Viaduct 2 Final Method Statment

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-----------------------------WORK METHOD STATEMENT VIADUCT

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SCOPE This statement describes the method to be followed for the bridge (Viaduct) during the different construction stages and activities as detailed later.


REFERENCES -Jordan Code of Practice for the design of formwork. -A roved sho drawings. -Pro!ect s ecification. -" ecification for highwa# and bridge construction $ ministr# of ublic works and housing.



%. Access roads will be rovided to the main bridge during construction to insure deliver# of construction material to the site. &aintenance of access road will be done through the construction hase. This activit# is erformed b# the 'eneral Contractor. (. )*cavation to the design level as shown on the drawings and sitting out will be done outside the foundation line to rovide enough working s ace for formwork+ water roofing+ and drainage. ,. An# electrical and or drainage works related to the bridge and their connection with main lines will be re ared in advance to avoid dela# of work. -. The site levelling and surve#ing works will be e*ecuted b# the general contractor after the engineer.s a roval of the sho drawing for the following / i. -Abutments structure. ii. -Piers and their foundations. iii. $The bo* girder re-stressed slab. iv. $The re-cast ost-tensioned girders and its relevant deck slab. v. $Pre-cast elements related to the viaduct. 0. 'eneral site levelling outside the bridge area will be e*ecuted after finishing the main e*cavation and backfilling of abutments and eirs. 1. )*ternal backfill for e*ternal service and access will be done on com letion of the bridge structure. FORMWORK 1-Fo!"#$%&o" fo'()o'*+ T# e of formwork for foundations is rectangular2 l#wood form lining su hori3ontal and vertical timber frame is used. 2-P,&'+ fo'()o'*+ A formwork com osed of a refabricated steel mould su orted b# structural steel sections for the circular iers will be used. The design calculations for the form mould will be attached orted e*ternall# b#

-----------------------------WORK METHOD STATEMENT VIADUCT

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The formwork of the remaining iers P0 and P1 will be fabricated using fair face l#wood boards su orted with timber !oists serving as wailers and 4unnibeck soldiers in the vertical direction. &. D,-* +.$/ +0o'&"1 +2+%,( -o"+&+%+ of %)o ($&" &%,(+: 3-D,-* fo'()o'*


ing of (%.,5m * 5.65m) grid of a cu lock s#stem.

"teel tube -7mm outer dia ,.(mm thick vertical ro s (standards) in different lengths connected together using s igots to form the re8uired height.

9edger i es of the same t# e forming hori3ontal bracing. :iagonal bracing near the edges of slabs (steel i e 1m length -7mm. dia to be used with swivel cou lers).This is used in order to maintain hori3ontal stabilit# during concreting of the slab.

er screw !ack (universal !ack).

"teel base lates. &udsills ((55<05) timber boards under the base lates on a restabilised re-com acted levelled earth.

&&. D,-*&"1 +2+%,( -o"+&+%+ of )oo#," $"# +%,,. 3&,-,+ $+ .&+%,# /,.o): o o o o &ain stringers/ ;AP%55*05 steel sections. "teel form sha ed to the slab soffit tailored e*actl# "econdar# !oists/ Timber beams %55*05. Pl#wood sheets %.((m * (.--m * %(mm thick for the curved slab soffit su orted longitudinall#

on %55*05 timber !oists s aced (55 mm. c=c.The timber !oists are attached to a curved steel section running in the transverse diction to form the re8uired soffit sha e. These sections are s aced at %,55mm. o >ormwork levelling to be checked b# contractor+ to ensure roviding levels as er bridge alignment longitudinall# and transversall# rior to an# installation of steel reinforcement. 4- GENERAL FORMWORK RE5UIRMENTS. o All formwork is designed to withstand the worst combination of total weight of formwork+ reinforcement and concrete+ together with construction loads including the effects of lacing+ com acting and construction traffic. The effects of wind loads are to be considered as a ro riate. >ormwork material is to be checked in advance to eliminate shortfalls and to ensure the re8uired 8ualit#. All formwork erection is to be su ervised b# the contractor technical team to ensure/

o o

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The form lining being used will rovide the s ecified finish. Particular care must be e*ercised to ensure that the shutters are clean and oiled and do not contain unacce table holes=re air work where the re8uired finish rohibits this. The osition and t# e of ties when used are correct. All ties must be ro erl# tightened to revent distortion under load. ?here necessar#+ ad!oining shutter boards are to be sealed to revent grout loss. ?here shutters are clam ed onto e*isting concrete+ care must be taken to revent grout loss or irregularities at the construction !oint. @elease agents used must be suitable for an# s ecified a lied future finish.

b) c) d) e) f) g)

The formwork has been erected so as to com l# with the Pro!ect tolerances. Cover blocks of the a roved t# e have been securel# wedged between the reinforcing and shutter to rovide the s ecified cover and will not be dislodged under concrete vibration. "afet# regulations have been com lied with and access is available for the concrete o erations.


'eneral Considerations/ Ance the erected tem orar# formwork has been com leted it will be checked b# the site technical staff to verif# acce tance. The )ngineer will be re8uired to ins ect and a rove the formwork. "triking eriods for formwork are to be agreed with the )ngineer or as defined within the s ecifications.



Bnstallation of steel reinforcement will be carried out e*actl# as er submitted and a roved "ho :rawings. Concrete s acers will be used to rovide concrete cover for reinforcement. @einforcing bars will be cut and bent on site. The reference is made to the following/ a) b) Car &ark and Duantit#. :rawing = Cending "chedule @eference Eumber.

@einforcing steel shall be delivered to site and the foreman in charge will check the reinforcing bars to ensure correctness. "hould there be an# discre anc# then an a ro riate action will be taken. .


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The steel fi*ing su ervisor (foreman and sub-contractor) shall ensure that relevant current drawings are on site when fi*ing is in rogress. The steel fi*ing su ervisor (foreman and sub-contractor) shall ensure that relevant current drawings are on site when fi*ing is in rogress. Anl# steel as s ecified on drawings and schedules shall be used. The foreman shall check all steel rior to com leting the relevant ortion of the reconcrete Bns ection form. COVER Cover to steel reinforcement as stated on the drawings will be insured using cover blocks or lastic s acers as a RECORDS @ecords for ins ection re8uests as re8uired will be retained b# the Pro!ect &anager =CBCA F ;)C for the duration of the contract. roved .

D-CONCRETE WORKS Co"-',%, P.$-,(,"% $"# Co(3$-%&o" The aim of good concrete lacing is to get the concrete into osition at a s eed+ and in a condition+ that allows ro er com action. To ensure better rate of work+ concrete is to be de osited at+ or as close as ossible to the e*act s ot where it is to be laced. The deck slab will be cast in ( stages / The lower slab will be cast first taking into consideration the change in its thickness longitudinall# and transversel# in addition to the two longitudinal webs and arts of the to slab that surround the tendons. The blisters will be cast com letel# in stage one. The remaining arts of the to slab will be cast later.


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The Poker Vibrator The oker or immersion vibrator is used for com acting concrete. Bt works directl# in the concrete and can be moved around easil#. The time it takes for a oker vibrator to full# com act concrete de ends on/ The workabilit# of the concrete+ the less workable the mi*+ the longer it is must be vibrated. The energ# ut in b# the vibrator+ bigger vibrators do the !ob faster. The de th of the concrete+ thicker sections take longer. To realise the full otential of a oker+ it is necessar# to lan the com action+ along with the lacing method and techni8ues well in advance+ so that both o erations are carried out as 8uickl# and as economicall# as ossible. ,.o) $', +o(, 1!&#,+ %o ,"+!', ,ff&-&,"-2 of 7&/'$%&o": &ake sure #ou can see the concrete surface $ lights ma# be re8uired in thin+ dee sections. &ake sure the oker is inserted into the concrete 8uickl# $ as 8uickl# as ossible to reach the bottom of the la#er it is com acting. The oker should e*tend below the la#er #ou are com acting and into the one underneath b# at least %55mm $ this will bond the two la#ers together. The whole length of the oker should be in the concrete $ this kee s the okerGs bearing cool. Avoid leaving the oker running when it is not in the concrete+ as this overheats the bearings. A little e*tra vibration will reduce the number of blowholes $ this is im ortant when a good=smooth finish is re8uired. Clean the oker when #ou are finished. Pull the oker slowl# as #ou withdraw it from the concrete $ the ob!ect is to ensure that no hole is left behind as the oker leaves the concrete. ?hen #ou move the oker on+ to com act the ne*t section+ it should not be far from its revious osition. &ake sure the oker does not touch the formwork $ the oker will cause a H oker-burnI and mark the surface of the finished concrete.

S$f,%2 )lectrical oker cables must be rotected and maintained b# doing regular ins ections. Pokers o erated neumaticall# (Petrol driven motors or air driven) shall be maintained and controlled as with electric okers. C!'&"1 of Co"-',%, Curing is the last $ and one of the most im ortant stages of concrete construction There are two basic methods of curing concrete.

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The first method involves kee ing the surface of the concrete moist b# the use of onding+ s ra#ing=s rinkling+ dam sand or dam burla . The second method is to revent the loss of moisture from the concrete b# covering it with lastic sheeting+ s ra#ing on a curing membrane+ or leaving the formwork in lace. P.$+%&- S0,,%&"1 8Po.2,%02.,",9 The lastic cover sheet should be laced in osition as soon as ossible $ on vertical surfaces within half an hour of the removal of the formwork+ on slabs as soon as the concrete is hard enough to revent surface damage or marking. Bt is im ortant that the e* osed edges and corners of the sheet should be well fi*ed down+ to revent wind tunnels that could affect the curing rocess. S3'$2-O" C!'&"1 Co(3o!"#+ Curing com ounds are s ra#ed onto the surface $ a hand-held garden s ra# is suitable for most !obs $ and can be used on both vertical and hori3ontal surfaces. Bf a curing com ound is to be used+ a roval must be obtained from the client and that articular com ound manufacturerGs instructions to be strictl# followed. T&(, %o +3'$2: The com ounds should never be a lied to dr# surfaces since these will absorb the com ound+ and staining or discoloration ma# occur. Bf the surface is dr#+ that is a sign that the curing has been left too late. An vertical or sliding surfaces+ a l# the com ound almost immediatel# after the formwork has been struck+ or move during the slide. P'o%,-%&o" 1&7," /2 fo'()o'* ?hile it is in osition+ formwork rotects concrete against loss of moisture+ and thus allows curing to roceed. Bt is onl# after it has been struck that further curing of columns+ walls and beams ma# be necessar#. The colour of concrete can var# according to how long the formwork is left in osition after lacement+ and whether the da# on which it is struck+ is dr# or wet.

Attachments/ %- :esign calculations for the column formwork. (- :esign calculations and la#out of the bridge slab decking and ro ing s#stem.

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