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Messages and Codes 2

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Messages and Codes Volume 2

V ersion 9



Messages and Codes Volume 2

V ersion 9


Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 739.

This edition applies to IMS Version 9 (program number 5655-J38) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. This edition replaces GC18-7828-02. Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1974, 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v About This Book . . . . . . . . . . vii
Summary of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . vii Related Publications . . . . . . . . . . . viii IBM Product Names Used in This Information . . viii Accessibility Features for IMS Version 9 . . . . . ix Accessibility Features . . . . . . . . . . ix Keyboard Navigation . . . . . . . . . . ix Related Accessibility Information . . . . . . x IBM and Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . x How to Send Your Comments . . . . . . . . x Using LookAt to Look up Message Explanations . . x

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W . . . . . . . . . . . 349 Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E. . . . . . . . . . . . 427 Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I . . . . . . . . . . . . 501 Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987 . . . . . . . . . . . . 571 Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E. . . . . . . . . . . . 661 Chapter 11. Installation and Verification Program (IVP) Dialog Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713 Chapter 12. Syntax Checker Messages 727 Appendix A. Use of the DFS3649 and DFS3650 Messages . . . . . . . . . 731 Appendix B. Fast Path Utility Status and Reason Codes . . . . . . . . . 733 Appendix C. Type-1 and Type-2 Command Equivalents . . . . . . . 737 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739
Programming Interface Information . Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741 . 741

Summary of Changes

. . . . . . . . xi

| Changes to the Current Edition of This Book . . . xi

Changes to This Book for IMS Version 9 . . . . . xi Library Changes for IMS Version 9 . . . . . . . xi New and Revised Titles . . . . . . . . . xii Organizational Changes . . . . . . . . . xii Terminology Changes . . . . . . . . . . xiii

New, Changed, and Deleted Messages and Abends . . . . . . . . . . . . xv

New Messages and Abends . . . . . . . . . xv Changed Messages and Abends . . . . . . . xvii Deleted Messages and Abends . . . . . . . xviii

Chapter 1. Introduction to DFS Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I . . . . . . . . . . . . 277

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . 743
IMS Version 9 Library . . . Supplementary Publications . Publication Collections . . . Accessibility Titles Cited in This . . . . . . . . . Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 744 744 744 745

Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007



Messages and Codes Volume 2

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Licensed Program Full Names and Short Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii New User Abends for IMS Version 9 . . . . xv New BPE Messages for IMS Version 9 . . . xv New CQS Messages for IMS Version 9 xv New CSL Messages for IMS Version 9 . . . xv New DFS Messages for IMS Version 9 xvi New DSP Messages for IMS Version 9 xvi IMS User Abends Changed for IMS Version 9 xvii AREA, BPE, and CQS Messages Changed for IMS Version 9 . . . . . . . . . . . xvii CSL Messages Changed for IMS Version 9 xvii DFS Messages Changed for IMS Version 9 xviii DSP, DXR, and G Messages Changed for IMS Version 9 . . . . . . . . . . . xviii IMS User Abends Deleted for IMS Version 9 xviii Messages Deleted for IMS Version 9 . . . . xix DFS603W Message Text . . . . . . . . 125 Meaning of DFS621W Keywords . . . . . 130 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. DFS627W Message Text . . . . . . . . Return and Reason Codes for DFS1003I and DFS1004I . . . . . . . . . . . . . DFS1269E Reason Codes . . . . . . . . Possible Reason Codes for DFS2088I . . . . Possible Post Codes, Associated Reason Codes, and Meanings for DFS2150I . . . . Types of Online Change and Types of Restart Reason Codes for Message DFS2930I Return and Reason Codes for DFS2971W Publications That Contain Macro Information Reason Codes, Environments, and Errors Detected for Message DFS2991I . . . . . Conditions That Message DFS3649 Is Sent to Certain Devices . . . . . . . . . . . Conditions for the DFS3650 Message IMS Type-1 and Type-2 Command Equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 214 248 363 377 470 480 491 495 495 731 732 737

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Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007


Messages and Codes Volume 2

About This Book

| | | This information is available as part of the Information Management Software for z/OS Solutions Information Center at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/ imzic. A PDF version of this information is available in the information center. This book helps programmers, operators, and system support personnel diagnose IMS problems. It contains messages, status codes, and return codes produced by IMS Version 9.

Summary of Contents
v Chapter 2, DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I, on page 5 explains IMS DB and IMS TM messages for this number range. v Chapter 3, DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I, on page 103 explains IMS DB and IMS TM for this number range. v Chapter 4, DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I, on page 213 explains IMS DB and IMS TM messages for this number range. v Chapter 5, DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I, on page 277 explains IMS DB and IMS TM messages for this number range. v Chapter 6, DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W, on page 349 explains IMS DB and IMS TM messages for this number range. v Chapter 7, DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E, on page 427 explains IMS DB and IMS TM messages for this number range. v Chapter 8, DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I, on page 501 explains IMS DB and IMS TM messages for this number range. v Chapter 9, DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987, on page 571 explains IMS DB and IMS TM messages for this number range. v Chapter 10, DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E, on page 661 explains IMS DB and IMS TM messages for this number range. v Chapter 11, Installation and Verification Program (IVP) Dialog Messages, on page 713 explains the IVP dialog messages. v Chapter 12, Syntax Checker Messages, on page 727 explains the messages issued from the Syntax Checker. v Appendix A, Use of the DFS3649 and DFS3650 Messages, on page 731 explains the usage of messages DFS3649 and DFS3650. v Appendix B, Fast Path Utility Status and Reason Codes, on page 733 contains explanations of the Fast Path (FP) utility status codes. v Appendix C, Type-1 and Type-2 Command Equivalents, on page 737 documents the type-2 commands and their equivalent type-1 commands. With IMS Version 9, you can reorganize HALDB partitions online, either by using the integrated HALDB Online Reorganization function or by using an external product. In this information, the term HALDB Online Reorganization refers to the integrated HALDB Online Reorganization function that is part of IMS Version 9, unless otherwise indicated. IMS Version 9 provides an integrated IMS Connect function, which offers a functional replacement for the IMS Connect tool (program number 5655-K52). In
Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007


this information, the term IMS Connect refers to the integrated IMS Connect function that is part of IMS Version 9, unless otherwise indicated. For definitions of terminology used in this book and references to related information in other publications, see the IMS Version 9: Master Index and Glossary. In the remainder of this book, IMS Version 9 will be called IMS.

Related Publications
You should be familiar with OS/390 or z/OS (depending on your installation), its system generation, and telecommunications, and the access methods used by IMS. Related publications are listed in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1.

IBM Product Names Used in This Information

In this information, the licensed programs shown in Table 1 are referred to by their short names.
Table 1. Licensed Program Full Names and Short Names Licensed program full name

Licensed program short name

IBM Application Recovery Tool for IMS and Application Recovery Tool DB2 IBM CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 IBM CICS Transaction Server for z/OS IBM DB2 Universal Database

CICS CICS DB2 Universal Database DB2 UDB for z/OS Enterprise COBOL Enterprise COBOL Enterprise PL/I High Level Assembler IMS Advanced ACB Generator IMS Batch Backout Manager IMS Batch Terminal Simulator IMS Buffer Pool Analyzer IMS Command Control Facility IMS Connect

IBM DB2 Universal Database for z/OS IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS and OS/390 IBM Enterprise PL/I for z/OS and OS/390 IBM High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE IBM IMS Advanced ACB Generator IBM IMS Batch Backout Manager IBM IMS Batch Terminal Simulator IBM IMS Buffer Pool Analyzer IBM IMS Command Control Facility for z/OS IBM IMS Connect for z/OS IBM IMS Connector for Java

IMS Connector for Java IMS Database Control Suite IMS Database Recovery Facility IMS Database Repair Facility IMS DataPropagator IMS DEDB Fast Recovery IMS ETO Support

IBM IMS Database Control Suite IBM IMS Database Recovery Facility for z/OS IBM IMS Database Repair Facility IBM IMS DataPropagator for z/OS IBM IMS DEDB Fast Recovery IBM IMS Extended Terminal Option Support


Messages and Codes Volume 2

Table 1. Licensed Program Full Names and Short Names (continued) Licensed program full name IBM IMS Fast Path Basic Tools IBM IMS Fast Path Online Tools IBM IMS Hardware Data Compression-Extended IBM IMS High Availability Large Database (HALDB) Conversion Aid for z/OS IBM IMS High Performance Change Accumulation Utility for z/OS IBM IMS High Performance Load for z/OS IBM IMS High Performance Pointer Checker for OS/390 Licensed program short name IMS Fast Path Basic Tools IMS Fast Path Online Tools IMS Hardware Data Compression-Extended IBM IMS HALDB Conversion Aid IMS High Performance Change Accumulation Utility IMS HP Load IMS HP Pointer Checker

IBM IMS High Performance Prefix Resolution IMS HP Prefix Resolution for z/OS IBM z/OS Language Environment IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS IBM WebSphere Application Server for z/OS and OS/390 IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition IBM z/OS IBM z/OS C/C++

Language Environment Tivoli NetView for z/OS WebSphere Application Server for z/OS WebSphere MQ WebSphere Studio z/OS C/C++

Accessibility Features for IMS Version 9

Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use information technology products successfully.

Accessibility Features
The following list includes the major accessibility features in z/OS products, including IMS Version 9. These features support: v Keyboard-only operation. v Interfaces that are commonly used by screen readers and screen magnifiers. v Customization of display attributes such as color, contrast, and font size. Note: The Information Management Software for z/OS Solutions Information Center (which includes information for IMS Version 9) and its related publications are accessibility-enabled for the IBM Home Page Reader. You can operate all features by using the keyboard instead of the mouse.

Keyboard Navigation
You can access IMS Version 9 ISPF panel functions by using a keyboard or keyboard shortcut keys. For information about navigating the IMS Version 9 ISPF panels using TSO/E or ISPF, refer to the z/OS TSO/E Primer, the z/OS TSO/E Users Guide, and the z/OS
About This Book


ISPF Users Guide. These guides describe how to navigate each interface, including the use of keyboard shortcuts or function keys (PF keys). Each guide includes the default settings for the PF keys and explains how to modify their functions.

Related Accessibility Information

Online documentation for IMS Version 9 is available in the Information Management Software for z/OS Solutions Information Center.

IBM and Accessibility

See the IBM Accessibility Center at www.ibm.com/able for more information about the commitment that IBM has to accessibility.

How to Send Your Comments

Your feedback is important in helping us provide the most accurate and highest quality information. If you have any comments about this or any other IMS information, you can take one of the following actions: v Click the Feedback link located at the bottom of every page in the Information Management Software for z/OS Solutions Information Center. The information center can be found at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/imzic. v Go to the IMS Library page at www.ibm.com/software/data/ims/library.html and click the Library Feedback link, where you can enter and submit comments. v Send your comments by e-mail to imspubs@us.ibm.com. Be sure to include the title, the part number of the title, the version of IMS, and, if applicable, the specific location of the text on which you are commenting (for example, a page number in the PDF or a heading in the Information Center).

Using LookAt to Look up Message Explanations

LookAt is an online facility that lets you look up explanations for most messages you encounter, as well as for some system abends and codes. Using LookAt to find information is faster than a conventional search because in most cases LookAt goes directly to the message explanation. You can access LookAt from the Internet at: http://www.ibm.com/eserver/ zseries/zos/bkserv/lookat/ or from anywhere in z/OS where you can access a TSO/E command line (for example, TSO/E prompt, ISPF, z/OS UNIX System Services running OMVS). To use LookAt as a TSO/E command, you must have LookAt installed on your host system. You can obtain the LookAt code for TSO/E from a disk on your z/OS Collection or from the LookAt Web sites Download section. The LookAt Web site also features a mobile edition of LookAt for devices such as Pocket PCs, Palm OS, or Linux-based handhelds. So, if you have a handheld device with wireless access and an Internet browser, you can now access LookAt message information from almost anywhere.

Messages and Codes Volume 2

Summary of Changes
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Changes to the Current Edition of This Book

This edition includes technical and editorial changes. For more information see New, Changed, and Deleted Messages and Abends on page xv.

Changes to This Book for IMS Version 9

This book contains new messages and codes for the following features: v IMS Availability Enhancements v DBRC Migration Coexistence v DRF Command Support v ETO Feature Checking v Greater than 255 Transaction Classes v Fast Path Area Open/Close (Parallel Open) Enhancements v Fast Path Multiple Areas Shared VSO Structures v v v v v v v v v v v v v v FP Serviceability/Usability HALDB Online Reorganization Support MNPS Replacement of XRF Uservar Optional EMHQ Structure for Shared Queues OTMA Serviceability and Usability Enhancements RACF Enhancements to Replace SMU Reducing Abends IMS Enhanced Command Environment DBRC Enhancements /DIAGNOSE Command for Serviceability HALDB Specific Partition Initialization IMSplex Database Commands IVP Enhancements Syntax Checker Enhancements

A new topic, Appendix C, Type-1 and Type-2 Command Equivalents, on page 737, has been added to document the type-2 commands and their equivalent type-1 commands. IMS Connect messages are now included in the topic titled IMS Connect Error Codes and Messages inIMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. DLIModel Utility messages are now included in the topic titled DLIModel Utility Messages in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1.

Library Changes for IMS Version 9

Changes to the IMS Library for IMS Version 9 include the addition of one title, a change of one title, organizational changes, and a major terminology change. Changes are indicated by a vertical bar (|) to the left of the changed text.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007


The IMS Version 9 information is now available in the Information Management Software for z/OS Solutions Information Center, which is available at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/imzic. The Information Management Software for z/OS Solutions Information Center provides a graphical user interface for centralized access to the product information for IMS, IMS Tools, DB2 Universal Database (UDB) for z/OS, DB2 Tools, and DB2 Query Management Facility (QMF).

New and Revised Titles

The following list details the major changes to the IMS Version 9 library: v IMS Version 9: IMS Connect Guide and Reference The library includes new information: IMS Version 9: IMS Connect Guide and Reference. This information is available in softcopy format only, as part of the Information Management Software for z/OS Solutions Information Center, and in PDF and BookManager formats. IMS Version 9 provides an integrated IMS Connect function, which offers a functional replacement for the IMS Connect tool (program number 5655-K52). In this information, the term IMS Connect refers to the integrated IMS Connect function that is part of IMS Version 9, unless otherwise indicated. v The information formerly titled IMS Version 8: IMS Java Users Guide is now titled IMS Version 9: IMS Java Guide and Reference. This information is available in softcopy format only, as part of the Information Management Software for z/OS Solutions Information Center, and in PDF and BookManager formats. v To complement the IMS Version 9 library, a retail book, An Introduction to IMS by Dean H. Meltz, Rick Long, Mark Harrington, Robert Hain, and Geoff Nicholls (ISBN # 0-13-185671-5), is available from IBM Press. Go to the IMS Web site at www.ibm.com/ims for details.

Organizational Changes
Organization changes to the IMS Version 9 library include changes to: v IMS Version 9: Customization Guide v IMS Version 9: IMS Connect Guide and Reference v IMS Version 9: IMS Java Guide and Reference v IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1 v IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System | | | | | | A new appendix has been added to the IMS Version 9: Customization Guide that describes the contents of the ADFSSMPL (also known as SDFSSMPL) data set. The IMS Connect messages that were in IMS Version 9: IMS Connect Guide and Reference have moved to IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. The IMS Connect commands that were in IMS Version 9: IMS Connect Guide and Reference have moved to IMS Version 9: Command Reference. The chapter titled DLIModel Utility has moved from IMS Version 9: IMS Java Guide and Reference to IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System. The DLIModel utility messages that were in IMS Version 9: IMS Java Guide and Reference have moved to IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

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To ease the transition of your security support from the Security Maintenance Utility (SMU) to RACF, new SMU to RACF conversion utilities have been introduced. These utilities are documented in a new part in the IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System.

Terminology Changes
IMS Version 9 introduces new terminology for IMS commands: type-1 command A command, generally preceded by a leading slash character, that can be entered from any valid IMS command source. In IMS Version 8, these commands were called classic commands. type-2 command A command that is entered only through the OM API. Type-2 commands are more flexible than type-2 commands and can have a broader scope. In IMS Version 8, these commands were called IMSplex commands or enhanced commands.

Summary of Changes



Messages and Codes Volume 2

New, Changed, and Deleted Messages and Abends

This topic lists new, changed, and deleted messages and codes for IMS Version 9. It does not include messages or codes that were added or modified as a result of technical changes to previous IMS releases. | | The following topics provide a list of changes, additions, and deletions for this release. In this topic: v New Messages and Abends v Changed Messages and Abends on page xvii v Deleted Messages and Abends on page xviii

New Messages and Abends

The user abend codes listed in Table 2 were added to IMS Version 9. | | |
Table 2. New User Abends for IMS Version 9 0369 3056 0455 3315 1780 3476 3477

The BPE messages that were added to IMS Version 9 are listed in Table 3.
Table 3. New BPE Messages for IMS Version 9 BPE0042E

The CQS messages that were added to IMS Version 9 are listed in Table 4 (read top-to-bottom left-to-right). | |
Table 4. New CQS Messages for IMS Version 9 CQS0116I CQS0351I CQS0370I CQS0371I CQS0372E CQS0373E

The CSL messages that were added to IMS Version 9 are listed in Table 5 (read top-to-bottom left-to-right). | | | |
Table 5. New CSL Messages for IMS Version 9 CSL3116E CSLN083E CSL3117E CSLN084E CSL3119E CSLN089E CSLM080I CSLN105E CSLN050E CSLN107I CSLN108I CSLN109I CSLN110I CSLN111I CSLN112E CSLN113E CSLN114I CSLN115E

The DFS messages that were added to IMS Version 9 are listed in Table 6 on page xvi (read top-to-bottom left-to-right).

Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007


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Table 6. New DFS Messages for IMS Version 9 DFSI938I DFS671I DFSI939I DFS0671W DFSI998I DFS672I DFSI999I DFS674I DFSIX090 DFS675I DFSIX091 DFS0725I DFSIX092 DFS736 DFSIX093 DFS0763I DFSIX094 DFS0796I DFSIX095 DFS987I DFSIX096 DFS1926W DFSIX097 DFS1946W DFSIX098 DFS1987I DFSIX100 DFS1988W DFSIX101 DFS1989E DFSIX102 DFS2002I DFSIX103 DFS2166 DFSIX104 DFS2224I DFSIX105 DFS2262 DFSIX106 DFS2263I DFS0015I DFS2265I DFS135 DFS2266I DFS0300I DFS2267I DFS0406A DFS2268I DFS541 DFS2269I DFS0548E DFS2285I DFS561E DFS2286I DFS0767I DFS2287I DFS2299A

DFS2383E DFS2386I DFS22407W DFS2558I DFS2575I DFS2645I DFS2732E DFS2744E DFS2851I DFS2852I DFS2853A DFS2856W DFS2857E DFS2858E DFS2859I DFS2933I DFS2970I DFS2971W DFS2972E DFS2973W DFS2974I DFS2990E DFS2991E DFS2992E DFS2993E DFS2994E DFS2995E DFS2996E DFS2997E DFS2998E DFS3067A DFS3280W

DFS3282W DFS3286I DFS3486 DFS3674W DFS3675I DFS3689W DFS3715I DFS3719I DFS4033I DFS4034I DFS4035A DFS4037A DFS4039A DFS4041I DFS4273I* DFS4301E DFS4302E DFS4303E DFS4304E DFS4306E DFS4307E DFS4308E DFS4309E DFS4310E DFS4311E DFS4312E DFS4313E DFS4314E DFS4315E

The DSP messages that were added to IMS Version 9 are listed in Table 7 (read top-to-bottom left-to-right). | | | | | | | | | | |
Table 7. New DSP Messages for IMS Version 9 DSP0197I DSP0832I DSP0198I DSP0833I DSP0199I DSP0834I DSP0292I DSP0835I DSP0293I DSP1018I DSP0294I DSP1045E DSP0295I DSP1077I DSP0390W DSP1078I DSP0830I DSP1079I DSP0831I DSP1080I DSP1081I DSP1103I DSP1104I DSP1106A DSP1107E DSP1108I DSP1109I DSP1110I DSP1112E DSP1203A DSP1204A DSP2851I DSP2852I DSPM130W DSPM131W DSPM132W DSPM133W DSPM134W DSPM135W DSPM136W DSPM137W DSPM138I DSPM139I DSPM140I DSPM141W DSPM142I DSPM143I DSPM144W DSPM145I

The DHB messages that were added to IMS Version 9 are listed in the DLIModel Utility Messages topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

Changed Messages and Abends

The following messages and codes (read top-to-bottom left-to-right) were changed for IMS Version 9. An asterisk (*) indicates that the message text was changed. The IMS user abends that were changed for IMS Version 9 are listed in Table 8 (read top-to-bottom left-to-right). | | | | | | | |
Table 8. IMS User Abends 0107 0142 0166 0240 0253 0370 0437 0457 Changed for IMS Version 9 0657 0853 0729 0857 0757 1022 0777 2801 0830 3000 0851 3303 0852 3047 3049 3051 3055 3310 3325

The AREA, BPE, and CQS messages that were changed for IMS Version 9 are listed in Table 9 (read top-to-bottom left-to-right). | |
Table 9. AREA, BPE, and CQS Messages Changed for IMS Version 9 BPE0003E CQS0034A* CQS0241E BPE0006I CQS0240E CQS0241E CQS0263E CQS0350W*

The CSL messages that were changed for IMS Version 9 are listed in Table 10 (read from top-to-bottom, left-to-right). |
Table 10. CSL Messages Changed for IMS Version 9 CSL3000E CSL3011W CSL3111E

The DFS messages that were changed for IMS Version 9 are listed in Table 11 on page xviii (read top-to-bottom left-to-right).

New, Changed, and Deleted Messages and Abends


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Table 11. DFS Messages Changed for IMS Version 9 DFS030I DFS0841I DFS2929A DFS044I DFS1269E DFS2930I DFS047A DFS1283E DFS2941W DFS074 DFS1886I* DFS2971W DFS132 DFS1982I* DFS2972E DFS168I* DFS1922I DFS2991E DFS227A DFS1987I DFS3144A DFS286I DFS2027I DFS3306 DFS391I DFS2065I DFS3430I DFS0415W DFS2207I* DFS3498W DFS0437I DFS2397E DFS3600I DFS0451I DFS2449I DFS3603I DFS0463 DFS2450I DFS3613I DFS0488I DFS2452I DFS3649A DFS554A DFS2466W DFS3676I* DFS563I DFS2473I DFS3691W* DFS621W DFS2574I DFS3702I* DFS627W DFS2599I DFS3709A DFS686W DFS2634I DFS3776A* DFS0725I DFS2635I DFS3777A* DFS0730I DFS2636I DFS3777I* DFS0725I DFS2637I DFS3779A* DFS824I* DFS2649I DFS3779E* DFS825I DFS2708W DFS3784I* DFS0832I DFS2835I DFS3824 DFS0842I DFS2844E DFS2854 DFS2916I

DFS3847 DFS3892 DFS4020I DFS4030A* DFS4045A DFS4165W DFS4172E DFS4260I* DFS4261I DFS4262I DFS4266I DFS4270I DFS4279I DFS4285I* DFS4447E DFS4451I

The DSP messages that were changed for IMS Version 9 are listed in Table 12 (read top-to-bottom left-to-right). | | | | | |
Table 12. DSP, DXR, and G Messages Changed for IMS Version 9 DSP0002W DSP1088A *G170 DSP0309I *DSP1157A DSP0141I DSPM098W DSP0144I DXR100I *DSP0175I G002 DSP0204I G011 DSP0222I G052 *DSP0230I G112 DSP0271I DSP0805I DSP0833I *G1209 *G1210 G1211

The DHB messages that were changed for IMS Version 9 are listed in the DLIModel Utility Messages topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1.

Deleted Messages and Abends

The IMS user abends that were deleted from IMS Version 9 are listed in Table 13 (read top-to-bottom left-to-right). |
Table 13. IMS User Abends Deleted for IMS Version 9 0650 3309


Messages and Codes Volume 2

The messages that were deleted from IMS Version 9 are listed in Table 14 (read top-to-bottom left-to-right). | | | | |
Table 14. Messages Deleted for IMS Version 9 DFS650I DFS4265I DFS745I DFS4266I DFS1927E DFS4267I DFS2465I DFS4268I DFS3309A DFS4184E DFS4232I DFS4263I DFS4264I DFS4269I DFS4274I DFS4275I DFS4276I DFS4281I DFS4282I DFS4284I DFS4289 HWSA0360E

New, Changed, and Deleted Messages and Abends



Messages and Codes Volume 2

Chapter 1. Introduction to DFS Messages

The DFS messages are divided into multiple topics to enhance retrievability. See the following topics: v Chapter 2, DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I, on page 5 v Chapter 3, DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I, on page 103 v Chapter 4, DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I, on page 213 v Chapter 5, DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I, on page 277 v Chapter 6, DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W, on page 349 v Chapter 7, DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E, on page 427 v Chapter 8, DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I, on page 501 v Chapter 9, DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987, on page 571 v Chapter 10, DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E, on page 661 DFS messages have the form DFSxxxxA. The letter "A" represents a coded suffix. The messages are sorted according to the numeric value of xxxx. Note: xxxx can be three (xxx) or four (xxxx) digits long. For example, message DFS050A has the numeric value 0050 (not 0500). An example of a sorted sequence is shown below: DFS837I DFS838I DFS0839A DFS0840I DFS843I DFS0844I Some messages give additional information in the form of a suffix. The suffixes A, E, I, W, and X have the following meanings. A E I Action is required of the user before processing can continue. The message indicates an error condition, but might not require action. The message is for information only. Informational messages can be presented and can appear with or without the suffix 'I'. The message meaning is not affected by the absence or presence of the suffix. Informational messages presented with the suffix can also, at times, be presented without the suffix. These informational messages are to be viewed as the same message. W X The message alerts the user of a possible error condition. The message is for a condition that requires correction before IMS execution.

Keycall messages bound for the system console have the suffix I appended to the message.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007

Some messages have an IMS system ID appended to identify the IMS system receiving the message when multiple IMS systems are being run. When TIMESTAMP is specified in the COMM or IMSGEN macro, the time is inserted between the message number and the text for each of the following messages. Note that this is not applicable in a DBCTL environment.
DFS001 through DFS056 DFS058 through DFS091 DFS093 through DFS193 DFS195 through DFS300 DFS574 through DFS577 DFS968 DFS999 DFS2000 through DFS2010 DFS2013 through DFS2018 DFS2020 through DFS2078 DFS2100 through DFS2144 DFS2151 through DFS2173 DFS2231 DFS2290 DFS2418 DFS2460 DFS2468 DFS2476 DFS2530 DFS2577 DFS2610 DFS2717 DFS3101 DFS3200 through DFS2274 DFS3411 through DFS3413 DFS3420 DFS3431 DFS3438 DFS3440 through DFS3442 DFS3451 through DFS3454 DFS3457 DFS3460 DFS3461 DFS3470 through DFS3472 DFS3656 DFS3800

through DFS2538

through DFS3117 through DFS3250

The following information is supplied with each message when applicable: Explanation: States what the message means; why it appears; what caused it; what its variable entry fields are. System Action: States what is happening as a result of the condition causing the message; whether the system is waiting for responses. If this information is not shown, it does not apply. Programmer, Operator, or User Response: If a response is necessary, states who performs the action, what the pertinent responses are, and their effect on the system or program. If this information is not shown, it does not apply. Problem Determination: If the problem recurs or persists so that system efficiency suffers, states what actions can be performed to obtain adequate data for trained hardware or programming support personnel to diagnose the problem. If this information is not shown, it does not apply. Problem Determination refers to a list of problem determination actions that are specified in the IMS Problem Determination topic of IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. These common action tables do not teach diagnostic techniques, but instruct the operator or programmer about what to do when problems recur. The problem determination actions are aids to the identification of hardware or programming problems and ensure that qualified support personnel will have the essential programming information available to diagnose and correct the difficulty. Those messages that refer to function ff apply to one of the following utilities as denoted by the 2-character codes shown below: Code PO CA IM RV Meaning Prereorganization Change Accumulation Image Copy Database Recovery

Messages and Codes Volume 2


HISAM Reorganization Unload Secondary Index Unload HISAM Reorganization Reload Secondary Index Reload HD Reorganization Unload HD Reorganization Reload Database Zap Module Zap Database Scan Prefix Resolution Prefix Update

Severity: The chart below applies to the MFS Language utility program severity codes. The severity code indicates the seriousness of the message. Messages produced by the preprocessor phase of the MFS Language utility place the severity code to the right of each message number. Messages produced by the other phases do not include the severity code in the message text. Consult the individual message descriptions for specific severity codes associated with each message. Severity Code Meaning 0 4 Message is an information message only. Severity code 4 is produced by warnings, minor errors, and assumed defaults that are probably valid. The creation of valid blocks is probable. This is a significant error that results in questionable defaults, or ignored specifications. The creation of invalid blocks is possible. Required operand is omitted or contradictory specifications have been supplied. Creation of invalid blocks is probable. Language translation continues with limited function. Created blocks are invalid, or creation of blocks is suppressed. Language translation cannot continue and is terminated immediately. Created blocks are invalid.

8 12 16 20

The highest severity code issued by the MFS Language Utility Program during a job step is returned as the completion code to the operating system. See IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager for a discussion of the IBM-supplied MFS cataloged procedures.

Chapter 1. Introduction to DFS Messages

Messages and Codes Volume 2

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I

This topic contains messages DFS000I DFS0499I. For introductory information on DFS messages such as message format, suffix information, and explanation of the types of information provided, see Chapter 1, Introduction to DFS Messages, on page 1.
DFS000I various System Operator Response: If data communication monitor logging is required, IMS must be restarted. Module: DFSXLGI0 DFS003I DUP MODE COMPLETED. nnnnn ERRORS. xxx MODE COMPLETED.

Explanation: This message number is used for the following situations: v An IMS message number prefixed to user messages sent to the system console through the IMS queues. v A message ID for /DISPLAY responses. v A message number for messages switched to the system console. v Continuation lines on messages of more than one segment. v Name of DBRC region to be included online. System action: IMS continues processing. Module: DFSCINB0, DFSDNSC0, DFSFDR60 DFS001 UNDETERMINED ERROR ON 3270. LINE x PTERM y


Explanation: Either form of this message can be issued, and both indicate that the Log Recovery utility successfully completed the DUP, REP or CLS function. nnnnn specifies the number of error records written on the interim log data set during the DUP processing. xxx represents the CLS or REP mode. System action: The Log Recovery utility terminates normally. Programmer response: For CLS mode and REP mode, no response is required. For DUP mode, if nnnnn=0, the output log is error free and can be used as the online log data set (OLDS). If nnnnn=1 and you specified ERRC=00000, an error occurred on the input log and the output log was truncated at the point of error. Check the input log at the error point to determine if the output log was truncated at the correct point. Otherwise, use the Log Recovery utility in REP mode to produce an error free OLDS. Module: DFSULG10 DFS0007I /STA MADSIO COMMAND IGNORED. MADSIOT ALREADY ACTIVE.

Explanation: An undetermined error was detected in module DFSDN130 (remote 3270), or in DFSDN140 (local 3270). System action: The line has been stopped. A log record type X'67' sub-record X'01' has been written using the IMS TRACE facility, which provides a snap of the IMS control blocks and save areas. Master Terminal Operator Response: You can attempt to restart the line with a /START LINE x PTERM ALL command. If the failure occurs consistently, please print the log data set to determine the cause of the error. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 36 Module: DFSDN130, DFSDN140 DFS002I MONITOR WILL NOT BE AVAILABLENOT SL TAPE

Explanation: The data communication monitor tape must be a scratch tape with a standard label or standard user label. System action: IMS continues processing without monitor logging. Programmer response: If data communication monitor logging is needed, make sure the IMSMON DD statement specifies a standard label or standard user label.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007

Explanation: The MADSIOT function was already active when the /START MADSIO command was issued. Issue the /START MADSIO command to resume MADSIOT function if it is stopped. System action: The /START MADSIO command was not processed. System Operator Response: None. Module: DBFCST00

DFS0008I DFS0013E
DFS0008I /STO MADSIO COMMAND IGNORED. MADSIOT IS NOT ACTIVE. eeee ff Return code from SPOOL data set deallocation processing. Deallocation request type. Possible values are as follows: 80 No special request 40 Remove from hold status 20 Send to remote destination 08 Delete data set Dynamic deallocate error code. Dynamic deallocate error information. data set name for 44 bytes.

Explanation: The MADSIOT function was not active when the /STOP MADSIO command was issued. System action: The /STOP MADSIO command was not processed. System Operator Response: None. Module: DBFCST00 DFS009 <timestamp> COMMAND NOT AUTHORIZED AS ENTERED FROM OM API

gggg hhhh ii..ii

This message is returned only if the application program requested Messages for the data set in the IAFP= options parameter. During IMS sync point or Terminate Thread processing, the referenced print data set was not unallocated. The print data set remains allocated to the dependent region until the dependent region terminates. The dependent region must be terminated as soon as practical so MVS/ESA can deallocate the data set. The MVS/ESA operator might need to control the proper disposition of the print data set. See message DFS0013E for detailed information on the deallocation error. Additional information about the error is also available on the IMS systems log, log record type 67D0. System action: Processing continues uninterrupted. Programmer response: Review the ff section of this message. If ff=8, the deallocation failure occurred while attempting to delete the data set. Delete the data set as soon as the dependent region terminates. If ff contains any other value, print the data set after the dependent region terminates. Problem determination: See the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for error and information codes. Module: DFSIAFP0 DFS0013E IAFP SPOOL PROC. ERR. LTERM=cccccccc, REGION=xxxx, OPERATION=xxx, R.C.=xxxx, REASON CODE=xxxx

Explanation: The command that was entered is not authorized from the entering OM API. The command authorization was specified on the CMDSEC= parameter of the CSL PROCLIB member DFSCGxxx (RACF or equivalent, DFSCCMD0, or both), but it does not authorize the user ID of the OM API to issue the command. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: Reenter the command from an OM API with an authorized USERID, or update the authorization information for the current USERID and reenter the command from the OM API. Module: DFS0CM30 DFS0011W AREA=areaname DD=ddname ALLOCATION FAILED

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Explanation: The named DD could not be allocated by the /START AREA command. The named DD is not specified by a DD statement nor is it specified in the ALLOCATE/DEALLOCATE parameter list. System action: Processing continues without the named DD allocation.

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Programmer response: Correct the DD in the ALLOCATE/DEALLOCATE parameter list, and reenter the /START AREA or issue the UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command. Module: DBFARDA0 DFS0012I SPOOL DATASET UNALLOCATION ERROR - aaaaaaaa,bbbb, cccccccc,dddd,eeee,ff,gggg,hhhh,ii..ii

Explanation: An error occurred during deallocation of an IAFP JES SPOOL data set. In the message text: aaaaaaaa Jobname of the IMS dependent region for which the deallocation failed. bbbb Job number corresponding to job aaaaaaaa cccccccc The ddname of SPOOL data set. dddd Dependent region number.

Explanation: An IMS or z/OS system error occurred in the processing of an IAFP JES SPOOL data set. The operation, return code, reason code, and the LTERM name specified by the application as the Dest Name is displayed. REGION is the IMS dependent region number in which the error occurred. The operations are as follows: DYN The JES SPOOL data set was not dynamically allocated. MEM Memory was obtained for IAFP processing. This is a critical system error. Consult the system programmer for return code meaning. OPN The JES SPOOL data set was not opened.

Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0014I DFS0020I
OUT The OUTPUT descriptor for the JES SPOOL data set dynamically allocated was not created (SVC 109 failure). The JES SPOOL data set was not dynamically unallocated. The JES SPOOL data set was not written to. For a BSAM WRT operation, if the value of LLZZ is not four bytes larger than the value of llzz, a write error will occur and this message will be issued by the IMS Spool API interface. The status code for the ISRT call will be AX. System action: Processing continues uninterrupted. Programmer response: IMS has detected an error in either an IMS or z/OS systems service. See the message text for an indication of the IMS or z/OS service being utilized. Additional information about the error is also available on the IMS systems log, log record type 67D0. Problem determination: See the z/OS Authorized Assembler Services Guide for return and reason codes. Module: DFSIAFP0 DFS0014I JES SPOOL D.S. REQUIRES cccccccc,JOBNAME=cccccccc, JOB#=aaaa,DDNAME=cccccccc, DATASET=aa..aa DFS0019I DBRC UNAUTH REQUEST FAILED FOR DBD=dbdname, AREA=areaname RC=xx nn cccc Position in the module where the message is issued. The control block name.


The short name is DRC0. The module name is DBFCDRC0. The function is to process /DISPLAY RTCODE command System action: /DISPLAY RTCODE command aborted. User response: None. Module: DBFCDRC0

Explanation: DBFARD30, DBFARD40, DBFMLCL0, DBFHDEP0, or DBFSTAP0 issued UNAUTH request to DBRC, but DBRC returned a non-zero return code less or equal to 16. System action: The unsuccessful return code is passed to the caller. User response: See the Unauthorization Call Return Codes table in the topic titled DSP Messages in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1 for the meaning of the return code. Contact the IBM Support Center if additional help is needed. Module: DBFARD30, DBFARD40, DBFMLCL0, DBFHDEP0, DBFSTAP0 DFS0020I NO DDIR WAS FOUND, /DIS STATUS DB COMMAND REJECTED NO DMCB WAS FOUND NO FP DB IS AVAILABLE, /DIS STATUS DB COMMAND REJECTED DMCB HAS BAD POINTER TO DDIR, /DIS STATUS DB COMMAND REJECTED DMAC HAS BAD POINTER TO DMCB, /DIS STATUS DB COMMAND REJECTED

Explanation: This message is returned only when the application program requests Messages for the data set in the IAFP= options parameter. During IMS Restart, the status of an IAFP JES SPOOL data set was in doubt when the previous IMS terminated. To insure message integrity, the z/OS operator must process this data set as indicated. It is possible that the indicated data set cannot be found. This message might not represent a problem and is applicable only if the IMS application requested print disposition messages for the data set. System action: Processing continues uninterrupted. System Operator Response: Perform one of the following: DELETION Delete the indicated JES SPOOL data set. PRINTING Unallocate the indicated JES SPOOL data set for processing by the JES SPOOL driver (for example, PSF). Module: DFSIAFP0 DFS0015I mmmm nn FAILED TO GET CONTROL BLOCK cccc




Explanation: Inconsistency in control block found during /DIS STATUS DB command processing. System action: Non-zero return code is set for the caller. /DIS STATUS DB command is aborted. User response: Gather information about the database and contact the IBM Support Center. Module: DBFCDAR0

Explanation: DBFCDRC0 was unable to obtain WORK storage. In the message text: mmmm Short name of module.

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I

DFS022I DFS027

Explanation: This batch jobs log resides on DASD, and the execution parameter BKO=Y (dynamic backout) was specified. The job pseudoabended, and IMS invoked dynamic backout. This message will indicate whether or not the backout was successful. System action: The batch job is terminated abnormally. Programmer response: If the dynamic backout was unsuccessful, the Batch Backout utility can be used to attempt the backout. Problem determination: 1, 2, 8, 11, 36 Module: DFSDLA00 DFS0023I COMMAND REJECTED. MADSIOT KEYWORD NOT FOUND IN DFSVSMxx.

Explanation: Input was received on the indicated line, and the originating terminal could not be determined. System action: The line has been stopped. A log record type X'67', sub-record X'01' was written using the IMS TRACE facility, which provides a snap of the IMS control blocks and save areas. Programmer response: Determine the cause of the failure. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact your IMS system programmer for assistance. Determine the cause of the failure (possible hardware malfunction, or terminal not defined to IMS). The line can be restarted with the /START LINE command. Problem determination: 5, 6, 14, 36 Module: DFSDN030 DFS026 UNABLE TO FIND INPUTTING TERMINAL. LINE DEACTIVATED. LINE x PTERM y

Explanation: The /START MADSIO or /STOP MADSIO command was issued but the MADS I/O Timing function was not enabled in this IMS. System action: None. System Operator Response: To enable the MADS I/O Timing function, specify the keyword MADSIOT in the DFSVSMxx PROCLIB member using the format: MADSIOT=(StructureName,IOTime) Where: v StructureName is 16 characters v IOTime is 3 digits (0-255), which specifies the time span in which the Media Manager returns the status of the IO request. The MADSIOT function will be enabled after IMS recycles. Module: DBFCST00 DFS024 INVALID PASSWORD FORMAT

Explanation: Input was received on the indicated line, and the originating terminal or control unit could not be determined. System action: The line was deactivated. A log record type X'67', subrecord X'01' was written using the IMS TRACE facility, which provides a snap of the IMS control blocks and save areas. Programmer response: Determine the cause of failure. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. The line cannot be reactivated until the IMS system has been shut down and restarted. Problem determination: 14, 36 Module: DFSFTRM0 DFS027 I/O ROUTINE ERROR

Explanation: The password format of the last input is invalid because: v The opening parenthesis or the bypass character is the last character of the input data. v The password is longer than eight characters. v There is no closing parenthesis or bypass character. System action: IMS ignores the entered data. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the data with the correct password format. Module: DFSICIO0

Explanation: The device module has failed to interface correctly with the communications analyzer. This was caused by a device-dependent module logic error. System action: The line has been shut down. A log record type X'67', subrecord X'01' was written using the IMS TRACE facility, which provides a snap of the IMS control blocks and save areas. Programmer response: Determine the cause of failure. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. The line cannot be reactivated until the IMS control region has been shut down and reactivated.

Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS028 DFS030I
Problem determination: 14, 36 Module: DFSICIO0 DFS028 INVALID ATTENTION INPUT DETECTED To determine the cause of the failure indicated by the return code yy and for information on DBRC requests and return codes, see IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. The following reason codes indicate the xx value. Code (Hex) Meaning 01 A synchronization process or emergency restart backout process attempted to notify DBRC of a database backout failure. DBRC indicated that the database was not registered. If the database is not registered, neither process notifies DBRC, and the condition should not have occurred. 02 A synchronization process or an emergency restart backout process attempted to notify DBRC of a database backout failure. DBRC indicated that the subsystem was not authorized to use the database. Because no changes to the database could have been made unless it was authorized, this condition should not have occurred. 03 A database authorization call was made to DBRC. A return code X'0C', which indicated that the subsystem was not signed on to DBRC, was received upon return. This condition should not have occurred unless there was an error in the IMS subsystem initialization or in the DBRC. 05 A sign-off call was made to DBRC while IMS was terminating. The return code indicated that either there was no subsystem entry found, that an internal error was encountered during the unauthorization process, that the subsystem entry was found but terminated abnormally, or that the recovery processing had been started. 06 DBRC was called to unauthorize a database during DL/I close processing. The return code set by DBRC indicated that the database was not registered in the RECON data set. Because the unauthorization call is only issued if the database is registered to DBRC, an internal error has occurred. 07 DBRC was called to unauthorize a database during DL/I close processing. The return code set by DBRC indicated that the subsystem was not registered in the RECON data set. Because the subsystem was registered when authorization for the database was obtained, an internal error has occurred. 08 DBRC was called to unauthorize the database during DL/I close processing. The return code from DBRC indicated that the subsystem did not have authorization for the database. Because authorization for the database was obtained before the data base was opened, this condition should not occur. 09 DBRC was called to unauthorize a database during DL/I close processing. The return code
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I

Explanation: Input that required action was received, but the DFSCFEP0 (MFS Paging Processor) did not recognize it. System action: Input is ignored, and the terminal is made inoperable. Programmer response: If the terminal is programmable, check the logichow is attention sent to the host? If the terminal is not programmable, there is a probable hardware error. If the problem recurs, take a DC trace or a GTF trace. Module: DFSCFEP0 DFS029 DDM LOGIC ERROR DETECTED

Explanation: An invalid request was returned to the MFS output control module (DFSCFEO0) from a device-dependent module. The DDM requested the data after the EOM or EOD occurred. System action: The terminal is made inoperable. Programmer response: Check for any discrepancy between the actual terminal and its definition in IMS. If the terminal is programmable, also check for logic errors in the output. Module: DFSCFEO0 DFS030I DBRC REQUEST FAILED, REASON=xx, RC=yy DBRC SIGNOFF REQUEST FAILED xx, RC=yy DBRC SAVUOR REQUEST FAILED, RC=yy DBRC UPDUOR REQUEST FAILED, RC=yy DBRC VERUOR REQUEST FAILED, RC=yy





Explanation: The first form of the message is issued by modules DFSDBAU0, DFSDDUI0, DFSDLOC0, and DBFPICT0. The second form of the message is issued by module DFSPCCC0. The SAVUOR, UPDUOR and VERUOR versions of the message are issued by either DFSRBOI0, DFSDBDR0 or DFSST500. The particular DBRC request with or without the reason code xx failed with a return code of yy.

set by DBRC indicated that an internal DBRC error occurred during or subsequent to the authorization process, or that the unauthorization process was unable to produce a new authorization state for the database. See the message issued by DBRC prior to the abend for further explanation. The database open call to DBRC was issued during DL/I open processing. The return code from DBRC indicated that the database being processed was not registered to DBRC. This situation should not occur, because DBRC is not called during open processing unless authorization for the database was previously obtained from DBRC. The return code set by DBRC when the database open call was processed indicated that the subsystem was not registered to DBRC. This situation should not occur, because DBRC is called during DL/I open processing only if the subsystem previously obtained authorization for the database, at which time it had to have been registered to DBRC. The database open call to DBRC was issued during DL/I open processing. The return code from DBRC indicated that the subsystem did not have authorization for the database. This situation should not occur because the open call to DBRC is issued only if authorization was obtained for the database before DL/I open processing was invoked. The database open call to DBRC was issued during DL/I open processing. The return code from DBRC indicated that an internal DBRC error was detected. The DBRC call to reverify the data sets failed. DBRC received an end HSSP Image Copy call during image copy termination. The DBRC return code indicates that the image copy record specified was not found. The begin HSSP Image Copy call should create that image copy record. DBRC received an end HSSP Image Copy call during image copy termination. The DBRC return code indicates that the database/area was not registered in the RECON data set. HSSP Image Copy can only process a registered database/area. DBRC received an end HSSP Image Copy call during image copy termination. The DBRC return code indicates that the end HSSP Image Copy call was already made for this image copy processing. Abend U3275 is issued if DBRC returns this code and the system is not being emergency restarted. DBRC received an end HSSP Image Copy call during Image Copy termination. The DBRC return code indicates that an internal DBRC error occurred. DBRC received an end HSSP Image Copy call
Messages and Codes Volume 2


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during image copy termination. The DBRC return code indicates that an invalid parameter was found. DBRC was called to unauthorize a database during close DMB processing for RSR DL/I database tracking. The DBRC return code, X'48', indicated there was a bad parameter passed during the unauthorize call. DBRC was called to unauthorize a database during close DMB processing for RSR DL/I database tracking. The DBRC return code, X'04', indicated the database was not currently authorized. DBRC was called to unauthorize a database during close DMB processing for RSR DL/I database tracking. The DBRC return code, X'08', indicated the authorized USID was not complete. DBRC was called to create a REORG record for the database. The return code from DBRC indicates there was a problem processing the request. For additional information on return codes from the RELOAD Utility, and to determine the cause of the failure, see IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. DBRC was called to create a REORG record for the database. The return code, X'04', indicated that the database was not registered. DBRC was called to create a REORG record for the database. The return code, X'08', indicated there was an I/O error reading the RECON data set. An invalid partition reorganization number was passed on the notify reorganization call to DBRC.

0E 0F

System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend 3275. Programmer response: Check the return code and take proper action. Problem determination: 1, 4, 10, 35 Module: DFSDDUI0, DFSDLOC0, DFSPCCC0, DBFPICT0 DFS031I IRLM QUIT REQUEST FAILED, RC=xx-yy



Explanation: During normal termination of IMS, the quit request to the IRLM failed. The return code xx and reason code yy indicate the error condition. To determine the cause of the failure, see the QUIT request information in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: IMS terminates abnormally. System Operator Response: Inform the System Programmer. Programmer response: Check the cause of the problem and, if necessary, restart IMS with /ERE.





Explanation: An identify request was issued to the IRLM and the return code received indicated that an entry already existed by that name. System action: Restart is aborted. System Operator Response: If no backout is required, enter /ERE COLDSYS to restart IMS. Module: DFSRST00 DFS033I DUPLICATE ENTRY ON SIGNON REQUEST, RESTART ABORTED

Explanation: This message indicates whether a batch backout is required after a batch job was terminated abnormally and updates were committed. If batch backout is not required, the application program made all updates before the last checkpoint or the dynamic backout in batch (BKO=Y) ran successfully. If batch backout is required, the application program made updates after the last checkpoint. System action: The batch job abended. Programmer response: If a batch backout is not required, you must either restart the program from the last checkpoint or from an earlier checkpoint. The option of restarting a job from an earlier checkpoint is not available in a data-sharing environment. v To restart the program from the last checkpoint, use the XRST call. v To restart the program from an earlier checkpoint, do one of the following: Run the Batch Backout utility to the first checkpoint that occurred before the program made any updates. Then rerun the program. Run the Batch Backout utility to a desired checkpoint that occurred after the program made some updates. Then use the XRST call to restart the program at the checkpoint used in the batch backout job. If a batch backout is required, you must either restart the program from the last checkpoint or from an earlier checkpoint. The option of restarting a job from an earlier checkpoint is not available in a data-sharing environment. v To restart the program from the last checkpoint, run the Batch Backout utility. Then use the XRST call to restart the program. v To restart the program from an earlier checkpoint than the last one, do one of the following: Run the Batch Backout utility to the first checkpoint that occurred before the program made any updates. Then rerun the program. Run the Batch Backout utility to a desired checkpoint that occurred after the program made some updates. Then use the XRST call to restart the program at the checkpoint used in the batch backout job. Module: DFSPCCC0, DFSFLST0 DFS036I BATCH BACKOUT /NOT REQUIRED/IS REQUIRED/ FOR jobname

Explanation: A sign-on request was issued to DBRC and the return code received indicated that an entry already existed in the RECON data set for the IMS system. System action: Restart is aborted. System Operator Response: If an XRF alternate system is being started, enter the /ERE BACKUP command; otherwise, enter /ERE OVERRIDE. Module: DFSRST00 DFS034I DATA BASE AUTHORIZATION AND LOCKS RELEASED

Explanation: An emergency COLDSYS start (using /ERE COLDSYS command) was specified, and the database and global locks authorized from the previous execution of IMS were released. System action: IMS continues with the execution. Programmer response: Ensure that offline recovery or batch, or both, backout is performed. Module: DFSRST00 DFS035I TYPE INITIALIZATION COMPLETE

Explanation: This message indicates that the initialization process is completed. After the issuance of this message, the process links to the application program. When BATCH is displayed in the TYPE field, the initialization process is completed for a DL/I batch environment. When IMBATCH is displayed in the TYPE field, the initialization process is completed for a DCCTL batch environment. System action: Execution continues. Module: DFSPCC30

Explanation: This message indicates whether batch backout is required for a batch job that is abending. If batch backout is not required, the application program abends for one of the following reasons:
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


v No database updates were made v The job has no log v The dynamic backout in batch ran successfully. If batch backout is required, the application program makes database updates, but no CHKPT checkpoint call is made. (Message DFS681I is not issued.) Batch backout can also be required for a job where there have been no updates but where GET TYPE calls resulted in extended pointer set corrections. System action: The batch job abended. Programmer response: If a batch backout is required, run the Batch Backout utility. It is the application or user option to rerun the backout from the beginning or use XRST, as there are no IMS integrity issues after backout is done successfully. Module: DFSPCCC0, DFSFLST0 DFS037I IRLM SPECIFIED, DBRC NOT ACTIVE DFS039I IRLM IDENTIFY REQUEST FAILED, RC=xx-yy IMS WAITING FOR IRLM ARM READY. XXXX NOT ACTIVE. REPLY RETRY, CANCEL, OR DUMP. imsid ACTIVE, REPLY RETRY, CANCEL, OR DUMP.




Explanation: Message DFS039I is followed by a DFS039A message. Message DFS039I is first issued when an IDENTIFY request to the IRLM fails. Return code xx and reason code yy indicate an error condition. Return code 00 or 04 are returned if IRLM is holding subsystem information for a DL/I batch job. Use the F IRLMPROC,STATUS command to display information. You will probably need to run batch backout for the DL/I batch job that encounters RC=00 or RC=04. To determine the cause of the failure for message DFS039I, see the IDENTIFY request explanation in the IRLM request return and reason code information in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. This message will be followed by a second DFS039I or a DFS039A message. The second version of DFS039I may be issued if IMS and IRLM are enabled for the z/OS automatic restart manager. The message indicates IMS restart is WAITING for IRLM to send READY to the automatic restart manager. The DFS039A message is a WTOR. The first form of the message is issued if the xx-yy fields indicate the file IRLM named in the xxxx field is not active. The second form of the message is issued if the IMS ID that is identified to IRLM is already active. System action: If IMS is not registered with the automatic restart manager and the xx-yy fields indicate that IRLM is not active or that this IMS subsystem is already identified to IRLM, the WTOR form of the message is issued. Other error return and reason codes will cause IMS to abend with U0039. If IMS is in the process of being restarted by the automatic restart manager and the xx-yy fields indicate that IRLM is not active or that this IMS subsystem is already identified to IRLM, IMS will determine if IRLM was registered to the automatic restart manager in the previous IMS execution. In the case when IRLM was previously registered with the automatic restart manager, IMS will issue the second form of the DFS039I and WAIT until the automatic restart manager is aware that IRLM is ready for work. Other error return and reason codes will cause IMS to end abnormally with abend 0039.

Explanation: For this execution of IMS, IRLM=Y was specified but DBRC was not specified in the IMSGEN. It might have been overridden in the JCL EXEC statement. System action: IMS will terminate abnormally with abend U0037. Programmer response: Ensure that DBRC was specified in the IMSGEN or that DBRC=N was not specified in the EXEC job control statement parameter list. Problem determination: 8, 10 Module: DFSXLIC0, DFSRST00 DFS038I PURGE REQUEST FAILURE, UNABLE TO RELEASE LOCKS

Explanation: A purge command to release all locks held by this subsystem from the previous execution failed. Upon completion of an emergency restart or batch backout execution, a purge command is issued to the IRLM to release all locks. The attempt to release the locks resulted in a bad return code. Register 15 contains the return code. To determine the cause of the failure, see the PURGE request information in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U0038. Programmer response: Ensure that the IRLM is active. Problem determination: 1, 4, 10, 35 Module: DFSPCCC0, DFSRST00


Messages and Codes Volume 2

System Operator Response: Operator action is required for the WTOR form of the message. If the IRLM named in the xxxx field is not active, ensure the xxxx name is correct. If xxxx is not the correct name, the operator can reply ABEND to the WTOR and then start IMS again specifying the correct IRLMNM. If xxxx is correct, the operator can wait until the IRLM is active and then reply RETRY to the WTOR. If the IMS subsystem is already identified to the IRLM, the operator should investigate the status of the subsystem currently identified to IRLM. There are at least two situations where a delay in identifying to IRLM might be needed. First, the submission of two or more IMS Batch jobs with accidentally the same job name could happen. Waiting for the first batch job to finish and then replying RETRY would allow the second job to then proceed. If the same job is accidentally submitted twice, the job will probably only run once and the installation might want the operator to terminate the second job by replying CANCEL. Second, some failures for which a CICS XRF alternate will take over can result in the identify return code indicating the subsystem is already active. IRLM corrective action to force IRLM into an in-doubt state and then a failure state can be called before replying RETRY in this case. The WTOR replies and their meaning follow. RETRY This will cause IMS to retry the IRLM IDENTIFY. If the situation has not been corrected, the DFS039I and DFS039A messages will occur again. CANCEL This will cause IMS subsystem initialization to terminate with abend 0039 without a dump. If the IRLM was not active when the OS operator modified IMS with the RECONNECT command, responding CANCEL will only terminate the IRLM reconnect processing; as a result, the OS operator will receive message DFS625I with a 08 code. DUMP This causes the IMS subsystem to abend 0039 with a dump. Problem determination: 1, 4, 10, 35 Module: DFSRST00, DFSPCCC0 DFS040I UNABLE TO ACQUIRE COMMAND LOCK, DATA SHARING DISCONTINUED IRLMs. If data sharing is required, shut down IMS and restart it. Module: DFSRST00, DFSPCCC0 DFS041I DBRC SIGNON REQUEST RC=cc

Explanation: A sign-on request to DBRC was completed with the return code cc specified. For the definition of the return code, see the topic titled DSP Messages in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: If the return code indicates a severe error, IMS will terminate with abend 0041; otherwise, execution will continue. Return codes 16 and 24 might cause IMS to terminate with abend 0041. Return codes 8, 12, 20, 28, 32, and 41 will cause IMS to terminate with abend U0041. Programmer response: A sign-on failure can occur if the sign-on request specified a subsystem ID already existing in the RECON data set. See the DBRC CHANGE.SUBSYS or DELETE.SUBSYS command for information on updating the subsystem record in RECON. The following action can be taken for the specific return code indicated below. For additional information see the DBRC request return code information in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. 8,12,16,20 This occurs during a cold start or a warm start of an online system or during initialization of a batch system, and indicates that there is a conflict between the subcode system ID in this system and DBRC. The subsystem ID is the IMSID for online systems or the job name for batch systems. Either change the subsystem ID for this system and resubmit the job, or list the subsystem entry already known to DBRC and determine why a duplicate exists. 24 This occurs during emergency restart or batch backout, for information only, and indicates that the previous execution failed without informing DBRC of the abnormal termination. No action is required. 28 This occurs during batch backout and indicates that DBRC is not aware of the subsystem entry for the log supplied to batch backout. Ensure that the proper log is used. If it is, then batch backout was not needed and no further action is required. This occurs during batch backout and indicates that DBRC is not aware of the subsystem entry. The batch backout probably does not need to be done, and no action is required. 32 This occurs during emergency restart or batch backout and indicates that a change has been

Explanation: IMS attempted to acquire the command lock after linkage was established with the IRLM. The command lock is used for communication between sharing IMS subsystems and is required when data is shared. System action: IMS continues without data sharing. Master Terminal Operator Response: Ensure that communication has been reestablished between sharing

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


made in the IRLM name. Rerun the job, specifying the same IRLM name as used in the original execution. This occurs during sign-on to DBRC and indicates that a 24K IMODULE GETMAIN request for subpool 0 storage failed. Register 8 in the abend registers contains the return code from the IMODULE GETMAIN failure. For a description of the IMODULE return codes, see IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. The subsystem signed on with an incorrect role (for example, a tracking subsystem attempted to sign on in the active service group). The specified RSR GSG has not been defined. Another tracking subsystem, having a different SSID, already exists for the GSG. A planned takeover is in progress, and an active subsystem attempted to sign on at the old active site. The active subsystem attempted to sign on using a second GSG different from the one to which it has been assigned. The subsystem attempting to sign on is an earlier release than is allowed. Check the MINIMUM VERSION value in the RECON data set. detected by DBRC. For the definition of the return codes, see the topic titled DSP Messages in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend 0043. Programmer response: Check the return code and take proper action. Problem determination: 1, 4, 10, 35 Module: DFSPCCC0, DFSRST00 DFS044I DBRC REQUIRED FOR THIS EXECUTION DBRC TURNED OFF FOR THIS EXECUTION



80 84 88




All other return codes indicate a possible system error. Problem determination: 1, 4, 10, 35 Module: DFSRST00, DFSPCCC0, DFSRCP00 DFS042I BACKOUT REQUIRED, DBRC SIGNON FAILED

Explanation: After processing the input log, it was determined that a backout was required. The sign-on to DBRC indicated that an entry did not exist for this subsystem and that the previous execution of this subsystem indicated that DBRC was active during its execution. The same condition is required to be established when executing an emergency restart. System action: IMS terminates abnormally when a critical error occurs with abend U0042. Programmer response: Ensure that DBRC is specified for this execution of IMS or that the same RECON data set is used. Problem determination: 1, 4, 10, 35 Module: DFSRLP00 DFS043I DBRC SIGNON REQUEST FOR RECOVERY END FAILED, RC=cc

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Explanation: One of the following problems occurs when DBRC REQUIRED FOR or TURNED OFF displays: v A utility program attempted to execute against a HALDB without DBRC. v DBRC REQUIRED FOR THIS EXECUTION DBRC=FORCE was specified in the installation defaults module DFSIDEF0. DBRC=N was specified as an execution-time parameter for this step. Database backout was executing; DBRC was not active and was not overridden by an execution-time parameter of DBRC=N. The previous execution of IMS had utilized DBRC, and DBRC was not specified for this execution. The same condition used in the previous execution, namely utilization of DBRC, must be used in this condition for database backout unless DBRC is specifically overridden by DBRC=N. If the IRLM was active during the previous execution, DBRC must always be active during this execution of database backout. A global service group (GSG) name was specified during IMS system definition or as an execution parameter, but DBRC is not active (that is, DBRC=NO was specified during system definition or DBRC=N was specified as an execution parameter). DBRC is required for RSR processing. v DBRC TURNED OFF FOR THIS EXECUTION Database backout is executing. DBRC=N was specified for this execution, and DBRC was active in the previous execution. Processing continues normally without DBRC. System action: When "DBRC REQUIRED FOR THIS EXECUTION" appears, the job terminates abnormally. When "DBRC TURNED OFF THIS EXECUTION" appears, processing continues normally. DBRC will not be used during this execution. Programmer response: When "DBRC REQUIRED FOR THIS EXECUTION" appears, ensure that DBRC is present for this execution. For database backout, an execution time parameter of DBRC=N can be specified if IRLM was not present in the previous execution.

Explanation: After the emergency restart or batch backout process completes, a sign-on for recovery end is issued to notify DBRC that the recovery process had completed successfully. However, the request was not successful and the return code specifies the error


Messages and Codes Volume 2

When "DBRC TURNED OFF FOR THIS EXECUTION" occurs, processing continues without DBRC. Before reactivating DBRC, the information about the OLDS data set (IMS log) created by this backout execution while DBRC was inactive should be recorded in RECON using the DBRC commands NOTIFY.PRILOG and NOTIFY.SECLOG. Problem determination: 2, 8 Module: DBFUMIN0, DFSRLP00, DFSBCKI0 DFS045I IRLM REQUIRED FOR THIS EXECUTION v Contact the master terminal operator to change the database ACCESS parameter to the level compatible with your PROCESSING INTENT v Change the PROCOPT operand specifications to the level compatible with the ACCESS parameter defined in the database statement for the IMS online subsystem. Rerun ACBGEN, and then the job. Master Terminal Operator: Notify your IMS system programmer of the message. Problem determination: 6, 10, 29 Module: DBFDBPV0, DFSDBAU0 DFS047A UNABLE TO OBTAIN AUTHORIZATION FOR DATA BASE xxxxxxxx. REASON CODE = zz. PSB= psbname.

Explanation: A /ERE was entered for an emergency restart, or database backout was executing and the IRLM was not active. previous execution of IMS had utilized the IRLM, and for this execution the IRLM was not specified. It is required for an emergency restart and a database backout that the same condition used by the previous execution of IMS exists for this execution. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U0045. A database backout terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that the IRLM is present for this execution or that the proper IRLM was specified. IRLM= or the IRLMNM= parameters should have the same specification. Problem determination: 2, 8 Module: DFSBCKI0, DFSRLP00, DFSRST00 DFS046A PROCESSING INTENT ppppppp FOR DATA BASE xxxxxxxx NOT COMPATIBLE WITH ACCESS zz. PSB=PSB name.

Explanation: IMS was unable to obtain database authorization for the named database which appears in one of the DB PCBs contained in the named PSB during PSB scheduling. The PSB name only appears in the message text if the IMS is an online control region. Code (Hex) Meaning 01 The requested state and the current authorization state (see RECON data set) are incompatible. The database is authorized by another active or abnormally terminated IMS subsystem, and its authorization state is incompatible with the current authorization request. 02 The database is not registered in the RECON data set. 03 The database is marked as prohibiting further authorization for one of the following reasons: a global /DBRecovery, a global /STOP, an UPDATE DB STOP, or a CHANGE.DB(NOAUTH) command. 04 The database is authorized only if the requested state is "READ" or "READ-GO" because of a global /DBDUMP or an UPDATE DB STOP(UPDATES) command. 05 The database is marked as needing an image copy. 06 The database is marked as needing recovery. 07 The database is marked as needing backout. In a data sharing environment, you can use a LIST.DB command to determine which subsystems require back outs for the named database. 08 For sharing within a host, the requesting subsystem is not within the authorized host. 09 One or more subsystems for which the database has been previously authorized are supposed to be active, but the subsystems are not known to IRLM. IRLM=N or another IRLM name might have been specified on the subsystem.
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I

Explanation: One of the DB-PCBs contained in the named PSB referenced the named database xxxxxxxx which had an incompatible PROCESSING INTENT ppppppp with the ACCESS parameter zz defined in the database statement for the IMS online subsystem. The PROCESSING INTENT, READ-GO, READ, UPDATE, or EXCL is derived from the PROCOPT specifications in the PSBGEN. The PSB name only appears in the message text if the IMS is an online subsystem. System action: A batch region (DL/I or DBB region) will terminate with abend 0046. Dependent regions continue processing, but the programs cannot access the database. An attempt to access the database will result in either a 'BA' status code, if the program has issued the INIT call, or in abend 3303, if the program has not issued the INIT call. If the database is a Fast Path DEDB, the PSB is stopped. Programmer response: One of the following responses should be taken:

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10 11 The database has been previously authorized to the subsystem. An invalid parameter is found during the database usage compatibility evaluation process. Possibly, the database record in the RECON data set is bad. The current authorization state in DBRC is invalid because of an unauthorization error. An error occurred in DBRC while trying to process an authorization request. An error occurred in DBRC while trying to process a change authorization request. The database is already authorized to an active IMS subsystem. The area is not marked as needing recovery for the DEDB initialization utility. The data set name of the database data set passed to DBRC does not match the data set name in the RECON data set. Database authorization failed because the database was not registered with DBRC and the DBRC RECON data sets were initialized with FORCER, which requires that all databases must be registered. This error might be the result of a mismatch of data set names in the RECON data set and in the dynamic allocation blocks (DFSMDA members). The database is currently authorized to another subsystem. The database is a recovery-level tracking database. There is gap in the log stream received from the RSR active site that can contain update records for the database or area. All log records have been applied to the tracking database for the authorizing stream and authorization is not for an OFR stream. Records from an earlier update set ID have been received from the RSR active site, but have not been applied to the database. The database does not belong to the invokers global service group (GSG). The update set ID (USID) is earlier than the USID of the most recently received image copy. One or more tracking database data sets have not been received. The database or area is covered but the requesting subsystem is not signed on to the covering GSG. The definition of the HALDB has changed. You must perform a partition structure rebuild before authorization can be granted for the partition. Issue a /START DB command with the OPEN keyword for the HALDB master to perform the rebuild. The HALDB needs to be initialized. An attempt has been made to authorize the HALDB master. Authorization can only be requested at the partition level.
Messages and Codes Volume 2



12 13 14 15 16 19


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36 37 38



Partition Initialization is requesting authorization for a partition that does not need to be initialized. The DB partition cannot be authorized until a high key is defined. A key is required because the HALDB master does not use a Partition Selection Routine. Image copy not allowed during HALDB OLR processing. Loading into an M-through-V DBDS of a partition database is not allowed. Offline reorganization is not allowed when HALDB OLR is active and the HALDB OLR is owned by an IMS subsystem. A HALDB partition database is capable of being reorganized online. This release of IMS does not support running database utilities for OLRCAP databases. Batch jobs are not allowed authorization when the REORG INTENT = ON is set for the database. The database is currently being reorganized. Online image copy also fails authorization.

22 23 24

System action: A batch region (DL/I or DBB region) will terminate with abend 0047. The database is stopped. Dependent regions continue processing, but programs cannot access the database. An attempt to access the database will result in either a 'BA' status code, if the program has issued the INIT call, or in abend U3303, if the program has not issued the INIT call. Programmer response: Reason codes 01 through 09 and 15 through 19, indicating a temporary authorization failure, can be corrected by one of the following actions: v Wait for a currently authorized subsystem to terminate or enter a /DBRecovery UPDATE DB STOP(ACCESS) to unauthorize the database from the currently authorized subsystems. Batch backout or an emergency restart might be required for an abnormally terminated subsystem. (RC 01, 08 or 15) v Verify that the correct log is input to the batch backout utility if DBRC=C is being used. (RC 01) v Enter a /START DB or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS), a /DBDUMP or UPDATE DB START(UPDATES), or a CHANGE.DB (auth) command. (RC 03) v Enter a /START DB or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command. (RC 04) v Run the appropriate IMS utility. (RC 05, 06 or 07) v Run this IMS subsystem on the host where the database is currently authorized. (RC 08) v Wait for the failed subsystems to complete the emergency restart or database backout. (RC 09) v Use the DBRC command CHANGE.SUBSYS to indicate that an IMS subsystem is no longer active. (RC 15) v Use the DBRC CHANGE.DBDS command to mark an area as needing recovery. (RC 16) v Use the DBRC INIT.DBDS command to register a DBDS or DEDB area to DBRC. (RC 18, 19) v Check the RECON data set to determine the correct authorization state.



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27 28

29 30

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32 33


DFS0048I DFS051I
Reason codes 10 through 14 indicate that a system error has occurred. If these problems persist, contact IBM for problem determination assistance. For reason code 33, check the DBDLIB level of the databases to make sure they match the RECON level. Problem determination: 35 Module: DFSDBAU0 DFS0048I DBRC INITIALIZATION FAILED - RC = nn JCL. For a batch subsystem, increase the size of the REGION parameter in the JOB startup JCL. v Change the PSB to contain a lesser number of database PCBs. Rerun ACBGEN and then the job. Master Terminal Operator: Notify your IMS system programmer of the message. Problem determination: 6, 10, 19 Module: DFSDBAU0 DFS050A SHARED ACCESS TO VSAM DATASET ddname NOT ALLOWED BY CATALOG

Explanation: The initialization for DBRC failed for one of the following reasons: Code (Dec) Meaning 4 IMODULE GETMAIN for DFSRCWK failed. 8 IMODULE LOAD failed for one of the IMS/DBRC control modules. 12 Database Recovery Control initialization first pass (INIT-0) was not successful. 16 Database Recovery Control initialization second pass (INIT-1) was not successful. 20 Quick save get failed for one of the IMS DBRC control modules. 24 ITASK CREATE failed for one of the IMS DBRC control modules. 28 IMODULE LOAD for DFSRSMD0 failed. 32 DFSRSMD0 call failed. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend 0048. Programmer response: See abend 0048. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12 Module: DFSXRIC0, DFSXRID0 DFS049I UNABLE TO OBTAIN STORAGE TO BUILD DATA BASE AUTHORIZATION REQUEST LIST. PSB yyyyyyyy STOPPED.

Explanation: DL/I open processing of the database containing the named data set detected that SHR (3,3) was not specified on the Access Method Services DEFINE command and DISP=SHR was not specified on the DD statement for the data set. SHR(3,3) and DISP=SHR must be specified when 1) SHARELVL=2 or 3 is specified for the database on the system definition DATA BASE macro statement or on the /START command. For an XRF-capable IMS system, databases must be SHR(3,3). Message DFS0730I contains the database name. System action: Message DFS0730I reason code I,33 is issued. See System Action for message DFS0730I. Programmer response: Correct the SHR options and disposition specified for the data set if shared access to the database is desired. If not, the CHANGE.DB command can be used to change the SHARELVL specification for the database to 0 or 1. If ACCESS=RO or EX is specified for xxxxx-remove (RO or), the database for IMS system definition, or on the /START command, the error will not occur. Problem determination: 2, 6, 8, 10, 20 Module: DFSDLOC0 DFS051I hh.mm.ss RESTART IN PROGRESS LINE xxxx aa,bbbb,cc,dd,ee, ff,gg,hh,iiii,jjjj

Explanation: A conditional GETMAIN was issued in an attempt to obtain a larger work storage area to build the database authorization request list. However, the GETMAIN failed. The reason for the failure is due either to the named PSB yyyyyyyy which contains too many database PCBs or to the small REGION size specified in the JOB startup JCL. System action: The named PSB is stopped. For an MPP, the input message is placed back into the message queue. For a BMP, IFP, DBB, or DLI region type, the region terminates abnormally with abend 0047. Programmer response: One of the following responses should be taken: v For an online subsystem, increase the size of the REGION parameter in the IMS control region startup

Explanation: An I/O error occurred on a component of the remote 3270 network indicated by the line number. The remote 3270 DDM generates a /RSTART command for the appropriate physical terminals in an attempt to restart the physical terminals affected by the I/O error. If the error persists, the DDM attempts the /RSTART command a specified number of times and when the limit is reached, marks the appropriate components inoperable. A description of the error information contained in the message is as follows: Code aa bbbb cc Meaning This field contains the ECB completion code. The DECTYPE field indicates the type of failing operation. The DECTPCOD field indicates the data

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS052 DFS054
communication operation code from the last CCW executed in the channel program. The DECFLAGS field contains the flag byte passed to IMS from BTAM. The field might contain information as to the cause of the failure. The DECSENS0 field contains the sense information from the DECB if the status in the CSW indicates a unit check. The DECERRST is the error status field from the DECB. The DECCSWST is the CSW status field from the DECB. This field contains the DDM code. When the 3270 DDM shuts down a component of the data communication network, a DDM reason code is put in the CLBTEMP1 field to indicate why the DDM shut the component down. This field contains the BSCK return code. The code is passed from the BSC check routine (DFSBSCK0) to the DDM. The BSC check routine analyzes the I/O completion and passes a unique return code to the DDM, depending on the contents of the DECB fields. The function code and response codes displayed in field iiii are described below. This field contains the SENSE/STATUS information from the 3270 device (if applicable). See IBM 3270 Information Display System for an explanation of the SENSE/STATUS codes. X'10' SOH%S message X'11' SOH%R message X'12' Reserved X'13' Invalid response X'14' Start-of-textenqueue (STXENQ) sequence X'15' Temporary text delay (TTD) X'16' Incorrect alternating acknowledgment X'17'X'31' Reserved X'32' Undetermined error X'33' 270X error X'34' Line error X'35'X'63' Reserved The fields out of the BTAM DECB are shown as they are passed to IMS from BTAM. See OS/VS BTAM for an explanation of these fields. Also, in addition to the error information contained in the message, the DDM logs out, on the IMS log data set, all of the IMS control blocks from the time of failure in a X'6703' record. Module: DFSC3270 DFS052 CARD ENTRY INDICATED, NO CARD DATA FOUND



ff gg hh



Explanation: A hardware malfunction occurred on a 3270 magnetic card reader. The AID byte indicated that a read operation was requested, but the card data was not received in the TP buffer. System action: Input is ignored. System Operator Response: Carefully reinsert the card. If the problem recurs, perform the terminal trouble-shooting procedures. Module: DFSCFE00 DFS053 TERMINAL RESTARTEDPLEASE REFORMAT SCREEN

The function code replaces the first two characters in field iiii. It is returned in register 0 and has one of the following meanings: Code X'00' X'01' X'02' X'03' X'04' X'05' X'06' X'07' Meaning Undetermined Selection Polling Read data Write data Reserved Reserved Reserved

Explanation: As a result of an I/O error, a terminal that was in conversation or exclusive mode, was stopped and has now been restarted. System action: The system continues normal processing. System Operator Response: If the terminal was in conversational mode, enter a /HOLD followed by a /RELEASE command to reformat the screen with the last format sent prior to the DFS053 message. Module: DFSDN130 DFS054 INPUT NOT ALLOWED TILL PRINTER IS AVAILABLE

The response code replaces the last two characters in the field iiii. It is returned in register 15 and has one of the following meanings: Code X'00' X'01' X'02' X'03' X'04' X'05' X'06' X'07' X'08' X'09' Meaning No error detected Wait for acknowledgment (WACK) Contention Negative acknowledgment (NACK) End-of-transmission (EOT) Reverse interrupt (RV1) No entries in polling list Negative response No response Block ended with ENQ (or ENQ only)
Messages and Codes Volume 2

Explanation: Input from the 3277 is not allowed while the 3284/3286 printer is busy in copy operation. System action: The input is ignored.


DFS055 DFS057I
Terminal Operator Response: Wait until the printer becomes available. Module: DFSCFEP0 DFS055 INCORRECT RESPONSE REQUESTED 08 0C the MOD does not exist in the active format data set library. v A device output format (DOF) for the specified MOD with the device type and feature indicated does not exist in the active format data set library. There is a permanent I/O error in the active format data set library. The main storage space required for the MOD or DOF, or both, is greater than the maximum space currently available in the message format buffer pool, or no fetch request elements (FREs) are available. This return code is issued only by prefetch routines, not by immediate fetch routines. A MOD block was to be fetched. The fetched block was not a MOD. The MOD block fetched was compiled before Release 1.1.1 of IMS. The MOD and DOF fetched were incompatible (not compiled at the same time). This might be caused by the use of z/OS utilities to alter the active format data set library. The MOD or DOF contains an invalid field. This is because of user modification of, or damage to, the format or test format library. The requested MOD or DOF is too large for the message format buffer pool (MFBP). The MFBP must be increased. Notify the System Programmer. The DOF and CIB screen sizes are incompatible. This should occur only for 3270-AN device types. The screen size defined for system definition was different than the size in the device characteristics table, DFSUDTOX. The System Programmer should ensure that the correct device characteristics table is used. The MOD is not available because use of the MOD causes the HIOP storage pool to be overwritten. The DOF is not available because use of the DOF causes the HIOP storage pool to be overwritten.

Explanation: The response requested by a logical unit did not agree with the INQUIRY= parameters specified for this transaction at system definition. System action: The input is rejected. Terminal Operator Response: Reinitiate the session. Problem determination: This is a probable user error in the system definition or the Intelligent Remote program in the logical unit. Update transactions, recoverable inquiry transactions, and message switches must request a positive response. Unrecoverable transactions can optionally request a positive response. Module: DFSICIO0

14 18




Explanation: A command has been entered, and the Message Input Description (MID) has the parameter OPT=3 coded. System action: The command is not processed. Remote Terminal Operator Response: Because this message was formatted using the default blocks (which do not use option 3), the command can be reentered at this time. Module: DFSICL30 DFS057I REQUESTED BLOCK NOT AVAILABLE: blockname RC = reason 28 20


Explanation: MFS cannot fetch the control blocks required to process an output message or to process the /FORMAT request. The block name in the message specifies the name of the block that could not be fetched and is either the MOD or the DOF name. If it is the DOF name, the first two bytes of the name are the device type and features printed in hexadecimal. For an interpretation of these two bytes, see Format Library Member Selection in IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Transaction Manager. The reason code indicates the type of failure that occurred: Code (Hex) 04 Meaning The indicated block name was not found in the active format data set library. The following conditions can cause this reason code to be produced: v There is a misspelled message output descriptor (MOD) name or



System action: Since the requested blocks were not available, IMS formatted and sent the message using the 'default block error message format (DFSMO3)', and then dequeued the message.

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


If TRACE is set on for this NODE/PTERM, an X'67' record is created on the IMS log with the ID of "FERR". Programmer response: Take the following action to correct the errors. For reason code 04: v Ensure that the MOD name provided from the application program, by the previous Message Input Description (MID) NXT= parameter, or by the operator in a /FORMAT command is spelled correctly and that the MOD exists in the active format data set library. v Ensure that the DOF exists in the active format data set library with the device type and features of the terminal receiving the error message. If the MOD specifies the IGNORE option, the DOF must have the IGNORE feature specified. See Format Library Member Selection in IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Transaction Manager. For reason code 0C: Use the MFS utility to determine the combined size of the MOD and DOF. Increase the space available for format blocks in the message format buffer pool using the "HHH" parameter on the IMS control region EXEC statement. For reason codes 14 and 1C: Reprocess the message source definition using the MFS Language utility. For reason code 18: The MFS libraries from previous versions cannot be used. All message and format source definitions must be recompiled using the MFS Language utility. Master Terminal Operator Response: Take the following action to correct the errors. For reason code 20: Stop using the transactions using the MOD or the DOF, or both, for a time sufficient to allow the blocks to be replaced by others in the Message Format. Retry the failing transaction. If the error persists, the block was destroyed in the FORMAT or TFORMAT library, an error was compiled into the block, or there is an error in one of the MFS online modules. If the error does not reoccur, data was overlaid in the message format buffer pool. In both cases, the X'67' log record contains helpful information. For reason codes 38 and 78: Stop using the transactions using the MOD, the DOF, or both until the blocks can be replaced. The MOD or DOF and its format set must be recompiled and then replaced using the online change process. The invalid block might have been destroyed in the FORMAT library, an error might have been compiled into the block, or an error exists in one of the MFS online modules. Two X'67' log records are written to the IMS log. The first record has an ID of MTRP and has information useful for diagnosing the reason for potential overwrite. The second record has an ID of FERR and records the unavailability of the MOD or DOF. Problem determination: 5, 14, 16 Module: DFSCFEO0 DFS058I CCC COMMAND COMPLETED EXCEPT KKK P01, P02, P03, P04, P05, P06, P07, ...ETC. CCC COMMAND IN PROGRESS CCC COMMAND COMPLETED

Explanation: In the message text: CCC Command name of three or more characters. KKK Keyword name of three or more variables. P0n The parameter name, where n=1-10. Assume it is at least three characters, since most installations have resource names of three or more characters. ETC The terminal entering the command received the exception parameters on one line, followed by ETC if there were more exceptions. See IMS Version 9: Command Reference in the topic that describes the command to understand possible errors when the "EXCEPT..." phrase is used. The EXCEPT phrase indicates which parameters were not processed. When an exception is found while processing a generic parameter, up to 10 of the specific resource names in error that match the generic parameter are moved to the end of the condensed command buffer. They are then marked in error. Thus, if 20 resources matching the generic parameter could not be processed by the command, only ten of them are moved into the condensed command buffer and are marked in error. The number 10 is selected to guarantee that ETC appears at the end of the DFS058 message. It is assumed that the display line of the message is a maximum of 79 bytes. Programmer response: Verify that the present command is correct. System action: The system continues processing. Module: DFSCLMO0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS059I TERMINAL status /ERESTART or an /NRESTART command. Module: DFSICIO0, DFSICL30 DFS064I DESTINATION CAN NOT BE FOUND OR CREATED [I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2]

Explanation: Information at a local or remote terminal informs the operator of terminal status. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Take the action required depending on the status information. Module: DFSCLMO0 DFS060 nnn IS AN INVALID MESSAGE KEY

Explanation: The first eight characters of the input could not be recognized as a valid transaction, logical terminal name, or command. In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system This information appears only when the error is detected in a remote system (sss2). This message can be received if a terminal is not in conversational or preset mode, there is no physical terminal input edit exit routine, and the MFS bypass with MODname DFS.EDTN is used. In this case, the Attention Identification (AID) byte would be the first item in the data area and would be rejected as an invalid transaction code. This message can also be issued when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. System action: The data entered is ignored. System programmer response: Determine if the Message Control/Error Exit is customized. If it is, then find the default action from Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the 6701 CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the data correctly. If the MFS bypass was not used, establish preset mode by using the /SET TRANSACTION command. If it still fails, notify the System Programmer. Master Terminal Operator Response: Inform the system programmer. If the optional part of this message is printed, notify the system programmer that the blocks are not synchronized.

Explanation: The displayed number (nnn) was passed to the message generator module by some other module in the system. This message number could not be found in the message table. Problem determination: 1 or 6 or 7 and 36 Module: DFSCLMR0 DFS0061I INVALID CALL TO MESSAGE GENERATOR: reason

Explanation: Possible reasons are: v 'CONSOLE CNT(WTOR) NOT FOUND.' v 'ERROR HAPPENED ON REROUTE.' v 'MSG NOT LOCKED INCORE FOR ICIO.' v 'INCORRECT CALLER.' v 'REMOTE DESTINATION IS NOT A CNT.' v 'QUEUES ARE NOT AVAILABLE.' v 'NEGATIVE MSG LENGTH.' v 'INNER SEG LENGTH > TOTAL LENGTH.' v 'INVALID MSG TYPE.' v 'NONZERO RETURN CODE FROM ROUTER.' v 'CQS ENQUEUE FAILS.' A module within IMS called the message generator and failed to provide a proper call interface. Problem determination: 1, 6, or 7 Module: DFSCLMR0 DFS062 REQUIRED PASSWORD NOT PRESENT

Explanation: A password was required for the entered command or transaction and was not supplied by the operator. System action: The data entered is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the data with the proper password. Module: DFSICA10, DFSICIO0, DFSICLE0, DFSICL90 DFS063I RESTART COMMAND REQUIRED

Explanation: No input is allowed prior to a restart command. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Enter either an

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS065 DFS067
Problem determination: 14 Module: DFSICIO0 DFS065 TRAN/LTERM STOPPED [I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2] DFS067 TERMINAL SECURITY VIOLATION [I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2]

Explanation: The transaction or command cannot be entered from this terminal because of terminal security generation. The security matrix data sets might be inconsistent with the current IMS system. In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. This information appears only when the error is detected in a remote system (sss2). System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the transaction or command from a terminal that does not violate security. Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Link security has been defined so that the transaction following D: is not allowed from the MSNAME associated with the SYSID following I:. The /DISPLAY ASSIGNMENT SYSID can be used to determine the MSNAME involved. If the terminal is authorized to the transaction or command, use the /DISPLAY ASSIGNMENT LINE x PTERM y followed by /DISPLAY STATUS LTERM to determine the error conditions. If the status is STOPPED, QERROR, LOCK, then correct the condition through the /UNLOCK, /START, or /ASSIGN command as appropriate. Programmer response: If the IMS nucleus was regenerated, run the IMS Security Maintenance utility against the new nucleus. System programmer response: First, find the default action from Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. Problem determination: 14 Module: DFSICA10, DFSICIO0, DFSICLE0

Explanation: Queuing on the destination queue was stopped by the /STOP command. In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. This information appears only when the error is detected in a remote system (sss2). System action: The data entered is ignored. System programmer response: First, find the default action from Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. Local/Remote Master Terminal Operator Response: Start the transaction or logical terminal, and reenter the data. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. If the optional part of this message is printed, start the transaction or logical terminal and notify the destination system master terminal operator and its system programmer. Problem determination: 14 Module: DFSICIO0 DFS066 PASSWORD SECURITY VIOLATION

Explanation: The password supplied was not valid. System action: The data entered is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Check with security for the proper password, and reenter the data with the proper password supplied. Module: DFSICIO0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS068 DFS070

Explanation: The input editor module stepped backward beyond the beginning of the message attempting to eliminate backspaces. System action: The data entered is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the data properly. Module: DFSCFEI0, DFSICIO0 DFS069 TERMINAL INACTIVE

The reason for the error: Code 02 03 Meaning The exit requested two user prefixes. The exit requested two internal prefixes. Internal prefixes are reserved for IMS internal Tools. The prefix buffer length was too big. An DFSPOOL error occurred on the get prefix buffer. The exit return code was negative. The exit return code was too high. An DFSBCB error occurred while getting a BCB control block. A bad SYSID was detected. A Message Queue Manager error occurred while inserting a prefix. A nonzero return code was received from DFSICLR1. The message destination is an invalid type for the AVM/ISC link. Change destination error. User exit requested the destination name be changed to a different transaction by setting MSLR2CHG, MSPR2CHG, or MSTR2CHG. The new destination name at MSLRDEST, MSPRDEST, or MSTRDEST is not a transaction destination. Change destination error. User exit requested the destination name be changed to a different LTERM by setting MSLR2CHG, MSPR2CHG, or MSTR2CHG. The new destination name at MSLRDEST, MSPRDEST, or MSTRDEST is not an LTERM destination. The DFSMSCEC exit routing flag is in error. A DFSUSRX interface error occurred. Change destination error. User exit requested the destination name be changed by setting MSTR2CHG or MSLR2CHG or MSPR2CHG. The new destination name at MSTRDEST, MSLRDEST, OR MSPRDEST could not be found. The exit changed the destination name of the I/O PCB message. The exit requested rerouting for the I/O PCB message. The exit changed the destination name to a command (for example, /CMDVERB). The user exit override of MSNAME was invalid. Local share queue registration failed for rerouting the transaction to the local shared queues.

04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

Explanation: The source physical or logical terminal is not active because: v It is LOCKED. v A /STOP or /PSTOP was entered. v Input was stopped by a /PURGE command. v There is no LTERM assigned for the input PTERM. System action: The data entered is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Correct the condition through the UNLOCK, START, or /ASSIGN command, and reenter the data. Module: DFSICIO0 DFS070 UNABLE TO ROUTE MESSAGE RSN=xxyy (I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2)

Explanation: One of the following situations occurred and an error was encountered while routing the message: v IMS attempted to enqueue a message. v A /FORMAT command was entered. v One of the following exits attempted to reroute a message: Input Message Routing (DFSNPRT0) Link Receive (DFSCMLR0) Program Routing (DFSCMPR0) Terminal Routing (DFSMSTR0) TM/MSC message routing exit (DFSMSCE0) In the message text: xx The IMS module that detected the error: Code 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 Meaning Unknown module or DFSMSCEC requestor DC Communication Manager (DFSICIO0) LU 6.2 Receive LU Manager (DFSRLM10) OTMA Receive LU Manager (DFSYTIB0) DC Call Handler (DFSDLA30) MSC Analyzer (DFSCMS00) /FORMAT Command Processor (DFSICLK0) IMS Termination (DFSTRM00)


15 16 17

18 19 20

21 22

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


23 24 The exit routed the transaction to an invalid, remote destination. The exit rerouted the message to an invalid MSC system identification (for example, SYSID). The exit routed the message to an invalid MSNAME. The exit routed an intermediate message to this local IMS, but the source SYSID is unknown to this local IMS. The exit indicated routing to a remote IMS but did not set the destination SYSID or MSNAME. The exit requested rerouting to the source system but MSC was not system defined or the source SYSID was not valid. The exit requested direct route override but override was unsuccessful. The exit requested invalid rerouting for a front end switch message to a remote IMS. The exit requested rerouting for a response message. DFSMSCE0 initialization failed because DFSMSCSV is not supported. DFSMSCE0 initialization failed because the DFSMSCSV length is invalid. DFSMSCE0 initialization failed because the character string VECTOR is not present. The user prefix segment (MSCEUPR) was invalid when the exit returned to IMS. The internal prefix segment (MSCEIPR) was invalid when the exit returned to IMS. Internal prefixes are reserved for IMS internal tools. The exit overlaid the 512byte user work area buffer. The exit overlaid the MSEB BCB block name. The exit overlaid the parameter list. 46 47 The destined terminal is in TERMINAL response mode. Conversation is active on the destined terminal (when LTERM was specified in the command). The terminal is in input only mode. The terminal is in the exclusive mode (when LTERM was specified in the command). The call to Queue Manager failed for a put locate call. The inset prefix call to Queue Manager failed. The call to enqueue the message failed.

25 26

48 49

50 51 52




sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. System action: The /Format command or message routing request is canceled. If one of the exits attempted to reroute a message or IMS attempted to enqueue a message, a log record type X'67', subcode X'01' (ID=AER1, ID=MSCE, or both) is written to the log. More than one record might be written to record the error. These records contain the IMS control blocks and save areas used by IMS or the user exit when the error was encountered. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify the System Programmer. System programmer response: One of the following situations might have caused the error: v Operator error. For example, an incorrect transaction code or LTERM name might have been entered. v A user routing exit error occurred. v An IMS internal error occurred. If the error is caused by the DFSMSCE0 user exit, see the IMS Version 9: Customization Guide and the prologue of the sample DFSMSCE0 exit for an explanation of the routing option. Message DFS070 reason codes are further documented in the IMS macro = DFSKEYRC. See this macro for further information. For all other situations, see DCData Communication Service Aids in IMS Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference for diagnostic information on Message DFS070. See the RSN and follow the instructions for determining the cause. You might need to print the 6701 log records for additional information. Module: DFSCMS00, DFSDLA30, DFSICLK0, DFSICIO0, DFSIINB0, DFSRLM10, DFSTRM00, DFSYTIB0


31 33 34




38 39 40

Codes 41 through 52 apply to the /FORMAT command. 41 The CNT for the terminal to be formatted was not found. 42 The specified terminal is a remote LTERM. 43 The specified terminal is a dynamic MSNAME (LNB). 44 The destined terminal (which is different from the input terminal) is not MFS-formatted. 45 The destined terminal is in line response mode.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS071 DFS076



Explanation: Five attempts to sign on were invalid. System action: This message notifies the switched terminal operator that IMS is disconnecting his line. Master Terminal Operator Response: Establish the correct sign on command before trying to sign on again. Module: DFSICA10, DFSICIO0 DFS072I UNABLE TO OUTPUT LINE x PTERM y

Explanation: The Message Format Service (MFS) cannot fetch the control blocks required to process an input message. The message identifies the MID name for the MID and DIF pair requested. The MID or DIF contains an invalid field, which is probably caused by modification or damage to the Format or Test Format libraries. System action: MFS ignores the input message. Programmer response: Stop using the transaction requiring this MID or DIF, or both, block long enough to allow the blocks to be replaced by others from the Message Format Library. Then retry the failing transaction. If the error persists, the blocks were damaged in the Format or Test Format library, an error was compiled into the blocks, or an error exists in an MFS online module. Module: DFSCFEI0 DFS076 MULTI-SEGMENT INPUT INVALID [I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2]

Explanation: A permanent I/O error was detected attempting to write a message to the indicated IMS line and physical terminal. System action: The terminal has been PSTOPPED. Master Terminal Operator Response: After the malfunction has been corrected, a /START LINE x PTERM y or a /RSTART LINE x PTERM y command can be used to resume operations on the terminal. DFS073 /IAM COMMAND REQUIRED

Explanation: An /IAM command is required to identify the dial or switched terminal operators logical or physical terminal name to IMS. System action: The data entered is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Enter the /IAM command. Module: DFSICIO0 DFS074 QUEUE ERRORMESSAGE CANCELED

Explanation: A buffered terminal device attempted to send multiple segments of an input transaction which was defined as a single segment transaction. In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system This information appears only when the error is detected in a remote system (sss2). System action: The message was canceled. If the input was processed by the MFS Utility, the input message was defined with multiple segments. System programmer response: First, find the default action from Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for the error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the message properly. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I

Explanation: An attempt was made to acquire a buffer from the queue manager. The size requested is less than 1 byte, or it exceeds the size of space available in a long message buffer.

| | | | | | | | | |

In a shared queues environment this message can indicate a failure in the CQSPUT process during insert processing or a problem due to a CQS structure failure or CQS unavailable. System action: A log record type X'67', sub-record X'01' was written using the DC TRACE facility, which provides a snap of the IMS control blocks and save areas. In a system using the shared message queues, a log record type x67 subtype xD0 may be written to describe the failure.

| For OTMA, message DFS1269E RC4011 is also issued | and a x67D0 trace entry is written to the log. | System programmer response: Increase the size of the | long message buffers. For shared queues environments, | check the status of CQS.


DFS077 DFS081
customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. If the optional part of the message is printed, notify the system programmer that the blocks are not synchronized. Problem determination: 14 Module: DFSCON00, DFSICIO0 DFS077 COMMAND INPUT EXCEEDS MAXIMUM LENGTH DFS081 TRACE EXIT COMMAND UNSUCCESSFUL RSN=xxyy

Explanation: The maximum length of a command is defined as that which fits in a queue message buffer. System action: The data entered is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reduce the length of the command and reenter. If commands of this length are required, the system can be redefined with increased message buffer size. Module: DFSICIO0 DFS078 COMMAND INVALID AS SECOND SEGMENT

Explanation: A multi-segment input message was in process when this command was entered. System action: Both the message and the command are canceled. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the message and command separately. Module: DFSICIO0 DFS079 INPUT IGNOREDSYSTEM IN SHUTDOWN

Explanation: The /TRACE EXIT command was entered incorrectly, the command is not supported on this IMS system, or this is an IMS internal error. In the message text: xx The IMS module that detected the error: 01 Trace Command Processor (DFSICLN0) yy The reason for the error: 01 An invalid keyword was specified for the trace exit. 02 An invalid parameter type was specified for the trace exit command. 03 No parameter type was specified for the trace exit command. 04 Multiple parameter types were specified for the trace exit command. 05 The DFSMSCD control block is missing for the trace exit (DFSMSCE0) command. 06 An Invalid parameter subtype was specified for the trace exit command. 07 The trace exit is not supported for this environment. 08 The required exit was not loaded for the start trace command. 09 Required exit not loaded for start trace command. 10 A system command failure occurred. 11 The parameter length was invalid. System action: The entire command was ignored, or one or more parameters were ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Check the syntax of the command to insure it is correct. To determine the correct format of the command, see the IMS Version 9: Command Reference. Reissue the command with the proper keyword and parameters. Issue the /DISPLAY TRACE EXIT command to determine which parts of the command executed successfully and if the exit is installed. If the exit is not installed, the status of all the exit entry points is N/A on the display output. If the problem persists, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: One of the following situations might have caused the error: v An operator error. For example, incorrect syntax might have been entered. v A user routing exit (DFSMSCE0) initialization error. v An IMS internal error. See TM-Transaction Manager Service Aids in the IMS Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference for diagnostic information on Message DFS081. See the RSN and follow the instructions for determining the cause. You might need to print the 6701 log records for additional information.

Explanation: A shutdown checkpoint is in process, and all input from terminals is suspended. System action: The data entered is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the data after the system has been restarted. Module: DFSICIO0 DFS080 MESSAGE CANCELED BY INPUT EDIT ROUTINE

Explanation: A user-supplied edit routine has rejected and canceled the last input message. System action: The entered message is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the message in a format acceptable to the edit specifications. Module: DFSICIO0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS082 DFS085I
Message DFS081 reason codes are further documented in the IMS macro = DFSKEYRC. See this macro for further information. Module: DFSICLN0, DFSKEYRC DFS082 ERROR READING QUEUE, QUEUE SHUTDOWN [I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2] [name RC = nn] Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the /IAM command with the proper parameters before attempting the conversation. Module: DFSCON00, DFSICA10 DFS084 CONVERSATION IN PROCESS

Explanation: An unrecoverable I/O error occurred attempting to read a record from a logical terminal queue. In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system . This information appears only when the error is detected in a remote system (sss2). nn The decimal value of the queue manager return code. Possible queue manager return codes are: 04 No segment returned for destination name. 08 No more messages on the queue for destination name. 12 Destination name is in use. 36 MSC prefix does not exist. The message has been dequeued. 40 ISC prefix does not exist. The message has been dequeued. System action: That queue was stopped. A log record type X'6701', ID=MER1, was written using the IMS TRACE facility, which provides a snap of the IMS control blocks and save areas. Master Terminal Operator Response: If the optional part of the message is printed, coordinate restarting the resource with the destination system master terminal operator and its system programmer. System programmer response: If the message has been dequeued, examine the MER1 record to determine which message was dequeued. Module: DFSCM7A0, DFSCM7B0, DFSICIO0 DFS083 IMPROPER SIGNON FOR CONVERSATION

Explanation: A conversational program has not yet responded to the last input message. Conversation is a two-way exchange. Note that, if this message is paged, it must be completely viewed and deleted by the operator before the response is complete. System action: IMS discards the entered data. The application program will respond to the last accepted input, unless the terminal is page protected. System Operator Response: Await reply from the program, and reenter data; or delete last page, and reenter data; or /EXIT to terminate the conversation, and reenter the data; or, if paging has been specified, you might have to press the PA2 key to delete the message. Programmer response: Screen protection has been specified as either a terminal option or an MFS option. Determine whether this is necessary for this transaction. Module: DFSCON00, DFSICLH0 DFS085I CONVERSATION CANNOT BE CONTINUED: {NO PREVIOUS OUTPUT MESSAGE|STORAGE ERROR| SPA NOT FOUND IN OUTPUT MESSAGE|CQS ERROR OR CQS NOT AVAILABLE| SPA HAD BAD DATA OR FORMAT}

Explanation: IMS attempted to retrieve the SPA for the input message from the previous output message, but an error occurred. The conversational transaction cannot be continued at this time due to the error indicated: v NO PREVIOUS OUTPUT MESSAGE The previous conversational output message could not be located. v STORAGE ERROR An error occurred trying to acquire temporary storage. v SPA NOT FOUND IN OUTPUT MESSAGE The SPA could not be found in the previous conversational output message. v CQS ERROR OR CQS NOT AVAILABLE Either the Common Queue Server (CQS) was unavailable or a CQS error occurred. v SPA HAD BAD DATA OR FORMAT

Explanation: Switched terminals must be signed on for PTERM in order to enter conversational transactions. System action: The requested conversation is not started.

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS086 DFS0089
IMS attempted to convert the SPA from an internal packed format to an unpacked format, but was unsuccessful. System action: The input data is ignored. System Operator Response: Take the appropriate action: v NO PREVIOUS OUTPUT MESSAGE IMS will probably never be able to continue this conversation. Terminate the conversation with an /EXIT command. For OTMA users, the conversation will be terminated by IMS. v STORAGE ERROR Reenter the input data after waiting a period of time for the storage shortage to be eliminated. v SPA NOT FOUND IN OUTPUT MESSAGE IMS will probably never be able to continue this conversation. Terminate the conversation with an /EXIT command. For OTMA users, the conversation will be terminated by IMS. v CQS ERROR OR CQS NOT AVAILABLE Reenter the input data after waiting a period of time for CQS to become available. If the problem is caused by a CQS error, you might have to terminate the conversation with an /EXIT command. For OTMA users, the conversation will be terminated by IMS. v SPA HAD BAD DATA OR FORMAT IMS will not be able to continue this conversation. Terminate the conversation with an /EXIT command. Module: DFSCON00, DFSYTIB0 DFS086 CONVERSATION RESOURCES UNAVAILABLE X'01', has been written using the IMS TRACE facility, which provides a snap of the IMS control blocks and save areas. The data entered is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Correct the error in the user physical terminal input edit exit routine. Module: DFSICIO0 DFS0088I LS0 INITIALIZATION FAILED identifier

Explanation: Initialization for the Local Storage Option failed for the reason shown below. The module or control block identified in message DFS0088I was being processed when the error occurred. Identifier 1. DFSKLSM Reason IMODULE GETMAIN failed.

2. DFSKLSM0 or DFSKLSD0 IMODULE LOAD failed for one of these modules. 3. DFSXMCTL 4. SAP Not initialized for LS0. Insufficient SAPs were assigned for LS0.

System action: This message is followed by abend 0088. System programmer response: Reason Action 1. 2. Increase the IMS control region size. Correct the JOB/STEPLIB DD statement or link-edit the LS0 modules into the correct library. Determine the DFSXMCTL problem by referencing module DFSMINIO. Contact IBM for assistance. Determine the SAP problem by referencing module DFSXLIC0. Contact IBM for assistance.

Explanation: The maximum number of concurrent conversations allowed (65,535) was exceeded. System action: The conversation is not started. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Wait for someone to finish and try again. If this response occurs frequently, notify the systems operation personnel. Problem determination: 7 Module: DFSCON00 DFS087 USER PTERM INPUT EDIT ERRORINPUT IGNORED



Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12 Module: DFSKLSI0 DFS0089 OUTPUT EXCEEDS BUFFER SIZE LTERM xxxxxxxx LINE yyy PTERM zzz OUTPUT EXCEEDS BUFFER SIZE LTERM xxxxxxxx NODE yyyyyyyy

Explanation: The user physical terminal input edit exit routine attempted to insert a transaction code/password and: v MFS bypass was not active. v The total size of the attempted insert was less than 6 or greater than 22. System action: A log record type X'67', sub-record

Explanation: An application program using the MFS bypass attempted to send an output message which is longer than the length specified in the OUTBUF parameter of the TERMINAL macro during system definition, and the access method in use is either VTAM non-SNA or BTAM local or BTAM remote with OPTIONS=NOXPAR. The OUTBUF value should be set


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0090 DFS0096W
equal to the max RU size acceptable to the terminal (and VTAM and its NCP) because IMS will not send an output message inserted by an application that exceeds this value. System action: A log record type X'67' sub-record X'01' has been written using the IMS trace facility, which provides a snap of the IMS control blocks and save areas. If the last message segment moved into the line buffer (=OUTBUF) by DD6 fitted exactly, the contents of this line buffer was already sent to the terminal. The terminal is made inoperable, and message DFS998I is sent to the master terminal operator. Master Terminal Operator Response: Upon receipt of message DFS998I, the LTERM should be reassigned or the message dequeued. The terminal can then be restarted. Notify the System Programmer. System programmer response: Take one of the following actions: v Increase OUTBUF value in TERMINAL macro for system definition. v Restrict the application program not to send messages greater in length than OUTBUF value. v In case of BTAM remote, specify the terminal as transparent (OPTIONS=XPAR) for system definition. Module: DFSCD600, DFSCD610, DFSCD620 DFS0090 USE OF MODNAME DFS.EDTN REQUIRES TERMINAL INPUT EDIT ROUTINE Problem determination: 1, 4, 5 Module: DFSBCKI0 DFS092I IMS LOG TERMINATED

Explanation: An informational message indicating the IMS system log has been terminated. System action: IMS has terminated. Module: DFSFDLS0 DFS093 COMMAND NOT AUTHORIZED AS ENTERED WITH CRC FROM MCS OR E-MCS CONSOLE

Explanation: The command is not allowed from the MCS console. The command authorization, which was specified on the CMDMCS execution parameter (RACF (or equivalent), DFSCCMD0, or both) did not authorize the userid of the console to issue the command. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command from an authorized console, or update authorization information to allow the command from the console. Module: DFSICLP0 DFS094 TERMINAL MUST NOT BE PRESENT

Explanation: When MFS BYPASS option is selected and the MODNAME DFS.EDTN is used, the user must provide a physical terminal input edit routine. System action: The data entered is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Include a user Physical Terminal Input Edit Routine in system definition. See the topic on DC User Edit and Exit routine in IMS Version 9: Customization Guide. Module: DFSICIO0 DFS091I UNABLE TO LOCATE X'42' LOG RECORD

Explanation: The TERMINAL keyword is invalid for emergency restart. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL20 DFS095 PASSWORD MUST NOT BE PRESENT

Explanation: PASSWORD keyword is invalid for an emergency restart. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL20 DFS0096W DATA BASE BUFFERS PURGED, UPDATE INTENT, NOLOG SELECTED.

Explanation: Batch backout was being initialized but no X'42' log record was found on the input log volume. System action: Batch backout is terminated. Programmer response: This error could occur if only one input volume was supplied to database backout and the X'42' log record had not yet been written on that volume. Rerun the database backout specifying the last two volumes as input. If more than one volume was already supplied or if only one volume was created, then a system error has occurred.

Explanation: A batch IMS job ran without an IMS log data set and abended while using a PSB with UPDATE INTENT. The database buffers were purged, but the database might still be bad. System action: IMS (E)STAE continues processing an abend.
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS097 DFS105I
Programmer response: Determine if the database still has its integrity by interrogating the type of abend and the abending program. Module: DFSFLST0 DFS097 LTERM/S LOCKED/STOPPED Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: If you want to restart differently, shut down the system, and bring it up again. Module: DFSICL30 DFS102 PTERM KEYWORD NOT PRESENT

Explanation: The LTERM specified is locked or stopped. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Either start or unlock the LTERM, or sign on for another terminal. Module: DFSICA10

Explanation: The keyword PTERM must be used with the keyword LINE. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL10, DFSICL80 DFS103 DATABASE/AREA KEYWORD NOT PRESENT



Explanation: The physical terminal is locked, stopped, or inoperable. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Have the master terminal operator start or unlock the PTERM. Module: DFSICA10 DFS099 MULTIPLE LINE PARAMETERS ARE INVALID

Explanation: DBDUMP requires the keyword DATABASE followed by the requested database names. /DBRECOVERY requires the keyword DATABASE followed by the requested database names or the keyword AREA followed by the requested area names. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL20 DFS104 NO TEXT SUPPLIED, CANNOT BROADCAST

Explanation: A command that refers to one or more physical terminals can only specify one line. For example: v PTERM ALL can only be specified for a single line. v PTERM ALL cannot be specified when displaying lines by attribute. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL10, DFSICL30, DFSIC440 DFS100 LINE KEYWORD NOT PRESENT

Explanation: On /BROADCAST command, data to be broadcast must be entered as the second segment of the message; none was supplied. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL30 DFS105I COMMAND VERB xxxxxxxxxxx IS INCORRECT

Explanation: If PTERM keyword is present, the LINE keyword is also required. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL10 DFS101 MULTIPLE RESTART COMMANDS ARE INVALID

Explanation: The command verb xxxxxxxxxxxx is incorrect. The first three characters of the command verb are correct, but the command is incorrect thereafter. Up to 11 characters of the incorrect command verb are included in the error message. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: Reenter with just the first three characters or the correct full spelling of the command verb. Module: DFSICL30

Explanation: After the system is started through an /NRESTART or /ERESTART command, this command cannot be entered again. System action: The command is ignored.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS106 DFS112
DFS106 TRAN KEYWORD NOT PRESENT error message. The imstype is one of the following: v ACTIVE v DBCTL v DCCTL v XRF ALTERNATE v TRACKER Keywords that are not supported on an active subsystem include BACKUP, which is only supported on an XRF alternate, and ISOLOG and TRKAUTOARCH, which are only supported on an RSR tracking subsystem. Keywords that are not supported in DBCTL relate to DC. Keywords that are not supported in DCCTL relate to DB. Keywords that are not supported on an XRF alternate system include most keywords, except those required with commands that operate the XRF alternate. Keywords that are not supported on an RSR tracker include most keywords, except those required with commands that operate the remote tracking subsystem. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: See the IMS Version 9: Command Reference for the keywords that are valid for the flavor of IMS you are running. Module: DFSICL30 DFS111 TIMEOUTRESEND MESSAGE

Explanation: TRAN is the only keyword allowed with the TERMINAL keyword. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL80 DFS107 REQUIRED KEYWORD NOT PRESENT

Explanation: None of the acceptable keywords for this command were present. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: To find out which keywords are valid for the command you entered, see the IMS Version 9: Command Reference. Make sure the keyword is valid for the system you are running (IMS DB/DC, DBCTL, or DCCTL). Select a valid keyword; then reenter the command. Module: DFSCML70, DFSICA10, DFSICLE0, DFSICLG0, DFSICLH0, DFSICLJ0, DFSICLN0, DFSICLQ0, DFSICLU0, DFSICL10, DFSICL20, DFSICL40, DFSICL60, DFSICL70, DFSICL80, DFSICL90, DFSICM00, DFSIDPK0, DFSIDP00 DFS108 COMMAND SYNTAX INVALID

Explanation: The command entered did not conform to established syntax rules. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: See the IMS Version 9: Command Reference. Check for syntax errors, including spelling and incorrect delimiters, then reenter the command correctly. Module: DFSICL30 DFS109 PASSWORD OR TERMINAL SECURITY KEYWORD NOT PRESENT

Explanation: Between characters of a message, 28 seconds is allowed before the hardware times out and cancels the message. System action: The message is canceled. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the message without excessive delay. Module: DFSDN020, DFSDS010, DFSDS020, DFSDS040, DFSICL30 DFS112 BLDQ KEYWORD NOT PRESENT

Explanation: Required SECURITY keyword was not present. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Check for the proper command format, and reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL80 DFS110I COMMAND KEYWORD yyyyyyyyyyyy INVALID FOR imstype

Explanation: BLDQ keyword must be present for the /ERESTART command with checkpoint 0 or if the FORMAT keyword is supplied with the /ERESTART command. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL20

Explanation: Keyword yyyyyyyyyyyy is not supported with commands for this imstype of IMS. Up to 12 characters of the invalid keyword are included in the
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS113 DFS121I

Explanation: The LINE keyword was present, but was not followed by any parameters. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter with proper specifications. Module: DFSICLJ0, DFSICLN0, DFSICL10, DFSICL50, DFSICL80, DFSIC440, DFSIDP60, DFSIDP70, DFSIDP80 DFS114 LTERM KEYWORD PARAMETER NOT PRESENT

Explanation: The /IAM command is valid for switched terminals only. System action: The command was ignored. Module: DFSICLA0 DFS119 LTERM IN USE, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: The LTERM keyword was not followed by any parameters. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICA10, DFSICLJ0, DFSICL80, DFSICL90, DFSICV10, DFSIC440, DFSIDP40, DFSIDP70 DFS115 PTERM KEYWORD PARAMETER NOT PRESENT

Explanation: An LTERM is either having a message dequeued and sent or is marked for use by another task. The LTERM cannot be reassigned until either the message is dequeued and sent, or the other task has finished using it. If TCO is active, this message might see the TCO logical terminal DFSTCFI. System action: The command is rejected. If the command was /ASSIGN LTERM PRIMARY, the primary master terminal assignment might have succeeded. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command. If the command continues to be rejected with this error message, notify System Programmer immediately. System Programmer Response: Enter the /CLS NODE XXX command for the node of the LTERM being assigned; then enter the /ASS command again. Verify that the command completes successfully; if it still fails, take an SVC dump, then contact the IBM Support Center. Module: DFSICL70 DFS120 MESSAGE CANCELED, TEXT SEGMENT DID NOT END IN EOB

Explanation: The PTERM keyword was not followed by any parameter. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICLJ0, DFSICLN0, DFSICL10, DFSICL50, DFSICL80, DFSIC440, DFSIDP60, DFSIDP70, DFSIDP80 DFS116 DATABASE|AREA KEYWORD PARAMETER NOT PRESENT

Explanation: The database or area keyword was not followed by a parameter. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the correct command. Module: DBFCDAR0, DFSICL20, DFSICL80, DFSICL90, DFSIC430, DFSIDPJ0, DFSIDP50 DFS117 PROGRAM KEYWORD PARAMETER NOT PRESENT

Explanation: The presence of EOB allows IMS error checking for the data entered; therefore, IMS will not accept a message without EOB. All data must end with an EOB. On an IBM 2741 Communications Terminal, a message was terminated by depressing the ATTN key rather than the RETURN key. System action: The message is canceled. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Enter EOB by itself to end multi-segment transaction. Module: DFSDN020, DFSDS020, DFSDS040 DFS121I PARAMETER TOO LONG

Explanation: The PROGRAM keyword was not followed by a parameter specifying which program. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL80, DFSICL90, DFSIC430, DFSIDP50

Explanation: Parameters are restricted to 8 bytes or less. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with a proper length parameter.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS122 DFS130

Explanation: The password to be changed does not exist as a valid password. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Check password table for correct name, and reenter the command. Module: DFSICL60 DFS127 TOO MANY KEYWORDS

Explanation: If the ALL parameter is specified, no other parameter can be included for the same keyword. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Remove any parameters you specified with the ALL parameter. If you specified the ALL parameter correctly, check for one of the following: v A misspelled or an invalid keyword v A keyword that is not valid for the system you are running (IMS DB/DC or DBCTL). To determine which keywords are valid, see IMS Version 9: Command Reference. Select a valid keyword and reenter the command. Module: DFSICL30, DFSICV10 DFS123 PASSWORD PARAMETER TOO LONG

Explanation: Too many keywords were supplied. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Recheck the format of the command, and delete the unnecessary keywords. Module: DFSCML70, DFSICA10, DFSICLE0, DFSICLG0, DFSICLJ0, DFSICLQ0, DFSICLU0, DFSICL10, DFSICL20, DFSICL60, DFSICL70, DFSICL80, DFSICL90, DFSICM00, DFSIC430, DFSIDP00, DFSIDP30 DFS128 TOO FEW KEYWORDS

Explanation: The parameter length was greater than 8 characters. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with the proper length parameter. Module: DFSICLE0, DFSICL80 DFS124 CANNOT ENQUEUE LTERM ON LINE

Explanation: Too few keywords were supplied for this command. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Check the command format, and reenter it correctly. Module: DFSICLJ0, DFSICLQ0, DFSICL80 DFS129 INPUT ERROR, ONLY KEYBOARD BEING READ

Explanation: The queue module could not enqueue the logical terminal on the new line. Master Terminal Operator Response: This denotes a system error, and the system should be shut down and dumped at the earliest possible time for analysis of the problem. Notify your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSICL70 DFS125 NEW PASSWORD IS ALREADY DEFINED IN PASSWORD TABLE

Explanation: An input error was detected while reading from a component. The keyboard is the only device from which input will be accepted until the component is restarted by entering a /RDR statement from the keyboard. System action: The data entered is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Correct the problem, and enter the /RDR statement. Module: DFSDN020 DFS130 INVALID KEYWORD COMBINATION

Explanation: The password entered to replace an old password already exists as a valid password. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Choose a replacement, and reenter the command. Module: DFSICL60

Explanation: One or more of the keywords entered are incompatible with another specified. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Check for the proper keyword combination, and reenter the command.
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS131 DFS136I

Explanation: One of the following occurred: v A /DISPLAY SHUTDOWN status command was entered before a checkpoint command was issued. v An /IDLE command (without the NOSHUT keyword) was entered before a checkpoint command was issued. v An /IDLE NODE command was entered before a /STOP DC or a /CHE command was issued. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: For /IDLE NODE, reenter the command after you issue the /STOP DC or /CHE command. For other commands, reenter the command after the checkpoint is in progress. Module: DFSICLG0, DFSIDP90

Explanation: The master terminal logical terminal must have its output physical terminal also assigned as its input physical terminal. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reassign the terminal properly. Module: DFSICL70

| DFS132 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


Explanation: This message is issued for one of the following reasons: v The database or area names entered are invalid. v A parameter is valid, but has failed processing (for example, an allocation error has occurred on the database). v A valid parameter was specified, but the particular type of IMS you are running does not support that parameter. For example, the /DISPLAY AREA or /DISPLAY DB command with the OFR keyword is not valid on an RSR active subsystem. v If you receive this message during a /START DB partname, where partname is a HALDB partition that was added, and a partition structure rebuild has not been performed, then issue a /START DB haldbmst OPEN, where haldbmst is the master of the partition. Then issue a /START DB partname or a call for a key in the key range of the new or redefined partition. Doing this performs a partition structure rebuild and enables the partition for use.

| | | | | | | |



Explanation: One or more command attributes specified are invalid with another specified. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command with the proper attribute combination. Module: DFSIDP50 DFS136I COMMAND xxxxxxxxxx INVALID FOR imstype

Explanation: The command xxxxxxxxxx is not supported for this type of IMS, imstype. Up to 10 characters of the command verb are included in the error message. The imstype is one of the following: v DBCTL v DCCTL v XRF ALTERNATE v TRACKER v RLT TRACKER Commands that are not supported in DBCTL relate to DC. Commands that are not supported in DCCTL relate to DB. Commands that are not supported on an XRF alternate system are those not required to operate the XRF alternate. Commands that are not supported on an RSR tracker are those not required to operate the remote tracking subsystem.

| System action: The command is ignored.

System Operator Response: Reenter the correct database or area names that have been defined to IMS. If the parameter is valid, correct or investigate other error messages and reenter the command. Make sure any command keywords or parameters are valid for the flavor of IMS you are running.



Explanation: The BLDQ keyword is not permitted with a cold start. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL20


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS137 DFS144
System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: See IMS Version 9: Command Reference for the commands that are valid for the flavor of IMS you are running. Module: DFSICL30 DFS137 CANNOT PROCESS UPDATE TRANSACTION FROM INQUIRY TERMINAL DFS140I CHECKPOINT IN PROGRESS, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: A checkpoint from a previously entered command or an automatic system checkpoint is currently in progress. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Wait for checkpoint ID to be displayed and reenter the command. Module: DBFARDA0, DFSICL20, DFSICL40, DFSICLQ0 DFS141 ERESTART IN PROGRESS, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: Switched terminals signed on for inquiry. Logical terminal names cannot enter a transaction code that was defined as updating a database. System action: The message is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: For this transaction, re-sign on for a subpool or subpool CNT. Module: DFSICIO0 DFS138 LINE NOT STARTED, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: An /ERESTART command is currently being processed. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Wait for this command to complete before attempting to enter anything into the system. Module: DFSICL20, DFSICL30 DFS142 NRESTART IN PROGRESS, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: In order to assign the master terminal to a new line or node, that line must be in a started and operable state. Master Terminal Operator Response: Start the line, or node, and reenter the command. Module: DFSICL70 DFS139 PTERM OR COMPONENT IS NOT OPERABLE

Explanation: An /NRESTART command is currently being processed. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Wait for this command to complete before attempting to enter anything into the system. Module: DFSDNSC0, DFSICL20, DFSICL30 DFS143 PTERM/LTERM IN USE, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: In order to assign the Master Terminal to a physical terminal or node, the physical terminal must be started and operable, or the node must be in session. Master Terminal Operator Response: Ensure that the physical terminal and lines are started and operational. If not, issue a /RSTART LINE x or /RSTART LINE x or /RSTART LINE x PTERM y command. If the terminal or its components are inoperable, reenter the command when they become operable. If the line and terminal are operational, ensure that the logical terminal being reassigned is assigned to a component which is attached and operable. When reassigning from a terminal with components to a terminal without components, use either the ICOMPT or COMPT keyword with value=1. VTAM: Ensure that the node referenced is in session. Then reenter the assign command. Module: DFSICL70

Explanation: The named terminal is being used by another terminal. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Re-sign on for another terminal or try again later. Module: DFSICA10, DFSICL50 DFS144 IAM COMMAND COMPLETEDCONVERSATION IN PROCESS

Explanation: The terminal operator was signed on for a logical terminal name that had a conversation in process when the terminal was disconnected. System action: The conversation restarts after re-sign on.
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS145I DFS153
Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: To discontinue, enter the /EXIT or the /HOLD command. Module: DFSICA10 DFS145I DATABASE IS EMPTY AFTER RELOAD COMPLETED DFS150 LINE KEYWORD PARAMETER IS INVALID

Explanation: The line number specified was found to be invalid (non-numeric, less than 1, or greater than the maximum specified at system definition). System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICLJ0, DFSICLN0, DFSICL30, DFSICL50, DFSICL70, DFSICL80, DFSIC440, DFSIDP60, DFSIDP70, DFSIDP80 DFS151 LTERM KEYWORD PARAMETER IS INVALID

Explanation: HD Reload utility encountered logical end of file while reading the DFSUINPT data set, but no records were found to insert into the database being reloaded. System action: Processing terminates with a return code of 4. Programmer Response: Verify that the proper data set was supplied to the HD Reload utility. The proper data set is produced by a previous execution of the HD Unload utility for the specified database. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 35 Module: DFSURGL0 DFS146 TRAN KEYWORD PARAMETER NOT PRESENT

Explanation: The logical terminal name specified is not defined to the system. If this IMS system is part of a sysplex using the IMS Resource Manager, the logical terminal (LTERM) name might be actively on or owned by another IMS system. As a result, the LTERM name would not be found on this IMS, even if it was statically defined to the system. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with the proper LTERM parameter. Module: DFSICA10, DFSICLE0, DFSICLJ0, DFSICL70, DFSICV10 DFS152 PTERM KEYWORD PARAMETER IS INVALID

Explanation: The transaction keyword has no parameter specifying which transaction. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL80, DFSICL90, DFSIC430, DFSIDP40 DFS147 REQUIRED KEYWORD PARAMETER NOT PRESENT

Explanation: One or more keywords specified in this command were without parameters. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSCML70, DFSICLG0, DFSICLN0, DFSICLQ0, DFSICL10, DFSICL70, DFSICM00, DFSICV10, DFSIC460, DFSIDPC0, DFSIDPD0, DFSIDP30, DFSIDP40 DFS148 FORMAT KEYWORD PARAMETER NOT PRESENT

Explanation: The physical terminal specified is not numeric, or the line has no terminal specified by that relative number. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Check the system as defined and reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICLJ0, DFSICL30, DFSICL50, DFSICL70, DFSIDP80 DFS153 DATABASE KEYWORD PARAMETER IS INVALID

Explanation: The database specified could not be found as a defined database for this system. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Correct the parameter and reenter the command.

Explanation: The FORMAT keyword was entered, but the parameter specifying which data set to format was omitted. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL20


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS154I DFS160

Explanation: The command xxxxxxxxxx is invalid without the specified component. Up to 10 characters of the command verb are included in the error message. The component is one of the following: CQS FAST PATH MSC VTAM System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Start IMS with the specified component and reenter the command. Module: DFSICL30 DFS155 CHECKPOINT KEYWORD PARAMETER IS INVALID

Explanation: The priority of a transaction must be 0 through 14; all other parameters are invalid. For BMP transactions, the normal and limit priorities cannot be changed using the /ASSIGN command. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL70 DFS158 PARAMETER ALL IS NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS COMMAND

Explanation: This message was generated for one of the following reasons: v Line ALL cannot be specified if PTERM is specified. v For /LOCK or /UNLOCK with LTERM ALL, one or more of the logical terminals had password security protection. v Parameter ALL is not supported in this form of the command. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with a specific parameter. For a specification of LINE ALL, reenter without the PTERM keyword to broadcast to all lines. For the /LOCK or /UNLOCK commands, another form of the command must be used which allows a password to be specified. Check for the other /LOCK and /UNLOCK command formats. Module: DFSIDPD0, DFSIDP60, DFSICL10, DFSICL80, DFSICL90 DFS159 FORMAT KEYWORD PARAMETER IS INVALID

Explanation: A nonzero checkpoint ID was specified for the CHECKPOINT parameter in the restart command. Since IMS determines the correct checkpoint to use for restart, the only CHECKPOINT parameter accepted as an override is zero. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: If you are starting IMS for the first time (no previous shutdown), or if you want to restart using the checkpoint taken during IMS cold start, take one of the following actions: v Reissue the restart command specifying CHECKPOINT 0. v Omit the CHECKPOINT keyword and reissue the restart command. Module: DFSICL20 DFS156 TRAN KEYWORD PARAMETER IS INVALID

Explanation: The TRAN keyword parameter was invalid for one of the following reasons: v The name specified for the transaction keyword was not a valid transaction code. v The command does not allow a parameter after the transaction keyword, but a parameter was entered. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICLE0, DFSIC430, DFSIDP30

Explanation: The parameter specified for the FORMAT keyword is not recognizable by the system. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Check IMS Version 9: Command Reference, and reenter the command. Module: DFSICL20 DFS160 MSDB PARAMETER INVALID WITH GLOBAL KEYWORD

Explanation: Reserved parameter MSDB is not supported with the GLOBAL keyword. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command without keyword GLOBAL.
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS161 DFS0168I

Explanation: The limit or process count must be greater than zero and less than 65 536. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL70 DFS162 PASSWORD IS INVALID

Explanation: IMS issues this message for the following reasons: v The OLDS/SLDS did not contain the desired checkpoint or the checkpoint was invalid. v IMS is searching for the restart checkpoint. See message DFS2405I for more information. If the OLDS data sets are not being used, the PRIOLDS and SECOLDS records need to be removed from the RECON. Archive and error status flags do not exclude logs from restart processing. System action: IMS waits for another restart command. System Operator Response: Reissue the restart /NRE or /ERE command. Module: DFSRBCP0

Explanation: The password supplied is invalid. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Check with local security control for the proper password for the specified logical terminal, and reenter the command. Module: DFSICA10, DFSICLE0, DFSICL90 DFS163 KEYWORD IS INVALID

Explanation: One or more keywords specified are invalid for the command being entered; or keyword used is for an optional feature (such as VTAM or FAST PATH) not in your system. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Check the command format in IMS Version 9: Command Reference, and reenter the command. Module: DFSCML70, DFSICA10, DFSICLD0, DFSICLE0, DFSICLG0, DFSICLJ0, DFSICLN0, DFSICLQ0, DFSICLU0, DFSICL10, DFSICL20, DFSICL40, DFSICL60, DFSICL70, DFSICL90, DFSICM00, DFSICVA0, DFSIC460, DFSIDPK0, DFSIDP00, DFSIDP80 DFS164 FIRST KEYWORD IS INVALID



Explanation: This message is generated when the operator requests one of the following invalid combinations: v Normal warm start from a simple checkpoint v BLDQ type restart from a FREEZE or SIMPLE checkpoint v Non-BLDQ type restart from a PURGE or DUMPQ checkpoint v /ERE command specifying CHKPT 0, but the checkpoint returned by the logger is not a cold-start checkpoint. System action: IMS waits for another RESTART command to be entered. Master Terminal Operator Response: Enter the correct command or enter a cold start. If a cold start is to be done, IMS must be reloaded because the prior restart command might have modified the control blocks. A cold start assumes that the control blocks have not been previously used. Problem determination: 4, 5 Module: DFSRBCP0

Explanation: The first keyword of the command is invalid for the /ASSIGN command. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Check the format, and reenter the command. Module: DFSCML70, DFSICL70 DFS165 COMMAND VERB IS INVALID

Explanation: The command verb could not be recognized as valid. System action: The command is ignored.



Explanation: This message is generated if the user has changed either the IMS checkpoint or loaded blocks


Messages and Codes Volume 2

since the specified checkpoint was taken. For an explanation of the reason code, see abend 0168 in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U0168. Programmer response: See the description of abend U0168 in this manual and in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis. Master Terminal Operator Response: Either cold start the system, or re-IPL IMS with the nucleus that was used when the checkpoint was taken and attempt the warm start again. Problem determination: 4, 5 Module: DBFEROCO, DBFNRSTO, DFSRLP00 DFS171A SECURITY LOAD FAILED RC=aabb Explanation: This message is generated when new security was requested and could not be loaded correctly. The security loaded with the system is unmodified. A combination of load failures will produce a return code that is the sum of the individual return codes for each failure. Some of the possible causes for the load failures are I/O errors, an unauthorized library, or insufficient storage. The following hexadecimal digits describe the security load failures (aa) and the configuration failures (bb), respectively: Security Load Failures (aa) X'01' Matrix data set open failure X'02' Unused X'04' Unused X'08' AGT security load failure X'10' Sign-on security load failure X'20' Transaction CMD load failure X'40' Password security load failure X'80' Terminal security load failure Configuration Failures (bb) X'01' Unused X'02' Unused X'04' Unused X'08' Unused X'10' Sign-on security configuration inconsistent X'20' Transaction security configuration inconsistent X'40' Password security configuration inconsistent X'80' Terminal security configuration inconsistent System action: IMS initialization continues. The security loaded with the system is unmodified. Programmer response: If the IMS nucleus has been regenerated, make sure that the IMS Security Maintenance utility has been run against the new nucleus. Also, ensure that the security table and matrix modules produced by the Security Maintenance utility are available to the system. Load failures will also occur if the matrix data sets are not APF authorized to the system. Problem determination: 1, 4, 8, and the output from
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I



Explanation: The command verb and individual keywords might be valid on the RSR (database level tracking (DLT) or recovery level tracking (RLT)) tracker; however, the combination is not supported. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: See IMS Version 9: Command Reference for variations of commands that are supported on an RSR tracker. Module: DFSICM30, DFSIC4C0, DFSIDP30

| DFS168I


Explanation: This message is generated if the user has changed either the IMS checkpoint or loaded blocks since the specified checkpoint was taken. For an explanation of the reason code, see abend 0168 in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U0168. Programmer response: See the description of abend U0168 in this manual and in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis. Master Terminal Operator Response: Either cold start the system, or re-IPL IMS with the nucleus that was used when the checkpoint was taken and attempt the warm start again. Problem determination: 4, 5 Module: DBFEROCO, DBFNRSTO, DFSRLP00 DFS169I INITIALIZATION IN PROGRESS, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: The tracking subsystems log routing function is initializing and cannot respond to the command. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command at a later time. Module: DFSIDPO0


DFS172 DFS179

Explanation: The command was entered on a system that is not RSR-capable. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: If RSR capability is desired, define the IMS system as an RSR-capable system and reenter the command. Module: DFSIC4B0, DFSICM30, DFSIDPO0 DFS177 DATA FOLLOWED EOB OR EOM. REENTER MESSAGE

Explanation: During multiple physical page input processing, input data was entered from a partition that was not the previously inputting partition. An input message was not created. System action: If an output message was in progress, it is returned to the message queue. Input data is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: If an output message was in progress, request the next message to obtain it. See IMS Version 9: Command Reference for multiple physical page input procedures. Problem determination: 16 Module: DFSCFEI0 DFS173I A NORMALLY COMPLETED JOB MAY NOT BE BACKED OUT IF THE IRLM WAS ACTIVE

Explanation: No data is allowed to follow an EOB or EOM in an IBM 2740 Model 2 buffer. The operator must retype the entire message. System action: The message is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Route the message back to the inputting terminal. Module: DFSDN040 DFS178I INTERNAL ERROR, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: Database Backout is executing. DBRC=C was specified for this execution, and IRLM was active in the previous execution. System action: The backout job terminates with a nonzero return code. Module: DFSBCKI0 DFS174 AREA|DATABASE|DATAGROUP KEYWORD NOT PRESENT

Explanation: This message is issued when DBRC detects an internal error when it is called to return a list of database or area names for the following commands: DBRECOVERY DATAGROUP START DATAGROUP STOP DATAGROUP This message is also issued for internal errors that result from an online change command, such as: v /MODIFY ABORT v TERMINATE OLC v /MODIFY COMMIT v INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) v /MODIFY PREPARE v INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) System action: The command is rejected. Module: DFSIC4C0, DFSICM40, DFSICV30, DFSICV80, DFSOLC10, DFS179 TERMINATION IN PROGRESS, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND.

Explanation: Keyword AREA, DATABASE, or DATAGROUP was not presented on a /DBDUMP or /DBRECOVERY command. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Correct the command and reenter it. Module: DFSICM40 DFS175 DATABASE|DATAGROUP KEYWORD PARAMETER NOT PRESENT.

Explanation: The DATABASE or DATAGROUP keyword was not followed by a parameter. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Correct the command, and reenter it. Module: DFSICM40, DFSIC4C0

Explanation: IMS is terminating. System action: The command is ignored. Module: DFSIDPO0, DFSIC4A0, DFSIC4B0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS180 DFS186

Explanation: A conversational command was entered for a terminal or user that had no active conversation. System action: The command was ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: If the user specified non-auto delete for paging and has not dequeued the conversational reply, this message can occur as a result of the /EXIT command being entered. If this is the case, to allow the system to continue, enter a question mark character (?) to dequeue the last paged message. Module: DFSICLH0 DFS181 INVALID OR MISSING KEYWORD

Explanation: The conversation specified by the ID of this command was not assigned to the terminal or user specified. Therefore, no action was taken. System action: The entered command is disregarded. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Correct the ID of the terminal or user specification and reenter the command. Module: DFSICLH0 DFS184 CONVERSATION IN USE. CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: One or more required keywords were not specified, or invalid keywords were specified for the command. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Check the format, and reenter the command properly. Module: DFSIC430, DFSIC460, DFSICLG0, DFSICLH0, DFSICLQ0, DFSICLW0, DFSICLY0, DFSICL40, DFSICL50, DFSICL60, DFSICM00, DFSICV10, DFSIDPB0 DFS182I INVALID OR MISSING PARAMETER

Explanation: One of the following occurred: v The conversation message is presently in the queue waiting to be processed by a message processing program. v The last output message is temporarily unavailable because of incomplete restart resynchronization. v The Use Manager LOCK request failed because the Conversation Control Block (CCB) is currently in use by some other process. System action: The entered command is disregarded.

Explanation: Either a parameter was missing for one or more of the specified keywords or it was invalidly specified. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the correct format of the command. If you received this message while running a command for a data group, or after entering a command for a data group, verify that you used the DBRC INIT.DBDSGRP GRPNAME(name) DBGRP(dbname) command to create the group. Module: DFSCML70, DFSICLE0, DFSICLG0, DFSICLH0, DFSICLJ0, DFSICLK0, DFSICLM0, DFSICLN0, DFSICLQ0, DFSICLW0, DFSICLU0, DFSICLY0, DFSICL10, DFSICL20, DFSICL50, DFSICL60, DFSICL70, DFSICL90, DFSICM00, DFSICM40, DFSICVA0, DFSIC410, DFSIC420, DFSIC430, DFSIC450, DFSIC460, DFSIC470, DFSIC480, DFSIDPL0, DFSIDP00, DFSIDP60, DFSIDP70, DFSIDP80, DFSIDPB0, DFSIDPH0, DFSIDPI0

| | | | | |

Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Wait for the response from the program before reentering the /HOLD or /EXIT command. If the conversation is in use because of incomplete restart resynchronization or if the CCB is in use by some other process, this condition should exist for only a short amount of time. Module: DFSICLH0 DFS185 CONVERSATION NOT SCHEDULED, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: The conversation is still in the process of beginning. System action: The entered command is disregarded. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Wait for the first message to be completed before reentering the command. Module: DFSICLH0 DFS186 CONVERSATION ID IS INVALID

Explanation: The parameter entered as an ID for the conversation is not four characters long, is an invalid conversation number for this system, or is for an inactive conversation. System action: The entered command is disregarded. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly.

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS187 DFS194W

Explanation: The specified terminal component caused an I/O error. System action: The terminal component is shut down. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Correct the problem, and enter the proper component restart command to continue output. Module: DFSDN020, DFSDS020 DFS191 CANNOT OUTPUT PRINTER 2

Explanation: There are no conversations held for the current terminal. If any were held they have been terminated or released already through the /RELEASE or /EXIT command. System action: The entered command is disregarded. Module: DFSICLH0 DFS188 CONVERSATION IN PROCESS, CANNOT ACTIVATE ANOTHER

Explanation: The specified terminal component caused an I/O error. System action: The terminal component is shut down. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Correct the problem, and enter the proper component restart command to continue output. Module: DFSDN020, DFSDS020 DFS192 CANNOT OUTPUT PUNCH 1

Explanation: Only one conversation can be active on a terminal at a time. System action: The entered command is disregarded. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: If you want to activate a new conversation, either exit the current one or hold it before reentering the /RELEASE command. Module: DFSICLH0 DFS189 TERMINAL OR USER NOT STOPPED AND IDLE, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: The specified terminal component caused an I/O error. System action: The terminal component is shut down. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Correct the problem, and enter the proper component restart command to continue output. Module: DFSDN020, DFSDS020 DFS193 CANNOT OUTPUT PUNCH 2

Explanation: The terminal or user must be stopped or idle, or both, before the command can be processed. For /DEQUEUE LINE, LTERM, MSNAME, or NODE command, the line, MSC link, or node must be stopped and idle if the PURGE/PURGE1 keyword is specified. For /DEQUEUE LUNAME, the LU 6.2 destination must be stopped. For /DEQUEUE USER, the user must be stopped if the PURGE/PURGE1 keyword is specified. For /EXIT command, the line or node must be stopped and idle to protect the conversational user from having the conversation terminated while entering a segment for it. System action: The entered command is disregarded. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: For /DEQUEUE LINE, /DEQUEUE LTERM, /DEQUEUE MSNAME, and /DEQUEUE NODE, stop and idle the line/node/link. For /DEQUEUE LUNAME, stop the LU 6.2 destination. For /DEQUEUE USER, stop the user. Module: DFSICLH0, DFSICLJ0, DFSICL50

Explanation: The specified terminal component caused an I/O error. System action: The terminal component is shut down. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Correct the problem, and enter the proper component restart command to continue output. Module: DFSDN020, DFSDS020 DFS194W DATA BASE xxxxxxxx REFERENCED BY PSB yyyyyyyy IS NOT REGISTERED WITH DBRC.

Explanation: The named database referenced by the named PSB is not registered with DBRC. IMS will treat the database as though exclusive use was specified for the subsystem by the user. System action: The PSB scheduling continues. Programmer response: Take one of the following actions: v If data base integrity protection is desired in the data sharing environment, register the database to DBRC.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS195 DFS203
v If the registration is not desirable, make sure that no application program currently updates the database across subsystems. Master Terminal Operation: Notify your IMS system programmer of the message. Module: DFSDBAU0 DFS195 UNABLE TO ACQUIRE BUFFER FOR LOOP TEST DFS199 BTAM DISCONNECTED LINE x PTERM y

Explanation: BTAM error recovery disconnected the line because of I/O errors. BTAM logs the error on the system console (switched and dial communication lines only). Remote Terminal Operator Response: The remote terminal operator has to sign onto the system again. Module: DFSCBTC0, DFSCBTH0, DFSDS020, DFSDS040, DFSDS050, DFSDS060 DFS200 IMS DISCONNECTED LINE XXX

Explanation: No buffer is available to start a loop test operation. System action: The command is retried. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: If this situation persists, contact systems operation personnel. Module: DFSICL50 DFS196 INPUT ONLY DEVICE, TEST/LOOPTEST INVALID

Explanation: On a 1050 switched communication line, an error occurred while attempting to send to PRINTER 1 or read from the keyboard. On a 2741 or 3275 switched line, an uncorrectable I/O error occurred. System action: IMS disconnected the terminal. The line was restarted. You can attempt reconnection if you want. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: On a 1050, check the switch setting at the remote terminal. On a 2741 or 3275, no action is required. Module: DFSDS020, DFSDS040, DFSDS050, DFSDS060 DFS201 INVALID LTERM CHAIN FOR FORMAT SPECIFIED

Explanation: /TEST and /LOOPTEST commands cannot be entered from an input-only terminal. System action: The command is ignored. Programmer response: Contact your IMS system programmer for assistance. Module: DFSICL50 DFS197 CONVERSATION NOT ALLOWED ON SHARED LOGICAL TERMINAL

Explanation: More than one physical terminal is using the logical terminal assigned to your terminal, or it is assigned to another terminal for output. Conversational transactions cannot be entered from this type of communication network. System action: The requested conversation is not started. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: If the transaction is required, request the master terminal operator to assign an unshared logical terminal to this PTERM. Module: DFSCON00 DFS198 SHUTDOWN IN PROCESS

Explanation: The LTERM specified in a /ASSIGN command is the input LTERM for multiple physical terminals (LTERMs). System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command, using proper format to cause the desired results. See IMS Version 9: Command Reference. Module: DFSICL70 DFS202 2770/2265 PROCEDURAL ERROR.

Explanation: The /TRACE SET ON or /TRACE SET OFF command was entered with no monitor parameters specified. System action: Processing continues.

Explanation: Shutdown was already in progress when the /DISPLAY SHUTDOWN STATUS command was entered. Status request is ignored when shutdown is at a point where no messages are in progress, and no communication lines or physical terminals are active. System action: Shutdown continues. Module: DFSIDP90

Entering Terminal Operator Response: Reset the terminal, and retry the operation. Module: DFSDN070 DFS203 LOOPTEST NOT VALID FOR THIS LINE

Explanation: A /LOOPTEST command has been entered for a switched line, or a remote processor line, that is, a System/3 or System/7. A /LOOPTEST command is not
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS204 DFS208I
valid for these types of lines. System action: The command is ignored. Module: DFSICL50 DFS204 INVALID LTERM ASSIGNMENT FOR 2770. queue data sets. Note also that the FORMAT parameter must be used to format this data set during restart. See IMS Version 9: Command Reference, Normal Restart command. If a SNAPQ has been issued, the system continues to run, but it approaches the threshold value on the queue data set. If the system abends, increase the queue data set allocation and restart the system from the SNAPQ checkpoint using the /ERE BUILDQ command. Module: DFSQMGR0 DFS207I SMSG D/S LIMIT REACHED. MUST REBUILD.

Explanation: An invalid LTERM assignment has been made for a 2770 terminal. The terminal has a component LTERM assigned to an input-only component slot. The terminal was stopped. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Ensure that system definition for the terminal was correctly specified. Master Terminal Operator Response: As a temporary circumvention, reassign the LTERM in error. Module: DFSDN090 DFS205 STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR BUILDING PARTITION CIBS

Explanation: A record has been allocated within the shutdown area on the IMS.SHMSG system data set. System action: An internal /CHE DUMPQ command has been initiated and in most cases, the system will shutdown. In an XRF environment a /CHE SNAPQ will be initiated if there are VSO areas that have I/O tolerated data, and the system will not shutdown. z/OS System Operator Response: If the system shuts down, increase the space allocation for the IMS.SHMSG system data set and restart from the DUMPQ checkpoint which follows the message. Note that secondary allocation is not normally applicable to IMS queue data sets. The FORMAT parameter must be used to reformat this data set during restart. See IMS Version 9: Command Reference, Normal Restart command. For additional information about recovery from message queue errors, see the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide. If a SNAPQ has been issued, the system continues to run, but it approaches the threshold value on the queue data set. If the system abends, increase the queue data set allocation and restart the system from the SNAPQ checkpoint using the /ERE BUILDQ command. Module: DFSQMGR0 DFS208I LMSG D/S LIMIT REACHED. MUST REBUILD.

Explanation: MFS received a message to build partition CIBS (communication interface block storage), but was unable to acquire storage to build partition CIBS. System action: The LTERM was marked inoperable, and the message causing the problem was returned to the message queue. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact your IMS system programmer for assistance. If use of the LTERM is to continue, a /START LTERM xxx command must be issued. The message can be removed from the message queue with the /DEQUEUE LTERM P1 PURGE1 command. Programmer response: Send the output message when system activity has decreased and more storage is available, or increase the main storage available to IMS. Module: DFSCFEO0 DFS206 QBLK D/S LIMIT REACHED. MUST REBUILD.

Explanation: A record has been allocated within the shutdown area on the IMS.LGMSG system data set. System action: An internal /CHE DUMPQ command has been initiated and in most cases, the system will shutdown. In an XRF environment a /CHE SNAPQ will be initiated if there are VSO areas that have I/O tolerated data, and the system will not shutdown. z/OS System Operator Response: If the system shuts down, increase the space allocation for the IMS.LGMSG system data set and restart from the DUMPQ checkpoint which follows the message. Note that secondary allocation is not normally applicable to IMS queue data sets. The FORMAT parameter must be used to reformat this data set during restart. See IMS Version 9: Command Reference, Normal Restart command. For additional information about recovery from message

Explanation: A record was allocated within the shutdown area on the IMS.QBLKS system data set. System action: An internal /CHE DUMPQ command was initiated and in most cases, the system will shut down. In an XRF environment a /CHE SNAPQ will be initiated if there are VSO areas that have I/O tolerated data, and the system will not shut down. z/OS System Operator Response: If the system shuts down, increase the space allocation for the IMS.QBLKS system data set and restart from the DUMPQ checkpoint which follows the message. Note that secondary allocation is not normally applicable to IMS


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS209 DFS214
queue errors, see the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide. If a SNAPQ has been issued, the system continues to run, but it approaches the threshold value on the queue data set. If the system abends, increase the queue data set allocation and restart the system from the SNAPQ checkpoint using the /ERE BUILDQ command. Module: DFSQC010 DFS209 STOP FOR DEPENDENT REGION IN PROGRESS, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND. An assignment that splits the logical terminal for VTAM nodes is not allowed. The format of the command is: /ASSIGN INPUT LTERM lterm1 TO NODE node1 /ASSIGN OUTPUT LTERM lterm1 TO NODE node1 /ASSIGN LTERM lterm1 TO LTERM lterm2 (where lterm1 or lterm2 is associated with a VTAM node). Nodes or users that were only created to retain status data and have not been logged on or signed on are not allowed in an /ASSIGN command. For example, a /TRACE SET ON NODE command that creates a node with a status of trace, in anticipation of the terminal logging on, is not allowed as a node parameter in the /ASSIGN command. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Enter a valid form of the /ASSIGN command. Module: DFSICL70 DFS212 PTERM IN USE, CANNOT PROCESS

Explanation: A /STOP or /PSTOP command is currently in process. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command. If the message is received after several attempts, terminate the IMS system by using an MVS modify F command, and contact your IMS system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 4, 6, 7, 25 Module: DFSIC470 DFS210 LTERM MAY NOT BE REASSIGNED

Explanation: The system console LTERM and inquiry LTERM cannot be reassigned. If a given physical terminal has only one LTERM assigned to it, that LTERM cannot be reassigned unless the physical terminal is inoperable. An LTERM cannot be reassigned to its own position. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with a different LTERM name. Module: DFSICL70 DFS211 INVALID REASSIGNMENT FOR NAMED LTERM

Explanation: The physical terminal is in conversational mode, in preset mode, in response mode, or is a signed-on subpool. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Wait for the terminal to be free or use another terminal. Module: DFSICLE0, DFSICL70 DFS213 COMMAND FORMAT IS INVALID FOR LTERM

Explanation: The /ASSIGN command format is invalid or the LTERM structure is invalid for the particular command operands. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Review the /ASSIGN command in IMS Version 9: Command Reference and reenter the command properly. Module: DFSICL70 DFS214 ASSIGNMENT TO SWITCHED LINES NOT ALLOWED

Explanation: An attempt was made to: v Assign the master terminal to an ineligible device v Make an improper assignment for VTAM nodes that would split the logical terminal v Make an improper assignment for a node or user that was created to retain status data. v Assign the output to an input only device. The master terminal cannot be assigned to any of the following: v A user v A switched line v An input-only terminal v An output-only terminal v An NTO terminal v An unattended SLUTYPE1 terminal v An LUTYPE6 node.

Explanation: LTERMs cannot be assigned to switched lines. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Assign the LTERM to a valid line. Module: DFSICL70

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS215I DFS222

Explanation: This command can be issued only on the IMS system designated as the command master. All commands entered from a local IMS (the MTO, a local user terminal, or AOI) will be treated as the command master. For a command entered from the Operations Manager (OM) TSO Single Point of Control (SPOC), only one IMS among those chosen by OM to process the command is treated as the command master. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: If you enter the /OPNDST command from OM TSO SPOC and you want to log the node onto a particular IMS, specify ROUTE(imsid). If your command doesnt specify ROUTE(imsid), the /OPNDST command is routed to all the IMS systems and IMS will only process the command on the IMS that is designated as the command master. The other IMSs will issue this message. Module: DFSICLQ0 DFS216 SYSTEM COMMAND FAILURE, NOTIFY SYSTEM PROGRAMMER

Explanation: User module DFSO7770 has passed incorrect information to the 7770 device module. System action: The line is stopped, and IMS continues processing. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Do not restart the line. Module: DFSDS030 DFS219 7770-3 USER SIGN ON EDIT ERROR, LINE STOPPED. LINE xxx PTERM nnn

Explanation: User module DFSS7770 has passed incorrect information to the 7770 device module. System action: The line is stopped and IMS continues processing. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Do not restart the line. Module: DFSDS030 DFS220 NO MESSAGE IS AVAILABLE FOR REPEAT.

Explanation: The command processor detected either an error that was unrecoverable or an invalid interface with a command action module. System action: The entered command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Note the command that caused the message, and notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 6, 36 Module: DFSDBDR0, DFSICLC0, DFSICLG0, DFSICLH0, DFSICLJ0, DFSICLN0, DFSICLP0, DFSICLZ0, DFSICL40, DFSICL60, DFSIC410, DFSIC420, DFSIC430, DFSIC440, DFSIC450, DFSIC460, DFSIC470, DFSIDP60, DFSIDPB0, DFSIDPH0, DFSIDPK0 DFS217 7770-3 USER INPUT EDIT ERROR, LINE STOPPED. LINE xxx PTERM nnn

Explanation: A 7770 terminal has requested that a message be repeated. Either no message has been sent previously to the caller, or a READ/WRITE queue error occurred while retrieving the last output message. System action: IMS continues processing. Master Terminal Operator Response: Continue normal processing, and do not use repeat until you have received an output message. Module: DFSDS030, DFSICIO0 DFS221 7770-3 CONTROL UNIT HAS MAKE BUSY SWITCH SET FOR LINE xxx PTERM nnn

Explanation: User module DFSI7770 has passed incorrect information to the 7770 device module. System action: The line stops and processing continues. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Do not restart the line. Module: DFSDS030

Explanation: The 7770 control unit for LINE xxx has the make-busy switch on. System action: IMS continues processing. Master Terminal Operator Response: If the switch action is intentional, continue normal processing. If it is not intentional, make sure that the switch is turned off and then START the LINE and PTERM to continue. Module: DFSDS030 DFS222 INVALID PAGE REQUEST

Explanation: The format of the request-for-new-page entry is improper or incorrect. System action: The request is ignored.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS223 DFS0226A

Explanation: Before issuing the IMS ready message, the control region will wait, if necessary, for the DBRC region to initialize. name is the name of the member in SYS1.PROCLIB which contains the DBRC region JCL. System action: The control region waits for the DBRC region to initialize. System Operator Response: Use the z/OS command D A,L to determine if the DBRC job exists. If so, no action is required. DBRC will eventually complete its initialization and the IMS Ready message will be issued. If the DBRC JCL had an error, it is not necessary to cancel the control region if the corrected procedure is manually started from the z/OS console. Programmer response: In the case of a JCL error, correct the DBRC region JCL. Module: DFSXCIC0 DFS0226A CTL REGION WAITING FOR CQS (name) RESPONSE TO CONNECT REQUEST - imsid

Explanation: You requested a page before the first page or after the last page of this message. System action: The request is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: v If the device is a 2260 or a 2265, Reenter the request for a page within this message, or Enter a question mark (?). v If the device is a 3270 display, a 3600 display, or a remote program using the MFS DPM formatting function, The original message is still on the queue for this LTERM. If only one LTERM is assigned to this physical terminal, a NEXTMSG request (or pressing the PA2 key on a 3270 or SLU2 device) will get the first physical page of the original message. If multiple LTERMS are assigned to this physical terminal, a NEXTMSG request (or pressing the PA2 key on a 3270 or SLU2 device) will get the first physical page of a message destined to the next LTERM assigned to this physical terminal. Pressing any key other than the PA2 key (on a 3270 or SLU2 device) will cause a new message to be displayed while the original is still on the queue. v If the terminal is programmable, Notify the system programmer. Programmer response: If the terminal is programmable, check the logic to determine how paging requests are sent to IMS. Module: DFSCFEO0, DFSCFEP0, DFSPAGE0 DFS224 MULTI-PAGE MESSAGE NOT IN PROCESS, REQUEST IGNORED

Explanation: This message indicates that the IMS control region has issued the CQS CONNECT request and is waiting for a response from CQS. The message is issued before message DFS810 for systems: v That are not XRF capable v During IMS restart for XRF active systems v During XRF takeover for XRF alternate systems. If the CQS region is stopped after IMS connects to CQS, IMS must reconnect to CQS after the CQS region becomes available again. This message is also issued during reconnect processing. In the message text: name The name specified by the CQS= parameter. This can be either the name of the SYS1.PROCLIB member containing the CQS region JCL, or the name of the member containing the MVS START command used to start the CQS procedure. imsid The IMS identifier. System action: The control region waits for the CQS region to respond to the CONNECT request. The CQS region cannot complete the CONNECT request until CQS completes initialization and issues the CQS READY message, CQS0020. System Operator Response: If CQS is initializing, no action is required. CQS will complete CONNECT processing. If CQS issued a WTOR as part of CQS initialization, respond to the WTOR to allow CQS initialization to complete. If the CQS address space fails before it responds to the CONNECT request, the IMS
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I

Explanation: A paging request was made while a message was being viewed which was not formatted as a multiple-page message. Therefore, the request cannot be honored. System action: The request is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Resubmit the request. Module: DFSCFEP0, DFSPAGE0


DFS227A DFS233
control region is notified and no action is necessary. Module: DFSSQ020 DFS227A CTL REGION WAITING FOR DLS REGION (name) INIT System action: IMS initialization continues. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer of the receipt of this message. Programmer response: The sizes of the two PSB pools are specified with the SASPSB parameter on the BUFPOOLS system definition macro and with the CSAPSB= and DLIPSB= parameters on the control region JCL. Normally, the DL/I subordinate address space PSB pool should be much larger than the CSA PSB pool. Module: DFSIINS0 DFS230 TRAN SPECIFIED WITH ABDUMP OR TRAN KEYWORD IS NOT VALID

Explanation: Before issuing the IMS Ready message, the control region will wait, if necessary, for the DL/I subordinate address space to initialize. name is the name of the member in SYS1.PROCLIB which contains the DL/I subordinate address space JCL. System action: The control region waits for the DL/I subordinate address space to initialize. System Operator Response: Use the z/OS command D A,L to determine if the DL/I subordinate address space job exists. If so, no action is required. DL/I subordinate address space will eventually complete its initialization and the IMS Ready message will be issued. If the DL/I subordinate address space JCL had an error, it is not necessary to cancel the control region if the corrected DL/I subordinate address space procedure is manually started from the z/OS console.

Explanation: The transaction name specified with the ABDUMP or TRAN keyword is not a valid transaction name or is missing. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with a valid transaction name. Module: DFSIC470 DFS231 ONLY ONE REGION MAY BE SPECIFIED WITH ABDUMP, TRAN, OR CANCEL

| | | |

If the DLISAS region appears to be started, it is possible that DLISAS is actually waiting for the DBRC region to initialize. Also check the DBRC region JCL for errors. Programmer response: In the case of a JCL error, correct the DL/I subordinate address space region JCL. Module: DFSXCIC0 DFS228I DLS REGION DYNAMIC ALLOCATION INITIALIZED DLS REGION STORAGE COMPRESSION INITIALIZED DLS REGION INITIALIZATION COMPLETE DLS RECALL TCB INITIALIZATION COMPLETE

Explanation: More than one region ID has been specified in a /STOP REGION command that has the ABDUMP TRAN or CANCEL keyword specified. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with only one region ID specified. Module: DFSIC470 DFS232 CLASS PARAMETER IS MISSING OR INVALID




Explanation: A command has been issued with the CLASS keyword. The parameter following the class keyword is either (1) an invalid class number or (2) not specified. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with the correct CLASS parameter. Module: DFSICL70, DFSIC430

Explanation: Initialization for the indicated function in the DL/I subordinate address space has successfully completed. Module: DFSXBC60, DFSXDL10, DFSXDYA0 DFS0229W CSA PSB POOL SIZE GT OR EQ TO DLS PSB POOL SIZE


Explanation: The DL/I subordinate address space option was selected. IMS initialization determined that the size of the CSA PSB pool was equal to or larger than the size of the PSB pool in DL/I subordinate address space local storage.


Explanation: Text was entered from a terminal in TEST mode. No LTERM is assigned to the terminal, so the test cannot be performed. System action: The data entered is ignored.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS234 DFS240
Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response:/ASSIGN an LTERM to the terminal or enter /END, removing the terminal from test mode. Module: DFSICIO0, DFSCFEO0, DFSCFEP0, DFSPAGE0 DFS234 INVALID RETURN FROM PAGING the proper LINE/PTERM/LTERM combination, and reenter the command. Module: DFSICLJ0 DFS239 NO PARAMETER ALLOWED WITH PURGE OR PURGE1.

Explanation: While processing an input message, the Paging Processor returned to an invalid location in the calling module. System action: The input is ignored. Programmer response: This is an IMS logic error. Call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSCFEI0 DFS235 SYSIN DATA STREAM CLOSED

Explanation: PURGE requests that all messages for the specified terminal be dequeued and PURGE1 requests that the top message for the specified logical terminal be dequeued. No parameter is allowed. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command in the proper format. Module: DFSICLJ0 DFS240 UNABLE TO COMPLETE DEQUEUE PURGE/PURGE1

Explanation: A SYSIN data stream was read. Module: DFSDN150 DFS236 TERMINAL IS NOT RECEIVING A MESSAGE.

Explanation: The command was rejected because of one of the following reasons: v OTMA has sent the output message to the client. OTMA cannot perform dequeue processing until it receives an acknowledgment, ACK or NAK, from the client. v An IMS conversation exists between the specified terminal and an application program. v An error was detected in the process of dequeuing messages. This should not occur during normal IMS operation. DFSQMGR0 has returned a code other than 0 or 8. v For the LU 6.2 device, an LU 6.2 conversation is in progress. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: If an IMS conversation exists, use the /EXIT command to terminate the IMS conversation and dequeue the messages. For the LU 6.2 device, stop the device and end the LU 6.2 conversation using the VTAM 'V NET,INACT' command. If an IMS conversation does not exist, or if LU 6.2 support or OTMA support is not used, notify the IMS system programmer. Ensure that the OTMA client sends an ACK or NAK message to IMS before the TPIPE is stopped for dequeue processing. If the ACK or NACK cannot be sent by the OTMA client, issue a /STOP OTMA command and dequeue the message. Problem determination: 5, 6, 7, 36 Module: DFSICLJ0

Explanation: A /DEQUEUE command was received for a terminal that was not receiving a message. If LTERM was specified, the PTERM might be receiving, but the LTERM was not. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Verify that the proper PTERM or LTERM, or both parameters were specified and that the terminal was receiving a message. The PURGE keyword can be used to dequeue all messages if the LINE is stopped and idle. Module: DFSICLJ0 DFS237 DUPLICATE KEYWORDS ARE INVALID.

Explanation: Only one entry of each keyword can appear in the command. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the correct command. Module: DFSICLJ0, DFSICLN0, DFSICVA0 DFS238 LTERM NOT ASSIGNED TO LINE/PTERM

Explanation: The LTERM specified in the command is not assigned to the LINE and PTERM specified. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Identify

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS241 DFS247
DFS241 EXCLUSIVE CMD INVALID FOR INPUT TERMINAL System action: MFS TEST mode has been reset for this terminal. Programmer response: For an explanation of the failure, see message DFS271. If format blocks are currently being added to the test library, I/O errors might result; retry when additions are complete. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: A request for the next message will result in an IMS attempt to fetch MFS blocks from the production library. Problem determination: Log record type X'67', subrecord X'01', ID'FERR', which contains diagnostic information, is produced if /TRACE is set on for PTERM at the time of failure. Module: DFSCFEO0 DFS246 SPACE EXCEEDEDTEST MODE RESET

Explanation: The /EXCLUSIVE command with the LINE/PTERM parameter is only applicable when the PTERM describes a terminal which has no input capability. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Ensure that proper terminal type and parameters are used, and reissue the command. Module: DFSICL50 DFS242 AUDITORS KEY REQUIRED

Explanation: An output message exists for a 2980 Model 4 terminal, requiring the auditors key to be inserted in order to receive the message. Master Terminal Operator Response: The auditors key should be inserted and a question mark (?) entered. This will cause IMS to again attempt transmission of the message. Module: DFSDN110 DFS243 TRANSACTION BUSYREENTER COMMAND

Explanation: While in MFS TEST mode, the space required for test format blocks was exceeded. MFS TEST format blocks are loaded in the CIOP pool below the 16M line. This message is issued if the CIOP pool does not have sufficient storage below the line. System action: MFS TEST mode has been reset for this terminal. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: If a terminal on another line is also in MFS TEST mode, a retry might be successful when that terminal is not active or is out of MFS TEST mode. If no other terminals are in MFS TEST mode, the blocks exceed the maximum space defined and are not available in MFS TEST mode. In addition, you can reduce the use of storage below the 16M in the CIOP pool. Problem determination: Log record type X'67', subrecord X'01', ID'FERR', which contains diagnostic information, is produced if /TRACE is set on for PTERM at the time of failure. Module: DFSCFEO0, DFSCFE10 DFS247 FIELD LENGTH ERRORINPUT IGNORED

Explanation: An /ASSIGN command was issued with operands specifying a transaction currently being scheduled. System action: The command is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command after a short time has elapsed. Module: DFSICL70 DFS244 COMMAND INVALID FROM INPUTTING TERMINAL

Explanation: A /FORMAT command has been entered from a terminal which is not supported by the MFS. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: None. The /FORMAT command should not be entered from a terminal which is not supported by the MFS. Module: DFSICLK0 DFS245 UNABLE TO FETCH ERROR DEFAULT BLOCKTEST MODE RESET

Explanation: More data was received for a field than is valid for the format displayed. Probable causeterminal operator depressed the CLEAR key when the terminal was not protected from receiving output. System action: The input data was ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: If the last operator action before receiving the previous output was not a 'clear' or power offpower on sequence, notify your system programmer of a possible hardware or software problem. Module: DFSCFE00

Explanation: While in MFS TEST mode, an error occurred attempting to fetch MFS blocks for an output message. An error also occurred attempting to fetch the IMS error default blocks, DFSM03 and DFSDF2.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS248 DFS251I
DFS248 MID AND DIF ARE INCOMPATIBLEINPUT IGNORED Master Terminal Operator Response: Making the device ready will cause operation to resume. Any output messages in progress will be restarted. Any input in progress must be reentered. Module: DFSDN130 DFS251 REMOTE CONTROL UNIT INOPERABLE [LINE x PTERM y] hh.mm.ss CONTROL UNIT INOPERABLE LINE x PTERM y-z aa,bbbb,cc,dd,ee,ff,gg,hh, iiii,jjjj

Explanation: The MID and DIF in the active format data set were not processed by the MFS Language utility at the same time and are not usable for online editing. System action: The input is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Recompile the input MSG and FMT. Ensure that the FMT includes a DEV statement for the proper device type and features. Ensure also that the phase 4 output is inserted into the online format data set. Module: DFSCFEI0 DFS249 NO INPUT MESSAGE CREATED


Explanation: Note: The second form of the message is issued only for remote 3270 devices supported through BTAM. A remote control unit for one or more devices has become inoperable. All terminals associated with the failing control unit have been stopped. See z/OS system error message IEA000I for line and TCU errors or to IMS error message DFS973I for 3270 device errors. The following description applies to remote 3270 devices: Code y-z aa bbbb cc Meaning This field gives the range of PTERMs that are connected to the control unit. This field contains the ECB completion code. The DECTYPE field indicates the type of failing operation. The DECTPCOD field indicates the data communication operation code from the last CCW executed in the channel program. The DECFLAGS field contains the flag byte passed to IMS from BTAM. The field might contain information as to the cause of the failure. The DECSENS0 field contains the sense information from the DECB if the status in the CSW indicates a unit check. The DECERRST is the error status field from the DECB. The DECCSWST is the CSW status field from the DECB. This field contains the DDM code. When the 3270 DDM shuts down a component of the data communication network, a DDM reason code indicates why the DDM shut the component down. The DDM codes are described below. This field contains the BSCK return code. The
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I

Explanation: This message is issued when: v Editing of input data resulted in a message with no data, which is ignored by the system, or v A single segment message from a non-3270 device is canceled with '**' at the end of a message segment. v A send error occurs on an APPC (LU 6.2 conversation) for one of the following reasons: The IMS partner sent a data segment without any data (a null segment). User edit exit issued a return code of 8 (delete all) while processing incoming message segments. User edit exit issued a return code of 4 (delete current) for all segments while processing incoming message segments. The IMS partner issued receive without sending any data on an iteration of an IMS conversational transaction. System action: The input data was ignored and the system continues processing. Programmer response: If the message was issued when a send error occurred for an APPC, determine the type of error. If it was an unacceptable response, correct the error. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Enter all required input data for this format. If all required input data was entered, contact your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSCFEI0, DFSICIO0



ff gg




Explanation: An intervention-required situation has been detected on a device attached to a remote teleprocessing control unit. System action: The system waits for a READY indication. iiii


DFS252 DFS253I
code is passed from the BSC check routine (DFSBSCK0) to the DDM. The BSC check routine analyzes the I/O completion and passes a unique return code to the DDM, depending on the contents of the DECB fields. Note: A BSCK return code of X'0108' is set for a selection time-out from the remote control unit. If a port does not exist, a /START command must be issued which does not include the unavailable PTERMS. jjjj This field contains the SENSE/STATUS information from the 3270 device (if applicable). See IBM 3270 Information Display System for an explanation of the SENSE/STATUS codes. 09 10 Fewer than 5 bytes were read. Device address in data stream was invalid for a device on this control unit or line. Retries exhausted on temporary error.


The fields out of the BTAM DECB are shown as they are passed to IMS from BTAM. See OS/VS BTAM for an explanation of these fields. Master Terminal Operator Response: Correct the malfunction, and restart all terminals associated with the remote control unit for LINE x PTERM y. Any operations in progress will/must be restarted. Problem determination: 1, 6, 23, 24 Module: DFSC3270 (DFS251I), DFSDN030, DFSDN130 (DFS251) DFS252 ATTEMPT TO OUTPUT DETECTED BUSY CONDITION

The DDM codes (field hh) have the following meanings: Code (Dec) 01 Meaning Data received did not start with start-of-text/start-of-header (STX/SOH) or did not end with end-of-transmission block (ETB) or end-of text (ETX). An invalid attention-identification (AID) character was received from the 3270. One of the following occurred: v Start/stop (S/S) READ was performed, but data other than an S/S message was received. v Fewer than 9 bytes were read on an S/S READ. v S/S message did not have STX character in correct place. v Device address in S/S message does not match device address in communication terminal block (CTB). 04 05 06 Invalid return code passed back in CLBTEMP5 from DFSBSCK0. Invalid S/S combination received. S/S related to a copy operation was received, but no copy operation was in progress, or an error occurred on copy operation and DDM found invalid DECTYPE or data stream. Interrupt request invalidly received from the 3275 video display. Device end S/S message received, but DDM is not in READ setup or READ interrupt logic.
Messages and Codes Volume 2


Explanation: A busy condition has been detected on a device attached to a remote 3271/3275 or 3275 dial control unit. A busy condition is not considered normal at the time it was detected and is normally the result of an operation being attempted on a terminal when the screen is unprotected. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Any output messages in progress will be sent after this error message. Refrain from performing terminal operations on an unprotected screen. Module: DFSDN130, DFSDS060 DFS253 DFS253I Explanation: Note: The second form of the message is issued only for remote 3270 lines. The 270X for LINE x PTERM y is inoperable. All PTERMs on the line have been marked inoperable, and the line has been placed in an idle state. See z/OS system error message IEA000I for line and TCU errors or to IMS error message DFS973I for 3270 device errors. The following description applies to remote 3270 lines: Code y-z aa Meaning This field gives the range of PTERMs that are connected to the line. This field contains the ECB completion code. TCU INOPERABLE LINE x PTERM y hh.mm.ss TCU INOPERABLE LINE x PTERM y-z aa,bbbb,cc,dd, ee,ff,gg,hh,iiii,jjjj


07 08


DFS254 DFS258
bbbb cc The DECTYPE field indicates the type of failing operation. The DECTPCOD field indicates the data communication operation code from the last CCW executed in the channel program. The DECFLAGS field contains the flag byte passed to IMS from BTAM. The field might contain information as to the cause of the failure. The DECSENS0 field contains the sense information from the DECB if the status in the CSW indicates a unit check. The DECERRST is the error status field from the DECB. The DECCSWST is the CSW status field from the DECB. This field contains the DDM code. When the 3270 DDM shuts down a component of the data communication network, a DDM reason code is put in the CLBTEMP1 field to indicate why the DDM shut the component down. This field contains the BSCK return code. The code is passed from the BSC check routine (DFSBSCK0) to the DDM. The BSC check routine analyzes the I/O completion and passes a unique return code to the DDM, depending on the contents of the DECB fields. This field contains the SENSE/STATUS information from the 3270 device (if applicable). See IBM 3270 Information Display System for an explanation of the SENSE/STATUS codes. Module: DFSDN140 DFS255 COPY NOT ALLOWED


Explanation: A request has been made for a video display to be copied to a printer. However, the buffer on the display was "locked" by program action. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: If the display is intended to be "locked", it is not possible to copy the current display. If it is required to copy the current display, contact the person responsible for development of the 3270 terminal message formats in your installation. Module: DFSDN130 DFS256 PRINTER FOR COPY NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE


ff gg hh

Explanation: A copy operation has been requested on a 3270 terminal (and a printer is not currently available), or an intervention-required was returned by the printer component of a 3275. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Have the master terminal operator start the PTERMs which represent printers that can be candidates for a copy operation from the specified terminal. If an intervention-required situation exists on the printer component of a 3275 device, make the printers ready. Problem determination: Do a /DISPLAY LINE x PTERM ALL for the line containing the terminal. Problem determination: 4, 36 Module: DFSDN130, DFSDS060 DFS257 ERROR OCCURRED DURING LAST TRANSMISSION.



The fields out of the BTAM DECB are shown as they are passed to IMS from BTAM. See OS/VS BTAM for an explanation of these fields. Master Terminal Operator Response: Correct the malfunction, and issue a /START or /RSTART LINE x PTERM ALL command. Problem determination: 1, 6, 23, 24 Module: DFSC3270 (DFS253I), DFSDN130 (DFS253) DFS254 BUFFER SIZE INCREASED

Explanation: An input or output error occurred during the last input/output transmission to a 3270 terminal. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the last input message, or press the appropriate key to have the last message resent. Problem determination: 1, 6, 23 Module: DFSDN130, DFSDS060

Explanation: The buffer size for a 3270 local line group was not adequate to contain an input message. The buffer size has been increased by 300 bytes for all ensuing messages. Master Terminal Operator Response: None. If the message is repeated, the BUFSIZE parameter specified during IMS system definition for the 3270 local lines should be increased, or the amount of data being input at the terminal can be decreased.



Explanation: Either an I/O error has occurred while attempting to fetch the message input descriptor block or the device input format block, or the blocks were not in the active format data set, or the block fetched was not a message input descriptor block. System action: The input data was ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Clear the
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS259 DFS267
screen, and enter a /FORMAT command. Contact your IMS system programmer for assistance. Module: DFSCFEI0 DFS259 NO MATCHING STATION CTB. Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSCRSV0 DFS263 INVALID TERMINAL IDENTIFIER IN DATA BLOCK LINE x PTERM y

Explanation: IMS remote station support. No station CTB matching the address in the polling list could be found. Communication was terminated. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSCRSS0 DFS260 PERMANENT TRANSMISSION ERROR LINE x PTERM y PERMANENT TRANSMISSION ERROR LINK x

Explanation: IMS remote station support. A terminal identifier not defined to IMS system definition was received in a data block. Communication was terminated. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSCRSV0 DFS264 INVALID TERMINAL ID IN STATUS CHANGE SEGMENT LINE x PTERM y

DFS260 Explanation:

Note: The LINK x portions of this message pertain to Multiple Systems Coupling. A permanent transmission error occurred while communicating with the remote station identified by the message, or with another IMS system on the identified link. System action: IMS stops the data traffic on the link. Programmer response: Determine the cause of the I/O error. Master Terminal Operator Response: When you have corrected the problem, restart communication using the /START LINE x PTERM y or /RSTART LINK x command. Module: DFSCRST0, DFSCS7T0 DFS261 INVALID DATA FLAGS LINE x PTERM y

Explanation: IMS remote station support. A terminal identifier not defined to IMS system definition was received in a status change segment. Communication was terminated. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSCRSX0 DFS265 INVALID TERMINAL ID IN I/O SYNCH SEGMENT LINE x PTERM y

Explanation: IMS remote station support. A terminal identifier not defined to IMS system definition was received in an I/O synchronization segment. Communication was terminated. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSCR2Y0 DFS266 OUTPUT NOT IN PROGRESS LINE x PTERM y

Explanation: IMS remote station support. The flags in a data block were inconsistent, that is, first segment was indicated while a message was in progress. Communication was terminated. Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSCRSV0 DFS262 MESSAGE STARTED DURING SHUTDOWN. LINE x PTERM y

Explanation: IMS remote station support. An error message was received specifying a terminal which had no output message in progress or which had a system message (Q3 output) in progress. Communication was terminated. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSCR2Z0 DFS267 INVALID TERMINAL IDENTIFIER IN ERROR MESSAGE LINE x PTERM y

Explanation: IMS remote station support. IMS has sent an immediate-shutdown request or received either a shutdown request or a shutdown complete, and thereafter received the first segment of a message. Communication was terminated.

Explanation: IMS remote station support. A terminal identifier not defined to IMS system definition was received in an error message. Communication was terminated.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS268 DFS272
Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSCR2Z0 DFS268 INVALID BLOCK FORMAT LINE x PTERM y Master Terminal Operator Response: Your IMS system programmer should direct the message to a SLU2 terminal and use the right device output format (DOF). If the use of the LTERM is to continue, a /START LTERM xxx command must be issued. This message can be removed from the message queue with the /DEQUEUE LTERM P1 PURGE1 command. Programmer response: Direct the message to a SLU2 terminal. Severity: None. Problem determination: Log record X'67' (subrecord X'01', ID'FERR'), which contains diagnostic information, is produced automatically. Module: DFSCFEO0 DFS271 UNABLE TO LOAD ERROR MESSAGE OUTPUT DESCRIPTION

Explanation: IMS remote station support. One of the following occurred: v The first 2 characters in a block were neither "DA" nor "SY". v The input block conversion routine was unable to convert a received block from transmission code to EBCDIC. v The length exceeds the end of the input block. Communication with the remote station is terminated. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSCRSU0, DFSCRSV0, DFSCS7U0 DFS269 SHOULD NOT OCCUR TYPE ERROR ON LINE x SHOULD NOT OCCUR TYPE ERROR ON LINK x

Explanation: The system was unable to load the error message output description. System action: Block fetch has failed for the IMS default message output description or the associated device output format. Fetch also failed for a requested message output description or a device output format. The LTERM was marked inoperable with a QERROR status, and the message causing the problem was returned to the message queue. This message will be sent to the z/OS system console if the LTERM involved is the Master Terminal. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. The MTO should ensure that the IMS default message output description and device output formats are in the format library and that I/O errors are not occurring. If use of the LTERM is to continue, a /START LTERM xxx command must be issued. The message can be removed from the message queue with the /DEQUEUE command. Programmer response: See the description of message DFS057I in this manual for possible causes of block fetch errors. Problem determination: Log record type X'67', subrecord X'01', ID'FERR' which contains diagnostic information, is produced automatically. Module: DFSCFEO0 DFS272 FORMAT BLOCK LEVEL ERRORINPUT IGNORED

DFS269 Explanation:

Note: The LINK x portions of this message pertain to a Multiple Systems Coupling feature system. IMS remote station support. This can be caused by one of the following: v A hardware malfunction v An invalid specification to z/OS system definition v A programming logic error in the program that resides in the intelligent remote station System action: IMS stops the line or link. Master Terminal Operator Response: When you have corrected the problem, restart communication, using the /START LINE x or /RSTART LINK x command. Module: DFSCMS70 DFS270 PARTITIONED FORMAT SENT TO: [ NODE nodename|LINE x PTERM y]

Explanation: MFS was instructed to format a message with a device output format (DOF) that specifies a partition descriptor block (PDB), but the message was not directed to a SLU2 terminal. System action: The LTERM was marked inoperable, and the message causing the problem was returned to the message queue.

Explanation: The DIF block that was fetched to process the input was not at the same level as the MID block used to format the message or the DOF block used to format the device. In MFS TEST mode, new format blocks have been added to the test library since the last output to the terminal. If not in MFS TEST mode, format blocks have been changed by switching the format data sets with the /MODIFY or INITIATE OLC
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS273 DFS281
commands since the last output to the terminal. System action: The input data was ignored. System Operator Response: Format the screen and reenter the input. If the last output was logically paged by the operator, it is still available; request the next message. If the last output message was not completely transmitted (all pages), it is still available; request the next message. Module: DFSCFEI0 DFS273 QUEUE ERROR ON MESSAGE DELETION DFS277 I/O ERROR ON THE SYSTEM/7 LOAD MODULE DATASET LINE x PTERM y Module: DFSCS7B0

Explanation: An I/O error occurred on the load module data set while processing a System/7 load request. System action: Communication is terminated. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact your IMS system programmer for assistance. Module: DFSCS7B0 DFS278 MODULE REQUESTED BY SYSTEM/7 DOES NOT EXIST LINE x PTERM y

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to delete the message in progress. Either an I/O error has occurred on the message queue data set, or an internal logic error has occurred. System action: The input data was ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Contact your IMS system programmer for assistance. Module: DFSCFEO0 DFS274 LOAD MODULE DATASET NOT OPEN LINE x PTERM y

Explanation: A System/7 requested a module to be loaded that could not be found in the load module data set. System action: Communication is terminated. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact your IMS system programmer for assistance. Module: DFSCS7B0 DFS279 LEVEL KEYWORD IS MISSING OR HAS INVALID PARAMETER

Explanation: A System/7 issued a request for a load module, but the load module data set could not be opened. Communication is terminated. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact your IMS system programmer for assistance. Module: DFSCS7B0 DFS275 BUFFER TOO SMALL FOR IPL REQUEST LINE x PTERM y

Explanation: The LEVEL keyword in the command is required and has not been entered, has more than one parameter, or does not have a numeric value of 1 through 4. Master Terminal Operator Response: Correct the format, and reenter the command. Module: DFSICLN0 DFS280 SET KEYWORD IS MISSING OR HAS INVALID PARAMETER

Explanation: A System/7 requested the IPL sequence from IMS, and the input buffer specified for the line is not large enough. System action: Communication is terminated. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact your IMS system programmer for assistance. Module: DFSCS7B0 DFS276 TRANS ERROR DURING LOAD MODULE TRANSMISSION LINE x PTERM y

Explanation: The command entered requires the SET keyword and it was not supplied. The keyword has more than one parameter, or the parameter was not ON or OFF. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Correct the error, and reenter the command. Module: DFSICLN0 DFS281 MODULE KEYWORD IS MISSING OR HAS INVALID PARAMETER

Explanation: A permanent transmission error occurred while transmitting a load module to a System/7. System action: Communication is terminated. Master Terminal Operator Response: IPL the System/7 if required. Start communication using the /START line x pterm y command from the IMS Master Terminal. Have the System/7 reissue the load request.

Explanation: The command which has been entered requires the module keyword and it was not supplied, has a parameter other than DDM, MFS, or ALL specified.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS282 DFS286I
Master Terminal Operator Response: Correct the error, and reenter the command. Module: DFSICLN0 DFS286 DFS282 TEST MFS NOT OPERATIVE DFS286I Explanation: Either the MFS TEST facility was not included at system definition or the test format data set could not be opened during IMS initialization. System action: The command is ignored. Problem determination: 16,36 Module: DFSICL50 DFS286I SECURITY VIOLATION NODE nodename[USER username] SECURITY VIOLATION USERID userid SECURITY VIOLATION USERID userid PROGRAM programname SECURITY VIOLATION USERID userid PROGRAM programname SECURITY VIOLATION LINE x PTERM y DFS286 SECURITY VIOLATION NODE nodename[USER username]

| DFS286I

Explanation: TEST MFS was specified for a non-MFS terminal. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Correct the command, and reenter it properly. Module: DFSICL50 DFS284 CANNOT START TEST MFS MODE WITH MESSAGE IN PROGRESS

Explanation: The user requested notification at the master terminal when a threshold count of security errors was reached. This threshold was reached on one of the following: v LINE x PTERM y v NODE nodename (USER username) v USERID userid PROGRAM programname IMS issues USER username with NODE nodename if the terminal is signed on with the /SIGN command. IMS issues USERID userid PROGRAM programname if an application program issues an ICMD call that causes a security error. USERID userid is the user ID of the user that invoked the program that issued the ICMD call. The user ID is based on the type of region in which the program was executing and whether a Get Unique (GU) call was done: Region Type BMP GU Done N/A N/A NO YES Userid BMP JCL USER Security token passed in the PAPL Program name User ID (if terminal signed on) or LTERM name where a transaction was issued Program name User ID (if terminal signed on) or LTERM name where a transaction was issued BMP JCL USER User ID (if terminal signed on) or LTERM name where a transaction was issued

Explanation: Status cannot be changed while the message is being processed. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reissue the command when the terminal is not active or is stopped. Module: DFSICL50 DFS285 CANNOT STOP TEST MFS MODE WITH MESSAGE IN PROGRESS


Explanation: Status cannot be changed while the message is being processed. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reissue the command when the terminal is not active or is stopped. Module: DFSICL50 DFS286 SECURITY VIOLATION LINE x PTERM y





Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS287 DFS291
Another command, a message switch or a transaction can be entered. For resources defined to IMS using system definition, the security threshold is defined with the SECCNT keyword on the COMM, IMSGEN, or SECURITY macros. For dynamic resources, if the SECCNT parameter is not zero, a threshold value of one is always used. The threshold can also be reached because of unauthorized transactions attempting to issue a DL/I CMD call; in this case, the transaction code involved is identified. System action: The action is determined by the master terminal operator. Master Terminal Operator Response: Handle as directed by your installations security procedures. Entering Terminal Operator Response: Determine the correct value to be specified for the SEGNO or SEGSIZE parameter, and reenter the command. Problem determination: Have a hard copy of the entered command and response available, and contact your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSICL70 DFS290 NO MESSAGES AVAILABLE FOR OUTPUT

| Make sure the user ID is authorized for the resources | that you are trying to schedule.

Explanation: An IMS MFS Message Advance Protect or a VTAM ready-to-receive indicator was received by IMS, and either no messages were available or the terminal is in a special status where no output is possible. System action: For MFS, the terminal is placed in a page-protected status if it is a video device. For a VTAM ready-to-receive indicator where output is not quiesced, any video component is left in an unprotected status. Programmer response: Use the /DISPLAY NODE command to determine if messages are actually queued, and whether the terminal is in a special status such as CONVERSATION or EXCLUSIVE. Terminal Operator Response: If a message is expected, either wait briefly, reenter the request, then enter the next message request and wait, or enter an appropriate command to release any special status conditions that might exist. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 14 Module: DFSCFEP0, DFSCVFC0, DFSCVFZ0 DFS291 INPUT MUST BEGIN FROM FIRST PHYSICAL PAGE

Explanation: A /NRESTART NOTERMINAL command was entered when the system was in forced terminal security mode. System action: The command is ignored and IMS waits for another restart command. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command correctly. Notify your IMS system programmer for assistance. Module: DFSICL20 DFS288 CANNOT OVERRIDE FORCED PASSWORD SECURITY

Explanation: A /NRESTART NOPASSWORD command was entered when the system was in forced password security mode. System action: The command is ignored and IMS waits for another restart command. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command correctly. Contact your IMS system programmer for assistance. Module: DFSICL20 DFS289 INVALID VALUE FOR SEGNO/SEGSIZE SPECIFIED

Explanation: Input data was entered from other than the first physical page of a DPAGE with multiple physical page input specified. An input message was not being created. System action: If an output message is in progress, it is placed back into the message queue. Input data is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: If an output message was in progress, request the next message to obtain it. See IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Transaction Manager for multiple physical page input procedures. Problem determination: 16 Module: DFSCFEI0

Explanation: The command previously entered has a SEGNO or SEGSIZE keyword was entered with an invalid parameter specified. The parameter immediately follows the keyword. Valid values for the SEGNO and SEGSIZE are 0 through 65,535, inclusive. System action: The command is not processed.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS292I DFS297

Explanation: The following are possible causes of this message: v Range parameters were specified with a keyword that does not support range parameters. v The second member of the range specification was not larger than the first. v One of the nodes specified is not in the system. v Both of the nodes specified are dynamic. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command correctly. Range specifications apply only to the keywords LINE, LINK, NODE, and PTERM. Range specifications for the NODE keyword apply only to static nodes. Both members of the range specification must exist and must be defined through system definition. For dynamic terminals or users, generic parameter support replaces range specifications. A generic parameter contains one or more special characters, '*', or '%'. The asterisk indicates that at least one character may replace it, creating a valid resource name. For example, /DISPLAY NODE *SLU6* displays nodes which contain the character string SLU6. Module: DFSICL30 DFS0293 INVALID ID CARD READER INPUT

Explanation: When creating a multiple physical page input message, the 3270 operator ID card reader can be used only once. System action: Any input message in progress is discarded. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the message using the ID card reader only once. Problem determination: 16 Module: DFSCFE00, DFSCFE10 DFS295 IMMEDIATE PEN DETECT LITERAL ALLOWED ONLY ONCE PER MESSAGE

Explanation: 3270 immediate pen detect can be used in mixed mode, or to create an input literal only once per message. System action: Any input message in progress is discarded. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the message, using the immediate pen detect facility only once. Problem determination: MFS Module: DFSCFE00 DFS296 PROGRAM FUNCTION KEY LITERAL ALLOWED ONLY ONCE PER MESSAGE

Explanation: Input from an operator identification card reader was invalid. No "EOR" or "EOI" character was found to terminate the input data, or the LRC check failed. System action: Any input message in progress is discarded. Programmer response: 1. Ensure that entry is made into a field large enough to contain all card data. 2. Ensure that the card being used and the 3270 hardware function correctly. Master Terminal Operator Response: Retry the operation. If the error persists, notify your systems programmer. Problem determination: Use /TRACE and DFSERA10 to obtain a printout of the terminal input data received by IMS. See IBM 3270 Information Display System for data formats. Module: DFSCFE10, DFSCFE00

Explanation: When creating a multiple physical page input message, the program function key can be used to create a literal value only once. Keys defined for operator control can be used more than once. System action: Any input message in progress is discarded. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the input message, using the proper program function keys. Problem determination: 16 Module: DFSCFE00 DFS297 MULTIPLE PHYSICAL PAGE INPUT IS NOT IN PROGRESS

Explanation: When no multiple physical page input message was being created, the operator has entered a request to terminate multiple physical page input (ENDMPPI). System action: Input data is discarded. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the input, using the proper procedure. Problem determination: 16
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS298 DFS302A

| | | | | |

error. Otherwise processing fails for the DBDSs and message DFS3144A is issued. System Operator Response: Submit another Image Copy 2 job to copy any DBDSs for which image copy processing failed. Module: DFSUDUI1 DFS301A UNABLE TO OPEN DDNAMEddname

Explanation: A user-supplied MFS segment edit exit routine has requested that the input message be canceled or echoed by DPM-B. Either the reason for the cancellation is dependent upon an application, with invalid input, or the distribution presentation management B (DPM-B) requests that the input message be echoed. The echoed message is not supported for DPM-B. System action: The input message in progress is deleted. Programmer response: Verify correct operation of the user-supplied exit routine. Terminal input data can be examined by use of the /TRACE facility. Terminal Operator Response: Enter the message in the manner required by the exit routine. Module: DFSCFEI0 DFS299 SEGMENT EDIT EXIT FAILURENOTIFY SYSTEMS PROGRAMMER

Explanation: The issuing utility program was unable to open a DCB with the ddname specified in the message. System action: Processing is terminated with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that all necessary DD statements required for execution are supplied. Correct any missing JCL statements, and resubmit the job. See abend code 0302. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 18, 20, 35. Also, if this message was produced while running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=301 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. You must supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement in this step. Module: DFSPIRP0, DFSUCMN0, DFSUCP40, DFSUC150, DFSUC350, DFSUDMP0, DFSURDB0, DFSURGL0, DFSURGU0, DFSURRL0, DFSURUL0, DFSUTR20, DFSUTR30 DFS302A INVALID OR MISSING FUNCTION ff SPECIFIED ON REQUEST nnnn

Explanation: A user-supplied MFS segment edit exit routine has either increased segment size beyond the maximum allowed, or returned an invalid return code. System integrity can be destroyed due to the edit routine failure. System action: The input message in progress is deleted. Programmer response: Correct the segment edit exit routine, and replace it in the IMS nucleus. Verify correct operation of the user-supplied exit routine. Terminal input data can be examined by use of the /TRACE facility. Terminal Operator Response: Record what was entered before this message was displayed, then contact your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSCFEI0

Explanation: A utility control statement with an invalid or missing control function code was detected. The 'ff' is either omitted or (if present) is not one of the 2-character codes defined in the introduction to this topic. (See also the Utility Control Facility topic in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.) The "nnnn" is the control request number. System action: Processing is terminated with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Correct the control statement, depending on the utility program being executed, and resubmit the job. See abend code 302. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 35. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=302 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. You must supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement in this step. PSB pool should be much larger than the CSA PSB pool. Module: DFSUCP40

| DFS0300I | | | | | | |


Explanation: During Database Image Copy 2 (DFSUDMT0) utility processing, data set close was unsuccessful or was not attempted (by DFSMSdss) for the output data set indicated by ddname. The data set is therefore not usable as an image copy.

| System action: Image copy processing continues for | the input DBDSs if there is another output copy | (primary or secondary) that has not encountered an


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0303I DFS308A

Explanation: As storage for the block is obtained, the dynamic BLOCKS specified in the DFSFIXnn member of the data set described by DDNAME=PROCLIB will be page fixed, and the blocks specified in the DFSDRFnn member of the data set described by DDNAME=PROCLIB will be allocated in a DREF storage subpool. xxxx is the IMS name of the block to be page fixed or allocated in DREF storage. System action: IMS initialization continues. System Operator Response: This is for information only. No action is required. Module: DFSXFIX0 DFS304A DBD NAME NOT SPECIFIED FOR FUNCTION ff ON REQUEST nnnn

Explanation: A utility program attempted to locate the ddname specified in the control statement in the DBD dbdname specified. The attempt was unsuccessful. System action: Processing is terminated with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Correct the control statement in error, and resubmit the job. See abend code 0302. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 35. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=306 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCCT0, DFSUCP40, DFSUCUM0, DFSUDMP0, DFSURDB0 DFS307A NO DDNAME SPECIFIED FOR DATA BASE dbdname FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: A utility program encountered a control statement with the DBD name field blank. nnnn is the control request number. System action: Processing is terminated with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Correct the control statement to include the DBD name, and resubmit the job. See abend code 302. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 35. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=304 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. You must supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement in this step. Module: DFSUCP40 DFS305A DBD/PSB LIBRARY DOES NOT CONTAIN DBD/PSB dbdname

Explanation: A utility program found a control statement which required a ddname, but did not contain one. System action: Processing is terminated with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Correct the control statement, and resubmit the job. See abend code 0302. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 35. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=307 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSPRSDI, DFSUCP40 DFS308A NO OUTPUT DDNAME SPECIFIED FOR FUNCTION ff ON REQUEST nnnn

Explanation: A utility program was unable to find a DBD/PSB with the name specified in the utility control statement. System action: Processing is terminated with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Correct either the utility control statement or the DD statement specifying the DBD/PSB library, and resubmit the job. See abend code 302. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 18, 35. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=305 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. You must supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement in this step.

Explanation: A utility program found a control request that required an output data set DDNAME in the control statement, but it was not supplied. nnnn is the control request number. System action: Processing is terminated with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Correct the control request, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=308 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step.

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I



Explanation: A control program either detected a missing keyword that was required or could not identify a keyword. System action: Processing is terminated with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Correct the control statement, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=309 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40 DFS310A INPUT RECORD IMAGE FOR ddddddddddddd IS IN ERROR AND FOLLOWS THIS MESSAGE

Explanation: The Utility Control Facility could not locate any control statements to determine its processing. It is necessary to either have a DFSYSIN data set or a start parameter. System action: Processing is terminated with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, run the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=311 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP10 DFS312A DDNAME ddname DOES NOT CONTAIN A VALID IMAGE OR REORGANIZED COPY FOR FUNCTION RV

Explanation: A utility program issues this message after detecting an error in a control statement. The message text identifies the statement in error. The value "dd...dd" is replaced with unique data by the utility currently executing to produce a customized message. This message can be issued for the following situations: v The database did not have to be scanned when running DFSURGSO. v When running OLIC, the DBD name specified on the input control statement was not found in a DB PCB in the OLIC PSB, or the PSB specified LANG=PL/I. OLIC requires LANG=ASSEM. v The track recovery option was specified for an index KSDS. System action: Processing is terminated with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Correct any errors, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=310 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement for this step. Module: DFSUCMN0, DFSUCP40, DFSUCUM0, DFSUDMP0, DFSUICP0, DFSURDB0, DFSURGP0, DFSURGS0, DFSURG10, DFSURRL0, DFSURUL0, DSPLRC10

| | | | | |

Explanation: The Database Recovery utility was supplied an input data set defined by the DDNAME ddname whose header record was not of the correct format. An error of this type can occur when the format of the image copy header record does not match that of a currently supported release of IMS. System action: Processing is terminated with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that the input was correct, or correct it, and resubmit the job. See abend code 302. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 35. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=312 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSURDB0 DFS313A HD UNLOAD CANNOT BE USED TO UNLOAD INDEX DATABASE - dbdname

Explanation: The Hierarchic Direct (HD) Reorganization utilities cannot be used to unload or reload an index database. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: The Hierarchic Sequential (HS) Unload/Reload utilities should be used to reorganize an index database. Module: DFSUFGU0


Messages and Codes Volume 2


Explanation: The /TRACE SET ON TRAP command was issued, but the TRAP keyword parameter was missing or invalid. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Check the command format in IMS Version 9: Command Reference, and reenter the corrected command. Module: DFSICLN0 DFS315A DEVTYPE MACRO FAILED ON DDNAME ddname FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: The utility ff program was supplied an input data set that was for the proper DBD, but not for the proper data set required. System action: Processing is terminated with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. See abend code 0302. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 35. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=317 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURDB0 DFS318A RECORDS FROM DDNAME ddname ARE LARGER THAN DDNAME ddname SUPPORTS.

Explanation: A utility program issued an SVC 24 (DEVTYPE) to obtain information about an input or output device. The return code indicated that the attempt to do this was unsuccessful. System action: Processing is terminated with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Report this to system operation personnel. See abend code 0302. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 35. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=315 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGP0, DFSURGS0, DFSURGU0, DFSURG10, DFSURUL0 DFS316A DBD dbdname CONTAINS AN UNKNOWN ORGANIZATION CODE cc

Explanation: The utility program was provided an output device whose maximum record length was smaller than the input record length. System action: Processing is terminated with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Change the specified DD statement device type to a device capable of handling the input record length, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=318 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGU0 DFS319A DDNAME ddname HAD A PERMANENT I/O ERROR FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: The specified DBD dbdname did not contain a valid database organization code. The value cc is the code in question. System action: Processing is terminated with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that the DBD supplied was an IMS DBD. Correct any discrepancies, and resubmit the job. See abend code 0302. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 35. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=316 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSUDMP0, DFSURDB0, DFSURGU0

Explanation: A utility program encountered an unrecoverable I/O error on the named data set. System action: If the error occurred on an output volume and multiple output copies were specified, the program will terminate in error. In the case of the Database Image Copy 2 utility (DFSUDMT0), message DFS3144A with reason code 0E is also issued to identify the database data sets for which image copy processing has failed. The utility terminates if there are no other database data sets for which image copy processing has not completed. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17g, 36 Module: DFSBCKI0, DFSUCP40, DFSUDMP0, DFSUDMT0, DFSURGU0, DFSURUL0
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I



Explanation: A utility program encountered an I/O error on an output volume. Two copies were specified. The program continued with the good alternate copy. System action: Processing continues with only one output copy. Programmer response: One copy of the dumped data set will be created. If two copies are needed, ensure that the output units and volumes are in good working order, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8 Module: DFSUCP40, DFSUDMP0, DFSURGU0, DFSURUL0 DFS321W FUNCTION ff EXPERIENCED AN ERROR AND MUST BE RESTARTED

Explanation: A utility program found the accumulated change input data set specified as DD DUMMY. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: If no input was required, no action is necessary. Otherwise correct the input, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=323 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURDB0 DFS324W FUNCTION ff WAS NOT SUPPLIED AN INPUT LOG FILE

Explanation: A utility program encountered errors prohibiting the successful completion of the requested operation. System action: Processing is terminated with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: It will be necessary to correct any errors noted prior to this message and rerun the failing requests. If running under the Utility Control Facility, correct the errors and change the PARM= on the JCL to indicate RESTART is needed or add a control statement to the DFSYSIN data set with a FUNCTION=OP,REQUEST=RESTART. Some utilities cannot be restarted within their execution. (For individual utility requirements under UCF, see the Utilities Control Facility topic in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.) Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=321 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUDMP0 DFS322W FUNCTION ff WAS NOT SUPPLIED AN IMAGE COPY INPUT

Explanation: The utility program found the log input data was specified as DD DUMMY. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: If no input was required, no action is necessary. Otherwise correct the input, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=324 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURDB0 DFS325A PURGE DATE ON DDNAME ddname IS LATER THAN DATE ON DDNAME ddname FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: A utility found that the purge date specified when the accumulated change input data set was created was later than the date the image copy input data set was created. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: If any change records were created between the subject dates and are required for database integrity, the accumulated change input must be recreated and the recovery job submitted again. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=325 control statement in

Explanation: The utility ff found the image copy input data set specified as DD DUMMY. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: If no input was required, no action is necessary. Otherwise, correct the input, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=322 control statement in


Messages and Codes Volume 2


Explanation: A utility program encountered an input data set header record whose data set description does not match the DBD description, or the header record of the other input data set indicated. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that all inputs are correct, and resubmit the job. See abend code 302. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 35. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=329 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURDB0 DFS330A DDNAME ddname IS OUT OF SEQUENCE FOR FUNCTION ff REASON=r

Explanation: The Database Recovery utility program found the creation date of the accumulated change input data set to be earlier than the creation date of the image dump data set. Because all records are already on the dump, the accumulated change input data set is not being used. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=326 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSUDMP0, DFSURDB0 DFS327W NO RECORDS ON DDNAME ddname FOR RECOVERED DATASET

Explanation: A utility program scanned the input data set ddname for records applicable to the data set being recovered, but none were found. Programmer response: Ensure that the input data set was correct. If not, correct the JCL, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=327 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURDB0 DFS328A DDNAME ddname REQUIRED BUT WAS NOT SUPPLIED FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: A utility program encountered an OSAM/ESDS record in the data set ddname whose relative block number was lower than the last record update. The reason codes and their meanings are: v An ESDS or an OSAM RBN key-sequence error occurred. v A KSDS key-sequence error occurred. v The log dates are out of sequence (not in ascending sequence). v The date-time in a change accumulation record is later than the date-time in a log record which is to be merged. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: The input file is in error; re-create it, and resubmit the job. See abend code 302. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 35. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=330 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSURDB0 DFS331A DDNAME ddname IS AN EMPTY DATASET BUT SHOULD NOT BE

Explanation: A utility program found that a required data set ddname was not supplied. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Supply the required DD statements, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=328 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40

Explanation: A utility program attempted to read a data set, but got an immediate end-of-file condition. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that the proper data set
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


was supplied. Correct any error, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=331 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40 DFS332A OSAM RECORD FROM DDNAME ddname HAS RBN nnnnnnnn AND IS BEYOND THE CURRENT END OF THE DATASET v The change accumulation record contains changes for two separate areas in a database record. This record cannot be processed because the database record does not exist. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that all input data sets are correct, and resubmit the job. See abend code 302. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 35. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=333 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURDB0 DFS334I DDNAME ddname DATASET MAY BE SCRATCHED

Explanation: The Database Recovery utility encountered an OSAM record in the accumulated change or log input data set (ddname) that contained an RBN value that was greater than the RBN value of the next block after the end of the data set. This condition should never exist under normal operation, because inserts will always use the next sequential RBN value after the end of the data set. The most probable cause for this is that an applicable log data set was not included in either this run or an accumulation run. Another possibility is that a HISAM reorganization unload was executed, the corresponding reload was not performed, and the unload tape was used as an input to the recovery program. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that all supplied inputs are correct, and resubmit the job. See abend code 302. Problem determination: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 12, 14, 17g, 35. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=332 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURDB0 DFS333A KEY ID ON DDNAME ddname DOES NOT EXIST IN DDNAME ddname DATASET

Explanation: The Utility Control Facility has determined that the named data set ddname is not required for RESTART and can be released for other uses. Programmer response: Verify that this determination is correct, then dispose of data set with normal procedures. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=334 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCPA0, DFSUCP60 DFS335A DDNAME ddname DATASET MUST BE KEPT IF RESTART IS TO BE USED

Explanation: The Utility Control Facility has determined that the named data set with the identified ddname will be required to complete the functions requested in the DFSYSIN data set. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Keep the named data sets for subsequent RESTART. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=335 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP00

Explanation: The recovery program encountered a change accumulation or a system log record for a KSDS data set with a key that does not exist in the recovered data set. This indicates the input supplied was not correct. Normal operation requires that if a record on the change accumulation or the system log is not an entire and complete record, then it must already exist in the database data set or the image copy. There are two basic reasons this message would be issued. These database errors are commonly caused by using the wrong image copy, or because a log data set was missed during change accumulation. v The change accumulation or system log record is for a partial update (indicated by an offset greater than zero). This record cannot be processed because the database record does not exist.


Messages and Codes Volume 2


Explanation: The operator replied to the Utility Control Facility WTOR and specified that the program should terminate. System action: Appropriate messages will be written to allow RESTART to be executed. Programmer response: Change the JCL to allow for the RESTART, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=336 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCPA0, DFSUCP60 DFS337A BUFFER POOL TOO SMALL FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: A utility program completed processing. The return code might not be printed, depending on the utility processing. The letter x indicates the sort phase and is present depending on the utility processing. (Return codes for the individual utility programs are in the IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.) For FUNCTION PU, the NO. OF UPDATES=nnnnnnnn phrase is included, where nnnnnnnn is the count of records on the input DFSURWF3 data set generated by the Prefix Resolution utility. This count might differ between identical utility runs under UCF versus non-UCF for some combinations of data and database configurations. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 18, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=339 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement in this step. Module: DFSUCMN0, DFSUCP40, DFSUCUM0, DFSUDMP0, DFSURDB0, DFSURGL0, DFSURGP0, DFSURGS0, DFSURG10, DFSURPR0, DFSURRL0 DFS340I DATABASE dbdname HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY {UNLOADED|LOADED|RECOVERED} BY FUNCTION ff [DATASET ddname]

Explanation: A utility program requested buffer pool space, but none was available. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Increase the buffer pool specification, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=337 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUDMP0, DFSURDB0, DFSURGL0, DFSURGU0, DFSURRL0, DFSURUL0 DFS338A DATASET DDNAME ddname IS TOO SMALL FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: The described function has been completed. The printing of DATASET ddname is dependent on the utility being run. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=340 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGL0, DFSURGS0, DFSURGU0, DFSURRL0 DFS341A CATASTROPHIC ERROR OCCURRED IN DL/I DURING FUNCTION ff

Explanation: A utility program attempted to add a record to the data set ddname, but all available extents were used and another extent was not available. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: If the data set is HISAM organization, increase the space allocation. If the data set is HD organization, ensure that input data was correct, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=338 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUDMP0, DFSURDB0, DFSURGL0

Explanation: A utility program requested DL/I to perform an operation on the data set being processed. The PST return code (PSTRTCDE) indicates why the task cannot be performed. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that the IMS system and all control statements are valid, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=341 control statement in
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I



Explanation: This is the normal startup message for the Utility Control Facility when the "PARM=" or a FUNCTION=OP,REQUEST=RESTART control statement in the DFSYSIN data set has requested a RESTART. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGU0 DFS346A NO ALTERNATE UNIT AVAILABLE FOR DDNAME ddname FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: This is the normal startup message for the Utility Control Facility. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGU0 DFS343W DDNAME ddname WAS SPECIFIED AS DD DUMMY OR WAS OMITTED FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: A utility program encountered a permanent I/O error on an output data set, and no alternate output unit was available. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: If two copies were requested, one copy had already terminated because of an I/O error. There is no valid output for this execution; therefore, ensure that output units and volumes are in good working order, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 23, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=346 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGU0 DFS347I CONTROL DATASET BUILT ON DDNAME ddname

Explanation: The ddname described was flagged as a possible error. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Verify that the JCL is correct. If not, correct, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=343 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGU0 DFS344W DDNAME FOR output COPY WAS|WAS NOT SUPPLIED, n COPY REQUESTED FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: A utility program was directed by a control statement to create n copies of the output data set but a ddname was/was not supplied. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: If one copy was requested, remove the ddname for the second copy from the control statement. If two copies are requested, add the second ddname to the control statement. If one copy was requested, but no ddname was supplied, supply it, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=344 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGU0, DFSURUL0

Explanation: The Utility Control Facility has constructed the Control Dataset and written it to the data set ddname. This data set is required if a RESTART is needed. Programmer response: At the normal termination of the Utility Control Facility processing, this data set can be scratched. If a condition that can be restarted is encountered, this data set must be supplied as the DFSOCDS DD data set. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGU0 DFS348A UNEXPECTED RETURN STATUS ss ON CALL FROM FUNCTION ff

Explanation: A utility program encountered an unexpected return status after a DL/I call. The ss is replaced by the actual status received. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running


Messages and Codes Volume 2

under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=348 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGL0, DFSURGU0 DFS352I DFS349I ALL FUNCTION TYPE ff REQUESTS COMPLETED DFSYSIN DATA OPTIONS HAVE BEEN SUPPLEMENTED WITH DEFAULTS FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=351 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGU0

Explanation: The Utility Control Facility has completed processing all requests of the stated type. This message provides the user with an additional cross-check to his processing. It is issued even though the user might not have requested any of this type of processing to allow the user to verify that all functions were attempted. Programmer response: If all messages are satisfied, no further action is required. If all functions were not completed, change the DFSYSIN data set control statements to request those functions that were not completed, and resubmit the job. Do not specify RESTART. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGU0 DFS350A DATABASE dbname CONTAINS NO DATASETS

Explanation: The Utility Control Facility has augmented the DFSYSIN data set requests with defaults. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGU0 DFS353A CONTROL DATASET IS INVALID OR CONTAINS CONFLICTING REQUESTS

Explanation: An error has been detected by the Utility Control Facility that made the control data set unacceptable for use. Prior messages define the reason for this condition. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Correct any errors, and resubmit the job. Do not indicate RESTART. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=353 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGU0 DFS354I NO ERRORS DETECTED. DATA BASE RELOAD SUCCESSFUL.

Explanation: A utility program encountered a DBD which did not contain any data set groups. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Check the DBD defining this database. A primary data set name is required. Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP, MSGNUM=350 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this data set. Module: DFSUCCT0

Explanation: The HD Reorganization Reload Utility has successfully reloaded the database. Module: DFSURGL0 DFS355I ERRORS DETECTED. DATA BASE RELOAD UNSUCCESSFUL.



Explanation: The Utility Control Facility was restarted. Since the old control data set defines the functions to be used, the new DFSYSIN data set is processed for FUNCTION=OP types of control requests. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Verify that the processing was indeed to be restarted. If it was, no further action is needed. If it was not, correct the JCL to remove the request for RESTART, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a

Explanation: Errors described in preceding messages have precluded the successful reloading of the database. Programmer response: Correct the errors, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSURGL0 DFS356A HEADER RECORD NOT FOUND ON DDNAME ddname FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: A utility program found the input data set ddname was not a valid data set for this function. The header record on the input file was invalid or of
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


the wrong format for the requested processing. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that the input was correct. If it was, this input file is incorrect and needs to be re-created. After the file is corrected, resubmit the job. See abend code 302. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 35. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=356 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSUC350, DFSURDB0 DFS357A RESTART FAILUREDFSOCDS IS NOT READABLE Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURUL0 DFS359A RESTART FAILUREFUNCTION ff NOT FOUND IN DFSOCDS

Explanation: When the Utility Control Facility was attempting to perform a RESTART of a function, the specified function was not indicated as required in the control data set. This should not happen under normal processing. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that the proper control data set has been specified on the DFSOCDS DD statement. Ensure that the proper journal data set has been specified on the DFSOJRNL DD statement. Ensure that a RESTART is actually desired, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=359 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURUL0 DFS360I ERRORID CARD ERROR ENCOUNTERED

Explanation: When the Utility Control Facility was attempting to perform a RESTART, an error occurred that prevented successful reading of the old Control Dataset. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that the proper data set was supplied. Move data set to another device (in the case of I/O errors), and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=357 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURUL0 DFS358A INVALID SEGMENT CODE ss FOUND IN DATABASE dbdname DDNAME ddname ON FUNCTION ff

Explanation: The Change Accumulation utility encountered a control statement with a control code of ID that was invalid. Programmer response: Correct the control statement, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSUCCT0 DFS361A DFSNCDS IS NOT READABLE, RESTART NOT POSSIBLE, RE-RUN JOB FROM BEGINNING

Explanation: A utility program encountered a segment with a physical segment code of zero or higher than the highest segment code in the associated DBD dbdname data set ddname. The segment code replaces the ss. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that the DBD supplied accurately describes the database. If the data integrity of the database is questionable, execute the Database Recovery utility program against the database in question, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=358 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step.

Explanation: While the Utility Control Facility was attempting to write or read the new control data set from the DFSNCDS file, an error was detected. This error could be either physical device oriented or logical in nature. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: If the processing being done is a RESTART, verify that the DFSNCDS data set was properly allocated. If the processing was not RESTART, the error was probably caused by user-supplied control statement information and a prior message will reflect this error. Correct any errors, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=361 control statement in


Messages and Codes Volume 2

the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40 DFS362I function HAS TERMINATED WITH RETURN CODE nn DFS365A {DDNAME|DBNAME} TABLE HAS OVERFLOWED

Explanation: A utility program encountered more ddnames and dbnames than were specified, and the anticipated size of the in memory table was exceeded. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: If an ID control statement was supplied, increase the maximum ddname/dbname specification. If not, supply one with the correct change, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=365 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCUM0 DFS366A REQUEST nnnn IS A DUPLICATE FUNCTION REQUEST OF REQUEST nnnn AND IS AN ERROR

Explanation: The currently executing utility has terminated and is passing return code nn. Programmer response: If the return code is zero, no further action is required. If the return code is nonzero, correct any errors, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=362 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCMN0 DFS363A {*ALL|*OTHER} SPECIFIED MORE THAN ONCE FOR FUNCTION CA

Explanation: The stated parameter was stated more than once. This is an error condition. If a DB0 statement is used, the user cannot also use a DB1*ALL statement. Only one DB statement can specify the *OTHER parameter. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Correct the control statements, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=363 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCCT0, DFSUCP40, DFSUCUM0

Explanation: The Utility Control Facility has detected duplicate requests. This is an error; the two input control request numbers replace the nnnn values. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Remove one of the requests, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=366 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCUM0 DFS367I UTILITY CONTROL FACILITY RUNNING, ENTER REQUESTS AS NEEDED



Explanation: A control statement has specified a dbdname/ddname combination on more than one control statement. System action: Processing continues; the duplicate control statement is ignored. Programmer response: Correct the control statement, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=364 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCUM0

Explanation: The Utility Control Facility has completed initialization and is preparing to execute the requested functions. This message is also the WTOR message, and is displayed on the operators console to allow communications with the executing program. Programmer response: This is normal processing, and no action is required unless special termination or status information is required. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSUCUM0

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS368I ERLG RECORD ENCOUNTERED FOR DATABASE dbdname DATASET ddname ON VOLUME vol. ser. FOR FUNCTION CA System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Supply an ID control statement with a correct key length specification, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=371 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCCT0, DFSUCUM0 DFS372A DBD dbdname CONTAINS A BLANK DDNAME

Explanation: The Change Accumulation utility has encountered an Error Log Record (ERLG) in the input files and issued this message to notify the user for track recovery considerations. Programmer response: Notify Database Management personnel so they can determine which type of database recovery they will use with this change accumulation data. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=368 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Master Terminal Operator Response: The console operator should report this to the submitter of the job. Module: DFSUCMN0, DFSUCP40, DFSUCUM0 DFS369I {FUNCTION IS ff [FOR DATABASE dbdname] [DATASET ddname]|INVALID REPLY}

Explanation: The DBD dbdname specified in the text has a prime ddname that is blank. Programmer response: This error indicates that the DBD specified is a logical DBD. Correct the control statement specification, and resubmit the job. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=372 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCMN0, DFSUCP40 DFS373A DDNAME DFSUCUM0 IS NOT A VALID OLD CHANGE ACCUMULATION DATASET

Explanation: This message is issued in response to the reply to the Utility Control Facilitys WTOR. If an invalid reply was made, the second message is issued. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSUCUM0 DFS370W REQUEST nnnn IS NOT REQUIRED AND IS IGNORED

Explanation: A DB Scan, Prefix Resolution or Prefix Update control request was supplied when it was not required; processing continues. System action: Processing continues. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=370 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40 DFS371A A RECORD KEY LENGTH nnn IS LONGER THAN SPECIFIED FOR FUNCTION CA

Explanation: An old accumulated data set was supplied which did not have a header record of the proper format. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Correct inputs, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=373 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCMN0, DFSUCP40, DFSUC350 DFS374W WARNINGNO CHANGE RECORDS FOUND ON LOG(S)

Explanation: An input record has been encountered with a key length nnn, which is longer than was specified on an ID control statement, or if no ID statement was supplied, a key longer than 10 bytes was encountered.

Explanation: Either the log input supplied did not contain any records with a log record code of X'50', or all records were before the purge date. System action: Processing continues.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

Programmer response: Ensure that all inputs are correct. If not, correct inputs and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also: v If you are running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=374 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. v If you are running change accumulation because you received message DSP0281I, update the RECON to show that the change accumulation was performed. Module: DFSUCMN0, DFSUCP40, DFSUCUM0 DFS378I DFS375A DFSOJRNL IS NOT CONSISTENT, RESTART NOT POSSIBLE CHECKPOINT RESTART SUCCESSFULLY POSITIONED FOR FUNCTION ff RESTART was required, ensure that the DD statement is correct, and resubmit the job. If the DD statement was correct, the checkpoint data set has been destroyed and cannot be used. RESTART the job from the beginning. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=377 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGU0

Explanation: The Utility Control Facility determined that the input old journal data set is not correct, or is not proper for the associated DFSOCDS data set. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that the proper input files are supplied, and that a RESTART is to be done, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=375 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40 DFS376A AN APPARENT SORT SEQUENCE ERROR HAS BEEN DETECTED

Explanation: The Utility Control Facility has successfully positioned input, output, and database files. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=378 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGU0 DFS379I ERRORS DETECTEDCHECKPOINT RESTART UNSUCCESSFUL

Explanation: The checkpoint restart attempt was unsuccessful because of conditions described by preceding messages. Programmer response: If the error encountered can be corrected, correct the error and resubmit the job. Otherwise, restart the job from the beginning. Module: DFSURGU0 DFS380A UNABLE TO POSITION DATABASE dbdname FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: A record has been received at SORT EXIT 35, which is of a lower sequence than the last record received. This is an internal system error. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=376 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCMN0, DFSUCP40 DFS377A CHECKPOINT INPUT INVALID ON DDNAME ddname FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: While attempting to position database dbdname a utility program could not locate the checkpointed segment. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that all DD statements are correct and the database has not been changed between the original unload and the RESTART attempt. If corrections can be made, resubmit the job. Otherwise, restart the job from the beginning. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=380 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step.

Explanation: A utility program was supplied a restart data set that was not of proper format. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: If a RESTART was not required, remove the DD statement DFSURSRT. If a

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGU0 DFS381I CHKPNTnnnn, {*****|vol1}, {*****|vol2}, segname the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURUL0 DFS384A PROCESSING OF LAST UCF REQUEST COMPLETEDRESTART NOT ALLOWED

Explanation: This message is written to the system console as an informational message every time a checkpoint is taken by the HD Reorganization Unload utility program. The nnnn is a decimal value between 1 and 9999 incremented by 1 for every checkpoint taken. The vol1 parameter is the current primary output volume serial number or asterisks if the primary output volume is not in use. The vol2 parameter is the current secondary output volume serial or asterisks if the secondary output volume is not in use. The segname field is the segment name of the segment being retrieved when the checkpoint was taken. Module: DFSURGU0 DFS382A DBD dbdname IS NOT A VALID DBD FOR THIS FUNCTION ff

Explanation: The Utility Control Facility has completed all requests successfully. Since normal completion has been achieved, RESTART is not allowed. System action: Processing continues. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=384 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40 DFS385A WORK AREA EXCEEDED IN FIELD name FOR REQUEST nnnn

Explanation: The DBD dbdname supplied on a control statement was used to load a DBD. Upon examination of the DBD, it was discovered that the DBD was not a valid IMS DBD, or it was a HALDB and the utility does not support HALDBs System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Either correct the control statement, or if the control statement is correct, replace the DBD with a valid IMS DBD. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=382 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURUL0 DFS383A INPUT RECORDS ARE NOT IN SEQUENCE FROM DDNAME ddname FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: The Utility Control Facility was processing a request from the DFSYSIN data set when the field "name" in the DFSUCP70 work area overflowed. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Too many parameters were specified on the control request "nnnn". Make multiple control requests to do the same function as the one in error. This will shorten the overall length of the table requirements and still perform the required function. Resubmit the job; do not perform a RESTART. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=385 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40 DFS386A A PREMATURE EOF WAS ENCOUNTERED ON DDNAME ddname

Explanation: A root segment has been encountered with a sequence field (key) equal to or lower than the previous root segment processed. System action: Execution is terminated. Programmer response: If the abend option was specified and a SYSUDUMP or SYSABEND DD statement was provided, abend U0359 is issued, and a storage dump was produced. Register 11 at entry to abend is the address of the current key, and register 9 is the address of the previous key. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=383 control statement in

Explanation: The utility program was reading an input file when it reached the End of File. This condition was not expected at that precise time, and is therefore an error. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that the data set is complete, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a


Messages and Codes Volume 2

FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=386 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURUL0 DFS390A DFS387I ERRORNO VALID RECORDS ON INPUT DATASET DDNAME ddname HAS AN INVALID LOGICAL RECORD FOR FUNCTION ff the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGL0

Explanation: The input data set to the HD Reorganization Reload program contained no valid unloaded database records. The return code is 16. Programmer response: Correct the invalid input, and resubmit the job. Ensure that the HD unload was successful and that the unloaded data set is valid. It might be necessary to rerun the unload program to re-create the input for the reload before resubmitting the job. Module: DFSURGL0 DFS388A DDNAME ddname DID NOT HAVE A STATISTICS RECORD FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: The issuing program encountered one of the following errors: v The input record is not a valid type. The valid types are 00 (logical parent), 10 (logical child), 60 (dummy), and 80 (checkpoint). v While processing a type 00 or type 10, an invalid logical description exists in the DBD. v During input processing of work file data sets, a work file record was found that contains a segment not found in the segment descriptor blocks (SDB). In the first two cases, the work file record is printed for each occurrence of the invalid condition. In the third case, the work file record is printed once and the job terminates. This work file record is from the specified data set on the DFSURWF3 DD statement. The record is printed in hexadecimal with EBCDIC translation. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that the complete log data set file is supplied as input, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=390 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCMN0, DFSUCP40 DFS391I This message is variable

Explanation: A utility program was processing an input file ddname, and expected to find a statistics record. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: If "NSTAT" was specified on HISAM unload, specify OPTIONS=(NSTAT) in the SYSIN data set for HISAM reload. Correct any errors, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=388 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCP40, DFSURGU0 DFS389W PROCESSING FOR THE {FOLLOWING|PRECEDING} REQUEST HAS TERMINATED {ABNORMALLY|NORMALLY}

Explanation: Anytime a utility must print a general message, it will use this message number. No warning or error messages will use this number. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=391 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step.

Explanation: This informational message is issued to tell the user how a request completed. System action: Processing terminates normally or abnormally as indicated in this message. Programmer response: If an abnormal termination has occurred, correct the errors printed prior to this message, and resubmit the job. If a normal termination has occurred, no further action is necessary. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=389 control statement in


Explanation: The control statement contains duplicate ddnames. This condition would have caused a system abend 0013.

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: The control request in error is flagged on the output printer. Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=392 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCMN0, DFSUCP40, DFSUDMP0 DFS393A BLDL FAILED FOR MODULE cccccccc identifies the region in which the PSB was running. (default=01) z/OS System Operator Response: Record the checkpoint number and the volume serial number in case a restart action must be requested. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSBACK0, DFSRDBC0 DFS396I SYSTEM ERROR DURING BACKOUT OF DATA BASE dbname PROGRAM psbname

Explanation: The module listed, cccccccc, was not found when the BLDL macro searched the PDS directories for STEPLIB, JOBLIB, SYS1.LINKLIB. System action: Processing stops for the utility. Programmer response: Verify that the JCL specifies the correct libraries and that the module is in one of the program libraries. Rerun the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=393 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCF00, DFSURDB0 DFS394A AN RBA SEQUENCE ERROR OCCURRED FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: The Database Backout utility was unable to locate a data management block directory entry for the database specified. Programmer response: This indicates that the PSB used for backout has changed since the original run. Check the PSB requested in the EXEC statement to ensure that the name and the PSB are correct. Correct any errors, and rerun the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSBACK0, DFSRDBC0 DFS397I BACKOUT UNABLE TO OPEN DATA BASE dbname PROGRAM psbname

Explanation: The Database Backout utility was unable to open the specified database. Programmer response: Check the DD statements to ensure that they are present and identify the data sets properly. Correct any errors, and rerun the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSBACK0, DFSRDBC0 DFS398I I/O ERROR DURING BACKOUT IN DATA BASE dbname PROGRAM name

Explanation: A utility program was reading an ESDS, and the returned records RBA was not higher than the prior one. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: The database is in error. Recovery of the data set is required. Use the Database Recovery utility to accomplish this. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=394 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUDMP0, DFSURDB0 DFS395I BACKOUT COMPLETE FOR PSB psbname [TO CHKPT chkptid] [FOR REGION regid]

Explanation: The Database Backout utility encountered an I/O error while attempting backout on the specified database. Programmer response: Run the Database Recovery utility against the database in error. Use all log data sets, including the output of this backout attempt. Then rerun the backout job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSBACK0, DFSRDBC0

Explanation: The Database Backout utility successfully completed the requested database backout. If the CHKPT option was specified in the SYSIN data file, TO CHKPT chkptid identifies the checkpoint to which the backout was completed, and FOR REGION regid


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS399I DFS0403W
DFS399I BUFFER POOL TOO SMALL FOR BACKOUT OF DATA BASE dbname PROGRAM psbname DBRC EOJ call has failed and the RECON data set might need updating. An internal DBRC error occurred. DBRC could not access the RECON data set. Ensure that the appropriate DD statement for the RECON data set is available. The parameters passed to DBRC were invalid. The RECON data set must be updated manually. Contact IBM for problem determination assistance.


Explanation: The database buffer pool was too small to accommodate the database specified while attempting to run the Database Backout utility. Programmer response: Increase the database buffer pool size in the EXEC statement, and rerun the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSBACK0, DFSRDBC0 DFS400I BATCH BACKOUT UNABLE TO OPEN THE INPUT LOG ddname


Problem determination: 1, 2, 20, 25 Module: DFSBACK0, DFSDBDR0 DFS0402 DATABASE dbname NOT STARTED DUE TO RECOVERY NEEDED.

Explanation: The Batch Backout utility (Database utility) was unable to open the log data set specified by ddname IMSLOGR or IMSLOGRx. System action: The Batch Backout utility, DFSBBO00, terminates with a return code of X'14'. Programmer response: Check the DD statement, correct any errors, and rerun the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSBACK0, DFSBCKI0 DFS0401I DBRC CALL FAILURE - RETURN CODE = xx - CALL = yyyyyy

Explanation: In processing a /START DB command, the system found that a deferred backout was required for the database, dbname. A verification of this backout using DBRC (to ensure the backout was not done by batch backout utility) found that the database first requires forward recovery. The occurrence of this condition is during the first active start after a remote takeover; the shadowed database was not authorized to the tracking system at the time of the takeover while the actives copy was updated prior to takeover. System action: The database is not started and the backout is not done. User response: Forward recover the database; then reissue the start command. Module: DFSDBDR0 DFS0403W IMS xxxxxxxxx CALL TO MVS ARM FAILED - RETURN CODE= nn,REASON CODE=nnnn.

Explanation: The Batch Backout utility received an unexpected return code from DBRC. yyyyyy is the call made to DBRC, and xx is the return code from DBRC. System action: If the call identified in the message is SAVUOR, LOGSET, or VERUOR, the Batch Backout job terminated. If the call is UPDUOR, INIT, or EOJ, the required changes have been successfully backed out of the databases associated with the PSB for which the Batch Backout utility was being executed. Programmer response: If the call identified in the message is SAVUOR, LOGSET, VERUOR, or UPDUOR, contact IBM for problem determination assistance. If the call is INIT or EOJ, see one of the following return codes: Code (Hex) Meaning 08 The IMS subsystem for which backout was being performed was not authorized to use one or more of the databases that had changes backed out. A previous error might have caused the loss of the database authorization. Determine the cause of any previous errors. Otherwise, the

Explanation: A call to the z/OS Automatic Restart Manager (ARM) failed. The message text contains the type of call, represented by xxxxxxxx, and the return and reason codes. Values for xxxxxxxxx are: REGISTER Register with the z/OS ARM. READY Notify the z/OS ARM that IMS is ready to accept work. ASSOCIATE Notify the z/OS ARM that this is an XRF alternate or a Fast DB Recovery region. UNKNOWN An unknown request value was passed to DFSARM00. System action: IMS ignores the return code and continues executing. Programmer response: To determine the reason for the failure, look up the return and reason codes in z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference, then correct the problem.
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS0404W DFS0409I

| | | | | | | |

During the authorization of a HALDB partition the partition was found to be allocated and not authorized. The partition must be deallocated before authorization can be done but deallocation failed. Look for deallocation failed messages, DFS2503W, for the reason why and make any necessary changes. Then run the job again.

Explanation: The DL/I subordinate address space option was selected. The ACBLIB specification in the IMS procedure did not match the corresponding specification in the DL/I subordinate address space procedure. The message indicates the DDNAME in error, either IMSACBA or IMSACBB. yyy is defined as follows: v 001 - The number of data sets specified for the DDNAME was not the same. "zzz" does not apply. v 002 - The number of data sets was the same. However, the data set names and volume serial number did not match. zzz identifies the data set specification in error. For example, if zzz is 002, the second data set specified for IMSACBx is not the same in both procedures. v 003 - IMSACBx represents the inactive ACBLIB. This DDNAME was defined in one procedure, but not in the other. To use the online change function, the inactive ACBLIB must be defined in both procedures. zzz identifies the procedure missing the specification: 001 for the IMS procedure and 002 for the DL/I subordinate address space procedure. System action: If yyy is 1 or 2, the DL/I subordinate address space will abend with U0023, causing the control address space to abend with U0150. If yyy is 3, initialization continues. Programmer response: If yyy is 1 or 2, correct the specification for the indicated DDNAME. The data sets specified and their concatenation order must be identical in both the IMS and DL/I address space procedures. If yyy is 3, and you intend to use the Online Change function, cancel the control region and supply the missing specification for the inactive ACBLIB. Module: DFSSDLC0

| System action: The application terminates with either | a BA status code, if the program has issued an INIT | STATUS GROUPA call, or an ABENDU3303, if the | program has not issued the INIT call. | | | |
Programmer response: Take the appropriate action for the return code. Problem determination: 35 Module: DFSDBAU0 DFS0407I REGION TOO SMALL

Explanation: Module DFSILTA0 was unable to get enough storage to build queue entries. System action: DFSILTA0 terminates abnormally with abend U0407. Programmer response: Rerun the job in a larger region or code the 'ST=' parameter on the EXEC statement to process a shorter time. Module: DFSILTA0 DFS0408I INVALID 'ST' PARAMETER.

Explanation: The EXEC statement had an invalid "ST" parameter. System action: The Log Transaction Analysis program, DFSILTA0, terminates abnormally with abend U0415. Programmer response: Correct the parameter on the EXEC statement, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: Check the format of the EXEC statement parameters in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System. Module: DFSILTA0 DFS0409I INVALID 'OUT' PARAMETER.

| DFS0406A | | | | | | | |


Explanation: IMS was unable to obtain database authorization for the named database, which appears in one of the DB PCBs contained in the named PSB. The PSB name only appears in the message text if the failure occurred for a call from an online application.

Explanation: The EXEC statement had an invalid "OUT" parameter. System action: The Log Transaction Analysis program, DFSILTA0, terminates abnormally with abend U0415. Programmer response: Correct the parameter in the EXEC statement, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: Check the format of the EXEC statement parameters in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System.

| The return code (Hex)zz can have the following values | and meanings. | Code (Dec) Meaning | | 01


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0410I DFS0414I
Module: DFSILTA0 DFS0410I END OF FILE ON LOG DATASET The reason code zz can have the following values and meanings. Code (Dec) Meaning 04 Allocation failed for DDNAME=xxxxxxxx for one of these reasons: v No DFSMDA member was found, and the DD statement was not found in the JCL stream. v If message DFS2503W is also received, see DFS2503W for the reason for the allocation failure. 08 OLDS/WADS device was not DASD. 12 DEVTYPE failed for DDNAME=xxxxxxxx. 16 DDNAME=xxxxxxxx was specified as DD DUMMY or DSN=NULLFILE. 20 RDJFCB failed for DDNAME=xxxxxxxx. 28 OBTAIN failed for the data set defined by DDNAME=xxxxxxxx. 32 OLDS block size was not a multiple of 2K. 36 Dual OLDS was specified, and the secondary OLDS block size (DFSOLSnn) was different from the primary OLDS block size (DFSOLPnn). 40 The OLDS block size was less than the largest OLDS block size (DFSOLPnn,DFSOLSnn) successfully allocated. 44 The WADS device type was inconsistent (distinct). 48 The OLDS block size was greater than the track capacity. System action: The DD error statement is discarded and system initialization continues. If DUAL is requested and an error exists in an OLDS pair, the OLDS pair is discarded. System initialization continues. Programmer response: Check the DD statement and correct any errors so that the data set will be available the next time the system is initialized. Problem determination: 1, 3, 8, 11, 36 Module: DFSFDLS0, DFSXLGI0 DFS0414I PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON ddname DURING LOG zzzz xx CONTINUING WITH ALTERNATE LOG

Explanation: The end-of-file has been reached on the input log data set. System action: The Log Transaction Analysis program, DFSILTA0, terminates normally. Module: DFSILTA0 DFS0411I DDNAME OPEN FAILED.

Explanation: OPEN failed for the data set defined by the ddname in the message. Register 11 points to the DCB of the data set. System action: DFSILTA0 terminates abnormally with abend U0411. Programmer response: Correct the JCL, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: Check the DCB and DD statement. Module: DFSILTA0 DFS0412I MISSING 08 RECORD

Explanation: The Log Transaction Analysis program, DFSILTA0, was unable to connect a termination record (X'07') with a prior schedule record (X'08'). System action: DFSILTA0 continues processing. Any transactions associated with the X'08' record application program schedule will be ignored. Problem determination: This is a probable IMS error. 1, 2, 3, 8, 25, 36 Module: DFSILTA0 DFS0413I INCORRECT LOG DATASET xxxxxxxx DISCARDED RC=zz

Explanation: The DD statement xxxxxxxx for the log data set was incorrectly specified. The error was caused by one of the following: v A DD DUMMY or DSN=NULLFILE was specified. v The specified secondary log data set will not be used, because the log recording mode is single. v The required primary or secondary partner for OLDS ddname was not specified. The log recording mode is dual, and the online log data sets (OLDS) must be specified in pairs (primary and secondary). v For a batch program, the DD statement was incorrectly specified. v For an online program, DUAL log recording mode was requested. The allocation for the primary OLDS was successful, but the allocation for the secondary OLDS failed.


Explanation: Either form of this message can be issued. The first message indicates that a permanent I/O error occurred in the log data set specified by the ddname. The log data set is either an online log data set (OLDS), a write-ahead data set (WADS), or a batch system log data set (SLDS). The value of zzzz is WRITE or READ. The second message indicates that the system continues with an alternate log data set. For WRITE errors, xx is an invalid DECB post code,
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


which is contained in the first byte of the ECB (ECBCC). For a description of the ECB control block, see MVS/ESA Data Areas. No xx value with a WRITE error indicates that a log data set CLOSE error occurred during EOV processing. For READ errors, xx is an OSAM error return code. The values and meanings of xx are as follows: Code (Hex) Meaning 01 DD statement missing. 02 Concatenated data set. 03 Fewer units than volumes specified for a DASD data set. 04 JCL specified a DSORG type not permitted by OSAM. 05 DSCB for data set not found. 06 First volume DSCB specified a DSORG type not permitted by OSAM. 07 DCB block size not equal to DSCB block size after JFCB/DCB merge. 08 DCB LRECL size not equal to DSCB LRECL size after JFCB/DCB merge. 09 Neither the LRECL nor block size was specified in the DSCB, DCB, or JCL. 0A The specified block size is less than LRECL. 0B The specified block size exceeds track size for the specified device. 0C A previous OPEN or EOV failed. 0D VIO not supported by OSAM. The data set is allocated to a VIO unit. 0E Tape devices are not supported. The data set is allocated to a tape device. 0F Some internal error occurred in the OSAM DEB subroutine. DCBWRK1 will indicate the error code: 01 - Block size greater than track size. If hardware errors occur, see the z/OS IOS000I message issued before the DFS0414I message. System action: IMS continues execution with a spare WADS (DFSWADSn, n=0,1,...9), if one is available. If no such WADS exists, IMS continues logging in a degraded mode by truncating log buffers to ensure the preservation of Log-Write Ahead Protocols (LWA). One of the following occurs for the other WRITE error cases: OLDS IMS continues execution if 2 or more OLDS remain. If only one OLDS remains, an internal CHECKPOINT FREEZE is performed. If no OLDS remains, IMS abends with abend U0616. SLDS IMS continues execution if dual logging is in effect and an alternate SLDS exists. If an alternate SLDS is not available, IMS abends with abend U0616. System Operator Response: If the error occurs on an OLDS and dual logging was not being used or if errors occur on both copies of a dual OLDS log, then the Log Recovery utility needs to be run to close the OLDS in error. For an invalid DECB post code with no associated hardware error, set a SLIP to capture a dump at the next message occurrence and contact IBM support. For more information about recovering from OLDS, WADS, or SLDS errors, see the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide Module: DFSFDLS0 DFS0415W PARTITIONED DATABASE INIT | TERM | START EXCEPTION CONDITION - FUNC= ffffffff, DBNAME= dddddddd, PARTNAME= pppppppp, REASON= rr

Explanation: An error occurred during the INIT, TERM or START processing of a HALDB structure. In the message text: ffffffff The keyword specifying the INIT, TERM or START function that encountered the error. ffffffff is one of the following: SYS DDIR System initialization of HALDB DDIR structures SYS DMB System initialization of HALDB DMB structures SEL DMB System initialization of a selected HALDB DMB structure PART DB Initialization of a HALDB (DDIR and DMB structures) RBLD PDB Re-initialization of a HALDB name table PART DB Termination of a HALDB structure PART DDIR Command initialization of a partitioned DB DDIR structure PART DMB Command initialization of a partitioned DB DMB structure dddddddd Identifies the database that encountered the error. pppppppp Identifies the partition in dddddddd which encountered the error. If the error pertains to the database in general, the partition name is specified as N/A. rr The reason code identifies the cause of the error: Reason Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Meaning Invalid function code Unable to allocate XPARTW storage Database DDIR not found Database not defined as partitioned HALDB not initialized Unable to allocate storage stack area Invalid database organization


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0416I DFS0420A
08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 30 31 32 40 41 43 44 45 50 51 60 61 70 71 72 73 74 90 99 Inconsistent database organization Invalid STR modification state Unable to allocate part list storage Unable to allocate DFSPNT storage Unable to allocate part DDIR Unable to allocate part DMB Unable to allocate part DCB Unable to allocate ILE ACB Unable to allocate DBRC name list Unable to allocate part unique storage Unable to allocate PHIDAM index ACB Unable to load selection exit Selection exit not linked reentrant Unable to locate selection exit Unable to allocate DFSPTX storage Unable to allocate DFSPTK storage Unable to allocate DFSPDA storage Partitioned database DDIR not inactive Partition DDIR not inactive Partitioned database DMB not initialized Duplicate database name DDIR encountered Unable to load dfsdt150 No HALDBs found Partitioned structure not required Partitioned database DDIR list not found Unable to unallocate part data set Unable to allocate DXPXDLIL storage DBRC query error No partition data returned by DBRC Target partition data not found by DBRC DBRC not active Warning, partition precluded from rebuild Error encountered for one or more databases Module: DFSXCIC0, DFSXLGI0 DFS417I PAGE FREE FAILED.

Explanation: During STAE exit processing, module DFSFCST0 attempted to free the page contained in the page fix list and was unsuccessful. The page free list address is located at label SCDFIX in the SCD. System action: After issuing the message, STAE exit processing continues. Problem determination: 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 36 Module: DFSFCST0 DFS418A PSB IS NOT AUTHORIZED FOR ON-LINE IMAGE COPY

Explanation: This message occurs if the PSB specified by the user was generated without the OLIC=YES option on the PSBGEN macro. System action: The utility will end with a return code of 16. Programmer response: Either correct the PSB or use a PSB with the option properly specified. Module: DFSUICP0 DFS0420A DBD dbdname STOPPED --- PREVIOUS WRITE ERROR DETECTED.

| | | | | | |

Explanation: Restart processing found a database that previously incurred a write error. If you recovered the database, issue a /DBR DB dbdname, UPDATE DB NAME(name) STOP(ACCESS)1, /START DB, or an UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command. If you did not recover the database, it must be recovered before the database is restarted or the data integrity can be lost.

Note: These commands do not automatically issue checkpoints unless OPTION(FEOV) is specified. System action: Processing continues.

System action: Partition structure processing terminates with a nonzero return code. System programmer response: Determine the cause of the failure as indicated by the reason code rr returned in the message text. Take appropriate measures to correct the problem based on the reason code explanation. Module: DFSPSM10 Problem determination: 1, 3, 6, 11, 36, 40 DFS0416I INITIALIZATION FAILED(E)STAE ERROR

| | | | | | |

Master Terminal Response: Notify the system programmer. If the database has been recovered before restart, start the database with the /DBR and /START DB commands or UPDATE DB NAME(dbdname) STOP(ACCESS) and UPDATE DB NAME(dbdname) START(ACCESS). If recovery has not been done, wait until recovery is performed before starting the database. Programmer response: The database recovery should have been done before IMS restart. Ensure that the database has been recovered before restarting it. Problem determination: 1, 6, 25 Module: DFSRST00, DFSSDL40

Explanation: IMS initialization was unable to establish the IMS (E)STAE environment. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U0071.

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS421I DFS0427I

Explanation: A DD statement for the SYSPRINT data set was not supplied to the SYSOUT print utility (DFSUPRT0). This message is printed using the z/OS Write-To-Programmer facility (return code = 8). Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSUPRT0 DFS422I I/O ERROR WRITING SYSPRINT DATASET, JOB TERMINATED.

Explanation: The spool SYSOUT print utility was executed with no ddnames of the form SPOOLnnn. The job was terminated with return code 4. Programmer response: Correct the JCL, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSUPRT0 DFS425I INVALID SPOOL DATASET FORMAT.

Explanation: A permanent I/O error occurred while the SYSOUT print utility was writing to the SYSPRINT data set. This message is printed using the z/OS Write-To-Programmer facility (return code = 0C). Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSUPRT0 DFS423I jobname, stepname, dev addr, DA, ddname, GET, status, disk addr, QSAM

Explanation: Either a noninitialized spool data set, a nonspool data set with the SPOOLnnn ddname format, or an online system failure while writing a status record caused the print utility program to reject printing of a spool data set. Programmer response: Reinitialization of the IMS online control system using this data set should be accomplished prior to submitting the print program for further execution. Module: DFSUPRT0 DFS0426I PHYSICAL I/O ERROR IN STEP stepname prcstpnm

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while processing a spool SYSOUT data set in the print utility DFSUPRT0. The data set was CLOSED and processing continued with the next. The information in this message is obtained from the SYNADAF z/OS macro. In a batch environment running DFSUPRT0, the fields in the message and their meanings are the following: jobname Label on the JOB JCL statement stepname Label on the EXEC JCL statement dev addr Hardware address of the device where the data set resides DA Direct Access ddname Label on the DD JCL statement for the data set GET QSAM operation that encountered the error status Error description disk addr Actual track address and block number. The format is BBCCHHR in hexadecimal format (2 byte binary number, 2 byte cylinder number, 2 byte head or track number, 1 byte record number on the track). QSAM Queued Sequential Access Method used by the utility. For more information on the SYNADAF z/OS macro, see MVS Data Administration Programmer response: Reallocate the failing data set or assign an alternate track if required before further use.

Explanation: A physical input or output error occurred on a database used by step stepname procedure with stepname prcstpnm. Message DFS0451I (or DFS0451A) was issued indicating the nature of the error. In addition, the step is abnormally terminating. The IOEROPN parameter of the PSB for this step requested that abend U0451 be issued, but the step terminated abnormally for some other reason and an abend U0451 could not be issued. Programmer response: Take the appropriate action to correct the conditions that caused the I/O error and the abend condition. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 35 Module: DFSDVBH0 DFS0427I LOGICAL ERROR ON ddname, ERROR CODE Vxx or Iyy.

Explanation: A logical error occurred while processing a VSAM database. Message variables are: ddname The DD name of the data set on which the logical error occurred. xx The logical hexadecimal error return code placed in the RPL feedback field by VSAM on the request that was in error. For an explanation of VSAM logical error return codes, see DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. yy An IMS buffer handler logical error.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0428I DFS0430I
Also, see the U0427 abend code in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis for detailed information. v Vxx Explanation An unexpected logical error was returned by VSAM. The logical error return codes are explained in DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. System Action The application program terminates abnormally with pseudoabend U0427, and IMS continues processing. However, if DUMP=YES was specified on the DL/I buffer options statement, the application terminates with standard abend U0427, and the control region terminates abnormally. Problem Determination 1, 4, 35 v Iyy Explanation: An unexpected condition occurred in DFSDVSM0. 04 An invalid local vector index was detected while testing for buffer validity using coupling facility services. 08 An unexpected return code was returned from VSAM while testing for buffer validity using coupling facility services. System Action: The buffer handler causes the application program to be terminated with abend U0427. Problem Determination 1, 4, 35 Module: DFSDVSM0 DFS0428I PSB SPECIFIED IN EXECUTE PARMS DOES NOT MATCH PSB ON LOG DATASET. DFS0429I VSAM {GENCB|MODCB} ERROR, RETURN CODE X'yy'.

Explanation: DL/I VSAM pool initialization issued a VSAM GENCB or MODCB macro, and encountered an error condition returned from VSAM X'yy' is the hexadecimal return code in register 15 returned by VSAM. System action: Abend U0430 is issued, and the step is terminated. Programmer response: For an explanation of return codes from VSAM GENCB and MODCB, see DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 35 Module: DFSDVBI0 DFS0430I UNABLE TO INITIALIZE DL/I BUFFERING SERVICES, REASON CODE xx

Explanation: The DL/I buffering services function cannot be initialized. The variable xx is the reason for the failure and can have the following values: v Reason Code: 01 Explanation: In a DL/I or DBB region, the PSB contained one or more PCBs for VSAM databases, but the DL/I buffer pool parameter data set (DFSVSAMP) was not provided. Programmer Response: Provide a DL/I buffer pool parameter data set to describe the VSAM buffer subpools for the job step. For an explanation of the control statements, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. v Reason Code: 02 Explanation: DL/I was unable to OPEN the buffer pool control statement data set. For batch regions, this is the data set defined by DDNAME DFSVSAMP. For online regions, this is the data set defined by DDNAME PROCLIB. Programmer Response: Ensure that the DD statement is correct for the region type. In addition, for online regions, ensure that the value specified by the parameter VSPEC is a valid suffix to complete the member name of DFSVSMxx and the member name which exists in PROCLIB. Member name, DFSVSM00, is used if VSPEC is not specified. v Reason Code: 03 Explanation: In a DLI or DBB region, the PSB contained one or more PCBs for VSAM databases, but no valid subpool definition statements were found. Message DFS0434I or DFS0435I, or both, was issued. Programmer Response: See message DFS0434I or DFS0435I. v Reason Code: 04

Explanation: The PSB specified in the EXEC parameters of the Batch Backout job does not match the PSB on the update (type X'50') records in the log data set supplied to Batch Backout. This error occurs during backout of a batch job in which IRLM is being used for data sharing. If the wrong PSB was specified on the EXEC parameters, this check prevents a data integrity exposure if batch backout releases all IRLM locks for a failed batch job, but does not complete any backout. System action: Batch Backout terminates. Programmer response: Make sure the PSB specified on the EXEC parameters matches the PSB specified in the batch job being backed out. Module: DFSBCKI0

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


Explanation: In a DLI or DBB region, the PSB contained one or more PCBs for VSAM databases, but no subpool definition statements were found. Programmer Response: For an explanation of the control statements, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. v Reason Code: 05 Explanation: An I/O error was encountered while reading the DL/I buffer pool parameter data set. Programmer Response: See message DFS0436I. v Reason Code: 06 Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to build the VSAM shared resource pools. Message DFS0432I was issued. Programmer Response: See message DFS0432I. v Reason Code: 07 Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to load a DL/I module. Message DFS0438I was issued. Programmer Response: See message DFS0438I. v Reason Code: 08 Explanation: An error was encountered while issuing a VSAM SHOWCB macro. Message DFS0429I was issued. Programmer Response: See message DFS0429I. v Reason Code: 09 Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to obtain main storage for the DL/I buffer handler pool. Message DFS0431I was issued. Programmer Response: See message DFS0431I. v Reason Code: 10 Explanation: An error was encountered while issuing a VSAM GENCB macro. Message DFS0429I was issued. Programmer Response: See message DFS0429I. v Reason Code: 11 Explanation: A GETMAIN failure occurred while processing DBD statements for the specific subpool or shared-pool ID table or while processing the POOLID statements for the specific shared-pool ID table. Programmer Response: Rerun IMS with a larger region size parameter. v Reason Code: 12 Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to obtain main storage for the ddname open table. Message DFS0441I was issued. Programmer Response: See message DFS0441I. v Reason Code: 13 Explanation: An incompatible combination of control statements was found in the DFSVSAMP data set. The IOBF= statement requested that the OSAM buffer pools be defined and allocated, but the OSAMOP IOSCB=NO statement requested that no OSAM resources be used in the batch environment. Programmer Response: Determine if an OSAM database is to be accessed by the application. Use the appropriate control statement. v Reason Code: 14 Explanation: Hiperspace buffering is either specified on a subpool with a size of less than 4K bytes, or is unavailable because of insufficient expanded storage for the specified subpool size. Programmer Response: Remove any Hiperspace buffering specifications on buffer sizes less than 4K bytes. See the z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide for expanded storage problems. v Reason Code: 15 Explanation: A VSRBF keyword for VSAM subpool definition was encountered prior to the first POOLID statement. When using the POOLID statement to define one or more VSAM local shared resource pools, the VSRBF subpool definition statement for each VSAM local shared resource pool must follow the POOLID statement to which it pertains. Programmer Response: See IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring, member DFSVSMxx, for further information. Correct the control cards and resubmit the job. v Reason Code: 16 Explanation: Duplicate coupling facility structure names were specified on the CFNAMES control statement. Message DFS3385I is also issued to further define the error. Programmer Response: See member DFSVSMxx in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for further information. Correct the CFNAMES control statement, and resubmit the job. v Reason Code: 17 Explanation: All keywords (CFIRLM, CFOSAM, and CFVSAM) must be specified on the CFNAMES control statement. Message DFS3388I is also issued to further define the error. Programmer Response: See member DFSVSMxx in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for further information. Correct the CFNAMES control statement, and resubmit the job. v Reason Code: 18 Explanation: An error was found on the CFNAMES control statement. Message DFS0437I is also issued to further define the error. Programmer Response: See member DFSVSMxx in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for further information. Correct the CFNAMES control statement, and resubmit the job. v Reason Code: 19 Explanation: In a batch environment, IRLM is being used, but DBRC is not. Programmer Response: Make sure that DBRC was specified in the IMS system definition or that DBRC=N was not specified on the EXEC statement of the execution JCL. See IMS Version 9: Installation


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0431I DFS0436I
Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for information about specifying IRLM and DBRC. System action: IMS is terminated with ABENDU0430. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 35 Module: DFSDVBI0, DFSXBAT0, DFSTRA00 DFS0431I STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR VSAM BUFFER POOL, RETURN CODE nn DFS0433I NUMBER OF BUFFERS FOR SUBPOOL SIZE nnnnn CHANGED TO mmm

Explanation: The number of buffers specified for the VSAM or OSAM subpool size nnnnn was less than the required minimum or greater than the allowed maximum. System action: mmm buffers were built in the subpool. Programmer response: For an explanation of the number of buffers, see "Specifying the IMS Buffer Pools" in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 36 Module: DFSDVBI0 DFS0434I BUFFER SIZE OR KEYWORD INVALID ON CARD nnn

Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to GETMAIN storage for the DL/I VSAM buffer pool. nn is the return code from the IMODULE GETMAIN macro. For a description of these return codes, see information on IMODULE return codes in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U0430. Programmer response: If insufficient storage is available, increase the main storage available to IMS. If LSO (local storage option) is selected for the DL/I SAS region, then subpool 251 (low private storage) for the DL/I region is not large enough for the DL/I buffer pool. Increase the region parameter in DL/I startup JCL. If LSO=N (no separate DL/I address space) is selected, then there is not enough subpool 231 available. Increase the region parameter in the control region JCL. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 18, 35 Module: DFSDVBI0 DFS0432I VSAM SHARED RESOURCE POOL CANNOT BE BUILT, RETURN CODE X'yy', POOL ID xxxx, zzzzz

Explanation: The "nth" statement in the buffer pool parameter data set specified an invalid buffer size (a buffer size that was not 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, or a multiple of 4096 up to and including 32768) or an invalid keyword. System action: The statement is bypassed. Programmer response: Correct the control statement, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 36 Module: DFSDVBI0 DFS0435I NUMBER OF BUFFERS INVALID ON CARD n

Explanation: IMS issued a VSAM BLDVRP macro to build the VSAM shared resource pool. VSAM detected an error condition and did not build the pool. The variable yy is the hexadecimal error code returned by VSAM. If multiple shared resource pools were requested, POOL ID xxxx indicates the particular shared resource pool in error. zzzzz is the shared resource pool type, which is either INDEX or DATA. System action: If the shared resource pool in error is the only or default shared pool requested, IMS terminates abnormally with abend U0430; otherwise, IMS reassigns the data sets to the default shared resource pool. Programmer response: For further explanation of the return codes from the VSAM BLDVRP macro, see z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. Module: DFSDVBI0

Explanation: The "nth" statement in the buffer pool parameter data set specified an invalid number of buffers, or the value specified was not numeric. System action: If VSAM is used (and the value is not numeric), the statement is bypassed. For OSAM, defaults are taken for all remaining parameters. If the parameter is numeric, see message DFS0433I. Programmer response: Correct the control statement; then resubmit the job, if necessary. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 36 Module: DFSDVBI0 DFS0436I I/O ERROR ON CONTROL CARD DATASET

Explanation: Module DFSCVBIO attempted to read the buffer pool parameter data set (DFSVSAMP) and encountered an I/O error. System action: In region type DBB or DLI, if a database using VSAM was specified in the PSB, abend U0430 was issued. In all other cases, processing
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS0437I DFS0440A
continues without a DL/I VSAM buffer pool. Programmer response: Ensure that the DD statement for DFSVSAMP is correct, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 4, 18, 19 Module: DFSDVBI0 DFS0437I CARD nnn, ERROR IN PARAMETER mmm DFS0439I WARNING, VSAM SUBPOOLS WITH EQUAL LENGTH BUFFERS HAVE BEEN DEFINED, POOL ID xxxx library where it can be accessed without error. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 35 Module: DFSDVBI0

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Explanation: The "nth" statement in the buffer pool parameter data set has an error in the "mth" parameter. For an online system, this error occurs if system definition does not include the DBD. For a batch job, this error occurs if the DBD is not generated within the PSB being used. This error can also occur if invalid parameters are on the following statements: v CFNAMES v IOBF v DBD v OPTIONS v VSRBF or VSAM buffer pool definition v RESVPOOL v LOCKTIME v FFROLR System action: The parameter is ignored, and processing continues.

Explanation: Two or more VSAM subpool definition statements specify the same buffer size. If multiple shared resource pools were requested, POOL ID xxxx indicates the particular shared resource pool in error. System action: A subpool will be built with the sum of the number of buffers specified. Programmer response: If the intent was to build separate subpools, then correct the subpool definition statements to specify different buffer sizes. Problem determination: 2, 3, 18, 19 Module: DFSDVBI0 DFS0440A GSR POOL ALREADY EXISTS, REPLY 'LOCAL' 'DELETE' OR 'ABEND'

| | | | | | | | |

In the bufferpool parameter dataset, if the database parameter is specified with a dataset number of A to J, L or X for HALDB but the database is a NON HALDB, the system issues this message; the allocation does not occur. If the database is subsequently converted to HALDB, then the allocations for this entry become live as soon as the database is started (without recycling IMS). The same occurs if you have a dataset number 1 and are converting from HALDB to NON HALDB. Programmer response: The parameter has been ignored. Correct the control statement, and resubmit the job. See IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for parameter formats. Problem determination: 2, 3, 18, 19 Module: DFSDVBI0, DFSTRA00 DFS0438I UNABLE TO LOAD MODULE m, return code X'nn'

Explanation: IMS issued a VSAM BLDVRP macro to build the VSAM global shared resource pool. When a return code of 4 is returned, indicating that a GSR pool already exists, the system operator must reply. System action: IMS waits for operators response. System Operator Response: One of the following responses should be used: LOCAL Another IMS system is running with a GSR and you desire initialization to continue. This option will result in the use of the local shared resource (LSR) pool for this run of IMS. DELETE No other IMS system is running at the present time and you want to have the global shared resource (GSR) pool. This option will result in the current GSR pool being deleted and a new GSR pool being built for this run. Note: If this option is chosen and there is a current IMS system running with a GSR pool, that pool will be deleted and the results will be unpredictable. ABEND Another IMS system is running with GSR, and you do not want to run this system with LSR, or you do not know whether or not another system is running with GSR and you want to terminate the initialization. This option will result in message DFS0432I followed by abend U0430. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 35

Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to load the module with module name m. X'nn' is the hexadecimal return code from the IMODULE LOAD macro. For a description of these codes, see IMODULE return code information in the topic titled IMS System Services Return Codes in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: IMS is terminated abnormally with abend U0430. Programmer response: Provide the module in a


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0441I DFS0445I

Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to GETMAIN storage for an open table. 'yy' is the return code from the IMODULE GETMAIN. For a description of these codes, see IMODULE return code information in the topic titled IMS System Services Return Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U0430. Programmer response: If insufficient storage is available, increase the main storage available to IMS. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 18, 22 Module: DFSDVBI0 DFS0442A VSAM RDF/CIDF BAD DBD=dbdname DD=ddname

Explanation: The terminal operator entered a Fast Path message segment that was too long for the expedited message handling buffer (EMHB). The EMHB is defined in the FPBUFLEN keyword on the TERMINAL macro. System action: The transaction message is discarded. System Operator Response: Correct the format of the transaction message; then reenter the command. Module: DBFSUIX0 DFS0445I WARNING - INVALID VSAM SHARED RESOURCE POOL DEFINITION, POOLID xxxx, REASON CODE yy

Explanation: Before writing a VSAM control interval, the record definition field (RDF) and the control interval definition field (CIDF) were checked and found to be invalid or inconsistent with the record format required by IMS. System action: The application program terminates abnormally. Programmer response: Use the database recovery procedure to reconstruct the database in error. Problem determination: 4, 5, 9, 11, 18, 20 Module: DFSDVSM0 DFS0443I dbname IS REGISTERED AS NON-RECOVERABLE dbname IS INCONSISTENT WITH OTHER DBS IN THE DBNET

Explanation: The definition for the VSAM shared resource pool is invalid. Variable xxxx identifies the pool id, and yy identifies one of the following reason codes: v Reason Code: 01 Explanation: An error was detected in an attempt to define an index subpool without any data subpool within the same VSAM shared resource pool. IMS will not build the particular shared resource pool. Programmer Response: Correct the control statements before the next job execution. v Reason Code: 02 Explanation: The maximum number of VSAM shared resource pools has been exceeded. Any POOLID statements (with the corresponding VSRBF statements) found after the limit is reached are ignored. The warning message is issued only for the first valid POOLID statement that exceeds the limit. Programmer Response: Combine or eliminate the VSAM POOLID subpool definition statements that exceed the limit. v Reason Code: 03 Explanation: While processing POOLID subpool definition statements, an invalid pool ID was found. IMS ignores the POOLID statement and all VSRBF statements defining subpools within that shared resource pool. Only the first four characters of the invalid pool ID appear in the warning message. Programmer Response: See IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for an explanation of the POOLID statement. v Reason Code: 04 Explanation: While processing POOLID subpool definition statements, a POOLID statement was coded with a duplicate pool ID. IMS ignores the POOLID statement with the duplicate pool ID. IMS also ignores all VSRBF statements that define subpools in that shared resource pool.


Explanation: Scheduling issues the first form of the message when the identified database is registered with DBRC as nonrecoverable. Scheduling issues the second form when the identified database is registered as nonrecoverable and related databases are registered as recoverable. It is suggested that all related databases be either recoverable or nonrecoverable. System action: IMS continues processing. Programmer response: This is an informational message. For a description of nonrecoverable databases, see IMS Version 9: Operations Guide. Module: DFSDBLN0

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS0446I DFS0448I
Programmer Response: Correct the control statements before the next job execution. v Reason Code: 05 Explanation: While processing POOLID subpool definition statements, an invalid parameter was found. IMS ignores the remainder of the particular POOLID statement and uses the default values of the remaining parameters. Programmer Response: See IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for an explanation of the POOLID statement. v Reason Code: 06 Explanation: An error was detected while processing POOLID subpool definition statements. The VSAM shared resource pool ID on the POOLID subpool definition statement (for a shared resource pool other than the default pool) was not referenced by any valid buffer pool DBD statement. The VSAM shared resource pool is built but not used. Programmer Response: See IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for an explanation of the POOLID statement. v Reason Code: 07 Explanation: An error was detected in the attempt to define a VSAM shared resource pool which did not contain a subpool. A POOLID subpool definition statement is followed by another POOLID statement rather than by VSRBF subpool definition statements. A VSAM shared resource pool without any defined subpool is ignored. Programmer Response: See IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for an explanation of the POOLID statement. v Reason Code: 08 Explanation: The maximum number of VSAM shared resource pools has been exceeded when the number of shared pools reserved with the RESVPOOL statement is considered. Normally, the maximum number of shared pools allowed is: 15 in a batch or utility environment 16 in a DC or DBCTL environment Any POOLID statements (with the corresponding VSRBF statements) found after the limit is reached are ignored. The warning message is only issued for the first valid POOLID statement exceeding the limit. System Action: IMS buffer pool initialization continues. Programmer Response: Combine or eliminate the VSAM POOLID subpool definition statements that exceed the limit. v Reason Code: 20 Explanation: A terminal in Fast Path response mode attempted to logon to an IMS system that is not Fast Path capable. Module: DBFSUIX0, DFSDVBI0 DFS0446I WARNING - VSAM SHARED RESOURCE POOLID xxxx ON DBD STATEMENT IN ERROR

Explanation: An error was detected while processing DBD statements. The VSAM shared resource pool ID on the DBD statement did not match the ID on any valid POOLID subpool definition statement. System action: IMS reassigns the data set to the default shared resource pool. Programmer response: Correct the control statement before the next job execution. Module: DFSDVBI0 DFS0447I NUMBER OF BUFFERS FOR VSAM SUBPOOL SIZE nnnnn CHANGED TO mmm, POOL ID xxxx

Explanation: The number of buffers specified for the VSAM subpool size nnnnn was either less than the required minimum or was greater than 32767. If multiple shared resource pools were requested, POOL ID xxxx indicates the shared resource pool in error. System action: mmm buffers were built in the subpool. Programmer response: For an explanation of buffer pool specifications, see the IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. Module: DFSDVBI0 DFS0448I VSAM HIPERSPACE BUFFERING INVALID|UNAVAIL|FAILED FOR SUBPOOL SIZE nnnnn, POOL ID xxxx

Explanation: VSAM Hiperspace buffering is invalid when specified on a subpool size less than 4K bytes. VSAM Hiperspace buffering is unavailable for the indicated subpool size because of insufficient expanded storage, and the Hiperspace buffers were defaulted or specified as optional. VSAM Hiperspace buffering failed for the indicated subpool size because of insufficient expanded storage, and the Hiperspace buffers were specified as required. If multiple shared resource pools were requested, POOL ID xxxx indicates the shared resource pool in error. System action: For INVALID or FAILED, IMS initialization abnormally terminates with abend U0430. For UNAVAIL, initialization of IMS continues without Hiperspace buffering for the identified VSAM subpool. Programmer response: Remove any Hiperspace buffering specifications on buffer sizes less than 4K. If sufficient expanded storage exists and this message indicates that storage is unavailable, try increasing the z/OS SRM values in the IPS statement for


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS449A DFS0451I
PWSS=(min,max). See z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide. Module: DFSDVBI0 DFS449A VOLUME...... IS INCORRECT FOR RESTARTMOUNT VOLUME...... status code is returned to the application program. No status code is returned for the WRITE error.

Explanation: During restart processing, the utility detected an incorrect volume mounted for the continuation of the image data set. System action: The utility will close the data set, forcing the incorrect volume to be demounted, and then open the data set. The utility will continue to do this until the correct volume is mounted. System Operator Response: If the volume serial numbers are not specifically mentioned in the JCL or catalog, mount the volume specified in the second half of the message. If the volume is specifically described, continue mounting volumes that z/OS will accept until the volume the utility requires is eventually mounted. Module: DFSUICP0 DFS0450I DFSDDLE0 dbdname STOPPEDLOGICAL ERROR DDNAME=ddname VSAM ERROR CODE=nn

| | | | | |

If the access method is VSAM, this message is preceded by a display of bytes 26-125 of the VSAM physical error message, prefixed by DFS0451I hhmmss. For the format and contents of this message, see Physical Error Message Format in DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. If the access method is OSAM, decb field is the field DECBSTAT from the DECB used for the I/O operation, followed by a description of the error. See message DFS0762I for the DECB status code (DECBSTAT) definitions. If the IOEROPN=(n,WTOR) parameter is specified when the PSB is generated and if the system is batch (DLI or DBB), the operator is allowed to specify abend or continue. This will only be specified in batch for an action-required message. The values are defined as follows: modname One of the following modules issued the message: DFSDVSM0 DFSDBH00 DFSDDLE0 dbdname Database name ddname DD name i/o error Indicates that a READ or WRITE error has occurred during an I/O operation or that the WEQE (write error queue element) was detected. Whenever a WRITE error has occurred and the subsystem does not have a copy of the data, a WEQE is created for the block. If an application requests data in a block with a WEQE, this message is generated and a status code is passed back to the application program. After the database recovery has been performed, all WEQEs for the database will be freed. The WEQE in the subsystem incurring the WRITE error (data sharing or non-data sharing environment) is flagged to allow error free READ operations for that block in that subsystem. In a data sharing environment, if an application running in a subsystem other than the one incurring the WRITE error requests a segment in the given database block, this message is generated and a status code is passed back to the application program. A READ operation is not issued for the block since it was incorrect. After the database recovery has been performed, all WEQEs for the database will be freed. In a nondata sharing environment, if the database is closed and then reused without recovering it (for example /DBD instead of /DBR), this flag

Explanation: The indicated module detected a read or write error on the database definition name on the DDNAME data set. This error message indicates VSAM returned (in register 15) a return code of 8 to a VSAM PUT from module DFSDDLE0. A logical error code from the RPL is also printed to further define the logical error. System action: Processing continues. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSDDLE0 DFS0451A modname, dbdname, ddname, i/o error, decb field hhmmss, variable text modname, dbdname, ddname, i/o error, decb field

| DFS0451I

| Explanation: Any of the forms of this message can be | issued. A READ or a WRITE error has occurred during | an I/O operation.
Module modname detected an error during an I/O operation or while processing the write error queue elements (WEQE) for the identified ddname in database dbdname. The field i/o error indicates whether it is a READ error or whether a WEQE is found, and the

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS0452I DFS0454I
is removed and subsequent READ requests for that block result in this message being issued. decb field A DECB field is indicated by the DECBSTAT or DECBEXC System action: For the action-required message, DL/I waits for the operator to respond before continuing. If the operator responds with ABEND, the application program terminates with pseudoabend U0451, and IMS continues processing. However, if DUMP=YES was specified on the DL/I buffer options statement, the application terminates with standard abend U0451. An operator response of CONT causes IMS to continue processing. For the information message, processing continues. If IOEROPN=(451,WTOR), IMS terminates with abend U0451, even if the operator responds CONT to the DFS0451A message. System programmer response: For both messages, if it is a permanent READ error or WRITE error, the database should be recovered. However, if only WRITE errors occur, the database might continue to be used by the online system, and recovery can be delayed until a convenient time. If application performance is affected or READ errors occur, the database must be recovered. System Operator Response: For the action-required message, reply ABEND to cause abend U0451, or CONT to cause IMS to continue processing. No action is required for the information message. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the appropriate support personnel responsible for the recovery of the database. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 35 Module: DFSDBH40, DFSDDLE0, DFSDVSM0 DFS0452I CONTROL CARD INPUT NOT PRESENT ERROR IN CONTROL CARD FORMAT DUP-CLOSE NO LONGER SUPPORTED -- USE DUP AND REP THEN RERUN CLS MODE DFS0453I UNABLE TO OPEN xxx

Explanation: The data set (xxx) could not be opened successfully. xxx consists of a descriptive name of the data set plus the ddname. The values for xxx are: CARD INPUT ddname PRINT OUTPUT ddname INPUT OLDS ddname INPUT SLDS ddname OUTPUT LOG ddname NEXT OLDS ddname System action: If the error occurs on a dual WADS or dual Next, OLDS processing continues using the alternate data set. Otherwise, the Log Recovery utility terminates processing. Programmer response: If the Log Recovery utility fails, ensure that a DD statement is present and specified correctly. If a hardware failure is indicated, rerun the job specifying an alternate unit. Module: DFSULG10, DFSULG20 DFS0454I UNSUCCESSFUL ALTERNATE LOG DATASET POSITION---REASON x

Explanation: Dual input logs were specified for the Log Recovery utility. An error was detected while reading one of the input logs. The value of x is 2 or 3. Code (Hex) Meaning 02 Dual SLDS input was provided. The two SLDSs did not start with the same block of data. DFSULG20 processing has terminated for both input logs, but the block of data common to both logs was not successfully read. 03 Dual input logs were provided. DFSULG10 tried to read the first block from each log to determine if the input was valid. For OLDS, the first pair of blocks must be readable and identical. For SLDS, the first pair of blocks must be readable. If the SLDS blocks are not identical, the higher log sequence number (for the first log record) is saved. Processing of that input log (and its corresponding output log) is suspended until the higher log sequence number is found on the other remaining input log. System action: The Log Recovery utility terminates processing with a dump. Programmer response: For reason code 02, examine the error block listing as well as the input logs. Try to determine why the matching block was not read. (The matching block is either an error block or is missing on the input log.) If the block is in error, correct the block

DFS0452I DFS0452I

Explanation: Either control statement input was missing or a control statement was in error. The erroneous control statement is printed on the SYSPRINT data set. Programmer response: Resubmit the job with a control statement or a corrected control statement. Module: DFSULG10


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0455I DFS0460I
using z/OS system utilities. If the block is missing, provide all SLDS volumes as input. Then rerun the utility. For reason code 03, use z/OS system utilities to examine the input logs. Correct the error and rerun the utility. Module: DFSULG10, DFSULG20 DFS0455I I/O ERROR ON xxx DURING mmm OPERATION DFS0457I CONTROL CARD SPECIFIED 'B' RECORD---NO 'B' RECORD ON INTERIM LOG

Explanation: SYSIN input specified that the data be replaced in the B record of the given sequence number. An A record was encountered but no corresponding B record was present. System action: The Log Recovery utility terminates processing. Programmer response: Do the following: v Check the printed output from the previous DUP run to ensure that the B records were produced. v Ensure that the proper interim log data set was used. Module: DFSULG10 DFS0458I CONTROL CARD OUT OF SEQUENCE

Explanation: The Log Recovery utility, DFSULTR0, encountered an I/O error on data set xxx while processing in mode mmm. The value of mmm is CLS, DUP, or REP. xxx consists of a descriptive name of the data set plus the ddname. The values for xxx are: INPUT OLDS ddname INPUT SLDS ddname OUTPUT LOG ddname NEXT OLDS ddname System action: If the I/O error occurs on a dual data set, processing continues using the alternate data set. Otherwise, the Log Recovery utility terminates processing. Programmer response: If the Log Recovery utility fails (that is, return code = 8), do one of the following: v If the error occurs on the interim log data set either during REP mode, input OLDS, or next OLDS, run DUP mode to close or recover the data sets. v If the error occurs on the interim log data set during DUP mode or during an output log, rerun the job and specify another drive or volume. Module: DFSULG10, DFSULG20 DFS0456I ERROR IDS ON STATEMENT AND INTERIM LOG DO NOT MATCH

Explanation: The control cards are out of sequence. Programmer response: Put the control cards in the proper sequence, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSULG10 DFS0459I EOF ON INTERIM LOG WITH CONTROL CARD YET TO PROCESS

Explanation: Control statements were submitted for records not on the interim log data set. The remaining unprocessed control statements are printed on the SYSPRINT data set. System action: The Log Recovery utility terminates processing. Programmer response: Determine if the extra control statements are valid. If they are not, a volume of the interim log data set was probably omitted from the job. Module: DFSULG10 DFS0460I REPLACEMENT DATA WILL NOT FIT IN RECORD

Explanation: One of the following occurred: v The input control statements to a REP mode operation were out of sequence. v The sequence number is wrong. v The control statements are missing. System action: The Log Recovery utility terminates processing. Programmer response: Do the following: 1. Verify that the control statements agree with the printed output produced in the DUP mode run. 2. Correct and resubmit the job. 3. Ensure that the proper interim log data set was used. Module: DFSULG10

Explanation: The offset plus the length of the data specified by the REP statement falls outside of the indicated block. System action: The Log Recovery utility terminates processing. Programmer response: Examine the printed output from the previous DUP run to determine the proper offset and length. Correct the control statement, and rerun the job. Module: DFSULG10

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS0461I DFS469
DFS0461I USER HAS SPECIFIED 'REP' IN BOTH A AND B RECORDS statement image is specified correctly and check the source DBD for the database name printed in the message. Rerun the job after making the appropriate corrections. Module: DFSURUL0 DFS0465I PSB psbname IS INCORRECT FOR DBD dbdname, PSB STOPPED.

Explanation: For a given sequence number, data can be replaced in either the A record or the B record. It cannot be replaced in both records. Programmer response: Resubmit the job, specifying "REP" in either the A record or the B record. Module: DFSULG10 DFS0462 NOBUILDQ KEYWORD MUST NOT BE PRESENT

Explanation: The named PSB has a DL/I PCB statement that references a Fast Path (MSDB or DEDB) DMB. System action: The PSB is stopped. Programmer response: Correct the PSB in error, rerun ACBGEN, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDBLP0, DFSXRBL0 DFS0466I NO xxxxxxxx DD CARD SPECIFIED

Explanation: You can use the NOBUILDQ keyword only when warm starting IMS using the /NRE command with the FORMAT keyword included. (Even though the BUILDQ keyword is valid with the /ERE command, NOBUILDQ is not valid.) For a description of the syntax of the /NRE and /ERE commands, see IMS Version 9: Command Reference. Module: DFSICL20

Explanation: The utility program found a control statement that requires the ddnamexxxxxxxx which was not supplied. System action: The Log Recovery Utility terminates processing. Programmer response: Correct the control statement or JCL and resubmit the job. DFS467I xxxxxxxx DDDUMMY CARD SPECIFIED

| DFS0463I


Explanation: You entered the /NRE FORMAT command to warm start IMS, but omitted the BUILDQ or NOBUILDQ keyword. You must specify either BUILDQ to build the queues after formatting the data sets indicated by the FORMAT keyword, or NOBUILDQ to format the data sets without rebuilding the queues. For the commands /NRE FORMAT SP and /NRE FORMAT ALL, NOBUILDQ is invalid and you must specify BUILDQ. System action: The command is ignored. Module: DFSICL20 DFS0464A THE SECONDARY INDEX INDICATOR IS NOT ON IN THE DBD FOR MEMBER (dbdname)

Explanation: The utility program found a control statement that required the ddname xxxxxxxx which is DD DUMMY. System action: The Log Recovery Utility terminates processing. Programmer response: Correct the control statement or JCL and resubmit the job. DFS468 INCORRECT VTAM LEVEL - RNR DISABLED

Explanation: The control statement image printed before this message indicates that the dbdname specified is a secondary index, but the secondary index flag is not on in the DBD member. System action: If the utility is not executing under the Utility Control Facility (UCF) and the OPTIONS=ABEND is not selected, execution continues to the next control statement image. The step terminates with a return code of 8. If the OPTIONS=ABEND card is specified, the utility terminates with a user abend. If the utility is executing under the UCF, processing ceases and execution terminates with a return code of 8. Programmer response: Verify that the control

Explanation: RNR must be running with VTAM 4.4 or above. If VTAM is down-level, RNR is disabled. System action: IMS continues normal execution. Master Terminal Operator Response: None required. DFS469 ALL SESSION RECONNECTS HAVE BEEN INITIATED

Explanation: All session reconnections for the IMS Rapid Network Reconnect option have been scheduled. The session reconnection function will execute asynchronously with normal IMS processing and the MTO will be notified of any reconnect failures. System action: IMS continues normal execution.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS470 DFS0475I
Master Terminal Operator Response: None required. DFS470 RAPID NETWORK RECONNECT STARTING nn mm The return code received from VTAM. The FDB2 returned by VTAM.

Explanation: IMS starts the Rapid Network Reconnect process. System action: IMS continues normal execution. Programmer response: None required. Module: DFSVTP00 DFS0471I IMS CANNOT LOCATE NODE xxxxxxxx DURING RAPID NETWORK PROCESS

For information returned by VTAM and possible actions, see the VTAM Messages and Codes and VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming Codes manuals. System action: IMS terminates the Rapid Network Reconnect. Master Terminal Operator Response: The session can be restarted, as appropriate, using normal session initiation procedures. Entering Terminal Operator Response: The session can be restarted, as appropriate, using normal session initiation procedures. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 Module: DFSIDC00 DFS0475I GETMAIN FAILURE DURING REPOSITIONING ON FILENAME, RETURN CODE RETCODE BSP FAILURE DURING REPOSITIONING ON FILENAME, RETURN CODE RETCODE, REASON CODE REACODE READ FAILURE DURING REPOSITIONING ON FILENAME, POST CODE POSTCODE WRITE FAILURE DURING REPOSITIONING ON FILENAME, POST CODE POSTCODE POSITION FAILURE DURING REPOSITIONING ON FILENAME, EXPECTED xxxxxxxx, FOUND yyyyyyyy

Explanation: During the session reconnect process, VTAM notifies IMS that all sessions are pending recovery. To restore each individual session, IMS needs to locate its corresponding control block. If the control block cannot be located, DFS0471E is issued to the MTO. System action: IMS continues normal execution. Master Terminal Operator Response: The session can be restarted, as appropriate, using normal session initiation procedures. Entering Terminal Operator Response: The session can be restarted, as appropriate, using normal session initiation procedures. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 Module: DFSIDC00 DFS0472I RNR FUNCTION DISABLED FOR IMS/ESA EXECUTION WITH XRF




Explanation: The RNR option should not be specified as an IMS execution parameter for an IMS system generated with XRF. System action: IMS execution continues with the RNR function disabled. Master Terminal Operator Response: Continue with the execution and RNR disabled. Use of RNR requires a new IMS system definition without XRF included (HSB=NO on the IMSCTRL macro statement). Problem determination: 2, 6, 1 Module: DFSIIDC0 DFS0474W RAPID NETWORK RECONNECT FAILED INQUIRE/RESTORE RC=nn, FDB2=mm


Explanation: This message follows message DFS0414I. After an I/O error on one OLDS using dual logging, IMS attempts to back out the data that was written to the other OLDS in the pair. To do this, IMS attempts to reestablish position in the file. Various errors can occur during the repositioning process. Each form of the message indicates a specific repositioning error. IMS issues the first form of the message when an IMODULE GETMAIN call to obtain a temporary Read/Write buffer fails. The return codes from the call indicate the following conditions: Code 4 8 38 Meaning Storage not allocated Parameter error Caller in SRB or XM mode

Explanation: If VTAM INQUIRE or RESTORE commands are issued during Rapid Network Reconnect and VTAM returns a bad code, DFS0474E is issued to the MTO. In the message text:

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS0476A DFS0478A
IMS issues the second form of the message when a BSP (BACKSPACE ) request fails. For a description of the return codes and reason codes, see DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. IMS issues the third and fourth forms of the message when a BSAM read or write request fails. For a description of the post codes, see MVS/DFP Customization, which refers to them as status indicators in the ECB. IMS issues the fifth form of the message when it has repositioned itself in the OLDS but finds that the block at that point does not have the expected sequence number. The expected sequence number is xxxxxxxx. The found sequence number is yyyyyyyy. System action: IMS continues processing and switches OLDS. Programmer response: Since some of the blocks of data can be duplicated in the old and new pair of OLDS, run the log recovery utility to remove the extra blocks and close the OLDS. (DBRC does not archive the OLDS unless this is done.) Run the utility in CLS mode using DFSOLP, DFSOLS, DFSNOLP, and DFSNOLS DD statements. So not use DFSWADSn DD statements. The DFSOLP and DFSOLS DD statements must reference the OLDS pair on which the I/O error occurred. The DFSNOLP and DFSNOLS DD statements must reference the OLDS pair to which IMS switched following the I/O error. For more details on the Log Recovery utility, see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System. Module: DFSFDLB0, DFSFDLS0 DFS0476A SPOOL DATASET ABEND -- DDNAME = xxxxxxxx DFS0477A INVALID CLOCK SETTING. EXCESSIVE UTC OFFSET. RESET CLOCK AND REPLY C FOR CONTINUE OR A FOR ABORT.

Explanation: The UTC offset must be within the range of -11:00 to +14:00 hours. The value is outside this range. The operator probably made an error in the SET CLOCK command. This is a WTOR message, and system initialization is suspended until the operator replies. IMS might reissue this message if the clock setting is still invalid after the operator replies. System action: If the operator replies C, IMS initialization continues. If the operator replies A, IMS terminates abnormally with abend U0525, subcode 03. System Operator Response: If you can correct the error by a SET CLOCK command, enter the SET CLOCK command before replying to this message. If you cannot correct the error without an IPL, enter the abort option (A) to allow IMS to make an orderly shutdown. See IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis. for a description of abend U0525. Module: DFSTIME0 DFS0478A INVALID CLOCK SETTING. EXCESSIVE UTC OFFSET. RESET CLOCK IMMEDIATELY.

Explanation: A permanent I/O error occurred during OPEN, CLOSE, or EOV processing and an IMS DCB abend exit received control. In the message text, xxxxxxxx is the ddname being processed at the time of the abend. z/OS also issues a message to describe the abend; the z/OS console log contains this message related to this ddname. System action: IMS ignores the abend and switches to the next available spool data set. Programmer response: Ensure there is a spool data set available. If there is no spool data set available, schedule the spool print utility to unload the spool data sets. Additionally, in an XRF environment, consider issuing a takeover and allocating new spool data sets. As long as there is no spool data set available, IMS will queue all messages destined to the spool LTERM to the message queue. This could lead to an ABENDU0758. Module: DFSDN155

Explanation: The UTC offset must be within the range of -11:00 to +14:00 hours. The value is outside this range. The operator probably made an error in the SET CLOCK command. This highlighted message indicates that the operator must take action immediately. System action: This message remains highlighted until the clock is corrected. System Operator Response: Enter a SET CLOCK command with the correct clock setting or local time value. The system continues to process transactions, but the stored time stamps are not convertible to the current local time. Correcting the clock to a valid local time eliminates the cause of this message and removes the highlighted messages from the screen. If entering the correct local time value does not correct the problem, the TOD clock must contain an invalid UTC value. An IPL might be required to set a correct UTC value in the TOD clock. Module: DFSTIME0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0479A DFS0486W
DFS0479A ISSUE UNQUALIFIED GN FAILED = xx I,35 is issued. See System Action for message DFS0730I. Programmer response: Use the DBRC INIT.DBDS command to register the data sets in the RECON data set so that necessary recovery-related information will be recorded during execution. Problem determination: 1, 6 Module: DFSDDUI0 DFS0485W RECOVERY DATA FOR [DATA BASE dbdname|AREA areaname] MISSING FROM THE RECON DATASET

Explanation: xx indicates the DL/I status code for the error. System action: Processing stops. Programmer response: Correct the JCL error indicated by the DL/I status code. See the topic titled DL/I Codes information in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. Module: DFSMAID0 DFS0481A CANNOT ALLOCATE STORAGE GETMAIN

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to obtain storage. System action: Processing stops. Storage is not allocated. System programmer response: Increase the region size in the startup JCL. Module: DFSMAID0 DFS0482A PARTITION SIZE SELECTION TOO SMALL

Explanation: Recovery information for the named database (or area) might be missing from the RECON data set. The database (or area) is being opened for update with DBRC so that log data sets generated during the execution will be recorded in the RECON data set. In previous executions when update ACCESS to the database (or area) was allowed, DBRC was not used. Therefore, unless explicit action was taken, the RECON data set contains no record of log data sets from previous executions needed to generate valid recovery JCL. If the log data sets from the previous executions were explicitly added to RECON, then this message confirms that the RECON is again being used to record recovery information. If an image copy was recorded in RECON since the last update of the database (or area) that did not use DBRC, and if the log data sets from the previous executions were not recorded in RECON, then this message indicates that recovery from image copies before the updates without DBRC are invalid. System action: Execution continues. The DBRC usage indicator (DUI) in the database will be updated with the identification of the RECON data sets that currently record recovery information. Programmer response: You can take one of the following actions: v Use the appropriate DBRC commands to manually update the RECON data set to ensure that all logs required as input for recovery or change accumulation are recorded. v Take and record an image copy of the database (or area) in the RECON data set to provide a new recovery base. The first execution that opened this database (or area) for update processing without DBRC issued message DFS0486W. Module: DFSDDUI0, DBFMOPC0 DFS0486W THE RECON DATASET WILL NOT BE UPDATED FOR [DATA BASE dbdname|AREA areaname]

Explanation: The selection size for a HALDB partition was too small. System action: Processing stops. System programmer response: Increase the size for the HALDB partition selection. Module: DFSMAID0 DFS0483A HD UNLOAD ENCOUNTERED AN ERROR OPENING THE SYSIN DATASET

Explanation: The data set described by the SYSIN DD card could not be opened. System action: Processing is halted. User response: Correct the data set referenced by the SYSIN DD card. Module: DFSURGU0 DFS0484A THE FOLLOWING DATASETS FOR DATA BASE dbdname ARE NOT REGISTERED TO DBRC: ddname1 . . . . ddnamen

Explanation: DL/I open processing for the named database failed because the open data sets listed are not registered in the RECON data set, although the database is registered. System action: Message DFS0730I with reason code

Explanation: The named database (or area) is being opened for update processing without DBRC control.
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS0487W DFS0488I
Although DBRC was used during the previous execution for which update ACCESS to the database (or area) was allowed, log data sets generated during the current execution will not be automatically recorded in the RECON data set. Unless explicit action is taken, the RECON data set will not contain the necessary data to generate JCL for valid Database Recovery utility processing. Note: The conditions that cause this message to be issued should always remain under direct user control. If the named database (or area) is concurrently being updated by subsystems that are using DBRC and performing database or block level data sharing, then allowing execution to continue without direct DBRC control might jeopardize the integrity and recoverability of the database (or area). System action: Execution continues. The DBRC usage indicator (DUI) in the database will be updated to reflect that this database (or area) is being updated without DBRC. Programmer response: You can take one of the following actions: v Use the appropriate DBRC commands used to manually update the RECON data set to ensure that all log data sets required as input for recovery or for change accumulation are recorded. v Take and record an image copy of the database (or area) in the RECON data set to provide a new recovery base. Change the JCL for all subsystems that access this database (or area) so that they all use the same RECON data sets and DBRC. Module: DFSDDUI0, DBFMOPC0 DFS0487W THE RECON DATASET USED FOR [DATA BASE dbdname|AREA areaname] HAS CHANGED Note: If the area was not opened previously with access intent of update or exclusive, this message can appear even though the RECON data set has not changed. System action: Execution continues. The DBRC usage indicator (DUI) in the database will be updated with the identification of the RECON data sets which currently record recovery information. Programmer response: If the database (or area) is registered in more than one RECON data set, ensure that the correct one is being used for this execution. The appropriate DBRC commands can be used to manually update the RECON data set to ensure that all logs required as input for recovery or change accumulation are recorded, or an image copy of the database (or area) should be taken and recorded in the RECON data set to provide a new recovery base. Module: DFSDDUI0, DBFMOPC0 DFS0488I DBR | DBD | STA | STO | LOCK | UNLOCK COMMAND COMPLETED. DBN=database name RC=nn. DBR | DBD | STA | STO | VUN COMMAND COMPLETED. DBN | AREA | ADS=database name | areaname | adsname RC=nn UNLOCK COMMAND COMPLETED. RC=nn DBR | DBD | STA | STO COMMAND COMPLETED. KEYWORD ALL DBR | DBD | STA | STO COMMAND COMPLETED. DATAGROUP (groupname)





Explanation: The named database (or area) has been opened for update processing. This message is a warning that the RECON data set being used to record the update logs for the database (or area) might not contain the most recent recovery generation data for the database (or area). DL/I (or Fast Path) open processing for the database (or area) detected that the RECON data set used might not be the one used during the previous execution to record logs for the database (or area). The RECON data set, therefore, might not contain data necessary to generate correct JCL for the database (or area) recovery processing utilities.

| | | | | | | |

Explanation: The /DBRecovery, /DBDUMP, /START, or /STOP command processing is completed. A zero return code indicates that the named database has been successfully processed. The ADS specification is effective only for the /STOP command. The area is only for the /DBRecovery, /START, and /STOP commands. A nonzero return code indicates that an unexpected error was encountered while processing. If the datagroup contains both full function and fast path databases, you might see a message indicating that the command is complete before seeing any messages indicating fast path areas did not start successfully. The /VUNLOAD command completed processing for area xxxxxxxx. DFS0488I is only issued for areas for which the /VUNLOAD command failed, along with the reason code. The reason code indicates the result of the command. A final DFS0488I message is issued to


Messages and Codes Volume 2

indicated the command is completed. For the second form of the message, the return code nn can have the value 00, 04, or 20. The third and fourth forms of the message are issued to avoid excessive individual messages for successful operations. When the keyword ALL is specified, one DFS0488I is issued for every database name, area name, or ads name in error, followed by a final DFS0488I DBR|DBD|STA|STO|VUN COMMAND COMPLETED message. DFS0488I is not issued for each database name, area name, or ADS name with return code of 00, (RC=00 indicates that the command was successful). Restriction: This message will only be received for the LOCK command issued from an OM API. Return Code (Dec) Meaning 01 The requested state and the current authorization state (see the RECON data set) are incompatible. The database is authorized by another active or abnormally terminated IMS subsystem, and its authorization state is incompatible with the current authorization request. 02 The global command was not able to synchronize with all data sharing partners. The command was completed on the subsystem that received this message, but the partners need to be interrogated to determine if the command completed successfully. 03 The database is marked as prohibiting further authorization for one of the following reasons; a global /DBRrecovery, a global /STO, or a DBRC CHANGE.DB(NOAUTH) command. 04 An error occurred at the close of the database. For detailed information about the reason codes, refer to message DFS730I. Module DFSMDA00 can also issue return code 4 if dynamic allocation or deallocation failed. This indicates an interface problem between another IMS module and the IMS dynamic allocation module, DFSMDA00. This can also indicate a missing or bad DFSMDA00 member. For a /VUNLOAD command, the area specified was not found in any data space or coupling facility structure. Verify that the area name is correct. Issue a /DISPLAY FPVIRTUAL command to find which areas are in data spaces or coupling facility structures. For the second form of the message, this return code indicates that the /UNLOCK SYSTEM command was only partially successful. At least one tolerated block or CI could not be purged. The /UNLOCK SYSTEM command should be entered again at a later time. 05 06 07 08 Return code 04 can also mean the database is authorized only if the requested state is "READ" or "READ-GO" because of a global /DBD command. The database is marked as needing an image copy. The database is marked as needing recovery. The database is marked as needing backout. Dynamic allocation failed (from DFSMDA00). This indicates that the IMS dynamic allocation module (DFSMDA00) received a nonzero return code from MVS dynamic allocation. For a /VUNLOAD, /STOP AREA GLOBAL, /DBRecovery AREA GLOBAL, or /STOP ADS command, an attempt to get the VUNLOAD lock for an area in a coupling facility structure failed. The /VUNLOAD, /STOP AREA GLOBAL, /DBRecovery AREA GLOBAL, or /STOP ADS command is terminated. The VUNLOAD, STOP or DBR processing is not done. During authorization change processing, IRLM could not identify one or more subsystems. You might have IRLM=N or another IRLM name specified on the subsystem. An invalid parameter was found during the evaluation process for database-usage compatibility. The database record in the RECON data set might be invalid. Dynamic allocation or deallocation failed because no storage was available from DFSMDA00. Return code 12 can also mean that the current authorization state in DBRC is invalid because of an unauthorization error. The named database cannot be started because of one of the following possible conditions: v DBRC has already authorized other READ access users in the other IMS subsystem to access the database. The granted authorization level for the other subsystem is incompatible with the original authorization level for the current subsystem because of the last /DBDUMP command issued. As a consequence, the original authorization level cannot be restored for the current subsystem. v The changed database authorization level has been requested through the /STA DB ACCESS command. The request for the change in the ACCESS parameter failed because of the incompatibility of the database with the authorization level currently held in the other IMS subsystem. Return code 14 can also mean an error occurred in DBRC while trying to process a change authorization request. The duplicate AREA entry on the /DBRecovery AREA command is ignored. The area was already unauthorized by DBRC.
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I

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16 Dynamic allocation or deallocation failed because of a system error. For detailed information about the reason codes, refer to message DFS2498I. For the /UNLOCK SYSTEM command, one of the following conditions occurred: v There were no EEQEs to purge. v The /UNLOCK command was entered on an IMS system that is not XRF-capable. v The /UNLOCK command was entered on an active system that was not a previous alternate system. This command must be entered only on the alternate system. v The /UNLOCK command was entered on the alternate system before the alternate system completed the XRF takeover. This command must be entered on the alternate system only after one or more of the following events have occurred: the failing active system has terminated the processor containing the failing active system has been reset I/O prevention on the active system is complete One of the following has occurred: v A VLOCK request cannot be granted when processing a /START AREA, or a /VUNLOAD AREA command. The area is marked as STOPPED. One sharing IMS system is holding the retained VLOCK exclusive. v While processing either a /VUNLOAD AREA, or a /START AREA command, an IMS sharing partner noted an inconsistency in the VSO options between the DEDB area control block (DMAC) on DASD and the DMAC in storage. The area is marked as STOPPED. Issue a /START AREA command to correct the inconsistency. v During /VUNLOAD, or a /START AREA command processing, an IMS sharing partner noted an inconsistency in VSO options between the DMAC on DASD and the DMAC in storage. The AREA is stopped. Issue a /START AREA command to correct the inconsistency. v During /START AREA command processing, an IXLFORCE command is issued to delete any failed persistent connections from a prior failed system. The IXLFORCE command was not able to delete the failed persistent connection. In this case, the following messages are generated: DFS2783A UNABLE TO DELETE FAILED-PERSISTENT CONNECTION TO STR: SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS REASON=RRRR DFS0488I STA COMMAND COMPLETED. AREA= XXXXXXXX RC=21 A command with the ALL keyword is not

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processed for a Fast Path MSDB. If /START DB ALL access is entered, module DFSDBDR0 does not include MSDBs. The named database cannot be started because of the following conditions: v The request to change the database authorization level to a data entry database (DEDB) has been requested through the /START DB ACCESS command. The change of an authorization level to a DEDB cannot be done because the referenced DEDB is in use by a region. v Changing the DEDB access intent requires stopping the scheduling of all PSBs that have access to the target DEDB. This might require stopping regions in which PSBs associated with WFI transactions are currently scheduled, and stopping the transactions or PSBs for non-WFI transactions. A /START AREA command failed because the area is marked as recovery-needed in the DBRC RECON data set, or the DBRC RECON indicates that there are no available area data sets for the area. Because a /START DB ACCESS command was issued, a change database authorization request was made from IMS to DBRC. The encoded database state returned from DBRC was set to a value of zero. A backout error occurred for the database. A /START command for the database is invalid until a /DBRECOVERY command is issued and batch backout is performed. One of the following events has occurred: v A write error occurred for the database. The command issued is invalid until a /DBRECOVERY command is issued. v A request for a new dataspace was issued during the open processing for a shared VSO area. Refer to message DFS2444I, that precedes message DFS0488I. A /START DB command was not executed because the database was being extended during an IMS XRF takeover, and I/O Prevention was not yet complete. You cannot start the database until IMS knows that I/O Prevention is complete. A /START DB command specifying ACCESS=RO or RD is invalid while incomplete, restartable back outs exist for the database. IMS must have update or exclusive access to the database to redo the incomplete back outs. The command is not processed for the specified database. The area is not loaded into the Coupling Facility. This does not prevent access to the area unless this code is preceded by message DFS2819A. The named HALDB partition cannot be processed in response to a /START DB


Messages and Codes Volume 2

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44 command due to an error in the Partition Structure Manager. Check the system console for related DFS0415W messages. When the /STOP ADS command is entered, the ADS of the named ddname is already stopped. This /STOP ADS command is ignored. A /DBRECOVERY, /START, or /STOP command was issued with AREAGROUP or DBGROUP, where the AREAGROUP contained a specified database or the DBGROUP contained a specified area. The command is not processed for databases in an AREAGROUP or areas in a DBGROUP. On a system defined to support Fast Path, the keyword MSDB was entered on a /START, /STOP, or /DBRecovery command. (MSDB is allowed on /DBDUMP.) The keyword is ignored and the remainder of the command is processed. A /DBRecovery command was entered on the RSR tracker for a Fast Path DEDB. The DEDB name is ignored and the remainder of the command is processed. A /DBRecovery or /START command was entered for a database that was in the process of being recalled from HSM. The command process is not performed at this time. The /DBRecovery command must be entered again after the database is recalled. The /START command will be automatically performed after the recall is complete. A command specifying a full-function DL/I database was entered on an RSR tracker executing with LSO=Y. Full-function databases are not available to LSO=Y tracker systems, so the command could not be processed for the named database. There is a discrepancy between the number of ADS allocated by IMS and the number of ADS known to DBRC. Correct the discrepancy, then reissue the /DBRecovery or /STOP command to deallocate the data sets. The command failed because the FF DB or FP area is currently being recovered. An error occurred while attempting to open the named database or HALDB partition. Check the System Console for message DFS0730I to determine the reason for the failure. The named database is a HALDB master and is invalid with the OPEN keyword. However, a partition structure rebuild is attempted if needed and if only one HALDB master was specified in the command. No rebuild is attempted if there is more than one database name listed in the command. The named HALDB partition cannot be processed in response to a /DBDUMP, /DBRECOVERY, /START, or /STOP command. It is still in use by an active HALDB OLR. The command is not processed for the HALDB partition named in the message, but

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processing continues for any other databases or HALDB partitions specified in the command. The command failed because the area has been deleted by Online Change. The named database failed directory initialization or the DBB or PSB pool space was not large enough to accommodate the blocks. Check the System Console for messages referencing this database. The named database or HALDB partition failed authorization. Check the System Console for messages related to the authorization failure. OPEN keyword processing could not continue for the named HALDB partition because a /DBRECOVERY command has been issued for the HALDB master. Start the HALDB master and then reissue the command to start the HALDB partition. This can also occur if the partition has been deleted and a partition structure rebuild has occurred. You can perform a partition structure rebuild by issuing a /START DB haldbmst OPEN command or UPD DB NAME(haldbmst) START(ACCESS) OPTION(OPEN) command, where haldbmst is the master of the partition, or by issuing a qualified GU call for a key in the key range of the partition. You can use LIST.RECON to determine if the partition exists or has been deleted. Partition DBM build failed for the named HALDB partition. Check the System Console for DFS0415W messages to determine the reason for the failure. DMB build processing failed for the named database or HALDB partition. Check the System Console for DFS0561I or DFS0592I messages to determine the reason for the failure. DMB build processing failed for the named database or HALDB partition because the data management block pool (DMB pool) is too small to hold all of the required data management blocks. Change the appropriate parameter to make the pool larger and restart the system. Message DFS0992I might also be issued. DMB build processing failed for the named database or HALDB partition. IMS detected a DMB pool shortage while attempting to load the DMB block for the named database or HALDB partition. The size of the DMB pool must be large enough to accommodate all DMBs that are actively being used. Change the appropriate parameter to make the pool larger and restart the system. DMB build processing failed for the named database or HALDB partition. Check the System Console for DFS0564I messages to determine the reason for the failure.
Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I


DFS0489I DFS0495I
77 DMB build processing failed for the named database or HALDB partition. An unexpected return code was received. Check the System Console for any related messages and contact the IBM Support Center. The command was issued for a database that is still being processed by Restart Parallel Database Open. Wait for that process to complete and try the command again. The named DEDB database cannot be started in a non-FP system. This message is generated because the user issued a /VUN command for an area in a database that was read authorized. The /VUN command must be entered on an IMS subsystem that has update authorization for the database. DFS0491A ERROR IN DFSCTL DATASET

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Explanation: A statement in the DFSCTL data set contains an error. Messages that follow this one display the incorrect line and describe the error. This message displays the affected region, when possible. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error based on the messages that follow. Module: DBFPCAA0, DBFPHI00, DBFPHI10, DBFPHI20, DBFPHI30 DFS0492I line in error

System action: IMS continues processing. Problem determination: 6, 11

Explanation: This message displays the incorrect line in the DFSCTL data set. At least one more message follows this one to provide additional information. This message displays the affected region, when possible. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the error based on the information in this message and the next messages. Module: DBFPCAA0, DBFPHI00, DBFPHI10, DBFPHI20, DBFPHI30 DFS0493I INVALID CHARACTERS IN DATABASE NAME



Explanation: The database named is changed to INQUIRY ONLY status because the image copy needed flag is set in the DBRC RECON data set. When an Online Image Copy utility is scheduled to copy the database, the database authorization level must be changed to a read level in order to permit the online image copy to run. The Online Image Copy utility is requesting the read level authorization on behalf of the IMS subsystem. System action: IMS processing continues with the online image copy. However, the database is marked for use as inquiry only.

Explanation: The database name in the statement shown in message DFS0492I contains invalid characters. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPCAA0 DFS0494I NO DATABASE NAME GIVEN

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System Operator Response: If an update or exclusive authorization level is required for the online IMS subsystem, enter a /START DB or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command after the completion of the Online Image Copy utility. Problem determination: 4, 6 Module: DFSDBAU0 DFS0490I HD UNLOAD OF PARTITIONED DATA BASES IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR UCF

Explanation: The statement shown in message DFS0492I does not specify a database name. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPCAA0 DFS0495I NO PCB LABEL GIVEN

Explanation: The PCB label was missing in the statement shown in message DFS0492I. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPCAA0

Explanation: HD Unload of HALDB is not supported for UCF. System action: Execution halts and the return code is set to 16 Module: DFSURGU0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0496A DFS0499I

Explanation: HDUNLOAD encountered an error from IMS Partition Selection while preparing to unload the database segments for a partition or range of partitions belonging to the database specified on the job parameter card. System action: Processing halts with return code 16. User response: Verify that the database input on the job parameter card is correct. If you specified a range of partitions in the SYSIN using NUMBER= (for example, PARTITION=PART2,NUMBER=5) then you might need to correct the range value or correct RECON by defining additional partitions. Consult your partition selection exit routine to identify partition names within the scope of the range. If partitions are missing, define them using the Partition Definition utility TSO panels and resubmit the job. Module: DFSURGU0 DFS0497I INVALID CHARACTERS IN PCB LABEL

Explanation: The PCB label in the statement shown in message DFS0492I contains invalid characters. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPCAA0 DFS0498I INVALID DATABASE NAME LENGTH

Explanation: The length of the database name in the statement shown in message DFS0492I is invalid. The name must be from 1 to 8 characters in length. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPCAA0 DFS0499I INVALID PCB LABEL LENGTH

Explanation: The length of the PCB label in the statement shown in message DFS0492I is invalid. The PCB label must be from 1 to 8 characters in length. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPCAA0

Chapter 2. DFS Messages, DFS000I DFS0499I



Messages and Codes Volume 2

Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I

This topic contains messages DFS0500I DFS999I. For introductory information on DFS messages such as message format, suffix information, and explanation of the types of information provided, see Chapter 1, Introduction to DFS Messages, on page 1.
DFS0500I DANGLING COMMA ON END OF STATEMENT Explanation: No PCB was found with label x for database y. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFCPY00 DFS0505I MULTIPLE PCB LABELS GIVEN

Explanation: The statement shown in message DFS0492I ends with a comma. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPCAA0 DFS0501I IC OPTION SPECIFIED FOR NON PROCOPT H PCB x. RGN n

Explanation: The statement shown in message DFS0492I contains two PCB= keywords. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPCAA0 DFS0506I SUBSET POINTER IS NOT VALID FOR SENSEG segmentname IN PCB dbdname IN PSB psbname

Explanation: PCB x specifies the image copy (IC) option, but not processing option H (PROCOPT=H). The IC option is only valid for PROCOPT H PCBs. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Either remove the IC option for this PCB, or specify PROCOPT H and rerun PSBGEN. Module: DBFCPY00 DFS0502I MULTIPLE DATABASE NAMES GIVEN

Explanation: The statement shown in message DFS0492I contains two DATABASE= (or DB=) keywords. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPCAA0 DFS0503I DATABASE x NOT FOUND IN SYSTEM. RGN n

Explanation: The SSPTR subset pointer is specified in the SENSEG statement but not defined in the corresponding SEGM statement. In the message text: segmentname The SENSEG that contains the invalid subset pointer. dbdname The SEGM segmentname of the DBD that does not have the SSPTR subset pointer defined. psbname The PSB that contains the invalid statement. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Take one of the following actions: v If the application program does not use a subset pointer, ignore this message. v Remove the SSPTR subset pointer from the SENSEG statement in the PSB and rerun the PSBGEN, then rerun the ACB utility with a BUILD statement for the PSB. v Add the SSPTR subset pointer in the SEGM statement in the DBD and rerun the DBDGEN, then rerun the ACB utility with a BUILD statement for the PSB. Module: DBFUDLB0

Explanation: In the statement shown in message DFS0492I, the DATABASE= (or DB=) keyword specifies a database that does not exist. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPHI00 DFS0504A NO PCB FOUND WITH LABEL x FOR DATA BASE y. RGN n

Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007


DFS0507I DFS0517I
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| Explanation: IMS initialization detects that the | primary master logical terminal (PMTO) is not defined | in the system. | System action: IMS initialization terminates with | abend U3477. | System programmer response: Ensure that the PMTO | is properly specified in the system definition. | Module: DFSAINB0

Explanation: No parameter list follows the IC= (or NOIC=) keyword on the SETO statement shown in message DFS0492I. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPHI10, DBFPHI20 DFS0514I UNRECOGNIZED TEXT AFTER ENDING PAREN ON x KEYWORD. RGN n

Explanation: The statement shown in message DFS0492I contains adjacent commas (,,). System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPCAA0, DBFPHI10, DBFPHI20 DFS0509A PARTITION SELECTION FAILED

Explanation: IMS did not recognize the text between the IC= (or NOIC=) keyword parameter list and the next comma (for example, IC=(AREA1)bad,). Message DFS0492I shows the SETO statement containing the error. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPHI10, DBFPHI20 DFS0515I INVALID AREA NAME LENGTH. RGN n

Explanation: A logic error was encountered when accessing a HALDB partition for an online change copy. System action: The utility ends with a return code of 08. System programmer response: Examine a list history for the partition DBDS being copied to determine the cause. Module: DFSUICP0 DFS0511I DUPLICATE OPTIONS FOR DB=x AREA=y. RGN n

Explanation: The length of an area name in the statement shown in message DFS0492I is invalid. Area names must be from 1 to 8 characters in length. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPHI30 DFS0516I INVALID CHARACTERS IN AREA NAME. RGN n

Explanation: The area is specified twice (either implicitly or explicitly) in the SETO statement shown in message DFS0492I. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPHI10 DFS0512I UNRECOGNIZED KEYWORD. RGN n

Explanation: An area name in the statement shown in message DFS0492I contains invalid characters. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPHI30 DFS0517I AREA x NOT FOUND IN DATA BASE y. RGN n

Explanation: The SETO statement shown in message DFS0492I contains an invalid keyword. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPHI10, DBFPHI20

Explanation: Area x is not defined in database y. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPHI30


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0518I DFS0525A

Explanation: In the statement shown in message DFS0492I, a dash separates 3 or more area names (for example, IC=(A1-A2-A3)). System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPHI10, DBFPHI20 DFS0519I AREAS x AND y ARE IN THE WRONG ORDER. RGN n

Explanation: The area list in the SETR statement shown in message DFS0492I contains the area name twice. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPHI20 DFS0523I UNRECOGNIZED TEXT AT END OF AREA LIST. RGN n

Explanation: In the statement shown in message DFS0492I, areas x and y, which are the starting and ending points for an area range, are in the wrong order. Areas must be specified in DBDGEN order. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPHI10, DBFPHI20 DFS0520I TERMINATION ITASK WAITS DUE TO LONG BUSY FAST PATH ADS AREA=areaname DDN=ddname

Explanation: The text at the end of the area list for an IC= keyword is invalid. Only 1ABEND, 2ABEND, or CONTINUE (and their synonyms) are valid for the end of the area list. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPHI10 DFS524I DFSZDI00GSAM INIT. AUTHORIZATION DENIED

Explanation: During shutdown processing, IMS determined that one or more Fast Paths ADSs is under a Long Busy condition. The Long Busy Recovery must complete before shutdown processing continues. In the message text: areaname The name of the area to which the long busy ADS belongs. ddname The data description name of the long busy ADS that is registered in the RECON data set. System action: The termination ITASK will be posted after the Fast Path Long Busy ADSs complete recovery. IMS shutdown processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DBFTERM0 DFS0521I UNMATCHING PARENTHESIS. RGN n

Explanation: The IMSAUTH macro returned a nonzero code indicating that module DFSZDI40 is not in the authorized library. System action: The region is abnormally terminated with abend U0657 and a dump. Programmer response: Verify the status of the IMS libraries. z/OS System Operator Response: Rerun the job. If the situation persists, contact your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSZDI40 DFS0525A A PROCOPT H PCB WAS SPECIFIED TO AN xxx REGION. PCB x IN PSB y. RGN n

Explanation: The statement shown in message DFS0492I contains more open parentheses than closing parentheses. System action: The region is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the line in error. Module: DBFPHI10, DBFPHI20

Explanation: PCB x in PSB y specifies processing option H, but the region is an IFP, MPP, message-driven BMP, WFI BMP, or CCTL thread. In addition, the JCL for this region contains some SETO statements in the //DFSCTL data set. Programs using HSSP (PROCOPT=H) can only run in a BMP region. System action: For an IFP, MPP, message-driven BMP, or WFI BMP, the region is terminated with abend U1060. For a DBCTL thread, the U1060 abend code is returned to the CCTL to indicate a schedule failure. Programmer response: An IFP, MPP, message-driven BMP, WFI BMP, or DBCTL thread cannot schedule a PSB containing a PCB using processing option H. Correct the processing option.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0526A DFS0530I
Module: DBFCPY00 DFS0526A AN INCONSISTENCY EXISTS BETWEEN THE PSB AND THE DEDBS DBD. PCB x IN PSB y. RGN n abend is normal if a /Stop Region x ABDUMP tranname command was issued. Indicates that the region is no longer waiting in the queue space notification exit, or it was not recognized in that state when the command was issued. Indicates a failure to acquire space to process a /STOP or /PSTOP command (DFSSTOP). This error should not occur.

Explanation: The DBD was changed in the DBDLIB and was used for an ACBGEN to build a PSB. A warning message was issued during ACBGEN that the DBD was not replaced in the ACBLIB. System action: Abend code U1013 is returned to the CCTL to indicate a schedule request failure. Programmer response: Rerun the ACBGEN utility to correct the inconsistency between the PSB and the DBD. Module: DBFCPY00 DFS0527A A GETMAIN FAILED TO OBTAIN SEGMENT WORKAREAS IN SP231 ECSA. ECSA NEEDS TO BE FREED UP.

System action: None. System Operator Response: Take the appropriate action based on the return code: 1 Enter the /DISPLAY ACTIVE REGION command. If the status that displays is WAIT-QSN, enter a /STOP REGION x ABDUMP tranname command to terminate the application program, then enter a /STOP REGION x command to terminate the region. If reason code 1 is received persistently for a specific region, report the problem to the system programmer. Enter the /DISPLAY ACTIVE REGION command. If the status that displays is WAIT-QSN, enter a /STOP REGION x ABDUMP tranname command to terminate the application program, then enter a /STOP REGION x command to terminate the region. If message DFS0528I occurs again with reason code 1 when the /DISPLAY command continues showing WAIT-QSN, report the problem to the system programmer. Report the problem to the system programmer.

Explanation: IMS was unable to satisfy a storage request. System action: Abend code U1061 is returned to the CCTL to indicate a schedule request failure. Programmer response: Free ECSA storage and rerun the job. Module: DBFCPY00 DFS0528I PSTOP/STOP CMD FOR RGN nnnn WAITING IN QSN EXIT. CODE = x 2

Explanation: The dependent region was placed in a wait state by DFSQSPC0, the Queue Control Facility (QCF) version of the Queue Space Notification Exit. The wait state occurred based on IMS queue usage, which exceeded the user or default limits. While the dependent region was in a wait state, a /STOP or /PSTOP command was entered against the region. To terminate an application program or region in this state, use one of the following methods: v Use the QCF TSO/ISPF interface. For more information, on QCF, see the IMS Queue Control Facility for MVS/ESA Users Guide and Reference. v Enter a /STOP REGION x ABDUMP tranname command to terminate the application program, then enter a /STOP REGION x command to terminate the region. In the message text: nnnn The dependent region that was placed in a wait state. x The reason code, which can be one of the following: 1 Indicates that the dependent region will terminate with abend 0408. This

System programmer response: If reason code 1 persists, or reason code 3 is issued, call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSSTOP0 DFS0530I DFSZDC00 I/O ERROR DBDNAME=dbdname DDNAME=ddname GBCRTNCD=xxxx

Explanation: The GSAM controller has detected an error writing out buffers during a purge or checkpoint operation. xxxx is the 2-byte field GBCRTNCD in hexadecimal. Reference GB DSECT for definition of the GBCRTNCD field bits. System action: GSAM terminates with abend U0271. Programmer response: Use a data recovery procedure to reconstruct the data set in error. Module: DFSZDC00


Messages and Codes Volume 2


















Explanation: The HSSP Image Copy open processing failed for an image copy data set (IDS) or image copy set up. A second DFS0531I message provides a reason code and a brief description of the error. System action: HSSP Image Copy processing terminates when an IDS open failure occurs for one of these reason codes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 12, 16, and 18. HSSP Image Copy processing can terminate when an IDS open failure occurs for one of these reason codes: 01, 10, 11, 13, 17, 20, 31. Whether the image copy process terminates depends on which image copy options you specified. For reason code 19, the HSSP/IC job fails with a user abend 1062. For all IDS open failure reason codes, HSSP processing can continue with or without image copy, or might terminate, depending on which HSSP Image Copy options you specified. Valid options are CONTINUE, 1ABEND, 2ABEND and IC=0,1,2. Programmer response: Take the appropriate action based on the reason code you received.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I





Code (Dec) Meaning 01 Check the appropriate VSAM catalog or JCL DD statements to determine if a disk device is specified for the named IDS. If dynamic allocation occurred, check the dynamic allocation parameter list to find the device type specified for the named IDS. If a device other than a disk was specified, change the device type to the disk device; then rerun the job. 02 Rerun the program as soon as the conflict is resolved. You might need to create a valid image copy. 03 Add the missing resource description to DBRC and rerun the program. 04, 05 These codes indicate an internal system problem. Contact your IBM Support Center for help. 06, 07, 08 Add the missing resource description to DBRC and rerun the program. 09 Issue the CHANGE.IC command to terminate the previous HSSP IC process (creating either a partial or complete HSSP IC data set). 10 The ddname identified in the message already exists in the IMS subsystem. This means that either the IDS is already opened or the ddname is incorrect. If the IDS is already open, delete the DD statement for that ddname. If the ddname was incorrect, but matched another ddname in the IMS subsystem, correct the input ddname; then rerun the job. 11 Rerun the job when the common service area (CSA/ECSA) usage is low. 12 The user determines the action. (A possible action is to recover the area and rerun the job.) 13 Sequential access method OPEN can abend. Take the action suggested in the sequential access method message. 14 Rerun the job when the common service area (CSA/ECSA) usage is low. 15 Sequential access method OPEN displays a return code in sequential access method messages. 16 Rerun the job when the common service area (CSA/ECSA) usage is low. 17 If a DD statement is specified, make sure the ddname is correct. If the DD statement is missing, specify a DD statement. If dynamic allocation failed, take the action suggested in message DFS2502W or DFS2503W. Then rerun the job. 18 The user determines the action. (A possible action is to rerun the job after the EEQEs owned by the sharing system have been purged for this area.) 19 HSSP Image Copy (HSSP/IC) has been requested for a nonrecoverable DEDB. Fuzzy image copies are not permitted for nonrecoverable DEDBs. Take one of the following actions: v Remove the nonrecoverable DEDB area from the HSSP/IC specification. v Run the Image Copy utility or Image Copy 2 utility to produce a non-fuzzy image copy. Delete the physical data set and redefine it. Then rerun the job. Delete the named image copy data set and redefine it with at least as much space as the area data set. Then rerun the job.

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Explanation: The HSSP Image Copy set up completed, and Image Copy either started, terminated, or failed. The return codes, explained below, indicate which action was taken. Code (Dec) Meaning 00 Image copy started successfully with the identified DSNs. 04 An error occurred while attempting to open an image copy data set. Image copy processing continues with the remaining data set (identified in the message) according to the user image copy specifications. Message DFS0531I precedes this message and explains the cause of the IDS open failure. 08 An error occurred while trying to open an image copy data set or during image copy set up. The image copy process terminates.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0533I DFS0535I
Message DFS0531I precedes this message and explains the cause of the image copy set up or open failure. Note: If the second form of this message is issued, other messages might be displayed between the two forms of the DFS0532I message. If the IMAGE COPY FAILED form of the message appears, the action depends on the text that follows: v IMAGE COPY ITASK CREATE FAILED means a failure occurred during the dynamic creation of an image copy ITASK. v IMAGE COPY ITASK ABORTED DURING INITIALIZATION means that the image copy ITASK aborted; see message DFS0531I. v EQE EXISTS FOR SAME RBA FOR ALL ADS(S) means that an image copy is not possible. v EEQE EXISTS WITHOUT BUFFER means that data is not available for image copy. System action: The image copy process either continues or terminates. Programmer response: The user determines the action. Module: DBFPICS0 DFS0533I AREA=areaname, DD=ddname, DSN=dsname REGID=regid IDS CONNECT ERROR DFS0535I DFS0535I RC=05, AREA FAILED TO OPEN RC=06, 2ND CI UPDATE AND/OR NOTIFY FAILED RC=07, UOW LOCK MODE INITIATION FAILED RC=08, INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR AREA PRIVATE BUFFER POOL. STORAGE REQUESTED=nnnnnnnK. STR MGR RC=xxx. RC=09, PRIVATE BUFFER POOL ALREADY EXISTS sysid RC 10, COULD NOT GET AN AWE sysid RC 11, INVALID REQUEST SENT TO DBFPAPB0 sysid with the identified ddname. This message follows VSAM message IEC251I. System action: Close processing does not continue for the data set. Programmer response: Check VSAM error message IEC251I to determine the cause of the error. Module: DBFMMIT0 DFS0535A RGN=r, xxxx CONN PROCESS ATTEMPTED AREA a, PCB LABEL z xxxx DISC PROCESS ATTEMPTED AREA a RC=01, yyyy ALREADY RUNNING RC=03, AREA LOCK FAILED RC=04, AREA IS STOPPED


DFS0535I DFS0535I DFS0535I

Explanation: Module DBFMMIT0 was unable to open (connect) the image copy data set (IDS) associated with the identified ddname. This message follows VSAM message IEC161I. HSSP Image Copy setup then tries to open another IDS. If the next IDS is not defined or available, HSSP Image Copy processing terminates for the area and region identified in message DFS0531I. Depending on the user IC specifications, (CONTINUE, 1ABEND, 2ABEND and IC=0,1,2), HSSP Image Copy processing and HSSP processing continues or terminates. Message DFS0532I tells which action was taken. Both messages DFS0531I and DFS0532I follow this message. System action: HSSP Image Copy processing and HSSP processing can continue or terminate. Programmer response: Correct the error based on the information in VSAM message IEC161I. Whether to resubmit the HSSP application depends on which Image Copy options were specified. Module: DBFMMIT0 DFS0534I AREA=areaname, DD=ddname, DSN=dsname, REGID=regid IDS DISCONNECT ERROR






Explanation: A process was attempted but could not complete for the reason listed in the DFS0535I form of the message. v RGN=r, xxxx CONN PROCESS ATTEMPTED AREA a, PCB LABEL z Process xxxx was not started. Process xxxx can be: HSRE High Speed Reorganization utility HSSP High Speed

Explanation: Module DBFMMIT0 was unable to close (disconnect) the image copy data set (IDS) associated

Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


Sequential Processing VSO preload process Unable to create private buffer pool; sufficient storage was not available. In the message, nnnnnnn is the number of 1014 bytes of storage requested, and xxx is the return code set by the IMS storage manager. v RC=09, PRIVATE BUFFER POOL ALREADY EXISTS sysid Process xxxx requested the creation of the area private buffer pool but the buffer pool already exists. v RC 10, COULD NOT GET AN AWE sysid The request for an AWE control block failed to process xxxx. v RC 11, INVALID REQUEST SENT TO DBFPAPB0 sysid An invoking module passed an invalid request code to DBFPAPB0. System action: v RGN=r, xxxx CONN PROCESS ATTEMPTED AREA a, PCB LABEL z Process xxxx terminates. v xxxx DISC PROCESS ATTEMPTED AREA a Process xxxx terminates without disconnecting. Programmer response: Ensure that no HSSP process or utility is active in an area before restarting the HSSP job. System programmer response: v RGN=r, xxxx CONN PROCESS ATTEMPTED AREA a, PCB LABEL z See the accompanying DFS0535I message. v xxxx DISC PROCESS ATTEMPTED AREA a See the accompanying DFS0535I message. v RC=01, yyyy ALREADY RUNNING Run the utility or process again when process yyyy has completed. This message can also be issued if a previous process did not complete successfully; if so, issue a /STOP and /START command pair for the area to allow the requested process to run. If this message is received in a data sharing environment, issue the /STOP and /START command pair on all sharing subsystems. v RC=03, AREA LOCK FAILED Determine the cause of the lock failure and correct the problem. If a disconnect did not complete because of an area lock failure, a /STOP and /START command pair might be required to allow other processes to run. v RC=04, AREA IS STOPPED Issue a /START command to start the area. v RC=05, AREA FAILED TO OPEN See message DFS3702I to determine why the open failed. v RC=06, 2ND CI UPDATE AND/OR NOTIFY FAILED See accompanying messages for more information. v RC=07, UOW LOCK MODE INITIATION FAILED


Region r identifies the affected region. v xxxx DISC PROCESS ATTEMPTED AREA a Process xxxx could not disconnect. Process xxxx can be: HSRE High Speed Reorganization utility HSSP High Speed Sequential Processing PREL VSO preload process v RC=01, yyyy ALREADY RUNNING Process yyyy is active on the area or has not disconnected from the area. Process yyyy can be: HSRE High Speed Reorganization utility HSSP High Speed Sequential Processing MDLO DEDB Sequential Dependent Delete utility MMHO DEDB Area Dataset Compare utility MRIO DEDB Area Dataset Create utility MSCO DEDB Sequential Dependent Scan utility PREL VSO preload process v RC=03, AREA LOCK FAILED Process xxxx failed to acquire the area lock for the area. v RC=04, AREA IS STOPPED Process xxxx cannot run on a stopped area. v RC=05, AREA FAILED TO OPEN The attempt to open area a failed. v RC=06, 2ND CI UPDATE AND/OR NOTIFY FAILED Process xxxx failed because the IRLM notify failed or there was an error in the second CI update. v RC=07, UOW LOCK MODE INITIATION FAILED The transition to UOW locking mode was unsuccessful. A probable cause is a failure in the notify process to a sharing subsystem. v RC=08, INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR AREA PRIVATE BUFFER POOL. STORAGE REQUESTED=nnnnnnnK. STR MGR RC=xxx.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS536A DFS0540I
Correct the failing component and rerun. v RC=08, INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR AREA PRIVATE BUFFER POOL Run process xxxx again when storage is available. v RC=09, PRIVATE BUFFER POOL ALREADY EXIST sysid This indicates a logic error in the software. Run process xxxx again. If the error still occurs, contact the IBM Support Center. v RC=10, COULD NOT GET AN AWE sysid Run process xxxx again when storage is available. v RC=11, INVALID REQUEST SENT TO DBFPAPB0 sysid This indicates a logic error in the software. Run process xxxx again. If the error still occurs, contact the IBM Support Center. Module: DBFPMSG0, DBFPSET0, DBFUHDR0 DFS536A LAST CONVERSATION MESSAGE UNAVAILABLE - reason System action: IMS stops processing for the data set. Programmer response: Correct the error and reissue the command, as appropriate. Module: DBFICSQ0 DFS0539A HD RELOAD IS UNABLE TO PROCESS THE UNLOAD FILE DUE TO INVALID STAT RECORD

Explanation: The statistics records in HD Unload data set are not recognizable by HD Reload utility. System action: HD Reload utility terminates with abend U0355. Programmer response: Save HD unload data set and HD Reload job output. Then contact IBM Support Center. Module: DFSURGL0 DFS0540I xxxxx PROGRAM=program name, CKPTID=checkpointid, REGID=regionid, DAY=ddd, TIME=hhmmssthmiju+0000

Explanation: The /RELEASE command failed to retrieve the last output message for the IMS conversation for one of the following reasons: STORAGE UNAVAILABLE RESTART RESYNC INCOMPLETE QUEUE ERROR System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: All of these errors are likely to be temporary. Reenter the command after a short wait for the condition causing the failure to be resolved. Module: DFSICLH0 DFS0537I AREA=areaname DD=ddname, DSN=dsname OPEN|CLOSED AREA=areaname DD=ddname, DSN=dsname CLOSED, IC FAILED


Explanation: HSSP Image Copy opened or closed the image copy data set normally. If the data set is being closed after an error, you see the IC FAILED form of the message. System action: IMS continues processing. Programmer response: No action is required. Module: DBFMPCL0, DBFICSQ0, DBFPICT0, DBFPIOS0 DFS0538I I/O ERROR qsam_info

| | | | | | | | | |

Explanation: An extended (or symbolic) checkpoint, or an extended restart (XRST) request was processed. The values of xxxxx are: *EXTENDED CHECKPOINT* An extended (or symbolic) checkpoint was completed. X'18' log records were recorded. To suppress issuing message DFS0540I and DFS0542I, specify NOMSG540 on the CKPTID= EXEC parameter. If you also want to suppress issuing message DFS681I, specify NOMSGS. *XRST IN PROGRESS* An extended restart call (XRST for a BMP application or IMSTransaction.getTransaction().restart for a JBP application) was processed. The X'18' records are located in the log. *XRST CKPT NOT IN OLDS* A BMP and JBP application requested an XRST. The OLDS no longer contains the X'18' records of the last symbolic checkpoint. *XRST LAST CKPT ID IS* A BMP requested XRST, specifying a checkpoint ID value. The specified value is not the same as the value recorded by IMS as the BMPs last checkpoint. The last checkpoint ID recorded by IMS is displayed in the message. The time and day displayed are the universal coordinated time (UTC) at which the checkpoint was taken. System action: In the first two cases, processing continues normally. In the last two cases, the action depends on whether the BMP job contains a IMSLOGR DD data set. If the data set is present, it is used as the log input for the XRST. Otherwise, the BMP is terminated with abend U0102.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I

Explanation: The SYNADAF ACSMETH=QSAM macro gathered information from QSAM. qsam_info contains a system message number that explains the content of the message.


DFS541 DFS0548A
Programmer response: When the program terminates with abend U0102, determine which log data set and volume contains the desired XRST checkpoint ID. Add an IMSLOGR DD statement to the BMPs JCL, specifying this log data set and volume. Set the BMP checkpoint ID EXEC parameter to equal the desired checkpoint ID, and resubmit the job. After IMS issues either the *XRST CKPT NOT IN OLDS* or the *XRST LAST CKPT ID IS* message and the program terminates with abend U0102, you can restart from the last user checkpoint known to IMS. Resubmit the BMP job, specifying LAST as the XRST symbolic checkpoint ID value. For the *XRSTCKPT NOT IN OLDS* message, you can specify LAST as the XRST checkpoint ID when resubmitting the job. Module: DFSZSC00, DFSDLA00 DFS0543I MADS I/O TIMING RECOVERY STARTED FOR AREA=AAAAAAAA DDN=DDDDDDD

Explanation: This message informs the user that the recovery process for the Long Busy area has begun. In the message text: AAAAAAAA The name of the Long Busy area for which recovery was started. DDDDDDD The data description name of the Long Busy area. System action: This system will receive message DFS1558I when the MADS I/O Timing recovery for the area data set (ADS) ends. System programmer response: Module: DBFMLBR0

| DFS541 |


| Explanation: The keyword OPTION was entered on an | /ERE command. An invalid parameter or no parameter | followed this keyword. | System action: The /ERE command is rejected. | Programmer response: Remove the OPTION keyword | from the /ERE command or add the SYNCPLEX parameter | to this keyword. | Module: DFSICL20

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


LONG BUSY ADS CLOSED. AREA=xxxxxxxx,ADS=yyyyyyyy, UNIT=nnnn

Explanation: A long busy condition persisted long enough for the maximum CI (1000 CIs per AREA) limit to be exceeded. When this happens, MADSIOT function issues an internal STOP ADS command. The STOP ADS process calls Media Managers DISCONNECT function under XFP TCB and if DASD is still in long busy condition, the DISCONNECT function is suspended until the long busy condition is relieved or IOTIMING is reached. During the suspension, all ITASKs including OTHREAD, CHKPT, and FP commands under XFP TCB are not serviced. To reduce the impact, this message can be used by automated operator to force the long I/O device offline. System action: IMS continues processing. Module: DBFARD20 DFS0548A RRS NOT ACTIVE BUT RRS=Y SPECIFIED - REPLY: RETRY, CONTINUE OR CANCEL

Explanation: An extended checkpoint was processed. This message follows message DFS0540I. In the message text: ddd A Julian date. HHMMSSTHMIJU+0000 The universal coordinated time (UTC) at which the checkpoint was taken. This message will be suppressed if message DFS0540I is suppressed. To suppress only the issuing message DFS0542I, code NOMSG542 on the CKPTID=EXEC parameter. If you also want to suppress message DFS681I, code NO681542. If you want to suppress messages DFS681, DS0540I and DFS0542I, code NOMSGS. System action: Processing continues normally. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSZSC00

Explanation: IMS received a CRG_EM_STATE_ERROR return code from the CRGSEIF (set exits) call, indicating that RRS was not active. System action: The system waits for a reply to this message. System Operator Response: Start RRS and then reply RETRY to the message. Reply CONTINUE if RRS is to be started later with an automatic asynchronous connection made to IMS. Reply CANCEL if RRS is not needed in this execution of IMS. In the batch environment, a CONTINUE reply is the same as CANCEL.


Messages and Codes Volume 2


| DFS0548E | |


| Explanation: An error occurred while IMS was | establishing its resource cleanup environment during | IMS initialization. | In the message text: The return code from the failing service. | rc | details A one-line explanation of the type of error that was detected. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
The details portion of the DFS0458E message further explains the error detected and can be one of the following: ERROR OBTAINING GRMB STORAGE IMS could not obtain storage required for a GRMB (Global Resource Manager Block). rc in the message is the return code from the z/OS STORAGE OBTAIN macro. ERROR OBTAINING XSSCT STORAGE IMS could not obtain storage required for an XSSCT (IMS 31-bit extended SSCT). rc in the message is the return code from the z/OS STORAGE OBTAIN macro. ERROR OBTAINING DFSMRC20 STORAGE IMS could not obtain storage to direct load module DFSMRC20. rc in the message is the return code from the z/OS STORAGE OBTAIN macro. BPESVC FUNC=INIT ERROR An error occurred during BPESVC FUNC=INIT processing. rc in the message is the return code from the BPESVC macro. ERROR ISSUING BLDL FOR DFSMRC20 An error occurred issuing a BLDL macro call for module DFSMRC20. rc in the message is the return code from the z/OS BLDL macro. ERROR LOADING DFSMRC20 IMS could not load module DFSMRC20. rc in the message is the return code from the z/OS LOAD macro. ERROR LOADING DFSRTM00 IMS could not load module DFSRTM00. rc in the message is the return code from the z/OS LOAD macro. ERROR ADDING ADDRSPC RESMGR IMS could not dynamically add an address space resource manager to the system. rc in the message is the return code from the z/OS RESMGR macro.

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

ERROR ADDING TASK RESMGR IMS could not dynamically add a task resource manager to the system. rc in the message is the return code from the z/OS RESMGR macro. AN ABEND OCCURRED An abend occurred during the building of the IMS resource cleanup environment. rc in the message is the abend code. UNABLE TO ESTABLISH ESTAE IMS was unable to establish an ESTAE recovery routine to protect the resource cleanup environment initialization. rc in the message is the return code from the z/OS ESTAEX macro. ENQ FAILED ON SYSZDFS DFSGRMB IMS was unable to obtain an exclusive ENQ on the resource SYSZDFS DFSGRMB. rc in the message is the return code from the z/OS ENQ macro. ERROR OBTAINING DFSMRC00 STORAGE IMS could not obtain storage to direct load module DFSMRC00. rc in the message is the return code from the z/OS STORAGE OBTAIN macro. ERROR ISSUING BLDL FOR DFSMRC00 An error occurred issuing a BLDL macro call for module DFSMRC00. rc in the message is the return code from the z/OS BLDL macro. ERROR LOADING DFSMRC00 IMS could not load module DFSMRC00. rc in the message is the return code from the z/OS LOAD macro. UNKNOWN ERROR An unexpected error occurred during the IMS resource manager cleanup initialization.

| System action: The module detecting the error, | DFSRTMI0, returns a non-zero return code to its caller. | | | | | | |
System programmer response: If the error described in this message is caused by environmental conditions (for example, insufficient storage or modules missing from IMS.SDFSRESL), correct the indicated problem and restart the address space. Otherwise, save any dump and SYSLOG information, and contact the IBM Support Center.

| Module: DFSRTMI0

Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS550I DFSNDMI0 {SUCCEEDED|FAILED} REGION=rrrrr JOBNAME=jjjjjjjj STEPNAME=ssssssss TRANSACTION=tttttttt PSB=pppppppp SSYSID=wwwww[FAILURE CODE=xxx RETURN CODE=yyy|N/A] [DESTINATION=dddddddd DSYSID=zzzzz|N/A] timestamp Unable to obtain storage for message segment buffer (IMODULE GETSTOR failure). 004 There is no input message. 005 OTMA FINDDEST failed. 006 System locate service failed (DFSSLC failure). 007 FINDDEST failed (DFSFNDST failure). 008 LUM failed to build the APPC message prefix. 009 Queue manager failed to insert the message. 010 No more inserts are allowed by this UOW. 011 DFSNDMX0 specified an invalid destination transaction for requeue. 012 The message was not requeued to its permanent destination (DFSICLR2 failure). 013 Unable to obtain storage for the NDM interface block (IMODULE GETSTOR failure). 014 Unable to obtain storage for the USRX interface block (IMODULE GETSTOR failure). 015 DFSNDMX0 was not invoked (DFSUSRX failure). 016 The destination specified for requeue is zeros or blanks (return code 16 from DFSNDMX0). 017 Unable to obtain storage for message record buffer (IMODULE GETSTOR failure). 018 Unable to obtain storage for single segment message buffer (IMODULE GETSTOR failure). 019 DFSNDMX0 requested that IMS requeue the input message to a transaction. However, one of the following conditions exists: v One of the input message segments exceeds the allowable segment length for the destination transaction. v The total number of input message segments exceeds the allowable number of segments for the destination transaction. yyy Return code of the IMS service that failed, or N/A if xxx is 004, 010, 011, 016, or 019. This field is displayed only in the FAILED version of this message. dddddddd Destination to which DFSNDMX0 asked to have the input message requeued (return code 16 from DFSNDMX0). This field is always displayed in the SUCCEEDED version of this message; it is sometimes displayed in the FAILED version of this message. zzzzz Destination system ID system ID of the 003

Explanation: The application program associated with PSB pppppppp abended while processing transaction tttttttt. The Nondiscardable Messages User exit interface (DFSNDMI0) either succeeded or failed in requeuing the input message associated with transaction tttttttt to destination dddddddd. If DFSNDMI0 succeeded, the DESTINATION information and the DSYSID= information is displayed. The FAILURE CODE information and the RETURN CODE information is not displayed. If DFSNDMI0 failed, the FAILURE CODE information and the RETURN CODE information is displayed. The DESTINATION information and the DSYSID information is displayed only for some failure codes. If displayed, the DESTINATION information and the DSYSID information follows the FAILURE CODE information and the RETURN CODE information. The SUCCEEDED version of this message is always followed by message DFS554A, and for certain conditions, can also be followed by DFS555I. The SUCCEEDED version is only issued if DFSNDMI0 successfully queues the input message associated with transaction tttttttt to destination dddddddd after receiving return code 16 from the Nondiscardable Messages User exit, DFSNDMX0. The meanings of the message fields are: rrrrr Region id jjjjjjjj Job name (padded with blanks) ssssssss Step name (padded with blanks) tttttttt Transaction that the application associated with PSB pppppppp was processing when it abended pppppppp PSB associated with abended application program wwwww System ID of the system from which the input message in process and associated with transaction tttttttt originated (the source system ID) xxx One of the following failure codes is displayed only in the FAILED version of this message: 001 Queue manager was unable to obtain the input message associated with transaction tttttttt. 002 Unable to obtain storage for NDM SPA buffer (IMODULE GETSTOR failure).


Messages and Codes Volume 2

system to which the input message in process and associated with transaction tttttttt was sent (SUCCEEDED version) or would have been sent (FAILED version), or N/A if xxx = 005, 006, or 007. This field is always displayed in the SUCCEEDED version of this message; it is sometimes displayed in the FAILED version of this message. System action: For the SUCCEEDED version of this message, the input message associated with transaction tttttttt is requeued to destination dddddddd and then deleted from transaction tttttttt. For the FAILED version of this message, the input message associated with transaction tttttttt is deleted from the system unless the application abend is U3303, U2478, U777, or U2479. Programmer response: Correct the cause of the application program abend. Master Terminal Operator Response: For the SUCCEEDED version of this message, see messages DFS555I and DFS554A, which always follow this message at the IMS master terminal. Inform the appropriate personnel of the application program abend. For the FAILED version of this message, see failure code xxx to determine why DFSNDMI0 failed. Problem determination: 1, 4, 5, 6 Module: DFSNDMI0 DFS551I {IFP | MESSAGE | BATCH | JMP | JBP} REGION xxxxxxxx STARTED. ID=yyyyy TIME=zzzz CLASSES=xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx DFS552I {IFP | MESSAGE | BATCH | JMP|JBP} REGION xxxxxxxx STOPPED. ID=yyyyy TIME=zzzz

Explanation: A dependent processing region stopped. The possible dependent processing regions are: v Batch v Fast Path v JVM batch v JVM message v Message xxxxxxxx is replaced by the job name, yyyyy is replaced by the PST number, and zzzz is replaced by the time (hhmm) stopped. System action: A message or BMP region is terminated. Programmer response: This is an information message; no action is required. Module: DFSSDA10, DFSSDA20 DFS553I JOBNAME STEPNAME UNKNOWN CALL FUNCTION CODE

Explanation: The IMS control program has received a request to schedule a program in a dependent region. The type of request cannot be identified. System action: The call function is ignored and processing continues. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 36 DFS554A jobname.region.stepname. prog /PSBname(x) transaction-code sys-completion-code user-completion-code SMB PSB LTERM=|LUNAME:|RTKN=token originating terminal Explanation: The information for this message is printed as indicated above. The program PSB name is represented by one of the following abends: 0 IMS program controller 1 MPP region 2 BMP region 3 The Coordinator Control (CCTL) thread 4 IFP region 5 JMP region 6 JBP region For DBCTL/CCTL threads, the word NOPSBAVL might appear as the PSBNAME in the text of the message.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I

Explanation: A dependent processing region started. The possible dependent processing regions are: v Batch v Fast Path v JVM batch v JVM message v Message xxxxxxxx is replaced by the job name, yyyyy is replaced by the PST number, and zzzz is replaced by the time (hhmm) started. The ID field identifies the region and is used with the STOP REGION command. System action: A message, BMP, JMP, or JBP region is processing transactions of the specified class. Programmer response: This is an information message; no action is required. Module: DFSSMIC0


This indicates that a sign-on create thread call was made to DBCTL using the CCTL to initially establish the thread. However, before a call was made to schedule the PSB, the thread was stopped. Until a call is made to schedule the PSB, the name of the PSB is unknown to DBCTL. (x) Identifies the region type associated with the job name. For an MPP region, x = 1. For a BMP region, x = 2. For a DBCTL region, x = 3. For a IFP region, x = 4. For a JMP region, x = 5. For a JBP region, x = 6. 002 003 004 005 006 009 Address of the dependent region TCB is invalid. Dependent task is terminating (TCBFLGS1 is set). Dependent task is terminating (TCBFLGS5 is set). Dependent task does not have an RCPARMS. PSTID does not match RCID. The dependent region was probably canceled by z/OS.

The abend of the CCTL thread is caused by one of the following: v A CCTL application abend or pseudoabend v A CCTL abend v A CCTL request for termination of its connection to DBCTL while its thread is still active SMB indicates that the transaction was stopped. PSB indicates that the program was stopped. LTERM or LUNAME is the name of the terminal. LUNAME is displayed in place of LTERM when the originating terminal is LU6.2 or OTMA, unless the LUNAME information is in transition. If the LUNAME information is in transition, UNKNOWN is displayed. For DBCTL/CCTL threads, this message displays the recovery token. The first eight bytes of this token are in EBCDIC and are displayed as characters; the second eight bytes of the token are displayed in hexadecimal form. However, if DBCTL detects a failure during scheduling of the PSB (for example, abends U0428, U0437, U0456, U0457, and U0458), the recovery token is displayed as zeros. This signifies that recovery of an unscheduled PSB is not needed. With the exception of DBCTL, if the user completion code is U428, the PSB name will be blank because the PSB was not found. See the appropriate abend code in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis for detailed information. If the user completion code is U0448, U0452, U0456, or U0458, the transaction code and the stopped SMB name are blank. See the appropriate abend code in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis for detailed information. If the user completion code is 0464, SYS does not represent a system completion code, but rather the error return code from the reply SVC. These return codes are: Code 001 Meaning Simulated region termination or reply recursion.
Messages and Codes Volume 2

| | | | |

System action: This message might follow message DFS555I. If the transaction input message that caused the application program to terminate abnormally is available, the first 79 bytes of the input message are printed by message DFS555I. A transaction is considered available if the input message in process by the application is on the message queue. Exceptions to this are: v The application has not issued a GU call. Therefore, the message did not cause the abnormal termination. v An abnormal termination that could be rescheduled occurred (for example, PI lockout) unless the Nondiscardable Messages User exit (DFSNDMX0) told IMS to discard the input message. v This message is preceded by the SUCCEEDED version of message DFS550I. The above exceptions allow the message to run again. If the application program terminated abnormally after the last message was removed from the applicable queue, the transaction is not available and only message DFS554A is printed. If during the initialization of a new message region the IMS control region can determine that a previous region was canceled, the job name and step name fields of this message contain the words "REGION CANCELED". The region is the identity of the new dependent region. Programmer response: Correct the cause of the application program abend. Master Terminal Operator Response: Inform appropriate personnel of the application program abend. See abends U0448, U0452, U0456, U0458. See message DFS550I which might precede this message at the IMS master terminal. Problem determination: 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 18, 19 Module: DFSFXC30 DFS555A SUBSYSTEM xxxx OASN yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy STATUS COMMIT|ABORT

Explanation: This is an additional segment to message DFS555I which is produced by the IMS sync-point processing modules. The purpose of this message is to give the operator enough information so that the


DFS555I DFS0559I
external subsystem resources can be properly managed. xxxx represents the subsystem name and the y value represents the originating application sequence number (OASN) that is a part of the recovery ID for the thread. System action: IMS, acting as a commit coordinator, will attempt to manage the thread as indicated in this message. If conditions will not allow IMS to do this, the system programmer can do it by using the appropriate external subsystem commands. Note that IMS will need to be notified when the system programmer has run the appropriate command. System programmer response: The inconsistency of the thread status between IMS and the external subsystem must be corrected. The /CHANGE command enables the function to correct the IMS status. The external subsystem should provide similar function for its half of the thread. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer about this segment appearing in the message. Module: DFSFXC30, DFSFXC40 DFS555I TRAN tttttttt ABEND (SYSID sss); MSG IN PROCESS: xxxx (UP TO 78 BYTES OF DATA) time-stamp DFS0556I COMMAND REJECTED; DBCTL THREAD IS ACTIVE

Explanation: You entered a /STOP REGION or /STOP THREAD command for an active Database Control (DBCTL) subsystem thread. (For example, the DBCTL thread has a PSB scheduled.) System action: The command is ignored, and the thread continues processing. Programmer response: Determine if you specified the correct region ID, or use the ABDUMP form of the command. Problem determination: 5 Module: DFSDSTP0 DFS0557I STOP REGION NOT VALIDREGION nn IS BMP.

Explanation: A /STOP REGION command has been entered for a dependent region in which a BMP is processing. System action: The entered command is ignored. The IMS and the dependent region, which is identified by nn, continue running. Programmer response: Determine if the correct region id was used, or use the ABDUMP form of the /STOP REGION command. Problem determination: 5 Module: DFSSTOP0 DFS0558I TRAN xxxxxxxx NOT SCHEDULED

Explanation: An application program abend occurred during the processing of transaction tttttttt (in system sss in a multi-system environment). The variable xxxx is replaced by up to 78 characters of the input transaction being processed. A time stamp follows the input transaction data. If the input transaction is missing, the following message appears: QMGR RC NE 0, MSG. NOT AVAIL. System action: The input transaction identified by this message is deleted from the system unless this message is preceded by the SUCCEEDED version of message DFS550I. Programmer response: Correct the cause of the application program abend. Terminal Operator Response: If this multi-segment message uses Message Format Service to send a formatted screen with a SYSMSG field, only one segment is sent at a time. Press PA1 to retrieve the remaining segments. Master Terminal Operator Response: See message DFS554A, which always follows this error message at the IMS master terminal. See message DFS550I which might precede this message at the IMS master terminal. Problem determination: 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 18, 19 Module: DFSFXC40

Explanation: A /STOP REGION ABDUMP or a /PSTOP REGION x TRAN y command was entered, but the transaction named in the command is not scheduled in the region specified. System action: The entered command is ignored. The IMS and the dependent region, which is identified by nn, continue running. Programmer response: Determine if the correct region id was used, or use the /STOP REGION command for an unscheduled region. Problem determination: 5 Module: DFSSTOP0 DFS0559I ABEND ALREADY SCHEDULED FOR REGION nn, TRAN xxxxxxxx

Explanation: The region or application specified in a /STOP REGION command is in the process of abending. Programmer response: If the dependent region does not terminate, it might, as a last resort, be canceled, with the awareness that this action can cause the abend of the entire IMS system.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I



Explanation: One or more PCBs within the named PSB have L or LS specified as the processing option. This is valid in a batch region only. System action: The dependent region is terminated abnormally. Programmer response: Correct the PSB in error, and rerun the Application Control Blocks Maintenance utility. Module: DFSDBLM0, DFSXRBL0 DFS561A ERROR READING ACBLIB, {PSB=psbname|DMB=dmbname}

Explanation: The named block requires more space than is available in the PSB or data management pool. This indicates that the affected pool is not large enough to accommodate the largest block. System action: The dependent region is terminated abnormally. Programmer response: Restart the system with a larger pool size specified. Module: DFSDBLD0 DFS563I Explanation: v The named PSB references a data management block which was not specified at system definition time. If running an IFP DEDB Online utility program, the data management block name specified in the second positional operand of the PARM field was not defined as a DEDB. If a DEDB Online utility is initiated, the named data management block which was specified in the second positional operand of the PARM field on the EXEC control statement has not been defined as a DEDB in the DBDGEN. PSB psbname REQUIRES UNKNOWN DMB dmbname, PSB STOPPED

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while reading the named PSB or data management block from the Application Control Blocks Library. The PSB or data management block has been stopped. No further attempt will be made to read the affected block, and no program using that block will be scheduled. If a dynamic PSB is added to a concatenation of ACBLIB that causes the data set to be expanded to a secondary extent, that PSB will not be available to the online system until the ACBLIB is closed and reopened by IMS. System action: The dependent region is terminated abnormally. Programmer response: To regain use of the affected block, perform ACBLIB online change (/MODIFY PREPARE ACBLIB and /MODIFY COMMIT) or shut down the system, correct the error condition, and restart the system. For appropriate recovery actions, see the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide. Module: DFSDBLR0, DFSXRBL0

| | | | | | |

v The named PSB is a resident PSB and IMS is attempting to schedule this PSB. The data management block number this PSB refers to no longer matches with the data management block number of the database. The copy of the resident PSB loaded at IMS initialization time can no longer be used. Programmer response: Correct either the PSB or the system definition. For a DEDB Online utility, (1) correct the database name in the second positional operand of the PARM field on the EXEC control statement, and resubmit the job; or (2) redefine the named database as a DEDB, rerun ACBGEN the next time the IMS control region is started, and resubmit the job.

| DFS561E |


| Explanation: GETMAIN failure occurred for QSAVE | area below the 16MB line in the process of ACBLIB | load/read. | System action: ACBLIB load/read terminates. | Programmer response: Check the application | programs which are using a large percentage of CSA | and cancel them if possible. | Module: DFSDBLR0

| | |

The resident PSB can only be reloaded by restarting IMS. Module: DFSDBLI0, DFSXRBL0, DFSDBLM0 DFS564I DMB dmbname1 REFERENCES UNKNOWN DMB dmbname2, DMB STOPPED

Explanation: The first data management block contains a reference to the second data management block. The second data management block was not specified at system definition time. System action: A BMP region terminates with abend U0458. A batch DBB region terminates with abend


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0565I DFS0570I
U0821. If the message was issued during IMS initialization, execution continues, but the first data management block is marked as unusable. Programmer response: Correct the data management block or the system definition. Module: DFSDBLD0, DFSXRBL0 DFS0568I DFS0565I cccc COMMAND NOT PROCESSED DB=xxxxxxxx IN USE BY PSB=psbname, REG=region-number CANCEL INVALID FOR REGION xx; NO PRIOR STOP REGION ABDUMP COMMAND transaction that uses it will be scheduled. Normal execution continues. Programmer response: At the next IMS execution, increase the size of the PSB pool. Module: DFSXRBL0

Explanation: The named DL/I database, xxxxxxxx, cannot be processed in response to a /DBDUMP, /DBRECOVERY, or /START command. It is still in use by an active batch message processing program. region-number is the number of the region in which a program is using database xxxxxxxx. The region identified in the DFS0565I can also be an MPP region. This can occur to break a potential deadlock condition between Online Change, a DBR or STA command against a database being used by the MPP, and an application running in the MPP issuing an ICMD or CMD call. System action: The command is not processed for the database named in the message, but processing continues for any other databases specified in the command. If the NOFEOV keyword is not specified on /DBR or /DBD, a new log volume is mounted. If /DBD or /DBR is entered, a simple checkpoint is taken. Master Terminal Operator Response: Wait for the program to terminate, and reissue the /DBDUMP, /DBRECOVERY, or /START command. Problem determination: 4, 6 Module: DFSDBDR0 DFS0566I PSTOP OR STOP NOT VALID FOR TRAN xxxxxxxxx

Explanation: A /STOP REGION CANCEL command was issued for region xx. This command is invalid if it is not preceded by a /STOP REGION ABDUMP command. Master Terminal Operator Response: Issue the /STOP REGION ABDUMP command for the region. If the /STOP REGION ABDUMP command does not correct the problem, issue a /STOP REGION CANCEL command. Module: DFSSTOP0 DFS0569I PSTOP OR STOP COMPLETE FOR REGION nnnnttttxxxxxxxx

Explanation: A /PSTOP or /STOP command for the specified region and transaction successfully completed. A QC status code is returned to a wait-for-input (WFI) application program that is processing in the region. An AO application that issued a GMSG call with the wait option might be waiting for a message on an AOI token so that it can receive a message. An application waiting for an AOI token receives an AIB return code of X'00000004' and an AIB reason code of X'0000004C'. nnnn is the region number entered on the command. tttt is either AOIT or TRAN. AOIT means the name that follows is an AOI token name. TRAN means the name that follows is a transaction name. xxxxxxxx is the AOI token name or transaction name entered on the command. System action: If tttt is AOIT, the region is no longer waiting on the AOI token. Otherwise, the specified region is still available for scheduling. A batch message processing region (BMP) scheduled against wait-for-input (WFI) transactions returns a QC status code (no more messages) for /PSTOP REGION, /DBD, /DBR, or /START commands only. Module: DFSSTOP0 DFS0570I INVALID SECONDARY LIST TYPE WAS FOUND IN DBD dbdname

Explanation: A /PSTOP REGION TRAN or /STOP REGION TRAN command has been entered for a transaction that is not of the WFI (wait-for-input) type or is Fast Path exclusive type. System action: IMS continues processing. Module: DFSSTOP0 DFS0567I PSB POOL TOO SMALLPSB nnnnnnnn STOPPED.

Explanation: During initialization, insufficient space was available to load the intent list for the PSB specified. System action: The PSB is marked unusable, and no

Explanation: This is an internal system error. If a SYSUDUMP or SYSABEND DD statement was provided, a dump was produced. System action: Abend 0947 is issued. Programmer response: Remove all PSBs that reference
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0571I DFS0578I
the named DBD from the control statement list, and rerun the program. Module: DFSUAMB0 DFS0571I I/O ERROR ATTEMPTING TO STOW IN ACBLIB DIRECTORY of the terminal input data received by IMS. Obtain a printout of the DIF and compare the buffer addresses to determine if a hardware error occurred. See IBM 3270 Information Display System for the data formats. Terminal Operator Response: Retry the input. If the error persists, contact your IMS system programmer for assistance. Problem determination: 3, 5, 16, 17, 23, 36 Module: DFSCFE00 DFS575 SPA ERRORCONVERSATION TERMINATED

Explanation: An I/O error occurred during the execution of an OS STOW macro within module DFSUAMB0. Programmer response: Correct the condition that led to the I/O error, and rerun the program. For more information about recovering from ACBLIB errors, see the description in the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide about recovering from IMS failures. Module: DFSUAMB0 DFS0572I THE ACBLIB DIRECTORY IS FULL. INCREASE DIRECTORY SIZE AND RERUN.

Explanation: IMS has detected an invalid program switch. It is invalid because the application program tried to take one of the following actions: v Switch to an LTERM name. v Switch to a Fast Path exclusive transaction. v Switch to an undefined transaction. System action: IMS terminates the transaction. User Programmer Response: Change the application program to prevent the described inconsistencies. System Operator Response: Inform the master terminal operator. Module: DFSCMS00 DFS576I EXIT COMPLETED, TRANSACTION DISCARDED

Explanation: Insufficient directory space has been allocated in the IMS.ACBLIB partitioned data set. Programmer response: Either delete unused PSBs and DBDs from the ACBLIB, using the DELETE function, or copy the contents of the current ACBLIB to a new data set with a larger directory allocation. Module: DFSUAMB0 DFS0573I I/O ERROR DURING BLDL ON ACBLIB DIRECTORY

Explanation: /EXIT processing found the transaction available in this system and was able to discard it. System action: The conversation is terminated. Module: DFSICLH0 DFS577I EXIT COMPLETED, TRANSACTION STILL ACTIVE

Explanation: An I/O error occurred during the execution of an OS BLDL macro within module DFSUAMB0. Programmer response: Correct the condition which led to the I/O error, and rerun the program. For more information about recovering from ACBLIB errors, see the description in the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide about recovering from IMS failures. Module: DFSUAMB0 DFS574 UNEXPECTED DATA RECEIVEDINPUT IGNORED

Explanation: MFS received a field from the 3270 device that was not defined in the device input descriptor. Either the screen size for the device was incorrectly defined during IMS system definition, or a probable hardware malfunction has occurred. System action: The input is canceled. Programmer response: Check to see that the specification of lines and columns in the SIZE keyword of the TYPE or TERMINAL macro used for IMS system definition for this device is correct. If it is correctly specified, use the /TRACE command to obtain a printout

Explanation: /EXIT command processing found that the transaction was in a remote system or has already been scheduled for processing. Command processing is completed and the conversation is terminated, but the conversational transaction will still be run. When the conversational response is received, the Conversational Abnormal Termination exit (DFSCONE0) is called and the response message is queued to the response terminal. System action: The conversation is terminated. Module: DFSICLH0 DFS0578I READ SUCCESSFUL FOR DDNAME xxxxxxxx MEMBER yyyyyyyy

Explanation: Member yyyyyyyy from DDNAME xxxxxxxx data set was successfully read.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0579W DFS0584I
System action: IMS continues processing. Module: DFSXRPS0, DFSIILD0 DFS0579W FIND FAILED FOR DDNAME xxxxxxxx MEMBER=yyyyyyyy RC=zz DFS0581I I/O ERROR ON unit address, device type, ddname, operation, error type, bbcchhr, access method

Explanation: A permanent I/O error occurred on the indicated device. System action: The ACBGEN utility is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the error condition, and rerun the program. Module: DFSUACB0 DFS0582I PERMANENT I/O ERROR DURING BLDL ON REQUESTED DBDS IN ACBLIB

Explanation: The FIND failed for member yyyyyyyy from DDNAME xxxxxxxx data set. This can prevent IMS from acquiring information needed for initialization. Descriptor members are unavailable, if this message is received for the MFS Device Characteristics Table utility. The hexadecimal return code zz can have the following values. Code (Hex) Meaning 04 Name not found 08 Permanent I/O error during directory search System action: IMS might terminate with abend U0015 if the member is required by IMS. IMS terminates with abend U1012 if the member is DBFMSDBn. The topic Specifying IMS PROCLIB Members in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring describes member requirements. The MFS DCT Utility terminates with a return code of 4. Programmer response: For a required member, make sure the correct suffix was specified, and member yyyyyyyy is valid. If RC=08, place the member in a data set where it can be accessed without error. If the RSR feature is installed and you do not want to use it, override the RSR enablement by specifying RSR(NO) in the DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member. For more information about the DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member, see the IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. Master Terminal Operator Response: If IMS does not abend, determine if member yyyyyyyy is necessary for your installation. For the MFS DCT Utility, DDNAME xxxxxxxx is required. Problem determination: 1, 3, 6, 8 Module: DFSXRPS0, DFSIILD0, DFSPMBR0, DFSUTB00 DFS0580I UNABLE TO OPEN DCBddname=ddname

Explanation: BPAM encountered a permanent I/O error while trying to search the directory of the ACBLIB in an attempt to find the entry for one or more DBDs that were requested on a BUILD or DELETE control statement. System action: The ACBGEN utility is terminated. Programmer response: Recreate ACBLIB with a PSB=ALL option, or restore the ACBLIB with a backup copy if available.For more information about recovering from ACBLIB errors, see the description in the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide about recovering from IMS failures. Module: DFSUACB0 DFS0583I PERMANENT I/O ERROR WHILE TRYING TO DELETE {DBD=name|PSG} FROM ACBLIB USING STOW WITH DELETE OPTION.

| |

Explanation: A PSB or DBD was to be deleted from ACBLIB as the result of a specific DELETE request or because the required blocks could not be built. A permanent error occurred during the delete. System action: The ACBGEN utility is terminated. Programmer response: Recreate the ACBLIB with PSB=ALL option, or restore the ACBLIB if a backup copy is available. For more information about recovering from ACBLIB errors, see the description in the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide about recovering from IMS failures. Module: DFSUACB0 DFS0584I ERROR DURING {PRECOMPRESS|POST}

Explanation: The named DCB could not be opened. System action: The ACBGEN utility is terminated. Programmer response: Check the JCL, and rerun the program. Module: DFSUACB0

Explanation: The IEBCOPY utility returned a nonzero return code after attempting a compress of ACBLIB. System action: The ACBGEN utility is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the error condition as indicated by the IEBCOPY error messages.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0585I DFS0591I

Explanation: An error indicated by a previous message caused the program to terminate before all functions were complete. The return code is 16. System action: The ACBGEN utility is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the errors, and rerun the program. Module: DFSUACB0 DFS0586I {PSB psbname|DBD dbdname} REQUESTED IN A {BUILD|DELETE OPERATION} {NOT FOUND IN ACBLIB|IS A PSB}REQUEST IGNORED.

Explanation: A control statement syntax error was detected. The remaining statements will be scanned, but no processing will be attempted. The symbol enclosed in quotation marks is the symbol or delimiter which caused the error. If FORMAT is indicated, the logical end of statement was reached before the statement was complete. If CONTINUATION is indicated, an invalid continuation was detected. Programmer response: Correct the control statement, and rerun the program. Module: DFSUACB0 DFS0589I PROCESSING COMPLETED FOR PSB psbname. PCB=xxxxxx, PSB=xxxxxx, WORKAREA=xxxxxx, TOTAL SIZE=xxxxxx

Explanation: There was an error associated with the indicated PSB or DBD that was requested in a BUILD or DELETE operation. If it was NOT FOUND, the PSB or DBD does not exist in ACBLIB. If "IS A PSB" was the message, the directory entry for this member is actually a PSB. System action: This request is ignored. Processing continues, but the return code is 8. Programmer response: Correct the errors, and rerun the program. Module: DFSUACB0 DFS0587I ERROR BUILDING PSB=psbnameIT WILL BE DELETED FROM ACBLIB

Explanation: The block builder returned a nonzero completion code after processing the indicated PSB. The PSB will be deleted from ACBLIB, processing will continue, and a return code of 8 will be set. If this message is preceded by message DFS0921I, no member will be deleted from ACBLIB because the indicated PSB is a DBD. Programmer response: Correct any errors indicated by the error messages, and rerun the program with a BUILD statement for this PSB. Module: DFSUACB0 DFS588I CONTROL CARD SYNTAX ERROR {INVALID LABEL|OP CODE|BLK TYPE|OPERAND|FORMAT| CONTINUATION} <'symbol'>

Explanation: The blocks for the indicated PSB were successfully built and written to ACBLIB. The required buffer sizes for inter-region copy are indicated. See the description of the DIRCA parameter of the IMSBATCH procedure in the topic Procedures in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. PCB is the work area size required in the MSG or BMP region. PSB is the size of the fixed PSB blocks required in the PSB pool. WORKAREA is the size of various work areas required for the PSB and is obtained from the PSB work pool (PSBW pool). See message DFS593I for sizes of each of the various work areas. WORKAREA gives the size at ACBGEN time. This is the minimum size for the work areas. At scheduling time, this size can be increased. A significant increase can occur if the size is changed to the size of the long message queue buffer. TOTAL SIZE is the combined PSB pool size and PSB work pool size requirement at ACBGEN time. The FP work areas used for EPCBs are not included in the WORKAREA above. Module: DFSUACB0 DFS0590I END OF ACBLIB MAINTENANCE. HIGHEST CONDITION CODE WAS code

Explanation: The ACB Maintenance utility completed the requested operations. The highest condition code encountered during execution is indicated. Module: DFSUACB0 DFS0591I MAX PCB SIZE=xxxxxx, MAX PSB SIZE=xxxxxx, MAX WORKAREA SIZE=xxxxxx, MAX TOTAL SIZE=xxxxxx

Explanation: For information, see messages DFS0588I.

Explanation: The PSBs operated on as a result of this execution will require the indicated inter-region copy


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS592I DFS0596W
buffer requirements as a maximum value. See the description of the DIRCA parameter of the IMSBATCH procedure in the topic Procedures in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. The individual sizes are indicated in message DFS589I. Module: DFSUACB0 DFS592I EMBEDDED EOF FOUND IN ACBLIB {DMB|PSB} name DFS595I REGION SIZE TOO SMALL FOR DFSUTR20 REPORT

Explanation: The amount of virtual storage specified in the region parameter of the EXECUTE statement was insufficient to hold the summary tables generated during the input phase of a Monitor Report Print utility. Programmer response: Assign a larger region to the job, and rerun it. Module: DFSUTR20, DFSUTR30 DFS0596W READ FAILED FOR DDNAME xxxxxxxx MEMBER= yyyyyyyy

Explanation: The indicated PSB or data management block has an end of file within the member. Programmer response: If concatenated libraries are specified for IMSACB, verify that the library with the largest block size is specified first. If ACBGEN has been run against a library that is shared with the online system, ensure that the compress option was not specified. If neither of the above errors has occurred, the member in ACBLIB, specified in the error message, must be recreate to correct the error condition. System action: The PSB or data management block is stopped. Module: DFSDBLR0, DFSXRBL0 DFS0593I PSBpsbname WORKAREA BREAKOUT. NDX=xxxx, XIO=xxxx, IOA=xxxxxx, SEG=xxxxx, SSA=xxxxx

Explanation: The READ failed for member yyyyyyyy from the DDNAME xxxxxxxx data set. This can prevent IMS from acquiring information required for initialization. System action: IMS might terminate with abend U0015 if the member is required by IMS. IMS terminates with abend U1012 if the member is DBFMSDBn. The topic Specifying IMS PROCLIB Members in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring describes member requirements. Programmer response: For a required member, make sure the correct suffix was specified, and member yyyyyyyy is valid. Attempt to rebuild the member in a different location in the data set. Master Terminal Operator Response: If IMS does not abend, determine if member yyyyyyyy is necessary for your installation. Problem determination: 1, 3, 6, 8 Module: DFSXRPS0 DFS0596W variable text

Explanation: The total work area for the indicated PSB is broken down into its components. NDX is the work area required for DL/I ACTION modules. XIO is the work area used by index maintenance. IOA is the area used to hold data being copied from or to a dependent region. This size is specifiable on the PSB. SEG is the area required for compressible segment manipulation. SSA is the area required to hold SSAs copied from the dependent region. This value is specifiable on the PSB. Module: DFSUACB0 DFS594I MFS TEST FACILITY NOT AVAILABLExxxxx

Explanation: Initialization could not open the DCB for the MFS TEST library. MFS TEST is not available. If xxxxx="NOFND", then no DD statement was found. If xxxxx="DUMMY", then DD DUMMY was specified. If xxxxx="NOOPN", then OPEN failed. Programmer response: If xxxxx="NOFND" or "DUMMY", correct the JCL for the next IMS execution. If xxxxx="NOOPN", a z/OS message describing the OPEN failure might be issued. If a z/OS message is received, see z/OS MVS System Messages, Volume 1 for further information. Module: DFSIINB0

Explanation: The operating system SYNADAF macro instruction supplies the text of this message. For a description, see Data Administration Guide for MVS/DFP 3.1,. The DDNAME xxxxxxxx data set is not valid for processing. This can prevent IMS from acquiring information required for initialization. This message is preceded by message DFS0596W, "READ FAILED", that will provide the member name for the attempted READ. System action: IMS might terminate with abend U0015 if the member is required by IMS. IMS terminates with abend U1012 if the member is DBFMSDBn. The topic Specifying IMS PROCLIB Members in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring describes the member requirements.

Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0597W DFS603W
Programmer response: For a required member, make sure the correct suffix was specified and member yyyyyyyy is valid. Attempt to rebuild the member in a different location in the data set. Master Terminal Operator Response: If IMS does not abend, determine if member yyyyyyyy is necessary for your installation. Problem determination: 1, 3, 6, 8. This is a probable hardware error. Module: DFSPMBR0 DFS601I DFS0597W OPEN FAILED FOR DDNAME xxxxxxxx Explanation: The OPEN failed for the DDNAME xxxxxxxx data set. If this message occurs during IMS initialization, IMS might not be able to acquire the information needed for initialization. If the MFS Device Characteristics Table utility issues this message, the descriptor members are unavailable. System action: IMS initialization abnormally terminates with abend U0016. The MFS Device Characteristics Table utility ends with a return code of 12. Programmer response: Validate the DDNAME xxxxxxxx data set and make sure that the DDNAME xxxxxxxx DD statement is included in the JCL. Master Terminal Operator Response: If IMS does not abend, determine if DDNAME xxxxxxxx is necessary for the installation. For the MFS Device Characteristics Table utility, DDNAME xxxxxxxx is required. Problem determination: 1, 3, 6, 8 Module: DFSXRPS0, DFSPMBR0 DFS603I DFS598I NO DLI CALL REPORT REQUESTED DFS603W IMS DLS CLEANUP (type) status FOR task jobname.stepname.procstepname RC=xx IMS DLS FAILURE (xx) FOR task id NONNUMERIC DIGIT IN NUMERIC FIELD DFS600I NUMBER EXCEEDS 8 DIGITS

Explanation: A number in a distribution redefinition statement exceeded 8 digits. System action: Processing terminates. Redefinition will be ignored for the distribution identifier implied. Programmer response: Correct the distribution redefinition statement, and rerun the job. Module: DFSUTR20, DFSUTR30

Explanation: A non-numeric character appeared in a numeric field of a distribution redefinition statement. System action: Processing continues. Redefinition will be ignored for the distribution identifier implied. Programmer response: Correct the redefinition statement, and rerun the job. Module: DFSUTR20, DFSUTR30 DFS602I INVALID DISTRIBUTION IDENTIFIER

Explanation: An invalid distribution identifier appears in a statement in the analysis control data set. System action: Processing continues. The error statements will be ignored during execution. Programmer response: Correct the distribution redefinition statement, and rerun the job. Module: DFSUTR20, DFSUTR30

Explanation: Neither a "DLI" nor an "ONLY DLI" statement was included in the analysis control data set. Programmer response: If you want a DL/I call report, include either "DLI" or "ONLY DLI" in the analysis control data set and rerun the job. Module: DFSUTR10 DFS599I UNDEFINED ANALYSIS CARD IGNORED

Explanation: The IMS DL/I subordinate address space (DLS) resource cleanup processing (SSI routine) produces two forms of message DFS603; one is a warning and the other is informational. The warning message, DFS603W, appears every time a recoverable failure occurs during cleanup processing. The message provides a failure code, xx, specifying the function executing at the time the failure is detected. DLS resource cleanup processing resumes with the next function in the termination process. The information message, DFS603I, is produced once for the job step TCB at the end of cleanup, and once for each ESTAE failure under a subtask. An ESTAE failure occurs when the SDWA is not present or no retry is possible. If all TCBs complete without errors, the informational message shows a status of COMPLETE with a zero return code; otherwise, for all but exceptional failures where subtask error recording is

Explanation: An unrecognizable control statement appeared in the analysis data set. System action: Processing continues with the next control statement, if any. Programmer response: Examine and correct the statements in the analysis control data set. (See IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System for details of each statement.) Module: DFSUTR20, DFSUTR30


Messages and Codes Volume 2

not possible, the status is FAILED with a return code of X'FF'. (See the hexadecimal return codes described later in the message for the meaning of return code X'FF'.) Note: When ESTAE is entered and retry is possible, the SDWA is written to SYS1.LOGREC. Included in the entry are the job name, the release and level of the terminating IMS, and the failure code. Table 15 shows the message text: Table 15. DFS603W Message Text
Keyword type status Values EOM EOT ESTAE COMPLETE FAILED Meaning End of Memory End of Task ESTAE failure; no retry possible IMS DLS resource cleanup finished successfully. IMS DLS resource cleanup encountered at least one failure during cleanup. Subtask Job step task For End of Task failure For End of Memory failure







task id

ST JS jobname ID=imsid



The return code, xx, indicates the results of DLS resource cleanup processing. A return code of X'00' indicates DLS resource cleanup finished successfully. Return code values X'30' through X'58' represent failures during End of Task termination. Values X'C0' through X'D8' represent failures during End of Memory termination. The return codes have the following values and meanings. Code (Hex) Meaning 00 Cleanup finished successfully. 01 GETMAIN failed for work area. Minimal cleanup processing is performed. 02 Failure while attempting to obtain either the SSCD image or SCD address, or both. The only cleanup performed is to null the DLS REAL SSCT. 03 Failure or operator cancel occurred during cleanup processing causing ESTAE to be driven for a unrecoverable failure. Abbreviated cleanup is attempted. ESTAE is unable to obtain storage for the failure message. Processing terminates. 04 ESTAE could not be established. Minimal cleanup processing is performed. 08 Failure while attempting to obtain the SSCD image or SCD address. Processing resumes with the next function. 0C Failure while locating DLS DUMP SSCT or attempting to obtain the SSCD image or SCD address. The only cleanup performed is to null the DLS REAL SSCT. 10 Failure while attempting to set IMS DLS REAL SSCT to null. Processing is terminated. 30 Failure while updating the DLS control bits. Processing resumes with the next function.




Failure while disconnecting cross-memory tables. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure while attempting to page free fixed storage obtained by the terminating TCB. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure during delete subpool all function for task. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure attempting to set IMS DLS REAL SSCT to null. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure while attempting to post the control region. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure while attempting to set IMS DLS DUMP SSCT to null. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure while attempting to set IMS DLS REAL SSCT to null. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure while attempting to post the control region. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure while attempting to set IMS DLS DUMP SSCT to null. Processing resumes with the next function. DLS cleanup processing canceled by operator. Abend X'x22' is intercepted by ESTAE, and no retry processing is permitted. An abbreviated form of cleanup processing is performed by the ESTAE routine. DLS cleanup processing was completed, but one or more failures occurred during cleanup. Message DFS603W explains the reason for the failure.

System action: If the return code is X'00' for End of Task termination, the DLS resource cleanup processing completed satisfactorily. If the return code is X'00' for End of Memory termination, cleanup completed satisfactorily, but is limited to non-task-related functions only. If the return code is X'FF', one or more failures occurred, and cleanup processing related to those failures might not have been completed. Problem determination: 1, 11, 36 Module: DFSDRCL0 DFS0604W DCBRECFM IS NOT FIXED BLOCK FOR DDNAME xxxxxxxx

Explanation: The DDNAME xxxxxxxx data set record format is not valid. The record format must be fixed or fixed block. If this message is received during IMS initialization, IMS might not be able to acquire the information required for initialization. If this message is received from the MFS Device Characteristics Table utility, the descriptor members are unavailable. System action: IMS initialization abnormally terminates with abend U0010 for DDNAME PROCLIB.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0605W DFS609I
The MFS Device Characteristics Table utility ends with a return code of 12. Programmer response: Ensure that the DDNAME xxxxxxxx data set has RECFM=F or RECFM=FB. Master Terminal Operator Response: If IMS does not abend, determine if the DDNAME xxxxxxxx DD statement is necessary for the installation. For the MFS Device Characteristics Table utility, DDNAME xxxxxxxx is required. Problem determination: 1, 3, 6, 8 Module: DFSXRPS0, DFSIILD0, DFSUTB00, DFSPMBR0 DFS0605W DCBBLKSIZE IS NOT VALID FOR DDNAME xxxxxxxx DFS607I UNEXPECTED CONTINUATION CARD RECEIVED.

Explanation: A statement with at least one first blank character appeared in the analysis control data set. It is a continuation statement, but is not preceded by a distribution redefinition statement showing a continuation. Continuation is indicated by a comma following the last operand. System action: Processing continues. The statement in error will be ignored. Programmer response: Correct this statement if it is not a continuation statement, or show the continuation in the distribution redefinition statement previously defined for a future run. Module: DFSUTR20, DFSUTR30 DFS0608W NULL ENTRY FOR DDNAME xxxxxxxx MEMBER = yyyyyyyy

Explanation: The DDNAME xxxxxxxx data set block size is not valid. If this message is received during IMS initialization, this can prevent IMS from acquiring information required for initialization. If the MFS Device Characteristics Table utility issues this message, the descriptor members are unavailable. System action: IMS initialization abnormally terminates with abend U0012 for DDNAME PROCLIB. The MFS Device Characteristics Table utility ends with a return code of 12. Programmer response: Ensure that the DDNAME xxxxxxxx data set block size is a multiple of 80. Master Terminal Operator Response: If IMS does not abend, determine if the DDNAME xxxxxxxx DD statement is necessary for the installation. For the MFS Device Characteristics Table utility, DDNAME xxxxxxxx is required. Problem determination: 1, 3, 6, 8 Module: DFSPMBR0, DFSXRPS0, DFSIILD0, DFSUTB00 DFS0606I MINIMUM CORE OF 16K BYTES WAS NOT AVAILABLE FOR SUMMARY TABLE.

Explanation: Member yyyyyyyy from the DDNAME xxxxxxxx data set was empty. System action: IMS might terminate with abend U0015 if the member is required by IMS. IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring describes member requirements for IMS PROCLIB. Programmer response: Make sure the correct member suffix was specified and that member yyyyyyyy contains valid data. Master Terminal Operator Response: If IMS does not abend, determine if member yyyyyyyy is necessary for your installation. Problem determination: 1, 3, 6, 8 Module: DFSXRPS0, DFSPMBR0 DFS609I EXPECTED CONTINUATION CARD NOT RECEIVED.

Explanation: The initial GETMAIN that gets storage for tables holding accumulated data has failed. System action: The program terminates and returns with no reports. Programmer response: Increase the region size, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSUTR20, DFSUTR30

Explanation: A continuation was indicated by a comma at the end of the last operand in a distribution redefinition statement. However, the following statement image was not a continuation. System action: Processing continues. Redefinition will be ignored for the distribution identifier implied. Programmer response: Provide the missing continuation statement, if it was needed. If no continuation was intended, correct the distribution redefinition statement so that the last operand ends with a blank. Module: DFSUTR20, DFSUTR30


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0610W DFS0612I
DFS0610W GETMAIN FAILED FOR TABLE = zzzzzzzz 00 15 nonzero return code xx, described later in this message. Module DFSTOPR0 issues return code X'14'. An I/O Toleration EEQE CREATE during an XRF takeover found an EEQE that was not owned by this IMS and therefore not valid for this IMS to tolerate. Module DFSTOPR0 issues return code X'15'. An EEQE COPY request found an EEQE that was either not owned or was a user type EEQE. This IMS should not have the block or control interval in the buffer pool. Module DFSTOPR0 issues return code X'1F'. I/O retry during database close or I/O Toleration PURGE processing received a nonzero return code from the buffer handler routine. The nn value is the hexadecimal return code from the buffer handler. For additional information, see the topic titled Return Codes and Function Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. Module DFSTOBH0 issues return code X'22'. A X'26' or X'4026' log record containing a buffer image was found, but the corresponding EEQE was not found. The EEQE is built from a prior X'25' or X'4025' EEQE log record. Module DFSTORS0 issues return code X'31'. The X'25' or X'4025' EEQE log record being processed could not find a DDIR for the database indicated in the EEQE. Module DFSTORS0 issues return code X'32'. The I/O Toleration EEQEs created during an XRF takeover received the hexadecimal return code xx from DBRC. The DBRC return codes are described later in this message. Module DFSTODI0 issues return code X'41'. Return code xx was returned from DBRC while deleting an EEQE. The DBRC return codes are described later in this message. Module DFSTODI0 issues return code X'42'. Return code xx is returned from DBRC when adding an EEQE. The DBRC return codes are described later in this message. Module DFSTODI0 issues return code X'43'.

Explanation: Table zzzzzzzz could not be built. This can prevent IMS from acquiring information required for initialization. System action: IMS might terminate with abend U0008 if table zzzzzzzz is required by IMS. IMS terminates with abend U1012 if the member is DBFMSDBn. Programmer response: Validate the size of the region. Master Terminal Operator Response: Increase the size of the region, and retry IMS. Problem determination: 1, 3, 6, 8 Module: DFSXRPS0, DFSPMBR0 DFS611I EXPECTED CONTINUATION CARD NOT RECEIVED AT ANALYSIS EODAD.

00 1F

nn 22

Explanation: A continuation was indicated by a comma at the end of the last operand in a distribution redefinition statement. However, the end of the analysis control data set was reached without getting a continuation statement image. System action: Processing continues. Redefinition will be ignored for the distribution identifier implied. Programmer response: Provide the missing continuation statement, if it was needed. If no continuation was intended, correct the distribution redefinition statement so that the last operand ends with a blank. Module: DFSUTR20, DFSUTR30 DFS0612I IMS LOGIC ERROR. R14=xx R15=yy

00 31

00 32

xx 41

xx 42

Explanation: IMS encountered an error. The xx value (hexadecimal) represents the return code from a called routine, and is present only when a called routine detects the error. Otherwise, the xx field contains '00'. The yy value (hexadecimal) identifies the reason for the error. xx yy 00 10 Meaning The database DDIR or Fast Path DMAC was not found and was not passed on an EEQE CREATE call. Module DFSTOPR0 issues return code X'10'. The EEQE was not found for an EEQE DELETE. Module DFSTOPR0 issues return code X'11'. The buffer length was not specified on an EEQE CREATE. This might not be discovered until a later EEQE COPY call. Module DFSTOPR0 issues return code X'12'. During Batch Backout processing, DBRC was called to change EEQE type. DBRC returned a

xx 43

DBRC RETURN CODES The DBRC hexadecimal return codes contained in the xx field have the following values and meanings: xx 04 08 0C 10 14 Meaning The DBDS already has an EEQE. The database is not registered in the RECON data set. A DBDS is not registered in the RECON data set. The subsystem is not registered in the RECON data set. The subsystem is not authorized to use the database.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I

00 11

00 12

xx 14


DFS0613I DFS616I
18 1C 20 2C 30 The DBDS does not have an EEQE. All EEQE changes in the parameter could not be satisfied. The EEQE limit for the database has been reached. Internal DBRC error. An invalid parameter was detected. Programmer response: None is required. The I/O error was corrected. Module: DFSTOBH0 DFS0615I ALL I/O ERRORS SUCCESSFULLY CORRECTED FOR DATA BASE dbname

System action: This informational message will be sent to the Master Terminal Operator and the z/OS console. It precedes abend U0602. Module: DFSTOBH0, DFSTODI0, DFSTOPR0, DFSTORS0 DFS0613I CTL|DBC RGN U113 DUE TO Sxxx Uyyyy DURING DL/I CALL IN MPP|CCTL zzzzzzzz

Explanation: All I/O error blocks or control intervals for the database dbname were successfully retried. This message indicates that previous I/O errors were corrected and it is not necessary to recover the database. IMS automatically attempts to retry write or read I/O errors at database close time. System action: This informational message is sent to the Master Terminal Operator and the z/OS console. Master Terminal or System Console Operator Response: None is required. Programmer response: It is not necessary to recover the database. Module: DFSTOCL0 DFS616I SYSTEM LOG DATASET NOT CLOSED LOG WRITE ERROR SYSTEM LOG DATASET NOT CLOSED LOG WRITE ERROR. LAST LOG SEQ NUMBER=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: An abend occurred while processing a DL/I call in a parallel DL/I call under the dependent region TCB or under a DRA thread TCB for a Coordinator Control (CCTL). This caused a critical failure that required an abnormal termination of the IMS control region. xxx The system abend code. This will be S000 if it is a user abend. yyyy The user abend code. This will be U0000 if it is a system abend. zzzzzzzz Job name of the abending dependent region or the job name of the CCTL. System action: IMS terminates abnormally. Programmer response: See abend 0113. Problem determination: 1, 4, 6, 14, 36 Module: DFSPCC20, DFSASK00 DFS0614I I/O RETRY SUCCESSFUL. DATA BASE dbname DDNAME ddname RBN/RBA nnnnnnnn


Explanation: A permanent I/O error occurred on the last remaining IMS log data set. If dual logging is in effect for IMS batch, the error will occur when both of the log data sets are damaged. For IMS online, the error will occur when the last remaining OLDS has a permanent I/O error or does not have enough space to complete a checkpoint freeze. There are 5 forms of this message. The first form is issued when a permanent I/O error occurs on the last remaining IMS log data set. This form is also issued when an IMS batch region terminates abnormally without successfully closing the batch log (SLDS) and IMS fails to locate the last log record sequence number written on the batch SLDS. The last log record sequence number is not included in the message when: v An IMS online system is running. v No blocks are written on the log at the time of abend. v An invalid block number is detected in the log buffers. The second form is issued when an IMS batch region terminates abnormally without successfully closing the batch log (SLDS), and the last log record sequence number written on the batch log is located in a log buffer. System action: IMS terminates abnormally.

Explanation: The I/O error block or control interval for the block number or RBA nnnnnnnn in database dbname was successfully rewritten to or reread from a direct access storage device (DASD) when the reread/rewrite was done at database close time. The DD statement is identified by dbname. The I/O error was corrected. System action: This informational message will be sent to the Master Terminal Operator and the z/OS console when the I/O rewrite or reread is successful. Other block level sharing subsystems are notified with an IRLM NOTIFY to remove their record of the I/O error. DBRC is told to remove the I/O error RBN/RBA from the database data set (DBDS) record. Master Terminal or System Console Operator Response: None is required. The I/O error was corrected.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

Programmer response: Allocate new log data sets to replace the ones that have encountered I/O errors. It might be necessary to use the Log Recovery utility to create log data sets free from WRITE or CLOSE errors. When a sufficient number of log data sets are available, emergency restart IMS to continue processing. Module: DFSFDLS0, DFSFDLG0 DFS616I DFS616I OLDS BUFFER PURGE FAILED OLDS BUFFER PURGE FAILED. LAST LOG SEQ NUMBER =xxxxxxxx OLDS BUFFERS SUCCESSFULLY PURGED DFS0618A A RESTART OF A NONABNORMALLY TERMINATED SYSTEM MUST SPECIFY EMERGENCY BACKUP OR OVERRIDE.

Explanation: An attempt to restart an IMS system, which DBRC did not flag as abnormally terminated, failed. This occurs most commonly after a power failure or during restart of an alternate system in an XRF-capable environment, but can occur in other situations. System action: IMS terminates the restart and waits for the operator to enter another restart command. System Operator Response: Make sure that no IMS system is currently active with the same subsystem name. Check for DBRC and DLISAS regions that might still be active after a prior failure of the CTL region. If DBRC or DLISAS regions are still active without a corresponding CTL region, cancel them before proceeding. If there is no IMS system currently active with the same subsystem name, then issue the /ERE OVERRIDE command. In an XRF environment, issue the /ERE BACKUP command. Module: DFSRST00 DFS0619I JOBNAME.STEPNAME. PROCSTEPNAME MADE NON-SWAPPABLE


Explanation: The third form of the message is issued when an IMS online system terminates abnormally without successfully closing the online log data set (OLDS) and IMS fails to locate the last log record sequence number written on the OLDS. The last log record sequence number is not included in the message when: v The OLDS is not opened when the OLDS Buffer Purge ESTAE routine (DFSFDLF0) receives control. v DFSFDLF0 fails the GETMAIN request for its message area. v DFSFDLF0 fails to locate the last log sequence number written on the OLDS in all OLDS buffers. The fourth form is issued when an IMS online system terminates abnormally without successfully closing the OLDS, and the last log record sequence number written on the OLDS is located in a log buffer. The fifth form is issued when an IMS online system terminates abnormally and successfully purges all OLDS buffers during the OLDS Buffer Purge ESTAE routine. System action: IMS continues processing. Programmer response: None required. Module: DFSFDLS0, DFSFDLG0 DFS0617I RDS BUFFERS HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFULLY PURGED.

Explanation: The named job step has been made nonswappable by using the IMS no-swap service call of the IMS SVC (DFSV4200). This message is provided for information only. System action: The requested caller is made nonswappable. Module: DFSV4200 DFS0620I RESTART DATASET CLOSED

Explanation: On successful close of the restart data set, this message is issued. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSFDPL0 DFS621W IMS type LEVEL (level) INCOMPATIBLE WITH REGION

Explanation: During normal or STAE termination processing of IMS, the RDS data set buffers have been successfully purged. The checkpoint table has been written. System action: IMS continues with its termination process. Module: DFSRDS00

Explanation: The release level of the IMS region is incompatible with the installed release level of the module issuing the message. The module might not be able to perform the required functions. Table 16 on page 130 shows the meaning of the message.

Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0622I DFS625I
Table 16. Meaning of DFS621W Keywords
Keyword type Values RTM Meaning The IMS resource termination manager (DFSRTM00) is assembled at an older release level than the terminating IMS region. DFSRTM00 might not be able to perform the required resource cleanup. The IMS SVC (DFSVC200) is assembled at a release level incompatible with the initializing IMS region. The SVC functions for this IMS region might fail or produce unexpected results. The release level of the IMS module issuing the message.

or format errors in the MODIFY command verb. See IMS Version 9: Command Reference for supported MODIFY command verbs. Programmer response: See IMS Version 9: Command Reference for supported MODIFY command verbs. Module: DFSFCTT0 DFS625I IRLM RECONNECT COMMAND FAILED, CODE - nn




Explanation: The OS operator has entered an OS MODIFY command to IMS specifying RECONNECT, and IMS was unable to complete the IRLM RECONNECT command. The value of nn is indicated by one of the following codes: Code (Dec) 04 Meaning The IRLM did not give the IMS status exit control for an IRLM failure. This means either IRLM has not been used at all during this execution of IMS or the IMS-to-IRLM connection is still active. During a reconnect attempt, be aware of the following: v Every dependent region with an intent to use a database must go through terminate thread processing. v Any such dependent region that does not terminate prevents IMS from completing the steps necessary to clean up from the IRLM failure. v IMS cannot be reconnected to the IRLM or be terminated until all region disconnect processing has completed. v You must abend those regions that are in various stages of disconnect processing (such as waiting in an application for a timer pop, or waiting for a reply to a WTOR). 08 IMS was unable to sign on to the IRLM again and the operator replied CANCEL to message DFS039A. IMS found applications still scheduled against the data bases which were active at the time of the IRLM failure and therefore could not proceed with the IRLM reconnect command.

System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Install the correct level of DFSVC200 or DFSRTM00. Module: DFSMRC20, DFSRTM00, DFSVC200 DFS0622I job.step.procKEY 0-7 NOT ALLOWED FOR DLI, DEP OR UTILITY RGN

Explanation: You specified a protect key of 0-7 for a DL/I, DEP, or utility region. In z/OS, only the online control region is allowed to run under a protect key in the range 0-7. System action: IMS issues abend U0622 for the region that issued this message. Programmer response: See user abend code U0622. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS0623I job.step.procKEY 0-7 REQUIRED FOR ONLINE CONTROL REGION

Explanation: IMS attempted to initialize an online control region in z/OS with a protect key in the range 8-15; a key of 0-7 is required. System action: IMS issues abend U0623 for the region that issued this message. Programmer response: See user abend code U0623. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS624I COMMAND VERB/OPTION NOT SUPPORTED (y)

Explanation: A command verb or option that is not supported by IMS was entered by the operating system MODIFY command interface or by an external subsystem. The value of y represents up to 12 bytes of the command verb or option input data. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: If the MODIFY command was entered by the operator, check for spelling errors


System action: Processing continues without the use of the IRLM.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

Keyword id Values jobname ID=imsid Meaning For End of Task failure For End of Memory failure

Explanation: The OS operator has entered an OS MODIFY command to IMS specifying RECONNECT and IMS successfully reconnected to the restarted IRLM. This message is sent to both the Master Terminal Operator and the OS operator to inform them of the reconnection. The Master Terminal Operator can now start the stopped databases as desired. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSRDSH0 DFS627I IMS RTM CLEANUP (type) status FOR task jobname.stepname.procstepname RC=xxx IMS RTM FAILURE (xxx) FOR task id

The return code, xxx, indicates the results of resource cleanup processing. Return code values X'00' through X'FF' are produced by DFSRTM00. Values X'04' through X'74' represent failures during End of Task termination. Values X'C8' through X'EC' represent failures during End of Memory termination. Other values produced by DFSRTM00 apply to either type of termination. Return code X'100' or greater are produced by DFSMRC20. The return codes have the following values and meanings. Code (Hex) 00 01 Meaning Cleanup finished successfully. GETMAIN failed for work area. Minimal cleanup processing is performed. ESTAE could not be established. Minimal cleanup processing is performed. Not used. Failure while scanning the TCB Table during TCB validation. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure while performing Availability Manager disconnect processing (XRF environments only). Processing resumes with the next function. RTM received a nonzero return code from GETMAIN when storage was requested for save areas while performing Availability Manager disconnect processing (XRF or Fast Database Recovery environments only). Processing resumes with the next function. Failure while performing IMS Intersubsystem Interface termination processing. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure while disconnecting memory-to-memory window headers. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure while scanning TCB DEB chain. Processing continues with the next DEB on chain. Failure while performing HALT I/O or quiesce function for channel to channel device. Processing continues with the next DEB on chain.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


Explanation: The IMS resource termination manager (RTM) produces two forms of message DFS627; one is a warning and the other is informational. The warning message, DFS627W, appears every time a recoverable failure occurs during RTM processing, or when a nonzero return code is received from a routine called by RTM. The message provides a failure code, xxx, specifying the function executing at the time the failure is detected. RTM resumes processing with the next function in the termination process. The informational message, DFS627I, is produced once for the job step TCB at the end of cleanup, and once for each ESTAE failure under a subtask. An ESTAE failure occurs when the SDWA is not present or no retry is possible. If all TCBs complete without errors, the informational message shows a status of COMPLETE with a X'00' return code; otherwise, the status is FAILED with a return code of X'FF'. (See the hexadecimal return codes described later in the message for the meaning of return code X'FF'.) Note: When ESTAE is entered and retry is possible, the SDWA is written to SYS1.LOGREC. Included in the entry are the job name, the release and level of the terminating IMS, and the failure code. Table 17 shows the message text: Table 17. DFS627W Message Text
Keyword type status Values EOM EOT ESTAE COMPLETE FAILED ST JS Meaning End of Memory End of Task ESTAE failure; no retry possible IMS finished successfully. IMS encountered at least one failure during cleanup. Subtask Job step task


08 0C









28 Failure while closing an OSAM data set. Processing continues with the next DEB on chain. Failure while closing an OS data set. Processing continues with the next DEB on chain. Failure during processing, or nonzero return code received from IMS Resource Lock Manager quit function. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure while page freeing OSAM short term I/O pages. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure while disconnecting cross-memory tables. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure while releasing CSA storage for RGPARMS. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure during processing or nonzero return code received from SVC termination and CSA cleanup routine. Processing resumes with SVC directory cleanup. Failure during processing or nonzero return code received from SVC directory cleanup routine. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure while performing an ENFREQ DELETE call to delete an IMS ENF listen exit. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure while performing an IXLDISC call to disconnect from a coupling facility structure. Processing resumes with the next function. A failure occurred while performing an ENFREQ DELETE call for the IMS ARM ENF listen exit. Processing resumes with the next function. A failure occurred while performing Media Manager control block clean up for opened Fast Path DEDB areas. Processing resumes with the next function. Not used. A failure occurred attempting to set IMS DUMP SSCT to null. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure during delete subpool all function for IMS subtask. Processing resumes with the next function.
Messages and Codes Volume 2



RTM received a nonzero return code from the SVC directory cleanup routine. Processing resumes with the next function. RTM received a nonzero return code from the IRLM quit function. Processing resumes with the next function. Failure attempting to route control to DFSRTM00. The ESTAE in DFSMRC20 intercepts the abend and attempts an abbreviated cleanup. Failure attempting to set IMS DUMP SSCT to null. Processing resumes with the next function. The DL/I subordinate address space can terminate without successfully performing resource cleanup for the region. If this happens, the DLS SSCTs might be left after the DLS region has terminated, which can produce abends in the Master Scheduler Broadcast function. In attempting to prevent certain abends if running with a DLS region, the control region job step TCB searches for the DLS SSCTs during cleanup processing. If either SSCT is found, SSCT cleanup is attempted. If cleanup of the DLS SSCTs succeeds, message 'DFS627W IMS RTM FAILURE (F0) FOR DLS' is issued. If cleanup fails, the standard form of the warning message is issued. Processing resumes with the next function. Resource cleanup processing canceled by operator. Abend X'x22' is intercepted by ESTAE, and no retry processing is permitted. An abbreviated form of cleanup processing is performed by the ESTAE routine. Resource cleanup processing was completed, but one or more failures occurred during cleanup. Message DFS627W explains the reason for the failure. While processing on behalf of an IMS TCB, DFSMRC20 determined that the DUMP SSCT was invalid. No cleanup is attempted for the terminating TCB. ESTAE could not be established. Control is not passed to DFSRTM00. The only processing attempted is setting the DUMP SSCT to null.











| 48 | | | | 4C | | |



| 54 | | | | | 55-6C





108 DFSRTM00 address is zero in the SSCT. Abbreviated cleanup is attempted. Failure attempting to route control to DFSRTM00. The ESTAE in DFSMRC20 intercepts the abend and attempts an abbreviated cleanup. Previous jobstep or end-of-memory cleanup was attempted and failed. DFSMRCL0 resets the IMS DUMP SSCT to null and returns to z/OS. Some IMS resources may not have been cleaned up. DFSMRCL0 was called for a non-IMS jobstep TCB in an address space with an active IMS SSCT. This is usually the result of a prior IMS resource cleanup failure, or of DFSMRCL0 not receiving control for an IMS jobstep TCB termination. DFSMRCL0 resets the IMS DUMP SSCT to null and returns to z/OS. Some IMS resources may not have been cleaned up. DFS629I DFS629I DFS629I PSW AT ERROR = hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh MODID = cccccccc EPA = aaaaaaaa IMS DBC REGION ABEND



Explanation: For IMS online, the first form of the message is issued; the third and fourth form might be issued. For IMS batch, the second form is issued; the third form might be issued. For a Database Control (DBCTL) subsystem, the fifth form is issued when the DBCTL or z/OS operator issues a MODIFY command to stop the DBCTL region. The variables have the following meanings: ttt action IMS TCB type name The action is ABEND if the IMS control region is abending or DUMP if a dump is being produced for a dependent region. The system abend code, if available The user abend code (if available) or the system abend code The failing IMS address space or external subsystem DLS- The failure was for a TCB in the DL/I address space. IES- The failure was in the IMS support code of an external subsystem. ESC- The failure was not in the IMS support code for the failing external subsystem. U0027- Original abend code No value- The failure was in the IMS CTL address space. hh..hh Hexadecimal PSW contents


sss uuuu vvvv

System action: If the return code is X'00' for End of Task termination, the resource cleanup processing for the IMS region completed satisfactorily. If the return code is X'00' for End of Memory termination, cleanup completed satisfactorily, but is limited to non-task-related functions only. If the return code is X'FF', one or more failures occurred, and cleanup processing related to those failures might not have been completed. Problem determination: 1, 11, 36 Module: DFSRTM00, DFSMRC20 DFS628I ABNORMAL TERMINATION SCHEDULED

Explanation: The z/OS system console operator entered a MODIFY IMS.DUMP command to abnormally terminate the IMS region. System action: The IMS region is abnormally terminated with a dump. Module: DFSFCTT0 DFS629I IMS ttt TCB <action> IMS|SYS sss|uuuuvvvv IMS BATCH REGION ABEND IMS|SYS uuuu

cccccccc Module executing at time of the error aaaaaaaa Hexadecimal address of module entry point System action: For some IMS TCB failures, the IMS system terminates. For other IMS TCB failures, (such as dynamic allocation, Fast Path dependent region, storage compression, and some DBRC failures) IMS continues processing. For IMS external subsystem failures, the external subsystem task terminates. Programmer response: To determine the cause of the problem, examine the diagnostic output, which can include: v Spin-off dumps created by IMS external subsystems or DBRC. v Software LOGREC entries created by dynamic allocation.


Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


v Fast Path dependent region dumps created by Fast Path dependent regions. System Operator Response: If an external subsystem task terminates, restart the task with the /START SUBSYS command. Module: DFSFDMP0, DFSFLST0 DFS630I WAITING FOR IRLM INITIAL STATE. DFS634I job.step.procBLANK ENCOUNTERED AS FIRST CHAR OF PARAM VALUE valid program that can be specified with the DBRC=C parameter. System action: The IMS job terminates abnormally with abend U0633. Programmer response: Correct the conflict between the DBRC and MBR parameters. Module: DFSRRA00 Explanation: The IRLM is in an initial WAIT state for all current subsystems to be identified, respective database reverified, and backouts to be processed. This message is sent to the OS operator and the Master Terminal Operator prior to the WAIT state. System action: Processing continues after a short wait. System Operator Response: If the wait becomes excessive, you might need to review all subsystems attached to the IRLM and determine which might be causing the delay. This subsystem (if IMS) will probably not have issued the DFS630I message. Module: DFSSDLB0 DFS631I DBRC ADDRESS SPACE TERMINATION UNPREDICTABLE DUE TO CONTROL REGION ABNORMAL TERMINATION

Explanation: A positional parameter in the PARM field of the EXEC statement has one or more leading blanks. System action: System terminates abnormally. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS635 COMMAND BUFFER TOO LARGE: CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND.

Explanation: The IMS control region may have terminated before the connection between IMS and DBRC was completed. In this case the DBRC address space might terminate abnormally or might not terminate at all. The IMS control region may have terminated after the DBRC address space had abnormally terminated. System action: DBRC may or may not be abnormally terminated. System Operator Response: If DBRC is not terminated, you must terminate it via the console. Module: DFSFSTM0 DFS632I job.step.procEXCESSIVE NUMBER OF PARAMETERS IN PARM FIELD

Explanation: The entered command required a buffer length greater than X'FFFF' (65,535) bytes. X'FFFF' is the limit for the /DISPLAY command, while X'7FFF' (32,767) bytes is the limit for all other commands. The command in error probably contained the NODE keyword with the ALL parameter. System action: The command is ignored. Programmer response: Reduce the storage requirements by reentering the command as multiple commands with a specified range. The number of parameters that can be specified for a /DISPLAY command is approximately 5500, and 2500 for all other commands. Contact the system programmer for assistance. Module: DFSICL30 DFS636I job.step.procLAST FIXED LENGTH PARM VALUE TOO SHORT

Explanation: The EXEC statement PARM field contains too many positional parameters. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSRRA20 DFS0633I DBRC PARAMETER SPECIFIED VALID ONLY FOR BATCH BACKOUT

Explanation: The last fixed-length parameter value in the PARM field of the EXEC statement appears to be too short. System action: System terminates abnormally. Programmer response: Verify that no preceding value is incorrect. Correct any error, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSRRA20

Explanation: DBRC=C was specified, but the program name was not DFSBBO00. Batch Backout is the only


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0637W DFS641I
DFS0637W xxxx REQUEST NOT SATISFIED DUE TO POOL EXPANSION LIMIT d Defines whether or not the primary storage allocation is obtained during IMS initialization. The allowable values are Y and N. If Y is specified, the primary storage allocation is obtained during initialization. If N is specified, the primary storage allocation is not obtained until it is needed to satisfy a buffer request.

Explanation: One or more requests for storage from the IMS storage pool xxxx were not satisfied. The request causes the pool size to exceed the upper expansion limit. The upper limit is specified on the execution parameters. System action: If the caller specified that the IMS storage pool manager waits for storage, the caller waits until enough storage is returned to the storage pool to satisfy the request or until the caller has waited the maximum number of compression cycles. If the request is not satisfied, a nonzero return code is returned to the caller. Programmer response: If message DFS0637W is issued consistently for the same storage pools, increase the upper expansion limit for those pools. Module: DFSSTAT0 DFS638I job.step.procCOMMA FOUND WITHIN EXTENT OF FIXED LENGTH PARAM

One DFS0639W message is issued for every occurrence of an invalid parameter. System action: If the pool name parameter is invalid, the storage manager ignores the definition for the pool while continuing to validate the remaining parameters. If the buffer definition parameter is invalid, either the parameter is interpreted or it is ignored. If the value for subparameter a exceeds the allowable maximum of 65536, a value of 65536 is used. If the value for subparameters b or c exceeds the allowable maximum of 65535, a value of 65535 is used. If the subparameter d is invalid, the primary allocation of storage is obtained when it is needed for processing and not during IMS initialization. If the value for subparameter a is zero or is a previously defined value, the buffer definition parameter is ignored. A maximum of thirty-two definitions are allowed for a pool. If an * precedes 'parm', the maximum number has been exceeded and 'parm' has not been validated. It is ignored. Programmer response: Correct the invalid statement. Module: DFSXSPM0

Explanation: A comma was found within the extent of a fixed-length field. System action: System terminates abnormally. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS639W INVALID STG POOL DEF FOR (xxxx) (*) parm


Explanation: The IMS.PROCLIB member DFSSPMnn contains a storage pool definition statement with an invalid parameter. The allowable parameters are pool name and buffer definition. If parm indicates FPL=zzzz, then the pool name is invalid. The IMS storage pool zzzz has not been defined. If parm indicates (a, b, c, d), then the buffer definition is invalid for pool xxxx. The following list defines the buffer definition subparameters: a Defines the buffer size, which is a unique 1 to 5-digit numeric value. The allowable range is 8 through 65536. The buffer size value is rounded up to the nearest multiple of eight. Defines the number of buffers in the primary storage allocation. The value must be a 1 to 5-digit numeric value in the range of 2 through 65535. Defines the number of buffers in secondary storage allocations. The value must be a 1 to 5-digit numeric value in the range of 2 through 65535.


Explanation: A required parameter for the kind of execution specified by the first three characters of the EXEC statement PARM field was omitted. System action: System terminates abnormally. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSRRA20 DFS641I jobname.jobstepINCORRECT REGION PARAMETER IN EXEC STATEMENT

Explanation: The Database Recovery utility DFSURDB0 was run in an invalid region type. The batch region type specified in the first subparameter of the //EXEC PARM field must be UDR. System action: IMS issues abend U0641 for the region that issued this message. Programmer response: See user abend code U0641.

Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS642I job.step.procPARAM EXCEEDS MAX ALLOWABLE LENGTH System programmer response: The default upper expansion limit for the pool might have been overridden using the EXEC parameters or the DFSPBxxx member. The default primary and secondary storage pool allocations might need to be overridden by storage pool definition statements in the IMS.PROCLIB member DFSSPMxx. Ensure that the storage pool definitions specify the proper size primary blocks and that the accumulated primary storage allocation specification does not exceed the specified upper limit. Module: DFSSPM30 DFS643I job.step.proc-NON-NUMERIC VALUE SPECIFIED FOR NUMERIC PARAMETER IN PARM FIELD DFS646I job.step.procSPIE OPTION IN PARM FIELD INVALID

Explanation: A parameter value, such as the program name in a DL/I execution, exceeds the maximum allowable length. System action: System terminates abnormally. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSRRA00

Explanation: All numeric parameters are examined; if a non-numeric value is specified for any numeric parameter, message DFS643I will be sent to the console operator. System action: The IMS region that issues the DFS643I message is abended with abend U0643. Programmer response: Correct the EXEC statement parameter in JCL, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4 Module: DFSRRA00 DFS644I job.step.procINTERNAL DESTINATION LIST IS INVALID

Explanation: An invalid SPIE option occurred in the parm field. The SPIE option in the parm field must be 0 or 1. System action: Abend U0646 is issued. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS0647W READ OF PSB psbname OR INTENT LIST FOR PSB RECEIVED INVALID DATA. PSB STOPPED.

Explanation: System error. System action: System terminates abnormally. z/OS System Operator Response: Refer this error to IMS A systems operation personnel. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 36. Also, get an assembly listing of DFSRRA00 as used on site. Module: DFSRRA20 DFS645W PRIMARY xxxx STORAGE EXCEEDED POOL EXPANSION LIMIT

Explanation: A BLDL was done for the PSB, and a read issued on the TTR was returned by the BLDL. After the read was completed, the results were invalid. The cause might be one of the following: v For a DOPT PSB, a compression and a read occurred simultaneously. v For a nonresident PSB, a compression occurred sometime after the IMS system was brought up. System Operator Response: Take one of the following actions: v For a DOPT PSB, start the PSB after the compression has completed. Then, reschedule the job. v For a nonresident PSB, an online change must be done after the compression has completed. DFS648I job.step.procVALIDITY CHECK OPTION IN PARM FIELD INVALID

Explanation: During xxxx storage pool initialization, the accumulated size of the primary buffer allocations specified exceeds the upper expansion limit specified. This message is issued prior to any attempt to obtain storage for buffers. If the upper expansion limit value specified is less than the sum of the storage required to allocate all the primary buffer sizes specified, this message is issued. No primary storage is allocated for the pool. Storage blocks are allocated as needed. All blocks in the pool are compressible. System action: IMS initialization continues normally. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer.

Explanation: A validity check option in the PARM field is specified incorrectly. System action: Abend U0648 is issued. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSRRA20


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0649W DFS0651W
DFS0649W PSB psbname INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE BELOW 16 MEG. REQUIRED = xxxxxxxx AVAILABLE=yyyyyyyy 10 The DSG DMB offset is inconsistent with the intent list length. This offset is used to retrieve the DDIR address from the PSB intent list. A DDIR address could not be retrieved because the DSG DMB offset is zero, negative, or larger than the intent list length. ACBGEN will be required to resolve the inconsistency. The data set group built for PSB yyyyyyyy is inconsistent with the data set group defined in the related DBD. To resolve the discrepancy, run the ACBGEN to rebuild the DBD. This can also occur when the PSB refers to a DBD that was not found in the ACBLIB.

Explanation: ACB Generation attempted to build a PSB block for psbname, but the PSB generated size required xxxxxxxx bytes of storage below the 16 megabyte line and only yyyyyyyy bytes were available. System action: The PSB is deleted from ACBLIB and a return code 8 is set. ACBGEN continues with the next PSB. Programmer response: Redesign the PSB with fewer SENSEG statements, fewer PCB statements, or both. Module: DFSUAMB0 DFS0651W ERROR XX READING DBD PSB INT yyyyyyyy FROM ACBLIB.

| 11 | | | | |

Possible reasons for the above errors are as follows: v The active ACBLIB was compressed while being used by IMS. v Library Look Aside (LLA) was used improperly. For example, LLA was used for the inactive ACBLIB and the resident directory was not updated following the copy of the staging library to the inactive ACBLIB. The /MODIFY COMMIT or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) commands then switched the inactive to the active with a back level copy of the PDS directory for the ACBLIB left in memory. It is highly recommended that LLA never be used for the ACBLIB data sets. v A PSB was copied to both the inactive and the active ACBLIBs prior to the /MODIFY COMMIT or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) commands. If this occurs, the comparison of the dates of the active and inactive will be equal with the implication that the PSB did not change. This will result in reading a new PSB without refreshing the PSB sizes kept in the PSB directory. v There is a duplicate database definition for a database that has logical relationships. Because NAMECHK=NO was specified in the IMSCTRL macro, two copies of the same DDIR have been generated: the first DDIR contains a valid DMB address, but the second contains a DMB address of zeroes. The PSB intent list could point to either the first or second DDIR. This error message occurs when it points to the invalid DMB address in the second DDIR. System action: If the error occurs on a DMB, the DMB is marked bad. Programs which use the DMB will not be scheduled. The condition can only be corrected by replacing the DMB using online change. If the error occurs on a PSB or an intent list, the PSB is marked bad unless it is a DOPT PSB, in which case it is stopped. Programs using the PSB will not be scheduled. If the PSB is a DOPT PSB, the condition can be corrected by replacing the PSB in ACBLIB. If the PSB is not a DOPT PSB, it can only be corrected by replacing the PSB using online change. Module: DFSXRBL0, DFSDBLD0, DFSDBLI0, DFSDBLP0

Explanation: Validation of the PSB, DBD, or intent list read from ACBLIB indicated an error. The block in error will not be used. The yyyyyyyy field indicates the name of the PSB, DBD, or intent list where the validation error was detected. The xx field indicates the validation error detected as follows: xx 01 Validation error The read should have returned DMB yyyyyyyy. Validation of the data read indicated that what was read was not a DMB. The read should have returned PSB yyyyyyyy. Validation of the data read indicated that it is not the expected PSB. The PSB read is not consistent with the PSB sizes obtained from the ACBLIB PDS directory at initialization time. The read of the intent list for PSB yyyyyyyy read zero bytes. The length of the intent list stored within the list itself for PSB yyyyyyyy is invalid. The length of the intent list read for PSB yyyyyyyy is not consistent with the length of the intent list obtained from the ACBLIB PDS directory at IMS initialization time. The intent list for PSB yyyyyyyy contains invalid offsets. The intent list for the PSB included DMB A but did not include DMB B. DMB B is related to DMB A either by a secondary index or a logical relationship and should be included in the intent list. The PSB is therefore inconsistent with its DBDs. The ACBGEN utility must be run to resolve the inconsistency.



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Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS652I DFS0659I

Explanation: All IMS run statements must contain a PARM field. System action: Abend 0652 is issued. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSRRA20 DFS0653I PROTECTED CONVERSATION PROCESSING WITH RRS ENABLED

Explanation: The value specified in the EXEC statement for the online control program (CTL) is invalid. Only the values "0" and "1" are valid. Programmer response: Correct the error, and reissue the IMS START command. Module: DFSRRA20 DFS0657I IMSrrr ABEND Uaaaa MODULE=mmmmmmmm LABEL=llllllll R14=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: IMS initialized with the Resource Recovery Subsystem (RRS/MVS) and is prepared to participate in protected conversation work. System action: Processing continues. User response: None is required. Module: DFSRRSI0 DFS654I job.step.procPARM FIELD TOO SHORT

Explanation: The GSAM initialization process encountered an error. The variable fields are defined as follows: IMSrrr IMS release level Uaaaa IMS user abend code

MODULE= Module that detected the error LABEL= Unique label at which the error was detected. This corresponds to the error reason code. See the appropriate abend code in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis for a description of each code. R14= BAL return register (to the module that discovered the error).

Explanation: PARM field specified in the EXEC statement was less than 3 characters in length. System action: Abend 0654 is issued. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS655I CTL RGN U780 RC=xxxx DUE TO Syyy Uzzzz WHILE HOLDING A LATCH IN MPP nnnnnnn

System action: The program terminates abnormally with the abend code identified as Uaaaa. System Operator Response: Determine the cause of the error, correct the problem and rerun the job. Module: DFSZDI00 DFS658I job.step.procPROGRAM NAME PARAMETER OMITTED FROM PARM FIELD

Explanation: An abend occurred while holding an IMS latch and caused a critical failure that required an abnormal termination of the IMS control region. xxxx Represents the return code of abend U0780. See abend U0780 in the IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis for an explanation of individual return codes. Represents the system abend of the dependent region abend code. (If the abend is a user abend, the system code is represented by S000.) Represents the user abend of the dependent region abend code. (If the abend is a system abend, the user code is represented by U0000.) Job name of the abending dependent region. Module: DFSASK00


Explanation: The program name parameter was omitted from the PARM field. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS0659I CTL RGN U780 RC=xxxx BECAUSE CCTL yyyyyyyy WAS TERMINATED WHILE DBCTL THREAD HELD LATCH



Explanation: The CCTL was terminated while a DBCTL thread was holding an IMS nonrecoverable latch. This caused a critical failure that required an abnormal termination of the IMS control region.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS660I DFS0668I
xxxx Represents the return code from the failed attempt at latch recovery. See ABENDU0780 in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis for an explanation of return codes. System action: Abend 0662 is issued. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS0663I (Message text varies for DFS0663I, DFS0664W, and DFS0665E)

yyyyyyyy Job name of the terminated CCTL region. Module: DFSSDA30 DFS660I job.step.procPARM FIELD OMITTED FROM EXEC STATEMENT

Explanation: See the explanation for DFS0665E. DFS0664W (Message text varies for DFS0663I, DFS0664W, and DFS0665E)

Explanation: All IMS execute statements must contain a PARM field. Programmer response: See IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring and IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System for PARM field formats. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS0661I CANNOT PROCESS /START REGION COMMAND: MEMBER=member_name JOB NAME=job_name RC=Xxxxxxxxx

Explanation: See the explanation for DFS0665E. DFS0665E (Message text varies for DFS0663I, DFS0664W, and DFS0665E)

Explanation: The Fast Path trace routines issue messages DFS0663I, DFS0664W, and DFS0665E. If youre unable to determine the problem, contact the IBM Support Center. Save a copy of the message number and text that you received. Module: DBFTRAK0 (DFS0663I), DBFTRAK0 (DFS0664W and DFS0665E) DFS0666I AREA xxxxxxxx COULD NOT BE PROCESSED DUE TO LOCK FAILURE

Explanation: The /START REGION command with the specified member and job name failed for one of the following reasons: 04 The JOB statement is missing from the PROCLIB member. 08 An incomplete statement was encountered. 0C Unable to add the IMSID parameter to the EXEC statement. 10 The parameter field is continued incorrectly. 14 The EXEC statement has no parameters. 18 The PROCLIB cannot be opened. 1C The data set record format is incorrect. 20 The data set block size is incorrect. 24 The PROCLIB member cannot be found. The instream procedure is not supported by the generic /START REGION command. 28 The first statement of the PROCLIB member is not the JOB statement. 2C The procedure statement is not valid. The instream procedure is not supported by the generic /START REGION command. 30 The EXEC statement is missing. Programmer response: Verify that the member and job names are correct. Also check the JCL statements in the specified member. Make the necessary corrections and reissue the command. Module: DFSPMBR0

Explanation: The named AREA could not be processed for one of the following reasons:

| v A /START, /STOP, /DBR AREA, or /STOP ADS command | was not processed because the AREA LOCK failed. | v A /STOP, or /DBR AREA GLOBAL command was rejected | because another subsystem holding the AREA LOCK | is down.
System action: Command processing terminates. Programmer response: For the second problem, use the LOCAL keyword instead of the GLOBAL keyword. Module: DBFARDA0 DFS667I NON-REENTRANT MODULES HAVE BEEN PRELOADED

Explanation: The program module preload function has loaded the specified non-reentrant program modules into the region/partition. Module: DFSPCC20 DFS0668I PROCLIB BLKSIZE NOT MULTIPLE OF 80.



Explanation: The first positional parameter in the PARM field is invalid.

Explanation: The IMS initialization process found the IMS PROCLIB data set block size to be other than a multiple of 80. The logical record length must be 80.

Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0669I DFS676I
System action: No modules have been preloaded. Initialization continues. Programmer response: Contact your IMS system programmer. Problem determination: Save the LISTCTLG and LISTVTOC for the IMS PROCLIB. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS0669I PROCLIB RECFM NOT 'F' OR 'FB'

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |



Explanation: Optional defaults module DFSIDEF0 was successfully loaded, but the verification of the contents found unexpected data. System action: The following initial default is set for this execution of IMS: DBRC=YES. Programmer response: Verify that DFSIDEF0 has been built correctly. Module: DFSRRA70, DFSRRA80 DFS674I job.step.procPROCLIB MEMBER CONTAINS BLANK RECORD

Explanation: The IMS initialization process found the IMS PROCLIB data set record format to be neither "fixed" nor "fixed-blocked". System action: No modules have been preloaded. Initialization continues. Programmer response: Contact your IMS system programmer. The IMS PROCLIB, to be usable, must be "F" or "FB". Problem determination: Save the LISTCTLG and LISTVTOC for IMS PROCLIB Console Log. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS670I job.step.procMODULES HAVE BEEN PRELOADED

Explanation: The IMS initialization process encountered an invalid record while reading the specified member of IMS PROCLIB. The first 71 characters were blank. System action: No modules have been preloaded or identified to virtual fetch (VF), and initialization continues. System Operator Response: Contact your IMS system programmer. System programmer response: Check the member identified by job.step.proc in the message and verify that it is valid. Module: DFSPLPP0 DFS675I job.step.procPROCLIB MEMBER DELIMITER NOT FOUND

Explanation: The Program Module Preload function has loaded specified program modules into the region/partition at initialization. Module: DFSPLDR0

| DFS671I | |


| Explanation: After the processing of all the parameters | is complete, the final DBRC parameter setting is | FORCE, YES, or NO. | System action: None. | Programmer response: None. | Module: DFSRRA70, DFSRRA80 | DFS0671W |

Explanation: The IMS initialization process, while scanning a record from the specified member of IMS PROCLIB, encountered a character other than one of the following: blank - used to end a list of modules comma - used between module names $#@ - national characters ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ - alpha characters 0123456789 - numeric characters

| System action: No modules have been preloaded or | identified to virtual fetch (VF), and initialization | continues. |

| Explanation: Member DFSIDEF0 is required for IMS | initialization, but could not be loaded. | System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend | U0015. | | | |
Programmer response: The DFSIDEF0 module is built by the Syntax Checker. See IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for information on the Syntax Checker.

Explanation: None of the modules specified for preloading were eligible. System action: No modules have been preloaded, but initialization continues. Programmer response: To determine if the preload

| Module: DFSRRA00


Messages and Codes Volume 2

function is being used correctly, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. System Operator Response: Notify the IMS system programmer at your installation. Problem determination: 1, 8, 36 Module: DFSPLDR0 DFS677I PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON JOB/LINK/SVCLIB FOR FOLLOWING MODULES: This message might also be issued if sufficient storage is not available. System action: If any of the modules are required by IMS, abend U0718 follows. If all of the modules are optional, initialization continues. Programmer response: Check the JOB/STEPLIB PDS member attributes. To avoid possible physical damage to the DASD pack, you might want to again link-edit those modules that were not loaded. If sufficient storage is not available, increase the SQA, CSA, or region size, as needed. System Operator Response: Contact the IMS system programmer at your installation. Problem determination: 1, 4, 36 Module: DFSPLDR0 DFS680I USING CHKPT yyddd/hhmmss

Explanation: Module preload encountered an I/O error when scanning the PDS directories for STEPLIB, JOBLIB, SYS1.LINKLIB, or SYS1.SVCLIB. The modules for which it was scanning are listed following this message. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with a abend U0718. Programmer response: If you decide this is a permanent condition, follow your PDS recovery procedure. System Operator Response: Contact your IMS system programmer for assistance. Problem determination: 1, 4, 8, 36 Module: DFSPLPP0 DFS678I BLDL FAILED FOR FOLLOWING MODULES:

Explanation: The system has selected this checkpoint for emergency or normal restart. System action: Normal processing continues. Module: DFSRBCP0 DFS681I CHKPT xxx PSB psbname JOB jobname ID userckptid yyy zzzzzz [X'nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn']

Explanation: The modules listed were not found when module preload scanned the PDS directories for: STEPLIB, JOBLIB, SYS1.LINKLIB, or SYS1.SVCLIB. System action: Initialization continues. If the modules were not in the LINKPACK, an 806 System abend occurs. Programmer response: If an 806 System abend occurs, check the PDSs for damage. System Operator Response: If an 806 System abend occurs, give the IMS system programmer in your installation the storage dump and the z/OS console printout. Problem determination: 1, 4, 36 Module: DFSPLDR0, DFSPLPP0 DFS679I FOLLOWING MODULES NOT LOADED:

Explanation: An IMS batch or batch message processing (BMP) job has issued a CHKP checkpoint call. For a batch job, xxx is DLI, yyy is SER, and zzzzzz is the current volume serial number of the output log. For a BMP, xxx is BMP, yyy is DDN, and zzzzzz is the ddname of the current output online log data set, OLDS. In either case: v Psbname is the name of the PSB which issued the checkpoint call v Userckptid is the 8-byte checkpoint ID value specified by the application program. v If it appears, nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn is the EBCDIC representation of the HEX value of the checkpoint ID. To suppress issuing message DFS681I, code NOMSG681 on the CKPTID= EXEC parameter. If you also want to suppress issuing message DFS0540I and DFS0542I, code NOMSGS. If you want to suppress only messages DFS681I and DFS542I, code NO681542. Note: In most cases, the checkpoint ID will consist of printable universal character data. When the checkpoint ID consists of printable universal character data, the EBCDIC representation of the HEX value of the checkpoint ID does not appear.

Explanation: Module preload attempted to load the listed modules, but z/OS failed or the IMS Module Manager (DFSMODU0) rejected the load request. The return code follows each module name. For an explanation of the IMODULE LOAD return codes, see the topic titled IMS System Services Return Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1.

Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS682I DFS0685I
If the EBCDIC representation of the HEX value does appear, it must be translated to binary for restart purposes. System action: Normal processing continues. Module: DFSRDBL0, DFSRBLB0 DFS682I BATCH-MSG PROGRAM pgmname JOB jobname MAY BE RESTARTED FROM CHKPT ID id-value [X'nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn'] DFS683I nnnnn DFS681I MESSAGES SKIPPED FOR BMP=PSBNAME JOB=JOBNAME

Explanation: This message is issued when a number, nnnnnn, of DFS681I messages were omitted per batch/BMP region. The user can specify the maximum number of DFS681I messages to be issued per second in a batch/BMP region. This is done on the OPTION,ISSUE681= statement within the DFSVSMxx member. If some of these messages are omitted as a result, DFS683I gives the number omitted. System action: Normal processing continues Operator Response: If a large number of DFS681I messages are skipped for a BMP region, the application might be looping. Contact the IMS system programmer at your installation. Module: DFSRDBL0 DFS684I job.step.procCTL PROGRAM NOT EXECUTED, SVC INITIALIZATION FAILED

Explanation: One of the following occurred. v IMS was processing the checkpoint FREEZE command and the batch message processing program listed made a CHKP call with the indicated checkpoint ID value. v During emergency restart processing, the batch message processing program listed was processing at the time of system failure, and the indicated CHKPT-ID was the last CHKP call issued before system failure. All databases and the message queue have been restored to reflect the status that existed at the time the CHKP call was issued. Note: The jobname and psbname will be the same if this message was issued during emergency restart. v The indicated CHKPT-ID was the last CHKP call issued before abnormal termination of the listed batch message processing program. All databases and the message queues have been restored to reflect the status that existed at the time the CHKP call was issued. Note: In most cases, the checkpoint ID will consist of printable universal character data. When the checkpoint ID consists of printable universal character data, the EBCDIC representation of the HEX value of the checkpoint ID does not appear. If the EBCDIC hexadecimal value nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn does appear, it must be translated to binary for restart purposes. System action: Normal processing continues. Master Terminal Operator Response: Take one of the following actions: v If the batch message processing program reads messages from the message queue and does not require restart routines, start the program in the normal manner. v If the batch message processing program does not read messages from the message queue or requires restart routines, or both, restart the program from the checkpoint ID listed. Problem determination: 4, the log data set being used for restart, or the current IMS system log if restart is not in progress. Module: DFSRBOI0, DFSRDBL0

Explanation: IMS type 2 SVC initialization failed. Some possible reasons for the failure are: v An attempt was made to start a second copy of IMS control region with the same IMSID as one already running. This can also occur if IMS SVC termination failed in a previous run of IMS with the same IMSID. v The IMS SDFSRESL is not authorized or the IMS SVC module is being loaded from an unauthorized library. v The region size is too small. v Not enough CSA is available. Abend U0684 and message DFS0686W accompany this message. System action: The region that issued abend U0684 terminates abnormally. Programmer response: Do one of the following: v Correct the duplicated IMSID situation and rerun the job. v Make sure IMS SDFSRESL is authorized or include the DFSRESLB DD statement that points to an authorized library containing the IMS SVC modules. v Increase the region size. v Allocate additional CSA and IPL the system. See abend U0684 and message DFS686W for additional information. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS0685I WRITE TO INTERNAL READER FAILED: DDNAME=data_set_name MEMBER=member_name JOB NAME=job_name


Messages and Codes Volume 2

Explanation: Writing the specified member to the internal reader failed. Programmer response: Check any messages that the internal reader might have issued. Verify that the member, data set, and job names are correct. Make the necessary corrections and reissue the command. Module: DFSPMBR0 DFS686W IMS jobname imsid INIT/TERM (nn) FAILURE RC=xxxxyyzz The values for yyzz for DFSVCI00 failures are: 501 502 503 505 506 507 508 Invalid function Invalid caller Duplicate IMSID GETMAIN failed for SVC directory block. GETMAIN failed for SVC vector table. IMSAUTH BLDSSCT failed. IMODULE LOAD for DLS/LSO table failed. IMODULE LOAD for SVC routine DFSV4200 failed. Please ensure this module is in the IMS SDFSRESL data set. 50A 50B 50C 50D 50E 50F 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 51A 51D 51E IMODULE LOAD for DFSAOSF0 failed. IMODULE LOAD for DFSISI00 failed. GETMAIN failed for SSVT. Caller is using invalid SVC number. IMODULE GETMAIN for key 7 SCD failed. IMSAUTH SSCTSCD failed. IMODULE LOAD for DFSSTM00 failed. IMODULE LOAD for DFSKPXT0 failed. IMODULE LOAD for DFSTOPR0 failed. IMODULE GETMAIN for CBT header failed. IMODULE LOAD for DFSCBT10 failed. Unable to initialize CBTE blocks. IMODULE LOAD for DFSSPF00 failed. IMODULE LOAD for DFSBC000 failed. IMODULE LOAD for DFSLMGR0 failed. GETMAIN failed for DFSSTM00 work area. Unable to obtain SRBC IPAGE. Module assembled at level incompatible with IMS release. Batch Region initialization failed - two IMS images in the same address space using the same IMS ID. Batch Region initialization failed - two IMS images in the same TSO address space. Batch Region initialization failed - two IMS images in the same address space using the same TCB. Dependent Region initialization failed - two IMS images in the same address space, same IMS ID, and one of the images not a dependent region. Dependent Region initialization failed - two
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I

Explanation: An SVC initialization or termination failure occurred during processing. The jobname and imsid identify the IMS system. If the imsid field is N/A, the imsid was not available at the time the message was issued. The function code nn identifies the SVC initialization or termination function processing at the time of the error. Possible function code values are: Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Function INITSVC, SVC initialization INITDEP, Dependent region initialization Reserved TERMSVC, SVC termination TERMDEP, Dependent region termination Reserved INITSCD, Initialize SCD in IMS SVC vector table KILLSVC, Clear SVC directory entries INITBAT, Batch region initialization

| 509 | | |

Return code xxxxyyzz identifies the type of failure and where it occurred: xxxx If nonzero, the return code from a service called by the SVC For IMODULE and IMSAUTH failures, see the topic titled IMS System Services Return Codes in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. yy The module issuing the message: 03=DFSVC200 05=DFSVCI00 zz The return code from the SVC module indicating what type of failure occurred. The values for yyzz for DFSVC200 failures are: 301 GETMAIN failed for DFSVCI00 parameter list. 302 Invalid function 303 SVC directory block address is zero or unable to locate directory entry for region. 304 Region type of caller is invalid for request. 305 Vector table address is zero. 306 SVC release is incompatible with IMS release. 307 SVC number is invalid in SSCD/SCD. 308 GETMAIN failed for DCB work area. 309 SSCD copy failed. 30A SVC number changed in SSCD after SVC validation. 30B SCD address is zero. 30C RMPL address is zero.

51F 520




IMS images in the same address space, same IMS ID, both dependent regions, but different TCBs. (This is not a dependent region waiting for a control region to come up and going through SVC INIT retry logic.) 523 Dependent Region initialization failed - two IMS images in the same address space and one of them is a control region. Dependent Region initialization failed - two IMS images in the same TSO address space. Dependent Region initialization failed - two IMS images in the same non-TSO address space, not control regions, but the same TCB. IMODULE LOAD for DFSDCFR0 failed. IMODULE LOAD for DFSDXES0 failed. IMODULE LOAD for DFSDMAW0 failed. IMODULE GETMAIN for key 7 CFB failed. IMODULE LOAD for DFSDCFC0 failed. IMODULE LOAD for DFSRRSB0 failed. Unable to load module DFSRTMI0. Unable to establish resource cleanup environment for IMS. DFS688I job.step.procCANCELED BY OPERATOR. CTL PGM NOT ACTIVE hh.mm.ss

524 525

Explanation: The control region is not active. This was determined by the dependent region parameter analysis. The job is canceled because: v The cancel option (OPT=C) was specified on the dependent region EXEC statement. v The operator entered "CANCEL" or "C" in response to error message DFS690A. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS689I job.step.proc--DBRC/DLS REGION CANCELED HH.MM.SS

526 527 528 529 52A 52B

Explanation: Either the DBRC or DL/I subordinate address space region could not successfully connect to its associated control region. Most likely, the control region is abnormally terminated. System action: The indicated region abends with U689. Programmer response: See abend U0689. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS690A CTL xxxx NOT ACTIVE, REPLY 'WAIT' OR 'CANCEL' yyyyyyyy

| 52C | 52D |

System action: SVC initialization or termination processing terminates. The SVC module passes a return code to the caller, who might issue an IMS abend. Programmer response: Determine the cause of the failure and correct the problem. Problem determination: 1, 11, 36 Module: DFSVCI00, DFSVC200 DFS687I DBRC INDICATES DBD=x WITHIN PSB=y WITH TOKEN=z WAS BACKED OUT, RIS HAS BEEN PURGED.

Explanation: There are two forms of this message; the second follows this one. In a Database Control (DBCTL) subsystem environment, a Coordinator Control (CCTL) subsystem tried to identify to an IMS control program that was not active. The inactive IMS control program is xxxx; the identifying CCTL is yyyyyyyy. System action: If you entered WAIT, the CCTL waits before attempting to identify again. If you entered CANCEL, the current initialization transaction is terminated. Master Terminal Operator Response: If the control region will soon be available, reply WAIT. The JCL for the dependent job region must specify the same IMSID and SDFSRESL as the IMS control region. If the dependent region JCL IMSID is incorrect, reply with the correct control region ID. If SDFSRESL is incorrect, reply CANCEL, correct the dependent region JCL, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSPRA10 DFS690A job.step.procCTL PGM NOT ACTIVE, REPLY 'WAIT' OR 'CANCEL' OR 'alt-id'

Explanation: While IMS attempts to build a recoverable in-doubt structure (RIS), DBRC informs IMS that database x within PSB=y was altered under a unit of recovery identified by token z and was backed out through Batch Backout. The online region considered the changed data to be in an indoubt state. System action: The online system stops the database identified, but it does not build a recoverable in-doubt structure for the data. Programmer response: If the backing-out of the data

| was intended, then a /START DB or UPDATE DB | START(ACCESS) command makes the database available.
However, if backing-out of the data was not intended, or if multiple resource managers are involved, an investigation into the resolution of the in-doubt data must be made. Module: DFSDRIS0

Explanation: A dependent region started running when the IMS control or Database Control (DBCTL) region was not active. System action: If you entered WAIT, the dependent region waits; if you entered CANCEL, the dependent


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS691I DFS0696I
region terminates. If you specified neither, the dependent region uses the reply as a name of an alternate control region to which it will attempt to identify. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reply WAIT or CANCEL, if either is appropriate. Reply with an alternate control region ID, if one is active. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS691I WAITING FOR CTL xxxx yyyyyyyy This message can be avoided if the "CTX" parameter is used, or if the IMS control region is started as a system task. Programmer response: Consult the IMS system programmer for your installation before doing this. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS0695I OSAM (OPEN|CLOSE|EOV) INTERCEPT,ABEND=sss-rc, DDN=dddddddd

Explanation: In a Database Control (DBCTL) environment, IMS issues this message when the operator enters WAIT in response to a DFS0690A message. A Coordinator Control (CCTL) subsystem is waiting for the IMS control program to become active. The inactive program is xxxx; the identifying CCTL is yyyyyyyy. System action: The CCTL waits a user-specified number of seconds, taken from the TIMER= parameter in the DRA Startup Table, DFSPZPxx, before attempting to identify to DBCTL. Module: DFSRRA00 DFS692I jobname.stepname.procstepname BUFFER CONTROLBUF=value

Explanation: OSAM issued an OPEN, CLOSE, or EOV macro call, and the DCB abend exit routine was entered because of an abnormal condition. The abend can be ignored, thus preventing the IMS region from terminating abnormally. The requested function was not performed, and the data set will be closed, if possible. The variable fields are defined as follows: sss-rc The system completion code (abend), and the subcode that might accompany the abend (See z/OS MVS System Codes for a description of the abend.) dddddddd The data definition name (ddname) of the data set encountering the error System action: A nonzero return code is passed to the caller of OSAM. Depending upon the function requested (OPEN|CLOSE|EOV), the caller will display an additional error message, or can ignore the error and continue processing. Programmer response: The purpose of this message is to record the fact that an ignorable abend condition occurred. The abend might be expected or permitted, for example, while closing a data set that has been renamed or deleted. If the abend is the result of I/O errors while processing the VTOC or writing a file mark to the data set, the type of data set (database, IMS system data set, or log data set) will determine the recovery process to follow. Problem determination: 1, 2, 27 Module: DFSAOSF0 DFS0696I COMMAND REJECTED, UNABLE TO GET STORAGE

Explanation: The buffer control value might be used when the log terminator program is needed to close the log data set. Module: DFSDLN00 DFS0693I RIS ESTABLISHED FOR PSB xxxxxxxx, PRTKN=yyyyyyyy, TOKEN=zzzzzzzz, RRSURID=wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Explanation: A Recoverable In-doubt Structure (RIS) has been established for a thread in either a CCTL-IMS environment or in an RRS protected conversation environment. The RRS-URID is supplied for only protected conversation work and is the RRS unit of recovery interest token. The referenced PSB is xxxxxxxx, the pseudo token is yyyyyyyy, and the actual IMS recovery token is zzzzzzzz. The RIS is maintained until a resynchronization process is performed with IMS. Module: DFSDRIS0 DFS694I 'CTL' WAS SPECIFIED FOR JOB STEP EXECUTION

Explanation: The IMS control region was started using job JCL, but "CTL" was specified in the execution JCL parameter. IMS initialization continued. System action: The IMS control program will operate as a job step task.

Explanation: A command module tried to get storage with invalid parameters. The storage manager rejected the storage request. The command cannot be processed. This is an internal error that requires the system programmers attention. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: If the storage manager
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS697I DFS0698W
trace was active at the time of the command failure, find the trace log record associated with the storage request failure. If the storage manager trace was not active at the time of the command failure, turn it on using the /TRACE SET ON TABLE STRG command. Reenter the command. If the command fails again, find the needed information in the associated storage manager trace log record. Module: DFSICA20, DFSICLI0, DFSICLM0, DFSICL60, DFSICL90, DFSICV40, DFSIC410, DFSIC460 DFS697I IMODULE FAILED REG15=xx IN DFSDINB0 FOR EPLOC=yyyyyyyy table of RRMS services from SYSQ.CSSLIB. System action: Protected conversation processing is disabled for the instance of IMS and restart processing continues. User response: If you want to use protected conversations with IMS, make sure that your SYSQ.CSSLIB contains the RRMS service stubs (CRG, CTX, and ATR modules). Then restart IMS. Module: DFSRRSI0


Explanation: An IMODULE LOAD or an IMODULE GETMAIN failed during Database Control (DBCTL) subsystem initialization (DFSDINB0). Register 15 contains the return code from the IMODULE routine (DFSMODU0). For the meaning of the return code, see IDMODULE return code information in the topic titled IMS System Services Return Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. Field yyyyyyyy is the location in DFSDINB0 where the error occurred. System action: For a DBCTL-only system, IMS issues abend U0718 for IMODULE LOAD failures and abend U0580 for IMODULE GETMAIN failures. For an online DBCTL system, the online system continues to run, and IMS informs the Coordinator Control (CCTL) subsystem that DBCTL initialization failed. Programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center for help in diagnosing the problem. Module: DFSDINB0 DFS0698W PROTECTED CONVERSATION PROCESSING NOT ENABLED - RRS IS NOT AVAILABLE


Explanation: IMS could not register as a resource manager with RRMS Registration Services. The return code xxxxxxxx is from the CRGGRM service. System action: Protected conversation processing is disabled for this instance of IMS, and restart processing continues. User response: If you want to use protected conversation processing, restart IMS. Module: DFSRRSI0



Explanation: IMS attempted to initialize with the Resource Recovery Subsystem (RRS) in an OS/390 Release 3 z/OS system, but RRS is not active. System action: Processing continues. User response: If you want to use protected conversation processing, activate RRS. IMS and RRS will automatically connect and perform their coordinated restart. Protected conversation processing will then be enabled. Module: DFSRRSI0

Explanation: IMS abended during restart or resynchronization processing with RRS/MVS. w S (system abend) or U (user abend) xxxx Abend code. A system abend code is in hexadecimal and a user abend code is in decimal. yyyyyyyy Abend reason code if applicable. zzzzzzzz Return code from RRS/MVS service if applicable. System action: Protected conversation processing is disabled for this instance of IMS, and restart processing continues. User response: If you want to use protected conversation processing, restart IMS.


Module: DFSRRSI0

| | | | |

Explanation: IMS could not build its internal vector


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0699I DFS700I
| Explanation: RRS support cannot be provided in a | local storage option environment. | System action: Processing continues without RRS. | User response: LSO=S must be specified if an RRS | connection is desired. | Module: DFSIRST0 | | DFS0698W | |
PROTECTED CONVERSATION PROCESSING NOT ENABLED RRS=Y NOT SPECIFIED restarting on the wrong system. This is the case in which an IMS is being started on another system or the XRF alternate is attempting to takeover. RRS requires that resource managers restart on the same system as before if there is work to be resolved, unless the RRS on the previous system is inactive. System action: IMS continues processing without RRS, but will repeatedly attempt to do the restart with RRS.

| System Operator Response: Ensure the previous | active terminated, even if manual action is required.
Module: DFSRRSI0 DFS0699I RESYNC (COMMIT|ABORT) COMPLETE FOR PSB xxxxxxxx, PRTKN=yyyyyyyy, TOKEN=zzzzzzzz, RRSURID=wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

| Explanation: The RRS= parameter did not specify Y | (yes). | System action: The system continues without RRS. | System Operator Response: None. | Module: DFSRRSI0 | | DFS0698W | |

| Explanation: The operator replied CANCEL to the | DFS0548A message. | System action: The system continues without RRS.
System Operator Response: None. Module: DFSRRSI0

Explanation: A phase 2 COMMIT or ABORT process completed for an in-doubt unit of work (UOW) identified by pseudo token yyyyyyyy and PSB xxxxxxxx. The IMS recovery token is zzzzzzzz. If the UOW was part of a protected conversation, the RRS unit of recovery interest token, wwwwwwww, is also supplied. Module: DFSDRID0 DFS700I INVALID CONTROL CARD FORMAT. SUBCODE=xxxx

Explanation: The control statement printed before this message contains an error. System action: The control statement is ignored and standard defaults are used. Programmer response: This is a user error. Correct the control statement and resubmit the job. See the subcode listing below to determine the error. xxxx 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 Subcodes for Messages Control statement column 10 invalid. SKIP keyword without value. SKIP specified twice. SKIP value too long. SKIP value invalid. STOPAFT keyword without value. STOPAFT specified twice. STOPAFT value out of range. STOPAFT missing right parenthesis. STOPAFT missing comma. STOPAFT value too long. STOPAFT value invalid. DDNAME keyword without value. DDNAME specified twice. DDNAME value too long. DDNOUT keyword without value. DDNOUT specified twice. DDNOUT value too long. Invalid keyword in column 16. Not used.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I



Explanation: IMS attempted to set exits with RRS since RRS=Y was specified. A return code was received indicating that this IMS already has exits set with RRS. This is the case of a previous active or the old XRF active not terminating. System action: The system highlights this message to indicate the severity and will repeatedly attempt to set exits asynchronously to other processing. System Operator Response: Ensure the previous active terminated, even if manual action is required. Module: DFSRRSI0



Explanation: IMS received a ATR_RESTART_WRONG_SYSTEM return code from the ATRIBRS (begin restart) call, indicating that IMS is


0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 Not used. Not used. D= keyword without value. K= keyword without value. H= keyword without value. O= keyword without value. Not used. 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 Not used. SYM= keyword without value. SYM= first character not '&'. SYM= specified twice. SYM=& without symbol name. SYM=&symbol, symbol name > 8. STOPAFT= keyword without value. STOPAFT= specified twice. STOPAFT= value too long. STOPAFT= value invalid. STOPAFT= value out of range. STARTAF= keyword without value. STARTAF= specified twice. STARTAF= value too long. STARTAF= value invalid. STARTAF= value out of range. STOPAFT= used without COND=E. STARTAF= used without COND=E. C= value invalid. EXITR= keyword without value. EXITR= specified twice. EXITR= value too long. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. DDNAME= keyword without value. DDNAME= specified twice. DDNAME= value too long. PRTSYS= keyword without value. PRTSYS= specified twice. PRTSYS= without option COPY. PRTSYS= value invalid. H= keyword without value. B= keyword without value. O= keyword without value. L= keyword without value. C= keyword without value. T= keyword without value. E= keyword without value. Not used. D= keyword without value. P= keyword without value. PARM parameter specified more than once. No PARM parameter specified. Format error in PARM list (missing left parenthesis). Format error in PARM list (length is less than 3). Format error in PARM list (length is greater than 258). Format error in PARM list (missing right parenthesis).


Explanation: A statement did not contain CONTROL, OPTION, *, or END in column one. System action: The statement is printed and ignored. Processing continues. Programmer response: This is a user error. Correct the statement or remove it from the input data, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSERA10 DFS702I INVALID OPTION CARD OR PRIOR ERROR. SUBCODE=xxxx

Explanation: The OPTION statement printed is in error, or a previous error caused this statement to be ignored. Programmer response: This is a user error. Correct the option statement and resubmit the job. See the subcode listing below to determine the error. xxxx 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 Subcodes for Messages Keyword invalid in column 10. Invalid keyword in option statement. V= keyword without value. VALUE= keyword without value. SYM= & VALUE= keywords on the same option. VALUE= specified twice. VALUE= & without symbol name. VALUE= &symbol, symbol name > 8. FLDTYP keyword without value. FLDTYP specified twice. FLDTYP invalid. COND= keyword specified twice. COND= keyword without value. COND=T without Y or N. COND= blank or comma missing. FLDLEN used with COND=T. COND= value invalid. FLDLEN keyword without value. FLDLEN specified twice. FLDLEN value too long. FLDLEN value invalid. FLDLEN value out of range. OFFSET= keyword without value. OFFSET= specified twice. OFFSET= value too long. OFFSET= value invalid. OFFSET= value out of range.
Messages and Codes Volume 2


Explanation: Program has terminated without uncontrollable errors. Error messages might have been printed but no abend conditions occurred.


DFS704I DFS0712A
Programmer response: Verify that all options completed normally. Module: DFSERA10 DFS704I NO OPTION CARDS SUPPLIED. DFS709I UNABLE TO OPEN OUTPUT FILE.

Explanation: The OPEN for the data set associated with the last control statement failed. System action: The error message is printed and processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: This is probably a user error. Verify that the JCL is correct and the DCB parameters are supplied if the data set does not use a standard label, and rerun the job. Module: DFSERA10 DFS710A UCF TERMINATING DUE TO STOP REQUEST

Explanation: Either (1) OPTION statements were omitted, or (2) errors caused all options to be ignored. System action: A test sequence was ignored. Programmer response: User error. In condition (1), include desired OPTION cards. In condition (2), correct errors as previously noted in SYSOUT printing. Module: DFSERA10 DFS705I UNABLE TO OPEN INPUT FILE.

Explanation: The OPEN for the data set associated with the last control statement failed. System action: The error message is printed and processing continues with the next input statement. Programmer response: This is probably a user error. Verify that the JCL is correct and the DCB parameters are supplied if the data set does not use a standard label, and rerun the job. Module: DFSERA10 DFS706I ELEMENT LIST ERROR.

Explanation: While processing under the Utility Control Facility, the system operator requested a "stop-processing" or a control function contained an EXEC=STOP on its control statement. System action: Processing stops and Return Code 4 is passed to the next step. Programmer response: If further processing is required, change the JCL to allow for Restart under the Utility Control Facility, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 8, 11, 36. Also, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=710 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCF00 DFS711W VERIFY FAILED FOR module/database csect/data set ON REQUEST nnnn FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: This is probably a user error. If RC=04, DFSERA10 detected a duplicate symbol or the symbol specified in the VALUE= option was not found. You must specify a SYM= statement before the VALUE= statement that contains that symbol. System action: Processing terminates and the next test sequence is constructed. Programmer response: If previous errors were printed, correct them and rerun the job. Problem determination: If the error persists, see 2, 4, 36 Module: DFSERA10 DFS707I END OF FILE ON INPUT.

Explanation: While processing a zap function (ff), a verification of data failed. The module and csect or database and data set is identified. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the input control statement data, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 8, 11, 36. Also, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=711 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCF00 DFS0712A xxxxx KEYWORD REPEATEDMAY BE SPECIFIED ONLY ONCE

Explanation: The input file has reached EOF. The current test sequence is ended. Module: DFSERA10 DFS708I OPTION COMPLETE.

Explanation: The current test sequence is ended. System action: Processing continues on the next sequence. Module: DFSERA10

Explanation: A keyword on the control statement to module DFSPIRP0 was specified more than once. System action: The control statement is scanned for further errors, and processing is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the control statement
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0713A DFS0720A

Explanation: An invalid DATE parameter was specified. Possible causes are: v The date was not in the form MM/DD, where MM is one or two numeric characters from 1 through 12 and DD is one or two numeric characters from 1 through 31. v The date (DD) specified is too large for the corresponding month (MM). System action: The program is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the DATE parameter in the DFSPIRP0 control statement. Module: DFSPIRP0 DFS0714A xxxxx PARAMETER DOES NOT END WITH COMMA OR SPACE

Explanation: The STOP parameter was earlier than the START parameter. This message is issued after the control statement scan has been completed. System action: The program is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the control statement specifying a stop time later than the start time. Module: DFSPIRP0 DFS0718W BLANK OR NO CONTROL CARD SPECIFIEDIGNORED

Explanation: A SYSIN DD statement was included but the input data set contained a blank line or the data set was empty (no records). System action: The report includes records from the beginning to the end of the log data set. The control statement processing is bypassed. Programmer response: If a time period was desired, provide a valid control statement. If no control statement is required, the SYSIN DD statement should be omitted. Module: DFSPIRP0 DFS0719I X'4006' CHECKPOINT RECORD NOT FOUND ON THE INPUT LOG

Explanation: A parameter on the control statement to module DFSPIRP0 did not end with a comma or space. System action: The program is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the control statement. Module: DFSPIRP0 DFS0715A STOP TIME SPECIFIED PRECEDES START OF TRACING

Explanation: The DATE operand on the control statement to module DFSPIRP0 specified a date prior to the start of PI tracing. The hours and minutes (HHMM) specified for the STOP parameter, combined with the date specified, was before 00:00:00 on the date tracing started. This message is issued after the control statement scan has been completed. System action: The program is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the control statement omitting the DATE operand or the STOP parameter, or specify them such that the stop time is after PI tracing was started. Module: DFSPIRP0 DFS0716A PRINT MUST BE SPECIFIED BEFORE ANY KEYWORDS

Explanation: An X'4006' checkpoint log record must be processed prior to any PI trace log records. No report was generated because an X'4006' log record was not found. X'4006' log record can be lost when specifying only part of the log data set on the LOGTAPE DD statement. System action: The IMS Program Isolation Trace Report utility, DFSPIRP0, is terminated. Programmer response: Specify the correct SLDSs, including all volumes in proper sequence, on the LOGTAPE DD statement. Problem determination: 3, 5, 8, 36 Module: DFSPIRP0 DFS0720A xxxxx TIME INVALID

Explanation: A keyword other than PRINT was specified first on the control statement to module DFSPIRP0. System action: The control statement is scanned for further errors and processing is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the control statement specifying PRINT as the first keyword.

Explanation: The start or stop time was not specified in two numeric characters from 00 through 99 for hours, and in two numeric characters from 00 through 59 for minutes. System action: The control statement is scanned for further errors, and processing is terminated.


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DFS0721A DFS0725I
Programmer response: Correct the start or stop time on the control statement. Module: DFSPIRP0 DFS0721A INVALID KEYWORD IN DFSPIRP0 CONTROL CARD program completes normally. Programmer response: Ensure that the time period specified on the control statement corresponds to the log data set provided. Check the console records to determine if PI tracing was active during the time period. If PI tracing was active check to see if the system was dormant. Problem determination: 3, 5, 8, 36 Module: DFSPIRP0

Explanation: The control statement to module DFSPIRP0 contains an operand other than PRINT=, START=, STOP=, or DATE=. System action: The program is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the control statement, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSPIRP0 DFS0722I NO TRANSACTION HAD TO WAIT FOR AN ENQUEUE DURING THE TIME PERIOD

| DFS0725I | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


Explanation: No transaction had to wait for an enqueue during the time period and no report is generated. System action: The program reaches normal completion. Programmer response: This might be a normal condition. If a control statement was included, ensure that the time period was correct. Module: DFSPIRP0 DFS0723A REGION SIZE TOO SMALL FOR PROGRAM DFSPIRP0

Explanation: The /INITIATE, /UPDATE, or /TERMINATE OLREORG command processing is complete. In the message text: dbnamexx is the HALDB partition name entered in the command nn is the completion code A zero completion code indicates that the command has been successfully processed. Message DFS2970I is issued after OLR initialization completes to indicate that the HALDB OLR has started. A nonzero completion code indicates that an unexpected error was encountered during command processing. Completion Code 0 10 14 1C 20 24 28 AE C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 Meaning REQUEST SUCCESSFUL RESOURCE NAME INVALID RESOURCE NOT A PARTITION NAME RESOURCE IS A PARTITION SECONDARY INDEX INIT OLREORG ISSUED, OLR IS ALREADY IN PROGRESS NO OLREORG IS IN PROGRESS NO DMB LOADED - need to schedule a PSB that references the DB DYNAMIC ALLOCATION ERROR OLREORG DDIR MISSING OLREORG PARTITION STOPPED, or LOCKED, or DBDUMPED OLREORG PARTITION BEING RECOVERED OLREORG PARTITION ACCESS NOT UPDATE/EXCLUSIVE OLREORG SCHEDULING FAILED A failure to build required blocks/PSB or partition selection failure occurred. OLREORG PARTITION NOT AUTHORIZED - Check HALDB Master status OLREORG MASTER STOPPED, or LOCKED, or DBDUMPED OLREORG MASTER ACCESS NOT UPDATE or EXCLUSIVE

Explanation: The region size specified for program DFSPIRP0 was not large enough to contain the common work area, input log buffer, and data management block list. System action: The program is terminated. Programmer response: Increase the region size, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSPIRP0 DFS0724A NO TRACE RECORDS ON LOG DATASET FOR THE TIME PERIOD

Explanation: No program isolation (PI) trace log records were found on the log data set during the specified time period. This occurred because: v PI tracing was not in effect during the time period. v The IMS system was dormant during the period and no activity occurred which required tracing. v The time period specified on the control statement for the IMS program isolation trace report utility did not overlap the time period corresponding to the log data set provided by the log DD statement. System action: No report is generated and the


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Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0726A DFS0730I
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Explanation: When attempting to open or close a DL/I database, it was found that main storage space for the work area required for OPEN/CLOSE processing was not available. System action: Processing of the DL/I call is terminated and a status code of 'AI' is returned in the PCB. In addition, the error code from the IMODULE routine is stored in PSTRTCDE. Programmer response: Provide a larger address space for the step so that the work area can be obtained. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 17b, 36.


| System action: IMS continues processing. | Problem determination: 6, 11 | Module: DFSORC10, DFSORP50


Explanation: The control statement to module DFSPIRP0 contains one or more errors as indicated by previous messages, or data was entered past position 71 on the control statement. System action: The program is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the control statement, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSPIRP0 DFS0727A DATE/TIME SPECIFIED NOT WITHIN 12 DAYS OF DATE PI TRACE STARTED

Explanation: DL/I encountered an error while attempting to OPEN or CLOSE a database. ddname is the DD statement name of the data set on which the error occurred. x, yy are the major and minor reason codes as explained below. The data set ddname is a part of the DBD dbdname. If DL/I encountered an error while attempting to open a database programid appears in the message. When an SMB is present, programid is 'TRN trancode'. When an SMB is not present, programid is 'PSB psbname'. System action: Processing of the DL/I call is terminated and a status code of 'AI' is returned in the PCB. In addition, the ddname from the message is stored in the segment name. The following provides the explanation, programmer response, and problem determination codes for the various major and minor reason codes. A,yy Explanation: An attempt was made to OPEN an OSAM data set. The OSAM OPEN routine returned an error indication. yy is the hexadecimal error code returned in register 15. Code (Hex) Meaning 00 This is a normal condition. 04 The DCB is already being opened or closed. 08 The DCB is already open. 0C The DECBTYPE is invalid. 10 A failure in the IMS SVC occurred. DCBWRK1 indicates the reason. 14 An I/O error occurred while the OSAM OPEN routine was scanning for a file mark, formatting, or writing a file mark. See DECBSTAT for additional information.

Explanation: One of the following occurred: v The DATE operand specified a date that was more than 12 days before or after the date PI tracing was started. v The combination of the START and DATE operands resulted in a start time greater than 12 days from the date PI tracing started. System action: The program is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the control statement specifying a valid date or starting time. Module: DFSPIRP0 DFS0728W DATE SPECIFIED PRECEDES DATE TRACING STARTED

Explanation: The date specified is prior to the date PI tracing started. If IMS was active for more than one day, PI tracing might have begun after the first day that IMS was started. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Determine if the date specified was as intended.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

18 An invalid RBN was calculated. The RBN is either zero or is greater than the maximum RBN for the data set. An error occurred during TCLOSE processing for the data set. DCBWRK1 indicates the reason. An error occurred while acquiring storage using IMODULE. An error occurred during EOV processing for the data set. OSAMOP IOSCB=NO was specified in a control statement data set. This caused BATCH initialization to bypass the allocation of OSAM I/O blocks and prevent use of the OSAM access method. DFS0695I is also displayed. See that message for an explanation of the error. Programmer response: Correct the JCL error to the major and minor reason codes given. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 36 B,40 Explanation: A Coupling Facility (CF) environmental error occurred. Programmer response: Determine the exact error. Use the IMS DFSERA10 utility and select the X67FD record from the IMS log. In this record you will see the REQUEST=IXLCACHE macro. Towards the end of the macro is the reason code, RSNC=xxxxxxxx. The last four digits of the number after the equals sign is the true error code. For example, if the reason code is RSNC=0C170C19, then look up reason code 0C19 in the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 36 B,yy Explanation: DL/I OPEN/CLOSE called the DL/I Buffer Handler for buffering services. The buffer handler returned with an error indicator. yy is the hexadecimal value that was returned in PSTRTCDE by the buffer handler. Programmer response: For information on buffer handler return codes, see the topic titled Return Codes and Function Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 36 C,yy Explanation: An error was detected by VSAM CLOSE. yy is the hexadecimal error field from the VSAM ACB. Programmer response: For an explanation of VSAM CLOSE error codes, see DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 20, 36 E,yy Explanation: DL/I OPEN/CLOSE issued a VSAM ERASE macro and encountered an error condition returned from VSAM. If a physical (I/O) error occurred, message DFS0731I or DFS0451I was issued indicating the nature of the error, and yy is the hexadecimal value returned by VSAM in register 15; otherwise, yy is the hexadecimal logical error code returned by VSAM. Programmer response: For an explanation of VSAM logical and physical error return codes, see DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 20, 36 G,yy


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z is the hexadecimal error subcode returned in DCBWRK1+3 by module DFSAOSF0. This subfield of the message is only used for a message that contains reason code A,10. z Value (Hex) Meaning 01 The DD statement is missing, or for dynamically allocated data sets, the data set is not yet allocated 02 Concatenated data set. 03 Fewer units than volumes specified for a DASD data set. 04 JCL specified a DSORG type not permitted by OSAM. 05 DSCB for data set not found. 06 First volume DSCB specified a DSORG type not permitted by OSAM. 07 DCB block size not equal to DSCB block size after Job File Control Block/DCB merge. 08 DCB LRECL size not equal to DSCB LRECL size after Job File Control Block/DCB merge. 09 Neither the LRECL nor block size was specified in the DSCB, DCB, or JCL. 0A The specified block size is less than LRECL. 0B The specified block size exceeds track size for the specified device. 0C A previous OPEN or EOV failed. 0D VIO not supported by OSAM. The data set is allocated to a VIO unit. 0E Tape devices are not supported. The data set is allocated to a tape device. 0F Some internal error occurred in the OSAM DEB subroutine. DCBWRK1 will indicate the error code: 01 - The block size is greater than the track size. 02 - The DEB length is greater than the maximum allowed. There are too many extents. This situation might be the result of a DFS0842I message REASON=5 issued earlier by the same or a different job. 10 The reread of the JFCB failed. 11 There is an error in the SSI interface. 99 The DCB abend exit was entered. Message

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Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


Explanation: DL/I OPEN/CLOSE issued a VSAM GET macro and encountered an error condition returned from VSAM. If a physical (I/O) error occurred, message DFS0731I or DFS0451I was issued indicating the nature of the error, and yy is the hexadecimal value returned by VSAM in register 15; otherwise, yy is the hexadecimal logical error code returned by VSAM. Programmer response: For an explanation of VSAM logical and physical error return codes, see DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 20, 36 I,01 Explanation: The relative key position from the DBD is not the same as the relative key position that was defined to VSAM. Programmer response: Correct the relative key position specified to VSAM. The correct relative key position to be defined for VSAM is provided in the output listing from DBD generation. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 18, 20, 36 I,02 Explanation: The key length from the DBD is not the same as the key length that was defined to VSAM. Programmer response: Correct the key length specified to VSAM. The correct key length to be defined for VSAM is provided in the output listing from DBD generation. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 18, 20, 36 I,03 Explanation: The record size or block size for OSAM database partitions for the data set being opened is not large enough to contain the longest segment in the database plus the IMS overhead required. Programmer response: Correct the record size specified to VSAM. For OSAM database partitions, correct the block size. The correct record size to define for VSAM is provided in the output listing from DBD generation. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 18, 20, 36 I,04 Explanation: The record size for the HD VSAM ESDS being opened was not defined to VSAM as seven bytes less than the CI size. The record size for an HD VSAM ESDS data set must be seven bytes less than the CI size. Programmer response: Redefine the VSAM data set so that record size is seven bytes less than CI size. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 18, 20, 36 I,05 Explanation: The record size of an HS VSAM KSDS or ESDS being opened for load is not a multiple of two. The record size for VSAM HS data sets must be an even number. Programmer response: Correct the record size specified to VSAM. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 18, 20, 36 I,06 Explanation: Upon opening an HSAM VSAM data set, the block size was found to be less than the LRECL. The block size must be equal to or greater than the LRECL. Programmer response: Correct the block size specified to VSAM. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 18, 20, 36 I,07 Explanation: An HS VSAM database is defined with the ESDS record size shorter than the KSDS record size. Programmer response: Change the VSAM definition so that the ESDS record size is equal to or greater than the KSDS record size. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 18, 20, 36 I,08 Explanation: An attempt was made to open a VSAM data set for which there was no DD statement, or for dynamically allocated data sets, the data set is not yet allocated. The message indicates the ddname associated with the data set that was opened. Programmer response: Check the JCL and DBD for the job to determine the DD statement requirements.

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System Operator Response: A /START DB or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command will cause allocation retry. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 18, 36 I,09 Explanation: An attempt was made to open a VSAM or OSAM DCB and the ddname was already in the open table. This indicates that the data set is currently opened under a data management block and an attempt was made to open it under a second data management block, which was caused by having two DBDs referring to the same ddname. This should not be done. Programmer response: Find the two DBDs that reference the same ddname and delete one. Change the PSB to reference the correct DBD; then run PSBGEN. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17d, 18, 36 I,10 Explanation: An attempt was made to open a VSAM ACB and the ddname was already in the open table. This indicates that the data set is currently open under


Messages and Codes Volume 2

a data management block and an attempt was made to open it under a second data management block, which was caused by having two DBDs referring to the same ddname. This should not be done. Programmer response: Find the two DBDs that reference the same ddname and eliminate one. Change the PSB to reference the correct DBD, and then do a PSBGEN. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17d, 18, 36 I,11 Explanation: An attempt was made to open an ISAM DCB or an OSAM DCB associated with an ISAM DCB. IMS does not support combinations that include ISAM. Programmer response: Convert HISAM or the index database of a HIDAM structure to the VSAM organization, which is supported. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17D, 18, 36 I,12 Explanation: An attempt was made to open a VSAM ACB in the specified VSAM shared resource pool. No subpool within the shared resource pool was large enough. IMS tries to open the VSAM ACB again, using the default VSAM shared resource pool. Programmer response: Check the VSRBF subpool definition statements for the VSAM shared resource pool for this data set. Define subpool buffer sizes big enough for this data set and for the KSDS index. I,13 Explanation: The system was unable to satisfy a GETMAIN request for an additional ddname open table. This error occurred during the opening of a DCB. Programmer response: Provide a larger address space for this step. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 36 I,14 Explanation: The system was unable to satisfy a GETMAIN request for an additional ddname open table. This error occurred during the opening of an ACB. Programmer response: Provide a larger address space for this step. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 36 I,15 Explanation: An error was detected during OPEN processing of an HSAM or OSAM data set. The data set was not allocated at the time IMS tried to obtain DBRC authorization for the database. See return code I,16 for a complete description of the error. Programmer response: If there is an incorrect dynamic allocation of the data set, or an incompatible allocation If the error was caused by an incompatible allocation program or product, do the following: 1. Enter a /DBR command to unallocate the database. 2. Correct the program or product. 3. Enter a /START command for the database. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 18, 36 I,20 Explanation: The system is not able to satisfy a GETMAIN request for the record size of the KSDS being opened for sequential mode. Programmer response: Provide a larger address space for this step. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 36 I,21 Explanation: The system is not able to satisfy the program or product, use the /DBR command to unallocate the database. Correct the dynamic allocation specification, or the program or product, and then enter a /START for the database. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 18, 36 I,16 Explanation: An error was detected during OPEN processing of a VSAM data set. The data set was not allocated at the time IMS tried to obtain DBRC authorization for the database. Later, when the data set was opened, it was allocated. This can happen for one of the following reasons: v The dynamic allocation specifications for the data set are incorrect. The DFSMDA TYPE=DATASET statement for the data set was included within the DFSMDA TYPE=DATABASE statement for a different database. For example, the DFSMDA TYPE=DATASET statement for the index of a HIDAM database is included within the DFSMDA TYPE=DATABASE statement for the data part of the HIDAM database. v The dynamic allocation specifications for the data set are incorrect. Preceding message DFS2499W indicates an invalid allocate request for the database. For example, the MDA member for the database specifies two data sets. The JCL includes DD statements for one of the data sets, but not all of the data sets included in the MDA member. v The allocation was performed by an incompatible allocation program or product, which allocated the database after the authorization for the database, but before the open of the database. Programmer response: If the error was caused by incorrect dynamic allocation of the data set, do the following: 1. Enter a /DBR command to unallocate the database. 2. Correct the dynamic allocation specification. 3. Enter a /START command for the database.

Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


GETMAIN request for the block size of an HSAM database. Programmer response: Provide a larger address space for this step. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 36 I,22 Explanation: The system is not able to satisfy a GETMAIN request for the control interval size to use to write the first CI of the ESDS data set being opened for load processing. Programmer response: Provide a larger address space for this step. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 36 I,23 Explanation: The system is not able to satisfy a GETMAIN request for the record size of the ESDS data set being opened. The area is used to format the current CA when the end RBA for the data set is not on a CA boundary. Programmer response: Provide a larger address space for this step. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 36 I,25 Explanation: The system is not able to satisfy a GETMAIN request for the record size of KSDS to be used for a temporary work buffer. Programmer response: Provide a larger address space for this step. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 36 I,26 Explanation: The system is not able to satisfy a GETMAIN request for an area to contain the ddnames of all the data sets contained in the database. A temporary work area to build the list of ddnames is required during open-for-update processing of a database that is registered to DBRC. Programmer response: Provide a larger address space for this step. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 36 I,30 Explanation: An attempt was made to open a VSAM data set associated with a PCB which has processing option L and the data set is not empty. Programmer response: If the old data set is to be scratched, delete it using the VSAM AMS program. If the data set is not to be scratched, use a PCB with processing option other than L. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 20, 36 I,31 Explanation: An attempt was made to open a VSAM data set associated with a PCB, which has a processing option other than L, and the data set is empty.

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Programmer response: Use a PCB with processing option L to perform the initial loading of a database. When developing the JCL, use the following procedure: 1. step01 Delete or define KSDS data set. 2. step02 Run PRECO to rebuild ILE and the Primary Index data set. Note: If you cancel the job while in step02, rerun the entire job starting from step01. Do not restart in step02.

| Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 20, 36

I,32 Explanation: During an attempt to open a VSAM KSDS data set, it was determined that the total length of the index VSI plus the data VSI plus the size of the IMS NCB was greater than decimal 255 (including the length field). This value is passed to IRLM during a notify as the length of the message area, and must be less than decimal 256 (including the length field) due to an IRLM restriction. Programmer response: Check the define cluster for key ranges. Each key range increases the size of the index VSI by decimal 32 bytes. IMS does not use or support VSAM key ranges. Problem determination: 1, 3, 8, 20, 36 I,33 Explanation: DL/I open processing determined that shared access is allowed for the data set but the SHR options specified on the Access Method Services DEFINE are not appropriate for data sharing. Message DFS050A was issued. For further description of the failure, see message DFS050A. Programmer response: See message DFS050A. Problem determination: See message DFS050A. I,34 Explanation: During an attempt to open a VSAM KSDS data set, either the index component or the data component was not opened. Programmer response: Verify that the data set name specified for the DD statement being opened is the data set name for the VSAM cluster, rather than the data set name of one of the components of the cluster. correctly. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 20, 36 I,35 Explanation: During open-for-update processing of the database, it was determined that not all the data sets contained in the database are registered to DBRC.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

Message DFS0484A was issued listing the data sets that are not registered. Problem determination: See message DFS0484A. I,36 Explanation: During an attempt to open a VSAM KSDS data set, it was determined that the KSDS is a SMS data set with the EXTENDED ADDRESSABILITY attribute, which IMS does not support. If the data set is defined in JCL as DD DUMMY, the test for Extended Addressability cannot be completed and will cause this subcode. Programmer response: The data set was allocated using a data class that specified EXTENDED ADDRESSABILITY, which is not allowed for data sets that IMS uses. The data set must be allocated with a data class that does not specify EXTENDED ADDRESSABILITY. In the case of DD DUMMY, correct the data set name or remove it as appropriate, and then run the job again to allow Extended Addressability checking to proceed. Problem determination: 1, 3, 8 I,50 Explanation: One of the following occurred: v No VSAM buffer subpool has buffers large enough to contain the control intervals associated with the data set being opened. v A DFSVSAMP DD statement is missing. v No OSAM buffer pool has buffers large enough to contain the associated blocks. Programmer response: Rerun the step, but this time specify a buffer subpool large enough to contain the control interval blocks. See the topic Specifying the IMS Buffer Pools in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 20, 36 I,51 Explanation: IMS retains the RBA of the last used record in an ESDS in the first CI of that data set. During DL/I OPEN, it was found that this RBA did not fall in the last CI of the data set. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 20, 36 I,52 Explanation: The IMODULE facility of IMS failed while loading or deleting the randomizing routine, the index edit routine, or the data edit/compression routine. Programmer response: Message DFS0733I was issued indicating the cause of the failure. Problem determination: See message DFS0733I. I,53 Explanation: An HSAM data set failed to open. Programmer response: See the explanation for the AI status code in under the DL/I status code information in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1 for possible reasons for the failure. I,54 Explanation: An HSAM data set failed to open. Programmer response: See the explanation for the AI status code in under the DL/I status code information in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1 for possible reasons for the failure. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 36. Save a VTOC listing of the volume in question. I,55 Explanation: An attempt has been made to open a data set which has previously failed during VERIFY. The data set could not be opened or closed. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 20, 36 I,56 Explanation: An attempt was made to OPEN an HSAM database. The DCB BLKSIZE for the data set was not provided by either the JCL or the label on the volume; as a result, the block size is zero. Programmer response: Ensure that the JCL for the job is correct and that the database is loaded. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 36. Save a VTOC listing of the volume in question. I,57,Z Explanation: After the VSAM open and verify was done for a HISAM or non-unique secondary index ESDS data set, the end of the data set was adjusted because Extended Error Queue Element blocks (EEQEs) were present. VSAM SVC 109 was issued to inform VSAM so that VSAM could adjust the VSI information. The SVC returned a nonzero return code in register 15. Subcode Z in the message is the hexadecimal error subcode returned in register 15. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 20, 36. I,58 Explanation: An initialization error was detected by a Segment Edit/Compression exit routine. Programmer response: Message DFS0749I was issued indicating the cause of the failure. Problem determination: See message DFS0749I. I,59 Explanation: An attempt was made to open more than 8183 OSAM and VSAM data sets. Because the DEB table is 32760 bytes long, you are limited to a total of 8189 data sets. The total amount of data sets must include 6 system data sets.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


Programmer response: Reduce the number of data sets to less that 8184, and rerun the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 8, 20, 36 I,60 Explanation: A VSAM data set has a CI size which exceeds the maximum CI size supported by DL/I which is 30720. Programmer response: Redo the AMS define using a CI size equal to or less than 30720. I,61 Explanation: During an attempt to open a VSAM or OSAM data set, a lock could not be acquired. Problem determination: See abend U3303. I,62 Explanation: The relative key position in the indirect list data set (ILDS) is not zero. Programmer response: Define the relative key position as ZERO in the VSAM cluster definition for the indirect list data set (ILDS). Problem determination: 1, 3, 20, 36 I,63 Explanation: The record length in the indirect list data set (ILDS) is not correct. Programmer response: Define the record length as 50 in the VSAM cluster definition for the indirect list data set (ILDS). Problem determination: 1, 3, 20, 36 I,64 Explanation: The key length in the indirect list data set (ILDS) is not correct. Programmer response: Define the key length as 9 in the VSAM cluster definition for the indirect list data set (ILDS). Problem determination: 1, 3, 20, 36 I,65 Explanation: The partition ID within the data set does not match the partition ID being opened. Programmer response: Correct the name of the data set so that it matches the partition ID. Problem determination: 1, 3, 20, 36 I,66 Explanation: An ACBGEN of the PSB has not been performed since the database was changed to Partitioned. Programmer response: Perform the appropriate ACBGEN. STATUSAI is returned to the application; use this to look up which PSB the application is using and which ACB that PSB is generated in. You can also look at the jobs JCL to determine which ACB library its running against. Problem determination: 1, 3, 20, 36 I,67 Explanation: Free space has been defined on a data cluster of an ESDS database. An ESDS database is not allowed to have free space defined. Programmer response: Remove the free space from the data cluster definition. Problem determination: None. I,70 Explanation: An invalid index has been defined on an INDICES parameter of a SENSEG statement of a PCB during PSB generation. Programmer response: Correct the INDEX name specified on the INDICES parameter of the senseg statement of the PCB in question. Problem determination: None. O,yy Explanation: VSAM OPEN detected an error. 'yy' is the hexadecimal error field from the VSAM ACB.

| | | | | | | | |

Programmer response: If yy is DCand the database is organized as VSAM KSDS, run the LISTCAT command to get a report from the VSAM catalog. Review the CISIZE of the index component data set with the installation buffer pools defined in the DFSVSAMP data set for batch jobs, or in the DFSVSMxx member for online system. Verify that the CI specified in the installation is at least as large as the CISIZE from the LISTCAT. For an explanation of VSAM OPEN error codes, see DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 20, 36 P,yy Explanation: DL/I OPEN/CLOSE issued a VSAM PUT macro and encountered an error condition returned from VSAM. If a physical (I/O) error occurred, message DFS0731I or DFS0451I was issued indicating the nature of the error, and 'yy' is the hexadecimal value returned by VSAM in register 15; otherwise, 'yy' is the hexadecimal logical error code returned by VSAM. Programmer response: For an explanation of VSAM logical and physical error return codes, see DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 20, 36 R,01 Explanation: The database, dbdname, could not be opened because the installations security product did


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0731I DFS0733I
not allow IMS to access the VSAM data set for ddname at the required level. The specific cause or the error is described in the message DFS0735I-R01 for the dbdname and ddname. Programmer response: See message DFS0735I. Problem determination: See message DFS0735I. R,02 Explanation: The database, dbdname, could not be opened because IMS was unable to access the data set association block (DSAB) for ddname. The specific cause or the error is described in the message DFS0735I-R02 for the dbdname and ddname. Programmer response: See message DFS0735I. Problem determination: See message DFS0735I. R,03 Explanation: The database, dbdname, could not be opened because DFP Catalog Management encountered an error accessing the catalog for the VSAM data set. The specific cause or the error is described in the message DFS0735I-R03 for the dbdname and ddname. Programmer response: See message DFS0735I. S,yy Explanation: DL/I OPEN/CLOSE issued a VSAM SHOWCB macro and was returned a nonzero return code indicating an error condition. 'yy' is the hexadecimal value returned by VSAM in register 0 indicating the nature of the error. Programmer response: For an explanation of VSAM logical and physical error return codes, see DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 20, 36 V,yy Explanation: DL/I OPEN/CLOSE issued a VSAM VERIFY macro and encountered an error condition returned from VSAM. If a physical (I/O) error occurred, message DFS0731I or DFS0451I was issued indicating the nature of the error, and 'yy' is the hexadecimal value returned by VSAM in register 15; otherwise, 'yy' is the hexadecimal logical error code returned by VSAM. Programmer response: For an explanation of VSAM logical and physical error return codes, see DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17b, 20, 36 Module: DFSDLOC0 DFS0731I (A VSAM physical error message starting with VSAM message byte 26.) MVS/370 VSAM Administration: Macro Instruction Reference or MVS/Extended Architecture VSAM Administration: Macro Language Reference for the VSAM physical error message.

Explanation: A physical I/O error has occurred while executing a VSAM open or close. Message DFS0730I has been issued to explain the details of this failure. System action: See message DFS0730I. Programmer response: See DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. If necessary, recover the database using IMS recovery utilities. Problem determination: 1, 17b, 18, 20, 23 Module: DFSDLOC0 DFS0732I WARNING MULTIPLE VSAM ACBS OPEN FOR DATASET WITH DD CARD xxxxxxxx

Explanation: A return from a VSAM open macro indicated that the open completed, but there was already one or more ACBs open for the indicated data set. The SHR option of the VSAM DEFINE utility provides the user the ability to control the extent that a data set can be shared. The DEFINE has allowed the current data set to be shared. System action: The IMS system ignores the error and continues processing. Programmer response: The IMS databases should never be shared by multiple batch regions or batch and online regions. Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSDLOC0 DFS0733I IMODULE ERROR xx {LOADING|DELETING} {RANDOMIZING|INDEX EXIT|COMPRESSION EXIT} MODULE moduname

Explanation: An error was encountered by the IMODULE function of IMS attempting to load or delete a randomizing routine, a secondary indexing exit routine, or an edit/compression exit routine xx is the hexadecimal return code from IMODULE. moduname is the name of the exit routine. For a description of IMODULE return codes, see the topic titled IMS System Services Return Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: Message DFS0730I reason code I,52 is issued. If the attempt to load an exit routine failed, the database (named in message DFS0730I) is stopped. See System Action for message DFS0730I. Programmer response: Provide the module in a
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0734I DFS0737A
library where it can be accessed without error. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 17b, 36 Module: DFSDLOC0 DFS0734I UNABLE TO MERGE LOG DATASETS For reason code R02: Check the documentation on the return and reason codes for the GETDSAB macro in MVS/ESA Application Development Reference: Services for Authorized Assembler Language Programs, Volume 2 GC28-1648. For reason code R03: Check the documentation on the return and reason codes for the Catalog Management message IDC3009I in z/OS MVS System Messages, Volume 1, GC28-1812. Problem determination: For reason code R01: See the IDC3009I message and the security product documentation. For reason code R02: See the GETDSAB documentation. For reason code R03: See the IDC3009I message. Module: DFSDRAC0 DFS0735I SAF ACCESS FAILED-Rnn dbdname-ddname RETURN CODE=nnn. REASON CODE=nnnn. module-name.

Explanation: There was an I/O error on one of the input log data sets to the Log Merge utility, DFSLTMG0. System action: The program terminates with decimal return code 12. Programmer response: Correct the error, and rerun the job. Problem determination: See the operating system message. Module: DFSLTMG0

| | | | | | | | | |



Explanation: The access authorization process for a VSAM or Media Manager data set encountered an error and failed. Rnn is the IMS reason for the failure. dbdname-ddname are the DBD or Media Manager area name and ddname of the data set being checked. RC=nnn REASON CODE=nnn are the return and reason code associated with the failure. module-name is the name of the module that failed. The reason code indicates the type of failure that occurred: Code (Rnn) R01 Meaning The database, dbdname, could not be opened because IMS was not allowed to access the data set for dbdname-ddname at the required level. The database, dbdname, could not be opened because IMS was not allowed to access the data set association block (DSAB) for ddname. See the error return code from the z/OS macro GETDSAB that was issued with ddname. The database, dbdname, could not be opened because DFP Catalog Management encountered an error accessing the catalog for the data set. The name of the Catalog Management module that found the error is module-name.

Explanation: The keyword OPTION with the parameter SYNCPLEX was entered on a /NRE command. This is an invalid combination. The SYNCPLEX parameter is valid only on the /ERE command. System action: The /NRE command is rejected. Programmer response: Remove the OPTION SYNCPLEX from the /NRE command. Module: DFSICL20 DFS0737A DBRC SHOWS NO AVAILABLE OLDS. REPLY 'RETRY' OR 'ABEND'.


Explanation: During takeover or emergency restart, IMS tries to switch to an available OLDS when the last OLDS does not have enough space for the WADS data and the final accounting record. If DBRC determines that none of the usable OLDS is available, this message is issued. System action: After issuing this message, IMS retries the OLDS availability scan for any response other than 'ABEND'. Programmer response: Obtain a listing of the appropriate PRIOLDS record from the RECON data set. Try to make available any OLDS listed as unavailable; in particular, archive any OLDS that should be archived. IMS can be directed to retry the switch whenever OLDS availability changes. If you cannot correct this problem, reply 'ABEND'; then attempt emergency restart with more OLDSs. Module: DFSFDLN0


System action: The data set is not opened. Programmer response: For reason code R01: Check the return and reason codes as well as the security product messages.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0738I DFS0738X
DFS0738I tt...tt DDNAME=dddddddd LOGSEQ=nnnnnnnn Register 15 contains an error code. Code (Hex) Meaning 01 Could not open the WADS while trying to locate the last-used WADS. 06 WADS at the time of the last IMS failure was not available. The error occurred while trying to locate the last-used WADS. 07 TRKCALC macro failed while trying to locate the last used WADS. 09 OLDS block sequence error (next sequential block was not found but a higher sequence block was found in the WADS) while rebuilding an OLDS block. A read error might have occurred in the middle of the OLDS. 0B WADS segment TOD is not in ascending order while rebuilding an OLDS block. 0C Invalid BDW was found in the rebuilt OLDS block. 0D Invalid RDW was found in the rebuilt OLDS block. 0E RDW of X'FFXX' was found in the rebuilt OLDS block, and it was not the last block in the WADS. 0F Log record sequence error was found in the rebuilt OLDS block. 10 Read error in a WADS while rebuilding an OLDS block. 11 EOF was detected in a WADS while rebuilding an OLDS block. 12 Invalid segment ID (segment count is too large) was found while rebuilding an OLDS block. 13 Device error (segments were not written in the contiguous WADS records) was found while rebuilding an OLDS block. 14 Logic error was detected in module DFSFDLW0. 1C OLDS termination process failed. Message DFS0738I, indicating the cause of the error, might have been issued before this message. 20 A reusable OLDS is not available. IMS could not find an OLDS while copying an OLDS block from a WADS. All OLDS are either marked in error or unarchived. 21 Not enough space on the current OLDS to hold all the WADS data, and no OPEN or reusable OLDS are available. 22 Logic error was detected in module DFSFDLU0. System action: IMS terminates with abend U0005. Programmer response: Terminate OLDS, using the Log Recovery utility; then restart IMS. Problem determination: 1, 5, 8, 11, 36 Save a copy of the OLDSs and WADSs data sets. List the DBRC RECON data set.

Explanation: An error occurred, terminating an OLDS during IMS restart. dddddddd is the ddname of the data set being processed when the error was encountered. dddddddd can be blank. nnnnnnnn is the log sequence number last processed. nnnnnnnn can be blank. One of the following phrases in boldface type replaces the variable tt...tt. An explanation follows each phrase. OPEN ERROR FOR IMS LOG Could not open the data set. READ ERROR ON IMS LOG Read error. LOG SEQ ERROR ON IMS LOG Next sequential block or log record not found. MISSING BLOCK ON IMS LOG The next sequential log physical block was not found, but a higher sequence log physical block was found. TRKCALC FAILED FOR IMS LOG TRKCALC macro failed LOGIC ERROR A logic error was detected. LOG TERMINATION FAILED FOR IMS LOG The log could not be properly terminated. System action: IMS can continue if dual was specified for the data set in which the problem occurred (for example, dual WADS or dual OLDS). Otherwise, IMS issues message DFS0738X and terminates with abend U0005. Programmer response: Terminate OLDS, using the Log Recovery utility; then restart IMS. Problem determination: 1, 5, 8, 11, 36 Save a copy of the OLDSs and WADSs data sets. List the DBRC RECON data set. Module: DFSFDLM0, DFSFDLN0, DFSFDLP0, DFSFDLR0, DFSFDLT0 DFS0738X ERROR TERMINATING OLDS RC=xx dddddddd nnnnnnn

Explanation: Restart cannot proceed because of errors encountered trying to terminate an OLDS during IMS restart. dddddddd is the ddname of the data set being processed when the error was encountered. dddddddd can be blank. nnnnnnn is the log sequence number last processed. nnnnnnn can be blank. xx is the hexadecimal error code. Register 14 contains the address of the routine that detected the error.

Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0739I DFS0739X
Module: DFSFDLM0, DFSFDLN0, DFSFDLP0, DFSFDLR0 DFS0739I tt...tt DDNAME=dddddddd LOGSEQ=nnnnnnnn DFSFDLVO RRTT TABLE ERROR A restart read transition table error was detected. REREAD LAST GOOD BLK FAIL During normal error recovery, an attempt to reread the last good OLDS block failed. For additional information about recovering from OLDS or WADS errors, see the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide. System action: IMS continues processing if an alternative input log data set is available or issues DFS0739X and terminates with abend U0175. In an XRF complex, the IMS alternate system encountered errors from which recovery was impossible. IMS issues message DFS0739X and terminates with abend U0176. In a Fast Database Recovery environment, the IMS system issues message DFS0739X and terminates with abend U0176. System Operator Response: If this error occurred during Fast Database Recovery region initialization, take a simple checkpoint in the active IMS system, and make sure that the restartable checkpoint is found in the OLDS before restarting the Fast Database Recovery region. Problem determination: 1, 5, 8, 11, 35 Save a copy of the OLDSs and WADSs data sets. List the DBRC RECON data set. Module: DFSFDLR0, DFSFDLM0, DFSFDLN0, DFSFDLP0, DFSFDLT0 DFS0739X ERROR READING IMS LOG RC=xx dddddddd nnnnnnn

Explanation: An error occurred while accessing a log data set during IMS restart. dddddddd is the ddname of the data set last processed when the error was encountered. dddddddd can be blank. nnnnnnnn is the log sequence number last processed. nnnnnnnn can be blank. One of the following phrases in boldface type replaces the variable tt..tt. An explanation follows each phrase. OPEN ERROR FOR IMS LOG Could not open the data set. CLOSE ERROR FOR IMS LOG Could not close the data set properly. READ ERROR ON IMS LOG Read error. WRITE ERROR ON IMS LOG Write error occurred while formatting the WADS. LOG SEQ ERROR ON IMS LOG Next sequential block or log record not found. MISSING BLOCK ON IMS LOG The next sequential log physical block was not found, but a higher sequence log physical block was found. TRKCALC FAILED FOR IMS LOG TRKCALC macro failed LOGIC ERROR A logic error was detected. UNABLE TO ALLOCATE IMS LOG Dynamic allocation failed, a DD statement is missing, or OPEN failed. SEQUENCE ERROR - BOTH OLDS In dual logging, a read error was detected on both OLDS. READ ERROR - BOTH OLDS In dual logging, a read error was detected on both OLDS. XRF-ALT OR FDR GOT AN SLDS In an XRF complex, the alternate (backup) system either allocated an SLDS or determined that the next log to be allocated is an SLDS. In a Fast Database Recovery environment, the Fast Database Recovery region either allocated an SLDS or determined that the next log to be allocated will be an SLDS. WAITING FOR RESERVE - OLDS In an XRF complex, takeover was requested, but the alternate system is unable to reserve the current OLDS. WAITING FOR RESERVE - WADS In an XRF complex, takeover was requested, but the alternate system is unable to reserve the current WADS.

Explanation: Restart cannot proceed because of errors encountered. dddddddd is the ddname of the data set being processed when the error was encountered. dddddddd can be blank. nnnnnnn is the log sequence number last processed. nnnnnnn can be blank. xx is the hexadecimal error code. Register 14 contains the address of the routine that detected the error. Register 15 contains an error code. Code (Hex) Meaning 15 Could not open the data set. 16 Could not close the data set properly. 17 Read error. 18 Reread of last good block failed. 19 OLDS block sequence error. 1A Next sequential log record was not found. 1B TRKCALC macro failed.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0740I DFS0743I
1C 1D Latest OLDS could not be terminated. Allocation of the log data set failed. Dynamic allocation failed, a DD statement is missing, or OPEN failed. The left half of Register 15 contains the DFSMDA return code. Next log data sets record was not found in the RECON data set, or the next OLDS is marked invalid. Latest log data sets record was not found in the RECON data set, or the next OLDS is marked invalid. Reusable OLDS is not available. Error return code from DBRC. Left half of register 15 contains the DBRC return code. A logic error was detected. Restart read transition table failure. A sequence error occurred on both OLDS (dual logging). A read error occurred on both OLDS (dual logging). In an XRF complex, the alternate system either allocated an SLDS or determined that the next log to be allocated is an SLDS. In a Fast Database Recovery environment, the Fast Database Recovery region either allocated an SLDS or determined that the next log to be allocated is an SLDS. System action: IMS terminates with abend U0175. In an XRF complex, the IMS alternate system terminates with abend U0176. In a Fast Database Recovery environment, the Fast Database Recovery region terminates with abend U0176. System Operator Response: If this error occurred during Fast Database Recovery region initialization, take a simple checkpoint in the active system and make sure that the restartable checkpoint is found in the OLDS before restarting the Fast Database Recovery region. Problem determination: 1, 5, 8, 11, 35 Save a copy of the OLDSs and WADSs data sets. List the DBRC RECON data set. For additional information about recovering from OLDS or WADS errors, see the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide. Module: DFSFDLM0, DFSFDLN0, DFSFDLP0, DFSFDLR0 DFS0740I DBRC SAYS NO BACKOUTS NEEDED FOR DB xxxxxxxx have already run successfully. System action: IMS continues processing. Control blocks maintained by the online IMS system to keep track of the backout data are released just as if the operator specified NOBACKOUT. System Operator Response: None is required. Module: DFSDBDR0 DFS0741I DATA COMPRESSION ERROR, UNCOMPRESSED DATA WILL BE WRITTEN TO DD DFSUCUMN DATASET



20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Explanation: An error was detected while performing data compress processing during change accumulation processing. System action: Processing continues; the expanded data is written to the new change accumulation data set. Module: DFSURIO0 DFS0742I WHILE EXPANDING DATA ERROR FOUND

Explanation: An error was detected while performing data expansion during change accumulation or database recovery processing. System action: Processing terminates with return code = 8 for Change Accumulation and a return code = 16 for Database Recovery. Programmer response: Save job output and job input. Contact the IBM support center. Module: DFSURIO0 DFS0743I RRS HOLDS AN INDOUBT UOR FOR WHICH IMS HAS NO DATA: URID=xxxxxxxxxx, TOKEN=yyyyyyyyyy Explanation: During an IMS restart, RRS held some indoubt units of recovery (UOR), for which IMS has no knowledge. This was, most likely, due to an IMS cold start. In the message text, xxxxxxxxxx is the RRS URID, and yyyyyyyyyy is the IMS recovery token. System action: System action continues. User response: This is an informational message and work, as part of database administration, will be necessary. The RRSVRID and IMS recovery token are supplied so that the RRS ISPF panels and the IMS log can be examined to determine the extent of a possible batch recovery, if necessary. Module: DFSRRSI0

Explanation: When the operator issues a /START DB command without the NOBACKOUT keyword, DBRC might tell IMS that backouts are not required although the IMS online system thinks backouts are still required. This situation occurs when batch backouts

Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0744A DFS0749I
DFS0744A IMS HOLDS AN INDOUBT UOR FOR WHICH RRS HAS NO DATA: URID=xxxxxxxxxx, TOKEN=yyyyyyyyyy Explanation: During a restart, IMS determined that it held an indoubt unit of recovery (UOR), as identified by the IMS recovery token and the RRS unit of recovery identifier, but RRS/MVS indicated that hardened log data was not available. This data was needed to resolve the indoubt UOR. In the message text, xxxxxxxxxx is the RRS URID, and yyyyyyyyyy is the IMS recovery token. System action: IMS builds a recoverable indoubt structure (RIS) for each indoubt UOR and awaits a resolution with the /CHA UOR command. The RIS is maintained until the UOR is resolved or a cold start is done. A cold start is not recommended. User response: The user needs to resolve the indoubt UOR with the /CHA command. Module: DFSDRIS0 DFS0746I UOR IS ONE OF MULTIPLE UORS IN A SINGLE IMS COMMIT SCOPE - ALL UORS IN THIS SCOPE WILL BE RESOLVED DFS0748I UNEXPECTED CHANGE ACCUM RECORD ENCOUNTERED - xxxxxxxx

Explanation: The utility reading the Change Accumulation (CA) data set detected that the input CA data set is missing or incomplete. The Change Accumulation utility splits a detail or spill record when all data for that detail or spill record does not fit into one detail or spill record. The message is issued for one of these reasons: v One of the split detail records is missing. v One of the split spill records is missing. v A detail record is marked as having spill records, but the Change Accumulation utility did not receive any spill records for that detail record. The value of xxxxxxxx is the database name of the record that caused message DFS0748I to be issued. System action: The utility reading the CA data set terminates processing. System programmer response: Supply all CA volumes to the utility reading the CA data set; then rerun the utility. Problem determination: 2, 3 Module: DFSUC350 DFS0749I COMPRESSION EXIT ROUTINE nnnnnnnn INITIALIZATION ERROR Uaaaa REASON rrrrrrrr

Explanation: The UOR identified in the /CHA command is part of a protected conversation involving more than one IMS UOR. Because the database changes done by one UOR could be dependent on a prior UOR, the changes need to be resolved in a single syncpoint, and in the proper order, if the action is backout. This is an informational message to alert you to the processing that will be done. System action: Phase two of syncpoint is done for all of the UORs involved. System Operator Response: None is required. Module: DFSIRST0 DFS0747I CHANGE ACCUM DATASET IS MARKED INCOMPLETE

Explanation: An initialization error was detected by a Segment Edit/Compression exit routine. The variable fields are defined as follows: Variable nnnnnnnn Uaaaa rrrrrrrr Meaning Name of the exit routine. The IMS user abend code generated by the exit routine. The unique label at which the error was detected. This corresponds to the error reason code. See the appropriate abend code in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis for a description of each code.

Explanation: The IMS Database Recovery utility detected that the input Change Accumulation (CA) data set is incomplete, and does not contain all the log data set changes required to recover a database data set. System action: The Database Recovery utility terminates processing. Programmer response: Run the Change Accumulation utility providing the necessary log input; then run the Database Recovery utility again. Module: DFSURDB0

System action: Message DFS0730I reason code I,58 is issued. The database (named in message DFS0730I) is stopped. For additional information, see message DFS0730I. Programmer response: Determine the cause of the error and correct the problem. Module: DFSDOCA0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0750I DFS0755I

Explanation: A nonzero return code was received from the operating system when attempting to fix storage. The page fix was in response to the parameters supplied in the DFSFIXnn member of the data set described by the DDNAME=PROCLIB. "rrr" identifies the region where the storage was fixed and will indicate "CTL" for the control region or "DLS" for the DL/I subordinate address space region. 1. x specifies the page fix error return code and is defined as follows: 2. 04 One or more entries could not be fixed. 3. 08 Insufficient number of pages available to satisfy request. 4. 0C List format invalid. 5. 10 Parameter list pointer invalid. System action: IMS continues processing. Problem determination: 36 Module: DFSIFIX0 DFS0751I IMS NOT RUNNING IN A VIRTUAL REGION

Explanation: The Change Accumulation detected a missing 5240 spill record after a 5220 detail record was processed. The value of xxxxxxxx is the database name of the record. The value of yyy is the data set ID of the record. System action: The CA utility terminates processing. System programmer response: Save the RECONs, DBDLIB, CA jobs, CA data sets, and all logs. Contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSUC350 Problem determination: 2, 3 DFS0754I CADS INVALID FOR COEXISTENCE ddname dsid

Explanation: The CADS provided to the DB Recovery or Change Accumulation process in IMS Version 9 was not created by an IMS utility that stores coexistence information in the file. Change Accumulation cannot accept this CADS as input. System action: The process for this DBDS is ended. System programmer response: Invalidate all of the CA data sets for the named DBD data set and run the process again using only log input as a source of changed data. Module: DFSURIO0 DFS0755I FORMAT ERROR IN PROCLIB MEMBER=<DFSFIXnn|DFSDRFnn>

Explanation: The IMS control region is not being run in a z/OS system as a VIRTUAL=VIRTUAL region. System action: IMS continues running in a VIRTUAL=REAL environment. Master Terminal Operator Response: Either continue running as REAL, or close IMS down with a shutdown checkpoint and rerun the IMS control region in a VIRTUAL=VIRTUAL region, if that is what you want. Module: DFSIFIX0 DFS0752I UNEXPECTED CHANGE ACCUM TIME ENCOUNTERED - DB xxxxxxxx DSID yyy

Explanation: An error in format was encountered in the parameters specified in the member DFSFIXnn or DFSDRFnn of the data set defined by the DDNAME=PROCLIB. System action: IMS continues, but page fixing and allocation in DREF storage of portions of the control program and module preload do not occur. Programmer response: Correct the format of the FIX parameter in DFSFIXnn or the DREF parameter in DFSDRFnn. Master Terminal Operator Response: Either continue running IMS without the parts fixed or allocated in DREF storage, or do a shutdown checkpoint and rerun after DFSFIXnn or DFSDRFnn has been corrected. Problem determination: For a description of the DFSFIXnn member, see the topic Defining Fixed Pages in the IMS Virtual Control Region in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. For a description of the DFSDRFnn member, see the topic Allocating Blocks in a DREF Storage Subpool in the IMS Virtual Control Region in IMS Version 9:
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I

Explanation: The Change Accumulation detected a spill record with a timestamp earlier than the previous detail record timestamp. The value of xxxxxxxx is the database name of the record. The value of yyy is the data set ID of the record. System action: The CA utility processing continues. System programmer response: Take an image copy of all databases and data set IDs identified by message DFS0772I. Module: DFSUC350


DFS0756I DFS0760I
Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. Module: DFSIFIX0 DFS0756I INVALID WORD IN <DFSFIXnn|DFSDRFnn> xxx Programmer response: Reduce or combine areas to be fixed, and correct the member DFSFIXnn. Master Terminal Operator Response: Either continue running IMS without the fixed parts, or do a shutdown checkpoint and rerun after DFSFIXnn has been corrected. Problem determination: For a description of the DFSFIXnn member, see the topic Defining Fixed Pages in the IMS Virtual Control Region in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. Module: DFSIFIX0 DFS0759I THE FOLLOWING VIRTUAL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN FIXED IN rrr xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy-zzzzzzzz

Explanation: The word xxx specified in the member DFSFIXnn or DFSDRFnn of the data set defined by the DDNAME=PROCLIB is invalid. System action: IMS continues running. Programmer response: Correct the invalid word in the DFSFIXnn or DFSDRFnn member. Master Terminal Operator Response: Either continue running IMS without the parts fixed or allocated in DREF storage, or do a shutdown checkpoint and rerun after DFSFIXnn or DFSDRFnn has been corrected. Problem determination: For a description of the DFSFIXnn member, see the topic Defining Fixed Pages in the IMS Virtual Control Region in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. For a description of the DFSDRFnn member, see the topic Allocating Blocks in a DREF Storage Subpool in the IMS Virtual Control Region in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. Module: DFSIFIX0 DFS0757I FIX COMPLETE: NO FIXING REQUESTED

Explanation: The virtual address range (yyyyyyyy-zzzzzzzz) has been fixed in response to the parameters specified in the member DFSFIXnn of the data set described by the DDNAME=PROCLIB. rrr identifies the region where the storage was fixed and will indicate "CTL" for the control region or "DLS" for the DL/I subordinate address space region. xxxxxxxx is the IMS name of the area fixed. Note: For Fast Path blocks that are page fixed, "In rrr" is not displayed. Fast Path blocks are page fixed in the control region (CTL). System action: IMS continues processing. Module: DFSIFIX0 DFS0760I THE FOLLOWING <FIX|DREF> OPERANDS WERE NOT <FIXED IN|ALLOCATED IN DREF IN> rrr: xxxxxxxx

Explanation: The member DFSFIXnn of the data set whose DDNAME=PROCLIB did not request any fixing of storage. The member contains either all blanks or all invalid parameters. System action: IMS continues running. Programmer response: If fixing was supposed to be done, correct the parameters in DFSFIXnn. Master Terminal Operator Response: Either continue running IMS without the fixed parts, or do a shutdown checkpoint and rerun after DFSFIXnn has been corrected. Problem determination: For a description of the DFSFIXnn member, see the topic Defining Fixed Pages in the IMS Virtual Control Region in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. Module: DFSIFIX0 DFS0758I FIX FAILURE: MORE THAN 62 AREAS TO BE FIXED


Explanation: The operand specified has not been fixed or allocated in DREF storage in the region indicated byrrr. The variable rrr is either CTL for the control region or DLS for the DL/I subordinate address space. Either a pool or block name has been incorrectly specified, or the module specified has not been loaded in region rrr. System action: IMS continues processing. Programmer response: If a pool or block name was intended, update member DFSFIXnn or DFSDRFnn in the IMS procedure library (DDNAME=PROCLIB) to correct the specification. For a request to page fix a module, this message might be normal if the DL/I address space has been selected, because the module will be located in one region and not in the other region. Problem determination: See the topic Defining Fixed Pages in the IMS Virtual Control Region or topic

Explanation: In order to FIX storage as described by the parameters in the member DFSFIXnn of the data set whose DDNAME=PROCLIB, more than 62 areas would have to be fixed. System action: IMS continues running.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0761I DFS0762I
Allocating Blocks in a DREF Storage Subpool in the IMS Virtual Control Region in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. Module: DFSIFIX0 DFS0761I SPACE NOT AVAILABLE FOR <PGFIX|DREF> PARAMETER LIST * 04 Scan for file mark 05 Reserved 06 Reserved 07 STAE 08 Write specific OSAM block 09 Reserved 0A Write queued buffers 0B Write sequential block 0C Format logical cylinder 0D Write file mark 0E Reserved 0F Format extent 10 REDRIVE after EOV 11 REDRIVE after DDR SWAP 12 Post tape RRQ in error 13 Virtual format logical cylinder

Explanation: Storage to build a PAGE FIX or DREF parameter list in response to the parameters specified in the member DFSFIXnn or DFSDRFnn of the data set described by the DDNAME=PROCLIB does not exist in the IMS control region. System action: IMS continues running. Programmer response: Increase the size of the IMS control region by a size equal to one page. Master Terminal Operator Response: Either continue running IMS without the parts fixed or allocated in DREF storage, or do a shutdown checkpoint and rerun after the region size has been changed. Module: DFSIFIX0 DFS0762I OSAM (TAPE|DASD) (READ|WRITE) ERROR FUNC=aa STATUS=bb,cc,dddd,eeee,ffff OSAM UNIT=gggg FAILING CCW=hh,,ii,jjjj IOSEEK=kkk...kk LOG=llll OSAM DSN=...............

* * * * * * * *



Explanation: An OSAM I/O error was encountered. A two or three line message, each numbered DFS0762I, will be generated. The first line indicates (1) whether the I/O operation was directed to a tape or to a direct access device, (2) whether the I/O operation was READ or WRITE, (3) the OSAM operation type, and (4) the ending status of the operation. The second line indicates (1) the 4-character UNIT name, (2) the failing channel command word, (3) if the device is direct access, the full disk address associated with the I/O operation, and (4) the IMS log record types under which OSAM I/O control blocks were logged. Note: The second line will not be displayed if the I/O operation was not started. The third line will show the name of the data set on which the error was located. The variable fields are defined as follows: FUNC=aa The OSAM operation type defined as follows: 01 Read specific OSAM block 02 Reserved 03 Reserved

(* Indicates internal functions.) STATUS=bb The IOSB/IOB completion code used to post the operation complete. cc The DECB status code (DECBSTAT) is defined as follows: 01 Undefined operation code 02 DCB not open 03 IDAL translation error 04 Channel program protection error 05 Incorrect length error (bad DCBBUFL) 06 Permanent I/O ERROR 07 DCB specified as DD Dummy 08 RBN conversion error 09 RBN beyond current end of data set 0A End-of-file reached 0B Caller not authorized for call type 0C Unable to obtain channel program work area 0D No space to add block to data set 0E Reserved 0F Reserved 10 Unable to allocate an IOSB from the OSAM I/O storage pool 11 New block request for existing block 12 I/O prevented 13 Write queue errors (buffer prefix contains status) 14 Buffer ignored due 15 IOSB/IOB address invalid write sequential 16 Request ignored due 17 End-of-tape EOV required 18 Current DECB not same as AMWRRQL when EOV registered 19 Tape I/O errortry DDR SWAP 1A Write attempted to a read-only data set 1B I/O request terminated abnormally because of program check or machine check in IOS or appendage. 1C Channel program check 1D Record not found 1E DCB already closing 1F Nonzero return code from page fix routine 20 Channel program translate error
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0763I DFS0766I
dddd eeee ffff The unit and channel status of the CSW The residual byte count of the failing CCW. The first 2 sense bytes if the unit status in the CSW indicates unit check. If a unit check is not indicated, periods (.) will be displayed. DFS0764A PAGE FIX FOR EXCPVRREQUIRED AREAS FAILED. REPLY 'RETRY' OR 'EXCP'.

Note: If the I/O operation was not started, the character string "I/O NOT STARTED" will be displayed instead of the status bytes, the residual byte counts, and the first two sense bytes. UNIT=gggg The 4-character unit name associated with the device. FAILING CCW= hh Operation code ii Flags jjjj Byte count Note: If it is determined that the CCW address is invalid, that is, causes a program check if used, the character string "UNKNOWN" is displayed instead of the selected CCW fields. The paired comma indicates the absence of the data/IDAL address. IOSEEK=kkk..k The full disk address of the form MBBCCHHR. This field is displayed only for direct access devices. LOG=llll The IMS log record type(s) under which the OSAM I/O control blocks were logged. 6201 Only a X'6201' record was logged. 6202 Both a X'6201' and a X'6202' record were logged. 6203 All three types of records were logged. GERR X'6201' and X'6202' records were logged, but an attempt to log a X'6203' record failed because of a GETMAIN error. LERR X'6201' and X'6202' records were logged, but an attempt to log a X'6203' record failed because of a logging error. System action: Processing continues. If the I/O error involves a user database, messages DFS0451I follow. See the explanation for that message. Module: DFSAOS80

Explanation: The IMS system attempted to PAGE FIX areas of storage for the EXCPVR option. The operating system was unable to satisfy the request. The operator can retry the PAGE FIX or answer EXCP, which cancels the EXCPVR option. System action: IMS waits for the operator reply. z/OS System Operator Response: The operator can reply EXCP to cancel the EXCPVR option or can attempt to make fixable storage available and then answer RETRY. Fixable storage can be made available by stopping other jobs within the operating system. Decreasing general activity within the operating system can also make fixable storage available. Module: DFSXIOB0 DFS0765I STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NODE INTERPRET TABLE

Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to acquire storage for the node interpret table from subpool 251. IMS is not able to communicate with an XRF complex until this problem is resolved and IMS is restarted. The node interpret table is used to resolve the generic and actual node names for VTAM MSC links and ISC sessions communicating with an XRF complex. System action: IMS continues processing. Programmer response: Increase the main storage available to IMS. Module: DFSCINB0 DFS0766I PAGE FIX FOR STORAGE MGMT CONTROL BLOCKS FAILED

Explanation: An attempt to page fix control blocks for storage management failed. System action: System continues, but with possible performance degradation. Programmer response: Make certain more real storage is available to the IMS control program during the next execution. Master Terminal Operator Response: Either continue running IMS without the fixed parts, or shutdown checkpoint and rerun when more real storage is available.

| DFS0763I | | | | | |


Explanation: You entered a /STOP REGION nnnn ABDUMP while single phase sync point processing was in progress for an active Database Control (DBCTL) subsystem thread.

| System action: The command is ignored, and the | thread continues sync point processing. | Module: DFSDSTP0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0767I DFS0769I
| DFS0767I | | | | | | |
OTMA MESSAGE FLOOD CONDITION HAS BEEN RELIEVED FOR MEMBER yyyy v IMS internal problems. ALM v High volume of LU 6.2 communications activity. v A disruptive event that caused LU 6.2 communications to be interrupted and a flood of queued LU 6.2 work. v An application program coded to maintain allocated LU 6.2 conversations for an extended period. v IMS internal problems. When an IMS TCB is in selective dispatching, only priority units of work (for example, the MTO terminal) and those already holding resources can be processed until the resources become available again. This could degrade response time for some terminal users. The SAP resource can cause selective dispatching when it is. in short supply. SAPs are IMS internal control blocks that are required to process IMS units of work, communication requests (terminals) and LU 6.2 requests. If the supply of available SAPs becomes low, IMS will attempt to allocate additional SAPs up to a maximum amount. If no SAPs are available to process a unit of work, IMS will invoke selective dispatching for SAPs. When this occurs, IMS units of work can be processed only when another unit of work terminates and releases its SAP. This can cause degraded performance of the IMS system. System action: Continues processing. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message indicates a possible resource shortage. If this message occurs frequently, or is accompanied by performance degradation, the system programmer should be informed. System programmer response: This message does not necessarily indicate that there is a problem with IMS. Selective dispatching can occur for legitimate reasons (for example, during an IMS checkpoint, or due to quick peaks in communications activity. If this message occurs frequently or is accompanied by IMS performance problems such as poor terminal response time, then additional analysis may be advisable. If the TCB in selective dispatching is CTL, the number of available dynamic SAPs can be increased by changing the SAV= parameter on the IMS startup JCL or in the DFSPBxxx members. If the TCB in selective dispatching is ALM, the problem could be an application program that does not deallocate its LU 6.2 conversation for a long period. This can occur when an application program does not receive an immediate LU 6.2 response to CONFIRM. A dispatcher statistics log record (type X'45' subcode X'0F') is written at each checkpoint. These log records should be printed and analyzed for selective dispatching problems. Additional statistics records
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I

Explanation: IMS has processed the OTMA input messages to reduce the number of OTMA input messages in the message queues. The number of input message from the member was reduced to 50% or below of the maximum input message count.

| System action: IMS OTMA begins accepting new | input messages from the OTMA member | Programmer response: The OTMA message flood for | member yyyy has been improved; you might monitor | the condition in the future. | Module: DFSYFD00

Explanation: A record in data set DDNAME=xxxxxxxx violated BSAM formatting rules for variable-length records. For an explanation of variable length formats, see Data Administration Guide for MVS/DFP 3.1,. System action: An AF status code is returned to the database PCB. GSAM control blocks and the buffer containing the invalid record are written to the IMSERR or SYSPRINT data set. If another call is made to this data set without reinitializing GSAM, abend U0272 will be issued. Programmer response: Terminate the program, and correct the data set. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 8, 18, 19, 35. Module: DFSZD210 DFS0769I ttt SELECTIVE DISPATCHING - rrrr

Explanation: Selective dispatching was in effect since the last checkpoint because of a resource shortage. ttt identifies the TCB under which selective dispatching was in effect. rrrr identifies the resources which had the shortage. Resources shortages are generally caused by an abnormally high volume of activity under the following TCBs: TCB CTL v High volume of communications activity. v Insufficient number of SAPs defined for the size of the terminal network. v A disruptive event that caused communications processing to be interrupted and a flood of queued communications work. Possible Causes of Selective Dispatching


DFS0770W DFS0775I
(type X'45') might be useful in indicating high storage pool utilization. Any problem reports related to selective dispatching should include a copy of the IMS log that contains the checkpoint intervals during which the problem occurred or a printed copy of the X'45' records for those checkpoints. Problem determination: 5, 6, 23 34 Module: DFSSTAT0 DFS0770W NO FP CONTROL BLOCKS ARE ABOVE 16 MB

| | | | | | | |

Programmer response: When the failing active system has terminated, you can safely start the database again. If the log containing the database changes to be backed out has already been archived, you must run Batch Backout for the PSB identified in this message. Then start the database with the NOBKO parameter of the /START DB command or issue UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) OPTION(NOBACKOUT). Module: DFSRBOI0 DFS0773I DATA BASE - dddddddd STOPPED.

Explanation: Fast Path control block module (DBFCONT0) was not allocated in ECSA because of insufficient storage. System action: IMS gets storage from CSA and continues processing. Programmer response: Notify the z/OS system programmer. Module: DBFIFIX0 DFS0771I IMS LOGGING IS NOT IN EFFECT.

Explanation: A non-block level shared database was being extended by the failing active IMS system during takeover. The variable dddddddd identifies the database. The IMS alternate system taking over the workload of a failing IMS active system does not know how or where the failing or degraded active is changing the end-of-data. For this reason, IMS cannot use this database safely until the failing active terminates. System action: This database has been stopped until the failing active terminates. You cannot enter a /START DB or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command until the new active IMS system knows that I/O Prevention is complete. Programmer response: When the failing active IMS terminates completely, you can safely start the database. Module: DFSHDCL0 DFS0774I (CCCCFFSS) AREA=AREANAME DD=DDNAME, AREA CLOSED, MUST COMPLETE TOSSED, CI-RBA=NNNNNNNNN, SEVERE ERROR

Explanation: IMS LOGGING is not in effect because an extended (or symbolic) checkpoint call has been issued and the IEFRDER DD statement is missing or has been defined as DD DUMMY. System action: If the IEFRDER DD is defined as DD DUMMY, only the message is issued and processing continues. If the IEFRDER DD statement is missing, the call continues to be processed but STATUSNL is returned in the IOPCB. Programmer response: If logging is needed for this job, add an IEFRDER DD statement to the JCL. Module: DFSPR000, DFSZSC00 DFS0772I KSDS EXTENDING AT TAKEOVER DBD dddddddd, PROGRAM pppppppp NOT BACKED OUT

Explanation: An attempt was made to write to a closed area. This indicates a system error. System action: The WRITE MUST COMPLETE DMHR is disregarded, and the dependent region is terminated. System programmer response: Contact IBM service. DFS0775I COMMAND REJECTED; TCO IS NOT ACTIVE

Explanation: A VSAM KSDS was being extended by the failing active IMS system during takeover. The variable dddddddd identifies the database; pppppppp identifies the program for which no backouts were done. The IMS alternate system taking over the workload of a failing active system does not know how or where the failing or degraded active system is changing the end-of-data. For this reason, IMS cannot use this database safely until the failing active system has terminated. System action: The backouts for this database have been deferred, and the database will be stopped. Either message DFS2012I or DFS0773I will be issued when the database is stopped.

Explanation: You entered a /TRACE SET ON|OFF TCO command, but the Time-Controlled Operations are not active. System action: The command is rejected. Master Terminal Operator Response: Start the TimeControlled Operations before entering the command. Module: DFSICLN0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0776A DFS0778I
DFS0776A AMP PARAMETER INVALID FOR OSAM DATASET- DDNAME xxxxxxxx v A residual SIDTABLE storage area is being freed that was created from a previous merge of the SIDTABLES when an IMS subsystem joined the shared queues group. In the message text: Variable xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy Meaning The IMSID of the system that issued the message or detected the error. The IMSID of the other IMS that joined or left the SQG, or where the SIDTABLE was being sent to or received from, or where the SIDTABLE being merged was sent from. action code: ACCEPTED The event join/leave was accepted IGNORED The error was ignored. If receiving a SIDTABLE from another IMS, the received table will not be merged with current table. If sending a SIDTABLE to another IMS, the table may not arrive in the other IMS to be processed. If merging a SIDTABLE, one or more SYSIDS in the received table will be ignored. Error code produced by the MSC Shared Queues Initialization Routine that detected the error. Routine FREEAWSI Description Error freeing received SID table storage. Error freeing storage at end processing. Error freeing old SID table storage after merge. Error freeing storage acquired by XCF. Function value too high. Function not specified. Error getting AWE/SID table storage. Error getting LNB storage. Error getting storage or blocks for new SID table. Error initializing SID table.

Explanation: A DD statement for an OSAM data set contained the parameter AMP, which is not valid for OSAM. System action: A return code of 16 is set and processing stops. Programmer response: Remove the AMP parameter from the DD statement for the OSAM data set and rerun the job. Module: DFSURDB0 DFS0777 LU=xxxxxxxx EXCEEDS ALLOWED QUEUE SPACE -- MESSAGE CANCELLED


Explanation: An attempt was made to acquire a buffer from the queue manager. The requested size exceeds the allowed space for that LU. The variable xxxxxxx is the inputting LU name. If the LU name is network-qualified, it can be up to 17 bytes long. The allowed space is the amount of space controlled by user installation (using user exit DFSQSPC0). System action: The message is cancelled. Programmer response: Check the size of the message. Module: DFSRLM10 DFS0778I xxxxxxxx MSC SUBSYSTEM yyyyyyyy HAS JOINED/LEFT THE SHARED QUEUES GROUP, ACTION = zzzzzzzz xxxxxxxx ERROR eeeeeeee SENDING/RECEIVING SIDTABLE TO/FROM MSC SUBSYSTEM yyyyyyyy, ACTION = zzzzzzzz xxxxxxxx ERROR eeeeeeee MERGING SIDTABLE FROM MSC SUBSYSTEM yyyyyyyy, ACTION = zzzzzzzz





Explanation: This message is produced when the multiple systems communications MSC) feature is supported in a shared queues group (SQG) environment and one of the following events occurs: v An IMS subsystem joins or leaves the shared queues group. v An error is detected while sending or receiving the MSC system identification table (SIDTABLE) to or from another IMS while processing an IMS subsystem join or leave. v An error is detected while merging a SIDTABLE received from another IMS that has joined the shared queues group.




Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0779E DFS0781I
INVAWECB ECB in AWE Invalid. job_name If applicable, the job name of the region where the error was detected. nnn The statement number within the member where the error was detected. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The text in error. If KEYWORD precedes the error text, the parameter is invalid. yyyyyyyyyy One of the following error reason codes: OMITTED A required parameter was omitted. IGNORED A parameter was specified that is not applicable. This parameter is ignored and processing continues. INVALID The text in error represents invalid data. System action: IMS initialization terminates with abend code U0071. System programmer response: Correct the DFSSQxxx IMS.PROCLIB member and restart IMS. Module: DFSSQ010 DFS0780I EOD WAS ENCOUNTERED WHILE REPOSITIONING DDNAME=xxxxxxxx DURING XRST.

System action: IMS continues processing. If the event was an error, a type 6701-MNZE log record was written to the IMS online log data set. IMS continues processing. Programmer response: If the event was an error, this is most likely an error with the MSC configuration, or a system error in the IMS subsystems or MS XCGF facility. Collect the documentation noted under problem determination and call IBM support. System Operator Response: If an error was indicated, the join, leave or merge event may not be completely processed. Have the error corrected and bring the affected IMSs down and back up again (for example, leave and join). If no error is indicated, then this is an informational message only. Problem determination: Record this message and any other DFS0778 messages from both IMSs in the shared queues group identified by the IMSIDS in the messages. Print the 6701-MNZE log records using the DFSERA10 log print utility, from the online log data sets from both IMSs. Take a console dump of both IMSs using the z/OS DUMP command, as soon as possible before any other IMSs join or leave the shared queues group. Save the dumps in case they are needed for diagnosis. Module: DFSMNZ00 DFS0779E ERROR FOR PROCLIB MEMBER member_name, JOBNAME=job_name. UNABLE TO INITIALIZE SHARED QUEUES - member_name. JOBNAME=job_name. STRUCTURE NAMES FOR EMHQ AND MSGQ SHOULD BE UNIQUE STRUCTURE NAME=structure_name. STMNT (nnn),"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" (yyyyyyyyyy). STMNT (nnn), KEYWORD "xxxxxxxx" (yyyyyyyyyy).

Explanation: End-of-data was encountered while repositioning a GSAM non-DASD data set during an extended restart operation. System action: GSAM terminates with abend U0102.


Programmer response: Print type '18' log records used for the restart to assist in problem determination. Problem determination: 1, 4, 5, 8 Module: DFSZD210 DFS0781I ABEND cccc IN mmmm...




Explanation: IMS initialization encountered an error while processing the DFSSQxxx IMS.PROCLIB member. A message is issued for each error found in the member. IMS attempts to validate the other parameters in the member after the first error is found. If one or more errors are found, IMS terminates with abend code U0071. member_name If applicable, the name of the PROCLIB member in which the error was detected.

Explanation: The variable cccc identifies the 4-digit user abend or pseudoabend, or the 3-digit system abend; mmmm... is the CHANGEID information for the abending module. This information varies, depending upon the coding of the CHANGEID macro. Basically, the CHANGEID information contains the module name, assembly date and time, latest applied APAR number, and a variable character string identifying all the applied APARs. This message is issued for all abends, whether or not a transaction retry is attempted. It is issued: 1. At the time of the initial failure, before a potential transaction retry. 2. At the time the failure reoccurs after a transaction retry attempt, if the retry results in a failure.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0782I DFS0786I
Note: The failure occurring on the transaction retry might not be the same as the original failure, although this should be an exceptional case. System action: Even if a transaction retry is attempted, the system continues to terminate abnormally, providing the usual dumps, entries to the log tape, collecting diagnostic information, and so on. System programmer response: Save the diagnostic information. Contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Master Terminal Operator Response: None required. Module: DBFTCMT9 DFS0782I NO INFO ABOUT ABENDING MODULE R12 NOT POINTING CHANGEID DFS0784I TRAN tttttttt TO BE RETRIED-MSG nnnnn TERM xxxxxxxx jjjjjjjj

Explanation: This message is issued when a failing transaction is eligible to be retried (possibly in a different dependent region). The variable tttttttt identifies the transaction code; nnnnn identifies the input sequence number associated with the failing transaction; xxxxxxxx identifies the originating terminal for the message associated with the failing transaction. The variable jjjjjjjj identifies the job name of the dependent region in which the transaction failed. System action: The system retries the transaction. Master Terminal Operator Response: None required. Module: DBFTCMT9 DFS0785I TRAN tttttttt NOW IN RETRY -MSG nnnnn TERM xxxxxxxx jjjjjjjj

Explanation: When register 12 does not point to the CHANGEID information, this message is issued instead of DFS0781I, ABEND ccc IN mmmm. If a non-IBM, IMS application program terminates abnormally, this message might be sent to the JES2 log. CHANGEID information is expected for IBM, IMS modules only. System action: Even if a transaction retry is attempted, the system continues to terminate abnormally, providing the usual dumps, entries to the log tape, collecting diagnostic information, and so on. System programmer response: If this is an IMS user abend or system abend, save all diagnostic information. Then contact the IBM Support Center for assistance in problem determination. If this is an application abend, see your installations procedure for handling application program abends. Master Terminal Operator Response: None required. Module: DBFTCMT9 DFS0783I NO INFORMATION ABOUT ABENDING MODULE SDWA NOT AVAILABLE

Explanation: This message is issued when transaction retry is in progress. The variable tttttttt identifies the transaction code; nnnnn identifies the input sequence number associated with the failing transaction; xxxxxxxx identifies the originating terminal for the message associated with the failing transaction. The variable jjjjjjjj identifies the job name of the dependent region in which the transaction is retried. System action: The system starts to process the transaction to be retried and produces additional diagnostic information (detailed trace information) during the retry to facilitate problem analysis. This diagnostic information is made available immediately after completing (successfully or unsuccessfully) the retried transaction. The diagnostic information is routed to a SYSOUT data set using the SYSOUT class specified in the MSGCLASS parameter of the JOB statement of the dependent region in which the transaction is retried. System programmer response: Collect the additional diagnostic information. Master Terminal Operator Response: Ask the system programmer to collect the additional diagnostic information. Module: DBFTCMT9 DFS0786I A SECOND ABEND OCCURRED DURING TRANSACTION RETRY

Explanation: When the ESTAE process cannot obtain a system diagnostic work area (SDWA), this message is issued instead of DFS0781I, ABEND cccc IN mmmm. System action: Even if a transaction retry is attempted, the system continues to terminate abnormally, providing the usual dumps, entries to the log tape, collecting diagnostic information, and so on. System programmer response: Save the diagnostic information. Contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Master Terminal Operator Response: None required. Module: DBFTCMT9

Explanation: This message is issued after an unsuccessful transaction retry, and follows message DFS0781I, ABEND cccc IN mmmm. Note: If transaction retry fails with an abend identical to the original failure, this information is

Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0787I DFS0791A
provided twice: once when the failure occurs, and a second time when transaction retry reproduces the failure. System action: The system again terminated abnormally while in the process of executing transaction retry. System programmer response: Save the diagnostic information. Contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Master Terminal Operator Response: None required. Module: DBFTCMT9 DFS0787I TRANSACTION RETRY WAS ATTEMPTED AND COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY resource at the time of the next application program calls. System programmer response: No action is required. Master Terminal Operator Response: None required. Module: DBFTCMT9 DFS0790I OPEN FAILED FOR DYNAMICALLY ALLOCATED TRACE DATASET

Explanation: This is an informational message only. System action: The system continues transaction retry without tracing, attempting to acquire the needed resource at the time of the next application program calls. System programmer response: No action is required. Master Terminal Operator Response: None required. Module: DBFTCMT9 DFS0791A PROCESSING OF HSSP HIC/PIC BY DB RECOVERY TERMINATED ABNORMALLY FOR AREA=xxxxxxxx DD=yyyyyyyy REASON CODE=zz

Explanation: This message is issued at entry to the sync process of the retried transaction after a successful transaction retry. System action: Sync processing continues for the retried transaction. In this case, the system does not stop the transaction and overrides the action indicated in message DFS554A. System programmer response: Save the diagnostic information. If the error reoccurs, contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Master Terminal Operator Response: None required. Module: DBFTCMT9 DFS0788I DYNAMIC ALLOCATION FOR TRACE DATASET FAILED REASON CODE nnnn

Explanation: This message is issued during execution of the Database Recovery utility when an error involving an HSSP Image Copy (HIC) or HSSP Partial Image Copy (PIC) occurs. The Database Recovery utility failed for one of the following reasons: Reason Code Explanation 10 DD statement for Area xxxxxxxx DD yyyyyyyy was missing in the JCL. 20 Utility was unable to open a DCB with DDNAME yyyyyyyy. 30 VSAM SHOWCB failed. 40 VSAM MODCB failed. 50 Either the date/timestamp in the second CI does not match the HIC/PIC timestamp, or the second CI indicates that the data set is not an image copy data set. 60 The PIC timestamps are not in chronological order. 70 The date/time-stamp does not match the stamp in the log record for any of the input HIC/PIC data sets. Programmer response: For reason code 10, ensure that all required DD statements are supplied. For reason code 20, use the dump to determine the cause of the open error (see DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets for possible causes of failure). For reason codes 30 and 40, contact your IBM representative. For reason code 50, ensure that all HIC/PIC data sets used are valid.

Explanation: This message is issued when dynamic allocation fails for the trace data set. Reason code nnnn is explained in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide System action: The system continues transaction retry without tracing, attempting to acquire the needed resource at the time of the next application program calls. System programmer response: No action is required. Master Terminal Operator Response: None required. Module: DBFTCMT9 DFS0789I GETMAIN FAILED TO DYNAMICALLY ALLOCATE TRACE DATASET

Explanation: This is an informational message only. System action: The system continues transaction retry without tracing, attempting to acquire the needed


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0792A DFS0796I
For reason code 60, ensure that the PIC timestamps contained in SYSIN are in date/time sequence. For reason code 70, ensure that SYSIN contains all needed HIC/PIC timestamps. Problem determination: 2, 3, 4, 8, 20, 36, and listings of the RECON data sets. Module: DBFUHIC0 DFS0792A DATABASE TARGET VSAM DATASET MUST BE EMPTY PRIOR TO RUNNING RECOVERY IMS Problem Determination in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 6, 36, 41 Module: DFSICL70

| DFS0796A | |


Explanation: When running the Database Recovery utility, if the DDNAME specifies VSAM data set and a failure occurred during a previous run of the utility, then it might be necessary to delete and redefine the VSAM data set. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Delete and redefine the VSAM data set that is being opened for output as the target data set. DFS794I APPLICATION NOT PERMITTED TO REASSIGN LTERM IT IS USING

| Explanation: One of the following errors was | encountered: | | | | | | | | |

Code (Hex) Meaning 01 The DBD specified was not found in DBDLIB. 02 The DBD specified was found in DBDLIB but is not a HALDB DBD. 03 The specified HALDB DBD does not exist in RECON. 04 The specified HALDB partition does not exist in RECON.

| System action: Processing continues if other HALDB | master databases or partitions are to be processed and | return code is set to 8. | User response: Check and correct the error condition | indicated by the reason code. | Module: DFSUPNT0, DFSUPNT1 | DFS0796I | | | | |
Reason Code = rcmessage

Explanation: The /ASSIGN command was rejected because AOI programs are not permitted to reassign an LTERM that the application is using. System action: The command is rejected. If the command was /ASSIGN LTERM PRIMARY, the primary master terminal assignment might have succeeded. Application Programmer Response: Redesign the AOI application program so that it does not issue an /ASSIGN command that reassigns an LTERM it is already using. The LTERM in the redesigned AOI program cannot be any of the following: v The LTERM that originated the AOI transaction v The destination LTERM to which the application is inserting messages v The alternate destination LTERM to which the application is inserting messages Module: DFSICL70

Explanation: An error occurred, indicated by rc, with an accompanying message issued by module DFSUPNT0. Each reason code has its own explanation and response. See the following reason codes to further identify the type of error and appropriate action: REASON = 01 DATABASE OR PARTITION NOT FOUND IN RECON - &DBNAME

| DFS0796I | |

| Explanation: The specified DBD, &DBNAME, does not | exist in RECON. | System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to 8. Check and correct the error condition indicated by | the message and reason code. | DFS0796I | |

| DFS795I


Explanation: The command was rejected because the command process detected a system error while attempting to access a resource. A request to use or lock a resource resulted in an unexpected return code. System action: The command is rejected. If the command was /ASSIGN LTERM PRIMARY, the primary master terminal assignment might have succeeded. System Programmer Response: See the topic titled

| Explanation: The specified DBD, &DBNAME, is not | defined in RECON as a HALDB. | System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to 8.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0797E DFS0801I
| User Response: Check and correct the error condition | indicated by the message and reason code. | DFS0796I | |
REASON = 03 = 03 DATABASE NOT FOUND IN DBDLIB &DBNAME you receive this message, be aware that some IMS-allocated resources such as common storage might not have been freed from the prior IMS instance. This condition might require an IPL of your z/OS system to recover or release these resources. In the message text:

| Explanation: The specified DBD, &DBNAME, is | defined in RECON as a HALDB, but it was not found | in DBDLIB. | System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to 8. | User Response: Check and correct the error condition | indicated by the message and reason code. | DFS0796I | | | | | |

rgntype The address space type of the region being abnormally terminated, which is either DL/I or DBRC. jobname The job name of the DL/I or DBRC region begin abnormally terminated. System action: IMS schedules the abnormal termination of the indicated address space. The address space should terminate with a user abend 0150. System Operator Response: Before restarting IMS, ensure that the DL/I or DBRC address space indicated by rgntype terminates. If the region does not terminate, attempt to cancel it from the console. This message indicates that IMS resource cleanup might have been skipped or only partially completed. This is particularly likely if the FORCE command was issued against your IMS control region. (For information on the FORCE command, see the z/OS MVS System Commands manual.) When you received this message, you might encounter storage shortages or other resource-related problems, which might require an IPL of the z/OS system. Problem determination: 27 Module: DFSRSMR0 DFS0800I AWAITING NOTIFICATION FROM SUBSYS xxxxxxxx

Explanation: A conflict resulting from a SYSIN statement specifying a partition name that is a partition of a HALDB master name &DBNAME which also appears in a different SYSIN statement.

| System Action: Processing halts. | | | | | | | |

User Response: Remove the conflicting statements specifying partition names, if it is desired to initialize (INITALL) all of the HALDBs partitions; or remove the INITALL statement from the DFSOVRDS data set to unconditionally initialize specific partitions. Remove the HALDB master name if no additional partitions existing in RECON and recorded as PINIT=YES (partition initialization required) are to be initialized. The database PCB control blocks were incorrectly built for HALDB master database

| DFS0797E | |

| Explanation: Validation of the PCB control blocks for | the specified HALDB master database failed. This is an | IMS internal error. | System action: Processing is halted. Call the IBM | Support Center to report this problem. | Module: DFSUPNT0, DFSUPNT1

Explanation: IMS has attempted to connect to the subsystem specified by xxxxxxxx. The connection failed because the specified subsystem either was not active or could not respond to the connection attempt. A notify message was queued by the specified subsystem. When the subsystem becomes active and can connect, the subsystem will issue an internal MODIFY command (notify message) to IMS where the connection process will be re-attempted. System action: The IMS subtask TCB attached for the specified subsystem waits for an internal MODIFY command to re-attempt the connection process. Programmer response: Start the specified subsystem if necessary. Module: DFSESI30 DFS0801I SUBSYSTEM CONNECTION FOR xxxxxxxx COMPLETE

Explanation: The control region address space ended before a subordinate address space (DL/I or DBRC) was properly shut down. IMS detects this condition and abnormally terminates the surviving region with user abend 0150. This is an unusual condition, and might occur when the FORCE command is issued against the control address space, or the control address space is terminated without completing resource cleanup. If

Explanation: IMS has successfully connected to the external subsystem xxxxxxxx, which was defined in the SSM member for subsystem connection.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0802I DFS0807I
System action: A subsystem-to-subsystem connection exists between IMS and the specified subsystem. Module: DFSESI30 DFS0802I CANCEL COMMAND REJECTED BY IMS, USE /STOP REGION COMMAND TO STOP IMS DEPENDENT REGION, JOBNAME=zzzzzzzz Module: DFSISI00 DFS0805I CANCEL COMMAND REJECTED BY IMS. JOBNAME=nnnnnnnn HAS ACTIVE ODBA THREADS. ODBA ID=iiiiiiii

Explanation: IMS will intercept all cancel commands for its dependent regions to avoid a possible abend U0113. zzzzzzzz is the name of the job that encountered the problem. System action: Command ignored. System or Master Terminal Operator Response: Enter the proper /STOP REGION command to IMS if you want to stop the IMS dependent region. Module: DFSISI00 DFS0803A NO STATS RECORDS FOUND AT END OF INPUT

Explanation: IMS will intercept all cancel commands that target an address space connected to IMS. The command is rejected because there are active ODBA threads. In the message text: nnnnnnnn The job or task name. iiiiiiii The ODBA identifier to IMS returned by a /DIS CCTL ALL command. System action: The command is rejected. After the CANCEL command is issued, no new threads will be allowed to start from the target address space until the connection to IMS has terminated. System Operator Response: Allow the active threads to complete, then reissue the CANCEL command. Module: DFSISI00 DFS0806I NO DBCTL MULTI-SEGMENT COMMAND BUFFERS AVAILABLE

Explanation: HISAM reload module did not encounter any statistical records at end of input from HISAM unload. This message will be issued along with a statistical report to show statistics accumulated from the input for diagnostic purposes. System action: Abnormally terminates with a return code 8. Programmer response: This is probably a user error caused by using the first volume of a multi-volume set of input and thus causing the reload module to encounter data at end of input, rather than statistical records. Input from an unload that had abnormally terminated can also cause this condition. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 18, 36 Module: DFSURRL0 DFS0804I CANCEL COMMAND REJECTED BY IMS, /MODIFY COMMIT COMMAND IN PROGRESS, JOBNAME = xxxxxxxx

Explanation: In a Database Control (DBCTL) environment, you can perform multi-segment command processing from a maximum of eight consoles at a time. This message appears when eight consoles are currently in the multi-segment processing state. System action: The command segment is ignored. Programmer response: Try again later. If repeated attempts fail, other consoles might be in multi-segment command mode and are unaware of it. Enter a command recognition character (CRC) from one of these other consoles. Module: DFSISI20 DFS0807I DBCTL MULTI-SEGMENT COMMAND BUFFER OVERFLOW

Explanation: IMS does not allow a CCTL or ODBA connected address space to be cancelled while a /MODIFY COMMIT or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) command is in progress. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reissue the /CANCEL command after the /MODIFY COMMIT or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) completes. System Operator Response: Reissue the CANCEL command after the /MODIFY COMMIT or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) completes.

Explanation: In a DBCTL environment, a multi-segment command can have a maximum length of 241 characters. This number includes the leading command recognition character (CRC) in the first segment, but not does not include CRCs in other segments. The segments entered from the console are internally concatenated. If the concatenated segments of the command exceed the 241 character maximum, this message appears. System action: The segment that caused the command to exceed maximum length is discarded. All previous segments remain internally concatenated.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


Programmer response: Terminate the 'in-progress' command by entering a shorter final segment. A single CRC entered at the console is a valid final segment. Module: DFSISI20 DFS810A IMS (DCCTL) READY yyyyddd/hhmmsst jobname.stepname When the ddname is for a spool device, JES SPOOL DATASET (SYSOUT) might be incorrectly specified for at least one DD statement in the line group. This message is issued once for each DD statement in the line group, even if only one DD statement has an incorrect specification. ddname.DUMMY The first statement in a line group was specified as DD DUMMY. ddname.NOFND The DD statement was not present. ddname.NOTSP IMS-issued I/O operations do not support PDSW, HFS, or any other extended-format data sets. ddname.STORG There isnt enough storage in subpool 0 to initialize the EXCP process. ddname.UNIT The DD statement does not point to a valid CTC device. Master Terminal Operator Response: Ensure that those line groups not initialized were intentionally not initialized. If line groups which should have been initialized were not, bring this message to the attention of the system programmer responsible for IMS. Module: DFSIINB0 DFS815I UNABLE TO OPEN LINEGROUPS

Explanation: IMS initialization has successfully completed. An appropriate /NRESTART or /ERESTART command should be entered to tell IMS what kind of restart processing is required. When (DCCTL) is displayed in the message, the DCCTL environment has been initialized. System action: Waits for /ERESTART or /NRESTART command. Master Terminal Operator Response: Enter an /ERESTART or /NRESTART command. Module: DFSCINB0 DFS812I PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON JOBLIB/LPALIB

Explanation: While searching PDS directories for JOBLIB or SYS1.LPALIB, a permanent I/O error occurred. Programmer response: Ensure that JOBLIB allocation for the region is correct. If it is correct, contact your IMS system programmer for assistance. Module: DFSIINl0 DFS813I BLDL FAILED FOR FOLLOWING JOBLIB/LPALIB

Explanation: While searching the PDS directories for JOBLIB or SYS1.LPALIB, modules required to support IMS could not be found. Module names follow the message. z/OS System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer responsible for IMS. Module: DFSIINl0 DFS814I INITIALIZATION FAILED FOR FOLLOWING LINEGROUPS

Explanation: During initialization of the control region, it was not possible to open any communication line groups. The reason might be improper allocation or lack of allocation for any line groups. Programmer response: Ensure that line groups are allocated using correct ddnames as shown in output from Stage 2 of IMS system definition. Module: DFSIINB0 DFS816A NOP ISSUED TO 7770-3 LINE aaa. REQUEST DID NOT COMPLETE IN 15 SECONDS. REPLY 'POST' OR 'RETRY'.

Explanation: While initializing the line groups for the communications facility of IMS, IMS found that one or more line groups could not be initialized. A message listing the ddnames of the line groups involved and the reason they could not be initialized follows this message. Possible reasons for unsuccessful initialization include: Message Reason ddname.ALLOC An incorrect device type has been allocated to this DD statement

Explanation: The 7770 line with a unit address of aaa had a NOP request issued which failed to complete during initialization. System action: Waits for reply. Master Terminal Operator Response: Replies can be uppercase or lowercase. A reply of "POST" will cause the line to be posted unusable; a reply of "RETRY" will cause the operation to be retried. Module: DFSIIO30, DFSXCIC0, DFSXLGI0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS817A NOP ISSUED TO 7770-3 LINE aaa. CONTROL IS NOT OPERATIONAL. REPLY 'POST' OR 'RETRY'. that all of the HALDB master partition data sets have been correctly defined. Module: DFSURPR0 DFS821I NO DATA BASE DIRECTORIES DEFINED

Explanation: The 7770 control unit with line address aaa is offline. System action: Waits for reply. Master Terminal Operator Response: Replies can be uppercase or lowercase. A reply of "POST" will cause the line to be posted unusable. If the operation is to be retried, place the control unit online before replying "RETRY". A reply of "RETRY" will cause the operation to be retried. Module: DFSIIO30 DFS818A NOP ISSUED TO 7770-3 LINE aaa. RESULT WAS I/O ERROR cccc,ss,ee,ii. REPLY 'POST' OR 'RETRY'.

Explanation: At system definition time, no databases were defined to the system. Therefore, no database directory initialization is required. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSIIND0 DFS822I NO ALLOCATION FOR DDN 'IMSACBx' IN (CTL|DLS) ADDRESS SPACE.

Explanation: Code aaa cccc ss ee ii Meaning The line control unit address The CSW status The sense status The DECB DECERRST field The IOB IOBINCAM field

Explanation: The ACBLIB data sets must be defined in the JCL used to start IMS. The DDNAMEs used to define ACBLIB are IMSACBA and IMSACBB. x is either "A" or "B", indicating the missing JCL DD statement. "DLS" is included in this message if the error was detected in the DL/I subordinate address space. In a DL/I subordinate address space environment, both the control region and JCL must define ACBLIB. System action: IMS terminates with abend U0071 or U0821. Programmer response: Check the JCL to ensure proper allocation per the IMS system definition information in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. For more information about recovery from ACBLIB errors, see the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide. Module: DFSIIND0

System action: Waits for reply. Master Terminal Operator Response: Replies can be uppercase or lowercase. A reply of "POST" will cause the line to be posted unusable; a reply of "RETRY" will cause the operation to be retried. Module: DFSIIO30 DFS819I YOUR REPLY TO THE LAST MESSAGE WAS INVALID. PLEASE TRY AGAIN



Explanation: The operator gave an invalid reply to one of the following messages: DFS816A, DFS817A, or DFS818A. Master Terminal Operator Response: Wait for the appropriate message above to be reissued, and then retry your reply. Module: DFSIIO30 DFS0820W PARTITION INITIALIZATION ERROR ENCOUNTERED FOR MASTER DATABASE mdbname, DLI STATUS CODE= dlistatus

Explanation: A permanent I/O error might have occurred during OPEN. x=A or B depending upon whether IMSACBA or IMSACBB is active. "DLS" is included in this message if the error occurred in the DL/I subordinate address space. System action: IMS terminates with abend U0071 or U0821. Programmer response: Ensure that ddname IMSACBx is allocated properly and that the data set specified at IMS system definition time exists. x=A or B. Problem determination: Check the JCL to ensure proper allocation per the IMS system definition information in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. For more information about recovery from ACBLIB errors, see the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide. Module: DFSBIND0, DFSIIND0
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I

Explanation: An error was encountered that prevented the initialization of all of the partitioned data sets. System action: Processing continues. The return code is set to 4. User response: Check the DBDGEN for errors. Verify


| DFS824I | | | | | | | |
DFS824I PDS DIRECTORY READ ERROR DDN IMSACB RC=xx RSN=yy NOTPS A DBD was defined as a PSB at IMS system definition. NOBUF Buffer size was zero. ALIAS Alias names are not allowed. NOTDM A PSB was defined as a data management block at IMS system definition. NOTCP Not compatible No programs or transactions which use the named databases or PSBs will be scheduled for execution by IMS. In the second form of this message, xxx is the number of DBD errors. System action: IMS continues running if executing in either a CTX or CTL type IMS region. IMS abends with abend U0821 if executing in a DBB type IMS region. Programmer response: For the first form of this message, no action is required. Note that no programs or transactions which use the named databases or PSBs will be scheduled for execution by IMS. For NOTCP, an ACBGEN must be done. For the second form of this message, see the job log for all DFS826I messages. Problem determination: See the IMS system definition information in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. Module: DFSBIND0, DFSIIND0 DFS827I DYNAMIC PSB psbname BLDL FAILEDaaaaa

Explanation: An I/O error has occurred while trying to read the PDS directory for ddname IMSACBx. The Return code from the call to the BLDL macro is shown as xx, and the Reason Code is yy. For the BLDL macro completion codes, see z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets (SC26-7408). System action: IMS terminates with abend U0071 or U0821. Programmer response: Check the JCL to ensure proper allocation per the IMS system definition information in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. Problem determination: See message DFS823I. For more information about recovery from ACBLIB errors, see the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide. Module: DFSBIND0, DFSIIND0 DFS825I BLDL FAILED FOR ALL DEFINED DATA BASE DIRECTORIES

Explanation: No valid directory entries for databases named at IMS system definition time could be found on the data set allocated to ddname IMSACB. System action: IMS terminates with abend U0071.

| | | | | |

Programmer response: Ensure that at least one DBDGEN for the defined system has been run and that it is placed in the ACBLIB data set defined by ddname IMSACB. If DBDs exist in the IMSACB library, validate that the IMSACB library is built at the same IMS level as the IMS execution library. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact your IMS system programmer. Problem determination: Message DFS826I contains a list of reasons for which the directory entries might have been invalid. For more information about recovery from ACBLIB errors, see the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide. Module: DFSIIND0 DFS826I BLDL FAILED FOR FOLLOWING DBDs xxx DBD ERRORS SENT TO JOB LOG

Explanation: The BLDL for the named PSB failed for the reason specified by one of the following codes, which replace 'aaaaa' in the message text. Name Meaning IOERR I/O error reading the directory NOFND Member not found CONCT Member is in first concatenation. ALIAS Member is an alias. NOTPS Member is not really a PSB. NOBUF No buffer size was available. NOTCP Not compatible System action: IMS continues running. Programmer response: Note that no programs or transactions that use the named databases or PSBs will be scheduled for execution by IMS.


Explanation: The first form of message DFS826I is repeated as DBD names are listed that were not found or did not meet requirements on ACBLIB. A reason follows each name. Name Meaning NOFND Not found


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS828I DFS0832I
Problem determination: See the IMS system definition information in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. Module: DFSDBLI0 DFS828I WARNING: xxxx POOL NOT CREATED DFS831I BLDL FAILED FOR ALL DEFINED PROGRAM DIRECTORIES

Explanation: No valid directory entries for programs defined during IMS system definition were found in the ACBLIB data set allocated to ddname IMSACB. During initialization, the PSBs defined during IMS system definition, or defined in the CICS program directory (PDIR), are loaded and validated. At least one valid PSB must be found in ACBLIB. If no PSBs, or no valid PSBs are found, message DFS831I is issued. System action: IMS terminates with abend U0071. Programmer response: Check the JCL for proper allocation. In addition, ensure that at least one PSBGEN for a non-DOPT PSB was run, and that the PSB is placed in the ACBLIB data set defined by ddname IMSACB. For more information about recovering from ACBLIB errors, see the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide. Master Terminal Operator Response: Make sure that no message regions were going to be run. If yes, contact your IMS system programmer for assistance. Module: DFSIIND0

Explanation: The pool named xxxx has not been created because both the IMS system definition and override values on the EXEC statement are zero for the named pool. System action: IMS continues initialization, but the named pool will not exist during the IMS run. Programmer response: Make sure that the named pool is not needed for the IMS installations configuration. Problem determination: 1, 8, 10 Module: DFSDOBI0, DFSIINS0 DFS829I NO PROGRAM DIRECTORIES DEFINED

Explanation: At system definition time, no programs were defined to the system. Therefore, no program directory initialization is required. Also, no database directory initialization will be done. Problem determination: Check system definition Stage 2 output. Module: DFSIIND0 DFS830I DFS830I BLDL FAILED FOR FOLLOWING PSBs; xxx PSB ERRORS SENT TO JOB LOG

| DFS0832I | | | | | | | | | |


Explanation: This is an informational message issued to assist you to debug problems that cause abends. This message is issued when an abend condition is detected by module DFSDLA00. This condition can be caused by either: v A non-zero return code on a partition selection or validation. v A pseudo-abend set by module DFSDLR00, DFSDDLE0, DFSDXMT0, DFSDLD00, or DFSRCHB0.

Explanation: The first form of message DFS830I is repeated as PSB names are listed that were not found or did not meet requirements on ACBLIB. A reason follows each name. See message DFS826I. For the second form of this message, more than ten PSB errors were found; xxx is the number of PSB errors found. System action: IMS continues running if executing in either a CTX or CTL type IMS region. IMS abends with abend U0821 if executing in a DBB type IMS region. Programmer response: For the first form of this message, note that no programs or transactions that use the named PSB will be scheduled for execution by IMS. For the second form of this message, see the job log for all DFS830I messages. Module: DFSBIND0, DFSIIND0

| Where: | wwww The pseudo-abend code. | xxxx One of the following: | v The reason code for HALDB abends, or N/A | for non-HALDB abends. | v One of the following detected user abends: | 0880 | 3303 | 3498 | | | | yyyy | | | | | | |
For these abends the reason code is yyyy and it is related to a problem that was detected while processing a HALDB. If xxxx (the abend) is not one of the above, the value of yyyy is N/A otherwise it is one of the following reason codes: 4001 No more partitions are defined 4020 DB authorization error (data unavailable) 4025 DB unload action error 4026 DB initialization action error

Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


| 4032 Partition unavailable due to a migrated data set. | 4059 The access level is not compatible | with the intent level | 8001 Target partition requires initialization | 8010 Target partition not found | 8031 Open DMB failure | 8051 User partition selection failed | C001 Non-partitioned DB access | C002 Partitions not active | C003 Partition stopped | C004 Partition structure terminating | C005 Partition structure not initialized | C006 Partition structure rebuild failed | C009 ILDS DSG not provided | C010 Unusual structure status | C030 Invalid authorization reason code | C040 Invalid partition DDIR | C041 Invalid partition set operation | C042 Unable to allocate PSETE storage | C043 Invalid partition set selection action | C050 User selection exit not invoked | C060 Invalid function code | C070 Buffer handler byte locate failed | C071 Buffer handler locate by key failed | C072 Error occurred during processing | against the indirect list data set | (ILDS). | C073 Buffer handler mark altered failed | C074 Buffer handler byte locate & mark | altered failed | C075 IRLM root lock request (GRID) failed | C076 Request to obtain BCB storage | (BCBGET) failed | C077 Refresh OLR cursor request failed | | PARTITION | DATABASE If HALDB, PARTITION. If non-HALDB, | DATABASE. | | zzzzzzzz The DBD name for one of these: | v HALDB partition | v HALDB master | v Non-HALDB database | |
or NOTAPPLI if no DBD is available. DL/I subordinate address space option has been selected. System action: No intent lists are made resident. Programmer response: Increase the IMS region size if the message specifies "private". Module: DFSIIND0 DFS834I INSUFFICIENT (COMMON SYSTEM|DLS PRIVATE) MEMORY FOR RESIDENT PSBS

Explanation: There was not enough storage to make PSBs resident. The storage requested was either for space within the common system area (CSA) or from DL/I subordinate address space private memory (DLS). System action: No PSBs are made resident. Programmer response: Either provide more space in the area where the space is obtained or make fewer PSBs resident. Module: DFSIIND0 DFS835I INSUFFICIENT (COMMON SYSTEM|DLS PRIVATE) MEMORY FOR RESIDENT DMBS

Explanation: There was not enough storage to make specified data management blocks resident. The storage requested was either for space within the common system area (CSA) or from DL/I subordinate address space private memory (DLS). System action: No data management blocks are made resident. Programmer response: Either provide more space in the area where the space is obtained or make fewer data management blocks resident. Module: DFSIIND0 DFS836I THE FOLLOWING SHARED DMBs NOT FOUND IN THE LIBRARY

| System action: The application program is terminated. | Programmer response: Correct the situation that | caused the application to terminate. | Module: DFSDLA00

Explanation: While initializing database directories, an entry for one or more shared index data management blocks could not be located in the ACBLIB. The affected entries are listed after the header. System action: All listed databases are stopped permanently and initialization continues. Programmer response: Reconstruct the affected entries in the ACBLIB, using the IMS ACB utility. System Operator Response: Notify the IMS system programmer of the condition. Module: DFSIIND0

Explanation: There was not enough storage to make intent lists resident. The storage requested was either for space within the region or for space in the common system area (CSA). The latter case implies that the


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS837I DFS0840I
DFS837I SHARED INDEX NOT DEFINED DMB dbdname DFS0840I INDEX ERROR (dbdname) (status code) (first 45 bytes of key)

Explanation: The named database was part of a shared index DMB in the ACBLIB but had not been defined to the IMS system during the IMSGEN process. System action: All databases forming the shared index group are permanently stopped and initialization continues. Programmer response: Correct the affected entries in the ACBLIB. System Operator Response: Notify the IMS system programmer of the condition. Module: DFSIIND0 DFS838I I/O ERROR READING SHARED INDEX LIST FOR DMB dbdname

Explanation: An error condition was encountered by the index maintenance function. The message shows the dbdname, the status code, and the first 45 bytes of the key. The status code can be NE, NI, NO, or BLANK. Code NE Meaning An attempt was made to delete an index record, but the record did not exist. This might be a valid condition if the secondary index was processed as a database and some secondary index entries were deleted. If the source segment is deleted and its index entry is not present, the NE status code is the result. The DFS0840I message is sent for information purposes, but since this might be a valid condition, a BLANK status code is returned to the application program. See the description of the NE status code in the DL/I status code information in the topic titled DL/I Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. Either a data set could not be opened or there was a duplicate segment in a unique secondary index. If a data set could not be opened, the message is preceded by a DFS0730I message and followed by a 0826 pseudoabend or real abend. If there is no preceding DFS0730I message, then there is a duplicate segment in a secondary index. If it is possible to back out prior changes for the call, this message is suppressed. Only the NI status is returned to the application program. If it is not possible to back out other changes for the call, or if ISSUE840=YES has been specified on an OPTIONS statement in the DFSVSMxx member, this message is displayed and is followed by a 0828 pseudoabend or real abend. For additional information, see the descriptions of the NI status code in the DL/I status code information in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. The conditions which do not support backing out prior updates for the call are: v The execution environment is batch and does not use a DASD log with BK0=YES specified on the PARM field of the JCL EXEC statement. An I/O error was detected. This message should be preceded by a VSAM error message which describes the error. A database recovery might be necessary. The NO status is returned to the application program. If it is possible to back out prior changes for the call (see details below), this message is suppressed. If it is not possible to back out prior changes for the call, this message is displayed and is followed by a U0826 pseudoabend or real abend. See the
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I

Explanation: The named database was a shared index. While trying to read the index list from the ACBLIB, a permanent I/O error occurred. System action: The affected database is permanently stopped, and initialization continues. Programmer response: Correct the condition causing the I/O error. For more information about recovery from ACBLIB errors, see the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer of the condition. Problem determination: Check the system console or the log record, or both, for information on the cause of the I/O error. Module: DFSBIND0, DFSIIND0 DFS0839I DATA BASE BUFFER POOL NOT PURGED NI

Explanation: A database buffer was not purged after an abend because: v DL/I was active at time of abend. v No STAE work area was provided. v The PSB had update intent but the log was DD dummy. v The buffer handler gave a bad return code on the purge call. v The GETMAIN for save areas failed. v The buffer handler was not in storage. System action: IMS terminates abnormally. Module: DFSFLST0



DFS0841I DFS0842I
description of the NO status code in the DL/I status code information in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. BLANK An unexpected return code was received from a call to the buffer handler. In this case, the message should be accompanied by a U0825, U0826, or U0829 pseudoabend or real abend. System action: Described above. Programmer response: See the status code descriptions or abend explanations. Problem determination: 4, 36 Module: DFSDXMT0 5 DFS0841I SAF INTERFACE ERROR. SAF RC=nn, RACROUTE=racf-function, RETURN=(yy,zzz) 6 4 another subsystem. The subsystem with the error was unable to perform a similar extension. Code 1 2 Meaning DSEXTEND, the DCB for this data set, was marked nonextendable. DSXT0350 The volume serial number for the new extent does not match the volume serial number broadcast by the extending subsystem. DSXT0360 An error occurred while processing an OSAM TCLOSE function for the data set. A TCLOSE is the closing and reopening of the data set to acquire new extent information. LCREAT10 An error condition was returned from the LCTSRCH routine. This might have been caused by an I/O error on the data set. LCREAT30 An attempt to get another extent for the data set using the OSAM end-of-volume routine failed. The data set could not be enlarged and another extent could not be allocated. LCREAT40 An attempt to obtain a buffer for the requested block failed. This might have been caused by I/O errors on this or other OSAM data sets sharing the same set of buffers. LCREAT70 An I/O error was received during the format logical cylinder operation.

Explanation: A RACROUTE call received a failing return code (RC=nn) from the SAF interface during initialization processing. The failing RACROUTE function was racf-function. The security product return code is yy, and the reason code is zzz. System action: If the error occurs in the control region, IMS initialization terminates with an abend U0071. If the error occurs in the DLISAS region, IMS initialization terminates with an abend U0029. Programmer Response: If this a problem with the installation of RACF, analyze the return and reason codes for racf-function in RACF External Security Interface (RACROUTE) Macro Reference for MVS and VM, GC28-1366. To bypass all RACF checking for online IMS systems, modify the z/OS program properties table for DFSMVRC0 as described in MVS/ESA Initialization and Tuning Reference, GC28-1635. Problem determination: 1,3,4,6 Module: DFSXRAC0 DFS0842I OSAM DATASET CANNOT BE EXTENDED, REASON=X, dbdname ddname, dsname

System action: For condition 1, 2, or 3, the application program pseudoabends with abend U0842. For the other conditions, processing continues and message DFS0845I might follow. Programmer response: Take the following actions: v If data set extend error 1, 2, or 3 occur in a data sharing environment, ensure that all the volumes of the database are shared among the subsystems and that a path exists to all volumes. v If data set extend error 5 occurs, add additional space or reduce the number of DASD extents, by reorganizing the database or recovering the database with larger space parameters. After an extend error 5, if an OSAM data set cannot be opened because it extends beyond the OSAM-supported maximum number of extents, you might need an intermediate utility step when opening the data set to allow the system to release the unused extents. For example, use an ADRDSSU job with RELEASE, or a copy utility such as IEBGENER with a dummy input data set and the OSAM data set as output, specifying DISP=MOD and SPACE=(xxx,(primary,secondary),RLSE). For information on extends, see Using OSAM as the Access Method in IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: Database Manager. v If I/O errors were encountered, follow the actions defined in message DFS0451I or DFS0451A. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify the IMS system programmer or database administrator of the condition.


Explanation: OSAM was unable to extend the named data set. A two line message, each numbered DFS0842I is generated. The first line indicates why the data set is not extendable and also contains the dbdname. The second line contains the ddname and the dsname. One of the following reason codes identifies the error condition. The first word in the description is the label name where the error was detected. Conditions 1, 2, and 3 occur only in a data sharing environment when the data set was extended on

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0843I DFS847I
Problem determination: 3, 4, 5, 17 Module: DFSDBH40 Programmer response: The backout of uncommitted changes after any pseudoabend U0844 will restore the database to a consistent and usable state. However, inserts can cause the same condition to occur. While offline (using the /DBR command), you must copy the database to a larger space allocation. Then make the database available to the online region using the /START command. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify the IMS system programmer or database administrator of the condition. Problem determination: 3, 4, 5, 17 Module: DFSDVSM0, DFSDDLE0 DFS0845I dbname DATASET LIMIT REACHED, DDNAME=ddname

| DFS0843I


Explanation: The data set group of an HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, or PHIDAM database has reached its maximum capacity: v The maximum size of a data set for a HALDB partition is 4,294,967,295 bytes (4 GB). v The maximum size of a data set for a non-HALDB VSAM database is 4,294,967,295 bytes (4 GB). v The maximum size of a data set for a non-HALDB OSAM database with an odd block0 size is 4,294,967,295 bytes (4 GB). v The maximum size of a data set for a non-HALDB OSAM database with an even block size is 8,589,834,591 bytes (8 GB). 4,294,967,295 bytes is the largest absolute number for a full word. A non-HALDB OSAM database with an even block size doubles the possible storage within a full word. System action: An attempt to obtain space is made by examining bit maps. The search starts at the end of the data set and works up to the start. If this is unsuccessful, message DFS0844I is issued and the transaction terminates with pseudoabend U0844. Programmer response: Space consolidation and reclamation can be achieved by reorganizing the database. If this does not work, consider the following: v If the database is a HALDB consider splitting the partition into two or more partitions. v If the database is a non-HALDB consider converting the database to HALDB. v If the database is a non-HALDB VSAM database consider using OSAM with an even block size. v Consider the use of multiple data set groups. Module: DFSGGSP0 DFS0844I modulename dbname DATASET FULL, DDNAME=ddname

Explanation: An attempt to create another block in an HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, or a PHIDAM database failed, because additional extents could not be allocated or an I/O error was encountered while creating additional blocks. System action: The bit maps will be searched to find available space within the database. If space is found, it will be used and processing will continue. If space is not found, message DFS0844I will be issued. Programmer response: If additional extents cannot be allocated, additional volumes can be added or the database can be reorganized. If an I/O error was encountered, and sufficient space was found using the bit map search, migrate the database to another physical location to avoid additional I/O errors. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify the IMS system programmer of the condition. Module: DFSGGSP0 DFS846I CONTROL CARD ERROR, {NAME EXCEEDS 8 BYTES|EXCESSIVE PARAMETERS|MISSING PAREN| SETS OF PARAMETERS > 100|BAD TIME CARD|I/O INVALID}

Explanation: The named database data set has no more space in which to place data and precedes pseudo abend U0844. One of the following occurred: v An attempt to insert a new record into the named data set failed because no space was available. v An insert call was issued to a data set that was defined as DD DSNAME=NULLFILE or DD DUMMY. System action: The application program is pseudoabended with abend U0844. For HISAM or index databases, the database will be stopped. System Operator Response: For HISAM or index databases, you must issue a /START command to restart the database.

Explanation: A control statement was in error. System action: DFSIST40 terminates abnormally. Programmer response: Check the control statements for the specified error. Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSIST40 DFS847I UNRECOGNIZED CONTROL CARD BYPASSED

Explanation: A control statement did not contain a proper keyword. The other control statements are processed, and the job continues.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


System action: DFSIST40 continues execution. Programmer response: Check the control statements. Correct the error, and rerun the job if necessary. Module: DFSIST40 DFS848I CONTROL CARD ERROR, NO OUTPUT SELECTED Module: DFSURPR0 DFS852W REPLACE IGNORED DUE TO FAILURE OF VERIFY

Explanation: A VERIFY operation preceding this REP operation did not compare correctly and caused this REP to be ignored. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Correct input control statement data for the VERIFY, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 8, 11, 35. Also, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=852 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCF00, DFSURGP0, DFSURGS0, DFSURG10, DFSURPR0 DFS853A MISSING/INVALID KEYWORD keyword FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: No messages met the selection criteria of the control statements. System action: DFSIST40 terminates normally. Programmer response: Check the JCL and control statements, and determine if there should have been output. Correct the error, and rerun the job if necessary. Module: DFSIST40 DFS849I NO OUTPUT DATASETS REQUESTED, EOJ

Explanation: The statistics program found that neither IMSLOG0 nor IMSLOGP was specified. System action: DFSIST40 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the JCL, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSIST40 DFS0850W PARTITIONED DATABASE STRUCTURE INITIALIZATION ERROR ENCOUNTERED FOR DATABASE mdbname

Explanation: A control program detected a missing keyword that was required. System action: Processing stops for the utility. Programmer response: Supply the required keyword and data, and resubmit the job. Do not perform a Utility Control Facility restart. Problem determination: 1, 2, 8, 11, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=853 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCF00, DFSURGP0 DFS854A CONTROL STATEMENT ERROR-INVALID/MISSING VALUE FOR KEYWORD keyword

Explanation: Database structure initialization failed for the database identified by mdbname. For additional information, see the accompanying message DFS0415W, if present. System action: Processing continues. The return code is set to 4. User response: Check the JCL for correct RECON data sets and DFSVSAMP DD card. After you correct the error, resubmit the job. Module: DFSURPR0 DFS0851W PARTITIONED DATABASE STRUCTURE TERMINATION ERROR ENCOUNTERED FOR DATA BASE mdbname

Explanation: A control program detected a missing value for a keyword or determined that the value supplied on the keyword was incorrect. System action: Processing stops for the utility. Programmer response: Correct the data, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 8, 11, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=854 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSUCF00, DFSURGP0, DFSURGS0, DFSURPR0

Explanation: The Partition Structure Manager was unable to terminate the database structure for the database identified by mdbname. For additional information, see the accompanying message, DFS0415W, if present. System action: Processing continues. The return code is set to 4.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS855I PRECEDING CARDS WERE USED TO FORM REQUEST nnnn System action: Processing terminates with nonzero return code. Programmer response: Correct any errors noted by the return code, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=858 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSURGP0, DFSURGS0 DFS859A DL/I RETURNED AN ERROR CODE OF return code FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: The control statements listed immediately prior to this message are used to form a single request of the Utility Control Facility. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSUCF00, DFSURGP0, DFSURG10 DFS856A UNABLE TO BUILD CONTROL BLOCKS FOR DATA BASE dbdname FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: The issuing program requested construction of control blocks for the named database. The request was not successfully completed. System action: The job terminates. Programmer response: Ensure that a valid DBD exists for the named database, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=856 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSURGP0, DFSURGS0, DFSURPR0 DFS857I MISSING OR INVALID CONTROL DATASET

Explanation: The issuing program received an unexpected return code after a DL/I call. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Correct any errors indicated by the return code, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=859 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSURGP0, DFSURGS0 DFS860A DUPLICATE INDEX ENTRY followed by one or more lines containing input record in hexadecimal and EBCDIC format

Explanation: The issuing program attempted to read the input control data set generated by the Prereorganization utility (DFSURPR0). One of the following conditions occurred: (1) no control data set was provided. (2) the control data set identified was not present in the first block of the control data set, or (3) the control data set did not contain the number of blocks indicated in the first block of the control data set. Programmer response: Ensure that a valid control data set is provided to the issuing program. Rerun DFSURPR0, if necessary. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURGP0, DFSURGS0, DFSURG10 DFS858A BUFFER HANDLER RETURNED AN ERROR CODE OF cc FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: The issuing program found an input record from the input work file that attempted to create a duplicate index entry where duplicate entries were not defined for the index field named in the input record. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Either redefine the index relationship so that the index violation is removed, or change the database record that caused the duplicate entry creation to be attempted. Then resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURGP0 DFS861I number input-control-card

Explanation: The issuing program received a nonzero return code from the buffer handler. The meaning of this return code can be found in the PST DSECT in the field labeled PSTRTCDE. See buffer handler return codes in the topic titled Return Codes and Function Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1.

Explanation: The issuing program is displaying an input control statement provided for it. Numbers are assigned sequentially for reference by subsequent error messages that might be generated. Programmer response: Verify that the information displayed is consistent with the entered information.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURGP0, DFSURGS0, DFSURPR0 DFS862I DBS=databasename, segmentname DFS865I UNABLE TO CONSTRUCT A CONTROL LIST ENTRY FOR FUNCTION database-name1 segment-name1 database-name2 segment-name2

Explanation: This message might be issued more than one time to provide a list of segments to be scanned by the Database Scan Utility (DFSURGS0). If an OPTIONS=(PUNCH) control statement was provided to the program issuing the message, the portion of this message beginning with the characters DBS will be written to SYSPUNCH. Programmer response: The Database Scan Utility (DFSURGS0) must be run for each of the databases indicated by the scan list provided by this message. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURPR0 DFS863I DUPLICATE NAME ON INPUT CONTROL CARD, number

Explanation: The issuing program was attempting to construct a control list entry for the logical relationship that was defined to exist between the above-named database- and segment-names. The definition was not verified in the control blocks available to DL/I. Programmer response: Ensure that valid DBDs are available to define the indicated logical relationship. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURPR0 DFS866I NORMAL PROGRAM TERMINATION number

Explanation: The issuing program found a database name that appeared on the preceding input control statement (indicated by number). Programmer response: Correct the input control statement preceding the message, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURPR0 DFS864W DBR AND/OR DBIL CONTROL REQUESTS MISSING FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: The issuing program terminated normally. The number, if present, is the number of input work data set records processed by the issuing program. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURGP0, DFSURGS0, DFSURG10, DFSURPR0 DFS867I UTILITY CHECKPOINT, pgm-name chkpt-# volume-serial

Explanation: The issuing program read and interpreted all the control statement requests from the SYSIN (DFSYSIN for Utility Control Facility) data set. After analysis of the control data set, it was found that no reorganizations or initial loads were requested. Although this is possible under the Utility Control Facility, it is an error when executing the Prereorganization Utility (DFSURPR0). System action: If running under UCF, processing continues; otherwise, processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: If running under the Utility Control Facility, ensure that this is correct operation. If not, correct, or if running the Prereorganization utility, supply the required control statements, and resubmit the job. (DO NOT ATTEMPT A RESTART.) If the output is correct, no further action is required. Module: DFSURGS0, DFSURPR0

Explanation: The issuing program completed a checkpoint at one of the intervals specified by the user. The name of the program issuing the message and the checkpoint number are known. The volume serial number that the checkpoint record was written to is also shown. Programmer Response and Operator Response: Record the checkpoint number and volume serial number in case a restart action must be requested. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURGP0, DFSURGS0 DFS868I (INPUT|OUTPUT) VOLUMES: volser1, volser2, etc..

Explanation: This message will be issued one or more times to display the volume serial identifiers of the volumes used to contain the INPUT/OUTPUT work data set of the issuing program. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=868 control statement in


Messages and Codes Volume 2

the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSURGS0 DFS869A SEGMENT segment-name WAS NOT FOUND IN THE CONTROL BLOCKS FOR FUNCTION ff Module: DFSURGL0 Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Not a valid message for UCF. DFS872I DATA BASE NOT SCANNED, database-name

Explanation: The issuing program was unable to locate the control blocks for the named segment. The segment was either listed on an input control statement, or on the input control data set. System action: Processing terminates with a nonzero return code. Programmer response: Ensure that valid DBDs are available for the supplied input control statements or control data set, or both, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=869 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSURGS0 DFS871E error_type ERROR ENCOUNTERED LOADING ILDS WITH DDNAME=ddname RC= nnnnnnnn REASON= yyyyyyyy

Explanation: The named database was not scanned. DFS873I is issued prior to this message. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURGS0 DFS873I SEGMENT NOT SCANNED, database-name segment-name

Explanation: The issuing program found one or more of the following errors when checking the control blocks for the named segment: (1) The named segment was not found in the control blocks for the named database, (2) the named segment does not participate in any logical relationships with any of the segments in the databases listed in the control data set as being initially loaded or reorganized. Programmer response: Ensure that valid DBDs are available for the supplied control statements or control data set, or both. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURGS0 DFS874I FUNCTION REQUEST (STATISTICS|STATUS) DEFAULTS FOLLOWED BY AN *

Explanation: Module DFSURIT0 encountered an error during ILDS data set processing for the ILDS identified by ddname while migrating to a HALDB. In the message text: error_type Describes the error encountered. The possible error types are: ABEND DSPSERV FREEMAIN GETMAIN LOAD SORT VSAM ddname The ILDS that encountered the error. nnnnnnnn The return code found in register 15 when the error was encountered. If error_type is ABEND, this is the abend code. yyyyyyyy The reason code; if the error type is ABEND, RC is blank. System action: Processing terminates with return code 8. The affected ILDS is marked Recovery Needed in RECON. Programmer response: Run the ILDS/INDEX Rebuild Utility (DFSPREC0) to rebuild the ILDS identified by ddname.

Explanation: The Utility Control Facility has prepared a list of all the requested functions along with the defaults that will be used on this execution. This message will be followed by messages DFS875I and DFS876I. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=874 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSURGP0, DFSURGS0 DFS875I FUNCTION functional utility name REQUESTED BY FUNCTION=ff ON REQUEST nnnn

Explanation: The named utility was requested for execution by a control request with a keyword of FUNCTION=ff, and the control statement request sequence was nnnn. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 35. Also, if running
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=875 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSURGP0, DFSURGS0 DFS876I keyword=value * keyword=value * etc.. DFS878W CAUTIONNO LOGICAL CHILD RECORD FOUND FOR THE LOGICAL PARENT RECORD (followed by one or more lines containing input records in hexadecimal and EBCDIC format)

Explanation: This message is issued one or more times to list the requested or defaulted keyword, and values for each requested function of the Utility Control Facility. Note: The defaults for the message are from a FUNCTION=OP statement or UCF only. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. Also, if running under the Utility Control Facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP,MSGNUM=876 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSURG10 DFS877A DUPLICATE RECORD FOR LOGICAL PARENT (followed by one or more lines containing input records in hexadecimal and EBCDIC format)

Explanation: The issuing program expected to find one or more type 10 records for the type 00 input work data set record displayed. A type 00 record is generated for a logical parent. A type 10 record is generated for each of its logical children. This condition could be caused by not supplying as input to the issuing program all work data sets that were generated by the databases currently being initially loaded, reorganized, or scanned. Because it is not necessary for logical children to actually occur for each logical parent, this message is issued as a caution. Prefix resolution might be invalid if this message is issued. It will also be invalid if the user intended to load or reload the logical children belonging to the logical parent. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Ensure that all work data sets are supplied as input. See DFS877A for information on the DFSURWF1 records. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURG10 DFS879A NO LOGICAL PARENT RECORD FOUND FOR LOGICAL CHILD RECORD (followed by one or more lines containing input records in hexadecimal and EBCDIC format)

Explanation: The issuing program found a type 00 input work data set record that was for the same occurrence of a logical parent/logical child pair as a previous input work data set record. Only one type 00 record can exist for a concatenation of a logical child and logical parent segment. This condition could be caused by supplying as input to the issuing program work data sets that were generated by multiple runs of a database initial load reorganization, or scan. Programmer response: The result of prefix resolution is invalid. Determine the cause of the incorrect DFSURWF1 record. These records should be analyzed using the DFSURWF1 DSECT from the assembly of prefix resolution, DFSURG10, or IMS DSECTS module, DFSADSCT. If DBIL is used in PREREORG, then the logical parent concatenated key begins at offset X'19'. If DBR is used in PREREORG, then the LPARENT old address also begins at offset X'19'. This segments RBA address is at offset X'0C' in the DFSURWF1 record. Ensure that only work data sets from databases currently being initially loaded, reorganized, or scanned are supplied as input to the issuing program. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURG10

Explanation: The issuing program expected to find a type 00 record for the type 10, 20, or 30 input work data set record displayed. A type 00 record is generated for a logical parent. A type 10 record is generated for each of its logical children. Type 20 and type 30 records are generated for the logical twin forward and backward pointers, respectively, of each logical child. Programmer response: Same action as specified in message DFS877A. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURG10 DFS880A NO LOGICAL CHILD RECORD FOUND FOR LOGICAL TWIN RECORD (followed by one or more lines containing input records in hexadecimal and EBCDIC format)

Explanation: The issuing program expected to find a type 10 record for the type 20 or 30 input work data set record displayed. Type 10, 20, and 30 records are


Messages and Codes Volume 2

generated as indicated in the explanation of message DFS879A. Programmer response: Same action as specified in DFS877A. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURG10 DFS881I DUPLICATE RECORD FOR LOGICAL CHILD (followed by one or more lines containing input records in hexadecimal and EBCDIC format) z/OS System Operator Response: Report this to the system support personnel. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURGP0, DFSURGS0 DFS885I CAUTIONLIMIT CHECK FAILURE, database-name1, segment-name1 database-name2 segment-name2

Explanation: The issuing program found an input work data set record that was for the same occurrence of a logical child as a previous input work data set record. Only one type 10 record can exist for an occurrence of a logical child. Programmer response: Same action as specified for message DFS877A. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURG10 DFS882I ABNORMAL PROGRAM TERMINATION, number

Explanation: The issuing program detected a failure in the limit check for the concatenated logical child and logical parent segment indicated by the above named database and segment names. The limit check performed is described in the Database Prefix Resolution Utility topic in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager. This message is cautionary only, because the issuing program assumes worst case in computing the limit check. Programmer response: Determine the cause of limit check failure. If none of the components of the limit check can be omitted, consider (1) loading the logical parent or logical child, or both, with an update program, or (2) redefinition of the affected segments so that one or more of the limit check components can be omitted. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURPR0 DFS886I NO DATA IN SYSIN DATASET

Explanation: The issuing program detected one or more error conditions during its operation. The number indicates in which SORT program phase the last-detected error occurred. This message will be issued when another message with a return code greater than 5 or a return code or abend from the SORT program occurs. This message can also indicate an empty work file l input. (For details, see the Database Reorganization/Load Processing topic, Database Scan Utility discussion in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager. Prefix resolution might be invalid if this message is issued. Any affected databases should not be used. Programmer response: Determine the cause of the error (either return codes or error messages) and take appropriate action. Return codes issued by z/OS SORT/MERGE are returned to z/OS by the Prefix Resolution program. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURG10 DFS884I DEVTYPE FAILURE

Explanation: A SYSIN DD statement was supplied, but the data set was empty. The step is terminated and a return code of 16 is passed in register 15. Programmer response: Supply valid data for this data set, and rerun the job. Module: DFSURUL0 DFS888I NO DATA BASE RECORDS FOUND FOR PSB psbname (AFTER CHECKPOINT checkpoint id) (FOR REGION region id)

Explanation: The log data set supplied contained no database log records for the PSB specified. If the input log was created by an online IMS subsystem, this message means that no UOR was found which meets the requirements for backout by the Batch Backout utility. If no control statements are input to Batch Backout, the utility will back out only deferred backouts for the PSB in the execute statement. Check the input log data sets to be sure that the correct log data sets are being supplied to the utility. A frequent cause for this message to be displayed is the
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I

Explanation: The issuing program issued a DEVTYPE macro to obtain information about an input or output device. The return code indicated that the attempt was unsuccessful.


use of logs from the wrong job or the wrong time period. The text AFTER CHECKPOINT checkpoint-id appears only if the log is from a batch job using checkpoints, and a checkpoint record (type 41) is found for the correct PSB. If a checkpoint is present in the message, it is always the last checkpoint-id found. If you specified a CHKPT statement in the SYSIN data set, and if the checkpoint in the message is different than your checkpoint, then one of the following occurred: v IRLM was used during the update. v Another type 41 record exists after the one you specified, and no type 5X records exist between your checkpoint-id and the end of the data set. For descriptions of control statements that the Batch Backout utility backs out, see the Recovery Utilities topic in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSBACK0 DFS889I MULTIPLE LOGICAL CHILD RECORDS/LP NO LT PTRS SPECIFIED (followed by one or more lines containing input records in hexadecimal and EBCDIC format) Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSBACK0 DFS891A DDNAME NOT FOUND OR DEVTYPE ERROR

Explanation: An OPEN macro or DEVTYPE macro was issued for the active format data set with a ddname of FORMATA or FORMATB or a DEVTYPE macro was issued with an invalid AREA address. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with either abend U0889 or abend U0890. Programmer response: Rerun the job with the correct DD statement. Module: DFSIINF0, DFSIING0 DFS892A NOT ENOUGH STORAGE AVAILABLE IN MFBP

Explanation: Not enough storage was available in the message format buffer pool (MFBP) to complete the initialization of the pool. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U0892. Programmer response: Rerun the job, giving more storage to the MFBP. The FBP symbolic parameter of the EXEC statement controls the amount of storage available for the pool. Module: DFSIINF0, DFSIING0 DFS893A I/O ERROR READING $$IMSDIR OR THE DIRECTORY {-nnn}

Explanation: The issuing program found a second logical child record for a logical parent record, but no logical twin pointers were specified for the logical child segment type. A return code of 8 is passed to DFSURG10 from sort exit 35. Abnormal termination message DFS339I is also issued. Programmer response: The user should determine if this condition is according to specification, make corrections, and rerun the Prefix Resolution utility. A possible correction might be removal of input data which caused more then one LC to point to the same LP or a new DBDGEN to include LT pointers in the LC segment. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURG10 DFS890I BLKSIZE NOT SUPPLIED OR IS TOO SMALL FOR INPUT LOG ddname

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while issuing a FIND, POINT, or READ macro for the active FORMAT library during initialization of the message format block pool. This is probably caused by an error in the PDS directory. If the active FORMAT library has concatenated data sets, nnn indicates on which of the concatenated data sets the error occurred. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with either abend U0893 or abend U0894. System Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSIINF0, DFSIING0 DFS894I INVALID RECORD ERROR nn ON INPUT LOG DD ddname

Explanation: The specified input log DD statement did not specify a DCB BLKSIZE parameter and this field could not be obtained from the DSCB. System action: The Database Backout utility terminates. Programmer response: Specify the BLKSIZE value in the DD statement and resubmit the job.

Explanation: One of the following errors, with subcode=nn, occurred on the batch input log: Subcode Meaning


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS895I DFS0900A
01 02 03 04 A variable-length record was read with a field length of zero. A spanned record was encountered. End of block not equal to end of buffer. Next record beyond the end of buffer. contact the IMS system programmer. Module: DFSBACK0 DFS898A INVALID OPTION STATEMENT IN SYSIN - RECORD NUMBER nn

System action: The Database Backout utility, DFSBBO00, terminates unsuccessfully with a return code of RC36 (X'24'). If the ABENDMSG control statement was specified, abend U507 is issued. Programmer response: This error is issued only for a batch input log. This condition can be caused by using an improperly closed log data set as input. Run DFSULTR0 to close the log, and then rerun the job. If the error persists, the log data set is currently unusable for batch backout or forward recovery utilities. Contact the system programmer for database recovery options. Module: DFSBACK0 DFS895I LTERM name STOPPED DUE TO CODE XXX

Explanation: Batch Backout detected a SYSIN data set record that was not a recognized control statement. nn indicates the record number of the invalid control statement in the SYSIN data set. System action: The job terminates with a condition code of 72 before any backout is attempted. Programmer response: Correct or remove the indicated control statement and rerun Batch Backout. See the Batch Backout Utility topic in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager for descriptions of valid control statements. Module: DFSBACK0 DFS899A RELOAD COMPLETED, BUT DBRC FUNC=nnnnnnnn HAS TERMINATED WITH RC=xx

Explanation: IMS remote station support. The logical terminal named in the message was stopped by the receipt of an error message following the transmission of a message to the remote station from the named logical terminal. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSCR2Z0 DFS896A UNEXPECTED RECORD ENCOUNTERED - SEQUENCE ERROR nn on DDNAME ddname

Explanation: The database RELOAD occurs prior to any reorganization call to DBRC (DFSBRLSC ID=REN). The RELOAD completed and message DFS339I shows a return code of 00 or 04. The DBRC call function (DFSBRLSC FUNC=nnnnnnnn) failed with the return code shown in the DFS899A message. System action: Processing continues and the step will terminate with condition code 04. Programmer response: If the return code for message DFS339I was 00, the RELOAD was successful. If the return code for DFS339I was 04, then a prior warning message was issued. In either case, there might be an inconsistency in the RECON data sets. Examine the RECON for the reorganized database and respond to the DBRC DSP messages issued. Module: DFSURGL0 DFS0900A INVALID COMBINATION OF DBIL AND DBR OR DBS FOR DBDS lp/dbdname AND lc/dbdname FOR FUNCTION PO

Explanation: During the forward reading of an input log, Batch Backout performs context checks on log records. One of the context checks failed, implying that the log data set with the identified ddname is out of order. The following subcodes nn identify the error: Subcode 03 Meaning During forward read of a batch log, a TYPE5X record was found with a date-time value lower than a previous record processed. During forward read of a batch log, a TYPE06 record was found with a time stamp less than the current saved.


System action: The Database Backout Utility, DFSBBO00, terminates unsuccessfully with a return code of RC40 (X'28'). If the ABENDMSG control statement was specified, abend U0507 is issued. Programmer response: Rerun the backout, providing all of the needed log data sets, in the order they were created. If all the logs were provided in the correct order, save the log input and the abend U0507. Then,

Explanation: The Prereorganization utility (DFSURPR0) discovered that a database containing a logical parent is being initially loaded (DBIL=) and the logical child database is being reorganized or scanned (DBR= or DBS=). If the logical child DBDname was not specified, function (DBS=) is assumed for that logical child database. System action: Module DFSURPR0 returns a condition code of 8, indicating that the output control data set is not valid, and continues processing the remaining control statements.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0901A DFS0903W
Programmer response: The control data set is invalid and, if used, does not correctly resolve the logical pointers between the existing logical children and the logical parent being initially loaded. Ensure if logical parents are initially loaded that logical children are initially loaded also. Module: DFSURPR0 DFS0901A JJJJJJJJ - QCF/QSN WAIT QUEUE HAS WAITER or you manually inserted them), then use the DBRC NOTIFY.REORG command to record the reorganization activity in the RECON. Important: If message DFS0902A was issued as a result of the drop count exceeding the 10,000 threshold, do not attempt to use the partially loaded data set. Instead, run HDRELOAD again with a good randomizer. Module: DFSURGL0 DFS0902A RELOAD TERMINATED - TOO MANY SEGMENTS DROPPED

Explanation: The dependent region was placed in a wait state by DFSQSPC0, the Queue Control Facility (QCF) version of the Queue Space Notification Exit. The wait state occurred based on IMS queue usage, which exceeded the user or default limits. As a result of the wait state, the wait queue went from empty to queued requests, resulting in message DFS0901A. In the message text, JJJJJJJJ identifies IMS job name. System action: The process is placed in a wait state, and is one of the following: v An input device v An MSC link v A region (MPP, BMP, Fast Path, or CPIC) v A terminal v APPC v OTMA System Operator Response: In the Queue Control Facility (QCF) TSO/ISPF panel, select the Queue Space Notification (QSN) option and list the QSN waiters, then take the appropriate action. Module: DFSQMRE0 DFS0901W RETURN CODE 4 FROM HDAM RANDOMIZER, SEGMENTS DROPPED

Explanation: The HDRELOAD Utility received an FM status code because return code 4 was issued due to HDAM randomizer failures. As a result, the number of segments dropped (drop count) exceeded the 10,000 threshold. For more information on the FM status code, see the DL/I status code information in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: HDRELOAD terminates with user abend 0355. Programmer response: Fix or replace the randomizer module with a different one. Module: DFSURGL0 DFS0903W PARTITION SELECTION ERROR STATUS=FM, SEGMENTS DROPPED

Explanation: While inserting a segment, the HDRELOAD Utility received an FM status code from the HALDB Partition Selection Exit routine because of a HALDB partition selection failure. For more information on the FM status code, see the DL/I status code information in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: The segment name is printed to the job output, followed by the segment data on the next line. This process is repeated for all dependent segments. If the number of segments dropped (drop count) exceeds 10,000, then message DFS0902W is issued and HDRELOAD issues user abend 0355. If the drop count is less than 10,000, then HDRELOAD continues inserting segments and completes with RC=08. Programmer response: Determine the cause of the partition selection error and correct it. The most common causes are: v An incorrect high key range specified for the last partition. v A user-written partition selection exit rejecting the key. Run HDRELOAD again or manually insert the segments. If you need to keep the partially loaded data set (either you do not need the dropped segments or you manually inserted them), make an image copy of the data sets. The incomplete data sets are usable.

Explanation: While inserting a segment, the HDRELOAD Utility received an FM status code as the result of receiving return code 4 from the HDAM randomizer. For more information on the FM status code, see the DL/I status code information in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: The segment name is printed to the job output, followed by the segment data on the next line. This process is repeated for all dependent segments. If the number of segments dropped (drop count) exceeds 10,000, then message DFS0902W is issued and HDRELOAD issues user abend 0355. If the drop count is less than 10,000, then HDRELOAD continues inserting segments and issues user abend 0355 when it completes. Programmer response: Determine the cause of return code 4 from the HDAM randomizer and correct the problem. Run HDRELOAD again or manually insert the segments. If you need to keep the partially loaded data set (either you do not need the dropped segments


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0905I DFS0912I

Explanation: The DBD indicated was not in a recognizable format for IMS; or the DBDLIB link-edited name and the assembled name of DBD are different. System action: Abend U0909 is issued if the online region or batch was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Create the DBD using the IMS DBDGEN, and rerun the program. If the DBD defines a main storage database (MSDB) or a data entry database (DEDB), the IMS system must contain Fast Path support. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0910I INTERNAL PROG LOGIC ERROR PROCESSING PSBpsbname

Explanation: Because of insufficient storage, the ACB utility was unable to build the control blocks for the named PSB. System action: Abend U0905 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Increase the region or partition size, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0906I INVALID PROCOPT FOR SENSEG senseg name IN PSB psbname

Explanation: The named SENSEG statement in the named PSB has an invalid PROCOPT specified. System action: Abend U0906 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the PSB, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0907I PSB psbname REFERENCES LOGICAL DBD dbdname FOR LOAD

Explanation: An internal programming error has occurred processing the indicated PSB. System action: Abend U0910 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Remove the PSB from the processing list and rerun the program. Before contacting the IBM Support Center, have the associated PSB and DBDs available. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0911I ENQ LIST LENGTH ERROR FOR PSB psbname

Explanation: The named PSB has a PCB statement which references the named logical DBD with a PROCOPT of L. Only physical DBDs can be used to load a database. System action: Abend U0907 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the PSB or DBD, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0908I PSB psbname IS NOT A VALID PSB

Explanation: The processing option intent list length was calculated incorrectly for the named PSB. System action: Abend U0911 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: This is an internal program logic error. Remove the PSB, and rerun the program. Problem determination: 19, 35 Module: DFSDLBL0

Explanation: The PSB indicated was not in a recognizable format for IMS. System action: Abend U0908 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Create the PSB using the IMS PSBGEN, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0


PSB psbname REFERENCES SEGM segmname IN DBD dbdname. SEGM NOT FOUND.

Explanation: The named PSB referenced the named SEGM in the named DBD. The named SEGM does not exist in the named DBD. System action: Abend U0912 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the PSB or DBD, and rerun the program.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0913I DFS0919I

Explanation: The named DBD contains an invalid or unknown access method. System action: Abend U0913 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the DBD, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0914I THE PCB FOR DATABASE - dbdname HAS PARTITIONED AND NON PARTITIONED DATABASES SPECIFIED

Explanation: The named DBD requires a sequence field be specified for the root segment. A sequence field was not specified, or the field was specified as nonunique. System action: Abend U0916 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the DBD, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0917I DBD dbdname REFERENCES SEGM segmname IN DBD dbdname. SEGM DOES NOT EXIST.

Explanation: This message can occur during the ACBGEN process if the database referenced by a PCB is related to one or more databases by a logical relationship, or a secondary index, and not all related databases are of the same type. The databases must all be partitioned, or they must all be nonpartitioned. In the message text, dbdname can see a logical database. Use the name of the logical database to determine the referenced physical databases where the type mismatch occurs. System action: The ACBGEN fails with a condition code 08. Programmer response: Correct the database in error so that all of the databases in the logical relationship are either all partitioned or all nonpartitioned. Rerun the program. Module: DFSDLB70 DFS0915I INDEX DBDdbdnameHAS INCORRECT SEQ FIELD LENGTH. LENGTH SHOULD BExxx BYTES.

Explanation: The first DBD referenced the named SEGM in the second DBD. The SEGM does not exist in the second DBD. System action: Abend U0917 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct one or both DBDs, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0918I UNABLE TO LOCATE PHYSICAL PARENT. PSB psbname SENSEG senseg name

Explanation: The named PSB contained a SENSEG statement for the named segment. The SENSEG statement referenced a logical child segment as the first part of a segment concatenation. The second part of the concatenation, the logical or physical parent of the logical child, did not have a valid physical parent. System action: Abend U0918 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the PSB or the DBDs in error, or both, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0919I PSBpsbnamePCBpcbname KEYLEN SPECIFICATION TOO SMALL. KEYLEN SHOULD BExxxxx BYTES

Explanation: The named INDEX DBD has a sequence field length specified which is not equal to the indexed field length. The correct length is indicated. System action: Abend U0915 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the DBD in error, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0

Explanation: The named PCB in the named PSB contains a KEYLEN parameter which is too small to hold the longest fully concatenated key. The correct length is indicated. System action: Abend U0919 is issued if batch DL/I


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0920I DFS0926I
was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the PSB and rerun the program. Module: DBFUDLB0, DFSDLBL0 DFS0920I PSB psbname REFERENCES DBD dbdname WITH CONFLICTING PROCOPTS DFS0923I LC SEGMsegmnameIN DBDdbdnameDATA LENGTH TOO SMALL. LENGTH SHOULD BExxxxx BYTES.

Explanation: The indicated logical child segment in the indicated DBD had a BYTES specification shorter than its logical parents fully concatenated key. The minimum acceptable length is indicated. System action: Abend U0923 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the DBD, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0924I INDEX SEGMENT IN DBDdbdnameTOO SHORT. LENGTH SHOULD BExxxxx BYTES.

Explanation: The named PSB contains at least one reference to the named DBD with a PROCOPT of L and at least one additional reference to the same DBD with a PROCOPT of something other than L. The reference can be direct, such as in a PCB statement, or the reference can be indirect, such as in a DBD which references another DBD through logical or index relationships. System action: Abend U0920 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the PSB or one or more DBDs, or both, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0921I PSB psbname IS NOT A PSB

Explanation: The root segment in the named INDEX DBD had a data length that was too small to hold the required index data. The minimum acceptable length is indicated. System action: Abend U0924 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the DBD in error, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0925I SEGM segmname IN DBD dbdname HAS A SEQ FIELD IN VIRTUAL LPCK AREA

Explanation: The named PSB was loaded. Upon examination it was discovered the PSB was not a valid PSB. System action: Abend U0921 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Check the JCL or control statements, or both. Correct the error, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0922I DBD dbdname IS NOT A DBD

Explanation: A named logical child segment had a sequence field defined which fell within the logical parents concatenated key area in the logical child and the key was specified as VIRTUAL. The key must be specified as PHYSICAL if it is to be used as part of the physical twin sequence field. System action: Abend U0925 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the DBD in error, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0926I INVALID ALT PROC SEQ SPECIFIED FOR SENSEGsegname IN PCBpcbname IN PSBpsbname

Explanation: The named DBD was loaded. Upon examination it was discovered the DBD was not a valid DBD. System action: Abend U0922 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Check the JCL or control statements, or both. Correct the error, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0

Explanation: The indicated PCB in the indicated PSB had an alternative processing sequence specified. The specified secondary index is not valid for the specified SENSEG.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0927I DFS0933I
System action: Abend U0926 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the PSB or the DBDs, or both, and rerun the job. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0927I INDEX DBD dbdname INDEXES NON-EXISTENT FIELD IN DBD dbdname System action: Abend U0930 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the DBD, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0931I INVALID INDEX RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INDEX DBD dbdname AND INDEXED DBD dbdname IN PSB psbname

Explanation: The named INDEX DBD specified an indexed field in the INDEXED DBD which did not exist. System action: Abend U0927 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the DBD in error, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0928I INDEX DBD dbdname INDEXES A FIELD WHICH IS NOT A SEQ FIELD

Explanation: The named INDEXED DBD had an index relationship with the named INDEX DBD. Either the INDEX DBD did not have a similar relationship to the INDEXED DBD (for example, the INDEX DBD specifies a symbol pointer PTR=SYMB and the INDEXED DBD specifies a direct pointer PTR=INDX), or another DBD referenced in the named PSB also had an index relationship with the INDEX DBD. System action: Abend U0931 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the appropriate PSB or DBDs, or both, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0932I INDEX DBD dbdname HAS NO SEQ FIELD

Explanation: The named INDEX DBD indexes a valid field, but the field is not a sequence field. System action: Abend U0928 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the DBD in error, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0929I BLDL FAILED FOR MEMBER -- member name

Explanation: The named INDEX DBD does not have a sequence field defined for the index segment. System action: Abend U0932 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the INDEX DBD, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0933I INVALID INDICES=(index name) SPECIFIED FOR PSBpsbname

Explanation: A BLDL was issued for the named member. The member was not found in the DBD or PSB library. System action: Abend U0929 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the error in the appropriate library, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0930I INVALID SEGMENT PAIRING FOR SEGM segmname IN DBD dbdname

Explanation: The indicated PSB contained an INDICES operand which was invalid. The indicated value of the INDICES operand was not a valid index name for the associated SENSEG statement. System action: Abend U0933 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the PSB or DBDs in error, and rerun the job. Module: DFSDLBL0

Explanation: The named DBD contained an LCHILD statement which referenced the named SEGM in a PAIR=operand. The named SEGM could not be found or the named SEGM was a virtual segment and the source segment contained a PTR=PAIRED operand.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0934I DFS0941I
DFS0934I PSB psbname REFERENCED SEGM segmname IN DBD dbdname. SEGM HAS INVALID POINTERS System action: Abend U0937 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the DBD, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0938I DELETE PROCESSING COMPLETE FOR {DBD|PSB} membername

Explanation: The named PSB referenced the named logical child SEGM in the named DBD. The logical child requires the logical parents concatenated key to be stored physically but VIRTUAL was specified, or the LP segment could not be located in the specified DBD. System action: Abend U0934 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the appropriate DBD, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0935I INVALID LOGICAL STRUCTURE FOR SEGM segmname IN DBD dbdname, PSB psbname

Explanation: The named PSB or DBD was deleted from the IMS.ACBLIB by user request. System action: Abend U0938 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Module: DFSUACB0, DFSUAMB0 DFS0939I INVALID PARMS SPECIFIED IN PARM FIELD

Explanation: The named PSB referenced the named DBD through a SENSEG statement. However, a logical structure or relationship within this segment definition is invalid. System action: Abend U0935 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the named DBD or the logical DBD referenced by the PSB, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0936I SEGM segmname IN PSB psbname SPECIFIED LOAD FOR VIRTUAL SEGMENT

Explanation: The EXEC statement parameters specified were invalid or inconsistent. System action: Abend U0939 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the PARM field on the EXEC statement, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSUACB0 DFS0940I {PSB|DBD} (psgname|dbdname) HAS BEEN {ADDED|REPLACED} IN LIBRARY. {PSB SIZE|DMB} SIZE = xxxxxx BYTES

Explanation: The named SEGM was referenced in the named PSB with a PROCOPT of L or LS. The SEGM is a virtual segment and as such cannot be loaded. System action: Abend U0936 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the PSB, and rerun the program. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0937I MISSING PARENS ON SOURCE OPERANDsegname DBDNAMEdbdname

Explanation: The named PSB or DBD has been modified in the ACB library. If it did not exist, it has been added. If it did exist, it has been replaced. The size of the member is as indicated. Module: DFSUACB0, DFSUAMB0 DFS0941I PSB XXXXXXXX IF USING DL/I SUBORDINATE ADDRESS SPACE, CSA SIZE = xxxxxx, SAS SIZE = yyyyyy

Explanation: The named DBD specified the named segment as a virtual segment. The SOURCE operand in the SEGM statement contained more than one SOURCE operand. The probable cause is a missing pair of parentheses on the SOURCE operand.

Explanation: PSB XXXXXXXX has been inserted or replaced in ACBLlB. If using DL/I subordinate address space, the PSB will require xxxxxx bytes of space in CSA and yyyyyy bytes of space in DL/I subordinate address space private. If the PSB is defined as resident, the resident CSA PSB and DL/I PSB space is computed and obtained at initialization time. If not resident, the space is obtained from each PSB pool when the PSB is first used. The sum of CSA size and SAS size in this message is not necessarily the same as the PSB size given in message DFS0940. The PSB size in message DFS0940
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0942I DFS0949I
includes the size of the intent list. The size of the CSA PSB and the SAS PSB do not include the size of the intent list. Module: DFSUAMB0 DFS0942I IF USING DL/I SUBORDINATE ADDRESS SPACE, MAX CSA = wwwwww MAX SAS = xxxxxx AVERAGE CSA = yyyyyy AVERAGE SAS = zzzzzz DFS0946I INDEX DBDdbdname INDEXES A SYSTEM RELATED FIELD

Explanation: The indicated INDEX DBD contained an INDEX= operand that specified a field name with a /CK as the first 3 characters. System action: Abend U0939 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the DBD, and rerun the job. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0947I DBD dbdname BUILD DID NOT FORCE PSB REBUILDS.

Explanation: If using DL/I subordinate address space, wwwwww is the largest CSA space requirement, and xxxxxx is the largest DL/I private space requirement for any single PSB processed by this ACBGEN. For all PSBs processed by the ACBGEN, yyyyyy is the average CSA space requirement, and zzzzzz is the average DL/I private space requirement. The ratio of the average CSA and average SAS might provide some basis for determining the relative size of the two PSB pools. The ideal ratio might, however, be different because of other PSBs not processed by this ACBGEN or the frequency distribution of PSBs in the pool. Module: DFSUACB0 DFS0944W BUILD FOR dbdname FAILED. A REQUIRED DBD WAS NOT IN DBDLIB

Explanation: The database dbdname was specified in a 'BUILD DBD=' statement but was unchanged in the areas that required rebuild of referencing PSBs. These PSBs are not automatically rebuilt. (All PSBs explicitly listed on 'BUILD DBD=' statements will be rebuilt.) PSB Selective Rebuild does not apply to Fastpath Databases or shared secondary index Data Bases. System action: DBD is replaced in ACBLIB, but referencing PSBs are not changed. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSUAMB0 DFS0948I SEGMsegmnameIN DBDdbdnameIS VARIABLE LENGTH. PHYSICAL PAIR OF SEGMENT IS FIXED LENGTH.

Explanation: An explicit ACB Generation request was made to build a DMB using a BUILD DBD=dbdname control statement, but a required DBD was not in DBDLIB. The missing DBD could be either the named DBD or a logically related DBD. This message is preceded by a DFS0929I message for the missing DBD. System action: The DBD is not replaced or added, and a return code 8 is set. Programmer response: Add the missing DBD to DBDLIB and rerun ACB Generation. Module: DFSUACB0 DFS0945I PSBpsbnamePCBpcbname HAS NO SENSITIVE SEGMENTS.

Explanation: The indicated segment in the indicated DBD was a physically paired logical child of variable length. The opposite pair was fixed length. Physically paired segments must have the same length attributes. System action: Abend U0941 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the DBD in error, and rerun the job. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0949I INDEX DBDdbdnameINDEXES ITSELF

Explanation: The named database PCB within the named PSB had no SENSEG statements defined at PSBGEN time. The PSBGEN was invalid. System action: Abend U0938 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the PSB source statements, and rerun PSBGEN. Module: DFSDLBL0

Explanation: The indicated INDEX DBD contained an LCHILD statement that contained the same database name for the indexed database as the name for this index database. System action: Abend U0942 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0950I DFS0954I
Programmer response: Correct the DBD, and rerun the job. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0950I LOGICAL CHILD OR LOGICAL PARENT IN DBD dbdname REFERENCES SEGM segment name. REFERENCED SEGM HAS NO CORRESPONDING REFERENCE. is L or LS. For a secondary index DBD, processing option of I is also invalid, but if I is specified, the processing option is changed to exclude the I and warning message DFS2438W is sent. System action: If this condition occurs while building the blocks in a batch DLI region, abend U0958 is issued. If this condition occurs while doing an ACBGEN, the ACBGEN continues and additional messages indicate the action taken regarding the PSB is in error. Programmer response: Change the PSB to not reference the primary or secondary index DBD; or change the processing option of the PCB to a valid processing option for the index DBD. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 35 Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0953I LOGICAL CHILD IN DATA BASE xxxxxxxx HAS A L/P PTR SPECIFIED. LOGICAL PARENT IS IN HISAM ORG.

Explanation: An invalid logical relationship exists: v A logical child references the named segment in the indicated database and the named logical parent does not have an LCHILD statement. v A logical parent references a logical child segment in the named database and the logical child does not have a reference for the logical parent. v A logical DBD does not contain a reference to the named segment in the SOURCE= operand that references its corresponding logical child or logical parent. System action: Abend U0943 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the DBD, and rerun the job. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0951I SEGM segment name IS PHYSICALLY PAIRED. ITS PAIR DOES NOT HAVE EQUAL INTERSECTION DATA LENGTH.

Explanation: An error exists in the logical child SEGM statement in database xxxxxxxx. It is not permissible to specify a direct pointer to a database with HISAM organization. PTR=LP is the incorrect specification; only PTR= should be specified. System action: If running under DL/I, IMS terminates abnormally with abend 0959. Programmer response: Correct the logical child SEGM statement to remove the LP specification. Specify instead only PTR= and reassemble the DBD. Rerun the job. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0954I LOGICAL PARENT IN DATA BASE xxxxxxxx HAS AN L/C POINTER. THE REFERENCE L/C IS IN HISAM ORG.

Explanation: The referenced segment is physically paired. Either the two intersection data lengths are not equal (for fixed length segments); or the maximum intersection data lengths for the two paired segments are not equal. System action: Abend U0957 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was being run. Programmer response: Correct the DBD, and rerun the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 35 Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0952I INVALID PROCOPT SPECIFIED FOR PRIMARY INDEX DBD nnnnnnn

Explanation: An error exists in the LCHILD statement in database xxxxxxxx. You have specified either PTR=SNGL or PTR=DBLE; both specifications are incorrect. It is not permissible to specify a direct pointer to a database with HISAM organization. System action: If running under DL/I, IMS terminates abnormally with abend 0960. Programmer response: Correct the LCHILD statement, reassemble the DBD, and rerun the job. Module: DFSDLBL0

Explanation: An invalid PCB processing option is specified for PCB which references either a primary or secondary index DBD. If a PCB references a primary index DBD, the only valid processing option is G, or GOx. If a PCB references a secondary index DBD, this message will be returned if the PCB processing option

Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0955I DFS961W

Explanation: An error exists in the XDFLD statement in the DBD that points to the shared Index. You have specified more than one XDFLD constant of the same value. Each XDFLD statement for a shared Index must have a unique CONST= specification. System action: If running under DL/I, IMS terminates abnormally with abend 0961. Programmer response: Correct the XDFLD statements in error, reassemble the DBDs, and rerun the job. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0956I PSB psbname CONTAINS AN HIERARCHIC SEQUENCE ERROR AT SENSEG segname

Explanation: The batch-checkpoint record specified by a CHKPT statement has been located on the log, but a subsequent scheduling of the program is found on the same log volume. No backout is performed. Programmer response: Only database changes made during the most recent scheduling of a program should be backed out. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSBACK0 DFS0960I WARNING DBDdbdnameNOT REPLACED IN LIBRARY

Explanation: The SENSEG statements within the named PSB were not specified in hierarchic sequence (top to bottom, left to right). System action: Abend U0962 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the order of the SENSEG statements, and rerun the job. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS0957W PSB psbname IS TOO LARGE FOR ACBGEN.SIZE=xxxxxxxx MAXIMUM=04194240

Explanation: The named DBD was processed as the result of a BUILD PSB= request but the DBD already existed in the ACBLIB. If BUILD DBD= was specified, a PSB referenced the requested DBD and the named DBD. The named DBD was not rebuilt. System action: IMS continues processing but will generate a return code of 4. Programmer response: If the named DBD requires replacement in the ACBLIB, the DBD must be processed with a BUILD DBD= control statement. Problem determination: 2, 4, 17d, 18, 19 Module: DFSUAMB0 DFS961W MULTIPLE OCCURRENCES OF LOGICAL TWIN SEQ FIELD DETECTED. FIELD DEFINED AS UNIQUE.

Explanation: ACBGEN determined that PSB psbname exceeded the size allowed by IMS. The generated PSB size is xxxxxxxx. The maximum allowed PSB size is 4,194,240 bytes. System action: The PSB is deleted from ACBLIB and a return code 8 is set. ACBGEN continues with the next PSB. Programmer response: Redesign the PSB with fewer SENSEG and PCB statements. Module: DFSUAMB0 DFS958I CHKPT NOT FOUND ON LOG

Explanation: A database with a logical child indicated a unique logical twin sequence field was already loaded with nonunique logical twin sequence fields. System action: IMS continues processing. The Prefix Update utility (DFSURGP0) will mark the nonunique logical twin record deleted on the logical path. The delete rules are ignored. Programmer response: Delete the affected segments and reinsert them with corrected sequence fields during any subsequent update run. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36 Module: DFSURG10

Explanation: A checkpoint ID has been specified by a CHKPT statement as a stopping point for the database-backout process, but a corresponding batch-checkpoint record was not found on the log. No backout is performed. Programmer response: Ensure that the correct ID is specified and the correct log data set is mounted. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 36


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS0962I DFS967I
DFS0962I DBD dbdname NOT PROCESSED. NO ACBLIB PSB REFERENCES THE NAMED DBD. LRECL (as defined to VSAM) and the values in the input image copy header record. System action: If an ABEND control statement is provided, abend U0302 is issued. Otherwise, processing continues, but a return code of 8 is generated. Programmer response: The DBD contains the data set logical record and the block size that is different from the header values of the same data set. Verify that the DBD name and the ddname are correct, and that the DBD was not changed. If the output is a preallocated VSAM data set, ensure that the CINV and LRECL values defined to VSAM agree with the DBD values. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 35. If running under the Utility Control facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP, MSGNUM=965 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Module: DFSURDB0 DFS966W RECOVERY OF ROOT ONLY VSAM ESDS HISAM DATA BASE ddname NOT REQUIRED

Explanation: A BUILD DBD= control statement requested processing of the named DBD, and no PSB in the ACBLIB references the DBD. System action: IMS continues processing. Programmer response: Verify that the correct DBD name has been specified and that the PSBs that reference the DBD were not previously deleted. Module: DFSUACB0 DFS0963W PURGE DATE CONFLICTS WITH INPUT ACCUM DATA FROM DD ddname DATA BASE database name FOR FUNCTION CA.

Explanation: The old change-accumulation-data set header record contains a creation date and time. The specified purge date is prior to the creation data and time. If the input log data set contains records created prior to the old change accumulation database, extra records will have been accumulated that cannot be used in recovery. System action: IMS continues processing but will generate a return code of 4. Programmer response: Ensure that the input log data set does not include any records for the named database that were created prior to the old change accumulation database. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36 Module: DFSUC350 DFS964I INVALID PROCOPT SPECIFIED FOR PCB=pcbname, IN PSB=psbname

Explanation: One of the following conditions exists: v You attempted to access the ESDS of a root-only VSAM HISAM database. This data set is not used by IMS and is not required for processing. It cannot be image-copied or recovered. v The specified ddname does not belong to this database. System action: The utility completes normally without image copying the ESDS or recovering the ESDS data set. Programmer response: If condition 1, above, does not pertain, verify that the ddname belongs to this DBD and that it is spelled correctly. Correct any error and rerun the job. System Operator Response: If running under the Utility Control facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP, MSGNUM=966 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36 Module: DFSRCP00 DFS967I WARNING-EMPTY DATASETDDNAME-ddname

Explanation: The named PCB contains a PROCOPT of H but the DBD is not a DEBD. The PROCOPT H is only valid for a DEDB. System action: Abend U0996 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was running. Programmer response: Correct the PSB and run the program again. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS965A DBD LRECL OR BLKSIZE DIFFERS FROM IMAGE HEADER

Explanation: The Image Copy utility found the specified data set to be empty. System action: The utility completes processing with a return code of 4. Programmer response: If the empty data set condition is invalid, ensure that all input is correct and resubmit the job.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I

Explanation: The Recovery utility compared the data set logical record and the block size for the data set being recovered and detected a difference between the DBD values and the values in the input image copy header record, or differences between CINV and


Module: DFSUDMP0 DFS968I DBD=dbdname WITHIN PSB=psbname SUCCESSFULLY BACKED OUT Failure occurred during CLSDST/TRMSESS processing. v GENCB/MODCB ERROR A failure occurred during the attempt to set up the RPL or NIB for an OPNDST or CLSDST. v FORCED CLEANUP DONE A /CLS FORCE command was issued to simulate a NSEXIT with a cleanup RU to free a hung node with outstanding I/O. RC, FDB2, and RPLREQ are from the RPL with the outstanding I/O. v SESSION FAILED Node connection terminated. Command: Indicates type of command being run when failure occurred: v UNDEFN RPL has an undefined value in the RPLREQ field. v SETLOG Failure occurred during SETLOGON command. v SIMLOG Failure occurred during SIMLOGON command. v OPNDST|OPNSEC Failure occurred during OPNDST or OPNSEC command. v CLSDST|TRMSESS Failure occurred during CLSDST or TRMSESS command. v SEND Failure occurred during SEND command. v RECEIV Failure occurred during RECEIVE command. v RESETSR Failure occurred during RESETSR command. v INQUIR Failure occurred in attempting to inquire for BIND parameters. v SESSNC Failure occurred during SESSIONC command. v RQR Invalid VTAM RQR command received by IMS for this node v ****** Normal if there was no operation in progress, or LOSTERM has a hexadecimal value. Error Data: v RC=value in the RPLRTNCD field. v FDB2=value in the RPLFDB2 field. v LOSTERM=|NSEXIT=value passed to the IMS LOSTERM or NSEXIT exit by VTAM. X'0C' - LOSTERM X'29' - NSPE Cleanup RU X'20' - NSPE Notify RU X'B0' - Unbind received

Explanation: This message identifies a successful backout for the named database. Module: DFSRBOI0 DFS969I ERROR LOADING PSB xxxxxxxx FOR BACKOUT

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Explanation: DL/I blocks could not be loaded for a PSB requiring backout. The reason might be insufficient pool space, an I/O error (message DFS561I will have been issued), or errors occurring during IMS initialization (appropriate messages will have been issued). System action: Backout is not done. The program and databases requiring backout are stopped. Processing continues. System Operator Response: Run the Batch Backout Utility for the PSB named before starting the PSB and databases. Problem determination: 1, 5, 8, 11; and a dump taken with CHECKPOINT FREEZE ABDUMP. Module: DFSRBOI0 DFS970I (UNEXPECTED STATUS| OPNDST/OPNSESS FAILED| CLSDST/TRMSESS FAILED| GENCB/MODCB ERROR| FORCED CLEANUP DONE| SESSION FAILURE), NODE node name, USER/user name| N/A, (UNDEFN|SETLOG | SIMLOG | OPNDST | OPNSEC | CLSDST | SEND | RECEIV | TRMSES | RQR | RESTSR | INQUIR|SESSNC | ******), RC=,FDB2=, LOSTERM= | NSEXIT= | UNBIND=, SENSE=, REASON=

Explanation: The following explains the function and commands of this message: Function: Indicates function being performed when failure occurred: v UNEXPECTED STATUS RC,FDB2 and RPLREQ field in the RPL had an invalid combination (that is, SEND operation completed with an invalid return code being returned for SEND), or LOSTERM EXIT was scheduled. v OPNDST/OPNSESS Failure occurred during OPNDST/OPNSESS processing. v CLSDST/TRMSESS


Messages and Codes Volume 2

X'00' - Neither LOSTERM nor SPE v UNBIND=unbind code passed to IMS SCIP exit by VTAM. v SENSE=sense code passed from VTAM, DEVICE, or NSEXIT. v REASON=reason code generated by NSEXIT or UNBIND Note: See VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming for a more detailed description of VTAM indicators and sense values. System action: ACF/VTAM terminated the session, but IMS continues processing. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: Try to start the session after diagnosing the problem. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 Module: DFSCM7A0, DFSCVCS0, DFSCVHA0, DFSDN280 DFS971I (I/O ERR|INT REQ) NODE node name, ssbytes, error description continues normally after the node (terminal) is made ready. Master Terminal Operator Response: Attempt to OPNDST the node and continue operation if possible; if not possible, see Problem Determination. For intervention-required processing, make the node ready and processing should continue normally. Obtain IMS Transaction Manager trace of the failure. Problem determination: 14, 23, 36 Module: DFSCVEO0 DFS972A *IMS (DCCTL) AWAITING MORE INPUT*

Explanation: A multisegment message has been started from the system console. More data is required to complete the message. If (DCCTL) is displayed in the message, you are in the DCCTL environment. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Enter the required segments, ending the last segment with a period. System action: Processing continues, but ITASK waits for input. Module: DFSDNSC0 DFS973I LINE xxx, PTERM yyy, aaa, {G|S}, tttt, ssss, conditions

Explanation: An I/O operation to an IBM 3270 device completed abnormally. The ssbytes are 3270 sense/status bytes out of the RPL as passed to IMS by VTAM. The error-description-field VTAM indicators are: PATH A recoverable-path error occurred. CPM An unrecoverable error occurred. STATE An error occurred in the nodes use of bracket indicators. FI A function-interpreter error occurred. RR A request-reject error occurred. The error-description-field sense/status indicators are: DB Device Busy US Unit Specify DE Device End TC Transmission Check CR Command Reject IR Intervention Required EC Equipment Check DC Data Check CC Control Check OC Operation Check Note: See VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming and VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming and VTAM Messages and Codes for more detailed descriptions of VTAM indicators; see IBM 3270 Information Display System for more detailed information on 3270 sense or status indicators. System action: CLSDST the node except for intervention-required conditions. On intervention-required processing, the operation

Explanation: A remote 3271/3275 on line aaa, which is IMS line xxx, pterm yyy, has sent IMS a sense-status message containing information other than a device-end (X'C240'). The message was sent in response to a specific or general poll from IMS, as represented by an S or a G. The terminal address sent by the 3270 is displayed in the field represented by tttt, and the sense-status bytes are displayed in field ssss. The sense-status bytes are interpreted and printed in the conditions area. The interpretations have the following meanings: Byte DB US DE TC CR IR EC DC CC OC Meaning Device busy Unit specify Device end Transmission check Command reject Intervention required Equipment check Data check Control check Operation check

Master Terminal Operator Response: If message DFS072I, DFS251I or DFS0253I is also received for the 3270 terminal, the information in this message should be given to the IBM representative. Problem determination: 1, 6, 14, 23
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS0974I DFS978I
Module: DFSC3270 DFS0974I SEGMENT xxxxxxxx IN DATABASE yyyyyyyy HAS AN INVALID DELETE RULE FOR SEGMENT DATA USER EXITS keyword caused the number of messages (nnn) to be purged from the message queue. A purged Fast Path message, if any, is included in the displayed count of purged messages. The user exit requests to purge the messages from the queue and then reroute them to a different destination. The variable x is the number of purged messages that were rerouted. System action: The command completed successfully. System programmer response: Find the default action from Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Look for the error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute, if appropriate. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Problem determination: 14 Module: DFSICLJ0 DFS977I INOP/NA: n n n n

Explanation: Segment xxxxxxxx in database yyyyyyyy has a delete rule that is not supported for exits defined on the DBD/SEGM statement as EXIT=. System action: Processing terminates with RC=8. Programmer response: Correct the EXIT= definition. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, and 19. Module: DFSDLB00 DFS975W NON-RECOVERABLE DBD=xxxxxxxx WITHIN PSB=yyyyyyyy STOPPED DUE TO UNKNOWN BACKOUT STATUS

Explanation: IMS encountered a situation in which the databases modified by application yyyyyyyy needed to be backed out. The backout could not be completed. Database xxxxxxxx is stopped. Because this is a non-recoverable database, IMS will not make any further attempt to back it out. It should not be started until it has been restored to an acceptable condition. System action: The database xxxxxxxx is stopped. System programmer response: Restore the database. Module: DFSRBOI0, DFSRBLB0 DFS976I nnn MESSAGE(S) PURGED

Explanation: The DEQ command with the PURGE keyword caused the number of messages (nnn) to be purged from the message queue. A purged Fast Path message (if any) is included in the displayed count of messages. System action: The command completed successfully. DFS976I nnn MESSAGE(S) PURGED, x PURGED MSG(S) REROUTED nnn MESSAGES(S) PURGED, DEQ CMD SUPPRESSED BY MESSAGE CONTROL ERROR EXIT nnn MESSAGES(S) PURGED, x PURGED MSG(S) REROUTED, DEQ CMD SUPPRESSED BY MESSAGE CONTROL ERROR EXIT

Explanation: The 2770 terminal recognized a component error and has marked a component inoperable. After the error has been processed, this message is printed at the 2770 terminal if there is an available printer or 2265 component to receive the message. The message depicts the current terminal status. All inoperable or not-attached component slots have their slot number (n) placed in the message. Entering Terminal Operator Response: Correct the error condition at the terminal, verify data processed by the system, and issue the proper component restart command. See IMS Version 9: Command Reference. Module: DFSDN090 DFS978I PLEASE RESEND LAST LINE


Explanation: An I/O error has occurred reading the last segment. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the last segment, or, if desired, use a /CANCEL command to cancel all previous segments. Problem determination: 1, 6, 23 Module: DFSCLMO0, DFSDS050


Explanation: The /DEQUEUE command for NODE, LTERM, and MSNAME causes the invocation of Message Control/Error Exit prior to the processing of each message. A /DEQUEUE command with the PURGE


Messages and Codes Volume 2


Explanation: Emergency restart has determined that the batch message program mentioned was active at the time of the failure that necessitated the emergency restart.


| This message can also occur from a failure during a | backout process during other processing.
System action: By restartthe program and its associated databases are stopped. Message DFS981I will accompany this message to identify the stopped databases. Master Terminal Operator Response: Run the Batch Backout utility, DFSBBO00, as described in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager, using the same tapes as entered for the emergency restart. Then start the program and databases, and rerun the batch message program. Problem determination: 4, 5 Module: DFSRBLB0, DFSRBOI0 DFS980I hh:mm:ss BACKOUT PROCESSING HAS ENDED FOR PSB psbname

Explanation: The first message is issued only in batch. The second message is the online (TM and DBCTL) form of the message, where yyddd/hhmmss is the last system checkpoint ID that occurred prior to the start of the unit-of-recovery being backed out. An error occurred while reading the log. If an I/O error occurred, message DFS0414I should be issued. If DBRC is active, it must be notified when the database is recovered. If DBRC is inactive, this message might be issued again, even though recovery is no longer required. DBRC is notified automatically when Batch Backout is run.

| | | |

This message can also be issued when a problem occurs and there is an excessive number of records to back out and some records needed for backout had already been archived. System action: IMS processing continues, but the backout fails. Module: DFSRBOI0 DFS983I I/O ERROR IN DATA BASE xxxxxxxx, PROGRAM xxxxxxxx DURING BACKOUT.

Explanation: The database backout facility has ended for the named PSB. This can occur during emergency restart or dynamic backout during online execution with program isolation. Message DFS968I or DFS981I precedes this message for each database within the PSB involved in the backout. System action: Normal processing continues. Module: DFSRBOI0 DFS981I DBD=dbdname WITHIN PSB=psbname STOPPED DUE TO (BACKOUT FAILURE|ERE NOBMP START|COLDBASE START|REMOTE TAKEOVER)

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while emergency restart or dynamic backout was attempting to back out incomplete transactions for the database and program specified. The database is stopped, and processing is allowed to continue against the remaining databases. This message can be issued with PURGE in the place of the database name. This indicates that the call to purge the buffers used for this backout has failed. Subsequently, to protect database integrity and ensure that all transactions against the database and PSB are backed out, batch backout should be performed. System action: The database is stopped and normal processing continues. Programmer response: The user should run the Data Base Recovery utility against the data base. When the recovery is complete, the Data Base Backout utility should be run, specifying the program indicated in the error message and the same tapes used for input to the emergency restart. Running the Batch Backout utility after this error message might result in message DFS888I being returned from batch backout indicating no backouts exist for PSB xxxxxxxx. Provided that the correct input tapes were used, DFS888I indicates that the prior emergency restart or dynamic backout did successfully backout the incomplete transactions for the database / program name, before the I/O error
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I

Explanation: This message identifies a database that was stopped for the specified reason. Programmer response: In all cases, you need to do a backout for the database. For the BACKOUT FAILURE and ERE NOBMP START reasons, you can do the backout by entering a /START DB or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command. For the COLDBASE START reason, you must do a batch backout. For the REMOTE TAKEOVER, a forward recovery followed by a batch backout are required. Module: DFSRBOI0, DFSRBLB0

| |


(DFS983I) was incurred. For more information on recovery utilities, see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager. Master Terminal Operator Response: When the recovery and backout is complete, the user should start the database and program with the appropriate master terminal commands. Problem determination: 1, 5, 8, 11 Module: DFSRBOI0 DFS984I UNABLE TO OPEN DATA BASE xxxxxxxx, PROGRAM xxxxxxxx FOR BACKOUT. v If RC=00000004 is received during /ERE processing, a data management block (DMB) directory entry might not have been found for the database being backed out. Be sure the IMS nucleus used to restart the system is the same one in use at the time of the original system failure. If this is the problem, restart the IMS job specifying the correct nucleus; then rerun the emergency restart. v If RC=00000010 is received, the most likely reason is because register 3 contained a negative value when the CSRCESRV macro was issued. v If RC=Uxxxx (xxxx is the pseudoabend code that occurred during /ERE or Dynamic Backout), or RC=00000004 and the first case is not the problem, then the type X'67FF' pseudoabend record on the log data set is needed to determine the cause of the problem. Run the Database Backout utility specifying program pppppppp and either the logs used for input to the emergency restart or the logs in use at the time of the dynamic backout. Master Terminal Operator Response: For the first case, reinitialize IMS; then retry the emergency restart. For the second case, start the database and the program with the appropriate master terminal operator after the database recovery or backout, or both, are complete. Problem determination: 1, 5, 8, 17b Module: DFSRBOI0 DFS986A CANNOT OPEN SYSTEM DATASETDD NAMEnnnnnnnn, RC=xx

Explanation: Emergency restart was unable to open a data set for backout processing. System action: The database and the program are stopped and normal processing continues. Programmer response: Check the DD statement for the database involved and make certain it is online. If the JCL is correct, the failure that prompted the emergency restart might have damaged the database. If this is the case, follow the programmer response for message DFS983I. If this is not the case, run the Database Backout utility specifying the program indicated in the error message and the same tapes used for input to the emergency restart. See the Database Recovery Utility topic of IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager. Master Terminal Operator Response: After database recovery or backout, or both, are complete, the user should start the database and the program with the appropriate master terminal commands. Problem determination: 1, 5, 8 Module: DFSRBOI0 DFS985I SYSTEM ERROR DURING BACKOUT FOR DB=dddddddd, PGM=pppppppp, LOG SEQ=yyyyyyyy, RC=zzzzzzzz

Explanation: A DD statement is missing or a data set requires formatting. During a restart with formatting, an I/O error might have occurred in the indicated data set. Return code xx is defined as follows: Code (Hex) Meaning 00 This is a normal condition. 04 The DCB is already being opened or closed. 08 The DCB is already open. 0C The DECBTYPE is invalid. 10 A failure occurred in the IMS SVC. DCBWRK1 indicates the reason. See message DFS0730I for error subcodes. 14 An I/O error occurred while the OSAM OPEN routine was scanning for a file mark, formatting, or writing a file mark. See DECBSTAT for additional information. 18 An invalid RBN was calculated. The RBN is either 0 or greater than the maximum RBN for the data set. When multiple data sets are defined for the short or long message queue, the error might be caused by the incorrect space specification of the multiple data sets. See the topic on IMS.QBLKS, IMS.SHMSG/1-9, and IMS.LGMSG/1-9 in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 1: Installation Verification

Explanation: An error occurred while emergency restart or dynamic backout was attempting to back out incomplete transactions for data base dddddddd and program pppppppp. The field yyyyyyyy is the hexadecimal sequence number of the data base change log record being processed. The field zzzzzzzz is either a pseudoabend code that occurred during backout, the value 4, or the value 10. A value of 4 or 10 indicates an error other than a pseudoabend occurred. System action: The database and the program are stopped, and processing continues. A type X'67FF' pseudoabend is written to the log data set. Programmer response: The following two cases should help determine and resolve the problem:


Messages and Codes Volume 2

and the topic on message queue data set allocation in IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: System. An error occurred during EOV processing for the data set. While opening the Queue Manager's system data set, an invalid ddname was found. Entering Terminal Operator Response: Correct the card in error, and resubmit the job from that point. Module: DFSDN050, DFSDN090 DFS991I IMS SHUTDOWN

24 28

System action: IMS waits for another restart command to be entered. Programmer response: Make sure that a DD statement exists for the referenced data set, and if DISP=OLD, the data set is available to the system. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the restart command with BLDQ and FORMAT keywords, as appropriate. Problem determination: 1, 8, 11 Module: DFSQDOC0

Explanation: This message is sent to all active terminals when the system is shut down. Module: DFSICIO0 DFS992I DMB POOL TOO SMALL, UNABLE TO SCHEDULE PSB psbname

Explanation: The named PSB cannot be scheduled because the data management block pool is too small to hold all of the required data management blocks. Programmer response: Change the appropriate parameter to make the pool larger, and restart the system. Module: DFSDPDM0 DFS993I (CSA PSB|DLS PSB|PSBW) POOL TOO SMALL, UNABLE TO SCHEDULE PSB PSBNAME.

| DFS987I | | | | | | | | |


Explanation: IMS encountered an archived log record for a non-recoverable database while reading the SLDS during dynamic backout. Because this record cannot be used for a backout, IMS makes no further attempt to back it out. The backout could not be completed. You should not start the backout until the database has been restored to an acceptable condition.

| Message DFS981I or DFS975W follows this message for | each database within the PSB involved in the backout. | System action: The database is stopped. IMS | processing continues, but the backout fails. | | | | |
Programmer response: For a non-recoverable database, restore the database. For recoverable database, run Batch Backout utility. See Batch Backout Utility (DFSBBO00) in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.

Explanation: One of the following problems occurred: v The named PSB cannot be scheduled because it is too large to fit in the indicated (CSA|DLS) PSB pool. If the DL/I subordinate address space option is not selected, the entire PSB is in the CSA PSB pool. If DL/I subordinate address space is selected, part of the PSB is in the CSA PSB pool and part in the DLS PSB pool. v The work area needed by this PSB is too large to fit in the PSBW pool. System action: The PSB is stopped. Programmer response: v For the first problem, use this information: The size of the PSB pool for non DL/I subordinate address space environments is specified using the PSB= parameter on the control region JCL. In a DL/I subordinate address space environment, CSAPSB= and DLIPSB= are the sizes of the CSA PSB pool and the second PSB pool in DL/I subordinate address space local storage. The output of the ACBGEN utility for the PSB "psbname" will indicate how much space is required in these pools. v For the second problem, use this information: The size of the PSBW pool is specified on the PSBW= parameter in the control region JCL. The output of the ACB Maintenance utility for the PSB "psbname" (WORKAREA= ) will indicate how much space is required in the PSBW pool. Module: DFSDPDM0

| Module: DFSRBOI0

Explanation: The Database Control (DBCTL) subsystem is ready for command input. Its command recognition character (CRC) is x. System Operator Response: Enter the appropriate restart command. Module: DFSXCIC0 DFS990I LAST number CARDS NOT PROCESSED

Explanation: The 2770 or 2780 terminal recognized an error and discarded the data stream. number is the number of cards not processed.
Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


DFS994I DFS994I DFS994I DFS994I *CHKPT yyddd/hhmmss*ctype rtype START COMPLETED IMS SHUTDOWN COMPLETED IMS SHUTDOWN (DBCTL) COMPLETED IMS SHUTDOWN (DCCTL) COMPLETED STATISTICS CHECKPOINT COMMAND COMPLETED XRF TAKEOVER COMPLETED RSR TAKEOVER VIA rtype START COMPLETED terminates, depending upon the checkpoint type. For the IMS SHUTDOWN (DBCTL) COMPLETED form of the message, the DBCTL terminates. For the IMS SHUTDOWN (DCCTL) COMPLETED form of the message, the DCCTL terminates. For the STATISTICS CHECKPOINT COMMAND COMPLETED form of the message, IMS performance statistics records are written to the system log. Note that this is not a restart checkpoint. For the XRF TAKEOVER COMPLETED form of the message, some of the recovery functions might still be active. In this case, new transactions that are not in conflict with recovery processing are allowed to run in parallel with the recovery processing. The RSR TAKEOVER COMPLETED VIA rtype form of the message signals the successful startup of a new active system at a former remote tracking site. All functions characteristic of the system type started can be used. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSRCP00, DFSRST00, DFSTERM0 DFS0995A RECALL FAILED - DFHSM NOT ACTIVE - REPLY: RETRY, OR CANCEL (CANCEL DISABLES RECALL FUNCTION)




Explanation: A checkpoint was written to the IMS system log, as the result of one of the following: v A restart command v A /CHECKPOINT command v A /DBRECOVERY command v A /DBDUMP command v Automatic initiation by the IMS system logger v A completed XRF takeover by the alternate IMS system v A restart command for a new active at a remote site Upon completion of restart, the restart type is provided. During termination of IMS, the shutdown completion message is issued. The values of yyddd/hhmmss, ctype, and rtype are: v yyddd/hhmmss is the timestamp that identifies the checkpoint. v ctype is the checkpoint type. Possible values are: *SIMPLE*, *FREEZE*, *DUMPQ**, *SNAPQ**, and *PURGE**. v rtype is the restart type. Possible values are: COLD WARM EMERGENCY BUILDQ WARM *BUILDQ* EMERGENCY *COLDBASE* EMERGENCY *COLDBASE* *BUILDQ* EMERGENCY *COLDCOMM* EMERGENCY *COLDSYS* EMERGENCY System action: Normal processing continues or IMS

Explanation: A RECALL request received a return code indicating that DFHSM was not active. System action: IMS waits for a response to the message. System Operator Response: Enter one of the following responses: RETRY Triggers another recall request from IMS. CANCEL Disables the recall function for the remainder of the IMS control region execution. Module: DFSDYA00 DFS996I IMS (DCCTL) READY

Explanation: If the environment is DCCTL, then (DCCTL) is displayed in the message. If the environment is TM/DB, then (DCCTL) is not displayed in the message. This message appears at the system console as a WTOR. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reply to this message when the user wants to enter data through the system console. Module: DFSDNSC0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS997I MORE SEGMENTS REQUIRED system programmer. (See OS/VS BTAM for the meaning of the return code.) zz=8 Explanation: The BTAM response to a READ or WRITE request is a return code X'8'. System action: The PTERM is marked inoperable and the line is stopped, or the link is stopped with a PSTOP command. A log record type X'67', subrecord X'01', is written using the IMS TRACE facility to provide a snap of the IMS control blocks and save areas. Programmer response: None. Master Terminal Operator Response: One or more terminals (3270 local) or lines (other BTAM lines) have missing DD statements. If the operation should be resumed on a 3270 local line that has one or more DD statements missing for its terminals, an /RSTART LINE x command can be issued. Notify your IMS system programmer. zz=12 Explanation: BTAM issued a return code of X'C' on a BTAM READ/WRITE macro. System action: The PTERM is marked inoperable and the line is stopped, or the link is stopped with a PSTOP command. A log record type X'67', subrecord X'01', is written using the IMS TRACE facility to provide a snap of the IMS control blocks and save areas. Programmer response: None. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. (See the BTAM SRL for the meaning of the return code.) zz=16 DFS998I DFS998I LINE xxx PTERM yyy BTAM ERROR zz LINK xxx BTAM ERROR zz Explanation: BTAM issued a return code of X'10' on a BTAM READ/WRITE macro. System action: The PTERM is marked inoperable and the line is stopped, or the link is stopped with a PSTOP command. A log record type X'67', subrecord X'01', is written using the IMS TRACE facility to provide a snap of the IMS control blocks and save areas. Programmer response: None. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. (See the BTAM SRL for the meaning of the return code.) zz=20 Explanation: BTAM issued a return code of X'14' on a BTAM READ/WRITE macro. BTAM was unable to initiate I/O operations on a particular line or PTERM (3270 local). Usually the cause is a data set that is not plugged in, a 270X that is offline, or a 3270 local terminal that is turned off. System action: The PTERM is marked inoperable and

Explanation: A partial multisegment message has been entered from an IBM 2740 Model 2 terminal. System action: The action is determined by the local/remote terminal operator. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Complete the message, or cancel it. Module: DFSDN040 DFS998I LINE xxx PTERM yyy IS INOPERABLE

Explanation: An I/O error occurred on LINE xxx PTERM yyy. There are five forms of this message; this is form 1. System action: The PTERM is marked PSTOPPED and inoperable and processing continues. System Operator Response: Enter an /RSTART LINE x PTERM y command. Module: DFSICIO0, DFSCIOB0, DFSCMBP0 DFS998I VTAM NODE xxxxxxxx IS INOPERABLE

Explanation: An I/O error occurred on NODE x. There are five forms of this message; this is form 2. System action: The NODE is marked PSTOPPED and inoperable and processing continues. System Operator Response: Enter an /RSTART NODE xx command. Module: DFSICIO0, DFSCIOB0, DFSCMBP0

Explanation: BTAM issued a return code of zz. The LINK xxx portions of this message pertain to the Multiple Systems Coupling system. There are five forms of this message; these are forms 3 and 4. The zz return codes are as follows: zz=4 Explanation: IMS initiated an I/O operation and found a line, link, or PTERM busy. This condition should not occur during normal operation of IMS. System action: The PTERM is marked inoperable, and the link is stopped with a PSTOP command. A log record type X'67', subrecord X'01' is written using the IMS TRACE facility to provide a snap of the IMS control blocks and save areas. Programmer response: None. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS

Chapter 3. DFS Messages, DFS0500I DFS999I


the line is stopped, or the link is stopped with a PSTOP command. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. For 3270 local lines, initiate the remaining operable terminals on the line by issuing a /RSTART LINE x command. For all other teleprocessing lines, correct the cause of the error and enter a /RSTART LINE x PTERM ALL or /RSTART LINK x command. zz=24 Explanation: The BTAM read/write function is not available. The system definition that built this SDFSRESL was defined without BTAM. System action: The PTERM is marked inoperable and the line is stopped, or the link is stopped with a PSTOP command. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. Module: DFSICIO0, DFSCIOB0, DFSCMBP0 DFS998I VTAM RC xx FEEDBACK yy REASON zz

Explanation: VTAM detected an error. See VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming and VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming and VTAM Messages and Codes for descriptions of the RC, FEEDBACK and the REASON codes supplied in the VTAM RPL control block. There are five forms of this message; this is form 5. System action: This is an irrecoverable VTAM error. IMS stops all communication with VTAM and, therefore, all NODEs associated with IMS. Communication cannot continue until IMS is shut down and restarted. Module: DFSICIO0, DFSCIOB0, DFSCMBP0 DFS999I HELD CONVERSATION ID IS xxxx

Explanation: This message is the response to a /HOLD command. Operator Action: The identification (ID) given must be used to /EXIT or /RELEASE the conversation. Module: DFSICLH0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I

This topic contains messages DFS1000I DFS1999I. For introductory information on DFS messages such as message format, suffix information, and explanation of the types of information provided, see Chapter 1, Introduction to DFS Messages, on page 1.
DFS1000I IMSrrr ABEND Uaaaa MODULE=xxxxxxxx LABEL=xxxxxxxx R14=xxxxxxxx (DLA=xxxxxxxx) 04 The ddname information returned from the DEVTYPE macro indicates the DD statement is missing. The ddname information returned from the DEVTYPE macro indicates a parameter of DUMMY. The ddname information returned from the DEVTYPE macro indicates a SYSIN/SYSOUT allocation.

Explanation: A processing error was detected by the extended checkpoint module (DFSZSC00) or the extended restart positioner (DFSZSR00, DFSZSR10). An attempt to write or read the symbolic checkpoint records to or from the OLDS or IMSLOGR data set failed. The variable fields are defined as follows: IMSrrr IMS release level Uaaaa IMS user abend code



System action: The indicated ddname nnnnnnnn of the system data set will not be used during the current execution of IMS. System Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. Programmer response: If the referenced system data set is required, correct the JCL, the system data set allocation, or both. Module: DFSIINO0, DFSQDOC0 DFS1002A IXLFORCE REQUEST TIMEOUT FOR STRUCTURE=xxx, CONNAME=yyy

MODULE= Module that detected the error LABEL= Unique label at which the error was detected. This corresponds to the error reason code. See the appropriate abend code in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis for a description of each code. R14= DLA= BAL return register (to module that discovered the error) Error reason label in module DFSDLA00 where the error was discovered. This corresponds to the error reason code. See the appropriate abend code in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis for a description of each code.

Explanation: The new, active IMS cannot delete the failed persistent connection in the old IMS because it is still active. System action: IMS processing continues. System programmer response: If the new, alternate IMS is restarted using the same IMS ID as the failed IMS, the failed persistent connection is changed to active. If the alternate XRF cannot be restarted, or the new IMS ID is not the same as the old IMS ID, use the following XCF command to delete the connection after the old IMS terminates: SETXCF FORCE,CONNECTION,STRNAME=xxx,CONNAME=YYY

System action: The program terminates abnormally with the abend code identified as Uaaaa. System Operator Response: Determine the cause of the error, correct the problem, and rerun the job. Module: DFSZSR00 DFS1001I INVALID ALLOCATION FOR SYSTEM DATA SET - DD NAME NNNNNNNN, RC=xx



Explanation: While processing the Queue Manager system data set's DD statements, an invalid allocation for the system data set was detected. The reason codes and their meanings are: Reason Code (Hex) Meaning
Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007

Explanation: Indicates the LERUNOPTS have been initialized. When the phrase FROM imsid in the message, it indicates that the runtime options have been initialized from another IMS. The imsid indicates what IMS the information was received from. RC is the return code for the process. RSN is the reason code for the process.


DFS1004I DFS1006E
System action: Depends on the return and reason codes. Programmer response: If there is a storage failure, allocate more ECSA storage. Module: DFSLEP10 DFS1004I LE PARAMETER OVERRIDE PROCESSING state System programmer response: Check the routing table and correct invalid or missing entries. If the table is correct, check the displayed message text and identify the source of the incorrect routing information. Module: DFSCIOB0 DFS1006E DFSFEBJ0 ERROR. INVALID FEIB FIELD. LTERM=nnnnnnnn RC=x DATA=yyyyyyyy MESSAGE TEXT=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Explanation: Indicates a change in LE parameter override processing for the system. State can be either ENABLED, indicating overrides are allowed, or DISABLED, indicating overrides are not allowed. Note: If you want to enable or disable the LERUNOPTS, use the keyword LEOPT=Y or N on the DFSCGxxx member of the PROCLIB. System action: Processing continues normally. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSLEP00, DFSLEP10 Table 18 shows the return and reason codes for DFS1003I and DFS1004I: Table 18. Return and Reason Codes for DFS1003I and DFS1004I Return Code 0 Reason Code 0 Meaning LERUNOPTS have been successfully initialized and processing continues normally. IMS encountered a storage failure during the LERUNOPTS. LE runtime parameters are not initialized. LE parameter override processing is disabled and processing continues normally

Explanation: Exit routine DFSFEBJ0 processed a front end switching message. A field to be specified by the exit routine in the front end interface block is invalid or missing. LTERM nnnnnnnn was the source of the message. Field yyyyyyyy contains the invalid information or, if data is missing, '--NONE--'. Field zz...zz displays the first 20 bytes of the message, if applicable. Reason code x has one of the following meanings: Code 0 Meaning The new destination is missing or invalid. The exit routine might have exited with RC=4 or RC=8. For exit with RC=4, timeout is specified without an ERP name. For exit with RC=4, timeout is specified without a message number. For exit with RC=8, the LTERM name of the original input terminal is missing or invalid. For exit with RC=8, the destination for a late reply is missing or invalid. A timeout for the original input terminal for this message has already occurred. For exit with RC=4, the transaction code specified for an ERP was invalid. Timeout processing cannot take place. A message text is not displayed with this reason code. For exit with RC=4, the user message number specified for timeout processing was invalid. Timeout processing cannot take place. A message text is not displayed with this reason code.

1 2 3 4





System action: The system action depends on the reason code. Code 0 Meaning The message is discarded. If the message was input from an ISC session and the exit routine specified a valid error transaction in the FEIBERP field, this error transaction is scheduled. If the timer facility was specified, the original input terminal is released; otherwise it hangs. The input message is discarded.

Explanation: Exit routine DFSFEBJ0 processed a reply to a front end switching message. The system identification in the message text does not match an entry in the user routing table. LTERM nnnnnnnn was the source of the FES reply message. This error message displays the first 20 bytes of the input message. System action: The reply message is discarded.



Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1007E DFS1011I
3 The reply message is discarded. If the exit routine specified a valid error transaction in the FEIBERP field, this error transaction is scheduled. If the timeout facility was specified on input, the terminal is released from response mode; otherwise it hangs. The reply message is discarded. If the exit routine specified a valid error transaction in the FEIBERP field, this error transaction is scheduled. The original input terminal is released from response mode by this message. interpreted in EBCDIC, device screen size if 3270-An, version ID if DPM-An or DPM-Bn. v Date and time the indicated block was created. System action: Processing continues normally. Module: DFSUTLN0 DFS1010I name HAS BEEN DELETED - ddname


Explanation: The block as identified by "name" has been deleted from the format library by symbolic name (name) of the DD statement by Phase 2 of the MFS Language utility. Note: "name" is an interpreted description of the block being deleted. An interpreted description of the "name" contains: v FMT/MSG label. v Block type: DOF, DIF or MSG. v If FMT: device type, device model if 3270 or 3270P, device features in hexadecimal; device features interpreted in EBCDIC; device screen size if 3270-An; version ID if DPM-An or DPM-Bn. System action: v For severity 4, processing continues normally. v For severity 20, phase 2 of the MFS Language utility terminates. Programmer response: If severity 20, then $$IMSDIR has been deleted. Use the MFS Service utility index function to rebuild $$IMSDIR. Severity: v 4"name" has been deleted. v 20The special index directory, $$IMSDIR, has been deleted as a result of an I/O error or an unexpected EOF while reading the directory. Module: DFSUTL40, DFSUTLN0 DFS1011I name {ADDED|HAS BEEN ADDED ddname}

System programmer response: Check the displayed information and determine the source of the incorrect data. Module: DFSCIOB0 DFS1007E DFSFEBJ0 ERROR. INVALID RC IN REG.15. LTERM=nnnnnnnn

Explanation: The Front End Switch exit routine DFSFEBJ0 specified an invalid return code. LTERM nnnnnnnn was the source of the FES message. System programmer response: Correct the exit routine. Module: DFSCIOB0 DFS1008I PSB psbname REFERENCES PHIDAM DBD dbdname FOR LOAD MULTIPLE TIMES

Explanation: The named PSB contains more than one explicit reference to the named PHIDAM DBD with a PROCOPT of L or LS. System action: Abend U09067 is issued if batch DL/I was running. ACBGEN processing continues if the ACBGEN utility was running. Programmer response: Correct the PSB and run the program again. Module: DFSDLBL0 DFS1009I name HAS BEEN REPLACED

Explanation: The block as identified by "name" has been replaced in the format library by Phase 2 of the MFS language utility. Note: "name" is an interpreted description of the block being replaced. An interpreted description of the "name" contains: v FMT/MSG label. v Block type: DOF, DIF, or MSG. v Size of the block in hexadecimal v If FMT: device type, device model if 3270 or 3270P, device features in hexadecimal, device features

Explanation: The block as identified by "name" has been added to the format library by Phase 2 of the MFS Language utility. The "ddname" will be shown when the added block is the $$IMSDIR index and indicates the data set updated. Note: "name" is an interpreted description of the block being added. An interpreted description of the name contains: v FMT/MSG label. v Block type: DOF, DIF or MSG. v Size of the block in hexadecimal. v When FMT: device type, device model if 3270 or 3270P, device features in hexadecimal; device features

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1012I DFS1016I
interpreted in EBCDIC; device screen size if 3270-An; version ID if DPM-An or DPM-Bn. v Date and time the indicated block was created. System action: Processing continues normally. Severity: 0 Module: DFSUTL40, DFSUTLN0 DFS1012I name STOW ERROR OCCURRED FOR BLOCK - ddname Severity: 20 Module: DFSUTL40, DFSUTLN0 DFS1014I INDEX MAINTENANCE BYPASSED ddname

Explanation: A STOW operation for the block as identified by ("name") resulted in an error. The STOW error occurred on the data set identified by the symbolic name ("ddname") of the DD statement of Phase 2 of the MFS language utility. If "ddname" does not appear in the message, the error occurred on the data set identified by the symbolic name "FORMAT" Note: "name" is an interpreted description of the block for which the error occurred. An interpreted description of the "name" contains: v FMT/MSG label. v Block type: DOF, DIF or MSG. v If FMT: device type, device model if 3270 or 3270P, device features in hexadecimal; device features interpreted in EBCDIC. System action: Phase 2 of the MFS Language utility abnormally terminates with an IMS abend code of 3007. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 Severity: 20 Module: DFSUTLN0, DFSUTL40 DFS1013I EXECUTION TERMINATED BEFORE COMPLETION - ddname

Explanation: The resident directory ($$IMSDIR) does not exist in the data set associated with the identified "ddname", or you have requested that $$IMSDIR not be updated by using the NOUPDATE option. If "ddname" does not appear in the message, the directory was not found or was not updated in the data set identified by the ddname FORMAT. System action: Processing continues normally. Severity: 4 Module: DFSUTL40, DFSUTLN0 DFS1015I INDEX MAINTENANCE COMPLETE ddname

Explanation: During Phase 2 of the MFS Language utility, members were deleted from the data set identified by the symbolic name ("ddname") on the DD statement and for which there were index entries in the resident directory ($$IMSDIR). The entries in $$IMSDIR were deleted and $$IMSDIR was updated. No entries were added to the $$IMSDIR directory for members that were added to the format data set. If "ddname" does not appear in the message, the error directory update occurred on the data set identified by the symbolic name "FORMAT". System action: Processing continues normally. Programmer response: Use the MFS Service utility INDEX function to add entries to $$IMSDIR directory for members added to the active format library. Severity: 0 Module: DFSUTL40, DFSUTLN0 DFS1016I label FMT

Explanation: This message is issued by the MFS Language utility Phase 2 processor following an I/O error on the format library. The I/O error occurred on the data set identified by the symbolic name ("ddname") on the DD statement. If "ddname" does not appear in the message, the error occurred on the data set identified by the symbolic name "FORMAT". Programmer response: Correct the I/O error problem and rerun the job. If the SEQBLKS data set was allocated to a tape drive and the tape saved, only Phase 2 need be rerun with the tape as input if, and only if, no other MFS Language utility run has been run between the two runs. If the SEQBLKS data set was created using only a batch utility execution, the MFSBTCH2 routine should be rerun. System action: Phase 2 of the MFS Language utility terminates with the highest return code of 20 passed to z/OS. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16

Explanation: This message is used to reflect the position of an FMT statement as externally submitted to the format utility program. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor. It is used to uniquely define the statement for possible error message reference. Severity: 0 Module: DFSUTLW0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1017I DFS1024I
DFS1017I label DEV (PDB=pdbname) DFS1021I label MSG

Explanation: This message is used to show the position of a DEV statement as externally submitted to the format utility program. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If the label is omitted, the preprocessor generates a label. This generated label is used to uniquely define the statement for possible error message reference. If the PDB keyword has been specified on the DEV statement, pdbname is the externally defined name of the Partition Descriptor Block (PDB). Severity: 0 Module: DFSUTLW0 DFS1018I label DIV

Explanation: This message is used to reflect the position of a MSG statement as externally submitted to the format utility program. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor. It is used to uniquely define the statement for possible error message reference. Severity: 0 Module: DFSUTLW0 DFS1022I label LPAGE

Explanation: This message is used to reflect the position of a DIV statement as externally submitted to the format utility program. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor. It is used to uniquely define the statement for possible error message reference. Severity: 0 Module: DFSUTLW0 DFS1019I label DPAGE (PD=pd)

Explanation: This message is used to reflect the position of an LPAGE statement as externally submitted to the format utility program. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor. It is used to uniquely define the statement for possible error message reference. Severity: 0 Module: DFSUTLW0 DFS1023I DFS1023I label SEG label PASSWORD

Explanation: This message is used to show the position of a DPAGE statement as externally submitted to the format utility program. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor. It is used to uniquely define the statement for possible error message reference. If the PD keyword has been specified on the DPAGE statement, pd is the externally defined name of the Partition Descriptor (PD). Severity: 0 Module: DFSUTLW0 DFS1020I DFS1020I label DFLD label PPAGE

Explanation: The field "label" is used to reflect the position of a SEG or PASSWORD statement, as externally submitted to the MFS Language utility, or internally generated by the MFS Language utility (SEG statement). "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor. It is used to uniquely define the statement for possible error message reference. Severity: 0 Module: DFSUTLW0 DFS1024I label MFLD

Explanation: "label" is used to reflect the position of a DFLD or PPAGE statement as externally submitted to the MFS Language utility or internally generated by the MFS Language utility. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor. It is used to uniquely define the statement for possible error message reference. Severity: 0 Module: DFSUTLW0

Explanation: This message is used to reflect the position of an MFLD statement as externally submitted to the format utility program. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor. It is used to uniquely define the statement for possible error message reference. Severity: 0 Module: DFSUTLW0

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1025I DFS1032I

Explanation: Used to reflect the position of an unknown statement type which was found by the format language utility program. hhhhhh is a 6-digit hexadecimal number used to uniquely define the statement internally for possible error message reference. This is a probable internal logic error. System action: Processing continues with the next FMT or MSG definition. Problem determination: 2, 8, 12, 16, 36 Severity: 16 Module: DFSUTLW0 DFS1026I name MESSAGE DESCRIPTOR STRUCTURE:

Explanation: An interpreted description of the "name" contains: v FMT/MSG label. v Block Type: DOF, DIF or MSG. v If FMT: device type; device model if 3270 or 3270P; device features in hexadecimal, device features interpreted in EBCDIC. The block identified by "name" was replaced in the format library by a block with the same name if MOD/MID, or with the same name, device type, and features if DOF/DIF in the processing of phase 2. System action: Processing continues normally. Severity: 4 DFS1031I name UNABLE TO STOW, DIRECTORY BLOCK IS FULL.

Explanation: This message is used to define the beginning of a list of externally submitted statements that define an input or output message descriptor. name is the 1- to 8-character alphanumeric name provided by the MSG statement. Severity: 0 DFS1027I name FORMAT DESCRIPTOR STRUCTURE:

Explanation: The partitioned data set directory entries are full for the format library. The condition was detected when attempting to STOW for the block identified by "name". Note: "name" is an interpreted description of the block name. An interpreted description of the "name" contains: v FMT/MSG label. v Block Type: DOF, DIF or MSG. v If FMT: device type; device model if 3270 or 3270P; device features in hexadecimal; device features interpreted in EBCDIC. Programmer response: The format library must be saved (IEHMOVE/IEBCOPY), scratched, reallocated with more directory space, and stored. After this has been accomplished, rerun the job. System action: Phase 2 of the MFS Language utility abnormally terminates with an IMS abend code of 3007. Severity: 20

Explanation: This message is used to define the beginning of a list of externally submitted statements that define a device format descriptor. name is the 1- to 6-character alphanumeric name provided by the FMT statement. Severity: 0 DFS1028I END OF DESCRIPTOR STRUCTURE

Explanation: This message is used to delimit a list of externally submitted statements that define a message, format, or Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) descriptor. Severity: 0 DFS1029I PARTITION DESCRIPTOR BLOCK STRUCTURE:


Explanation: This message identifies the beginning of a list of Partition Descriptor Blocks (PDBs) and their associated Partition Descriptors (PDs) that are used within the format set. Severity: 0


Explanation: A permanent I/O error occurred in the PDS directory for the data set identified by the symbolic name ("ddname") on the DD statement while attempting to update the directory through a STOW operation for the block identified by "name". If "ddname" does not appear in the message, the error occurred on the data set identified by the symbolic name "FORMAT". System action: Phase 2 of the MFS Language utility abnormally terminates with an IMS abend code of 3007.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1033I DFS1039I
Programmer response: Notify your IMS system programmer. Severity: 20 DFS1033I INVALID DIRECTORY BLOCK READ, EXECUTION TERMINATE -<ddname> DFS1036I label PD PID=nn

Explanation: This message identifies a Partition Descriptor (PD) defined within a Partition Descriptor Block (PDB). The "label" is the externally defined name of the PD. The "nn" is the ID of the partition used by this PD. Severity: 0 DFS1037I LPAGE/DPAGE SYMBOL TABLE LIST FOR name SET.

Explanation: A directory block for the data set identified by the symbolic name ("ddname") on the DD statement is greater than 256 bytes in length. If "ddname" does not appear in the message, the error occurred on the data set identified by the symbolic name "FORMAT". System action: Phase 2 of the MFS Language Utility abnormally terminates with an IMS abend code of 3006. Programmer response: Notify your IMS system programmer. Severity: 20

Explanation: This is an informational header line generated to identify subsequent output as the LPAGE/DPAGE symbol table listing for the FMT description with label 'name'. See also message DFS1039I. Severity: 0 DFS1038I FIELD NAME SYMBOL TABLE LIST FOR name FMT SET.


label PDB (SYSMSG=pd)

Explanation: This message identifies the beginning of a Partition Descriptor Block (PDB). The label is the externally defined name of the PDB. If the SYSMSG keyword is present, pd is the externally defined name of the Partition Descriptor (PD) that was defined to receive system messages. Severity: 0 DFS1035I UTILITY TERMINATED FOR REFERAL LIBRARY ERROR. RETURN CODE=return-code.

Explanation: This is an informational header line generated to identify subsequent output as the symbol table listing for all field names defined in the FMT set with the label "name". See also message DFS1039I. Severity: 0 DFS1039I fieldname use assign [ATTR] [PASSWORD] [CURSOR] [EXTEND] [DPN] [RDPN] [PRN] [RPRN] [FMT] [MSG] [****]

Explanation: The MFS phase 1 processor has detected a permanent I/O error in the IMS REFERAL library. System action: Phase 1 of the MFS Language utility terminates with the highest return code of 20 passed to z/OS. The return-code in the message indicates the type of failure that occurred: Code 1 2 3 4 Meaning OPEN unsuccessful Permanent I/O error on directory search Unrecoverable I/O error, SYNAD exit taken Unexpected end of input reached, EODAD exit taken

Explanation: This message is used to display the attributes associated with a symbol table entry. A symbol table entry can be for a named DPAGE or LPAGE SOR=name. The entry can also be for a named DFLD or MFLD dfldname. The particular symbol table being processed is identified by a previous message in the output. The following list shows the definitions for the message: Name Meaning

fieldname Symbolic name as defined by user use assign Number of occurrences of the specific name (decimal) Decimal value assigned to the symbol for interblock identification

Programmer response: Correct the error detected by the Step 1 preprocessor, and resubmit the job. Severity: 20

[ATTR] Field has dynamic attribute information supplied by at least one output message in the format set. [PASSWORD] Internal entry for PASSWORD definition for the FMT

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1040I DFS1042I
[CURSOR] This field is used to set dynamic cursor position or to receive cursor position information on input. [EXTEND] Field has dynamic extended attribute information supplied by at least one output message in the format set. [DPN]* This field name has been referenced by a destination process name parameter on the DIV statement. [RDPN]* This field name has been referenced by a return destination process name parameter on the DIV statement. [PRN]* This field name has been referenced by a primary resource name parameter on the DIV statement. [RPRN]* This field name has been referenced by a return primary resource name parameter on the DIV statement. *Note: The same field name can be referenced by more than one of the last four parameters above, but those parameters must appear in different DIV sections of the FORMAT definition, or error message DFS1160I will be issued. [FMT] This field has been defined within a FMT descriptor. dp pp pdbname v Unprotected named fields have their location in the image marked with underscore characters. v Protected named fields have their location in the image marked with colon characters. v Literals in the image are moved and displayed at their defined location. In the message text: name identification The label on the FMT statement. Consists of DEVICE=type (in which type is the parameter coded in the DEV TYPE= operand) and TYPE=name (in which name is either OUTPUT, INPUT, or INOUT coded in the DIV TYPE= operand). The DPAGE number within DIV. The physical page number within DPAGE. The name of the Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) used by this device or the name of the Partition Descriptor (PD) used by this DPAGE. The ID of the partition used by this DPAGE.

nn Severity: 0 DFS1041


[MSG] This field has been referenced within a MSG descriptor. [****] Indicates a potential error. Either the field has not been defined within an FMT description and referenced within an MSG descriptor, or the field was defined within the FMT description and was not referenced within an MSG description.

Explanation: The command-level interface found a condition caused by a programming error, or DL/I returned a status code to a command-level interface indicating an error other than a programming error. The DH indicates use of HLPI in DL/I batch. The xx value is the DL/I or command-level interface status code. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend 1164. Programmer response: For an explanation of the status codes, see IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Database Manager. Problem determination: 4, 11, 19 and obtain a listing of macro DFSHLPDS. DFS1042I label DPAGE PD NAME CANNOT BE FOUND

Programmer response: If the field is found to be in error, as indicated by [****], correct the definition and rerun the job. Severity: 0, if no asterisks are in the message; 4, if four asterisks (****) are in the message. DFS1040I DEVICE MAPPING FOR FMT=name DEVICE=identification DPAGE=dp PHYSICAL PAGE=pp PDB=pdbname PD= pdname PID=nn

Explanation: This is an informational header to identify a device image map as defined by the user for the format, device, device page, and physical page. The image that follows this message conforms to the following rules:

Explanation: The Partition Descriptor (PD) specified in the PD keyword on the DPAGE statement was not found in the REFERAL library. The "label" is the name of the DPAGE statement referencing the PD statement. System action: A return code of 12 is set, and processing continues with the next DEV, MSG, or FMT definition.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1043I DFS1049I
Programmer response: Make sure the PD named in the PD keyword on the DPAGE statement has been defined in the REFERAL library. Severity: 12 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1043I THE DEV STATEMENT SPECIFIES PDB= , BUT THIS DPAGE STATEMENT DOES NOT SPECIFY PD=. THIS COMBINATION IS INCOMPATIBLE. DFS1047I label SYSMSG=DFLD LABEL NOT DEFINED IN EVERY PHYSICAL PAGE [name IN DPAGE].

Explanation: The DFLD label for SYSMSG (system message) must be defined for every physical page. The "name IN DPAGE" part of the message is printed if DPAGE is defined. The "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If the label is omitted, an internal name is generated by the preprocessor. System action: Processing continues normally. Programmer response: Correct the above error, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 Severity: 12 DFS1048I name DATE=mm|dd|yy TIME=hh.mm.ss CREATED.

Explanation: A PDB keyword was present on a DEV statement, but a PD keyword was not found on this DPAGE statement. Whenever a DEV statement specifies a PDB keyword, partitioning and scrolling have been selected. Each DPAGE statement must then see one of the Partition Descriptor (PD) statements within the Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) definition referred to by the DEV statement. System action: A return code of 12 is set, and processing of the DPAGE statement continues. Programmer response: Code a PD keyword on each DPAGE statement, or remove the PDB keyword on the DEV statement. Severity: 12 DFS1044I label DEV PDB NAME CANNOT BE FOUND

Explanation: The "name" contains: FMT or MSG label; type of blockDOF, DIF or MSG; size of block and features in hexadecimal, device type, model (if 3270 or 3270P), and interpreted features in EBCDIC. This message identifies the block and informs the user when the block was created on the SEQBLKS data set. The DATE contains: month (mm), day (dd), and year (yy). The TIME contains: hour (hh), minute (mm), and second (ss). System action: Processing continues normally. Severity: 0 DFS1049I name DATE=mm|dd|yy TIME=hh.mm.ss NOT CREATED.

Explanation: The Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) specified in the PDB keyword on the DEV statement was not found in the REFERAL library. The "label" is the name of the DEV statement referencing the PDB. System action: A return code of 12 is set, and processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Make sure the PDB named in the PDB parameter on the DEV statement has been defined in the REFERAL library. Severity: 12 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1045W label BACKOUT NOT PERFORMED FOR NON-RECOVERABLE DBD=

Explanation: The "name" contains: FMT or MSG label, type of description: FMT or MSG. The named block was not created for online processing because of one or more errors encountered during build time indicated by one or more preceding messages. DATE and TIME indicate when the block was being processed. The DATE contains: month (mm), day (dd) and year (yy). The TIME contains: hour (hh), minute (mm) and second (ss). System action: Processing continues with the next DEV,FMT set or with the MSG definition. Programmer response: Correct the FMT or MSG in error, and rerun the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 Severity: 12

Explanation: A non-recoverable database has been encountered during backout processing. System action: IMS continues processing. Programmer response: This is an informational message. For a description of non-recoverable databases, see IMS Version 9: Operations Guide.

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1050I DFS1056I
DFS1050I name DATE=mm|dd|yy TIME=hh.mm.ss NOT ADDED. DEV, FMT, or MSG definition. Programmer response: Redefine the TABLE in error, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 Severity: 12 DFS1054I label DEVICE LINES TOO SMALL FOR PDB REQUIREMENTS

Explanation: The "name" contains: FMT or MSG label; type of blockDOF, DIF or MSG; size of block and features in hexadecimal; device type; model (if 3270 or 3270P), and interpreted features in EBCDIC. This message is written when the blocks were created by a batch utility execution and a duplicate block was found on SEQBLKS data set. It informs the user that the duplicate block created earlier is not added to the online library. The DATE contains: month (mm), day (dd), and year (yy). The TIME contains: hour (hh), minute (mm), and second (ss). System action: Processing continues normally. Severity: 4 DFS1051I name DATE=mm|dd|yy TIME=hh.mm.ss IGNORED.

Explanation: The number of vertical lines (rows) defined for the device is insufficient for the screen depth requirements of the Partition Descriptor Block (PDB). The "label" is the name of the DEV statement requiring the PDB. System action: A return code of 12 is set, and processing continues with the next DEV, MSG, or FMT definition. Programmer response: The 3270 symbolic name (3270-An) used in the TYPE keyword on the DEV statement can specify an incorrect screen size, or the PDB used in the PDB keyword on the DEV statement might be in error. Correct the error, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1055I label DEVICE COLUMNS TOO SMALL FOR PDB REQUIREMENTS

Explanation: The "name" contains: FMT or MSG label, type of block: FMT or MSG. The named block had build-time errors during MFSBTCH1 batch utility execution, and was not created for online processing. This message informs the user that the block will not be added to the online library, and, if a duplicate block existed in the online library, it will be deleted. The DATE contains: month (mm), day (dd) and year (yy). The TIME contains: hour (hh), minute (mm) and second (ss). System action: Processing continues normally. Programmer response: Correct the MSG or FMT definition if not corrected through a later MFSBTCH1 utility run, and resubmit the job. Severity: 8 DFS1052I label TABLE NOT FOUND.

Explanation: The number of horizontal lines (columns) for the device is insufficient for the screen width requirements of the Partition Descriptor Block (PDB). The "label" is the name of the DEV statement requiring the PDB. System action: A return code of 12 is set, and processing continues with the next DEV, MSG, or FMT definition. Programmer response: The 3270 symbolic name (3270-An) used in the TYPE keyword of the DEV statement might specify an incorrect screen size, or the PDB used in the PDB keyword of the DEV statement might be in error. Correct the error, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1056I label ** WARNING ** DEVICE SCREEN SIZE AND PDB SCREEN REQUIREMENTS CANNOT BE VERIFIED.

Explanation: The operator control table name referenced in the DFLD OPCTL= operand was not found in the REFERAL library. "label" is an externally defined label on the TABLE macro. System action: Processing continues normally with the next DEV, FMT or MSG definition. Programmer response: Define the TABLE in error, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 Severity: 12 DFS1053I label TABLE HAS NO ENTRIES.

Explanation: The operator control table name referenced by the DFLD macro has no IF entries. "label" is an externally defined name on the TABLE statement. System action: Processing continues with the next

Explanation: The "label" is the name of a DEV statement that specifies a Partition Descriptor Block (PDB). A partition used by the PDB has a CELLSIZE specification of 00 x 00. The Language utility cannot verify that the PDB specifications will fit on the screen size defined by the 3270 symbolic name (3270-An).


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1060I DFS1066I
System action: A return code of 4 is set, and processing continues normally. Programmer response: Verify that the 3270 symbolic name (3270-An) specifies a screen size large enough for the specified PDB. Severity: 4 DFS1060I name BUFFER SIZE=size v If CODE=2, IMS will not activate Sequential Buffering for the listed PCB/data set pair. User response: v If CODE=1, increase the MAXSB storage limit, if appropriate. v If CODE=2, allocate more CSA storage (for IMS DB/DC with LSO=N) or private storage (IMS DB/DC with LSON, IMS batch, and DBCTL). DFS1063I - REQUESTED STORAGE= xx,xxx,xxx; AVAILABLE STORAGE= xx,xxx,xxx

Explanation: This message informs the user of the largest buffer space requirements for this output or input message. As an output message, the "name" contains the FMT label, and the "size" contains the line buffer size (in decimal) for a 3270 display, or the work buffer size (in decimal) for all other device types. As an input message, the "name" contains the MSG label, and the "size" contains the work buffer size (in decimal). System action: Processing continues normally. System programmer response: Use this value for calculation of the I/O pool size requirements for MFS formatted messages. DFS1061I - NO STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR CDE=xxxxxxxx PGM=yyyyyyyy JOB=zzzzzzzz

Explanation: This message specifies the amount of storage IMS was trying to allocate and accompanies message DFS1062I. See that message for an explanation of the allocation failure. DFS1064I - GETIOSB NOT SUCCESSFUL FOR PSB=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: IMS was unable to allocate an IOSB control block for PSB xxxxxxxx. System action: Sequential Buffering (SB) will not use overlapped sequential read for some PCBs or some database data sets, or both. User response: For IMS DB/DC with LSO=N, allocate more CSA storage; for IMS DB/DC with LSON, IMS batch, or DBCTL, allocate more private storage. DFS1065A - UNABLE TO WRITE SBH IMAGE-CAPTURE TO IMS LOG

Explanation: Sequential Buffering (SB) was unable to acquire virtual storage for the control block whose CDE ID is xxxxxxxx. System action: Use of SB is limited or impossible. User response: For IMS DB/DC with LSO=N, allocate more CSA storage; for IMS DB/DC with LSON, or IMS batch, allocate more private storage. For DFSSBSCD, DFSSBPSS, and DFSBSCAR, allocate more private storage. DFS1062I - CODE=x, NOT SUFFICIENT SBH BUFFER STORAGE FOR PSB=aaaaaaaa; PCB=bbbbbbbb; DDN=ccccccccc

Explanation: IMS was unable to write the requested SB Handler image capture records to the IMS log data set because the data set was not open. System action: IMS will not write the Sequential Buffering (SB) image capture records to the IMS log data set. User response: Make sure that the DD statement defining the IMS log data set is present and correct. DFS1066I -xx //DFSCTL CONTROL-STATEMENT ERROR: aaaaaaa

Explanation: IMS was unable to allocate virtual storage for the SB buffers for the PCB/data set pair bbbbbbbb/cccccccc of PSB aaaaaaaa. v If CODE=1, the failure occurred because IMS exceeded the MAXSB storage limit specified in member DFSVSMxx of IMS.PROCLIB (for IMS online). For the amount of storage IMS was trying to allocate, see message DFS1063I. v If CODE=2, the failure occurred because IMS was unable to acquire the storage it requested from z/OS. System action: v If CODE=1, IMS waits until another online application releases SB Handler buffer storage before activating Sequential Buffering (SB) for the listed PCB/data set pair.

Explanation: A Sequential Buffering (SB) control statement contains errors. Subcode xx is unique for each type of error; aaaaaaa is a description for each subcode. The list of subcodes and descriptions follows: Code (xx) 01 02 Description (aaaaaaa) PARAMETER VALUE IS NOT NUMERIC = IS MISSING IN KEYWORD PARAMETER

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1067I DFS1072I

Explanation: The Sequential Buffering (SB) COMPARE option detected that the buffer content that the SB buffer handler wanted to return to the OSAM buffer handler did not match the contents of the block as it is stored on DASD. Message DFS1070I is issued in a non-data-sharing environment indicating that the mismatch is an IMS error. Message DFS1070W is issued in a data-sharing environment, indicating that the mismatch might be legitimate. System action: IMS creates SNAP dumps for problem determination. For a description of the SBSNAP control statement telling where the SNAPs are written, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. In a non-data sharing environment, IMS issues pseudoabend U0152. User response: Save all SNAP output for problem determination. DFS1071I INVALID DATA SET ATTRIBUTES FOR //DFSCTL

System action: IMS discards the SB control statement containing the error. For more information about the error, see the accompanying error messages that might be issued (DFS1067I, DFS1068I, DFS1069I). User response: Correct the error on the SB control statement based on the error messages issued. DFS1067I ERROR IS IN THIS KEYWORD PARAMETER: parameter

Explanation: A Sequential Buffering (SB) control statement contains errors. IMS has previously issued message DFS1066I describing the error. System action: IMS discards the SB control statement containing the error. User response: Correct the error based on information in message DFS1066I. DFS1068I ERROR IS IN CARD(S) LISTED BELOW

Explanation: The //DFSCTL data set has invalid data set attributes. System action: IMS abnormally terminates the starting batch, or online dependent region. User response: Correct the error by making sure that v The data set is either a sequential file or an existing member of a partitioned data set (PDS). v The record format is F, FB, or FBS. v The record size is 80. DFS1072I PAGE-FIXING FAILED FOR PSB=aaaaaaaa; PCB=bbbbbbbb; DDN=cccccccc

Explanation: A Sequential Buffering (SB) control statement contains errors. IMS first issues message DFS1066I describing the types of errors, next issues this message, and finally issues message DFS1069I listing the content of the incorrect control statement. System action: IMS discards the control statement containing the error. User response: Correct the error based on information in message DFS1066I. DFS1069I (records/lines in error)

Explanation: This message lists the records/lines of a Sequential Buffering (SB) control statement that contains errors. IMS has previously issued message DFS1066I describing the error. System action: IMS discards the SB control statement containing the error. User response: Correct the error based on information in message DFS1066I.

Explanation: IMS was unable to page fix storage for Sequential Buffering (SB) buffers or control blocks probably because real storage was not available. IMS attempted this page fixing while trying to initiate sequential buffering for the PCB/data set pair bbbbbbbb/cccccccc of PSB aaaaaaaaa. System action: IMS does not use SB for the PCB/data set pair bbbbbbbb/cccccccc of PSB aaaaaaaa. User response: Determine if too much buffer space is allocated to Sequential Buffering.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1073I DFS1082A
DFS1073I LCE ALLOCATION FAILED FOR PSB=aaaaaaaa; PCB=bbbbbbbb; DDN=cccccccc User response: Correct the error in the SBONLINE control statement. DFS1078I (text of I/O error message)

Explanation: IMS was unable to allocate any additional local cache entries (LCEs) to this subsystem. The limit of 1200 sequential buffering buffer sets (12000 buffers) was exceeded. IMS attempted to allocate the LCEs while trying to initiate sequential buffering for the PCB/data set pair bbbbbbbb/ cccccccc of PSB aaaaaaaa. System action: IMS does not use sequential buffering for the PCB/data set pair bbbbbbbb/cccccccc of PSB aaaaaaaa User response: Determine if too many buffers are allocated to sequential buffering. Module: DFSSBEV0 DFS1075A NO STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR DFSSBSCD

Explanation: IMS detected an I/O error while processing the //DFSSTAT DD statement. This message contains the text of the standard I/O error message provided by the z/OS SYNADAF macro. System action: IMS stops writing information to the //DFSSTAT data set. User response: Correct the error based on the content of this message. DFS1079A INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO PROCESS //DFSCTL CONTROL STATEMENTS

Explanation: IMS was unable to acquire virtual storage for the Sequential Buffering (SB) extension to the System Contents Directory (SCD). System action: IMS terminates abnormally. User response: For IMS batch allocate more private storage; for IMS DB/DC or DBCTL, allocate more CSA storage. DFS1076A xxxxxxxx CAN NOT BE LOADED, RC=nn

Explanation: IMS was unable to acquire enough virtual storage to process the control statements stored in the data set defined by the //DFSCTL DD statement. System action: IMS ignores some or all of the control statements. User response: For IMS batch or DBCTL, allocate more private storage; for IMS DB/DC, allocate more CSA storage. DFS1080A INVALID region type

Explanation: The IMODULE macro was unable to load module xxxxxxxx. For an explanation of IMODULE return code nn, see the topic titled IMS System Services Return Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: IMS issues abend U0153. User response: Correct the error based on the code returned from the IMODULE macro. DFS1077A ERROR ON SBONLINE CONTROL CARD: bbbbbbbbbbbbb

Explanation: The Sequential Buffering (SB) test program (DFSSBHD0) was executed in an invalid region type. The batch region type specified in the first subparameter of the //EXEC PARM field must be DLI, DBB, or ULU. System action: IMS abnormally terminates the test program. User response: Correct the region type. DFS1081A SB ENVIRONMENT NOT SET-UP: DFSSBHD0 CAN NOT EXECUTE

Explanation: There is an error in a SBONLINE control statement in member DFSVSMxx of IMS.PROCLIB (for IMS online). The variable bb...bb describes the type of error. The error can be one of the following: v SBONLINE is not followed by a blank or a comma. v A parameter other than MAXSB is specified. v The MAXSB parameter value is not numeric or is not followed by at least one blank. System action: IMS uses Sequential Buffering (SB), but it ignores any parameter value specified on the incorrect SBONLINE control statement.

Explanation: IMS was unable to set up the appropriate environment for executing the Sequential Buffering (SB) test program (DFSSBHD0). This message follows other messages describing why the error occurred. User response: Correct the error based on the other error messages sent by IMS. DFS1082A SYSPRINT COULD NOT BE OPENED

Explanation: The Sequential Buffering (SB) test program (DFSSBHD0) was unable to open the //SYSPRINT data set. This message follows z/OS messages describing why the error occurred.

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1083A DFS1090A
System action: IMS abnormally terminates the SB test program. User response: Make sure that the //SYSPRINT DD statement defining the test programs data set is present and correct. See the messages issued by z/OS as well. DFS1083A SYSIN COULD NOT BE OPENED User response: Execute the SB test program with the same PSB and DBDs used for the application that generated the SB image capture records. DFS1087A INVALID PCB-NUMBER IN IMAGE CAPTURE RECORD

Explanation: The Sequential Buffering (SB) test program (DFSSBHD0) was unable to open the //SYSIN data set. This message follows z/OS messages describing why the error occurred. System action: IMS abnormally terminates the SB test program. User response: Make sure that the //SYSIN DD statement defining the test programs data set is present and correct. See the messages issued by z/OS as well. DFS1084A SYSUT1 COULD NOT BE OPENED

Explanation: The relative database PCB number in a Sequential Buffering (SB) image capture log record does not match any of the database PCBs of the PSB used to execute the SB test program (DFSSBHD0). System action: IMS issues message DFS1096I and abnormally terminates the SB test program. User response: Make sure that the PSB used to create the image capture records is the same PSB used to execute the SB test program. DFS1088A DBD-NAMES OF PSB AND IN IMAGE-CAPTURE RECORDS ARE NOT IDENTICAL

Explanation: The Sequential Buffering (SB) test program (DFSSBHD0) was unable to open the //SYSUT1 data set containing the SB image capture log records. This message follows z/OS messages describing why the error occurred. System action: IMS abnormally terminates the SB test program. User response: Make sure that the //SYSUT1 DD statement defining the test programs data set is present and correct. See the messages issued by z/OS as well. DFS1085A RECORD FORMAT OF SYSUT1 IS NOT VARIABLE

Explanation: The DBD names in the SB image capture log records do not match the DBD names of the database PCBs of the PSB used to execute the SB test program (DFSSBHD0). System action: IMS issues messages DFS1096I and DFS1097I, and abnormally terminates the SB test program. User response: Make sure that the PSB used to create the image capture records is the same PSB used to execute the SB test program. DFS1089A INVALID DSG-NUMBER IN IMAGE CAPTURE RECORD

Explanation: The record format of the data set containing Sequential Buffering (SB) image capture log records is not variable-length. System action: IMS abnormally terminates the SB test program. User response: Change the record format of the data set to variable-length. DFS1086A PSB HAS NO DB-PCB: DFSSBHD0 CAN NOT EXECUTE

Explanation: The relative DSG number in a Sequential Buffering (SB) image capture log record does not match any of the DSG control blocks used to execute the SB test program (DFSSBHD0). System action: IMS issues message DFS1096I and abnormally terminates the SB test program. User response: Make sure that the PSB and DBDs used to create the image capture records are the same as the ones used to execute the SB test program. DFS1090A DATA SET HAS BEEN CONVERTED TO VSAM.

Explanation: There is no database PCB in the PSB specified on the JCL for the Sequential Buffering (SB) test program (DFSSBHD0). The SB test program must be executed with the same PSB and DBDs that were used for the application that generated the SB image capture records. System action: IMS abnormally terminates the SB test program.

Explanation: An OSAM database data set was changed to a VSAM database data set after the Sequential Buffering (SB) image capture. SB does not support VSAM database data sets. System action: IMS issues message DFS1096I, and abnormally terminates the SB test program. User response: None required.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1091W DFS1097I
DFS1091W LOAD-PROCOPT FOR DBD=xxxxxxxx, DB DATA SETS CANNOT BE OPENED. User response: Make sure that the //SYSUT1 data set contains all needed image-capture records. If you wanted the SB test program to process only some of the image capture records, make sure that the correct ones were processed. DFS1095A APPLICATION-START RECORD NOT FOUND

Explanation: A PCB referencing DBD xxxxxxxx has a load processing option, which the Sequential Buffering (SB) test program does not support. System action: In most cases, the test program will neither open the database data sets referenced by the PCB nor process the image capture log records for the database data sets referenced by the PCB that has the load processing option. At program termination time, the test program might issue message DFS2346W. User response: Check to see if a DFS2346W message is written on the //SYSPRINT data set at program termination. If so, be aware that the reprocessing of the image capture log records by the SB test program will not match the processing of the application that generated the image capture log records. If message DFS2346W was not issued, ignore this message (DFS1091W). DFS1092A DD-NAMES IN PSB/DBD AND IN IMAGE CAPTURE RECORDS ARE NOT IDENTICAL

Explanation: The Sequential Buffering (SB) test program (DFSSBHD0) was unable to find the image capture log record in the //SYSUT1 data set that describes the start of the applications execution. System action: IMS abnormally terminates the SB test program. User response: Make sure that: v //SYSUT1 data set contains all required image capture records. v The SB test program is executed with the same PSB used for the application that created the image capture records. v The image capture option was successfully activated for the application that was supposed to create the image capture records. v The specifications on the SELECT control statement for the SB test program are correct (if this statement was used to select the image capture records of a specific execution of the application). DFS1096I IC RECORD FOR: PCB-NBR=nnnn, DBD=aaaaaaaa, DSG-NBR=mmmm, DDN=bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The ddnames in a Sequential Buffering (SB) image capture record do not match those in the DBDs referenced by the PSB used to execute the SB test program. System action: IMS issues messages DFS1096I and DFS1098I, and abnormally terminates the test program. User response: Make sure that the PSB, DBDs, and DBD ddnames used for the image capture are the same as the ones used to execute the SB test program. DFS1093A INVALID SUBRECORD-TYPE IN IMAGE CAPTURE RECORD

Explanation: The Sequential Buffering (SB) test program detected an error associated with an image capture record. This message provides the relative PCB number, DBD name (as coded on the PCB macro), DSG number, and ddname for this record. The first database PCB and DSG have a relative number of 1. In some cases, the PCB number, DSG number, and DBD name fields are not initialized (for example, when DL/I issues I/O operations for internal PCBs that are not defined to the application program.) System action: IMS abnormally terminates the SB test program. User response: For information about the type of error the SB test program found, see a previously issued IMS message and correct the error accordingly. DFS1097I DBD NAME ACCORDING TO PSB: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The Sequential Buffering (SB) image capture log records contain an invalid code in the subrecord-type field. System action: IMS abnormally terminates the SB test program. User response: Make sure that the //SYSUT1 data set for the SB test program contains SB image capture log records. DFS1094W PREMATURE END-OF-FILE ON SYSUT1

Explanation: The Sequential Buffering (SB) test program (DFSSBHD0) reached the end of the //SYSUT1 data set before processing all of the image-capture records of the application. System action: The SB test program terminates normally at end-of-file of //SYSUT1.

Explanation: The DBD name stored in the image capture record does not match the one stored in the database PCB. This message provides the DBD name (as coded on the PCB macro), stored in the database
Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1098I DFS1104I
PCB used to execute the SB test program. IMS previously issued messages DFS1088A and DFS1096I to provide additional information. System action: IMS abnormally terminates the SB test program. User response: Correct the error based on messages DFS1088A and DFS1096I. DFS1098I DDNAME ACCORDING TO DBD: aaaaaaaa DFS1101I label FORMAT BLOCK HAS NO DEVICES.

Explanation: A format block was defined for which no DEV statements were defined. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See message DFS1027I. System action: Processing continues with the next FMT or MSG definition. Programmer response: Correct the format definition, and rerun the MFS Language utility. Severity: 12 DFS1102I GENERATION TERMINATED FOR FORMAT SET.

Explanation: The ddname stored in the image capture record does not match the one stored in the IMS AMP control block of the DMB/DBD. This message provides the ddname (as coded on the DATASET macro) stored in the IMS AMP control block of the DBD used to execute the SB test program. IMS previously issued messages DFS1092A and DFS1096I to provide additional information. System action: IMS abnormally terminates the SB test program. User response: Correct the error based on messages DFS1092A and DFS1096I. DFS1099A DDNAME NOT FOUND IN ANY DBD

Explanation: A user format definition had an error previously stated with an error message. The format definition and related message definitions are deleted from further processing. System action: Processing continues with the next FMT set. Programmer response: Correct the format definition, and rerun the MFS Language utility. Severity: 12 DFS1103I label OUTPUT MESSAGE HAS NO SEGMENTS.

Explanation: The Sequential Buffering (SB) test program (DFSSBHD0) was unable to find the ddname stored in an image capture record in any DBD referenced by the PSB. System action: IMS issues message DFS1096I, and terminates the SB test program abnormally. User response: Correct the error by making sure the PSBs/DBDs used for image capture are the same as the ones used to execute the SB test program. DFS1100I nnnnnn IS AN INVALID MESSAGE KEY.

Explanation: An output message description was encountered which has no segments defined. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1026I. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the message description, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1104I label INPUT MESSAGE HAS NO SEGMENTS.

Explanation: An internal logic error has occurred. The format utility is attempting to issue a message which does not exist in its message table. nnnnnn is the message key of the message. Probable cause is user modifications. System action: Processing continues normally. Programmer response: Determine if failure occurred for a reason other than user modifications to the MFS Language utility. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16, 36 Severity: 4

Explanation: The block is deleted because the input message has no segments. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1026I. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the message definition, and rerun the job.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1105I DFS1112I
Severity: 12 DFS1105I label LPAGE HAS NO SEGMENTS. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the message definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1109I MESSAGE HAS EXCEEDED ALLOWABLE LENGTH.

Explanation: An output message description defines an LPAGE with no SEG or MFLD statements following it. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1022I. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the message definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1106I label LPAGE DOES NOT HAVE DPAGE name.

Explanation: The input message has exceeded the maximum allowable length of 32767 bytes. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the message definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1110I label WARNING SEGMENT HAS NO FIELDS. SEGMENT WILL BE SKIPPED BY ONLINE PROCESSING.

Explanation: The required SOR= dpagename parameter is missing on the LPAGE statement. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1022I. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the message definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1107I label LPAGE REQUIRED LITERAL MISSING IN COND=.

Explanation: An output message segment has no fields defined for it. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1023I. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the message definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 4 DFS1111I label MSG/LPAGE HAS NO SEGMENTS WITH FIELDS.

Explanation: "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. This message is issued if the COND= parameter is not specified or a literal is missing, or both, when it is required on an LPAGE statement. See also message DFS1022I. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the message definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1108I label SEGMENT HAS NO FIELDS.

Explanation: "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. MSG or LPAGE segments have no fields defined. See also message DFS1022I. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the message definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1112I label LPAGE COND= PARAMETER SPECIFIED AN MFLD LABEL THAT CANNOT BE FOUND OR MFLD CONTAINS A LITERAL

Explanation: An input segment has no fields defined for it. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1023I.

Explanation: The MFLD label referenced in COND= parameter of an LPAGE statement must be defined in the first SEG entry and must not contain a literal value. The "label" field is an externally defined name on the
Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1113I DFS1118I
statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1022I. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the message definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1113I label DUPLICATE MFLD HAS BEEN DELETED. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Severity: 12 DFS1116I label FORMAT HAD TERMINATING DEVICE ERROR.

Explanation: An MFLD definition has been found that uses a dfldname already referenced in this MSG description. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1024I. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the message definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1114I label DEVICE HAS NO DIVISIONS

Explanation: This message is printed when a formatting device error occurred and prevented the block from being created. This message will be preceded by one or more error messages describing the terminating device error. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1016I. System action: Processing continues with the next DEV, FMT, or MSG definition. Programmer response: Correct the format definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1117I label DEVICE DOES NOT DEFINE ALL DPAGE DESCRIPTIONS.

Explanation: This message is printed if: v An LPAGE of a MSG description references a "dpagename" in a SOR= parameter which is not defined in a related FMT description. v An FMT description contains several DEV statements and does not contain identical labels on DPAGE statements for each DEV statement. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1017I. System action: Processing continues with the next DEV, FMT, or MSG definition. label DIV STATEMENTS ARE INVALID. Programmer response: Correct the format definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1118I label DPAGE ALREADY DEFINED THIS DEVICE.

Explanation: One DIV statement must be defined for each DEV statement. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1017I. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the format definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1115I

Explanation: This message is issued if any of the following occurs: v DEV TYPE=3270, 3270P, 3600, 36DS, 36FP, 36JP or 36PB is specified and more than one DIV statement follows the above DEV statement. v DEV TYPE=274X and more than two DIV statements follow the above DEV statement. v DEV TYPE=274X, and either two DIV TYPE=INPUT or two DIV TYPE=OUTPUT follow the above DEV statement. "label" is the identifier of the DEV statement in error. See also message DFS1017I.

Explanation: A duplicate DPAGE label has been found for this DEV statement. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1019I. System action: Processing continues with the next DEV, FMT, or MSG definition. Programmer response: Correct the format definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1119I DFS1125I
DFS1119I label DUPLICATE FIELD WITHIN DEVICE PAGE. preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1020I. System action: Processing continues with the next DEV, FMT, or MSG definition. Programmer response: Correct the format definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1123I label DFLD EXCEEDS DEVICE BOTTOM MARGIN/PAGE CAPABILITIES

Explanation: A duplicate DFLD label has been found in the same physical page for the device. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1019I. System action: Processing continues with the next DEV, FMT, or MSG definition. Programmer response: Correct the format definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1120I label DFLD OVERLAPS WITH FOLLOWING FIELD:

Explanation: The POS= parameter specified for DFLD overlaps in column or line specification, or both, with another DFLD. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1020I. System action: Processing continues with the next DEV, FMT, or MSG definition. Programmer response: Correct the format definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1121I label DFLD OVERLAPS WITH PREVIOUS FIELD.

Explanation: The DFLD statement POS= specification will not fit within the bottom margin specification on the VTAB= keyword or on a device page (PAGE=). The name of the statement "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1020I. System action: Processing continues with the next DEV, FMT or MSG definition. Programmer response: Correct the format definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1124I label DFLD EXCEEDS DEVICE LINE SIZE.

Explanation: The literal defined for the true DFLD exceeds the device line size. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1020I. System action: Processing continues with the next DEV, FMT, or MSG definition. Programmer response: Correct the format definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1125I label *** WARNING *** DFLD WILL CAUSE COPY BUFFER LOCK ON REMOTE 3270s.

Explanation: The POS= parameter specified for DFLD overlaps in column or line specification, or both with another field. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. See also message DFS1020I. System action: Processing continues with the next DEV, FMT or MSG definition. Programmer response: Correct the format definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1122I label DFLD HAS INVALID START ORIGIN WITHIN PAGE.

Explanation: The starting position origin is either less than (1,2) for 3270, or (1,1) for other devices. For SCS1, the starting line position might be less than the top margin value specified in the VTAB= keyword on the DEV statement. The name of the statement "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the

Explanation: "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. Indicated DFLD statement will cause the display image to be locked for COPY on remote 3270; that is, the display cannot be copied. System action: Processing continues normally. Programmer response: If copy lock is not desired, redefine the field definition so the field does not start in the first position of the buffer (POS=(1,2)) or does not have the attributes of ALPHA and PROT (protected).
Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1126I DFS1131I

Explanation: The DPAGE statement represented by the identifier, label, has no DFLD statements defined. At least one DFLD must be defined for each DPAGE within a FMT descriptor. System action: Processing continues with the next DEV, FMT, or MSG definition. Programmer response: Correct the definition error, and resubmit the job. Severity: 12 DFS1127I label NXT= MESSAGE DOES NOT USE SAME FORMAT OR IS NOT DEFINED.

Explanation: The DFLD label referenced by the LPAGE statement must be unique within LPAGE. "label" is an externally defined name on the LPAGE statement. If the label is omitted, an internal name is generated by the preprocessor. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the source statements for the message in error, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 Severity: 12 DFS1129I label MSG DOES NOT DEFINE ALL DPAGE DESCRIPTIONS.

Explanation: "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. If label is omitted, it is an internal name generated by the preprocessor for the statement. The specific statement was previously identified with the same number in a DFS1021I or DFS1022I message. The MSG or LPAGE statement contains a NXT=msgname parameter. For the 3270, the referenced input message description does not use the same source FMT description as the output message being processed; the format name specified in the SOR= parameter is not the same. The following conditions can cause this message to be produced: v The referenced name is not a name of an input message description, but a name of an output message description. v The input message description does not exist in the IMS REFERAL library. v The input message description specifies a different FMT name than the output message description in the SOR= operand of the MSG statement. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: If the definition for the referenced input message description is supplied in this run, correct the definition and rerun the job. If the referenced input message already exists in the IMS.REFERAL library, execute the MFS Service utility program using the RELATE function to determine the status of the input message description in error. Correct the definition for the referenced input message description, and rerun the job. Severity: 12

Explanation: The INPUT MSG LPAGE statements do not reference all DPAGE descriptions for the corresponding FMT. "label" is an externally defined name on the statement. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 Severity: 12 DFS1130I label LPAGE ALREADY DEFINED DPAGE.

Explanation: The input message LPAGE statement references the same DPAGE more than once. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the duplicate reference, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 Severity: 12 DFS1131I label PASSWORD HAS NO FIELDS.

Explanation: The input message PASSWORD segment has no fields defined for it. "label" is an internally generated name for the statement. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the PASSWORD segment, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 Severity: 12


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1132I DFS1139I

Explanation: Password length has exceeded maximum allowable length of 8 bytes. "label" is an internally generated name, which uniquely identifies the statement. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the PASSWORD segment, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 Severity: 12 DFS1133I label MFLD LENGTH INCORRECT WHEN ATTR= YES AND/OR nn SPECIFIED

Explanation: A COND= specification is required on all input DPAGE statements except the last-defined or only-input DPAGE statement. "label" is the externally defined label on the DPAGE statement or an internal label generated if the external label is omitted. System action: Processing continues with the next DIV, DEV, or FMT statement. Programmer response: Correct the DPAGE definition and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1137I label FILL=NULL INVALID WHEN GRAPHIC=NO SPECIFIED.

Explanation: MFLD length specified is less than that required for the inclusion of the specified number of attributes and at least 1 byte of data. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Specify an MFLD length that is equal to the maximum length of the data, plus 2 bytes if ATTR=YES is specified, and plus 2 times nn bytes if ATTR=nn is specified. Then resubmit the job. DFS1134I label LPAGE PROMPT=DFLDNAME NOT DEFINED THIS FMT.

Explanation: An MFLD with FILL=NULL was defined in the SEG statement with GRAPHIC=NO. The input message control block will not be created. "label" is the external or internal label generated on the MFLD statement. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the MFLDs with FILL=NULL in a SEG statement with GRAPHIC=NO, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 16 Severity: 12 DFS1138I label DFLD MUST NOT BE USED AS LABEL WITHIN THIS DEV/DIV

Explanation: The dfldname specified in PROMPT= parameter is not defined in the corresponding format. System action: Processing continues with the next MSG or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 Severity: 12 DFS1135I label WARNING: INPUT FROM DUPLICATE DFLD WILL BE IGNORED.

Explanation: Dfldname specified in the PFK=, PEN=, or CARD= parameter on the DEV statement or in the DPN=, PRN=, RPRN=, or RDPN parameter on the DIV statement is used also as a label on a DFLD statement within this DEV/DIV. System action: Processing continues with the next DIV, DEV, MSG, or FMT definition. Programmer response: Correct the DFLD statement, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 16 Severity: 12 DFS1139I label keyword= PARAMETER INVALID FOR THIS DIV TYPE AND WILL BE IGNORED.

Explanation: MULT=YES is defined for DPAGE and a duplicate DFLD is encountered in DPAGE. This is a warning diagnosticthe duplicate DFLD will be ignored by online processing. "label" is an externally defined name on the DFLD statement. System action: Processing continues normally. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 Severity: 4

Explanation: This warning diagnostic is issued for DEV type of 274X, SCS1, SCS2, or DPM. If DIV TYPE=INPUT, an invalid keyword of DSCA, PAGE, or FORMS was specified. If DIV TYPE=INPUT and DEV type is SCS1, an invalid keyword of HTAB, VTAB, or VT was specified. If DIV TYPE=OUTPUT, an invalid
Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1140I DFS1145I
keyword of FTAB, LDEL, CARD (if SCS1) or MODE (except for DPM-Bn) was specified. System action: Processing continues normally. Severity: 8 DFS1140I name FMT DOES NOT DEFINE DEVICE OUTPUT DESCRIPTION FOR OUTPUT MESSAGE DESCRIPTION. FMT NOT PROCESSED. DIV TYPE=OUTPUT or DIV TYPE=INOUT) has no MSG description with TYPE=OUTPUT associated with it through the SOR= parameter. System action: Processing continues normally. Programmer response: This error can produce undesirable blocks in the online format library. If a MSG output description is required, define it and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16, 36 Severity: 4 DFS1143I WARNING: NO INPUT MESSAGE DESCRIPTION FOR DEVICE INPUT DESCRIPTION IN name FMT.

Explanation: "name" is the external label defined on the FMT statement. FMT set is not compatibledevice input descriptions, (that is, DIV TYPE=INPUT) is associated through the MSG SOR= parameter to the MSG description with TYPE=OUTPUT. This message will be followed by one or more DFS1144I error messages and possibly by one or more DFS1145I error messages. A return code of at least 12 will be passed to z/OS from the execution of Step 1 of the MFS Language Utility. System action: Processing continues normally with the next FMT or MSG definition. Programmer response: Correct the MSG or FMT definition, or both, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16, 36 Severity: 12

Explanation: "name" is the external label defined on the FMT statement. A device input description (that is, DIV TYPE=INPUT or DIV TYPE=INOUT) has no MSG description with TYPE=INPUT associated with it through the SOR= parameter. This error can produce undesirable blocks in the online format library. System action: Processing continues normally. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16, 36 Severity: 4 DFS1144I name OUTPUT MESSAGE NOT PROCESSED.



Explanation: "name" FMT is the external label defined on the FMT statement. FMT set is not compatibledevice output descriptions, (that is, DIV TYPE=OUTPUT) is associated through the SOR= parameter to the MSG description TYPE=INPUT. This message will be followed by one or more DFS1145I error messages and possibly by one or more DFS1144I error messages. A return code of at least 12 will be passed to z/OS from execution of Step 1 of the MFS Language utility. System action: Processing continues normally with the next FMT or MSG definition. Programmer response: Correct the MSG or FMT definition, or both, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16, 36 Severity: 12 DFS1142I WARNING: NO OUTPUT MESSAGE DESCRIPTION FOR DEVICE OUTPUT DESCRIPTION IN name FMT.

Explanation: "name" is the external label defined on the MSG statement. This error message is printed as a result of a DFS1140I error message. It can also be printed as a result of a DFS1141I error message when the FMT set is not processed. System action: Processing continues normally with the next FMT set. Programmer response: Correct the MSG or FMT definition, or both, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16, 36 Severity: 12 DFS1145I name INPUT MESSAGE NOT PROCESSED.

Explanation: "name" is the external label defined on the MSG statement. This error message is printed as a result of a DFS1141I error message. It can also be printed as a result of a DFS1140I error message when the FMT set is not processed. System action: Processing continues normally with the next FMT set. Programmer response: Correct the MSG or FMT definition, or both, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16, 36

Explanation: "name" is the external label defined on the FMT statement. A device output description (that is,


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1146I DFS1152I

Explanation: The z/OS Image Copy utility program (IEBCOPY) issues a return code that indicates either a condition from which recovery might be possible or indicates an unrecoverable error. System action: Processing terminates. Programmer response: Determine the problem by using the IEBCOPY messages previously received, and the associated IEBCOPY program message documentation. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16, 36 Severity: 20

Explanation: The DPAGE definition currently being processed has exceeded the MFS buffer design limit of 32767 bytes. The work buffer contains literals, data fields, and control characters for the entire DPAGE. The field "label" is the name specified on the DPAGE statement. If DPAGE was not externally defined, "label" is the name of the DIV statement. System action: Processing continues with the next DEV, FMT, or MSG definition. Programmer response: The DPAGE definition cannot be processed in its current form. Redefine the DPAGE definition as multiple DPAGEs and resubmit. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 Severity: 12 DFS1150I label WARNING: POTENTIAL ERROR IF THE CURSOR POSITION ON INPUT IS 63 (HEX'3F'). THE SEGMENT IN WHICH THIS MFLD EXISTS WILL HAVE ALL THE NULL CHARACTERS (HEX '3F') REMOVED, INCLUDING THE CURSOR POSITION.



Explanation: The VT= or VTAB= parameter and the PAGE FLOAT options were specified in the same DEV statement. The VT= or VTAB= specification is ignored. The field "label" is the external or internally generated label on the DEV statement. System action: Processing continues normally. Programmer response: If the VT= or VTAB= option is desired, correct the PAGE option and rerun the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 Severity: 8 DFS1148I label WARNING: DPAGE FILL=NONE OR NULL IS INVALID WITH HTAB 'ONLINE' OR 'OFFLINE'. HTAB OPTION RESET TO SET.

Explanation: For more information, see the topic titled Message Formatting Functions in IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Transaction Manager. Severity: 4 DFS1151I label WARNING: HEADER MAY NOT FIT WITHIN A RECORD.

Explanation: DPAGE with FILL=NULL or FILL=NONE was specified in the DEV statement with the HTAB OFFLINE or ONLINE option. The OFFLINE or ONLINE option will be reset to SET. The field "label" is the external or internally generated label on the DPAGE statement. System action: Processing continues normally. Programmer response: If the HTAB OFFLINE or ONLINE option is desired, correct the DPAGE fill character specification, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 Severity: 8

Explanation: The message output header maximum size, calculated by the utility, exceeds the RCDCTL= value specified on the DIV statement for HDRCTL=VARIABLE. The field "label" is the externally-defined name on the FMT/DPAGE/PPAGE statement determined by the OPTIONS= specification on the DIV statement, or "label" is an internally-generated statement label. System action: Processing continues with this statement. Programmer response: Verify that the message output header to be sent to the remote program fits in a record. If not, either define a larger record size or create smaller headers and resubmit the job. DFS1152I label HEADER WILL NOT FIT WITHIN A RECORD.

Explanation: The message output header size, calculated by the utility, exceeds the RCDCTL= value specified on the DIV statement for HDRCTL=FIXED. The field "label" is the externally-defined name on the FMT/DPAGE/PPAGE statement determined by the
Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1153I DFS1159I
OPTIONS= specification on the DIV statement, or "label" is an internally-generated statement label. System action: Processing continues with the next DIV, DEV, FMT or MSG definition. Programmer response: Define a larger record size or specify a VARIABLE parameter on the HDRCTL= parameter of the DIV statement. Resubmit the job. DFS1153I label WARNING: PPAGE CONTAINS NO DATA. DFS1156I label WARNING: DUPLICATE SCA FIELD IN DPAGE.

Explanation: Only one SCA field should be defined in a DPAGE statement. The field "label" is the user-supplied or internally-generated label on the DFLD statement with this SCA option. System action: Processing continues with the current statement. Programmer response: If duplicate SCA information within a DPAGE is not desired, remove duplicate SCA fields in this DPAGE statement and resubmit the job. DFS1157I label NO. OF PPAGES EXCEEDS MAXIMUM.

Explanation: A PPAGE statement containing no DFLD statements was encountered for OPTIONS=PPAGE specified on the DIV statement. This causes MFS to generate a message output header only (no data fields) to be sent to the remote program as the only transmission and causes the component to be protected. A paging request must then be sent to IMS to receive data. The field "label" is the user-supplied or internally-generated label on the PPAGE statement. System action: Processing continues with this statement. Programmer response: Verify that only a message output header function is desired for the remote program. DFS1154I label PPAGE CONTAINS NO DATA. PPAGE IGNORED.

Explanation: The number of PPAGE statements defined in this DPAGE, with OPTIONS=PPAGE specified in the DIV statement, has exceeded the design limit of 256 pages. The field "label" is the user-supplied or internally-generated label on the PPAGE statement. System action: Processing continues with the next DIV, DEV, FMT or MSG definition. Programmer response: Reduce the number of PPAGE statements in this DPAGE to less than the maximum or define the current DPAGE in two or more DPAGE statements, and resubmit the job. Severity: 16 DFS1158I label IMS SYSTEM MESSAGE DEFINED INCORRECTLY

Explanation: A PPAGE statement containing no DFLD statements was encountered. For DEV TYPE=DPM-An or DPM-Bn and DIV OPTIONS=MSG or DPAGE, this PPAGE begins a new record and has no other effect on the remote program. For DEV TYPE=DPM-Bn and DIV OPTIONS=(PPAGE,NODNM), this PPAGE statement would not result in any meaningful information for the remote program. The field label is the user-supplied or internally-generated label on the PPAGE statement. System action: The PPAGE statement is ignored. Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Remove the PPAGE statement from the input stream, if desired, and resubmit the job. DFS1155I label THE RESULTING DIF/DOF BLOCK HAS EXCEEDED THE DESIGN LIMITS.

Explanation: The MFLD literal containing the IMS system message DFS057I has been defined incorrectly. The length of the literal is greater than 62, thereby preventing MFS from properly inserting system information into the system message, or the MFLD containing the system message is not in the default MOD DFSM03. The field "label" is the external or internally-generated label of the MFLD statement. System action: Processing continues with the next FMT or MSG definition. Programmer response: Change the MFLD length to be less than or equal to 62, or remove the system message literal from the user-supplied MOD. DFS1159I label A MESSAGE CONTAINING AN IMS SYSTEM MESSAGE MAY NOT DEFINE OTHER LITERALS.

Explanation: The DIF/DOF block currently being created has exceeded the design limit of 32767 bytes for a block. System action: Processing continues with the next DIV, DEV, FMT or MSG definition. Programmer response: The DIF/DOF must be made smaller by defining fewer DPAGE or DFLD statements, or both. Resubmit the job. Severity: 16

Explanation: This message is issued for the DFSM03 message, the IMS MFS error default block. This message must define only one literal: the IMS system message. No other literal definitions are permitted. The field "label" is the external or internally-generated label of the MFLD statement.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1160I DFS1164
System action: Processing continues with the next FMT or MSG definition. Programmer response: Remove all MFLD literals except the IMS system message from the MSG block. Rerun the job. DFS1160I name DFLDNAME SPECIFIED FOR MORE THAN ONE OF THE DPN, PRN, RDPN, AND RPRN PARAMETERS parameter was not inadvertently omitted from the DFLD statement. Severity: 4 Problem determination: 2, 8 16 DFS1163I label WARNING: ATTR=YES AND/OR nn SPECIFIED ON MFLD STATEMENT, BUT NOT ON CORRESPONDING DFLD STATEMENT

Explanation: A dfldname (name) was specified in more than one of the following parameters on the DIV statement: DPN=, PRN=, RDPN, and RPRN=. The dfldname for each of these parameters, if specified, must be unique. System action: The specification is ignored for all duplicate parameters, and processing continues with the next DEV, FMT, or MSG definition. Programmer response: Redefine the dfldname for the conflicting parameters, and resubmit the job. Severity: 8 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1161I label DPAGE LABEL IS REQUIRED

Explanation: For DPM-An or DPM-Bn, a request has been made to pass attribute data from an IMS application program to a remote program or subsystem by specifying ATTR=YES or nn, or both, on the MFLD statement. However, ATTR=YES or nn, or both, was not also specified on the corresponding DFLD statement. The request will be honored in expectation of other formats or future formats containing this dfldname which do have attributes. IMS still assumes that 2 additional bytes for ATTR=YES and (2xnn) additional bytes for ATTR=nn have been included in the LTH= specification for this MFLD to be used for the attribute modification bytes specifiable by the IMS application program. System action: Processing continues with the current statement. System programmer response: Verify that the ATTR=YES or nn, or both specification on the MFLD statement is really desired, or that the ATTR=YES or ATTR=nn specifications, or both, were not inadvertently omitted from the DFLD statement. Severity: 4 Problem determination: 2, 10, 16 DFS1164 label WARNING: SPANNED EGCS FIELD MAY BE INCORRECTLY SPLIT

Explanation: A label must be defined for each input DPAGE statement if OPTIONS=DNM is specified on the DIV statement. label is the internal label generated by the MFS preprocessor. System action: Processing continues with the next DIV, DEV, FMT, or MSG statement. Programmer response: Correct the DPAGE definition, and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS1162I label WARNING: ATTR=nn SPECIFIED FOR DFLDNAME WHICH HAD NO EATTR= SPECIFICATION

Explanation: A request has been made to dynamically modify the extended attribute bytes for a dfldname (label) for which no extended attributes (using EATTR=) have been specified. The request will be honored in expectation of other formats or future formats containing this dfldname that do have extended attributes. IMS still assumes that (2xnn) additional bytes have been included in the LTH= specification for this MFLD to be used for the attribute modification bytes that are specifiable by the IMS application program. System action: Processing continues with the current statement. Programmer response: Verify that the ATTR=nn specification is really desired, or that the EATTR=

Explanation: The EGCS field (label) spans multiple lines. This field should contain an even number of characters on each line. The line width (WIDTH=) and starting position of the field (POS=) are determining factors in the amount of data that will fit on each line. System action: Processing continues with the current statement. Programmer response: If the field is defined to have an even number of characters on each line, ignore this warning message. If the field is defined so that one or more lines will have an odd number of characters, correct the definitions and rerun the job. Problem determination: 2, 8, 16

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1166I DFS1172E
DFS1166I RC=08 MFLD LITERAL INCONSISTENT WITH DFLD SPECIFICATION System action: An abend U0780 is issued in the IMS control region and all of the IMS dependent regions will be abended with completion code U002. Programmer response: Locate the abend U002 dump for the dependent region identified in message DFS1169I to isolate and correct the original abend. DFS1170I cccccccc HDC DICTIONARY CREATED IN DD HDCDOUT FILE

Explanation: A DBCS/EBCDIC mixed field literal was specified on an MFLD statement, but was not specified on the corresponding DFLD statement. System action: MFS will not create MOD/MID and DOF/DIF blocks. Programmer response: Either define DBCS/EBCDIC mixed field literals on both statements, or remove the DBCS/EBCDIC mixed field literal specification from the MFLD statement; then rerun the job. DFS1167I RC=04 label DFLD HAS NO SPACE AT RIGHT SIDE FOR FIELD OUTLINING

Explanation: This message indicates that the Hardware Data Compression Dictionary (HDCD) utility program successfully completed with a return code 0. The value cccccccc is the dictionary name that was passed as a parameter to the HDCD utility. System action: The HDCD utility has terminated normally. Operator Response: None. System Programmer Response: None. Problem determination: None. DFS1171W cccccccc HDC DICTIONARY NOT CREATED, BECAUSE POTENTIAL STORAGE SAVINGS WILL NOT BE REALIZED.

Explanation: The DFLD statement specifies right field outlining, but there is no space to print the right outline. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: If field outlining is necessary for this field, change the field outlining specification; then rerun the job. DFS1168I RC=04 label DFLD HAS NO SPACE AT LEFT SIDE FOR FIELD OUTLINING

Explanation: The DFLD statement specifies left field outlining, but there is no space to print the left outline. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: If field outlining is necessary for this field, change the field outlining specification; then rerun the job. DFS1169I ABEND U0780 RC=yy CAUSED BY ABEND IN ASID=xxxx, JOBNAME=jjjjjjjj/UNKNOWN WHILE HOLDING LATCH AT ADDRESS=aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This message indicates that the HDCD utility program successfully completed but did not create a dictionary object file and terminated with return code 4. The value cccccccc is the dictionary name that was passed as a parameter to the HDCD utility. System action: The HDCD utility has terminated with return code 4 Operator Response: None. System Programmer Response: None. Problem determination: None. DFS1172E cccccccc HDC DICTIONARY NOT CREATED, BECAUSE SOURCE DATA DOES NOT MATCH EXPANDED DATA. THE FIRST 10 MISMATCHED RECORDS WILL BE PRINTED BEFORE COMPRESSION STATISTICS

Explanation: A dependent region has abended while holding a latch, causing the IMS control region to abend U0780. yy xxxx is the abend U0780 return code. identifies the failing address spaces ASID

jjjjjjjj/unknown will be either the failing address spaces jobname or the character string unknown when the jobname cannot be determined. aaaaaaaa will be the address of the latch header. This address can be located in the abend U0780 dump. An EBCDIC character string preceding the header identifies the latch.

Explanation: This message indicates that the HDCD utility program has detected mismatched source and expanded data. Therefore, it did not create a dictionary object file and terminated with a return code 8. The dictionary name that was passed as a parameter to the HDCD utility is denoted by cccccccc. System action: The HDCD utility has terminated with return code 8. Operator Response: None. System Programmer Response: Contact your DBA.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1173W DFS1192I

Explanation: This message indicates that the HDCD utility program has detected that the z/OS Compression/Expansion Service, CSRCMPSC, has not been installed. The HDC dictionary cannot be created. System action: The HDCD utility has terminated. Operator Response: None. System Programmer Response: Install z/OS CSRCMPSC, if required, and rerun the HDCD utility. Problem determination: None. DFS1174E HDC DICTIONARY NOT CREATED, BECAUSE MVS CSRCMPSC SERVICE HAD A LOGIC ERROR.

Explanation: The RM update found an LTERM with an owner control block name in Resource Manager (RM) that is different than the owner name passed in on the call. This situation might be due to a set of local blocks that do not match what is in RM. Generally, the local blocks in this circumstance have no status and will be deleted at the next simple checkpoint. After the local blocks are deleted, the failing command should work. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: Wait a few minutes and then attempt the command again. Module: DFSIC450 DFS1190I REGION nnnn NOT WAITING ON AOITOKEN xxxxxxxx

Explanation: This message indicates that the HDCD utility program has detected a logic error while using the z/OS Compression/Expansion Service (CSRCMPSC) macro. The HDC dictionary cannot be created. System action: The HDCD utility has terminated. Operator Response: None. System Programmer Response: Contact the IBM Support Center. DFS1175I MADS I/O TIMING PROCESSING ERROR FOR AREA areaname DDN=ddname RC=xx

Explanation: A /PSTOP AOITOKEN command was entered, but the region was not waiting on the specified AOI token. nnnn is the region number entered on the command xxxxxxxx is the AOI token name entered on the command System action: The command is not processed. System Operator Response: If the region number or AOI token name was specified incorrectly, reenter the command. You can use /DISPLAY ACTIVE to verify that the region issued a GMSG call with the wait option, and is waiting for a message. You can use /DISPLAY AOITOKEN to determine which AOI tokens are associated with waiting regions. DFS1191I AOITOKEN KEYWORD PARAMETER NOT FOUND

Explanation: IMS detected an error during MADS I/O timing. The reason code indicates the cause of the failure. In the message text: areaname ddname The name of the area that the long busy ADS belongs to. The data description name of the long busy ADS that is registered in the RECON data set. The reason code: X'10' MADS I/O timing cannot continue across an emergency restart.

Explanation: A /DEQUEUE AOITOKEN command was entered, but the parameter specified on the AOITOKEN keyword was not found or is incorrect. System action: The command is not processed. System Operator Response: If the AOI token name was specified incorrectly, reenter the command with the correct name. You can use /DISPLAY AOITOKEN to find out which AOI tokens have messages that can be dequeued. DFS1192I NO MESSAGES TO DEQUEUE ON AOITOKEN PARAMETER SPECIFIED


System action: Long busy ADS is stopped during emergency restart; the identified area is stopped globally if the area is shared with block level. Programmer response: None.

Explanation: A /DEQUEUE AOITOKEN command was entered, but the specified AOI token has no messages to be dequeued. System action: The command is not processed.

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1193I DFS1198I
System Operator Response: If the AOITOKEN name was specified incorrectly, reenter the command with the correct name. You can use /DISPLAY AOITOKEN to find out which AOI tokens have messages to be dequeued. DFS1193I ccccc CMD FAILED FOR REGION nnnnn tttt xxxxxxxx ssssssss RC= rrrrrrrr DFS1195I /ASSIGN FAILED. OWNERS IN DIFFERENT IMSs

Explanation: An error occurred when the /PSTOP or /STOP command was processed. ccccc is either PSTOP or STOP. nnnnn is the region number entered on the command. tttt is either AOIT or TRAN. AOIT means that the name that follows is an AOI token name. TRAN means that the name that follows is a transaction name. xxxxxxxx is the AOI token name or transaction name entered on the command. ssssssss is the service that failed during processing of the command. rrrrrrrr is the return code from the failed service request. System action: The command is not processed. System Operator Response: The service failure might be a temporary problem. Try to reenter the command. If the condition persists, an internal IMS system error might exist. Problem determination: 1, 6, 36 DFS1194I LOGGING TO SECONDARY MASTER ERROR - CODE = x

Explanation: The source resource being assigned is in a different IMS from the destination resource, and both resources are currently owned by their respective IMS systems. This error can only occur when IMS is using the IMS Resource Manager in a sysplex environment. The source and destination resources must meet one of the following conditions: v The source and destination resource must be in the same IMS system. v At least one of the resources must be known to the Resource Manager and not owned by an IMS. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: Ensure that both resources are in the same IMS, or ensure that at least one of the resources is known to the Resource Manager and not owned by an IMS. After the resource issue is resolved, reissue the /ASSIGN command. Module: DFSICL70 DFS1196I /ASSIGN FAILED. SAVE KEYWORD REQUIRED IF USER DOES NOT EXIST WITH RM

Explanation: IMS found one of the following errors when logging the message or command segment to the secondary master terminal. Code 1 2 3 4 5 Meaning The queue manager handling a request returned a nonzero code. A request for storage from the CIOP pool could not be satisfied. An internal error was found while logging to the secondary master terminal. The CBTS latch was held for an unexpected block-type during command processing. A request for storage from the HIOP for the LSMB control block could not be satisfied.

Explanation: If this IMS system is part of a sysplex using the IMS Resource Manager and the destination user does not exist, the /ASSIGN command will be rejected, the user might be immediately deleted, and the assignment would be incomplete. If the /ASSIGN command is issued with the SAVE keyword, the assignment persists for the user until another /ASSIGN command is issued with the NOSAVE keyword. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: Reenter the /ASSIGN command with the SAVE keyword. Module: DFSICL70 DFS1198I CONVERSATION UNUSABLE. COMMAND/TRANSACTION INPUT REJECTED

Explanation: This error occurred for one of two reasons: v Conversational input data was entered to continue an IMS conversation. Due to the state of the terminal at the time the command was issued, the conversation cannot continue. The situation might be temporary if this conversation is being continued on a different IMS after the first IMS failed v A /RELEASE command was entered for an IMS conversation that was being held. Due to the state of the terminal at the time the command was issued, the conversation cannot continue. The situation

System action: A 6701 trace record labeled LSM0 is written to the IMS log, except when code 5 is returned. In all cases, no further logging to the secondary master terminal is done for this message or command segment. System Operator Response: Contact your IMS system programmer.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1199I DFS1206I
might be temporary if the conversation is being released on a different IMS system after the first IMS failed. Terminal problems of this nature should only occur when IMS is using the IMS Resource Manager in a sysplex environment. System action: The transaction input or /RELEASE command is rejected. System Operator Response: Wait a short time, then reenter the input. If the condition continues, you might need to issue the /EXIT command to clear the terminal and delete the conversation. Module: DFSCON00, DFSICLH0 DFS1199I /CHANGE FAILED. SAVE KEYWORD REQUIRED IF USER DOES NOT EXIST WITH RM DFS1202I UNABLE TO OPEN SYSPRINT

Explanation: The DCB for the SYSPRINT DD statement cannot be opened. The most probable cause is a missing DD statement. System action: The MFS Service Utility processing continues. The MFS DCT Utility ends with a return code of 12. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. DFS1203I STATEMENT LABEL IS TOO LONG.

Explanation: The control statement label has exceeded 8 characters in length. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. DFS1204I STATEMENT HAS NO OPERATOR.

Explanation: If this IMS system is part of a sysplex using the IMS Resource Manager, and the user specified in the /CHANGE USER AUTOLOGON command does not exist, the /CHANGE command will be rejected unless the SAVE keyword was specified. The SAVE keyword specifies that the auto logon information persist until another /CHANGE command with the NOSAVE keyword is used for this user. Without the SAVE keyword, and any other significant status, the user could be immediately deleted making the /CHANGE command ineffective. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: Reenter the /CHANGE command with the SA keyword specified. Module: DFSICL60 DFS1200I MESSAGE/FORMAT SERVICE UTILITY DATE=mm/dd/yy TIME=hh.mm.ss PAGE nnnn

Explanation: A statement has been detected which does not contain an operator. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Most probable cause is a blank statement in the input stream. DFS1205I OPERATOR LENGTH OR POSITION ERROR.

Explanation: A control statement has been detected whose operator exceeds 8 characters or whose operator end character falls in column 71. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job as desired. DFS1206I COLUMNS 1 THROUGH -15 ARE NOT BLANK ON CONTINUATION.

Explanation: This indicates title or header line for SYSPRINT output from the MFS Utility program. DFS1201I UNABLE TO OPEN {SYSIN| SYSPUNCH|DCTIN|DEFLTS}

Explanation: The DCB for the SYSIN, SYSPUNCH, DCTIN, or DEFLTS DD statement cannot be opened. The most probable cause is a missing DD statement. System action: The MFS Service Utility processing continues with a missing SYSIN DD statement. The MFS DCT Utility ends with a return code of 12 when any of the data sets cannot be opened. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job.

Explanation: Columns 1-15 must be blank on a continuation statement. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job.

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1207I DFS1217I
DFS1207I COL 16 BLANK WHERE CONTINUED OPERAND EXPECTED. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. DFS1213I INTERNAL SCAN LOGIC ERROR, SNAP ID=127 TAKEN.

Explanation: Operands continued onto subsequent statement must resume in column 16. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. DFS1208I STATEMENT HAS UNIDENTIFIABLE OPERATOR.

Explanation: An internal scan logic error has occurred. A SNAP dump has been taken to the SYSSNAP DD statement. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: After problem determination, visually scan the statement causing the failure, correct the error, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 24, 36 DFS1214I POSITIONAL PARAMETER IS INVALID.

Explanation: The control statement operator is invalid. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. DFS1209I PROCESSING TERMINATED BY EOD ON SYSIN.

Explanation: A positional parameter is probably misspelled. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. DFS1215I EXPECTED KEYWORD NOT RECEIVED.

Explanation: Normal utility termination has occurred. System action: The job/step is terminated normally. DFS1210I ACTION RTN FOR STATEMENT HAS UNRESOLVED ADDRESS

Explanation: A valid statement type has been detected. However, the processing module for the statement type has an unresolved address constant. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Ensure correct linkage editor input of all required action modules. Problem determination: 13 DFS1211I 1ST POSITIONAL PARAMETER IS UNIDENTIFIABLE.

Explanation: A keyword was expected, but not found. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. DFS1216I DELIMITER LENGTH ERROR.

Explanation: An item with a length other than 1 was received where a delimiter character was expected. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Insert the required delimiter and resubmit the job. DFS1217I MISSING = AFTER KEYWORD.

Explanation: The first positional parameter is probably misspelled. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. DFS1212I STATEMENT HAS UNIDENTIFIABLE KEYWORD.

Explanation: An equal sign is required after the keyword. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Insert "=", and resubmit the job.

Explanation: An invalid keyword was detected for this control statement. System action: Processing continues with the next statement.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1218I DFS1229I

Explanation: The control statement operand terminated where more information was required or expected. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Complete the operand, and resubmit the job. DFS1220I EXPECTED KEY PARAMETER NOT RECEIVED.

Explanation: A character other than a blank or a comma followed a parameter in a control statement. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Delimit properly, and resubmit the job. DFS1225I DEV= PARAMETER IS INVALID.

Explanation: DEV= specification is unknown. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Specify the proper DEV= keyword, and resubmit the job. DFS1226I DIV= PARAMETER IS INVALID.

Explanation: A keyword has been detected for which no parameter was received. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Supply the desired parameter, and resubmit the job. DFS1221I MSG=,TBL= OR PDB= PARAMETER TOO LONG.

Explanation: DIV= specification is unknown. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Specify the proper DIV= keyword, and resubmit the job. DFS1227I MDL= PARAMETER IS INVALID.

Explanation: The MSG, TBL, or PDB parameter exceeds 8 characters. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. DFS1222I MSG=, TBL= OR PDB= PARAMETER IS INVALID.

Explanation: MDL= specification is unknown. System action: Processing resumes with the next statement. Programmer response: Correct the parameter, and resubmit the job. DFS1228I MISSING RIGHT PAREN ') ' IN SUBLIST.

Explanation: Either the MSG, TBL, or PDB parameter contains an invalid character, or TBL=ALL or PDB=ALL was specified for a SCRATCH request. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: If the parameter contains an invalid character, correct the parameter, and resubmit the job. If TBL=ALL or PDB=ALL was specified, change the parameter to the TBL or PDB name to be scratched, and resubmit the job. DFS1223I FMT= PARAMETER IS INVALID.

Explanation: A missing right parenthesis occurred in the sublist. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Correct the parameter, and resubmit the job. DFS1229I MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE FEAT=PARAMETERS AND/OR DEV=PARAMETERS.

Explanation: The FMT= parameter contains an invalid character or exceeds the 6-character maximum length. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job.

Explanation: Conflicting parameter specifications have been specified. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Remove the conflicts, and resubmit the job.
Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1230I DFS1239I

Explanation: FEAT= specification is unknown. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Correct the parameter, and resubmit the job. DFS1231I MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE KEYWORD FOUND.

Explanation: An INDEX request was ignored because the special index directory, $$IMSDIR, contains the maximum allowable number of entries. System action: Processing continues with the next action. Programmer response: Delete $$IMSDIR entries, as applicable; then resubmit the job. DFS1236I REQUEST IGNORED, $$IMSDIR IS EMPTY.

Explanation: Two or more keywords on the control statement are mutually exclusive. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Remove the conflict, and resubmit the job. DFS1232I FORMAT LIBRARY CONTAINS NO MEMBERS.

Explanation: The special INDEX directory, $$IMSDIR, contains no entries. The requested action could not be performed. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. DFS1237I REQUESTED MSG DOES NOT EXIST IN FORMAT LIBRARY.

Explanation: The active format library contains no members. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. DFS1233I FORMAT LIBRARY FETCH ERROR ON $$IMSDIR.

Explanation: The requested action for a MSG descriptor requires the existence of the descriptor. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Specify the message name again and resubmit the job. DFS1238 UNABLE TO COMPLETE INDEX ALL REQUEST

Explanation: An error has occurred when attempting to read in the special index directory, $$IMSDIR, from the active format library. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Resubmit the job after determining the cause of the I/O error condition. DFS1234I REQUESTED BLOCK DOES NOT EXIST IN $$IMSDIR.

Explanation: The index all request was not completed because of a mismatch between the number of members on the format library and the number of entries in the existing special index directory, $$IMSDIR. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Delete the existing special index directory, $$IMSDIR by entering /DELETE ALL; then resubmit the job. DFS1239I ERROR OCCURRED ON WRITE FOR $$IMSDIR

Explanation: A delete request for a FMT/MSG descriptor has been unsuccessful. The requested descriptors are not in $$IMSDIR. System action: If delete, processing continues with next statement. If scratch, continue with scratch processing. Programmer response: If delete, specify the correct descriptor name. Resubmit the job.

Explanation: During termination processing of the MFS Language utility, an error occurred when attempting to WRITE and STOW the final version of the INDEX directory into the active format library. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: After determining the cause of the I/O error, correct it, and resubmit the job.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1240I DFS1249I

Explanation: Comments on a control statement must begin with the 2-character sequence, /*. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job. DFS1241I END OF LIST FUNCTION.

Explanation: SCRATCH FORMAT cannot be requested without specifying the "FMT" keyword. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Specify the format name or "ALL". Correct, and resubmit the job. DFS1246I INTERNAL INDEX/DELETE LOGIC ERROR. SNAP ID=125 TAKEN.

Explanation: Normal LIST function complete. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. DFS1242I INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR INDEX.

Explanation: An internal logic error has occurred in the DIRMAINT subroutine of the INDEX/DELETE action module, DFSUTSG0. A SNAP dump has been taken on the SYSSNAP DD statement data set. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: After problem determination, visually scan the statement causing the failure, correct the error, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 24, 36 DFS1247I MEMBER= name RECEIVED RETURN CODE= nnnn FROM STOW WITH DELETE OPERATION.

Explanation: The special index directory, $$IMSDIR, cannot be fetched into storage for processing because of insufficient real storage resources. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Increase the region size or specify the positional parameter INDEX, or both, for the desired operation. DFS1243I INTERNAL FETCH ERROR, SNAP ID=126 TAKEN.

Explanation: A requested scratch action for the member with "name" received a return code of nnnn from the host system "STOW" function. "nnnn" is the hexadecimal return code received. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: See the host system "STOW" function return codes for the interpretation of the "nnnn" value returned. DFS1248I REQUESTED FMT DOES NOT EXIST IN FORMAT LIBRARY.

Explanation: An internal logic error has occurred in the block service module DFSUTSQ0. A SNAP dump has been taken on the SYSSNAP data set. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: After problem determination, visually scan the statement causing the failure, correct the error, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 24, 36 DFS1244I NO OTHER KEYWORDS MAY BE SPECIFIED WITH FMT= WHEN ACTION IS AGAINST THE REFERAL LIBRARY.

Explanation: The requested action for FMT descriptors has been unsuccessful. The requested descriptors are not in the FORMAT library. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Specify the correct format name, and resubmit the job. DFS1249I REQUESTED MSG DOES NOT EXIST IN REFERAL LIBRARY.

Explanation: When action is against the REFERAL library, no other keywords can be specified with FMT=. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Remove "DEV", "DIV", "MDL", or "FEAT", or both, keywords, and resubmit the job.

Explanation: A SCRATCH request for a REFERAL library member was not performed for one of the following reasons:

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1250I DFS1256I
v The member is unknown to the MFS Utility program DFSUTSO0. v The member to be scratched is actually an FMT or TBL description. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Specify the correct message name, and resubmit the job. DFS1250I REQUESTED FMT DOES NOT EXIST IN REFERAL LIBRARY. DFS1253I LIBRARY CONTENTS ARE INVALID, SNAP ID=124 TAKEN.

Explanation: The contents of the REFERAL library PDS are incorrect. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Problem determination: Source, listing from failing run, list PDS of REFERAL. DFS1254I REQUESTED PDB DOES NOT EXIST IN REFERAL LIBRARY

Explanation: A SCRATCH request for a REFERAL library member was not successful for one of the following reasons: v The member is unknown to the MFS Utility program DFSUTSO0. v The member to be scratched is actually a MSG or TBL description. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Specify the correct format name, and resubmit the job. DFS1251I REQUESTED TBL DOES NOT EXIST IN REFERAL LIB.

Explanation: A SCRATCH request for a Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) member in the REFERAL library was not performed because the member was not found. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Correct the PDB name, and rerun the job. DFS1255I THE PARAMETER {DCTSUF=|DSCTSUF=|DSCMSUF= |DEVCHAR=}x SPECIFIED IN THE EXEC STATEMENT IS {WRONG LENGTH|INVALID|DUPLICATE}

Explanation: A scratch request for a REFERAL library member was unsuccessful for one of the following reasons: v The member is unknown to the MFS Utility. v The member to be scratched is actually an FMT or MSG description. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Check the REFERAL listing to correct the error, specify the TBL again, and then resubmit the job. DFS1252I I/O ERROR ON REFERAL, SNAP ID=124 TAKEN.

Explanation: The suffix 'x' given in the EXEC statement as an appendage to complete the Device Characteristics Table or descriptor member name (DFSUDT0x, DFSDSCTx, or DFSDSCMx) contain characters that do not allow a valid member name to be generated. System action: Execution continues. The Device Characteristics Table member name defaults to DFSUDT00, unless otherwise specified in a subsequent MFS Service Utility control statement. The MFS Device Characteristics Table utility ends with a return code of 4. The descriptor member name defaults to DFSDSCT0 or DFSDSCM0. Programmer response: If the output produced is not satisfactory, specify a valid suffix in the EXEC statement parameter field, and resubmit the job. DFS1256I THE PARAMETER DEVCHAR=x SPECIFIED IN THE CONTROL STATEMENT IS {WRONG LENGTH|INVALID}

Explanation: An I/O error has occurred on the REFERAL library. A SNAP dump has been taken to the SYSSNAP DD data set. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Determine the cause of the I/O error, correct the error, and resubmit the job.

Explanation: The suffix "x" given in the control statement as an appendage to complete the Device Characteristics Table member name (DFSUDT0x) contained characters that would not allow a valid member name to be generated. System action: The control statement will be ignored,


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1257I DFS1264W
and execution will continue with the control statement following. Programmer response: Enter the correct suffix in the control statement, and resubmit the job. DFS1257I BLDL ERROR, RETURN CODE=xx Programmer response: Make sure that the DD statement for FORMAT has been included and is specified correctly. Resubmit the job. DFS1261I UNABLE TO OPEN REFERAL LIBRARY

Explanation: A nonzero return code was returned from the BLDL for the Device Characteristics Table member. The member name is DFSUDT0x, where x is specified with the DCTSUF= keyword for the MFS Device Characteristics Table utility and with the DEVCHAR= keyword for the MFS Service utility. The default name is DFSUDT00. System action: For the MFS Service utility, the control statement is ignored, and execution continues with the control statement following. The MFS Device Characteristics Table utility ends with a return code of 12. Programmer response: Enter the correct suffix in the control statement or EXEC statement keyword, and resubmit the job. DFS1258I SYMBOLIC NAME 3270-Ann IS INVALID

Explanation: One of the DCBs for the REFIN DD statement could not be opened. System action: Processing continues with the next utility control statement. Programmer response: Make sure that the DD statement for REFIN has been included and is specified correctly. Resubmit the job. DFS1262I MESSAGE FORMAT SERVICE DCT UTILITY DATE=mm/dd/ yyTIME=hh.mm.ss PAGE nnnn

Explanation: This message is the title or header line for the SYSPRINT output data set from the MFS Device Characteristics Table (DCT) utility program. This message is written only when an error is found in the first step of the utility. An error message follows the message. DFS1263X FIND FAILED FOR DESCRIPTOR MEMBER xxxxxxxx RETURNCODE= X'yyyyyyyy'

Explanation: The symbolic name 3270-Ann specified in the DEV= parameter is invalid. The number "nn" appended to 3270-A was not within the range "1 to 15", or the length of "nn" was less than 1 or more than 2. System action: The control statement will be ignored, and execution will continue with the control statement following. Programmer response: Correct the specification in the control statement, and resubmit the job. DFS1259I nnnn IS AN INVALID KEY NUMBER

Explanation: The FIND failed for descriptor member xxxxxxxx from the PROCLIB data set. The member name is either DFSDSCMa, where a is specified in the DSCMSUF= parameter, or it is DFSDSCTb, where b is specified in the DSCTSUF= parameter. System action: The MFS Device Characteristics Table utility ends with a return code of 12. Programmer response: Determine why the MFS Device Characteristics Table utility could not locate the specified descriptor member in the data set with the ddname PROCLIB. DFS1264W DEVCHAR SUFFIX 'xx' TRUNCATED TO FIRST CHARACTER

Explanation: Message generator module DFSUTSC0 has received a request to generate a message with a key of "nnnn" The message requested does not exist in a known message table. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: After problem determination, visually scan the statement causing the failure, correct the error, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 13, 36 DFS1260I UNABLE TO OPEN FORMAT LIBRARY

Explanation: More than one character was specified in the DEVCHAR= parameter of the EXEC statement. The message displays only the first two characters that were specified. System action: Only the first character is used as the one-character suffix for the device characteristics table name. The MFS Device Characteristics Table utility ends with a return code of 4. Programmer response: Specify a valid single alphanumeric suffix for the DEVCHAR= parameter on the EXEC statement. Then, rerun the job.

Explanation: One of the DCBs for the FORMAT DD statement could not be opened. System action: Processing continues with the next utility control statement.

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1265I DFS1269E

Explanation: The z/OS Workload Management service returned a nonzero return code when IMS attempted to connect to it. System action: This is an informational message. IMS continues with initialization, but will not participate with z/OS Workload Management services. Programmer response: See the z/OS documentation for an explanation of the return code and reason code. DFS1266 INCORRECT SPECIFICATION OF LU NAME

Explanation: A command specified the TMEMBER, TPIPE, and ALL keywords, but no OTMA Tpipes are associated with the specified transaction member. System action: The command is ignored. Module: DFSYC490, DFSYDPD0 DFS1269E SEVERE IMS INTERNAL FAILURE, REASON CODE=xxyy

Explanation: IMS experienced an internal error. See Table 19 for a list of reason codes. In the message text: xx A decimal number that identifies the module that experienced the error. yy An internal reason code. If yy is 98 or 99, the error can occur in any module. For example: REASON CODE=4698 occurs in module DFSYRST0, and REASON CODE=2898 occurs in module DFSYGRX0. Table 19. DFS1269E Reason Codes

Explanation: The network-qualified LU name in the command is specified incorrectly. A network-qualified LU name has a maximum length of 17 bytes which is composed of eight bytes maximum network ID, and eight bytes maximum LU name separated by a period enclosed in single quotes, for example, 'networkid.luname' Network-qualified LU names must be surrounded by single quotes when entered on a command, and there can be no blanks. Below are the reasons why the command is rejected: A period is missing between the network ID and the LU name. The length of the network ID or the LU name field is greater than eight bytes. The close single quote is missing. There is a blank somewhere between the single quotes. Parameter ALL was specified either in the network ID or the LU name field. An invalid character was encountered in the network-qualified LU name. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command with the correct format of a network-qualified LU name. DFS1267 PARAMETER CONTAINS INVALID CHARACTERS




19 20 21 22 23


| |

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31

Explanation: The parameters specified in the command has invalid characters. Valid characters for parameters are the alphanumeric characters: A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, the three national characters #,$,@, and the two generic characters %, and *. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command using valid characters.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

Table 19. DFS1269E Reason Codes (continued)
xx 31 yy 03 Module DFSYFND0 Description PROCESS_YPRX - DFSYPRX0, An user exit routine has not yet been defined, or unable to get an interface block from BCB. PROCESS_YDRU - DFSYDRUX, An user exit routine has not yet been defined, or unable to get an interface block from BCB. BUILD_OUPUT - User prefix length in error. Bad input PARM - YDSTTY. Bad input PARM for TPIPE YDSTFUNC. Bad input PARM for YQAB YDSTFUNC. BAD INPUT PARM for TTIB YDSTFUNC. BUILD_TPIPE - DFSBCB GET failed. BUILD_TPIPE - TPIPE DFSCIR ITASK failed. DELETE_TPIPE - TPIPE DFSCIR DTASK failed. DELETE_TPIPE - DFSBCB RELEASE failed. RELEASE_YTIB - YTIB was not found. Bad input Parm for RTIB YDSTFUNC. FIND_YTIB - YRTIB create failed. FIND_YTIB - YTIB get storage pool failed. DELETE_TPIPE - DFSBCB REL TPIPEs QAB failed. OTMA CONTROL BLOCK PROCESSOR NOTIFY_ONE_MEMBER - DFSBCB get failed. PROCESS_AWES - Invalid AWOFUNC function requested. CHECK_SECURITY - Invalid security. CHECK_SECURITY - RACHECK system failed. CHECK_SECURITY - RACINIT failed. The load failed for the DRU exit. DO_MEM_PHASE3 - OTMA is not ready shutdown in phase 3. ARE_QAB_READY - All QABs are not ready for shutdown. ARE_TIBS READY - All TIBs are not ready for shutdown. 40 09 DFSYTIB0 40 40 07 08 DFSYTIB0 DFSYTIB0 40 40 05 06 DFSYTIB0 DFSYTIB0 37 37 37 38 39 40 40 40 40 01 02 03 04 28 29 30 DFSYPSI0 DFSYPSI0 DFSYPSI0 DFSYPSOO DFSYSND0 DFSYTIB0 DFSYTIB0 DFSYTIB0 DFSYTIB0

Table 19. DFS1269E Reason Codes (continued)

xx 35 35 35 35 36 yy 27 28 29 30 Module DFSYMEM0 DFSYMEM0 DFSYMEM0 DFSYMEM0 DFSYIMI0 Description PERFORM_ON_TIB - Unable to post the TIB. PERFORM_ON_QAB - Unable to post the QAB. PROCESS_AWES - Invalid AWOFUNC function requested. FREE_AWE - Unsupported AWE type. OTMA GETTING STORAGE FOR NEW MBR PROCESS_AWE - Unsupported AWE function type. FREE_AWE - Unsupported AWE type. No State Data. TPIPE OUTPUT AWE SERV DFSYPSOO OTMA XCF INTERFACE Normal_Cleanup - Release TIB failed. Find_Dest: Unable to find the TranCode destination. Check_Security - RACINIT failed. Check_Security - RACHECK verified TranCode/Command Verb failed. Reserved. Enqueue - Message Router DFSICLR0 enqueued the message to the destination, but failed. Process_Input - Get buffer pool failed. Normal_Cleanup - Unable to free the receive buffer or command buffer it had been allocated. Process_Input - DFSQMGR updated the Message Prefix to show message is non-recoverable and non-restartable, but failed. Reserved. Inser_One_Seqgment - QMGR inserted the segment, but failed. Process_cmd: DFSYCMD0 command in error. Reserved. Handle_Error - Cancelled pending QMGR, but failed. Reserved. Reserved. Process_FastPath - Fast Path transaction in error. Reserved.




31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 34 34 34 34 34

05 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13


23 24 25 26 27 32 24 25 26


40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


| 34
35 35 35

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


Table 19. DFS1269E Reason Codes (continued)
xx 40 40 yy 19 20 Module DFSYTIB0 DFSYTIB0 Description Conv_Tran - Conversational Transaction in error. Update_Msg_Prefix - Internal error in DFSQMGR for Non_Fastpath transaction. Update_Msg_Prefix - Response Mod error in DFSQMGR for Non_Fastpath transaction. Free_Awe - Unsupported AWE type Find_Dest - Command invalid from an OTMA client. See DFS1285E. Find_Dest - Tran currently not available for use. See DFS3470E. Find_Dest - SMB Tran/Lterm is stopped. See DFS065. Find_Dest - Invalid Transaction which is CPIC. See DFS1286E. Find_Dest - Remote Destination (RCNT) invalid. See DFS1287E. Find_Dest - Invalid CNT name is specified. See DFS1288E. Find_Dest - The SMB is not found. See DFS064. Check_Security - Invalid security. See DFS1292E. Conv_TRAN - System Error Requested. Process_FastPath - System Error Message. Process_FastPath - User Error Message. Insert_One_Segment - Single Segment Message. See DFS1290E. Enqueue - All messages discarded See DFS249. Insert_One_Segment - Sent null segment. See DFS249. Insert_One_Segment - Queue overflow as unsuccessful insert. Find_Dest - Disallow CM0 for IMS conversational or Fastpath Transaction. See DFS1291E. Process_commit - Ending the conversation without an error message. Find_Dest - DFSNPRT0 requested reroute message to a remote system, but failed. See DFS064. Find_Dest - DFSNPRT0 requested reroute message to a remote system, but failed. See DFS070. Check_Seq_Num - Validate the recoverable sequence number for Resynch, but failed with Segment number.

Table 19. DFS1269E Reason Codes (continued)

xx 40 yy 43 Module DFSYTIB0 Description Check_Seq_Num - Validate the recoverable sequence number for Resynch, but failed with Nack. An invalid message was received from DFSYPSI0. When processing an input message without an AWE control block. An invalid AWE function code was specified. An insert prefix failed for queue manager. Invalid awaohead data from shared queues back-end system encountered. The system failed to get LUMP storage for calling DFSYIOE0. The system failed to release LUMP storage. Get_First_Segment - DFSQMGR gets segment failure. Check_System_Status - Member is not clear to send. Edit_N_Send - Segment has been cancelled. Move_Segment_Into_Buf - The LLZZ of segment length has exceeded the maximum size. Check_System_Status - System shutdown is in progress. Check_System_Status - XCF group has not been enabled. Check_System_Status - Qab/Pipe Control Block has not been stopped. Check_Init_Before_Send - Unable t0 clear YQAB for work. Get_First_Segment - DFSQMGR cannot get the first segment. Reserved. Get_First_Segment - APPC Transaction has no prefix. Get_Storage - DFSPOOL allocated storage failure. Dispose_Msg - Wash the msg back after sending. Free_Storage - DFSPOOL freed storage using DFSPOOL failure. Check_System_Status - RESYNC flag is on. Send_Service - Send out Sync output, but YQAB indicator is on. Send_Service - DFSYSLM0 issues XCF send, but failed.

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

40 40

48 51





40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38


40 40

54 58


40 40 41 41 41 41

60 61 08 28 29 30


41 41 41

50 51 52


41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 42

53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 04 08















Messages and Codes Volume 2

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Table 19. DFS1269E Reason Codes (continued)
xx 42 yy 29 Module DFSYLUS0 Description Send_Deallocate - DFSYFMTE cannot find corresponding input member. Do_Invalid_Service - Bad addressability or Parm area. Chng_Service - DFSYFND0 should return to DFSDLA30, but it is not. Find_QAB - Cannot find a QAB in the given OTMA message prefix. Find_RTIB - Cannot find a RTIB in the given OTMA message prefix. Find_TIB - Cannot find a TIB in the given OTMA message prefix. GetQabTib_Service - When OTMA returns to CLB, which should has YTIB/YQAB address, but DLAMSGIN is not pointing to the OTMA message prefix. Copypf_Service - When OTMA copies a given OTMA message prefix, DLAMSGIN is pointing to OTMA message prefix, but cannot find the TIB in the given LUMBLK. Copypf_Service - When OTMA copies a given OTMA message prefix, DLAMSGIN is pointing to OTMA message prefix, but the LUMBLK_Ptr is zero. Get_OTMA_Prefix - DFSPOOL cannot get storage for OTM prefix. TibInfo_Service - When OTMA returns information in the given YTIB, the LUMBLK_Ptr is pointing to the YTIB, but the address of LTERM (DLALTRMA) is zero. Inqy_Service - OTMA is not returned information from OTMA Prefix or YQAB/YTIB. INIT_PRE - Fail to call QMGR insert move message prefix. INIT_PRE - DFSPOOL gets the LUMP pool, but failed. INIT_PRE - DFSPOOL releases the LUMP pool, but failed. OTMA CHECK POINT Reserved. Move_Segment_Into_Buf - The LLZZ of segment length is exceeded the maximum size of 32k. Get_Storage - DFSPOOL get LUMP, but failed. Free_Storage - DFSPOOL releases LUMP, but failed. OTMA RESTART

42 42 42 42 42 42

30 31 32 33 34 35








42 42

38 39


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Table 19. DFS1269E Reason Codes (continued)

xx 47 yy 01 Module DFSYIDC0 Description Obtain storage below the Line for BPAM buffer and input block, but the interface STORAGE routine failed. Get The Receive Buffer (3K), but DFSPOOL GET failed. Release The Allocated Buffer, DFSPOOL REL failed. Free the storage it has been allocated, but DFSPOOL REL failed. Ixctl_To_Yrtib - Create a TIB ITASK by using the created RTIB, but failed. Ixctl_To_Yrtib - Call DFSDST to create a YRTIB, but failed. Ixctl_To_Yrtib - After creating RTIB ITASK, IXCTL run under YTIB ITASK, but failed. Ixctl_From_Yrtib - IXCTL back to the PST, and delete the YRTIB ITASK, but failed with deleting the YRTIB ITASK. If the OTMA was started, the MTO response is to issue /STOP OTMA, then issue /START OTMA. OTMA PREROUTING EXIT DFSYPRX0 OTMA DEFAULT DRU EXIT DFSYDRU0 OTMA JOIN/LEAVE-DFSYJL00

47 47 47 48

02 03 04 01


48 48

02 03








49 50 51


| System action: Processing continues.

Programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center and report the reason code xxyy and the output found in the OTMA trace. See IMS Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference for more information. Module: DFSYIDC0, DFSYMEM0, DFSYTIB0, DFSYRAC0, DFSYFD00, DFSYTIB0, DFSYSND0, DFSYSLM0, DFSYRST0, DFSYRR00, DFSYRAC0, DFSYQFX0, DFSYQAB0, DFSYPSO0, DFSYPSI0, DFSYMOM0, DFSYMEM0, DFSYLUS0, DFSYIO00, DFSYIDC0, DFSYFND0, DFSYCMD0, DFSYCKP0 MADS I/O TIMING STRUCTURE CONNECT SUCCESSFUL




43 43 43 44 45 45

06 23 24


29 30


| | DFS1270I |

| Explanation: IMS successfully allocated a structure for | MADS I/O timing. | System action: IMS continues process. | System Operator Response: None. | | |

45 45 46

57 59


Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1271E DFS1282E
| | DFS1271E |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |



| Explanation: Invalid MADS I/O timing parameters | were detected. In the message text, rc is one of the | following: | | | | | | | | | | | |
Code (Dec) Meaning 1 The length of MADS I/O structure is larger than 16 bytes. 2 More than 3 byte characters was given for I/O time. 3 An invalid character was detected in the structure name. 4 An invalid character was detected in the I/O time. 5 More than 256 seconds was written in the I/O time.

Explanation: An OTMA client sent an invalid response message to IMS. client is the 16-byte client name. System action: The OTMA response message is ignored. Programmer response: Ensure the OTMA response message is either an ACK or a NACK message. Module: DFSYMEM0 DFS1281E (N)ACK ON NON-EXISTING TPIPE=tpipe FROM MEMBER=member

| System action: IMS terminates abnormally with user | abend 0076. | Module: DFSTRA00 | | DFS1271I |

Explanation: An OTMA client sent a response message to IMS for a non-existing transaction pipe. tpipe is the 8-byte transaction pipe name. member is the 16-byte client name. System action: The OTMA response message is ignored. Programmer response: Ensure the OTMA transaction pipe associated with the client is awaiting an OTMA response message. Module: DFSYMEM0 DFS1282E UNABLE TO CREATE OR USE TPIPE=tpipe FOR MEMBER=member

| Explanation: IMS disconnected the list structure for | the following reason: | Code (Dec) Meaning | Structure failure | 01 A link error detected | 02 | | DFS1272I | | | | |

Explanation: An OTMA client requested IMS to use an existing Tpipe or create a new Tpipe. One of two errors occurred: v IMS was unable to allocate storage to create a new Tpipe. v The Synchronized Tpipe flag in the processing flag of the OTMA message-control-information prefix was set incorrectly on or off for an existing tpipe. After a tpipe is created for an input or output OTMA message, the Synchronized Tpipe setting for the Tpipe cannot be changed for the subsequent input or output OTMA message. In the message text: tpipe Identifies the 8-byte transaction pipe name member Identifies the 16-byte client name

Explanation: The XCF EVENT exit received notification that the IMSID identified by cccccccc terminated. The module DBFMLBI0 checked the list structure, but no long busy ADS was found.

| System action: IMS continues processing. | System Operator Response: None. | Module: DBFMLBI0 | | DFS1273I |

| Explanation: This message indicates that long busy | logic will use the user hash module, DBFMLBX0. | System action: None. | Programmer response: None. |

| System action: IMS responds to the original OTMA | message with a NACK message. | | | | | | | |
Programmer response: Ensure the IMS system has enough available storage. Also, check the Synchronized Tpipe flag in the processing flag of the OTMA message-control-information prefix. Module: DFSYMEM0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1283E DFS1290E
| | DFS1283E | | | | | | | |
(N)ACK ON NON-EXISTING BLOCK IN TPIPE=tpipe MEMBER=member TOKEN=token System action: IMS sends the OTMA client a NACK message. The original message is discarded. Programmer response: Ensure the OTMA client does not issue messages for CPI Communications driven transactions. Module: DFSYTIB0 DFS1287E DESTINATION NAME=destination IS RCNT AND NOT ALLOWED FROM AN OTMA MEMBER

Explanation: An OTMA client sent a response message to IMS for an existing transaction pipe but the control block did not exist. In the message text: tpipe The 8-byte transaction pipe name. member The 16-byte client name. token The 32 byte server token.

| System action: The OTMA clients message is ignored. | An X'6701' error record with ID=YPSI will be logged on | IMS OLDS.
Programmer response: Ensure the OTMA transaction pipe associated with the client is awaiting an OTMA response message and that the IMS token in the OTMA message is valid. Module: DFSYPSI0 DFS1284E (N)ACK ON NON-WAITING BLOCK IN TPIPE=tpipe MEMBER=member TOKEN=token

Explanation: The specified destination is an RCNT and cannot be accepted for processing from an OTMA client. System action: IMS sends the OTMA client a NACK message. The original message is discarded. Programmer response: Ensure the OTMA client does not issue messages for RCNT names. Module: DFSYTIB0 DFS1288E DESTINATION NAME=destination IS CNT AND NOT ALLOWED FROM AN OTMA MEMBER

Explanation: An OTMA client sent a response message to IMS for an existing transaction pipe that had a non-waiting control block. In the message text: tpipe The 8-byte transaction pipe name. member The 16-byte client name. token The 32 byte server token. System action: The OTMA clients message is ignored. Programmer response: Ensure the OTMA transaction pipe associated with the client is awaiting an OTMA response message and that the IMS token in the OTMA message is valid. Module: DFSYPSI0 DFS1285E COMMAND INVALID FROM AN OTMA CLIENT

Explanation: The specified destination is a CNT and cannot be accepted for processing from an OTMA client. System action: IMS sends the OTMA client a NACK message. The original message is discarded. Programmer response: Ensure the OTMA client does not issue messages for CNT names. Module: DFSYTIB0 DFS1289E TPIPE=tpipe EXCEEDS ALLOWED QUEUE SPACE MESSAGE CANCELLED

Explanation: The command cannot be entered from an OTMA client. The command can only be entered from an IMS terminal. System action: The IMS command is ignored. Programmer response: Determine if the correct command was entered. If so, there can be another IMS, XCF, or VTAM command that will give the desired results. Module: DFSYTIB0 DFS1286E DESTINATION NAME=destination IS CPIC AND NOT ALLOWED FROM AN OTMA MEMBER

Explanation: An buffer request was made that exceeded the allowed queue space for the specified OTMA transaction pipe. tpipe is the 8-byte transaction pipe name. The amount of space allowed can be controlled by the user exit routine DFSQSPC0. System action: The OTMA message is cancelled. Programmer response: Check the size of the message and adjust if necessary. Module: DFSYTIB0 DFS1290E DESTINATION NAME=destination IS SINGLE SEGMENT, TPIPE=tpipe

Explanation: The specified destination is a CPI Communications driven transaction and cannot be accepted for processing from an OTMA client.

Explanation: The specified destination can only accept single segment messages. Because multiple segments were detected, the message is discarded. tpipe is the
Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1291E DFS1297E
8-byte transaction pipe name. System action: The OTMA client receives a NACK message. Programmer response: Ensure the OTMA message has only a single segment. Module: DFSYTIB0 DFS1295E DFS1291E DESTINATION NAME=destination HAS AN INVALID COMMIT MODE DESTINATION NAME=destination IS A REMOTE TRANSACTION WHICH IS AN INVALID DESTINATION FOR A PROTECTED CONVERSATION pipe name. member is the 16-byte client name. System action: The OTMA message is cancelled. Programmer response: Check the segment size of the OTMA message. Module: DFSYSLM0

Explanation: The destination name specified had an invalid commit mode. Usually, the transaction is an IMS Fast Path transaction or an IMS conversational transaction and cannot queue messages for an OTMA client using the Commit-then-Send commit mode. System action: The OTMA client receives a NACK message. Programmer response: Ensure the OTMA message uses the proper commit mode, usually the Send-then-Commit commit mode. Module: DFSYTIB0 DFS1292E SECURITY VIOLATION

Explanation: The OTMA client or the LU 6.2 device attempted to establish a protected conversation with a remote IMS transaction. System action: For OTMA, the OTMA client receives a NACK message. For LU 6.2, IMS deallocates the conversation with ATBCMTP_TP_NOT_AVAIL_NO_RETRY and sends this message back to the LU 6.2 device. Programmer response: Establish the protected conversation with a local IMS transaction. Module: DFSYTIB0, DFSRLM10 DFS1296E DESTINATION NAME=destination IS NOT A TRANSACTION AND IS AN INVALID DESTINATION FOR A PROTECTED CONVERSATION

Explanation: IMS has rejected an OTMA transaction or command because it failed the security check. System action: The OTMA client receives a NACK message. Programmer response: Examine the security data section of the OTMA message prefix to ensure a user token, userid or group name was specified and valid. For example, if a user token contains an invalid value such as zero, this message will be issued. Module: DFSYTIB0 DFS1293E DESTINATION NAME=destination IS IN DOWN LEVEL IMS

Explanation: The OTMA client or the LU 6.2 device attempted to establish a protected conversation with a destination that is not an IMS transaction. System action: For OTMA, the OTMA client receives a NACK message. For LU 6.2, IMS deallocates the conversation with ATBCMTP_TP_NOT_AVAIL_NO_RETRY and sends this message back to the LU 6.2 device. Programmer response: Establish the protected conversation with a local IMS transaction. Module: DFSYTIB0, DFSRLM10 DFS1297E OTMA TRANSACTION COMPLETED. NO OUTPUT DUE TO MESSAGE SIZE EXCEEDED 32K (32767). MEMBER=member,TPIPE=tpipe

Explanation: The destination name specified is an IMS remote transaction name that is not valid. The likely cause is that the destination IMS subsystem is not capable of accepting the OTMA transaction. System action: The OTMA client receives a NACK message. Programmer response: Ensure that the destination IMS subsystem is at V5 or higher. Module: DFSYLUS0 DFS1294E OTMA OUTPUT SEGMENT SIZE EXCEEDED, MESSAGE DISCARDED, MEMBER=member, TPIPE=tpipe

Explanation: The OTMA commit-then-send output message segment length exceeded the limit of 32K (32,767) bytes. In the message text: member tpipe The 16byte client name The 8byte transaction pipe name

Explanation: The message segment length exceeded the limit of 32,764 bytes. tpipe is the 8-byte transaction

System action: The OTMA commit-then-send output message is cancelled. However, any database updates are committed. Programmer response: Make sure the segment size of


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1298E DFS1307I
the OTMA commit-then-send output message does not exceed the limit of 32,767 bytes. Decrease the segment size if necessary. Module: DFSYQAB0 DFS1298E DESTINATION NAME=destination IS A DYNAMIC TRAN AND NOT ALLOWED FROM AN OTMA MEMBER DFS1303I SC=08 INVALID STATEMENT LABEL/OPERATOR START SEQUENCE

Explanation: The source item received does not conform to LABEL/OPERATOR syntax requirements. One or the other is required. System action: Processing continues with the next item on the input statement. Programmer response: After examining the erroneous source, correct the error, and resubmit the job. DFS1304I SC=08 OPERATOR TOO LONG. STATEMENT SKIPPED

Explanation: The OTMA client attempted to run a dynamic transaction in a shared queues environment. This is not allowed for OTMA. System action: The OTMA client receives a NACK message. Programmer response: Enter the transaction on the IMS system in which it is defined. Module: DFSYTIB0 DFS1300I SC=08 INVALID STATEMENT OR STATEMENT SEQUENCE

Explanation: The order of occurrence requires LABEL/OPERATOR; however, the source item is greater than 8 characters and does not qualify as either. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: After examining the erroneous source, correct the error, and resubmit the job. DFS1305I SC=08 INVALID CHARACTER DELETED

Explanation: This statement type does not occur in the proper sequence. The operator, in this case, should have been FMT/FMTEND, MSG/MSGEND, TABLE/TABLEEND, or END. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Insert the proper statement, and rerun the job. DFS1301I SC=04 MISSING END STATEMENT. EOD RECEIVED

Explanation: A character other than alphanumeric, national, arithmetic operator, or punctuation has been detected. System action: Processing resumes with the next character in the input buffer. Programmer response: After examining the erroneous source, specify the input again, and resubmit the job. DFS1306I SC=08 END OF STATEMENT DURING STRING COLLECTION PROCESSING

Explanation: EOD on SYSIN has been sensed and no END statement was supplied. System action: An END statement is presumed, and EOJ processing is done. Programmer response: Ensure that all the input has been processed. DFS1302I SC=04 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION, (parm-name) PARAMETER IGNORED

Explanation: An end-of-statement condition has been detected while preparing a collection of characters for the get item processor. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: After examining the erroneous source, specify the input again, and resubmit the job. DFS1307I SC=08 END OF FILE DURING STRING COLLECTION PROCESSING

Explanation: The parm-name parameters NO/REDEF or NO/TEST, included for planning purposes, have been specified; they are ignored. System action: Processing continues with next PARM field or SYSIN record obtained. Programmer response: Do not specify the following parameters: REDEFINE/TEST.

Explanation: An end-of-file condition has been detected while preparing a collection of characters for the get item processor. System action: Processing continues with the appropriate EOD routines. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous source or re-create the offending SYSLIB source, and rerun the job.
Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1308I DFS1317I

Explanation: An alphanumeric item exceeds 255 bytes in length. System action: Processing continues with the next source item. Programmer response: After examining the erroneous source, specify the item again, and resubmit the job. DFS1309I SC=08 NUMERIC ITEM OVERFLOW ON SCAN

Explanation: A LABEL contains other than an alphanumeric or national character. System action: Processing continues with the next source character. Programmer response: After removing or correcting the offending character, resubmit the job. DFS1314I SC=08 INVALID OPERATOR START CHARACTER. $ SUBSTITUTED

Explanation: A numeric item exceeds 255 bytes in length. System action: Processing continues with the next source character. Programmer response: After examining the erroneous source, specify the item again, and resubmit the job. DFS1310I SC=08 alphanumeric ITEM OVERFLOW ON SCAN

Explanation: The order of occurrence required OPERATOR, and the current item has a non alphabetic first character. System action: Processing continues with the next source character. Programmer response: Preprocessor OPERATORS are all alphabetic character strings; specify the operator again, and rerun the job. DFS1315I SC=08 INVALID OPERATOR CHARACTER. $ SUBSTITUTED

Explanation: An alphanumeric item exceeds 255 bytes in length. System action: Processing continues with the next source item. Programmer response: After examining the erroneous source, specify the item again, and resubmit the job. DFS1311I SC=08 STRING ITEM OVERFLOW ON SCAN

Explanation: The order of occurrence requires an OPERATOR, and the current item contains a non-alpha character. System action: Processing continues with the next source character. Programmer response: Preprocessor OPERATORS are all alphabetic character strings; specify the operator again, and rerun the job. DFS1316I SC=08 INVALID OPERAND START CHARACTER. $ SUBSTITUTED

Explanation: A character string exceeds 255 bytes in length. System action: Processing continues with the next source character. Programmer response: After examining the erroneous source, specify the string again, and resubmit the job. DFS1312I SC=08 INVALID LABEL START CHARACTER. $ SUBSTITUTED

Explanation: An OPERAND begins with other than a quote or alphabetic character. System action: Processing continues with the next source character. Programmer response: Specify the OPERAND in error again and rerun the job. DFS1317I SC=08 INVALID CHARACTER IN OPERAND. $ SUBSTITUTED

Explanation: A LABEL begins with other than an alpha or national character. System action: Processing continues with the next source character. Programmer response: Specify the label again using alpha/national initial characters, and resubmit the job.

Explanation: An OPERAND contains an invalid character. System action: Processing continues with the next source character. Programmer response: Specify the operand in error again and rerun the job.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1318I DFS1327I
DFS1318I SC=08 COLS 1-15 NOT BLANK ON CONTINUATION Programmer response: Shorten the LABEL specified to eight or fewer characters, and rerun the job. DFS1323I SC=08 NO OPERATOR FOUND

Explanation: A continuation statement is not blank in columns 1 through 15. System action: Processing continues with the next non-continuation statement. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous continuation statement, leaving columns 1 through 15 blank, and resubmit the job. DFS1319I SC=08 EXPECTED CONTINUATION NOT RECEIVED

Explanation: The order of occurrence of the operands requires that OPERATOR occur next, but it was not found. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Specify the input again; include a valid OPERATOR and rerun the job. DFS1324I SC=08 CONTINUED OPERATOR INVALID SYNTAX

Explanation: The previous source statement indicated continuations on a subsequent statement; however, no continuation statement followed. System action: Processing continues as if no continuation was specified. Programmer response: Supply the continuation statements or remove the continuation indicator, and rerun the job. DFS1320I SC=08 COLUMN 16 BLANK ON CONTINUATION

Explanation: OPERATORs must be contiguous and on a single statement. System action: Processing continues as if this statement were comments. Programmer response: Specify the input again according to continuation requirements, and rerun the job. DFS1325I SC=08 MISSING OPERAND. CONTINUED COMMENTS ASSUMED

Explanation: Continuation statements must begin in column 16. System action: Processing continues as if this statement were comments. Programmer response: Specify the first character of the continuation data in column 16 again and rerun the job. DFS1321I SC=04 INVALID CHARACTER X'hh' IN STRING

Explanation: An OPERAND is missing. System action: Processing continues as if this statement were comments. Programmer response: Provide the missing operand, and rerun the job. DFS1326I SC=04 EXCESSIVE LABEL LENGTH. FIRST 8 CHARACTERS USED

Explanation: An invalid character has been detected in the literal string. X'hh' is the hexadecimal representation of the invalid character. System action: Processing continues with the next source character. The character is included in the generated literaldepending on the device and the character, it can adversely affect formatting. Programmer response: Verify that the literal contains the desired content. For some characters, the ALPHA statement can be used to eliminate this message. Omit or change the invalid character, and rerun the job. DFS1322I SC=08 EXCESSIVE LABEL LENGTH

Explanation: LABELs can never exceed 8 characters in length. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Shorten the LABEL specified to 8 or fewer characters, and rerun the job. DFS1327I SC=08 NO OPERATOR FOUND

Explanation: No OPERATOR has been found on this statement. System action: Processing continues as if this statement were comments. Programmer response: Specify the desired OPERATOR, and rerun the job.

Explanation: LABEL can never exceed 8 characters in length. System action: Truncation occurs and processing continues with the next source character.

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1328I DFS1338I

Explanation: Continuation of a literal string was indicated, but not found. System action: Processing continues as if this statement were comments. Programmer response: Specify the input again according to continuation requirements, and rerun the job. DFS1329I SC=04 END OF FILE DETECTED WHERE CONTINUATION CARD WAS EXPECTED

Explanation: "any operand" is the offending OPERAND. System action: Processing continues with further error analysis. Programmer response: See message DFS1334I. DFS1334I SC=04 EXPECTED: any operand(s)

Explanation: The operands valid for this keyword are listed. System action: Processing continues with further error analysis. Programmer response: Select one or more of the valid options listed, specify the selected options, and rerun the job. DFS1335I SC=08 RECD ITEM DELETED

Explanation: An end-of-file condition has been sensed, when a continuation statement should have been received. System action: Processing continues with the appropriate EOD routines. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous source or re-create the offending SYSLIB source, and rerun the job. DFS1330I SC=20 I/O ERROR. INPUT PROCESSING TERMINATED

Explanation: The item indicated by Message DFS1333I has been deleted and no assumption will be made. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the proper OPERAND again and rerun the job. DFS1336I SC=08 ITEM PREVIOUS TO RECD ITEM DELETED

Explanation: An I/O error on SYSIN or SYSLIB has occurred. This message is preceded by a z/OS message indicating the specific type of error. System action: The preprocessor terminates with a forced EOJ. Programmer response: Determine the cause of the I/O error, correct it, and rerun the job. DFS1331I SC=08 TEXT SUBSTITUTION BUFFER FULL, TEXT LOST

Explanation: An error condition exists that requires the preprocessor to delete the previous item to resolve the conflict. System action: Processing continues with next operand. Programmer response: Specify the proper OPERAND again and rerun the job. DFS1337I SC=04 FOLLOWING ASSUMED: 'any operand'

Explanation: The text substitution buffer size (4096 bytes) has been exceeded; no further entries can be made. System action: The current text is not stacked; processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Remove the unnecessary or lengthy equates (EQU), and rerun the job. DFS1332I SC=04 POSITION MARKER

Explanation: The preprocessor has assumed "any operand", which is valid. System action: Processing continues with the next source item. Programmer response: See message DFS1334I if the assumption made is not desired. DFS1338I SC=08 NULL OPERAND RECEIVED FOR ALPHA STATEMENT

Explanation: The position marker indicates the current source pointer at the time of error. System action: Processing continues with further error analysis. Programmer response: See message DFS1334I.

Explanation: No OPERAND has been provided on an ALPHA statement. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1339I DFS1348I
Programmer response: Add the desired operand, and rerun the job. DFS1339I SC=08 INVALID CHARACTER IN ALPHA STRING IGNORED DFS1344I SC=04 TITLE LENGTH EXCEEDS nnn CHARACTERS. FIRST nnn USED

Explanation: The TITLE literal exceeded the maximum number of characters 'nnn', and was truncated to the first nnn characters. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Specify the desired literal again and resubmit the job. DFS1345I SC=04 NULL TITLE OPERAND. PREVIOUS TITLE REMAINS IN EFFECT

Explanation: You have attempted to use as alphabetic a character reserved for a number or a delimiter. System action: The character is ignored and processing continues with the next alphabetic string character. Programmer response: If the intended collating sequence is correct, none is required; if it is not, specify it again, and rerun the job. DFS1340I SC=04 EQUATE LENGTH TRUNCATED TO 256 MAX

Explanation: No TITLE literal was provided; the statement was ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Provide the desired TITLE literal, and resubmit the job. DFS1346I SC=08 LPAGE SEQUENCE ERROR. NO 1ST LPAGE

Explanation: A single EQU character string exceeded 256 bytes, and was truncated. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Break up the equate string into smaller logical components, and rerun the job. DFS1341I SC=08 NO LABEL PROVIDED FOR EQUATE PROCESSOR

Explanation: The first LPAGE in a MSG containing more than one LPAGE must be specified. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Add an LPAGE statement to the source, and rerun the job. DFS1347I SC=04 MSGEND STATEMENT ASSUMED

Explanation: An EQU has been encountered with no label, and consequently cannot be referenced. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Provide a label, and rerun the job. DFS1342I SC=08 LABEL IS TOO LONG FOR EQUATE

Explanation: The statement order of occurrence requires a MSGEND statement. None was found; one is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Insert the MSGEND statement, and rerun the job. DFS1348I SC=04 SEG STATEMENT ASSUMED

Explanation: LABELs can be no more than 8 bytes in length. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Alter the LABEL and references to 8 characters or less, and rerun the job. DFS1343I SC=08 NO RIGHT PART VALUE PROVIDED FOR EQUATE

Explanation: The statement order of occurrence requires the SEG statement. None was found; one is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Supply the desired SEG statement, and rerun the job.

Explanation: No equate string has been provided. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Provide a value to be equated to the LABEL, and rerun the job.

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1349I DFS1358I
DFS1349I SC=08 MFLD STATEMENT ASSUMED System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Correct the RESCAN specification (do not exceed 5 significant digits), and rerun the job. DFS1354I SC=04 RESCAN COUNT EXCEEDS 32767. COUNT SET TO 32767

Explanation: The statement order of occurrence requires an MFLD statement. None was found; one is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Insert the desired MFLD statement, and rerun the job. DFS1350I SC=08 'nnnn' IS AN INVALID MESSAGE NUMBER

Explanation: The RESCAN count exceeds the value 32767; it is defaulted to 32767. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Correct the RESCAN specification to the desired number, and rerun the job. DFS1355I SC=04 NUMBER FOR SPACE EXCEEDS 15 SIGNIFICANT DIGITS. THE PAGE WILL BE EJECTED

Explanation: This message is issued whenever a message number is presented to the message processor (DFSUPAK0) and the message number cannot be found in the message table (DFSUPAL0). System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: After problem determination, visually scan the statement causing the failure, correct the error, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 13, 36 DFS1351I SC=08 MAXIMUM RESCAN SUBSTITUTION COUNT EXCEEDED. SUBSTITUTION NOT PERFORMED

Explanation: The SPACE count exceeds 15 significant digits, which is invalid; a page eject occurs. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Specify the SPACE count again (do not exceed 15 significant digits), and rerun the job. DFS1356I SC=12 FMTNAME AS LABEL REQUIRED. FMT USED

Explanation: A statement has exceeded the maximum RESCAN substitution count. This is not permissible. (The RESCAN default is 5 to avoid looping.) System action: The substitution is terminated. Processing resumes with the next statement. Programmer response: Specify a larger number on the RESCAN statement for the desired result. DFS1352I SC=08 SCAN ABORTED DUE TO SEVERE SYNTAX ERROR, CONTINUING WITH NEXT STATEMENT

Explanation: A LABEL is required on each FMT statement; this format is labeled FMT. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Specify FMT with the desired label again and rerun the job. DFS1357I SC=08 FMTNAME EXCEEDS 6 CHARACTERS. FIRST 6 USED

Explanation: The current statement errors cannot be resolved; the statement is discarded. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous operands using the supporting message numbers DFS1332I through DFS1337I, and rerun the job. DFS1353I SC=04 RESCAN COUNT EXCEEDS 5 SIGNIFICANT DIGITS. DEFAULT COUNT OF 5 USED

Explanation: Format names cannot exceed 6 characters in length; it is truncated to the first 6 characters. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Specify the desired format name again and rerun the job. DFS1358I SC=08 DEV STATEMENT ASSUMED

Explanation: No DEV statement followed a FMT statement; one has been assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Insert the desired DEV, and rerun the job.

Explanation: No more than 5 significant digits are acceptable as the RESCAN count; it is set to 5.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1359I DFS1368I
DFS1359I SC=04 FMTEND STATEMENT ASSUMED DFLD statement again and rerun the job. DFS1364I SC=04 ENDDO STATEMENT ASSUMED

Explanation: A format block should end with an FMTEND statement. None has been found; one has been assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Supply a FMTEND statement, and resubmit the job. DFS1360I SC=04 DIV STATEMENT ASSUMED

Explanation: The statement order of occurrence requires an ENDDO statement. None was found; one is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Provide the desired ENDDO statement, and rerun the job. DFS1365I SC=08 DFLD POS= KEYWORD DOES NOT ALLOW SPACE FOR SIMULATED ATTRIBUTE

Explanation: A DEV statement was not immediately followed by a DIV statement. One has been assumed as follows: 3270=INOUT, 3600=INPUT, ALL OTHERS=OUTPUT. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: For the desired result or documentation purposes, specify the DIV statement, and rerun the job. DFS1361I SC=08 DPAGE SEQUENCE ERROR. NO 1ST DPAGE

Explanation: The POS= keyword specifies line 1 and the column position as the left margin. There is no available byte preceding the field for the attribute byte. ATTR=YES is therefore ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the POS= keyword or the ATTR= keyword of the DFLD statement again and rerun the job. DFS1366I SC=08 PS VALUE INVALID, X'00' USED

Explanation: The first DPAGE in a FMT containing more than one DPAGE must be specified. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Add DPAGE statement to the source input, and rerun the job. DFS1362I SC=08 DFLD STATEMENT ASSUMED

Explanation: The value specified for PS is not a single character or 2 hexadecimal characters, or is not in the range from X'40' to X'FE'. System action: The default value of X'00' is used and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Specify the PS value as either a single character or 2 hexadecimal characters in the range from X'40' to X'FE', or as PX'00'. Rerun the job. DFS1367I SC=08 TABLENAME AS LABEL REQUIRED. 'TEMPTABL USED'

Explanation: The statement order of occurrence requires a DFLD statement as input. None was found; one is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Provide the desired DFLD statement, and rerun the job. DFS1363I SC=08 POS=(lll,ccc,ppp) REQUIRED FOR RECORD MODE

Explanation: Each TABLE statement requires a label. None was found; it is assigned a label. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Provide the required label, and rerun the job. DFS1368I SC=04 TABLENAME TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: The stream mode form of the DFLD POS= keyword was given when MODE=RECORD; the form POS=(lll,ccc,ppp) is required. The default record mode POS= keyword is used (line=1, column=left margin +1, page=1). System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the MODE= keyword of the DEV statement or the POS= keyword of the

Explanation: The TABLE statement label exceeds 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand.

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1369I DFS1378I
Programmer response: Specify the desired label again and rerun the job. DFS1369I SC=08 IF STATEMENT ASSUMED AS: 'NOFUNC' DFS1374I SC=04 SOR=FMTNAME, FMTNAME EXCEEDS 6 CHARACTERS. FIRST 6 USED

Explanation: The SOR= formatname exceeds 6 characters; the first 6 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the format name again and rerun the job. DFS1375I SC=08 NXT=MSGNAME, MSGNAME LTH=0. NONE USED

Explanation: At least one IF statement is required for a TABLE; one is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired statements or remove the TABLE, and rerun the job. DFS1370I SC=04 TABLEEND STATEMENT ASSUMED

Explanation: The NXT= specification is null; no message name is used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired message name, and rerun the job. DFS1376I SC=04 NXT=MSGNAME, MSGNAME EXCEEDS 8 BYTES. TRUNCATED TO 8 BYTES

Explanation: The statement order of occurrence requires a TABLEEND. None was found; one is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Insert the TABLEEND statement as required, and rerun the job. DFS1371I SC=08 MSG NAME AS LABEL REQUIRED

Explanation: The NXT= message name exceeds 8 bytes; the first 8 bytes are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired message name again and rerun the job. DFS1377I SC=04 FILL=C'.', TRUNCATED TO 1 CHARACTER

Explanation: Each MSG statement should be labeled. None was found; one is generated. The form is MSG concatenated to source statement number. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired label, and rerun the job. DFS1372I SC=04 MSG NAME TOO LONG. TRUNCATED TO 8 BYTES

Explanation: The FILL= literal exceeds 1 character in length; the first character is used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired literal again and rerun the job. DFS1378I SC=04 FILL=C'.' CHARACTER NOT SUPPLIED

Explanation: A MSG statement label exceeds 8 bytes; the first 8 bytes are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the label again and rerun the job. DFS1373I SC=08 SOR=FMTNAME, FMTNAME MISSING

Explanation: The FILL= specification is null; it is set to a blank. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired fill character again and rerun the job.

Explanation: The SOR= specification is null; no format name is used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired format name, and rerun the job.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1379I DFS1388I

Explanation: Only one TYPE= specification is allowable on a single MSG statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the multiple TYPE= specification, and rerun the job. DFS1380I SC=04 DUPLICATE SOR= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: Only one FILL= specification is allowable in a single MSG statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the multiple FILL= specifications, and rerun the job. DFS1385I SC=04 SOR=FMTNAME NOT SPECIFIED. '$$$FMT' USED

Explanation: Only one SOR= specification is allowed on a single MSG statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next source item. Programmer response: Resolve multiple SOR= specifications, and rerun the job. DFS1381I SC=04 DUPLICATE OPT= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The SOR= specification was not specified for this MSG; $$$FMT was used as format name. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the format name desired, and rerun the job. DFS1386I SC=08 FILL= SPECIFICATION INVALID FOR TYPE=INPUT

Explanation: Only one OPT= specification is allowable on a single MSG statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the multiple OPT= specifications, and rerun the job. DFS1382I SC=04 DUPLICATE NXT= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The FILL= specification was specified on an MSG statement of TYPE=INPUT. It is only valid on MSG and DPAGE statements of TYPE=OUTPUT. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1387I SC=08 PAGE= SPECIFICATION INVALID FOR TYPE=INPUT

Explanation: Only one NXT= specification is allowable on a single MSG statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the multiple NXT= specifications, and rerun the job. DFS1383I SC=04 DUPLICATE PAGE= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The PAGE= specification was specified on an MSG statement of TYPE=INPUT. It is only valid on MSG statements of TYPE=OUTPUT. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1388I SC=04 DUPLICATE SOR= SPECIFICATION INVALID

Explanation: Only one PAGE= specification is allowable on a single MSG statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the multiple PAGE= specifications, and rerun the job.

Explanation: Only one SOR= specification is allowable in a single LPAGE statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired SOR= specification again and rerun the job.

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1389I DFS1398

Explanation: The SOR= specification is null; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired dpagename, and rerun the job. DFS1390I SC=04 SOR=DPAGENAME, DPAGENAME EXCEEDS 8 CHARACTERS. TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: Only one COND= specification is allowable on a single LPAGE or DPAGE statement; the second specification is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1395I SC=04 COND= COMPARE LOCATION NAME LENGTH EXCEEDS 8 CHARACTERS. TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: The SOR= dpagename exceeds 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired dpagename again and rerun the job. DFS1391I SC=04 COMPARE OFFSET EXCEEDS 5 SIGNIFICANT DIGITS, LAST 5 DIGITS USED

Explanation: The COND= fieldname exceeds 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired fieldname again and rerun the job. DFS1396I SC=08 COND= COMPARE LOCATION NAME LENGTH IS ZERO. NAME SPECIFICATION IGNORED

Explanation: The COND= offset parameter exceeds 5 digits; the last 5 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired offset again and rerun the job. DFS1392I SC=04 COMPARE OFFSET EXCEEDS 32767. VALUE ALTERED TO 32767

Explanation: The COND= fieldname parameter is null; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired fieldname, and rerun the job. DFS1397I SC=08 EXIT= SPECIFICATION INVALID WITH 'LITERAL' PARAMETER. SPECIFICATION IGNORED.

Explanation: The COND= offset parameter value exceeds 32767; it is set to 32767. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired value again and rerun the job. DFS1393I SC=08 COMPARE OFFSET DIGIT COUNT IS ZERO. VALUE OF ZERO USED

Explanation: The EXIT= is not allowed when the LITERAL parameter is specified. EXIT= is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1398 INPUT SELECTION ERROR

Explanation: The COND= offset parameter is null; it is set to zero. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired offset value, and rerun the job.

Explanation: This message is displayed if you do not correctly enter one of the following analysis input selections: v MAX= v KR= v NBR= System action: The system exits the utility.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1399I DFS1407
User response: Enter the correct analysis option. Module: DFSMAID0 DFS1399I SC=08 COND= COMPARE. LITERAL LENGTH IS ZERO. ' ' USED FOR LITERAL System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired literal, and rerun the job. DFS1404I SC=04 NXT= MSGNAME EXCEEDS 8 CHARACTERS. TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: The literal in the COND= specification of the LPAGE statement was omitted. A single blank is used as the literal. System action: Processing continues with the next source item. Programmer response: Specify the desired literal, and rerun the job. DFS1400I SC=04 PROMPT= FIELDNAME EXCEEDS 8 CHARACTERS. TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: The NXT= message name exceeds 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired message name again and rerun the job. DFS1405I SC=04 NXT= MSGNAME TEXT LENGTH IS ZERO. MSG.NEXT=MSGNAME USED

Explanation: The PROMPT= fieldname exceeds 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired fieldname again and rerun the job. DFS1401I SC=08 PROMPT= FIELDNAME LENGTH IS ZERO. SPECIFICATION IGNORED

Explanation: The NXT= specification is null; the MSG/NXT= message name is used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired message name, and rerun the job. DFS1406I SC=04 DUPLICATE NXT= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The PROMPT= specification is null; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired PROMPT= fieldname, and rerun the job. DFS1402I SC=04 DUPLICATE PROMPT= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: Only one NXT= specification is allowable on a single LPAGE statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1407 TEMPORARY IRLM FAILURE; UNABLE TO PROCESS GLOBAL COMMAND

Explanation: Only one PROMPT= specification is allowable on a single LPAGE statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1403I SC=04 PROMPT= LITERAL SPECIFICATION CONTAINS NO TEXT. MSG.NXT=MSGNAME USED

Explanation: The command processor, in an attempt to process a global command, has encountered a problem with IRLM. This condition can be temporary. System action: The command is processed locally. Programmer response: Ensure that the IRLM is active and then reenter the global command. If the command will not process globally, proceed with the problem determination. Problem determination: 36

Explanation: The PROMPT= literal is null; the MSG/NXT= specification is used.

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1408I DFS1417I

Explanation: The EXIT= specification conflicts with message type output; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the SEG/MSG statement conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1409I SC=08 EXIT= EXITNUM EXCEEDS 3 SIGNIFICANT DIGITS. LAST 3 DIGITS USED

Explanation: The EXIT= value specification is null; it is set to zero. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired EXIT= value, and rerun the job. DFS1414I SC=08 EXIT= EXITVECT HAS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF ZERO USED

Explanation: The EXIT= vector specification is null; it is set to zero. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired EXIT= vector, and rerun the job. DFS1415I SC=04 DUPLICATE EXIT= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The EXIT= value parameter exceeds 3 digits; the last 3 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired value again and rerun the job. DFS1410I SC=08 EXIT= EXITNUM VALUE EXCEEDS 127. 127 USED

Explanation: The EXIT= value parameter exceeds 127; it is set to 127. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired EXIT= value again and rerun the job. DFS1411I SC=08 EXIT= EXITVECT EXCEEDS 3 SIGNIFICANT DIGITS. LAST 3 DIGITS USED

Explanation: Only one EXIT= specification is allowable on a single SEG statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1416I SC=04 DUPLICATE GRAPHIC= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The EXIT= vector specification exceeds 3 digits; the last 3 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the EXIT= vector again and rerun the job. DFS1412I SC=08 EXIT= EXITVECT VALUE EXCEEDS 255. 255 USED

Explanation: Only one GRAPHIC= specification is allowable on a single SEG statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1417I SC=04 MFLD LABEL LENGTH EXCEEDS 8 CHARACTERS. TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: The EXIT= vector specification exceeds 255; it is set to 255. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the EXIT= vector parameter again and rerun the job.

Explanation: The MFLD statement label exceeds 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired label again and rerun the job.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1418I DFS1427I

Explanation: The DO count exceeds 2 digits; the last 2 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify DO again using the desired count, and rerun the job. DFS1419I SC=08 DO COUNT HAS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF 1 ASSUMED

Explanation: Only one LTH= specification is allowable on a single MFLD statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Select the desired specification, and rerun the job. DFS1424I SC=04 MULTIPLE JUST= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: No count has been provided on a DO statement; one is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify DO again using the desired count, and rerun the job. DFS1420I SC=04 DFLDNAME EXCEEDS 8 CHARACTERS. TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: Only one JUST= specification is allowable on a single MFLD statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Select the desired specification, and rerun the job. DFS1425I SC=04 MULTIPLE FILL= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The dfldname specified on this MFLD statement exceeds 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the dfldname desired again and rerun the job. DFS1421I SC=08 DFLDNAME HAS NO CHARACTERS. NO NAME USED

Explanation: Only one FILL= specification is allowable on a single MFLD or DPAGE statement; the second specification is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Select the desired specification, and rerun the job. DFS1426I SC=04 MULTIPLE ATTR= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The dfldname parameter is null; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired MFLD parameters, and rerun the job. DFS1422I SC=04 LITERAL CONTAINS NO CHARACTERS. ' ' USED

Explanation: Only one ATTR= specification is allowable on a single MFLD statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Select the desired specification, and rerun the job. DFS1427I SC=04 MULTIPLE EXIT= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The positional literal parameter is null for this MFLD or DFLD statement; a blank is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired literal or MFLD/DFLD parameter, and rerun the job.

Explanation: Only one EXIT= specification is allowable on a single MFLD statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Select the desired specification, and rerun the job.

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1428I DFS1437I

Explanation: The LTH= length parameter exceeds 4 digits; the last 4 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired value again and rerun the job. DFS1429I SC=08 LTH=nn, nnS VALUE EXCEEDS 8000. 8000 USED

Explanation: The LTH= position parameter is null; it is set to 2. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired position value, and rerun the job. DFS1434I SC=08 LTH=(pp,nn), nn EXCEEDS 4 SIGNIFICANT DIGITS. LAST 4 DIGITS USED

Explanation: The LTH= length value exceeds 8000; it is set to 8000. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired length again and rerun the job. DFS1430I SC=08 LTH=nn, nn HAS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF 1 USED

Explanation: The LTH= length specification exceeds 4 digits; the last 4 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired length again and rerun the job. DFS1435I SC=08 LTH=(pp,nn), nnS VALUE EXCEEDS 8000. 8000 USED

Explanation: The LTH= length specification is null; it is set to 1. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired length, and rerun the job. DFS1431I SC=08 LTH=(pp,nn), pp EXCEEDS 4 SIGNIFICANT DIGITS. LAST 4 DIGITS USED

Explanation: The LTH= length value exceeds 8000; it is set to 8000. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired value again and rerun the job. DFS1436I SC=08 LTH=(pp,nn), nn HAS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF 1 USED

Explanation: The LTH= position specification exceeds 4 digits; the last 4 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired position parameter again and rerun the job. DFS1432I SC=08 LTH=(pp,nn), ppS VALUE EXCEEDS 8000. 8000 USED

Explanation: The LTH= length parameter is null; it is set to 1. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired value, and rerun the job. DFS1437I SC=08 FILL=C'', LITERAL LENGTH IS ZERO. BLANK USED

Explanation: The LTH= position value exceeds 8000; it is set to 8000. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired value again and rerun the job.

Explanation: The FILL= literal specification is null; a blank is used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired literal, and rerun the job.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1438I DFS1447I

Explanation: The FILL= literal specification exceeds 1 character; the first character is used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired literal again and rerun the job. DFS1439I SC=04 FILL=X'hh', hh EXCEEDS 2 CHARACTERS. FIRST 2 CHARACTERS USED

Explanation: The EXIT= number parameter is null; it is set to zero. System action: Processing continues with the next source item. Programmer response: Specify the desired parameter, and rerun the job. DFS1444I SC=08 EXIT=(EXNUM,EXVEC), EXVEC EXCEEDS 3 SIGNIFICANT DIGITS. LAST 3 DIGITS USED

Explanation: The FILL= hexadecimal string exceeds 2 hexadecimal characters in length; the first 2 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired hexadecimal string again and rerun the job. DFS1440I SC=04 FILL=X'hh', hh HAS NO CHARACTERS. FILL=X'40' USED

Explanation: The EXIT= vector specification exceeds 3 digits; the last 3 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired value again and rerun the job. DFS1445I SC=08 EXIT=(EXNUM,EXVEC), EXVECS VALUE EXCEEDS 255. VALUE OF 255 USED

Explanation: The FILL= hexadecimal string specification is null; a blank is used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired hexadecimal string, and rerun the job. DFS1441I SC=08 EXIT=(EXNUM,EXVEC), EXNUM EXCEEDS 3 SIGNIFICANT DIGITS. LAST 3 DIGITS USED

Explanation: The EXIT= vector parameter exceeds 255; it is set to 255. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired value again and rerun the job. DFS1446I SC=08 EXIT=(EXNUM,EXVEC), EXVEC HAS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF ZERO USED

Explanation: The EXIT= number exceeds 3 digits; the last 3 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired value again and rerun the job. DFS1442I SC=08 EXIT=(EXNUM,EXVEC), EXNUMS VALUE EXCEEDS 127. VALUE OF 127 USED

Explanation: The EXIT= vector parameter is null; it is set to zero. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired value, and rerun the job. DFS1447I SC=08 COND= SPECIFICATION INVALID FOR MSG.TYPE=INPUT. SPECIFICATION IGNORED

Explanation: The EXIT= number parameter exceeds 127; it is set to 127. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired value again and rerun the job.

Explanation: The COND= specification conflicts with MSG.TYPE=INPUT; COND= is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the MSG/LPAGE conflicts, and rerun the job.

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1448I DFS1456I

Explanation: The PROMPT= specification conflicts with MSG.TYPE=INPUT; PROMPT= is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the MSG/LPAGE conflicts, and rerun the job. DFS1449I SC=08 PASSWORD INVALID FOR MSG.TYPE=OUTPUT. STATEMENT TREATED AS SEG STATEMENT

Explanation: The FILL= specification conflicts with MSG.TYPE=OUTPUT; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the MSG/MFLD conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1454I SC=08 EXIT= SPECIFICATION INVALID FOR MSG.TYPE=OUTPUT. SPECIFICATION IGNORED

Explanation: The PASSWORD statement conflicts with MSG.TYPE=OUTPUT; PASSWORD is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Resolve the PASSWORD/MSG conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1450I SC=08 ONLY 1ST MFLD UNDER LAST PASSWORD STATEMENT USED WHEN MSG.OPT=3 SPECIFIED

Explanation: The EXIT= specification conflicts with MSG.TYPE=OUTPUT; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the MSG/MFLD conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1455I SC=08 keyword= SPECIFICATION INVALID FOR SCA FIELD. SPECIFICATION IGNORED

Explanation: For MSG/OPT=3 specification, only the first MFLD following a PASSWORD statement can be used as a password. Additional MFLD statements are ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the MSG/PASSWORD conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1451I SC=08 POSITIONAL PARAMETER 1 REQUIRES DFLDNAME FOR LITERAL WHEN MSG.TYPE=OUTPUT SPECIFIED

Explanation: The SCA specification precludes ATTR= or JUST= specification on an MFLD statement. They are ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the MFLD statement again, omitting the specifications not desired, and rerun the job. DFS1456I SC=08 keyword= SPECIFICATION INVALID FOR SYSTEM LITERAL FIELD. SPECIFICATION IGNORED

Explanation: The first MFLD parameter must be the dfldname of a literal when the MSG.TYPE=OUTPUT. The parameter is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Supply the dfldname of the desired literal, and rerun the job. DFS1452I SC=08 LTH=(pp,nn) INVALID FOR MSG.TYPE=OUTPUT. pp VALUE IGNORED

Explanation: The system literal specification precludes ATTR= or JUST= specification on an MFLD statement. The keyword= specification is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the MFLD statement again, omitting the specifications not desired, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The MFLD LTH=pp specification conflicts with the MSG.TYPE=OUTPUT; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1457I DFS1466I

Explanation: The system literal specification precludes LTH= specification on an MFLD statement; LTH= is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflicts, and rerun the job. DFS1458I SC=08 SYSTEM LITERAL FIELD INVALID FOR MSG.TYPE=INPUT. NULL FIELD CREATED

Explanation: More than one FEAT= specification has been made on a single DEV statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the FEAT= specification, and resubmit the job. DFS1463I SC=04 MULTIPLE PEN= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The system literal specification conflicts with MSG.TYPE=INPUT; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the MFLD/MSG conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1459I SC=08 SCA FIELD INVALID FOR MSG.TYPE=INPUT. NULL FIELD CREATED

Explanation: More than one PEN= specification has been made on a single DEV statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the PEN= specification, and resubmit the job. DFS1464I SC=04 MULTIPLE PFK= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The SCA specification conflicts with MSG.TYPE=INPUT; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the MFLD/MSG conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1460I SC=08 LTH= SPECIFICATION REQUIRED. VALUE OF 1 ASSUMED

Explanation: More than one PFK= specification has been made on a single DEV statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the PFK= specification, and resubmit the job. DFS1465I SC=04 MULTIPLE CARD= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The LTH= specification is required for this MFLD. None was specified; LTH= is set to 1. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired LTH=, and rerun the job. DFS1461I SC=04 MULTIPLE TYPE= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: More than one CARD= specification has been made on a single DEV statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the CARD= specification, and resubmit the job. DFS1466I SC=04 MULTIPLE DSCA= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: More than one TYPE= specification has been made on a single DIV or DEV statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand.

Explanation: More than one DSCA= specification has been made on a single DEV statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the DSCA= specification, and resubmit the job.

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1467I DFS1477I

Explanation: More than one MODE= specification has been made on a single DEV statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the MODE= specification, and resubmit the job. DFS1468I SC=04 MULTIPLE FTAB= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: More than one SYSMSG= specification has been made on a single DEV statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the SYSMSG= specification, and resubmit the job. DFS1473I SC=08 TYPE=OUTPUT INVALID FOR DEV TYPE=3600

Explanation: More than one FTAB= specification has been made on a single DEV statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the FTAB= specification, and resubmit the job. DFS1469I SC=04 MULTIPLE LDEL= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: 3600 device types are for input only. System action: Processing continues with the next source item. Programmer response: Correct DIV or DEV to reflect the desired results, and rerun the job. DFS1474I SC=08 TYPE=INOUT INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: Only 3270s are INOUT device types. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct DIV or DEV, and rerun the job. DFS1475I SC=08 TYPE=INPUT INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: More than one LDEL= specification has been made on a single DEV statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the LDEL= specification, and resubmit the job. DFS1470I SC=04 MULTIPLE PAGE= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: 36XX are output only device types. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct DIV or DEV, and rerun the job. DFS1476I SC=04 MBRNAME EXCEEDS 8 CHARACTERS. TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: More than one PAGE= specification has been made on a single DEV statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the PAGE= specification, and resubmit the job. DFS1471I SC=04 MULTIPLE FORMS= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The COPY member name exceeds 8 characters, which is not allowable; it is truncated. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Correct the member name, if necessary, and rerun the job. DFS1477I SC=08 MBRNAME CONTAINS NO CHARACTERS. STATEMENT IGNORED

Explanation: More than one FORMS= specification has been made on a single DEV statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the FORMS= specification, and resubmit the job.

Explanation: No member name has been specified in a COPY statement.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1478I DFS1487I
System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Correct the COPY statement, and rerun the job. DFS1478I SC=08 RECURSIVE NESTED COPY OPERATIONS INVALID DFS1483I SC=08 DO LINE INCREMENT EXCEEDS 2 DIGITS. LAST 2 DIGITS USED

Explanation: The DO line increment parameter exceeds 2 digits; the last 2 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify DO again using the desired line increment, and rerun the job. DFS1484I SC=08 DO LINE INCREMENT CONTAINS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF 1 USED

Explanation: A COPY for a member, currently part of a nested copy, is invalid. System action: Processing continues; the COPY statement is ignored. Programmer response: Ensure that the members to be copied do not refer back to members in a previously copied library. Correct the error, and rerun the job. DFS1479I SC=08 MBRNAME REQUESTED NOT PRESENT IN SYSLIB

Explanation: The DO line increment parameter is null; one is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify DO again using the desired line increment, and rerun the job. DFS1485I SC=08 DO COLUMN INCREMENT EXCEEDS 3 DIGITS. LAST 3 DIGITS USED

Explanation: No member by this name can be found in the SYSLIB currently pointed to. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Specify the member name or PDS in the SYSLIB DD statement again and rerun the job. DFS1480I SC=12 PERMANENT I/O ERROR IN SYSLIB DIRECTORY

Explanation: The DO column increment parameter exceeds 3 digits; the last 3 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify DO again, using the desired column increment, and rerun the job. DFS1486I SC=08 DO COLUMN INCREMENT CONTAINS NO DIGITS. 'MAX' USED

Explanation: A permanent error condition has been encountered on SYSLIB PDS directory. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Re-create the SYSLIB PDS directory, and rerun the job. DFS1481I SC=12 SYSLIB DCB NOT OPENED. COPY IGNORED

Explanation: The DO column increment parameter is null; MAX is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify DO again, using the desired column increment, and rerun the job. DFS1487I SC=04 NUMBER OF USER DEFINED FTAB CHARACTERS EXCEEDS MAXIMUM FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: No SYSLIB has been specified; the COPY is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Specify SYSLIB or remove COPY, and rerun the job. DFS1482I SC=08 SOR=DPAGENAME REQUIRED

Explanation: No SOR= specification was given for this LPAGE; SOR= was ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired SOR= DPAGE, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The sum of user-defined and predefined FTAB characters is greater than the maximum allowed; it must be 8. Predefined FTAB characters for device type are as follows: 274X=HT,NL,LF; SCS1=HT,NL,LF,VT; SCS2=HT,NL,LF,VT,CR System action: The user-defined FTAB character string is truncated. Processing continues with the next operand.
Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I


DFS1488I DFS1497I
Programmer response: Specify the desired FTAB literal, within the above restriction, and rerun the job. DFS1488I SC=04 FTAB='LITERAL', LITERAL HAS NO CHARACTERS. DEFAULT FTABS USED FOR APPLICABLE DEVICES DFS1492I SC=04 LINECNT=nnn, nnn HAS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF 55 USED

Explanation: The LINECNT= parameter is nonnumeric; lines per page is set to 55. System action: Processing continues with the next PARM field. Programmer response: Correct the LINECNT= parameter on the PARM statement, and rerun the job. DFS1493I SC=04 LINECNT=nnn, nnn IS LESS THAN 25. VALUE OF 55 USED

Explanation: The FTAB literal specification is null. If predefined FTAB characters are defined for a device, they will be used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Supply the desired FTAB= literal, and rerun the job. DFS1489I SC=04 MEMBER=mmmmmmmm NOT WRITTEN DUE TO SEVERITY CODE=ss

Explanation: The LINECNT= parameter is less than 25; lines per page is set to 55. System action: Processing continues with the next PARM field. Programmer response: Correct the LINECNT= parameter on the PARM statement, and rerun the job. DFS1494I SC=04 STOPRC=nnn, nnn EXCEEDS 3 DIGITS. LAST 3 DIGITS USED

Explanation: The member indicated was not written to the REFERAL library because the highest severity code for the member was equal to or greater than the value specified in the EXEC parameter STOPRC. Preceding messages indicate errors and their respective severity codes for the member. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Correct the errors indicated, and rerun the job. DFS1490I SC=08 SOR=, DPAGE NAME LIST INVALID FOR MSG.TYPE=OUTPUT. FIRST NAME USED

Explanation: The STOPRC parameter exceeds 999; the last 3 digits are used as STOPRC. System action: Processing continues with next PARM field. Programmer response: Correct the STOPRC= parameter on the PARM statement, and rerun the job. DFS1495I SC=04 STOPRC=nnn, nnn HAS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF 8 USED

Explanation: The SOR= specification conflicts with MSG.TYPE=OUTPUT; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the MSG/LPAGE conflicts, and rerun the job. DFS1491I SC=04 LINECNT=nnn, nnn EXCEEDS 3 DIGITS. LAST 3 DIGITS USED

Explanation: The STOPRC= parameter is nonnumeric; STOPRC is set to 8. System action: Processing continues with next PARM field. Programmer response: Correct the STOPRC= parameter, and rerun the job. DFS1496I SC=04 MULTIPLE CURSOR= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The LINECNT= parameter exceeds 999. This is probably a user error; the last 3 digits are used as LINECNT. System action: Processing continues with next PARM field. Programmer response: Correct the LINECNT= parameter on the PARM statement, and rerun the job.

Explanation: Only one CURSOR= specification is allowed on a single DPAGE statement; the second specification is ignored. Programmer response: Select the desired specification, and rerun the job. DFS1497I SC=04 MULTIPLE SELECT= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: Only one SELECT= specification is allowed on a single DPAGE statement; the second specification is ignored.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1498I DFS1499I
Programmer response: Select the desired specification, and rerun the job. DFS1498I SC=04 MULTIPLE ORIGIN= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: Only one ORIGIN= specification is allowed on a single DPAGE statement; the second specification is ignored. Programmer response: Select the desired specification, and rerun the job. DFS1499I SC=04 MULTIPLE MULT= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: Only one MULT= specification is allowed on a single DPAGE statement; the second specification is ignored. Programmer response: Select the desired specification, and rerun the job.

Chapter 4. DFS Messages, DFS1000I DFS1499I



Messages and Codes Volume 2

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I

This topic contains messages DFS1500I DFS1999I. For introductory information on DFS messages such as message format, suffix information, and explanation of the types of information provided, see Chapter 1, Introduction to DFS Messages, on page 1.

Explanation: A label is required for each Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) statement. The DEV statement references the PDB statement by this label. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PDB statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a label for the PDB statement. Severity: 8 DFS1501I SC=08 PDB STATEMENT NAME EXCEEDS 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: The required LUSIZE keyword was not present on the Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) statement. The LUSIZE keyword indicates the screen size to be used for validation of the view ports. System action: A return code of 12 is set, and processing of the PDB statement continues. Programmer response: Specify a LUSIZE keyword on the PDB statement. Severity: 12 DFS1505I SC=04 PD NAME SPECIFIED ON SYSMSG= TOO LONG, IS TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: The label on the Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) statement exceeds 8 characters. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PDB statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid label for the PDB statement. Severity: 8 DFS1502I SC=12 NO PD STATEMENTS SPECIFIED

Explanation: The Partition Descriptor (PD) name specified for the SYSMSG keyword on a Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) statement exceeds 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: A return code of 4 is set, and processing of the PDB statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid PD name for the SYSMSG keyword on the PDB statement. Severity: 4 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1506I SC=08 SYSMSG= KEYWORD DOES NOT SPECIFY A NAME

Explanation: Each Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) statement must be followed by at least one Partition Descriptor (PD) statement. System action: A return code of 12 is set, and PDB definition continues. Programmer response: Define at least one PD statement before the PDBEND statement. Severity: 12 DFS1503I SC=08 PDBEND STATEMENT HAS BEEN ASSUMED

Explanation: A PDBEND statement, which must terminate a Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) statement, was not found; one has been assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next source item.

Explanation: The SYSMSG keyword was present on the Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) statement, but was not followed by a required Partition Descriptor (PD) name. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PDB statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid PD name for the SYSMSG keyword.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007


DFS1507I DFS1516I

Explanation: The Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) name in the PDB keyword on the DEV statement exceeds 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: A return code of 4 is set, and processing continues on this definition. Programmer response: Correct the name specified in the PDB operand. Severity: 4 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1508I SC=08 PDB= NAME HAS NO CHARACTERS

Explanation: Each Partition Descriptor (PD) statement requires a label, but no label was found. The PD keyword on the DPAGE statement references the PD statement by this label. System action: A label will be generated for this PD statement, and processing of the PD statement continues. If more errors are found, the generated label will be used to reference the PD statement. Programmer response: Provide a label for the PD statement. Severity: 12 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1514I SC=04 PD STATEMENT NAME IS TOO LONG, AND HAS BEEN TRUNCATED TO 8 DIGITS

Explanation: The name of a Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) is required for the PDB keyword on the DEV statement, but a name was not specified. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing continues with the next definition. Programmer response: Provide a name in the PDB keyword on the DEV statement. Severity: 8 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1510I SC=08 VALUE IN LUSIZE= TOO LONG, IS TRUNCATED TO 4 DIGITS

Explanation: The label on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement exceeds 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: A return code of 4 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid label for the PD statement. Severity: 4 DFS1515I SC=12 KEYWORD 'PID=' IS REQUIRED ON THE PD STATEMENT BUT WAS NOT SPECIFIED.

Explanation: The LUSIZE value on the Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) statement exceeds 4 digits; the value is truncated to 4 digits. System action: A return code of 4 is set, and processing of the PDB statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid LUSIZE value on the PDB statement. Severity: 4 DFS1511I SC=08 NO VALUE WAS SPECIFIED IN LUSIZE= ON PDB STATEMENT FOR WIDTH AND/OR DEPTH OF DISPLAY

Explanation: The required PID keyword, which identifies the partition, was not specified on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement. System action: A return code of 12 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a PID keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 12 DFS1516I SC=12 KEYWORD 'VIEWPORT=' IS REQUIRED ON THE PD STATEMENT BUT WAS NOT SPECIFIED

Explanation: A valid set of values must be specified for the LUSIZE keyword on the Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) statement to describe the size of the display screen. None was found. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the (PDB) statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid set of values for the LUSIZE keyword.

Explanation: The VIEWPORT keyword is required on each Partition Descriptor (PD) statement, but was not specified. The VIEWPORT keyword indicates viewport size. System action: A return code of 12 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1517I DFS1524I
Programmer response: Provide a VIEWPORT keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 12 DFS1521I DFS1517I SC=12 KEYWORD 'VIEWLOC=' IS REQUIRED ON THE PD STATEMENT BUT WAS NOT SPECIFIED. SC=08 ACTVPID= NAME HAS NO CHARACTERS the PD keyword on the DPAGE statement. Severity: 4

Explanation: An ACTVPID keyword was found on the DPAGE statement, but no name was specified. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the DPAGE statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid name for the ACTVPID keyword on the DPAGE statement. Severity: 8 DFS1522I SC=08 DUPLICATE PID NUMBERS SPECIFIED ON TWO OR MORE PD STATEMENTS WITHIN A PDB DEFINITION

Explanation: The VIEWLOC keyword is required on each Partition Descriptor (PD) statement, but was not specified. The VIEWLOC keyword indicates the viewport location on the screen. System action: A return code of 12 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a VIEWLOC keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 12 DFS1518I SC=04 PDNAME SPECIFIED ON PD= IS TOO LONG, 1ST 8 CHARACTERS USED

Explanation: The Partition Descriptor (PD) name specified for the PD keyword on the DPAGE statement exceeds 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: A return code of 4 is set and processing of the DPAGE statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid PD name for the PD keyword on the DPAGE statement. Severity: 4 DFS1519I SC=08 PD= NAME HAS NO CHARACTERS

Explanation: A Partition Descriptor (PD) statement has a PID number that was specified on a previous PD statement within this Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) definition. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide unique PID numbers for each PD statement within a PDB definition. Severity: 8 DFS1523I SC=08 PRESENTATION SPACE VALUE EXCEEDED, TRUNCATED TO 5 DIGITS

Explanation: A PD keyword was found on the DPAGE statement, but no Partition Descriptor (PD) name was specified. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the DPAGE statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid PD name for the PD keyword on the DPAGE statement. Severity: 8

Explanation: The values specified on the PRESPACE keyword of the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement exceed 5 digits; the first 5 digits are used. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide valid PRESPACE values on the PD statement. Severity: 8 DFS1524I SC=08 NULL PRESENTATION SPACE VALUE IGNORED



Explanation: The Partition Descriptor (PD) name specified for the ACTVPID keyword on the DPAGE statement exceeds 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: A return code of 4 is set, and processing of the DPAGE statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid PD name for

Explanation: The PRESPACE keyword was found on a Partition Descriptor (PD) statement, but no presentation values were specified. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide valid values for the PRESPACE keyword, or omit the PRESPACE keyword and allow it to default to the VIEWPORT values. Severity: 8
Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1525I DFS1533I

Explanation: The VIEWPORT rows value on a Partition Descriptor (PD) statement exceeds 5 digits; the first 5 digits are used. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid value for the VIEWPORT keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 8 DFS1526I SC=08 VIEWPORT ROWS NULL VALUE IGNORED

Explanation: The COLS value specified for the VIEWPORT keyword on a Partition Descriptor (PD) statement exceeds 5 digits; the first 5 digits are used. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid COLS value for the VIEWPORT keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 8 DFS1530I SC=08 VIEWPORT COLS NULL VALUE IS INVALID.

Explanation: No rows value was specified for the VIEWPORT keyword on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid rows value for the VIEWPORT keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 8 DFS1527I SC=08 PID VALUE EXCEEDED, TRUNCATED TO 2 DIGITS

Explanation: No COLS value was specified for the VIEWPORT keyword on a Partition Descriptor (PD) statement. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid COLS value for the VIEWPORT keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 8 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1531I SC=08 PID NULL VALUE IS INVALID

Explanation: The value specified for the PID keyword on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement exceeds 2 digits; the first 2 digits are used. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid value for the PID keyword. Severity: 8 DFS1528I SC=08 VIEWPORT ROWS VALUE IS ZERO

Explanation: No value was specified for the PID keyword on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a value between 0 and 15 for the PID keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 8 DFS1532I SC=08 VIEWPORT COLS VALUE IS ZERO

Explanation: The rows value on the VIEWPORT keyword on a Partition Descriptor (PD) statement must be greater than zero. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid rows value for the VIEWPORT keyword. Severity: 8

Explanation: The COLS value on the VIEWPORT keyword on a Partition Descriptor (PD) statement must be greater than zero. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid COLS value for the VIEWPORT keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 8 DFS1533I SC=08 VIEWLOC ROWS= VALUE EXCEEDED, TRUNCATED TO 5 DIGITS

Explanation: The number of rows specified for the VIEWLOC keyword on the Partition Descriptor (PD)


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1534I DFS1540I
statement exceeds 5 digits; the first 5 digits are used. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid rows value for the VIEWLOC keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 8 DFS1534I SC=08 VIEWLOC ROWS NULL VALUE IS INVALID DFS1537I SC=08 VIEWLOC COLS NULL VALUE IGNORED

Explanation: No COLS value was specified for the VIEWLOC keyword on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid COLS value on the VIEWPORT keyword for the location of the viewport. Severity: 8 DFS1538I SC=04 PRESENTATION SPACE WAS SPECIFIED WITH FEWER ROWS THAN THE VIEWPORT - HAS BEEN RESET TO THE VIEWPORT SIZE.

Explanation: No rows value was specified for the VIEWLOC keyword on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: A valid rows value must be provided for the location of the viewport before this PD statement will be accepted. Severity: 8 DFS1535I SC=08 SCROLLI= ROWS VALUE IS GREATER THAN THE NUMBER OF ROWS IN THE PRESENTATION SPACE

Explanation: The PRESPACE rows value on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement must not be smaller than the VIEWPORT rows value. System action: The PRESPACE rows value defaults to the VIEWPORT rows value. A return code of 4 is set, and processing continues with the next definition. Programmer response: Provide a valid PRESPACE rows value on the PD statement, or accept the default. Severity: 4 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1539I SC=08 INVALID PID NUMBER SPECIFIED, MUST BE FROM 0 TO 15

Explanation: The Partition Descriptor (PD) statement SCROLLI value is greater than the number of rows in the presentation space. The scroll attempts to extend beyond the presentation space. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing continues with the next definition. Programmer response: Provide a valid SCROLLI value on the PD statement. Severity: 8 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1536I SC=08 VIEWLOC COLS= VALUE EXCEEDED, TRUNCATED TO 5 DIGITS

Explanation: The number specified for the PID keyword on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement was invalid. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a value between 0 and 15 for the PID keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 8 DFS1540I SC=08 WINDOWOF ROWS VALUE EXCEEDED, TRUNCATED TO 5 DIGITS

Explanation: The COLS value specified for the VIEWLOC keyword on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement exceeds 5 digits; the first 5 digits are used. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Supply a valid COLS value for the VIEWLOC keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 8

Explanation: The value specified for the WINDOWOF keyword on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement exceeds 5 digits; the first 5 digits are used. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid value for the WINDOWOF keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 8

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1541I DFS1548I

Explanation: No value was provided for the WINDOWOF keyword on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement. System action: The hardware will provide a default because a value of zero is assumed. A return code of 4 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide the desired value for the WINDOWOF keyword. Severity: 4 DFS1542I SC=12 THE CELLSIZE WIDTH OR HEIGHT WAS SPECIFIED AS ZERO, BUT NOT BOTH. THIS COMBINATION IS INVALID. BOTH SET TO ZERO.

Explanation: The vertical (height) value specified for the CELLSIZE keyword on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement exceeds 2 digits; the first 2 digits are used. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid vertical (height) value for the CELLSIZE keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 8 DFS1546I SC=04 CELLSIZE VERTICAL SIZE NULL VALUE, A DEFAULT IS SET

Explanation: If either the CELLSIZE width or the CELLSIZE height is specified as zero, then both must be specified as zero. Otherwise, both the CELLSIZE width and height default to zero. System action: A return code of 12 is set, and processing of the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement continues. Programmer response: Specify the desired values, or zero, for the CELLSIZE width and height. Severity: 12 DFS1543I SC=08 CELLSIZE HORIZONTAL VALUE EXCEEDED

Explanation: No vertical (height) value was specified for the CELLSIZE keyword on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement; the value defaults to 12 pels. System action: A return code of 4 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a vertical (height) value for the CELLSIZE keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 4 DFS1547I SC=08 SCROLLI ROWS VALUE EXCEEDED, TRUNCATED TO 5 DIGITS

Explanation: The horizontal (character width) value specified for the CELLSIZE keyword of the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement exceeds the maximum allowable value of 12. If more than two digits are specified, only the first two digits are used. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid horizontal (character width) value for the CELLSIZE keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 8 DFS1544I SC=04 CELLSIZE WIDTH NULL VALUE, A DEFAULT IS SET

Explanation: The value specified on the SCROLLI keyword of the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement exceeds 5 digits; the first 5 digits are used. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid number for the SCROLLI keyword on the PD statement. Severity: 8 DFS1548I SC=04 SCROLLI ROWS NULL VALUE IS IGNORED

Explanation: No horizontal (character width) value was specified for the CELLSIZE keyword on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement; the value defaults to 6 pels. System action: A return code of 4 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a horizontal (character

Explanation: No rows value was specified for the SCROLLI keyword on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement. System action: A value of zero is set, which causes the hardware to provide a default. A return code of 4 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a rows value for the


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1549I DFS1554E

Explanation: The WINDOWOF value, added to the VIEWPORT rows value on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement, is greater than the number of rows in the presentation space. The viewport window would extend beyond the presentation space. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Provide a valid value for the WINDOWOF keyword on the PD statement. The value must be from 0 to the total number of rows in the presentation space. Severity: 4 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1550I SC=04 PRESENTATION SPACE WIDTH IS NOT EQUAL TO THE VIEWPORT WIDTH. PRESENTATION SPACE WIDTH IS RESET TO THE VIEWPORT WIDTH.

Explanation: IMS could not allocate a structure for long busy toleration in the coupling facility at startup. For an explanation of the return codes, rrrr and ssss, see the IXLCONN MACRO in the OS/390 MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference. System action: IMS terminates abnormally. Programmer response: Correct the problem and restart IMS. If MADS I/O timing function is not required, delete the MADSIOT specification from the DFSVSMxx PROCLIB member and restart IMS. DFS1553I MADS I/O TIMING INITIATED FOR AREA areaname DDN=ddname

Explanation: An ADS was treated as a MADS I/O timing condition. A physical read or write was inhibited by IMS. In the message text: areaname The name of the area that the long busy ADS belongs to. ddname The data description name of the long busy ADS that is registered in the RECON data set. System action: IMS stops this ADS internally. Programmer response: After the MADS I/O timing condition ends, run the Create utility to create a new ADS. DFS1554E MADS I/O TIMING INITIATION FAILED FOR AREA areaname DDN=ddname RC=xx

Explanation: If a value is specified for the presentation space width, it must be equal to the viewport width. System action: A return code of 4 is set, and processing continues with the next definition. Programmer response: Provide a valid specification for the presentation space width on the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement or accept the default. Severity: 4 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1551I SC=08 MORE THAN 16 PARTITIONS HAVE BEEN SPECIFIED FOR PDB (pdname). ONLY 16 PD STATEMENTS ARE ALLOWED WITHIN A PDB.

Explanation: IMS detected a MADS I/O timing condition on this ADS but failed to initiate MADS I/O Timing. The reason code, as specified by xx, indicates the cause of the failure. In the message text: areaname The name of the area that the long busy ADS belongs to. ddname The data description name of the long busy ADS that is registered in the RECON data set. xx The reason code that specifies the cause of the failure. The reason code can be one of the following: Code 01 02 Meaning The AREA already has a MADS I/O timing ADS. An error occurred during the second CI update.

Explanation: The number of Partition Descriptor (PD) statements within a Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) must not exceed 16. System action: A return code of 8 is set and processing continues with the next definition. Programmer response: Ensure that no more than 16 PD statements are defined for each PDB statement. Severity: 8 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1555E DFS1556E
03 This IMS is connected to the different list structure. 0D 0E ADS was stopped by data sharer at the beginning of recovery. DBRC returned a nonzero return code. DBRC might not have marked ADS as stopped. IRLM returned a nonzero return code. The ADS stop request was not sent to data sharers. A deferred second CI refresh failed due to a second CI error. The dummy read received a long busy error. ADS closes. Long busy recovery received a long busy error or the second CI I/O received a long busy error. ADS closes.

System action: IMS stops this ADS internally. System programmer response: After the MADS I/O timing condition ends, run the create utility to make a new ADS. Module: DBFMLBI0 DFS1555E MADS I/O TIMING PROCESSING ERROR FOR AREA areaname DDN=ddname RC=xx


11 13 14

Explanation: IMS detected an error during MADS I/O timing. The reason code indicates the cause of the failure. In the message text: areaname The name of the area that the long busy ADS belongs to. ddname The data description name of the long busy ADS that is registered in the RECON data set. xx Indicates one of the following reasons: Reason Code (Hex) Meaning 01 The number of updated CIs in this AREA exceeded 1000, or the MADSIOT structure entry reached the limit of 1000. The allowable number of AREA exceeded 63. The MADS I/O timing did not terminate within 60 seconds. A MADS I/O timing condition was detected during recovery. A read error occurred during recovery. A write error occurred during recovery. A lock failure occurred during recovery. A logical error occurred during recovery. Shutdown was initiated during MADS I/O timing. A read error was detected on the MADS I/O timing ADS. The MADS I/O timing owner was not found in the structure. The DMHR buffer was not obtained for recovery.

System action: IMS stops this ADS internally. Programmer response: Correct the problem and run the Create utility to make a new ADS. DFS1556E MADS I/O TIMING ISLLIST REQUEST FAILED FOR AREA areaname RC=rrrr RSN=ssss

Explanation: An error occurred when IMS attempted handling the long busy structure. areaname is the name of the area that the long busy ADS belongs to. For descriptions of the event codes and rrrr, see the IXLLIST REQUEST in the OS/390 MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference. The first two bytes of the reason code, rrrr, are described below: X'1001' Request (WRITE) long busy owner if return code is greater than 8. X'1002' Request (WRITE) long busy entry if return code is equal to X'C' (DBFMLBI0 CF_UPDT). X'1003' Request (WRITE) long busy entry if return code is greater than X'C' (DBFMLBI0 CF_UPDT). X'1004' Request (WRITE) new owner ID if reason code is not equal to 0 or IXLRSNCODESTATUSUNKNOWN (DBFMLBI0 LONG_BUSY_TKO). X'1005' Multiple entry case; request (WRITE) new owner ID if reason code is not equal to 0 or IXLRSNCODESTATUSUNKNOWN (DBFMLBI0 LONG_BUSY_TKO). X'3001' Locking first list header; non-zero return code (DBFMLBR0 RECOVERY_PHASE1).

02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1558I DFS1562I
X'3002' Resetting lock on first list header; non-zero return code (DBFMLBRO RECOVERY_PHASE1). X'3003' A DELETE_LIST request received a non-zero return code. DELETE or DELETE_ENTRYLIST is retried when RSN=IXLRSNTIMEOUT (DBFMLBR0 RECOVERY_PHASE3). X'3004' A request to delete owner entry received a non-zero return code (DBFMLBR0 RECOVERY_PHASE3). X'3005' A READ_LIST request received a non-zero return code. The request is retried when RSN=IXLRSNTIMEOUT (DBFMLBR0 RECOVERY_PHASE3). System action: IMS stops this ADS internally during IMS MADS I/O timing. Programmer response: If the ADS stopped, run the Create utility to make a new ADS. Module: DBFMLBI0 (for X'1nnn' reason codes), DBFMLBR0 (for X'3nnn' reason codes). DFS1558I MADS I/O TIMING ENDED FOR AREA areaname DDN=ddname successfully, the MADS I/O timing function continues normally. If the rebuild failed, MADS I/O timing function is disabled. System Operator Response: Ensure that the rebuild completes successfully. Notify the system programmer if a problem occurs during the rebuild. If the rebuild fails, contact the system programmer to determine why. DFS1560I SC=08 THE PDNAME SPECIFIED ON THE SYSMSG= KEYWORD ON THE PDB STATEMENT DOES NOT EXIST IN THE PD STATEMENTS WITHIN THIS PDB.

Explanation: The Partition Descriptor (PD) statement name specified on the SYSMSG keyword was not found as a label (name) on any Partition Descriptor (PD) statement within this Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) definition. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Make sure the PD statement name on the SYSMSG keyword corresponds to a name on a PD statement. Severity: 8 DFS1561I SC=08 THE VIEWPORT POSITION AND WIDTH FOR PD STATEMENT (pdname) DOES NOT FIT ON THE SCREEN SPECIFIED BY THE PDB

Explanation: MADS I/O timing ended successfully. In the message text: areaname The name of the area that the long busy ADS belongs to. ddname The data description name of the long busy ADS that is registered in the RECON data set. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. DFS1559I MADS I/O TIMING STRUCTURE REBUILD INITIATED, RSN=rr

Explanation: The width of the screen required for this viewport exceeds the LUSIZE width specification on the Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) statement. This error occurs when the number of PELS or COLS, calculated by adding the viewports offset from the left of the screen and the number of columns (width) of the viewport, is greater than the number of PELS or COLS specified on the LUSIZE keyword. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and validation of the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement continues. Programmer response: Make sure the viewports dimensions and offsets (location on the screen) do not exceed the LUSIZE values. Severity: 8 DFS1562I SC=08 THE VIEWPORT POSITION AND DEPTH FOR PD STATEMENT (pdname) DOES NOT FIT ON THE SCREEN SPECIFIED BY THE PDB

Explanation: The rebuild of the long busy structure was initiated. The reason code indicates the cause for initiating the rebuild. Reason Code Meaning 01 02 03 An error occurred in the coupling facility. A link error was detected. Operator entered the rebuild command.

System action: The MADS I/O timing function is suspended while a rebuild is in progress. After the rebuild completes

Explanation: The total depth of the screen required for this viewport exceeds the depth specified on the LUSIZE keyword on the Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) statement. This error occurs when the number of PELS or COLS, calculated by adding the viewports
Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1563I DFS1569I
offset from the top of the screen and the number of rows (depth) of the viewport, is greater than the number of PELS or COLS specified on the LUSIZE keyword. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and validation of the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement continues. Programmer response: Make sure the viewports dimensions and offsets (location on the screen) do not exceed the LUSIZE value. Severity: 8 DFS1563I SC=08 THE AREA ON THE DISPLAY SPECIFIED FOR THE VIEWPORTS ON PD STATEMENTS (pdname and pdname) OVERLAP. Programmer response: None required. Severity: 4 DFS1566I SC=12 PDB DOES NOT SPECIFY LUDEFN=PELS, BUT VARIABLE CELL SIZES EXIST IN PD STATEMENTS. THIS IS INVALID.

Explanation: Unless LUDEFN=PELS is specified, the cell size of every Partition Descriptor (PD) statement within the Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) must be the same. At least two different cell sizes were detected. System action: A return code of 12 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Either specify the viewport offsets in pels, or ensure that cell sizes are the same on all PD statements. Severity: 12 DFS1567I MADS I/O TIMING STRUCTURE REBUILD COMPLETED

Explanation: The viewports size and location specifications on the named Partition Descriptor (PD) statements cause the VIEWPORTS to overlap. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and validation of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Correct the viewports size and location specifications on the named PD statements to eliminate overlap. Severity: 8 DFS1564I SC=08 DUPLICATE PD NAME (pdname) DETECTED ON THE PD STATEMENTS WITHIN THIS PDB

Explanation: The rebuild of the structure for MADS I/O timing completed successfully. System action: Processing continues. System Operator Response: None. DFS1568E MADS I/O TIMING STRUCTURE REBUILD FAILED, RSN=rr

Explanation: Duplicate Partition Descriptor (PD) statement names must not be used within a Partition Descriptor Block (PDB) definition. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and processing of the PD statement continues. Programmer response: Make sure that each PD statement within a PDB definition has a unique name. Severity: 8 DFS1565I SC=04 WARNING - PD STATEMENT (pdname) CANNOT BE CHECKED FOR OVERLAP WITH OTHER VIEWPORTS DUE TO CELLSIZE = ZERO

Explanation: One of the IMS systems failed to participate in the rebuild of the structure for MADS I/O timing. The reason code indicates the cause of the failure. Reason Code Meaning 01 02 This IMS connected to the structure, but another IMS failed to connect to the structure. This IMS cannot connect to the structure.

System action: MADS I/O timing function is disabled. Programmer response: Correct the problem and issue a /START MADSIOT command from an IMS (not the one that issued the message) to restart MADS I/O timing. If the problem cannot be corrected, stop the IMS that generated the error and issue the /START MADSIOT command. DFS1569I SC=08 PDB= WAS SPECIFIED ON THE DEV STATEMENT, BUT PD= IS NOT SPECIFIED ON THE DPAGE STATEMENT.

Explanation: This message is a warning that the identified viewport could overlap with other VIEWPORTS. VIEWPORTS are checked for possible overlapping with other VIEWPORTS on the screen. However, when CELLSIZE is specified as zero, the viewport size is unknown and cannot be compared with the size of other VIEWPORTS. System action: A return code of 4 is set, and processing of the Partition Descriptor (PD) statement continues.

Explanation: When partitioning is used, the DEV statement must specify the PDB keyword and the DPAGE statement must specify the PD keyword.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1570I DFS1587I
System action: Processing continues with the next DEV, MSG, or FMT definition. Programmer response: If partitioning is used, specify the PDB keyword on the DEV statement and the PD keyword on the DPAGE statement. Otherwise, remove both keywords from these statements, and rerun the job. Severity: 8 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1573I DFS1570I SC=08 PD= WAS SPECIFIED ON THE DPAGE STATEMENT, BUT PDB= IS NOT SPECIFIED ON THE DEV STATEMENT SC=04 THE PRESENTATION SPACE VALUE EXCEEDS 32767. VALUE ALTERED TO 32767. processing continues with the next DEV, MSG, or FMT definition. Programmer response: If partitioning is used, verify that the PDB keyword is specified on the DEV statement, define at least one DPAGE statement, and rerun the job. Severity: 8 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16

Explanation: The rows or columns specification exceeds 32767; the value is set to 32767. System action: Processing continues with the next DEV, MSG, or FMT definition. Programmer response: Ensure that the rows and columns specifications do not exceed 32767, and rerun the job. Severity: 4 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1586I SC=04 MIXED DATA FIELD SPANNING LINES MIGHT RESULT IN DATA TRUNCATION

Explanation: When partitioning is used, the DEV statement must specify the PDB keyword, and the DPAGE statement must specify the PD keyword. System action: Processing continues with the next DEV, MSG, or FMT definition. Programmer response: If partitioning is used, specify the PDB keyword on the DEV statement and the PD keyword on the DPAGE statement. Otherwise, remove both keywords from these statements, and rerun the job. Severity: 8 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1571I SC=08 ACTVPID= WAS SPECIFIED ON THE DPAGE STATEMENT, BUT PDB= IS NOT SPECIFIED ON THE DEV STATEMENT.

Explanation: The ACTVPID keyword can be specified on the DPAGE statement only when the PDB keyword is specified on the DEV statement. System action: Processing continues with the next DEV, MSG, or FMT definition. Programmer response: If partitioning is used, specify the PDB keyword on the DEV statement. Otherwise, remove the ACTVPID keyword from the DPAGE statement, and rerun the job. Severity: 8 Problem determination: 2, 8, 16 DFS1572I SC=08 PDB= WAS SPECIFIED ON THE DEV STATEMENT, BUT THERE ARE NO DPAGE STATEMENTS. THERE MUST BE AT LEAST ONE DPAGE.

Explanation: When DBCS data in a DBCS/EBCDIC mixed field starts on an even boundary and continues on the next line, MFS replaces the last character with a blank and prints the last DBCS character at the beginning of the next line. As a result, one print position is lost on each line and one character is truncated from each line. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Split the DBCS/EBCDIC mixed field into two fields, if necessary; then rerun the job. DFS1587I SC=04 EGCS FIELD SPECIFIED ON AN EVEN COLUMN

Explanation: This is a warning message. An EGCS field was specified on an even column. Some devices require that extended graphic character set data be specified on an odd column. The first column of a line is column 1. System action: The POS specification is accepted unchanged, and processing continues. Programmer response: If the specification is in error, correct the column specification on the POS keyword and rerun the job, if necessary. If the format is designed for the IBM 5550 family, you can ignore this message.

Explanation: The PDB keyword can be specified on the DEV statement only if at least one DPAGE statement has been defined. System action: A return code of 8 is set, and

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1588I DFS1597I

Explanation: MIX or MIXS was specified together with EGCS'hh'. The MIX or MIXS value has priority over the EGCS'hh' value. System action: IMS ignores the EGCS value, and uses the device default. Programmer response: If the DFLD statement defines an EGCS or a DBCS/EBCDIC mixed field, either correct the keyword and rerun the job, or accept the device default value. DFS1589I SC=04 OUTL'hh', BOX, RIGHT, LEFT, OVER, UNDER EXCLUSIVE

Explanation: Field outlining was specified for a 3270P on a DFLD statement, but is not valid for device type 3270P. System action: MFS ignores the field outlining specification. Programmer response: Correct the device type or remove the field outlining specification from the DFLD statement; then rerun the job. DFS1594I SC=08 MIX, MIXD, MIXS, MIX'nn', MIXS'nn' ARE EXCLUSIVE

Explanation: The field outlining keywords specified on the DFLD statement were mutually exclusive. System action: MFS uses the field outlining function specified first. Programmer response: If you do not want to use the default, correct the field outlining specification; then rerun the job, if necessary. DFS1590I SC=04 OUTL VALUE SHOULD BE X'00' to X'0F', X'00' ASSUMED.

Explanation: MIX, MIXD, MIXS, MIX'nn', and MIXS'nn' are mutually exclusive keywords, but more than one was specified on a DFLD statement. System action: MFS will not create DOF/DIF blocks. Programmer response: Specify only one of these keywords on the DFLD statement; then rerun the job. DFS1595I SC=04 MAXIMUM VALUE FOR MIX/MIXS'nn' is 31, DEFAULT SET AS xx

Explanation: The field outlining value specified on the OUTL'hh' keyword is not a number between X'00' and X'0F'. System action: MFS uses the default value X'00'. Programmer response: If you do not want to use the default value, correct the field outlining specification; then rerun the job, if necessary. DFS1591I SC=08 SO CONTROL CHARACTER IS OPEN

Explanation: The value specified on the MIX/MIXS'nn' keyword exceeds the allowed maximum of 31; xx is used as the default. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: If the default MIX/MIXS'nn' value is not sufficient, correct the value; then rerun the job, if necessary. DFS1596I SC=04 DEFAULT CALCULATED IS xx FOR MIX/MIXS

Explanation: A DBCS/EBCDIC mixed field literal contains an unpaired SO control character. System action: MFS will not create MOD/MID or DOF/DIF blocks. Programmer response: Correct the DBCS/EBCDIC mixed field literal and rerun the job. DFS1592I SC=08 THERE IS A REDUNDANT TRAILING SI CHARACTER

Explanation: MFS calculated the default for MIX/MIXS as xx. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: If the default MIX/MIXS'nn' value is not sufficient, correct the value; then rerun the job, if necessary. DFS1597I SC=04 MIXD INVALID FOR MIXED MODE LITERAL FOR SCS1

Explanation: A DBCS/EBCDIC mixed field literal contains a duplicate closing SI control character System action: MFS will not create MOD/MID or DOF/DIF blocks. Programmer response: Correct the DBCS/EBCDIC mixed field literal and rerun the job.

Explanation: The MIXD keyword specified on a DFLD statement for a DBCS/EBCDIC mixed literal field is invalid for a SCS1 printer. System action: MFS ignores the keyword MIXD and continues processing. Programmer response: Correct the device type or the keyword; then rerun the job, if necessary.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1598I DFS1607I

Explanation: MIXS or MIX/MIXS'nn' is specified for a device other than a SCS1 printer, but is only valid only for the SCS1 printer. System action: MFS ignores the invalid keyword and continues processing. Programmer response: Remove the MIXS or MIX/MIXS'nn' specification from the DFLD statement; then rerun the job, if necessary. DFS1599I SC=08 MIXED MODE LITERAL CONTAINS DBCS STRING WITH ODD LENGTH

Explanation: The FTAB= specification conflicts with the device type; the FTAB= specification is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct DEV or remove FTAB=, and rerun the job. DFS1604I SC=08 LDEL= INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: The LDEL= specification conflicts with the device type; the LDEL= specification is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct DEV or remove LDEL=, and rerun the job. DFS1605I SC=08 DSCA= INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: Odd length DBCS data was specified in a DBCS/EBCDIC mixed field literal, but DBCS data must be even length. Programmer response: MFS will not create MOD/MID and DOF/DIF blocks. Programmer response: Correct the DBCS/EBCDIC mixed field literal and rerun the job. DFS1600I SC=08 PFK= INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: The DSCA= specification conflicts with the device type; the DSCA= specification is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct DEV or remove DSCA=, and rerun the job. DFS1606I SC=08 MODE= INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: Program function key specification for this device type is not allowed; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct DEV or PFK=, and rerun the job. DFS1601I SC=08 PEN= INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: The MODE= specification conflicts with the device type; the MODE= specification is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct DEV or remove MODE=, and rerun the job. DFS1607I SC=08 PAGE= INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: The PEN= specification conflicts with the device type; the PEN= specification is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct DEV or remove PEN=, and rerun the job. DFS1602I SC=08 CARD= INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: The PAGE= specification conflicts with the device type; the PAGE= specification is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct DEV or remove PAGE=, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The CARD= specification conflicts with the device type; the CARD= specification is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct DEV or remove CARD=, and rerun the job.

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1608I DFS1617I

Explanation: The FORMS= specification conflicts with the device type; the FORMS= specification is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct DEV or remove FORMS=, and rerun the job. DFS1609I SC=08 SYSMSG= INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: FEAT=PFK was not specified, although PFK= was; FEAT=PFK is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1614I SC=08 FEAT=PEN FORCED FOR PEN= SPECIFICATION

Explanation: The SYSMSG= specification conflicts with the device type; the SYSMSG= specification is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct DEV or remove SYSMSG=, and rerun the job. DFS1610I SC=08 FEAT=IGNORE IS THE ONLY ALLOWABLE SPECIFICATION FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: FEAT=PEN was not specified, although PEN= was; FEAT=PEN is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1615I SC=08 FEAT=CARD FORCED FOR CARD= SPECIFICATION

Explanation: FEAT=CARD was not specified although CARD= was; FEAT=CARD is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1616I SC=08 FEAT=PARAMETERS ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE

Explanation: FEAT= specification can only be IGNORE for this device type; IGNORE is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Examine the conflicting statements, correct the error, and rerun the job. DFS1611I SC=08 FEAT=VALUE(S) SPECIFIED INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: The features specified cannot coexist; they are accepted in an order of occurrence. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Select the desired features, and rerun the job. DFS1617I SC=04 PEN=FIELDNAME, FIELDNAME TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: The FEAT= specification conflicts with the device type; the FEAT= specification is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct DEV or respecify FEAT=, and rerun the job. DFS1612I SC=08 PAGE=EJECT PARAMETER(S) INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: PEN= field name exceeds 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the field name, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The PAGE= specification conflicts with the device type; the PAGE= specification is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct DEV or remove PAGE=, and rerun the job.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1618I DFS1627I

Explanation: No field name has been supplied for PEN= specification; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Supply a field name, and rerun the job. DFS1619I SC=04 PFK=(FIELDNAME, FIELDNAME TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: The DSCA= string is greater than 4 hexadecimal digits; the first 4 hexadecimal digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Limit the DSCA= string to 4 hexadecimal digits, and rerun the job. DFS1624I SC=08 DSCA=X 'HEXSTRING', HEXSTRING HAS NO CHARACTERS. X'0000' USED

Explanation: PFK= field name exceeds 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the field name, and rerun the job. DFS1620I SC=08 PFK=(FIELDNAME, FIELDNAME HAS NO CHARACTERS

Explanation: No string has been provided for the DSCA=X specification; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Supply the desired DSCA= hexadecimal digits, and rerun the job. DFS1625I SC=04 DSCA=nnnn, nnnn TRUNCATED TO LAST 15 DIGITS

Explanation: No field name has been provided for PFK= specification; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Supply a field name, and rerun the job. DFS1621I SC=04 CARD=FIELDNAME, FIELDNAME TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: The DSCA= integer exceeds 15 digits; the last 15 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired DSCA= integer, and rerun the job. DFS1626I SC=04 DSCA=nnnn, nnnn HAS NO DIGITS. DSCA=0 USED

Explanation: CARD= field name exceeds 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the field name, and rerun the job. DFS1622I SC=08 CARD=FIELDNAME, FIELDNAME HAS NO CHARACTERS

Explanation: The DSCA= specification has no digits; it is set to zero. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired DSCA= integer, and rerun the job. DFS1627I SC=04 FORMS='LITERAL' EXCEEDS 16 CHARACTERS. FIRST 16 CHARACTERS USED

Explanation: No field name has been supplied for CARD= specification; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Supply a field name, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The FORMS= literal specified exceeds 16 characters in length; the first 16 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired FORMS= literal, and rerun the job.

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1628I DFS1637I

Explanation: The PAGE= value exceeds the allowed limit of 255 lines. A value of 255 lines will be used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Provide the desired PAGE= value on the DEV statement, and rerun the job. DFS1629I SC=04 PAGE=(nnnn, nnnn TRUNCATED TO 4 DIGITS

Explanation: SYSMSG= does not specify a field name; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired SYSMSG= field name, and rerun the job. DFS1634I SC=08 CURSOR=((LINENO, LINENO HAS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF 1 USED

Explanation: The PAGE= value exceeds 4 digits; the last 4 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Provide the desired PAGE= value, and rerun the job. DFS1630I SC=04 PAGE=(nnnn, nnnn HAS NO DIGITS. PAGE=55 USED

Explanation: The line number parameter of the CURSOR= specification is blank (null); a value of one is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired value, and rerun the job. DFS1635I SC=08 CURSOR=((LINENO, LINENO EXCEEDS 3 DIGITS. LAST 3 USED

Explanation: Number of lines in PAGE= specification of DEV statement is null; 55 is used. System action: Processing continues with next source item. Programmer response: If number of lines other than 55 is desired, respecify and rerun the job. DFS1631I SC=04 FORMS='LITERAL', LITERAL HAS NO CHARACTERS. 4 BLANKS USED

Explanation: The line number parameter of the CURSOR= specification exceeds 3 digits; it is truncated. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired value, and rerun the job. DFS1636I SC=08 CURSOR=((LINENO, LINENO VALUE EXCEEDS PHYSICAL PAGE LIMITS FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE. LIMIT VALUE USED

Explanation: The FORMS= literal is null; 4 blanks are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired FORMS= literal, and rerun the job. DFS1632I SC=04 SYSMSG=FIELDNAME, FIELDNAME TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: The line number parameter of the CURSOR= specification exceeds device limitations. The lines maximum for the device type is used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify CURSOR=, and rerun the job. DFS1637I SC=08 CURSOR=((LINENO,COLNO, COLNO HAS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF 2 USED

Explanation: The SYSMSG= field name exceeds 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired SYSMSG= field name, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The column number parameter of the CURSOR= has no digits; the value of 2 is used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the desired value, and rerun the job.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1638I DFS1647I
DFS1638I SC=08 CURSOR=((LINENO,COLNO, COLNO EXCEEDS 3 DIGITS. LAST 3 DIGITS USED Programmer response: Specify the desired value, and rerun the job. DFS1643I SC=08 COND=(OFFSET, OFFSET TRUNCATED TO LAST 5 DIGITS

Explanation: The column number parameter of the CURSOR= specification exceeds 3 digits; it is truncated. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired value, and rerun the job. DFS1639I SC=08 CURSOR=((LINENO,COLNO, COLNO EXCEEDS DEVICE CAPACITY. DEVICE CAPACITY LIMIT USED

Explanation: The offset value of the COND= specification exceeds 5 digits; it is truncated. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the desired value, and rerun the job. DFS1644I SC=08 COND=(OFFSET,OPER,'LITERAL', LITERAL HAS NO CHARACTERS. SINGLE BLANK USED

Explanation: The column number parameter of the CURSOR= specification exceeds device limitation. The columns maximums for the device type is used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify CURSOR=, and rerun the job. DFS1640I SC=08 CURSOR=((LINENO,COLNO, FIELDNAME, FIELDNAME HAS NO CHARACTERS. FIELDNAME IGNORED

Explanation: The literal parameter of the COND= specification is null; a blank is used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the desired literal, and rerun the job. DFS1645I SC=08 CURSOR= SPECIFICATION INVALID FOR DEVICE TYPE SPECIFIED

Explanation: The field name parameter of the CURSOR= specification is null; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next source item. Programmer response: Specify field name, if desired, and rerun job. DFS1641I SC=08 CURSOR=((LINENO, COLNO,FIELDNAME,FIELDNAME, TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: The CURSOR= specification conflicts with the device type specified; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1646I SC=08 COND= SPECIFICATION INVALID FOR DEVICE TYPE SPECIFIED

Explanation: The field name parameter of the CURSOR= specification exceeds 8 characters; it is truncated. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the desired field name, and rerun the job. DFS1642I SC=08 COND=(OFFSET, OFFSET HAS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF 0 USED

Explanation: The COND= specification conflicts with the device type specified; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1647I SC=08 SELECT= SPECIFICATION INVALID FOR DEVICE TYPE SPECIFIED

Explanation: The offset value of the COND= specification has no digits; it is set to 0. System action: Processing continues with the next operand.

Explanation: The SELECT= specification conflicts with the device type specified; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand.

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1648I DFS1657I
Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1648I SC=08 ORIGIN= SPECIFICATION INVALID FOR DEVICE TYPE SPECIFIED Programmer response: Respecify LTH=, and rerun the job. DFS1653I SC=04 MULTIPLE ATTR= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The ORIGIN= specification conflicts with the device type specified; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1649I SC=08 MULT= SPECIFICATION INVALID FOR DEVICE TYPE SPECIFIED

Explanation: Only one ATTR= parameter is allowable on a DFLD statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify ATTR=, and rerun the job. DFS1654I SC=04 MULTIPLE PEN= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: Only one PEN= parameter is allowable on a DFLD statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify PEN=, and rerun the job. DFS1655I SC=04 MULTIPLE OPCTL= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The MULT= specification conflicts with the device type specified; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1650I SC=08 FILL= SPECIFICATION INVALID FOR DEVICE OR DIVTYPE SPECIFIED

Explanation: Only one OPCTL= parameter is allowable on a DFLD statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify OPCTL=, and rerun the job. DFS1656I SC=08 POS=(lll, lll TRUNCATED TO LAST 3 DIGITS

Explanation: The FILL= specification conflicts with the device type or DIVTYPE specified. FILL= is not permitted for DIV=INPUT or DEVTYPE=3600; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1651I SC=04 MULTIPLE POS= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The POS=lll specification exceeds 3 digits; the last 3 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify POS=, and rerun the job. DFS1657I SC=08 EATTR=(parm1,parm2), PARMS CONTAIN MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE SPECIFICATIONS

Explanation: Only one POS= parameter is allowable on a DFLD statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify POS=, and rerun the job. DFS1652I SC=04 MULTIPLE LTH= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: Within the EATTR= specification there are conflicting parameters. System action: Attributes are accepted and set in their order of occurrence. The second parameter (parm2) is not accepted. Processing continues with the next parameter.

Explanation: Only one LTH= parameter is allowable on a DFLD statement; the second one is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1658I DFS1667I
Programmer response: Select the desired attributes, and rerun the job. DFS1658I SC=08 POS=(lll, lll HAS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF 1 USED System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired page number, and rerun the job. DFS1663I SC=08 POS=(lll,ccc,ppp, ppp HAS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF 1 USED

Explanation: The POS=lll parameter has no digits; it is set to 1. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the desired value, and rerun the job. DFS1659I SC=08 POS=(lll,ccc, ccc TRUNCATED TO LAST 3 DIGITS

Explanation: The POS= page number has no digits; it is set to 1. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired page number, and rerun the job. DFS1664I SC=08 POS=nnn, nnn TRUNCATED TO LAST 3 DIGITS

Explanation: The POS= column number exceeds 3 digits; the last 3 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired column, and rerun the job. DFS1660I SC=08 POS=(lll,ccc ccc OUTSIDE DEFINED LINE BOUNDARIES FOR DEVICE. ccc ADJUSTED TO LINE

Explanation: The POS= number exceeds 3 digits; the last 3 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired value, and rerun the job. DFS1665I SC=08 POS=nnn, nnn HAS NO DIGITS. LEFT MARGIN VALUE USED

Explanation: The POS= column number falls outside the defined line boundaries for the device. Values that fall to the left of the line are reset to the device left margin value +1. Values that fall to the right of the line are reset to the device right margin value (-1 for DEV TYPE=3270P or 274X). System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the POS= keyword, and rerun the job. DFS1661I SC=08 POS=(lll,ccc ccc HAS NO DIGITS. DEVICE LEFT MARGIN VALUE +1 IS USED

Explanation: The POS= number has no digits. It is set to the left margin value for the device. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired value, and rerun the job. DFS1666I SC=08 LTH=nnnn, nnnn TRUNCATED TO LAST 4 DIGITS

Explanation: The LTH= specification exceeds 4 digits; the last 4 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired length, and rerun the job. DFS1667I SC=08 LTH=nnn, nnn HAS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF 1 USED

Explanation: The POS= column number has no digits; it is set to the left margin value +1 for the specified device. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the POS= keyword, and rerun the job. DFS1662I SC=08 POS=(lll,ccc,ppp, ppp TRUNCATED TO LAST 3 DIGITS

Explanation: The LTH= specification has no digits; it is set to 1. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired length, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The POS= page number exceeds 3 digits; the last 3 digits are used.

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1668I DFS1677I

Explanation: Within the ATTR= specification there are conflicting parameters. Attributes are accepted, and set in their order of occurrence. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Select the desired attributes, and rerun the job. DFS1669I SC=08 PEN='LITERAL', LITERAL HAS NO CHARACTERS. ' ' USED

Explanation: The record mode form of the DFLD POS= keyword was given when MODE=STREAM; the form POS=nnn is required. The next available stream position or the left margin value is used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the MODE= keyword of the DEV statement or the POS= keyword of the DFLD statement, and rerun the job. DFS1674I SC=08 LTH=nnn OMITTED. DEFAULTED TO LTH=1

Explanation: The PEN= literal is null; it is set to a blank. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired literal, and rerun the job. DFS1670I SC=04 OPCTL=TABLENAME, TABLENAME TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: No LTH= parameter has been specified for this DFLD; it is set to 1. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired LTH=, and rerun the job. DFS1675I SC=08 DFLD MUST HAVE DFLDNAME/LITERAL/SCA OR PASSWORD

Explanation: The OPCTL= tablename exceeds 8 characters in length; the first 8 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the desired tablename, and rerun the job. DFS1671I SC=08 OPCTL=TABLENAME, TABLENAME HAS NO CHARACTERS. OPCTL FUNCTION NEGATED

Explanation: One of the following DFLDNAME/LITERAL/SCA or PASSWORD must be specified for the DFLD statement. System action: The fixed name of DFLD ITB is set to TEMPNAME. Programmer response: Specify the desired DFLDNAME/LITERAL/SCA or PASSWORD, and resubmit the job. DFS1676I SC=08 LITERAL SPECIFICATION INCOMPATIBLE WITH DFLDNAME

Explanation: The OPCTL= tablename is null; OPCTL= is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Supply the desired tablename, and rerun the job. DFS1672I SC=08 POS=(lll,ccc, ccc DEFAULTED TO DEVICE LEFT MARGIN VALUE +1

Explanation: The literal type DFLD statements might not be labeled. System action: The literal is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Remove the label or the literal from the DFLD statement, and rerun the job. DFS1677I SC=08 PASSWORD SPECIFICATION INCOMPATIBLE WITH DFLDNAME

Explanation: The POS= column is set to the left margin value +1 if MODE=RECORD and no POS= column number is coded. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the desired parameter, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The DFLD statement, reserved for password input, might not be labeled. System action: The label is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the password specification, and rerun the job.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1678I DFS1687I

Explanation: The operand on the specified keyword is not allowed for the device type specified by the TYPE= operand of the DEV statement. System action: The keyword operand is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Remove the operand, or correct the DEV TYPE= specification, and rerun the job. DFS1679I SC=08 ATTR=(parms) INVALID FOR THIS DEVICE

Explanation: The ATTR= parameter conflicts with the DEV/DIV combination specified; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the ATTR= conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1684I SC=08 LITERAL INVALID FOR THIS DEV DIV TYPE

Explanation: The ATTR=(parms) is valid only for 3270 display device types; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the DEV/DFLD specification, and rerun the job. DFS1680I SC=08 PEN= SPECIFICATION INVALID FOR THIS DEVICE

Explanation: The DFLD literal specification conflicts with the DEV/DIV combination specified. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the literal conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1685I SC=04 DSCA=NUMBER, NUMBER EXCEEDS 65535. 0 USED

Explanation: The PEN= specification is invalid for this device type; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the DEV/DFLD specification, and rerun the job. DFS1681I SC=08 PASSWORD INVALID FOR THIS DEV DIV TYPE

Explanation: The DSCA= integer exceeds 65535; it is set to zero. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired DSCA= integer, and rerun the job. DFS1686I SC=04 BRANCH TO LABEL, TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: The PASSWORD parameter conflicts with the DEV/DIV combination specified; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the PASSWORD conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1682I SC=08 OPCTL= INVALID FOR THIS DEV DIV TYPE

Explanation: The IF statement labels cannot exceed 8 characters; it is truncated. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the desired branch to label, and rerun the job. DFS1687I SC=08 BRANCH TO LABEL HAS NO CHARACTERS. 'NOFUNC' USED

Explanation: The OPCTL= parameter conflicts with the DEV/DIV combination specified; it is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the OPCTL= conflict, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The IF statement branch to label is null; it is set to NOFUNC. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired branch to label, and rerun the job.

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1688I DFS1697I
DFS1688I SC=04 COMPARAND LITERAL TRUNCATED TO 255 CHARACTERS data set, or an I/O error occurred while writing a block to the IMS REFERAL library. System action: All writes to the IMS REFERAL library will be suppressed. Processing continues with syntax checking only. Programmer response: Ensure that a DD statement is present and its specifications are correct. If a hardware failure is indicated, rerun the job. DFS1694I DFS1689I SC=08 COMPARAND LITERAL HAS NO TEXT ' ' USED. SC=16 INSUFFICIENT DIRECTORY SPACE FOR UPDATE OF REFERAL LIBRARY. CONTINUING WITH SYNTAX CHECK ONLY

Explanation: The comparand literal exceeds 255 characters; the first 255 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the literal, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The comparand literal specified is null; it is set to one blank. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the desired literal, and rerun the job. DFS1690I SC=08 LENGTH COMPARAND TRUNCATED TO 3 DIGITS

Explanation: An error occurred when no space was left in the REFERAL directory. The block could not be added or replaced. System action: Processing continues with syntax checking only. Programmer response: Specify a larger quantity of space; re-create the IMS REFERAL library, and rerun the job. DFS1695I SC=20 PERMANENT I/O ERROR WRITING SYSTEXT DATA SET

Explanation: The length comparand exceeds 3 digits; the last 3 digits are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the desired length, and rerun the job. DFS1691I SC=08 LENGTH COMPARAND HAS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF 1 USED

Explanation: Issuing format or message control statements, or both, resulted in a permanent I/O error on the SYSTEXT data set. System action: Processing terminates with a forced EOF. Programmer response: Ensure that the DD statement is present, and its specifications are correct. If a hardware failure is indicated, rerun the job. DFS1696I SC=04 MESSAGE 'mmmmmmmm' REASSIGNED TO FORMAT 'ffffff'

Explanation: The length comparand parameter is null; it is set to 1. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired length, and rerun the job. DFS1692I SC=08 POS=(lll, lll DEFAULTED TO 1

Explanation: A message was removed from a prior format set and chained to the new format set. System action: Processing continues as before.

Explanation: POS=lll is set to 1 if MODE=RECORD, and no POS= parameter is coded. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the desired parameter, and rerun the job. DFS1693I SC=16 PERMANENT I/O ERROR UPDATING REFERAL LIBRARY. CONTINUING WITH SYNTAX CHECK ONLY

Programmer response: Ensure that the new SOR=name is valid. DFS1697I SC=12 REDEFINITION OF BLOCK 'bbbbbbbb' ATTEMPTED, REFERAL UPDATE ABORTED

Explanation: A block with the name "bbbbbbbb" already exists on the IMS REFERAL library, but its name and type do not correspond. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Correct the possibly wrong block name, or, if valid, scratch the old block; then

Explanation: IMS was unable to open the REFERAL


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1698I DFS1706I

Explanation: IMS was unable to open the REFERAL data set to process the directory entries, or an I/O error occurred while reading directory blocks. System action: All processing involving the IMS REFERAL library is suppressed, and processing continues with syntax checking only. Programmer response: Determine the nature of the I/O error, correct it, and rerun the job. DFS1699I SC=16 REFERAL LIBRARY DIRECTORY CONTENTS INVALID. CONTINUING WITH SYNTAX CHECK ONLY

Explanation: FORMAT SET is incomplete; no valid format block was found. System action: Message blocks are stored in the referral library. Processing continues with the next FMT set, if any. If there is at least one valid FMT set at the end of the preprocessor phase, control is given to phase 1. Otherwise, control is returned to z/OS. Programmer response: Specify at least a format block, and rerun FORMAT SET. DFS1703I SC=08 FILL=PT INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE C' ' USED

Explanation: IMS encountered an invalid directory entry while processing the directory of the IMS REFERAL library. System action: All processing involving the IMS REFERAL library is suppressed, and processing continues with syntax checking only. Programmer response: Ensure the proper DD statement is present with the valid library before performing problem determination. Problem determination: Run the MFS Service utility RELATE function, and include 11, 16. DFS1700I SC=08 NO SEARCH TARGET LABEL EXISTS FOR IF STATEMENT WITH THE FOLLOWING LABEL: label

Explanation: DPAGE FILL=PT is valid only for 3270 video devices, for all others it is invalid and a blank is assumed. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify DEV/DPAGE to achieve the desired results, and rerun the job. DFS1704I SC=04 IF LABEL TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: An IF statement was encountered whose label exceeded 8 characters; the first 8 characters are used. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the label and references, and rerun the job. DFS1705I SC=08 DO COUNT OF 0. VALUE OF 1 ASSUMED

Explanation: No valid label has been specified for conditional processing within this table. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the desired label for the proper condition chaining, and rerun the job. DFS1701I SC=04 FORMAT ffffff HAS NO MESSAGES AND REQUIRES FURTHER COMPILATION

Explanation: Count omitted from MFLD or DFLD DO statement; a count of 1 is used. System action: Processing continues with next source item. Programmer response: Specify desired count, and rerun the job. DFS1706I SC=08 ATTR=operand INVALID IF LITERAL SPECIFIED ON MFLD STATEMENT

Explanation: FORMAT SET is incomplete; no valid message block was found. System action: The FMT block is stored in the referral library. Processing continues with the next FMT set, if any. If there is at least one valid FMT set at the end of the preprocessor phase, control is given to phase 1. Otherwise, control is returned to z/OS. Programmer response: Specify at least an input and

Explanation: Use of attribute bytes in a field conflicts with the specification of a literal for that field. The ATTR=operand specification is ignored.

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1707I DFS1716I
System action: Processing continues with the next source item. Programmer response: Respecify MFLD statement; omit the specification not desired, and rerun the job. DFS1707I SC=08 LTH=nnnn, nnnn EXCEEDS 8000. 8000 USED Programmer response: Determine the cause of the IMS REFERAL library error, check the source for syntax errors, and rerun the job. DFS1713I SC=16 BAD COMPLETION CODE FROM IEBCOPY SUBTASK COMPRESSION OF DDNAME=REFOUT. CONTINUING WITH SYNTAX CHECK ONLY

Explanation: DFLD field length exceeds maximum of 8000. 8000 will be used. Programmer response: Respecify length, and rerun the job. DFS1708I SC=04 STATEMENT LABEL TOO LONG

Explanation: An unexpected completion code was received from IEBCOPY when compression of the IMS REFERAL library was requested. System action: The MFS Utility Preprocessor phase continues scanning the input for syntax errors. No descriptions are stored in the IMS REFERAL library. At the end of the input scan, the preprocessor returns to z/OS with the highest return code for the phase. Programmer response: 3, 8, 12, 16, 36 DFS1714I SC=04 MULTIPLE SET/ONLINE/ OFFLINE SPECIFICATIONS IN HTAB= KEYWORD INVALID

Explanation: Statement label exceeds 8 characters. No action taken at this time. Labels with a specific use can be further diagnosed. Programmer response: Respecify label, and rerun the job, if necessary. DFS1709I SC=04 NO FTAB CHARACTERS DEFINED FOR 3600 DEVICE

Explanation: The 3600 device does not have predefined FTAB characters, and no user FTAB characters were specified. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Specify field tab characters if desired, and rerun the job. DFS1711I SC=16 DISP=SHR INVALID FOR DDNAME=REFOUT. CONTINUING WITH SYNTAX CHECK ONLY

Explanation: SET, ONLINE, or OFFLINE was specified more than once in a single HTAB= keyword. System action: The first SET, ONLINE, or OFFLINE specification is used, multiple specifications are ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the multiple specification conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1715I SC=04 MULTIPLE LEFT MARGIN SPECIFICATIONS IN HTAB= KEYWORD INVALID

Explanation: IMS REFERAL was to be altered, but either DISP=SHR or DD DUMMY was specified or the DD statement for REFOUT was missing. System action: The MFS Utility Preprocessor phase continues input scan for syntax errors. No descriptions are stored in the IMS REFERAL library. At the end of the input scan, the preprocessor returns to z/OS. Programmer response: Correct the DD statement in error, and resubmit the job. DFS1712I SC=04 MEMBER=mmmmmmmm NOT WRITTEN DUE TO INVALID REFERAL DATA SET

Explanation: A left margin value was specified more than once in a single HTAB= keyword. System action: The first left margin value is used, multiple specifications are ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the multiple specification conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1716I SC=04 MULTIPLE HT= SPECIFICATIONS IN HTAB= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: Prior IMS REFERAL library errors resulted in the suppression of all processing involving the IMS REFERAL library. The member indicated was checked for valid syntax only. System action: Processing continues with the next source statement.

Explanation: The HT= specification (tab stop values) was specified more than once in a single HTAB= keyword. System action: The first HT= specification is used, multiple specifications are ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the multiple


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1717I DFS1725I
specification conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1717I SC=04 DSCA= KEYWORD HAS NO MEANING AND IS IGNORED DFS1721I SC=04 MULTIPLE SUF= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: More than one SUF= keyword is invalid on a single DO statement. System action: The first SUF= specification is used, multiple specifications are ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the multiple specification conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1722I SC=04 SUF=nn, NN EXCEEDS 2 DIGITS. LAST 2 DIGITS USED

Explanation: At present, there are no DSCA-specified device functions defined for the device type specified. System action: The DSCA= keyword is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Remove the DSCA= keyword, and rerun the job. DFS1718I SC=16 NO MEMBERS WRITTEN TO REFERAL LIBRARY. COMPILATION TERMINATES WITH CURRENT PHASE

Explanation: The suffix value specified on the DO statement exceeds 2 digits. System action: The last 2 digits of the specified suffix value are used, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the suffix value with 2 or fewer digits. DFS1723I SC=04 SUF=nn, nn HAS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF 01 USED

Explanation: The IMS REFERAL library is input for the next phase of the compilation process, so if the current phase (preprocessor) does not modify the IMS REFERAL library, the next phase is not executed. System action: Control is returned to z/OS following termination of the preprocessor phase of the utility. Programmer response: Examine the preprocessor error messages and the value of the EXEC parameter STOPRC to determine why the members were not written to the IMS REFERAL library; then rerun the job. DFS1719I SC=08 NO VALID HORIZONTAL TAB STOPS SPECIFIED. HT= SPECIFICATION IGNORED

Explanation: The suffix value is null. System action: A suffix value of 01 is used, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify a valid suffix value and rerun the job. DFS1724I SC=04 DO STATEMENT SUFFIX WILL EXCEED MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DIGITS. COUNT IS ADJUSTED

Explanation: The HT= specification of the HTAB= keyword was specified, but the tab stop values were omitted or were all invalid. System action: The HT= specification is ignored and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the HT= specification with valid horizontal tab stop values, and rerun the job. DFS1720I SC=04 MULTIPLE BOUND= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The specified suffix value, when increased the number of times specified by the count, will result in the generation of suffix values greater than 2 digits. System action: The count is decreased such that the largest suffix generated will be 2 digits, and processing continues. Programmer response: Adjust the initial suffix value or count, and rerun the job. DFS1725I SC=04 BLANKS SPECIFIED AS LINE DELETE CHARACTERS

Explanation: More than one BOUND= keyword is invalid on a single DO statement. System action: The first BOUND= specification is used, multiple specifications are ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the multiple specification conflict, and rerun the job.

Explanation: Two blank characters were specified on the LDEL parameter. This forces the last 2 characters of a line to be nonblank for a valid line. System action: The parameter is processed as specified. Programmer response: Make sure the LDEL specification is valid.
Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1726I DFS1733I
DFS1726I SC=04 VERTICAL TABBING MAY NOT BE VALID IF EJECT (BGNPP) OR EJECT (BGNMSG) NOT SPECIFIED v /DBRECOVERY AREA v /VUNLOAD areaname is the name of the area the command was issued against. System action: IMS rejected the command issued against the area. System Operator Response: Wait until recovery completes, then reissue the command. DFS1730I SC=04 STACK IDENTIFIER EXCEEDS 8 CHARACTERS. TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS

Explanation: Vertical tabbing only has meaning relative to the beginning of a new page. If the PAGE= parameter does not force a new page at either a new message or physical page, vertical tabbing might not be valid. Alternatively, all programs could specify EJECT (ENDMSG). System action: The statement is processed as specified. Programmer response: Verify that the vertical tab stops will position the page correctly. DFS1727I MADS I/O TIMING FUNCTION RESUMED SUCCESSFULLY

Explanation: The identifier specified on the STACK or UNSTACK statement must be 8 or fewer characters in length. System action: The stack identifier is truncated to 8 characters, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the stack identifier, check the corresponding STACK or UNSTACK statement, and rerun the job. DFS1731I SC=04 STACK IDENTIFIER HAS NO CHARACTERS. BLANKS USED

Explanation: The /START MADSIOT command completed successfully. All IMSs resumed long busy toleration support. System action: Long busy toleration support is activated. System Operator Response: None. DFS1728E START MADSIOT COMMAND FAILED. RSN=rr

Explanation: The /START MADSIOT command failed because one IMS was unable to participate in the MADS I/O timing structure. The reason code indicates the reason for failure. Reason Code Meaning 01 02 This IMS connected to the structure, but another IMS failed to connect to the structure. This IMS cannot connect to the structure.

Explanation: The preprocessor error recovery program has assumed a null identifier for the stack identifier. System action: A stack identifier of eight blanks (unnamed stack) will be used. Programmer response: Validate the syntax of the STACK/UNSTACK statement, and rerun the job. DFS1732I SC=08 UNEXPECTED 'STACK OFF' STATEMENT IGNORED

System action: MADS I/O timing is still disabled. Programmer response: Correct the problem and reissue the /START MADSIOT command from an IMS (not the one that originated the message) to restart MADS I/O timing. If the problem cannot be corrected, stop the IMS that generated the error and reissue the /START MADSIOT command. DFS1729I AREA CLOSE FOR AREA areaname REJECTED DUE TO MADS I/O TIMING

Explanation: A STACK OFF statement was encountered when stacking was not in progress. System action: The STACK OFF statement is ignored, and processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Ensure that STACK ON and STACK OFF statements are balanced and that STACK statements are not nested. DFS1733I SC=08 NESTED 'STACK ON' STATEMENT IGNORED

Explanation: IMS is in MADS I/O timing mode or MADS I/O timing recovery mode and one of the following commands was entered: v /STOP AREA v /STOP ADS v /DBRECOVERY DB

Explanation: A STACK ON statement was encountered while stacking was in progress for another STACK ON statement. Nested stacking is not allowed. System action: The nested STACK ON statement is ignored, and stacking continues for the previous STACK ON statement.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1734I DFS1741I
Programmer response: Rearrange the source statements in the program so that nested stacking is not required, and rerun the job. DFS1734I SC=08 DUPLICATE STACK IDENTIFIER. PREVIOUS STACK DELETED; CURRENT STACK IN EFFECT Programmer response: Ensure that at least one statement is included in the stack referenced by the UNSTACK statement. DFS1738I SC=08 MISSING 'STACK OFF' STATEMENT. EOD RECEIVED

Explanation: A STACK ON statement was encountered that specified the identifier of a stack that currently existed in real storage. System action: The stack that currently exists in real storage is deleted, and stacking is initiated for the STACK ON statement just encountered. Programmer response: Respecify unique identifiers for all stacks that currently exist in real storage. DFS1735I SC=08 'UNSTACK' STATEMENT CANNOT BE STACKED. 'UNSTACK' STATEMENT IGNORED

Explanation: A STACK OFF statement was not encountered for the corresponding STACK ON statement before the end of the input stream source was encountered. System action: A STACK OFF statement is assumed, and termination processing continues. Programmer response: Determine if the last stack is needed and, if desired, rerun the job. DFS1739I SC=04 STACK 'ccccccc' WAS NOT DELETED

Explanation: All stacks that are still in real storage when the preprocessor terminates are deleted. System action: Termination processing continues. Programmer response: To ensure that all stacks are deleted before termination processing, do not specify the KEEP option on the last UNSTACK statement for each stack. DFS1740I SC=08 DEV SPECIFICATION EXCEEDS DESIGN LIMITS

Explanation: An UNSTACK statement was encountered while stacking was in progress. Nested stacking is not allowed. System action: The UNSTACK statement is ignored, and stacking continues for the current STACK ON statement. Programmer response: Rearrange the source statements in the program so that nested stacking is not required, and rerun the job. DFS1736I SC=08 STACK NOT FOUND FOR IDENTIFIER SPECIFIED IN 'UNSTACK' STATEMENT. 'UNSTACK' STATEMENT IGNORED

Explanation: An UNSTACK statement identified a stack that was not currently in real storage. System action: The UNSTACK statement is ignored and processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Validate the spelling of the stack identifier or specify the KEEP option on a previous UNSTACK statement with the same stack identifier. DFS1737I SC=08 STACK REQUESTED IN 'UNSTACK' STATEMENT IS EMPTY. 'UNSTACK' STATEMENT IGNORED

Explanation: The processing of this parameter will cause the DEV control block (DEVITB) to exceed the maximum design size. This will normally only happen by specifying many long literals for PF keys. However, the check is made for FORMS literals, FTABS, horizontal tabs (HT), vertical tabs (VT), and all PF key specifications. The combined specification of these parameters in one DEV statement cannot exceed 4064 minus the basic size of the DEVITB (of approximately 100 bytes). System action: Processing stops for the keyword that caused the message to be issued and continues with the next keyword. Programmer response: Reduce the number and length of literals, or only specify the maximum allowed number of horizontal and vertical tabs, or both. Rerun the job. DFS1741I SC=04 MULTIPLE WIDTH= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: You have attempted to create a stack but have not provided any records for the stack. System action: The UNSTACK statement is ignored, and processing continues with the next source statement.

Explanation: More than one WIDTH= keyword is invalid on a single DEV statement. System action: The first WIDTH= specification is used, multiple specifications are ignored, and processing continues with the next operand.

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1742I DFS1751I
Programmer response: Resolve the multiple specification conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1742I SC=04 MULTIPLE HTAB= KEYWORDS INVALID Programmer response: Respecify a left margin value of 3 or fewer digits, and rerun the job. DFS1747I SC=04 LEFT MARGIN VALUE OF HTAB= KEYWORD HAS NO DIGITS. VALUE OF 1 IS USED

Explanation: More than one HTAB= keyword is invalid on a single DEV statement. System action: The first HTAB= specification is used, multiple specifications are ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the multiple specification conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1743I SC=04 MULTIPLE VT= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The left margin value specified in the HTAB= keyword is null. System action: A left margin value of 1 is used, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the desired left margin, and rerun the job. DFS1748I SC=04 HORIZONTAL TAB STOP VALUE TRUNCATED TO LAST 3 DIGITS

Explanation: More than one VT= keyword is invalid on a single DEV statement. System action: The first VT= specification is used, multiple specifications are ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the multiple specification conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1744I SC=04 WIDTH=nnn; nnn TRUNCATED TO LAST 3 DIGITS

Explanation: A tab value in the HT= specification of the HTAB= keyword exceeds 3 digits. System action: The last 3 digits of the tab stop are used, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the tab stop value with 3 or fewer digits, and rerun the job. DFS1749I SC=08 NULL HORIZONTAL TAB STOP VALUE IGNORED

Explanation: The width specified in the WIDTH= keyword exceeds 3 digits. System action: The last 3 digits of the width are used and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify a width of 3 or fewer digits, and rerun the job. DFS1745I SC=04 WIDTH=nnn; nnn HAS NO DIGITS. DEFAULT VALUE USED

Explanation: A null horizontal tab stop value was encountered in the HT= specification of the HTAB= keyword. (Error-recovery procedures can assume a tab stop value with no digits ($I$).) System action: The null horizontal tab stop is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Ensure that the syntax of the HTAB= keyword is valid, and rerun the job. DFS1750I SC=04 VERTICAL TAB STOP VALUE TRUNCATED TO LAST 3 DIGITS

Explanation: The width specified in the WIDTH= keyword is null. System action: The default width for the specified device type is used, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the desired width, and rerun the job. DFS1746I SC=04 LEFT MARGIN VALUE OF HTAB= KEYWORD TRUNCATED TO LAST 3 DIGITS

Explanation: A tab stop value in the VT= keyword exceeds 3 digits. System action: The last 3 digits of the tab stop are used, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the tab stop value with 3 or fewer digits, and rerun the job. DFS1751I SC=08 NULL VERTICAL TAB STOP VALUE IGNORED

Explanation: The left margin value specified in the HTAB= keyword exceeds 3 digits. System action: The last 3 digits of the left margin value are used, and processing continues with the next operand.

Explanation: A null vertical tab stop value was encountered in the VT= keyword. (Error-recovery procedures can assume a tab stop value with no digits ($I$).) System action: The null vertical tab stop is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1752I DFS1760I
Programmer response: Ensure that the syntax of the VT= keyword is valid, and rerun the job. DFS1752I SC=08 SUB= VALUE INVALID, X'3F' USED or equal to the maximum, and rerun the job. DFS1757I SC=08 NO LEFT MARGIN OR TAB STOP VALUES. HTAB= SPECIFICATION IGNORED

Explanation: The value specified for SUB= is not a single character or 2 hexadecimal characters. System action: The default value of X'3F' is used, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the SUB= value as either a single character or as 2 valid hexadecimal characters, and rerun the job. DFS1753I SC=08 WIDTH= INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: An HTAB= keyword had no left margin or tab stop specification. System action: The HTAB= keyword is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify a left margin or tab stops, or both, for the HTAB= keyword, or remove the HTAB= keyword, and rerun the job. DFS1758I SC=08 LEFT MARGIN VALUE GREATER THAN PAGE WIDTH. VALUE OF 1 USED

Explanation: The WIDTH= specification conflicts with the specified device type. System action: The WIDTH= specification is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the DEV statement or remove the WIDTH= specification, and rerun the job. DFS1754I SC=08 HTAB= INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: The left margin value specified in the HTAB= keyword is greater than the defined page width for the specified device type. System action: The left margin value is set to 1, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the left margin or page width value, and rerun the job. DFS1759I SC=08 INVALID HORIZONTAL TAB STOP(S) IGNORED

Explanation: The HTAB= specification conflicts with the specified device type. System action: The HTAB= specification is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the DEV statement or remove the HTAB= specification, and rerun the job. DFS1755I SC=08 VT= INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: One or more invalid horizontal tab stop values were encountered in the HT= specification of the HTAB= keyword. Tab stop values must be greater than or equal to the left margin of the page and less than or equal to the right margin of the page. System action: The invalid tab stops are ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Remove the invalid tab stop values or respecify the left or right margin values, or both, and rerun the job. DFS1760I SC=04 DUPLICATE HORIZONTAL TAB STOP(S) IGNORED

Explanation: The VT= specification conflicts with the specified device type. System action: The VT= specification is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the DEV statement or remove the VT= specification, and rerun the job. DFS1756I SC=04 WIDTH=nnn; nnn EXCEEDS MAXIMUM VALUE. DEFAULT VALUE USED

Explanation: Tab stop values in the HT= specification of the HTAB= keyword must be distinct. System action: Repeated occurrences of tab stop values are ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the tab stop values as distinct, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The width specified in the WIDTH= keyword exceeds the allowable maximum of 255 (249 for DEV.TYPE=SCS2). System action: The default width for the specified device type is used, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify a width of less than

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DFS1761I DFS1770I
DFS1761I SC=08 NUMBER OF HORIZONTAL TAB STOPS EXCEEDS MAXIMUM ascending order, will be used. Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the VT= keyword with 11 or fewer tab stop values, and rerun the job. DFS1766I SC=04 POS=(lll,ccc,ppp), ppp NOT VALID FOR DIV TYPE=INPUT

Explanation: The number of tab stop values, after invalid and duplicate values have been ignored, exceeds the allowable maximum of 10. System action: The first ten valid tab stops, sorted in ascending order, will be used. Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the HTAB= keyword with 10 or fewer tab stop values in the HT= specification, and rerun the job. DFS1762I SC=08 NO VALID VERTICAL TAB STOPS SPECIFIED. VT= SPECIFICATION IGNORED

Explanation: You specified a page value in the POS= keyword of an input DFLD. This is invalid. System action: The page value is set to 0, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the POS= keyword of the DFLD statement, and rerun the job. DFS1767I SC=04 VALIDATION ATTRIBUTES IGNORED

Explanation: The VT= keyword was specified, but the tab stop values were omitted or were all invalid. System action: The VT= keyword is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the VT= keyword with valid vertical tab stop values and rerun the job. DFS1763I SC=08 INVALID VERTICAL TAB STOP(S) IGNORED

Explanation: The validation attributes (VDFLD, VMFILL, or VMFLD) are ignored because the "PROT" attribute was either specified or assumed (because a literal was specified). The validation attribute is not compatible with the protect attribute. System action: The validation attributes are ignored, and processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the conflict either by removing the protect or the validation attribute, and rerun the job. DFS1768I SC=08 VALUE OF 0 INVALID, DEFAULT VALUE ASSUMED

Explanation: One or more invalid vertical tab stop values were encountered in the VT= keyword. Tab stop values must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of print lines per page and not to exceed a value of 255. System action: The invalid tab stops are ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Remove the invalid tab stop values or respecify the number of print lines per page, and rerun the job. DFS1764I SC=04 DUPLICATE VERTICAL TAB STOP(S) IGNORED

Explanation: A value of 0 was specified for line (lll), column (ccc), page (pp), PAGE, WIDTH, LTH, or MFLD offset (pp). System action: In most cases a value of 1 is assumed except in the following: the left margin value is assumed for ccc if lm was specified on the DEV statement; PAGE=55 is assumed; a WIDTH of 132 and 80 is assumed for SCS1 and SCS2, respectively. Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the operand with the 0 specification, and rerun the job. DFS1770I SC=16 NO FORMAT SET WRITTEN TO REFERAL LIBRARY. COMPILATION TERMINATES WITH CURRENT PHASE

Explanation: Tab stop values in the VT= keyword must be distinct. System action: Repeated occurrences of tab stop values are ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify tab stop values as distinct, and rerun the job. DFS1765I SC=04 NUMBER OF VERTICAL TAB STOPS EXCEEDS MAXIMUM

Explanation: No format sets were created or updated in this preprocessor compilation. System action: Phase 1 is not invoked in the preprocessor compilation as no valid blocks would be created. Compilation terminates. Programmer response: Create a valid format set

Explanation: The number of tab stop values after invalid and duplicate values were ignored exceeds the allowable maximum of 11. System action: The first 11 valid tab stops, sorted in


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1771I DFS1779I

Explanation: The PPAGE statement is invalid for the specified DEV.TYPE. System action: The PPAGE statement is ignored, and processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Remove the PPAGE statement from the input stream, and rerun the job. DFS1776I SC=04 FEAT= TRUNCATED TO LAST 2 DIGITS

Explanation: More than the maximum allowable literals or control functions were specified for the DEV statement. System action: If more than 36 literals or control functions are specified on the PFK= operand, the first 36 are used. IMS continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the syntax, and rerun the job. DFS1772I SC=08 ONLY ONE PPAGE STATEMENT ALLOWED FOR DIV TYPE=INPUT

Explanation: More than 2 digits were specified on the DEV statement FEAT=number specification. System action: The FEAT=number specification is truncated to the right-most 2 digits. Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the FEAT=number to contain no more than 2 digits. Rerun the job. DFS1777I SC=08 NULL FEAT = ; 1 IS ASSUMED

Explanation: More than one PPAGE statement was supplied for DIV TYPE=INPUT. System action: This PPAGE statement is ignored, and processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Remove the PPAGE statement from the input stream, and rerun the job. DFS1773I SC=04 PPAGE STATEMENT ASSUMED

Explanation: A null FEAT=number specification was supplied on the DEV statement. A feature number between 1 and 10 must be provided. System action: FEAT=1 is assumed, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify a valid FEAT=number, and rerun the job. DFS1778I SC=08 FEAT= INVALID. 1 ASSUMED

Explanation: A PPAGE statement was assumed for the specified DEV.TYPE for DIV OPTIONS=MSG/DPAGE and TYPE=INPUT. System action: A PPAGE statement is assumed and processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Supply a PPAGE statement at this point in the input stream, and rerun the job. DFS1774I SC=08 PPAGE STATEMENT HAS NO LABEL FOR OPTIONS=PPAGE. DIAGNOSTIC LABEL USED

Explanation: The FEAT=number specification on the DEV statement must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 10. The number supplied was not in this range. System action: FEAT=1 is assumed, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify a valid FEAT=number, and rerun the job. DFS1779I SC=12 MESSAGE LABEL AND SOR= NAME CANNOT BE IDENTICAL. REFERAL UPDATE ABORTED

Explanation: For DIV OPTIONS=PPAGE, the PPAGE statement must have a user-provided label so that a meaningful name is sent to the remote program. System action: If no name is provided in the remote program, the diagnostic label is sent as the format name. The PPAGE statement processing continues. Programmer response: Specify a label on the PPAGE statement, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The label on the MSG statement and the format name on the SOR= keyword are identical; a valid directory entry cannot be created. System action: The MSG block is not written to IMS REFERAL, and processing continues with the next source statement. Programmer response: Rename either the MSG label or the SOR= format name parameter to ensure that the
Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1780I DFS1788I

Explanation: The POS= operand on the DFLD statement has been specified as 0 or is less than the left margin. In either case, the position of the DFLD is to the left of the left margin column. System action: The user-defined left margin is assumed as the position of the DFLD. If no user-defined left margin was supplied, a position of 1 is assumed. Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired position number, and rerun the job. DFS1781I SC=04 RCD STATEMENT CANNOT OCCUR IN THIS SEQUENCE IN THE INPUT STREAM. RCD STATEMENT IGNORED

Explanation: A PPAGE statement was assumed for the specified DEV.TYPE for DIV OPTIONS=PPAGE and TYPE=OUTPUT. The diagnostic label of the assumed PPAGE will be sent to the remote program as the format name. System action: Processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Supply a PPAGE statement with a valid label at this point in the input stream, and rerun the job. DFS1785I SC=04 RCD STATEMENT INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE. RCD STATEMENT IGNORED

Explanation: The RCD statement is invalid for the specified DEV.TYPE. System action: The RCD statement is ignored, and processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Remove the RCD statement from this point in the input stream, and rerun the job. DFS1786I SC=08 LINE INCREMENT OR POSITION INCREMENT IS INVALID FOR DEVICE TYPE. SPECIFICATION IGNORED

Explanation: The RCD statement can only appear after a PPAGE, DO, or DFLD statement, and within the scope of a DPAGE statement. System action: The RCD statement is ignored, and processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Remove the RCD statement from this point in the input stream, and rerun the job. DFS1782I SC=08 OPTIONS='option' INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: The option is not allowed for the device type specified by the TYPE= operand in the DEV statement, or the combination of device type and DIV TYPE= operand. System action: The option indicated in the message is ignored, and processing continues with this statement. Programmer response: Correct the DEV TYPE= (or DIV TYPE=) specification, or remove this option, and rerun the job. DFS1783 SC=08 'cccccccc' INVALID FOR DIV TYPE=OUTPUT

Explanation: On the DO statement, a line or position increment is invalid for the specified DEV.TYPE. System action: The DEV.TYPE specification is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Remove the line or column increment from the DO statement, and rerun the job. DFS1787I SC=08 MAX OR COLUMN INCREMENT INVALID FOR DEVICE TYPE. SPECIFICATION IGNORED

Explanation: On the DO statement, a column increment or MAX is invalid for the specified DEV.TYPE. System action: The DEV.TYPE specification is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Remove the column increment or MAX from the DO statement, and rerun the job. DFS1788I SC=08 BOUND= KEYWORD INVALID FOR DEVICE TYPE. SPECIFICATION IGNORED

Explanation: Options=/RDPN specification is valid only for DIV TYPE=INPUT for this device type. System action: Options=/RDPN specification reset and compilation continues. Programmer response: Remove options=/RDPN parameter from DIV statement or change to DIV TYPE= input. Resubmit the job after making change.

Explanation: On the DO statement, the BOUND= keyword is invalid for the specified DEV.TYPE.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1789I DFS1797I
System action: The DEV.TYPE specification is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Remove the BOUND= keyword from the DO statement, and rerun the job. DFS1789I SC=04 MULTIPLE RCD STATEMENTS WITH NO INTERVENING DFLD STATEMENTS. LAST RCD STATEMENT IGNORED with a valid label at this point in the input stream. DFS1793I SC=08 SCA OPTION INVALID FOR DEVICE TYPE. SCA OPTION IGNORED

Explanation: On the DFLD statement, the SCA option is invalid for the specified DEV.TYPE. System action: The SCA option is ignored, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Remove the SCA option from the DFLD, and rerun the job. DFS1794I SC=08 LTH=VALUE IS NOT 2 FOR SCA OPTION. LTH= SPECIFICATION DEFAULTED TO 2

Explanation: Multiple RCD statements appear consecutively in the input stream. System action: The last RCD statement is ignored, and processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Remove the RCD statement from the input stream, and rerun the job. DFS1790I SC=08 ATTR= SPECIFICATION INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: The SCA option had an LTH= value specified on the DFLD statement. other than 2. System action: An LTH=2 specification is assumed, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Correct the LTH= specification to 2 on the DFLD statement, and rerun the job, or omit the LTH= specification, and rerun the job. DFS1795I SC=08 LABEL AND SCA OPTION NOT COMPATIBLE. SCA OPTION IGNORED

Explanation: On a DFLD statement, only ATTR=YES or NO, and for the specified device type, only ATTR=Yes and ATTR=No are valid. System action: The ATTR= specification is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the ATTR= specification on the DFLD statement, and rerun the job. DFS1791I SC=08 DPAGE STATEMENT HAS NO LABEL FOR OPTIONS=DPAGE. DIAGNOSTIC LABEL USED

Explanation: A labeled DFLD statement cannot be reserved for SCA output. System action: The SCA option is ignored, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Remove the label or the SCA option on the DFLD statement, and rerun the job. DFS1796I SC=08 LTH=VALUE GREATER THAN 8 INVALID FOR PASSWORD. LTH=8 ASSUMED

Explanation: For DIV OPTIONS=DPAGE, the DPAGE statement must have a user-provided label, so that the remote program is sent a meaningful format name. If none is provided, the diagnostic label will be sent as the format name. System action: The DPAGE statement processing continues. Programmer response: Specify a label on the DPAGE statement, and rerun the job. DFS1792I SC=08 DPAGE STATEMENT REQUIRED FOR DIV OPTIONS=DPAGE AND TYPE=OUTPUT

Explanation: The value specified for an LTH= operand is greater than 8 for the PASSWORD option on the DFLD statement. System action: LTH=8 is assumed, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Specify LTH=8 or omit the LTH= operand on the DFLD statement, and rerun the job. DFS1797I SC=08 SCA OPTION INVALID FOR DIV TYPE=INPUT. SCA OPTION IGNORED

Explanation: A DPAGE statement should be supplied for the specified DEV.TYPE and DIV statement with OPTIONS=DPAGE and TYPE=OUTPUT. The label on the FMT statement will be sent to the remote program as the format name. System action: Processing continues with the current statement. Programmer response: Provide a DPAGE statement

Explanation: The SCA option is invalid on the DFLD for DIV TYPE=INPUT. System action: The SCA option is ignored, and
Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1798I DFS1805I
processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Remove the SCA option from the DFLD, and rerun the job. DFS1798I SC=04 MULTIPLE SEGEXIT/ NOSEGEXIT SPECIFICATIONS IN OPTIONS= KEYWORD INVALID statements with a syntax-only check for the remainder of this FMT. Programmer response: Define at least one DFLD statement in this DPAGE, and rerun the job. DFS1802I SC=08 FIELD LENGTH CANNOT EXCEED DIV RCDCTL VALUE. LENGTH SPECIFICATION DEFAULTED TO RCDCTL VALUE

Explanation: Multiple SEGEXIT or NOSEGEXIT options were supplied on the DIV statement OPTIONS= specification. System action: The first SEGEXIT or NOSEGEXIT option specified is used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Remove the multiple SEGEXIT or NOSEGEXIT options from the OPTIONS= specification, and rerun the job. DFS1799I SC=08 FLDEXIT/NOFLDEXIT/SEGEXIT/ NOSEGEXIT PARAMETERS INVALID ON OPTIONS= KEYWORD FOR DIV TYPE=OUTPUT

Explanation: This message is issued if RCDCTL=NOSPAN is specified and the LTH= specification on the named DFLD has exceeded the DIV RCDCTL= value. The message is also issued if the literal DFLD length has exceeded the DIV RCDCTL= value. System action: The RCDCTL value is assumed as the DFLD length, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Change either the DFLD LTH= specification or the DIV RCDCTL= specification such that the field length is less than or equal to the RCDCTL value. Rerun the job. DFS1803I SC=04 POS= SPECIFICATION IGNORED FOR DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: The options FLDEXIT, NOFLDEXIT, SEGEXIT, NOSEGEXIT are invalid on the DIV statement OPTIONS keyword for DIV TYPE=OUTPUT. System action: These options are ignored, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Remove FLDEXIT, NOFLDEXIT, SEGEXIT, or NOSEGEXIT from the OPTIONS keyword, or change DIV TYPE to INPUT. Rerun the job. DFS1800I SC=08 ATTR=operand INCOMPATIBLE WITH SCA OPTION. OPERAND IGNORED

Explanation: A POS= specification cannot be supplied on the DFLD for the specified DEV.TYPE. System action: The POS= specification is ignored, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Remove the POS= specification from the DFLD statement, and rerun the job. DFS1804I SC=08 LDEL=X'HEXSTRING', HEXSTRING TRUNCATED TO FIRST 4 HEX CHARACTERS

Explanation: ATTR=YES or ATTR=nn must not be specified on a DFLD statement when the SCA option is also specified. System action: The ATTR=YES or ATTR=nn specification is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Remove ATTR=YES or ATTR=nn from the DFLD statement, and rerun the job. DFS1801I SC=16 NO DFLDS DEFINED IN THIS DPAGE. FMT MEMBER NOT WRITTEN TO REFERAL

Explanation: More than 4 hexadecimal characters were supplied on the LDEL= specification. The hexadecimal string is truncated to the left-most 4 hexadecimal characters. System action: Processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Provide 4 hexadecimal characters on the LDEL= specification on the DEV statement, and rerun the job. DFS1805I SC=04 LDEL=X'HEXSTRING', HEX DIGITS OF X'0000' SPECIFIED

Explanation: For the specified DEV.TYPE and DIV TYPE=OUTPUT, at least one DFLD must be defined in this DPAGE. A severity code of 16 forces this FMT member not to be written to REFERAL. System action: Processing continues with the next

Explanation: Line delete characters of X'0000' can inadvertently cause a segment to be deleted when the last field in the segment contains EBCDIC nulls (X'00'). System action: Processing continues with this operand.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1806I DFS1813I
Programmer response: Verify that line delete characters of '0000' do not conflict with EBCDIC nulls. DFS1806I SC=08 LDEL=X'HEXSTRING', NULL HEX STRING SPECIFIED. DEVICE TYPE DEFAULT USED DFS1810I SC=08 FTAB=X'HEXSTRING' TOO LONG. HEX STRING TRUNCATED TO FIRST 16 DIGITS

Explanation: More than 16 hexadecimal digits appear in the FTAB=X'HEXSTRING' specification. System action: The hexadecimal string is truncated to the first 16 hexadecimal digits. Processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Correct the hexadecimal string FTAB specification, and rerun the job. DFS1811I SC=08 'HEXSTRING' CONTAINS ODD NO. OF DIGITS. LAST BYTE PADDED ON RIGHT WITH 0

Explanation: On the DEV statement, LDEL= has a null hexadecimal string. System action: The DEV.TYPE line delete default is assumed. For the device type defaults, see the DEV statement in IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Transaction Manager. Processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Provide a valid LDEL= specification, and rerun the job. DFS1807I SC=08 type-c INTEGER TRUNCATED TO FIRST 2 DIGITS

Explanation: An odd number of hexadecimal digits appears in the specification. The last hexadecimal digit is padded by a hexadecimal zero to complete the character. System action: Processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Specify an even number of hexadecimal digits in the hex string specification, and rerun the job. DFS1812I SC=04 FTAB=X'HEXSTRING', HEX DIGIT OF X'00' MAY BE INCOMPATIBLE WITH DIV NULL=DELETE

Explanation: The DPM-An, DPM-Bn, or 3270-An of the DEV statement 'n' exceeds 2 digits. System action: The first 2 digits of "n" are used, and processing continues with this operand value. Programmer response: Specify a valid number on the TYPE= operand, and rerun the job. DFS1808I SC=08 NULL NUMBER FOLLOWED type. type-identifier ASSUMED

Explanation: A number was not specified after the symbolic device type on the TYPE= operand. System action: A device type identifier is assumed, and processing continues with this operand. Device types that can be assumed are: DPM-A1, DPM-B1, or 3270-A1. Programmer response: Specify a valid number on the TYPE= operand, and rerun the job. DFS1809I SC=08 INVALID INTEGER SPECIFIED IN type DEVICE TYPE. type-identifier ASSUMED

Explanation: Specifying DIV NULL=DELETE causes removal of trailing EBCDIC nulls (X'00') in a field until an FTAB character is reached. An FTAB character of X'00' is not treated as an FTAB, but is deleted as an EBCDIC null. System action: Processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: If DIV NULL=DELETE is specified, change the DIV NULL=DELETE specification or do not define X'00' as a hexadecimal digit in an FTAB character. Rerun the job. DFS1813I SC=04 MULTIPLE FLDEXIT/ NOFLDEXIT SPECIFICATIONS IN OPTIONS= KEYWORD INVALID

Explanation: A device-type identifier must be specified as a 1- or 2-digit number from 1 to 15 as part of the TYPE= operand in the DEV statement. System action: A device type identifier is assumed, and processing continues with this operand. Device types that can be assumed are: DPM-A1, DPM-B1, or 3270-A1. Programmer response: Specify a valid integer for DEV TYPE= operand, and rerun the job.

Explanation: Multiple FLDEXIT or NOFLDEXIT options were supplied on the DIV statement OPTIONS= specification. System action: The first FLDEXIT or NOFLDEXIT option specified is used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Remove the multiple FLDEXIT or NOFLDEXIT options from the OPTIONS= specification, and rerun the job.
Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1814I DFS1823I
DFS1814I SC=08 USER FTAB CHARACTERS REQUIRED FOR MIX OR ALL. NONE DEFINED. FORCE ASSUMED Programmer response: Remove the multiple HDRCTL= specifications, and rerun the job. DFS1819I SC=04 MULTIPLE keyword= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: Input data editing for the MIX or ALL options require user-defined FTAB characters. No FTAB characters were defined. System action: FORCE is assumed. For details, see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System. Processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Supply FTAB characters or change the MIX or ALL option to FORCE. Rerun the job. DFS1815I SC=08 LDEL='LITERAL' LENGTH NOT EQUAL 2. DEVICE TYPE DEFAULT USED

Explanation: The same keyword was specified more than once on the same statement. System action: The first specification is used, and processing continues with this statement. Programmer response: Specify the keyword and its operand only once, and rerun the job. DFS1820I SC=04 MULTIPLE SPAN/NOSPAN SPECIFICATIONS IN RCDCTL KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: More than 2 line-delete characters were specified on the LDEL= operand. System action: The LDEL= operand is ignored and the device type default is used. For the device type defaults, see the DEV statement in the Message Formatting Functions topic in IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Transaction Manager. Processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Specify 2 line-delete characters, and rerun the job. DFS1816I SC=04 MULTIPLE NULL= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: Multiple SPAN or NOSPAN options were coded on the same RCDCTL= specification. System action: The first SPAN or NOSPAN option specified is used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Remove the multiple SPAN or NOSPAN options, and rerun the job. DFS1821I SC=04 MULTIPLE NUMBERS IN RCDCTL SPECIFICATION INVALID

Explanation: Multiple record size numbers were specified on the RCDCTL= specification. System action: The first record limit is used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Remove the multiple record size numbers, and rerun the job. DFS1822I SC=08 RCDCTL NUMBER TRUNCATED. LAST 5 DIGITS USED

Explanation: Multiple NULL= keywords were coded on the DIV statement. System action: The first specification is used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Remove the multiple NULL= specifications, and rerun the job. DFS1817I SC=04 MULTIPLE OPTIONS= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: The numeric record size has exceeded 5 digits in the DIV statement RCDCTL= specification. System action: The last 5 digits are used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Specify a record size of no more than 5 digits. Rerun the job. DFS1823I SC=08 NULL RCDCTL NUMBER. 256 USED

Explanation: Multiple OPTIONS= keywords were coded on the DIV statement. System action: The first specification is used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Remove the multiple OPTIONS= specifications, and rerun the job. DFS1818I SC=04 MULTIPLE HDRCTL= KEYWORDS INVALID

Explanation: A null record size number was supplied on the DIV statement RCDCTL= specification. System action: A record size of 256 is assumed, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Specify a valid record size, and rerun the job.

Explanation: Multiple HDRCTL= keywords were coded on the DIV statement. System action: The first specification is used, and processing continues with this operand.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1824I DFS1833I
DFS1824I SC=08 RCDCTL NUMBER OF 0 INVALID. 256 USED or respecify the desired HDRCTL= length, and rerun the job. DFS1829I SC=08 NULL HDRCTL NUMBER. DEFAULT ASSUMED

Explanation: A zero record size was supplied on the DIV statement RCDCTL= specification. The record size must be between 1 and 32000. System action: A default record size of 256 is assumed, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Specify a valid record size on the RCDCTL= specification and rerun the job. DFS1825I SC=08 RCDCTL NUMBER EXCEEDS 32000. 256 USED

Explanation: A HDRCTL=null numeric length was specified. System action: The default of 7 is used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Omit the length specification or specify the desired HDRCTL= numeric length, and rerun the job. DFS1830I SC=04 MULTIPLE SIM/NOSIM2 SPECIFICATIONS IN OPTIONS= KEYWORD INVALID

Explanation: A record size greater than 32000 was supplied on the DIV statement RCDCTL= specification. The record size must be between 1 and 32000. System action: A default record size of 256 is assumed, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Specify a valid record size on the RCDCTL= specification, and rerun the job. DFS1826I SC=04 MULTIPLE FIXED/VARIABLE SPECIFICATIONS IN HDRCTL= KEYWORD INVALID

Explanation: SIM or NOSIM2 was specified more than once in a single OPTIONS= keyword. System action: The first SIM or NOSIM2 specification is used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Resolve the multiple SIM/NOSIM2 specification conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1831A SC=04 MULTIPLE operand/operand SPECIFICATIONS IN OPTIONS= KEYWORD INVALID

Explanation: Multiple FIXED or VARIABLE options were supplied on the DIV statement HDRCTL= specification. System action: The first FIXED or VARIABLE option specified is used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Remove the multiple FIXED or VARIABLE options from the HDRCTL= specification, and rerun the job. DFS1827I SC=04 MULTIPLE HDRCTL NUMBER SPECIFICATIONS INVALID

Explanation: Conflicting operands were specified in the OPTIONS= keyword. System action: The first operand specified by the user is used, and processing continues. Programmer response: Resolve the conflicting operands by selecting DNM or NODNM, or MSG, or both, DPAGE or PPAGE. DFS1832I SC=08 RCDCTL= INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: Only one numeric-length specification is valid for the HDRCTL= keyword. System action: The first numeric-length specification is used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Specify only one numeric length on the HDRCTL= specification, and rerun the job. DFS1828I SC=08 HDRCTL NUMBER TRUNCATED. LAST 2 DIGITS USED

Explanation: RCDCTL= is only valid for TYPE= DPM-A1 through DPM-A10 on the DEV statement. System action: The RCDCTL= specification is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the DEV.TYPE= statement or remove the RCDCTL= specification, and rerun the job. DFS1833I SC=08 HDRCTL= INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: The HDRCTL= specification length parameter exceeds 2 digits. System action: Only the last 2 digits are used, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Omit the length specification

Explanation: HDRCTL= is only valid for TYPE= DPM-A1 through DPM-A10 on the DEV statement. System action: The HDRCTL= specification is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand.

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1834I DFS1842I
Programmer response: Correct the DEV.TYPE= statement or remove the HDRCTL= specification, and rerun the job. DFS1834I SC=08 keyword= INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE DFS1838I SC=08 SPAN PARAMETER INVALID ON RCDCTL= KEYWORD FOR DIV TYPE=INPUT

Explanation: The SPAN specification for the RCDCTL= keyword is only valid for DIV TYPE=OUTPUT. System action: The SPAN parameter is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the SPAN or DIV TYPE=INPUT conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1839I SC=08 keyword= INVALID FOR DIV TYPE=INPUT

Explanation: The keyword is not allowed for the device type specified by the TYPE= operand in the DEV statement. System action: The keyword specification is ignored, and processing continues with the remaining keyword. Programmer response: Correct the DEV TYPE= specification or remove this keyword, and rerun the job. DFS1835I SC=08 NULL= INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DEVICE TYPE

Explanation: The keyword is invalid in the DIV statement for TYPE=INPUT. System action: The keyword is ignored, and processing continues with the remaining keywords. Programmer response: Remove the invalid keyword from the statement, and rerun the job. DFS1840I SC=08 HDRCTL NUMBER INVALID. DEFAULT ASSUMED

Explanation: The DIV statement NULL= specification is only valid for DEV TYPE=DPM-A1 through DPM-A10. System action: The NULL= specification is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Correct the DEV.TYPE= specification or remove the NULL= specification, and rerun the job. DFS1836I SC=08 MSG/DPAGE/PPAGE PARAMETERS INVALID ON OPTIONS= KEYWORD FOR DIV TYPE=INPUT

Explanation: The length parameter of the HDRCTL= specification is not in the range of 7 to the RCDCTL length minus one. System action: The value of 7 is used, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the desired HDRCTL length parameter, and rerun the job. DFS1841I SC=08 NULL= INVALID FOR DIV TYPE=OUTPUT. NULL= IGNORED

Explanation: For DIV TYPE=INPUT, the options MSG/DPAGE/PPAGE are invalid on the OPTIONS= keyword. System action: These options are ignored, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Remove the MSG/DPAGE/PPAGE parameters from the OPTIONS= keyword or change the DIV TYPE to OUTPUT. Rerun the job. DFS1837I SC=08 RCDCTL= INVALID FOR DEV MODE=STREAM. RCDCTL= IGNORED

Explanation: The NULL= specification is only valid for DIV TYPE=INPUT. System action: The NULL= specification is ignored when used for DIV TYPE=OUTPUT. Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the NULL= or DIV TYPE=OUTPUT conflict, and rerun the job. DFS1842I SC=08 device-type IDENTIFIER DOES NOT BEGIN WITH A VALID CHARACTER. type-A1 ASSUMED

Explanation: The DIV statement RCDCTL= specification conflicts with DEV.MODE=STREAM. System action: The RCDCTL specification is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Resolve the RCDCTL= or DEV.MODE=STREAM conflict, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The first character of the device type identifier is specified incorrectly in the TYPE= keyword of the DEV statement. System action: DPM-A1 or 3270-A1 is used as the device type, and processing continues with the next operand.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1843I DFS1851I

Explanation: The options SIM/NOSIM2 are invalid on the DIV statement OPTIONS= keyword for DIV TYPE=INPUT. System action: The SIM/NOSIM2 options are ignored, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Remove the SIM or NOSIM2 parameters from the OPTIONS keyword or change the DIV TYPE to OUTPUT. Rerun the job. DFS1848I SC=08 DSCA=X'HEXSTRING', HEXSTRING IS NOT 4 HEX DIGITS. STRING PADDED ON RIGHT WITH 0S

Explanation: The LDEL= string is less than 4 hexadecimal digits. System action: The string is padded on the right with zeros to a length of 4 hexadecimal digits. Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Expand the LDEL= string to 4 hexadecimal digits, and rerun the job. DFS1844I SC=08 FTAB=X'HEXSTRING', HEXSTRING IS NULL. DEFAULT FTABS USED FOR APPLICABLE DEVICES

Explanation: A null hexadecimal string was supplied on the DEV statement FTAB= specification. For the list of device types with default FTABs, see the DEV statement in topic MFS Language Utility, of IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Transaction Manager. System action: FTABs are assumed for applicable devices, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Supply a valid FTAB specification, and rerun the job. DFS1845I SC=04 RCD STATEMENT IS INVALID FOR DEV MODE=STREAM. RCD STATEMENT IGNORED

Explanation: The DSCA= keyword had fewer than 4 hexadecimal digits specified. The specification will be padded on the right with a hexadecimal zero to a length of 4 hexadecimal digits. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify 4 hexadecimal digits in the DSCA= operand, and rerun the job. DFS1850I SC=04 NULL DEVCHAR SUFFIX. DEVCHAR TABLE DFSUDT00 USED

Explanation: No suffix was specified on the DEVCHAR= parameter of the EXEC statement. System action: The name of the device characteristic table that will be loaded is DFSUDT00. Programmer response: Specify a valid single alphanumeric suffix for the DEVCHAR= parameter on the EXEC statement, and rerun the job. DFS1851I SC=04 DEVCHAR SUFFIX 'suffix' TRUNCATED TO FIRST CHARACTER

Explanation: The RCD statement cannot specified for STREAM mode. System action: The RCD statement is ignored, and processing continues with the next statement. Programmer response: Remove the RCD statement from the input stream or specify RECORD mode. Rerun the job. DFS1846I SC=08 HEXSTRING CONTAINS INVALID HEX DIGIT. HEX DIGIT X'0' ASSUMED

Explanation: More than 1 character was specified on the DEVCHAR= parameter of the EXEC statement. The message will display up to 8 of the characters that were present. System action: Only the first character will be used as the 1 character suffix for the device characteristics table name. Programmer response: Specify a valid single alphanumeric suffix for the DEVCHAR= parameter on the EXEC statement, and rerun the job.

Explanation: A string defined to be in hexadecimal digits contains a character other than A to F or 0 to 9. System action: A zero is substituted for the invalid character, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Find the invalid hexadecimal character on the string, specify the desired value, and rerun the job.

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1854I DFS1862I

Explanation: The hexadecimal specification for version ID is either less than, or greater than, 4 hexadecimal characters. System action: The 4 hexadecimal characters presented in the X'hhhh' part of the message will be used for the version ID. If the specification is more than 4 hexadecimal characters, the first 4 specified will be used. If the specification is less than 4 characters, the value is padded on the right with zeros to a length of 4 characters. Programmer response: Correct the version ID specification by using exactly 4 hexadecimal characters, and rerun the job. DFS1855I SC=08 VERSID LENGTH INVALID, 'cc' USED

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Explanation: The member named in the message was not found in IMS.SDFSRESL. System action: An attempt is made to find DFSUDT00 and processing continues.

| | |

Programmer response: Specify a device characteristics table suffix that agrees with the desired member in the IMS.SDFSRESL, and rerun the job. DFS1859I SC=08 DEVCHAR TABLE DFSUDT00 NOT FOUND. NO TABLE LOADED

Explanation: The device characteristics table DFSUDT00 was not found in IMS.SDFSRESL. System action: Issue message DFS1861I, assume an IBM 3270 model 2 device type, and continue processing.

Explanation: The specification for version ID is either less than or greater than 2 characters. System action: The 2 characters (cc) presented in the message will be used for the version ID. If less than 2 characters are specified, blanks will be added. If more than 2 characters are specified, the first 2 characters will be used. Programmer response: Correct the version ID specification by using exactly 2 characters and rerun the job. DFS1856I SC=04 PF KEY NUMBER 'nnnnnnnn' IS NOT A VALID INTEGER. SUBPARAMETER IGNORED

| | | |

Programmer response: Specify a device characteristics table suffix that identifies the desired member in IMS.SDFSRESL before using the symbolic device type 3270-An on the DEV statement. DFS1860I SC=08 PERMANENT I/O ERROR READING SDFSRESL DIRECTORY FOR DEVCHAR TABLE. NO TABLE USED

Explanation: The BLDL macro returned a return code of 08, indicating a permanent input/output error was detected when the system attempted to search the directory. System action: Issue message DFS1861I, assume a 3270 model 2 device type and continue processing. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 16, 23 DFS1861I SC=08 DEVCHAR TABLE NOT LOADED. 3270 ASSUMED

Explanation: The specified PF key number is not a number from 1 to 36. System action: This invalid PF key number and its operand are ignored. Processing continues without this subparameter. Programmer response: Specify a PF key number from 1 to 36, and rerun the job. DFS1857I SC=04 PF KEY NUMBER 'nn' IS A DUPLICATE NUMBER AND IS IGNORED

Explanation: The device characteristics table was not loaded. (Error message 1859 or 1860 should precede this message.) System action: A 3270 model 2 device type is assumed, and processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the cause of message DFS1859I or DFS1860I, and rerun the job. DFS1862I SC=08 3270-An DEVICE TYPE NOT FOUND IN THE DEVCHAR TABLE. 3270 ASSUMED

Explanation: The PF key number on this subparameter has been previously specified. System action: The first specification is used, and processing continues with this subparameter. Programmer response: Correct the duplicate specification, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The device type symbolic name, mentioned in the message, was not found in the device characteristics table that was loaded. System action: A 3270 model 2 device type is


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1863I DFS1871I
assumed, and processing continues. Programmer response: Ensure that the proper suffixed device characteristics table was used, and that the symbolic name used in the system definition is the same name used on the DEV statement. Correct any errors, and rerun the job. DFS1863I SC=04 DEVICE FEATURES SPECIFIED NOT FOUND IN DEVCHAR TABLE Programmer response: Provide a dfldname with no more than 8 characters, and rerun the job. DFS1867I SC=08 name= 'LITERAL' INVALID FOR DIV TYPE=INPUT

Explanation: Either the destination process name (DPN) or the primary resource name (PRN) literal is not valid when DIV TYPE=INPUT is specified. System action: The literal specification is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Remove the literal specification or change DIV TYPE to OUTPUT. DFS1868I SC=04 DPN='LITERAL' TRUNCATED TO 'cccccccc'

Explanation: The loaded device characteristics table did not have an entry for the symbolic name specified on the TYPE= keyword of the DEV statement with the same features that were specified on the FEAT= operand of the DEV statement. System action: The system uses the features that are specified or assumed for the DEV statement, rather than those found in the device characteristics table entry. Programmer response: The format for this symbolic device type and features will not be referenced in an online system because there will be no defined device and features that match. Correct any errors, and rerun the job. DFS1864I SC=04 RCDCTL=SPAN IS INVALID FOR DPM-Bn

Explanation: The destination process name literal is greater than 8 characters. System action: Only the first 8 characters of the literal are used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Provide a literal with no more than 8 characters, and rerun the job. DFS1869I SC=04 DPN=DFLDNAME TRUNCATED TO 'cccccccc'

Explanation: RCDCTL=SPAN is not allowed when TYPE=DPM-Bn is specified on the DEV statement. System action: The SPAN specification is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Change the SPAN specification to NOSPAN, remove it from the RCDCTL= operand, or change the device type specification, and rerun the job. DFS1865I SC=08 PPAGE OPTION INVALID ON OPTIONS= KEYWORD FOR DIV TYPE=INPUT

Explanation: The destination process name (dfldname) is greater than 8 characters. System action: Only the first 8 characters of the dfldname are used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Provide a dfldname with no more than 8 characters, and rerun the job. DFS1870I SC=04 PRN='LITERAL' TRUNCATED TO 'cccccccc'

Explanation: For DIV TYPE=INPUT, the option PPAGE is invalid on the OPTIONS= keyword. System action: The PPAGE option is ignored, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Remove PPAGE from the OPTIONS= keyword or change the DIV TYPE to OUTPUT. Rerun the job. DFS1866I SC=04 RDPN=DFLDNAME TRUNCATED TO 'cccccccc'

Explanation: The primary resource name (PRN) literal is greater than 8 characters. System action: Only the first 8 characters of the literal are used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Provide a literal with no more than 8 characters, and rerun the job. DFS1871I SC=04 PRN=DFLDNAME TRUNCATED TO 'cccccccc'

Explanation: The primary resource name (dfldname) is greater than 8 characters. System action: Only the first 8 characters of the dfldname are used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Provide a dfldname with no more than 8 characters, and rerun the job.
Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I

Explanation: The return destination process name (dfldname) is greater than 8 characters. System action: Only the first 8 characters of the dfldname are used, and processing continues with this operand.


DFS1872I DFS1881I
DFS1872I SC=04 RPRN='LITERAL' TRUNCATED TO 'cccccccc' Programmer response: Specify exactly 2 hexadecimal characters for output field tab separator character, and rerun the job. DFS1877I SC=08 OFTAB LENGTH INVALID, C'c' USED

Explanation: The return primary resource name (RPRN) literal is greater than 8 characters. System action: Only the first 8 characters of the literal are used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Provide a literal with no more than 8 characters, and rerun the job. DFS1873I SC=04 RPRN=DFLDNAME TRUNCATED TO 'cccccccc'

Explanation: The output field tab separator is not 1 character. System action: If no valid character is specified, a comma is used. If more than 1 character is specified, the first character specified is used. Programmer response: Specify exactly 1 character as the output field tab separator character, and rerun the job. DFS1878I SC=08 OFTAB CHARACTER X'hh' INVALID, SPECIFICATION IGNORED

Explanation: The return primary resource name (dlfdname) literal is greater than 8 characters. System action: Only the first 8 characters of the dlfdname are used, and processing continues with this operand. Programmer response: Provide a dfldname with no more than 8 characters, and rerun the job. DFS1874I SC=08 name='LITERAL', NOT SPECIFIED OR ZERO LENGTH ' ' USED

Explanation: The output field tab separator character specified as either X'hh' or C'c' cannot be a X'3F' or a blank character. System action: The specification is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Provide a valid character for the output field tab separator, and rerun the job. DFS1879I SC=04 keyword= SPECIFICATION IGNORED

Explanation: The destination process name (DPN), the primary resource name (PRN), or the return primary resource name (RPRN) literal is null. System action: A single blank is used as the literal, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired literal, and rerun the job. DFS1875I SC=08 name=DFLDNAME, DFLDNAME HAS NO CHARACTERS AND IS IGNORED

Explanation: The specified keyword conflicts with other specifications and is ignored. System action: Processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: If the other parameters are correct, remove this keyword, and rerun the job. DFS1880I SC=08 EGCS LITERAL STRING INVALID

Explanation: The destination process name (DPN), the primary resource name (PRN), or the return primary resource name (RPRN) dfldname specification is a null value. System action: The dfldname specification is ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the desired dfldname, and rerun the job. DFS1876I SC=08 OFTAB LENGTH INVALID, X'hh' USED

Explanation: A literal expressed as an extended graphic character set literal was specified for a normal literal. The MFS design does not allow an EGCS literal for this function. System action: The EGCS literal is ignored and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the literal as a non-EGCS literal and rerun the job. Problem determination: Not applicable DFS1881I SC=04 EGCS LITERAL CONTAINS AN ODD NUMBER OF BYTES

Explanation: The output field tab separator is not 2 hexadecimal characters in length. System action: If more than 2 hexadecimal characters are specified, the first 2 hexadecimal characters specified are used, and processing continues with the operand. If no hexadecimal characters are specified, then X'00' is used.

Explanation: This is a warning message. Some devices require that extended graphic character set data be an even number of bytes.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1882I DFS1886E
System action: The EGCS literal is accepted unchanged and processing continues. Programmer response: Ensure that the EGCS literal contains the correct number of bytes, and rerun the job, if required. DFS1882I SC=08 ATTR=nn VALUE INVALID, 1 USED ignored. Any programmed symbol value is reset, and processing continues. Programmer response: Specify the programmed symbol attribute as PX'hh' or PC'c' or change the literal specification to an EGCS literal, and rerun the job.

| DFS1886I

SVC message

Explanation: The value specified for the number of extended attributes to be dynamically modifiable was not a number in the range from 1 to 4. System action: The value of 1 will be used and processing will continue with this operand. Programmer response: Specify the extended attribute value as a number in the range from 1 to 4 and rerun the job. DFS1883I SC=04 PS VALUE IGNORED

Explanation: One or more of the following informational SVC messages can be issued: Informational messages

Explanation: For device type SCS1, the extended graphic character set (EGCS) attribute does not use a programmed symbol value. System action: MFS assumes a specification of EGCS, ignores the programmed symbol value, and continues processing. Programmer response: Specify the EGCS attribute as EGCS without a programmed symbol value and rerun the job. Problem determination: Not applicable DFS1884I SC=08 PS SPECIFICATION INVALID WITH EGCS LITERAL, EGCS'F8' USED

Explanation: A programmed symbol attribute of PX'hh' or PC'c' was specified along with an extended graphic character set literal. An EGCS attribute was expected. For an SCS1 device type, the 'F8' will not be present in the control block. System action: For 3270 devices, the extended attribute will be changed to EGCS'F8'. For an SCS1 device type, the extended attribute will be changed to EGCS. Processing will continue. Programmer response: Specify the extended attribute as EGCS'hh' (for EGCS, for SCS1) or specify the literal as a non-EGCS literal, and rerun the job. Problem determination: Not applicable DFS1885I SC=08 EGCS EXTENDED ATTRIBUTE IGNORED

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

v DYNAMIC UPDATE OF IMS TYPE 2 SVC = STARTED The utility has begun to update the IMS Type 2 SVC. No response or action is required. v IMS TYPE 2 SVC NUMBER = xxx The utility has identified the IMS Type 2 SVC number in the data set pointed to by the DFSRESLB DD card. Make note of this number and ensure that it corresponds to the number anticipated by the system administrator. No response or action is required. v IMS TYPE 2 SVC DYNAMIC UPDATE = SUCCESSFUL The utility has successfully changed the entry in the MVS SVC table to point to the new IMS Type 2 SVC module. No response or action is required. v DYNAMIC UPDATE OF DBRC TYPE 4 SVC = STARTED The utility has begun to update the DBRC Type 4 SVC. No response or action is required. v DBRC TYPE 4 SVC NUMBER =xxx The utility has identified the DBRC Type 4 SVC number in the data set pointed to by the DFSRESLB DD card. Make note of this number and ensure that it corresponds to the number anticipated by the system administrator. No response or action is required. v DBRC TYPE 4 SVC DYNAMIC UPDATE = SUCCESSFUL The utility has successfully changed the entry in the MVS SVC table to point to the new DBRC Type 4 SVC module. No response or action is required. DFS1886E SVC message

Explanation: One or more of the following error SVC messages can be issued: Error messages

Explanation: An extended attribute of EGCS'hh' or EGCS was specified along with a non-EGCS literal. System action: The EGCS extended attribute is

| v IMS TYPE 2 SVC DYNAMIC UPDATE = FAILED | RC xx | The utility has failed while updating the IMS Type 2 | SVC. Depending on the error, this message might be

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
accompanied by another DFS1886E error message or a DFS1886A operator action message. Reason code xx is one of the following: Reason Code 4 8 12 16 Explanation Open of DFSRESLB library failed. DFSRESLB library not APF authorized. DFSRESLB library does not contain module DFSVC000. DFSRESLB library does not contain module IGCxxx, where xxx = IMS Type 2 SVC number. Reply to WTOR was NO for message DFS1886A MVS SVC TABLE ENTRY = EMPTY. Reply to WTOR was NO for message DFS1886A MVS SVC TABLE ENTRY = ACTIVE SVC THAT IS NOT AN IMS SVC. Reply to WTOR was NO for message DFS1886A MVS SVC TABLE ENTRY = IMS SVC AT HIGHER RELEASE THAN RESLIB SVC. There is currently an active IMS using the SVC number specified in the IMS RESLIB. Nonzero return code from MVS SVC table update services (see WTO for z/OS return code).

| | | | | | | | | | | | |


DFSRESLB library does not contain module IGC00xxx, where xxx is the signed decimal SVC number for the DBRC Type 4 SVC. Reply to WTOR was NO for message DFS1886A MVS SVC TABLE ENTRY = ACTIVE SVC THAT IS NOT A DBRC SVC. Reply to WTOR was NO for message DFS1886A MVS SVC TABLE ENTRY = DBRC SVC AT HIGHER RELEASE THAN RESLIB SVC.








56 An invalid value was specified for | the SVCTYPE = input parameter. | | v DBRC TYPE 4 SVC DYNAMIC UPDATE = FAILED - RC = xx | The utility has failed while updating the DBRC Type | 4 SVC. Depending on the error, this message might | be accompanied by another DFS1886E error message | or a DFS1886A operator action message. Reason code | xx is one of the following: |

| | | | | | | | | | | |

Reason Code 4 8 20

Explanation Open of DFSRESLB library failed. DSRESLB library not APF authorized. Reply to WTOR was NO for message DFS1886A MVS SVC TABLE ENTRY = EMPTY. Nonzero return code from MVS SVC table update services (see WTO for z/OS return code). DFSRESLB library does not contain module DSPSVC00.



| 56 An invalid value was specified for | the SVCTYPE= input parameter. | v DATA SET OPEN FAILED - SEE DFSRESLB DD | CARD | There was a problem opening the data set pointed to | by the DFSRESLB DD card. The utility aborts with | RC=0004. Resolve the problem with the data set and | resubmit the utility job. | v DATA SET APF AUTHORIZATION FAILED - SEE | DFSRESLB DD CARD | The RESLIB specified on the DFSRESLB DD card is | not APF authorized. The utility aborts with RC=0008. | The RESLIB must be APF authorized in order for the | utility to run successfully. Ensure that the DFSRESLB | DD card is pointing to the correct data sets and that | those data sets are APF authorized. | v MODULE DFSVC000 NOT FOUND - SEE | DFSRESLB DD CARD | The secondary SCD (DFSVC000) cannot be located. | The utility aborts with RC=0012. The IMS RESLIB | contains the SSCD. Ensure the DFSRESLB DD card is | pointing to the correct data sets and resubmit the job. | v MODULE xxxxxxxx NOT FOUND - SEE DFSRESLB | DD CARD | xxxxxxxx is the name of the SVC module being | updated. If the IMS Type 2 SVC is being updated, | the module name is IGCxxx, where xxx is the IMS | Type 2 SVC number. If the DBRC Type 4 SVC is | being updated, the module name is IGC00xxx, where | xxx is the signed decimal SVC number for the DBRC | Type 4 SVC. The utility aborts with RC=0016 or | RC=0044. The IMS RESLIB data sets should contain | the SVC modules. Ensure the DFSRESLB DD card is | pointing to the correct data sets and resubmit the job. | v MVS SVC TABLE ENTRY WAS EMPTY - WTOR | REPLY WAS NO | The MVS SVC table entry for the SVC was empty. | There is a DFS1886A message preceding this message | to which the operator replied NO. If the operator | did not expect the entry to be empty, this reply is | probably correct. The utility aborts with RC=0020. | Ensure the correct IMS RESLIB data sets are specified | and resubmit the job. This is an unusual condition, | unless you are expecting this SVC entry to be empty.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
You might want to consult your system administrator if this situation occurs. v MVS SVC TABLE CONTAINS AN ACTIVE SVC THAT IS NOT AN IMS SVC The MVS SVC table entry contains an active SVC that is not an IMS SVC. The utility issues a WTOR message to allow you to decide what to do. Ensure the correct IMS RESLIB data sets are specified and that the SVC number returned in the previous DFS1886I IMS TYPE 2 SVC NUMBER = xxx message or the DFS1886I DBRC TYPE 4 SVC NUMBER = xxx message is correct. If you do not wish to continue, reply NO to the WTOR message. If you decide to continue, reply YES to the WTOR. See your system administrator to determine the correct course of action. v IMS RELEASE LEVELS INCONSISTENT - RESLIB SVC IS AT A LOWER LEVEL THAN CURRENT SVC The MVS SVC table entry points to a newer version of the SVC than is found in the IMS RESLIB data sets. The utility issues a WTOR message to allow you to decide what to do. Ensure the correct IMS RESLIB data sets are specified. If you do not wish to continue, reply NO to the WTOR message. If you decide to continue, reply YES to the WTOR. See your system administrator to determine the correct course of action. v THERE IS CURRENTLY AN ACTIVE IMS USING THE SAME SVC NUMBER One or more IMS control regions are currently running and referencing the IMS Type 2 SVC. The utility aborts with RC=0032. You must wait until the currently active IMS control regions can be scheduled to be brought down. At that time, resubmit the job. v MVS SVC TABLE UPDATE SERVICES FAILED RC=xx A non-zero return code was returned from the MVS SVC Update service (SVCUPDTE). xx is the return code. See the SVCUPDTE macro for return code explanations. v MODULE DSPSVC00 NOT FOUND - SEE DFSRESLB DD CARD Module DSPSVC00, which contains the DBRC Type 4 SVC number, cannot be located. The utility aborts with RC=0040. The IMS RESLIB contains module DSPSVC00. Ensure the DFSRESLB DD card is pointing to the correct data sets and resubmit the job. v MVS SVC TABLE CONTAINS AN ACTIVE SVC THAT IS NOT A DBRC SVC The MVS SVC table entry contains an active SVC that is not a DBRC SVC. The utility issues a WTOR message to allow you to decide what to do. Ensure the correct IMS RESLIB data sets are specified and that the SVC number returned in the previous DFS1886I DBRC TYPE 4 SVC NUMBER = xxx message is correct. If you do not wish to continue, reply NO to the WTOR message. If you decide to

| continue, reply YES to the WTOR. See your system | administrator to determine the correct course of | action. | v INVALID VALUE SPECIFIED FOR SVCTYPE= | INPUT PARAMETER | An invalid value was specified for the SVCTYPE= | input parameter. The utility aborts with RC=0056. | Resolve the problem with the input parameter and | resubmit the utility job.
DFS1886A SVC message

Explanation: One or more of the following operator action SVC messages can be issued:

| Operator Action Messages: | v MVS SVC TABLE ENTRY = EMPTY - DO YOU | WISH TO CONTINUE? (YES or NO) | This is an unusual condition. Ensure the correct IMS | RESLIB data sets are specified. You might want to | consult your system administrator if this situation | occurs. | To respond to the WTOR message, enter REPLY | xx,yyy from the z/OS operator console, where: | | | | |
xx yyy WTOR number. The character string YES or NO: NO The utility aborts with RC=0020.

| YES The utility | continues and | uses the empty | entry. | v MVS SVC TABLE ENTRY = ACTIVE SVC THAT | IS NOT AN IMS SVC - DO YOU WISH TO | CONTINUE? (YES OR NO) | The MVS SVC table entry contains an active SVC | that is not an IMS SVC. Ensure the correct IMS | RESLIB data sets are specified. | To respond to the WTOR message, enter REPLY | xx,yyy from the z/OS operator console, where: | xx WTOR number. | yyy The character string YES or | NO: | NO The utility aborts | with RC=0024. | YES The utility | continues and | reuses the MVS | SVC table entry. | | | | |
This is an unusual condition. Unless you are expecting to reuse an SVC entry that is no longer needed, you should respond with a reply of NO. See your system administrator for the correct course of action.

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1887I DFS1890I
| v MVS SVC TABLE ENTRY = IMS SVC AT HIGHER RELEASE THAN RESLIB SVC - DO YOU WISH | TO CONTINUE? (YES OR NO) | The MVS SVC table entry points to a newer version | of the SVC than is found in the IMS RESLIB data | sets. Ensure the correct IMS RESLIB data sets are | specified. If you do not wish to continue, reply NO | to the WTOR message. If you decide to continue, | reply YES to the WTOR. See your system | administrator to determine the correct course of | action. | To respond to the WTOR message, enter REPLY | xx,yyy from the z/OS operator console, where: | xx WTOR number. | yyy The character string YES or NO: | NO The utility aborts with | RC=0028. | YES The utility continues and | uses older version of the | SVC. | | v MVS SVC TABLE ENTRY = ACTIVE SVC THAT IS NOT A DBRC SVC - DO YOU WISH TO | CONTINUE? (YES OR NO) | The MVS SVC table entry contains an active SVC | that is not a DBRC SVC. Ensure the correct IMS | RESLIB data sets are specified. | To respond to the WTOR message, enter REPLY | xx,yyy from the z/OS operator console, where: | xx WTOR number. | yyy The character string YES or | NO: | NO The utility aborts | with RC=0048. | YES The utility | continues and | reuses the MVS | SVC table entry. |
This is an unusual condition. Unless you are | expecting to reuse an SVC entry that is no longer | needed, you should respond with a reply of NO. | See your system administrator for the correct course | of action. | | v MVS SVC TABLE ENTRY = DBRC SVC AT HIGHER RELEASE THAN RESLIB SVC - DO YOU | WISH TO CONTINUE? (YES OR NO) | The MVS SVC table entry points to a newer version | of the DBRC SVC than is found in the IMS RESLIB | data sets. Ensure the correct IMS RESLIB data sets | are specified. If you do not wish to continue, reply | NO to the WTOR message. If you decide to | continue, reply YES to the WTOR. See your system | administrator to determine the correct course of | action. | To respond to the WTOR message, enter REPLY | xx,yyy from the z/OS operator console, where: | xx WTOR number. | yyy The character string YES or | NO: |

| | | | | | |


The utility aborts with RC=0052. The utility continues and uses older version of the SVC.


Explanation: The FILL= specification on the DPAGE statement will cause an error indication from the terminal for EGCS fields that contain no data. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Ensure that this DFLD will always have some data mapped to it, or specify FILL= PT or NULL on the DPAGE statement, and rerun the job. DFS1888I SC=04 EGCS FIELD LENGTH NOT EVEN

Explanation: Some devices require that extended graphic character set data be an even number of bytes. System action: The field length is accepted as is, and processing continues. Programmer response: Ensure that the field length is specified correctly or that the EGCS literal contains the correct number of bytes, and rerun the job. DFS1889I SC=08 EGCS VALUE INVALID, EGCS'F8' USED

Explanation: The programmed symbol value specified for the EGCS attribute is not specified as X'hh', the value is not a X'00', or in the range from X'40' through X'FE'. System action: The default value of EGCS'F8' is used, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify the EGCS attribute as EGCS, EGCS'00' EGCS'hh', where 'hh' is a valid value (normally 'F8'), and rerun the job. DFS1890I SC=08 LINE DENSITY SPECIFICATION IS GREATER THAN 72

Explanation: The value specified for SLDI/SLDP is greater than 72. System action: The SLDI/SLDP is reset, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify a value for SLDI/SLDP from 1 to 72, and rerun the job. Severity: 8


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1891I DFS1898I

Explanation: The value specified for SLDI/SLDP equals zero. System action: The SLDI/SLDP is reset, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Specify a value for SLDI/SLDP from 1 to 72, and rerun the job. Severity: 8 DFS1892I SC=04 LINE DENSITY SPECIFICATION IS INVALID BETWEEN DO AND ENDDO

Explanation: The value specified for bottom margin in the VTAB= keyword is less than 3. System action: The bottom margin is set to the number of lines per page on the PAGE= keyword, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Change the bottom margin value in the VTAB= keyword to a value from 3 to 255, and rerun the job. Severity: 8 DFS1896I SC=08 BOTTOM MARGIN IS GREATER THAN PAGE=

Explanation: The SLDI/SLDP specification is invalid on a DFLD statement between DO and ENDDO statements. System action: The SLDI/SLDP is reset and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Remove the SLDI/SLDP specification from the DFLD statement between DO and ENDDO. If a line density is required, the DEV statement or a DFLD statement before the DO statement should be used. Severity: 4 DFS1893I SC=08 TOP MARGIN SPECIFIED IS LESS THAN 1

Explanation: The value specified for bottom margin in the VTAB= keyword is larger than the number of lines per page specified in the PAGE= keyword. The bottom margin must be two larger than the top margin and equal to or less than PAGE=. System action: The bottom margin is set to PAGE= value, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Change the bottom margin value or the PAGE= value so that the bottom margin is equal to or less than the PAGE= value, and rerun the job. Severity: 8 DFS1897I SC=08 VTAB= SPECIFIED AND LINES PER PAGE LESS THAN 3.

Explanation: The value specified for top margin in the VTAB= keyword is less than 1. System action: The top margin is set to 1 and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Change the value of top margin in VTAB= keyword to a value equal to or greater than 1, and two less than the bottom margin value, and rerun the job. Severity: 8 DFS1894I SC=08 TOP MARGIN IS GREATER THAN 253

Explanation: VTAB= is specified when the lines per page specification for the PAGE= keyword has a value less than 3. System action: The bottom margin is set to the maximum lines per page value from the PAGE= specification, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Change the bottom margin value in the VTAB= keyword to a value from 3 to 255, and rerun the job. Severity: 8 DFS1898I SC=08 BOTTOM MARGIN IS LESS THAN LARGEST VERTICAL TAB STOP

Explanation: The value specified for top margin in the VTAB= keyword is greater than 253. System action: The top margin is set to 1 and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Change the value of top margin in VTAB= keyword to a value from 1 to 253 and rerun the job. Severity: 8

Explanation: The bottom margin is less than the largest vertical tab (VT) specified. System action: The (VT) is set to zero and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Change the bottom margin value in the VTAB= keyword or the VT= (,,,) values so that the bottom margin is greater than or equal to the
Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1899I DFS1906I
largest VT= specification. If the bottom margin was not specified, the PAGE= lines per page value might have to be changed. Severity: 8 DFS1903I DFS1899I SC=08 TOP MARGIN IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN LOWEST NONZERO VERTICAL TAB STOP SC=08 (keyword=,keyword=) KEYWORDS ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE 126, or 132 without WIDTH=, or 2) FEAT=1-10, WIDTH=nnn, and then rerun the job. Severity: 8

Explanation: The top margin is equal to or greater than the lowest nonzero (VT) specified. System action: The (VT) is set to zero, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Change the top margin value in the VTAB= keyword or VT= specifications so that the top margin is smaller than all nonzero VT= specifications. Severity: 8 DFS1900I SC=08 DUPLICATE VERTICAL TAB STOP(S) SET TO ZERO

Explanation: The two identified keywords specified in the DEV statement are mutually exclusive. System action: The first keyword will be accepted; the second keyword will be ignored. Processing continues with the next keyword. Programmer response: Respecify only one of the two identified keywords, and rerun the job. Severity: 8 DFS1904I SC=04 (keyword=) SPECIFIED WITH NULL VALUE

Explanation: The displayed keyword was specified without a value. System action: The identified keyword will be ignored, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the identified keyword, and rerun the job. Severity: 4 DFS1905I SC=08 (SLDI/SLDP=) nn TRUNCATED TO LAST 2 DIGITS

Explanation: The tab stop values in the VT= keyword must be distinct or zero if VTAB= is specified. System action: Repeated occurrences of tab stop values are set to zero, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Nonzero vertical tabs must be unique. Change duplicate nonzero vertical tabs to unique values between top margin and bottom margin, and rerun the job. Severity: 8 DFS1901I SC=08 TOP MARGIN IS NOT TWO LESS THAN BOTTOM MARGIN

Explanation: The SLDI= or SLDP= keyword specified a value that is longer than 2 digits. System action: The last 2 digits of the set line density (SLD) specification are used, and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify an SLD value of 1 or 2 digits, and rerun the job. Severity: 8 DFS1906I SC=08 VTAB= TOP MARGIN VALUE TRUNCATED TO LAST 3 DIGITS

Explanation: The top margin specified in the VTAB= keyword is not two less than the bottom margin. System action: The top margin is set to 1 and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Change the top margin or the bottom margin on the VTAB= keyword so that the top margin plus 1 is less than the bottom margin. Severity: 8 DFS1902I SC=08 WIDTH SPECIFIED IN FEAT= AND WIDTH= INVALID

Explanation: The VTAB= top margin value on the DEV statement exceeds 3 digits. System action: The last 3 digits of the top margin value are used. The left-most digits are truncated and processing continues with the next operand. Programmer response: Respecify the identified keyword, and rerun the job. Severity: 8

Explanation: Specification of a width value in both FEAT= and WIDTH= keywords for the DEV statement is invalid. System action: The WIDTH= keyword is ignored. Programmer response: DEV statement should be corrected to a valid specification of either: 1) FEAT=120,


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1907I DFS1913E

Explanation: VTAB= is specified with no top margin specification and the default value of 1 is used. System action: The top margin value is set to 1, and processing continues. Programmer response: Respecify the top margin value, and rerun the job. Severity: 4 DFS1908I SC=08 VTAB= BOTTOM MARGIN VALUE TRUNCATED TO LAST 3 DIGITS

Explanation: The DEV statement VT= specification exceeds the page length. The specification must be equal to or less than PAGE= specification. System action: The specified value is reset to zero, and processing continues. Programmer response: Respecify the vertical tab stop in error, and rerun the job. Severity: 8 DFS1912I SC=08 VTAB= BOTTOM MARGIN VALUE EXCEEDS 255, THE MAXIMUM PAGE= VALUE

Explanation: The bottom margin value exceeds 3 digits. System action: The bottom margin value is set to the last 3 digits, and processing continues. Programmer response: Respecify the bottom margin value not to exceed 3 digits, and rerun the job. Severity: 8 DFS1909I SC=04 NULL BOTTOM MARGIN VALUE WILL BE SET TO MAXIMUM PAGE VALUE

Explanation: The DEV statement VTAB= specification has a bottom margin value greater than 255. System action: The bottom margin is reset to the maximum lines per page value from the PAGE= specification, and processing continues. Programmer response: Respecify the bottom margin value, and rerun the job. Severity: 8 DFS1913E MORE THAN 65535 LTERMS DEFINED. TERMINAL, PASSWORD AND SIGNON MATRICES WILL NOT BE USABLE.

Explanation: VTAB= is specified without a bottom margin value. System action: The bottom margin value is set to the maximum lines per page value from the PAGE= specification. Programmer response: Respecify the VTAB= top margin value, and rerun the job. Problem determination: None. Severity: 4 DFS1910I SC=08 WIDTH= SPECIFICATION INVALID WITH FEAT= IGNORE OR IF FEAT= IS UNSPECIFIED

Explanation: You have defined more than 65535 logical terminals to a single IMS system. The matrices generated by the Security Maintenance utility (SMU) for use with the logical terminals, passwords, and signons are not usable. The remaining matrices are valid, unless there are further error messages. DFS1913E MORE THAN 65535 DATABASES DEFINED. PASSWORD MATRIX WILL NOT BE USABLE.

Explanation: The WIDTH= was specified while FEAT= IGNORE was specified or FEAT= was unspecified. System action: WIDTH= value is ignored. A default width of 120 is used, and processing continues. Programmer response: Respecify the DEV statement with a valid combination of WIDTH= and FEAT= values, and rerun the job. Severity: 8

Explanation: You have defined more than 65535 databases to a single IMS system. The matrix generated by the Security Maintenance utility (SMU) for use with the passwords is not usable. The remaining matrices are valid, unless there are further error messages. DFS1913E MORE THAN 65535 PROGRAM SPECIFICATION BLOCKS DEFINED. PASSWORD MATRIX WILL NOT BE USABLE.

Explanation: The customer has defined more than 65535 program specification blocks to a single IMS system. The matrix generated by the Security Maintenance utility (SMU) for use with passwords is

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1914I DFS1919E
not usable. The remaining matrices are valid, unless there are further error messages. DFS1913E MORE THAN 65535 TRANSACTION NAMES DEFINED. TERMINAL, PASSWORD AND TRANCMD MATRICES WILL NOT BE USABLE. DFS1916I hh:mm:ss ATTEMPT TO START SECONDARY SESSION BUT WAS PRIMARY NODE xxx ims-id

Explanation: You have defined more than 65535 transaction names (SMBs) to a single IMS system. The matrices generated by the Security Maintenance utility (SMU) for use with transaction commands, passwords, and the terminals are not be usable. The remaining matrices are valid, unless there are further error messages. System action: The Security Maintenance utility will terminate with condition code 8 to prevent the Linkage Editor step from running. Programmer response: Reduce the number of resource definitions to 65535 or less and rerun the job. DFS1914I INQUIRE ERROR NODE x RTNFDBK y SENSE z

Explanation: An attempt to start a session with NODE x as the secondary half-session resulted in an error and a termination of the attempt. The previous session with NODE x, initiated as a primary half-session, terminated abnormally. System action: IMS rejected the attempt to start the session as a secondary. IMS continues. Programmer response: Examine the session initiation process, and determine the cause of the previous session failure. Correct the procedure and attempt the session initiation again. Terminal Operator Response: See the Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS1917I INVALID CID

Explanation: An INQUIRE for session parameters during the logon for NODE x failed. The attempted session initiation was terminated. VTAM provided the return code and feedback (y) with sense information (z) as the reason for the failure. System action: The system continues. Programmer response: Examine the BIND parameters in the mode table for NODE x for correctness, and the VTAM return code and sense information for the recovery action to be taken. Try to initiate the session for NODE x again. Terminal Operator Response: See the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS1915I UNSUPPORTED SCIP EXIT/VTAM ERROR

Explanation: VTAM used an invalid control interval definition (CID), or the CID in the IMS control block was overlaid. The NODE name cannot be found for the session initiation. System action: IMS rejected VTAMs entry to one of the IMS exits and returned to VTAM with an error code. IMS continues. Programmer response: Determine whether VTAM has operational problems. If possible, take a snap dump of the IMS CLB control blocks to determine if any of them are overlaid. Terminal Operator Response: See the Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS1918A DFSURDB0 CANNOT PROCESS CONCATENATED INPUT DATA SETS FOR DD DFSUCUM

Explanation: VTAM drove the IMS SCIP exit with an invalid command or an invalid parameter list. System action: IMS rejected VTAMs entry to the SCIP exit and returned to VTAM with an error code. IMS continues. Programmer response: Examine and correct possible inconsistencies in the VTAM definitions. Terminal Operator Response: None. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25

Explanation: The architecture of the recovery utility DFSURDB0 does not permit the use of concatenated files as input using the DFSUCUM DD statement. System action: Processing terminates with return code 8 after issuing message DFS1918A. Programmer response: Submit individual jobs for the utility, each with only one data set as the DFSUCUM DD input. DFS1919E MORE STERM STATEMENTS PROCESSED THAN THE NUMBER OF GENNED CTBS. THE SIGNON MATRIX WILL NOT BE USABLE.

Explanation: The user defined more STERM


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1920I DFS1922I
statements than the number of generated terminals (CTBs). The matrix generated by the Security Maintenance utility (SMU) for use with signons is not usable. The remaining matrices are valid unless there are further error messages. System action: The Security Maintenance utility terminates with a condition code of 8. This is to prevent the linkage editor step from running. Programmer response: Reduce the number of STERM statements to less than or equal to the number of terminals generated, and rerun the job. DFS1920I PARAMETER VALUE INVALID, xxxxxxxx=yyyyyyyyzzzzz yyyyyyyy Parameter value (First 8 characters) IMS execution parameters can be specified with JCL or with the DFSPBxxx and DFSDCxxx members. Message DFS1921I results when invalid keywords are in the parameters specified with DFSPBxxx, DFSDCxxx, or JCL. For example, invalid keywords might be misspelled or might be invalid for the type of IMS control region being started, as described in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. The DFSPBxxx member might use all 80 columns of the record. If you have parameters names starting in column 1, be sure you do not have sequence numbers in columns 73 through 80. System action: The system continues. Programmer response: Determine if the system should continue operating after using a parameter that was not correctly specified and was ignored. If necessary, shut down IMS and correct the parameter in error. DFS1922I GSAM OPEN OF DD xxxxxx FAILED, REASON CODE=reason

Explanation: The parameter variables and their meanings are: xxxxxxxx Parameter keyword (First 8 characters) yyyyyyyy Parameter value (First 8 characters) zzzzz ABEND, if an invalid value for this parameter causes abend U0083 during initialization. IMS execution parameters can be specified with JCL or with the DFSPBxxx or DFSDCxxx members. The JCL specified parameters override any parameters specified with DFSPBxxx or DFSDCxxx, resulting in the final execution parameters. Message DFS1920I results when values of the final parameters do not meet the requirements specified in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. With some parameters, this error results in abend U0083 after all the final parameters have been evaluated. The value zzzzz=ABEND identifies the parameters with the fatal error. System action: User abend 0083 results when ABEND appears in at least one DFS1920I message. If the abend does not occur, all parameters identified by DFS1920I will receive their default values. For information on these values, see the procedures information in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. Programmer response: Determine if the system should continue operating with the default value. If not, shut down IMS and rerun the system with a corrected parameter. Module: DFSIIDC0 DFS1921I PARAMETER KEYWORD INVALID, xxxxxxxx=yyyyyyyy

Explanation: In the message text, the parameter variables and their meanings are: xxxxxxxx Parameter keyword (First 8 characters)

| | |

Explanation: An attempt to open GSAM data set xxxxxx failed for one of the following reasons: X'20' MVS OPEN call failed. X'24' An OPEN call to a specific concatenated data set failed. Most likely, there is a missing data set in the concatenation. X'28' An OBTAIN of the data sets DSCB failed. Ensure the data set has been properly allocated. X'2C' An OBTAIN of a concatenated data sets DSCB failed. Ensure the data set has been properly allocated. X'30' A fixed data sets block size is zero. Ensure the data set has been properly allocated. X'34' A fixed data sets logical record length is zero. Ensure the data set has been properly allocated. X'38' A fixed data sets block size is not a multiple of the logical record length. Change the block size or logical record length so the block size is a multiple of the logical record length. X'3C' A previous call to a dummy data set encountered an error. The data set cannot be opened. X'40' An attempt to open a striped data set was made; however, the DFSMS release level is not at DFSMS 1.2.0 or later. X'44' Volume number does not exist in JFCBNVOL. X'48' Current volser in UCB does not match in JFCBVOLS. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17a, 18

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1924 DFS1929I

Explanation: A command was entered requesting a specific resource when the keyword resource is not defined for the IMS system. Programmer response: Check the keyword resource against the IMS generated system to determine if the resource is installed. System Operator Response: Correct the command. DFS1925 CONVERSATION RESOURCE NOT DEFINED

Explanation: A DBRC request submitted by the /RMxxxxxx command processor returned a zero-length message. System action: The /RMxxxxxx command is rejected. IMS issues this message and continues execution. Programmer response: Determine the reason for the DBRC failure. See the z/OS master console (SYSLOG) for DSP messages that might explain the cause of the condition. Problem determination: 1, 6, 36, 40, 41 Module: DFSICLW0 DFS1929I * IMS SYSTEM PARAMETERS ACTIVE FOR THIS EXECUTION * * parameter *

Explanation: A command was entered requesting information from a conversation resource that is not defined in the IMS system. Programmer response: Check the TRANSACT and SPAREA macro definitions for conversation resource. System Operator Response: Correct the command.


| DFS1926W | | | | | | | | | | |


Explanation: IMS received a ATR_RESTART_WRONG_SYSTEM return code from the ATRIBRS (begin restart) call, indicating that IMS is restarting on the wrong system. This is the case in which an IMS is being started on another system or the XRF alternate is attempting to takeover. RRS requires that resource managers restart on the same system as before if there is work to be resolved, unless the RRS on the previous system is inactive. .

Explanation: The IMS system parameters that are active from DFSPBxxx and EXEC parameters. They might not reflect actual values that are used during online execution. In the message text, parameter is the IMS system parameters. The following text is an example of message DFS1929I: DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I . . . DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I ******************************** * IMS SYSTEM PARAMETERS ACTIVE * FOR THIS EXECUTION: * ALOT = 1440 * AOIP = 2147483647 * AOIS = N * APPC = N * APPCSE = F * APPLID1 = * APPLID2 = * APPLID3 = APPL7 * ARC = 1 * ARMRST = N * ASOT = 1440 * AUTO = * BSIZ = 8192 * CHTS = 256 * CIOP = 2147483647 * CMDMCS = N

| System action: IMS continues processing without RRS, | but repeatedly attempts to do the restart with RRS. | System Operator Response: Ensure the previous | active terminated, even if manual action is required. | Module: DFSRRSI0

Explanation: While using the shared expedited message handler (EMH) to process an input message, Fast Path tried to register LTERM interest to CQS and the LTERM registration failed. System action: The message is ignored. Programmer response: This is a temporary error. If the problem persists, print X'67D0', subtype X'D00D' log records to identify the return and reason codes for the registration failure. Module: DBFHIEL0

* * * * * * * * * * *


= = = = = = = = = = =

0 Q 1 C NO L


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1930I DFS1935E
DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I DFS1929I * UHTS = 256 * USERVAR = IMS1 * VAUT = 1 * VSPEC = 80 * WADS = S * WKAP = 40960 * YEAR4 = N *********************************** DFS1933I REGION INITIALIZATION TERMINATED - THIS ADDRESS SPACE CURRENTLY HAS AN ACTIVE IMS IMAGE

System action: None. User response: None. DFS1930I INVALID COMMAND DETECTED IN PROCLIB MEMBER xxxxxxxx. RESTART PROCEEDS.

Explanation: IMS region initialization rejected a request for the start of a second IMS image in an address space. An IMS image is defined as a BMP, MPP, IFP, DBB, or DLI region. System action: The z/OS job for the second IMS image terminates with a nonzero return code. The first IMS image is unaffected and continues to run. Programmer response: The purpose of this message is to inform the systems programmer of an IMS architectural constraint (only one IMS image to an address space). Please contact the person who submitted the second image and inform them that this is currently not a supported feature. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact your IMS system programmer. Problem determination: None. This is an IMS architectural constraint. DFS1934E DFSLOAD0 FAILED TO LOAD modulename ERROR CODE=xxxxxxxx.

Explanation: During IMS control region initialization, member xxxxxxxx contained characters other than 'START' in columns 1 to 5. Member xxxxxxxx is either &DLINM or &DBRCNM on the control region start-up parameter. This message follows message DFS0578I. System action: The member is discarded. The control region attempts to start either DBRC or DLISAS with an MVS START command for procedure &DLINM or &DBRCNM, as appropriate. System Operator Response: Ask the systems programmer to verify that the libraries in the control regions PROCLIB concatenation are set up correctly. DFS1931I SESSION RECOVERY IN PROGRESS NODE x USER z, UNBIND CODE WAS yy

Explanation: IMS issued the IMODULE LOAD macro to load module modulename. The IMODULE LOAD macro failed and returned error code xxxxxxxx. System action: IMS processing continues. System programmer response: See the IMS System Service Return Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1 for the meaning of the IMODULE code. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact the IBM Support Center. Module: DFSLOAD0 DFS1935E UNABLE TO TERMINATE FUNCTIONS FOR CQS COMMUNICATION FUNCTION=failing_function, RETURN CODE=xxxxxxxx, REASON CODE=yyyyyyyy UNABLE TO TERMINATE FUNCTIONS FOR CQS COMMUNICATION FUNCTION=CQSDISC STRUCTURE=cccc, COMPCODE=zzzzzzzz

Explanation: VTAM terminated the session with an UNBIND code of yy. An automatic session restart is being attempted for NODE x, USER z. System action: The system continues. Master Terminal Operator Response: No action is required unless this message occurs frequently for NODE x. In this case, examine the UNBIND code to determine whether a possible network error should be corrected, or a different mode table entry and COS list should be used for session initiation. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS1932 CONVERSATION IN PROGRESS CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND.


Explanation: A /DISPLAY, /RDISPLAY, or /FORMAT command was entered while a conversation transaction was in progress. These commands generate queued output that cannot be sent while the terminal/node is in conversation mode. Therefore, the command is rejected. System action: The entered command is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: The conversation must be terminated by the application or the terminal operator (/EXIT) before the command is accepted.

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1935E DFS1936E


Explanation: IMS encountered an error while attempting to terminate functions required for CQS communication. The first form of the message is issued if a completion code is not returned. The second form of the message is issued if the function is CQSDISC, only one structure (MSGQ or EMHQ) is in error, and a nonzero completion code is returned. The third form of the message is issued if the function is CQSDISC, both the MSGQ and EMHQ structures are in error, and a nonzero completion code is issued. failing_function The function request that failed: CQSDISC Request to terminate IMS connections to one or more coupling facility structures failed. CQSDEREG Request to de register IMS from CQS failed. xxxxxxxx The return code from the failing function. For a description of the return codes, see the CQS client requests in IMS Version 9: Common Queue Server Guide and Reference. yyyyyyyy The reason code from the failing function. For a description of the reason codes, see the CQS client requests in IMS Version 9: Common Queue Server Guide and Reference. cccc zzzzzzzz The completion code from the CQSCONN request. For a description of the completion codes, see the CQS client requests in IMS Version 9: Common Queue Server Guide and Reference. System action: IMS processing continues. System programmer response: The return code and reason code are provided for IBM support representatives only. Report the problem to the IBM Support Center. Module: DFSSQ040 MSGQ or EMHQ DFS1936E

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to identify the IMS control region to CQS as a client that will use shared queues on the coupling facility. The first form of the message is issued if a completion code is not returned. The second form of the message is issued if the function is CQSCONN, only one structure (MSGQ or EMHQ) is in error, and a nonzero completion code is returned. The third form of the message is issued if the function is CQSCONN, both the MSGQ and EMHQ structures are in error, and a nonzero completion code is issued. failing_function The function request that failed: IMODULE GETMAIN Request to obtain a work area failed. IMODULE LOAD Request to load a module failed. CQSREG Request to register IMS to CQS failed. CQSCONN Request to connect IMS to one or more coupling facility structures failed. CQS MSGQ STR ATR The WAITRBLD value for the MSGQ structure is not correct. CQS EMHQ STR ATR The WAITRBLD value for the EMHQ structure is not correct. JOIN XCF GROUP The MAXGROUP value specified for the XCF couple data set is too small.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1938 DFS1939W
xxxxxxxx The return code from the failing function. v For a description of IMODULE GETMAIN or IMODULE LOAD return codes, see the topic titled IMS System Services Return Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. v For a description of CQSREG and CQSCONN return codes, see IMS Version 9: Common Queue Server Guide and Reference. v For a description of CQS MSGQ STR ATR or CQS EMHQ STR ATR return codes, see reason code yyyyyyyy. Reason and return codes for these functions are the same. yyyyyyyy The reason code from the failing function: v When the failing function is IMODULE GETMAIN, the reason code is one of the following: X'00001002' DFSSQM allocation failed. X'00001004' SQ1 AWE allocation failed. X'00001005' SQ2 AWE allocation failed. v When the failing function is IMODULE LOAD, the reason code is: X'00001006' DFSSQ010 load failed. v When the failing function is CQSREG, the reason code is from the CQSREG macro. For the meaning of the codes, see IMS Version 9: Common Queue Server Guide and Reference v When the failing function is CQSCONN, the reason code is from the CQSCONN macro. For the meaning of the reason code, see the CQS client requests in the IMS Version 9: Common Queue Server Guide and Reference. v When the failing function is CQS MSGQ STR ATR, the reason code is: X'00000106' The WAITRBLD value for the MSGQ structure is incorrect. When this error occurs, you might need to force the structure and rebuild before IMS can be brought up. v When the failing function is CQS EMHQ STR ATR, the reason code is: X'00000107' The WAITRBLD value for the EMHQ structure is incorrect. When this error occurs, you might need to force the structure and rebuild before IMS can be brought up. v When the failing function is JOIN XCF GROUP, the reason code is: X'00000000' The MAXGROUP value specified for the XCF couple data set is too small. When this error occurs, you might need to increase the value specified on the MAXGROUP keyword. cccc zzzzzzzz The completion code from the CQSCONN request: For a description of the completion codes, see the CQS client requests in the IMS Version 9: Common Queue Server Guide and Reference. System action: IMS initialization terminates with abend code U0071. System programmer response: If the WAITRBLD value for the MSGQ or EMHQ structure is incorrect, determine which address spaces are connected to the structure through CQS. Disconnect all non-IMS control region clients. Restart IMS so an IMS control region makes the initial connection to a structure in the sysplex. Then reconnect the non-IMS clients. Return and reason codes from all other functions are provided for IBM support representatives only. Contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSSQ020 DFS1938 INVALID MODE TABLE NAME LINK x MSGQ or EMHQ

Explanation: A VTAM session initiation attempt failed because VTAM did not recognize the mode table name used for LINK x. System action: The attempt to establish a MSC VTAM session failed for LINK x. Programmer response: Specify the correct mode table name for LINK x. Master Terminal Operator Response: (or the person trying to initiate the session) Specify the correct mode table name supplied by the system programmer, and try to initiate the session for LINK x. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS1939W hh:mm:ssxxxxxxxxxxx INTEREST ERROR, yyyyyyyyzzzzzzzzwwwwwww

Explanation: IMS attempted to register or de register interest in one or more shared queues for one or more resources. Either IMS experienced an internal error, or CQS rejected the request. The message variables have the following meanings:

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1940I DFS1942
hh:mm:ss Time stamp xxxxxxxx REGISTER or DEREGISTER yyyyyyyy One of the following: v ALLLTERM Interest was being registered for all active LTERMs following a CQS failure. v ALLTRAN Interest was being registered for all transactions during IMS initialization or following a CQS failure. v LTERM = Interest was being registered or deregistered for one or more LTERMs. v NODE = Interest was being registered or deregistered for all LTERMs assigned to the indicated terminal. v PROGRAM= Interest was being registered or deregistered for one or more program names. v REMOTE = Interest was being registered or deregistered for one or more LNB or RSMB names. v TRAN = Interest was being registered or deregistered for one or more transaction names. zzzzzzzz Resource name (present only for LTERM, NODE, PROGRAM, REMOTE, or TRAN) wwwwwww Contains ...ETC if more than one resource failed; otherwise, this field is blank. System action: IMS continues normal processing, but the affected resources may no longer be notified of output available on the shared message queues. Programmer response: If the error message is the result of a command or other process, attempt to reissue the command or restart the process. If the error persists, contact the IBM Support Center. Problem determination: 1, 6, 37 and a copy of log record type X'67D0'. Module: DFSSQI00 DFS1940I RECORDS SKIPPED FOR DBD = xxxxxxxx DDN= xxxxxxxx FROM TIME = yydddhhmmsst TO TIME = yydddhhmmsst COUNT = ccccccccccc which the updates to the database set were invalidated by a timestamp recovery. The utility ignored those change records. The FROM TIME is the time stamp from the earliest of these skipped records. The TO TIME is the time stamp from the latest of the skipped records. The COUNT is the total number of skipped records in that range. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSURDB0 DFS1941I STOPPED PROCESSING LOG WHEN TIME = yydddhhmmsst ENCOUNTERED

Explanation: The Database Recovery utility stopped reading the input log when it encountered a database change record beyond the point to which the recovery is to be done. The TIME shown in the message is the time stamp from the first database change record that the utility did not use. This is normal for a partial recovery. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSURDB0 DFS1942 DATA COMMUNICATIONS QMGR/CQS READ ERROR LINK xx

Explanation: An error occurred during the data communication QMGR or CQS read (GU/GN) process. System action: If the error occurred while processing a message for a MSC link, the destination (for example, MSNAME or REMOTE TRANSACTION) is stopped and a 6701-MER1 record is written to the log data set. If the error occurred while processing a MSC /MSVERIFY command, the command is aborted and 6701-CMT1 /CMT2 /CMT3 /CMT4 records are written to the log data set. For system-defined terminals, communication (for example, a VTAM session) is terminated. For ETO terminals, the user is signed off. A X'67D0' log record containing pertinent information about the error is produced. For a /DEQUEUE command, the command is rejected. No messages were dequeued. For the system console, the terminal is stopped. Programmer response: You can isolate the error by using the DFSERA10 program to print the 6701 records. When the problem is corrected, reestablish the session or signon by Node x, an IMS /OPNDST command, or responding to the DFS3649 signon message, as appropriate. Terminal Operator Response: Reestablish the session or signon as explained in the Programmer Response. After the error is corrected, issue the /DISPLAY STATUS MSNAME and the /DISPLAY TRANSACTION or QUERY TRAN

Explanation: The input log for the Database Recovery utility includes database change records for a period for


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1943 DFS1947I
commands to determine the destination that was stopped. Destination will display STOPPED, QERROR. Use the /START command to start the destination. If error occurred while processing a /MSVERIFY command, reissue the MSVERIFY command. If this message is a result of a /DEQUEUE command, reenter the /DEQUEUE command when CQS or the structure is once again available. If the stopped terminal is the system console, issuing a subsequent IMS command will reset the stopped status. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 36 Module: DFSICIO0, DFSICLJ0 DFS1943 CQS OUTPUT QUEUE REGISTRATION ERROR DFS1945 DATA COMMUNICATIONS QMGR/CQS WRITE ERROR LINK xx

Explanation: An error occurred during the data communication QMGR or CQS WRITE (PUT/ISRT) process. System action: For messages being received on a MSC link, the message is canceled, a 6701-MER1 record is written to the log, and the partner IMS system is notified. The partner system will issue message DFS2140 REASON 1945, stop the sending destination (for example, MSNAME or REMOTE TRANSACTION), and return the message being sent to the message queue of the sending IMS system. If a /MSVERIFY command was being processed, the information being inserted to the queue is discarded, and a 6701-AER1 record is written to the log data set. If a message was being routed by the user message control error exit, the rerouted message is canceled, and a 6701-AER1 record is written to the log data set. Programmer response: You can isolate the error by using the DFSERA10 program to print the 6701 records. Terminal Operator Response: When you have corrected the problem, use the /START command to start the destination (for example, MSNAME or REMOTE TRANSACTION). If the error occurred while processing a /MSVERIFY command, reissue the command. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 36 Module: DFSCMS00, DFSCMLA0, DFSCMLB0, DFSCM4L0, DFSCMSY0, DFSCMEI0

Explanation: An error occurred during a logon or signon CQS INFORM call to register interest on one or more output message queues (LTERMs) associated with the terminal logon or user signon. System action: For system-defined terminals, communication (for example, a VTAM session) is terminated. For ETO terminals, the user is signed off. A X'67D0' log record containing pertinent information about the error is produced. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected, reestablish the session or signon by Node x, an IMS /OPNDST command, or responding to the DFS3649 signon message, as appropriate. Terminal Operator Response: Reestablish the session or signon as explained in the Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6,12, 14, 15, 36. Module: DFSCMS00 DFS1944E APPC OUTPUT SEGMENT SIZE EXCEEDED, MESSAGE DISCARDED FOR LU=nnnnnnnn, TPN=name, SIDE=name, TRANCODE=xxxxxxxx

| DFS1946W | | | | |


Explanation: The IMS command recognition character of x is not unique within the registration scope of system or sysplex. The character has been registered by another system.

| System action: The IMS system continues processing. | Programmer response: Using the CRC= execution | parameter, a different CRC can be specified in the next | IMS execution. | Module: DFSXSTM0

Explanation: The named transaction inserted an output message segment greater than 32767 to an LU6.2 destination. The maximum output message segment to an LU6.2 device is 32767. System action: The output message is discarded. Programmer response: Change the named transaction to insert message segments with a length no greater than 32767. Change the TRANSACT macro SEGSIZE parameter to 32767.

Explanation: IMS issues this message during IMS shutdown. This is a normal condition when: v IMS conversational messages (for conversations that have not yet ended) exist. v Response mode messages exist. This occurs when response mode messages have been sent but an acknowledgment was not yet received. v Messages for ISC, SLUP, and FINANCE devices exist.
Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1948 DFS1954
IMS must retain these messages with this IMS until it restarts. These messages will only be accessible from this IMS system. If IMS is cold started, IMS will move the locked messages to the cold queue. System action: IMS processing continues. Programmer response: None. DFS1948 CQS READ FOUND ANOTHER SYSTEMS MESSAGE NODE x USER y DFS1951 DESCRIPTOR KEYWORD PARAMETER IS INVALID DFS1950 DESTINATION HAS NO OUTPUT QUEUED

Explanation: The /ALLOCATE command was entered, but the LU 6.2 destination has no output to be sent. System action: The entered command is ignored.

Explanation: The descriptor parameter specified is not an LU 6.2 descriptor and is invalid. System action: The entered command is ignored. Programmer response: Reenter the command with intended parameters. DFS1952 DESTINATION NOT FOUND

Explanation: IMS identified a Fast Path reply message that belonged to another IMS system in the sysplex during a scheduled read to the Shared Queues facility. When using the same LTERM name on multiple systems in a shared queues sysplex, all Fast Path reply messages must be processed by the originating terminals system. This means that while a Fast Path response mode operation is still in-progress on one IMS system, the same LTERM name cannot be used, simultaneously or serially, by a terminal on another IMS system. This is an IMS Transaction Manager restriction for Fast Path in a shared queues environment. System action: IMS writes a 6701-AER1 diagnostic record to the log and makes the message generally available again to the sysplex through shared message queue support. For ETO sessions, the signon for USER y is failed. For non-ETO, the session established with NODE x is ended. Master Terminal Operator Response: Further attempts to signon USER y or logon NODE x will repeat this error condition until the Fast Path response mode is reset or the message is dequeued from the shared queues facility. The originating terminal may receive the message and terminate the Fast Path response mode. System Operator Response: See Master Terminal Operator Response. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10

Explanation: The specified destination is invalid. System action: The entered command is ignored. Programmer response: Reenter the command with a valid destination. DFS1953 COMMAND NOT APPLICABLE

Explanation: The entered command is not applicable to the present state of the system. This message could be issued for one of the following reasons: v A command is entered that operates on LUNAME/TPNAME and the current IMS system is not operating with a z/OS supporting APPC. v A command was entered to put IMS in a state which IMS is already in. The command thus has no effect. v The DFSAPPC message switching service was entered on an IMS system that is not running with a z/OS supporting APPC. v A command was entered to change the APPC time-out value and the current z/OS release does not support APPC time-out. System action: The entered command is disregarded. System Operator Response: None required DFS1954 NO TPNAMES ASSOCIATED WITH LUNAME

| DFS1949 |


| Explanation: The command was not processed | because the EMHQ keyword is invalid in an IMS | system without Shared EMH Queues. | System action: IMS processing continues. | System programmer response: Reissue the command | in an IMS system in which Shared EMH Queues is | enabled. | Module: DFSIDP00

Explanation: The entered command specified the LUNAME and TPNAME keywords with parameter ALL, but no asynchronous output messages are associated with the specified LUNAME. System action: The entered command is ignored.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1955I DFS1957E

Explanation: This message is issued if a failure other than TP_NOT_AVAILABLE occurs while sending an asynchronous response. The LU STOPPED form of the message indicates the inputting LU is in STOPPED state. The return codes in this message are displayed as a hexadecimal value, and are further explained in z/OS MVS Programming: Writing Transaction Programs for APPC/MVS. If the LU name is network-qualified, it can be up to 17 bytes long. System action: System operation continues normally. This error message is sent to the master terminal operator. For the LU STOPPED form of the message, the message is sent to the incoming device, and the conversation is rejected with a reason code of TP_NOT_AVAILABLE_RETRY. Programmer response: If the LU STOPPED message appears, the operator can issue /START LU xxxxxxxx INPUT for the LU NAME specified in the message. Module: DFSALM00 DFS1956E REQTEXT

Explanation: This multiple-format message identifies IMS TP_PROFILE syntax errors, such as TRANCODE, CLASS AND MAXRGN IS OMITTED. It also identifies LU 6.2 descriptors, such as INVALID LTERM NAME. The following list contains the various formats for TP_PROFILE: v DFS1956E TRANCODE, CLASS AND MAXRGN IS OMITTED v DFS1956E MISSING, TOO LONG OR INVALID KEYWORD: v DFS1956E MISSING = AFTER KEYWORD v DFS1956E VALUE MISSING OR TOO LONG v DFS1956E DUPLICATE OR INVALID TRANCODE: v DFS1956E INVALID CLASS, IT MUST BE BETWEEN 1 TO 255: v DFS1956E INVALID MAXRGN, IT MUST BE BETWEEN 0 TO 255: v DFS1956E DUPLICATE OR INVALID CLASS v DFS1956E DUPLICATE OR INVALID MAXRGN v DFS1956E DUPLICATE CPUTIME v DFS1956E INVALID CPUTIME, IT MUST BE BETWEEN 0 and 1440 The following list contains the various formats for LU 6.2 descriptors: v DFS1956E SYNTAX ERR ON PREV CARD IN CHAIN, SKIP THIS

Explanation: An input parameter error is found while processing the DFSAPPC message request. The description field is replaced by the appropriate error types. The following are possible error types: MISSING '(' MISSING '=' AFTER KEYWORD INVALID OR DUPLICATE KEYWORD INVALID LTERM NAME
Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1958I DFS1964E

Explanation: A failure occurred while trying to start or maintain an APPC/MVS connection. System action: IMS continues processing without APPC enabled. Programmer response: Determine the reason for failure by analyzing all DFS1965 messages and VTAM or APPC/MVS messages on the system console that might have preceded this message. Restart APPC using the /START APPC command.

Explanation: This command cannot be entered from an LU 6.2 device. It is valid only from other IMS terminal types. System action: The IMS command is ignored. System Operator Response: The IMS command entered has no meaning for an LU 6.2 device. Determine the reason for using this command. Another IMS command might apply, or an APPC/MVS or VTAM command may exist for the desired action. DFS1963W XRF PARAMETERS MISSING OR INVALID IN MVS APPCPM MEMBER

Explanation: The connection between APPC/MVS and IMS was established. APPC/MVS opened the local ACB of IMS. APPC/MVS LU 6.2 services are available to IMS. If the LU name is network-qualified, it can be up to 17 bytes long. System action: IMS receives messages from LU 6.2 devices and sends messages to LU 6.2 devices using APPC/MVS services. DFS1959E SEVERE IMS INTERNAL FAILURE, REASON CODE= xxyy

Explanation: This message identifies an IMS internal error. System action: The system continues processing. Programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center and report the reason code xxyy provided by the message and the LUMI trace output. Also see the IMS Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference for more information about this message and other APPC/IMS diagnostic aids. DFS1960I IMS HAS REQUESTED A CONNECTION WITH APPC/MVS

Explanation: This message is issued because the USERVAR or ALTLU parameters are missing or invalid in the APPCPM member. The APPCPM member is used by z/OS during startup of the APPC subsystem to specify options. z/OS also passes USERVAR and the ALTLU name to IMS when requested. Programmer response: Check the APPCPM member for validity of the USERVAR and ALTLU parameters. DFS1964E DESTINATION NAME=nnnnnnnn NOT ACCESSIBLE, REASON CODE=xx, LUNAME=yyyyyyyy DESTINATION TMEMBER NAME=nnnnnnnn NOT ACCESSIBLE, REASON CODE=xx, TPIPE NAME=yyyyyyyy


Explanation: IMS issued the APPC/MVS verb ATBIDEN to connect to APPC/MVS. System action: IMS continues processing without APPC/MVS LU 6.2 service. The service is unavailable until APPC/MVS drives the IMS XCF exit indicating that the IMS LOCAL LU 6.2 ACB was opened.

Explanation: The specified destination cannot be accepted for processing from an LU 6.2 device and is discarded. If the LU name is network-qualified, it can be up to 17 bytes long. The reason codes and their meanings are the following: Reason Code (Dec) 01 Meaning The destination name specified by the


Messages and Codes Volume 2

requestor from LUNAME= is for an IMS MSC destination. This type of destination is not valid for queuing messages from an LU 6.2 application program that is not on an IMS system that has MSC support for APPC. 02 The destination name specified by the requestor from LUNAME= is for a local LTERM. This type of message switch function is not supported from an LU 6.2 application program. The destination name specified by the requestor from LUNAME= is for an IMS Fast Path transaction or an IMS response mode transaction. This type of transaction is not valid for queueing messages from an LU 6.2 device with an asynchronous request (ALLOCATE, SEND_DATA, DEALLOCATE). The destination name specified by the requestor from LUNAME= can accept only single segments. Because multiple segments were detected from the requestor, the input is discarded (ALLOCATE, SEND_DATA, SEND_DATA). The destination name specified by the requestor from LUNAME= is an IMS remote transaction name that is not acceptable. The cause could be that the destination IMS is not capable of accepting an APPC transaction. If the first form of the message is issued, the reroute destination name for Message Control/Error exit specified from LUNAME= and DESTINATION NAME=, or from DESTINATION NAME=, is not accessible because the message originated in this system and there is no base LU name in this system to receive an output message. If the second form of the message is issued, the reroute destination name for the Message Control/Error exit specified on TMEMBER NAME= and TPIPE NAME= is not accessible. 07 In a shared queues environment, the destination name specified by the requester from LUNAME= is for a dynamic (non-CPIC and non-MSC-remote) transaction. This is not allowed because APPC-entered transactions must be run on the same local IMS on which the transaction was entered. Dynamic transactions represent transactions that only run on other IMS systems in the shared queues group. System action: The reroute request is ignored and the associated default action is performed. See DFSCMUX0 for default actions. Programmer response: Take the appropriate action for each reason code: Reason Code (Dec) 01 02 03 Action Do not attempt to use an MSC-defined transaction Use the DFSAPPC facility for message switch support Use the synchronous process (ALLOCATE, SEND_DATA, RECEIVE_AND_WAIT) Because multiple segments were detected from the requestor, the input is discarded (ALLOCATE, SEND_DATA) Verify that the destination IMS is at system product level of Version 5.1 Determine which IMS systems in the shared queues group have the transaction defined locally, and enter the transaction on one of these systems. APPC/MVS CALL FAILURE, FUNCTION=aaaaaaaa, REASON CODE=xxyy, RETURN CODE=xxxxxxxx, LUNAME=nnnnnnnn




05 07




Explanation: A call to APPC/MVS had an unexpected return code. The call aaaaaaaa was issued, and a return code xxxxxxxx from APPC/MVS was the result. A return code that is negative (for example, -1) indicates that the error occurred in processing the call prior to APPC/MVS receiving control; these negative return code values are set by IMS. The possible values are: -1 Call not available (z/OS entry point not defined; probable cause is link-edit error with level of z/OS that does not support APPC/MVS, for example, SP 4.1 or earlier). Call not known (probable cause is incorrect installation of IMS resulting in executing modules from 2 separate IMS releases).


See z/OS MVS Programming: Writing Transaction Programs for APPC/MVS for the meaning of positive values for this return code. Error return codes that
Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1966 DFS1971I
represent anticipated conditions are handled by IMS, and do not result in this message. This message is produced when an unexpected result is encountered, which might represent an abnormal condition in some system component. The reason code variable xx is a decimal number that identifies the module associated with the code. See LU 6.2 Module-to-Code Cross-Reference Table in IMS Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference. Variable yy is the internal reason code. If you contact the IBM support center, be prepared to supply the module number and reason code given in the message, and if requested, the output from LU manager trace. If the LU name is network-qualified, it can be up to 17 bytes long. Programmer response: Determine the error and whether the failing component is either IMS, APPC/MVS, or VTAM. Check that IMS is running with the correct level of APPC/MVS. Problem determination: Check for any accompanying APPC/MVS and VTAM error messages. Check the SYS1.LOGREC data set for software failure records that might accompany this condition. DFS1966 IMS CONVERSATIONAL TRAN ENDED. INPUT DISCARDED DFS1968 APPC IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR THE SPECIFIED MVS LEVEL

Explanation: The z/OS level specified in the IMSCTRL IMS system definition macro does not provide the correct z/OS level to use APPC. System action: The request is ignored, and IMS continues to function. Programmer response: Ensure that the IMS JCL does not specify APPC=Y, and IMS commands do not specify LU 6.2 functions. DFS1969W LU 6.2 DESCRIPTOR=xxxxxxxx NOT FOUND DURING IMS XRF RESTART

Explanation: The specified descriptor name was found in a checkpoint record, but the descriptor block representing the descriptor was not found. System action: The request is ignored, and IMS continues to function. Programmer response: Check the DFS62DTx member used by the IMS system, and verify that the information for the specified descriptor is not defined. DFS1970 IMS SHUTTING DOWNTRANSACTION DISCARDED

Explanation: The remote LU 6.2 application program ended the LU 6.2 conversation with an IMS-defined conversational transaction with pending input (SEND_DATA, DEALLOCATE). System action: The system continues processing. The pending input is discarded, the IMS conversational transaction is terminated, and the LU 6.2 conversation is deallocated. Programmer response: Correct the remote application program to receive the response before deallocating the LU 6.2 conversation. DFS1967 MESSAGE SEGMENT BUFFER OVERLAY

Explanation: This message is sent to the partner LU that has established a synchronous LU 6.2 or OTMA conversation with IMS. An IMS /CHE shutdown command was entered. This message informs the partner application that IMS is shutting down. System action: The LU 6.2 or OTMA conversation is ended. IMS continues with shut-down processing. Module: DFS6ECT0, DFSYTIB0 DFS1971I CQCHKPT SHAREDQ COMMAND REJECTED FOR STRUCTURE= structurename; THE STRUCTURE NAME IS INVALID CQCHKPT SYSTEM COMMAND REJECTED FOR STRUCTURE= structurename; THE STRUCTURE NAME IS INVALID


Explanation: The EDIT EXIT routine can change the message contents and can increase the message length by as much as 256 bytes. The total message length cannot exceed 32,764 bytes. If the message length exceeds this limit, or if the message is increased by more than 256 bytes, the message is truncated. System action: The message is truncated. Programmer response: Correct the Edit Exit routine to prevent an increase of the message of more than 256 bytes.

Explanation: The command was not processed because the structure named in the message is not a valid structure name. System action: IMS processing continues. System programmer response: Reissue the command with a valid structure name. Module: DFSSQCP0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1972I DFS1978I
DFS1972I CQCHKPT SHAREDQ COMPLETE FOR STRUCTURE= structurename CQCHKPT SYSTEM COMPLETE FOR STRUCTURE= structurename 5 6 CQS internal error occurred. Retry failed.

System action: IMS processing continues. DFS1972I System programmer response: For reason codes 1 and 2, reissue the command when the event completes. For all other reason codes, call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSSQCP0 DFS1975 COMMAND REJECTED AS CQS IS NOT AVAILABLE

Explanation: The /CQCHKPT SHAREDQ or /CQCHKPT SYSTEM command completed for the structure named in the message. System action: IMS processing continues. Module: DFSSQCP0 DFS1973I CQCHKPT SHAREDQ REQUEST REJECTED FOR REASON CODE=reasoncode CQCHKPT SYSTEM REQUEST REJECTED FOR REASON CODE=reasoncode

Explanation: The command was not processed because the CQS address space is not available. System action: IMS processing continues.


System programmer response: Reissue the command when CQS is available. Module: DFSICM30, DFSICQ20, DFSIDP40 DFS1976 KEYWORD INVALID - SHARED QUEUES NOT ENABLED

Explanation: The /CQCHKPT SHAREDQ or /CQCHKPT SYSTEM command was rejected. The reason is: 1 2 3 4 5 6 CQS shutdown pending. No CQS address space. Invalid CQS registration token. Function is invalid. Count is invalid. List address is invalid.

Explanation: The command was not processed because the keyword is invalid in an IMS system without Shared Queues. System action: IMS processing continues. System programmer response: Reissue the command in an IMS system in which Shared Queues is enabled. Module: DFSIDPR0, DFSIDP00 DFS1977 COMMAND REJECTED DUE TO CQS ERROR

System action: IMS processing continues. System programmer response: Call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSSQCP0 DFS1974I CQCHKPT SHAREDQ REQUEST REJECTED FOR STRUCTURE= structurename, REASON CODE=reasoncode CQCHKPT SYSTEM REQUEST REJECTED FOR STRUCTURE= structurename, REASON CODE=reasoncode

Explanation: The command was not processed because IMS received an error return code from CQS. System action: IMS processing continues. System programmer response: Reissue the command. If you receive the same message again, contact the IBM Support Center. Module: DFSICQ20, DFSIDP40 DFS1978I REQUEST FOR STORAGE FAILED DURING CQCHKPT COMMAND PROCESSING, REASON CODE=reasoncode


Explanation: The /CQCHKPT SHAREDQ or /CQCHKPT SYSTEM command failed for the structure named in the message. The reason for the failure is: 1 2 3 4 Checkpoint is already in progress for the structure. CQS restart is in progress. Connect token is invalid. CQSRSYNC is required for this structure.

Explanation: The /CQCHKPT SHAREDQ or /CQCHKPT SYSTEM command processing terminated because IMS was unable to acquire HIOP storage to process the command or to issue a message about the outcome of the command. The reasons are: 1 Unable to issue message DFS1971I to report an invalid structure.
Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1979I DFS1982I
2 3 Unable to obtain the storage required to process the /CQSCHKPT command. Unable to issue message DFS1972I to report that the /CQSCHKPT command was successful for all structures. Unable to issue message DFS1973I to report a parameter error. Unable to issue message DFS1972I to report that the /CQSCHKPT command was successful for some structures. Unable to issue message DFS1974I to report that the /CQSCHKPT command failed for a structure. Unable to issue message DFS1973I to report an environmental error. Module: DFSICLZ0 DFS1982I Reason Code = rcmessage

4 5

Explanation: An error occurred during Index/ILDS Rebuild utility processing, indicated by rc, with an accompanying message issued by module DFSPREC0. Each reason code has its own explanation and response. See the following reason codes to further identify the type of error and appropriate action: DFS1982I Reason Code = 05 Error processing SYSIN data set

Explanation: An error was found while processing the DFSPREC0 input card.

System action: IMS processing continues. System programmer response: Reissue the command. Module: DFSSQCP0 DFS1979I CHECKPOINT REQUEST REJECTED, CQS IS NOT AVAILABLE

| |

System Action: The job terminated with a return code of 8. Programmer Response: Verify that the input keywords and parameters are correct. Keywords and parameters are position dependent. DFS1982I Reason Code = 10 Recovery type specified in DFSPREC0 control card is invalid

Explanation: The request was not processed because the CQS address space is not available. System action: IMS processing continues. System programmer response: Reissue the command when CQS is available. Module: DFSRCP00 DFS1980 TRANSACTION NOT STOPPED, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: The recovery type specified in the control card was not one of the three allowable types: INDEX, ILE, BOTH

| |

System Action: The job terminated with a return code of 8. Programmer Response: Verify that the recovery type is correct and rerun job. Keywords and parameters on the input control card are position dependent. DFS1982I Reason Code = 20 DDIR for partition specified in DFSPREC0 control card could not be found

Explanation: The /DEQ command was rejected because the transaction is not stopped. System action: The command is not processed. System programmer response: Issue the /STOP TRAN

| or UPDATE TRAN STOP(Q,SCHD) command; then reenter


Explanation: The list of DDIRs returned from the block builder did not include a DDIR for the partition specified on the control card.

| |

System Action: The job terminated with a return code of 8. Programmer Response: Verify that the DBDNAME on the exec card and the partition name on the control card are correct, then rerun the job. DFS1982I Reason Code = 30 DB org. for partition specified in DFSPREC0 control card not supported in partitioning.

Explanation: The command was not processed because the Common Queue Server (CQS) address space is not available, or because IMS received an error return code from CQS. System action: IMS processing continues. System programmer response: Reissue the command when CQS is available. If CQS is available and you receive the same message again, contact the IBM Support Center.

Explanation: The partition specified was not for an PHDAM or PHIDAM database.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

| System Action: The job terminated with a return code | of 8.
Programmer Response: Verify that the partition name specified on the control card is correct, then rerun the job. DFS1982I Reason Code = 40 Partition Select call failed DFS1982I Reason Code = 80 ILE processing terminated prior to reaching the end of the database

Explanation: A GN call during ILE rebuild processing returned with an unexpected return code. Expected return codes are: GA, GB, GK, or blank.

Explanation: The call to schedule the partition to be recovered failed.

| System Action: The job terminated with a return code | of 8.

Programmer Response: Determine the reason for the unexpected return code and rerun job. For information on DL/I status codes, see the topic titled DL/I Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. For assistance, call the IBM Support Center. DFS1982I Reason Code = 90 Unable to perform INDEX/ILE rebuild processing DBRC not available

| System Action: The job terminated with a return code | of 8.

Programmer Response: Verify that the partition specified on the control card is for a HALDB. DFS1982I Reason Code = 50 The partition processed but no root segments were found.

Explanation: The partition specified was processed for INDEX recovery but no root segments were found.

Explanation: DBRC is not available. INDEX/ILE rebuild requires that DBRC be active during rebuild processing.

| System Action: The job terminated with a return code | of 8.

Programmer Response: This is an abnormal condition. Contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. DFS1982I Reason Code = 60 DFSPREC0 control card specified ILE recovery and no ILEs were required for this partition

| System Action: The job terminated with a return code | of 8.

Programmer Response: Ensure that DBRC=Y is specified in the EXEC card, then rerun the job.

| DFS1982I | | |

Reason Code = A0 Index/ILD rebuild request not honored database specified NOT a HIDAM database

Explanation: An ILE rebuild request resulted in no entries being inserted into the ILE data set

Explanation: During an INDEX rebuild request, DDIR determined that the partition was not for a PHIDAM database.

| System Action: The job completed with a return code | of 4.

Programmer Response: This situation can occur if no logical relationships exists for this partition. Verify that there are no logical relationships existing in this partition. DFS1982I Reason Code = 70 During ILE processing, the GETMAIN for a segment I/O area failed

| System Action: The job terminated with a return code | of 8.

Programmer Response: Change the DBD on the job parameter to a HALDB that is PHIDAM, then rerun the job. DFS1982I Reason Code = B0 Index rebuild was requested for a DBD that is not a HALDB DBD.

Explanation: To complete an ILE rebuild, a segment I/O area is required for internal GN processing. This error results when space is not available to satisfy the GETMAIN.

Explanation: During an INDEX rebuild request, DDIR determined that the partition was not for a HALDB database.

| System Action: The job terminated with a return code | of 8.

Programmer Response: Increase the region size for the batch job, then rerun it.

| System Action: The job terminated with a return code | of 8.

Programmer Response: Change the DBD on the job parameter to a HALDB DBD, then rerun the job. DFS1982I Reason Code = C0 Index rebuild was

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


requested using a PSB with a DBPCB that does not map to the Master DBD specified on the JOB PARM card. Explanation: During an INDEX rebuild request, DDIR determined that the partition was not for a HALDB database. v Run Pointer Checker, correct the broken pointers, and then run Index Build again. DFS1982I Reason Code = E2 TWIN BACKWARD POINTER DOES NOT POINT TO THE PREVIOUS ROOT SEGMENT

| System Action: The job terminated with a return code | of 8.

Programmer Response: Change the DBD on the job parameter to a HALDB DBD that is the master database containing the partition input on the SYSIN card, then rerun the job. DFS1982I Reason Code = D0 LOGTDCBX DD card missing job failed

Explanation: During an index rebuild request, a twin forward pointer was encountered while scanning the twin backward chain that did not point to the previously scanned root segment. System Action: The job terminates. Programmer Response: Take one of the following actions: v Run Batch Backout to correct the incomplete segments. v Run Pointer Checker, correct the broken pointers, and then run Index Build again. DFS1982I Reason Code = E3 TWIN FORWARD POINTER DOES NOT POINT TO THE PREVIOUS ROOT SEGMENT

Explanation: OPEN in the LOGTDCBX print data set failed while attempting to print run results.

| System Action: The job terminated with a return code | of 8.

Programmer Response: Add the LOGTDCBX dd card to the JCL, then rerun job. DFS1982I Reason Code = E0 PSTBYTNM POINTS TO FREE SPACE - TWIN BACKWARD POINTER IS BROKEN

Explanation: During an index rebuild request, a twin backward pointer was encountered while scanning the twin forward chain that did not point to the previously scanned root segment. System Action: The job terminates. Programmer Response: Take one of the following actions: v Run Batch Backout to correct the incomplete segments. v Run Pointer Checker, correct the broken pointers, and then run Index Build again.

Explanation: During an index rebuild request, a twin backward pointer was encountered that pointed into free space. System Action: The job terminates. Programmer Response: Take one of the following actions: v Run Batch Backout to correct the incomplete segments. v Run Pointer Checker, correct the broken pointers, and then run Index Build again. DFS1982I Reason Code = E1 PSTBYTNM POINTS TO FREE SPACE - TWIN FORWARD POINTER IS BROKEN

| DFS1982I | | | | | | | | | | |

Reason Code = E4 DL/I GN processing returned an unexpected status code &statcode

Explanation: DL/I returned a status code indicating an error. Usually other system messages will appear in the job output. You can look up the status code in the topic titled DL/I Status Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System Action: The job step is terminated. Programmer Response: Correct the conditions indicated by the status code and any other related messages.

Explanation: During an index rebuild request, a twin forward pointer was encountered that pointed into free space. System Action: The job terminates. Programmer Response: Take one of the following actions: v Run Batch Backout to correct the incomplete segments.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1983W DFS1987I

| | | | | |

DUMMY NOT ALLOWED FOR STAND ALONE EXECUTION Explanation: DFSUPNT0 was not invoked by the IMS program controller module DFSRRC00. A SYSPRINT data set is required but a SYSPRINT DD DUMMY was found in the JCL.

Explanation: An outbound LU has been defined to IMS but couldnt be activated because it is not one of the APPC/IMS scheduled LUs. System action: Processing continues. System Operator Response: None. This is an informational message. Module: DFS6ECT0 DFS1985I APPC/IMS OUTBOUND LU xxxxxxxx ACTIVE

| System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to 8. | User Response: Check and correct the error condition | indicated by the message and reason code. | DFS1987I | |

Explanation: An outbound logical unit (LU) was identified to IMS. In the message text, xxxxxxxx is the identified LU. System action: The LU specified by xxxxxxxx will be used for outbound conversations. Programmer response: None. Module: DFS6ECT0 DFS1986 KEYRANGE TOO LONG, TRUNCATING

| Explanation: DFSUPNT0 encountered error opening the | SYSPRINT data set. | System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to 8. | User Response: Check the system messages in the job | log to determine the cause of the error and correct it. | DFS1987I |

Explanation: This message is displayed when you input one or more KEYRANGE values that are longer than the key values in the database. System action: The DFSMAID0 utility truncates the KEYRANGE to the proper size. Processing continues. User response: None. Module: DFSMAID0

| Explanation: DFSUPNT0 encountered an error while | obtaining storage. | System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to 16. | User Response: Increase the region size for the job or | decrease the number of SYSIN statements. | DFS1987I |

| DFS1987I | | | | |

Reason Code = rcmessage

Explanation: An error occurred, indicated by rc, with an accompanying message issued by module DFSUPNT0. Each reason code has its own explanation and response. See the following reason codes to further identify the type of error and appropriate action: REASON = 01 SYSPRINT DD STATEMENT REQUIRED FOR STAND ALONE EXECUTION

| Explanation: DFSUPNT0 encountered an error while | loading the module &modulename. | System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to 12. | User Response: Place the specified module in the | loadlib concatenation for this job step. | DFS1987I | |

| DFS1987I | | | | | |

Explanation: DFSUPNT0 was not invoked by the IMS program controller module DFSRRC00. A SYSPRINT data set is required, but no SYSPRINT DD statement was found in the JCL.

| System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to 8. | User Response: Check and correct the error condition | indicated by the message and reason code. | DFS1987I

| Explanation: DFSUPNT0 encountered an error during | phase 1 initialization of DBRC. | System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to 8.

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


| User Response: Examine the job log for additional | messages to determine and correct the cause of the | error. | DFS1987I | |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

System Action: Processing halts and return code is set to 8. User Response: Examine the job log for additional information about the error and correct it. If the problem cannot be determined, contact IMS support personnel. DFS1987I REASON = 12 ESTAE HAS DETECTED AN ABEND RESULTING FROM ATTACH OF DFSRRC00

| Explanation: DFSUPNT0 encountered an error during | phase 2 initialization of DBRC. | System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to the internal DBRC error code. | User Response: Contact IMS support personnel. | DFS1987I | |

Explanation: DFSUPNT0 ESTAE routine was driven due to an abend of the attached IMS. System Action: Processing halts and return code is set to 32. User Response: Examine the job log for additional information about the error and correct it. If the problem cannot be determined, contact IMS support personnel. DFS1987I REASON = 13 A SYSIN DD CARD IS REQUIRED TO EXECUTE DFSUPNT0 STAND ALONE

| Explanation: DFSUPNT0 encountered an error opening | the data set specified by the DFSOVRDS DD statement. | System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to 8. | User Response: Examine the job log for additional | information about the error and correct it. | DFS1987I | |

Explanation: DFSUPNT0 was not invoked by the IMS program controller module DFSRRC00. A SYSIN data set is required, but no SYSIN DD statement was found in the JCL. System Action: Processing halts and return code is set to 8. User Response: Check and correct the error condition indicated by the message and reason code. DFS1987I REASON = 14 SYSIN DD DUMMY NOT ALLOWED FOR STAND ALONE EXECUTION

| Explanation: DFSUPNT0 encountered an error opening | the data set specified by the DFSRESLB DD statement. | System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to 8. | User Response: Examine the job log for additional | information about the error and correct it. | DFS1987I | |

| Explanation: DFSUPNT1 or DFSUPNT2 encountered | and invalid PCB control block in the parameter list | passed by IMS. The error is returned to DFSUPNT0. | System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to 16. | User Response: Contact IMS support personnel. | DFS1987I | |

Explanation: DFSUPNT0 was not invoked by the IMS program controller module DFSRRC00. A SYSIN data set is required, but a SYSIN DD DUMMY statement was found in the JCL. System Action: Processing halts and return code is set to 8. User Response: Check and correct the error condition indicated by the message and reason code. DFS1987I REASON = 15 NO SYSIN STATEMENTS FOUND

| Explanation: DFSUPNT0, DFSUPNT1 or DFSUPNT2 | encountered an invalid status code (&statuscode) | returned from IMS for the internal DL/I PINT call.

Explanation: DFSUPNT0 was not invoked by the IMS program controller module DFSRRC00. The SYSIN data set is empty.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1988W DFS1990I
| System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to 8. | User Response: Check and correct the error condition | indicated by the message and reason code. | DFS1987I | |

| input messages from the member until the messages | reach the maximum. | | | | | | | | | |
Programmer response: Determine whether the dependent regions are active to process OTMA messages; determine whether the remote program inserts back to the I/O PCB for OTMA messages, and whether the OTMA clients are flooding IMS. You might need to control or stop the OTMA clients to prevent a potential IMS message flood condition. Make sure that the IMS regions are started to run the OTMA transactions. You may need to contact the system programmer for assistance.

| Explanation: DFSUPNT0 encountered an error opening | the SYSIN data set. | System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to 16. | User Response: Check the job log for additional | messages and correct the error condition. | DFS1987I |

| Module: DFSYFD00 | DFS1989E | |


| Explanation: An OTMA message flood condition exits. | The input messages have reached a maximum limit. | System action: IMS OTMA rejects any new input | messages from the member until the flood condition is | relieved. | | | | | | | |
Programmer response: Determine whether the dependent regions are active to process OTMA messages; determine whether the remote program inserts back to the I/O PCB for OTMA messages, and whether the OTMA clients are flooding IMS. Make sure that the IMS regions are started to run the OTMA transactions. You may need to contact the system programmer for assistance.

| Explanation: You can only use DD DUMMY or a | character string that contains INITALL in the | DFSOVRDS DD card . Any other input is invalid. | System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to 8. | User Response: Enter a valid input string for the | DFSOVRDS DD card. | DFS1987I | |

| Module: DFSYFD00

| Explanation: DFSUPNT0 encountered an unexpected | logic error. | System Action: Processing halts and return code is set | to 99. The reason code has meaning only to IMS | support personnel. | User Response: Contact IMS support personnel. | DFS1988W | | | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

Explanation: A major error occurred while attempting to initialize the CNT/SPQB/RCNT control blocks within module DFSCLCms, DFSCLSms, DFSCLRms, or DFSCLIDs. The LQB control block includes the CNT and SPQB control blocks. The following modules are shown with their corresponding control blocks, and SID and CTM. SID is the system ID table and CTM is a matrix for the default command security. Control Block or Table CNT SPQB RCNT SID, CTM

| Module | DFSCLCms | DFSCLSms | DFSCLRms | DFSCLIDs | | | | |

Explanation: OTMA internally creates a transaction instance block (YTIB) to track each active input message from a member. The YTIB will be freed or released after OTMA completes the CM1 message processing or enqueues the CM0 message. This message informs you that the number of YTIBs, which represent the number of active input messages from the member is reaching the maximum limit. A potential OTMA message flood condition exists.

| System action: IMS OTMA continues to process new

Variable m completes the module name and can have a value ranging from 0 to 9 or A to F. Variable s represents the nucleus suffix. Check for consistency between the execution JCL and system definition for the correct nucleus suffix and IMS.SDFSRESL name.
Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I


DFS1991I DFS1994I
System action: IMS terminates with abend U0016. Programmer response: Correct any inconsistency between system definition and execution JCL. Problem determination: 6, 10, 35 DFS1991I {LOAD|LOCATE} ERROR FOR LQB/RCNT CONTROL BLOCKS (modulename), RC=xx. System Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. System programmer response: For the first form of the message, correct the storage condition. For the second form of the message, increase the available storage to the IMS control region if dynamic resources are required. Problem determination: 1, 6 DFS1993X GETMAIN ERROR FOR {LGND|USRD} BLOCKS HASH TABLE, RC=nn GETMAIN ERROR LOADING DYNAMIC TERMINAL DESCRIPTORS, RC=nn

Explanation: An IMS IMODULE LOAD or LOCATE failed for module DFSCLCms, DFSCLSms, DFSCLRms, or DFSCLIDs which is substituted for the variable modulename. Each module contains a control block, or SID and CTM as shown in the following list. SID is the System ID Table and CTM is a matrix for the default command security. The LQB control block includes the CNT and SPQB control blocks. Module DFSCLCms DFSCLSms DFSCLRms DFSCLIDs Control Block or Table CNT SPQB RCNT SID, CTM


Explanation: IMS initialization was unsuccessful attempting to obtain storage for one of three hash tables, for a work area, or for the default logon and user descriptors for temporary control blocks. The first form of the message appears when storage is not available for the hash tables, and the second form appears when storage is not available for the work area or descriptors. LGND is shown if the failure was for the logon descriptor hash table. USRD is shown if the failure was for either the user descriptor hash table or the LTERM descriptor hash table. System action: IMS abnormally terminates with abend U0016. System Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If dynamic resources are required, increase the available storage to the IMS control region. Problem determination: 1, 6 DFS1994I UNRESOLVED CQSPUT FROM UOWE(S) DURING CHECKPOINT. UNRESOLVED CQSPUT FROM UOWE(S) DURING SHUTDOWN.

Variable m completes the module name and can have a value ranging from 0 to 9 or A to F. Variable s represents the nucleus suffix. The return code (RC) indicates the nature of the error. For the explanations of the IMODULE return codes, see the topic titled IMS System Services Return Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: IMS terminates with abend U0016. Programmer response: Correct the error condition indicated by the return code. Problem determination: 6, 10, 35 DFS1992I GETMAIN ERROR FOR UNIQUE VTAM HASH TABLE RC= GETMAIN ERROR FOR {CNT/LNB/RCNT|SPQB} BLOCKS {HASH TABLE|BIT MAP} RC=



Explanation: The first form of the message appears when the system attempts to acquire a block of storage for the unique VTAM hash table and receives a failing return code from the GETMAIN routine. The VTAM hash table is for static signon user IDs. The second form of the message appears when IMS fails to obtain storage for the hash table shown during initialization. The return code is passed by the failing GETMAIN. System action: IMS abnormally terminates with abend U0016.

Explanation: This message is issued during IMS checkpoint or IMS shutdown and is an information message: CHECKPOINT The message is issued during a simple checkpoint if CQSPUT fails during UOWE cleanup. SHUTDOWN The message is issued during normal IMS shutdown if a UOWE occurs with a CQSPUT request.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS1995E DFS1999I
System action: IMS continues with checkpoint or shutdown processing. System Operator Response: If this message is issued during normal shutdown, restart IMS with a warm start. If a warm restart is not used, messages might be lost. If you must cold restart IMS, take a simple checkpoint before shutting down. If you must cold restart IMS and this message is issued during simple checkpoint, do not shutdown IMS until the problem processing the UOWE is resolved. For example, checkpoint processing might not resolve the problem if a CF overflow full condition still exists. DFS1995E Explanation: Message DFS1995E follows message DFS1965E and explains the return and reason code of the previous DFS1965E message. DFS1995E includes the APPC/MVS error message as provided by the APPC/MVS Error Extract Service. This APPC/MVS message, starting with prefix ATB, is described in z/OS MVS Programming: Writing Transaction Programs for APPC/MVS. DFS1996I GETMAIN ERROR FOR VTAM TERMINAL CONTROL BLOCKS <HASH TABLE|DREF STORAGE>, RC=xx with the ACF/VTAM component youre using, or install an ACF/VTAM component that matches the IMS level. Master Terminal Operator Response: If the wrong component of ACF/VTAM is active, first terminate ACF/VTAM and then initialize the correct component. After the correct component of ACF/VTAM is active, issue the /START DC command. Problem determination: 6, 10, 36 DFS1998I VTAM TERMINAL CONTROL BLOCK INITIALIZATION FAILED

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the VTAM terminal control blocks contained in modules DFSCLVyx where y is a value from 0 to 9. x is the IMS nucleus suffix. The execution JCL might not be consistent with the system definition for the nucleus suffix and the SDFSRESL name. System action: IMS terminates with abend U0016. Programmer response: Correct any inconsistency between the execution JCL and the system definition. Problem determination: 6, 10, 35 DFS1999I {LOAD|LOCATE|BLDL} ERROR FOR VTAM TERMINAL CONTROL BLOCKS (modulename), RC=xx

Explanation: IMS was unable to acquire enough storage in the IMS control region extended private area in one of the following: v In subpool 0 to build a VTCB hash table, or v In subpool 214 for loading the VTAM control blocks (VTCBs). For an explanation of the IMODULE GETMAIN return code xx, see the topic titled IMS System Services Return Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: IMS terminates with ABENDU0016. Programmer response: Try to restart IMS when more storage is available. DFS1997I INCOMPATIBLE COMPONENT OF ACF/VTAM INSTALLED

Explanation: A BLDL or an IMS IMODULE LOAD or LOCATE failed for module DFSCLVyx in subpool 251 where y is a value from 0 to 9 or A to F. x is the IMS nucleus suffix. DFSCLVyx contains some or all of the IMS terminal control blocks for VTAM sessions, except those for MSC/VTAM links. For an explanation of the IMODULE return code xx, see the topic titled IMS System Services Return Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U0016. Programmer response: Correct the error based on the IMODULE return code. Problem determination: 6, 10, 35

Explanation: The component identifier information from VTAM OPEN ACB processing showed that the ACF/VTAM component is not compatible with the level of IMS. If IMS is generated for MVS/370, then an MVS/370 component of ACF/VTAM is required; if IMS is generated for MVS/XA, then an MVS/XA component of ACF/VTAM is required. System action: IMS issues a VTAM CLOSE ACB, making VTAM communication impossible. Programmer response: Either redefine IMS to execute

Chapter 5. DFS Messages, DFS1500I DFS1999I



Messages and Codes Volume 2

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W

This topic contains messages DFS2000I DFS2499W. For introductory information on DFS messages such as message format, suffix information, and explanation of the types of information provided, see Chapter 1, Introduction to DFS Messages, on page 1.

Explanation: An OPNDST with the ACQUIRE option was issued for VTAM Node x. The OPNDST was not successful. The variable zzzzzzzz is the subpool name or N/A if there is no subpool. System action: The IMS operation continues without the terminal. Master Terminal Operator Response: Log the node onto IMS by using the /OPNDST command or VTAMs VARY NET,ID=,LOGON= command. Problem determination: Use the VTAM D NET command to determine why the node is not available for allocation to IMS. DFS2001I OPNDST ACCEPT FAILED NODE x. SUBPOOL zzzzzzzz SENSE=yyyy

Explanation: IMS attempted to issue a VTAM CLSDST for NODE x, but was unsuccessful. The node is deactivated, and is no longer usable. System action: Node X is deactivated, and is no longer usable. Problem determination: Determine why the CLSDST failed. If necessary, perform VTAM problem determination. DFS2004 PERMANENT ERRORCLSDST REQUIRED NODE x.

Explanation: VTAM has informed IMS, either by RPL posting or scheduling of the IMS LOSTERM exit, that IMS should CLSDST the named terminal. System action: IMS issues a CLSDST for the node. DFS2005 PERMANENT ERRORCLSDST ISSUED NODE x.

Explanation: IMS tried to issue a VTAM OPNDST with the ACCEPT option, but it was unsuccessful. VTAM previously told IMS that the terminal was available for OPNDST. The yyyy value is the VTAM sense code; zzzzzzzz is the subpool name or N/A if there is no subpool. System action: IMS operation continues without the node. Master Terminal Operator Response: Determine why VTAM refused the OPNDST by using the VTAM D NET command; then retry.

Explanation: After receiving input, the DDM has determined that VTAM or the terminal has sent an incorrect or missing AID byte to IMS in the input buffer for Node X. System action: IMS issues a VTAM CLSDST, and performs no further operations. Master Terminal Operator Response: If appropriate, correct the cause of the error, and reconnect the terminal to IMS, using the /OPNDST command. DFS2006 PERMANENT ERRORNO CLSDST ALLOWED NODE x.

| DFS2002I | | | | | | |


Explanation: IMS tried to issue a VTAM OPNDST with the RESTORE option, but it was unsuccessful. VTAM previously told IMS that the terminal was available for OPNDST. The yyyy value is the VTAM SENSE CODE; zzzzzzzz is the subpool name or N if there is no subpool.

Explanation: A permanent error has occurred. VTAMs return code or LOSTERM value indicates that no CLSDST is allowed. System action: IMS processing continues without the terminal. The node is deactivated such that no further operations by IMS are possible. Master Terminal Operator Response: If appropriate, correct the error, and restart IMS.

| System action: IMS operation continues without the | node. | Master Terminal Operator Response: Determine why | VTAM refused the OPNDST by using the VTAM D NET | command; then retry.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007


DFS2007 DFS2011I
DFS2007 OPNDST PROCESSOR FAILURE NODE x. fields defined or the transaction entered must be one that uses the MFS bypass facility of IMS. Problem determination: If reformatting the screen or entering another transaction is not possible, contact your system programmer for assistance. If the entered data is too long, verify that the RECEIVE ANY buffer size specified on the COMM macro is large enough to handle the length of data being entered. For information about the COMM macro, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. DFS2010 DFS2008 INPUT IGNOREDERROR MESSAGE CANCELED VTAM NOT SUPPORTED

Explanation: Module DFSCVCLO has detected an unexpected return codeFDB2 value on an OPNDST instruction. The OPNDST was unsuccessful. System action: IMS idles the terminal. Master Terminal Operator Response: Another /OPNDST, VTAM VARY NET, or LOGON command can be attempted. Problem determination: Turn on IMS TRACE, and reproduce the problem.

Explanation: This is caused by an operator error. Terminal input was attempted while IMS was trying to send an error message for the immediately-previous input operation. For a bi-sync 3270 VTAM device, the operator might have entered input whose length was greater than the length defined for that terminal. System action: The input is ignored. The terminal is available for further use. Terminal Operator Response: Do not enter data without waiting for a response to the previous entry. Problem determination: Turn on IMS trace for the node, and reproduce the problem. If the entered data was too long, verify that the RECEIVE ANY buffer size specified on the COMM macro is large enough to handle the length of data being entered. For more information about the COMM macro, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. DFS2009 INPUT IGNORED

Explanation: The NODE keyword was entered in a command, but VTAM is not included in the current system. System action: The command is not processed. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command correctly. Problem determination: 36. If VTAM nodes are included during IMS system definition, perform a /DIS NODE ALL, save the output. DFS2011I IRLM FAILURE - IMS QUIESCING

Explanation: The lock manager status exit is given control and detects that the IRLM is terminating. This causes the discontinuation of the use of all databases. System action: IMS pseudoabends all currently scheduled transactions with abend U3303. Full-function databases participating in data sharing (share level 1, 2, or 3) and Fast Path databases participating in block level data sharing (share level 1, 2, or 3) are closed and their authorization is discontinued. All further transaction scheduling, except Fast Path, is prohibited. All terminals inputting Fast Path transactions will wait until IRLM is restarted and IMS reconnects to it. Every dependent region with an intent to use a database must go through terminate thread processing. That is, any such dependent region that does not terminate will prevent IMS from completing the actions necessary to clean up from the IRLM failure. IMS cannot be reconnected to the IRLM or terminated until all such region disconnect procedures have occurred. Wait for input (WFI) transactions will be given a QC status code or pseudoabended with a U3303 on their next database call. There are timing-related conditions at the time of the IRLM failure when the application programs currently running can receive the BA, BB, or FH status code. Programmer response: Restart the IRLM and have the system console operator modify IMS specifying "RECONNECT". The only other allowable response is to issue "/CHECKPOINT FREEZE" to terminate IMS. When the IRLM has been restarted and IMS reconnected to it, all databases stopped because of this

Explanation: This is caused by an operator error or input that is not supported by IMS from a 3270 display. For the case of invalid input, IMS has received trigger field, input from the terminal when the MFS bypass is not being used. Trigger fields are not supported by MFS and trigger field input will be accepted by IMS only if the MFS bypass facility is being used on input received from the terminal. For a bisync 3270 VTAM device, the operator might have entered input whose length was greater than the length defined for that terminal. System action: For an invalid trigger field, the input is discarded and communication with the terminal continues normally. An error record is written on the IMS log data set at the time of the failure. Terminal Operator Response: The screen should be reformatted with a format that does not have trigger


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2012I DFS2017
failure should be started. Also, BMP regions might need to be restarted. Problem determination: 1, 17 DFS2012I SHARING DATA BASE(S) STOPPED BECAUSE DATA SHARING DISCONTINUED GLOBALLY SHARED DATA BASE|AREA - dbdname|areaname STOPPED. for the number of records which can be assigned to the SMSGQ data set before the warning message DFS2014 is issued. This threshold is some percentage of the maximum number of records assignable before an automatic shutdown is initiated. System action: IMS continues execution. Programmer response: You might want to reduce the queue usage and avoid a possible shutdown. To determine the effect of this action, examine the percentage of use displayed by the /DIS POOL command. When the number of records assigned to the SMSGQ data set drops below the lower threshold established by IMS, message DFS2017 will be issued. DFS2015 NUMBER OF RECORDS IN LMSGQ DATA SET HAS EXCEEDED UPPER THRESHOLD


Explanation: One of the above two messages will be generated. The first message lists the sharing databases that stopped because data sharing was discontinued. The second message is generated for each database or area which is globally shared on multiple IRLMs and the IRLM has entered the IRLM FAILED or COMM FAILED state. When database integrity cannot be ensured, databases or areas which are globally shared and authorized by IMSs on the other IRLM, are stopped using an internal /DBR or /STOP command, and all applications currently using these databases or areas are pseudoabended by abend 3303. System action: IMS execution continues. Programmer response: When the action is taken as described in message DFS2011I, the databases listed by this message should be started using the /START command, to allow the scheduling of the transaction for these databases or opening of the areas. DFS2013 NUMBER OF RECORDS IN QBLKS DATA SET HAS EXCEEDED UPPER THRESHOLD

Explanation: IMS has established an upper threshold for the number of records which can be assigned to the LMSGQ data set before the warning message DFS2015 is issued. This threshold is some percentage of the maximum number of records assignable before an automatic shutdown is initiated. System action: IMS continues execution. Programmer response: You might want to reduce the queue usage and avoid a possible shutdown. To determine the effect of this action, examine the percentage of use displayed by the /DIS POOL command. When the number of records assigned to the LMSGQ data set drops below the lower threshold established by IMS, message DFS2018 will be issued. DFS2016 NUMBER OF RECORDS IN QBLKS DATA SET IS NOW BELOW LOWER THRESHOLD

Explanation: IMS has established an upper threshold for the number of records which can be assigned to the QBLKS data set before warning message DFS2013 is issued. This threshold is some percentage of the maximum number of records assignable before an automatic shutdown is initiated. System action: IMS continues execution. Programmer response: You might want to reduce the queue usage and avoid a possible shutdown. To determine the effect of this action, examine the percentage of use displayed by the /DIS POOL command. When the number of records assigned to the QBLKS data set drops below the lower threshold established by IMS, message DFS2016 will be issued. DFS2014 NUMBER OF RECORDS IN SMSGQ DATA SET HAS EXCEEDED UPPER THRESHOLD

Explanation: IMS has established a lower threshold which the number of records assigned to the QBLKS data set must pass after the upper threshold has been exceeded. Passing this lower threshold will result in this message being issued. This threshold is some percentage of the maximum number of records assignable before an automatic shutdown is initiated. System action: IMS continues execution. Programmer response: The action to reduce the queue usage may cease. DFS2017 NUMBER OF RECORDS IN SMSGQ DATA SET IS NOW BELOW LOWER THRESHOLD

Explanation: IMS has established an upper threshold

Explanation: IMS has established a lower threshold which the number of records assigned to SMSGQ data set must pass after the upper threshold has been exceeded. Passing this lower threshold will result in this message being issued. This threshold is some percentage of the maximum number of records
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2018 DFS2026
assignable before an automatic shutdown is initiated. System action: IMS continues execution. Programmer response: The action to reduce the queue usage may cease. DFS2018 NUMBER OF RECORDS IN LMSGQ DATA SET IS NOW BELOW LOWER THRESHOLD DFS2023 NON-VTAM REQUEST RTNCD=14 FDB2=0.

Explanation: The VTAM return code from SETLOGON macro indicated a non-VTAM request was issued. System action: The IMS system continues; START DC failed. Programmer response: Check VTAM errors for SETLOGON macro. DFS2024 VTAM CONTROL BLOCK INVALID RTNCD=14 FDB2=10.

Explanation: IMS has established a lower threshold which the number of records assigned to LMSGQ data set must pass after the upper threshold has been exceeded. Passing this lower threshold will result in this message being issued. This threshold is some percentage of the maximum number of records assignable before an automatic shutdown is initiated. System action: IMS continues execution. Programmer response: The action to reduce the queue usage may cease. DFS2020 VTAM STORAGE ALLOCATION FAILURE RTNCD=8.

Explanation: The VTAM return code from SETLOGON macro indicated an invalid VTAM control block. System action: The IMS system continues; START DC failed. Programmer response: Check VTAM errors for SETLOGON macro. DFS2025 VTAM CID INVALID RTNCD=14 FDB2=13.

Explanation: The VTAM return code from SETLOGON macro indicated a storage allocation failure. System action: The IMS system continues; START DC failed. Programmer response: Check VTAM errors for SETLOGON macro. DFS2021 VTAM INACTIVE TO THIS APPLICATION RTNCD=10 FDB2=D.

Explanation: The VTAM return code from SETLOGON macro indicated an invalid VTAM CID. System action: The IMS system continues; START DC failed. Programmer response: Check VTAM errors for SETLOGON macro. DFS2026 INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE IN MAIN POOL (WKAP) TO PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: The VTAM return code from SETLOGON macro indicated that VTAM was inactive to this application. System action: The IMS system continues; START DC failed. Programmer response: Check VTAM errors for SETLOGON macro. DFS2022 VTAM ABEND CONDITION OCCURRED ON THE USER TCB RTNCD=10 FDB2=E.

Explanation: A command was not processed because of insufficient storage in the main pool. Note: The WKAP cannot be specified at system definition time. System definition sets a value of 5000. This can be overridden at execution time by the WKAP= operand on the IMS procedure or the DFSPBxxx member of IMS.PROCLIB. System action: The command is ignored. Programmer response: Do one of the following: v Increase the size of the main pool with the WKAP parameter in the JCL used to bring up IMS. v Reenter the command later, since this can be a temporary condition. v Reduce storage requirements by reentering the command as multiple commands.

Explanation: The VTAM return code from SETLOGON macro indicated that a user abend condition occurred. System action: The IMS system continues; START DC failed. Programmer response: Check VTAM errors for SETLOGON macro.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2027I DFS2036

Explanation: An error code was returned when OPEN ACB was attempted. xx is the OPEN return code in register 15 and yyy is the ACB error field returned by VTAM. The ACBERFLG value yyy is displayed as a decimal number.

Explanation: The /TRACE SET ON MONITOR command was entered with an invalid parameter for the monitor keyword. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command using valid parameters. DFS2032 MONITOR NOT ACTIVE.

| Note: If MNPS is used, then this message only refers to the APPLID ACB. |
System action: IMS continues without ACB being opened. Programmer response: For a detailed explanation of the error codes, see VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming and VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming and VTAM Messages and Codes. DFS2028 MONITOR KEYWORD PARAMETER MISSING.

Explanation: The /TRACE SET OFF MONITOR command was entered when the monitor was not active. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Do not use the /TRACE SET OFF MONITOR command when the monitor is not on. DFS2033 PARLIM NOT DEFINED FOR THIS TRANSACTION.

Explanation: The /TRACE SET ON or /TRACE SET OFF command was entered without any monitor parameters being specified. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with the correct parameters specified. DFS2029 MONITOR UNAVAILABLE.

Explanation: The PARLIM keyword was used in a command when the PARLIM option was not defined for the specified transaction. System action: The command is ignored. Remote Terminal Operator Response: Correct the command, and reenter it. DFS2034 INVALID PARLIM NUMBER.

Explanation: The monitor cannot be used. The monitor log work area was not successfully initialized. Either an IMSMON DD statement is missing, or LOAD modules DFSIMNT0 or DFSMNTR0 are not available in the proper library. System action: The command is ignored. Programmer response: Ensure that the monitor is successfully initialized. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command after the monitor has been successfully initialized. DFS2030 MONITOR ALREADY ACTIVE.

Explanation: A parameter was entered for PARLIM keyword that was not between zero and 65 535. System action: The command is ignored. Remote Terminal Operator Response: Correct the command, and reenter it. DFS2035 UNABLE TO ASSIGN SPECIFIED LTERM TO A PTERM DEFINED MSGDEL=SYSINFO

Explanation: LTERM has messages queued on the system queue. System action: The command is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: See that LTERM is assignable to specified PTERM. DFS2036 UNABLE TO ASSIGN SPECIFIED LTERM TO A PTERM DEFINED MSGDEL=NONIOPCB

Explanation: The /TRACE SET ON monitor command was entered when the monitor was already activated. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Use the /TRACE SET OFF MONITOR command before repeating the /TRACE SET ON MONITOR command.

Explanation: LTERM has messages queued on the system or application output queue. System action: The command is ignored.

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2037 DFS2042
Terminal Operator Response: See that LTERM is assignable to specified PTERM. DFS2037 START DC HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED the session can be reestablished by NODE x, USER y, or an IMS /OPNDST command. Entering Terminal Operator Response: Same as Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 DFS2041 A PERMANENT ERROR ENCOUNTERED NODE x.

Explanation: A /START DC command must be completed before /OPNDST or /CLSDST can be done. System action: The command is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Enter the /START DC command; then retry. DFS2038 INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE TO PROCESS COMMAND BUFFER POOL TOO SMALL FOR COMMAND


Explanation: The first form of the message is issued when a command was not processed because of insufficient storage. The first form of this message can also be produced if there is insufficient CSA/ECSA available to hold the internal tables associated with the/TRACE SET ON MONITOR command. System action: The command is ignored. Programmer response: This can be a temporary condition that can be resolved by reentering the command later. If this fails, try to reduce the storage requirements by reentering the command as multiple commands or, if this is not possible, notify the system programmer. If this message is generated as a result of running the /TRACE SET ON MONITOR command, increase the available CSA/ECSA. DFS2040 DEVICE DEPENDENT LOGIC ERROR NODE x (USER y)

Explanation: The SENSE information returned on a VTAM SEND/RECEIVE indicated NODE x was inoperable. The probable causes for this problem are: v A VTAM logical unit status was received, or an exception response to a SEND command was received with a SENSE command, indicating a permanent error (set by NODE x). v Unsupported major or minor SENSE fields or the user SENSE indicated a component ID greater than 4. v A hardware malfunction. System action: The session established for NODE x is terminated. An IMS log record with an ID of CVCT containing pertinent information was produced. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected, the session can be reestablished by a NODE x, or an IMS /OPNDST command. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 11, 14 DFS2042 BAD VTAM RESPONSE, INDICATOR OR DATA [FMH | QEC | RELQ | QC | RSHUT | SHUTD | SHUTC | LUS (SENSE=xxxxxxxx) | RTR | SIG (SENSE=xxxxxxxx) | BID | SBI | BIS | UNDEF] NODE x (USER y)

Explanation: A logic error was encountered during device dependent processing of a VTAM I/O request. The probable causes of this problem are: v A VTAM error occurred. v A hardware malfunction occurred. v A program logic error in the program residing in NODE x occurred (programmable devices only). v An invalid specification to the IMS System Definition. v Unexpected VTAM system sense from the device. v Time expired on CLEAR request during RQR processing. System action: The session established with NODE x or USER y is terminated. An IMS Log Record (X'67') containing pertinent information was produced with an ID of CVCT. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected

Explanation: An invalid or unsupported request was received as follows: FMH FM header parameter error QEC SNA quiesce-end-of-chain command QC Quiesce complete RELQ SNA release quiesce command RSHUT SNA request shutdown command SHUTD SNA shutdown command SHUTC SNA shutdown complete command LUS SNA LUSTATUS command or associated sense code (xxxxxxxx), or both RTR SNA ready to receive command SIG SNA signal command or associated sense code (xxxxxxxx), or both BID SNA BID command SBI SNA stop-bracket-initiation command BIS SNA bracket-initiation-stopped command UNDEF An undefined SNA command code was received


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2043 DFS2046
Possible causes of this problem are: v A VTAM error occurred. v A hardware malfunction occurred. v A program logic error in the program residing in NODE x occurred (programmable devices and remote subsystems only). v An invalid specification to the IMS system definition. System action: The session is terminated. An IMS log record (X'67') containing additional pertinent information was produced with an ID of CVCT. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected, the session can be reestablished by NODE x, USER y, or an IMS /OPNDST command. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 DFS2043 DATA CHAINING ERROR ENCOUNTERED NODE x. or an IMS /OPNDST command. Entering Terminal Operator Response: Same as Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 DFS2045 AN INBOUND SEQUENCE ERROR DETECTED NODE x (USER y)

Explanation: The sequence number received on a VTAM synchronous request was not consecutive, that is, one greater than the previous VTAM synchronization input request received. The probable causes of this error are: v A VTAM error occurred. v A hardware malfunction occurred. v An error occurred within the remote nodes control program. System action: The session established with NODE x or USER y is terminated. An IMS Log Record, containing pertinent information, was produced with an ID of CVCT. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected, the session can be reestablished by NODE x, USER y, or an IMS /OPNDST command. Entering Terminal Operator Response: Same as Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 DFS2046 ERROR FOUND WHILE WRITING TO LOG NODE x (USER y)

Explanation: An improper data chaining sequence was encountered during IMS output edit or on a VTAM Receive Any for NODE x. The probable causes of this problem are: v A VTAM error occurred. v A hardware malfunction occurred. v A program logic error in the program residing in NODE x occurred (programmable devices only). v An IMS output message is either multisegment or larger than the output buffer size for a device without chained output support. System action: The NODE x session was terminated. An IMS Log Record with an ID of CVCT containing pertinent information was produced. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected, the session can be reestablished by a NODE x, or an IMS /OPNDST command. Entering Terminal Operator Response: Same as Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12 DFS2044 UNSUPPORTED RESPONSE WAS REQUESTED NODE x (USER y)

Explanation: A device-dependent error was encountered while attempting to create or write an IMS Log Record. The data being written contained VTAM sequence numbers, the data necessary for emergency restart of NODE x or USER y, or both. For 3614 nodes, the retention area might be too small to contain the copy of a "3614 Transaction Request" necessary for a recovery. The probable causes of this problem are: v An I/O error occurred while writing to the IMS Log. v An invalid specification was made for the Receive Any, Retention Area or Output Buffer sizes during IMS system definition. For 3614 nodes, the retention area might be too small to contain the copy of a "3614 Transaction Request" necessary for recovery. System action: The NODE x or USER y session is terminated. An IMS Log Record with an ID of CVCT containing pertinent information was produced. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected the session can be reestablished by a NODE x, USER y, or an IMS /OPNDST command. Entering Terminal Operator Response: Same as Programmer Response.

Explanation: An unsupported response was requested on a VTAM receive. The probable causes of this error are: v A hardware malfunction occurred. v A program logic error in the program residing in NODE x occurred (programmable devices only). System action: The NODE x or USER y session is terminated. An IMS Log Record (X'67') with an ID of CVCT containing pertinent information was produced. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected, the session can be reestablished by a NODE x, USER y,

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2047 DFS2051
Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 DFS2047 A VTAM BRACKET ERROR WAS ENCOUNTERED NODE x (USER y) name and ID correspond to name1 and name2. System action: The attempt to initiate a session is rejected. An IMS log record (X'67'), containing pertinent information, was provided with an ID of CVCT. Programmer response: The error might be in the initial session information entered by the terminal operator, system definition information within IMS or the remote subsystem, or both. When the problem is corrected, the session can be reestablished by NODE x, USER y, or an IMS /OPNDST command. Terminal Operator Response: See the Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS2050 RESYNCHRONIZATION REJECTED NODE x (USER y)

Explanation: A VTAM bracket error was encountered on a VTAM receive for NODE x or USER y. The probable cause of this error is that an only or first element in a chained data request was received that did not include at least a VTAM begin-bracket indicator. Under normal circumstances, this message does not occur for terminals that have successfully communicated with IMS. If this error occurs for a node that was recently added to the IMS network, ensure that the terminal is properly defined, and that its correct VTAM log mode is specified or defaulted through IMS or VTAM. System action: The NODE x or USER y session is terminated. An IMS Log Record (X'67') with an ID of CVCT containing pertinent information was produced. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected, the session can be reestablished by a NODE x, USER y, or an IMS /OPNDST command. Entering Terminal Operator Response: Same as Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 DFS2048 UNABLE TO OUTPUT NODE x.

Explanation: NODE x or USER y rejected either the IMS sequence number or the IMS copy of NODE xs or USER ys sequence number during session resynchronization. The probable cause of this error is that an invalid indication was returned on a VTAM set-and-test sequence number command to either the IMS Number or the IMS copy of NODE xs or USER ys Number. System action: The NODE x or USER y session is terminated. An IMS Trace Log Record (X'67') with an ID of CVCT containing pertinent information was produced. Programmer response: Review the CVCT log record to determine the cause of this resynchronization failure. See IMS Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference for failure determination. After the source of the conflict has been corrected, reestablish the session. It may be necessary to reacquire the session cold from both sides and define the IMS terminal or link with the FORCSESS option. Entering Terminal Operator Response: When the program is corrected, the session can be reestablished by NODE x, USER y, or by an IMS /OPNDST command. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 DFS2051 RESYNCH FAILED DUE TO VTAM RC NODE x (USER y).

Explanation: IMS was unable to write to any component of NODE x. The probable cause of this error was that all available components have been set to an inoperative condition as a result of user-supplied sense data in a previous VTAM exception RRN response or VTAM LU status indicator. This condition is reset by a subsequent VTAM LU status indicator from the node or by IMS /STOP NODE x and /START NODE x commands. System action: The session established for NODE x is terminated. An IMS Trace Log Record (X'67') with an ID of CVCT is produced containing pertinent information. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected, the session can be reestablished by NODE x or an IMS /OPNDST command. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 DFS2049I PARALLEL SESSION NAME ERROR name1 name2 NODE x USER y ID z

Explanation: IMS detected an attempt to change a parallel session name on a negotiated bind reply received from a remote subsystem. The name sent on the bind is identified by the user and ID names within the message text. The name returned is identified by the name1 and name2 values within the message. User

Explanation: Resynchronization failed due to nonzero VTAM return code, or feedback while sending a VTAM set-and-test or start-data-traffic indicator. The probable causes of this error are: v A hardware malfunction occurred. v The program residing in NODE x (programmable devices only) or the control program in NODE x sent an exception response to a VTAM set-and-test sequence number or start-data-traffic indicator. System action: The session being established is aborted, and an IMS Trace Log Record (X'67')


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2052 DFS2056
containing pertinent information was produced with an ID of CVCT. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected, the session can be reestablished by NODE x, USER y, or an IMS /OPNDST command. Entering Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 DFS2052 UNSUPPORTED RESPONSE TO RESYNCHRONIZATION NODE x. Recovery or Shutdown Request indicator received from the 3614 user edit routine. One of the following situations is the probable cause of this error: v A hardware malfunction occurred. v A loop occurred between the 3614 user edit routine and IMS because of improper use of return code 8 (cancel I/O) for input or output data after termination was requested by entry vector 20 to the 3614 user edit routine. v After termination was requested from the 3614 user edit routine by entry vector 20, input was queued by return code 0, 4, or 8, and no output message was produced by the user message processing program. System action: The session established with NODE x is terminated. An IMS trace log record (X'67') containing pertinent information is produced with an ID of CVCT. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected, the session can be reestablished by NODE x or by an IMS /OPNDST command. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 DFS2055 SESSION TERMINATED BY USER EDIT ROUTINE NODE x.

Explanation: NODE x returned an unsupported response to either the IMS sequence number or the IMS copy of NODE xs sequence number during session resynchronization. The probable cause of this error is that an unsupported request to a VTAM Set-and-Test sequence number command was received or a test negative response was received as a response to the Set option on the IMS sequence number. System action: The NODE x session is terminated. An IMS trace log record (X'67') with an ID of CVCT containing pertinent information was produced. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected, the session can be reestablished by a NODE x, or an IMS /OPNDST command. If the problem cannot be corrected at NODE x, an IMS /NRE is required before a session will be allowed NODE x. Entering Terminal Operator Response: When the problem is corrected, the session can be reestablished by a NODE x, or an IMS /OPNDST command. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12 DFS2053 UNRESOLVED REFERENCE TO REQUIRED USER EDIT NODE x.

Explanation: A return vector from a user edit routine indicated session termination was required for NODE x. System action: The NODE x session is terminated. An IMS log record with an ID of CVCT containing pertinent information was produced. Programmer response: When the problem, if any, is corrected, the session can be reestablished by a NODE x or an IMS /OPNDST command. Entering Terminal Operator Response: Same as Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12 DFS2056 INPUT SEGMENT EXCEEDS MAXIMUM LENGTH.

Explanation: An unresolved reference was encountered to a required user edit routine. System action: The session attempting to be established for NODE x is terminated. An IMS trace log record (X'677') with an ID of CVCT is produced containing pertinent information. Programmer response: The IMS nucleus must be rebound with the proper user edit routine. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 DFS2054 SESSION TERMINATION FORCED NODE x.

Explanation: The input deblocking routine has detected an input message segment that spans more than two request units (no new line or forms feed character is detected for 3770/3767, or no deblock character detected for SLUTYPE1). System action: The input message is canceled and a record is written on the IMS log data set that contains the message segment in error. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the message, ensuring that the correct format is used. Problem determination: 7, 36

Explanation: A session termination was forced because of a recursive request for termination. The original request was made using the 3614 user edit routine as a result of either an IMS /STOP NODE x or /CLSDST command, or as a result of a VTAM Request

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2057 DFS2062I
DFS2057 DEBLOCKING CHARACTER NOT FOUND IN INPUT SEGMENT. System action: IMS deactivates the transmitting System/7. Programmer response: Correct the System/7 program or change the System/7 attachment. Master Terminal Operator Response: Inform the Systems Programmer. DFS2061I NODE NOT AVAILABLE FOR OPNDST NODE x (USER y).

Explanation: Input was received from the 3770 card reader component and the deblocking routine scanned to the end of the input data without detecting a deblocking character. Every card in the input data should be followed by an IRS character. System action: The input message in error is canceled, a record containing the input message in error is written on the IMS log data set, and the session is terminated. Master Terminal Operator Response: Issue an /OPNDST command to the node, and retry the failing input message. If the failure persists, follow the problem determination. Problem determination: 5, 6, 23 DFS2058 COMPONENT ID IN ERROR.

Explanation: A "not available" condition was returned on a VTAM SIMLOGON issued due to an IMS /OPNDST command for NODE x or USER y. See VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming and VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming and VTAM Messages and Codes for an explanation of this condition. System action: The attempt to establish a session with NODE x or USER y has been terminated. (1) An IMS trace log record (X'67') containing pertinent information was produced with an ID of CVCT. (2) An IDC0 trace table entry is created, if the IDC0 trace is active. (For nonexisting dynamic terminals). See IMS Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference for more information. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected, session initiation can be attempted again using an IMS /OPNDST command. The session can also be requested or initiated by NODE x or USER y. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS2062I MODENAME UNKNOWN TO VTAM NODE x (USER y).

Explanation: Input was received and the component ID in the FMH was invalid or the input component was not defined on the terminal macro at system definition, or an exception response was requested by a device on which IMS does not support the exception response request function. System action: A record is written on the IMS log data set, containing the input message in error, and the session is terminated. Programmer response: Ensure that the input device is defined properly to IMS. Terminal Operator Response: Retry the failing input message. If the error persists, follow the problem determination. Problem determination: 5, 7, 36 DFS2059 FMH DID NOT INDICATE BODS OR EODS.

Explanation: The function management header in the input data stream from the 3770 did not indicate either the beginning or the end of the data set. System action: A record is written on the IMS log data set that contains the request unit in error, and the session is terminated. Master Terminal Operator Response: If the error persists, follow the problem determination. Problem determination: 5, 6, 7, 36 DFS2060 IPL REQUEST INVALID ON S/7 BSC CONTENTION LINE xxx PTERM yyy.

Explanation: An "unknown modename" condition was returned on a VTAM SIMLOGON issued due to an IMS /OPNDST command for NODE x or USER y. Either an incorrect modename was specified on the IMS /OPNDST command or a mode table entry was not defined to VTAM with the specified name. System action: The attempt to establish a session with NODE x or USER y has been terminated. (1) An IMS trace log record (X'67') containing pertinent information was produced with an ID of CVCT. (2) An IDC0 trace table entry is created if the IDC0 trace is active (for nonexisting dynamic terminals). See IMS Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference for more information. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected, session initiation can be attempted again using an IMS /OPNDST command. The session can also be requested or initiated by NODE x or USER y. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25

Explanation: A System/7 attached to a bisynchronous (BSC) contention line transmitted an IPL request to IMS.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2063I DFS2067I
DFS2063I SESSION TERMINATION COMPLETE NODE x (USER y). resynchronization system definition option through the IMS /CHANGE command. When the problem is corrected or overridden, session initiation can be attempted again using an IMS /OPNDST command for NODE x or USER y. The session can also be requested or initiated by NODE x or USER y. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS2066I BAD BIND PARM (DISP A, VALUE B) NODE x (USER y).

Explanation: Session termination occurred for NODE x or USER y. Termination might have been solicited by an IMS terminal or node, depending upon security, by NODE x or USER y using VTAM/SNA commands, or by a VTAM network operator command. If termination was due to an unusual condition, an error message for the specific condition was enqueued for the IMS master terminal operator prior to this message. System action: A session with NODE x or USER y has been terminated. An IMS trace log record (X'67') containing pertinent information was produced with an ID of CVCT if termination was due to an unusual condition. Programmer response: A session for NODE x or USER y was terminated by an IMS command, upon request of NODE x or USER y, or by an unusual condition. The session can be reestablished using an IMS /OPNDST command, by NODE x, or by USER y after any outstanding problems are corrected. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS2064I SESSION INITIATION COMPLETE NODE x (USER y).

Explanation: IMS detected one or more invalid, unsupported, or conflicting parameters when receiving a VTAM/SNA BIND command or when validating Bind parameters from LOGMODE table or USERDATA (after an INQUIRE). The parameters also may be conflicting with the IMS system definition options specified for NODE x or ETO descriptor options specified for USER y. DISP A is the displacement from the beginning of the BIND RU. VALUE B is the erroneous data. Both DISP A and VALUE B are in hexadecimal. System action: The attempt to establish a session with NODE x or USER y using a VTAM/SNA BIND command has been rejected. An IMS trace log record (X'67'), containing pertinent information, was produced with an ID of CVCT. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected, session initiation can be attempted again using an IMS /OPNDST command for NODE x or USER y. The session can also be requested or initiated by NODE x or USER y. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS2067I BEGIN-END BRACKET ERROR NODE x (USER y).

Explanation: Session initiation is complete for NODE x or USER y. Session initiation resulted from an IMS /OPNDST, VTAM network operator, or NODE x or USER y VTAM/SNA command. System action: Session initiation is complete for NODE x or USER y. Any available output will be sent, otherwise, IMS will wait for input. Programmer response: Continue whatever action is appropriate for NODE x or USER y following normal session initiation. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. DFS2065I RESYNCHRONIZATION NOT POSSIBLE NODE x (USER y).

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Explanation: Message resynchronization was required based on the previous session termination with NODE x or USER y. However, the Get Unique call from the shared queues has failed. System action: The attempt to establish a session with NODE x or USER y has been terminated. An IMS trace log record (X'67') containing pertinent information was produced with an ID of CVCT. Programmer response: Reinitialize NODE x or USER y to the proper restart point, or override the IMS

Explanation: IMS detected an error while processing an output message. The message to be sent indicates begin bracket, but the node is in a "NOBB" (cannot begin an output bracket) shutdown state. The requested message could not be sent. The "NOBB" shutdown state is the result of OHS requesting a symmetric shutdown or a /QUIESCE NODE x (USER y) command. System action: Session termination was forced for NODE x or USER y. An IMS trace log record (X'67'), containing pertinent information, was produced with an ID of CVCT. Programmer response: The session can be restarted to reset the shutdown state if additional input or output is
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2068 DFS2072I
required. Session initiation can be attempted using an IMS /OPNDST command for NODE x or USER y. The session can also be requested or initiated by NODE x or USER y. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS2068 INPUT DATA FM HDR PARAMETER INVALID, UNSUPPORTED, OR NOT AVAILABLE DFS2070 MESSAGE TERMINATION FORCED FOLLOWING INPUT SNA CANCEL OF MFS PAGE.

Explanation: A VTAM/SNA CANCEL command was received without receiving a SUBSEQUENT VTAM/SNA LUSTATUS (message abort) following a sender detected error during an MFS multiple page input message. IMS requires the input message to be terminated if any single page is canceled. System action: A session with NODE x has encountered an input error, but the session has not been terminated. This message is sent to force termination of the MFS multiple page input message. An IMS trace log record (X'67'), containing pertinent information, was produced with an ID of CVCT. Programmer response: Continue with input/output operations as appropriate. The message can be resent to IMS after the problem that caused the VTAM/SNA CANCEL command is corrected. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS2071I EXPECTED ERP MESSAGE NOT RECEIVED NODE x (USER y).

Explanation: An input data function management (FM) header contained an invalid, unsupported, or unavailable parameter. The output ERP FM header sent with this message might contain additional sense information to isolate the specific parameter. System action: The session with NODE x has encountered an input error, but the session was not terminated. This message is sent to reject the input message. An IMS trace log record (X'67'), containing pertinent information, was produced with an ID of CVCT. Programmer response: Continue with input/output operations as appropriate. When the problem with the FM header is corrected, the input message can be resent. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS2069 END-BRACKET NOT SUPPORTED ON IMS INPUT SYNCHRONOUS MESSAGES.

Explanation: A VTAM/SNA exception response was received without a subsequent ERP message explaining the reason for the exception response. System action: A session with NODE x or USER y has encountered an input error, and the session is terminated. An IMS trace log record (X'67'), containing pertinent information, was produced with an ID of CVCT. Programmer response: After correcting the system logic in any other session, initiation can be attempted using an IMS /OPNDST command for NODE x or USER y. The session can also be requested or initiated by NODE x or USER y. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS2072I LUname username (LTERM) FMH6|7 --text ---.

Explanation: An end-bracket was received on an input IMS response mode or conversational transaction, an IMS command, or an input message while in IMS "test mode". System action: A session with NODE x has encountered an input error, but the session was not terminated. This message is sent to reject the input message. An IMS trace log record (X'67'), which contains pertinent information, was produced. Programmer response: Continue with input/output operations as appropriate. The message can also be presented to IMS without end-bracket, test mode can be terminated by an IMS /EXIT command, or the input transaction code can be redefined by a change to the IMS system definition. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25

Explanation: A system informational or error message, defined by the SNA FMH6 or FMH7 format, detected an asynchronous condition by the 'OTHER' system (LUname), which was received by IMS through the LU6 session identified by the user name. The text following the FM header describes the asynchronous condition detected by the "OTHER" system. System action: Normal input and output will continue during the LU6 session.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2073I DFS2077I
Programmer response: Take appropriate action as required by the message text. Terminal Operator Response: Same as the Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 25 DFS2073I LUname username (LTERM) SOURCE (LTERM) FMH7 --- text ---. or did not match any valid QNAME for available output. System action: A session has encountered an input QMODEL FMH error, but the session was not terminated. This message is sent to notify the sending half-session. Programmer response: Try to continue with I/O operations as appropriate. The FMH can be resent when the problem with QNAME has been corrected or the FMH can be resent with QNAME not specified. Terminal Operator Response: Same as Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS2076 INVALID QORG PARAMETER IN QMODEL FMH.

Explanation: An error message from the "OTHER" system (LUname) was received by IMS in response to output sent on an LU6 session identified by the user name. The output queue containing the message in error is identified by the user name LTERM name. The originating input message source is identified by the source LTERM name. The text following the TYPE 7 FM header describes the error condition. System action: This message is used to report error conditions for the IMS master terminal operator or message source terminal operator (message switch to LU6 session only). The LU6 session is terminated after reporting the error to the IMS master terminal operator. The output message in error is returned to the queue for later retransmission. The output message in error is dequeued, and the session is not terminated when reporting the error condition to a source terminal operator (LU6 message switch). Programmer response: Take appropriate action as required by the message text. The session can be restarted after correcting the error condition by the "OTHER" system or by an IMS /OPNDST command. Terminal Operator Response: Same as Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS2074I SESSION ENDED; PURGE DURING QUIESCE NODE x (USER y).

Explanation: The QORG field in the QMODEL FMH (TYPE 6) received by IMS contained a QORG value that was greater than X'02', or did not match the QORG in the QXFR FMH sent by IMS, or was invalid for the type of QMODEL FMH received. System action: A session has encountered an input QMODEL FMH error, but the session was not terminated. This message is sent to notify the sending half-session. Programmer response: Try to continue with I/O operations as appropriate. The FMH can be resent when the problem with QORG has been corrected or the QORG can be set to X'00'. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25 DFS2077I DATA IS LONGER THAN BUFFER NODE x (USER y).

Explanation: A deadlock condition has occurred as a result of a /CHE PURGE QUIESCE. Quiesce logic cannot complete because of purging for the named node or user. System action: The node or user is closed (session terminated) as in an error situation. Master Terminal Operator Response: Display shutdown status to be sure session has terminated. DFS2075 INVALID QNAME IN QMODEL FMH.

Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to move data into a buffer. Either the segment received was larger than the SEGSIZE specified in the IMS system definition, or a VLVB block count was larger than the remaining buffer size. System action: The session for the node or user is terminated. The data that was to be blocked was lost. Programmer response: Redefine the buffer size and regenerate the IMS systemor make sure the data generated for output is not longer than the defined buffer. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 25

Explanation: The QNAME field in the QMODEL FMH (TYPE 6) received by IMS contains a name that did not match the DQN of the ATTACH FMH for the process,

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2078I DFS2081I
DFS2078I OUTPUT REJECTED SENSE xxxxxxxx LTERM yyyyyyyy. OUTPUT REJECTED SENSE xxxxxxxx LTERM yyyyyyyy Node zzzzzzzz message; the message provided no valid reason to continue the IMS conversation. The invalid session protocol caused by the error indicated one of the following conditions: 1. LUSTATUS or CHASE with a changed direction in reply to a conversational output message. 2. Exceptional response sense code X'0864' to a conversational output message. 3. FMH 7 sense code X'0864' to a conversational output message. System action: The NODE x (USER y) session was terminated. An IMS log record (X'67'), containing pertinent information, was produced with an ID of CVCT. Programmer response: When the problem is corrected, the session can be reestablished by NODE x, by USER y, or an IMS /OPNDST command. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 DFS2081 TEMPORARILY UNABLE TO RESYNCH SESSION NODE x (USER y). UNABLE TO RESYNC SESSION TRANCODE=nnnnnnnn NODE=xxxxxxxx. UNABLE TO RESYNC SESSION FP TRANCODE=nnnnnnnn NODE=xxxxxxxx.

Explanation: A response was received which indicated an invalid character was detected in the message being sent to the PTERM, or the terminal is not configured to properly accept the message; for example, an address outside the range of the device buffer was contained in the data stream. The sense information received from the device is contained in the sense field of the message. For devices that contain programmed symbols, output will be rejected if the programmed symbols buffer is not properly loaded. System action: A record is written on the IMS log data set that contains the message. The message is put back on the IMS message queues. Communications with the PTERM continue, unless the message was being sent in response mode. Then the terminal will be disconnected and the DFS2078I message will be sent to the MTO. Terminal Operator Response: The message must be dequeued from the IMS message queues or the LTERM reassigned to a terminal capable of accepting the output. In the case of devices that contain program symbols, a possible corrective action would be to properly load the program symbol buffer at the device, then resend the message. Master Terminal Operator Response: The DFS2078I message will be followed by a DFS998I message. The terminal should be taken out of response mode (/STOP), then /START) and then restarted (/OPN). DFS2079I INVALID APPLICATION OUTPUT LTERM xxxxxxxx LINE yyy PTERM zzz. INVALID APPLICATION OUTPUT LTERM xxxxxxxx NODE yyyyyyyy



Explanation: IMS is temporarily unable to resynchronize during: v An attempted session initiation. This condition occurs when a response mode transaction is still processing during an attempt to initialize or resynchronize a session. v RQR processing. A CLEAR request failed. System action: The attempt to initiate or resynchronize the session will fail. Programmer response: Allow the response mode transaction to complete and produce an output reply message; then reestablish the session from NODE x (USER y) or with an IMS /OPNDST command. The /DISPLAY command can be used to determine when the response mode reply is available for output. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12 14

Explanation: A non-supported command code was detected in application output using the MFS bypass. System action: A log record type X'67', subrecord X'01' has been written using the IMS trace facility, which provides a snap of the IMS control blocks and save areas. The terminal involved will be made inoperable. A DFS998I message will be sent to the MTO. Master Terminal Operator Response: The LTERM should be reassigned, or the message dequeued. Notify the System Programmer. System programmer response: Correct the application program to use valid command codes. DFS2080I CONVER TRANSACTION INPUT NOT RECEIVED NODE x (USER y).

Explanation: An incorrect session protocol was received while in a conversational mode, which resulted in dequeuing a conversational output reply


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2082 DFS2088I

Explanation: A response mode application terminated normally without having an output reply message returned to the terminal. System action: This IMS message is sent in lieu of the application output reply to prevent the terminal from being hung in response mode. Programmer response: Continue communication with IMS or correct the transaction logic to insert an appropriate reply. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12 14 DFS2083I LUname username (LTERM) SOURCE (LTERM) FMH7 --- text ---.

Explanation: Signon rejected due to indicated reason code. The reason codes are documented in message DFS3649. System action: Signon is ignored. The session is terminated and message DFS2085 is sent to the current MTO. System Operator Response: Attempt the signon after diagnosing the problem. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 DFS2086 /TRACE SET OFF FOR MONITOR IN PROGRESS, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: An error message from the "OTHER" system (LUname) was received by IMS through the LU6 session identified by the user name. The output queue containing the message in error is identified by the user name LTERM name. The originating input message source is identified by the Source LTERM name. The text following the FM header TYPE 7 describes the error condition. System action: This message is used to report recoverable error conditions to the IMS master terminal operator. Depending upon the FMH7 sense code, the type of IMS message incurring the error, and the FMH7 LU6 protocol used, the current output message will be either discarded or retransmitted and the LU6 session will not be terminated. (See DFS2072I and DFS2073I.) Programmer response: Take appropriate action as required by the message text. Terminal Operator Response: See Programmer Response. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12 14, 25 DFS2084 INVALID RETURN FROM SIMEXIT, EXIT DISABLED.

Explanation: The /TRACE SET ON MONITOR command was entered before a previous /TRACE SET OFF MONITOR command completed. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command. Programmer response: If commands are entered through an automation program, change the program to increase the time between the /TRACE SET OFF MONITOR and /TRACE SET ON MONITOR commands. Module: DFSICLN0 DFS2087 CANNOT TURN OFF TIMEOUT TRACE DURING SHUTDOWN, COMMAND IGNORED

Explanation: A /TRACE SET OFF TIMEOUT command was entered while IMS was shutting down. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Do not enter this command during shutdown. Module: DFSICLN0 DFS2088I APPC/OTMA SMQ Enablement inactive. Reason = xxx.

Explanation: The DFSSIML0 exit routine, upon returning to IMS control with a return code of 8, did not provide a transaction name in the area pointed to by register one, or the transaction name is given is invalid. System action: DFSSIML0 processing is bypassed by IMS, and a return code of zero is assumed. System Operator Response: Continue normal I/O activity.

Explanation: The APPC/OTMA Shared Message Queue Enablement is inactive. The reason code is xxx. The reason codes shown in Table 20 are possible: Table 20. Possible Reason Codes for DFS2088I Code Meaning 004 This is a non-shared queues environment.

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2089I DFS2093
Table 20. Possible Reason Codes for DFS2088I (continued) Code Meaning 008 The keyword MINVERS is set below minimum support level. Ensure that all IMS systems within the IMSplex are version 8 or higher and set MINVERS(81) or higher. 012 IMS has been started on a z/OS level lower then 1.2. 016 RRS is not active. 020 A member joined the group and cannot support APPC/OTMA SMQ Enablement. 024 Another member dropped support for APPC/OTMA SMQ Enablement. 028 IMS disconnected from RRS. 032 AOS=N was specified in the DFSDCxxx member. 036 RRS=N has been specified as startup parameter. System action: IMS will force every APPC/OTMA message to the front-end system. System Operator Response: Make sure that all the requirements for APPC/OTMA SMQ Enablement are met. DFS2089I APPC/OTMA SMQ Enablement Active DFS2091I IMS TIMER SERVICE SHUTDOWN COMPLETED.

Explanation: The IMS timer service has shut down and is no longer processing timer requests. This message is normally issued during IMS shutdown. It is also issued after message DFS2090I if a STIMERM SET or CANCEL failed. System action: Timer service is no longer available in IMS. Master Terminal Operator Response: If you received this message during IMS shutdown, no response is necessary. If a STIMERM SET or CANCEL failed, see message DFS2090I. DFS2092I INITIALIZATION FAILED FOR TIMEOUT PROCESSOR RC=n.

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Explanation: The IMS VTAM I/O time-out processor (DFSASLT0) was unable to obtain storage for the ASLTI ITASK or the timer table required by the IMS VTAM I/O time-out detection facility. The return codes and their meanings are: Return Code (Hex) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Meaning Unable to get time AWE for front and switching initialization. Unable to get second AWE for front and switching initialization. Unable to get quick save area for timer table initialization. Unable to get storage for AS1T ITASK. Unable to create AS1T ITASK. Unable to get an AWE for AS1T ITASK initialization. Unable to get storage for timer tables. Unable to get time AWE for main timer.

Explanation: The APPC/OTMA Shared Message Queue Enablement is active. System action: IMS will allow every member within the IMSPLEX to process APPC/OTMA messages. System Operator Response: None. DFS2090I IMS TIMER SERVICE STIMERM SET|CANCEL FAILED, RC=xxx.

Explanation: The IMS timer service issued a request to z/OS to set or cancel a STIMERM. z/OS returned a nonzero return code in register 15. For an explanation of the STIMERM return codes, see MVS/ESA Application Development Macro Reference,. System action: The timer service will be shut down. Requests for timer services will receive nonzero return codes. IMS will not terminate abnormally. Master Terminal Operator Response: Note the return code from the message and notify your system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 4 (if timer failure causes another part of IMS to abend), 6

System action: IMS initialization continues, but the VTAM I/O time-out detection facility is unavailable. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Programmer response: If you need the time-out facility, increase the size of the IMS control region; then restart IMS. DFS2093 TIMEOUT TRACE FACILITY NOT AVAILABLE, COMMAND IGNORED.

Explanation: You entered a /TRA SET TIMEOUT command, but the IMS VTAM I/O time-out detection facility was not available because the ASLTI ITASK failed during IMS initialization. This message is also issued if you enter a /DIS TIMEOVER command and the facility was not activated.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2094I DFS2098
System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: If you received this message after entering the /DIS TIMEOVER command, issue the /TRA SET TIMEOUT command, if necessary. If you received this message after entering the /TRA SET TIMEOUT command, notify the system programmer. Programmer response: If the facility is not available, see message DFS2092I. DFS2094I NODE nodename TIMED OUT AT hh:mm SENSE=xxxx. NODE nodename USER username TIMED OUT AT hh:mm SENSE=xxxx. DFS2095I V NET,INACT PERFORMED FOR NODE nodename.


Explanation: IMS has issued a VTAM 'VARY NET,INACT' command for one of the following reasons: v The IMS VTAM I/O timeout detection facility detected a VTAM node that has timed out, and is automatically deactivating it. This message is preceded by message DFS2094I and followed by message DFS2096I. v IMS TM shutdown processing has detected an outstanding SIMLOGON for a dynamic terminal that has not completed, and is automatically deactivating the node. This message is followed by message DFS2096I. DFS2096I V NET,ACT PERFORMED FOR NODE nodename.

Explanation: This node has an output response outstanding for a period of time greater than the time specified on the /TRA SET TIMEOUT command used to activate the VTAM I/O time-out detection facility. The second form of the message is issued for ISC nodes. The message includes VTAM sense information, if available. System action: The action taken depends on what was specified on the /TRA SET TIMEOUT command: v If MSG was specified, the node is placed on a chain of timed-out nodes and continues to wait for a response. v If AUTO was specified, IMS issues a VTAM 'VARY NET,INACT' command followed by a VTAM 'VARY NET,ACT' command for the node. An OPNDST is issued for the node if it was defined as non-shared and is still operable. Messages DFS2095I and DFS2096I follow this message. v If AUTO was specified and this is an ISC node, the node is placed on a chain of timed-out nodes and continues to wait for a response. No automatic restart is performed. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Programmer response: v If MSG was specified, issue the IMS /IDLE and /ACT commands for the node to do a VTAM 'V NET,INACT' and 'V NET,ACT'. Then the node can be restarted. v If AUTO was specified and this message was issued for an ISC node, see the previous response for MSG. v If AUTO was specified and this message was issued for a non-ISC node, do an IMS /DISPLAY of the node to make sure it was restarted. Note: The VTAM TIMEOUT I/O facility is automatically started during IMS shutdown. It is set for 1 minute and AUTO. Effectively, the trace command would be: /TRACE TIMEOUT 1 AUTO. The VTAM TIME I/O facility is also automatically started during IMS initialization.

Explanation: IMS has issued a VTAM 'VARY NET,ACT' command for one of the following reasons: v The IMS VTAM I/O timeout detection facility detected a VTAM node that has timed-out, and is automatically reactivating it. When IMS issues this message, it is preceded by messages DFS2094I and DFS2095I. v IMS TM shutdown processing has detected an outstanding SIMLOGON for a dynamic terminal that has not completed, and is automatically reactivating the node. This message is preceded by message DFS2095I. DFS2097I DBDGEN REQUIRED FOR DATABASE nnnnnnnn TO SET DATXEXIT INDICATOR

Explanation: While processing the first DL/I call for a database, with the DATXEXIT=YES flag off, the DL/I call analyzer called the user data conversion exit and was returned to without SRCHFLAG being set to X'FF' (indicating that the user exit was required for this database). The DL/I Call Analyzer dynamically sets the DATXEXIT=YES flag on and continues processing transactions for this database, but issues a warning message to the user that a DBDGEN with DATXEXIT=YES must be done for this database. System action: IMS continues processing. Programmer response: The database administrator must be notified that a DBDGEN is required for this database. DFS2098 ERROR TRANSMITTING INPUT RESEND INPUT DATA.

Explanation: The Network Terminal Option (NTO) detected a temporary hardware error from the Network Control Program (NCP) during transmission of the input data. NTO sent sense code X'0827' to IMS to

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2099 DFS2105
indicate that the data received was bad and should be resent. System action: NTO processed sense code X'0827' and sent message DFS2098 to the inputting terminal. If the message was multi-chained, NTO canceled the previous chains. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Resend the last input message. DFS2099 DATA EXCEEDS RECANY RU SIZE NODE x. DFS2102 POSITIVE RESPONSE NOT REQUESTED FOR RECOVERABLE MESSAGE.

Explanation: A recoverable message was received from a 3600 or 3790 terminal without a request for a positive response. System action: The message is canceled. Programmer response: Correct the 3600 or 3790 program, or, if required, correct the definition of the transaction in IMS system definition. DFS2103 NODE KEYWORD PARAMETER MISSING.

Explanation: The data length received from VTAM is larger than the size of the RECEIVE ANY buffer. System action: The session is terminated. An IMS trace log record (X'6701' ID=CVCT) containing pertinent information was produced. Programmer response: The X'6701' ID=CVCT log record contains the RPL. RPLRLEN is greater than RPLBUFL. RPLBUFL is the RECEIVE ANY buffer size defined in the RECANY=(number,size) parameter of the COMM macro. Problem determination: 5, 6, 14, 25 DFS2100 END OF MESSAGE BEFORE END OF DATAINPUT IGNORED.

Explanation: The NODE keyword was entered without specifying which nodes or all. System action: The IMS system continues, and the command is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command specifying the nodes to be operated on. DFS2104 DFS2104 INVALID NODE NAME. INVALID NODE NAME NODE nodename

Explanation: MFS reached the end of the message before reaching the end of the data. System action: The input is canceled. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the message in accordance with the message input description, and device input format. DFS2101I DEACTIVATING NODE xxxxxxxx.

Explanation: A specified node name was not found in the system, or there was an attempt to make a non-ISC node an IMS secondary LU. The first form of the message is issued by a command processor if the command references an undefined node. The second form of the message is issued by the LOGON or SCIP exit if one of the following conditions occurred: v A session initiation request references an undefined node v An ISC session request references a non-ISC node. System action: The command is ignored, or the LOGON/REQSESS request is denied. Terminal Operator Response: If a command caused the message, reenter the command using a valid node name. DFS2105 NO NODE DEFINED IN SYSTEM.

Explanation: Because of one of the following conditions, IMS was unable to physically terminate the session in an orderly manner (CLSDST), thereby making it necessary to logically terminate it. 1. Console operator canceled VTAM 2. VTAM abended 3. CLSDST failed 25 times because of a VTAM short on storage condition System action: A deactivate indicator is turned on in the IMS control block representing the node. Programmer response: Determine which one of the above reasons caused the problem, and take corrective action. To regain the node, bring IMS down (/STOP DC-/CHExxxx) and up again.

Explanation: A command has been entered with the NODE keyword, and there are no nodes defined. System action: The command is ignored, and processing continues. Terminal Operator Response: Issue the correct command.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2106 DFS2114
DFS2106 UNKNOWN TERMINAL TRIED TO CONNECT ON LINE x PTERM y. v Ignore the message if processing must continue. v /STOP DC to close ACB Explanation: An attempt has been made to CLOSE the VTAM ACB, and a return code of X'xx' was received. System action: IMS continues processing. DFS2111I VTAM ACB CLOSED.

Explanation: On a line where ID verification is required, a 3275 dial terminal which was not authorized in the lines ID list attempted to connect to IMS. System action: The connection is broken. The line is restarted and is waiting for a connection attempt. Programmer response: When the situation warrants it, the Log Print Utility (DFSERA10), with record type=X'69', can be used to list the offending terminals IDs and the lines they accessed. DFS2107 NODE NOT PHYSICALLY DISCONNECTED, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND.

Explanation: The VTAM ACB has been closed. IMS is disconnected from VTAM. System action: IMS continues processing. DFS2112I UNABLE TO CLOSE VTAM ACB, REG 15=rc, ACBERFLG=xx.

Explanation: An /EXIT command was issued for a remote terminal node, which is not physically disconnected currently. System action: The command is not processed. Terminal Operator Response: Retry the command when remote node is disconnected. DFS2108 INVALID COMMAND FROM NON-VTAM TERMINAL.

Explanation: An attempt has been made to CLOSE the VTAM ACB using a /STOP DC command or by VTAM driving IMSs TPEND exit routine. The attempt failed with the return code, rc, in register 15 and the ACB error flags set as indicated by xx. System action: IMS internally marks the VTAM ACB as closed and continues processing without its VTAM interface. Programmer response: Use the provided information (return code and error flags) to find out why the CLOSE failed. See VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming for a description of the VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming CLOSE macro and an explanation of the return codes and error flags. VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming and VTAM Messages and Codes provides additional information. DFS2113 NO DPAGE CONDITION WAS METINPUT IGNORED.

Explanation: A /RCLSDST command was entered from a terminal that is not a VTAM node. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Correct the command, and retry. DFS2109 VTAM ACB NOT OPEN.

Explanation: The command entered requires the VTAM ACB to be open. System action: The command is ignored. Entering Terminal Operator Response: Issue /Start DC, and retry. DFS2110A NON-QUICK VTAM SHUTDOWN REQUESTED.

Explanation: No conditional DPAGE was satisfied, and no unconditional DPAGE was specified. For OPTIONS=DNM, all DPAGES are conditional. System action: The input is canceled. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the correct input. If problem persists, have your programmer analyze the device input format for that message. DFS2114 OUTPUT ERROR LINE xxx PTERM xxx {, DO NOT REDIAL PTERM}.

Explanation: The VTAM operator has told VTAM to shut down. VTAM has informed IMS of this using the TPEND exit. System action: IMS continues processing. Master Terminal Operator Response: One of the following actions can be taken: v Enter /CLSDST command to disconnect any active nodes if there is no need to continue processing. v Enter /CHECKPOINT command to close down IMS.

Explanation: A permanent output error occurred while writing output messages to the terminal. System action: The current session terminates. The next session is initiated ready for operator connection. Master Terminal Operator Response: Unless the error message indicates otherwise, repeat the session. Otherwise, dial the next required terminal. Problem determination: 23, 36

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2115 DFS2122

Explanation: The terminal issued a disconnect sequence during input or output. System action: The current session terminates. The next session is initiated ready for operator connection. Master Terminal Operator Response: The current session cannot be reestablished without correcting the problem at the remote terminal. Problem determination: During input, the message segment at the point of error is identified by a sequence number, and, optionally, by an 8-character identifier. For both input and output, the termination status is on the screen at the remote terminal. DFS2116 OUTPUT COMPLETE LINE xxx PTERM xxx.

Explanation: The internally created /IAM command was rejected by IMS as invalid. System action: The current session terminates. The next session is initiated, ready for operator connection. Programmer response: Correct the user sign-on exit to create valid IMS names. Master Terminal Operator Response: If the problem persists, do not initiate further sessions until the exit routine has been corrected. Problem determination: Repeat the session using /TRACE (Level 3), and print the log data set to show the /IAM command in error. DFS2120 SET COMMAND ERROR LINE xxx PTERM xxx.

Explanation: All ready output messages have been successfully written to the terminal. This message is not issued if no output messages are written during the session. System action: The current session is completed. The next session is initiated ready for operator connection. DFS2117 INPUT COMPLETE LINE xxx PTERM xxx.

Explanation: The internally created /SET command was rejected by IMS as invalid. System action: The current session terminates. The next session is initiated ready for operator connection. Programmer response: Correct the user sign-on exit to create valid IMS names. Master Terminal Operator Response: If the problem persists, do not initiate further sessions until the exit routine has been corrected. Problem determination: Repeat the session using /TRACE (Level 3), and print the log data set to show the set command in error. DFS2121 USER EXIT REQUESTED DISC LINE xxx PTERM xxx.

Explanation: The input message has been successfully read from the terminal. This message is not issued if there is no input message to be read. System action: The current session continues with the output phase. If there are no output messages, the session is complete and the next session is initiated for operator connection. DFS2118 DIAL REMOTE TERMINAL LINE xxx PTERM xxx.

Explanation: The user sign-on exit passed a return code requesting that the terminal be disconnected. System action: The current session terminates. The next session is initiated ready for operator connection. Programmer response: Check to determine that the user sign-on exit request is valid; if not valid, take corrective action. Master Terminal Operator Response: Dial the required terminal. Problem determination: 6, 24 DFS2122 INPUT ERROR LINE xxx PTERM xxx [SEQ NO xxxxx [SEGM ID xxxxxxxx]].

Explanation: A session has been initiated after a start line command, or following a previous session. System action: The session waits until a terminal is physically connected and the enabled control unit is posted. Master Terminal Operator Response: Dial the required terminal, and press DATA on the Modem when a tone is heard. If all sessions are completed, issue a STOP command and then press DATA on the Modem that terminates the session and idles the line.

Explanation: A permanent input error occurred while reading the input message from the terminal. System action: The current session terminates. The next session is initiated, ready for operator connection.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2123 DFS2126
Master Terminal Operator Response: Repeat the session. If the error persists, manual intervention may be required at the remote terminal. Problem determination: The input message segment at the point of error is identified by a sequence number and, optionally, by an 8-character identifier. The termination status is on the screen at the remote terminal. DFS2123 STATUS MSG x LINE xxx PTERM xxx {[SEQ NO xxx [SEGM ID] xxxxxxxx], DO NOT REDIAL PTERM}. action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. System Operator Response: The error message sent to the input and the master terminals indicates the type of message that was in error. Compare the two system definition specifications for this message and correct the one in error. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Problem determination: 14 DFS2126 TRANS BECAME LOGICAL TERMINAL I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name3

Explanation: An error was detected at the remote terminal. A 1-character status message was read from the terminal and inserted into the error message. System action: The current session terminates. The next session is initiated, ready for operator connection. Master Terminal Operator Response: Unless the error message indicates otherwise or the status message indicates the problem is unrecoverable without manual intervention, repeat the session. Otherwise, dial the required terminal. Problem determination: During input, the message segment at the point of error is identified by a sequence number and, optionally, by an 8-character identifier. For both input and output, the termination status is on the screen at the remote terminal. Check the 3741 status message character in the error message. DFS2124 OUTPUT NOT COMPLETE.

Explanation: In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type "64", and removes the message from the system. System programmer response: First, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. System Operator Response: The error message sent to the input and the master terminals indicates the type of message that was in error. Compare the two system definition specifications for this message and correct the one in error. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W

Explanation: The user issued a stop line and disconnected the terminal before all of the messages in the queue were sent. System action: System continues processing. System Operator Response: Proceed with the normal terminal operation. DFS2125 LOGICAL TERMINAL BECAME TRANS I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2

Explanation: In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type "64", and removes the message from the system. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous system definition. System programmer response: First, find the default


DFS2127 DFS2129
action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Problem determination: 14 DFS2127 SPA IN MSG FOR NON-CONV TRANS I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2 or TRAN code of the processing system. name2 is defined as conversational. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type "64", and removes the message from the system. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous system definition. System programmer response: First, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. System Operator Response: The error message sent to the input and master terminals indicates the type of message that was in error. Compare the two system definition specifications for this message and correct the one in error. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Problem determination: 14 DFS2129 MSG IS RECOV BUT DEST IS NOT I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2

Explanation: In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. name1 is defined as nonconversational. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. name2 is defined as conversational. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type "64", and removes the message from the system. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous system definition. System programmer response: First, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. System Operator Response: The error message sent to the input and the master terminals indicates the type of message that was in error. Compare the two system definition specifications for this message and correct the one in error. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Problem determination: 14 DFS2128 NO SPA IN MSG FOR CONV TRANS I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2

Explanation: In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. name1 is defined as recoverable. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. name2 is defined as unrecoverable. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type "64", and removes the message from the system. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous system definition. System programmer response: First, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error,

Explanation: In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. name1 is defined as nonconversational. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2130 DFS2132
and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. System Operator Response: The error message sent to the input and the master terminals indicates the type of message that was in error. Compare the two system definition specifications for this message and correct the one in error. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Problem determination: 14 DFS2130 MSG IS NOT RECOV BUT DEST IS I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2 Problem determination: 14 DFS2131 DEST OF A RESPONSE IS A TRANS I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2

Explanation: In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using record type "64", and removes the message from the system. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous system definition. System programmer response: First, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. System Operator Response: The error message sent to the input and the master terminals indicates the type of message that was in error. Compare the two system definition specifications for this message and correct the one in error. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Problem determination: 14 DFS2132 INPUT LOGICAL TERMINAL NOT FOUND I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2

Explanation: In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. name1 is defined as recoverable. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. name2 is defined as unrecoverable. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type "64", and removes the message from the system. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous system definition. System programmer response: First, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. System Operator Response: The error message sent to the input and the master terminals indicates the type of message that was in error. Compare the two system definition specifications for this message and correct the one in error. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer.

Explanation: This system received a message that is a response to the input. The input originated from an LTERM in this system, but now that LTERM cannot be found, the system error, or the definition of sss1 is changed. name1 is not defined in sss1. In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system.

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2133 DFS2134
sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type "64", and removes the message from the system. Programmer response: Check the originating LTERM name (on the X'64' record) against the system definition to determine if the system was redefined before the response was received. If the originating LTERM name was present, the CNTs might have been destroyed. System programmer response: First, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Problem determination: 14 DFS2133 RESPONSE PTERM NOT INPUT PTERM I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2 interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. System Operator Response: The error message sent to the input and the master terminals indicates the logical terminals involved. Check the logical terminal-to-physical terminal assignments. If correct, check the application program that produced the response. Inform the system programmer. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Problem determination: 14 DFS2134 INVALID SYSID DETECTED I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2 INVALID SYSID DETECTED LINK x


Explanation: The first form of this message results when the receiving IMS detects that sss2 is invalid. sss2 is not defined in the system generating the error. In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. The second form of this message results when the sending IMS detected that the source SYSID, the destination SYSID, or both SYSIDs are invalid. This occurs during communication between a Version 6 IMS system and a pre-Version 6 IMS system, which does not recognize a SYSID higher than 255. Possible errors are: v A message with a source SYSID lower than 256 has a destination SYSID higher than 255. v A message with a source SYSID higher than 255 has a destination SYSID lower than 256. v A message has both a source and destination SYSID higher than 255. The source and destination SYSID are located in the MSNBOSID and MSNBDSID fields of the MSNB. The link number is x. When any of the errors occurs, the Message Control/Error exit routine receives control. If the exit routine requests the default action, the DFS2134 message associated with the error is issued.

Explanation: An application program inserted a message to an alternate response PCB specifying SAMETRM=YES, but the logical terminal name2 does not point to the same physical terminal as name1. In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type "64", and removes the message from the system. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous system definition application program, if required. Correct the logical-to-physical terminal assignments, if required. System programmer response: First, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2135 DFS2138
This message can also be issued when the Message Control/Error exit routine is customized in the sending or receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct, but an error was encountered while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default action was performed. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type X'64', and removes the message from the system. System programmer response: To find and correct the error, take the following actions, as appropriate. v Correct the SYSID errors in the TRANSACT, LTERM, or MSNAME definitions in the system definition. v Determine the default action from the Message Control/Error exit routine, DFSCMUX0. v Contact the system programmer for the sending or receiving system to look for the error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error exit routine interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send errors, receive errors, and the DEQ command. v Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error exit routine, if appropriate. Problem determination: 14 Module: DFSCMS00, DFSCMEI0, DFSCMUX0 DFS2135 INVALID PARTNER ID LINK xxx. both sides of the connection, and retry. Inform the system programmer that a required restart response was not received. Problem determination: 14 for both systems, 36 DFS2137 MSG IS INQ BUT DEST MAY UPDATE I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2

Explanation: In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. name1 is defined as an inquiry transaction. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. name2 is defined as an update transaction. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type "64", and removes the message from the system. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous system definition. System programmer response: First, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. System Operator Response: The error message sent to the input and the master terminals indicates the type of message that was in error. Compare the two system definition specifications for this message and correct the one in error. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Problem determination: 14 DFS2138 INVALID BUFFER SIZE LINK xxx.

Explanation: The master terminal operator attempted to start a multiple systems support link and the partner IDs in the two systems did not match. System action: IMS stops the link. Programmer response: Correct the system definition, if in error. System Operator Response: Use the /DISPLAY ASSIGNMENT command to display the logical link and the physical link assignments. Correct the logical-to-physical link assignments, if they are in error. Otherwise, inform the system programmer that an invalid partner ID was found. Also, verify the DD statements used for the physical links. DFS2136 REQUIRED RESTART RESPONSE NOT RECEIVED LINK xx.

Explanation: This is a system error. IMS sent a restart request to the other partner of a multiple systems support connection, but did not receive a restart response. System action: IMS stops the link. Programmer response: Verify through the IMS trace that the appropriate links were connected. System Operator Response: Start the IMS trace on

Explanation: The master terminal operator attempted to start a multiple systems support link but, because the system definition buffer sizes were not equal, the link would not start. The partner assigned to the link shown in the message has a different transmission buffer size than the link shown. System action: IMS stops the link.
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2139 DFS2143
Programmer response: Correct the definition of the links. DFS2139 TRANSMISSION ERROR LINK xxx. log record type "64", and removes the message from the system. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous system definition. System programmer response: First, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Problem determination: 14 DFS2142 MSNAME xxxxxxxx STOPPED LINK yyy.

Explanation: The type of error is indicated by messages from BTAM destined for a z/OS console. System action: The system tries to reestablish contact with the partner by attempting an emergency restart of the link. DFS2140 DESTINATION name STOPPED, REASON CODE xxx.

Explanation: IMS stopped the destination identified in the message at the request of the partner. The REASON CODE xxx is the number of the IMS message read from the block, but not processed. System action: IMS stops the indicated block. An error message, with the number shown as the REASON CODE, is sent to the master terminal in the partner system. System programmer response: If reason code 2146 appears, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. System Operator Response: Determine the link to the partner, using the /DISPLAY TRAN and the /DISPLAY ASSIGNMENT commands, as appropriate. Master Terminal Operator Response: If reason code 2146 appears, this message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Problem determination: 14 DFS2141 INPUT SYSID NOT DEFINED I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2

Explanation: A message was received on logical link yyy but the MSNAME xxxxxxxx was stopped. System action: The system rejects the message and informs the sending system with message "DFS2140 REASON CODE 2142". System Operator Response: Restart the logical link, (/START MSNAME xxxxxxxx). If the error persists, it might be necessary to PSTOP the link (/PSTOP LINK yyy) on both systems, start the MSNAMES (/START MSNAME xxxxxxxx) on both systems, then restart (/RSTART LINK yyy) both links again. DFS2143 INCONSISTENT SPA LENGTH I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2

Explanation: sss2 is defined with a different size SPA from sss1. In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type "64", and removes the message from the system. Programmer response: Compare the two system definitions to determine which one has the incorrect

Explanation: In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. This information displays in the message if sss1 and name1, are not defined in the system definition. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2144 DFS2147I
SPA size. Correct the system definition in error. System programmer response: First, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer of this error and the correct SPA size. Problem determination: 14 DFS2144 CTC TRANSMISSION LENGTH ERROR; LINK STOPPED. LINK nnn. have to be analyzed. (You will need to print type 40, 66, and X'6701' records.) System Operator Response: Verify that both IMS systems were correctly restarted (a cold start or restart from the wrong checkpoint could cause this). Restart the link again. The link should restart, but the messages will remain lost. Problem determination: 36. Include as documentation the master terminal output and IMS log data sets from both systems. If IMS was warm started, then include the restart logs also. DFS2146 INVALID DATA BLOCK RECEIVED LINK xx.

Explanation: A data block was received on link xx that was validity checked and found to contain additional or lost data, or the conversational routines detected an error while attempting to process a conversational response message. System action: The data block is rejected. If the data block was a resync, restart, or shutdown message, the link has stopped, PSTOP. If the data block was a user or system message, the link will resync and attempt to receive the message again. If the error is repeated, or if the error was due to a conversational error, the environment will be snapped using X'6701' MSS1/MSS2 log records. The master terminal in the partner system will be notified with message "DFS2140 REASON CODE 2146", and the partner logical link will be stopped. Master Terminal Operator Response: Display the logical link in the partner system (/DIS MSNAME) to see if it was stopped. If the partner was not stopped, the error was recovered. If it was stopped, restart it (/START MSNAME). System programmer response: If the error was due to a conversational error, CLBTEMP1 of the link LLB (in type 6701/MSS1 record) will contain the following: Byte 1 D4 - DFSCONM0 detected the error F2 - DFSCON20 detected the error Byte 2-4 Pseudoabend code associated with the error Problem determination: Contact the system programmer if the error persists. DFS2147I ACB CLOSE PENDING ON MASTER TERMINALS.

Explanation: A data transmission error was detected on link nnn. Link nnn is assigned to a channel-to-channel adapter. The X'FF' end-of-data marker was not received. If it is an I/O error, z/OS error message IEA000I will appear on the system console. Otherwise it is a probable logic error. System action: Link nnn is stopped. Two X'67' trace records with record IDs MSS1 and MSS2 are logged. Master Terminal Operator Response: Restart the link. If the problem persists, use a backup link, if available. Problem determination: Type X'67' log records were produced, containing all relevant blocks. DFS2145 MESSAGE LOST DURING LINK RESTART LINK xxx.

Explanation: During synchronization of the link, IMS detected that this system has lost one or more messages that the other system has not yet received. The difference between the DEQ count on this system and the received count on the other system will be the count of messages lost. System action: IMS logs the error information using a type X'6701' log record. The link is stopped by PSTOP. The restart block is updated so that a subsequent restart link will work; however, the messages will remain lost. Programmer response: The log data sets from both systems will have to be analyzed to determine why the messages were lost. If the error occurred following an IMS warm start, then the restart log data set will also

Explanation: A /STOP DC command was entered, but cannot complete until the VTAM ACB is closed. The ACB cannot be closed until all VTAM node sessions have terminated. This message is issued to inform the operator that the only remaining active nodes are the master or secondary master terminals, or both.

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2148I DFS2150I
System Operator Response: Issue a /CLSDST NODE or /IDLE NODE command to close the nodes. This allows the VTAM ACB to close and /STOP DC processing to complete. Message DFS2111I will indicate a successful VTAM ACB close. DFS2148I HH:MM:SS QERR=aabb REMOTE MSG xxxx FROM SYSID=yy. DFS2150I DFS2150I MTM ERR RC=xx LINK=xxxx. MTM I/O ERR PC=xxcccccc LINK=xxxx.

Explanation: RC is the return code. PC is the post code. REASON is the associated channel-to-channel reason code. LINK is the link number. OP is the attempted CTC operation. hh:mm:ss is the time. If message DFS2150I...LINK nnnn RSTARTED is issued, the link was stopped and then restarted by IMS. If message DFS2150A...LINK nnnn STOPPED is issued, IMS attempted to restart the link, but was unable to do so. The following channel-to-channel operations apply: Operation Code (Hex) 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C Meaning WRITE: write a buffer. ACK: acknowledge input. WRACK: write a buffer and acknowledge input. STARTUP: establish connection. SHACK: acknowledge input and shut down the connection. SHUTDOWN: shut down the connection. READ: read input.

Explanation: A queue error occurred while requesting function aa. The queue manager issued return code bb; SYSID yy issued command xxxx. System action: The message is dequeued and control is returned to the dispatcher. A X'6701' record, which provides a SNAP of the relevant control blocks, is written to the log. System programmer response: See Problem Determination for the correct response. System Operator Response: Reenter a valid command. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b DFS2149 PARTNER IMS IN SAME SHARED QUEUES GROUP - RESTART ABORTED LINK xxx

Explanation: The master terminal operator attempted to start a multiple systems coupling (MSC) link and partner IMS is in the same shared queues group (SQG). MSC link traffic between IMSs in the same SQG is not supported. System action: IMS stops the link. Programmer response: Remove the shared queues specification from one of the IMSs (for example, the SHAREDQ= startup parameter) or place one of the IMSs in a different SQG. Terminal Operator Response: The link is not restarted. Inform the system programmer, if the link is not intended for backup purposes, such as when IMS or the partner IMS is brought up in non shared queues mode or in a different shared queues group. DFS2150A hh:mm:ss CTC IO ERR PC=xx REASON=xx OP=xx LINK nnnn STOPPED. CTC ERR RC=xx LINK=xxxx. hh:mm:ss CTC IO ERR PC=xx REASON=xx OP=xx LINK nnnn RSTARTED.

The following channel-to-channel return codes and meanings are possible: Return Code (Hex) 04 08 Meaning Logic error: IOSB is not busy on ACK or WRACK. Logic error: ACK or WRACK is issued, and no message is received to acknowledge. Logic error: on STARTUP, there is an invalid value in DECWAREA, DECWLNG, DECAREA or DECLNGTH. Probable I/O error: on attention interrupt. Paging error: at STARTUP. Logic error: in module DFSCMC50 at STARTUP. Logic error: STARTUP issued, but link is already connected.


DFS2150I DFS2150I

14 18 1C 20


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2151 DFS2154
24 28 Logic error: SHUTDOWN issued, but link is already shut down. An I/O error or an abnormal condition was detected during SHUTDOWN, and SHUTDOWN was successfully executed. The following real storage-to-real storage post codes and meanings apply: Post Code 41RD 41CLS Meaning Read error: partner already reading. Read or write error: partner closed in mid-operation. The most probable cause is an abend of the partner. Read or write error: I/O buffer lock failure.

Table 21 shows the possible post codes, associated reason codes and their meanings: Table 21. Possible Post Codes, Associated Reason Codes, and Meanings for DFS2150I Post Code Meaning Reason (Hex) Code 7F any I/0 complete without error 7F 04 Startup: Link available for write 7F 08 Startup: message received 7F OC Message received 7F 10 Shutdown received 7F 1C Acknowledgement received 7F 20 Acknowledgement with data received 41 any I/O error detected 41 01 Error in attempting to determine command in adapter 41 02 Invalid command in adapter 41 03 Error in reading message


System Operator Response: For CTC message DFS2150A, assign a backup link, if available. For MTM or CTC DFS2150I, when the link is not restarted, attempt to restart the link. Problem determination: CTC is an I/O or probable logic error. If it is an I/O error, z/OS error message IEA000I will appear on the system console. MTM is a probable real storage-to-real storage access method logic error. A type X'67' log record was produced, containing all relevant blocks. DFS2151 CURRENT MSPLINK NOT STOPPED AND IDLE.

Explanation: A link that is currently assigned to MSPLINK is not stopped and idle. System action: The command is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Issue a /PSTOP command to stop the link currently assigned to the specified MSPLINK. DFS2152 MSPLINK KEYWORD PARAMETER INVALID.

The following real storage-to-real storage connection return codes and meanings apply: Return Code (Hex) 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 Meaning Window is not open or not found. Window is allocated to two other systems. Invalid input. Partner already doing the same operation. Buffer lock failure. Buffer lengths are not equal. Caller is not authorized. Main storage-to-main storage access routine is defined for a different OS. Window queue header block is bad or is not initialized. GET or GETMAIN failure. PGFIX or PGFREE error.

Explanation: The MSPLINK parameter entered is not defined in the system. System action: The command is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with a valid MSPLINK name. DFS2153 MSNAME KEYWORD PARAMETER INVALID.

Explanation: The MSNAME that was entered is not defined in the system. System action: The command is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Correct the MSNAME and reenter the command. DFS2154 SYSID KEYWORD PARAMETER INVALID.

Explanation: The SYSID that was entered is not defined as a remote SYSID.

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2155 DFS2163
System action: The command is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with a valid SYSID. DFS2155 INVALID LINK NUMBER. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b DFS2160I LINK nnn STARTED BY PARTNER XX NODE nodename.

Explanation: The link number specified is not valid for the defined multiple systems IMS system. System action: The command is not completed. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with the correct link number. DFS2156 MSNAME/SYSID IN USE, UNABLE TO ASSIGN.

Explanation: Link nnn was started at the request of the remote partner system. System action: Processing continues. System Operator Response: Not applicable. Programmer response: Not applicable. Problem determination: Not applicable. DFS2161I LINK xxx STOPPED BY PARTNER.

Explanation: The system that this link-to-link message was addressed to has not acknowledged receipt of the message. System action: The command is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Use the /MSASSIGN link to the MSPLINK, after synchronizing with the partner master terminal operator. DFS2157 ORIGINATING LOGICAL LINK NOT STOPPED AND IDLE.

Explanation: Link xxx was stopped at the request of the other system attached to it. The other system might be shutting down, or the master terminal operator might have entered a /PSTOP LINK command. System action: Output messages are queued on this link, but none are sent. Master Terminal Operator Response: Issue a /RSTART LINK command to put the link back into operation. The master terminal operator in the other system must do the same before message transfers will begin. DFS2162 TERMINAL IN RESPONSE MODEENTER PA1 or PA2 THEN AWAIT REPLY.

Explanation: The MSNAME or the SYSID is assigned to a link that is not stopped and idle. System action: The command is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Issue a /PSTOP command to the link that MSNAME/SYSID is presently assigned to. DFS2158 COMMAND INVALID FOR TERMINAL TYPE.

Explanation: This terminal is in response mode either because it is defined to operate in forced-terminal response mode, or because a terminal response type of transaction was entered. System action: IMS discards the entered data. The application program will respond to the last accepted input, unless the terminal is page protected. Programmer response: Screen protection has been specified as either a terminal option or an MFS option. Determine if this is necessary for this transaction. Terminal Operator Response: Page protection can be overridden by pressing PA1 or PA2. If no response is received, contact the master terminal operator to have the operator issue the /STOP, /START commands for node or in the case of a dynamic terminal, the /STOP, /START, commands for the user. DFS2163 MSG IS UPDATE, DEST IS INQ ONLY I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2

Explanation: The command that was entered is not valid for the terminal specified or implied by the command. System action: The command is ignored. IMS continues processing. DFS2159I hh:mm:ss UNDEF REMOTE MSG xxxx FROM SYSID=yy.

Explanation: The remote command xxxx from SYSID yy is invalid. System action: The message is dequeued and control is returned to the dispatcher. A X'6701' record, which provides a SNAP of the relevant control blocks, is written to the log. System programmer response: See Problem Determination for the correct response. System Operator Response: Reenter a valid command.

Explanation: In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. name1 is defined as inquiry-only.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2164 DFS2165
sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. name2 is defined as an update. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type '64', and removes the message from the system. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous system definition. Master Terminal/Terminal Operator Response: The error message sent to the input and master terminals indicates the type of message that was in error. Compare the two system definition specifications for this message and correct the one in error. Inform the system programmer. DFS2164 MSG IS SNGL SEG, DEST IS MULTI D: sss1/name1, I: sss2/name2 Problem determination: 14 DFS2165 ROUTING LOOP DETECTED I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2

Explanation: There is a routing loop in the IMS multiple systems coupling configuration. A routing loop can be created by either an incorrect system definition (the offline verification utility points that out), or by improper use of the /MSASSIGN command. A routing loop exists when a SYSID is not defined as local anywhere on the logical link path. For example: in IMS System A, SYSID 3 is defined as remote, and is assigned to a logical link connecting System A to System B. In IMS System B, SYSID 3 is again defined as remote, but is assigned to a logical link connecting System B to System A. In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type '64', and removes the message from the system. System programmer response: First, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. Terminal Operator Response: Notify the master terminal operator. Master Terminal Operator Response: This is probably a user error. Use the /DISPLAY ASSIGNMENT command to display the current SYSID assignments involved. If the looping message is a response message destined for an inputting terminal that is in response, conversation, or exclusive mode, this error can result in the terminal remaining locked until restarted with a /START command or until the conversation is terminated (/EXIT command). This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Problem determination: 14

Explanation: In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. name1 is defined as a single segment. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. name2 is defined as a multisegment. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type '64', and removes the message from the system. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous system definition. System programmer response: First, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. Master Terminal/Terminal Operator Response: The error message sent to the input and master terminals indicates the type of message that was in error. Compare the two system definition specifications for this message and correct the one in error. Inform the system programmer. This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer.

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2166 DFS2170I
| DFS2166 | | | | | | |
EXTENDED SECURITY VIOLATION FOR MSC LINK [I: sss/name, D: sss/name] interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. Master Terminal/Terminal Operator Response: The error message sent to the input and master terminals indicates the type of message that was in error. Compare the 2 system definition specifications for this message and correct the one in error. Inform the system programmer. This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Problem determination: 14 DFS2168I CONNECTION ESTABLISHED ON LINK xxx [CONT].

Explanation: While an MSC link was receiving an input message destined to a transaction, a security check to determine if the input message was allowed for the transaction destination failed. The failure occurred due to an authorization check made by RACF or by the user exit DFSCTRN0.

| If the optional part of the message is printed: | v The name field following D: is the transaction destination of the message; the name field following | I: is the input system LTERM name. | | v The sss field following I: is the SYSID of the input system; the sss field following D: is the SYSID of the | processing system. | | The /DISPLAY ASSIGNMENT SYSID command can be used | to determine the MSNAME involved. | System action: IMS logs the message in error, using | record type 64, and removes the message from the | system. | | | | | | | | |
System programmer response: Correct the erroneous security error. Check the MSCSEC= parameter in the DFSDCxxx proclib member of the remote system; and check the link receive logic of the user exit DFSMSCE0 of the remote system to determine the type of security check that was made. Using the information from the X'64F1' and X'64F2' log records and the DFS2166 error message determine why the security authorization check failed.

Explanation: An /RSTART LINK or an automatic link restart command establishes connection between two IMS systems with Multiple Systems Coupling over link xxx and messages queued for transmission over link xxx will be sent. CONT indicates link (BSC only) is running in continuous mode. (See /RST link command.) The messages are received at the master terminal. System action: The system continues processing. DFS2169I DISCONNECTION COMPLETED ON LINK xxx.

| Problem determination: 14 | Module: DFSCMS00

DFS2167 FAST PATH MSG REJECTED BY MSC I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2

Explanation: In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. name2 is defined for exclusive Fast Path transactions. Multiple Systems Coupling does not support exclusive Fast Path transactions. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type '64', and removes the message from the system. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous system definition. System programmer response: First, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit

Explanation: Two IMS systems with Multiple Systems Coupling are disconnected by a /PSTOP LINK command. This message is generated when the linkage between the two systems has been disconnected. The message is received at the master terminal. System action: Output messages are queued on this link, but none are sent. Master Terminal Operator Response: Issue a /RSTART LINK command to put the link back into operation. The master terminal operator in the other system must do the same before message transfer will begin. DFS2170I MESSAGE QUEUED FOR xxxxxxxx.

Explanation: A message was enqueued for transaction xxxxxxxx, and this transaction is currently stopped from being scheduled. The message is queued and available for processing. If the transaction is already scheduled and waiting for input (parameter = WFI on TRANSACTION macro), this message will be processed. System action: This message is sent only once and


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2171I DFS2175
only for the first message to be queued on a stopped transaction. Master Terminal operator Response: Start the transaction with the /START command. DFS2171I NO RESPONSE. CONVERSATION ENDED. DFS2174 TRAN CODE FROM LINK EXIT IS NON-LOCAL I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2

Explanation: The transaction code updated by the Link Exit is not defined as a local transaction in sss2. In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type '64', and removes the message from the system. Programmer response: Correct the error either in the MSC Link Exit Routine, or in the System Definition. System programmer response: First, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Problem determination: 14 DFS2175 MESSAGE CANCELED BY ROUTING EXIT RSN=xxyy ROUTINE I:sss1/name1, D:sss2/name2.

Explanation: The synchronization point processor found that a conversational program did not insert a message to the IOPCB, ALT CONVERSATION PGM PCB, or ALTRESP PCB. System action: After terminating the conversation, the system issues error message DFS2171I to the input terminal. Programmer response: Check the input message against the application program logic. Determine why a message was not inserted after the SPA was inserted or after a successful GU call. Terminal Operator Response: The terminal in conversation can reenter the conversation with different input data. Problem determination: 26 DFS2172 VERSION-ID IN FMH DOESNT MATCH VERSION-ID IN DIF INPUT IGNORED.

Explanation: The version identification supplied in the FMH does not match the version identification generated in the DIF control block. System action: The input data is ignored. Programmer response: Correct the remote program to supply the correct version identification, supply a version identification of zeros, or do not send the version identification. DFS2173 UNEXPECTED EOD RECEIVEDTEST MODE RESET.

Explanation: While in MFS test mode, an unexpected end of data (EOD) indication was received. System action: MFS test mode has been reset for this terminal. Terminal Operator Response: If problem persists, notify the IMS system programmer. Problem determination: Log record type X'67', subrecord X'01', ID 'FERR', which contains diagnostic information, is produced if /TRACE is set on for the physical terminal at the time of failure.

Explanation: Either the terminal routing (DFSMSCE0) or link receive routing (DFSCMLR0, DFSCMLR1, or DFSMSCE0) exit canceled (rejected) this message. If sss/name appears in the message, the message was canceled in a remote system by the link receive exit. In the message text: xx The IMS module that detected the error: 01 02 yy DC Communication Manager (DFSICIO0) MSC Analyzer (DFSCMS00)

The reason for error is 01. If xx=01, the message was canceled by DFSMSCE0. If xx=02, the message was canceled by DFSCMLR0, DFSCMLR1, or DFSMSCE0.
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2176 DFS2178I
sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. System action: If xx=02, IMS logs the canceled message (using log record type '64') and removes the message from the system. If xx=01, IMS removes the message from the system. System programmer response: Determine which exit canceled the message: DFSCMLR0, DFSCMLR1, or DFSMSCE0. See the user exit to determine why the exit canceled the message. If the DFSCMLR0 exit canceled the message, use the MSC link trace to gather more information (/TRACE SET ON LINK x MODULE ALL LEVEL 3). If the DFSMSCE0 exit canceled the message, use the exit trace to gather more information (/TRACE SET ON EXIT DFSMSCE0 ALL or TRBT|TRVT|TR62| TROT|LRTR|LRLT|LRDI|LRIN). For more information on these traces and diagnosing routing errors, see the IMS Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference. Message DFS2175 reason codes are further documented in the IMS macro = DFSKEYRC. See this macro for further information. Module: DFSCMS00, DFSICIO0, DFSCMLR0, DFSCMLR1, DFSMSCE0 DFS2176 RESPONSE LTERM NOT LOCAL LTERM I: sss1/name1, D: sss2/name2 interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. System Operator Response: The error message sent to the input and the master terminals indicates the logical terminals involved. Verify the need for the input terminal in response mode. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. Problem determination: 14 DFS2177I LOAD ERROR FOR USER EXIT DFSDBUX1

Explanation: The user specified DATXEXIT=YES at DBDGEN time, but failed to linkedit DFSDBUX1 into an APF authorized library. At execution time, while processing a DBD requiring the exit, DFSDLA00 determined that the exit could not be loaded and issued the load error message. This message can also result if the user specified DATXEXIT=YES and the user exit set SRCHFLAG to X'FF' because the user exit determined the DBD did not require the exit. System action: After issuing the message, the database requiring the exit is stopped and the transaction receives a U0885 pseudoabend. Programmer response: If the user exit (DFSDBUX1) is required for the application, ensure that DFSDBUX1 is link-edited into an APF authorized library, and restart IMS before restarting the application. If the second option above applies, either remove the DATXEXIT=YES from the DBDGEN or change the user exit so that is does not set SRCHFLAG to X'FF'. Problem determination: 41 DFS2178I VTAM HAS BEEN CANCELED.

Explanation: An application program in response mode changed the destination of the response and inserted a message to a modifiable alternate response PCB. But name2 is not a local CNT in the inputting system. In the message text: sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system. System action: IMS logs the message in error, using log record type '64', and removes the message from the system. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous application program. When the input terminal is in response mode, the message response must go to the input system. System programmer response: First, find the default action from the Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit

Explanation: The system console operator canceled VTAM or VTAM abended. System action: IMS will deactivate all active nodes and perform cleanup as required. Master Terminal Operator Response: After VTAM has been restarted, enter /START DC to establish a connection to VTAM and start your nodes.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2179I DFS2180I
DFS2179I QUICK VTAM SHUTDOWN REQUESTED. 8 The CBTS latch was held for an unexpected block type during command processing. Any segments that were inserted or enqueued by the AOI exit to an alternate destination are canceled, and no further exit routine processing takes place for the command. A request for HIOP storage failed. Any segments that were inserted or enqueued by the AOI exit to an alternate destination are canceled, and no further exit routine processing takes place for the command. The exit routine returned with an invalid reply code for a command or a command response segment. Command processing continues normally but the exit routine is not called for subsequent command response segments for this command. 11 The exit routine requested that IMS pass the message to DFSAOUE0, but DFSAOUE0 does not exist. Message processing continues normally but the exit routine is not called for subsequent message segments for this message. 12 The exit routine returned with an invalid reply code for a message segment. Message processing continues normally but the exit routine is not called for subsequent message segments for this message. 13 The exit routine returned with a return code outside the range of valid return codes. The return code is changed to 0 (the exit processes the message or command), and processing for the message or command proceeds. The exit routine returned with a reply code other than 0 for a command entered either internally by IMS or by the DL/I ICMD call. The processing for the command proceeds normally. The exit routine is not called for command response messages for commands entered either internally by IMS or by the DL/I ICMD call. 20 The AO User Exit Interface detected an error. AO trace log record X'6701'

Explanation: This informational message alerts the master terminal operator of the fact that the system console operator is terminating VTAM. It is issued for a 'HALT NET, QUICK' command, or a 'VARY NET, INACT' command. System action: IMS will terminate all active sessions and idle the nodes. At this point the IMS VTAM ACB is closed. DFS2180I AUTOMATED OPERATOR USER EXIT ERRORCODE=x. 10 9

Explanation: The following codes are issued for AO exit routine DFSAOUE0: IMS detected one of the following error conditions in an automated operator (AO) exit routine: Code (Dec) 1 Meaning The user exit destination name was invalid. There is no TRAN/LTERM defined by that name. No further exit routine processing takes place with this message/command. The queue manager handling a request on behalf of the exit routine returned a nonzero return code. No further exit routine processing takes place for this message/command. The return code in register 15 is invalid. No further exit routine processing takes place for this message/command. There were multiple requests for storage. No further exit routine processing takes place for this message/command. An exit routine request for storage could not be satisfied. Either the request is unreasonably large or the CIOP buffer pool needs to be increased. The AO detected an error. The standard AO log record is produced and exit routine processing for the message in progress is terminated. The exit routine requested that the AO insert a segment to the alternate destination, but register 1 is either zero or points to the UEHB. No further exit routine processing takes place for this message/command. The following codes are issued for AO exit routine DFSAOE00:


Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2181 DFS2186
is generated, and exit routine processing for the command in progress proceeds. 21 The AO User Exit Interface detected an error. AO trace log record X'6701' is generated, and exit routine processing for the message in progress proceeds. The AO User Exit Interface detected an error. AO trace log record X'6701' is generated, and exit routine processing terminates for the message or command in progress. v Ignores the exit flag and does not perform the requested actions. v Discards the message that was partially processed when it called the exit routine. v Logs the message in a X'64' trace record if a receive error caused it to call the exit routine. v Logs the contents of the interface block before and after it called the exit routine in a X'6701' trace record. System programmer response: Use the information in the X'64' and X'6701' records to correct the error. Resend the message if desired. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 14 DFS2184 MESSAGE DISCARDED BY MESSAGE CONTROL/ERROR EXIT.


System action: For errors in DFSAOUE0, IMS writes a trace record labeled AOI to the system log. For errors in DFSAOE00, IMS writes a trace record labeled AOIT to the system log for those codes that specify that a X'6701' log record is generated. System Operator Response: Contact your IMS system programmer. DFS2181 CANNOT OVERRIDE FORCED COMMAND SECURITY.

Explanation: The exit flag set by the Message Control/Error exit routine indicates a request for IMS to discard the message. System action: IMS does the following: v Discards the message that was partially processed before it called the exit routine. v Logs the message in a X'64' trace record if a receive error caused it to call the exit routine. v Logs the contents of the interface block before and after it called the exit routine in a X'6701' trace record. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer that message DFS2184 was issued. System programmer response: Ensure that the discarded message does not affect the database. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 14

Explanation: The NOTRANCMDS keyword is invalid when used with the /NRESTART command when the system definition option defined for command security is FORCE. System action: The command is ignored. IMS waits for another restart command to be entered. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Notify your IMS system programmer for assistance. DFS2182 USER NOT AUTHORIZED TO RELEASE CONVERSATION.


Explanation: An attempt was made to release (/REL) a conversational transaction that is not authorized to the userid previously entered on the /SIGN command. System action: The command is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the /REL command, specifying a conversational ID authorized to your userid. DFS2183 INVALID EXIT FLAG SPECIFIED FOR GIVEN ENTRY FLAG BY MESSAGE CONTROL/ERROR EXIT.


Explanation: The exit flag set by the Message Control/Error exit routine indicates a request for IMS to suppress the DEQUEUE command. System action: The DEQUEUE command is ignored. DFS2186 INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO RESTART LINK link x.

Explanation: The exit flag set by the Message Control/Error exit routine is invalid. IMS cannot perform the requested actions. (For information on valid exit flags, see the IMS Version 9: Customization Guide.) System action: IMS does the following:

Explanation: The link was not restarted because of insufficient storage in the HIOP to allocate the Message Control/Error exit interface block associated with the link. System action: The link is not restarted. Programmer response: Do one of the following: v Retry later. This can be a temporary condition.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2187 DFS2194
v Increase the upper limit of the HIOP with the HIOP parameter in the JCL that is used to bring up IMS. DFS2187 REROUTE FAILED, DESTINATION=xxxxxx, REASON CODE=n ECSA for the following required internal control blocks: UOW table System action: The message is ignored. Programmer response: Increase ECSA storage on the next IMS restart. Module: DBFHIEL0 DFS2192 UNABLE TO PROCESS SHARED EMH DUE TO PRIVATE STORAGE SHORTAGE

Explanation: IMS detected one of the following error conditions during message reroute: Code (Dec) 0 1 2 Meaning Invalid destination for reroute. Reroute destination was not found. Cannot reroute a conversational message to a non-conversational destination. Cannot reroute a non-conversational message to a conversational destination. Error while building a rerouted message. Cannot reroute a message switch to a conversational destination. Error during copy of LU 6.2 prefix while building a rerouted message.

Explanation: While using the shared expedited message handler (EMH) to process an input message, Fast Path was unable to obtain extended private storage for the following required internal control blocks: FPWP System action: The message is ignored. Programmer response: Increase the region size on the next IMS restart. Module: DBFHIEL0 DFS2193I SHARED EMH PROCESSING FAILED: RC=nn PROCESSING IMSID=xxxxxxxx

4 5 6

System action: The message is not rerouted. The associated default action is performed. If a /DEQ command was entered and the reroute fails before IMS dequeues the message, the message remains on the queue. If the reroute fails after IMS dequeues the message, the default action is performed, and the message is dequeued. If a STOPPED destination is provided by the Message Control/Error exit routine to reroute a message, the destination name is either LTERM followed by the LTERM name, or TRAN followed by the transaction name. System programmer response: Check the Message Control/Error exit DFSCMUX0 for the default action. Provide a good destination in the user exit, if appropriate. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: If the destination was stopped, enter the /START command to start the destination. The next message can then be rerouted successfully. DFS2191 UNABLE TO PROCESS SHARED EMH DUE TO GLOBAL STORAGE SHORTAGE

Explanation: An IFP region could not process an input message retrieved from the shared expedited message handler queue (EMHQ). This DFS2193I message is sent to the inputting terminal and the input message is deleted from the shared EMHQ. IMSID is the IMS ID of the processing IMS subsystem. In an XRF system, IMSID is the RSENAME of the processing IMS subsystem. A possible reason is that the transaction is not defined in the processing IMS subsystem. The return code is one of the following: 01 02 03 04 05 The transaction code is not defined. The transaction code name is invalid. The input message is too large. The transaction is stopped at the processing IMS. The input terminal name is invalid. The processing IMS subsystem cannot locate the input LTERM.

System action: The input message is discarded. Module: DBFHGU10 DFS2194 SHARED EMHQ NOT AVAILABLE

Explanation: While using the shared expedited message handler (EMH) to process an input message, Fast Path was unable to obtain global storage from

Explanation: The shared expedited messages handler (EMH) queues are temporarily unavailable to do shared EMH processing. System action: The input message is rejected.

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2195I DFS2205I

Explanation: The monitor log could not be opened because of an error in OPEN or PGFIX. System action: IMS continues without monitor logging. DFS2202I PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON IMSMON.

Explanation: An input message was put on the expedited message handler queue (EMHQ) to process. Before an IMS can process the message, a recovery rebuild was done to rebuild the EMHQ. The input message was lost as a result of the recovery rebuild process. System action: The input message is discarded. Module: DBFSEQS0 DFS2195W INPUT MESSAGE DISCARDED DUE TO REBUILD WHILE IMS IS DOWN. TERMINAL xxxxxxxx MIGHT REMAIN LOCKED

Explanation: The logger attempted to write to the monitor log (ddname IMSMON) and either a permanent I/O error occurred or all space allocated to the monitor data set was used. System action: IMS monitor logging is stopped. Programmer response: The IMS monitor must be restarted under either condition. IMS might need to be restarted. If a permanent I/O error occurred, the IMSMON data set must be scratched and reallocated. If the monitor data set was allocated using the IMSMON DD statement in the IMS start-up job, IMS needs to be restarted. IMS does not need to be restarted if the data set is dynamically allocated. If the data set ran out of space, DFSUTR20 can be used to report the current contents, and the monitor can be restarted. IMS does not need to be restarted, regardless of the data sets allocation method. DFS2203I LOG INITIALIZATION FAILEDTRANSLATE ERROR.

Explanation: An input message on a client queue was discarded due to coupling facility rebuild and an emergency restart of the back end IMS. The inputting terminal xxxxxxxx will remain locked until next restart of the front end IMS. System action: The input message is discarded. Module: DBFHCAS0 DFS2196 UNABLE TO PROCESS SHARED EMH DUE TO RRS ERROR

Explanation: While using the shared expedited message handler (EMH) to process an input message, Fast Path encountered an RRS error. System action: The message is ignored. Programmer response: None. Module: DBFHIEL0 DFS2200I LOAD FAILED FOR DFSMNTB0.

Explanation: Using a virtual control region, an error occurred translating virtual addresses to real addresses for the log work area. System action: IMS terminates abnormally. Problem determination: 36 DFS2204I LOG INITIALIZATION FAILEDPAGE FIX ERROR.

Explanation: Monitor module DFSMNTB0 could not be loaded. System action: The IMS batch job continues without monitor logging. Programmer response: Ensure that DFSMNTB0 is available for loading into the system. Problem determination: Check JOBLIB/STEPLIB for DFSMNTB0. DFS2201I OPEN ERROR FOR IMSMON.

Explanation: Using a virtual control region, an error occurred while page fixing the log work area. System action: IMS terminates abnormally. Programmer response: None. Problem determination: 36 DFS2205I LOG INITIALIZATION FAILED - zzzz.

Explanation: Either the log or the DC Monitor failed to initialize. One of the following phrases in boldface type replaces the variable zzzz. An explanation follows each phrase.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2206I DFS2207I
INSUFFICIENT VIRTUAL STORAGE A GETMAIN for the log or the DC Monitor storage failed. MODULE xxxxxxxx, NOT LOADED In an online IMS, an attempt to load a DC Monitor module failed. In a batch environment, an attempt to load a log module failed. In either case, xxxxxxxx is the name of the module that could not be loaded. DEVTYPE/RDJFCB/TRKCALC ERROR A z/OS service, DEVTYPE, RDJFCB, or TRKCALC, returned a nonzero return code. The abend dump must be examined to determine which service failed and the reason for the error. INVALID DEVICE For an online IMS, an OLDS or WADS is allocated to a non-DASD device or all WADS are not allocated to the same DASD device type. For a batch environment, the log is allocated to a tape device and a standard label is not specified. NOT ENOUGH WADS OR OLDS No WADS or less than three OLDS are specified for an online IMS. LOG DATA SET REQUIRED This is a batch job which declared that the database should be updated. Either no log DD statement is present or the log DD statement specified a DD DUMMY data set and DBRC is active. LOG BLKSIZE INVALID (MIN yyyyy) For an online IMS, either the log data set block size is not in multiples of 2048 or the block size is not large enough to handle the maximum log record created by IMS. yyyyy is the minimum log block size required. OLDSDEF STATEMENT MISSING An OLDSDEF statement was not found in member DFSVSMxx of IMS.PROCLIB. The OLDS attributes are not available. OLDSDEF REQUIRED KEYWORD MISSING The OLDS required keyword was missing on the OLDSDEF statement. The initial OLDS ids are not available. WADSDEF STATEMENT MISSING No WADSDEF statement was found in member DFSVSMxx of IMS.PROCLIB. The WADS attributes are not available. WADSDEF REQUIRED KEYWORD MISSING The WADS required keyword was missing on the WADSDEF statement. The WADS ids are not available. System action: For INSUFFICIENT VIRTUAL STORAGE, if this situation occurs while initializing the log, IMS abends with abend U0070. If this situation occurs during the DC Monitor initialization, IMS sends message DFS2206I and continues processing. For MODULE xxxxxxxx, NOT LOADED, if this situation occurs while initializing the DC Monitor, IMS sends message DFS2206I and continues processing. If this situation occurs during log initialization in a batch environment, IMS abends with abend U0071. For DEVTYPE/RDJFCB/TRKCACL ERROR, if a DEVTYPE or TRKCALC error occurs, IMS abends with abend U0072. If a RDJFCB error occurs, IMS abends with abend U0074. For INVALID DEVICE, IMS abends with abend U0075. For NOT ENOUGH WADS, OLDS LOG DATA SET REQUIRED, and LOG BLKSIZE INVALID (MIN yyyyy), IMS abends with abend U0073. For OLDSDEF STATEMENT MISSING, IMS terminates with abend U0075. For OLDSDEF REQUIRED KEYWORD MISSING, IMS terminates with abend U0075. For WADSDEF STATEMENT MISSING, IMS terminates with abend U0075. For WADSDEF REQUIRED KEYWORD MISSING, IMS terminates with abend U0075. Programmer response: For zzzz value, DEVTYPE/RDJFCB/TRKCALC ERROR, the dump must be analyzed to determine the cause of the failure. For all the other zzzz values, ensure the following: v All required log DD statements are present. v Log DD statements specify device and data set attributes that meet IMS requirements. v Sufficient virtual storage and all required load modules are available. Problem determination: 1, 3, 8, 11 35 DFS2206I DC MONITOR LOGGING NOT AVAILABLE.

Explanation: An error occurred during initialization of the monitor log. System action: IMS continues processing without monitor logging. Programmer response: If DC monitor logging is needed, make sure the IMSMON data set is allocated correctly. None unless the DC monitor logging is required.

| DFS2207I |


| Explanation: The DCB parameters for the log data sets | are BLKSIZE=xxxxx, LRECL=xxxxx-4, and | BUFNO=yyyy. All OLDS are assumed to be
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2208I DFS2213I
| preallocated with the displayed DCB attributes.
System action: IMS continues processing. DFS2208I xxxx LOGGING IN EFFECT ON IMS zzzz. DFS2211I LOG INITIALIZATION ERROR - zzzz.

Explanation: The value of xxxx is either SINGLE or DUAL. The value of zzzz is either LOG or WRITE AHEAD DATA SET. From the execution parameters and DD statements provided, IMS establishes single or dual logging for the log data set (OLDS or batch SLDS) or for the write ahead data set (WADS). System action: IMS continues processing with single or dual logging. System Operator Response: If the logging mode is different from what is desired, correct the execution parameters or DD statements, or both, for the log data sets and restart IMS. If the DD= statements were specified incorrectly, message DFS0413I might be displayed. DFS2209I MONITOR INITIALIZATION ERRORREASON x.

Explanation: An error occurred during initialization of the monitor log. One of the following phrases in boldface type replaces the variable zzzz. An explanation follows each phrase. OLDSDEF SYNTAX ERROR, KEYWORD=xxxxxxxx An invalid keyword, xxxxxxxx, was detected on the OLDSDEF statement. OLDSDEF SYNTAX ERROR, INVALID PARAMETER=xxxxxxxx An invalid keyword parameter, xxxxxxxx, was detected on the OLDSDEF statement. WADSDEF SYNTAX ERROR, KEYWORD=xxxxxxxx An invalid keyword, xxxxxxxx, was detected on the WADSDEF statement. WADSDEF SYNTAX ERROR, INVALID PARAMETER=xxxxxxxx An invalid WADS subparameter, xxxxxxxx, was detected on the WADSDEF statement. System action: For OLDSDEF SYNTAX ERROR, KEYWORD=xxxxxxxx, the invalid keyword is ignored and IMS continues processing. For OLDSDEF SYNTAX ERROR, INVALID PARAMETER=xxxxxxxx, the invalid parameter is ignored and the defaults are used. IMS continues processing. For WADSDEF SYNTAX ERROR, KEYWORD=xxxxxxxx, the invalid keyword is ignored and IMS continues processing. For WADSDEF SYNTAX ERROR, INVALID PARAMETER=xxxxxxxx, the invalid sub-parameter is ignored and IMS continues processing. Problem determination: 1, 3, 8, 11, 36 DFS2212I DC MONITOR STARTED.

Explanation: The following reason codes and meanings apply: Code (Dec) 00 01 04 05 Meaning Invalid initialization request code. Monitor is already active. Logical log open failure. Physical log open failure.

System action: For all reason codes, IMS continues processing. Programmer response: If the reason code is 02 or 04, you cannot restart the Monitor for the duration of the current IMS session. If the reason code is 05, you might be able to restart the Monitor, depending on the type of open failure that occurred. For reason code 02, increase the size of the IMS control region. DFS2210I MONITOR TERMINATION ERROR-REASON x {RC=yyyy}

Explanation: DC monitoring is activated. System action: The system continues processing as before. DFS2213I DC MONITOR STOPPED - (TIME INTERVAL ELAPSED)

Explanation: The following reason codes and meanings apply: Code 02 Meaning Logical logger FEOV failure. RC=yyyy is displayed for reason code 02 only and contains the IMS logical logger return code.

Explanation: DC monitoring is terminated. If the command used to start the monitor included the INTERVAL parameter, then Time Interval Elapsed is included in the message to indicate that the system internally terminated monitoring when the time elapsed. System action: The system continues processing.

System action: For all reason codes, IMS continues processing, and the Monitor is stopped. Programmer response: You can attempt to restart the Monitor.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2214I DFS2232

Explanation: Incompatible input data set or no records on the data set. System action: The system continues processing. Programmer response: Resubmit the job with the proper data set. DFS2215A MONITOR INACTIVE, MODIFY TO START MONITOR.

Explanation: A permanent I/O error occurred writing the Monitor log data set. System action: The Monitor tries to ignore the abend. If successful, the Monitor is inactive for the remainder of the batch execution, and IMS continues processing. If the Monitor cannot ignore the abend, IMS terminates abnormally. Problem determination: 36 DFS2220I INVALID FILE PARAMETER. NO REPORTS PRINTED.

Explanation: The DB Monitor is inactive and is prompting for a command to start the Monitor. System action: IMS continues, with the Monitor inactive. System Operator Response: When the Monitor is to be started, enter "MODIFY jobname, START". DFS2216A MONITOR ACTIVE, MODIFY TO STOP MONITOR.

Explanation: The FILE parameter on a control statement for DFSUTR30, DB Monitor Report Print Program, was not a 1- or 2-digit decimal number. System action: The system continues processing. Programmer response: Resubmit the job with the corrected control statement. DFS2221I MONITOR UNABLE TO WRITE OUTPUT.

Explanation: The DB Monitor is active and is prompting for a command to stop the Monitor. System action: IMS continues, with the Monitor active. System Operator Response: When the Monitor is to be stopped, enter "MODIFY jobname,STOP", or "MODIFY jobname,STOPEOV". DFS2217I UNABLE TO OPEN MONLOG, MONITOR UNAVAILABLE.

Explanation: The DB monitor is unable to write output records; the //IMSMON DD statement is missing or is a DUMMY statement, and the IMS log is inactive because the processing option is a GET function. System action: Batch execution continues; the monitor is unavailable. Programmer response: Include an //IMSMON DD statement in the IMS procedure, and rerun the job. Problem determination: If monitor output is desired for a batch execution in which updates do not occur, a non-DUMMY //IMSMON DD statement must be included in the IMS procedure. DFS2231 HEXADECIMAL PARAMETER LONGER THAN 16 CHARACTERS.

Explanation: Open failed for a separate IMS DB Monitor data set. System action: The Monitor is made unavailable for the duration of the batch execution. IMS continues processing. Programmer response: Correct the IMSMON DD statement. DFS2218I MONITOR MODIFY SPECIFICATION INCORRECT.

Explanation: An XKEY parameter was entered that contained more than 16 characters. System action: The command is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Use a valid parameter, and reenter the data. DFS2232 INVALID HEXADECIMAL PARAMETER.

Explanation: The previously entered MODIFY command was not STOP, START or STOPEOV. System action: The operator is prompted to reenter a MODIFY command. System Operator Response: Enter, using MODIFY command, the desired keyword: STOP, START or STOPEOV.

Explanation: The only valid characters for an XKEY parameter are A-F and 0-9. System action: The command is ignored. IMS continues processing.
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2233 DFS2224I
Terminal Operator Response: Use a valid parameter, and reenter the data. DFS2233 ASSIGNMENT REDUNDANT. DFS2238I DFSUTR20 INPUT FILE NOT FROM IMS n.n ONLINE SYSTEM.Message DFSUTR30 INPUT FILE NOT FROM IMS n.n BATCH SYSTEM


Explanation: The resource that you specified has already been assigned to you. System action: The command is ignored. DFS2234I MSVERIFY COMMAND IN PROGRESS FOR LOCAL SYSID(S) P1, P2, P3...Pn. yyddd/hhmmss.

Explanation: P1, P2, P3...Pn are the local SYSID numbers defined in the entering system. yyddd/hhmmss is the time stamp. This time stamp will be the same for all messages related to this command. System action: Verify the command that is in process. DFS2235I SYSID nnnnnn IS DEFINED AS LOCAL IN BOTH SYSTEMS. yyddd/hhmmss

Explanation: The file used as input to an IMS monitor report utility, either DFSUTR20 for an online report or DFSUTR30 for a batch monitor report, was not acceptable. The message was issued for one of two reasons: v The release level of the IMS system producing the input does not match the release level of the report utility being used. v A batch input file was supplied to DFSUTR20, or an online input file was supplied to DFSUTR30. System action: The report utility is terminated. No reports are produced. Programmer response: Ensure that the release levels of the input file and report utility match and that the appropriate report utility is used for the input file. DFS2239 TOO MANY ADS PARAMETERS

Explanation: The resource was defined as local in both systems. yyddd/hhmmss is the time stamp. System action: The system will continue to process the command. When the last resource is verified, the command will terminate. DFS2236I MSVERIFY COMMAND IN PROGRESS FOR REMOTE SYSID(S) P1, P2, P3...Pn. yyddd/hhmmss

Explanation: Too many ADS parameters were entered for this command; only one ADS parameter is allowed. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command with only one ADS parameter. DFS2240 TOO MANY MSNAME PARAMETERS.

Explanation: P1, P2, P3...Pn are SYSID numbers defined as local in the remote system. yyddd/hhmmss is the time stamp. This time stamp will be the same for messages related to this command. System action: The system will continue to process the command. DFS2237I MSVERIFY COMPLETED FOR SYSID Pn. yyddd/hhmmss

Explanation: Too many MSNAME parameters were entered for this command; only one can be entered. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command with only one MSNAME parameter. DFS2241I nnnnnn IS DEFINED AS REMOTE TRANSACTION IN BOTH SYSTEMS.

Explanation: This message will be preceded by a warning message for any conflict in the specified SYSID Pn. This message should be received for each SYSID specified in DFS2234I. If this message is not received for at least one SYSID specified in DFS2234I, there might be a problem with the routing of the message. yyddd/hhmmss is the time stamp. System action: The system will continue to process the command.

Explanation: The resource is defined as a remote transaction in both systems. System action: The system will continue to process the command. If this is the last resource being verified, the command will terminate.

| | | | | | | |



Explanation: An APPC or OTMA originated transaction executing at a back-end IMS system in a shared queue environment abended. The transaction has been backed out. Programmer response: Analyze the reason for the abend on the back-end system. This message gets


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2242I DFS2251W
| | | | | | |
generated for the following reasons: v The application program abended due a program error. v The back-end IMS system abended. v RRS at the front-end or back-end IMS system became inactive. v The operating system at the back-end abended. DFS2247I CONVERSATIONAL FLAG FOR nnnnnn NOT CONSISTENT.

Explanation: For resource nnnnnn, the conversational SMB flag is on in one system (local or remote) and off in the other system. System action: The system will continue to process the command. If this is the last resource being verified, the command will terminate. DFS2248I NONRECOVERABLE FLAG FOR nnnnnn NOT CONSISTENT.



Explanation: The resource is defined as a remote LTERM in one system and is not defined as an LTERM in the partner system. System action: The system will continue to process the command. If this is the last resource being verified, the command will terminate. DFS2243I nnnnnn IS NOT DEFINED AS TRANSACTION IN BOTH SYSTEMS.

Explanation: For resource nnnnnn, the nonrecoverable transaction flag is on in one system (local or remote) and off in the other system. System action: The system will continue to process the command. If this is the last resource being verified, the command will terminate. DFS2249I FIXED LENGTH SPA FLAG FOR nnnnnn IS NOT CONSISTENT.

Explanation: The resource is defined as a remote transaction in one system and is not defined as a transaction in the partner system. System action: The system will continue to process the command. If this is the last resource being verified, the command will terminate. DFS2244 TOO MANY SYSID PARAMETERS.

Explanation: For resource nnnnnn, the fixed-length SPA flag is on in one system (local or remote) and off in the other system. System action: The system will continue to process the command. If this is the last resource being verified, the command will terminate. DFS2250I THE SPA LENGTH FOR nnnnnn IS NOT THE SAME.

Explanation: Too many SYSID parameters were specified for this command; only one can be specified. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command with one SYSID parameter. DFS2245I MULTISEGMENT TRANSACTION FLAG FOR nnnnnn NOT CONSISTENT.

Explanation: For resource nnnnnn, the lengths of the SPA in the local and the remote systems are not the same. System action: The system will continue to process the command. If this is the last resource being verified, the command will terminate. DFS2251W INPUT FILE INCOMPLETE, REPORT MAY BE INVALID.

Explanation: For resource nnnnnn, the multisegment transaction flag is on in one system (remote or local) and off in the other system. System action: The system will continue to process the command. If this is the last resource being verified, the command will terminate. DFS2246I NONINQUIRY ONLY FLAG FOR nnnnnn NOT CONSISTENT.

Explanation: For resource nnnnnn, the noninquiry only flag is on in one system (local or remote) and off in the other system. System action: The system will continue to process the command. If this is the last resource being verified, the command will terminate.

Explanation: The IMSMON file used as input to DFSUTR20 is incomplete. The possible causes are: v The IMS Monitor data set (IMSMON DD statement) used to capture the online monitor records might not be large enough. Increase the data set size. v The IMS Monitor was not terminated in a normal manner (for example, IMS abended) and logging to IMSMON was halted. v The IMSMON file resides on multiple volumes, and not all VOLSERS have been concatenated in the input job stream. v An IMSMON file produced by the DB Monitor (Batch IMS) is being used as input to DFSUTR20. The correct utility is DFSUTR30. System action: DFSUTR20 attempts to produce all
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2252 DFS2263I
requested reports, but the values might be invalid. The absence of the buffer pool statistics reports is a clear indicator that the IMSMON file is incomplete. DFS2252 LINK NOT STOPPED AND IDLE. DFS2258 NO LINKS DEFINED IN SYSTEM.

Explanation: A LINK keyword was entered as part of a command, but there were no links defined for the system. System action: The command is not executed. System Operator Response: Reenter the correct command. DFS2259 TOO MANY LINK PARAMETERS.

Explanation: An /MSASSIGN command cannot be executed; one of the links involved is not stopped and idle. System action: The command is not executed. System Operator Response: Issue a /PSTOP command to the busy link. DFS2253 MSVERIFY COMMAND ABORTED.

Explanation: More than one link parameter was specified in an /MSASSIGN command. System action: The command is not executed. System Operator Response: Reenter the command with only one link parameter. DFS2260 TOO MANY MSPLINK PARAMETERS.

Explanation: The /MSVERIFY command is unable to execute because the MSNAME or the SYSID specified has no return link in the partner system. The message is printed in the partner system. System action: The command is not executed. System Operator Response: Reenter the command, specifying a different MSNAME or remote SYSID. DFS2254 COMPONENT COMMAND NOT VALID FOR THIS TERMINAL.

Explanation: More than one MSPLINK parameter was specified in an /MSASSIGN command. System action: The command is not executed. System Operator Response: Reenter the command with only one MSPLINK parameter. DFS2261 NODE IS NOT IN SESSION

Explanation: A /COMPT or /RCOMPT command was entered for a terminal that does not support components. System action: The command is not executed. DFS2255 INVALID COMPONENT NUMBER.

Explanation: The command is not executed, because the VTAM node is not currently in a session. System action: The command is not executed. Master Terminal Operator Response: Initiate a session, using the IMS host commands or host system commands, and reissue the command, if desired.

Explanation: A component parameter other than a 1, 2, 3, or 4 was entered. System action: The command is not executed. System Operator Response: Reenter the command. DFS2256 COMPONENT NOT ATTACHED.

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |



Explanation: Too many database parameters were entered for this command; only one can be entered. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command with only one database parameter. Module: DFSORC10 DFS2263I UNABLE TO OPEN MNPS ACB REG15=xx ACBERFLG=yyy

Explanation: The component number specified in a /COMPT or /RCOMPT command is not defined for this system. System action: The command is not executed. System Operator Response: Reenter the correct command. DFS2257 COMPONENT SPECIFIED NOT DEFINED.

Explanation: The component specified in a /COMPT or /RCOMPT command is not defined in this system. System action: The command is not executed. System Operator Response: Reenter the command correctly.

Explanation: An error code was returned when OPEN was attempted for the MNPS ACB in an MNPS environment. xx is the OPEN return code in register 15 and yyy is the ACB error field returned by VTAM. Both xx and yyy values are displayed in decimal number. System action: IMS continues without the MNPS ACB being opened. If this message is issued during XRF


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2264I DFS2269I
| takeover, session persistence is lost, and VTAM class 1 | sessions cannot be restored. | | | | |
System programmer response: For a detailed explanation of the error codes, see z/OS Communications Server: SNA Messages, z/OS Communications Server: SNA Programming, and z/OS Communications Server: IP and SNA Codes.

| DFS2267I | | | | | | |


| Module: DFSHCI00, DFSIC460


Explanation: During XRF takeover processing when using Multinode Persistent Sessions, all persistent session takeovers have been scheduled. The session takeover function will execute asynchronously with the normal IMS processing.

| System action: IMS continues normal execution. | System Operator Response: None. | System programmer response: None. | Module: DFSVTPO0 | DFS2268I | | | | | | | |

Explanation: When a LOGON was requested for the specified node, IMS was in one of the following states: v /STOP DC was in progress. v /START DC was not complete. v IMS was out of receive-any buffers. System action: The request is ignored. System Operator Response: Find out which of the above states caused the request to be ignored; then take appropriate action.

| DFS2265I | | | | |


Explanation: During XRF takeover processing when using Multinode Persistent Sessions, VTAM INQUIRE or OPNDST RESTORE commands received an error return code from VTAM. Both xx and yy values are displayed in hexadecimal number.

Explanation: A VTAM return code was received for a SETLOGON macro during XRF system takeover in an MNPS environment. Both xx and yy values are displayed in hexadecimal number.

| System action: IMS continues normal processing, but | terminates MNPS session recovery. Session persistence | is lost, and VTAM class 1 sessions cannot be restored. | | | | | | | | | |
System Operator Response: VTAM sessions can be restarted, as appropriate, using normal session initiation procedures. Depending on the type of error, the MNPS ACB may need to be closed and reopened using /STOP DC and /START DC. System programmer response: For a detailed explanation of the error codes, see z/OS Communications Server: SNA Messages, z/OS Communications Server: SNA Programming, and z/OS Communications Server: IP and SNA Codes.

| System action: IMS continues processing; START DC | failed. Session persistence is lost, and VTAM class 1 | sessions cannot be restored. | System Operator Response: Determine why the | SETLOGON failed. Issue /START DC to complete the | START DC process. | | | | |
Programmer response: For a detailed explanation of the error codes, see z/OS Communications Server: SNA Messages, z/OS Communications Server: SNA Programming, and z/OS Communications Server: IP and SNA Codes.

| Module: DFSVTPO0 | DFS2269I | | | | | | | |


| Module: DFSHCI00 | DFS2266I |


| Explanation: During XRF takeover processing, IMS | has started the Multinode Persistent Session takeover | process. | System action: IMS continues normal execution. | System Operator Response: None. | System programmer response: None. | Module: DFSVTPO0

Explanation: During the persistent session takeover process, VTAM notifies IMS that all sessions are pending recovery. To restore each individual session, IMS needs to locate its corresponding control block. If the control block cannot be located, DFS2269I is issued to the MTO.

| System action: IMS continues normal execution, but | persistence is not restored for the terminal. | System Operator Response: The terminal can be | restarted, as appropriate, using normal session | initiation procedures. | System programmer response: None.
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2270 DFS2278I
| Module: DFSVTPO0

Explanation: The MSNAME, MSPLINK, or SYSID keyword was entered in a command, but the MSC feature is not included in the current system. System action: The command is not processed. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command correctly. DFS2275I SORT FAILEDINCREASE REGION SIZE

Explanation: A /PSTOP LINK FORCE command was entered, but the link is not VTAM. System action: The command is not executed. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with only one VTAM link. DFS2271I FAST PATH EXCLUSIVE TRANSACTION FLAG FOR nnnnnn NOT CONSISTENT.

Explanation: Insufficient storage is available for the SORT program. System action: DFSISTS0 terminates with a return code from the GETMAIN macro. System Console Operator Response: Increase the region size. Problem determination: See the SORT program error message. DFS2276I INVALID PARM FIELDDEFAULTS USED.

Explanation: For resource nnnnnn, the Fast Path exclusive transaction flag is on in one system (local or remote) and off in the other system. System action: The system continues to process the command. If this is the last resource being verified, the command terminates. DFS2272 PURGE OR FORCE KEYWORD INVALID, ONLY ONE LINK ALLOWED.

Explanation: The PURGE keyword in the /PSTOP LINK command can be specified for only one physical channel-to-channel link at a time. The FORCE keyword can be specified for only one VTAM physical link at a time. Multiple links were specified (LINK ALL or LINK P1...Pn) on the /PSTOP LINK command. System action: The command is not executed. Master Terminal Operator Response: Do one of the following: v Reenter the command with only one channel-to-channel or VTAM link. v Omit the PURGE or FORCE keyword. DFS2273 PURGE KEYWORD REJECTED, CURRENT STATUS OF LINK IS NORMAL.

Explanation: The utility program (DFSISTS0) encountered an invalid parameter. For correct parameters, see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System. System action: DFSISTS0 continues. System Console Operator Response: Check the JCL, If the defaults are not wanted, cancel the job, correct the parameters, and rerun the job. DFS2277I LOGIN IS NULL DATA SET. PROGRAM TERMINATES

Explanation: The DFSISTS0 utility has determined that the LOGIN DD data set either is a null data set or does not contain any message records of type X'01' or X'03'. System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 0, and no report is produced. DFS2278I START RECOVERY WITH: SYSTEM LOG AT hh.mm.ss.th, yyddd UTILITY ENDS WITH: SYSTEM LOG AT hh.mm.ss.th, yyddd

Explanation: A /PSTOP LINK P1 PURGE command was rejected because PURGE is not necessary. The link has not been stopped or it is in the process of becoming stopped and idle. System action: The command is not executed. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the /PSTOP command without the PURGE keyword.


Explanation: Both forms of this message are issued by the Online Image Copy utility. The first form of this message displays the timestamp of the last IMS checkpoint taken preceding this database data set image copy. This time-stamp value can be used as the "purge date and time" specification to the Change Accumulation utility. The second form of this message displays the time


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2279I DFS2284E
stamp of the last IMS checkpoint taken before the completion of this database data set image copy. The two time stamp values can be used to select the system log data sets (SLDSs) that contain log records created during this execution of the Online Image Copy utility. System action: Processing continues. DFS2279I MONITOR TERMINATINGBAD TIME VALUE Module: DFSQC020 DFS2282I LOWER THRESHOLD REACHED FOR xxxxx.

Explanation: The DRRN in-use-count for either LGMSG or SHMSG (as indicated by xxxxx) was lower than the low threshold count after the high threshold count was reached. System action: All messages that were waiting from the upper threshold being reached continue processing. Module: DFSQC020 DFS2283I RESYNC UNIT OF RECOVERY IS IN DOUBT STATUS=COLD/UN RTKN=ccccccccxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PTKN=yyyyyyyy

Explanation: The DC Monitor was attempting to obtain a time value using the STORE CLOCK instruction (STCK) and encountered either of the following two unacceptable states as determined by the return code. Return code, 2: Clock in the error state, or 3: Clock stopped or not operational. System action: IMS continues processing, but the DC Monitoring is terminated for the trace. Programmer response: Ensure that the time-of-day clock is in either of the two valid states acceptable to the DC Monitor. The two acceptable states to the Monitor result in condition code 0 or 1, which is clock set and running and clock not set and running, respectively. DFS2280I MONITOR TERMINATINGMONITOR LOG ERROR

Explanation: An error was detected when the logger attempted to write to the DC Monitor log. System action: IMS continues processing, but DC Monitor tracing is terminated. Programmer response: Either an I/O error occurred on the DC Monitor log data set or all space allocated for the log data set has been used. If all allocated space has been used, the Monitor Report Print utility (DFSUTR20) can be run and the DC Monitor can be restarted. Problem determination: 1, 3, 8

Explanation: For the displayed recovery token, IMS received request type UNknown or COLDstart during the resynchronization process. The resynchronization process resolves in-doubt units of recovery between connecting subsystems after a restart. An in-doubt unit of recovery is a unit of work (UOW) that has completed the prepare phase of sync point, but has not yet received the final action (ABORT or COMMIT). When this message is issued, either the transaction-management subsystem has no knowledge of the in-doubt unit of recovery or the coordinator controller was cold started. The first part (cccccccc) of the recovery token is the CCTL ID. Field yyyyyyyy is the pseudo token. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Use the DISPLAY command to display the units of recovery not resolved during the resynchronization process. Determine the final action required for each unresolved unit of recovery (ABORT or COMMIT). Use the IMS command/CHANGE CCTL nnnn PRTKN xxxx ABORT to resolve the UOR in most cases. Alternatively, you can issue the COMMIT command. DFS2284E INVALID TIME STAMP ENCOUNTERED IN LOG RECORD



Explanation: The DRRN in-use-count for either LGMSG or SHMSG (as indicated by xxxxx) was greater than the high threshold count. System action: All messages being retrieved from Shared Queues will wait until the low threshold value is obtained. Programmer response: Determine why the DRRN count was so high. Problem areas could include the number of messages queued to SMTO or BMP with a high transaction count.

Explanation: An invalid time stamp in an IMS log record could not be converted to a valid local time. System action: The Log Transaction Analysis (DFSILTA0), Statistical Analysis Report Writer (DFSIST30), or Message Selection (DFSIST40) utility terminates with return code 12. System Operator Response: Ensure that the log data sets provided as input to this utility were created by IMS Version 6. Log data sets created by an earlier release of IMS can only be processed by the Log Transaction Analysis, Statistical Analysis Report Writer, or Message Selection utility of that earlier release.
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2285I DFS2298A
System programmer response: If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSILTA0, DFSIST30, DFSIST40

| | | |

System programmer response: Locate X'6710' log record and identify terminal that needed to be restarted. Module: DFSVTPO0 DFS2290 INPUT MESSAGE CANNOT BE CREATED SINCE NO OUTPUT MESSAGE IN PROGRESS.

| DFS2285I | | | | | |


Explanation: During the persistent session takeover process, VTAM loses session persistence CV29 for class 1 terminal, and IMS reverts session persistence to class 2.

| System action: IMS continues normal execution. | System Operator Response: None. | System programmer response: None. | Module: DFSVTPO0 | DFS2286I | | | | | | |

Explanation: An output message was not in progress when input was entered from the first physical page of a DPAGE with multiple physical page input specified. The output message was dequeued by a previous operator action: NXTMSG, or NXTMSGP. System action: The input data is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Issue a /FOR command for the current format to create a multiple physical page input message, a /FOR command for a different format to create a single physical page input message, or clear the screen and enter the data. Problem determination: 16 DFS2296A INCORRECT INPUT LOG DD SPECIFICATION

Explanation: During the persistent session takeover process, VTAM loses session persistence for class 1 terminal and IMS reverts session persistence to class 2. A diagnostic log record X'6710' is written to record the nodename of class 1 terminal being reverted to class 2.

Explanation: One of the following occurred: v A DD DUMMY was specified for an input log. v Multiple DD statements were specified, but a correct ddname or order, or both was not specified. System action: The Database Backout utility, DFSBBO00, terminates with a return code X'3C'. Programmer response: Correct the JCL and rerun the job. DFS2297 PURGE KEYWORD IS INVALID, LINK NOT CTC

| System action: IMS continue normal execution, but | persistence is not restored for class 1 terminal. | System Operator Response: The terminal can be | restarted, as appropriate, using normal session | initiation procedure. | System programmer response: Locate X'6710' log | record and identify terminal that needed to be | restarted. | Module: DFSVTPO0 | DFS2287I | | | | | | |

Explanation: A /PSTOP LINK PURGE command was entered, but link is not channel-to-channel. System action: The command is not executed. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with only one channel-to-channel link. DFS2298A NEED MORE LOG DATA SETS FOR BACKOUT OF PSB psbname

Explanation: During the persistent session takeover process, VTAM notifies IMS of session pending recovery for class 2 and 3 terminal, but IMS cannot locate corresponding control block in order to restore its session.

| A diagnostic log record X'6710' is written to record the | nodename of class 2 and 3 terminal whose control | block was not found. | System action: IMS continues normal implementation, | but persistence is not restored for class 2 terminal. | System Operator Response: The terminal can be | restarted, as appropriate, using normal session | initiation procedure.

Explanation: A job that needs to be backed out does not have a sync point within the series of log data sets provided as input to Batch Backout. Batch Backout must be rerun with earlier log data sets included along with the log data sets used in the run that gave this message. System action: The job terminates with a condition code of 64 before any backout is attempted. Programmer response: Rerun Batch Backout, and


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2299A DFS2307X
include earlier log data sets along with the log data sets used in this run. DFS2303I aaaaaaaa

| DFS2299A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


Explanation: aaaaaaaa is a module name built from valid input. System action: Input validation continues. Programmer response: Ensure that these are the modules to be verified. DFS2304X xxxCONTAINS A NON-NUMERIC CHARACTER

Explanation: After three attempts and still failing to open the MNPS ACB during an MNPS XRF takeover, the alternate IMS system will issue the WTOR and await a reply from the operator. xx is the OPEN return code in register 15, and yyy is the ACB error field returned by VTAM. These values are displayed as a decimal number. With a reply of RETRY, the alternate IMS will attempt another three times, if necessary, to open the ACB. With a reply of CANCEL, the alternate system will stop attempting to open the ACB and resume the takeover process. Any reply other than RETRY or CANCEL is invalid, and the WTOR will be re-issued.

Explanation: xxx contains a character other than a digit. Valid suffixes are 1 to 255. System action: Validation of input data will be completed. No further processing occurs because the input data is invalid. Programmer response: Input data must be numeric, from 1 to 255. Correct the invalid input data and rerun the program. DFS2305X aaaaMORE THAN THREE DIGITS

| System action: IMS waits for a reply from the | operator. | System Operator Response: Correct the problem and | reply to the WTOR. | | | | |
System programmer response: For a detailed explanation of the error codes, see z/OS Communications Server: SNA Messages, z/OS Communications Server: SNA Programming, and z/OS Communications Server: IP and SNA Codes.

Explanation: Input data aaaa contains more than three digits. System action: Validation of input data will be completed. No further processing occurs because input data is invalid. Programmer response: Input data must be numeric, from 1 to 255, and expressed as a 1 to 3-digit number. DFS2306X aaaaIS NOT IN THE RANGE FROM 1 TO 255

| Module: DFSHCI00
DFS2300I IMSMS VERIFICATION UTILITYRUN aaaaaaaa mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss

Explanation: aaaaaaaa is the day of the week, mm/dd/yy is the date, and hh:mm:ss is the time. System action: Input validation continues. DFS2301I INPUT xxx...

Explanation: Input data aaaa is less than 1 or greater than 255; it must be numeric from l to 255. System action: Validation of input data will be completed. No further processing occurs because input data is invalid. Programmer response: Correct the invalid input data and rerun the program. DFS2307X aaaaIS A DUPLICATE SUFFIX

Explanation: xxx... is the input statement read from the SYSIN data set. System action: Input validation continues. DFS2302I SYSTEM MODULES

Explanation: Input data aaaa is already specified as input data. Input suffixes must appear only once for each program execution. System action: Validation of input data will be completed. No further processing occurs because input data is invalid. Programmer response: Correct the invalid input data and rerun the program.

Explanation: This is a header message. For a list of module names see DFS2303I. System action: Input validation continues.

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2308X DFS2314I
DFS2308X AT LEAST TWO SYSTEMS MUST BE SPECIFIED these messages are printed, one for each system that defines this partner ID. System action: Verification continues without this logical link number being included in the subsequent verification process. Programmer response: Determine which two references are correct and change the rest. DFS2313X INCONSISTENT ATTRIBUTES IN MSPLINKS ASSOCIATED WITH PARTNER ID aa

Explanation: There was no input data supplied, the input contained less than two valid suffix entries, or a blank was encountered. Input processing on a statement is terminated when the first blank is found. System action: Processing terminates. Programmer response: Check that two or more valid suffixes were specified, that there are no embedded blanks in the input data, and that column 1 is not blank. Rerun the program. DFS2309X PERMANENT I/O ERROR READING DIRECTORY

Explanation: Physical links were defined in the logical link definitions in two systems for partner ID aa, but the attributes of the physical links are not compatible. DFS2314I lists the incompatibility. System action: Verification continues. Programmer response: See DFS2314I. DFS2314I DFSMSaaa LOGICAL LINK bbb MSPLINK cccccccc DEFINED TYPE=ddd, BUFSIZE=eeeeefffffffffffff

Explanation: A return code of 8 resulted from the BLDL macro call. System action: Processing terminates. Programmer response: See Data Administration Guide for MVS/DFP 3.1, for a further explanation. DFS2310X MODULEDFSMSaaaNOT FOUND

Explanation: The BLDL searched the directory and did not find module DFSMSaaa. "aaa" represents the variable portion of the module name. System action: Processing terminates. Programmer response: Determine that the correct library is being accessed, the input data specifies the correct module suffixes to be processed, and module DFSMSaaa is in the library. DFS2311X PARTNER ID aa DEFINED MORE THAN TWICE AND IGNORED

Explanation: ID aa is defined in logical links in three or more systems. System action: The logical links are noted as being in error and, when referenced in the verification process, are treated as if they were not defined. The verification process continues. Programmer response: See DFS2312I. This condition must be corrected before these logical links are included in the subsequent verification process. DFS2312I aa IN LOGICAL LINK bbb DEFINED IN DFSMSccc

Explanation: DFSMSaaa is the system module name in which bbb is the logical link number. One of the attributes of the physical links assigned to the logical link is incompatible. aaa is the system module suffix bbb is the logical link number cc...cc is the physical link name ddd is the physical link type which can be: BSC stands for BISYNC MTM stands for main storage-to- main storage CTC stands for channel-to-channel VTAM stands for synchronous data link control (SDLC) communications eeeee is the buffer size ff...ff present only if the physical link type is BSC or VTAM TYPE=BSC CONTROL=YES or CONTROL=NO (One BSC system must specify CONTROL=YES, and one must specify CONTROL=NO.) TYPE=VTAM SESSION=nnn (where nnn is the maximum number of parallel sessions allowed for this MSC/VTAM link.) System action: Verification continues. Programmer response: See message DFS2313X and correct the invalid attributes in the system.

Explanation: A partner ID can be referenced in only two systems, but one that appears in three or more was detected. aa is the 2-character partner ID. bbb is the logical link number where the partner ID is defined. ccc is the module suffix where the partner IDlogical link numberis defined. See DFS2311X. At least three of


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2315I DFS2323X
DFS2315I DFSMSaaa LOGICAL LINK bbb ID cc NOT ASSIGNED MSPLINK CORRESPONDING TO dddddddd IN DFSMSeee definition is incomplete. Correct and rerun the program. DFS2318X SYSID sysid HAS AN INVALID LOOP

Explanation: DFSMSaaa is the system module name in which bbb is the logical link number. This link does not have a physical link assigned. The corresponding logical link with the partner ID cc in DFSMSeee has physical link dddddddd assigned to it. System action: Verification processing continues. Programmer response: Determine if the physical link is to be assigned at system definition or at execution. If it is to be assigned at definition, correct and rerun the program. If it is to be assigned at execution, ignore this physical link error message. DFS2316W DFSMSaaa MSPLINK bbbbbbbb NODENAME cccccccc DOES NOT MATCH APPLID dddddddd IN DFSMSeee

Explanation: sysid is the 4-digit SYSID in the SYSID tables for which an invalid path has been found. DFS2319I further describes the error. System action: Verification processing continues. Programmer response: See DFS2319I for SYSID aaa. DFS2319I DFSMSaaa MSNAME bbbbbbbb PARTNER ID cc LOGICAL LINK ddd INVOLVED IN LOOP

Explanation: aaa is the module suffix. bbbbbbbb is the MSNAME. cc is the PARTNER ID. ddd is the logical link number for the SYSID in this system. A loop means the logical link path defined loops back to itself without going to the local SYSID. System action: This path is flagged as invalid and verification processing continues. Programmer response: There will be more than one of these messages issued, each describing a SYSID path in a different system. Determine if the MSNAME references the wrong SYSIDs, if the MSNAME is connected to the wrong logical link number, or if the logical link definition uses the wrong partner ID. Correct, and rerun the program. DFS2320X DFSMSaaa SYSID sysid IS NOT DEFINED

Explanation: This is a warning message. In the MSVERIFY control block module DFSMSaaa, the physical link bbbbbbbb defined with VTAM nodename (NAME=cccccccc) on the MSPLINK macro does not match the APPLID=dddddddd defined on the COMM macro of the partner MSVERIFY control block module DFSMSeee. Either the VTAM APPLIDs of the IMS system and its partner do not match or were statically specified (for example, APPLID=NONE was specified on the COMM macro) during system definition. This is not an error if the VTAM application program names that are resolved at IMS execution time match (for example, VTAM APPLID of IMSA matches the partners nodename). For more information about VTAM application program naming conventions, see the VTAM publications. System action: Verification continues. Programmer response: Verify that the APPLID names conform to VTAM naming conventions. If they do not, make the necessary changes and rerun the verification program. Problem determination: None. DFS2317X PARTNER ID aa IN LOGICAL LINK bbb WITHIN DFSMSccc IS NOT DEFINED IN A SECOND SYSTEM

Explanation: aaa is the module suffix name; sysid is the 4-digit SYSID. The referenced SYSID in system DFSMSaaa was not specified in an MSNAME definition. Either the referencing system is in error by establishing a path to this DFSMSaaa system, or this DFSMSaaa system definition is not correct because the MSNAME definition does not correctly reference the SYSID sysid. System action: Verification processing continues. Programmer response: Determine the system in error, correct the error, and rerun the program. DFS2323X NO LOCAL DEFINED FOR SYSID sysid

Explanation: A partner ID must be referenced in two systems. aa is the 2-character partner ID. bbb is the logical link number where the partner ID is defined. ccc is the module suffix where the partner IDlogical link numberis defined. System action: This path is flagged as not complete and verification continues. Programmer response: Determine which system

Explanation: Within the total multiple systems configuration being verified, sysid which is the 4-digit SYSID, has no local SYSID defined and is referenced by another system. System action: Verification processing continues. Programmer response: Determine where the local SYSID should be defined and define an MSNAME accordingly, or do not see this SYSID in any system. Rerun the program.

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2324X DFS2332X

Explanation: sysid is the 4-digit SYSID being scanned. In the scan of this SYSID for the total multiple systems configuration, the utility encountered more than one system where this SYSID is defined as local. System action: Verification processing continues. Programmer response: Review the total multiple systems configuration. Determine where the local for that SYSID should be and redefine the systems referenced in DFS2325I, which follows this message. Correct the error, and rerun the program. DFS2325I LOCAL DEFINED FOR DFSMSaaa

Explanation: aaa is the system module suffix. sysid is the 4-digit SYSID. ccccc is either TRANS or LTERM. dddddddd is the TRANS/LTERM name. A previously determined error condition caused this TRANS/LTERM not to be verified. A DFS2323X message or a DFS2324X message was displayed for the SYSID. System action: Verification processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the original problem as referenced in DFS2323X or DFS2324X. Rerun the program. DFS2331X DFSMSaaa SYSID sysid ccccc dddddddd IS NOT DEFINED WITHIN DFSMSeee LTERM dddddddd MAY BE A DYNAMIC RESOURCE

Explanation: aaa is the suffix in which a local system is defined. This message is displayed in conjunction with DFS2324X. System action: Verification processing continues. Programmer response: See DFS2324X. DFS2326X DFSMSaaa SYSID sysidMSNAME cccccccc HAS NO PATH TO LOCAL SYSID THROUGH DFSMSddd

Explanation: sysid is the 4-digit SYSID. ccccc is TRANS or LTERM. dddddddd is the TRANS or LTERM name. This remote TRANS or LTERM cannot be found in DFSMSeee, in which SYSID, sysid, is defined as local. If the resource not defined is an LTERM, the resource can be dynamically created in the remote system. This should be verified manually. System action: Verification processing continues. System programmer response: This message occurs when: v The TRANS or LTERM references the wrong remote SYSID. v The TRANS or LTERM is not defined in the system specified. v The LTERM is defined as remote in the specified system. v The LTERM is a dynamically created resource in the remote system. If the LTERM is intended to be a dynamically created resource, this message can be ignored. Otherwise, determine why the LTERM was created dynamically, correct the erroneous condition, and rerun the program. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10 DFS2332X SYSID sysid TRANS bbbbbbbb HAS INCOMPATIBLE ATTRIBUTES BETWEEN SYSTEMS

Explanation: aaa is the suffix of the system module. sysid is the 4-digit SYSID. cccccccc is the MSNAME. IMS encountered a previous error that prevented system DFSMSaaa from providing a path to the local system through DFSMSddd at SYSID sysid. System action: Verification processing continues. Programmer response: A previous message references SYSID sysid, and is probably the cause of the error, or the partner ID in the logical link assigned to SYSID sysid was in error. Correct the previous errors for SYSID sysid and rerun the program. DFS2327I DFSMSaaa SYSID sysid OR MSNAME cccccccc SHOULD NOT BE ASSIGNED TO LOGICAL LINK ddd

Explanation: aaa is the system module suffix. sysid is the 4-digit SYSID. cccccccc is the MSNAME. ddd is the logical link number. Assigning SYSID sysid or MSNAME cccccccc to logical link ddd would cause an invalid path to the local SYSID. This message will only appear if PARM=ALL is specified in the execute statement. System action: Verification processing continues. Programmer response: Do not make the assignment specified.

Explanation: Variable sysid is the 4-digit remote SYSID referenced by transaction bbbbbbbb. This message will be followed by two DFS2333I messages that display the attributes of transactions in the two systems. System action: The transaction description message will be displayed for both systems; then verification processing continues.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2333I DFS2343A
Programmer response: See the description for DFS2333I. DFS2333I DFSMSaaa bbbbbb,MSGTYPE=ccccccc, INQUIRY=ddd,eeeeeee, fffffffff,ggggg User response: Provide more virtual storage for IMS. DFS2337A INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO ACQUIRE PST EXTENSION FOR SEQUENTIAL BUFFERING

Explanation: aaa is the system module suffix. bbbbbb is either REMOTE or LOCAL. ccccccc is SNGLSEG or MULTSEG. ddd is YES or NO. eeeeeee is RECOVER or NORECOV. fffffffff is FPATH=YES or SPA=nnn, where nnn is the SPA size. ggggg is the type of SPAFIXED or BLANK. System action: Verification processing continues. Programmer response: Determine which system has the incorrect attributes and correct them. Rerun the program. DFS2334X DFSMSaaa SYSID sysid ccccc dddddddd HAS NO RETURN PATH TO DFSMSeee

Explanation: IMS was unable to acquire a PST extension used for Sequential Buffering. System action: The IMS online system can no longer use Sequential Buffering. User response: For IMS DB/DC with LSO=N, allocate more CSA storage; for IMS DB/DC with LSO=N, IMS batch, or DBCTL, allocate more private storage. DFS2338I xxxxxxxx CAN NOT BE LOADED, RC=nn

Explanation: eee is the system module suffix in which ccccc (TRANS or LTERM), named dddddddd, has defined the 4-digit SYSID, sysid, as the return path. SYSID sysid is undefined, or is defined as a local. System action: Verification processing continues. Programmer response: Determine whether SYSID sysid should be defined as remote in system DFSMSaaa or if DFSMSeee (TRANS or LTERM dddddddd) defined the wrong SYSID for the return path. Correct the system, and rerun the program. DFS2335I DFSMSaaa SYSID sysid ccccc dddddddd RETURN PATH TO DFSMSeee NOT VERIFIED

Explanation: The IMODULE macro was unable to load module xxxxxxxx. For an explanation of IMODULE return code nn, see the topic titled IMS System Services Return Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: IMS cannot use Sequential Buffering. User response: Correct the error based on the code returned from the IMODULE macro. DFS2339I SEQUENTIAL BUFFERING UNABLE TO ISSUE ERROR MESSAGE

Explanation: Sequential Buffering was unable to acquire a work area used for issuing an error message. System action: IMS sends this message instead of the one it intended to send. User response: Allocate more virtual storage for IMS. DFS2340I CONTROL CARDS IN //DFSCTL CONTAIN ERRORS, JOBNAME=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: aaa is the processing system module suffix. sysid is the 4-digit return SYSID. ccccc is either TRANS or LTERM. dddddddd is the TRANS/LTERM name. eee is the originating system module suffix. A previously determined error condition caused this TRANS/LTERM return path not to be verified. A DFS2324X message is displayed for SYSID sysid. System action: Verification processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the original problem referred to in DFS2324X. Rerun the program. DFS2336A INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO ACQUIRE SBPSS CONTROL BLOCK

Explanation: The Sequential Buffering (SB) control statements in the //DFSCTL data set for JOB xxxxxxxx contain one or more errors. DFS messages describing the errors were previously written to the jobs JES log as well as to the z/OS consoles. System action: DFS messages were written to the jobs JES log and to the z/OS consoles. User response: See the DFS messages written to the jobs JES log and to the z/OS consoles. DFS2343A - //SYSIN CONTROL CARDS CONTAINS ERROR(S)

Explanation: IMS was unable to acquire enough storage from the CSA (Common Storage Area) to build the SBPSS, a control block used by Sequential Buffering (SB) in an IMS online environment. System action: The IMS online system can no longer use Sequential Buffering.

Explanation: The SB test program control statements in the //SYSIN data set contain one or more errors. You can find more detailed error descriptions in the //SYSPRINT data set immediately after the listing of
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2344I DFS2350I
the incorrect control statements. System action: IMS abnormally terminates the SB test program. User response: Correct the errors based on error descriptions following the listing of each incorrect control statement in the //SYSPRINT data set. DFS2344I NBR OF SELECTED IMAGE-CAPTURE RECORDS FROM SYSUT1= nnnnnnnn those image capture records belonging to the data sets that are not open. User response: Be aware that the reprocessing of the image capture log records by the SB test program will not match the processing of the application that generated the image capture records. Correct the error based on previously issued IMS or z/OS messages, or both, making sure that all required DD statements for the database data sets and //DFSVSAMP specifications are present and correct. DFS2347A INITIALIZATION ERROR

Explanation: This message indicates the number of image capture records the Sequential Buffering (SB) test program selected to process (including the number of image capture records that cannot be processed). DFS2345W NBR OF SELECTED RECORDS SKIPPED WITH BLOCK-NBR OUTSIDE OF DB DATA SET: nnnnnnnn

Explanation: IMS was unable to acquire enough virtual storage for some smaller work areas at IMS initialization time. System action: IMS terminates abnormally. User response: Allocate more private storage for IMS. DFS2348W INTERFACE ERROR BETWEEN DFSSBIO0 AND OSAM FOR PSB=xxxxxxxx, DDN=yyyyyyyy

Explanation: The Sequential Buffering (SB) test program (DFSSBHD0) did not process some of the image capture records in the //SYSUT1 data set because the relative block number in the image capture records was outside the actual limits of the database data set. This error can happen only when all of the following conditions occur: v The databases were reorganized between the original image capture and the execution of the test program. v The database reorganization reduced the number of blocks in the database data sets. v A DBIO YES control statement was provided in the //SYSIN data set. System action: The SB test program will not process those image capture records having relative block numbers outside the actual database data set limits. User response: Be aware that the reprocessing of the image capture records by the SB test program will not match the processing of the application that generated the image capture log records. Investigate running the SB test program without a DBIO YES control statement. DFS2346W NBR OF SELECTED RECORDS SKIPPED BECAUSE DB DATA SETS ARE NOT OPEN: nnnnnnnn

Explanation: IMS detected an interface error between the DFSSBIO0 module and the OSAM access method. This is an IMS error. System action: IMS creates SNAP dumps and deactivates the use of Sequential Buffering (SB) for the current application. If the application is running in a batch region, it will be terminated abnormally. User response: Allocate more virtual storage for IMS. DFS2349W LENGTH OF NEXT AREA MIGHT BE INCORRECT

Explanation: An IMS dump-formatting module has been requested to format an area that seems unreasonably long. System action: The IMS dump-formatting module formats only the beginning of the requested area, if possible. User response: None required. DFS2350I SNAP-WORKAREA CAN NOT BE GETMAINED

Explanation: The Sequential Buffering (SB) test program (DFSSBHD0) did not process some of the image capture records in the //SYSUT1 data set because IMS was unable to open some of the specified database data sets. z/OS or IMS, or both, messages that usually precede this message describe more fully why the database data sets could not be opened. System action: The SB test program will not process

Explanation: IMS module DFSSBSN0 was unable to acquire a work area to SNAP Sequential Buffering (SB) control blocks or areas. System action: IMS abnormally terminates the application. User response: For IMS DB/DC with LSO=N, allocate more CSA storage; for IMS DB/DC with LSO=N, IMS batch, or DBCTL, allocate more private storage.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2351A DFS2359I
DFS2351A SB NOT OPERATIONAL: SOFTWARE PROBLEMS PREVENT USAGE OF SB System action: The application program will have partial or no benefit from SB. User response: If too much buffer space is allocated to SB, decrease this amount, if appropriate. DFS2356W IOSB OR ITASK BLOCKS COULD NOT BE ACQUIRED

Explanation: IMS software problems prevent further use of Sequential Buffering (SB) during the current IMS execution. Previous messages to the z/OS or MTO consoles, or both, describe the type of software problem. System action: IMS will not use SB during the rest of the current IMS execution. User response: Correct the problem based on the error messages IMS previously issued. DFS2352W SOME SB CONTROL BLOCKS COULD NOT BE GETMAINED

Explanation: Sequential Buffering (SB) was unable to acquire enough OSAM IOSB or ITASK-related control blocks to provide the maximum amount of overlapped I/O. System action: The amount of overlapped SB I/O for the application program or utility will be limited. User response: If message DFS2342I was previously issued to the z/OS console, investigate using a larger value for the IOB parameter when you invoke the IMS batch JCL procedure. DFS2357W OPEN FOR DBD=xxxxxxxx NOT SUCCESSFUL

Explanation: IMS software problems prevented a successful GETMAIN of some Sequential Buffering (SB) control blocks. System action: The application program will have partial or no benefit from Sequential Buffering. User response: Allocate more virtual storage for IMS, if appropriate. A previously issued message tells what storage was not GETMAINed. DFS2353W SOME SB BUFFERS COULD NOT BE GETMAINED

Explanation: IMS was unable to open a database PCB for DBD xxxxxxxx. System action: The Sequential Buffering (SB) test program (DFSSBHD0) continues to execute. If the database PCB that could not be opened is associated with image capture records in the //SYSUT1 data set, the SB test program will not process the records and will print the number of unprocessed records at the end of the job step in message DFS2346W. User response: Correct the error based on messages related to OPEN problems if message DFS2346W is printed at the end of the job step. Otherwise, ignore this message (DFS2357W). DFS2358I NO STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR DFSERA20 - WORKAREA

Explanation: IMS software problems prevented a successful GETMAIN of some Sequential Buffering (SB) buffers. System action: The application program will have partial or no benefit from Sequential buffering. User response: For IMS DB/DC with LSO=N, allocate more CSA storage; for IMS DB/DC with LSO=N, IMS batch, or DBCTL, allocate more private storage. DFS2354W MAXSB= LIMIT EXCEEDED

Explanation: The MAXSB storage limit specified in member DFSVSMxx of IMS.PROCLIB (for IMS online) or the //DFSVSAMP data set (for batch) was exceeded. The MAXSB limit specifies the maximum amount of storage that IMS can allocate for Sequential Buffering (SB) buffers. System action: The application program has partial or no benefit from SB. User response: Increase the MAXSB limit, if appropriate. DFS2355W SOME SB BUFFERS OR BLOCKS COULD NOT BE PAGE-FIXED

Explanation: The GETMAIN for the DFSERA20 dynamic work area failed to acquire the required space. System action: The caller of DFSERA20 is returned to and IMS does not take a SNAP dump. User response: Increase address space to obtain the requested work area. DFS2359I - DFSCIR NOT SUCCESSFUL FOR PSB=xxxxxxxx, ERROR CODE=yyy

Explanation: IMS was unable to initialize an ITASK for the overlapped sequential I/O for PSB xxxxxxxx. The DFSCIR macro returned error code yyy in register 15. System action: Sequential Buffering (SB) will not use overlapped sequential read for some PCBs or database data sets, or both.
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W

Explanation: IMS was unable to page fix Sequential Buffering (SB) buffers or control blocks, possibly because real storage was unavailable.


DFS2360I DFS2372I
User response: Contact your IBM Support Center for assistance in determining the problem. DFS2360I XCF GROUP JOINED SUCCESSFULLY. DFS2365I CANNOT LEAVE XCF GROUP. NOT JOINED.

Explanation: IMS cannot leave an OTMA XCF group if it is not a member of that group. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Check the /STOP OTMA command and reissue if necessary. Module: DFSYJL00 DFS2368I OIC TCB INITIALIZATION COMPLETE

Explanation: IMS has joined the OTMA XCF group successfully. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSYJL00 DFS2361I XCF GROUP CLOSED SUCCESSFULLY.

Explanation: IMS has left the OTMA XCF group successfully. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSYJL00 DFS2362I XCF GROUP JOIN FAILURE. ALREADY JOINED.

Explanation: The OTMA server task control block (TCB) is initialized and the OTMA server is ready for processing. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSYCTL0 DFS2369I OIM TCB INITIALIZATION COMPLETE

Explanation: IMS cannot join an OTMA XCF group if it is already a member of that group. System action: Processing continues using the original XCF group. Programmer response: Check the /START OTMA command and reissue if necessary. Module: DFSYJL00 DFS2363I XCF GROUP CANNOT BE JOINED. NOT APF AUTHORIZED.

Explanation: The OTMA client task control block (TCB) is initialized and the OTMA client is ready for processing. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSYIM00 DFS2370I INVALID RETURN CODE rc FROM USER EXIT exitname

Explanation: IMS is not APF-authorized and therefore cannot join the OTMA XCF group. System action: Processing continues with OTMA disabled. System programmer response: Ensure IMS is APF-authorized. Module: DFSYJL00

Explanation: A user exit routine returned an invalid return code. rc is the two byte return code. exitname is the 8-byte user exit routine name. The routine is usually DFSYPRX0 or DFSYDRU0. Programmer response: Correct the exit routine. Module: DFSYFND0 DFS2371I OTMA DRU OVERRIDE LIMIT REACHED



Explanation: IMS cannot join the OTMA XCF group due to the indicated four-byte XCF return and reason codes (from IXCJOIN). System action: Processing continues with OTMA disabled. Programmer response: See MVS/ESA Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for the meaning of the return and reason codes and correct the error. Module: DFSYJL00

Explanation: The override limit has been reached for a DFSYDRU0 exit routine and the routine is attempting to specify a new client to which to route messages. Only one DFSYDRU0 exit can specify a new client. Programmer response: Correct the DFSYDRU0 exit routine, especially the client override logic. Module: DFSYFND0 DFS2372I INVALID MEMBER NAME SET BY DFSYPRX0

Explanation: A DFSYPRX0 user exit routine specified an OTMA transaction but did not specify an OTMA client name. This message is issued only when the


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2373I DFS2381A
transaction is entered from a non-OTMA source. Programmer response: Correct the DFSYPRX0 exit routine. Module: DFSYFND0 DFS2373I OTMA DRU OVERRIDE TO INVALID TMEMBER DFS2377A SYSIN: end-of-file.

Explanation: The SYSIN control statement of the HALDB Migration Aid utility (DFSMAID0) is missing. System action: The utility processing terminates. System programmer response: Add a SYSIN control statement to the JCL and rerun the utility. Module: DFSMAID1 DFS2378A Error parsing SYSIN.

Explanation: A DFSYDRU0 user exit routine requested that a new client be used, but the client name specified was either not provided or was the same as the current client for which the exit was called. Programmer response: Correct the DFSYDRU0 exit routine, especially the client override logic. Module: DFSYFND0 DFS2374W OTMA GROUP NAME HAS CHANGED FROM oldname TO newname.

Explanation: The SYSIN control statement of the HALDB Migration Aid utility (DFSMAID0) is coded incorrectly. Some of the things to look for are missing blanks between parameters, or missing C or X immediately following KR= field. System action: The utility processing terminates. System programmer response: Correct the error in SYSIN control statement and rerun the utility. Module: DFSMAID1 DFS2379A A single found in a character string.

Explanation: During a warm or emergency restart, IMS is joining the XCF group newname (for OTMA processing) which is different than the group name oldname contained in restart log records. Programmer response: Ensure that the group name newname specified in the startup procedure is correct. Module: DFSYRST0 DFS2375W IMS HAS CHANGED ITS OTMA MEMBER NAME FROM oldname TO newname.

Explanation: The SYSIN control statement of the HALDB Migration Aid utility (DFSMAID0) has a single quote within the character string of KR= field. For example, the user coded KR=CZZZZZ instead of KR=CZZZZZZ. System action: The utility processing terminates. System programmer response: Remove the single quote in the character string and rerun the utility. Module: DFSMAID1 DFS2380A Unsorted keys in SYSIN.

Explanation: During a warm or emergency restart, IMS is connecting to an OTMA client newname which is different than the client name oldname contained in restart log records. Programmer response: Ensure that the client name newname is known to all OTMA clients that will connect to IMS. Module: DFSYRST0 DFS2376W IMS OTMA MEMBER NAME name IS THE SAME AS A PREVIOUSLY ACTIVE CLIENT.

Explanation: The SYSIN control statement of the HALDB Migration Aid utility (DFSMAID0) contains key ranges that are not in ascending order. For example, the user coded KR=CJ00400 followed by KR=CJ00200. System action: The utility processing terminates. System programmer response: List the key range fields in ascending order and rerun the utility. Module: DFSMAID1 DFS2381A CTDLI (GSCD) returned status xx.

Explanation: During a warm or emergency restart, the IMS OTMA client name name is the same as that of an existing OTMA client. That client is no longer able to connect to IMS. Programmer response: Ensure that the IMS OTMA client name name is correct. Module: DFSYRST0

Explanation: The C Language program to DLI macro with GSCD system service call returned a status code of xx. System action: The utility processing terminates. System programmer response: See Application
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2383E DFS2390I
Programming: EXEC DLI Commands Summary manual for an explanation of the xx status code received and then call IBM Support Center. Module: DFSMAID1

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |



| DFS2383E | | |


Explanation: IMS OTMA has received a connection request from a member with the XCF member name xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. This message is only sent to master terminal. System action: OTMA makes the connection by initializing the OTMA member blocks with the connection requests and sends a confirmation message (ACK) to the OTMA member. Programmer response: IMS automated operator interface (AOI) exits can detect this message to identify whether a particular member has connected to IMS OTMA. Module: DFSYMOM0 DFS2387X UNABLE TO OPEN SYSOUT DATA SETS

| Explanation: The HALDB Migration Aid Utility | (DFSMAID0) encountered database records larger than | 16MB. Sampling should be used. | System action: The utility terminates with RC = 103. | System programmer response: Add SAMPLE=xxx in | the SYSIN control statement and rerun the utility. | Module: DFSMAID0

Explanation: An OPEN error occurred while attempting to open the SYSOUT data set. System action: The Multiple Systems Verification utility is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the OPEN failure, and rerun the job. DFS2388X UNABLE TO OPEN SYSIN DATA SET

Explanation: An OTMA server cannot have more than 255 descriptors. Programmer response: Decrease the number of descriptors specified. Module: DFSYIDC0 DFS2385E SYNTAX ERROR FOR DESCRIPTOR = descriptor errortext

Explanation: An OPEN error occurred while attempting to open the SYSIN data set. System action: The Multiple Systems Verification utility is terminated. Programmer response: Check the SYSIN DD statement. Correct the OPEN failure, and rerun the job. DFS2389I XCF SEND RC=xxxxxxxx REASON=yyyyyyyy,

Explanation: An OTMA descriptor parsing error has occurred. For more information, see the DFS1956E message for LU 6.2 descriptor parsing errors. descriptor is the 16-byte descriptor name. errortext is one of the following: v NO PARAMETER GIVEN FOR THIS KEYWORD v UNRECOGNIZED CHARACTERS FOUND DURING KEYWORD SEARCH v SECOND COLUMN MUST BE BLANK v MEMBER NAME NOT GIVEN OR BEGINS AFTER COLUMN 3 v MEMBER NAME LONGER THAN 16 CHAR v INVALID MEMBER NAME v ILLEGAL KEYWORD v DRU COULD NOT BE LOADED v DUPLICATE DRU KEYWORD v DUPLICATE DESCRIPTOR NAME FOUND v DRU MUST BE 1 TO 8 CHARACTERS LONG Programmer response: Correct the problem. Module: DFSYIDC0

Explanation: OTMA called MVS/XCF IXCMSGO to issue a send, but the send failed. Programmer response: See MVS/ESA Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for the meaning of the return and reason codes. Problem determination: 5 Module: DFSYSND0 DFS2390I FP TRAN tttttttt SEND FAIL. TPIPE=pppppppp Member=mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MSG:xxxxxxxx

Explanation: An application program send failed or received a NACK message from the OTMA client during the processing of transaction tttttttt. MSG


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2391I DFS2397E
xxxxxxxx contains up to 40 characters of the output message being processed. System action: The output transaction identified by this message is deleted from the IMS system. Programmer response: Correct the cause of failed send or the NACK message from the client. Problem determination: 5 Module: DFSYSLM0 DFS2391I MESSAGE DEQUEUE FAILED DURING RESYNCH FOR TMEMBER = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TPIPE = xxxxxxxx resynchronization, issuing the CBresynch command is recommended. Module: DFSYMOM0 DFS2395I XCF MESSAGE EXIT HAS UNEXPECTED RESPONSE

Explanation: This message is issued when IMS unexpectedly receives a response message from the client. System action: The message is rejected. Programmer response: Turn off the response bit (TMAMCRSP) in the message prefix and resubmit the message. Module: DFSYMGX0 DFS2396I RESET SEQUENCE NUMBER FAILED DURING RESYNCH FOR TMEMBER = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TPIPE = xxxxxxxx

Explanation: An IMS queue manager dequeue call that was issued during resynchronization failed. System action: The NACK X'0026' message is generated and resynchronization for the Tpipe is stopped. Programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center for assistance in determining the problem. Module: DFSYQAB0 DFS2392I COMMAND NOT ALLOWED DURING RESYNCH

Explanation: The IMS queue manager calls that were issued to reset recoverable sequence numbers during resynchronization failed. System action: The NACK X'0027' message is generated and resynchronization for the Tpipe is stopped. Programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center for assistance in determining the problem. Module: DFSYQAB0 DFS2397E Error in writing record statistics to dataspace.

Explanation: If the /DEQUEUE command is issued while OTMA resynchronization is in progress, this message is issued. System action: The command is not executed. Module: DFSYCLJ0 DFS2393I SRVRESYNCH REJECTED BY TMEMBER=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Explanation: The OTMA client rejected the SRVresynch command issued by IMS for OTMA resynchronization. System action: OTMA resynchronization stops. Programmer response: Check the clients resynchronization logic and perform the resynchronization, if needed. Module: DFSYMEM0 DFS2394I CLBID RECEIVED FOR TMEMBER=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WITH SYNCHRONIZED TPIPES

| | | |

Explanation: The HALDB Migration Aid utility (DFSMAID0) encountered an error while writing statistics to dataspace. The return code from the utility indicates whether a failure occrred:

| Return Code (Hex) | Meaning | 00 | 08

Successful An error was encountered.

| System action: The utility processing terminates if an | error occurred. | | | | |

System programmer response: If an error occurred, check the utility internal return code. For information on the utility and its return codes, see "HALDB Migration Aid Utility (DFSMAID0)" in the IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager. Module: DFSMAID1

Explanation: IMS received a client-bid request, but IMS has some synchronized Tpipes that need to be resynchronized with the client. System action: Client-bid request processing continues. Programmer response: If the client supports OTMA

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2398W DFS2400I
DFS2398W OSAM SERVICES ARE UNAVAILABLE v The contents of SDWA, which includes the PSW, completion code, module ID, registers, and a dump of the SDWA area. v Instruction area, which includes 128 bytes of data before and after the failing instruction (total of 256 bytes). v Communications area, which is the control block used by the dump formatter for intercommunication between the formatting modules. v Save area, which is a dump of the save area set used by the dump formatter. v The dump formatter module vector table. v Dump formatter storage buffer header and prefixes (offline formatting only). v Dump option request block storage (offline formatting only). Following the diagnostic dump of the error, the dump formatter continues formatting the next IMS control block requested. A diagnostic dump is suppressed when any of the following forms of ccc...ccc is received: PSB (and there is no DL/I storage in the dump) AUTO OPTION PROC (and debug was not requested) ABND DIAG. AREA SA - EP ADDRESS SAP ECB PREFIX SAVE AREA REGISTER AREA SA - INV FWD PTR QUEUE BUFFERS UEHB LATCH LIST ECB STORAGE XMCI BLOCK USE LIST (CULE) Programmer response: Use the diagnostic dump to determine the cause of the problem. If the diagnostic dump is suppressed, contact the IMS systems programmer. User response: Despite the failure of the dump formatter, the output might still provide enough information to help you diagnose your original problem. If the dump formatter output does not provide enough information, contact the IMS systems programmer.

Explanation: The parameter IOSCB=NO is specified on the OSAMOP statement in a batch environment. This causes initialization to bypass using the OSAM access method. System action: Processing continues without OSAM services. If OSAM services are required, a subsequent OPEN data set error results in an abend. Programmer response: Ensure that the IOSCB=NO parameter is specified only for those batch or CICS applications that do not require OSAM services. DFS2399I JOB TERMINATEDRETURN CODE aa

Explanation: The utility has terminated. aa is the return code. 00 indicates only information (I) messages were produced; 12 indicates that one or more errors were found and the program should be run again after the errors are corrected. System action: Job terminates. Programmer response: None. DFS2400I ERROR WHILE ATTEMPTING TO FORMAT THE ccc...ccc

Explanation: During dump formatting, an error was encountered while attempting to format a control block or data area. Field ccc...ccc, which can be up to 16 bytes in length, identifies the control block or data area being formatted. In an online environment, dump storage is in the dump formatter. Users of the dump formatter should be aware that the original cause of the abnormal termination of IMS might cause the dump formatter to program check. Some of the common failures of the dump formatter are: v Invalid use of save areas and their linkages. The dump formatter assumes that register 13 always points to a save area. The forward and backward pointers in the save area are valid. BALR 14,15 is used as standard calling convention. v Invalid IMS control block addresses. The dump formatter assumes all addresses pointing to control blocks are valid. The dump formatter does not validate addresses. v Invalid IMS control block contents. The dump formatter assumes that all IMS control block contents are valid. System action: For most errors, a diagnostic dump immediately follows this message. This diagnostic dump consists of the following:


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2401I DFS2411I

| performed. IMS OTMA take the default action to store | the output onto the asynchronous message hold queue | of the inputting TPIPE. | | | |
Programmer response: The client of IMS OTMA should examine the OTMA message prefix sent to IMS. Only one of the TMAMPCM0 or TMAMHRRQ options can be set in the OTMA state data prefix.

Explanation: The STAE exit routine attempted to open the data set for the Formatted Dump facility processing and was unsuccessful. System action: The STAE exit routine continues with its processing; however, no formatted dump is provided. Programmer response: Make sure the IMSUDUMP DD statement was specified correctly. DFS2402I jobname, stepname, unit addr, device type, ddname, op code, error description



Explanation: The Formatted Dump facility attempted to write to the IMSUDUMP data set and an I/O error occurred. System action: Formatted dump processing is discontinued. Problem determination: Determine the error condition from the message text. DFS2403I DYNAMIC ALLOCATE INFORMATION CODE=xxxx DYNAMIC UNALLOCATE RC=rc ERROR

Explanation: The OSAM I/O driver module (DFSAOS70) could not be loaded or located, or the entry point was incorrect. For an explanation of the FUNC REQ=xx and R/C=yyyy values, see message DFS2411I. System action: Initialization terminates with abend U0071 and register 15 contains return code 8. Programmer response: Make sure the DFSAOS70 module is in SDFSRESL with an entry point of DFSAOS70; then restart IMS. Problem determination: 1, 2, 8, 10 DFS2409I CANNOT OBTAIN FIX LISTS OSAM INIT FAILED FUNC REQ=xx R/C=yyyy


Explanation: IMS issued an ALLOCATE or UNALLOCATE command for a SYSABEND or SYSUDUMP data set. Either a nonzero return code or a nonzero information code was returned by SVC 99. If RC=04, Error Code=0254 is returned by SVC 99, you requested conditional ENQUEUE on a resource that is currently unavailable. (One reason for getting this return and error code would be issuing an IMS MODIFY command while a mount for a log is pending.) Return, error, and information codes are documented in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide. System action: IMS continues execution (it might be in abnormal termination processing). Programmer response: Contact the z/OS system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 4, 36

Explanation: An attempt to allocate storage for OSAM I/O initialization failed. For an explanation of FUNC REQ=xx and R/C=yyyy values, see message DFS2411I. System action: Initialization is terminated with abend U0071. Register 15 contains return code 12. Programmer response: Increase the IMS control region REGION size, and restart IMS. DFS2410I DATA TRANSLATION EXCEPTION OCCURREDOSAM INIT FAILED FUNC REQ=xx R/C=yyyy

Explanation: An attempt to translate fixed virtual storage addresses resulted in an error. For an explanation of FUNC REQ=xx R/C=yyyy values, see message DFS2411I. System action: Initialization terminates with abend U0071. Register 15 contains return code 16. Problem determination: 1, 4, 8, 35 DFS2411I CANNOT OBTAIN IOB/IOSB-IOMA POOLOSAM INIT FAILED FUNC REQ=xx R/C=yyyy

| DFS2407W | | | | |


Explanation: IMS OTMA detected that both the CM0 output option, TMAMPCM0, and the CM0 output reroute option, TMAMHRRQ, are specified in the OTMA message prefix.

| System action: Neither the CM0 output purge nor the | CM0 output reroute for the OTMA output message is

Explanation: An attempt to allocate storage for the OSAM I/O pool was not successful. In an online environment, the storage is requested from CSA. In a
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2412I DFS2416I
batch environment, the storage is requested from either CSA or private storage. FUNC REQ=xx and R/C=yyyy codes are described below. When R/C=yyyy is either an IMODULE or an IMSAUTH return code, see the IMODLUE return codes in the topic titled IMS System Services Return Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1 for an explanation of these codes. xx 01 Description I/O pool blocks not on double-word boundary. R/C=yyy does not apply; abend U0723 is issued. Unable to locate OSAM I/O module (DFSAOS70). R/C=yyy is the IMODULE return code. Entry point of OSAM I/O module is invalid. R/C=4 Unable to obtain storage. R/C=yyy is the IMODULE return code. Unable to page fix OSAM I/O module (DFSAOS70). R/C=yyy is the IMSAUTH return code. Unable to obtain storage for I/O pool. R/C=yyy is the IMODULE return code. Unable to release storage. R/C=yyy is the IMODULE return code. Real address translation failure. R/C=4 An attempt was made to format an invalid I/O pool. R/C=yyy does not apply; abend U0723 is issued. Unable to page fix I/O pool. R/C=yyy is the IMSAUTH return code. Problem determination: 1, 2, 4, 8 DFS2413I WARNING OSAM SUBPOOL DEFINITION LIMIT HAS BEEN EXCEEDED

Explanation: The maximum number of OSAM subpools was exceeded; 250 uniquely defined subpools are allowed. Any IOBF statements, found after the limit has been reached, are ignored. System action: The initialization of IMS continues. Programmer response: Combine or eliminate the OSAM subpool definition statements that exceed the limit. Problem determination: 1, 2, 27 DFS2414I WARNINGUNABLE TO FIX OSAM BUFFERS AS REQUESTED


03 04 05

Explanation: IMS was unable to page fix the buffers requested because not enough read pages were available. System action: IMS will attempt to fix only the subpool headers and prefixes. Programmer response: Check allocation of pools. System Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 2, 4, 8 DFS2415I WARNINGUNABLE TO FIX OSAM SUBPOOLS AS REQUESTED

06 07 08 09


System action: Initialization processing terminates with abend U0071, and IMODULE services places a return code in register 15. Programmer response: Increase the region size; then restart IMS. System Operator Response: Increase CSA size, if applicable. DFS2412I INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO OBTAIN OSAM BUFFER INITIALIZATION WORK AREAOSAM INITIALIZATION FAILED

Explanation: IMS was unable to fix the subpool headers and prefixes because not enough real pages were available. System action: None of the subpool headers or prefixes are page fixed. Programmer response: Check the pool allocation. System Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 2, 4, 8 DFS2416I ENTRY POINT TO DFSDOBI0 INVALID

Explanation: IMODULE GETMAIN failed for the work area space. Initialization of OSAM buffer pools cannot continue. System action: IMS terminates abnormally. Programmer response: Ensure that sufficient virtual storage exists so that GETMAIN will succeed. System Operator Response: Contact the system programmer.

Explanation: Module DFSDVBI0 called module DFSDOBI0 with an invalid entry function code. System action: OSAM initialization cannot continue so system terminates abnormally. Programmer response: This is an IMS system problem. System Operator Response: Contact the system programmer.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2418 DFS2427I
Problem determination: 4, 36 DFS2418 OUTPUT FROM NON-RECOVERABLE TRANSACTION(S) HAS BEEN DISCARDED Programmer response: Correct the control statement. DFS2424I INVALID KEYWORD AT OFFSET aa

Explanation: An invalid keyword was found in the DLITRACE control statement at the indicated offset. System action: The indicated keyword is bypassed and processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the DLITRACE control statement keyword. DFS2425I INVALID SOURCE FOR SEGMnnnnnnnnIN DBDnnnnnnnnSOURCE DBDnnnnnnnn

Explanation: Module DFSQFIX0 has removed one or more messages from the message queues that were generated as output from transactions defined as nonrecoverable. System action: Control block changes resulting from the message removal have been written to the IMS log. Processing continues normally. DFS2419I UNABLE TO ROUTE DL/I CALL TRACE OUTPUT TO IMS LOG

Explanation: Although log output for DL/I CALL TRACE was specified, the IMS log data set was not opened when the trace began. Programmer response: Ensure that the DD statement defining the IMS log data set is present and correct. DFS2420I UNABLE TO OPEN FOR DDaaaaaa INSUFFICIENT STORAGE

Explanation: A segment in a logical database specified as its source a segment in another logical database. The message specifies the logical database containing the incorrect statement, the segment name, and the incorrect source logical database name. System action: Abend U0986 is issued if batch DL/I was being executed. ACBGEN processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the DBD and rerun the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 18, 19, 35 DFS2426I INDEX DBDnnnnnnnn LCHILD FOR SEGMnnnnnnnn IN DBDnnnnnnnn SHOULD REFERENCEnnnnnnnn

Explanation: The GETMAIN to allow the DL/I CALL TRACE routine to open for a sequential data set failed. Programmer response: Rerun the job with a larger region size. DFS2421I UNABLE TO OPEN FOR DDCARD=aaaaaa

Explanation: The open for the DD statement specified in the DLITRACE control statement failed. Programmer response: Ensure that the specified DD statement is present and correct. DFS2422I DL/I TRACE TERMINATEDNO OUTPUT DATA SET PROVIDED

Explanation: The Logical Child statement for the indicated segment in the named index database specifies an incorrect segment name for the indexed database segment. The segment name that should be referenced in the specified indexed database is indicated. System action: Abend U0987 is issued if batch DL/I was being executed. ACBGEN processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the DBD, and rerun the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 18, 19, 35 DFS2427I INDEX DBDnnnnnnnn DOES NOT CONTAIN SEGMnnnnnnnn REFERENCED BY LCHILD FOR SEGMnnnnnnnn IN DBDnnnnnnnn

Explanation: Although DLITRACE was requested, no output device was provided or able to be opened. System action: DL/I CALL TRACE is terminated, but the application program is not canceled. Programmer response: Rerun the job and ensure that the requested output devices are properly defined. DFS2423I INVALID HEX CHARACTER AT OFFSET aaDEFAULT VALUE USED

Explanation: At the indicated offset, an invalid hexadecimal digit was found for a numerical value. System action: The default value for the keyword is used and processing continues.

Explanation: The indicated index DBD does not contain the segment specified. The index LCHILD statement for the specified segment in the indexed DBD references a segment that does not exist.
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2428I DFS2434I
System action: Abend U0988 is issued if batch DL/I was being executed. ACBGEN processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the DBD and rerun the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 18, 19, 35 DFS2428I THE INDEX DBD dbdname1 IS REFERENCED BY TWO INDEXED SEGMENTS IN DBD dbdname2 AND dbdname3 specification or the physical DBDs involved. DFS2431I DBD1 dbdname1 REFERENCES DBD2 dbdname2 AS AN INDEX INVALIDLY

Explanation: A DBD was referenced in an LCHILD statement in another DBD as an index DBD. The referenced DBD was not coded as ACCESS=INDEX and the reference is therefore invalid. System action: Abend U0992 is issued if batch DL/I was being executed. ACBGEN processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the DBDs, and rerun the job. DFS2432I PSBpsbnameREFERENCES FIELDfldnameIN SEGMsegnameIN DBDdbdname. FIELD NOT FOUND

Explanation: In resolving index relationships, one index was referenced by multiple indexed segment LCHILD statements. This is in error. System action: Abend U0989 is issued if batch DL/I was being executed. ACBGEN processing continues. Programmer response: Specify a UNIQUE index for each indexed segment LCHILD statement. DFS2429I SEGMENTS segname1 AND segname2 IN DBD dbdname ARE ACCESSED OUT OF HIERARCHIC ORDER IN THIS PSB

Explanation: An invalid field name was referenced in a SENFLD statement. The field name specified must be defined for the segment during DBDGEN processing. The segment containing the intended field cannot be defined as key-sensitive during logical DBDGEN. System action: Abend U0993 is issued if batch DL/I was being executed. ACBGEN processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the PSB, and rerun the job. Problem determination: 18,19 DFS2433I PSBpsbnameCONTAINS DESTRUCTIVE OVERLAP IN SEGMsegnameIN DBDdbdname

Explanation: The order that sibling segments were referenced in a logical DBD or a PSB is in error. The sibling segment dependents of a parent having PTR=HIER or in a HISAM DBD must be referenced in the same order established in the physical DBD. System action: Abend U0990 is issued if batch DL/I was being executed. ACBGEN processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the logical DBD or PSB, and rerun the job. DFS2430I INVALID SOURCE= SPECIFICATION FOR SEGMENTsegname IN DBDdbdname

Explanation: Field mapping specified in PSBGEN causes destructive overlap. Two or more fields are being moved to the same location. System action: Abend U0994 is issued if batch DL/I was being executed. ACBGEN processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the PSB, and rerun the job. Problem determination: 18,19 DFS2434I SEGMsegnameIN DBDdbdnameIN PSBpsbnameNOT SENSITIVE TO KEY FIELD

Explanation: A logical child/destination parent concatenation has been found to be invalid. The SOURCE= specification implies a logical relationship between the two segments which does not exist. Possible reasons are: 1. The first segment referenced is not a logical child segment 2. The second segment is not defined as the logical parent of the first 3. The first is not defined as a logical child of the second segment. 4. The source segment for the named segment does not define a logical parent. System action: Abend U0991 is issued if batch DL/I was being executed. ACBGEN processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the SOURCE=

Explanation: Load or insert sensitivity was specified for the segment in the PSB, but sensitivity to the sequence field was not specified. System action: Abend U0995 is issued if batch DL/I was being executed. ACBGEN processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the PSB, and rerun the job.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2435I DFS2441W
Problem determination: 18,19 DFS2435I FIELD SENSITIVITY INVALID FOR LOGICAL CHILD WITH PROCOPT=I or L; PSB-psbname-,PCBdbdname-,SEGM-segname eliminate insert sensitivity and continue processing. System action: IMS continues processing with an altered processing option in the PCB. Programmer response: The warning message can be avoided by changing the processing option to eliminate A or I. Check the PCB. DFS2439W PROCOPT FOR SEGMENT segname1 OF HSAM DBD dbdname CHANGED TO ALLOW ONLY G, P, K, OR L PROCOPT

Explanation: Field level sensitivity was specified for the named logical child segment which has PROCOPT=I or L. System action: Abend U0996 is issued if batch DL/I was being executed. ACBGEN processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the PSB, and rerun the job. DFS2436I INTERNAL PROCESSING LIMIT EXCEEDED FOR PSB='psbname',and PCB='pcbname'

Explanation: This informative message indicates to the user that DL/I has revised the PROCOPTS specified in his PCB to conform with the allowable options for HSAM. System action: Processing continues normally after this message is issued. Programmer response: Revise the PROCOPT options in the appropriate PCB or SENSEG statement for future runs. DFS2440W INVALID PROCOPT FOR SEGMENT segname IN DBD dbdname CHANGED TO EXCLUDE DELETE AND INSERT SENSITIVITY

Explanation: The required PSB control block cannot be built because the logical relationships contained in the named PCB cause internal processing limits to be exceeded. System action: Abend U0997 is issued if batch DL/I was being executed. ACBGEN processing continues. Programmer response: Modify the PSB or DBDs, or both to reduce the number of senseg statements in the PCB that reference LOGICAL CHILD/LOGICAL PARENT concatenations. RE-EXECUTE PSBGEN, then RE-EXECUTE the job. Problem determination: 18, 19 DFS2437I INVALID LOGICAL TWIN SEQUENCE FIELD fieldname IN DBD dbdname FOR LOGICAL CHILD SEGMENT segment name IN DBD dbdname

Explanation: When an alternate processing sequence is specified, the user cannot insert or delete the index target segment (alternate root segment) or any of its inverted parents. The processing option in the PCB or SENSEG statement for one of these segments violates this rule and the option has been changed in the SDB to reflect the processing restriction. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Revise the PCB to remove the insert or delete option from the processing option field. DFS2441W SYMB POINTER FROM L/C SEGMsegname IN DBDdbdname TO L/P SEGMsegname IN DBDdbdname IS NON-UNIQUE

Explanation: The referenced segment is virtually paired. The logical twin sequence field named cannot be contained within the real logical child segment named. System action: Abend U0998 is issued if batch DL/I was being executed. ACBGEN processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the DBD. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17a, 17d, 17g, 20, 35 DFS2438W INVALID PROCOPT IN PCB FOR DBD dbdname CHANGED TO EXCLUDE INSERT SENSITIVITY

Explanation: The logical child segment uses symbolic pointing to the logical parent, but some segment on the path to the logical parent has a missing or nonunique key. System action: Processing continues, but problems can occur in accessing the logical parent from the logical child segment. Programmer response: Specify a unique key for each segment on the path to (and including) the logical parent segment, or specify logical parent pointer for the logical child segment if the logical child/logical parent path is to be used.

Explanation: This is a warning message to the user indicating that an invalid processing option was specified for any index database that was being processed as a separate database. The BLOCK BUILDER module will change the PROCOPT to

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2442E DFS2445I
DFS2442E DBFUCDB0 MSDB-TO-DEDB CONVERSION UTILITY ERROR, REASON CODE=nn 07 The DEDB member specified was not found. Correct the input control statement and rerun the job. The randomizer was not found in the IMS.SDFSRESL or an I/O error occurred while loading the randomizing module. Verify the randomizer name and rerun the job.


Explanation: An error occurred while executing the MSDB-to-DEDB Conversion utility. The reason code indicates the type of failure that occurred: Code (Dec) Message Subtext 01 The TYPE= statement in the SYSIN stream is missing or invalid. 02 The database statement in the SYSIN stream is missing or invalid. 03 The MACBLIB indicates that the MSDB specified on the input control statement is not an MSDB. 04 The MSDB specified on the input control statement is not terminal-related without terminal-related keys. 05 The DACBLIB indicates that the DEDB specified on the input control statement is not a DEDB. 06 The MSDB= member specified was not found in the MACBLIB. 07 The DEDB= member specified was not found in the DACBLIB. 08 Error in loading randomizer module. System action: The utility terminates. System programmer response: Take the following action to correct the errors. Code (Dec) Meaning/Action 01 The value specified for the TYPE= parameter is not CONVERT or FALLBACK or the TYPE= parameter was not found on the first input statement read from SYSIN. Correct the input control statements and rerun the job. 02 The value specified for either the MSDB= or the DEDB= parameter has been coded incorrectly. Correct the input control statements and rerun the job. 03 The DMCB indicates that the database type of the MSDB= parameter is not MSDB. Either the incorrect ACBLIB was specified or the MSDB name was incorrect. Correct the input control statement and rerun the job. 04 Only terminal-related MSDBs will be converted. All other types will be rejected. Correct the input control statement and rerun the job. 05 The DMCB indicates that the database type of the DEDB= parameter is not DEDB. Either the incorrect ACBLIB was specified or the DEDB name was incorrect or not found. Correct the input control statement and rerun the job. 06 The MSDB member specified was not found. Correct the input control statement and rerun the job.


Explanation: During area open or system initialization, a request for a VSO control block failed. System action: The data space is not obtained. IMS system initialization continues without VSO. Area open fails. System programmer response: Re-submit job when ECSA use is lower. See message DFS3702I. Module: DBFVIDS0 DFS2444I DSPSERV FAILED. RC=rc RSN =rrr

Explanation: A request for a new data space was issued but the request failed. This can occur either during IMS initialization or during area open. In the message text: rc The return code from the DSPSERV macro rrr The rrrrrr reason code for the z/OS macro DSPSERV. For more information on DSPSERV, see the MVS/ESA SPL: Application Development Macro Reference. System action: The data space is not acquired. IMS system initialization continues without VSO. Area open fails. This is followed by either DFS2446I or DFS3702I (reason code 37). System programmer response: See the MVS/ESA Application Development Macro Reference,. If this message is issued during area open, see message DFS3702I. Module: DBFVIDS0 DFS2445I ALESERV FAILED. RC=nn.

Explanation: Authorization to access a data space was requested but failed. This can occur either during IMS initialization or during area open. The return code nn is the return code from the ALESERV macro. System action: The data space was not acquired. IMS system initialization continues without VSO. Area open fails. This is followed by either DFS2446I orDFS3702I (reason code 38). System programmer response: See the MVS/ESA System Programming Library: Application Development Macro Reference (GC28-1822). Module: DBFVIDS0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2446I DFS2450I
DFS2446I DATA SPACE NOT ACQUIRED. VIRTUAL STORAGE OPTION NOT ACTIVATED. rr prior to the failure), the area is stopped and marked recovery needed. System Operator Response: If the area becomes recovery needed, use the Database Recovery utility. Module: DBFVSOP0 DFS2449I UNABLE TO SET UP ERE DATA SPACE. REQ=cccccc RC=rc RSN=xxxx

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to obtain a data space during control region initialization. rr is the reason code. Reason Code Description 35 VSO control block failure; see message DFS2443I 37 DSPSERV request for the data space failed; see message DFS2444I 38 ALESERV request for the data space failed; see message DFS2445I 39 VSO control block failure; see message DFS2443I System action: Control region initialization completes without a data spaces being acquired. Module: DBFINI20 DFS2447I AREA=aaaaaaaa UNABLE TO OBTAIN VSO CONTROL BLOCK RC=rc

Explanation: This message is issued during local emergency restart, by the XRF alternate system during tracking or takeover, or by the Fast Database Recovery region if the system is unable to obtain or set up the data space that is needed to process log records for VSO areas. In the message text: cccccc Is one of the following values: AUTH The request for authorization of the new data space failed. CBLK A request for storage for a control block failed. CREATE The request for the creation of a new data space failed. PAGEFIX The request to pagefix storage in the VSO ERE DATASPACE received a DSPSERV failure. rc The return code from the request. xxxx The hexadecimal reason code displays if the CREATE or PAGEFIX command receives a DSPSERV macro error. These codes are defined by the DSPSERV macro. For additional information, see the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference, Volume 1 manual. System action: Restart continues. At the end of restart log processing, any areas that have CIs that require REDO processing (that is, updated CIs that might not have been written to DASD prior to the failure) are stopped and marked recovery needed. System Operator Response: If the area is marked recovery needed, use the Database Recovery utility. Module: DBFNRST0 DFS2450I UNABLE TO ACQUIRE STORAGE FOR ENQ/DEQ BLOCKS, REASON=n

Explanation: An internal request for a VSO control block failed. This error can occur during open of a VSO area or during emergency restart log record processing of a VSO area. System action: If failure occurs during area open, open fails; message DFS3702I is issued after this message. If failure occurs during emergency restart and the area cannot be restarted without the control block, the area is stopped and marked recovery needed. System programmer response: If failure occurs during area open, rerun job when CSA use is lower. If failure occurs during emergency restart and the area is marked as recovery needed, use the Database Recovery utility to recover the Area. Module: DBFVSOP0 DFS2448I VSO AREA aaaaaaaa- ERE STORAGE REQUEST FAILED

| | | | | | | | | | |

Explanation: This message is issued during local emergency restart, by an XRF alternate system during tracking or takeover, or by a Fast Database Recovery region if the system is unable to obtain storage that is needed to process log records for area aaaaaaaa, which is defined as VSO. Emergency restart, the XRF alternate system, or the Fast Database Recovery region might not be able to recover the area after a failure without the storage. If this occurs, the area is stopped and marked recovery needed. System action: Restart continues normally, except for area aaaaaaaa. If, at the end of restart log processing, the area has CIs that require REDO processing (that is, updated CIs that might not have been written to DASD

Explanation: Module DFSFXC10 was unable to acquire a block of storage for queuing control blocks. The reason codes below give further details: Code (Dec) Meaning 0 A block was requested that is not the first block. This means that the amount of storage that was specified by the PIMAX parameter has not been exhausted, but a GETMAIN for
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2451W DFS2453I
another block of storage was unsuccessful. If the failure was on an attempt to acquire the last block, this message will be accompanied by message DFS2451I. There is no storage available for the first ENQ/DEQ block. A standard abend will occur. Expressed in terms of the parameters of the DBDGEN AREA statement (see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager), this is ( rounded to the next 4KB): (the value of the SIZE= parameter) (the value of the UOW=number1 parameter) (the value of the ROOT=number2 parameter) The actual amount of space in a data space available for an area (or areas) is 2 gigabytes (524,288 blocks, 4KB each) minus an amount reserved by z/OS (from 0 to 4 KB) minus an amount used by IMS Fast Path (approximately 100 KB). You can use the /DISPLAY FPVIRTUAL command to determine the actual storage usage of a particular area. See IMS Version 9: Command Reference for sample output of this command.

System action: If the request was for the first block, the system is terminated abnormally with abend U0775. For other blocks, the task is pseudoabended with abend U0775. System programmer response: Code 0&8 Response IMS LSO=N Increase CSA size IMS LSO=Y or X Increase control region local storage size IMS LSO=S If your system is using Fast Path, increase the ECSA size. If the system is not using Fast Path, then increase the DLI/SAS region local storage size. If there are one or more BMPs that do updates running at the time of the failure, then either have the BMPs issue checkpoints or, if they already do, have them issue the checkpoints more frequently. DFS2451W THE LAST BLOCK OF ENQ/DEQ STORAGE IS BEING ACQUIRED

System action: The area is not opened. Module: DBFVSOP0 DFS2453A DATASPACE UOW CANNOT BE PINNED FOR I/O

| | | |

Explanation: Fast Path has begun the process of loading an area which is defined with the VSO and PRELOAD options, into a data space. An error occurred while attempting to page fix storage in the data space. System action: The preload process terminates without completing the preload process.

Explanation: This message indicates that the last allowable block of storage, as specified on the PIMAX parameter in member DFSPBIMS in a DB/DC environment, or in member DFSPBDBC in a DBCTL environment, is being obtained. If the ENQ/DEQ storage requirements result in another block being requested, the task will be pseudoabended. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: A reevaluation of the activity requiring ENQ/DEQ storage should be made to ensure that critical applications are not terminated because of a lack of ENQ/DEQ storage. DFS2452I AREA aaaaaaaa IS TOO LARGE FOR VSO

| | | |

System Operator Response: This is a possible real storage shortage problem. After real storage problem is resolved, issue the /START AREA or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command to initiate the preload process. Module: DBFVSPL0 DFS2453I PRELOAD PROCESSING STARTED FOR: aaaaaaaa PRELOAD PROCESSING COMPLETED FOR: aaaaaaaa PRELOAD PROCESSING ABORTED, UTILITY ACTIVE: aaaaaaaa IMAGE COPY ITASK STARTED|COMPLETED|ABORTED FOR: aaaaaaaa IMAGE COPY ITASK ABORTED FOR: aaaaaaaa[IMS SHUTDOWN | IMAGE COPY ERR | ABORT AT INIT]




Explanation: The Virtual Storage Option (VSO) was requested for area aaaaaaaa, but the area exceeds the maximum size allowed for VSO. The maximum allowable size is 2 gigabytes (2 147 483 648 bytes), minus some storage used by z/OS and IMS. The amount of space needed for an area in a data space is (rounded to the next 4KB):
(CI size) (number of CIs per UOW) ((number of UOWs in root addressable portion) + (number of UOWs in independent overflow portion))



Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2453I DFS2456I
DFS2453I PRELOAD PROCESSING xxxxxxxx FOR aaaaaaa STR1=strname1; STR2=strname2 DFS2454I PRELOAD SEVERE ERROR FOR: aaaaaaaa RC=rc

Explanation: Fast Path started or completed the process of loading area aaaaaaaa, which is defined with the VSO and PRELOAD options, into a data space.

| For the third form of this message, PRELOAD PROCESSING | ABORTED, UTILITY ACTIVE: aaaaaaaa, following a
/START AREA command for area aaaaaaaa, which is defined as VSO and PRELOAD, Fast Path was unable to begin loading the area into a data space because HSSP or a utility is currently active on the area. For the fourth form of this message, IMAGE COPY ITASK STARTED|COMPLETED|ABORTED FOR: aaaaaaaa, either HSSP or another process dynamically created the image copy ITASK for area aaaaaaaa. The image copy ITASK issues this message when it starts, completes or aborts. For the IMAGE COPY ITASK ABORTED form of the message, one of the following is appended: v IMS SHUTDOWN means IMS is being shutdown. v IMAGE COPY ERR means an error occurred during image copy that caused the termination of the image copy and the ITASK. v ABORT AT INIT means an error occurred during the initialization of the image copy data set, and image copy is not possible. See message DFS0531I or the relevant DBRC messages. The sixth form of the message reports the status of preload processing for area aaaaaaa. Status xxxxxxxx can be STARTED, ABORTED, or COMPLETED. STR1 and STR2 are the z/OS cross-systems extended services (XES) structure names. System action: Processing continues. For the third form of this message, the preload process is aborted. For the fourth and sixth forms of this message, the action indicated was taken.

Explanation: Fast Path has begun the process of loading an area, which is defined with the VSO and PRELOAD options, into a data space. The return code indicates the reason for the error message. A return code of PIN indicates an error while attempting to page fix storage in the data space. A return code of LOCK indicates an error has occurred in trying to obtain a UOW lock. A return code of SHTD indicates an IMS shutdown. System action: The preload process terminates without completing.

| | | | |

System Operator Response: This is a possible real storage shortage problem. After the real storage problem is resolved, issue the /START AREA or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command to have the preload process initiate. Module: DBFVSPL0 DFS2455A CANNOT RUN COMPARE UTILITY FOR AREA IN VIRTUAL STORAGE, AREA=aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The DEDB ADS Compare utility was requested for an area that is currently in virtual storage. System action: The utility request fails with return code 12 and message DFS2662A is issued.

| | | | | |

System Operator Response: Issue the /VUNLOAD command to remove the area from virtual storage and resubmit the utility job. The area can be returned to virtual storage after the utility has completed by issuing the /START AREA or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command. Module: DBFUMRT0 DFS2456I AREA aaaaaaaa UNEXPECTED POINTER VALUE DURING VSO CLOSE

| | | |

System Operator Response: For the third form of this message, reissue the /START AREA or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command when HSSP or the utility has completed. For the fourth form of this message, no action is required.

| | | | |

For the sixth form of the message, if the preload process for an area aborted, correct the reason for the failure. Then issue a /START AREA or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command to start the preload process again. Module: DBFVSPL0, DBFPTIC0, DBFVXPL0

Explanation: A non-catastrophic internal logic error has occurred. During close of VSO area aaaaaaaa, a control block was found to contain a bad pointer value and it was necessary to bypass the code that would have deallocated the portion of a data space that was allocated for the area. Bypassing the deallocation is not a problem for data integrity. It is possible, however, that part of a data space might be unusable until the next restart. If the data space deallocation is skipped, the /DIS FPV command might show the area as being in a data space even after it is closed. System action: Area close processing is allowed to continue. System Operator Response: Call IBM support center.
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2457I DFS2466I

Explanation: More than one name was entered following PSB keyword. System action: The command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with only one PSB name. DFS2461 INVALID ENTRY FLAGCALL NOT TRACED

Explanation: During preopen or preload setup, there was a storage shortage and the preopen or preload processing was not attempted. System action: IMS system continues processing without preload or preopen.

| | | | | |

System Operator Response: Identify those areas that were not preopened or preloaded by issuing a /DIS FPV command. Issue /START AREA or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command when system storage becomes available. Message DFS2446I follows this message for IMS system initialization. Module: DBFVTSK0 DFS2458A VSO AREA aaaaaaaa- ERE SEVERE ERROR

Explanation: On entry, the DL/I CALL TRACE routine could not determine if this was a trace or compare pass. System action: Processing continues. DFS2462 START VALUE EXCEEDS STOP VALUESTOP DEFAULT USED

Explanation: The start value in the DLITRACE control statement is greater than the stop value. The default stop value is used. Programmer response: Correct the indicated value. DFS2463 NEGATIVE VALUE ON INPUT AT OFFSET aa

Explanation: An internal error occurred during emergency restart, XRF takeover, or the recovery phase of Fast Database Recovery for area aaaaaaaa, which is defined as a Virtual Storage Option (VSO) area. In addition to this message, some diagnostic information is output. Although this error will not abend IMS, the information has the same format as output from abend U1026 (described in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis). This message, and the accompanying diagnostic information, is issued a maximum of three times. Message DFS2485I is issued at the end of emergency restart and shows the total number of times the error condition was detected. System action: Area aaaaaaaa is stopped and marked recovery needed. System Operator Response: Use the Database Recovery utility to recover the area. Module: DBFERS21 DFS2459I DUE TO A STORAGE SHORTAGE, PARDLI WILL NOT BE IN EFFECT FOR THIS REGION.

Explanation: The value at the indicated offset is a negative value. System action: The default value for the parameter is used and processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the indicated parameter. DFS2464 OUTPUT ERROR, DL/I CALL TRACE IS TERMINATED

Explanation: While attempting to write a record, an I/O error was encountered. System action: If output was routed to a sequential data set, the data set is closed and the trace is terminated. The application program is allowed to run to normal completion. Programmer response: Rerun the job. DFS2466I AUTHORIZATION RACLIST FAILED, RACROUTE = aa, bb, cc, dd RACLIST = ee, ff, gg, hh REASON = ii , jj , kk , ll. RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST FAILED, CLASS=xxxx, RC=xx. RACF OR ROUTER EXIT RC=xx, REASON CODE=xx.

Explanation: During PARDLI setup processing, there was a storage shortage and the PARDLI option was not activated for this region. System action: IMS system continues processing without PARDLI. System programmer response: Increase the region size on the job and rerun.

Explanation: For the first form of the message, a nonzero return code was found, during initialization processing, for at least one of the four classes


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2466W DFS2469W
associated with the authorization function. The variables have the following meanings: aa RACROUTE return code for DATABASE class. bb RACROUTE return code for SEGMENT class. cc RACROUTE return code for FIELD class. dd RACROUTE return code for OTHER class. ee RACLIST return code for DATABASE class. ff RACLIST return code for SEGMENT class. gg RACLIST return code for FIELD class. hh RACLIST return code for OTHER class. ii RACLIST reason code for DATABASE class. jj RACLIST reason code for SEGMENT class. kk RACLIST reason code for FIELD class. ll RACLIST reason code for OTHER class. The second form of this message is produced when IMS is attempting to build in-storage profiles for RACF defined resources, and a failure occurs in the RACROUTE, RACLIST, or ROUTER EXIT processing. The class of the failing resource is specified, and the return code from the RACROUTE routine is also given. The return code and reason code (if applicable) from RACF or the ROUTER EXIT is also given. System action: With the first form of the message, IMS restart continues. DFS2467I /SIGN COMMAND REJECTED [reason]

Explanation: /SIGN command rejected due to indicated reason. See the explanation of message DFS3649 for the possible reason codes and their meanings. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter command correctly based upon the indicated reason. DFS2468 CANNOT OVERRIDE FORCED RACF SECURITY

| With the second form of the message, IMS restart | continues, and the RACF authorization function for | transactions, commands, PSBs, or LTERMS is disabled.
Terminal Operator Response: With the second form of the message, see the MVS/XA SPL Macros and Facilities Manual Volume 2 for a detailed description of the return codes and the reason code from the RACROUTE, RACLIST, and ROUTER EXIT routines. DFS2466W RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST FAILED, CLASS=xxxxxxxx, RC=xx. RACF OR ROUTER EXIT RC=xx, REASON CODE=xx.

Explanation: The NOUSER keyword is invalid in the /NRESTART and /ERE COLDSYS commands when the system definition option defined in the SECURITY macro statement is SECLVL=FORCSIGN or FORCTRAN, or the JCL EXEC parameters are defined as SGN=F or G or TRN=F. The USER keyword is invalid in the /NRESTART and /ERE COLDSYS commands when the system definition option defined in the SECURITY macro statement is SECLVL=FORCTRAN, or the JCL EXEC parameter is defined as TRN=F. The NOTRANAUTH keyword is invalid in the /NRESTART and /ERE COLDSYS commands when the system definition in the SECURITY macro statement option defined is SECLVL=FORCTRAN, or the JCL EXEC parameter is defined as TRN=F. System action: The command is ignored and IMS waits for another restart command. System Operator Response: Reenter the command properly. Notify your IMS system programmer for assistance. DFS2469W TRANSACTION REJECTED reason

Explanation: A failure occurred in RACROUTE, RACLIST, or ROUTER exit processing while IMS was trying to build in-storage profiles for RACF-defined resources. The message displays v The class of the failing resource v The return code from the RACROUTE macro v The return and reason codes from the RACF or ROUTER exit, if applicable. System action: IMS restart continues. The RACF transaction authorization function is disabled.

| With the second form of the message, IMS restart | continues, and the RACF authorization function for | transactions, commands, PSBs, or LTERMs is disabled.
Master Terminal Operator Response: See MVS/ESA Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for a detailed description of the return codes and reason codes for RACROUTE, RACLIST, and ROUTER exit processing.

Explanation: This message is sent to the terminal entering a transaction when RACF determines that the transaction failed security checking. The reasons for the transaction rejection are: TRANS NOT AUTH; RC=08 User is not authorized to this transaction code by RACF. SIGNON REQUIRED Transaction is RACF-protected and the user is not signed on. RACF NOT ACTIVE; RC=12 BY RACF EXIT; RC=16 RACF exit gave an invalid return code. INSTALL ERROR; RC=20 RACF is not installed or an incorrect level of RACF is installed. RACF POE ERROR; RC=24 The RACF profile has a conditional access list, the port-of-entry field in the security token is filled by blanks, and the port-of-entry class is active. RACF DS DELETED; RC=28 The resource class was selected by

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2470 DFS2473I
RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST GLOBAL=YES, but the RACF data space was deleted. NO PASSWORD; RC=36 User verification required; no password supplied. WRONG PASSWORD; RC=40 User verification failed password. Note: RC = represents a decimal value. Additional codes can be supplied by a user-written IMS exit routine. System action: The transaction entered is ignored. Programmer response: None. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the transaction with the proper password, or enter another transaction that does not violate security. Problem determination: None. Module: DFSCIOB0, DFSICIO0, DFSICLE0 DFS2470 /SIGN COMMAND REQUIRED DFS2472 INVALID AWE DETECTED AND LOGGED

Explanation: An invalid asynchronous work element (AWE) was detected by the processing IMS module. An invalid element could mean conflicting parameters, missing addresses, or a number of other things. It is entirely dependent upon the processors requirements. This message is accompanied by a X'67' FB log record on the IMS log data set. The log record indicates which of the processors detected the invalid AWE. This message indicates a possible IMS or exit routine logic error. System action: This message is issued and the X'67' FB log record containing the invalid AWE and optional processor work areas are logged. The log record is intended for debug purposes. Programmer response: Save the log record information for debug. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer about the receipt of this message. Problem determination: 36 DFS2473I RECEIVED ERROR RETURN CODE; REQ CODE=xx, REG 0=xx, REG 15=xx, CLSDST SCHEDULED

Explanation: This message is sent to the terminal entering a transaction or /RELEASE command when no previous valid sign-on has been done. System action: The transaction or /RELEASE command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Enter a valid sign-on, and then enter the transaction or /RELEASE command Problem determination: None. DFS2471 DUPLICATE CONTROL CARD OR KEYWORD FOR DLITRACE

Explanation: While processing the DLITRACE control statement, one of the following conditions occurred: v More than one DLITRACE control statement in the input stream. v A keyword was used more than once in the control statement. System action: v The DL/I CALL TRACE options used were the ones set by the first DLITRACE control statement in the input stream. v The value specified by the first keyword encountered is the one set for DL/I CALL TRACE. Subsequent use of the keyword is overlooked. Programmer response: Ensure that the DL/I CALL TRACE options used were the correct options, and ensure that duplicate parameters are removed.

| | | | | |

Explanation: One of two conditions exists. 1. IMS issued the VTAM EXECRPL macro and received an unrecognized return code from VTAM 2. A VTAM request (using EXECRPL) failed 25 times because VTAM is short on storage. IMS will attempt to CLSDST the node. REG15 is X'04' and REG0 is X'08'. 3. VTAM rejects the SEND request (RPLREQ= 22) because the session has already been terminated. REG15 is X04 and REG0 is X'14'. This message is issued instead of DFS970I when VTAM drives NSEXIT or LOSTERM after IMS has started output message processing. REQ code and the other codes are in hexadecimal. System action: The node is either closed or deactivated. If it is deactivated, DFS2101I will appear at the master terminal. An IMS log record (X'67') with an ID of AER2 containing pertinent information was produced. Programmer response: The contents of the message will aid in determining which of the above conditions has occurred. Problem determination: 36


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2474I DFS2481I

Explanation: IMS cannot receive data from the network due to VTAM being short on storage. Every issuance of the VTAM RECEIVE macro has resulted in the short on storage return code. System action: Since IMS can no longer communicate with its VTAM network, it will cause an orderly shutdown of the VTAM network. Programmer response: Increase the size of the appropriate VTAM buffer pool. Master Terminal Operator Response: Restart the VTAM network with the /START DC command. Problem determination: Determine the VTAM buffer pool that is running short on storage, and enlarge it. DFS2475 /STOP DC COMMAND IN PROGRESS, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: A recall for either database name or area name, as designated by xxxxxxxx, has been completed.

| System action: The system issues an internal /START | DB or /START AREA command to allocate the resource.

Explanation: The database listed in this message requires the ISAM access method for processing. ISAM is not available under IMS Version 9. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Convert the database to a valid access method. DFS2480I BATCH DYNAMIC ALLOCATION DISABLED

Explanation: A /START DC command is not allowed if a previous /STOP DC command has not yet completed. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Use the /DISPLAY ACTIVE command to determine the state of the VTAM network. Reenter the command when the VTAM ACB is closed. DFS2476 EXTENDED SECURITY FUNCTION NOT ALREADY DEFINED

Explanation: IMS detected a card image in the DFSVSAMP data set with the character string NODYNALLOC. This card image disables dynamic allocation in batch IMS. See Member DFSVSMXX in the IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. This job does not allow any databases to participate in dynamic allocation. References to these databases fail unless DD card images have been included in the job step. Programmer response: If you do not want dynamic allocation, no action is required. If you want dynamic allocation, delete the NODYNALLOC control card image in the DFSVSAMP data set and rerun the job. DFS2481I DATA BASE RECOVERY CONTROL FEATURE NOT OPERABLE

Explanation: The USER, TRANAUTH, CMDAUTH or CMDAUTHE keyword is invalid in the /NRE or /ERE COLDSYS command when the system definition and EXEC parameters did not request any extended security. Extended security can be specified by any one of the following: SECURITY macro TYPE=RACFTERM | RACFCOM | SIGNEXIT | TRANEXIT, or EXEC parameters RCF=A|Y|T|C|S. System action: The command is ignored. IMS waits for another restart command. Master Terminal Operator Response: Re-enter the command properly. Notify your IMS programmer for assistance. DFS2477 /RCL COMMAND REJECTEDTERMINAL IN CONVERSATION

Explanation: The BLDL macro encountered an error while locating the module required to access the Database Recovery Control Feature. System action: Abend U2481 is issued. System Operator Response: Contact your IMS system programmer for assistance. If the Database Recovery Control Feature has been installed, determine the cause of the locate error, and be aware that database log data set or utility information might need to be entered into the RECON data set since it was not accessible. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 8

Explanation: The /RCL command was rejected. The terminal from which the /RCL command was entered is currently in an active conversation. System action: The command is ignored. Programmer response: Enter /EXIT to terminate the conversation, or HOLD to hold the conversation across a

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2482I DFS2487I
DFS2482I DBRC LOG xxxx EXIT FAILED (yy) ensure that a z/OS initiator is available to process the log archive job. DFS2485I FP ERE TOTAL ALTERATION COUNT ERRORS = n

Explanation: A DBRC request submitted by the IMS logger was unsuccessful. The specific type of DBRC exit invoked is indicated by xxxx. The value of xxxx will be one of the following: OPEN CLOSE SWITCH STATUS ARCHIVE EOV SYNAD The DBRC return code is displayed as yy (hexadecimal) in the message. See DBRC request return code information in the topic titled DSP Messages in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. When xxxx indicates EOV or SYNAD, either a return code of X'00' or X'04' will indicate it was successful, or a return code of X'12' will indicate that it was unsuccessful. System action: When the ARCHIVE exit fails, IMS issues this message and continues execution. An error return code from any of the other DBRC exits results in IMS issuing abend U0071. Programmer response: An analysis is required to determine the reason for the DBRC exit failure. See the z/OS Master Console (SYSLOG) for DSP messages that might explain the cause of the condition. If this is an archive exit failure, determine if an emergency restart (/ERE) was issued after a normal IMS shutdown. If it was, the automatic archive job submitted by the emergency restart processing will fail, and you can ignore this message. Problem determination: 1, 3, 8, 11, 35 DFS2483A DBRC INITIALIZATION ERROR

Explanation: This message is preceded by one to three instances of message DFS2458A and shows the total number n of times the error condition described in DFS2458A occurred. System action: None. System Operator Response: None. Module: DBFERST0 DFS2486I FP ERE TOTAL VSO LOG ERRORS = n

Explanation: This message is preceded by one to three instances of message DFS2489I and shows the total number n of times the error condition described in DFS2458A occurred. System action: None. System Operator Response: None. Module: DBFERST0 DFS2487I UNABLE TO COMPLETE REDO DURING XRF TKO - AREA aaaaaaaaRSN cccc

Explanation: During XRF takeover, DEDB REDO processing includes the following: v Refreshing the second CI for all block-level shared areas to pick up the changes from the sharing subsystem that might not have been sent to the restarting subsystem. v Notifying the sharing subsystem if utility or HSSP cleanup was done during takeover. This message indicates that REDO processing was unable to perform these tasks for area aaaaaaaa for the one of the following reasons (RSN =): ER2L ER2R ER2U REDO was unable to obtain the lock needed. REDO was unable to refresh successfully the second CI. REDO was unable to notify successfully the sharing subsystem that utility or HSSP cleanup was done during takeover. This condition can be caused by either an I/O error or by a problem with the notify process.

Explanation: An INIT call was made to the database recovery control (DBRC) module DSPFLT00. The return code was 12, indicating a serious error condition in the exit. System action: The IMS control region terminates abnormally. DFS2484I JOBNAME=nnnnnnnn GENERATED BY LOG AUTOMATIC ARCHIVING

Explanation: Automatic log archiving is active. DBRC has generated a JCL for an execution of the Log Archive utility. nnnnnnnn is the name of the job generated by DBRC. System action: IMS continues processing. System Operator Response: If the log archive job is to execute concurrently with the online IMS system,

At the time this message is issued, area aaaaaaaa has successfully completed all other REDO processing. The problem indicated in the message might be resolved by closing the area and allowing it to go through normal area open processing when it is next accessed. Therefore, it is not necessary to mark the area as


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2488A DFS2492I
recovery needed and, except in the case of a notify error, it is not necessary to prohibit the sharing subsystem from accessing the area. System action: If an error occurred while notifying a sharing subsystem, the sharing subsystem is notified to stop the area. The area is closed on the restarting subsystem and message DFS3705I is issued. If the error recurs when the area is next opened, the area will be stopped and marked recovery needed. System programmer response: If REDO processing was unable to complete utility or HSSP cleanup, the area must be reopened on the restarting subsystem (or stopped, started and reopened on the sharing subsystem) before a utility or HSSP can be started for the area. Module: DBFERS20 DFS2488A VSO AREA aaaaaaaa- ERE SEVERE ERROR information is output. Although this error will not abend IMS, the information has the same format as output from abend U1026 (described in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis). This message, and the accompanying diagnostic information, is issued a maximum of three times. Message DFS2686I is issued at the end of emergency restart and shows the total number of times the error condition was detected. System action: Restart continues. System programmer response: During local emergency restart of XRF takeover, no action is required. If the problem occurs during XRF tracking, restart the XRF alternate to relieve resource shortage and performance degradation. Problem determination: 1, 5, 11, and a dump of the restarted system after restart completes. Module: DBFERSY0 DFS2490A UNLOCK SYSTEM COMMAND REQUIRED BEFORE SHUTDOWN.

Explanation: Restart log processing was unable to obtain storage needed to track updates made to area aaaaaaaa, which is defined as a Virtual Storage Option (VSO) area. System action: Area aaaaaaaa is stopped and marked recovery needed. System programmer response: Use the Database Recovery utility to recover the area. Module: DBFERSY1 DFS2489I ERE VSO LOG RECORD ERROR

Explanation: Following an XRF takeover, either the IMS /UNLOCK SYSTEM command or the z/OS Availability Manager (AVM) UNLOCK command must be entered to purge I/O tolerated data before IMS can be shut down. System action: Shutdown command is rejected. System programmer response: Enter either the IMS /UNLOCK SYSTEM or the AVM UNLOCK command. Module: DFSICM30 DFS2491I A DIVIDE EXCEPTION HAS OCCURREDNEXT LINE OF DATA MAY BE IN ERROR

Explanation: Restart log processing encountered a VSO DEDB area log record that did not match any area known to the restarting system. This problem happens during emergency restart, XRF tracking, XRF takeover, or Fast Database Recovery processing, The log record should contain the VSO DEDB area name and a time stamp. The presence of the log record signifies that area updates, which were committed prior to the logged time, were written to DASD before failure. Based on this log record, restart log processing can ignore updates that were written to DASD, but without a valid area name it cannot determine which updates to ignore and which to process. In most cases restart can tolerate this error, although performance might be degraded. A subsequent log record might correct the problem (that is, might show which updates were written to DASD for the area), otherwise restart will do additional REDO processing. If this problem recurs, IMS restart can run out of resources to track VSO area updates. If this happens, any affected areas will be stopped and marked recovery needed. In addition to this message, some diagnostic

Explanation: A divide exception (ABEND0C9 or ABEND0CB) occurred while dividing two fields. The usual reasons for this message are: (1) one of the fields being used for the divide is incomplete because either the input tape was not completely processed or the input tape was incomplete; (2) the DC monitor was active too long causing the dividend field to be so large that the quotient and remainder will not fit into the assigned work area. System action: Processing continues normally. DFS2492I AREA aaaaaaaa HAS IOT EEQE CANNOT ACTIVATE VSO

| | | | | |

Explanation: A /START AREA was entered for area aaaaaaaa. At the time of the command, the Virtual Storage Option (VSO) was not active for the area, but the area was defined to DBRC as VSO. Normally, the /START AREA command would put the area into a data space (activate VSO), but area aaaaaaaa has one or more
Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W


DFS2493W DFS2498W
| I/O toleration EEQEs from an XRF takeover. It is not | possible to activate VSO for the area until the EEQEs | are purged.
System action: VSO is not activated for the area. DFS2495I RESOURCE name NOT ALLOCATED MIGRATED AND BEING RECALLED

| | | |

System Operator Response: Enter either the IMS /UNLOCK SYSTEM or the AVM UNLOCK command to purge I/O toleration EEQEs. Then reenter the /START AREA or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command. Module: DBFVPR00 DFS2493W A CENTRAL/EXPANDED STORAGE SHORTAGE EXISTS. VSO WILL BE ACTIVATED FOR areaname. BLOCKS REQ/AVAIL rrrrr/aaaaa

Explanation: The system was attempting to dynamically allocate the Fast Path area or DL/I database, as identified by name and found either the area data set or one of the data sets in the database was migrated to auxiliary storage. System action: The allocation process is aborted and the internal caller of the allocation is given a nonzero return code. An attempt is made to asynchronously recall the data set from auxiliary storage. DFS2498W IMS SYSTEM ERROR DURING ALLOCATE|DEALLOCATE| CREATE|DELETE FOR DATABASE|DATASET REASON x

Explanation: The DEDB area is defined as a VSO area. While opening the area, IMS determined that the amount of central and expanded storage available is not enough to satisfy the size of the area. Normal VSO processing will be allowed for the area. System action: The area is opened with the Virtual Storage Option.

Explanation: A system error occurred during processing for the identified function for one of the following reasons: Code (Hex) 01 02 03 04 Meaning An invalid AWE was passed to the dynamic allocation routine. An attempt was made to deallocate a database without stopping its index. The DDIR for the database was found to be in NOTINIT status. An attempt was made to deallocate a database while the schedule bit was on. An attempt was made to deallocate a database while one of its DCBs was still open. The data management block (DMB) for the database could not be loaded. An attempt was made to deallocate a database, but a DDNAME for one of its data sets was not found in the TIOT. A data set of a database resides on a device not supported by IMS.

| | | | | | | | | | | |

System Operator Response: This is a warning message only, and indicates that a potential VSO storage shortage exists. For the area indicated in the message, not enough VSO storage exists to hold the entire area. Accessed CIs will be loaded into VSO, but it is possible that storage constraint problems, such as paging, may exist. If constrained storage represents a problem in your environment, you can remove the area from VSO by issuing the /VUN command. You can reactivate VSO processing for the area at any time by reissuing the /START AREA or by issuing an UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command. Module: DBFVSOP0


06 DFS2494I DFHSM RECALL DSN=data setnameRC=xxx 07

Explanation: A RECALL request for migrated data setname received the nonzero return code xxx. For information on the return codes, see the DFHSM Users Guide and the DFHSM Messages manuals. Appropriate messages from DFHSM can also be issued. This message is only issued after three attempts of the recall. System action: IMS stops any further attempts to retrieve the migrated resource.


Creation and deletion messages are possible only on the Remote Site Recovery (RSR) tracking system. System action: The request is terminated. Programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Problem determination: 3, 8, 9, 20

| | | | | | |

System Operator Response: See the DFHSM Users Guide and the DFHSM Messages manuals for the appropriate action, based on the return code you received. After taking any action recommended by these manuals, issue a /START DB, UPDATE DB START(ACCESS)/START AREA, or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command for IMS to retry the recall.


Messages and Codes Volume 2


Explanation: The identified function was invalid for one of the following reasons: Code (Hex) 01 Meaning The DFSMDA dynamic allocation member was not present in SDFSRESL or was incomplete. Some, but not all, of the data sets of a database were allocated by JCL. The entire database must be allocated by JCL or by the DFSMDA member, but not both. Mixed allocations are invalid. The SIOT for the data set indicates a SYSOUT data set which cannot be deallocated by IMS. The SIOT for the data set indicates a VIO data set which cannot be deallocated by IMS. An attempt was made to deallocate a database, but the job file control block (JFCB) for one of the data sets indicated no volumes.





Creation and deletion messages are possible only on the Remote Site Recovery (RSR) tracking system. System action: The request is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the condition to allow future requests to be processed successfully.

Chapter 6. DFS Messages, DFS2000I DFS2499W



Messages and Codes Volume 2

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E

This topic contains messages DFS2500I DFS2989I. For introductory information on DFS messages such as message format, suffix information, and explanation of the types of information provided, see Chapter 1, Introduction to DFS Messages, on page 1.
DFS2500I DATABASE | DATASET xxxxxxxx SUCCESSFULLY ALLOCATED | DEALLOCATED | CREATED | DELETED Programmer response: Change the installation exit routine to allow all requests from an IMS control region. DFS2503W DYNAMIC ALLOCATION|DEALLOCATION | CREATION | DELETION FAILED FOR DATA SET NAME xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx DATABASE NAME dbdname REASON CODE yyyyy

Explanation: Processing for the identified function completed for the database or data set name, where xxxxxxxx is the database or data set name. Creation and deletion messages are possible only on the Remote Site Recovery (RSR) tracking system. DFS2501W INSUFFICIENT VIRTUAL STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR ALLOCATION/ DEALLOCATION FOR DATABASE xxxxxxx

Explanation: Insufficient virtual storage was available to complete allocation or deallocation of a database. This problem can occur in the IMS control region or the DLISAS region. For additional information on this error, see the explanations for the z/OS system abends 878 and 80A in the MVS/ESA Message Library: System Codes manual. In the message text, xxxxxxx is the database for which there was insufficient virtual storage for allocation deallocation. System action: System processing continues. Programmer response: Evaluate the private storage usage in the IMS control region or the DLISAS region to ensure that unused storage is not being allocated or a process is not looping in acquiring storage. If this message continues to occur, take a console dump of the IMS CTL and DLISAS regions by using the MVS DUMP command with SDATA= (CSA,PSA,RGN,SQA,SUM,TRT), then call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSMDA00 DFS2502W INSTALLATION EXIT PREVENTS DYNAMIC ALLOCATION|DEALLOCATION

Explanation: Processing for the identified function failed for the database and data set name represented by dbdname and xxxxxxxx, respectively. Reason code yyyyy is described in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide or in MVS/ESA Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide under dynamic allocation error codes. The phrase WITHIN PSB psbname is added only if the PSB is known at the time of the allocation attempt. Creation and deletion messages are possible only on the Remote Site Recovery (RSR) tracking system. System action: Processing is terminated for the request. If one area data set (ADS) of a multiple-area-data-set (MADS) area of a Fast Path DEDB fails allocation, the area is stopped and the status of the ADS is not changed in the RECON data set. If the failure occurs during emergency restart, the ADS is set to unavailable status and the other ADSs are recovered. Programmer response: In most cases, the description of the reason code identifies the action to take before you can retry the request. Correct the error and retry the request. DFS2504I ERROR PROCESSING ACBLIB-SPECIFIED AREA NAMES DO NOT MATCH

Explanation: The IMS user has an installation exit routine for dynamic allocation requests that prevents IMS from dynamically allocating or deallocating databases. System action: The request is ignored.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007

Explanation: An area name in the parameter list does not exist in the ACBLIB entry, or the names in the parameter list are not in the same sequence as the DBD data set statements. System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 08. Programmer response: Correct the names in the


DFS2505I DFS2512I
parameter list or the sequence of the names. Problem determination: Compare the area names supplied in the parameter list with the names and sequence in the DBD data set statements. DFS2505I ERROR PROCESSING ACBLIB-OPEN ERROR Programmer response: Specify the correct member in the ACBLIB. DFS2509I DEFINED (CI SIZE | RECSIZE) IN CATALOG NOT CONSISTENT WITH DBD SIZE PARM

Explanation: Program DBFUMIN0 could not open the specified ACBLIB data set. System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 08. Programmer response: This would normally result from a JCL error. If so, correct the JCL and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 3, 9, 20 DFS2506I ERROR OPENING CONTROL FILE

Explanation: The defined control interval (CI) size or LRECL size in the catalog is not consistent with the DBD size parameter. System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 12. Programmer response: Change the CI size or LRECL size in the DBD or the catalog so that they are equal. DFS2510I INSUFFICIENT SPACE DEFINED FOR AREA=areaname DD=ddname

Explanation: Program DBFUMIN0 could not open the specified control file. System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 04. Programmer response: Make sure that a DD statement is present and that its specifications are correct. If a hardware failure is indicated, rerun the job. DFS2507I ERROR PROCESSING DATA SET INFO: {MACRO=MODCB | SHOWCB | RDJFCB}, R15=xxx [R0=]

Explanation: The space allocated for the data set, specified by ddname, is not sufficient to hold the database area as defined in the DBD. System action: The Fast Path utility being used terminates. Programmer response: Decrease the space required for an ADS of the named ddname by altering the DBD, or increase the space allocated for an ADS of the named ddname by altering the VSAM definition. If the named area has multiple data sets, ensure that enough space is also defined for the other data sets. DFS2511I CONTROL BLOCK MANIPULATION ERROR DURING FORMAT PROCESSING

Explanation: Program DBFUMIN0 encountered an error while processing data set information. A MODCB, SHOWCB, or RDJFCB macro did not complete successfully. The return code from the macro in R15 is shown and the reason code in R0 is given if the MODCB or SHOWCB had a return code of 4. System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 12. Programmer response: For an explanation of the VSAM return and reason codes, see DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. Correct any user errors, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 3, 8, 20 DFS2508I ERROR PROCESSING ACBLIBINCORRECT MEMBER TYPE SPECIFIED

Explanation: An error occurred during a control block manipulation macro. System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 12. Programmer response: Ensure that all DD statements for DEDB areas are correct. Problem determination: 3, 8, 20, 36 DFS2512I AREA=areaname DD=ddname (OPEN|CLOSE) ERROR

Explanation: An error occurred during OPEN or CLOSE processing of the data set. System action: The Fast Path utility being used terminates. Programmer response: Ensure that the DD statement for the area is correct. Problem determination: 3, 8, 20

Explanation: Program DBFUMIN0 determined that the member specified in the ACBLIB was not for a DEDB DBD. System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 08.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2513I DFS2521I

Explanation: An I/O write error occurred while writing a formatted control interval (CI). System action: The Fast Path utility being used terminates. Programmer response: A possible hardware error has occurred, and it might be necessary to allocate space for the DEDB data set on a different DASD device. Problem determination: 3, 8, 20, 36 DFS2514I SYSPRINT OPEN ERROR

Explanation: The DEDB initialization utility (DBFUMIN0) found an invalid character in a utility control statement. Names following the AREA= control statement must be one to eight characters in length and must be composed of alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9) or the special characters '$', '#', and '@'. System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 4. Programmer response: Correct the invalid character, and resubmit the job. DFS2519I ERROR PROCESSING ACBLIBREAD ERROR

Explanation: Program DBFUMIN0 could not successfully open the SYSPRINT data set. System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 20. Programmer response: Probable JCL error. Correct the JCL, and resubmit the job. DFS2515I SYSPRINT WRITE ERROR

Explanation: An I/O error has occurred, or a block read from the ACBLIB did not contain the DMCB and all DMACs. System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 20. Programmer response: Ensure that the JCL for the ACBLIB is correct and that the ACBGEN for the referenced member is correct. Problem determination: 3, 8, 9, 20 DFS2520I MULTI-POSITIONING CANNOT BE SPECIFIED FOR A MSDB. - PCB dbdname IN PSB psbname.

Explanation: Program DBFUMIN0 attempted to write to the SYSPRINT data set and an I/O error occurred. System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 20. Problem determination: 3, 8, 20, 36 DFS2516I INVALID PARM SPECIFIED IN PARM FIELDMORE THAN 2048 PARMS SPECIFIED

Explanation: More than 2048 AREA= utility control statements were given in the CONTROL DD statement for the DEDB initialization utility (DBFUMIN0). System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 4. Programmer response: Correct the parameters, and resubmit the job. DFS2517I I/O ERROR READING CONTROL FILE

Explanation: The PCB for a MSDB DBD specifies multi-positioning (POS=M). This is an invalid option for MSDBs. System action: IMS continues processing the PCB, but does not process the remaining PCBs in the PSB. The PSB is deleted from ACBLIB. Normal execution continues, and the return code is set to 8. Programmer response: Correct the POS= parameter on the PCB statement, rerun PSBGEN, and rerun ACBGEN with a BUILD statement for this PSB. DFS2521I INVALID SENSEGsensegname SPECIFIED IN PCBdbdname IN PSBpsbname

Explanation: Utility program DBFUMIN0 encountered an I/O error. System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 4. Programmer response: Resubmit the job after hardware error is fixed.

Explanation: The named sensitive segment in the indicated PSB is not defined in the indicated DBDGEN. System action: IMS continues processing the PCB and does not process the remaining PCBs in the PSB. The PSB is deleted from the ACBLIB. Normal execution continues and the return code is set to 8. Programmer response: Correct or remove the SENSEG name on the SENSEG statement in the indicated PCB and PSB, rerun the PSBGEN, and rerun the program
Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2522I DFS2527I
with a BUILD statement for this PSB. Problem determination: 18, 19 DFS2522I INVALID PROCOPT SPECIFIED FOR SENSEGsenseg name IN PCBdbdname IN PSBpsbname DFS2525I FAST PATH DATA BASE DEFINITION INVALID IN A NON-FP SYSTEM: database name

Explanation: The named database is a MSDB or DEDB, but the IMS system was defined without Fast Path. System action: Normal execution continues. The named database is marked as inaccessible. Any attempt to schedule a PSB that references the database will fail and cause the PSB to be stopped. Programmer response: No action is required unless access to the Fast Path database is desired. The IMS system must be regenerated with the supplied FPCTRL macro if the Fast Path databases are to be processed. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact your IMS system programmer. Problem determination: 10, 18 DFS2526I DATA SET NOT EMPTY FOR AREA=areaname DD=ddname

Explanation: The named sensitive segment has an invalid processing option specified in the indicated PCB and PSB. System action: IMS continues processing the PCB and does not process the remaining PCBs in the PSB. The PSB is deleted from the ACBLIB. Normal execution continues, and the return code is set to 8. Programmer response: Correct the error processing option on the SENSEG statement in the indicated PCB and PSB, rerun the PSBGEN, and rerun the program with a BUILD statement for this PSB. Problem determination: 18, 19 DFS2523I INVALID SENSEG HIERARCHICAL STRUCTURE SPECIFIED IN PCBdbdname IN PSBpsbname

Explanation: An attempt was made to format a DEDB data set which was not empty. System action: The Fast Path utility being used terminates. Programmer response: Use the appropriate VSAM options to SCRATCH, DELETE, ALLOCATE, and DEFINE the data set, and rerun the Initialization utility. Problem determination: 1, 3, 8, 18, 20 DFS2527I NUMBER OF FAST PATH DATA BASE BUFFERS TO BE PAGE-FIXED EXCEEDS LIMIT.

Explanation: One or more sensitive segments within the named PCB have an invalid sensitive segment level specification in the indicated PSB. The valid sensitive segment levels are: the MSDB access is 1, and the DEDB access is 2. System action: IMS continues processing the PCB and does not process the remaining PCBs in the PSB. The PSB is deleted from the ACBLIB. Normal execution continues, and the return code is set to 8. Programmer response: Correct the PARENT parameter on the SENSEG statements in the indicated PCB and PSB, rerun the PSBGEN, and rerun the program with a BUILD statement for this PSB. Problem determination: 19 DFS2524I AREA=areaname, DD=ddname, READ ERROR. EEQE ALREADY EXISTS, CI-RBA=nnnnnnnn

Explanation: During region initialization, the number of Fast Path database buffers page-fixing exceeds the total number of buffers currently available. System action: The PSB is not initialized and the region terminates abnormally with abend U1006. In a DBCTL environment, if the failing PSB is a thread, a return code will be passed back to the CCTL. No abend will be issued from the DBCTL region. Programmer response: For BMPs, MPPs and IFPs, increase the DBBF parameter in the IMS control region job step EXEC PARM during the next IMS execution, decrease the NBA or OBA parameter in the job step EXEC PARM, or wait for a region using Fast Path buffers to terminate and rerun the job. For threads in a DBCTL environment, increase the CNBA parameter in DFSPRP, decrease the FPBUF or FPBOF parameter, or wait for a currently scheduled thread using Fast Path buffers to terminate and rerun the job. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact your IMS system programmer.

Explanation: A 'read any' request was rejected because an I/O Toleration extended error queue element (EEQE) exists for control interval (CI) nnnnnnnn, and I/O prevention is in effect. System action: Status code 'AO' is returned to the application program. If data has already been modified on this call, the application program is terminated with abend U3303. Status code 'BA' might be returned if an INIT call was issued. Programmer response: If the application program terminates with abend U3303, see the last paragraph of the Operator Response for abend U3303. for the appropriate response.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2528A DFS2534
Problem determination: 8, 10, 11 DFS2528A DUPLICATE AREA NAMEarea name FOUND IN DEDBdatabase name1ANDdatabase name2 System action: The message is ignored. Programmer response: Regenerate the system, specifying a Fast Path message buffer for all terminals requiring Fast Path support. Problem determination: 7, 14 DFS2531 MESSAGE ROUTED TO UNDEFINED TRANSACTION CODE

Explanation: A duplicate area name was found in the named DEDB DBD defined in the IMS system. The area name, that was defined in the DD1 operand on one of the AREA statements in the DBDGEN, is defined in another DEDB DBDGEN or is defined within the DEDB DBDGEN. System action: If the message is received following the /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command, the command is aborted. Programmer response: If the error occurred during initialization, correct the DBD in error, run the Application Control Blocks Maintenance utility again, and rerun the job. If the error occurred following the /MODIFY COMMIT or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) command, correct the DBD in error, run the Application Control Blocks Maintenance utility again, and run the Online Change utility. Master Terminal Operator Response: If the error occurred following the /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command, contact your IMS system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 4, 18 Module: DBFINI20, DBFOLC02 DFS2529I NO FAST PATH REGION IS ACTIVE.

Explanation: The Fast Path user input exit directed Fast Path to search the routing code table using the transaction identification as the argument. Program DBFHIEL0 searched the table and did not find an equal comparison. System action: The message is ignored. Programmer response: Add the transaction code to the routing code table or correct the user input exit to provide the correct routing information. Problem determination: 7, 14 DFS2532 MESSAGE ROUTED TO UNDEFINED ROUTING CODE

Explanation: The Fast Path user input exit directed Fast Path to search the routing code table with a routing code the exit supplied. Program DBFHIEL0 searched the table and did not find an equal comparison. System action: The message is ignored. Programmer response: If the correct routing code is being generated, add the routing code to the routing code table. Otherwise, modify the user input exit to generate the correct routing code. Problem determination: 7, 14 DFS2533 ROUTING CODE NOT ACTIVE

Explanation: A Fast Path input message was queued in the load and balancing group. However, the last region that was scheduled to process the message had terminated. The terminal user is informed that no Fast Path region is available to process an input message at this time. System action: IMS continues processing. Master Terminal Operator Response: Restart the designated Fast Path region. Terminal Operator Response: Make sure the Fast Path region has been restarted and then reenter the input message. Problem determination: 1, 6, 7, 11 DFS2530 FAST PATH EXCLUSIVE TRANSACTION FROM NON-FP TERMINAL

Explanation: No message processing programs were scheduled for this routing code. The master terminal operator must cause the message processing program to be scheduled before Fast Path will accept any messages for that destination. System action: The message is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Notify the master terminal operator that the routing code is not active. Problem determination: 7, 14 DFS2534 TRANSACTION CODE NOT ACTIVE

Explanation: A message destined for a Fast Path exclusive transaction was received from a terminal that did not have a Fast Path message buffer defined during system definition or from the master terminal.

Explanation: No message processing programs were scheduled for the routing code table entry representing this transaction. At least one message processing program must be started by the master terminal operator before Fast Path will allow messages to be scheduled to this destination.
Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2535 DFS2543I
System action: The message is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Notify the master terminal operator that the transaction code is not active. Problem determination: 7, 14 DFS2535 FUNCTION NOT AVAILABLE TO INQUIRY ONLY TERMINAL System action: If the DD statement is missing, IMS continues, but no MSDBs are loaded. If the JCL is incorrect. the results are unpredictable. Programmer response: Ensure that a DD statement is present and the specifications are correct. Shut down IMS and restart the system with MSDBLOAD. If a hardware failure is indicated, rerun the job. DFS2540I DBDNAME dbdname SEQUENCE ERROR, NO MSDBS LOADED

Explanation: The routing code table entry was defined as update at IMS system definition and the input terminal was defined as inquiry only. System action: The message is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the transaction from an update terminal. DFS2536 FAST PATH EXCLUSIVE TRAN ROUTED TO IMS

Explanation: The database names in the MSDB input data set are not in ascending order. System action: IMS continues processing, but no MSDBs are loaded. Programmer response: Sort the input data set, and reload all MSDBs. DFS2541I SEGMENT LENGTH ERROR IN MSDB dbdname

Explanation: The Fast Path user input exit directed Fast Path to return a message destined for a Fast Path exclusive transaction to IMS for scheduling. System action: The message is ignored. Programmer response: Correct the user input exit to route Fast Path exclusive transactions to Fast Path. Problem determination: 7, 14 DFS2537 INVALID KEYWORDFAST PATH NOT INSTALLED

Explanation: The input segment length of this MSDB is not equal to the length specified. System action: The segment is ignored and the MSDB is stopped. Programmer response: Correct the input by running the MSDB Maintenance utility. Reload all MSDBs. Note: For operational convenience, the MSDB can be started, but the segments with invalid fields will not be available and status GE or GB will be issued. These segments cannot be altered, replaced, or deleted until the MSDB data set has been corrected and the MSDBs have been reloaded. DFS2542I KEY SEQUENCE ERROR IN MSDB dbdname

Explanation: A Fast Path keyword, MSDBLOAD, was entered in an /NRESTART command, but Fast Path was not installed. System action: The /NRESTART command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command without the Fast Path keyword. DFS2538 MSDBLOAD KEYWORD INVALID IN ERESTART COMMAND

Explanation: The segments within an MSDB are not in ascending key order. System action: The segment is ignored and this MSDB is stopped. Programmer response: Sort the input data set, and reload all MSDBs. DFS2543I INSUFFICIENT SPACE FOR MSDB dbdname

Explanation: An invalid keyword, MSDBLOAD, was entered in an /ERESTART command. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command without the Fast Path keyword MSDBLOAD. DFS2539I OPEN ERROR ON INPUT DATA SET, NO MSDBS LOADED

Explanation: The MSDB input data set could not be opened successfully. Possible causes for this are: v There is a missing DD statement. z/OS prints a message to indicate this. v The JCL is incorrect. v A hardware error exists. The system terminates abnormally if this is the problem.

Explanation: There are more input segments than numbers of segments defined in the MSDB PROCLIB member. System action: All excessive segments are ignored, and this MSDB is stopped. Programmer response: Check the MSDB Maintenance utility output for the number of segments in this


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2544I DFS2553I
MSDB, and update the PROCLIB member accordingly. Reload all MSDBs. DFS2544I MSDB dbdname CONTAINS INVALID DATA Programmer response: Correct all errors described in the referenced messages. Reload all MSDBs. DFS2549I I/O ERROR ON INPUT DATA SET, NO MSDBS LOADED

Explanation: During the loading process, module DBFDBIL0 detected invalid packed data in this MSDB. System action: Segments with invalid data are flagged, and the MSDB is stopped. Programmer response: Correct the input for this MSDB by running the MSDB Maintenance utility. Reload all MSDBs. DFS2545I INVALID MSDB TYPE IN INPUT, MSDB dbdname

Explanation: This message is preceded by message DFS2552I. System action: The MSDB loading process is stopped. Programmer response: Retry loading from a different unit, or re-create the input data set. Reload all MSDBs. DFS2550I TYPES DO NOT MATCH IN MSDB dbdname

Explanation: This is an invalid MSDB type. The MSDB is not terminal related, or it is nonterminal related with and without the terminal key. System action: All segments of this MSDB are ignored. The MSDB is stopped. Programmer response: Correct all segments in this MSDB and reload all MSDBs. DFS2546I INVALID KEY LENGTH IN MSDB dbdname

Explanation: A discrepancy was found between the MSDB type in the input data set and the type specified in the DBD. System action: The segment is ignored and the database is stopped. Programmer response: Correct the input data set, or rerun DBDGEN. Reload all MSDBs. DFS2551I MSDB dbdname IS EMPTY

Explanation: This MSDB was specified in the MSDB PROCLIB member, but module DBFDBIL0 found no input in the data set. Programmer response: If the MSDB is dynamic, ISRTs can be used to load the database. DFS2552I SYNAD error message buffer

Explanation: The key length of this segment must be equal to the length of the LTERM name (eight characters) if the MSDB type is terminal-related or nonterminal-related with the terminal key. System action: The segment is ignored and this MSDB is stopped. Programmer response: Correct the input, and reload all MSDBs. DFS2547I KEY (LTERM) xxxxxxxx NOT FOUND IN SYSTEM

Explanation: This message contains the MVS SYNAD error message buffer. For further information, see Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference for MVS/DFP. This message is followed by message DFS2549I. System action: The MSDB loading process is stopped. Programmer response: Retry loading from a different unit, or re-create the input data set. DFS2553I DBDNAME dbdname NOT FOUND IN SYSTEM

Explanation: An LTERM name was used as a key but could not be located in this IMS system. System action: The segment is ignored and the MSDB is stopped. Programmer response: Correct the input by running the MSDB Maintenance utility or redefine IMS with this LTERM name. Reload all MSDBs. DFS2548I ERRORS IN MSDB dbdname, MSDB STOPPED

Explanation: Program DBFDBIL0 found a database name in the input data set, but that name was not defined in the MSDB PROCLIB member or program DBFINTEO found a PCB that references a DBD that could not be found in the system. System action: The segment is ignored. For the second case, replace the PSB or the DBD, or both. Programmer response: Correct the PROCLIB member, if desired. Reload all MSDBs.

Explanation: Module DBFDBIL0 attempted to load the MSDBs and detected an error. For further information, see messages DFS2541I, DFS2542I, DFS2543I, DFS2544I, DFS2545I, DFS2546I, DFS2547I, and DFS2550I. System action: The MSDB is stopped.

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2554I DFS2563I

Explanation: This message verifies that this database was loaded without errors. DFS2555I NO SUFFIX FOR MSDB MEMBER DEFINED.

Explanation: The IMS control region does not have sufficient storage to build a work area. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U1012. Programmer response: Increase the size of the IMS control region by 4096 bytes. DFS2560I WAITING FOR THE OLCSTAT DATA SET

Explanation: There was no suffix defined in the IMS startup procedure for the MSDB member. System action: IMS continues running. Programmer response: Be sure that the current IMS system does not require any MSDBs. If the system does require MSDBs, stop IMS, and update or override the startup procedure. DFS2556E IMODULE LOAD EPLOC=module_to_be_loaded FAILED IN module_name ERROR CODE=Xxxxxxxxx

Explanation: The Global Online Change allocated the OLCSTAT data set. This batch job is waiting until the Global Online Change deallocates the OLCSTAT. System action: Processing continues when the Global Online Change deallocates the OLCSTAT data set. Programmer response: None Module: DFSBIND0 DFS2561A FORMAT ERROR IN COMMAND FROM DBFMSDBn ENCOUNTERED IN POSITIONxx

Explanation: The IMODULE LOAD macro failed while the module identified by module_name was attempting to load the module identified by module_to_be_loaded. In the message text: module_to_be_loaded The module attempting to load module_to_be_loaded. module_to_be_loaded The module that was loading. Xxxxxxxxx The error code returned on the message. System action: IMS terminates abnormally. System programmer response: Call the IBM Support Center for assistance and to report this problem. Module: DBFDBDL0, DBFDBFM0, DBFDBIL0, DBFDBUN0, DBFNRS20, DFSIINB0, DFSIIND0, DFSII150, DFSISMI0, DFSXRBL0

Explanation: Module DBFINI10 encountered a format error in member DBFMSDBn of the ddname=PROCLIB data set. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U1012. Programmer response: Correct the format of the MSDB parameter in DBFMSDBn, and rerun the job. DFS2562A DUPLICATE DBD NAME SPECIFIED

Explanation: A duplicate DBD name was specified in the MSDB load determination member in DBFMSDBn. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U1012. Programmer response: Check and correct the DBD names defined in PROCLIB member DBFMSDBn. DFS2563I NO MSDBS FOUNDMSDBLOAD IGNORED

| DFS2558I |


| Explanation: The PSB identified by psbname has large | numbers of DBPCBs, that causes the intent list length | to exceed the 64K limit. | System action: The ACBGEN utility terminated due to | this error. | Programmer response: Decrease the number of | DBPCBs in the PSB, and rerun the PSBGEN and the | ACBGEN. | Module: DFSUAMB0

Explanation: One of the following occurred: v The Fast Path keyword MSDBLOAD was entered with an /NRESTART command, but no PROCLIB member was defined in the IMS procedure, or v No DBD exists in ACBLIB for the MSDB. Message DFS2706A or DFS0579W is issued before this message. System action: The MSDBLOAD keyword is ignored. Programmer response: If you want to use MSDBs: v Add an MSDB member to PROCLIB.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2564I DFS2571I
v Make sure a DBD for the MSDB. exists in ACBLIB. v Change the IMS procedure. DFS2564I ERROR IN OBTAINING DEVICE TABLE, DDNAME ddname, RC=return code Programmer response: Correct the DD statement and the allocation, and resubmit the job. DFS2569I AREA=areaname DD=ddname CONNECT|EXTEND ERROR AREA=areaname DD=ddname SAF ACCESS DENIED

Explanation: Program DBFDBTC0 detected an error when an MVS DEVTYPE macro was issued. Code 04 08 Meaning An incorrect ddname exists. There is an invalid area address.


Explanation: The module DBFMMIT0 was unable to connect (open) the data set associated with the identified ddname. VSAM error message IEC161I was issued before this message. System action: If a request is made to open an ADS for the DEDB Create utility, the utility attempts to open the next ADS. If the next ADS is not available, the DEDB Create utility terminates and the named area continues processing. If a request is made to open an ADS for other than the DEDB Create utility, messages DFS3702I and DFS2574I are issued after this message. The named area is terminated and marked as stopped. Programmer response: Check VSAM error message IEC161I, correct the error, and follow the appropriate restart procedure. To select the appropriate restart procedure, check the Programmer Response in messages DFS3702I and DFS2574I, which follow this message. DFS2570I AREA=areaname DD=ddname DISCONNECT ERROR

For further details, see Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference for MVS/DFP. System action: The MSDB CHKPT/DUMP data is not formatted if the error occurred during a cold start. The MSDB image copy is not loaded if the error occurred in an emergency restart or in a normal restart. Programmer response: If the return code was 04, check and correct the ddname. Problem determination: 4, 36 DFS2565I BLOCK LENGTH EXCEEDS TRACK CAPACITY, DDNAME=ddname

Explanation: The block length specified in the DCB exceeds the track capacity of this device type. This error should not occur unless the block size of the DCB was changed. System action: See message DFS2564I. DFS2566I BUFFER LENGTH IS ZERO, DDNAME=ddname

Explanation: The module DBFMMIT0 was unable to disconnect (close) the data set associated with the identified ddname. VSAM error message IEC251I was issued before this message. System action: Close processing is discontinued for the data set. Programmer response: Check VSAM error message IEC251I to determine the cause of the error, then run a VSAM access method service program to determine if the named ADS is usable. If the named ADS is not usable, run the DEDB Create utility or the Database Recovery utility. System Operator Response: None. DFS2571I (ccccffss) AREA=areaname DD=ddname, READ ERROR, CI-RBA=nnnnnnnn, REMAINING EQE=nn, EEQE=nnnn

Explanation: The buffer length of this DCB was modified to zero. System action: See message DFS2564I. DFS2567I DUMMY/INCORRECT ALLOCATION FOR DDNAME ddnameDATA SET CANNOT BE USED

Explanation: The DD statement referenced a dummy allocation or a SYSIN/SYSOUT data set. System action: See message DFS2564I. Programmer response: Correct the DD statement, and resubmit the job. DFS2568I ddname IS NOT ON DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DEVICE

Explanation: The UCBTYPE pointed to by this DD statement does not indicate a direct access storage device. System action: See message DFS2564I.

Explanation: A read error occurred in the data set at control interval (CI) RBA nnnnnnnn. The error queue element (EQE=nn) represents the number of consecutive read errors in the data set. The maximum number of EQEs for read errors is EQE=03. For a single area data set (SADS), EEQE=nnnn is also displayed in the message if there are existing EEQEs for write errors for the area. The extended error queue element (EEQE=nnnn) represents the number of existing write
Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2572I DFS2574I
errors for the area. The variable ccccffss represents the Media Manager error return code used for problem determination. System action: If the named area did not read the other data sets, the system tries to read from other data sets. Otherwise, a status code AO is returned to the application program. If a permanent I/O error (indicated by a Media Manager error return code of X'0020FF10'), has not occurred, an MVS SDUMP can be taken to the SYS1.DUMP data set by the Media Manager FRR routine or the Fast Path I/O error routine. System Operator Response: If the read errors persist, run the DEDB Create utility or the Database Recovery utility for this area. Problem determination: 1, 6, 11, 20. Problem determination is effective when the Media Manager return code is not X'0020FF10'. DFS2572I (ccccffss) AREA=areaname DD=ddname, WRITE ERROR, CI-RBA=nnnnnnnn IOT BUFFER CREATED, REMAINING EQE=nn, EEQE=nnnn DFS2573I AREA=areaname, DD=ddname, READ ERROR. CI-RBA=nnnnnnnn

Explanation: A read error occurred in the data set at control interval (CI) RBA nnnnnnnn. An EQE already exists for this data set. System action: A status code AO is returned to the application program. System Operator Response: If the read errors persist, run the DEDB Create utility or the Database Recovery utility for this area. DFS2574I AREA=aaaaaaaa CLOSED|STOPPED, (RECOVERY NEEDED, RSN=nn)

Explanation: A write error occurred in the data set at control interval (CI) RBA=nnnnnnnn. The error queue element (EQE=nn) represents the number of write errors in the data set. The maximum number of EQEs for write errors is EQE=10. For a single area data set (SADS), EEQE=nnnn is also displayed in the message. The extended error queue element (EEQE=nnnn) represents the number of existing write errors for the area. The variable ccccffss represents the Media Manager error return code used for problem determination. The error return code of X'40CF4040' indicates a write error on the coupling facility structure. Message DFS2830I is issued prior to this return code. System action: The system produces an error queue element (EQE) for multiple area data sets (MADS) and the CI on the error data set is deactivated. The system produces an extended error queue element (EEQE) for a single area data set (SADS) and the CI in error is available in the IO Toleration (IOT) buffer for the system that encountered the write error. If a permanent I/O error (indicated by a Media Manager error return code of X'0020FF10'), has not occurred, a z/OS SDUMP can be taken to the SYS1.DUMP data set by the Media Manager FRR routine or Fast Path I/O error routine. System Operator Response: If this is a critical CI, run the DEDB Create utility or the Database Recovery utility for this area to restart the area with a /START command. Problem determination: 1, 6, 11, 20. Problem determination is effective when the Media Manager error return code is not X'0020FF10'.

| | | | | |

Explanation: When the named area is terminated by an area open failure, a severe I/O error, a /STOP command, or a /DBRECOVERY command, the named area is marked as stopped. If the return code from DBRC indicated a recovery-needed status, that status is added to the message. If this message is issued during an emergency restart, recovery-needed status is always added to the message, even though the named area is not registered with DBRC. The following are the reasons (RSN=) for the problem: 00 Reason code not available for message. This is the default reason code. 01 VSO area aaaaaaaa had a severe error during emergency restart. 02 VSO area aaaaaaaa had a severe error during emergency restart. 03 Emergency restart could not process area aaaaaaaa because a severe error had occurred on the area prior to failure. 04 Area aaaaaaaa needs to be recovered following an /ERE COLDBASE command. 05 Area open failed during emergency restart. 06 VSO area aaaaaaaa had a severe error during emergency restart. 07 Area aaaaaaaa had a read error during emergency restart. 08 Area aaaaaaaa had a write error during emergency restart. 09 VSO Area aaaaaaaa could not be recovered across an XRF takeover because a storage request failed. 10 Either Emergency Restart or XRF Takeover determined that DASD writes failed to complete for a Nonrecoverable DEDB area. The area needs to be restored from an Image Copy. 12 Emergency restart could not process area aaaaaaaa due to insufficient storage required for the area private buffer pool. 13 During an /ERE or XRF TAKEOVER process, an inconsistency was noted in the VSO options for an AREA. The AREA is stopped. Message DFS2574I is issued with reason code 13. Issue a /START AREA or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command to correct the inconsistency.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2575I DFS2581I
| 14 | | | | 15 | | |
An area has been stopped and marked as recovery needed due to one of the SVSODR options. These options take effect at emergency restart processing for SVSO areas. Emergency restart could not process area aaaaaaaa due to an inconsistency in the SVSO private buffer pool. The preceding message, DFS2835, identifies the inconsistency. correct the suffix on the IMS control region EXEC statement. DFS2577 INELIGIBLE MESSAGE TO FP EXCLUSIVE TRAN ID

Explanation: The message is multisegment. Fast Path supports only single-segment messages. System action: The message is ignored. Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the message in the correct format. DFS2578I ddname OPEN ERROR

System action: Processing is terminated for the named area. System Operator Response: If message DFS3712A or message DFS3713A preceded this message, correct any VSAM errors before restarting the area; then run recovery, if necessary. If the area is indicated as recovery-needed, recover the area using the Database Recovery utility before restarting the area. If the area is in recovery-needed status because an extended error queue element (EEQE) still exists, issue a LIST.DBDS command to find the EQERBA. If a write error EEQE with a null EQERBA exists, it was created because IMS lost connectivity with the coupling facility, causing CASTOUT to fail. The area is marked as temporary recover-needed. When connectivity is re-established and CAST is successful, the status is reset. If you find anything other than null EQERBA, recover the area using the /UNLOCK SYSTEM command. Module: DBFERST0, DBFE2CI0, DBFMOPC0, DBFMLCL0

Explanation: Program DBFDBFM0 was unable to open the DCB for this data set. Possible causes are: v There is a missing DD statement. v The JCL is incorrect. v A hardware error exists. System action: Only one MSDB checkpoint is used if an MSDB checkpoint data set cannot be opened. No MSDB checkpoint is taken if both data sets cannot be opened. The DUMP facility of the MSDBs is canceled if the dump data set cannot be opened. Programmer response: Make sure that a DD statement is present and that its specifications are correct. If a hardware failure is indicated, rerun the job. DFS2579I xxxxx TRACKS ALLOCATED FOR ddname, BUT yyyyy REQUIRED

| DFS2575I |


| Explanation: The PCB for a DEDB DBD specifies | PROCSEQ. This is an invalid option for DEDBs. | | | | | | | |
System action: IMS continues processing the PCB and does not process the remaining PCBs in the PSB. The PSB is deleted from ACBLIB. Normal execution continues and the return code is set to 8. Programmer response: Correct the PROCSEQ parameter on the PCB statement, reexecute the PSBGEN, and rerun the ACBGEN with a BUILD statement for this PSB. DFS2576A MEMBER=xxxxxxxx IS EMPTY

Explanation: Insufficient direct access storage device space was allocated for the given data set to hold an MSDB checkpoint or dump. System action: Only one or no MSDB checkpoint is used, or the dump facility is suppressed. Programmer response: Correct the allocation for the given data set and cold start IMS. DFS2580I SYNAD error message buffer

Explanation: This message contains the MVS SYNAD error message buffer. For more information, see Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference for MVS/DFP. System action: See message DFS2579I. Programmer response: Retry from a different unit, or reallocate the data set on another direct access storage device. DFS2581I ddname FORMATTED

Explanation: The system found member DBFMSDBn in the procedure library specified by ddname=PROCLIB, but the member was empty (all blanks). The MSDB parameter of the IMS control region EXEC statement is used to specify the suffix in DBFMSDBn. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U1012. Programmer response: Define MSDBs in member DBFMSDBn correctly in the procedure library, or

Explanation: This message verifies that the given data set was formatted without errors.

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2582I DFS2593I
DFS2582I ERROR IN MSDB DUMP DATA SET, DUMP FACILITY CANCELED Programmer response: Check and correct the DFSFIXnn member in the IMS PROCLIB. DFS2589I ddname OPEN ERROR

Explanation: Program DBFDBFM0 found an error in the MSDB dump data set. The dump facility is canceled. System action: See the message that was issued prior to this message. Programmer response: See the message that was issued prior to this message. DFS2584I ERRORS IN MSDB CHKPT DATA SETS, NO MSDB CHKPT WILL BE TAKEN

Explanation: Program DBFDBDL0 could not open the DCB for this data set. Possible causes are: v There is a missing DD statement. v The JCL is incorrect. v A hardware error exists. System action: The MSDB image copy is not loaded. Programmer response: Make sure that there is a DD statement and that its specifications are correct. If hardware failure is indicated, rerun the job, using a different unit. DFS2590I INVALID CHECKPOINT ID FOUND IN ddname

Explanation: Program DBFDBFM0 found errors in the MSDB checkpoint data sets, and no MSDB checkpoint is taken. System action: See the messages that were issued prior to this message. Programmer response: See the messages that were issued prior to this message. DFS2585I NO MSDBS FOUNDFORMATTING IGNORED

Explanation: The checkpoint identification in the MSDB image copy control record is not the same as the identification from which the system was restarted. A possible cause might be that a wrong checkpoint was entered or the DD statement points to a wrong data set. System action: No MSDB image copy is loaded. Programmer response: Restart IMS with the proper checkpoint identification or correct the JCL. DFS2591I NO MSDB HEADERS FOUND, IMAGE COPY LOAD IGNORED

Explanation: One of the following occurred: v Program DBFDBFM0 requested Fast Path keyword MSDBLOAD in an /NRESTART command, but no PROCLIB member was defined in IMS, or v No DBD exists in ACBLIB for the MSDB. Message DFS2706A or DFS0579W is issued before this message. System action: The data sets are not formatted. Programmer response: If you want to use MSDBs, make sure that a DBD for the MSDB exists in ACBLIB, or change the IMS startup procedure, or do both. DFS2586I ALLOCATION FOR ddname DOES NOT START ON CYLINDER BOUNDARY

Explanation: IMS was restarted with no MSDBs from a checkpoint of a system with MSDBs. System action: No MSDB image copy is loaded. Programmer response: If MSDBs are to be used, change the IMS startup procedure. DFS2592I NO MSDBS LOADED DUE TO PREVIOUS ERROR(S)

Explanation: Program DBFDBDL0 found previous errors, and no MSDBs were loaded. System action: None required. Programmer response: See the messages that were issued prior to this message. DFS2593I INVALID MSDB HEADER dbdname

Explanation: The allocation for ddname=bb does not start on the cylinder boundary. System action: The data set is not used. Programmer response: Reallocate space for this data set, using SPACE=(CYL,(xx),,CONTIG). DFS2588W FP WAS DEFINED AS KEYWORD, BUT FP IS NOT INSTALLED

Explanation: Fast Path (FP) was defined as a keyword in the IMS fix list, but Fast Path is not installed. System action: IMS continues running.

Explanation: This error is caused by a change to the system between shutdown and restart. The DBD, dbdname, indicates the first DBD in the MSDB checkpoint that does not match the ACBLIB. System action: No MSDB image copy is loaded, and the MSDBs cannot be used.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2594I DFS2598I
Programmer response: Check and correct the database name, segment length, or length of the data area. Make sure that no other changes were made to the DBD specified in the message. Also make sure that the ACBLIB has not been changed. If it has, restart the system with a cold start. DFS2594I NO CONTROL RECORD FOUND IN ddname RC=XX co stat sens cchhr This is the command code of the CCW that caused the error. This field contains status information. This field contains the sense bytes. This is the disk address where the error occurred.

System action: IMS stops the load process, and the MSDBs cannot be used. Programmer response: 1. Retry loading from a different unit. 2. Create an initial load data set using the MSDB Recovery utility and restart the system with MSDBLOAD. DFS2597I INVALID MSDB POOL LENGTH IN ddname, IMAGE COPY IGNORED

Explanation: Program DBFDBDL0 attempted to load the MSDB image copy from a data set but failed. Code 01 02 Meaning A data set does not contain an MSDB checkpoint or the checkpoint was incomplete. If the active system is taking the checkpoint, the alternate system cannot use the same MSDB checkpoint data set. This is a temporary condition.

System action: 01 02 No MSDB copy is loaded, and the MSDBs cannot be used. The system will reread the MSDB data set every 3 seconds until it successfully reads.

Explanation: Program DBFDBDL0 detected a difference in the lengths of the fixed or pageable main storage database (MSDB) pool as specified in the MSDB checkpoint data set control record and in the ESCD. No MSDBs are loaded from the MSDB checkpoint data set. System action: Processing continues except in an emergency restart when IMS terminates with abend U0168. Programmer response: This is a probable user error. Make sure no MSDB definitions were changed between the IMS shutdown and restart. DFS2598I (ccccffss) AREA=areaname DD=ddname UNEXPECTED MEDIA MANAGER MMCALL ERROR

Programmer response: 01 Make sure that the JCL is correct. Otherwise, restart IMS from another checkpoint data set, if possible, or run the MSDB recovery utility to create a new initial load data set, and restart the system with MSDBLOAD. The system will reread the checkpoint data set. If message RC=02 is issued only once, no response is required. If message RC=02 is issued more than once, check the status of active IMS. If active IMS is down, or an I/O error occurred on the MSDB checkpoint data set in active IMS, then enter the /STOP BACKUP command to stop the alternate IMS. MSDB IMAGE COPY LOADED FROM CHKPT DATA SET ddname


Explanation: An unexpected Media Manager MMCALL error occurred because Media Manager used invalid control blocks. The variable ccccffss represents the Media Manager error return code used for problem determination. Media Manager return codes are described in DFSMS/MVS: DFSMSdfp Diagnosis Reference System action: An error from an I/O read request is treated the same as an error from a physical read I/O. IMS blocks further access to the failing CI and records the CI-RBA in the second CI of the area. The data set remains open, but the error log (type X'24') is not produced. If the error resulted from an I/O request for update, IMS closes the data set and stops the area if the data set is the only one available in this area. An MVS SDUMP is taken to the SYS1.DUMP data set for problem determination. Programmer response: The application program receives status code AO if access to the failing CI is attempted. The CI can be accessed after the Database Recovery or DEDB Area Data Set Create utility is run. System Operator Response: If the data set is closed
Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


Explanation: This message verifies that the MSDB image copy was loaded from the checkpoint data set ddnamebb. DFS2596I I/O ERROR IN ddname,cc,co,stat,sens,cchhr

Explanation: Program DBFDBDL0 attempted to read the MSDB checkpoint data set, and an I/O error occurred. The following information is given: Code cc Meaning This is an ECB completion code.


DFS2599I DFS2609
but the area is not stopped, run the DEDB Area Data Set Create utility to recover the data set. If the area is stopped, run the Database Recovery utility to recover the area. System programmer response: If the error persists and if the data set is needed, contact the IBM Support Center for additional analysis. Problem determination: 1, 6, 11, 20. DFS2599I BLDL FAILED FOR RAND. MODULE xxxxxxxx DEFINED IN DMCB xxxxxxxx Programmer response: Correct the error according to the z/OS Data Management error message issued prior to this message. DFS2604A DB xxxx AREA xxxx

Explanation: This message shows the database and area where the I/O error referenced in message DFS2603A occurred. System action: The utility is terminated. DFS2605I AREA=areaname DD=ddname, ERROR IN RBA OF CI READ, CI-RBA=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: Program DBFINI20 could not find the randomizing module defined at database generation for DMCB xxxxxxxx.

| System action: IMS IMS continues running. However, | the defined DMCB is unusable for the present IMS | system. Access to this DEDB results in a status code FH | | | | | | | | |
Programmer response: To correct this problem, perform the following steps: 1. Install the missing randomizing module in one of the searched libraries. 2. Issue the /STO DB or UPDATE DB STOP(ACCESS) command against the DEDB. 3. Issue the /START DB or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command against the DEDB to reload the randomizer. DFS2600A OPEN ERROR FOR DEDB UTILITY, DB xxxxxxxx

Explanation: The relative byte address (RBA) in the buffer, which was returned from the VSAM read, is not equal to the RBA requested. System action: The buffer is returned, and the data entry database (DEDB) remains available. Programmer response: Check the area for valid data in the RBA field of the control interval (CI). An error might have occurred during an unload or reload operation. DFS2606I ERROR IN CIDF OF CI READ

Explanation: The control interval definition field (CIDF) in the buffer, which was returned from the VSAM read, does not indicate a full control interval (CI) for the record size of this area. System action: The buffer is returned, and the data entry database (DEDB) remains available. Programmer response: Check the area for valid data in the CIDF field of the CI. An error might have occurred during an unload or reload operation. DFS2607I SYSIN I/O ERROR FOR DEDB UTILITY

Explanation: A SYSIN or a SYSPRINT open error occurred. System action: The utility is stopped. System Operator Response: See the OS/VS Data Management error message issued prior to this message. DFS2601I DEDB UTILITY xxxxxxxx STARTED, DB xxxx AREA xxxx

Explanation: An I/O error occurred in the SYSIN data set while running a DEDB utility. System action: The utility is terminated. Programmer response: Take appropriate action to correct the error; then rerun the utility. DFS2609 CONTROL BLOCK ERRORS. CONVERSATION TERMINATED.

Explanation: The DEDB utility was successfully started in the named database and area. DFS2602I DEDB UTILITY xxxxxxxx ENDED, DB xxxx AREA xxxx

Explanation: The DEDB utility has completed processing in the named database and area. DFS2603A SYSPRINT ERROR FOR DEDB UTILITY

Explanation: At the end of a warm or emergency restart, the IMS control blocks related to IMS conversations are validated. If errors are found, IMS terminates the affected conversations. One or more IMS conversations were terminated because of invalid control blocks. IMS writes a X'3C' log record containing diagnostic information. System action: Restart processing continues.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred in the system output of a utility, as shown in message DFS2604A. System action: The utility is terminated.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2610 DFS2618I
Problem determination: 1, 5, 25, 26, 36 Module: DFSCFIX0 DFS2610 MSG-Q ERRORS FOUND/ CORRECTED. MSG MAY BE LOST. DFS2614I UNUSABLE NAME

Explanation: Module DFSQFIX0 detected invalid data or inconsistencies, or both, between messages and control blocks in the message queues and made the queues valid. The process might have caused some messages or conversations, or both to be lost. System action: The invalid data, corrected control blocks, and any purged messages were written to the IMS log. Processing continues with the corrected queues. Problem determination: 1, 5, 25, 26, 36 (if conversations are involved) DFS2611I COMMAND NAME NOT FOUND

Explanation: The program scanned a name to be used with the operating system. The name the program found was not usable because: (1) it was longer than 8 characters, (2) the first character was not alphabetic, or (3) one of the later characters was not alphanumeric. System action: The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line. Further processing is as specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command. Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility input, and rerun the DEDB utility. DFS2615I UNABLE TO CONVERT SEQUENTIAL DEPENDENT ADDRESS

Explanation: The program expects a sequential dependent address in hexadecimal, in the form X"hex digits". The X or the starting quote is missing. System action: The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line. Further processing is as specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command. Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility input, and rerun the DEDB utility. DFS2616I UNABLE TO RECOGNIZE KEYWORD

Explanation: The program looked for a DEDB utility command name. There was no command name on the input line, or the program could not find the name in its table of valid command names. System action: The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line. Further processing is as specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command. Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility input, and rerun the DEDB utility. DFS2612I OPERAND DATA LEFT OVER

Explanation: The program looked for a keyword, followed by an equal sign. The keyword was missing, the keyword was not in the table of keywords for this command, or the equal sign was missing. System action: The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line. Further processing is as specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command. Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility input, and rerun the DEDB utility. DFS2617I UNABLE TO FIND STARTING QUOTE

Explanation: The program has processed all the operands it expects for this command, but there is still more operand data on the input line. System action: The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line. Further processing is as specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command. Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility input, and rerun the DEDB utility. DFS2613I UNABLE TO INTERPRET OPERAND

Explanation: The program was unable to find a string with quotes around it. System action: The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line. Further processing is as specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command. Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility input, and rerun the DEDB utility. DFS2618I UNABLE TO SCAN FIELD VALUE

Explanation: The operand field was omitted, or it was supplied but was not recognized as any of the valid choices for this command. System action: The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line. Further processing is as specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command. Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility, input and rerun the DEDB utility.

Explanation: The program looked for a value specification of the form C"characters", X"hex digits", or P"decimal digits". The first character was not a C, an X, or a P; or the second character was not a quote. System action: The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line. Further processing is as specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command.
Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2619I DFS2627I
Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility input, and rerun the DEDB utility. DFS2619I UNABLE TO SCAN FULLWORD VALUE scanning the current input line. Further processing is as specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command. Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility input, and rerun the DEDB utility. DFS2624I UNABLE TO HANDLE FIELD OF LENGTH ZERO

Explanation: The program tried to scan a 32-bit value. The field was omitted, or the field began with an X without a following quote. System action: The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line. Further processing is as specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command. Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility input, and rerun the DEDB utility. DFS2620I UNABLE TO FIND ENDING QUOTE

Explanation: The input contains a specification with nothing between the quotes, such as X' ' or C' '. The program needs at least 1 character of data, as in X'3'. System action: The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line. Further processing is as specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command. Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility input, and rerun the DEDB utility. DFS2625I COMMA OR BLANK IS EXPECTED.

Explanation: The program scanned a value that starts with a quote and expects it to end with a single quote, but the end of the operand field was encountered first. System action: The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line. Further processing is as specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command. Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility input, and rerun the DEDB utility. DFS2621I VALUE IS TOO LARGE

Explanation: It appears that the program has reached the end of an operand field, and it expects to find a blank or a comma. The comma would show the presence of another operand. The error might be in the previous operand, or in the delimiter. System action: The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line. Further processing is as specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command. Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility input, and rerun the DEDB utility. DFS2626I THIS SPECIFICATION CANNOT BE CHANGED

Explanation: The program found too many characters of input, or too many bits were evaluated to fit into the space that was set aside to store this value. System action: The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line. Further processing is as specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command. Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility input, and rerun the DEDB utility. DFS2622I CHARACTER NOT RECOGNIZED AS HEXADECIMAL DIGIT

Explanation: The program encountered a TYPE command after the utility type had already been specified. The program cannot change utility types. The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line. Further processing is as specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command. Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility input, and rerun the DEDB utility. DFS2627I ERROR IN INITIALIZING XCI RANDOMIZER, rrrrrrrr, FOR DEDB=dddddddd, RETURN CODE=xxxx, REASON CODE=yyyyyyyy

Explanation: The program recognizes the decimal digits 0 through 9 and the uppercase letters A through F as hexadecimal digits. Some other character appeared as part of a hexadecimal field. System action: The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line. Further processing is as specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command. Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility input, and rerun the DEDB utility. DFS2623I CHARACTER NOT RECOGNIZED AS DECIMAL DIGIT

Explanation: An error was detected during the initialization call to an Extended Call Interface (XCI) randomizer routine. Both the return code and reason code are specific to the user-written initialization routine. System action: The randomizer is deleted from storage.

Explanation: The program scanned a decimal value, but one of the characters is not a decimal digit. System action: The DEDB utility program stops

| |

Programmer response: Correct the initialization routine and reenter the /START DB or UPDATE DB


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2628I DFS2632I
| START(ACCESS) command for the DEDB.
DFS2628I ERROR IN TERMINATING XCI RANDOMIZER, rrrrrrrr, FOR DEDB=dddddddd, RETURN CODE=xxxx, REASON CODE=yyyyyyyy existing current CI and established a new one. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DBFCSTS0 DFS2631A PARTNER CURRENT CI NOT LESS THAN HWM FOR AREA = areaname

Explanation: An error was detected during the termination call to an Extended Call Interface (XCI) randomizer routine. Both the return code and reason code are specific to the user-written termination routine. System action: The randomizer is deleted from storage.

Explanation: A must-not-occur condition was detected by a data sharing partner. The SDEP utility function to QUITCI will not be performed by the IMS issuing this message and a STATUS UL will be issued by the SDEP utility. System action: The utility is terminated for this area. Programmer response: Check the SDEP utility control statements and retry if they are specified correctly. System Operator Response: If this is not a user error, call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Problem determination: 3, 8, 25, 36 Module: DBFCSTS0

| Programmer response: Correct the termination routine | for subsequent /DBR DB or UPDATE DB STOP(ACCESS) | commands to the DEDB.

Explanation: The Database Delete utility running with the V5COMP keyword specified has reached a preallocated SDEP CI (PACI) count that is unexpected when attempting to logically delete the current CI. In this case, DFS2630I could not be accomplished. v If QUITCI was used on the Database Scan utility, this message indicates that the DELETE utility was run previously with a STOP value that advanced the current CI as far as possible on the high water mark (HWM) owning partner without any further SDEP inserts having taken place on that partner to create a new PACI set. v If QUITCI was not used on the Database Scan utility, this message indicates that the DELETE utility was run previously with a STOP value that advanced the current CI as far as possible on the non-HWM owning partner(s) without any further SDEP inserts having taken place on those partner(s) to create new PACI sets. System action: The utility terminates. This is accompanied by STATUS UL and message DFS2662A. Programmer response: To complete the utility operation, perform one of the following actions: v Use the QUITCI option of the Database Scan utility to cause the IMS partners to release their current and preallocated CIs prior to running the DELETE utility. v Wait until SDEPs are inserted before running the DELETE utility again. Module: DBFCSTS0 DFS2630I DELETE: V5COMP MOVED OFF CURRENT CI

| DFS2632A | | | | | | |


Explanation: The specified RBA value for the STOPRBA parm in the SDEP utility using V5COMP is less than the SDEP logical begin CI RBA. The IMS detecting the problem will issue this message and a STATUS UL will be issued by the SDEP utility.

| System action: The utility is terminated for this area. | This is accompanied by STATUS UL and message | DFS2662A. | Programmer response: Check the SDEP utility control | statement for STOPRBA. | Module: DBFCSTS0

Explanation: Restart finds database updates to this area, but it cannot validate if these updates need redo. There is no subsequent log TYPE5926 record or TYPE5927 record to indicate that the area has been deleted by OLC. This condition occurs if the user has changed the IMS block structure since the specified checkpoint was taken. System action: I/O redo and restart continue. Programmer response: Ensure that there is no data integrity problem, caused by the user changing the IMS block structure since the specified checkpoint was taken.

Explanation: The Database Delete utility running with the V5COMP keyword specified and a STOP value that is greater than the current CI has logically deleted the

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2633I DFS2640A

| | | | | | | | | | |



Explanation: DMAC synchronization was rejected because the DMAC offset was invalid. System action: IMS continues processing. Programmer response: None. Module: DBFCSTS0, DBFDMAC, DBFNCBS0

Explanation: The SDEP Delete utility with V5COMP specified was given no STOP value. Consequently, the default end will become the stopping point and all partners will have their preallocated and current SDEP CIs logically deleted. System action: IMS continues processing. This is an informational message. Programmer response: None. Module: DBFUMDL0, DBFUMRT0 DFS2638I THERE ARE NO CIS TO DELETE

| DFS2634I | | | | | | |


Explanation: When SDEP SCAN/DELETE runs, sharer needs to harden update buffers. When SDEP SCAN/DELETE has QUITCI in SYSIN, but the sharer does not own HWM CI and RBA of HWM CI is greater than the one of current CI, this message is written on the sharer. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None.

Explanation: Program DBFUMDLO, the SDEP Delete utility, found no SDEP segments in the area to delete. Segments can exist in buffers, but if they are not hardened, that is if the data has not been written to DASD, the segments are not eligible for delete processing. This message is an informational message and does not indicate an error. System action: The Delete utility continues processing normally. Programmer response: None. DFS2639I SDEP CI LOCKED, CI xxxxxxxx SKIPPED

| DFS2635I |

AREA=areaname HWM CI Hardened Remotely

| Explanation: When SCAN or DELETE utility runs on | non-HWM-owned partners.

System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. DFS2636I AREA=areaname PARTNER QCI FREE LOCKS

Explanation: Program DBFUMRI0, the Area Data Set Create utility, attempted to access a CI that is currently locked and unavailable. This message is an informational message and does not indicate an error. The CI will be written to both area data sets when the data is committed. System action: The Area Data Set Create utility continues processing normally. Programmer response: None. DFS2640A I/O ERROR IN ddname OUTPUT DATA SET

| Explanation: This message is written when I/O | request of FP utility detects CI locks on preallocated | CIs.
System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. DFS2637I DEFAULT DELETE WITH V5COMP FREES PARTNER QCI LOCKS

Explanation: The SDEP Delete utility with V5COMP specified was given no STOP value. Consequently, the default end will become the stopping point, and all partners will have their preallocated and current SDEP CIs logically deleted. System action: IMS continues processing. This is an informational message. Programmer response: None.

Explanation: Program DBFUMCL0 attempted to close the DCB for this scan utility data set and an error occurred. System action: The utility terminates. Programmer response: To determine the cause of the error, check the z/OS access methods error message issued prior to this message. System Operator Response: Correct the error and rerun the job. Module: DBFUMCL0, DBFUMMS0



Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2641A DFS2645I
DFS2641A UTILITY ERROR v Use the QUITCI option of the Database Scan or Delete utility to cause the IMS partner that owns the CI to release the CI. Make sure that any SDEP segments contained in this CI are retrieved by the SCAN utility and put in an output file before rerunning the DELETE utility after the QUITCI option was used. Attention: After a CI is deleted, any data that it contained is not accessible. v Wait until the partner releases the CI and run the Delete utility again. DFS2644I NUMBER OF CIS NOT USED BY SEQUENTIAL DEPENDENT SEGMENTS xxxxxxxx

Explanation: The DEDB utility attempted to free space. The request was rejected. System action: The utility is terminated for this area. Programmer response: Check whether an exit routine in the Delete utility activated the utility. System Operator Response: If this is not a user error, call the IBM Support Center. DFS2642I NUMBER OF CIS FOR SEQUENTIAL DEPENDENT SEGMENTS xxxxxxx

Explanation: This message shows the space allocated for sequential dependent segments for the area in use. DFS2643I NUMBER OF CIS USED BY SEQUENTIAL DEPENDENT SEGMENTS xxxxxxx

Explanation: This message prints the number of CIs that are not used by the sequential dependent segments listed in the message text. DFS2645I UTILITY STOP CI RBA xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy

Explanation: There are two forms of this message. This form of the message shows the number of CIs used by the sequential dependent segments listed in the message text. The second form of the message listed below is issued only if a DEDB Sequential Dependent Delete utility does not delete up to the user-specified CI RBA or the default CI RBA. DFS2643I DELETE STOPPED PREMATURELY ON CI OWNED BY PARTNER id

Explanation: The sequential dependent utility stopped processing at timestamp xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy. The reason the utility stopped processing is based on one of the following: v UTILITY STOP CI RBA is the cycle count and CI boundary where the SCAN stopped. v UTILITY STOP CI RBA is the cycle count and RBA of the CI boundary where the DELETE stopped. System action: The utility completes normally. This is an informational message. Programmer response: None. Module: DBFUMPR0 DFS2645I UTILITY STOP SEG TS clock value

Explanation: Processing of the DEDB Sequential Dependent Delete utility stopped because the identified IMS sharing partner holds an SDEP CI. This can happen when: v A partner IMS failure retains a CI for its emergency restart. v A partner IMS is not inserting SDEP segments into the area at a rate that fills the preallocated CI encountered by the Delete utility. v A program or transaction is stopped after an abend. System action: Utility processing stops.

Explanation: The sequential dependent utility stopped processing at timestamp xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy. The reason the utility stopped processing is based on one of the following: v UTILITY STOP SEG TS is the timestamp associated with the SCAN stoppage. v UTILITY STOP SEG TS is the timestamp associated with the DELETE stop time plus 3 microseconds. System action: The utility completes normally. This is an informational message. Programmer response: None. Module: DBFUMPR0

| | | | | | | | | |

System programmer response: Determine why the partner is holding the CI. Issue a /DISPLAY AREA or QUERY AREA command to show the SDEP CI utilization for one partner. The IMS partner might be waiting for some resource (for example, a log data set, a resource with which to schedule a program, a DBRC request, or a lock). The hardware and operating system on which the IMS partner is executing might be constrained or not have sufficient capacity to keep up with the rest of the sharing group. To make the CIs following the held CI available to the Delete utility, you can take one of these actions:

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2645I DFS2649I
DFS2645I UTILITY STOP io/ci# xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy System action: The utility completes normally. This is an informational message. Programmer response: None. Module: DBFUMPR0 DFS2646A v UTILITY STOP CI RBA is the cycle count and CI boundary where the SCAN stopped. v UTILITY STOP SEG TS is the timestamp associated with the SCAN stoppage. v UTILITY STOP SEGEND is the cycle count and RBA of the last SDEP (non-dummy) data segment read by the SCAN. v UTILITY STOP USEDCI is the cycle count and CI boundary that SCAN encountered as not marked full. If QUITCI is not specified, SCAN does not go past this CI. DELETE v UTILITY STOP CE RBA is the cycle count and RBA of the CI boundary where the DELETE stopped. v UTILITY STOP SEG TS is the timestamp associated with the DELETE stop time plus 3 microseconds. v UTILITY STOP io/ci# is the number of I/O operations performed and the number of CIs processed. System action: The utility completes normally. This is an informational message. Programmer response: None. Module: DBFUMPR0 DFS2648A DFS2645I UTILITY STOP USEDCI xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy PAGE FIX NOT POSSIBLE OPEN ERROR FOR ddname OUTPUT DATA SET

Explanation: The sequential dependent utility stopped processing at timestamp xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy. The reason the utility stopped processing is based on one of the following: SCAN

Explanation: Program DBFUMOP0 attempted to open the DCB for this scan utility data set and an error occurred. Possible causes are: v There is a missing DD statement v The JCL is incorrect v A hardware error exists v SYSOUT was specified for SCANCOPY System action: The utility terminates. Programmer response: To determine the cause of the error, check the z/OS access methods error message issued prior to this message. System Operator Response: Correct the error and rerun the job. Module: DBFUMOP0, DBFUMMS0 DFS2647I SEGMENTS EXPANDED WITH exitname EXIT: nnnnnnnn

System action: Execution normal, expanded compressed segments with exit. Programmer response: None. Module: DBFUMSC0

Explanation: The sequential dependent utility stopped processing at timestamp xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy. The reason the utility stopped processing is UTILITY STOP io/ci# is the number of I/O operations performed and the number of CIs processed. System action: The utility completes normally. This is an informational message. Programmer response: None. Module: DBFUMPR0 DFS2645I UTILITY STOP SEGEND xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy

Explanation: Program DBFUMOP0 was unable to page fix because not enough space was available in the CSA. System action: The utility is terminated for the current area. System Operator Response: Rerun the job at a time when the CSA requirements in the system are lower. DFS2649I NUMBER OF SEGMENTS SCANNED IN areaname = nnnnnnnn

Explanation: The Sequential Dependent Scan utility has retrieved the number of SDEP segments specified in the message (nnnnnnnn). System action: The utility completes normally. This is an informational message.

Explanation: The sequential dependent utility stopped processing at timestamp xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy. The reason the utility stopped processing is UTILITY STOP SEGEND is the cycle count and RBA of the last SDEP (non-dummy) data segment read by the SCAN.

Programmer response: None. Module: DBFUMSC0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2650A DFS2659A
DFS2650A AREA xxxxxxxx DOES NOT EXIST Programmer response: If you received the second form of the message and shutdown did not complete, cancel IMS and do an emergency restart. DFS2654A CHANGE OF UTILITY FOR THIS AREA

Explanation: The user specified an area name that does not exist in the database. System action: The utility is not invoked for this area. Programmer response: Correct the parameter statements, and rerun the job. DFS2651A OTHER UTILITY ACTIVE IN AREA aaaaaaaa

Explanation: A run in different areas must be made with one utility type only. System action: The utility is not invoked for this area. Programmer response: Correct the control statements, and rerun the job. DFS2655A OPEN FAILED FOR AREA=areaname

Explanation: Program DBFUMRT0 could not be started because another utility, HSSP, or VSO preloading was active for the same area. System action: The utility was not invoked for this area.

| | | | | | | |

System Operator Response: Rerun this utility when the other utility, HSSP, or VSO preloading has finished processing the area. This message might also be issued if a previous utility did not complete successfully. If this occurs, issue a /STOP AREA or UPDATE AREA STOP(SCHD) and a /START AREA or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) for the area to allow the requested utility to run.

Explanation: An open error occurred in the named area while the Fast Path Base Module utility, DBFUMRT0, was running. System action: The Fast Path Base Module utility is stopped for the named area. System Operator Response: Check message DFS3702I to find the reason for the error. After correcting the error, rerun the job. DFS2656A INVALID DISCONNECT CALL

| Module: DBFUMRT0

Explanation: Program DBFUMRT0 tried to disconnect an area that was not connected. Programmer response: An error occurred previously. Correct that error, and rerun the job. DFS2657I UTILITY EXECUTED AS REQUESTED

Explanation: A Reorganization utility terminated abnormally in this area. System action: The utility is not invoked for this area. Programmer response: Run a Reorganization utility. DFS2653I UTILITY IN AREA=areaname PREVIOUSLY ABNORMALLY TERMINATED UTILITY IN AREA=areaname STILL ACTIVE DURING SHUTDOWN

Explanation: This message verifies that no errors were detected during the utility run. DFS2658A WRONG PROGRAM NAME

Explanation: An invalid parameter was used with the TYPE macro. System action: The utility is not invoked for this area. Programmer response: Correct the error, and rerun the job.


Explanation: The first form of the message indicates that a previously run Scan, Delete, Compare, or Create utility abnormally terminated in the named area. This form of the message is for information only. The second form of the message indicates that HSREORG or HSSP is active for the area during shutdown. Shutdown will wait for the utility to terminate. If shutdown completes, the message is for information only. If shutdown does not complete, a utility terminated abnormally for the area, but the utility was not rerun to complete cleanup. System action: For the first form of the message, the Fast Path utility being used continues execution with the next area.

| DFS2659A


| Explanation: Program DBFUMRT0 made a positioning | (POS) call and received a nonblank status code (xx). | System action: The utility is not invoked for the | requested area. | Programmer response: Check the positioning status | codes for an explanation. Correct the error, and rerun | the job.

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2660A DFS2669A
DFS2660A ROOT SEGMENT HAS NO SEQUENTIAL DEPENDENT SEGMENTS Programmer response: Correct the parameter, and rerun the job. DFS2665I UTILITY SKIPPED IN AREA xxxxxxxx DUE TO RESTART REQUEST

Explanation: IMS is unable to determine the processing limits. System action: The utility is not invoked for this area. Programmer response: Correct the parameter input, using only root segments with sequential segments.

Explanation: The user requested to skip this area because of a restart request. System action: The utility is not invoked for this area.

| DFS2661A | | | | | |


| | | |



Explanation: IMS Fast Path attempted to validate the input parameter for the Fast Path utility program being used and discovered an error. There was a previous error (no code printed) or a parameter error concerning existing processing limits.


Explanation: Program DBFUMSC0 was unable to write to the scan data set. System action: The Scan utility is stopped. Programmer response: To determine the cause of the error, check the z/OS Data Management error message issued prior to this message. System Operator Response: Correct the error, and resubmit the job.

| System action: The Fast Path utility being used is not | invoked on this area. | Programmer response: Correct the error, and resubmit | the job.

Explanation: A previous error prevented the utility from executing this time. Programmer response: Correct the error, and rerun the job. DFS2663A SYSIN RECORD SIZE EXCEEDS MAXIMUM LIMIT OR RECORD FORMAT NOT ALLOWED

| | | | | | | | |



Explanation: A Fast Path utility encountered the condition defined by the status code xx, while processing a database. System action: The utility is stopped for this area. System Operator Response: Take the appropriate action according to the z/OS Data Management error message issued before this message. DFS2668A OUTPUT TOO LONG FOR SCAN BUFFER

Explanation: The user specified a record size that exceeded the maximum limit of 120, or specified an invalid record format. System action: The utility is not started for this area. Programmer response: Correct the SYSIN DD statement, and rerun the job. DFS2664A UNIT OF WORK NUMBER NOT WITHIN LIMITS OR LOGICAL ORDER

Explanation: The message returned to the user is too long. System action: The utility is stopped for this area. Programmer response: Correct the exit routine. DFS2669A GET AREA LOCK FAILED, AREA=areaname

Explanation: The parameter specifying the unit-of-work limits for the reorganization utility has one of the following errors: v The upper limit is lower than the lower limit. v The limits in the DBD are not consistent with the area description. v More than one STARTUOW or STOPUOW was specified within one request. System action: The utility is not invoked for this area.

Explanation: An area lock request failed while processing an area connect call from DBFUMRT0. STATUSUL is set. System action: The utility terminates and message DFS2662A is issued. Programmer response: Determine the cause of the error and rerun the utility.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2670I DFS2675A
DFS2670I DATA BASE NAME dbname SPECIFIED FOR FAST PATH DEDB UTILITY IS INVALID Programmer response: If desired, the utility can be restarted at the next unit of work. DFS2674A I/O ERROR OCCURRED WHEN ATTEMPTING TO WRITE TO AREA=areaname UOW=nnnnnnnn IN (BUILD|COPY) PHASE

Explanation: The Fast Path (IFP) region could not be initialized because the PSB name in the third positional operand was specified as DBFFPU0 and the database name in the second positional operand of the PARM field on the EXEC control statement was not defined as a DEDB at the IMS system definition. System action: The dependent region is abnormally terminated with abend U0458. Programmer response: Correct the database name, and rerun the job. Problem determination: 8, 9, 10, 17d DFS2671I UNABLE TO UPDATE UTILITY CONTROL DATA: AREA xxxxxxxx, UOW nnnnnnn

Explanation: In attempting to write onto the area and unit of work (UOW) nnnnnnnn, the DEDB Direct Reorganization utility, DBFUMDRO, encountered an I/O error. The BUILD phase indicates that this message was issued during the build phase of the DEDB Direct Reorganization utility and that an error occurred while writing on the reorganized UOW. The area is still usable, but all the data sets have unwritten control intervals (CI) with the same relative byte address (RBA) in the reorganized unit of work (UOW) of each data set. The COPY phase indicates that this message was issued in the copy phase of the DEDB Direct Reorganization utility and that an error occurred while writing on the original UOW. The DEDB Direct Reorganization utility continues its operation for the original UOW. System action: For the BUILD phase, the utility terminates. The user can stop the area and recover it later. For the COPY phase, the utility continues its operation. System Operator Response: None. The user can recover the area after stopping the area. DFS2675A I/O ERROR OCCURRED WHEN ATTEMPTING TO READ FROM AREA=areaname UOW=nnnnnnnn IN (BUILD|COPY) PHASE

Explanation: The DEDB Direct Reorganization utility, DBFUMDR0, could not release ownership of resources nor update the count of independent overflow control intervals. The unit of work number and its area name are provided. System action: The DEDB Direct Reorganization utility terminates with a return code of 8. The database is usable. Programmer response: Restart the utility. DFS2672A (LOG|CHNG) REQUEST FAILED: AREA xxxxxxxx, UOW nnnnnnn

Explanation: The DEDB Direct Reorganization utility, DBFUMDR0, was unable to satisfy the indicated internal request. The message provides the affected unit of work number and its area name. The LOG request is made at the end of the build phase to log the copy phase reached indicator. The CHNG request is made at the end of the copy phase to reset the copy phase indicator. System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 24. The database is not usable. Programmer response: The utility must be restarted at the failing unit of work. DFS2673I UTILITY STOPPED AFTER AREA xxxxxxxx, UOW nnnnnnn

Explanation: The DEDB Direct Reorganization utility, DBFUMDR0, attempted to read from the area and unit of work, nnnnnnnn, and encountered an I/O error. The BUILD phase indicates that this message was issued during the build phase of the DEDB Direct Reorganization utility and an error occurred while reading from the original UOW. The area is still usable, but all the data sets have unreadable control intervals with the same relative byte address (RBA) in the original UOW of each data set. The COPY phase indicates that this message was issued in the copy phase of the DEDB Direct Reorganization utility and an error occurred while reading from a reorganized UOW. The system will stop the area and set the area to a recovery-needed status. System action: The utility terminates. System Operator Response: In the BUILD phase, the user can stop the area and then recover it later. After a successful recovery, resubmit the job. In the COPY phase, the user must recover the area immediately.
Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E

Explanation: The DEDB Direct Reorganization utility, DBFUMDR0, was stopped at the request of the operator. The last unit of work that was reorganized and its area name are provided in the message. System action: The DEDB Direct Reorganization utility terminates with a return code of 4. The database is usable.


DFS2676A DFS2685I
DFS2676A UNABLE TO GET CONTROL OF A RESOURCE FOR AREA xxxxxxxx, UOW nnnnnnnn Programmer response: Correct the input and resubmit the job. DFS2680I SYNAD error message buffer

Explanation: The DEDB Direct Reorganization utility, DBFUMDR0, was unable to get exclusive control of an independent overflow control CI. System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 24.

Explanation: This message contains the MVS SYNAD error message buffer. For more information, see Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference for MVS/DFP. System action: Fast Path is made unavailable if the control records of the MSDB checkpoints cannot be read. Programmer response: Retry from a different unit, or copy the data set to a different direct access storage device. DFS2681I ddname OPEN ERROR

| | | | | | |

Programmer response: The utility must be restarted at the failing unit of work. Issue /STOP AREA or UPDATE AREA STOP(SCHD) followed by /START AREA or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) before restarting the utility. If you do not issue /STOP AREA, UPDATE AREA STOP(SCHD), /START AREA, or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS), message DFS2651A might appear when the utility is restarted. DFS2677A UNABLE TO FREE CONTROL OF A RESOURCE FOR AREA xxxxxxxx, UOW nnnnnnnn

Explanation: The DEDB Direct Reorganization utility, DBFUMDR0, attempted to allocate or deallocate independent overflow space and was unable to release exclusive control of an independent overflow control CI. System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 24. The database is not usable. Programmer response: The utility must be restarted at the failing unit of work. DFS2678I UNABLE TO ALLOCATE SUFFICIENT OVERFLOW SPACE FOR AREA xxxxxxxx, UOW nnnnnnnn

Explanation: Program DBFNRST0 could not open the DCB for this data set. Possible causes are: v There is a missing DD statement. v The JCL is incorrect. v A hardware error exists. System action: The system tries to open the second MSDB data set. Fast Path will be made unavailable if the second opening fails too. Programmer response: Make sure there is a DD statement and its specifications are correct. If hardware failure is indicated, rerun the job, using a different unit. DFS2682W MSDBS NOT LOADED DUE TO PREVIOUS ERROR(S)

Explanation: The DEDB Direct Reorganization utility, DBFUMDR0, was unable to allocate independent overflow space for the referenced unit of work because there was no space available. The unit of work is not reorganized. System action: Any independent overflow space allocated to the referenced unit of work by the utility is freed and the utility continues to process with the next unit of work. Programmer response: The utility can be rerun to reorganize the referenced unit of work if sufficient independent overflow space was freed by the reorganization of other units of work. DFS2679A TYPE AND/OR AREA NOT SPECIFIED

Explanation: Either program DBFNRST0 found no valid MSDB checkpoint control record, or other errors as specified in messages DFS2780A and DFS2781A previously occurred. System action: Fast Path is made unavailable. Programmer response: Find out if IMS was cold started without MSDBs specified. If so, issue the /NRE MSDBLOAD command on the next warm start to load the MSDBs from the MSDBINIT data set. DFS2685I SDEP DISCREPANCY DURING RESTART AREA xxxxxxxx AREA STOPPED

Explanation: At least one of the required parameter types and the area were not specified or had no value. System action: The utility is not activated for this area.

Explanation: During an emergency restart, restart log processing found a problem with the log records relating to the sequential dependents of Area xxxxxxxx. Specifically, due to a missing log record, restart log processing was unable to determine the correct buffer for one or more committed SDEP updates. System action: Area xxxxxxxx is stopped. If the area is registered with DBRC, it is marked as recovery needed. Programmer response: Use the Database Recovery utility to recover the Area.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2686I DFS2694I
DFS2686I DDNAME EOF ON OPEN ERROR v Log data set checkpoint IDs are not in ascending order. v The main storage database (MSDB) or extended communications node table (ECNT) definition does not match the definition in the MSDBCP1/CP2/DMP data set. Note: The ECNT definition is the result of the TERMINAL macros in IMS system definition. Two checkpoint IDs are printed. If the IDs are the same, then the problem is either a mismatch in the MSDB or ECNT definition, or the checkpoint IDs are out of sequence. The second checkpoint ID is the one in error. System action: The utility terminates with return code 4. The database is not usable. Programmer response: Make sure that the log data sets are specified in the correct sequence, and that all log data sets are from IMS sessions that have identical MSDB and TERMINAL definitions. DFS2692I CKPT/DUMP DATA SET NOT VALID DDNAME=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: Program DBFNRS20 found file DDNAME empty. The data set might have been redefined. System action: The system closes this data set and tries to open the next MSDB data set. Fast Path will be made unavailable if all the MSDB data sets fail open or are empty. Programmer response: Format the empty MSDB data set or copy from a valid MSDB data set. DFS2687A GETMAIN FAILED, AREA = AREANAME

Explanation: An IMODULE GETMAIN request failed while processing an area connect call from DBFUMRT0. System action: The utility terminates and messages DFS2687A is issued. Programmer response: Determine the cause of the error and rerun the utility. DFS2688I SDEP SCAN UTILITY FOUND RBA xxxxxxxx INDOUBT

Explanation: The DEDB Sequential Dependent Scan utility found an in-doubt segment in the range of segments requested to be processed. System action: The utility continues. Module: DBFUMSC0, DBFUMMS0 DFS2689I UTILITY START TIME xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy

Explanation: Checkpoint data was specified for the utility, but neither of the two checkpoint data sets was valid. An IMS startup failure is the probable cause. System action: The utility terminates and no output is generated. Programmer response: IMS must be restarted to obtain valid checkpoint data sets. DFS2693I INVALID DBDNAME SUPPLIED. DBDNAME=xxxxxxxx.

Explanation: The sequential dependent utility started processing at timestamp xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy. System action: The utility starts normally. Programmer response: None. Module: DBFUMSC0 DFS2690I OPEN FAILED DDNAME=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: The indicated DBD name was submitted as control input to the utility, but there is no MSDB by this name in the primary input file (checkpoint or dump). System action: The utility terminates without creating an output file. Programmer response: Correct the control input, and resubmit the job. DFS2694I O/P LRECL INSUFFICIENT TO HOLD RECORD

Explanation: The DBFDBDZ0 utility was unable to open the indicated data set. System action: The utility terminates and no output is generated. Programmer response: Make the necessary changes, and resubmit the job. DFS2691A LOG DATA SET IS INVALID, TERMINATE. CURRENT CHKPT ID=xxxxxxx, PROCESSING CHKPT ID=xxxxxxx

Explanation: The logical record length specified in the JCL by the user was too small for the utility output data set. The ddname is MSDBINIT. System action: The utility terminates, and no output is generated. Programmer response: Correct the JCL, and resubmit the job.

Explanation: One of the following problems occurred:

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2696I DFS2706A

Explanation: An MSDB name in a control statement was too long. The statement is printed immediately before this message. System action: The utility terminates, and no output is generated. Programmer response: Correct the input, and resubmit the job. DFS2698I INVALID CONTINUATION SYNTAX

Explanation: There is not enough storage to load and build all of the Fast Path control blocks in the CSA or ECSA. System action: IMS terminates with abend U1011. Programmer response: Consult your z/OS system programmer, and increase the CSA or ECSA size. Master Terminal Operator Response: After increasing CSA or ECSA storage size, restart IMS. Module: DBFINI20, DBFOLC02 DFS2704A BSIZ NOT SPECIFIED

Explanation: The control statement should have a character in column 72 and it contained a blank, or the first 15 columns of a continuation statement contained characters and must be blank. System action: The utility terminates, and no output is generated. Programmer response: Correct the control statement, and resubmit the job. DFS2699I LOG END OF FILE BEFORE IMS START CKPT RCD

Explanation: There are DEDBs or MSDBs in use, but no data buffer size was specified. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U1011. Programmer response: Update the BSIZ parameter in the IMS procedure or override the parameter at IMS startup time. If neither an MSDB nor a DEDB is in use, no suffix for an MSDB can be defined, and no DBD should be on the IMS ACBLIB for any DEDB. DFS2705A DBBF NOT SPECIFIED

Explanation: The utility scanned the log data set for the start of the IMS checkpoint. An end-of-file condition occurred before the checkpoint was found. System action: The utility terminates, and no output is generated. Programmer response: Resubmit the job, using an alternate log. DFS2700A MORE THAN 255 MSDBS DEFINED

Explanation: There are DEDBs or MSDBs in use, but no number is specified for data buffers. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U1011. Programmer response: Update the DBBF parameter in the IMS procedure or override it at IMS startup time. DFS2706A MSDB xxxxxxxx {NOT SPECIFIED AT SYSGEN|HAS NO DBD GENERATED IN ACBLIB|NOT DEFINED AS A MSDB AT DBDGEN}.

Explanation: The number of possible MSDBs in IMS was exceeded. The maximum number of MSDBs that can be specified is 255. System action: IMS terminates with abend U1012. Programmer response: Reduce the number of MSDBs in MSDB member DBFMSDBn in the IMS PROCLIB DFS2702A GETMAIN FAILED. INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR DMCB/DMAC AND/OR BHDR BLOCKS.

Explanation: The IMS control region does not contain sufficient storage to build the temporary DMCB/DMAC or BHDR blocks, or both. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U1011. Programmer response: Increase the IMS control region size.

Explanation: One of the following occurred: v The MSDB name is specified in the DBFMSDBn member, but was not defined in the DATABASE parameter at system definition. v No ACBGEN is done for the MSDB. v The name entry specified in DBFMSDB is not defined as an MSDB at DBDGEN. System action: IMS continues running but the named MSDB is marked as not accessible in the first two cases listed above. If the named entry is not defined as an MSDB at DBDGEN, the entry is ignored. Programmer response: Check and correct the IMS system definition or MSDB load determination member DBFMSDBn.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2707W DFS2713I
DFS2707W INVALID OTHR VALUE SPECIFIED. SYSDEF VALUE USED. DFS2712I MODULE NAME: module name Commentary from the module ABEND SUBCODE: hex subcode Dump of registers 0-15 Dump of an area of storage AREA NAME: area name

Explanation: The OTHR parameter was specified, but not as a decimal value from 1 to the value of the MAXPST parameter in the control region procedure. System action: IMS continues running. Programmer response: Correct the OTHR value in the IMS procedure. DFS2708W NUMBER OF DATA BUFFERS EXCEEDED. DBBF=999 ASSUMED.

Explanation: This message accompanies abend U1026 and provides debugging data for conditions that logically should not occur. v module name: This field contains the name of the module that detected the problem, and issued the DBFDEBUG request. v commentary from the module: This commentary usually describes the nature of the difficulty. v hex subcode: If present, this subcode identifies the type of error that caused the program to terminate abnormally. For a description of the subcodes, see IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis. v register dump: This dump contains the registers of the module that issued the debugging request. v dump of storage area: This dump describes the control block related to the logical inconsistency. v area name: Name of area that was being processed when the abnormal condition was detected System action: Processing continues or abend U1026 occurs. Problem determination: Control blocks in the Fast Path region dump are immediately preceded by the appropriate EBCDIC eye catchers. For security reasons, the buffer data does not normally appear in a dump. If you want a diagnostic copy of the buffer data printed in the dump, use SUPERZAP to reset the flag called 'MAYBE' from its normal value of X'FF' to X'00' in module DBFACDI0. In addition, problem diagnosis can be done with the register contents and a listing of the module that issued the DBFDEBUG request. See abend U1026 in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis for more detailed diagnostic information. DFS2713I ddname OPEN ERROR

| Explanation: The DBBF parameter in the IMS start-up | procedure exceeded the maximum value of 65535. | DBBF=999 is assumed.
System action: IMS continues running. Programmer response: Correct the DBBF value in the IMS procedure. DFS2709W UNABLE TO INITIALIZE ANY DEDB AS SPECIFIED.

Explanation: Because of previous errors no DEDBs (or MSDBs) have been initialized. System action: IMS continues running. Programmer response: If DEDBs (or MSDBs) are required, shut down IMS, correct any errors indicated by previous error messages, and restart IMS. DFS2710W DBFX GREATER THAN DBBF, OR DBFX EQUALS 0. DBFX=1 IS ASSUMED.

Explanation: The number of data buffers, page fixed at region startup, exceeds the number of data buffers available; or the page fixed data buffer was specified as 0 while the number of data buffer was greater than 0. The DBFX value is set to 1. System action: IMS continues running. Programmer response: Correct the DBFX parameter in the IMS procedure. DFS2711A BSIZ VALUE WRONG

Explanation: The BSIZ value specified in the IMS start-up procedure is invalid. The data buffer size (BSIZ) must be a multiple of 4 KB unless the BSIZ value is 512, 1024, or 2048. The maximum BSIZ value is 28,672. System action: IMS terminates with abend U1011. Programmer response: Correct the BSIZ parameter value in the IMS procedure. Master Terminal Operator: Restart IMS.

Explanation: Program DBFDBDP0 was unable to open the DCB for this data set. Possible causes are: v There is a missing DD statement. v The JCL is incorrect. v A hardware error exists. System action: No MSDB checkpoint or dump is taken. Programmer response: Make sure that a DD statement is present and its specifications are correct. If a hardware error is indicated, rerun the job, using a different unit.

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2714I DFS2722I
DFS2714I xxxxx TRACKS ALLOCATED FOR ddname, BUT yyyyy REQUIRED 3. Copy the valid MSDB checkpoint data set to the newly allocated data set. 4. Emergency restart the system from the last valid system checkpoint. B. Recovery through a warm start action: 1. Shut down IMS. Message DFS2762A should be expected. 2. Follow the actions documented in message DFS2762A. For the appropriate recovery actions in an XRF environment, see Procedure 210 in . DFS2719I MSDB CHECKPOINT WRITTEN TO ddname

Explanation: Insufficient direct access storage device space was allocated for this MSDB checkpoint or dump data set. System action: No checkpoint or dump is taken. Programmer response: Reallocate the data set, and cold start IMS. DFS2715I NO MSDBS FOUNDMSDB DUMP IGNORED

Explanation: A dump request was entered with a /DBDUMP command but the system had been started with no MSDBs. System action: The MSDB dump is ignored. DFS2716I NO MSDBS FOUNDNO MSDB CHECKPOINT TAKEN

Explanation: The MSDB checkpoint was written to ddname. DFS2720I I/O ERROR IN ddname,cc,co,stat,sens,cchhr

Explanation: Fast Path was started with no MSDBs. Therefore, no MSDB checkpoint is taken. DFS2717 MSDB CHKPT IN PROGRESS, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: Program DBFDBDP0 attempted to write to an MSDB checkpoint and an I/O error occurred. The following information is given: Code cc co stat sens cchhr Meaning This is the ECB completion code. This is the command code of the CCW where the error occurred. This field contains status information. This field contains the sense bytes. This is the disk address where the error occurred.

Explanation: An MSDB checkpoint from a previously entered command or an automatic system checkpoint is currently in process. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Wait for message DFS2719I to be displayed, and reenter the command. DFS2718I ERRORS IN MSDB CHKPT DATA SET, NO SYSTEM/MSDB CHKPT TAKEN

Message DFS2718I is also issued. System action: The MSDB checkpoint is stopped. Programmer response: Shut down IMS and emergency restart the system from the last valid system checkpoint. For the appropriate recovery actions in an XRF environment, see Procedure 210 in . DFS2721I MSDBS SUCCESSFULLY DUMPED

Explanation: Program DBFDBDP0 found errors in one of the main storage database (MSDB) checkpoint data sets, and no MSDB checkpoint is taken. System action: No further checkpoint (system and MSDB) is taken except for a shutdown checkpoint, if requested. No MSDB checkpoint will be taken as part of the shutdown checkpoint. Master Terminal Operator Response: If a write error occurs in one of the MSDB checkpoint data sets in the initial checkpoint after the IMS restart, and the restart checkpoint is written to the OLDS, the MSDBs cannot be recovered in an emergency restart. If this problem occurs during restart, take action B. Otherwise, you can take either of these actions: A. Recovery through an emergency restart action: 1. Force termination of IMS by issuing a MODIFY IMS,STOP command. 2. Scratch the failing MSDB checkpoint data set, and reallocate a new data set.

Explanation: This message verifies that the MSDBs were dumped successfully. DFS2722I ERROR IN MSDB DUMPNO DUMP TAKEN

Explanation: Program DBFDBDP0 discovered an error in the MSDB dump. System action: The dump is terminated and no further dump is taken. Programmer response: Try a different unit or copy the data set to another direct access storage device. If the new active IMS system receives this message in


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2723I DFS2730A
an XRF environment, the operator might not have entered the 'MD' option for the FORMAT keyword in the /ERE command for the IMS alternate system. DFS2723I UNABLE TO OPEN DD=LOGTAPE. ANALYSIS TERMINATED. DFS2727I LOG BUFFER CONTROL RECORD NOT FOUND ON INPUT LOG. ANALYSIS TERMINATED.

Explanation: A permanent I/O error might have occurred while opening the input log data set, which resides on tape or DASD. System action: The IMS Fast Path Log Analysis utility, DBFULTA0, terminates. Programmer response: Ensure that the LOGTAPE ddname is allocated properly. DFS2724I MORE THAN 100 TRANSACTION CODES SPECIFIED FOR EXCEPTIONAL TRANSIT TIME. EXCESS IGNORED.

Explanation: The IMS Fast Path Log Analysis utility, DBFULTA0, was unable to find the IMS log buffer control record on the data set specified by LOGTAPE ddname. System action: Execution terminates. Programmer response: Ensure that the LOGTAPE ddname is correctly allocated. DFS2728I UNABLE TO OPEN DD=SYSUT1(2). ANALYSIS TERMINATED.

Explanation: A data definition statement with the ddname SYSUT1 or SYSUT2 was included in the JCL, but either or both data sets could not be successfully opened. System action: Execution terminates. Programmer response: Ensure that ddname SYSUT1(2) is allocated properly. DFS2729I PERMANENT I/O ERROR READING LOG DATA SET. ANALYSIS TERMINATED.

Explanation: More than 100 statements were read from the SYSIN data set specifying exceptional transit times for transaction codes. A maximum of 100 specification statements is permitted. System action: Execution continues and the excessive transit-time specifications are ignored. Programmer response: Remove the excessive transit-time specification statements from the SYSIN data set, and resubmit the job. DFS2725I UNABLE TO OBTAIN ADDITIONAL VIRTUAL STORAGE. ANALYSIS TERMINATED.

Explanation: Module DBFULTA0 attempted to read a log record, and the access method returned control to the SYNAD address specified in the log data set DCB, indicating an uncorrectable I/O error on the log data set. System action: Analysis is terminated prematurely with presentation of the results accumulated up to the point of the error. Problem determination: Check the accompanying IEA or IEC messages for details. DFS2730A UNABLE TO LOAD FP INPUT ROUTING EXIT: DBFHAGU0

Explanation: More virtual storage than was available was required for the job. System action: Module DBFULTA0 terminates prematurely, presenting any summary reports prepared to the time of the failure. Programmer response: Allocate more virtual storage space, and resubmit the job. DFS2726I PARAMETER CARD FORMAT INCORRECT, VALUE NOT USED.

Explanation: During IMS system initialization, Fast Path initialization was unable to load DBFHAGU0, the required Fast Path input routing exit. System action: After issuing message DFS2730A, IMS Fast Path initialization abends with the user abend 1011. System programmer response: 1. Make sure that the default or customer written version of DBFHAGU0 is in the IMS.SDFSRESL STEPLIB concatenation. 2. Restart IMS.

Explanation: The format of a parameter statement in the SYSIN data is incorrect. See the correct description of the formats to be used for module DBFULTA0 in the Fast Path Log Analysis Utility topic in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System. System action: The statement is skipped, the data is not used, and processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the format of the parameter statement and resubmit the job.

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2731I DFS2742A

Explanation: This is an information message to alert you that MSDB xxxxxxxxxx started, where xxxxxxxxxx is either CHECKPOINT or DUMP. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DBFDBDP0

Explanation: No run card was supplied. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 continues processing until message DFS2740 appears. Programmer response: Insert a run card, and resubmit the job. DFS2738A NO ACTION CARDS

| DFS2732E |


Explanation: Program DBFDBMA0 requires at least one action card, and none was supplied. System action: The program continues processing until message DFS2740A appears. Programmer response: Supply one action statement for each MSDB, and resubmit the job. DFS2739A DUPLICATE ACTION CARDS

| Explanation: This message is generated when the | CASTOUT for a SVSO area has timed out. The | maximum number of retries has been exhausted. | System action: Area xxxxxxxx is stopped and marked | as recovery needed. | System programmer response: Use the Database | Recovery utility to recover the area. | Module: DBFVXOC0

Explanation: Duplicate action card were supplied, and only one is allowed for each MSDB. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 continues processing until message DFS2740A appears. Programmer response: Correct the file, and resubmit the job. DFS2740A ERRORS IN CONTROL FILE. TERMINATE

Explanation: There was a faulty DD statement, or a DD statement is missing. System action: Processing continues. However, abnormal termination is likely if an attempt is made to read or write the data set. Programmer response: Check the DD statement, and resubmit the job. DFS2735A MORE THAN ONE RUN CARD

Explanation: This message is always preceded by one or more detailed messages. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates.

Explanation: More than one run card was supplied, and only one card is valid. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 continues processing until message DFS2740A appears. Programmer response: Remove the extra run cards, and resubmit the job. DFS2736A INVALID ACTION CARD

Programmer response: Correct the errors in the control file. Resubmit the job. DFS2741A CHANGE RECORD SYNTAX ERROR

Explanation: There is a syntax error in the last-listed record of the statement image change file. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the change file, and resubmit the job. DFS2742A CHANGE RECORD DATA INVALID OR TOO LONG

Explanation: There is a syntax error in the listed statement. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 continues processing until message DFS2740A appears. Programmer response: Correct the statement, and resubmit the job.

Explanation: The specified change record contains invalid data. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the input, and resubmit the job.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2743I DFS2752A

Explanation: An OLCSTAT DD statement is coded in the batch JCL; however, the system cannot access the data set. An attempt is being made to read the MDA member if one exists. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None Module: DFSBIND0

Explanation: The action statement indicated the action "INSERT" or "REPLACE", but there were no change records supplying the segment data for the database named in the message. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Change records must be supplied in sequence by main storage database (MSDB). Within each MSDB, change records must be supplied by key. Correct the input, as specified in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager, then resubmit the job. DFS2749A NO CHANGE RECORDS FOR MODIFY. DBD=name

| DFS2744E | | | | | | | |


Explanation: During checkpoint or IMS/CQS Resync process, one or more CQSPUTs were not performed. IMS was either not able to determine the status of the CQSPUT (a prior CQSPUT may or may not have been successful), or an error occurred during the rebuild of a message for the CQSPUT. One type 67D00F diagnostic records is logged per unresolved CQSPUT.

Explanation: The action statement specifies "MODIFY" and no change records were supplied for this MSDB. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the input, and resubmit the job. DFS2750A ATTEMPT TO MODIFY NONEXISTENT MSDB. DBD=name.

| System action: The CQSPUT was not performed and | the message was cleaned up locally. | | | | | | | | |
Programmer response: Pull all type 67D0 and 3F log records from IMS log for the system on which the IMS message was received by using the utility DFSERA10 with option EXITR=DFSERA30. Save all the IMS logs; then call the IBM Support Center to report the problem. Problem determination: Check type 67D00F diagnostic records to determine the status of the CQSPUT. The header of the 67D00F record should contain the function and description of the error.

Explanation: A "MODIFY" change record specifies a key that does not exist in the prior load-image copy of MSDBs. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the input, and resubmit the job. DFS2751A NO ACTION CARD. DBD=name

| Module: DFSQURS0
DFS2746A MSDB TO BE DELETED REPLACED OR MODIFIED DOES NOT EXIST. DBD=name Explanation: A change record was provided for the named MSDB, but the associated ACTION statement was missing. System action: Processing continues until message DFS2747A is issued; then the MSDB Maintenance utility terminates. Programmer response: Provide an ACTION statement for the MSDB and resubmit the job. DFS2752A UNKNOWN FIELD NAME.

Explanation: The action statement specifies "DELETE", "REPLACE" or "MODIFY" but there is no such MSDB on the prior load-image file of MSDBs. The intended action might have been to insert the MSDB. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the input and resubmit the job. DFS2747A ERRORS DETECTED IN CHANGE FILE. TERMINATE

Explanation: The last-listed card image change file statement contains an unknown field name. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the input, and resubmit the job.

Explanation: This message is always preceded by one or more detailed messages. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the errors in the change file, and resubmit the job.

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2753I DFS2761W
DFS2753I nnnn MSDBS COPIED APPC OTMA RRE CCB Bit maps DFS2754I nnnn MSDBS REPLACED System action: A message is generated at the start of QFIX. An additional message is generated approximately every ten minutes noting the current block type QFIX is processing. Programmer response: None. DFS2759I INVALID SYNTAX. DBN= EXPECTED

Explanation: This is a summary message. The count of MSDBs has been copied intact from the load-image data sets MSDBINIT(0) to MSDBINIT(+1).

Explanation: This summary message counts the MSDBs that were replaced. DFS2755I nnnn MSDBS DELETED

Explanation: This summary message counts the MSDBs that were deleted. DFS2756I nnnn MSDBS MODIFIED

Explanation: The MSDB DUMP/RECOVERY utility processed a control statement which contained a value other than "DBN=". System action: Program DBFDBDR0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the input, and resubmit the job. DFS2760I INVALID SYNTAX. BLANK FOLLOWING DBN=(

Explanation: This summary message counts the MSDBs that were modified. DFS2757E QUEUE MANAGER DETECTED AN ERROR - UOWID: SSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Explanation: An IMS internal error was encountered by Queue Manager. One or more type 67D0 diagnostic records were logged. This error message is used when possible in place of the Queue Manager ABENDU0757. In the message text: SSSSSSSS SMQ NAME of originating IMS TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Represents the 8 hex bytes of the originating UOW token. System action: Queue Manager performs the appropriate cleanup and continues processing. Programmer response: Pull all type 67D0 log records from IMS Log for the system that the IMS message was received on by using the IMS utility DFSERA10 with option EXITR=DFSERA30. Save all IMS logs, then call the IBM Support Center to report the problem. Problem determination: Type 67D00A diagnostic records with matching UOW token from the message describe the error condition and contain diagnostic information. DFS2758I DFS2758I STARTING QFIX PROCESSING. QFIX - PROCESSING cccc

Explanation: The first character in the list of MSDB names supplied in the control file is a blank. It must be an alphabetic character. System action: The utility terminates and no output is generated. Programmer response: Correct the control statement, and resubmit the job. DFS2761W ERROR IN MSDB CHKPT - NO IMS CHKPT TAKEN - SHUT DOWN SYSTEM

Explanation: Program DBFDBDP0 found an error in a main storage database (MSDB) checkpoint data set and no MSDB checkpoint was taken. The system must be shut down to recover. System action: No system or MSDB checkpoint is taken, except for any shutdown checkpoint that you requested. A MSDB checkpoint is not taken as part of the shutdown checkpoint. Master Terminal Operator Response: If a write error occurs in a MSDB checkpoint data set during the initial checkpoint after the IMS restart, and the restart checkpoint is written to the OLDS, perform a warm start recovery. Otherwise, perform either a warm start recovery or an emergency restart recovery. Warm start recovery: 1. Shut down IMS. 2. Message DFS2762A is issued. Follow the actions documented in message DFS2762A.

Explanation: This is an informational message to keep the User informed of QFIXs current processing status. cccc is the current block type. The block types are processed in the following order: SMB CNT


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2762A DFS2766I
Emergency restart recovery: 1. Force termination of IMS by issuing a MODIFY IMS,STOP command. 2. Scratch the failing MSDB checkpoint data set, and reallocate a new data set. 3. Copy the valid MSDB checkpoint data set to the newly allocated data set. 4. Emergency restart the system from the last valid system checkpoint. DFS2762A SYSTEM SHUTDOWNMSDB RECOVERY REQUIRED Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the IMS system programmer. DFS2765W OUT OF SPACE IN DATA SET DATABASE=xxxxxxxx AREA=yyyyyyyy ss RM: tttt

Explanation: The DEDB area described in the message has run out of space in the sequential dependent portion of the area. No more additions of sequential dependents to the area are possible. In the message text: xxxxxxxx The DEDB containing the area which ran out of space. yyyyyyyy The area that ran out of space. ss The DL/I call status code. For information on the DL/I status code, see the topic titled DL/I Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1 for information on categories of DL/I status codes. The type of DL/I status call that was issued. The valid types for this message are: ISRT The message was issued by module DBFMSRT0 when attempting to pre-allocate SDEP CIs for SDEP insert activity. The message was issued by module DBFSYN10 when processing SDEPs during syncpoint.

Explanation: The master terminal operator requested a shutdown of IMS after message DFS2718I or DFS2761W was issued. System action: A shutdown checkpoint is taken without taking an MSDB checkpoint. Master Terminal Operator Response: 1. Run the Log Archive utility (DFSUARC0). 2. Run the MSDB DUMP RECOVERY utility (DBFDBDR0) to recover the MSDBs from the valid MSDB checkpoint data set and the SLDSs containing MSDB changes since the last valid system checkpoint. 3. Discard the failing MSDB checkpoint data set, and reallocate a new data set. 4. Warm start IMS with the MSDBLOAD keyword.



Explanation: The Fast Path restart modules read the control records from the MSDB checkpoint data set to determine from which checkpoint to restart the MSDB, but the selected checkpoint was not found on the IMS log. System action: IMS continues without Fast Path. Programmer response: Select a checkpoint from which to restart that matches (or is prior to) one of the checkpoints on the MSDB data set, and specify all log data sets up to the latest checkpoint. DFS2764W MSDB ARITHMETIC OVERFLOW MSDB=xxxxxxxx FIELD=xxxxxxxx KEY=xxxxxxxx

For more information about sequential dependent space management, see the IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: Database Manager. System action: The input message is reprocessed so that the condition will be detected at call time. Programmer response: Determine which data is no longer required in the database and run the Delete utility to reclaim usable space for the online system. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the IMS system programmer. Module: DBFMSRT0, DBFSYN10 DFS2766I PROCESS FAILED

Explanation: Arithmetic overflow occurred in the database indicated in the message text. System action: The input message is reprocessed so that the overflow will be detected at call time. Programmer response: Correct the database generation to allow a proper field size for the segment type.

Explanation: The application program has abnormally terminated. This is a general message and will be accompanied by one of a number of messages to the master terminal detailing the reason for the failure. System action: The input message is discarded. Terminal Operator Response: Contact the IMS database administrator or the system programmer, or both.
Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2767I DFS2781A
DFS2767I AREA=xxxxxxxx DEDB AREA FULL Note: This message is sent to the Master Terminal operator. DFS2772 REGION KEYWORD HAS INVALID PARAMETER

Explanation: The space management module could not find adequate space in the root portion of the area for an ISRT request. System action: For an IFP or MPP, the transaction requesting the ISRT is canceled, the dependent region from which the request originated is brought down, and if the threshold value has not been reached, the dependent region is brought back up. If the region is a BMP, it will complete normally but will receive a STATUSFS for the ISRT call. DFS2768W FAST PATH RESTART ERRORFP UNAVAILABLE

Explanation: You entered an invalid parameter for this keyword. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command and keyword using valid parameters. Module: DFSICL30 DFS2773 INTERVAL KEYWORD HAS INVALID PARAMETER

Explanation: You entered an invalid parameter for this keyword. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command and keyword using valid parameters. Module: DFSICL30 DFS2779I INVALID MSDB (or DEDB) APPLICATION CONTROL BLOCKSxxxxxxxx WERE FOUND IN ACBLIB

Explanation: Module DBFNRST0 detected an error during Fast Path restart. System action: IMS continues without Fast Path. Programmer response: Cold start the system after all of the IMS queues are processed and all of the messages are sent to their destination. DFS2769I INVALID SYNTAX. DELIMITER EXPECTED BEFORE 72

Explanation: The utility was scanning the control file for a blank or comma, indicating the end of an MSDB name. Column 72 was reached before the delimiter was found. System action: The utility terminates and no output is generated. Programmer response: Correct the control statement, and resubmit the job. DFS2770I FAST PATH DBD dbdname IGNORED

Explanation: The named Fast Path MSDB or DEDB application control block in ACBLIB is incompatible with the current level of the system. The block is not usable until it is brought up to current level. System action: IMS continues running and the named MSDB or DEDB is marked as not accessible. Programmer response: Rerun ACBGEN with a BUILD DBD=xxxxxxxx control statement. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify system programmer. DFS2780A CONFLICT WITH PRIOR DATA= KEYWORD.

Explanation: Initialization for database backout found a Fast Path DBD. All Fast Path DBDs will be ignored. System action: Processing continues and bypasses the Fast Path DBDs. DFS2771 APDB KEYWORD HAS INVALID PARAMETER

Explanation: The card image change file contains DATA= without a prior associated FIELD=, and following another DATA= for the same key. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the input, and resubmit the job. DFS2781A DATA= KEYWORD EXPECTED.

Explanation: You entered an invalid parameter for this keyword. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command and keyword using valid parameter(s). Module: DFSICL30

Explanation: The FIELD= keyword was not followed by DATA= keyword, or KEY= was not followed by DATA=. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the input, and resubmit the job.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2782A DFS2795I

Explanation: The DATA= keyword was followed by a character string inconsistent with the DBD-specified field or segment length. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the input, and resubmit the job. DFS2783A UNABLE TO DELETE FAILED-PERSISTENT CONNECTION TO STR: Structure_Name REASON=xxxx

Explanation: A DBD name in one of the change files, or a key within a DBD was out of sequence. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the input, and resubmit the job. DFS2790A SAME RECORD APPEARS IN BOTH CHANGE DATA SETS.

Explanation: Both change data sets contain the same key for the same MSDB. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the input, and resubmit the job. DFS2791A INVALID HEX DATA

Explanation: After IMS processes a /VUNLOAD command, DBFXVUN0 issues an IXLFORCE macro call to delete the failed persistent connection to the Shared VSO structure. DFS2783A is issued when the IXLFORCE call fails with a return code that is greater than 4. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Determine if the failed persistent connection exists and delete it manually. Module: DBFXVUN0 DFS2785A INVALID CONTINUATION CARD

Explanation: The DATA= keyword contained invalid hexadecimal data. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the input, and resubmit the job. DFS2792A KEY= KEYWORD EXPECTED AFTER DBN=

Explanation: A continuation statement contained a nonblank character in the first 15 columns. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the input, and resubmit the job. DFS2786A DBDNAME=xxxxxxxx NOT IN ACBLIB

Explanation: The card change data set contained a DBN= keyword which was not immediately followed by a KEY= keyword. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the input, and resubmit the job. DFS2793I NEW STARTUP PROC MEMBER. NAME=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: An action statement specified a DBD name not known to the system. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Correct the input, and resubmit the job. DFS2787A I/O ERROR IN BLDL. ACBLIB

Explanation: This is the header for a list of the new STARTUP PROCEDURE MEMBER entries. It is for information only. DFS2794I MSDB DUMP/RECOV UTIL NORMAL TERMINATION

Explanation: Program DBFDBMA0 attempted to process the BLDL macro against the ACBLIB and an I/O error occurred. System action: Program DBFDBMA0 terminates. Programmer response: Restore or rebuild the ACBLIB, and resubmit the job. DFS2788I nnnn MSDBS INSERTED

Explanation: This message confirms that the utility was successful. System action: The utility terminates normally. DFS2795I WRONG LOG VOLUME WAS MOUNTED. TERMINATE. CKPT REQUIRED=xxxxxxxx, FIRST ID FOUND=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: This summary message contains the count of MSDBs that were inserted. System action: Execution continues.

Explanation: The first checkpoint identification on the

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2796I DFS2803I
log data set mounted was later than the required checkpoint. System action: The utility terminates, and no output is generated. Programmer response: Resubmit the job with the previous log data set and all later data sets. DFS2796I REQUIRED CKPT ID=xxxxxxxx, NOT IN LOG where "1" indicates the prime data set, "2" indicates the overflow data set, and "0" indicates the VSAM sequence set for KSDS. The value "n" is the relative number of the data set group corresponding to "ddname". If n=0, the data set is the index of a VSAM KSDS. n=0 records are used only for the Track Recovery option of database recovery. DFS2801A ERROR RETURN CODE nn IN RESPONSE TO A DL/I REQUEST dd ON DDNAME ddname FOR FUNCTION ff

Explanation: An end-of-file condition occurred before the required checkpoint was found. System action: The utility terminates, and no output is generated. Programmer response: Resubmit the job, using an alternate log data set. DFS2797I NO APPLICABLE UPDATES IN LOG

Explanation: No MSDB updates were performed since the checkpoint that the utility was restored from. System action: Normal utility processing continues. DFS2798I MSDBINIT DATA SET IS EMPTY

Explanation: The issuing program attempted to read from or write to the database data set. The PST DSECT return codes are found in labels PSTFNCTN and PSTRTCDE. See return codes and function codes information in the topic titled Return Codes and Function Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1 for the meaning of the PST DSECT return codes under the heading Buffer Handler Return Codes. Programmer response: Correct the problem, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36

Explanation: The primary output from the MSDB dump recovery utility is a new MSDBINIT data set. This data set is used for loading the MSDBs during a cold start or a warm start with 'MSDBLOAD' option. The new MSDBINIT data set does not contain and MSDB records. System action: The utility terminates normally. This is an informational message only. Programmer response: Verify that the MSDBINIT data set is empty. DFS2799I INVAL OPER. MUST BE UNLOAD, UNLOADCP, RECOVERY, OR RECOVCP



Explanation: An error occurred when the issuing program attempted to read from or write to the database data set. The VSAM request in support of the IMS function (IM for image copy and RV for recovery) is supplied in the message text. For details, see the topic on Request Macros in DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. Programmer response: Correct the problem, and resubmit the job. DFS2803I RECORD COUNT=nnnn FOR ddname [NET DECREASE|NET INCREASE|ERLG RECORDS]

Explanation: The first word in the control data set was not UNLOAD, UNLOADCP, RECOVERY, or RECOVCP. System action: The utility terminates and no output is generated. Programmer response: Correct the control statement, and resubmit the job. DFS2800I **CHANGE ACCUMULATION FOR DATA BASE dbname DCB NAME/NUMBER [ddname] n

Explanation: The record count indicates the number of logical records processed for the specified data set/area. After processing all input logs or Change Accumulation data sets, the Database Recovery utility (DFSURDBO) indicates the net increase or decrease in size of the KSDS data sets since the last image copy. The Change Accumulation Utility (DFSUCMNO) indicates the total number of IMS I/O error log records (ERLG records) found for the named data set. Database Image Copy utility (DFSUDMP0) indicates "AREA" instead of "DDNAME" when it processes a DEDB.

Explanation: Database change records have been accumulated for the database data set. DCB name will only be displayed if accumulation was done by database data set. "n" indicates the data set number


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2804A DFS2810I

| DFS2806A | | | | | | | | | |


| Explanation: The header record of the input data set | contains data-base-organization, creation-date-time, and | purge-date-time information. | | | | |
This information might be inconsistent between change data (Change Accum or logs) and dump data set, or change data header does not agree with the DBPCB, or the dump data set header does not agree with the DBPCB. Programmer response: An examination of the header record might indicate the corrective action necessary. The dump might not be current or was created with an invalid purge time specified, and must be re-created. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36 DFS2805A RECORD RBN nnnnnnnn IS INVALID

Explanation: A control statement is required, but none was available from the SYSIN data set. If this message was issued from the Database Image Copy 2 utility, it might indicate that a group statement was not followed by at least one DBDS Select statement. For instructions on how to create the appropriate control statement and for information on starting the utility, see the IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.

| Programmer response: Include at least one control | statement and resubmit the job. | Module: DFSUDMP0, DFSUDMT0

Explanation: An RBN greater than the EOF plus one block has been encountered. While executing, recovery keeps track of the current EOF. This current EOF is the last block written. Each image copy, change accumulation, or log record is matched to the EOF. The input record can never exceed the EOF plus one block unless blocks are being skipped, which is not allowed. A second situation, causing this message, is performing a HISAM unload but not a reload, and using the unload file and subsequent log data sets as input to recovery. A third situation can cause this message. If the data set has an imbedded EOF, image copy will stop when the first EOF is encountered. Records could exist on the log data set for database records residing between the two EOFs. This is most likely caused by executing two IMS control regions simultaneously against the same database. Failure to scratch and reallocate the data sets during a recovery or reorganization could cause the imbedded EOF. Programmer response: Ensure that all supplied input is correct. Check for missing log data sets. This is the most common cause for this message. Supply any missing log data sets to a change accumulation or log input to recovery. If the second situation occurs, supply a previous unload or image copy and log data sets produced since that time. If the third situation occurs, notify system programming for a resolution. There is no recommended solution to this problem. When all input is checked, resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 4, 8, 17g, 36

Explanation: The date and time specified on the SYSIN control statement is repeated here. DFS2808I RECOVER TRACK CCHH=cccchhhh, VOLSER=volser

Explanation: The track recovery option of the Database Data Set Recovery utility (DFSURDB0) was invoked for the designated tracks. DFS2809I ATLAS CALL RC=rc FOR TRACK CCHH=cccchhhh, VOLSER=volser

Explanation: See Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference for MVS/DFP for the meaning of ATLAS return codes. DFS2810I TRACK UPDATE WAS UNSUCCESSFUL FOR CI RBA=aaaaaaaa, CCHH=cccchhhh, VOLSER=volserREASON r(f)

Explanation: The track recovery option of the Database Data Set Recovery utility was unsuccessful for the reasons listed below: Code (Hex) 44 48 4C 50 Meaning The CCHHR in ERLG is not in the data space extents. The RBA in ERLG is not in the target data set extents. An error return code was received from ATLAS. An error return code was received from VSAM after a GET/GETIY request (f indicates VSAM feedback). An error return code was received


Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2811A DFS2815A
from VSAM after a PUT/PUTIY request (f indicates VSAM feedback). 58 The CI RBA=00 was not updated since HISAM unload was used as input to recover an ISDS. DFS2813I nnnnnnnn RECORDS WITH DATE-TIME,SEQUENCE NUMBER yydddhhmmsst; seqno WERE IGNORED ON DDNAME dddddddd

System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: If possible, correct the problem and rerun track recovery. If the problem cannot be corrected, the entire data set must be recovered. DFS2811A TRACK RECOVERY TERMINATED ABNORMALLY, REASON r(f)

Explanation: If DDNAME=DFSUCUM, then change accumulation records with a date-time less than the image copy date-time were ignored; if DDNAME=DFSULOG, then log records with a date-time less than the image copy date-time or the date-time, sequence number of the highest change accumulation record were ignored. System action: The Recovery utility completes and a warning error code is returned. Programmer response: Examine input to recovery to determine why the message was issued. If an image copy was taken during (in the middle of) online system operation, then records are expected to be dropped during recovery. Otherwise, this message probably indicates a user error. Correct the input, and resubmit the job. DFS2814A TRACK RECOVERY REQUESTED BUT NOT POSSIBLE

Explanation: In the message, 'r' indicates the reason code and '(f)', if present, is the VSAM feedback code. The values of the reason codes and their meanings are as follows: Code (Hex) 04 Meaning Unable to open ACB for target data set. See message IEC161I to determine cause of error. Error detected while reading VSAM index. (f) is the VSAM feedback code. Control interval RBA in type X'24' error log record not found in VSAM index. Invalid request. Parameter list passed during track recovery call had unidentified request value. Record passed by caller will not fit in control interval. No volumes mounted for target data set. Unable to open DCB for Data Space.

08 0C

Explanation: The input change accumulation data set does not contain the error log records required for track recovery, therefore, track recovery is not possible. System action: The job step terminates abnormally. Programmer response: Ensure that the change accumulation input is the correct accumulation for the log data sets that contain the error log records for the database data set being recovered. If change accumulation has not been run, then it must be run. Make the necessary corrections, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: Rerun the job and make the first control statement an ABEND control statement. Supply a SYSUDUMP DD statement to this step. Also, submit a copy of the change accumulation data set and a copy of the logs used to create the change accumulation data set. DFS2815A VSAM KSDS NOT SUPPORTED


18 1C 20

System action: The program is terminated abnormally. Programmer response: If error is correctable, correct it and rerun the job. If error cannot be corrected, recover the database. If reason codes X'14' or X'18' occur, rerun the job with an ABEND control statement. Problem determination: 2, 3, 4, 8, 36 DFS2812I IMAGE COPY INPUT CREATED BY ONLINE IMAGE COPY FOR FUNCTION RV

Explanation: A concurrent image copy of a VSAM KSDS cannot be created. System action: The Image Copy utility terminates this image copy and reads the next control statement. Programmer response: Rerun the Image Copy utility without specifying CIC in the EXEC statement PARM= field. This image copy must run only against databases that are offline, deallocated from any other address space or job, or both.

Explanation: The image copy data set used as input to the Recovery utility was created by the Online Image Copy utility.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2816A DFS2824A
DFS2816A ISAM ACCESS METHOD NOT SUPPORTED Otherwise, in-doubt data should be resolved as soon as possible. See for more information on the in-doubt unit of recovery. DFS2819A AREA areaname CONNECT TO STR: strname FAILED. DUPLICATE STRUCTURE NAME FOUND.

Explanation: An image copy of an ISAM data set cannot be created. System action: The Image Copy utility terminates this image copy and reads the next control statement. Programmer response: See IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. DFS2817A CIC ATTEMPTED WITHOUT DBRC

Explanation: An identical structure name for the VSO area has already been defined in the coupling facility. System action: The OPEN process for the area fails.

Explanation: A concurrent image copy cannot be created without using DBRC. System action: The Image Copy utility terminates without performing any actions; it requires DBRC. Programmer response: Rerun the Image Copy utility with DBRC or without specifying CIC in the EXEC statement PARM= field. DFS2818I THE UNIT OF RECOVERY FOR RECOVERY TOKEN aaaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx IS IN DOUBT UPDATES MADE USING PSB psbname TO UPDATE DATABASE dbname ARE IN DOUBT

System programmer response: Specify a unique structure name for the area. Module: DBFVSOP0 DFS2821I PRELOAD COMPLETED FOR ALL SHARED VSO AREAS

Explanation: The preload process for all shared VSO areas has completed. System action: None. Programmer response: None. Module: DBFVXPL0 DFS2822I AREA areaname CONNECT TO STR: strname SUCCESSFUL


Explanation: For the first part of the message, some Recovery Tokens in the log were in doubt during execution of the Database Recovery utility. The following is the 16-byte recovery token in printable format: aaaaaaaa 8-byte character part of the recovery token. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8-byte hexadecimal part of the recovery token. The Fast Path unit of recovery was not resolved during this run of the Database Recovery utility. For the second form of the message, the psbname is the name of the PSB associated with a specific recovery token. The dbname is the DBD name of all the databases updated by the PSB for a recovery token. A list containing multiple occurrences of the second part of the message might be issued. This list can contain several UOR tokens that are not involved in the Database Recovery process, but are generated because the input log is incomplete, as far as these tokens are concerned. System action: The Database Recovery utility completes with a return code of 4. Programmer response: This message can be ignored if it is issued for a database that is not being recovered.

Explanation: Area areaname was successfully connected to cache structure strname. Module: DBFVXCS0 DFS2823I AREA areaname DISCONNECT FROM STR: strname SUCCESSFUL

Explanation: Area areaname was successfully disconnected from cache structure strname. Module: DBFVXCS0 DFS2824A AREA areaname CONNECT TO STR: strname FAILED. 4K BLKS REQUIRED=xxxxx, ALLOCATED=yyyyy.

Explanation: The actual cache structure size created is less than the actual structure size required. The required size, indicated by xxxx, and the allocated size, indicated by yyyy, are displayed in hexadecimal. System action: The open process for the area fails. System programmer response: Designate a new coupling facility or specify the structure size correctly. The formula to determine the structure size can be found in PR/SM Planning Guide, GA22-7236, or GA22-7123.

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2825A DFS2832I
DFS2825A AREA areaname CONNECT TO STR: strname FAILED. VECTOR LENGTH REQUESTED=xxxxx, ALLOCATED=yyyyy. inconsistencies between the two structures. System action: The open process for the area fails. System programmer response: Allocate the two structures with the same size. Module: DBFVXCS0 DFS2830I CF READERROR, RBA rrrrrrrr, AREA areaname,STR strname RC=xxxxxxxx RSN=yyyyyyyy CF WRITEERROR, RBA rrrrrrrr, AREA areaname,STR strname RC=xxxxxxxx RSN=yyyyyyyy

Explanation: The actual vector length created is less than the requested length. System action: The open process for the area fails. System programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center. DFS2826A AREA areaname CONNECT TO STR: strname FAILED. INTERNAL PARAMETER ERROR. XES RC=xxxx.


Explanation: A z/OS cross-system extended services (XES) internal error occurred. The XES return code is xxxx. System action: The open process for the area fails. System programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center. DFS2827A AREA areaname CONNECT TO STR: strname FAILED. INTERNAL XES ERROR. CONDIAG0=xxxxxxxx, CONDIAG1=yyyyyyyy, CONDIAG2=zzzzzzzz.

Explanation: The read or write of the control interval (CI) to the coupling facility failed. An internal z/OS cross-system extended services (XES) error occurred. The return and reason codes provide XES diagnostic information. System action: Fast Path continues processing the area from DASD, if a single cache structure is defined, or from the other structure, if multiple structures are defined. System programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center. Module: DBFVSOW0, DBFMSRB0 DFS2831I POOLNAME XXXXXXXX; BUFFER SHORTAGE. POOL EXPANDED BEYOND MAX

Explanation: An internal z/OS cross-system extended services (XES) error occurred. The message provides XES diagnostic information. System action: The open process for the area fails. System programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center. Module: DBFVXCS0 DFS2828A AREA areaname DISCONNECT FROM STR: strname FAILED. INTERNAL XES ERROR. XES RC=xxxx.

Explanation: A buffer pool, indicated by XXXXXXXX, is experiencing a buffer shortage. The buffer pool will be expanded beyond the specified limit by the secondary amount. System Operator Response: Use the /DIS POOL FPDB command to display the private pool usage. DFS2832I CANNOT ADD/CHANGE dedbname- CI SIZE OF areaname EXCEEDS BSIZ

Explanation: An internal z/OS cross-system extended services (XES) error occurred. The XES return code is xxxx. System action: The area is stopped System programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center. Module: DBFVXCS0 DFS2829I AREA areaname CONNECT TO CF FAILED; INCONSISTENT STRUCTURE SIZES

Explanation: An attempt to add area areaname to DEDB dedbname failed. The areas CI size exceeds the Fast Path buffer size (BSIZ=) of the IMS online control region. System action: The /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command fails. Programmer response: Decrease the CI size of the added area. Module: DBFOLC01

Explanation: An area is defined with the VSO, NOPRELOAD options. Dual structures are defined. The structure sizes must be the same to prevent


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2833I DFS2840W
DFS2833I CANNOT ADD DEDB dedbname- FAST PATH NOT INSTALLED Programmer response: Define DEDBs to the system and restart IMS. Module: DFSRMDM0 DFS2838I RANDOMIZER name FOR dedbname IS DELETED AND status

Explanation: An attempt was made to add a data entry database (DEDB) to an IMS system that does not have Fast Path installed. System action: The /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command fails. Programmer response: Remove the DEDB from the system definition or install Fast Path. Module: DFSRMDM0 DFS2834I PSB psbname HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED BECAUSE OF ONLINE CHANGE

| | | | | | |

Explanation: If the /DBR DB or UPDATE DB STOP(ACCESS) command successfully deletes the data entry database (DEDB) randomizer, and there is no more copy in storage, the status GONE is displayed. If the randomizer is reentrant and a copy is still found in storage after being deleted, the status SHARED is displayed. Module: DBFARD30, DBFERDB0 DFS2839I ERROR TRYING TO GETMAIN STORAGE FOR DMCBS

Explanation: An IMS Fast Path program (IFP) or message processing program (MPP) attempted to update a data entry database (DEDB) that was changed using online change. System action: The application program is pseudoabended and the PSB is rescheduled. Module: DBFIRCI0

Explanation: The /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command failed to get enough CSA or ECSA storage for adding or changing data entry databases (DEDBs). System action: The /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command fails. Programmer response: Stop IMS and increase the size of CSA or ECSA. Module: DBFOLC01

| DFS2835I |




Explanation: The DEDB VSPEC statement text is incorrect. The message displays the text for a maximum of two pools in error, however, there may be more pools in error than those included in this message.

Explanation: Randomizer name cannot be loaded.

| For the variant with statement_text, the statement_text | shows partial DEDB error statement. The reason_text | offers the explanation for the error. | System action: IMS continues processing without the | buffer pool in error or accounting for the DEDB | statement in error.
System programmer response: Stop IMS and restart with a corrected VSPEC member.

| | | | | | | | | | | | | |

System action: The command (/MODIFY PREPARE, INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE), /START DB, or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS)) continues without loading the randomizer. Subsequent DL/I calls to this data entry database (DEDB) receive an FH status code. Hexadecimal return code zz from the IMODULE function of IMS is explained in the topic titled IMS System Services Return Codes in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. Programmer response: If the return code is zero, the randomizer module was not reentrant. Rerun the link-edited JCL to make it reentrant and issue the /START DB or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command to reload the randomizer. Also verify that: v The randomizer was correctly linked into the IMS system. v The DEDB was correctly defined with the randomizer name. Correct any errors and issue the /START DBor UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command to reload the randomizer.



Explanation: An attempt was made to add a data entry database (DEDB) to an IMS system that was not initialized with DEDBs. No output threads (OTHREADS) were initialized and no I/O will be possible to the added DEDB. System action: The /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) processing stops.

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2841A DFS2844E
Module: DBFINI20, DBFERDB0, DBFDBAC0 DFS2841A ERROR TRYING TO GETMAIN STORAGE FOR LTERM KEYWORD the line is displayed, it contains the contents of the SYNAD buffer, including the device number, the device type, the DDname, the operation attempted, the error description, the block number, and the access method, which is BSAM. For information on the mapping and meaning of the SYNAD buffer, see the SYNADAF section ofz/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets (SC26-7408). BSAM might or might not return the SYNAD buffer, depending upon the error. In the message text: service The service that failed, which can be: CLOSE OPEN READ WRITE ds_type Identifies the online change data set specified in the DFSCGxxx PROCLIB member. rrrrrrrr The return code from the MVS/DFP service. This return code is not displayed when the SYNAD buffer is displayed. ssssssss The reason code from the MVS/DFP service. This reason code is not displayed when the SYNAD buffer is displayed. dsn The name of the data set. If an OM command encounters this error, this message is sent to the OM output exit as an unsolicited message. If IMS initialization or IMS restart encounters this error, this message is sent to the system console. If a utility encounters this error, this message is sent to the utilitys job log. System action: The system action depends on the IMS function that encountered the error: v IMS initialization fails with abend 2800, subcode X'0002' or X'0003'. v IMS restart fails with abend 2801, subcode X'0002' or X'0003'. v IMS online change commands are rejected. System Operator Response: Correct the data set problem and try IMS initialization, IMS restart, or the online change command again. Module: DFSIIOC0, DFSIQ040, DFSOLC00, DFSROLC0 DFS2844E DATASET ds_type CONTENTS INVALID ERROR=errortext

Explanation: GETMAIN failed while trying to allocate storage for the LTERM keyword of the /MODIFY command. System action: The /MODIFY PREPARE command is aborted. Programmer response: Consult your z/OS system programmer. Determine what resources are using the common storage area (CSA) and attempt to free some CSA for use. You will need to issue an IPL to increase CSA. Master Terminal Operator Response: After increasing CSA size, restart IMS. Or after freeing up some CSA, reenter the /MODIFY PREPARE command. Module: DBFOLC01. DFS2842I RANDOMIZER name FOR dedbname IS LOADED/SHARED

| | | | | | |

Explanation: If the data entry database (DEDB) randomizer is not in storage and the /START DB or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command successfully loaded it, the status LOADED is displayed. If an existing copy is found in storage, it is used by the database started with the /START DB or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command and the status SHARED is displayed. Programmer response: None. Module: DBFDBAC0, DBFERDB0 DFS2843 DATASET service FAILED FOR ds_type DSN=dsn SYNAD BUFFER FOLLOWS: dev#,devtype,DDname,operation,error description,block number,access method Explanation: For information on this message, see DFS2843E. DFS2843E DATASET service FAILED FOR ds_type, RC=rrrrrrrr/ssssssss DSN=dsn SYNAD BUFFER FOLLOWS: dev#,devtype,DDname,operation,error description,block number,access method Explanation: A data set failure occurred. The third line of this message, which begins with SYNAD BUFFER FOLLOWS, is displayed only when passed on by the BSAM data set access method. When

Explanation: The data set contents are invalid. In the message text: ds_type Identifies the online change data set specified in the DFSCGxxx PROCLIB member. errortext Contains a description of the error, and might be one of the following values:


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2845A DFS2847I
Term Meaning NOT INIT The OLCSTAT data set is not initialized. INVALID ENVIRONMENT The OLCSTAT data set is invalid for this environment. IMS was defined with RMENV=N, which means that the OLCSTAT data set cannot be shared. One or more IMS member names are defined in the data set. Use the OLC utility, DFSUOLC0, to correct the OLCSTAT data set. INVALID HDR LEN The OLCSTAT data set header length is invalid. The header length must be non-zero and no larger that the maximum possible OLCSTAT data set size. INVALID OLCINP The OLCSTAT data set lock word is invalid. ACBLIB SUFFIX The ACBLIB suffix is invalid. The suffix must be A or B. FMTLIB SUFFIX The FMTLIB suffix is invalid. The suffix must be A or B. MODBLKS SUFFIX The MODBLKS suffix is invalid. The suffix must be A or B. If an OM command encounters this error, this message is sent to the OM output exit as an unsolicited message. If IMS initialization or IMS restart encounters this error, this messages is sent to the system console. If a utility encounters this error, this message is sent to the utilitys job log. System action: The system action depends on the IMS function that encountered the error: v IMS initialization abends with 2800, subcode X'0007'. DFS2845A rsrcdesc rsrctype DEFINITION INCONSISTENT, ENTER CONTINUE OR CANCEL

| | | | | | | | |

Explanation: IMS initialization determined that a resource defined by this IMS is inconsistent with a resource defined by the IMSs in the IMSplex. In the message text: rsrcdesc A description type, which is DATASET. rsrctype A resource type, which can be: ACBLIB FMTLIB MODBLKS System action: IMS waits for a reply to the message. System Operator Response: Enter one of the following responses: CONTINUE Continue with IMS initialization even though one or more resources that were checked for consistency on this IMS do not match the resources defined by other IMSs in the IMSplex. CANCEL Cancel IMS initialization. IMS initialization abends with 2800, subcode X'0008'. This message is sent to the system console. System programmer response: Make sure all of your IMSs are using the same resource definitions, or disable resource consistency checking using the DFSCGxxx NORSCCC= parameter. Module: DFSCSL40 DFS2846E rsrcdesc rsrctype DEFINITION INCONSISTENT

Explanation: IMS initialization determined that a resource defined by this IMS is inconsistent with a resource defined by other IMSs in the IMSplex. In the message text: rsrcdesc A resource description, that is DATASET. rsrctype A resource type, that is OLCSTAT. This message is sent to the system console. System action: IMS initialization fails with abend 2800, subcode X'0009'. Programmer response: See abend 2800 for response details. Module: DFSCSL40 DFS2847I MODIFY COMMAND REJECTED GLOBAL ONLINE CHANGE ENABLED

| v IMS restart abends with 2901, subcode X'0007'.

v Online change commands fail. System programmer response: Run the global online change utility (DFSUOLC0) to initialize the OLCSTAT data set. Then try IMS initialization, IMS restart, or the online change command again. Module: DFSIIOC0, DFSIQ040, DFSOLC00, DFSROLC0

Explanation: A /MODIFY command was issued for a local online change but was rejected because global online change is enabled. Global online change is

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2848E DFS2850E
enabled using the DFSCGxxx PROCLIB member keyword OLC=GLOBAL. This message is sent to the terminal that entered the /MODIFY command. System action: The /MODIFY online change command is rejected. System Operator Response: Issue an INITIATE OLC command to initiate a global online change. Module: DFSICV10 DFS2848E DYN service FAILED for ds_type, RC=rrrrrrrr/ssssssss DSN=dsn Explanation: A dynamic allocation failure occurred. In the message text: service The failing service, which is either ALLOC or UNALLOC. ds_type The online change data set specified in the DFSCGxxx PROCLIB member, which is OLCSTAT. rrrrrrrr The return code from the dynamic allocation service. ssssssss The reason code from the dynamic allocation service. dsn The data set name, which can be up to 44 characters. If an OM command encounters this error, this message is sent to the OM output exit as an unsolicited message. If IMS initialization or IMS restart encounters this error, this message is sent to the system console. If a utility encounters this error, this message is sent to the job log of the utility. System action: The system action depends on the IMS function that encountered the error: v IMS initialization fails with abend 2800, subcode X'0001' or X'0003'. v IMS restart fails with abend 2801, subcode X'0001'. v IMS online change command fails. System programmer response: Correct the dynamic allocation problem and try IMS initialization, IMS restart, or the online change command again. Module: DFSIIOC0, DFSIQ040, DFSROLC0 DFS2849A AREA areaname CONNECT TO STR: strname FAILED. CASTOUT CLASS REQUESTED=xxxxx, ALLOCATED=yyyyy MODBLKS allocated value is the structures value from first connector. In the message text: areaname The area that failed. strname The structure to which the area attempted a connection. xxxxx The requested cast-out class value. yyyyy The cast-out class value allocated from the first connector to the structure. System action: The area does not open. System programmer response: Display the structure and delete all connections before restarting. Module: DBFVXCS0 DFS2850E COLDSTART REQUIRED DUE TO GLOBAL ONLINE CHANGE

Explanation: An attempt to warm start or emergency restart this IMS system failed because a global online change was performed while this IMS was down. This IMS must have a cold start if: v This IMS was down during two or more global online changes. v This IMS was down during the last global online change and this IMSs restart type conflicts with the last global online change that was performed. This message is sent to the system console in response to a restart command such as /NRE or /ERE. System action: IMS abends with 2801, subcode 12. System Operator Response: Start IMS again and enter either a cold start command (/NRE CHECKPOINT 0), or enter a restart command that does not conflict with the last online change type. Table 22 shows the types of IMS restarts that are permitted for an IMS that was down during online change, with the online change type that was performed while the IMS was down: Table 22. Types of Online Change and Types of Restart Online Change Type ACBLIB ALL FORMAT Restart Commands Permitted /NRE CHECKPOINT 0 /ERE COLDBASE /NRE CHECKPOINT 0 /NRE CHECKPOINT 0 /NRE /ERE /ERE COLDCOMM /ERE COLDBASE /NRE CHECKPOINT 0

Explanation: The maximum cast-out class number is inconsistent between structure and connector. The


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2851I DFS2854A
Module: DFSOLCS0 DFS2854A jobname, stepname, region, reasonFAILED SECURITY CHECK

| DFS2851I | |


| Explanation: | ASSOCIATE TO The area areaname has started using the | multi-area structure structure name. An XES | connection already exists for the structure, so | only association is required for the area. | | DISASSOCIATE FROM The area areaname has stopped using the | multi-area structure structure name. | | System action: VSO processing is either started or | stopped for the area. | System programmer response: No action required. | Module: (For ASSOCIATE TO) DBFVXAS0 | (For DISASSOCIATE FROM) DBFVXCS0 | DFS2852I | |

Explanation: This message notifies the IMS Master Terminal Operator that a security violation occurred. The jobname and stepname of the user who attempted the security violation are indicated. Following are the reason codes: Code (Hex) Meaning 004 Application Group Name (AGN) is not defined to RACF. 008 USER is not authorized to use the specified AGN. 00C RACF is inactive and class Axxx is active. 020 AGN is not defined in DFSAGT0x. 040 GETMAIN failed. 080 Unable to get storage (RACW) for RAS processing. 084 IMS Resource is not authorized for this dependent region per SAF (RACF) check. 088 IMS Resource is not authorized for this dependent region per DFSRAS00 user exit check. 08C During RAS security authorization processing, the input transaction name could not be found, or IMS RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY,ENVIR=CREATE to build ACEE for a dependent region was rejected by RACF. This could be security error in access to the APPL=IMSID by the dependent region user ID. 100 Application Group Name Table (AGT) entry address invalid. 104 PSBNAME is not included in the specified AGT entry. 108 SYMBOLIC input transaction code not included in specified AGT entry. 10C SYMBOLIC output transaction code or logical terminal name not included in specified AGT entry. 110 TRANID not included in specified AGT entry. 114 The find-destination routine (DFSICLF0) was not able to find the SYMBOLIC output transaction code or logical terminal name. System action: The dependent region is terminated abnormally with abend U0437.

| Explanation: Association to the area failed because the | CI size (yy) of the area is different from the CI size (xx) | of the other areas in the structure. | System action: Area open process fails. | System programmer response: Change the structure | name on the DBRC registration of the area to a | structure that has the same CI size as the area. | Module: DBFVXAS0 | DFS2853A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Explanation: This message is generated because the user specified the SVSODR startup option of WTOR. This option is used at a remote site to provide the user with an option as to whether an SVSO area needs to be marked as recovery needed or not. The user is given an option whenever a new structure is created for an SVSO area at emergency restart and SVSODR=WTOR is specified. System action: If the user selects option C, IMS will open the area specified, connect to a new structure and normal processing will resume for that area. If the user selects option R, the specified area will be stopped and marked as recovery needed.

| | | | | |

Programmer response: If SMU security is active, ensure that your Application Group Name (AGN) is specified correctly. If RAS security is used instead of SMU, ensure your dependent Region user ID is authorized to the IMS resources (transaction, PSBs, and LTERMs) it is attempting to use.

| Programmer response: Reply C to continue with | normal processing for the area. Reply R if the area is to | be marked as recovery needed. | Module: DBFVXCS0
Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2855A DFS2858E

Explanation: The USERID has failed SAF security check for the named PSB from an ODBA application. In the message text: odbaidid The ID of the ODBA address space connected to IMS. uuuuuuuu Userid associated with the APSB request. pppppppp PSB named on the APSB request. xx SAF return code. yyyy RACF or equivalent return code. zzzz RACF or equivalent reason code. System action: The APSB request is unsuccessful. The call ends with pseudoabend U0438. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSDASP0 DFS2855I OLCSTAT DATASET LOCKED FOR GLOBAL ONLINE CHANGE

| | | | | | | |

LOCAL Local online change is enabled on this IMS. Global online change is enabled on the active IMS. GLOBAL Global online change is enabled on this IMS. Local online change is enabled on the active IMS.

| System action: IMS continues processing. IMS may | abend, if it detects an error because of this mismatch. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
System programmer response: If this mismatch did not result in an IMS abend, and you did not intend to change the online change type across an IMS emergency restart, an IMS warmstart, an XRF alternate, a DBCTL warm standby, or an FDBR region, shutdown the IMS, XRF alternate, DBCTL warm standby, or FDBR region, change the DFSCGxxx proclib member OLC= parameter to match the IMS active, then bring the IMS, XRF alternate, DBCTL warm standby, or FDBR region back up. DFS2857E DIAGNOSE COMMAND INTERNAL ERROR - MOD=name, RSN=nnnn

Explanation: The DBBBATCH region fails because the OLCSTAT data set is locked for global online change. System action: The DBBBATCH region abends with a U821 abend. User response: Run the DBBBATCH region again after global online change is completed.

Explanation: This message indicates that a fatal internal error has been encountered while processing a /DIAGNOSE command. The message is issued at any point in the code that a severe error condition is encountered whose root cause is internal. In the message text: name The name of the module that issued the message. nnnn A reason code. There is a unique reason code for each internal error. Generally, the reason code takes the form: xxyy; where xx is the last 2 characters of the issuing modules name, and yy is a two character sequential number, starting with 01 for each module, which uniquely identifies the error that was encountered in that module. The exception to this rule will be certain common messages issued by the SNAP resource modules, which will use the form: ZZyy. System action: The specified /DIAGNOSE command will not be completed. System programmer response: Notify your IMS System Programmer. Module: DFSDGST0, DFSDGSN0, DFSDGS10, DFSDGS94, DFSDGS92, DFSDGSB0, DFSDGS20, DFSDGS00 DFS2858E DIAGNOSE COMMAND SEVERE ERROR-reason text

| DFS2856W | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


Explanation: An online change type mismatch was detected during IMS restart, XRF alternate tracking, DBCTL warm standby emergency restart, or FDR region tracking. The checkpoint log record that this IMS is restarting from is defined with an online change type (local or global) that does not match the online change type defined by the DFSCGxxx proclib member OLC= parameter that this IMS initialized with. This may be a serious error, unless you intended to change the online change type to enable or disable global online change across an IMS warmstart or emergency restart. IBM does not recommend that you change the online change type across an emergency restart or a warmstart. IBM recommends that you coldstart IMS when enabling global online change or falling back to local online change.

| In the message text: | olctype The online change type defined in the DFSCGxxx proclib member for this IMS. |

Explanation: This message indicates that a fatal external error has been encountered while processing a /DIAGNOSE command. The message is issued at any point in the code that a severe error condition is


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2859I DFS2866W
| encountered whose root cause is external. In the | message text: | reason text Used to identify the specific error encountered. | | System action: The specified /DIAGNOSE command will | not be completed. | System programmer response: Notify your IMS | System Programmer. | Module: DFSDGST0, DFSDGSN0, DFSDGS10, | DFSDGS94, DFSDGS92, DFSDGSB0, DFSDGS20, | DFSDGS00 | DFS2859I | | | | | | |
DIAGNOSE COMMAND UNSUCCESSFUL - reason text accurately describes the data set and where it resides (unit, and so on.). System action: If disk data sets are used, IMS tries to log the trace tables to the remaining data set. If no disks or tape are left for external trace use, IMS asks the operator for permission to log trace tables to the OLDS. See DFS2867A for more information. DFS2862W OPEN/CLOSE ERROR ON EXTERNAL TRACE DATA SET xxxxxxxx.

Explanation: An open or close failed for the listed data set. This message should have been preceded by a system error message. System action: If disk data sets are used, IMS tries to continue using the remaining disk. If no more disks are available or if tape is used, IMS asks the operator for permission to log IMS trace tables to the OLDS. If the failing data set cannot be closed and deallocated, the failing data set is unusable until IMS is restarted. See DFS2867A for more information on logging IMS trace tables to the OLDS. DFS2863I LOGGING IMS TRACE TABLES TO EXTERNAL TRACE DISK/TAPE DATA SET.

Explanation: This message indicates that a non-fatal error has been encountered which has prevented the /DIAGNOSE command from completing successfully. The message is issued at any point in the code that a non-fatal, non-serious error condition is encountered. In the message text:

| reason text Used to identify the specific error encountered. | | System action: The specified /DIAGNOSE command will | not be completed. | System programmer response: Notify your IMS | System Programmer. | Module: DFSDGST0, DFSDGSN0, DFSDGS10, | DFSDGS94, DFSDGS92, DFSDGSB0, DFSDGS20, | DFSDGS00

Explanation: This is a notification that IMS is logging the IMS trace tables to an external trace data set and not to the online log (OLDS). DFS2864I EXTERNAL TRACE DATA SET xxxxxxxx FULL - SWITCHING TO yyyyyyyy.

Explanation: Disk data set xxxxxxxx is full, and IMS is switching to the data set yyyyyyyy. Programmer response: If the data on the full data set is wanted, it must be copied to another data set or printed. As soon as data set yyyyyyyy is full, IMS switches back to data set xxxxxxxx. DFS2865I OVERWRITING EXTERNAL TRACE DATA SET xxxxxxxx

Explanation: IMS cannot use the external trace data sets. N specifies one of the following reasons: 1. No storage is available for the output buffers in control region 24-bit private storage. 2. The block size of the output data sets is less than 4008 bytes. 3. No external trace data sets are left. This message is usually preceded by another message reporting an error condition. System action: IMS external trace is started, but is not permanently disabled if error cleanup is successful. System Operator Response: Notify the IMS systems programmer. DFS2861W TAPE/DISK DYNAMIC ALLOCATION FAILED FOR EXTERNAL TRACE DATA SET xxxxxxxx.

Explanation: Only one disk data set is available, and it is full. IMS closes it and reopens it. Any data currently on the data set is lost. DFS2866W PERMANENT WRITE ERROR ON EXTERNAL TRACE DATA SET xxxxxxxx.

Explanation: A permanent write error has occurred on the data set listed. An operating system error should have been issued prior to receiving this message. System action: If disk data sets are used, IMS switches to the remaining disk and continues. If no disks are
Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E

Explanation: Dynamic allocation failed for the ddname listed. Verify that the DFSMDA member


DFS2867A DFS2902I
available or if tape is used, IMS stops using the external trace facility. The operator is asked if IMS trace tables are to be written to the OLDS. If the failing data set cannot be closed and deallocated, the data set will be unusable until IMS is restarted. DFS2867A EXTERNAL TRACE NOT USABLE, REPLY Y TO USE OLDS, N TO TRACE INCORE DFS2870W ABEND WHILE WRITING TO EXTERNAL TRACE DATASET ddname

Explanation: An abend occurred while writing to one of the external trace data sets. In the message text: ddname The DD of the dataset for which the abend occurred. System action: DFSTRA40 refreshes the DCB, switches to the other external trace data set and rewrites the buffers that were not already CHECKed. If another abend occurs with the same data set without a successful write, the data set is marked as not usable and the system takes the action described in message DFS2866W. System programmer response: Nothing needs to be done if the data set is usable after DFSTRA40 recovers from the abend. If another abend occurs, the data set is marked as not usable. If the data set is successfully deallocated, the data set can be reused by stopping and restarting the external trace. Module: DFSTRA40 DFS2900I LOG EOF BEFORE REQUIRED CKPT=xxxxxxxx FOUND

Explanation: IMS cannot use the external trace data sets for one of the following reasons: v No external trace dynamic allocation members were found, or dynamic allocation of the found members failed. v The block size of the output data set is less than 4008 bytes. v Open, close, or write errors forced the termination of the external trace services. This message is usually preceded by other IMS External Trace error messages explaining why External Trace is not usable. System Operator Response: Respond with Y for IMS trace tables to be logged to OLDS. When OLDS logging is external, tracing to OLDS continues until all trace logging stops. Respond with N for IMS tracing to be in memory only. External trace initialization will be attempted again if a trace is subsequently started with the LOG option. DFS2868W INVALID BLOCKSIZE SPECIFIED FOR EXTERNAL TRACE DATA SET nnnnnnnn

Explanation: The utility scanned the log data set for checkpoint identification indicated by the checkpoint data set. An end-of-file condition intervened. System action: The utility terminates and no output is generated. Programmer response: Resubmit the job with an alternate log data set. DFS2901I I-O ERROR. SYNADAF MSG FOLLOWS:

Explanation: One of the external trace disk data sets had a block size smaller than the other data set. Both external trace data sets should be the same size and specify block sizes of at least 4008. System action: IMS External Trace uses the single remaining external trace data set. System Operator Response: Notify the IMS systems programmer. DFS2869W EXTERNAL TRACE TCB NOT AVAILABLE - TRACING TO OLDS

Explanation: A SYNAD exit was taken for the data set associated with the ddname displayed. System action: The utility terminates and no output is generated. Programmer response: Resubmit the job after normal recovery procedures for the particular data set have been performed. DFS2902I AUTOMATIC SYSTEM CHECKPOINT INITIATED

Explanation: A /TRACE SET ON TABLE cc OPTION LOG command was entered, but the External Trace TCB is not available for use. System Operator Response: If OLDS tracing is not desired, reissue the TRACE command without the LOG option.

Explanation: This message is sent two minutes after an XRF takeover if a checkpoint has not been taken by that time. The message is sent to both the IMS MTO console and the z/OS console. A checkpoint is normally initiated when the last terminal is switched to the new active IMS. The new active IMS is not restartable until the checkpoint is complete. This message indicates terminal switching errors, and that one or more


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2903I DFS2910I
terminals have not switched or have not been counted as switched. System action: IMS takes a checkpoint. Programmer response: Because one or more terminals were not counted as switched, an IMS logic error, VTAM logic error or timing condition occurred during the takeover. Collect all logs, take a console dump of the new active IMS if possible, and save all other data necessary to diagnose the problem. DFS2903I CHECKPOINT REQUEST REJECTED, RSR STREAM RESTART HAS NOT COMPLETED DFS2907A LOG DATA SET MISSING OR INVALID, TERMINATE. LAST SYNC POINT PROCESSED=xxxxx/xxxxx

Explanation: During main storage database (MSDB) recovery, a break in the log sequence was detected. A log data set is missing or invalid. System action: The utility terminates with return code 4. Programmer response: Make sure that all log data sets are specified and are in the correct sequence. DFS2908I DATABASE UPDATES COMPLETE FOR REMOTE TAKEOVER PROCESSING

Explanation: A system checkpoint request (/CHE) was entered on the RSR tracker system but cannot be processed until the RSR restart is completed. System action: The system ignores the request and processing continues. System Operator Response: Retry the request at a later time. DFS2904A ATTEMPT TO CHANGE SEQUENCE FIELD

Explanation: All database changes from the active subsystems being tracked have been written to the shadow databases at the tracking site. System action: Remote takeover processing continues. Module: DFSLRMIL DFS2909I WRITE ERROR ON TRACKING LOG DATA SET, POSTCODE = xx, DSN = dsname

Explanation: The MSDB maintenance card change file has a "FIELD=" keyword specifying the sequence field. System action: The utility will terminate after issuing this message. Programmer response: Correct the input, and resubmit the utility run. Sequence fields cannot be altered. DFS2905I RECOVERY FROM CHECKPOINT=yyddd/hhmmss

Explanation: A tracking subsystem write attempt to tracking log data set dsname failed. The post code listed in the message is the one returned by BSAM as a result of the CHECK macro. The DFS2910I message, which follows directly, contains the SYNAD information returned by BSAM as a result of issuing the SYNADAF macro after the write error was detected. System action: If the write error results in loss of data, a request is made from the tracking subsystem to the active site isolated log sender to resend the missing data. If the write error is not a result of an automatic archive operation, a new data set is created. Recording of tracking log data resumes from the buffer used when the write error occurred. If the write error is the result of an automatic archive operation, the automatic archive is aborted. Automatic archive is rescheduled immediately. System Operator Response: Determine the cause of the write error by analyzing the BSAM post code, and consult MVS/XA Data Facility Product Version 2: Diagnosis Reference andMVS/XA Data Facility Product Version 2: Diagnosis Guide. Module: DFSLRBIT DFS2910I synad string

Explanation: The MSDB Dump/Recovery Utility started processing the IMS log data set at the indicated checkpoint. System action: The utility continues by processing all MSDB log records found on the log data set following the indicated checkpoint. Programmer response: None. DFS2906I UPDATES APPLIED TO SYNC POINT=yyddd/hhmmss

Explanation: The MSDB Dump/Recovery Utility has completed processing of the IMS log data set. The last Fast Path sync point log record read by the utility was created at the indicated date and time. System action: The utility continues processing. Programmer response: None.

Explanation: The tracking subsystem write attempt to a tracking log data set failed. synad string is bytes 68 through 136 of the message buffer returned from the
Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2911W DFS2913I
SYNADAF macro. It contains information about the data set which has the error. See the Data Facility Product manuals for a description of the contents of this message. System action: Processing continues. System Operator Response: See the accompanying message (DFS2909I). Module: DFSLRBIR, DFSLRBIT, DFSLRTRM DFS2911W READ ERROR ON TRACKING LOG DATA SET, POSTCODE = xx, DSN = data setname DFS2913I CONVERSATION WITH IMS cccccccc TERMINATED: reason

Explanation: The tracking subsystems conversation with an active subsystem was terminated. cccccccc is the IMSID of the active subsystem. If the active subsystem is XRF capable, the IMSID is appended with the character "-", followed by the single character HSBID. The reason is one of the following: ACT SYS SHUTDOWN The active subsystem is terminating. TRK SYS SHUTDOWN The tracking subsystem is terminating. STOP SERVGRP CMD The tracking subsystem is processing a /STOP SERVGRP command. REQUESTED VIA TMS Either the active subsystem or TMS has requested that the conversation be terminated. SLDS CREATE FAILED The tracking subsystem was unable to create a tracking log data set to receive data from the active subsystem. You also receive message DFS2916W. RESOURCE SHORTAGE The tracking subsystem is unable to receive data from the active subsystem due to a resource shortage. ACT XRF TAKEOVER An XRF takeover has occurred at the active site. The conversation terminated was with the previous active subsystem. INTERNAL ERROR An internal error occurred. The conversation with the active logger is terminated. Message DFS2941W is also issued. System action: The tracking subsystem continues processing. System Operator Response: If the message indicates SLDS CREATE FAILED, see the DFS2916W message description. If RESOURCE SHORTAGE is indicated the tracking subsystem is probably receiving data to fill gaps, and the active subsystem will attempt to re-establish a conversation at the next OLDS switch. You can also establish a conversation using a /STOP SERVGRP command followed by a /START SERVGRP command. If the message indicates INTERNAL ERROR, see the DFS2941W message description. Module: DFSLRASC

Explanation: A tracking subsystem read on a tracking log data set failed. The post code listed in the message is the one returned by BSAM as a result of the CHECK macro. The data set name listed is the name of the tracking log that experienced the read error. The DFS2912I message, which follows directly, contains the SYNAD information returned by BSAM as a result of issuing the SYNADAF macro. See Data Facility Product manuals for help interpreting the post code. System action: If there is only one copy of the tracking log data set, the function that requested the read terminates; the tracking subsystem continues executing. If the read was for an online forward recovery of a database, the recovery of the database is stopped. If there is a copy of the tracking log data set, processing continues with the secondary copy. System Operator Response: Resolve the error that caused the read failure on the tracking log data set. Issue the /START DATABASE|AREA or UPDATE DB|AREA START(ACCESS) command to restart the online forward recovery process if the error resulted from an online forward recovery of a database or area. Module: DFSLRRDZ DFS2912I synad string

| |

Explanation: The tracking subsystem read attempt to a tracking log data set failed. synad string is bytes 68 through 136 of the message buffer returned from the SYNADAF macro. It contains information about the data set which has the error. See the Data Facility Product manuals for a description of the contents of this message. System action: Processing continues. System Operator Response: See the accompanying message (DFS2909I). Module: DFSLRBIR, DFSLRRDZ


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2914I DFS2918A
DFS2914I UNABLE TO CREATE ACTIVE CONVERSATION, STORAGE SHORTAGE 08 Attempt to notify DBRC of data in tracking log data set failed for open of tracking log data set. Internal IMS logic error; refer problem to IBM. Write error detected. See message DFS2909I for information about the write error. Invalid data in buffer detected while writing to tracking log data set. No action required. Unable to switch to new tracking log data set after filling current tracking log data set. Tracking log write attempt is terminated. Unable to obtain storage to initiate filling of a gap between tracking log data received from active site. Resolve storage constraint. Unable to obtain storage by IMODULE. Resolve storage constraint. Attempt to notify DBRC of data in tracking log data set failed for close of tracking log data set. Internal IMS logic error; refer problem to IBM.

Explanation: A tracking subsystem was unable to create a conversation with an active site subsystem because it was unable to obtain required storage. System action: The conversation attempt is rejected. System Operator Response: Issue the /START SERVGRP command to restart the conversation attempt after the storage shortage is relieved. Module: DFSLRCAS DFS2915I UNABLE TO CREATE ACTIVE CONVERSATION, MAXIMUM CONVERSATIONS EXCEEDED

0A 0B 0C


0E 0F

Explanation: A tracking subsystem was unable to create a conversation with an active site subsystem because the number of streams allowed would be exceeded by this conversation. System action: The conversation attempt is rejected. The active subsystem will attempt to establish a conversation at the next OLDS switch. System Operator Response: Issue the /START SERVGRP command when /DISPLAY TRACKING STATUS output shows fewer than 127 active conversations. Module: DFSLRCAS

System action: Tracking log write attempt fails except for return codes 09, 0A and 0B. System Operator Response: See the individual reason codes above for user response. Module: DFSLRSAR, DFSLRSIN DFS2917I UNABLE TO FILL GAPS FOR PRILOG TOKENS SMALLER THAN token



Explanation: The tracking subsystem was unable to create the function which writes log buffers received from an active subsystem to a tracking log data set. 01 02 Parameter error, function terminates. Internal IMS logic error, refer problem to IBM. No initialization done for tracking log write function; function terminates. Internal IMS logic error, refer problem to IBM. Unable to determine data set type for tracking log; function terminates. Internal IMS logic error, refer problem to IBM. Unable to obtain DBRC communication area for tracking log write function; functions terminates. Resolve Extended CSA storage constraint. Unable to create IMS tasks for tracking log write function, function terminates. Internal IMS logic error, refer problem to IBM. No tracking log data set was created for the tracking log write function, function terminates.

Explanation: The tracking subsystem is unable to fill missing log gaps that have PRILOG tokens smaller than token. Logs with these PRILOG tokens have been deleted at the active site. System action: The tracking subsystem continues processing with no further attempts to obtain the unavailable logs. System Operator Response: If the unavailable log data is required for shadow databases or areas, you must obtain new image copies of the databases or areas from the active site. Module: DFSLRICM DFS2918A READ ERROR, TRACKING LOG MARKED IN ERROR IN RECON: dsname





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Explanation: A tracking subsystem read from tracking log data set dsname failed because all copies of the tracking log data set have an error status in the RECON data set. System action: One of the following:

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2922A DFS2925I
v If the read is for an online forward recovery of a database or area, the recovery is terminated. v If the read is for a log truncation, the tracking subsystem abnormally terminates with abend U0381, reason code 1F. v If the read is for routing during normal processing, routing stops. v If the read is for routing during restart, the tracking subsystem might abnormally terminate with abend U0380, reason code 1C. System Operator Response: Resolve the condition that caused the tracking log to be marked in error in the RECON data set. If /DIS TRACKING STATUS commands indicate that routing stopped, the user must either issue the /STOP SERVGRP and /START SERVGRP commands to restart routing or shut down the tracking subsystem and restart. If an OFR process terminated early and this message is in a data set that is properly concatenated with the IMS.PROCLIB data set specification. Correct any problems with this data set and resubmit the IMS job. Module: DFSRPP00 DFS2924I GSGNAME|TMINAME MUST BE SPECIFIED FOR SYSTEM DEFINITION OR [IN PROCLIB MEMBER DFSRSRXX|AS AN EXECUTE PARAMETER]

Explanation: An RSR-capable system was started, but either the global service group name (GSG name) or the Transaction Manager subsystem instance name (TMI name) was not specified either during system definition or in the DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member. Both parameters are required. This message can be issued by a batch or utility job because a GSG name and logging were specified but the TMI name was not specified for system definition or as an execution parameter. This message can also be issued if neither the RLT nor DLT are Licensed on this processor. System action: An online IMS subsystem terminates with a U0071 abend; a batch or utility job terminates with a U0379 abend. System Operator Response: Take one of the following actions: v Correct the IMS system definition or DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member to specify valid GSGNAME and TMINAME parameters, then resubmit the job. v For batch, correct the IMS system definition to specify the TMI name or use the TMI= execute parameter. v Add the necessary License certificates for RLT, DLT, or both. Module: DFSRSRI0, DFSXBAT0, DFSXDCC0 DFS2925I SLDSDEF STATEMENT MUST BE SPECIFIED IN PROCLIB MEMBER DFSRSRXX

| was issued, reissue the /START DB, UPDATE DB | START(ACCESS), /START AREA, or UPDATE AREA
START(ACCESS) command. If the tracking subsystem terminated abnormally during unplanned takeover and this message was issued, make sure the required tracking log is not marked in error in the RECON data set before restarting the tracking subsystem. Module: DFSLRRDS DFS2922A START ISOLOG COMMAND UNSUCCESSFUL - NOT IDENTIFIED TO TMS

Explanation: The tracking subsystem is not identified to the transport manager subsystem. System action: The tracking subsystem ignores the /START ISOLOG command. System Operator Response: Start the transport manager subsystem if it is not started. Issue the /START SERVGRP command followed by the /START ISOLOG command. Module: DFSLRMST DFS2923I PROCLIB MEMBER DFSRSRXX IS REQUIRED FOR A TRACKING SUBSYSTEM

Explanation: An IMS tracking subsystem was started, but the SLDSDEF statement was omitted from the DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member. This statement is required. System action: IMS terminates with a U0071 abend. System Operator Response: Correct DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member and resubmit the job. Module: DFSRSRI0

Explanation: A tracking IMS subsystem was unable to open the DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member. This member is required for an RSR tracking subsystem. System action: IMS terminates with a U0071 abend. System Operator Response: Ensure the correct DFSRSRxx member suffix is specified on the RSRMBR= exec parameter in the IMS procedure; the default is 00. Ensure that the specified DFSRSRxx member exists and


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2926I DFS2929A

Explanation: The DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member did not contain an ARCHIVE or an ARCHDEF statement to define the archive data set characteristics for an IMS tracking subsystem. This message also indicates that IMS will not automatically generate either RLDS or archive data sets for any active IMS subsystem being tracked. System action: IMS initialization continues. System Operator Response: Ensure that the omission of the ARCHIVE or ARCHDEF statement in the DFSRSRxx member is intentional. If not, shut down the tracking subsystem, add the appropriate statements to DFSRSRxx, and restart IMS. Module: DFSRSRI0 DFS2927I RLDSDEF STATEMENT MISSING FROM DFSRSRXX. RLDS GENERATION WILL NOT OCCUR

| | |

Explanation: An error was detected while processing the IMS.PROCLIB member DFSRSRxx. One or more DFS2929A messages might be issued, depending on the number of errors detected. This message is followed by a U0378 abend. For complete information onerror, see "Checking Return Codes from the Parse Service Routine" in z/OS TSO/E Programming Services. error can be one of the following: 1. PARAMETER IN ERROR:yyyy An invalid value was detected on a parameter in DFSRSRxx. The incorrect parameter is indicated by yyyy. 2. UNABLE TO OBTAIN STORAGE, IMODULE RC =rc The DFSRSRxx member parsing module, DFSRPP00, was unable to obtain storage necessary to process the member. IMODULE GETMAIN returned the code shown as rc. See the IMODULE return codes for more information. 3. UNABLE TO DELETE STORAGE, IMODULE RC =rc The DFSRSRxx member parsing module, DFSRPP00, was unable to free working storage it had obtained to process the member. IMODULE GETMAIN returned the code shown as rc. See the IMODULE return codes for more information. IMS does not abend if this form of the DFS2929A message is issued. In this case, the message is informational only. 4. FAILURE PARSING, IKJPARS RC =rc The TSO IKJPARS service detected an error in the parameters specified in the DFSRSRxx member. IKJPARS returned the code shown as rc. For more information, see IKJPARS in the OS/390: TSO/E Programming Services manual. The data set specified on the SYSTSPRT DD statement in the IMS procedure should be examined for more specific error messages from TSO. 5. TSO ENVIRONMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE The TSO environment was not available, so the DFSRSRxx member could not be processed. System action: IMS terminates with a U0378 abend, except in the case where error is UNABLE TO DELETE STORAGE, IMODULE RC = rc, in which case processing continues. System Operator Response: The following responses correspond to the explanations given for error. 1. Correct the indicated parameters in DFSRSRxx and resubmit the job. 2. Determine the reason for IMODULE GETMAIN failure based on the reason code rc. If the problem is due to fragmented storage, an MVS IPL might be necessary.

Explanation: The DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member did not contain an RLDSDEF statement to define the RLDS data set characteristics for an IMS tracking subsystem. This message also indicates that IMS will not automatically generate RLDS data sets for any active IMS subsystem being tracked. System action: IMS initialization continues. System Operator Response: Ensure that the omission of the ARCHIVE or ARCHDEF statement in the DFSRSRxx member is intentional. If not, shut down the tracking subsystem, add the appropriate statements to DFSRSRxx, and restart IMS. Module: DFSRSRI0 DFS2928I DL/I DB TRACKING WILL NOT BE PERFORMED -- LSO=S WAS NOT SPECIFIED

Explanation: A tracking IMS subsystem was started LSO=Y specified (in the IMS procedure). This message indicates that DL/I database tracking will not be performed by this tracking subsystem because DL/I tracking requires LSO=S to be specified. System action: IMS initialization continues. System Operator Response: Ensure that the specification of LSO=Y is correct and that no DL/I database tracking is desired. If you do want DL/I database tracking, shut down the tracking subsystem, change the LSO= specification and restart IMS. Module: DFSRSRI0

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


3. Make note of the message and IMODULE return code rc and report the problem to IBM. No immediate corrective action is required; however, this could be a sign of an internal logic error within IMS or problem with (IMS or MVS) storage management. 4. Determine the parameters in error in the DFSRSRxx member from the messages in the SYSTSPRT data set. Correct the parameters and resubmit the job. 5. Ensure that the TSO environment is available and resubmit the job. Module: DFSRPPB0, DFSRPP00 DFS2930I INITIALIZATION FAILURE mmmmmmmm,xxxx,yyyyyyyy,zzzzzzzzccccc Table 23. Reason Codes for Message DFS2930I (continued) Reason Requested Code Service Description 0003 DFSVCI Unable to perform SVC vector table initialization with the SCD address for this IMS image. 0004 MVS Unable to establish an ESTAE ESTAE routine for the IMS job step TCB. 0005 DFSIIN10 Unable to preload the modules specified in IMS load list. 0006 DFSXCB00 Initialization failed for IMS DFSBCB storage management services. 0007 DFSMINI0 Initialization failed for IMS dispatcher services. 0008 DFSCDSP Unable to build IMS dispatcher services control blocks for the IMS job step TCB. 0009 DFSCIR Unable to create the Common System Services ITASK, DFSCSS00 (either IMODULE GETMAIN or LOAD failed). 000A DFSCIR Unable to create the Common Control Services ITASK, DFSCNS00 (either IMODULE GETMAIN or LOAD failed). 000B DFSCIR Unable to create the Master Services (z/OS routine) ITASK (either IMODULE GETMAIN or LOAD failed). 000C DFSCIR Unable to create the Storage Management Compression Services ITASK, DFSSTC00 (either IMODULE GETMAIN or LOAD failed). 000D DFSCIR Unable to create the Latch Management Recovery ITASK, DFSCLM20 (either IMODULE GETMAIN or LOAD failed). 000E DFSCIR Unable to create the Use Management Recovery ITASK, DFSUSE20 (either IMODULE GETMAIN or LOAD failed). 000F IMSAUTH Unable to store SSVT address in the SSCT. 0010 DFSSCPI0 Unable to initialize the System Control Program (SCP) and related IMS control blocks. Possible reason codes are:

Explanation: IMS initialization failed for module mmmmmmmm. The message variables are: xxxx The failure reason code (also found in register 15 at the time of abend). See Table 23 for a description of the reason code and the requested service. The failure return code from the requested service. The failure subcode from the requested service (if applicable). Optional text that provides further explanation of the error.

yyyyyyyy zzzzzzzz ccccc

See abends 0070, 0071, 0077, 0081, 0315, and 0718 for more information on what to do when this message appears. Abends 0070 and 0071 can be found in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis. See TSO Extensions Version 2 Programming Services for more information on TSO environment services return codes. System action: IMS terminates with a dump. System Operator Response: Determine the cause of the initialization failure based on the module name and return codes. Resubmit the IMS job after the problem has been corrected. Module: DFSXSTM0 Table 23. Reason Code 0001 Reason Codes for Message DFS2930I Requested Service Description DFSXDBI0 Unable to load IMS system control blocks (IMS SCD) in members DFSBLK0x and DFSFXC0x. IMSAUTH Unable to authorize this IMS image to anchor its SCD address in the SSCT.



Messages and Codes Volume 2

Table 23. Reason Codes for Message DFS2930I (continued) Reason Requested Code Service Description 00000001 IMODULE GETMAIN failed for IMS system control program block (SCPB). zzzzzzzz contains the return code from IMODULE GETMAIN. 00000002 LOAD failed for TSO environment module, IKJTSOEV. zzzzzzzz contains the return code from MVS LOAD. Ensure that you are running on a level of z/OS that supports the TSO environment service. 00000003 TSO environment service initialization failed. zzzzzzzz contains the return code from the TSO environment service. DFSDREF0 Unable to process the DFSDRFxx IMS.PROCLIB member. DFSXRLM0 Unable to initialize the IRLM. DFSSTKI0 Unable to initialize the IMS Stack Storage Manager. Possible reason codes are: 00000001 IMODULE GETMAIN failed for the main stack storage control block (SCDSTK). zzzzzzzz contains the return code from IMODULE GETMAIN. 00000002 IMODULE LOAD failed for the message service modules (DFSMSGC0 and DFSMSGF0). zzzzzzzz contains the return code from IMODULE LOAD. Table 23. Reason Codes for Message DFS2930I (continued) Reason Requested Code Service Description 0014 DFSMSGI0 Unable to initialize IMS message services. Possible reason codes are: 00000001 IMODULE GETMAIN failed for the message service control block (MSCB). zzzzzzzz contains the return code from IMODULE GETMAIN. 00000002 IMODULE LOAD failed for the message service modules (DFSMSGC0 and DFSMSGF0). zzzzzzzz contains the return code from IMODULE LOAD. 00000003 IMODULE LOAD failed for the message service text module (DFSMSGTX). zzzzzzzz contains the return code from IMODULE LOAD. Unable to perform RSR initialization. Possible reason codes are: 00000001 The DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member could not be read and the IMS startup parameter TRACK= indicated that the IMS was a tracking IMS. The DFSRSRxx member is required for RSR tracking subsystems. Ensure that the RSRMBR= parameter in the IMS procedure specifies a two character suffix for a valid existing DFSRSRxx member (the default is DFSRSR00).




0012 0013

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


Table 23. Reason Codes for Message DFS2930I (continued) Reason Requested Code Service Description 00000002 No GSG name was specified for an RSR tracking subsystem or an RSR-capable system. Be sure to specify a GSG name in the IMSCTRL macro or the DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member. 00000003 No TMI name was specified for an RSR tracking subsystem or an RSR-capable system. Be sure to specify a TMI name in the DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member. 00000004 No SLDSDEF statement was specified in the DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member for an RSR tracking subsystem. 00000006 IMODULE GETMAIN failed for the main full function DL/I database tracking control block (GDBT). zzzzzzzz contains the return code from IMODULE GETMAIN. 00000007 IMODULE GETMAIN failed for the main Fast Path database tracking control block (EDBT). zzzzzzzz contains the return code from IMODULE GETMAIN. 00000008 IMODULE LOAD failed for the RSR data sharing AWE server module (DFSRDBS0). zzzzzzzz contains the return code from IMODULE LOAD. Table 23. Reason Codes for Message DFS2930I (continued) Reason Requested Code Service Description 0016 DFSSQ000 Unable to initialize Shared Queues. Possible error codes identifying the failing function are: X'1001' Work area allocation failed. X'1002' DFSSQM allocation failed. X'1003' DFSSQS allocation failed. X'1004' SQ1 AWE allocation failed. X'1005' SQ2 AWE allocation failed. X'1006' DFSSQ010 load failed. X'1007' Parsing of the DFSSQxxx member of IMS.PROCLIB failed. X'1008' DFSXRPS read failed. X'1009' RSR tracker system error. X'100A' CQSREG request failed. X'100B' Loading of shared queues modules failed. X'100C' Join of XCF group failed. X'100D' Allocation of shared queues overflow hash table failed. DFSRSMD0 Unable to perform resource manager initialization. Possible reason codes are: 00000004 LOAD failed for IMS resource manager module DFSRSMR0. zzzzzzzz contains the return code from MVS LOAD.



Messages and Codes Volume 2

Table 23. Reason Codes for Message DFS2930I (continued) Reason Requested Code Service Description 00000008 STORAGE OBTAIN failed for the IMS Resource Manager Parameter list block (IRMP). zzzzzzzz contains the return code from STORAGE OBTAIN. 0000000C RESMGR ADD failed for the IMS resource manager DFSRSMR0. zzzzzzzz contains the return code from RESMGR ADD. 00000010 DFSRSMD0 was passed a region identifier code that was not valid. Table 23. Reason Codes for Message DFS2930I (continued) Reason Requested Code Service Description 0018 DFSCSL00 Unable to initialize the Common Service Layer and related IMS control blocks. In the registers at entry to the abend, register 3 contains the DFSCSL00 return code, and register 4 contains the failing function return code. Possible error codes identifying the failing function are: X'1004' IMODULE GETMAIN for DFSCSLA failed. X'1008' IMODULE LOAD for DFSCSL10 failed. X'100C' DFSLOADL failed for CSL module preload. X'1010' DFSBCB GET for an AWE failed to attach SL0 TCB DFSFMOD0. X'1014' DFSSQPP ENQ failed for attach for SL0 TCB. X'1018' DFSBCB GET for an AWE failed to attach SL1 TCB DFSFMOD0. X'101C' DFSSQPP ENQ failed for attach for SL1 TCB. X'2nnnn' The return code from DFSCSL10. X'2004' Parse error. A DFS3305E message is issued. X'2008' Error reading PROCLIB member. X'200C' Parameter validation error. 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 IMODULE GETMAIN IMODULE LOAD IMODULE DELETE DFSBCB GET DFSBCB REL Unable to obtain storage. Unable to load a module. Unable to delete a module. Unable to obtain a control block. Unable to release a control block.

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2931I DFS2936I
Table 23. Reason Codes for Message DFS2930I (continued) Reason Requested Code Service Description 0025 DFSXSTM0 00000001 No LM certificate for DB feature. 00000002 No LM certificate for TM feature. 00000003 No LM certificate features. Unable to preload IMS modules.

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |



Explanation: This message is issued during processing of an unplanned remote takeover command (/RTAKEOVER UNPLANNED). hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh is the time that represents the point at which the logs were truncated (or would have been truncated had there been logs that needed to be truncated). The time is a 64-bit time-of-day (TOD) value in UTC (coordinated universal time) format. System action: The tracking subsystem continues with unplanned takeover shutdown processing. System Operator Response: No action is required. Module: DFSLRCAS DFS2934I LOG TRUNCATION STARTED FOR IMS: instance name

| 0026 |




Explanation: The tracking subsystem has been notified, by the TMS status exit, that the transport manager subsystem has terminated. System action: The tracking subsystem continues processing with the existing conversations. New conversations will not be established. System Operator Response: After starting the transport manager subsystem, issue the /STOP SERVGRP followed by /START SERVGRP commands on the tracking subsystem to establish conversations with the active site. To avoid creating gaps in the log data being received, you can delay issuing these commands as long as new conversations with active systems or with isolated log sender are not needed. Module: DFSLRMST DFS2932I DATABASE UPDATES PRIOR TO SYSTEM imsidaction HAVE BEEN ROUTED

Explanation: The tracking subsystem has started the log truncation process on behalf of the active subsystem (instance name) listed in the message. If the active subsystem is XRF capable, the instance name is appended with the character "-", followed by the single character HSBID. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSLRLTS DFS2935I TRACKING LOG DATA SETS HAVE BEEN TRUNCATED AT lsn:

Explanation: All active log buffers containing database updates for the active subsystem imsid have been written to active logs, transported to the tracking subsystem, and routed to the database tracker components. action is SHUTDOWN if a shutdown /CHECKPOINT (FREEZE or DUMPQ) command was issued on the active subsystem. action is TAKEOVER if a /RTAKEOVER command was issued for the active subsystem. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSST500

Explanation: The tracking subsystem has completed the log truncation process for the data sets listed in the DFS2936I message. If any of the tracking log data sets listed in the message have been archived and the corresponding recovery log data sets (RLDSs) created, the entire RLDS will be removed from the RECON data set by DBRC. The PRILOG and PRISLDS entries in the RECON will be the output data set created by the truncation process. No RLDSs are created during truncation. lsn is the last log sequence number that is allowed to be applied to the databases or areas at the tracking site for the corresponding active IMS subsystem. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSLRLTR DFS2936I dsname

Explanation: The tracking subsystem has completed the log truncation process for the data set (dsname) This is the accompanying message to DFS2935I. If recovery log data sets (RLDSs) are being truncated, they will be listed after the system log data sets (SLDSs) in the message.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2937I DFS2941W
System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSLRLTR DFS2937I TRACKING ACTIVE|INACTIVE. LAST KNOWN LIBRARIES FOR sysid: IMSACBx, FORMATx, MODBLKSx restart; the system will begin to shutdown because a planned takeover must have a normal shutdown in order to complete. System action: Processing continues. System programmer response: If the system shuts down properly after issuing this message, then you can take steps to start a new active at the remote site. If the system aborts after issuing this message, then it must be restarted. A normal shutdown will automatically be performed after the restart completes. Module: DFSICM30, DFSIRST0 DFS2940 DBRC PLANNED TAKEOVER REQUEST FAILED, RC=nn

Explanation: This message indicates whether a tracking MODSTAT data set has been updated (ACTIVE) or not updated (INACTIVE). In an XRF environment, tracking information is written to the first data set (MODSTAT) and a null record is written to the second data set (MODSTAT2). The named libraries reflect the most current information received by the tracking system. sysid is the 8-byte RSENAME (XRF) or SCDIMSID (non-XRF) of the tracked IMS system. The accuracy of this message can be affected by missing log data. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Verify that the named libraries are correct before starting an active IMS after remote takeover. Module: DFSST500 DFS2938W MODSTAT error ERROR FOR DDNAME=dddddd, SYSID=sssss.

Explanation: A request for planned takeover was not granted by DBRC. The reason code indicates the type of failure that occurred: Reason Code 08 Description There is at least one subsystem record in the RECON data set marked abnormally terminated There are no GSG records in the RECON data set This should not occur. DBRC will not allow an RSR system to be started without GSG records in the RECON, and once an RSR system is running, these GSG records cannot be deleted. DBRC internal error Invalid invocation


Explanation: A MODSTAT data set error occurred. error indicates the type of error (ALLOCATE, OPEN, READ, WRITE) and dddddd indicates the dynamic allocation member name used when the error occurred. This message will only be issued when the error first occurs. The MODSTAT data set is associated with active system, sssss, being tracked. System action: Processing continues. An attempt will be made to retry the data set update each time the active system makes an online change or takes a system checkpoint. Programmer response: Verify the dynamic allocation member name. This name must match the name specified in the DFSRSRxx member at the active site. Verify that the data set pointed to by the dynamic allocation member is available for update. See the DFS2937I message for data set status. Module: DFSST500

44 48

System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: Reason Code 08 Action Restart the subsystem which abnormally terminated, then terminate it gracefully. Then retry the planned takeover. Internal IMS error. Report problem to IBM. Internal IMS error. Report problem to IBM. Internal IMS error. Report problem to IBM.

12 44 48




Explanation: An /RTA FREEZE or /RTA DUMPQ command has been issued on the active system and the active has begun shutdown processing. This message is initially issued by the command processor. However, if the active system should abort prior to shutting down, then this message will also be issued during a subsequent

Explanation: An error was detected while writing to a tracking log data set. nnnnnnnn is the return code: 01 Required tracking log write-related control block not supplied with request. 02 No initialization done for tracking log write function.
Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2942I DFS2947I
03 04 05 06 Unable to determine data set type for tracking log (tracking SLDS, archive SLDS, or RLDS). Unable to obtain ECSA storage for communication with DBRC. Unable to create IMS tasks for tracking log write function. The RSR tracking IMS is unable to obtain a buffer while processing an active site log record, which represents a /DBR command with a forced end of volume, FEOV. The write attempt is terminated and will be retried automatically. No further action is necessary. No tracking log data set was created for the tracking log write function. Unable to register a tracking log data set with DBRC. Write error detected. See message DFS2909I for information about the write error. Invalid data in buffer detected while writing to tracking log data set. Unable to switch to new tracking log data set after filling current tracking log data set. Tracking log write attempt is terminated. Unable to obtain storage to initiate filling of a gap between tracking log data received from active site. Unable to obtain storage by IMODULE. Unable to complete final registration of a tracking log data set with DBRC. Unexpected data set full condition while attempting to write to a tracking log data set. operator issues anything other than YES, the processing of the cold start terminates and IMS waits for another start command. Otherwise, the cold start continues. User response: Reply YES to continue the cold start, or NO to be able to issue another start command. Module: DFSLRINS DFS2943I THERE ARE NO DATA SETS TO TRUNCATE FOR subsystem

| 07 |
08 0A 0B 0C

Explanation: No data sets were detected that required truncation for the subsystem subsystem. System action: The truncation process completes normally. Module: DFSLRLTR DFS2945I ERROR NOTIFYING DBRC OF READ ERROR ON TRACKING LOG, DBRC RETURN CODE = rc


0E 0F 10

Explanation: On an RSR tracking subsystem, DBRC returned an unexpected return code while trying to delete a tracking log from the RECON data set after experiencing a read error. System action: Processing continues. System Operator Response: For a description of the DBRC return codes, see return codes from Tracking Log OPEN, CLOSE, and DELETE information in the topic titled DSP Messages in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. If the return code is greater than 12, contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSLRRDD, DFSLRRDH, DFSLRRDZ DFS2946I SYSID=rsename HAS ASSUMED THE ACTIVE ROLE FOR SERVICE GROUP sgname

System action: If the tracking log data set is a tracking SLDS, the conversation with the active subsystem is terminated. If the tracking log data set is an archive SLDS or an RLDS, the automatic archive attempt is terminated. The automatic archive will be re-attempted. System Operator Response: If a conversation with an active subsystem has been terminated, restart the conversation after the problem has been corrected. Module: DFSLRBIT, DFSLRSDS, DFSLRSFG, DFSLRSWB, DFSLRWRT DFS2942I COLDSTART WILL LOSE TRACKING STATUS - REPLY YES TO CONTINUE NO TO ISSUE NEW COMMAND

Explanation: A successful takeover has been completed at the remote site by the IMS subsystem identified by rsename. The subsystem is now the active component for service group sgname. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Active system processing can be initiated. Module: DFSRST00 DFS2947I 1ST ACTIVE START AFTER REMOTE TAKEOVER MUST BUILD OR COLDSTART THE MESSAGE QUEUES

Explanation: A cold start (other than the first cold start or the first cold start of a new RSR tracking IMS or the first cold start of an RSR tracking IMS after a remote takeover) is being attempted for the tracker and the position data set is either not found or unusable. This message warns the operator that the RSR tracking IMS will not process any data from the RSR active site IMS that was started prior to the tracking IMS shutdown. The only log data that is processed is from the active IMS subsystems that were started after the shutdown of the prior instance of the RSR tracking IMS. System action: The system waits for a reply. If the

Explanation: An attempt was made to start a new active subsystem at the remote site following a takeover process. This start of the active must either rebuild the message queues (/ERE BUILDQ, /NRE BUILDQ,


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2948I DFS2953I
or /ERE BUILDQ CHKPT 0) or cold start the message queues (/ERE COLDCOMM, /ERE COLDSYS, or /NRE CHKPT 0). If a BUILDQ start is to be performed, (using a checkpoint other than CHKPT 0), a SNAPQ or DUMPQ checkpoint must have been performed on the old active and transported to the remote site. However, if no checkpoint containing a copy of the queues is ever transported using the log to the remote site, a cold start of the Transaction Manager component will be necessary. System action: The restart is terminated and the system waits for another restart command. Programmer response: Issue another restart command as appropriate. Module: DFSRST00 DFS2948I RESYNCHRONIZATION REJECTED, NODE nodename. INPUT/LASTI: aaaa/bbbb, OUTPUT/LASTO: cccc/dddd RESYNCHRONIZATION REJECTED, LINK link. INPUT/LASTI: aaaa/bbbb, OUTPUT/LASTO: cccc/dddd, BLOCKID eeee forced into a cold-start mode. An IMS trace log record (X'6701') with ID=CVCT (for node nodename) or ID=MSS1 and ID=MSS2 (for link link) is created. The node or link is synchronized as in a cold-start of the session. System Operator Response: None. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 Module: DFSCVFJ0, DFSCVHC0, DFSCMSW0 DFS2950A A CHECKPOINT REQUIRED TO SATISFY RESTART IS NOT AVAILABLE ON SYSTEM LOG

Explanation: An attempt was made to start a subsystem, active or tracker, but the checkpoint required to satisfy the request, usually the cold start checkpoint, is not on the system log. This can happen because PRILOG records were deleted from the RECON or from remote takeover scenarios. System action: The restart is terminated and the system waits for another restart command. Programmer response: Issue another restart command as appropriate. Module: DFSRBCP0 DFS2951I FAST PATH DATABASE TRACKER INITIALIZATION COMPLETE


Explanation: For the NODE nodename form of the message, the node rejected IMSs set and test sequence number request while attempting to reestablish the session. The sequence numbers at the time of error are shown in the message. For the LINK link form of the message, the message sequence numbers from the partner side of a MSC BISYNC, CTC, or MTM link do not match the sequence numbers on this side. The sequence numbers at the time of error are shown in the message. LASTI is the sequence number of the last data block received INPUT is the sequence number of the last recoverable message received and enqueued to the message queue LASTO is the sequence number of the last data block sent OUTPUT is the sequence number of the last recoverable message sent, acknowledged and dequeued from the message queue BLOCKID is the sequence number of the last recoverable message received and enqueued by the partner IMS (that is, the INPUT number from the partner side of the link) This message is received during session establishment of an IMS VTAM node or MSC link after an RSR takeover, and occurs on the IMS being restarted (/ERE). System action: The node nodename or link link is

Explanation: Fast Path database tracker completed all its initialization tasks. System action: Processing continues. Module: DBFDT150 DFS2953I RESTART MILESTONE INDEX NOT ADVANCING -- SKIPPING MILESTONES

Explanation: The Remote Site Recovery (RSR) tracking subsystem has done milestone processing many times (100 or more) without being able to write updates to the shadow databases. This means that recent milestones are not being logged and the milestone from which the tracking subsystem would restart has not advanced. System action: This message is first issued after 100 milestones have been taken without being able to harden database updates. (The difference between the restart milestone index and the current milestone index shown by /DISPLAY TRACKING STATUS is 100.) At this point the tracking subsystem begins skipping milestones -- every other milestone request is ignored. The message is repeated after 200, 300, 400, and then 500 milestones have occurred without database updates being written. After 500 milestones, 4 of every 5

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2954I DFS2959I
milestones are skipped. The tracking subsystem continues processing. System Operator Response: The most likely cause of this situation is that Fast Path updates are being tracked but commit log records have not been received because one or more log gaps are not being filled. Determine why gaps are not being filled and take corrective action. Module: DFSLRMIL DFS2954I STOP IN PROGRESS FOR DATABASE dbname Message DFS4051I is issued when this processing is complete.

| | | | |

If an error is detected for the shadow partition or if a /DBR DATABASE or UPDATE DB STOP(ACCESS) command is entered for the shadow partition before processing completes, message DFS4055I is issued instead of message DFS4051I. System programmer response: After message DFS4051I or DFS4055I is issued, take one of the following actions: v Resume tracking changes to this HALDB partition (and to the other partitions of the HALDB master that are not stopped): 1. Enter the /START DATABASE or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command for the HALDB master. 2. If message DFS4055I was issued instead of DFS4051I, correct the condition that caused the shadow partition to stop, then enter a /START DATABASE or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command for the shadow partition. v Resume tracking changes to this partition but not to the other partitions in the HALDB master: 1. Enter the /DBR DATABASE or UPDATE DB STOP(ACCESS) command for all of the HALDB master shadow partitions that are not stopped. 2. Enter the /START DATABASE or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command for the HALDB master. 3. If message DFS4055I was issued instead of DFS4051I, correct the condition that caused the shadow partition to stop, then enter a /START DATABASE or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command for the shadow partition. Module: DFSDT180 DFS2959I TERMINATING OFR DUE TO STARTPOINT PROCESSING ERROR

Explanation: A /DBR command has been entered on an IMS tracker system. System action: IMS has begun the process of stopping the shadow database. Stop processing includes stopping tracking for the database, as well as database closing, unauthorizing and deallocating the database. Message DFS4055I is issued when the stop processing for the database is complete.

| |

| | | | |

System Operator Response: If the stop processing for the shadow database was a result of an error, issue /START DATABASE or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command to resume tracking for the specified database after the error has been corrected. Module: DFSDT180 DFS2955W DATASPACE USAGE EXCEEDED THE THRESHOLD VALUE. IO OPERATION IS INVOKED

| | | | | | | | | |

Explanation: The usage of data space exceeded the threshold value specified in DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member. System action: I/O operation is invoked for appropriate area data sets. System Operator Response: Parameters in DFSRSRxx should be checked. Module: DBFDT160 DFS2956I TRACKING SUSPENSION IN PROGRESS FOR DATABASE partname

Explanation: The Remote Site Recovery Online Forward Recovery (OFR) process has detected an inconsistency with a streams startpoint list such that the information in the current list does not agree with the position that the process has reached so far. If the process was allowed to continue the database or databases would be corrupted. System action: The OFR Startpoint list is logged, either a 3757, 3758, or 3759 trace record is created, and the OFR process is terminated. System Operator Response: Collect the tracking subsystems RECON listing and log data and call IBM Support to report the problem. In most cases starting the databases again to restart the OFR will result in successful OFR completion. Module: DFSLRORM, DFSLROPR

Explanation: A /DBR command for a HALDB master was entered on an IMS tracking system. IMS is suspending tracking changes to the HALDB partition. In the message text, partname is one of the partitions for this HALDB master. System action: IMS continues processing, including: v Updating the disk copy of the shadow partition with any database changes already in the database buffers. v Closing, unauthorizing, and deallocating the shadow HALDB partition.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2960A DFS2964I
DFS2960A AREA areaname STOPPING. RC=nn DFS2961I AREA areaname IS STOPPED

Explanation: An error has been detected by Fast Path database tracking. The area, indicated by areaname, is stopped. The reason code,nn, indicates the type of failure that occurred: Reason Code 01 Description The DFSDSM OBTAIN macro returned a nonzero return code. There is no space left in the data space. The IMODULE GETMAIN macro returned a nonzero return code. There is no work storage available. An error occurred during AREA open. For additional information, see the previously issued messages. OFR will not occur for a RCVTRACK area. DBRC encountered an error during USID validation. For additional information, see message 490. An error occurred during AREA open. For additional information, see message DFS3709. DBRC encountered an error while being notified that an active system was taking the AREA offline. For additional information, see message 490. Update log records of the AREA exist in the data space but no action was taken for them; this might be a logic error. An error occurred during AREA authorization for the OFR process. An error occurred during AREA open. For additional information, see message DFS3709. DBRC encountered an error while being notified that online forward recovery had completed for the AREA. For more information, see message 490. The Log Router detected an error while processing OFR for the AREA. OFR terminates for the AREA. A severe I/O error occurred for the shadow database. OFR terminates for the AREA. The OFR request is rejected for the AREA. For more information, see message 494.

Explanation: Internal Area stop request or /DBRECOVERY AREA command is completed. The area is now stopped. This message might be preceded by message DFS2960A. See message DFS2960A for reasons. System action: Stop of the area is completed. Module: DBFDT180 DFS2962I AREA areaname IS ALREADY STOPPED



Explanation: This message appears when /DBRECOVERY AREA is entered for an area that is already stopped. System action: /DBRECOVERY command is ignored. Module: DBFDT180 DFS2963A AREA areaname IS NOT DEFINED

04 05


Explanation: Log data for the specified AREA was passed to tracking logic, but the AREA was not defined in the tracking IMS subsystem. System action: The log data is ignored, no database tracking is performed using the referenced log data. This message is produced each time that tracking processes a record indicating the beginning of update activity for a covered AREA when the AREA is not defined to the tracking subsystem. System Operator Response: Add the AREA in the tracking subsystem. Or, if no tracking is necessary, register the AREA as RSR no covered at active IMS subsystem(s). Module: DBFDT250 DFS2964I STOP ALREADY IN PROGRESS FOR DATABASE dbname COMMAND REJECTED



09 10



Explanation: A /DBR command has been entered on an IMS tracker system for a shadow database before the database stop processing completed for a previous /DBR command that was issued for the same shadow database. System action: The /DBR command is rejected for the listed database and /DBR processing continues. Message DFS4055I is issued when the stop database processing is complete. System Operator Response: Wait for the previous /DBR command to complete. Module: DFSDT180



System action: The shadow database (area) is stopped. System Operator Response: Correct the error indicated by nn and recover the AREA by OFR. Module: DBFDT180

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2965A DFS2969A
DFS2965A USID VALIDATION FAILED. AREA areaname RC=nn USID=uuuuuuuu PRILOG=yydddfhhmmsst LSN=llllllll topic titled DSP Messages in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. llllllll The low four bytes of log sequence number. yydddfhhmmsst The PRILOG start time. System action: Stop of the shadow database (area) is initiated. System Operator Response: Call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DBFDT300 DFS2968A END OF OFR NOTIFICATION FAILED. AREA areaname RC=nn OFRID=rrrr

Explanation: DBRC was requested to validate the current stream of log records to be applied to the specified shadow database. The validation failed and the current stream of log records cannot be applied. In the message text: areaname The area name of the shadow database. nn The DBRC return code. For a description of DBRC return codes, see the topic titled DSP Messages in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. uuuuuuuu The update set identifier (USID) for the specified database. yydddfhhmmsst The PRILOG start time. llllllll The low four bytes of the log sequence number for the area specified by areaname. System action: Stop of the shadow database (area) is initiated. System Operator Response: Contact IBM. Module: DBFDT300 DFS2966A END OF LOG STREAM NOTIFICATION FAILED. RC=nn PRILOG=yydddfhhmmsst.

Explanation: The attempt to notify DBRC, when notified by log router, of the end of an online forward recovery (OFR) for an AREA failed. In the message text: areaname The area for which notification to DBRC failed. nn The error return code from DBRC indicating that an internal error has been detected when log router invoked DBRC. For additional information on DBRC return codes, see the topic titled DSP Messages in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. rrrr The OFR identifier. System action: Stop of the shadow database (area) is initiated. System Operator Response: Call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DBFDT300 DFS2969A END OF TRACKING NOTIFICATION FAILED. AREA areaname RC=nn

Explanation: The attempt to notify DBRC, when notified by log router, of the end of an active stream failed. In the message text: nn The DBRC return code. For additional information on DBRC return codes, see the topic titled DSP Messages in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. yydddfhhmmsst The PRILOG start time. System action: User abend 3039, subcode 05 is issued. System Operator Response: Call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DBFDT300 DFS2967A END OF UPDATE NOTIFICATION FAILED. AREA areaname RC=nn LSN=llllllll PRILOG=yydddfhhmmsst

Explanation: The attempt to notify log router when the specified shadow database became unavailable (for example /DBRECOVERY on tracking subsystem or I/O error) failed. In the message text: areaname The area for which the attempt to notify the log router failed. nn The DBRC error return code from, which indicates that an internal error has been detected, when log router invoked DBRC. For additional information on DBRC return codes, see the topic titled DSP Messages in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: Abend U3094, subcode 03 is issued. System Operator Response: Call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DBFDT180

Explanation: The attempt to notify DBRC that the specified AREA has been taken offline by the active subsystem (for example, /DBR) failed. In the message text: areaname The area for which notification to DBRC failed. nn The DBRC return code. For additional information on DBRC return codes, see the


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2970I DFS2971W
| DFS2970I | | | | | | |
OLR STARTED | RESUMED FOR NAME=partname MASTER=mastername PST=pstnumber

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Table 24. Return and Reason Codes for DFS2971W (continued) Reason Return Code Code (Hex) (Dec) 08 12 16

Explanation: HALDB Online Reorganization has started or resumed for the named partition. The message text includes the name of the master (mastername) and the program specification block number (pstnumber).

Description DFSBCB GET for QSAV failed. DFSCWU create work unit failed. IMS was restarted with COLDSYS or COLDBASE, or COLD START. Restart authorization failed. Deferred stop or close due to error during XRF takeover LCRE enqueue failed. The SET ownership call failed; possible causes: v The partition database is not capable of having OLR run against it. v The REORG INTENT flag is set on in the partition database. The partition is being reorganized. The OLR was terminated because FFROLR=D was specified. LSO=Y environment is invalid. GETMAIN for OLR work area failed

| System action: IMS continues processing. | Module: DFSORP00 | Note: Message DFS2970I is issued after the type-1 or type-2 INIT OLREORG command is processed to | the extent that OLREORG ownership is | established in RECON. If the online | reorganization cursor is active then RESUMED is | indicated; otherwise, STARTED is indicated. | | DFS2971W | | | DFS2971W | | | DFS2971W | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
OLR INITIALIZATION FAILED FOR NAME=partname MASTER=mastername PST=pstnumber RC=xx RS=yy OLR TERMINATED FOR NAME=partname MASTER=mastername PST=pstnumber RC=xx RS=yy OLR WILL NOT BE RESUMED FOR NAME=partname MASTER=mastername PST=pstnumber RC=xx RS=yy

20 24 28 32


40 08 (These codes are from module: DFSORP10) 02 03 04 05 06 0C (These codes are from module: DFSORP10) 8031 C030 Cxxx 01

Explanation: First format of the message: For the reason indicated by the return and reason codes, the HALDB online reorganization did not complete the OLR initialization process to either start or resume the OLR. Second format of the message: For the reason indicated by the return and reason codes, the OLR terminated before all records were copied from the input to the output set of data sets. The message text includes the name of the master (mastername), the program specification block number (pstnumber), and the return and reason codes. For the exact cause of the termination, see the return and reason codes in the following tables: Table 24. Return and Reason Codes for DFS2971W Reason Return Code Code (Hex) (Dec) 04 (These codes are from module: DFSORP00) 04

Scheduling of the OLR PSB failed Output data set creation or validation failed DFSBCB GET for QSAV failed Timer ITASK creation failed Database in error because backout failed Partition selection failed

Description Unexpected return code from ISWITCH

Open error for partition Authorization failure Other partition selection failures

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Table 24. Return and Reason Codes for DFS2971W (continued) Reason Return Code Code (Hex) (Dec) 10 (These codes are from module: DFSORP10) 14 (These codes are from module: DFSORP10), for errors detected in DFSORP20) 02 03 04 05 06 07 18 (These codes are from module: DFSORP10), for errors detected in DFSORP20) 1C (These codes are from module: DFSORP10), for errors detected in DFSORP30) 02 03 /TERMINATE OLREORG with the FORCE option was initiated. Key with all X'FF' found, or error doing chain maintenance Termination ABORT was initiated. abend code abend code

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Table 24. Return and Reason Codes for DFS2971W (continued) Reason Return Code Code (Hex) (Dec) 20 (These codes are from module: DFSORP10), for errors detected in DFSORP30) 24 (These codes are from module: DFSORP10), for errors detected in DFSORP30) 28 (These codes are from module: DFSORP10), for errors detected in DFSORP30) 28 (module: DFSORP10 ) abend code

Description Pseudo-abend during partition selection (decimal value)

Description Pseudo-abend during DFSORP30 processing (decimal value)


/TERMINATE OLREORG without any options was initiated.

status code

Unexpected status code from internal DL/I call

Buffer handler call for PHDAM failed Buffer handler call for PHIDAM failed GBIDP lock failure during cursor update GZIDP lock failure during cursor update Buffer handler failure during cursor update Notify failure during cursor update Pseudo-abend during DFSORP20 processing (decimal value)

abend code

An abnormal termination stop was initiated. A pseudo abend was set.


The OLR for the named partition will not be automatically resumed during the restart of the failed subsystem due to Fast Database Recovery processing.


Backout failure

Note: A PST=00000 indicates the DFS2971W message was issued when not running under a dependent region PST, such as during Fast Database Recovery processing or during OLR initialization before ITASK creation.

| System action: First format of the message: For an | INITIATE OLREORG command that tried to start a new | online reorganization, the cursor-active status is not | recorded in the RECON. In this case, the database | records in the partition are still contained in the | original set of data sets that were in use before the | command was entered. | | | | | | |
For an automatic or command-initiated resumption of an online organization for which the cursor-active status was already recorded in the RECON: v The cursor-active status is still in effect. v The database records in the partition are still contained in two sets of data sets, both of which are required for continued use of the partition.



Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2972E DFS2981E
| v No additional database records were copied from the input to the output set of data sets. | | | | | | | | | |
Second format of the message: The cursor-active status for the partition was already recorded in the RECON, and the database records in the partition are still contained in two sets of data sets, both of which are required for continued use of the partition. System programmer response: After the problem is corrected, start or resume the HALDB online reorganization with the INITIATE OLREORG command or else run an offline reorganization.

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

records in the partition are now contained in the single set of data sets to which these records were copied. To complete the processing, IMS attempts to delete the inactive data sets even though not all sharing IMS systems responded. An error may result during data set deletion if some job, such as an IMS batch job, has the data sets allocated but is unable to respond within the time allowed for a response. If this happens, one or more of the inactive data sets will not be deleted, but the online reorganization will complete anyway. System programmer response: Check the MVS system console log to determine whether error messages indicate that any of the inactive data sets from the HALDB online reorganization were not deleted. After these data sets are no longer in use, delete them.

| Problem determination: 1, 6, 27 | Module: DFSORP00, DFSORP10, | For errors detected in DFSORP20, DFSORP30 | DFS2972E | | | | | | |

| Module: DFSORP40 | DFS2974I | | | | | | |

OLR COMPLETED FOR NAME=partname MASTER=mastername PST=pstnumber

Explanation: IMS was building an internal PSB for an online reorganization. This process encountered the error indicated by reason, which is one of the following: v DATA BASE IS NOT A PARTITON NAME=partition v MASTER IS NOT PARTITIONED NAME=master v GETMAIN FAILED FOR PSB NAME=partition v DMB LOAD FAILED NAME=master

Explanation: HALDB Online Reorganization has completed for the named HALDB partition. The message text includes the name of the master (mastername) and the program specification block number (pstnumber).

| System action: The online reorganization is | abandoned, and the must-complete status is not recorded | in the RECON. | Programmer response: In the case of a DMB LOAD | FAILED case, ensure that the ACBLIB contains the | DMB with the name of the HALDB master. | In the case of a GETMAIN FAILED FOR PSB situation, | storage may be constrained so run the online | reorganization later. | The other errors are probably IMS errors, so contact the | IBM support center. | Module: DFSOPSB0 | DFS2973W | | | | | | | | | | | | |

| System action: IMS continues processing. | Module: DFSORP10


| | | |

Explanation: A /START AREA or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command was entered to request online forward recovery (OFR) for the area, but the status of the area was not STOPPED. System action: /START command for the area is ignored. System Operator Response: If OFR is required for the area, /DBR the area and then enter the command again. Module: DBFARDA0 DFS2981E AREA areaname IS NOT REGISTERED WITH DBRC. INVALID FOR OFR

Explanation: HALDB online reorganization has completed the copying phase for the named HALDB partition and the inactive data sets are to be deleted. Data set deletion was attempted because OPTION(DEL) was specified or defaulted on the INITIATE OLREORG command or was subsequently specified on the UPDATE OLREORG command. However, before data set deletion was attempted, all sharing IMS systems were notified. All sharing IMS systems must indicate that they are no longer using these data sets. One or more of these systems did not respond even after three requests.

| | | |

Explanation: A /START AREA or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command was entered to request online forward recovery (OFR) for the area, but the area is not registered with DBRC. System action: /START command for the area is ignored. System Operator Response: Register the area with DBRC and then enter the command again. Module: DBFARDA0

| System action: IMS already reset the cursor-active | status for the partition in the RECON and the database

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


DFS2982E DFS2990E
DFS2982E OFR REQUEST FOR AREA areaname REJECTED BY DBRC. RC=nn NO DB|AREA AVAILABLE All DBs and AREAs are rejected. An error message is already issued for each area. OFR REJECTED BY DBRC Request OFR macro DSPGOFRL is rejected by DBRC. WORK STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE Work storage required to start OFR is not currently available. System action: OFR request is ignored. System Operator Response: Take the appropriate action based on the reason you received: NO DB|AREA AVAILABLE See accompanying messages for appropriate action. OFR REJECTED BY DBRC See accompanying messages for appropriate action. WORK STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE Check region size limits or reduce the number of specified databases and areas. Module: DBFROFR0 DFS2984I OFR INITIATED FOR nnnn AREAS. OFRID=xx

Explanation: The request for Online Forward Recovery (OFR) for the area is rejected by DBRC. nn is the reason code from DBRC. The reasons are: Reason Code 01 02 Description The area is not registered to DBRC at the tracking site. The area is not a member of the same Global Service Group as the tracking subsystem. The database is not a member of any Global Service Group. Log data required for OFR is not available because of gaps in the log data received from the active site. Invalid log set. A log data set is required for the area specified in the message. However, another area that is part of this OFR has changes on this log that cannot be applied as a result of a time stamp recovery. This is a recovery level tracking area. The area requires logs recorded at this site while it was an active site.

03 04


06 07

System action: OFR for the area is ignored. System Operator Response: Reason Code 01 Response Register the area in RECON with the appropriate GSG name and start the area. Correct the Global Service Group name of the area in RECON and start the area. Specify the Global Service Group name for the database in RECON and start the database. Start the area after all gaps have been filled. Start the area separately from the data group. The area must be changed to database level tracking before it can be started. Run the Change Accumulation Utility to accumulate the log recorded at this site while it was an active site. Recover the area using the Database Recovery Utility with the Change Accum as input. Start the area.

Explanation: Online forward recovery (OFR) is initiated. xx is the OFR identifier. nnnn is the number of AREAS covered by this OFR. System action: Processing continues. Module: DBFROFR0, DBFDT270 DFS2989I AREA areaname STARTED



Explanation: The area is started and now ready to be tracked by active streams. System action: Processing continues. Module: DBFROFR0, DBFDT270, DBFDT300

04 05 06 07

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


macro MACRO, RETURN=Xreturncode, [ REASON=Xreasoncode, ], PART=partname DSN=dsname


Explanation: IMS internally invoked a macro instruction to gather information about the data set dsname for the HALDB partition partname as part of either: v Starting a HALDB OLR for the HALDB partition partname. v Tracking these changes at the RSR tracking site. This macro instruction completed with a register 15 return code value of returncode and a register 0 value of reasoncode. These values were not expected by IMS. System action: If this error occurred in starting the HALDB OLR, then the HALDB OLR is not started, but

Explanation: The attempt to request online forward recovery (OFR) is rejected by DBRC. The reasons are:


Messages and Codes Volume 2

| | | | |
the partition remains accessible with the original active set of data sets--either the A-through-J and X or the M-through-V and Y data sets. If this error occurred at the RSR tracking site, then the shadow partition is taken offline.

| In the first two cases, one or more of the output data | sets could have already been created automatically. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Programmer response: Based on the macro indicated in the message, see the appropriate publication in Table 25 to determine the cause of the error, and follow any recommended actions: Table 25. Publications That Contain Macro Information
Macro DEVTYPE GETDSAB LOCATE OBTAIN SWAREQ TRKCALC Publication DFSMS/MVS DFSMSdfp Advanced Services z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference, Vol. 2 DFSMS/MVS DFSMSdfp Advanced Services DFSMS/MVS DFSMSdfp Advanced Services z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference, Vol 4 DFSMS/MVS DFSMSdfp Advanced Services

| | | | | | | | | | | | | |

reorganization for the HALDB partition partname, the data set that was to be used as the shadow of an output data set either: v Was not of a type that could used for the applicable data set. v Had certain characteristics that did not match those of the corresponding input data set at the active site. v Did not exist. In any case, reasoncode is a reason code the specific problem. These reason codes are shown in Table 26. The Environment column indicates whether the error is detected at the beginning of the reorganization itself, the tracking of the reorganization at the RSR tracking site, or both.

| If the error was detected in processing the INITIATE | OLREORG command, reissue the command for partition | partname. | | | |
If the error was detected at the RSR tracking site, issue a /START DB command for the partition in order for Online Forward Recovery (OFR) to continue updating the partition.

| Module: DFSORA00, DFSORA10 | DFS2991E | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


Explanation: In determining whether to create the data set dsname for the HALDB partition partname, IMS found either: v A data set of that same name. However, because of certain characteristics of this preexisting data set, the data set could not be used for the intended purpose. v No data set of that name when there should have been a preexisting data set. Case 1: In starting a HALDB online reorganization for the HALDB partition partname, IMS found that the data set that was to be used as the output of the reorganization either: v Was not of a type that could used for the applicable data set. v Had certain characteristics that did not match those of the corresponding input data set. v Did not exist.

| Table 26. Reason Codes, Environments, and Errors | Detected for Message DFS2991I | Reason Environ| Code ment Errors Detected for Pre-Existing Data Set | 1 Both The data set is not a DASD data set. | 2 Both The data set is a VSAM data set, but the | database is defined to use OSAM. | 3 Both The data set is a PDS, PDSE, or a member of a | PDS or PDSE. | 4 Both The data set is not a VSAM ESDS, but the | database is defined to use VSAM. | 5 Both The VSAM data set does not have the REUSE | attribute. | 6 ReorgThe VSAM data set has a different record | anization length than that of the corresponding input | data set. | 7 ReorgThe VSAM data set has a different control | anization interval size than that of the corresponding | input data set. | 8 ReorgThe VSAM ESDS has a different control | anization interval size than that of the corresponding | input data set. | 10 ReorgThe primary index data set of a PHIDAM | anization database (the KSDS), is defined with a | different key offset or key length than that of | the corresponding input data set. | 11 Tracking The VSAM data set has a different record | length than that of the tracked output data set | at the active site. | 12 Tracking The VSAM data set has a different control | interval size than that of the tracked output | data set at the active site. | 13 Tracking The primary index data set of a PHIDAM | database (the KSDS), is defined with a | different key offset or key length than that of | the tracked output data set at the active site. | 18 Both Either: | v The data set is cataloged but it is not on the | volume to which the catalog entry refers. | | | | |
or v The data set was allocated with a DD statement that had a VOLUME parameter, but the data set was not on the referenced volume.

| Case 2: On the RSR tracking site, IMS found that in | tracking database changes for a HALDB online
Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


| Table 26. Reason Codes, Environments, and Errors | Detected for Message DFS2991I (continued) | Reason Environment Errors Detected for Pre-Existing Data Set | Code 19 Both The data set was allocated with a DD | statement, but the data set name in the | DSNAME parameter does not follow the data | set naming convention defined for this | partitions data sets. | 20 Tracking, The output data set does not exist, but the | Reorgcorresponding input data set resides on | anization multiple volumes and is not an SMS-managed | data set. | 22 Both There was an unexpected condition involving | the HSM-migrated data set after it was | recalled. This is probably an internal error. | | | | | | | | |
System action: If this error occurred in starting the reorganization, then the reorganization is not started, but the partition remains accessible with the original active set of data sets--either the A-through-J and X or the M-through-V and Y data sets. If this error occurred at the RSR tracking site, then the shadow partition is taken offline.

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

v The same key offset and key length as the corresponding input data set. v The REUSE attribute. Then reissue the INITIATE OLREORG command to start the HALDB online reorganization for partition partname. Case 2: Before restarting the partition at the RSR tracking site, do one of the following: v Delete the preexisting output data set at the tracking site, which allows IMS to create it automatically. When IMS creates the data set, the size and placement of the data set is determined automatically by IMS, MVS, DFSMS/MVS and also by parameters defined by the storage administrator. Therefore, do not let IMS create the data set if you need precise control over the size and placement of the data set. v Create a data set that is acceptable for tracking the output of the reorganization. Ensure that for an OSAM-defined database the output data set for the database segments (one of the A-through-J or the M-through-V data sets) at the RSR tracking site is: A DASD data set. Not a VSAM data set. Neither a PDS, PDSE, or a member of a PDS or PDSE. Ensure that for a VSAM-defined database the output data set for the database segments (one of the A-through-J or the M-through-V data sets) at the RSR tracking site has the following: - A VSAM entry-sequenced data set (ESDS). - The REUSE attribute. - The same fixed-length record length as the tracked output data set at the active site (as shown in the X'2930' log record). - The same control interval size as the tracked output data set at the active site (as shown in the X'2930' log record) or that for a PHIDAM database the output data set for the primary index (the X or Y data set) at the RSR tracking site is: v A VSAM key-sequenced data set (KSDS). v The REUSE attribute. v The same fixed-length record length as the tracked output data set at the active site (as shown in the X'2930' log record). v The same key offset and key length as the tracked output data set at the active site (as shown in the X'2930' log record). Then issue a /START DB command for partition partname in order for Online Forward Recovery to continue updating the partition.

| In both cases, one or more of the output data sets could | have already been created automatically. | Programmer response: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Case 1: Before restarting the HALDB online reorganization, do one of the following: v Delete the preexisting output data set, thus allowing IMS to create it automatically. Note that when IMS creates the data set, the size and placement of the data set is determined automatically by IMS, MVS, and DFSMS/MVS, and also by parameters defined by your storage administrator. Therefore, do not let IMS create the data set if you need precise control over the size and placement of the data set. v Create a data set that is acceptable as the output of the reorganization. Ensure that for an OSAM-defined database the output data set for the database segments is (one of the A-through-J or the M-through-V data sets): A DASD data set. Not a VSAM data set. Neither a PDS, PDSE, or a member of a PDS or PDSE. Ensure that for a VSAM-defined database the output data set for the database segments (one of the A-through-J or the M-through-V data sets) has the following: - A VSAM entry-sequenced data set (ESDS). - The REUSE attribute. - A fixed-length record length identical to that of the input data set. - A control interval size that is identical to that of the input data set; or that for a PHIDAM database the output data set for the primary index (the X or Y data set) has the following: v A VSAM key-sequenced data set (KSDS).

| Module: DFSORA00


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2992E DFS2994E
| DFS2992E | | | | | | | DFS2992E | | | | | | | | |
CSI RETURN CODE=4, [ { CATALOG ERROR, | DATA SET ERROR, } ] CATALOG MANAGEMENT RETURN CODE=cmreturncode REASON CODE=cmreasoncode MODULE=cmmoduleid PART=partname DSN=dsname CSI RETURN CODE=csireturncode [ REASON CODE=csireasoncode ] PART=partname DSN=dsname

| a /START DB command for the partition in order for | Online Forward Recovery to continue updating the | partition. | Module: DFSORA80 | DFS2993E | | | | | | | | | | | | |
NON-DASD DATA SET. DEVICE CLASS=X'devclass' PART=partname DSN=dsname

Explanation: IMS internally invoked the Catalog Search Interface (CSI) to gather information about the data set dsname for the HALDB partition partname as part of either: v Starting a HALDB online reorganization for the partition. v Tracking these changes at the RSR tracking site.

Explanation: The data set dsname, which is an input data set for a HALDB online reorganization of the HALDB partition partname, is not a DASD data set. (The device class reported by the internally executed DEVTYPE macro instruction is devclass (hexadecimal) rather than X'20'.) This is inconsistent with its use as part of a database. System action: If this error occurred in starting the reorganization, then the reorganization is not started. The partition remains accessible, but successful use of it is not likely.

| The CSI completed with a CSI return code value as | shown in the message text. Information on these CSI | return codes is in DFSMS/MVS Managing Catalogs. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
For the first form of the message (when the CSI return code is 4), a Catalog Management error was detected. In this case, cmreasoncode, cmreturncode, and cmmoduleid are the Catalog Management reason code, return code, and two-character module identification, respectively. Information on this Catalog Management error information is in z/OS MVS System Messages, V6 (GOS-IEA) under message IDC3009I. For the second form of the message (when the CSI return code, csireturncode is other than 4), a CSI error was detected. For CSI return code 8, csireasoncode is the CSI reason code. Information on this CSI error information is in DFSMS/MVS Managing Catalogs.

| If this error occurred at the RSR tracking site, then the | shadow partition is taken offline. | Module: DFSORA00 | DFS2994E | | | | | | | | |

Explanation: IMS tried to create the VSAM output data set dsname for the HALDB partition partname as part of either: v Starting a HALDB online reorganization for the partition. v Tracking these changes at the RSR tracking site.

| These values were not expected by IMS. | | | | | | |

System action: If this error occurred in starting the reorganization, then the reorganization is not started, but the partition remains accessible with the original active set of data sets--either the A-through-J and X or the M-through-V and Y data sets. If this error occurred at the RSR tracking site, then the shadow partition is taken offline.

| Access Method Services (IDCAMS) gave a return code | of returncode. | System action: The message, if any, produced by | IDCAMS was displayed prior to this message. | For return code 4, the data set is assumed to have been | created. In this case, none of the following actions | apply, and processing continues. | | | | | |
If this error occurred in starting the reorganization, then the reorganization is not started, but the partition remains accessible with the original active set of data sets--either the A-through-J and X or the M-through-V and Y data sets. If this error occurred at the RSR tracking site, then the shadow partition is taken offline.

| In both cases, one or more of the output data sets could | have already been created automatically. | | | |
Programmer response: Based on value of the CSI return code, refer to DFSMS/MVS Managing Catalogs to determine the cause of the error, and follow any recommended actions.

| In both cases, one or more of the output data sets could | have already been created automatically. | Programmer response: See the z/OS MVS System | Messages, V6 (GOS-IEA) to determine the cause of the | error, and follow any recommended actions. | Then if the error was detected in processing the
Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E

| Then if the error was detected in processing the | INITIATE OLREORG command, reissue the command for | partition partname. | If the error was detected at the RSR tracking site, issue


DFS2995E DFS2996E
| INITIATE OLREORG command, reissue the command for | partition partname. | | | |
If the error was detected at the RSR tracking site, issue a /START DB command for the partition in order for Online Forward Recovery to continue updating the partition.

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

space was blocks blocks, each with a block size of blksize. There were volcount volumes requested. If the text showing the group name (SYSALLDA) appears in the message text, the attempt was to create a non-SMS-managed data set because the corresponding input data set was not SMS-managed. If the text showing the storage class appears, then the attempt was to create an SMS-managed data set using storage class storageclassname because the corresponding input data set was SMS-managed and was created using that storage class. If the reorganization was being started, these space allocation values were derived from those of the corresponding input data set. On the RSR tracking site, these space allocation values were derived from those of the tracked output data set at the active site where the reorganization occurred. For further information of this error, see the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide. The value s99errorcode is the hexadecimal value of the error reason code (field S99ERROR in the SVC 99 request block) that is provided when the DYNALLOC macro instruction (SVC 99) fails with return code 4. In the SMS case, s99ersn is the SMS reason code (field S99ERSN in the SVC 99 request block extension). The SMS reason code corresponds to the message number of an IGD message describing the error. For further information on the IGD message, see the z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD). System action: If this error occurred in starting the reorganization, then the reorganization is not started, but the partition remains accessible with the original active set of data sets--either the A-through-J and X or the M-through-V and Y data sets. If this error occurred at the RSR tracking site, then the shadow partition is taken offline. In both cases, one or more of the output data sets could have already been created automatically. Programmer response: Determine whether the requested space (blocks blocks of size blksize) is really required for the output data set. In some cases, this space allocation request could include space acquired in a secondary allocation for the input data set and might not be required for the reorganized database. Then either: v Ensure that there is sufficient DASD space on the volumes referenced by the group name SYSALLDA (for the non-SMS-managed case) or referenced by the storage class storageclassname (for the SMS-managed case), possibly by scratching unneeded data sets. Note that the primary allocation amount (blocks blocks of size blksize) must be available in a total of no more than five extents on a single volume. In the SMS-managed case, if the storage class definition includes the GUARANTEED SPACE attribute, then

| Module: DFSORA20 | DFS2995E | | | | | | | | | |


Explanation: IMS tried to delete the VSAM input data set dsname for the HALDB partition partname as part of either: v Completing a HALDB online reorganization for the partition. v Completing the tracking of these changes at the RSR tracking site.

| Access Method Services (IDCAMS) gave a return code | of returncode. | System action: The message, if any, produced by | IDCAMS was displayed prior to this message. | | | | | | | | |
The reorganization or the tracking of the reorganization at the RSR tracking site is still considered to have completed successfully, and there is now a single new active set of data sets for partition partname--either the A-through-J and X or the M-through-V and Y data sets. Programmer response: See z/OS MVS System Messages, V6 (GOS-IEA) to determine the cause of the error, and follow any recommended actions, then delete the data set if it has not already been deleted.

| Module: DFSORA20 | DFS2996E | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

NOT ENOUGH DASD SPACE. ERROR REASON=X's99errorcode' [ SMS REASON=s99ersn ] BLOCKS=blocks BLKSIZE=blksize VOLUMES=volcount { UNIT=SYSALLDA | STORAGE CLASS=storageclassname } PART=partname DSN=dsname

Explanation: IMS tried to create the OSAM output data set dsname for the HALDB partition partname as part of either: v Starting a HALDB OLR for the partition. v Tracking these changes at the RSR tracking site. The internally executed DYNALLOC macro instruction (SVC 99) that was used for this purpose reported that the data set could not be created because of DASD space or DASD volume constraints. The requested


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS2997E DFS2998E
| the primary allocation amount must be available and will be allocated on each of the volumes (rather than | on just the first volume). | | v Create and catalog this output data set yourself. In this case, you can reserve whatever amount of space | you choose, and you can control the number of | volumes. See the IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: | Database Manager, for information on allocating | OSAM data sets along with a technique for | pre-allocating multi-volume data sets. | | Then if the error was detected in processing the | INITIATE OLREORG command, reissue the command for | partition partname. | If the error was detected at the RSR tracking site, issue | a /START DB command for the partition in order for | OFR to continue updating the partition. | Module: DFSORA20 | DFS2997E | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

| Module: DFSORA20 | DFS2998E | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

[ DATA SET CREATION ERROR. | UNALLOCATION FAILURE. ] RETURN=returncode [ { INFO. REASON=X's99infocode' | ERROR REASON=X's99errorcode' } ] [ SMS REASON=s99ersn ] BLOCKS=blocks BLKSIZE=blksize VOLUMES=volcount { UNIT=SYSALLDA | STORAGE CLASS=storageclassname } PART=partname DSN=dsname

Explanation: IMS tried to create the OSAM output data set dsname for the HALDB partition partname as part of either: v Starting a HALDB OLR for the partition. v Tracking these changes at the RSR tracking site. As indicated by the message text, the internally executed DYNALLOC macro instruction (SVC 99) reported one of these two problems: 1. The data set could not be created. 2. The data set that was just created successfully could not be unallocated from the IMS job.

Explanation: IMS tried to create the OSAM output data set dsname for the HALDB partition partname as part of either: v Starting a HALDB OLR for the partition. v Tracking these changes at the RSR tracking site. Creating the data set required that the data set be allocated as though DISP=NEW had been specified on a DD statement through JCL. However, a data set of the same name was already in use by another job, causing the allocation to fail. System action: If this error occurred in starting the reorganization, then the reorganization is not started, but the partition remains accessible with the original active set of data sets--either the A-through-J and X or the M-through-V and Y data sets. If this error occurred at the RSR tracking site, then the shadow partition is taken offline.

| The requested space was blocks blocks, each with a | block size of blksize. There were volcount volumes | requested. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
When the text showing the group name (SYSALLDA) appears in the message text, the attempt was to create a non-SMS-managed data set because the corresponding input data set was not SMS-managed. If the text showing the storage class appears, then the attempt was to create an SMS-managed data set using storage class storageclassname because the corresponding input data set was SMS-managed and was created using that storage class. If the reorganization was being started, these space allocation values were derived from those of the corresponding input data set. On the RSR tracking site, these space allocation values were derived from those of the tracked output data set at the active site where the reorganization occurred. For the meaning of the various error codes shown in this message, see the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide. returncode Is the decimal value of the register 15 return code provided by the DYNALLOC macro instruction (SVC 99). s99infocode Is the hexadecimal value of the information reason code (field S99INFO in the SVC 99 request block).

| In both cases, one or more of the output data sets could | have already been created automatically. | | | | |
Programmer response: Ensure that no other job is using a data set of the name dsname even if that data set is not cataloged and even if that data set is not intended to be the same data set as the output of the reorganization.

| Then if the error was detected in processing the | INITIATE OLREORG command, reissue the command for | partition partname. | If the error was detected at the RSR tracking site, issue | a /START DB command for the partition in order for | OFR to continue updating the partition.

Chapter 7. DFS Messages, DFS2500I DFS2998E


| s99errorcode Is the hexadecimal value of the error reason | code (field S99ERROR in the SVC 99 request | block). | | s99ersn Is, for the SMS case, the SMS reason code (field S99ERSN in the SVC 99 request block | extension). The SMS reason code corresponds | to the message number of an IGD message | describing the error. For further information | on the IGD message, see the z/OS MVS System | Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD). | | | | | | | |
System action: If this error occurred in starting the reorganization, then the reorganization is not started, but the partition remains accessible with the original active set of data sets--either the A-through-J and X or the M-through-V and Y data sets. If this error occurred at the RSR tracking site, then the shadow partition is taken offline.

| In the first two cases, one or more of the output data | sets could have already been created automatically. | | | | |
Programmer response: Using the information found in the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide, determine the meaning of returncode, s99info, s99errorcode, and s99ersn, as applicable. Follow any recommended actions to correct the error.

| Then if the error was detected in processing the | INITIATE OLREORG command, reissue the command for | partition partname. | | | |
If the error was detected at the RSR tracking site, issue a /START DB command for the partition in order for Online Forward Recovery to continue updating the partition.

| Module: DFSORA20


Messages and Codes Volume 2

Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I

This topic contains messages DFS3000I DFS3499I. For introductory information on DFS messages such as message format, suffix information, and explanation of the types of information provided, see Chapter 1, Introduction to DFS Messages, on page 1.
DFS3000I SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF DB REORG KEYRANGE can only can only be specified for HIDAM. System action: Processing continues until all control statements, have been analyzed. The step then terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statements, and rerun the job. DFS3005A REQUIRED KEYWORD MISSING, KEYWORD = keyword

Explanation: Partial Database Reorganization has completed successfully. System action: Processing terminated normally. DFS3001W INVALID FORMAT. STATEMENT DID NOT BEGIN BEFORE COLUMN 17

Explanation: Statement did not begin in a column between 1 and 16. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. Then the step terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3002W INVALID KEYWORD IN PRECEDING STATEMENT COLUMN = nn

Explanation: The indicated required keyword is missing. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. The step then terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3006A INVALID KEYWORD FOR THIS STEP ON PRECEDING STATEMENT, KEYWORD = keyword

Explanation: Keyword beginning in column "nn" is invalid. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. Then the step terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3003W ILLEGAL CONTINUATION

Explanation: The keyword indicated is invalid for this step. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. The step then terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3008W KEYWORD PREVIOUSLY SPECIFIED, KEYWORD = keyword

Explanation: Either the ending character in the input string was a comma and a blank was found in column 72, or the ending character was not a comma and a nonblank character was found in column 72. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. The step then terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3004A FROMAREA INVALID FOR HIDAM OR KEYRANGE INVALID FOR HDAM

Explanation: The keyword indicated has been specified previously in another input statement and only one keyword of this type is allowed. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. The step then terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3009W FROMAREA AND KEYRANGE ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE KEYWORDS

Explanation: FROMAREA be specified for HDAM and

Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007


DFS3010W DFS3018A
Explanation: FROMAREA and KEYRANGE have both been specified. FROMAREAs can only be used with HDAM databases and KEYRANGEs may only be used with HIDAM databases. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. The step then terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3010W INVALID OPERAND IN PRECEDING STATEMENT FOR KEYWORD = keyword, COLUMN = nn DFS3014W DATA SET GROUP(S) SPECIFIED ON INPUT STATEMENTS DO NOT MATCH DBD dbdname DSGs

Explanation: The data set groups used in the TOAREA input statements are not the same as found in the DBD. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. The step then terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3015A INTERNAL ERROR IN DFSPRDBD

Explanation: An invalid operand has been found for the keyword indicated in the previous statement. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. The step then terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3011W MORE THAN 10 RANGES SPECIFIED

Explanation: Module DFSPRDBD has encountered an error that prevents further processing. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19 35 DFS3016A LCHILD ENTRY DOES NOT EXIST IN DBD dbdname FOR segment-name

Explanation: No more than 10 KEYRANGEs or FROMAREAs are allowed. No more than 10 TOAREAs are allowed after each FROMAREA or KEYRANGE. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. The step then terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3012W DBDLIB DOES NOT CONTAIN dbdname

Explanation: No LCHTAB entry was found in related database for logical child in primary database. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3017A MORE THAN 49 RELATED DATA BASES

Explanation: The DBD named is not contained in the DBDLIB. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. The step then terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3013W DBD dbdname DOES NOT HAVE HD ACCESS METHOD

Explanation: The limit of 49 related databases has been exceeded. Partial Database Reorganization cannot be used for this reorganization. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3018A MORE THAN 500 SEGMENTS PARTICIPATING IN REORGANIZATION

Explanation: The DBD named is not a HDAM or HIDAM database. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. The step then terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The limit of 500 segments participating in reorganization has been exceeded. Partial Database Reorganization cannot be used for this reorganization. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3019 DFS3030A

Explanation: A command was not processed because there is insufficient storage in the communication input/output pool, which resides above the 16 megabyte line (HIOP). System action: The command is ignored. Programmer response: This can be a temporary condition that can be resolved by reentering the command later. If this fails, notify the system programmer. DFS3020 UNABLE TO OBTAIN AN AWE FROM DFSBCB

Explanation: Open failed for the communication data set, DDNAME DFSPRCOM. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Ensure that the communication data set exists and has been included in the DD statements for this step. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 19, 35 DFS3027I NO PSB GENERATED FOR THIS EXECUTION OF PARTIAL REORGANIZATION

Explanation: A command was not processed because an Asynchronous Work Element (AWE) could not be obtained from IMS BCB services. System action: The command is ignored. Programmer response: This can be a temporary condition that can be resolved by reentering the command later. If this fails, notify the system programmer. DFS3021W DIRECT ADDRESS POINTERS IN RELATED HISAM DATABASE dbdname NOT ALLOWED

Explanation: The PSB parameter was not included in the input. The default for this parameter is no PSB generation. System action: No PSB is generated for this execution. Programmer response: If a PSB is required, rerun step 1 with PSB=psbname specified. DFS3028A UNSUCCESSFUL OPEN OF ddname DATA SET

Explanation: The named data set could not be opened. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Perform IMS backout facility to undo changes made in step 2 of Partial Database Reorganization (PDBR). Ensure that DD statements for this data set are included, and specifications are correct. DFS3029A UNSUCCESSFUL WRITE TO ddname DATA SET

Explanation: A related HISAM database has direct address pointers to the primary database. Partial Database Reorganization cannot be used to do this reorganization. System action: The step is terminated. DFS3023A MORE THAN 500 SCAN AND RELOAD ACTIONS REQUIRED FOR POINTER RESOLUTION

Explanation: The named data set had a write error. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3030A UNSUCCESSFUL READ FROM ddname DATA SET

Explanation: The limit of 500 scan and reload actions for logically related segment pointer resolution has been exceeded. Partial Database Reorganization cannot be used for this reorganization. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3025A INTERNAL ERROR IN DFSPRABC

Explanation: The named data set had a read error. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Perform IMS backout facility to undo changes made during step 2 of Partial Database Reorganization (PDBR). Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17c, 18, 19, 35

Explanation: Module DFSPRABC has encountered an error that prevents further processing. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 19, 35

Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3031A DFS3040A

Explanation: The named data set could not be closed. System action: Processing continues. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17c, 18, 19, 35 DFS3032A INTERNAL ERROR IN DFSPRWFM

Explanation: An error has occurred that prevents successful completion of Partial Database Reorganization. System action: Processing terminates. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 36 DFS3037A STATUS CODE cc RETURNED FROM DL/I CALL ON RESTART ATTEMPT

Explanation: Module DFSPRWFM has encountered an error that prevents further processing. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Perform IMS backout facility to undo changes. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3033A DBDS DO NOT MATCH, STEP 1 DBD=dbdname, STEP 2 DBD=dbdname

Explanation: An error status code of 'cc' was returned by DL/I on a restart call. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: None. Problem determination: None. DFS3038A CHECKPOINT nnn NOT SUCCESSFULLY TAKEN; RESTART NOT POSSIBLE

Explanation: The DBD specified in the step 2 input is not the same as the DBD specified in step 1. System action: PSBGEN is terminated because of specification error. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3034A PREMATURE END OF FILE ON COMMUNICATIONS DATA SET

Explanation: The checkpoint "nnn"file was not successful. Therefore restart is not possible. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: The database must be recovered and Partial Database Reorganization must be rerun from the beginning. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3039A INSUFFICIENT REGION SIZE

Explanation: End of file was reached before all the records passed from step 1 to step 2 on the communication data set (DFSPRCOM) were read by step 2. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Rerun step 1 to recreate the communications data set. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3035A STEP 1 HAS TERMINATED AFTER PHASE phase-name

Explanation: There was not enough storage available for step 2 to build its control blocks. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Increase the region size and rerun step 2. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3040A INVALID PCB LISTTOO [SHORT|LONG]

Explanation: The phase shown in the message text encountered an error that prevents further processing. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. The step then terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The PSB contained too few or too many PCBs and cannot be used for this run of Partial Database Reorganization. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Correct the error in the PSB, and rerun the job.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3041W DFS3049A
Problem determination: If PSB was generated from step 1 of Partial Database Reorganization (PDBR), then do 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3041W TOAREA rbn-number TO rbn-number FOR DSG data set-group-name EXTENDS BEYOND CURRENT END OF DATA BASE DFS3045W FROM AREA rba-number TO rba-number NOT IN ROOT ADDRESSABLE AREA

Explanation: The FROMAREA specified was not wholly contained in the root addressable area. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. The step then terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3046W NO DATABASE RECORDS IN FROMAREA/KEYRANGE STARTING AT rba-number/key-value

Explanation: The TOAREA specified extends beyond the current end of the database. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. The step then terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statements, and rerun the job. DFS3042A RELOAD COUNT NOT EQUAL TO UNLOAD COUNT FOR ALL SEGMENTS

Explanation: No records were found in the range indicated. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. The step then terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3047A SORT xx FAILED

Explanation: The number of segments loaded does not equal the number of segments unloaded. See range reload statistics for further information. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Perform IMS backout facility to undo changes made during step 2 of Partial Database Reorganization (PDBR). Problem determination: 2, 3, 5, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3043A NO PRIME INDEX ENTRY IN DBD FOR ddname

Explanation: A bad return code was returned from the Partial Database Reorganization sort. xx refers to the SORT STEP. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Use IMS backout facility to undo changes made during step 2 of Partial Database Reorganization (PDBR). Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3048A END OF DBT WITHOUT IMR MATCH

Explanation: No prime index data set for the HIDAM database. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Perform IMS backout facility to undo changes made during step 2 of Partial Database Reorganization (PDBR). Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3044A RBA IN PRIME INDEX NOT EQUAL TO RBA OF UNLOADED SEGMENT

Explanation: Based on an index maintenance record, a specific database was not found in the database table. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Use IMS backout facility to undo changes made during step 2 of Partial Database Reorganization (PDBR). Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19 DFS3049A UNEXPECTED EOF ON WF4

Explanation: The RBA in the prime index was not equal to the RBA of the unloaded segment. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Perform IMS backout facility to undo changes made during step 2 of the Partial Database Reorganization (PDBR). Problem determination: 2, 3, 5, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35

Explanation: An end of file condition occurred for work file 4 while trying to locate a B index work record which matches the IMS index maintenance record currently being processed. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310.
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3050A DFS3058A
Programmer response: Use IMS Database Backout utility to undo changes during step 2 of Partial Database Reorganization (PDBR). Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3050A INVALID RECORD TYPE xx IN DWR DFS3054A INTERNAL ERROR IN MODULE DFSPRIMS

Explanation: Module DFSPRIMS has encountered an error that prevents further processing. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Perform IMS backout facility to undo changes made during step 2 of Partial Database Reorganization (PDBR). Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3055A INVALID PHYSICAL TWIN CHAIN

Explanation: A data work record was encountered that contained a record type which is not defined to the system. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Use IMS backout facility to undo changes during step 2 of Partial Database Reorganization (PDBR). Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3051A NO DMB FOR DATABASE ddname

Explanation: An invalid physical twin chain was encountered unloading a HIDAM root. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Perform IMS backout facility to undo changes made during step 2 of Partial Database Reorganization (PDBR). Problem determination: 2, 3, 5, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3056I STATUS CODE cc RETURNED FROM DL/I CALL ON CHECKPOINT ATTEMPT

Explanation: The data management block was not found in the directory (DDIR). This is an IMS internal error. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Problem determination: 2, 3, 5, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3052A PERMANENT READ ERROR FOR SEGMENT AT RBA rba-number

Explanation: A status code of cc was returned on a DL/I checkpoint call. System action: Processing continues. DFS3057I ATTEMPT TO WRITE TO DPRWF6 FAILED; CHECKPOINT 'nnn' NOT TAKEN

Explanation: A permanent read error has occurred for the RBA indicated. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Use IMS backout facility to undo changes made during step 2 of PDBR. Problem determination: 2, 3, 5, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3053A INVALID RETURN FROM DL/I CALL function, dbdname,procopt, segment-name,level

Explanation: A write error occurred writing checkpoint nnn. Restart, if needed, will not be possible. System action: Processing continues. DFS3058A STATUS CODE cc RETURNED FROM DL/I ON OPEN ATTEMPT

Explanation: A return code other than bb, GA, or GK was returned from a DL/I GU call. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Use IMS backout facility to undo changes made during step 2 of Partial Database Reorganization (PDBR). Problem determination: 2, 3, 5, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35

Explanation: Open error on the index maintenance file has occurred. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Perform IMS Backout utility to undo changes made during step 2 of Partial Database Reorganization (PDBR). Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3059A DFS3067A
DFS3059A INVALID RECORD TYPE xx IN XWR System action: The Database Recovery utility abends with user code 0302. Register 15 contains the DYNALLOC error reason code for unallocation failure. For information on the error reason code, see z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference, Volume 1. Programmer response: Ensure that the image copy data set was correct. If not, correct the JCL and resubmit the job. Module: DFSURT00 DFS3064A DYNAMIC ALLOCATION FAILED FOR DD ddname

Explanation: An index work record was encountered which contained a record type code that is not defined to the system. System action: The step is abnormally terminated with abend U0310. Programmer response: Perform IMS Backout utility to undo changes made during step 2 of PDBR. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3060I UNRESOLVED IN DOUBT IN AREA=xxxxxxxx, COMMAND REJECTED

Explanation: A command that sent a DEDB area

Explanation: Dynamic allocation failed for the referenced ddname. System action: Processing involving this data set is halted. Programmer response: Ensure that the data set exists and resides in the current catalog structure. Module: DFSURT00, DFSUDMP0, DFSUDMT0

| offline (such as, /STOP AREA, UPDATE AREA STOP(SCHD),

/DBR AREA or UPDATE AREA STOP(ACCESS)) was entered for area xxxxxxxx. This area has unresolved in-doubt data. The command is rejected to protect data integrity. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: Resolve in-doubt data and reissue the command. DFS3061I VSO AREA aaaaaaaa HAS I/O TOLERATED CI, COMMAND REJECTED

| DFS3065I | | | | | |


Explanation: The area aaaaaaaa is a VSO area and has I/O tolerated data from an XRF takeover. A command that took the area offline (such as /STOP AREA, /DBR AREA, UPDATE AREA STOP(ACCESS), or /VUNLOAD AREA) was entered for the area, and the command was rejected to protect data integrity. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: Enter either the IMS /UNLOCK SYSTEM or the AVM UNLOCK command to purge I/O toleration EEQEs. Then reenter the rejected command. Module: DBFARDC0 DFS3062I PRELOAD ACTIVE IN AREA=areaname, COMMAND REJECTED

Explanation: Fast Path utility active for area. At utility I/O, status FH or AO will be issued, and the command will be processed. The utility terminates before completion.

| System action: The /DBR or /STOP command is | processed but utility cleanup and disconnect occur | before command execution. | Programmer response: None. | Module: DBFARDA0 | DFS3067A | | |

| Explanation: This message is generated at an IMS | emergency restart when the OPTION SYNCPLEX keyword | and parameter have been entered. | System action: The IMS system will wait for a reply | before starting normal processing. | Programmer response: When the IMS systems that | failed have all been restarted and are waiting at the | WTOR, reply OK to the WTOR. | Module: DFSRST00

Explanation: PRELOAD is active for area, areaname, and the command was rejected to avoid an abend. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: Reissue the command. DFS3063A DYNAMIC UNALLOCATION FAILED FOR DD ddname

Explanation: During database recovery, the Database Recovery utility was unable to unallocate the target data set identified by ddname.
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3069I DFS3078I
DFS3069I MINIMUM VALUE SUBSTITUTED FOR LOW/HIGH BLOCK NUMBER System action: Processing terminates with abend U0311. Programmer response: Ensure that OLIC=YES specified on PSB and DD statement is present for database being surveyed. Make corrections, and resubmit job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3075I INVALID STATUS CODE FROM DL/I function CALL-STATUS = status code

Explanation: Low or high block number for SURVEYOR TOAREA processing was less than the minimum value of 2. System action: The low/high block number will take on the minimum value of 2. DFS3070A UNSUCCESSFUL OPEN OF ddname DATA SET

Explanation: The named data set could not be opened. System action: Processing terminates with abend U0311. Programmer response: Ensure that a DD statement is present and specifications are correct. Make corrections, and rerun job. DFS3071A DBDNAME in DBPCB DOES NOT MATCH DBDNAME ENTERED

Explanation: An invalid return code was returned from a DL/I call. System action: Processing terminates with abend U0311. Programmer response: Ensure that the IMS system and all control statements are valid, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3076W FROMAREA INVALID FOR HIDAM OR KEYRANGE INVALID FOR HDAM

Explanation: Either the DBNAME from the input statement or the PCB is incorrect. System action: Processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct input statement. DFS3072I NO KEY IS DEFINED IN THE DBD FOR THE ROOT SEGMENT OF THIS DATABASE

Explanation: FROMAREA can only be specified for HDAM and KEYRANGE can only be specified for HIDAM. System action: Processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3077A LOW BLOCK NUMBER FOR DSG ddname IS NOT WITHIN THE DATA SET GROUP

Explanation: The DBD is invalid. System action: Processing terminates with abend U0311. Programmer response: None required. Problem determination: 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3073I INTERNAL ERROR IN DFSPRSUR

Explanation: The low block number specified for TOAREA processing was beyond the current end of the DSG. System action: Processing continues after bypassing the error parameter. Programmer response: Lower the low block number so that it falls within the DSG, and rerun the job. DFS3078I INVALID RETURN CODE FROM OLIC WHILE PROCESSING A BLOCK LOCATE CALL

Explanation: Module DFSPRSUR has encountered an error that prevents further processing. System action: Processing terminates with abend U0311. Programmer response: None required. Problem determination: 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3074A INVALID RETURN FROM OLIC WHILE PROCESSING AN INITIALIZE DSG CALL

Explanation: A nonzero return code was returned from an Online Image Copy block locate call. System action: SURVEYOR is abnormally terminated with abend U0311. Problem determination: 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 17a, 18, 19, 35

Explanation: Either there was an error in opening and initializing the database or the OLIC parameter in the PCB was not set.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3079I DFS3088W

Explanation: The previous control statement was incomplete. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. Then processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3085W ILLEGAL CONTINUATION

Explanation: A nonzero return code was returned from an Online Image Copy get RBA call. System action: SURVEYOR is abnormally terminated with abend U0311. Problem determination: 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3080I INVALID RETURN CODE FROM BUFFER HANDLER WHILE PROCESSING A LOCATE BLOCK CALL

Explanation: A nonzero return code was returned from the buffer handler block locate call. System action: SURVEYOR is abnormally terminated with abend U0311. Problem determination: 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3081W STATEMENT DOES NOT BEGIN BEFORE COL 17

Explanation: Either the ending character in the input string was a comma and a blank was found in column 72, or the ending character was not a comma and a nonblank character was found in column 72. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. Then processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3086W KEYWORD PREVIOUSLY SPECIFIED KEYWORD: keyword

Explanation: Statement did not begin in a column between 1 and 16. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. Then processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3082W UNKNOWN KEYWORD keyword

Explanation: The keyword indicated has been specified previously in another input statement and only one keyword of this type is allowed. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. Then processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3087W INVALID OPERAND

Explanation: Keyword was not recognized for control statement indicated. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. Then processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3083W INVALID SYNTAX error description

Explanation: An invalid operand has been found for the keyword indicated in the previous statement. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. Then processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3088W MISSING KEYWORD: keyword

Explanation: Syntax error has been found in the user control statement. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. Then processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The indicated keyword is missing. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. Then processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job.

Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3089W DFS3098A

Explanation: Two of the above keyword types have been specified. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. Then processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3090W MORE THAN THE MAXIMUM OF 10 TOAREAS SPECIFIED

Explanation: The FROMAREA range specified is not within the root addressable area of this database. System action: Processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3095W NO RECORDS IN RANGE

Explanation: No records were found in the range specified by user control statement. System action: Processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3096A INVALID RETURN CODE FROM SVC

Explanation: No more than 10 TOAREAs are allowed. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. Then processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3091W DBDLIB DOES NOT CONTAIN dbdname

Explanation: An error condition was detected by SVC processing. System action: SURVEYOR is abnormally terminated with abend U0311. Problem determination: 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 17a, 18, 19, 35 DFS3097W INPUT KEY LENGTH DOES NOT MATCH DATA BASE KEY LENGTH

Explanation: The DBD for the database was not found in DBDLIB. System action: Processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in control statement or DBDLIB, and rerun the job. DFS3092W DBD dbdname DOES NOT HAVE HD ACCESS METHOD

Explanation: The length of the keys specified for the KEYRANGE are not the same as the DBD key length. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. Then processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3098A SURVEYOR IS UNABLE TO LOCATE RECORD AT BEGINNING OF RANGE AND/OR PARTITION BOUNDARY

Explanation: The named DBD is not a HDAM or HIDAM database. System action: Processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3093W DATA SET GROUPS(S) SPECIFIED ON INPUT STATEMENTS DO NOT MATCH DBD dbdname

Explanation: The data set groups used in the TOAREA input statements are not the same as found in the DBD. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. Then processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The first key in a FROMAREA range or partition cannot be located. Either significant deletion or insertion activity was occurring at range/partition boundary while Surveyor was executing, or there is a database error. System action: Processing terminates with a user abend U0311. Programmer response: Check for the possibility of either significant insert/delete activity against the database at the range/partition boundary or a database pointer error. Rerun job when problem is resolved. Problem determination: 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 17a, 18, 19, 35


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3099W DFS3105
DFS3099W LOW KEY/RBN IS GREATER THAN HIGH KEY/RBN LOGON/REQSESS is denied. System Operator Response: Wait until a session becomes available, and reenter the command. DFS3102I UNABLE TO ASSIGN, MSGDEL OPTIONS DO NOT MATCH

Explanation: The low key or low block number entered was greater than the high key or block number entered on a FROMAREA, KEYRANGE or TOAREA statement. System action: Processing continues until all control statements have been analyzed. Then processing terminates. Programmer response: Correct the error in the control statement, and rerun the job. DFS3100I UNABLE TO START SESSION, USER OR NODE IN FP INPUT MODE

Explanation: The message is issued by the /ASSIGN command processor. The MSGDEL options for the user name referred to in the /ASSIGN command do not match. System action: The command is not executed. System Operator Response: Reenter the command with a valid value. DFS3103 USER IS NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: For details, see the second form of this message. DFS3100I UNABLE TO START SESSION, NODE nodename IN FP INPUT MODE

Explanation: The specified user is not allocated, or the specified dynamic terminal has no user allocated to it. System action: The command is rejected. User response: Attempt the command after the user is logged on. DFS3104 USER ALLOCATED TO SESSION

Explanation: A session initiation request was refused. The first form of the message is issued by the /OPNDST command processor if a referenced user or node is in Fast Path input mode. The user or node cannot be used to start a session. The second form of the message is issued by a LOGON or SCIP exit if a session initiation request references a node in Fast Path input mode. The referenced user or node has RCVYFP=NO specified and the Fast Path input is in local mode. In the message text, nodename identifies the name of the node in Fast Path input mode. System action: The command is ignored or the LOGON or SCIP request is denied. System Operator Response: Use the /DISPLAY USER or /DISPLAY NODE commands to determine the status of the user or node. Module: DFSICLQ0, DFSCNXA0 DFS3101I DFS3101I MAXIMUM SESSIONS REACHED MAXIMUM SESSIONS REACHED NODE nodename

| | | | | | | | | | | | |

Explanation: The specified users are currently allocated to a "node session" or are in the process of allocation by a /OPNDST command. Therefore, the /ASSIGN or /STOP command is not allowed for an allocated user. /DEQUEUE LTERM P1 PURGE is not allowed at this time, since the dequeue might not occur. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: For /ASSIGN or /STOP, wait for the session to terminate, then reenter the command. For /DEQUEUE LTERM P1 PURGE, the user was in the allocation process. Once the user is allocated, the /DEQUEUE LTERM P1 PURGE command will be accepted if the node half-session is stopped and idle (for example, using /STOP NODE USER). DFS3105I DFS3105 USER HAS NO LTERMS SUBPOOL HAS NO LTERMS NODE nodename SUBPOOL sbplname

Explanation: The first form of the message is issued by the /OPNDST command processor. The second form of the message is issued by the LOGON or SCIP exit. Either all available parallel sessions are in use or a single session device is still active. This condition can occur if the half-session is allocated, stopped, or not idle. If a /OPN command was entered, this condition can also occur if OPTION=NOPNDST was specified on the TERMINAL macro. System action: The command is not executed or a

Explanation: A session initiation request was refused. The first form of the message is issued by the /OPNDST command processor If no logical terminals are currently assigned to the first user specified in the command. The second form of the message is issued by the LOGON or SCIP exit if an ISC session initiation request references a node and a subpool, and the referenced subpool has no LTERMs associated with it. System action: The command is ignored or the LOGON/REQSESS request is denied.
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3106I DFS3112I
DFS3106I USER KEYWORD IS INVALID statically defined to the system. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Check the syntax and restrictions of the command in IMS Version 9: Command Reference. Use the /DISPLAY ASMT command to note current assignments of users. DFS3109 INVALID NODE TYPE

Explanation: The USER keyword is invalid or inappropriate for the command being entered. If this IMS system is part of a sysplex using the IMS Resource Manager, the user might be actively on or owned by another IMS system. As a result, the user would not be found on this IMS, even if it was statically defined to this system. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Check the allowed syntax and restrictions of the command in IMS Version 9: Command Reference, noting restrictions of the use of the USER keyword. DFS3107I USER NOT AVAILABLE, IN USE BY /ASSIGN OR /DEQUEUE USER NOT AVAILABLE NODE nodename USER username

Explanation: The form of the command entered is not applicable for the node type specified by the command. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Check the allowable formats and restrictions of the command in IMS Version 9: Command Reference. DFS3110I INVALID KEYWORD SEQUENCE


Explanation: A session initiation request was refused. The first form of the message is issued by the /OPNDST command processor that referenced a user name that was involved in an assignment with a /ASSIGN command or a dequeue with a /DEQUEUE LTERM P1 PURGE. The second form of the message is issued by the LOGON or SCIP exit if an ISC session initiation request references an unavailable user. A user is unavailable if it was STOPPED; is currently referenced by an /ASSIGN, /DEQUEUE, or a /SIGN command; or is currently in use. System action: The command is ignored or the LOGON/REQSESS request is denied. System Operator Response: Enter a /DIS USER command to determine the status of the user. If the user is STOPPED, issue a /START USER command, if appropriate. If the user is the object of an /ASSIGN, /DEQUEUE, or /SIGN command, wait for the command to complete before reentering the /OPN command. DFS3108I USER KEYWORD PARAMETER IS INVALID OR MISSING

Explanation: The command editor (DFSICL30) detected a command in which the NODE keyword was entered following the USER keyword and its parameters. When both these keywords are used, the user name must be specified after the node. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Resubmit the command with the keywords in the correct sequence. DFS3111I UNABLE TO START SESSION USER OR NODE STOPPED UNABLE TO START SESSION NODE nodename STOPPED


Explanation: A session initiation request was refused. The first form of the message is issued by the /OPNDST command processor if a referenced user or node is STOPPED. The user or node cannot be referenced to start a session. The second form of the message is issued by the LOGON or SCIP exit if a session initiation request references a STOPPED node. System action: The command is ignored or the LOGON/REQSESS request is denied. System Operator Response: Use the /DISPLAY USER and /DISPLAY NODE commands to determine the status of the user and node. DFS3112I USER NOT AVAILABLE, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: The USER keyword parameter is missing, is not a valid name, or is used in an invalid context. The name might be valid, but it might be a duplicate of another entered user name, or a name used in conjunction with a node name to which the user is not allocated. If this IMS system is part of a sysplex using the IMS Resource Manager, the user might be actively on or owned by another IMS system. As a result, the name would not be found on this IMS, even if it was

Explanation: The specified user name is already allocated and in session with another node, or is allocated to the specified node, but with a different half-session qualifier than the one specified in the ID= keyword for this command.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3113I DFS3118
System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Use the /DISPLAY ASMT USER command to determine if the user name is allocated and the node name to which it is allocated. If the user name is allocated to the same node name specified in the /OPNDST command, then reenter the command with the correct half-session qualifier (ID=). If the user name is allocated to a different node from the one specified in the /OPNDST command, wait until the user name becomes available or enter the /STOP USER command to prevent further allocation when the current allocated session ends. DFS3113I SESSION ALREADY ACTIVE stopped and idle, and reenter the original /ASSIGN command. If the half-session node was in conversational mode, preset mode, or response mode, issue a /START NODE P1 USER P2 command (after the /STOP) to clear those special modes, then issue another /STOP. 2. For the second failure mentioned above, issue the /STOP NODE P1 USER P2 command for the half-session node to which the specified target USER is allocated. Use the /DISPLAY NODE USER command to verify that the half-session node is idle and not in session, and reenter the original /ASSIGN command. DFS3116I USER AND TERMINAL MSGDEL OPTIONS DO NOT MATCH

Explanation: The NODE and USER parameters in the command specify a LUTYPE6 session that has already been established, or is in the process of being established. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Use the /DISPLAY NODE USER command to determine the state of the session. DFS3114I MULTIPLE NODE PARAMETERS ARE INVALID

Explanation: The user name and terminal message delete options do not match when attempting an /OPNDST NODE USER. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Select a user name with appropriate message delete options, and reenter the /OPNDST command. DFS3117 SESSION NOT ACTIVE, CANNOT DEQUEUE

Explanation: Neither the USER keyword nor the FORCE keyword can be specified if a generic node name, ALL, or range of node names is specified for the NODE keyword in the command. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: Check IMS Version 9: Command Reference to determine the correct syntax and restrictions of the command. DFS3115I NODE IN USE, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: The /DEQUEUE command was entered without the PURGE keyword, but no session was active that involved the specified node and user names (and LTERM, if used), or specified LTERM. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Determine whether the PURGE keyword should be used. The /DISPLAY NODE P1 or /DISPLAY ASSIGNMENT LTERM P1 command can be used to determine what sessions are active. DFS3118 MESSAGE CANNOT BE PROCESSED SYNCHRONOUSLY

Explanation: The /ASSIGN failed because: 1. When attempting to /ASSIGN the USER back to VTAMPOOL, the half-session node, to which the specified user name is allocated, is in session in conversational mode, preset mode, or response mode; or the half-session node is not stopped and idle. 2. When attempting to /ASSIGN the LTERM or user name to another (target) USER, the half-session node, to which the specified target USER is allocated, is in session or is not idle. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Respond to the failures as follows: 1. For the first failure mentioned above, issue the /STOP NODE P1 USER P2 command to stop the specified half-session. Use the /DISPLAY NODE USER command to verify that the half-session node is

Explanation: The message cannot be processed synchronously. It must follow one of the following modes. v Test mode v Command v Conversational transaction v Response mode System action: The session is terminated. An IMS Log Record with an ID of CVCT containing pertinent information was produced. System programmer response: Either change the destination type to one of the above, or change the ATTACH to asynchronous form. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 14

Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3119I DFS3125A

Explanation: The command specified the NODE keyword and the USER keyword with parameter ALL, but no user names are currently allocated to the specified node, or the node is not in the system. System action: The command is ignored. DFS3120I MSC IN SYSTEM BUT DFSCMR00 NOT AVAILABLE

Explanation: DFSMSdss notified the Database Image Copy 2 utility (DFSUDMT0) that the attempt to initialize a concurrent copy session for the named data set was unsuccessful. For more information about the failure, see the ADR734I message and other ADRnnn messages that were issued by DFSMSdss. System action: Image copy processing fails for the database data set named in the message. The utility terminates unless there are other database data sets for which image copy processing has not completed. System Operator Response: See the ADRnnn messages that were issued by DFSMSdss to determine how to correct the problem. See z/OS MVS System Messages, Volume 1 for a description of ADR messages. If the data set is not on hardware that supports the concurrent copy function, or if you do not want to use concurrent copy, use the Database Image Copy utility (DFSUDMP0) to create the image copy. Module: DFSUDUI1 DFS3124A DBRC IS REQUIRED TO EXECUTE THIS UTILITY

Explanation: During IMS restart, module DFSCRM00 is needed to reinstate the MSC control blocks but it is not available. System action: This message will be followed by an IMS 3120 ABEND. Programmer response: Make sure that DFSCMR00 is linked into DFSRST00 load module. DFS3121A LOGICAL COPY COMPLETE FOR GROUP|DB/AREA groupname | dbname n OF m DATA SETS FAILED

Explanation: Please see explanation under DFS3121I. DFS3121I COPIED DB/AREA dbname DDN ddname DSN dsname

Explanation: This message is issued by the Database Image Copy 2 utility (DFSUDMT0) when image copy processing for the database data sets contained in the identified group, database, or area is logically complete. If a group name was specified as input to the utility, the message identifies the group. Otherwise, one DFS3121A message is issued for each database or area for which data sets are being copied. n m The number of data sets for which image copy processing failed. The total number of data sets to be copied by this run of the utility.

Explanation: The Database Image Copy 2 utility (DFSUDMT0) must be run with DBRC present, but DBRC=Y was not specified for this execution. System action: The utility terminates. Programmer response: Specify DBRC=Y in the execution parameters and rerun the job. Module: DFSUDMT0 DFS3125A PRIMER SAMPLE TEST, REPLY CONT, LOOP, ABEND OR CANCEL JOB

DFS3121I messages identify the individual database data sets for which the image copies are now logically complete. System action: The utility continues processing. When the image copies are physically complete, they are recorded in the RECON data set.

Explanation: This message is issued by sample program DFS0AER. Using a batch or online transaction, the user requested operator intervention for synchronization of a recovery test. A write to z/OS operator with reply (WTOR) is used. This provides an environment to forcibly terminate the application program or system, or both, in order to test recovery procedures. System Operator Response: As requested by user. Reply "CONT" to continue, "ABEND" to cause abnormal termination, "LOOP" to cause a program loop, or cancel the job using the MVS CANCEL command. System action: None.

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Programmer response: If you stopped update processing for the data group, database, or area with a /DBD or /DBR command to run the utility with the exclusive (X) option, you can now resume update processing by issuing a /START DATAGROUP, UPDATE DATAGRP START(ACCESS), /START DATABASE, UPDATE DB START(ACCESS), /START AREA or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3126W DFS3131I
DFS3126W RDS DATA SET REFORMAT REQUIRED DURING NEXT RESTART IMSRDS2 The error occurred on the data set defined by the IMSRDS2 DD statement. IMSRDS2 NOT DEFINED The IMSRDS2 DD statement is invalid or missing. System action: If an XRF alternate system is being started, abend U0970 with RC=1 occurs. If this message is issued by the Fast Database Recovery region, abend U0574 occurs. Any other IMS start terminates, and IMS waits for another /START command. Master Terminal Operator Response: See the Programmer Response for the appropriate action. Programmer response: If the problem is not in the system hardware or software (for example, the JCL is in error or the data set is not formatted), the restart data set must be reallocated. The subsequent IMS must format the restart data set. In an XRF and Fast Database Recovery environment, only the active system can format the restart data set. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 35 DFS3129I RUNNING IN SHARED QUEUES ENVIRONMENT - BUILDQ PARAMETER IGNORED

Explanation: A write error occurred on the restart data set (RDS) during a checkpoint. The operation continues because the RDS data set is not required during online execution except to save information needed for the next restart. However, the next restart will access the disk log to obtain information to restart the system. At this time a reformat of the RDS data set must be done. System action: The operation continues, but the system will stop logging data to the RDS data set. The system will shut down normally when instructed to do so. Programmer response: During the next restart of the system, reformat the RDS data set by specifying 'FORMAT RS' in the restart command. If this problem persists, you must perform a scratch, reallocation, and reformat of the RDS. DFS3127I READ|WRITE ERROR OCCURRED ON THE RESTART DATA SET xxxxxx

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to read or write the restart data set (RDS). The variable xxxxxx has one of the following values: IMSRDS The error occurred on the data set defined by the IMSRDS DD statement. IMSRDS2 The error occurred on the data set defined by the IMSRDS2 DD statement. System action: If a read error occurred, IMS terminates the restart. If a write error occurred, IMS continues processing. Master Terminal Operator Response: For a read error, delete and reallocate the RDS; then retry the restart by specifying FORMAT RS. For a read error in the Fast Database Recovery region, terminate the active IMS, scratch and reallocate the RDS, and restart IMS by specifying FORMAT RS. Then start the Fast Database Recovery region. For a persistent write error, terminate IMS, scratch and reallocate the RDS, and restart IMS by specifying FORMAT RS. For the appropriate recovery actions in an XRF environment, see the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide. DFS3128A OPEN FAILED ON RESTART DATA SET, xxxxxxxx.

Explanation: The online system is being started with a command that included the BUILDQ parameter; however, the system is running in the shared queues environment. The BUILDQ parameter has no meaning in a shared queues environment. System action: The BUILDQ parameter is ignored, and the restart process continues. Module: DFSRBCP0 DFS3130I DFS3130I ABEND 970 SCHEDULED RC=xx ABEND 970 SCHEDULED RC=01 yyy

Explanation: The first form of the message is issued when ABENDU0970 is scheduled The contents of register 10 are displayed in field xx. The second form is issued when ABENDU0970 is scheduled, and register 10 contains 01. Field yyy contains an AWE return code that is documented in ABENDU0970 in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis. System action: The system abnormally terminates with abend U0970. DFS3131I A COLD START OR EMERGENCY RESTART REQUIRED

Explanation: OSAM was unable to open the restart data set. The variable xxxxxxxx has one of the following values. IMSRDS The error occurred on the data set defined by the IMSRDS DD statement.

Explanation: Normal restart command submitted but system was not completely terminated after a shutdown checkpoint command, or the system was
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3132A DFS3140A
never cold started. Originating module is DFSRBCP0. System action: IMS waits for another restart command. Master Terminal Operator Response: Enter either a cold start or emergency restart command with appropriate parameters. DFS3132A CANNOT BUILDQ. SHUTDOWN WAS FREEZE. Module: DFSUDUI1 DFS3136I NORMAL RESTART IN PROCESS

Explanation: IMS has determined that normal restart is required under the automatic restart option. System action: IMS proceeds with normal restart. Originating module is DFSRBCP0. Master Terminal Operator Response: None required. DFS3137I EMERGENCY RESTART IN PROCESS

Explanation: Normal restart command parameter for BUILDQ was specified, but system was not terminated with a dump of the message queues. Originating module is DFSRBCP0. System action: IMS waits for another restart command. Master Terminal Operator Response: Enter the restart command with appropriate parameters. DFS3133 FATAL DFSMS ERROR DURING RESTORE PROCESSING

Explanation: IMS has determined that emergency restart is required under the automatic restart option. System action: IMS proceeds with emergency restart. DFS3138I INSUFFICIENT PSB|PSBW POOL SPACE

Explanation: The DFSMS restore of a data set failed. System action: The system abnormally terminates with abend U0225. Programmer response: To determine the cause of the failure, see the DFSMS ADRnnnn messages in DFHSM Messages. For information about abend U0225, see IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis. Module: DFSURDB0 DFS3135A KSDS DEFINITION DOES NOT ALLOW IMAGE COPY CONCURRENT WITH UPDATE ACCESS

Explanation: An XRF alternate system or a Fast Database Recovery region tried to schedule a PSB while tracking the active system. The schedule failed because of insufficient pool space. System action: The system terminates with abend U0593. Programmer response: Increase the PSB pool space to at least equal that of the active system. Problem determination: 1, 4, 5, 35 DFS3139 IMS (DCCTL) INITIALIZED, AUTOMATIC RESTART PROCEEDING

Explanation: Automatic restart option selected. If (DCCTL) is displayed in the message, the DCCTL environment has been initialized. System action: The system waits for reply to continue IMS normal or emergency restart, as appropriate. Master Terminal Operator Response: Respond with any appropriate installation-defined reply. The reply is not processed. DFS3140A SDEP UTILITY FAILED DUE TO IN-DOUBT SEGMENT IN UTILITY RANGE

Explanation: A control statement supplied to the Database Image Copy 2 utility (DFSUDMT0) specified that a KSDS data set was to be copied concurrent with update access (S was specified or defaulted to in column 58). However, the DEFINE CLUSTER attribute, BWO(TYPEIMS), was not specified for the KSDS. System action: Message DFS3144A with reason code 0C is also issued to identify the database data set for which image copy processing has failed. The utility terminates unless there are other database data sets for which image copy processing has not completed. System programmer response: Review the option specified on the control statement for the KSDS. If image copy processing concurrent with updating is to be allowed, notify the database administrator that the access method services (IDCAMS) ALTER command must be used to specify BWO(TYPEIMS) for the data set. See DFSMS/MVS Access Method Services for the Integrated Catalog Facility.

Explanation: The DEDB Sequential Dependent utility found an in-doubt segment in the range of segments requested to be scanned or deleted and the command INDOUBT was not specified as a utility control statement. Only aborted and committed SDEP segments can be scanned or deleted. They will be skipped if INDOUBT is specified. System action: The utility terminates. User response: If you are prevented from scanning or deleting segments because of an old unresolved


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3140A DFS3143A
segment, you should resolve the segment. After you resolve the segment and write it to the database, you can scan or delete the segment. Module: DBFUMRT0, DBFUMMS0 DFS3140A SDEP DELETE UTILITY FAILED DUE TO IN-DOUBT SEGMENT IN DELETE RANGE data sets that were successfully copied. In the message text: groupname The name specified on the group name control statement. Image copies for all database data sets being copied are physically complete. dbname The name of a database or area for which image copies are physically complete. n The number of data sets for which image copy processing failed. m The total number of data sets to be copied by this execution of the utility. ddname The ddname or area name for the data set that was copied. dsname The data set that was copied. System action: All image copies for the group, database, or area were recorded in the RECON. The utility continues processing if there are other data sets still being processed.

Explanation: The DEDB Sequential Dependent Delete utility found an in-doubt segment in the range of segments requested to be deleted. Only aborted and committed SDEP segments can be deleted. System action: The utility terminates. User response: If you are prevented from deleting segments because of an old unresolved segment, you should resolve the segment. After you resolve the segment and write it to the database, you can delete the segment. Module: DBFUMDL0, DBFUMMS0, DBFUMRT0 DFS3140A SDEP SCAN UTILITY FAILED DUE TO INDOUBT SEGMENT IN THE SCAN RANGE

Explanation: The DEDB Sequential Dependent Scan utility found an in-doubt segment in the range of segments requested to be scanned. System action: The utility terminates. User response: If you are prevented from scanning segments, the optional parameter INDOUBT must be included in the SYSIN record and a SCANIDT data set specified for in-doubt segment output. An in-doubt segment cannot be deleted, so RBAs in SCANIDT will need to be resolved if they are intended to be deleted after scan. Module: DBFUMSC0, DBFUMMS0 DFS3141A PHYSICAL COPY COMPLETE FOR GROUP|DB/AREA groupname|dbname n OF m DATA SETS FAILED

| | | | | | | |

Programmer response: If you stopped update processing for the data group, database, or area with a /DBD or /DBR command to run the utility with the exclusive (X) option, you can resume update processing by issuing a /START DATAGROUP, UPDATE DATAGRP START(ACCESS), /START DATABASE, UPDATE DB START(ACCESS), /START AREA, or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command. Module: DFSUDUI1 DFS3142I DFSMSDSS MESSAGE ADR974I WAS ISSUED FOR DB dbname DDN ddname DSN dsname

Explanation: The Database Image Copy 2 utility (DFSUDMT0) issues this message to the system console when it is notified that DFSMSdss is writing an ADR974I message. System action: The utility continues processing. System programmer response: See z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 1 for a description of the ADR974I message. You should verify that the identified data set is good. Module: DFSUDUI1 DFS3143A SAME DATASET (S) SPECIFICATION ERROR.

Explanation: See the explanation under DFS3141I. DFS3141I COPIED DB/AREA dbname DDN ddname DSN dsname

Explanation: The DFS3141A message is issued by the Database Image Copy 2 utility (DFSUDMT0) when image copy processing for the database data sets contained in the identified group, database, or area is physically complete. If a group name was specified as input to the utility, then groupname identifies the group. Otherwise one DFS3141A message is issued for each database or area for which data sets were copied. DFS3141I messages identify the individual database

Explanation: The utility control statements supplied for the Database Image Copy 2 utility contains one of the following syntax errors: v More than 255 database data sets were specified to be copied to the same output data set. The maximum is 255. v The Same Data Set (S) option was specified but there is no previous control statement specifying the output data set(s).
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


System action: The utility terminates with a return code of 16. System programmer response: Correct the utility control statements before re-running the utility. The first control statement specifying the Same Data Set option must be preceded by a control statement that specifies the output ddnames. Specify no more than 255 database data sets to be copied to the same output data set(s). Problem determination: 2, 3 Module: DFSUDMT0 DFS3144A IMAGE COPY PROCESSING FAILED FOR DB/AREA dbname DDN ddname, REASON = nn An output volume serial number received from DFSMSdss is invalid. An abend U0225 with subcode 4 was issued. See the abend description. Fast Path error was detected. The Fast Path image copy module set an unexpected return code during image copy processing. See the error message issued for the Fast Path area. Attempt to copy KSDS concurrent with update access failed. A concurrent copy session for a fuzzy KSDS image copy was not successfully initialized. See the DFS3145A message that was also issued. Database/area is not registered with DBRC. The identified database or area is not registered with DBRC. BWO(TYPEIMS) was not specified for KSDS. A fuzzy image copy of a KSDS data set was requested, however, BWO(TYPEIMS) was not defined for KSDS. See the DFS3135A message that was also issued. DBRC EOD request failed. The EOD request to DBRC for image copy processing failed. See the DSP message that was also issued. I/O error on image copy data set. The last or only image copy output data set has experienced an I/O error. DFSMSdss DUMP processing failed. The data set complete notification from DFSMSdss indicated that the data set was not successfully dumped. See the DFSMSdss ADR messages to determine the cause of the failure. Dynamic allocation error. Dynamic allocation for the database data set failed. Unauthorization failed. The request to DBRC to unauthorize a database or area failed. UIM abend or unexpected DFSMSdss processing. Either an abend occurred in the user interaction module (UIM), DFSUDUI1, during DFSMSdss dump command processing, or dump command processing ended without the UIM being driven for data set complete notification. If there was no abend, check the DFSMSdss ADR messages for this dump command. Output data set was not successfully closed. Close was unsuccessful or was not attempted for the primary or secondary image copy data set. A DFS0300I message was issued for the




Explanation: The Database Image Copy 2 utility was unable to create an image copy for the specified database data set or area. The reason (nn) for the failure is one of the following: Reason Code Meaning 01 DBRC AUTH request failed. The request to DBRC for database authorization failed. DBRC INIT request failed. The INIT request to DBRC for image copy processing failed. See the DSP message that was also issued. Input DD statement is missing. A DD statement for the database data set was not supplied. Output DD statement is missing. A DD statement for an image copy output data set was not supplied. The area data set has Error Queue Elements (EQEs). EQEs exist for all area data sets for the identified area. See the DFS3726A message that was also issued. The DFSMSdss DUMP initialization failed. DFSMSdss did not schedule a dump task for the dump command for this database data set. See the DFSMSdss ADR messages issues for the dump command. No VOLSER for the image copy data set. DFSMSdss has notified the utility of successful completion for the database data set, however, during dump processing, volume serial numbers for the output data sets were not received from DFSMSdss. Invalid VOLSER for image copy data set.














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Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3145A DFS3150
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data set. Because the data set was not successfully closed, it may be unusable. Image copy processing fails for the DBDS because there is no valid image copy to record in the RECON. System action: The utility continues processing if there are other database data sets that are being copied that have not completed. The return code for this run of the utility will be 8 or higher. System programmer response: Correct the problem indicated and submit another Database Image Copy 2 job to copy the database data set. For reason codes 07, 08, and 12 (with abend), contact your IBM Support Center for assistance if you are unable to resolve the problem. Module: DFSUDMT0, DFSUDUI1 DFS3145A ATTEMPT TO COPY KSDS CONCURRENT WITH UPDATE ACCESS FAILED DFS3148A DATABASE dbname IS NOT REGISTERED WITH DBRC

Explanation: The Database Image Copy 2 utility (DFSUDMT0) cannot process the named database or area because it is not registered with DBRC. An invalid dbdname supplied in the JCL will also cause DBRC to return a not registered indication, since it does not match the RECON. System action: DFS3144A messages with reason code 0B are also issued to identify the database data sets for which image copy processing has failed. The utility terminates unless there are other database data sets for which image copy processing has not completed. System Operator Response: Use the appropriate commands (for example, INIT.DB) to register the database or area before retrying image copy processing or use the Database Image Copy utility (DFSUDMP0) to create the image copy. Module: DFSUDMT0 DFS3149A DFSUDMT0 CANNOT BE RUN IN STAND-ALONE MODE

Explanation: A control statement supplied to the Database Image Copy 2 utility (DFSUDMT0) specified that a KSDS data set was to be copied concurrent with update access (S was specified or defaulted to in column 58). However, because of current update activity to the data set, a concurrent copy session required to copy the data set was not successfully initialized. If the KSDS was the only data set being copied, this utility attempted the DFSMSdss dump operation several times before issuing this message. System action: Message DFS3144A with reason code 0A is also issued to identify the database data set for which image copy processing has failed. The utility terminates unless there are other database data sets for which image copy processing has not completed. System Operator Response: The condition encountered might be momentary. Retry image copy processing for the KSDS after an appropriate amount of time. Module: DFSUDUI1 DFS3146A READJFCB FAILED FOR DD ddname

Explanation: The Database Image Copy 2 utility (DFSUDMT0) must be executed using the region controller (DFSRRC00). System action: The Database Image Copy 2 utility (DFSUDMT0) terminates abnormally. System Operator Response: Change the EXEC statement to execute PGM=DFSRRC00 with appropriate parameters for the utility job, and resubmit the job. Module: DFSUDMT0 DFS3150 UNABLE TO LOCATE/FREE RESTART COMMAND BUFFER

Explanation: The Database Recovery utility (DFSURDB0) cannot continue recovery processing of the Fast Path area data set because there is no matching DD statement in the JCL for the identified DD name. System action: The utility terminates. System Operator Response: Use the LIST.ADS command to get a current list of ADDN/ADSN pairs and change the JCL accordingly. Module: DFSURT00

Explanation: IMS restart rebuilds the condensed command by accumulating type X'02' log record segments in the restart command buffer before reprocessing the command. IMS was unable to locate the required restart command buffer during accumulation of the type X'02' log records, or was unable to free a buffer upon completion of restart processing. System action: Either restart does not reprocess the logged command, or does not free the restart command buffer. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer that this error occurred. Programmer response: To determine what to do, read the IMS Problem Determination topic in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1 for the numbers listed below. Problem determination: 6, 36, 37
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3151 DFS3156I
DFS3151 UNABLE TO OBTAIN STORAGE FOR RESTART COMMAND BUFFER restart command buffer. After the command is reprocessed, the restart buffer is freed. At the end of restart, the restart command buffer for command xxx remained, indicating that the log did not contain all the type X'02' log record segments required for the command. System action: Command xxx is not reprocessed during restart. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer that this error occurred. Programmer response: To determine what to do, read the IMS Problem Determination topic in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1 for the numbers listed below. Problem determination: 6, 35, 36 DFS3155A AREA DATA SET NOT FOUND ADSN= dsname AREA NAME= areaname DDNAME= ddname REASON= rc

Explanation: IMS restart rebuilds the condensed command by accumulating type X'02' log record segments in the restart command buffer. Restart was unable to obtain storage from the WKAP (MAIN) pool for this buffer. System action: The command to be reprocessed at restart is ignored. System Operator Response: Enter the command /DIS POOL MAIN, save the console listing with the response, and notify the system programmer. Programmer response: To determine what to do, read the IMS Problem Determination topic in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1 for the numbers listed below. Problem determination: 6, 36 DFS3152 CONDENSED COMMAND BUFFER TOO SMALL FOR COMMAND

Explanation: While building the condensed command, IMS discovered that the buffer was too small to contain the command input. This is an internal IMS error caused by IMS miscalculating the amount of storage needed for the condensed command buffer. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Note the command that caused this error message to be issued, and notify the system programmer. Programmer response: To determine what to do, read the IMS Problem Determination topic in the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1 for the numbers listed below. Problem determination: 6, 36 DFS3153 CONDENSED COMMAND BUFFER EXCEEDS LIMIT

Explanation: The Database Recovery utility (DFSURDB0) was unable to recover the area data set (ADS) identified in the message. The hexadecimal reason code is: 8 A data set name from the input data set was found in the ADS list in the RECON, but the area data set was not preallocated. System action: The execution is terminated with an error code. System Operator Response: For reason code 4, use the DBRC command, INIT.ADS, to add the data set name to the ADS list. Then run the GENJCL.RECOV command again. For reason code 8, allocate the data set using IDCAMS and run the GENJCL.RECOV command again. Module: DFSURUI0 DFS3156I RESTORING ADDN= ddname ADSN= dsname FROM INPUT COPY DATA SET

Explanation: Expansion of the ALL parameter or an inclusive parameter caused the condensed command buffer to exceed the allowable maximum. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command as multiple commands. For example, reenter /DISPLAY LINE ALL as two commands: /DISPLAY LINE 1-1000 and /DISPLAY LINE 1001-2000. DFS3154E CONDENSED BUFFER FOR COMMAND xxx REMAINS AT THE END OF RESTART

Explanation: The Database Recovery utility used the ADDN and ADSN in the message as the target data set. This ADDN and ADSN from the input copy data set matches the ADS list in the RECON data set for the DEDB ADS being recovered. These might be different from the ADDN and ADSN in the JCL because the data set named in the messages was found by searching the ICF catalog to determine if ADSN was preallocated. The named ADDN and ADSN are recorded in the RECON data set as available when the Data Base Recovery utility completes normally. System action: The Data Base Recovery utility continues. Module: DFSURUI0

Explanation: IMS restart rebuilds the condensed command by accumulating type X'02' log records in the


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3157A DFS3166I
DFS3157A IMAGE COPY FOR AREA areaname NOT FOUND ON INPUT DATA SET DFS3163E Excess Parameters on eeeeeeee Command xxxxxxxx

Explanation: The Database Recovery utility (DFSURDB0) was unable to recover the indicated area because an image copy for the area was not found on the input data set. System action: The utility terminates. System Operator Response: If the area uses multiple area data sets (MADS) and the area data set (ADS) that was copied to the image copy data set is no longer defined in the RECON, redefine that ADS and add it to the ADS list in the RECON before re-running the utility. Otherwise, rerun the utility with the correct image copy data set specified. Module: DFSURUI0 DFS3160I IMS CMD=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Explanation: Syntax Error while running EXEC with IMS Adapter for REXX. Invalid number of parameters on eeeeeeee environment command. The eeeeeeee value will be either REXXTDLI or REXXIMS. System action: No processing is done. EXEC execution continues with a -8 return code from the call/command. Programmer response: Verify parameters using IMS Adapter for REXX Reference Materials and correct application. DFS3164E Unknown eeeeeeee Command: xxxxxxxx

Explanation: An informational message issued by IMS Adapter for REXX, when the IMSRXTRC level is greater than 0. Show environment command being executed. A maximum of 65 command characters are shown. System action: None. DFS3161I eeeeeeee Call=xxxx RC=yyyy Reason=zzzz[Status=xx]

Explanation: Syntax Error while running EXEC with IMS Adapter for REXX. The command xxxxxxxx was not recognized by the language environment eeeeeeee. Possible reasons for nonrecognition include: command should be issued to REXXIMS and not REXXTDLI, command should be issued to z/OS environment, or command is misspelled. The eeeeeeee value will be REXXTDLI or REXXIMS. System action: No processing is done. EXEC execution continues with a -3 return code from the call/command. Programmer response: Correct the application EXEC issuing the unrecognized command. DFS3165E Invalid Parameter to Function REXXIMS

Explanation: An informational message issued by IMS Adapter for REXX, when the IMSRXTRC level is greater than 0. Show last status from the eeeeeeee environment, where eeeeeeee is either REXXTDLI or REXXIMS. The eeeeeeee value will be REXXTDLI or REXXIMS. System action: None. DFS3162E Parm=xx Invalid on eeeeeeee Command yyyyyyyy

Explanation: Syntax Error while running EXEC with IMS Adapter for REXX. Invalid function parameters passed on the REXXIMS function call. System action: An invalid function call is signaled to the REXX interpreter where it processes the condition appropriately. Programmer response: Verify usage of REXXIMS Function call. If problem persists, verify you are in an IMS Adapter for REXX environment by issuing: Address MVS SUBCOM REXXIMS and getting a return code 0. DFS3166I Var-f:vvvv= (lllll):xxxx

Explanation: Syntax Error while running EXEC with IMS Adapter for REXX. Invalid parameter given on eeeeeeee environment command. The xx value represents the parameter in error, where 1 is the first parameter after the Call/Command name. For example, if the PCB parameter is invalid, the xx value would be 1 for DL/I calls. The eeeeeeee value will be either REXXTDLI or REXXIMS. System action: Environment command is not executed; however, EXEC execution continues with a -5 return code from the call/command. Programmer response: Verify parameters and correct application.

Explanation: An informational message issued by IMS Adapter for REXX, when the IMSRXTRC level is greater than 1 for set/drop or IMSRXTRC greater than 2 for fetch. Show REXX variable manipulation by REXXTDLI or REXXIMS. Function F will be f, s or d for Fetch, Store, or Drop. The first 12 characters of variable name is shown in the vvvv field. The LLLL value is the length of the contents. Up to the first 40 characters are shown in the xxxx field. For the F=d (drop) case, the llll and xxxx fields are not shown. If the variable was not
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3167E DFS3173E
initialized and it was specified in a MAPPUT then it is Skipped and that form of the message is given. System action: None. DFS3167E Var:vvvvvvvvvvvv Too Long, Max=yyy System action: Variable manipulation is aborted. EXEC execution continues with a -10 return code from the call/command. Programmer response: Examine the mapping input and correct the application error. The yyyy value is a character offset in the original map definition string. DFS3171E Invalid Map Name: xxxxxxxx

Explanation: Syntax Error while running EXEC with IMS Adapter for REXX. Variable/Parameter length is invalid for variable vvvvvvvvvvvv. The maximum allowed length is yyy. System action: Variable manipulation is aborted. EXEC execution continues with a -7 return code from the call/command. Programmer response: Determine failing line by prior messages or by turning on REXX tracing, TRACE "R" for diagnosis. DFS3168E EXECCOMM VAR=vvvvvvvvvvvv RCODE=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: Data Mapping error while running EXEC with IMS Adapter for REXX. Error in EXEC on MAP type statement or DL/I call specifying a map name. Invalid map names are those of less than 1 or more than 16 characters in length. System action: Variable manipulation is aborted. EXEC execution continues with a -10 return code from the call/command. Programmer response: Correct the map name. DFS3172I Invalid MAPGET Var: xxxx Map: yyyyyyyy

Explanation: Syntax Error while running EXEC with IMS Adapter for REXX. Unexpected error while manipulating REXX variable through the IRXEXCOM interface. System action: Variable manipulation is aborted. EXEC execution continues with a -6 return code from the call/command. Programmer response: Verify that variable vvvvvvvvvvvv is a proper REXX variable. Verify that the value to be assigned does not exceed 32K. System programmer response: If you cannot resolve the problem, look up the return code on IRXSUBCM in TSO/E REXX/MVS Reference. DFS3169E Invalid Token Name: xxxxxxxx

Explanation: Data Mapping error while running EXEC with IMS Adapter for REXX. Error in EXEC on MAPGET statement or DL/I GET call while decoding/extracting variable xxxx in map yyyyyyyy. Common causes include when the Map defined is larger than the input segment to the map and data conversion error of packed or zoned decimal. System action: Program continues. The failing variables value is dropped. (See IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Transaction Manager or IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Database Manager for more details). Programmer response: Correct application and verify mapping definition (MAPDEF). DFS3173E Invalid MAPPUT Var: xxxxxxxx Map: yyyyyyyy

Explanation: Syntax Error while running EXEC with IMS Adapter for REXX. Error in EXEC on STORAGE type statement or DL/I call specifying a token name. Invalid token names are those of less than 1 or more than 16 characters in length. System action: Variable manipulation is aborted. EXEC execution continues with a -9 return code from the call/command. Programmer response: Correct the token name. DFS3170E Invalid Map Definition: xxxxxxxx at offset yyyy

Explanation: Data Mapping error while running EXEC with IMS Adapter for REXX. Error in EXEC on MAPPUT statement or DL/I PUT call packing/concatenating variable yyyy in map xxxxxxxx. Common cause is Map data, when packaged, is larger than output segment/buffer. System action: Variable manipulation is aborted, EXEC execution continues with a -10 return code from the call/command. Programmer response: Correct application, verify correct variable spelling.

Explanation: Data Mapping error while running EXEC with IMS Adapter for REXX. Error in EXEC on MAPDEF statement for map xxxxxxxx in actual definition variable at the yyyy offset in the message.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3179I DFS3191E
DFS3179I TTTTTPP=(AAAAAAAA:SSSS-LLLL)= XXXXXXXX=CCCCCCCC System action: No EXEC execution occurs. Programmer response: Verify that SYSEXEC DD on dependent region includes the correct concatenation for the EXECs. DFS3184I NO EXEC NAME SELECTED TO EXECUTE

Explanation: An informational message issued by IMS Adapter for REXX, when the IMSRXTRC level is greater than 7. Show parameter list passed to and received from the standard IMS language interface on AIBTDLI or ASMTDLI call. TTTTT is the type of trace, Entry when traced before the DL/I call, Exit when traced after the DL/I call. PP is the parameter number, where number 1 is the actual DL/I call. AAAAAAAA is the address of the parameter. SSSS is the size of the parameters buffer. LLLL is the assumed length of the parameter. XXXXXXXX is the first 8 bytes of the parameter in hexadecimal. CCCCCCCC is the first 64 bytes of the parameter in EBCDIC. System action: None. DFS3180I INQY ENVIRON Region=rrrrrrrr Number=nnnn PGM=pppppppp

Explanation: An informational message issued by IMS Adapter for REXX, when the IMSRXTRC level is greater than 0. There was no EXEC name specified to execute. The EXEC name is defaulted to the Program Name but was overridden by the IMS Adapter for REXX user exit routine (DFSREXXU). System action: No EXEC execution occurs. System programmer response: If unexpected, verify the user exit routine DFSREXXU and see IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Transaction Manager or for more information.

| DFS3185I | | | | | |


Explanation: An informational message issued by IMS Adapter for REXX, when the IMSRXTRC level is greater than 0. Describe environment in which the EXEC will be executed. System action: None. DFS3181I DFSREXX Starting and Building Environment

Explanation: The Image Copy Utility has determined that the image copy output data set is on a device that supports the Large Block Interface and no explicit block size was specified.

| System action: The Image Copy Utility will use the | Large Block Interface with a system determined block | size to write the image copy. | System Operator Response: None. | Module: DFSUDMP0
DFS3190E CALL xxxx RC=yyyy REASON=zzzz STATUS=SS

Explanation: An informational message indicating an IMS REXX environment is being built for the IMS dependent or batch region because a REXX transaction is starting. System action: None. DFS3182I REXX EXEC: xxxxxxxx COMPLETED, RC=yyyyyyyy

Explanation: Unexpected status returned from an IMS Adapter for REXX internal DL/I call, such as INQY ENVIRON or INQY FIND. System action: The EXEC or DL/I call execution is aborted. Programmer response: Verify parameters passed on the last REXXTDLI call executed. Probable reason is invalid PCBNAME. DFS3191E INVALID CALL TO DFSREXX1, ENV=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: An informational message issued by IMS Adapter for REXX, when the IMSRXTRC level is greater than 0. States return code the scheduled EXEC ended with. System action: None. DFS3183E EXEC: xxxxxxxx NOT FOUND

Explanation: EXEC to be executed by IMS Adapter for REXX was not found in available data sets. The EXEC name given in the xxxxxxxx field can be either the IMS Scheduled program name or might have been overridden by the user exit routine (DFSREXXU).

Explanation: Invalid execution of IMS Adapter for REXX. Direct calls to DFSREXX1 are invalid. If ENV=NotInit, a probable cause is DFSREXX1 was not link-edited correctly (REUS required). Or, DFSREXX1 was aliased/copied to be the application and DFSREXX0 is the stub that is to take the applications place.
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3192E DFS3202
System action: No EXEC execution occurs. System programmer response: If the problem reoccurs verify REXX Installation and then contact the IBM Support Center. DFS3192E IRXINOUT ERROR DD=xxxxxxxx, RC=yyyyy DFS3199E INTERNAL ERROR xxxxx

Explanation: An internal error has occurred in IMS Adapter for REXX, results cannot be determined. System action: No EXEC execution occurs. System programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center and supply message text. DFS3200 MSPLINK NOT STOPPED

Explanation: Unable to WRITE to DD from IMS Adapter for REXX. System action: No EXEC execution occurs. Programmer response: Verify DD definition in the IMS Region. DFS3193E ERROR LOADING MODULE xxxxxxxx RC=yyyyyyyy

Explanation: In order to process the /MSASSIGN LINK command, the MSPLINK specified must be stopped. System action: The command is not executed. Processing continues normally. System programmer response: None. System Operator Response: Use the /PSTOP MSPLINK command to temporarily stop the physical link. Then reenter the /MSASSIGN command. Problem determination: None. DFS3201 MAXIMUM SESSIONS REACHED LINK nnn

Explanation: Unable to load the specified module for IMS Adapter for REXX. System action: No EXEC execution occurs. System programmer response: Verify REXX Installation then contact the IBM Support Center. DFS3194E ERROR EXECUTING IRXINIT, RC=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: Unable to build a REXX environment for IMS Adapter for REXX. System action: No EXEC execution occurs. System programmer response: Verify REXX Installation then contact the IBM Support Center with the message text. DFS3195E ERROR EXECUTING IRXSUBCM ADD: xxxxxxxx RC=yyyyyyyy

Explanation: The maximum number of parallel sessions was reached for the MSPLINK specified for the local system. See also message DFS3213I, Reason Code=32. System action: The command is not executed. Processing continues normally. System programmer response: An IMS system definition or temporary JCL change might be appropriate if more sessions are warranted. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: None. DFS3202 BIND REJECTED DUE TO INCOMPATIBLE BUFFER/RU SIZE LINK nnn

Explanation: Unable to add the specified REXX subcommand environment for IMS Adapter for REXX. System action: No EXEC execution occurs. System programmer response: Verify REXX Installation then contact the IBM Support Center. DFS3196E ERROR LOADING INTERFACE MODULE DFSREXX1

Explanation: The partner system has rejected the bind because its output buffer size exceeds the current systems input buffer size, or its input buffer size is less than the current systems output buffer size. See also message DFS3213I, Reason Code=20. System action: IMS prevents the link from starting. System programmer response: An IMS system definition is appropriate. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 10

Explanation: Unable to load the IMS Adapter for REXX module (DFSREXX1). System action: No EXEC execution occurs. Programmer response: Verify IMS module DFSREXX1 is in an accessible library to your dependent region that is running REXX. Verify your STEPLIB.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3203 DFS3209
DFS3203 BIND REJECTED DUE TO INVALID SESSION PARAMETERS LINK nnn command at the remote IMS to display the logical-to-physical link assignments, and correct them using the /MSASSIGN MSLINK command if in error. Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 10 DFS3207 REMOTE LINK HAS REACHED THE MAX NO. OF ALLOWABLE SESSIONS LINK nnn

Explanation: The partner system has rejected the bind because it is a negotiable bind and MSC/VTAM requires nonnegotiable type bind. See also message DFS3213I, Reason Code=24. System action: IMS prevents the link from starting. System programmer response: A VTAM trace of the bind should be gotten. System Operator Response: This is possibly a transient error; retry by restarting the link from the current system or partner system. Problem determination: 36 DFS3204 LINK TYPE NOT VTAM

Explanation: The maximum number of active sessions allowed at the remote IMS was reached for this physical link. See also message DFS3213I, Reason Code=12. System action: IMS prevents the link from starting. System programmer response: If more sessions are warranted, an IMS system definition or temporary JCL change is appropriate. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer at the remote site if more sessions are warranted. Problem determination: 8, 10 DFS3208 REMOTE PHYSICAL LINK IS PSTOPPED LINK nnn

Explanation: The /CHANGE command specified a link that was not a VTAM type. System action: The /CHANGE command is not executed. Processing continues normally. System Operator Response: Enter the correct link. DFS3205 LINK TERMINATED BECAUSE OF LTWA INCOMPATIBILITY LINK nnn

Explanation: There is an incompatibility in the usage of the Log Tape Write-ahead option between the two systems on both sides of the link. This condition can lead to problems with data integrity. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated MSC link. Programmer response: Verify LTWA option on both systems and, if appropriate, make partners compatible. If not appropriate, notify both Master Terminal Operators that the link should be allowed to complete initialization by issuing /RST command with NLTWA keyword. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 8, 36 DFS3206 REMOTE LOGICAL LINK NOT ASSIGNED LINK nnn

Explanation: The physical link has been PSTOPPED at the remote IMS by the remote Master Terminal Operator entering the /PSTOP MSPLINK command. See also message DFS3213I, Reason Code=16. System action: IMS prevents the link from starting. Master Terminal Operator Response: Use the /RSTART MSPLINK command at the remote site if the PSTOPPED status is unwarranted. DFS3209 MULTI-RU ERP OR SYSMSG RECEIVED LINK nnnn

Explanation: An ERP message or SYSMSG that was not an only-in-chain message was received on the specified link. System action: The MSC and link session for the indicated link ID is terminated. System Operator Response: Notify the IMS system programmer. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b

Explanation: The partner ID specified in the Bind identifies a logical link belonging to a different physical link at the remote IMS. See also message DFS3213I, Reason Code=04 and 08. System action: IMS prevents the link from starting. System programmer response: An IMS system definition is appropriate if the sysdef is incorrect. System Operator Response: Use the /DISPLAY ASMT

Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3210I DFS3213I
| DFS3210I |
AREAS RESTART DURING IRLM RECONNECT HAS COMPLETED by first issuing the /CHANGE command on the local or remote systems, or both. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 15 DFS3213I REMOTE INITIATED LINK START FAILED, REASON CODE=nn. PARTNER ID xx. INITIATOR IS NODE nodename.

| Explanation: The restart portion of the restart/reopen | process during IRLM reconnect has completed. The | reopen process has initiated. | System action: Area restart/reopen process continues. | Programmer response: None.

Explanation: A remote IMS system, identified by node (nodename) and partner ID (xx), attempted to start a link and failed for the following reason code (nn): Code 04 08 Reason The Partner ID specified does not exist on this system. The Partner ID specified is under a different physical link on this system, or it exists, but is unassigned to a physical link. The maximum number of sessions has been reached for the associated local physical link. The associated local physical link has been PSTOPPED. The buffer size specified for the requested link is incompatible with partners. Bind parameters received are invalid. There is a Primary to Secondary LU polarity mismatch. The side that came up cold was secondary at time of last session failure; or, if both sides came up warm, at least one of them restarted after the wrong checkpoint. The partner ID specified is already in session. Polarity mismatch. Both sides are requesting secondary LU status.

Explanation: A STSN exchange between partners indicated a cold/warm mismatch, or an illogical condition at the time indicated. This message will normally appear on both the local and remote Master Terminals. In some cases, however, only one side can differentiate an illogical from a wraparound situation, and this message will appear only on that sides Master Terminal. The following values are in hexadecimal: aa Primarys outbound action code. bb Primarys inbound action code. xxxx Primarys outbound sequence number. yyyy Primarys inbound sequence number. cc Secondarys outbound action code. dd Secondarys inbound action code. wwww Secondarys outbound sequence number. zzzz Secondarys inbound sequence number. System action: This is an informational message only. Processing continues normally. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 15 DFS3212I MISMATCH RESYNCH CONDITION ACCEPTABLE|UNACCEPTABLE TO PRIMARY|SECONDARY LINK nnn

12 16 20 24 28

32 36

System action: IMS prevents the link from starting. Processing continues normally. System programmer response: Depends upon reason code, as follows: Code 04 08 12 Response An IMS system definition is required. An IMS system definition might be required. An IMS system definition or temporary JCL change might be required if more sessions are warranted. Not applicable An IMS system definition is required. A VTAM trace should be taken of the bind. None. If the link, in session status, is unwarranted, then take a dump. You might also have to run an IMS link trace and a VTAM trace to determine why the link is being left in the session. If the link, in session status, is unwarranted, then take a dump. You might also have to run an IMS link trace and a VTAM trace to determine why both links are requesting secondary status.

Explanation: The FORCSESS/SYNCSESS MSLINK macro parameter or RSR remote takeover and recovery logic has determined that the session initiation may or may not proceed following the mismatch indicated by the DFS3211I message. System action: IMS will or will not allow the session to be initiated, as indicated by the message. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. If initiation does not proceed and synchronization is not critical, initiation can be forced

16 20 24 28 32


System Operator Response: Perform a /DISPLAY


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3214 DFS3220I
LINK to ascertain the current status of the link or links. Depending on the reason code, continue as follows: Code 04 08 Response Notify the system programmer. Use /DISPLAY ASMT to display logical-to-physical link assignments, and correct them with /MSASSIGN LINK if in error. Notify the system programmer. Notify the system programmer. Restart the link from this system if a session is warranted. Notify the system programmer. Notify the system programmer. Retry from either system. Bring the other side up warm (/ERE), or bring both sides up cold, or restart the link from this side, or restart following the correct checkpoint. The prior session must be terminated. You can /PSTOP link or VARY NET INACT APPLID, before establishing the new session. Verify that both sides were restarted from the proper checkpoint. This problem can happen only if both sides are warm started. To get around the problem, one side must be either set to warm primary, or set to cold status. See also message DFS3213I, REASON CODE=28 and 36. System action: IMS prevents the link from starting. System programmer response: None. System Operator Response: See explanation above. Problem determination: None. DFS3218 INVALID RESTART MESSAGE OR RESTART RESPONSE MESSAGE RECEIVED LINK nnn

12 16 20 24 28

Explanation: An expected MSC/VTAM restart message or restart reply message was not received with the proper format. System action: IMS prevents the link from starting. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Retry by restarting the link from the current system or partner system. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b DFS3220I RECEIVED ERROR RETURN CODE. REQ CODE=xx, REG 0=yy, REG 15=zz, LINK=nnn, CLSDST SCHEDULED.



Problem determination: 8, 10 DFS3214 COMMAND COMPLETED WITH EXCEPTIONS

Explanation: One or some of the transactions did not satisfy all of the following: 1. Transaction stopped 2. No message queued for this transaction code 3. Local APPLCTN defined in the SYSDEF System action: The command is completed for all but those transactions. System programmer response: None.

Explanation: One of two conditions exists. 1. An RPL request has failed. 2. A VTAM request (using EXECRPL) failed 25 times because VTAM is short on storage. IMS will terminate the MSC/VTAM link. REG15 is X04 and REG0 is X08. The following information is given: Code xx yy zz nnn Meaning Decimal request code Value (in decimal) placed in Register 0 by VTAM upon returning control to IMS Value (in decimal) placed in Register 15 by VTAM upon returning control to IMS MSC/VTAM link ID for which the request failed

| | | |

System Operator Response: Use the /DIS TRAN ALL or QUERY TRAN SHOW(ALL) command to determine which transactions were not reassigned, and which of those were not stopped or had messages queued. Problem determination: None. DFS3217 POLARITY MISMATCH ON SESSION RESTART

Explanation: This message appears on the Master Terminal of a cold-started IMS system, because of a warm partner that was previously the primary partner. Session restart requires that this system be properly restarted (/ERE), or that the /RSTART command be entered on the warm partner. It is also possible that both sides were warm started, in which case at least one of the sides restarted after the wrong checkpoint.

System action: The MSC/VTAM link session for the indicated link is terminated. An IMS log record (X67) with an ID of MSSx (where x=1, 2 or 3) containing pertinent information was written. Programmer response: See VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming and VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming and VTAM Messages and Codes for an explanation of what caused this return code. System Operator Response: Notify the IMS System Programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b.

Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3221 DFS3226

Explanation: An illogical condition has been detected by the MSC/VTAM device dependent module for the specified link nnn. System action: The session is terminated for the specified MSC/VTAM link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the IMS System Programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7 17b DFS3222I UNEXPECTED STATUS|FORCE CLEANUP DONE | LINK=nnn, UNDEFN | SIMLOG | OPNDST | CLSDST | SESSNC | RECEIV | SEND | RESTR | RQSESS | OPNSEC | TRMSESS | ******, RC=xx, FDB2=yy, LOSTERM | NSEXIT | UNBIND=zz, SENSE=wwww

Explanation: An exception response was received on the specified MSC/VTAM link nnn and was not an 0846 type exception response. System action: The MSC/VTAM link session is terminated for the specified link ID. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b. DFS3224 EXCP RESPONSE RECEIVED FOR WRONG RU NUMBER LINK nnn

Explanation: An 0846 exception response was received on the specified link nnn, for an invalid RU number. System action: The link session is terminated for the specified MSC/VTAM link ID. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b. DFS3225 UNEXPECTED RRN RESPONSE RECEIVED LINKnnn

Explanation: If UNEXPECTED STATUS is present in the message, an RPL request (indicated by one of the values in brackets, including ****** if unknown) resulted in an unexpected return status from VTAM. If FORCE CLEANUP DONE is present in the message, an RPL request (indicated by one of the values in brackets, including ****** if unknown) was canceled by a /PSTOP LINK FORCE command and a NSEXIT event was simulated by IMS to cause the link to be PSTOPPED and IDLE. The message includes the following information: Code nnn Meaning MSC/VTAM link ID for which condition occurred xx Hexadecimal value of RPLRTNCD field of RPL yy Hexadecimal value of RPLFDB2 field of RPL zz Hexadecimal IMS LOSTERM/NSEXIT/ UNBIND indicator (See message DFS970I for an explanation of the zz values.) wwww Hexadecimal value of RPLSSNSI field of RPL System action: The MSC/VTAM session is terminated for the specified link. System programmer response: See and VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming and VTAM Messages and Codes for an explanation of the code meanings. System Operator Response: Notify the IMS system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b.

Explanation: An unexpected VTAM RRN response was received on the specified link nnn. System action: The link session is terminated for the specified MSC/VTAM link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b. DFS3226 CHAINING ERROR ON DATA RECEIVED LINK nnn

Explanation: An SNA chaining error was encountered in an RU received on the specified link nnn. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated MSC/VTAM link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3227 DFS3234
DFS3227 RU SEQUENCE ERROR ON DATA RECEIVED LINK nnn Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b. DFS3231 INVALID FMH5 RECEIVED LINK nnn

Explanation: An SNA sequence error was encountered on an RU received on the specified link nnn. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated MSC/VTAM link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b. DFS3228 BRACKETS ERROR ON DATA RECEIVED LINK nnn

Explanation: An RU with invalid FMH Type 5 was received on the specified MSC/VTAM link nnn. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated MSC/VTAM link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b. DFS3232 EXPECTED FMH5 NOT RECEIVED LINK nnn

Explanation: An SNA brackets error has been encountered on an RU received on the specified link nnn. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated MSC/VTAM link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b. DFS3229 UNEXPECTED FMH ON DATA RECEIVED LINK nnn

Explanation: An expected FMH Type 5 did not occur in the RU received on the specified link nnn. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated MSC/VTAM link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b. DFS3233 INVALID FMH6 RECEIVED LINK nnn

Explanation: An RU with FMH was received on the specified MSC/VTAM link nnn when no FMH was expected. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated MSC/VTAM link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b. DFS3230 EXPECTED FMH7 NOT RECEIVED LINK nnn

Explanation: An invalid Type 6 FMH was received on the specified link nnn. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated MSC/VTAM link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b. DFS3234 DR1 RESPONSE RECEIVED FOR WRONG RU LINK nnn

Explanation: A DR1 received for a SNA command did not carry the VTAM sequence number of the command. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b

Explanation: A selective receiver ERP message was expected on the specified MSC/VTAM link nnn, but something different was received. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated MSC/VTAM link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer.

Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3235 DFS3242I

Explanation: An SNA BIS or SBI command was received twice on the specified link nnn. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated MSC/VTAM link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b. DFS3236 DR2 RESPONSE RECEIVED FOR WRONG RU NUMBER LINK nnn

Explanation: A VTAM CLSDST or TERMSESS has been issued on the specified MSC/VTAM link nnn as a result of either an operator request or error situation encountered previously. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated MSC/VTAM link. System programmer response: None. System Operator Response: None. Problem determination: None. DFS3240 DATA RECEIVED EXCEEDS ALLOCATED INPUT BUFFER LINK nnn

Explanation: A DR2 received for SNA data did not carry the VTAM sequence number of the OIC/LIC. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b DFS3237 UNEXPECTED FME RESPONSE RECEIVED LINK nnn

Explanation: Data received on the specified MSC/VTAM link nnn exceeded the input buffer allocation. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated MSC/VTAM link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b. DFS3241 DATA FRAME COUNT DOES NOT AGREE WITH RPL BYTES-RECEIVED COUNT LINK nnn

Explanation: An unexpected SNA FME response occurred on the indicated MSC/VTAM link nnn. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated MSC/VTAM link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b. DFS3238 INVALID/UNEXPECTED INFORMATION RECEIVED LINK nnn

Explanation: The MSC data frame count (first two bytes of the MSC RU) does not agree with the value indicated by VTAM in the RECEIVE RPL for the specified MSC/VTAM link nnn. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated MSC/VTAM link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b. DFS3242I PARTNER SHUTTING DOWN LINK nnn

Explanation: A SNA command or LU was received that is not supported by MSC/VTAM. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 6, 7, 17b

Explanation: The last message sent to the link partner has been rejected because the partner commenced shutdown just as the message arrived. System action: The message is returned to queue by the current system. System Operator Response: None. Problem determination: Not applicable.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3243I DFS3256I

Explanation: The last message sent to the link partner has been rejected, because the partner commenced link shutdown just as the message arrived. System action: The message is returned to queue by the current system. System programmer response: Not applicable. System Operator Response: Not applicable. Problem determination: Not applicable. DFS3244I PARTNER NOT ACCEPTING INPUT LINK nnn

Explanation: An unexpected SNA FME plus RRN response was received on the indicated VTAM link. System action: The MSC and link session for the indicated link ID is terminated. System Operator Response: Notify the IMS system programmer. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b DFS3250 COMMAND NOT ENTERED FROM MASTER TERMINAL OR SYSTEM CONSOLE

Explanation: The last message sent to the link partner has been rejected, because the partner just encountered an error situation which prevents further accepting of input on this link. System action: The message is returned to queue by the current system. System Operator Response: Contact partners system operator for cause of the error. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: Not applicable. DFS3245 INVALID RESPONSE TYPE REQUESTED BY RU RECEIVED LINK nnn

Explanation: A restricted version of a /LOCK or an /UNLOCK command was entered from a remote terminal, but is only allowed from the master terminal or system console. The /LOCK command with keyword DB, PROG, or TRAN, and the /UNLOCK command with keyword DB, PROG, TRAN, or SYSTEM can only be entered from the master terminal or system console. System action: The /LOCK or /UNLOCK command is ignored. Local/Remote Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command on the system console or master terminal. DFS3255I MAXSESS TOO LARGE FOR MSC/VTAM LINK nnn, DEFAULTING TO 676

Explanation: An RU received has violated the MSC/VTAM protocol by requesting an incorrect type of SNA response. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 7, 17b DFS3246 INVALID CD INDICATOR SET ON RU RECEIVED LINK nnn

Explanation: The sum of the MAXSESS field defined at system definition time and the NLXB JCL parameter exceeds 676 for the specified nnn MSC/VTAM link. The largest MAXSESS allowed is 676. System action: The MAXSESS field in the associated LCB is set to 676, and processing continues. System programmer response: Check the MAXSESS field in system definition for this link, and check the NLXB parameter in the IMS control region JCL. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. DFS3256I OPEN/ALLOCATION FAILED ON ddname

Explanation: An RU received carries a CD indicator, in violation of the MSC/VTAM protocol. System action: The session is terminated for the indicated link. System programmer response: See Problem Determination. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer.

Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3256I DFS3258A


Explanation: The first form of the message will appear when IMS restart takes place and the online log data set, OLDS, is ready for use. The second form of the message will be issued each time the OLDS (ddname1) becomes full, EOV was forced, or OLDS (ddname1) incurred an I/O error and was closed. The next OLDS (ddname2) is opened for further logging. During an XRF takeover, the second form of the message will appear. "ddname1" is the OLDS that is terminated from the WADS when takeover is requested. The third form of this message appears when normal shutdown is scheduled and OLDS is closed. For the fourth form of this message, when some OLDS are forced to stop by a /STOP command (or because of I/O error) and the log data set is no longer needed for online database backout, the log data set is removed from the candidate list for future use and this message is sent to the master terminal operator. This OLDS is dynamically deallocated from the control address space. System action: IMS continues processing. System Operator Response: If automatic archiving is not specified, display the OLDS status to determine if an archive job should be submitted. When the fourth form of the message appears, the specified OLDS is ready for repair. After the OLDS has been archived, the data set can be scratched and reallocated on another volume. Then the /START OLDS command can be entered to reconnect the OLDS to the online IMS. Programmer response: None. DFS3258A LAST ONLINE LOG DATA SET IS BEING USED - NEED ARCHIVE SYSTEM WAITING FOR AN ONLINE LOG DATA SET - NEED ARCHIVE

Explanation: The log data set specified on the ddname could not be opened or allocated for logging, because the DD statement was not correctly specified or because the preallocated data set had inconsistent DCB attributes. The first form of this message applies to log write operations for either an online log data set (OLDS), or a write-ahead data set (WADS). The second form of this message is issued under three conditions: v When an OLDS is opened that has a different block size (BLKSIZE) from the value displayed in message DFS2207I v When a write-ahead data set (WADS) is opened which does not have sufficient space allocated v When the RECFM is not VB The third form of the message appears when the GETMAIN storage is not available for the OSAM DCB required for a log read operation. It is also issued when the OSAM OPEN function fails. When the GETMAIN storage is not available, xx contains a value of x'FF'. When the OSAM OPEN function fails, xx is the return code value returned by the OSAM OPEN function. System action: If the error occurred while opening a WADS and one or more WADS was still available, IMS continues processing. If no WADS was available, message DFS3262I is issued and IMS continues processing. If the error occurred while opening an OLDS and 3 or more OLDS are still available, IMS continues processing. If 2 or less OLDS are available, message DFS3260I is issued. See the system action for message DFS3260I. System Operator Response: No response is required. Programmer response: None. DFS3257I ONLINE LOG NOW OPENED ON ddname ONLINE LOG NOW SWITCHED FROM ddname1 TO ddname2 ONLINE LOG CLOSED ON ddname


Explanation: The first form of this message is sent when IMS detects that the last unarchived online log data set (OLDS) is being used. All the other OLDS are not reusable for output operation, because they have not yet been archived or have been stopped. The second form of this message is sent when all nonstopped OLDS require archiving. The second message is repeated at 5 minute intervals until the situation is resolved by archive completion. System action: For the first form, IMS continues processing. For the second form, IMS is in a wait state until some OLDS become usable. System Operator Response: If an archive job is not




Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3259I DFS3263I
currently running, submit an archive job to free up OLDS. Also in a z/OS environment, a new data set can be added with the /START OLDS command only if there are Log buffer available. Programmer response: None. DFS3259I ONLINE LOG DATA SET NOT YET ARCHIVED FOR ddname DFS3262I NO DATA SET AVAILABLE FOR LOG WRITE AHEAD

Explanation: Either the WADs are too small, or errors have occurred OPENing or writing to the WADS, and no more WADS are available. System action: IMS continues processing. However, the system performance can be degraded because the log write-ahead support will cause the online log buffers to be truncated. System Operator Response: No response is required. The checkpoint command can be used to shutdown IMS. Writing to the WADS will be reattempted after the next restart of IMS. Programmer response: Allocate new WADs. DFS3263I ARCHIVE UTILITY ENDED SUCCESSFULLY ARCHIVE UTILITY ENDED SUCCESSFULLY (rrrrrrrr) ARCHIVE UTILITY ENDED UNSUCCESSFULLY (rrrrrrrr)

Explanation: The online log data set (OLDS), identified by ddname, would normally have been archived and be ready for reuse. However, it was not archived. System action: IMS will use another available OLDS and continue processing. System Operator Response: If an archive job for the specified log data set is not executing, submit an archive job. Programmer response: None.


Explanation: Because of I/O errors or /STOP OLDS commands, two or less online log data sets (OLDS), are available which can be used by IMS. System action: If two OLDS remain, IMS continues processing. If there is only one, IMS initiates a /CHE FREEZE. System Operator Response: The /DISPLAY OLDS command can be used to display the status of all OLDS. When two data sets remain, any one of the following responses is acceptable: v No response, IMS continues processing. v In a z/OS environment, additional OLDS can be activated using the /START OLDS command. v The checkpoint command can be used to initiate an IMS shutdown. Programmer response: None. DFS3261I WRITE AHEAD DATA SET NOW ON 'ddname'

Explanation: The log write-ahead function is now using the data set identified by ddname. During IMS execution, this message might follow a WADS I/O error message. System action: IMS continues processing. System Operator Response: None. Programmer response: None.

Explanation: The Log Archive Utility terminated either successfully or unsuccessfully. A reason for termination is given in cases where a programmer response is required. The values for rrrrrrrr are: v SUCCESSFULLY - (BUT NOT ALL OLDS WERE ARCHIVED) v UNSUCCESSFULLY - (OPEN ERROR) (DBRC VERIFICATION FAILED: INPUT LOG(S), SSID OR RECON(S) ARE INVALID) v (EXEC PARAMETER ERROR) v (CONTROL STATEMENT ERROR) v (DATA SET SPECIFICATION ERROR) v (ERROR IN SINGLE INPUT LOG) v (DUPLICATE ERROR IN DUAL INPUT LOG) v (OUTPUT DATA SET I/O ERROR) v (OUT-OF-SPACE IN OUTPUT DATA SET) v (UNSUCCESSFUL EXCHANGE BETWEEN DUAL INPUT DATA SETS) v (USER EXIT ROUTINE ERROR) v (DEVICE TYPE ERROR) v (OUTPUT DATA SET BLOCK/TRACK SIZE IS TOO SMALL) v (DBRC MODULE NOT FOUND) v (INPUT SLDS ALLOCATED TO AN EXTENDED FORMAT VOLUME) v NON-ZERO RETURN CODE FROM ISITMGD) System action: If the Log Archive Utility ended SUCCESSFULLY with a return code of 0 and no accompanying reason, then all OLDS were archived as identified in the SYSPRINT output messages. The utility terminated normally. If the Log Archive Utility ended SUCCESSFULLY with
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3264I DFS3267I
a return code of 4 and the accompanying reason "(BUT NOT ALL OLDS WERE NOT ARCHIVED)", then one or both of the following reasons apply to this archive job: v The system encountered a recovery point in an OLDS, archived that OLDS, and terminated without archiving any more OLDS. A recovery point results at every /DBR or /DBD command that forces an OLDS switch. v An OLDS specified as input to the Archive utility was already archived when this job ran. The SYSPRINT output messages will identify the OLDS that were already archived. If the Log Archive Utility ended UNSUCCESSFULLY, then the accompanying reason, additional DFS messages, and messages in the SYSPRINT output identify the reason for abnormal termination. Programmer response: If all OLDS were not archived because they encountered a recovery point, then run the Log Archive Utility for the unarchived OLDS. If the utility ended UNSUCCESSFULLY, correct the error and rerun the Log Archive Utility. DFS3264I ARCHIVE UNABLE TO OPEN|CLOSE xxxx ddname ARCHIVE UNABLE TO OPEN zzzz READ An error occurred while reading the WADS. DEVICE TYPE The device type of the data set specified as a WADS is not DASD. SEQUENCE # Data required to properly close the online log data sets (OLDS) is missing from WADS. CLOSE An error occurred while closing the WADS. TRKCALC An error occurred in the MVS TRKCALC function. LOGIC An internal logic error was detected by the WADS read module (DFSFDLW0). System action: The Log Recovery utility, DFSULTR0, terminates with abend U3265. DFS3266I CONTROL STATEMENT ERROR rrrrrr


Explanation: The xxxx value in the first message is the online log data sets (OLDS), system log data sets (SLDS), or USER. Field xxxx indicates the type of data set that could not be opened or closed. 'ddname' is the name of the DD statement for the data set. The zzzz value in the second message is SYSIN or SYSPRINT, which indicates that the data set could not be successfully opened. System action: In the case of dual input or user output data sets, the processing continues. In any other case, the Log Archive utility will be terminated with a return code. System Operator Response: None. Programmer response: If the Log Archive utility fails, ensure that the DD statements are present and that the specifications are correct; then rerun the job. DFS3265I DFS3265I xxxxxx ERROR IN WADS DD - ddname xxxxxx ERROR DURING WADS PROCESSING

Explanation: The control statement contains an error. rrrrrr describes the type of error, and one of the values of rrrrrr will appear depending on the type of error. The values of rrrrrr are: v (NO OPERATION CODE) v (INVALID OPERATION CODE OR PARAMETER) v (NO DDNOUT1 OR DDNAME LENGTH ERROR IN COPY) v (INVALID SPECIFICATION IN NOLOG) v (NO NAME OR NAME LENGTH ERROR IN EXIT) v (NO NOLOG AND NO FEOV IN SLDS) v ('MUST BE WRITTEN' LOG IN NOLOG) v (CONCATENATION ERROR) v (DUPLICATE SPECIFICATION) v (PARENTHESIS ERROR) v (INVALID OFFSET SPECIFICATION) v (INVALID FLDLEN SPECIFICATION) v (INVALID FLDTYP SPECIFICATION) v (INVALID COND SPECIFICATION) v (INVALID VALUE SPECIFICATION) v (INVALID FEOV SPECIFICATION) v (INVALID DBRECOV SPECIFICATION) v (INVALID DDNAME SPECIFIED IN COPY STATEMENT) System action: The Log Archive utility will be terminated with a return code. System Operator Response: None Programmer response: Correct the control statement and rerun the job. DFS3267I USER EXIT ROUTINE entryname FAILED AT zzzz EXIT RC=xx

Explanation: The specified write-ahead data sets (WADS) error was encountered while the Log Recovery Utility was performing in CLS or DUP mode with the CLOSE option. The values for xxxxxx are: OPEN An error occurred while opening the WADS.

Explanation: The value of zzzz is INITIALIZATION, PROCESSING, or TERMINATION. An exit routine returned to the log Archive utility with a return code other than a binary zero. xx is the decimal return code value returned by the named (entry point) exit routine. System action: The Log Archive utility processing terminates.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3268I DFS3271I
System Operator Response: None. Programmer response: The required response is a function of the exit routines processing. DFS3268I DD CARD ERROR - rrrr encountered this error, and rerun the job. DFS3270I INVALID INPUT LOG IS SPECIFIED


Explanation: The DBRC verification of the input log failed. The input log might have already been closed, or DBRC cannot find the RECON record for the specified input log. System action: The Log Recovery utility, DFSULTR0, failed. Programmer response: SYSPRINT should contain a DBRC error message. See the explanation in message DSP0311I. Verify that the correct IMSID was specified in the EXEC parameters and that the correct data set name was specified on the input log DD statement. If the wrong IMSID or input log was specified, correct the JCL, and rerun the job. DFS3271I zzzzzz = REQUIRED LOG DATA NOT FOUND zzzzzz = LOG DATA EXISTS BEYOND EXPECTED CLOSE POINT zzzzzz = LOG DATA DOES NOT SATISFY LSN KEYWORD



Explanation: The first form of this message, where the zzzzzz value is REQUIRED LOG DATA NOT FOUND, indicates that the Log Recovery utility has encountered one of the following conditions: v NOWADS is specified. The DFSWADSn DD card may still be present in the execution JCL. v NEXT OLDS and CLS specified. The last block successfully written to the input OLDS has been located. Its block sequence number is not one less than the block sequence number of the first block in the NEXT OLDS. v NEXT OLDS and DUP specified. The block corresponding to the ERRC value or end-of-file has been encountered on the input OLDS. Its block sequence number is not one less than the block sequence number of the first block in the NEXT OLDS. v WADS is specified. The first error was encountered in CLS mode or in the ERRC number of errors in DUP mode, but the input OLDS was not positioned so that its block sequence number is one less than the first block in the WADS. CLS mode end-of-file checking could not successfully reread the last good block on the OLDS. The second form of this message, where the zzzzzz value is LOG DATA EXISTS BEYOND EXPECTED
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


Explanation: The block or track size of the specified output data set is too small to contain a log record that must be copied from the input data set. The value xxxx is the system log data set (SLDS), user data set (USER) or recovery log data set (RLDS). The value yyyy is the block size of the input data set. System action: The Log Archive utility will be terminated. Programmer response: Specify a block size equal to the displayed OLDS block size for the data set which


DFS3272I DFS3273I
CLOSE POINT, indicates that the Log Recovery utility has encountered the following condition: v Input data set is a SLDS. ERRC number of errors were encountered on the input SLDS, but the SLDS contains additional blocks with later timestamp values. This indicates that SLDS is not correctly positioned for close. v CLS mode. The first error was encountered in CLS mode, but end-of-file checking found additional blocks with later timestamp values. The third form of this message, where the zzzzzz value is LOG DATA DOES NOT SATISFY LSN KEYWORD, indicates that the last log sequence number read by CLS or DUP mode is less than the value specified for the LSN keyword. System action: The Log Recovery utility, DFSULTR0, terminates unsuccessfully. For the REQUIRED LOG DATA NOT FOUND and end-of-data detected cases, abend U3271 is issued. Programmer response: If CLS mode was specified, change it to DUP mode with an error count other than zero. If DUP mode was specified, increase the error count value, and rerun the job. If NOWADS was specified assure that no DFSWADSn DD card is present, if present remove and rerun the job. DFS3272I X'47' LOG RECORD NOT FOUND. RECOVERY REQUIREMENTS NOT GENERATED. X'47' LOG RECORD NOT FOUND. ACTIVE PSB MESSAGES NOT GENERATED. OLDS ERROR. ACTIVE PSB MESSAGES NOT GENERATED. INTERNAL ERROR DURING LOG RECOVERY active PSBs cannot be correctly performed. The fourth form of this message is issued when an internal error occurs during Log Recovery utility processing. System action: If this is not a "rerun" of the Log Recovery utility in PSB mode, the OLDS close process is completed. Otherwise, the Log Recovery utility simply terminates. Programmer response: If you received the first two forms of this message and you need the active PSB information, do the following: v Rerun the job in CLS mode, specifying the previous and current OLDS as concatenated data sets in your input. v Specify PSBLIST=YES and DBRC=NO as exec parameters so that DBRC processing will be bypassed. For the third form of this message, ensure that the previous and current OLDS were concatenated in the correct sequence. If OLDSs are specified correctly, use the Log Recovery utility in DUP mode to create a valid OLDS. If you received the fourth form of this message, check your log record concatenation in your IEFRDER DD statement. A possible log record sequence error occurred. DFS3273I UNABLE TO PROCESS xxx COMMAND FOR ddname, REASON CODE nn



Explanation: A /START OLDS, /START WADS, /STOP OLDS, /STOP WADS, or /SWITCH WADS command could not be processed. The value of xxx is /START, /STOP, or /SWI indicating which command could not be processed. The reason code nn is a hexadecimal number. For a /START command failure, one of the following reason codes occurs: Code (Hex) Meaning 04 The OLDS or WADS could not be dynamically allocated. Either no DFSMDA member exists for the specified OLDS or WADS, or the dynamic allocation request failed. 08 One of these errors occurred: The specified OLDS is already allocated to this IMS and encountered a write error, the OLDS or WADS encountered a device-type error, or the WADS was allocated as DD DUMMY. 0C The specified WADS is already allocated to this IMS, or the OLDS DSET table is full. 10 The WADS device type is not the same as the WADS device type established at DLOG initialization. 14 A permanent I/O error occurred while attempting to format the specified WADS.


Explanation: The write-ahead data set, WADS, was specified as input to the Log Recovery utility. The Log Recovery utility could not determine the active PSBs from the log data processed. The first and second forms of this message are issued when a X'47', an active PSTs log record written at checkpoint time, was not found in the input (online log data sets (OLDS) and WADS). The X'47' record contains a list of all active PSBs, and is required to ensure that the PSB report is complete. The third form of this message is issued when an OLDS error is encountered. This means that the log records are missing, and therefore, the analysis of the


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3274I DFS3278A
For a /STOP command failure, one of the following reason codes occurs: Code (Hex) Meaning 04 The specified OLDS or WADS is currently in use and cannot be stopped. 08 Less than 2 OLDS are currently available to this IMS. If this command is executed, it will result in an internal checkpoint freeze shutdown. 0C The specified OLDS or WADS is not currently defined to this IMS. For a /SWI command failure, one of the following reason codes occurs: Code (Hex) Meaning 01 Insufficient WADS for switch. There must be at least one spare WADS, or two spare WADS if IMS is running with dual WADS. 02 IMS is not currently using WADS. Some WADS must be started before a switch command is meaningful. 03 A failure occurred opening the spare WADS. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: If less than 2 OLDS are currently available, it might be possible to use the /START OLDS command to start additional OLDS and then retry the /STOP OLDS command. If the current OLDS should be stopped, it must first be closed with a command, such as /DBR, that causes a switch to the next OLDS. In the case of a /START OLDS failure, notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 3, 8, 11, 36 DFS3274I DBRC LOG xxxx EXIT FAILED (yy) Recovery utility issues abend U3274. Programmer response: If the wrong RECON data sets have been identified, or the RECON 1 and RECON 2 DD statements are missing, correct them. Otherwise, an analysis is required to determine the reason for the DBRC exit failure. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 8, 11, 36 DFS3275I EXEC PARAMETER ERROR

Explanation: Either an EXEC parameter is incorrectly specified, or the specified combination of EXEC parameters, DD statements, and control statements is invalid. System action: The Log Recovery utility failed. Programmer response: Correct the parameter and rerun the job. See IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System for an explanation of the Log Recovery utility EXEC parameter. DFS3276I PRIMARY OR SECONDARY OLDS HAS BAD CONTENTS

Explanation: The contents of the primary input OLDS is different from the secondary OLDS. The primary or the secondary OLDS encountered a write error and was not reused, whereas the other data set was reused, but was not closed successfully. System action: The Log Recovery utility failed. Programmer response: Remove the DD statement for the OLDS which has the bad contents and specify the other OLDS as the primary input log; then rerun the job. DFS3277I END OF PRIMARY EXTENT DURING OLDS WRITE OPERATION

Explanation: Either a DBRC request submitted by the IMS Log Archive utility or by the Log Recovery utility was unsuccessful, or a request to access or update the RECON data sets failed. The specific type of DBRC exit invoked is indicated by xxxx. The value of xxxx will be one of the following: ARCHIVE INIT ARCHIVE COMPLETE RECOVERY INIT RECOVERY OPEN RECOVERY EOV RECOVERY CLOSE The DBRC return code value is displayed as yy (hexadecimal) in the message. Convert this value to decimal and see the DSP Messages topic in the DBRC request return code information in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: The Log Archive utility or Log

Explanation: A DUP mode or CLS mode for OLDS with WADS was specified. There was not enough room to write the log blocks from WADS, an accounting log record (X'06') in the primary extent of the output log (DUP mode) or the input log (CLS mode). System action: The Log Recovery utility failed. Programmer response: If CLS mode was specified, change it to DUP mode and specify an output log with enough space. If DUP mode was specified, specify more space for the output log and rerun the job. DFS3278A DATA ERROR nn IN INPUT LOG DD ddname

Explanation: While reading a batch log input, Batch Backout detected one of the following errors, where subcode=nn: Subcode Meaning
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3279I DFS3283A
02 During backward processing of a DASD log, Batch Backout was unable to interpret the data in the field lengths. During backward processing of a DASD log, an attempt was made to process beyond the last track. The log is not properly closed. The log record sequence BCKSEQNR number (LGSEQNR), of the last log record read during the forward read does not match the log sequence number (BCKSEQNR) of the first record read during the backward read for an IMS batch log input data set. The possible cause of this error is a JCL error on the IMSLOGR DD statement.

| | |

rebuilt if the ILEs were created with the same reorganization number as the data set. Module: DFSDDUI0 DFS3281A CONTROL STATEMENT NOT VALID FOR INPUT LOG: statement - logtype



Explanation: The SYSIN data set contains a control statement that is not compatible with the type of input log. This message identifies the control statement and the input log type. System action: The job is terminated before backout begins. Programmer response: Remove the identified control statement and resubmit the job. For a description of the control statements for the Batch Backout utility, see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.

System action: The Database Backout utility, DFSBBO00, terminates unsuccessfully with a return code of RC=68 (X'44'). If the ABENDMSG control statement was specified, abend U507 is issued. Programmer response: The log input might not be properly closed. Verify that the log is properly closed and rerun the backout job. If the log is properly closed, keep the log input and the abend U0507 dump. Then, contact the IMS systems programmer. DFS3279I INCOMPLETE DEDB LOG CHAIN MAY REMAIN IN PREVIOUS LOG DATA SET

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


REORG# needs update for partition yyyyyyy

Explanation: The Log Recovery utility terminated successfully. Because no sync point complete log record (X'5937' or X'37') was found, an incomplete DEDB might remain in the log record chain in the previous log data set (OLDS or SLDS). System action: The Log Recovery utility terminates with return code X'04' Programmer response: If the previous log is OLDS, rerun the job in CLS mode and include the previous OLDS as a concatenated data set with the current OLDS. Also, specify PSBLIST=YES and DBRC=NO as EXEC parameters. If the previous OLDS was already archived into an SLDS, run a Log Recovery utility job in DUP mode and specify the SLDS as an input data set. Also, specify PSBLIST=YES and DBRC=YES as EXEC parameters. Note: If the closed OLDS is the only OLDS used since cold start, ignore this message.

Explanation: IMS has detected a lower reorganization number in the data set as compared to the reorganization number in the RECON for the named HALDB partition. The partition data set cannot be updated with the correct reorganization number because the dataset is open only for input. IMS issues this message when the partition data set is opened. System action: IMS updates the reorganization number in the internal control blocks, but the data set still contains a lower reorganization number until the data set is opened for update. System programmer response: Change the partition access to allow the reorganization number to be updated on the dataset. The ILDS must be rebuilt if the ILEs were created with the same reorganization number as the data set. Module: DFSDDUI0 DFS3283A BACKOUT INCOMPLETE FOR PSB psbname DATABASES dbname1 dbname2...

| DFS3280W | | | |

REORG# updated for partition yyyyyyy

Explanation: IMS has detected a lower reorganization number in the data set when compared to the reorganization number in the RECON for the named HALDB partition. The data set has been updated.

Explanation: When Batch Backout is run in multiple steps using the DATABASE control statement, this message is the normal response for all but the last step. The dbnames shown in the message are all the databases specified on the DATABASE control statements. If a COLDSTART statement was used with the DATABASE statement(s), the word ALL appears in place of the dbnames. System action: Batch Backout backed out any updates to the identified databases for the named PSB that were found in the series of input log data sets. A condition code of 88 is returned.

| System action: IMS has updated the partition data set | with the reorganization number from RECON. | System programmer response: The ILDS must be


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3284A DFS3290I
Programmer response: Continue the backout by running Batch Backout against the previous set of log data sets. Use the same DATABASE control statements. DFS3284A INCOMPATIBLE CONTROL STATEMENTS: s1 - s2 the last valid record read. The utility processing is terminated. The third version of the message is issued when a log record is read that has a sequence number that is more than 1 greater than the prior records sequence number. This indicates a gap in the log records. The SEQ NUMBER value is the log record sequence number of the last valid record read. The utility will continue to process, but the output report might be incomplete due to the gap in the input data. System Operator Response: The message is issued for information purposes. If concatenated log input is used, verify that the logs are in the sequence that they were created. If OLDS and SLDS are mixed, there must not be any overlap in log record content. If the input is RLDS or any other log that does not include all records written to the OLDS, then the third version of the message is likely to be received. In this case the OLDS or SLDS should be used instead. DFS3289A LOG RECORD SEQUENCE ERROR IN INPUT LOG-nnnnnnnn mmmmmmmm dddddddd

Explanation: The SYSIN data set contains two control statements, s1 and s2, which cannot be used together. System action: The job is terminated before backout begins. Programmer response: Remove the inappropriate control statement and resubmit the job. For descriptions of all control statements see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.

| DFS3286I | | | | | |


Explanation: The reorganization number for a HALDB partition cannot be determined during reload when new records have been moved into the partition. The reorganization number from the primary data set and the RECON cannot be determined or are null.

| System action: The reorganization number was set in | the data set using the reorganization number of the | first record loaded into the partition. | | | | | | |
System programmer response: This message indicates that reorganization number verification is not in use and records have changed partition boundaries during reload. To use reorganization number verification: 1. Enable REORGV in the RECON. 2. Make updates to the partition, or run HD Unload to set the reorganization number in the RECON.

Explanation: While reading the input log data set associated with DDNAME dddddddd, Batch Backout found a log record that was out of sequence. The log record with sequence number nnnnnnnn was expected. The log record with sequence number mmmmmmmm was found in its place. The error can be caused by one of the following: v The log data sets are not in the correct order in the JCL. v The log data set has invalid data. v A user-written program modified the log. System action: Batch Backout terminates with condition code 108 before any backout is attempted. Programmer response: Make sure the order of the log data sets in the JCL is correct. If the order is right, correct the log data set identified in the message by using DUP mode of the Log Recovery utility; then rerun the job. If you are confident that the input log contains all the records needed by Batch Backout, in the correct order, you can use the BYPASS SEQVER statement to skip the sequence check. DFS3290I NO PENDING BACKOUT FITS CRITERIA - RSN= r1[,r2[,r3[, r4[,r5[,r6]]]]]

| Module: DFSPSEL0

Explanation: During the Log Recovery Utility (DFSULTR0) running PSB mode, an error was detected on the input log (IEFRDER). System action: The first version of the message is issued when a log record is read that has a record length that is less than the minimum record length. The SEQ NUMBER value is the log record sequence number of the last valid record read. The utility processing is terminated. The second version of the message is issued when a log record is read that has a sequence number that is less than the prior record sequence number. The SEQ NUMBER value is the log record sequence number of

Explanation: No unit of recovery (UOR) in the RECON Backout record fits the requirements for this run of the Batch Backout utility. The reason codes appended to the message identify the reasons for not performing the backouts. The reason codes and their meanings are: Code (Dec) Meaning

Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3291I DFS3294A
0 1 2 3 No backout is pending for this subsystem. UOR has already been backed out. UOR is not for the PSB named in the Batch Backout EXEC statement. UOR is in doubt. Cold start has not been done, and the COLDSTART statement was not used. UOR is not in flight, and the ACTIVE statement was used. UOR is in flight. Restart is not implied by any control statement. Restart is not complete. UOR is in flight or in doubt. The most current log data is not included in input. one of the UORS did not need to be backed out, according to the information in the RECON Backout record. If the BYPASS LOGVER control statement was not used, this means that the RECON Backout record was modified by a different process while Batch Backout was running. System action: The required changes have been successfully backed out of the databases associated with the PSB for which the Batch Backout utility was executed. DFS3294A LOG VERIFICATION FAILURE nnrrrrrrrrrr[DSN= DSNExamined[, VOL=VOLSERExamined]] EXPECTED= [DSNExpected | VOLSERExpected]

4 5

System action: The Batch Backout utility terminates without performing any backout. Programmer response: If there is an outstanding backout that should have been performed, determine the problem from the reason codes listed in the Explanation; correct the JCL; and rerun Batch Backout. DFS3291I UORS IDENTIFIED TO DBRC IN-FLIGHTS=nnn, IN-DOUBTS=mmm

Explanation: Using information from DBRC, the Batch Backout utility determined that the log data sets specified in the JCL are not appropriate for performing the requested backout. A general reason rrrrrrrrrr and a subcode nn are shown in the message. Each subcode is associated with a specific test in the Batch Backout module. Subcodes 20 - 40 identify specific errors. The variables in the message and their meanings are: nn A subcode which identifies a specific test in the Batch Backout module. rrrrrrrrrr A general description of the problem. The possible values are: v DATA SET NOT FOUND IN RECON v CONTINUITY v LATER DATA SET OR VOLUME NEEDED v DATA SET NOT CLOSED. v LOG INCLUDES RESTART DSNExamined The DSN, from 1 to 44 characters, of the DD statement examined when the problem was detected. The problem exists in this DD statement or the preceding one. VOLSERExamined The VOLSER examined when the problem was detected. The problem exists in this VOLSER or the preceding one. DSNExpected The DSN, from 1 to 44 characters, of the DD statement that was expected when the problem was detected. VOLSERExpected The VOLSER that was expected when the problem was detected. The following describes the most likely problem for each subcode: Note: For subcodes less than 20, the problem can be any one of the following: v The log data set was not identified to DBRC (It was created by means other than IMS.)

Explanation: Batch Backout has given DBRC a list of UORS that were in flight or in doubt at the end of the input log. There were nnn in-flights and mmm in-doubts. If a cold start is done, this information is used to protect the registered databases until the needed backouts are performed. If there are any in-doubts, cold start should not be done because they cannot be properly resolved by Batch Backout. System action: A RECON Backout record has been created or modified from the information supplied to DBRC by Batch Backout. The information remains in the RECON regardless of the outcome of the Batch Backout run. DFS3292I RESTART IN PROGRESS CONFLICTS WITH BBO CONTROL STATEMENT ssssssss

Explanation: The control statement ssssssss tells Batch Backout to perform backouts; but a restart is in progress that will perform the backouts. System action: Batch Backout terminates without attempting any backout. Programmer response: If the restart failed, close its output log before rerunning Batch Backout. DFS3293W PERFORMED BACKOUT NOT NEEDED

Explanation: Batch Backout successfully completed. Batch Backout told DBRC which backouts were completed. At least one of the databases backed out, for


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3295A DFS3303I
v The log data set was removed from the RECON data set. v The DSNAME or VOLSER is invalid or out of order in the JCL. v A log data set or VOLSER was skipped. Code (Hex) Meaning 01 The first log data set was created by some means other than IMS. 02 DSNExamined was encountered where DSNExpected was expected. 03 VOLSERExamined was found where VOLSERExpected was expected. 10 A complete data set was specified, but the next VOLSER of the previous log data set should have been specified instead. 11 The last VOLSERs of the previous log data set were skipped. 12 Invalid VOLSERs were either specified or repeated. 13 VOLSERExamined was found where VOLSERExpected was expected. 14 The log data set that should precede the log data set specified by dd statement DSNExamined is missing from the input. 20 The input log is from batch. VOLSERs are missing at the end. 21 The backout is related to a restart. VOLSERs are missing at the end. 22 The input log is from a batch job, and the DBRC information shows a more recent log for that job name. This code can also mean that logs were specified from more than one execution of a batch job. 23 A control statement indicates that the backout is related to a restart. The last log data set before the restart is not included in the input. 30 The log data set specified in DD statement DSNExamined has not been closed. 40 One of the input log data sets other than the first data set includes a successful restart. Batch Backout cannot handle log data from both sides of a restart in one run when it does log verification. System action: Batch Backout terminates without performing any backout. Programmer response: Correct the JCL and rerun Batch Backout. DFS3295A READ BACKWARD NOT ALLOWED FOR BACK OUT FROM IMS CHECKPOINT Batch Backout cannot use the read-backward technique to perform a backout from the information in the system checkpoint. Batch Backout terminates without performing a backout. Programmer response: Do either of the following: v Remove the READBACK statement from the SYSIN data set. Batch Backout will perform the backout by buffering the changes in virtual storage. v In the input to Batch Backout, include the log data set that was active when the application needing backout was run. DFS3296A DBRC=C REQUIRES BYPASS LOGVER

Explanation: You specified DBRC=C in an attempt to back out a successfully completed job that used DBRC. Since the job completed successfully, a subsequent job might have modified the databases. The logs you provided might not be the last logs used by this subsystem and log verification will fail. The Batch Backout utility and DBRC cannot verify that you provided the correct logs and cannot protect your database from being damaged if it was modified after the job completed. System action: Batch Backout terminates without performing any backouts. Programmer response: You must ensure that no other program has modified the databases to be backed out before running the Batch Backout utility using DBRC=C. If you are certain that no other job has modified the database and you still want to back out this completed job, you must include the BYPASS LOGVER utility control statement in your SYSIN data set. Batch Backout will back out the completed job if all other necessary conditions are met. Module: DFSBACK0 DFS3303I PSB psbname PCB pcbname DBD dbdnamexxxx JOBNAME jobnameRGN nnn

Explanation: This message precedes pseudoabend U3303 when an application program scheduled with PSB psbname tries to make an incompatible DL/I call to database PCB pcbname. During DL/I scheduling of the PSB, database dbdname had condition xxxx. Depending on the condition, DL/I calls to this database are partially or totally restricted. This message precedes only those U3303 abends caused by DL/I attempts to access data in a database that was unavailable when the program was scheduled, and the program had not issued the DL/I INIT call. For general information about the DL/I INIT call, see IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Design Guide. xxxx is one of the following: CF FAIL A coupling facility failure occurred. The

Explanation: Batch Backout is executing with the READBACK option. At an IMS checkpoint, Batch Backout encountered a UOR and attempted to back it out. However, Batch Backout did not find the original log records for that UOR.

Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3304I DFS3305E
database cannot be accessed until recovery is done and data sharing resumes. LOCKED The identified database was security locked using the /LOCK command. NOACCESS The database ACCESS was set to "RO" and the PCB processing intent (PROCOPT) was greater than "GO". Since ACCESS "RO" only allows database read without integrity, any processing intent implying integrity is not allowed. NO DBRC The PCB pcbname refers to a HALDB, but the use of DBRC was suppressed for this batch job. NODELETE DL/I DLET calls to this database were not allowed at scheduling because a restricted or unavailable database was involved in a logical relationship or a secondary index. Delete calls cannot be processed because they can require updating of a logically related or secondary index database that is not available or is not available for update. NOTAUTHD At the time of DL/I scheduling, the database was not authorized, or could not be authorized by DBRC. Message DFS047A was issued. DL/I does not allow any calls to this database. NOUPDATE Either the database ACCESS for the identified database was RD, or a /DBD command was issued for the database. When the database ACCESS is RD (either explicitly, or implicitly because of a /DBD command), DL/I calls such as ISRT, REPL, or DLET are not allowed. This condition can also be caused by unavailable or restricted access to a logically related or secondary index database that might have to be updated on an ISRT, REPL or DLET call. PARTUNAV An attempt was made to reference a partition in the HALDB database indicated by dbdname, but the partition was unavailable. STOPPED A /STOP or a /DBR command was issued against the identified database. DL/I does not allow database access when the database is stopped. SYSTEM The IMS system made the database temporarily unavailable. One possible reason is that an XRF takeover occurred, and the database must be reverified. System action: The IMS online dependent region identified by OS jobname and region number is abnormally terminated. The message being processed is placed on the suspend queue unless the SERIAL=YES option was specified on the TRANSACT macro. In this case, the transaction is stopped. When a message is placed on the suspend queue for the first time, a counter for the transaction is incremented by one. Master Terminal Operator Response: Correct the database condition; then start the database.

| | | | |

To drain the suspend queue and reset USTOPPED status for those transactions processed by programs authorized to access the started database, issue the /START DATABASE or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command. To drain the suspend queue for the started transaction and reset the USTOPPED status, issue the /START TRAN or UPDATE TRAN START(SUSPEND) command. To drain the suspend queue for all transactions, issue the /DEQ SUSPEND command. If you need more information about how the suspend queue works, see IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: System. DFS3304I IRLM LOCK REQUEST REJECTED. PSB=psb_name DBD=dbd_name JOBNAME=job_name RGN=nnn SUBSYSTEM=subsystem

Explanation: This informational message precedes pseudoabend U3303 when an application program attempts to obtain a retained lock through IRLM. The variables in the message text are: psb_name The name of the PSB issuing the failed call dbd_name The name of the database with the retained lock job_name The name of the z/OS job receiving the 3303 abend nnn The number (decimal) of the PST receiving the 3303 abend subsystem The name of the IMS subsystem that holds the lock System action: See the description of abend U3303 for system action. Module: DFSLRH00 DFS3305E DEFINITION ERROR IN PROCLIB MEMBER name STMNT (nnn), xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (yyyyyyyyyy) Explanation: If one or more errors were found while processing an external subsystem definitions, this message is issued. For each definition error, a message


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3306A DFS3308E
is issued that indicates which statement was in error and the text in the error. One STMNT error message is issued for each error in the PROCLIB member. Multiple errors in a single statement produce multiple messages. In the message text: name Indicates the name of the PROCLIB member that was being processed. nnn The statement number within the member. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The text in error. yyyyyyyyyy The reason codes, which can be one of the following values: OMITTED A required parameter was omitted from the definition. The definition is invalid. IGNORED A parameter that is not applicable was specified in the definition. The parameter is ignored and processing continues. INVALID The error text represents invalid data in the statement. If the character string KEYWORD proceeds the error text, then the value for the parameter is invalid. Otherwise, the error text represents data that could not be interpreted as part of the definition. The definition is invalid. DUPLICATE A specific value for a parameter was specified for more than one definition. The definition is considered invalid and is ignored. System action: IMS initialization abends with a U0071 abend. Programmer response: Correct the PROCLIB member definition and retry IMS initialization. Module: DFSCSL10 DFS3306A CTL REGION WAITING FOR csltype

| IMS initialization, you must cancel IMS. | Module: DFSCSL20, DFSCSL30, DFSCSL40, | DFSSNTF0
DFS3307E OM CMD REG ERROR, VERB =vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv KEYWORD=kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk CC=cccccccc

Explanation: This is a WTO message that is issued by the IMS control region when an OM command registration fails. One DFS3307E message is issued for each command and keyword combination that failed. In the message text: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv The command that was registered with OM kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk The keyword that was registered with OM cccccccc The completion code for the command and keyword registration. The cccccccc values are defined in the CSLORR macro. System action: IMS will attempt to register the rest of the commands in the list. A DFS3307E message will be printed for each one that fails. After all attempts are completed, a DFS3308E message will be printed and then abend. Programmer response: If the condition is temporary, retry the failed process. Module: DFSCSL30 DFS3308E csltype REQUEST ERROR, macroname RC=xxnnnnnn RSN=ssssssss

Explanation: This is a WTO message that is issued by:

| v IMS when SCI, OM, or RM is not available at first registration. | | v IMS online processing when there are no RM, OM, or SCI systems ready in the IMSplex (for example, all | RMs, OMs, or SCIs have terminated or quiesced). | | csltype
In the message text: The CSL type, which is either SCI, OM, or RM.

Explanation: This message is issued when an IMS process receives an unexpected return code, reason code, or both from a CSL service request. In the message text: csltype The CSL type is CQS, OM, RM, or SCI. macroname The name of the failing service macro. xx Indicates which IMSplex components the error is associated with: 00 IMS Subsystems (DB/DC, DBCTL, DCCTL) 01 SCI (Structured Call Interface) 02 OM (Operations Manager) 03 RM (Resource Manager) nnnnnnnn The return code from the service. ssssssss The reason code from the service. For information on the service macro reason and return codes, see IMS Version 9: Common Service Layer Guide and Reference. System action: If this error occurs during IMS initialization, the system might abend with 3308. Otherwise, the current process is rejected and online processing continues. An abend can also occur if a new OM address space joins the IMSplex, IMS registers to it, and one of the command registration calls fails.
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I

| System action: IMS waits until the user starts the | indicated CSL type before continuing with system | initialization or online processing. | Programmer response: Start the csltype for which IMS | is waiting. If you choose not to start the CSL during


DFS3311I DFS3317I
System Operator Response: If the condition is temporary, retry the failed process. Module: DFSCSL20, DFSCSL30, DFSCSL40, DFSOLC30, DFSRMCL0, DFSRMD00, DFSRMFD0, DFSRMIU0, DFSRMSR0, DFSSLGF0, DFSSLON0 DFS3311I DFS3311I USER EXIT, XXXXXXXX, WAS NOT FOUND DFS3314W RETURN CODE xxx, REASON CODE yyy FROM EXIT zzzzzzzz IN REGION n

Explanation: Exit zzzzzzzz in region n returned an xxx return code and a yyy reason code to IMS, so exception processing is done based upon the return code. Programmer response: Correct the situation that caused the exit to return the return code. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8 and a listing of the exit routine. DFS3315 ACCESS INVALID FOR GLOBAL COMMAND

Explanation: The Data Capture exit routine XXXXXXXX was specified in DBDGEN, but a load module with this name wasnt found. System action: The job is terminated with ABENDU3314. Programmer response: Determine why the load module was not found, correct the error, and rerun the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 8 DFS3312A DBRC PROCESSING FAILED REASON = nn.

Explanation: The keyword "ACCESS" is invalid for global commands. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Correct the command, and reenter it. DFS3315W xxxxxxxx USER EXIT HAS TERMINATED

Explanation: A DBRC request failed for the one of the following reasons: Code 04 08 12 16 20 Meaning DBRC sign-on request was not successful. BLDL failed for DSPCRTR0, an IMS/DBRC module. Database recovery control initialization first pass (INIT-0) was not successful. Database recovery control initialization first pass (INIT-0) was not successful. DBRC sign-off request was not successful.

Explanation: Exit xxxxxxxx terminated during the processing of changed data due to the application program updating a segment with an exit defined on the DBD statement. System action: The application program terminated. Programmer response: Correct the situation that caused the exit to terminate. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8 and a listing of the exit routine. DFS3316 DATABASE|AREA ALL INVALID FOR GLOBAL COMMANDS

System action: This message is followed by abend U3312. Programmer response: See abend U3312. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12 DFS3313I xxxxxxxx USER EXIT HAS TERMINATED

Explanation: The global commands do not support DATABASE or AREA ALL. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Correct the command, and reenter it. DFS3317I ACCESS INVALID FOR FAST PATH MSDB dbname

Explanation: Exit xxxxxxxx abnormally terminated during the processing of changed data due to the application program updating a segment with an exit defined on the DBD statement. System action: The application program terminated. System Operator Response: Correct the situation that caused the exit to terminate. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8 and a listing of the exit routine.

Explanation: The database access cannot be changed for the Fast Path main storage databases (MSDB). System action: The named database will be removed from the command, and the remaining databases, if any, will be processed. System Operator Response: None.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3318I DFS3325I

Explanation: The Fast Path main storage database (MSDB) is not supported by global commands. System action: The named database will be removed from the command, and the remaining databases, if any, will be processed. System Operator Response: None. DFS3319 IRLM NOT ACTIVE.

Explanation: The input message being processed by transaction tttttttt was placed on the suspend queue because pseudoabend U3303 occurred. The explanation for U3303 lists possible reasons for the abend. This message is issued along with message DFS554A when abend U3303 occurs. However, be aware that DFS3324I is only issued the first time this input message is placed on the suspend queue. The application program is pseudoabended, and the next applicable transaction for the region is scheduled. For information about how the suspend queue works, see . System action: The input message being processed when abend U3303 occurred is placed on the suspend queue. If it is the first time this particular input message is placed on the suspend queue, a counter for the transaction is incremented by one. The counter is decremented by two for each message successfully processed. When the counter exceeds ten, the transaction stops. The input message is scheduled for processing again when the messages on the suspend queue are transferred to the normal queue for this transaction type. This occurs under either of the following circumstances:

Explanation: IRLM must be active in the system when global commands or /DEQ SUSPEND are entered. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: IRLM must be active before entering global commands or /DEQ SUSPEND. DFS3320I DBRC INDICATES DATA BASE|AREA xxxxxxxx NEEDS BACKOUT/ RECOVERY

Explanation: The named database or area needs to be recovered before the command can be processed against the database or area. System action: The named database or area will be removed from the command, and the remaining database or areas, if any, will be processed. System Operator Response: None. DFS3321I DBRC INDICATES DATA BASE x IS AUTHORIZED BY AT LEAST ONE BATCH SUBSYSTEM.


this transaction type is issued.

| 2. A /START DATABASE or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) is | issued for a database which can be accessed during | processing of this transaction type.
The messages on suspend queues for all transactions are transferred to the normal queues by the /DEQ SUSPEND command. Master Terminal Operator Response: If the originating terminal was in conversational mode, exclusive mode, or response mode, notify the terminal operator of the failing condition. Enter the /EXIT command to free the terminal, or wait until the failing subsystem completes its recovery and allows the rescheduling of the suspended messages. Terminal Operator Response: If the mode of operation is conversation, the operator will be notified by the master terminal operator. Enter the /EXIT command to free your terminal, or wait until the suspended message can be rescheduled. DFS3325I DBRC INDICATES DB xxxxxxxx IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR LCL CMD

Explanation: There is at least one batch subsystem that is authorized to use database x. System action: This is an information message. The named database will be processed locally and globally (if SCOPE = GLOBAL). System Operator Response: None. DFS3322 DBRC NOT ACTIVE.

Explanation: A /RMx command was entered, but DBRC is not present. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Enter the recovery management commands (/RMx) only when DBRC is present.

Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3325I DFS3333I
DFS3325I DBRC INDICATES AREA xxxxxxxx IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR LCL CMD Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command when the current checkpoint is completed. DFS3330I ERESTART IN PROGRESS, CANNOT PROCESS GLOBAL COMMAND seqno

| | | |

Explanation: DBRC indicates that the named database or area has a PREVENT FURTHER AUTHORIZATION flag set. This situation continues until a /START DATABASE or AREA GLOBAL command is issued. System action: The command is ignored for the named area.

Explanation: A restart command is currently being processed. seqno is the sequential number of the global command that initiated the action. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Wait for the /ERE command to be completed, and reenter the command. DFS3331I DBDUMP ALREADY IN PROGRESS, CANNOT PROCESS GLOBAL COMMAND seqno

| System Operator Response: Notify the database | administrator that a global /START DATABASE or AREA | command should be entered.

Explanation: The IRLM has encountered a temporary problem while processing the "GLOBAL" command. System action: The command has been processed on the local subsystem, but has not been sent to the receiving subsystems. System Operator Response: Reissue the global command, or issue the command on each sharing subsystem. Problem determination: 36

Explanation: A /DBDUMP command previously entered has not yet been completed. Seqno is the sequence number of the global command that initiated the action. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Wait for the dump command to be completed, and reenter the command. DFS3332I DBRECOVERY ALREADY IN PROGRESS, CANNOT PROCESS GLOBAL COMMAND seqno



Explanation: Only a maximum of 29 database names or 27 area names can be supplied on a global command. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Correct the entered command, and reenter it. DFS3328I GLOBAL cmd COMMAND seqno IN PROGRESS

Explanation: A database recovery command previously entered has not yet completed. Seqno is the sequential number of the global command that initiated the action. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Wait for the database recovery command to be completed and reenter the command. DFS3333I MSDB CHKPT IN PROGRESS, CANNOT PROCESS GLOBAL COMMAND seqno

Explanation: The seqno is a sequential number used to tie this message with the global command that initiated the action. System action: The system continues processing. DFS3329I CHECKPOINT IN PROGRESS, CANNOT PROCESS GLOBAL COMMAND seqno

Explanation: This is the global command equivalent to DFS2717I. An MSDB checkpoint from a previously entered command or an automatic system checkpoint is currently in progress. Seqno is the sequence number of the global command that initiated the action. System action: The command is ignored. Master Terminal Operator Response: Wait for the checkpoint to complete, and reenter the command.

Explanation: A checkpoint from a previously entered command or an automatic system checkpoint is currently in progress. Seqno is the sequence number of the global command that initiated the action. System action: The command is ignored.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3334I DFS3338A
DFS3334I hh:mm:ss GLOBAL cmd COMMAND seqno INITIATED BY SUSBYSTEM=ssid FOR THE FOLLOWING DATA BASES|AREA|ADS(s) 3. UCSTAT Table Entry. Contains the entire UCSTAT table entry data used by module DFSUC150 to perform the log sequence checking. 4. DFSULOG JFCB Information. Contains the JFCB data for the DFSULOG data set being processed. Use this information to determine the data set name and volume serial number. DFS3336I SUSPEND QUEUE DRAINED

Explanation: The indicated global command, initiated from another subsystem, is being processed in this subsystem. The following defines cmd, seqno and ssid: Keyword cmd seqno Meaning The command being processed. A sequential number assigned to this command that will be used in the response to the command issued by this subsystem. The subsystem ID of the indicating subsystem which issued the global command.

Explanation: The transactions that were suspended have been removed from the suspend queue and reenqueued on their original transaction queue. System action: Those transactions that were suspended are now eligible to be processed. Problem determination: None. DFS3337W DBRC IS NOT ACTIVE, BUT WAS ACTIVE WHEN THE INPUT LOG WAS CREATED.


System action: IMS continues processing. System Operator Response: None. DFS3335A LOG INPUT IS NOT IN SEQUENCE FOR FUNCTION CA; REASON CODE=r

Explanation: The log input is not in sequence for the CA function. The return code r has one of the following values: 01 The error occurred during the creation of a log data set using the Change Accumulation utility. There was a log input from both the DB sharing release IMS system and from an IMS system previous to DB sharing. 02 The error occurred during the creation of a change accumulation data set. There was a log input from both a DB sharing release IMS system and from an IMS system previous to data sharing. System action: Processing terminates. Programmer response: Determine the correct sequence of the log input, and correct the JCL so that the log input is in the correct sequence. Problem determination: 2, 3, 8, 36. If running under the utility control facility, rerun the job with a FUNCTION=OP, MSGNNN=3335 control statement in the DFSYSIN data set. Supply a DFSUDUMP DD statement to this step. If a DFSUSNAP DD statement is specified, then diagnostic information is written to that data set in dump format to help locate the log record in error. The information is dumped in four parts: 1. Partial Log Record Data. Contains the last 4 bytes of the previous log record followed by 246 bytes of the error log record. 2. Log Record Sequence Number Data. Contains the last 8 bytes of data for the error log record.

Explanation: The issuing utility program discovered an indication from the X'42' log record that DBRC was active at the time the input log data set was created. However, DBRC is not active during this utility program execution. System action: Processing continues normally, but DBRC is not notified about the utility execution. Programmer response: Verify whether DBRC should have been active during the execution of the utility. If DBRC notification is required, then use DBRC commands to manually update RECON data set records to reflect the current log information. DFS3338A CHECKPOINT-RESTART AUTHORIZATION FAILURE nnnncccc.

Explanation: This error occurs when restart is requested for a data set copy and the indicated subsystem name is not signed-on to DBRC. It can also occur when restart was not requested and the indicated subsystem name was already signed-on to DBRC. The name nnnncccc represents the global data management block number, DCB number, and the IMSID for the online IMS subsystem to which the online image copy is connected. System action: The execution is terminated with an error. Programmer response: If restart was not requested, online image copy should be rerun, specifying restart. If restart was specified, online image copy should be rerun without specifying restart. If the checkpoint-restart facilities are not being used, the DBRC command CHANGE.SUBSYS must be issued to do an abnormal signoff for the name nnnncccc, and online image copy rerun to copy the complete data set again.
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3339A DFS3343E

Explanation: Code n identifies the reason for the authorization failure. Code (Hex) Meaning 4 IMS online subsystem could not obtain a database authorization for the database to be copied. If you issued the /DBR command for the database, make sure that it is available to the online system by issuing a /START command. 8 An authorization for the Online Image Copy failed. Another IMS subsystem (batch or online), other than the online IMS subsystem which Online Image Copy is connected to, has update authorization for the database to be copied. C Online Image Copy authorization failed because the database is not recoverable. System action: The execution is terminated with an error. Programmer response: The online IMS subsystem to which the Online Image Copy is connected, must be the only subsystem authorized for updating capability. This error also indicates that another Online Image Copy, connected to another online IMS subsystem, currently has the authorization to make a copy of this data set in the database. If the database is a HALDB partition and the master database has been deallocated, then the database must be started before authorization is granted at the partition level. Module: DFSUICP0 DFS3340I DFS3340I - IRLM VERIFY REQUEST FAILED. RC=xxx,yyy

Explanation: When IMS authorizes the use of a database with DBRC, the DDNAME and DSNAME of the first database data set are passed to DBRC. DBRC compares these names with those registered for the database identified by dbname in the message. This message is issued when the DDNAME or DSNAME passed does not match those registered to DBRC. System action: IMS will treat the database as though it were not registered to DBRC at all (that is, no DBRC authorization protection will be provided for this database). This means that no database or block level data sharing can take place for this database. Programmer response: If the intent is to use data sets that do not match those registered in the DBRC RECON (perhaps in a test system), then no action is required. If the intent is to use the correct database data sets, then the startup JCL or dynamic allocation member, or the DBRC registration should be corrected. DFS3342I AREA areaname IS NOT REGISTERED WITH DBRC. INVALID FOR GLOBAL CMND

Explanation: A global command was issued to register an area that was not registered with DBRC. A global command will only be accepted if an area is registered to DBRC; otherwise, the command is considered invalid. System action: IMS ignores the command and continues processing. System Operator Response: Ask the database administrator if the named area should be registered to DBRC. If the area is not registered, enter the correct command. DFS3343E CANNOT PROCESS DFSTCF LOAD COMMAND, REASON=xx

Explanation: During a database authorization processing, IRLM is called to verify the subsystems which have been previously authorized to use the database with an update or read intent. The IRLM verification request failed because of a nonzero return code from IRLM. The return code XXX represents the IRLM return code and the return code YYY represents the IRLM feedback subcode. If XXX=012 and YYY='zz', the value indicates that the number of subsystem entries for the verification request exceeds the maximum capacity currently supported. System action: The IMS subsystem continues while online, but the scheduled application terminates. For batch or utility, the subsystem terminates and receives message DFS047A with a reason code of 09. Master Terminal Operator: Notify your IMS system programmer of the message.

Explanation: IMS was unable to process the DFSTCF LOAD command. The reason code explains why IMS was unable to process this command: Reason Code 01 Meaning The queue module could not enqueue the TCO logical terminal DFSTCFI on the new line or node. TCO logical terminal DFSTCFI is having a message dequeued and sent. It cannot be reassigned until it is finished. Either the physical terminal that is associated with the LTERM specified in the DFSTCF LOAD OUTPUT command or the physical terminal that TCO LTERM DFSTCFI is assigned to is in




Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3344E DFS3346E
conversational mode, preset mode, response mode, or is in a signed-on subpool. 04 The physical terminal that is associated with the LTERM specified in the DFSTCF LOAD OUTPUT command or the physical terminal that TCO LTERM DFSTCFI is assigned to is switched line. The TCO LTERM DFSTCFI cannot be assigned to a PTERM defined MSGDEL=SYSINFO. For example, TCO LTERM DFSTCFI has messages queued on the system queue. The TCO LTERM DFSTCFI cannot be assigned to a PTERM defined MSGDEL= NONIOPCB. For example, TCO LTERM DFSTCFI has messages queued on the system or application output queue. A request for another script member was already in progress. DFS3344E DFSTCF LOAD CONTAINS INVALID CHARACTER IN FIELD x

Explanation: The DFSTCF LOAD command is incorrect. FIELD x identifies the invalid keyword or parameter. The format for the DFSTCF LOAD command is: DFSTCF LOAD XXXXXXXX (OUTPUT YYYYYYYY) (CONT ZZ) The value of x (FIELD x) will be one of the following: 01 02 03 The first positional keyword is not DFSTCF. The second positional keyword is not LOAD. The third positional parameter was not specified. The third positional parameter xxxxxxxx is a 1-8 character script name. The fourth (optional) positional keyword is not OUTPUT. The fifth positional parameter was not specified or is greater than 8 characters. yyyyyyyy is a 1-8 character LTERM name. The sixth (optional) positional keyword is not CONT. The seventh positional parameter was not specified or is a number greater than 2 digits. zz is a number from 1-99.



04 05


06 07

System action: The DFSTCF LOAD command is not processed. IMS continues. Programmer response: Take the action associated with the reason code received: Reason Code 01 Action This denotes a system error, and the system should be shut down and dumped at the earliest possible time for analysis of the problem. Notify the IMS system programmer. Reenter the DFSTCF LOAD command after the current message is completed, or reenter the DFSTCF LOAD command without the OUTPUT option. Wait for the terminal to be freed, or reenter the DFSTCF LOAD command with a different LTERM name. Reenter the DFSTCF LOAD command with an LTERM that is associated with a valid line. Reenter the DFSTCF LOAD command with a different LTERM name. Reenter the DFSTCF LOAD command with a different LTERM name. Reenter the DFSTCF LOAD command.

System action: The DFSTCF LOAD command is ignored. Processing continues. System Operator Response: Correct the DFSTCF LOAD command and resubmit. See for the correct syntax. DFS3345E DFSTCF DOES NOT CONTAIN MEMBER name


Explanation: The data set specified on the DFSTCF DD statement does not contain the timetable member identified in the message. System action: If the Time-Controlled Operations Verification utility was running, the utility terminates. If IMS online was executing, the DFSTCF LOAD command fails, but IMS processing continues. Programmer response: Verify that the timetable member is specified correctly and that the timetable member resides in the data set specified on the DFSTCF DD statement. Rerun the utility or reissue the DFSTCF LOAD command. DFS3346E TCO EXIT RECEIVED STATUS CODE status code



05 06 07

Explanation: The Time-Controlled Operations (TCO) language interface routine returned a status code to the TCO exit routine. System action: The TCO message was not processed. TCO processes the next time request.
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3348E DFS3352E
DFS3348E UNABLE TO ESTABLISH ESTAE Created by ActiveSystems 12/24/96 Entity not defined. TCO UNAVAILABLE NODD Information only. To use TCO at this point, stop and restart IMS to include the DFSTCF DD card. Determine why the ITASK creation is not successful and execute IMS. Check that DFSTCNT0 is in the system. TCO ABNORMALLY TERMINATED, SEE DUMP

Explanation: The Time-Controlled Operations (TCO) ESTAE routine was not established. System action: TCO terminates, but IMS continues processing. Programmer response: Make sure that the ESTAE routine was link-edited correctly and that enough storage is available. DFS3349I UNABLE TO INITIALIZE TIME CONTROL OPTION, REASON=....



Explanation: A failure occurred in a Time-Controlled Operations (TCO) exit routine module. System action: The IMS spin-off dump facility SNAPs the TCO environment. TCO then waits for the operator to issue the DFSTCF LOAD command. IMS continues processing. Programmer response: Use the SNAP dump of the TCO environment to determine the cause of the problem. System Operator Response: Try issuing the DFSTCF LOAD command to reload the same timetable member or a different timetable member. DFS3351E TCO ABNORMALLY TERMINATED, SYSTEM ABEND, SEE DUMP

Explanation: IMS was unable to initialize the Time-Controlled Operations (TCO). The reason code tells why TCO initialization failed. Reason Code OPEN CTT CTB GET0 GETC NODD CIRL LOAD Meaning Unable to OPEN a data set. Unable to find Communication Terminal Table (CTT) for TCO. Unable to find Communication Terminal Block (CTB) for TCO. Unable to acquire storage from subpool 0. Unable to acquire storage from subpool 231. DFSTCF DD card does not exist. Unable to create an ITASK for TCO CLB. Unable to load user exit DFSTCNT0.

Explanation: A system abend terminated the Time-Controlled Operations (TCO). System action: The IMS spin-off dump facility SNAPs the TCO environment and TCO terminates. Programmer response: Use the SNAP dump of the TCO environment to determine the cause of the problem. DFS3352E INCOMPLETE MESSAGE ENCOUNTERED, SEQUENCE NUMBER=nnnnnnnn

System action: TCO is not initialized. IMS processing continues. Programmer response: Take one of the following actions based on the reason code you received: Reason Code OPEN Action Verify that the DFSTCF DD statement specifies the correct data set for TCO, or that the data set exists. Check the link of the IMS nucleus to confirm that the TCO DDM was included. Check the IMS system definition to determine if a terminal block was accidentally deleted. If sufficient storage is not available, increase the size of the control region. If sufficient storage is not available, increase the size of the control region.


Explanation: While processing a message set, the Time-Controlled Operations (TCO) or the TCO Verification utility encountered a time schedule request when a continued segment or message was expected. The sequence number identifies the statement containing the error. System action: TCO or the TCO Verification utility discards the entire message set and processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the error in the message set. Check for a stray continuation character in the message or an omitted segment or message.




Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3353E DFS3359E
DFS3353E INVALID CONTINUATION CHARACTER, SEQUENCE NUMBER=nnnnnnnn v The start time is in columns 7-10 and the end time is in columns 21-24. Then rerun the TCO Verification utility for this timetable member. DFS3357E RESIDENT INDICATOR INCORRECT, SEQUENCE NUMBER=nnnnnnnn

Explanation: The Time-Controlled Operations (TCO) or the TCO Verification utility found a character other than a blank (end of message), S (end of segment), or X (segment continued) in column 72 of a message set statement. The sequence number identifies the statement containing the error. System action: TCO or the TCO Verification utility discards the message set and processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the error in column 72 of the message set statement. DFS3354E TOO MANY SEGMENT CONTINUATIONS, SEQUENCE NUMBER=nnnnnnnn

Explanation: The resident indicator in column 31 of a time schedule request must be either a blank (resident exit routine) or a D (dynamic load). The sequence number identifies the statement containing the error. System action: TCO rejects the time schedule request and processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the time schedule request. Make sure that v The resident indicator is valid. v The resident indicator is specified in column 31. Rerun the TCO Verification utility for this timetable member. DFS3358E DISPATCH INDICATOR INCORRECT, SEQUENCE NUMBER=nnnnnnnn

Explanation: Only 10 statements can be continued into a single segment (710 characters). The sequence number identifies the statement containing the error. System action: The Time-Controlled Operations (TCO) or the TCO Verification utility discards the message set and processing continues. Programmer response: Delete as many statements as necessary so the maximum is not exceeded. DFS3355E I/O ERROR READING DFSTCF script-member name

Explanation: Only a blank (schedule at same time each day), an O (schedule first day and delete), or an S (schedule at startup) are valid codes in column 32 of the time schedule request. The sequence number identifies the statement containing the error. System action: The Time-Controlled Operations (TCO) or the TCO Verification utility rejects the time schedule request and processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the time schedule request error. Make sure that v The dispatch indicator is in column 32. v The dispatch indicator is valid. Rerun the TCO Verification utility for this library member. DFS3359E MESSAGE SET INDICATED, NO MESSAGE FOUND SEQUENCE NUMBER=nnnnnnnn

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while reading the data set specified on the DFSTCF DD statement. The message identifies the name of the timetable member that the Time-Controlled Operations (TCO) was processing when the error occurred. System action: Processing of the timetable member terminates. TCO might have processed part of the list and will process the rest of the list, if possible. Programmer response: Correct the error and reload the timetable member, or load a different timetable member. DFS3356E END TIME PRIOR TO START TIME, SEQUENCE NUMBER=nnnnnnnn

Explanation: The time to stop scheduling (columns 21-24) is earlier than the time to start scheduling (columns 7-10). The sequence number identifies the statement containing the error. System action: The Time-Controlled Operations (TCO) or the TCO Verification utility rejects the time schedule request and processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the time schedule request error. Make sure that v The start time is earlier than the end time.

Explanation: The time schedule request specified the use of a previous message set (**** in columns 56-59), but the message set was not provided. The sequence number identifies the statement containing the error. System action: The Time-Controlled Operations (TCO) or the TCO Verification utility rejects the time schedule request and processing continues. Programmer response: Add the missing message set, or delete the time schedule request. Rerun the TCO Verification utility for this library member.

Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3360E DFS3367E
DFS3360E USER EXIT xxxxxxxx REQUESTED NOT FOUND, SEQUENCE NUMBER=nnnnnnnn exists. Rerun the TCO Verification utility for this timetable member. DFS3364E UNABLE TO OPEN SYSPRINT

Explanation: IMS.SDFSRESL does not contain exit routine xxxxxxxx specified in columns 12-19 of a time schedule request. The sequence number identifies the statement containing the error. System action: The Time-Controlled Operations (TCO) rejects the time schedule request and processing continues. Programmer response: Check the spelling or the justification, or both, of the name. Names with fewer than 8 characters must be left justified and padded with blanks. Rerun the TCO Verification utility for this timetable member. DFS3361E INSUFFICIENT VIRTUAL STORAGE FOR TABLES

Explanation: The TCO Verification utility was unable to open the SYSPRINT output data set. System action: The TCO Verification utility terminates. Programmer response: Make sure that the SYSPRINT DD statement is present and the SYSOUT class is valid. Rerun the TCO Verification utility for this timetable member. DFS3365I TCO MESSAGE MODULE REQUIRES MAINTENANCE

Explanation: The Time-Controlled Operations (TCO) utility was unable to display a message. System action: The system performs the action described in the message TCO was unable to display. Programmer response: Link-edit the TCO message module again. DFS3366E NO TIMER ELEMENT FOUND. SCRIPT WILL NEVER BE EXECUTED. MEMBER name

Explanation: The Time-Controlled Operations (TCO) was unable to acquire enough storage to build the message or request tables. System action: The Time-Controlled Operations (TCO) terminates the timetable member load and frees all storage. Programmer response: Specify more storage and then restart the job. See the "Summary Report" produced by the TCO Verification utility to determine the amount of storage needed for a specific timetable member. DFS3362E TIME tttt SPECIFIED IS INVALID, SEQUENCE NUMBER=nnnnnnnn

Explanation: Processing for a TCO script completed, but no timer element was specified. The script requires that an *TIME statement be included. name indicates System action: The TCO or the TCO Verification utility discards the script and processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the error by adding the required *TIME statement to the TCO script member. DFS3367E TIMER ELEMENT NOT FOUND FOLLOWING THE LAST MESSAGE ELEMENT, SEQUENCE NUMBER=nnnnnnnn

Explanation: One of the time fields of a time schedule request (columns 7-10, 21-24, or 26-29) did not contain either blanks or a value between 0001 and 2359. Field tttt identifies the invalid time. The sequence number identifies the statement containing the error. System action: The Time-Controlled Operations (TCO) or the TCO Verification utility rejects the time schedule request and processing continues. Programmer response: Make sure that the time is valid and is specified in the correct columns. Valid HH values are 00-23; valid MM values are 00-59. Rerun the TCO Verification utility for this timetable member. DFS3363E UNABLE TO OPEN SYSIN

Explanation: The last statement in the TCO script was not a *TIME statement. The last message element will not be scheduled for processing. System action: The TCO or the TCO Verification utility discards the last message statement and processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the error by verifying that the *TIME statement is not in the wrong place. Add a *TIME statement as the last statement in the TCO script.

Explanation: The TCO Verification utility was unable to open the SYSIN input data set. System action: The TCO Verification utility terminates. Programmer response: Make sure that the SYSIN DD statement is present, and if present, the SYSIN data set


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3375 DFS3381E

Explanation: The /MODIFY or INITIATE OLC command processor failed to get storage in the private region. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command when there is less activity in the private region and more storage is available. If the problem occurs often, increase the size of available storage in the private region. DFS3376 UNABLE TO ACQUIRE STORAGE IN THE WORK AREA POOL FOR MODIFY

Explanation: A message switch to LTERM DFSTCF was issued. The message switch might have been a DFSTCF LOAD command to load TCO scripts; however, TCO is not currently active and cannot handle requests. Usage of LTERM DFSTCF is restricted to the TCO function. Any message switched to DFSTCF is assumed to be a request to load a TCO script. System action: The message switch is ignored; IMS continues. Programmer response: If you want to load and process TCO scripts, bring down IMS, then bring it up again and include the //DFSTCF DD card to activate the TCO function. DFS3381E CF INITIALIZATION FAILED, DATA=aa bbbbbbbb cccccccc ddeeffgg

Explanation: The /MODIFY or INITIATE OLC command processor failed to get storage in the work area pool (WKAP). System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command when there is more space available in the WKAP. DFS3377 UNABLE TO ACQUIRE STORAGE IN THE CIOP

Explanation: The coupling facility services function cannot be initialized. The DATA portion of the message identifies the reason for the failure: v aa is the place code, which identifies when the error was found. aa can have the following values: Code (Hex) 10 20 30 40 Meaning While connecting to an OSAM structure While connecting to an OSAM structure for sequential buffering During connection to a VSAM structure While passing connection data to VSAM for data shared resource pool While passing connection data to VSAM for index shared resource pool

Explanation: The command processor failed to get storage in the communication input/output pool (CIOP). System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command when there is more space available in the CIOP. DFS3378W BLDL FAILED FOR xxxxxxx DURING ONLINE CHANGE

Explanation: While processing a /MODIFY or INITIATE OLC command, IMS encountered an error building a directory entry list. The error occurred for ACBLIB xxxxxxx. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: If the error occurred on the ACBLIB that is currently in use by the online IMS system, the error can reoccur on that online system. If the error occurred for an inactive ACBLIB, you will probably have to recreate that ACBLIB. DFS3379E DFSTCF LOAD CONTAINS INVALID OUTPUT LTERM


v bbbbbbbb is the return code from the last service invoked. (See MVS/ESA Programming Reference: Sysplex Services for the values of this code.) v cccccccc is the associated reason code. (See MVS/ESA Programming Reference: Sysplex Services for the values of this code.) v ddeeffgg is the associated flag bytes. dd can have the following values: Code (Hex) 80 40 Meaning Invalid function was requested. Connection to the OSAM structure failed.
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I

Explanation: The LTERM in the DFSTCF LOAD command is not recognized by IMS. System action: IMS ignores the command and continues processing.


DFS3382I DFS3383E
20 Too few OSAM buffers were returned during connection to the OSAM structure. Connection to the VSAM structure failed. Attempt to pass connection data to VSAM for data shared resource pool failed. Attempt to pass connection data to VSAM for index shared resource pool failed. Disconnection from the OSAM structure failed. Disconnection from the VSAM structure failed. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 36 DFS3382I CF INITIALIZATION COMPLETE

10 08

Explanation: The coupling facility services function was successfully initialized. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. DFS3383E STOP DATA SHARING FAILED, DATA=aa bbbbbbbb cccccccc ddeeffgg


02 01

Explanation: The attempt to disconnect from the VSAM or OSAM structure, or both, in the coupling facility failed. The DATA part of the message defines the reason for the failure. v aa is the place code, which identifies where the error was found. aa can have the following values: Code (Hex) 60 70 Meaning Disconnection from the OSAM structure failed. Disconnection from the VSAM structure failed.

ee can have the following values: Code (Hex) 80 Meaning A dummy PST was obtained during coupling facility services initialization or execution. Connection to the OSAM structure was successful. Disconnection from the OSAM structure was successful. Connection to the VSAM structure was successful. Disconnection from the VSAM structure was successful.

40 20 10 08

v bbbbbbbb is the return code from the last service invoked. (See MVS/ESA Programming Reference: Sysplex Services for the values of this code.) v cccccccc is the associated reason code. (See MVS/ESA Programming Reference: Sysplex Services for the values of this code.) v ddeeffgg is the associated flag bytes. dd can have the following values: Code (Hex) 80 40 20 Meaning Invalid function was requested. Connection to the OSAM structure failed. Too few OSAM buffers were returned during connection to the OSAM structure. Connection to the VSAM structure failed. Attempt to pass connection data to VSAM for data shared resource pool failed. Attempt to pass connection data to VSAM for index shared resource pool failed. Disconnection from the OSAM structure failed. Disconnection from the VSAM structure failed.

ff can have the following values: Code (Hex) 80 Meaning A request was received to stop data sharing because coupling facility services initialization failed.

gg can have the following values: Code (Hex) 80 20 Meaning A read-and-register operation for the OSAM buffer failed. Buffer invalidation for the OSAM buffer failed. 04 10 08

System action: See system action for message DFS3384I. Programmer response: If aa is 10, 20, or 30, see MVS/ESA Programming Reference: Sysplex Services for error return and reason codes that identify the cause of failure. If aa is 40 or 50, see the appropriate DFSMS publication for error return codes that identify the cause of failure.

02 01

ee can have the following values:


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3384I DFS3386I
Code (Hex) 80 Meaning A dummy PST was obtained during coupling facility services initialization or execution. Connection to the OSAM structure was successful. Disconnection from the OSAM structure was successful. Connection to the VSAM structure was successful. Disconnection from the VSAM structure was successful. DFS3385I DUPLICATE CF STRUCTURE NAME SPECIFIED

40 20 10 08

Explanation: Duplicate coupling facility structure names were specified in the CFNAMES control statement. Structure names for the IRLM, OSAM, and VSAM structures must all be different when specified. System action: IMS terminates with ABENDU0430. Programmer response: See member DFSVSMxx in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for further information. Correct the CFNAMES control statement, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 36 DFS3386I OSAM CF CACHING RATIO = ddd:eeer

ff can have the following values: Code (Hex) 80 Meaning A request was received to stop data sharing because coupling facility services initialization failed.

gg can have the following values: Code (Hex) 80 20 Meaning A read-and-register operation for the OSAM buffer failed. Buffer invalidation for the OSAM buffer failed.

Explanation: A coupling facility structure was defined for OSAM. The values specified for ddd and eee represent the coupling facility directory-to-element ratio respectively. The directory-to-element ratio is active for the issuing IMS. These values may or may not be used to configure the OSAM structure. The ratio values active for the first IMS that connects to the coupling facility establishes the directory-to-element ratio. Other IMS regions connecting to the same structure will use the structure previously configured. The value represented by r indicates whether a default ratio or an externally-specified ratio is active. r has the following values: 1 The CFOSAM= keyword on the CFNAMES statement did not specify the directory-to-element ratio. IMS will supply a default ration of 999:1. The directory-to-element ratio was specified with the CFOSAM= keyword and is active. The directory-to-element ratio was specified with the CFOSAM= keyword, but defines an incorrect ratio and cannot be used. The result of dividing the element value by the directory value must not exceed the maximum number of 16 elements. The ratio IMS provided is used instead of the externally specified ratio. The element portion of the directory-to-element ratio as specified by the CFOSAM= keyword is zero. The resultant ratio becomes 1:0. This ratio will cause the OSAM structure to be configured for directory-only processing. No data elements will be available for data caching.

System action: Although the IMS attempt to disconnect from the coupling facility failed, data sharing was successfully stopped. Programmer response: See MVS/ESA Programming Reference: Sysplex Services for error return and reason codes that identify the cause of the failure. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 36 DFS3384I DATA SHARING STOPPED

2 3

Explanation: Data sharing was successfully stopped. Data sharing will stop under these circumstances: v Connection to the coupling facility is lost. v Rebuild of the coupling facility fails. v Coupling facility initialization fails. System action: Regardless of whether the connection was lost for an OSAM or VSAM structure, if both structures were specified on the CFNAMES control statement, data sharing is stopped for both and connection to both structures is lost. If only one of the structures was specified, the other can continue data sharing using the notify protocol. Programmer response: None. 4

System action: IMS initialization processing continues. The ratio specified is active for the issuing IMS. Programmer response: No response is required unless the directory-to-element ratio used to configure the OSAM structure is not the ratio you want. In this case, specify or change the directory and element values on the CFNAMES statement and restart the IMS sysplex.
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3387I DFS3391I
DFS3387I DUPLICATE xxxxxx KEYWORD SPECIFIED FOR CFNAMES DBRC RECON Indicates a DBRC RECON timestamp mismatch MADSIOFUNC Indicates a MADSIOT function specification mismatch zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz The structure name specified on the CFNAMES control statement or blanks if the mismatch involved the DBRC RECON timestamp. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww The structure name the IRLM has in use or blanks if the mismatch involved the DBRC RECON timestamp. System action: IMS terminates with abend U0039. DFS3388I ALL CF KEYWORDS ARE REQUIRED ON CFNAMES CARD Programmer response: Verify that all IMS subsystems sharing a coupling facility specify the same names to the IRLM for any OSAM, VSAM, or IRLM structure that was used. All sharing subsystems must also use the same RECON data set. Problem determination: 1, 4, 10, 35 DFS3390I NO CF CONNECTION EXISTS. /ERE BACKUP NOT ALLOWED.

Explanation: A keyword on the CFNAMES control statement (CFIRLM, CFOSAM, or CFVSAM) was specified more than once. Each keyword can only be specified once. System action: The duplicate keyword is ignored, and the rest of the statement is bypassed. Programmer response: See member DFSVSMxx in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for more information. Verify the CFNAMES control statement, and make appropriate changes if necessary. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 36

Explanation: All keywords (CFIRLM, CFOSAM, and CFVSAM) must be specified on the CFNAMES control statement. All keywords must be specified even if their respective structures are not to be used. System action: IMS terminates with ABENDU0430. Programmer response: See member DFSVSMxx in the IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for more information. Fix the CFNAMES control statement, and resubmit the job. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 36 DFS3389I MISMATCH - xxxx yyyyyyyyyy zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ++ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Explanation: The /ERE command entered on the XRF alternate subsystem was rejected. This is because connection to the coupling facility did not exist when the command was processed. System action: The /ERE BACKUP command is rejected until connection to the coupling facility is established. Programmer response: Retry the /ERE BACKUP command when the coupling facility connection is established. Problem determination: 1, 36 DFS3391I CFNAMES SPECIFIED BUT IRLM IS NOT USED

Explanation: The IDENTIFY request to the IRLM failed. The IRLM detected a mismatch between one of the following: v The coupling facility structure name it was using and the one specified in the IDENTIFY request v The DBRC RECON timestamp it was using and the one specified in the IDENTIFY request In the message text: xxxx Is one of the following: OSAM VSAM IRLM MADSIOT yyyyyyyyyy Is one of the following: CFNAME++ Indicates a coupling facility structure name mismatch

Explanation: The CFNAMES control statement was specified in the DFSVSMxx member of IMS.PROCLIB or in a data set with ddname DFSVSAMP, but IRLM is not present for this execution. System programmer response: Make sure that IRLM is used during this execution. For information about specifying the IRLM parameters on the EXEC statement in the IMS procedures, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. Certain IMS utilities might not require IRLM; in those cases, this message can be ignored. Module: DFSTRA00, DFSXRLM0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3392W DFS3402W

Explanation: Data caching has been disabled for the OSAM structure named NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. This situation occurred because the IMS that connected to the CF structure first established a non-caching environment. System action: IMS continues running without DL/I data caching. System programmer response: Ensure that all IMS data sharing subsystems, whether Batch or Online, use the same structure and Caching Options (CO) when using OSAM DL/I Data Caching (ODC). These options are defined in either the DFSVSMxx PROCLIB members for Online, or in the DFSVSAMP DD cards for Batch with the CFNAMES and IOBF statements. Failure to ensure structure consistency across IMS subsystems can result in data integrity or performance problems. If all IMS subsystems are running with IMS Version 6.10 or later, IMS attempts to use the structure with the characteristics defined by the IMS that connected first. A subsequent IMS renders its own ODC inoperative when it detects, during connection, that the structure has no data elements for caching. If you run IMS Version 6.10 subsystems with IMS Version 5.10 subsystems, the earlier version of IMS must connect to the structure first. ODC was not introduced until IMS Version 6.10, and IMS Version 5.10 cannot access cached data. Data integrity problems can result from different IMS subsystems using different copies of IOBF statements in DFSVSMxx/DFSVSAMP. Problem determination: 1, and save a copy of all DFSVSMxx or DFSVSAMP statements for all IMS sharing subsystems. DFS3394W OSAM/VSAM CF STRUCTURE NAME IS SPECIFIED WITH NO IOBF/VSRBF


Explanation: During online change prepare processing, a nonzero return code was found for at least one of the four classes associated with the authorization function. This message does not indicate a failure of the prepare process. The codes have the following meanings: aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll RACROUTE return code for DATABASE class. RACROUTE return code for SEGMENT class. RACROUTE return code for FIELD class. RACROUTE return code for OTHER class. RACLIST return code for DATABASE class. RACLIST return code for SEGMENT class. RACLIST return code for FIELD class. RACLIST return code for OTHER class. RACLIST reason code for DATABASE class. RACLIST reason code for SEGMENT class. RACLIST reason code for FIELD class. RACLIST reason code for OTHER class.

System action: Online change prepare processing continues. DFS3401I RACF NOT AVAILABLE

Explanation: In DFSVSAMP or DFSVSMxx, the structure name for OSAM, VSAM, or both was specified but there was no IOBF statement, VSRBF statement, or both respectively. System action: In the online environment, the presence of an OSAM structure name in the CFNAMES statement requires an IOBF statement to pass the number of buffers to the IXLCONN macro. In batch, however, the IOBF statement is not required because IMS defaults to four buffers. For VSAM, the presence of a VSAM structure name in the CFNAMES statement always requires a VSRBF statement to pass the number of buffers to the IXLCONN macro. Programmer response: Review the CFNAMES statement in DFSVSAMP or DFSVSMxx and the

Explanation: A /MODIFY PREPARE command specified RACF or ALL and the RACF product was not currently active in IMS. System action: The command is rejected. DFS3402W NO bbbbb IN THE INACTIVE LIBRARY

Explanation: Control blocks were missing from the inactive library during /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) processing. The field bbbbb is a particular IMS control block type such as DMBs from ACBLIB or DDIRs from MODBLKS. System action: /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3410I DFS3415X
PHASE(PREPARE) processing terminates. Programmer response: Include the database definitions in the library by using the Online Change Utility. Be sure the library is APF authorized. DFS3410I DATA SETS USED ARE DDNAME 'acblib-name' 'format-name' 'MODBLKS-name' (time/date stamps if they exist) DFS3412 ERROR READING MODSTAT DATA SET

Explanation: An I/O error was detected while attempting to read the MODSTAT data set. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U3412. Programmer response: Reconstruct the MODSTAT data set, using the INITMOD procedure with the ddnames indicated on the last successful DFS3410I, or DFS3499I message, and execute IMS. For a description of the INITMOD procedure, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. For the appropriate recovery actions in an XRF environment, see the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide. If this message is issued by the Fast Database Recovery region, terminate the active IMS, reconstruct the MODSTAT data set, restart IMS, and start the Fast Database Recovery region again. DFS3413X INVALID CONTENTS IN THE MODSTAT DATA SET

Explanation: The indicated ddnames are the ones which will be used for IMS online processing. If time/date stamps exist, they indicate when the last successful /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) and /MODIFY COMMIT or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) commands were issued. In the message text: acblib-name The active IMSACB DD in the IMS JCL, which identifies the active ACBLIB library. The acblib-name is either IMSACBA or IMSACBB. format-name The active FORMAT DD in the IMS JCL, which identifies the active MFS format library. The format-name is either FORMATA or FORMATB. If this is a DBCTL system, format-name is blank. modblks-name The active MODBLKS DD in the IMS JCL, which identifies the active MODBLKS library. The modblks-name is either MODBLKSA or MODBLKSB. System action: IMS processing continues. Master Terminal Operator Response: None. DFS3411X UNABLE TO OPEN THE MODSTAT DATA SET

Explanation: The MODSTAT data set contains invalid data. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U3413. Programmer response: Reconstruct the MODSTAT data set, using the INITMOD procedure with the ddnames indicated on the last successful DFS3410I, or DFS3499I message, and execute IMS. For a description of the INITMOD procedure, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. DFS3414X NOT ENOUGH STORAGE TO INITIALIZE

Explanation: IMS was unable to allocate storage. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U3414. Programmer response: Increase the amount of storage available to the region, and execute IMS. DFS3415X LIBRARY xxxxxxxx IN USE BY ANOTHER OS/VS TASK

Explanation: IMS encountered an error trying to open the data set with the ddname of MODSTAT. Either the MODSTAT DD statement does not exist, or the operating system encountered an I/O error during open processing. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U3411. Programmer response: Provide the missing DD statement or create the data set, or both, referenced by the MODSTAT DD statement using the INITMOD procedure and execute IMS. See IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for information about the INITMOD procedure.

Explanation: The library associated with ddname xxxxxxxx could not be used because it was already in use by another OS/VS task. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U3415. Programmer response: Wait until the other task has released the library, and execute IMS.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3416X DFS3422X
DFS3416X OPEN FAILED FOR LIBRARY xxxxxxxx System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U3420. Programmer response: The log data set is inconsistent with the definition in the MODBLKS data set. The SMB blocks, which were loaded from MODBLKS during initialization, are not the same as those which were last active during the prior IMS execution. This can occur if the MODSTAT data set was reconstructed specifying an incorrect ddname of the active MODBLKS data set, or by changing the contents of the MODBLKS data set while IMS was not active. Use the same copy of MODBLKS that was in use during the last IMS execution, and restart IMS with a /ERE from the last checkpoint that was taken with a DUMPQ. DFS3421X UNABLE TO FIND xxxx CONTROL BLOCK NAMED yyyyyyyy.

Explanation: The library associated with ddname xxxxxxxx could not be opened at IMS initialization time. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U3416. Programmer response: Determine why open failed, and then execute IMS. DFS3417X UNABLE TO LOCATE MODULE xxxxxxxx

Explanation: The module xxxxxxxx could not be found in the active MODBLKSA(B) data set. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U3417. Programmer response: Determine why the module is missing, and execute IMS. DFS3418X UNABLE TO DELETE MODULE xxxxxxxx

Explanation: The module xxxxxxxx could not be deleted from the active MODBLKSA(B) data set. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U3418. Programmer response: This is probably an IMS internal error. Problem determination: 35 DFS3419X UNABLE TO LOAD MODULE xxxxxxxx RC=xx

Explanation: Inconsistent control blocks were detected at IMS initialization when loading DFSSMB0x or DFSRCTEx. xxxx is the control block type, PDIR, or RCTE, referenced in DFSSMB0x or DFSRCTEx, could not be found in DFSPDIRx or DFSRCTEx. When the control block type is HSMB and named DFSSMBHT, an error has occurred in the SMB hash table. Abend 3421 provides the specific error code in register 15. yyyyyyyy is the name of the control block as defined during IMS system definition. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U3421. Programmer response: Check the IMS system definition Stage 1 source statements to ensure that the referenced name, yyyyyyyy, was defined in an APPLCTN statement, if xxxx is PDIR, or RTCODE statement, if xxxx is RCTE. Also check that IMS.MODBLKSx contains the correct control block module, DFSSMB0x, DFSPDIRx, DFSDDIRx, and DFSRCTEx. If the above checks do not indicate a problem, and if the control block type is RCTE, Fast Path might not have been generated with the correct level of the DFSFP macro. Problem determination: 36 DFS3422X INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR xxxx CONTROL BLOCKS.

Explanation: The module xxxxxxxx could not be found in the active MODBLKSA(B) data set, or the data set was not APF-authorized. Alternatively, this message indicates that there was not enough virtual storage available in the IMS control region. For a description of the IMODULE LOAD return codes, see the IMS System Services Return Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U3419. Programmer response: Determine why the module is missing, and execute IMS. Ensure that the active MODBLKSA(B) data set is APF-authorized. DFS3420X RESIDUAL MESSAGES EXIST FOR DELETED TRANSACTIONS

Explanation: IMS was unable to acquire enough storage in subpool 231 (CSA) to move the loaded control blocks. Field xxxx can be one of these control blocks: PDIR, DDIR, SMB, HSMB or RCTE. When the control block is HSMB (HASH SMB storage), then the SMB hash table is full. There are not enough hash table slotsincluding free pool slotsto add an SMB to the hash table. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U3422.

Explanation: IMS detected existing messages for a transaction that does not exists. The transaction definition does not match the message activity indicated on the IMS system log.

Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3430I DFS3432
System programmer response: Increase the amount of storage for subpool 231. Problem determination: 36 DFS3430I THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATIONS WILL OCCUR DURING /MODIFY COMMIT: <resource-type> 8 chars <resource-name> 13 chars <action> 40 chars DFS3431 /MODIFY PROCESSING ALREADY ACTIVE

Explanation: This online change command ( /MODIFY , /DISPLAY MODIFY is rejected because one of the following situations exists: v Another online change command (/MODIFY, INITIATE OLC, TERMINATE OLC, or /DISPLAY MODIFY) is in progress v IMS is already in an online change prepare state due to a previous successful /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command. v If you are using global online change and a previous online change command is taking far longer than expected, it is possible that the online change command is hung due to an internal error. The only way to get out of this situation is to cancel the IMS command master. Issue the query member type (IMS) command to find out which IMS is master of the online change phase. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Perform one of the following: v If another online change command is in progress, wait for the online change command (/MODIFY or /DISPLAY MODIFY) to complete before entering this online change command. v If IMS is already in an online change prepare state, abort or commit the online change before attempting the /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) commands again. Module: DFSICVD0, DFSICLV0, DFSICV10, DFSIDPG0 DFS3432 RACF PARAMETER INVALID IF RACF DATA SPACE USED

Explanation: This message is generated only if the optional LTERM keyword is specified. The following indicated resources represent the modifications which will be brought online to IMS during a subsequent successful /MODIFY COMMIT. The resource-type (8 characters), resource-name (13 characters) and action (40 characters) are preceded by a blank. resource-type DDIR, DMB, AREA, FORMAT, PDIR, PSB, RCT, SMB, SECURITY resource-name Name given to SYSDEF, formats with non-graphic symbols will be converted to a 2-character hexadecimal equivalent. action v ADDED v CHANGED v CHANGED (DSID CHANGED) v DELETED v NONE v NOT CHANGED (DMB CHANGED ONLY) v NOT CHANGED (DMB CHANGED ONLY) v NOT CHANGED (PDIR/PSB CHANGE ONLY) v REPLACED v SAME (DSI CHANGED)

| | | | | | | | | | |

Programmer response: If the DSIDs have changed, the normal /DBR AREA command must be entered with keyword GLOBAL in a Block Level Data Sharing environment. Unload the area and take an image copy. Remove the old DSID in RECON using DELETE.DBDS. Reinitialize the area in RECON using INIT.DBDS. The INIT.DBDS will fail if duplicate DSID is found in the same DEDB. Use a specific user-developed application program or OEM utility to reload the DEDB through the change system definitions for the DEDB. Take an image copy following the reload. For information on maintaining continuous availability of IFP and MPP regions, and for additional information on the actions required for this message, see the IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: Database Manager.

Explanation: When RACF (or equivalent product) with the GLOBAL=YES support is used, the RACF-defined IMS transactions and command profiles are loaded into a RACF data space. The IMS online change command /MODIFY PREPARE RACF cannot be used to refresh these profiles when they are in a RACF data space. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: The RACF-defined IMS profiles in the RACF data space can be refreshed by using the RACF command SETROPTS RACLIST (classname) REFRESH. An example of a classname is TIMS. TIMS is the RACF classname for IMS transaction profiles. Module: DFSICVF0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3434W DFS3438
DFS3434W UNABLE TO OPEN DDNAME 'ddname' preparation is aborted. Otherwise, the message is a warning and the command attempts to complete. Programmer response: Run the offline SMU utility, and create the security tables. To find the values for the aa portion of the return code of IMODULE LOAD, see the IMS System Services Return Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. To find the values for the bb portion of the return code, see the IMODULE LOCATE information in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. DFS3437A SECURITY ERROR DETECTED INCONSISTENT SECURITY DEFINITION DETECTED IN MODULE 'DFSnnnns'

Explanation: IMS encountered an error trying to open the data set with the indicated ddname. Either the DD statement does not exist or the operating system has encountered an I/O error during open processing. System action: The command is ignored. Programmer response: The data set for the indicated ddname was probably not created; a data set has to be created if it is an I/O error. DFS3435A UNABLE TO LOCATE OR LOAD MODULE DFSnnnns. RETURN CODE=abcd

Explanation: IMS is unable to locate or load the indicated module DFSnnnns from the inactive MODBLKS data set. In the message text: nnnn Represents the MODBLKS member name, either DDIR, PDIR, RCTE, or SMB0. Represents the member name suffix. Represents the 4 digit return code, where ab is the IMODULE LOAD return code, and cd is the IMODULE LOCATE return code.

s abcd

Explanation: IMS detected an inconsistency between the indicated security module and the definition of the new blocks in the inactive MODBLKS data set. Either the security option was requested on the /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command or the prevailing security option is YES or FORCE. In the module name, nnnns is the specific table name, where s is the suffix. This message can also be the result of an out-of-storage condition. System action: If an inconsistency was detected, this message is a warning. Processing continues, but the security type in module DFSnnnns is not updated. If an out-of-storage condition was detected, the online change processing is terminated and the command is ignored. Programmer response: If an out-of-storage condition occurred, allocate more storage. Otherwise, run the offline Security Maintenance utility and recreate the security tables. DFS3438 RESERVED INDEX AREA IN MFS BUFFER POOL TOO SMALL.

See the IMODULE LOAD and IMODULE LOCATE return codes documented in the IMS System Services Return Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1 for further details. System action: If the module is necessary for continued operations, the /MODIFY or INITIATE OLC preparation is aborted. Otherwise, the message is a warning and the command attempts to complete. Programmer response: Be sure the library is APF authorized. Run the offline MODBLKS system definition steps to build the required modules or execute the Online Change utility to copy the MODBLKS data set. DFS3436A SECURITY ERROR DETECTED UNABLE TO LOCATE OR LOAD MODULE 'DFSnnnns'. RETURN CODE=aabb.

Explanation: The area in the message format buffer pool (MFBP) reserved during IMS initialization for increasing the two indexes used by the MFBP manager is not large enough to accommodate the increased PDS directory index resulting from the /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command. System action: The command is ignored. Programmer response: Either the reserved area in the MFBP will have to be increased at the next IMS restart, or the requirements to increase the PDS directory index will have to be reduced. The PDS directory index contains one 12-byte entry per format library directory block. The reserved area is specified in the FORMAT keyword of the system definition BUFPOOLS macro, or as an EXEC parameter (FBPR=) in the IMS procedure.
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I

Explanation: IMS is unable to locate or load the indicated module from the inactive MATRIX data set and either the security option was requested on the /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command or the prevailing security option is YES or FORCE. In the module name, nnnns is the specific table name where s is the suffix. System action: If the module is necessary for continued operations, the /MODIFY or INITIATE OLC


DFS3439W DFS3446I
The additional space requirement can be calculated as follows:
(12 x (1 + number of additional MFS format blocks/10)) plus (14 x (number of new $$IMSDIR entries))



Explanation: A /MODIFY COMMIT or ABORT command was entered while a /DISPLAY MODIFY command was in progress. System action: The command is ignored.



System Operator Response: Wait, then reissue the command. DFS3444W TRAN tranname CONFLICTS WITH DYNAMIC LTERM, /MODIFY ABORTED

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while reading the data set (indicated by ddname) during processing of one of the following commands: v /MODIFY PREPARE v INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) v /MODIFY COMMIT v INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) If the error occurred on a FORMAT library that has concatenated data sets, nnn indicates on which of the concatenated data sets the error was received. System action: The command is ignored. Programmer response: If the I/O error occurred on a data set currently in use by the online IMS system, that system might shortly encounter a similar condition. If the error occurred for an inactive data set, that data set will probably have to be recreated. DFS3440 INACTIVE LIBRARY IN USE BY ANOTHER MVS TASK

Explanation: A /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command was entered that attempted to add a transaction name that conflicts with a dynamic LTERM name. The tranname variable names the transaction that already exists as a dynamically created LTERM. System action: The /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command is aborted. Programmer response: Determine whether tranname should be a LTERM or a transaction. If it should be an LTERM, remove tranname from the inactive MODBLKS you are trying to change to and retry the online change. If tranname should be a transaction, delete the dynamic LTERM by removing status and queue counts and initiating a simple checkpoint. To do this, issue the following commands: /STOP USER tranname /DEQ USER tranname PURGE (or /DEQ LTERM tranname PURGE) /START USER tranname /CHE After the dynamic LTERM is deleted, retry the /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command. DFS3445 INACTIVE FORMAT LIBRARY IS EMPTY

Explanation: The /MODIFY or INITIATE OLC command processor attempted to gain control of an inactive library (IMSACBA or IMSACBB, FORMATA or FORMATB, MODBLKSA or MODBLKSB, or MATRIXA or MATRIXB). However, it is already in use by another z/OS task. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Wait until the other z/OS task has relinquished control of the inactive library, then reissue the /MODIFY or INITIATE OLC command. DFS3441 NOT ENOUGH STORAGE IN SUBPOOL 231 FOR MODIFY

Explanation: The inactive format library has no members. System action: The /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command is aborted. Programmer response: Copy the updated staging format library to the inactive format library and reissue the command. DFS3446I INDEX AREA IN MFS BUFFER POOL TOO SMALL. nnnn ENTRIES TRUNCATED

Explanation: The /MODIFY or INITIATE OLC command processor was unable to get storage from subpool 231. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command when the system activity is decreased and more storage is available.

Explanation: The area in the message format buffer pool (MFBP) reserved during IMS initialization for the two indexes used by the MFBP manager is not large enough to accommodate the increased indexes that would result from the /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3447 DFS3452
OLC PHASE(PREPARE) being command entered. System action: Processing continues. System programmer response: If the /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command completes successfully, enter one of the following commands: v /MODIFY ABORT v TERMINATE OLC v /MODIFY COMMIT v INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) If you enter the /MODIFY ABORT command followed by the /MODIFY PREPARE , or the TERMINATE OLC command followed by the INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command, the resident index ($$IMSDIR) might be made smaller. If you enter the /MODIFY COMMIT or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) command, the resident index will be truncated by the number of entries indicated in this message, but the switch to the inactive format library would continue. The reserved area for expansion of the indexes in the MFS buffer pool should be increased at the next IMS restart, or the requirements of the two indexes should be reduced. The reserved area is specified in the FORMAT keyword of the system definition BUFPOOLS macro, or as an EXEC parameter (FBPR=) in the IMS procedure. The additional space requirement can be calculated as: 12 x (1 + number of added MFS format blocks/12) plus 14 x (number of new $$IMSDIR entries) DFS3447 UNABLE TO ACQUIRE STORAGE FOR INACTIVE FORMAT LIBRARY DIRECTORIES DFS3449W AN INVALID DIRECTORY BLOCK WAS READ FOR xxxxxxx - nn indicates on which of the concatenated data sets of the EOF was received. System action: The command is ignored. Programmer response: Correct the DD statement, or recreate the data set, and reenter the command.

Explanation: During a /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command for an online change operation that included changing the MFS format library, an invalid directory block was read for a data set that has the DDNAME indicated in the message by xxxxxxx (FORMATA or FORMATB) and a number nn indicating the concatenated data set for that DDNAME. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: The data set indicated in this message has an error in the partitioned data set directory. This data set will need to be restored from a backup, or be recreated. DFS3450 /DBR NEEDED BEFORE PARTITIONED DATABASE CAN BE CHANGED/DELETED

Explanation: Online change was initiated to either change or delete one or more HALDBs which have not been taken offline with a /DBR command. System Operator Response: Issue a /DBR command for any HALDBs being changed or deleted, along with any logically related databases, primary indexes, or secondary indexes. Module: DFSICV30 DFS3451 A /MODIFY PREPARE COMMAND IS NOT IN EFFECT

Explanation: Storage in the IMS extended private area is unavailable for the hash table, for the prime area ($$IMSDIR), or index area of the MFS Dynamic Directory, or for the PDS directory index during /MODIFY COMMIT or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT). System action: The /MODIFY COMMIT or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) command is ignored. Programmer response: Reenter the command at a time when system activity has decreased and more storage is available. DFS3448W UNEXPECTED EOF ON DDNAME ddname -nn

Explanation: A /MODIFY PREPARE command must be in effect before a /MODIFY COMMIT or ABORT, or a /DISPLAY MODIFY command will be processed. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Issue a /MODIFY PREPARE command which specifies the requested changes. DFS3452 WORK IN PROGRESS FOR RESOURCES TO BE CHANGED/DELETED

Explanation: The library referenced by the DD statement with the name ddname does not contain the expected data. This can be because the DD statement specified "DD DUMMY". If the EOF occurred on a FORMAT library which has concatenated data sets, nn

Explanation: The /MODIFY COMMIT or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) command processing found that the resources that are to be changed or deleted still have active work pending. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Issue the /DISPLAY
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3453 DFS3461
MODIFY command or the /DISPLAY MODIFY ALL command to determine which resources still have active work pending. When the /DISPLAY MODIFY command indicates that all resources are to be changed or deleted and no longer have any active work pending, reissue the /MODIFY COMMIT or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) command. Module: DFSICV30 DFS3453 ERROR WRITING MODSTAT DATA SET DFS3457 CHECKPOINT IN PROGRESS. COMMAND REJECTED.

Explanation: A checkpoint is in progress and the command is rejected. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: Reenter the /MODIFY COMMIT or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) command at a later time. DFS3458 UNABLE TO CHANGE PASSWORD DUE TO SECURITY LOAD FAILURE

Explanation: An I/O error was detected while attempting to write the MODSTAT data set. System action: The command is ignored. Programmer response: Reconstruct the MODSTAT data set with the ddnames indicated on the last successful DFS3410I or DFS3499I message. See IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for information on reconstruction of MODSTAT. For the appropriate recovery actions in an XRF environment, see the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide. DFS3454I I/O ERROR READING RESIDENT DIRECTORY ($$IMSDIR) ddname {-nn}

Explanation: A /CHA command was entered to change a password but the information necessary to process the command was not available due to a security load failure. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: The system programmer should ensure a successful security load before reentering the command. The reason for the security load failure can be determined from previous error messages. See message DFS171A. DFS3459 MODIFY COMMIT TERMINATED ALL DATABASE IN-DOUBTS MUST BE RESOLVED

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while the /MODIFY COMMIT or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) command was reading the resident directory ($$IMSDIR) member from the inactive FORMAT library. If the error occurred on a FORMAT library that has concatenated data sets, nn indicates on which of the concatenated data sets the error was received. Ddname is the name of the DD statement for the library for which the I/O error occurred. System action: The command is ignored. Programmer response: The resident directory ($$IMSDIR) should be recreated on the inactive FORMAT library. The $$IMSDIR member from the active FORMAT library could be copied to the inactive data set, and the updates then reapplied, using the MFS Service utility. DFS3455I /MODIFY ABORT IN PROGRESS

Explanation: You cannot perform an online change until all in-doubt data in the system is resolved. System action: IMS processing continues but no online change is performed. Programmer response: You can resolve the in-doubts either by reconnecting the coordinator controller and IMS or by using an operator command. Then you can perform the online change. DFS3460 /MODIFY PREPARE IN PROGRESS

Explanation: The IMS command module is currently processing a /MODIFY PREPARE command and the IMS command module has not yet acknowledged completion of the command to the entering terminal. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command after the command response to the /MODIFY PREPARE command is received. Module: DFSICVD0 DFS3461 /MODIFY COMMIT IN PROGRESS

Explanation: A /DISPLAY MODIFY, /MODIFY PREPARE, or /MODIFY COMMIT was entered while a /MODIFY ABORT was in progress. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Wait for the abort to complete, then resubmit the command. Module: DFSICVD0

Explanation: The IMS command module is currently processing a /MODIFY COMMIT command and it has not yet acknowledged completion of the command to the entering terminal.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3462I DFS3470
System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the command after the command response to the /MODIFY COMMIT command is received. Module: DFSICVD0 DFS3462I DEDB xxxxxxxx NOT VALID FOR /DBD COMMAND. DFS3466I DDIR FOR DATABASE dddddddd NOT FOUND

Explanation: The database keyword parameter dddddddd in the /START, /STOP, /DBD, or /DBR command is not known to the IMS system. A DDIR could not be found for database dddddddd by a command processing module. System action: IMS ignores the invalid parameter and continues to process any other database keyword parameters on the command. Programmer response: Reenter the command, specifying the corrected database parameters. DFS3467I ERROR READING MODSTAT DATA SET

Explanation: The /DBDUMP command does not apply to DEDBs. System action: The named database will be removed from the command, and the remaining databases, if any, will be processed. Programmer response: None. DFS3463I SPECIFIC MSDB xxxxxxxx NOT VALID FOR /DBD COMMAND

Explanation: The /DBDUMP command is used to dump all the MSDBs to the MSDB dump data set by specifying the special parameter MSDB with the DATABASE keyword when entering the /DBDUMP DATABASE command, or by entering the /DBDUMP DATABASE ALL command. System action: The named database will be removed from the command, and the remaining databases, if any, will be processed. Programmer response: None. DFS3464I MSDB xxxxxxxx NOT VALID FOR /DBR COMMAND.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while reading the MODSTAT data set or the contents of the MODSTAT data set are invalid. The error was encountered during initialization for a batch DBD type IMS region. System action: IMS terminates abnormally with abend U821. Programmer response: Reconstruct the MODSTAT data set with the corrected ddnames before executing the batch job. Problem determination: 1, 3, 17 DFS3468I UNABLE TO OPEN DDNAME 'ddname' IN DLS REGION

Explanation: The /DBRECOVERY command does not apply to Fast Path MSDBs. System action: The named database will be removed from the command, and the remaining databases, if any, will be processed. Programmer response: None. DFS3465I DATABASE xxxxxxxx IN ERROR

Explanation: The DL/I subordinate address space option was selected. As part of processing a /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command, the indicated DDNAME cannot be opened in the DL/I subordinate address space. Either the indicated DDNAME was not defined in the DL/I subordinate address space region JCL, or the operating system encountered an error during OPEN processing. System action: The /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command is ignored. Programmer response: The indicated DDNAME might not be defined in the DL/I subordinate address space JCL, or the data set specified might not exist. DFS3470 TRANSACTION CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE FOR USE (I:sss1/name1, D:sss2/name2)

Explanation: The /START DB command did not process because a dynamic backout failure occurred for the specified database. System action: The named database will be removed from the command and the remaining databases, if any, will be processed. Programmer response: Issue the /DBR command to get the specified database offline, perform a batch backout, and then issue the /START DB or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command.

| |

Explanation: The transaction is in the process of being modified, or the application program and databases associated with the transaction are currently being modified. In the message text:

Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3471 DFS3484I
sss1/name1 The source SYSID and source LTERM name for the input system. sss2/name2 The destination SYSID and destination LTERM or TRAN code of the processing system System action: The entered transaction is rejected by IMS. System programmer response: First, find the default action from Message Control/Error Exit DFSCMUX0. Contact the system programmer of the receiving system to look for error description in the MSNBMSG area of Message Control/Error Exit interface block MSNB, which is a forced log entry in the X'6701' CMEI record for send error, receive error, and the DEQ command. Correct the exit flag or the destination for reroute in the Message Control/Error Exit, if appropriate. System Operator Response: Reenter the transaction at a later time when the transaction or its resources are not being modified, and are available for use. Master Terminal Operator Response: This message results when the Message Control/Error Exit is customized in the receiving system to specify an incorrect exit flag, or the exit flag is correct but an error was found while IMS was performing the requested action and the associated default was performed. Inform the system programmer. DFS3471 ROUTING CODE CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE FOR USE DFS3480I INVALID LIBRARY TYPE PARAMETER

Explanation: The library type parameter is not one of the following for the Online Change utility: ACB, FORMAT, MATRIX, or MODBLKS. System action: The copy is not done and the utility is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the parameter, and rerun the utility. DFS3481I INVALID INPUT DDNAME PARAMETER

Explanation: The input ddname parameter for the Online Change utility is not one of the following: S, I. System action: The copy is not done and the utility is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the parameter, and rerun the utility. DFS3482I INVALID OUTPUT DDNAME PARAMETER

Explanation: The output ddname parameter for the Online Change utility is not one of the following: B, A, O, U. System action: The copy is not done and the utility is terminated. Programmer response: Correct the parameter, and rerun the utility. DFS3483 ERROR DURING ENQUEUE DDNAME=dddddddd

Explanation: The routing code selected for this transaction is currently being modified. System action: The entered transaction is rejected by IMS. System Operator Response: Reenter the transaction at a later time when the routing code is not being modified, and is available for use. DFS3472 DEVICE FORMAT CHANGED, MESSAGE RETURNED TO QUEUE

Explanation: An error was detected while attempting to enqueue DD name dddddddd before copying. System action: The copy is not done, and the utility is terminated. System programmer response: Correct the DD statement. DFS3484I ERROR READING THE MODSTAT DATA SET

Explanation: IMS MFS detected that the format currently used to format this device was dynamically modified by the Online Change function. System action: The output message that was in progress has been returned to the IMS message queue. System Operator Response: The message can be requested again; however, the new MFS format can result in some data being formatted differently.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to read the MODSTAT data set before copying. System action: The copy is not done and the utility is terminated. Programmer response: Determine whether the content of MODSTAT is correct. If the data set has been destroyed, recreate it based on the last DFS3499I message, and resubmit the job.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3485I DFS3492W
DFS3485I jobname WAITING FOR DATASET data set name send message DFS3489 after a request to discard the response message. System action: IMS sends message DFS3489 instead of the canceled message. System Operator Response: DFS3489 is an informational message. Consult your procedures to determine if you need to take any action. Problem determination: 5, 14 DFS3490I APPC/IMS TIMEOUT ACTIVE, TIMEOUT = xx MINUTES APPC/IMS ASYNC. TIMEOUT ACTIVE, TIMEOUT = xx MINUTES

Explanation: The data set indicated by the message was already in use by another task and has caused the indicated job to wait for the data sets release. System action: The indicated job will wait until the data set becomes available. System Operator Response: None required. When the data set becomes available, the indicated job will execute.

| DFS3486 | | | | | | | | |


Explanation: One of the IEBCOPY parameters specified (WORK, SIZE, or LIST) contains an invalid parameter. The following are error examples: v One or more iebcopy parameters are specified on the PROC and EXEC statements, but not specified as input parameters. v One or more iebcopy parameters are specified on the PROC and EXEC statements, but not specified as input parameters.

Explanation: APPC/IMS time-out is active. xx is the number of minutes defined in the DFSPBxxx member with control statements APPCIOT and APPCAST. System action: IMS checks every xx minutes to see if an APPC call issued under the dependent region TCB is inactive after more than xx minutes. See the message text for DFS3492W for additional information. Programmer response: This is an informational message. DFS3491I APPC/IMS TIMEOUT DEACTIVATED. (SYSTEM SHUTDOWN) (TIMER CANCELED) (DFSTIMER ERROR, RC=xx) (APPC NOT ACTIVE (APPCIOT = 0) (NO MVS SUPPORT)

| System action: The Online Change Copy utility fails. | System programmer response: Correct the IEBCOPY | parameter on the Online Change Copy utility and retry | running the utility. | Module: DFSUOCU

Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to enqueue the inactive library dddddddd during the /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command. The library does not exist or was in use by the copy utility. System action: If the library is MATRIXA or MATRIXB, processing of the /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command continues; otherwise, it is terminated. System Operator Response: If the /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command was terminated (no message DFS3499I), resubmit the command when the data set is available. DFS3489 OUTPUT MESSAGE CANCELED BY USER OUTPUT EDIT ROUTINE

Explanation: APPC/IMS time-out is inactive. The message includes the reason why APPC/IMS time-out is inactive. If the reason is NO MVS SUPPORT, APPC/MVS does not support the time-out service. The current z/OS level does not support the APPC/MVS time-out service. When APPCIOT = 0 is listed, the APPCIOT parameter in DFSDCxxx member has been defined as zero, or has been changed to zero by the /CHANGE command. Programmer response: If the reason is (DFSTIMER ERROR), report the problem to the IBM support center. Otherwise this is an informational message. DFS3492W APPC/IMS TIMEOUT LIMIT REACHED FOR LU luname, TP-ID tp-id, REGION region-id. INACTIVE SINCE xxxx SECONDS.

Explanation: IMS canceled the output message at the request of the users physical terminal output edit routine. If the terminal is in response mode, IMS sends this message in place of the output message that would have satisfied response mode. If a system restart occurred, then IMS resets response mode and does not

Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


DFS3492W DFS3498W

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

nnnnnnnn The name of the block, if applicable. eeeeeeeeee.... The problem or situation encountered, which may be one of the following: ALREADY DEFINED AS PARTITION CHANGE Issued when a database defined in the MODBLKS data set is already defined as a HALDB partition. Once a database is defined as a HALDB partition to DBRC and IMS, it remains defined to IMS as a HALDB partition until you coldstart IMS and cannot be changed into a MODBLKS database, even if the HALDB partition is deleted from DBRC. ALREADY DEFINED AS DATABASE CHANGE Issued when the online change prepare detects that a DDIR in the MODBLKS data set that is being added already exists. This situation should not occur. If this situation does occur, it is probably an internal error. Online change prepare is rejected. ALREADY DEFINED AS DATABASE COMMIT Issued when the online change commit detects that a DDIR in the MODBLKS data set that is being added already exists. This situation should not occur. If this situation does occur, it is probably an internal error. Online change commit proceeds in spite of this error. Once a database is defined as a HALDB partition to DBRC and IMS, it remains defined to IMS as a HALDB partition until you coldstart IMS and cannot be changed into a MODBLKS database, even if the HALDB partition is deleted from DBRC. ALREADY DEFINED AS PARTITION COMMIT Issued when the online change commit detects that a member in the MODBLKS data set is defined using the same name as an existing HALDB partition added since the prepare phase. The HALDB partition definition prevails. Online change commit proceeds in spite of this error. Subsequent PREPARE commands fail with DFS3498W DDIR dbname ALREADY DEFINED AS PARTITION

Explanation: APPC/IMS time-out detected a dependent region or an asynchronous conversation that might have hung. The values of the message text are: luname The VTAM LU name of the session. tp-id The TP-ID of the APPC conversation.

region-id The IMS dependent region ID or ASYNC. In the case of an asynchronous conversation, the region ID is CONV. xxxx The number of seconds the conversation is waiting for a response to an APPC call.

Programmer response: Issue a V NET,INACT command for the luname to clean up the dependent region or an asynchronous conversation that is potentially hung. V NET,INACT stops all conversations for the luname, which could be more than just the hung conversation. If the hung conversation is a batch-job, the luname will be APPC/MVS; in this case, issuing a V NET,INACT stops all APPC/MVS sessions. Use the tp-id to determine the job-name by issuing the D APPC,TP,ALL command, and cancel the batch job. DFS3496W DMB XXXXXXXX IN INACTIVE ACBLIB NOT COMPATIBLE WITH IMS

Explanation: The level of the inactive library is not compatible with the current IMS release. System action: The /MODIFY PREPARE ACBLIB or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT command aborts. Programmer response: Verify that the JCL specifies the correct library and that ACBGEN is performed at the appropriate level for the current release of IMS

| DFS3498W | | | | | |

bbbb nnnnnnnn eeeeeeeeee....

Explanation: /MODIFY PREPARE, INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE), or /MODIFY COMMIT processing detected an invalid condition in the MODBLKS or ACBGEN output. This problem or situation occurred during prepare processing, unless otherwise noted as commit processing.

| In the message text: | bbbb | | | |

Block type, if applicable DMB represents a DMB in ACBLIB. DDIR represents a database in MODBLKS. PSB represents a PSB in ACBLIB. SMB represents a transaction in MODBLKS.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
CHANGE as long as the database remains in the inactive MODBLKS data set. NOT IN ACTIVE LIBRARY Issued when/MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) is specified with the BLDL option, to cause information message DFS3498I to be issued for each PSB or DMB not found in the inactive ACBLIB. This message does not affect the success of the command. NOT IN INACTIVE LIBRARY Issued when /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) is specified with the BLDL option, to cause information message DFS3498W to be issued for each PSB or DMB not found in the active ACBLIB. This message does not affect the success of the command. PDIR NAME IS INVALID Issued when a transaction being added or changed defines an application program name that does not exist. SID NUMBER IS INVALID Issued when a transaction being added or changed defines a SYSID that is too big. SNO - COMPARE Issued when the online change compare function detects that a DMB or PSB in ACBLIB is being changed, but cannot find the associated local control block (DDIR or PDIR). This error should not occur (SNO), since the local control block did exist when the BLDL list was built. SNO - INSERT CHANGE Issued when online change tries to insert a changed DMB or PSB into the change list, but cannot find the associated local control block (DDIR or PDIR). This error should not occur (SNO) and usually indicates that the wrong MODBLKS data set is being used. It may also indicate an internal error. SNO - INSERT DELETE Issued when online change tries to insert a deleted DMB or PSB into the delete list, but cannot find the associated local control block (DDIR or PDIR). This error should not occur (SNO) and usually indicates that the

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

wrong MODBLKS data set is being used. It may also indicate an internal error. SYSID= IS INVALID Issued when a transaction is being changed from local to remote and at least one other type of change to the transaction or application program is being attempted as well. UNSUPPORTED MSDB ADDITION Issued when online change attempts to add, change, or delete an MSDB database in MODBLKS or DMB in ACBLIB, which is not supported. UNSUPPORTED MSDB CHANGE Issued when online change attempts to change an MSDB database in MODBLKS or DMB in ACBLIB, which is not supported. UNSUPPORTED MSDB DELETION Issued when online change attempts to delete an MSDB database from MODBLKS or DMB from ACBLIB, which is not supported. System action: For a /MODIFY PREPARE or INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) command, the command is terminated. For a /MODIFY COMMIT command, the online change commit succeeds, except for the specified database. The database named in the DFS3498W messages remains a HALDB partition.

| Programmer response: Correct the problem, run the | MODBLKS GEN or ACBGEN again, run the Online | Change utility, and retry online change. | | | | | | | | | |
For a /MODIFY COMMIT command that failed with DFS3498W DDIR dbname ALREADY EXISTS AS PARTITION COMMIT, you should do an online change to remove this database definition from your MODBLKS gen. Otherwise, each subsequent attempt to do an online change will fail on the /MODIFY PREPARE command with DFS3498W DDIR dbname ALREADY EXISTS AS PARTITION CHANGE. Also, the database will revert back to a non-HALDB database at the next IMS coldstart.


DFS3499I ACTIVE DDNAMES: 'acblib-name' 'format-name' 'modblks-name' MODSTAT ID: xxxx

Explanation: The ddnames reflect the completion of the active ddnames prior to the online change of one of the following commands: v /MODIFY COMMIT v INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) v /MODIFY PREPARE
Chapter 8. DFS Messages, DFS3000I DFS3499I


v INITIATE OLC PHASE(PREPARE) MODSTAT ID xxxx (the online change identifier associated with the /MODIFY or INITIATE OLC command), is used to recover security status during an emergency restart. In the message text: acblib-name The active IMSACB DD in the IMS JCL, which identifies the active ACBLIB library. The acblib-name is either IMSACBA or IMSACBB. format-name The active FORMAT DD in the IMS JCL, which identifies the active MFS format library. The format-name is either FORMATA or FORMATB. If this is a DBCTL system, format-name is blank. modblks-name The active MODBLKS DD in the IMS JCL, which identifies the active MODBLKS library. The modblks-name is either MODBLKSA or MODBLKSB. nnnn The modify id number. When you initialize the MODSTAT data set, you decide what number to assign as the modify id. Every time online change is successful, this number increments by 1. If you initialized this number to 0, the value indicates how many online changes have been successful since coldstart. The modify id is used to recover security status during an emergency restart.

This is also issued after: v Simple checkpoint invoked by /DBD v Simple checkpoint invoked by /DBR v Simple checkpoint invoked by /CHE


Messages and Codes Volume 2

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987

This topic contains messages DFS3502I DFS3987. For introductory information on DFS messages such as message format, suffix information, and explanation of the types of information provided, see Chapter 1, Introduction to DFS Messages, on page 1.
DFS3502I THE DBD OPERAND IS OMITTED OR INVALID ON THE FOLLOWING DATABASE STATEMENT(S): STATEMENT NO - nnn,... v The operand did not begin with an alphabetic character or contained more than 8 alphanumeric characters. System action: The PSB parameter is ignored on the indicated statement and processing continues. Programmer response: Specify the PSB parameter or, if specified, ensure that the operand begins with an alphabetic character containing no more than 8 alphanumeric characters and no more than 1 PSB name. Severity: 8 DFS3508I DUPLICATE PSB NAMES ARE SPECIFIED ON THE FOLLOWING APPLCTN STATEMENT: NAME name1 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,... NAME - name2 STATEMENT NOS nnn,...

Explanation: One of the following occurred on each statement indicated by nnn: v The DBD keyword parameter was not specified. v The operand or sub-operands did not begin with an alphabetic character or contained more than 8 alphanumeric characters. System action: The DBD operand is ignored on the indicated statements, and processing continues. Programmer response: Specify the DBD parameter or, if specified, ensure that the operand or sub-operands begin with an alphabetic character and contain no more than 8 alphanumeric characters. Severity: 8 DFS3504I DUPLICATE DBD NAMES ARE SPECIFIED ON THE FOLLOWING DATABASE STATEMENT: NAME name1 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,... NAME - name2 STATEMENT NOS nnn,...

Explanation: The PSB name indicated by namex was specified on multiple APPLCTN macros on statements nn. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Correct PSB name specifications on indicated APPLCTN statements to remove duplicates. Severity: 8 DFS3510I THE CODE OPERAND IS OMITTED OR INVALID ON THE FOLLOWING TRANSACT STATEMENT(S): STATEMENT NO - nnn,...

Explanation: The DBD name indicated by namex was specified on multiple DATABASE macros on statements nn. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Correct DBD name specifications on indicated DATABASE statements to remove duplicates. Severity: 8 DFS3506I THE PSB OPERAND IS OMITTED OR INVALID ON THE FOLLOWING APPLCTN STATEMENT(S): STATEMENT NO - nnn,...

Explanation: One of the following occurred on each statement indicated by nnn: v The CODE keyword parameter was not specified. v The operand or sub-operands contained more than 8 alphanumeric characters. System action: The CODE operand is ignored on the indicated statement and processing continues. Programmer response: Specify the CODE parameter or, if specified, ensure that the operand or sub-operands contain no more than 8 alphanumeric characters. Severity: 8

Explanation: One of the following occurred on each statement indicated by nnn: v The PSB keyword parameter was not specified. v More than 1 PSB sub-operand was specified.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007


DFS3512I DFS3522I

Explanation: One of the following occurred on each statement indicated by nnn: v The NAME keyword parameter was not specified for a VTAM terminal. v More than 1 sub-operand was specified. v The operand did not begin with an alphabetic character or contained more than 8 alphanumeric characters. System action: The NAME parameter is ignored on the indicated statement, and processing continues. Programmer response: Specify the NAME parameter or, if specified, ensure that the operand begins with an alphabetic character and contains no more than 8 alphanumeric characters. Severity: 8 DFS3520I DUPLICATE VTAM NODE ARE SPECIFIED ON THE FOLLOWING TERMINAL STATEMENTS: NAME name1 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,... NAME - name2 STATEMENT NOS nnn,...

Explanation: The transaction code name indicated by namex was specified on multiple TRANSACT macros on statements nn. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Correct transaction code name specifications on indicated TRANSACT statements to remove duplicates. Severity: 8 DFS3514I THE LINKNAME IS OMITTED OR INVALID ON THE FOLLOWING MSNAME STATEMENT(S): STATEMENT NO - nnn,...

Explanation: One of the following occurred on each statement indicated by nnn: v The link name was not specified. v The link name specified on the MSNAME statement did not begin with an alphabetic character or contained more than 8 alphanumeric characters. System action: The link name is ignored on the indicated statement and processing continues. Programmer response: Specify the link name or, if specified, ensure that it begins with an alphabetic character and contains no more than 8 alphanumeric characters. Severity: 8 DFS3516I DUPLICATE LINKNAMES ARE SPECIFIED ON THE FOLLOWING MSNAME STATEMENTS: NAME name1 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,... NAME - name2 STATEMENT NOS nnn,...

Explanation: The VTAM node name indicated by namex was specified on multiple TERMINAL macros on statements nn. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Correct VTAM node name specifications on indicated TERMINAL statements to remove duplicates. Severity: 8 DFS3522I LTERM PARAMETER IS OMITTED OR INVALID ON THE FOLLOWING NAME STATEMENT(S): STATEMENT NO - nnn,...

Explanation: The link name indicated by namex was specified on multiple MSNAME macros on statements nn. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Correct link name specifications on indicated MSNAME macro statements to remove duplicates. Severity: 8

Explanation: One of the following occurred on each statement indicated by nnn: v The LTERM positional parameter was not specified. v The LTERM parameter contained more than 8 alphanumeric characters. v The LTERM "DFSMTCNT" was specified. v The LTERM began with "INQU" v The LTERM "WTOR" was specified. System action: The LTERM parameter is ignored on the indicated statement, and processing continues. Programmer response: Specify the LTERM parameter


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3524I DFS3536I
or, if specified, ensure that it contains no more than 8 alphanumeric characters. Severity: 8 DFS3524I DUPLICATE LTERMS ARE SPECIFIED ON THE FOLLOWING NAME STATEMENTS: NAME - name1 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,... NAME name2 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,... DFS3530I THE PARTNER OPERAND IS OMITTED OR INVALID ON THE FOLLOWING MSLINK STATEMENT(S): STATEMENT NOS nnn,...

Explanation: One of the following occurred on each statement indicated by nnn: v The PARTNER keyword parameter was not specified. v More than 1 NAME sub-operand was specified. v The operand did not begin with an alphabetic character or contained more or less than 8 alphanumeric characters. System action: The PARTNER parameter is ignored on the indicated statement, and processing continues. Programmer response: Specify the PARTNER parameter or, if specified, ensure that the operand begins with an alphabetic character and contains exactly 2 alphanumeric characters. Severity: 8 DFS3532I DUPLICATE PARTNER IDS ARE SPECIFIED ON THE FOLLOWING MSLINK STATEMENTS: NAME name1 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,... NAME - name2 STATEMENT NOS nnn,...

Explanation: The logical terminal name indicated by namex was specified on multiple NAME macros on statements nnn. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Correct logical terminal name specification on indicated NAME statements to remove duplicates. Severity: 8 DFS3526I THE NAME OPERAND IS OMITTED OR INVALID ON THE FOLLOWING SUBPOOL STATEMENT(S): STATEMENT NO - nnn,...

Explanation: One of the following occurred on each statement indicated by nnn: v The NAME keyword parameter was not specified. v More than 1 NAME sub-operand was specified. v The operand did not begin with an alphabetic character or contained more than 8 alphanumeric characters. System action: The NAME parameter is ignored on the indicated statement, and processing continues. Programmer response: Specify the NAME parameter or, if specified, ensure that the operand begins with an alphabetic character and contains no more than 8 alphanumeric characters. Severity: 8 DFS3528I DUPLICATE SUBPOOL NAMES ARE SPECIFIED ON THE FOLLOWING SUBPOOL STATEMENTS: NAME name1 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,... NAME - name2 STATEMENT NOS nnn,...

Explanation: The PARTNER ID indicated by namex was specified on multiple MSLINK macros on statements nnn. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the PARTNER ID specification on indicated MSLINK statements to remove duplicates. Severity: 8 DFS3534I THE CODE OPERAND IS OMITTED OR INVALID ON THE FOLLOWING RTCODE STATEMENT(S): STATEMENT NOS - nnn,...

Explanation: One of the following occurred on each statement indicated by nnn: v The CODE keyword parameter was not specified. v The operand or sub-operands contained more than 8 alphanumeric characters. Severity: 8 DFS3536I DUPLICATE ROUTING CODES ARE SPECIFIED ON THE FOLLOWING RTCODE STATEMENTS: NAME name1 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,... NAME - name2 STATEMENT NOS nnn,...

Explanation: The SUBPOOL name indicated by namex was specified on multiple SUBPOOL macros on statements nnn. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Correct SUBPOOL name specification on indicated SUBPOOL statements to remove duplicates. Severity: 8

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3538I DFS3546I
Explanation: The routing code indicated by namex was specified on multiple RTCODE macros on statements nnn. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Correct routing code specifications on indicated RTCODE statements to remove duplicates. Severity: 8 DFS3538I THE PHYSICAL LINK NAME IS OMITTED OR INVALID ON THE FOLLOWING MSPLINK STATEMENT(S): STATEMENT NOS nnn,... v The NAME keyword parameter was not specified by TYPE=VTAM was indicated. v More than 1 NAME sub-operand was specified. v The operand did not begin with an alphabetic character or contained more than 8 alphanumeric characters. System action: The NAME parameter is ignored on the indicated statement, and processing continues. Programmer response: Specify the NAME parameter with TYPE=VTAM or, if specified, ensure that it begins with an alphabetic character and contains no more than 8 alphanumeric characters. Severity: 8 DFS3544I DUPLICATE VTAM NODE NAMES ARE SPECIFIED ON THE FOLLOWING MSPLINK STATEMENTS: NAME - name1 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,... NAME name2 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,...

Explanation: One of the following occurred on each statement indicated by nnn: v The physical link name was not specified. v The link name did not begin with an alphabetic character or contained more than 8 alphanumeric characters. System action: The physical link name is ignored on the indicated statement, and processing continues. Programmer response: Specify the physical link name or, if specified, ensure that it begins with an alphabetic character and contains no more than 8 alphanumeric characters. Severity: 8 DFS3540I DUPLICATE PHYSICAL LINK NAMES ARE SPECIFIED ON THE FOLLOWING MSPLINK STATEMENTS: NAME - name1 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,... NAME name2 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,...

Explanation: The remote system VTAM node name indicated by namex was specified on multiple MSPLINK macros on statements nnn. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Correct VTAM node name specifications on indicated MSPLINK statements to remove duplicates. Severity: 8 DFS3546I CROSS-CHECK FAILED FOR THE FOLLOWING RESOURCE NAMES: NAME - name1 STATEMENT NOS nnn,... NAME - name2 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,...

Explanation: The physical link name indicated by namex was specified on multiple MSPLINK macros on statements nnn. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Correct physical link name specification on indicated MSPLINK statements to remove duplicates. Severity: 8 DFS3542I THE NAME OPERAND IS OMITTED OR INVALID ON THE FOLLOWING MSPLINK STATEMENT(S): STATEMENT NOS - nnn,...

Explanation: One of the following occurred on the statement indicated by nnn: v The transaction code namex was also specified as an LTERM. v The MSNAME link name namex was also specified as an LTERM. v The MSNAME link name namex was also specified as a transaction code. v The transaction code namex was also specified as a RTCODE for a fast path exclusive transaction. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Correct the resource names on the indicated statements to remove duplicates. Severity: 8

Explanation: One of the following occurred on each statement indicated by nnn: v The NAME keyword parameter was specified but TYPE=VTAM was not indicated.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3548I DFS3556I
DFS3548I PARM FIELD ERROR DETECTED, PARAMETER IGNORED; REASON CODE = xx concatenate the correct library with the one specified. Severity: 8 DFS3554I COPY MEMBER name NOT FOUND ON SYSLIB STATEMENT NO - nnn

Explanation: An error was detected in one of the parameter fields. The value of xx is represented by one of the following reason codes: Code (Hex) 01 02 Meaning DFSPRE60 indicator (first parameter) was not specified as 'Y' or 'N'. DFSPRE70 indicator (second parameter) was not specified as 'Y' or 'N'. The assembler override options were not enclosed in apostrophes or a blank space was used as a delimiter.

Explanation: The copy member indicated by name on statement nnn cannot be located on the SYSLIB data sets. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: If the missing member is critical to the success of the IMS System Definition, add the member or concatenate the correct library, or both, and run the job again. Severity: 8 DFS3556I NUMBER OF name ENTRIES EXCEED UPPER LIMIT DROPPING REMAINING ENTRIES STATEMENT NO - nnn


System action: The remaining parameter fields are scanned for accuracy. Preprocessor execution continues, using defaults for invalid parameters. Programmer response: Correct any errors and resubmit the job. Severity: 2 DFS3550I REGION SIZE INSUFFICIENT TO CONTAIN ALL SPECIFIED (TABLES) (ERRORS) (COPIES)

Explanation: The number of entries required for the name table is greater than the upper limit established either by default or in the corresponding parameter field on the EXEC statement. System action: The preprocessor continues to process other types of entries. All entries in the indicated table which were accepted before the limit was reached are processed. Programmer response: Increase upper limit for the table. The correspondence between the table name and EXEC statement parameter field is as follows: TABLE NAME Logical terminal Transaction code PSB name DBD name POSITION OF PARM 3 (ccc) 4 (ddd) 5 (eee) 6 (fff) 7 (ggg) 8 (hhh) 9 (jjj) 10 (kkk) 11 (mmm) 12 (nnn) 13 (ppp)

Explanation: The region specified is insufficient to construct the resource name tables, error tables, or copy statement push down stack with the specified or required sizes. System action: No further action is taken. In the case of resource name tables, the job is terminated. Otherwise, processing continues but the error/copy statement processing will be terminated. Programmer response: Increase the region size on JOB or EXEC statement, or both. Severity: 12 DFS3552I ROUTINE name NOT FOUND ON STEPLIB

VTAM node name Routing code Remote SYS VTAM MS linkname blk Partner ID Physical link name Subpool name Severity: 8

Explanation: The routine indicated by "name" cannot be found on the library pointed to by the STEPLIB DD statement. System action: The preprocessor always looks for all exit routines specified by the user. If exits are specified, and if one or more of the exit routines specified cannot be found on the library pointed to by the STEPLIB DD statement, the preprocessor execution continues ignoring all exit routines. If a preprocessor module cannot be found, execution terminates. Programmer response: Ensure that the module exists on the library indicated by the STEPLIB statement, or

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3558I DFS3564I
DFS3558I OPEN FAILED FOR name X'07' X'08' X'09' X'10' A GETMAIN for the LGEN environment failed. The preprocessor is not executing on an MVS/XA system. A previous error prevented module DFSPRE80 from being invoked. An error occurred during an assembly that prevented the consolidated object data set from being successfully created. No DB resources have been defined. At least one APPLCTN/TRANSACT set must be defined.

Explanation: The attempt to open the name DCB failed. System action: If the OPEN for SYSIN, processing terminates. If the OPEN failed for SYSLIB, processing continues, but all COPY statements are ignored. Programmer response: Determine the cause of the failure, correct the problem, and resubmit the job. Severity: 8


System action: Stage 1 processing of the source statements is not done. Programmer response: Correct the error indicated by the reason code and re-execute the preprocessor. Severity: 8 DFS3562I THE FOLLOWING SYSIDS WERE CODED AS BOTH REMOTE AND LOCAL SYSIDS: NAME - SYSID1 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,... NAME SYSID2 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,...

Explanation: The MASTER or SECONDARY MASTER LTERM has been defined more that once. System action: All stage 1 input is processed but the large system definitions (LGEN) assemblies are not performed. Programmer response: Remove the multiple definitions of the MASTER or SECONDARY MASTER LTERM and re-execute the preprocessor. Severity: 8 DFS3560I LARGE SYSGEN ASSEMBLIES NOT DONE - REASON CODE = xx

Explanation: The SYSID number indicated by SYSIDx was specified as both a remote SYSID and a local SYSID on statements nnn. System action: Name checking continues but large system definitions (LGEN) assemblies are not performed. Programmer response: Correct the SYSIDs in error and re-execute the preprocessor. Severity: 8 DFS3563I bbb NAME nnnnnnnn NOT FOUND.

Explanation: Module DFSPRE80 was not called to perform Stage 1 processing in a LGEN environment for reason xx. The value xx is one of the following: CODE (HEX) X'01' MEANING Open failed for the DCB of the DDNAME indicated in the preceding DFS3558I message. The fourth subparameter of the SYSTEM= keyword on the IMSCTRL source statement was not correctly specified as 'LGEN'. The MSVID= keyword was not specified for a LGEN/MSVERIFY system definition. The LGEN environment was requested for a system definition other than a MODBLKS or MSVERIFY. Routine DFSPRE80 was not found on STEPLIB. An MSVERIFY system definition type was requested in the SYSTEM= keyword of the IMSCTRL source statement but no MS resources were defined.
Messages and Codes Volume 2


Explanation: DFSIIRS0 could not find the name nnnnnnnn of control block bbb. The possible control blocks are CNT, CLB, or LNB. System action: The IMS initialization is abended with a user abend code of U0220. Programmer response: Ensure that the correct set of control blocks from a LGEN system definition is being used. Severity: 8 DFS3564I THE FOLLOWING REMOTE SYSID(S) DID NOT APPEAR AS A REMOTE SYSID ON ANY MSNAME STATEMENT: NAME - SYSID1 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,... NAME SYSID2 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,...



X'05' X'06'


DFS3566I DFS3572I
Explanation: The remote SYSID indicated by SYSIDx that was specified on the indicated APPLCTN or TRANSACT source statements nnn did not appear as a remote SYSID on any MSNAME source statement. System action: Name checking continues but LGEN assemblies are not performed. Programmer response: Ensure that a MSNAME source statement has the required remote SYSID and re-execute the preprocessor. Severity: 8 DFS3566I NO VALID REMOTE SYSID WAS CODED ON ANY MSNAME STATEMENT. DFS3569I DUPLICATE BTAM ADDRESSES ARE CODED ON THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT(S):

Explanation: Duplicate BTAM addresses were coded in the Stage 1 input. System action: Stage 1 processing of the source statements is not done. Programmer response: Correct the indicated error and re-execute the preprocessor. Severity: 8 DFS3570I DUPLICATE REMOTE SYSIDS ARE CODED ON THE FOLLOWING MSNAME STATEMENTS: NAME SYSID1 STATEMENT NOS - nnn,... NAME - SYSID2 STATEMENT NOS nnn,...

Explanation: You did not code a valid remote SYSID for any MSNAME source statement. System action: Name checking continues but LGEN assemblies are not performed. Programmer response: Ensure that MSNAME source statements have valid SYSID specifications. Severity: 8 DFS3567I THE BTAM ADDRESS SPECIFICATION IS INVALID ON THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT(S): STATEMENT NO. nnn,...

Explanation: The specification for the remote SYSID was duplicated on the indicated statements. System action: Name checking continues but LGEN assemblies are not performed. Programmer response: Correct the incorrect remote SYSID specification and re-execute the preprocessor. Severity: 8 DFS3571A THE OPCODE ON THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT IS INVALID.

Explanation: An invalid address specification parameter has been detected in a LINE, CTLUNIT, STATION, or TERMINSL macro call. System action: Stage 1 processing of the source statements is not done. Programmer response: Correct the indicated error and re-execute the preprocessor. Severity: 8 DFS3568I THE SYSID SPECIFICATION IS INVALID ON THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT(S): STATEMENT NO nnn,...

Explanation: An opcode that exceeded eight characters was found. System action: Names checking continues but the Stage 2 input is not generated. Programmer response: Correct the opcode in error and re-execute the preprocessor. Severity: 8 DFS3572I ASSEMBLER ERROR DETECTED IN DFSPRE80 - RETURN CODE = xxxx

Explanation: One or more of the following occurred on each of the indicated statements: v The SYSID was not numeric. v The SYSID was not in the range of 1 to 2036. v Either one or both of the SYSID specifications was omitted. System action: Name checking continues but LGEN assemblies are not performed. Programmer response: Correct the errors and re-execute the preprocessor. Severity: 8

Explanation: DFSPRE80 received nonzero return code xxxx during a LGEN assembly. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Examine the assembly errors in the preprocessor's consolidated listing file to determine if any corrections need to be made on the Stage 1 source statements. Severity: 2

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3573A DFS3581A

Explanation: One of the input parameters was missing from the DFSLGD00 utility JCL. System action: Processing terminates with return code 8. Programmer response: Add the proper parameter and rerun the job. Severity: 8

Explanation: An attempt to open a BPAM data set failed. Return code 12 is a Sort/Split utility return code, not a return code from OPEN. System action: The utility function was terminated. Programmer response: See Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference for MVS/DFP. DFS3579I USER EXIT2 REQUEST = 90 FROM DFSSS060. INPUT IS NOT IN STANDARD FORMAT, END STATEMENT MISSING. RESOURCE TYPE = resource type.



Explanation: This message contains the current assembly cycle for DFSPRE80. System action: None. Programmer response: None required. Severity: 0 DFS3576A OPEN ERROR FOR DDNAME xxxxxxxx

Explanation: Return code 90 signals the Sort/Split utility to process the current user resource type as a standard resource. In this case, the exit routine is not called for the remainder of the current user resource type. This message warns you that the END statement is missing, which might cause compiler errors after the Sort/Split utility completes. A report is generated. The Sort/Split utility generates return code 02. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: If a compiler error occurs, you must add an END statement either through the initial input to Stage 1 or through exit routine 2. If you add the END statement through the exit routine, you must also put it at the end of each member. DFS3580A READ ERROR IN RESOURCE INFORMATION FILE. MEMBER NAME = member name RETURN CODE = 12

Explanation: An open error occurred in module DFSLGD00. System action: Processing terminates with return code 12. Programmer response: Correct the DDNAME in error and rerun the job. Severity: 12 DFS3577A NO VALID HIERARCHY EXISTS FOR THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT(S).

Explanation: The physical position of the macro statements that follow the message in the listing do not occur in any valid hierarchy. System action: Name checking continues but large system definition (LGEN) assemblies are not performed. Programmer response: Do the following: 1. Check the physical order of the statements that follow the message in the listing. The IMSCTRL macro call must be the first non-comment statement defined. Message DFS3577A is issued if any IMS macro call follows the IMSGEN macro call. 2. Reorder the statements correctly in the Stage 1 input to form valid hierarchies. 3. Rerun the job. Severity: 12

Explanation: A read error in the resource information file (RIFL) is caused by the one of the following: v The record was not found. v An I/O error occurred. v The first record is not the RIFL record. A report is not generated. Return code 12 is a Sort/Split utility return code, not an I/O return code. System action: The utility function was terminated. Programmer response: Review the RIFL to ensure the first record is the RIFL record and that it contains the number of resource types found in the RIFL. For more information, see Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference for MVS/DFP. DFS3581A READ ERROR. MEMBER NAME = member name RETURN CODE = 12

Explanation: An I/O error occurred during the read of a block from an input member. Return code 12 is a Sort/Split utility return code, not an I/O return code.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3581W DFS3585W
System action: Processing is terminated. Programmer response: See the Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference for MVS/DFP. DFS3581W READ ERROR. MEMBER NAME = member name RETURN CODE = 04 DFS3584A FIND ERROR. MEMBER NAME = member name RETURN CODE = 12

Explanation: The resource information file (RIFL) member was not found. Return code 12 is a Sort/Split utility return code, not a return code from FIND. System action: The utility function was terminated. Programmer response: Ensure that the member name, including the suffix of the RIFL member name, is correct in Stage 1. DFS3584W FIND ERROR. MEMBER NAME = member name RETURN CODE = 04

Explanation: Premature end of file. One of the following conditions occurred. End of file was reached while: reading the first block of a member; there were no more blocks to read, but the record count in the Resource Information File has not yet been met; a complete multi-record resource has not been read. Return code 04 is a Sort/Split utility return code, not an I/O return code. System action: Stop processing this resource type. The Sort/Split utility will not sort or write any further resource types. However, the utility will continue to read the resource types and verify the read counts. A report will be generated. Programmer response: Determine if the resource read count in the RIFL is correct. Verify the input resource record count and determine if records are missing or the count is wrong. DFS3582W WRITE ERROR. MEMBER NAME = member name RETURN CODE = 04

Explanation: A member for a resource type was not found. Return code 04 is a Sort/Split utility return code, not a return code from FIND. System action: Stop processing this resource type. The Sort/Split utility will not sort or write any further resource types. However, the utility will continue to read the resource types and verify the read counts. A report will be generated. Programmer response: Ensure that the correct number of members, and member names, are generated by Stage 1. DFS3585I STOW DELETE FAILED. MEMBER NAME = member name RETURN CODE = 02

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while attempting to write a block. See Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference for MVS/DFP. Return code 04 is a Sort/Split utility return code, not an I/O return code. System action: Stop processing this resource type. The Sort/Split utility will not sort nor write any further resource types. However, the utility will continue to read the resource types and verify the read counts. A report will be generated. Programmer response: See Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference for MVS/DFP for more information. DFS3583A GETMAIN FAILED. STORAGE REQUESTED = bytes of storage STORAGE ALREADY GETMAINED location of storage 16M LINE = accumulated bytes of storage RETURN CODE = 12

Explanation: This is an informational message. STOW DELETE failed while deleting a user resource type member from the input data set as a clean-up procedure. Return code 02 is a Sort/Split utility return code, not a return code from STOW. System action: The utility function continues. Programmer response: None required. DFS3585W STOW stow function FAILED. MEMBER NAME = member name RETURN CODE = 04

Explanation: One of the following occurred: v STOW ADD return code is greater than four. v A return code greater than eight was returned from a STOW REPLACE after a STOW ADD returned a return code of four. v STOW REPLACE return code is greater than eight. v STOW DELETE return code is greater than eight. Return Code 04 is a Sort/Split utility return code, not a return code from STOW. System action: Stop processing this resource type. The Sort/Split utility will not sort nor write any further resource types. However, the utility will continue to

Explanation: The amount of storage already GETMAINed plus the amount requested will exceed the total storage available. A report will be generated. Return code 12 is a Sort/Split utility return code, not a return code from GETMAIN. System action: The utility function was terminated. Programmer response: Increase the region size and re-execute the utility function.

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3586W DFS3592A
read the resource types and verify the read counts. A report will be generated. Programmer response: See Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference for MVS/DFP. DFS3586W SORT ERROR. RESOURCE TYPE = resource type RETURN CODE = 04 DFS3589A INVALID RESOURCE TYPE FROM RESOURCE INFORMATION FILE. RESOURCE TYPE = resource type RETURN CODE = 12

Explanation: An unrecognized resource type was passed by Stage 1. Return code 12 is from the Sort/Split utility. System action: The utility function was terminated. Programmer response: Ensure that the resource types passed to Sort/Split utility conform with guidelines. DFS3590A INVALID COUNT(S) FROM RESOURCE INFORMATION FILE. RESOURCE TYPE = resource type RETURN CODE 12

Explanation: The count passed to DFSSS030 is either greater than the maximum allowable or less than the minimum allowable. Return code 04 is from the Sort/Split utility. System action: Stop processing this resource type. The Sort/Split utility will not sort nor write any further resource types. However, the utility will continue to read the resource types and verify the read counts. A report will be generated. Programmer response: Rerun the Stage 2 from beginning. If the problem persists, then rerun Stage 1 from the beginning. DFS3587I MEMBER ALREADY EXISTS AND WAS REPLACED. MEMBER NAME = member name.

Explanation: One or more of the following shown in the message is incorrect: v RECORD COUNT: Count is not greater than zero. v RECORDS PER RESOURCE: Count is less than one or greater than nine. v MEMBER COUNT: Count is less than one or greater than nine. v SPLIT COUNT: Count is not greater than zero. Return code 12 is from the Sort/Split utility. System action: The utility function was terminated. Programmer response: Ensure that the input counts are within the guidelines. DFS3591W INVALID RETURN CODE URC = user exit return code FROM user exit module. RESOURCE TYPE = resource type RETURN CODE = 04

Explanation: This informational message is issued during a cleanup procedure. Return code 02 is from the Sort/Split utility. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None is required. DFS3588W EXPECTED record type RECORD NOT FOUND AT input RECORD LOCATION resource read count RESOURCE TYPE = resource type RETURN CODE = 04

Explanation: A record type of CSECT, GEN, END, or LAST was not found where expected in the input file. Return code 04 is from the Sort/Split utility. System action: Stop processing this resource type. The Sort/Split utility will not sort nor write any further resource types. However, the utility will continue to read the resource types and verify the read counts. A report will be generated. Programmer response: Ensure that the record specified is in the correct location in the input file during Stage 1. Stage 1 might have passed an incorrect count, whereby the number of records is either greater or less than the actual count.

Explanation: DFSSS050 or DFSSS060 issued a return code that was not in the guidelines. Return code 04 is from the Sort/Split utility. System action: Stop processing this resource type. The Sort/Split utility will not sort nor write any further resource types. However, the utility will continue to read the resource types and verify the read counts. The exit routines will not be called for this job. A report will be generated. Programmer response: Ensure that only those return codes allowed from the exit routines are used. DFS3592A THE RECFM FOR DDNAME='ddname' IS NOT F OR FB RETURN CODE=12

Explanation: The LGENIN and LGENOUT data sets must have a DCB parameter of RECFM=F or RECFM=FB. System action: The utility function was terminated.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3593I DFS3600I
Programmer response: Redefine the indicated data set with a RECFM=F or RECFM=FB. Severity: 12 DFS3593I NON-IMS MACRO CALL(S) HAVE BEEN DETECTED IN THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS. UNPREDICTABLE RESULTS MAY OCCUR. STATEMENT NO. nnn,... DFS3600I STMNT (nnn), xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (yyyyyyyyyy) STMNT (nnn), (DB2AF DEF INVALID FOR DEP REG) STMNT (nnn), KEYWORD xxxxxxxxx (yyyyyyyyyy)

| DFS3600I |

Explanation: A non-IMS macro call was detected. No action is taken by the preprocessor. The call is passed to the assembler. However, the location of the non-IMS macro call in the input stream determines where the macro call is passed to the assembler. If the non-IMS macro call is associated with IMS system macros, the non-IMS macro is in every assembly cycle. If the non-IMS macro is associated with one of the other groups of IMS macro calls (DB, BTAM, MSC, or VTAM), then the non-IMS macro call is put into a cycle with its associated IMS macro. Unpredictable results might occur when using non-IMS macro calls in LGEN Stage 1 input. System action: Stage 1 might not complete successfully. The results are unpredictable. Programmer response: This message is only a warning and does not prevent the system definition from completing. However, it is recommended that non-IMS macro calls not be put into a LGEN Stage 1. Unpredictable results can occur. Severity: 2 DFS3599I nn DIAGNOSTIC ERRORS FROM PREPROCESSOR xx WAS HIGHEST SEVERITY CODE

Explanation: IMS found an error while processing the External Subsystem PROCLIB Member (SSM). The member name consists of the 4-byte IMSID followed by the 4-byte SSM parameter. The SSM parameter is specified either as an execute parameter in the member, DFSPBxxx or on the /START SUBSYS SSM xxxx command. The JOBNAME value where applicable specifies the job name of the region where the error was detected. At least one of three versions of the DFS3600I messages is displayed depending on the type of error. The versions are the following: v UNABLE TO INITIALIZE This message indicates that IMS found an error which prevented the PROCLIB member from being processed. Any external subsystem defined in the member will not be connected to IMS. The character string, member, indicates the name of the PROCLIB member which was being processed. The value mm is one of the following return codes: Code (Hex) 04 Meaning A failure occurred while attempting to read the PROCLIB member. Ensure the member name specified is correct and resides in PROCLIB. Storage could not be obtained for a buffer to contain the PROCLIB member statements. Storage could not be obtained for an external subsystem definition element. The PROCLIB member did not contain any valid subsystem definitions. Note: If RC=18 is received from a dependent region, the SSM= parameter might point to a PROCLIB member which contains no entries, which prohibits the dependent region from any subsystem connections. In this case, this message is for information only. The dependent region initialization continues normally. v SUBSYSTEM DEFINITION SPECIFICATION ERROR
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


Explanation: The preprocessor issued nn diagnostic messages during execution. The highest severity code of the issued messages was xx. System action: None. Programmer response: None. Severity: None. DFS3600I UNABLE TO INITIALIZE EXTERNAL SUBSYSTEM(S) - member, RC=mm, JOBNAME=JJJJJJJJ SUBSYSTEM DEFINITION SPECIFICATION ERROR FOR SSM = member, JOBNAME=JJJJJJJJ





If one or more errors were found while processing an external subsystem definition, then this message is issued. The variable member, indicates the name of the PROCLIB member which was being processed. For each definition error, a message will be issued to indicate which statement was in error and the text in error. One STMNT error message will be issued for each error in the PROCLIB member. Multiple errors in a single statement will produce multiple messages. The value nnn is the statement number within the member. The character string xxxxx is the text in error. If the character string, KEYWORD, precedes the error text, then the error text represents a keyword parameter. The character string yyyyyyyy is one of the following error reason codes: OMITTED A required parameter was omitted from the external subsystem definition. The subsystem definition is found to be invalid, therefore, a subsystem connection will not be established. A parameter is specified in the external subsystem definition which is not applicable to the type of subsystem being defined. This parameter is ignored and processing continues. If the rest of the subsystem definition is valid, a subsystem connection is established at the appropriate time. The error text represents invalid data in the subsystem definition statement. If the character string, KEYWORD, precedes the error text, then the value for the parameter was invalid. Otherwise, the error text represents data that could not be interpreted as part of a subsystem definition. The subsystem definition was found to be invalid, therefore, a subsystem connection will not be established. A specific value for a parameter was specified for more than one subsystem definition. The subsystem definition is considered invalid and is ignored. All SSN parameter values must be unique within a member.

| | |

Definitions for the DB2 Attach Facility can only be provided to the control region via the SSM parameter. System action: If the UNABLE TO INITIALIZE message is displayed, IMS external subsystem initialization processing failed. None of the external subsystems defined in the member will be connected to IMS. If a statement is processed and an error occurs that causes the subsystem definition to become invalid, then that external subsystem will not be connected to IMS. Programmer response: Correct the errors in the SSM PROCLIB member. For UNABLE TO INITIALIZE errors, use the /START SUBSYS SSM command to start the external subsystem initialization process, which will start all valid subsystems defined in the member. For STMNT errors, use the /START SUBSYS command to start one or more external subsystem connections. Problem determination: 1, 3, 34 and save the SSM PROCLIB member. DFS3601 EXTERNAL SUBSYSTEM(S) NOT DEFINED. COMMAND REJECTED.


Explanation: The external subsystem was not defined, and the command was rejected. One of the following errors occurred: 1. The external subsystem name specified on the IMS command has not been defined to IMS. 2. The SUBSYS keyword was used on a /START, /STOP, /DISPLAY, or /CHANGE command, but IMS was not made aware of the presence of external subsystems using the SSM execute parameter. 3. SSM was specified, but the SSM PROCLIB member contained no valid subsystem definitions. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: Corresponding to the error conditions in the Explanation, one of the following actions should be taken: 1. The subsystem name was defined incorrectly or misspelled in the IMS SSM PROCLIB member. Correct the subsystem name, and update the SSM PROCLIB member. 2. Specify the IMS execute parm SSM with a valid member name. 3. In this case, an IMS abend U3041 will have occurred previously. This is an indication that the subsystem PROCLIB member specified using the SSM execute parameter contains no invalid external subsystem definitions. When there are no subsystems to support, the task (TCB) that supports the subsystem structure is then terminated with



| v DB2AF DEF INVALID FOR DEP REG An SSM parameter was provided to the dependent | region job; the parameter identified the PROCLIB | member that included a definition for a DB2 | subsystem to be accessed via the DB2 Attach Facility. | This definition is not available in a MPP or BMP | region and is ignored. Processing continues. |


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3602I DFS3603I
abend U3041. Correct the PROCLIB member definitions. If IMS is running when the member is corrected, enter the /START SUBSYS command to cause IMS to read the new definitions and establish subsystem connections. System Operator Response: Ensure that the subsystem name specified is correct, and reenter the command. If the problem persists, notify the system programmer about the receipt of this message. Problem determination: 34 DFS3602I xxxx SUBSYSTEM RESOLVE-INDOUBT FAILURE, RC=yyyy

| 02 | | | 03 | |

Insufficient storage available - the zz value equals the IMODULE GETMAIN return code. The resource named in the message was not found - the zz value is the IMODULE LOAD return code. Insufficient storage available - the zz value equals the IMODULE GETMAIN return code. Open failure for DFSESL DD statement - the zz value equals the OPEN return code. The resource named in the message was not found - the zz value is the IMODULE LOAD return code. The resource named in the message was not found (DFSESI40) - the zz value equals the OS LOAD macro return code. The resource named in the message was not found - the zz value equals the BLDL return code. The resource named in the message was not loaded - the zz value equals the return code associated with the MVS system code aaaa. The dataset type cannot be determined - the zz value is the return code from the ISITMGD macro call. The aaaa value is the ISITMGD reason code.


Explanation: The indicated external subsystem (xxxx), resolve-in-doubt exit, indicated that the resolution of recovery was unsuccessful. There are outstanding recovery units. IMS and the external subsystem cannot resolve (that is, COMMIT|ABORT), previously active recovery units (that is, work requests). System action: IMS will terminate the external subsystem connection. IMS will continue to function minus that external subsystem connection. System Programmer Response: You can correct the problem with the IMS /CHANGE command and restart the failing subsystem connection with the IMS /START command, or cold start IMS. System Operator Response: Ensure that the database administrator is aware of this message. Upon the request of the database administrator, you can issue either the /CHANGE command or cold start IMS. Be aware that the cold start method will erase from IMS memory the fact that these recovery units are outstanding. DFS3603I xxxxxxxx LOAD FAILED FOR SUBSYSTEM zzzz REASON CODE yyzz xxxxxxxx RESOURCE FAILURE FOR SUBSYSTEM zzzz REASON CODE yyzzaaaa

| 06 | | | 07 | | | | 08 | | | 09 | | | | 0A | | | |

For a description of the IMODULE return codes, see the IMS System Services Return Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: Subsystem connections between IMS and the specified subsystem will not be established, and initialization processing will continue. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the subsystem load library is accessible to IMS. IMS provides a DD statement (DFSESL) to alleviate this problem. The external subsystem modules can be in any z/OS authorized library accessible by IMS (that is, JOBLIB, STEPLIB or DFSESL). Increase the region size to accommodate the external subsystem modules, and document the storage requirements in the external subsystem documentation. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer about the receipt of this message.


Explanation: During the initial processing of the external subsystem structure, the allocation or processing of a required resource xxxxxxxx failed. zzzz specifies the subsystem name of the module to which it is related. IMS attempts to load the subsystem module when the SSM execute parameter is specified. One of the following code numbers, represented by the yy value, indicates the reason for the failure. Code (Hex) 01 Meaning The resource named in the message was not found - the zz value is the IMODULE LOAD return code.

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3604I /STA COMMAND FAILED WITH RETURN CODE xxxx 0051 0052 0053 0054 0401 already been done. To start a specific subsystem, use the /START SUBSYS xxxx command. Reenter the /START SUBSYS SSM xxxx command with a parameter xxxx of 1 to 4 characters. Reenter the /START SUBSYS SSM xxxx command with a parameter xxxx of 1 to 4 characters. Reenter the /START SUBSYS SSM xxxx command without any additional parameters. Reenter the /START SUBSYS SSM xxxx command without any additional parameters. The subsystem PROCLIB member name is invalid or an error occurred while trying to read the member. Verify the PROCLIB member name is correct and resides on IMS.PROCLIB, then reenter the command. IMS was unable to get private storage for a work area. The /START SUBSYS command can be reentered. If the resource shortage is temporary, storage might be available at a later time. If a storage shortage still exists, more working storage might be allocated to IMS by increasing the region (RGN) parameter on the IMS startup procedure. The IMS.PROCLIB member specified by the SSM parameter does not contain any valid entries. Message DFS3600I was issued for each specific error. IMS logic error: follow the procedures for software problems. IMS logic error: follow the procedures for software problems. IMS logic error: follow the procedures for software problems. IMS was unable to get working storage. This can be a temporary condition; reenter the command. If the condition persists, more working storage might be allocated to IMS by increasing the region (RGN) parameter on the IMS procedure. Take the same action indicated in return code 0504. IMS logic error; follow the procedures for software problems. No action required. No action required. IMS logic error: follow the procedures for software problems. Take the same action indicated in return code 0504.

Explanation: An attempt to create the external subsystems mother task by the /START command processor failed with one of the following return codes: Code 0050 Meaning The subsystem member name was already specified by a previous /START SUBSYS SSM xxxx command, or the SSM=EXEC parameter was specified on the IMS JCL. The SSM keyword parameter length was not 1 to 4 characters. No parameter was specified following the SSM keyword. A parameter was specified for the SUBSYS keyword. If the SSM keyword is specified, the SUBSYS keyword cannot have any parameters. Too many parameters were specified following the SSM keyword. An invalid return code was received from the PROCLIB processor. An IMODULE GETSTOR request failed to obtain a subsystem definition element. No subsystems can be connected to IMS. No valid SSM entries were specified. No ESET prefix Attach list count is zero No ESET exists for subsystem Unable to obtain SIDX block Unable to obtain quick save area Global ESET already attached IMS in SHUTDOWN/ESS task in process of abendingrequest rejected IMS in SHUTDOWN/ESS task in process of abendingrequest rejected No list passed to build routine Unable to obtain quick save area Unable to obtain the Global External Subsystem Entry IMS in SHUTDOWN/ESS task in process of abendingrequest rejected

0051 0052 0053


0054 0401 0403


0404 0501 0502 0503 0504 0505 0506 05FF 04FF 0101 0103 0104 01FF

0501 0502 0503 0504

0505 0506 05FF 04FF 0101 0103

System action: The command is rejected. System Programmer Response: One of the following actions should be taken: Code 0050 Meaning External subsystem connection processing has
Messages and Codes Volume 2


DFS3605I DFS3606I
0104 01FF Take the same action indicated in return code 0504. No action required. 0C If the command was entered by the operator, check the spelling and format of the MODIFY command. Otherwise, the MODIFY command was an internal command sent from the external subsystem to notify IMS that the external subsystem was ready to continue the identify process. Make sure the SSM PROCLIB member has not been changed. IMS logic error; follow the procedures for software problems. IMS logic error; follow the procedures for software problems. This return code can result if IMS has been up and down without a connection to the external subsystem. IMS logic error; follow the procedures for software problems. IMS logic error; follow the procedures for software problems.

System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer about the receipt of this message. Problem determination: 5, 6, 34 DFS3605I ESS/ESI MODIFY COMMAND REJECTED, code xx (y)

10 14 18

Explanation: During an attempt to modify the external subsystem with the MVS MODIFY command, an error was detected. The reason code xx describes the error. The value y represents up to 12 bytes of the MODIFY command input data. The reason codes and their meanings are the following: Code (Hex) 04 Meaning The subsystem name specified in the MODIFY command does not have an active subtask. No task control block (TCB) exists for the external subsystem daughter task. No external subsystems have been attached to IMS. The external subsystem name in the MODIFY command is not defined to IMS. The IMS ID is invalid. The external subsystem name in the MODIFY command is too long. The name must be from 1 to 8 characters. The external subsystem in the MODIFY command is not waiting for a notify message. The IMSID/RSENAME in the internal MODIFY command does not match the name in the SCD/FRB. The external subsystem name was not specified in the MODIFY command. The name must be from 1 to 8 characters.

1C 20

08 0C

System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer that this message has been received. Problem determination: 5, 6, 35 DFS3606I wwww EXTERNAL SUBSYSTEM INITIALIZATION FAILED, FC = xxxx, RC = yy, JOBNAME = zzzzzzzz

10 14




Explanation: Initialization exit processing was unsuccessful for the external subsystem (wwww). The external subsystem returned a nonzero return code. The function code, xxxx, indicates the module that detected the error. This can be an IMS or external subsystem exit module. For the function code value and the module name that detected the error, see the return codes and function codes information in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. The return code yy, set by the detecting module, indicates the function that failed in the detecting module. To distinguish one region from another, JOBNAME = zzzzzzzz is also provided. This is necessary because all the supported regions must do initialization processing. For the function code values defined in IMS DSECT DFSESFC, see the Return Codes and Function Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: IMS initialization will continue. Subsystem connections will not be established. In the IMS control region, when the initialization exit processing fails in this manner, the TCB representing the external subsystem connection will be terminated without an abend. In the dependent region case, the following list of return codes will indicate the IMS action:

System action: IMS cannot perform the requested action. The command is rejected. Programmer response: One of the following actions should be taken: Code (Hex) 04 08 Meaning Check the spelling and format of the MODIFY command. Either SSM was not specified in the EXEC parameters or there was a failure in the initialization of the external subsystem.

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


yy = 08 Initialization unsuccessful - IMS will not initiate a connection to the subsystem for the life of this IMS dependent region execution. yy = 20 The external subsystem supplied exit has encountered an invalid condition while processing the request. If an application is involved, it will be terminated with U3044 abend. yy = ?? Unsupported return code received from the initialization exit. If an application is involved, it will be terminated with U3049 abend. Programmer response: Correct the indicated problem, and restart the failing external subsystem connection using the IMS /START SUBSYS command, or, if an application program was involved, restart the application using /START TRAN, UPDATE TRAN START(Q,SCHD), and /START PROGRAM commands. yy = 08 The error was encountered by the external subsystem initialization exit; see the external subsystem documentation for the action to take. yy = 20 The error was encountered by the external subsystem initialization exit; see the external subsystem documentation for the action to take. yy = ?? The error was encountered by the external subsystem initialization exit; see the external subsystem documentation for the action to take. System Operator Response: Notify the proper installation personnel about the receipt of this message, then follow the installation action. Problem determination: 35 DFS3607I xxxx SUBSYSTEM yyyy EXIT FAILURE, FC = ww, RC = zz, JOBNAME = nnnnnnnn X'08' topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: The TCB representing external subsystem connection will continue to run without the TCB representing the failing external subsystem. For the return code value, the following action occurs: Return Code X'08' Description TERMINATE IDENTIFY unsuccessful. IMS will continue termination processing as if the function completed normally. SUBSYSTEM TERMINATE unsuccessful. IMS will continue termination processing. Future connection requests will be honored. IDENTIFY unsuccessful. Because of the failure in the external subsystem, IMS will terminate the application program with abend U3044, if one is involved. IMS will terminate the application program with abend U3044, if one is involved. Unsupported return code. IMS will terminate the application program with abend U3049, if one is involved.

| |




Programmer response: Correct the indicated problem and restart the failed external subsystem by using the IMS /START SUBSYS command. Or if an application program was involved, restart the application program with a /START TRAN, UPDATE TRAN START(Q,SCHD), and /START PROGRAM commands. Return Code X'08' Description TERMINATE IDENTIFY unsuccessful. See the external subsystem documentation for action. SUBSYSTEM TERMINATE unsuccessful. See the external subsystem documentation for action. IDENTIFY unsuccessful. See the external subsystem documentation for action. See the external subsystem documentation for action. Unsupported return code; save all documentation (that is, console logs, log data set, dumps).


Explanation: IMS could not successfully complete processing for external subsystem (xxxx) exit (yyyy). The external subsystem attachment package returned a nonzero return code. The function code, ww, is the ID for the module that indicates the detected error. For the function code values and the module name that detected the error, see the Return Codes and Function Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. The return code, zz, is passed back by the external subsystem exit. To distinguish one region from another, JOBNAME = nnnnnnnn is also provided. This is necessary because the required connection management routines run in the control as well as in the dependent regions. Without JOBNAME it would be impossible to determine which region had the problem. For the function code values defined in IMS DSECT DFSESFC, see the Return Codes and Function Codes


X'20' X??

System Operator Response: Notify the proper installation personnel about the receipt of this message, then follow the installation action. Problem determination: 35


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3608I DFS3611W

Explanation: IMS could not successfully complete processing for external subsystem (xxxx). A required exit (yyyy) was not available. zzzzzzzz is the name of the job that encountered the problem. JOBNAME is required because more than one region can have connections to the external subsystem. Values for yyyy include the following; ID RID ID IDENTIFY EXIT RESOLVE-IN-DOUBT EXIT

Explanation: The IMS external subsystem task (mother or daughter) abended or was in the process of abending when the /START SUBSYS command was entered. System action: The command is rejected. IMS continues processing. System Programmer Response: Enter the /START SUBSYS command as soon as the abend has completed to restart the connection. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. DFS3610 SUBSYSTEM STOPPED, COMMAND REJECTED.


Explanation: The external subsystem is already in a stopped state. The stopped state can be the direct result of: v A previous /STOP SUBSYS command. v An external subsystem termination. v Either the mother or daughter task abended. v The existence of outstanding recovery elements from a previous IMS execution. v An IMS abnormal termination. System action: The command is rejected. IMS continues to process. System Programmer Response: If you wish to restart the external subsystem connection, enter the /START SUBSYS command. If the external subsystem connection is already in a stopped state, reentering the /STOP SUBSYS command will have no affect. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer of this message. DFS3611I EXTERNAL SUBSYSTEM xxxx CONNECTION TERMINATED RC=y



System action: A subsystem connection will not be established. If a connection exists, it will be terminated in the normal termination sequence, and the task structure (TCB) will be collapsed for the control region. If an application is involved, it will be terminated with abend U3049. Programmer response: Ensure that the subsystem load library is accessible to IMS. IMS provides a DD statement (DFSESL) to alleviate this problem. The external subsystem modules must be in a z/OS authorized library accessible by IMS (that is, JOBLIB, STEPLIB or DFSESL). Use the IMS /START SUBSYS command to restart the failing external subsystem connection when the problem has been resolved. If this does not solve the problem, then check the External subsystem documentation to determine which exits are provided. The Explanation identifies the required exits. System Operator Response: Notify the proper installation personnel about the receipt of this message, then follow the installation action. Problem determination: 34

Explanation: See the last form of this message for the explanation. DFS3611E EXTERNAL SUBSYSTEM xxxx CONNECTION TERMINATED RC=y

Explanation: See the last form of this message for the explanation. DFS3611W EXTERNAL SUBSYSTEM xxxx CONNECTION TERMINATED RC=y

Explanation: The daughter task control block (subtask TCB) attached for subsystem xxxx terminated. Reason code y, a single character value, indicates the
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3612I DFS3613I
cause of the termination, represented by one of the following codes: Reason Code B Meaning The IMS external subsystem daughter task (TCB attached for each connected subsystem) terminated abnormally. Some of the abend conditions can prohibit the invocation of the exit. The external subsystem notified IMS that it is terminating in a quiesce fashion. IMS will ensure that new connections are not established and will permit existing ones to terminate normally. The external subsystem notified IMS that it is terminating abnormally (catastrophic). IMS will ensure that new connections are not attempted and will terminate existing ones. The connection between the subsystems is being quiesced by IMS. IMS will not shutdown, but will remain available. The termination of the connection is the result of the IMS /STOP command, a bad return code from an exit, or a missing required exit. The connection between the subsystems terminated because the IMS termination service exit was invoked by an external subsystem exit, and allowed the external subsystem code to request that the connection be terminated. E F The connection stopped. No action is required. The connection terminated internally. An external subsystem exit instigated the termination of the connection and provided adequate problem determination information by the external exit.

System Operator Response: The external subsystem can be restarted using the /START command. Problem determination: 34 DFS3612I OPTIONAL xxxxxxxx SUBSYSTEM EXIT NOT PRESENT.

Explanation: IMS attempted to invoke an optional external subsystem exit and found that the external subsystem did not supply that exit. This message is sent when the following exit is absent: xxxxxxxx = command System action: If one of the optional exits are not present, IMS will do the following: xxxxxxxx = command IMS will invoke the command exit when a valid /SSR command is entered from a terminal or an automated operator interface (AOI) application. If the exit is not present, IMS will indicate it by this message. The /SSR command and the external subsystem command will be ignored. IMS will continue normal operation. Programmer response: This might be an external symptom of an IMS or external subsystem logic error. First check the external subsystem documentation to ensure that it furnishes a command exit. If it does, ensure that the subsystem in question is started. If the problem still exists, a dump will be required to aid in isolating the problem. Use the OS MODIFY (F) command to abend the IMS external subsystem mother task (ESSM), and see IMS Version 9: Command Reference for the command format. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. Problem determination: 34 DFS3613I xxx TCB INITIALIZATION COMPLETE.

System action: IMS continues normal termination processing. Programmer response: One of the following actions can be taken: Reason Code B Meaning The external subsystem TCB terminated. A spin-off dump will be created for debugging purposes if the spin-off dump facility is active. You should determine the cause of the abend, and take corrective action. The external subsystem quiesced by IMS terminated. No action required. The external subsystem terminated abnormally. Determine the cause of the shutdown of the external subsystem (that is, forced shutdown command). The external subsystem should provide adequate problem determination material.
Messages and Codes Volume 2


Explanation: This is an informational message indicating that the component xxx completed its initial processing. The following list identifies the possible values for xxx: ALC ALM CTL LU 6.2 TCB: allocate LUM TCB LU 6.2 TCB: Asynchronous LUM TCB Control region TCB (primarily data communication)


DFS3614I DFS3618
CTX DC DLG DLI DRC DTT DYC Control region auxiliary TCB Data communications TCB DASD log TCB (writing/reading of the log) DLI serialization TCB Database recovery, DBRC, TCB DL/I tracking TCB Dynamic allocation TCB DFS3614I DFSTRA (TRACE CONTROL BLOCK) CANNOT BE INITIALIZED

Explanation: During the initial processing of the tracing function to obtain storage for DFSTRA, there was not enough shareable CSA storage available. System action: The IMS tracing function will not be activated during this run of IMS. No other action will be taken by this failure, and the initial processing will continue. System Programmer Response: Increase the size of CSA. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. DFS3615I UNABLE TO IMODULE LOAD DFSTRA10

DYC RECALL Dynamic allocation recall subtask DYD ESS FP LRD LRM LSO LUM MOD RSR TCB: dynamic allocation daughter TCB External subsystem TCB (appears only if SSM is specified on the EXEC statement) Fast Path TCB (appears only if Fast Path is installed) RSR TCB: log router daughter TCB RSR TCB: log router master TCB Local storage option TCB LU 6.2 TCB: logical unit manager master TCB IMS control, MODIFY TCB ODBA Syncpoint task manager TCB ODBA Syncpoint request processing TCB RACF sign on and sign off TCB Restart data set TCB (writing/reading of the restart data set) LU 6.2 TCB: receive LUM TCB Restart TCB, an IMS restart and checkpoint processing Storage compression TCB Storage management TCB (job step TCB) Shared queues TCB 1 Shared queues TCB 2 Time-controlled operations TCB Transaction Manager TCB External trace TCB Cross-system coupling facility TCB

Explanation: During the initial processing of the tracing function, an IMODULE LOAD was unsuccessful for module DFSTRAxx, where xx can be 10, 20 or 30. System action: This message is issued during the initialization. The IMS tracing function will not be activated during this run of IMS, and the initial processing will continue. Programmer response: Ensure that all IMS modules are contained in the authorized libraries concatenated in the job stream. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. DFS3616I - THE cccc PARM IS INVALID - THE TRACE IS ON IN CORE


Explanation: IMS encountered an invalid trace table option statement for the cccc trace table. Valid options are listed in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. An example of a valid DFSVSMxx trace line is OPTIONS DISP=OUT System action: The invalid parameter is ignored and IMS continues initialization. System Operator Response: If you want the trace to go to the OLDS, issue the /TRACE SET ON TABLE cccc OPTION LOG command. You should inspect the DFSVSMxx member and correct any trace specifications that are incorrect or notify your IMS systems programmer. DFS3618 SPECIFIED COMMAND RECOGNITION CHARACTER (CRC) NOT FOUND

System action: After sending this message, the identified component will process any queued work requests. System programmer response: If IMS fails during or immediately after the initialization process, the absence of this message helps in identifying the component in which the failure occurred.

Explanation: The command recognition character (CRC) specified on the /SSR command was either not defined to IMS or incorrectly specified on the
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3619I DFS3621I
command. Therefore, IMS could not associate it with an external subsystem. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: Ensure that the CRC defined for the external subsystem is correct in the external subsystem PROCLIB member entry. System Operator Response: Notify the proper installation personnel about the receipt of this message to ensure that you have the correct CRC for the desired subsystem. Then reenter the command. DFS3619I UNABLE TO LOAD MODULE DFSESI70 DUE TO RC xx AWE specified in the control region JCL or the procedure (SSM=). IMS allows different SSM values to be specified, each containing a different subsystem definition for the control and dependent regions (MPP, BMP, IFP). However, a connection will be attempted by IMS only for those PROCLIB members specified in the control region. The PROCLIB member which is specified by the SSM parameter for the region (indicated by jobname), contains a subsystem definition that did not exist in the control region. Indicates that an IMS module was unable to acquire a asynchronous work element to initialize processing. Indicates the subsystem where the connection failed.

Explanation: During the processing of the /CHA SUBSYS command, an IMODULE LOAD for module DFSESI70 was issued. The load failed indicated by return code xx. System action: The command is rejected. IMS continues to process. System Operator Response: For an explanation of IMODULE LOAD return code xx, see the IMS System Services Return Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. This problem could be caused by a concatenation of libraries in the job stream. Tell the system programmer that you received this message. DFS3620I REQUIRED RESOURCE UNAVAILABLE - RC=uu - FC=vv RESOURCE ID=xxxxxxxx - SUBSYS NAME = yyyy - JOBNAME = zzzzzzzz.


zzzzzzzz Indicates the region where the connection failed. The PROCLIB member specified using the SSM parm for this region contains a subsystem definition which is not contained in the control region member. System action: The attempt to connect to the external subsystem is stopped, and this message is issued to assist in determining the problem. Programmer response: The installation action is dependent upon the resource ID. Take one of the following actions, dependent upon the resource ID. GESE If you wish to connect to the external subsystem, then add the subsystem definition to the control region subsystem PROCLIB member. Increase the size of the shareable storage (CSA) by 4K increments until IMS runs successfully.

Explanation: The IMS system encountered a resource constraint while processing a request to connect to an external subsystem. The following values for the return code (RC-uu), function code (FC-vv), resource ID-xxxxxxxx, subsys name-yyyy and jobname-zzzzzzzz are defined: uu The return code is passed back to the caller. For information on return codes and function codes,see the Return Codes and Function Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. The function code indicates the module name that encountered the problem. For information on return codes and function codes, see the Return Codes and Function Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. The resource ID indicates that a resource was required but could not be obtained or was nonexistent. The possible values are: GESE Indicates that the external subsystem, to which IMS was attempting to connect, did not have an external subsystem entry defined in the subsystem PROCLIB member



System Operator Response: Notify the proper system programmer. DFS3621I RECOVERY OUTSTANDING FOR SUBSYSTEM xxxx


Explanation: The external subsystem xxxx has outstanding recovery units, network identifier (NIDs), but is not defined by the SSM PROCLIB member. Because the entries are undefined, IMS and the external subsystem cannot resolve the COMMIT|ABORT of previous active work requests. System action: IMS retains the outstanding recovery units until the programmer takes corrective action. Programmer response: Do one of the following:


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3622I DFS3625E
v Define the external subsystem to IMS using the SSM PROCLIB member and start by using the /START command or the IMS restart command. v Delete the outstanding recovery units using the /CHANGE command. v Perform a cold start. DFS3622I STORAGE COMPRESSION DISABLED - STIMER FAILED, RC=y Value jobname psbname pstid code bbbb Description The name of the job that encountered the pseudoabend. The application program name (PSB). The PST ID. The pseudoabend code. A hexadecimal return code, bbbb, which identifies the cause of the abend, as well as the module that detected the condition. A hexadecimal return code, cccc, which identifies the function of the module that detected the condition.

Explanation: The online storage compression function issued the STIMER macro. The return code (y) indicates that clock damage occurred. System action: IMS processing continues. The storage compression function is now inoperative. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer about the receipt of this message, then refer the problem to hardware personnel. Problem determination: 35 DFS3623E STRG-COMP IMODULE ERR=a BLK=b, ADDR=c, RTN=d, SP=e




00006 3045 0004 0293

Explanation: The online storage compression function issued this message before abend U3058, subcode 12. Storage compression was unable to FREEMAIN storage. The values of a, b, c, d, and e are: Value a b c d Meaning A hexadecimal IMODULE delete return code. The 4-character name of the storage pool which owns the storage. The address of the storage IMS tried to FREEMAIN. An indicator as to which IMODULE delete, DFSBCB60, issued X'00' - routine at label FREE. The subpool number specified on IMODULE in decimal.

System action: This message does not cause IMS to take any adverse action; it is informational. The accompanying pseudoabend will indicate the action IMS will take. Programmer response: For the possible combinations of the return codes and function codes this message can return, see the Return Codes and Function Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. The return code (RC) is the value set in register 15 at the point where the error was detected. It represents the error condition for debugging purposes. The function code (FC) represents the module that detected the problem. The module name and the return code help determine why the application program was pseudoabended without looking at a dump. Problem determination: 35 Module: DFSESPR0 DFS3625E STRG-COMP PAGE FREE ERROR RC=z

System action: IMS terminates abnormally and module DFSBCB60 issues abend U3058, subcode 12. Programmer response: For problem analysis, see the description in abend U3058, for subcode 12. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer about the receipt of this message. Problem determination: 35 DFS3624I jobname- psbname- pstid- code - bbcc

Explanation: The online storage compression function issued this error message before abend U3058, subcode 13. Storage compression attempted to unfix one or more IPAGEs using IMSAUTH FUNC=PGFREE and received a nonzero return code. System action: IMS terminates abnormally and module DFSBCB60 issues abend U3058, subcode 13. Programmer response: For problem analysis for the description of subcode 13, see ABENDU3058 in IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis. System Operator Response: Notify the system programmer of the receipt of this message.

Explanation: This is an informational message which accompanies several IMS pseudoabends. It provides diagnostic information for the pseudoabended application. This message contains the following information:

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3626I DFS3630

Explanation: IMS terminated the restart process. Error messages issued before this one indicate the problem. System action: The restart is terminated and awaits another command. Master Terminal Operator Response: After correcting the problem, restart the IMS system. Problem determination: 35 DFS3627I DYC|DYS TCB RETRY IN PROGRESS DUE TO SYS|IMS xxxx

Explanation: The DB2 Attach Facility could not be established in the Java dependent region for the reason given by xxxxxxxxxx. The possible reasons for the failure are: v GETMAIN FOR AFB FAILED v ACCESS TO db2id STOPPED v UNABLE TO OPEN DFSDB2AF System action: The dependent region abends with a U3056 except for the reason, ACCESS TO db2id STOPPED, where db2id is the subsystem name which was provided in a /STOP SUBSYS command. System programmer response: For UNABLE TO OPEN DFSDB2AF, ensure that access to the defined data set is available to the dependent region. Also ensure that the DB2 library is APF-authorized. For ACCESS TO db2id STOPPED, if the dependent region needs access, stop the region, issue a /STA SUBSYS command and restart the region. If access is not needed, nothing need be done. Module: DFSD2AF0 DFS3629I DB2 RRSAF FUNC=xxxx FAILED RC=yyyy, RS=zzzz

Explanation: The dynamic control services TCB ESTAE has received control and is attempting a retry of the process that encountered an error. "DYC" is the dynamic allocation service in the IMS control region. "DYS" is the dynamic allocation service in the DL/I subordinate address space. The reason for the retry is abend code xxxx, which is either a system (SYS) or IMS code. System action: A retry of the request issued to the dynamic control services TCB is attempted. In addition, a software log record containing a copy of the System Diagnostic Work Area (SDWA) is written to the SYS1.LOGREC data set. The log record contains an eye-catcher field that identifies the failure as "IMS DYN ALLOCATE". Programmer response: In most cases, receiving this message is no cause for alarm, although a database or data set might not have been allocated or deallocated. External user action might be required to process the request. However, if the problem persists, an investigation of the SYS1.LOGREC data set might be necessary to obtain diagnostic information about the failure. System Operator Response: None required. DFS3628E DOUBLE AWE RELEASE DETECTED IN MODULE DFSBCB30

Explanation: The DB2 Attach Facility function xxxx failed with return code yyyy and reason code zzzz. The possible functions are: v IDENTFY v SIGNON v CREATE THD v TERM THD The return codes and reason codes can be found in DB2 UDB for OS/390 and z/OS Messages and Codes. System action: The dependent region abends with a U3056. Programmer response: Contact the system programmer. Module: DFSD2AF0 DFS3630 GENERIC PARAMETER IS NOT ALLOWED

Explanation: The IMS control block storage manager, DFSBCB30, detected a double release of an IMS internal control block called an AWE. IMS collects internal diagnostics for this problem and issues this message to document that this condition occurred. The DFS3628E message is issued only one time per IMS checkpoint interval, regardless of how many double AWE frees actually occurred. System action: IMS processing continues, however, a double free of an AWE is a symptom of an internal processing error within IMS, and unpredictable results may occur. System programmer response: Take a console dump of the IMS control and DLI regions and contact the IBM Support Center.

Explanation: A generic parameter was entered for a command or keyword that does not allow generic parameters. System action: The command is ignored. Programmer response: Reenter the command with non-generic parameters.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3632 DFS3638

Explanation: A command with the keyword combination 'NODE' or 'NODE and USER' was entered, where the NODE parameter was not ISC. This command, with the 'NODE' or 'NODE and USER' keywords included, is valid only for ISC nodes. System action: The command is ignored. Programmer response: Reenter the command without the USER keyword or with a NODE parameter that is ISC. DFS3633 GENERIC PARAMETER RESOURCES NOT FOUND, NO ACTION TAKEN

Explanation: One of the following incorrect forms of the /ASSIGN command was attempted: v /ASSIGN LTERM static {TO} USER dynamic v /ASSIGN LTERM dynamic {TO} USER static v /ASSIGN USER static {TO} USER dynamic v /ASSIGN USER dynamic {TO} USER static System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Issue one of the following correct forms of the /ASSIGN command: v /ASSIGN LTERM dynamic {TO} USER dynamic v /ASSIGN LTERM static {TO} USER static v /ASSIGN USER dynamic {TO} USER dynamic v /ASSIGN USER static {TO} USER static DFS3637 USER IN USE, CANNOT PROCESS COMMAND

Explanation: A command with only generic parameters was entered. None of the generic parameters applied to existing resources. For example, if the command /IDLE NODE ABC* CD%F were entered, this message would be issued if there were no resources whose names started with ABC or no resources whose first, second, and fourth characters were C, D, and F. System Operator Response: Check whether the generic parameter applies to the intended resource. DFS3634 LOGOND OR USERD NOT VALID WITH STATIC RESOURCE

Explanation: The user referred to in the /ASSIGN command cannot be reassigned because the user is signed on or is in conversation mode, preset mode, or response mode. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Wait for the user to sign off or to terminate conversation mode, preset mode, or response mode, and then try the /ASSIGN command again. DFS3638 IMPROPER REASSIGNMENT FOR LUTYPE6 OR DYNAMIC TERMINALS

Explanation: The /OPNDST NODE command erroneously included the keyword LOGOND or USERD with a static terminal or user, or a dynamic ISC terminal or user. The LOGOND keyword applies only to dynamic non-ISC terminals and the USERD keyword applies only to dynamic non-ISC users. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Re-enter the command, omitting the LOGOND keyword, if the terminal is static or dynamic and ISC. Re-enter the command, omitting the USERD keyword, if the user is static or dynamic and ISC. DFS3635 COMMAND NOT ALLOWED FOR STATIC USERS

Explanation: An attempt was made to improperly assign an LUTYPE6 or dynamic terminal, user, or LTERM. The assignment is incorrect for one of the following reasons: v The /ASSIGN INPUT LTERM and /ASSIGN OUTPUT LTERM forms of the /ASSIGN command are not allowed for dynamic or LUTYPE6 logical terminals. v An LUTYPE6 or dynamic LTERM cannot be assigned to a node because these types of logical terminals are associated with users. v An LUTYPE6 LTERM or user cannot be assigned to a non-LUTYPE6 user. v A non-LUTYPE6 LTERM or user cannot be assigned to an LUTYPE6 user. v An LTERM cannot be assigned to a dynamic or LUTYPE6 terminal. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Make a proper
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987

Explanation: A command with the keyword USER that applies only to dynamic users was issued for a static user. The command is one of the following: /BRO USER /END USER /EXC USER /EXIT CONV USER /RSTART USER /TEST USER System action: The command is ignored.


DFS3639 DFS3644
reassignment for LUTYPE6 or dynamic nodes, LTERMs, or users. DFS3639 USER KEYWORD INVALID IF NODE PARAMETER IS GENERIC For ISC users, determine why the ISC user was not allocated to a node for the DLQT time period. For dynamic users, if the user name is defined to enhanced security such as RACF, verify that user xxxxxxxx can access the queue by signing on. If the dynamic user name is not defined to enhanced security such as RACF, and thus cannot be signed on, determine why messages were queued or status applied to that user. To aid the investigation of why messages were queued and to remove the status of DEADQ, use the /ASSIGN command to reassign queues and retrieve the data for evaluation. To purge the data and to remove the DEADQ status, use the /DEQUEUE command. If status no longer applies to the user, remove the status by using a command or by signing the user on and taking the necessary actions to reset the undesired status. Delete dynamic users who were created inadvertently. To cause the user structure to be deleted, all of the messages must be dequeued or the queues assigned away, and the status must be removed. Subsequently, the user structure will be deleted at the next simple checkpoint. Problem determination: 1, 6. DFS3644 NO RESOURCES FOR NODE nnnnnnnn

Explanation: A command with the keyword combination NODE and USER was supplied with a generic NODE parameter. System action: The command is ignored. User response: Enter a nongeneric NODE parameter with the USER keyword. DFS3640W xxxxxxxx HAS AN INVALID DYNAMIC TERMINAL DESCRIPTOR TYPE OF y

Explanation: While processing ETO descriptors, IMS found a descriptor that cannot be identified as a LOGON, MSC, USER, or DEVICE descriptor type. System action: The descriptor is ignored. System programmer response: Locate the descriptor with the resource name of xxxxxxxx. Correct the descriptor type of y to L, M, U, or D. If this descriptor must be present, restart IMS. Problem determination: 1, 6. DFS3641W xxxxxxxx HAS AN INVALID PARAMETER FOR KEYWORD yyyyyyyy. DEFAULTS FOR THIS KEYWORD WERE USED.

Explanation: This message is issued for one of the following reasons: v IMS could not acquire the control blocks required for the creation of a dynamic terminal structure. v The created terminal structure could not be added to the IMS hash table for such structures. Both reasons represent serious system failures. System action: The command or logon attempt is ignored and processing continues. System programmer response: Use the information in the DFS3672I message to further identify the nature of the problem. Consult the IMS Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference for the meanings of the indicated code and qualifier. Contact the IMS support representative for further action. System Operator Response: Inform the system programmer. User response: Retry the action that generated this message. Problem determination: 1, 6, 14.

Explanation: While processing ETO descriptors, IMS found an incorrect parameter for keyword yyyyyyyy. System action: The parameters specified for the keyword are ignored, and the default values are used. System programmer response: Locate the descriptor with the resource name of xxxxxxxx. Correct the parameter in error. If the defaults selected for the keyword are incorrect, restart IMS. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10. DFS3643I USER xxxxxxxx HAS EXCEEDED DLQT VALUE. LAST ACCESSED ON yyyyddd.

Explanation: User xxxxxxxx has queued messages or outstanding status and has not been accessed since yyddd, which exceeds the time period specified on the DLQT JCL parameter. User xxxxxxxx was last accessed when it was created, signed on, or signed off. Other possibilities are when messages were dequeued, or queues were assigned away. User xxxxxxxx has been marked as having a status of DEADQ. System programmer response: Verify that the time period specified on the DLQT JCL parameter is not unreasonably short.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3645I DFS3647W
DFS3645I LOGON REJECTED - NODE nnnnnnnn CCDD The alternate screen size (CC = lines, DD = columns) in hexadecimal. XX YY The screen size control byte in hexadecimal. The video/printer identifier (applicable to non-SNA 3270 devices only).

Explanation: A terminal attempted to establish a session with IMS but the attempt was unsuccessful. System action: Processing continues. System Operator Response: Inform the system programmer. System programmer response: This message appears when: v The terminal is defined as the primary or secondary master terminal for the alternate system in an XRF environment. v ETO=NO was in effect, thus precluding session establishment attempts from terminals not defined to IMS. If ETO=YES was specified at startup, verify that ETOFEAT=YES was specified in the IMSCTRL macro and that message DFS3648I was not issued by any installation- supplied initialization exit, DFSINTX0. v Required user data was not provided for parallel session ISC and ETO FIN/SLU P terminals. The user data was not provided, or an installation-supplied logon exit, DFSLGNX0, cleared the user data. Make sure that the user data is supplied or not cleared. See the Format for CINIT User Data Parameters topic in IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: Transaction Manager for CINIT user data parameters. v An installation-supplied logon exit, DFSLGNX0, rejected the logon attempt without issuing its own message to indicate why the session was rejected. v No logon descriptor was found describing the characteristics of the terminal attempting session establishment. v An ISC session was initiated using the generic resource name but the IMS initialization user exit specified the option to disable VGR for ISC. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10. DFS3646I UNRECOGNIZED OR INCONSISTENT DEVICE ATTRIBUTES. DESC = nnnnnnnn - NODE = xxxxxxxx. UNRECOGNIZED OR INCONSISTENT DEVICE ATTRIBUTES. DESC = LLLLLLLL, NODE = NNNNNNNN, SCR/USE = AABBCCDDXXYY/Z1Z2.

The USE field identifies the actual screen size used by IMS in searching the Device Characteristics Table for a matching entry. Z1 Z2 Number of lines of screen size in hexadecimal. Number of columns of screen size in hexadecimal.

IMS also searches the DCT for a match on feature information. The feature information from the ETO logon descriptor is compared with the feature information in the DCT entry. System action: Processing continues. System Operator Response: Inform the system programmer. System programmer response: For the first message form, determine whether descriptor nnnnnnnn correctly describes node xxxxxxxx. Correct the named descriptor or create a new one specifically for the named node. Verify existence of Device Characteristics Table. For the second message form, the MFS Service utility can be used to list the entries in the DCT to see what entries are currently defined. The feature information in the ETO logon descriptor (the descriptor LLLLLLLL is identified in the message) and the USE screen size values (identified in the message) must both match a single entry in the DCT. Most likely, the MFS DCT utility needs to be used to add an entry to the DCT for the screen size and feature combination that was not found. To find out more about the Device Characteristics Table (DCT), why one is needed, and how to create or update one, see the topics titled LU2 and Non-SNA 3270 Screen Size and Model Information and MFS Device Descriptors in the Administering the Extended Terminal Option topic in IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: Transaction Manager and the description of the MFS DCT utility in the IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10. DFS3647W MISPLACED OR DUPLICATE DESCRIPTOR xxxxxxxx. CONTENTS ARE IGNORED.


Explanation: For the first message form, either the IMS logon descriptor name for the given node was incompatible with the characteristics of that node as specified in the CINIT, or Device Characteristics Table was not found. For the second message form, the SCR field refers to the screen size information presented to IMS by the logging-on terminal. AABB The default screen size (AA = lines, BB = columns) in hexadecimal.

Explanation: IMS initialization has already processed descriptor records for descriptor name xxxxxxxx. However, a descriptor with the same resource name was found and ignored. System action: The descriptor records in error are
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3648 DFS3649A
ignored and processing continues. System programmer response: Correct the error by discarding or repositioning descriptors in IMS.PROCLIB as required. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10. DFS3648 ETO SUPPORT NOT AVAILABLE DISABLED VIA DFSINTX0 sign-on attempt, the reason for the rejection will be shown after the word REJECTED. The last form of this message, the key message, is displayed when the pre-edit message was unable to be built. For all of the conditions that cause DFS3649 to be sent, see Appendix A, Use of the DFS3649 and DFS3650 Messages, on page 731. See the following list for the reason codes and their meanings: Code (Dec) 04 08 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 DFS3649A (3270/SLU2 type devices) IMS Sign on panel 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 Meaning User profile is not defined to RACF. Password is not authorized, or was not specified. Password has expired. New password is invalid. User is not defined to the group. RACINIT was failed by the installation exit routine. User access has been revoked. RACF is not active. Users access to the specified group has been revoked. OIDCARD parameter is required but not supplied. OIDCARD parameter is invalid for specified user. User is not authorized to use the terminal. User is not authorized to use the application. Reserved. Reserved. Reserved. Reserved. Reserved. SIGNON internal error Terminal is in conversation. Reserved. Terminal is in Preset Mode. Terminal is in Response Mode. Terminal is not authorized to this conversation. Rejected by DFSCSGNO exit routine. Storage unavailable to process request.

Explanation: The initialization exit routine DFSINTX0 returned a return code of 4 to IMS. A return code of 4 indicates that dynamic terminal support is not desired, even if it was requested using the ETO= parameter in the JCL or the DFSPByyy member. Since output security is only available for ETO terminals, none of the terminals in the system has output security. System action: IMS does not allow the creation of any ETO terminals or users until the next IMS restart. System Operator Response: v If ETO terminal support is not desired, no action is required. v If ETO terminal support is required, contact the IMS system programmer for assistance.

Explanation: For details, see the third form of this message. DFS3649A (Non-3270/SLU2 devices) /SIGN COMMAND REQUIRED FOR IMS imsid. NODE node name. (NO) OUTPUT SECURITY AVAILABLE (,REJECTED reason.)

Explanation: For details, see the third form of this message. DFS3649A /SIGN COMMAND REQUIRED.

Explanation: The user of a terminal requiring sign-on (this includes all ETO terminals except ISC, SLU P, and FINANCE terminals) must enter valid sign-on data before IMS will accept other input data, such as transactions, commands, and message switches. The only commands permitted at this time are /SIGN and /RCLSDST. For 3270 terminals, the first form of the message appears and the sign-on data can be entered into the panel displayed. For non-3270 terminals, the second form of the message appears and the /SIGN command should be used when permitted. See IMS Version 9: Command Reference for a description of the format and parameters of the /SIGN command, and when the command is permitted. If this message is sent again due to the rejection of a


Messages and Codes Volume 2

108 112 116 120 124 Reserved. Rejected by DFSSGNX0 exit routine. The structure of the /SIGN command is in error. Resources unavailable for command. The LTERM name returned by DFSSGNXO exit exists as LU 6.2 descriptor name Syntax error detected by IMS. Storage unavailable to IMS while processing signon or signoff parameters, or one of the parameters is invalid. Return code 104 from ARM call. Storage was unavailable to complete this call. Return code 108 from ARM call. A system error caused this call to fail. User ID has more than 8 characters. Descriptor specified by the USERD parameter could not be found, or no user descriptor could be found (DFSUSER could not be found). User descriptor specified has more than 8 characters. User structure is already allocated to a terminal structure. Associated printer user structure already exists and is temporary. Descriptor name returned in the associated printer output buffer by DFSSGNX0 does not exist in the system. DFSUSER user descriptor does not exist in the system, and no other descriptor was specified to build the associated printer structure. Associated printer structures could not be obtained using DFSBCB. Specified user ID is currently in use as a dynamic user. It is unavailable at this time as a static user ID. Or, the specified user ID is not valid for this terminal type because it was statically defined with the system definition SUBPOOL macro for use with static ISC parallel session nodes. USERD parameter cannot be specified by a static terminal. Queues returned in the user output 208 204 196 192 188 queue buffer that modify the existing user structure do not belong to the existing user. Queues returned in the user output queue buffer that modify the existing user structure are not defined in the system. User ID returned in the user output queue buffer from DFSSGNX0 contains invalid characters. Associated print user name returned in the associated print output buffer from DFSSGNX0 contains invalid characters. Queues returned in the user output queue buffer from DFSSGNX0 contain special prefixes reserved to IMS or contain invalid characters. If no buffer data is returned by DFSSGNX0, the parameter in error might have been entered as signon data. Queues returned in the user output queue buffer from DFSSGNX0 are not unique in this IMS system. If no buffer data is returned by DFSSGNX0, then DFSUSER is used as the descriptor but an LTERM with the same name as the user ID exists. Queues returned in the user output queue buffer from DFSSGNX0 contain names that are currently defined as transaction names in this IMS system. User structure blocks could not be obtained using DFSBCB. User is allocated, but it is not ISC/SLU P/FINANCE. User is allocated, and though it is ISC/SLU P/FINANCE, the user address does not match the new user address. User already exists and is trying to sign on, but sign-on has the status of having the stopped bit turned on by the /STOP USER command. Sign-on exit routine DFSSGNX0 returned an invalid ICOMPT value that was not between 1 and 4. Signon exit routine DFSSGNX0 returned an invalid COMPT value that was not between 1 and 4. User already existed as a real user and not a temporary user, but the user does not have any queues.

128 132



140 144 148

152 156 160 164

212 216 220


172 176




180 184


Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


240 244 Static or dynamic terminal with this user ID already exists on the system. LU6, SLU P, or FINANCE ETO terminal entered a /SIGN command, but there are no user structures available under this terminal. Associated printer buffer from DFSSGNX0 has a LUNAME that does not follow the correct naming conventions. Associated Printer buffer from DFSSGNX0 has a logon descriptor which does not follow the correct naming conventions. Associated Printer buffer from DFSSGNX0 has a mode table name which does not follow the correct naming conventions. Static user was not found for the user allocation of a static ISC parallel session, a dynamic user was used for the user allocation of a static ISC parallel session, or a static user was used for the sign-on to an ETO terminal session. Session initiation occurred for an ETO terminal that is an output-only device, but no sign-on data (user ID and optionally user password and user descriptor) was included. The session is terminated. MSGDEL specifications for the USER and static ISC parallel session terminal did not match. They must be the same. The user structure name has been overridden by DFSSGNXO exit, either because a name was provided in USEQUSTN or as a result of suffixing. This name exists as a user descriptor and, therefore, cannot be used as a user structure name by the user signing on. The user already exists and is currently being used by as part of an /ASSIGN, /STOP, or /OPNDST command. An LTERM name with a suffix added contained more than 8 characters. Temporary user structure is currently in use by another ITASK. Wait a moment and try again. A static terminal attempted to sign on and register the user ID to RM. However, the sign-on is rejected due to an error in RM registration.
Messages and Codes Volume 2


The user already exists, but the user has fast path input in progress and the user was defined with no fast path recovery (RCVYFP=NO). The fast path program must complete before the user is allowed to signon. Password verification is required. Password verification failed. A failure occurred in obtaining CTBWORK. The user is stopped from signing on. A user in Fast Path response mode attempted to sign on to an IMS system that is not Fast Path capable or is not using an EMHQ structure. A mismatch occurred between the local IMS and RM: user type. A mismatch occurred between the local IMS and RM: number of assigned CNTs. The user resource in RM does not have a fixed segment. The user is currently active. The limit has been reached for user update attempts. The user is owned by another IMS. The user update failed. The user ID is owned by an active IMS. The assigned CNT was not found. The node query produced no RM output. The node query failed. User signon failed. The user attempted to log on as a static terminal, but the node is already defined to RM as a dynamic terminal; or the user attempted to log on as a dynamic terminal, but the node is already defined as static. A mismatch occurred between the local IMS and RM: session manager session. A mismatch occurred between the local IMS and RM: user or subpool support. A mismatch occurred between the local IMS and RM: device type. A mismatch occurred between the local IMS and RM: output-only.


300 304 308 312



| | | |


320 324


328 332 336 340 344 348 352 356 360 364






280 284



376 380


384 388 392 396 400 404 408 412 416 420 428 432 A mismatch occurred between the local IMS and RM: output-only. A mismatch occurred between the local IMS and RM: output edit. The node update did not produce RM output. The node update failed. There is no storage. Node cleanup has no RM output. Node cleanup failed. Node delete has no RM output. Node delete failed. There is no LTERM for this signon. The user currently allocates to a different node. An error in the RACF database occurred. For more information, see system abend 483-4C in z/OS V1R2.0 MVS System Codes. CQS is unavailable, which causes the registration of interest to fail. v For ETO terminal, the user is signed off. v For static non-stsn terminal that requires signon, the session persists. The user is signed off if already signed on. The user is currently allocated to a different node on the local IMS system. Sign-on was unable to update the node resource in RM. This is a temporary condition; retry the sign-on. descriptor name of 8 characters or less that is used by IMS to build a user control block structure. Password An optional keyword indicating a password of 8 characters or less that is associated with the user identification. This field will have a non-display attribute. The password is required when RACF is used to verify the sign-on. Group An optional keyword indicating a group name of 8 characters or less that is associated with the user ID. New Password An optional keyword indicating a new user password of 8 characters or less that replaces the current user password specified in the password field. This field will have a non-display attribute. DFS3650I IMS Session Status Summary for 3270/SLU2 Devices SESSION STATUS FOR IMS imsid (Non-3270/SLU2 devices) DATE: xx/yy/zz TIME: aa:bb:cc NODE NAME: SCREEN01 USER: DOE PRESET DESTINATION: CURRENT SESSION STATUS: (NO) OUTPUT SECURITY AVAILABLE SESSION STATUS.

| 436 | | | | | | | | 440 | | | 444 | | |




Note: For reason codes 4-52, see System Programming Library: Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) for further details. System action: IMS processes signon input data when entered. If the sign-on is successful, message DFS3650I is sent to the terminal. Message DFS3650I provides the current status of the terminal session and user. System Operator Response: Enter valid signon data as requested. For RACF, the sign-on data consists of the following: User ID A user identification of 8 characters or less. User Descriptor An optional keyword indicating a user

Explanation: Session initiation was successfully completed for IMS terminals. For terminals requiring sign-on security, including dynamically defined terminals, the user has successfully signed on to IMS. This message details the current status of the session and the user. The status conditions indicated under current session status are: ASR MFST C1/C2/C3/C4INOP INC-LTRM RESP TEST CONV-HLD *PWD-CHG* RESP-INP EXCL CONV-ACT LOCK TRA ACTIV

The definitions of these status indicators are in IMS Version 9: Command Reference. The status condition *PWD-CHG* indicates that the password for the current user was changed during signon processing. The status condition INC-LTRM indicates that the LTERMs requested by the user signon exit (DFSSGNX0), or defined as part of the user descriptor used to build the user structure, were not all
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3651I DFS3655
successfully allocated to the user. Normally, the requested LTERM could not be obtained because a CNT already exists by that name and is currently assigned to a different user. A /DIS ASMT USER command can be issued to determine which LTERMs were allocated successfully to the user. For ACF/VTAM terminals with 6 to 11 lines, the PRESET DESTINATION and CURRENT SESSION STATUS lines will be omitted. For ACF/VTAM terminals with less than 6 lines and the MFS formatted master terminal, only the first line will be displayed. The third form of the message, the key message, is displayed when the pre-edit message was unable to be built. For all of the conditions that cause DFS3650 to be sent, see Appendix A, Use of the DFS3649 and DFS3650 Messages, on page 731. System action: The IMS system continues processing. System Operator Response: Verify the status of the session and user. It is possible to enter input such as transactions, commands, and message switches. DFS3651I LOGON REJECTED - NODE nnnnnnnn. DEFAULT LOGON DESCRIPTOR xxxxxxxx REQUIRED BUT NOT FOUND. System programmer response: Determine whether the descriptors' members that should contain ETO descriptors exist in the data set with the ddname PROCLIB. The member names are DFSDSCMa and DFSDSCTb, where a is the IMS nucleus suffix and b is from the DSCT parameter, during IMS initialization. If executing the MFS Device Characteristics Table utility, a and b are from the DSCMSUF and DSCTSUF parameters. If the members do not exist, create them. If they do exist, determine why IMS could not locate the members in the data set with the ddname PROCLIB, or why the required descriptors do not exist in the members. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10 DFS3653 ATTRIBUTE MIXED WITH SPECIFIC PARAMETER.

Explanation: A command was entered with a mix of attributes and parameters. If an attribute is specified, all other parameters must be attributes. If a non-attribute parameter is specified, all other parameters must be non-attribute parameters. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: Reenter the command with all attribute parameters or all non-attribute parameters. See the IMS Version 9: Command Reference for valid attribute parameters. DFS3654 COMMAND NOT ALLOWED FOR DYNAMIC TERMINALS.

Explanation: While creating the correct session control blocks for node nnnnnnnn, IMS determined that the default logon descriptor xxxxxxxx was required but not found. System action: The logon attempt is rejected. User response: Contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Determine if the node was rejected because it was of an LU type not supported by the installation. If the node is a valid type, determine why the default logon descriptor for that type could not be located. DFS3652X DYNAMIC TERMINAL DESCRIPTORS NOT AVAILABLE

Explanation: An /EXCLUSIVE NODE or /TEST NODE command was entered for a node that is an ETO terminal. Commands /EXCLUSIVE NODE and /TEST NODE are invalid for ETO terminals. A /DELETE command against a dynamically created NODE or LTERM is also an invalid command. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: Reenter the command with a node parameter that is static, or enter /EXCLUSIVE USER or /TEST USER to associate exclusive or test status with the user. A /DELETE command is invalid against a dynamically created node or LTERM because SMU is not supported for these resources. DFS3655 USER SIGNED ON, /EXIT USER COMMAND INVALID

Explanation: IMS initialization or the MFS Device Characteristics Table utility was unable to locate the ETO descriptors from the library with the ddname PROCLIB. IMS initialization requires at least one valid logon descriptor and one valid user descriptor when ETO=YES is requested. The MFS Device Characteristics Table utility requires at least one device descriptor. System action: IMS initialization abnormally terminates with abend U0015. The MFS Device Characteristics Table utility ends with a return code of 12. System Operator Response: Contact the system programmer.

Explanation: In the /EXIT command with only the CONV and USER keywords (the NODE is not specified), the specified user is signed on. This format of the /EXIT command is valid only when the user is not signed on. System action: The command is ignored. System Operator Response: Reenter the /EXIT


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3656A DFS3660W

Explanation: IMS was unsuccessful in obtaining a storage for descriptor block xxxxxxxx while initializing the ETO terminal or LU 6.2 descriptor. System action: IMS abnormally terminates with abend U0095. System Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If dynamic resources are required, increase the available storage to the IMS control region. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10. DFS3659X SYN ERROR OCCURRED READING DESCRIPTOR yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy IN MEMBER DFSYDTC I/O ERROR OCCURRED READING DESCRIPTOR yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy IN MEMBER DFSYDTC

Explanation: The user of a VTAM terminal is attempting to change the password during a signon. When password verification is enabled, this message prompts the user to reenter the new password. The first form of the message, which contains the text PLEASE RE-ENTER NEW PASSWORD: is the one normally received by the user, and prompts the user to reenter the new password. The password is not displayed to the terminal. The second form of the message, which contains the text SIGN ON WITH VERIFY KEYWORD, is the one normally received when there are resource constraints, and it is not possible for IMS to issue the first form. In this case, the user is prompted to reenter the password using the /SIGN ON command. System action: IMS verifies that the new password entered as a response to this message matches the password originally entered. If verification is successful, signon completes successfully, and message DFS3650I is displayed with the current status, *PWD-CHG*, to indicate the password was changed. If verification is unsuccessful, signon fails with DFS3649A, return code 304. System Operator Response: If the first form of the message is received, reenter the new password (the new password is not displayed on the terminal). If the second form of the message is received, enter the /SIGN ON VERIFY xxxxxxxx command, where xxxxxxxx is the new password. DFS3657 DESCRIPTOR yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy IN MEMBER DFSYDTC EXCEEDS THE MAXIMUM OF 50 RECORDS. DESCRIPTOR IGNORED.


Explanation: IMS initialization or the MFS Device Characteristics Table utility received an I/O error while reading the descriptor records for descriptor name xxxxxxxxx from the member yyyyyyyy of IMS.PROCLIB. When this message is received from the MFS Device Characteristics Table utility, xxxxxxxx contains DCTABLE. System action: IMS initialization abnormally terminates with abend U0015. The MFS DCT Utility ends with a return code of 12. System Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Rebuild member yyyyyyyy of IMS.PROCLIB for which the I/O error occurred. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10. Module: DFSYIDC0 DFS3660W EDIT ROUTINE xxxxxxxx DEFINED BY DESCRIPTOR yyyyyyyy CANNOT BE FOUND. DESCRIPTOR IGNORED.

Explanation: IMS was initializing dynamic descriptors and found a descriptor which had more than the maximum of 50 records. System action: The descriptor is ignored. System programmer response: If the descriptor must be present, shorten it to 50 records or less. Then restart IMS. Problem determination: 1, 6. Module: DFSYIDC0

Explanation: IMS was processing the EDIT= parameter of logon descriptor yyyyyyyy when the search for the physical edit routine xxxxxxxx was unsuccessful. If the edit routine xxxxxxxx is not used by any static terminals defined in the IMS system definition, it must be link edited into IMS.SDFSRESL. System action: The descriptor is ignored. System programmer response: Correct the physical edit routine name on descriptor yyyyyyyy, if it is
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3661W DFS3666W
incorrect. If the physical edit routine name xxxxxxxx is correct, link edit the module into the IMS.SDFSRESL. The descriptor yyyyyyyy will not be available until the problem is corrected and IMS is restarted. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10. DFS3661W DESCRIPTOR xxxxxxxx HAS AN INVALID OR DUPLICATE KEYWORD yyyyyyyy. THE KEYWORD IS IGNORED. INSTALL ERROR; RC=20 RACF is not installed or an incorrect level of RACF is installed. RACF POE ERROR; RC=24 The RACF profile has a conditional access list, the port-of-entry field in the security token is filled by blanks, and the port-of-entry class is active. NO PASSWORD; RC=36 RACF password verification is required but no password was given. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: You are not authorized to use the command that was rejected. See the system programmer if you believe you should be authorized to use the rejected command. Module: DFSCIOB0 DFS3663I UNSUPPORTED DEVICE-TYPE LOGON REJECTED- NODE xxxxxxxx

Explanation: While IMS was processing the definition for ETO descriptor xxxxxxxx, an invalid keyword (unrecognizable string or invalid for this device type) or duplicate keyword yyyyyyyy was found. System action: The invalid or duplicate keyword string is ignored. System programmer response: Locate the descriptor having the resource name of xxxxxxxx. Correct the keyword in error. If the default selected by IMS for the erroneous keyword is incorrect, restart IMS with the corrected descriptor. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10. DFS3662W COMMAND REJECTED BY reason

Explanation: The LU type, as specified in the CINIT of the logging-on terminal, is not allowed by IMS. System action: Processing continues. System Operator Response: Inform the system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the mode table entry for the indicated LU specifies an LU type acceptable to IMS. Verify that the mode table entry for the indicated LU specifies device characteristics correctly. DFS3665W DESCRIPTOR MSNAME xxxxxxxx CONTAINS DUPLICATE REMOTE LTERM yyyyyyyy.

Explanation: This message is issued when a command from a terminal is rejected by security checking. If enhanced command security is included in the IMS system, the command initially goes through a RACF security check. reason can be one of the following: RACF; return code DFSCCMD0 DEFAULT COMMAND SECURITY If RACF rejected the command, and the DFSCCMD0 user exit routine did not override the RACF rejection, IMS displays the message: COMMAND REJECTED BY RACF; return code. Possible return codes from RACF: USER NOT AUTH; RC=08 User is not authorized for the command by RACF. SIGNON REQUIRED Command is RACF-protected and the user is not signed on. RACF NOT ACTIVE; RC=12 RACF is not active, and RACF transaction or command class is active. INVALID EXIT RC; RC=16 RACF installation exit routine returned an invalid return code.

Explanation: IMS initialization detected that descriptor xxxxxxxx contains a remote LTERM name of yyyyyyyy that is a duplicate of another remote LTERM in the system. System action: The remote LTERM xxxxxxxx is ignored and processing continues. Terminal Operator Response: Remove the duplicate remote LTERM from the MSNAME descriptor. DFS3666W DESCRIPTOR NAME xxxxxxxx CONTAINS INVALID CHARACTERS. DESCRIPTOR IS IGNORED.

Explanation: IMS initialization detected that descriptor xxxxxxxx contains invalid characters and does not conform to the IMS rules for valid resource names. All descriptor names must be 1 to 8-alphanumeric characters, that is, letters A through Z, digits 0 through 9, and national characters #, $, and @. For logon and


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3667W DFS3672I
user descriptors, the first character must be alphabetic (A-to-Z, #, $, or @). System action: The descriptor xxxxxxxx is ignored and processing continues. System programmer response: Correct the name in error. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10. DFS3667W DESCRIPTOR xxxxxxxx CONTAINS AN INVALID NAME OF yyyyyyyy. THIS REMOTE LTERM IS IGNORED. System programmer response: Change the queue name in error. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10. DFS3669W DESCRIPTOR xxxxxxxx CONTAINS QUEUE ALREADY DEFINED BY DESCRIPTOR yyyyyyyy.

Explanation: IMS initialization processed descriptor records for descriptor name yyyyyyyy. A subsequent descriptor, xxxxxxxx, attempted to build a control block with the same name as the control block built by descriptor yyyyyyyy. System action: Descriptor xxxxxxxx is ignored, and processing continues. System programmer response: Remove the duplicate queue name from either descriptor. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10. DFS3670W DESCRIPTOR xxxxxxxx HAS INVALID PARAMETER yyyyyyyy FOR KEYWORD zzzzzzzz. THE DEFAULT WAS USED.

Explanation: IMS initialization detected that descriptor xxxxxxxx contains a remote LTERM name yyyyyyyy that does not conform to IMS rules for valid LTERM names. The rules for the LTERM name are: v It cannot match a transaction name or an MSNAME link name. v It cannot start with the characters INQU. v It cannot be WTOR or DFSMTCNT. v All remote LTERM names must be 1 to 8-alphanumeric characters, that is, letters A through Z, digits 0 through 9, and national characters #, $, and @. If the queue name is omitted in the LTERM parameter, field yyyyyyyy contains N/A. System action: The remote LTERM xxxxxxxx is ignored and processing continues. System programmer response: Change the name in error. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10. DFS3668W DESCRIPTOR xxxxxxxx CONTAINS QUEUE yyyyyyyy WITH AN INVALID NAME.

Explanation: IMS initialization detected an error in descriptor xxxxxxxx for parameter yyyyyyyy on keyword zzzzzzzz. System action: The default for this parameter is used. The remaining parameters for this keyword are skipped, and the defaults are used instead. System programmer response: Correct the invalid parameter in the mentioned descriptor. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10. DFS3671I INVALID DESCRIPTOR SPECIFIED. DESC = aaaaaaaa NODE = bbbbbbbb

Explanation: IMS initialization detected that descriptor xxxxxxxx contains a queue name yyyyyyyy that does not conform to the IMS rules for valid LTERM names. The rules for the LTERM name are: v It cannot match a transaction name or an MSNAME link name. v It cannot start with the characters INQU. v All LTERM names must be 1 to 8-alphanumeric characters, that is, letters A through Z, digits 0 through 9, and national characters #, $, and @. If the queue name is omitted in the LTERM parameter, field yyyyyyyy contains N/A. System action: Descriptor xxxxxxxx is ignored, and processing continues.

Explanation: IMS does not recognize the logon descriptor name as specified in the user data field of the logging-on nodes CINIT. This message is also issued for an invalid descriptor name override provided by the logon exit (DFSLGNX0). System action: Processing continues. System Operator Response: Inform the system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the descriptor name specified in the logon request is defined to IMS. DFS3672I SESSION ERROR. TYPE=aaa CODE=bb QUAL.=cc MSG=dddd IPADDR..PORT=eee.eee.eee.eee..fffff

Explanation: If a session establishment or disconnection error occurred, this message is displayed

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3673W DFS3677W
to assist in diagnosing the problem indicated by message DFSdddd. In the message text: aaa bb cc dddd The VTAM exit driven when the error occurred. The location code of the error. The location qualifier of the error. The DFS message number.

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


eee.eee.eee.eee The TCP/IP address. fffff The TCP/IP port number.

Explanation: In an XRF environment, IMS is using MNPS for session persistence, so there are two VTAM ACBs in use - the MNPS ACB and the APPLID ACB. The APPLID ACB can only be used by the MTO and the XRF surveillance link. However, a VTAM terminal nodename (which is not the MTO or surveillance link) has attempted to logon to the APPLID ACB. System action: IMS rejects the logon attempt. System Operator Response: Log the terminal onto the MNPS ACB. Use /OPNDST command to automatically use this ACB, or use /DISPLAY ACTIVE DC or /DISPLAY HSB to determine the MNPS ACB name. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSCNXA0 DFS3676I ETO SUPPORT NOT AVAILABLEFEATURE NOT INSTALLED OR LICENSED.

System action: Processing continues. System Operator Response: Inform the system programmer. System programmer response: Use the indicated information to further identify the nature of the problem. See IMS Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference for meanings of the indicated code and qualifier. DFS3673W DESCRIPTOR xxxxxxxx CONTAINS LTERM yyyyyyyy WHICH IS STATICALLY DEFINED.

Explanation: This message is issued when a remote LTERM or a queue for the descriptor xxxxxxxx is already defined to the system. If yyyyyyyy is already defined, then it must have been defined during the System Definition. System action: If this is a remote LTERM, then it is ignored. If this is a queue for a descriptor, the user descriptor is ignored. System programmer response: Remove the descriptor or the LTERM definition in the System Definition. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10.

Explanation: Initialization of the Extended Terminal Option (ETO) had been requested using the execution parameter ETO=Y. However, initialization detected that the ETO feature has not been installed or licensed. System action: IMS initialization terminates with abend U3476. System programmer response: The DFS3676I message can be suppressed by changing the IMS execution parameter to ETO=N. If ETO is required, it must be installed or licensed. System Operator Response: See system programmer response. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10, 13. DFS3677W aaaaaaaa HAS AN INVALID PARAMETER FOR KEYWORD bbbbbbbb. KEYWORD IS IGNORED, DEFAULT NOT USED.

| DFS3674W | | | | | | |


Explanation: In an XRF environment, the MNPS and USERVAR keywords have both been specified during IMS initialization (in IMS execution parameters, or DFSHSBxx proclib member). These are mutually exclusive keywords, and MNPS overrides the USERVAR keyword.

Explanation: IMS was processing dynamic terminal descriptors when it encountered an invalid parameter for keyword bbbbbbbb. System action: The keyword is ignored, but the default is not used. System programmer response: Locate the descriptor with the resource name aaaaaaaa. Correct the invalid parameter. If IMS cannot run without this keyword, IMS must be restarted. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10.

| System action: IMS will operate XRF using MNPS. | The USERVAR is ignored. | System Operator Response: Verify that MNPS is the | desired environment, and reinitialize IMS if necessary. | System programmer response: Verify MNPS and | USERVAR are defined correctly in the IMS execution | parameters or proclib members, or both.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3680W DFS3689W

Explanation: IMS issues this message during initialization when it cannot expand the size of the dynamic user edit routine name and address table. System action: The descriptor ignored. System programmer response: Increase the amount of virtual storage available to IMS. Problem determination: 1, 6, 10. DFS3681W DESCRIPTOR NAME XXXXXXXX SAME AS TRANSACTION NAME.

Explanation: IMS was initializing dynamic descriptors and found a user descriptor which had more than the maximum of 8 LTERM= keywords. System action: The descriptor is ignored. System programmer response: Reduce the number of LTERM keywords specified on the user descriptor to 8 or less, then restart IMS. Problem determination: 1, 6.

Explanation: This message is issued when the LU 6.2 descriptor initialization routine attempts to create a descriptor which has the same name as a transaction name initialized by the ETO initialization routine. System action: This LU 6.2 descriptor is ignored. System programmer response: Remove the descriptor definition from the input. Problem determination: 1,6,10. DFS3682W DESCRIPTOR NAME XXXXXXXX SAME AS STATIC LTERM NAME.

| DFS3689W | | | | | | |


Explanation: The transaction, LTERM, database, or program resource entered as a parameter on the /LOCK or /UNLOCK command is not authorized for use by the user entering the command. The reason for the rejection is:

| RESOURCE NOT AUTH; RC=08 | User is not authorized to this IMS resource by | RACF. | RACF NOT ACTIVE; RC=12 | RACF is not active. | BY RACF EXIT; RC=16 | RACF exit gave an invalid return code. | INSTALL ERROR; RC=20 | RACF is not installed or an incorrect level of | RACF is installed. | RACF POE ERROR; RC=24 | The RACF profile has a conditional access list, | the port-of-entry field in the security token is | filled by blanks, and the port-of-entry class is | active. | RACF DS DELETED; RC=28 | The resource class was selected by RACROUTE | REQUEST=LIST GLOBAL=YES, but the RACF data | space was deleted. | NO PASSWORD; RC=36 | User verification is required; no password was | supplied. | WRONG PASSWORD; RC=40 | User verification failed password. | IMS EXIT CD; RC=xx | The IMS resource was not authorized. xx is the | return code. | Note: RC= represents a decimal value. | Additional codes can be supplied by a user-written IMS | exit routine. | System action: The command entered is ignored.
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987

Explanation: This message is issued when the LU 6.2 descriptor initialization routine attempts to create a descriptor which has the same name as a static LTERM name initialized by the ETO initialization routine. System action: This LU 6.2 descriptor is ignored. System programmer response: Remove the descriptor definition from the input. Problem determination: 1,6,10. DFS3683W DESCRIPTOR NAME XXXXXXXX SAME AS DESCRIPTOR LTERM NAME.

Explanation: This message is issued when the LU 6.2 descriptor initialization routine attempts to create a descriptor which has the same name as a descriptor LTERM name initialized by the ETO initialization routine. System action: This LU 6.2 descriptor is ignored. System programmer response: Remove the descriptor definition from the input. Problem determination: 1,6,10.


DFS3690 DFS3701I
| Programmer response: None. | | | |
Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with the proper password, or enter another IMS resource that does not violate security. DFS3693W SYSTEM NOT GENERIC RESOURCES CAPABLE - COMMAND REJECTED

Explanation: A generic resources command (for example, /DISPLAY AFFIN NODE) was issued on an IMS system without generic resources. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: Enable generic resources, and then reenter the command. DFS3694W START GENERIC RESOURCES TERMINATED, VTAM FUNCTION NOT ENABLED

| Problem determination: None. | Module: DFSICL90


Explanation: Node X was defined for XRF class 1 support, but the session could not be recovered successfully during the takeover process by the alternate IMS system. Takeover for node X will be changed to that of class 2. System action: The session with node X will be terminated and then automatically restarted by IMS as defined for XRF class 2 support. Additional information is available using IMS trace records (X'6701' with IDs of 'HCSW', 'CVCV', and 'CVCT'). If signon was required because of ETO or the System Maintenance Utility (SMU), then a DFS3649 'SIGNON REQUIRED' message will normally be sent. Programmer response: IMS will automatically terminate the session with node X and then automatically attempt to re-establish it. If subsequent session failures occur, the session can also be re-established by node x or by an IMS/VS/OPNDST command. Entering Terminal Operator Response: The terminal operator might be required to signon again as appropriate. The last input might need to be re-entered and the last output might be re-sent by IMS/VS. Problem determination: 1, 5, 6, 12, 14, 36.

Explanation: IMS attempted to join a Generic Resource Group, but VTAM is not enabled for the Generic Resources function. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: Enable generic resources, then reenter the command. System programmer response: Ensure that VTAM is sysplex capable, and connected to the Generic Resource CF structure ISTGENERIC. Once this has been corrected, you can attempt to start IMS Generic Resources using the /START VGRS command. DFS3700 PARAMETER ALL NOT VALID WITH KEYWORD

| DFS3691W |


Explanation: The parameter ALL is not allowed for the keyword specified in the command. The IMS keyword table (DFSCKWD0) was modified to prevent the use of the ALL parameter with this keyword for IMS commands (except for commands entered by an AOI application) by specifying ALL=NO on the KEYWD macro. For more information about the IMS Command Language Modification Facility, see IMS Version 9: Customization Guide. System action: The command is rejected. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command specifying individual resource names or a range of resource names, if applicable. DFS3701I INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO RESTART AREA areanameAREA STOPPED

Explanation: IMSs attempt to join a generic resource group failed. System programmer response: For an explanation of the RC and FDB2 fields, see VTAM Messages and Codes ( SC31-6493). Correct the problem before retrying. If RC=14x and FDB2=86x, the problem is caused by existing VTAM sessions with IMS. Issue a /CLSDST NODE command from a non-VTAM terminal (such as the system console) for any active VTAM terminals, including the MTO. DFS3692W GENERIC RESOURCES INVALID FOR XRF SYSTEMS, GRSNAME IGNORED.

Explanation: Generic resources was attempted on an XRF-capable system. IMS XRF systems cannot participate as members of a generic resources group.

Explanation: During an emergency restart, the emergency restart processor, DBFERSTO, was unable to obtain storage for an internal control block, ADSC, used to recover the named DEDB area data set. Consequently, DBFERSTO was not able to restart the area. System action: The indicated area is stopped and emergency restart continues. Programmer response: Either restart IMS with more


Messages and Codes Volume 2

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987

| DFS3702I


| Explanation: IMS is shutting down or IRLM is being | disconnected from this IMS.
DFS3702I REASON CODE=nn message subtext

Explanation: The DEDB area or ADS failed to open. The reason code indicates the cause of the failure. The second message contains one of the following reason codes and message subtext (nn) which briefly explains the cause for the error. Code (Dec) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Message Subtext AREA=areaname DD=ddname DEVICE TYPE NOT SUPPORTED AREA=areaname DD=ddname EQE EXISTS LOCK FOR UPDATE TO AREA=areaname FAILED AREA=areaname CI SIZE > USER DEFINED BUFFER SIZE AREA=areaname BUFFER PAGE-FIXING FAILED AREA=areaname AUTHORIZATION FAILED UNLOCK FOR UPDATE TO AREA=areaname FAILED LOCK FOR READ TO AREA=areaname FAILED AREA=areaname HAS NO AVAILABLE ADS AREA=areaname DD=ddname DUPLICATE ddname FOUND AREA=areaname SPACE FOR ADSC(S) UNAVAILABLE AREA=areaname RECEIVED A BAD RETURN CODE FROM DBRC AREA=areaname DD=ddname MEDIA MANAGER CONNECT FAILED AREA=areaname DD=ddname INCONSISTENT DSN SPECIFIED BETWEEN IN RECON AND IN ALLOCATED DATA SET AREA=areaname VSO I/O TOLERATED DATA LOST AREA=areaname DD=ddname ALLOCATION FAILED

22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30

| 31 | |
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

16 17


44 AREA=areaname DD=ddname MADS I/O timing is detected AREA=areaname REQUEST FOR VLOCK FAILED. 07 08 09 message DFS3709A or DFS3711A, either of which might precede this message. See the description for reason code 03 in this message. See the description for reason code 03 in this message. Check an ADS list of the DBRC RECON data set and change at least one ADS to an available status by using the CHANGE.ADS command. The named ddname already exists in the IMS subsystem, which means the ADS has been opened. If the ADS to be opened is already open, delete the DD statement for the named ddname. If the named ddname was incorrect, and thus coincidentally matched another ddname in the IMS subsystem, correct the input ddname and then rerun the job. Rerun the job later when the common service area (CSA) usage is low. Check the information given for the DBRC RECON data set for the named area. If the information is incorrect, correct the error and rerun the job. Follow the programmer response in message DFS2569I, which precedes this message. Either the dsname specified in the ADS list of the DBRC RECON data set, the JCL DD statement, or the dynamic allocation parameter list is incorrectly specified. Correct the specified dsname and rerun the job. The area had the Virtual Storage Option active when an XRF takeover occurred, and an EEQE was created to show that the area had I/O tolerated data in its data space. Prior to I/O toleration purge, one of the following occurred: v The area was shut down internally due to a severe error and has not yet been recovered v IMS failed and was restarted with a cold start; the area has not yet been recovered In either case, the I/O tolerated data has been lost and the area must be recovered.

| 45 |

System action: When an open ADS failure occurs during the processing of the DEDB Area Data Set Create utility, the named area continues processing, and an invalid return code is returned to the utility. Otherwise, the area is stopped. Programmer response: Code (Dec) 01 Meaning Check the appropriate VSAM catalog or JCL DD statements if a disk device is specified for the named ADS. If dynamic allocation occurs, check the dynamic allocation parameter list to find a device type specified for the named ADS. If a different device type was specified, correct the device type to the disk device and rerun the job. This condition should not occur. Check why the named ADS was changed to an available status. After changing the named ADS status to an unavailable status, rerun the job. The application program terminates when the dependent region abends. After preparing the tracing facilities for lock, rerun the job. This reason code can be issued if a Fast Path area open failed because the PI limit of 63 active waiters was reached. 04 Check the database definition (DBD) and the VSAM definition for the named area. Also, check the BSIZ in the FPCTRL BFALLOC= system definition macro and the BSIZ in the startup procedure. Correct the control interval (CI) size or buffer size (BSIZ), and rerun the job. The number of allocated buffers is not sufficient to fill the buffer allocation request. The number of allocated buffers is defined by the "dbbf" value of the BFALLOC keyword on the FPCTRL macro or is overridden by the DBBF parameter in the IMS EXEC parameters. For a description of the "dbbf" value of the BFALLOC keyword on the FPCTRL macro, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. 06 Follow the Programmer Response of
Messages and Codes Volume 2



11 12







Run the database recovery utility to recover the lost data and delete the EEQE. 17 If a DD statement is specified, specify the correct ddname. If the DD statement is missing, specify a DD statement. (The DD statement is located in the control region JCL.) If a dynamic allocation failed, follow the programmer response for DFS2502W or DFS2503W. Then, rerun the job. Run your database print program or a VSAM access method service program to print all the area data sets. Find at least one correct ADS, issue a CHANGE.ADS command for those ADSs which are incorrect, change the available status to an unavailable status, and rerun the job. Or follow your recovery procedure. Check the DBRC RECON data set if the named ADS is set to an unavailable status. If the named ADS was set to an available status, change the status by the CHANGE.ADS command and rerun the job. Reorganization recovery is requested, but ACCESS INTENT is neither UP nor EX. Set ACCESS INTENT to UP or EX with /START DB ACCESS or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) SET(ACCTYPE()) command and rerun the job. The system tried to check whether the reorganization utility was running or had been running among subsystems, but failed. Either IMS or IRLM might not be working correctly, thus causing a notify error. Rerun the job, and if the same error persists, restart IMS and /or IRLM. In a block level sharing environment, reorganization recovery ended successfully, and the system then tried to update the second CI or the area, but failed. Run the database recovery utility to recover the area, and then rerun the job. In a block level sharing environment, reorganization recovery ended successfully, and the system then tried to update the second CI of the area for the other subsystems, but failed. Either IMS or IRLM might not be working correctly, thus causing a notify error. Rerun the job, and if the 30 same error persists, restart IMS or IRLM, or both, then rerun the job. 25 Check which area data sets are not available in the DBRC RECON data set. If you wish to recover the area data set, run the DEDB Area Data Set Create utility, or rerun the job. Start the area when the common service area (CSA) usage is low. DBD information in the DMAC is inconsistent with the Area definition as found in the second CI of the Area/Area Data Set. One of the following occurred: 1. An area definition was changed by a DBDGEN (for example, CISIZE, number of UOW elements, number of RAPS). If the DBDGEN is to be changed, redefine it and rerun the job. 2. An area was redefined with different characteristics, such as CISIZE or CYLINDERS. If an area definition is to be changed, the area must be reorganized by an UNLOAD/LOAD operation. Check the last DBDGEN and VSAM DEFINE for consistency with the current characteristics or the area data set. 29 During area open, the second CI of the area was found to have a structure for an IMS Release level earlier than Version 1 Release 3. Determine why the identifier is incorrect. Rerun the job with the correct data set. The area must be reinitialized. You can do this by unloading the area, running the Initialization utility, and then reloading the area. The RBA calculated as the next position to insert sequential dependents (DMACNXTS) is not within the range of valid RBAs for sequential dependents for the area. Print the second CI for the area. If the error is not apparent from the second CI (DMAC), contact your IBM Support Center for assistance. The high used RBA of the AREA/ADS was not equal to the high allocated RBA. The Fast Path AREA might have been defined to VSAM, but the Fast Path format/initialization program might not have been run, or the Database
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987

27 28


19, 20







DFS3703I DFS3707A
Image Copy utility or the DEDB Area Data Set Create utility might not have completed successfully. Use the list catalog (LISTCAT) command to find the high used and high allocated values. Delete and redefine the AREA/ADS. Then recover the AREA/ADS by either using the DEDB Initialization utility and an application to restore the data, or the Database Image Copy utility and a forward recovery method. 34 During Open processing of the specified Area, it was determined that an EEQE exists for the second CI of the Area and that the EEQE is owned by a sharing IMS subsystem. On the sharing subsystem, use the /UNLOCK SYSTEM command to eliminate the EEQE. During Area open, a request for a VSO control block failed. Rerun job when CSA use is lower. During Area open, a request for a new VSO control block failed. Rerun job when CSA use is lower. A request for a new data space was issued during open processing of the Area, but the request failed. See DFS2444I, which precedes this message. A new data space was obtained during open processing of the Area, but the request for authorization of the data space failed. See DFS2445I, which is precedes this message. During Area open, a request for a new VSO control block failed. Rerun job when CSA use is lower. Determine if insufficient CSA/ECSA storage has been allocated to IMS, or if excessive storage is being used. The area is not loaded into the Coupling Facility. This will not prevent access to the area unless preceded by message DFS2819A. A /START AREA or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command was issued but the area was not started because it has IOT EEQEs. Message DFS2492I is generated before message DFS3702I RSN=42. See message DFS2492I for additional information. ADS is still in long busy mode at open time. During open processing
Messages and Codes Volume 2

| | | |

for a SVSO area, a request to get the VLOCK failed. This lock serializes the SVSO processing across a data sharing environment. SIZE OF INDEPENDENT OVERFLOW HAS BEEN INCREASED FOR AREA xxxxxxxx AREA DATA SET DDN adsname

Explanation: During open processing of DEDB area xxxxxxxx, differences were found between the DBD from the ACBLIB and the area data set. These differences indicate that the size of the area's independent overflow part has been increased by the user with a DBDGEN. System action: The control block containing information from the ACBLIB is updated with the information from the ADS, and normal open processing continues. User response: If the size of the area's IOVF was increased by a DBDGEN, no action is necessary. DFS3705I AREA=areaname DD=ddname CLOSED




Explanation: The data set was closed normally by an internal stop request by the /STOP ADS or /STOP AREA command to the area or ADS. System action: IMS continues processing. Programmer response: If the ADS is closed because of error conditions or because an internal stop request was issued, and if message DFS2574I with a recovery-needed status is issued to the master terminal operator following this message, submit an area or ADS recovery utility. No action is required if message DFS2574 is not accompanied with a recovery-needed status. DFS3707A PROCESSING INTENT VALIDATION ERROR BECAUSE NO DMCB FOUND. DBD=dbdname PSB=psbname





Explanation: During the PSB PROCOPT validation process at the dependent region schedule time, the internal control block, DMCB, was unable to find the IMS online subsystem. The internal control block, DMCB of the named DEDB, is referenced by the named PSB. System action: The named PSB is stopped. For an MPP, the input message is not processed. For a BMP or an IFP, the dependent region terminates abnormally with abend U0046. Programmer response: This can occur if the DEDB is not defined in the database statement for the IMS online subsystem. If required, the IMSGEN listing must be checked and the IMS online subsystem must be regenerated.

| 42 | | | | | | | 45 |


DFS3708W DFS3709A
Problem determination: 6, 8, 9, 10, 18, 19 DFS3708W DATA BASE=dbname AREA=areaname IS NOT REGISTERED WITH DBRC because of a global /DBR, /STOP command or because of an internal database/area stop command. System action: The named area is stopped for the online subsystem, and the status code 'FH' is returned to the application programs. Programmer response: The following responses should be made: 1. Analyze the reason for the status that prohibits further authorization, and take the required action if necessary. 2. Reset the authorization status for the database or area by using the DBRC command, CHANGE.DB, or DBDS, and restart the area by entering a /START command in this subsystem. For nn=05 Explanation: The area is marked as needing an image copy in the DBRC RECON data set. System action: The named area is stopped for the online subsystem, and the status code 'FH' is returned to the application programs. Programmer response: Run the Database Image Copy utility, DFSUDMP0, for the named area, and restart the area by using the /START command after the utility has run successfully. For nn=06

Explanation: The named database or area is not registered with DBRC. IMS will treat the area as though exclusive use was specified for the subsystem by the user. System action: OPEN processing continues for the area. Programmer response: If the area integrity protection is desired in the data sharing environment, register the area to DBRC. If registration is not desired, make sure that no application program currently updates the area across the IMS subsystems. DFS3709A - UNABLE TO OBTAIN AUTHORIZATION FOR DATA BASE dbname AREA areaname. REASON CODE=nn

Explanation: The IMS online subsystem failed to acquire the database usage authorization through DBRC during the DEDB area open time. The following indicates the explanation and action for each reason code (nn): For nn=01 Explanation: The requested authorization and current authorization are incompatible. If you are trying to use data sharing, some possible causes of this error are: v The DBRC database SHARELVL might be invalid. v The database access intent among subsystems is conflicting. v The IRLMs are incorrectly connected to one another and to IMS. System action: The named area is stopped for the online subsystem, and the status code 'FH' is returned to the application programs. Programmer response: One of the following responses should be made: 1. Close the area in the other subsystems holding the incompatible database authorization by entering a /STOP or /DBR command, and restart the area by entering a /START command in this subsystem. 2. Wait until the other subsystems close the area, and restart the area by entering a /START command in this subsystem. For nn=02 Explanation: The database is not registered in the RECON data set. For nn=03 Explanation: The DEDB or area status prohibits further authorization in the DBRC RECON data set

| Explanation: The area is marked as needing recovery | in the DBRC RECON data set, or there are no area data | sets in AVAIL status for the area.
System action: The named area is stopped for the online subsystem, and the status code 'FH' is returned to the application programs. Programmer response: Run the Database Recovery utility, DFSURDB0, for the named area, and restart the area by using the /START command after the utility has run successfully. For nn=08 Explanation: The requesting online subsystem is not authorized to share the named area with other subsystems. System action: The named area is stopped for the online subsystem, and the status code 'FH' is returned to the application programs. Programmer response: One of the following responses should be taken: 1. If an environment with inter-system data sharing and two IRLMs is required, change the SHARELVL from 2 to 3 by using the DBRC CHANGE.DB command for the named database and restart the area by using the /START command.

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


2. If an environment with intrasystem data sharing and a single IRLM is required, run the online subsystem under the host processor authorized for the named area. For nn=09 Explanation: The DBRC RECON data set indicates that the named area has been previously authorized in one or more online subsystems. Because the exit verification indicates that the subsystems are inactive, the named area cannot be authorized. System action: The named area is stopped for the online subsystem, and the status code 'FH' is returned to the application programs. Programmer response: Wait until another online subsystem ends restart processing and closes the area, and then restart the area by using the /START command in the subsystem. If the area was involved in data sharing with more than one IRLM, the IRLMs must be reconnected. For nn=10 Explanation: The area was previously authorized to the subsystem. System action: The named area is stopped for the online subsystem, and the status code 'FH' is returned to the application programs. Programmer response: Close the area holding the incompatible database authorization by entering a /STOP or /DBR command; then restart the area by entering a /START command. For nn=11 Explanation: An invalid parameter was found in the database usage compatibility evaluation process. Probably, the database/area record in the DBRC RECON data set is bad. System action: The named area is stopped for the online subsystem, and the status code 'FH' is returned to the application programs. Programmer response: This condition should not occur. Correct the problem associated with DBRC, and contact IBM for further assistance. For nn=20 Explanation: The named database or area is not registered with DBRC, and the FORCER option is specified in the DBRC RECON data set record. System action: The named area is stopped for the online subsystem, and the status code 'FH' is returned to the application programs. Programmer response: Register the named area and area data sets with DBRC using the INIT.DBDS and INIT.ADS commands, and restart the named area by using the /START command in this subsystem. For nn=22 Explanation: The database or area is currently authorized to another subsystem. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: If this reason code is received at an RSR active site or in a non-RSR environment, you must issue a /DBR command for the database or area for all IMS subsystems at that site before retrying the action. If the this reason code is received at an RSR tracking site, the database or area is being tracked by the RSR tracking subsystem and the attempted activity is not allowed for the database or area. For nn=23 Explanation: An attempt was made to update a recovery-level tracking database or area on an RSR tracking subsystem. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: Recovery-level tracking databases and areas cannot be updated. Change the tracking status for the database or area to database-level tracking, receive an image copy of the database or area, and recover the database or area by issuing the /START command. For nn=24 Explanation: On an RSR tracking subsystem, there is missing log data received from the RSR active site that can contain update records for the database or area. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: Wait for the missing log data to be recovered from the RSR active site. Perform the activity again after ensuring that all active site log data is available at the tracking site. The existence of gaps can be determined by issuing the /DISPLAY TRACKING STATUS command and examining the GAPS section of the output. For nn=25 Explanation: On an RSR tracking subsystem, all log records have been applied to the tracking database or area for the authorizing RSR active subsystem and authorization is not for online forward recovery. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: This is an internal logic error; contact IBM. For nn=26 Explanation: On an RSR tracking subsystem, records from an earlier update set ID have been received from


Messages and Codes Volume 2

the RSR active site, but have not been applied to the database or area. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: If there is missing log data from the earlier update set ID, it will be automatically be recovered from the RSR active site. When the missing log data is recovered, retry the failed activity. The existence of gaps can be determined by issuing the /DISPLAY TRACKING STATUS command and examining the GAPS section of the output. For nn=27 Explanation: In an RSR environment, authorization was requested for a DEDB area that was not registered in the requesters global service group (GSG). System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: Register the area with the requesters GSG, if appropriate, using the INIT.DBDS command. For nn=28 Explanation: The update set ID (USID) is earlier than the USID of the most recently received image copy for the database or area at the RSR tracking subsystem. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: Receive an image copy with a USID earlier than the one for the current image copy, or retry the activity after a USID has been processed by the RSR tracking subsystem that is equal to or later than the received image copy. For nn=29 Explanation: On an RSR tracking subsystem, one or more required tracking database or area data sets have not been received. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: Receive an image copy for the database or area and retry the activity. For nn=30 Explanation: In an RSR environment, the database or area is covered but the requesting subsystem is not signed on to the covering global service group (GSG). Only RSR subsystems can update RSR-covered databases and areas. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: Either stop the database or area from being covered or define the requesting subsystem to the GSG. DFS3710A UNABLE TO OBTAIN AUTHORIZATION IN UTILITY FOR DATA BASE=dbname AREA=areaname. REASON CODE=nn

Explanation: The nn value in the message indicates the reason for the authorization failure in the DEDB utility. The following indicates the explanation and action for each nn code. For nn=01 Explanation: The requested state and the current authorization state are incompatible. System action: The Fast Path utility being used is not invoked for this area. Programmer response: One of the following actions should be taken: v Close the area in other subsystems holding the database authorization by entering a /STOP or /DBR command. v Wait until other IMS subsystems close the area, and rerun the job. For nn=06 Explanation: Either there is no available ADS, or the area is marked as needing recovery in the DBRC RECON data sets. The Database Image Copy utility, DFSUDMP0, is unable to obtain authorization for a recovery-needed area. System action: The utility is not invoked for this area. Programmer response: Run the Database Recovery utility, DFSURDB0, before running the Database Image Copy utility to get a correct dump. For nn=07 Explanation: The ACCESS parameter of the online subsystem is unacceptable for running the DEDB Online utility. System action: Processing is terminated for area. Programmer response: Verify the ACCESS parameter of the online subsystem. Ask the master terminal operator to change the database ACCESS parameter by using the /START command to a level which is compatible with the current DEDB Online utility. For nn=08 Explanation: The requesting online subsystem is not authorized to share the named area with other subsystems. System action: The named area is stopped for the online subsystem, and the status code 'FH' is returned to the application programs. Programmer response: One of the following actions should be taken:

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


v If an environment with intersystem data sharing and two IRLMs is required, change the SHARELVL from 2 to 3 by using the DBRC CHANGE.DB command for the named database; then restart the area by using the /START command. v If an environment with intrasystem data sharing and a single IRLM is required, run the online subsystem under the host processor authorized for the named area. For nn=10 Explanation: The area has been previously authorized to the subsystem. System action: The offline utility is not invoked for this area. Programmer response: Duplicate job names might have been used for the same area. Wait until another IMS subsystem closes the area, and resubmit the job. For nn=15 The Database Recovery utility is run against a DEDB area when all other subsystems are not marked abnormally terminated for the Database Recovery utility. System action: The Database Recovery utility is not invoked for this area. The Database Recovery utility terminates. Programmer response: Make sure that there is no subsystem that has already authorized this area and that has not abnormally terminated. If a subsystem has authorized the area, wait until that subsystem unauthorizes the area, and then rerun the Database Recovery utility. For nn=16 Explanation: The area is not marked as recovery-needed in the DBRC RECON data sets. The DEDB Initialization utility is unavailable to obtain authorization for a recovery-not-needed area. System action: The DEDB Initialization utility terminates. Programmer response: Make sure that the area is valid for initialization. If the area should be initialized, then force the area to a recovery-needed status using a CHANGE.DBDS command, redefine the area using a VSAM access method service command, respecify a utility area control statements except for those already initialized, and rerun the utility. For nn=20 Explanation: The named database or area is not registered with DBRC and FORCER option is specified in the DBRC RECON record. System action: The Fast Path utility being used is not invoked for this area. Programmer response: Register the named area and area data sets with DBRC using INIT.DBDS and INIT.ADS commands, and resubmit the job. For nn=22 Explanation: The area is currently authorized to another subsystem. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: If this reason code is received at an RSR active site or in a non-RSR environment, you must issue a /DBR command for the area for all IMS subsystems at that site. If the this reason code is received at an RSR tracking site, the area is being tracked by the RSR tracking subsystem and the attempted activity is not allowed for the area. For nn=23 Explanation: An attempt was made to update a recovery-level tracking database or area on an RSR tracking subsystem. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: Recovery-level tracking databases and areas cannot be updated. Change the tracking status for the database or area to database-level tracking, receive an image copy of the database or area, and recover the database or area. Then retry the failed activity. For nn=24 Explanation: On an RSR tracking subsystem, there is missing log data received from the RSR active site that can contain update records for the database or area. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: Wait for the missing log data to be recovered from the RSR active site. Perform the activity again after ensuring that all active site log data is available at the tracking site. The existence of gaps can be determined by issuing the /DISPLAY TRACKING STATUS command and examining the GAPS section of the output. For nn=25 Explanation: On an RSR tracking subsystem, all log records have been applied to the tracking database for the authorizing RSR active subsystem and authorization is not for online forward recovery. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: This is an internal logic error; contact IBM. For nn=26 Explanation: On an RSR tracking subsystem, records from an earlier update set ID have been received from


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3711A DFS3712A
the RSR active site, but have not been applied to the database or area. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: If there is missing log data from the earlier update set ID, it will be automatically be recovered from the RSR active site. When the missing log data is recovered, retry the failed activity. The existence of gaps can be determined by issuing the /DISPLAY TRACKING STATUS command and examining the GAPS section of the output. For nn=27 Explanation: In an RSR environment, authorization was requested for a DEDB area that was not registered in the requesters global service group (GSG). System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: Register the area with the requesters GSG, if appropriate, using the INIT.DBDS command. For nn=28 Explanation: The update set ID (USID) is earlier than the USID of the most recently received image copy for the database or area at the RSR tracking subsystem. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: Receive an image copy with a USID earlier than the one for the current image copy, or retry the activity after a USID has been processed by the RSR tracking subsystem that is equal to or later than the received image copy. For nn=29 Explanation: On an RSR tracking subsystem, one or more required tracking database or area data sets have not been received. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: Receive an image copy for the database or area and retry the activity. For nn=30 Explanation: In an RSR environment, the database or area is covered but the requesting subsystem is not signed on to the covering global service group (GSG). Only RSR subsystems can update RSR-covered databases and areas. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: Either stop the database or area from being covered or define the requesting subsystem to the GSG by specifying PARM=GSGNAME=IMSGSG1 on the EXEC statement of the DBFUMIN0 job. Problem determination: 6, 10, 17 DFS3711A NONRECOVERABLE DEDB AUTHORIZATION ERROR DEDB=dddddddd AREA=aaaaaaaa

Explanation: DEDB authorization determined that a nonrecoverable DEDB contains a sequential dependent (SDEP) segment type. In the message text: dddddddd The database that experienced the error. aaaaaaaa The area that experienced the error. System action: Authorization fails. Programmer response: Change the DEDB database definition (DBD) to remove the Sequential Dependent (SDEP) segment type. Module: DBFDBAU0 DFS3711W NONRECOVERABLE DEDB INTEGRITY WARNING DEDB=dddddddd AREA=aaaaaaaa

Explanation: Emergency Restart or XRF Takeover determined that one or more DASD writes failed to complete for area aaaaaaaa. The area might be corrupted. In the message text: dddddddd The database that experienced the error. aaaaaaaa The area that experienced the error. System action: The errors are ignored and ERE or XRF takeover processing continues. Programmer response: Schedule the area or database to either be reinitialized or restored from a backup. Continued use might result in errors (for example, abend 1026). Module: DBFERS20 DFS3712A (ccccffss) AREA=areaname DD=ddname READ ERROR, CI-RBA=nnnnnnnn SEVERE ERROR

Explanation: A read error occurred in the data set at control interval (CI) RBA nnnnnnnn. The variable "ccccffss" represents the Media Manager error return code used for problem determination. System action: IMS closes the data set and stops the area if the data set is the only one available in this area. If a permanent I/O error (indicated by Media Manager error return code X'0020FF10') has not occurred, an MVS SDUMP can be taken to the SYS1.DUMP data set
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3713A DFS3719I
by the Media Manager FRR routine or the Fast Path I/O error routine. Programmer response: Run the DEDB Create utility for this data set, or run the Database Recovery utility for this area, if the area is in recovery-needed status. Problem determination: 1, 6, 11, 20. Problem determination is effective when the error return code is not X'0020FF10'. DFS3713A (ccccffss) AREA=areaname DD=ddname WRITE ERROR, CI-RBA=nnnnnnnn SEVERE ERROR

| | | | | | | | | |


| The processing had the following result:

Code (Hex) 00 01 02 03 Meaning Startup successful. Startup terminated due to shutdown close startup. Startup terminated due to IRLM disconnect startup. Startup failed due to out of storage condition.

Explanation: A write error occurred in the data set at control interval (CI) RBA nnnnnnnn. The number of deactivated records reached the system-defined data set error threshold, or a DEDB control CI (second CI) write error occurred. The variable "ccccffss" represents the Media Manager error return code used for problem determination. System action: IMS closes the data set. IMS stops the area if the data set is the only one available in this area. If a permanent I/O error (indicated by Media Manager error return code X'0020FF10') has not occurred, an MVS SDUMP can be taken to the SYS1.DUMP data set by the Media Manager FRR routine or the Fast Path I/O error routine. Programmer response: Run the DEDB Create utility for this data set, or run the Database Recovery utility for this area, if the area is in recovery needed status. Problem determination: 1, 6, 11, 20. Problem determination is effective when the Media Manager error return code is not X'0020FF10'. DFS3714I RECORD DEACTIVATION INITIATED BY SUBSYSTEM=ssid FOR AREA=areaname DD=ddname CI-RBA=nnnnnnnn

| System action: Area open startup processing | completes.


Explanation: IMS encountered a problem with IRLM when modifying the area status for the named area and attempting to notify other subsystems to synchronize the area status. System action: The indicated DEDB area is stopped globally and sets the prohibit further authorization status in the DBRC RECON data sets.

| | | | |

Programmer response: Check the status of IRLM. If IRLM is active, restart the area using the /START AREA GLOBAL command. If IRLM is not active, restart the area using the /START AREA GLOBAL command after emergency restart. DFS3718I WAITING FOR AREA READ I/O DURING DISCONNECT

Explanation: The deactivation of records by subsystem ssid was completed for control interval (CI) RBA nnnnnnnn (hexadecimal). The value of nn in the error queue element (EQE) indicates the number of acceptable deactivated records. ssid is the subsystem ID of the originating subsystem. System action: IMS continues processing.

Explanation: During an area disconnect, there was an outstanding READ I/O that did not complete. IMS will wait a maximum of two minutes before continuing with the disconnect. Only one message per area is issued to the console for the disconnect, although a check is performed at one-second intervals to see if the disconnect can continue for the outstanding READ I/O against the area. System action: System action continues.

| DFS3715I | | | | | | | |


System programmer response: None. This is an informational message.

Explanation: DEDB area open startup processing has started for multiple areas, based on the values for the FPOPN and FPRLM startup parameters. The process xxxxxxxx can be: v PREOPEN v REOPEN v RESTART

| | | | |



Explanation: DEDB area open startup processing completed. The process xxxxxxxx can be: v PREOPEN


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DFS3720I DFS3726A
| | | |
v REOPEN v RESTART v CLOSE v RLM REVR INIT INIT0 INIT1 EOD EOJ INIT function call INIT0 function call INIT1 function call EOD function call EOJ function call

| The processing had the following result: | Code (Hex) | 00 | 01 | | | | 02 | | | 03 | |

Meaning The process completed successfully. The process terminated before completion because of a /CHE FREEZE command to terminate the IMS subsystem. The process terminated before completion because of an IRLM disconnect. The process did not execute because of an inability to obtain sufficient storage.

The previous DBRC message explains the rc=nn. System action: The Fast Path utility being used terminates. Programmer response: Check the DBRC message preceding this message and follow the programmer response in that message. DFS3725I AREA=areaname JCL DD STATEMENT DOES NOT EXIST

| System action: Area open startup processing | completes.


Explanation: The DEDB Area Initialization utility, DBFUMIN0, was unable to find a JCL DD statement corresponding to the ddnames in the ADS list of the DBRC RECON data set. System action: The Fast Path utility being used terminates. Programmer response: Ensure that all DD statements for the DEDB areas (or multiple area data sets) are correct. If you are initializing the multiple area data sets of an area, the area must be registered in the DBRC RECON data set and these area data sets must be in an unavailable status in the RECON data set. The use of DBRC must either default to YES (see the DBRC= operand on the IMSCTRL macro in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring) or be specified as DBRC=Y in the EXEC parameter for DBFUMIN0 (see the DEDB Initialization utility in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager). Problem determination: 3, 8, 35 DFS3726A FPE AREA IMAGE COPY TERMINATED ABNORMALLY FOR AREA=areaname REASON CODE=nn

Explanation: The named area or ADS was not found in the receiving subsystem. System action: IMS continues processing. DFS3721I STOP ADS REJECTED DUE TO ONLY 1 AVAIL ADS. AREA=xxxxxxxx DD=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: The /STOP ADS command is invalid for the named ADS in the area because the named ADS is the only available ADS in the area. System action: The /STOP ADS command is ignored for the named ADS. System Operator Response: None. DFS3724I ERROR OCCURRED WHEN PROCESSING DBRC RECON AREA=areaname FUNC=function RC=nn

Explanation: Database Image Copy utility processing failed for the named area. The following nn values indicate the reason for the failure. Code (Dec) 00 Meaning Loading of the area authorization module, DBFDBAU0, from the IMS SDFSRESL to the main storage failed. The DBRC interface failed. The area authorization failed. No DATAIN DD statement was specified in the JCL. The ddname specified in the DATAIN DD
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987

Explanation: The DEDB Area Initialization utility, DBFUMIN0, was unable to successfully complete the DBRC call. The meanings of the functions are: Function SIGNON SIGNOFF AUTH UNAUTH Meaning Sign-on call Sign-off call Area authorization call Area unauthorization call

04 08 12


DFS3727I DFS3728I
statement of the Database Image Copy utility must match the names registered in the ADS list of the target area. 16 The consistency check for the input data sets failed. This check compares the CUSN of the second control interval for each data set entered. No input ADS is available and the Database Image Copy utility cannot take a backup copy from any of the data sets in the area. Prior to this message, messages DFS3727I, DFS3728I, DFS3729I, DFS3730I, or DFS3762I might be issued. The IC utility either cannot find a clean ADS (no EQE) for the area, or the only ADS specified as input has EQE. The area status changed to a recovery-needed status in the DBRC RECON data set during the image copy operation. This can occur during an XRF takeover, when recovery-needed status is temporary. The status will be reset to indicate recovery not needed, once takeover is complete. This can also occur if IMS loses connectivity with the coupling facility, causing CASTOUT to fail. The write error, EEQE with a null EQERBA, is registered to DBRC and the area is marked as temporary recovery-needed. After CASTOUT is successful, the status is reset to indicate that recovery is not needed. 32 An invalid data set name is specified in the DATAIN DD statement. The data set name specified in the DATAIN DD statement of the Database Image Copy utility must match the names registered in the ADS list of the target area. No available ADS was found in the ADS list of the DBRC RECON data set. When ADSs are unavailable, the area cannot be specified as input to the Database Image Copy utility. Only one ADS is specified as input when the MADS I/O timing environment (MADSIOT) is enabled. Code (Dec) 00 04 08 12 Action Check if DBFDBAU0 exists in the SDFSRESL. See the DBRC message related to this message. Check the message for the area authorization related to this message. Specify the correct ddname in the DATAIN DD statement, and resubmit the job. Check to see if all the input data sets are at the same level, specify the correct data sets in the DATAIN DD statement, and resubmit the job. Check messages DFS3727I, DFS3728I, DFS3729I, DFS3730I or DFS3762I and correct the error. Then resubmit the job. Recover the area and create a data set which does not have any EQE, and resubmit the job. List the RECON to determine if the area is in recovery-need status; if so, recover the area and create a data set which does not have any EQE. Resubmit the job. Specify the correct dsname in the DATAIN DD statements, and resubmit the job. Specify the correct area name or recover the AREA, and resubmit the job. Resubmit the job with at least two ADSs specified as input.













Explanation: The Database Image Copy utility failed to open a data set or found a record size inconsistent with the control interval (CI) size for the named DEDB area and ADS. This ADS cannot be used any longer. System action: The Database Image Copy utility will try to open the next data set. DFS3728I VSAM ERROR REQUEST=(GET|VERIFY|POINT) FOR AREA=areaname DD=ddname


System action: The program terminates. Programmer response: Take the appropriate action based on the code you received.

Explanation: The VSAM request failed for the named area and ADS but did not fail when the EQEON request was made. EQEON indicates that a Database


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3729I DFS3733A
Image Copy utility, finding an error queue element (EQE), avoids reading the control interval from ADS. ADS is still used as the input DEDB to a Database Image Copy utility. System action: The Database Image Copy utility will attempt to get the next available data set. DFS3729I (RDJFCB|MODCB) ERROR FOR AREA=areaname DD=ddname DEDB failed. The following nn values indicate the reason for the failure. Code (Dec) 00 Meaning The area authorization module, DBFDBAU0, was not found in the IMS resident library. A DBRC call and FUNC=INIT failed. The area authorization failed. No data set1 DD statement specified in the JCL. If DBRC is used and the Area is registered, the ddname specified in data set1 DD statement must match the names registered in the ADS list of the target Area. If DBRC is used, but the Area is not registered, or if DBRC is not used, the ddname specified in the data set1 DD statement must match the areaname. 16 The area status conflicted with the requested recovery mode. The area status does not match the requested recovery mode. For DEDB recovery, the area must be in one of the following status: v If in full recovery, the area must be in the recovery-needed status. v If in track recovery, the area must be in the recovery-not-needed status and the data set must be available. 20 24 28 Unable to open the ACB for the target data set. Unable to read the second control interval for the target data set. DBRC was not initialized for this region and was unable to authorize the area. If the system does not have DBRC, this message is issued. Unable to get the control interval size for the target data set. For DEDB track recovery, SHOWCB is issued to get the length of the CI for a later reading of the second CI, but it failed. Unable to change the VSAM control block (RPL). For DEDB track recovery, MODCB Is issued to set the relative byte address of the second control interval for reading, but it failed. An invalid data set name was issued. For a DEDB, the dsname specified in the data set1 DD statement of the

04 08 12

Explanation: The Database Image Copy utility issued an RDJFCB or MODCB OS macro to the named ADS and failed. The named ADS is not used for the input DEDB to the Database Image Copy utility. System action: The Database Image Copy utility will attempt to get the next available data set. DFS3730I SECOND CI (READ|POINT) ERROR FOR AREA=areaname DD=ddname

Explanation: The Database Image Copy utility tried to read or point to the DEDB second control interval (second CI) and failed. The ADS of the ddname is not used as input DEDB to the Database Image Copy utility. System action: The Database Image Copy utility will attempt to get the next available data set. DFS3731I REORGANIZATION (BUILD|COPY) PHASE ENTERED FOR AREA=areaname UOW=nnnnnnnn

Explanation: The Reorganization utility entered into the build or copy phase. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. DFS3732I DUPLICATE DDNAME STATEMENT SPECIFIED

Explanation: The program encountered a DDNAME statement that was previously specified. System action: The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line. Further processing, such as scanning the next input line, is done according to the user specification in the ERRORACTION statement. Programmer response: Correct the DEDB utility input and rerun the job. DFS3733A FPE AREA OFFLINE RECOVERY TERMINATED ABNORMALLY FOR AREA=areaname (DD=ddname) REASON CODE=nn




Explanation: The offline database recovery for a

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3736A DFS3737A
Database Recovery utility must match the names registered in the ADS list of the target area. 48 The RDJFCB macro failed. Check the IEC131I message. See MVS/ESA System Messages for details on IEC131I. No ADS record is found in the DBRC RECON data set. 44 Specify the correct dsname in the data set1 DD statement and resubmit the job. Follow the operator response described in the IEC131I message. See OS/390 MVS System Messages for details on IEC131I. Print the DBRC RECON data set and check the ADS list of the named area. If there is not any ddname in the ADS list, register at least one ddname in the DBRC RECON data set using an INIT.ADS command. After the registration, recover the named area by a Database Recovery utility and rerun the job. VALIDATION CALL FAILED FOR AREA=areaname DD=ddname Code=xx




System action: The program terminates. For reason code 32, the system sets the data set unavailable status in the ADS list of the DBRC area record. The area status will be set to the recovery-needed status if the data set is the last one in the area. Programmer response: Code (Dec) 00 04 08 12 Meaning Check if DBFDBAU0 exists in SDFSRESL. See the DBRC message related to this message and check it. Check the message related to the area authorization. First check to see if DBRC is used or not. (This can be done by checking the DBRC positional parameter in the EXEC parameter or the IMSCTRL DBRC parameter in the IMS system definition macro.) If DBRC is used and the Area is registered, specify one of the ddnames of the ADS list in the data set1 DD statement. If DBRC is used, but the Area is not registered, or if DBRC is not used, specify the areaname in the data set1 DD statement then resubmit the job. 16 Specify the correct recovery mode according to the area status in DBRC RECON data set and resubmit the job. Check the other message related to this message. Check other messages related to this message. Check if the system has DBRC. Recover the data set and the area if the area is in recovery-needed status. Rerun the job. Rerun the job. DFS3736A

Explanation: IMS Fast Path attempted to validate the status of the ddname specified in the DDNAME control statements and discovered an error condition. One of the following represents the value of xx. Code IA Meaning The status of ADS in the DDNAME statement conflicts with the one in the ADS list in the DBRC RECON data set. If the DEDB Create utility is requested, the status of the ADS is available in the RECON data set. If the DEDB Compare utility is requested, the status of the ADS is not available in the RECON data set. The ddname is not found in the RECON data set.


System action: The utility is not activated for the requested area. Programmer response: Specify the correct ddname in the DDNAME statement, and resubmit the job. DFS3737A DMAC SYNCHRONIZATION FAILED FOR AREA=areaname

20 24 28 32 36 40

Explanation: In the environment of sharing an area among subsystems at the block level, DMAC, which contains the area information, must be identical among the subsystems. Because of some error in the lock failure, second control interval write failure, notify failure, and so on, DMAC synchronization cannot be maintained on the area. System action: The Fast Path utility being used terminates and the area is marked as stopped. Programmer response: After the area is restarted, resubmit the job.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3738A DFS3744A

Explanation: The program encountered too many ddname statements. The count of the ddname statements must be less than or equal to 6 for the DEDB Create utility and less than or equal to 7 for the Compare utility. System action: The DEDB utility program stops scanning the current input line and further processing is specified by the user in the ERRORACTION command. Programmer response: Correct the input, and rerun the DEDB utility. DFS3739A I/O ERROR OCCURRED WHEN ATTEMPTING TO READ FROM AREA=areaname

Explanation: An internal command to stop an ADS failed because of a system error (area lock failure or notify failure, and so on), and ADS cannot be stopped. The command is issued after an I/O error occurred on the named area and ADS during the copy phase of the DEDB Create utility, DBFUMRI0. The ADS is not usable. System action: This utility terminates. Programmer response: Enter a /STOP ADS command to stop this ADS globally, and rerun the job. This error can occur due to a lock or notify failure. DFS3743A SETTING AN ADS TO AVAILABLE STATUS FAILED FOR AREA=areaname DD=ddname

Explanation: The utility, DBFUMRI0, attempted to read from one of the opened data sets of the area, and encountered an I/O error. System action: The DEDB Create utility, DBFUMRI0, terminates. Programmer response: Recover the defected control interval using the offline Database Recovery utility, DFSURDB0, and rerun the job. DFS3740I IN AREA=areaname, CIS WITH MATCHED CONTENT=mmm, CIS with UNMATCHED CONTENT=nnn

Explanation: In the available phase, the DEDB Create utility, DBFUMRI0, sets the named ADS to an available-failed status since the ADS is stopped or deleted from the ADS list in the DBRC RECON data set. System action: Processing terminates. Programmer response: Check if ADS is correctly stopped or deleted from the DBRC RECON data set. Add the entry for the named ADS to the DBRC RECON data set if the ADS entry is deleted, and rerun the job. DFS3744A FORMATTING OF ALL NEW ADS(S) FAILED FOR AREA=areaname REASON CODE=nn

Explanation: The utility compared all records in the area and found that mmm control intervals (CI) had identical contents, and nnn control intervals had different contents. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: If any CI has a different content, check the dump record listing on the SYSPRINT data set. DFS3741I EITHER ADS IN ERROR. COMPARE IMPOSSIBLE FOR AREA=areaname DD1=ddname1 DD2=ddname2

Explanation: The Create utility, DBFUMRI0, in its format phase, failed to format all of the ADSs of the named area because of error code nn. One of the following indicates the value of nn: Code (Dec) 01 02 Meaning Area lock failed. The DBRC interface failed. Reading the ADS list from the RECON data set or writing the ADS list onto the RECON data set failed. The formatting of all new ADSs failed. An internal command to stop an ADS failed because of a system error (area lock or notify failure). The VSAM control block (RPL) manipulation and MODCB RPL failed.

Explanation: A read error occurred on either the ddname1 or ddname2 area data sets and comparison of the control interval content is impossible. Message DFS3739A is issued before this message and specifies on which ADS the read error occurred. System action: Processing terminates. Programmer response: None.

04 05


Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3745I DFS3746A
07 The data set verification failed and this message is issued when: 1. Defined control interval (CI) size is inconsistent with the DBD parameter. 2. Insufficient space is defined for the new ADS. 08 The dynamic allocation or opening of the new ADS for formatting failed. You can also receive this error when the VSAM cluster was not defined. The storage GETMAIN for the VSAM control block (RPL) work area failed. The AREA has EEQE. DFS3745I CREATE FAILED BECAUSE REGION STOP FOR AREA=areaname

Explanation: The /STOP REGION command was entered and the utility region was stopped. System action: The Fast Path utility being used terminates. Programmer response: None. DFS3746A FORMATTING OF AN ADS FAILED FOR AREA=areaname DD=ddname REASON CODE=nn

09 0A

System action: The Fast Path utility being used terminates. Programmer response: Ensure that all newly issued ADSs are stopped among all the subsystems. If they are not stopped, enter the /STOP ADS command to stop the area data set globally. When this is done, take the following action: Code (Dec) 01 02 Meaning Rerun the job. Ensure that the area record exists in the DBRC RECON data set and rerun the job. Remove EQE from the current active ADSs using the offline Database Recovery utility, DFSURDB0. When this is done, rerun the job. Define another VSAM data set for any new ADS, and rerun the job. Rerun the job. Rerun the job. Define another VSAM data set with the correct control interval size and space and rerun the job. The application program terminates when the dependent region abends. After preparing the tracing facilities for lock, rerun the job. One possible cause is that the VSAM cluster was not defined. Rerun the job. Remove EQE from the current active ADS using the offline database recovery utility, DFSURDB0. Then rerun the job.

Explanation: In the format phase in Create utility, DBFUMRI0, the formatting of a new ADS failed. One of the following reason codes (nn) indicates the cause for the failure. Code (Dec) Meaning 01 02 03 The dynamic allocation or opening of the new ADS for formatting failed. I/O error or long busy error occurred during the formatting of a new ADS. To format a new ADS, the ADS must be registered in the DBRC RECON data set first. In this case, the ADS was not registered in the DBRC RECON data set. The control interval (CI) size of the new VSAM data set is not the same as the one specified in DBD. The defined VSAM data set space is smaller than the current active ADS VSAM data set. The new ADS VSAM data set must be equal to or larger than the current active ADS. After formatting the new VSAM data set, the utility, DBFUMRI0, closes the data set to reopen the data set with the ICIP option, but a close error occurred. After closing the new VSAM data set, the utility, DBFUMRI0, opened the data set with the ICIP option, but an open error occurred. The ADS of the named ddname was stopped by the operator and formatting of the ADS failed.




04 05 06 07





09 0A

System action: The utility stops formatting the ADS of the named ddname. Programmer response: Check the RECON data set if the named ADS is stopped or inadvertently deleted from the RECON data set. If it is not stopped, add the ADS entry to the DBRC RECON data set, and rerun the job.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3747A DFS3751A

Explanation: The Create utility, DBFUMRI0, in its copy phase, failed to open all of the ADSs among all of the subsystems sharing the area at the block level, because of the reason code nn. Code (Dec) 01 02 03 04 Meaning The area lock failed. Notifying other subsystems to open an ADS failed. Stopping an ADS failed due to system failure. Opening of all ADSs among all the subsystem(s) failed.

Explanation: The DEDB Create utility, DBFUMRI0, attempted to write onto the target data set ddname and areaname, and encountered an I/O error. System action: The DEDB Create utility terminates the create operation on this ADS, and continues to create another new ADSs. Programmer response: None. DFS3751A CREATE FAILED IN AVAILABLE PHASE FAILED FOR AREA=areaname REASON CODE=nn

System action: This Fast Path utility being used terminates. Programmer response: Ensure that all new ADSs to be created are stopped among all the subsystems sharing the area in block level. If not, enter the /STOP ADS command to stop all new ADSs globally. When this is done, take the following action. Code (Dec) 01 02 03 04 Meaning Rerun the job. Rerun the job. Rerun the job. Check the reason for the failure of the ADS to open and correct the error. When this is done, rerun the job. OPENING AN ADS AMONG OTHER SUBSYSTEMS FAILED FOR AREA=areaname DD=ddname

Explanation: The DEDB Create utility, DBFUMRI0, in its available phase, in attempting to set all ADSs to an available status, failed because of reason code nn. Code (Dec) 01 02 Meaning The area lock failed. The notification to other subsystems to set ADSs to an available status failed. The DBRC interface failed. Reading the ADS list from the RECON data set or writing the ADS list onto the RECON data set failed. All ADSs were not found in the ADSC chain or the ADS list in the RECON data set. ADSC chain is invalid because of a system failure. A /STOP ADS command failed because of a system failure.




05 06

Explanation: At the beginning of the copy phase in the DEDB Create utility, DBFUMRI0, the utility requested other subsystems sharing the area in block level to open the ADS of the named ddname, but the ADS failed to open in some of the subsystems. System action: The DEDB Create utility terminates the operation on this ADS and continues to create new ADSs. Programmer response: Check the reason why the ADS opened unsuccessfully, correct the error, and rerun the job. DFS3749I CREATE (FAILED|COMPLETED) FOR AREA=areaname DD=ddname

System action: This DEDB Create utility terminates. All the new ADSs are still unavailable and cannot be used. Programmer response: Ensure that all new ADSs to be created are stopped among all of the other subsystems. If they are not, enter the /STOP ADS command to stop the new ADS globally. When this is done, take the following action: Code (Dec) 01 02 03 Meaning Rerun the job. Rerun the job. Ensure that the area record exists in the RECON data set, and rerun the job.

Explanation: The create operation on the ADS with areaname and ddname failed or completed. System action: None.

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3752A DFS3759I
04 Ensure that new ADSs to be created are registered in the RECON data set, and rerun the job. Rerun the job. Rerun the job. CREATE FAILED IN COPY PHASE FOR AREA=areaname DFS3756A COMPARE UTILITY TERMINATED BECAUSE COMPARABLE ADS COUNT IS LESS THAN 2

05 06 DFS3752A

Explanation: During the compare processing, the DEDB Compare utility terminated because the comparable ADS count was less than 2. This might have been caused by a /STOP ADS command or an internal command issued to stop an ADS. The ADS to be compared was stopped. System action: The DEDB Compare utility terminates. DFS3757I NO DATA SET REGISTERED IN DBRC RECON ADS LIST FOR AREA=areaname

Explanation: An I/O error occurred on the last new-active ADS and no new ADS are to be created. System action: The Fast Path utility being used terminates. Programmer response: 1) Ensure that all new ADSs to be created are stopped among all the other subsystems. If the ADSs are not stopped, then enter the /STOP ADS command to stop the new ADSs globally. 2) Define the new VSAM data set, and 3) rerun the job. DFS3753I COMPARE NOT PERFORMED BECAUSE I/O ERROR OR LONG BUSY OCCURRED FOR AREA=areaname DD=ddname RBA=nnnnnnnn

Explanation: The IMS DEDB area Initialization utility, DBFUMIN0, found that no ADS is registered corresponding to the area in the ADS list of the DBRC AREA record. System action: The utility terminates. Programmer response: Register the ADSs in the DBRC RECON record by using the DBRC INIT.ADS command, and then rerun the utility. Problem determination: 3, 8, 35 DFS3758I DD=ddname DATA SET NAME MISMATCH IN DBRC RECON ADS LIST AND IN JCL DD STATEMENT FOR AREA=areaname DD=ddname

Explanation: The DEDB AREA Data Set Compare utility tried to read a control interval (CI) from all of the requested ADSs to compare each CI. The Compare utility excluded the indicated control interval from the compare operation, because an I/O error occurred on the CI in the ADS of the named ddname. System action: Processing continues. DFS3754A UTILITY=utility-name TERMINATED BECAUSE AREA=areaname STOPPED UTILITY=utility-name SKIPPED PROCESSING FOR AREA=areaname BECAUSE AREA IS STOPPED

Explanation: The IMS DEDB area Initialization utility, DBFUMIN0, found that the data set name in the DBRC RECON ADS list does not match the one in the JCL DD statement. System action: The utility terminates.


Programmer response: Ensure that the data set names in the DBRC RECON record and in the JCL DD statement are correct, and then rerun the job. DFS3759I COMPARE NOT PERFORMED BECAUSE ADS IS STOPPED FOR AREA=areaname DD=ddname RBA=nnnnnnnn

Explanation: In the first form of this message, the named Fast Path utility being used terminated because the named area stopped. In the second form, utility-name skipped processing the area because the area is stopped. System action: In the first form of this message, the Fast Path utility being used terminates. In the second form, the Fast Path utility continues with the next area in the input stream.

| System Operator Response: Restart the area using a | /START AREA or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command, | and rerun the named utility.

Explanation: The DEDB Compare utility tried to read a control interval (CI) from all of the requested ADSs to compare each CI. Because the ADS of the named ddname is stopped by a /STOP ADS command or an internal command, the utility excluded the indicated CI from the compare operation. The remaining CIs for this ADS will not be read nor compared. System action: Processing continues.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3760A DFS3766A

Explanation: For the DEDB Create utility, DBFUMRI0, or DEDB compare utility, DBFUMMH0, the area name must be registered in the DBRC RECON data set. System action: The utility terminates. Programmer response: Register the named area and its ADSs in the DBRC RECON data set, and rerun the job. DFS3761I OPEN/CLOSE RECOVERY FAILED FOR AREA=areaname, (READ|WRITE) ERROR, RBA=nnnnnnnn

Explanation: IMS attempted to stop the area data set during emergency restart. This can occur if an I/O error existed for the named area data set during emergency restart or if an external or internal stop ADS was processing when the system failed. If an external or internal stop ADS was processing, the stop ADS was not available during the emergency restart. Therefore, IMS forced the area to stop. System action: The indicated DEDB area is stopped, and the emergency restart continues.

Explanation: A read or write error occurred in the named area at the indicated CI number during the open/close recovery processing. Messages DFS2571I or DFS2572I might be issued prior to this message. System action: Open/close recovery processing will terminate. The named area will be stopped and set to a recovery-needed status in the DBRC RECON data set. System Operator Response: Run the Database Recovery utility to recover the named area. Then rerun the job. DFS3762I CI-RBA=nnnnnnnn ERROR FEEDBACK=xxxxxxxx IN RESPONSE TO A VSAM (GET|POINT) REQUEST ON AREA=areaname DD=ddname

| | | | |

Programmer response: Restart the area using the /START AREA GLOBAL command after emergency restart. You must run either the DEDB Area Data Set Create utility, DBFUMRI0, or the Database Recovery utility, DFSURDB0, for the indicated data set. DFS3765I DEDB AREA CONTROL BLOCK NOTIFY FAILURE - AREA STOPPED. DBD=dbname AREA=areaname

Explanation: An error occurred when the Database Image Copy utility attempted to read from or point to a DEDB area. For details, see the topic on request macros in DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. System action: The Database Image Copy utility will try to read from or point to a DEDB area in the next available data set. Programmer response: Correct the error, and rerun the job. DFS3763I DEDB AREA DATA SET CONTROL BLOCK NOTIFY FAILURE - AREA STOPPED. DBD=dbdname AREA=areaname DD=ddname

Explanation: During emergency restart IMS encountered a problem with IRLM when modifying the area status for the named area and attempting to notify other subsystems to synchronize the status. The status change had been requested in the failing system. System action: The indicated DEDB area is stopped, and the emergency restart continues. Programmer response: Restart the area using the /START AREA GLOBAL command after the emergency restart. DFS3766A NOTIFY REQUEST TO STOP AN ADS FAILED FOR AREA=xxxxxxxx DD=yyyyyyyy

Explanation: IMS encountered a problem with IRLM when modifying the status of the area data set for the named area data set and attempting to notify the other subsystems to synchronize the status during emergency restart. The status change had been requested in the failing system. System action: The indicated DEDB area is stopped, and the emergency restart continues.

Explanation: During ERE processing the system tried to stop the specified Area Data Set (ADS) in each of the subsystems sharing the ADS, but failed. The status of the ADS in all subsystems remain in copy phase status or in format phase status. System action: System continues its operation. System Operator Response: The user must stop the ADS in all subsystems sharing this ADS by /STOP ADS command.

| Programmer response: Restart the area using the | /START AREA GLOBAL command after emergency restart.
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3766W DFS3770W

Explanation: Because a required Fast Path DEDB, dddddddd, was not available, scheduling ended and PSB, pppppppp, stopped. System action: Processing stops. DFS3767A NOTIFY REQUEST TO SET AN ADS TO AVAILABLE STATUS FAILED FOR AREA=xxxxxxxx DD=yyyyyyyy



Explanation: During ERE processing the system tried to set the specified Area Data Set (ADS) to available status in all subsystems sharing the ADS, but failed. The status of the ADS in each subsystem remains in copy phase status. The status of the ADS in RECON D/S is in available status. System action: System continues its operation. System Operator Response: As there is a difference in the ADS status between each subsystem and the RECON D/S, the operator should stop the area which accesses this ADS by /STOP AREA or UPDATE AREA STOP(SCHD) command, then restart the area. DFS3768A DBRC REQUEST TO SET AN ADS TO UNAVAILABLE STATUS FAILED FOR AREA=xxxxxxxx DD=yyyyyyyy




| |



Explanation: During ERE processing, the system tried to set the specified Area Data Set (ADS) to unavailable status in the RECON data set, but failed. The status of the ADS in the RECON data set remains in copy phase status. System action: System continues its operation. System Operator Response: The operator must set the status of the ADS to unavailable status by a DBRC command. Make sure the status of the ADS is in unavailable status, both in the RECON data set and in each subsystem. DFS3769I INVALID SYNTAX IN START OR STOP TIME PARM





Explanation: The program encountered an error in a start time or stop time parameter. System action: The DEDB utility program terminates with rc08. System Operator Response: Correct the invalid input parm and rerun the utility.

Explanation: Subsystem resource synchronization is not completing within a reasonable amount of time. This could be a valid condition and might resolve itself. If IMS determines that a hang exists, IMS attempts to resolve the wait. IMS might reject the process and issue the second form of the message, or it might have resolved the hang (allowing the process to retry). In either instance, if the first form of the message terminates without outside intervention, then no action is necessary. If the first version of the message persists, then a hang condition exists and must be resolved manually. In the message text, you might receive the following variables:


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3771I DFS3774A
reason Identifies the cause of the exceeded time, and is one of the following situations: CTLBLK SYNC IMS needs to synchronize internal information. ALLOC/OPEN ADS An ADS is opening as part of an area open or ADS create action. UOW LOCK INIT IMS is converting to UOW lock mode due to starting a utility. STOP AREA An area is being stopped. This might be due to a command or internal stop. START AREA An area is starting. SHVSO SYNC SHVSO information has been internally data synchronized. SHSDEPS SYNC SHSDEP information has been internally data synchronized. AREANAME Identifies the affected area. System action: If the first form of the message persists, then the originating system (the system receiving the message) is waiting for an action from a sharing partner that is not completing. This indicates a hang. The only way to resolve the hang is based on the reason from the first form of the message. Programmer response: If this message has been issued multiple times, the other subsystem is not in a processor-busy condition, the processor STOP key was not pressed, and the other subsystem has a severe problem. Contact your IBM Support Center after appropriate data has been collected. Please capture dumps of all IMS subsystems in the sysplex. System Operator Response: Determine if any subsystem participating in block level sharing is experiencing problems. If a subsystem is in a busy state because the processor load is heavy or the processor STOP key was pressed, no action is necessary. If a subsystem is in a wait or loop condition, that subsystem must be terminated by entering a /STOP or MVS MODIFY command; otherwise, the wait or loop condition can continue indefinitely. Problem determination: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14 DFS3771I AREA areaname CANNOT BE PROCESSED DUE TO 2ND CI EEQE (BUFFER) processed for one of these reasons:


command was not processed because the AREA has a second CI EEQE buffer.


/STOP ADS, /DBR DB, UPDATE DB STOP(ACCESS), or /DBR AREA command was not processed because the AREA has a second CI EEQE. System action: Command processing for the AREA terminates. System Operator Response: Enter the /UNLOCK command or the OS GO reply command to purge all EEQEs after I/O prevention is resolved. Then reenter the failed command. DFS3772I AREA areaname STOPPED. RECOVERY NEEDED DUE TO 2ND CI EEQE BUFFER

Explanation: During /CHECKPT FREEZE processing the named AREA was stopped and its status marked as recovery-needed (if the AREA was registered in DBRC). This condition occurred because the AREA has a second CI EEQE buffer, which could not be written to the physical data set. System action: After stopping the AREA, the system continues processing. Programmer response: Recover the AREA using the Database Recovery utility. DFS3773I AREA=areanameDD=ddnameSTOP AREA GENERATED BY ADS CLOSE ERROR.

Explanation: During the close of an ADS data set of a multiple ADS area that is being shared by two or more IMS subsystems, an I/O error occurred while updating the second CI of that ADS data set. This causes internal /STOP AREA commands to be generated and sent to the IMS subsystems currently sharing the area. After stopping the area, the system continues processing. System action: The system closes the area, issues message DFS3773I, and continues processing. System Operator Response: Restart the area just closed to allow processing of the area to resume using its remaining ADS data sets. Module: DBFMPCL0 DFS3774A INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR CONTROL BLOCKS

Explanation: The GETMAIN macro failed due to a shortage in memory for SP=0. Due to this condition, the input statements in the DFSHALDB data set are not read and therefore, not validated. System action: The job terminates with pseudoabend 0201 and the following reason code:
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987

Explanation: The named AREA could not be


DFS3775A DFS3779A
REASON=00000028 GETMAIN failure for control block storage. Programmer response: Increase the size value of the REGION parameter. Module: DBFSHSPI0 DFS3775A OPEN FAILURE OF DDNAME DFSHALDB DATASET ATTRIBUTES FOR DDNAME DFSHALDB ARE NOT VALID

| | |



Explanation: For message DFS3777A, the return code (xx) will be one of the following:


| | | | |


At least one statement was validated and accepted. However, at least one other statement had a syntax error or there were more than 20 statements whose syntax was correct. All statements were validated and rejected due to syntax errors.


Explanation: A DFSHALDB data set failed to open, the RECFM is not fixed block format, or the LRECL is not equal to 80. System action: The job terminates abnormally with pseudoabend 0201 and one of the following reason codes: REASON=00000016 Indicates RECFM REASON=00000020 Indicates LRECL REASON=00000024 Indicates DFSHALDB failed to open. Programmer response: v For a reason code of 16, make sure the RECFM is FB. v For a reason code of 20, make sure the LRECL is 80. v For a reason code of 24, use the accompanying DFS0730I message to determine the cause of the open failure. Module: DFSHSPI0

System action: The job terminates with pseudoabend 0201 and a reason code of either 04 or 08. Programmer response: Correct the syntax error and resubmit the job. Module: DFSHSPI0

| | |



Explanation: For message DFS3777I, the return code (xx) will be equal to 00, meaning all statements have been validated and accepted. System action: The job continues processing. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSHSPI0 DFS3778A INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO ACQUIRE HSPB CONTROL BLOCK

| DFS3776A | |


Explanation: There is no storage available in SP=241 for the HSPB control block in key 7. System action: None. Programmer response: Request assistance from an operating system programmer to correct the condition. Module: DFSHSPK0

Explanation: Data set DFSHALDB, containing input statements, is not allowed in a job for either an IFP, JMP, or MPP. In the message text, xxx is either an IFP, JMP, or MPP System action: The job terminates abnormally with pseudoabend 0201 and the following reason codes: REASON=00000012 Indicates IFP, JMP, or MPP. Programmer response: Either remove the input statements while retaining data set DFSHALDB, or exclude data set DFSHALDB from the JCL. Module: DFSHSPI0

| | | | | | | | | | |


PCB=(nnnn, pppppppp,NUM=yyy), xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Explanation: In the message text: nnnn yyy pppppppp The DBPCB number The range, if specified The partition name that was found on a statement provided by DFSHALDB. v DBPCB NUMBER IN ERROR v PARTITION NAME IN ERROR v NAME/LABEL IN ERROR

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx One of the following error conditions:


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3779A DFS3792
v PCB FOR NON-HALDB DB AREA database name area name

| For a further explanation of message DFS3779A, see | DFS3779E. | DFS3779A | | yyyyyyyy | pppppppp |
PCB=(yyyyyyyy,pppppppp), xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

DAMAGE AT RBA relative byte address of the damaged control interval OFFSET relative offset of the damage within the CI LENGTH Length of the damage System action: IMS issues the normal area-stopped messages. Programmer response: The area must be recovered. DFS3782I DB:name AREA:name ADS:name 2ND CI DAMAGE DETECTED

| Explanation: In the message text:

The NAME/LABEL. The partition name that was found on a statement provided by DFSHALDB.

| xxxxxxxxxxxxxx One of the following error conditions: v DBPCB NUMBER IN ERROR | v PARTITION NAME IN ERROR | v NAME/LABEL IN ERROR | v PCB FOR NON-HALDB | | For a further explanation of message DFS3779A, see | DFS3779E. | DFS3779E | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Explanation: Damage to the second control interval (CI) was detected during DMAC refresh at the first open following an XRF takeover. User response: Take one of the following actions: v If multiple area data sets (MADS) are defined, change the ADS copy damaged by the second CI to unavailable status for a subsequent recovery Start the area with the remaining valid ADS copies. v If multiple area data sets (MADS) are not defined, recover the area.

Explanation: In at least one of the cards that were successfully validated as Syntactically correct, the reasons for the error conditions are: v There is a DBPCB number greater than the number of DBPCBs in the list found in the PSB. v The partition name is either misspelled or it cannot be found in the database referenced by the DBPCB number or the NAME/LABEL. This could be the case if a partition name in the target database is supplied when using a DBPCB which has PROCSEQ. v The NAME or LABEL supplied cannot be found in any DBPCB in the list found in the PSB. v The DBPCB number or NAME/LABEL references a non-HALDB PCB.

| DFS3784I | | | | | | | | | |

PCB=(nnnn,ppppppp) IS REPLACED BY DFS3784I PCB=(dddddddd,ppppppp,NUM=yyy)

| System action: Pseudoabend 0202 is issued.

Programmer response: Correct the DBPCB number, the NAME/LABEL, the partition name, or remove the entry that is specifying a target partition name, and resubmit the job.

Explanation: After associating the DBPCB number nnnn of the HALDB statement with the DBPCB label or name specified in the DBPCB control block, the processing detected duplicate HALDB statements with a DBPCB label or name of dddddddd. When this occurs the DBPCB label or name takes precedence over the DBPCB referenced by the nnnn number. yyy indicates the range, if specified. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSHSPP0 DFS3792 QCNT KEYWORD INVALID WITH DISPLAY BY ATTRIBUTE OPTION

| Module: DFSHSPP0
DFS3781 DB:name AREA:name DAMAGE AT RBA:xxxxxxxx OFFSET:nnnnn LENGTH:aa

Explanation: During emergency restart, XRF takeover, or the recovery phase of Fast Database Recovery, damage to the control interval (CI) was detected. The area is stopped. The variables and their meanings are:

Explanation: The QCNT keyword cannot be used on a /DISPLAY USER command if the users are to be displayed by attribute. The QCNT keyword cannot be used on a /DISPLAY NODE command if the nodes are to be displayed by attribute. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: Either specify a specific

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3794W DFS3800
user or node, or omit the QCNT keyword. Then reenter the command. Module: DFSIDPE0, DFSIDPB0 DFS3794W AN INCOMPLETE SNAPQ CHECKPOINT MAKES TAKEOVER IMPOSSIBLE. ALTERNATE SYSTEM IS TERMINATED. If the area is stopped, recover the area. DFS3796W AT LEAST ONE FAST PATH EEQE STILL EXISTS.

Explanation: While processing a normal shutdown, IMS detected that at least one EEQE (Extended Error Queue Element) still exists. System action: Normal shutdown processing continues. Programmer response: See message DFS3867I to determine the appropriate action to take. Master Terminal Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. DFS3798 SB NOT INITIALIZED

Explanation: An XRF alternate system began reading the SNAPQ checkpoint necessary to achieve its tracking phase, and the checkpoint was found to be incomplete. System action: The alternate IMS is shutdown. Programmer response: Restart the active and alternate systems. DFS3795I IOT EEQE PURGE FAILED. AREA=areaname RBA=xxxxxxxx RC=yy

Explanation: During I/O toleration EEQE purge processing, at least one EEQE could not be purged. For each EEQE that is not purged, IMS issues this message followed by message DFS0488I. The areaname identifies the name of the associated area; xxxxxxxx identifies the RBA of the associated CI. Reason code yy has the following meanings. Code (Dec) 04 08 12 16 20 Meaning The request to get the CI lock failed. The request to get the area lock failed. The area OPEN request failed. I/O error occurred while attempted to purge the EEQE. I/O toleration purge was preparing to write tolerated data for a VSO area, but an area data set was stopped (or in the process of being stopped) due to a write error on the second CI. The area data set stop can cause the entire area to stop; in this case, if purge continues it can abend.

Explanation: A /START SB command was not processed because a SBONLINE control statement was not provided in member DFSVSMxx of IMS.PROCLIB. System action: IMS has not loaded any Sequential Buffering (SB) modules and will not process the /START SB command. User response: Provide a SBONLINE control statement in the appropriate DFSVSMxx member of IMS.PROCLIB if you want to use SB. DFS3799 SB NOT FUNCTIONAL

Explanation: The /START SB command was not processed because previous IMS software problems prevented the use of Sequential Buffering (SB). System action: IMS discards the /START SB command. User response: Check for previously issued error messages describing the software problem that caused IMS to deactivate SB. DFS3800 UNABLE TO ACQUIRE STORAGE FOR MFS DYNAMIC DIRECTORY EXPANSION

System action: IMS continues processing, but skips the EEQE purge. System Operator Response: Issue the /UNLOCK SYSTEM command later to purge the EEQEs. If the return code is 12, issue the /START AREA or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command for the named areas; then issue the /UNLOCK SYSTEM again. IMS issues return code 16 only if XRF takeover processing has not completed when you request the EEQE purge. If you reenter the /UNLOCK command after the takeover processing is complete, the purge is usually successful. To display any EEQEs that were not purged, enter the /DIS DB ALL BKERR.

Explanation: Storage in the IMS extended private area is unavailable for expanding the MFS Dynamic Directory by a size equal to 10% of format blocks not "primed" during initialization. System action: The MFS Dynamic Directory will be stabilized. No more format blocks will be added. The directory will remain stabilized, and this message will not be reissued until after the next IMS restart or after the successful completion of a /CHANGE DIRECTORY MFS command. This command will restore the MFS Dynamic Directory back to the "primed" state that existed just after IMS initialization. Programmer response: Allow the IMS system to run with the MFS Dynamic Directory stabilized until the


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3801 DFS3805
next restart, or if feasible, issue the /CHANGE DIRECTORY MFS command. DFS3801 CHKPT SNAPQ REQUIRED ON ACTIVE SYSTEM DFS3804I DFS3804I [LATEST] [RESTART] CHKPT: yyddd/hhmmss, HSBID=xx [LATEST] BUILDQ CHKPT: yyddd/hhmmss, HSBID=xx LOG READ CHKPT: yyddd/hhmmss RESTART CHKPT: yyddd/hhmmss, HSBID=xx BUILDQ CHKPT: yyddd/hhmmss, HSBID=xx

Explanation: An alternate system in the XRF complex sends this message to the master terminal operator (MTO) if after thirty seconds the alternate system fails to locate the active systems SNAPQ checkpoint. System action: The alternate system continues. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: Determine whether the active system has taken a SNAPQ checkpoint. If not, force a manual SNAPQ checkpoint by entering a /CHE SNAPQ command on the active system. If this message persists after the active system has taken a SNAPQ checkpoint, a problem might exist with the alternate system. Cancel the alternate system with a dump. DFS3802W XRF NOT POSSIBLE - ONLY ONE RDS ALLOCATED.

Explanation: At the completion of each IMS checkpoint, this message tells the operator the last checkpoint ID that is valid for loading DC blocks. When running in an XRF environment, it indicates which IMS system (HSBID) wrote the CHKPT. The latest RESTART or RESTART CHKPT indicates which IMS system must be restarted when an XRF system abends. The exception to this is a BLDQ restart, which can be done by either IMS system. The first form of this message is issued in a non-XRF environment. The second form of this message is usually issued when running in XRF. For XRF systems following a shutdown checkpoint or a restart, the word LATEST will not appear in the message, and the word RESTART will be abbreviated to RST. The third form of this message is issued only after a takeover occurs, and when the system checkpoint needed for IMS recovery was written before the LAST DC CHKPT and before the takeover. The new checkpoint ID, LOG READ CHKPT, indicates only the checkpoint at which IMS starts reading the input log. The checkpoint ID does not have an HSBID and must not be used when determining which IMS system to restart. System action: IMS continues processing. Master Terminal Operator Response: This information is useful for determining which IMS system to restart after an XRF takeover. DFS3805 SURVEILLANCE KEYWORD INVALID - NO XRF CAPABILITY

Explanation: An XRF-defined IMS system was started, but only one RDS DD statement was included in the JCL. System action: The IMS alternate system being started will terminate abnormally. Any other IMS system start will continue, but the system will not be XRF-capable. Programmer response: If you want an XRF-capable system, shutdown the IMS system. Include the IMSRDS and the IMSRDS2 DD statements for the restart data sets; then restart the IMS system. DFS3803I ENTER /SWITCH TO CAUSE THE BACKUP TO TAKEOVER

Explanation: The alternate (backup) system detected a potential failure of the active system, but the operator must approve all takeovers. System action: The alternate system continues tracking the active system. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: To initiate a takeover, enter /SWITCH SYSTEM FORCE on the alternate system. DFS3804I LATEST RESTART CHKPT: yyddd/hhmmss, LATEST BUILDQ CHKPT: yyddd/hhmmss

Explanation: A /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE command was entered on a system that is not XRF-capable. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: If you want XRF capability, define the IMS system as an XRF-capable system. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the system programmer.

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3806 DFS3812I
DFS3806 BACKUP KEYWORD INVALID - NO XRF CAPABILITY v The keyword indicating whether the /SWITCH SYSTEM command is being entered on the active or the alternate (backup) system (ACTIVE/BACKUP) does not correspond to the actual system. v The keyword ACTIVE is missing. The keyword ACTIVE must be specified when the /SWITCH SYSTEM command is entered on the active system. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: Be sure of the status (active or alternate) of the system on which you are entering the command. DFS3811I LNK|RDS|LOG SURVEILLANCE ACTIVE|INACTIVE; INTERVAL|TIMEOUT VALUE CHANGED FROM xx TO yy

Explanation: An /ERE BACKUP command or a /STOP BACKUP command was entered on a system that is not XRF-capable. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: If you want XRF capability, define the IMS system as an XRF-capable system. DFS3807 MORE THAN 1 PARAMETER IN /STA OR /STO SURVEILLANCE COMMAND

Explanation: A /START or /STOP SURVEILLANCE command was entered with more than one SURVEILLANCE parameter. The SURVEILLANCE parameter must be one of the following: LNK, RDS, LOG, or ALL. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: Reenter the command with a single SURVEILLANCE parameter. DFS3808I RDS|LNK|LOG SURVEILLANCE ALREADY STARTED|STOPPED

Explanation: This informational message responds to the /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE command, and is issued with the DFS058I CHANGE COMMAND COMPLETED message. The following information is given in the message: v which type of surveillance was changed (LNK|RDS|LOG) v whether that type of surveillance was active or inactive v the original (xx) and new (yy) interval or timeout values. System action: The system continues processing. Programmer response: Be sure the command produced the intended results. DFS3812I BACKUP LNK|RDS|LOG INTERVAL VALUE OF xx HAS BEEN FORCED TO ACTIVE VALUE OF yy

Explanation: One of the following occurred: v A /START SURVEILLANCE command was entered, but the specified type of surveillance had already been started v A /STOP SURVEILLANCE command was entered, but the specified type of surveillance had already been stopped. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: None required. DFS3809 NO LINK SURVEILLANCE - LINK NOT DEFINED

Explanation: A /START or /STOP SURVEILLANCE LNK command was entered, but an Intersystem Communication (ISC) link between the active and the alternate IMS systems is not defined to IMS. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: Define an ISC link to the XRF-capable IMS system if you want this kind of surveillance. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. DFS3810 KEYWORD ACTIVE OR BACKUP DOES NOT MATCH SYSTEM OR IS MISSING

Explanation: This informational message, issued in response to the /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE command, indicates that IMS modified system data in order to continue processing the command. When the timeout or the interval value is being changed by entering /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE on the alternate (backup) system, and the alternate interval value is less than the active interval value, the alternate interval value defaults to the active interval value. This message is issued with the DFS058I CHANGE COMMAND COMPLETED message. System action: IMS continues processing the command with the modified data. Programmer response: Be sure the command produced the intended results. If you want different results, reenter the /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE command. Master Terminal Operator Response Contact the system programmer.

Explanation: One of the following occurred:


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3813 DFS3821
DFS3813 SYSTEM NOT XRF CAPABLE COMMAND REJECTED rejected for one of the following reasons: v The SURVEILLANCE parameter was missing or invalid. v More than one SURVEILLANCE parameter was entered. Valid SURVEILLANCE parameters are LNK, RDS, LOG, and ALL. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: Correct the SURVEILLANCE parameter; then reenter the command. DFS3818 INTERVAL KEYWORD PARAMETER IS MISSING OR INVALID

Explanation: The /DIS HSB or /UNLOCK SYSTEM command was entered on a system that is not XRF-capable. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: If you want XRF capability, define the IMS system as an XRF-capable system. DFS3814 FORCE KEYWORD IS REQUIRED

Explanation: The FORCE keyword is required when entering /SWITCH from an alternate system. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: If you want to switch processing from the current active system to the alternate system, add the FORCE keyword, and reenter the command. DFS3815 RDS SURVEILLANCE NOT STARTED DUE TO WRITE ERROR ON THE ACTIVE

Explanation: A /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE command was rejected for one of the following reasons: v The INTERVAL value was missing or invalid. v More than one INTERVAL value was entered. The INTERVAL value must be greater than 0 and less than 100. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: Correct the INTERVAL value; then reenter the command. DFS3819 TIMEOUT KEYWORD PARAMETER IS MISSING OR INVALID

Explanation: The command to start RDS SURVEILLANCE was rejected because of a previous write error on the active system. System action: The command to start RDS SURVEILLANCE is rejected. Programmer response: Determine the cause of the write error. The restart data set (RDS) might have to be reformatted. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. DFS3816 COMMAND REJECTED - SNAPQ CHECKPOINT NOT YET FOUND

Explanation: A /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE command was rejected for one of the following reasons: v The TIMEOUT value was missing or invalid. v More than one TIMEOUT value was entered. The TIMEOUT value must be greater than 0 and less than 100. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: Correct the TIMEOUT value; then reenter the command. DFS3820 TOD NOT OPERATIONAL/AVAILABLE

Explanation: You cannot start or stop surveillance before the alternate system is synchronized with the active system by processing a SNAPQ checkpoint from the active system. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: Wait until the active system issues the INSYNCH message, DFS3858I; then reenter the SURVEILLANCE command. DFS3817 SURVEILLANCE KEYWORD PARAMETER IS MISSING OR INVALID

Explanation: The Time-of-Day (TOD) clock is unavailable for use by the surveillance function. System action: Normal processing continues, but ISC surveillance and RDS surveillance are disabled. Programmer response: None required. DFS3821 GETMAIN FAILED FOR TIMER WORKAREAS


Explanation: The surveillance does not function because temporary storage for a work area was not available.

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3822 DFS3828
System action: Processing continues without ISC and RDS surveillance. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: Retry the command. If it fails again, increase the size of the control region before the next startup. DFS3822 INVALID SURVEILLANCE REQUEST DFS3825 COMMAND INVALID FOR ACTIVE SYSTEM

Explanation: The /STOP BACKUP command was entered on an active system. The /STOP BACKUP command is only valid if entered on an alternate (backup) system. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: If you intended to terminate the alternate system, reenter the command on the alternate system. DFS3826 TRANSACTION KEYWORD PARAMETER IS MISSING OR INVALID

Explanation: A /START or /STOP SURVEILLANCE command was entered with an invalid parameter. The SURVEILLANCE parameter must be one of the following: LNK, RDS, LOG, or ALL. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with the correct parameter. DFS3823 I/O ERROR DURING SURVEILLANCE READ/WRITE ON xxxxxxxx

Explanation: The TRANSACTION parameter on a /CHANGE TRANSACTION/MAXRGN command was invalid or missing. The TRANSACTION parameter was invalid for one of the following reasons: v The transaction code was greater than 8 characters. v The transaction code was not known to IMS. v Load balancing was not in effect for the specified transaction. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response Check the transaction code; then reenter the command. DFS3827 MAXRGN KEYWORD PARAMETER IS MISSING OR INVALID

Explanation: A read or write error occurred on the restart data set (RDS) while RDS surveillance was active. The variable xxxxxx has one of the following values: IMSRDS The error occurred on the data set defined by the IMSRDS DD statement. IMSRDS2 The error occurred on the data set defined by the IMSRDS2 DD statement. System action: Processing continues, but RDS surveillance stops and no longer participates in the takeover decision. Master Terminal Operator Response: Determine the cause of the I/O error and reformat the RDS, if necessary. Note that you can do RDS formatting only when restarting the active system. DFS3824 COMMAND INVALID FOR BACKUP SYSTEM

Explanation: A /CHANGE TRANSACTION/MAXRGN command was rejected because the MAXRGN parameter was invalid or missing. The MAXRGN parameter was invalid for one of the following reasons: v The MAXRGN parameter must be in the range of 0 and 255 inclusive. v Multiple MAXRGN parameters were entered. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: Correct the MAXRGN parameter; then reenter the command. DFS3828 UNABLE TO PROCESS /DISPLAY OLDS COMMAND - LOG NOT AVAILABLE

| Explanation: An invalid command was entered on the | alternate (backup) system or the command syntax was | not correct for the alternate system.
System action: The command is rejected.

| Programmer response: Reenter the command on the | active system or correct the command syntax and | reenter on the alternate system.

Explanation: A /DISPLAY OLDS command was entered during the initialization or tracking phase of the alternate system, when log data sets are not available. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: Delay entry of the /DIS OLDS command until the alternate system has taken over and has become the active system. Only at this time will the log data sets be available.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3829 DFS3833I
DFS3829 NOBACKOUT KEYWORD INVALID WITH DATABASE ALL v When the interval value is being changed by entering /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE on the active system and twice the new interval value is greater than the active timeout value. This message is issued in conjunction with the DFS058I CHANGE COMMAND COMPLETED message. System action: IMS continues processing the command with the modified data. Programmer response: None required. DFS3830 NO DEFERRED PAGE FIXING WAS DONE Master Terminal Operator Response: Be sure the command produced the intended results. If you want different results, reenter the /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE command. DFS3833I BACKUP LNK|RDS|LOG INTERVAL VALUE OF xx HAS BEEN FORCED TO LNK|RDS|LOG INTERVAL VALUE OF yy

Explanation: The DATABASE parameter ALL cannot be used in conjunction with the parameter NOBACKOUT. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: Reenter the command with one or more specific DATABASE parameters.

Explanation: The active system found no requests for deferred page fixing for IMS systems in an XRF complex. System action: The system continues with normal processing. Programmer response: If deferred page-fixing is wanted, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for information. DFS3831 MODETABLE KEYWORD INVALID WITH DISPLAY BY ATTRIBUTE OPTION

Explanation: This informational message can be issued in response to the /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE command to indicate that IMS changed system data in order to continue processing the command. It is issued in the following cases: v When the interval value is being changed by entering /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE LNK/RDS on the alternate (backup) system and the new alternate interval value is less than the alternate LOG interval value. v When the interval value is being changed by entering /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE LOG on the alternate system and the new alternate interval value is greater than the alternate RDS and LNK interval values. v When the interval value specified on the LOG parameter is greater than the interval value specified on the RDS or LNK parameter. The interval value for the LOG parameter must be less than or equal to the RDS and LNK interval values. This restriction applies to original specifications made in member DFSHSBxx, or to specifications changed with a /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE command. This message is issued together with the DFS058I CHANGE COMMAND COMPLETED message. System action: IMS continues processing the command with the modified data. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: Be sure the command produced the intended results. If you want different results, reenter the /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE command.

Explanation: The MODETABLE keyword cannot be used on a /DISPLAY NODE command if the nodes are to be displayed by attribute. System action: The command is rejected Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reenter the command with the ALL keyword rather than specific node names. DFS3832I LNK|RDS|LOG TIMEOUT VALUE OF xx HAS BEEN FORCED TO yy

Explanation: This informational message, issued in response to the /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE command, indicates that IMS changed system data in order to continue processing the command. It is issued in the following cases: v When the timeout value is being changed by entering /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE on the alternate system and the new timeout value is less than twice the alternate interval value v When the timeout value is being changed by entering /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE on the active system and the new timeout value is less than twice the active interval value v When the interval value is being changed by entering /CHANGE SURVEILLANCE on the alternate system and twice the new interval value is greater than the alternate timeout value

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3834W DFS3842I

Explanation: The IMS XRF alternate subsystem has fallen behind or is in danger of falling behind in the processing of log records produced by the active IMS XRF subsystem. Statistics are gathered over one minute intervals to determine if either of these conditions has occurred. When either condition occurs, the message is highlighted and frozen on the system console until the condition clears up. The falling behind condition might extend the time of a takeover should one be necessary. System action: The IMS alternate continues tracking the active and can catch up over time. The DFS3834W message is frozen and highlighted on the system console until the alternate has caught up sufficiently. At that time, the message will no longer be highlighted and will be allowed to roll off the screen. System Operator Response: Alert the systems programmer of continued in danger messages so that appropriate preventive action can be taken. When the alternate is falling behind, the elapsed time of a takeover can be extended. You can estimate the time lag behind the active by entering the /DISPLAY HSB command. System programmer response: Determine the cause of the falling behind periods, take any appropriate preventive actions, and contact your IBM Support Center for assistance, if necessary. Some actions to consider are: v Assure a good balance between the use of Short and Long Message Queue data sets. v Assure that the message queues are not filling up for a device that has been turned off. v Increase the number of Message Queue buffers assigned to the Active and XRF Alternate systems. v If you are experiencing high I/O rates on any of the devices that contain the Message Queue data sets, consider splitting up those data sets with the highest I/O activity across different devices. DFS3838I XRF INITIAL DB PRE-OPEN COMPLETE

Explanation: In an XRF complex, the alternate IMS system checked the status of all terminals and opened and scheduled backup session initiation for all Class 1 terminals that are logged on to the active system at the time of the initial SNAPQ checkpoint. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None required. DFS3840 OPEN ERROR FOR DDNAME=PROCLIB

Explanation: The data set defined by the PROCLIB DD statement could not be opened. System action: Processing continues without XRF capability. Programmer response: Correct the PROCLIB DD statement. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. DFS3841I LNK|RDS|LOG SURVEILLANCE INTERVAL VALUE EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE LIMIT.

Explanation: An interval value for LNK|RDS|LOG surveillance in PROCLIB member DFSHSBxx exceeds 99 seconds. System action: The default interval values for LNK|RDS|LOG surveillance are used. Programmer response: Define the correct values in PROCLIB member DFSHSBxx. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. DFS3842I LNK|RDS|LOG SURVEILLANCE TIMEOUT VALUE EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE LIMIT

Explanation: A timeout value for LNK|RDS|LOG surveillance in PROCLIB member DFSHSBxx exceeds 999 seconds. System action: The default timeout values for LNK|RDS|LOG surveillance are used. Programmer response: Define the correct values in PROCLIB member DFSHSBxx. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the system programmer.

Explanation: In an XRF complex, the alternate system attempted to preopen all DL/I databases and all DEDB area data sets that were open at the time the active system processed the initial SNAPQ checkpoint. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None required.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3843I DFS3849

Explanation: An attempt was made to start LNK, LOG, RDS, or ALL surveillance on the alternate system, but the corresponding surveillance was not started on the active system. System action: The command is rejected. Master Terminal Operator Response: Be sure the appropriate surveillance is started on the active system first. Programmer response: None required. DFS3844I MSDB DDNAME= MSDBCPx SUCCESSFULLY UNALLOCATED

| | | |

Explanation: The parameters in the PROCLIB data set member DFSHSBxx or DFSFDRxx are formatted incorrectly. Value xx identifies the column number where the error was detected. System action: Processing continues, but any parameters in DFSHSBxx that follow the format error are ignored.

| Programmer response: Correct the format of the | parameters in the PROCLIB member DFSHSBxx or | DFSFDRxx. | Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the | system programmer.

Explanation: In an XRF-capable system, two MSDB checkpoint data set pairs are allocated for startup. After the MSDBs are loaded, only one of the two data set pairs is used. The MSDB checkpoint data set pair that is not used is deallocated. This message is issued after deallocation for each of the two data sets in the pair. System action: z/OS dynamically deallocated (SVC 99) the data set associated with the ddname identified in the message. Normal operation continues. Master Terminal Operator Response: None is required. DFS3845 NO SURVEILLANCE VALUES SPECIFIED, DEFAULTS WILL BE USED

Explanation: One or more user-written preinitialization routines were not found. The routines that could not be found are listed in the message. System action: The dependent region is terminated with abend U0588. Programmer response: The load modules listed in the error message are specified in the DFSINTxx member in PROCLIB, but cannot be found in any of the program libraries available to the job step. If these load modules do not need to be executed, they should be removed from DFSINTxx. If they are to be executed, the load modules must be linked to a library accessible to the job step. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 2, 6, 11, 35 DFS3849 PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON JOB/LINK/SVCLIB FOR FOLLOWING MODULES

Explanation: The XRF-related parameters in the DFSHSBxx member of PROCLIB did not contain SURV (surveillance) values. System action: Processing continues using default surveillance values. Programmer response: Verify that the default surveillance values are acceptable. If not, create a SURV entry in member DFSHSBxx. Master Terminal Operator Response: If this is an unexpected message, contact the system programmer. DFS3846I SURVEILLANCE FUNCTION NOT SUPPORTED IN A NON-XRF ENVIRONMENT

Explanation: A permanent I/O error was detected while attempting to locate the user-written preinitialization routines. The load modules not located because of the I/O error are listed in the message. System action: The dependent region is terminated with pseudoabend 0588. Programmer response: For information on abend 0588, see the topic titled IMS Abend Codes in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the system programmer.

Explanation: Surveillance cannot be performed on a system that is not XRF-capable. System action: Surveillance is not performed. Programmer response: If you want XRF capability, define the IMS system as an XRF-capable system. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the system programmer.

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3850A DFS3854A
DFS3850A ENTER /STA DC COMMAND TO OPEN VTAM ACB DFSHSBxx. The xx represents the two characters of the HSMBR=xx parameter in the IMS control region JCL. System action: The system terminates with abend U3141. Master Terminal Operator Response: Correct the error based on the information in the Explanation of this message. DFS3852I THE OTHER SYSTEM IS NOT THE ACTIVE SYSTEM

Explanation: The alternate IMS system in an XRF complex could not open VTAM ACB during system initialization, although the active system could open its VTAM ACB. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: Be sure the VTAM minor node (APPLID) referred to by the VTAM ACB is correctly initialized; then issue /START DC on the alternate system. Problem determination: 1, 3, 6, 10 and the VTAM definition of the VTAM minor node (APPLID) referred to by the VTAM ACB for the IMS system. DFS3851I YOU CANNOT CHANGE XRF SPECIFICATIONS IN THIS RESTART

Explanation: While bringing up an alternate system, the X'4001' log record from the active system contained a HSBID value of zero. A zero value is invalid for an IMS active system in an XRF complex. System action: The system terminates with abend U3141. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: Be sure that the correct log file was selected for the restart. Problem determination: 5, 8 (for both the active system and the alternate system) DFS3853I DEDB AREA IS NOT AUTHORIZED WITH DBRC. AREA STOP HAS BEEN REQUESTED FOR AREA = , DB = .

Explanation: This message is issued only in an XRF environment for one of the following reasons: v The HSBID parameter is incorrect. The HSBID parameter in the JCL of the system being restarted (NRE/ERE) must be the same as the HSBID parameter in the JCL of the of the failing system in the XRF complex. To determine the correct JCL (active/alternate) to use: 1. On the secondary console (hardcopy device), find the last DFS3804I LAST CHKPT ID VALID FOR RESTART: yyddd/hhmmss message. 2. Determine the date and time from the DFS3804I message. 3. On the secondary console (hardcopy device), find the DFS994I *CHKPT yyddd/hhmmss*ctype rtype START COMPLETED message whose date and time match the DFS3804I message. 4. Determine the IMS ID from the DFS994I message. 5. Use this IMS IDs JCL for the emergency restart. v The RSENAME parameter is incorrect. The RSENAME parameter in the JCL of the alternate system being restarted (/ERE BACKUP) must be the same as the RSENAME parameter in the JCL of the active system in the XRF complex. The RSENAME parameter is located in IMS PROCLIB member DFSHSBxx. The xx represents the two characters of the HSMBR=xx parameter in the IMS control region JCL. v The USERVAR parameter is incorrect. The USERVAR parameter in the JCL of the alternate system being restarted (/ERE BACKUP) must be the same as the USERVAR parameter in the JCL of the active system in the XRF complex. The USERVAR parameter is found in the IMS PROCLIB member

Explanation: During a takeover, the alternate system verifies that all Fast Path areas opened by processing the failing systems log are authorized with DBRC. The area named in this message is not authorized with DBRC. System action: The Fast Path area is internally stopped and closed. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: Look for other error messages describing problems with this area. If none are found, the area can be restarted. DFS3854A WHEN THE PREVIOUS ACTIVE IMS SUBSYSTEM TERMINATES, REPLY 'UNLOCK' [IMSID=imsid ASID=asid RSE=rsename]

Explanation: An IMS system in an XRF complex is terminating in I/O toleration mode. Unless the previous active system has terminated, the termination of the current IMS system threatens the integrity of the databases. The information in brackets will not be displayed if insufficient storage is available to display the complete message. System action: The termination of the IMS system is waiting for the operator to guarantee that the previous


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3855I DFS3862I
active system has terminated. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: Reply UNLOCK only after the previous active system has terminated. Note: UNLOCK does not purge IOT EEQEs. DFS3855I DEDB AREA HAS NO OPEN ADSCS AT TIME OF TAKEOVER. AREA STOP REQUESTED FOR AREA = , DB = . DFS3859I PRIORITY n TERMINAL SESSIONS SWITCHED Programmer response: None required.

Explanation: The former alternate system (now the active system) has taken over all terminal sessions with priority level "n" that were active at the time the previous active system failed. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None required. DFS3860I ALL TERMINAL SESSIONS SWITCHED

Explanation: During the tracking phase in an XRF complex, the alternate system could not open all ADSs that were opened by the active system. Since there were no valid ADSs open at takeover time, the area was stopped. System action: The area will be closed and stopped. An error message describing the ADS open failure should have been issued prior to this message. Programmer response: Look for another error message that describes the ADS open failure. Correct the error as indicated in the message; then restart the area. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 6 DFS3856I REQSYNC WAS PROCESSED TO TAKE SNAPQ CHKPT

Explanation: The former alternate system (now the active system) has taken over all terminal sessions that were active at the time the previous active system failed. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None required. DFS3861 SYSTEM TAKEOVER OCCURRED

Explanation: This message is issued when the former alternate system (now the active system) informs the terminal user at session takeover that system takeover completed in the host system. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None required. DFS3862 INVALID LOGON REQUEST IN THE ALTERNATE SYSTEM INVALID LOGON REQUEST IN THE ALTERNATE SYSTEM NODE nodename

Explanation: The REQSYNC (SNAPQ checkpoint request) sent from the alternate system was processed, and SNAPQ checkpoint process was scheduled in the active system. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None required. DFS3857I OKTOSYNC ARRIVED FROM THE ACTIVE SYSTEM


Explanation: The alternate system received a signal that indicates the active system began taking the SNAPQ checkpoint process from the active system. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None required. DFS3858I INSYNCH ARRIVED FROM THE BACKUP SYSTEM

Explanation: The alternate system in an XRF complex can accept a LOGON request from one of the following during the tracking phase: v MTO terminal v ISC link between the active and alternate IMS systems v Class 1 terminal that is eligible for a backup session, has an active session on the active system, and has no backup session currently active. For an ETO terminal, both the physical terminal and the terminal users control blocks must exist and be coupled together. The first form of the message is issued by the /OPNDST command processor. The command references an invalid node (not the MTO or ISC link). The second

Explanation: The active system received a signal indicating the alternate (backup) system synchronized with the active system by processing the SNAPQ checkpoint records from the alternate system. System action: Processing continues.

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3863 DFS3869I
form of the message is issued by the LOGON or SCIP exit if a LOGON represents a node ID that is not one of the valid node names. System action: The LOGON request is rejected. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: Log on from an acceptable terminal. DFS3863 FORMAT RDS CONFLICTS WITH BACKUP KEYWORD DFS3867I AUTOMATIC /UNLOCK SYSTEM WILL BE DONE MODSTAT2 ddname is specified in the JCL procedure and the data set exists. System Operator Response: Notify the IMS system programmer.

Explanation: FORMAT RDS is invalid in a /ERE command that contains the keyword BACKUP. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: If you are trying to bring up an alternate (backup) system, reenter the command specifying BACKUP without FORMAT RDS. Only SM, LM, QC, and SP are allowed. DFS3864 FORMAT WADS CONFLICTS WITH BACKUP KEYWORD

Explanation: At least one Fast Path EEQE (unwritten buffer) was not written out by the I/O Toleration Purge function. After emergency restart processing completes, IMS will internally process the /UNLOCK SYSTEM command to rerun the I/O Toleration purge function. System action: As long as the EEQEs exist, normal transaction I/O requests continue to be honored, but the results are maintained in the EEQE buffer. The actual I/O from the EEQE buffer takes place after the /UNLOCK SYSTEM command processing is complete. Master Terminal Operator Response: None. DFS3868 THE IMSID NAME DOES NOT MATCH THE CHECKPOINT RSE NAME

Explanation: FORMAT WADS is invalid in a /ERE command that contains the keyword BACKUP. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: If you are trying to bring up a an alternate (backup) system, reenter the command specifying BACKUP without FORMAT WADS. Only SM, LM, QC, and SP are allowed. DFS3865 FORMAT ALL CONFLICTS WITH BACKUP KEYWORD

Explanation: Since the previous IMS startup was an XRF-capable system, the following ERE startup, even though not XRF-capable, must specify an IMSID that matches the checkpointed recoverable service element (RSE) name. System action: The system terminates with abend U3141. Master Terminal Operator Response: Change the IMSID PROCLIB parameter in the JCL of the system being restarted to match that of the checkpointed RSE name. Problem determination: 5, 8 (for both the failing system and the system being restarted) DFS3869I THE ACTIVE SYSTEM MAY HAVE FAILED REASON CODE=xx.

Explanation: FORMAT ALL is invalid in a /ERE command that contains the keyword BACKUP. System action: The command is rejected. Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: If you are trying to bring up an alternate (backup) system, reenter the command specifying BACKUP without FORMAT ALL. Only SM, LM, QC, and SP are allowed. DFS3866 BACKUP KEYWORD INVALID NO MODSTAT2

Explanation: The alternate system detected a potential failure of the active system, but the operator must approve all takeovers. This message is issued only when nonautomatic takeover has been requested by specifying AUTO=NO in member DFSHSBxx. The operator must enter /SWITCH SYSTEM FORCE to enable takeover to proceed. This message is issued every 30 seconds, as long as the takeover remains pending. Reason code xx is defined below. The codes can be issued by themselves, or in combination. For example, X'82' combines X'80' and X'02'. Code (Hex) 02 04 Meaning ESTAE exit entered IRLM failure

Explanation: The XRF alternate (backup) IMS system issues this message if an /ERE command with the BACKUP option is entered, but no MODSTAT2 is available. System action: The /ERE command is rejected. System programmer response: Make sure the


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3870I DFS3877I
08 10 20 40 80 /SWITCH entered LOG surveillance System LNK surveillance RDS surveillance VTAM termination an alternate system. The name of the RSE that this IMS system is "joining" can be found on the RSENAME parameter in the DFSHSBxx member of PROCLIB. In a Fast Database Recovery environment, the subsystem name of the active IMS is used as the RSE. When an IMS system that is enabled for Fast Database Recovery issues this message, it is ready for I/O prevention invocation. The Fast Database Recovery region does not issue this message. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None is required. DFS3874I LEAVERSE MODE=IOP|TAKEOVER WAS ISSUED

System action: The alternate system continues tracking the active system. System Operator Response: Enter the /SWITCH SYSTEM FORCE command if you want takeover to continue. DFS3870I RDS|LNK|LOG INTERVAL VALUE HAS BEEN FORCED TO nnn

Explanation: The interval values for RDS, LNK, or LOG surveillance specified on the alternate system are less than the interval values specified on the active system. The alternate interval values must be greater than or equal to the active interval values. The interval values are checked during the synchronization phase, and when an interval value is changed on the active system and a type X'6D' record is written to the system log. DFS3871I JOINAVM WAS SUCCESSFUL

Explanation: The Availability Manager was notified that the IMS system issuing this message is no longer considered part of the XRF recoverable service element (RSE). The name of the RSE can be found on the RSENAME parameter in the DFSHSBxx member of PROCLIB. In a FDBR environment, the subsystem name of the active IMS is used as the RSE. When this message is issued by the active IMS, I/O prevention or Takeover was requested. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None is required. DFS3875I LEAVEAVM MODE=NORMAL|ABEND WAS ISSUED

Explanation: In an XRF complex or a Fast Database Recovery environment, the connection with the z/OS component, the Availability Manager, was established successfully with the JOINAVM call. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None is required. DFS3872I AVM CONNECTION FAILED

Explanation: A LEAVEAVM call with normal mode or abnormal mode was issued to reset the connection with the availability manager. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None required. DFS3876 AVM I/O COMPLETED UNSUCCESSFULLY

Explanation: In an XRF complex or a Fast Database Recovery environment, the connection with the z/OS component, the Availability Manager, failed. AVM functions such as I/O prevention will not be performed during a takeover. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None is required. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 3 DFS3873I JOINRSE MODE=ACTIVE|BACKUP WAS SUCCESSFUL

Explanation: The I/O request against the availability manager completed unsuccessfully. System action: None. Programmer response: None required. Problem determination: 1, 3, 5 DFS3877I JOINRSE FAILED

Explanation: An IMS system was successfully registered with the Availability Manager as either the active system or the alternate (backup) system of an XRF complex. To the Availability Manager, the XRF-capable IMS system is a recoverable service element (RSE) consisting of both an active system and

Explanation: The IMS system failed to register as either the active system or the alternate system of an XRF complex. The name of the recoverable service element (RSE) can be found on the RSENAME parameter in the DFSHSBxx member of PROCLIB. In a Fast Database Recovery environment, the
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3878I DFS3887I
subsystem name of the active IMS is used as the RSE. When this message is issued by the active IMS, I/O prevention is not invoked in case of IMS failure. The Fast Database Recovery region does not issue this message. Programmer response: None is required. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. Problem determination: 1, 3 DFS3878I AVM RECEIVE THREAD INITIALIZATION FAILED DFS3883I ALL BACKOUTS COMPLETE

Explanation: If critical event messages were requested in the KEYEVENT parameter in the DFSHSBxx member of PROCLIB, this message is sent when all restart dynamic backouts for all accessible databases have completed. All databases that were not accessible are stopped. System action: Takeover processing continues. Programmer response: Take one of these actions: v Enter the LIST.DB ALL command to determine which databases have the backout-needed flag on. v Enter the DISPLAY DATABASE command with the BKERR parameter to determine which databases were not backed out. DFS3884I NO BACKOUTS NEEDED

Explanation: The ITASK creation for the availability manager RECEIVE THREAD failed. System action: None. Programmer response: None required. Problem determination: 1, 3 DFS3879I RDS|LNK|LOG INTERVAL VALUE HAS BEEN FORCED TO MINIMUM

Explanation: If critical event messages were requested in the KEYEVENT parameter in the DFSHSBxx member of PROCLIB, this message is sent if restart dynamic backouts are not needed. System action: Takeover processing continues. Programmer response: None required. DFS3885I NO FAST PATH FORWARD RECOVERY NEEDED

Explanation: Either an interval value of 0 or no interval value was defined for RDS, LNK, or LOG surveillance. A value of 1 is set during system initialization. DFS3880I RDS|LNK|LOG TIMEOUT VALUE HAS BEEN FORCED TO MINIMUM

Explanation: A timeout value of 0, 1, or no timeout value was defined for RDS, LNK, or LOG surveillance. A value of 2 is set during system initialization. DFS3881I RDS|LNK|LOG TIMEOUT VALUE HAS BEEN FORCED TO nnn

Explanation: If critical event messages were requested in the KEYEVENT parameter in the DFSHSBxx member of PROCLIB, this message is sent if Fast Path forward recovery is not needed. System action: Takeover processing continues. Programmer response: None required. DFS3886I FAST PATH FORWARD RECOVERY COMPLETE

Explanation: The timeout values for RDS, LNK, or LOG surveillance on the alternate system are less than twice the interval values. The timeout value is forced to nnn. Values are checked for validity during the synchronization phase, and when the timeout value or the interval value on the active system is changed and a type X'6D' record is written to the log. DFS3882I DEPENDENT REGION PROCESSING ENABLED

Explanation: If critical event messages were requested in the KEYEVENT parameter in the DFSHSBxx member of PROCLIB, this message is sent when Fast Path forward recovery processing has completed. System action: Takeover processing continues. Programmer response: None required. DFS3887I IRLM TAKEOVER ISSUED

Explanation: If critical event messages were requested in the KEYEVENT parameter in the DFSHSBxx member of PROCLIB, this message is sent when transaction processing in the IMS dependent regions is enabled. System action: Takeover processing continues. Programmer response: None required.

Explanation: If critical event messages were requested in the KEYEVENT parameter in the DFSHSBxx member of PROCLIB, this message is sent when IRLM TAKEOVER is issued. System action: Takeover processing continues. Programmer response: None required.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3888I DFS3892

Explanation: If critical event messages were requested in the KEYEVENT parameter in the DFSHSBxx member of PROCLIB, this message is sent when normal IRLM operation has resumed following an IRLM PURGE TAKEOVER. System action: Takeover processing continues. Programmer response: None required. DFS3889A SYSTEM DATA SETS INCONSISTENT DDNAME NNNNNNNN, RC=xx

Explanation: The alternate system sends this message when it determines that a takeover should occur. The reason codes are: Code (Hex) 80 40 20 10 08 04 02 Meaning VTAM termination RDS surveillance System LNK surveillance LOG surveillance /SWITCH entered IRLM failure ESTAE exit entered

Explanation: While processing a X'4001' log record from the previous (or active) IMS system during a normal or an emergency restart, a conflict was detected between a data set name and volume in the previous (or active) system and a data set name and volume in the restart system. Code (Hex) 04 Meaning During a normal or an emergency restart of the active system, the DSNAMES or VOLIDs used were different. They must be the same unless a COLD start or a BLDQ option is specified. During an emergency restart, the number of data sets for the short and long message data sets must be consistent. If a change is required, either a COLD start or the BLDQ option is required. During an emergency restart in an XRF environment, the Queue Manager System Data Sets (qblks-shmsg-lgmsg) for the backup system were different. They must be different than the System Data Sets used by the active system. During an emergency restart in an XRF environment, the system data sets for the backup system online change and restart data set were different. They must be the same as the active system.

These reason codes can be issued by themselves or in combination. For example, X'82' combines X'80' and X'02', VTAM termination and ESTAE exit entered. System action: Takeover processing begins. Programmer response: None required. DFS3891I TAKEOVER IN PROGRESS


Explanation: The alternate system sends this message after the IMS system log from the active system has been processed by the alternate system. System action: Takeover processing continues. Programmer response: None required. DFS3892 WAITING FOR I/O PREVENTION TO COMPLETE


| Explanation: Takeover by the alternate system cannot | proceed until I/O prevention on the active system has | completed.
System action: The alternate system is waiting to be notified that I/O prevention is complete in the active system: either the response /UNLOCK to message AVM005A or the /UNLOCK SYSTEM command from the alternate systems Master Terminal Operator (MTO). Programmer response: None required. Master Terminal Operator Response: Make sure that the failing system can no longer generate I/O requests. When this is true, the alternate systems MTO can either enter the /UNLOCK SYSTEM command or reply /UNLOCK to the MVS AVM message to allow takeover to proceed.


System action: The system terminates with abend U0598. Programmer response: Correct the JCL so that the ddname given in the message is no longer in conflict. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the system programmer.

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3893I DFS3898W
DFS3893I F NET, USERVAR, ID=varname, VALUE=value FAILED WITH RTNFDBK=nnnn, SENSE=mmmm System action: If the reply comes after takeover, the reply message is not sent to the terminal. User response: Reenter the input message. DFS3896I ATTEMPTING TO PURGE OLDS BUFFERS

Explanation: A MODIFY USERVAR command resulted in an unexpected return code from VTAM. The following information is given in the message: Code nnnn mmmm Hexadecimal value of RPLSSNSI field of RPL System action: The IMS XRF system continues. System programmer response: The return codes are explained in VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming and VTAM for MVS/ESA Programming and VTAM Messages and Codes. Also, verify that SPO (Secondary Programmed Operator) or PPO (Primary Programmed Operator) is specified in the VTAM definition library for this application. System Operator Response: Notify the IMS system programmer. DFS3894I THE HOTID FOR THE XRF PRIMARY AND THE ALTERNATE CANNOT BE EQUAL Meaning Hexadecimal value of RPLRTNCD/RPLFDB2 fields of RPL

Explanation: IMS is beginning to purge the OLDS buffers. System action: The system attempts to purge the OLDS buffers. If the purge is successful, message DFS616I, OLDS BUFFERS SUCCESSFULLY PURGED, is printed, and IMS termination continues. If the purge fails, message DFS616I, OLDS BUFFER PURGE FAILED, is printed, and the termination of IMS continues. If one of these messages does not appear immediately, the failed active system is probably hanging on the reserve of the OLDS by the alternate system. No further action occurs until the system is canceled again. Programmer response: If message DFS3896I is followed by message DFS616I, no operator intervention is required. If the system hangs, the operator must issue a second cancel, which results in I/O Prevention and the continuation of IMS termination. Module: DFSFDLF0 DFS3897W SCP LEVEL MUST BE AT LEAST MVS/XA 2.1.3 - NO XRF CAPABILITY

Explanation: This message is issued only by an IMS alternate system during the synchronization phase of an XRF complex. The HSBID parameter of the alternate system is compared to the HSBID parameter of the primary system. (The HSBID parameter is referred to in the message text as the HOTID parameter.) These IDs must be different. The HSBID for the alternate system is obtained from the initialization JCL; the HSBID for the primary system is obtained from the checkpoint SNAPQ currently being read. System action: This message precedes a U3141 abend. Programmer response: There are three possible causes and solutions for this problem. v The primary systems JCL has been submitted on the alternate Central Processor Complex (CPC). Submit the correct job. v The primary/alternate HSBIDs have been changed. Correct the HSBID parameters. v The active system has not taken a checkpoint since a takeover occurred. Enter a /CHE SNAPQ command on the active system. DFS3895 TAKEOVER OCCURRED - NO REPLY AVAILABLE

Explanation: The z/OS level you are running is not capable of supporting XRF. This message was generated because this IMS system was defined with XRF. If the SCP level is 2.1.3, be sure the availability manager is system defined with z/OS. System action: Processing continues without XRF capability. Programmer response: If XRF capability is desired, re-IPL with the proper level of z/OS. Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. DFS3898W NO HSB PROCLIB MEMBER - NO XRF CAPABILITY

Explanation: The data set defined by the PROCLIB DD statement did not contain the member DFSHSBxx, which provides the XRF parameters for the IMS system. System action: Processing continues without XRF capability. Programmer response: If XRF capability is desired, create a PROCLIB data set member called DFSHSBxx. See IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring for help.

Explanation: Another system was to process a front end switch message entered at a terminal. The reply is lost because takeover occurred before the reply arrived.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3899W DFS3905W
Master Terminal Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. DFS3899W HSBID NOT SPECIFIED IN EXEC PARM - NO XRF CAPABILITY hexadecimal field xx identifies the caller type. One of the following conditions caused this error: v The level of DFSOFMD0 was not the same as the level of the DFSDUMP macro and the DFSDPARM control block. v The DFSDPARM control block was overlaid. v The IMS dump requester did not use the DFSDUMP macro to insert the caller ID field in the DFSDPARM control block. IMS Action: DFSFDMP0 takes a dump of the callers address space and the control region address space only. z/OS Operator Response: You do not need to take any action immediately, but tell the IMS system programmer you received this message. DFS3903W IMS DUMP REQUEST ERROR INVALID DUMP TITLE LENGTH, yy

Explanation: An IMS system is not XRF-capable unless the HSBID parameter is specified in the EXEC parameter of the control region. Only a value of 1 or 2 will be accepted. Processing with XRF capability is bypassed. System action: Processing continues without XRF capability. Programmer response: None required. DFS3900I DFSACCS0 PARAMETER ERROR, nnnnnnnn, cccccccc

Explanation: The IMS Offline Dump Formatter storage access module (DFSACCS0) detected an invalid storage access request parameter: The variable nnnnnnnn is the invalid parameter field name; cccccccc is the invalid parameter field. System action: DFSACCS0 does the following: 1. Issues this message 2. Calls DFSATRY0 to issue message DFS2400I 3. Snaps the formatter control blocks 4. Returns to the formatter retry routine with storage access return code 12. User response: Use the diagnostic output to determine the cause of the problem. DFS3901W IMS DUMP REQUEST ERROR INVALID PARAMETER, aaaaaaaa,bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The IMS dump assist module (DFSFDMP0) detected an invalid dump title length while processing an IMS dump request. The length precedes the actual title and cannot exceed 98 decimal bytes, excluding the length byte. Field yy shows the invalid length. IMS Action: DFSFDMP0 uses the first 98 bytes of the title and continues processing. z/OS Operator Response: You do not need to take any action immediately, but tell the IMS system programmer that you received this message. DFS3904I A DUPLICATE DUMP WAS SUPPRESSED BY DAE

Explanation: The IMS dump assist module (DFSFDMP0) detected an invalid IMS dump request parameter while analyzing the DFSDPARM control block passed with a DFSDUMP request. Either the error initiating the dump request or an IMS internal error might have caused this dump request error: The variable aaaaaaaa is the invalid parameter field name; bbbbbbbb is the invalid parameter field. IMS Action: DFSFDMP0 ignores the error field contents and continues with the IMS dump request. z/OS Operator Response: You do not need to take any action immediately, but tell the IMS system programmer that you received this message. DFS3902W IMS DUMP REQUEST ERROR INVALID CALLER TYPE, xx

Explanation: The IMS dump assist module (DFSFDMP0) received a return code of X08 with a reason code of X0B from SDUMP while processing an IMS DUMP request. System action: The operating system did not take an SDUMP. IMS does not retry the dump. System Operator Response: Notify your IMS system programmer. DFS3905W IMS DUMP REQUEST ERROR t SDUMP PROCESSING ERROR, RC=r-ccc

Explanation: The IMS dump assist module (DFSFDMP0) received a nonzero return code from SDUMP while processing an IMS SDUMP request. The meanings of the variables are: r SDUMP return code 04=partial dump taken 08=no dump taken
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987

Explanation: The caller type passed to the IMS dump assist module (DFSFDMP0) in the DFSDPARM control block for an IMS dump request was invalid. The


DFS3906I DFS3908E
ccc The reason code taken from SDUMP (the value will be UNK, if no reason code was available). SDUMP reason codes are explained in MVS/ESA Application Development Reference: Services for Authorized Assembler Language Programs, Volume 3 (for MVS 4.3) or z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference, Volume 3. For a partial dump (return code=04), the value of ccc is N/A. In this case, obtain the reason code from z/OS message IEA911E or IEA611E. P or S, indicating whether the request was a primary or secondary SDUMP request skip taking a dump, or reissue the equivalent of a primary dump. To retry the SDUMP request, clear one or more dump data sets and reply U. To skip taking a dump, reply S, but be aware that IMS will not try to take any more SDUMPs for this IMS error. To reissue the equivalent of the primary SDUMP request, enter an operator DUMP command for the IMS CTL, DL/I, DBRC, and IRLM address spaces; then reply S to the message you receive. If the FMTO parameter specified allows online formatting, and if you replied S, online formatting can be initiated. DFS3907I DFSDUMP FAILED BECAUSE A DUMP IS IN PROGRESS. REPLY S TO SKIP, OR U TO RETRY AFTER CURRENT DUMP COMPLETES.

IMS Action: If this is the primary SDUMP request (t=P), IMS retries with a secondary SDUMP for the following conditions: v A partial dump was taken (return code 4) which was not due to a QUIESCE=YES request that could not be honored. v No dump was taken (return code 8), but the reason code is one of the following: 001, 255, 005 through 009. A retry is not attempted if the internal parameter list passed by the caller of the dump assist routine specifies no secondary dump. If the secondary SDUMP fails, this message is issued with (t=S) when the SDUMP return code is 4; or when the reason code does not indicate that the SVC dump was suppressed either because of another SVC dump in progress or because a SYS1.DUMP data set was unavailable. When both SDUMP requests fail, IMS online dump formatting is permitted if the FMTO parameter you specified allows it. z/OS Operator Response: See the SDUMP message issued before this message to determine if any action needs to be taken. Make sure the dump produced is processed according to your installations procedures. DFS3906I DFSDUMP FAILED BECAUSE ALL SYSTEM DUMP DATA SETS ARE FULL REPLY S TO SKIP, OR U TO RETRY AFTER CLEARING A DUMP DATA SET


Explanation: An SDUMP for another task not belonging to this IMS system was being taken at the time the SDUMP was issued. System action: The operating system did not satisfy the IMS SDUMP request because it can take only one SDUMP at a time. IMS Action: IMS waits for the operator to respond. z/OS Operator Response: If you receive one of the following messages, reply U to retry the SDUMP request: IEA911E COMPLETE DUMP ON SYS1.DUMPxx.... or IEA911E PARTIAL DUMP ON SYS1.DUMPxx..... If youre not sure if the current dump has completed, reply U. IMS will reissue message DFS3907A if the current dump has not completed. If you want to skip taking a dump, reply S, but be aware that IMS will not try to take any more SDUMPs for the current error. IMS will try to produce alternative diagnostic information (such as online dumps, spin-off dumps, software LOGREG entries, and dependent region dumps). DFS3908E ABEND code IN OTMA SVC INIT MODULE DFSYSVI0, PSW=psw1psw2


Explanation: An IMS SDUMP request failed because all system dump data sets are currently full. System action: The operating system did not take an SDUMP. IMS Action: IMS waits for the operator to respond. z/OS Operator Response: You can retry the request,

Explanation: An abend occurred while module DFSYSVI0 was in control. Module DFSYSVI0 is the module that initializes the OTMA Callable Services SVC service, and is typically run as a stand-alone job


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3909A DFS3911E
prior to running applications that use the OTMA Callable Services. DFSYSVI0 processing is protected by an internal ESTAE, which attempts to retry from the abend and clean up any global resources (such as common storage) that DFSYSVI0 obtained. Message DFS3908E is issued to alert the operator that an abend occurred. In the message text: code The abend code. For system abends, the format of code is Sxxx, where xxx is the 3-digit abend code in hexadecimal. For user abends, the format of code is Udddd, where dddd is the 4-digit abend code in decimal. The first word of the PSW at abend. The second word of the PSW at abend. DFS3911E ERROR INITIALIZING OTMA SVC details Module: DFSRLP00 (for MSGQ), DBFHCAS0 (for EMHQ) DFS3910I IMS IN A SHARED QUEUE ENVIRONMENT IS UNABLE TO RESYNC WITH CQS

Explanation: During a warm or emergency restart, IMS failed to resynchronize with the CQS subsystem. System action: IMS terminates with abend U0231-xx. See abend U0231 for an explanation of subcode xx. User response: Correct the identified error and restart IMS. Module: DFSRST00, DFSRLP00

psw1 psw2

System action: The DFSYSVI0 ESTAE collects diagnostic data about the abend, and then resumes execution in a cleanup routine within DFSYSVI0. This routine attempts to release any global resources that DFSYSVI0 obtained as a part of its processing. DFSYSVI0 then issues message DFS3911E and returns to its caller. Typically, unless the abend occurred at the very end of DFSYSVI0 processing, the OTMA SVC routine is not initialized. The first time that DFSYSVI0 abends, its ESTAE takes an SDUMP of the address space, and causes a record to be written to the SYS1.LOGREC data set to document the abend. If DFSYSVI0 abends a second time or more (within one execution), its ESTAE does not take another SDUMP. However, it does write another record to SYS1.LOGREC. System programmer response: Save any dump, SYSLOG, and SYS1.LOGREC information and contact the IBM Support Center. Module: DFSYSVI0 DFS3909A CQS SUBSYSTEM IS UNAVAILABLE FOR <MSGQ|EMHQ> - REPLY RETRY WHEN READY OR ABORT TO TERMINATE IMS

Explanation: An error occurred in module DFSYSVI0. Module DFSYSVI0 is the module that initializes the OTMA Callable Services SVC service, and is typically run as a stand-alone job prior to running applications that use the OTMA Callable Services. When DFSYSVI0 cannot complete the OTMA callable services initialization, it issues message DFS3911E to indicate why initialization failed. In the message text: details A short summary of the reason why the OTMA Callable Services SVC initialization failed. details corresponds with the return code issued by the DFSYSVI0 module, and may be one of the following: NOT EXECUTING IN PSW KEY 7 DFSYSVI0 was not given control in PSW key 7. DFSYSVI0 must run as an authorized program in PSW key 7. This is accomplished by adding DFSYSVI0 to the program properties table. See the IMS Version 9: Open Transaction Manager Access Guide and Reference for instructions. ESTAE CREATE FAILED, RC=rc DFSYSVI0 attempted to establish a z/OS recovery routine (ESTAE), but the create ESTAE call failed. rc is the return code from the MVS ESTAE macro. BPESVC INIT FAILED, RC=rc DFSYSVI0 could not initialize the BPE SVC service. rc is the return code from the BPESVC initialization call. BLDL FOR DFSYSVC0 FAILED, RC=rc An MVS BLDL call for module DFSYSVC0 failed. Ensure that DFSYSVC0 is included in

Explanation: During an IMS restart, an unsuccessful attempt was made to resynchronize with the CQS subsystem for the shared queues structures identified in the message. The CQS subsystem was not available. System Operator Response: Either enter RETRY when CQS is ready or ABORT to terminate IMS. This message can be issued for the message queue (MSGQ) and for the expedited message handler queue (EMHQ). System action: IMS waits for the reply to this message. If the reply is RETRY, IMS attempts to connect to CQS. If the reply is ABORT, IMS terminates with abend U0231, return code 01. This message is reissued if the reply is not recognized.

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3912W DFS3915I
the library from which you are running DFSYSVI0. rc is the return code from the MVS BLDL macro call. GET FOR STORAGE FAILED, RC=rc DFSYSVI0 could not get storage required for the OTMA Callable Services SVC module. rc is the return code from the MVS STORAGE macro call. LOAD FOR DFSYSVC0 FAILED, RC=rc An MVS LOAD call for module DFSYSVC0 failed. rc is the return code from the MVS LOAD macro call. BPESVC REGISTRATION FAILED, RC=rc Registration of the OTMA Callable Services SVC routine with BPESVC (BPE SVC services) failed. rc is the return code from the BPESVC REGISTER macro call. ABEND OCCURRED DURING INITIALIZATION An abend occurred during DFSYSVI0 processing. This message should be preceded by a DFS3908E message indicating the abend code and PSW, and by an SDUMP of the DFSYSVI0 jobs address space. System action: Module DFSYSVI0 terminates. The OTMA Callable Services SVC is not initialized (or, if it was previously initialized, is not replaced). System programmer response: For environmental errors (such as DFSYSVC0 not being in the same library as the one from which you are running DFSYSVI0), correct the error and rerun DFSYSVI0. For NOT EXECUTING IN PSW KEY 7 error, insure that the library where DFSYSVC0 resides is APF authorized. For other problems contact the IBM Support Center. Module: DFSYSVI0 DFS3912W IMS DUMP FORMAT CONTROL PARAMETER ERROR, cccccccc Then rerun the dump formatting job for these options. This message is followed by message DFS3913I, which indicates whether IMS offline formatting will continue. For information about specifying format options for the Offline Dump Formatter, see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System and IMS Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference. DFS3913I IMS DUMP FORMATTING CONTINUING IMS DUMP FORMATTING DISCONTINUED


Explanation: This message indicates whether or not IMS offline dump formatting is continuing after a previous error. IMS Action: IMS offline dump formatting either continues or stops. User response: If offline dump formatting stopped, correct the errors based on previously-issued messages, and rerun the formatting job for any options that didnt format. DFS3914I IMS DUMP FORMATTER BUFFER CONTROL BLOCK INTERNAL ERROR DETECTED

Explanation: One of the following internal IMS dump formatter processing errors (related to IMS dump storage buffers) occurred: v The dump storage buffer prefixes were overlaid. v IMS dump formatting was interrupted while prefix rechaining was in progress. v An error occurred in the IMS dump format storage access routine. IMS Action: IMS snaps the dump formatter control blocks and then returns control to AMDPRDMP/IPCS with RC=8. User response: Use the diagnostic output to determine the cause of the problem. DFS3915I FREEMAIN FAILED FOR AN IMS FORMATTING DUMP BUFFER. GETMAIN FAILED FOR AN IMS FORMATTING DUMP BUFFER.

Explanation: IMS Offline Dump Formatter initialization (DFSOFMD0) did not recognize or process option cccccccc in the dump format control data set. IMS Action: DFSOFMD0 continues scanning the format options, ignoring the invalid options. If more than 3 invalid options are detected, DFSOFMD0 closes the dump format control data set and processes any valid options received. User response: Correct the invalid options by ensuring that v The option is correctly spelled. v The option has only one qualifier (although the option can be repeated.)


Explanation: The IMS dump formatter was unable to get or free storage for IMS dump storage buffers. IMS Action: After a GETMAIN or FREEMAIN failure, the Print Service Routine prints a SNAP of the dump formatting control blocks, IMS dump formatting terminates, and AMDPRDMP receives control with RC=4.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3916W DFS3919W
User response: If the error occurred during a FREEMAIN, use the diagnostic output to determine the cause of the problem. If the error occurred during a GETMAIN, rerun the job with a larger region size. DFS3916W RC=01,DFSOFMD0 UNABLE TO GETMAIN STORAGE FOR REGISTER SAVEAREA RC=02, DFSOFMD0 UNABLE TO GETMAIN STORAGE FOR COMMUNICATION AREA RC=03, DFSOFMD0 UNABLE TO GETMAIN STORAGE FOR - DUMP BUFFER PREFIXES RC=04, DFSOFMD0 UNABLE TO GETMAIN STORAGE FOR - DUMP BUFFERS RC=06, DFSOFMD0 UNABLE TO GETMAIN STORAGE FOR RELOCATED SCD Formatter modules in the dump for formatting, make sure that the Offline Dump Formatter modules are available in load module DFSABND0. For more help, contact the IMS system programmer. DFS3918W RC=08, DFSOFMD0 UNABLE TO GETMAIN STORAGE FOR RELOCATED CBT HEADER RC=10, DFSOFMD0 UNABLE TO GETMAIN STORAGE FOR RELOCATED CBT TABLE





Explanation: IMS Offline Dump Formatter initialization (DFSOFMD0) was unable to get storage needed to relocate the Control Block Table Header or the Control Block Table (CBT). The IMS Offline Dump Formatter will be unable to format the CBT or CBTE subset options or any other option that uses CBT FIND services to locate control blocks. IMS Action: DFSOFMD0 disables all CBT use and continues with IMS Offline Dump Formatter initialization. User response: Increase the storage provided for AMDPRDMP and rerun the job. If the problem continues, see your IMS system programmer. DFS3918W RC=05, DFSOFMD0 UNABLE TO GETMAIN STORAGE FOR RELOCATED FP ESCD. RC=310, DFSOFMD0 UNABLE TO GETMAIN STORAGE FOR - FAST PATH EPST WORK BUFFER


Explanation: IMS Offline Dump Formatter initialization (DFSOFMD0) received a nonzero return code from GETMAIN while trying to get storage for a required IMS offline dump formatting control block. IMS Action: The IMS dump formatter is unable to continue and returns control to AMDPRDMP with RC=4. User response: Increase the storage provided for AMDPRDMP; then rerun the failing job. If the problem continues, notify your IMS system programmer. DFS3917W RC=07, DFSOFMD0 UNABLE TO GETMAIN STORAGE FOR - IMS DUMP FORMATTER MODULES.


Explanation: IMS Offline Dump Formatter initialization (DFSOFMD0) was unable to get storage needed to relocate the Fast Path ESCD or the Fast Path work buffer. IMS Action: IMS dump formatting continues, but Fast Path control blocks will not be formatted. User response: Increase the storage provided for AMDPRDMP and rerun the job. If the problem continues, notify your IMS system programmer. DFS3919W RC=11, DFSOFMD0 ENCOUNTERED ERROR WITH DUMP - UNABLE TO FIND CVT RC=13, DFSOFMD0 ENCOUNTERED ERROR WITH DUMP - UNABLE TO FIND JESCT

Explanation: IMS Offline Dump Formatter initialization (DFSOFMD0) was unable to get storage needed to relocate the IMS Offline Dump Formatter modules. IMS Action: DFSOFMD0 tries to load the needed modules from current libraries to continue processing. User response: If you want to format the dump using the Offline Dump Formatter modules in the dump, increase the storage provided for AMDPRDMP, and rerun the job. If the problem continues, check the DFSAVECT vector table control block to make sure that it wasnt overlaid. The address of this control block is at the beginning of load module DFSABND0, which is pointed to by field SCDCABN0 or SCDDABN0 in the SCD. If you do not want to use the IMS Offline Dump


Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3919W DFS3924W
DFS3919W RC=14, DFSOFMD0 ENCOUNTERED ERROR WITH DUMP - UNABLE TO FIND SSCT RC=27, DFSOFMD0 ENCOUNTERED ERROR WITH DUMP - UNABLE TO FIND ASVT RC=45, DFSOFMD0 ENCOUNTERED ERROR WITH DUMP - UNABLE TO FIND IMS TCB Fast Path-related formatting disabled. User response: Be sure you are using a level of DFSOFMD0 compatible with the level of your IMS system. If you are using a SYSMDUMP, an operator-requested dump, or a stand-alone dump, check with your z/OS system programmer to be sure that all necessary storage areas are being dumped. If the problem continues, notify your IMS system programmer. DFS3921W RC=26, DFSOFMD0 ENCOUNTERED ERROR WITH DUMP - UNABLE TO FIND DFSABND0



Explanation: IMS Offline Dump Formatter initialization (DFSOFMD0) was attempting to locate the SCD by means of the TCBFSA pointer, but was unable to access the needed dump storage. This might be the result of using an invalid or incomplete dump, or by specifying an invalid IMS job name. IMS Action: IMS Offline Dump Formatting terminates. User response: Be sure you are using the correct level of DFSOFMD0. If you are using a SYSMDUMP, an operator-requested dump, or a stand-alone dump, check with your z/OS system programmer to be sure all necessary storage areas are being dumped. If the problem continues, notify your IMS system programmer. DFS3920W RC=15, DFSOFMD0 ENCOUNTERED ERROR WITH DUMP - UNABLE TO FIND CBT HEADER RC=18, DFSOFMD0 ENCOUNTERED ERROR WITH DUMP - UNABLE TO FIND CBT TABLE

Explanation: IMS Offline Dump Formatter initialization (DFSOFMD0) was unable to find the named module in the dump. IMS Action: DFSOFMD0 tries to load a new copy of the named module from current libraries to continue processing. User response: If you are using a SYSMDUMP, an operator-requested dump, or a stand-alone dump, check with your z/OS system programmer to be sure all necessary storage areas are being dumped. Then examine the dump to be sure that IMS was not in early initialization or late termination. For additional help, see your IMS system programmer. DFS3922W RC=16, DFSOFMD0 LOAD FAILED FOR - LOAD MODULE DFSABND0, ENTRY POINT = DFSABND0


Explanation: IMS Offline Dump Formatter initialization (DFSOFMD0) was unable to find the IMS CBT control blocks in the dump. IMS Action: IMS dump formatting continues, but all CBT-related services are disabled. User response: Be sure you are using a level of DFSOFMD0 compatible with the level of your IMS system. If you are using a SYSMDUMP, an operator-requested dump, or a stand-alone dump, check with your z/OS system programmer to be sure that all necessary storage areas are being dumped. If the problem continues, notify your IMS system programmer. DFS3920W RC=25, DFSOFMD0 ENCOUNTERED ERROR WITH DUMP - UNABLE TO FIND FP ESCD

Explanation: IMS Offline Dump Formatter initialization (DFSOFMD0) was unable to load new copies of the IMS Offline Dump Formatter modules from current libraries because the dump formatter load module was missing or did not contain a DFSABND0 entry point. IMS Action: IMS offline dump formatting stops, and control is returned to AMDPRDMP with RC=8. User response: Use the IMS dump formatter modules in the dump, or make sure that load module DFSABND0 is available in the current libraries; then rerun the job. System programmer response: Be sure that DFSABND0 is available for the correct IMS release and is correctly link-edited with an entry point of DFSABND0. DFS3924W RC=19, DFSOFMD0 ERROR WITH DFSFRMAT DATA SET - UNABLE TO FIND DD STMNT

Explanation: IMS Offline Dump Formatter initialization (DFSOFMD0) was unable to find the Fast Path ESCD control block in the dump. IMS Action: IMS dump formatting continues with all


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3924W DFS3927W





Explanation: Either the ASCB for the IMSDUMP jobname in the AMDPRDMP exit parameter list was missing in the current dump, or an ASCB for the jobname was present but did not have a matching SSCT entry for subsystem type DB or DC. The error can happen when any of these conditions occur: v The necessary storage was not dumped. v The jobname was incorrect. v The IMS job terminated before the dump was taken. v A jobname was provided for a non-IMS job. For more information about valid job names, see the Offline Dump Formatter Utility (DFSOFMD0) topic in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System. IMS Action: IMS dump formatting stops, and control is returned to AMDPRDMP with RC=8. User response: Be sure that: v You provide the correct dump. v The IMS jobname is valid. v All necessary storage is dumped. v IMS was in the dump. v IMS was not in early initialization or late termination. For additional help, see your z/OS system programmer. DFS3927W DFSDPARM PARAMETER LIST NOT ALLOCATED, PARTIAL OFFLINE DUMP MAY RESULT.


Explanation: Either DFSOFMD0 was unable to find, open, or read the IMS dump format control data set, or the DFSFRMAT DD statement or data set contained invalid data. The specific form of the message issued indicates the problem. IMS Action: IMS dump formatting continues using the SUMMARY option. User response: Make sure that v A valid DFSFRMAT DD statement is included for IMS offline dump formatting. v The dump format control data set is present and valid. v The DFSFRMAT data set specifies RECFM=F or RECFM=FB with valid LRECL and BLKSIZE values. v The FMTIMS control statement is specified first in the DFSFRMAT data set. For more help, contact your IMS system programmer. DFS3925W RC=22, DFSOFMD0 AMDPRDMP PARMLIST ERROR - UNABLE TO FIND EXTENSION RC=23, DFSOFMD0 AMDPRDMP PARMLIST ERROR - NO JOBNAME PARAMETER FOUND


Explanation: Because the IMS dump assist module (DFSFDMP0) was not passed a DFSDPARM control block containing certain DFSDUMP options, DFSFDMP0 used default options instead. IMS Action: DFSFDMP0 returns to the issuer of DFSDUMP with RC=8. SDUMP processing continues. z/OS Operator Response: You do not need to take any action immediately, but tell your IMS system programmer that you received this message.

Explanation: IMS Offline Dump Formatter initialization (DFSOFMD0) was unable to find the AMDPRDMP exit parameter list extension that contains the IMS jobname required for IMS dump formatting. IMS Action: IMS offline formatting stops, and control is returned to AMDPRDMP with RC=8. User response: Be sure you have provided a valid IMSDUMP verb with a valid jobname. If the problem

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3928W DFS3932I
DFS3928W UNRECOVERABLE ERROR DURING IMS DUMP REQUEST MAY RESULT IN NO OFFLINE DUMP. IMS Action: IMS dump formatting is terminated. User response: Be sure that DFSOFMD0 is assembled at the correct z/OS level for this dump and that the dump is machine readable. For more help, see your IMS system programmer. DFS3930W DFSOFMD0 ENCOUNTERED ERROR WITH DUMP- RC45, DFSOFMD0 IMS LEVEL DOES NOT MATCH DUMP

Explanation: IMS SDUMP processing stopped because of processing or retry failures in IMS SDUMP request processing. If a dump was not already produced, no dump will be taken. IMS Action: DFSFDMP0 returns to the issuer of DFSDUMP with RC=8. Alternate online diagnostics (such as spin-off dumps, software LOGREG entries, and dependent region dumps) will be allowed. System programmer response: Examine the diagnostic output, including the LOGREC entries created for the dump processing errors, to determine the cause of the problem. z/OS Operator Response: You do not need to take any action immediately, but tell the IMS system programmer that you received this message. DFS3929W CTL ADDRESS SPACE STORAGE IS NOT IN THIS DUMP DLI ADDRESS SPACE STORAGE IS NOT IN THIS DUMP DBRC ADDRESS SPACE STORAGE IS NOT IN THIS DUMP

Explanation: The version or release level of DFSOFMD0 is incompatible with the level of IMS found in the dump. IMS dump formatting initialization code must be compatible with the IMS control blocks in the dump. IMS Offline Dump Formatting is not performed. System action: Make sure that a compatible library is used and rerun the dump formatting job. DFS3931W DFSFDMP0 UNABLE TO GET WORK AREA STORAGE, NO IMS OFFLINE DUMP ATTEMPTED. DFSFDMP0 UNABLE TO GET SRB BLOCK STORAGE, NO IMS OFFLINE DUMP ATTEMPTED.




Explanation: The private address space storage for the CTL, DL/I, or DBRC address space was not dumped. IMS Action: IMS offline dump formatting continues, but some options can be bypassed, and some blocks may not be formatted. User response: Be sure you provided the correct dump. This situation can be valid for: v Any IMS dump in which the CTL, DL/I or DBRC address space was not requested. v SYSMDUMPs, secondary-request IMS dumps, operator-initiated SVC dumps that did not request the CTL or DL/I, or both, address spaces. v z/OS-initiated SVC dumps. For more help, see your IMS system programmer. DFS3930I DFSOFMD0 WAS NOT ASSEMBLED AT THE SAME MVS SP LEVEL AS THE IMS DUMPED OR THE DUMP IS NOT MACHINE READABLE

Explanation: The IMS dump assist module was unable to obtain either private storage needed for the internal work area or CSA storage needed for the SDUMP SRB interface. Message DFS629I was not sent, and no IMS SDUMP dump was taken. System action: DFSFDMP0 returns to the issuer of DFSDUMP with RC=36. Online dump formatting is not suppressed. z/OS Operator Response: No immediate action is required. If the message indicates that work area storage is not available, tell the IMS system programmer to provide additional virtual storage for the failing address space. If the message indicates that SRB block storage is not available, the system might need to be inspected to determine what is causing the shortage of global storage. DFS3932I IMS DUMP REQUEST COMPLETED RETURN CODE = ccc

Explanation: DFSFDMP0 completed an IMS SDUMP request. The meanings of ccc are: 00 04 08 12 Successful completion DFSDUMP parameter error; dump taken No parameter list or GETMAIN failed; dump taken Multiple ASID dump failed; simple dump taken

Explanation: z/OS control blocks cannot be analyzed correctly because either the IMS Offline Dump Formatter initialization module was not assembled at the same z/OS SP level as the dumped IMS system, or the dump was not machine readable, or the data set is not a dump.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3933W DFS3937I
20 24 28 32 36 40 48 DFSDUMP already in progress; no dump taken Dump already taken or not allowed DFSDUMP parameter error; no dump taken Dump not taken because operator replied 'S' (SKIP) to an operator WTOR message Internal processing error; no dump taken No dump attempted because a previous offline dump failed SDUMP processing error; see message DFS3905W for a description of the SDUMP reason code. User response: Use the formatted output with caution, remembering that formatting errors can occur for control blocks that were not fully initialized. DFS3935I IMS SYMBOL SERVICE ERROR, RC=nn

Explanation: IPCS returned a nonzero return code for an IMS create symbol request, where nn is the IPCS symbol create service return code. Information about IPCS symbol service return codes is in the Interactive Problem Control Users Guide in the "Equate Symbol Service" topic. System action: The IMS Offline Dump Formatter proceeds with the next IMS symbol. User response: None, but the noted symbol will not exist for the current dump. DFS3936I IMS SYMBOL SERVICES UNAVAILABLE


Explanation: Symbol create services are not available for the current formatting invocation. One of the other symbol service error messages might precede this message. System action: Symbol create services are not available for the current formatting invocation. User response: See the previous symbol create service messages. DFS3937I UNABLE TO ACCESS STORAGE WHILE FORMATTING THE ccc...ccc

Explanation: The Offline Dump Formatter initialization routine determined that one or more of the IMS address spaces was not fully initialized so that some of the IMS control blocks might not be fully built and initialized. Message DFS3934W follows to indicate which IMS address spaces were not fully initialized. IMS Action: IMS dump formatting continues, but unpredictable formatting errors can occur. User response: Use the formatted output with caution, remembering that control blocks that were not fully initialized can contain formatting errors. DFS3934W RC=38 CTL ADDRESS SPACE WAS NOT FULLY INITIALIZED. RC=39 DL/I ADDRESS SPACE WAS NOT FULLY INITIALIZED. RC=40 DBRC ADDRESS SPACE WAS NOT FULLY INITIALIZED.

Explanation: During dump formatting, an error was encountered while attempting to access dumped storage. Field ccc...ccc, which can be up to 16 bytes in length, identifies the control block or data area being formatted. In an online environment, dump storage is in the dump formatter. The most common dump storage access errors are: v STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE. The requested storage was not in the dump. v PARTIAL STORAGE AVAILABLE. A portion of the requested storage was in the dump. System action: For most errors, a diagnostic dump immediately follows this message. This diagnostic dump consists of the following: v The contents of SDWA, which includes the PSW, completion code, module ID, registers, and a dump of the SDWA area. v Instruction area, which includes 128 bytes of data before and after the failing instruction (total of 256 bytes).



Explanation: The named IMS address space was not fully initialized when the dump was taken so that some of the IMS control blocks in this address space might not be fully built and initialized. IMS Action: IMS dump formatting continues, but unpredictable formatting errors can occur.

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3938W DFS3940I
v Communications area, which is the control block used by the dump formatter for intercommunication between the formatting modules. v Save area, which is a dump of the save area set used by the dump formatter. v The dump formatter module vector table. v Dump formatter storage buffer header and prefixes (offline formatting only). v Dump option request block storage (offline formatting only). Following the diagnostic dump of the error, the dump formatter continues formatting the next IMS control block requested. A diagnostic dump is suppressed when any of the following forms of ccc...ccc is received: PSB (and there is no DL/I storage in the dump) AUTO OPTION PROC (and debug was not requested) ABND DIAG. AREA SA - EP ADDRESS SAP ECB PREFIX SAVE AREA REGISTER AREA SA - INV FWD PTR QUEUE BUFFERS UEHB LATCH LIST ECB STORAGE XMCI BLOCK USE LIST (CULE) Programmer response: Use the diagnostic dump to determine the cause of the problem. If the diagnostic dump is suppressed, contact the IMS systems programmer. User Response: Despite the failure of the dump formatter, the output might still provide enough information to help you diagnose your original problem. If the dump formatter output does not provide enough information, contact the IMS systems programmer. DFS3938W TRACE TABLE WITH NAME cc REQUESTED -- NOT FOUND DFS3940I cccccccc FORMATTING TERMINATED -- UNEXPECTED DUMP STORAGE ACCESS ERROR terminates the current request and continues with the next trace request. User response: Ensure that a proper IMS trace table name has been requested. A list of possible two character IDs is in the IMS Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. DFS3939I cccccccc FORMATTING TERMINATED -- WORKAREA STORAGE UNAVAILABLE

Explanation: The IMS Offline Dump Formatter internal work areas needed to process the request could not be obtained, where cccccccc was the formatter option requested. An inadequate amount of storage to GETMAIN work area space causes the failure. The message also occurs if more than 63 dump formatter low-level option requests are made during the same formatter invocation. System action: The IMS Offline Dump Formatter skips the current request and attempts to process the next formatting request. User response: Ensure that the IMS Offline Dump Formatter has sufficient storage and reissue the request. For TSO use, make sure that the region size is adequate. For batch jobs, increase the region size and rerun the job. See the IMS systems programmer for assistance. When requesting dump formatter options from a user TSO CLIST facility, use no more than 63 options at one invocation.

Explanation: The IMS Offline Dump Formatter was unable to access storage while searching or processing control blocks for the named options request, where cccccccc was the formatter option requested. A nonzero return code from IPCSs storage access service routine indicated this condition. One of the following caused this condition: v An attempt was made to format dumps that do not contain the requested control block storage. v Errors in the dumped storage with invalid addresses prevented the requested formatting. v An invalid formatter request caused the formatter to request unavailable dump storage. The request header line, which contains the requested formatter request type and argument that caused this message to be generated, precedes the error message. Obtain the required information by requesting the format output with the associated high-level formatting

Explanation: The requested trace table could not be found for an IMS Offline Dump Formatter TRACE request. This usually indicates an invalid name was requested. This does not indicate a valid trace exists and was not started. System action: The TRACE option formatter


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3941I DFS3947I
option, such as DC, DB, or SPST. Message DFS3937I and a SNAP of the dump formatter blocks precede the error message. System action: The IMS dump formatter skips further requests for the option and continues with the next formatter option. User response: Ensure that the storage is present (CTL, DL/I or CSA as needed). Ensure that the formatter request was valid. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. DFS3941I TRACE TABLE FORMATTING TERMINATED DUE TO BAD TRACE CONTROL BLOCK ADDRESS cccccccc keywords. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. DFS3945I CLB/LLB FORMATTING TERMINATED -- NO BLOCKS FOUND

Explanation: CLB/LLB option requests were made, but a requested block did not occur in the system that was dumped. The error message is issued if the dumped IMS was damaged, and CLB/LLB block pointers are no longer valid, or the dumped IMS was not generated to have any of the requested blocks. The request header line, which contains the requested formatter request type and argument that caused this message to be generated, precedes the error message. System action: The IMS dump formatter skips the current request and continues with the next request. Either CLBs exist without LLBs, or LLBs exist without CLBs. User response: Ensure that the CLB or LLB option requests were valid and the desired dump is formatting. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. DFS3946I PST NOT FORMATTED -REQUESTED PST IS NOT A SYSTEM PST

Explanation: The IMS Offline Dump Formatter found an invalid trace table control block while processing a TRACE option request, where cccccccc is the bad address. System action: TRACE option formatting terminates, and the IMS Offline Dump Formatter continues with the next option. User response: None, but some of the requested trace tables were not formatted. DFS3942I IMS DUMP FORMAT REQUEST INCOMPLETE OR IN ERROR - cccccccc

Explanation: The Offline Dump Formatter found an error in a format request requiring types or arguments, where cccccccc is the text in error. System action: The IMS Offline Dump Formatter ignores the current request, purges remaining recognizable qualifiers, and continues parsing the next format request. User response: Correct the format request error and resubmit the failing request. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. DFS3944I cccccccc FORMATTING TERMINATED -- NO REQUEST CHAIN FOUND

Explanation: The requested PST is not an active system PST. An invalid SYSPST request (the PST might be a DPST instead) causes this condition. System action: The SYSPST option formatter terminates the current request and continues with the next request. User response: Ensure that all SYSPST formatting requests are valid. See the IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System or the IMS Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. DFS3947I cccccccc FORMATTING TERMINATED -- UNEXPECTED FORMATTER PROGRAM ERROR

Explanation: The named IMS formatting option was selected, but no valid formatting requests were found, where cccccccc was the formatter option requested. The request header line which contains the requested formatter request type and argument that caused this message to be generated precedes the error message. The argument might have been an invalid request (no ARGUMENT, or invalid TYPE). System action: The IMS dump formatter skips the named option requests and continues with the next dump formatter option. User response: Ensure that the named option requests are valid, like the request type, argument, and qualifier

Explanation: The IMS Offline Dump Formatter ESTAE was entered while processing the named option, where cccccccc was the requested formatter option. A DFS2400I message and a SNAP of the IMS Offline Dump Formatter control blocks usually precede this error message. The request header line, which contains the requested formatter request type and argument that caused the messages to be generated, usually precedes the DFS2400 message. System action: The IMS dump formatter skips all requests for the named option and continues with the next option. User response: Save the dump that was being
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3949W DFS3957I
processed and report the problem to the IMS systems programmer. Programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Problem determination: Rerun with DIAG option then - 2, 4, 8, 11. DFS3949W INSUFFICIENT VIRTUAL STORAGE FOR COMPLETE SB DUMP-FORMATTING DFS3954 TAKEOVER OCCURRED--REENTER THE LAST INPUT (/FORMAT MAY BE NECESSARY)

Explanation: This message is issued when the former alternate system (now the active system) informs the terminal user that system takeover has completed. It also indicates the action that the user must take to continue the session. The last input entered before the takeover has been lost. The input could be data, a PA key, a PF key, or a clear key. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Enter /FORMAT to get the last format. If the next input generates unexpected output, enter PA2. DFS3955 TAKEOVER OCCURRED--ENTER PA2, THEN REENTER THE LAST INPUT

Explanation: The Sequential Buffering (SB) dump formatting module was unable to GETMAIN a work area required for formatting all SB control blocks and SB buffers. System action: Dump formatting continues; however, some SB control blocks or buffers, or both, will not be formatted. User response: Increase the amount of virtual storage available to IMS dump formatting. DFS3951 TAKEOVER OCCURRED--ENTER PA2 FOR RESPONSE MODE REPLY

Explanation: This message is issued when the former alternate system (now the active system) informs the terminal user that system takeover has completed. The user is in conversation mode. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Enter PA2, then reenter the last input. If the next input generates unexpected output, enter PA2. DFS3956I SYSTEM PST FORMATTING TERMINATED -- NO SYSTEM PSTS COULD BE FOUND

Explanation: This message is issued when the former alternate system (now the active system) informs the terminal user that system takeover has completed. The user is in response mode. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Enter PA2 to receive the response mode reply. DFS3952 TAKEOVER OCCURRED--ENTER PA2 FOR CONVERSATION MODE REPLY

Explanation: This message is issued when the former alternate system (now the active system) informs the terminal user that system takeover completed. The user is in conversation mode. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Enter PA2 to continue the conversation mode. DFS3953 TAKEOVER OCCURRED--ENTER PA2 FOR OUTPUT MESSAGE

Explanation: IMS Offline Dump Formatter SYSPST option requests were made, but the dumped system does not appear to have any SYSPSTs. This condition is valid only if the dumped IMS system was in early initialization at the time of the dump. Storage errors in the dumped IMS system cause this condition. System action: SYSPST option formatting terminates and the formatter continues with the next option. User response: None, but no SYSPST formatting is possible. DFS3957I cccccccc FORMATTING TERMINATED -- INVALID ADDRESS CHARACTERS IN ARGUMENT

Explanation: This message is issued when the former alternate system (now the active system) informs the terminal user that system takeover completed. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Enter PA2 to receive the output message.

Explanation: The named option ADDRESS argument contained non-hexadecimal characters, where cccccccc is the formatter option requested. The request header line, which contains the requested formatter request type and argument that caused this message to be generated, precedes the error message. System action: The IMS dump formatter skips the current request for the named option.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3958I DFS3963I
User response: Ensure that option request arguments are valid. Valid hexadecimal values are 0-9, A-F. The address argument must be 1 to 8 hexadecimal characters in length. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. DFS3958I CLB FORMATTING TERMINATED -INVALID CHARACTERS IN CID ARGUMENT System action: The IMS dump formatter terminates the current request and continues with the next request. User response: Ensure that the requested NUMBER arguments are valid. Numbers must be nonzero, decimal, and valid for the IMS system dumped. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. DFS3961I THE REQUESTED PST IS EITHER A SYSTEM PST OR A DPST THAT HAS NEVER BEEN USED

Explanation: The IMS Offline Dump Formatter CLB request, the VTAM communication identifier (CID) argument, contained non-hexadecimal characters. The request header line, which contains the requested formatter request type and argument that caused this message to be generated, precedes the error message. System action: The IMS dump formatter skips the current CLB request and continues with the next request. User response: Ensure that the CID arguments are valid. Valid hexadecimal values are 0-9, A-F. The CID is 8 hexadecimal characters in length and is the nodes network address. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. DFS3959I cccccccc FORMATTING TERMINATED -- ADDRESS ARGUMENT IS INVALID

Explanation: The IMS Offline Dump Formatter DPST option found a PST to satisfy a request, but was unable to confirm its DPST/SYSPST status. If an unused DPST was selected, this condition is valid. But an invalid request for a system PST under the DPST formatting option might have caused this condition. System action: The request is terminated, and DPST option formatting continues with the next request. User response: Ensure that all DPST formatting requests are valid. The requested PST can be formatted as a SYSTEM PST. See the IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System or the IMS Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. DFS3962I cccccccc FORMATTING TERMINATED -- NO BLOCKS FOUND

Explanation: The IMS Offline Dump Formatter named request ADDRESS argument was determined to be in an invalid storage address range for option cccccccc. Errors in the dumped storage, or an invalid formatting request, might have caused this condition. The request header line, which contains the requested formatter request type and argument that caused this message to be generated, precedes the error message. System action: The IMS dump formatter terminates the current request. User response: Ensure that the ADDRESS arguments are valid. IMS control blocks cannot occur in the first 4K of storage. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. DFS3960I cccccccc FORMATTING TERMINATED -- INVALID NUMBER ARGUMENT REQUESTED

Explanation: IMS Offline Dump Formatter requests were made for the named option, but the dumped IMS system does not seem to have any blocks where cccccccc is the requested option. If no blocks were generated, this condition is valid. Storage errors in the dumped system cause this condition. System action: The IMS dump formatter skips the named option and continues with the next option. User response: Ensure that option request arguments are valid. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. DFS3963I CLB FORMATTING TERMINATED -REQUESTED LTERM NOT FOUND

Explanation: The IMS Offline Dump Formatter request for the named option had a NUMBER argument that was larger than the largest system definition number or 0, where cccccccc was the formatter option requested. An invalid formatting request NUMBER argument or errors in the dumped IMS system might have caused this condition. The request header line, which contains the requested formatter request type and argument that generated this message, precedes the error message.

Explanation: While processing an IMS Offline Dump Formatter CLB, no communication name table (CNT) was found with an LTERM name to match the request. An invalid LTERM name argument for the request usually causes this condition. But a request for an LTERM that is not active can cause this condition. System action: The IMS dump formatter terminates the current CLB formatting request and continues with the next request. User response: Ensure that the CLB option requests are valid. Ensure that the CLB LTERM argument refers to a valid IMS LTERM name. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer.
Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987


DFS3964I DFS3970
DFS3964I CLB FORMATTING TERMINATED -REQUESTED NODE NAME NOT FOUND The request header line which contains the requested formatter request type and argument that caused this message to be generated precedes the error message. System action: The IMS dump formatter terminates the current CLB formatting request and continues with the next request. User response: Ensure that the CLB option requests are valid. Ensure that the CID qualifier refers to a valid, connected IMS node. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. DFS3967I INVALID SAP ADDRESS IN CLB/LLB -- SAP NOT FORMATTED

Explanation: No CLB was found with a node name to match the CLB request NODE argument. An invalid NODE argument for the request usually causes this condition. But requests for dynamically created terminal blocks when the terminal is not currently connected to IMS can also cause this condition. The request header line which contains the requested formatter request type and argument that caused this message to be generated precedes the error message. System action: The IMS dump formatter terminates the current CLB formatting request and continues with the next request. User response: Ensure that the CLB option requests are valid. Ensure that the CLB NODE argument refers to a valid IMS node name. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. DFS3965I cccccccc FORMATTING TERMINATED -- BLOCK FAILED VALIDITY CHECK

Explanation: The IMS Offline Dump Formatter detected an invalid save area prefix address while attempting to format a save area prefix associated with a requested CLB/LLB. Storage errors in the dumped IMS system cause this condition. The invalid address is found in the CLB/LLB ECB prefix that is formatted after this message. System action: The IMS dump formatter skips the save area prefix formatting for the current CLB/LLB. User response: For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. Problem determination: 2, 4, 8. DFS3968I cccccccc FORMATTING TERMINATED -- INVALID NUMBER CHARACTERS IN ARGUMENT

Explanation: The control block that was requested for option cccccccc failed to pass a control block validity check. An invalid request (an address argument) usually causes this condition. Errors in the dumped IMS can also cause this condition. The request header line which contains the requested formatter request type and argument that caused this message to be generated precedes the error message. The validity check ensures a given pointer in the control block points to the expected target location. For example, it verifies that the requested CLB points to a valid CTB in the requested CLB. System action: The IMS dump formatter terminates the current request and continues with the next request. User response: Ensure that the option requests and their arguments are valid. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. DFS3966I CLB FORMATTING TERMINATED -REQUESTED CID NOT FOUND

Explanation: The named option NUMBER argument contained nondecimal characters, where cccccccc is the formatter option requested. The request header line which contains the requested formatter request type and argument that caused this message to be generated precedes the error message. System action: The IMS dump formatter skips the current request for the named option. User response: Ensure that option request arguments are valid. Valid decimal values are 0-9. The number argument must be one to four decimal numbers in length. For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer. DFS3970 FAST PATH EXECUTION NOT POSSIBLE.

Explanation: While processing an IMS Offline Dump Formatter CLB option, no CLB was found with a VTAM Communication ID (CID) to match the CID request argument requested. One of the following caused this condition: v The CID argument is invalid. v Dynamically created terminal blocks were requested when the terminal was not connected to IMS. v Storage errors were in the dumped IMS system. v VTAM terminals were requested that are not currently connected to IMS.

Explanation: This message is issued when a terminal that cannot process a Fast Path transaction attempts to enter a Fast Path transaction. To process a Fast Path transaction, a terminal must be capable of supporting response mode. System action: The system rejects the attempt and does not schedule the transaction.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS3971 DFS3987
Programmer response: When this message is issued, check the relationship between the terminal and transaction to make sure that all system definitions are correct. DFS3971 UNABLE TO PROCESS FAST PATH DUE TO EMH SHORTAGE DFS3986 IMS SYSTEM IS NOT FDR CAPABLE COMMAND REJECTED

Explanation: The /DIS FDR or /CHA FDR command was entered on an IMS system that is not enabled for Fast DB Recovery. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: If you want to run the IMS system with Fast DB Recovery, rerun the job with the correct EXEC parameters and DFSFDRxx IMS.PROCLIB member. Module: DFSCMT50 DFS3987 FDR CAPABLE ENVIRONMENT NOT COMPLETED - COMMAND REJECTED

Explanation: IMS is unable to obtain an Expedited Message Handling (EMH) buffer for the size requested to process the Fast Path transaction. System action: IMS rejects the Fast Path transaction and sends message DFS3971 to the terminal user. System programmer response: Determine the current EMH buffer usage. Stop or close terminals and sessions that currently have EMH buffers but do not need them. This frees EMH buffers for use by terminals and sessions that require them. The next time you restart IMS, increase the EMH buffer pool definitions for the buffer sizes needed. DFS3984I DUMP FOR ABEND xxxxx FORCED BY DUMP OVERRIDE TABLE. DUMP FOR ABEND xxxxx SUPPRESSED BY DUMP OVERRIDE TABLE.

Explanation: An IMS system was enabled for Fast DB Recovery. However, the Fast DB Recovery environment is not completed because restart is in progress and the XCF JOIN request has not been performed yet. System action: The command is rejected. System Operator Response: After the restart operation or cold start completes, enter the command again. Module: DFSCMT50


Explanation: There is an entry for abend xxxxx in the dump override table (DFSFDOT0) to force/suppress the dump generated for this abend. System action: When force is specified a dump will be taken if that abend occurs. When suppress is specified a dump will not be generated. After this procedure is processed the regular post-abend procedure will occur (termination, recovery, and so on). Programmer response: When the information is incorrect, modify the dump override table entry in DFSFDOT0. When the message is correct then no further action is necessary. DFS3985W NO CBTE ENTRY FOUND FOR SAPS SUMMARY ENDS

Explanation: SAP storage was not obtained, or the pointer to the storage is damaged. System action: The Save area Summary option terminates, and the IMS Offline Dump Formatter continues with the next option. User response: For assistance, see the IMS systems programmer.

Chapter 9. DFS Messages, DFS3502I DFS3987



Messages and Codes Volume 2

Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E

This topic contains messages DFS4000I DFS4445I. For introductory information on DFS messages such as message format, suffix information, and explanation of the types of information provided, see Chapter 1, Introduction to DFS Messages, on page 1.
DFS4000I OFFLINE DUMP FORMATTING INITIALIZATION action DELETE A Version 6 tracking IMS experienced an error attempting to delete the position data set. System action: If action is DEALLOCATE, make sure the error does not cause an allocate or open error when the new tracking IMS is started at IMS Version 6 level. If action is CLOSE or DELETE, make sure that the position data set is removed from storage and the catalog. Module: DFSLRINS DFS4012I TRACKING LOG DATA SET OPEN ERROR, RC = xxxx, DSN=dsname

Explanation: After detecting an error in offline dump formatting initialization, IMS indicates what action it will take. Depending on the severity of the error, the action will be either CONTINUING or DISCONTINUED. System action: IMS takes the action indicated in the message. System programmer response: Verify that the input data set, input parameters, and JCL are correct. System Operator Response: If the action is DISCONTINUED, contact the system programmer. If the action is CONTINUING, no response is necessary. Problem determination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 DFS4010W UNABLE TO CREATE function ITASK, DFSCWU RETURN CODE=nnnnnnnn

Explanation: The tracking subsystem is unable to open the indicated tracking log data set. The dsname is the name of the data set with the open error. RC xxxx is the BSAM OPEN macro return code, except for the following return code: X'FFFF' The block size for the data set is larger than the buffer size. User abend 0380 with return code 0012 accompanies the message when this condition is detected. System action: If the tracking log is the sole copy, or an error occurred on both tracking log copies, the tracking subsystem stops the process for which the open attempt was made. System Operator Response: The system programmer needs to resolve the problem that caused the OPEN error. If the error was on behalf of a conversation with an active subsystem, restart the conversation with the /START SERVGRP or /START ISOLOG command. If the error was on behalf of an online forward recovery of a database, restart the recovery with the /START DATABASE or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command. If the return code indicates that the data set block size is larger than the buffer size, examine the BLOCK keyword of the SLDSDEF, ARCHDEF and RLDSDEF parameters of IMS.PROCLIB member DFSRSRxx. Increase these parameter values so that the maximum of the three values is not smaller than the block size of the tracking log data set identified in the message. Module: DFSLRDOP

Explanation: The tracking subsystem was unable to create an IMS task for the function listed in the message. System action: The tracking subsystem continues processing without the function listed. System Operator Response: Internal IMS problem. Report error to IBM. Module: DFSLRARI, DFSLRASC, DFSLRCAS, DFSLRCS0, DFSLRIDS, DFSLROIC, DFSLRRDC, DFSLRRDR, DFSLRRDS DFS4011I UNABLE TO action POSITION DATA SET: dsname

Explanation: IMS Remote Site Recovery (RSR) is unable to perform the operation indicated by action against the position data set dsname. The action is one of the following: DEALLOCATE A Version 5 tracking IMS experienced an error attempting to deallocate the position data set. CLOSE A Version 6 tracking IMS experienced an error attempting to close the position data set.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007


DFS4013W DFS4015I
DFS4013W A TRACKING LOG WITH INVALID DATA WAS DETECTED dsname tracking log data set is being closed as part of the tracking subsystem restart processing, the entry is removed from RECON and the data set is deleted. The data is obtained from the RSR active site automatically when the restart completes. nnnnnnnn: The return code from DBRC. LSN The tracking subsystem detected that the last log record in the data set does not match the RECON record entry for the data set. The data set entry is removed from the RECON and the data set is deleted. The data is obtained from the active site automatically by gap processing. nnnnnnnn: Is zero. System action: The tracking subsystem continues processing. System Operator Response: If function indicates a BSAM CLOSE error, resolve the error indicated by the return code. All other functions are automatically handled by the tracking subsystem. Module: DFSLRDDE, DFSLRRDD, DFSLRRDH, DFSLRRDR, DFSLRRDX DFS4015I ERROR ON TRANSPORT MANAGER FORGET, RETURN CODE=nnnn


Explanation: The Remote Site Recovery tracking subsystem attempted to read from a tracking log and detected invalid log data. The tracking log is identified by dsname in the subsequent DFS4013W message. System action: If a secondary copy of the tracking log is usable, data from it is used and processing continues. If all copies of the tracking log experience an error, the tracking log is deleted. The data is then obtained from the active site using gap processing. The process that caused the tracking log read to be done is terminated early. System Operator Response: If online forward recovery of a shadow database or area ended early after this message is issued, restart the database or area after the gap is filled. DFS4014I TRACKING LOG CLOSE ERROR, FUNCTION = function, RC = nnnnnnnn, DSN = dsname

Explanation: An error was detected while the tracking log data set identified by dsname attempted to close. In the message text: dsname nnnnnnnn Identifies the tracking log data set that experienced the error. Identifies the return code, which is function dependent. For additional information, see the description for the function identified in the message you received. Identifies the operation being attempted, and is one of the following functions: CLOSE The tracking subsystem cannot close the tracking log data set identified by dsname. nnnnnnnn: The reason code from the BASAM CLOSE macro. DBRC The tracking subsystem cannot register the closing information with DBRC. If the data set identified by dsname is an archive data set and the error is detected as part of automatic archive processing, the data set is deleted and the archive attempt is retried. If the


Explanation: An error was returned from a transport manager subsystem FORGET request during tracking subsystem termination or as a result of a /STOP SERVGRP command. Return Code 04 Description At least one conversation is not completely deallocated. You have been disconnected from the Transport Manager address space and your VTAM ACB has been closed, but local storage has not been freed. FORGET already in progress or invalid IDTOKEN or double failure during FORGET. An MVS LINK macro failed.



System action: The tracking subsystem continues processing. Module: DFSLRMST


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4016A DFS4018I

Explanation: An error was returned from the initial IDENTIFY request to the transport manager subsystem (TMS) during tracking system initialization or as a result of a /START SERVGRP command. The following describes the return codes and reason codes: Return Code (Hex) Description 4 8 The entity name is currently in use or a reserved name was used. Resource failure. Reason Code (Hex) Description 4 8 C 10 14 Storage shortage. VTAM storage shortage. VTAM applid not available. VTAM not available. The transport manager instance specified by TMSNAME (or defaulted) not available. Failure during activation. Abnormal termination during IDENTIFY processing. Nonzero return code from the MVS RESMGR macro.

Unusual VTAM OPEN error. Some of these failures are caused by VTAM definitional errors or operational errors. At least one parameter value is invalid. Reason Code (Hex) Description 4 8 ASCTOK is invalid. TMSNAME is invalid. Only one name per ASCTOK is allowed.


For more information on the IDENTIFY function return codes, see the Transport Manager Interface Functions and Return Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: The tracking subsystem processing continues. System Operator Response: Start the transport manager subsystem if indicated by the return or reason codes and issue /START SERVGRP. If the return or reason codes indicate a VTAM or tracking subsystem definitional error, correct the error. Module: DFSLRIN1 DFS4017A ASYNCHRONOUS TMS IDENTIFY ERROR, REASON CODE=rrrr

18 1C

Explanation: An error was returned from the transport manager subsystem (TMS) upon completion of the tracking subsystem IDENTIFY request. The reason code is the TMS status exit return code displayed in hexadecimal format. For more information, see the Transport Manager Interface Functions and Return Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: The tracking subsystem continues processing without identifying to TMS and without conversations with the active subsystems. System Operator Response: Take action appropriate to the reason code given in the message. Module: DFSLRIN1 DFS4018I TMS ALLOCATE CONVERSATION ERROR RETURN CODE=nnnn REASON CODE=rrrr


Environment error. Reason Code (Hex) Description 4 The issuer is not in key 7, supervisor state. Transport Manager code cannot be loaded or is at the wrong level. An VTAM SETLOGON request failed.

Explanation: An error was returned from a transport manager subsystem ALLOCATE conversation request during tracking subsystem initialization or as a result
Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4019I DFS4021I
of a /START SERVGRP command. The following describes the return codes and reason codes: Reason Code 08 Description Resource failure. Reason Code 04 0C 10 14 Description Storage shortage Conversation token shortage 63 08 12 00 04 identify token parameter is invalid buffer parameter is invalid conversation token parameter is invalid conversation state invalid for ACCEPT function

The transport manager subsystem is no longer available. At least one parameter value is invalid. Reason Code 00 04 Description Identify token parameter is invalid Buffer parameter is invalid

Asynchronous error The reason code is the TMS status exit return code displayed in hexadecimal format. For more information, see the Transport Manager Interface Functions and Return Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1.


Asynchronous error The reason code is the TMS status exit return code displayed in hexadecimal format. For more information, see the Transport Manager Interface Functions and Return Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1.

System action: If the return code is X'14', the message is followed by abnormal termination (abend U0380-03) of the tracking subsystem. Processing continues normally for all other return codes. System Operator Response: For return code X'10', start the transport manager subsystem, then issue the /STOP SERVGRP followed by the /START SERVGRP command. Module: DFSLRCS0, DFSLRICN DFS4020I LOG DATA TRANSMISSION TO SERVICE GROUP gggggggg TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED.

System action: For return code X'14', the message is followed by abnormal termination (abend U0380-02) of the tracking subsystem. Processing continues normally for all other return codes. System Operator Response: For return code X'10', start the transport manager subsystem, then issue the /STOP SERVGRP followed by the /START SERVGRP command. Module: DFSLRCS0, DFSLRICN DFS4019I TMS ACCEPT CONVERSATION ERROR RETURN CODE=nnnn REASON CODE=rrrr

| | |

Explanation: The attempt to send log data to service group gggggggg failed because of a VTAM buffer shortage for Transport Manager subsystem (TMS). System action: Sending of log data to service group gggggggg is suspended until the next OLDS switch. System Operator Response: Check your VTAM tuning. For information on VPACING and IOBUF, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. Issue a /SWITCH OLDS command to switch the OLDS and begin again the sending of log data.

Explanation: An error was returned from a transport manager subsystem ACCEPT conversation request. The following describes the return codes and reason codes: Return Code (Hex) Description 10 14 Transport Manager is no longer available. At least one parameter value is invalid: Reason Code Description

| | | |

You can also increase the maximum number of TMS buffers in the LBUFMAX( ) parameter of the IMS.PROCLIB member DFSRSRxx. Module: DFSFLLRD0 DFS4021I RSR ssssssssss SERVICE FAILED, SERVICE GROUP gggggggg, RC=nnnnnnnn, RSN=rrrrrrrr

Explanation: The attempt to use RSR service ssssssssss referencing service group gggggggg failed with return code nnnnnnnn and reason code rrrrrrrr. The service is one of the following:


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4022I DFS4025I
ACCEPT issued by module DFSLLRX1 ALLOCATE issued by module DFSLLRS0 DEALLOCATE issued by module DFSLLRP0 or DFSLLRX1 FORGET issued by module DFSLLRP0 IDENTIFY issued by module DFSLLRS0 SEND issued by module DFSLLRD0 been received to all attempts to deallocate conversations and FORGET has been issued. v If the message indicates COMMAND COMPLETE, it means that the processing was initiated by an /START or /STOP command. If the message indicates INTERNAL COMPLETE, it means that the processing was internally generated. /START SERVGRP processing is internally generated during OLDS switch in response to suspended or lost conversations. For a tracking subsystem: v If the message indicates that /START SERVGRP processing is complete then the tracking subsystem has attempted to identify to transport manager and, if successful, has attempted to establish a conversation with an isolated log sender (ILS) at the active site and is attempting (or has attempted) to establish conversations with the active subsystems. v If the message indicates that /STOP SERVGRP processing is complete then the tracking subsystem has terminated conversations with active subsystems and ILS and is no longer identified to transport manager. v If the message indicates that /START ISOLOG processing is complete then the tracking subsystem has attempted to establish a conversation with an isolated log sender at the active site if a conversation was not already established. If a conversation is established, the tracking subsystem has initiated gap fill processing for any gaps that were in waiting status. v The message at the tracking subsystem always indicates COMMAND COMPLETE. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSFDLS0, DFSLRMST DFS4025I WRITE ERROR DETECTED DURING TRUNCATION, ATTEMPTING RETRY FOR: subsystem

For more information, see the Transport Manager Interface Functions and Return Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: Processing continues. System Operator Response: If the message indicates that ALLOCATE or ACCEPT failed with return code 14 (hexadecimal) and reason code 4, check the OLDS or batch log data set block size. This block size should not be larger than 32708 bytes in an RSR environment. Module: DFSFDLS0 DFS4022I ATTEMPT TO OBTAIN SERVICE GROUP NAME LIST FAILED, RC=nnnnnnnn.

Explanation: Logger module DFSLLRS0 called DBRC to get a list of the service group names in the global service group. DBRC returned nonzero return code nnnnnnnn. For additional information on DBRC return codes, see the DSP Messages topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: Loggers effort to start or refresh RSR communication terminates. System Operator Response: If you can find and rectify the DBRC problem, logger processing can be retried using the /START SERVGRP command. If not, call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSFDLS0 DFS4024I START|STOP SERVGRP|ISOLOG PROCESSING (COMMAND|INTERNAL) COMPLETE

Explanation: A write error was detected while writing to all copies of a tracking log data set during log truncation for an unplanned takeover. The current truncation process terminates and a new one is initiated for subsystem subsystem. Retry of log truncation is attempted only once. If a write error is detected during retry of log truncation, user abend 0381 occurs with subcode X'20'. System action: The log truncation process is retried for the active subsystem tracking logs. Module: DFSLRLTS

Explanation: For an active subsystem: v If the message indicates that /START SERVGRP processing is complete, it means that the logger asked for a service group list from DBRC, has tried to identify to transport manager, and has received a response to all attempts to allocate conversations. v If the message indicates that /STOP SERVGRP processing is complete, it means that a response has

Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4026I DFS4031A

Explanation: If there is an allocation failure during log truncation, IMS will abend with code U0381 subcode X'20'. You receive this message after message DFS2934I during emergency restart after the abend. subsystem is the subsystem name of the active IMS subsystem whose tracking log data sets are undergoing truncation, and lsn is the log sequence number for the prior truncation point. System action: An unplanned takeover will complete with the truncation point listed in message DFS2935I. System programmer response: If the truncation point given in this message is different from the truncation point given in message DFS2935I, or if message DFS2935I is not issued for the indicated subsystem, take image copies of all affected databases and areas as soon as possible (before starting a new active subsystem). Module: DFSLRLTS DFS4027I DATABASE LEVEL TRACKING NOT SUPPORTED BY DC CONTROL TRACKING SYSTEM. CHANGED TO RECOVERY LEVEL TRACKING.

Explanation: This message is requested by the status exit module, DFSLLRX1, when the exit routine driven is either not the expected type (ALLOCATE COMPLETE when ALLOCATE is not in progress for that service group, for example) or an expected exit routine gets an unexpected return code. The values are taken from the status exit area. For more information, see the Transport Manager Interface Functions and Return Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSFDLS0



Explanation: A DCCTL subsystem at the tracking site was initialized in database level tracking mode. DCCTL does not support database level tracking. System action: The DCCTL subsystem is initialized in recovery level tracking mode. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSRSRI0 DFS4028I FEATURE FOR TRACKING LEVEL SPECIFIED NOT INSTALLED. SYSTEM WILL CONTINUE WITH RLT OR NO TRACKING

Explanation: This message is issued at the start of log truncation during unplanned takeover processing if the data set being truncated is an archive SLDS, and no ARCHDEF or ARCHDEF keyword is provided in the DFSRSRxx member. It is followed by an abnormal termination of the tracking IMS with abend U0381. The accompanying reason code in register 15 is X'25'. System action: The tracking IMS subsystem abnormally terminates. System Operator Response: Perform an emergency restart of the tracking IMS with the ARCHDEF and ARCHDEF keywords defined in the DFSRSRxx member. Module: DFSLRLTS DFS4031A RSR version POSITION DATA SET FOUND FROM timestamp

Explanation: Either TRACK=RLT or TRACK=DLT was specified in the IMS procedure but no Remote Site Recovery (RSR) feature is installed, or TRACK=DLT was specified but only the RLT feature is installed. System action: If no RSR feature is installed, the system continues as if TRACK=NO was specified. If the RLT feature is installed but TRACK=DLT was specified, the system continues as if TRACK=RLT was specified. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSRSRI0

Explanation: A remote site recovery (RSR) tracking IMS successfully allocated and read from an RSR position data set during COLD start processing. The position data set was created by an IMS running at the version level, and it created the position data set at timestamp. version can be one of the following values: 5.1 The RSR position data set was created by an RSR tracking IMS running at Version 5 Release 1 level. The RSR position data set was created by an RSR tracking IMS running at Version 6 Release 1 level. The RSR position data set was created by an RSR tracking IMS running at Version 7 Release 1 level.




Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4032A DFS4034I
timestamp is a packed decimal timestamp. System programmer response: If the position data set is not valid (for example, it was created by an IMS running at the wrong version or at the wrong time), take the following steps: 1. Reply N to complete the cold start of the RSR tracking IMS. 2. Shut down the RSR tracking IMS and delete the position data set. 3. Find the correct position data set and catalog it if it is not already cataloged. 4. Cold start the RSR tracking IMS. If a valid position data set is not available, the cold start can be continued; however, you must shut down and restart all RSR active IMS subsystems before the RSR tracking IMS processes the contents of their log records. To avoid RSR shadow database corruption, new image copies of all covered databases must be installed where the run time of the image copy takes place after all RSR active IMS subsystems accessing the database have shut down. Module: DFSLRINS DFS4032A USE RSR POSITION DATA SET (Y OR N)?

| | | | | | | |

position. Log data from the active IMS systems that remain up through RSR termination and restart will be ignored. Only log data from new IMS systems will be processed. Databases that are updated by the IMS systems that are active and remained up should be re-installed at the tracking site. For information on RSR and operating IMS in an RSR environment, see IMS Version 9: Operations Guide.

| System action: IMS termination of the RSR tracking | system continues. | | | | | |

System programmer response: Attempt a warm or emergency restart of the tracking IMS. Avoid a cold start if at all possible. Determine the cause of the write error from the DFS2910I message and correct the problem. If the problem persists, collect diagnostic information and report the problem to IBM.

| Module: DFSLRTRM

Explanation: The tracking subsystem is unable to open the indicated position data set, dsname. RC xxxx is the BSAM OPEN macro return code related to this error. System action: If the open error occurs, during initialization, on the secondary copy after an error on the primary copy, the tracking IMS subsystem stops cold start processing. If the open error occurs during shutdown processing, IMS abends with a U0381 abend code, and register 14 contains reason code 0003. z/OS System Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. Programmer response: Resolve the cause of the OPEN error. Before shutting down the tracking IMS, manually delete the position data set that is identified in the message text. If you do not delete the position data set, IMS terminates abnormally during shutdown with user abend 0381, reason code 1B, in DFSLRTRM. Module: DFSLRDOP

Explanation: A remote site recovery (RSR) tracking IMS successfully allocated and read from an RSR position data set during cold-start processing and issued message DFS4031A. If this is the correct position data set for the RSR tracking IMS to use, reply Y to the WTOR generated by this message. If this is not the correct position data set, reply N and cold start processing will proceed. Be aware that the RSR tracking IMS will not process any data from RSR active site IMSs that is created before tracking an IMS cold start. Only log data from new active IMS subsystems is processed. If you reply with something other than Y or N, messages DFS4031A and DFS4032A are reissued. Cold start processing is suspended until you reply Y or N. System programmer response: Determine if the version and timestamp supplied with message DFS4031A are valid. If they are, reply Y to the message WTOR. If they are not, reply N. Module: DFSLRINS

| DFS4034I | | | | | | | | | | |


Explanation: The tracking subsystem is unable to open the indicated position data set, dsname. RC xxxx is the BSAM OPEN macro return code related to this error. System action: If the open error occurs, during initialization, on the secondary copy after an error on the primary copy, the tracking IMS subsystem stops cold start processing. If the open error occurs during shutdown processing, IMS abends with a U0381 abend code, and register 14 contains reason code 0003.

| DFS4033I | | | | | | |


Explanation: An error was detected trying to write to the IMS Remote Site Recovery position data set during Remote-Site Recovery (RSR) tracking IMS termination. This message is followed by SYNAD exit information in message DFS2910I on page 475. A cold start of the RSR tracking IMS cannot establish the current routing

| z/OS System Operator Response: Contact the system | programmer.

Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4035A DFS4039A
| | | | | |
Programmer response: Resolve the cause of the OPEN error. Before shutting down the tracking IMS, manually delete the position data set that is identified in the message text. If you do not delete the position data set, IMS terminates abnormally during shutdown with user abend 0381, reason code 1B, in DFSLRTRM.

| | | | | | | | |

continue without synchronizing with the XRC session, enter a /STOP XRCTRACK command on the tracking subsystem. NO RESPONSE FROM XRC SERVICE Contact IBM to resolve the problem with the XRC service. If you wish to allow log routing to continue without synchronizing with the XRC session, enter a /STOP XRCTRACK command on the tracking subsystem.

| Module: DFSLRDOP | DFS4035A | | | | |


Explanation: Log routing on the RSR tracking subsystem is suspended. The reason for the suspension has to do with the state of the XRC session specified in the DFSRSRxx proclib member and is one of he following:

| Module: DFSLRXRC

| XRC CONSISTENCY TIME IS ZERO The XRC consistency time for the XRC session | is zero so log routing cannot proceed. | | XRC CONSISTENCY TIME IS NOT ADVANCING The XRC consistency time for the XRC session | is not advancing so log routing cannot | proceed. This message is issued at regular | intervals as long as the XRC consistency time | is not updated. | | XRC VOLUME NOT DUPLEXED One or more volumes on the XRC session are | not in the duplex state (volume initialization | has not completed) so log routing cannot | proceed. | | NO RESPONSE FROM XRC SERVICE A tracking subsystem call to the system data | mover (SDM) API via the ANTRQST macro to | obtain the XRC consistency time has exceeded | the wait-time specified on the ANTRQST | request. | | | | |
System action: Processing continues but routing will not occur until there is an updated consistency time for the XRC session or until all volumes in the session have been initialized.

Explanation: This message is issued at the beginning and end of each logger-to-log-router conversation. When the message is CONVERSATION ENDING WITH SERVICE GROUP gggggggg, it indicates that IMS has an active conversation with a remote site during shutdown. Shutdown will not complete until the remote site deallocates the conversation, at which time the following form of the message is issued: CONVERSATION ENDED WITH SERVICE GROUP gggggggg. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSLLRS0

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |



Explanation: A tracking subsystem call to the system data mover (SDM) API to obtain the consistency time for the XRC session specified in the DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member returned a time that is less than the consistency time previously obtained. The unexpected consistency time is displayed in the message. System action: The tracking subsystem ignores the unexpected consistency time. Processing continues but routing will not occur until there is a new consistency time for the XRC session that is greater than the consistency time that was previously obtained. System Operator Response: Verify that the state of the XRC session is as desired. If you wish to allow log routing to continue without synchronizing with the XRC session, enter a /STOP XRCTRACK command on the tracking subsystem. Module: DFSLRXRC DFS4039A UNABLE TO OBTAIN XRC CONSISTENCY TIME --reason

| System Operator Response: The response depends | upon the reason for the suspension, as follows: | XRC CONSISTENCY TIME IS ZERO Verify that the state of the XRC session is as | desired. If you wish to allow log routing to | continue without synchronizing with the XRC | session, enter a /STOP XRCTRACK command | on the tracking subsystem. | | XRC CONSISTENCY TIME IS NOT ADVANCING If activity on the XRC volumes in the session | has quiesced, and you wish to allow log | routing to continue, enter a /STOP | XRCTRACK command on the tracking | subsystem. | | XRC VOLUME NOT DUPLEXED Verify that the state of the XRC session is as | expected. If you wish to allow log routing to |

Explanation: A tracking subsystem call to the system data mover (SDM) API via the ANTRQST macro to obtain the XRC consistency time for the XRC session specified in the DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member failed for one of the following reasons:


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4041I DFS4044A
| ANTRQST SERVICE NOT INSTALLED The system data mover API (ANTRQST | service) is not included in the DFSMS/MVS | release. | | RACF AUTHORIZATION FAILURE The tracking subsystem is not authorized for | read access to the FACILITY class profile of | STGADMIN.ANT.XRC.COMMANDS. | | ADDRESS SPACE NOT ACTIVE A system data mover address space, | ANTAS000 or ANTAS001, is not started or has | terminated. | | INVALID XRC SESSION ID The XRC session ID specified in the DFSRSRxx | proclib member is invalid. | | INVALID HIGH-LEVEL QUALIFIER The XRC high level qualifier specified in the | DFSRSRxx proclib member is invalid. | | STATE DATA SET ALLOCATION FAILURE XRC was unable to allocate the state data set | for one of the following reasons: | v The state data set has not been | pre-allocated. | v The XRC high level qualifier specified in the | DFSRSRxx proclib member is invalid. | v The XRC session ID supplied in the | DFSRSRxx proclib member is invalid. | | XRC SESSION WAS NOT STARTED The XRC session specified in the DFSRSRxx | proclib member has not been started. | | | | | | | | | |
System action: Processing continues but log routing is suspended. The tracking subsystem will re-attempt the ANTRQST request at regular intervals (unless ANTRQST SERVICE NOT INSTALLED is indicated). System Operator Response: Correct the problem as necessary. If the problem cannot be corrected and you wish to allow log routing to continue without synchronizing with the XRC session, enter a /STOP XRCTRACK command on the tracking subsystem. DFS4042A DATABASE dbdname IS NOT DEFINED IN THIS SYSTEM

Explanation: Log data for the specified database was passed to tracking logic, but the database was not defined to the IMS tracking subsystem. System action: The log data is ignored; no database tracking is performed using the referenced log data. This message is produced each time tracking processes a record which indicates the beginning of update activity for a covered database when the database is not defined to the tracking subsystem. System Operator Response: Define the specified database to the tracking subsystem. Module: DFSDT210 DFS4043A COVERED DBDS NOT REGISTERED WITH DBRC, DBD = dbname, DDN = ddname

Explanation: The tracking subsystem received a Begin-Update record from an active IMS for a database or area that is not registered with DBRC. For a DEDB, ddname is the area name. System action: The tracking subsystem continues processing.

| | | |

System Operator Response: Register the database or area with DBRC as covered and start it with the /START DATABASE, /START AREA or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) or UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) command. Module: DFSLRDBT DFS4044A ERROR ON DATABASE dbdname DDNAME ddname. FUNC=ff RC=nn LSN=ssssssss ssssssss PRI=yyyydddfhhmmssth

Explanation: The DL/I buffer handler returned an error on the specified database during database tracking. Before REDO data is copied from the data space to the database buffer, module DFSDT410 checks three conditions: 1. Is the REDO data length (DLOGDLEN) zero or negative? 2. Is the REDO offset into the buffer (DLOGDOFF) negative? 3. Does the combined offset and length exceed the block size? If any of these conditions are true, module DFSDT410 issues message DFS40044A with FUNC=X'D3' and RC=X'10', takes a SNAP dump, and stops the database. REDO data must never have a zero or negative length, and it must always point inside the intended buffer.

| Module: DFSLRXRC | DFS4041I | |


| Explanation: To satisfy a tracking subsystem request | to obtain the XRC consistency time, XRC read the state | data set because the XRC session is not active. | System action: Processing continues. | System Operator Response: No action is required. | Ensure that the XRC session is in the desired state. | Module: DFSLRXRC

Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4045A DFS4046A
In the message text: v ff is the buffer handler function code v nn is the buffer handler error reason code v ssssssss ssssssss is the log sequence number v yyyydddfhhmmssth is the PRILOG start time If the error occurred as a result of z/OS compress/expand service failure, ff is set to FF to indicate such failure, while nn is the error code from z/OS compress/expand services. System action: Stop of the shadow database is initiated. System Operator Response: Print log records from the tracker subsystem OLDS: type X'67', sub-record type X'FD'. Use the File Select and Formatting Print program to print these records. The OPTION PRINT control statement must specify EXITR=DFSERA30. Contact the IBM Support Center if further assistance is required. deallocated as appropriate and a message DFS4055I is issued. System Operator Response: v If reason is DATA SPACE STORAGE SHORTAGE, change the values specified in the DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member for DLIDSIZE. The REDO value should be increased or the DSSIZE value should be decreased. The respecified values do not take effect until a restart of the tracking subsystem. You can issue a /START DB or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command when you want the system to recover the database to the current state. v If reason is OFR NEEDED, database information for the specified database was skipped when a log was processed due to the sequence in which log data was processed from different IMS subsystems. This occurred because processing of earlier database changes for the database had not yet completed. The earlier data has now been processed and it is appropriate to initiate online forward recovery (using /START DB or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command) for each specified database. Restore from an image copy should not be necessary prior to initiating online forward recovery. v If reason is ONLINE CHANGE, no user action is required. DFS4045A DATABASE dbdname STOPPING: reason v If reason is INVALID ACTIVE LOG DATA, save and verify the active subsystem log data to identify and correct the problem. Contact IBM Support Center if further assistance is required. v If reason is USN OUT-OF-SEQUENCE, see the preceding DFS4152A message for an explanation of the condition that caused the shadow database to be stopped.

| After the problem is resolved, issue /START DB or | UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command to initiate online | forward recovery for the specified database.
Module: DFSDT410

| | | | | | | | | | | |

Explanation: An error has been detected by database tracking; the specified database is stopped. This message can be preceded by another message that identifies the specific error. The reason is one of the following: v DATA SPACE STORAGE SHORTAGE v EARLY END OF OFR v OFR NEEDED v ONLINE CHANGE v INVALID ACTIVE LOG DATA v BH ERROR v DBRC DSPNDTRK FAILURE v DBRC DSPNUSID FAILURE v DBRC DSPNDOFR FAILURE v DB AUTHORIZATION FAILURE v DB OPEN FAILURE v OFR DB AUTH OR OPEN FAILURE v USN OUT-OF-SEQUENCE

| | | | | | | | | | |

v If reason is SUBSEQUENT OLR TOO EARLY, the tracking of database changes for a HALDB online reorganization (OLR) started before all of the changes for a previous OLR were hardened in a restart milestone. This is followed by message DFS4055I. By the time the DFS4055I message is displayed to indicate that the process of stopping the partition has been completed, the updates from all the log records from the previous OLR will have been hardened. At that time the partition can be started immediately with a /STA DB command. For additional information and appropriate actions for all other reasons, see the preceding message that identified the error. Module: DFSDT180 DFS4046A UNABLE TO OBTAIN STORAGE IN DL/I DB TRACKING DMB POOL, DMB=dbdname

| | | | | |

v DMB CONFIGURATION ERROR v OLR COMPLETION FAILURE v MUST-COMPLETE STATUS FAILURE v MUST-COMPLETE RESET FAILURE v INACTIVE DATA SET DELETION FAILURE v SUBSEQUENT OLR TOO EARLY System action: Stop of the shadow database is initiated. When all internal activity related to the database is suspended, the database is closed or

Explanation: A DMB pool shortage has been detected while attempting to load the DMB block for the requested shadow database that needs to be opened for database tracking. The size of the DMB pool must be


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4047A DFS4051I
large enough to accommodate all DMBs that are actively being tracked. System action: Stop of the shadow database is initiated. System Operator Response: The DMB size could be obtained from the output display from ACBGEN. After the DMB pool size is increased, restart the tracker subsystem and issue /START DB or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command to initiate online forward recovery for the specified database. Module: DFSDT310 DFS4047A UNABLE TO OBTAIN DL/I DB TRACKING DSG STORAGE FOR DMB=dbdname System Operator Response: Ensure that an active service group is defined to DBRC for this global service group. Module: DFSLLRS0 DFS4050A INVALID DL/I TRACKING DB ORGANIZATION, DMB=dbdname

Explanation: The DMB loaded out of ACBLIB is not one that is supported by remote site recovery tracking. The most likely cause of this error is a mismatch between the DMB on the active and the one on the tracker subsystem. Remote site recovery support is provided for DL/I HDAM, HIDAM, HISAM, PHDAM, PHIDAM, and SHISAM databases. System action: Stop of the shadow database is initiated. System Operator Response: Verify the database organization for the specified database. This error condition should not occur. Module: DFSDT310 DFS4051I DATABASE partname HAS SUSPENDED TRACKING

Explanation: The attempt to get space to build a dummy DSG block for the specified DMB for database tracking failed. System action: Stop of the shadow database is initiated.

| | | | |

System Operator Response: Provide more virtual storage space in DL/I private above the line. Then issue a /START DB or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command to initiate online forward recovery for the specified database. Module: DFSDT310 DFS4048I DBRC ACTIVE SERVICE GROUP NAME CHANGED FROM sgname1 TO sgname2

Explanation: A /DBR command for a HALDB master was entered on an IMS tracking system, and the required processing for partname is complete. In the message text, partname is one of the partitions for this HALDB master. System action: Changes to the HALDB partition are no longer being tracked. The shadow partition partname was closed, unauthorized, and deallocated. However, the shadow partition itself was not stopped. System Operator Response: Take one of the following actions:

Explanation: During start service group processing, DBRC returned a list of service groups in which the active service group name was different than the name currently in use. System action: Start service group processing is discontinued. System Operator Response: Ensure that the active service group name for this IMS has not been altered in the RECON. If you want to change the active service group name, issue the /STOP SERVGRP command to stop current activity (using the current service group name) and then issue the /START SERVGRP command to start processing with the new name. Module: DFSLLRS0 DFS4049I ACTIVE IMS SERVICE GROUP NAME NOT DEFINED TO DBRC

| v Resume tracking changes to the HALDB partition | (and to the other partitions of the HALDB that are | not stopped) by entering the /START DATABASE or | UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command for the HALDB | master.
v Resume tracking changes to this partition but not to the other partitions in the HALDB master:

| | | | |

1. Enter the /DBR DATABASE or UPDATE DB STOP(ACCESS) command for all of the HALDB master shadow partitions that are not stopped. 2. Enter the /START DATABASE or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command for the HALDB master. Module: DFSDT180

Explanation: During start service group processing, no active service group was indicated in the list of service groups returned by DBRC. System action: Start service group processing is discontinued.

Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4052A DL/I DB TRACKING AUTHORIZATION FAILURE, DMB=dbdname, DBRC RC=nn Programmer response: Register the database indicated by dbdname with DBRC and restart it with the /START command. For nn=22 Explanation: The database indicated by dbdname is currently authorized to another subsystem. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: The database is being tracked by the RSR tracking subsystem. The attempted activity is not allowed. For nn=23 Explanation: An attempt was made to update a recovery-level tracking database on an RSR tracking subsystem. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: Recovery-level tracking for the databases cannot be updated. Change the tracking status for the database to database-level tracking, receive an image copy of the database, and recover the database by issuing the /START command. For nn=24 Explanation: On an RSR tracking subsystem, log data is missing from the RSR active site that contains update records for the database. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. Programmer response: Wait for the missing log data to be received from the RSR active site. Perform the activity again after ensuring that all active site log data is available at the tracking site. You can determine if gaps exist by issuing the /DISPLAY TRACKING STATUS command and examining the GAPS section of the output. For nn=26 Explanation: On an RSR tracking subsystem, records from an earlier update set ID were received from the RSR active site but were not applied to the database. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: If data is missing from the earlier update set ID, it is automatically recovered from the RSR active site. After the log data is recovered, retry the failed activity. For nn=27 Explanation: In an RSR environment, authorization was requested for a database that was not registered in the requesters global service group (GSG).

Explanation: On receipt of the first log record for the shadow database (indicated by dbdname) that caused database tracking activity, DBRC was requested to grant database authorization and validate the current set of log records to be applied to the database. The DBRC authorization request failed with nn as the reason code. The following list indicates the explanation and action for each reason code: For nn=02 Explanation: The database is not registered in the RECON data set. For nn=03 Explanation: The database status prohibits further authorization in the DBRC RECON data set due to a global /DBR, /STOP command or due to an internal database stop command. System action: The database indicated by dbdname is stopped for the tracking subsystem. Programmer response: Take the following actions: 1. Analyze the reason for the status that prohibits further authorization, and take the required action, if necessary. 2. Reset the authorization status for the database by issuing the DBRC command CHANGE.DB AUTH, or restart the database by entering a /START GLOBAL command in this subsystem. Explanation: The database is marked in the DBRC RECON data set as needing an image copy. System action: The database indicated by dbdname is stopped for the tracking subsystem. Programmer response: Receive an image copy of the data base and restart it using the /START command. For nn=06 Explanation: The database is marked in the DBRC RECON data set as needing recovery. System action: The database indicated by dbdname is stopped for the tracking subsystem. Programmer response: Run the Database Recovery utility, DFSURDB0, for the database indicated by dbdname. After the utility completes successfully, restart the database with the /START command. For nn=20 Explanation: The database indicated by dbdname is not registered with DBRC, and the FORCER option is specified in the DBRC RECON data set record. System action: The database indicated by dbdname is stopped for the tracking subsystem.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4053A DFS4057A
System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: Register the database with the requesters GSG. For nn=28 Explanation: The update set ID (USID) for the database at the RSR tracking subsystem is older than the USID of the most recently received image copy. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: Receive an image copy with a USID that is older than the one for the current image copy, or retry the activity after a USID has been processed by the RSR tracking subsystem that is equal to or later than the received image copy. For nn=29 Explanation: On an RSR tracking subsystem, one or more required tracking database data sets have not been received. System action: Authorization for the requested activity is denied. System programmer response: Receive an image copy for the database and retry the activity. Module: DFSDT310 DFS4053A DBRC END TRACK FAILURE ON DATABASE dbdname RC=nn LSN=llllllll llllllll PRI=yyyydddfhhmmssth DFS4054A END-TRACKING FAILURE ON DATABASE dbdname RC=nn

Explanation: The attempt to notify DBRC when the specified shadow database becomes unavailable (for example /DBR on tracking subsystem or I/O error) failed. In the message text: dbdname The database for which notification to DBRC failed. nn The DBRC error return code, which indicates that an internal error has been detected. For additional information on DBRC return codes, see the return codes from early end of database tracking in the DSP Messages topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1.

System action: Stop of the shadow database is completed. System Operator Response: Call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSDT180 DFS4055I DATABASE dbdname IS STOPPED

Explanation: A /DBR command has been entered or an error has been detected during database tracking, and the specified shadow database has been stopped. If the message is issued due to an error, it is always preceded by another message that identifies the specific error. System action: Stop of the shadow database is completed. Stop processing includes termination of tracking for the database, and database close, unauthorization and deallocation. System Operator Response: If stop of the shadow database was a result of an error, issue /START DATABASE command to resume tracking for the specified database after the error has been corrected. Module: DFSDT180 DFS4056I DATABASE dbname STARTED

Explanation: The attempt to notify DBRC that the specified database has been taken offline by the active subsystem (for example /DBR) failed. In the message text: dbdname The database for which notification to DBRC failed. nn The DBRC reason code, which indicates that an internal error was detected when log router invoked DBRC. For additional information on DBRC return codes, see the DSP Messages topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1.

llllllll llllllll The log sequence number. yyyydddfhhmmssth The PRILOG start time. System action: Stop of the shadow database is initiated. System Operator Response: Call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSDT300

Explanation: In a remote site recovery tracking subsystem, the specified database has been recovered to current database tracking state and will be updated further as part of normal database tracking. System action: The database state is changed such that normal database tracking can occur. Module: DFSDT180 DFS4057A DBRC NUSID FAILURE ON DATABASE dbdname RC=nn LSN=llllllll llllllll PRI=yyyydddfhhmmssth USID=uuu

Explanation: DBRC was requested to validate the current set of log records to be applied to the shadow
Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4058A DFS4062W
database. The validation failed and the current set of log records cannot be applied. In the message text: dbdname The shadow database for which validation failed. nn The DBRC reason code. For additional information on DBRC return codes, see the information on return codes from new update set ID validation in the DSP Messages topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. w v processed per second in the last load balancing interval. This number is zero for the initial interval. is the minimum DL/I PST percent busy value for an active PST during the previous load balancing interval. is the average DL/I PST percent busy value for an active PST during the previous load balancing interval. is the maximum DL/I PST percent busy value for an active PST during the previous load balancing interval. is the number of active DL/I PSTs after adjustments have been made by load balancing. is the number of database record work queue adjustments that were made by load balancing.

llllllll llllllll The log sequence number. yyyydddfhhmmssth The PRILOG start time. uuu The update set identifier for the database specified by dbdname.

System action: Stop of the shadow database is initiated. System Operator Response: Call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSDT300 DFS4058A DBRC END STREAM FAILURE. RC=nn PRI=yyyydddfhhmmssth

System action: Processing continues. System Operator Response: If the tracking subsystem is processing a normal workload while the maximum tracking PSTs are used, you need to define additional tracking PSTs or database I/O balancing. Module: DFSDT340 DFS4061A INVALID MAXCONV VALUE

Explanation: The attempt to notify DBRC of the end of an active log failed. In the message text: nn The return code from DBRC. For additional information on DBRC return codes, see the information on return codes from end of active log steam notification in the DSP Messages topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1.

Explanation: The value specified in the MAXCONV keyword of a START ILS command is not within the allowed range. System action: The START ILS command fails. System Operator Response: Reenter the command with a valid value. Module: DFSIL010 DFS4062W ILS FOR GSG gsg NOT action DUE TO STATE: state

yyyydddfhhmmssth The PRILOG start time. System action: Processing continues. System Operator Response: Call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSDT300 DFS4060I DL/I BACKLOG 25. 199 PSTS 1 2 5% BUSY 255 Q-MOVES

Explanation: An ILS command failed because the state of an ILS instance was incompatible with the command. gsg is the global service group (GSG) name, identifying the particular instance of ILS. action is the command action requested: v STARTED. Start fails if an ILS with the same GSG name already exists. v STOPPED. Stop fails if the target instance of ILS is already stopping. v DISPLAYED. Display fails if the target instance of ILS is starting or stopping. state is the existing state of the ILS instance: v RSTA. In the process of starting. v STA. Started. v RSTO. In the process of stopping.

Explanation: This informational message indicates processing activity status in a tracking subsystem performing DL/I database tracking. It is produced when the number of active PSTs is changed by database tracking load balancing due to workload changes. u is the approximate number of database records


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4063I DFS4069A
System action: The command action is not performed. System Operator Response: Reenter the command when the ILS instance is in an appropriate state. Module: DFSIL010 DFS4063I START|STOP FOR ILS gsg IN PROGRESS one of a number of error conditions that generate descriptive messages. System action: All knowledge of the instance of ILS is discarded. System Operator Response: If an operational instance of ILS supporting the particular global service group is desired, issue the transport manager subsystem START ILS(gsgname) command. Module: DFSIL110 DFS4067A ILS FOR GSG gsg ABENDED. CODE=sss uuu REASON=reason

Explanation: START or STOP for an instance of the IMS isolated log send (ILS) component has been initiated. Completion is asynchronous and is identified by another message. gsg is the global service group (GSG) name, identifying the particular instance of ILS. System action: Asynchronous processing of START or STOP occurs. Module: DFSIL010 DFS4064W ILS FOR GSG gsg DOES NOT EXIST

Explanation: An instance of the IMS isolated log send (ILS) component has abended. gsg is the global service group (GSG) name, identifying the particular instance of ILS. sss is the system abend code, hexadecimal format. uuu is the user abend code, hexadecimal format. reason is the reason code, decimal format. System action: See message DFS4066. See message DFS4066I. System Operator Response: If this is a system abend, code X'AC6' (decimal 2758) see message DFS4068, otherwise resolve the problem causing the abend and issue a transport manager subsystem START ILS(gsgname) command. Module: DFSIL110 DFS4068A DBRC (SUPPORTING ILS) ABENDED. CODE=sss uuu REASON=reason

Explanation: A DISPLAY or STOP command referenced a specific ILS instance about which the system has no knowledge. gsg is the global service group (GSG) name, identifying the particular instance of ILS that could not be found. System action: No command action is performed for the GSG identified in the message. System Operator Response: Specify the correct GSGname or enter a transport manager subsystem START ILS(gsgname) command. Module: DFSIL010 DFS4065A UNABLE TO START ILS FOR GSG gsg (COULD NOT START DBRC)

Explanation: An instance of the IMS isolated log send (ILS) component could not be started because a copy of DBRC to support it could not be started (additional messages should describe the problem with DBRC). gsg is the global service group (GSG) name, identifying the particular instance of ILS. System action: All knowledge of the instance of ILS is discarded. System Operator Response: Resolve the problem with starting DBRC and reissue the transport manager subsystem START ILS(gsgname) command. Module: DFSIL110 DFS4066I ILS FOR GSG gsg STOPPED

Explanation: The copy of DBRC required for the IMS isolated log send (ILS) component has abended. sss is the system abend code, hexadecimal format. uuu is the user abend code, hexadecimal format. reason is the reason code, decimal format. System action: All instances of ILS in the address space are stopped. Instances that are already started are abended with a system abend code of X'AC6' (decimal 2758). System Operator Response: Resolve the problem causing the abend and issue a transport manager subsystem START ILS(gsgname) command. Module: DFSIL220 DFS4069A ILS: TMS IDENTIFY FAILED, RC=code REASON= reason

Explanation: An instance of the IMS isolated log send (ILS) component has stopped and all knowledge of the instance has been discarded. gsg is the global service group (GSG) name, identifying the particular instance of ILS. The actual cause of the stop is a transport manager subsystem STOP ILS(gsgname) command or

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component was unable to identify to the transport manager subsystem. code is one of the following: v ENTITY NAME IN USE v RESOURCE FAILURE v ENVIRONMENT ERROR
Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4070A DFS4073A

Explanation: During start of an instance of the IMS isolated log send (ILS) component, information about the global service group (GSG, identified by gsg) is requested. The information available was insufficient for ILS operation. reason identifies the specific problem: v UNKNOWN GSG. The global service group name is not known to DBRC. v DBRC ERROR. An DBRC internal error was detected. v LOGIC ERROR. ILS parameters were invalid. v ONLY 1 SG. Only a single service group (SG) name is defined to DBRC for this global service group. ILS requires a local and a remote SG to be defined. v NO LOCAL SG. A service group name with the local attribute (the name to be used for this instance of ILS) is not defined to DBRC for this global service group. v NO REMOTE SG. A service group name without the local attribute (the name to be used by the tracking system to be served by this instance of ILS) is not defined to DBRC for this global service group. System action: If LOGIC ERROR was listed, the instance of ILS abends, otherwise it will stop. System Operator Response: Add the proper information to DBRC (RECON) or use the correct GSG name, then issue transport manager subsystem START ILS(gsgname) command. Module: DFSIL300 DFS4073A ILS FOR GSG gsg RECEIVED ALLOCATE FROM type"sg sys inst comp"

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) components request to identify to the transport manager subsystem (TMS) failed to complete without error. The transport manager subsystem reason code is shown in decimal format by error; it typically indicates that a VTAM SETLOGON failed. Transport manager subsystem messages can provide more information. System action: The instance of ILS is stopped. System Operator Response: Correct the problem and issue the transport manager subsystem START ILS(gsgname) command. Module: DFSIL300 DFS4071I ILS FOR GSG gsg STARTED

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component received what it considers to be an invalid request for a conversation. The global service group (GSG) being supported is identified by gsg. type specifies: v INVALID COMPONENT. Indicates that the component name is not acceptable. v UNKNOWN SG. Indicating that the specified service group was not known to the DBRC (RECON) being used by ILS when ILS was started. "sg sys inst comp" is the four part transport manager subsystem name of the requestor. System action: The conversation request is rejected by deallocating the conversation. System Operator Response: Investigate a possible user definition error. Module: DFSIL400

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component instance serving the global service group (GSG) identified by gsg has completed initialization. System action: An attempt to establish a conversation with the tracking subsystem is initiated and ILS responds to a conversation allocation request from the tracking subsystem. Module: DFSIL300


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4074W DFS4078I
DFS4074W ILS FOR GSG.SG gsg.sg ALLOCATION FAILED. R15=xx R0=yy information and attempts to begin anew by allocating a conversation with the tracking system. System Operator Response: Pursue the problem through the service process. Module: DFSIL330 DFS4077I ILS FOR GSG.SG gsg.sg ERROR ON function REASON: reason

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component encountered an error when attempting to allocate a conversation with a tracking system using ELXALOC. The global service group (GSG) and service group of the tracking system is identified by gsg.sg. The return and reason codes returned by ELXALOC are identified by xx and yy. The most likely reasons are that VTAM or the transport manager subsystem is in the process of termination, which causes ILS to terminate as well. Other possibilities are resource shortages and logic errors. System action: The conversation is not allocated. System Operator Response: If VTAM or TMS is not terminating and if this is the initial conversation with the tracking system, then contact with the tracking system must be initiated from the tracking system or the instance of ILS must be stopped and started. If VTAM or TMS is not terminating and if this is a subsequent conversation allocation (not the first), operator action is not required because retry will be attempted the next time an additional data set is available for transport. Module: DFSIL330 DFS4075A ILS FOR GSG.SG gsg.sg"SNO" ERROR FROM SEND. R15=xx R0=yy

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component received what it considers to be an unusual completion code for a transport manager subsystem function. The global service group (GSG) and service group being supported is identified by gsg.sg. The transport manager subsystem function that completed is identified by function. The transport manager subsystem reason code is identified by reason. codes. Many of these errors are the result of network errors or failures at the tracking site. System action: A conversation is not established between ILS and the tracking system. If other conversations exist, they continue to be used. System Operator Response: If the network and tracking sites appear to be operating normally, investigate the reason codes, look for transport manager messages with error information. Use the transport manager command DISPLAY DIR ILS to get information on the number of ILS conversations and whether transport managers directory lists the tracking system. If ILS has no conversations allocated, the transport manager command STOP ILS(gsgname) followed by a START ILS(gsgname) can be used to cause a retry if desired. Module: DFSIL320 DFS4078I ILS FOR GSG gsgcontact-state WITH SG.SYSTEM: sg.system

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component encountered an unexpected should not occur type error when attempting to send to a tracking system using ELXSEND. The global service group (GSG) and service group of the tracking system is identified by gsg.sg. The return and reason codes returned by ELXSEND are identified by xx and yy. System action: An internal ILS restart is triggered that deallocates all conversations, cleans up state information and attempts to begin anew by allocating a conversation with the tracking system. System Operator Response: Pursue the problem through the service process. Module: DFSIL350, DFSIL330 DFS4076A ILS FOR GSG.SG gsg.sg INVALID MSG RECEIVED: xx

Explanation: The communications state between the IMS isolated log send (ILS) component and a tracking system has changed. The global service group (GSG) being supported is identified by gsg. The contact-state specifies either: v IS IN CONTACT. Meaning that initial communications (the first conversation) has been established between ILS and the tracker it serves. v HAS LOST CONTACT. Meaning that communications (the last allocated conversation) has been lost between ILS the tracker it serves. sg.system identifies the tracking systems service group name and system name (transport manager subsystems system name). System action: When communications are established, ILS is available to provide log data for the tracker. When communications are lost, the tracker cannot obtain log data from this copy of ILS.
Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component received a message it does not understand. The global service group (GSG) and service group of the tracking system is identified by gsg.sg. The first portion of the message, in hexadecimal format, is identified by xx. System action: An internal ILS restart is triggered that deallocates all conversations, cleans up state


DFS4079A DFS4087A
System Operator Response: If all system and network components are operational, each tracker should be in communication with one copy of ILS. This message verifies good operation in one case and indicates a need to examine system or network status in the other case. Module: DFSIL320 DFS4079A ILS FOR GSG gsg DEALLOCATED CONV WITH SG sg. reason z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide. nn is the SVC 99 return code from register 15 in hexadecimal format. yyyy is the S99ERROR code in hexadecimal format. This field normally indicates the actual error. zzzz is the S99INFO code in hexadecimal format. Allocation information comes from the DBRC RECON data sets. System action: If dual copies of the log data set are available (known to DBRC) and a failure has not occurred on the other copy, allocation of the other copy is attempted. System Operator Response: If this message is not followed by a DFS4087A message, isolated log send operation is continuing, but the cause of the allocation error should be examined for potential operational problems or lost or damaged log data sets. Module: DFSIL510 DFS4086W ILS type ERROR FOR DSN=dsn

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component has deallocated a conversation between it and the tracking subsystem because of a logical error. The global service group (GSG) being supported is identified by gsg. sg identifies the tracking systems service group name. reason specifies why the action was taken: v PROTOCOL ERROR 1. The tracking system has requested that a data set be sent on this conversation but no data set is associated with the conversation. v PROTOCOL ERROR 2. The tracking system has requested that a data set transfer be aborted but no data set is waiting for send approval on the conversation. v MISMATCHED BUFFER SIZE. The buffer size used by the tracking system does not match that expected by ILS. v CONV ALREADY ESTABLISHED A conversation allocation request was received from the tracker but another conversation was completely allocated. The tracker is only allowed to initiate the first conversation. This can occur as a result of tracking system recovery from loss of all conversations before ILS has detected or processed the loss of all conversations. After ILS detects and processes the loss of all conversations it attempts to establish communications with the tracker. System action: The conversation is deallocated. If other conversations are allocated, ILS continues to service the tracker. System Operator Response: Verify that ILS and the tracking system are on compatible release and maintenance levels. If so, pursue the problem through the service process. Module: DFSIL320 DFS4085W ILS DYNALLOC error, RETURN CODE=nn, ERROR CODE=yyyy, INFO CODE=zzzz

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component was unable to allocate or open a data set. type is either OPEN or ALLOCATION; dsn is the data set name for which the error occurred. For an ALLOCATION error, this message provides the data set name associated with a DYNALLOC error described by message DFS4085W. For an OPEN error, there might be console messages from other system components that provide further information. System action: If dual copies of the log data set are available (known to DBRC) and a failure has not occurred on the other copy, allocation of the other copy is attempted. System Operator Response: If this message is not followed by a DFS4087A message, isolated log send operation is continuing, but the cause of the error should be examined for potential operational problems or lost or damaged log data sets. Module: DFSIL500 DFS4087A ILS FOR GSG gsg IS UNABLE TO ACCESS LOG DATA SET(S). action

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component received a nonzero return code from z/OS dynamic allocation when it attempted to allocate a log data set (OLDS or SLDS). The codes returned from the DYNALLOC macro (SVC 99) are documented in the

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component cannot access log data required by a tracking system. One or more DFS4085W, DFS4086W, DFS4088 DFS4092A messages issued earlier describe the errors encountered. If dual copies of the log data set are available (known to DBRC), neither copy can be accessed. gsg specifies the global service group name being supported by this instance of ILS. action indicates system or user action to be performed. This error is important in that significant data can be lost if a remote site takeover must be performed when this log data is not available at the tracking site.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4088A DFS4090A
System action: Transport of this particular log data is terminated. action of DELAYED RETRY indicates that the tracking system will request this data again when it next performs its periodic checks for unknown IMS systems. The retry is attempted because the error has potential to be a transient error (such as, data set in use by another job). action of REPAIR REQUIRED indicates that the tracking system will not attempt to obtain this log data until it processes a /START ISOLOG command. The error appears to be such that operations, system programming, or database administrator action is required to make the log data accessible to ILS. System Operator Response: Follow procedures to get operations, system programming, or database administration involved in diagnosing and correcting the problem. Utilize information from DFS4086W, DFS4087A and messages from other z/OS components to diagnose the specific problem. Prompt action is of particular importance if the action of REPAIR REQUIRED is in the message. Correct the problem and issue the /START ISOLOG command on the tracking IMS system. If action of DELAYED RETRY is in the message, action might be required to make the automatic retry successful. In any case, the reason for the data sets unavailability should be understood and actions taken to prevent future occurrences. Module: DFSIL500 DFS4088A INVALID BDW IN LOG AT bbbbbbbbDSN=dsn administration involved in diagnosing and correcting the problem. Prompt action is of particular importance if a usable copy of the log data is not available. In this case, after making usable data available (known to DBRC), issue the /START ISOLOG command on the tracking IMS system. Module: DFSIL350 DFS4089A SEQUENCE ERROR IN LOG AT bbbbbbbb ssssssss ssssssss. DSN=dsn

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component detected an invalid log record sequence number while reading a log data set. The sequence number for the first record in a block was not the expected sequence number. bbbbbbbb specifies (in hexadecimal format) the block number in which the error was detected (the first block in a data set is block 1). ssssssss ssssssss specifies (in hexadecimal format) the record sequence number actually found. It was not one greater than the record sequence number found at the end of the prior block. dsn specifies the data set name in which the error was detected. DBRC has indicated that the specified record is in this data set. Either the data set is invalid or DBRC has incorrect information. System action: Use of this data set as a source for transport of this particular log data is terminated. If dual copies of the log data set are available (known to DBRC) and a failure has not occurred on the other copy, allocation of the other copy is attempted. If a dual copy is not available, the log data required by the remote site cannot be transported. The tracking system will not attempt to obtain this log data until it processes a /START ISOLOG command. The error appears to be such that operations, system programming, or database administrator action is required to make the log data accessible to ILS. System Operator Response: Follow procedures to get operations, system programming, or database administration involved in diagnosing and correcting the problem. Prompt action is of particular importance if a usable copy of the log data is not available. In this case, after making usable data available (known to DBRC), issue the /START ISOLOG command on the tracking IMS system. Module: DFSIL350 DFS4090A END OF FILE BEFORE LSN llllllll llllllll. DSN=dsn

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component detected an invalid block descriptor word (BDW) while reading a log data set. The length indicated for the block is either too large or too small. bbbbbbbb specifies (in hexadecimal format) the block number in which the error was detected (the first block in a data set is block 1). dsn specifies the data set name in which the error was detected. System action: Use of this data set as a source for transport of this particular log data is terminated. If dual copies of the log data set are available (known to DBRC) and a failure has not occurred on the other copy, allocation of the other copy is attempted. If a dual copy is not available, the log data required by the remote site cannot be transported. The tracking system will not attempt to obtain this log data until it processes a /START ISOLOG command. The error appears to be such that operations, system programming, or database administrator action is required to make the log data accessible to ILS. System Operator Response: Follow procedures to get operations, system programming, or database

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component encountered end of file on a data set before it found a specific log record sequence number that should have been in the data set according to DBRC.
Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4091I DFS4095A
llllllll llllllll specifies (in hexadecimal format) the log record sequence number expected. dsn specifies the data set name in which the error was detected. System action: Use of this data set as a source for transport of this particular log data is terminated. If dual copies of the log data set are available (known to DBRC) and a failure has not occurred on the other copy, allocation of the other copy is attempted. If a dual copy is not available, the log data required by the remote site cannot be transported. The tracking system will not attempt to obtain this log data until it processes a /START ISOLOG command. The error appears to be such that operations, system programming, or database administrator action is required to make the log data accessible to ILS. System Operator Response: Follow procedures to involve operations, system programming, or database administration involved. Prompt action is of particular importance if a usable copy of the log data is not available. In this case, after making usable data available (known to DBRC), issue the /START ISOLOG command on the tracking IMS system. Module: DFSIL350 DFS4091I unit, device, ddname, op, error, device-info the remote site cannot be transported. The tracking system will not attempt to obtain this log data until it processes a /START ISOLOG command. The error appears to be such that operations, system programming, or database administrator action is required to make the log data accessible to ILS. System Operator Response: Follow procedures to involve operations, system programming, or database administration involved. Prompt action is of particular importance if a usable copy of the log data is not available. In this case, after making usable data available (known to DBRC), issue the /START ISOLOG command on the tracking IMS system. Module: DFSIL350 DFS4094A ILS DBRC INITIALIZATION ERROR: func RC=nn

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component encountered a nonzero return code when attempting to initialize (or in one case, terminate) a copy of DBRC to support ILS. In the message text: func identifies the function that failed: v BLD. A DBRC FUNC=BLDPARM failed. v INIT0. A DBRC FUNC=INIT0 failed. v INIT1. A DBRC FUNC=INIT1 failed. v TERM. A DBRC FUNC=TERM failed. v LOAD. A z/OS load failed. See z/OS console messages for the module name. nn The return code (decimal format) from the failing function.

Explanation: A BSAM access method error was encountered by the IMS isolated log send (ILS) component while reading a log data set. The diagnostic information included in this message is created by the BSAM SYNADAF macro. System action: See message DFS4092A. System Operator Response: See message DFS4092A. Module: DFSIL350 DFS4092A ILS type ERROR FOR DSN=dsn

System action: The ILS copy of DBRC terminates; instances of ILS terminates since they cannot function without DBRC. System Operator Response: If func is LOAD, resolve the problem and issue the transport manager subsystem command START ILS(gsgname). All other functions, represent internal information used by IBM support representatives. Call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSIL240 DFS4095A DBRC ERROR ON ILS type REQUEST. RC=nnn

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component encountered a read error or an abend error while reading a log data set. type specifies either SYNAD, indicating a read error resulting in a BSAM synad exit or ABEND, indicating an error resulting in a BSAM abend exit. dsn specifies the data set name in which the error was detected. For a SYNAD error, message DFS4091I provides additional information. For an ABEND error, descriptive system messages should have been produced to describe the error. System action: Use of this data set as a source for transport of this particular log data is terminated. If dual copies of the log data set are available (known to DBRC) and a failure has not occurred on the other copy, allocation of the other copy is attempted. If a dual copy is not available, the log data required by

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component issued a DBRC request and received an unexpected return code. In the message text: type Is one of the following DBRC requests: QLOG QHLGT Query of tracking log data sets. PRILOG tokens for a Global Service Group.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4096A DFS4098A
nnn The DBRC return code (in decimal). For additional information on DBRC return codes, see the information on return codes from query log data sets in the DSP Messages topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. longer) a record. Gather information from DBRC messages, tracking system messages and displays, and active and tracking DBRC RECON lists. It might be that recent database image copies are needed at the tracking site to eliminate the need for old log data. Module: DFSIL310 DFS4097I INFO REQUESTED: h-timestamph-tokenh-flsnh-llsn

System action: If the return code indicates a parameter error, an abend is issued and the particular instance of ILS encountering the error is stopped. For other return codes, the tracking system is informed that the requested information is not available. System Operator Response: If an abend results, initiate the service or maintenance process to diagnose and resolve the problem; issue the transport manager subsystem START ILS(gsgname) command to get ILS started again. For other return codes, initiate problem determination: gather information from DBRC messages, tracking system messages and displays, active and tracking DBRC RECON lists. Module: DFSIL310 DFS4096A LOG UNAVAILABLE FOR GSG.SG: gsg.sg. reason

Explanation: This message is additional information associated with message DFS4096A that describes the log data requested by the tracking subsystem. h-timestamp is (in hexadecimal format) the PRILOG timestamp. h-token is (in hexadecimal format) the PRILOG token. h-flsn is (in hexadecimal format) the log sequence number of the first record requested. h-llsn is (in hexadecimal format) the log sequence number of the last record requested. System action: See message DFS4096A. System Operator Response: See message DFS4096A. Module: DFSIL310 DFS4098A UNEXPECTED DATA IN LOG DSN dsn. EXPECTED dbrc-ts. FOUND log-ts

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component has received a request from a tracking system for data from a log gap that is not described in the active systems RECON data sets managed by DBRC. gsg.sg identifies the global service group and service group name of the tracking system. reason is one of the following: v NO RECORD OF LOG. Indicates that the requested PRILOG time stamp or PRILOG token is not recorded in RECON. v NO LOG WITH FIRST LSN. Indicates that the first log sequence number requested is not in a log data set recorded in RECON. v NO LOG WITH LAST LSN. Indicates that the last log sequence number requested is not in a log data set recorded in RECON. v LOG WAS DELETED. The PRILOG record for the log data set that contained the requested data was previously deleted from RECON. v LOG WAS COMPRESSED. The data set entry for the data set that contained the requested log data was previously deleted from RECON by PRILOG compression. Additional information is provided by message DFS4097I. System action: The tracking system is informed that the requested log data is not available. System Operator Response: Initiate problem determination: the tracking system apparently needs log data for which the active system has no (or no

Explanation: The IMS isolated log send (ILS) component found that a log data set contained data for an IMS execution different than the IMS execution recorded in the DBRC RECON data sets for this log. dbrc-ts is (in hexadecimal format) the log data set time stamp recorded with DBRC. log-ts is (in hexadecimal format) the time stamp the log data set currently has. dsn specifies the data set name in which the error was detected. The most likely cause of this error is the reuse of a batch or utility IMS log data set. If the previous contents of the data set had been copied before reuse, this operation was not recorded in DBRC at the time ILS requested log information from DBRC. There is a (generally very small) time window between ILSs obtaining data set information from DBRC and ILSs reading the data set. System action: Use of this data set as a source for transport of this particular log data is terminated. System Operator Response: Issue a /START ISOLOG command on the IMS tracking subsystem to initiate a retry operation. If this error recurs, then the problem is not due to a timing window and a serious condition exists which requires user analysis and recovery actions since log data required by the tracking site is not available. Use the DBRC LIST command to determine the IMS-execution-to-log data set relationships recorded in the RECON. Utilize z/OS system logs and job logs to determine what happened to the log data set and where the original contents, as required by the tracking
Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4099A DFS4102A
subsystem, can be found. If the original log contents can be found, and the data set in error was a batch log or the first data set of the IMS execution, correct RECON such that the proper data set is referenced and issue a /START ISOLOG command on the IMS tracking subsystem to initiate a retry operation. If the log data has been lost, or the data set in error was not a batch log and not the first data set of the IMS execution, new database image copies need to be received from the active site to eliminate the need for old log data at the tracking site. Once recovery has completed, operational procedures should be evaluated and changed to prevent recurrence of this problem. Module: DFSIL350 DFS4099A DBRC QUERY TRACKING LOG DATA SETS ERROR, RC=nnnn 02 The specified first log sequence number is not contained in any log data set. The specified last log sequence number is not contained in any log data set. None of the log data sets needed to fill the gap are available. The PRILOG record for the log data sets needed to fill the gap was previously deleted from the RECON. The data set entries for the log data sets needed to fill the gap were previously deleted from the RECON by PRILOG compression.


04 06


System action: The gap status is changed to permanent error. System Operator Response: The tracking system needs log data which is not recorded, or is no longer available, in the active site RECON. Gather information from ILS messages, active site DBRC messages, tracking system displays, and active and tracking DBRC RECON lists. Verify the gap request to ILS was valid. If the gap request was not valid, the DFS4097I message issued by ILS will contain an invalid PRILOG time, PRILOG token, or log record identifier. This is an IMS error that should be reported to the IBM Support Center. If the tracking system needs log data that is no longer available at the active site, determine if recent database image copies are needed at the tracking site to eliminate the need for old log data. Module: DFSLRICM DFS4101A NO ACTIVE SERVICE GROUP DEFINED

Explanation: The tracking subsystem received an unsuccessful return code from DBRC on the query tracking log gap descriptions. nnnn is the DBRC reason code. For additional information on DBRC return codes, see the information on return codes from query tracking log gap descriptors in the DSP Messages topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: If the error occurred during tracking subsystem restart, the tracking subsystem abends with U0380-22. Otherwise, the tracking subsystem isolated log transport function is shut down. System Operator Response: See the DBRC message that was issued to resolve the DBRC error. Then issue the /STA ISOLOG command to resume isolated log transport processing. Module: DFSLRIGP, DFSLRINI DFS4100I UNABLE TO FILL GAP, ILS RC=nn, DBRC RC=mm

Explanation: Isolated log sender (ILS) at the active site notified the tracking subsystem that ILS is unable to fill a gap. The following describes the return codes for ILS: Return Code 03 04 05 Description Requested data does not exist at the active site. Invalid gap request. Active site DBRC internal error.

Explanation: The tracking subsystem is unable to find a definition of any active service group. System action: Tracking subsystem initialization continues. System Operator Response: Shut down the tracking subsystem and define the active service group to DBRC. Restart the tracking subsystem. Module: DFSLRIN1 DFS4102A NO TRACKING SERVICE GROUP DEFINED

The following describes the return codes from DBRC at the active site: Return Code 01 Description There is no RECON record with the specified start time or PRILOG token.

Explanation: The tracking subsystem is unable to find a definition of the tracking service group. System action: Tracking subsystem initialization continues.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4103I DFS4106I
System Operator Response: Shut down the tracking subsystem and define the tracking service group to DBRC. Restart the tracking subsystem. Module: DFSLRIN1 DFS4103I INVALID ISOLATED LOG SENDER MESSAGE RECEIVED not possible, the subsystem record must be removed from the tracking site RECON before the planned takeover can continue. Planned takeover can be initiated by issuing a /CHECKPOINT FREEZE command to the tracking IMS after the subsystem record is removed from the tracking site RECON. If the subsystem record is not removed, an abend U0380-17 or U0381-23 might occur, or the tracking IMS might shutdown without processing the planned takeover. Module: DFSLRAST, DFSLRCAS, DFSLRMST, DFSLRTK0, DFSLRTRM DFS4105A DB START FAILED: reason

Explanation: A Remote Site Recovery (RSR) IMS at the remote site received a message from the isolated log sender (ILS) at the active site. The message indicated that the ILS and the remote IMS have different release levels. System action: The conversation is terminated. System programmer response: Make sure that the ILS and the transport manager subsystem at the active site are at the same release level as the remote IMS. More than one transport manager subsystem might be executing at the active site. If at least one ILS is at the same release as the remote IMS, use the STOP ILS(gsgname) command to stop the ILS components on the transport manager subsystems that are not at the same release level. Make sure you start ILS on the appropriate transport manager subsystems with the START ILS(gsgname) command. Module: DFSLRIRX, DFSLRREX, DFSLRSTX DFS4104A DBRC ERROR DURING REMOTE TAKEOVER, RC=nnnn

command on a remote site recovery tracking subsystem failed; no databases or areas are started as a result of the command. reason is one of the following: v OFR REQUEST REJECTED BY DBRC v REQUIRED MAIN STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE v OFR REQUEST REJECTED - SHUTDOWN IN PROGRESS System action: The start command starts no databases or areas. System Operator Response: Take the appropriate action based on the reason you received: v OFR REQUEST REJECTED BY DBRC: For additional information and the proper action, see accompanying messages. v REQUIRED MAIN STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE: Check region size limits or reduce the number of specified databases and areas. v OFR REQUEST REJECTED - SHUTDOWN IN PROGRESS: None. Module: DFSDT190 DFS4106I ONLINE RECOVERY INITIATED FOR nn DBs|AREAs

Explanation: The tracking subsystem received an error return code from DBRC on a takeover request. nnnn is the DBRC reason code. If the error return code is 8 and no abend results, an active IMS terminated abnormally and the tracking IMS did not receive the log data sets from the restart (if online) or backout (if batch) before processing the planned takeover request. For additional information on DBRC return codes, see the information on return codes from RSR Takeover Request (both planned and unplanned) in the DSP Messages topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: The tracking subsystem might terminate abnormally with abend code U0380-17 or U0381-23. If the tracking subsystem does not terminate abnormally and the abnormally terminated IMS was restarted or backout was run, its log data sets will be received by the tracking subsystem if the isolated log sender is running at the active site. System Operator Response: If an abend occurred, see the explanation for the abend that was issued. System programmer response: If an abend did not occur, and if the active IMS is an online IMS that was not restarted, it must be restarted and shutdown normally before the planned takeover can continue. If an abend did not occur and if the active IMS is a batch job and backout was not run, backout must be run before the planned takeover can continue. If backout is

| | | |

Explanation: As a result of a /START DB, UPDATE DB START(ACCESS), UPDATE DATAGRP START(ACCESS), or /START DATAGROUP command, recovery of nn databases or areas has been initiated. System action: Online forward recovery for the databases or areas has been initiated, further status changes will be indicated by subsequent messages. Module: DFSDT190

Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4107A DFS4108A
DFS4107A DBRC NDOFR FAILURE ON DATABASE dbdname RC=nn OFRID=dddddddd 06 DB IS RECOVERY LEVEL TRACKING - This is a recovery level tracking database. CHANGE ACCUM REQUIRED - The database requires logs recorded at this site while it was an active site. ALREADY STARTING - OFR for the database is already processing. OFR cannot be started again. DB IS NOT STOPPED - The database is not stopped. The Start command cannot kick off OFR processing. HALDB MASTER IS STOPPED - The HALDB partition is no longer in the stopped state, but database tracking for it remains suspended because the HALDB master is stopped.

Explanation: The attempt to notify DBRC of the end of the specified online forward recovery process failed. In the message text: dbdname The database for which notification to DBRC failed. nn The DBRC reason code. For additional information on DBRC return codes, see the information on return codes from End of Online Forward Recovery (OFR) in the DSP Messages topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1.





dddddddd The online forward recovery process identifier. System action: Stop of the shadow database is initiated. System Operator Response: Call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSDT300 DFS4108A START FOR DATABASE dbname FAILED: rc (explanation)

System action: No action is performed for the identified database. System Operator Response: Reason Code 01 Response Register the database in RECON with the appropriate GSG name and start the database. Correct the Global Service Group name of the database in RECON and start the database. Specify the Global Service Group name for the database in RECON and start the database. Start the database after all gaps have been filled. Start the database separately from the data group. The database must be changed to database level tracking before it can be started. Run the Change Accumulation Utility to accumulate the log recorded at this site while it was an active site. Recover the database using the Database Recovery Utility with the Change Accumulation utility as input. Start the database. None. None. Perform one of the following actions: v Resume the tracking of changes to the HALDB partition (and to the HALDB masters other partitions that are not stopped) by issuing the


Explanation: A start command including the database dbname failed for the reason identified by rc and explanation. This message is produced by a remote site recovery tracking subsystem. The following describes the rc and explanation: Reason Code 01 Explanation NOT A COVERED DB - The database is not registered to DBRC at the tracking site. GSG DOES NOT MATCH OURS The database is not a member of the same Global Service Group as the tracking subsystem. NO GSG - The database is not a member of any Global Service Group. MISSING LOG - Log data required for OFR is not available because of gaps in the log data received from the active site. INCOMPATIBLE LOG SET - Invalid log set. A log data set is required for the database specified in the message. However, another database that is part of this OFR has changes on this log that cannot be applied as a result of a time stamp recovery.


04 05 06



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Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4109I DFS4115I
| | |
/START DATABASE or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command for the HALDB master. v Resume the tracking of changes to this partition, but not to the other partitions in the HALDB master: tracking logs for automatic archive request. Reason Code 2C 30 Explanation DBRC internal error. IMS internal error.

| | | | | |

1. Issue the /DBR DATABASE or UPDATE DB STOP(ACCESS) command for all of the HALDB master shadow partitions that are not stopped. 2. Issue the /START DATABASE or UPDATE DB START(ACCESS) command for the HALDB master. Module: DFSDT190 DFS4109I AUTOMATIC ARCHIVE NOT AVAILABLE - INITIALIZATION FAILED

System action: This automatic archive request is not processed. The automatic archive processor will be available for the next archive request. System Operator Response: Contact IBM service to resolve the problem. Module: DFSLRARC, DFSLRARR DFS4113I CANNOT READ THE SHADOW SLDS FOR AUTOMATIC ARCHIVE

Explanation: The tracking subsystem read attempt detected an I/O error, or the tracking SLDS does not have a stop time in DBRC. System action: This automatic archive request is not processed. The tracking SLDS is closed and any archive data sets are deleted. Automatic archive processing continues. System Operator Response: None. Module: DFSLRARP DFS4114A TRANSPORT MANAGER IS NOT ACTIVE

Explanation: The RSR tracking subsystem experienced an internal error while trying to initialize automatic archive for tracking logs. System action: IMS does not automatically archive the tracking logs. System Operator Response: You must manage archiving of the tracking logs. Contact IBM service to resolve the problem. Module: DFSLRARC DFS4111I AUTOMATIC ARCHIVE FAILED REASON CODE = reason

Explanation: The tracking subsystem is unable to identify to the transport manager subsystem because the transport manager instance specified to the tracking subsystem is not available. System action: The tracking subsystem continues processing, but conversations with the active site will not be established. System Operator Response: Start the transport manager for the tracking site. If a transport manager has been started, check that the INSTANCE name specified by the transport manager SET APPLID command matches the TMINAME specified to the tracking subsystem in the system definition or DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member. Module: DFSLRIN1 DFS4115I MAXI PROC SPECIFIED aaaa AUTOMATIC ARCHIVE TASKS, BUT ONLY CREATED bbbb

Explanation: The RSR tracking subsystem experienced an internal error while trying to automatically archive a tracking log. Reason Code 05 06 07 08 Explanation Unable to obtain storage. Unable to create control structure. Unable to obtain buffer storage. Unable to initiate output processing.

System action: Automatic archiving continues until multiple archive attempts fail. System Operator Response: Contact IBM service to resolve the problem. Module: DFSLRARI DFS4112A CANNOT QUERY DBRC FOR SLDS LIST TO ARCHIVE, RC = retcode

Explanation: The tracking subsystem received an unsuccessful return code from DBRC on the query

Explanation: The tracking subsystem Remote Site Recovery (RSR) startup parameters (in DFSRSRxx) specified aaaa automatic archive tasks with the MAXPROCS parameter for the ARCHIVE keyword. Due to IMS internal errors, the tracking subsystem created bbbb auto archive tasks.

Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4121I DFS4127A
System action: The automatic archive function continues with bbbb tasks. System Operator Response: None. Module: DFSLRARS, DFSLRTRM DFS4121I NOREVERSE WAS PROCESSED FOR UNPLANNED REMOTE TAKEOVER processing (routing) of the received log data, truncates the tracking logs if necessary, and aborts any other processing (online forward recovery and automatic archiving of tracking logs). When takeover processing is complete, DBRC is notified and message DFS4126I is issued. System Operator Response: None. Module: DFSLRTK0 DFS4124I PLANNED TAKEOVER REQUESTED

Explanation: The tracking subsystem processed a /RTAKEOVER UNPLANNED command, which included the NOREVERSE keyword. This message affirms that the takeover should not be reversed because log data has been written to the tracking SLDSs that might not have been written to the log data sets at the active site. System action: The tracking subsystem proceeds with unplanned takeover shutdown. System Operator Response: None is required. Module: DFSLRTRM DFS4122A REMOTE TAKEOVER IS BEING REVERSED AFTER NOREVERSE WAS SPECIFIED

Explanation: The tracking subsystem has been notified that a planned remote takeover has been requested by a /RTAKEOVER command at the active site. System action: The tracking subsystem continues processing. When the active subsystems and any batch jobs at the active site have normally terminated, and all log data has been received and processed by the tracking subsystem, the tracking subsystem begins remote takeover shutdown processing. Message DFS4125I is issued. System Operator Response: None. Module: DFSLRAST DFS4125I PLANNED TAKEOVER IN PROGRESS

Explanation: This message is issued by the tracking subsystem when a remote takeover requested by a /RTAKEOVER UNPLANNED NOREVERSE command was reversed (aborted) by a CHANGE.SG NORTA command. The reversal of the takeover might have caused tracking log data and shadow databases at the tracking site to become invalid. System action: The tracking subsystem continues processing. System Operator Response: None is required. System programmer response: You must examine tracking log data sets to determine if they contain log records that do not exist at the active site. If so, the integrity of the recovery data and shadow databases at the tracking site might be compromised and you might need to reinstall the tracking subsystem. If database update or recovery-related log records are included in the 'extra' log data at the tracking site, then, at a minimum, you must take new image copies of the relevant databases at the active site and install them at the tracking site. Module: DFSLRINI DFS4123I UNPLANNED TAKEOVER IN PROGRESS

Explanation: The tracking subsystem has begun shutdown processing in response to a planned remote takeover request. System action: The tracking subsystem shuts down for planned takeover. Online forward recovery processing and automatic archiving of tracking log data is aborted. After DBRC is notified of planned takeover processing completion, message DFS4126I is issued indicating that remote takeover processing is complete. System Operator Response: None. Module: DFSLRCAS, DFSLRINI DFS4126I TAKEOVER COMPLETE

Explanation: The tracking subsystem has completed processing for planned or unplanned remote takeover. System action: The tracking subsystem terminates. System Operator Response: Once the tracking subsystem has terminated active subsystems can be restarted at the tracking site. Module: DFSLRMST, DFSLRTRM DFS4127A AUTO ARCHIVE OPERATION DID NOT COMPLETE

Explanation: The tracking subsystem has processed a /RTAKEOVER UNPLANNED command and has begun unplanned remote takeover processing. System action: The tracking subsystem proceeds with unplanned takeover shutdown. It terminates communications with the active site, completes

Explanation: The stream archiver for the automatic archive operation received a write I/O error or reached the end of the volume before completing the read.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4130I DFS4135I
System action: This automatic archive request is not processed. The tracking SLDS is closed and the archive data sets are deleted. The automatic archive processor will be available for the next archive request. System Operator Response: Resolve the archive SLDS/RLDS data set problems. Module: DFSLRARP DFS4130I NOTIFY DBRC REPLACE ARCHIVE DATA SET ERROR, RC = xx System Operator Response: Mount the tape data sets identified in the DFS4133A messages that follow. Module: DFSLRDSS DFS4133A data set name

Explanation: Tracking subsystem shutdown cannot complete until outstanding tape mount requests are satisfied. This message follows DFS4132A. It is issued once for every outstanding tape mount request for tracking log data sets. System action: Shutdown of the tracking subsystem is suspended. System Operator Response: Mount the tape data set identified in the message. Module: DFSLRDSS DFS4134I AUTOMATIC ARCHIVING OF TRACKING LOG DATA SETS IS STOPPED

Explanation: Automatic archiving of tracking log data sets has encountered an internal error while notifying DBRC of the archive of a tracking SLDS. Reason Code 08 12 2C 30 Explanation Invalid LSN Gap Detected DBRC internal error IMS internal error

System action: The automatic archive of the tracking log fails. System Operator Response: Contact IBM service to resolve the problem. Module: DFSLRARI, DFSLRARR DFS4131A ARCHIVE DATA SET DEFINED TOO SMALL - INITIALIZATION FAILED

Explanation: All automatic archiving of tracking log data sets is terminated due to an archive data set full condition being detected twice at the tracking site. System action: Automatic archiving of tracking log data sets is stopped. System Operator Response: If the data set full condition was found on a small tape, a larger tape needs to be mounted before resuming automatic archiving of tracking SLDS using the /START TRKAUTOARCH command. If the data set full condition occurred on DASD when archiving old tracking log data sets, then they need to be archived with the IMS archive utility before resuming automatic archiving of tracking log data sets using the /START TRKAUTOARCH command. If the data set full condition occurred when archiving tracking log data sets which should have fit in the archive log data sets, then the DFSRSRxx auto archive parameters need to be changed to ensure a successful fit. The tracking subsystem must then be shutdown and restarted. The /START TRKAUTOARCH command will not be needed. Module: DFSLRARC DFS4135I START TRKAUTOARCH COMMAND INVALID

Explanation: Automatic archive initialization for a tracking subsystem determined that the data set SPACE parameter of the ARCHDEF or RLDSDEF keywords in the DFSRSRxx PROCLIB member is too small to contain tracking log data. System action: No automatic archive of tracking log data sets occurs. System programmer response: Change the DFSRSRxx SPACE parameters to meet the following conditions: (SLDSDEF SPACE) * MINSLDS <= (ARCHDEF SPACE) (SLDSDEF SPACE) * MINSLDS <= (RLDSDEF SPACE) Module: DFSLRARS DFS4132A SHUTDOWN STARTED, TAPES FOR THE FOLLOWING DATA SETS NEED TO BE MOUNTED:

Explanation: Tracking subsystem shutdown cannot complete until outstanding tape mount requests for tracking log data sets are satisfied. System action: Shutdown of the tracking subsystem is suspended.

Explanation: Automatic archiving of tracking log data sets cannot be started because automatic archive operation was not stopped. The /START TRKAUTOARCH command is not processed. System action: Processing continues. System Operator Response: The /START TRKAUTOARCH command is only valid after a DFS4134I message has been issued. If automatic archiving is not occurring, determine whether the correct parameters were
Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4136I DFS4153W

Explanation: Automatic archiving of tracking log data sets has been resumed. Module: DFSLRARC DFS4150I DB TRACKER COULD NOT GET STORAGE

Explanation: The database tracker determined that a database update log record was about to be applied out of the expected sequence. The database was not stopped and restarted. Log records might have been lost or processed out of sequence. In the message text: dbdname The name of the shadow database. imsid pri lsn The IMS system from which the log was routed. The PRILOG time of the log. The log sequence number of the database (X'50') log record being applied to the shadow database. The update sequence number (USN) in the database update log record previously applied to the shadow database. The update sequence number (USN) in the database update log record about to be applied to the shadow database.

Explanation: During database tracking there was insufficient storage for the database tracker control blocks. System action: Update sequence number (USN) checking is suspended, but database tracking continues. System Operator Response: Ensure that additional virtual storage is provided to the IMS tracking system when the system is restarted. Module: DFSDT210, DFSDT240, DFSDT250



Explanation: After the database specified by dbdname was stopped and restarted at the tracking site, the database tracker determined that a database update log record was being applied out of the expected sequence. In most cases, no error exists. In the message text: dbdname The name of the shadow database. imsid pri lsn The IMS system from which the log was routed. The PRILOG time of the log. The log sequence number of the database (X'50') log record being applied to the shadow database. The update sequence number (USN) in the database update log record being applied to the shadow database.

System action: IMS stops the shadow database, displays message DFS4045A, and applies no further updates to the shadow database until the database is restarted. For the first occurrence of this error for a single restart of the tracking system, IMS produces a dump on the SYS1.DUMPxx data set. For identification of the dump, this dump has a title that includes the string DFS4152A. System Operator Response: Save the dump and contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSDT210, DFSDT240 DFS4153W INCONSISTENT FSE. DB=dbdname DDN=ddname RBA=rba SSID=imsid PRI=pri LSN=lsn


System action: Database tracking continues. System Operator Response: If it is unclear whether or not an error exists, contact the IBM Support Center for programming assistance. Module: DFSDT210, DFSDT240

Explanation: The database tracker discovered that a block about to be written in the shadow database had one of the following errors involving free space in the block: v The free space element anchor point (FSEAP) in a block pointed to a free space element (FSE) that either was at an odd displacement into the block or was beyond the end of the block. v An FSE pointed to an FSE that either was at an odd displacement into the block or was beyond the end of the block. v The length of the free space in an FSE either had an odd value or had a value referring to free space extending beyond the end of the block.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4161I DFS4165W
In the message text: dbdname The name of the shadow database. ddname The name of the data set that was updated. rba imsid pri lsn The RBA (for VSAM) or the RBN (for OSAM) of the block that was updated. The IMS system from which the log was routed. The PRILOG time of the log The log sequence number of the database (X'50') log record being applied to the shadow database. wait or loop, cancel IMS, if necessary. If z/OS or the CPC failed, reset the system and enter the MVS MODIFY command (F fdrproc,RECOVER) to initiate database recovery in the Fast DB Recovery region. Module: DFSFDR90 DFS4165I FDR FOR (imsid) XCF DETECTED ACTIVE SYSTEM RESUMED

Explanation: XCF notified the Fast DB Recovery region that the identified IMS system exited time-out status indicated in message DFS4165W and has resumed normal processing. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSFDR80 DFS4165W FDR FOR (imsid) XCF DETECTED TIMEOUT ON ACTIVE IMS SYSTEM, REASON = reason

System action: IMS writes the block onto the database, writes a TYPE4930 log record, and continues database tracking. During a single restart of the tracking system, message DFS4153W appears only once for each shadow database. However, there is a TYPE4930 log record for each block for which the error is detected. System Operator Response: Contact the IBM Support Center for programming assistance. Module: DFSDT410 DFS4161I FDR FOR (imsid) TRACKING STARTED

Explanation: The Fast DB Recovery region is established and is tracking the IMS system identified by imsid. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSFDR10 DFS4164W FDR FOR (imsid) TIMEOUT DETECTED DURING LOG AND XCF SURVEILLANCE

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Explanation: XCF notified the Fast DB Recovery region that a time-out occurred on the IMS system identified by imsid. The variable reason is one of the following: IMS SURV., DIAGINFO = nnnnnnnn XCF reported the time-out. At least one IMS TASK or ITASK might be in a loop or wait state in the IMS system. The nnnnnnnn indicates which TASK or ITASK might have caused the time-out. nnnnnnnn is made of two parts. The first 2 bytes indicate the TASK or ITASK getting the timeout, and the second 2 bytes indicate whether another TASK or ITASK might be involved, as shown in the following table: TASK or ITASK in timeout Bit 0 x8000 CTL TCB Bit 1 x4000 XFP TCB Bit 2 x2000 CST ITASK Bit 3 x1000 CHK ITASK Bit 4 x0800 SAS ITASK Bit 5 x0400 FP CST00 Bit 6 x0200 FP CSTS0 Bit 7 x0100 reserved TASK or ITASK possibly involved IMS Control Task Fast Path Control Task Common Services ITASK Checkpoint ITASK DLISAS ITASK Fast Path Common Services ITASK Fast Path Common Services dependent ITASK

Explanation: The Fast DB Recovery region detected a time-out status during log and XCF surveillance. One of following conditions might have occurred: v The identified IMS system is in a wait. v The identified IMS system is in a loop. v A failure occurred on the z/OS on which the identified IMS system is running. v A failure occurred in the central processing complex (CPC) on which the identified IMS system is running. System action: This message is retained in the operator console. The Fast DB Recovery region continues tracking. If the Fast DB Recovery region is able to read a new log record, or if XCF surveillance detects the IMS system resumed normal processing, this message is deleted from the console. System Operator Response: If the IMS system is in a


XCF detected the time-out. The IMS address space might be non-dispatchable or the status exit routine might have failed.

Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4166I DFS4171I
SYSTEM, DIAGINFO = nnnnnnnn XCF detected the time-out. The failure or event was at the z/OS-system level. The nnnnnnnn represents the GEPLFLGS word of the list of input parameters from the XCF group exit routine. System action: Processing continues. If log surveillance also detects a time-out status, DFS4164W follows this message. System Operator Response: Check the status of the IMS and z/OS systems. If IMS is in a loop or a wait state, terminate IMS with the MVS MODIFY command (F activeims,DUMP) to initiate database recovery in the Fast DB Recovery region. If a z/OS or hardware failure occurred, reset the system and enter the MVS MODIFY command (F fdrproc,RECOVER) to initiate database recovery. System programmer response: Call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSFDR80 DFS4169I DFS4166I FDR FOR (imsid) DB RECOVERY PROCESS STARTED, REASON = reasonid FDR FOR (imsid) PROCESS TERMINATED IMS system completed I/O prevention, as follows: v Look for message AVM006E with an rsename that matches the imsid in this message. v If message AVM006E does not appear, manually stop I/O for the IMS system. To do this, manually switch DASD or reset the system. Then reply UNLOCK in response to this message. Module: DFSFDR00 DFS4168I FDR FOR (imsid) DATABASE RECOVERY COMPLETED

Explanation: The Fast DB Recovery region completed database recovery. System action: The Fast DB Recovery region terminates normally. System Operator Response: Restart the identified IMS system. Module: DFSFDR00

Explanation: The Fast DB Recovery region stopped tracking the identified IMS system and started database recovery for the reason indicated in reasonid, which is one of the following: IMS FAILURE An IMS system failure was detected by a X'06' log record. The Fast DB Recovery region automatically initiated recovery. RECOVER COMMAND Recovery was initiated by the MVS MODIFY command (F fdrproc,RECOVER). XCF NOTIFICATION Recovery was initiated by MVS XCF notification. System action: The Fast DB Recovery region started database recovery. Module: DFSFDR00

Explanation: The Fast DB Recovery region terminated because the identified IMS system terminated normally or because the MVS MODIFY TERM command (F fdrproc,TERM) was issued. System action: The Fast DB Recovery region terminates normally. Module: DFSFDR00 DFS4170I FDR FOR (imsid) NORMAL TERMINATION DETECTED FOR ACTIVE SYSTEM

Explanation: The Fast DB Recovery region detected that the identified IMS system terminated normally. System action: The Fast DB Recovery region stops tracking and terminates normally. Module: DFSFDR10 DFS4171I FDR FOR (imsid) ACTIVE IMS TERMINATION NOTIFIED BY XCF. OPERATION RESUMED.



Explanation: MVS XCF notified the Fast DB Recovery region that the active IMS system terminated. Message DFS4167A was issued. System action: Message DFS4167A is cleared from the console and the Fast DB Recovery region resumes database recovery. Module: DFSFDR00

Explanation: The Fast DB Recovery region cannot continue until the identified IMS system completes I/O prevention. System action: The Fast DB Recovery region waits for the operators reply. System Operator Response: Make sure that the failing


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4172E DFS4176E
DFS4172E FDR FOR (imsid) ACTIVE SYSTEM NOT FOUND OR IN FAILED STATUS or on the control statement in the DFSPBxxx IMS.PROCLIB member. Then rerun the job. Module: DFSZINT0 DFS4175E NO ACTIVEIMSID PARAMETER SPECIFIED

Explanation: The imsid of the IMS system was verified by the Fast DB Recovery region. However, either the imsid was not identified to IRLM, or the identified system has a failed status.

| System action: The Fast DB Recovery region waits for | the active system to join the group. | | | | | | |
System Operator Response: Use the IRLM MODIFY command (F irlmproc,STATUS) to display the status of the identified IMS system. To ensure that the IMS system is active, check that the imsid specified in the IMSID parameter of the EXEC statement is identical to the imsid of the active system. Correct any errors and restart, or let ARM restart, the IMS active system. If the IMS system is XRF capable, RSENAME is used for the identifier instead of imsid, which causes this message and an abend. Module: DFSFDR70 DFS4173E FDR FOR (imsid) CHECKPOINT LOG HAS INCONSISTENCY

Explanation: The imsid is not specified in the ACTIVEIMSID parameter on the control statement in member DFSFDRxx of IMS.PROCLIB. System action: If the Fast DB Recovery region issues this message, the Fast DB Recovery region is terminated. If the IMS system issues this message, processing continues without Fast DB Recovery. System Operator Response: Specify the correct ACTIVEIMSID parameter in member DFSFDRxx, or specify the correct suffix of member DFSFDRxx on the FDRMBR parameter in the procedure. Restart the Fast DB Recovery region, or terminate the IMS system and rerun it with Fast DB Recovery. Module: DFSZINT0 DFS4176E FDR FOR (imsid) UNABLE TO ESTABLISH CHKPT - reason

Explanation: The checkpoint log records created by the identified IMS system have one of the following inconsistencies: v The identified IMS system is not enabled for Fast DB Recovery. v The identified IMS system does not use IRLM. Possible reasons for this error are: v Incorrect parameter specification of the IMS system or the Fast DB Recovery region v Incorrect DD statements in the OLDS or IMSRDS in an IMS or Fast DB Recovery procedure. System action: The Fast DB Recovery region is terminated. System Operator Response: Make sure that the IMS system is enabled for Fast DB Recovery, and that Fast DB Recovery reads the correct OLDS. Correct any errors. Then restart the IMS system and the Fast DB Recovery region. Module: DFSFDR10 DFS4174E NO FDRMBR EXEC PARAMETER SPECIFIED

Explanation: The Fast DB Recovery region could not establish a checkpoint ID from which to start for one of the following reasons: ACTIVE SYSTEM ALREADY SHUTDOWN The IMS restart data set indicated the identified IMS system was already terminated. CHKPT ID NOT FOUND IN IMSLOG The Fast DB Recovery region could not locate a checkpoint ID that the IMS system with Fast DB Recovery should have written. If neither of these reasons was shown, see the documentation for previously issued messages for more information. System action: The Fast DB Recovery region terminates abnormally. System Operator Response: Make sure that all of the following are true: v The identified IMS system is running. v The correct RDS is being used for the Fast DB Recovery region, and it is the same RDS that the IMS system with Fast DB Recovery is using. v The DBRC RECON data set and OLDSs are the correct ones, properly allocated in shared DASD environment, and accessible from both the IMS system and the Fast DB Recovery region. Correct the error and restart the job. Module: DFSFDR00

Explanation: The FDRMBR parameter was not specified on the EXEC statement in the Fast DB Recovery procedure or on the control statement in the DFSPBxxx IMS.PROCLIB member. System action: The Fast DB Recovery region is terminated. System Operator Response: Specify the correct FDRMBR parameter in the Fast DB Recovery procedure

Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4177E DFS4181A
DFS4177E FDR FOR (imsid) XCF JOIN FAILED. IMS.PROCLIB, or specify the correct suffix of member DFSFDRxx in the FDRMBR parameter in the Fast DB Recovery procedure. Then restart the Fast DB Recovery region. Module: DFSFDR10 DFS4179E FDR FOR (imsid) IRLM request FAILED, RC=nn, REASON=xxxx

| | | |

Explanation: An XCF JOIN failed. The second line of the DFS4177E message further explains the error. For each of these reasons, a separate explanation, system action, and operator response follows: v MORE THAN ONE MEMBER JOINED XCF GROUP groupname Explanation: The Fast DB Recovery region found that more than one member attempted to join the XCF group with the identified imsid and groupname. An XCF group can have only one IMS system and one Fast DB Recovery region. A Fast DB Recovery region is already tracking the IMS system represented by imsid. System action: The Fast DB Recovery region is terminated. System Operator Response: If the IMS system represented by imsid is the one you want to track and a Fast DB Recovery region is already tracking it, no action is necessary. If the IMS system is not the one you want to track, specify the correct GROUPNAME, ACTIVEIMSID, or both, in member DFSFDRxx in IMS.PROCLIB, or specify the correct suffix of member DFSFDRxx in the FDRMBR parameter in the Fast DB Recovery procedure. Restart the Fast DB Recovery region. Module: DFSFDR70 v XCF GROUP groupname XCF MEMBER STATE IS NOT ACTIVE Explanation: The Fast DB Recovery region found that the IMS system joined the XCF group, but the status is not active. System action: The Fast DB Recovery region is terminated. System Operator Response: Make sure the IMS system is enabled for Fast DB Recovery. Specify the correct GROUPNAME, ACTIVEIMSID, or both, in member DFSFDRxx, or specify the correct suffix of member DFSFDRxx on the FDRMBR parameter in the Fast DB Recovery procedure. Restart the Fast DB Recovery region. Module: DFSFDR70 DFS4178E FDR FOR (imsid) IMSID OR XCF GROUP NAME IN CHECKPOINT RECORD AND FDR PROCEDURE ARE NOT IDENTICAL

Explanation: The identified IRLM request issued by the Fast DB Recovery region failed with return code nn and reason code xxxx. System action: The Fast DB Recovery region is terminated. System Operator Response: See the IRLM request return and reason codes in the DXR Messages topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1 to determine the cause of the error. After correcting the error, restart the Fast DB Recovery region. Module: DFSFDR00, DFSFDR70 DFS4180E FDR FOR (imsid) UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE FROM request, RC=nn REASON=xxxxxxxx UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE FROM request, RC=nn REASON=xxxxxxxx. IMS IS NOT FDR CAPABLE.


Explanation: The Fast DB Recovery region or the identified IMS system issued the named XCF request, but the request failed with the return code nn and reason code xxxxxxxx. The first form of the message is issued by the Fast DB Recovery region; the second form is issued by the IMS system. System action: If the Fast DB Recovery region issued this message, the Fast DB Recovery region is terminated. If the IMS system issued this message, IMS continues processing without Fast DB Recovery. System Operator Response: See the XCF return and reason codes in MVS/ESA Programming: Sysplex Services Reference Correct the cause of the error. Module: DFSFDRA0, DFSFDR70 DFS4181W FDR FOR (imsid) DB RECOVERY CANNOT START BECAUSE ACTIVE SYSTEM IS STILL RUNNING FDR FOR (imsid) FOR DB RECOVERY, ENTER RECOV. TO CONTINUE TRACKING, ENTER TRACK.

Explanation: The Fast DB Recovery region found that the imsid, XCF group name, or both, of the IMS system in the X'4001' checkpoint begin log record and in the Fast DB Recovery procedure are not identical. System action: The Fast DB Recovery region is terminated. System Operator Response: Specify the correct GROUPNAME parameter in the DFSFDRxx member of


Explanation: Database recovery was initiated by the MVS MODIFY command (F fdrproc RECOVER). The Fast DB Recovery region issued an IDENTIFY RECOVERY request to IRLM to start database recovery, but the


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4182W DFS4192E
identified IMS system was still running. System action: The Fast DB Recovery region waits for the operators reply. System Operator Response: If database recovery was invoked by the F fdrproc RECOVER command, make sure you entered the correct command for the correct Fast DB Recovery region. If the correct command was entered for the correct Fast DB Recovery region, reply RECOVER to the DFS4181A message. If the command was not correct or was entered for the wrong region, reply TRACK to the DFS4181A message. Module: DFSFDR00 DFS4182W FDR FOR (imsid) DB RECOVERY CANNOT START BECAUSE ACTIVE SYSTEM IS STILL RUNNING DFS4185E FDR FOR (imsid) UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE FROM DBRC SIGNON REQUEST, RC=return code

Explanation: FDR issued a SIGNON request to DBRC and received an unexpected return code. System action: The Fast DB Recovery region is terminated. System Operator Response: For additional information, see the information on return codes from Sign-on Normal Call. See the return codes in the topic DSP Messages in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. Resolve the problem; then restart the Fast DB Recovery region. Module: DFSFDR10 DFS4190I IMS SYSTEM IS FDR CAPABLE

Explanation: After a X'06' log record was detected, the Fast DB Recovery region issued an IRLM IDENTIFY RECOVERY request to initiate database recovery. However, the IRLM indicated that the identified IMS system did not issue an IRLM QUIT request. System action: The Fast DB Recovery region attempts to issue the IDENTIFY RECOVERY request to IRLM again. System Operator Response: If this message continues to be issued, make sure that the active IMS system has terminated. If it has not terminated, force termination of IMS. If the active IMS system has terminated, issue a MODIFY command (F irlmproc, STATUS) on the active system to determine the status of the IRLM. If the IRLM is not working correctly, take an SDUMP and terminate it. If the IRLM is working correctly, it is probably a Fast DB Recovery error. Take an SDUMP of the Fast DB Recovery region and terminate it with an MVS MODIFY (F) STOP command. Contact the IBM Support Center, if necessary. Module: DFSFDR00 DFS4183E FDR FOR (imsid) MODIFY cmdname COMMAND REJECTED. FDR IS IN INITIALIZATION OR RECOVERY PHASE.

Explanation: This IMS system is enabled for Fast DB Recovery. System action: Processing continues with Fast DB Recovery. Module: DFSZINT0 DFS4191E FDR PROCLIB MEMBER DFSFDRxx COULD NOT BE ACCESSED

Explanation: The data set defined on the DD statement in member DFSFDRxx of IMS.PROCLIB could not be accessed. System action: If this message is issued by the Fast DB Recovery region, the Fast DB Recovery region is terminated. If this message is issued by the IMS system, processing continues without Fast DB Recovery. System Operator Response: Specify the correct data set on the IMS.PROCLIB DD statement, or specify the correct suffix of member DFSFDRxx on the FDRMBR parameter in the Fast DB Recovery procedure. Then restart the IMS system or the Fast DB Recovery region. Module: DFSZINT0 DFS4192E ACTIVEIMSID PARAMETER IS INCORRECT

Explanation: The identified MODIFY command was rejected because the Fast DB Recovery region was being initialized or was already in a recovery process. System action: The Fast DB Recovery region continues its current processing. Module: DFSFDR60

Explanation: The imsid specified on the ACTIVEIMSID parameter in IMS.PROCLIB member DFSFDRxx is not identical to the imsid of the IMS control region being started. System action: Processing continues without Fast DB Recovery. System Operator Response: If you want to run the system with Fast DB Recovery. shut down the IMS system, specify the correct imsid on the ACTIVEIMSID parameter in IMS.PROCLIB member DFSFDRxx. Then restart the IMS system.
Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4200I DFS4215I
Module: DFSZINT0 DFS4200I - tcbtype TCB INITIALIZATION COMPLETE message, record the return code and call the IBM Support Center for assistance.

Explanation: The database recovery service completed initialization of the Database Recovery Manager or Recovery Data Manager master TCB. The tcbtypes are: RWM RWD The master TCB for database recovery has completed initialization. A daughter TCB for database recovery has completed initialization

| |


aaaaaaa PIPE FAILURE DETECTED: bbbbbbb, rc = nnnnnnnn

Explanation: This error occurred for one of two reasons: v During processing of the initial /RECOVER command, the database recovery service was unable to create an IMS pipe. v During termination of the Recovery Data Manager, the database recovery service experienced an error while attempting to close or unallocate an IMS pipe. The message destination is the z/OS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). In the message text: aaaaaaa The type of IMS pipe that experienced the error, which is either CONTROL or RECORD. Indicates the pipe failure that was detected and is one of the following: v ALESERV v BUFSIZE v DSPSERV v ESTAEX v LOAD BUFSIZE v STORAGE v Any other value indicates a z/OS failure. nnnnnnnn The return code of the failing service.

If the message is issued by the Database Recovery Manager, the message destination is the z/OS system console and the IMS master terminal. If the issue Recovery Data Managers the message, the message destination is only the z/OS system console. System action: Processing continues. Module: DFSRVM00, DFSRWM00 DFS4201I ttt TASK INITIALIZATION FAILED, reason, RC=return code


Explanation: The IMS Database Recovery Facility detected an error during initialization. The message destination is the z/OS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). In the message text: ttt reason Identifies which class of task detected the problem. Identifies the problem, and is one of the following: v LOAD module v OBTAIN control block v CREATE DISPATCHER WORK AREA v CREATE WORK UNIT v RELEASE QSAV return code Represents internal diagnostic information.

System action: The database recovery service function shuts down. System programmer response: The Recovery Data Manager component of database recovery service experienced an error while attempting to obtain storage related to pipe processing. Increase your region size. If bbbbbbb is LOAD BUFSIZE, a module is probably missing from your SDFSRESLSDFSRESL and needs to be added. If bbbbbbb is any other value, record the error information and call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSRWMI0, DFSRVWP0, DFSRWPR0, DFSRWPW0 DFS4215I UNABLE TO WRITE TO type PIPE, RC=return code

System action: The IMS Database Recovery Facility terminates normally. System programmer response: Take the appropriate action for the reason you received: v OBTAIN control block Increase the region size in the startup JCL. v LOAD module Ensure that the module named is in the RESLIB for the IMS. If the problem is not alleviated by the appropriate action or if no action is listed for the reason in the

Explanation: One of the write-to-pipe subcomponents of the database recovery service detected an error writing to an IMS pipe. The message destination is the


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4216I DFS4218I
z/OS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). In the message text: type The type of IMS pipe that experienced the error, which is either CONTROL or RECORD. The return code of the failing service. In the message text: reason Indicates the cause of the error, and is one of the following: v FACILITY NOT INSTALLED v DLISAS REGION AND FAST PATH NOT DETECTED v UNABLE TO ATTACH ORS TCB v CREATE ADDRESS SPACE ERR v UNABLE TO LOAD MODULES v GET ORS STORAGE FAILURE A macro return code.

return code

System action: The database recovery service aborts the current recovery instance. System programmer response: Record the error information and call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSRWPR0, DFSRWPW0 DFS4216I DATABASE RECOVERY SERVICE DISABLED FOR type: reason return code

System action: The database recovery service rejects recovery processing. System programmer response: Take the appropriate action based on the reason received: UNABLE TO LOAD MODULES Increase the region size for the IMS processing the /RECOVER command. FACILITY NOT INSTALLED The recovery facility was not detected during processing of the /RECOVER command. RETURN CODE = 0 means the database recovery service is not installed. Issue the /RECOVER command on an IMS where the recovery facility is installed. DLISAS REGION AND FAST PATH NOT DETECTED Run the database recovery service on an IMS that has the function in the message. UNABLE TO ATTACH ORS TCB See the return code. Take the action described under return codes for the MVS ATTACH macro in the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide. CREATE ADDRESS SPACE ERR See the return code. Take the action described under return codes for the MVS ASCRE macro in the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide. GET ORS STORAGE FAILURE Increase the region size for the IMS processing the /RECOVER command. If you followed the specified action for the reason listed in the message and the problem did not resolve, record the error information and contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSRWMI0, DFSRWM00 DFS4218I UNABLE TO READ FROM type PIPE, RC =return code

Explanation: The database recovery service is unable to detect full function database data sets or fast path areas. The message destination is the z/OS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). In the message text: type Indicates one of the following: FULL FUNCTION The DLISAS region has not been detected FAST PATH Fast Path has not been generated into the system. reason Indicates the reason for failure, and is one of the following functions: v DLISAS REGION NOT DETECTED v FAST PATH NOT DETECTED System action: The database recovery service rejects recovery processing. System programmer response: If you need to recover either the FULL FUNCTION or FAST PATH function, enter the /RECOVER and /DISPLAY RECOVERY database recovery service commands on an IMS with the appropriate function enabled. Module: DFSRWM00 DFS4217I DATABASE RECOVERY SERVICE DISABLED: reason RETURN CODE =return code

Explanation: The database recovery service is unable to perform recovery on the IMS processing the /RECOVER command. The message destination is the z/OS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS).

Explanation: The database recovery service detected an error while reading from the pipe indicated by type. The message destination is the z/OS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). In the message text:

Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4260I DFS4261I
type The type of IMS pipe that experienced the error, which is either CONTROL or RECORD. The return code of the failing service.

return code

System action: The database recovery service aborts the current recovery instance. System programmer response: Record the error information and call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSRWPR0, DFSRVPR0

| DFS4260I |


| Explanation: A command error was detected for an | database recovery service related command. In the | message text: | reason | | | |
If the reason is NOTHING TO ADD, processing continues. If the reason is DBRC STORAGE FAILURE, recovery processing terminates for this recovery instance.

| System programmer response: This message indicates | an internal IMS error. The command is ignored. | Problem determination: Set a SLIP TRAP on the error | message, then call the IBM Support Center for | assistance. | Module: DFSRWCM0, DFSRWCR0, DFSRWCD0, | DFSRWCP0, DFSRWCA0, DFSRWME0 | DFS4261I | | | | | | | | | | |
UNABLE TO ADD TO rcvlist entrytype entryname: reason

Explanation: The entryname specified in the /RECOVER ADD command could not be added to the specified recovery list. If a recovery list was not specified in the /RECOVER ADD command, To rcvlist is not included in the message text. If a duplicate entry was detected, the duplicate is ignored. The message destination is the MVS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). This message is also sent to the issuer of the command.

| In the message text: The specified recovery list. | rcvlist If a member of a group is not part of | entrytype the ACBGEN for the IMS processing | the /RECOVER ADD command or is not | defined in the RECON, entrytype is | not included in the message. | | | | |
entrytype is one of the following: v DBDS v AREA v DATABASE

| | | | | entryname | | | | reason | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

v GROUP (if DBDSGRP, CAGRP, DATAGROUP, or RECOVGRP was specified in the /RECOVER command) A keyword specified on the /RECOVER ADD command and is one of the following: DB, DBDS, DBGRP, DBDSGRP, or CAGRP. The reason can be one of the following: ALREADY ON RECOVERY LIST The entry listed is already on the recovery list specified by rcvlist. ALREADY STARTED The recovery list specified by rcvlist already started recovery processing. COMMAND TOO LONG The number of elements specified on the /RECOVER ADDcommand is larger than that allowed by the recovery product for a single /RECOVER ADD command. Split the /RECOVER ADD command into multiple commands. DATABASE IS OLR CAPABLE The object specified by entryname is OLR capable and the /RECOVER ADD command was issued to a release of IMS that does not support recoveries with OLR capable databases. Rerun the recovery on a level of IMS that supports OLR capable databases. DATABASE HAS NO DATA SETS The database does not have any database data sets defined to it. DATABASE IS DEFINED AS GSAM The database recovery service cannot recover GSAM database types. DLI/SAS REGION UNDETECTED The /RECOVER ADD command attempted to add a full function DBDS to the recovery list on a system that does not have a DL/I SAS region. FAST PATH NOT INSTALLED The /RECOVER ADD command attempted to add a Fast Path AREA to the recovery list on a system that does not have FP installed. INDEX OR ILE DATA SET The DBDS has not been


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4262I DFS4264I
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
added to the recovery list because it is either a Prime Index or ILDS data set and cannot be recovered. These data sets are recovered by the Index/ILDS Rebuild utility. NOT DEFINED IN RECON The entry specified by entryname is not defined for RECON. NOT FOUND IN ACBGEN The entry specified by entryname is not defined to the IMS issuing the message. It is possible that the entry is not defined in IMS Stage 1. NOTHING ADDED Nothing was added to the recovery list. UNKNOWN REASON FROM DBRC DBRC encountered an unexpected condition and returned an unknown reason code to the Database Recovery Manager. INVALID SMSOPTS PARAMETER An unsupported or incorrect SMSOPTS parameter is detected. Message DFS4289I follows this message. Refer to the message explanation for DFS4289I for further information. System action: The database data sets that make up the entryname are not added to the recovery list. The databases, areas, or both are not recovered by the database recovery service. System programmer response: Examine the /RECOVER ADD command and compare it with the corresponding ACBGEN or RECON entries. Reissue the command with the correct entry names. reason The reason code returned by DBRC, which is internal diagnostic information.

System programmer response: This message indicates an internal IMS error. The command is ignored. Problem determination: Set a SLIP TRAP on the error message, and call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSRWCR0, DFSRWCD0, DFSRWCP0, DFSRWCA0 DFS4263I THE FOLLOWING ENTRIES ARE ADDED TO THE RECOVERY LIST token:

Explanation: This message is followed by a series of DFS4265I messages. It indicates that one or more entries were added to the recovery list as a result of the /RECOVER ADD command. token is supplied by the user on the /RECOVER ADD command or generated by IMS. The message destination is the MVS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). This message is also sent to the issuer of the command. System action: The database data set or area name listed in the subsequent DFS4265I messages are added to the recovery list. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSRWCA0 DFS4264I RECOVERY STARTED FOR (options):

| If reason is UNKNOWN REASON FROM DBRC, call | the IBM Support Center for assistance. | Module: DFSRWCA0 | DFS4262I | |

Explanation: The /RECOVER START command was issued and no errors were detected. database recovery service processing started for the database data set and areas listed in the subsequent DFS4265I messages. options specifies parameters on the /RECOVER START command. If no parameters were specified, the following default values for the options are listed: v ERRORCONT v STAGLOBAL v STALOCAL v NOSTA The message destination is the MVS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). This message is also sent to the issuer of the command. System action: /RECOVER START action continues. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSRWCS0

Explanation: DBRC returned an invalid response due to a database recovery service related command. The message destination is the z/OS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). This message is also sent to the issuer of the command. In the message text:

Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4265I DFS4266I
DFS4265I name AUTHORIZED BY ssid INVALID RCVTIME DBRC determined that the RCVTIME specified falls in the middle of an ALLOC for this entry, and the PITR option was not specified. LOGS MARKED IN ERROR DBRC determined that none of the log data sets are useable. They may be marked in error. NEEDS HIGHER RELEASE LOG DBRC detected logs created by a higher release IMS. The database cannot be selected if it was updated by an IMS operating at a higher release. NO IC TAKEN AFTER A PITR Recovery for the database data set or area failed because a point-in-time (PITR) recovery was performed earlier and no image copy was taken afterwards. Because backout information may have been deleted from the RECON due to the prior PITR recovery, a new recovery may result in a corrupted database. NO PRILOG FOUND DBRC was unable to locate a PRILOG record. This condition should not occur. Call the IBM Support Center for assistance. NO RECOV RECORD FOUND The USEDBDS option was specified on the /RECOVER ADD command, but the latest recovery recorded in RECON was not for a timestamp recovery, or the DBDS or AREA is marked in RECON as needing recovery. NOT FOUND One or more of the database data sets or areas in the recovery list is not listed in the RECON data set. If the database data set or area has been removed from the system via Online Change and no longer needs to be recovered, use the /RECOVER REMOVE command to remove the data set or area from the recovery list. If the database data set or area has been removed from the system via Online Change and now must be recovered, use Online Change to add it back to the system; then re-issue the /RECOVER START command. NOT OFFLINE One or more of the database data sets

Explanation: This message lists the database data set or area that the database recovery service started a recovery for. Either DFS4263I or DFS4264I follows this message. The message destination is the MVS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). This message is also sent to the issuer of the command. In the message text: name Indicates the database data set name (dbname ddname) or area name for recovery. ssid If the database data set or area is authorized by an IMS, ssid identifies the authorizing ssid. This message is issued for each IMS that authorized a database data set or area in the recovery list. System action: /RECOVER command processing continues. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSRWCA0, DFSRWCS0, DFSRWCR0, DFSRWCP0 DFS4266I UNABLE TO RECOVER: dbname, reason

Explanation: A database recovery service /RECOVER START command was issued, but the database data set or area cannot be recovered. The message destination is the MVS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). This message is also sent to the issuer of the command. In the message text: dbname Identifies the database data set or area that couldnt be recovered. reason Indicates the cause of the error and is one of the following: AUTHORIZATION FAILED, RC = XX Authorization processing failed to properly authorize one or more of the database data sets or areas in the recovery list. XX identifies the DBRC return code. HALDB MASTER IS STOPPED The master database for a HALDB partition has been stopped. Although the database recovery service requires that the partitions being recovered be stopped, the master database must be started. Start the master database, and then reissue the /RECOVER START command. IMAGE COPY NOT AVAILABLE DBRC was unable to locate a useable image copy for the database data set.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

or areas in the recovery list was not taken offline with an IMS /DBR command. When the database is in this state, proper operation of the database recovery service cannot be guaranteed. RECOV RECORD UNUSABLE The USEDBDS option was specified on the /RECOVER ADD command, but the DBDS or AREA has been updated or reorganized since the latest recovery recorded in the RECON. REORG LATER THAN IMAGE COPY The REORG utility ran against the database data set but there is no subsequent image copy data set registered in the RECON. System action: If ERRORCONT was specified for the database data set or area, processing continues for the remaining members in the database recovery service recovery list. If ERRORCONT was not specified, recovery stops. System programmer response: Take the appropriate action based on the specified reason: AUTHORIZATION FAILED Determine which IMS did not stop the appropriate database or area, then stop the database or area with the IMS /DBR command. HALDB MASTER IS STOPPED The master database for a HALDB partition must be started for recovery. Start the master database and reissue the /RECOVER START command. IMAGE COPY NOT AVAILABLE Verify that an image copy is available for the database data set and not migrated to another site. INVALID RCVTIME Non-PITR timestamp recoveries cannot fall in the middle of an ALLOC boundary. Adjust the time used for the timestamp recovery or reissue the /RECOVER START command specifying PITR. LOGS MARKED IN ERROR Verify that the log data sets are available and not migrated to another site. NEEDS HIGHER RELEASE LOGS Logs created on a higher release IMS cannot be used for recovery on a lower release IMS. This situation can occur when running multiple IMS systems in coexistence mode. Rerun the recovery on the level of IMS in which the logs were created. NO PRILOG FOUND Contact the IBM support Center for assistance. NO IC TAKEN AFTER A PITR After a point-in-time recovery, take an image copy so that subsequent recoveries have a valid starting point. If you know the integrity of the database will not be compromised, delete the RECOV record by using the DBRC DELETE.RECOV command, then rerun the recovery. NO RECOV RECORD FOUND Recover the DBDS or AREA using a nonstandard image copy. Then inform DBRC of the recovery with a NOTIFY.RECOV command specifying the time that the recovery was run (current), and the time to which the DBDS or AREA was recovered. Then the database recovery service can be used to recover the DBDS or AREA with the USEDBDS parameter. NOT FOUND The database data set or area was deleted from the RECON data set after the /RECOVER ADD command was issued. If the database data set or area is legitimate and needs to be recovered, define it in RECON.

NOT OFFLINE The database data set or area was not stopped on the IMS performing recovery. Stop the database or area with the IMS /DBR command. RECOV RECORD UNUSABLE Changes have been made to the DBDS or AREA since the last recovery; as a result, you must run the recovery again. Recover the DBDS or AREA using a nonstandard image copy. Then inform DBRC of the recovery with a NOTIFY.RECOV command specifying the time that the recovery was run (current) and the time to which the DBDS or AREA was recovered. Then the database recovery service can be used to recover the DBDS or AREA with the USEDBDS parameter. REORG LATER THAN IMAGE COPY A DBDS or AREA cannot be recovered using an image copy taken prior to a reorganization. For additional information on recovering from an IMS failure, see the IMS Version 9: Command Reference.
Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


| Module: DFSRWCS0
DFS4267I RECOVERY NOT STARTED, reason UNABLE TO CREATE ITASK An IMS internal error caused the recovery to fail. Report the problem to the IBM Support Center. UNABLE TO GET CCCCCCCCCC An IMS internal error caused the recovery to fail. Report the problem to the IBM Support Center. CCCCCCCCCC is one of the following IMS internal resources: v QSAV v PST v EPST v APSB LATCH v PSBP LATCH v AUTHORIZATION PARM LIST The message destination is the MVS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). This message is also sent to the issuer of the command. System action: The current database recovery service recovery instance is aborted. System programmer response: Take the appropriate action based on the reason received: DBRC AUTHORIZATION FAILURE Either the IMS is out of storage or an internal IMS failure occurred. See previously issued DBRC messages for additional information. If you cannot determine the cause of the error, call the IBM Support Center for assistance. DBRC RECOVER START FAILURE Either the IMS is out of storage or an internal IMS failure occurred. See previously issued DBRC messages for additional information. If you cannot determine the cause of the error, call the IBM Support Center for assistance. ERRORABORT SPECIFIED Correct the error and restart recovery. See DFS4266I on page 698 for the proper action. INCOMPLETE RECOVERY GROUP Specify the whole group, redefine the group, do not specify PITR (point in time recovery), or specify NOCHECK. See DFS4284I for additional information. NO RECOVERABLE ENTRIES Prior messages should have been issued regarding failures for each entry. See the previous messages for the appropriate action. ONLINE CHANGE IN PROGRESS Reissue the /RECOVER START command when the /MODIFY COMMIT or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) command completes.

Explanation: The database recovery service /RECOVER START command was issued but recovery cannot continue, as indicated by reason: DBRC AUTHORIZATION FAILURE An IMS has one or more database data sets or areas authorized in the recovery list. DBRC RECOVER START FAILURE An IMS internal error in DBRC caused the recovery to fail. ERRORABORT SPECIFIED An error was detected with one database data set or area while the database recovery service attempted to start recovery, and ERRORCONT was specified on the /RECOVER START command. For additional information on the type of failure, see DFS4266I. INCOMPLETE RECOVERY GROUP Recovery failed because one or more members of a recovery group were not included in the recovery list. This message is followed by one or more DFS4284I messages listing the members of the recovery group that are not in the recovery list. NO RECOVERABLE ENTRIES None of the entries in the recovery list can be recovered due to one or more errors. ONLINE CHANGE IN PROGRESS A /MODIFY COMMIT or INITIATE OLC PHASE(COMMIT) command was in progress when the /RECOVER START command was issued. The /RECOVER START command is rejected. RECOVERY LIST NOT FOUND No recovery list was found with a token matching the one provided with the command. RECOVERY NOT STARTED, ALREADY IN PROGRESS The recovery was not started because it is already processing. RECOVERY NOT STARTED, OTHER RECOVERY IN PROGRESS The recovery was not started because another recovery is currently in progress. RECOVERY TIME GREATER THAN RUN TIME The input recovery time on a /RECOVER START command is greater than the current time.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4268I DFS4270I
RECOVERY LIST NOT FOUND Create a recovery list with the name you specified or enter the name of an existing list. RECOVERY NOT STARTED, ALREADY IN PROGRESS The recovery is running. No action is necessary. RECOVERY NOT STARTED, OTHER RECOVERY IN PROGRESS Stop the other recovery or wait until it finishes. RECOVERY TIME GREATER THAN RUN TIME Enter the command /RECOVER START with the correct time to start recovery. UNABLE TO CREATE ITASK Either the IMS is out of storage or an internal IMS failure occurred. If you cannot determine the cause of the error, call the IBM Support Center for assistance. UNABLE TO GET CCCCCCCCCC Either the IMS is out of storage or an internal IMS failure occurred. If you cannot determine the cause of the error, call the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSRWCI0 reason DFS4268I THE FOLLOWING ENTRIES WERE REMOVED FROM THE RECOVERY LIST: System action: The recovery instance is deleted. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSRWCR0, DFSRWCP0 DFS4270I UNABLE TO REMOVE resource_type resource_name: reason

Explanation: An database recovery service /RECOVER REMOVE command was issued but could not process. The message destination is the MVS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). This message is also sent to the issuer of the command. In the message text: resource_type Identifies the type of resource the /RECOVER REMOVE command was issued against, and is one of the following: v LIST v DBDS v AREA v DB resource_name Identifies the name of the resource specified in the /RECOVER REMOVE command. Indicates one of the following causes for the failures: COMMAND TOO LONG The number of elements specified on the /RECOVER REMOVE command is larger than that allowed by the recovery product for a single /RECOVER REMOVE command. Split the /RECOVER REMOVE command into multiple commands. NOT IN RECOVERY LIST The database data set or area specified in the command was not part of the recovery list. NOT DEFINED IN RECON The DB, CAGRP, DBDSGRP, or DATAGROUP resource types could not be found in RECON. NOTHING REMOVED No database data set or area was removed as a result of the /RECOVER REMOVE command. RECOVERY IN PROGRESS A /RECOVER REMOVE command was issued when
Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E

Explanation: This message is followed by a series of DFS4265I messages. It indicates that one or more entries were removed from the recovery list as a result of /RECOVER REMOVE command. System action: The names listed in the subsequent DFS4265I messages are removed from the recovery list. System programmer response: None. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSRWCR0 DFS4269I RECOVERY LIST IS NOW EMPTY

Explanation: One of the following instances occurred: v The /RECOVER REMOVE command processed and removed the last database data set or area from the recovery list. v The /RECOVER REMOVE ALLENTS command processed. v The /RECOVER STOP command processed and stopped the last database data set or area in the recovery list. v The /RECOVER STOP ALLENTS command processed. The message destination is the MVS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). This message is also sent to the issuer of the command.


DFS4270I DFS4273I
recovery was in progress for the recovery list. RECOVERY LIST DOES NOT EXIST A /RECOVER REMOVE command was issued, but the identified recovery list does not exist. THIS IS A FAST PATH AREA A /RECOVER REMOVE DBDS was specified in the command, but the entry was a Fast Path area. THIS IS NOT A FAST PATH AREA A /REC REMOVE AREA AREA name command was entered and the AREA name identified an FF DBDS in the recovery list. Determine the appropriate AREA name, or enter /RECOVER REMOVE DBDS dbd dbds. System action: If the resource_type is LIST, the /RECOVER REMOVE command is aborted. Otherwise, processing continues for those resources not identified by the error. System programmer response: Determine why the command failed and if necessary, reissue the command. Module: DFSRWCR0

| |


| System action: If the resource_type is LIST, the | /RECOVER REMOVE command is aborted. Otherwise, | processing continues for those resources not identified | by the error. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
System programmer response: Determine why the command failed and if necessary, reissue the command. Module: DFSRWCR0 DFS4273I RECOVER command COMMAND REJECTED, rsn

Explanation: A /RECOVER command is rejected because of the rsn listed in the message. In the message text: command One of the following: v ADD v REMOVE v START v STOP One of the following: DRF WAS UNABLE TO START A failure during database recovery initialization resulted in the /RECOVER command being rejected. See accompanying messages and correct the problem before issuing the /RECOVER command. RECOVERY ADDRESS SPACE FAILED A failure during database recovery address space initialization resulted in the /RECOVER command being rejected. See accompanying or related messages and correct the problem before issuing the /RECOVER command. TERMINATION IN PROGRESS The recovery environment is terminating due to a /RECOVER TERMINATE command. Wait for termination processing to complete before issuing the /RECOVER command. FEATURE NOT INSTALLED IMS is unable to detect the presence of a database recovery product. If a database recovery product is installed, ensure that IMS has access to the libraries containing the database recovery product before issuing the /RECOVER command.

| rsn

| DFS4270I | | | | | |

UNABLE TO REMOVE resource_typeresource_name: reason

Explanation: An database recovery service /RECOVER REMOVE command was issued but could not process. The message destination is the MVS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). This message is also sent to the issuer of the command.

| In the message text: | resource_type | | | | | | | | resource_name | | | reason |

Identifies the type of resource the /RECOVER REMOVE command was issued against, and is one of the following: v LIST v DBDS v AREA v DB Identifies the name of the resource specified in the /RECOVER REMOVE command. Indicates one of the following causes for the failures:

| System action: The /RECOVER command is rejected.

System programmer response: Take the appropriate


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4274I DFS4278I
| | | | |
action described in the message explanation section. If the rsn indicates that an internal error exists, report the symptom and all diagnostic data to IBM. If the rsn indicates a correctable condition, correct the error and issue the /RECOVER command. System action: If the resource_type is LIST, then the /RECOVER STOP command aborts. Otherwise, processing continues for other resources. System programmer response: Determine why the command failed and if necessary, reissue the command. Module: DFSRWCP0 DFS4275I THE FOLLOWING ENTRIES WILL HAVE RECOVERY STOPPED:

| Module: DFSRWM00
DFS4274I UNABLE TO STOP resource_typeresource_name: reason

Explanation: An database recovery service /RECOVER STOP command was issued but could not process. The message destination is the MVS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). This message is also sent to the issuer of the command. In the message text: resource_type Identifies the type of resource the /RECOVER STOP command was issued against, and is one of the following: v LIST v DBDS v AREA v DB resource_name Identifies the name of the resource specified in the /RECOVER STOP command. reason Indicates the cause of the error, and is one of the following: RECOVERY NOT IN PROGRESS A /RECOVER STOP command was issued when recovery was not in progress. NOT IN RECOVERY LIST The database data set or area specified in the command is not in the recovery list. NOT IN RECON The DB, CAGRP, DBDSGRP or DATAGROUP resource type was not found in RECON. SAVE REQUIRES ALLENT A /RECOVER STOP command was issued with the SAVE option, but ALLENTRIES was not specified. NOTHING REMOVED No database data set or area was stopped as a result of the /RECOVER REMOVE command. THIS IS A FAST PATH AREA A /RECOVER STOP command was issued with the DBDS option, but the entry is a Fast Path area.

Explanation: This message is followed by a series of DFS4265I messages. It indicates that one or more entries will have recovery stopped as a result of the /RECOVER STOP command. The message destination is the MVS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). This message is also sent to the issuer of the command. System action: The name listed in the subsequent DFS4265I messages will have their recovery stopped. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSRWCP0 DFS4277I RECOVERY COMPLETE FOR: dbdname ddname

| | | |

Explanation: The database recovery service issues this message for each entry in the recovery list for which recovery completed. dbdname ddname represents the DBDS or AREA that completed recover. The message destination is the z/OS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). This message is also sent to the issuer of the command. System action: If STAGLOBAL was specified in the original /RECOVER command for name, the DBDS or AREA will be automatically started globally. If STALOCAL was specified, it will be automatically started in the IMS issuing the message. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSRWME0 DFS4278I UNABLE TO COMPLETE RECOVERY FOR: dbdname ddname

Explanation: The database recovery service is unable to complete recovery for the DBDS or AREA specified dbdname and ddname. This can be a result of a DBDS or AREA failure that occurred during recovery, or failure to restore the Image Copy for the DBDS or AREA. The message destination is the z/OS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). This message is also sent to the issuer of the command. System action: None. System programmer response: Determine the cause of the failure and rerun recovery when corrected.
Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4279I DFS4282A
Module: DFSRWME0 PARAMETER IN ERROR: yyyy An invalid value was detected on a parameter in DFSORSxx. The incorrect parameter is indicated by yyyy. TSO ENVIRONMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE The TSO environment was not available. As a result, the DFSORSxx member could not be processed. UNABLE TO DELETE STORAGE, IMODULE RC = rc The DFSORSxx member parsing module, DFSRWPP0, was unable to free working storage it had obtained to process the member. IMODULE GETMAIN returned the code shown as rc. For information on IMODULE return codes, see the IMS System Services Return Codes topic in IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. UNABLE TO OBTAIN STORAGE, IMODULE RC = rc The DFSORSxx member parsing module, DFSRWPP0, was unable to obtain the storage necessary to process the member. IMODULE GETMAIN returned the code shown as rc. For information on IMODULE return codes, see IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1. System action: The /RECOVER command that was processing fails. System Operator Response: Take the appropriate action for the error you received: FAILURE PARSING, IKJPARS RC = rc From the messages in the SYSTSPRT data set, determine the parameters in error in the DFSORSxx member. Correct the parameters and reissue the /RECOVER command. PARAMETER IN ERROR: yyyy Correct the parameters indicated in DFSORSxx and reissue the /RECOVER command. TSO ENVIRONMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE Ensure that the TSO environment is available and resubmit the job. UNABLE TO DELETE STORAGE, IMODULE RC = rc Make note of the message and IMODULE return code and report the problem to the IBM Support Center. No immediate corrective action is required; however, this message might be a sign of an internal logic error within IMS or problem with (IMS or z/OS) storage management. UNABLE TO OBTAIN STORAGE, IMODULE RC = rc Determine the reason for IMODULE GETMAIN failure based on the reason code. If the problem is due to fragmented storage, you might need to issue an MVS IPL. Module: DFSRWPP0

| DFS4279I |


Explanation: The database recovery service detected full function database data sets, Fast Path areas, or both during recovery to any time-stamp recovery that might need to be recovered. The database data sets and areas being recovered are updated by units of recovery that also update the ones identified in subsequent DFS4265I messages. The message destination is the z/OS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). This message is also sent to the issuer of the command. System action: None. System programmer response: Determine if the database data sets, areas, or both listed in subsequent DFS4265I messages need to be recovered to the same point in time as the recovery that caused this message. Module: DFSRWPR0

| DFS4280I |


Explanation: The database recovery service is unable to start the areas or databases, indicated by type, associated with the recovery token The message destination is the z/OS system console. System action: The areas or databases are recovered but not started.

| | | |

System programmer response: Issue the /START AREA, UPDATE AREA START(ACCESS) or /START DATABASE command. Report this failure to the IBM Support Center. Module: DFSRWME0 DFS4282A ERROR PROCESSING PROCLIB MEMBER DFSORSXX: error

Explanation: An error was detected while processing the IMS PROCLIB member DFSORSxx. One or more DFS4282A messages might be issued, depending on the number of errors detected. The /RECOVER command that was processing fails. In the message text, error is one of the following problems: FAILURE PARSING, IKJPARS RC = rc The TSO IKJPARS service detected an error in the parameters specified in the DFSORSxx member. IKJPARS returned the code shown as rc. For information on IKJPAR return codes, see the z/OS TSO/E Programming Services manual.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4283I DFS4299I

| System action: Recovery for this DBD and DDN | terminates.


Explanation: The database recovery service is ending early due to a failure that was encountered during the recovery. This error occurs if ERRORABORT was specified on the /RECOVER START command and a DBDS or AREA failure occurred during recovery, or the image copy for the DBDS or AREA failure to restore. The message destination is the z/OS system console and the IMS master terminal (if this is a DB/DC IMS). This message is also sent to the LTERM that issued the /RECOVER START command. System action: None. System programmer response: Determine the cause of the failure, correct it, then rerun the recovery. Module: DFSRWME0

Explanation: A /RECOVER TERMINATE command was issued, and the database recovery service is being removed from the system. System action: The database recovery service resources are released by IMS. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSRVM00 DFS4287I DATABASE RECOVERY SERVICE HAS TERMINATED

| DFS4284I | | | | | | |


Explanation: A /RECOVER TERMINATE command was issued, and the database recovery service terminated. System action: The database recovery service resources are released. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSRVM00 DFS4288I DATABASE RECOVERY SERVICE IS UNABLE TO TERMINATE

Explanation: The /RECOVER START command was issued with members of the recovery group indicated in the message by grpname. However, not all members of the recovery groups are in the recovery list. DFS4284I is issued for each member of the recovery list. This message follows message DFS4267I.

| In the message text: | grpname The name of the recovery groups. | | member The database or area name in the recovery group. | | System action: The command is not executed. | | | | |
System programmer response: Add all the members of the recovery groups to the recovery list using the /RECOVER ADD command, then issue /RECOVER START, or issue /RECOVER START with the NOCHECK parameter specified. END OF RECOVERY FOR: token

Explanation: A /RECOVER TERMINATE command was issued while a recovery was in progress. System action: The command is ignored. System programmer response: Wait until the current recovery completes before issuing the /RECOVER TERMINATE command. You can use the /REC STOP ALLENT command to stop the current recovery if you do not need it to complete. Module: DFSRVM00

| DFS4285I | | | | | | | | | | | |

Explanation: During an image copy restore process, an error was encountered processing change accumulation data. Processing for the recovery list identified by the token has completed: v GetMain v Apply Chg Accum v Expand Service v Query CSRCESRV v CA Record Access v CA Record Identify v IC/CA record sync v DBD Name Match

| DFS4289


| Explanation: The SMS_OPTION is rejected. | The /RECOVER ADD command is also rejected. This | message follows DFS4261I. | System action: ORS recovery will not be started. | System programmer response: Issue the /RECOVER ADD | command with supported SMSOPTS parameters. | Module: DFSRWCA0
DFS4299I xxxx

Explanation: A message was issued by the IMS Online Recovery Service ORS. The message-id and message-text are documented in the IMS Online Recovery Service for z/OS, Users Guide.
Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4301E DFS4307E
System action: The system response is documented in the IMS Online Recovery Service for z/OS, Users Guide. User response: The user should take the appropriate action identified for the message-id in the IMS Online Recovery Service for z/OS, Users Guide. Master Terminal Operator Response: The Master Terminal Operator should take the appropriate action identified for the message-id in the IMS Online Recovery Service for z/OS, Users Guide. Module: DFSRWPR0

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |



Explanation: DBRC was called from DFSKARC0, but the processing did not complete successfully. System action: Processing terminates with condition code of 8. User response: Determine the problem and resubmit the job. The problem may be due to one of the following: v The SYSIN input should consist of the character string LIST.LOG; however, the SYSIN input may be invalid or omitted. v DD statements for the RECON data sets may not have been included in the JCL. v The IMS level of the RECON data sets may not match the level of the IMS.SDFSRESL included in the JOBLIB or STEPLIB DD statements in the JCL.

| DFS4301E | | | |


Explanation: The utility attempted to allocate storage for the indicated structure, but this allocation was unsuccessful. This problem may indicate insufficient storage was requested by the job.

| System action: Processing terminates with condition | code of 8. | | | |

User response: Increase the REGION parameter in the JCL and resubmit the job. If the problem persists, call the IBM Support Center to report this problem. Specify the structure indicated in the message.

| The SYSPRINT output from DFSKARC0 can be used to | determine the problem. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

| Module: DFSKARC0, DFSKSUM0 | DFS4302E | | | | |


Explanation: The two indicated keywords were both specified as input to a utility, but direct mutually exclusive functions. System action: Processing terminates with condition code of 8. User response: Select one keyword or the other and submit the job. Module: DFSKSUM0 DFS4307E PARAMETERS MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH UOW= OR TOKEN= WERE ENCOUNTERED

Explanation: A link or load operation has failed for the indicated module name. The load library containing the indicated module may not have been included in the JOBLIB or STEPLIB concatenation for the job.

| System action: Processing terminates with condition | code of 8. | | | | | |

User response: Ensure that the load library containing the indicated module has been included in the JOBLIB or STEPLIB concatenation for the job. If the failure persists, call the IBM Support Center to report this problem. Specify the module name indicated by the message.



Explanation: Utility DFSKSUM0 was being used to perform a search for log records related to a specific UOW or TOKEN. Additional search control statements were specified in the CNTLCRDS DD statement which are mutually exclusive with a UOW or TOKEN search. These mutually exclusive control statements include the following: v TRX= v PGM= v DBD= v USER= v LTERM= v PTERM= v SYSID= System action: Processing terminates with condition code of 8.

| Explanation: The indicated data set could not be | opened, where: | ddname |
The 8 character DD name from the JCL.

| System action: Processing terminates with condition | code of 8. | User response: Supply a DD statement for the | indicated file, and resubmit the job. | Module: DFSKARC0, DFSKSUM0


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4308E DFS4315E
| User response: Remove the control statement which | creates the conflict and resubmit the job. | Module: DFSKSUM0 | DFS4308E | | | | | | |

| Reference: System for the correct syntax for these | keywords. | Module: DFSKARC0 | DFS4312E |

Explanation: An incorrect value was specified for the indicated keyword in the utility control statements, where reason is one of the following: v INVALID VALUE v INVALID NUMERIC VALUE v EXCESSIVE NUMERIC VALUE

| Explanation: No entries in RECON match the | combination of SSID, STRTTIME or STOPTIME which | was specified in CNTLCRDS. | System action: Processing terminates with condition | code of 8. | | | |
User response: Determine what the proper selection criteria should be and resubmit the job. The sysprint output from DFSKARC0 can be used to determine which subsystems and time periods are appropriate.

| System action: Processing Terminates with condition | code of 8. | User response: Correct the incorrect parameter | associated with the indicated keyword and resubmit | the job. | Module: DFSKARC0, DFSKSUM0 | DFS4309E |

| Module: DFSKARC0 | DFS4313I | | | | |


| Explanation: The indicated keyword is required, but | was not included with the control statements for the | utility. | System action: Processing terminates with condition | code of 8. | User response: Specify a value for the keyword and | resubmit the job. | Module: DFSKARC0 | DFS4310E |

Explanation: The LOGCOUNT= parameter specified a number of log data sets to be selected; however, fewer log data sets matched the selection criteria specified in the control statements.

| System action: Processing continues. | User response: This message is informational only. No | action is necessary. | Module: DFSKARC0 | DFS4314E | | | | |

| Explanation: A control statement was encountered | which did not contain any valid keywords. | System action: Processing terminates with condition | code of 8. | User response: Correct or remove the control | statement and resubmit the job. | Module: DFSKARC0 | DFS4311E |

Explanation: Values were specified in control statements for STRTTIME and STOPTIME, but the time stamp specified for STOPTIME is earlier than that for STRTTIME.

| System action: Processing terminates with condition | code of 8. | User response: Correct the STRTTIME / STOPTIME | keyword values and resubmit the job. | Module: DFSKARC0, DFSKSUM0 | DFS4315E | | | | | | | |

| Explanation: Start or Stop of date-related keywords | that contained values which did not begin with the | century portion of a date. | System action: Processing terminates with condition | code of 8. | User response: Correct the control statement and | resubmit the job. Consult the IMS Version 9: Utilities

Explanation: The Log Summary utility (DFSKSUM0) was invoked with the TOKENBND keyword, which indicates that the utility should restrict log processing to the period during which the indicated token was active. However, no TOKEN= keyword was supplied to indicate this processing period.

| System action: Processing terminates with condition | code of 8.

Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4444I DFS4447E
| | | | |
User response: One of the following actions should be taken: v Specify a token with the TOKEN= control statement keyword. v Remove the TOKENBND control statement keyword. In RM, a name type is a group of resource types in which a given resource cannot be registered concurrently as more than one resource type. In IMS, the finddest name type is the resource that is normally the destination of a message. The following resource types are associated with the finddest name type: CPIC DESCRIPTOR LTERM MSNAME TRAN A CPIC-defined transaction for APPC. The APPC descriptor. The VTAM logical terminal name. The MSC logical link path. A statically-defined transaction.

| Module: DFSKSUM0

Explanation: xxxx is the IMSID. For DBCTL, specifying the execution parameter keyword PREMSG=N causes messages to be issued without DFS000I as a prefix message. The IMSID is appended to the end of the message. Display command output includes prefix message DFS4444I in order to include the IMSID. Module: DFSDQMG0 DFS4445I CMD FROM MCS/E-MCS CONSOLE USERID=xxxxxxxx:command text imsid CMD FROM INTERNAL READER: command text imsid CMD ACCEPTED ON SUBSYSTEM INTERFACE: command text imsid

System action: If this error occurs during IMS initialization, the system might issue abend 3308. Otherwise, the current process is rejected and online processing continues. System Operator Response: If the rejected resource is correct, try deleting the existing resource in RM. For example, use the /CLS command to remove LTERM resources. Otherwise, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Redefine the rejected resource to ensure it is defined correctly and consistently in the IMSplex. Module: DFSRMD00, DFSRMIU0, DFSSLON0 DFS4447E RM REQUEST ERROR, rmreq RC=nnnnnnnn RMRC=xxxxxxxx RMRSN=yyyyyyyy



Explanation: This message displays a command that was entered from an MCS or E-MCS console, the internal reader, or from another source such as a MGCR macro. All three forms of the message can be issued in a DBCTL system. A DB/DC or DCCTL system (which specifies CMDMCD=Y,C,R or B) will see only the first form of the message. The message variables are: xxxxxxxx command text imsid The userid of the console from which the command was entered The command that was entered The name of the system processing the command

Explanation: This message is issued asynchronously by an IMS control region command or other process when a Resource Manager (RM) access service request fails. In the message text: rmreq The type of RM request, and is one of the following values: v QUERY v CLEANUP v UPDATE (for an update or delete request) nnnnnnnn The return code from the RM access service: Return Code X'10000004' X'10000008' Meaning Input parameter is invalid. No storage for AWE control block. No storage for blocks or buffer. Update failed. No hidden block returned.

Commands that are entered as a reply to an outstanding WTO are included in the job log. If the command text is not required for commands entered from an MCS or E-MCS console, the message might be suppressed. Module: DFSDQMG0 DFS4446E xxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy DEFINED TO RM AS zzzzzzzzzz

X'1000000C' X'10000010'

Explanation: IMS attempted to register a resource (yyyyyyyy) to the Resource Manager (RM) as resource type xxxxxxxxxx, but the resource was already registered to RM as a different resource type (zzzzzzzzzz) within the same name type group.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

DFS4448A DFS4451I
X'10000012' Update failed. Version mismatch. Hidden block returned. Query failed. Delete failed. No hidden blocks created. Hidden block(s) returned. Update failed for a resource owned by the local IMS. No hidden block is returned. System Operator Response: Determine if RM was started properly; if not, terminate RM and restart it. Otherwise, terminate IMS and cold start TM so the resource structure change will be recognized by TM. Module: DFSCSL40, DFSRLP00 DFS4449W SNGLSIGN|MULTSIGN FORCED BY RESOURCE MANAGER

X'10000014' X'10000018' X'1000001C' X'10000020'

| | |


The return code from the RM call. For information on these return codes, see the IMS Version 9: Common Service Layer Guide and Reference. yyyyyyyy The reason code from the RM call. For information on these return codes, see IMS Version 9: Common Service Layer Guide and Reference. System action: The command parameter is rejected. System Operator Response: A problem exists with the retrieval or update of the resource in RM that is associated with the failed parameter. This command, and other commands, might continue to fail with the parameter in error until the resource problem is corrected. Module: DFSICLC0, DFSICLE0, DFSICLJ0, DFSICLN0, DFSICLP0, DFSICL50, DFSICL60, DFSICL70, DFSIC440, DFSIC450, DFSIDPB0, DFSIDPE0, DFSIDP10, DFSIDP40, DFSIDP70, DFSIDP80, DFSOCM30, DFSRMCL0, DFSRMSR0, DFSRMS00 DFS4448A RM RESOURCE STRUCTURE USAGE MISMATCH

Explanation: A starting IMS system in an IMSplex environment attempted to specify a value for single or multiple signons (SGN= keyword in the IMS startup parameters, or as a keyword on the /NRE or /ERE command). The value conflicts with the value maintained by the Resource Manager (RM). To ensure consistency for each system in the IMSplex, RM maintains the signon specification of the first IMS that joins the IMSplex. Every IMS that joins afterward must also use the first value specified. System action: IMS processing continues. Single and multiple signons use the global specification from RM. System Operator Response: If you want to use the signon value from the local IMS, shutdown all IMS systems. Restart the local IMS first with the correct signon specification. Module: DFSIRAC0 DFS4450I RESOURCE STRUCTURE REPOPULATION STARTING|COMPLETE

Explanation: In an IMSplex environment, IMS received a structure repopulate directive from the Resource Manager. IMS is either starting or has completed repopulating the resource structure with all locally-known resources. System action: Processing continues. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSRMSR0 DFS4451I LOGON REJECTED, NODE xxxxxxxx, RC=yy

Explanation: When IMS registers with a Resource Manager (RM) during IMS initialization or when an RM joins the IMSplex, IMS is updated as to if RM is using a resource structure or not. Afterward, message DFS4448A is issued if RM changes the resource structure usage.

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System action: Online processing continues. IMS does not change its use of the resource structure. If IMS was not using a resource structure, it ignores the new resource structure. If IMS was using a resource structure, limited terminal processing continues. However, no new terminals or users are allowed access to IMS, and certain processes (including IMS shutdown) will hang until a resource structure is enabled. If a /NRESTART or /ERESTART command was processing (other than COLDCOMM or COLDSYS), and IMS issues message DFS4448A, IMS abends with 0233.

Explanation: In an IMSPlex environment, a VTAM terminal (xxxxxxxx) attempted to log onto IMS and IMS attempted to register the terminal to RM. However, IMS rejected the logon attempt. Most logon failures are the result of the node already being registered to RM due to a previous logon or a command issued and state data verification failed. In the message text: xxxxxxxx The VTAM terminal IMS attempted to register onto RM.

Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


yy The reason code for the failure. The following list provides the reason codes and their meanings. 13 14 The node is already logged onto another active IMS system. A mismatch occurred between the local and RM definition: an assigned LTERM in RM is not found in the local system. Static terminal and LTERM definitions must be consistent, and the /ASSIGN command must be used consistently in each IMS system. A mismatch occurred between the local and RM definition: static/dynamic LTERM. A mismatch occurred between the local and RM definition: an assigned LTERM in the local system exists in RM but is assigned to a different node. Static terminal and LTERM definitions must be consistent, and the /ASSIGN command must be used consistently in each IMS system. A system error occurred. The DFSPOOL GET storage request failed. A RM system error occurred. RM did not return output on a CSLRMUPD request. An RM system error occurred. Output that was returned on a CSLRMUPD request contained invalid data. IMS attempted to register a node or LTERM but it was already registered to RM as a different resource type within the same name type group. Message DFS4446E will also be issued. An unrecognized condition code was returned on a CSLRMUPD output list entry. An unrecognized return or reason code was returned on a CSLRMUPD request. Message DFS3308E should also be issued. IMS attempted to register the node and LTERMs but failed after certain recoverable errors occurred. IMS retried the registrations but reached the retry limit. The node had user information in RM, but the user resource could not be found in RM. This is a temporary condition. Retry the terminal logon. The STSN node with LOCAL status recovery mode is owned by another system in the IMSplex. The owning IMS failed but the user logon exit, DFSLGNX0, did not indicate that the logon can continue in this situation. A user in Fast Path response mode attempted to log on to an IMS system that is not Fast Path capable or is not using an EMHQ structure. The Resource Manager is not available. The resource structure is not available.

Reason Meaning 01 02 The node was stopped. A mismatch occurred between the local and RM definition: a static terminal as opposed to a dynamic terminal. A mismatch occurred between the local and RM definition: a single session as opposed to a parallel-session. A mismatch occurred between the local and RM definition: node device type. A mismatch occurred between the local and RM definition: output-only (CTB4OUTP). A mismatch occurred between the local and RM definition: output-only (CTBCPRT1). A mismatch occurred between the local and RM definition: MFS use (CTT2DIT). The node is already logged on to another active IMS system. The node is already logged onto another IMS system, but this IMS cannot determine the state of the owning system. The data in the static-node-user resource DATA2 is invalid. The data in the static-node-user resource is invalid. The data in the static-node-user resource is invalid. A mismatch occurred between the local and RM definition: the number of assigned LTERMS. Static terminal and LTERM definitions must be consistent, and the /ASSIGN command must be used consistently in each IMS system. A mismatch occurred between the local and RM definition: node device type. A mismatch occurred between the local and RM definition: the order of assigned LTERMs. Static terminal and LTERM definitions must be consistent, and the /ASSIGN command must be used consistently in each IMS system. The node with LOCAL status recovery mode is owned by another system in the IMSplex. The IMS that owns the node failed, but the user logon exit, DFSLGNX0, has not indicated that the logon can continue in this situation. The node is already logged onto another IMS system, but this IMS cannot determine the state of the owning system.
Messages and Codes Volume 2

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0B 0C 0D 0E

1B 1C


0F 10





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DFS4452I DFS4455E
| 23 | | | | 24 | | | | 25 | |
A dynamic SLUP or FINANCE terminal attempted a warm session initiation, but there was an error in processing the information from RM. Retry the terminal logon. An ISC terminal attempted a warm session initiation, but there was an error in processing the information from RM. Retry the terminal logon. IMS has received an error return code from the Resource Manager, but the error is considered temporary. Try logging on again. The message text indicates which messages were unlocked, MSGQ or EMHQ. The variable xxxx indicates the system for which messages were unlocked. System action: When the unlock process is performed by a different IMS, the unlocking is performed asynchronously and normal online processing continues. When the unlock process is performed by the restarting IMS, normal restart resumes after unlocking is complete. Programmer response: DFSRMCL0 Module: DFS4454A WAITING FOR xxxx TO COMPLETE RESOURCE CLEANUP, REPLY, RETRY OR CANCEL

System action: The logon attempt is rejected. System Operator Response: Attempt to correct the problem that is preventing logon indicated by the return code, then retry the logon. Use the /DISPLAY commands to determine the status of each terminal on each system in the IMSplex. Module: DFSSLON0 DFS4452I RESOURCE CLEANUP STARTING|COMPLETE FOR xxxx

Explanation: When another IMS in the IMSplex is cleaning up for the initializing IMS, this Write to Operator with Reply (WTOR) message is issued during IMS initialization. IMS cannot continue initializing until cleanup is complete. If you reply with RETRY, IMS attempts to complete initialization. If you reply with CANCEL, IMS abends with user abend 3308. System action: IMS waits until a response to the WTOR is entered. System Operator Response: Determine the status of the system that is performing the cleanup; that system should issue message DFS4452I when it completes. After message DFS4452I is issued enter RETRY. If the system cannot complete the cleanup, you might need to terminate the system, which will allow the initializing IMS to restart. Module: DFSRMCL0 DFS4455E RESOURCE CLEANUP ERROR FOR xxxx, RC=yy

Explanation: When an IMS terminates in an IMSplex environment, the resources it maintained in the Resource Manager (RM) need to be cleaned up. When IMS terminates normally, IMS cleans up during shutdown. When IMS terminates abnormally, a surviving IMS in the IMSplex performs the cleanup. If there is no other active IMS, the failed IMS cleans up when it restarts. This message indicates when an IMS starts and completes the cleanup process for the terminating IMS. The terminating IMS is indicated by its imsid, xxxx. System action: When cleanup is performed by a different IMS, the cleanup processing is performed asynchronously and normal online processing continues. When cleanup is performed by the terminating or restarting IMS, normal shutdown or restart resumes after cleanup completes. System Operator Response: None. Module: DFSRMCL0 DFS4453I LTERM MSGQ|EMHQ MESSAGES UNLOCKED FOR xxxx

Explanation: An error occurred while resources were being cleaned up or messages unlocked for a terminating or initializing IMS system. In the message text: xxxx yy The IMS ID of the terminating or initializing system The reason code for the error. The following list provides the reason codes and their meanings.

Explanation: When an IMS terminates abnormally in an IMSplex environment, the LTERM messages that were locked from the MSGQ or EMHQ structures need to be unlocked so that they can be made available to terminals or users accessing another IMS system in the IMSplex. The surviving IMS in the IMSplex unlocks the messages in conjunction with cleaning up resources. In addition, when a restarting IMS connects with CQS, it unlocks any remaining messages, which also results in appropriate CQS cleanup.

Reason Meaning 01 02 A system error occurred. A DFSPOOL GET storage request failed. This is an error return code issued by CQS when MSGQ LTERM messages are being unlocked.

Chapter 10. DFS Messages, DFS4000I DFS4457E


DFS4456A DFS4457E
03 04 This is an error issued by CQS when EMHQ LTERM messages are being unlocked. An error occurred while node resources in Resource Manager (RM) were being cleaned up. An error occurred while user resources in RM were being cleaned up. An error occurred while user ID resources in RM were being cleaned up. MSGQ and EMHQ messages could not be unlocked because IMS is not registered with CQS. MSGQ LTERM messages could not be unlocked because IMS is not connected to the MSGQ structure. EMHQ LTERM messages could not be unlocked because IMS is not connected to the EMHQ structure. rejected the registration. Determine if SCI, RM, and CQS are operating properly on the affected RMs system. Restart RM if required. Module: DFSCSL40

05 06 07



System action: IMS continue processing. Programmer response: You might need to perform cleanup processing again by issuing a simple checkpoint. If the problem persists, restart the IMS system that was not cleaned properly, or contact the IBM Support Center. Module: DFSRMCL0 DFS4456A RESOURCE STRUCTURE FAILED

Explanation: IMS received a resource structure failed directive from the Resource Manager. System action: Limited online processing can continue, but terminal and user resource status cannot be committed until the resource structure becomes available. Until then, no new terminals or users can access IMS, and terminals or user access might hang (including during IMS shutdown). System Operator Response: Determine and correct the problem with the resource structure. Module: DFSRMSR0 DFS4457E RM REGISTRATION FAILED, NAME=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: IMS attempted to register to a Resource Manager in the IMSplex, but the registration was rejected. Message DFS3308E should also be issued with the error return and reason codes. In the message text, xxxxxxxx is the name of the Resource Manager for which registration failed. System action: IMS continues processing. If there are other RM systems active, IMS can continue communicating with them. System Operator Response: Determine why RM


Messages and Codes Volume 2

Chapter 11. Installation and Verification Program (IVP) Dialog Messages

This topic describes messages that are issued from the Installation and Verification Program (IVP) dialog. For information about using the IVP, see the IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 1: Installation Verification manual.
INPUT PARM parameter IS TOO LONG Explanation: The value of the parameter identified by keyword parameter is too long. The value of the parameter must be no longer than 26 characters. parameter can be one of the following values: v HLQDL v HLQIPO v HLQIV v HLQSY System action: The IVP Install dialog terminates. Programmer response: Change the parameter value so that it is no longer than 26 characters and rerun the IVP Install dialog. Module: DFSIXC01 PARAMETER DLTA1, DLTA2, DLTA3, DLTA5, DLTA6, or DLTA7 IS TOO LONG Explanation: One or more of the DLTA parameters is too long. The parameters must be no longer than 44 characters. System action: The IVP Install dialog terminates. Programmer response: Change the parameter so that it is no longer than 26 characters and rerun the IVP Install dialog. Module: DFSIXC01 PARAMETER DLTA5 MUST NOT BE THE SAME AS DLTA1, DLTA2, OR DLTA3 Explanation: The DLTA5 parameter cannot have the same value as DLTA1, DLTA2 or DLTA3. System action: The IVP Install dialog terminates. Programmer response: Change the parameter to a unique value then rerun the IVP Install dialog. Module: DFSIXC01 DFSIX000 PARAMETER DLTA6 MUST NOT BE THE SAME AS DLTA1, DLTA2, OR DLTA3 Explanation: The DLTA6 parameter cannot have the same value as DLTA1, DLTA2 or DLTA3.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007

System action: The IVP Install dialog terminates. Programmer response: Change the parameter to a unique value then rerun the IVP Install dialog. Module: DFSIXC01 SYSISPF=NOT ACTIVE - THIS CLIST MUST BE INVOKED FROM WITHIN ISPF Explanation: The IVP Install dialog was not started from within ISPF. System action: The IVP Install dialog terminates. Programmer response: Run the IVP Install dialog from within ISPF. Module: DFSIXC01 PARAMETER DLTA7 MUST NOT BE THE SAME AS DLTA1, DLTA2, OR DLTA3 Explanation: The DLTA7 parameter cannot have the same value as DLTA1, DLTA2 or DLTA3. System action: The IVP Install dialog terminates. Programmer response: Change the parameter to a unique value then rerun the IVP Install dialog. Module: DFSIXC01 DFSIX000 aaaaaaaa THE INSTALL/IVP DIALOG DOES NOT SUPPORT MULTIPLE USERS

Explanation: The INSTALL/IVP Dialog can only be used by one user at a time. Someone is currently using IVP. System action: Processing terminates. Programmer response: Make sure that IVP isnt in use on another ISPF screen. If not, try again later. Module: DFSIXX01 aaaaaaaa mmmmmmmmmmmmm

Explanation: A general sever error message. In the message text:


aaaaaaaa Identifies the module in which the error occurred. mmmmmmmmmmmmm Is the error message. If mmmmmmmmmmmmm is THE INSTALL/IVP DIALOG DOES NOT SUPPORT MULTIPLE USERS, see message DFSIX000 for an explanation. System action: IVP stops processing. Programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSIXX01, DFSIXX07, DFSIXX08, DFSIXX09, DFSIXX10, DFSIXX11, DFSIXX14, DFSIXX15, DFSIXX16 DFSIX001 aaaaaaaa ENT ACTION COMPLETE DFSIX007 aaaaaaaa - PRV ACTION WRAPPED TO BOTTOM OF TABLE

Explanation: The previous (PRV) action was requested, but the top of the table was reached. Instead of paging backward to the previous job, task, or variable, PRV wrapped to the bottom of the table. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX08, DFSIXX09, DFSIXX10 DFSIX010 aaaaaaaa - CHG ACTION COMPLETE

Explanation: The entry (ENT) action completed. You are now in ENT mode where one variable displays at a time with help text. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX08, DFSIXX09, DFSIXX10 DFSIX002 aaaaaaaa LST ACTION COMPLETE

Explanation: The change (CHG) action completed successfully. The changed variables were saved. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX08 DFSIX019 aaaaaaaa - LST ACTION REJECTED TABLE IS EMPTY

Explanation: The list (LST) action completed. You are now in LST mode where multiple variables display without help text. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX08, DFSIXX09, DFSIXX10 DFSIX006 aaaaaaaa - NXT ACTION WRAPPED TO TOP OF TABLE

Explanation: The list (LST) action could not be completed. The program has not switched to LST mode. An ISPF Table is empty. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: The display switches to entry (ENT) mode. Programmer response: You might be able to continue processing in ENT mode. If problems persist, contact the IBM Support Center to report the problem and for assistance. Module: DFSIXX08, DFSIXX09, DFSIXX10 DFSIX023 aaaaaaaa - PRIOR SESSION COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY FOR ivpenv

Explanation: The next (NXT) action was requested, but the end of the table was reached. Instead of paging forward to the next job, task, or variable, NXT wrapped to the top of the table. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX08, DFSIXX09, DFSIXX10

Explanation: The prior IVP session for environment ivpenv completed successfully. In the message text, aaaaaaaa ivpenv The module that was running when this message was issued. The IMS environment you were creating, which is one of the following: v DBB v DBC


Messages and Codes Volume 2

v DBT v DCC v XRF System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX01 item DFSIX024 aaaaaaaa - PRIOR SESSION COMPLETED UNSUCCESSFULLY FOR ivpenv DFSIX026 aaaaaaaa - REPORT GENERATION IN PROCESS FOR item

Explanation: The report requested by the document (DOC) action is being generated. In the message text: aaaaaaaa The module that was running when this message was issued. The job, task, or variable currently being processed.

System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX08, DFSIXX09, DFSIXX10 DFSIX029 aaaaaaaa - VARIABLE GATHERING PHASE ENDED FOR ivpenv

Explanation: The prior IVP session for the environment ivpenv completed unsuccessfully. This situation occurred because the phase in which you were working is incomplete. In the message text: aaaaaaaa ivpenv The module that was running when this message was issued. The IMS environment you were creating, which is one of the following: v DBB v DBC v DBT v DCC v XRF System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Continue processing IVP where you last stopped. Module: DFSIXX01 DFSIX025 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - MUST BE IN THE RANGE mnnnn TO mxxxx MAX

Explanation: The variable gathering phase (which resolves all input) for the ivpenv environment completed. In the message text: aaaaaaaa ivpenv The module that was running when this message was issued. The IVP environment.

System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX08 DFSIX030 aaaaaaaa - RFR ACTION COMPLETE DEFAULT VALUE RESTORED

Explanation: The restore (RFR) action completed successfully. The variable has been restored to the default value. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX08 DFSIX031 aaaaaaa - RFR ACTION FAILED TBMOD FAILED

Explanation: The vvvvvvvv variable is not in the required range. The variable must be between mnnnn and mxxxx. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv mnnnn mxxxx The module that was running when this message was issued. The name of the variable out of range. The minimum value for the variable. The maximum value for the variable.

Explanation: The restore (RFR) action failed. The variable was not restored to the default value. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: Processing continues. The default value is not restored. Programmer response: Set the variable to the desired value and continue processing. If problems persist, contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSIXX08

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the vvvvvvvv variable to a value between mnnnn and mxxxx. Module: DFSIXX11

Chapter 11. Installation and Verification Program (IVP) Dialog Messages



Explanation: The change (CHG) or restore (RFR) action failed. The value of the variable was not changed, or the value was not changed to the default. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: Processing continues. The default value is not restored. Programmer response: Set the variable to the desired value and continue processing. If problems persist, contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSIXX08 DFSIX033 aaaaaaaa - FILE TAILORING PHASE ENDED FOR ivpenv

Explanation: The browse (BRS) action completed successfully. A source member (DFSSLIB or DFSISRC) has been browsed. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX09 DFSIX037 aaaaaaaa - EDM ACTION COMPLETE

Explanation: The edit (EDM) action completed successfully. An INSTALIB member has been edited. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX09, DFSIXX10, DFSIXX14 DFSIX038 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - INVALID SUBPARM - LENGTH EXCEEDS mxxx

Explanation: The File Tailoring phase (which resolves variables before running a job) for the ivpenv environment completed. In the message text: aaaaaaaa ivpenv The module that was running when this message was issued. The IVP environment.

System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX09 DFSIX034 aaaaaaaa - FTL ACTION COMPLETE

Explanation: The length of the subparameter vvvvvvvv exceeds the maximum length, mxxx. In the message text: aaaaaaaa The module that was running when this message was issued. The subparameter that exceeds the maximum length. The maximum allowed length for the vvvvvvvv subparameter.

Explanation: The file-tailoring (FTL) action completed successfully. The job, task, or variable has been file-tailored. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX09 DFSIX035 aaaaaaaa - BRM ACTION COMPLETE

vvvvvvvv mxxx

System action: The variable action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the subparameter to a value at or below the maximum value of mxxx. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX039 aaaaaaaa - ISPF/PDF EDIT RECOVERY IS NOT SUPPORTED BY INSTALL/IVP

Explanation: The browse (BRM) action completed successfully. An INSTALIB member has been browsed. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX09, DFSIXX10

Explanation: This message is issued when you edit a member in IVP. IVP does not support ISPF EDIT recovery. The ISPF EDIT profile recovery settings are not used by IVP. This message is displayed each time you edit a member with IVP to remind you that edit recovery is not supported. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: Processing continues.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX09, DFSIXX10, DFSIXX14 DFSIX040 aaaaaaaa - BRM ACTION IGNORED NOT AVAILABLE FOR jtname DFSIX043 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv subparm - INVALID DATATYPE

Explanation: The browse (BRM) action is not available for use on the jtname job or task. The INSTALIB member was not browsed. In the message text: aaaaaaaa jtname The module that was running when this message was issued. The name of the job or task for which BRM is not valid.

Explanation: The subparm subparameter of variable vvvvvvvv is not the correct data type, and it contains an invalid character. For example, the variable should be numeric, but it might contain a letter. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv The module that was running when this message was issued. The variable containing the subparm subparameter with an incorrect data type. The subparameter that is the incorrect data type.


System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Reissue the command with a valid job or task. Module: DFSIXX09, DFSIXX10 DFSIX041 aaaaaaaa - BRS ACTION IGNORED NOT AVAILABLE FOR jtname

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the subparm subparameter so that it contains only valid characters. For information on valid characters, switch to entry (ENT) mode, which provides help text. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX044 aaaaaaaa - FTL ACTION IGNORED NOT AVAILABLE FOR jtname

Explanation: The browse (BRS) action is not available for use on the jtname job or task. The source members DFSSLIB and DFSISRC were not browsed. In the message text: aaaaaaaa jtname The module that was running when this message was issued. The name of the job or task for which BRM was not available.

Explanation: The file tailoring (FTL) action is not available for use with the jtname job or task. File tailoring for the jtname job or task did not complete. In the message text: aaaaaaaa jtname The module that was running when this message was issued. The job or task for which file tailoring did not complete.

System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Reissue the command with a valid job or task. Module: DFSIXX09 DFSIX042 aaaaaaaa - EDM ACTION IGNORED NOT AVAILABLE FOR jtname

System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Reissue the command with a valid job or task. Module: DFSIXX09 DFSIX045 aaaaaaaa - VARIABLE vvvvvvvv IS UNKNOWN - ACCEPTED ASIS

Explanation: The edit (EDM) action is not available for use on the jtname job or task. The INSTALIB member was not edited. In the message text: aaaaaaaa jtname The module that was running when this message was issued. The name of the job or task for which EDM was not available.

Explanation: This message should not occur. If this message does occur, it is the result of a programming error. The variable vvvvvvvv has not been checked for the correct value but is accepted as it is and processing continues. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv The module that was running when this message was issued. The unknown variable.

System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Reissue the command with a valid job or task. Module: DFSIXX10

Chapter 11. Installation and Verification Program (IVP) Dialog Messages


System action: The variable is accepted as it is, and processing continues. Programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center and report the error. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX046 aaaaaaaa - EXECUTION PHASE ENDED FOR ivpenv DFSIX049 aaaaaaaa - ALL ACTION COMPLETE

Explanation: The ALL action completed successfully. File tailoring completed for all jobs, tasks, or variables, starting with the current item. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX09 DFSIX052 aaaaaaaa - DOC ACTION COMPLETE

Explanation: The execution phase (EXE) for the ivpenv environment completed. The IVP job ran successfully. In the message text: aaaaaaaa ivpenv The module that was running when this message was issued. The environment in which IVP is running.

Explanation: The documentation (DOC) action completed successfully. The job or task documentation you just submitted printed. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX08, DFSIXX09, DFSIXX10 DFSIX054 aaaaaaaa - CPYSPECL FAILED DURING OPEN FOR &ixfmsgt

System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX10 DFSIX047 aaaaaaaa - EXE ACTION IGNORED NOT AVAILABLE FOR jtname

Explanation: The execution (EXE) action is not available for the jtname job or task. An INSTALIB job or task was not submitted. In the message text: aaaaaaaa jtname The module that was running when this message was issued. The name of the job or task that was not submitted.

Explanation: An IVP ISPF table failed to open during CPYSPECL processing. In the message text: aaaaaaaa &ixfmsgt The module that was running when this message was issued. The IVP ISPF table that failed to open.

System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: Reissue the command with a valid job or task. Module: DFSIXX10 DFSIX048 aaaaaaaa - EXE ACTION COMPLETE FOR jtname

System action: Processing of the current option terminates. You are returned to previous selection panel. Programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSIXX07 DFSIX055 aaaaaaaa - CPYSPECL FAILED DURING TBADD FOR &ixfmsgt

Explanation: The execution (EXE) action completed successfully for the jtname job or task. An INSTALIB job or task was submitted. In the message text: aaaaaaaa jtname The module that was running when this message was issued. The name of the job or task that was submitted.

Explanation: An ISPF table add (TBADD) command failed during CPYSPECL processing. In the message text: aaaaaaaa &ixfmsgt The module that was running when this message was issued. The IVP ISPF table that failed the TBADD command.

System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX10

System action: Processing of the current option terminates. You are returned to previous selection panel.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

Programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSIXX07 DFSIX056 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - PLEASE SPECIFY Y (YES), OR N (NO) DFSIX059 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - INVALID LENGTH - MIN/MAX = mnnnn / mxxxx

Explanation: The vvvvvvvv variable is not the correct length. The variable must be between mnnnn and mnnnn. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv mnnnn mxxxx The module that was running when this message was issued. The name of the variable with an incorrect length. The maximum allowable length for the vvvvvvvv variable. The minimum allowable length for the vvvvvvvv variable.

Explanation: The variable vvvvvvvv must be specified as Y or N. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv The module that was running when this message was issued. The name of the variable that needs to be specified.

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the vvvvvvvv variable to either Y or N. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX057 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - PLEASE SPECIFY 6250, 3480, OR 3490

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Correct the vvvvvvvv so that it is between mnnnn and mxxxx. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX060 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - PLEASE SPECIFY EITHER JES2 OR JES3

Explanation: The tape device format, vvvvvvvv, must be 6250, 3480, or 3490. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv The module that was running when this message was issued. The name of the variable that needs to be specified.

Explanation: The z/OS program variable, vvvvvvvv, muse be specified as either JES2 or JES3. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv The module that was running when this message was issued. The name of the variable that must be specified.

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the vvvvvvvv variable to 6250, 3480, or 3490. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX058 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - MUST BE ALPHNUMERIC (A-Z, 0-9)

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the vvvvvvvv variable to either JES2 or JES3. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX061 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - PLEASE SPECIFY A NON-BLANK VALUE

Explanation: The vvvvvvvv variable must be in alphanumeric characters: A-Z,0-9. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv The module that was running when this message was issued. The name of the variable that must be specified in alphanumeric characters.

Explanation: The vvvvvvvv variable must be a non-blank value. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv The module that was running when this message was issued. The name of the variable that needs a non-blank value specified.

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the vvvvvvvv variable to alphanumeric characters only. Module: DFSIXX11

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the vvvvvvvv variable to a non-blank value. Module: DFSIXX11

Chapter 11. Installation and Verification Program (IVP) Dialog Messages


DFSIX062 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - VALUE MUST BE OF THE FORM nnnnnnn K OR nnnn M mxxx The maximum value to which vvvvvvvv can be set.

Explanation: The variable vvvvvvvv must be in the form of nnnnnnn kilobytes or nnnn megabytes. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv nnnnnnn nnnn The module that was running when this message was issued. The name of the variable that needs to be respecified in the correct format. The kilobyte format for vvvvvvvv. The megabyte format for vvvvvvvv.

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the variable vvvvvvvv to a value between mnnn M and mxxx M. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX065 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - TOTAL LENGTH WILL EXCEED mxxxx BYTES

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the vvvvvvvv variable to the format of nnnnnnn K or nnnn M. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX063 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - VALUE RANGE mnnn K THROUGH mxxx K

Explanation: The total length of the values in the JOB statement accounting information variables exceeds the maximum allowable size. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv mxxxx The module that was running when this message was issued. The variable that exceeded the size limitation. The maximum number of bytes allowed in the accounting field.

Explanation: The vvvvvvvv variable must be between mnnn kilobytes and mxxx kilobytes. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv mnnn mxxx The module that was running when this message was issued. The name of the variable that must be specified in the proper range. The minimum value that can be specified for the vvvvvvvv variable. The maximum value that can be specified for the vvvvvvvv variable.

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the vvvvvvvv variable so that it is at or below mxxxx. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX066 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - VALUE CONTAINS ILLEGAL CHARACTERS

Explanation: The variable vvvvvvvv contains characters that are not allowed. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv The module that was running when this message was issued. The variable containing illegal characters.

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the vvvvvvvv variable to between mnnn K and mxxx K. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX064 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - VALUE RANGE mnnn M THRU mxxx M

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the vvvvvvvv variable so that it contains only valid characters. For information on valid characters, switch to entry (ENT) mode, which provides help text. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX067 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - JESX STATEMENTS MUST BEGIN WITH /* or //

Explanation: The variable vvvvvvvv is out of the required range. The variable must be within the range of mnnn megabytes to mxxx megabytes. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv mnnn The program name. The name of the variable that is out of the required range. The minimum value to which vvvvvvvv can be set.
Messages and Codes Volume 2

Explanation: The variable vvvvvvvv is a JESx statement and therefore must begin with /* or //. In the message text:


aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv The module that was running when this message was issued. The name of the variable that must start with either /* or //. System action: Processing of the variable vvvvvvvv is terminated. Programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center for assistance and to report the problem. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX071 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - VOL GROUP vol grp IS UNKNOWN

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the vvvvvvvv variable so that it starts with /* or //. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX068 aaaaaaaa - SPR ACTION COMPLETE

Explanation: This message should not occur. If this message does occur, it is the result of a programming error. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv vol grp The module that was running when this message was issued. variable contains unknown volume group. volume group.

Explanation: The special processing routine (SPR) completed successfully. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX10 DFSIX069 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - subparm - MAY NOT BE BLANK

System action: Processing of the variable vvvvvvvv is terminated. Programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center for assistance and to report the problem. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX072 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - subparm MIN/MAX = mnnn / mxxx

Explanation: The subparm parameter for the vvvvvvvv variable is blank and needs to be specified. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv subparm The module that was running when this message was issued. The variable containing the blank parameter. The blank parameter that needs to be specified.

Explanation: The parameter subparm in the vvvvvvvv variable is not the correct length. The parameter length must be between mnnn and mxxx. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv subparm mnnn The module that was running when this message was issued. The variable containing the subparm parameter with the incorrect length. The parameter with the incorrect length. The minimum length of the parameter. The maximum length of the parameter.

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Specify a value for the subparm parameter. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX070 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - HLQ GROUP group IS UNKNOWN


Explanation: This message should not occur. If this message does occur, it is the result of a programming error. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv group The module that was running when this message was issued. variable containing unknown HLQ group. Group name.

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the subparm parameter to a value between mnnn and mxxx. Module: DFSIXX11

Chapter 11. Installation and Verification Program (IVP) Dialog Messages


DFSIX073 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - CYL / TRK / nnnnn / REC In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: No records were printed. Programmer response: Module: DFSIXX08, DFSIXX09,DFSIXX10 DFSIX076 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - MUST BE A MULTIPLE OF reclen

Explanation: One of the options will be displayed. The vvvvvvvv variable contains an incorrect parameter type. The parameter must be one of the following types: CYL nnnnn REC TRK Space allocated in cylinders. Space allocated in records, which is the average block size. Space allocated in records. Use this value only for VSAM. Space allocated in tracks.

Explanation: The vvvvvvvv variable is a block size parameter and must be a multiple of the record length, reclen. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv reclen The module that was running when this message was issued. The variable with an incorrect record length. The record length by which the value for vvvvvvvv must be multiplied.

In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv nnnnn The module that was running when this message was issued. The variable containing the parameter with an incorrect type. Space allocated in records, which is the average block size.

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the vvvvvvvv variable so that it is a multiple of reclen. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX078 aaaaaaaa - SPR ACTION NOT AVAILABLE FOR JOB/TASK jtname

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the parameter in the vvvvvvvv variable to one of the allowable types. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX074 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - BLK GROUP blk grp IS UNKNOWN

Explanation: The special processing routine (SPR) was not available for the jtname job or task. In the message text: aaaaaaaa jtname The module that was running when this message was issued. The job or task for which the special processing routine was not available.

Explanation: This message should not occur. If this message does occur, it is the result of a programming error. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv blk grp The module that was running when this message was issued. variable containing unknown BLK group. The block group.

System action: Processing continues. Programmer response: None. Module: DFSIXX10 DFSIX079 aaaaaaaa - REPOSITIONING FAILED DEFAULTING TO TOP OF TABLE

System action: Processing of the variable vvvvvvvv is terminated. Programmer response: Contact the IBM Support Center for assistance and to report the problem. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX075 aaaaaaaa - DOC ACTION FAILED - NO RECORDS TO PRINT

Explanation: IVP was unable to reposition the table to the desired entry. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: The table displays from the top. Programmer response: None. If the message persists, contact the IBM Support Center for assistance. Module: DFSIXX08, DFSIXX09, DFSIXX10

Explanation: The documentation (DOC) action did not find any records to print. No documentation has been printed for variables, jobs, or tasks.


Messages and Codes Volume 2


Explanation: The browse (BRS) action cannot access the SDFSISRC data set. The source member was not browsed. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: BRS does not run. Processing continues. Programmer response: Determine why the SDFSISRC data set was not available and correct the problem. Module: DFSIXX09 DFSIX081 aaaaaaaa - MUST CORRECT ERROR IN VG BEFORE PROCEEDING

Explanation: The documentation (DOC) action failed because not all of the required selection was created on the Document Options panel. No variable, job, or task documentation was printed. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: The DOC action terminates. Programmer response: Reissue DOC and supply complete input to all options. Module: DFSIXX08, DFSIXX09, DFSIXX10 DFSIX087 aaaaaaaa - VALUES MUST BE EITHER YES OR NO

Explanation: An error occurred in the variable gathering (VG) phase of the installation and verification process. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: IVP will not proceed to the next phase until the errors are corrected. Programmer response: The variables in error are displayed. Correct the variables. Module: DFSIXX07, DFSIXX07, DFSIXX08 DFSIX082 aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - INVALID VALUE SPECIFIED

Explanation: The variable must be either YES or NO. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Correct the variable to an acceptable value. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX088 aaaaaaaa - PLEASE SPECIFY HIR2101

Explanation: The vvvvvvvv variable contains an invalid value or incorrect format. In the message text: aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv The module that was running when this message was issued. The variable containing the invalid value.

Explanation: The variable must be set to HIR2101. For IMS Version 9, this is the only allowable value. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: The variable action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Correct the variable to HIR2101. Module: DFSIXX11

System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Change the vvvvvvvv variable to a valid value or format. For information on valid variables, switch to entry (ENT) mode, which provides help text. Module: DFSIXX11 DFSIX085 aaaaaaaa - CHG/RFR ERROR EXISTS

| DFSIX090 | | | | |


Explanation: The selected IVP environment is not available in the IVP INSTATBL data set. This means environment has never been created. In the message text: The IVP environment (DBB, DBC,DBT,XRF,DCC).

Explanation: Errors have occurred during the processing of one or more variables. In the message text, aaaaaaaa is the module that was running when this message was issued. System action: The variable action field is set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Correct the errors.

| ivpenv |

| envmemb | The member name of the environment. | System action: The IVP Variable Export utility panel is | displayed with this message. | Programmer response: Choose an environment that

Chapter 11. Installation and Verification Program (IVP) Dialog Messages


| has been created in the IVP INSTATBL. | Module: DFSIVPEX | DFSIX091 | | | | |
IVP TABLE DATASET ivptbl not found

| | | | | | | | | | | | |

displayed with this message giving the user the options to allocate the data set. Programmer response: Resolve any problems associated with the allocation of the export data set, then try again. Module: DFSIXX22 DFSIX094 ALLOCATION ERROR. RC=rc DSN: expdsn

Explanation: The IVP INSTATBL data set is not found. The IVP high level qualifier entered in the IVP Variable Export utility main panel is concatenated with INSTATBL to create the data set name. In the message text: The IVP INSTATBL data set name.

| ivptbl

| System action: The IVP Variable Export utility panel is | displayed with this message. | Programmer response: Correct the IVP high level | qualifier. | Module: DFSIVPEX | DFSIX092
errmsg DSN: ivpdsn MEMBER: ivpmem

Explanation: The IVP was unable to allocate the export data set because of an allocation error. In the message text: rc expdsn The TSO allocation error. The export data set name.

| System action: Message is displayed on export data | set name panel waiting for user input. | | | | | | | | | |
Programmer response: Correct the export data set problem, then retry. Module: DFSIXX08, DFSIXX22 DFSIX095 EXPORT DATASET expdsn DOES NOT EXIST EXPORT DATASET expdsn. MEMBER NOT FOUND.

| Explanation: An error has occurred accessing the IVP | INSTATBL data set. In the message text: | errmsg | | | | | | | | | | ivpdsn


Explanation: The export data set does not exist or if a PDS, the member does not exist. In the message text: expdsn The export data set name.

| System action: Message is displayed on export data | set name panel waiting for user input. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Programmer response: Correct the export data set problem, then retry. Module: DFSIXX08 DFSIX096 EXPORT OF VARIABLES COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY

| ivpmem The IVP INSTATBL member name. | System action: The IVP Variable Export utility panel is | displayed with this message. | System programmer response: Correct the IVP high | level qualifier. | Module: DFSIVPEX, DFSIXX08, DFSIXX22 | DFSIX093 | | | | | | | |

Explanation: The export of the IVP variables is successful. System action: Informational message. Module: DFSIVPEX, DFSIXX08 DFSIX097 IMPORT OF VARIABLES COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY

Explanation: This message is displayed on the IVP Export allocation panel. The export data set did not exist so the IVP export allocation panel was displayed giving the user an option of allocating the data set using TSO allocate or the ISPF Dataset Utility Panel (3.2). For some reason the export data set panel did not get allocated. In the message text: The IVP Export data set name.

Explanation: The import of the IVP variables is successful. System action: Informational message. Module: DFSIXX08

| expdsn

| System action: The IVP export allocation panel is


Messages and Codes Volume 2

| DFSIX098 | | | | |
aaaaaaaa - vvvvvvvv - MUST BE A MULTIPLE OF reclen + 4

Explanation: The vvvvvvvv variable is a BLKSIZE parameter and must be a multiple of the record length, reclen, plus 4 additional bytes for the block descriptor word.

| DFSIX103 | | |

IPCS is not set up correctly. Please EXIT from ISPF and issue this command: EXEC &hlq.SDFSEXEC(DFSDFSRT) HLQ(&hlq)

| In the message text: | aaaaaaaa | | vvvvvvvv | reclen

The module that was running when this message was issued. The variable. The record length.

| Explanation: The IMS Dump Formatter requires IPCS | and IPCS has not yet been started. Where&hlq is the | high level qualifier defined by the user. | System action: The IMS Dump Formatter is not | started. | System programmer response: Issue the command | recommended by this message or start IPCS using your | local procedures. | Module: DFSDFSRT | DFSIX104 |
Enter a VOLID for the allocation of the IPCS dump directory or null to exit.

| System action: The variable vvvvvvvv action field is | set to ERR, which indicates that the variable is invalid. | Programmer response: Change the vvvvvvvv variable | so that it is a multiple of reclen + 4. | Module: DFSIXX11 | DFSIX100 |

| Explanation: A ddname of IPCSDDIR was not found | allocated to the user. | | | | |

System action: The user is prompted for a VOLID. The program waits until the user responds with a VOLID. If the user presses Enter without typing a VOLID, the program ends without starting the IMS Dump Formatter.

| Explanation: This message issues IBMs copyright | statement. | System action: Processing continues. | Programmer response: None. | Module: REXX program DFSAPPL | DFSIX101

| System programmer response: Type a VOLID and | press Enter. | Module: DFSDFSRT | DFSIX105 |
The VOLID specified is not valid: &volid

| Explanation: A required parameter was not specified. | System action: The program ends without performing | the desired function. | Programmer response: Reissue the command and | provide the HLQ parameter. The HLQ is the high level | qualifier for IMS data sets. | Module: (REXX programs) DFSAPPL, DFSHDSRT, | DFSKBSRT, DFSSCSRT, DFSSPSRT | DFSIX102 |

| Explanation: The VOLID typed by the user is not | valid. The name can be 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters. | System action: The system prompts the user again | with message DFSIX104. | System programmer response: Respond to message | DFSIX104. Type a VOLID and press Enter. | Module: DFSDFSRT | DFSIX106 |
Allocation of IPCS dump directory failed.

| Explanation: An extra parameter was provided. The | parameter is not recognized. | System action: The program continues with the | desired function. | Programmer response: Ensure that the parameter was | spelled correctly. Exit and start the program again with | the correct parameter if applicable. | Module: (REXX programs) DFSAPPL, DFSHDSRT, | DFSKBSRT, DFSSCSRT, DFSSPSRT

| Explanation: The system attempted to issue a DEFINE | CLUSTER command on your behalf and it did not | complete successfully. | System action: The IMS Dump Formatter is not | started. | System programmer response: Determine why a | define cluster command could not work successfully | and resolve. | As a circumvention, the user may allocate an IPCS | dump directory data set manually. The dump directory | is allocated to ddname IPCSDDIR. For more

Chapter 11. Installation and Verification Program (IVP) Dialog Messages


| information, see z/OS MVS Interactive Problem Control | System (IPCS) Users Guide.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

Chapter 12. Syntax Checker Messages

This topic describes messages that are issued from the Syntax Checker.
DFSI920E Parameter value invalid xxxxxxxxx Module: DFSWSMBC DFSI925I Member xxxxxxxx has no new keywords

Explanation: The parameter at the top of the screen is invalid. xxxxxxxxx is optional and gives more information. System action: None. System programmer response: Correct the error. Use F1 (help Key) to view the parameters description. Module: DFSWPBVP DFSI921W (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2002. All Rights reserved.

Explanation: User has requested the new keyword display. There are no new keywords in the member. System action: None. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSWMBLD DFSI926W Keyword kkkkkk not valid in Release rrrrr

Explanation: IMS Syntax Checker copyright statement appears when Syntax Checker is started. System action: None. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSWSMBC DFSI922I Member xxxxxxxx is new or empty. All parameters are displayed.

| Explanation: The user has chosen to process the | PROCLIB member in IMS release rrrrr. The keyword | kkkkkk currently in the member is not valid in release.
System action: None. System programmer response: Delete the keyword. Module: DFSWPBKP DFSI927W Keyword kkkkkk is not valid for Control Region ccccc

Explanation: The member requested is empty. All possible parameters will be displayed. System action: None. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSWMBLD DFSI923I No errors found in a parameter value.

Explanation: The user has chosen a process the PROCLIB member in IMS control region ccccc. The keyword kkkkkk currently in the member is not valid in the control region. System action: None. System programmer response: Delete the keyword. Module: DFSWPBKP DFSI930I Member xxxxxxxx saved in dsn

Explanation: No errors were found in any parameter values. System action: None. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSWMBLD DFSI924I Member xxxxxxxx not currently processed by Syntax Checker

Explanation: The member has been successfully saved in dns. System action: None. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSWMSAV DFSI932I Command cccccc is undefined

Explanation: The member xxxxxxxx is not processed by Syntax Checker. System action: None. System programmer response: To use Syntax Checker to process a member, the member must be supported by Syntax Checker.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007

Explanation: The command cccccc on the command line is not known to Syntax Checker. System action: None. System programmer response: Correct the command.


IVP Messages
Module: DFSWSMBM, DFSWUPCR, DFSWUPDM, DFSWUPNR, DFSWUPSA, DFSWUPSV DFSI933I No keywords selected for cccccccc command

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

are underlined in the keyword display panel. Module: DFSWKOPR DFSI939I P COMMAND IGNORED. KEYWORD DOES NOT HAVE A VALUE OR VALUE IS IN ERROR

Explanation: The command cccccccc on the command line needs to operate on the selected keyword. No keywords selected. System action: None. System programmer response: Select the keywords by placing a / in the SEL field. Module: DFSWSMBM DFSI934I No command selected for keyword kkkkkk

Explanation: The keyword selected with the P command does not have a value or the value is in error. The P command cannot be processed. System action: The processing of the P command is terminated. System programmer response: Correct the problem and retry. Module: DFSWKOPR DFSI998I MEMBER memb WILL BE PROCESS UNDER IMS rel (ctlreg)

Explanation: A keyword has been selected but no command has been entered on the command line. System action: None. System programmer response: Enter the command on the command line. Module: DFSWSMBM DFSI935I Invalid keyword selected option: o

Explanation: P processing has been requested for member memb. The member is processed under the same IMS release and control region as the original member. This is an informational message informing the user which IMS region and control region the member will be processed under. memb rel ctlreg Member name of the member being processed. IMS release. IMS control region. This field is only displayed if the member varies by control region.

Explanation: The selected option o is not valid. System action: None. System programmer response: Correct the selected option. Module: DFSWSMBM DFSI937I Equal sign in same line comment changed to dash

| System action: Informational message.

System programmer response: Informational message, no action necessary. Module: DFSWSMBM DFSI999I MEMBER memb PROCESSING CONTINUES

Explanation: The user has entered a same line comment that contains an equal sign (=). Equal Signs are not allowed in same line comment. It is changed to a dash (-). System action: Information message. System programmer response: Informational. Module: DFSWPBKP

Explanation: The processing of member memb continues following the completion of the processing of another member with the P option. memb Member name.

| System action: Informational message.

System programmer response: Informational message, no action necessary. Module: DFSWSMBM DFSI991I Member name must be entered as part of the DSN

| DFSI938I |


| Explanation: The keyword selected with the P | command does not identify a member of | IMS.PROCLIB. The P command cannot be processed. | System action: The processing of the P command is | terminated. | System programmer response: Select a keyword that | identifies a member of IMS.PROCLIB. Valid keywords

Explanation: The member name must be entered as part of the data set name. System action: None.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

IVP Messages
System programmer response: Enter the member name as part of the data set name in TSO format. Module: DFSWUPSA DFSI1992I Member must be 1-8 characters DFSI995I Change release option cancelled - user request

Explanation: The user cancelled (F3) the change of release process. System action: The previous keyword display panel is displayed. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSWSMBM DFSI9961I Exit of member cancelled - user request

Explanation: Member name is invalid. It must be 1-8 characters. System action: None. System programmer response: Correct the member name. Module: DFSWUICR, DFSWUIDH, DFSWUIDM, DFSWUOSA DFSI993I No members in dataset dsn

Explanation: The user requested to exit or cancel the execution of Syntax Checker but was notified that the member had been modified. The user selects not to exit. System action: None. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSWSMBM DFSI997I Comment not allowed on blank, Unknown or keywords without values

Explanation: The data set that Syntax Checker was requested to process is empty. System action: None. System programmer response: Enter a new member to process or select another data set. Module: DFSWIOOI DFSI994I Member is being used by you or another user

Explanation: A comment C select code was entered on the blank: or unknown keyword. Comments are not allowed on the keywords. System action: None. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSWPBMC

Explanation: The member is in use either by another user or the current user on another ISPF screen. System action: None. System programmer response: None. Module: DFSWPBMC

Chapter 12. Syntax Checker Messages



Messages and Codes Volume 2

Appendix A. Use of the DFS3649 and DFS3650 Messages

Messages DFS3649 and DFS3650 are sent for a variety of reasons. Table 27 and Table 28 on page 732 contain the conditions under which these messages are sent to different devices. In Table 27 and Table 28 on page 732, a Y in the cell indicates that the condition is valid for the device listed at the top of that column. An N indicates that this condition will not cause message DFS3649 to be sent to the device listed at the top of that column. Blank cells in the tables indicate that the condition is not applicable to the device listed at the top of that column. Because 3270 printers are output-only devices, they never receive message DFS3649. Numbers 058, 064, 165, 2467, 2469, 3650, 3662, and 3664 in the table indicate that messages DFS058, DFS064, DFS165, DFS2467, DFS2469, DFS3650, DFS3662, and DFS3664 are received instead of DFS3649. A sign-on failure for an output-only device causes message DFS2085 to be sent to the MTO with the reason code from the DFS3649 message. Message DFS3649
Table 27. Conditions That Message DFS3649 Is Sent to Certain Devices Condition Session initiation (simple) Session initiation-NOTERM specified, static terminal Session initiation-NOTERM specified, ETO terminal, without user data Session initiation with sign-on data Session initiation (unattached mode) Session initiation (autologged on) Session initiation with bad sign-on data /SIGN ON failure, static terminal, sign-on not required /SIGN ON failure, static terminal, sign-on required /SIGN ON failure, dynamic terminal N Y Y 3270 Y N 3270P FIN SLU1 Y N SLU2 Y N SLU4 Y N SLU P LU6 NTO Y N


3650 N N Y


3650 N









Y 2469




Y 2469 2469


Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007


Table 27. Conditions That Message DFS3649 Is Sent to Certain Devices (continued) Condition Tran or command entered before sign-on when sign-on required-static terminal Tran or command entered before sign-on when sign-on required-dynamic terminal /SIGN OFF, static terminal, sign-on not required /SIGN OFF, static terminal, sign-on required /SIGN OFF, dynamic terminal Note: OPTION=NOTERM does not affect the issuance of the DFS3649 message for dynamic terminals because NOTERM is specified on the USER descriptor. DFS3649 is not suppressed when NOTERM is specified on the USER descriptor because NOTERM is not reflected in the blocks for the node until after sign-on. 3270 3270P FIN SLU1 SLU2 SLU4 SLU P LU6 NTO

165 2469 064 3662

165 2469 165 2469 064 3662 064 3662










Y 058




Y 058 058


Message DFS3650
Table 28. Conditions for the DFS3650 Message Condition Session initiation, static terminal, sign-on not required Sign-on completedNOTERM specified Session initiation with good sign-on data Session initiation (unattached mode) Session initiation (autologged on) /SIGN ON, static terminal /SIGN ON, dynamic terminal N Y Y N Y Y 3270 Y 3270P Y FIN SLU1 Y SLU2 Y SLU4 Y SLU P LU6 NTO Y







Messages and Codes Volume 2

Appendix B. Fast Path Utility Status and Reason Codes

This topic contains explanations of the Fast Path (FP) utility status and reason codes. Status Codes The FP utilities may return one of the following status codes during the execution of an IMS or DBTOOLS utility. This will most likely be an error condition, but the status code may simply be of an informative nature. AA No ddname statement is specified. AB DBRC interface failure occurred. AC No ddname for an available ADS is specified. AD Less than 2 available ddnames are specified. AE Too many ddname statements are specified. AK The fieldname is not defined. AO I/O error on data set. AX If this is issued while the DEDB Area Data Set Create utility is running, an area data set, which should be marked AVAILABLE in the RECON data set, was not found. If this is issued while the DEDB Area Data Set Compare utility is running, any area data sets which are specified for comparison could not be found in an ADSC. BA IRLM failed (LOCK or NOTIFY request). EM The SDEP area is empty. FB FIRST START segment timestamp below logical BEGIN time tamp. FD This is the first dependent. FH Area not available. FL STOP segment timestamp less than START segment time tamp. FR This is the first root. FU START segment timestamp greater than HIGH WATER MARK time stamp. ID INDOUBT segment found in range to delete. LB STOP segment timestamp less than LOGICAL BEGIN time tamp. LD This is the last dependent. LR This is the last root. LU LAST segment timestamp greater than HIGH WATER MARK timestamp. ND There are no dependents. OB The STOPRBA value you specified coincides with an already allocated SDEP CI boundary or its dummy segment, that has a timestamp from a /DBR or RESTART and cannot be honored by the SDEP utility. OC The relative byte address (RBA) and cycle count are not consistent between DMACNXTS and DMACXVAL in the DMAC for this area. OD The relative byte address (RBA) is not within the sequential-dependent part. OL The RBA is not within the range of the currently-used portion of the sequential-dependent part. OL The stop location specified is less than the logical begin of the sequential-dependent part. OS STARTRBA is logically higher than the STOPRBA. OS The stop location specified is greater than the logical end of the sequential-dependent part. PE Parameter error. SO SORT NEW FORMAT segments failed. UD Deadlock for CI lock.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007

| | |

| | | |


| |


I/O error detected in chain of I/O. Wait for I/O completion timed out. No pre-allocated SDEP CIs exist at start of utility. Global lock failed. Retained/Held CI lock. ADS enters long busy I/O state. Areaname is not in this database. The DELETE Utility found EEQE in the SDEP part of Area. Unlock failed for a SDEP buffer, xcrb or uxrb not found. Not enough page fixable (real) storage available. Not enough storage for the needed number of utility buffers. Error while freeing storage. Error while pagefreeing storage. Invalid write request from the utility. Buffer chain problem with utility buffers. SDEP preallocated CI write error. The utility requested more buffers than the maximum allows.

Reason Codes The Fast Path High Speed Reorganization can return the following reason codes. You can find the returned codes in the high speed reorganization report. Reason code Meaning 01 02 The IOVF lock resource failed. The IOVF buffer use limit was exceeded. The specified or default BUFNO value did not provide enough buffers to meet the needs of the utility. This includes the dynamic expansion of the buffer pool which had already taken place. The message reports that the buffer use count (buffers taken) reached the limit count (buffers provided) set by BUFNO and that UOW is failed. This is likely due to a high number of IOVF CIs needing to be processed for the UOW. Limit count = {{{number of CIs per UOW} * BUFNO} * 2} Must increase the BUFNO value. 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 The UOW read failed. The UOW lock failed. An I/O error occurred when reading the IOVF control CI. An unknown commit failure occurred. The area or region was stopped. An I/O error occurred when reading the IOVF data CI. There was insufficient IOVF space. The area spacemaps no longer have available IOVF CIs to use for the reorganization. The UOW fails. 10 11 12 13 The lock attempt for IOVF control CI failed. A deadlock on IOVF control CI occurred. The relative byte address (RBA) in XCRB could not be freed. The buffer free space element (FSE) is too small for IOVF CI.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

14 15 16

The buffer free space element (FSE) is not available for reuse. Database re-verification is in progress. The system cannot acquire the buffers needed for the IOVF. The request to get a buffer could not be completed due to a storage shortage. The UOW failed The system cannot acquire the buffers needed for the UIOW. The request to acquire the initial buffer sets, or their dynamic extension, could not be completed due to a storage shortage. The UOW failed.


Appendix B. Fast Path Utility Status and Reason Codes



Messages and Codes Volume 2

Appendix C. Type-1 and Type-2 Command Equivalents

Table 29 shows the different instances of the IMS type-1 commands and type-2 commands that perform similar tasks.
Table 29. IMS Type-1 and Type-2 Command Equivalents Task Change the value for the current priority of a transaction. Change the value for the limit count of a transaction. Change the value for the limit priority of a transaction. Change the value for the normal priority of a transaction. Change the value for the parallel processing limit count of a transaction. Change the value for the processing limit count of a transaction. Type-1 Command Type-2 Command

/ASSIGN CPRI new_current_priority UPDATE TRAN NAME(name) TO TRAN name SET(CPRI(new_current_priority)) /ASSIGN LCT new_lmct_number TO UPDATE TRAN NAME (name) TRAN name SET(LCT(new_limit_count)) /ASSIGN LPRI new_lpri_number TO UPDATE TRAN NAME(name) TRAN name SET(LPRI(new_limit_priority)) /ASSIGN NPRI new_npri_number TO TRAN name UPDATE TRAN NAME(name) SET(NPRI(new_normal_priority))

/ASSIGN PARLIM UPDATE TRAN NAME(name) new_parlim_number TO TRAN name SET(PARLIM(new_parallel_limit)) /ASSIGN PLCT new_plmct_number TO TRAN name UPDATE TRAN NAME(name) SET(PLCT(new_processing_limit)) UPDATE TRAN NAME(name) SET(SEGNO(new_segment_number))

Change the limit on the number of /ASSIGN SEGNO application program output segments new_segno_number TO TRAN name allowed in message queues for each GU call. Create or change the limit on the size /ASSIGN SEGSZ of application program output new_segsize_number TO TRAN segments allowed in message queues name for each GU call. Change the class number of a transaction. Stop updates to a database. Stop the accessing and updating of an area. Stop the accessing and updating of all areas and databases of the data group. Stop access to the database and take it offline. Display information about an area. Display the status of a database. Display information about databases with the specified status. /ASSIGN TRAN name TO CLS new_class_number /DBDUMP DB dbname /DBRECOVERY AREA areaname /DBRECOVERY DATAGRP datagrpname /DBRECOVERY DB dbname /DISPLAY AREA /DISPLAY DB dbname...dbnamen | ALL /DISPLAY STATUS DB

UPDATE TRAN NAME(name) SET(SEGSZ(new_segment_size))


Display information about /DISPLAY STATUS TRANSACTION transactions with the specified status.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2007


Table 29. IMS Type-1 and Type-2 Command Equivalents (continued) Task Display information about a transaction. Display all of the transactions. Display all of the transactions on the shared queues with a global queue count. Stop the use of a database. Stop the scheduling of transactions. Stop input messages for a particular transaction code. Start the area. Start the data group. Start a database and change access intent of the database. Start a database. Start a transaction. Stop an area. Stop a data group. Stop a database. Stop the queuing and scheduling of messages destined for a transaction. Start the tracing of a transaction. Stop the tracing of a transaction. Unlock a database.



/LOCK DB dbname /PSTOP TRAN name /PURGE TRAN name /START AREA areaname /START DATAGRP datagrpname /START DB ACCESS /START DB dbname /START TRAN /STOP AREA areaname /STOP DATAGRP datagrpname /STOP DB dbname /STOP TRAN name /TRACE SET ON TRAN name /TRACE SET OFF TRAN name /UNLOCK DB dbname

Note that these commands do not automatically issue checkpoints unless OPTION(FEOV) is specified.

Related Reading: For detailed information about these commands, see IMS Version 9: Command Reference.


Messages and Codes Volume 2

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Messages and Codes Volume 2

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Messages and Codes Volume 2

This bibliography lists all of the information in the IMS Version 9 library. v Data Administration Guide for MVS/DFP 3.1,, SC26-4505 v Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference for MVS/DFP, SC26-4506 | v DB2 UDB for z/OS V8 Installation Guide, GC18-7418 | v DFHSM Messages, SH35-0094 v DFSMS/MVS Managing Catalogs, SC26-4914 v External Security Interface (RACROUTE) Macro Reference, GC23-3733 v IBM 3270 Information Display System: 3274 Control Unit Description and Programmers Guide, GA23-0061 v IMS Connect Guide and Reference, SC27-0946 v MVS/DFP Customization, SC26-4560 v MVS/DFP Macro Instructions for Data Sets, SC26-4747 v MVS/ESA Application Development Macro Reference,, GC28-1822 v MVS/ESA SPL: Application Development Macro Reference, GC28-1857 v MVS/ESA System Programming Library: Application Development Macro Reference, SA22-7605 v MVS/XA Data Facility Product Version 2: Diagnosis Guide, LN20-9443 v MVS/XA Data Facility Product Version 2: Diagnosis Reference, LY27-9530 v MVS/XA System Macros and Facilities Vol 2, SC28-1151 v OS/390 Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF): Services Guide, SC28-1272 v OS/390 MVS System Messages, Vol. 3 (GDE-IEB), GC28-1786 v OS/390 MVS System Messages, Vol 5 (IGD-IZP), GC28-1788 v OS/VS BTAM, GC27-6980 v SPL: RACF, SC28-1343 v System 370 Principles of Operation, GA22-7000 v TSO/E REXX/MVS Reference, SC28-1883 v VTAM Messages and Codes, SC31-6564 v z/OS Communications Server: SNA Messages, SC31-8790
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v z/OS Communications Server: SNA Programming, SC31-8829 v z/OS Communications Server: IP and SNA Codes, SC31-8791 v z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets, SC26-7408 v z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide, SA22-7591 v z/OS MVS Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) Users Guide, SA22-7596 v z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide, SA22-7608 v z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference, Volume 1, SA22-7609 v z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference, Volume 2, SA22-7610 v z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference, Volume 3, SA22-7611 v z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference, Volume 4, SA22-7612 v z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference, SA22-7618 v z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Guide, SA22-7617 v z/OS MVS Programming: Writing Transaction Programs for APPC/MVS, SA22-7621 v z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex, SA22-7625 v z/OS MVS System Codes, SA22-7626 v z/OS MVS System Commands, SA22-7627 v z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 1 (ABA-AOM), SA22-7631 v z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 3 (ASB-BPX), SA22-7633 v z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 6 (GOS-IEA), SA22-7636 v z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD), SA22-7638 v z/OS Planning for Workload License Charges, SA22-7506 v z/OS and OS/390 IBM Communications Server SNA Programming, SC31-8573 v z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference, SA22-7692 v z/OS System Codes, SA22-7626


v Z/OS System Secure Sockets Layer Programming, SC24-5901 v z/OS TSO/E Programming Services, SA22-7789 v z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets, SC26-7408

Title IMS Version 9: Master Index and Glossary IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1 IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 2 IMS Version 9: Open Transaction Manager Access Guide and Reference IMS Version 9: Operations Guide IMS Version 9: Release Planning Guide IMS Version 9: Summary of Operator Commands IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System

Acronym MIG MC1 MC2 OTMA

Order number SC18-7826 GC18-7827 GC18-7828 SC18-7829

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Title IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: Database Manager IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: System IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: Transaction Manager IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Database Manager IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Design Guide IMS Version 9: Application Programming: EXEC DLI Commands for CICS and IMS IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Transaction Manager IMS Version 9: Base Primitive Environment Guide and Reference IMS Version 9: Command Reference IMS Version 9: Common Queue Server Guide and Reference IMS Version 9: Common Service Layer Guide and Reference IMS Version 9: Customization Guide IMS Version 9: Database Recovery Control (DBRC) Guide and Reference IMS Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference IMS Version 9: Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis IMS Version 9: IMS Connect Guide and Reference IMS Version 9: IMS Java Guide and Reference IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 1: Installation Verification IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring Acronym ADB AS ATM APDB Order number SC18-7806 SC18-7807 SC18-7808 SC18-7809


SC18-7830 GC17-7831 SC18-7832 SC18-7833


SC18-7810 SC18-7811





Supplementary Publications
Title IMS TM Resource Adapter Users Guide and Reference IMS Version 9 Fact Sheet IMS Version 9: Licensed Program Specifications Order number SC19-1211 GC18-7697 GC18-7825




SC18-7814 SC18-7815 SC18-7816

Publication Collections
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Messages and Codes Volume 2

Accessibility Titles Cited in This Library

Title z/OS V1R1.0 TSO Primer Order number SA22-7787

Title z/OS V1R5.0 TSO/E Users Guide z/OS V1R5.0 ISPF Users Guide, Volume 1

Order number SA22-7794 SC34-4822




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