Warning Signs
By: Ryan A. Williams Who takes Steroids? How are Steroids obtained?
Steroids are synthetic substances that are very similar to the male sex hormone testosterone. Many doctors prescribe steroids to treat a number of health problems. However, steroids are never prescribed to young, and healthy people hoping to gain muscle. WITHOUT A PRESCRIPTION, STEROIDS ARE ILLEGAL! Steroids are often referred to as anabolic or androgenic substances. Anabolic promotes growth of skeletal muscle; and androgenic development of male sexual characteristics. Anabolic steroids are used by ingesting (pills) or by injection (needles into skeletal muscle). Some common types of steroids are listed below.
Oral Steroids
Anadrol Oxandrin Dianabol
Injected Steroids
Decca Depo Equipoise
Glossary of Terms
Blending mixing different types of steroids Bulking up Increasing muscle mass Cycling Taking multiple doses of steroids over a specified period of time, stopping for a time and starting again Doping Using drugs and other nonfood substances to improve athletic performance Ergogenic drugs performance-enhancing substances Roid rages uncontrolled outbursts of anger, frustration, or combativeness from using steroids Stacking - using a combination of anabolic steroids, often in combination with other drugs
Which of these individuals do you think is more likely to use anabolic steroids?
2 Teenagers
3 Women
4 Athletes
I am sure that most people would agree that athletes, bodybuilders, and those who have jobs, which require them to be in top physical shape account for a large majority of steroid users. WRONG! Recent studies have shown that individuals from all different cultures and ethnicities are using and abusing steroids for the obvious physical benefits. Even more interesting, according to the Monitoring the Future Study, in 2000 almost 2.5 % of all 12th graders reported using steroids, and by 2002 that number has nearly doubled to 4%.
A lot of teenagers use steroids to increase their athletic performance, but a majority of them are starting to use them to create the ideal or perfect body image. Some teen responses for using steroids, I could not wait for the day until I could walk down the hallway in short shorts and a tank top! I wanted to be the strongest, fastest, and most powerful swimmer in the state. These are actual quotes from teenagers just like you who may be experiencing the same pressures from coaches, parents, and peers to use steroids. Steroid use/abuse is a growing problem among many teens. The best treatment for this problem is education. So, SPREAD THE WORD. KNOWLEDGE IS NOTHING, IF KEPT TO YOUR SELF!
..for MEN - Shrinking of the testicles - Reduced sperm count - Impotence - Baldness - Difficulty or pain in urinating - Development of breasts - Enlarged prostate .for WOMEN - Growth of facial hair - Changes in or cessation of the menstrual cycle - Enlargement of the clitoris - Deepened voice - Breast reduction
- Acne - Jaundice (yellowing of the skin) - Trembling - Swelling of feet or ankles - Bad breathe
- Reduction HDL, good cholesterol -High blood pressure -Aching joints -Increased chance of injury to tendons, ligaments, and muscles -Threat of AIDS from using dirty needles -Cancer -Heart/Liver/Kidney failure -Depression -Emotional illness
Are anabolic steroids addictive? Research has shown that steroids have many addictive qualities, but very few users become completely addicted to these drugs.
Treatment programs for steroid abusers are just now starting to develop as more and more information is gathered about this habit. Many treatment programs us persuasion as a method to get users off the drug by showing the damaging effects these drugs can have on the body. In most cases, persuasion seems to have very positive effects in getting individuals to stop using these drugs.
If you or someone you know is using steroids please consult an adult or someone who is trained to deal with individuals who use these substances. It is also important that you become an advocate within your school, and sport teams to discuss the possible dangers and effects that these substances can have on the body. Many sports teams have committees and groups that discuss the use/effects of steroids, and how to effectively enhance performance through proper diet and training without using steroids. I urge to you to take a role and be an advocate for non-steroid use in your communities.
Many people acquire them through the black market, which can be from mail-order catalogs, the Internet, drug-dealers, and even stealing them and then selling them. The problem with buying drugs from the black market is that #1 they are ILLEGAL, but 2, the quality of the substances are not protected. Many times, individuals who purchase steroids through the black market are getting substances such as horse testosterone, water with dyes, and sugar pills, which impose serious health risks to potential users. The Black Market today handles approximately 400 million dollars worth of steroids per year. Most anabolic steroids today are either made overseas and smuggled into the United States or are produced in small laboratories throughout the country. Most sales of steroids are made in gyms, health clubs, on college campuses, and through the mail. Users report that suppliers may be drug dealers or they may be trainers, physicians, pharmacists or friends with access to these drugs. It is not hard for any individual to obtain these drugs or to learn how to use them. The Internet is a very common place where many teens and individuals obtain information about these drugs. Law enforcement officials spend the majority of
their time monitoring web sites that might be trying to sell anabolic steroids through mail order. Steroid use is growing problem among many teens and individuals in the United States. Education of the effects of these drugs is the best prevention method for keeping people from using them.
Drug Stories real life stories of people involved with using and abusing drugs.
Drug Enforcement Agency has links and policy information concerning the use of illegal drugs
Healthfinder excellent website for finding symptoms and information related to health
Freevibe national sponsored web site aimed to reduce adolescent drug use/abuse