Nexus Service Marketing System

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<Group 80>

Nexus Service Marketing System Documentation

<Group : 80>
Nguyen Thanh Son Group Member nstructor Trinh Ngoc Tung Hoang Van Cuong Tran Duc Luan !ham Thao

- Hanoi, 11/2010 -

<Nexus Service Marketing System>

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<Group 80>

1.Problem Def ! " o!................................................................................................................# 2.Cu$"omer %e&u reme!"$ 'pec f ca" o!..................................................................................( #.Arc) "ec"ure * De$ g! of Pro+ec".......................................................................................16 ,.Ta$- ')ee"...........................................................................................................................2. ..C)ec-l $"$............................................................................................................................26

<Nexus Service Marketing System>

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$%!rob&em De'inition
1.1. Problem Abstraction
Nexus Communication System is an Organi ation system that !ro"i#es t$o ser"ices %i&e the te%e-communications an# 'nternet Ser"ices( 't is one o) the ma*or "en#ors at the %oca% !%ace( 't has no$ exten#e# its ser"ice a%% o"er the territory #ue to the increase in #eman# )or the internet ser"ice( They actua%%y !ro"i#e t$o ty!es o) connections, one +eing the Dia% , -! connection .Lan#%ine !hone o) the same "en#or is com!u%sory to ha"e this ty!e o) internet connection/ an# the other +eing the 0roa#+an# connection( Due to the increase in #eman# )or connection an# as to increase the com)ort %e"e%, they ha"e o!ene# the retai% sho!s at each !%ace so that the customer can en1uire regar#ing the connection or !%ace an or#er )or the connection +y #irect%y "isiting to the retai% sho!s at their !%ace in that city, instea# o) a!!%ying at the o))ice at their city( 2)ter the or#er )or a connection is recei"e#, they $i%% chec& )or the )easi+i%ity an# i) the area is )easi+%e on%y then the customer $i%% +e !ro"i#e# $ith the connection( 3easi+i%ity chec& is to +e con#ucte# in or#er to chec& the #istance as they consi#er the #istance !arameters )or gi"ing the connection, to chec& $ith the ser"er a"ai%a+i%ity, etc((( as !er the com!any !atterns( They get the e1ui!ments %i&e the mo#ems, routers, etc( )rom #i))erent !ro#uct manu)acturing "en#ors( So they e"en nee# to trac& the #etai%s o) the stoc& a"ai%a+%e an# as $e%% they chec& )or the re1uests )or connection that they ha"e recei"e#, so that they can or#er )or the e1ui!ments +ase# on the or#ers recei"e# )or the connection(

1.2. The Current System

No$, there are many communication systems( Ho$e"er, most o) them #o not a%%o$ customer to &ee! trac& the +i%%s on the one4s $e+site( Some o) them #o not a%o$ to u!#ate customer !ersona% #etai%s in case i) the customer !ersona% #etai%s are incorrect $hen em!%oyee in!utte#(

1.3. The Proposed System

Non()inancia&: The #ata+ase that ho%#s the #etai%s o) the customers, em!%oyees, the "arious connection or !%an #etai%s that they !ro"i#e, the connections assigne#, or#er #etai%s, retai% sho$ room #etai%s, !ro#uct or e1ui!ment #etai%s, +i%%ing #etai%s an# the !ayment #etai%s $ith res!ect to the +i%%e# amount(

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The em!%oyee #etai%s must inc%u#e the a#min, accounts #e!artment !eo!%e, technica% !eo!%e, an# the em!%oyees in the retai% out%et( 5ach o) the em!%oyees are to +e !ro"i#e# $ith the user cre#entia%s, so as to %ogin into the a!!%ication )or !er)orming the res!ecti"e )unctiona%ities Through the a!!%ication one shou%# +e a+%e to !%ace an# or#er an# chec& )or its status( .Note6 the mem+ers or the em!%oyees o) the retai% out%et can on%y !%ace the or#ers/ Through the em!%oyees o) the retai% out%et %ogin, one shou%# +e a+%e to &ee! trac& o) the or#ers !%ace# ti%% #ate, status o) the or#ers .%i&e $hether )easi+%e or not, $hether the customer is !ro"i#e# $ith the connection or not/, connection #etai%s .%i&e the #etai%s o) the connections !ro"i#e# ti%% #ate/, the ti%% #ate +i%%ing #etai%s $ith res!ect to the connections assigne#, the ti%% #ate !ayment #etai%s $ith res!ect to the +i%%s generate#( The #etai%s o) the +i%%s $i%% +e maintaine# +y the accounts #e!artment( 2n# the #etai%s o) the !ayments $i%% +e maintaine# +y the em!%oyees o) the retai% out%ets an# +y the accounts #e!artment .i) the !ayment is #one at the o))ice $ith in the city/( The #etai%s o) the charges that are %e"ie# )or the connection or a !%an, the ne$ !%ans a%ong $ith the #etai%e# #escri!tions o) each are to +e maintaine# .insert, u!#ate#, #e%ete# an# searche#/ +y the a#min Through the Technica% !eo!%e %ogin one shou%# +e a+%e to &ee! trac& o) the or#ers, u!#ate the or#ers $ith the status .%i&e $hether the !%ace is )easi+%e or not, $hether !ro"i#e# $ith the connection or not/, create ne$ connections .+ase# on the or#ers recei"e#, once the area is )easi+%e, the customers $i%% +e !ro"i#e# $ith the connection/, ma&ing a connection inacti"e .+oth tem!orari%y, or !ermanent%y/( 2%so the technica% !eo!%e $i%% maintain the #etai%s o) the !ro#ucts or the e1ui!ments( 0ase# on the !%an chosen +y the customer, the customer $i%% +e charge# )or the connection( The system shou%# +e u!#ate# $ith the #etai%s )rom time to time a%ong $ith the ne$ 1ueries an# the ne$ !ro#ucts

)inancia&: The +i%% is to +e generate# +y the accounts #e!artment an# shou%# +e u!#ate# in the a!!%ication so that one can access the +i%% through the $e+site( The !ayment #etai%s shou%# +e c%ear%y mentione# +y the system in#icating the amount !ai# an# #ue amount( 2n# the #etai%s o) the charges %e"ie# )or a !articu%ar !%an, the #etai%s o) the !%ans are to +e maintaine# +y the a#min( The "arious !%an #etai%s are as )o%%o$s( I. Security De!osit6 't is the charge that $i%% +e re)un#e# +ac& to the customer #uring the time o) $ith#ra$a% or cance%%ation( 'n genera% it $i%% +e charge# as )o%%o$s )or the ty!e o) the connection
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.2/ .0/ .C/

Dia% , -! Connection 6 7289 0roa# 0an# Connection 6 8009 Lan#Line Connection 6 2809


Dia% , -! Connection 6

Hour%y 0asis (i). 10 Hrs( , 809 ."a%i#ity is )or one :onth/ (ii). 70 Hrs( , 1709 ."a%i#ity is )or 7 :onths/ (iii). ;0 Hrs( , 2;09 ."a%i#ity is )or ; :onths/ -n%imite# 2<=+!s( :onth%y , >89 (ii). ?uarter%y , 1809



-n%imite# 8; =+!s( :onth%y , 1009 (ii). ?uarter%y , 1<09



0roa# 0an# Connection Hour%y 0asis 70 Hrs( , 1>89 ."a%i#ity is )or 1 :onth/ (ii). ;0 Hrs( , 7189 ."a%i#ity is )or ; :onths/



-n%imite# ;@=+!s( :onth%y , 2289 (ii). ?uarter%y , @009



-n%imite# 12< =+!s( :onth%y , 7809 (ii). ?uarter%y , @@89



Lan# Line Connection

Loca% A%an B Centa% D Ca%% charges -n%imite# - >89 .Va%i# )or an year an# this is the renta%/ The ca%% charges are %i&e this 6 88cents / minute (ii). :onth%y A%an , 789 .Va%i# )or a month an# this is the renta%/ The ca%% charges are %i&e this 6 >8cents / minute
(A) (i). (B)


STD A%an 6 :onth%y , 1289 .Va%i# )or a month an# this is the renta%/ The ca%% charges are %i&e this 6 Loca% 6 >0cents / minute
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STD 6 2(289 / minute :essaging 3or :o+i%es 6 1(009 / :inute


Ha%) - Eear%y , @209 .Va%i# )or a month an# this is the renta%/ The ca%% charges are %i&e this 6 Loca% 6 ;0cents / minute STD 6 2(009 / minute 3or :o+i%es 6 1(189 / :inute Eear%y , 9 .Va%i# )or an year an# this is the renta%/ The ca%% charges are %i&e this 6 Loca% 6 ;0cents / minute STD 6 1(>89 / minute :essaging 3or :o+i%es 6 1(289 / :inute


The ser"ice tax is as !er the go"ernment .12(2@F/ on the $ho%e +i%% generate# an# $i%% +e charge# to the customer( 1( Creation, maintenance an# u!#ating #ata+ase, $hich contains 6 'n)ormation Cegar#ing the "arious !%ans( Detai%s o) retai% stores( Detai%s o) the em!%oyees( Detai%s o) customers, "en#ors are nee#e# to +e u!#ate#( Detai%s o) the or#ers generate#( Detai%s o) the !ro#ucts( Detai%s o) the materia%s !ro"i#e# $ith the customer( 2( :aintaining the recor#s o) the or#ers generate# )or the customer regar#ing the connection, an# the !ro#ucts, a%so the )ee#+ac& )rom the customer is to +e co%%ecte#( 7( The +i%%ing )or the or#er is to +e ca%cu%ate# ta&ing into account the customer entit%ements in terms o) #iscount an# schemes chosen an# the !ayment #one !re"ious%y(

1.4. Boundaries of the System

The system is not a!!%ie# on%ine !ayment( Stoc& managerment #oes not manage trans)er e1ui!ment )rom stoc& to other stoc&( Cestriction o) some #e%etion )unctions(

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ard!are and Soft!are "e#uirements

Minimum +e,uirements
-&ient Arocesor6 Aentium ''' 1(0Gh :emory6 12<:0 Har# Dis&6 20G0


Har#$are re1uirement
Server Arocesor6 Aentium 'V 1(<Gh :emory6 812:0 Har# Dis&6 @0G0

So)t$are re1uirement
Server :S S?L Ser"er 2008 (Net 3rame$or& 2(0 Hin#o$s Ser"er 2007 -&ient Hin#o$s IA He+ +ro$sers 6 '5;, 3ire)ox 7(0 A%ugin 3%ash A%ayer


+ecommen/e/ +e,uirements

Har#$are re1uirement
Server Arocesor6 Aentium 'V 7(0Gh :emory6 2G0 Har# Dis&6 <0G0 -&ient Arocesor6 Aentium 'V 2(0:h :emory6 812:0 Har# Dis&6 @0G0

So)t$are re1uirement
Server :S S?L Ser"er 2008 or higher (Net 3rame$or& 2(0 or higher Hin#o$s Ser"er 2007 or
<Nexus Service Marketing System>

-&ient Hin#o$s IA, Vista, Hin#o$s> He+ +ro$sers 6 '5>, 3ire)ox 7(; A%ugin 3%ash A%ayer
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.%-ustomer +e,uirements Speci'ication

2.1. $sers of the System
-ustomer% Manager 01/min2% 1ccount Department% Technica&% "mp&oyee o' retain shop%

2.2. System functions

2(2(1( 3unctions o) Customer6

o Ser"ice registration6
Descri!tion 'n!ut The )unction a%%o$ customer to register ser"ice -Customer choose ser"ice $hich customer $ant to register( -') customer has not customeri#6 in!ut !ersona% in)ormation to registration )orm -') customer ha# customeri#6 in!ut customeri# to registration )orm( -') customer has not customeri#6 system chec& "a%i#ation o) !ersona% in)ormation +e)ore insert ne$ customer an# ne$ registration re1uest into #ata+ase( -') customer ha# customeri#6 system chec& exists o) customeri# in #ata+ase +e)ore insert ne$ registration re1uest into #ata+ase( DCustomer'D610 character , automatica%%y generation( DName6 8-@0 characters o) a%!ha+etic( D0irth#ay 6 #ate time( Ahone6 J-20 characters o) #igit(5mai% 6 match emai% )ormat, not in use( D2##ress, 6 not em!ty, '#enti)icationNum+er6greater than J characters( Gen#er 6 ma%e/)ema%e Dis!%ay success)u% registration message or error message



o Search 2ccount 'n)ormation6

Descri!tion 'n!ut Arocess Out!ut The )unction a%%o$ customer to search in)ormation #etai%s o) customer4s account 'n!ut customeri# System se%ects in)ormation o) customer6!ersona% #etai%s, account,connection,+i%%s +ase# on customer i#( Dis!%ay the in)ormation on $e+ !age(
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o Sen# )ee#+ac&6
Descri!tion 'n!ut Arocess Out!ut The )unction a%%o$ customer to sen# )ee#+ac& 'n!ut customer name, emai%, content o) )ee#+ac& System "a%i#ation o) emai%,name .8-@0 characters/, content is not greater than 1000 characters +e)ore sa"e )ee#+ac& to #ata+ase Dis!%ay success)u% message i) "a%i#, other $ise #is!%ay error message(

o Vie$ Discount6
Descri!tion 'n!ut Arocess Out!ut The )unction a%%o$ customer to $atch #iscount Customer c%ic& "ie$ #iscount %in&( System se%ects in)ormation o) using #iscount( Dis!%ay #iscount in)ormation(

2(2(2( Au+%ic )uctions o) :anager, Technica%, 2ccount #e!artment, em!%oyee o) retain sho!6

o Login 6
Descri!tion 'n!ut Arocess The )unction a%%o$ user to %ogin system 'n!ut em!%oyeei#, !ass$or#, ro%e to %ogin )orm System re1uestes user to in!ut )u%% in)ormation to %ogin )orm.Chec& the exists o) em!%oyeei# $ith !ass$or# an# ro%e in #ata+ase( System create session o) user an# in)orm user o) success)u% %ogin an# trans)er user to corres!on#ing main )orm o) i) user exists( Other$ise, i) user #oesn4t exists, in)orm user o) unsuccess)u% %ogin(


o Ceset !ass$or#6
Descri!tion 'n!ut Arocess The )unction $hich users use to change !ass$or# 'n!ut ne$ !ass$or# an# con)irm ne$ !ass$or# to reset !ass$or# )orm( System re1uests user to in!ut )u%% in)ormation to reset !ass$or# )orm( Chec&6 ne$ !ass$or#6 ;-20 characters o) #igit an# a%!ha+etK ne$ !ass$or# must +e #i))irent )rom o%# !ass$or#( Chec&6 con)irm !ass$or# an# ne$ !ass$or# must +e simi%ar( System enco#es !ass$or# an# u!#ates in)ormation to #ata+ase( System in)orms user o) success)u% changing !ass$or#( Other$ise, system #is!%ays the notice )or each $rong in!utte# #ata(
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o Logout 6
Descri!tion 'n!ut Arocess Out!ut The )unction a%%o$ user to %ogout system C%ic& Logout %in& on $e+ !age System #e%ete session o) user 'n)orm user o) success)u% %ogout an# trans)er user to %ogin !age(

2(2(7( Ari"ate 3unctions o) :anager6

o 5m!%oyees :anagerment6
Descri!tion 'n!ut The )unction a%%o$ manager to search - insertu!#ate the in)ormation o) em!%oyees( -Search6 in!ut em!%oyee name or em!%oyeeco#e or retainsho! name( -2##ition/e#ition6 in!ut !ersona% in)ormation o) em!%oyee to insertion/u!#ating )orm( -Search 6 system co%%ects in)ormation o) em!%oyee in #ata+ase +ase# on in!utte# #ata( -2##ition/e#ition6 system chec&s +e%o$ "a%i#ations +e)ore inserting/u!#ating in)ormation into/to #ata+ase .on%y insert 6 !ass$or# o) sta)) is 127@8;> #e)au%t "a%ue/( D5m!Co#e .on%y a##ition/ 6 system automatica%%y create )o%%o$ as .@ character o) L0004 Dem!i#/( DName6 8-@0 characters o) a%!ha+etic( D0irth#ay 6 #ate time( Ahone6 J-20 characters o) #igit(5mai% 6 match emai% )ormat, not in use( D2##ress, 6 not em!ty, '#enti)icationNum+er6greater than J characters( Gen#er 6 ma%e/)ema%e( Status6 $or&ing/non$or&ing( -Search 6System #is!%ays in)ormation o) em!%oyee( -2##ition an# e#ition 6 System #is!%ays success)u% message i) in!ute# #ata is "a%i# an# sa"ing #ata is success)u%(Other $ise, system #is!%ays the error messages(



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o Ven#or :anagerment6
Descri!tion 'n!ut Arocess The )unction a%%o$ manager to search - insertu!#ate the in)ormation o) stoc&( -Search6 in!ut "en#or name or region( -2##ition/e#ition6 in!ut in)ormation o) "en#or to insertion/u!#ating )orm( -Search 6 system co%%ects in)ormation o) "en#or in #ata+ase +ase# on in!utte# #ata( -2##ition/e#ition6 system chec&s +e%o$ "a%i#ations +e)ore inserting/u!#ating in)ormation into/to #ata+ase DName6 8-@0 characters o) a%!ha+etic(Ahone6 J-20 characters o) #igit(5mai% 6 match emai% )ormat, not in use(2##ress, 6 not em!ty(Status6 $or&ing/non$or&ing( -Search 6System #is!%ays in)ormation o) "en#or( -2##ition an# e#ition 6 System #is!%ays success)u% message i) in!ute# #ata is "a%i# an# sa"ing #ata is success)u% other $ise #is!%ays the error messages(


o Stoc&'n)o :anagerment6
Descri!tion 'n!ut Arocess The )unction a%%o$ manager to search - insertu!#ate the in)ormation o) stoc&( -Search6 in!ut stoc& name or region( -2##ition/e#ition6 in!ut in)ormation o) stoc& to insertion/u!#ating )orm( -Search 6 system co%%ects in)ormation o) stoc& in #ata+ase +ase# on in!utte# #ata( -2##ition/e#ition6 system chec&s +e%o$ "a%i#ations +e)ore inserting/u!#ating in)ormation into/to #ata+ase DName6 8-@0 characters o) a%!ha+etic(Ahone6 J-20 characters o) #igit(5mai% 6 match emai% )ormat, not in use(2##ress6 not em!ty( -Search 6System #is!%ays in)ormation o) stoc& $ith 1uantity o) e1ui!ment an# instoc& or#er( -2##ition an# e#ition 6 System #is!%ays success)u% message i) in!ute# #ata is "a%i# an# sa"ing #ata is success)u% other $ise #is!%ays the error messages(


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o CetainSho! :anagerment6
Descri!tion 'n!ut Arocess The )unction a%%o$ manager to search - insertu!#ate the in)ormation o) retain sho!( -Search6 in!ut stoc& name or region( -2##ition/e#ition6 in!ut in)ormation o) retain sho! to insertion/u!#ating )orm( -Search 6 system co%%ects in)ormation o) retain sho! in #ata+ase +ase# on in!utte# #ata( -2##ition/e#ition6 system chec&s +e%o$ "a%i#ations +e)ore inserting/u!#ating in)ormation into/to #ata+ase DName6 8-@0 characters o) a%!ha+etic(Ahone6 J-20 characters o) #igit(5mai% 6 match emai% )ormat, not in use(2##ress6 not em!ty( -Search 6System #is!%ays in)ormation o) retainsho! -2##ition an# e#ition 6 System #is!%ays success)u% message i) in!ute# #ata is "a%i# an# sa"ing #ata is success)u% other $ise #is!%ays the error messages(


o 'nstoc& :anagerment6
Descri!tion 'n!ut Arocess Out!ut The )unction a%%o$ manager to im!ort e1ui!ment to stoc& :anage acce!t instoc& re1uest an# in!ut "en#or an# stoc& System !er)orm create instoc& or#er an# instoc& o#er#etai%s inc%u#ing e1ui!ment that re1ueste# to im!ort( 2uto ca%cu%ate the instoc& amount( Dis!%ay the instoc& +i%%(

o 3ee#+ac& :anagerment6
Descri!tion 'n!ut Arocess Out!ut The )unction a%%o$ manager to rea#-#e%ete )ee#+ac& -:anager c%ic& )ee#+ac& %in& an# choose )ee#+ac& that manage nee# to rea#( -:anager c%oc& #e%ete )ee#+ac&( -System #is!%ay a%% rea# )ee#+ac& , i) manage c%ic& rea# %in&, system u!#ate status o) )ee#+ac&( -System #e%ete )ee#+ac& in #ata+ase( Dis!%ay success)u% message(

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o A%an :anagerment6
Descri!tion 'n!ut The )unction a%%o$ manager to insert-u!#ate#e%ete !%an -2##tion/e#ition6in!ut name,!%an #etai%s ,renta%, !%an charges( -De%etion6 choose the !%an $hich manager $ant to #e%ete 2##tion/e#ition6 chec& "a%i#ation #ata +e)ore inserting/u!#ating #ata into/to #ata+ase( -System #e%ete !%an in #ata+ase i) !%an is not in use( Dis!%ay corres!on#ing success)u% or error message(



o Vie$ 3inancia% Summary6

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2(2(@( Ari"ate 3unctions o) Technica%6

o 51ui!ment :anagerment6
Descri!tion 'n!ut Arocess The )unction a%%o$ technica% !eo!%e to insertu!#ate-#e%ete the e1ui!ment or e1ui!ment ty!e -2##tion/e#ition6 in!ut in)ormation o) e1ui!ment, e1ui!ment ty!e( -De%etion6choose e1ui! ment or e1ui!ment ty!e( -2##ition/e#ition 6 chec& "a%i#ation o) in!utte# #ata +e)ore inserting/u!#ating #ata into/to #ata+ase( -De%etion6 i) e1ui!ment or e1ui!ment ty!e is not in use, system $i%% +e #e%ete #ata in #ata+ase( Dis!%ay corres!on#ing success)u% message or error message


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3%1rchitecture 4 Design o' !ro5ect

3.1. Architecture

3.2. %ata &lo! %ia'ram

D)D 6eve& 0 ( -ontext Diagram

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3.3. &lo! Chart 3.4. (ntity "elationship %ia'ram

MSN OP 1uan hQ giRa cSc thTc thUV

3.5. %atabase Structure

Fiel Name Acc0D Cu$"0D D $cou!"0D Co!!0D

Tab&e Design
!ata Ty"e !1arc)ar2203 !1arc)ar 21.3 !" !1arc)ar21.3 1.Table : Account Null #eys 4o Pr mary5ey 4o 65 4o 65 4o 65 $.Table : %ill!etails Null #eys 4o Pr mary5ey 4o 65 4o 4o 4o 4o 4o 4o 4o 4o 4o 4o 4o 4o 4o &.Table : 'onnection Null #eys 4o Pr mary -ey 4o 65 4o 4o 4o 4o !escri"tion Accou!"0D of cu$"omer Cu$"omer0D of cu$"omer D $cou!"0D of d $cou!" Co!!ec" o!0D of co!!ec" o!

Fiel Name 7D0D 7 ll0D 'ecur "yDepo$ " 'ecur "yD $cou!" %e!"al mo!ey 9!c)ec-ed %e!"alD $cou!" CallC)arge CallC)argeT me :ocalCallC)arge :ocalT me 'TDCallC)arge 'TDT me ;e$$age;ob leC)arge ;e$$age;ob leT me 'er1 ceD $cou!" Fiel Name Co!!0D <rder0D 4umber<fCo!! Da"eCrea"e $Ac" 1e De$cr p" o!

!ata Ty"e !" !" mo!ey floa" mo!ey floa" mo!ey floa" mo!ey floa" mo!ey floa" mo!ey floa" floa"

!escri"tion 7 ll de"a l$ 0D 7 ll 0D of $er1 ce b ll 'ecur "y Depo$ " 'ecur "y D $cou!" 283 %e!"al %e!"al D $cou!" 283 Call C)arge per m !u"e To"al " me u$ !g call c)arge :ocal Call C)arge per m !u"e To"al " me u$ !g :ocal c)arge 'TD Call C)arge per m !u"e To"al " me u$ !g 'TD c)arge ;e$$age ;ob le Call C)arge per m !u"e To"al " me u$ !g ;e$$age ;ob le c)arge 'er1 ce D $cou!" 283 !escri"tion Co!!ec" o! 0D <rder 0D 4umber of co!!ec" o! Da"e =)e! co!!ec" o! $ crea"ed '"a"u$ of co!!ec" o! De$cr p" o! of co!!ec" o!

!ata Ty"e !1arc)ar21.3 !1arc)ar21.3 !1arc)ar2.3 da"e" me b" !1arc)ar210003

(.Table : 'onnection!iary
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Fiel Name D ary0D Da"e'"ar" Da"e>!d Co!!0D Fiel Name Cu$"0D 6ull4ame Ge!der 7 r")da"e Addre$$ >ma l P)o!e 0de!" f ca" o!4o Fiel Name %e&ue$"0D Cu$"0D %e&ue$"'ub+ec" 'er1 ce%e&ue$" >&u pme!"%e&ue$" $%e$po!$e Fiel Name D $cou!"0D Da"e'"ar" Da"e>!d 'er1 ceD $cou!" 'ecur "yD $cou!" %e!"alD $cou!" ApplyT me De$cr p" o! Fiel Name >&u pme!"0D Type0D >&u pme!"4ame D $cr p" o! <r g !al4umber

!ata Ty"e !" da"e" me da"e" me !1arc)ar21.3 !ata Ty"e !1arc)ar21.3 !1arc)ar2.03 !1arc)ar2/3 da"e" me !1arc)ar22003 !1arc)ar2.03 !1arc)ar2203 !1arc)ar2203

Null 4o 4o 4o 4o

#eys Pr mary5ey 65

!escri"tion D ary 0D '"ar" da"e of co!!ec" o! >!d da"e of co!!ec" o! Co!!ec" o!0D of co!!ec" o! !escri"tion Cu$"omer 0D Cu$"omer?$ full !ame Cu$"omer?$ ge!der Cu$"omer?$ b r")da"e Cu$"omer?$ addre$$ Cu$"omer?$ ema l Cu$"omer?$ p)o!e !umber 0de!" f ca" o! !umber of cu$"omer

).Table : 'ustomer Null #eys 4o Pr mary -ey !o !o !o !o ye$ !o !o

*.Table : 'ustomer+e,uest !ata Ty"e Null #eys !escri"tion !" !o Pr mary -ey %e&ue$" 0D of cu$"omer !1arc)ar21.3 !o 65 Cu$"omer 0D !1arc)ar2203 !o 'ub+ec" of re&ue$" !1arc)ar210003 !o 'er1 ce =) c) cu$"omer re&ue$" !1arc)ar210003 ye$ >&u pme!" =) c) cu$"omer re&ue$" b" !o %e&ue$" )a$ re$po!$ed or !o" !ata Ty"e !" da"e" me da"e" me floa" floa" floa" !1arc)ar2203 !1arc)ar210003 !ata Ty"e !" !" !1arc)ar2.03 !1arc)ar210003 !" -.Table : !iscount Null #eys !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o ..Table : /,ui"ment Null #eys !o !o !o !o !o Pr mary -ey 65 Pr mary -ey !escri"tion D $cou!" 0D '"ar" da"e of d $cou!" >!d da"e of d $cou!" D $cou!" for $er1 ce amou!"283 D $cou!" for $ecur "y depo$ "283 D $cou!" for re!"al amou!"283 T)e " me =) c) a! accou!" = ll be appl ed ")e d $cou!". De$cr p" o! of d $cou!" !escri"tion >&u pme!" 0D Type 0D of e&u pme!" 4ame of e&u pme!" De$cr p" o! of e&u pme!" T)e or g !al !umber of e&u pme!"
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Fiel Name Type0D Type4ame Fiel Name >mp0D %'0D >mpCode 6ull4ame Ge!der 7 r")da"e Addre$$ >ma l P)o!e 0de!" f ca" o!4o Pa$$=ord %ole '"a"u$ Fiel Name 670D 'e!der >ma l 'ub+ec" 67Co!"e!" '"a"u$ Fiel Name Pla!0D Pla!4ame 'ecur "yDepo$ " De$cr p" o! $9$ !g Fiel Name PD0D

!ata Ty"e !" !1arc)ar2.03 !ata Ty"e !" !" !1arc)ar2.3 !1arc)ar2.03 !1arc)ar2/3 da"e" me !1arc)ar22003 !1arc)ar2.03 !1arc)ar2203 !1arc)ar2203 !1arc)ar2203 !1arc)ar2203 !1arc)ar2103 !ata Ty"e !" !1arc)ar2.03 !1arc)ar2.03 !1arc)ar22003 !1arc)ar210003 b" !ata Ty"e !" !1arc)ar2.03 mo!ey !1arc)ar210003 b" !ata Ty"e !"

0.Table : /,ui"ment Null #eys !o !o Pr mary -ey

!escri"tion Type d of e&u pme!" 4ame of "ype !escri"tion >mployee 0D %e"a ! $)op 0D >mpoyee code >mployee?$ full !ame >mployee?$ ge!der >mployee?$ b r")da"e >mployee?$ addre$$ >mployee?$ ema l >mployee?$ p)o!e !umber 0de!" f ca" o! !umber of >mployee Pa$$=ord "o log ! $y$"em %ole of employee '"a"u$ =or- of employee !escri"tion 6eedbac- 0D Cu$"omer =)o $e!d feedbac>ma l of cu$"omer 'ub+ec" of feedbacCo!"e!" of feedbac6eedbac- =a$ read or !o" !escri"tion Pla! 0D 4ame of pla! 'ecur "y depo$ " of pla! De$cr p" o! of pla! Pla! $ ! u$e or !o"

11.Table : /m"loyee Null #eys 4o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o 11.Table : Fee %ack Null #eys !o !o !o !o !o !o Pr mary -ey Pr mary -ey

1$.Table : 2lan Null #eys !o !o !o !o !o Pr mary -ey

1&.Table : 2lan!etails Null #eys !escri"tion !o Pr mary -ey Pla! de"a l$ d

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Pla!0D PD4ame De$cr p" o! $9$ !g Fiel Name %eg o!0D %eg o!Code %eg o!4ame Fiel Name P60D

!" !1arc)ar2.03 !1arc)ar210003 b" !ata Ty"e !" !1arc)ar2203 !1arc)ar2203

!o !o !o !o


Pla! 0D 4ame of pla! de"a l$ De$cr p" o! of pla! de"a l$ Pla! de"a l$ $ ! u$e or !o" !escri"tion %eg o! 0D %eg o! code 4ame of reg o! !escri"tion Pla! 6ee 0D Pla! de"a l$ d 4ame of pla! fee De$cr p" o! of pla! fee Pla!6ee $ ! u$e or !o" %e!"al amou!" Call c)arge per m !u"e 'TD c)arge per m !u"e ;e$$age;ob le c)arge per m !u"e :ocal c)arge per m !u"e

1(.Table : +egion Null #eys !o !o !o Pr mary -ey

1).Table : 2lanFee !ata Ty"e Null #eys !" !" !1arc)ar2.03 !1arc)ar210003 b" mo!ey mo!ey mo!ey mo!ey mo!ey !ata Ty"e !" !" !1arc)ar21003 !1arc)ar22003 !1arc)ar2.03 !1arc)ar2203 b" !1arc)ar2#03 !ata Ty"e !" !" !1arc)ar21003 !1arc)ar22003 !1arc)ar2.03 !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o Pr mary -ey 65

PD0D P64ame De$cr p" o! $9$ !g %e!"al CallC)arge 'TDCallC)arge ;e$$age;ob leC)arge :ocalCallC)arge Fiel Name %'0D %eg o!0D %'4ame Addre$$ >ma l P)o!e $;a !<ff ce 6a@ Fiel Name '"oc-0D %eg o!0D '"oc-4ame Addre$$ >ma l

1*.Table : +etainS3o" Null #eys !escri"tion !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o Pr mary -ey 65 %e"a !$)op 0D %eg o! 0D of re"a !$)op 4ame of re"a ! $)op Addre$$ of re"a ! $)op >ma l of re"a ! $)op P)o!e of re"a ! $)op %e"a !$)op $ ma ! off ce or !o" 6a@ of re"a ! $)op !escri"tion '"oc- 0D %eg o! 0D of $"oc4ame of $"ocAddre$$ of $"oc>ma l of $"ocPage 20 of 26

1-.Table : Stock Null #eys !o !o !o !o !o Pr mary -ey 65

<Nexus Service Marketing System>


<Group 80>

P)o!e 6a@ Fiel Name Ve!dor0D %eg o!0D Ve!dor4ame Addre$$ >ma l P)o!e 6a@ De$cr p" o!

!1arc)ar2203 !1arc)ar2#03 !ata Ty"e !" !" !1arc)ar21003 !1arc)ar22003 !1arc)ar2.03 !1arc)ar2203 !1arc)ar2#03 !1arc)ar210003

!o !o 1..Table : 4en or Null #eys !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o Pr mary -ey 65

P)o!e of $"oc6a@ of $"oc!escri"tion Ve!dor 0D %eg o! 0D of 1e!dor 4ame of 1e!dor Addre$$ of 1e!dor >ma l of 1e!dor P)o!e of 1e!dor 6a@ of 1e!dor De$cr p" o! of 1e!dor

Fiel Name <rder0D P60D Crea"er Da"eCrea"e Peformer PerformDa"e '"a"u$ Fiel Name 7 ll0D Co!!0D Crea"er Performer Payer Crea"eDa"e 6romDa"e ToDa"e PayDa"e Ta@ To"al Curre!cy9! " $Pay Fiel Name 0'%0D

!ata Ty"e !1arc)ar21.3 !" !" da"e" me !" da"e" me b" !ata Ty"e !" !1arc)ar21.3 !" !" !1arc)ar21.3 da"e" me da"e" me da"e" me da"e" me floa" mo!ey !1arc)ar2103 b" !ata Ty"e !"

10.Table : Service5r er Null #eys !escri"tion !o !o !o !o !o !o !o Pr mary -ey 65 65 65 <rder 'er1 ce 0D Pla! 6ee 0D >mployee =)o place order Crea" o! da"e of order >mployee =)o perform order Performa!ce da"e of order '"a"u$ of order 2fea$ ble or !o"3 !escri"tion 7 ll 0D Co!!ec" o! 0D >mployee =)o ma-e b ll >mployee =)o deal !g b ll Cu$"omer =)o pay b ll Da"e =)e! b ll d crea"ed '"ar" da"e of calcula" !g b ll >!d da"e of calcula" !g b ll Da"e =)e! cu$"omer pay b ll Ta@ o $er1 ce 283 To"al mo!ey of b ll Curre!cy u! " of b ll 7 ll =a$ pa d or !o"

$1.Table : Service%ill Null #eys !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o Pr mary -ey 65 65 65

$1.Table : 6nStock+e,uest Null #eys !escri"tion !o Pr mary -ey 0!$"oc- re&ue$" 0D

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<Group 80>

>mp0D Crea"eDa"e To"al4umber Fiel Name 0'%D0D 0'%0D >&u pme!"0D Aua!" "y

!" da"e" me !"

!o !o !o


>mployee =)o ma-e re&ue$" Da"e =)e! re&ue$" $ crea"ed To"al !umber e&u pme!"

$$.Table : 6nStock+e,uest!etail !ata Ty"e Null #eys !escri"tion !" !" !" !" !o !o !o !o Pr mary -ey 65 0!$"oc- re&ue$" de"a l 0D 0!$"oc- re&ue$" 0D 0D of >&u pme!" =) c) $ re&ue$"ed "o !$"oc4umber of re&ue$"ed e&u pme!"

Fiel Name 0'<0D 0'%0D Ve!dor0D >mp0D '"oc-0D Payer Crea"eDa"e 0!$"oc-Da"e PayDa"e Ta@ To"al Curre!cy9! " $Pay Fiel Name 0'<D0D 0'<0D >&u pme!"0D Aua!" "y Pr ce

!ata Ty"e !" !" !" !" !" !" da"e" me da"e" me da"e" me floa" mo!ey !1arc)ar2103 b"

$&.Table : 6nStock5r er Null #eys !escri"tion !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o Pr mary -ey 65 65 65 65 65 0!$"oc- order d 0!$"oc- re&ue$" d Ve!dor ")a" pro1 de e&u pme!" >mployee =)o place order '"oc- mpor" e&u pme!" >mployee =)o pay order Da"e =)e! order $ crea"ed Da"e =)e! e&u pme!" are mpor"ed "o $"oc- from 1e!dor$. Da"e =)e! order $ pa d Ta@ o $er1 ce 283 To"al mo!ey of order Curre!cy u! " of order <rder =a$ pa d or !o"

$(.Table : 6nStock5r er!etail !ata Ty"e Null #eys !escri"tion !" !" !" !" mo!ey !o !o !o !o !o Pr mary -ey 65 65 0!$"oc- order de"a l 0D 0!$"oc- order d 0D of >&u pme!" =) c) $ mpor"ed 4umber of mpor"ed e&u pme!" Pr ce of e&u pme!"
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<Group 80>

Fiel Name <'0D Crea"er Performer Cu$"0D Crea"eDa"e PayDa"e Ta@ To"al Curre!cy9! " $Pay Fiel Name <'D0D <'0D >&u pme!"0D Aua!" "y Pr ce

$).Table : 5utStock5r er !ata Ty"e Null #eys !escri"tion !" !" !" !" da"e" me da"e" me floa" mo!ey !1arc)ar2103 b" !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o !o Pr mary -ey 65 65 65 <u"$"oc- order d 0!$"oc- re&ue$" d Ve!dor ")a" pro1 de e&u pme!" >mployee =)o place order Da"e =)e! order $ crea"ed Da"e =)e! order $ pa d Ta@ o $er1 ce 283 To"al mo!ey of order Curre!cy u! " of order <rder =a$ pa d or !o"

$*.Table : 5utStock5r er!etail !ata Ty"e Null #eys !escri"tion !" !" !" !" mo!ey !o !o !o !o !o Pr mary -ey 65 65 <u"$"oc- order de"a l 0D <u"$"oc- order d 0D of >&u pme!" =) c) $ re&ue$"ed "o ou"$"oc4umber of re&ue$"ed e&u pme!" Pr ce of e&u pme!"


Database Diagram

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3.). Screen %esi'n

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7%Task Sheet
MLiQt &W cSc cXng "iQc cYn thTc hiQn trong OZ ch[ r\ sT !h]n cXng trSch nhiQm "^ th_i gian +`t OYu, ho^n th^nh, tham &hao cubn Aro*ect Gui#e Oc Odec !hStV

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<Group 80>

5.1. Chec* +ist of ,alidation
MCSc &iUm tra Oifu &iQn hogt Ohng cia hQ thbng, O]y %^ cSc &iUm tra cia ngd_i !hSt triUn san !hjm #Ta trWn cSc r^ng +uhc thikt &k6 DR %iQu thao tSc cZ Olng r^ng +uhc &hXng,(((V

5.2. Submission Chec*list

MCSc &iUm tra cia ngd_i sm #nng hQ thbng6 Lin& cZ hogt Ohng hay &hXng, #R %iQu "^o sai cZ +o nh`c nhp &hXng,(((V

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