Silt Curtain

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The Silt screen are customized to a particular project based on the site condition. The design, configuration depends on the manufacturer. However the basic components of the Silt screen system are shown in diagram below ( These may vary with the design)


Screen Fabric

- Vinyl coated nylon or !olyester or a combination of

these with geote"tile filter. This fabric is specified by weight per S# $ and tensile strength. This is a very specialized material and not produced in %ndia .

Fl a!a!i n Ele"en! - &ylindrical / 'ctagonal e"panded polystyrene (logs)

placed end to end in the top fabric poc*et with separations between (logs) to allow folding for shipment and storage#

Ten$i n Cable - +alvanized steel cable, with a fair

brea* strength , sheathed in vinyl and seamed into the fabric one on each side of the s*irt ( below the flotation). These cables are shac*led to the section connectors for uniform tension load transfer.


+alvanized steel chain enclosed in a double layer fabric poc*et at the bottom of the s*irt. The ballast chain enables the s*irt to hang vertically in the water column. The ballast chain is shac*led to a stainless steel stress plate at the end of each section. , hoo* and ring arrangement is provided to transfer the load from one section to the ne"t through the stress plates.

Sec!i n C nnec! r

These are aluminum connectors that e"tend from the top of the flotation down the edge of the s*irt. -elow the connectors, s*irts are joined by rope ties between evenly spaced grommets on the s*irts. The ballast chain.stress plates are attached via a safety hoo* and ring.

Anc% r & in! / , +alvanized steel plate with ring one on each side based on
the design.

Ree'in( $y$!e" ) 0eefing lines to raise and lower the curtain s*irt. This
allows for the system to match the depth re#uirements of the project e"actly.

O!%er Acce$$ rie$ ) $ar*er buoys, ,nchor buoys etc#


ADDITION VIEW GENERAL COMPONENETS OF SILT SCREEN Fea$ibili!y ' "an*'ac!*rin( in H *$e /In+ia

There is no manufacturer of complete silt screens . screen fabric in %ndia. Technically silt curtains can be manufactured in house. in %ndia, since it encompasses integration of a few components li*e fabric, 1loats, chain, plates, -allast etc. The manufacturer of the various components and an integrator for Silt curtain system may not be readily available in %ndia. 2eveloping these vendors . s*ills will ta*e minimum about 3 months. This may not be suit to our project completion time since silt curtains are re#uired to be installed by 4an 5676.

Rec ""en+a!i n
,lthough, silt screens manufacturing could be possible in %ndia. in house, but since components are not readily available, there will be a minimum lead time to source these items, in addition to the production time The Silt curtains are re#uired to be positioned by 8nd 4an 69, therefore, it is recommended that option of manufacturing Silt screen in %ndia may not be perused further. The commercial aspects could not studies view non availability of cost data.

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