Zechstein equivalent, caps the Paleozoic, with salt developed in the central part of the basin. The Zechstein is underlain by the Permian Rotliegendes sandstone. The stratigraphic coluinn for the Tertiary section of the discovery well in the Forties field, 21/10-1, is given in Figure 2. The oil accumulation is in sandstones of Paleocene age, which lie beneath a thick, monotonous section of gray to brown, variably calcareous and carbonaceous mudstones, ranging from upper Paleocene to Holocene. Sandstones are present in

DEPTH SUBSEA IN METERS the Plio-Pleistocene and thin beds of limestone in the Eocene, but the post-Paleocene section is primarily argillaceous. The stratigraphic subdivisions shown for the Tertiary in Figure 2 are based on micropaleontology. In well 2 1 / lO-l the Paleocene is 502 m (1,647 ft) thick. The Eocene/Paleocene boundary is placed on paleontologic evidence at 2,018 m (6,621 ft) subsea, which is close to a prominent peak on the gamma-ray log and a thin limestone band which forms a useful lithologic marker. The basal 30 m (98 ft) of the Paleocene is white to gray micritic limestone of Danian age, but the overlying sequence is predominantly terrigenous. The exact boundary between the Danian and underlying Maestrichtian limestone is not well controlled paleontologically, but is taken at a gamma-ray sonic-log marker reflecting a change in limestone character from the clean compact micrites of the Maestrichtian to slightly argillaceous and sandy micrites of the Danian (Fig. 4 ) . The post-Danian section of the Paleocene has been divided into four distinctive lithostratigraphic units (Fig. 3) by the late M. J. Wolfe and L. Aston of the BP Research Centre at Sunbury. The units are referred to by Roman numerals only and no formal terminology is proposed at this stage. Unit I 2,248-2,490 M (7,375-8,169 Ft) Subsea This is divisible into two "members," the lower, below 2,409 m (7,903 ft) subsea, including beds of detrital limestone, and the upper comprising argillaceous sandstone interbedded with siltstone and silty shale. The lower member contains a basal sandstone 4.6 m (15 ft) thick overlain by a sequence of calcareous sandstone, limestone, and mudstone. The unit is characterized paleontologically by reworked Danian and Cretaceous faunas. The limestones are commonly detrital with disseminated quartz of sand grade and indicate contemporaneous erosion of Cretaceous and Danian carbonate rocks following uplift at the end of the Mesozoic. The thickness of the member increases northwestward across the field; the variations probably reflect partial infilling of an irregular depositional surface. The upper member consists of interbedded sandstone, siltstone, and shale. Sandstone is the







V "^










FIG. 3Paleocene lithostratigraphy, well 21/20-1.




A. N. Thomas, P. J. Walmsley, and D. A. L. Jenkins 0.5-1.0 m (1.5-3 ft) thick. Fauna is again sparse, as in facies A. Facies C is dominated by gray kaolinitic shales and graded siltstone-shale couplets. Occasional thin, dark-brown, fine-grained, sometimes graded sandstone beds are present. The base of these beds is unusually sharp, erosional, and some have sole marks, including sparse flute casts. The siltstones show wavy lamination, micro cross-lamination and lenticular bedding. Penecontemporaneous slump structures are common. The shales rarely are bioturbated and fauna is sparse. Fades D is found only in the eastern part of the field. It is characterized by burrowed green waxy shales which have an abundant marine fauna and flora. Associated with this lithology are purple shales, black limestones, dolomitic mudstones, and sideritic concretions. Over most of the field unit II is made up of facies A and B. Facies C is in the southern and eastern part of the field and facies D in the east. The distribution of the four facies appears to be related to thickness variations of unit II, facies C occurring within areas of thin development of the unit and facies B sands being well represented in areas of thick development. The central part of the field has the highest percentage of clean sands and will have the best production potential. The change in facies acrpss the field means that a correlation within unit II is not readily apparent from the logs of the widely spaced step-out wells. The variation in gross lithology is illustrated by the correlation diagram in Figure 4, which is drawn in a west to east direction from 21/10-3A, through 21/10-5 to 21/10-1. The argillaceous section in the upper part of unit II in 21/10-5 (facies C) is probably stratigraphically equivalent to the facies A and B sands in wells 21/10-1 and 21/10-3A, although an offiapping relation could be invoked. Studies on this and related problems are continuing, but probably will not be resolved until further data from the production wells are obtained. The depositional environment of unit II is still under study, and it will be some time before it is elucidated completely. As additional data become available during the developmentdrilling program, it is expected that critical evidence of the provenance and mode of deposition will be found. At present we consider the most likely source of the sediment is from Scotland on the west and from locally eroded high areas composed of Upper Cretaceous and Dan-

commonest lithology and is typically gray, fine grained, argillaceous, and poorly indurated. The sonic log is characterized by a rapidly fluctuating trace representing thinly interbedded lithologies. Thin bands of limestone and hard calcite-cemented sandstones are sparingly present throughout. Unit II 2,098-2,248 M (6,883-7,375 Ft) Subsea Unit II contains all the massive sandstones within the Paleocene and is the producing "formation" of the Forties field. It is also productive of oil and wet gas in other structures in the southern part of the northern North Sea. The dominant lithologies are sandstone and mudstone. Studies of core material from wells within the field have allowed the contrasting lithologies to be grouped into four fades, referred t o a s A , B,C, a n d D . Fades A is characterized by fine-grained, locally silty sandstone, commonly with detrital mica and lignite, which is interbedded with laminated siltstone and shale as upward-fining, graded units commonly less than 1.5 m (5 ft) thick. The shales are typically kaolinitic and the fauna is sparse. The beds range from 2 cm to 1.7 m (5.5 ft) in thickness, and the sandstone percentage in the lithofacies varies between 20 and 55 percent, with the sands having moderate to good reservoir character. Flow and load structures are common, including rippledrift lamination, load casting, deformed crossbedding, contorted bedding, and slump folding and soft sediment faulting. At a few horizons are intraformational conglomerates with shale clasts up to several centimeters in size. Fades B comprises the clean homogeneous sandstones. These vary in color from brown to almost white, in grain size, from fine to coarse, and are typically clean and friable. Sorting is poor to moderate, but reservoir properties are excellent. Within thick sequences of sand there are clay laminae and impermeable calcitecemented zones, and a few pebbly layers with 50 percent lithic fragments which are mainly quartzite, phyllite, and graphic granite. Fining upward sections are numerous, commonly with convolute and laminar bedding toward the top. Current bedding has not been observed. The sandstones of facies B in well 21/10-1 vary in thickness up to 35 m (115 ft), but elsewhere in the field can reach 80 m (260 ft). The thick sections are believed to be formed of superimposed sand units which are individually about

Forties Field, North Sea

21/10-3A Gamma Ray ^ Metere ^ Subsea 21/10-5 21/10-1




FIG. 4Well correlation 21/10-3A, 21/10-5, 21/10-1,

ian chalky limestones. A Scottish provenance for the more arenaceous material is indicated by the predominance of quartzose grains, including quartzites and vein quartz, some phyllitic material, hornblende gneiss, pegmatite fragments and much graphic granite, and by the heavy-mineral suite predominantly of tourmaline, garnet, and zircon with small amounts of staurolite, rutile, sillimanite, hornblende, and pyroxene. These appear to indicate derivation from rocks akin to the Moinian and Lewisian of Scotland. Unit III, 2,066-2,098 M (6,778-6,883 Ft) Subsea Lithostratigraphic unit III forms the cap rock to the reservoir sands. The contact with unit II was cored in well 21/10-2 and indicates that the lithologic change is transitional. Unit III consists of dark gray, silty, lignitic shaley mudstones rich in montmorillonite. Thin beds of

sand are developed sparingly, with the proportion of sandstone increasing westward. Winnowed pockets of fish remains and several wellpreserved skeletons have been found in cores. Planktonic Foraminifera are scarce, the fauna being dominated by siliceous diatoms and microplankton. The thickness and lithology of unit III are very constant across the field and the uniformity extends to nearby areas. Unit IV 2,018-2,066 M (6,621-6,778 Ft) Subsea This is essentially a mudstone unit, the mudstones typically being greenish-gray and slightly calcareous. However, the upper 10-20 m ( 3 3 66 ft) is red-brown in color and contains a characteristic red-stained calcareous foraminiferal assemblage in which Globigerina cf. trilocidinoides predominates. These mudstones are separated from the underlying darker beds by a minor unconformity. Several thin pale clay


A. N. Thomas, P. J. Walmsley, and D. A. L. Jenkins (115 ft) above the top of the sands are given in Figure 5, and the depth contours on the top of the reservoir in Figure 6. A structural cross section east-west across the field is shown in Figure 7. Because of horizontal velocity gradients present in the late Tertiary section, the configuration of the structural contours on the top of the reservoir is different from that of the isochrons on the seismic horizon directly above. The velocity gradients are computed from the information from the wells within and adjacent to the field. The most significant change is an increase in closure at the western spill points of the structure, giving an approximate coincidence between structural spill point and the oilwater contact at 2,217 m (7,274 ft) subsea. The depth contours on the top of the reservoir indicate that the structure is a broad dome elongated cast-west with minor faulting affecting only the eastern extremity of the feature. The structure extends 16 km (10 mi) east-west by 8 km (5 mi) north-south, has a closed area of about 90 sq km (35 sq mi or 22,000 acres) and vertical closure of 155 m (509 ft).
r OO'E

beds with a distinctive mineralogy indicative of degraded volcanic ash are present, together with occasional thin limestone stringers. These lithologic features extend beyond the limits of the field and make logs useful for correlation. The thickness of the unit remains constant across the field, and it has a characteristic sonic-log pattern increasing in velocity with depth. This velocity increase serves as a good log-correlation feature, and also gives rise to a prominent seismic horizon which is used to map the configuration of the top of the reservoir.

The regional tilt at the base of the Tertiary sequence in the Forties area of the North Sea is down to the east, toward the axis of the Tertiary basin. In Block 21/10 this regional tilt is interrupted by a large east-southeast-directed nose which can be followed into Block 22/11. Reversal of dip on this nose provides closure for the hydrocarbon accumulation in the overlying Paleocene sands. The isochrons on a seismic horizon 35 m
0* 50' 0* 55'

Isochrons in millisecs. Tv/o-w/ay t i m e isochron interval 25 millisecs. D a t u m : sea level. 0



FIG. 5Isochrons on seismic reflector overlying Paleocene reservoir.

Forties Field, North Sea

0 ' 50-


. Contours in meters below sea-level. Interval : 25 meters 0 0 3 Miles Oil/Water Contact

5 Kilometers

FIG. 6Structural contours on top of Paleocene reservoir.

Sea Level







III iiii'iiiii





B KilomeMn


Exaggeration x 2 LOCATION MAP

FIG. 7Structural section east-west across field.


A. N. Thomas, P. J. Walmsley, and D. A. L. Jenkins spread of permeabilities from 0.1 to 1,000 md with the most common permeability measurements lying in the range of 100-200 md. Analysis of the flow test indicates that 2 1 / 10-1 and 21/10-3 A are capable of producing rates in excess of 15,000 bbl/day. Both wells were, however, drilled in crestal position, where virtually the full oil column is present. An initial average-well rate of 8,000 bbl/day for development wells has been assumed. The initial reservoir presure is about 3,200 psi and with the oil being undersaturated there is no original gas cap. Oil in place and recoverable oil calculations are based on the whole accumulation, including that part which falls in Shell/Esso Block 22/6. The calculations yield an average oil-in-place figure of about 1,400 bbl/acre ft, which in turn leads to a figure of about 4.4 X lO'* bbl stock tank oil initially in place. A recovery of 40 percent would yield a figure of about 1.8 x 10" bbl recoverable oil.

The Paleocene structure overlies a faulted high at the base-of-Cretaceous level. Seismic penetration below the Cretaceous is poor, but it does not appear likely that the structure in the deeper Mesozoic or Paleozoic is related directly to the base-of-Cretaceous uplift over which the Paleocene feature lies. The base-ofCretaceous unconformity is a very pronounced, widespread, regional event affecting the whole of the North Sea basin. The Late Jurassic movements which preceded this unconformity were typified by block faulting, and a complex uplift of this type underlies the Forties field. Thickness variations in the Cretaceous and lower Tertiary indicate that the area of the field remained relatively positive during late Mesozoic and early Cenozoic times, a favorable factor for early migration of hydrocarbons, although at present insufficient data are available to assess the organic diagenesis of the Cretaceous and Paleocene shales. Structural expression above the Paleocene diminishes progressively. Turnover on the nose does not persist above the lower Miocene, and at the base-of-Pliocene level the beds dip uniformly southeastward across the field. Hence, structural growth was terminated in late Miocene time. Uplift on the Mesozoic fault block however may have ceased during the early Tertiary, with differential compaction allowing structural expression to persist through the Miocene section.

Well 21/10-1 was tested over the interval 2,108.5-2,113 m (6,918-6,933 ft) subsea and produced 37 API oil at a rate of 4,730 bbl/ day on a 54/64-in. surface choke, with an estimated solution gas-oil ratio of 250 scf/bbl. The crude was low-sulphur (0.3 percent) and medium-wax at 8.5 percent. 21/10-3A was tested over the interval 2,092-2,137.5 m (6,865-7,013 ft) subsea at rates up to 3,260 bbl/day, the production being limited to this rate by equipment restrictions. Bottom-hole PVT samples during the test established the GOR at 330 scf/bbl. Core analysis of the five wells, particularly 21/10-5 where extensive coring of the reservoir was carried out, indicates high porosities and permeabilities. Average well porosities range from 25 to 30 percent and permeabilities vary up to 3,900 md. With the exception of the tight calcite cemented layers, the permeability in facies B ranges from 1,000 md to 3,900 md. In facies A and C the sandy layers have a

Development drilling will take place from four fixed platforms, which will also serve as production platforms. The design of each platform allows for 36 drilling slots, although only 27 wells can be completed from each on the required spacing. It is planned to drill wells with a horizontal displacement of up to 2,195 m (7,200 ft), at a maximum of 55 from the vertical. Spacing of 120 acres has been selected as the maximum required to ensure full recovery of the reserves over a 20-25 year period for an initial well rate of 8,000 bbls/day. Drilling is to take place over those parts of the field which are 100 ft above the oil-water contact; i.e., within an area of 15,500 acres. On this basis the field can be drilled by 106 wells deviated from the four platforms (Fig. 8 ) . The field will be developed as follows. The initial phase includes the emplacement of two drilling platforms with ancillary production equipment, a 32-in. submarine pipeline to Cruden Bay near Peterhead, a 36-in. land line from Cruden Bay to a gas separation plant at Kerse of Kinneil adjacent to BP"s Grangemouth refinery where about half the production will be refined, and a marine terminal on the Firth of Forth for export of the balance. Fifty-four wells will be drilled from the first two platforms. It is estimated that this will lead to a peak production rate of 250,000 bbl/day. The

Forties Field, North Sea




Drainage Circle

4 Kilometers

Field Outline


FIG. 8Platform locations and bathymetry.

emplacement of two additional platforms and the extension of the storage capacity at the Firth of Forth will follow. Fifty-two wells will be drilled from the third and fourth platforms increasing the production from the field to an average rate of 400,000 bbl/day. It is hoped that this ambitious program can be achieved by 1977 when the field should be on full production. On the basis of the well potentials assumed, this peak production of 400,000 bbl/day can be maintained for about three to four years before decline sets in. Because of the undersaturated nature of the crude, pressure maintenance at about 2,500 psi will be effected to maintain well efficiency. This will be commenced early in the life of the field to delay the need for artificial lift as water cuts increase. Initially the oil and gas will be separated on the platforms at a pressure of 125 psig, and about a third of the solution gas will be piped ashore dissolved in the oil. About 2 0 25 percent of the remainder will be required as fuel on the platforms and thus, at peak throughputs about 15-20 MMscf/day will remain for disposal from each of the first two platforms.

During the drilling phase this of necessity must be flared, but subsequently it will be refrigerated for the recovery of natural gas liquids, which will be shipped to shore mixed with the crude. The gas balance at this stage indicates that about half of the total gas will be recovered, about 20 percent used as fuel, and the remaining 30 percent flared. Of the gas recovered about 50 percent will be in the form of dry gas, and the balance will comprise condensed liquids in the C3-C5 range. The first two platforms are currently under construction, one at Nigg Bay on the Cromarty Firth, and the other at Middlesborough in Yorkshire. These mammoth structures will be larger and in greater water depths than any presently installed in the world. Conventional jacket templates will be floated to location, righted by controlled flooding, and pinned to the sea bed with piles. The largest, which is to be installed in 128 m (420 ft) of water, will be 146 m (480 ft) high, 61 X 76 m (200 x 250 ft) in plan, and weigh 17,000 tons. Each template will be topped by a three-level deck unit to accommodate drilling and production equipment. These


A. N. Thomas, P. J. Walmsley, and D. A. L. Jenkins

FIG. 9Forties platform, as it would appear if standing in Edinburgh, Scotland.

will measure 43 X 52 m (140 x 170 ft) and each weigh 15,000 tons (Fig. 9 ) . The North Sea is notorious for its severe weather conditions, and design criteria have to cater for possible wind speeds of 114 knots and wave height of 29 m (94 ft). The 32-in. submarine pipeline to Cruden Bay will be about 175 km (110 mi) long and, apart from the shoreward 24 km (15 mi), will be laid in water depths of 91-130 m (300-425 ft). The pipe will have a protective wrapping of fiberglass and coal tar enamel and an overall coating of 2.5 in. of reinforced concrete. It will be laid from a conventional lay barge during 1973-1974 and buried subsequently by removing the sea bed from under the pipe with high-pressure water jets. At Cruden Bay the oil will enter a sealine receiver trap and then pass directly into the land line. An emergency flow tank will be provided in case of shutdowns. The 36-in. land line will be 203 km (127

mi) long from Cruden Bay to the gas separation plant at Kerse of Kinneil. There the crude will be split, part going to BP Grangemouth Refinery and part going to the Firth of Forth terminal for export. The foregoing account describes the discovery in 1970 by BP of the first major oil field in the British sector of the North Sea. Unlike the United States and Canada, the British regulations do not provide for the early release of well data, and it therefore is not possible to make public technical information without prejudice to one's competitive position in the industry. In this respect the writers apologize for the lack of discussion of certain aspects of the geology of the Forties field. Nevertheless, we hope that this general review will prove to be a useful contribution to the understanding of this new and exciting petroleum province and will stimulate others to release information for the benefit of all.

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