VoIP & Network Converage
VoIP & Network Converage
VoIP & Network Converage
Technology Review#2001-2
Debashish Mitra
March 2001
Copyright 2001 Tata Consultancy Services. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed in any form by any means without the prior written authorization of Tata Consultancy Services.
1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 1 2. Issues in voice communication over networks ........................................... 3 3. Typical voice call handling in a VoIP application ........................................ 8 4. H.323 Standard ........................................................................................... 9 Components of H.323 ........................................................................................ 10 H.323 Protocol Stack ......................................................................................... 11 Control and signaling in H.323 system ................................................................ 12 H.323 Implementations ..................................................................................... 13 5. Session Initiation Protocol ........................................................................ 13 SIP Components................................................................................................ 14 SIP Messages.................................................................................................... 14 Typical SIP Call setup ........................................................................................ 15 SIP Implementations ......................................................................................... 16 6. Comparison between H.323 and SIP......................................................... 16 7. Related VoIP Protocols.............................................................................. 18 Session Description Protocol (SDP) ..................................................................... 18 Session Announcement Protocol (SAP)................................................................ 19 Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)............................................................. 19 Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) .................................................................... 20 Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP)....................................................... 21 Real-time Streaming Protocol (RTSP).................................................................. 21 8. Numbering Scheme ................................................................................... 21 9. Quality of Service ...................................................................................... 22 Best Effort Service ............................................................................................. 23 Integrated Service ............................................................................................. 23 Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) ................................................................ 25 Differentiated Service ........................................................................................ 26 Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)................................................................. 28 Constraint-based Routing................................................................................... 30 Subnet Bandwidth Manager (SBM) ..................................................................... 30 10. Products and Applications......................................................................... 31 Industry products .............................................................................................. 31 Voice over IP services........................................................................................ 32 11. Conclusions ............................................................................................... 34 Acronyms......................................................................................................... 36 References ...................................................................................................... 36
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1. Introduction
Voice communication has traditionally been carried over dedicated Telephone networks operated by Telecommunication service providers such as the BSNL and MTNL in India or AT&T in USA. These telephone networks have progressively evolved from the initial analog circuits to the current digital networks with bandwidth in excess of 1 Gbps. For reasons of varying bandwidth and networking requirements, different services were provided on separate networks. For example, Telegraph networks, Telex networks, Telephone networks, Facsimile networks, Cable networks and Data networks support different services, as their names would suggest. These networks possessed characteristics that satisfied the peculiar requirements of the service they provided. For example, the voice network would support bandwidths of 64 Kbps for voice communication and would ensure telco-grade voice communication with little jitter and echo cancellation. Likewise, the cable networks would provide even higher bandwidth and improved quality of service (QoS) for video transmission. On the other hand, the data communication networks bandwidth and QoS requirements are highly flexible. This means that the data communication requirements could be a Telnet application, requiring minimal data pipe, but reasonably fast network response times. Or it could be a batch transmission application that required a higher throughput, but can tolerate larger inter packet delivery delays. For most types of data communication applications, reliability is critical, which means that the delivery protocols would implement mechanisms for error checking, acknowledgment, re-transmissions and sequencing. On the other hand, for realtime applications such as voice communications, it would make little sense to retransmit a lost packet for play back at the receiving end, if it is out of sequence and is considerably delayed. Essentially, the main point to be noted is that these networks have been designed differently in terms of their underlying architecture and communication protocols. In the late eighties and early nineties it was realized that integrating these networks into a single integrated network, such that all services would use common facilities, would result in efficiency and cost savings. This was the new mantra that made possible the creation and deployment of ISDN and similar networks, bringing data and voice communication together. However, nearly all these networks were built and operated by major telecommunication equipment manufacturers and service providers. Although, the major international standards bodies such as ITU-T (formerly CCITT), or the ETSI defined a relevant set of standards for implementation and to assure inter-operability between products from different telecom equipment manufacturers, these standards were still inadequate to reduce the proprietary nature of most implementations. It meant that even if the standards assured inter-operability among equipment and networks for existing communication services (which number only in dozens), they fell woefully short, on account of proprietary implementations, for being able to spawn and envisage even greater types of potential communication services. Consider what the Internet has done for conceiving and spawning innumerable types of web-based applications at progressively lower costs. Subsequently, from the mid-nineties onwards, the Internet has proved to be the major all-encompassing network that demonstrated its prowess in delivering all types of media (data, voice and video) at lowest cost. Data communication equipment manufacturing
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companies, such as Cisco, have also been instrumental in driving up the reach of the Internet and Internet protocols. Internet protocols became the preferred protocol for delivering communication payload for all types of networks, mainly for their open and widely accepted interface implementations. Contrast this with ATM, which somehow has been left behind. However, a major shortcoming in the Internet protocols TCP, UDP over IP has been their inability to transfer real-time application data such as voice and video. The major issues were jitter, network latency, echo cancellation, quality of service and security. To overcome this shortcoming, newer implementations of IP (e.g. IP version 6) and a flurry of associated protocol specifications (e.g. H.323 or SIP) were defined to plug the gap between the Internet protocols and other telecom application-oriented protocols. These activities of developing and implementing new IP-based protocol definitions for multimedia communications; their underlying network architecture and also integration with existing networks are collectively termed as Voice over IP or VoIP in short.
Figure 1: Communication Market Stake Holders The effort to integrate all communication services over IP is a transition effort on two major fronts. First, the Telecommunication equipment manufacturers were interested in integrating the currently deployed services and network protocols to IP. Second, the Data communication equipment manufacturers, who were already using IP for data communication services were moving upward to provide voice and multimedia services over data networks.
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The culmination of the above efforts and various standards making bodies is supposed to achieve the objectives of service portability, network convergence and secured network access. It is hoped that with the transition of voice (multimedia) over to Internet protocols would open the doors to the conceptualization and implementation of numerous services in thousands from the current dozens.
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Source CODECs include linear predictive coding (LPC), code-excited linear prediction (CELP) and multipulse-multilevel quantization (MP-MLQ). Coding techniques for telephony and voice packet are standardized by the ITU-T in its G-series recommendations. Some algorithms for voice compression and decompression are given in the table below. Table - Coding Algorithms Input Range Linear Predictive Coding algorithm Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP) 32 Kbps Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) Transmission Rate 64 Kbps 8 Kbps 32 Kbps Standard LPC-10 G.711 G.729 G.729 A G.721
Although it might seem logical from a resource usage standpoint to convert all calls to low bit-rate CODECs to save on infrastructure costs, there are drawbacks to compressing voice. One of the main drawbacks is signal distortion due to multiple encodings (called tandem encodings). For example, when a G.729 voice signal is tandem-encoded three times, the MOS score drops from 3.92 (very good) to 2.68 (unacceptable). Telco-grade voice refers to MOS scores of 4 or above.
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Delay A very important design consideration in implementing voice communications networks is minimizing one-way, end-to-end delay. Voice traffic is real-time traffic and if there is too long a delay in voice packet delivery, speech will be unrecognizable. An acceptable delay is less than 200 milliseconds. Delay is inherent in voice networking and is caused by a number of different factors. There are basically two kinds of delay inherent in today's telephony networks: ! Propagation delay caused by the characteristics of the speed of light traveling via a fiber-optic-based or copper-based medium of the underlying network. Handling delay (also called serialization delay) caused by the devices that handle voice information and have a significant impact on voice quality in a packet network. This delay includes the time it takes to generate a voice packet. DSPs may take 5ms to 20ms to generate a frame and usually one or more frames are placed in a voice packet. Another component of this delay is the time taken to move the packet to the output queue. Some devices expedite this process by determining packet destination and getting the packet to the output queue quickly. The actual delay at the output queue, in terms of time spent in the queue before being serviced, is yet another component of this handling delay and is normally around 10ms. A CODEC-induced delay is considered a handling delay. The table below shows the delay introduced by different CODECs. Table CODEC-Induced Delays CODEC G.711 PCM G.729 CS-ACELP G.729a CS-ACELP Bit Rate (Kbps) 64 8 8 Compression Delay (ms) 5 15 15
Serialization delay
Serialization delay is the amount of time a router takes to place a packet on a wire for transmission. Fragmentation helps to eliminate serialization delay, but fragmentation, such as FRF.12, doesn't help without a queuing mechanism in place. For example, if a 1000-byte packet enters a router's queue and is fragmented into ten 100-byte packets, without a queuing mechanism in place, a router will still send all 1000-bytes before it starts to send another packet. Conversely, if there is a queuing mechanism in place, but no fragmentation, voice traffic can still fail. If a router receives a 1000-byte packet in its queue and begins sending this packet in an instant before it receives a voice packet, the voice packet will have to wait until all 1000 bytes are sent across the wire, before entering the queue, because once a router starts sending a packet, it will continue to do so until the full packet is processed. Therefore, it is essential that there is a method for a router to break large data packets into smaller ones, and a queuing strategy in place to help voice packets jump to the front of a queue ahead of data packets for transmission.
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End-to-End delay
End-to-end delay depends on the end-to-end signal paths/data paths, the CODEC, and the payload size of the packets.
Jitter Jitter is variation in the delay of arrivals of voice packets at the receiver. This causes a discontinuity of the voice stream. It is usually compensated for by using a play-out buffer for playing out the voice smoothly. Play-out control can be exercised both in adaptive or nonadaptive play-out delay mode. Echo Cancellation Echo is hearing your own voice in the telephone receiver while you are talking. When timed properly, echo is reassuring to the speaker. If the echo exceeds approximately 25ms, it can be distracting and cause breaks in the conversation. In a traditional telephony network, echo is normally caused by a mismatch in impedance from the four-wire network switch conversion to the two-wire local loop and is controlled by echo cancellers. In voice over packet-based networks or VoIP, echo cancellers are built into the low bit-rate CODECs and are operated on each DSP. Echo cancellers are limited by design by the total amount of time they will wait for the reflected speech to be received, which is known as an echo trail. The echo trail is normally 32ms. Reliability Traditional data communication strives to provide reliable end-to-end communication between two peers. They use checksum and sequence numbering for error control and some form of negative acknowledgement with a packet retransmission handshake for error recovery. The negative acknowledgement with subsequent re-transmission handshake adds more than a round trip delay to transmission. For time-critical data, the retransmitted message/packet might therefore be entirely useless. Thus, VoIP networks should leave the proper error control and error recovery scheme to higher communication layers. They can thus provide the level of reliability required, taking into account the impact of the delay characteristics. Therefore, UDP is the transport level protocol of choice for voice and like communications. Reliability is built into higher layers. Audio data is delay-sensitive and requires the transmitted voice packets to reach the destination with minimum delay and minimum delay jitter. Although TCP/IP provides reliable connection, it is at the cost of packet delay or higher network latency. On the other hand, UDP is faster compared to TCP. However, as packet sequencing and some degree of reliability are required over UDP/IP, RTP over UDP/IP is usually used for voice and video communication.
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Interoperability In a public network environment, in order for products from different vendors to interoperate with each other, they need to conform to standards. These standards are being devised by the ITU-T and the IETF. H.323 from ITU-T is by far the more popular standard. However, SIP/MGCP standards from IETF are rapidly gaining more acceptance as relatively light weight and easily scalable protocols. Security On the Internet, since anybody can capture packets meant for someone else, security of voice communication becomes an important issue. Some measure of security can be provided by using encryption and tunneling. Usually, the common tunneling protocol used is Layer 2 Tunneling protocol, and the common encryption mechanism used is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Integration with PSTN and ISDN IP Telephony needs to co-exist with traditional PSTN for still some more time. It means that both PSTN and IP telephony networks should appear as a single network to users. This is achieved through the use of gateways between the Internet on the one hand and PSTN or ISDN on the other. Scalability As succeeding VoIP products strive to provide Telco-grade voice quality over IP as is true for PSTN, but at a progressively lower cost, there is a potential for high growth rates in VoIP systems. In such a scenario, it is essential that these systems be flexible enough to grow into large user markets.
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IP Network
Step 1 Off Hook
VoIP Application
Step 5 - Call Request using H.323/SIP Step 5 - Off Hook
Step 7 DTMF
Step 8 Bye
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Table - Typical VoIP Call Handling Step Step1. Step2. Step3. Step4. Action The user picks up the handset; this signals an off-hook condition to the signaling application part of VoIP. The session application part of VoIP issues a dial tone and waits for the user to dial a telephone number. The user dials the telephone number; those numbers are accumulated and stored by the session application. After enough digits are accumulated to match a configured destination pattern, the telephone number is mapped to an IP host via the dial-plan mapper. The IP host has a direct connection to either the destination telephone number or a PBX that is responsible for completing the call to the configured destination pattern. The session application then runs the session protocol (H.323 or SIP/MGCP) to establish a transmission and a reception channel for each direction over the IP network. If the call is being handled by a Private Branch Exchange (PBX), the PBX forwards the call to the destination telephone. If Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) has been configured, the RSVP reservations are put into effect to achieve the desired QoS over the IP network. The coder-decoder compression schemes (CODECs) are enabled for both ends of the connection and the conversation proceeds using Real-time Transport Protocol/User Datagram Protocol/Internet Protocol (RTP/UDP/IP) as the protocol stack. Any call-progress indications (or other signals that can be carried inband) are cut through the voice path as soon as an end-to-end audio channel is established. Signaling that can be detected by the voice ports (for example, inband dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) digits after the call setup is complete) is also trapped by the session application at either end of the connection. It is carried over the IP network, encapsulated in the Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP) using the RTCP application-defined (APP) extension mechanism. When either end of the call hangs up, the RSVP reservations are torn down (if RSVP is used) and the session ends. Each end becomes idle, waiting for the next off-hook condition to trigger another call setup.
4. H.323 Standard
The H.323 standard has been developed by the ITU-T for equipment manufacturers and vendors who provide Voice over IP service. It provides technical recommendations for voice communication over LANs assuming that no Quality of Service (QoS) is being provided by LANs. It was originally developed for multimedia conferencing on LANs, but was later extended to Voice over IP. The first and second versions of H.323 were released in 1996 and 1998 respectively. Currently, version 4 of H.323 is under consideration.
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Components of H.323
The H.323 standard proposes an architecture that is composed of four logical components Terminal, Gateways, Gatekeepers and Multipoint Control Units (MCUs). The architecture schematic is depicted in the following diagram. The various components are described subsequently.
Terminals These are LAN client endpoints that provide real-time, two-way communications. All H.323 terminals are required to support H.245, H.225, Q.931, Registration Admission Status (RAS) and real-time transport (RTP) protocols. H.245 is used for controlling channel usage, while H.225 or Q.931 are used for call signaling, call setup and teardown. RTP is used as a media transport protocol that carries the voice traffic. RAS is used by the endpoint for interacting with the gatekeeper. H.323 terminals may also use T.120 data conferencing protocols, video codecs and support for MCU. An H.323 terminal can communicate with either another H.323 terminal, a H.323 gateway or a MCU. Gateways An H.323 gateway is an endpoint on the network that provides for real-time, two-way communications between H.323 terminals on the IP network with other ITU terminals on a switch-based network like PSTN or to another H.323 gateway. The gateways handle different transmission formats. Gateways are optional devices in the H.323 architecture because terminals in a single LAN can communicate directly with each other without using a gateway.
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Only if the communication needs to span to other networks such as the PSTN, will a gateway be required. In such cases, H.245 and Q.931 protocols are used, by the participating endpoints and the intermediate gateway. Gatekeepers This is an important component of the H.323 architecture and functions as its manager. It is the central point for all calls within its zone and provides services to the registered endpoints. A zone is the aggregation of the gatekeeper and the registered endpoints. A gatekeeper performs functions such as address translation, admissions control, call signaling, call authorization, call management and bandwidth management. Multipoint Control Units (MCU) The MCU acts as an endpoint on the network for providing capability for three or more terminals and gateways to participate in a multipoint conference. The MCU consists of a mandatory Multipoint Controller (MC) and an optional Multipoint Processor (MP). The MCs functions are to determine the common capabilities of conferencing terminals, using the H.245 protocol. It however does not perform multiplexing of audio, video and data streams. The multiplexing of these media streams is handled by the MP under control of the MC.
H.225 RAS
Link Layer
Physical Layer
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H.323 Implementations
One of the most popular H.323 implementation available in the market is from Radvision. Its H.323 stack is widely used by service providers. Some of the other H.323 implementations available in the market are from Elemedia, Cisco, Micom, Nortel, Vocaltec, Neura Solutions and Ericsson. A description of their products is given in the Industry products section of this document.
Determination of the end system to be used for communication, given the users email style address. Determination of the willingness of the called party to engage in a conversation. Determination and negotiation of the media and call parameters to be used in the session. Transfer and termination of the call.
User Availability
User Capabilities
Call Handling
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SIP Components
The SIP architecture specifies two components as given below. User Agents A SIP User Agent is an end system (end point) acting on behalf of the user. It consists of two parts: User Agent Client (UAC): This is the user client portion, which is used to initiate a SIP request to the SIP servers or the UAS. User Agent Server (UAS): This is the user server portion that listens and responds to SIP requests Note: User = UAC+UAS SIP Servers The SIP architecture describes the following types of network servers to help in the SIP call setup and services. Registration Server: This server receives registration requests from SIP users and updates their current location with itself. Proxy Server: This server receives SIP requests and forwards them to the next-hop server, which has more information of the called party. Redirect Server: This server on receipt of the SIP request, determines the next-hop server and returns the address of the next-hop server to the client instead of forwarding the request to the next-hop server itself (as in the case of SIP proxy).
SIP Messages
SIP defines the following major messages between the client and server. INVITE ACK BYE OPTIONS REGISTER CANCEL INFO PRACK COMET SUBSCRIBE NOTIFY Request to invite a user (called party) to a call Acknowledgment to start reliable exchange of invitation messages To terminate (or transfer) the call between the two endpoints Request to get information about the capabilities of a call To register information of current location with a SIP registration server Request to terminate search of a user or ringing Mid-call information (e.g. ISUP, DTMF) Provisional Acknowledgement Pre-condition met Request to subscribe to an event Notify subscribers
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200 OK
5 work
8 ACK uB@work
Media Stream
Figure 5: SIP Basic Operation In this diagram am SIP client userA@tcs.com creates an INVITE message for userB@iit.delhi.edu to invite the latter to a voice call. Given below is a step- by-step description. 1. UserA (userA@tcs.com) sends an INVITE message meant for UserB (userB@iit.delhi.edu) to the SIP Proxy server of iit.delhi.edu domain. Alternately, this message would have been sent to the SIP Proxy server of tcs.com domain, which in turn would have forwarded this to the SIP Proxy server of the iit.delhi.edu domain. The Proxy server tries to obtain the IP address of the SIP server that will handle the requests for the requested domain. 2. The Proxy server of iit.delhi.edu domain consults the Location server to determine the current address of UserB. 3. The Location server returns the current address of UserB, which is uB@work. 4. The Proxy server then sends INVITE to uB@work. The proxy server inserts its address in the via field of the Invite message. 5. UAS of UserB responds to the proxy server with 200 OK message. 6. The Proxy server in turn sends a 200 OK response back to userA@tcs.com. 7. UserA@tcs.com then sends an ACK message destined for UserB via the proxy server.
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8. The Proxy server forwards the ACK message to uB@work. 9. After both the parties agree to participate in the call, an RTP/RTCP channel (media stream) is opened between the two endpoints for transporting voice. 10. After transmission is complete, the session is torn down, using the BYE and ACK messages between the two participating endpoints.
SIP Implementations
Although SIP is relatively new, it has already been implemented by several companies. The implementations encompass SIP proxy and redirect servers; User agents on MS Windows, Linux, etc.; Ethernet Phones; Softswitches; firewalls, SIP-H.323 translators and unified messaging systems. Some of the current ongoing implementations are being done by companies such as dynamicsoft, Hughes Software Systems, Cisco, Ericsson, Hewlett Packard, Lucent, Nokia, Nortel, Siemens, Telogy, Iwatsu Electric and Vovida. Universities such as Carnegie-Mellon University and Columbia University are actively developing the standard through their implementations. The SIP stack can also be found as Open Source software. Companies such as Vovida or dynamicsoft have SIP stacks in the Open Source arena.
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Given below is a table listing the differences between the two protocols. Feature Architecture Complexity Standards body Protocol Protocol Encoding Server processing Addressing Call Setup delay Mid-call failure Loop Detection Manageability Call control H.323 Stack Implementation Complex ITU Mostly TCP Binary (ASN.1, Q.931) State-full Flat alias, E.164, email V1: 6-7x RTT to V3: 1.5-2.5x RTT Fail V1:No, v3: Path Value Yes Yes SIP Element Implementation Simple IETF Mostly UDP Text (HTTP-ish) State-less, Transaction oriented SIP, E.164, URLs 1.5x RTT Live Yes via field, time, hops No Yes
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Underlying Protocols
The above information is conveyed in text format. In general, SDP must convey sufficient information to enable a party to join a session and also to announce the resources to be used
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in a multiparty conference. The media information that SDP sends is: type of media (audio or video), transport protocol (RTP, UDP, etc.) and media format (MPEG video, H.263 video, etc.).
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sessions. MGCP is intended to be a simple protocol for enabling development of reliable and cheap local access systems. Accordingly, the programming complexity is concentrated into the Call Agent. Creating Connections Call agents create connections at each endpoint that will participate in a call. If the endpoints are located on different gateways managed by the same call agent, then the creation of a connection is done using the following steps. ! The Call agent asks the first gateway to create a connection on the first endpoint. The response sent by the gateway includes the session description that contains relevant information required by other parties to be able to send packets to the newly created connection. The Call agent then sends the session description of the first connection to the second gateway and requests it to create a connection on the second endpoint. The second endpoint and subsequently the second gateway responds and includes its own session description. The Call Agent then uses a modify-connection command to provide this second session description to the first endpoint.
Communication can now occur between the two endpoints. On the other hand, if the two gateways are controlled by different call agents, then MGCP requires that the two call agents synchronize by exchanging information between themselves, using the agent signaling protocol. This will enable the call agents to issue synchronous commands to the different gateways. Commands The media gateway control interface is implemented as a set of transactions. These transactions are composed of a pair consisting of a command and an associated mandatory response. There are eight types of MGCP commands. These commands are used to create, modify and delete connections, audit endpoints and connections, to send notification requests or to notify and finally reset or restart connections.
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identification, frame indication and intra-media synchronization. Intra-media synchronization is normally implemented as a play-out buffer to compensate for delay jitter.
8. Numbering Scheme
The VoIP network has to resolve the dialed destination number to an IP host address by using a dial-plan mapper, which takes inputs from the ITU-T numbering scheme. The standard PSTN uses a specific numbering scheme, which complies with the ITU-T international public telecommunications numbering plan (E.164) recommendations. For example, in North America, the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) is used, which consists of an area code, an office code, and a station code. Area codes are assigned geographically, office codes are assigned to specific switches, and station codes identify a specific port on that switch. The format in North America is 1Nxx-Nxx-xxxx, with N = digits 2 through 9 and x = digits 0 through 9. Internationally, each country is assigned a one- to three-digit country code; the country's dialing plan follows the country code.
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9. Quality of Service
The main goal of quality of service (QoS) is to help reduce or eliminate delay of voice packets including packet loss that travels across a network. It can be defined as the capability of a network to provide better service to selected network traffic over various underlying technologies such as Frame Relay, ATM, and IP. This network feature helps in differentiating different classes of traffic and treats them differently. The various formal measurements of QoS are: Measurement Service Availability Description The availability of the users network connection and depends on the connected network device. The packet delivery rate at the endpoints. The end- to- end packet delay, while traversing the network. The delay variation among similar packets traversing the same path in the network. The rate of packet loss, because of packet dropping and corruption.
QoS of networks should attempt to maximize service availability and throughput, while at the same time minimizing the remaining measurements.
Need for QoS In the current network scenario, different types of traffic (such as real-time and data) need to share the same network link. These different kinds of traffic require different treatment from the network. This is similar to a first class passenger of an airplane demanding preferential treatment over other passengers. Just as, apart from providing special treatment, a separate airplane cannot be made available to the first class passenger, similarly a separate link or a network connection cannot be given to different customers, though the treatment given can be different. The entire bandwidth has to be shared between priority traffic and regular traffic, and only at places where the traffic flows through active network elements like routers, can these flows be differentiated and treated differently. The different types of traffic can be grouped as: ! Non Real-time or Data: These applications only care about reliable packet delivery like that guaranteed in TCP. They are immune to delays or bandwidth requirements. Examples are web browsing, email, distributed computing, etc. Real-time: These applications require timely delivery along with reliability. Some of these applications can tolerate an upper bound in delay, whereas others are totally intolerant. This range of expectations is used to further classify real-time applications by QoS models.
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QoS Service Models There are three major architectures or service models for implementing QoS in packet networks. These are: QoS Service Model Best Effort Service Description In this model there are no QoS guarantees given to the application, except that a best effort to deliver will be made. It is also called IntServ. This is an earlier model (1995) devised for integrated service networks such as ISDN or ATM. It believed to have end-to-end QoS strategies implemented at the network elements for all classes of traffic flows. Also called DiffServ. This model was developed later (around 1998), wherein unlike the IntServ, it implements QoS strategies on per hop basis as Per Hop Behavior (PHB), and avoids signaling mechanisms. It tries to differentiate individual packets and responds with a different behavior to the same.
Integrated Service
Differentiated Service
Integrated Service
The Integrated service model is defined by a set of standards laid down by IETF. This model assures different QoS-profile treatment, dictated by the network elements, to the multiple classes of traffic. In this model, the applications are aware of the traffic characteristics that they would put on the network and accordingly signal the network elements to reserve required resources before sending their data. The network elements in turn acknowledge the signal positively if they are able to reserve the resources or else send a negative acknowledgement. This model categorizes applications, in terms of their network traffic requirements, into three classes. Real-time Tolerant (RTT), where some delays can be tolerated within a small range as in video or audio playback applications. Real-time Intolerant (RTI), which requires minimal or absolutely no delays, as in video conferencing. And finally, Elastic applications, where as
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long as the packets are delivered reliably no delay constraints are imposed, as in web browsing or email. Accordingly, the model provides for the following classes of service: Guaranteed service: This service guarantees bandwidth and provides a deterministic upper bound on delay. It is used for RTI applications. Controlled Load service: This service guarantees an average delay, but the specific end-to-end delay by some arbitrary packet cannot be specifically determined. The Integrated service network implements the following mechanisms to guarantee QoS levels. Mechanism Admission Control Description This allows the network (network elements) to refuse a new traffic flow request from an application, depending upon resource availability. This is usually a policy-based decision taken by the router. Policy Enforcement Points (PEP) and Policy Decision Points (PDP) are components of this mechanism. PEPs and PDPs use a simple request response protocol called Common Open Policy Service (COPS) to communicate between themselves. and Traffic shaping ensures that the traffic entering the network conforms to the agreed flow characteristic. An example of traffic shaping is the metered expressways in the US, where each vehicle is made to stop and wait for a green light at the ramp before entering the expressway. The frequency of entry is governed by the congestion on the expressway. Traffic policing ensures that applications are sending data into the network as per the agreed traffic QoS profile. Congestion Management This is implemented in core routers in which different queuing techniques are used to create and manage different queues for different traffic; algorithms to help classify packets belonging to the various queues are enforced and finally, queued packets are scheduled for transmission. Some of the major types of queuing techniques used by routers are the First In First Out (FIFO) queue and Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ).
Traffic Policing
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Description Unlike congestion management, which deals with the post-congestion situation, congestion avoidance implements strategies to anticipate and avoid congestion. Some strategies, popularly used for congestion avoidance are Tail Drop, Random Early Dropping (RED) and Weighted Random Early Dropping (WRED). All these strategies determine when to drop packets at an active node (router) in anticipation of congestion in the network. This mechanism improves link efficiency by helping to deal with situations wherein jumbograms (large packets from ftp- like applications) with lower priority congest and prevent smaller, but higher priority packets, to go through. It is implemented by router vendors as Link Fragmentation and Interleaving (LFI) strategies. An example of LFI usage is the Multilink point to point protocol (MLP RFC 1717), wherein datagrams are split, sequenced and recombined over multiple links. MLP uses LFI to break jumbograms into smaller packets and interleave them with smaller packets of higher priority. LFI adds multilink headers to the datagrams to ensure correct transmission and reassembly. Compressed Real-time Protocol Header (CPTR) is another link efficiency improvement mechanism for real-time traffic. CPTR compresses the header of an RTP packet from 40 bytes to 2-5 bytes before transmission.
Link Efficiency
The QoS- capable active network elements need to maintain the state information of all traffic flows. This information is, however, maintained for a limited time (soft) or until explicitly unreserved, unless it is refreshed by the communicating endpoints. RSVP requests using PATH and RESV have to be periodically sent by the endpoints to reserve the allocated resources.
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receiver component that makes the QoS request to all the nodes in the reverse path. Although, RSVP is not a routing protocol, it is designed to work with both unicast and multicast routing protocols. As the receiver is responsible for making the RSVP request, it allows larger groups with heterogeneous receiver capabilities/requirements to be accommodated. Dynamic group membership is also possible because of this characteristic. RSVP has the following essential attributes: ! Maintains soft state in routers and host, enabling graceful support for dynamic membership changes Is Receiver-oriented Provides unicast and multicast support Provides Transparent operation through non-RSVP routers
! ! !
Some of the relevant RFCs supporting RSVP are listed at the end of the document.
Differentiated Service
This model classifies and conditions network traffic at the entry to a network into different behavior aggregates. Each such behavior aggregate is assigned a DS code point. This differentiated service code point is defined by markups using DF bits. Packets at the core routers are given differential treatment while forwarding, based on Per Hop Behaviors (PHB) that are in turn based on the above DS code points. DiffServ breaks the whole network into DiffServ domains. A domain is a continuous set of nodes, which supports a common resource provisioning and PHB policy. A DS domain is usually controlled by a single entity, such as an ISP or an organizations Intranet. DiffServ is extended across domains by Service Level Agreements (SLAs) between domains. SLAs specify rules, such as those for traffic, and also remarks, such as actions, for out of profile traffic. Traffic Conditioning Agreements (TCAs) are derived from these SLAs. The domain has a well-defined boundary with two types of nodes, as mentioned below: ! Boundary nodes: Boundary nodes are located at the boundary of the DiffServ cloud with other domains. These nodes classify and appropriately mark incoming ingress traffic, so that the packets can be forwarded as per the PHB groups supported within the domain. They also enforce TCAs between their own domains and other domains. Interior nodes: Interior nodes are connected to other interior nodes, or to boundary nodes, but they remain within the boundary.
A DS node can be the ingress or egress node, depending upon the traffic flow. Traffic enters the DS cloud through an ingress node, and leaves through the egress node. The ingress node is responsible for enforcing the TCA with the senders domain and the egress node shapes the outgoing traffic in compliance with the TCA of the receivers domain.
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The DiffServ minimizes the signaling requirement by using aggregation and PHB. Flows are classified by predetermined rules, so that they fit into a limited set of class flows. This helps in easing congestion in the backbone. Edge routers use the 8 bit ToS field of the packet header (also called the DS field in DiffServ domain) to mark the packet for preferential treatment by the core routers. The last 6 bits of the ToS field are used for the DS code and the remaining 2 are reserved for future use. Only the edge routers are required to maintain the per-flow states and perform the shaping and policing. Traffic shaping and policing are computation intensive and as the edge routers are usually placed next to slower access links, they are best suited to perform the same. Whereas inside the core network, packets need to be routed very fast and hence, minimum computation is desirable at the core routers and switches. Per Hop Behaviors is the description of externally observable forwarding behavior demonstrated by a DS node (routers). PHBs can be defined in terms of their resources (buffer and bandwidth) or in terms of their properties (delay and packet loss), or in terms of their priorities relative to other PHBs. PHBs are implemented using buffer and scheduling mechanisms. Multiple PHBs are aggregated together as PHB groups. Given below is the description of two popular PHBs in use. PHB Expedited (EF PHB) Forwarding Description EF PHB is used to provide premium service to the customer. It is a low-delay, low jitter service providing near constant bit rate. Its SLA specifies a peak bit rate which customer applications will receive. It is the customers responsibility not to exceed the rate. Packets are dropped on exceeding this rate. EF PHB is defined as a forwarding treatment for a particular DiffServ aggregate, where the departure rate of the aggregates packets from any DiffServ node must equal or exceed a configurable rate. AF PHB is used to provide assured service to a customer, meaning that he/she will get reliable service even in times of network congestion. The customer will be provided with a fixed bandwidth at all times, as per the SLA.
Traffic Classification This identifies the subset of network traffic which may receive a differentiated service by being conditioned and/or mapped to one or more behavior aggregates. Packet Classifiers use information in the packet header to select appropriate classes. The two types of classifiers are as follows: ! !
Behavioral Aggregate Classifiers - which select packets on the basis of DS codepoints. Multi Field Classifiers - which select packets based on values of multiple header fields.
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Traffic Conditioning Traffic conditioning ensures that the traffic entering a DS domain at any point complies with the TCA, between the senders and receivers domains and the domains service provisioning policy. It involves traffic shaping, metering, policing and /or remarking as described here.
The conditioner receives the packets from the classifier and uses a meter to measure the temporal properties of the stream against the appropriate traffic profile from the TCA. This information is passed along with the packet. Further processing is done by markers, shapers and policers based on whether the packet is in or out of profile.
The marker marks or remarks a packet with a DS value corresponding to a correct PHB codepoint. The marker may be configured according to policies.
It buffers the traffic stream and increases the delay of a stream to make it compliant with a particular traffic profile. Packets may be discarded if the buffer is full.
They drop packets of a stream to make it compliant with a particular traffic profile. Droppers can be considered as special cases of shapers with buffer size set to zero. An example of traffic conditioning and shaping is the metered expressways in the US, where each vehicle is made to stop and wait for a green light at the ramp before entering the expressway. The frequency of entry of vehicles is governed by the congestion on the expressway.
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tables to determine the next hop, as well as the new value for the label. Unlike conventional IP routing, there is no complex processing of the packet header involved in MPLS. Compare this to conventional IP routing, where the next hop is determined on the basis of the packets header, and also by running a network layer routing algorithm. The conventional routing is done using two main functions, partitioning the complete set of possible packets into Forwarding Equivalence classes and mapping each FEC to the next hop. This mapping of packets to FECs is done at every router in conventional IP routing and is a costly operation. MPLS is multi-protocol because this label assignment and label based switching can be used over any underlying network protocol. An MPLS based router is also called Label-Switched Router (LSR), and the path taken by a packet, after being switched by LSRs through an MPLS domain, is called Label-Switched Path (LSP). A labeled packet usually carries multiple labels organized as a Last In First Out (LIFO) label stack. These labels are present as encapsulation or as markup inside the packet header. At a router, forwarding decisions are always based in the stacks topmost label, independent of the underlying labels. This label stack is useful to implement tunneling and hierarchy. The advantages of MPLS over conventional routing are evident in some situations, as given here. ! MPLS forwarding can be done by ASIC-based switches, because only a simple table lookup and label replacement is involved. A computation-intensive large prefix search, as in conventional routing, is gainfully avoided. Incoming packets from different ports, or typified by any other header-independent criteria, can be distinguished by the ingress router by assigning them to different FECs. This scores over conventional IP routing, where only the header information can be used for making routing decisions. MPLS allows packets to be differentiated on the basis of the ingress router used for entering the MPLS domain. This is difficult in IP routing as the intermediate router addresses are not included in the packets header. Since the mapping of labels to FECs at the ingress LSRs is a one time activity, these mapping algorithms can be made as complex as desired. Unlike conventional IP-based source routing, where an extra set of address information is carried, the MPLS needs to only carry a label to specify fixed paths.
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Constraint-based Routing
This is a type of QoS-based routing, in which the viability of a route with respect to meeting specific QoS requirements and also meeting other network constraints, like policy, is determined. This type of routing has two major objectives: ! ! Select routes that meet QoS requirements. Increase network utilization and load distribution. A longer and less congested path may be better for QoS-demanding traffic as compared to the shortest, highly congested path.
In this model, routers are required to exchange various kinds of link state information and dynamically compute routes based on this information. To distribute link state information, most implementers of this model extend the link state information contained in the advertisements of OSPF. However, this increases congestion, because of the need for sending frequent advertisements. This is overcome to an extent by transmitting, only when a significant change to network parameters has occurred, e.g. a sharp fall in network bandwidth, etc. The algorithm to calculate routing tables is based on hop count and bandwidth. In constraint- based routing, the routing tables have to be computed more frequently than in dynamic routing, as the computations can be easily triggered by a plethora of factors such as bandwidth changes, congestion, etc. Although constraint-based routing does a better job of meeting QoS requirements and provides better network utilization, its major disadvantage is the high computation overhead and large sized routing tables. Also, the selected long paths may consume more resources than a shorter path. In addition, the routes may be unstable and are transient most of the time, as the routing tables are being updated too frequently, which may also lead to race conditions.
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! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Elemedia H.323 Gatekeeper GK2000S Ericsson H.323 Gatekeeper Nortel Networks IP connect Radvision H.323 Gatekeeper VocalTec Gatekeeper
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Category IP Telephones
Category-wise typical features ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! IP enabled Configurable IP address LAN enabled Programmable features Audio quality voice Speakerphone LCD displays Caller identification Line status Directory Compatible with other H.323 devices Supports MS NetMeeting-like conferencing solutions PC to phone capability requires ITSP authorization Video capability Audio / video conferencing using conferencing servers Data collaboration e.g. white boarding to share documents Chat Auto call handling and answering Directory service
Microsoft NetMeeting Netscape CoolTalk VocalTec Iphone White Pine CU-SeeMe Pro
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Category PC to PC Services
Services " " " Microsoft NetMeeting VocalTec Iphone TaoTalk.com America Online at ~x cents/min long distance over IP AT&T at ~x cents / min long distance over IP IDT Corporation at ~x cents / min AcculinQ at ~x cents / min USATEL VIA ONE prepaid calling card Glenayre Unified Messaging service Cisco AVVID Level 3s IP Crossroad Service Qwest Virtual Network Service
Description and Typical Features ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Can be provided without gateways Audio and video multi conferencing capabilities Data collaboration facilities Application share services Local access remains the same as PSTN Trunk routes are IP networks Reduced rates Same PSTN customers are retained
" Prepaid calling card based services " " Unified Messaging Services " " Network Services " "
! !
! ! ! ! ! ! !
" "
ITXC Delta Three IP Telephony for carriers Ericsson IP Telephony for carriers Cisco/ VocalTec hybrid end-to-end services for carriers and service providers Cisco AVVID
! ! !
All types of messages email, voice mail, video mail, paging, SMS, are integrated into one browser-based user interface These provide quality of service over IP networks Dedicated network trunks and resources, akin to companys Intranet Large geographical reach Multimedia capability Low cost Intended for corporate use Intended for Telephone carriers and Internet service providers, prepaid calling card companies, call back companies and ITSPs Billing Scaleable service Manageable service
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11. Conclusions
The market place is rapidly moving towards convergence of services onto a single user- end device. In doing so, it is moving away from circuit-switched to packet networks. Service providers have already realized the cost benefits of integrating media over the same packet network devices. They are aggressively defining and implementing standards enabling delivery of multimedia over packet-based networks. These cost benefits are being gradually passed over to the user, albeit a trifle slowly, because of telecom regulatory issues and enormous investments in old technology by telecom monopolies across the world. The Internet has revolutionized the nature of business and societal behavior with an exponentially increasing Internet penetration. The ubiquitous multimedia terminal, whose current avatars are the multimedia desktops, wireless handsets, and Internet- enabled TVs, are increasingly being seen as the indispensable tool to conduct business and social engagements. User expectations of converged multimedia applications have multiplied manifold. To meet these requirements, service providers need to quickly transition from circuitswitched technologies to packet networks and implement protocols and standards, as discussed in this paper. This transition is still in the nascent stage, as the major issues of Quality of Service, scalability and security of packet networks need to be substantially enhanced to the level of circuit-switched networks. Major telecommunications companies who have enormous investments in traditional networks have been slow, but are increasingly committed to making this transition. However, Data network service providers and router manufacturers who were already committed to this transition have to scale up and extend the capabilities of their equipment. Cisco and other similar companies, who belong to the data world, have been exceedingly successful in driving this convergence and in increasing user expectations. Traditional Telcos, however, have been pushed to recognize the eventuality of converged networks because of decreasing returns from traditional networks and applications. A host of other new wave companies have also joined this convergence market place with innovative new applications or by providing efficient mechanisms for implementing convergence. Some of the newer breed of service-providers are increasingly looking into IP networks to deliver quality video and voice to their subscribers. A case in point are the Cable Network operators who are leveraging their wide subscriber base and packaging voice conferencing, video on demand and Internet connectivity along with their traditional video broadcast services. They are providing broadband optical fiber access to the curb or to the users home and using IP as the network layer. Most of the protocols that have been discussed in this paper, currently have host based implementations. This is mainly because the protocols are evolving. However, with increasing popularity and acceptance, very soon an increasing percentage of their implementations would be in the embedded domain. End user devices including active network nodes will use these protocols as implemented on chips.
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At this point, it has become increasingly necessary for the IT industry to understand, master and further the mechanics of convergence and integrate with it. In the near future, we are going to witness the emergence of native Internet HTTP-ish protocols, which will be more efficient, scalable, secured and which will guarantee quality similar to traditional networks. Application architectures will increasingly accommodate these new protocols and deliver a wider range of innovative services, for which organizations would need to plan accordingly.
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ACELP ADPCM ATM BSNL ITSP LSP LSR MPLS NEBS OSPF PAM PCM PSTN QoS RTT TCA ToS WFQ WRED Algebraic Code Excited Linear Predictor Adaptive Pulse Code Modulation Asynchronous Transfer Mode Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (formerly DOT of India) Internet Telephone Service Providers Label Switch Path Label Switch Router Multi-Protocol Label Switching Network Equipment Building Standards from Bellcore Open Shortest Path First A Routing mechanism to decide path Pulse Amplitude Modulation Pulse Code Modulation Public Switched Telephone Network Quality of Service Round Trip Turnaround Delay Traffic Conditioning Agreement Type of Service field in IP header used to differentiate traffic flows Weighted Fair Queuing Weighted Random Early Detection
RFC 1707 1889 2205 2206 2207 2209 2326 2327 2543 2745 2746 2747 Description Multi Link Point-to-Point Protocol RTP Real-time Transport Protocol RSVP Ver 1. Functional Specification RSVP Management Information Base using SMIv2 RSVP Extensions for IPSEC Data Flows RSVP Ver 1. Message Processing Rules RTSP Real-time Streaming Protocol SDP Session Description Protocol SIP Session Initiation Protocol RSVP Diagnostic Messages RSVP Operation over IP Tunnels RSVP Cryptographic Authentication