Server Job Developer's Guide
Server Job Developer's Guide
Server Job Developer's Guide
Published by Ascential Software 19972002 Ascential Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Ascential, DataStage and MetaStage are trademarks of Ascential Software Corporation or its affiliates and may be registered in other jurisdictions. Documentation Team: Mandy deBelin GOVERNMENT LICENSE RIGHTS Software and documentation acquired by or for the US Government are provided with rights as follows: (1) if for civilian agency use, with rights as restricted by vendors standard license, as prescribed in FAR 12.212; (2) if for Dept. of Defense use, with rights as restricted by vendors standard license, unless superseded by a negotiated vendor license, as prescribed in DFARS 227.7202. Any whole or partial reproduction of software or documentation marked with this legend must reproduce this legend.
Table of Contents
Organization of This Manual ...................................................................................... xi Documentation Conventions ..................................................................................... xii User Interface Conventions ................................................................................ xiv DataStage Documentation .......................................................................................... xv
Chapter 1. Introduction
DataStage Server Jobs ................................................................................................. 1-1 Custom Resources ....................................................................................................... 1-2 After Development ..................................................................................................... 1-3
Table of Contents
Specifying Transaction Control Information .................................................... 3-8 Using a Generated Query ................................................................................. 3-11 Using a User-Defined SQL Statement ............................................................. 3-12 Using a Stored Procedure .................................................................................. 3-12 Defining ODBC Output Data .................................................................................. 3-14 Key Fields ............................................................................................................3-16 Using a Generated Query .................................................................................3-17 Using a User-Defined SQL Statement ............................................................. 3-21 Using a Stored Procedure .................................................................................. 3-23
Table of Contents
Entering Expressions ......................................................................................... 8-24 Completing Variable Names ............................................................................. 8-26 Validating the Expression .................................................................................8-26 Exiting the Expression Editor ........................................................................... 8-26 Configuring the Expression Editor .................................................................. 8-27 Transformer Stage Properties .................................................................................. 8-27 Stage Page ............................................................................................................8-27 Inputs Page .......................................................................................................... 8-27 Outputs Page ...................................................................................................... 8-28
Table of Contents
Functions ............................................................................................................. 17-7 Statements ........................................................................................................... 17-7 Subroutines ......................................................................................................... 17-8 Operators ............................................................................................................ 17-9 Data Types in BASIC Functions and Statements ......................................... 17-17 Empty BASIC Strings and Null Values ......................................................... 17-17 Fields .................................................................................................................. 17-18 Reserved Words ............................................................................................... 17-19 Source Code and Object Code ........................................................................ 17-19 Special Characters ............................................................................................ 17-20 System Variables ..................................................................................................... 17-21 BASIC Functions and Statements ......................................................................... 17-22 Compiler Directives ......................................................................................... 17-22 Declaration ........................................................................................................ 17-23 Job Control ........................................................................................................ 17-23 Program Control .............................................................................................. 17-25 Sequential File Processing .............................................................................. 17-26 String Verification and Formatting ................................................................ 17-27 Substring Extraction and Formatting ........................................................... 17-28 Data Conversion .............................................................................................. 17-29 Data Formatting ............................................................................................... 17-29 Locale Functions .............................................................................................. 17-30 Conversion Codes ................................................................................................. 17-231
Table of Contents
Job Status Macros ..................................................................................................18-106 Command Line Interface ......................................................................................18-107 The Logon Clause ...........................................................................................18-107 Starting a Job ...................................................................................................18-108 Stopping a Job ................................................................................................. 18-110 Listing Projects, Jobs, Stages, Links, and Parameters ............................... 18-110 Retrieving Information .................................................................................. 18-111 Accessing Log Files ........................................................................................ 18-113
This manual describes the features of the DataStage Manager and DataStage Designer. It is intended for application developers and system administrators who want to use DataStage to design and develop data warehousing applications. If you are new to DataStage, you should read the DataStage Designer Guide and the DataStage Manager Guide. These provide general descriptions of the DataStage Manager and DataStage Designer, and give you enough information to get you up and running. This manual contains more specific information and is intended to be used as a reference guide. It gives detailed information about stage editors for particular data sources. It also provides information about the powerful programming facilities that are built into DataStage.
Chapter 12 describes the Link Partitioner stage editor. Chapter 13 describes the Link Collector stage editor. Chapter 14 explains how plug-ins work and describes the standard plug-in stage editor. It also describes the BCPLoad and Orabulk plug-ins that are loaded automatically with DataStage. Chapter 15 describes the debugger that you can use with server jobs. It also tells you how to compile and release a DataStage server job. Chapter 16 gives an overview of the programming facilities that are available in DataStage. Chapter 17 provides a reference guide for DataStage BASIC, the programming language which is built into DataStage. It enables you to produce custom components that can be reused across DataStage. Chapter 18 describes the DataStage Development Kit. This is a set of programming interfaces that allows you to run DataStage jobs directly on the server, without using the DataStage Director. Chapter 19 describes the built-in transforms and routines that are supplied with DataStage ready for deployment in server jobs. Appendix A provides a listing of an example Development Kit program.
Documentation Conventions
This manual uses the following conventions: Convention Bold Usage In syntax, bold indicates commands, function names, keywords, and options that must be input exactly as shown. In text, bold indicates keys to press, function names, and menu selections. In syntax, uppercase indicates BASIC statements and functions and SQL statements and keywords.
Convention Italic
Usage In syntax, italic indicates information that you supply. In text, italic also indicates UNIX commands and options, file names, and pathnames. In text, plain indicates Windows NT commands and options, file names, and path names. Courier indicates examples of source code and system output. In examples, courier bold indicates characters that the user types or keys the user presses (for example, <Return>). Brackets enclose optional items. Do not type the brackets unless indicated. Braces enclose nonoptional items from which you must select at least one. Do not type the braces. A vertical bar separating items indicates that you can choose only one item. Do not type the vertical bar. Three periods indicate that more of the same type of item can optionally follow. A right arrow between menu commands indicates you should choose each command in sequence. For example, Choose File Exit means you should choose File from the menu bar, then choose Exit from the File pull-down menu. The continuation character is used in source code examples to indicate a line that is too long to fit on the page, but must be entered as a single line on screen.
[] {}
itemA | itemB
The following conventions are also used: Syntax definitions and examples are indented for ease in reading. All punctuation marks included in the syntaxfor example, commas, parentheses, or quotation marksare required unless otherwise indicated.
Syntax lines that do not fit on one line in this manual are continued on subsequent lines. The continuation lines are indented. When entering syntax, type the entire syntax entry, including the continuation lines, on the same input line.
Browse Button
Option Button
The DataStage user interface makes extensive use of tabbed pages, sometimes nesting them to enable you to reach the controls you need from within a single dialog box. At the top level, these are called pages, at the inner level these are called tabs. In the example above, we are looking at the General tab of the Inputs page. When using context sensitive online help you will find that each page has a separate help topic, but each tab uses the help topic for the parent page. You can jump to the help pages for the separate tabs from within the online help.
DataStage Documentation
DataStage documentation includes the following: DataStage Install and Upgrade Guide: This guide describes how to install DataStage on Windows and UNIX systems, and how to upgrade existing installations. DataStage Server Job Developer Guide: This guide describes the tools that are used in building a server job, and it supplies programmers reference information. DataStage Designer Guide: This guide describes the DataStage Manager and Designer, and gives a general description of how to create, design, and develop a DataStage application. DataStage Manager Guide: This guide describes the DataStage Director and how to validate, schedule, run, and monitor DataStage server jobs. DataStage Parallel Job Developer Guide: This guide describes the tools that are used in building a parallel job, and it supplies programmers reference information. XE/390 Job Developer Guide: This guide describes the tools that are used in building a mainframe job, and it supplies programmers reference information. DataStage Director Guide: This guide describes the DataStage Director and how to validate, schedule, run, and monitor DataStage server jobs. DataStage Administrator Guide: This guide describes DataStage setup, routine housekeeping, and administration. These guides are also available online in PDF format. You can read them using the Adobe Acrobat Reader supplied with DataStage. Extensive online help is also supplied. This is especially useful when you have become familiar with using DataStage and need to look up particular pieces of information.
This chapter gives an overview of server jobs. Server jobs are compiled and run on the DataStage server. Such jobs connect to a data source, extract, and transform data and write it to a data warehouse. DataStage also supports parallel and mainframe jobs, provided you have the Parallel Extender and/or XE/390 installed. Parallel jobs allow parallel processing on SMP, MPP, and cluster systems. They are compiled and run on a DataStage UNIX server. Parallel jobs are described in DataStage Parallel Job Developers Guide. Mainframe jobs are loaded onto a mainframe and compiled and run there. Mainframe jobs are described in XE/390 Job Developers Guide.
The links between the stages represent the flow of data into or out of a stage.
Data Source
Transformer Stage
Data Warehouse
You must specify the data you want at each stage, and how it is handled. For example, do you want all the columns in the source data, or only a select few? Should the data be aggregated or converted before being passed on to the next stage? General information on how to construct your job and define the required meta data using the DataStage Designer and the DataStage Manager is in the DataStage Designer Guide and DataStage Manager Guide. Chapters 2 to 9 of this manual describe the individual stage editors that you may use when developing server jobs. There are also a large number of specialized plug-in stages available for DataStage. These can be installed when you initially install DataStage, or at any time after. General information about plug-ins and a description of the generic plug-in stage editor is in Chapter 9. Details of particular plugins are in individual technical bulletins. Some plug-ins also have custom GUIs which are described in their respective technical bulletin and in an online help file supplied with the plug-in.
Custom Resources
DataStage provides a large number of built-in transforms and routines for use in Transformer stages in DataStage jobs. These are described in Chapter 16. If you have specific requirements for custom transforms and routines DataStage has a powerful procedural programming language called BASIC that allows you to define your own components. Reference material for BASIC is in Chapter 17. Once you have developed these components, they can be reused by other DataStage developers for other DataStage jobs.
After Development
When you have completed the development of your DataStage server job, you will need to compile and test it before releasing it to make it available to actually run. DataStage has a debugger to help you iron out any problems with any server jobs you have designed. The debugger is described in Chapter 15. Once you are satisfied with the design of the job, you can validate and run it using the DataStage Director. You can also run jobs from another program or from the command line using the facilities provided by the DataStage Development Kit described in Chapter 18.
Optimizing Performance in Server Jobs
This chapter gives some design techniques for getting the best possible performance from DataStage jobs you are designing. Much of the chapter is concerned with designing a job to run on a multiprocessor system, but there are also tips for jobs running on single processor systems too. You should read this chapter before designing new jobs, but you may also want to revisit old job designs based on what you read here. Note: The parallel processing tips are aimed at UNIX or Windows Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP) systems with up to 64 processors. For UNIX MPP and clustered systems (and SMP systems), the Parallel Extender Pack is available, see Parallel Job Developers Guide.
What happens when you have a job that links two passive stages together? Obviously there is some processing going on. Under the covers DataStage inserts a cut-down transformer stage between the passive stages which just passes data straight from one stage to the other, and becomes a process when the job is run. What happens where you have a job that links two or more active stages together?. By default this will all be run in a single process. Passive stages mark the process boundaries, all adjacent active stages between them being run in a single process.
The following diagram illustrates the possible behavior for active stages:
The following diagram illustrates the possible behavior for passive stages:
should turn on inter-process row buffering at project or job level in order to implement process boundaries.
When performance tracing is turned on a special log entry is generated immediately after the stage completion message. This is identified by the first line job.stage.DSD.StageRun Performance statistics:
This contains the statistics in a tabular form. You can cut these and paste them into a spreadsheet if required to make further analysis possible:
The following diagrams show the job these statistics were collected from. The highlighted stage is the one which we turned Performance statistics on for. The annotations help you interpret the statistics, which have been pasted into a spreadsheet (the letters are for identification - they dont infer anything about execution order).
The Stage completion log message reports the actual CPU and elapsed time used by the stage while the Monitor view on a completed stage shows the average percentage of CPU used by that stage.
Improving Performance
The following sections gives some tips on improving performance in your job designs.
tioner and Link Collector stage before and after the duplicated stages. The following screen shots show an example of how you might do this.
Once you have identified the stage the actions you take might depend on the types of passive stage involved in the process. Poorly designed hashed files can have particular performance implications (for help with hashed file design see Hash File Design on page 2-15). For all stage types you might consider: redistributing files across disk drives changing memory or disk hardware reconfiguring databases reconfiguring operating system
filename is the name of the file you are resizing type specifies the hashing algorithm to use (see table on page page 2-18) modulus specifies the number of groups in the range 1 through 8,388,608. separation specifies the size of the groups in 512 byte blocks and is in the range 1 through 8,388,608.
Dynamic Files. These are hash files which change dynamically as data is written to them over time. This may sound ideal, but if you leave a dynamic file to grow organically it will need to perform several group split operations as data is written to it which can be very time consuming and can impair performance where you have a fast growing file. Dynamic files do not perform as well as a well designed static file, but do perform better than a badly designed
one. When creating a dynamic file you can specify the following (although all of these have default values): Minimum modulus. The minimum number of groups the file has. The default is 1. Group size. The group can be specified as 1 (2048 bytes) or 2 (4096 bytes). The default is 1. Split load. This specifies how much (as a percentage) a file can be loaded before it is split. The file load is calculated as follows:
File Load = ((total data bytes) / (total file bytes)) * 100
The split load defaults to 80. Merge load. This specifies how small (as a percentage) a file load can be before the file is split. File load is calculated as for Split load. The default is 50. Large record. Specifies the number of bytes a record (row) can contain. A large record is always placed in an overflow group. Hash Algorithm. Choose between GENERAL for most key field types and SEQ.NUM for keys that are a sequential number series. Record Size. Optionally use this to specify an average record size in bytes. This can then be used to calculate group size and large record size. You can manually resize a dynamic file using the RESIZE command issued using the Command feature of the DataStage Administrator (see DataStage Administrator Guide). The command for resizing a dynamic file is: RESIZE filename [parameter [value]] where:
filename is the name of the file you are resizing. Parameter is one of the following and corresponds to the arguments described above for creating a dynamic file:
RECORD.SIZE n By default DataStage will create you a dynamic file with the default settings described above. You can however use the Create file options on the Hash file stage Inputs page to specify the type of file and its settings. This offers a choice of several types of hash (static) files, and a dynamic file type. The different types of static files reflect the different hashing algorithms they use. Choose a type according to the type of your key as shown in the following table: Type 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Suitable for keys that are formed like this: Numeric significant in last 8 chars Mostly numeric with delimiters significant in last 8 chars Alphabetic significant in last 5 chars Any ASCII significant in last 4 chars Numeric significant in first 8 chars Mostly numeric with delimiters significant in first 8 chars Alphabetic significant in first 5 chars Any ASCII significant in first 4 chars Numeric significant in last 20 chars Mostly numeric with delimiters significant in last 20 chars Alphabetic significant in last 16 chars Any ASCII significant in last 16 chars Numeric whole key is significant Mostly numeric with delimiters whole key is significant Alphabetic whole key is significant Any ASCII whole key is significant Any chars whole key is significant
Operational Enhancements
There are various steps you can take within your job design to speed up operations that read and write hash files.
Pre-loading. You can speed up read operations of reference links by pre-loading a hash file into memory. Specify this on the Hash File stage Outputs page. Write Caching. You can specify a cache for write operations such that data is written there and then flushed to disk. This ensures that hashed files are written to disk in group order rather than the order in which individual rows are written (which would by its nature necessitate time consuming random disk accesses). If server caching is enabled, you can specify the type of write caching when you create a hash file, the file then always uses the specified type of write cache. Otherwise you can turn write caching on at the stage level via the Outputs page of the hash file stage. Pre-allocating. If you are using dynamic files you can speed up loading the file by doing some rough calculations and specifying minimum modulus accordingly. This greatly enhances operation by cutting down or eliminating split operations. You can calculate the minimum modulus as follows:
minimum modulus = estimated data size/(group size * 2048)
When you have calculated your minimum modulus you can create a file specifying it (using the Create File feature of the Hash file dialog box - see Defining Hashed File Input Data on page 6-4) or resize an existing file specifying it (using the REZSIZE command described on page 2-17). Calculating static file modulus . You can calculate the modulus required for a static file using a similar method as described above for calculating a pre-allocation modulus for dynamic files:
modulus = estimated data size/(separation * 512)
When you have calculated your modulus you can create a file specifying it (using the Create File feature of the Hash file dialog box see Defining Hashed File Input Data on page 6-4) or resize an existing file specifying it (using the REZSIZE command described on page 2-16).
ODBC Stages
ODBC stages are used to represent a database that supports the industry standard Open Database Connectivity API.
ODBC Stages
This dialog box can have up to three pages (depending on whether there are inputs to and outputs from the stage): Stage. Displays the name of the stage you are editing. You can enter text to describe the purpose of the stage in the Description field. The General tab defines the data source name and allows you to specify a quote character and schema delimiter used by the data source or retrieve them automatically using the Get SQLInfo button. The NLS tab defines a character set map to use with the stage, if required. For details, see Defining Character Set Maps on page 3-4. Inputs. This page is displayed only if you have an input link to this stage. Specifies the SQL tables or stored procedure to use and the associated column definitions for each data input link. This page also specifies how data is written and contains the SQL statement or call syntax used to write the data. Outputs. This page is displayed only if you have an output link to this stage. Specifies the SQL tables or stored procedure to use and the associated column definitions for each data output link. This page also contains the SQL SELECT statement or call syntax used to extract the data. You must perform the following steps to edit an ODBC stage: 1. 2. 3. Define the connection. Define the data on the input links. Define the data on the output links.
These steps are performed in the ODBC Stage dialog box. Click OK to close this dialog box. Changes are saved when you save the job design.
ODBC Stages
identifiers have the form Node:Schema.Owner;TableName you would enter :.; into this field. You can also click the Get SQLInfo button to connect to the data source and retrieve the Schema delimiter it uses. 6. Enter an optional description of the ODBC stage in the Description field.
The default character set map (defined for the project or the job) can be changed by selecting a map name from the list. The tab also has the following fields: Show all maps. Lists all the maps supplied with DataStage. Maps cannot be used unless they have been loaded using the DataStage Administrator. Loaded maps only. Displays the maps that are loaded and ready for use.
Use Job Parameter . Allows you to specify a character set map as a parameter to the job containing the stage. If the parameter has not yet been defined, you are prompted to define it from the Job Properties dialog box. Allow per-column mapping. Allows character set maps to be specified for individual columns within the table definition. If percolumn mapping is selected an extra property, NLS Map, appears in the grid in the Columns tab.
The Inputs page has the following field: Input name. The name of the input link. Choose the link you want to edit from the Input name drop-down list box. This list box displays all the input links to the ODBC stage.
ODBC Stages
The Inputs page also has up to six tabs, depending on the Update action you select in the General tab, and whether you want to create a table in the target database: General. This tab is always present and is displayed by default. It contains the following parameters: Table name. This field appears when the update action is not Call stored procedure or User-defined SQL. It is the name of the table the data is written to. Choose the table from the Table name drop-down list box. This list box contains all the tables defined under the Table Definitions ODBC Data source branch in the Repository. Data source is the data source name chosen on the General tab on the Stage page. Note: If the table you want is not listed, you need to define a table definition. For details on how to import or create a table definition, see the DataStage Designer Guide or DataStage Manager Guide. Alternatively, use Browse to display the Table Definitions window and choose a suitable table definition. You can also enter a job parameter in this field. For details on how to define and use job parameters, see the DataStage Designer Guide. Procedure name. This field appears only when the update action is Call stored procedure. It is the name of the procedure the data is passed to. Choose the stored procedure you want to use from the drop-down list box. This list box contains all the stored procedures defined under the Table Definitions StoredProcedures branch in the Repository for the specified DSN. Note: If the stored procedure you want is not listed, you need to define it. For details on how to import or create a stored procedure definition, see the DataStage Designer Guide. Alternatively, use Browse to search for the stored procedure you want. Update action. Specifies how the data is written. Choose the option you want from the drop-down list box: Clear the table, then insert rows. Deletes the contents of the table and adds the new rows. Insert rows without clearing . Inserts the new rows in the table.
Insert new or update existing rows. New rows are added or, if the insert fails, the existing rows are updated. Replace existing rows completely. Deletes the existing rows, then adds the new rows to the table. Update existing rows only. Updates the existing data rows. If a row with the supplied key does not exist in the table then the table is not updated but a warning is logged. Update existing or insert new rows. The existing data rows are updated or, if this fails, new rows are added. Call stored procedure. Writes the data using a stored procedure. When you select this option, the Procedure name field appears. User-defined SQL. Writes the data using a user-defined SQL statement. When you select this option, the View SQL tab is replaced by the Enter SQL tab. Create table in target database. Select this check box if you want to automatically create a table in the target database at run time. A table is created based on the defined column set for this stage. If you select this option, an additional tab, Edit DDL, appears. This shows the SQL CREATE statement to be used for table generation. Description. Contains an optional description of the input link. Columns. This tab is always present and contains the column definitions for the data written to the table or file. If you are using a stored procedure, the column definitions represent the stored procedure input parameters. You must have at least the same number of column definitions as expected parameters. The column definitions are used in the order they appear in the Columns grid. View SQL. This tab displays the SQL statement or stored procedure call syntax used to write the data. This tab appears when you select any update action other than User-defined SQL. You cannot edit this statement, but you can use Copy to copy it to the Clipboard for use elsewhere. Enter SQL. This tab displays the user-defined SQL statement. It appears only when you set the update action to User-defined SQL, when it replaces the View SQL tab.
ODBC Stages
Edit DDL. This tab appears if you have chosen to automatically generate a table at run time by selecting the Create table in target database check box on the General tab. It displays the SQL CREATE statement that will be used to create the table. To generate the statement, click the Create DDL button. DataStage will connect to the target database and generate the statement. (If you are creating a table in a Sybase database, the Sybase database needs to have the Data definition language in transaction option set.) You can edit the statement on this tab to make any required changes. This tab also allows you to specify that any existing table by this name should be dropped first. If you do not select this option, and such a table already exists in the target database, then the create will fail. Error Codes. This tab is displayed when you set the update action in the General tab to Call stored procedure (or if you have not yet set an update action). It allows you to enter a space-separated list of values in the Fatal errors and Warnings fields to handle raiserror calls within the stored procedure. You can also load predefined information from the Repository by clicking the Load button. Transaction Handling. This page allows you to specify the transaction handling features of the stage as it writes to the ODBC data source. You can choose whether to use transaction grouping or not, specify an isolation level, the number of rows written before each commit, and the number of rows written in each operation. A grid shows details of the transaction group to which the currently selected input link belongs. For further information see Specifying Transaction Control Information below. Click the View Data button to open the Data Browser. This enables you to look at the data associated with the input link. For a description of the Data Browser, see the DataStage Designer Guide.
Enter a suitable value in the Rows per transaction field. This is the number of rows written before the data is committed to the data table. The default value is 0, that is, all the rows are written before being committed to the data table. Enter a suitable value in the Parameter array size field. This is the number of rows written at a time. The default is 1, that is, each row is written in a separate operation. If the current setting of Parameter array size causes available storage space to be exceeded at run time, you will be informed when you compile the job. Note: If the Parameter array size setting conflicts with the Rows per transaction setting, the former takes precedence. Select a suitable Isolation Level. The isolation level specifies how potential conflicts between transactions (i.e., dirty reads, nonrepeatable reads, and phantom reads) are handled. If transaction grouping is enabled, the following rules govern the grouping of links: All the input links in the transaction group must originate from the same Transformer stage. The ordering of the links within the transaction group is determined in the preceding Transformer stage. A transaction group cannot use a Rows per transaction or Parameter array size other than 1. Using an Isolation level of Autocommit is permitted, but obviates the effect of organizing links in a transaction group. You should be aware of the following facts about transaction groups (assuming that you commit on every row): A transaction starts at the beginning of each iteration of the Transformer stage preceding the ODBC stage. Any uncommitted changes left over from a previous transaction are rolled back. The links in the transaction group are processed in the order laid down in the Transformer stage. Individual links may be skipped if constraints laid down in the preceding Transformer stage so dictate. Each link in the transaction group can specify whether to rollback on failure. A rollback on any link causes the transaction to be abandoned and any subsequent links in the group to be skipped.
ODBC Stages
Each link in the transaction group can be set to rollback if a constraint on that link is not met. Again, such a rollback causes the transaction to be abandoned and any subsequent links in the group to be skipped. The row counter for each link will be incremented only if the SQL associated with the link executes successfully and the transaction is successfully committed. The transaction ends after the last link in the transaction group is processed, unless a preceding link performs a rollback, in which case the transaction ends there. To specify transaction control information for a transaction group: 1. 2. Click the Transaction Handling page. Select the Enable transaction grouping check box. This option is only available if more than one link exists and the links come from the same Transformer. The current link must be one of those from the Transformer. Choose an appropriate transaction isolation level to use from the Isolation level drop-down list box. The isolation level specifies how potential conflicts between transactions (i.e., dirty reads, nonrepeatable reads, and phantom reads) are handled. (If you select Autocommit, you are specifying that every statement will effectively be executed in a separate transaction, which will obviate the advantages of transaction groups). For transaction groups Rows per transaction is automatically set to 1 and you cannot alter it. For transaction groups Parameter array size is automatically set to 1 and you cannot alter it. Supply necessary details about the transaction group in the grid. The grid has a line for every link in the transaction group. The links are shown in transaction processing order, which is set in the preceding Transformer stage. Each line contains the following information: Input name. The name of the input link. You cannot change this. On Skip. This is used to specify whether to continue or to roll back if a link is skipped due to a constraint on it not being satisfied. Choose Continue or Rollback from the drop-down list.
4. 5. 6.
On Fail. This is used to specify whether or not to continue or rollback on failure of the SQL statement. Choose Continue or Rollback from the drop-down list. SQL. Shows the SQL statement associated with the input link. You cannot change this, but clicking the cell will display the entire statement.
ODBC Stages
The SQL statement is automatically constructed using your chosen update action and the columns you have specified. You can now optionally view this SQL statement. 6. 7. Click the View SQL tab. The View SQL tab appears at the front of the Inputs page. Click OK to close the ODBC Stage dialog box. Changes are saved when you save your job design.
4. 5.
write the data is constructed by DataStage and can be viewed on the View SQL tab. The procedure is called once for each row of data presented to the input link. To use a stored procedure: 1. Choose Call stored procedure from the Update action drop-down list box on the General tab. The Table name drop-down list box is replaced by the Procedure name drop-down list box. Choose the stored procedure from the Procedure name drop-down list box. Enter an optional description of the input link in the Description field. Click the Columns tab. The Columns tab appears at the front of the Inputs page. Edit the Columns grid to specify column definitions. For more information, see the DataStage Designer Guide. The column definitions are used as the input parameters to the stored procedure. You must have at least the same number of column definitions as the number of expected input parameters. The call statement is automatically constructed using the stored procedure name and the columns you have specified. You can now optionally view this SQL statement. 6. 7. Click the View SQL tab. The View SQL tab appears at the front of the Inputs page. Click OK to close the ODBC Stage dialog box. Changes are saved when you save your job design.
2. 3. 4. 5.
ODBC Stages
The Outputs page has the following field and up to six tabs. The tabs displayed depend on how you choose to specify the SQL statement to output the data. Output name. The name of the output link. Choose the link you want to edit from the Output name drop-down list box. This list box displays all the output links from the ODBC stage. General. Displayed by default. Contains the following components: Table names. This field appears only when you select Generated query or User-defined SQL query. It contains the names of the tables or files being accessed. You can also use a job parameter to specify the table name. For details on how to define and use job parameters, see DataStage Designer Guide. Available tables. This drop-down list box appears only when you select Generated query or User-defined SQL query. It
displays the names of the available tables or files that have definitions in the Repository. Add. This button appears only when you select Generated query or User-defined SQL query. It adds a table from the Available tables drop-down list box to the Table names field. Stored procedure name. This drop-down list box is available only when you select Stored procedure. It displays the name of the stored procedure you want to use. This drop-down list box displays all the stored procedure definitions under the Table Definitions StoredProcedures DSN branch in the Repository. Apply. This button appears only when you select Stored procedure. It updates the Columns and Parameters tabs with the settings for the chosen stored procedure. Generated query. This is the default setting. When this option is selected, the Selection and View SQL tabs appear. It specifies that the data is extracted using an SQL statement constructed by DataStage. Stored procedure. Specifies that the data is extracted using a stored procedure. When this option is selected, the View SQL and Parameters tabs appear. User-defined SQL query. Specifies that the data is extracted using a user-defined SQL query. When this option is selected, the SQL Query tab appears. Description. Contains an optional description of the output link. Browse . Displays the Table Definitions window, allowing you to choose a suitable table or stored procedure definition. Columns. Contains the column definitions for the data being output on the chosen link. For a description of how to enter and edit column definitions, see DataStage Designer Guide. Also specifies which columns are aggregated. Selection. This tab appears when you select Generated query. It contains optional SQL SELECT clauses for the conditional extraction of data. View SQL. This tab appears when you select Generated query or Stored procedure. It displays the SQL statement used to extract the
ODBC Stages
data from the chosen table or tables. The SQL statement exists in two forms and you can choose which one to display: SQL for reference inputs. Choose this to view the SQL statement used when this link is a reference input to a Transformer stage. SQL for primary inputs. Choose this to view the SQL statement used in all other cases. You cannot edit the SQL statement, but you can use Copy to copy it to the Clipboard for use elsewhere. Parameters. Contains the input parameters for a chosen stored procedure. This tab appears when you select Stored procedure. SQL Query. Contains a user-defined SQL query. This tab appears when you select User-defined SQL query. This tab is divided into two areas: SQL for primary inputs. Contains a user-defined SQL query for a link that is a primary input to a Transformer stage, or an input to any other type of stage. SQL for reference inputs. Contains a user-defined SQL query for a link that is a reference input to a Transformer stage. Error Codes. This page is displayed when you set the update action in the General page to Call stored procedure (or if you have not yet set an update action). It allows you to enter a space-separated list of values in the Fatal errors and Warnings fields to handle raiserror calls within the stored procedure. You can also load predefined information from the Repository by clicking the Load button. Transaction Handling. Allows you to specify a transaction isolation level for read data. The isolation level specifies how potential conflicts between transactions (i.e., dirty read, nonrepeatable reads, and phantom reads) are handled. Click the View Data button to open the Data Browser. This enables you to look at the data associated with the output link. For a description of the Data Browser, see DataStage Designer Guide.
Key Fields
The column definitions for output links contain a key field. Key fields are used to join primary and reference inputs to a Transformer stage. For
details on how key fields are specified and used, see Defining Input Column Key Expressions on page 8-14.
When you specify the tables to use and the columns to be output from the ODBC stage, the SQL SELECT statement is automatically constructed and can be viewed by clicking the View SQL tab on the Outputs page. Note: The View SQL tab appears only when you select Generated query or Stored procedure from the General tab on the Outputs page. For example, if you extract the columns Name, Address, and Phone from a table called Table1, the SQL statement displayed on the View SQL tab is: SELECT Name, Address, Phone FROM Table1; The SELECT and FROM clauses are the minimum required and are automatically generated by DataStage. However, you can use any of these SQL SELECT clauses: SELECT clause FROM clause WHERE clause GROUP BY clause Specifies the columns to select from the database. Specifies the tables containing the selected columns. Specifies the criteria that rows must meet to be selected. Groups rows to summarize results. See Aggregating Data on page 3-20 for a description of how this clause is used. Specifies the criteria that grouped rows must meet to be selected. See Aggregating Data on page 3-20 for a description of how this clause is used. 3-17
HAVING clause
ODBC Stages
ORDER BY clause
If you want to use the additional SQL SELECT clauses, you must enter them on the Selection tab on the Outputs page:
The Selection tab is divided into two parts: WHERE clause. This text box allows you to insert an SQL WHERE clause to specify criteria that the data must meet before being selected. Other clauses. This text box allows you to insert a HAVING or an ORDER BY clause.
For example, if you have a table (Sales1) containing sales data, you can choose to only output data where the value in the Price column is greater than $10.00. In this case, enter:
Alternatively, if you are extracting data from two tables in the data source, you can use a WHERE clause to relate a column in one table to a column in the another table. For example, Table1 contains the columns Pcode, OrderNo, and SaleDate and Table2 contains Pcode, CustNo, Quantity, and Cost. You can use the WHERE clause to join the two tables together by the related column. In this case, the column is Pcode and you enter:
Table1.Pcode = Table2.Pcode
Note: Only one column definition called Pcode is loaded or inserted into the grid on the Columns tab. You can also use a job parameter in the WHERE clause. For details on how to define and use job parameters, see DataStage Designer Guide. The SQL SELECT statement is automatically updated to include the WHERE clause. Click the View SQL tab to display the statement.
The SQL SELECT statement is updated automatically. Click the View SQL tab to display the statement. You can also use a job parameter in the HAVING clause. For details on how to define and use job parameters, see DataStage Designer Guide.
ODBC Stages
The SQL SELECT statement is updated automatically. Click the View SQL tab to display the statement.
Aggregating Data
If you are using a generated query, you can use an ODBC stage to aggregate data at the source instead of using an intermediate Aggregator stage. By aggregating data you can add values in a particular column for all data records in a table. This summed total is then output from the stage. You can aggregate data in two ways: Using an Aggregator stage. For more information, see Chapter 8, Aggregator Stages. Using an ODBC stage. If you aggregate data using an ODBC stage, the columns to group by and sum together are also specified by the SQL SELECT statement. To specify the columns to group by and summarize, you must edit the column definitions in the Columns grid on the Columns tab. For more information about editing column definitions, see DataStage Designer Guide. For example, if you have a sales database (Sales1) it may contain the following columns: Product, SaleDate, and QtySold. If this database is updated daily, you have a record of how many of each product are sold each day. However, if you want to know how many of each product were sold since 01/01/96 you need to specify a WHERE clause for the SaleDate and group (and summarize) the data. Because you want the total for each product, you need to group all the occurrences of the same value in the Product column and sum the value in the QtySold column.
To group by a column, click in the Group cell for the column definition you want to group by and choose Yes from the drop-down list. In the example, you would choose the Product column to edit. To summarize a column, edit the Derivation cell for the column you want to aggregate (using SUM or COUNT). The Derivation cell contains by default the name of the table and column in the format tablename.columnname. You can edit this cell to add SUM or COUNT. In the example, you would edit the Derivation cell for the QtySold column. The resulting expression would be SUM(Sales1.QtySold). When you group by or summarize columns, the SQL statement is automatically updated to include the GROUP BY clause and the aggregation expression. To view the SQL statement, click the View SQL tab on the Outputs page. For example, the SQL statement for the example would be:
SELECT Product, SUM(QtySold) FROM Sales1 WHERE Saledate>=01/01/96 GROUP BY Product;
See Using a WHERE Clause on page 3-18 for details of how to use a WHERE clause.
ODBC Stages
Click the SQL Query tab. The SQL Query tab appears at the front of the Outputs page:
When you first view this tab, the SQL for primary inputs and SQL for reference inputs fields may contain the SQL statements constructed by DataStage. These are displayed if you selected Generated query or Stored procedure before selecting User-defined SQL query. You can modify or overwrite each statement to construct your own SQL query or call to a stored procedure. The entries in these fields depend on whether the output is a primary input to a stage or a reference input to a Transformer stage: If the output is a primary input to any stage, whether or not it is a Transformer stage, edit the SQL for primary inputs field. The SQL query must contain the same number of columns (and column names) as the SQL statement constructed by DataStage. You must ensure that the table definitions for the output link are correct and represent the columns that are expected. The result set generated from this statement returns at least one row. Note: If more than one result set is produced, only the first set is used. If the output is a reference input to a Transformer stage, edit the SQL for reference inputs field. The SQL query must contain the same number of columns as the SQL statement constructed by 3-22 Ascential DataStage Server Job Developers Guide
DataStage. You must ensure that the table definitions for the output link are correct and represent the columns that are expected. The statement must have the same number of parameter values (?) as key columns on the link. The result set generated by this statement or procedure contains at most one row. 3. Click OK to close the ODBC Stage dialog box. Changes are saved when you save your job design.
ODBC Stages
Click in the Value cell for each parameter and enter suitable values. You can enter constants or use job parameters. For more information about using job parameters, see DataStage Designer Guide. The call syntax used to extract the data is automatically updated with the parameter values. You can view this syntax on the View SQL tab.
Click OK to close the ODBC Stage dialog box. Changes are saved when you save your job design.
When the job runs, the stored procedure is called once with the given parameter values. The result set generated should contain at least one row.
UniVerse Stages
UniVerse stages allow you to connect to UniVerse tables using SQL.
UniVerse Stages
This dialog box can have up to three pages (depending on whether there are inputs to and outputs from the stage): Stage. Displays the name of the stage you are editing. You can enter text to describe the purpose of the stage in the Description field. The General tab defines the data source name. Inputs. This page is displayed only if you have an input link to this stage. Specifies the UniVerse table to use and the associated column definitions for each data input link. This page also specifies how data is written and contains the SQL statement or call syntax used to write the data. Outputs. This page is displayed only if you have an output link to this stage. Specifies the UniVerse tables to use and the associated column definitions for each data output link. This page also contains the SQL SELECT statement or call syntax used to extract the data. To edit a UniVerse stage, you carry out the following steps: 1. 2. 3. Define the connection. Define the data on the input links. Define the data on the output links.
These steps are performed in the UniVerse Stage dialog box. Click OK to close this dialog box. Changes are saved when you save the job design.
UniVerse Stages
Note: If you are accessing a file on localuv, you do not need to specify an account or directory path, and the Details tab is disabled. You can use a job parameter in any of the fields described in steps 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. For details on how to define and use job parameters, see the DataStage Designer Guide.
The Inputs page has the following field: Input name. The name of the input link. Choose the link you want to edit from the Input name drop-down list box. This list box displays all the input links to the UniVerse stage. The Inputs page also has up to six tabs, depending on the Update action you select in the General tab, and whether you want to create a table in the target database: General. This tab is displayed by default. It contains the following parameters:
Table name. The name of the table or UniVerse file the data is written to. Choose the table or file from the Table name dropdown list box. This list box contains all the tables defined under the Table Definitions UniVerse Data source branch in the Repository. Data source is the data source name chosen on the General tab on the Stage page. Note: If the table you want is not listed, you need to define a table definition. For details on how to import or create a table definition, see the DataStage Designer Guide. Alternatively, use Browse to display the Table Definitions window and choose a suitable table definition. You can also enter a job parameter in this field. This field appears when the update action is not User-defined SQL. Update action. Specifies how the data is written. Choose the option you want from the drop-down list box: Clear the table, then insert rows. Deletes the contents of the table and adds the new rows. Insert rows without clearing. Inserts the new rows in the table. Replace existing rows completely. Deletes the existing rows, then adds the new rows to the table. Update existing rows only. Updates the existing data rows. If a row with the supplied key does not exist in the table then the table is not updated but a warning is logged. Update existing rows or insert new ones. The existing data rows are updated and new rows are added. User-defined SQL. The data is written using a user-defined SQL statement. When you select this option, the View SQL tab is replaced by the Enter SQL tab. Create table in target database. Select this check box if you want to automatically create a table in the target database at run time. A table is created based on the defined column set for this stage. If you select this box, an additional tab, Edit DDL, appears. This shows the SQL CREATE statement to be used for table generation.
UniVerse Stages
Description. Contains an optional description of the input link. Columns. This tab is always present and contains the column definitions for the data written to the table or file. The column definitions are used in the order they appear in the Columns grid. View SQL. This tab displays the SQL statement call syntax used to write the data. This tab appears when you select any update action other than User-defined SQL. You cannot edit this statement, but you can use Copy to copy it to the Clipboard for use elsewhere. Enter SQL. This tab displays the user-defined SQL statement. This tab appears only when you set the update action to User-defined SQL, when it replaces the View SQL tab. Edit DDL. This tab appears if you have chosen to automatically generate a table at run time by selecting the Create table in target database check box on the General tab. It displays the SQL CREATE statement that will be used to create the table. To generate the statement, click the Create DDL button. DataStage will connect to the target database and generate the statement. You can edit the statement on this tab to make any required changes. This tab also allows you to specify that any existing table by this name should be dropped first. If you do not select this option, and such a table already exists in the target database, then the create will fail. You can specify details about the table to be created in the Create Table Options dialog box. Open this by clicking the Options button. For more information see Create Table Options on page 4-11. Transaction Handling. This page allows you to specify the transaction handling features of the stage as it writes to the UniVerse data source. You can choose whether to use transaction grouping or not, specify an isolation level, and the number of rows written before data is committed. A grid shows details of the transaction group to which the currently selected input link belongs. For further information see Specifying Transaction Control Information below. Click the View Data button to open the Data Browser. This enables you to look at the data associated with the input link. For a description of the Data Browser, see the DataStage Designer Guide.
turned on and off using the Enable transaction grouping check box on the Transaction Handling page (it is off by default). If you set Enable transaction handling off, you can specify the following on the Transaction Handling page: Enter a suitable value in the Rows per transaction field. This is the number of rows written before the data is committed to the data table. The default value is 0, that is, all the rows are written before being committed to the data table. Select a suitable Isolation Level. The isolation level specifies how potential conflicts between transactions (i.e., dirty reads, nonrepeatable reads, and phantom reads) are handled. If transaction grouping is enabled, the following rules govern the grouping of links: All the input links in the transaction group must originate from the same Transformer stage. The ordering of the links within the transaction group is determined in the preceding Transformer stage. A transaction group cannot use a Rows per transaction other than 1. Using an Isolation level of Auto-commit is permitted, but obviates the effect of organizing links in a transaction group. You should be aware of the following facts about transaction groups (assuming that you commit on every row): A transaction starts at the beginning of each iteration of the Transformer stage preceding the UniVerse stage. Any uncommitted changes left over from a previous transaction are rolled back. The links in the transaction group are processed in the order laid down in the Transformer stage. Individual links may be skipped if constraints laid down in the preceding Transformer stage so dictate. Each link in the transaction group can specify whether to rollback on failure. A rollback on any link causes the transaction to be abandoned and any subsequent links in the group to be skipped. Each link in the transaction group can be set to rollback if a constraint on that link is not met. Again, such a rollback causes the transaction to be abandoned and any subsequent links in the group to be skipped.
UniVerse Stages
The row counter for each link will be incremented only if the SQL associated with the link executes successfully and the transaction is successfully committed. The transaction ends after the last link in the transaction group is processed, unless a preceding link performs a rollback, in which case the transaction ends there. To specify transaction control information for a transaction group: 1. 2. Click the Transaction Handling page. Select the Enable transaction grouping check box.
Choose an appropriate transaction isolation level to use from the Isolation level drop-down list box. The isolation level specifies how potential conflicts between transactions (i.e., dirty reads, nonrepeatable reads, and phantom reads) are handled. (If you select Autocommit, you are specifying that every statement will effectively be executed in a separate transaction, which will obviate the advantages of transaction groups.) For transaction groups Rows per transaction is automatically set to 1 and you cannot alter it. Supply necessary details about the transaction group in the grid. The grid has a line for every link in the transaction group. The links are
4. 5.
shown in transaction processing order, which is set in the preceding Transformer stage. Each line contains the following information: Input name. The name of the input link. You cannot change this. On Skip. This is used to specify whether to continue or to roll back if a link is skipped due to a constraint on it not being satisfied. Choose Continue or Rollback from the drop-down list. On Fail. This is used to specify whether or not to continue or rollback on failure of the SQL statement. Choose Continue or Rollback from the drop-down list. SQL. Shows the SQL statement associated with the input link. You cannot change this, but clicking the cell will display the entire statement. Note: If the UniVerse stage uses a local connection to DSEngine, i.e. the data source is localuv, then you cannot associate data written from different input links in a single transaction group. Every input link appears in a transaction group on its own, even if the links originate from the same Transformer stage. You can view the transaction group information for a particular link by choosing it from the Input name drop-down list.
UniVerse Stages
Update existing or insert new rows User-defined SQL. This switches you from using a Generated Query to using user defined SQL query. See page 4-5 for a description of each update action. 3. 4. 5. Enter an optional description of the input link in the Description field. Click the Columns tab. The Columns tab appears at the front of the Inputs page. Edit the Columns grid to specify column definitions for the columns you want to write. For more information, see the DataStage Designer Guide. The SQL statement is automatically constructed using your chosen update action and the columns you have specified. You can now optionally view this SQL statement. 6. 7. Click the View SQL tab. The View SQL tab appears at the front of the Inputs page. Click OK to close the UniVerse Stage dialog box. Changes are saved when you save your job design.
2. 3.
Enter the SQL statement you want to use. This statement must contain the table name, the type of update action you want to perform, and the columns you want to write. Note: You must also ensure that the statement contains the correct number of ? parameter markers. You must have a parameter marker for each column you have defined on the Columns tab.
Click OK to close the UniVerse Stage dialog box. Changes are saved when you save your job design.
The dialog box contains the following fields: File Type. The file type chosen determines what other options are available in the dialog box. The default is Type30(Dynamic) Minimum Modulus. Visible only for Type30(Dynamic) file types. Specifies the dynamic file minimum modulus in the range 1 to 999999. The default is 1. Group Size. Visible only for Type30(Dynamic) file types. Specifies the dynamic group size. Choose 1 to select a group size of 2048 bytes, or 2 to select a group size of 4096 bytes. The default is 1.
UniVerse Stages
Split Load. Visible only for Type30(Dynamic) file types. Specifies the dynamic file split as a percentage in the range 1 to 99. The default is 80. Merge Load. Visible only for Type30(Dynamic) file types. Specifies the dynamic file merge load as a percentage in the range 1 to 99. The default is 50. Large Record. Visible only for Type30(Dynamic) file types. Specifies the large record value in bytes in the range 1 to 999999. The default is 1628. Hash Algorithm. Visible only for Type30(Dynamic) file types. Specifies the dynamic file hashing algorithm. Choose from GENERAL or SEQ.NUM. The default is GENERAL. Record Size. Visible only for Type30(Dynamic) file types. Specifies the record size in the range 1 to 999999. Minimize Space. Visible only for Type30(Dynamic) file types. Select this to Specify that some of the other options are adjusted to optimize for minimum file size. Modulus. Visible only for hashed file types. Specifies the hashed file modulus in the range 1 to 999999. The default is 1. Separation. Visible only for hashed file types. Specifies the hashed file separation in the range 1 to 999999. The default is 2.
The Outputs page has the following two fields and up to five tabs. The tabs displayed depend on how you choose to specify the SQL statement to output the data. Output name. The name of the output link. Choose the link you want to edit from the Output name drop-down list box. This list box displays all the output links from the UniVerse stage. Normalize on. This drop-down list box allows you to normalize (or unnest) data. You can normalize either on an association or on a single unassociated multivalued column. The Normalize on dropdown list box is only enabled for nonreference output links where meta data has been defined that contains multivalued fields.
UniVerse Stages
General. Displayed by default. Contains the following components: Table names. Contains the names of the tables or files being accessed in a comma-separated list. You can also use a job parameter to specify the table name. For details on how to define and use job parameters, see DataStage Designer Guide. Available tables. Displays the names of the available tables or files that have definitions in the Repository. Add. Adds a table from the Available tables drop-down list box to the Table names field. Generated query. Specifies that the data is extracted using an SQL statement constructed by DataStage. This is the default setting. When this option is selected, the Selection and View SQL tabs appear. User-defined SQL query. Specifies that the data is extracted using a user-defined SQL query. When this option is selected, the SQL Query tab appears. Description. Contains an optional description of the output link. Browse . Displays the Table Definitions window, allowing you to choose a suitable table or stored procedure definition. Columns. Contains the column definitions for the data being output on the chosen link. For a description of how to enter and edit column definitions, see DataStage Designer Guide. Also specifies which columns are aggregated. Selection. Contains optional SQL SELECT clauses for the conditional extraction of data. This tab appears when you select Generated query. View SQL. Displays the SQL statement used to extract the data from the chosen table or tables. This tab appears when you select Generated query. The SQL statement exists in two forms and you can choose which one to display: SQL for reference inputs. Choose this to view the SQL statement used when this link is a reference input to a Transformer stage. SQL for primary inputs. Choose this to view the SQL statement used in all other cases.
You cannot edit the SQL statement, but you can use Copy to copy it to the Clipboard for use elsewhere. SQL Query. Contains a user-defined SQL query. This tab appears when you select User-defined SQL query. This tab is divided into two areas: SQL for primary inputs. Contains a user-defined SQL query for a link that is a primary input to a Transformer stage, or an input to any other type of stage. SQL for reference inputs. Contains a user-defined SQL query for a link that is a reference input to a Transformer stage. Transaction Handling. Allows you to specify a transaction isolation level for read data. The isolation level specifies how potential conflicts between transactions (i.e., dirty read, nonrepeatable reads, and phantom reads) are handled. Click the View Data button to open the Data Browser. This enables you to look at the data associated with the input link. For a description of the Data Browser, see DataStage Designer Guide.
Key Fields
The column definitions for output links contain a key field. Key fields are used to join primary and reference inputs to a Transformer stage. For details on how key fields are specified and used, see Defining Input Column Key Expressionson page 8-14.
UniVerse Stages
When you specify the tables to use and the columns to be output from the UniVerse stage, the SQL SELECT statement is automatically constructed and can be viewed by clicking the View SQL tab on the Outputs page. Note: The View SQL tab appears only when you select Generated query on the General tab on the Outputs page. For example, if you extract the columns Name, Address, and Phone from a table called Table1, the SQL statement displayed on the View SQL tab is: SELECT Name, Address, Phone FROM Table1; The SELECT and FROM clauses are the minimum required and are automatically generated by DataStage. However, you can use any of these SQL SELECT clauses: SELECT clause FROM clause WHERE clause GROUP BY clause Specifies the columns to select from the database. Specifies the tables containing the selected columns. Specifies the criteria that rows must meet to be selected. Groups rows to summarize results. See Aggregating Data on page 4-19 for a description of how this clause is used. Specifies the criteria that grouped rows must meet to be selected. See Aggregating Data on page 4-19 for a description of how this clause is used. Sorts selected rows.
HAVING clause
ORDER BY clause
If you want to use the additional SQL SELECT clauses, you must enter them on the Selection tab on the Outputs page:
The Selection tab is divided into two parts: WHERE clause. This text box allows you to insert an SQL WHERE clause to specify criteria that the data must meet before being selected. Other clauses. This text box allows you to insert a HAVING or an ORDER BY clause.
UniVerse Stages
Alternatively, if you are extracting data from two tables in the data source, you can use a WHERE clause to relate a column in one table to a column in the another table. For example, Table1 contains the columns Pcode, OrderNo, and SaleDate and Table2 contains Pcode, CustNo, Quantity, and Cost. You can use the WHERE clause to join the two tables together by the related column. In this case, the column is Pcode and you enter:
Table1.Pcode = Table2.Pcode
Note: Only one column definition called Pcode is loaded or inserted into the grid on the Columns tab. You can also use a job parameter in the WHERE clause. For details on how to define and use job parameters, see DataStage Designer Guide. The SQL SELECT statement is automatically updated to include the WHERE clause. Click the View SQL tab to display the statement.
The SQL SELECT statement is updated automatically. Click the View SQL tab to display the statement. You can also use a job parameter in the HAVING clause. For details on how to define and use job parameters, see DataStage Designer Guide.
column before being output. You can specify a column name or a column position and whether to sort in ascending or descending order. To use an ORDER BY clause, enter the clause, column, and condition into the Other clauses text entry box on the Selection tab on the Outputs page. For example, if your table contains a Name column, you may want to sort the column alphabetically (A to Z). In this case you enter:
The SQL SELECT statement is updated automatically. Click the View SQL tab to display the statement.
Aggregating Data
If you are using a generated query, you can use a UniVerse stage to aggregate data at the source instead of using an intermediate Aggregator stage. By aggregating data you can add values in a particular column for all data records in a table. This summed total is then output from the stage. You can aggregate data in two ways: Using an Aggregator stage. For more information, see Chapter 9, Aggregator Stages. Using a UniVerse stage. If you aggregate data using a UniVerse stage, the columns to group by and sum together are also specified by the SQL SELECT statement. To specify the columns to group by and summarize, you must edit the column definitions in the Columns grid on the Columns tab. For more information about editing column definitions, see DataStage Designer Guide. For example, if you have a sales database (Sales1) it may contain the following columns: Product, SaleDate, and QtySold. If this database is updated daily, you have a record of how many of each product are sold each day. However, if you want to know how many of each product were sold since 01/01/96 you need to specify a WHERE clause for the SaleDate and group (and summarize) the data. Because you want the total for each product, you need to group all the occurrences of the same value in the Product column and sum the value in the QtySold column. To group by a column, click in the Group cell for the column definition you want to group by and choose Yes from the drop-down list. In the example, you would choose the Product column to edit.
UniVerse Stages
To summarize a column, click in the Derivation cell for the column you want to aggregate (using SUM or COUNT). The Derivation cell contains by default the name of the table and column in the format tablename.columnname. You can edit this cell to add SUM or COUNT. In the example, you would edit the Derivation cell for the QtySold column. The resulting expression would be SUM(Sales1.QtySold). When you group by or summarize columns, the SQL statement is automatically updated to include the GROUP BY clause and the aggregation expression. To view the SQL statement, click the View SQL tab on the Outputs page. For example, the SQL statement for the example would be:
SELECT Product, SUM(QtySold) FROM Sales1 WHERE Saledate>=01/01/96 GROUP BY Product;
See Using a WHERE Clause on page 4-17 for details of how to use a WHERE clause.
Click the SQL Query tab. The SQL Query tab appears at the front of the Outputs page:
When you first view this tab, the SQL for primary inputs and SQL for reference inputs fields may contain the SQL statements constructed by DataStage. These are displayed if you selected Generated query before selecting User-defined SQL query. You can modify or overwrite each statement to construct your own SQL query or call to a stored procedure. The entries in these fields depend on whether the output is a primary input to a stage or a reference input to a Transformer stage: If the output is a primary input to any stage, whether or not it is a Transformer stage, edit the SQL for primary inputs field. The SQL query must contain the same number of columns (and column names) as the SQL statement constructed by DataStage. You must ensure that the table definitions for the output link are correct and represent the columns that are expected. The result set generated from this statement returns at least one row.
UniVerse Stages
Note: If more than one result set is produced, only the first set is used. If the output is a reference input to a Transformer stage, edit the SQL for reference inputs field. The SQL query must contain the same number of columns as the SQL statement constructed by DataStage. You must ensure that the table definitions for the output link are correct and represent the columns that are expected. The statement must have the same number of parameter values (?) as key columns on the link. The result set generated by this statement or procedure contains at most one row. 3. Click OK to close the UniVerse Stage dialog box. Changes are saved when you save your job design.
UniData Stages
UniData stages represent a UniData file.
UniData Stages
This dialog box can have up to three pages (depending on whether there are inputs to and outputs from the stage): Stage. Displays the name of the stage you are editing. This page has a General tab, where you can enter text to describe the purpose of the stage in the Description field. You can also specify where the data files are by selecting a data source name and supplying logon details for the server where the data source is located. Server. Choose a server name from the drop-down list or type a server name. The list is populated from the Table Definitions UniData branch in the Manager. You can use a job parameter in this field. For details on how to define and use job parameters, see the DataStage Designer Guide. Database. Choose a database from the drop-down list or type a database name. The list is populated from the Table Definitions UniData branch in the Manager. You can use a job parameter in this field. User name. Enter the user name to be used for logging on to the server. You can use a job parameter in this field. Password. Enter the password to be used for logging on to the server. You can use a job parameter in this field. UniVerse Stage Compatibility. Select this check box to ensure that any job conversions will work correctly. With this option selected, the date or time will be represented in ISO format (depending on the Extended type) and numerics will be scaled according to the meta data. (The job conversion utility is a special standalone tool it is not available within the DataStage Designer.) The NLS tab defines a character set map to use with this stage if NLS is enabled. For details, see Defining Character Set Maps on page 5-3. Inputs. This page is displayed only if you have an input link to this stage. Specifies the data file to use and the associated column definitions for each data input link. This page also specifies how data is written to the data file. Outputs. This page is displayed only if you have an output link to this stage. Specifies the data file to use and the associated column definitions for each data output link.
Click OK to close this dialog box. Changes are saved when you save the job. If you encounter an error when connecting to a UniData data source, such as:
UniData Client error: call to UniOpenPos returned 45 Client version (11) and server version (12) are incompatible
you need to edit the UNIAPI.INI file in the Windows directory on your client machine to change the value of the PROTOCOL variable to match the server version. So, in the case of the example error, you would need to change the variable value from 11 to 12:
UniData Stages
The default character set map (defined for the project or the job) can be changed by selecting a map name from the list. The tab also has the following fields: Show all maps. Lists all the maps supplied with DataStage. Maps cannot be used unless they have been loaded using the DataStage Administrator. Loaded maps only. Display the maps that are loaded and ready for use. Use Job Parameter . Allows you to specify a character set map as a parameter to the job containing the stage. If the parameter has not yet been defined, you are prompted to define it from the Job Properties dialog box.
The Inputs page has the following field and two tabs: Input name. The name of the input link. Choose the link you want to edit from the Input name drop-down list box. This list box displays all the input links to the UniData stage. General. Displayed by default. Contains the following fields and options: File name. The name of the file the data is written to. You can use a job parameter to represent the file created during run time (see the DataStage Designer Guide for more details), choose the file from the File name drop-down list box, or enter a file name. This list box contains all the files defined under the Table Definitions UniData Server Database branch in the Manager. Note: If the file you want is not listed, you may need to define a table definition. For details on how to create a table definition, see the DataStage Designer Guide. Clear file before writing. If you select this check box, the existing file is cleared and new data records are written to the empty file. This check box is cleared by default. Description. Contains an optional description of the input link. Note: If your data has very large records, you may need to change the records per chunk value in order to accommodate them. This is done by adding the following text in the Description box: RecsPerChunk=nnn Where nnn is the number of records returned per chunk. You may need to use trial and error in getting the right value for this. You will get error message when you run the job if you are attempting to return too many records per chunk. Columns. Contains the column definitions for the data written to the file. For a description of how to enter and edit column definitions, see the DataStage Designer Guide.
UniData Stages
Note: If you are using meta data that does not specify column positions, then the first column definition describes the UniData files key field. The remaining columns are ordered according to their position in the file. Do not reorder the column definitions in the grid unless you are certain you understand the consequences of your action. Click the View Data button to open the Data Browser. This enables you to look at the data associated with the input link. For a description of the Data Browser, see the DataStage Designer Guide.
The Outputs page has the following two fields and three tabs: Output name. The name of the output link. Choose the link you want to edit from the Output name drop-down list box. This list box displays all the output links from the UniData stage.
Normalize on. This drop-down list box allows you to normalize (or unnest) data. You can normalize either on an association or on a single unassociated multivalued column. The Normalize on dropdown list box is only enabled for nonreference output links where meta data has been defined that contains multivalued fields. General. Displayed by default. Contains the following fields and options: File name. The name of the file the data is read from. You can use a job parameter to represent the file created during run time (see the DataStage Designer Guide for more details) or choose the file from the File name drop-down list box. This list box contains all the files defined under the Table Definitions UniData Server Database branch in the Repository. Note: If the file you want is not listed, you need to define a table definition. For more information, see the DataStage Designer Guide. Pre-load file to memory. You can enable o disable this option using the drop-down box. Pre-loading a file into memory can improve performance if the output link is a reference input to a Transformer stage. If enabled, the UniData file is read into memory when the job is run. The default is disabled. Description. Contains an optional description of the output link. Columns. Contains the column definitions for the data on the chosen output link. For a description of how to enter or edit column definitions, see the DataStage Designer Guide. Note: If you are using meta data that does not specify column positions, then the first column definition describes the UniData files key field. The remaining columns are ordered according to their position in the file. Do not reorder the column definitions in the grid unless you are certain you understand the consequences of your action. Selection. Contains optional SQL SELECT clauses for the conditional extraction of data from a file. Click the View Data button to open the Data Browser. This enables you to look at the data associated with the output link. For a description of the Data Browser, see the DataStage Designer Guide.
UniData Stages
Hashed File Stages
Hashed File stages represent a hashed file, i.e., a file that uses a hashing algorithm for distributing records in one or more groups on disk. Use a Hashed File stage to access UniVerse files. The DataStage Engine can host UniVerse files locally. You can use a hashed file as an intermediate file in a job, taking advantage of DSEngines local hosting.
Each Hashed File stage can have any number of inputs or outputs. When you edit a Hashed File stage, the Hashed File Stage dialog box appears:
This dialog box can have up to three pages (depending on whether there are inputs to and outputs from the stage): Stage. Displays the name of the stage you are editing. This page has a General tab, where you can enter text to describe the purpose of the stage in the Description field and specify where the data files are by clicking one of the option buttons: Use account name. If you choose this option, you must choose the name of the account from the Account name drop-down list box. This list box contains all the accounts defined under the Table Definitions Hashed branch in the DataStage Manager. If the account you want is not listed, you need to define a table definition. For details on how to create a table definition, see the DataStage Designer Guide. Alternatively, you can enter an account name or use a job parameter. For details on how to define and use job parameters, see the DataStage Designer Guide.
Use directory path. If you choose this option, you must specify a directory path containing the UV account. The directory must be a UniVerse account and is used for UniVerse accounts that do not appear in the UV.ACCOUNT file. If the hashed file is hosted locally by DSEngine, the directory you need to specify the DataStage project directory as teh directory path, for example, C:\Ascential\DataStage\Projects\Dstage. The directory is specified in the Directory path field. You can enter a path directly, click Browse to search the system for a suitable directory, or use a job parameter. For more information about using Browse, see the DataStage Designer Guide. SQL Null Value. Determines what character represents the SQL Null value in the hashed file corresponding to this stage. If your system will be using the Euro symbol, select the Special (allow Euro) option from the drop-down list. Select Auto detect to have DataStage determine what represents SQL Null. UniVerse Stage Compatibility. Select this check box to ensure that any job conversions will work correctly. With this option selected, the date or time will be represented in ISO format (depending on the Extended type) and numerics will be scaled according to the meta data. (The job conversion utility is a special standalone tool it is not available in the DataStage Designer.) Inputs. This page is only displayed if you have an input link to this stage. Specifies the data file to use and the associated column definitions for each data input link. This page also specifies how data is written to the data file. Outputs. This page is displayed only if you have an output link to this stage. Specifies the data file to use and the associated column definitions for each data output link. Click OK to close this dialog box. Changes are saved when you save the job. If a Hashed File stage references a hashed file that does not already exist, use the DataStage Director Validate Job feature before you run the job, and DataStage will create it for you. To validate a job, choose Job Validate from the Director. The Job Run Options dialog box
appears. Click Validate. For more information on validating a job and setting job options, see the DataStage Manager Guide.
The Inputs page has the following field and two tabs: Input name. The name of the input link. Choose the link you want to edit from the Input name drop-down list box. This list box displays all the input links to the Hashed File stage. General. Displayed by default. Contains the following fields and options: File name. The name of the file the data is written to. You can either use a job parameter to represent the file created during run time (see the DataStage Designer Guide for more details) or choose the file from the File name drop-down list box. This list box contains all the files defined under the Table Definitions Hashed Account name branch in the Manager,
where Account name is the name of the account chosen on the Stage page. By default the name of the input link is used as the file name. Note: If the file you want is not listed, you may need to define a table definition. For details on how to create a table definition, see the DataStage Designer Guide. Clear file before writing. If you select this check box, the existing file is cleared and new data records are written to the empty file. This check box is cleared by default. Backup existing file. If you select this check box, a backup copy of the existing file is made before the new data records are written to the file. The backup can be used to reset the file if a job is stopped or aborted at run time. See the DataStage Manager Guide for more details. This check box is cleared by default. Allow write stage cache. Select this check box to specify that all records should be cached, rather than written to the hashed file immediately. This is not recommended where your job writes and reads to the same hashed file in the same stream of execution, for example, where a Transformer stage checks if a record already exists to determine the required operation. (If you have caching on the server enabled, any caching attributes that the file was created with will override the stage level caching). Create File. Select this check box to specify that the stage will create the hashed file for writing to. Click the Options button to open the Create File Options dialog box to specify details about how the file is created (see Create File Options on page 6-6). Description. Contains an optional description of the input link. Columns. Contains the column definitions for the data written to the file. For a description of how to enter and edit column definitions, see the DataStage Designer Guide. Note: You should use the Key checkboxes to identify the key columns. If you dont, the first column definition is taken as the hashed files key field. The remaining
columns dictate the order in which data will be written to the hashed file. Do not reorder the column definitions in the grid unless you are certain you understand the consequences of your action. Click the View Data button to open the Data Browser. This enables you to look at the data associated with the input link. For a description of the Data Browser, see the DataStage Designer Guide.
The dialog box contains the following fields: File Type. The file type chosen determines what other options are available in the dialog box. The default is Type30(Dynamic) Minimum Modulus. Visible only for Type30(Dynamic) file types. Specifies the dynamic file minimum modulus in the range 1 to 999999. The default is 1. Group Size. Visible only for Type30(Dynamic) file types. Specifies the dynamic group size. Choose 1 to select a group size of
2048 bytes, or 2 to select a group size of 4096 bytes. The default is 1. Split Load. Visible only for Type30(Dynamic) file types. Specifies the dynamic file split as a percentage in the range 1 to 99. The default is 80. Merge Load. Visible only for Type30(Dynamic) file types. Specifies the dynamic file merge load as a percentage in the range 1 to 99. The default is 50. Large Record. Visible only for Type30(Dynamic) file types. Specifies the large record value in bytes in the range 1 to 999999. The default is 1628. Hash Algorithm. Visible only for Type30(Dynamic) file types. Specifies the dynamic file hashing algorithm. Choose from GENERAL or SEQ.NUM. The default is GENERAL. Record Size. Visible only for Type30(Dynamic) file types. Specifies the record size in the range 1 to 999999. Modulus. Visible only for hashed file types. Specifies the hashed file modulus in the range 1 to 999999. The default is 1. Separation. Visible only for hashed file types. Specifies the hashed file separation in the range 1 to 999999. The default is 2. Caching attributes. If you have server caching enabled, this allows you to choose caching attributes for the file you are creating. These attributes will stay with the file wherever it is used subsequently. NONE means no caching is performed, WRITE DEFERRED is the fastest method, but file integrity can be lost is a system crash should occur. WRITE IMMEDIATE is slower, but safer in file integrity terms. Minimize Space. Visible only for Type30(Dynamic) file types. Select this to Specify that some of the other options are adjusted to optimize for minimum file size. Delete file before create. Select this check-box to specify that any existing file of the same name is deleted before a new one is created.
The Outputs page has the following two fields and three tabs: Output name. The name of the output link. Choose the link you want to edit from the Output name drop-down list box. This list box displays all the output links from the Hashed File stage. Normalize on. This drop-down list box allows you to normalize (or unnest) data. You can normalize either on an association or on a single unassociated multivalued column. The Normalize on drop-down list box is only enabled for nonreference output links where meta data has been defined that contains multivalued fields. General. Displayed by default. Contains the following fields and options:
File name. The name of the file the data is read from. You can use a job parameter to represent the file created during run time (see the DataStage Designer Guide for more details) or choose the file from the File name drop-down list box. This list box contains all the files defined under the Table Definitions Hashed Account name branch in the Repository, where Account name is the name of the account chosen on the Stage page. Note: If the file you want is not listed, you need to define a table definition. For more information, see the DataStage Designer Guide. Record Level Read. Select this to force the file to be read record by record. This is slower, but is necessary if you want to read and write the hashed file at the same time. If you specify a select statement on the Selection tab, the file is read at the record level anyway and this checkbox is ticked but grayed out. Pre-load file to memory. You can use these options to improve performance if the output link is a reference input to a Transformer stage. If you select Enabled, the hashed file is read into memory when the job is run (Disabled is selected by default). The remaining two options are for specialist use and cater for situations where you need to modify a lookup table as a job runs. If Enabled, Lock for Updates is selected the hashed file is read into memory when the job is run. If a lookup is not found in memory, the job looks in the file on disk, if the lookup is still not found, an update lock is taken in the knowledge that the record will subsequently be written in the hashed file by this job. The operation for Disabled, Lock for Updates is similar, except that the hashed file is not read into memory. Description. Contains an optional description of the output link. Columns. Contains the column definitions for the data on the chosen output link. For a description of how to enter or edit column definitions, see the DataStage Designer Guide. You should be aware of the following when outputting data from a hashed file:
Key fields should be identified by ticking the Key boxes. (If you fail to do this be warned that the first column will be treated as the key, which may lead to undesired results). By default other columns are ordered according to their position in the file. You can also use the hashed file stage to reorder columns as they are read in. Do this by specifying the order you want the columns to be in the Position field. The columns will then be written to the output link in that order, although they retain the same column names. If you use this feature you should identify the key column or columns by setting their Position field to 0. Do not reorder the column definitions in the grid unless you are certain you understand the consequences of your action. You should be especially wary of using the Position field to reorder columns and then saving the definition as a table definition in the DataStage Repository for subsequent reuse. In particular, if you use this column definition to write to the same hashed file, you will be reordering the file itself. You can output an entire record as a single column if required. Do this by inserting a value of -1 in the Position field of the record fields column definition. (The key column Position field should be 0.) Selection. Contains optional SELECT clauses for the conditional extraction of data from a file. This tab is only available if you have specified the hashed file by account name, rather than directory path, on the Stage page. Click the View Data button to open the Data Browser. This enables you to look at the data associated with the output link. For a description of the Data Browser, see the DataStage Designer Guide. If you intend to read and write from a hashed file at the same time, you must either set up a selection on the Selection tab, or you should select the Record Level Read checkbox on the General tab. This ensures the file is read in records rather than in groups, and that record locks can operate. Note, however, that this mode of operation is much slower and should only be used when there is a clear need to read and write the same file at the same time.
Windows Systems and UNIX Systems using the Windows Code Page
On these systems the code that represents the Euro system can clash with the hashed files representation of SQL null. A number of steps are needed to overcome this problem: If your system will never require a Euro symbol to appear in isolation in a column of a hashed file, then all you need do is edit the file msg.txt in the DataStage home directory as follows: In line LOC0016 replace the $ with the euro symbol (you can generate a Euro symbol using a keyboard that generates it, or use the BASIC command char(128) or char(164). In line LOC0015 ensure the proper decimal separator is set. In line LOC0014 ensure the proper thousand separator is set. If your system does require to use a Euro symbol in isolation, then you need to choose another character to represent SQL null. This is done on the General Tab of the Hashed File stage editor Stage page. Choose one of the following from the SQL NULL value drop down list: Special (allow Euro). This sets SQL null to 0x19.
Auto Detect. Detects if Euro is the local currency symbol and, if it is, sets SQL null to 0x19.
Sequential File Stages
Sequential File stages are used to extract data from, or write data to, a text file. The text file can be created or exist on any drive that is either local or mapped to the server. Each Sequential File stage can have any number of inputs or outputs.
This dialog box can have up to three pages (depending on whether there are inputs to and outputs from the stage): Stage. Displays the name of the stage you are editing. The General tab also allows you to specify line termination options, an optional description of the stage, and whether the stage uses named pipes or filter commands. The line termination options let you set the type of line terminator to use in the Sequential File stage. By default, line termination matches the type used on your DataStage server. To change the value, choose one of Unix style (LF), DOS style (CR LF), or None. Select the Stage uses named pipes check box if you want to use the named pipe facilities. These allow you to split up a large job into a number of smaller jobs. You may want to do this where there is a large degree of parallelism in your design, as it will increase performance and allow several developers to work on the design at the same time. With this check box selected, all inputs and outputs to the stage use named pipes. Examples of how to use the named pipe facilities are in DataStage Developers Help. Select Stage uses filter commands if you want to specify a filter command to process data on the input or output links. Details of the actual command are specified on the Inputs page or Outputs page General tab (see Defining Sequential File Input Data on page 7-4 and Defining Sequential File Output Data on page 7-9). The Stage uses named pipes and Stage uses filter commands options are mutually exclusive. If NLS is enabled, the NLS tab allows you to define character set mapping and Unicode settings for the stage. For more information, see Defining Character Set Maps on page 7-3. Inputs. Contains information about the file formats and column definitions for each data input link. This page is displayed only if you have an input link to this stage. Outputs. Contains information about the file format and column definitions for the data output links. This page is displayed only if you have an output link to this stage. Click OK to close this dialog box. Changes are saved when you save the job.
The default character set map (defined for the project or the job) can be changed by selecting a map name from the list. The tab also has the following fields: Show all maps. Choose this to display all the maps supplied with DataStage in the list. Maps cannot be used unless they have been loaded using the DataStage Administrator. Loaded maps only. Displays the maps that are loaded and ready for use. Use Job Parameter . Allows you to specify a character set map as a parameter to the job containing the stage. If the parameter has not yet been defined, you are prompted to define it from the Job Properties dialog box. Use UNICODE map. If you select this, the character set map is overridden, and all data is read and written in Unicode format with two bytes per character.
If Byte swapped is selected, the data is read or written with the lower-order byte first. For example, 0X0041 (that is, A) is written as bytes 0X41,0X00. Otherwise it is written as 0X00,0X41. If First character is Byte Order Mark is selected, the stage reads or writes the sequence 0XFE,0XFF if byte swapped, or 0XFF,0XFE if not byte swapped.
The Inputs page has the following field and three tabs: Input name. The name of the input link. Choose the link you want to edit from the Input name drop-down list box. This list box displays all the input links to the Sequential File stage. General. Displayed by default. Contains the following parameters: File name. The pathname of the file the data is written to. You can enter a job parameter to represent the file created during run 7-4 Ascential DataStage Server Job Developers Guide
time. For details on how to define job parameters, see the DataStage Designer Guide. You can also browse for the file. The file name will default to the link name if you do not specify one here. Filter command. Here you can specify a filter program that will process the data before it is written to the file. This could be used, for example, to specify a zip program to compress the data. You can type in or browse for the filter program, and specify any command line arguments it requires in the text box. This text box is enabled only if you have selected the Stage uses filter commands checkbox on the Stage page General tab (see page 7-1). Note that, if you specify a filter command, data browsing is not available so the View Data button is disabled. Description. Contains an optional description of the input link. The General tab also contains options that determine how the data is written to the file. These are displayed under the Update action area: Overwrite existing file. This is the default option. If this option button is selected, the existing file is truncated and new data records are written to the empty file. Append to existing file. If you select this option button, the data records are appended to the end of the existing file. Backup existing file . If you select this check box, a backup copy of the existing file is taken. The new data records are written based on whether you chose to append to or overwrite the existing file. Note: The backup can be used to reset the file if a job is stopped or aborted at run time. See the DataStage Manager Guide for more details.
Format. Contains parameters that determine the format of the data in the file. There are up to four check boxes:
Fixed-width columns. If you select this check box, the data is written to the file in fixed-width columns. The width of each column is specified by the SQL display size (set in the Display column in the Columns grid). This option is cleared by default. First line is column names. Select this check box if the first row of data in the file contains column names. This option is cleared by default, that is, the first row in the file contains data. Omit last new-line. Select this check box if you want to remove the last newline character in the file. This option is cleared by default, i.e., the newline character is not removed. Flush after every row. This only appears if you have selected Stage uses named pipes on the Stage page. Selecting this check box causes data to be passed between the reader and writer of the pipe one record at a time. There are up to seven fields on the Format tab: Delimiter. Only active if you have not specified fixed-width columns. Contains the delimiter that separates the data fields in
the file. By default this field contains a comma. You can enter a single printable character or a decimal or hexadecimal number to represent the ASCII code for the character you want to use. Valid ASCII codes are in the range 1 to 253. Decimal values 1 through 9 must be preceded with a zero. Hexadecimal values must be prefixed with &h. Enter 000 to suppress the delimiter. Quote character. Only active if you have not specified fixedwidth columns. Contains the character used to enclose strings. By default this field contains a double quotation mark. You can enter a single printable character or a decimal or hexadecimal number to represent the ASCII code for the character you want to use. Valid ASCII codes are in the range 1 to 253. Decimal values 1 through 9 must be preceded with a zero. Hexadecimal values must be prefixed with &h. Enter 000 to suppress the quote character. Spaces between columns. This field is only active when you select the Fixed-width columns check box. Contains a number to represent the number of spaces used between columns. Default NULL string . Contains the default characters that are written to the file when a column contains an SQL null (this can be overridden for individual column definition in the Columns tab). Default Padding . Contains the character used to pad missing columns. This is # by default, but can be set to another character here to apply to all columns, or can be overridden for individual column definitions in the Columns tab. The following fields appear only if you have selected Stage uses named pipes on the Stage page: Wait for reader timeout. Specifies how long the stage will wait for a connection when reading from a pipe before timing out. Recommended values are from 30 to 600 seconds. If the stage times out, an error is raised and the job is aborted. Write timeout. Specifies how long the stage will attempt to write data to a pipe before timing out. Recommended values are from 30 to 600 seconds. If the stage times out, an error is raised and the job is aborted. Columns. Contains the column definitions for the data on the chosen input link. In addition to the standard column definition
fields (Column name, Key, SQL Type, Length, Scale, Nullable, Display, Data Element, and Description), Sequential File stage Column tabs also have the following fields: Null string . Fill this in if you want to override the default setting on the Format tab for this particular column. Padding. Fill this in if you want to override the default setting on the Format tab for this particular column. Contains terminators. Does not apply to input links. Incomplete column. Does not apply to input links. Note that the Scale for a sequential file column has a practical limit of 14. If values higher than this are used the results may be ambiguous. The SQL data type properties affect how data is written to a sequential file. The SQL display size determines the size of fixedwidth columns. The SQL data type determines how the data is justified in a column: character data types are quoted and left justified, numeric data types are not quoted and are right justified. The SQL properties are in the Columns grid when you edit an input column. Click the View Data button to open the Data Browser. This enables you to look at the data associated with the input link. For a description of the Data Browser, see the DataStage Designer Guide.
The Outputs page has the following field and three tabs: Output name. The name of the output link. Choose the link you want to edit from the Output name drop-down list box. This list box displays all the output links to the Sequential File stage. General. Displayed by default. There are two fields: File name. The pathname of the file the data is extracted from. You can enter a job parameter to represent the file created during run time. For details on how to define job parameters, see the DataStage Designer Guide. You can also browse for the file. Filter command. Here you can specify a filter program for processing the file you are extracting data from. This feature can be used, for example, to unzip a compressed file before reading it. You can type in or browse for the filter program, and specify
any command line arguments it requires in the text box. This text box is enabled only if you have selected the Stage uses filter commands checkbox on the Stage page General tab (see page 7-1). Note that, if you specify a filter command, data browsing is not available so the View Data button is disabled. Description. Contains an optional description of the output link. Format. Contains parameters that determine the format of the data in the file. There are three check boxes: Fixed-width columns. If you select this check box, the data is extracted from the file in fixed-width columns. The width of each column is specified by the SQL display size (set in the Display column in the Columns grid). This option is cleared by default. First line is column names. Select this check box if the first row of data in the file contains column names. This option is cleared by default, that is, the first row in the file contains data. Suppress row truncation warnings. If the sequential file being read contains more columns that you have defined, you will normally receive warnings about overlong rows when the job is run. If you want to suppress these message (for example, you may only be interested in the first three columns and happy to ignore the rest), select this checkbox. There are up to eight fields on the Format tab: Missing columns action. Allows you to specify the action to take when a column is missing from the input data. Choose Pad with SQL null, Map empty string, or Pad with empty string from the drop-down list. Delimiter. Only active if you have not specified fixed-width columns. Contains the delimiter that separates the data fields in the file. By default this field contains a comma. You can enter a single printable character or a decimal or hexadecimal number to represent the ASCII code for the character you want to use. Valid ASCII codes are in the range 1 to 253. Decimal values 1 through 9 must be preceded with a zero. Hexadecimal values must be prefixed with &h. Enter 000 to suppress the delimiter. Quote character. Only active if you have not specified fixedwidth columns. Contains the delimiter that separates the data fields in the file. By default this field contains a comma. You can
enter a single printable character or a decimal or hexadecimal number to represent the ASCII code for the character you want to use. Valid ASCII codes are in the range 1 to 253. Decimal values 1 through 9 must be preceded with a zero. Hexadecimal values must be prefixed with &h. Enter 000 to suppress the delimiter. Spaces between columns. This field is only active when you select the Fixed-width columns check box. Contains a number to represent the number of spaces used between columns. Default NULL string. Contains characters which, when encountered in a sequential file being read, are interpreted as the SQL null value (this can be overridden for individual column definitions in the Columns tab). Default Padding. Contains the character used to pad missing columns. This is # by default, but can be set to another character here to apply to all columns, or can be overridden for individual column definitions in the Columns tab. The following fields appear only if you have selected Stage uses named pipes on the Stage page: Wait for writer timeout. Specifies how long the stage will wait for a connection when writing to a pipe before timing out. Recommended values are from 30 to 600 seconds. If the stage times out, an error is raised and the job is aborted. Read timeout. Specifies how long the stage will attempt to read data from a pipe before timing out. Recommended values are from 30 to 600 seconds. If the stage times out, an error is raised and the job is aborted. Columns. Contains the column definitions for the data on the chosen output link. In addition to the standard column definition fields (Column name, Key, SQL Type, Length, Scale, Nullable, Display, Data Element, and Description), Sequential File stage Column tabs also have the following fields: Null string . Fill this in if you want to override the default setting on the Format tab for this particular column. Padding. Fill this in if you want to override the default setting on the Format tab for this particular column. Contains terminators. Use this to specify how End of Record (EOR) marks are treated in this column. Choose from:
Yes to specify that the data may include EOR marks and they should not be treated as meaning end of record. For the final column definition for a CSV file, the Yes option is disabled. Quoted to specify that any EOR marks that are part of the data are quoted, while unquoted EOR marks should be interpreted as end of record. No to specify that any EOR marks in the column should be interpreted as end of record. Incomplete column. Allows you to specify the action taken if the column contains insufficient data to match the meta data. Choose from: Error to abort the job as soon as such a row is found. Discard & Warn to discard the current data row and issue a warning. Replace & Warn to pad a short column with SQL null, or act in accordance with Missing columns action if missing, and write a warning to the log file. Retain & Warn to pass the data on as it is, but issue a warning. Retain to pass the data on as it is. Replace to pad a short column with SQL null, or act in accordance with Missing columns action if missing. The behavior of Incomplete column also depends on whether the sequential file is fixed-width or CSV. In CSV format it is impossible to have a short column, so the option applies only to missing columns and the Retain options have no meaning. Click the View Data button to open the Data Browser. This enables you to look at the data associated with the output link. For a description of the Data Browser, see the DataStage Designer Guide.
Transformer Stages
Transformer stages do not extract data or write data to a target database. They are used to handle extracted data, perform any conversions required, and pass data to another Transformer stage or a stage that writes data to a target data table.
Transformer Stages
When you edit a Transformer stage, the Transformer Editor appears. An example Transformer stage is shown below. In this example, meta data has been defined for the input and the output links.
The Transformer toolbar contains the following buttons: show all or selected relations stage column auto-match show/hide properties input link stage variables find/replace execution order output link execution order constraints cut copy save column definition paste load column definition
Link Area
The top area displays links to and from the Transformer stage, showing their columns and the relationships between them. The link area is where all column definitions, key expressions, and stage variables are defined. The link area is divided into two panes; you can drag the splitter bar between them to resize the panes relative to one another. There is also a horizontal scroll bar, allowing you to scroll the view left or right. The left pane shows input links, the right pane shows output links. The input link shown at the top of the left pane is always the primary link. Any subsequent links are reference links. For all types of link, key fields are shown in bold. Reference link key fields that have no expression defined are shown in red (or the color defined in Tools Options), as are output columns that have no derivation defined.
Within the Transformer Editor, a single link may be selected at any one time. When selected, the links title bar is highlighted, and arrowheads indicate any selected columns.
Transformer Stages
Shortcut Menus
The Transformer Editor shortcut menus are displayed by right-clicking the links in the links area. There are slightly different menus, depending on whether you right-click an input link, an output link, or a stage variable. The input link menu offers you operations on key expressions, the output link menu offers you operations on derivations, and the stage variable menu offers you operations on stage variables. The shortcut menu enables you to: Open the Properties dialog box to enter a description of the link. Open the Constraints dialog box to specify a constraint (only available for output links). Open the Column Auto Match dialog box. Display the Find/Replace dialog box. Edit, validate, or clear a key expression, derivation, or stage variable. Append a new column or stage variable to the selected link. Select all columns on a link. Insert or delete columns or stage variables. Cut, copy, and paste a column or a key expression or a derivation or stage variable.
If you display the menu from the links area background, you can: Open the Stage Properties dialog box in order to specify a beforeor after-stage subroutine. Open the Constraints dialog box in order to specify a constraint for the selected output link. Open the Link Execution Order dialog box in order to specify the order in which links should be processed. Toggle between viewing link relations for all links, or for the selected link only. Toggle between displaying stage variables and hiding them. Right-clicking in the meta data area of the Transformer Editor opens the standard grid editing shortcut menus.
Input Links
The main data source is joined to the Transformer stage via the primary link, but the stage can also have any number of reference input links. A reference link represents a table lookup. These are used to provide information that might affect the way the data is changed, but do not supply the actual data to be changed. Reference input columns can be designated as key fields. You can specify key expressions that are used to evaluate the key fields. The most common use for the key expression is to specify an equijoin, which is a link between a primary link column and a reference link column. For example, if your primary input data contains names and addresses, and a reference input contains names and phone numbers, the reference link name column is marked as a key field and the key expression refers to the primary links
Transformer Stages
name column. During processing, the name in the primary input is looked up in the reference input. If the names match, the reference data is consolidated with the primary data. If the names do not match, i.e., there is no record in the reference input whose key matches the expression given, all the columns specified for the reference input are set to the null value. Where a reference link originates from a UniVerse or ODBC stage, you can look up multiple rows from the reference table. The rows are specified by a foreign key, as opposed to a primary key used for a single-row lookup.
Output Links
You can have any number of output links from your Transformer stage. You may want to pass some data straight through the Transformer stage unaltered, but its likely that youll want to transform data from some input columns before outputting it from the Transformer stage. You can specify such an operation by entering a BASIC expression or by selecting a transform to apply to the data. DataStage has many built-in transforms, or you can define your own custom transforms that are stored in the Repository and can be reused as required. The source of an output link column is defined in that columns Derivation cell within the Transformer Editor. You can use the Expression Editor to enter expressions or transforms in this cell. You can also simply drag an input column to an output columns Derivation cell, to pass the data straight through the Transformer stage. In addition to specifying derivation details for individual output columns, you can also specify constraints that operate on entire output links. A constraint is a BASIC expression that specifies criteria that data must meet before it can be passed to the output link. You can also specify a reject link, which is an output link that carries all the data not output on other links, that is, columns that have not met the criteria. Each output link is processed in turn. If the constraint expression evaluates to TRUE for an input row, the data row is output on that link. Conversely, if a constraint expression evaluates to FALSE for an input row, the data row is not output on that link. Constraint expressions on different links are independent. If you have more than one output link, an input row may result in a data row being output from some, none, or all of the output links.
For example, if you consider the data that comes from a paint shop, it could include information about any number of different colors. If you want to separate the colors into different files, you would set up different constraints. You could output the information about green and blue paint on LinkA, red and yellow paint on LinkB, and black paint on LinkC. When an input row contains information about yellow paint, the LinkA constraint expression evaluates to FALSE and the row is not output on LinkA. However, the input data does satisfy the constraint criterion for LinkB and the rows are output on LinkB. If the input data contains information about white paint, this does not satisfy any constraint and the data row is not output on Links A, B or C, but will be output on the reject link. The reject link is used to route data to a table or file that is a catch-all for rows that are not output on any other link. The table or file containing these rejects is represented by another stage in the job design.
Transformer Stages
To use drag and drop: 1. 2. Click the source cell to select it. Click the selected cell again and, without releasing the mouse button, drag the mouse pointer to the desired location within the target link. An insert point appears on the target link to indicate where the new cell will go. Release the mouse button to drop the selected cell.
You can drag and drop multiple columns, key expressions, or derivations. Use the standard Explorer keys when selecting the source column cells, then proceed as for a single cell. You can drag and drop the full column set by dragging the link title. You can add a column to the end of an existing derivation or key expression by holding down the Ctrl key as you drag the column. The drag and drop insert point is shown below:
To use the find/replace facilities, do one of the following: Click the find/replace button on the toolbar Choose find/replace from the link shortcut menu Type Ctrl-F The Find and Replace dialog box appears. It has three tabs: Expression Text. Allows you to locate the occurrence of a particular string within an expression, and replace it if required. You can search up or down, and choose to match case, match whole words, or neither. You can also choose to replace all occurrences of the string within an expression. Columns Names. Allows you to find a particular column and rename it if required. You can search up or down, and choose to match case, match the whole word, or neither. Expression Types. Allows you to find the next empty expression or the next expression that contains an error. You can also press Ctrl-M to find the next empty expression or Ctrl-N to find the next erroneous expression. Note: The find and replace results are shown in the color specified in Tools Options.
Press F3 to repeat the last search you made without opening the Find and Replace dialog box.
Transformer Stages
Transformer Stages
Once an output link column has a derivation defined that contains any input link columns, then a relationship line is drawn between the input column and the output column, as shown in the following example. This is a simple example; there can be multiple relationship lines either in or out of columns. You can choose whether to view the relationships for all links, or just the relationships for the selected links, using the button in the toolbar.
2. 3.
Choose the input link and output link that you want to match columns for from the drop down lists. Click Location match or Name match from the Match type area. If you choose Location match, this will set output column derivations to the input link columns in the equivalent positions. It starts with the first input link column going to the first output link column, and works its way down until there are no more input columns left. If you choose Name match, you need to specify further information for the input and output columns as follows: Input columns: Match all columns or Match selected columns. Choose one of these to specify whether all input link columns should be matched, or only those currently selected on the input link. Ignore prefix. Allows you to optionally specify characters at the front of the column name that should be ignored during the matching procedure. Ignore suffix. Allows you to optionally specify characters at the end of the column name that should be ignored during the matching procedure.
Transformer Stages
Output columns: Ignore prefix. Allows you to optionally specify characters at the front of the column name that should be ignored during the matching procedure. Ignore suffix. Allows you to optionally specify characters at the end of the column name that should be ignored during the matching procedure. Ignore case. Select this check box to specify that case should be ignored when matching names. The setting of this also affects the Ignore prefix and Ignore suffix settings. For example, if you specify that the prefix IP will be ignored, and turn Ignore case on, then both IP and ip will be ignored. 4. Click OK to proceed with the auto-matching.
Note: Auto-matching does not take into account any data type incompatibility between matched columns; the derivations are set regardless.
If a key expression is displayed in red (or the color defined in Tools Options), it means that the Transformer Editor considers it incorrect. (In some cases this may simply mean that the key expression does not meet the strict usage pattern rules of the DataStage engine, but will actually function correctly.) Initially, key expression cells occupy a very narrow column. In most cases the relationship line gives sufficient information about the key expression, but otherwise you can drag the left edge of the column to expand it.
Transformer Stages
header shortcut menu, and selecting the reference link with multi row result set check box.
Before-stage subroutine and Input Value. Contain the name (and value) of a subroutine that is executed before the stage starts to process any data. After-stage subroutine and Input Value. Contain the name (and value) of a subroutine that is executed after the stage has processed the data. Choose a routine from the drop-down list box. This list box contains all the built routines defined as a Before/After Subroutine under the Routines branch in the Repository. Enter an appropriate value for the routines input argument in the Input Value field. If you choose a routine that is defined in the Repository, but which was edited but not compiled, a warning message reminds you to compile the routine when you close the Transformer stage dialog box. If you installed or imported a job, the Before-stage subroutine or Afterstage subroutine field may reference a routine that does not exist on your system. In this case, a warning message appears when you close the dialog box. You must install or import the missing routine or choose an alternative one to use. A return code of 0 from the routine indicates success, any other code indicates failure and causes a fatal error when the job is run. If you edit a job created using Release 1 of DataStage, the Before-stage subroutine or After-stage subroutine field may contain the name of a routine created at Release 1. When DataStage is upgraded, these routines are identified and automatically renamed. For example, if you used a before-stage subroutine called BeforeSubr, this appears as BeforeSubr\<Rev1> in the Before-stage subroutine field. You can continue to use these routines. However, because you could not specify input values for routines at Release 1 of DataStage, the Input Value field grays out when you use one of these old routines.
Transformer Stages
Select an output link and click the constraints button. Double-click the output links constraint entry field. Choose Constraints from the background or header shortcut menus. A dialog box appears which allows you either to define constraints for any of the Transformer output links or to define a link as a reject link. Define a constraint by entering a BASIC expression in the Constraint field for that link. Once you have done this, any constraints will appear below the links title bar in the Transformer Editor. This constraint expression will then be checked against the row data at runtime. If the data does not satisfy the constraint, the row will not be written to that link. It is also possible to define a link which can be used to catch these rows which have been "rejected" from a previous link. A reject link can be defined by choosing Yes in the Reject Row field and setting the Constraint field as follows: To catch rows which are rejected from a specific output link, set the Constraint field to linkname.REJECTED. This will be set whenever a row is rejected on the linkname link, whether because the row fails to match a constraint on that output link, or because a write operation on the target fails for that row. Note that such a reject link should occur after the output link from which it is defined to catch rejects. To catch rows which caused a write failures on an output link, set the Constraint field to linkname.REJECTEDCODE. The value of linkname.REJECTEDCODE will be non-zero if the row was rejected due to a write failure or 0 (DSE.NOERROR) if the row was rejected due to the link constraint not being met. When editing the Constraint field, you can set return values for linkname.REJECTEDCODE by selecting from the Expression Editor Link Variables > Constants... menu options. These give a range of errors, but note that most write errors return DSE.WRITERROR. In order to set a reject constraint which differentiates between a write failure and a constraint not being met, a combination of the linkname.REJECTEDCODE and linkname.REJECTED flags can be used. For example: To catch rows which have failed to be written to an output link, set the Constraint field to linkname.REJECTEDCODE
To catch rows which do not meet a constraint on an output link, set the Constraint field to linkname.REJECTEDCODE = DSE.NOERROR AND linkname.REJECTED To catch rows which have been rejected due a a constraint or write error, set the Constraint field to linkname.REJECTED As a "catch all", the Constraint field can be left blank. This indicates that this reject link will catch all rows which have not been successfully written to any of the output links processed up to this point. Therefore, the reject link should be the last link in the defined processing order. Any other Constraint can be defined. This will result in the number of rows written to that link (i.e. rows which satisfy the constraint) to be recorded in the job log as "rejected rows". Note: Due to the nature of the "catch all" case above, you should only use one reject link whose Constraint field is blank. To use multiple reject links, you should define them to use the linkname.REJECTED flag detailed in the first case above.
Transformer Stages
Use the arrow buttons to rearrange the list of links in the execution order required.
Note: Although the link ordering facilities mean that you can use a previous output column to derive a subsequent output column, we do not encourage this practice, and you will receive a warning if you do so.
Transformer Stages
The table lists the stage variables together with the expressions used to derive their values. Link lines join the stage variables with input columns used in the expressions. Links from the right side of the table link the variables to the output columns that use them. To declare a stage variable: 1. Do one of the following: Click the stage properties button in the Transformer toolbar. Choose stage properties from the background shortcut menu. The Transformer Stage Properties dialog box appears. 2. Click the Variables tab on the General page. The Variables tab contains a grid showing currently declared variables, their initial values, and an optional description. Use the standard grid controls to add new variables. Variable names must begin with an alphabetic Ascential DataStage Server Job Developers Guide
character (az, AZ) and can only contain alphanumeric characters (az, AZ, 09).
Variables entered in the Stage Properties dialog box appear in the Stage Variable table in the links pane. You perform most of the same operations on a stage variable as you can on an output column (see page 8-11). A shortcut menu offers the same commands. You cannot, however, paste a stage variable as a new column, or a column as a new stage variable.
Transformer Stages
Entering Expressions
Whenever the insertion point is in an expression box, you can use the Expression Editor to suggest the next element in your expression. Do this by right-clicking the box, or by clicking the Suggest button to the right of the box. This opens the Suggest Operand or Suggest Operator menu. Which menu appears depends on context, i.e., whether you should be entering an operand or an operator as the next expression element. You will be offered a different selection on the Suggest Operand menu depending on whether you are defining key expressions, derivations and constraints, or a custom transform. The Suggest Operator menu is always the same.
Transformer Stages
Stage Page
The Stage page has four tabs: General. Allows you to enter an optional description of the stage and specify a before-stage and/or after-stage subroutine. Variables. Allows you to set up stage variables for use in the stage. Link Ordering. Allows you to specify the order in which the output links will be processed. The General tab is described in Before-Stage and After-Stage Routines on page 8-7. The Variables tab is described in Defining Local Stage Variables on page 8-21. The Link Ordering tab is described in Specifying Link Order on page 8-20.
Inputs Page
The Inputs page allows you to specify details about data coming into the Transformer stage. The Transformer stage can have only one input link.
Transformer Stages
The General tab allows you to specify an optional description of the input link.
Outputs Page
The Outputs Page has a General tab which allows you to enter an optional description for each of the output links on the Transformer stage.
Aggregator Stages
Aggregator stages classify data rows from a single input link into groups and compute totals or other aggregate functions for each group. The summed totals for each group are output from the stage via an output link.
Aggregator Stages
This dialog box has three pages: Stage. Displays the name of the stage you are editing. This page has a General tab which contains an optional description of the stage and names of before- and after-stage routines. For more details about these routines, see Before-Stage and After-Stage Subroutines on page 9-2. Inputs. Specifies the column definitions for the data input link. Outputs. Specifies the column definitions for the data output link. Click OK to close this dialog box. Changes are saved when you save the job.
Aggregator Stage dialog box. You must install or import the missing routine or choose an alternative one to use.
Note: The Aggregator stage does not preserve the order of input rows, even when the incoming data is already sorted. The Inputs page has the following field and two tabs: Input name. The name of the input link to the Aggregator stage. General. Displayed by default. Contains an optional description of the link. Columns. Contains a grid displaying the column definitions for the data being written to the stage, and an optional sort order. Column name . The name of the column.
Aggregator Stages
Sort. Displays the sort key position of the column, if sorting is enabled. For more information, see Defining the Input Column Sort Order on page 9-4. Sort Order. Specifies the sort order. This field is blank by default, that is, there is no sort order. Choose Ascending for ascending order, Descending for descending order, or Ignore if you do not want the order to be checked. Key. Indicates whether the column is part of the primary key. SQL type. The SQL data type. Length. The data precision. This is the length for CHAR data and the maximum length for VARCHAR data. Scale. The data scale factor. Nullable. Specifies whether the column can contain null values. Display. The maximum number of characters required to display the column data. Data element. The type of data in the column. Description. A text description of the column. For a description of how to enter and edit column definitions, see the DataStage Designer Guide.
this field, the column is added to the end of the sort key sequence. Once you click OK, all the columns are sorted in sequence from the most significant column upward. Choose the order in which the data is sorted from the Sort Order column. The default setting is none: Ascending. Choose this option if the input data in the specified column is sorted in ascending order. If you choose this option, the DataStage server checks the order at run time. Descending . Choose this option if the input data in the specified column is sorted in descending order. If you choose this option, the DataStage server checks the order at run time. Ignore. Do not check order. Choose this option if the sort order used by the input data is not simply ascending or descending order, but uses a more complex sort order. You must take care when choosing this option. At run time the DataStage server does not check the sort order of the data, which may cause erroneous errors. If you choose this option, a warning message appears when you click OK. You must acknowledge this message before you can edit other input columns.
Aggregator Stages
The Outputs page has the following field and two tabs: Output name. The name of the output link. Choose the link to edit from the Output name drop-down list box. This list box displays all the output links from the stage. General. Displayed by default. Contains an optional description of the link. Columns. Contains a grid displaying the column definitions for the data being output from the stage. The grid has the following columns: Column name . The name of the column. Group. Specifies whether to group by the data in the column. Derivation. Contains an expression specifying how the data is aggregated. This is a complex cell, requiring more than one piece of information. Double-clicking the cell opens the Derivation
dialog box. For more information, see Aggregating Data on page 9-7. Key. Indicates whether the column is part of the primary key. SQL type. The SQL data type. Length. The data precision. This is the length for CHAR data and the maximum length for VARCHAR data. Scale. The data scale factor. Nullable. Specifies whether the column can contain null values. Display. The maximum number of characters required to display the column data. Data element. The type of data in the column. Description. A text description of the column. For a description of how to enter and edit column definitions, see the DataStage Designer Guide.
Aggregating Data
The data sources you are extracting data from can contain many thousands of rows of data. For example, the data in a sales database can contain information about each transaction or sale. You could pass all this data into your data warehouse. However, this would mean you would have to search through large volumes of data in the data warehouse before you get the results you need. If you only want summary information, for example, the total of product A sold since 01/01/96, you can aggregate your data and only pass the summed total to the data warehouse. This reduces the amount of data you store in the data warehouse, speeds up the time taken to find the data you want, and ensures the data warehouse stores data in a format you need. The Aggregator stage allows you to group by or summarize any columns on any of the output links. Note: Every column output from an Aggregator stage must be either grouped by or summarized. A group of input data is a set of input rows that share the same values for all the grouped by columns. For example, if your sales database contained
Aggregator Stages
information about three different products A, B, and C, you could group by the Product column. All the information about product A would be grouped together, as would all the information for products B and C. By summarizing data, you can perform basic calculations on the values in a particular column. The actions you can perform depend on the SQL data type of the selected column. For numeric SQL data types you can perform the following actions: Minimum. Returns the lowest value in the column. Maximum. Returns the highest value in the column. Count. Counts the number of values in the column. Sum. Totals the values in the column. Average. Averages the values in the column. First. Returns the first value in the column. Last. Returns the last value in the column. Standard Deviation. Returns the standard deviation of the values in the column.
For any other SQL data types you can perform the following actions: Minimum. Returns the lowest value in the column. Maximum. Returns the highest value in the column. Count. Counts the number of values in the column. First. Returns the first value in the column. Last. Returns the last value in the column.
For example, if you want to know the total number of product A sold, you would sum the values in the QtySold column. To group by or summarize a column, you must edit the Derivation column in the Output Column dialog box. Do this by double-clicking the cell to open the Derivation dialog box.
The Derivation dialog box contains the following fields and option: Source column. Contains the name of the column you want to group by or summarize, in the format linkname.columnname . You can choose any of the input columns from the drop-down list box. Aggregate function. Contains the aggregation function to perform. Choose the function you want from the drop-down list box. The default option is Sum. Group by this column. Specifies whether the column will be grouped. This check box is cleared by default. If you want to group by the column, select the Group by this column check box. The aggregate function is automatically set to (grouped), and you cannot select an aggregate function from the drop-down list box. To use an aggregate function, clear the Group by this column check box and select the function you want to use from the Aggregate function dropdown list box. Click OK to save the settings for the column.
Aggregator Stages
Folder Stages
Folder stages are used to read or write data as files in a directory located on the DataStage server.
Folder Stages
The dialog box has up to three pages: Stage. The General tab displays the name of the stage you are editing, the stage type and a description. The Properties tab contains properties which define the operation of the stage. Inputs. The Columns tab displays the column definitions for data arriving on the input link. The directory to which the stage writes the files is defined in the Folder pathname property on the Stage Properties tab. Outputs. The Columns tab displays the column definitions for data leaving on the output link. The Properties tab controls the operation of the link. The directory from which the stage reads the files is defined in the Folder pathname property on the Stage Properties tab.
The Inputs page Properties tab defines properties for the input link.
The properties are as follows: Preserve CRLF. When Preserve CRLF is set to Yes field marks are not converted to newlines on write (which is the default behavior).
Folder Stages
The Columns tab defines the data arriving on the link to be written in files to the directory. The first column on the Columns tab must be defined as a key, and gives the name of the file. The remaining columns are written to the named file, each column separated by a newline. Data to be written to a directory would normally be delivered in a single column.
The properties are as follows: Sort order. Choose from Ascending, Descending, or None. This specifies the order in which the files are read from the directory. Wildcard. This allows for simple wildcarding of the names of the files found in the directory. Any occurrence of * (asterisk) or (three periods) is treated as an instruction to match any or no characters. Preserve CRLF. When Preserve CRLF is set to Yes newlines are not converted to field marks on read (which is the default behavior).
Folder Stages
The Columns tab defines a maximum of two columns. The first column must be marked as the Key and receives the file name. The second column, if present, receives the contents of the file.
Inter-Process Stages
An inter-process (IPC) stage is a passive stage which provides a communication channel between DataStage processes running simultaneously in the same job. It allows you to design jobs that run on SMP systems with great performance benefits. To understand the benefits of using IPC stages, you need to know a bit about how DataStage jobs actually run as processes, see DataStage Jobs and Processes on page 2-1 for information. The output link connecting IPC stage to the stage reading data can be opened as soon as the input link connected to the stage writing data has been opened. You can use Inter-process stages to join passive stages together. For example you could use them to speed up data transfer between two data sources:
In this example the job will run as two processes, one handling the communication from sequential file stage to IPC stage, and one handling communication from IPC stage to ODBC stage. As soon as the Sequential File stage has opened its output link, the IPC stage can start passing data to the ODBC stage. If the job is running on a multiInter-Process Stages 11-1
processor system, the two processor can run simultaneously so the transfer will be much faster. You can also use the IPC stage to explicitly specify that connected active stages should run as separate processes. This is advantageous for performance on multi-processor systems. You can also specify this behavior implicitly by turning inter process row buffering on, either for the whole project via DataStage Administrator, or individually for a job in its Job Properties dialog box.
This dialog box has three pages: Stage. The Stage page has two tabs, General and Properties. The General page allows you to specify an optional description of the page. The Properties tab allows you to specify stage properties. Inputs. The IPC stage can only have one input link. the Inputs page displays information about that link. Outputs. The IPC stage can only have one output link. the Outputs page displays information about that link.
Inter-Process Stages
from. This property defines the size of each block, so that by default 256 Kb is allocated in total. Timeout. Defaults to 10 seconds. This gives time limit for how long the stage will wait for a process to connect to it before timing out. This normally will not need changing, but may be important where you are prototyping multi-processor jobs on single processor platforms and there are likely to be delays.
Link Partitioner Stages
This chapter describes how to use a Link Partitioner stage in your job design. The Link Partitioner stage is an active stage which takes one input and allows you to distribute partitioned rows to up to 64 output links. The stage expects the output links to use the same meta data as the input link. Partitioning your data enables you to take advantage of a multi-processor system and have the data processed in parallel. It can be used in conjunction with the Link Collector stage to partition data, process it in parallel, then collect it together again before writing it to a single target. To really understand the benefits you need to know a bit about how DataStage jobs are run as processes, see DataStage Jobs and Processes on page 2-1. The following diagram illustrates how the Link Partitioner stage can be used in a job in this way.
In order for this job to compile and run as intended on a multi-processor system you must have inter-process buffering turned on, either at project level using the DataStage Administrator, or at job level from the Job Properties dialog box.
This dialog box has three pages: Stage. Displays the name of the stage you are editing. This page has a General tab which contains an optional description of the stage and names of before- and after-stage routines. For more details about these routines, see Before-Stage and After-Stage Subroutines on page 12-3. It also has a Properties tab that allows you to specify properties which affect the way the stage behaves, see Defining Link Partitioner Stage Properties on page 12-3. Inputs. Specifies the column definitions for the data input link. Outputs. Specifies the column definitions for the data output links.
Click OK to close this dialog box. Changes are saved when you save the job.
Round-Robin. This is the default method. Using the round-robin method the stage will write each incoming row to one of its output links in turn. Random. Using this method the stage will use a random number generator to distribute incoming rows evenly across all output links. Hash. Using this method the stage applies a hash function to one or more input column values to determine which output link the row is passed to. Modulus. Using this method the stage applies a modulus function to an integer input column value to determine which output link the row is passed to. Partitioning Key. This property is only significant where you have chosen a partitioning algorithm of Hash or Modulus. For the Hash algorithm, specify one or more column names separated by commas. These keys are concatenated and a hash function applied to determine the destination output link. For the Modulus algorithm, specify a single column name which identifies an integer numeric column. The value of this column value determines the destination output link.
Link Collector Stages
This chapter describes how to use a Link Collector stage in your job design. The Link Collector stage is an active stage which takes up to 64 inputs and allows you to collect data from this links and route it along a single output link. The stage expects the output link to use the same meta data as the input links. The Link Collector stage can be used in conjunction with a Link Partitioner stage to enable you to take advantage of a multi-processor system and have data processed in parallel. The Link Partitioner stage partitions data, it is processed in parallel, then the Link Collector stage collects it together again before writing it to a single target. To really understand the benefits you need to know a bit about how DataStage jobs are run as processes, see DataStage Jobs and Processes on page 2-1.
The following diagram illustrates how the Link Collector stage can be used in a job in this way.
In order for this job to compile and run as intended on a multi-processor system you must have inter-process buffering turned on, either at project level using the DataStage Administrator, or at job level from the Job Properties dialog box.
This dialog box has three pages: Stage. Displays the name of the stage you are editing. This page has a General tab which contains an optional description of the stage and names of before- and after-stage routines. For more details about these routines, see Before-Stage and After-Stage Subroutines on page 13-4. It also has a Properties tab that allows you to specified properties which affect the way the stage behaves, see Defining Link Collector Stage Properties on page 13-5. Inputs. Specifies the column definitions for the data input links. Outputs. Specifies the column definitions for the data output link. Click OK to close this dialog box. Changes are saved when you save the job.
In an NLS environment, the collate convention of the locale may affect the sort order. The default collate convention is set in the DataStage Administrator, but can be set for individual jobs in the Job Properties dialog box.
For example: FIRSTNAME d, SURNAME D Specifies that rows are sorted according to FIRSTNAME column and SURNAME column in descending order.
Plug-Ins and Plug-In Stages
This chapter describes how to use a plug-in stage in your job design. You may find that the built-in stage types do not meet all your requirements for data extraction and transformation. If this is the case, you need to obtain a plug-in, which can then be used in a plug-in stage in your job design.
Plug-ins are written to perform specific tasks that the built-in stages do not support, for example: Custom aggregations Control of external devices (for example, tape drives) Access to external programs Two plug-ins are automatically installed with DataStage: BCPLoad. The BCPLoad plug-in bulk loads data into a single table in a Microsoft SQL Server (Release 6 or 6.5) or Sybase (System 10 or 11) database. For more information about this plug-in, see BCPLoad Stages on page 14-15. Orabulk. The Orabulk plug-in generates control and data files for bulk loading into a single table on an Oracle target database. The files are suitable for loading into the target database using the Oracle command sqlldr. For more information about this plug-in, see Orabulk Stages on page 14-27.
Other plug-ins are supplied with DataStage, but must be explicitly installed. You can install plug-ins when you install DataStage. Some plugins have a custom GUI, which can be installed at the same time. You can choose which plug-ins to install during the DataStage Server install. You install the corresponding custom GUIs during the DataStage client install. See the DataStage Install and Upgrade Guide for more details. You can subsequently install extra plug-ins either from the CD-ROM or by downloading them from the Web. These are then installed using the Package Installer as described in the DataStage Administrator Guide. If the plug-in you require is not listed, contact Ascential to see if one is likely to become available. Alternatively, you can write your own plug-in. A plug-in consists of a set of routines that access external databases and/or perform complex programming. You must have a thorough knowledge of C to design and develop a plug-in. To write your own plug-in: 1. Assess the purpose of the plug-in. You need to determine what the plug-in must do in terms of data extraction or data conversion. Check that Ascential does not already have an available plug-in for this purpose. Develop the routines using the DataStage C plug-in Stage Interface. These routines are used to extract, aggregate, or transform data when the job is run. If you need help writing the plug-in routines required to process your data, contact your local Ascential Customer Support Center. Register the plug-in with the DataStage Manager. It is recommended that your plug-in dynamically registers itself. Alternatively, you can register the plug-in manually.
DataStage has a generic Stage dialog box that can be used by plug-ins, but it is also possible to define your own GUI for a plug-in and install that in DataStage.
2. 3. 4.
Enter the path and name of the plug-in DLL in the Path of plug-in field. Specify where the plug-in will be stored in the Repository by entering the category name in the Category field. Click OK to register the plug-in definition and close the dialog box.
The plug-in definition is read-only; you cannot change any of the details. The only exception to this is a plug-in that you added under an earlier version of DataStage.
This dialog box has up to five pages: General. Contains the name and type of the plug-in and optional short and long descriptions. This page also contains the name and path of the plug-in DLL, and specifies whether the plug-in supports Metadata import, Data Browsing and/or Transaction Grouping. Creator. Displays information about the creator and the version of the plug-in. Properties. Specifies properties for the stage and the input and output links. Dependencies. Specifies the dependent DLLs. NLS. Indicates how character set mapping is carried out by the plug-in. This page is read-only as Character Set Mapping is specified when the plug-in is created.
Click Works with external character set to specify that the data requires mapping: If the plug-in performs its own mapping, you must also select Handles its own mapping . If the plug-in does not perform the character set mapping, you must specify the map to be used from the plug-in stage dialog box when you use the plug-in in a job design. If the plug-in does not require any character set mapping, select Works with internal character set.
Packaging a Plug-In
If you have written a plug-in that you want to distribute to users on other DataStage systems, you need to package it. For details on how to package a plug-in for deployment, see the DataStage Designer Guide.
Using a Plug-In
You can use a plug-in by inserting a plug-in stage in your job design. Plugin stages are used the same way as built-in stages. The plug-in you choose determines the function and properties of the plug-in stage. When you have chosen a plug-in, you can edit the stage to define the data flowing into, through, or from it.
Plug-In Stages
A plug-in stage is the way in which you use plug-ins in a job. The plug-in chosen when you insert a plug-in stage determines the behavior of the stage, how it handles data, and the number of input or output links. All plug-in stages that use the generic DataStage Stage dialog box are edited in the same way. When you edit a plug-in stage, the Stage dialog box appears. The title of the Stage dialog box includes the stage name. Note: Plug-ins with custom GUIs can still use the Custom Stage Editor by selecting Grid Editor from the shortcut menu. The interfaces for plug-ins with custom GUIs are described in the technical bulletin that accompanies the plug-in.
The Stage dialog box can have up to three pages (depending on whether there are inputs to and outputs from the stage): Stage. Displays the name of the stage and contains up to three tabs: General. Displayed by default. Specifies the plug-in to use and contains an optional description of the stage. Also contains the names of cataloged routines, if you are editing an active stage. For more details about these routines, see Before-Stage and After-Stage Subroutines on page 14-8. Properties. Displays the stage properties. See Editing Properties on page 14-13 for information on how to edit property values. NLS. If NLS is enabled, allows you to specify a character set map for the stage. See Defining Character Set Maps on page 14-15. Inputs. Contains information about the column definitions for each data input link and specifies the input link properties. For more information, see Defining Plug-In Input Data on page 14-9. Outputs. Contains information about the column definitions for each data output link and specifies the output link properties. For more information, see Defining Plug-In Output Data on page 14-12.
The Inputs page contains the following field and up to three tabs: Input name. The name of the input link. Choose the link you want to edit from the Input name drop-down list box. This list box displays all the input links to the plug-in stage. General. Displayed by default. Contains an optional description of the link. Properties. Displays the input link properties. This tab is only displayed if input properties have been defined for the chosen plug-in. See Editing Properties on page 14-13 for information on how to change the property values. Columns. Contains the column definitions for the data being written to the stage. For a description of how to enter and edit column definitions, see the DataStage Designer Guide. Transaction group. This tab is displayed if the plug-in has transaction control capability. It allows you to view the transaction handling features of the stage as it writes to the data source. You
can choose an isolation level, specify the number of rows written before each commit, and the number of rows written in each operation. A grid shows details of the transaction group to which the currently selected input link belongs.
To specify transaction control information for a transaction group: 1. 2. Click the Transaction Group tab. In the Transaction Group tab, choose an appropriate transaction isolation level to use from the Isolation level drop-down list box. If you select Auto-commit, you are specifying that every statement will effectively be executed in a separate transaction. In these circumstances, the Rows per transaction field is set to 1 and Continue and Rollback are set in the On OK and On Fail columns for each link. Enter a suitable value in the Rows per transaction field. This is the number of rows written before the data is committed to the data table. The default value is 0, that is, all the rows are written before being committed to the data table. If the transaction group contains multiple links, Rows per transaction is automatically set to 1 and you cannot alter it. If the transaction group comprises a single link, the transaction size can be in the range 0 to n. Enter a suitable value in the Parameter array size field. This is the number of rows written at a time. The default is 1, that is, each row is written in a separate operation. If the transaction group contains multiple links or the preceding stage is anything other than a Transformer stage, then this is set to 1 and you cannot alter it. In this case the Parameter array size field is not displayed. If the transaction group comprises a single link, and the preceding stage is a Transformer stage, then the array size can be in the range 1 to n. Supply necessary details about the transaction group in the grid. The grid has a line for every link in the transaction group. The links are shown in transaction processing order, which is set in the preceding Transformer stage. Each line contains the following information: Input name. The name of the input link. You cannot change this. On OK. This is used to specify whether or not to commit on successful completion of the SQL statement. Choose Continue, or Rollback from the drop-down list. On Fail. This is used to specify whether or not to rollback on failure of the SQL statement. Choose Continue, or Rollback from the drop-down list. SQL. Shows the SQL statement associated with the input link. You cannot change this, but clicking the cell will display the entire statement.
The Outputs page has the following field and up to three tabs: Output name. The name of the output link. Choose the link to edit from the Output name drop-down list box. This list box displays all the output links from the stage. General. Displayed by default. Contains an optional description of the link. Properties. Displays the output link properties. This tab is only displayed if output properties have been defined for the chosen plug-in. See Editing Properties on page 14-13 for information on how to change the property values. Columns. Contains the column definitions for the data being output from the stage. For a description of how to enter and edit column definitions, see the DataStage Designer Guide.
Editing Properties
When a plug-in is created, properties are defined for the stage and the input and output links. The name and meaning of each property is defined by the creator of the plug-in. For details on how to define plug-ins, see Manually Registering a Plug-In Definition on page 14-3. Each property has a default value and optional help text. These properties and default values are automatically assigned to a plug-in stage when you specify the plug-in to use. You can view the properties and enter more appropriate values using the Properties tab on the Stage, Inputs, or Outputs page. The Properties tab contains the same fields and columns. The following screen shows the Properties tab on the Stage page:
The properties are displayed in a grid which has the following columns: Name. Displays the caption text used to describe the property. Value. Displays the current setting for the property value. If the property has not been edited, this is the default value for the property.
There are four buttons on this tab: Insert Job Parameter . Allows you to insert a job parameter as the value for a chosen property. When you click this button, a list appears displaying the currently defined job parameters. Choose one from the list. If you cannot see the job parameter you want, click (New) to define a new one. The Job Parameters dialog box appears. For more information about this dialog box and how to define a job parameter, see the DataStage Designer Guide. You can also insert a job parameter using the F9 key. Set to Default. Sets the value for the chosen property to the default value. This button is only active when you choose a property to edit. All to Default. Sets the values for all properties to the default values. Property Help. Displays the help text supplied by the creator of the plug-in, if there is any. This button is only active when you choose a property to edit. You can edit the value for any properties listed in the grid. Click OK to save the settings and close the Stage dialog box.
The default character set map (defined for the project or the job) can be changed by selecting a map name from the list.
BCPLoad Stages
The BCPLoad stage is a passive plug-in stage supplied by Ascential. The BCPLoad plug-in is installed automatically when you install DataStage. A BCPLoad plug-in stage bulk loads data into a single table in a Microsoft SQL Server (Release 6.0 or 6.5) or Sybase (System 10 or 11) database. The files are loaded into the target database using the bulk copy API. By default, the BCPLoad stage is configured to bulk load data into a Microsoft SQL Server. You can configure the BCPLoad stage properties to bulk load data into a Sybase SQL Server table using the Sybase DBLIB or CTLIB client libraries. Note: The client libraries used by the BCPLoad stage are not supplied as part of DataStage. You must obtain these libraries from your DBMS
vendor and ensure they are installed and configured on your system before attempting to use the BCPLoad stage. There is one input link to this stage which provides a sequence of rows to load into the SQL Server or Sybase database table. The meta data for each input column determines how it is loaded. There are no output links from this stage type.
Table Definitions
You can import the table definition from the table in your database on the SQL Server by using the meta data import option in the DataStage Manager. The table definition is imported via an ODBC connection to the Server. You can then load this table definition into the stage connected to the BCPLoad stage. For more information about importing meta data, see the DataStage Designer Guide.
When you import meta data from your database table, these data types are mapped to appropriate SQL data types by the ODBC driver. You can view the data types used in the table definition with the DataStage Manager, or when you edit a stage in your job design. The following SQL Server data types are not supported by the BCPLoad stage: Binary VarBinary Image Text (large text which is a binary type)
Properties. Contains the stage properties for the BCPLoad stage with suitable default settings. For a list of the properties, see Stage Properties on page 14-19. Dependencies. Contains the name of any DLLs used by the plugin. NLS. Specifies how character set mapping is carried out for the stage.
Stage Properties
The following properties are defined for the BCPLoad stage. You can view them on the Properties tab in the Stage Type dialog box and change them when you edit the stage instance. SQL-Server Name. The name of the SQL Server to connect to. This property corresponds to the BCP S switch. This property is optional and has no default value. If you leave this property blank in the stage instance, the stage assumes the SQL Server resides on the same machine as the DataStage Server. User ID. The logon name of the SQL user. This property corresponds to the BCP U option. There is no default value for this property. You must enter the name of the user when you edit the stage instance. Password. The password of the SQL user. This property corresponds to the BCP P option. There is no default value for this property. You must enter a password when you edit the stage instance. Database Name. The name of the database to use on the SQL Server. This property has no default value. You must enter the name of the database when you edit the stage instance. Table Name. The name of the table to load data into. This property has no default value. You must enter the name of the table to use when you edit the stage instance. Before Load Stored Procedure. The name of a stored procedure that is executed before the database table is loaded. This property is optional and has no default value. For more information about using a before-load stored procedure, see Using Stored Procedures on page 14-22.
After Load Stored Procedure. The name of a stored procedure that is executed after the database table is loaded. This property is optional and has no default value. For more information about using an after-load stored procedure, see Using Stored Procedures on page 14-22. Batch Size. The number of rows to include in the BCP batch. This property corresponds to the BCP b option. The default setting for this property is 0, that is, all the data rows are treated in one batch. If an error occurs, all rows are rolled back. Packet Size. The number of bytes per network packet sent to and from the server. The default value is 4096. When you edit the stage instance, you can enter any number from 512 through 65535. Use Source Identity Data. This property corresponds to the BCP /E switch. Setting this property tells the SQL Server to use the identity values that are passed to it by the BCPLoad stage, to populate the corresponding identity column in the SQL Server table. Date Format. This property provides a workround to the problem that Microsoft SQL Server has with dates in YMD format. If your target table has a date column and your data has dates in YMD format, a conversion is required for the date to load successfully. By setting this property to ymd, dates are automatically converted during loading to a format that Microsoft SQL Server accepts. Client Library. The type of client library to use. The default setting is MSDBLIB (the Microsoft DBLibrary). Other valid settings are SYBDBLIB for the Sybase DBLibrary and SYBCTLIB for the Sybase CTLibrary. Theer are some restrictions on UNIX servers about which libraries you can use, see DataStage Install and Upgrade Guide for details,
Link an output from a relevant stage in the job design to the input of the BCPLoad stage. There are some special points to note about SQL Server. If the following error is returned when using the BCPLoad stage with data in YMD format, and the Date Format has been set:
Attempt to convert data stopped by syntax error in source field. If your table contains date fields in ymd format make sure the Date Format property is set
then deselect the Use International Settings checkbox in the DB-Library option page of the SQL Server Client Network Utility. If your job uses data in the upper 128 characters of the character set and the data is not appearing correctly on the database then deselect the Automatic ANSI to OEM conversion checkbox in the DB-Library option page of the SQL Server Client Network Utility.
tab are specified by the meta data defined on the output link of the connected stage. For more details see the DataStage Designer Guide.
perform tasks such as dropping indexes and turning on the database bulk copy option. After-load stored procedures can be used to turn off the bulk copy option and recreate any indexes. For a detailed description of how to write a stored procedure, see the SQL Server documentation. The stored procedure name is entered as the value for the Before Load Stored Procedure or After Load Stored Procedure stage property. As well as entering the name of a stored procedure you can also include parameter values. To enter parameters for the stored procedure, use the following format in the Value field on the Properties tab on the Stage page: procedurename P1, P2, P3, , Pn procedurename is the name of the stored procedure. P1Pn are parameter values, in the order expected by the stored procedure. Note that string values must be quoted. If you want to return messages from a stored procedure and write them to the job log file, you can use the output parameters DSSeverity and DSMessage. These parameters return messages to the job log file with an appropriate severity. The type of message written to the job log file depends on the value returned by the DSSeverity parameter: Return value of 0. Nothing is written. Return value of 1. An informational message is written. Return value of 2. A warning message is written. Return value of 3. A fatal message is written. The DataStage job aborts and any return values from the stored procedure other than the DataStage expected output parameters, are ignored. For more information about the job log file, see the DataStage Manager Guide. The following example of a before-load stored procedure is supplied as part of the BCPLoad demo SQL script, BCPDemo.sql. For more information about the BCPLoad demo, see Orabulk Stages on page 14-27. This stored procedure demonstrates the use of the output parameters DSSeverity and DSMessage:
create proc DemoBeforeSP @lReplace bit, @DSSeverity int output, @DSMessage varchar(255) = "" output
as /* Remove the following three lines if running on Sybase */ declare @sSetDBOption varchar(255) select @sSetDBOption = sp_dboption + DB_NAME() + ", select into/bulkcopy, TRUE" exec (@sSetDBOption) if @lReplace = 1 begin truncate table BCPLoadSample end if @@ERROR = 0 begin select @DSMessage = "Before SP completed: " if @lReplace = 1 begin select @DSMessage = @DSMessage + "replacing existing data" end else begin select @DSMessage = @DSMessage + "appending data" end select @DSSeverity = 1 /* INFO */ end else begin select @DSMessage = "Before SP failed" select @DSSeverity = 2 /* WARNING */ end GO
To use this stored procedure, enter DemoBeforeSP 1,DSSeverity,DSMessage as the value for the Before Load Stored Procedure property when you edit the stage instance:
To use existing stored procedures, enter the name of the stored procedure and appropriate parameter values as the value for the Before Load Stored Procedure or After Load Stored Procedure property.
If you want to use this procedure as a before-load procedure, you would enter sp_TrustyDebuggedProcedure "Table1","Smith" in the Value field for the Before Load Stored Procedure property. Table1 and Smith are passed in as strTableName and strSurname respectively. If you want to modify an existing stored procedure to return a severity warning and an error message, the create procedure needs to be modified to include the two output parameters DSSeverity and DSMessage. In the earlier example, the create procedure would become:
create proc sp_TrustyDebuggedProcedure @strTableName char(30), @strSurname char(30), @iRowCount int = 0 output, @DSSeverity int output, @DSMessage varchar(255) = "" output as ... .../* Somewhere in the procedure set appropriate values for DSSeverity and DSMessage*/
In this case, you would enter the following in the Value field for the Before Load Stored Procedure:
sp_TrustyDebuggedProcedure "Table1","Smith",0,DSSeverity,DSMessage
You can include job parameters to represent the value of a stored procedure parameter. To use job parameters in the earlier example, you would enter the following in the Value field for the Before Load Stored Procedure:
sp_TrustyDebuggedProcedure #Table#,#Name#,0,DSSeverity,DSMessage
Table and Name are the names of two defined job parameters.
Orabulk Stages
The Orabulk stage is a plug-in stage supplied by Ascential. The Orabulk plug-in is installed automatically when you install DataStage. An Orabulk stage generates control and data files for bulk loading into a single table on an Oracle target database. The files are suitable for loading into the target database using the Oracle command sqlldr. One input link provides a sequence of rows to load into an Oracle table. The meta data for each input column determines how it is loaded. One optional output link provides a copy of all input rows to allow easy combination of this stage with other stages.
Link an output from the relevant stage to the input of the Orabulk stage. The output should deliver a sequence of rows. To store these rows or to process them further, link the output of this stage to an input of another stage. Otherwise, leave the output of this stage unconnected.
Integrity Constraints
Values for columns should satisfy any integrity constraints that will be active in the Oracle database when the data is loaded, for example, values that must be nonnull, or unique, or must already exist in other tables. Otherwise, some rows may be rejected when the sqlldr command is run.
If a control file already exists, it is truncated before processing; if a control file does not exist, it is created. Data file name A local pathname for the Oracle sqlldr data file. If the pathname has no suffix, sqlldr adds the suffix .dat to the pathname. If there is more than one data file, the files are sequentially numbered, for example, datafile1, datafile2, and so on. You can specify a position for the numbering by including a % character in the file name. For example, the value data%file produces files named data1file, data2file, and so on. If a data file already exists, it is truncated before processing; if a data file does not exist, it is created.
Oracle table name The name of the target table that the files are loaded into on the Oracle database. This value must be identical to the target table name. 14-28 Ascential DataStage Server Job Developers Guide
Description One of the following values: INSERT APPEND REPLACE Inserts the rows into the table. It can be used only if the target table is empty. Appends new rows to the table if they do not conflict with existing tables. Deletes existing rows in the table, using an SQL DELETE statement, before inserting the new rows. Deletes all existing rows in the table with an SQL TRUNCATE TABLE statement (Oracle Release 7.1 or later only).
The number of data, or combined control and data files to be generated. A value greater than 1 generates multiple distinct files that must be loaded using sqlldr with the DIRECT and PARALLEL keywords only. The default value is 1. If the value of NUMFILES is greater than 1, this value determines how many rows are output to each of the distinct data files in turn. The default value is 1000. A string of character pairs to map column names from their internal DataStage names to the column names used by the Oracle bulk loader. The format of this string is as follows: character 1 is mapped to character 2, character 3 is mapped to character 4, and so on. For example, the string ._ (period underscore), causes all periods in column names to be mapped to underscores. The string aAbBcCdDeE and so on maps lowercase characters to uppercase characters. The character used to separate data fields. It should be a character which cannot appear in the fields, and is , (comma) by default. The character used to delimit character strings in the data file.
Size of row chunks in each data file Column name characters to map
Any property value can contain a reference to a job parameter as #param#. This causes the current value of job parameter param to be substituted.
This lets you specify different control and data file names for different runs of a DataStage job. The BEFORE and AFTER subroutines can be used for a variety of purposes, such as notifying an operator that the files are available, or copying the files to the Oracle database and running sqlldr.
Running sqlldr
This section includes examples of syntax used for the sqlldr command running under UNIX. For more information see the Oracle manual Oracle Server Utilities. Every command line includes these syntax elements: username/password The Oracle user name and password, separated by a slash ( / ), to be used to log on to the database. username must have appropriate privileges for the database and the table to be loaded. Use UNIX shell quoting or escaping conventions to include white space or shell characters in the password. datafile ctlfile logfile badfile Pathname of the sqlldr data file, or the combined control and data file. Pathname of the sqlldr control file. Pathname of a file for the sqlldr log. Pathname into which sqlldr writes rows that could not be loaded. The rows are written in sqlldr format suitable for loading again when any problem has been resolved.
To load a single combined control and data file, use this command: sqlldr userid=username/password control=datafile log=logfile bad=badfile To load separate single control and data files, use this command: sqlldr userid=username/password control=ctlfile data=datafile log=logfile bad=badfile To load a single combined control and data file in Oracle DIRECT mode, add the DIRECT keyword as follows: sqlldr userid=username/password control=datafile log=logfile bad=badfile direct=true Note: DIRECT loading may require some administrator actions before and after loading to preserve database integrity. For more information, see Oracle Server Utilities.
To load multiple data files in parallel, run several sqlldr commands, each in its own UNIX process; for example, to load two data files in parallel, run the following two commands: sqlldr userid=username/password control=ctlfile data=datafile1 log=logfile1 bad=badfile1 direct=true parallel=true & sqlldr userid=username/password control=ctlfile data=datafile2 log=logfile2 bad=badfile2 direct=true parallel=true & These could be generated with a shell script. Each command uses the same control file, but separate data files, log files, and bad files.
Debugging, Compiling, and Releasing a Job
This chapter describes how to create and release an executable job. When you have edited all the stages in a job design, you can create an executable job by compiling your job design. The debugger helps you to iron out any problems in your design. The job can then be validated and run using the DataStage Director. If you want to ship the executable job to another DataStage system, you must release the job before packaging it for deployment. For more information about packaging a job, see the DataStage Designer Guide.
the link to which it belongs is moved, or has either end moved, or is renamed. If, however, a link is deleted and another of the same name created, the new link does not inherit the breakpoint. Breakpoints are not inherited when a job is saved under a different name, exported, or upgraded. Note: You should be careful when debugging jobs that do parallel procesing (using IPC stages or inter-process active-to-active linksinter-process active-to-active links). You cannot set breakpoints on more than one process at a time. To ensure this doesnt happen, you should only set one breakpoint at a time in such jobs. To add a breakpoint: 1. 2. Select the required link. Choose Toggle Breakpoint from the Debugger menu or the Debugger toolbar. The breakpoint can subsequently be removed by choosing Toggle Breakpoint again.
A circle appears on the link to indicate that a breakpoint has been added. Choose Edit Breakpoints from the Debugger menu, or click the Edit Breakpoints button in the Debugger toolbar to open the Edit Breakpoints dialog box and set up the breakpoint.
Note: You cannot place a breakpoint on a link which has a container as its source stage. Instead, you should place the breakpoint on the same link as represented within the container view itself. The link will only be shown as having a breakpoint in the container view. For more information see Debugging Shared Containers on page 15-6. The Debug Window allows you to view variables in the watch list and any in-context variables when you stop at a breakpoint. The Debug Window is visible whenever Debug Debug Window is selected. It always appears on the top of the DataStage Designer window. Right-clicking in the Debug Window displays a shortcut menu containing the same items as the Debug menu. The Debug Window has two display panes. You can drag the splitter bar between the two panes to resize them relative to one another. The window also gives information about the status of the job and debugger.
The upper pane shows local variables. Before debugging starts, all the columns on all the links in the job are displayed, and all are marked Out of context. During debugging, the pane shows only the variables that are in context when the job is stopped at a breakpoint. It displays the names and values of any variables currently in context and you can add any of
these variables to the watch list, which maintains a record of selected variables for as long as required. The lower pane displays variables in the watch list. When variables are in context, their values are displayed and updated at every breakpoint. When variables are out of context, they are marked Out of context. The watch list is saved between sessions. To add a variable to the watch list: 1. 2. Select the variable name in the upper pane of the Debug Window. Click Add Watch. The variable will be added to the watch list and will appear in the lower pane.
To delete variables from the watch list, select the variables and click Remove Watch. The following commands are available from the Debug menu or Debug toolbar:
Step to Next Row Go Toggle Breakpoint View Job Log
Job Parameters
Stop Job
Target Job. Selects the job to debug. Only one job can be debugged at any one time. Note: After a job has been debugged, the job in the Target Job drop-down list will not be available. Go. Runs the current job in debug mode, compiling it first if necessary. In debug mode the job will run until a breakpoint is encountered. It then stops in break mode, allowing you to interact
with the job. The first time that Go is used after a job is compiled or loaded, the Job Run Options dialog box appears and collects any required parameter values or run-time limits. Step to Next Link. This causes the job to run until the next action occurs on any link (reading or writing), when it stops in break mode. Step to Next Row. This causes the job to run until the next row is processed or until another link with a breakpoint is encountered, whichever comes first. The job then stops in break mode. If the job is not currently stopped at a breakpoint on a link (for example, if it hasnt started debugging yet, or is stopped at a warning), then this will perform as Step to Next Link. Stop Job. Only available in break mode. Stops the job and exits break mode. Job Parameters . Allows you to specify job parameters for when the job is run in debug mode. Selecting this invokes the Job Run Options dialog box, allowing you to specify any required parameters or run-time limits for the job. The item is disabled once the job is started in debug mode. Edit Breakpoints . Allows you to edit existing breakpoints or add new ones. Toggle Breakpoint. Allows you to set or clear a breakpoint from the selected link. If a link has a breakpoint set (indicated by a dark circle at the link source), then Toggle Breakpoint clears that breakpoint. If the link has no breakpoint, then one is added, specifying a stop at every row processed. Clear All Breakpoints. Deletes all breakpoints defined for all links. View Job Log. Select this to open the DataStage Director with the current job open in the job log view (the job must have been saved in the Designer at some point for this to work) Debug Window. Select this to display the Debug Window. Deselect it to hide the Debug Window.
Instead, you should place the breakpoint on the same link as represented within the container view. The link will only be shown as having a breakpoint in the container view.
If a breakpoint is set on a link inside a Shared Container, it will only become active (and visible) for the target job as shown on the debug bar.
Note: The debug bar only shows open Server Jobs because a Shared Container cannot be run outside the context of a job. If a different job uses the same shared container that is being debugged, then the breakpoint will not be visible or be hit in the other job. The example below shows a job called Ex2 which uses the same shared container as the previous example called Exercise 4. The breakpoint will only be set for the target job which is Exercise 4.
Compiling a Job
Jobs are compiled using the DataStage Designer. To compile a job, open the job in the Designer and do one of the following: Choose File Compile.
Click the Compile button on the toolbar. If the job has unsaved changes, you are prompted to save the job by clicking OK. The Compile Job window appears. This window contains a display area for compilation messages and has the following buttons: Re-Compile. Recompiles the job if you have made any changes. Show Error. Highlights the stage that generated a compilation error. This button is only active if an error is generated during compilation. More. Displays the output that does not fit in the display area. Some errors produced by the compiler include detailed BASIC output. Close. Closes the Compile Job window. Help. Invokes the Help system.
The job is compiled as soon as this window appears. You must check the display area for any compilation messages or errors that are generated. If there have been breakpoints set for links that no longer exist, a message appears during compilation warning you of this. The breakpoints are then automatically removed.
Compilation Checks
During compilation, the following criteria in the job design are checked: Primary Input . If you have more than one input link to a Transformer stage, the compiler checks that one is defined as the primary input link.
Reference Input. If you have reference inputs defined in a Transformer stage, the compiler checks that these are not from sequential files. Key Expressions. If you have key fields specified in your column definitions, the compiler checks that there are key expressions joining the data tables. Transforms. If you have specified a transform, the compiler checks that this is a suitable transform for the data type.
Successful Compilation
If the Compile Job window displays the message Job successfully compiled with no errors you can: Validate the job Run or schedule the job Release the job Package the job for deployment on other DataStage systems
Jobs are validated and run using the DataStage Director. See the DataStage Director Guide for more information.
If the Compile Job window displays an error, you can use the Show Error button to troubleshoot your job design. When you click the Show Error button, the stage that contains the first error in the design is highlighted. You must edit the stage to change any incorrect settings and recompile. The process of troubleshooting compilation errors is an iterative process. You must refine each problem stage until the job compiles successfully.
The Performance monitor is a useful diagnostic aid when designing DataStage server jobs. When you turn it on and compile a job it displays information against each link in the job. When you run the job, either through the DataStage Director or the debugger, the link information is populated with statistics to show the number of rows processed on the link and the speed at which they were processed. The links change color as the job runs to show the progress of the job. To use the performance monitor:
With the job open and compiled in the Designer choose Diagram Show performance statistics. Performance information appears against the links. If the job has not yet been run, the figures will be empty.
Run the job (either from the Director or by choosing Debug Go). Watch the links change color as the job runs and the statistics are populated with number of rows and rows/sec.
If you alter anything on the job design you will lose the statistical information until the next time you compile the job.
The colors that the performance monitor uses are set via the Options dialog box. Chose Tools Options and select the Graphical Performance Monitor branch to view the default colors and change them if required. You can also set the refresh interval at which the monitor updates the information while the job is running.
Releasing a Job
If you are developing a job for users on another DataStage system, you must label the job as ready for deployment before you can package it. For more information about packaging a job, see the DataStage Designer Guide. To label a job for deployment, you must release it. A job can be released when it has been compiled and validated successfully at least once in its life. Jobs are released using the DataStage Manager. To release a job: 1. 2. 3. From the DataStage Manager, browse to the required category in the Jobs branch in the project tree. Select the job you want to release in the display area. Choose Tools Release Job. The Job Release dialog box appears, which shows a tree-type hierarchy of the job and any associated dependent jobs.
4. 5.
Select the job that you want to release. Click Release Job to release the selected job, or Release All to release all the jobs in the tree.
A physical copy of the chosen job is made (along with all the routines and code required to run the job) and it is recompiled. The Releasing Job dialog box appears and shows the progress of the releasing process. The released job is automatically assigned a name and version number using the format jobname%reln.n.n. jobname is the name of the job you chose to release and n.n.n is the version number. When you refer to a job by its released name, this is known as a fixed job release, which always equates to that particular version of the job. You can use the Designer to view the design of a released job. However, if you edit the job design you cannot save the changes. The meta data and settings displayed in the job design are stored as part of the released job and these may not match the information currently held in the Repository. This is especially true if you developed the table definitions, transforms, routines, or job design after the job was released. If you want to develop and enhance a job design, you must edit the original job. To use the changes you have made, you must release the job again. Note: Released jobs cannot be copied or renamed using the Manager. The Job Release dialog box is shown below:
This dialog box contains a tree-type hierarchy showing the job dependencies of the job you are releasing. It displays the status of the selected job as follows: Not Compiled. The job exists, but has not yet been compiled (this means you will not be able to release it). Not Released. The job has been compiled, but not yet released. Job Not Found. The job cannot be found. Released. The job has previously been released. Release Exists. The selected job is a fixed version (i.e., has a particular release number) and that version of the job exists. The dialog box also displays the highest released version of the selected job. When the selected job is a fixed version job (i.e., has a particular release number), then it displays Fixed Job Release. If a dependent job appears in more than one branch of the hierarchy, then only the one at the highest level is displayed.
Programming in DataStage
This chapter describes the programming tasks that you can perform in DataStage server jobs. Most of these use the BASIC language, which provides you with a powerful procedural programming tool. There are several areas within a server job where you may want to enter some code: Defining custom routines to use as building blocks within other programming tasks. For example, you may define a routine which will then be reused by several custom transforms. You can view, edit, and create your own BASIC routines using the DataStage Manager. Defining custom transforms. The function specified in a transform definition converts the data in a chosen column. Defining derivations, key expressions, and constraints while editing a Transformer stage. Defining before-stage and after-stage subroutines. These subroutines perform an action before or after a stage has processed data. These subroutines can be specified for Aggregator, Transformer, and some plug-in stages. Defining before-job and after-job subroutines. These subroutines perform an action before or after a job is run and are set as job properties. Defining job control routines. These subroutines can be used to control other jobs from within the current job.
Programming in DataStage
Programming Components
There are different types of programming components used within server jobs. They fall within three broad categories: Built-in. DataStage comes with several built-in programming components that you can reuse within your server jobs as required. Some of the built-in components are accessible using the DataStage Manager, and you can copy code from these. Others are only accessible from the Expression Editor, and the underlying code is not visible. Custom. You can also define your own programming components using the DataStage Manager, specifically routines (see page 16-6) and custom transforms (see page 16-20). These are stored in the DataStage Repository and can be reused for other jobs and by other DataStage users. External. You can use certain types of external component from within DataStage. If you have a large investment in custom UniVerse functions or ActiveX (OLE) functions, then it is possible to call these from within DataStage. This is done by defining a wrapper routine which in turn calls the external functions. Note that the mechanism for including custom UniVerse functions is different from including ActiveX (OLE) functions. The following sections discuss programming terms you will come across when programming server jobs.
Routines are stored in the Routines branch of the DataStage Repository, where you can create, view or edit them using the Routine dialog box. The following program components are classified as routines: Transform functions. These are functions that you can use when defining custom transforms. DataStage has a number of built-in transform functions which are located in the Routines Examples Functions branch of the Repository. You can also define your own transform functions in the Routine dialog box. Before/After subroutines. When designing a job, you can specify a subroutine to run before or after the job, or before or after an active stage. DataStage has a number of built-in before/after subroutines, which are located in the Routines Built-in Before/After
branch in the Repository. You can also define your own before/after subroutines using the Routine dialog box. Custom UniVerse functions. These are specialized BASIC functions that have been defined outside DataStage. Using the Routine dialog box, you can get DataStage to create a wrapper that enables you to call these functions from within DataStage. These functions are stored under the Routines branch in the Repository. You specify the category when you create the routine. If NLS is enabled, you should be aware of any mapping requirements when using custom UniVerse functions. If a function uses data in a particular character set, it is your responsibility to map the data to and from Unicode. ActiveX (OLE) functions. You can use ActiveX (OLE) functions as programming components within DataStage. Such functions are made accessible to DataStage by importing them. This creates a wrapper that enables you to call the functions. After import, you can view and edit the BASIC wrapper using the Routine dialog box. By default, such functions are located in the Routines Class name branch in the Repository, but you can specify your own category when importing the functions. When using the Expression Editor, all of these components appear under the DS Routines command on the Suggest Operand menu. A special case of routine is the job control routine. Such a routine is used to set up a DataStage job that controls other DataStage jobs. Job control routines are specified in the Job control page on the Job Properties dialog box. Job control routines are not stored under the Routines branch in the Repository.
Transforms are stored in the Transforms branch of the DataStage Repository, where you can create, view or edit them using the Transform dialog box. Transforms specify the type of data transformed, the type it is transformed into and the expression that performs the transformation. DataStage is supplied with a number of built-in transforms (which you cannot edit). You can also define your own custom transforms, which are stored in the Repository and can be used by other DataStage jobs. When using the Expression Editor, the transforms appear under the DS Transform command on the Suggest Operand menu.
Programming in DataStage
Functions take arguments and return a value. The word function is applied to many components in DataStage: BASIC functions. These are one of the fundamental building blocks of the BASIC language. When using the Expression Editor, you can access the BASIC functions via the Function command on the Suggest Operand menu. DataStage BASIC functions. These are special BASIC functions that are specific to DataStage. These are mostly used in job control routines. DataStage functions begin with DS to distinguish them from general BASIC functions. When using the Expression Editor, you can access the DataStage BASIC functions via the DS Functions command on the Suggest Operand menu. The following items, although called functions, are classified as routines and are described under Routines on page 16-2. When using the Expression Editor, they all appear under the DS Routines command on the Suggest Operand menu. Transform functions Custom UniVerse functions ActiveX (OLE) functions
An expression is an element of code that defines a value. The word expression is used both as a specific part of BASIC syntax, and to describe portions of code that you can enter when defining a job. Areas of DataStage where you can use such expressions are: Defining breakpoints in the debugger Defining column derivations, key expressions, and constraints in Transformer stages Defining a custom transform In each of these cases the DataStage Expression Editor guides you as to what programming elements you can insert into the expression.
A subroutine is a set of instructions that perform a specific task. Subroutines do not return a value. The word subroutine is used both as a specific part of BASIC syntax, but also to refer particularly to before/after subroutines which carry out tasks either before or after a job or an active stage. DataStage has many built-in before/after subroutines, or you can define your own. Before/after subroutines are included under the general routine classification as they are accessible under the Routines branch in the Repository.
DataStage has a number of built-in macros. These can be used in expressions, job control routines, and before/after subroutines. The available macros are concerned with ascertaining job status. When using the Expression Editor, they all appear under the DS Macro command on the Suggest Operand menu.
Precedence Rules
The following precedence rules are applied if there are name conflicts between different operands when working with DataStage programming components: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Built-in functions declared in the DSParams file DataStage macros DataStage constants DataStage functions DataStage transforms DataStage routines
These rules ignore the number of arguments involved. For example, if there is a transform with three arguments and a routine of the same name with two arguments, an error is generated if you call the routine because the transform will be found first and the transform expects three arguments.
Programming in DataStage
The General page is displayed by default. It contains general information about the routine, including: Routine name. The name of the function or subroutine. Type. The type of routine. There are three types of routine: Transform Function, Before/After Subroutine, or Custom UniVerse Function. Category. The branch the routine is stored under in the Repository. External Catalog Name. This is only available if you have chosen Custom UniVerse Function from the Type box. Enter the cataloged name of the external routine. Short description. An optional brief description of the routine. The text entered in this field is displayed when you choose View Details from the DataStage Manager window or print a report. Long description. An optional detailed description of the routine.
Programming in DataStage
Creator Page
The Creator page contains information about the creator and version number of the routine, including: Vendor. The company who created the routine. Author. The creator of the routine. Version. The version number of the routine, which is used when the routine is imported. The Version field contains a three-part version number, for example, 3.1.1. The first part of this number is an internal number used to check compatibility between the routine and the DataStage system. The second part of this number represents the release number. This number should be incremented when major changes are made to the routine definition or the underlying code. The new release of the routine supersedes any previous release. Any jobs using the routine use the new release. The last part of this number marks intermediate releases when a minor change or fix has taken place.
If you are creating a routine definition, the first part of the version number is set according to the version of DataStage you are using. You can edit the rest of the number to specify the release level. Click the part of the number you want to change and enter a number directly, or use the arrow button to increase the value. Copyright. Copyright information.
Arguments Page
The default argument names and whether you can add or delete arguments depends on the type of routine you are editing: Before/After subroutines. The argument names are InputArg and Error Code. You can edit the argument names and descriptions but you cannot delete or add arguments. Transform Functions and Custom UniVerse Functions. By default these have one argument called Arg1. You can edit argument names and descriptions and add and delete arguments. There must be at least one argument, but no more than 255.
Programming in DataStage
Code Page
The Code page is used to view or write the code for the routine. The toolbar contains buttons for cutting, copying, pasting, and formatting code, and for activating Find (and Replace). The main part of this page consists of a multiline text box with scroll bars. For more information on how to use this page, see Entering Code on page 16-14. Note: This page is not available if you selected Custom UniVerse Function on the General page.
Dependencies Page
The Dependencies page allows you to enter any locally or globally cataloged functions or routines that are used in the routine you are defining. This is to ensure that, when you package any jobs using this routine for deployment on another system, all the dependencies will be included in the package. The information required is as follows: Type. The type of item upon which the routine depends. Choose from the following: Local Global File ActiveX Locally cataloged DataStage BASIC functions and subroutines. Globally cataloged DataStage BASIC functions and subroutines. A standard file. An ActiveX (OLE) object (not available on UNIXbased systems).
Programming in DataStage
Name. The name of the function or routine. The name required varies according to the type of dependency: Local The catalog name.
ActiveX The Name entry is actually irrelevant for ActiveX objects. Enter something meaningful to you (ActiveX objects are identified by the Location field). Location. The location of the dependency. A browse dialog box is available to help with this. This location can be an absolute path, but it is recommended you specify a relative path using the following environment variables: Note: The browse dialog is not available for local cataloged items. %SERVERENGINE% DataStage Engine account directory (normally C:\Ascential\DataStage\ServerEngine). %PROJECT% Current project directory. %SYSTEM% System directory on Windows NT or /usr/lib on UNIX. The Browse Files dialog box is shown below. You cannot navigate to the parent directory of an environment variable.
When browsing for the location of a file on a UNIX server, there is an entry called Root in the Base Locations drop-down list.
Creating a Routine
To create a new routine, select the Routines branch in the DataStage Manager window and do one of the following: Choose File New Server Routine . Choose New Server Routine from the shortcut menu. Click the New button on the toolbar. The Server Routine dialog box appears. On the General page: 1. 2. Enter the name of the function or subroutine in the Routine name field. This should not be the same as any BASIC function name. Choose the type of routine you want to create from the Type dropdown list box. There are three options: Transform Function. Choose this if you want to create a routine for a Transform definition. Before/After Subroutine. Choose this if you want to create a routine for a before-stage or after-stage subroutine or a before-job or after-job subroutine. Custom UniVerse Function. Choose this if you want to refer to an external routine, rather than define one in this dialog box. If you choose this, the Code page will not be available. 3. Enter or browse for a category name in the Category field. This name is used to create a branch under the main Routines branch. If you do not enter a name in this field, the routine is created under the main Routines branch. Optionally enter a brief description of the routine in the Short description field. The text entered here is displayed when you choose View Details from the DataStage Manager window. Optionally enter a more detailed description of the routine in the Long description field.
Once this page is complete, you can enter creator information on the Creator page, argument information on the Arguments page, and details of any dependencies on the Dependencies page. You must then enter your code on the Code page.
Programming in DataStage
Entering Code
You can enter or edit code for a routine on the Code page in the Server Routine dialog box. The first field on this page displays the routine name and the argument names. If you want to change these properties, you must edit the fields on the General and Arguments pages. The main part of this page contains a multiline text entry box, in which you must enter your code. To enter code, click in the box and start typing. You can use the following standard Windows edit functions in this text box: Delete using the Del key Cut using Ctrl-X Copy using Ctrl-C Paste using Ctrl-V Go to the end of the line using the End key Go to the beginning of the line using the Home key Select text by clicking and dragging or double-clicking
Some of these edit functions are included in a shortcut menu which you can display by clicking the right mouse button. You can also cut, copy, and paste code using the buttons in the toolbar. Your code must only contain BASIC functions and statements supported by DataStage. If you are unsure of the supported functions and statements, or the correct syntax to use, see Chapter 17, BASIC Programming, for a complete list of supported DataStage BASIC functions. If NLS is enabled, you can use non-English characters in the following circumstances: In comments In string data (that is, strings contained in quotation marks) The use of non-English characters elsewhere causes compilation errors. If you want to format your code, click the Format button on the toolbar. The last field on this page displays the return statement for the function or subroutine. You cannot edit this field.
Saving Code
When you have finished entering or editing your code, the routine must be saved. A routine cannot be compiled or tested if it has not been saved. To save a routine, click Save in the Server Routine dialog box. The routine
properties (its name, description, number of arguments, and creator information) and the associated code are saved in the Repository.
Compiling Code
When you have saved your routine, you must compile it. To compile a routine, click Compile in the Server Routine dialog box. If the routine compiles successfully, a message box appears. Click OK to acknowledge the message. The routine is marked as built in the Repository and is available for use. If the routine is a Transform Function, it is displayed in the list of available functions when you edit a transform. If the routine is a Before/After Subroutine, it is displayed in the drop-down list box of available subroutines when you edit an Aggregator, Transformer, or plugin stage, or define job properties. If the routine failed to compile, the errors generated are displayed: Before you start to investigate the source of the error, you may find it useful to move the Compilation Output window alongside or below the Server Routine dialog box, as you need to see both windows to troubleshoot the error. To troubleshoot the error, double-click the error in the Compilation Output window. DataStage attempts to find the corresponding line of code that caused the error and highlights it in the Server Routine dialog box. You must edit the code to remove any incorrect statements or to correct any syntax errors. If NLS is enabled, watch for multiple question marks in the Compilation Output window. This generally indicates that a character set mapping error has occurred. When you have modified your code, click Save then Compile . If necessary, continue to troubleshoot any errors, until the routine compiles successfully. Once the routine is compiled, you can use it in other areas of DataStage or test it. For more information, see Testing a Routine on page 16-15.
Testing a Routine
Before using a compiled routine, you can test it using the Test button in the Server Routine dialog box. The Test button is activated when the routine has been successfully compiled.
Programming in DataStage
Note: The Test button is not available for a Before/After Subroutine. Routines of this type cannot be tested in isolation and must be executed as part of a running job. When you click Test, the Test Routine dialog box appears:
This dialog box contains a grid and buttons. The grid has a column for each argument and one for the test result. You can add and edit rows in the grid to specify the values for different test cases. For more information about using and editing a grid, see the DataStage Designer Guide. To run a test with a chosen set of values, click anywhere in the row you want to use and click Run. If you want to run tests using all the test values, click Run All. The Result column is populated as each test is completed. To see more details for a particular test, double-click the Result cell for the test you are interested in. The Test Output window appears, displaying the full test results:
Click Close to close this window. If you want to delete a set of test values, click anywhere in the row you want to remove and press the Delete key or choose Delete row from the shortcut menu. When you have finished testing the routine, click Close to close the Test Routine dialog box. Any test values you entered are saved when you close the dialog box.
This dialog box has the following fields, options, and buttons: Find what. Contains the text to search for. Enter appropriate text in this field. If text was highlighted in the code before you chose Find, this field displays the highlighted text.
Programming in DataStage
Match case. Specifies whether to do a case-sensitive search. By default this check box is cleared. Select this check box to do a casesensitive search. Up and Down. Specifies the direction of search. The default setting is Down. Click Up to search in the opposite direction. Find Next . Starts the search. This button is unavailable until you specify text to search for. Continue to click Find Next until all occurrences of the text have been found. Cancel. Closes the Find dialog box. Replace . Displays the Replace dialog box. For more information, see Replacing Text on page 16-18. Help. Invokes the Help system.
Replacing Text
If you want to replace text in your code with an alternative text string, click the Replace button in the Find dialog box. When you click this button, the Find dialog box changes to the Replace dialog box:
This dialog box has the following fields, options, and buttons: Find what. Contains the text to search for and replace. Replace with. Contains the text you want to use in place of the search text. Match case. Specifies whether to do a case-sensitive search. By default this check box is cleared. Select this check box to do a casesensitive search.
Up and Down. Specifies the direction of search and replace. The default setting is Down. Click Up to search in the opposite direction. Find Next . Starts the search and replace. This button is unavailable until you specify text to search for. Continue to click Find Next until all occurrences of the text have been found. Cancel. Closes the Replace dialog box. Replace. Replaces the search text with the alternative text. Replace All. Performs a global replace of all instances of the search text. Help. Invokes the Help system.
The Routine dialog box appears. You can edit any of the fields and options on any of the pages. If you make any changes, you must save, compile, and test the code before closing the Server Routine dialog box. See Saving Code on page 16-14 for more information.
Copying a Routine
You can copy an existing routine using the DataStage Manager. To copy a routine, select it in the display area and do one of the following: Choose File Copy. Choose Copy from the shortcut menu. Click the Copy button on the toolbar. The routine is copied and a new routine is created under the same branch in the project tree. By default, the name of the copy is called CopyOfXXX, where XXX is the name of the chosen routine. An edit box appears
Programming in DataStage
allowing you to rename the copy immediately. The new routine must be compiled before it can be used.
Renaming a Routine
You can rename any of the existing routines using the DataStage Manager. To rename an item, select it in the display area and do one of the following: Click the routine again. An edit box appears and you can enter a different name or edit the existing one. Save the new name by pressing Enter or by clicking outside the edit box. Choose File Rename. An edit box appears and you can enter a different name or edit the existing one. Save the new name by pressing Enter or by clicking outside the edit box. Choose Rename from the shortcut menu. An edit box appears and you can enter a different name or edit the existing one. Save the new name by pressing Enter or by clicking outside the edit box. Double-click the routine. The Server Routine dialog box appears and you can edit the Routine name field. Click Save, then Close.
Creating a reference to an externally cataloged routine. See Creating a Routine on page 16-13. Importing external ActiveX (OLE) functions. See Importing External ActiveX (OLE) Functions on page 16-24. To create a custom transform: 1. From the DataStage Manager, select the Transforms branch in the project tree and do one of the following: Choose File New Transform . Choose New Transform from the shortcut menu. Click the New button on the toolbar. The Transform dialog box appears:
This dialog box has two pages: General. Displayed by default. Contains general information about the transform. Details. Allows you to specify source and target data elements, the function, and arguments to use. 2. Enter the name of the transform in the Transform name field. This name is used to create a leaf under the category branch. The name entered here must be unique; as no two transforms can have the same name. Also note that the transform should not have the same name as an existing BASIC function; if it does, the function will be called instead of the transform when you run the job. See Precedence Rules on page 16-5 for considerations about components names.
Programming in DataStage
Enter a category name in the Category field. This name is used to create a branch under the main Transforms branch. If you do not enter a name in this field, the transform is created under the main Transforms branch. You can create more than one branch level for the category by including \ in the name. For example, if you enter Custom\User, the following branches are created: Transforms Custom User In this example, the new transform is created as a leaf under the User branch.
Optionally enter a brief description of the transform in the Short description field. The text entered here is displayed when you choose View Details from the DataStage Manager window. Optionally enter a detailed description of the transform in the Long description field. Once this page is complete, you can specify how the data is converted. Click the Details tab. The Details page appears at the front of the Transform dialog box:
Optionally choose the data element you want as the target data element from the Target data element drop-down list box. (Using a target and a source data element allows you to apply a stricter data
typing to your transform. See the DataStage Designer Guide for a description of data elements.) 8. Specify the source arguments for the transform in the Source Arguments grid. Enter the name of the argument and optionally choose the corresponding data element from the drop-down list. Use the Expression Editor in the Definition field to enter an expression which defines how the transform behaves. The Expression Editor is described inThe DataStage Expression Editor on page 8-24. The Suggest Operand menu is slightly different when you use the Expression Editor to define custom transforms and offers commands that are useful when defining transforms. Suggest Operand Menu Defining Custom Transforms
10. Click OK to save the transform and close the Transform dialog box. The new transform appears in the project tree under the specified branch. You can then use the new transform from within the Transformer Editor. Note: If NLS is enabled, avoid using the built-in Iconv and Oconv functions to map data unless you fully understand the consequences of your actions.
DataStage provides you with the ability to call external ActiveX (OLE) functions which have been installed on the DataStage server. These functions can then be used when you define custom transforms. To use this facility, you need an automation server that exposes functions via the IDispatch interface and which has an associated type library. This can be achieved via a number of development tools, including Visual Basic.
Programming in DataStage
The first step in using external functions is importing them into the DataStage Repository. The action of importing an external function creates a DataStage routine containing code which calls the external function. The code uses a DataStage BASIC function that accepts only certain data types. These data types are defined in the DSOLETYPES.H file in the dsinclude directory for each project and are listed in DataStage Developers Help. Once imported, you can then call the functions when you define a custom transform. Note: This facility is available only on Windows NT servers.
BASIC Programming
This chapter provides a programmers reference guide for the DataStage BASIC programming language. The DataStage BASIC described here is the subset of BASIC commands most commonly used in DataStage. You are not limited to the functionality described here, however, you can use the full range of DataStage BASIC commands as described in the DataStage BASIC Guide, including dynamic arrays. But some areas need care. The main points to watch are as follows: Do not use any command, function, statement, or subroutine that requires any user input. To stop a running job, use the DSLogFatal subroutine. If you use a Stop or Abort statement, the job may be left in an irrecoverable condition. Avoid using the Print statement. Use a call to DSLogInfo to write to the job log file instead. Avoid using the Execute statement to execute DataStage Engine commands. Use a call to DSExecute instead. The full DataStage BASIC Guide is provided in PDF format with DataStage.
BASIC Programming
Syntax Conventions
The syntax descriptions use the following conventions: Convention Bold Usage Bold type indicates functions, statements, subroutines, options, parenthesis, commas, and so on, that must be input exactly as shown. Italic indicates variable information that you supply, for example an expression, input string, variable name or list of statements. Brackets enclose optional items. Do not enter these brackets. Brackets in bold italic typeface must be entered as part of the syntax.
[] []
{ Then | Else } Two keywords or clauses separated by vertical bars and enclosed in braces indicate that you can choose only one option. Do not enter the braces or the vertical bar. ... @FM @IM @SM @TM @VM Three periods indicate that the last item of the syntax can be repeated if required. Field mark. Item mark. Subvalue mark. Text mark. Value mark.
A constant is a value that is fixed during the execution of a program, and may be reused in different contexts. A constant can be: A character string An empty string A numeric string in either floating-point or integer format ASCII characters 0 and 10, and characters 251 to 255 inclusive cannot be embedded in string constants on non-NLS systems (these characters cannot be used in comments either).
Variables are used for storing values in memory temporarily. You can then use the values in a series of operations. You can assign an explicit value to a variable, or assign a value that is the result of operations performed by the program during execution. Variables can change in value during program execution. At the start of program execution, all variables are unassigned. Any attempt to use an unassigned variable produces an error message. The value of a variable can be: Unassigned A string An integer or floating-point number The null value A dimensioned array A file variable
DataStage provides a set of read-only system variables that store system data such as the current date, time, pathname, and so on. These can be accessed from a routine or transform.
BASIC Programming
Dimensioned Arrays
An array is a multivalued variable accessed from a single name. Each value is an element of the array. DataStage uses two types of dimensioned array: One-dimensional arrays, or vectors Two-dimensional arrays, or matrices Vectors have elements stored in memory in a single row. Each element is indexed; that is, it has a sequential number assigned to it. The index of the first element is 1. To specify an element of the vector, use the variable name followed by the index of the element enclosed in parentheses. The index can be a constant or an expression, for example:
A(1) ;*specifies the first element of variable A Cost(n + 1) ;* specifies an expression to calculate the index
Matrices have elements stored in several rows. To specify an element of a matrix, you must supply two indices: the row number and the column number. For example, in a matrix with four columns and three rows, the elements are specified using these indices:
1,1 2,1 3,1 1,2 2,2 3,2 1,3 2,3 3,3 1,4 2,4 3,4
The full specification uses the variable name followed by the indices in parentheses. For example:
Obj(3,1) Widget(7,17)
Vectors are treated as matrices with a second dimension of 1. COST(35) and COST(35,1) mean the same. You define the dimensions of an array with the Dimension statement. You can also redimension an array using Dimension.
An expression defines a value. The value is evaluated at run time. The result can be used as input to a function or be assigned to a variable, and so on. A simple expression can comprise: A string or numeric constant, for example, "percent" or "42" A variable name
A function A user-defined function A complex expression can contain a combination of constants, variables, operators, functions, and other expressions.
A function performs mathematical or string manipulations on the arguments supplied to it, and returns a value. Some functions have no arguments; most have one or more. Arguments are always in parentheses, separated by commas, as shown in this general syntax: FunctionName (argument, argument) An expression can contain a function. An argument to a function can be an expression that includes a function. Functions can perform tasks: On numeric strings, such as calculating the sine of an angle passed as an argument (Sin function) On character strings, such as deleting surplus blank spaces and tabs (Trim function) Transform functions in DataStage must have at least one argument that contains the input value to be transformed. Subsequent, optional, arguments can be used by a transform definition to select a particular path through the transform function, if required. This means that a single function can encapsulate the logic for several related transforms. The transform function must return the transformed value using a Return (value) statement.
Statements are used for: Changing program control. Statements are executed in the order in which they are entered, unless a control statement changes the order by, for example, calling a subroutine, or defining a loop. Assigning a value to a variable. Specifying the value of a constant. Adding comments to programs.
BASIC Programming
Statement Labels
A statement label is a unique identifier for a line of code. A statement label consists of a string of up to 64 characters followed by a colon. The string can contain alphanumeric characters, periods, dollar signs, and percent signs. Statement labels are case-sensitive. A statement label can be put either in front of a statement or on its own line.
A subroutine is a self-contained set of instructions that perform a specific task. A subroutine can take two forms: An embedded subroutine is contained within the program and is accessed with a GoSub statement. An external subroutine is stored in a separate file and is accessed with a Call statement. In general terms, use an embedded subroutine for code that you want to call many times from the same program; use an external subroutine for code that you want to call from many different programs. There are a number of BASIC subroutines that are specific to DataStage. Their names begin with DS and they are described in Special DataStage BASIC Subroutines on page 17-6. DataStage is also supplied with a number of before/after subroutines, for running before or after a job or an active stage. You can define your own before/after subroutines using the DataStage Manager. Before/after subroutines must have two arguments. The first contains the value a user enters when the subroutine is called from a job or stage; the second is the subroutines reply code. The reply code is 0 if there was no error. Any other value indicates the job was stopped.
An operator performs an operation on one or more expressions (the operands). Operators are divided into these categories: Arithmetic operators String operators for: Concatenating strings with Cats or : Extracting substrings with [ ] Relational operators Pattern matching operators If operator Logical operators Assignment operators
Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators combine operands by adding, subtracting, and so on. The resulting expressions can be further combined with other expressions. Operands must be numeric expressions. Nonnumeric expressions are treated as 0 and generate a run-time warning. A character string variable containing only numeric characters counts as a numeric expression. For example, the following expression results in the value 66:
"22" + 44
This table lists the arithmetic operators in order of evaluation: Operator ^ * / + Operation Negation Exponentiation Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Example x x^y x*y x/y x+y xy
You can change the order of evaluation using parentheses. Expressions enclosed in parentheses are evaluated before those outside parentheses. For example, this expression is evaluated as 112 + 6 + 2, or 120:
(14 * 8) + 12 / 2 + 2
BASIC Programming
The result of any arithmetic operation involving the null value is a null value.
Concatenating Strings
The concatenation operator, : or Cats, links string expressions to form compound string expressions. For example, if x has a value of Tarzan, this expression:
"Hello. " : "My Name is " : X : ". Whats yours?"
evaluates to:
"Hello. My name is Tarzan. Whats yours?"
Multiple concatenation operations are normally performed from left to right. You can change the order of evaluation using parentheses. Parenthetical expressions are evaluated before operations outside the parentheses. Numeric operands in concatenated expressions are considered to be string values. Arithmetic operators have higher precedence than the concatenation operator. For example:
"There are " : "2" + "2" : "3" : " windows."
The result of any string operation involving the null value is a null value. But if the null value is referenced as a character string containing only the null value (that is, as the string CHAR(128)), it is treated as character string data. For example, this expression evaluates to null:
"A" : @NULL ;*concatenate A with @NULL system variable
evaluates to "A<CHAR128>".
Extracting Substrings
A substring is a string within a string. For example, tab and able are both substrings of table. You can use the [ ] operator to specify a substring using this syntax: string [ [ start, ] length ] string is the string containing the substring. start is a number specifying where the substring starts. The first character of string counts as 1. If start is 0 or a negative number, the starting position is assumed to be 1. If start is omitted, the starting position is calculated according to the following formula: string.length - substring.length + 1 Trailing Substrings. You can specify a trailing substring by omitting start from the syntax. For example, this specification:
"1234567890" [5]
Delimited Substrings. You can extract a delimited substring using this syntax: string [ delimiter, instance, fields ] string is the string containing the substring. delimiter specifies the character that delimits the substring. instance specifies the instance of delimiter where the extraction is to start. fields specifies the number of fields to extract. The delimiters that mark the start and end of the extraction are not returned, but if you extract more than one string, any interim delimiters are returned. This syntax works the same way as the Field function. Assigning a Substring to a Variable. All substring syntaxes can be used with the = operator to replace the value normally returned by
BASIC Programming
the [ ] operator with the value assigned to the variable. For example:
A="12345" A[3]=1212
returns the result 121212. This syntax works the same way as the FieldStore function.
Relational Operators
Relational operators compare strings or other data. The result of the comparison is either true ( 1 ) or false ( 0 ). This table shows the relational operators you can use: Operator Eq or = Ne or # or >< or <> Lt or < Gt or > Le or <= or =< or #> Ge or >= or => or #< Relation Equality Inequality Less than Greater than Less than or equal to Greater than or equal to Example X=Y X # Y, X <> Y X<Y X>Y X <= Y X >= Y
Arithmetic operations are performed before any relational operators in an expression. For example, the expression:
X + Y < (T 1) / Z
is true if the value of X plus Y is less than the value of T minus 1 divided by Z. Strings are compared character by character. The string with the higher character code is considered to be greater. If all the character codes are the same, the strings are considered equal. A space is evaluated as less than 0. A string with leading or trailing blanks is considered greater than the same string without the blanks. An empty string is always compared as a character string. It does not equal numeric 0.
If two strings contain numeric characters they are compared numerically. For example:
"22" < "44"
returns true. Take care if you use exponentiation notation. For example:
"23" > "2E1"
returns true. Here are some examples of true comparisons in ASCII 7-bit with standard collating conventions:
"AA" < "AB" "FILENAME" = "FILENAME" "X&" > "X#" "CL " > "CL" "kg" > "KG" "SMYTH" < "SMYTHE" B$ < "9/14/99" ;* where B$ = "8/14/99"
You cannot use relational operators to test for a null value. Use the IsNull function instead.
BASIC Programming
Matches this type of string n alphabetic characters. Zero or more numeric characters. n numeric characters. Exact text enclosed in double or single quotation marks.
You can specify a negative match by preceding the code with ~ (tilde). For example, ~ 4A matches a string that does not contain four alphabetic characters. If n is longer than nine digits, it is used as a literal string. If string matches pattern, the comparison returns 1, otherwise it returns 0. You can specify multiple patterns by separating them with value marks. For example, the following expression is true if the address is either 16 alphabetic characters or 4 numeric characters followed by 12 alphabetic characters; otherwise, it is false:
address Matches "16A": CHAR(253): "4N12A"
An empty string matches the following patterns: "0A", "0X", "0N", "", "", '', or \\.
If Operators
An If operator assigns a value that meets the specified conditions. It has the following syntax: variable = If condition Then expression Else expression variable is the variable to assign. If condition defines the condition that determines which value to assign. Then expression defines the value to assign if condition is true. Else expression defines the value to assign if condition is false. The If operator is the only form of IfThenElse construction that can be used in an expression. Note that the Else clause is required in the following examples:
* Return A or B depending on value in Column1: If Column1 > 100 Then "A" Else "B"
* Add 1 or 2 to value in Column2 depending on whats in * Column3, and return it: Column2 + (If Column3 Matches "A..." Then 1 Else 2)
Logical Operators
Numeric data, string data, and the null value can function as logical data: The numeric value 0, is false; all other numeric values are true. An empty string is false; all other character strings are true. The SQL null value is neither true nor false. It has the logical value of null. Logical operators test for these conditions. The logical operators available are: And (or the equivalent &) Or (or the equivalent !) Not (inverts a logical value) This table shows the results of logical operations using And: And true null false true true null false null null null false false false false false
This table shows the result of logical operations using Or: Or true null false true true true true null true null null false true null false
This table shows the result of logical operations using Not: Not true null false false null true
BASIC Programming
These are the factors that determine operator precedence in logical operations: Arithmetic and relational operations take precedence over logical operations. Logical operations are evaluated from left to right. And statements and Or statements have equal precedence. In IfThenElse clauses, the logical value null takes the false action.
Assignment Operators
Assignment operators assign values to variables. This table shows the assignment operators and their uses: Operator = += Syntax variable = expression variable += expression Description Assigns the value of expression to variable. Adds the value of expression to the value of variable and reassigns the result to variable. Subtracts the value of expression from the value of variable and reassigns the result to variable. Concatenates the value of variable and the value of expression and reassigns the result to variable.
variable = expression
variable := expression
This example shows a sequence of operations on the same variable. The first statement assigns the value 5 to the variable X.
X = 5
The next statement adds 5 to the value of X, and is equivalent to X = X + 5. The value of X is now 10.
X += 5
The final statement subtracts 3 from the value of X, and is equivalent to X = X - 3. The value of X is now 7.
X -= 3
This example concatenates a string with the variable and is equivalent to X = X:Y. If the value of X is con', and the value of Y is catenate:
X := Y
The null value represents data whose value is unknown, as defined by SQL. The null value is represented externally, as required, by a character string consisting of the single byte Char(128). At run time it is assigned a data type of null. Programs can reference the null value using the system
BASIC Programming
variable @NULL. To test if a value is the null value, use the IsNull function. If you input a null value to a function or other operation, a null value is always returned. For example, if you concatenate a string value with an empty string, the string value is returned, but if you concatenate a string value with the null value, null is returned:
A B C X Y = = = = = @NULL "" "JONES" C:B C:A
In DataStage functions such as Field or FieldStore, you can define fields by specifying delimited substrings. What constitutes a field is determined as follows: Any substring followed by a delimiter is a field. If a string starts with a delimiter, DataStage assumes there is a field containing an empty string in front of the delimiter. If a trailing substring does not end with a delimiter, DataStage assumes there is one. For example, using the string ABC with a colon as a delimiter, we can generate either three or four fields, as follows: Example A:B:C: A:B:C :A:B:C: :A:B:C Number of Fields 3 3 4 4 Explanation Each field ends with a delimiter. DataStage assumes the final delimiter. DataStage assumes a field containing an empty string before the first delimiter. DataStage assumes a field containing an empty string before the first delimiter, and assumes a final delimiter.
Reserved Words
These words are reserved and should not be used as variable names in a transform or routine: And Cat Else End Eq Ge Get Go GoSub GoTo Gt If Include Le Locked Lt Match Matches Ne Next Or Rem Remove Repeat Then Until While
BASIC Programming
A source line can begin with a statement label. It always ends with a Return.
Special Characters
The following characters have a special meaning in transforms and routines. Their use is restricted in numeric and string constants. Also note that ASCII characters 0 through 10 and 251 through 255 should not be embedded in string constants. Character Space Tab = + * \ / ^ () # $ [] , Permitted Use Used in string constants, or for formatting source code. Used in string constants, or for formatting source code. Used to indicate the equality or assignment operators. Plus. Used to indicate the addition operator or unary plus. Minus. Used to indicate the subtraction operator or unary minus. Asterisk. Used to indicate the multiplication operator or a comment in source code. Backslash. Used for quoting strings. Slash. Used to indicate the division operator. Up-arrow. Used to indicate the exponentiation operator. Parentheses. Used to enclose arguments in functions or matrix dimensions. Hash. Used to indicate the not equal operator. Dollar sign. Allowed in variable names and statement labels, but not allowed in numeric constants. Brackets. Used to indicate the substring extraction operator, and to enclose certain expressions. Comma. Used to separate arguments in functions and subroutines or matrix dimensions. Not permitted in numeric constants. Period. Used to indicate a decimal point in numeric constants. Double quotation marks. Used to quote strings. Single quotation marks. Used to quote strings.
. ""
Permitted Use Colon: Used to indicate the concatenation operator, or the end of a statement label. Semicolon. Used to indicate the end of a statement if you want to include a comment on the same line. Ampersand. Used to indicate the And relational operator. Left angle bracket. Used to indicate the less than operator. Right angle bracket. Used to indicate the greater than operator. At sign. Reserved for use in system variables.
System Variables
DataStage provides a set of variables containing useful system information that you can access from a transform or routine. System variables are read-only. Name @DATE @DAY @FALSE @FM @IM @INROWNUM @OUTROWNUM @LOGNAME @MONTH @NULL @NULL.STR Description The internal date when the program started. See the Date function. The day of the month extracted from the value in @DATE. The compiler replaces the value with 0. A field mark, Char(254). An item mark, Char(255). Input row counter. For use in constraints and derivations in Transformer stages. Output row counter (per link). For use in derivations in Transformer stages. The user login name. The current extracted from the value in @DATE. The null value. The internal representation of the null value, Char(128).
BASIC Programming
Description The pathname of the current DataStage project. The schema name of the current DataStage project. A subvalue mark, Char(252). Status codes returned by system processes or commands. The internal time when the program started. See the Time function. A text mark, Char(251). The compiler replaces the value with 1. The user number. A value mark, Char(253). The name of the current DataStage project directory. The current year extracted from @DATE.
These statements declare arrays, functions, and subroutines for use in routines. To do this Define a user-written function Declare the name and dimensions of an array variable Identify an internal subroutine Use this Deffun, page 17-70 Dimension, page 17-71 Subroutine, page 17-210
Job Control
These functions can be used in a job control routine, which is defined as part of a jobs properties and allows other jobs to be run and controlled from the first job. Some of the functions can also be used for getting status information on the current job; these are useful in active stage expressions and before- and after-stage subroutines. To do this Specify the job you want to control Set parameters for the job you want to control Set limits for the job you want to control Request that a job is run Wait for a called job to finish Get information about the current project Get information about the controlled job or current job Get information about a stage in the controlled job or current job Get information about a link in a controlled job or current job Use this DSAttachJob, page 17-76 DSSetParam , page 17-108 DSSetJobLimit, page 17-107 DSRunJob, page 17-103 DSWaitForJob, page 17-115 DSGetProjectInfo, page 17-92 DSGetJobInfo, page 17-80 DSGetStageInfo, page 17-93 DSGetLinkInfo, page 17-83
BASIC Programming
To do this Get information about a controlled jobs parameters Get the log event from the job log Get a number of log events on the specified subject from the job log Get the newest log event, of a specified type, from the job log Log an event to the job log of a different job Log a fatal error message in a job's log file and aborts the job. Log an information message in a job's log file. Put an info message in the job log of a job controlling current job. Log a warning message in a job's log file. Generate a string describing the complete status of a valid attached job. Insert arguments into the message template. Ensure a job is in the correct state to be run or validated. Interface to system send mail facility. Log a warning message to a job log file. Convert a job control status or error code into an explanatory text message. Suspend a job until a named file either exists or does not exist.
Use this DSGetParamInfo, page 17-89 DSGetLogEntry, page 17-85 DSGetLogSummary, page 17-86
DSGetNewestLogId, page 17-88 DSLogEvent, page 17-95 DSLogFatal, page 18-96 DSLogInfo, page 18-97 DSLogToController, page 18-98
DSMakeMsg, page 18-101 DSPrepareJob, page 18-102 DSSendMail , page 18-105 DSTransformError, page 18-111 DSTranslateCode, page 18-112
To do this Checks if a BASIC routine is cataloged, either in VOC as a callable item, or in the catalog space Execute a DOS or DataStage Engine command from a befor/after subroutine Stop a controlled job Return a job handle previously obtained from DSAttachJob Set a status message for a job to return as a termination message when it finishes
Program Control
These statements control program flow by direct program execution through loops, subroutines, and so on. To do this Start a set of Case statements Specify conditions for program flow End a set of Case statements End a program or block of statements Call an external subroutine Call an internal subroutine Specify a condition to call an internal subroutine Return from an internal or external subroutine Define the start of a ForNext loop Define the end of a ForNext loop Use this Begin Case, page 17-51 Case, page 17-51 End Case, page 17-118 End, page 17-118 Call, page 17-49 GoSub, page 17-143 OnGoSub, page 17-184 Return, page 17-196 For, page 17-137 Next, page 17-137
BASIC Programming
To do this Create a loop Define conditions for a loop to stop Exit a loop Branch to a statement unconditionally
Use this LoopRepeat, page 17-166 While, Until, page 17-137 Exit, page 17-137 GoTo, page 17-145
Branch to a statement condition- OnGoTo, page 17-186 ally Specify conditions for program flow IfThenElse, page 17-153
Calculate the number of charac- Len, page 17-163 ters in a string Calculate the length of a string in display positions Trim surplus white space from a string Make a string consisting of spaces only LenDP, page 17-164 Trim, TrimB, TrimF, page 17-216, page 17-218, page 17-219 Space, page 17-204
BASIC Programming
Left, page 17-162 Right, page 17-198 MatchField, page 17-169 Str, page 17-209
Data Conversion
These functions perform numeric and character conversions. To do this Convert ASCII code values to their EBCDIC equivalents Convert EBCDIC code values to their ASCII equivalents Convert an ASCII code value to its character equivalent Convert an ASCII character to its code value Convert hexadecimal values to decimal Convert decimal values to hexadecimal Generate a single character in Unicode format Converts a Unicode character to its equivalent decimal value Use this Ebcdic, page 17-117 ASCII, page 17-39 Char, page 17-55 Seq, page 17-200 Xtd, page 17-228 Dtx, page 17-116 UniChar, page 17-220 UniSeq, page 17-221
Data Formatting
These functions can be used to format data into times, dates, monetary amounts, and so on. To do this Convert data for output Convert data on input Format data for output Use this Oconv, page 17-177 Iconv, page 17-146 Fmt, page 17-128
BASIC Programming
Locale Functions
These functions are used to set or identify the current locale. To do this Set a locale Get a locale Use this SetLocale, page 17-201 GetLocale, page 17-142
$Define Statement
Defines identifiers that control program compilation or supplies replacement text for an identifier. Not available in expressions.
$Define identifier [replacement.text] identifier is the symbol to be defined. It can be any valid identifier. replacement.text is a string of characters that the compiler uses to replace identifier everywhere it appears in the program containing the $Define statement.
Enter one blank to separate identifier from replacement.text. Any further blanks are taken as part of replacement.text. End replacement.text with a newline. Do not include comments after replacement.text or they are included as part of the replacement text.
This example shows how $Define can be used at compile time to determine whether a routine operates in a debugging mode, and how $IfDef and $IfNDef are used to control program flow accordingly:
* Set next line to $UnDefine to switch off debugging code $Define DebugMode ... $IfDef DebugMode * In debugging mode, log each time through this routine. Call DSLogInfo("Transform entered,arg1 = ":Arg1, "Test") $EndIf
BASIC Programming
$Define Statement
This example shows how $Define can be used to replace program text with a symbolic identifier:
* Give a symbolic name to the last 3 characters of the * transform routines incoming argument. $Define NameSuffix Arg1[3] ... If NameSuffix = "X27" Then * Action is based on particular value in last 3 characters. ...End
{$IfDef | IfNDef} identifier [ statements ] $Else [ statements ] $EndIf identifier is the identifier to test for. $Else specifies alternative statements to execute. $EndIf ends the conditional compilation block.
With $IfDef, if identifier is defined by a prior $Define statement, all the program source lines appearing between the $IfDef statement and the closing $EndIf statement are compiled. With $IfNDef, the lines are compiled if the identifier is not defined. $IfDef and $IfNDef statements can be nested up to 10 deep.
This example shows how $Define can be used at compile time to determine whether a routine operates in a debugging mode, and how $IfDef and $IfNDef are used to control program flow accordingly:
* Set next line to $UnDefine to switch off debugging code $Define DebugMode ... $IfDef DebugMode * In debugging mode, log each time through this routine. Call DSLogInfo("Transform entered,arg1 = ":Arg1, "Test") $EndIf
BASIC Programming
$Include Statement
Inserts source code contained in a separate file and compiles it along with the main program. Not available in expressions.
$Include program
The included file must be in the project subdirectory DSU_BP. You can nest $Include statements.
$Undefine Statement
Removes an identifier that was set using the $Define statement. If no identifier is set, $Undefine has no effect. Not available in expressions.
$Undefine identifier
BASIC Programming
[ ] Operator
Extracts a substring from a character string. The second syntax acts like the Field function. The square brackets of the [ ] operator are shown in bold italics in the syntax and must be entered.
string [ [ start, ] length ] string [ delimiter, instance, repeats ] string is the character string. If string is a null value, the extracted value is also null. start is a number that defines the starting position of the first character in the substring. A value of 0 or a negative number is assumed to be 1. If you specify a starting position after the end of string, an empty string is returned. length is the number of characters in the substring. If you specify 0 or a negative number, an empty string is returned. If you specify more characters than there are left between start and the end of string, the value returned contains only the number of characters left in string. delimiter is a character that delimits the start and end of the substring. If delimiter is not found in string, an empty string is returned unless instance is 1, in which case string is returned. instance specifies which instance of the delimiter marks the end of the substring. A value of less than 1 is assumed to be 1. repeat specifies the number of times the extraction is repeated on the string. A value of less than 1 is assumed to be 1. The delimiter is returned along with the successive substrings.
You can specify a substring consisting of the last n characters of a string by using the first syntax and omitting start.
[ ] Operator
In the following example (using the second syntax) the fourth # is the terminator of the substring to be extracted, and one field is extracted:
A = "###DHHH#KK" B = A["#",4,1]
The result is B equals DHHH. The following syntaxes specify substrings that start at character position 1:
expression [ 0, length ] expression [ 1, length ]
The result is 67890. All substring syntaxes can be used in conjunction with the assignment operator ( = ). The new value assigned to the variable replaces the substring specified by the [ ] operator. This usage is not available in expressions. For example:
A = '12345' A[3] = 1212
The result is A equals 121212. Because no length argument was specified, A[3] replaces the last three characters of A, (345) with the newly assigned value for that substring (1212).
BASIC Programming
* Statement
Inserts a comment in a program.
* [comment.text]
A comment can appear anywhere in a program, except in replacement text for an identifier (see the $Define statement). Each full comment line must start with an asterisk (*). If you put a comment at the end of a line containing an executable statement, you must put a semicolon (;) before the asterisk.
This example contains both an in-line comment and a whole-line comment:
MyVar = @Null ;* sets variable to null value If IsNull(MyVar * 10) Then * Will be true since any arithmetic involving a null value * just results in a null value. End
Abs Function
Returns the absolute (unsigned) value of a number.
Abs (number) number is the number or expression you want to evaluate.
A useful way to remove plus or minus signs from a string. For example, if number is either 6 or +6, Abs returns 6. If number is a null value, a null value is returned.
This example uses the Abs function to compute the absolute value of a number:
AbsValue = Abs(12.34) AbsValue = Abs(-12.34) ;* returns 12.34 ;* returns 12.34
BASIC Programming
Alpha Function
Checks if a string is alphabetic. If NLS is enabled, the result of this function is dependent on the current locale setting of the Ctype convention.
Alpha (string) string is the string or expression you want to evaluate.
Alphabetic strings contain only the characters a through z or A through Z. Alpha returns 1 if the string is alphabetic, a null value if the string is a null value, and 0 otherwise.
These examples show how to check that a string contains only alphabetic characters:
Column1 = * the "%" Column2 = * Column2 "ABcdEF%" character is non-alpha (If Alpha(Column1) Then "A" Else "B") set to "B"
Column1 = "" * note that the empty string is non-alpha Column2 = (If Alpha(Column1) Then "A" Else "B") * Column2 set to "B"
Ascii Function
Converts the values of characters in a string from EBCDIC to ASCII format.
Ascii (string) string is the string or expression that you want to convert. If string is a null value, a null value is returned.
The Ascii and Ebcdic functions perform complementary operations. CAUTION: If NLS is enabled, this function may return data that is not recognized by the current character set map.
This example shows the Ascii function being used to compare a string of EBCDIC bytes:
EbcdicStr = Char(193):Char(241) ;* letter A digit 1 in EBCDIC AsciiStr = Ascii(EbcdicStr) ;* convert EBCDIC to ASCII If AsciiStr = "A1" Then;* compare with ASCII constant ... ;* ... this branch is taken EndIf
BASIC Programming
Assignment Statements
The assignment statements are =, +=, =, and :=. They assign values to variables. Not available in expressions.
Assignment statements
variable = value variable += value variable = value variable := value value is the value you want to assign. It can be any constant or expression, including a null value.
= assigns value to variable. += adds value to variable. = subtracts value from variable. := concatenates value to the end of variable. To assign a null value to a variable, use this syntax: variable = @NULL To assign a character string containing only the character used to represent the null value to a variable, use this syntax: variable = @NULL.STR
Bit Functions
The Bit functions are BitAnd, BitOr, BitNot, BitSet, BitReset , BitTest, and BitXOr. They perform bitwise operations on integers.
Bit functions
BitAnd | BitOr | BitXOr (integer1, integer2) BitSet | BitReset | BitTest (integer, bit.number) BitNot (integer [,bit.number]) integer1 and integer2 are integers to be compared. If either integer is a null value, a null value is returned. Decimal places are truncated before the evaluation. integer is the integer to be evaluated. If integer is a null value, a null value is returned. Decimal places are truncated before the evaluation. bit.number is the number of the bit to act on. Bits are counted from right to left starting with 0. If bit.number is a null value, the program fails with a run-time error.
The Bit functions operate on a 32-bit twos-complement word. Do not use these functions if you want your code to be portable, as the top bit setting may differ on other hardware. BitAnd compares two integers bit by bit. For each bit, it returns bit 1 if both bits are 1; otherwise it returns bit 0. BitOr compares two integers bit by bit. For each bit, it returns bit 1, if either or both bits is 1; otherwise it returns bit 0. BitXOr compares two integers bit by bit. For each bit, it returns bit 1 if only one of the two bits is 1; otherwise it returns bit 0. BitTest tests if the specified bit is set. It returns 1 if the bit is set; 0 if it is not. BitNot inverts the bits in an integer, that is, changes bit 1 to bit 0, and vice versa. If bit.number is specified, that bit is inverted; otherwise all bits are inverted. BitSet sets the specified bit to 1. If it is already 1, it is not changed.
BASIC Programming
Bit Functions
BitReset resets the specified bit to 0. If it is already 0, it is not changed.
Result = BitAnd(6, 12) ;* Result is 4 * (bin) (dec) BitAnd (bin) (dec) gives (bin) (dec) * 110 6 1100 12 100 4
Result = BitNot(6) Result = BitNot(15, 0) Result = BitNot(15, 1) Result = BitNot(15, 2) * (bin) (dec) BitNot bit# * 110 6 (all) * 1111 15 0 * 1111 15 1 * 1111 15 2 ;* Result is -7 ;* Result is 14 ;* Result is 13 ;* Result is 11 gives (bin) (dec) 1...1001 7 1110 14 1101 13 1011 11
Result = BitOr(6, 12) ;* Result is 14 * (bin) (dec) BitOr (bin) (dec) gives (bin) (dec) * 110 6 1100 12 1110 14
Result = Result = Result = Result = * (bin) * 11101 * 11101 * 10 * 10 BitReset(29, 0) BitReset(29, 3) BitReset(2, 1) BitReset(2, 0) (dec) BitReset bit# 29 0 29 3 2 1 2 0 ;* Result is 28 ;* Result is 21 ;* Result is 0 ;* Result is 2 gives (bin) (dec) 11100 28 10101 21 00 0 10 2
Bit Functions
Result = Result = Result = Result = * (bin) * 10100 * 10100 * 10 * 10 BitSet(20, 0) BitSet(20, 3) BitSet(2, 0) BitSet(2, 1) (dec) BitReset bit# 20 0 20 2 2 0 2 1 ;* Result is 21 ;* Result is 28 ;* Result is 3 ;* Result is 2 gives (bin) (dec) 10101 21 11100 28 11 3 10 2
Result = Result = Result = Result = * (bin) * 1011 * 1011 * 1011 * 1011 BitTest(11, 0) BitTest(11, 1) BitTest(11, 2) BitTest(11, 3) (dec) BitTest bit# 11 0 11 1 11 2 11 3 ;* ;* ;* ;* is: 1 1 0 1 Result Result Result Result is is is is 1 1 0 1
Result = BitXor(6, 12) ;* Result is 10 * (bin) (dec) BitXOr (bin) (dec) gives (bin) (dec) * 110 6 1100 12 1010 10
BASIC Programming
Byte-Oriented Functions
DataStage provides four functions that can be used to manipulate internal strings at the byte level. Byte lets you build a string byte by byte. ByteLen returns the length of a string in bytes. ByteType determines the internal function of a particular byte. ByteVal determines the value of a particular byte in a string. CAUTION: Use these functions with care: if you create an invalid string, it could produce unexpected results when processed by another function.
Byte Function
Returns a byte from an input numerical value.
Byte (expression) expression is a character value in the range 0 through 255.
The Byte function can be used to build a string byte by byte, rather than character by character. If NLS is not enabled, the Byte function works like the Char function.
BASIC Programming
ByteLen Function
Returns the length of an internal string in bytes, rather than characters.
ByteLen (expression) expression is the string to be evaluated.
If expression is an empty string, the result is 0. If expression is an SQL null, the result is a null.
ByteType Function
Returns the function of a particular byte within an internal character code.
ByteType (value) value is a byte value, 0 through 255, whose function is to be determined. If value is an SQL null, a null is returned.
The result is returned as one of the following values: Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 Meaning The trailing byte of a multibyte character A single-byte character The lead byte of a two-byte character The lead byte of a three-byte character Reserved (lead byte of a four-byte character) A system delimiter The input value is not in the range 0 through 255
BASIC Programming
ByteVal Function
Returns the internal value for a specified byte in a string.
ByteVal ( string [, byte_number ] ) string contains the byte to evaluate. An empty string or null value returns 1. A string that has fewer bytes than specified in byte_number returns 1. byte_number is the number of the byte in string to evaluate. If omitted or less than 1, 1 is used.
The result is returned as a value for the byte in the range 0 through 255.
Call Statement
Calls a subroutine. Not available in expressions.
Call subroutine [ ( argument [ , argument ] ) ] argument is a variable, expression, or constant that you want to pass to the subroutine. Multiple arguments must be separated by commas.
Call transfers program control from the main program to a compiled external subroutine. Use a Return statement to return control to the main program. The number of arguments specified in a Call statement must match the number of arguments specified in the Subroutine statement that identifies the subroutine. Constants are passed by value; variables are passed by reference. If you want to pass variables by value, enclose them in parentheses. Note: If you pass variables by value, any change to the variable in the subroutine does not affect the value of the variable in the main program. If you pass variables by reference, any change to the variable in the subroutine also affects the main program.
BASIC Programming
Call Statement
This example shows how to call a before/after routine named MyRoutineB from within another routine called MyRoutineA:
Subroutine MyRoutineA(InputArg, ErrorCode) ErrorCode = 0 ;* set local error code * When calling a user-written routine that is held in the * DataStage Repository, you must add a "DSU." Prefix. * Be careful to supply another variable for the called * routines 2nd argument so as to keep separate from our * own. Call DSU.MyRoutineB("First argument", ErrorCodeB) If ErrorCodeB <> 0 Then ... ;* called routine failed - take action Endif Return
Case Statement
Alters the sequence of execution in the program according to the value of an expression. Not available in expressions.
Begin Case Case expression statements [ Case expression statements ] End Case expression is a value used to test the case. If expression is a null value, it is assumed to be false. statements are the statements to execute if expression is true.
Case statements can be repeated. If expression in the first Case statement is true, the following statements are executed. If expression is false, the program moves to the next Case statement. The process is repeated until an End Case statement is reached. If more than one expression is true, only the first one is acted on. If no expression is true, none of the statements are executed. To test if a variable contains a null value, use this syntax: Case IsNull (expression ) To specify a default case to execute if all other expressions are false, use an expression containing the constant value 1.
BASIC Programming
Case Statement
This example uses Case statements on the incoming argument to select the type of processing to perform within a routine:
Function MyTransform(Arg1) Begin Case Case Arg1 = 1 Reply = "A" Case Arg1 = 2 Reply = "B" Case Arg1 > 2 And Arg1 < 11 Reply = "C" Case @True ;* all other values Call DSTransformError("Bad arg":Arg1, "MyTransform" Reply = "" End Case Return(Reply)
Cats Function
Concatenates two strings.
Cats ( string1, string2) string1, string2 are the strings to be concatenated. If either string is a null value, a null value is returned.
String1 = "ABC" String2 = "1234" Result = Cats(String1, String2) * Result contains "ABC1234"
BASIC Programming
Change Function
Replaces one or more instances of a substring.
Change (string, substring, replacement [,number [,start]]) string is the string or expression in which you want to change substrings. If string evaluates to a null value, null is returned. substring is the substring you want to replace. If it is empty, the value of string is returned (this is the only difference between Change and Ereplace). replacement is the replacement substring. If replacement is an empty string, all occurrences of substring are removed. number specifies the number of instances of substring to replace. To change all instances, use a value less than 1. start specifies the first instance to replace. A value less than 1 defaults to 1.
A null value for string returns a null value. If you use a null value for any other variable, a run-time error occurs.
The following example replaces all occurrences of one substring with another:
MyString = "AABBCCBBDDBB"NewString = Change(MyString, "BB", "xxx") * The result is "AAxxxCCxxxDDxxx"
Char Function
Generates an ASCII character from its numeric code value.
Char (code) code is the ASCII code value of the character or an expression evaluating to the code.
Be careful with null values. If code is a null value, null is returned. If code is 128, the returned value is CHAR(128), that is, the system variable @NULL.STR. The Char function is the inverse of the Seq function. CAUTION: If NLS is enabled, values for code in the range 129 through 247 return Unicode values in the range x0081 through x00F7. These are multibyte characters equivalent to the same values in the ISO 8859 (Latin 1) character set. To generate the specific bytes with the values 129 through 247, use the Byte function.
This example uses the Char function to return the character associated with the specified character code:
MyChar = Char(65) ;* returns "A" MyChar = Char(97) ;* returns "a" MyChar = Char(32) ;* returns a space MyChar = Char(544) * returns a space (544 = 32 modulus 256)
BASIC Programming
Checksum Function
Returns a checksum value for a string.
Checksum (string) string is the string you want to add the checksum to. If string is a null value, null is returned.
This example uses the Checksum function to return a number that is a cyclic redundancy code for the specified string:
MyString = "This is any arbitrary string value" CheckValue = Checksum(MyString) ;* returns 36235
CloseSeq Statement
Closes a file after sequential processing.
CloseSeq file.variable [On Error statements ] file.variable specifies a file previously opened with an OpenSeq statement. On Error statements specifies statements to execute if a fatal error occurs during processing of the CloseSeq statement.
Each sequential file reference in a routine must be preceded by a separate OpenSeq statement for that file. OpenSeq sets an update record lock on the file. This prevents any other program from changing the file while you are processing it. CloseSeq resets this lock after processing the file. Multiple OpenSeq operations on the same file only generate one update record lock so you need only include one CloseSeq statement per file. If a fatal error occurs, and no On Error clause was specified: An error message appears. Any uncommitted transactions begun within the current execution environment roll back. The current program terminates. If the On Error clause is taken, the value returned by the Status function is the error number.
BASIC Programming
Col1 Function
Returns the character position preceding the substring specified in the most recently executed Field function.
Col1 ( )
The character position is returned as a number. The returned value is local to the routine executing the Field function. The value of Col1 in the routine is initialized as 0. Col1 returns a value of 0 if: No Field function was executed. The delimiter expression of the Field function is an empty string or the null value. The string is not found.
The Field function in the following example returns substring CCC. Col1 ( ) returns 8, the position of the delimiter (/) that precedes CCC.
* Extract third "/"-delimited field. SubString = Field("AAA/BBB/CCC", "/" ,3) Position = Col1() ;* get position of delimiter
In the following example, the Field function returns a substring of two fields with the delimiter (.) that separates them: 4.5. Col1 ( ) returns 6, the position of the delimiter that precedes 4.
* Get fourth and fifth "."-delimited fields. SubString = Field("", ".", 4, 2) Position = Col1() ;* get position of delimiter
Col2 Function
Returns the character position following the substring specified in the most recently executed Field function.
Col2 ( )
The character position is returned as a number. The returned value is local to the routine executing the Field function. The value of Col2 in the routine is initialized as 0. When control is returned to the calling program, the saved value of Col2 is restored. Col2 returns a value of 0 if: No Field function was executed. The delimiter expression of the Field function is an empty string or the null value. The string is not found.
The Field function in the following example returns substring CCC. Col2 ( ) returns 12, the position that the delimiter (/) would have occupied following CCC if the end of the string had not been encountered.
* Extract third "/"-delimited field. SubString = Field("AAA/BBB/CCC", "/" ,3) Position = Col2() ;* returns end of string in fact
In the following example, the Field function returns a substring of two fields with the delimiter (.) that separates them: 4.5. Col2 ( ) returns 10, the position of the delimiter that follows 5.
* Get fourth and fifth "."-delimited fields. SubString = Field("", ".", 4, 2) Position = Col2() ;* get position of delimiter
BASIC Programming
Col2 Function
In the next example, Field returns the whole string, because the delimiter (.) is not found. Col2 ( ) returns 6, the position after the last character of the string.
* Attempts to first get first "."-delimited field, * but fails. SubString = Field("9*8*7", ".", 1) Position = Col2() ;* returns length of string + 1
In the next example, Field returns an empty string, because there is no tenth occurrence of the substring in the string. Col2 ( ) returns 0 because the substring was not found.
* Attempts to first get tenth "."-delimited * field, but fails. SubString = Field("9*8*7*6*5*4", "*", 10) Position = Col2 ;* returns 0
Common Statement
Defines a common storage area for variables. Not available in expressions.
Common /name / variable [ ,variable] /name/ is the name identifying the common area and is significant to 31 characters. variable is the name of a variable to store in the common area.
Variables in the common area are accessible to all routines that have the /name/ common declared. (Use the $Include statement to define the common area in each routine.) Corresponding variables can have different names in different routines, but they must be defined in the same order. The Common statement must precede any reference to the variables it names. Arrays can be dimensioned and named with a Common statement. They can be redimensioned later with a Dimension statement, but the Common statement must appear before the Dimension statement.
This example shows two routines communicating via a common area named MyCommon, defined in a separate file in the DSU_BP subdirectory whose name is declared by a $Include statement: The file DSU_BP \ MyCommon.H contains:
Common /MyCommon/ComVar1,;* single variable ComVar2(10);* array of 10 variables
BASIC Programming
Common Statement
ComVar2(n) = Field(InputArg, ",", n) If ComVar2(n) <> "" Then ComVar1 = n ;* indicate highest one used End Next n Call DSU.MyRoutineB("another arg", ErrorCodeB) * Etc. ... Return Subroutine MyRoutineB(InputArg, ErrorCode) $Include MyCommon.H ErrorCode = 0 * Read the values out of the common array: For n = 1 To ComVar1 MyVar = ComVar2(n) * Do something with it... ... Next n Return
Compare Function
Compares two strings. If NLS is enabled, the result of this function depends on the current locale setting of the Collate convention.
Compare (string1, string2 [ , justification ] ) string1, string2 are the strings to be compared. justification is either L for left-justified comparison or R for rightjustified comparison. If you do not specify L or R, L is the default. Any other value causes a run-time warning, and 0 is returned.
The result of the comparison is returned as one of the following values: 1 0 1 string1 is less than string2. string1 equals string2 or the justification expression is not valid. string1 is greater than string2.
Use a right-justified comparison for numeric strings; use a leftjustified comparison for text strings. For mixed strings, take care. For example, a right-justified comparison of the strings AB100 and AB99 indicates that AB100 is greater than AB99 since 100 is greater than 99. But a right-justified comparison of the strings AC99 and AB100 indicates that AC99 is greater since C is greater than B.
BASIC Programming
Compare Function
In the following example, the strings AB99 and AB100 are compared with the right-justified option, in which "AB100" is greater than "AB99":
On Compare("AB99", "AB100", "R") + 2 GoSub LessThan, EqualTo GreaterThan
Convert Function
Replaces every instance of specified characters in a string with substitute characters.
Convert function
Convert (list, new.list, string) list is a list of characters to replace. If list is a null value it generates a run-time error. new.list is a corresponding list of substitute characters. If new.list is a null value, it generates a run-time error. string is an expression that evaluates to the string, or a variable containing the string. If string is a null value, null is returned.
The two lists of characters correspond. The first character of new.list replaces all instances of the first character of list, the second replaces the second, and so on. If the two lists do not contain the same number of characters: Any characters in list with no corresponding characters in new.list are deleted from the result. Any surplus characters in new.list are ignored.
This is an example of Convert used as a function:
MyString ="NOW IS THE TIME" ConvStr = Convert("TI", "XY", MyString) * all T => X, I => Y * At this point ConvStr is: NOW YS XHE XYME ConvStr = Convert("XY", "Z", ConvStr) * all X => Z, Y => "" * At this point ConvStr is: NOW S ZHE ZME
BASIC Programming
Convert Statement
Replaces every instance of specified characters in a string with substitute characters. Not available in expressions.
Convert statement
Convert list To new.list In string list is a list of characters to replace. If list is a null value, it generates a run-time error. new.list is a corresponding list of substitute characters. If new.list is a null value, it generates a run-time error. string is an expression that evaluates to the string, or a variable containing the string. If string is a null value, null is returned.
The two lists of characters correspond. The first character of new.list replaces all instances of the first character of list, the second replaces the second, and so on. If the two lists do not contain the same number of characters: Any characters in list with no corresponding characters in new.list are deleted from the result. Any surplus characters in new.list are ignored.
This example shows Convert used as a statement, converting the string in place:
MyString ="NOW IS THE TIME" Convert "TI" To "XY" In MyString * all T => X, I => Y * At this point MyString is: NOW YS XHE XYME Convert "XY" To "Z" In MyString * all X => Z, Y => "" * At this point MyString is: NOW S ZHE ZME
Count Function
Counts the number of times a substring occurs in a string.
Count (string, substring) string is the string you want to search. If string is a null value, null is returned. substring is the substring you want to count. It can be a character string, a constant, or a variable. If substring does not appear in string, 0 is returned. If substring is an empty string, the number of characters in string is returned. If substring is a null value, a run-time error results.
When one complete substring is counted, Count moves on to the next character and starts again. For example, the following statement counts only two instances of substring tt and returns 2 to variable c:
c = Count (tttt, tt)
* The next line returns the number of "A"s * in the string (3). MyCount = Count("ABCAGHDALL", "A") * The next line returns 2 since overlapping substrings * are not counted. MyCount = Count ("TTTT", "TT")
BASIC Programming
Date Function
Returns a date in its internal system format.
Date ( )
DataStage stores dates as the number of days before or after day 0, using 31 December 1967 as day 0. For example: This date December 10, 1967 November 15, 1967 December 31, 1967 February 15, 1968 January 1, 1985 Is stored as 21 46 0 46 6575
Use the internal date whenever you need to perform output conversions.
This example shows how to turn the current date in internal form into a string representing the next day:
Tomorrow = Oconv(Date() + 1, "D4/YMD") ;* "1997/5/24"
DCount Function
Counts delimited fields in a string.
DCount (string, delimiter) string is the string to be searched. If string is an empty string, 0 is returned. If string is a null value, null is returned. delimiter is one or more characters delimiting the fields to be counted. If delimiter is an empty string, the number of characters in string + 1 is returned. If delimiter is a null value, a run-time error occurs. Two consecutive delimiters in string are counted as one field.
DCount differs from Count in that it returns the number of values separated by delimiters rather than the number of occurrences of a character string.
* The next line returns the number of substrings * delimited by "A"s in the string (4) MyCount = DCount("ABCAGHDALL", "A") * The next line returns 3 since overlapping substrings * are not counted. MyCount = DCount ("TTTT", "TT")
BASIC Programming
Deffun Statement
Defines a user-written function.
Deffun function [ ( [Mat ] argument [, [Mat] argument ] ) ] [Calling] function is the name of the function to be defined. argument is an argument to pass to the function. You can supply up to 254 arguments. To pass an array, precede the array name with Mat. Calling specifies the name used to call the function. If you do not specify a name, the function is called using function.
You must declare a user-written function before you can use it in a program. You can define a user-written function only once in a program. Defining the function twice causes a fatal error.
This example shows how to define a transform function named MyFunctionB so that it can be called from within another transform function named MyFunctionA:
Function MyFunctionA(Arg1) * When referencing a user-written function that is held in the * DataStage Repository, you must declare it as a function with * the correct number of arguments, and add a "DSU." prefix. Deffun MyFunctionB(A) Calling "DSU.MyFunctionB"
Dimension Statement
Defines the dimensions of one or more arrays. Not available in expressions.
Dimension matrix (rows, columns) [ ,matrix (rows, columns) ] Dimension vector (max) [ , vector (max) ] matrix is a two-dimensional array to be dimensioned. rows is the maximum number of rows in the array. columns is the maximum number of columns in the array. vector is a one-dimensional array to be dimensioned. max is the maximum number of elements in the array.
Arrays can be redimensioned at run time. You can change an array from one-dimensional to two-dimensional and vice versa. The values of array elements are affected by redimensioning as follows: Common elements with the same row/column address in both arrays are preserved. New elements that had no row/column address in the original array are initialized as unassigned. Redundant elements that can no longer be referenced in the new array are lost, and the memory space is returned to the operating system. If there is not enough memory for the array, the Dimension statement fails and a following InMat function returns 1. To assign values to the elements of the array, use the Mat statement and assignment statements.
BASIC Programming
Dimension Statement
This example illustrates how a matrix can be dimensioned dynamically at run time based on incoming argument values:
Subroutine MyRoutine(InputArg, ErrorCode) ErrorCode = 0 * InputArg is 2 comma-separated fields, being the dimensions. Rows = Field(InputArg, ",", 1) Cols = Field(InputArg ",", 2) Dimension MyMatrix(Rows, Cols) If InMat = 1 Then * Failed to get space for matrix - exit with error status. Call DSLogWarn("Could not dimension matrix","MyRoutine") ErrorCode = -1 Else * Carry on. ... End
Div Function
Divides one number by another.
Div (dividend, divisor) dividend is the number to be divided. If dividend is a null value, null is returned. divisor is the number to divide by. divisor cannot be 0. If divisor is a null value, null is returned.
Use the Mod function to determine any remainder.
The following examples show use of the Div function:
Quotient = Div(100, 25) Quotient = Div(100, 30) ;* result is 4 ;* result is 3
BASIC Programming
DownCase Function
Converts uppercase letters in a string to lowercase. If NLS is enabled, the result of this function depends on the current locale setting of the Ctype convention.
DownCase (string) string is a string or expression to change to lowercase. If string is a null value, null is returned.
This is an example of the DownCase function:
MixedCase = "ABC123abc" LowerCase = DownCase(MyString) ;* result is "abc123abc"
DQuote Function
Encloses a string in double quotation marks.
DQuote (string) string is the string to be quoted. If string is a null value, null is returned.
To enclose a string in single quotation marks, use the SQuote function.
This is an example of the DQuote function adding double quotation marks () to the start and end of a string:
ProductNo = 12345 QuotedStr = DQuote(ProductNo : "A") * result is "12345A"
BASIC Programming
DSAttachJob Function
Attaches to a job in order to run it in job control sequence. A handle is returned which is used for addressing the job. There can only be one handle open for a particular job at any one time.
JobHandle = DSAttachJob (JobName, ErrorMode) JobHandle is the name of a variable to hold the return value which is subsequently used by any other function or routine when referring to the job. Do not assume that this value is an integer. JobName is a string giving the name of the job to be attached to. ErrorMode is a value specifying how other routines using the handle should report errors. It is one of: DSJ.ERRFATAL Log a fatal message and abort the controlling job (default).
DSJ.ERRWARNINGLog a warning message but carry on. DSJ.ERRNONE No message logged - caller takes full responsibility (failure of DSAttachJob itself will be logged, however).
A job cannot attach to itself. The JobName parameter can specify either an exact version of the job in the form job%Reln.n.n, or the latest version of the job in the form job. If a controlling job is itself released, you will get the latest released version of job. If the controlling job is a development version, you will get the latest development version of job.
This is an example of attaching to Release 11 of the job Qsales:
Qsales_handle = DSAttachJob ("Qsales%Rel1", DSJ.ERRWARN)
DSCheckRoutine Function
Checks if a BASIC routine is cataloged, either in the VOC as a callable item, or in the catalog space.
Found = DSCheckRoutine(RoutineName) RoutineName is the name of BASIC routine to check. Found Boolean. @False if RoutineName not findable, else @True.
rtn$ok = DSCheckRoutine(DSU.DSSendMail) If(NOT(rtn$ok)) Then
BASIC Programming
DSDetachJob Function
Gives back a JobHandle acquired by DSAttachJob if no further control of a job is required (allowing another job to become its controller). It is not necessary to call this function, otherwise any attached jobs will always be detached automatically when the controlling job finishes.
ErrCode = DSDetachJob (JobHandle) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. ErrCode is 0 if DSStopJob is successful, otherwise it may be the following: DSJE.BADHANDLE Invalid JobHandle.
The only possible error is an attempt to close DSJ.ME. Otherwise, the call always succeeds.
The following command detaches the handle for the job qsales:
Deterr = DSDetachJob (qsales_handle)
DSExecute Subroutine
Executes a DOS or DataStage Engine command from a before/after subroutine.
Call DSExecute (ShellType, Command, Output, SystemReturnCode) ShellType (input) specifies the type of command you want to execute and is either NT or UV (for DataStage Engine). Command (input) is the command to execute. Command should not prompt for input when it is executed. Output (output) is any output from the command. Each line of output is separated by a field mark, @FM. Output is added to the job log file as an information message. SystemReturnCode (output) is a code indicating the success of the command. A value of 0 means the command executed successfully. A value of 1 (for a DOS command) indicates that the command was not found. Any other value is a specific exit code from the command.
Do not use DSExecute from a transform; the overhead of running a command for each row processed by a stage will degrade performance of the job.
BASIC Programming
DSGetJobInfo Function
Provides a method of obtaining information about a job, which can be used generally as well as for job control. It can refer to the current job or a controlled job, depending on the value of JobHandle.
Result = DSGetJobInfo (JobHandle, InfoType) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob, or it may be DSJ.ME to refer to the current job. InfoType specifies the information required and can be one of: DSJ.JOBCONTROLLER DSJ.JOBINVOCATIONS DSJ.JOBINVOCATIONID DSJ.JOBNAME DSJ.JOBSTARTTIMESTAMP DSJ.JOBSTATUS DSJ.JOBWAVENO DSJ.PARAMLIST DSJ.STAGELIST DSJ.USERSTATUS DSJ.JOBINTERIMSTATUS Result depends on the specified InfoType, as follows: DSJ.JOBSTATUS Integer. Current status of job overall. Possible statuses that can be returned are currently divided into two categories: Firstly, a job that is in progress is identified by: DSJS.RESET DSJS.RUNFAILED Job finished a reset run. Job finished a normal run with a fatal error.
DSGetJobInfo Function
DSJS.RUNNING Job running - this is the only status that means the job is actually running.
Secondly, jobs that are not running may have the following statuses: DSJS.RUNOK DSJS.RUNWARN DSJS.STOPPED DSJS.VALFAILED DSJS.VALOK DSJS.VALWARN Job finished a normal run with no warnings. Job finished a normal run with warnings. Job was stopped by operator intervention (cant tell run type). Job failed a validation run. Job finished a validation run with no warnings. Job finished a validation run with warnings.
DSJ.JOBCONTROLLER String. Name of the job controlling the job referenced by the job handle. Note that this may be several job names separated by periods if the job is controlled by a job which is itself controlled, etc. DSJ.JOBINVOCATIONS. Returns a comma-separated list of Invocation IDs. DSJ.JOBINVOCATIONID. Returns the invocation ID of the specified job (used in the DSJobInvocationId macro in a job design to access the invocation ID by which the job is invoked). DSJ.JOBNAME String. Actual name of the job referenced by the job handle. DSJ.JOBSTARTTIMESTAMP String. Date and time when the job started on the server in the form YYYY-MM DD HH:MM:SS. DSJ.JOBWAVENO Integer. Wave number of last or current run.
BASIC Programming
DSGetJobInfo Function
DSJ.PARAMLIST. Returns a comma-separated list of parameter names. DSJ.STAGELIST. Returns a comma-separated list of active stage names. DSJ.USERSTATUS String. Whatever the job's last call of DSSetUserStatus last recorded, else the empty string. DSJ.JOBINTERIMSTATUS. Returns the status of a job after it has run all stages and controlled jobs, but before it has attempted to run an after-job subroutine. (Designed to be used by an after-job subroutine to get the status of the current job). Result may also return error conditions as follows: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADTYPE JobHandle was invalid. InfoType was unrecognized.
When referring to a controlled job, DSGetJobInfo can be used either before or after a DSRunJob has been issued. Any status returned following a successful call to DSRunJob is guaranteed to relate to that run of the job.
The following command requests the job status of the job qsales:
q_status = DSGetJobInfo(qsales_handle, DSJ.JOBSTATUS)
The following command requests the actual name of the current job:
whatname = DSGetJobInfo (DSJ.ME, DSJ.JOBNAME)
DSGetLinkInfo Function
Provides a method of obtaining information about a link on an active stage, which can be used generally as well as for job control. This routine may reference either a controlled job or the current job, depending on the value of JobHandle.
Result = DSGetLinkInfo (JobHandle, StageName, LinkName, InfoType) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob, or it can be DSJ.ME to refer to the current job. StageName is the name of the active stage to be interrogated. May also be DSJ.ME to refer to the current stage if necessary. LinkName is the name of a link (input or output) attached to the stage. May also be DSJ.ME to refer to current link (e.g. when used in a Transformer expression or transform function called from link code). InfoType specifies the information required and can be one of: DSJ.LINKLASTERR DSJ.LINKNAME DSJ.LINKROWCOUNT Result depends on the specified InfoType, as follows: DSJ.LINKLASTERR String - last error message (if any) reported from the link in question. DSJ.LINKNAME String - returns the name of the link, most useful when used with JobHandle = DSJ.ME and StageName = DSJ.ME and LinkName = DSJ.ME to discover your own name. DSJ.LINKROWCOUNT Integer - number of rows that have passed down a link so far. Result may also return error conditions as follows: DSJE.BADHANDLE JobHandle was invalid. DSJE.BADTYPE InfoType was unrecognized.
BASIC Programming
DSGetLinkInfo Function
DSJE.BADSTAGE StageName does not refer to a known stage in the job.
DSJE.NOTINSTAGE StageName was DSJ.ME and the caller is not running within a stage. DSJE.BADLINK LinkName does not refer to a known link for the stage in question.
When referring to a controlled job, DSGetLinkInfo can be used either before or after a DSRunJob has been issued. Any status returned following a successful call to DSRunJob is guaranteed to relate to that run of the job.
The following command requests the number of rows that have passed down the order_feed link in the loader stage of the job qsales:
link_status = DSGetLinkInfo(qsales_handle, "loader", "order_feed", DSJ.LINKROWCOUNT)
DSGetLogEntry Function
Reads the full event details given in EventId.
EventDetail = DSGetLogEntry (JobHandle, EventId) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. EventId is an integer that identifies the specific log event for which details are required. This is obtained using the DSGetNewestLogId function. EventDetail is a string containing substrings separated by \. The substrings are as follows: Substring1 Substring2 Substring3 Timestamp in form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS User information EventType see DSGetNewestLogId
Substring4 n Event message If any of the following errors are found, they are reported via a fatal log event: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADVALUE Invalid JobHandle. Error accessing EventId.
The following command reads full event details of the log event identified by LatestLogid into the string LatestEventString:
LatestEventString = DSGetLogEntry(qsales_handle,latestlogid)
BASIC Programming
DSGetLogSummary Function
Returns a list of short log event details. The details returned are determined by the setting of some filters. (Care should be taken with the setting of the filters, otherwise a large amount of information can be returned.)
SummaryArray = DSGetLogSummary (JobHandle, EventType, StartTime, EndTime, MaxNumber) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. EventType is the type of event logged and is one of: DSJ.LOGINFO DSJ.LOGWARNING DSJ.LOGFATAL DSJ.LOGREJECT DSJ.LOGSTARTED DSJ.LOGRESET DSJ.LOGANY Information message Warning message Fatal error Reject link was active Job started Log was reset Any category (the default)
StartTime is a string in the form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or YYYYMM-DD. EndTime is a string in the form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or YYYYMM-DD. MaxNumber is an integer that restricts the number of events to return. 0 means no restriction. Use this setting with caution. SummaryArray is a dynamic array of fields separated by @FM. Each field comprises a number of substrings separated by \, where each field represents a separate event, with the substrings as follows: Substring1 Substring2 Substring3 EventId as per DSGetLogEntry Timestamp in form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS EventType see DSGetNewestLogId
DSGetLogSummary Function
Substring4 n Event message If any of the following errors are found, they are reported via a fatal log event: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADTYPE DSJE.BADTIME DSJE.BADVALUE Invalid JobHandle. Invalid EventType. Invalid StartTime or EndTime. Invalid MaxNumber.
The following command produces an array of reject link active events recorded for the qsales job between 18th August 1998, and 18th September 1998, up to a maximum of MAXREJ entries:
RejEntries = DSGetLogSummary (qsales_handle, DSJ.LOGREJECT, "1998-08-18 00:00:00", "1998-09-18 00:00:00", MAXREJ)
BASIC Programming
DSGetNewestLogId Function
Gets the ID of the most recent log event in a particular category, or in any category.
EventId = DSGetNewestLogId (JobHandle, EventType) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. EventType is the type of event logged and is one of: DSJ.LOGINFO Information message
DSJ.LOGWARNING Warning message DSJ.LOGFATAL DSJ.LOGREJECT Fatal error Reject link was active
DSJ.LOGSTARTED Job started DSJ.LOGRESET DSJ.LOGANY Log was reset Any category (the default)
EventId is an integer that identifies the specific log event. EventId can also be returned as an integer, in which case it contains an error code as follows: DSJE.BADHANDLE Invalid JobHandle. DSJE.BADTYPE Invalid EventType.
The following command obtains an ID for the most recent warning message in the log for the qsales job:
Warnid = DSGetNewestLogId (qsales_handle, DSJ.LOGWARNING)
DSGetParamInfo Function
Provides a method of obtaining information about a parameter, which can be used generally as well as for job control. This routine may reference either a controlled job or the current job, depending on the value of JobHandle.
Result = DSGetParamInfo (JobHandle, ParamName, InfoType) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob, or it may be DSJ.ME to refer to the current job. ParamName is the name of the parameter to be interrogated. InfoType specifies the information required and may be one of: DSJ.PARAMDEFAULT DSJ.PARAMHELPTEXT DSJ.PARAMPROMPT DSJ.PARAMTYPE DSJ.PARAMVALUE DSJ.PARAMDES.DEFAULT DSJ.PARAMLISTVALUES DSJ.PARAMDES.LISTVALUES DSJ.PARAMPROMPT.AT.RUN Result depends on the specified InfoType, as follows: DSJ.PARAMDEFAULT String Current default value for the parameter in question. See also DSJ.PARAMDES.DEFAULT. DSJ.PARAMHELPTEXT String Help text (if any) for the parameter in question. DSJ.PARAMPROMPT String Prompt (if any) for the parameter in question. DSJ.PARAMTYPE Integer Describes the type of validation test that should be performed on any value being set for this parameter. Is one of:
BASIC Programming
DSGetParamInfo Function
DSJ.PARAMTYPE.STRING DSJ.PARAMTYPE.ENCRYPTED DSJ.PARAMTYPE.INTEGER DSJ.PARAMTYPE.FLOAT (the parameter may contain periods and E) DSJ.PARAMTYPE.PATHNAME DSJ.PARAMTYPE.LIST (should be a string of Tab-separated strings) DSJ.PARAMTYPE.DATE (should be a string in form YYYYMM-DD) DSJ.PARAMTYPE.TIME (should be a string in form HH:MM ) DSJ.PARAMVALUE String Current value of the parameter for the running job or the last job run if the job is finished. DSJ.PARAMDES.DEFAULT String Original default value of the parameter - may differ from DSJ.PARAMDEFAULT if the latter has been changed by an administrator since the job was installed. DSJ.PARAMLISTVALUES String Tab-separated list of allowed values for the parameter. See also DSJ.PARAMDES.LISTVALUES. DSJ.PARAMDES.LISTVALUES String Original Tab-separated list of allowed values for the parameter may differ from DSJ.PARAMLISTVALUES if the latter has been changed by an administrator since the job was installed. DSJ.PROMPT.AT.RUN String 1 means the parameter is to be prompted for when the job is run; anything else means it is not (DSJ.PARAMDEFAULT String to be used directly). Result may also return error conditions as follows: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADPARAM JobHandle was invalid. ParamName is not a parameter name in the job.
DSGetParamInfo Function
DSJE.BADTYPE InfoType was unrecognized.
When referring to a controlled job, DSGetParamInfo can be used either before or after a DSRunJob has been issued. Any status returned following a successful call to DSRunJob is guaranteed to relate to that run of the job.
The following command requests the default value of the quarter parameter for the qsales job:
Qs_quarter = DSGetparamInfo(qsales_handle, "quarter", DSJ.PARAMDEFAULT)
BASIC Programming
DSGetProjectInfo Function
Provides a method of obtaining information about the current project.
Result = DSGetProjectInfo (InfoType) InfoType specifies the information required and can be one of: DSJ.JOBLIST DSJ.PROJECTNAME DSJ.HOSTNAME Result depends on the specified InfoType, as follows: DSJ.JOBLIST String - comma-separated list of names of all jobs known to the project (whether the jobs are currently attached or not). DSJ.PROJECTNAME String - name of the current project. DSJ.HOSTNAME String - the host name of the server holding the current project. Result may also return an error condition as follows: DSJE.BADTYPE InfoType was unrecognized.
DSGetStageInfo Function
Provides a method of obtaining information about a stage, which can be used generally as well as for job control. It can refer to the current job, or a controlled job, depending on the value of JobHandle.
Result = DSGetStageInfo (JobHandle, StageName , InfoType) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob, or it may be DSJ.ME to refer to the current job. StageName is the name of the stage to be interrogated. It may also be DSJ.ME to refer to the current stage if necessary. InfoType specifies the information required and may be one of: DSJ.STAGELASTERR DSJ.STAGENAME DSJ.STAGETYPE DSJ.STAGEINROWNUM DSJ.LINKLIST DSJ.STAGEVARLIST Result depends on the specified InfoType, as follows: DSJ.STAGELASTERR String - last error message (if any) reported from any link of the stage in question. DSJ.STAGENAME String - most useful when used with JobHandle = DSJ.ME and StageName = DSJ.ME to discover your own name. DSJ.STAGETYPE String - the stage type name (e.g. "Transformer", "BeforeJob"). DSJ. STAGEINROWNUM Integer - the primary link's input row number. DSJ.LINKLIST - comma-separated list of link names in the stage.
BASIC Programming
DSGetStageInfo Function
DSJ.STAGEVARLIST - comma-separated list of stage variable names. Result may also return error conditions as follows: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADTYPE DSJE.NOTINSTAGE DSJE.BADSTAGE JobHandle was invalid. InfoType was unrecognized. StageName was DSJ.ME and the caller is not running within a stage. StageName does not refer to a known stage in the job.
When referring to a controlled job, DSGetStageInfo can be used either before or after a DSRunJob has been issued. Any status returned following a successful call to DSRunJob is guaranteed to relate to that run of the job.
The following command requests the last error message for the loader stage of the job qsales:
stage_status = DSGetStageInfo(qsales_handle, "loader", DSJ.STAGELASTERR)
DSLogEvent Function
Logs an event message to a job other than the current one. (Use DSLogInfo, DSLogFatal, or DSLogWarn to log an event to the current job.)
ErrCode = DSLogEvent (JobHandle, EventType, EventMsg) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. EventType is the type of event logged and is one of: DSJ.LOGINFO DSJ.LOGWARNING Information message Warning message
EventMsg is a string containing the event message. ErrCode is 0 if there is no error. Otherwise it contains one of the following errors: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADTYPE Invalid JobHandle. Invalid EventType (particularly note that you cannot place a fatal message in another jobs log).
The following command, when included in the msales job, adds the message monthly sales complete to the log for the qsales job:
Logerror = DsLogEvent (qsales_handle, DSJ.LOGINFO, "monthly sales complete")
BASIC Programming
DSLogFatal Function
Logs a fatal error message in a jobs log file and aborts the job.
Call DSLogFatal (Message, CallingProgName) Message (input) is the warning message you want to log. Message is automatically prefixed with the name of the current stage and the calling before/after subroutine. CallingProgName (input) is the name of the before/after subroutine that calls the DSLogFatal subroutine.
DSLogFatal writes the fatal error message to the job log file and aborts the job. DSLogFatal never returns to the calling before/after subroutine, so it should be used with caution. If a job stops with a fatal error, it must be reset using the DataStage Director before it can be rerun. In a before/after subroutine, it is better to log a warning message (using DSLogWarn) and exit with a nonzero error code, which allows DataStage to stop the job cleanly. DSLogFatal should not be used in a transform. Use DSTransformError instead.
Call DSLogFatal("Cannot open file", "MyRoutine")
DSLogInfo Function
Logs an information message in a jobs log file.
Call DSLogInfo (Message, CallingProgName) Message (input) is the information message you want to log. Message is automatically prefixed with the name of the current stage and the calling program. CallingProgName (input) is the name of the transform or before/after subroutine that calls the DSLogInfo subroutine.
DSLogInfo writes the message text to the job log file as an information message and returns to the calling routine or transform. If DSLogInfo is called during the test phase for a newly created routine in the DataStage Manager, the two arguments are displayed in the results window. Unlimited information messages can be written to the job log file. However, if a lot of messages are produced the job may run slowly and the DataStage Director may take some time to display the job log file.
Call DSLogInfo("Transforming: ":Arg1, "MyTransform")
BASIC Programming
DSLogToController Function
This routine may be used to put an info message in the log file of the job controlling this job, if any. If there isnt one, the call is just ignored.
Call DSLogToController(MsgString) MsgString is the text to be logged. The log event is of type Information.
If the current job is not under control, a silent exit is performed.
Call DSLogToController(This is logged to parent)
DSLogWarn Function
Logs a warning message in a jobs log file.
Call DSLogWarn (Message, CallingProgName) Message (input) is the warning message you want to log. Message is automatically prefixed with the name of the current stage and the calling before/after subroutine. CallingProgName (input) is the name of the before/after subroutine that calls the DSLogWarn subroutine.
DSLogWarn writes the message to the job log file as a warning and returns to the calling before/after subroutine. If the job has a warning limit defined for it, when the number of warnings reaches that limit, the call does not return and the job is aborted. DSLogWarn should not be used in a transform. Use DSTransformError instead.
If InputArg > 100 Then Call DSLogWarn("Input must be =< 100; received ":InputArg,"MyRoutine") End Else * Carry on processing unless the job aborts End
BASIC Programming
DSMakeJobReport Function
Generates a string describing the complete status of a valid attached job.
ReportText = DSMakeJobReport(JobHandle, ReportLevel, LineSeparator) JobHandle is the string as returned from DSAttachJob. ReportLevel is the number where 0 = basic and 1= more detailed. LineSeparator is the string used to separate lines of the report. Special values recognised are: "CRLF" => CHAR(13):CHAR(10) "LF" => CHAR(10) "CR" => CHAR(13) The default is CRLF if on Windows NT, else LF.
If a bad job handle is given, or any other error is encountered, information is added to the ReportText.
h$ = DSAttachJob(MyJob, DSJ.ERRNONE) rpt$ = DSMakeJobReport(h$,0,CRLF)
DSMakeMsg Function
Insert arguments into a message template. Optionally, it will look up a template ID in the standard DataStage messages file, and use any returned message template instead of that given to the routine.
FullText = DSMakeMsg(Template, ArgList) FullText is the message with parameters substituted Template is the message template, in which %1, %2 etc. are to be substituted with values from the equivalent position in ArgList. If the template string starts with a number followed by "\", that is assumed to be part of a message id to be looked up in the DataStage message file. Note: If an argument token is followed by "[E]", the value of that argument is assumed to be a job control error code, and an explanation of it will be inserted in place of "[E]". (See the DSTranslateCode function.) ArgList is the dynamic array, one field per argument to be substituted.
This routine is called from job control code created by the JobSequence Generator. It is basically an interlude to call DSRMessage which hides any runtime includes. It will also perform local job parameter substitution in the message text. That is, if called from within a job, it looks for substrings such as "#xyz#" and replaces them with the value of the job parameter named "xyz".
t$ = DSMakeMsg(Error calling DSAttachJob(%1)<L>%2,
BASIC Programming
DSPrepareJob Function
Used to ensure that a compiled job is in the correct state to be run or validated.
JobHandle = DSPrepareJob(JobHandle) JobHandle is the handle, as returned from DSAttachJob(), of the job to be prepared. JobHandle is either the original handle or a new one. If returned as 0, an error occurred and a message is logged.
h$ = DSPrepareJob(h$)
DSRunJob Function
Starts a job running. Note that this call is asynchronous; the request is passed to the run-time engine, but you are not informed of its progress.
ErrCode = DSRunJob (JobHandle, RunMode) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. RunMode is the name of the mode the job is to be run in and is one of: DSJ.RUNNORMAL DSJ.RUNRESET DSJ.RUNVALIDATE (Default) Standard job run. Job is to be reset. Job is to be validated only.
ErrCode is 0 if DSRunJob is successful, otherwise it is one of the following negative integers: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADSTATE DSJE.BADTYPE Invalid JobHandle. Job is not in the right state (compiled, not running). RunMode is not a known mode.
If the controlling job is running in validate mode, then any calls of DSRunJob will act as if RunMode was DSJ.RUNVALIDATE, regardless of the actual setting. A job in validate mode will run its JobControl routine (if any) rather than just check for its existence, as is the case for before/after routines. This allows you to examine the log of what jobs it started up in validate mode. After a call of DSRunJob, the controlled jobs handle is unloaded. If you require to run the same job again, you must use DSDetachJob and DSAttachJob to set a new handle. Note that you will also need to use DSWaitForJob, as you cannot attach to a job while it is running.
BASIC Programming
DSRunJob Function
The following command starts the job qsales in standard mode:
RunErr = DSRunJob(qsales_handle, DSJ.RUNNORMAL)
DSSendMail Function
This routine is an interface to a sendmail program that is assumed to exist somewhere in the search path of the current user (on the server). It hides the different call interfaces to various sendmail programs, and provides a simple interface for sending text. For example:
Reply = DSSendMail(Parameters) Parameters is a set of name:value parameters, separated by either a mark character or "\n". Currently recognized names (case-insensitive) are: "From" Mail address of sender, e.g. Can only be left blank if the local template file does not contain a "%from%" token. "To" Mail address of recipient, e.g. Can only be left blank if the local template file does not contain a "%to%" token. "Subject" Something to put in the subject line of the message. Refers to the "%subject%" token. If left as "", a standard subject line will be created, along the lines of "From DataStage job: jobname" "Server" Name of host through which the mail should be sent. May be omitted on systems (such as Unix) where the SMTP host name can be and is set up externally, in which case the local template file presumably will not contain a "%server%" token. "Body" Message body. Can be omitted. An empty message will be sent. If used, it must be the last parameter, to allow for getting multiple lines into the message, using "\n" for line breaks. Refers to the "%body%" token. Note: The text of the body may contain the tokens "%report% or %fullreport% anywhere within it, which
BASIC Programming
DSSendMail Function
will cause a report on the current job status to be inserted at that point. A full report contains stage and link information as well as job status. Reply. Possible replies are: DSJE.NOERROR DSJE.NOPARAM DSJE.NOTEMPLATE (0) OK Parameter name missing - field does not look like name:value Cannot find template file
The routine looks for a local file, in the current project directory, with a well-known name. That is, a template to describe exactly how to run the local sendmail command.
code = DSSendMail("From:me@here\nTo:You@there\nSubject:Hi ya\nBody:Line1\nLine2")
DSSetJobLimit Function
By default a controlled job inherits any row or warning limits from the controlling job. These can, however, be overridden using the DSSetJobLimit function.
ErrCode = DSSetJobLimit (JobHandle, LimitType, LimitValue) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. LimitType is the name of the limit to be applied to the running job and is one of: DSJ.LIMITWARN DSJ.LIMITROWS Job to be stopped after LimitValue warning events. Stages to be limited to LimitValue rows.
LimitValue is an integer specifying the value to set the limit to. ErrCode is 0 if DSSetJobLimit is successful, otherwise it is one of the following negative integers: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADSTATE DSJE.BADTYPE DSJE.BADVALUE Invalid JobHandle. Job is not in the right state (compiled, not running). LimitType is not a known limiting condition. LimitValue is not appropriate for the limiting condition type.
The following command sets a limit of 10 warnings on the qsales job before it is stopped:
LimitErr = DSSetJobLimit(qsales_handle, DSJ.LIMITWARN, 10)
BASIC Programming
DSSetParam Function
Specifies job parameter values before running a job. Any parameter not set will be defaulted.
ErrCode = DSSetParam (JobHandle, ParamName, ParamValue) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. ParamName is a string giving the name of the parameter. ParamValue is a string giving the value for the parameter. ErrCode is 0 if DSSetParam is successful, otherwise it is one of the following negative integers: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADSTATE DSJE.BADPARAM DSJE.BADVALUE Invalid JobHandle. Job is not in the right state (compiled, not running). ParamName is not a known parameter of the job. ParamValue is not appropriate for that parameter type.
The following commands set the quarter parameter to 1 and the startdate parameter to 1/1/97 for the qsales job:
paramerr = DSSetParam (qsales_handle, "quarter", "1") paramerr = DSSetParam (qsales_handle, "startdate", "1997-01-01")
DSSetUserStatus Subroutine
Applies only to the current job, and does not take a JobHandle parameter. It can be used by any job in either a JobControl or After routine to set a termination code for interrogation by another job. In fact, the code may be set at any point in the job, and the last setting is the one that will be picked up at any time. So to be certain of getting the actual termination code for a job the caller should use DSWaitForJob and DSGetJobInfo first, checking for a successful finishing status. Note: This routine is defined as a subroutine not a function because there are no possible errors.
Call DSSetUserStatus (UserStatus) UserStatus String is any user-defined termination message. The string will be logged as part of a suitable "Control" event in the calling jobs log, and stored for retrieval by DSGetJobInfo, overwriting any previous stored string. This string should not be a negative integer, otherwise it may be indistinguishable from an internal error in DSGetJobInfo calls.
The following command sets a termination code of sales job done:
Call DSSetUserStatus("sales job done")
BASIC Programming
DSStopJob Function
This routine should only be used after a DSRunJob has been issued. It immediately sends a stop request to the run-time engine. The call is asynchronous. If you need to know that the job has actually stopped, you must call DSWaitForJob or use the Sleep statement and poll for DSGetJobStatus. Note that the stop request gets sent regardless of the jobs current status.
ErrCode = DSStopJob (JobHandle) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. ErrCode is 0 if DSStopJob is successful, otherwise it may be the following: DSJE.BADHANDLE Invalid JobHandle.
The following command requests that the qsales job is stopped:
stoperr = DSStopJob(qsales_handle)
DSTransformError Function
Logs a warning message to a job log file. This function is called from transforms only.
Call DSTransformError (Message, TransformName) Message (input) is the warning message you want to log. Message is automatically prefixed with the name of the current stage and the calling transform. TransformName (input) is the name of the transform that calls the DSTransformError subroutine.
DSTransformError writes the message (and other information) to the job log file as a warning and returns to the transform. If the job has a warning limit defined for it, when the number of warnings reaches that limit, the call does not return and the job is aborted. In addition to the warning message, DSTransformError logs the values of all columns in the current rows for all input and output links connected to the current stage.
Function MySqrt(Arg1) If Arg1 < 0 Then Call DSTransformError("Negative value:"Arg1, "MySqrt") Return("0") ;*transform produces 0 in this case End Result = Sqrt(Arg1) ;* else return the square root Return(Result)
BASIC Programming
DSTranslateCode Function
Converts a job control status or error code into an explanatory text message.
Ans = DSTranslateCode(Code) Code is: If Code > 0, its assumed to be a job status. If Code < 0, its assumed to be an error code. (0 should never be passed in, and will return "no error")
If Code is not recognized, then Ans will report it.
code$ = DSGetLastErrorMsg() ans$ = DSTranslateCode(code$)
DSWaitForFile Function
Suspend a job until a named file either exists or does not exist.
Reply = DSWaitForFile(Parameters) Parameters is the full path of file to wait on. No check is made as to whether this is a reasonable path (for example, whether all directories in the path exist). A path name starting with "-", indicates a flag to check the non-existence of the path. It is not part of the path name. Parameters may also end in the form " timeout:NNNN" (or "timeout=NNNN") This indicates a non-default time to wait before giving up. There are several possible formats, case-insensitive: nnn nnnS nnnM nnnH nn:nn:nn number of seconds to wait (from now) ditto number of minutes to wait (from now) number of hours to wait (from now) wait until this time in 24HH:MM:SS. If this or nn:nn time has passed, will wait till next day.
The default timeout is the same as "12H". The format may optionally terminate "/nn", indicating a poll delay time in seconds. If omitted, a default poll time is used. Reply may be: DSJE.NOERROR DSJE.BADTIME (0) OK - file now exists or does not exist, depending on flag. Unrecognized Timeout format
Reply = DSWaitForFile("C:\ftp\incoming.txt timeout:2H")
BASIC Programming
DSWaitForFile Function
(wait 7200 seconds for file on C: to exist before it gives up.)
Reply = DSWaitForFile("-incoming.txt timeout=15:00")
DSWaitForJob Function
This function is only valid if the current job has issued a DSRunJob on the given JobHandle(s). It returns if the/a job has started since the last DSRunJob has since finished.
ErrCode = DSWaitForJob (JobHandle) JobHandle is the string returned from DSAttachJob. If commas are contained, its a comma-delimited set of job handles, representing a list of jobs that are all to be waited for. ErrCode is 0 if no error, else possible error values (<0) are: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.WRONGJOB Invalid JobHandle. Job for this JobHandle was not run from within this job.
ErrCode is >0 => handle of the job that finished from a multi-job wait.
DSWaitForJob will wait for either a single job or multiple jobs.
To wait for the return of the qsales job:
WaitErr = DSWaitForJob(qsales_handle)
BASIC Programming
Dtx Function
Converts a decimal integer to hexadecimal.
Dtx (number [ ,size] ) number is the decimal number to be converted. If number is a null value, null is returned. size is the minimum number of characters in the hexadecimal value. The returned value is padded with leading zeros as required. If size is a null value, a run-time error occurs.
This is an example of the Dtx function used to convert a decimal number to a hexadecimal string representation:
MyNumber = 47 MyHex = Dtx(MyNumber) MyHex = Dtx(MyNumber, 4) ;* returns "2F" ;* returns "002F"
Ebcdic Function
Converts the values of characters in a string from ASCII to EBCDIC format.
Ebcdic (string) string is the string or expression that you want to convert. If string is a null value, a run-time error occurs.
The Ebcdic and Ascii functions perform complementary operations. CAUTION: If NLS is enabled, this function may return data that is not recognized by the current character set map.
This example shows the Ebcdic function being used to convert a string of ASCII bytes:
AsciiStr = "A1" EbcdicStr = Ebcdic(AsciiStr);* convert all bytes to EBCDIC * (Letter A is decimal 193, digit 1 is decimal 241 in EBCDIC) If EbcdicStr = Char(193):Char(241) Then ... ;* ... so this branch is taken EndIf
BASIC Programming
End Statement
Indicates the end of a program, a subroutine, or a block of statements.
End End Case
Use an End statement in the middle of a program to end a section of an If statement or other conditional statements. Use End Case to end a set of Case statements.
This example illustrates the use of an End statement with various forms of IfThen construction in a routine:
Function MyTransform(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) * Then and Else clauses occupying a single line each: If Arg1 Matches "A..." Then Reply = 1 Else Reply = 2 * Multi-line clauses: If Len(arg1) > 10 Then Reply += 1 Reply = Arg2 * Reply End Else Reply += 2 Reply = (Arg2 - 1) * Reply End * Another style of multiline clauses: If Len(Arg1) > 20 Then Reply += 2 Reply = Arg3 * Reply End Else Reply += 4 Reply = (Arg3 - 1) * Reply
End Statement
End Return(Reply)
BASIC Programming
Equate Statement
Equates a value to a symbol or a literal string during compilation. Not available in expressions.
Equate symbol To value [ ,symbol To value] Equate symbol Literally value [ ,symbol Literally value] symbol is the equate name you want to give to a value in your program. symbol must not be a number. value is the value you want to identify by symbol. value must be quoted. To specifies that value is any type of expression. Literally (or Lit) specifies that value is a literal string.
You can equate symbol only once, otherwise you get a compiler error.
The following example illustrates the use of both EquateTo and EquateLiterally to set symbols in code:
Function MyFunction(Arg1, Arg2) Equate Option1 To "O1" Equate Option2 To "O2" Equate TestOption Literally "If Arg1 = " TestOption Option1 Then ;* code becomes: If Arg1 = "1 Then Ans = ... End TestOption Option2 Then ;* code becomes: If Arg1 = "O2" Then Ans = ... End Return(Ans)
Ereplace Function
Replaces one or more instances of a substring.
Ereplace (string, substring, replacement [ ,number [ ,start] ] ) string is the string or expression. substring is the substring you want to replace. If substring is an empty string, the value of string is returned. replacement is the replacement substring. If replacement is an empty string, all occurrences of substring are removed. number specifies the number of instances of substring to replace. To change all instances, use a value less than 1. start specifies the first instance to replace. A value less than 1 defaults to 1.
A null value for string returns a null value. If you use a null value for any other variable, a run-time error occurs.
The following example replaces all occurrences of one substring with another:
MyString = "AABBCCBBDDBB" NewString = Ereplace(MyString, "BB", "xxx") * The result is "AAxxxCCxxxDDxxx"
BASIC Programming
Exchange Function
Replaces a character in a string.
Exchange (string, find.character, replace.character) string is the string or expression containing the character to replace. A null string returns a null. find.character is the hexadecimal value of the character to find. If find.character is a null value, Exchange fails and generates a run-time error. replace.character is the hexadecimal value of the replacement character. If the value of replacement.character is FF, find.character is deleted from the string. If replace.character is a null value, Exchange fails and generates a run-time error.
Exchange replaces all occurrences of the specified character. If NLS is enabled, Exchange uses the first two bytes of find.character and replace.character. Characters are evaluated as follows: Bytes 00 through FF 00 through FA FB through FE Evaluated as 00 through FF Unicode characters 0000 through FA System delimiters
In the following example, 41 is the hexadecimal value for the character "A" and 2E is the hexadecimal value for the character:
MyString = Exchange("ABABC", "41", "2E") * result is ".B.BC" * The above line is functionally equivalent to: * MyString = Convert("A", ".", "ABABC")
Exp Function
Returns the value of "e" raised to the specified power.
Exp (power) power is a number or numeric expression specifying the power. A null value returns a null value. If power is too large or too small, a warning message is generated and 0 is returned.
The value of "e" is approximately 2.71828. The formula used to perform the calculation is: Exp function value = 2.71828**(power)
This example uses the Exp function to return "e" raised to a power:
* Define angle in radians. MyAngle = 1.3 * Calculate hyperbolic secant. MyHSec = 2 / (Exp(MyAngle) + Exp(-MyAngle))
BASIC Programming
Field Function
Returns delimited substrings in a string.
Field (string, delimiter, instance [ ,number] ) string is the string containing the substring. If string is a null value, null is returned. delimiter is the character that delimits the substring. If delimiter is an empty string, string is returned. If string does not contain delimiter, an empty string is returned unless instance is 1, in which case string is returned. If delimiter is a null value, a run-time error occurs. If more than one substring is returned, delimiters are returned with the substrings. instance specifies which instance of delimiter terminates the substring. If instance is less than 1, 1 is assumed. If string does not contain instance, an empty string is returned. If instance is a null value, a runtime error occurs. number specifies the number of delimited substrings to return. If number is an empty string or less than 1, 1 is assumed. If number is a null value, a run-time error occurs.
In the following example the variable MyString is set to the data between the third and fourth occurrences of the delimiter "#":
MyString = Field("###DHHH#KK","#", 4) ;* returns "DHHH"
In the following example SubString is set to "" since the delimiter "/" does not appear in the string:
MyString = "London+0171+NW2+AZ" SubString = Field(Mystring, "/", 1) ;* returns ""
Field Function
In the following example SubString is set to "0171+NW2" since two fields were requested using the delimiter "+" (the second and third fields):
MyString = "London+0171+NW2+AZ" SubString = Field(Mystring, "+", 2, 2) * returns "0171+NW2"
BASIC Programming
FieldStore Function
Modifies character strings by inserting, deleting, or replacing fields separated by specified delimiters.
FieldStore (string, delimiter, start, number, new.fields) string is the string to be modified. If string is a null value, null is returned. delimiter delimits the fields and can be any single ASCII character. If delimiter is null, there is a run-time error. start is the number of the field to start the modification. If start is greater than the number of fields in string, the string is padded with empty fields before processing begins. If start is null, there is a run-time error. number is the number of fields of new.fields to insert in string. If number is positive, number fields in string are replaced with the first number fields of new.fields. If number is negative, number fields in string are replaced with all the fields in new.fields. If number is 0, all the fields in new.fields are inserted in string before the field specified by start. If number is null, there is a run-time error. new.fields is a string or expression containing the new fields to use. If new.fields is null, there is a run-time error.
The following examples show several different ways of replacing substrings within a string:
MyString = "1#2#3#4#5" String = Fieldstore(MyString, "#", 2, 2, "A#B") * Above results in: "1#A#B#4#5" String2 = Fieldstore(MyString, "#", 2, -2, "A#B") * Above results in: "1#A#B#4#5"
FieldStore Function
String3 * Above String4 * Above String5 * Above = Fieldstore(MyString, "#", 2, 0, "A#B") results in: "1#A#B#2#3#4#5" = Fieldstore(MyString, "#", 1, 4, "A#B#C#D") results in: "A#B#C#D#5" = Fieldstore(MyString, "#", 7, 3, "A#B#C#D") results in: "1#2#3#4#5##A#B#"
BASIC Programming
Fmt Function
Formats data for output.
Fmt (string, format) string is the string to be formatted. If string is a null value, null is returned. format is an expression that defines how the string is to be formatted. If format is null, the Fmt function fails. For detailed syntax, see Format expression on page 17-129.
The format expression provides a pattern for formatting the string. You can specify: The length of the output field A fill character to pad the field Whether the field is right-justified or left-justified A numerical, monetary, or date format A mask to act as a template for the field
Format Expression
Defines how the string is to be formatted.
[length] [fill] justification [edit] [mask ]
Output Length
You specify the number of character positions in the output field using the length parameter. You must specify length unless you specify mask. (You can specify length and mask.) If string is smaller than length, it is padded with fill characters. If string is larger than length, the string is divided into fields by a text mark, CHAR(251), inserted every length characters. Each field is padded with fill characters to length.
Fill Character
You specify the fill parameter to define the fill character used to pad the output field to the size specified by length. The default fill character is a space. If you want to use a numeric character or the letters L, R, T, or Q as a fill character, you must enclose it in single quotation marks.
You specify the justification of the output using the justification parameter, which must be one of the following codes: L R T U Left justify and break at end of field. Right justify and break at end of field. Left justify and break on space (suitable for text fields). Left justify and break on field length.
BASIC Programming
Format Expression
Monetary and Numeric Formatting
The edit parameter lets you specify codes that format a string as numeric or monetary output: Code n[ m ] Description n is a number, 0 through 9, that specifies the number of decimal places to display. If you specify 0 for n, the value is rounded to the nearest integer. The output is padded with zeros or rounded to the nth decimal place, if required. m specifies how to descale the value: A value of 0 descales the value by the current precision. A value of 1 through 9 descales the value by m minus the current precision. If you do not specify m, the default value is 0. The default precision is 4. $ F , Z E C D B M N T Y Prefixes a dollar sign to numeric output. Prefixes a franc sign to numeric output. Inserts a comma to separate thousands. Suppresses leading zeros. It returns an empty string if the value is 0. Surrounds negative numbers with angle brackets. Appends cr to negative numbers. Appends db to positive numbers. Appends db to negative numbers. Appends a minus sign to negative numbers. Suppresses a minus sign on negative numbers. Truncates a number rather than rounding it. If NLS is enabled, prefixes the yen/yuan character to the value.
Format Expression
The E, M, C, D and N options define numeric representations for monetary use, using prefixes or suffixes. If NLS is enabled, these options override the numeric and monetary conventions set for the current locale.
Masked Output
You can specify a format template for the output using the mask parameter. For example, a format pattern of 10L##-##-#### formats the string 31121999 to 31-12-1999. A mask can include any characters, but these characters have special meaning: #n Specifies that the data is displayed in a field of n fill characters. If the format expression does not specify a fill character, a space is used. Specifies that the data is displayed in a field of n zeros. Specifies that the data is displayed in a field of n asterisks.
%n *n
Any other characters followed by n inserts those characters in the output n times. If you want to use numbers or special characters as literals, you must escape the character with a backslash (\). mask can be enclosed in parentheses for clarity, in which case you must also parenthesize the whole mask. For example: ((###) ###-####) The Status function returns the result of edit as follows: 0 1 2 The edit code is successful. The string or expression is invalid. The edit code is invalid.
BASIC Programming
Format Expression
Formatting Exponential Numbers
These codes are available for formatting exponential expressions: Q or QR QL nE m Right justify an exponential expression and break on field length. Left justify an exponential expression and break on field length. Used with Q, QR, or QL justification, n is the number of fractional digits, and m specifies the exponent. Each can be a number from 0 through 9. Used with Q, QR, or QL justification, n is the number of digits preceding the decimal point, and m is the number of fractional digits. Each can be a number from 0 through 9. When used with the Q format, only the trailing fractional zeros are suppressed, and a 0 exponent is suppressed.
n. m
The following examples show the effect of various Fmt codes. In each case the result is shown as a string so that all significant spaces are visible. Format Expression
X = Fmt("1234567", "14R2") X = Fmt("1234567", "14R2$," X = Fmt("12345", "14*R2$," X = Fmt("1234567", "14L2" X = Fmt("0012345", "14R") X = Fmt("0012345", "14RZ") X = Fmt("00000", "14RZ") X = Fmt("12345", "140R") X = Fmt("ONE TWO THREE", "10T") X = Fmt("ONE TWO THREE", "10R")
Formatted Value
X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = "1234567.00" " $1,234,567.00" "****$12,345.00" "1234567.00" "0012345" "12345" " "
Format Expression
Format Expression
X = Fmt("AUSTRALIANS", "5T") X = Fmt("89", "R#####") X = Fmt("6179328323", "L##########") X = Fmt("123456789", "L#3-#3-#3") X = Fmt("123456789", "R#5") X = Fmt("67890", "R#10") X = Fmt("123456789", "L#5") X = Fmt("12345", "L#10") X = Fmt("123456", "R##-##-##") X = Fmt("555666898", "20*R2$,") X = Fmt("DAVID", "10.L") X = Fmt("24500", "10R2$Z") X = Fmt("0.12345678E1", "9*Q") X = Fmt("233779", "R") X = Fmt("233779", "R0") X = Fmt("233779", "R00") X = Fmt("233779", "R2") X = Fmt("233779", "R20") X = Fmt("233779", "R24") X = Fmt("2337.79", "R") X = Fmt("2337.79", "R0" X = Fmt("2337.79", "R00") X = Fmt("2337.79", "R2") X = Fmt("2337.79", "R20") X = Fmt("2337.79", "R24") X = Fmt("2337.79", "R26")
Formatted Value
X = "AUSTR":T:"ALIAN":T:"S X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = " 89" "
X = "*****$555,666,898.00" X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = "DAVID....." " $24500.00" "*1.2346E0" "233779" "233779" "2337790000" "233779.00" "2337790000.00" "233779.00" "2337.79" "2338" "23377900" "2337.79" "23377900.00" "2337.79" "23.38"
BASIC Programming
FmtDP Function
In NLS mode, formats data in display positions rather than by character length.
FmtDP (string, format [, mapname] ) string is the string to be formatted. If string is a null value, null is returned. Any unmappable characters in the string are assumed to have a display length of 1. format is an expression that defines how the string is to be formatted. If format is null, FmtDP fails. For detailed syntax, see Format expression on page 17-129. mapname is the name of a character set map to use for the formatting. If mapname is not specified, the current default for the project or job is used.
FmtDP is suitable for use with multibyte character sets. If NLS is not enabled, the FmtDP function works like an equivalent Fmt function.
Fold Function
Folds strings to create substrings.
Fold (string, length) string is the string to be folded. length is the length of the substrings in characters.
Use the Fold function to divide a string into a number of substrings separated by field marks. string is separated into substrings of length less than or equal to length. string is separated on blanks, if possible, otherwise it is separated into substrings of the specified length. If string evaluates to the null value, null is returned. If length is less than 1, an empty string is returned. If length is the null value, Fold fails and the program terminates with a run-time error message.
A=Fold("This is a folded string", 5)
Sets A to:
ThisFis a FfoldeFdFstrinFg
BASIC Programming
FoldDP Function
In NLS mode, folds strings to create substrings using character display positions.
FoldDP (string, length [ , mapname ] ) string is the string to be folded. length is the length of the substrings in display positions. mapname is the name of a character set map to use for the formatting. If mapname is not specified, the current default for the project or job is used.
The FoldDP function is suitable for use with multibyte character sets. If NLS is not enabled, the FoldDP function works like an equivalent Fold function.
For...Next Statements
Create a ForNext program loop. Not available in expressions.
For variable = start To end [Step increment] [loop.statements] [Continue|Exit] [ {While | Until} condition] [loop.statements] [Continue] Next [variable] For variable identifies the start of the loop. start To end specifies the start and end value of the counter that defines how many times the program is to loop. Step increment specifies the amount the counter is increased when a Next statement is reached. loop.statements are the statements that are executed in the loop. Continue starts the next iteration of the loop from a point within the loop. Exit exits the loop from a point within the loop. WhileContinue is an inner loop. If condition evaluates to true, the inner loop continues to execute. When condition evaluates to false, the inner loop ends. Program execution continues with the statement following the Next statement. If condition evaluates to a null value, the condition is false. UntilContinue is an inner loop. If condition evaluates to false, the inner loop continues to execute. When condition evaluates to true, the loop ends and program execution continues with the statement following the Next statement. condition defines the condition for executing a While or Until loop. condition can be any statement that takes a ThenElse clause, but you do not include a ThenElse clause. Instead, when the conditional statement would have executed the Else clause, condition evaluates to false; when the conditional statement would have
BASIC Programming
For...Next Statements
executed the Then clause, condition evaluates to true. The Locked clause is not supported in this context. Next variable specifies the end of the loop. variable is the variable used to define the loop with the For statement. Its use is optional, but is recommended to improve the readability of the program, particularly if you use nested loops.
You can use multiple While and Until clauses in a ForNext loop. If you nest ForNext loops, each loop must have a unique variable name as its counter. If a Next statement has no corresponding For statement, it generates a compiler error.
This example uses ForNext statements to create a string that contains three instances of the numbers 5 through 1, each string separated from the other by a hyphen. The outer loop uses a loop counter variable that is decremented by 1 each time through the loop.
String = "" ;* starting value must be set up For Outer = 5 To 1 Step -1 ;* outer 5 repetitions For Inner = 1 To 3 ;* inner 5 repetitions String = String : Outer Next Inner String = String : "-" ;* append a hyphen Next Outer * String will now look like: 555-444-333-222-111-.
Function Statement
Identifies a user-written function and specifies the number and names of the arguments to be passed to it. Not available in expressions.
Function [name] [ argument1 [, argument2] ] name is the name of the user-written function and can be any valid variable name. argument1 and argument2 are the formal names of arguments to be passed to the function. The formal names reference the actual names of the parameters that are used in the calling program (see the examples). You can specify up to 254 arguments. The calling function in the main program must specify the same number of arguments as the Function statement.
A user-written function can contain only one Function statement, which must be the first noncomment line. An extra argument is hidden so that the user-written function can use it to return a value. An extra argument is retained by the user-written function so that a value is returned by the Return statement. If you use the Return statement in a user-written function and you do not specify a value to return, an empty string is returned.
BASIC Programming
Function Statement
Return (Cut (expression, character [2,999999])) End Else Return (expression) End End
In this example, a user-defined function called Short compares the length of two arguments and returns the shorter:
Function Short(A,B) AL = Len(A) BL = Len(B) If AL < BL Then Result = A Else Result = B Return(Result)
In this example, a function called MyFunc is defined with the argument names A, B, and C. It is followed by an example of the DefFun statement declaring and using the MyFunc function. The values held in X, Y, and Z are referenced by the argument names A, B, and C so that the value assigned to T can be calculated.
Function MyFunc(A, B, C) Z = ... Return (Z) ... End DefFun MyFunc(X, Y, Z) T = MyFunc(X, Y, Z) End
Function Statement
This example shows how to call a transform function named MyFunctionB from within another transform function named MyFunctionA:
Function MyFunctionA(Arg1) * When referencing a user-written function that is held in the * DataStage Repository, you must declare it as a function with * the correct number of arguments, and add a "DSU." prefix. Deffun MyFunctionB(A) Calling "DSU.MyFunctionB" Ans = MyFunctionB(Arg1) * Add own transformation to the value in Ans... ...
BASIC Programming
GetLocale Function
In NLS mode, retrieves the current locale setting for a specified category.
$Include UNIVERSE.INCLUDE UVNLSLOC.H name = GetLocale (category) category is one of the following include tokens: Token UVLC$TIME UVLC$NUMERIC UVLC$MONETARY UVLC$CTYPE UVLC$COLLATE Meaning Time and date Numeric Currency Character type Sorting sequence
GetLocale returns one of the following error tokens if it cannot retrieve the locale setting: Error LCE$NOLOCALES Meaning NLS is not enabled for DataStage.
GoSub Statement
Transfers program control to an internal subroutine. Not available in expressions.
GoSub statement.label [ : ] statement.label defines where the subroutine starts, and can be any valid label defined in the program. : identifies the preceding text as a statement label to make the program more readable.
You transfer control back to the main program using either a Return or Return To statement: Return transfers program control to the statement following the GoSub statement. Return To label transfers program control to a location in the program specified by label. A program can call a subroutine any number of times. You can nest subroutines up to 256 deep.
This example uses GoSub to call an internal subroutine within a DataStage transform function. The Return statement causes execution to resume at the statement immediately following the GoSub statement. It is necessary to use GoTo as shown to prevent control from accidentally flowing into the subroutine.
Function MyTransform(Arg1) * Only use subroutine if input is a positive number: If Arg1 > 0 Then GoSub MyRoutine Reply = Arg1 GoTo ExitFunction ;* use GoTo to prevent an error
BASIC Programming
GoSub Statement
ExitFunction: Return(Reply)
GoTo Statement
Transfers program control to the specified statement. Not available in expressions.
GoTo statement.label [ : ] statement.label specifies the statement to go to. : identifies the preceding text as a statement label to make the program more readable.
If the referenced statement is executable, it is executed and the program continues. If it is not executable, the program goes on to the first executable statement after the referenced one.
This example uses the GoTo statement to branch to line labels within a routine. Note that this sort of processing is often clearer using a Begin Case construct.
Function MyTransform(Arg1) * Evaluate argument and branch to appropriate label. If Arg1 = 1 Then GoTo Label1 Else GoTo Label2 Label1: Reply = "A" GoTo LastLabel Label2: Reply = "B" LastLabel: Return(Reply)
BASIC Programming
Iconv Function
Converts a string to an internal storage format.
Iconv (string, code [ @VM code ] ) string evaluates to the string to be converted. If string is a null value, null is returned. code is a conversion code and must be quoted. Multiple conversion codes must be separated by value marks. Multiple codes are applied from left to right. The second code converts the output of the first, and so on. If code is a null value, it generates a run-time error.
The Status function returns the result of the conversion as follows: 0 1 2 3 The conversion was successful. The string was invalid. An empty string was returned, unless string was a null value when null was returned. The conversion was invalid. Successful conversion but the input data may be invalid, for example, a nonexistent date, such as 31 September.
ASCII Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some MY (ASCII) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("ABCD", "MY") X = Iconv("0123", "MY")
Internal Value
X = 41424344 X = 30313233
Iconv Function
Date Conversions
The following examples show the effect of various D (Date) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("31 DEC 1967", "D") X = Iconv("27 MAY 97", "D2") X = Iconv("05/27/97", "D2/") X = Iconv("27/05/1997", "D/E") X = Iconv("1997 5 27", "D YMD") X = Iconv("27 MAY 97", "D DMY[,A3,2]") X = Iconv("5/27/97", "D/MDY[Z,Z,2]") X = Iconv("27 MAY 1997", "D DMY[,A,]") X = Iconv("97 05 27", "DYMD[2,2,2]")
Internal Value
X = 0 X = 10740 X = 10740 X = 10740 X = 10740 X = 10740 X = 10740 X = 10740 X = 10740
Group Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some G (Group) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("27.05.1997", "G1.2") X = Iconv("27.05.1997", "G.2")
Internal Value
X = "05.1997" X = "27.05"
Length Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some L (Length) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("QWERTYUIOP", "L0") X = Iconv("QWERTYUIOP", "L7") X = Iconv("QWERTYU", "L7") X = Iconv("QWERTYUOP", "L3,5") X = Iconv("QWER", "L3,5")
Internal Value
X = 10 X = "" X = "QWERTYU" X = "" X = "QWER"
BASIC Programming
Iconv Function
Masked Character Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some masked character conversion codes (MCA, MC/A, MCD, MCL, MCN, MC/N, MCP, MCT, MCU, and MCX): Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("John Smith 1-234", "MCA") X = Iconv("John Smith 1-234","MC/A") X = Iconv("4D2", "MCD") X = Iconv("4D2", "MCDX") X = Iconv("John Smith 1-234", "MCL") X = Iconv("John Smith 1-234", "MCN") X = Iconv("John Smith 1-234", "MC/N") X = Iconv("John^CSmith^X1-234", "MCP") X = Iconv("john SMITH 1-234", "MCT") X = Iconv("john smith 1-234", "MCU") X = Iconv("1234", "MCX") X = Iconv("1234", "MCXD")
Internal Value
X = "JohnSmith" X = " 1-234"
X = "1234" X = "1234" X = "john smith 1-234" X = "1234" X = "John Smith -" X = "John.Smith.1-234" X = "John Smith 1-234" X = "JOHN SMITH 1-234" X = "4D2" X = "4D2"
Internal Value
X = 987654 X = 987654 X = 123456789 X = 123456789 X = 1234567890 X = 123456789 X = -123456789 X = 123456789 X = 123456789
Iconv Function
Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("9876.54", "MD2-Z") X = Iconv("$####1234.56", "MD2$12#") X = Iconv("$987.654 ", "MD3,$CPZ")
Internal Value
X = 987654 X = 123456 X = 987654 X = 987654
X = Iconv("####9,876.54", "MD2,ZP12#")
Internal Value
X = 123456789 X = 123 X = 123456789 X = 1234567890 X = -123456789 X = 123456789 X = -123456789 X = -123456789 X = 123456789 X = 123456789
Numeral Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some NR (Roman numeral) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("mcmxcvii", "NR") X = Iconv("MCMXCVmm", "NR")
Internal Value
X = 1997 X = 1997000
BASIC Programming
Iconv Function
Pattern Matching Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some P (Pattern matching) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("123456789", "P(3N-3A3X);(9N)") X = Iconv("123-ABC-A7G", "P(3N-3A3X);(9N)") X = Iconv("123-45-6789", "P(3N-2N4N)")
Internal Value
X = "123456789" X = "123-ABC-A7G" X = "123-45-6789"
Radix Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some MX, MO, and MB (Radix) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("400", "MX") X = Iconv("434445", "MX0C") X = Iconv("2000", "MO") X = Iconv("103104105", "MO0C") X = Iconv("10000000000", "MB") X = Iconv("010000110100010001000101", "MB0C")
Internal Value
X = 1024 X = "CDE" X = 1024 X = "CDE" X = 1024 X = "CDE"
Internal Value
X = 123
Iconv Function
Soundex Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some S (Soundex) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("GREEN", "S") X = Iconv("greene", "S") X = Iconv("GREENWOOD", "S") X = Iconv("GREENBAUM", "S")
Internal Value
X = "G650" X = "G650" X = "G653" X = "G651"
Time Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some MT (Time) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("02:46", "MT") X = Iconv("02:46:40am", "MTHS") X = Iconv("02:46am", "MTH") X = Iconv("02.46", "MT.") X = Iconv("02:46:40", "MTS")
Internal Value
X = 9960 X = 10000 X = 9960 X = 9960 X = 10000
BASIC Programming
If...Else Statements
Execute one or more statements conditionally. You can use a single-line syntax or multiple lines in a block. Not available in expressions.
If condition Else statement If condition Else statements End condition is a numeric value or comparison whose value determines the program flow. If condition is false, the statements are executed. statements are the statements to be executed when condition is false.
If you want to execute more than one statement when condition is false, use the multiline syntax.
Function MyTransform(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) * Else clause occupying a single line only: Reply = 0 ;* default If Arg1 Matches "A..." Else Reply = 2 * Multi-line Else clause: If Len(arg1) > 10 Else Reply += 2 Reply = (Arg2 - 1) * Reply End * Another style of multiline Else clause: If Len(Arg1) > 20 Else Reply += 4 Reply = (Arg3 - 1) * Reply End Return(Reply)
If...Then...Else Statements
Define several blocks of statements and the conditions that determine which block is executed. You can use a single-line syntax or multiple lines in a block. Not available in expressions.
If condition Then statements [Else statements] If condition Then statements End [Else statements End] condition is a numeric value or comparison whose value determines the program flow. If condition is true, the Then clause is taken. If condition is false, the Else clause is taken. If condition is a null value, it evaluates to false. statements are the statements to be executed depending on the value of condition.
You can nest IfThenElse statements. If the Then or Else statements are written on more than one line, you must use an End statement as the last statement.
Function MyTransform(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) * Then and Else clauses occupying a single line each: If Arg1 Matches "A..." Then Reply = 1 Else Reply = 2 * Multi-line clauses: If Len(arg1) > 10 Then Reply += 1 Reply = Arg2 * Reply End Else Reply += 2 Reply = (Arg2 - 1) * Reply
BASIC Programming
If...Then...Else Statements
End * Another style of multiline clauses: If Len(Arg1) > 20 Then Reply += 2 Reply = Arg3 * Reply End Else Reply += 4 Reply = (Arg3 - 1) * Reply End Return(Reply)
If...Then Statements
Execute one or more statements conditionally. You can use a single-line syntax or multiple lines in a block. Not available in expressions.
If condition Then statement If condition Then statements End condition is a numeric value or comparison whose value determines the program flow. If condition is true, the statements are executed. statements are the statements to be executed when condition is true.
If you want to execute more than one statement when condition is true, use the multiline syntax.
This example illustrates various forms of IfThen construction that can be used in a routine:
Function MyTransform(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) * Then clause occupying a single line only: Reply = 0 ;* default If Arg1 Matches "A..." Then Reply = 1 * Multi-line Then clause: If Len(arg1) > 10 Then Reply += 1 Reply = Arg2 * Reply End
BASIC Programming
If...Then...Else Operator
* Another style of multiline Then clause: If Len(Arg1) > 20 Then Reply += 2 Reply = Arg3 * Reply End Return(Reply)
If...Then...Else Operator
Assign a value that meets the specified conditions.
IfThenElse Operator
variable = If condition Then expression Else expression variable is the variable to assign. If condition defines the condition that determines which value to assign. Then expression defines the value to assign if condition is true. Else expression defines the value to assign if condition is false.
The If operator is the only form of IfThenElse construction that can be used in an expression.
Note that the Else clause is required.
* Return A or B depending on value in Column1: If Column1 > 100 Then "A" Else "B"
* Add 1 or 2 to value in Column2 depending on whats in * Column3, and return it: Column2 + (If Column3 Matches "A..." Then 1 Else 2)
BASIC Programming
Index Function
Returns the starting position of a substring.
Index (string, substring, instance) string is the string or expression containing the substring. If string is a null value, 0 is returned. substring is the substring to be found. If substring is an empty string, 1 is returned. If substring is a null value, 0 is returned. instance specifies which instance of substring is to be located. If instance is not found, 0 is returned. If instance is a null value, it generates a run-time error.
The following examples show several ways of finding the position of a substring within a string:
MyString = "P1234XXOO1299XX00P1" Position = Index(MyString, 1, 2) * The above returns the index of the second "1" character (10). Position = Index(MyString, "XX", 2) * The above returns the start index of the second "XX" * substring (14). Position = Index(MyString, "xx", 2) * The above returns 0 since the substring "xx" does not occur. Position = Index(MyString, "XX", 3) * The above returns 0 since the third occurrence of * substring "XX" * cannot be found.
InMat Function
Retrieves the dimensions of an array, or determines if a Dimension statement failed due to insufficient memory. Not available in expressions.
InMat [(array)] array is the name of the array whose dimensions you want to retrieve.
If you specify array, InMat returns the dimensions of the array. If you do not specify array, InMat returns 1 if the preceding Dimension statement failed due to lack of available memory.
This example shows how to test whether a Dimension statement successfully allocated enough memory:
Dim MyArray(2000) If InMat() = 1 Then Call DSLogFatal("Could not allocate array", "MyRoutine") End
BASIC Programming
Int Function
Returns the integer portion of a numeric expression.
Int (expression) expression is a numeric expression. After evaluation, the fractional portion of the value is truncated and the integer portion is returned. If expression is a null value, null is returned.
This example shows the integer portion of an expression being returned by the Int function:
MyValue = 2.3 IntValue = Int(MyValue) IntValue = Int(-MyValue) IntValue = Int(MyValue / 10) ;* answer is 2 ;* answer is -2 ;* answer is 0
IsNull Function
Tests if a variable contains a null value.
IsNull (variable) variable is the variable to test. If variable contains a null value, 1 is returned, otherwise 0 is returned.
This is the only way to test for a null value because the null value is not equal to any value, including itself.
This example shows how to test for an expression being set to the null value:
MyVar = @Null ;* sets variable to null value If IsNull(MyVar * 10) Then * Will be true since any arithmetic involving a null value * results in a null value. End
BASIC Programming
Left Function
Extracts a substring from the start of a string.
Left (string, n) string is the string containing the substring. If string is a null value, null is returned. n is the number of characters to extract from the start of the string. If n is a null value, it generates a run-time error.
These examples extract the leftmost three characters of a string:
MyString = "ABCDEF" MySubStr = Left(MyString, 3) ;* answer is "ABC" MySubStr = Left("AB", 3) ;* answer is "AB"
Len Function
Returns the number of characters in a string.
Len (string) string is the string whose characters are counted. All characters are counted, including spaces and trailing blanks. If string is a null value, 0 is returned.
These examples find the length of a string, or a number when expressed as a string:
MyStr = "PORTLAND, OREGON" StrLen = Len(MyStr) NumLen = Len(12345.67) ;* answer is 16 ;* answer is 8 (note ;* decimal point)
BASIC Programming
LenDP Function
In NLS mode, returns the length of a string in display positions.
LenDP (string [, mapname ]) string is the string to be measured. Any unmappable characters in string are assumed to have a display length of 1. mapname is the name of the map that defines the character set used in string. If mapname is omitted, the default character set map for the project or job is used.
If NLS is not enabled, this function works like the Len function and returns the number of characters in the string.
Ln Function
Calculates the natural logarithm of the value of an expression, using base "e".
Ln (expression) expression is the numeric expression to evaluate. If expression is 0 or negative, 0 is returned and a warning is issued. If expression is a null value, null is returned.
The value of "e" is approximately 2.71828.
This example shows how to write a transform to convert a number to its base 10 logarithm using the Ln function:
Function Log10(Arg1) If Not(Num(Arg1)) Then Call DSTransformError("Non-numeric ":Arg1, "Log10") Ans = 0 ;* or some suitable default End Else Ans = Ln(Arg1) / Ln(10) End Return(Ans)
BASIC Programming
Loop...Repeat Statements
Define a program loop. Not available in expressions.
Loop [statements] [Continue | Exit] [While | Until condition Do] [statements] [Continue | Exit] Repeat Loop defines the start of the program loop. statements are the statements that are executed in the loop. Continue specifies that the current loop breaks and restarts at this point. Exit specifies that the program quits from the current loop. While condition Do specifies that the loop repeats as long as condition is true. When condition is false, the loop stops and program execution continues with the statement following the Repeat statement. If condition is a null value, it is considered false. Until condition Do specifies that the loop repeats as long as condition is false. When condition is true, the loop stops and program execution continues with the statement following the Repeat statement. If condition is a null value, it is considered false. Repeat defines the end of the loop.
You can use multiple While and Until clauses in a LoopRepeat loop. You can nest LoopRepeat loops. If a Repeat statement does not have a corresponding Loop statement, it generates a compiler error.
Loop...Repeat Statements
This example shows how LoopRepeat statements can be used. The inner LoopRepeat statement loops 10 times, sets the value of the flag to false, and exits prematurely using the Exit statement. The outer loop exits immediately upon checking the value of the flag.
Check = @True Counter = 0 ;* initialize variables Loop ;* outer loop Loop While Counter < 20 ;* inner loop Counter += 1 ;* increment Counter If Counter = 10 Then ;* if condition is True... Check = @False ;* set value of flag to False... Exit ;* and exit from inner loop. End Repeat Until Not(Check) ;* exit outer loop when Check set False Repeat
BASIC Programming
Mat Statement
Assigns values to the elements of an array. Not available in expressions.
Mat array = expression array is a named and dimensioned array that you want to assign values to. expression is either a single value, or the name of a dimensioned array. If expression is a single value, that value is assigned to all the elements of array. If it is an array, values are assigned, element by element, to array regardless of whether the dimensions of the two arrays match. Surplus values are discarded; surplus elements remain unassigned.
You cannot use the Mat statement to assign values to specific elements of an array.
This example shows how to assign the same value to all elements of an array:
Dim MyArray(10) Mat MyArray = "Empty"
This example shows how to assign the elements of one array to those of another array:
Dim Array1(4) Dim Array2(2,2) For n = 1 To 4 Array1(n) = n ;* Array1(1) = 1, Array1(2) = 2, etc. Next n Mat Array2 = Mat Array1 * Results are: Array2(1,1) = 1, Array2(1,2) = 2 * Array2(2,1) = 3, Array2(2,2) = 4
MatchField Function
Searches a string and returns the part of it that matches a pattern element.
MatchField (string, pattern, element) string is the string to be searched. If string does not match pattern or is a null value, an empty string is returned. pattern is one or more pattern elements describing string, and can be any of the pattern codes used by the Match operator. If pattern is a null value, an empty string is returned. element is a number, n, specifying that the portion of string that matches the nth element of pattern is returned. If element is a null value, it generates a run-time error.
pattern must contain elements that describe all the characters in string. For example, the following statement returns an empty string because pattern does not cover the substring AB at the end of string:
MatchField ("XYZ123AB", "3X3N", 1)
The following statement describes the whole string and returns a value of "XYZ", which is 3X, the substring that matches the first element of the pattern:
MatchField ("XYZ123AB", "3X3N...", 1)
Q evaluates to BBB:
Q = MatchField("AA123BBB9","2A0N3A0N",3)
BASIC Programming
MatchField Function
col evaluates to BLUE:
inv = PART12345 BLUE AU col = MatchField(INV,"10X4A3X",2)
In the following examples the string does not match the pattern and an empty string is returned:
XYZ=MatchField(ABCDE1234,"2N3A4N",1) XYZ= ABC=MatchField(1234AB,"4N1A",2) ABC=
Mod Function
Returns the remainder after a division operation.
Mod (dividend, divisor) dividend is the number to be divided. If dividend is a null value, null is returned. divisor is the number to divide by. divisor cannot be 0. If divisor is a null value, null is returned.
The Mod function calculates the remainder using the formula: Mod (X, Y) = X - (Int (X / Y) * Y) Use the Div function to return the result of a division operation.
The following examples show use of the Mod function:
Remainder = Mod(100, 25) Remainder = Mod(100, 30) ;* result is 0 ;* result is 10
BASIC Programming
Nap Statement
Pauses a program for the specified number of milliseconds. Not available in expressions.
Nap [milliseconds] milliseconds specifies the number of milliseconds to pause. The default value is 1. If milliseconds is a null value, the Nap statement is ignored.
Do not use the Nap statement in a transform as it will slow down the DataStage job run.
This example shows Nap being called from within a DataStage before/after routine to poll for the existence of a resource, waiting for a short while between polls:
If NumTimesWaited < RepeatCount Then NumTimesWaited += 1 Nap 500 ;* wait 500 millisecs = 1/2 a second End
Neg Function
Returns the inverse of a number.
Neg (number) number is the number you want to invert.
The following example shows a use of the Neg function, equivalent to unary minus:
MyNum = 10 * Next line may be clearer than the equivalent * construction which is: -(MyNum + 75) / 100 MyExpr = Neg(MyNum + 75) / 100
BASIC Programming
Not Function
Inverts the logical result of an expression.
Not (expression) expression is the expression whose result is inverted. If expression is true, 0 is returned if false, 1 is returned. If expression is a null value, null is returned.
expression is false if it evaluates to 0 or is an empty string. Any other value (except null) is true.
Here are some examples of the use of the Not function to invert the truth value of expressions:
Value1 = 5 Value2 = 5 Boolean = Not(Value1 - Value2);* Boolean = 1, i.e. True Boolean = Not(Value1 + Value2);* Boolean = 0, i.e. False Boolean = Not(Value1 = Value2);* Boolean = 0, i.e. False
Null Statement
Performs no action and generates no object code.
The Null statement acts as a dead end in a program. For example, you can use it with an Else clause if you do not want any operation to be performed when the Else clause is executed.
The following example shows the use of the Null statement to make clear that a particular branch of a Case statement takes no action:
Begin Case Case Arg1 = A * ... do something for first case. Case Arg1 = B * ... do something for second case. Case @True * ... in all other cases, do nothing. Null End Case
BASIC Programming
Num Function
Determines whether a string is numeric. If NLS is enabled, the result of this function depends on the current locale setting of the Numeric convention.
Num (expression ) expression is the expression to test. If expression is a number, a numeric string, or an empty string, a value of 1 is returned. If it is a null value, null is returned; otherwise 0 is returned.
Strings that contain periods used as decimal points are considered numeric. But strings containing other characters used in formatting monetary or numeric amounts, for example, commas, dollar signs, and so on, are not considered numeric.
The following examples show the Num function being used to determine if a variable contains a number:
Arg1 = "123.45 Boolean = Num(Arg1) Arg2 = "Section 4" Boolean = Num(Arg2) Arg3 = " " Boolean = Num(Arg3) Arg4 = "" Boolean = Num(Arg4) ;* returns 1, i.e. True ;* returns 0, i.e. False ;* False (space is not numeric) ;* True (empty string is numeric)
Oconv Function
Converts an expression to an output format.
Oconv (expression, conversion [@VM conversion] ) expression is a string stored in internal format that you want to convert to an output format. If expression is a null value, null is returned. conversion is one or more conversion codes specifying how the string is to be formatted. Separate multiple codes with a value mark. If conversion is a null value, it generates a run-time error.
If you specify multiple codes, they are applied from left to right. The first code is applied to expression, then the next code is applied to the result of the first conversion, and so on. The Status function uses the following values to indicate the result of an Oconv function: 0 1 The conversion was successful. An invalid string was passed to the Oconv function. Either, the original string was returned, or if the string was a null value, null was returned. The conversion was invalid.
ASCII Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some MY (ASCII) conversion codes. Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("41424344", "MY")
External Value
X = "ABCD"
BASIC Programming
Oconv Function
Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("30313233", "MY")
External Value
X = "0123"
Date Conversions
The following examples show the effect of various D (Date) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv(0, "D") X = Oconv(10740, "D2") X = Oconv(10740, "D2/") X = Oconv(10740, "D/E") X = Oconv(10740, "D-YJ") X = Oconv(10740, "D2*JY") X = Oconv(10740, "D YMD") X = Oconv(10740, "D MY[A,2]") X = Oconv(10740, "D DMY[,A3,2]") X = Oconv(10740, "D/MDY[Z,Z,2]") X = Oconv(10740, "D DMY[,A,]") X = Oconv(10740, "DYMD[2,2,2]") X = Oconv(10740, "DQ") X = Oconv(10740, "DMA") X = Oconv(10740, "DW") X = Oconv(10740, "DWA")
External Value
X = "31 DEC 1967" X = "27 MAY 97" X = "05/27/97" X = "27/05/1997" X = "1997-147" X = "147*97" X = "1997 5 27" X = "MAY 97" X = "27 MAY 97" X = "5/27/97" X = "27 MAY 1997" X = "97 05 27" X = "2" X = "MAY" X = "2" X = "TUESDAY"
Group Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some G (Group) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("27.05.1997", "G1.2") X = Oconv("27.05.1997", "G.2")
External Value
X = "05.1997" X = "27.05"
Oconv Function
Length Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some L (Length) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("QWERTYUIOP", "L0") X = Oconv("QWERTYUIOP", "L7") X = Oconv("QWERTYU", "L7") X = Oconv("QWERTYUOP", "L3,5") X = Oconv("QWER", "L3,5")
External Value
X = 10 X = "" X = "QWERTYU" X = "" X = "QWER"
External Value
X = "JohnSmith" X = " 1-234"
X = "4D2" X = "4D2" X = "john smith 1-234" X = "1234" X = "John Smith -" X = "John.Smith.1-234" X = "John Smith 1-234" X = "JOHN SMITH 1-234" X = "1234" X = "1234"
BASIC Programming
Oconv Function
Masked Decimal Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some MD (Masked Decimal) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv(987654, "MD2") X = Oconv(987654, "MD0") X = Oconv(123456789, "MD2$,") X = Oconv(987654, "MD24$") X = Oconv(123456789, "MD2[f,.,,]") X = Oconv(123456789, "MD2,[,,,SEK]") X = Oconv(-123456789, "MD2<[#,.,,]") X = Oconv(123456789, "MD33") X = Oconv(1234567890, "MD32") X = Oconv(123456789, "MD2F") X = Oconv(-123456789, "MD2C") X = Oconv(123456789, "MD2D") X = Oconv(123456789, "MD2,D") X = Oconv(1234567.89, "MD2P") X = Oconv(123, "MD3Z") X = Oconv(987654, "MD2-Z") X = Oconv(12345.678, "MD20T") X = Oconv(123456, "MD2$12#") X = Oconv(987654, "MD3,$CPZ") X = Oconv(987654, "MD2,ZP12#")
External Value
X = "9876.54" X = "987654" X = "$1,234,567.89" X = "$98.77" X = "f1.234.567,89" X = "1,234,567.89SEK" X = "#<1.234.567,89>" X = "123456.789" X = "12345678.9" X = "F1234567.89" X = "1234567.89cr" X = "1234567.89 X = "1,234,567.89 X = "1234567.89" X = ".123" X = "9876.54" X = "12345.67" X = "$####1234.56" X = "$987.654 " " "
X = "####9,876.54"
Oconv Function
Masked Left and Right Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some ML and MR (Masked Left and Right) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv(123456789, "ML2$,") X = Oconv(123, "ML3Z") X = Oconv(123456789, "ML33") X = Oconv(1234567890, "ML32") X = Oconv(-123456789, "ML2C") X = Oconv(123456789, "ML2D") X = Oconv(-123456789, "ML2M") X = Oconv(-123456789, "ML2E") X = Oconv(123456789, "ML2(*12)") X = Oconv(123456789, "MR2(*12)")
External Value
X = "$1,234,567.89" X = ".123" X = "123456.789" X = "12345678.9" X = "1234567.89cr" X = "1234567.89db" X = "1234567.89-" X = "<1234567.89>" X = "1234567.89**" X = "**1234567.89"
Numeral Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some NR (Roman numeral) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv(1997, "NR") X = Oconv(1997000, "NR")
External Value
X = "mcmxcvii" X = "MCMXCVmm"
External Value
X = "123456789" X = "123-ABC-A7G"
BASIC Programming
Oconv Function
Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("ABC-123-A7G", "P(3N-3A3X);(9N)") X = Oconv("123-45-6789", "P(3N-2N-4N)") X = Oconv("123-456-789", "P(3N-2N-4N)") X = Oconv("123-45-678A", "P(3N-2N-4N)")
External Value
X = "" X = "123-45-6789" X = "" X = ""
Radix Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some MX, MO and MB (Radix) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("1024", "MX") X = Oconv("CDE", "MX0C") X = Oconv("1024", "MO") X = Oconv("CDE", "MO0C") X = Oconv("1024", "MB") X = Oconv("CDE", "MB0C")
External Value
X = "400" X = "434445" X = "2000" X = "103104105" X = "10000000000" X = "010000110100010001000101"
External Value
X = 123 X = "" X = 3.1E2
Oconv Function
Time Conversions
The following examples show the effect of some MT (Time) conversion codes: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv(10000, "MT") X = Oconv(10000, "MTHS") X = Oconv(10000, "MTH") X = Oconv(10000, "MT.") X = Oconv(10000, "MTS")
External Value
X = "02:46" X = "02:46:40am" X = "02:46am" X = "02.46" X = "02:46:40"
BASIC Programming
On...GoSub Statements
Transfer program control to an internal subroutine. Not available in expressions.
On index GoSub statement.label1 [, statement.label2] On index specifies an expression that acts as an index to the list of statement labels. The value of index determines which statement label program control moves to. During execution, index is evaluated and rounded to an integer. If the value is 1 or less, the subroutine defined by statement.label1 is executed. If the value is 2, the subroutine defined by statement.label2 is executed; and so on. If the value is greater than the number of subroutines defined, the last subroutine is executed. A null value generates a run-time error. GoSub statement.label1, statement.label2 specifies a list of statement labels that program control can move to. If a statement label does not exist, it generates a compiler error.
Use a Return statement in the subroutine to return program control to the statement following the OnGoSub statements. The OnGoSub statements can be written on several lines. End each line except the last one with a comma.
This example uses OnGoSub to call one of a set of internal subroutines within a DataStage transform function depending on an incoming argument. The Return statement causes the execution to resume at the statement immediately following the GoSub statement. It is necessary to use a GoTo as shown to prevent control from accidentally flowing into the internal subroutines.
Function MyTransform(Arg1, Arg2) Reply = "" ;* default reply * Use particular subroutine depending on value of argument: On Arg2 GoSub BadValue, GoodValue1, GoodValue2, BadValue GoTo ExitFunction ;* use GOTO to prevent an error BadValue:
On...GoSub Statements
Call DSTransformError("Invalid arg2 ":Arg2, MyTransform") Return ;* return control following On...GoSub GoodValue1: Reply = Arg1 * 99 Return ;* return control following On...GoSub GoodValue2: Reply = Arg1 / 27 Return ;* return control following On...GoSub ExitFunction: Return(Reply)
BASIC Programming
On...GoTo Statements
Move program control to the specified label. Not available in expressions.
On index GoTo statement.label1 [, statement.label2] On index specifies an expression that acts as an index to the list of statement labels. The value of index determines which statement label program control moves to. During execution, index is evaluated and rounded to an integer. If the value is 1 or less, the statement defined by statement.label1 is executed. If the value is 2, the statement defined by statement.label2 is executed; and so on. If the value is greater than the number of statements defined, the last statement is executed. A null value generates a run-time error. GoTo statement.label1, statement.label2 specifies a list of statement labels that program control can move to. If a statement label does not exist, it generates a compiler error.
The OnGoTo statements can be written on several lines. End each line except the last one with a comma.
This example uses OnGoTo to branch to one of a set of labels within a DataStage transform function depending on an incoming argument:
Function MyTransform(Arg1, Arg2) Reply = "" ;* default reply * GoTo particular label depending on value of argument: On Arg2 GoTo BadValue, GoodValue1, GoodValue2, BadValue * Note that control never returns to the next line. BadValue: Call DSTransformError("Invalid arg2 ":Arg2, MyTransform") GoTo ExitFunction GoodValue1:
On...GoTo Statements
Reply = Arg1 * 99 GoTo ExitFunction GoodValue2: Reply = Arg1 / 27 * Drop through to end of function: ExitFunction: Return(Reply)
BASIC Programming
OpenSeq Statement
Opens a file for sequential processing. Not available in expressions.
OpenSeq pathname To file.variable [On Error statements ] [Locked statements] [Then statements [Else statements]] [Else statements] pathname is the pathname of the file to be opened. If the file does not exist, the OpenSeq statement fails. If pathname is a null value, it generates a run-time error. To file.variable assigns the file to file.variable. All statements used to process the file must refer to it using file.variable. If file.variable is a null value, it generates a fatal error. On Error statements specifies statements to execute if there is a fatal error while the file is being processed. A fatal error occurs if the file cannot be opened or if file.variable is a null value. Locked statements specifies statements to execute if the file is locked by another user. If you do not specify a Locked clause, and a conflicting lock exists, the program waits until the lock is released. Then statements specifies the statements to execute once the file is open. Else statements specifies the statements to execute if the file cannot be accessed or does not exist.
Each sequential file reference in a BASIC program must be preceded by a separate OpenSeq statement for that file. OpenSeq sets an update record lock on the file. This prevents any other program from changing the file while you are processing it. Reset this lock using a CloseSeq statement after processing the file. Multiple OpenSeq operations on the same file only generate one update record lock so you need only include one CloseSeq statement per file.
OpenSeq Statement
If a fatal error occurs, and no On Error clause was specified: An error message appears. Any uncommitted transactions begun within the current execution environment roll back. The current program terminates. If the On Error clause is taken, the value returned by the Status function is the error number.
This is an example of opening a sequential file to check its existence:
OpenSeq ".\ControlFiles\File1" To PathFvar Locked FilePresent = @True End Then FilePresent = @True End Else FilePresent = @False End
BASIC Programming
string Match[es] pattern string is the string to be compared. If string is a null value, the match is false and 0 is returned. pattern is the format pattern, and can be one of the following codes: This code 0X nX 0A nA 0N nN string Matches this type of string Zero or more characters of any type. Zero or more characters of any type. n characters of any type. Zero or more alphabetic characters. n alphabetic characters. Zero or more numeric characters. n numeric characters. Exact text enclosed in double or single quotation marks.
You can specify a negative match by preceding the code with ~ (tilde). For example, ~ 4A matches a string that does not contain four alphabetic characters. If n is longer than nine digits, it is used as a literal string. If string matches pattern, the comparison returns 1, otherwise it returns 0.
An empty string matches the following patterns: "0A", "0X", "0N", "", "", '', or \\.
BASIC Programming
Pwr Function
Raises the value of a number to the specified power.
Pwr (number, power) number is an expression evaluating to the number to be raised to power. If number is a null value, null is returned. power specifies the power to raise number to. If power is a null value, null is returned. If power is not an integer, number must not be negative.
On overflow or underflow, a warning is printed and 0 is returned.
This is an example of the use of the Pwr function:
OppSide = Sqrt(Pwr(Side1, 2) + Pwr(Side2, 2))
Randomize Statement
Generates a repeatable sequence of random numbers in a specified range. Not available in expressions.
Randomize (expression ) expression evaluates to a number, n. The range that the random number is selected from is 0 through (n 1). For example, if n is 100, the random number is in the range 0 through 99. If no expression is supplied, or if expression is a null value, the internal time of day is used, and the sequence is different each time the program is run.
Use the Rnd function instead of Randomize if you want to generate an unrepeatable random number sequence.
This is an example of how a routine might use the Randomize statement to set the start seed for the Rnd function to generate a specific set of random numbers:
Randomize 1 For n = 1 To NumRecords * Produce strings like "ID00", "ID01", "ID57", etc. RandomId = "ID" : Fmt(Rnd(100), "R%2") * ... do something with the generated Ids. Next n
BASIC Programming
ReadSeq Statement
Reads a line of data from a file opened for sequential processing. Not available in expressions.
ReadSeq variable From file.variable [On Error statements] {[Then statements [Else statements ] | [Else statements ]} ReadSeq variable reads data from the current position in the file up to a newline and assigns it to variable. From file.variable identifies the file to read. file.variable must have been assigned in a previous OpenSeq statement. If file.variable is a null value, or the file is not found, or the file is not open, it generates a run-time error. On Error statements specifies statements to execute if there is a fatal error while the file is being processed. A fatal error occurs if the file cannot be opened or if file.variable is a null value. Then statements specifies the statements to execute once the line is read from the file. Else statements specifies the statements to execute if the file is not readable, or an end-of-file is encountered.
The OpenSeq statement sets a pointer to the first line of the file. ReadSeq then: 1. 2. 3. 4. Reads data from the current position in the file up to a newline. Assigns the data to variable. Resets the pointer to the position following the newline. Discards the newline.
If the connection to the server times out, ReadSeq returns no bytes from the buffer, and the operation must be retried.
ReadSeq Statement
The Status function returns these values after a ReadSeq operation: 0 1 2 1 The read was successful. An end-of-file was encountered. The connection timed out. The file was not open.
Any other value is an error number indicating that the On Error clause was taken. If a fatal error occurs, and the On Error clause was not specified: An error message appears. Any uncommitted transactions begun within the current execution environment roll back. The current program terminates.
The following example shows ReadSeq used to process each line of a sequential file:
OpenSeq PathName To FileVar Else Call DSLogWarn("Cannot open ":PathName, MyRoutine) GoTo ErrorExit End Loop ReadSeq FileLine From FileVar On Error Call DSLogWarn("Error from ":PathName: " status=":Status(),"MyRoutine") GoTo ErrorExit End Then * ... process the line we just read End Else Exit ;* at end-of-file End Repeat CloseSeq FileVar
BASIC Programming
Return Statement
Ends a subroutine and returns control to the calling program or statement. Not available in expressions.
Return [To statement.label] To statement.label is used with an internal subroutine initiated with GoSub to specify that program control returns to the specified statement label. If there is no To clause, control returns to the statement after the GoSub statement. If statement.label does not exist, it generates a compiler error.
When a Return statement ends an external subroutine called with a Call statement, all files opened by the subroutine are closed, except files that are open to common variables.
Return (expression) expression evaluates to the value you want the user-written function to return. If you do not specify expression, an empty string is returned.
You can use the Return (value) statement only in user-written functions. If you use one in a program or subroutine, it generates an error.
This example shows the use of the Return ( value) statement, where the Function and Deffun statements are used to call a transform function named "MyFunctionB" from within another transform function named "MyFunctionA":
Function MyFunctionA(Arg1) * When referencing a user-written function that is held in the * DataStage Repository, you must declare it as a function with * the correct number of arguments, and add a "DSU." prefix. Deffun MyFunctionB(A) Calling "DSU.MyFunctionB" Ans = MyFunctionB(Arg1) * Add own transformation to the value in Ans... ... Return(Ans)
BASIC Programming
Right Function
Extracts a substring from the end of a string.
Right (string, n) string is the string containing the substring. If string is a null value, null is returned. n is the number of characters to extract from the end of the string. If n is a null value, it generates a run-time error.
These examples extract the rightmost three characters of a string:
MyString = "ABCDEF" MySubStr = Right(MyString, 3) MySubStr = Right("AB", 3) ;* answer is "DEF" ;* answer is "AB"
Rnd Function
Generates a random number. Not available in expressions.
Rnd (expression) expression evaluates to a number, n. The range that the random number is selected from is 0 through (n 1). For example, if n is 100, the random number is in the range 0 through 99. If expression is a negative number, a random negative number is generated. If expression is 0, 0 is returned. If expression is a null value, it causes a run-time error.
To generate repeatable sequences of random numbers, use the Randomize statement instead of Rnd.
This is an example of how a routine might use the Randomize statement to set the start seed for the Rnd function to generate a specific set of random numbers:
Randomize 1 For n = 1 To NumRecords * Produce strings like "ID00", "ID01", "ID57", etc. RandomId = "ID" : Fmt(Rnd(100), "R%2") * ... do something with the generated Ids. Next n
BASIC Programming
Seq Function
Converts an ASCII character to its numeric code value.
Seq (character) character is the ASCII character to be converted. If character is a null value, null is returned.
The Seq function is the inverse of the Char function.
This example uses the Seq function to return the number associated with the first character in a string:
MyVal MyVal MyVal MyVal = = = = Seq("A") Seq("a") Seq(" 12") Seq("12") ;* ;* ;* ;* returns returns returns returns 65 97 32 - first char is a space 49 - first char is digit "1"
SetLocale Function
In NLS mode, sets a locale for a specified category.
$Include UNIVERSE.INCLUDE UVNLSLOC.H name = SetLocale (category, value) category is one of the following include tokens: Token UVLC$TIME UVLC$NUMERIC UVLC$MONETARY UVLC$CTYPE UVLC$COLLATE value is a locale name. Meaning Time and date Numeric Currency Character type Sorting sequence
The success of the SetLocale function should be tested with the Status function, which returns one of the following values: Value 0 LCE$NOLOCALES LCE$BAD.LOCALE LCE$BAD.CATEGORY Meaning The call is successful. NLS is not enabled for DataStage. value is not a valid locale name. The specified category is not recognized
* Switch local time convention to Japanese SetLocale (UVLC$TIME, "JP-JAPANESE") If Status() <> 0 Then ... End
BASIC Programming
Sleep Statement
Pauses a program for the specified number of seconds. Not available in expressions.
Sleep [seconds] seconds is the number of seconds to pause. If seconds is not specified or is a null value, a value of 1 is used.
Do not use the Sleep statement in a transform as it will slow down the DataStage job run.
This example shows the Sleep routine being called from a DataStage before/after routine to poll for the existence of a resource, waiting for a short while between polls:
If NumTimesWaited < RepeatCount Then NumTimesWaited += 1 Sleep 60 ;* 60 seconds = 1 minute End
Soundex Function
Generates codes that can be used to compare character strings based on how they sound.
Soundex (string) string is the string to be analyzed. Only the alphabetic characters in string are considered. If string is a null value, null is returned.
The Soundex function returns a phonetic code consisting of the first letter of the string followed by a number. Words that sound similar, for example fare and fair, generate the same phonetic code.
The following examples show the Soundex values for various strings:
MySnd MySnd MySnd MySnd = = = = Soundex("Greenwood") Soundex("Greenwod") Soundex("Green") Soundex("") ;* ;* ;* ;* returns returns returns returns "G653" "G653" "G650" ""
BASIC Programming
Space Function
Returns a string containing the specified number of blank spaces.
Space (spaces) spaces specifies the number of spaces in the string. If spaces is a null value, it generates a run-time error.
This is an example of the Space function used to generate a string with a variable number of spaces:
MyStr = Space(20 - Len(Arg1)):Arg1 * pad with spaces on left
Sqrt Function
Returns the square root of a number.
Sqrt (number) number is 0 or a positive number. A negative number generates a runtime error. If number is a null value, null is returned.
This is an example of the use of the Sqrt function:
OppSide = Sqrt(Side1 ^ 2 + Side2 ^ 2)
BASIC Programming
SQuote Function
Encloses a string in single quotation marks.
SQuote (string) string is the string to be quoted. If string is a null value, an unquoted null is returned.
This is an example of the SQuote function adding single quotation characters () to the beginning and end of a string:
ProductNo = 12345 QuotedStr = SQuote(ProductNo : "A") * result is "12345A"
Status Function
Returns a code that provides information about how a preceding function was executed.
Status ( )
The value returned by Status varies according to the function it is reporting. Lists of possible values are in the descriptions of the functions concerned. You can use Status after the following functions: Fmt Iconv Oconv OpenSeq ReadSeq WriteSeq WriteSeqf
Here is an example of the Status function being used to check the correct operation of an Iconv function call:
InDate = Iconv(ExtDate, "D2") ;* convert date to internal form ConvStatus = Status() Begin Case Case ConvStatus = 0 * ...conversion succeeded Case ConvStatus = 1 * ...conversion failed - ExtDate not parsable as a date Case ConvStatus = 2 * ...conversion failed - conversion "D2" invalid (unlikely!) Case ConvStatus = 3 * ...conversion succeeded, but ExtDate might have been * invalid, for example, if it contained the string "31/02/97" End Case
BASIC Programming
Status Function
Here is an example of the Status function being used to check the correct operation of a Fmt function call:
FormattedNum = Fmt(IntNum, "R2$") ;* format a number FmtStatus = Status() Begin Case Case FmtStatus = 0 * ...formatting succeeded Case FmtStatus = 1 * ... formatting failed - IntNum not convertable to a number Case FmtStatus = 2 * ... formatting failed - format "R2$" invalid (unlikely!) End Case
Str Function
Composes a string by repeating the input string the specified number of times.
Str (string, repeat) string is the string to be repeated. If string is a null value, null is returned. repeat is the number of times to repeat string. If repeat is a negative number, an empty string is returned. If repeat is a null value, it causes a run-time error.
This is an example of the Str function being used to generate a string with a variable number of spaces:
MyStr = Str("A", 20 - Len(Arg1)):Arg1 * pad with "A"s on left
BASIC Programming
Subroutine Statement
Marks the start of an external subroutine. Not available in expressions.
Subroutine [name] ( argument1[ ,argument2 ] ) name is a name that identifies the subroutine in any way that is helpful to make the program easy to read. argument1 and argument2 are the names of variables used to pass arguments between the calling program and the subroutine. A subroutine used in a transform must have one or more arguments; a before subroutine or an after subroutine must contain two arguments.
The Subroutine statement must be the first noncomment line in the subroutine. Each subroutine can contain only one Subroutine statement. The Call statement that calls the subroutine must specify the same number of arguments as the Subroutine statement.
This example shows how a before/after routine must be declared as a subroutine at DataStage Release 2. The DataStage Manager will automatically ensure this when you create a new before/after routine.
Subroutine MyRoutine(InputArg, ErrorCode) * Users can enter any string value they like when using * MyRoutine from within the Job Designer. It will appear * in the variable named InputArg. * The routine controls the progress of the job by setting * the value of ErrorCode, which is an Output argument. * Anything non-zero will stop the stage or job. ErrorCode = 0 ;* default reply * Do some processing... ... Return
Time Function
Returns the internal system time.
Time ( )
The internal time is taken from the server, and is returned as the number of seconds since midnight to the nearest thousandth of a second.
This is an example of the current system wall clock time being assigned to a variable:
TimeInSecs = Int(Time()) ;* remove any fractional part
BASIC Programming
TimeDate Function
Returns the system time and date. If NLS is enabled, the result of this function depends on the current locale setting of the Time convention.
TimeDate ( )
The time and date are returned in the following format: hh:mm:ss dd mmm yyyy hh is the hours (based on a 24-hour clock). mm is the minutes. ss is the seconds. dd is the day. mmm is a three-letter abbreviation for the month. yyyy is the year.
This is an example of how a human-readable form of the current system date and time can be assigned to a variable and manipulated:
NowStr = TimeDate() ;* e.g. "09:59:51 03 JUN 1997" * extract time only NowTimeStr = Field(NowStr, " ", 1, 1) * extract rest as date NowDateStr = Field(NowStr, " ", 2, 3)
Trigonometric Functions
The trigonometric functions return the trigonometric value specified by the function. They all have similar syntax.
General Syntax
TrigFunc (number) TrigFunc is one of the trigonometric functions: Cos, Sin, Tan, ACos, ASin, ATan, CosH, TanH, or SinH. number is the number or expression you want to evaluate. If number is a null value, a null value is returned. If number is an angle, values outside the range 0 through 360 are interpreted as modulo 360. Values greater than 1E17 produce a warning message and 0 is returned.
Cos returns the cosine of an angle. number is the number of degrees in the angle. Cos is the inverse of ACos. Sin returns the sine of an angle. number is the number of degrees in the angle. Sin is the inverse of ASin. Tan returns the tangent of an angle. number is the number of degrees in the angle. Tan is the inverse of ATan. ACos returns the arc-cosine of number in degrees. ACos is the inverse of Cos. ASin returns the arc-sine of number in degrees. ASin is the inverse of Sin. ATan returns the arc-tangent of number in degrees. ATan is the inverse of Tan. CosH returns the hyperbolic cosine of an angle. number is the number of degrees in the angle. SinH returns the hyperbolic sine of an angle. number is the number of degrees in the angle. TanH returns the hyperbolic tangent of an angle. number is the number of degrees in the angle.
BASIC Programming
Trigonometric Functions
This example shows that the ACos function is the inverse of the Cos function:
Angle = 45 NewAngle = Acos(Cos(Angle)) ;* NewAngle should be 45 too
This example shows that the ASin function is the inverse of the Sin function:
Angle = 45 NewAngle = Asin(Sin(Angle)) ;* NewAngle should be 45 too
This example shows that the ATan function is the inverse of the Tan function:
Angle = 45 NewAngle = Atan(Tan(Angle)) ;* NewAngle should be 45 too
This example uses the Cos function to calculate the secant of an angle:
Angle = 45 Secant = 1 / Cos(Angle) ;* define angle in degrees ;* calculate secant
This example uses the CosH function to calculate the hyperbolic secant of an angle:
Angle = 45 HSecant = 1 / Cosh(Angle) ;* define angle in degrees ;* calculate hyperbolic secant
This example uses the Sin function to calculate the cosecant of an angle:
Angle = 45 CoSecant = 1 / Sin(Angle) ;* define angle in degrees ;* calculate cosecant
Trigonometric Functions
This example uses the SinH function to calculate the hyperbolic cosecant of an angle:
Angle = 45 HCoSecant = 1 / Sinh(Angle) ;* define angle in degrees
This example uses the Tan function to calculate the cotangent of an angle:
Angle = 45 CoTangent = 1 / Tan(Angle) ;* define angle in degrees ;* calculate cotangent
This example uses the TanH function to calculate the hyperbolic cotangent of an angle:
Angle = 45 ;* define angle in degrees HCoTangent = 1 / Tanh(Angle) * calculate hyperbolic cotangent
BASIC Programming
Trim Function
Trims unwanted characters from a string.
Trim ( string) Trim (string, character [ ,option] ) string is a string containing unwanted characters. If string is a null value, null is returned. character specifies a character to be trimmed (other than a space or tab). If character is a null value, it causes a run-time error. option specifies the type of trim operation and can be one of the following: L T B R A F E Removes leading occurrences of character. Removes trailing occurrences of character. Removes leading and trailing occurrences of character. Removes leading and trailing occurrences of character, and reduces multiple occurrences to a single occurrence. Removes all occurrences of character. Removes leading spaces and tabs. Removes trailing spaces and tabs.
D Removes leading and trailing spaces and tabs, and reduces multiple spaces and tabs to single ones. If option is not specified or is a null value, R is assumed.
In the first syntax, multiple occurrences of spaces and tabs are reduced to single ones, and all leading and trailing spaces and tabs are removed.
Trim Function
Here are some examples of the various forms of the Trim function:
MyStr = Trim(" String with whitespace ") * ...returns "String with whitespace" MyStr = Trim("..Remove..redundant..dots....", ".") * ...returns "Remove.redundant.dots" MyStr = Trim("Remove..all..dots....", ".", "A") * ...returns "Removealldots" MyStr = Trim("Remove..trailing..dots....", ".", "T") * ...returns "Remove..trailing..dots"
BASIC Programming
TrimB Function
Trims trailing spaces from a string.
TrimB (string) string is the string that contains the trailing spaces. If string is a null value, null is returned.
MyStr = TrimB(" * ...returns "(" String with String with whitespace ") whitespace"
TrimF Function
Trims leading spaces and tabs from a string.
TrimF (string) string is the string that contains the leading spaces. If string is a null value, null is returned.
MyStr = TrimF(" String with whitespace * ...returns "String with whitespace " ")
BASIC Programming
UniChar Function
In NLS mode, generates a single character in Unicode format.
UniChar ( expression) expression is the decimal value of a Unicode character, in the range 0 to 65535.
If expression has a value outside the specified range, UniChar returns an empty string. If expression is an SQL null, an SQL null is returned.
UniSeq Function
In NLS mode, converts a Unicode character to its equivalent decimal value.
UniSeq (expression) expression is a Unicode character that is to be converted to its decimal value.
Compare to the Seq function which converts ASCII characters to their decimal equivalents.
BASIC Programming
UpCase Function
Changes lowercase letters in a string to uppercase. If NLS is enabled, the result of this function depends on the current locale setting of the Ctype convention.
UpCase (string) string is a string whose letters you want to change to uppercase.
This is an example of the UpCase function:
MixedCase = "ABC123abc" UpperCase = UpCase(MyString) ;* result is "ABC123ABC"
WEOFSeq Statement
Writes an end-of-file mark in an open sequential file.
WEOFSeq file.variable [On Error statements] file.variable specifies the sequential file. file.variable is the variable name assigned to the file by the preceding OpenSeq statement. On Error statements specify the action to take if there is a fatal error. A fatal error occurs if the file is not open, or file.variable is a null value. If you do not specify an On Error clause, the job aborts and an error is written to the job log file.
The end-of-file mark truncates the file at the current pointer position. Any subsequent ReadSeq statement takes the Else clause.
The following example opens a sequential file and truncates it by writing an end-of-file marker immediately:
OpenSeq PathName To FileVar Then WeofSeq FileVar End Else Call DSLogFatal("Cannot open file ":Pathname,"Routine1") GoTo ErrorExit End
BASIC Programming
WriteSeq Statement
Writes a new line to a file that is open for sequential processing and advances a pointer to the next position in the file.
WriteSeq line To file.variable [On Error statements] {[Then statements [Else statements ] | [Else statements ]} line is the line to write to the sequential file. WriteSeq writes a newline at the end of the line. To file.variable specifies the sequential file. file.variable is the variable name assigned to the file by the preceding OpenSeq statement. On Error statements specify the action to take if there is a fatal error. A fatal error occurs if the file is not open, or file.variable is a null value. If you do not specify an On Error clause, the job aborts and an error message is written to the job log file. Then statements specify the action the program takes after the line is written to the file. If you do not specify a Then clause, you must specify an Else clause. Else statements specify the action the program takes if the line cannot be written to the file, for example, if the file does not exist. If you do not specify an Else clause, you must specify a Then clause.
The line is written at the current position in the file and then the pointer is advanced to the next position after the newline. Any existing data in the file is overwritten, unless the pointer is at the end of the file. You can use the Status function after WriteSeq to determine the success of the operation. Status returns 0, if the file was locked, 2 if the file was not locked, and an error code if the On Error clause was taken.
WriteSeq Statement
The following example writes a single line to a sequential file by truncating and then writing to it immediately after it is opened:
OpenSeq PathName To FileVar Then WeofSeq FileVar ;* write end-of-file mark immediately WriteSeq "First line" To FileVar Else On Error Call DSLogWarn("Error from ":PathName:" status=":Status(),"MyRoutine") GoTo ErrorExit End Call DSLogFatal("Cannot write to ":Pathname, "MyRoutine") GoTo ErrorExit End End Else Call DSLogFatal("Cannot open file ":Pathname, "MyRoutine") GoTo ErrorExit End
BASIC Programming
WriteSeqF Statement
Writes a new line to a file that is open for sequential processing, advances a pointer to the next position in the file, and saves the file to disk.
WriteSeqF line To file.variable [On Error statements] {[Then statements [Else statements]] | [ Else statements]} line is the line to write to the sequential file. WriteSeqF writes a newline at the end of the line. To file.variable specifies the sequential file. file.variable is the variable name assigned to the file by the preceding OpenSeq statement. On Error statements specify the action to take if there is a fatal error. A fatal error occurs if the file is not open, or file.variable is a null value. If you do not specify an On Error clause, the job aborts and an error message is written to the job log file. Then statements specify the action the program takes after the line is written to the file. If you do not specify a Then clause, you must specify an Else clause. Else statements specify the action the program takes if the line cannot be written to the file, for example, if the file does not exist. If you do not specify an Else clause, you must specify a Then clause.
WriteSeqF works in the same way as WriteSeq, except that each line is written directly to disk instead of being buffered and then being written in batches. A WriteSeqF statement after several WriteSeq statements writes all buffered lines to disk. Note: Use the WriteSeqF statement for logging operations only as the increased disk I/O slows down program performance. You can use the Status function after WriteSeqF to determine the success of the operation. Status returns 0, if the file was locked, 2 if the file was not locked, and an error code if the On Error clause was taken.
WriteSeqF Statement
The following example appends to a sequential file by reading to the end of it, then force-writing a further line:
OpenSeq PathName To FileVar Then Loop ReadSeq Dummy From FileVar Else Exit ;* at end-of-file Repeat WriteSeqF "Extra line" To FileVar Else On Error Call DSLogWarn("Error from ":PathName:" status=":Status(),"MyRoutine") GoTo ErrorExit End Call DSLogFatal("Cannot write to ":Pathname, "MyRoutine") GoTo ErrorExit End End Else Call DSLogFatal("Cannot open file ":Pathname, "MyRoutine") GoTo ErrorExit End
BASIC Programming
Xtd Function
Converts a hexadecimal string to decimal.
Xtd (string) string is the numeric string you want to convert.
This is an example of the Xtd function used to convert a decimal number to a hexadecimal string representation:
MyHex = "2F" MyNumber = Xtd(MyHex) ;* returns 47
Xtd Function
Conversion Codes
Conversion codes specify how data is formatted for output or internal storage. They are specified in an Iconv or Oconv function. Here is a list of the codes you can use. Extracting characters from fields: G MCA MC/A MCN MC/N MCM MC/M P R Extracting field values Extracting alphabetic characters from a field Extracting nonalphabetic characters from a field Extracting numeric characters from a field Extracting nonnumeric characters from a field Extracting NLS multibyte characters from a field Extracting NLS single-byte characters from a field Extracting data that matches a pattern Extracting a numeric value that falls within a range
Preprocessing data: L S Limiting the length of returned data Generating codes to compare words by how they sound
Processing text: MCU MCL MCT MCP NLS Converting lowercase letters to uppercase Converting uppercase letters to lowercase Converting words in the field to initial capitals Converting unprintable characters to a period Converting strings between internal and external format using a character set map
Formatting numbers, dates, times, and currency: MD ML MR MP D MT TI NR NL Formatting numbers as monetary or numeric amounts Left-justifying and formatting numbers Right-justifying and formatting numbers Packing decimal numbers two-per-byte for storage Converting dates Converting times Converting times in internal format to default local convention Converting Roman numerals into Arabic numerals Converting locale-dependent alternative characters to
BASIC Programming
Xtd Function
Arabic MM numerals Formatting currency data
Radix conversions: MX MCD MCX MO MB MY MUOC Converting hexadecimal numbers to decimal Converting decimal numbers to hexadecimal Converting hexadecimal numbers to decimal Converting octal numbers to decimal Converting binary numbers to decimal Converting hexadecimal numbers to their ASCII equivalents Converting hexadecimal numbers to Unicode character values
The conversion codes are described in more detail in the following reference pages. The conversion codes appear in alphabetical order.
Converts dates to storage format and vice versa. When NLS is enabled, the locale default date format overrides any default date format set in the msg.text file.
D [years.digits] [delimiter skip] [separator] [format .options [ modifiers ] ] [ E ] [ L ] years.digits indicates the number of digits of the year to output. The default is 4. On input years.digits is ignored. If the input date has no year, the year is taken from the system date. delimiter is any single nonnumeric character used as a field delimiter in the case where conversion must first do a group extraction to obtain the internal date. It cannot be the system delimiter. skip must accompany the use of delimiter and is the number of delimited fields to skip in order to extract the date. separator is the character used to separate the day, month, and year on output. If you do not specify separator, the date is converted in the form 01 DEC 1999. On input separator is ignored. If NLS is enabled and you do not specify years.digits or separator, the default date form is 01 DEC 1999. format.options is up to six options that define how the date is output (they are ignored on input). Each format option can have an associated modifier, described below. Format options can only be used in certain combinations as described below. The options are as follows: Y [ n ] outputs the year number as n digits. YA outputs the name of the Chinese calendar year only. M outputs the month only as a number from 1 through 12. MA outputs only the months name. MB outputs the abbreviated month name. MR outputs the month number in Roman numerals. D outputs the day of the month as a number from 1 through 31.
BASIC Programming
W outputs the day of the week as a number from 1 through 7, where Monday is 1. WA outputs the day by name. WB outputs the abbreviated day name. Q outputs the quarter of the year as a number from 1 through 4. J outputs the day of the year as a number, 1 through 366. N outputs the year number within the current era. NA outputs the era name corresponding to the current year. Z outputs the time zone name. The following shows which format options can be used together: Use this option Y YA M MA MB D N NA W WA WB Q J Z With these options M, MA, D, J, [modifiers] M, MA, D, [modifiers] Y, YA, D, [modifiers] Y, YA, D, [modifiers] Y, YA, D, [modifiers] Y, M, [modifiers] Y, M, MA, MB, D, WA, [modifiers] Y, M, MA, MB, D, WA, [modifiers] Y, YA, M, MA, D Y, YA, M, MA, D Y, YA, M, MA, D Y, [modifiers] [modifiers]
[ modifiers ] modify the output formats for the data specified by format.options. You can specify up to six modifiers, separated by commas. The commas indicate which format.option each modifier is associated with, therefore you must include all the commas, even if
you wish to specify only one modifier (see examples). They can be any of the following values: n displays n characters. It is used with the D, M, Y, W, Q and J numeric options. It is used with MA, MB, WA, WB, YA, N, text text options. A[n] displays the month as n alphabetic characters. It is used with the Y, M, W, and N options. Z[n] suppresses leading zeros and displays as n digits. It works as n with numeric options. E toggles day/month/year and month/day/year format for dates. L displays month or day names as lowercase. The default is uppercase.
The following examples show the effect of various D conversion codes with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X X X X X X X X X = = = = = = = = = Iconv("31 DEC 1967", "D") Iconv("27 MAY 97", "D2") Iconv("05/27/97", "D2/") Iconv("27/05/1997", "D/E") Iconv("1997 5 27", "D YMD") Iconv("27 MAY 97", "D DMY[,A3,2]") Iconv("5/27/97", "D/MDY[Z,Z,2]") Iconv("27 MAY 1997", "D DMY[,A,]") Iconv("97 05 27", "DYMD[2,2,2]")
Internal Value
X X X X X X X X X = = = = = = = = = 0 10740 10740 10740 10740 10740 10740 10740 10740
BASIC Programming
The following examples show the effect of various D conversion codes with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Oconv(0, "D") Oconv(10740, "D2") Oconv(10740, "D2/") Oconv(10740, "D/E") Oconv(10740, "D-YJ") Oconv(10740, "D2*JY") Oconv(10740, "D YMD") Oconv(10740, "D MY[A,2]") Oconv(10740, "D DMY[,A3,2]") Oconv(10740, "D/MDY[Z,Z,2]") Oconv(10740, "D DMY[,A,]") Oconv(10740, "DYMD[2,2,2]") Oconv(10740, "DQ") Oconv(10740, "DMA") Oconv(10740, "DW") Oconv(10740, "DWA")
External Value
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = "31 DEC 1967" "27 MAY 97" "05/27/97" "27/05/1997" "1997-147" "147*97" "1997 5 27" "MAY 97" "27 MAY 97" "5/27/97" "27 MAY 1997" "97 05 27" "2" "MAY" "2" "TUESDAY"
Extracts one or more delimited values from a field.
G [ skip ] delimiter fields skip specifies the number of fields to skip; if it is not specified, 0 is assumed and no fields are skipped. delimiter is a nonnumeric character used as the field separator. You must not use the system variables @IM, @FM, @VM, @ SM, and @TM as delimiters. fields is the number of contiguous values to extract.
The following examples show the effect of some G conversion codes with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("27.05.1997", "G1.2") X = Iconv("27.05.1997", "G.2")
Internal Value
X = "05.1997" X = "27.05"
The following examples show the effect of some G conversion codes with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("27.05.1997", "G1.2") X = Oconv("27.05.1997", "G.2")
External Value
X = "05.1997" X = "27.05"
BASIC Programming
Extracts data that meets length criteria.
L [ n [ ,m ] ] n on its own is the maximum number of characters that the data must contain in order to be returned. If it contains more than n characters, an empty string is returned. If you do not specify n, or if n is 0, the length of the data is returned. n, m specifies a range. If the data contains n through m characters it is returned, otherwise an empty string is returned.
The following examples show the effect of some L conversion codes with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X X X X X = = = = = Iconv("QWERTYUIOP", "L0") Iconv("QWERTYUIOP", "L7") Iconv("QWERTYU", "L7") Iconv("QWERTYUOP", "L3,5") Iconv("QWER", "L3,5")
Internal Value
X X X X X = = = = = 10 "" "QWERTYU" "" "QWER"
The following examples show the effect of some L conversion codes with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X X X X X = = = = = Oconv("QWERTYUIOP", "L0") Oconv("QWERTYUIOP", "L7") Oconv("QWERTYU", "L7") Oconv("QWERTYUOP", "L3,5") Oconv("QWER", "L3,5")
External Value
X X X X X = = = = = 10 "" "QWERTYU" "" "QWER"
Converts binary numbers to decimal or an ASCII value, for storage, or vice versa, for output.
MB [ 0C ] 0C converts the octal number to its equivalent ASCII character on input, and vice versa on output.
Characters other than 0 and 1 cause an error.
The following examples show the effect of some MB conversion codes with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("10000000000", "MB") X = Iconv("010000110100010001000101", "MB0C")
Internal Value
X = 1024 X = "CDE"
The following examples show the effect of some MB conversion codes with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("1024", "MB") X = Oconv("CDE", "MB0C")
External Value
X = "10000000000" X = "010000110100010001000101"
BASIC Programming
Extracts all alphabetic characters in a field.
The following example shows the effect of an MCA conversion code with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("John Smith 1-234", "MCA")
Internal Value
X = "JohnSmith"
The following example shows the effect of an MCA conversion code with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("John Smith 1-234", "MCA")
External Value
X = "JohnSmith"
Extracts all nonalphabetic characters in a field.
The following example shows the effect of an MC/A conversion code with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("John Smith 1-234", "MC/A")
Internal Value
X = " 1-234"
The following example shows the effect of an MC/A conversion code with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("John Smith 1-234", "MC/A")
External Value
X = " 1-234"
BASIC Programming
Converts decimal numbers to hexadecimal.
The following example shows the effect of an MCD conversion code with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("4D2", "MCD")
Internal Value
X = "1234"
The following example shows the effect of an MCD conversion code with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("1234", "MCD")
External Value
X = "4D2"
Converts all uppercase letters to lowercase.
The following example shows the effect of an MCL conversion code with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("John Smith 1-234", "MCL")
Internal Value
X = "john smith 1-234"
The following example shows the effect of an MCL conversion code with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression External Value
X = Oconv("John Smith 1-234", "MCL") X = "john smith 1-234"
BASIC Programming
For use if NLS is enabled. Extracts all NLS multibyte characters in the field. If NLS mode is disabled, the code returns a value of 2, which indicates an invalid conversion code.
The following example shows the effect of an MCM conversion code with the Iconv function:
IF SYSTEM(NL$ON) THEN Multibyte.Characters = ICONV(Input.String, "MCM") END
For use if NLS is enabled. Extracts all single-byte characters in the field. If NLS mode is disabled, the code returns a value of 2, which indicates an invalid conversion code.
The following example shows the effect of an MC/M conversion code with the Iconv function:
IF SYSTEM(NL$ON) THEN Singlebyte.Characters = ICONV(Input.String, "MC/M") END
BASIC Programming
Extracts all numeric characters in a field.
The following example shows the effect of an MCN conversion code with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("John Smith 1-234", "MCN")
Internal Value
X = "1234"
The following example shows the effect of an MCN conversion code with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("John Smith 1-234", "MCN")
External Value
X = "1234"
Extracts all nonnumeric characters in a field.
The following example shows the effect of an MC/N conversion code with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("John Smith 1-234", "MC/N")
Internal Value
X = "John Smith -"
The following example shows the effect of an MC/N conversion code with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("John Smith 1-234", "MC/N")
External Value
X = "John Smith -"
BASIC Programming
Converts unprintable characters to a period.
The following example shows the effect of an MCP conversion code with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("John^CSmith^X1-234", "MCP")
Internal Value
X = "John.Smith.1-234"
The following example shows the effect of an MCP conversion code with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("John^CSmith^X1-234", "MCP")
External Value
X = "John.Smith.1-234"
Converts words in a string to initial capitals.
The following example shows the effect of an MCT conversion code with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("john SMITH 1-234", "MCT")
Internal Value
X = "John Smith 1-234"
The following example shows the effect of an MCT conversion code with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("john SMITH 1-234", "MCT")
External Value
X = "John Smith 1-234"
BASIC Programming
Converts all lowercase letters to uppercase.
The following example shows the effect of an MCU conversion code with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("john smith 1-234", "MCU")
Internal Value
X = "JOHN SMITH 1-234"
The following example shows the effect of an MCU conversion code with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("john smith 1-234", "MCU")
External Value
X = "JOHN SMITH 1-234"
Converts hexadecimal numbers to decimal.
The following example shows the effect of an MCX conversion code with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("1234", "MCX")
Internal Value
X = "4D2"
The following example shows the effect of an MCX conversion code with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("4D2", "MCX")
External Value
X = "1234"
BASIC Programming
Formats numbers as monetary or numeric amounts, or converts formatted numbers to internal storage format. If the $, F, I, or Y options are included, the conversion is monetary. If NLS is enabled and the conversion is monetary, the thousands separator and decimal separator are taken from the locale MONETARY convention. If the conversion is numeric, they are taken from the NUMERIC convention. The <, -, C, and D options define numbers intended for monetary use, and override settings in the MONETARY convention.
MD n [ m ] [ options ] n is a number, 0 through 9, that indicates the number of decimal places used in the output. If n is 0, the output contains no decimal point. m specifies the scaling factor. On input, the decimal point is moved m places to the right before storing. On output, the decimal point is moved m places to the left. For example, if m is 2 in an input conversion and the input data is 123, it would be stored as 12300. If m is 2 in an output conversion and the stored data is 123, it would be output as 1.23. If m is not specified, it is assumed to be the same as n. Numbers are rounded or padded with zeros as required. options are any of the following: , specifies a comma as the thousands delimiter. To specify a different character as the thousands delimiter, use the convention expression. $ prefixes a local currency sign to the number. If NLS is enabled, the sign is derived from the locale MONETARY convention. F prefixes a franc sign to the number. I is used with Oconv, specifies that the international monetary symbol for the locale is used. Used with Iconv, specifies that it is removed. Y is used with Oconv. The yen/yuan character is used.
specifies a minus sign as a suffix for negative amounts; positive amounts are suffixed with a blank space. < specifies that negative amounts are enclosed in angle brackets for output; positive amounts are prefixed and suffixed with a blank space. C adds the suffix CR to negative amounts; positive amounts are suffixed with two blank spaces. D adds the suffix DB to negative amounts; positive amounts are suffixed with two blank spaces. P specifies no scaling if input data already contains a decimal point. Z outputs 0 as an empty string. T truncates, rather than rounds, the data. fx adds a format mask on output and removes it on input. f is a number, 1 through 99 indicating the maximum number of mask characters to remove or add. x is the character used as the format mask. If you do not use the fx option and the data contains a format mask, an empty string results. Format masks are described on page 17-129. intl is an expression used to specify a convention for monetary or numeric formatting. convention is an expression used to specify a convention for monetary or numeric formatting. The convention expression has the following syntax: [ prefix, thousands, decimal, suffix ] Note: Each element of the convention expression is optional, but you must specify the brackets and the commas in the right position. For example, to specify thousands only, enter [,thousands,, ]. prefix specifies a prefix for the number. If prefix contains spaces, commas, or right square brackets, enclose it in quotation marks.
BASIC Programming
thousands specifies the thousands delimiter. decimal specifies the decimal delimiter. suffix specifies a suffix for the number. If suffix contains spaces, commas, or right square brackets, enclose it in quotation marks.
The following examples show the effect of some MD (masked decimal) conversion codes with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X X X X X X X X X X X X X = = = = = = = = = = = = = Iconv("9876.54", "MD2") Iconv("987654", "MD0") Iconv("$1,234,567.89", "MD2$,") Iconv("123456.789", "MD33") Iconv("12345678.9", "MD32") Iconv("F1234567.89", "MD2F") Iconv("1234567.89cr", "MD2C") Iconv("1234567.89 ", "MD2D") Iconv("1,234,567.89 ", "MD2,D") Iconv("9876.54", "MD2-Z") Iconv("$####1234.56", "MD2$12#") Iconv("$987.654 ", "MD3,$CPZ") Iconv("####9,876.54", "MD2,ZP12#")
Internal Value
X X X X X X X X X X X X X = = = = = = = = = = = = = 987654 987654 123456789 123456789 1234567890 123456789 -123456789 123456789 123456789 987654 123456 987654 987654
The following examples show the effect of some MD (Masked Decimal) conversion codes with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
External Value
= "9876.54" = "987654" = "$1,234,567.89" = "$98.77" = "f1.234.567,89" ="1,234,567.89SEK" = #<1.234.567,89>" = "123456.789" = "12345678.9" = "F1234567.89" = "1234567.89cr" = "1234567.89 " = "1,234,567.89 " = "1234567.89" = ".123"
Oconv(987654, "MD2") X Oconv(987654, "MD0") X Oconv(123456789, "MD2$,") X Oconv(987654, "MD24$") X Oconv(123456789, "MD2[f,.,,]") X Oconv(123456789, "MD2,[,,,SEK]"X Oconv(-123456789, "MD2<[#,.,,]") X Oconv(123456789, "MD33") X Oconv(1234567890, "MD32") X Oconv(123456789, "MD2F") X Oconv(-123456789, "MD2C") X Oconv(123456789, "MD2D") X Oconv(123456789, "MD2,D") X Oconv(1234567.89, "MD2P") X Oconv(123, "MD3Z") X
X X X X X = = = = = Oconv(987654, "MD2-Z") Oconv(12345.678, "MD20T") Oconv(123456, "MD2$12#") Oconv(987654, "MD3,$CPZ") Oconv(987654, "MD2,ZP12#") X X X X X = = = = = "9876.54" "12345.67" "$####1234.56" "$987.654 " "####9,876.54"
BASIC Programming
ML and MR
Justifies and formats monetary or numeric amounts. ML specifies left justification, MR specifies right justification. If the F or $ options are included, the conversion is monetary. If NLS is enabled and the conversion is monetary, the thousands separator and decimal separator are taken from the locale MONETARY convention. If the conversion is numeric, they are taken from the NUMERIC convention. The <, , C and D options define numbers intended for monetary use, and override settings in the MONETARY convention.
ML and MR
ML | MR [ n [ m ] options [ ( fx ) ] n is a number, 0 through 9, that indicates the number of decimal places used in the output. If n is 0, the output contains no decimal point. m specifies the scaling factor. On input, the decimal point is moved m places to the right before storing. On output, the decimal point is moved m places to the left. For example, if m is 2 in an input conversion and the input data is 123, it would be stored as 12300. If m is 2 in an output conversion and the stored data is 123, it would be output as 1.23. If m is not specified, it is assumed to be the same as n. Numbers are rounded or padded with zeros as required. options are any of the following: , specifies a comma as the thousands delimiter. To specify a different character as the thousands delimiter, use the convention expression. C adds the suffix CR to negative amounts; positive amounts are suffixed with two blank spaces. D adds the suffix DB to negative amounts; positive amounts are suffixed with two blank spaces. Z outputs 0 as an empty string. M specifies a minus sign as a suffix for negative amounts. Positive amounts are suffixed with a blank space.
ML and MR
E specifies that negative amounts are enclosed in angle brackets for output; positive amounts are prefixed and suffixed with a blank space. N suppresses the minus sign on negative numbers. $ prefixes a local currency sign to the number before justification. If NLS is enabled, the sign is derived from the locale MONETARY convention. To prefix a different monetary symbol, use the intl expression. F prefixes a franc sign to the number. ( fx ) adds a format mask on output and removes it on input. x is a number, 1 through 99 indicating the maximum number of mask characters to remove or add. f is a code specifying the character used as the format mask, and is one of the following: # specifies a mask of blanks. * specifies a mask of asterisks. % specifies a mask of zeros. intl is an expression used to customize output according to different international conventions, allowing multibyte characters. The intl expression has the following syntax: [ prefix , thousands , decimal , suffix ] Note: Each element of the convention expression is optional, but you must specify the brackets and the commas in the right position. For example, to specify thousands only, enter [,thousands,, ]. prefix specifies a prefix for the number. If prefix contains spaces, commas, or right square brackets, enclose it in quotation marks. thousands specifies the thousands delimiter. If thousands contains spaces, commas, or right square brackets, enclose it in quotation marks.
BASIC Programming
ML and MR
decimal specifies the decimal delimiter. If decimal contains spaces, commas, or right square brackets, enclose it in quotation marks. suffix specifies a suffix for the number. If suffix contains spaces, commas, or right square brackets, enclose it in quotation marks. Literal strings can also be enclosed in parenthesis. Format masks are described on page 17-129.
The following examples show the effect of some ML and MR conversion codes with the Iconv convention: Conversion Expression
X X X X X X X X X X = = = = = = = = = = Iconv("$1,234,567.89", "ML2$,") Iconv(".123", "ML3Z") Iconv("123456.789", "ML33") Iconv("12345678.9", "ML32") Iconv("1234567.89cr", "ML2C") Iconv("1234567.89db", "ML2D") Iconv("1234567.89-", "ML2M") Iconv("<1234567.89>", "ML2E") Iconv("1234567.89**", "ML2(*12)") Iconv("**1234567.89", "MR2(*12)")
Internal Value
X X X X X X X X X X = = = = = = = = = = 123456789 123 123456789 1234567890 -123456789 123456789 -123456789 -123456789 123456789 123456789
The following examples show the effect of some ML and MR conversion codes with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X X X X X X X X X X = = = = = = = = = = Oconv(123456789, "ML2$,") Oconv(123, "ML3Z") Oconv(123456789, "ML33") Oconv(1234567890, "ML32") Oconv(-123456789, "ML2C") Oconv(123456789, "ML2D") Oconv(-123456789, "ML2M") Oconv(-123456789, "ML2E") Oconv(123456789, "ML2(*12)") Oconv(123456789, "MR2(*12)")
External Value
X X X X X X X X X X = = = = = = = = = = "$1,234,567.89" ".123" "123456.789" "12345678.9" 1234567.89cr" ""1234567.89db" "1234567.89-" "<1234567.89>" "1234567.89**" "**1234567.89"
In NLS mode, formats currency data using the current MONETARY convention.
MM [ n ] [ I [ L ] ] n is the number of decimal places to be output or stored. I formats the data using the three-character international currency symbol specified in the MONETARY convention for the current locale, a period for the decimal separator, and a comma for the thousands separator. Adding L formats the data using the thousands separator and decimal separator in the MONETARY convention of the current locale. Both I and L are ignored for input conversions using Iconv.
If you specify MM with no arguments, the conversion uses the decimal and thousands separators and the currency symbol specified in the MONETARY convention of the current locale.
BASIC Programming
Converts octal numbers to decimal, or an ASCII value for storage, or vice versa, for output.
MO [ 0C ] 0C converts the octal number to its equivalent ASCII character on input, and vice versa on output.
Characters outside of the range 0 through 7 cause an error.
The following examples show the effect of some M0 conversion codes with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("2000", "MO") X = Iconv("103104105", "MO0C")
Internal Value
X = 1024 X = "CDE"
The following examples show the effect of some M0 conversion codes with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("1024", "MO") X = Oconv("CDE", "MO0C")
External Value
X = "2000" X = "103104105"
Packs decimal numbers two per byte for storage and unpacks them for output.
Leading + signs are ignored. Leading signs cause a hexadecimal D to be stored in the lower half of the last internal digit. If there is an odd number of packed halves, four leading bits of 0 are added. The range of the data bytes in internal format expressed in hexadecimal is 00 through 99 and 0D through 9D. This conversion only accepts decimal digits, 0 through 9, and plus and minus signs as input, otherwise the conversion fails. Packed decimal numbers must be unpacked for output or they cannot be displayed.
BASIC Programming
Converts data to and from time format.
MT [ H ] [ S ] [ separator] MT with no options specifies that time is in 24-hour format, omitting seconds, with a colon used to separate hours and minutes, for example: 23:59. H specifies an output format in 12-hour format with the suffix AM or PM. S includes seconds in the output time. separator is a nonnumeric character that specifies the separator used between hours, minutes, and seconds in the output.
On output, MT defines the external output format for the time. On input, MT specifies only that the data is a time, and the H and S options are ignored. If the input date has no minutes or seconds, they are assumed to be 0. For 12-hour formats, use a suffix of AM, A, PM, or P to specify morning or afternoon. If an hour larger than 12 is entered, a 24-hour clock is assumed. 12:00 AM counts as midnight and 12:00 PM counts as noon. The time is stored as the number of seconds since midnight. The value of midnight is 0.
The following examples show the effect of some MT conversion codes with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X X X X X = = = = = Iconv("02:46", "MT") Iconv("02:46:40am", "MTHS") Iconv("02:46am", "MTH") Iconv("02.46", "MT.") Iconv("02:46:40", "MTS")
Internal Value
X X X X X = = = = = 9960 10000 9960 9960 10000
The following examples show the effect of some MT conversion codes with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X X X X X = = = = = Oconv(10000, Oconv(10000, Oconv(10000, Oconv(10000, Oconv(10000, "MT") "MTHS") "MTH") "MT.") "MTS")
External Value
X X X X X = = = = = "02:46" "02:46:40am" "02:46am" "02.46" "02:46:40"
BASIC Programming
Returns the internal storage value of a string as four-digit hexadecimal strings.
On output, using Oconv, the supplied string is returned with each character converted to its four-digit hexadecimal internal storage value. On input, using Iconv, the supplied string is treated as groups of four hexadecimal digits and the internal storage value is returned. Any group that comprises fewer than four digits is padded with zeros on the left.
X = UniChar(222):UniChar(240):@FM XInt = Oconv(X, MX0C) Y = Oconv(X, NLSISO8859-1) YExt = Oconv(Y, MX0C) Yint = OCONV(X, MU0C)
Converts hexadecimal numbers to decimal, or an ASCII value for storage, or vice versa, for output.
MX [ 0C ] 0C converts the hexadecimal number to its equivalent ASCII character on input, and vice versa on output.
Characters outside of the ranges 0 through 9, A through F, or a through f, cause an error.
The following examples show the effect of some MX conversion codes with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("400", "MX") X = Iconv("434445", "MX0C")
Internal Value
X = 1024 X = "CDE"
The following examples show the effect of some MX conversion codes with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("1024", "MX") X = Oconv("CDE", "MX0C")
External Value
X = "400" X = "434445"
BASIC Programming
Converts ASCII characters to hexadecimal values on input, and vice versa on output.
Characters outside of the ranges 0 through 9, A through F, or a through f, cause an error.
The following examples show the effect of some MY conversion codes with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("ABCD", "MY") X = Iconv("0123", "MY")
Internal Value
X = 41424344 X = 30313233
The following examples show the effect of some MY conversion codes with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv("41424344", "MY") X = Oconv("30313233", "MY")
External Value
X = "ABCD" X = "0123"
In NLS mode, converts numbers in a local character set to Arabic numerals.
The following example shows the effect of the NL conversion code with the Oconv and Iconv functions. Convert for display purposes:
Internal.Number = 1275 External.Number = OCONV(Internal.Number, "NL")
BASIC Programming
In NLS mode, converts between the internal character set and the external character set.
NLS mapname mapname is the name of the character set map to use for the conversion.
On output using the Oconv function, the NLS conversion code maps a string from the internal character set to the external character set specified in mapname. On input using the Iconv function, the NLS conversion code assumes that the supplied string is in the character set specified by mapname, and maps it to the internal character set. If mapname is set to Unicode, the supplied string is assumed to comprise 2-byte Unicode characters. If there is an odd number of bytes in the string, the last byte is replaced with the Unicode replacement character and the value returned by the Status function is set to 3.
Converts Arabic numerals to Roman numerals on output, and vice versa on input.
These are the equivalent values of Roman and Arabic numerals: Roman i v x l c d m V X L C D M Arabic 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000 5000 10,000 50,000 100,000 500,000 1,000,000
The following examples show the effect of some NR conversion codes with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("mcmxcvii", "NR") X = Iconv("MCMXCVmm", "NR")
Internal Value
X = 1997 X = 1997000
The following examples show the effect of some NR conversion codes with the Oconv function: Conversion Expression
X = Oconv(1997, "NR") X = Oconv(1997000, "NR")
External Value
X = "mcmxcvii" X = "MCMXCVmm"
BASIC Programming
Extracts data that matches a pattern.
P (pattern) [ ; ( pattern) ] pattern specifies the pattern to match the data to and must be enclosed in parenthesis. It can be one or more of the following codes: nN matches n numeric characters. If n is 0, any number of numeric characters match. nA matches n alphabetic characters. If n is 0, any number of alphabetic characters match. nX matches n alphanumeric characters. If n is 0, any number of alphanumeric characters match. literal is a literal string that the data must match. ; separates a series of patterns.
If the data does not match any of the patterns, an empty string is returned.
The following examples show the effect of some P conversion codes with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression Internal Value
X = Iconv("123456789", "P(3N-3A-3X);(9N)") X = "123456789" X = Iconv("123-ABC-A7G", "P(3N-3A-3X);(9N)") X = "123-ABC-A7G" X = Iconv("123-45-6789", "P(3N-2N-4N)") X = "123-45-6789"
The following examples show the effect of some P conversion codes with the Oconv function:
Conversion Expression
X X X X X X = = = = = = Oconv("123456789", "P(3N-3A-3X);(9N)") Oconv("123-ABC-A7G", "P(3N-3A-3X);(9N)") Oconv("ABC-123-A7G", "P(3N-3A-3X);(9N)") Oconv("123-45-6789", "P(3N-2N-4N)") Oconv("123-456-789", "P(3N-2N-4N)") Oconv("123-45-678A", "P(3N-2N-4N)")
External Value
X X X X X X = = = = = = "123456789" "123-ABC-A7G" "" "123-45-6789" "" ""
BASIC Programming
Retrieves data within a range.
Rn,m [ ; n,m ] n specifies the lower limit of the range. m specifies the upper limit of the range. ; separates multiple ranges.
If the data does not meet the range specifications, an empty string is returned.
The following example shows the effect of the R (Range Check) conversion code with the Iconv function. Conversion Expression
X = Iconv("123", "R100,200")
Internal Value
X = 123
The following example shows the effect of the R (Range Check) conversion code with the Oconv function. Conversion Expression
X = Oconv(123, "R100,200") X = Oconv(223, "R100,200") X = Oconv(3.1E2, "R100,200;300,400")
External Value
X = 123 X = "" X = 3.1E2
Generates phonetic codes that can be used to compare words based on how they sound.
The phonetic code consists of the first letter of the word followed by a number. Words that sound similar, for example fare and fair, generate the same phonetic code.
The following examples show the effect of some S conversion codes with the Iconv function: Conversion Expression
X X X X = = = = Iconv("GREEN", "S") Iconv("greene", "S") Iconv("GREENWOOD", "S") Iconv("GREENBAUM", "S")
Internal Value
X X X X = = = = "G650" "G650" "G653" "G651"
BASIC Programming
In NLS mode, converts times in internal format to the default locale convention format.
The following example shows the effect of the TI conversion code with the Oconv function:
Internal.Time = TIME()International.Time = OCONV(Internal.Time, "TI")
DataStage Development Kit (Job Control Interfaces)
DataStage provides a range of methods that enable you to run DataStage server or parallel jobs directly on the server, without using the DataStage Director. The methods are: C/C++ API (the DataStage Development kit) DataStage BASIC calls Command line Interface commands (CLI) DataStage macros These methods can be used in different situations as follows: API. Using the API you can build a self-contained program that can run anywhere on your system, provided that it can connect to a DataStage server across the network. BASIC. Programs built using the DataStage BASIC interface can be run from any DataStage server on the network. You can use this interface to define jobs that run and control other jobs. The controlling job can be run from the Director client like any other job, or directly on the server machine from the TCL prompt. (Job sequences provide another way of producing control jobs see DataStage Designer Guide for details.)
CLI. The CLI can be used from the command line of any DataStage server on the network. Using this method, you can run jobs on other servers too. Macros. A set of macros can be used in job designs or in BASIC programs. These are mostly used to retrieve information about other jobs.
For example, the DSGetProjectList function obtains a list of DataStage projects, and the DSGetProjectInfo function obtains a list of jobs within a project. When the DSGetProjectList function is called it retrieves the list of projects, stores it in the threads data area, and returns a pointer to this area. If the same thread then calls DSGetProjectInfo , the job list is retrieved and stored in the threads data area, overwriting the project list. The job list pointer in the supplied data structure references the thread data area. This means that if the results of a DataStage API function need to be reused later, the application should make its own copy of the data before making a new DataStage API call. Alternatively, the calls can be used in multiple threads. DataStage API stores errors for each thread: a call to the DSGetLastError function returns the last error generated within the calling thread.
10. Poll for the job or wait for job completion (DSWaitForJob, DSStopJob, DSGetJobInfo). 11. Unlock the job (DSUnlockJob). 12. Display a summary of the jobs log entries (DSFindFirstLogEntry, DSFindNextLogEntry). DataStage Development Kit (Job Control Interfaces) 18-3
13. Display details of specific log events (DSGetNewestLogId, DSGetLogEntry). 14. Examine and display details of job stages (DSGetJobInfo stage list, DSGetStageInfo). 15. Examine and display details of links within active stages (DSGetStageInfo link list, DSGetLinkInfo). 16. Close all open jobs (DSCloseJob). 17. Detach from the project (DSCloseProject).
Redistributing Applications
If you intend to run your DataStage API application on a computer where DataStage Server is installed, you do not need to include DataStage API DLLs or libraries as these are installed as part of DataStage Server. If you want to run the application from a computer used as a DataStage client, you should redistribute the following library with your application: vmdsapi.dll If you intend to run the program from a computer that has neither DataStage Server nor any DataStage client installed, in addition to the library mentioned above, you should also redistribute the following:
uvclnt32.dll unirpc32.dll You should locate these files where they will be in the search path of any user who uses the application, for example, in the %SystemRoot%\System32 directory.
API Functions
This section details the functions provided in the DataStage API. These functions are described in alphabetical order. The following table briefly describes the functions categorized by usage: Usage Accessing projects Function DSCloseProject DSGetProjectList DSGetProjectInfo DSOpenProject DSSetServer Params Accessing jobs DSCloseJob DSGetJobInfo Description Closes a project that was opened with DSOpenProject. Retrieves a list of all projects on the server. Retrieves a list of jobs in a project. Opens a project. Sets the server name, user name, and password to use for a job. Closes a job that was opened with DSOpenJob. Retrieves information about a job, such as the date and time of the last run, parameter names, and so on. Locks a job prior to setting job parameters or starting a job run. Opens a job. Runs a job. Aborts a running job. Unlocks a job, enabling other processes to use it. Waits until a job has completed.
Description Retrieves information about a job parameter. Sets row processing and warning limits for a job. Sets job parameter values. Retrieves information about a stage within a job. Retrieves information about a link of an active stage within a job. Retrieves entries in a log that meet the specified criteria. Finds the next log entry that meets the criteria specified in DSFindFirstLogEntry. Retrieves the specified log entry. Retrieves the newest entry in the log. Adds a new entry to the log. Retrieves the last error code value generated by the calling thread. Retrieves the text of the last reported error.
DSGetStageInfo DSGetLinkInfo
Handling errors
DSGetLast ErrorMsg
Closes a job that was opened using DSOpenJob.
int DSCloseJob( DSJOB JobHandle );
JobHandle is the value returned from DSOpenJob.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR. If the function fails, the return value is: DSJE_BADHANDLE Invalid JobHandle.
If the job is locked when DSCloseJob is called, it is unlocked. If the job is running when DSCloseJob is called, the job is allowed to finish, and the function returns a value of DSJE_NOERROR immediately.
Closes a project that was opened using the DSOpenProject function.
int DSCloseProject( DSPROJECT ProjectHandle );
ProjectHandle is the value returned from DSOpenProject.
Return Value
This function always returns a value of DSJE_NOERROR.
Any open jobs in the project are closed, running jobs are allowed to finish, and the function returns immediately.
Retrieves all the log entries that meet the specified criteria, and writes the first entry to a data structure. Subsequent log entries can then be read using the DSFindNextLogEntry function.
int DSFindFirstLogEntry( DSJOB JobHandle, int EventType, time_t StartTime, time_t EndTime, int MaxNumber, DSLOGEVENT *Event );
JobHandle is the value returned from DSOpenJob. EventType is one of the following keys: This key DSJ_LOGINFO DSJ_LOGWARNING DSJ_LOGFATAL DSJ_LOGREJECT DSJ_LOGSTARTED DSJ_LOGRESET DSJ_LOGBATCH DSJ_LOGOTHER DSJ_LOGANY Retrieves this type of message Information Warning Fatal Transformer row rejection Job started Job reset Batch control All other log types Any type of event
StartTime limits the returned log events to those that occurred on or after the specified date and time. Set this value to 0 to return the earliest event.
EndTime limits the returned log events to those that occurred before the specified date and time. Set this value to 0 to return all entries up to the most recent. MaxNumber specifies the maximum number of log entries to retrieve, starting from the latest. Event is a pointer to a data structure to use to hold the first retrieved log entry.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR, and summary details of the first log entry are written to Event. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: Token DSJE_NOMORE DSJE_NO_MEMORY DSJE_BADHANDLE DSJE_BADTYPE DSJE_BADTIME DSJE_BADVALUE Description There are no events matching the filter criteria. Failed to allocate memory for results from server. Invalid JobHandle. Invalid EventType value. Invalid StartTime or EndTime value. Invalid MaxNumber value.
The retrieved log entries are cached for retrieval by subsequent calls to DSFindNextLogEntry. Any cached log entries that are not processed by a call to DSFindNextLogEntry are discarded at the next DSFindFirstLogEntry call (for any job), or when the project is closed. Note: The log entries are cached by project handle. Multiple threads using the same open project handle must coordinate access to DSFindFirstLogEntry and DSFindNextLogEntry.
Retrieves the next log entry from the cache.
int DSFindNextLogEntry( DSJOB JobHandle, DSLOGEVENT *Event );
JobHandle is the value returned from DSOpenJob. Event is a pointer to a data structure to use to hold the next log entry.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR and summary details of the next available log entry are written to Event. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: Token DSJE_NOMORE DSJE_SERVER_ERROR Description All events matching the filter criteria have been returned. Internal error. The DataStage Server returned invalid data.
This function retrieves the next log entry from the cache of entries produced by a call to DSFindFirstLogEntry. Note: The log entries are cached by project handle. Multiple threads using the same open project handle must coordinate access to DSFindFirstLogEntry and DSFindNextLogEntry.
Retrieves information about the status of a job.
int DSGetJobInfo( DSJOB JobHandle, int InfoType, DSJOBINFO *ReturnInfo );
JobHandle is the value returned from DSOpenJob. InfoType is a key indicating the information to be returned and can have any of the following values: This key DSJ_JOBSTATUS DSJ_JOBNAME DSJ_JOBCONTROLLER Returns this information The current status of the job. The name of the job referenced by JobHandle. The name of the job controlling the job referenced by JobHandle.
DSJ_JOBSTARTTIMESTAMP The date and time when the job started. DSJ_JOBWAVENO DSJ_USERSTATUS DSJ_STAGELIST DSJ_JOBINTERIMSTATUS The wave number of last or current run. The value, if any, set as the user status by the job. A list of active stages in the job. Separated by nulls. The status of a job after it has run all stages and controlled jobs, but before it has attempted to run an after-job subroutine. (Designed to be used by an after-job subroutine to get the status of the current job.)
Returns this information A list of job parameter names. Separated by nulls. Whether a stop request has been issued for the job referenced by JobHandle. Process id of DSD.RUN process. The date and time when the job last finished. List of job invocation ids. The ids are separated by nulls. Invocation name of the job referenced by JobHandle.
ReturnInfo is a pointer to a DSJOBINFO data structure where the requested information is stored. The DSJOBINFO data structure contains a union with an element for each of the possible return values from the call to DSGetJobInfo. For more information, see Data Structures on page 18-46.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: Token DSJE_NOT_AVAILABLE DSJE_BADHANDLE DSJE_BADTYPE Description There are no instances of the requested information in the job. Invalid JobHandle. Invalid InfoType.
For controlled jobs, this function can be used either before or after a call to DSRunJob.
Returns the calling threads last error code value.
int DSGetLastError(void);
Return Values
The return value is the last error code value. The Return Values section of each reference page notes the conditions under which the function sets the last error code.
Use DSGetLastError immediately after any function whose return value on failure might contain useful data, otherwise a later, successful function might reset the value back to 0 (DSJE_NOERROR). Note: Multiple threads do not overwrite each others error codes.
Retrieves the text of the last reported error from the DataStage server.
char *DSGetLastErrorMsg( DSPROJECT ProjectHandle );
ProjectHandle is either the value returned from DSOpenProject or NULL.
Return Values
The return value is a pointer to a series of null-terminated strings, one for each line of the error message associated with the last error generated by the DataStage Server in response to a DataStage API function call. Use DSGetLastError to determine what the error number is. The following example shows the buffer contents with <null> representing the terminating NULL character:
If ProjectHandle is NULL, this function retrieves the error message associated with the last call to DSOpenProject or DSGetProjectList, otherwise it returns the last message associated with the specified project. The error text is cleared following a call to DSGetLastErrorMsg. Note: The text retrieved by a call to DSGetLastErrorMsg relates to the last error generated by the server and not necessarily the last error reported back to a thread using DataStage API.
Multiple threads using DataStage API must cooperate in order to obtain the correct error message text.
Retrieves information relating to a specific link of the specified active stage of a job.
int DSGetLinkInfo( DSJOB JobHandle, char *StageName, char *LinkName, int InfoType, DSLINKINFO *ReturnInfo );
JobHandle is the value returned from DSOpenJob. StageName is a pointer to a null-terminated character string specifying the name of the active stage to be interrogated. LinkName is a pointer to a null-terminated character string specifying the name of a link (input or output) attached to the stage. InfoType is a key indicating the information to be returned and is one of the following values: Value DSJ_LINKLASTERR Description Last error message reported by the link.
DSJ_LINKROWCOUNT Number of rows that have passed down the link. DSJ_LINKNAME DSJ_LINKSQLSTATE DSJ_LINKDBMSCODE Name of the link. SQLSTATE value from last error message. DBMSCODE value from last error message.
ReturnInfo is a pointer to a DSJOBINFO data structure where the requested information is stored. The DSJOBINFO data structure contains a union with an element for each of the possible return values
from the call to DSGetLinkInfo. For more information, see Data Structures on page 18-46.
Return Value
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: Token DSJE_NOT_AVAILABLE DSJE_BADHANDLE DSJE_BADTYPE DSJE_BADSTAGE DSJE_BADLINK Description There is no instance of the requested information available. JobHandle was invalid. InfoType was unrecognized. StageName does not refer to a known stage in the job. LinkName does not refer to a known link for the stage in question.
This function can be used either before or after a call to DSRunJob.
Retrieves detailed information about a specific entry in a job log.
int DSGetLogEntry( DSJOB JobHandle, int EventId, DSLOGDETAIL *Event );
JobHandle is the value returned from DSOpenJob. EventId is the identifier for the event to be retrieved, see Remarks. Event is a pointer to a data structure to hold details of the log entry.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR and the event structure contains the details of the requested event. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: Token DSJE_BADHANDLE DSJE_SERVER_ERROR DSJE_BADEVENTID Description Invalid JobHandle. Internal error. DataStage server returned invalid data. Invalid event if for a specified job.
Entries in the log file are numbered sequentially starting from 0. The latest event ID can be obtained through a call to DSGetNewestLogId. When a log is cleared, there always remains a single entry saying when the log was cleared.
Obtains the identifier of the newest entry in the jobs log.
int DSGetNewestLogId( DSJOB JobHandle, int EventType );
JobHandle is the value returned from DSOpenJob. EventType is a key specifying the type of log entry whose identifier you want to retrieve and can be one of the following: This key DSJ_LOGINFO DSJ_LOGWARNING DSJ_LOGFATAL DSJ_LOGREJECT DSJ_LOGSTARTED DSJ_LOGRESET DSJ_LOGOTHER DSJ_LOGBATCH DSJ_LOGANY Retrieves this type of log entry Information Warning Fatal Transformer row rejection Job started Job reset Any other log event type Batch control Any type of event
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is the positive identifier of the most recent entry of the requested type in the job log file. If the function fails, the return value is 1. Use DSGetLastError to retrieve one of the following error codes: Token DSJE_BADHANDLE Description Invalid JobHandle.
Use this function to determine the ID of the latest entry in a log file before starting a job run. Once the job has started or finished, it is then possible to determine which entries have been added by the job run.
Retrieves information about a particular parameter within a job.
int DSGetParamInfo( DSJOB JobHandle, char *ParamName, DSPARAMINFO *ReturnInfo );
JobHandle is the value returned from DSOpenJob. ParamName is a pointer to a null-terminated string specifying the name of the parameter to be interrogated. ReturnInfo is a pointer to a DSPARAMINFO data structure where the requested information is stored. For more information, see Data Structures on page 18-46.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: Token DSJE_SERVER_ERROR DSJE_BADHANDLE Description Internal error. DataStage Server returned invalid data. Invalid JobHandle.
Unlike the other information retrieval functions, DSGetParamInfo returns all the information relating to the specified item in a single call. The DSPARAMINFO data structure contains all the information required to request a new parameter value from a user and partially validate it. See Data Structures on page 18-46.
This function can be used either before or after a DSRunJob call has been issued: If called after a successful call to DSRunJob, the information retrieved refers to that run of the job. If called before a call to DSRunJob, the information retrieved refers to any previous run of the job, and not to any call to DSSetParam that may have been issued.
Obtains a list of jobs in a project.
int DSGetProjectInfo( DSPROJECT ProjectHandle, int InfoType, DSPROJECTINFO *ReturnInfo );
ProjectHandle is the value returned from DSOpenProject. InfoType is a key indicating the information to be returned. This key DSJ_JOBLIST DSJ_PROJECTNAME DSJ_HOSTNAME Retrieves this type of log entry Lists all jobs within the project. Name of current project. Host name of the server.
ReturnInfo is a pointer to a DSPROJECTINFO data structure where the requested information is stored.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: Token DSJE_NOT_AVAILABLE DSJE_BADTYPE Description There are no compiled jobs defined within the project. Invalid InfoType.
The DSPROJECTINFO data structure contains a union with an element for each of the possible return values from a call to DSGetProjectInfo . Note: The returned list contains the names of all jobs known to the project, whether they can be opened or not.
Obtains a list of all projects on the host system.
char* DSGetProjectList(void);
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to a series of nullterminated strings, one for each project on the host system, ending with a second null character. The following example shows the buffer contents with <null> representing the terminating null character:
If the function fails, the return value is NULL. And the DSGetLastError function retrieves the following error code: DSJE_SERVER_ERROR Unexpected/unknown server error occurred.
This function can be called before any other DataStage API function. Note: DSGetProjectList opens, uses, and closes its own communications link with the server, so it may take some time to retrieve the project list.
Obtains information about a particular stage within a job.
int DSGetStageInfo( DSJOB JobHandle, char *StageName, int InfoType, DSSTAGEINFO *ReturnInfo );
JobHandle is the value returned from DSOpenJob. StageName is a pointer to a null-terminated string specifying the name of the stage to be interrogated. InfoType is one of the following keys: This key DSJ_STAGELASTERR DSJ_STAGENAME DSJ_STAGETYPE DSJ_STAGEINROWNUM DSJ_LINKLIST DSJ_VARLIST DSJ_STAGESTARTTIMESTAMP DSJ_STAGEENDTIMESTAMP Returns this information Last error message reported from any link of the stage. Stage name. Stage type name. Primary links input row number. List of names of links in stage. List of stage variable names in the stage. Date and time when stage started. Date and time when stage finished.
ReturnInfo is a pointer to a DSSTAGEINFO data structure where the requested information is stored. See Data Structures on page 18-46.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: Token
Description There are no instances of the requested information in the stage. Invalid JobHandle. StageName does not refer to a known stage in the job. Invalid InfoType.
This function can be used either before or after a DSRunJob function has been issued. The DSSTAGEINFO data structure contains a union with an element for each of the possible return values from the call to DSGetStageInfo.
Locks a job. This function must be called before setting a jobs run parameters or starting a job run.
int DSLockJob( DSJOB JobHandle );
JobHandle is the value returned from DSOpenJob.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: Token DSJE_BADHANDLE DSJE_INUSE Description Invalid JobHandle. Job is locked by another process.
Locking a job prevents any other process from modifying the job details or status. This function must be called before any call of DSSetJobLimit, DSSetParam, or DSRunJob. If you try to lock a job you already have locked, the call succeeds. If you have the same job open on several DataStage API handles, locking the job on one handle locks the job on all the handles.
Adds a new entry to a job log file.
int DSLogEvent( DSJOB JobHandle, int EventType, char *Reserved, char *Message );
JobHandle is the value returned from DSOpenJob. EventType is one of the following keys specifying the type of event to be logged: This key DSJ_LOGINFO DSJ_LOGWARNING Specifies this type of event Information Warning
Reserved is reserved for future use, and should be specified as null. Message points to a null-terminated character string specifying the text of the message to be logged.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: Token DSJE_BADHANDLE Description Invalid JobHandle.
DSJE_SERVER_ERROR Internal error. DataStage Server returned invalid data. DSJE_BADTYPE Invalid EventType value.
Messages that contain more that one line of text should contain a newline character (\n) to indicate the end of a line.
Opens a job. This function must be called before any other function that manipulates the job.
DSJOB DSOpenJob( DSPROJECT ProjectHandle, char *JobName );
ProjectHandle is the value returned from DSOpenProject. JobName is a pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the job that is to be opened. This may be in either of the following formats: job Finds the latest version of the job.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the job. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. Use DSGetLastError to retrieve one of the following: Token DSJE_OPENFAIL DSJE_NO_MEMORY Description Server failed to open job. Memory allocation failure.
The DSOpenJob function must be used to return a job handle before a job can be addressed by any of the DataStage API functions. You can gain exclusive access to the job by locking it with DSLockJob.
The same job may be opened more than once and each call to DSOpenJob will return a unique job handle. Each handle must be separately closed.
Opens a project. It must be called before any other DataStage API function, except DSGetProjectList or DSGetLastError.
DSPROJECT DSOpenProject( char *ProjectName );
ProjectName is a pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the project to open.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the project. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. Use DSGetLastError to retrieve one of the following: Token DSJE_BAD_VERSION DSJE_INCOMPATIBLE_ SERVER DSJE_SERVER_ERROR DSJE_BADPROJECT DSJE_NO_DATASTAGE DSJE_NOLICENSE Description The DataStage server is an older version than the DataStage API. The DataStage Server is either older or newer than that supported by this version of DataStage API. Internal error. DataStage Server returned invalid data. Invalid project name. DataStage is not correctly installed on the server system. No DataStage license is available for the project.
The DSGetProjectList function can return the name of a project that does not contain valid DataStage jobs, but this is detected when DSOpenProject is called. A process can only have one project open at a time.
Starts a job run.
int DSRunJob( DSJOB JobHandle, int RunMode );
JobHandle is a value returned from DSOpenJob. RunMode is a key determining the run mode and should be one of the following values: This key DSJ_RUNNORMAL DSJ_RUNRESET DSJ_RUNVALIDATE Indicates this action Start a job run. Reset the job. Validate the job.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: Token DSJE_BADHANDLE DSJE_BADSTATE DSJE_BADTYPE DSJE_SERVER_ERROR DSJE_NOTLOCKED Description Invalid JobHandle. Job is not in the right state (must be compiled and not running). RunMode is not recognized. Internal error. DataStage Server returned invalid data. Job has not been locked.
The job specified by JobHandle must be locked, using DSLockJob, before the DSRunJob function is called. If no limits were set by calling DSSetJobLimit, the default limits are used.
Sets row or warning limits for a job.
int DSSetJobLimit( DSJOB JobHandle, int LimitType, int LimitValue );
JobHandle is a value returned from DSOpenJob. LimitType is one of the following keys specifying the type of limit: This key DSJ_LIMITWARN DSJ_LIMITROWS Specifies this type of limit Job to be stopped after LimitValue warning events. Stages to be limited to LimitValue rows.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: Token DSJE_BADHANDLE DSJE_BADSTATE DSJE_BADTYPE DSJE_BADVALUE Description Invalid JobHandle. Job is not in the right state (compiled, not running). LimitType is not the name of a known limiting condition. LimitValue is not appropriate for the limiting condition type.
Description Internal error. DataStage Server returned invalid data. Job has not been locked.
The job specified by JobHandle must be locked, using DSLockJob, before the DSSetJobLimit function is called. Any job limits that are not set explicitly before a run will use the default values. Make two calls to DSSetJobLimit in order to set both types of limit. Set the value to 0 to indicate that there should be no limit for the job.
Sets job parameter values before running a job. Any parameter that is not explicitly set uses the default value.
int DSSetParam( DSJOB JobHandle, char *ParamName, DSPARAM *Param );
JobHandle is the value returned from DSOpenJob. ParamName is a pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the parameter to set. Param is a pointer to a structure that specifies the name, type, and value of the parameter to set. Note: The type specified in Param need not match the type specified for the parameter in the job definition, but it must be possible to convert it. For example, if the job defines the parameter as a string, it can be set by specifying it as an integer. However, it will cause an error with unpredictable results if the parameter is defined in the job as an integer and a nonnumeric string is passed by DSSetParam.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: Token DSJE_BADHANDLE DSJE_BADSTATE Description Invalid JobHandle. Job is not in the right state (compiled, not running).
Description Param does not reference a known parameter of the job. Param does not specify a valid parameter type. Param does not specify a value that is appropriate for the parameter type as specified in the job definition. Internal error. DataStage Server returned invalid data. Job has not been locked.
The job specified by JobHandle must be locked, using DSLockJob, before the DSSetParam function is called.
Sets the logon parameters to use for opening a project or retrieving a project list.
void DSSetServerParams( char *ServerName, char *UserName, char *Password );
ServerName is a pointer to either a null-terminated character string specifying the name of the server to connect to, or NULL. UserName is a pointer to either a null-terminated character string specifying the user name to use for the server session, or NULL. Password is a pointer to either a null-terminated character string specifying the password for the user specified in UserName, or NULL.
Return Values
This function has no return value.
By default, DSOpenProject and DSGetProjectList attempt to connect to a DataStage Server on the same computer as the client process, then create a server process that runs with the same user identification and access rights as the client process. DSSetServerParams overrides this behavior and allows you to specify a different server, user name, and password. Calls to DSSetServerParams are not cumulative. All parameter values, including NULL pointers, are used to set the parameters to be used on the subsequent DSOpenProject or DSGetProjectList call.
Aborts a running job.
int DSStopJob( DSJOB JobHandle );
JobHandle is the value returned from DSOpenJob.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR. If the function fails, the return value is: DSJE_BADHANDLE Invalid JobHandle.
The DSStopJob function should be used only after a DSRunJob function has been issued. The stop request is sent regardless of the jobs current status. To ascertain if the job has stopped, use the DSWaitForJob function or the DSJobStatus macro.
Unlocks a job, preventing any further manipulation of the jobs run state and freeing it for other processes to use.
int DSUnlockJob( DSJOB JobHandle );
JobHandle is the value returned from DSOpenJob.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJ_NOERROR. If the function fails, the return value is: DSJE_BADHANDLE Invalid JobHandle.
The DSUnlockJob function returns immediately without waiting for the job to finish. Attempting to unlock a job that is not locked does not cause an error. If you have the same job open on several handles, unlocking the job on one handle unlocks it on all handles.
Waits to the completion of a job run.
int DSWaitForJob( DSJOB JobHandle );
JobHandle is the value returned from DSOpenJob.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following: Token DSJE_BADHANDLE DSJE_WRONGJOB DSJE_TIMEOUT Description Invalid JobHandle. Job for this JobHandle was not started from a call to DSRunJob by the current process. Job appears not to have started after waiting for a reasonable length of time. (About 30 minutes.)
This function is only valid if the current job has issued a DSRunJob call on the given JobHandle. It returns if the job was started since the last DSRunJob, and has since finished. The finishing status can be found by calling DSGetJobInfo.
Data Structures
The DataStage API uses the data structures described in this section to hold data passed to, or returned from, functions. (SeeData Structures, Result Data, and Threads on page 18-2). The data structures are summarized below, with full descriptions in the following sections: This data structure DSJOBINFO DSLINKINFO Holds this type of data Information about a DataStage job Information about a link to or from an active stage in a job, that is, a stage that is not a data source or destination Full details of an entry in a job log file Details of an entry in a job log file The type and value of a job parameter Further information about a job parameter, such as its default value and a description And is used by this function DSGetJobInfo DSGetLinkInfo
DSPROJECTINFO A list of jobs in the project DSSTAGEINFO Information about an active stage in a job
DSGetProjectInfo DSGetStageInfo
The DSJOBINFO structure represents information values about a DataStage job.
typedef struct _DSJOBINFO { int infoType; union { int jobStatus; char *jobController; time_t jobStartTime; int jobWaveNumber; char *userStatus; char *paramList; char *stageList; char *jobname; int jobcontrol; int jobPid; time_t jobLastTime; char *jobInvocations; int jobInterimStatus; char *jobInvocationid; } info; } DSJOBINFO;
infoType is one of the following keys indicating the type of information: This key DSJ_JOBSTATUS DSJ_JOBNAME DSJ_JOBCONTROLLER DSJ_JOBSTARTTIMESTAMP DSJ_JOBWAVENO Indicates this information The current status of the job. Name of job referenced by JobHandle The name of the controlling job. The date and time when the job started. Wave number of the current (or last) job run.
Indicates this information The status reported by the job itself as defined in the jobs design. A list of the names of the jobs parameters. Separated by nulls. A list of stages in the job. Separated by nulls. Whetehr a stop request has been issued for the job. Process id of DSD.RUN process. The date and time on the server when the job last finished. List of job invocation ids. Separated by nulls. Current Interim status of the job. Invocation name of the job referenced.
jobStatus is returned when infoType is set to DSJ_JOBSTATUS. Its value is one of the following keys: This key DSJS_RUNNING DSJS_RUNOK DSJS_RUNWARN DSJS_RUNFAILED DSJS_VALOK DSJS_VALWARN DSJS_VALFAILED DSJS_RESET Indicates this status Job running. Job finished a normal run with no warnings. Job finished a normal run with warnings. Job finished a normal run with a fatal error. Job finished a validation run with no warnings. Job finished a validation run with warnings. Job failed a validation run. Job finished a reset run.
Indicates this status Job was stopped by some indeterminate action. Job was stopped by operator intervention (cant tell run type). Job has not been compiled. Any other status. Job was stopped by operator intervention (cant tell run type).
jobController is the name of the job controlling the job reference and is returned when infoType is set to DSJ_JOBCONTROLLER. Note that this may be several job names, separated by periods, if the job is controlled by a job which is itself controlled, and so on. jobStartTime is the date and time when the last or current job run started and is returned when infoType is set to DSJ_JOBSTARTTIMESTAMP. jobWaveNumber is the wave number of the last or current job run and is returned when infoType is set to DSJ_JOBWAVENO. userStatus is the value, if any, set by the job as its user defined status, and is returned when infoType is set to DSJ_USERSTATUS. paramList is a pointer to a buffer that contains a series of null-terminated strings, one for each job parameter name, that ends with a second null character. It is returned when infoType is set to DSJ_PARAMLIST. The following example shows the buffer contents with <null> representing the terminating null character: first<null>second<null><null> stageList is a pointer to a buffer that contains a series of null-terminated strings, one for each stage in the job, that ends with a second null character. It is returned when infoType is set to DSJ_STAGELIST. The following example shows the buffer contents with <null> representing the terminating null character: first<null>second<null><null>
The DSLINKINFO structure represents various information values about a link to or from an active stage within a DataStage job.
typedef struct _DSLINKINFO { int infoType:/ union { DSLOGDETAIL lastError; int rowCount; char *linkName; char *linkSQLState; char *linkDBMSCode; } info; } DSLINKINFO;
infoType is a key indicating the type of information and is one of the following values: This key DSJ_LINKLASTERR DSJ_LINKNAME Indicates this information The last error message reported from a link. Actual name of link.
DSJ_LINKROWCOUNT The number of rows that have been passed down a link. DSJ_LINKSQLSTATE DSJ_LINKDBMSCODE SQLSTATE value from last error message. DBMSCODE value from last error message.
lastError is a data structure containing the error log entry for the last error message reported from a link and is returned when infoType is set to DSJ_LINKLASTERR. rowCount is the number of rows that have been passed down a link so far and is returned when infoType is set to DSJ_LINKROWCOUNT.
The DSLOGDETAIL structure represents detailed information for a single entry from a job log file.
typedef struct _DSLOGDETAIL { int eventId; time_t timestamp; int type; char *reserved; char *fullMessage; } DSLOGDETAIL;
eventId is a a number, 0 or greater, that uniquely identifies the log entry for the job. timestamp is the date and time at which the entry was added to the job log file. type is a key indicting the type of the event, and is one of the following values: This key DSJ_LOGINFO DSJ_LOGWARNING DSJ_LOGFATAL DSJ_LOGREJECT DSJ_LOGSTARTED DSJ_LOGRESET DSJ_LOGBATCH DSJ_LOGOTHER Indicates this type of log entry Information Warning Fatal error Transformer row rejection Job started Job reset Batch control Any other type of log entry
reserved is reserved for future use with a later release of DataStage. fullMessage is the full description of the log entry.
The DSLOGEVENT structure represents the summary information for a single entry from a jobs event log.
typedef struct _DSLOGEVENT { int eventId; time_t timestamp; int type; char *message; } DSLOGEVENT;
eventId is a a number, 0 or greater, that uniquely identifies the log entry for the job. timestamp is the date and time at which the entry was added to the job log file. type is a key indicating the type of the event, and is one of the following values: This key DSJ_LOGINFO DSJ_LOGWARNING DSJ_LOGFATAL DSJ_LOGREJECT DSJ_LOGSTARTED DSJ_LOGRESET DSJ_LOGBATCH DSJ_LOGOTHER Indicates this type of log entry Information Warning Fatal error Transformer row rejection Job started Job reset Batch control Any other type of log entry
The DSPARAM structure represents information about the type and value of a DataStage job parameter.
typedef struct _DSPARAM { int paramType; union { char *pString; char *pEncrypt; int pInt; float pFloat ; char *pPath; char *pListValue; char *pDate; char *pTime; } paramValue; } DSPARAM;
paramType is a key specifying the type of the job parameter. Possible values are as follows: This key DSJ_PARAMTYPE_STRING DSJ_PARAMTYPE_ENCRYPTED DSJ_PARAMTYPE_INTEGER DSJ_PARAMTYPE_FLOAT DSJ_PARAMTYPE_PATHNAME DDSJ_PARAMTYPE_LIST Indicates this type of parameter A character string. An encrypted character string (for example, a password). An integer. A floating-point number. A file system pathname. A character string specifying one of the values from an enumerated list. A date in the format YYYY-MMDD.
pString is a null-terminated character string that is returned when paramType is set to DSJ_PARAMTYPE_STRING. pEncrypt is a null-terminated character string that is returned when paramType is set to DSJ_PARAMTYPE_ENCRYPTED. The string should be in plain text form when passed to or from DataStage API where it is encrypted. The application using the DataStage API should present this type of parameter in a suitable display format, for example, an asterisk for each character of the string rather than the character itself. pInt is an integer and is returned when paramType is set to DSJ_PARAMTYPE_INTEGER. pFloat is a floating-point number and is returned when paramType is set to DSJ_PARAMTYPE_FLOAT. pPath is a null-terminated character string specifying a file system pathname and is returned when paramType is set to DSJ_PARAMTYPE_PATHNAME. Note: This parameter does not need to specify a valid pathname on the server. Interpretation and validation of the pathname is performed by the job. pListValue is a null-terminated character string specifying one of the possible values from an enumerated list and is returned when paramType is set to DDSJ_PARAMTYPE_LIST. pDate is a null-terminated character string specifying a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD and is returned when paramType is set to DSJ_PARAMTYPE_DATE. pTime is a null-terminated character string specifying a time in the format HH:MM:SS and is returned when paramType is set to DSJ_PARAMTYPE_TIME.
The DSPARAMINFO structure represents information values about a parameter of a DataStage job.
typedef struct _DSPARAMINFO { DSPARAM defaultValue; char *helpText; char *paramPrompt; int paramType; DSPARAM desDefaultValue; char *listValues; char *desListValues; int promptAtRun; } DSPARAMINFO;
defaultValue is the default value, if any, for the parameter. helpText is a description, if any, for the parameter. paramPrompt is the prompt, if any, for the parameter. paramType is a key specifying the type of the job parameter. Possible values are as follows: This key DSJ_PARAMTYPE_STRING DSJ_PARAMTYPE_ENCRYPTED DSJ_PARAMTYPE_INTEGER DSJ_PARAMTYPE_FLOAT DSJ_PARAMTYPE_PATHNAME DDSJ_PARAMTYPE_LIST Indicates this type of parameter A character string. An encrypted character string (for example, a password). An integer. A floating-point number. A file system pathname. A character string specifying one of the values from an enumerated list.
Indicates this type of parameter A date in the format YYYYMM -DD. A time in the format HH:MM :SS.
desDefaultValue is the default value set for the parameter by the jobs designer. Note: Default values can be changed by the DataStage administrator, so a value may not be the current value for the job. listValues is a pointer to a buffer that receives a series of null-terminated strings, one for each valid string that can be used as the parameter value, ending with a second null character as shown in the following example (<null> represents the terminating null character): first<null>second<null><null> desListValues is a pointer to a buffer containing the default list of values set for the parameter by the jobs designer. The buffer contains a series of null-terminated strings, one for each valid string that can be used as the parameter value, that ends with a second null character. The following example shows the buffer contents with <null> representing the terminating null character: first<null>second<null><null> Note: Default values can be changed by the DataStage administrator, so a value may not be the current value for the job. promptAtRun is either 0 (False) or 1 ( True). 1 indicates that the operator is prompted for a value for this parameter whenever the job is run; 0 indicates that there is no prompting.
The DSPROJECTINFO structure represents information values for a DataStage project.
typedef struct _DSPROJECTINFO { int infoType; union { char *jobList; } info; } DSPROJECTINFO;
infoType is a key value indicating the type of information to retrieve. Possible values are as follows . This key DSJ_JOBLIST DSJ_PROJECTNAME DSJ_HOSTNAME Indicates this information List of jobs in project. Name of current project. Host name of the server.
jobList is a pointer to a buffer that contains a series of null-terminated strings, one for each job in the project, and ending with a second null character, as shown in the following example (<null> represents the terminating null character): first<null>second<null><null>
The DSSTAGEINFO structure represents various information values about an active stage within a DataStage job.
typedef struct _DSSTAGEINFO { int infoType; union { DSLOGDETAIL lastError; char *typeName; int inRowNum; char *linkList; char *stagename; char *varlist; char *stageStartTime; char *stageEndTime; } info; } DSSTAGEINFO;
infoType is a key indicating the information to be returned and is one of the following: This key DSJ_STAGELASTERR DSJ_STAGENAME DSJ_STAGETYPE Indicates this information The last error message generated from any link in the stage. Name of stage. The stage type name, for example, Transformer or BeforeJob. List of stage variable names. Date and time when stage started. Date and time when stage finished. A list of link names.
lastError is a data structure containing the error message for the last error (if any) reported from any link of the stage. It is returned when infoType is set to DSJ_STAGELASTERR. typeName is the stage type name and is returned when infoType is set to DSJ_STAGETYPE. inRowNum is the primary links input row number and is returned when infoType is set to DSJ_STAGEINROWNUM. linkList is a pointer to a buffer that contains a series of null-terminated strings, one for each link in the stage, ending with a second null character, as shown in the following example (<null> represents the terminating null character): first<null>second<null><null>
Error Codes
The following table lists DataStage API error codes in alphabetical order: Error Token DSJE_BADHANDLE DSJE_BADLINK Code 1 9 Description Invalid JobHandle. LinkName does not refer to a known link for the stage in question. Invalid project name. ParamName is not a parameter name in the job. ProjectName is not a known DataStage project. StageName does not refer to a known stage in the job. Job is not in the right state (compiled, not running). Invalid StartTime or EndTime value. Information or event type was unrecognized.
12 3 1002 7 2 13 5
Code 1008
Description The DataStage server does not support this version of the DataStage API. Invalid MaxNumber value. Failed to decrypt encrypted values. The server version is incompatible with this version of the DataStage API. The job has been deleted. The job is locked by another process. Cannot get values, default values or design default values for any job except the current job. DataStage is not installed on the server system. No DataStage API error has occurred. Failed to allocate dynamic memory. All events matching the filter criteria have been returned. The requested information was not found. Internal server error. The attempt to open the job failed perhaps it has not been compiled. General server error. An unexpected or unknown error occurred in the DataStage server engine. The job appears not to have started after waiting for a reasonable length of time. (About 30 minutes.)
4 15 1009
11 10 16
99 1006
Code 6
Description Job for this JobHandle was not started from a call to DSRunJob by the current process.
The following table lists DataStage API error codes in numerical order: Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Error Token DSJE_NOERROR DSJE_BADHANDLE DSJE_BADSTATE DSJE_BADPARAM DSJE_BADVALUE DSJE_BADTYPE DSJE_WRONGJOB Description No DataStage API error has occurred. Invalid JobHandle. Job is not in the right state (compiled, not running). ParamName is not a parameter name in the job. Invalid MaxNumber value. Information or event type was unrecognized. Job for this JobHandle was not started from a call to DSRunJob by the current process. StageName does not refer to a known stage in the job. Internal server error. LinkName does not refer to a known link for the stage in question. The job is locked by another process. The job has been deleted. Invalid project name. Invalid StartTime or EndTime value. The job appears not to have started after waiting for a reasonable length of time. (About 30 minutes.) Failed to decrypt encrypted values.
7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14
Code 16
Description Cannot get values, default values or design default values for any job except the current job. General server error. All events matching the filter criteria have been returned. ProjectName is not a known DataStage project. DataStage is not installed on the server system. The attempt to open the job failed perhaps it has not been compiled. Failed to allocate dynamic memory. An unexpected or unknown error occurred in the DataStage server engine. The requested information was not found. The DataStage server does not support this version of the DataStage API. The server version is incompatible with this version of the DataStage API.
1007 1008
The following table lists some common errors that may be returned from the lower-level communication layers: Error Number 39121 39134 80011 80019 Description The DataStage server license has expired. The DataStage server user limit has been reached. Incorrect system name or invalid user name or password provided. Password has expired.
To do this Log an event to the job log of a different job Stop a controlled job Return a job handle previously obtained from DSAttachJob Log a fatal error message in a jobs log file and aborts the job. Log an information message in a jobs log file. Put an info message in the job log of a job controlling current job. Log a warning message in a jobs log file. Generate a string describing the complete status of a valid attached job. Insert arguments into the message template. Ensure a job is in the correct state to be run or validated. Interface to system send mail facility. Log a warning message to a job log file. Convert a job control status or error code into an explanatory text message. Suspend a job until a named file either exists or does not exist. Checks if a BASIC routine is cataloged, either in VOC as a callable item, or in the catalog space. Execute a DOS or DataStage Engine command from a befor/after subroutine.
Use this DSLogEvent, page 18-85 DSStopJob, page 18-100 DSDetachJob, page 18-68 DSLogFatal, page 19-86 DSLogInfo, page 19-87 DSLogToController, page 19-88
DSMakeMsg, page 19-91 DSPrepareJob, page 19-92 DSSendMail , page 19-95 DSTransformError, page 19-101 DSTranslateCode, page 19-102
To do this Set a status message for a job to return as a termination message when it finishes
DSAttachJob Function
Attaches to a job in order to run it in job control sequence. A handle is returned which is used for addressing the job. There can only be one handle open for a particular job at any one time.
JobHandle = DSAttachJob (JobName, ErrorMode) JobHandle is the name of a variable to hold the return value which is subsequently used by any other function or routine when referring to the job. Do not assume that this value is an integer. JobName is a string giving the name of the job to be attached to. ErrorMode is a value specifying how other routines using the handle should report errors. It is one of: DSJ.ERRFATAL Log a fatal message and abort the controlling job (default).
DSJ.ERRWARNINGLog a warning message but carry on. DSJ.ERRNONE No message logged - caller takes full responsibility (failure of DSAttachJob itself will be logged, however).
A job cannot attach to itself. The JobName parameter can specify either an exact version of the job in the form job%Reln.n.n, or the latest version of the job in the form job. If a controlling job is itself released, you will get the latest released version of job. If the controlling job is a development version, you will get the latest development version of job.
This is an example of attaching to Release 11 of the job Qsales:
Qsales_handle = DSAttachJob ("Qsales%Rel1", DSJ.ERRWARN)
DSCheckRoutine Function
Checks if a BASIC routine is cataloged, either in the VOC as a callable item, or in the catalog space.
Found = DSCheckRoutine(RoutineName) RoutineName is the name of BASIC routine to check. Found Boolean. @False if RoutineName not findable, else @True.
rtn$ok = DSCheckRoutine(DSU.DSSendMail) If(NOT(rtn$ok)) Then
DSDetachJob Function
Gives back a JobHandle acquired by DSAttachJob if no further control of a job is required (allowing another job to become its controller). It is not necessary to call this function, otherwise any attached jobs will always be detached automatically when the controlling job finishes.
ErrCode = DSDetachJob (JobHandle) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. ErrCode is 0 if DSStopJob is successful, otherwise it may be the following: DSJE.BADHANDLE Invalid JobHandle.
The only possible error is an attempt to close DSJ.ME. Otherwise, the call always succeeds.
The following command detaches the handle for the job qsales:
Deterr = DSDetachJob (qsales_handle)
DSExecute Subroutine
Executes a DOS or DataStage Engine command from a before/after subroutine.
Call DSExecute (ShellType, Command, Output, SystemReturnCode) ShellType (input) specifies the type of command you want to execute and is either NT or UV (for DataStage Engine). Command (input) is the command to execute. Command should not prompt for input when it is executed. Output (output) is any output from the command. Each line of output is separated by a field mark, @FM. Output is added to the job log file as an information message. SystemReturnCode (output) is a code indicating the success of the command. A value of 0 means the command executed successfully. A value of 1 (for a DOS command) indicates that the command was not found. Any other value is a specific exit code from the command.
Do not use DSExecute from a transform; the overhead of running a command for each row processed by a stage will degrade performance of the job.
DSGetJobInfo Function
Provides a method of obtaining information about a job, which can be used generally as well as for job control. It can refer to the current job or a controlled job, depending on the value of JobHandle.
Result = DSGetJobInfo (JobHandle, InfoType) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob, or it may be DSJ.ME to refer to the current job. InfoType specifies the information required and can be one of: DSJ.JOBCONTROLLER DSJ.JOBINVOCATIONS DSJ.JOBINVOCATIONID DSJ.JOBNAME DSJ.JOBSTARTTIMESTAMP DSJ.JOBSTATUS DSJ.JOBWAVENO DSJ.PARAMLIST DSJ.STAGELIST DSJ.USERSTATUS DSJ.JOBINTERIMSTATUS Result depends on the specified InfoType, as follows: DSJ.JOBSTATUS Integer. Current status of job overall. Possible statuses that can be returned are currently divided into two categories: Firstly, a job that is in progress is identified by: DSJS.RESET DSJS.RUNFAILED Job finished a reset run. Job finished a normal run with a fatal error.
DSGetJobInfo Function
DSJS.RUNNING Job running - this is the only status that means the job is actually running.
Secondly, jobs that are not running may have the following statuses: DSJS.RUNOK DSJS.RUNWARN DSJS.STOPPED DSJS.VALFAILED DSJS.VALOK DSJS.VALWARN Job finished a normal run with no warnings. Job finished a normal run with warnings. Job was stopped by operator intervention (cant tell run type). Job failed a validation run. Job finished a validation run with no warnings. Job finished a validation run with warnings.
DSJ.JOBCONTROLLER String. Name of the job controlling the job referenced by the job handle. Note that this may be several job names separated by periods if the job is controlled by a job which is itself controlled, etc. DSJ.JOBINVOCATIONS. Returns a comma-separated list of Invocation IDs. DSJ.JOBINVOCATIONID. Returns the invocation ID of the specified job (used in the DSJobInvocationId macro in a job design to access the invocation ID by which the job is invoked). DSJ.JOBNAME String. Actual name of the job referenced by the job handle. DSJ.JOBSTARTTIMESTAMP String. Date and time when the job started on the server in the form YYYY-MM DD HH:MM:SS. DSJ.JOBWAVENO Integer. Wave number of last or current run.
DSGetJobInfo Function
DSJ.PARAMLIST. Returns a comma-separated list of parameter names. DSJ.STAGELIST. Returns a comma-separated list of active stage names. DSJ.USERSTATUS String. Whatever the job's last call of DSSetUserStatus last recorded, else the empty string. DSJ.JOBINTERIMSTATUS. Returns the status of a job after it has run all stages and controlled jobs, but before it has attempted to run an after-job subroutine. (Designed to be used by an after-job subroutine to get the status of the current job). Result may also return error conditions as follows: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADTYPE JobHandle was invalid. InfoType was unrecognized.
When referring to a controlled job, DSGetJobInfo can be used either before or after a DSRunJob has been issued. Any status returned following a successful call to DSRunJob is guaranteed to relate to that run of the job.
The following command requests the job status of the job qsales:
q_status = DSGetJobInfo(qsales_handle, DSJ.JOBSTATUS)
The following command requests the actual name of the current job:
whatname = DSGetJobInfo (DSJ.ME, DSJ.JOBNAME)
DSGetLinkInfo Function
Provides a method of obtaining information about a link on an active stage, which can be used generally as well as for job control. This routine may reference either a controlled job or the current job, depending on the value of JobHandle.
Result = DSGetLinkInfo (JobHandle, StageName, LinkName, InfoType) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob, or it can be DSJ.ME to refer to the current job. StageName is the name of the active stage to be interrogated. May also be DSJ.ME to refer to the current stage if necessary. LinkName is the name of a link (input or output) attached to the stage. May also be DSJ.ME to refer to current link (e.g. when used in a Transformer expression or transform function called from link code). InfoType specifies the information required and can be one of: DSJ.LINKLASTERR DSJ.LINKNAME DSJ.LINKROWCOUNT Result depends on the specified InfoType, as follows: DSJ.LINKLASTERR String - last error message (if any) reported from the link in question. DSJ.LINKNAME String - returns the name of the link, most useful when used with JobHandle = DSJ.ME and StageName = DSJ.ME and LinkName = DSJ.ME to discover your own name. DSJ.LINKROWCOUNT Integer - number of rows that have passed down a link so far. Result may also return error conditions as follows: DSJE.BADHANDLE JobHandle was invalid. DSJE.BADTYPE InfoType was unrecognized.
DSGetLinkInfo Function
DSJE.BADSTAGE StageName does not refer to a known stage in the job.
DSJE.NOTINSTAGE StageName was DSJ.ME and the caller is not running within a stage. DSJE.BADLINK LinkName does not refer to a known link for the stage in question.
When referring to a controlled job, DSGetLinkInfo can be used either before or after a DSRunJob has been issued. Any status returned following a successful call to DSRunJob is guaranteed to relate to that run of the job.
The following command requests the number of rows that have passed down the order_feed link in the loader stage of the job qsales:
link_status = DSGetLinkInfo(qsales_handle, "loader", "order_feed", DSJ.LINKROWCOUNT)
DSGetLogEntry Function
Reads the full event details given in EventId.
EventDetail = DSGetLogEntry (JobHandle, EventId) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. EventId is an integer that identifies the specific log event for which details are required. This is obtained using the DSGetNewestLogId function. EventDetail is a string containing substrings separated by \. The substrings are as follows: Substring1 Substring2 Substring3 Timestamp in form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS User information EventType see DSGetNewestLogId
Substring4 n Event message If any of the following errors are found, they are reported via a fatal log event: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADVALUE Invalid JobHandle. Error accessing EventId.
The following command reads full event details of the log event identified by LatestLogid into the string LatestEventString:
LatestEventString = DSGetLogEntry(qsales_handle,latestlogid)
DSGetLogSummary Function
Returns a list of short log event details. The details returned are determined by the setting of some filters. (Care should be taken with the setting of the filters, otherwise a large amount of information can be returned.)
SummaryArray = DSGetLogSummary (JobHandle, EventType, StartTime, EndTime, MaxNumber) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. EventType is the type of event logged and is one of: DSJ.LOGINFO DSJ.LOGWARNING DSJ.LOGFATAL DSJ.LOGREJECT DSJ.LOGSTARTED DSJ.LOGRESET DSJ.LOGANY Information message Warning message Fatal error Reject link was active Job started Log was reset Any category (the default)
StartTime is a string in the form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or YYYYMM-DD. EndTime is a string in the form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or YYYYMM-DD. MaxNumber is an integer that restricts the number of events to return. 0 means no restriction. Use this setting with caution. SummaryArray is a dynamic array of fields separated by @FM. Each field comprises a number of substrings separated by \, where each field represents a separate event, with the substrings as follows: Substring1 Substring2 Substring3 EventId as per DSGetLogEntry Timestamp in form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS EventType see DSGetNewestLogId
DSGetLogSummary Function
Substring4 n Event message If any of the following errors are found, they are reported via a fatal log event: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADTYPE DSJE.BADTIME DSJE.BADVALUE Invalid JobHandle. Invalid EventType. Invalid StartTime or EndTime. Invalid MaxNumber.
The following command produces an array of reject link active events recorded for the qsales job between 18th August 1998, and 18th September 1998, up to a maximum of MAXREJ entries:
RejEntries = DSGetLogSummary (qsales_handle, DSJ.LOGREJECT, "1998-08-18 00:00:00", "1998-09-18 00:00:00", MAXREJ)
DSGetNewestLogId Function
Gets the ID of the most recent log event in a particular category, or in any category.
EventId = DSGetNewestLogId (JobHandle, EventType) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. EventType is the type of event logged and is one of: DSJ.LOGINFO Information message
DSJ.LOGWARNING Warning message DSJ.LOGFATAL DSJ.LOGREJECT Fatal error Reject link was active
DSJ.LOGSTARTED Job started DSJ.LOGRESET DSJ.LOGANY Log was reset Any category (the default)
EventId is an integer that identifies the specific log event. EventId can also be returned as an integer, in which case it contains an error code as follows: DSJE.BADHANDLE Invalid JobHandle. DSJE.BADTYPE Invalid EventType.
The following command obtains an ID for the most recent warning message in the log for the qsales job:
Warnid = DSGetNewestLogId (qsales_handle, DSJ.LOGWARNING)
DSGetParamInfo Function
Provides a method of obtaining information about a parameter, which can be used generally as well as for job control. This routine may reference either a controlled job or the current job, depending on the value of JobHandle.
Result = DSGetParamInfo (JobHandle, ParamName, InfoType) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob, or it may be DSJ.ME to refer to the current job. ParamName is the name of the parameter to be interrogated. InfoType specifies the information required and may be one of: DSJ.PARAMDEFAULT DSJ.PARAMHELPTEXT DSJ.PARAMPROMPT DSJ.PARAMTYPE DSJ.PARAMVALUE DSJ.PARAMDES.DEFAULT DSJ.PARAMLISTVALUES DSJ.PARAMDES.LISTVALUES DSJ.PARAMPROMPT.AT.RUN Result depends on the specified InfoType, as follows: DSJ.PARAMDEFAULT String Current default value for the parameter in question. See also DSJ.PARAMDES.DEFAULT. DSJ.PARAMHELPTEXT String Help text (if any) for the parameter in question. DSJ.PARAMPROMPT String Prompt (if any) for the parameter in question. DSJ.PARAMTYPE Integer Describes the type of validation test that should be performed on any value being set for this parameter. Is one of:
DSGetParamInfo Function
DSJ.PARAMTYPE.STRING DSJ.PARAMTYPE.ENCRYPTED DSJ.PARAMTYPE.INTEGER DSJ.PARAMTYPE.FLOAT (the parameter may contain periods and E) DSJ.PARAMTYPE.PATHNAME DSJ.PARAMTYPE.LIST (should be a string of Tab-separated strings) DSJ.PARAMTYPE.DATE (should be a string in form YYYYMM-DD) DSJ.PARAMTYPE.TIME (should be a string in form HH:MM ) DSJ.PARAMVALUE String Current value of the parameter for the running job or the last job run if the job is finished. DSJ.PARAMDES.DEFAULT String Original default value of the parameter - may differ from DSJ.PARAMDEFAULT if the latter has been changed by an administrator since the job was installed. DSJ.PARAMLISTVALUES String Tab-separated list of allowed values for the parameter. See also DSJ.PARAMDES.LISTVALUES. DSJ.PARAMDES.LISTVALUES String Original Tab-separated list of allowed values for the parameter may differ from DSJ.PARAMLISTVALUES if the latter has been changed by an administrator since the job was installed. DSJ.PROMPT.AT.RUN String 1 means the parameter is to be prompted for when the job is run; anything else means it is not (DSJ.PARAMDEFAULT String to be used directly). Result may also return error conditions as follows: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADPARAM JobHandle was invalid. ParamName is not a parameter name in the job.
DSGetParamInfo Function
DSJE.BADTYPE InfoType was unrecognized.
When referring to a controlled job, DSGetParamInfo can be used either before or after a DSRunJob has been issued. Any status returned following a successful call to DSRunJob is guaranteed to relate to that run of the job.
The following command requests the default value of the quarter parameter for the qsales job:
Qs_quarter = DSGetparamInfo(qsales_handle, "quarter", DSJ.PARAMDEFAULT)
DSGetProjectInfo Function
Provides a method of obtaining information about the current project.
Result = DSGetProjectInfo (InfoType) InfoType specifies the information required and can be one of: DSJ.JOBLIST DSJ.PROJECTNAME DSJ.HOSTNAME Result depends on the specified InfoType, as follows: DSJ.JOBLIST String - comma-separated list of names of all jobs known to the project (whether the jobs are currently attached or not). DSJ.PROJECTNAME String - name of the current project. DSJ.HOSTNAME String - the host name of the server holding the current project. Result may also return an error condition as follows: DSJE.BADTYPE InfoType was unrecognized.
DSGetStageInfo Function
Provides a method of obtaining information about a stage, which can be used generally as well as for job control. It can refer to the current job, or a controlled job, depending on the value of JobHandle.
Result = DSGetStageInfo (JobHandle, StageName , InfoType) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob, or it may be DSJ.ME to refer to the current job. StageName is the name of the stage to be interrogated. It may also be DSJ.ME to refer to the current stage if necessary. InfoType specifies the information required and may be one of: DSJ.STAGELASTERR DSJ.STAGENAME DSJ.STAGETYPE DSJ.STAGEINROWNUM DSJ.LINKLIST DSJ.STAGEVARLIST Result depends on the specified InfoType, as follows: DSJ.STAGELASTERR String - last error message (if any) reported from any link of the stage in question. DSJ.STAGENAME String - most useful when used with JobHandle = DSJ.ME and StageName = DSJ.ME to discover your own name. DSJ.STAGETYPE String - the stage type name (e.g. "Transformer", "BeforeJob"). DSJ. STAGEINROWNUM Integer - the primary link's input row number. DSJ.LINKLIST - comma-separated list of link names in the stage.
DSGetStageInfo Function
DSJ.STAGEVARLIST - comma-separated list of stage variable names. Result may also return error conditions as follows: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADTYPE DSJE.NOTINSTAGE DSJE.BADSTAGE JobHandle was invalid. InfoType was unrecognized. StageName was DSJ.ME and the caller is not running within a stage. StageName does not refer to a known stage in the job.
When referring to a controlled job, DSGetStageInfo can be used either before or after a DSRunJob has been issued. Any status returned following a successful call to DSRunJob is guaranteed to relate to that run of the job.
The following command requests the last error message for the loader stage of the job qsales:
stage_status = DSGetStageInfo(qsales_handle, "loader", DSJ.STAGELASTERR)
DSLogEvent Function
Logs an event message to a job other than the current one. (Use DSLogInfo, DSLogFatal, or DSLogWarn to log an event to the current job.)
ErrCode = DSLogEvent (JobHandle, EventType, EventMsg) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. EventType is the type of event logged and is one of: DSJ.LOGINFO DSJ.LOGWARNING Information message Warning message
EventMsg is a string containing the event message. ErrCode is 0 if there is no error. Otherwise it contains one of the following errors: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADTYPE Invalid JobHandle. Invalid EventType (particularly note that you cannot place a fatal message in another jobs log).
The following command, when included in the msales job, adds the message monthly sales complete to the log for the qsales job:
Logerror = DsLogEvent (qsales_handle, DSJ.LOGINFO, "monthly sales complete")
DSLogFatal Function
Logs a fatal error message in a jobs log file and aborts the job.
Call DSLogFatal (Message, CallingProgName) Message (input) is the warning message you want to log. Message is automatically prefixed with the name of the current stage and the calling before/after subroutine. CallingProgName (input) is the name of the before/after subroutine that calls the DSLogFatal subroutine.
DSLogFatal writes the fatal error message to the job log file and aborts the job. DSLogFatal never returns to the calling before/after subroutine, so it should be used with caution. If a job stops with a fatal error, it must be reset using the DataStage Director before it can be rerun. In a before/after subroutine, it is better to log a warning message (using DSLogWarn) and exit with a nonzero error code, which allows DataStage to stop the job cleanly. DSLogFatal should not be used in a transform. Use DSTransformError instead.
Call DSLogFatal("Cannot open file", "MyRoutine")
DSLogInfo Function
Logs an information message in a jobs log file.
Call DSLogInfo (Message, CallingProgName) Message (input) is the information message you want to log. Message is automatically prefixed with the name of the current stage and the calling program. CallingProgName (input) is the name of the transform or before/after subroutine that calls the DSLogInfo subroutine.
DSLogInfo writes the message text to the job log file as an information message and returns to the calling routine or transform. If DSLogInfo is called during the test phase for a newly created routine in the DataStage Manager, the two arguments are displayed in the results window. Unlimited information messages can be written to the job log file. However, if a lot of messages are produced the job may run slowly and the DataStage Director may take some time to display the job log file.
Call DSLogInfo("Transforming: ":Arg1, "MyTransform")
DSLogToController Function
This routine may be used to put an info message in the log file of the job controlling this job, if any. If there isnt one, the call is just ignored.
Call DSLogToController(MsgString) MsgString is the text to be logged. The log event is of type Information.
If the current job is not under control, a silent exit is performed.
Call DSLogToController(This is logged to parent)
DSLogWarn Function
Logs a warning message in a jobs log file.
Call DSLogWarn (Message, CallingProgName) Message (input) is the warning message you want to log. Message is automatically prefixed with the name of the current stage and the calling before/after subroutine. CallingProgName (input) is the name of the before/after subroutine that calls the DSLogWarn subroutine.
DSLogWarn writes the message to the job log file as a warning and returns to the calling before/after subroutine. If the job has a warning limit defined for it, when the number of warnings reaches that limit, the call does not return and the job is aborted. DSLogWarn should not be used in a transform. Use DSTransformError instead.
If InputArg > 100 Then Call DSLogWarn("Input must be =< 100; received ":InputArg,"MyRoutine") End Else * Carry on processing unless the job aborts End
DSMakeJobReport Function
Generates a string describing the complete status of a valid attached job.
ReportText = DSMakeJobReport(JobHandle, ReportLevel, LineSeparator) JobHandle is the string as returned from DSAttachJob. ReportLevel is the number where 0 = basic and 1= more detailed. LineSeparator is the string used to separate lines of the report. Special values recognised are: "CRLF" => CHAR(13):CHAR(10) "LF" => CHAR(10) "CR" => CHAR(13) The default is CRLF if on Windows NT, else LF.
If a bad job handle is given, or any other error is encountered, information is added to the ReportText.
h$ = DSAttachJob(MyJob, DSJ.ERRNONE) rpt$ = DSMakeJobReport(h$,0,CRLF)
DSMakeMsg Function
Insert arguments into a message template. Optionally, it will look up a template ID in the standard DataStage messages file, and use any returned message template instead of that given to the routine.
FullText = DSMakeMsg(Template, ArgList) FullText is the message with parameters substituted Template is the message template, in which %1, %2 etc. are to be substituted with values from the equivalent position in ArgList. If the template string starts with a number followed by "\", that is assumed to be part of a message id to be looked up in the DataStage message file. Note: If an argument token is followed by "[E]", the value of that argument is assumed to be a job control error code, and an explanation of it will be inserted in place of "[E]". (See the DSTranslateCode function.) ArgList is the dynamic array, one field per argument to be substituted.
This routine is called from job control code created by the JobSequence Generator. It is basically an interlude to call DSRMessage which hides any runtime includes. It will also perform local job parameter substitution in the message text. That is, if called from within a job, it looks for substrings such as "#xyz#" and replaces them with the value of the job parameter named "xyz".
t$ = DSMakeMsg(Error calling DSAttachJob(%1)<L>%2,
DSPrepareJob Function
Used to ensure that a compiled job is in the correct state to be run or validated.
JobHandle = DSPrepareJob(JobHandle) JobHandle is the handle, as returned from DSAttachJob(), of the job to be prepared. JobHandle is either the original handle or a new one. If returned as 0, an error occurred and a message is logged.
h$ = DSPrepareJob(h$)
DSRunJob Function
Starts a job running. Note that this call is asynchronous; the request is passed to the run-time engine, but you are not informed of its progress.
ErrCode = DSRunJob (JobHandle, RunMode) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. RunMode is the name of the mode the job is to be run in and is one of: DSJ.RUNNORMAL DSJ.RUNRESET DSJ.RUNVALIDATE (Default) Standard job run. Job is to be reset. Job is to be validated only.
ErrCode is 0 if DSRunJob is successful, otherwise it is one of the following negative integers: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADSTATE DSJE.BADTYPE Invalid JobHandle. Job is not in the right state (compiled, not running). RunMode is not a known mode.
If the controlling job is running in validate mode, then any calls of DSRunJob will act as if RunMode was DSJ.RUNVALIDATE, regardless of the actual setting. A job in validate mode will run its JobControl routine (if any) rather than just check for its existence, as is the case for before/after routines. This allows you to examine the log of what jobs it started up in validate mode. After a call of DSRunJob, the controlled jobs handle is unloaded. If you require to run the same job again, you must use DSDetachJob and DSAttachJob to set a new handle. Note that you will also need to use DSWaitForJob, as you cannot attach to a job while it is running.
DSRunJob Function
The following command starts the job qsales in standard mode:
RunErr = DSRunJob(qsales_handle, DSJ.RUNNORMAL)
DSSendMail Function
This routine is an interface to a sendmail program that is assumed to exist somewhere in the search path of the current user (on the server). It hides the different call interfaces to various sendmail programs, and provides a simple interface for sending text. For example:
Reply = DSSendMail(Parameters) Parameters is a set of name:value parameters, separated by either a mark character or "\n". Currently recognized names (case-insensitive) are: "From" Mail address of sender, e.g. Can only be left blank if the local template file does not contain a "%from%" token. "To" Mail address of recipient, e.g. Can only be left blank if the local template file does not contain a "%to%" token. "Subject" Something to put in the subject line of the message. Refers to the "%subject%" token. If left as "", a standard subject line will be created, along the lines of "From DataStage job: jobname" "Server" Name of host through which the mail should be sent. May be omitted on systems (such as Unix) where the SMTP host name can be and is set up externally, in which case the local template file presumably will not contain a "%server%" token. "Body" Message body. Can be omitted. An empty message will be sent. If used, it must be the last parameter, to allow for getting multiple lines into the message, using "\n" for line breaks. Refers to the "%body%" token. Note: The text of the body may contain the tokens "%report% or %fullreport% anywhere within it, which
DSSendMail Function
will cause a report on the current job status to be inserted at that point. A full report contains stage and link information as well as job status. Reply. Possible replies are: DSJE.NOERROR DSJE.NOPARAM DSJE.NOTEMPLATE (0) OK Parameter name missing - field does not look like name:value Cannot find template file
The routine looks for a local file, in the current project directory, with a well-known name. That is, a template to describe exactly how to run the local sendmail command.
code = DSSendMail("From:me@here\nTo:You@there\nSubject:Hi ya\nBody:Line1\nLine2")
DSSetJobLimit Function
By default a controlled job inherits any row or warning limits from the controlling job. These can, however, be overridden using the DSSetJobLimit function.
ErrCode = DSSetJobLimit (JobHandle, LimitType, LimitValue) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. LimitType is the name of the limit to be applied to the running job and is one of: DSJ.LIMITWARN DSJ.LIMITROWS Job to be stopped after LimitValue warning events. Stages to be limited to LimitValue rows.
LimitValue is an integer specifying the value to set the limit to. ErrCode is 0 if DSSetJobLimit is successful, otherwise it is one of the following negative integers: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADSTATE DSJE.BADTYPE DSJE.BADVALUE Invalid JobHandle. Job is not in the right state (compiled, not running). LimitType is not a known limiting condition. LimitValue is not appropriate for the limiting condition type.
The following command sets a limit of 10 warnings on the qsales job before it is stopped:
LimitErr = DSSetJobLimit(qsales_handle, DSJ.LIMITWARN, 10)
DSSetParam Function
Specifies job parameter values before running a job. Any parameter not set will be defaulted.
ErrCode = DSSetParam (JobHandle, ParamName, ParamValue) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. ParamName is a string giving the name of the parameter. ParamValue is a string giving the value for the parameter. ErrCode is 0 if DSSetParam is successful, otherwise it is one of the following negative integers: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.BADSTATE DSJE.BADPARAM DSJE.BADVALUE Invalid JobHandle. Job is not in the right state (compiled, not running). ParamName is not a known parameter of the job. ParamValue is not appropriate for that parameter type.
The following commands set the quarter parameter to 1 and the startdate parameter to 1/1/97 for the qsales job:
paramerr = DSSetParam (qsales_handle, "quarter", "1") paramerr = DSSetParam (qsales_handle, "startdate", "1997-01-01")
DSSetUserStatus Subroutine
Applies only to the current job, and does not take a JobHandle parameter. It can be used by any job in either a JobControl or After routine to set a termination code for interrogation by another job. In fact, the code may be set at any point in the job, and the last setting is the one that will be picked up at any time. So to be certain of getting the actual termination code for a job the caller should use DSWaitForJob and DSGetJobInfo first, checking for a successful finishing status. Note: This routine is defined as a subroutine not a function because there are no possible errors.
Call DSSetUserStatus (UserStatus) UserStatus String is any user-defined termination message. The string will be logged as part of a suitable "Control" event in the calling jobs log, and stored for retrieval by DSGetJobInfo, overwriting any previous stored string. This string should not be a negative integer, otherwise it may be indistinguishable from an internal error in DSGetJobInfo calls.
The following command sets a termination code of sales job done:
Call DSSetUserStatus("sales job done")
DSStopJob Function
This routine should only be used after a DSRunJob has been issued. It immediately sends a stop request to the run-time engine. The call is asynchronous. If you need to know that the job has actually stopped, you must call DSWaitForJob or use the Sleep statement and poll for DSGetJobStatus. Note that the stop request gets sent regardless of the jobs current status.
ErrCode = DSStopJob (JobHandle) JobHandle is the handle for the job as derived from DSAttachJob. ErrCode is 0 if DSStopJob is successful, otherwise it may be the following: DSJE.BADHANDLE Invalid JobHandle.
The following command requests that the qsales job is stopped:
stoperr = DSStopJob(qsales_handle)
DSTransformError Function
Logs a warning message to a job log file. This function is called from transforms only.
Call DSTransformError (Message, TransformName) Message (input) is the warning message you want to log. Message is automatically prefixed with the name of the current stage and the calling transform. TransformName (input) is the name of the transform that calls the DSTransformError subroutine.
DSTransformError writes the message (and other information) to the job log file as a warning and returns to the transform. If the job has a warning limit defined for it, when the number of warnings reaches that limit, the call does not return and the job is aborted. In addition to the warning message, DSTransformError logs the values of all columns in the current rows for all input and output links connected to the current stage.
Function MySqrt(Arg1) If Arg1 < 0 Then Call DSTransformError("Negative value:"Arg1, "MySqrt") Return("0") ;*transform produces 0 in this case End Result = Sqrt(Arg1) ;* else return the square root Return(Result)
DSTranslateCode Function
Converts a job control status or error code into an explanatory text message.
Ans = DSTranslateCode(Code) Code is: If Code > 0, its assumed to be a job status. If Code < 0, its assumed to be an error code. (0 should never be passed in, and will return "no error")
If Code is not recognized, then Ans will report it.
code$ = DSGetLastErrorMsg() ans$ = DSTranslateCode(code$)
DSWaitForFile Function
Suspend a job until a named file either exists or does not exist.
Reply = DSWaitForFile(Parameters) Parameters is the full path of file to wait on. No check is made as to whether this is a reasonable path (for example, whether all directories in the path exist). A path name starting with "-", indicates a flag to check the non-existence of the path. It is not part of the path name. Parameters may also end in the form " timeout:NNNN" (or "timeout=NNNN") This indicates a non-default time to wait before giving up. There are several possible formats, case-insensitive: nnn nnnS nnnM nnnH nn:nn:nn number of seconds to wait (from now) ditto number of minutes to wait (from now) number of hours to wait (from now) wait until this time in 24HH:MM:SS. If this or nn:nn time has passed, will wait till next day.
The default timeout is the same as "12H". The format may optionally terminate "/nn", indicating a poll delay time in seconds. If omitted, a default poll time is used. Reply may be: DSJE.NOERROR DSJE.BADTIME (0) OK - file now exists or does not exist, depending on flag. Unrecognized Timeout format
Reply = DSWaitForFile("C:\ftp\incoming.txt timeout:2H")
DSWaitForFile Function
(wait 7200 seconds for file on C: to exist before it gives up.)
Reply = DSWaitForFile("-incoming.txt timeout=15:00")
DSWaitForJob Function
This function is only valid if the current job has issued a DSRunJob on the given JobHandle(s). It returns if the/a job has started since the last DSRunJob has since finished.
ErrCode = DSWaitForJob (JobHandle) JobHandle is the string returned from DSAttachJob. If commas are contained, its a comma-delimited set of job handles, representing a list of jobs that are all to be waited for. ErrCode is 0 if no error, else possible error values (<0) are: DSJE.BADHANDLE DSJE.WRONGJOB Invalid JobHandle. Job for this JobHandle was not run from within this job.
ErrCode is >0 => handle of the job that finished from a multi-job wait.
DSWaitForJob will wait for either a single job or multiple jobs.
To wait for the return of the qsales job:
WaitErr = DSWaitForJob(qsales_handle)
DSWaitForJob Function
DSLinkRowCount DSLinkLastErr DSLinkName For example, to obtain the name of the current job:
MyName = DSJobName
In addition, the following macros are provided to manipulate Transformer stage variables:
DSWaitForJob Function
DSGetVar(VarName) returns the current value of the named stage variable. If the current stage does not have a stage variable called VarName, then "" is returned and an error message is logged. If the named stage variable is defined but has not been initialized, the "" is returned and an error message is logged. DSSetVar(VarName, VarValue) sets the value of the named stage variable. If the current stage does not have a stage variable called VarName, then an error message is logged.
All output from the dsjob command is in plain text without column headings on lists of things, or any other sort of description. This enables the command to be used in shell or batch scripts without extra processing. The DataStage CLI returns a completion code of 0 to the operating system upon successful execution, or one of the DataStage API error codes on failure. See Error Codes on page 18-59.
or password using the logon clause, which is equivalent to the API DSSetServerParams function. Its syntax is as follows:
Starting a Job
You can start, stop, validate, and reset jobs using the run option. dsjob run
[ mode [ NORMAL | RESET | VALIDATE ] ] [ param name=value ] [ warn n ] [ rows n ] [ wait ] [ stop ] [ jobstatus] [userstatus] [-local]
project job
mode specifies the type of job run. NORMAL starts a job run, RESET resets the job and VALIDATE validates the job. If mode is not specified, a normal job run is started. param specifies a parameter value to pass to the job. The value is in the format name=value, where name is the parameter name, and value is the value to be set. If you use this to pass a value of an environment variable for a job (as you may do for parallel jobs), you need to quote the environment variable and its value, for example -param $APT_CONFIG_FILE=chris.apt otherwise the current value of the environment variable will be used. warn n sets warning limits to the value specified by n (equivalent to the DSSetJobLimit function used with DSJ_LIMITWARN specified as the LimitType parameter). rows n sets row limits to the value specified by n (equivalent to the DSSetJobLimit function used with DSJ_LIMITROWS specified as the LimitType parameter). wait waits for the job to complete (equivalent to the DSWaitForJob function). stop terminates a running job (equivalent to the DSStopJob function). jobstatus waits for the job to complete, then returns an exit code derived from the job status. userstatus waits for the job to complete, then returns an exit code derived from the user status if that status is defined. The user status is a string, and it is converted to an integer exit code. The exit code 0 indicates that the job completed without an error, but that the user status string could not be converted. If a job returns a negative user status value, it is interpreted as an error. -local use this when running a DataStage job from withing a shellscript on a UNIX server. Provided the script is run in the project directory, the job will pick up the settings for any environment variables set in the script and any setting specific to the user environment. project is the name of the project containing the job. job is the name of the job.
Stopping a Job
You can stop a job using the stop option. dsjob stop project job stop terminates a running job (equivalent to the DSStopJob function). project is the name of the project containing the job. job is the name of the job.
Listing Projects
The following syntax displays a list of all known projects on the server: dsjob lprojects This syntax is equivalent to the DSGetProjectList function.
Listing Jobs
The following syntax displays a list of all jobs in the specified project: dsjob ljobs project project is the name of the project containing the jobs to list. This syntax is equivalent to the DSGetProjectInfo function.
Listing Stages
The following syntax displays a list of all stages in a job: dsjob lstages project job project is the name of the project containing job. job is the name of the job containing the stages to list. This syntax is equivalent to the DSGetJobInfo function with DSJ_STAGELIST specified as the InfoType parameter.
Listing Links
The following syntax displays a list of all the links to or from a stage: dsjob llinks project job stage project is the name of the project containing job. job is the name of the job containing stage. stage is the name of the stage containing the links to list. This syntax is equivalent to the DSGetStageInfo function with DSJ_LINKLIST specified as the InfoType parameter.
Listing Parameters
The following syntax display a list of all the parameters in a job and their values: dsjob lparams project job project is the name of the project containing job. job is the name of the job whose parameters are to be listed. This syntax is equivalent to the DSGetJobInfo function with DSJ_PARAMLIST specified as the InfoType parameter.
Retrieving Information
The dsjob command can be used to retrieve and display the available information about specific projects, jobs, stages, or links. The different versions of the syntax are described in the following sections.
The date and time when the job started The wave number of the last or current run (internal DataStage reference number) User status This syntax is equivalent to the DSGetJobInfo function.
info specifies an information message. This is the default if no log entry type is specified. warn specifies a warning message. project is the name of the project containing job. job is the name of the job that the log entry refers to. This syntax is equivalent to the DSLogEvent function.
type type specifies the type of log entry to retrieve. If type type is not specified, all the entries are retrieved. type can be one of the following options: This option INFO WARNING FATAL REJECT STARTED RESET BATCH ANY Retrieves this type of log entry Information. Warning. Fatal error. Rejected rows from a Transformer stage. Job started. Job reset. Batch control. All entries of any type. This is the default if type is not specified.
max n limits the number of entries retrieved to n. project is the project containing job. job is the job whose log entries are to be retrieved.
Built-In Transforms and Routines
This chapter describes the built-in transforms and routines supplied with DataStage. When you edit a Transformer stage, you can convert your data using one of the built-in transforms supplied with DataStage. Alternatively, you can convert your data using your own custom transforms. Custom transforms can convert data using functions or routines. For more information about editing a Transformer stage, see Chapter 8, Transformer Stages. For details on how to write a user-written routine or a custom transform, see Chapter 15, Debugging, Compiling, and Releasing a Job. For a complete list of the supported BASIC functions, see Chapter 17, BASIC Programming.
Built-In Transforms
You can view the definitions of the built-in transforms using the DataStage Manager. Using DataStage in an NLS environment has implications for some of the Data and Data Type transforms. If NLS is enabled, you should check the descriptions of the transforms in the DataStage Manager before you use them to ensure that they will operate as required.
String Transforms
Transform CAPITALS Input Type String Output Type String Category Built-in/ String Description Each word in the argument has its first character replaced with its uppercase equivalent if appropriate. Any sequence of characters between space characters is taken as a word, for example: CAPITALS("monday feb 14th") => "Monday Feb 14th" DIGITS String String Built-in/ String Returns a string from which all characters other than the digits 0 through 9 have been removed, for example: DIGITS("123abc456") => "123456" LETTERS String String Built-in/ String Returns a string from which all characters except letters have been removed, for example: LETTERS("123abc456") => "abc" StringDecode see description String sdk/ String Loads an array for lookup purposes. The array contains name=value pairs. On the first call the array is saved, on all calls the supplied name is searched for in the array, and the corresponding value is returned. Takes a lookup key and an array as arguments, returns a string. Returns a 1 if the string consists solely of one or more spaces. Removes leading spaces from the input, and returns a string of the same length as the input. It does not reduce spaces between non-blank characters. Removes trailing spaces from the input, and returns a string of the same length as the input. It does not reduce spaces between non-blank characters. Returns the input string with initial caps in every word.
StringIsSpace StringLeftJust
String String
String String
sdk/ String
StringUpperFirst String
sdk/ String
Date Transforms
Transform MONTH. FIRST Input Type MONTH. TAG Output Type Date Category Built-in/ Dates Description Returns a numeric internal date corresponding to the first day of a month given in MONTH.TAG format (YYYY-MM), for example: MONTH.FIRST("1993-02") => 9164 where 9164 is the internal representation of February 1, 1993. MONTH. LAST MONTH. TAG Date Built-in/ Dates Returns a numeric internal date corresponding to the last day of a month given in MONTH.TAG format (YYYY-MM), for example: MONTH.LAST("1993-02") => 9191 where 9191 is the internal representation of February 28, 1993. QUARTER. FIRST QUARTER. TAG Date Built-in/ Dates Returns a numeric internal date corresponding to the first day of a quarter given in QUARTER.TAG format (YYYYQn), for example: QUARTER.FIRST("1993Q2") => 9133 where 9133 is the internal representation of January 1, 1993. QUARTER. LAST QUARTER. TAG Date Built-in/ Dates Returns a numeric internal date corresponding to the last day of a quarter given in QUARTER.TAG format (YYYY-MM), for example: QUARTER.LAST("1993-02") => 9222 where 9222 is the internal representation of March 31, 1993. TIMESTAMP. TO.DATE Timestamp Date Built-in/ Dates Converts Timestamp format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) to Internal Date format, for example: TIMESTAMP.TO.DATE("199612-05 13:46:21") => "10567"
Description Converts a string in format YYYYMM-DD to a numeric internal date, for example: TAG.TO.DATE("1993-02-14") => 9177
Built-in/ Dates
Returns a numeric internal date corresponding to the first day (Monday) of a week given in WEEK.TAG format (YYYYWnn), for example: WEEK.FIRST("1993W06") => 9171 where 9171 is the internal representation of February 8, 1993.
Built-in/ Dates
Returns a numeric internal date corresponding to the last day (Sunday) of a week given in WEEK.TAG format (YYYYWnn), for example: WEEK.LAST("1993W06") => 9177 where 9177 is the internal representation of February 14, 1993.
Built-in/ Dates
Returns a numeric internal date corresponding to the first day of a year given in YEAR.TAG format (YYYY), for example: YEAR.FIRST("1993") => 9133 where 9133 is the internal representation of January 1, 1993.
Built-in/ Dates
Returns a numeric internal date corresponding to the last day of a year given in YEAR.TAG format (YYYY), for example: YEAR.LAST("1993") => 9497 where 9497 is the internal representation of December 31, 1993.
Description Converts TIMESTAMP format (YYYY-MM-DD) to internal time format. For example: TIMESTAMP.TO.TIME("199612-05 13:46:21") => "49581" where 49581 is the internal representation of December 5 1996, 1.46 p.m. and 21 seconds.
Time stamp
Built-in/ Dates
Converts internal date format to TIME-STAMP format (YYYY-MMDD HH:MM:SS). For example: TIMESTAMP("10567") => "1996-12-05 00:00:00" where 10567 is the internal representation of December 5 1996.
Built-in/ Dates
Converts a numeric internal date to a string in DATE.TAG format (YYYY-MM-DD), for example: DATE.TAG(9177) => "199302-14"
Built-in/ Dates
Converts a string in DATE.TAG format (YYYY-MM-DD) to WEEK.TAG format (YYYYWnn), for example: TAG.TO.WEEK("1993-02-14") => "1993W06"
Built-in/ Dates
Converts a date in internal date format to a WEEK.TAG string (YYYYWnn), for example: WEEK.TAG(9177) => "1993W06"
Built-in/ Dates
Converts a numeric internal date to a string in MONTH.TAG format (YYYY-MM), for example: MONTH.TAG(9177) => "199302"
Description Converts a string in DATE.TAG format (YYYY-MM-DD) to MONTH.TAG format (YYYY-MM), for example: TAG.TO.MONTH("1993-02014") => "1993-02"
Built-in/ Dates
Converts a numeric internal date to a string in QUARTER.TAG format (YYYYQn), for example: QUARTER.TAG(9177) => "1993Q2"
Built-in/ Dates
Converts a string in DATE.TAG format (YYYY-MM-DD) to QUARTER.TAG format (YYYYQn), for example: TAG.TO.QUARTER("1993-0214") => "1993Q2"
Built-in/ Dates
Converts a string in MONTH.TAG format (YYYY-MM) to QUARTER.TAG format (YYYYQn), for example: MONTH.TO.QUARTER("199302") => "1993Q1"
Built-in/ Dates
Converts a date in internal Date format to YEAR.TAG format (YYYY), for example: YEAR.TAG(9177) => "1993"
Built-in/ Dates
Converts a string in DATE.TAG format (YYYY-MM-DD) to YEAR.TAG format (YYYY), for example: TAG.TO.YEAR("1993-02-14") => "1993"
Built-in/ Dates
Converts a string in MONTH.TAG format (YYYY-MM) to YEAR.TAG format (YYYY), for example: MONTH.TO.YEAR("1993-02") => "1993"
Description Converts a string in QUARTER.TAG format (YYYYQn) to YEAR.TAG format (YYYY), for example: QUARTER.TO.YEAR("1993Q2") => "1993"
Returns the current date/time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS format. Returns the current GMT date/time in YYYY-MM-DD HH :MM:SS.SSS format. Returns the current Swatch or Internet time. Converts days since 1900 into YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS:SSS format. Converts days since 1970 into YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS:SSS format.
Number String
sdk/date sdk/date
The following transforms accept input date strings in any of the following formats: Any delimited date giving Date Month Year (e.g., 4/19/1999, 4.19.1999, 4/19/99, 4.19.99) Alpha month dates (e.g., Apr 08 1999, Apr 08 99) Nondelimited dates in Year Month Date (e.g., 19990419, 990419) Julian year dates (e.g., 99126, 1999126) DateGeneric GetDay DateGeneric GetMonth DateGeneric GetTime DateGeneric GetTimeHour DateGeneric GetTime Minute String String sdk/date/ generic sdk/date/ generic sdk/date/ generic sdk/date/ generic sdk/date/ generic Returns the Day value of the given date in YYYYMMDD HH :MM:SS:SSS format. Returns the Month value of the given date in YYYYMMDD HH :MM:SS:SSS format. Returns the Time value of the given date in YYYYMMDD HH :MM:SS:SSS format. Returns the Hour value of the given date in YYYYMMDD HH :MM:SS:SSS format. Returns the Minute value of the given date in YYYYMMDD HH :MM:SS:SSS format.
Transform DateGeneric GetTime Second DateGeneric GetYear DateGeneric ToInfCLI DateGeneric ToInfCLIWith Time DateGeneric ToInternal DateGeneric ToInternal WithTime DateGeneric ToODBC DateGeneric ToODBC WithTime DateGeneric ToOraOCI DateGeneric ToOraOCI WithTime DateGeneric ToSybaseOC DateGeneric ToSybaseOC WithTime DataGeneric ToTimeStamp DateGeneric DateDiff
Description Returns the Second value of the given date in YYYYMMDD HH :MM:SS:SSS format. Returns the Year value of the given date in YYYYMMDD HH :MM:SS:SSS format. Returns the input date suitable for loading using Informix CLI. Returns the input date formatted as suitable for loading using Informix CLI with HH :MM:SS:SSS at the end. Returns the input date formatted in DataStage internal format. Returns the input date formatted in DataStage internal format with HH :MM:SS.SSS at the end. Returns the input date in a format suitable for loading using ODBC stage. Returns the input date formatted for loading using ODBC stage with HH :MM:SS.SSS at the end. Returns the input date formatted for loading using Oracle OCI. Returns the input date formatted for loading using Oracle OCI with HH :MM:SS at the end. Returns the input date in a format suitable for loading using Sybase Open Client. Returns the input date in a format suitable for loading using Sybase Open Client with HH:MM:SS.SSS at the end. Returns the input date formatted in YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS:SSS format. Compares two dates and returns the number of days difference.
String String
String String
sdk/date/ generic sdk/date/ generic sdk/date/ generic sdk/date/ generic sdk/date/ generic sdk/date/ generic sdk/date/ generic sdk/date/ generic
String String
String String
String, String
Transform DateGeneric DaysSince1900 DateGeneric DaysSince1970 DateGeneric DaysSince Today DateGeneric IsDate
Description Compares the input date with 1899-12-31 midnight and returns the number of days difference. Compares the input date with 1969-12-31 midnight and returns the number of days difference. Compares the input date with today midnight and returns the number of days difference. Returns 1 if input is valid date, or 0 otherwise.
The following transforms accept delimited input date strings in the format [YY]YY MM DD using any delimiter. The strings can also contain a time entry in the format HH :MM:SS:SSS, HH:MM:SS or HH:MM. DateYearFirst GetDay DateYearFirst GetMonth DateYearFirst GetTime DateYearFirst GetTimeHour DateYearFirst GetTime Minute DateYearFirst GetTime Second DateYearFirst GetYear DateYearFirst ToInfCLI DateYearFirst ToInfCLIWith Time String String sdk/date/ YearFirst sdk/date/ YearFirst sdk/date/ YearFirst sdk/date/ YearFirst sdk/date/ YearFirst sdk/date/ YearFirst sdk/date/ YearFirst sdk/date/ YearFirst sdk/date/ YearFirst Returns the Day value of the given date in YYYYMMDD HH :MM:SS:SSS format. Returns the Month value of the given date in YYYYMMDD HH :MM:SS:SSS format. Returns the Time value of the given date in YYYYMMDD HH :MM:SS:SSS format. Returns the Hour value of the given date in YYYYMMDD HH :MM:SS:SSS format. Returns the Minute value of the given date in YYYYMMDD HH :MM:SS:SSS format. Returns the Second value of the given date in YYYYMMDD HH :MM:SS:SSS format. Returns the Year value of the given date in YYYYMMDD HH :MM:SS:SSS format. Returns the input date in a format suitable for loading using Informix CLI. Returns the input date formatted as suitable for loading using Informix CLI with HH :MM:SS.SSS at the end.
Transform DateYearFirst ToInternal DateYearFirst ToInternal WithTime DateYearFirst ToODBC DateYearFirst ToODBC WithTime DateYearFirst ToOraOCI DateYearFirst ToOraOCI WithTime DateYearFirst ToSybaseOC DateYearFirst ToSybaseOC WithTime DataYearFirst ToTimeStamp DateYear FirstDiff DateYearFirst DaysSince1900 DateYearFirst DaysSince1970 DateYearFirst DaysSince Today DateYear FirstIsDate
Description Returns the input date formatted in DataStage internal format. Returns the input date formatted in DataStage internal format with HH :MM:SS.SSS at the end. Returns the input date in a format suitable for loading using ODBC stage. Returns the input date in a format suitable for loading using ODBC stage with HH:MM:SS.SSS at the end. Returns the input date in a format suitable for loading using Oracle OCI. Returns the input date in a format suitable for loading using Oracle OCI with HH:MM:SS at the end. Returns the input date in a format suitable for loading using Sybase Open Client. Returns the input date in a format suitable for loading using Sybase Open Client with HH:MM:SS.SSS at the end. Returns the input date formatted in YYYYMMDD HH:MM.SS:SSS format. Compares two dates and returns the number of days difference. Compares the input date with 1899-12-31 midnight and returns the number of days difference. Compares the input date with 1969-12-31 midnight and returns the number of days difference. Compares the input date with today midnight and returns the number of days difference. Returns 1 if input is valid date, or 0 otherwise.
sdk/date/ YearFirst sdk/date/ YearFirst sdk/date/ YearFirst sdk/date/ YearFirst sdk/date/ YearFirst sdk/date/ YearFirst
String String
DataTypeAscii Pic9V99
sdk/Data Type
DataTypeAscii Pic9V999
sdk/Data Type
DataTypeAscii Pic9V9999
sdk/Data Type
DataType EbcdicPic9V99
sdk/Data Type
sdk/Data Type
sdk/Data Type
sdk/Data Type
Description Converts ASCII or EBCDIC PIC 9(n) into an integer. Converts ASCII or EBCDIC PIC 9(n) with one assumed decimal place into a number with one actual decimal place. Converts ASCII or EBCDIC PIC 9(n) with two assumed decimal places into a number with two actual decimal places. Converts ASCII or EBCDIC PIC 9(n) with three assumed decimal places into a number with three actual decimal places. Converts ASCII or EBCDIC PIC 9(n) with four assumed decimal places into a number with four actual decimal places. Converts COBOL PIC COMP into an integer. Converts COBOL PIC COMP-1 into a real number. Converts COBOL PIC COMP-2 into a real number. Converts COBOL PIC COMP-3 signed packed decimal into an integer. Converts COBOL PIC COMP-3 unsigned packed decimal into an integer. Converts COBOL PIC COMP-3 unsigned packed decimal into an integer. Converts COBOL PIC COMP-3 signed packed decimal with one assumed decimal place into a number with one actual decimal place. Converts COBOL PIC COMP-3 signed packed decimal with two assumed decimal places into a number with two actual decimal places.
DataType Pic9V99
sdk/Data Type
DataType Pic9V999
sdk/Data Type
DataType Pic9V9999
sdk/Data Type
DataType PicComp DataType PicComp1 DataType PicComp2 DataType PicComp3 DataType PicComp3 Unsigned DataType PicComp3 UnsignedFast DataType PicComp3V9
sdk/Data Type sdk/Data Type sdk/Data Type sdk/Data Type sdk/Data Type sdk/Data Type sdk/Data Type
DataType PicComp3V99
sdk/Data Type
Description Converts COBOL PIC COMP-3 signed packed decimal with three assumed decimal places into a number with three actual decimal places. Converts COBOL PIC COMP-3 signed packed decimal with four assumed decimal places into a number with four actual decimal places. Converts unsigned binary into an integer. Converts zoned right decimal COBOL PIC S9(n) Data type in ASCII or EBCDIC into an integer.
sdk/Data Type
Number Number
String String
Category sdk/Measure /Area sdk/Measure /Area sdk/Measure /Area sdk/Measure /Area sdk/Measure /Area sdk/Measure /Area sdk/Measure /Area sdk/Measure /Area sdk/Measure /Area sdk/Measure /Area sdk/Measure /Area sdk/Measure /Area sdk/Measure /Area sdk/Measure /Area sdk/Measure /Area
Description Converts square feet to square inches. Converts square feet to square meters. Converts square feet to square miles. Converts square feet to square yards. Converts square inches to square feet. Converts square inches to square meters. Converts square metres to acres.
MeasureArea String SqFeetToSqYards MeasureArea SqInchesTo SqFeet MeasureArea SqInchesTo SqMeter MeasureArea SqMeterTo Acres MeasureArea SqMetersTo SqFeet MeasureArea SqMetersTo SqInches MeasureArea SqMetersTo SqMiles MeasureArea SqMetersTo SqYards MeasureArea SqMilesTo SqFeet MeasureArea SqMilesTo SqMeters MeasureArea SqYardsTo SqFeet MeasureArea SqYardsTo SqMeters String
Converts square metres to square feet. Converts square metres to square inches. Converts square metres to square miles. Converts square metres to square yards. Converts square miles to square feet. Converts square miles to square meters. Converts square yards to square feet. Converts square yards to square meters.
MeasureDistance String FeetToInches MeasureDistance String FeetToMeters MeasureDistance String FeetToMiles MeasureDistance String FeetToYards MeasureDistance String InchesToFeet MeasureDistance String InchesToMeters MeasureDistance String InchesToMiles MeasureDistance String InchesToYards MeasureDistance String MetersToFeet MeasureDistance String MetersToInches MeasureDistance String MetersToMile MeasureDistance String MetersToYard MeasureDistance String MilesToFeet MeasureDistance String MilesToInches MeasureDistance String MilesToMeters MeasureDistance String MilesToYards MeasureDistance String YardsToFeet MeasureDistance String YardsToInches MeasureDistance String YardsToMeters
Input Type
Transform MeasureVolume CubicFeet ToImpGallons MeasureVolume Gallons ToBarrelsLiquid MeasureVolume Gallons ToBarrelsPetrol MeasureVolume Gallons ToCubicFeet MeasureVolume Gallons ToLiters MeasureVolume Liters ToBarrelsLiquid MeasureVolume Liters ToBarrelsPetrol MeasureVolume Liters ToCubicFeet MeasureVolume Liters ToGallons MeasureVolume Liters ToGallons MeasureVolume ImpGallons ToCubicFeet MeasureVolume ImpGallons ToLiters
Category sdk/Measure /Volume sdk/Measure /Volume sdk/Measure /Volume sdk/Measure /Volume sdk/Measure /Volume sdk/Measure /Volume sdk/Measure /Volume sdk/Measure /Volume sdk/Measure /Volume sdk/Measure /Volume sdk/Measure /Volume sdk/Measure /Volume
Description Converts cubic feet to imperial gallons. Converts US gallons to US barrels (liquid). Converts US gallons to US barrels (petroleum). Converts US gallons to cubic feet.
Converts liters to US barrels (liquid). Converts liters to US barrels (petroleum). Converts liters to cubic feet.
String String
String String
String String
String String
String String
String String
String String
String String
Numeric Transforms
Transform NumericIs Signed NumericRound0 NumericRound1 NumericRound2 NumericRound3 NumericRound4 Input Type String Output Type String Category sdk/Numeric Description Returns 0 if the input is nonnumeric or zero, 1 for positive numbers, and -1 for negative numbers. Returns the nearest whole number to the input number. Returns the input number to the nearest 1 decimal place. Returns the input number to the nearest 2 decimal places. Returns the input number to the nearest 3 decimal places. Returns the input number to the nearest 4 decimal places.
RowProc RunningTotal
Utility Transforms
Transform UtilityAbort ToLog Input Type String Output Type Category sdk/Utility Description Cause the job to abort and writes the supplied message to the Director critical error log. This is intended for development use only. Runs the specified job and returns statistics from the job run. The job is specified by job name, list of parameters delimited by | characters, a row limit, and a warning limit. The statistics are returned in an array. Extracts information from UtilityRunJob output. Takes the output from UtilityRunJob, an action, and (optionally) a link name as arguments. Possible actions are: LinkCount JobName JobCompletionStatus StartTime EndTime UtilityMessage ToLog UtilityPrint ColumnValue ToLog UtilityPrintHex ValueToLog String String sdk/Utility sdk/Utility Writes the user supplied message to the DataStage Director log. Writes a column value to the DataStage Director log. Converts the supplied value and processes it as a string. Converts each character in the string to its ASCII hexadecimal equivalent and writes it to the DataStage Director log. Writes the supplied message as a warning to the DataStage Director log. String sdk/Utility Execute lookup against a hash table. Takes hash table name, hash key value, and column position as arguments. returns the record.
String, delimited string, number, number Output from Utility RunJob, String, String
UtilityGetRun JobInfo
Built-In Routines
There are three types of routines supplied with DataStage: Built-in before/after subroutines. These routines are stored under the Routines Built-In Before/After branch in the Repository. They are compiled and ready for use as a before-stage or afterstage subroutine or as a before-job or after-job routine. Examples of transform functions. These routines are stored under the Routines Examples Functions branch in the Repository and are used by the built-in transforms supplied with DataStage. You can copy these routines and use them as a basis for your own user-written transform functions. Transform functions used by the SDK transforms. These are the routines used by the SDK transforms of the same name. They are stored under Routines SDK. These routines are not offered by the Expression Editor and you should use the transform in preference to the routine (as described in Built-In Transforms on page 19-1). You can view the definitions of these routines using the DataStage Manager, but you cannot edit them. You can copy and rename them, if required, and edit the copies for your own purposes.
ConvertQuarter. Transforms a QUARTER.TAG input. The result depends on the value for the second argument: F (the first day of the month) produces a DATE.TAG. L (the last day of the month) produces a DATE.TAG. Y (the year containing the month) produces a YEAR.TAG. ConvertTag. Transforms a DATE.TAG input. The result depends on the value for the second argument: I (internal day number) produces a Date. W (the week containing the date) produces a WEEK.TAG. M (the month containing the date) produces a MONTH.TAG. Q (the quarter containing the date) produces a QUARTER.TAG. Y (the year containing the date) produces a YEAR.TAG.
ConvertWeek. Transforms a WEEK.TAG input to an internal date corresponding to a specific day of the week. The result depends on the value of the second argument: 0 produces a Monday. 1 produces a Tuesday. 2 produces a Wednesday. 3 produces a Thursday. 4 produces a Friday. 5 produces a Saturday. 6 produces a Sunday.
If the input does not appear to be a valid WEEK.TAG, an error is logged and 0 is returned. ConvertYear. Transforms a YEAR.TAG input. The result depends on the value of the second argument: F (the first day of the year) produces a DATE.TAG. L (the last day of year) produces a DATE.TAG. QuarterTag. Transforms a Date input into a QUARTER.TAG string (YYYYQn). Timestamp. Transforms a timestamp (a string in the format YYYYMM -DD HH:MM :SS) or Date input. The result depends on the value for the second argument: TIMESTAMP produces a timestamp with time equal to 00:00:00 from a date.
DATE produces an internal date from a timestamp (time part ignored). TIME produces an internal time from a timestamp (date part ignored). WeekTag. Transforms a Date input into a WEEK.TAG string (YYYYWnn).
Development Kit Program Example
This appendix contains the source code for a version of the dsjob command, which uses the functions and data structures described in Chapter 18. This is intended purely as an example, although you may reuse short sections of the code in your own programs. Ascential Software, Inc., reserves all rights as stated in the programs copyright notice.
/****************************************************************************** * * DataStage Server Command Line Interface * * Module: dsjob.c * * (c) Copyright 1997-1998 Ascential Software Inc. - All Rights Reserved * This is proprietary source code of Ascential Software Inc. * The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended * publication of such source code. * ******************************************************************************/ #ifdef WIN32 #include <windows.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <dsapi.h> #ifndef BOOL #define BOOL int #endif #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0 #endif #define DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR -9999 /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Print out the given string list one string per line, prefixing each * string by the specified number of tabs. */ static void printStrList( int indent, /* Number of tabs to indent */ char *str /* String list to print */ ) { int i; while(*str != \0) { for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) putchar(\t); printf("%s\n", str); str += (strlen(str) + 1); } } /* * Print out the details of a job log entry. Each line we print is prefixed * by the requested number of tabs. */ static void printLogDetail( int indent, /* Number of tabs to indent by */ DSLOGDETAIL *logDetail /* The log entry to print */ ) { char prefix[5] = "\t\t\t\t\t"; prefix[indent] = \0; printf("%sEvent Id: ", prefix); if (logDetail->eventId < 0) printf("unknown"); else printf("%d", logDetail->eventId); printf("\n"); printf("%sTime\t: %s", prefix, ctime(&(logDetail->timestamp))); printf("%sType\t: ", prefix); switch(logDetail->type) { case DSJ_LOGINFO: printf("INFO"); break; case DSJ_LOGWARNING: printf("WARNING"); break; case DSJ_LOGFATAL: printf("FATAL"); break; case DSJ_LOGREJECT: printf("REJECT"); break; case DSJ_LOGSTARTED:
printf("STARTED"); break; case DSJ_LOGRESET: printf("RESET"); break; case DSJ_LOGBATCH: printf("BATCH"); break; case DSJ_LOGOTHER: printf("OTHER"); break; default: printf("????"); break; } printf("\n"); printf("%sMessage\t:\n", prefix); printStrList(indent+1, logDetail->fullMessage); } /*****************************************************************************/ #define MAX_PARAMS 10 /* Arbitrary value */ /* * Set a jobs parameter at the server end based on the "name=value" string * that we are given. This involves asking the server what the type of * the parameter is, converting the value part to that type and constructing * a DSPARAM value, and then calling DSSetParam to register the parameter and * its value. */ static int setParam( DSJOB hJob, /* Job parameter belongs to */ char *param /* param=value string */ ) { char *value; int status; DSPARAMINFO paramInfo; DSPARAM paramData; /* Get the parameter name and its value string */ value = strchr(param, =); *value++ = \0; /* Get the parameter information which tells us what type it is */ status = DSGetParamInfo(hJob, param, ¶mInfo); if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting information for parameter %s\n", status, param); else { /* * Construct the value structure to pass to the server. We could * attempt to validate some of these parameters rather than * simply copying them... but for simplicity we dont! */ paramData.paramType = paramInfo.paramType; switch(paramInfo.paramType) { case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_STRING:
paramData.paramValue.pString = value; break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_ENCRYPTED: paramData.paramValue.pEncrypt = value; break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_INTEGER: paramData.paramValue.pInt = atoi(value); break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_FLOAT: paramData.paramValue.pFloat = (float) atof(value); break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_PATHNAME: paramData.paramValue.pPath = value; break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_LIST: paramData.paramValue.pListValue = value; break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_DATE: paramData.paramValue.pDate = value; break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_TIME: paramData.paramValue.pTime = value; break; default: /* try string!!!! */ paramData.paramType = DSJ_PARAMTYPE_STRING; paramData.paramValue.pString = value; break; } /* Try setting the parameter */ status = DSSetParam(hJob, param, ¶mData); if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error setting value of parameter %s\n", param); } return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Handle the -run sub-command */ static int jobRun(int argc, char *argv[]) { DSPROJECT hProject; DSJOB hJob; int status; int i; char *project; char *job; int mode = DSJ_RUNNORMAL; int warningLimit = -1; int rowLimit = 0; BOOL badOptions = FALSE; char *param[MAX_PARAMS]; int nParams = 0; BOOL waitForJob = FALSE; /* Validate arguments and extract optional arguments */ for (i = 0; (i < argc) && !badOptions && (
(argv[i][0] == -) || (argv[i][0] == /)); i++) { char *opt = &(argv[i][1]); if (strcmp(opt, "wait") == 0) waitForJob = TRUE; else { char *arg = argv[i+1]; if (++i >= argc) badOptions = TRUE; else if (strcmp(opt, "mode") == 0) { if (strcmp(arg, "NORMAL") == 0) mode = DSJ_RUNNORMAL; else if (strcmp(arg, "RESET") == 0) mode = DSJ_RUNRESET; else if (strcmp(arg, "VALIDATE") == 0) mode = DSJ_RUNVALIDATE; else badOptions = TRUE; } else if (strcmp(opt, "param") == 0) { if (strchr(arg, =) == NULL) badOptions = TRUE; else param[nParams++] = arg; } else if (strcmp(opt, "warn") == 0) warningLimit = atoi(arg); else if (strcmp(opt, "rows") == 0) rowLimit = atoi(arg); else badOptions = TRUE; } } /* Must be two parameters left... project and job */ if ((i+2) == argc) { project = argv[i]; job = argv[i+1]; } else badOptions = TRUE; /* Report validation problems and exit */ if (badOptions) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments: dsjob -run\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[-mode <NORMAL | RESET | VALIDATE>]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[-param <name>=<value>]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[-warn <n>]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[-rows <n>]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[-wait]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t<project> <job>\n"); return DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR; }
/* Attempt to open the project, open the job and lock it */ if ((hProject = DSOpenProject(project)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open project\n"); } else { if ((hJob = DSOpenJob(hProject, job)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open job\n"); } else { if ((status = DSLockJob(hJob)) != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to lock job\n"); else { /* Now set any job attributes and try running the job */ if (warningLimit >= 0) { status = DSSetJobLimit(hJob, DSJ_LIMITWARN, warningLimit); if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error setting warning limit\n"); } if ((rowLimit != 0) && (status == DSJE_NOERROR)) { status = DSSetJobLimit(hJob, DSJ_LIMITROWS, rowLimit); if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error setting row limit\n"); } for (i = 0; (status == DSJE_NOERROR) && (i < nParams); i++) status = setParam(hJob, param[i]); if (status == DSJE_NOERROR) { status = DSRunJob(hJob, mode); if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error running job\n"); } /* Now wait for the job to finish*/ if ((status == DSJE_NOERROR) && waitForJob) { printf("Waiting for job...\n"); status = DSWaitForJob(hJob); if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error waiting for job\n"); } (void) DSUnlockJob(hJob); } (void) DSCloseJob(hJob); } (void) DSCloseProject(hProject); } return status; }
/*****************************************************************************/ /* * Handle the -stop sub-command */ static int jobStop(int argc, char *argv[]) { DSPROJECT hProject; DSJOB hJob; int status; char *project; char *job; /* Validate arguments and extract optional arguments */ /* Must be two parameters left... project and job */ if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments: dsjob -stop <project> <job>\n"); return DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR; } project = argv[0]; job = argv[1]; /* Attempt to open the project and the job */ if ((hProject = DSOpenProject(project)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open project\n"); } else { if ((hJob = DSOpenJob(hProject, job)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open job\n"); } else { /* Now stop the job */ status = DSStopJob(hJob); if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error stopping job\n"); (void) DSCloseJob(hJob); } (void) DSCloseProject(hProject); } return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Handle the -lprojects sub-command */ static int jobLProjects(int argc, char *argv[]) { int result = DSJE_NOERROR; char *list; /* Validate arguments */ if (argc != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments: dsjob -lproject\n"); return DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR; } /* Action request */ list = DSGetProjectList(); if (list == NULL) result = DSGetLastError(); else printStrList(0, list); return result; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Handle the -ljobs sub-command */ static int jobLJobs(int argc, char *argv[]) { DSPROJECT hProject; DSPROJECTINFO pInfo; int status; /* Validate arguments */ if (argc != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments: dsjob -ljobs <project>\n"); return DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR; } /* Action request */ hProject = DSOpenProject(argv[0]); if (hProject == NULL) status = DSGetLastError(); else { status = DSGetProjectInfo(hProject, DSJ_JOBLIST, &pInfo); if (status == DSJE_NOT_AVAILABLE) { printf("<none>\n"); status = DSJE_NOERROR; } else if (status == DSJE_NOERROR) printStrList(0,; DSCloseProject(hProject); } return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Handle the -lstages sub-command */ static int jobLStages(int argc, char *argv[]) { DSPROJECT hProject; DSJOB hJob; int status; char *project; char *job; DSJOBINFO jobInfo;
/* Validate arguments and extract optional arguments */ /* Must be two parameters left... project and job */ if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments: dsjob -lstages <project> <job>\n"); return DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR; } project = argv[0]; job = argv[1]; /* Attempt to open the project and the job */ if ((hProject = DSOpenProject(project)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open project\n"); } else { if ((hJob = DSOpenJob(hProject, job)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open job\n"); } else { /* Get the list of stages */ status = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ_STAGELIST, &jobInfo); if (status == DSJE_NOT_AVAILABLE) { printf("<none>\n"); status = DSJE_NOERROR; } else if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting stage list\n", status); else printStrList(0,; (void) DSCloseJob(hJob); } (void) DSCloseProject(hProject); } return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Handle the -llinks sub-command */ static int jobLLinks(int argc, char *argv[]) { DSPROJECT hProject; DSJOB hJob; int status; char *project; char *job; char *stage; DSSTAGEINFO stageInfo; /* Validate arguments and extract optional arguments */ /* Must be three parameters left... project, job and stage */
if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments: dsjob -llinks <project> <job> <stage>\n"); return DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR; } project = argv[0]; job = argv[1]; stage = argv[2]; /* Attempt to open the project and the job */ if ((hProject = DSOpenProject(project)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open project\n"); } else { if ((hJob = DSOpenJob(hProject, job)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open job\n"); } else { /* Get the list of stages */ status = DSGetStageInfo(hJob, stage, DSJ_LINKLIST, &stageInfo); if (status == DSJE_NOT_AVAILABLE) { printf("<none>\n"); status = DSJE_NOERROR; } if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting link list\n", status); else printStrList(0,; (void) DSCloseJob(hJob); } (void) DSCloseProject(hProject); } return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Handle the -jobinfo sub-command */ static int jobJobInfo(int argc, char *argv[]) { DSPROJECT hProject; DSJOB hJob; int status; char *project; char *job; DSJOBINFO jobInfo; /* Validate arguments and extract optional arguments */ /* Must be two parameters left... project and job */ if (argc != 2)
{ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments: dsjob -jobinfo <project> <job>\n"); return DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR; } project = argv[0]; job = argv[1]; /* Attempt to open the project and the job */ if ((hProject = DSOpenProject(project)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open project\n"); } else { if ((hJob = DSOpenJob(hProject, job)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open job\n"); } else { /* * Try getting all the job info (except the stage and * parameter lists which we deal with elsewhere) */ status = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ_JOBSTATUS, &jobInfo); if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting job status\n", status); else { printf("Job Status\t: "); switch( { case DSJS_RUNNING: printf("RUNNING"); break; case DSJS_RUNOK: printf("RUN OK"); break; case DSJS_RUNWARN: printf("RUN with WARNINGS"); break; case DSJS_RUNFAILED: printf("RUN FAILED"); break; case DSJS_VALOK: printf("VALIDATED OK"); break; case DSJS_VALWARN: printf("VALIDATE with WARNINGS"); break; case DSJS_VALFAILED: printf("VALIDATION FILED"); break; case DSJS_RESET: printf("RESET");
break; case DSJS_STOPPED: printf("STOPPED"); break; case DSJS_NOTRUNNABLE: printf("NOT COMPILED"); break; case DSJS_NOTRUNNING: printf("NOT RUNNING"); break; default: printf("UNKNOWN"); break; } printf(" (%d)\n",; } status = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ_JOBCONTROLLER, &jobInfo); if (status == DSJE_NOT_AVAILABLE) printf("Job Controller\t: not available\n"); else if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting job controller\n", status); else printf("Job Controller\t: %s\n",; status = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ_JOBSTARTTIMESTAMP, &jobInfo); if (status == DSJE_NOT_AVAILABLE) printf("Job Start Time\t: not available\n"); else if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting job start time\n", status); else printf("Job Start Time\t: %s", ctime(&(; status = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ_JOBWAVENO, &jobInfo); if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting job wave number\n", status); else printf("Job Wave Number\t: %d\n",; status = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ_USERSTATUS, &jobInfo); if (status == DSJE_NOT_AVAILABLE) printf("User Status\t: not available\n"); else if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting job user status\n", status); else printf("User Status\t: %s\n",; if (status == DSJE_NOT_AVAILABLE) status = DSJE_NOERROR; (void) DSCloseJob(hJob); } (void) DSCloseProject(hProject); } return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Handle the -stageinfo sub-command */ static int jobStageInfo(int argc, char *argv[]) {
DSPROJECT hProject; DSJOB hJob; int status; char *project; char *job; char *stage; DSSTAGEINFO stageInfo; /* Validate arguments and extract optional arguments */ /* Must be three parameters left... project, job and stage */ if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments: dsjob -stageinfo <project> <job> <stage>\n"); return DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR; } project = argv[0]; job = argv[1]; stage = argv[2]; /* Attempt to open the project and the job */ if ((hProject = DSOpenProject(project)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open project\n"); } else { if ((hJob = DSOpenJob(hProject, job)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open job\n"); } else { /* * Try getting all the stage info (except the link * lists which we deal with elsewhere) */ status = DSGetStageInfo(hJob, stage, DSJ_STAGETYPE, &stageInfo); if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting stage type\n", status); else printf("Stage Type\t: %s\n",; status = DSGetStageInfo(hJob, stage, DSJ_STAGEINROWNUM, &stageInfo); if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting stage row number\n", status); else printf("In Row Number\t: %d\n",; status = DSGetStageInfo(hJob, stage, DSJ_STAGELASTERR, &stageInfo); if (status == DSJE_NOT_AVAILABLE) printf("Stage Last Error: <none>\n"); else if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting stage last error\n", status); else { printf("Stage Last Error:\n"); printLogDetail(1, &(;
} if (status == DSJE_NOT_AVAILABLE) status = DSJE_NOERROR; (void) DSCloseJob(hJob); } (void) DSCloseProject(hProject); } return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Handle the -linkinfo sub-command */ static int jobLinkInfo(int argc, char *argv[]) { DSPROJECT hProject; DSJOB hJob; int status; char *project; char *job; char *stage; char *link; DSLINKINFO linkInfo; /* Validate arguments and extract optional arguments */ /* Must be four parameters left... project, job, stage and link names */ if (argc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments: dsjob -linkinfo <project> <job> <stage> <link>\n"); return DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR; } project = argv[0]; job = argv[1]; stage = argv[2]; link = argv[3]; /* Attempt to open the project and the job */ if ((hProject = DSOpenProject(project)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open project\n"); } else { if ((hJob = DSOpenJob(hProject, job)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open job\n"); } else { /* Try getting all the link info */ status = DSGetLinkInfo(hJob, stage, link, DSJ_LINKROWCOUNT, &linkInfo); if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting link row count\n", status); else printf("Link Row Count\t: %d\n",;
status = DSGetLinkInfo(hJob, stage, link, DSJ_LINKLASTERR, &linkInfo); if (status == DSJE_NOT_AVAILABLE) { printf("Link Last Error\t: <none>\n"); status = DSJE_NOERROR; } else if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting link last error\n", status); else { printf("Link Last Error\t:\n"); printLogDetail(1, &(; } (void) DSCloseJob(hJob); } (void) DSCloseProject(hProject); } return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Handle the -lparams sub-command */ static int jobLParams(int argc, char *argv[]) { DSPROJECT hProject; DSJOB hJob; int status; char *project; char *job; DSJOBINFO jobInfo; /* Validate arguments and extract optional arguments */ /* Must be two parameters left... project and job names */ if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments: dsjob -lparams <project> <job>\n"); return DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR; } project = argv[0]; job = argv[1]; /* Attempt to open the project and the job */ if ((hProject = DSOpenProject(project)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open project\n"); } else { if ((hJob = DSOpenJob(hProject, job)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open job\n"); } else { /* Get the list of parameter names */
status = DSGetJobInfo(hJob, DSJ_PARAMLIST, &jobInfo); if (status == DSJE_NOT_AVAILABLE) { printf("<none>\n"); status = DSJE_NOERROR; } else if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting parameter list\n", status); else printStrList(0,; (void) DSCloseJob(hJob); } (void) DSCloseProject(hProject); } return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Handle the -paraminfo sub-command */ static void printValue( DSPARAM *param ) { switch(param->paramType) { case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_STRING: printf("%s", param->paramValue.pString); break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_ENCRYPTED: printf("%s", param->paramValue.pEncrypt); break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_INTEGER: printf("%d", param->paramValue.pInt); break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_FLOAT: printf("%G", param->paramValue.pFloat); break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_PATHNAME: printf("%s", param->paramValue.pPath); break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_LIST: printf("%s", param->paramValue.pListValue); break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_DATE: printf("%s", param->paramValue.pDate); break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_TIME: printf("%s", param->paramValue.pTime); break; } } static int jobParamInfo(int argc, char *argv[]) { DSPROJECT hProject; DSJOB hJob;
int status; char *project; char *job; char *param; DSPARAMINFO paramInfo; /* Validate arguments and extract optional arguments */ /* Must be three parameters left... project, job and parameter names */ if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments: dsjob -paraminfo <project> <job> <param>\n"); return DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR; } project = argv[0]; job = argv[1]; param = argv[2]; /* Attempt to open the project and the job */ if ((hProject = DSOpenProject(project)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open project\n"); } else { if ((hJob = DSOpenJob(hProject, job)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open job\n"); } else { /* Get the parameter information */ status = DSGetParamInfo(hJob, param, ¶mInfo); if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting info for parameter\n", status); else { printf("Type\t\t: "); switch(paramInfo.paramType) { case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_STRING: printf("String"); break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_ENCRYPTED: printf("Encrypted"); break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_INTEGER: printf("Integer"); break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_FLOAT: printf("Float"); break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_PATHNAME: printf("Pathname"); break;
case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_LIST: printf("list"); break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_DATE: printf("Date"); break; case DSJ_PARAMTYPE_TIME: printf("Time"); break; default: printf("*** ERROR - UNKNOWN TYPE ***"); break; } printf(" (%d)\n", paramInfo.paramType); printf("Help Text\t: %s\n", paramInfo.helpText); printf("Prompt\t\t: %s\n", paramInfo.paramPrompt); printf("Prompt At Run\t: %d\n", paramInfo.promptAtRun); printf("Default Value\t: "); printValue(&(paramInfo.defaultValue)); printf("\n"); printf("Original Default: "); printValue(&(paramInfo.desDefaultValue)); printf("\n"); if (paramInfo.paramType == DSJ_PARAMTYPE_LIST) { printf("List Values\t:\n"); printStrList(2, paramInfo.listValues); printf("Original List\t:\n"); printStrList(2, paramInfo.desListValues); } printf("\n"); } (void) DSCloseJob(hJob); } (void) DSCloseProject(hProject); } return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Handle the -log sub-command */ static int jobLog(int argc, char *argv[]) { DSPROJECT hProject; DSJOB hJob; int status; int i; char *project; char *job; int type = DSJ_LOGINFO; BOOL badOptions = FALSE; /* Validate arguments and extract optional arguments */ for (i = 0; (i < argc) && !badOptions && ( (argv[i][0] == -) || (argv[i][0] == /)); i++)
{ char *opt = &(argv[i][1]); /* Note: not mutually exclusive check on info or warn */ if (strcmp(opt, "info") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGINFO; else if (strcmp(opt, "warn") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGWARNING; else badOptions = TRUE; } /* Must be two parameters left... project and job */ if ((i+2) == argc) { project = argv[i]; job = argv[i+1]; } else badOptions = TRUE; /* Report validation problems and exit */ if (badOptions) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments: dsjob -log\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[-info | -warn]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t<project> <job>\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\nLog message is read from stdin.\n"); return DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR; } /* Attempt to open the project and the job */ if ((hProject = DSOpenProject(project)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open project\n"); } else { if ((hJob = DSOpenJob(hProject, job)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open job\n"); } else { #define MAX_MSG_LEN 4096 char message[MAX_MSG_LEN + 4]; int n = 0; /* Read the message from stdin */ printf("Enter message text, terminating with Ctrl-d\n"); while (n < MAX_MSG_LEN) { int ch; ch = getchar(); if ((ch == EOF) #ifdef WIN32 || (ch == 4) /* Ctrl-d */ #endif )
break; if ((ch == \n) || isprint(ch)) message[n++] = ch; } printf("\nMessage read.\n"); message[n] = \0; /* Add message to the log */ status = DSLogEvent(hJob, type, NULL, message); if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error adding log entry\n"); (void) DSCloseJob(hJob); } (void) DSCloseProject(hProject); } return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Handle the -logsum sub-command */ static int jobLogSum(int argc, char *argv[]) { DSPROJECT hProject; DSJOB hJob; int status; int i; char *project; char *job; int type = DSJ_LOGANY; time_t startTime = 0; time_t endTime = 0; int maxNumber = 0; BOOL badOptions = FALSE; /* Validate arguments and extract optional arguments */ for (i = 0; (i < argc) && !badOptions && ( (argv[i][0] == -) || (argv[i][0] == /)); i++) { char *opt = &(argv[i][1]); char *arg = argv[i+1]; if (++i >= argc) badOptions = TRUE; else if (strcmp(opt, "type") == 0) { if (strcmp(arg, "INFO") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGINFO; else if (strcmp(arg, "WARNING") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGWARNING; else if (strcmp(arg, "FATAL") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGFATAL; else if (strcmp(arg, "REJECT") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGREJECT; else if (strcmp(arg, "STARTED") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGSTARTED; else if (strcmp(arg, "RESET") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGRESET;
else if (strcmp(arg, "BATCH") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGBATCH; else if (strcmp(arg, "OTHER") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGOTHER; else badOptions = TRUE; } else if (strcmp(opt, "max") == 0) maxNumber = atoi(arg); else badOptions = TRUE; } /* Must be two parameters left... project and job */ if ((i+2) == argc) { project = argv[i]; job = argv[i+1]; } else badOptions = TRUE; /* Report validation problems and exit */ if (badOptions) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments: dsjob -logsum\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[-type <INFO | WARNING | FATAL | REJECT | STARTED | RESET | BATCH>]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t[-max <n>]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t<project> <job>\n"); return DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR; } /* Attempt to open the project, open the job and lock it */ if ((hProject = DSOpenProject(project)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open project\n"); } else { if ((hJob = DSOpenJob(hProject, job)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open job\n"); } else { DSLOGEVENT event; /* Make the first call to establish the log info */ status = DSFindFirstLogEntry(hJob, type, startTime, endTime, maxNumber, &event); while(status == DSJE_NOERROR) { printf("%d\t", event.eventId); switch(event.type) { case DSJ_LOGINFO: printf("INFO");
break; case DSJ_LOGWARNING: printf("WARNING"); break; case DSJ_LOGFATAL: printf("FATAL"); break; case DSJ_LOGREJECT: printf("REJECT"); break; case DSJ_LOGSTARTED: printf("STARTED"); break; case DSJ_LOGRESET: printf("RESET"); break; case DSJ_LOGBATCH: printf("BATCH"); break; case DSJ_LOGOTHER: printf("OTHER"); break; default: printf("????"); break; } printf("\t%s", ctime(&(event.timestamp))); /* ctime has \n at end */ printf("\t%s\n", event.message); /* Go on to next entry */ status = DSFindNextLogEntry(hJob, &event); } if (status == DSJE_NOMORE) status = DSJE_NOERROR; else fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting log summary\n", status); (void) DSCloseJob(hJob); } (void) DSCloseProject(hProject); } return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Handle the -logdetail sub-command */ static int jobLogDetail(int argc, char *argv[]) { DSPROJECT hProject; DSJOB hJob; int status; char *project; char *job; int eventId; DSLOGDETAIL logDetail; /* Validate arguments and extract optional arguments */ /* Must be three parameters left... project, job and event id */
if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments: dsjob -logdetail <project> <job> <event id>\n"); return DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR; } project = argv[0]; job = argv[1]; eventId = atoi(argv[2]); /* Attempt to open the project and the job */ if ((hProject = DSOpenProject(project)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open project\n"); } else { if ((hJob = DSOpenJob(hProject, job)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open job\n"); } else { /* Try getting all the log info */ status = DSGetLogEntry(hJob, eventId, &logDetail); if (status != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting event details\n", status); else printLogDetail(0, &logDetail); (void) DSCloseJob(hJob); } (void) DSCloseProject(hProject); } return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Handle the -lognewest sub-command */ static int jobLogNewest(int argc, char *argv[]) { DSPROJECT hProject; DSJOB hJob; int status = DSJE_NOERROR; char *project; char *job; int type = DSJ_LOGANY; BOOL badOptions = FALSE; int id; /* Validate arguments and extract optional arguments */ /* Must be at least two parameters left... project, job. Type is optional */ if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 3)) badOptions = TRUE; else {
project = argv[0]; job = argv[1]; if (argc == 3) { char *arg = argv[2]; if (strcmp(arg, "INFO") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGINFO; else if (strcmp(arg, "WARNING") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGWARNING; else if (strcmp(arg, "FATAL") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGFATAL; else if (strcmp(arg, "REJECT") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGREJECT; else if (strcmp(arg, "STARTED") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGSTARTED; else if (strcmp(arg, "RESET") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGRESET; else if (strcmp(arg, "BATCH") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGBATCH; else if (strcmp(arg, "OTHER") == 0) type = DSJ_LOGOTHER; else badOptions = TRUE; } } if (badOptions) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments: dsjob -lognewest <project> <job> [<event type>]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t event type = INFO | WARNING | FATAL | REJECT | STARTED | RESET | BATCH\n"); return DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR; } /* Attempt to open the project and the job */ if ((hProject = DSOpenProject(project)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open project\n"); } else { if ((hJob = DSOpenJob(hProject, job)) == NULL) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open job\n"); } else { /* Get the newest it */ id = DSGetNewestLogId(hJob, type); if (id < 0) { status = DSGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting event details\n", status); } else
printf("Newsest id = %d\n", id); (void) DSCloseJob(hJob); } (void) DSCloseProject(hProject); } return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * The following array defines all the allowed/known primary command options * and the routines that are used to process them. */ static struct MAJOROPTION { char *name; int (*optionHandler) (int, char **); } MajorOption[] = { "run", jobRun, "stop", jobStop, "lprojects", jobLProjects, "ljobs", jobLJobs, "lstages", jobLStages, "llinks", jobLLinks, "jobinfo", jobJobInfo, "stageinfo", jobStageInfo, "linkinfo", jobLinkInfo, "lparams", jobLParams, "paraminfo", jobParamInfo, "log", jobLog, "logsum", jobLogSum, "logdetail", jobLogDetail, "lognewest", jobLogNewest }; #define N_MAJOR_OPTIONS (sizeof(MajorOption) / sizeof(struct MAJOROPTION)) /* * Main routine... simple! * * See if we have one of the optional server/user/password arguments. Then * Check that we have a primary command option and call the handler for that * option */ int main( int argc, /* Argument count */ char *argv[] /* Argument strings */ ) { int i; int argPos; char *server = NULL; char *user = NULL; char *password = NULL; int result = DSJE_NOERROR; /* Must have at least one argument */ if (argc < 2) goto reportError;
argc--; /* Remove command name */ /* Check for the optional paramaters... not that they are positional */ argPos = 1; /* Server name */ if (strcmp(argv[argPos], "-server") == 0) { if (argc < 3) goto reportError; server = argv[argPos + 1]; argPos += 2; argc -= 2; } /* User name */ if (strcmp(argv[argPos], "-user") == 0) { if (argc < 3) goto reportError; user = argv[argPos + 1]; argPos += 2; argc -= 2; } /* Password */ if (strcmp(argv[argPos], "-password") == 0) { if (argc < 3) goto reportError; password = argv[argPos + 1]; argPos += 2; argc -= 2; } /* Must be at least one command argument remaining... */ if (argc < 1) goto reportError; /* ... that must start with a - (or / on NT)... */ if ((argv[argPos][0] != -) #ifdef WIN32 && (argv[argPos][0] != /) #endif ) goto reportError; /* ... and it must be one of the primary commands... */ for (i = 0; i < N_MAJOR_OPTIONS; i++) if (strcmp(&(argv[argPos][1]), MajorOption[i].name) == 0) { char *errText; DSSetServerParams(server, user, password); result = MajorOption[i].optionHandler(argc - 1, &(argv[argPos + 1])); if (result != DSJE_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "\nStatus code = %d\n", result); errText = DSGetLastErrorMsg(NULL); if (errText != NULL) { fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "\nLast recorded error message =\n"); printStrList(0, errText); fflush(stdout);
fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } goto exitProgram; } /* We only get here if we failed to find a valid command */ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid/unknown primary command switch.\n"); reportError: fprintf(stderr, "Command syntax:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tdsjob [-server <server>][-user <user>][-password <password>]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t<primary command> [<arguments>]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\nValid primary command options are:\n"); for (i = 0; i < N_MAJOR_OPTIONS; i++) fprintf(stderr, "\t-%s\n", MajorOption[i].name); result = DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR; exitProgram: /* gcc requires an exit call rather than return ! */ exit(result); /* To keep MSVC happy... */ return result; } /* End of module */
$Define statement 17-31 $IfDef and $IfNDef statements 17-33 $Include statement 17-34 $Undefine statement 17-35 * statement 17-38 . 17-68 _cplusplus token 18-2 _STDC_ token 18-2 Inputs page 9-3 output data from 9-6 Outputs page 9-6 sorting input data 9-4 specifying after-stage subroutines 9-2, 12-3, 13-4 specifying before-stage subroutines 9-2, 12-3, 13-4 Stage page 9-2, 12-2, 13-3 Alpha function 17-40 API 18-2 Ascii function 17-41 ASin function 17-215 assignment statements 17-42 ATan function 17-215
account name Hashed File stage 6-2 UniData stage 5-2 UniVerse stage 4-3 ACos function 17-215 ActiveX (OLE) functions importing 16-24 programming functions 16-3, 16-11 after-load stored procedures 14-20, 14-23 after-stage subroutines for Aggregator stages 9-2, 12-3, 13-4 for plug-in stages 14-8 for Transformer stages 8-7, 8-17 aggregating data using a UniVerse stage 4-19 using an Aggregator stage 9-7 using an ODBC stage 3-20 using COUNT function 3-21, 4-20 using SUM function 3-21, 4-20 Aggregator stages editing 9-1 input data to 9-3
bad rows 14-32 BASIC routines before/after subroutines 16-13 copying 16-19 creating 16-13 editing 16-19 entering code 16-14 name 16-7 renaming 16-20 saving code 16-14 testing 16-15 transform functions 16-13 type 16-7 version number 16-8 viewing 16-19 writing 16-1 batch log entries 18-114 BCP utility 14-16
running from command line 14-16 switches 14-16 unsupported switches 14-16 BCPLoad plug-in definition 14-18 stage properties 14-19 BCPLoad stages 14-15 defining maps 14-22 editing 14-21 overview 14-16 specifying job parameters 14-22 stored procedures 14-22 supported SQL data types 14-18 table definitions 14-17 using 14-20 before/after-subroutines built-in 19-22 creating 16-13 before-load stored procedures 14-19, 14-22 before-stage subroutines for Aggregator stages 9-2, 12-3, 13-4 for plug-in stages 14-8 for Transformer stages 8-7, 8-17 Bit functions 17-43 BitAnd function 17-43 BitNot function 17-43 BitOr function 17-43 BitReset function 17-43 BitSet function 17-43 BitTest function 17-43 BitXOr function 17-43 breakpoints 15-1 built-in before/after-subroutines 19-22 routines 19-13 bulk copy API 14-16 bulk copy program 14-16 Byte function 17-47 ByteLen function 17-48 Byte-oriented functions 17-46
Call statement 17-51 Case statement 17-53 Cats function 17-55 Char function 17-57 character set maps and ODBC stages 3-2, 3-4 and plug-in stages 14-4, 14-15 and Sequential File stages 7-3 and UniData stages 5-3 defining 3-4, 5-3, 7-3, 14-5, 14-22, 14-30 Checksum function 17-58 cleaning data values 14-28 CloseSeq statement 17-59 Col1 function 17-60 Col2 function 17-61 column auto-match facility 8-12 column definitions column name 9-3, 9-6 data element 9-4, 9-7 key 9-4 key fields 9-7 length 9-4, 9-7 scale factor 9-4, 9-7 Columns 3-7, 4-6 columns renaming by mapping 14-29 renaming during Orabulk stage 14-27 command line interface 18-107 commands dsjob 18-107 sqlldr 14-27, 14-30 Common statement 17-63 Compare function 17-65 compiling code in BASIC routines 16-15
jobs 15-1 connection type 3-3, 4-2 UniVerse 4-2, 4-3 Convert function 17-67 converting values 14-27 copying BASIC routine definitions 16-19 Cos function 17-215 CosH function 17-215 Count function 17-69 creating BASIC routines 16-13 executable jobs 15-1 CTLIB client library, installing 14-17
Data Browser 3-8, 4-6, 5-6, 6-6, 7-8 data structures description 18-47 how used 18-2 summary of usage 18-46 data types, SQL Server 14-18 data values cleaning 14-28 validating 14-28 DataStage API building applications that use 18-4 header file 18-2 programming logic example 18-3 redistributing programs 18-4 DataStage CLI completion codes 18-107 logon clause 18-107 overview 18-107 using to run jobs 18-108 DataStage Development Kit 18-2 API functions 18-5 command line interface 18-107 data structures 18-46 dsjob command 18-108 error codes 18-59
job status macros 18-107 program example A-1 writing DataStage API programs 18-3 DataStage server engine 18-107 DataStage, programming in 16-1 Date function 17-70 DBLIB client library, installing 14-17 DCount function 17-71 Debug Window 15-3 debugger 15-1 toolbar 15-7 Deffun statement 17-72 defining character set maps 3-4, 5-3, 7-3, 14-5, 14-22, 14-30 local stage variables 8-21 Dimension statement 17-73 directory path Hashed File stage 6-3 Div function 17-75 DLLs 18-4 documentation conventions xiixiii DownCase function 17-76 DQuote function 17-77 dsapi.h header file description 18-2 including 18-4 DSCloseJob function 18-7 DSCloseProject function 18-8 DSDetachJob function 17-80, 18-68 dsdk directory 18-4 DSExecute subroutione 17-81, 18-69 DSFindFirstLogEntry function 18-9 DSFindNextLogEntry function 18-9, 18-11 DSGetJobInfo function 17-82, 18-12, 18-70 and controlled jobs 18-13 DSGetLastError function 18-14 DSGetLastErrorMsg function 18-15
DSGetLinkInfo function 17-85, 18-17, 18-73 DSGetLogEntry function 17-87, 18-19, 18-75 DSGetLogSummary function 17-88, 18-76 DSGetNewestLogId function 17-90, 18-20, 18-78 DSGetParamInfo function 17-91, 18-22, 18-79 DSGetProjectInfo function 17-94, 18-24, 18-82 DSGetProjectList function 18-26 DSGetStageInfo function 17-95, 18-27, 18-83 DSHostName macro 18-106 dsjob command description 18-107 source code A-1 DSJobController macro 18-106 DSJOBINFO data structure 18-47 and DSGetJobInfo 18-13 and DSGetLinkInfo 18-17 DSJobInvocationID macro 18-106 DSJobInvocations macro 18-106 DSJobName macro 18-106 DSJobStartDate macro 18-106 DSJobStartTime macro 18-106 DSJobStatus macro 18-106 DSJobWaveNo macro 18-106 DSLINKINFO data structure 18-50 DSLinkLastErr macro 18-106 DSLinkName macro 18-106 DSLinkRowCount macro 18-106 DSLockJob function 18-29 DSLOGDETAIL data structure 18-51 DSLOGEVENT data structure 18-52 DSLogEvent function 17-97, 18-30, 18-85 DSLogFatal function 17-98, 18-86 DSLogInfo function 17-99, 18-87 DSLogWarn function 17-101, 18-89 DSOpenJob function 18-32 Index-4
DSOpenProject function 18-34 DSPARAM data structure 18-53 DSPARAMINFO data structure 18-55 and DSGetParamInfo 18-22 DSPROJECTINFO data structure 18-57 and DSGetProjectInfo 18-24 DSProjectName macro 18-106 DSRunJob function 18-36 DSSetJobLimit function 17-109, 18-38, 18-97 DSSetParam function 17-110, 18-40, 18-98 DSSetServerParams function 18-42 DSSetUserStatus subroutine 17-111, 18-99 DSSTAGEINFO data structure 18-58 and DSGetStageInfo 18-27 DSStageInRowNum macro 18-106 DSStageLastErr macro 18-106 DSStageName macro 18-106 DSStageType macro 18-106 DSStageVarList macro 18-106 DSStopJob function 17-112, 18-43, 18-100 DSTransformError function 17-113, 18-101 DSUnlockJob function 18-44 DSWaitForJob function 18-45 Dtx function 17-118
Ebcdic function 17-119 Edit DDL 4-6 editing Aggregator stages 9-1 BASIC routine definitions 16-19 BCPLoad stage 14-21 ODBC stages 3-1 plug-in stage properties 14-13 Transformer stages 8-7 UniVerse stages 4-1
empty values 14-32 End statement 17-120 entering code in BASIC routines 16-14 SQL statements 3-7, 3-16, 4-6, 4-15 environment variables 14-30 Equate statement 17-122 equijoins 8-5 Ereplace function 17-123 Error Codes 3-16 error codes 18-59 errors and BCPLoad stage 14-23 and DataStage API 18-59 and Orabulk stage 14-32 compilation 15-9 functions used for handling 18-6 retrieving message text 18-15 retrieving values for 18-14 Event Type parameter 18-9 examples Development Kit program A-1 of routines 19-22 of transform functions 19-22 Exchange function 17-124 Exp function 17-125 Expression Editor 8-24
log 14-31 Find and Replace dialog box 8-9 Find dialog box 16-17 Fmt function 17-130 FmtDP function 17-136 Fold function 17-137 FoldDP function 17-138, 17-139 Folder stage Inputs page 10-2 Outputs page 10-5 Folder stages 10-1, 11-1 For...Next statements 17-139 Format expression 17-131 FROM clause 3-17, 4-16 Function statement 17-141 functions, table of 18-5
generated queries for ODBC input data 3-11, 4-9 for ODBC output data 3-17 for UniVerse output data 4-15 GetLocale function 17-144 GoSub statement 17-145 GROUP BY clause 3-17, 4-16 using 3-21, 4-19
fatal error log entries 18-114 Field function 17-126 FieldStore function 17-128 file formats for Sequential File stages 7-6, 7-10 file names in Hashed File stage 6-4, 6-9 in Sequential File stage 7-4, 7-9 in UniData stage 5-5, 5-7 files job log 14-23 loading into Oracle 14-30
Hashed File stages account name for 6-2 input data to 6-4 Inputs page 6-4 output data from 6-8 Outputs page 6-8 specifying a file name for 6-4, 6-9 specifying the directory path 6-3 Stage page 6-2 update action 6-5 HAVING clause 3-17, 4-16 using 3-19, 4-18
Iconv function 17-148 If...Else statements 17-154 If...Then statements 17-157 If...Then...Else operator 17-159 If...Then...Else statements 17-155 importing external ActiveX (OLE) functions 16-24 meta data from a Sybase database table 14-17 from an SQL Server database table 14-17 Index function 17-160 information log entries 18-114 InMat function 17-161 input data to Aggregator stages 9-3 to Hashed File stages 6-4 to ODBC stages 3-5 to plug-in stages 14-9 to Sequential File stages 7-4 to UniData stages 5-4 to UniVerse stages 4-4 input links 8-5 installing CTLIB client library 14-17 DBLIB client library 14-17 NetLIB client library 14-17 SQL Server client software 14-17 Int function 17-162 integrity constraints 14-27 Inter-process stage 11-1 IPC stage 11-1 IsNull function 17-163
job parameters BCPLoad stages 14-22 displaying information about 18-113 functions used for accessing 18-6 listing 18-111 retrieving information about 18-22 setting 18-40 job status macros 18-107 jobs closing 18-7 compiling 15-1 displaying information about 18-111 functions used for accessing 18-5 listing 18-24, 18-110 locking 18-29 opening 18-32 resetting 18-36, 18-108 retrieving status of 18-12 running 18-36, 18-108 stopping 18-43, 18-110 unlocking 18-44 validating 18-36, 18-108 waiting for completion 18-45
key field 3-16, 4-15, 9-7
Left function 17-164 Len function 17-165 LenDP function 17-166 library files 18-4 limits 18-38 line terminators 7-2 Link Collector stage 2-6, 13-1 Link Partitioner stage 2-6, 12-1 links
job control interface 18-1 job handle 18-32
displaying information about 18-112 functions used for accessing 18-6 input 8-5 listing 18-110 output 8-6 reject 8-6 retrieving information about 18-17 specifying order 8-20 Ln function 17-167 loading files into Oracle 14-30 log entries adding 18-30, 18-113 batch control 18-114 fatal error 18-114 finding newest 18-20, 18-115 functions used for accessing 18-6 job reset 18-114 job started 18-114 new lines in 18-31 rejected rows 18-114 retrieving 18-9, 18-11 retrieving specific 18-19, 18-114 types of 18-9 warning 18-114 log file 14-31 logon clause 18-107 lookup, multirow 8-15 Loop...Repeat statements 17-168
Microsoft SQL Server 14-15 Mod function 17-173 multirow lookup 8-15
named pipes 7-2 Nap statement 17-174 Neg function 17-175 NetLIB client library configuring 14-17 installing 14-17 new lines in log entries 18-31 NLS page of the ODBC Stage dialog box 3-2 of the Stage Type dialog box 14-4 Not function 17-176 Null statement 17-177 null values 9-4, 9-7, 14-32 Num function 17-178
Oconv function 17-179 ODBC stages connection type for 3-3 defining maps 3-4 editing 3-1 entering SQL statements in 3-7 input data to 3-5 using a generated query 3-11, 4-9 using a stored procedure 3-12 using a user-defined SQL statement 3-12 Inputs page 3-2, 3-5 output data from 3-14 using a generated query 3-17 using a stored procedure 3-23 using a user-defined SQL statement 3-21 Outputs page 3-2, 3-14
macros, job status 18-107 Mat statement 17-170 MatchField function 17-171 meta data importing for a BCPLoad stage 14-17 importing from a Sybase database table 14-17 importing from an SQL Server database table 14-18
procedure name for 3-6 Stage page 3-2 stored procedure parameters 3-16 table name for 3-6, 3-14 transaction control information 3-8, 4-6, 14-10 update action for 3-6 viewing SQL statements in 3-7, 3-15 On...GoSub statements 17-186 On...GoTo statements 17-188 OpenSeq statement 17-190 operator 17-36 optimizing performance 2-1 Orabulk stages defining maps 14-30 environment variables 14-30 errors 14-32 properties 14-28 Oracle bin subdirectory 14-30 loading files into 14-30 sqlldr command 14-27 ORDER BY clause 3-18, 4-16 using 3-20, 4-18 output data from Aggregator stages 9-6 from Hashed File stages 6-8 from ODBC stages 3-14 from plug-in stages 14-12 from Sequential File stages 7-9 from UniData stages 5-6 output links 8-6 overview of BCPLoad stage 14-16 of Transformer stage 8-1
packaging plug-ins 14-6 Parameters page, ODBC stages 3-16 parameters, see job parameters
passwords, setting 18-42 pattern matching operators 17-192 performance monitor 15-9 plug-in stages BCPLoad 14-15 defining maps 14-15 editing properties 14-13 Inputs page 14-9 Orabulk 14-27 output data 14-12 output link properties for 14-12 Outputs page 14-12 properties for 14-7 specifying after-stage subroutines 14-8 specifying before-stage subroutines 14-8 specifying input data 14-9 specifying input properties for 14-9 Stage page 14-7 plug-ins 14-1 BCPLoad 14-1 defining maps 14-5 installing 14-2 Orabulk 14-1 packaging 14-6 registering 14-3 using 14-6 precedence rules 16-5 procedure name 3-6 programming in DataStage 16-1 projects closing 18-8 functions used for accessing 18-5 listing 18-26, 18-110 opening 18-34 properties editing in plug-in stages 14-13 plug-in 14-7 plug-in stages 14-9, 14-12 Pwr function 17-194
Randomize statement 17-195 ReadSeq statement 17-196 redistributable files 18-4 registering plug-in definitions 14-3 reject links 8-6 rejected rows 18-114 releasing a job 15-12 renaming BASIC routines 16-20 columns 14-27, 14-29 replacing text in routine code 16-18 result data reusing 18-3 storing 18-3 Return (value) statement 17-199 Return statement 17-198 Right function 17-200 Rnd function 17-201 Routine dialog box Code page 16-10 Creator page 16-8 Dependencies page 16-11 General page 16-7 using Find 16-17 using Replace 16-17 routine name 16-7 routines built-in before/aftersubroutines 19-22 examples 19-22 writing 16-1 row limits 18-38, 18-109 rows, bad 14-32
saving code in BASIC routines 16-14 SELECT clause 3-17, 4-16 Seq function 17-202 Sequential File stages
defining maps 7-3 file formats for 7-6, 7-10 input data 7-4 Inputs page 7-4 output data 7-9 Outputs page 7-9 specifying a file name for 7-4, 7-9 specifying line terminators 7-2 Stage page 7-2 server names, setting 18-42 SetLocale function 17-203 setting file formats 7-6, 7-10 shortcut menus in Transformer Editor 8-4 Sin function 17-215 SinH function 17-215 Sleep statement 17-204 Soundex function 17-205 Space function 17-206 SQL data precision 9-4, 9-7 data scale factor 9-4, 9-7 data type 9-4, 9-7 display characters 9-4, 9-7 SQL Server supported data types 14-18 unsupported BCP switches 14-16 unsupported data types 14-18 SQL statements entering 3-7, 4-6 syntax 3-17, 4-15 viewing 3-7, 3-15, 4-6, 4-14 sqlldr command log file 14-31 running under UNIX 14-31 specifying the control file 14-28 specifying the data file 14-28 Sqrt function 17-207 SQuote function 17-208 stage properties BCPLoad 14-19 Orabulk 14-28
Stage Type dialog box and BCPLoad plug-ins 14-19 and plug-ins 14-7 stages displaying information about 18-112 editing Aggregator 9-1 BCPLoad 14-21 Hashed File 6-2 ODBC 3-1 Orabulk 14-27 plug-in 14-6 Sequential File 7-1 Transformer 8-1 UniData 5-1 UniVerse 4-1 functions used for accessing 18-6 listing 18-110 Orabulk 14-27 retrieving information about 18-27 Status function 17-209 stored procedures for ODBC input data 3-12 for ODBC output data 3-23 input parameters 3-16 using in a BCPLoad stage 14-22 Str function 17-211 Subroutine statement 17-212 supported BCP switches 14-19 supported data types SQL Server 14-18 Sybase Server 14-18 Sybase Server 14-15 supported data types 14-18 unsupported BCP switches 14-16 unsupported data types 14-18
table definitions from a BCPLoad stage 14-17 table name 3-6, 4-5 Index-10
Tan function 17-215 TanH function 17-215 testing BASIC routines 16-15 threads and DSFindFirstLogEntry 18-11 and DSFindNextLogEntry 18-11 and DSGetLastErrorMsg 18-16 and error storage 18-3 and errors 18-14 and log entries 18-10 and result data 18-2 using multiple 18-3 Time function 17-213 TimeDate function 17-214 tokens _cplusplus 18-2 _STDC_ 18-2 WIN32 18-2 toolbars debugger 15-7 Transformer Editor 8-3 transaction control information 3-8, 4-6, 14-10 Transaction Handling 3-16, 4-15 transform functions creating 16-13 examples 19-22 Transformer Editor 8-2 link area 8-3 meta data area 8-4 shortcut menus 8-4 toolbar 8-3 Transformer stages 8-1 basic concepts 8-5 editing 8-7 Expression Editor 8-24 specifying after-stage subroutines 8-17 specifying before-stage subroutines 8-17 trigonometric functions 17-214, 17-215 Trim function 17-218 TrimB function 17-220
UniChar function 17-222 UniData stages account name for 5-2 defining maps 5-3 Inputs page 5-4 output data from 5-6 Outputs page 5-6 specifying a file name for 5-5, 5-7 Stage page 5-2 update action 5-5 unirpc32.dll 18-5 UniSeq function 17-223 UniVerse stages 4-1 account name for 4-3 and UniVerse connection 4-2, 4-3 connection type for 4-2 editing 4-1 entering SQL statements in 4-6 input data to 4-4 using a user-defined SQL statement 4-10 output data from using a generated query 4-15 using a user-defined SQL statement 4-20 Stage page 4-2 table name for 4-5, 4-14 update action for 4-5 viewing SQL statements in 4-6, 4-14 UNIX line terminators 7-2 unsupported BCP switches SQL Server 14-16 Sybase Server 14-16 unsupported data types SQL Server 14-18
Sybase Server 14-18 UpCase function 17-224 update action in Hashed File stages 6-5 in ODBC stages 3-6 in UniData stages 5-5 in UniVerse stages 4-5 user names, setting 18-42 user-defined SQL queries 3-16, 4-15 user-defined SQL statements for ODBC input data 3-12 for ODBC output data 3-21 for UniVerse input data 4-10 for UniVerse output data 4-20 using BCPLoad stage 14-20 COUNT function 3-21, 4-20 generated queries for ODBC input data 3-11, 4-9 for ODBC output data 3-17 for UniVerse output data 4-15 GROUP BY clauses 3-21, 4-19 HAVING clauses 3-19, 4-18 plug-ins 14-6 stored procedures for ODBC input data 3-12 for ODBC output data 3-23 in BCPLoad stages 14-22 SUM function 3-21, 4-20 user-defined SQL statements for ODBC input data 3-12 for ODBC output data 3-21 for UniVerse input data 4-10 for UniVerse output data 4-20 WHERE clauses 3-18, 4-17 uvclnt32.dll 18-5
validating data values 14-28 values converting 14-27
empty 14-32 null 14-32 version number for a BASIC routine 16-8 viewing BASIC routine definitions 16-19 BCPLoad plug-in definitions 14-18 plug-in definitions 14-3 SQL statements 3-7, 3-15, 4-6, 4-14 vmdsapi.dll 18-4 vmdsapi.lib library 18-4
warning limits 18-38, 18-109 warnings 18-114 WEOFSeq statement 17-225 WHERE clause 3-17, 4-16 using 3-18, 4-17 WIN32 token 18-2 Windows NT line terminators 7-2 WriteSeq statement 17-226 WriteSeqF statement 17-228 writing BASIC routines 16-1 DataStage API programs 18-3
Xtd function 17-230